Programs & Examples On #Dcc32

The command-line compiler provided to build Delphi applications.

JWT (JSON Web Token) automatic prolongation of expiration

I was tinkering around when moving our applications to HTML5 with RESTful apis in the backend. The solution that I came up with was:

  1. Client is issued with a token with a session time of 30 mins (or whatever the usual server side session time) upon successful login.
  2. A client-side timer is created to call a service to renew the token before its expiring time. The new token will replace the existing in future calls.

As you can see, this reduces the frequent refresh token requests. If user closes the browser/app before the renew token call is triggered, the previous token will expire in time and user will have to re-login.

A more complicated strategy can be implemented to cater for user inactivity (e.g. neglected an opened browser tab). In that case, the renew token call should include the expected expiring time which should not exceed the defined session time. The application will have to keep track of the last user interaction accordingly.

I don't like the idea of setting long expiration hence this approach may not work well with native applications requiring less frequent authentication.

How to add headers to OkHttp request interceptor?

Kotlin version:

fun okHttpClientFactory(): OkHttpClient {
    return OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
        .addInterceptor { chain ->

How do I iterate and modify Java Sets?

Firstly, I believe that trying to do several things at once is a bad practice in general and I suggest you think over what you are trying to achieve.

It serves as a good theoretical question though and from what I gather the CopyOnWriteArraySet implementation of java.util.Set interface satisfies your rather special requirements.,5.0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArraySet.html

Java List.add() UnsupportedOperationException

You cannot modify a result from a LDAP query. Your problem is in this line:


The seeAlso list is unmodifiable.

How to debug heap corruption errors?

You can use VC CRT Heap-Check macros for _CrtSetDbgFlag: _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF or _CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_16_DF.._CRTDBG_CHECK_EVERY_1024_DF.

HTML-5 date field shows as "mm/dd/yyyy" in Chrome, even when valid date is set

I was having the same problem, with a value like 2016-08-8, then I solved adding a zero to have two digits days, and it works. Tested in chrome, firefox, and Edge

   var today = new Date();
   var d = (today.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '' )+ today.getDate();
   var m = ((today.getMonth() + 1) < 10 ? '0' :'') + (today.getMonth() + 1);
   var y = today.getFullYear();
   var x = String(y+"-"+m+"-"+d); 
   return x;

Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms

Other way of doing this: Assuming that you have a TextBox input type, Create a Form, and have the textbox value as a public property.

public partial class TextPrompt : Form
    public string Value
        get { return tbText.Text.Trim(); }

    public TextPrompt(string promptInstructions)

        lblPromptText.Text = promptInstructions;

    private void BtnSubmitText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void TextPrompt_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

In the main form, this will be the code:

var t = new TextPrompt(this, "Type the name of the settings file:");


This way, the code looks cleaner:

  1. If validation logic is added.
  2. If various other input types are added.

Is there a sleep function in JavaScript?

function sleep(delay) {
    var start = new Date().getTime();
    while (new Date().getTime() < start + delay);

This code blocks for the specified duration. This is CPU hogging code. This is different from a thread blocking itself and releasing CPU cycles to be utilized by another thread. No such thing is going on here. Do not use this code, it's a very bad idea.

Linq: GroupBy, Sum and Count

The following query works. It uses each group to do the select instead of SelectMany. SelectMany works on each element from each collection. For example, in your query you have a result of 2 collections. SelectMany gets all the results, a total of 3, instead of each collection. The following code works on each IGrouping in the select portion to get your aggregate operations working correctly.

var results = from line in Lines
              group line by line.ProductCode into g
              select new ResultLine {
                ProductName = g.First().Name,
                Price = g.Sum(pc => pc.Price).ToString(),
                Quantity = g.Count().ToString(),

HTTPS setup in Amazon EC2

You can also use Amazon API Gateway. Put your application behind API Gateway. Please check this FAQ

Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

Deleting the project from eclipse (Not from hard disk) which in a way is cleaning the workspace and reimporting the project into eclipse again worked for me.

IIS7 Settings File Locations

Also check this answer from here: Cannot manually edit applicationhost.config

The answer is simple, if not that obvious: win2008 is 64bit, notepad++ is 32bit. When you navigate to Windows\System32\inetsrv\config using explorer you are using a 64bit program to find the file. When you open the file using using notepad++ you are trying to open it using a 32bit program. The confusion occurs because, rather than telling you that this is what you are doing, windows allows you to open the file but when you save it the file's path is transparently mapped to Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config.

So in practice what happens is you open applicationhost.config using notepad++, make a change, save the file; but rather than overwriting the original you are saving a 32bit copy of it in Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config, therefore you are not making changes to the version that is actually used by IIS. If you navigate to the Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config you will find the file you just saved.

How to get around this? Simple - use a 64bit text editor, such as the normal notepad that ships with windows.

How to refresh Gridview after pressed a button in

All you have to do is In your bLoanButton_Click , add a line to rebind the Grid to the SqlDataSource :

protected void bLoanButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//your same code




docker: Error response from daemon: Get Service Unavailable. IN DOCKER , MAC

try to reload daemon then restart docker service.

systemctl daemon-reload

Postgresql : Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

The error you quote has nothing to do with pg_hba.conf; it's failing to connect, not failing to authorize the connection.

Do what the error message says:

Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

You haven't shown the command that produces the error. Assuming you're connecting on localhost port 5432 (the defaults for a standard PostgreSQL install), then either:

  • PostgreSQL isn't running

  • PostgreSQL isn't listening for TCP/IP connections (listen_addresses in postgresql.conf)

  • PostgreSQL is only listening on IPv4 ( or and you're connecting on IPv6 (::1) or vice versa. This seems to be an issue on some older Mac OS X versions that have weird IPv6 socket behaviour, and on some older Windows versions.

  • PostgreSQL is listening on a different port to the one you're connecting on

  • (unlikely) there's an iptables rule blocking loopback connections

(If you are not connecting on localhost, it may also be a network firewall that's blocking TCP/IP connections, but I'm guessing you're using the defaults since you didn't say).

So ... check those:

  • ps -f -u postgres should list postgres processes

  • sudo lsof -n -u postgres |grep LISTEN or sudo netstat -ltnp | grep postgres should show the TCP/IP addresses and ports PostgreSQL is listening on

BTW, I think you must be on an old version. On my 9.3 install, the error is rather more detailed:

$ psql -h localhost -p 12345
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 12345?

How can I create a keystore?

First thing to know is wether you are in Debug or Release mode. From the developer site "There are two build modes: debug mode and release mode. You use debug mode when you are developing and testing your application. You use release mode when you want to build a release version of your application that you can distribute directly to users or publish on an application marketplace such as Google Play."

If you are in debug mode you do the following ...
A. Open terminal and type:

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore path_to_debug_or_production_keystore -list -v

Note: For Eclipse, the debug keystore is typically located at ~/.android/debug.keystore...

B. when prompted for a password simply enter "android" ...

C. If you are in Release mode follow the instructions on... <-- this link pretty much explains everything you need to know.

How to bind DataTable to Datagrid

In cs file:

    private DataTable _dataTable;

    public DataTable DataTable
        get { return _dataTable; }
        set { _dataTable = value; }

    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        this._dataTable = new DataTable("table");


        this._dataTable.Rows.Add("data00", "data01", "data02");
        this._dataTable.Rows.Add("data10", "data11", "data22");
        this._dataTable.Rows.Add("data20", "data21", "data22");

        this.grid1.DataContext = this;


In Xaml file:

<DataGrid x:Name="grid1"
          ItemsSource="{Binding Path=DataTable, Mode=TwoWay}" />

Angular - "has no exported member 'Observable'"

I had a similar issue. Back-revving RXJS from 6.x to the latest 5.x release fixed it for Angular 5.2.x.

Open package.json.

Change "rxjs": "^6.0.0", to "rxjs": "^5.5.10",

run npm update

Script Tag - async & defer

This image explains normal script tag, async and defer

enter image description here

  • Async scripts are executed as soon as the script is loaded, so it doesn't guarantee the order of execution (a script you included at the end may execute before the first script file )

  • Defer scripts guarantees the order of execution in which they appear in the page.

Ref this link :

How to do scanf for single char in C

Provides a space before %c conversion specifier so that compiler will ignore white spaces. The program may be written as below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char ch;
    printf("Enter one char");
    scanf(" %c", &ch); /*Space is given before %c*/
return 0;

Batch script to find and replace a string in text file without creating an extra output file for storing the modified file

@echo off 
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "search=%1"
    set "replace=%2"

    set "textFile=Input.txt"

    for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%textFile%" ^& break ^> "%textFile%" ') do (
        set "line=%%i"
        setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        >>"%textFile%" echo(!line:%search%=%replace%!

for /f will read all the data (generated by the type comamnd) before starting to process it. In the subprocess started to execute the type, we include a redirection overwritting the file (so it is emptied). Once the do clause starts to execute (the content of the file is in memory to be processed) the output is appended to the file.

Repeat a string in JavaScript a number of times

In CoffeeScript:

( 'a' for dot in [0..10]).join('')

Should composer.lock be committed to version control?

You then commit the composer.json to your project and everyone else on your team can run composer install to install your project dependencies.

The point of the lock file is to record the exact versions that are installed so they can be re-installed. This means that if you have a version spec of 1.* and your co-worker runs composer update which installs 1.2.4, and then commits the composer.lock file, when you composer install, you will also get 1.2.4, even if 1.3.0 has been released. This ensures everybody working on the project has the same exact version.

This means that if anything has been committed since the last time a composer install was done, then, without a lock file, you will get new third-party code being pulled down.

Again, this is a problem if you’re concerned about your code breaking. And it’s one of the reasons why it’s important to think about Composer as being centered around the composer.lock file.

Source: Composer: It’s All About the Lock File.

Commit your application's composer.lock (along with composer.json) into version control. This is important because the install command checks if a lock file is present, and if it is, it downloads the versions specified there (regardless of what composer.json says). This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact same version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies, which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the project you can feel confident the dependencies installed are still working even if your dependencies released many new versions since then.

Source: Composer - Basic Usage.

How can I disable a button in a jQuery dialog from a function?

If you create a dialog providing id's for the buttons,

$("#dialog").dialog({ buttons: [ {
 id: "dialogSave",
 text: "Save",
 click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }
 id: "dialogCancel",
 text: "Cancel",
 click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); 

we can disable button with the following code:

$("#dialogSave").button("option", "disabled", true);

How to set the style -webkit-transform dynamically using JavaScript?

To animate your 3D object, use the code:



    var x = 100;
    var y = 0;
    x += 1;
    y += 1;
    var element = document.getElementById('cube'); = "translateZ(-100px) rotateY("+x+"deg) rotateX("+y+"deg)"; //for safari and chrome = "translateZ(-100px) rotateY("+x+"deg) rotateX("+y+"deg)"; //for firefox
//for other browsers use:   "msTransform",    "OTransform",    "transform"



Bootstrap 3 scrollable div for table

Well one way to do it is set the height of your body to the height that you want your page to be. In this example I did 600px.

Then set your wrapper height to a percentage of the body here I did 70% This will adjust your table so that it does not fill up the whole screen but in stead just takes up a percentage of the specified page height.

body {
   padding-top: 70px;
   border:1px solid black;

.mygrid-wrapper-div {
   border: solid red 5px;
   overflow: scroll;
   height: 70%;

Update How about a jQuery approach.

$(function() {  
   var window_height = $(window).height(),
   content_height = window_height - 200;

$( window ).resize(function() {
   var window_height = $(window).height(),
   content_height = window_height - 200;

How to calculate percentage with a SQL statement

I have tested the following and this does work. The answer by gordyii was close but had the multiplication of 100 in the wrong place and had some missing parenthesis.

Select Grade, (Count(Grade)* 100 / (Select Count(*) From MyTable)) as Score
From MyTable
Group By Grade

What is the 'pythonic' equivalent to the 'fold' function from functional programming?

The actual answer to this (reduce) problem is: Just use a loop!

initial_value = 0
for x in the_list:
    initial_value += x #or any function.

This will be faster than a reduce and things like PyPy can optimize loops like that.

BTW, the sum case should be solved with the sum function

How to update the value of a key in a dictionary in Python?

Well you could directly substract from the value by just referencing the key. Which in my opinion is simpler.

>>> books = {}
>>> books['book'] = 3       
>>> books['book'] -= 1   
>>> books   
{'book': 2}   

In your case:

book_shop[ch1] -= 1

Create controller for partial view in ASP.NET MVC

It does not need its own controller. You can use


This allows you to render the partial from any page. Just make sure the relative path is correct.

How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?


con.query('SET GLOBAL connect_timeout=28800')
con.query('SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout=28800')
con.query('SET GLOBAL wait_timeout=28800')

Parameter meaning (taken from MySQL Workbench in Navigator: Instance > Options File > Tab "Networking" > Section "Timeout Settings")

  • connect_timeout: Number of seconds the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'
  • interactive_timeout Number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it
  • wait_timeout Number of seconds the server waits for activity on a connection before closing it

BTW: 28800 seconds are 8 hours, so for a 10 hour execution time these values should be actually higher.

How to query DATETIME field using only date in Microsoft SQL Server?

select *, cast ([col1] as date) <name of the column> from test where date = 'mm/dd/yyyy'

"col1" is name of the column with date and time
<name of the column> here you can change name as desired

Python str vs unicode types

Your terminal happens to be configured to UTF-8.

The fact that printing a works is a coincidence; you are writing raw UTF-8 bytes to the terminal. a is a value of length two, containing two bytes, hex values C3 and A1, while ua is a unicode value of length one, containing a codepoint U+00E1.

This difference in length is one major reason to use Unicode values; you cannot easily measure the number of text characters in a byte string; the len() of a byte string tells you how many bytes were used, not how many characters were encoded.

You can see the difference when you encode the unicode value to different output encodings:

>>> a = 'á'
>>> ua = u'á'
>>> ua.encode('utf8')
>>> ua.encode('latin1')
>>> a

Note that the first 256 codepoints of the Unicode standard match the Latin 1 standard, so the U+00E1 codepoint is encoded to Latin 1 as a byte with hex value E1.

Furthermore, Python uses escape codes in representations of unicode and byte strings alike, and low code points that are not printable ASCII are represented using \x.. escape values as well. This is why a Unicode string with a code point between 128 and 255 looks just like the Latin 1 encoding. If you have a unicode string with codepoints beyond U+00FF a different escape sequence, \u.... is used instead, with a four-digit hex value.

It looks like you don't yet fully understand what the difference is between Unicode and an encoding. Please do read the following articles before you continue:

How to update a single pod without touching other dependencies

pod update POD_NAME will update latest pod but not update Podfile.lock file.

So, you may update your Podfile with specific version of your pod e.g pod 'POD_NAME', '~> 2.9.0' and then use command pod install

Later, you can remove the specific version naming from your Podfile and can again use pod install. This will helps to keep Podfile.lock updated.

creating a table in ionic

You should consider using an angular plug-in to handle the heavy lifting for you, unless you particularly enjoy typing hundreds of lines of knarly error prone ion-grid code. Simon Grimm has a cracking step by step tutorial that anyone can follow: This shows how to use ngx-datatable. But there are many other options (ng2-table is good).

The dead simple example goes like this:

  <ngx-datatable class="fullscreen" [ngClass]="tablestyle" [rows]="rows" [columnMode]="'force'" [sortType]="'multi'" [reorderable]="false">
    <ngx-datatable-column name="Name"></ngx-datatable-column>
    <ngx-datatable-column name="Gender"></ngx-datatable-column>
    <ngx-datatable-column name="Age"></ngx-datatable-column>

And the ts:

rows = [
      "name": "Ethel Price",
      "gender": "female",
      "age": 22
      "name": "Claudine Neal",
      "gender": "female",
      "age": 55
      "name": "Beryl Rice",
      "gender": "female",
      "age": 67
      "name": "Simon Grimm",
      "gender": "male",
      "age": 28

Since the original poster expressed their frustration of how difficult it is to achieve this with ion-grid, I think the correct answer should not be constrained by this as a prerequisite. You would be nuts to roll your own, given how good this is!

What is define([ , function ]) in JavaScript?

define() is part of the AMD spec of js


Edit: Also see Claudio's answer below. Likely the more relevant explanation.

Is there a way to get a collection of all the Models in your Rails app?

Just in case anyone stumbles on this one, I've got another solution, not relying on dir reading or extending the Class class...

ActiveRecord::Base.send :subclasses

This will return an array of classes. So you can then do


How to open the second form?

I assume your talking about windows forms:

To display your form use the Show() method:

Form form2 = new Form();

to close the form use Close():


Simple line plots using seaborn

It's possible to get this done using seaborn.lineplot() but it involves some additional work of converting numpy arrays to pandas dataframe. Here's a complete example:

# imports
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# inputs
In [41]: num = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
In [42]: sqr = np.array([1, 4, 9, 16, 25])

# convert to pandas dataframe
In [43]: d = {'num': num, 'sqr': sqr}
In [44]: pdnumsqr = pd.DataFrame(d)

# plot using lineplot
In [45]: sns.set(style='darkgrid')
In [46]: sns.lineplot(x='num', y='sqr', data=pdnumsqr)
Out[46]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f583c05d0b8>

And we get the following plot:

square plot

Undefined reference to main - collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

You can just add a main function to resolve this problem. Just like:

int main()
    return 0;

Concrete Javascript Regex for Accented Characters (Diacritics)



  • \pL - matches any kind of letter from any language
  • \pM - atches a character intended to be combined with another character (e.g. accents, umlauts, enclosing boxes, etc.)
  • \p{Zs} - matches a whitespace character that is invisible, but does take up space
  • u - Pattern and subject strings are treated as UTF-8

Unlike other proposed regex (such as [A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]), this will work with all language specific characters, e.g. Šš is matched by this rule, but not matched by others on this page.

Unfortunately, natively JavaScript does not support these classes. However, you can use xregexp, e.g.

const XRegExp = require('xregexp');

const isInputRealHumanName = (input: string): boolean => {
  return XRegExp('^[\\pL\\pM-]+ [\\pL\\pM-]+$', 'u').test(input);

get the margin size of an element with jquery

The CSS tag 'margin' is actually a shorthand for the four separate margin values, top/left/bottom/right. Use css('marginTop'), etc. - note they will have 'px' on the end if you have specified them that way.

Use parseInt() around the result to turn it in to the number value.

NB. As noted by Omaty, the order of the shorthand 'margin' tag is: top right bottom left - the above list was not written in a way intended to be the list order, just a list of that specified in the tag.

How do I access (read, write) Google Sheets spreadsheets with Python?

I know this thread is old now, but here is some decent documentation on Google Docs API. It was ridiculously hard to find, but useful, so maybe it will help you some.

I used gspread recently for a project to graph employee time data. I don't know how much it might help you, but here's a link to the code:

Gspread made things pretty easy for me. I was also able to add logic in to check for various conditions to create month-to-date and year-to-date results. But I just imported the whole dang spreadsheet and parsed it from there, so I'm not 100% sure that it is exactly what you're looking for. Best of luck.

How to install mscomct2.ocx file from .cab file (Excel User Form and VBA)

You're correct that this is really painful to hand out to others, but if you have to, this is how you do it.

  1. Just extract the .ocx file from the .cab file (it is similar to a zip)
  2. Copy to the system folder (c:\windows\sysWOW64 for 64 bit systems and c:\windows\system32 for 32 bit)
  3. Use regsvr32 through the command prompt to register the file (e.g. "regsvr32 c:\windows\sysWOW64\mscomct2.ocx")


ReactJS Two components communicating

I saw that the question is already answered, but if you'd like to learn more details, there are a total of 3 cases of communication between components:

  • Case 1: Parent to Child communication
  • Case 2: Child to Parent communication
  • Case 3: Not-related components (any component to any component) communication

PHP Try and Catch for SQL Insert

Checking the documentation shows that its returns false on an error. So use the return status rather than or die(). It will return false if it fails, which you can log (or whatever you want to do) and then continue.

$rv = mysql_query("INSERT INTO redirects SET ua_string = '$ua_string'");
if ( $rv === false ){
     //handle the error here
//page continues loading

Truncate with condition

The short answer is no: MySQL does not allow you to add a WHERE clause to the TRUNCATE statement. Here's MySQL's documentation about the TRUNCATE statement.

But the good news is that you can (somewhat) work around this limitation.

Simple, safe, clean but slow solution using DELETE

First of all, if the table is small enough, simply use the DELETE statement (it had to be mentioned):

1. LOCK TABLE my_table WRITE;

The LOCK and UNLOCK statements are not compulsory, but they will speed things up and avoid potential deadlocks.

Unfortunately, this will be very slow if your table is large... and since you are considering using the TRUNCATE statement, I suppose it's because your table is large.

So here's one way to solve your problem using the TRUNCATE statement:

Simple, fast, but unsafe solution using TRUNCATE

1. CREATE TABLE my_table_backup AS
      SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_date>=DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
2. TRUNCATE my_table;
3. LOCK TABLE my_table WRITE, my_table_backup WRITE;
4. INSERT INTO my_table SELECT * FROM my_table_backup;
6. DROP TABLE my_table_backup;

Unfortunately, this solution is a bit unsafe if other processes are inserting records in the table at the same time:

  • any record inserted between steps 1 and 2 will be lost
  • the TRUNCATE statement resets the AUTO-INCREMENT counter to zero. So any record inserted between steps 2 and 3 will have an ID that will be lower than older IDs and that might even conflict with IDs inserted at step 4 (note that the AUTO-INCREMENT counter will be back to it's proper value after step 4).

Unfortunately, it is not possible to lock the table and truncate it. But we can (somehow) work around that limitation using RENAME.

Half-simple, fast, safe but noisy solution using TRUNCATE

1. RENAME TABLE my_table TO my_table_work;
2. CREATE TABLE my_table_backup AS
     SELECT * FROM my_table_work WHERE my_date>DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
3. TRUNCATE my_table_work;
4. LOCK TABLE my_table_work WRITE, my_table_backup WRITE;
5. INSERT INTO my_table_work SELECT * FROM my_table_backup;
7. RENAME TABLE my_table_work TO my_table;
8. DROP TABLE my_table_backup;

This should be completely safe and quite fast. The only problem is that other processes will see table my_table disappear for a few seconds. This might lead to errors being displayed in logs everywhere. So it's a safe solution, but it's "noisy".

Disclaimer: I am not a MySQL expert, so these solutions might actually be crappy. The only guarantee I can offer is that they work fine for me. If some expert can comment on these solutions, I would be grateful.

How can I insert binary file data into a binary SQL field using a simple insert statement?

I believe this would be somewhere close.

(FileId, FileData)

Something to note, the above runs in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 with the data type as varbinary(max). It was not tested with image as data type.

Using sendmail from bash script for multiple recipients

to use sendmail from the shell script

subject="mail subject"
body="Hello World"
from="[email protected]"
to="[email protected],[email protected]"
echo -e "Subject:${subject}\n${body}" | sendmail -f "${from}" -t "${to}"

How to add default value for html <textarea>?

You can use this.innerHTML.

<textarea name="message" rows = "10" cols = "100" onfocus="this.innerHTML=''"> Enter your message here... </textarea>

When text area is focused, it basically makes the innerHTML of the textarea an empty string.

What is the difference between declarative and imperative paradigm in programming?

I just wonder why no one has mentioned Attribute classes as a declarative programming tool in C#. The popular answer of this page has just talked about LINQ as a declarative programming tool.

According to Wikipedia

Common declarative languages include those of database query languages (e.g., SQL, XQuery), regular expressions, logic programming, functional programming, and configuration management systems.

So LINQ, as a functional syntax, is definitely a declarative method, but Attribute classes in C#, as a configuration tool, are declarative too. Here is a good starting point to read more about it: Quick Overview of C# Attribute Programming

How to set the timezone in Django?

  1. download latest pytz file (pytz-2019.3.tar.gz) from:
  2. copy and extract it to site_packages directory on yor project

  3. in cmd go to the extracted folder and run:

    python install
  4. TIME_ZONE = 'Etc/GMT+2' or country name

Jackson overcoming underscores in favor of camel-case

You can configure the ObjectMapper to convert camel case to names with an underscore:


Or annotate a specific model class with this annotation:


Before Jackson 2.7, the constant was named:


How to pass an object from one activity to another on Android

Implement your class with Serializable. Let's suppose that this is your entity class:


@SuppressWarnings("serial") //With this annotation we are going to hide compiler warnings
public class Deneme implements Serializable {

    public Deneme(double id, String name) { = id; = name;

    public double getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(double id) { = id;

    public String getName() {

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    private double id;
    private String name;

We are sending the object called dene from X activity to Y activity. Somewhere in X activity;

Deneme dene = new Deneme(4,"Mustafa");
Intent i = new Intent(this, Y.class);
i.putExtra("sampleObject", dene);

In Y activity we are getting the object.

Intent i = getIntent();
Deneme dene = (Deneme)i.getSerializableExtra("sampleObject");

That's it.

Can someone explain how to append an element to an array in C programming?

You can have a counter (freePosition), which will track the next free place in an array of size n.

Eclipse copy/paste entire line keyboard shortcut

Ctrl+Alt+Down Copies current line to below like notepad++ (Ctrl+D)

If your whole screen is 180° rotted then you should disable your hotkey settings.

Right Click -> Graphics Options -> Hot Keys -> Disable

enter image description here

That it now you done try shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Down

Any way to select without causing locking in MySQL?

Found an article titled "MYSQL WITH NOLOCK"

in MS SQL Server you would do the following:


and the MYSQL equivalent is



Michael Mior suggested the following (from the comments)


Returning a stream from File.OpenRead()

You forgot to seek:

data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // <-- missing line
byte[] buf = new byte[data.Length];
data.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);

EL access a map value by Integer key

If you just happen to have a Map with Integer keys you cannot change, you could write a custom EL function to convert a Long to Integer. This would allow you to do something like:

<c:out value="${map[myLib:longToInteger(1)]}"/>

Decimal values in SQL for dividing results

SELECT CAST (col1 as float) / col2 FROM tbl1

One cast should work. ("Less is more.")

From Books Online:

Returns the data type of the argument with the higher precedence. For more information about data type precedence, see Data Type Precedence (Transact-SQL).

If an integer dividend is divided by an integer divisor, the result is an integer that has any fractional part of the result truncated

Using variables inside strings

Use the following methods

1: Method one

var count = 123;
var message = $"Rows count is: {count}";

2: Method two

var count = 123;
var message = "Rows count is:" + count;

3: Method three

var count = 123;
var message = string.Format("Rows count is:{0}", count);

4: Method four

var count = 123;
var message = @"Rows
                is:{0}" + count;

5: Method five

var count = 123;
var message = $@"Rows 
                 is: {count}";

Matplotlib (pyplot) savefig outputs blank image should come after plt.savefig()

Explanation: clears the whole thing, so anything afterwards will happen on a new empty figure

How to post ASP.NET MVC Ajax form using JavaScript rather than submit button

Simply place normal button indide Ajax.BeginForm and on click find parent form and normal submit. Ajax form in Razor:

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("AjaxPost", "Home", ajaxOptions))
        <div class="form-group">
            <div class="col-md-12">

                <button class="btn btn-primary" role="button" type="button" onclick="submitParentForm($(this))">Submit parent from Jquery</button>

and Javascript:

function submitParentForm(sender) {
    var $formToSubmit = $(sender).closest('form');


Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat

Since A picture is worth a thousand words

To make it easier and faster to get this task done with beginners like me. this is the screenshots that shows the answer posted by that worked for me:

First open the Gradle view on the right side of Androidstudio, in your app's item go to Tasks then Android then right-click androidDependencies then choose Run:

step 1

Second you will see something like this :

Step 2

The main reason i posted this that it was not easy to know where to execute a gradle task or the commands posted above. So this is where to excute them as well.

SO, to execute gradle command:





Easy as it is.

Thats it.

Thank you.

SmartGit Installation and Usage on Ubuntu

Now on the Smartgit webpage (I don't know since when) there is the possibility to download directly the .deb package. Once installed, it will upgrade automagically itself when a new version is released.

Max tcp/ip connections on Windows Server 2008

How many thousands of users?

I've run some TCP/IP client/server connection tests in the past on Windows 2003 Server and managed more than 70,000 connections on a reasonably low spec VM. (see here for details: I would be extremely surprised if Windows 2008 Server is limited to less than 2003 Server and, IMHO, the posting that Cloud links to is too vague to be much use. This kind of question comes up a lot, I blogged about why I don't really think that it's something that you should actually worry about here:

Personally I'd test it and see. Even if there is no inherent limit in the Windows 2008 Server version that you intend to use there will still be practical limits based on memory, processor speed and server design.

If you want to run some 'generic' tests you can use my multi-client connection test and the associated echo server. Detailed here: and here: These are what I used to run my own tests for my server framework and these are what allowed me to create 70,000 active connections on a Windows 2003 Server VM with 760MB of memory.

Edited to add details from the comment below...

If you're already thinking of multiple servers I'd take the following approach.

  1. Use the free tools that I link to and prove to yourself that you can create a reasonable number of connections onto your target OS (beware of the Windows limits on dynamic ports which may cause your client connections to fail, search for MAX_USER_PORT).

  2. during development regularly test your actual server with test clients that can create connections and actually 'do something' on the server. This will help to prevent you building the server in ways that restrict its scalability. See here:

How to add a footer in ListView?

Answers here are a bit outdated. Though the code remains the same there are some changes in the behavior.

public class MyListActivity extends ListActivity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        TextView footerView = (TextView) ((LayoutInflater) this.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.footer_view, null, false);
        setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, getResources().getStringArray(;

Info about addFooterView() method

Add a fixed view to appear at the bottom of the list. If addFooterView() is called more than once, the views will appear in the order they were added. Views added using this call can take focus if they want.

Most of the answers above stress very important point -

addFooterView() must be called before calling setAdapter().This is so ListView can wrap the supplied cursor with one that will also account for header and footer views.

From Kitkat this has changed.

Note: When first introduced, this method could only be called before setting the adapter with setAdapter(ListAdapter). Starting with KITKAT, this method may be called at any time. If the ListView's adapter does not extend HeaderViewListAdapter, it will be wrapped with a supporting instance of WrapperListAdapter.


Understanding inplace=True

When inplace=True is passed, the data is renamed in place (it returns nothing), so you'd use:


When inplace=False is passed (this is the default value, so isn't necessary), performs the operation and returns a copy of the object, so you'd use:

df = df.an_operation(inplace=False) 

Is there a method that tells my program to quit?

Please note that the solutions based on sys.exit() or any Exception may not work in a multi-threaded environment.

Since exit() ultimately “only” raises an exception, it will only exit the process when called from the main thread, and the exception is not intercepted. (doc)

This answer from Alex Martelli for more details.

Hide div if screen is smaller than a certain width

Use media queries. Your CSS code would be:

@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .yourClass {
        display: none !important;

How to Inspect Element using Safari Browser

In your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences & then select the Advanced tab.

Select: "Show Develop menu in menu bar"

Now you can click Develop in your menu bar and choose Show Web Inspector

You can also right-click and press "Inspect element".

SQL Server Regular expressions in T-SQL

There is some basic pattern matching available through using LIKE, where % matches any number and combination of characters, _ matches any one character, and [abc] could match a, b, or c... There is more info on the MSDN site.

Showing all session data at once?




What does LPCWSTR stand for and how should it be handled with?

LPCWSTR is equivalent to wchar_t const *. It's a pointer to a wide character string that won't be modified by the function call.

You can assign to LPCWSTRs by prepending a L to a string literal: LPCWSTR *myStr = L"Hello World";

LPCTSTR and any other T types, take a string type depending on the Unicode settings for your project. If _UNICODE is defined for your project, the use of T types is the same as the wide character forms, otherwise the Ansi forms. The appropriate function will also be called this way: FindWindowEx is defined as FindWindowExA or FindWindowExW depending on this definition.

Guzzlehttp - How get the body of a response from Guzzle 6?

Guzzle implements PSR-7. That means that it will by default store the body of a message in a Stream that uses PHP temp streams. To retrieve all the data, you can use casting operator:

$contents = (string) $response->getBody();

You can also do it with

$contents = $response->getBody()->getContents();

The difference between the two approaches is that getContents returns the remaining contents, so that a second call returns nothing unless you seek the position of the stream with rewind or seek .

$stream = $response->getBody();
$contents = $stream->getContents(); // returns all the contents
$contents = $stream->getContents(); // empty string
$stream->rewind(); // Seek to the beginning
$contents = $stream->getContents(); // returns all the contents

Instead, usings PHP's string casting operations, it will reads all the data from the stream from the beginning until the end is reached.

$contents = (string) $response->getBody(); // returns all the contents
$contents = (string) $response->getBody(); // returns all the contents


What exactly should be set in PYTHONPATH?

For most installations, you should not set these variables since they are not needed for Python to run. Python knows where to find its standard library.

The only reason to set PYTHONPATH is to maintain directories of custom Python libraries that you do not want to install in the global default location (i.e., the site-packages directory).

Make sure to read:

How to make child divs always fit inside parent div?

you could use inherit

#one {width:500px;height:300px;}
#two {width:inherit;height:inherit;}
#three {width:inherit;height:inherit;}

Remove empty array elements

The most voted answer is wrong or at least not completely true as the OP is talking about blank strings only. Here's a thorough explanation:

What does empty mean?

First of all, we must agree on what empty means. Do you mean to filter out:

  1. the empty strings only ("")?
  2. the strictly false values? ($element === false)
  3. the falsey values? (i.e. 0, 0.0, "", "0", NULL, array()...)
  4. the equivalent of PHP's empty() function?

How do you filter out the values

To filter out empty strings only:

$filtered = array_diff($originalArray, array(""));

To only filter out strictly false values, you must use a callback function:

$filtered = array_diff($originalArray, 'myCallback');
function myCallback($var) {
    return $var === false;

The callback is also useful for any combination in which you want to filter out the "falsey" values, except some. (For example, filter every null and false, etc, leaving only 0):

$filtered = array_filter($originalArray, 'myCallback');
function myCallback($var) {
    return ($var === 0 || $var === '0');

Third and fourth case are (for our purposes at last) equivalent, and for that all you have to use is the default:

$filtered = array_filter($originalArray);

Numpy converting array from float to strings

If the main problem is the loss of precision when converting from a float to a string, one possible way to go is to convert the floats to the decimalS:

In python 2.7 and higher you can directly convert a float to a decimal object.

Can't change table design in SQL Server 2008

The answer is on the MSDN site:

The Save (Not Permitted) dialog box warns you that saving changes is not permitted because the changes you have made require the listed tables to be dropped and re-created.

The following actions might require a table to be re-created:

  • Adding a new column to the middle of the table
  • Dropping a column
  • Changing column nullability
  • Changing the order of the columns
  • Changing the data type of a column


Additional useful informations from here:

To change the Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation option, follow these steps:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. In the navigation pane of the Options window, click Designers.
  4. Select or clear the Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation check box, and then click OK.

Note If you disable this option, you are not warned when you save the table that the changes that you made have changed the metadata structure of the table. In this case, data loss may occur when you save the table.

Risk of turning off the "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" option

Although turning off this option can help you avoid re-creating a table, it can also lead to changes being lost. For example, suppose that you enable the Change Tracking feature in SQL Server 2008 to track changes to the table. When you perform an operation that causes the table to be re-created, you receive the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section. However, if you turn off this option, the existing change tracking information is deleted when the table is re-created. Therefore, we recommend that you do not work around this problem by turning off the option.

Settings, screen shot

Count specific character occurrences in a string

What huge codes for something so simple:

In C#, create an extension method and use LINQ.

public static int CountOccurences(this string s, char c)
    return s.Count(t => t == c);


int count = "toto is the best".CountOccurences('t');

Result: 4.

How to avoid mysql 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction'

For Java programmers using Spring, I've avoided this problem using an AOP aspect that automatically retries transactions that run into transient deadlocks.

See @RetryTransaction Javadoc for more info.

How do I instantiate a Queue object in java?

A Queue is an interface, which means you cannot construct a Queue directly.

The best option is to construct off a class that already implements the Queue interface, like one of the following: AbstractQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue, ArrayDeque, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, DelayQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, LinkedList, PriorityBlockingQueue, PriorityQueue, or SynchronousQueue.

An alternative is to write your own class which implements the necessary Queue interface. It is not needed except in those rare cases where you wish to do something special while providing the rest of your program with a Queue.

public class MyQueue<T extends Tree> implements Queue<T> {
   public T element() {
     ... your code to return an element goes here ...

   public boolean offer(T element) {
     ... your code to accept a submission offer goes here ...

   ... etc ...

An even less used alternative is to construct an anonymous class that implements Queue. You probably don't want to do this, but it's listed as an option for the sake of covering all the bases.

new Queue<Tree>() {
   public Tree element() {

   public boolean offer(Tree element) {

Where could I buy a valid SSL certificate?

You are really asking a couple of questions here:

1) Why does the price of SSL certificates vary so much

2) Where can I get good, cheap SSL certificates?

The first question is a good one. For example, the type of SSL certificate you buy is important. Many SSL certificates are domain verified only - that is, the company issuing the certificate only validate that you own the domain. They don't validate your identity, so people visiting your site might know that the domain has a SSL certificate, but that doesn't mean the person behing the website isn't a scammer or phisher, for example. This is why the Verisign solution is much more expensive - you are getting a cert that not only secures your site, but validates the identity of the owner of the site (well, that's the claim).

You can read more on this subject here

For your second question, I can personally recommend RapidSSL. I've bought several certificates from them in the past and they are, well, rapid. However, you should always do your research first. A company based in France might be better for you to deal with as you can get support in your local hours, etc.

Import module from subfolder

Had problems even when existed in subfolder and all that was missing was adding 'as' after import

from folder.file import Class as Class
import folder.file as functions

How do you rebase the current branch's changes on top of changes being merged in?

Another way to look at it is to consider git rebase master as:

Rebase the current branch on top of master

Here , 'master' is the upstream branch, and that explain why, during a rebase, ours and theirs are reversed.

What is the most efficient way to check if a value exists in a NumPy array?

Adding to @HYRY's answer in1d seems to be fastest for numpy. This is using numpy 1.8 and python 2.7.6.

In this test in1d was fastest, however 10 in a look cleaner:

a = arange(0,99999,3)
%timeit 10 in a
%timeit in1d(a, 10)

10000 loops, best of 3: 150 µs per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 61.9 µs per loop

Constructing a set is slower than calling in1d, but checking if the value exists is a bit faster:

s = set(range(0, 99999, 3))
%timeit 10 in s

10000000 loops, best of 3: 47 ns per loop

How to update a git clone --mirror?

Regarding commits, refs, branches and "et cetera", Magnus answer just works (git remote update).

But unfortunately there is no way to clone / mirror / update the hooks, as I wanted...

I have found this very interesting thread about cloning/mirroring the hooks:

I learned:

  • The hooks are not considered part of the repository contents.

  • There is more data, like the .git/description folder, which does not get cloned, just as the hooks.

  • The default hooks that appear in the hooks dir comes from the TEMPLATE_DIR

  • There is this interesting template feature on git.

So, I may either ignore this "clone the hooks thing", or go for a rsync strategy, given the purposes of my mirror (backup + source for other clones, only).

Well... I will just forget about hooks cloning, and stick to the git remote update way.

  • Sehe has just pointed out that not only "hooks" aren't managed by the clone / update process, but also stashes, rerere, etc... So, for a strict backup, rsync or equivalent would really be the way to go. As this is not really necessary in my case (I can afford not having hooks, stashes, and so on), like I said, I will stick to the remote update.

Thanks! Improved a bit of my own "git-fu"... :-)

Should you use .htm or .html file extension? What is the difference, and which file is correct?

In short, they are exactly the same. If you notice the end of the URL, sometimes you'll see .htm and other times you'll see .html. It still refers to the Hyper-Text Markup Language.

if (select count(column) from table) > 0 then

You cannot directly use a SQL statement in a PL/SQL expression:

SQL> begin
  2     if (select count(*) from dual) >= 1 then
  3        null;
  4     end if;
  5  end;
  6  /
        if (select count(*) from dual) >= 1 then
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 6:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:

You must use a variable instead:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
  2     v_count number;
  3  begin
  4     select count(*) into v_count from dual;
  6     if v_count >= 1 then
  7             dbms_output.put_line('Pass');
  8     end if;
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Of course, you may be able to do the whole thing in SQL:

update my_table
set x = y
where (select count(*) from other_table) >= 1;

It's difficult to prove that something is not possible. Other than the simple test case above, you can look at the syntax diagram for the IF statement; you won't see a SELECT statement in any of the branches.

Oracle - how to remove white spaces?

SELECT  REGEXP_REPLACE('A B_ __ kunjramansingh smartdude', '\s*', '')
FROM    dual



Just concatenate strings:

SELECT  a || b
FROM    mytable

Installing MySQL-python

You have 2 options, as described bellow:

Distribution package like Glaslos suggested:

# sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

In this case you can't use virtualenv no-site-packages (default option) but must use:

# virtualenv --system-site-packages myenv

Use clean virtualenv and build your own python-mysql package.

First create virtualenv:

# virtualenv myvirtualenv
# source myvirtualenv/bin/activate

Then install build dependencies:

# sudo apt-get build-dep python-mysqldb

Now you can install python-mysql

# pip install mysql-python

NOTE Ubuntu package is python-mysql*db* , python pypi package is python-mysql (without db)

Internal Error 500 Apache, but nothing in the logs?

I just ran into this and it was due to a mod_authnz_ldap misconfiguration in my .htaccess file. Absolutely nothing was being logged, but I kept getting a 500 error.

If you run into this particular issue, you can change the log level of mod_authnz_ldap like so:

LogLevel warn authnz_ldap_module:debug

That will use a log level of debug for mod_authnz_ldap but warn for everything else (

How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply?

Looked through the answers and the most obvious and straight forward is missing: use document.write() to write out a chunk of CSS you need.

Here is an example (view it on codepen:

   @import url(;
   .d, body{ font: 3vw 'Open Sans'; padding-top: 1em; }
   .d {
       text-align: center; background: #aaf;
       margin: auto; color: #fff; overflow: hidden; 
       width: 12em; height: 5em;

   function w(s){document.write(s)}
   w("<style>.long-shadow { text-shadow: ");
   for(var i=0; i<449; i++) {
      if(i!= 0) w(","); w(i+"px "+i+"px #444");

<div class="d">
    <div class="long-shadow">Long Shadow<br> Short Code</div>

read input separated by whitespace(s) or newline...?

std::getline( stream, where to?, delimiter ie

std::string in;
std::getline(std::cin, in, ' '); //will split on space

or you can read in a line, then tokenize it based on whichever delimiter you wish.

no module named zlib

I had a lot of problems making a virtual environment (venv) as described in the tensorflow installation guide.

Most of the commands listed in this post didn't help me either so, if this is also your case this is what I did:

  1. pip3 install --user pipenv
  2. pip install virtualenv

Installs the dependencies to create a virtual environment

  1. mkdir myenv

Makes a new directory called myenv but you can call it whatever you want e.g. mynewenv

  1. cd myenv

Or whatever you call your directory so: cd [your_directory_name]

  1. virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv

Creates a virtual environment called venv in the folder myenv. You can call your virtual env whatever you like e.g. vitualenv [v_env_name]

  1. source ./venv/bin/activate

Activates the virtual environment. Note that if you choose a different v. env. name your commands should be written as such source ./[v_env_name]/bin/activate

  1. deactivate

Deactivates the virtual environment.

Note: I am using Python 3.6.6 & Ubuntu 18.04

source for the commands

Knockout validation

Knockout.js validation is handy but it is not robust. You always have to create server side validation replica. In your case (as you use knockout.js) you are sending JSON data to server and back asynchronously, so you can make user think that he sees client side validation, but in fact it would be asynchronous server side validation.

Take a look at example here This is a "Create Order" link. Try to click "save", and play with products. This example is done using upida library (there are spring mvc version and mvc of this library) from codeplex.

Adding a HTTP header to the Angular HttpClient doesn't send the header, why?

The instances of the new HttpHeader class are immutable objects. Invoking class methods will return a new instance as result. So basically, you need to do the following:

let headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers = headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');


const headers = new HttpHeaders({'Content-Type':'application/json; charset=utf-8'});

Update: adding multiple headers

let headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers = headers.set('h1', 'v1').set('h2','v2');


const headers = new HttpHeaders({'h1':'v1','h2':'v2'});

Update: accept object map for HttpClient headers & params

Since 5.0.0-beta.6 is now possible to skip the creation of a HttpHeaders object an directly pass an object map as argument. So now its possible to do the following:

   headers: {'header1':'value1','header2':'value2'}

IsNull function in DB2 SQL?

For what its worth, COALESCE is similiar but

IFNULL(expr1, default)

is the exact match you're looking for in DB2.

COALESCE allows multiple arguments, returning the first NON NULL expression, whereas IFNULL only permits the expression and the default.


SELECT product.ID, IFNULL(product.Name, "Internal") AS ProductName
FROM Product

Gives you what you're looking for as well as the previous answers, just adding for completeness.

How do I draw a circle in iOS Swift?

If you want to use a UIView to draw it, then you need to make the radius / of the height or width.

so just change:

block.layer.cornerRadius = 9


block.layer.cornerRadius = block.frame.width / 2

You'll need to make the height and width the same however. If you'd like to use coregraphics, then you'll want to do something like this:

CGContextRef ctx= UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGRect bounds = [self bounds];

CGPoint center;
center.x = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width / 2.0;
center.y = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height / 2.0;


How to 'grep' a continuous stream?

This one command workes for me (Suse):

mail-srv:/var/log # tail -f /var/log/ |grep --line-buffered LOGIN  >> logins_to_mail

collecting logins to mail service

Create iOS Home Screen Shortcuts on Chrome for iOS

Can't change the default browser, but try this (found online a while ago). Add a bookmark in Safari called "Open in Chrome" with the following.


Will open the current page in Chrome. Not as convenient, but maybe someone will find it useful.


Works for me.

Maven: add a folder or jar file into current classpath

From docs and example it is not clear that classpath manipulation is not allowed.


But see Java docs (also

-classpath path Specifies the path javac uses to look up classes needed to run javac or being referenced by other classes you are compiling. Overrides the default or the CLASSPATH environment variable if it is set.

Maybe it is possible to get current classpath and extend it,
see in maven, how output the classpath being used?



Read file (Read a file into a Maven property)

          def file = new File(
 = file.getText()

and finally


How to avoid pressing Enter with getchar() for reading a single character only?

This code worked for me. Attention : this is not part of the standard library, even if most compilers (I use GCC) supports it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    char a = getch();
    printf("You typed a char with an ASCII value of %d, printable as '%c'\n", a, a);
    return 0;

This code detects the first key press.

Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading

Consider the below situation

public class Person{
    public String Name{get; set;}
    public String Email {get; set;}
    public virtual Employer employer {get; set;}

public List<EF.Person> GetPerson(){
    using(EF.DbEntities db = new EF.DbEntities()){
       return db.Person.ToList();

Now after this method is called, you cannot lazy load the Employer entity anymore. Why? because the db object is disposed. So you have to do Person.Include(x=> x.employer) to force that to be loaded.

LINQ's Distinct() on a particular property

The following code is functionally equivalent to Jon Skeet's answer.

Tested on .NET 4.5, should work on any earlier version of LINQ.

public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource, TKey>(
  this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
  HashSet<TKey> seenKeys = new HashSet<TKey>();
  return source.Where(element => seenKeys.Add(keySelector(element)));

Incidentially, check out Jon Skeet's latest version of DistinctBy.cs on Google Code.

What does -XX:MaxPermSize do?

The permanent space is where the classes, methods, internalized strings, and similar objects used by the VM are stored and never deallocated (hence the name).

This Oracle article succinctly presents the working and parameterization of the HotSpot GC and advises you to augment this space if you load many classes (this is typically the case for application servers and some IDE like Eclipse) :

The permanent generation does not have a noticeable impact on garbage collector performance for most applications. However, some applications dynamically generate and load many classes; for example, some implementations of JavaServer Pages (JSP) pages. These applications may need a larger permanent generation to hold the additional classes. If so, the maximum permanent generation size can be increased with the command-line option -XX:MaxPermSize=.

Note that this other Oracle documentation lists the other HotSpot arguments.

Update : Starting with Java 8, both the permgen space and this setting are gone. The memory model used for loaded classes and methods is different and isn't limited (with default settings). You should not see this error any more.

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

To be short, use:

write-output "your text" | out-file -append -encoding utf8 "filename"

source of historical stock data

You can use yahoo to get daily data (a much more managable dataset) but you have to structure the urls. See this link. You are not making lots of little requests you are making a fewer large requests. Lot of free software uses this so they shouldn't shut you down.

EDIT: This guy does it, maybe you can have a look at the calls his software makes.

How can I make a list of installed packages in a certain virtualenv?

In Python3

pip list

Empty venv is

Package    Version
---------- ------- 
pip        19.2.3 
setuptools 41.2.0

To start a new environment

python3 -m venv your_foldername_here


cd your_foldername_here
source bin/activate



You can also stand in the folder and give the virtual environment a name/folder (python3 -m venv name_of_venv).

Venv is a subset of virtualenv that is shipped with Python after 3.3.

React: why child component doesn't update when prop changes

Update the child to have the attribute 'key' equal to the name. The component will re-render every time the key changes.

Child {
  render() {
    return <div key={}>{}</div>

How to embed HTML into IPython output?

Related: While constructing a class, def _repr_html_(self): ... can be used to create a custom HTML representation of its instances:

class Foo:
    def _repr_html_(self):
        return "Hello <b>World</b>!"

o = Foo()

will render as:

Hello World!

For more info refer to IPython's docs.

An advanced example:

from html import escape # Python 3 only :-)

class Todo:
    def __init__(self):
        self.items = []

    def add(self, text, completed):
        self.items.append({'text': text, 'completed': completed})

    def _repr_html_(self):
        return "<ol>{}</ol>".format("".join("<li>{} {}</li>".format(
            "?" if item['completed'] else "?",
        ) for item in self.items))

my_todo = Todo()
my_todo.add("Buy milk", False)
my_todo.add("Do homework", False)
my_todo.add("Play video games", True)


Will render:

  1. ? Buy milk
  2. ? Do homework
  3. ? Play video games

Spring MVC - How to return simple String as JSON in Rest Controller

In one project we addressed this using JSONObject (maven dependency info). We chose this because we preferred returning a simple String rather than a wrapper object. An internal helper class could easily be used instead if you don't want to add a new dependency.

Example Usage:

public class TestController
    public String getString()
        return JSONObject.quote("Hello World");

How to take backup of a single table in a MySQL database?

just use mysqldump -u root database table or if using with password mysqldump -u root -p pass database table

C# Syntax - Split String into Array by Comma, Convert To Generic List, and Reverse Order

List<string> names = "Tom,Scott,Bob".Split(',').Reverse().ToList();

This one works.

Make a div into a link

Requires a little javascript. But, your div would be clickable.

<div onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor:pointer;"></div>

Last non-empty cell in a column

For Microsoft office 2013

"Last but one" of a non empty row:


"Last" non empty row:


How to load npm modules in AWS Lambda?

Hope this helps, with Serverless framework you can do something like this:

  1. Add these things in your serverless.yml file:

plugins: - serverless-webpack custom: webpackIncludeModules: forceInclude: - <your package name> (for example: node-fetch) 2. Then create your Lambda function, deploy it by serverless deploy, the package that included in serverless.yml will be there for you.

For more information about serverless:

how to load url into div tag

Not using iframes puts you in a world of handling #document security issues with cross domain and links firing unexpected ways that was not intended for originally, do you really need bad Advertisements?

You can use jquery .load function to send the page to whatever html element you want to target, assuming your not getting this from another domain.

You can use javascript .innerHTML value to set and to rewrite the element with whatever you want, but if you add another file you might be writing against 2 documents in 1... like a in another

iframes are old, another way we can add "src" into the html alone without any use for javascript. But it's old, prehistoric, and just plain OLD! Frameset makes it worse because I can put #document in those to handle multiple html files. An Old way people created navigation menu's Long and before people had FLIP phones.

1.) Yes you will have to work in Javascript if you do NOT want to use an Iframe.

2.) There is a good hack in which you can set the domain to equal each other without having to set server stuff around. Means you will have to have edit capabilities of the documents.

3.) javascript window.document is limited to the iframe itself and can NOT go above the iframe if you want to grab something through the DOM itself. Because it treats it like a separate tab, it also defines it in another document object model.

Jboss server error : Failed to start service jboss.deployment.unit."jbpm-console.war"

I had the exact same problem, found that I was missing

  <resource-adapter-ref resource-adapter-name="hornetq-ra"/>  
  <bean-instance-pool-ref pool-name="mdb-strict-max-pool"/>  


<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ejb3:1.2">  

in standalone/configuration/standalone.xml

what is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in sql

  1. GROUP BY will aggregate records by the specified column which allows you to perform aggregation functions on non-grouped columns (such as SUM, COUNT, AVG, etc.). ORDER BY alters the order in which items are returned.
  2. If you do SELECT IsActive, COUNT(*) FROM Customers GROUP BY IsActive you get a count of active and inactive customers. The group by aggregated the results based on the field you specified. If you do SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY Name then you get the result list sorted by the customer’s name.
  3. If you GROUP, the results are not necessarily sorted; although in many cases they may come out in an intuitive order, that's not guaranteed by the GROUP clause. If you want your groups sorted, always use an explicitly ORDER BY after the GROUP BY.
  4. Grouped data cannot be filtered by WHERE clause. Order data can be filtered by WHERE clause.

How to log a method's execution time exactly in milliseconds?

many answers are weird and don't really give result in milliseconds (but in seconds or anything else):

here what I use to get MS (MILLISECONDS):


let startTime = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000

// your Swift code

let endTimeMinusStartTime = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000 - startTime
print("time code execution \(endTimeMinStartTime) ms")


double startTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000.0;

// your Objective-C code

double endTimeMinusStartTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000.0 - startTime;
printf("time code execution %f ms\n", endTimeMinusStartTime );

What are the best use cases for Akka framework

You can use Akka for several different kinds of things.

I was working on a website, where I migrated the technology stack to Scala and Akka. We used it for pretty much everything that happened on the website. Even though you might think a Chat example is bad, all are basically the same:

  • Live updates on the website (e.g. views, likes, ...)
  • Showing live user comments
  • Notification services
  • Search and all other kinds of services

Especially the live updates are easy since they boil down to what a Chat example ist. The services part is another interesting topic because you can simply choose to use remote actors and even if your app is not clustered, you can deploy it to different machines with ease.

I am also using Akka for a PCB autorouter application with the idea of being able to scale from a laptop to a data center. The more power you give it, the better the result will be. This is extremely hard to implement if you try to use usual concurrency because Akka gives you also location transparency.

Currently as a free time project, I am building a web framework using only actors. Again the benefits are scalability from a single machine to an entire cluster of machines. Besides, using a message driven approach makes your software service oriented from the start. You have all those nice components, talking to each other but not necessarily knowing each other, living on the same machine, not even in the same data center.

And since Google Reader shut down I started with a RSS reader, using Akka of course. It is all about encapsulated services for me. As a conclusion: The actor model itself is what you should adopt first and Akka is a very reliable framework helping you to implement it with a lot of benefits you will receive along the way.

convert json ipython notebook(.ipynb) to .py file

Jupytext allows for such a conversion on the command line, and importantly you can go back again from the script to a notebook (even an executed notebook). See here.

Can I have multiple :before pseudo-elements for the same element?

In CSS2.1, an element can only have at most one of any kind of pseudo-element at any time. (This means an element can have both a :before and an :after pseudo-element — it just cannot have more than one of each kind.)

As a result, when you have multiple :before rules matching the same element, they will all cascade and apply to a single :before pseudo-element, as with a normal element. In your example, the end result looks like this: {
    content: "Now";
    font-size: 19px;
    color: black;

As you can see, only the content declaration that has highest precedence (as mentioned, the one that comes last) will take effect — the rest of the declarations are discarded, as is the case with any other CSS property.

This behavior is described in the Selectors section of CSS2.1:

Pseudo-elements behave just like real elements in CSS with the exceptions described below and elsewhere.

This implies that selectors with pseudo-elements work just like selectors for normal elements. It also means the cascade should work the same way. Strangely, CSS2.1 appears to be the only reference; neither css3-selectors nor css3-cascade mention this at all, and it remains to be seen whether it will be clarified in a future specification.

If an element can match more than one selector with the same pseudo-element, and you want all of them to apply somehow, you will need to create additional CSS rules with combined selectors so that you can specify exactly what the browser should do in those cases. I can't provide a complete example including the content property here, since it's not clear for instance whether the symbol or the text should come first. But the selector you need for this combined rule is either or — whichever selector you choose is personal preference as both selectors are equivalent, it's only the value of the content property that you will need to define yourself.

If you still need a concrete example, see my answer to this similar question.

The legacy css3-content specification contains a section on inserting multiple ::before and ::after pseudo-elements using a notation that's compatible with the CSS2.1 cascade, but note that that particular document is obsolete — it hasn't been updated since 2003, and no one has implemented that feature in the past decade. The good news is that the abandoned document is actively undergoing a rewrite in the guise of css-content-3 and css-pseudo-4. The bad news is that the multiple pseudo-elements feature is nowhere to be found in either specification, presumably owing, again, to lack of implementer interest.

SQL providerName in web.config


What is a regular expression which will match a valid domain name without a subdomain?


Examples that work:

It will also work for extensions

Examples that will not work:

it will work even with the longest domain extension ".versicherung"

node.js require all files in a folder?

Using this function you can require a whole dir.

const GetAllModules = ( dirname ) => {
    if ( dirname ) {
        let dirItems = require( "fs" ).readdirSync( dirname );
        return dirItems.reduce( ( acc, value, index ) => {
            if ( PATH.extname( value ) == ".js" && value.toLowerCase() != "index.js" ) {
                let moduleName = value.replace( /.js/g, '' );
                acc[ moduleName ] = require( `${dirname}/${moduleName}` );
            return acc;
        }, {} );

// calling this function.

let dirModules = GetAllModules(__dirname);

How can I generate a 6 digit unique number?

Try this using uniqid and hexdec,

echo hexdec(uniqid());

What is the difference between a field and a property?

The vast majority of cases it's going to be a property name that you access as opposed to a variable name (field) The reason for that is it's considered good practice in .NET and in C# in particular to protect every piece of data within a class, whether it's an instance variable or a static variable (class variable) because it's associated with a class.

Protect all of those variables with corresponding properties which allow you to define, set and get accessors and do things like validation when you're manipulating those pieces of data.

But in other cases like Math class (System namespace), there are a couple of static properties that are built into the class. one of which is the math constant PI

eg. Math.PI

and because PI is a piece of data that is well-defined, we don't need to have multiple copies of PI, it always going to be the same value. So static variables are sometimes used to share data amongst object of a class, but the are also commonly used for constant information where you only need one copy of a piece of data.

Hashcode and Equals for Hashset

I think your questions will all be answered if you understand how Sets, and in particular HashSets work. A set is a collection of unique objects, with Java defining uniqueness in that it doesn't equal anything else (equals returns false).

The HashSet takes advantage of hashcodes to speed things up. It assumes that two objects that equal eachother will have the same hash code. However it does not assume that two objects with the same hash code mean they are equal. This is why when it detects a colliding hash code, it only compares with other objects (in your case one) in the set with the same hash code.

Finding the position of the max element

You can use max_element() function to find the position of the max element.

int main()
    int num, arr[10];
    int x, y, a, b;

    cin >> num;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        cin >> arr[i];

    cout << "Max element Index: " << max_element(arr, arr + num) - arr;

    return 0;

MySQL: How to copy rows, but change a few fields?

As long as Event_ID is Integer, do this:

INSERT INTO Table (foo, bar, Event_ID)
SELECT foo, bar, (Event_ID + 155)
  FROM Table
WHERE Event_ID = "120"

How can I undo git reset --hard HEAD~1?

This has saved my life:

Basically you need to run:

for blob in $(git fsck --lost-found | awk ‘$2 == “blob” { print $3 }’); do git cat-file -p $blob > $blob.txt; done

Then manually going through the pain to re-organise your files to the correct structure.

Takeaway: Never use git reset --hard if you dont completely 100% understand how it works, best not to use it.

How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?

You can change it by going File => Settings (Shortcut CTRL+ ALT+ S) , from Left panel Choose Appearance , Now from Right Panel choose theme.

enter image description here

Android Studio 2.1

Preference -> Search for Appearance -> UI options , Click on DropDown Theme

enter image description here

Android 2.2

Android studio -> File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Look for UI Options


Import External Themes

You can download custom theme from this website. Choose your theme, download it. To set theme Go to Android studio -> File -> Import Settings -> Choose the .jar file downloaded.

How to use auto-layout to move other views when a view is hidden?

In my case I set the constant of the height constraint to 0.0f and also set the hidden property to YES.

To show the view (with the subviews) again I did the opposite: I set the height constant to a non-zero value and set the hidden property to NO.

"insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment " message in eclipse

I know the question talking about eclipse but i got the similar issue many times with Intellij as well and the solution for it was easy .. Just run the 64 bit exe not the 32 one which is always the default one.

How to find all the dependencies of a table in sql server

The following are the ways we can use to check the dependencies:

Method 1: Using sp_depends

 sp_depends 'dbo.First'

Method 2: Using information_schema.routines

 FROM information_schema.routines ISR

Method 3: Using DMV sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities

 SELECT referencing_schema_name, referencing_entity_name,
 referencing_id, referencing_class_desc, is_caller_dependent
 FROM sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities ('dbo.First', 'OBJECT');

Convert pandas Series to DataFrame


Starting with the following Series, df:

[email protected]    A
[email protected]    B
[email protected]    C
dtype: int64

I use to_frame to convert the series to DataFrame:

df = df.to_frame().reset_index()

    email               0
0   [email protected]    A
1   [email protected]    B
2   [email protected]    C
3   [email protected]    D

Now all you need is to rename the column name and name the index column:

df = df.rename(columns= {0: 'list'}) = 'index'

Your DataFrame is ready for further analysis.

Update: I just came across this link where the answers are surprisingly similar to mine here.

Curl Command to Repeat URL Request

You might be interested in Apache Bench tool which is basically used to do simple load testing.

example :

ab -n 500 -c 20

n = total number of request, c = number of concurrent request

How to print the number of characters in each line of a text file

Try this:

while read line    
    echo -e |wc -m      
done <abc.txt    

IE Driver download location Link for Selenium

Use the below link to download IE Driver latest version

IE Driver

Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts

I don't recommend using 'urlArgs' for cache bursting with RequireJS. As this does not solves the problem fully. Updating a version no will result in downloading all the resources, even though you have just changes a single resource.

To handle this issue i recommend using Grunt modules like 'filerev' for creating revision no. On top of this i have written a custom task in Gruntfile to update the revision no wherever required.

If needed i can share the code snippet for this task.

How do you underline a text in Android XML?

First of all, go to String.xml file

you can add any HTML attributes like , italic or bold or underline here.

        <string name="your_string_here">This is an <u>underline</u>.</string>

Run Python script at startup in Ubuntu

In similar situations, I've done well by putting something like the following into /etc/rc.local:

cd /path/to/my/script
./ &
cd -
echo `date +%Y-%b-%d_%H:%M:%S` > /tmp/ran_rc_local  # check that rc.local ran

This has worked on multiple versions of Fedora and on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, for both python and perl scripts.

Post request with Wget?

Wget currently only supports x-www-form-urlencoded data. --post-file is not for transmitting files as form attachments, it expects data with the form: key=value&otherkey=example.

--post-data and --post-file work the same way: the only difference is that --post-data allows you to specify the data in the command line, while --post-file allows you to specify the path of the file that contain the data to send.

Here's the documentation:

           Use POST as the method for all HTTP requests and send the specified data
           in the request body.  --post-data sends string as data, whereas
           --post-file sends the contents of file.  Other than that, they work in
           exactly the same way. In particular, they both expect content of the
           form "key1=value1&key2=value2", with percent-encoding for special
           characters; the only difference is that one expects its content as a
           command-line parameter and the other accepts its content from a file. In
           particular, --post-file is not for transmitting files as form
           attachments: those must appear as "key=value" data (with appropriate
           percent-coding) just like everything else. Wget does not currently
           support "multipart/form-data" for transmitting POST data; only
           "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Only one of --post-data and
           --post-file should be specified.

Regarding your authentication token, it should either be provided in the header, in the path of the url, or in the data itself. This must be indicated somewhere in the documentation of the service you use. In a POST request, as in a GET request, you must specify the data using keys and values. This way the server will be able to receive multiple information with specific names. It's similar with variables.

Hence, you can't just send a magic token to the server, you also need to specify the name of the key. If the key is "token", then it should be token=YOUR_TOKEN.

wget --post-data 'user=foo&password=bar'

Also, you should consider using curl if you can because it is easier to send files using it. There are many examples on the Internet for that.

How to draw an empty plot?

The following does not plot anything in the plot and it will remain empty.

plot(NULL, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), ylab="y label", xlab="x lablel")

This is useful when you want to add lines or dots afterwards within a for loop or something similar. Just remember to change the xlim and ylim values based on the data you want to plot.

As a side note: This can also be used for Boxplot, Violin plots and swarm plots. for those remember to add add = TRUE to their plotting function and also specify at = to specify on which number you want to plot them (default is x axis unless you have set horz = TRUE in these functions.

Can I force a UITableView to hide the separator between empty cells?

Setting the table's separatorStyle to UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone (in code or in IB) should do the trick.

'0000-00-00 00:00:00' can not be represented as java.sql.Timestamp error

There was no year 0000 and there is no month 00 or day 00. I suggest you try

0001-01-01 00:00:00

While a year 0 has been defined in some standards, it is more likely to be confusing than useful IMHO.

Convert list to array in Java

I think this is the simplest way:

Foo[] array = list.toArray(new Foo[0]);

Difference of keywords 'typename' and 'class' in templates?

There is no difference between using OR ; i.e. it is a convention used by C++ programmers. I myself prefer as it more clearly describes it use; i.e. defining a template with a specific type :)

Note: There is one exception where you do have to use class (and not typename) when declaring a template template parameter:

template <template class T> class C { }; // valid!

template <template typename T> class C { }; // invalid!

In most cases, you will not be defining a nested template definition, so either definition will work -- just be consistent in your use...

Can I call a function of a shell script from another shell script?


f1() {
    echo "Hello $name"

f2() {
    echo "Enter your name: "
    read name


Here function f2 will call function f1

How can I enable cURL for an installed Ubuntu LAMP stack?

I tried most of the previous answers, but it didn’t work for my machine, Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), but what worked for me was this.

First: check your PHP version

$ php -version

Second: add your PHP version to the command. Mine was:

  $ sudo apt-get install php7.2-curl

Lastly, restart the Apache server:

sudo service apache2 restart

Although most persons claimed that it not necessary to restart Apache :)

Equivalent of jQuery .hide() to set visibility: hidden

Here's one implementation, what works like $.prop(name[,value]) or $.attr(name[,value]) function. If b variable is filled, visibility is set according to that, and this is returned (allowing to continue with other properties), otherwise it returns visibility value.

jQuery.fn.visible = function (b) {
    if(b === undefined)
        return this.css('visibility')=="visible";
    else {
        this.css('visibility', b? 'visible' : 'hidden');
        return this;



HTTP GET request in JavaScript?

A version without callback

var i = document.createElement("img");
i.src = "/your/GET/url?params=here";

How can I login to a website with Python?

Let me try to make it simple, suppose URL of the site is and you need to sign up by filling username and password, so we go to the login page say now and view it's source code and search for the action URL it will be in form tag something like

 <form name="loginform" method="post" action="userinfo.php">

now take userinfo.php to make absolute URL which will be '', now run a simple python script

import requests
url = ''
values = {'username': 'user',
          'password': 'pass'}

r =, data=values)
print r.content

I Hope that this helps someone somewhere someday.

MySQL: How to reset or change the MySQL root password?

This is the solution for me. I work at Ubuntu 18.04:

But is important this change in the last step:

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('YOURNEWPASSWORD'), plugin='mysql_native_password' WHERE User='root' AND Host='localhost'; 

Do AJAX requests retain PHP Session info?

One thing to watch out for though, particularly if you are using a framework, is to check if the application is regenerating session ids between requests - anything that depends explicitly on the session id will run into problems, although obviously the rest of the data in the session will unaffected.

If the application is regenerating session ids like this then you can end up with a situation where an ajax request in effect invalidates / replaces the session id in the requesting page.

g++ ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

finally solved my problem.

I created a new project in XCode with the sources and changed the C++ Standard Library from the default libc++ to libstdc++ as in this and this.

How to check if a .txt file is in ASCII or UTF-8 format in Windows environment?

Open the file using Notepad++ and check the "Encoding" menu, you can check the current Encoding and/or Convert to a set of encodings available.

Pyspark: Filter dataframe based on multiple conditions

Your logic condition is wrong. IIUC, what you want is:

import pyspark.sql.functions as f

        ((f.col('col1') != f.col('col3')) | 
         (f.col('col2') != f.col('col4')) & (f.col('col1') == f.col('col3')))

I broke the filter() step into 2 calls for readability, but you could equivalently do it in one line.


|col1|col2|col3|col4|  d|
|   A|  xx|   D|  vv|  4|
|   A|   x|   A|  xx|  3|
|   E| xxx|   B|  vv|  3|
|   F|xxxx|   F| vvv|  4|
|   G| xxx|   G|  xx|  4|

Printing prime numbers from 1 through 100

Using the rules of divisibility prime numbers can be found out in O(n) and it`s really effecient Rules of Divisibility

The solution would be based on the individual digits of the number...

Regex to match alphanumeric and spaces

I suspect ^ doesn't work the way you think it does outside of a character class.

What you're telling it to do is replace everything that isn't an alphanumeric with an empty string, OR any leading space. I think what you mean to say is that spaces are ok to not replace - try moving the \s into the [] class.

What is the difference between <section> and <div>?

Take caution not to overuse the section tag as a replacement for a div element. A section tag should define a significant region within the context of the body. Semantically, HTML5 encourages us to define our document as follows:


This strategy allows web robots and automated screen readers to better understand the flow of your content. This markup clearly defines where your major page content is contained. Of course, headers and footers are often common across hundreds if not thousands of pages within a website. The section tag should be limited to explain where the unique content is contained. Within the section tag, we should then continue to markup and control the content with HTML tags which are lower in the hierarchy, like h1, div, span, etc.

In most simple pages, there should only be a single section tag, not multiple ones. Please also consider also that there are other interesting HTML5 tags which are similar to section. Consider using article, summary, aside and others within your document flow. As you can see, these tags further enhance our ability to define the major regions of the HTML document.

Find difference between timestamps in seconds in PostgreSQL

SELECT (cast(timestamp_1 as bigint) - cast(timestamp_2 as bigint)) FROM table;

In case if someone is having an issue using extract.

Html ordered list 1.1, 1.2 (Nested counters and scope) not working

Check this out :

Your issue seems to have been fixed.

What shows up for me (under Chrome and Mac OS X)

1. one
2. two
  2.2. two.two
  2.3. two.three
3. three
  3.2 three.two
    3.2.2 three.two.two
4. four

How I did it

Instead of :

<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
        <li>Subitem 1</li>
        <li>Subitem 2</li>

Do :

<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2
        <li>Subitem 1</li>
        <li>Subitem 2</li>

How would you implement an LRU cache in Java?

This is round two.

The first round was what I came up with then I reread the comments with the domain a bit more ingrained in my head.

So here is the simplest version with a unit test that shows it works based on some other versions.

First the non-concurrent version:

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class LruSimpleCache<K, V> implements LruCache <K, V>{

    Map<K, V> map = new LinkedHashMap (  );

    public LruSimpleCache (final int limit) {
           map = new LinkedHashMap <K, V> (16, 0.75f, true) {
               protected boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) {
                   return super.size() > limit;
    public void put ( K key, V value ) {
        map.put ( key, value );

    public V get ( K key ) {
        return map.get(key);

    //For testing only
    public V getSilent ( K key ) {
        V value =  map.get ( key );
        if (value!=null) {
            map.remove ( key );
            map.put(key, value);
        return value;

    public void remove ( K key ) {
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString ();


The true flag will track the access of gets and puts. See JavaDocs. The removeEdelstEntry without the true flag to the constructor would just implement a FIFO cache (see notes below on FIFO and removeEldestEntry).

Here is the test that proves it works as an LRU cache:

public class LruSimpleTest {

    public void test () {
        LruCache <Integer, Integer> cache = new LruSimpleCache<> ( 4 );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        boolean ok = cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );

        cache.put ( 4, 4 );
        cache.put ( 5, 5 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == 4 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == 5 || die ();

        cache.get ( 2 );
        cache.get ( 3 );
        cache.put ( 6, 6 );
        cache.put ( 7, 7 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == null || die ();

        if ( !ok ) die ();


Now for the concurrent version...

package org.boon.cache;

import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

public class LruSimpleConcurrentCache<K, V> implements LruCache<K, V> {

    final CacheMap<K, V>[] cacheRegions;

    private static class CacheMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
        private final ReadWriteLock readWriteLock;
        private final int limit;

        CacheMap ( final int limit, boolean fair ) {
            super ( 16, 0.75f, true );
            this.limit = limit;
            readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( fair );


        protected boolean removeEldestEntry ( final Map.Entry<K, V> eldest ) {
            return super.size () > limit;

        public V put ( K key, V value ) {
            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();

            V old;
            try {

                old = super.put ( key, value );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return old;


        public V get ( Object key ) {
            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();
            V value;

            try {

                value = super.get ( key );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return value;

        public V remove ( Object key ) {

            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();
            V value;

            try {

                value = super.remove ( key );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return value;


        public V getSilent ( K key ) {
            readWriteLock.writeLock ().lock ();

            V value;

            try {

                value = this.get ( key );
                if ( value != null ) {
                    this.remove ( key );
                    this.put ( key, value );
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.writeLock ().unlock ();
            return value;


        public int size () {
            readWriteLock.readLock ().lock ();
            int size = -1;
            try {
                size = super.size ();
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.readLock ().unlock ();
            return size;

        public String toString () {
            readWriteLock.readLock ().lock ();
            String str;
            try {
                str = super.toString ();
            } finally {
                readWriteLock.readLock ().unlock ();
            return str;


    public LruSimpleConcurrentCache ( final int limit, boolean fair ) {
        int cores = Runtime.getRuntime ().availableProcessors ();
        int stripeSize = cores < 2 ? 4 : cores * 2;
        cacheRegions = new CacheMap[ stripeSize ];
        for ( int index = 0; index < cacheRegions.length; index++ ) {
            cacheRegions[ index ] = new CacheMap<> ( limit / cacheRegions.length, fair );

    public LruSimpleConcurrentCache ( final int concurrency, final int limit, boolean fair ) {

        cacheRegions = new CacheMap[ concurrency ];
        for ( int index = 0; index < cacheRegions.length; index++ ) {
            cacheRegions[ index ] = new CacheMap<> ( limit / cacheRegions.length, fair );

    private int stripeIndex ( K key ) {
        int hashCode = key.hashCode () * 31;
        return hashCode % ( cacheRegions.length );

    private CacheMap<K, V> map ( K key ) {
        return cacheRegions[ stripeIndex ( key ) ];

    public void put ( K key, V value ) {

        map ( key ).put ( key, value );

    public V get ( K key ) {
        return map ( key ).get ( key );

    //For testing only
    public V getSilent ( K key ) {
        return map ( key ).getSilent ( key );


    public void remove ( K key ) {
        map ( key ).remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        int size = 0;
        for ( CacheMap<K, V> cache : cacheRegions ) {
            size += cache.size ();
        return size;

    public String toString () {

        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();
        for ( CacheMap<K, V> cache : cacheRegions ) {
            builder.append ( cache.toString () ).append ( '\n' );

        return builder.toString ();


You can see why I cover the non-concurrent version first. The above attempts to create some stripes to reduce lock contention. So we it hashes the key and then looks up that hash to find the actual cache. This makes the limit size more of a suggestion/rough guess within a fair amount of error depending on how well spread your keys hash algorithm is.

Here is the test to show that the concurrent version probably works. :) (Test under fire would be the real way).

public class SimpleConcurrentLRUCache {

    public void test () {
        LruCache <Integer, Integer> cache = new LruSimpleConcurrentCache<> ( 1, 4, false );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        boolean ok = cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );

        cache.put ( 4, 4 );
        cache.put ( 5, 5 );

        puts (cache);
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == 4 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == 5 || die ();

        cache.get ( 2 );
        cache.get ( 3 );
        cache.put ( 6, 6 );
        cache.put ( 7, 7 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();

        cache.put ( 8, 8 );
        cache.put ( 9, 9 );

        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == null || die ();

        puts (cache);

        if ( !ok ) die ();


    public void test2 () {
        LruCache <Integer, Integer> cache = new LruSimpleConcurrentCache<> ( 400, false );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        for (int index =0 ; index < 5_000; index++) {
            cache.get ( 1 );
            cache.put ( 2, index  );
            cache.put ( 3, index );
            cache.put(index, index);

        boolean ok = cache.getSilent ( 0 ) == 0 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 1 ) == 1 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) != null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) != null || die ();

        ok |= cache.size () < 600 || die();
        if ( !ok ) die ();



This is the last post.. The first post I deleted as it was a LFU not an LRU cache.

I thought I would give this another go. I was trying trying to come up with the simplest version of an LRU cache using the standard JDK w/o too much implementation.

Here is what I came up with. My first attempt was a bit of a disaster as I implemented a LFU instead of and LRU, and then I added FIFO, and LRU support to it... and then I realized it was becoming a monster. Then I started talking to my buddy John who was barely interested, and then I described at deep length how I implemented an LFU, LRU and FIFO and how you could switch it with a simple ENUM arg, and then I realized that all I really wanted was a simple LRU. So ignore the earlier post from me, and let me know if you want to see an LRU/LFU/FIFO cache that is switchable via an enum... no? Ok.. here he go.

The simplest possible LRU using just the JDK. I implemented both a concurrent version and a non-concurrent version.

I created a common interface (it is minimalism so likely missing a few features that you would like but it works for my use cases, but let if you would like to see feature XYZ let me know... I live to write code.).

public interface LruCache<KEY, VALUE> {
    void put ( KEY key, VALUE value );

    VALUE get ( KEY key );

    VALUE getSilent ( KEY key );

    void remove ( KEY key );

    int size ();

You may wonder what getSilent is. I use this for testing. getSilent does not change LRU score of an item.

First the non-concurrent one....

import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;

public class LruCacheNormal<KEY, VALUE> implements LruCache<KEY,VALUE> {

    Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new HashMap<> ();
    Deque<KEY> queue = new LinkedList<> ();
    final int limit;

    public LruCacheNormal ( int limit ) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public void put ( KEY key, VALUE value ) {
        VALUE oldValue = map.put ( key, value );

        /*If there was already an object under this key,
         then remove it before adding to queue
         Frequently used keys will be at the top so the search could be fast.
        if ( oldValue != null ) {
            queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        queue.addFirst ( key );

        if ( map.size () > limit ) {
            final KEY removedKey = queue.removeLast ();
            map.remove ( removedKey );


    public VALUE get ( KEY key ) {

        /* Frequently used keys will be at the top so the search could be fast.*/
        queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        queue.addFirst ( key );
        return map.get ( key );

    public VALUE getSilent ( KEY key ) {

        return map.get ( key );

    public void remove ( KEY key ) {

        /* Frequently used keys will be at the top so the search could be fast.*/
        queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString ();

The queue.removeFirstOccurrence is a potentially expensive operation if you have a large cache. One could take LinkedList as an example and add a reverse lookup hash map from element to node to make remove operations A LOT FASTER and more consistent. I started too, but then realized I don't need it. But... maybe...

When put is called, the key gets added to the queue. When get is called, the key gets removed and re-added to the top of the queue.

If your cache is small and the building an item is expensive then this should be a good cache. If your cache is really large, then the linear search could be a bottle neck especially if you don't have hot areas of cache. The more intense the hot spots, the faster the linear search as hot items are always at the top of the linear search. Anyway... what is needed for this to go faster is write another LinkedList that has a remove operation that has reverse element to node lookup for remove, then removing would be about as fast as removing a key from a hash map.

If you have a cache under 1,000 items, this should work out fine.

Here is a simple test to show its operations in action.

public class LruCacheTest {

    public void test () {
        LruCache<Integer, Integer> cache = new LruCacheNormal<> ( 4 );

        cache.put ( 0, 0 );
        cache.put ( 1, 1 );

        cache.put ( 2, 2 );
        cache.put ( 3, 3 );

        boolean ok = cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 0 ) == 0 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();

        cache.put ( 4, 4 );
        cache.put ( 5, 5 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 0 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 1 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == 4 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == 5 || die ();

        if ( !ok ) die ();


The last LRU cache was single threaded, and please don't wrap it in a synchronized anything....

Here is a stab at a concurrent version.

import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class ConcurrentLruCache<KEY, VALUE> implements LruCache<KEY,VALUE> {

    private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock ();

    private final Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<> ();
    private final Deque<KEY> queue = new LinkedList<> ();
    private final int limit;

    public ConcurrentLruCache ( int limit ) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public void put ( KEY key, VALUE value ) {
        VALUE oldValue = map.put ( key, value );
        if ( oldValue != null ) {
            removeThenAddKey ( key );
        } else {
            addKey ( key );
        if (map.size () > limit) {
            map.remove ( removeLast() );

    public VALUE get ( KEY key ) {
        removeThenAddKey ( key );
        return map.get ( key );

    private void addKey(KEY key) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            queue.addFirst ( key );
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();


    private KEY removeLast( ) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            final KEY removedKey = queue.removeLast ();
            return removedKey;
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();

    private void removeThenAddKey(KEY key) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
            queue.addFirst ( key );
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();


    private void removeFirstOccurrence(KEY key) {
        lock.lock ();
        try {
            queue.removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        } finally {
            lock.unlock ();


    public VALUE getSilent ( KEY key ) {
        return map.get ( key );

    public void remove ( KEY key ) {
        removeFirstOccurrence ( key );
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString () {
        return map.toString ();

The main differences are the use of the ConcurrentHashMap instead of HashMap, and the use of the Lock (I could have gotten away with synchronized, but...).

I have not tested it under fire, but it seems like a simple LRU cache that might work out in 80% of use cases where you need a simple LRU map.

I welcome feedback, except the why don't you use library a, b, or c. The reason I don't always use a library is because I don't always want every war file to be 80MB, and I write libraries so I tend to make the libs plug-able with a good enough solution in place and someone can plug-in another cache provider if they like. :) I never know when someone might need Guava or ehcache or something else I don't want to include them, but if I make caching plug-able, I will not exclude them either.

Reduction of dependencies has its own reward. I love to get some feedback on how to make this even simpler or faster or both.

Also if anyone knows of a ready to go....

Ok.. I know what you are thinking... Why doesn't he just use removeEldest entry from LinkedHashMap, and well I should but.... but.. but.. That would be a FIFO not an LRU and we were trying to implement a LRU.

    Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new LinkedHashMap<KEY, VALUE> () {

        protected boolean removeEldestEntry ( Map.Entry<KEY, VALUE> eldest ) {
            return this.size () > limit;

This test fails for the above code...

        cache.get ( 2 );
        cache.get ( 3 );
        cache.put ( 6, 6 );
        cache.put ( 7, 7 );
        ok |= cache.size () == 4 || die ( "size" + cache.size () );
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 2 ) == 2 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 3 ) == 3 || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 4 ) == null || die ();
        ok |= cache.getSilent ( 5 ) == null || die ();

So here is a quick and dirty FIFO cache using removeEldestEntry.

import java.util.*;

public class FifoCache<KEY, VALUE> implements LruCache<KEY,VALUE> {

    final int limit;

    Map<KEY, VALUE> map = new LinkedHashMap<KEY, VALUE> () {

        protected boolean removeEldestEntry ( Map.Entry<KEY, VALUE> eldest ) {
            return this.size () > limit;

    public LruCacheNormal ( int limit ) {
        this.limit = limit;

    public void put ( KEY key, VALUE value ) {
         map.put ( key, value );


    public VALUE get ( KEY key ) {

        return map.get ( key );

    public VALUE getSilent ( KEY key ) {

        return map.get ( key );

    public void remove ( KEY key ) {
        map.remove ( key );

    public int size () {
        return map.size ();

    public String toString() {
        return map.toString ();

FIFOs are fast. No searching around. You could front a FIFO in front of an LRU and that would handle most hot entries quite nicely. A better LRU is going to need that reverse element to Node feature.

Anyway... now that I wrote some code, let me go through the other answers and see what I missed... the first time I scanned them.

Get name of current script in Python

import sys

This will print for python, dir/ for python dir/, etc. It's the first argument to python. (Note that after py2exe it would be foo.exe.)

Is there a Mutex in Java?

Mistake in original post is acquire() call set inside the try loop. Here is a correct approach to use "binary" semaphore (Mutex):

try {
   //do stuff
} catch (Exception e) {
   //exception stuff
} finally {

How can I check that JButton is pressed? If the isEnable() is not work?

JButton has a model which answers these question:

  • isArmed(),
  • isPressed(),
  • isRollOVer()

etc. Hence you can ask the model for the answer you are seeking:

        System.out.println("the button is pressed");

How to add action listener that listens to multiple buttons

First, exend JFrame properly with a super() and a constructor then add actionlisteners to the frame and add the buttons.

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Calc extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    JButton button1 = new JButton("1");
    JButton button2 = new JButton("2");

    public Calc()
         setSize(100, 100);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        Object source = e.getSource();
        if(source == button1)
            \\button1 code here
        } else if(source == button2)
            \\button2 code here
    public static void main(String[] args)

        JFrame calcFrame = new JFrame();

Using python map and other functional tools

The easiest way would be not to pass bars through the different functions, but to access it directly from maptest:

foos = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]
bars = [1,2,3]

def maptest(foo):
    print foo, bars

map(maptest, foos)

With your original maptest function you could also use a lambda function in map:

map((lambda foo: maptest(foo, bars)), foos)

Refresh certain row of UITableView based on Int in Swift

    extension UITableView {
        /// Reloads a table view without losing track of what was selected.
        func reloadDataSavingSelections() {
            let selectedRows = indexPathsForSelectedRows


            if let selectedRow = selectedRows {
                for indexPath in selectedRow {
                    selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)


React Native absolute positioning horizontal centre

If you want to center one element itself you could use alignSelf:

logoImg: {
    position: 'absolute',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    bottom: '-5%'

This is an example (Note the logo parent is a view with position: relative)

enter image description here

Use JAXB to create Object from XML String

If you want to parse using InputStreams

public Object xmlToObject(String xmlDataString) {
        Object converted = null;
        try {
            JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Response.class);
            Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
            InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlDataString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            converted = unmarshaller.unmarshal(stream);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
        return converted;

How to use filter, map, and reduce in Python 3

The functionality of map and filter was intentionally changed to return iterators, and reduce was removed from being a built-in and placed in functools.reduce.

So, for filter and map, you can wrap them with list() to see the results like you did before.

>>> def f(x): return x % 2 != 0 and x % 3 != 0
>>> list(filter(f, range(2, 25)))
[5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
>>> def cube(x): return x*x*x
>>> list(map(cube, range(1, 11)))
[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]
>>> import functools
>>> def add(x,y): return x+y
>>> functools.reduce(add, range(1, 11))

The recommendation now is that you replace your usage of map and filter with generators expressions or list comprehensions. Example:

>>> def f(x): return x % 2 != 0 and x % 3 != 0
>>> [i for i in range(2, 25) if f(i)]
[5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23]
>>> def cube(x): return x*x*x
>>> [cube(i) for i in range(1, 11)]
[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]

They say that for loops are 99 percent of the time easier to read than reduce, but I'd just stick with functools.reduce.

Edit: The 99 percent figure is pulled directly from the What’s New In Python 3.0 page authored by Guido van Rossum.

Android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x636f7d89 (code=1). How can it be tracked down?

Check your JNI/native code. One of my references was null, but it was intermittent, so it wasn't very obvious.

Convert Enum to String

ToString() gives the most obvious result from a readability perspective, while using Enum.GetName() requires a bit more mental parsing to quickly understand what its trying to do (unless you see the pattern all the time).

From a pure performance point of view, as already provided in @nawfal's answer, Enum.GetName() is better.

If performance is really your goal though, it would be even better to provide a look-up beforehand (using a Dictionary or some other mapping).

In C++/CLI, this would look like

Dictionary<String^, MyEnum> mapping;
for each (MyEnum field in Enum::GetValues(MyEnum::typeid))
    mapping.Add(Enum::GetName(MyEnum::typeid), field);

Comparison using an enum of 100 items and 1000000 iterations:

Enum.GetName: ~800ms
.ToString(): ~1600ms
Dictionary mapping: ~250ms

SQL Update with row_number()

Simple and easy way to update the cursor

SET Cursor.CODE = Cursor.New_CODE
  FROM Table Where CODE BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999
  ) Cursor

Why am I getting this error Premature end of file?

You are getting the error because the SAXBuilder is not intelligent enough to deal with "blank states". So it looks for at least an <xml ..> declaration, and when that causes a no data response it creates the exception you see rather than report the empty state.

How can I control the speed that bootstrap carousel slides in items?

To complement the previous answers, after you edit your CSS file, you just need to edit CAROUSEL.TRANSITION_DURATION (in bootstrap.js) or c.TRANSITION_DURATION (if you use bootstrap.min.js) and to change the value inside it (600 for default). The final value must be the same that you put in your CSS file (for example, 10s in CSS = 10000 in .js)

Carousel.VERSION  = '3.3.2'
Carousel.TRANSITION_DURATION = xxxxx /* Your number here*/
Carousel.DEFAULTS = {
interval: 5000 /* you could change this value too, but to add data-interval="xxxx" to your html it's fine too*/
pause: 'hover',
wrap: true,
keyboard: true

Hiding a form and showing another when a button is clicked in a Windows Forms application

i believe the following code will only run after form1 is closed

 while (true)
        if (form1.Visible == false)

Why not start your form2 from form1 instead?

Form2 form2 = new Form2();
 private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (richTextBox1.Text != null)

        else MessageBox.Show("Insert Attributes First !");


How to call a method in MainActivity from another class?

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static MainActivity instance;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        instance = this;

    public static MainActivity getInstance() {
        return instance;

    public void myMethod() {
       // do something...

public Class AnotherClass() {
     // call this method

Convert JSON to DataTable

There is an easier method than the other answers here, which require first deserializing into a c# class, and then turning it into a datatable.

It is possible to go directly to a datatable, with JSON.NET and code like this:

DataTable dt = (DataTable)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, (typeof(DataTable)));

How to do the equivalent of pass by reference for primitives in Java

public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] toyNumber = new int[] {5};
    NewClass temp = new NewClass();;
    System.out.println("Toy number in main " + toyNumber[0]);

void play(int[] toyNumber){
    System.out.println("Toy number in play " + toyNumber[0]);
    System.out.println("Toy number in play after increement " + toyNumber[0]);

How to show all shared libraries used by executables in Linux?

on ubuntu print packages related to an executable

ldd executable_name|awk '{print $3}'|xargs dpkg -S |awk -F  ":"  '{print $1}'

HorizontalAlignment=Stretch, MaxWidth, and Left aligned at the same time?

Functionally similar to the accepted answer, but doesn't require the parent element to be specified:

    Width="{Binding ActualWidth, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type FrameworkElement}}}"
    HorizontalAlignment="Left" />

Char to int conversion in C

Try this :

char c = '5' - '0';

What's the difference between Visual Studio Community and other, paid versions?

Visual Studio Community is same (almost) as professional edition. What differs is that VS community do not have TFS features, and the licensing is different. As stated by @Stefan.

The different versions on VS are compared here -

enter image description here

How to overwrite the output directory in spark

From the documentation (currently at 1.3.1), you can specify mode='overwrite' when saving a DataFrame:'myPath', source='parquet', mode='overwrite')

I've verified that this will even remove left over partition files. So if you had say 10 partitions/files originally, but then overwrote the folder with a DataFrame that only had 6 partitions, the resulting folder will have the 6 partitions/files.

See the Spark SQL documentation for more information about the mode options.

Android: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x5

Just wanted to point out another reason this error can be thrown is if you defined a string resource for one translation of your app but did not provide a default string resource.

Example of the Issue:

As you can see below, I had a string resource for a Spanish string "get_started". It can still be referenced in code, but if the phone is not in Spanish it will have no resource to load and crash when calling getString().


<string name="get_started">SIGUIENTE</string>

Reference to resource



06-11 11:46:37.835    7007-7007/? E/AndroidRuntime? FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: PID: 7007
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f0700fd
        at android.content.res.Resources.getText(
        at android.content.res.Resources.getString(
        at com.juvomobileinc.tigousa.ui.signin.SignInFragment$4.onClick(
        at android.view.View.performClick(
        at android.view.View$
        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Solution to the Issue

Preventing this is quite simple, just make sure that you always have a default string resource in values/strings.xml so that if the phone is in another language it will always have a resource to fall back to.


<string name="get_started">Get Started</string>


<string name="get_started">Get Started</string>


<string name="get_started">Siguiente</string>


<string name="get_started">Ioslegen</string>

How to create a custom attribute in C#

You start by writing a class that derives from Attribute:

public class MyCustomAttribute: Attribute
    public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

Then you could decorate anything (class, method, property, ...) with this attribute:

[MyCustomAttribute(SomeProperty = "foo bar")]
public class Foo


and finally you would use reflection to fetch it:

var customAttributes = (MyCustomAttribute[])typeof(Foo).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyCustomAttribute), true);
if (customAttributes.Length > 0)
    var myAttribute = customAttributes[0];
    string value = myAttribute.SomeProperty;
    // TODO: Do something with the value

You could limit the target types to which this custom attribute could be applied using the AttributeUsage attribute:

/// <summary>
/// This attribute can only be applied to classes
/// </summary>
public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute

Important things to know about attributes:

  • Attributes are metadata.
  • They are baked into the assembly at compile-time which has very serious implications of how you could set their properties. Only constant (known at compile time) values are accepted
  • The only way to make any sense and usage of custom attributes is to use Reflection. So if you don't use reflection at runtime to fetch them and decorate something with a custom attribute don't expect much to happen.
  • The time of creation of the attributes is non-deterministic. They are instantiated by the CLR and you have absolutely no control over it.

Convert float to std::string in C++

As of C++11, the standard C++ library provides the function std::to_string(arg) with various supported types for arg.