Programs & Examples On #Dataservice

Catching errors in Angular HttpClient

The worse thing is not having a decent stack trace which you simply cannot generate using an HttpInterceptor (hope to stand corrected). All you get is a load of zone and rxjs useless bloat, and not the line or class that generated the error.

To do this you will need to generate a stack in an extended HttpClient, so its not advisable to do this in a production environment.

 * Extended HttpClient that generates a stack trace on error when not in a production build.
export class TraceHttpClient extends HttpClient {
  constructor(handler: HttpHandler) {

  request(...args: [any]): Observable<any> {
    const stack = environment.production ? null : Error().stack;
    return super.request(...args).pipe(
      catchError((err) => {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
        if (stack) console.error('HTTP Client error stack\n', stack);
        return throwError(err);

Add class to an element in Angular 4

If you need that each div will have its own toggle and don't want clicks to affect other divs, do this:

Here's what I did to solve this...

<div [ngClass]="{'teaser': !teaser_1 }" (click)="teaser_1=!teaser_1">

<div [ngClass]="{'teaser': !teaser_2 }" (click)="teaser_2=!teaser_2">

<div [ngClass]="{'teaser': !teaser_3 }" (click)="teaser_3=!teaser_3">

it requires custom numbering which sucks, but it works.

remove item from stored array in angular 2

You can use like this:

removeDepartment(name: string): void {
    this.departments = this.departments.filter(item => item != name);

Angular2 RC5: Can't bind to 'Property X' since it isn't a known property of 'Child Component'

I fixed it with adding the prefix (attr.) :

<create-report-card-form [attr.currentReportCardCount]="expression" ...

Unfortunately this haven't documented properly yet.

more detail here

Why and when to use angular.copy? (Deep Copy)

I am just sharing my experience here, I used angular.copy() for comparing two objects properties. I was working on a number of inputs without form element, I was wondering how to compare two objects properties and based on result I have to enable and disable the save button. So I used as below.

I assigned an original server object user values to my dummy object to say userCopy and used watch to check changes to the user object.

My server API which gets me data from the server:

var req = {
    method: 'GET',
    url: 'user/profile/' + id,
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
$http(req).success(function(data) {
    $scope.user = data;
    $scope.userCopy = angular.copy($scope.user);
}).error(function(data) {

//initially my save button is disabled because objects are same, once something 
//changes I am activating save button

$scope.btnSts = true;
$scope.$watch('user', function(newVal, oldVal) {

    if ($ !== $ || $ !== $ {
        $scope.btnSts = false;
    } else {
        $scope.btnSts = true;
}, true);

I am not sure but comparing two objects was really headache for me always but with angular.copy() it went smoothly.

Effectively use async/await with ASP.NET Web API

I am not very sure whether it will make any difference in performance of my API.

Bear in mind that the primary benefit of asynchronous code on the server side is scalability. It won't magically make your requests run faster. I cover several "should I use async" considerations in my article on async ASP.NET.

I think your use case (calling other APIs) is well-suited for asynchronous code, just bear in mind that "asynchronous" does not mean "faster". The best approach is to first make your UI responsive and asynchronous; this will make your app feel faster even if it's slightly slower.

As far as the code goes, this is not asynchronous:

public Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountries()
  var response = _service.Process<List<Country>>(BackOfficeEndpoint.CountryEndpoint, "returnCountries");
  return Task.FromResult(response);

You'd need a truly asynchronous implementation to get the scalability benefits of async:

public async Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountriesAsync()
  return await _service.ProcessAsync<List<Country>>(BackOfficeEndpoint.CountryEndpoint, "returnCountries");

Or (if your logic in this method really is just a pass-through):

public Task<BackOfficeResponse<List<Country>>> ReturnAllCountriesAsync()
  return _service.ProcessAsync<List<Country>>(BackOfficeEndpoint.CountryEndpoint, "returnCountries");

Note that it's easier to work from the "inside out" rather than the "outside in" like this. In other words, don't start with an asynchronous controller action and then force downstream methods to be asynchronous. Instead, identify the naturally asynchronous operations (calling external APIs, database queries, etc), and make those asynchronous at the lowest level first (Service.ProcessAsync). Then let the async trickle up, making your controller actions asynchronous as the last step.

And under no circumstances should you use Task.Run in this scenario.

How to create an alert message in jsp page after submit process is complete

in your servlet

 return mapping.findForward("success");

In your jsp

<c:if test="${not empty submitDone}">
  <script>alert("Form submitted");

How to enable CORS in AngularJs

This answer outlines two ways to workaround APIs that don't support CORS:

  • Use a CORS Proxy
  • Use JSONP if the API Supports it

One workaround is to use a CORS PROXY:

.run(function($rootScope,$http) { 
     var proxy = "//";
     var url = "";
     $http.get(proxy +'/'+ url)
       .then(function(response) {
         $rootScope.response =;
     }).catch(function(response) {
         $rootScope.response = 'ERROR: ' + response.status;
<script src="//"></script>
<body ng-app="app">
   Response = {{response}}

For more information, see

Use JSONP if the API supports it:

 var url = "//";
 var trust = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);
 $http.jsonp(trust,{params: {format:'jsonp'}})
   .then(function(response) {
     $scope.response =;
 }).catch(function(response) {
     $scope.response = 'ERROR: ' + response.status;


For more information, see

how to call service method from ng-change of select in angularjs?

You have at least two issues in your code:

  • ng-change="getScoreData(Score)

    Angular doesn't see getScoreData method that refers to defined service

  • getScoreData: function (Score, callback)

    We don't need to use callback since GET returns promise. Use then instead.

Here is a working example (I used random address only for simulation):


<select ng-model="score"
        ng-options="score as for score in  scores"></select>


var fessmodule = angular.module('myModule', ['ngResource']);

fessmodule.controller('fessCntrl', function($scope, ScoreDataService) {

    $scope.scores = [{
        name: 'Bukit Batok Street 1',
        URL: ', SG, Singapore, 153 Bukit Batok Street 1&sensor=true'
    }, {
        name: 'London 8',
        URL: ', SG, Singapore, London 8&sensor=true'

    $scope.getScoreData = function(score) {
        ScoreDataService.getScoreData(score).then(function(result) {
            $scope.ScoreData = result;
        }, function(result) {
            alert("Error: No data returned");


fessmodule.$inject = ['$scope', 'ScoreDataService'];

fessmodule.factory('ScoreDataService', ['$http', '$q', function($http) {

    var factory = {
        getScoreData: function(score) {
            var data = $http({
                method: 'GET',
                url: score.URL

            return data;
    return factory;

Demo Fiddle

How to use HTTP.GET in AngularJS correctly? In specific, for an external API call?

Try this

myApp.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
        $httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
        delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];

Just setting useXDomain = true is not enough. AJAX request are also send with the X-Requested-With header, which indicate them as being AJAX. Removing the header is necessary, so the server is not rejecting the incoming request.

415 Unsupported Media Type - POST json to OData service in lightswitch 2012

It looks like this issue has to do with the difference between the Content-Type and Accept headers. In HTTP, Content-Type is used in request and response payloads to convey the media type of the current payload. Accept is used in request payloads to say what media types the server may use in the response payload.

So, having a Content-Type in a request without a body (like your GET request) has no meaning. When you do a POST request, you are sending a message body, so the Content-Type does matter.

If a server is not able to process the Content-Type of the request, it will return a 415 HTTP error. (If a server is not able to satisfy any of the media types in the request Accept header, it will return a 406 error.)

In OData v3, the media type "application/json" is interpreted to mean the new JSON format ("JSON light"). If the server does not support reading JSON light, it will throw a 415 error when it sees that the incoming request is JSON light. In your payload, your request body is verbose JSON, not JSON light, so the server should be able to process your request. It just doesn't because it sees the JSON light content type.

You could fix this in one of two ways:

  1. Make the Content-Type "application/json;odata=verbose" in your POST request, or
  2. Include the DataServiceVersion header in the request and set it be less than v3. For example:

    DataServiceVersion: 2.0;

(Option 2 assumes that you aren't using any v3 features in your request payload.)

Arrays in type script

This is a very c# type of code:

var bks: Book[] = new Book[2];

In Javascript / Typescript you don't allocate memory up front like that, and that means something completely different. This is how you would do what you want to do:

var bks: Book[] = [];
bks.push(new Book());
bks[0].Author = "vamsee";
bks[0].BookId = 1;
return bks.length;

Now to explain what new Book[2]; would mean. This would actually mean that call the new operator on the value of Book[2]. e.g.:

Book[2] = function (){alert("hey");}
var foo = new Book[2]

and you should see hey. Try it

Type or namespace name does not exist

FOR ANYONE WITH LINKED FILES: I had this problem and was using silverlight and the offending file that was throwing this error was a linked file.

The error from the compiler told me the error was happening in the project that the file lived in. It ended up that the error was NOT in that project, it was occurring in the project that contained the linked file. That project was missing a reference.

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

Another thing to try is

Tools -> Options -> search for IIS -> tick Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects.

Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects screenshot

How can I remove the decimal part from JavaScript number?

You could use...

...dependent on how you wanted to remove the decimal.

Math.trunc() isn't supported on all platforms yet (namely IE), but you could easily use a polyfill in the meantime.

Another method of truncating the fractional portion with excellent platform support is by using a bitwise operator (.e.g |0). The side-effect of using a bitwise operator on a number is it will treat its operand as a signed 32bit integer, therefore removing the fractional component. Keep in mind this will also mangle numbers larger than 32 bits.

You may also be talking about the inaccuracy of decimal rounding with floating point arithmetic.

Required Reading - What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.

The apk must be signed with the same certificates as the previous version

My [silly] mistake was that i used app-debug.apk file instead of app-release.apk file. You need to to choose "release" in "Build Variants" frame when you generate signed APK. The app-release.apk file should be located under "app\release" folder in your project root.

How to redirect to a 404 in Rails?

these will help you...

Application Controller

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local             
    rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, ActionController::UnknownController, ::AbstractController::ActionNotFound, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: lambda { |exception| render_error 404, exception }

    def render_error(status, exception)
      Rails.logger.error status.to_s + " " + exception.message.to_s
      Rails.logger.error exception.backtrace.join("\n") 
      respond_to do |format|
        format.html { render template: "errors/error_#{status}",status: status }
        format.all { render nothing: true, status: status }

Errors controller

class ErrorsController < ApplicationController
  def error_404
    @not_found_path = params[:not_found]


        404 Not Found
        Sorry, an error has occured, Requested page not found!
        You tried to access '#{@not_found_path}', which is not a valid page.
        %a.button_simple_orange.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{href: root_path}
          Take Me Home

No visible cause for "Unexpected token ILLEGAL"

I had this same problem and it occurred because I had hit the enter key when adding code in a text string.

Because it was a long string of text I wanted to see it all without having to scroll in my text editor, however hitting enter added an invisible character to the string which was illegal. I was using Sublime Text as my editor.

Use grep --exclude/--include syntax to not grep through certain files

The --binary-files=without-match option to GNU grep gets it to skip binary files. (Equivalent to the -I switch mentioned elsewhere.)

(This might require a recent version of grep; 2.5.3 has it, at least.)

How do you use variables in a simple PostgreSQL script?

I've came across some other documents which they use \set to declare scripting variable but the value is seems to be like constant value and I'm finding for way that can be acts like a variable not a constant variable.


\set Comm 150

select sal, sal+:Comm from emp

Here sal is the value that is present in the table 'emp' and comm is the constant value.

Simultaneously merge multiple data.frames in a list

Reduce makes this fairly easy: = Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T),

Here's a fully example using some mock data:

set.seed(1) = list(data.frame(x=1:10, a=1:10), data.frame(x=5:14, b=11:20), data.frame(x=sample(20, 10), y=runif(10))) = Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=T),
#    x  a  b         y
#12 12 NA 18        NA
#13 13 NA 19        NA
#14 14 NA 20 0.4976992
#15 15 NA NA 0.7176185
#16 16 NA NA 0.3841037
#17 19 NA NA 0.3800352

And here's an example using these data to replicate my.list: = Reduce(function(...) merge(...,, all=T), my.list)[, 1:12]

#  matchname party st district chamber senate1993 name.x v2.x v3.x v4.x senate1994 name.y
#1   ALGIERE   200 RI      026       S         NA   <NA>   NA   NA   NA         NA   <NA>
#2     ALVES   100 RI      019       S         NA   <NA>   NA   NA   NA         NA   <NA>
#3    BADEAU   100 RI      032       S         NA   <NA>   NA   NA   NA         NA   <NA>

Note: It looks like this is arguably a bug in merge. The problem is there is no check that adding the suffixes (to handle overlapping non-matching names) actually makes them unique. At a certain point it uses [.data.frame which does make.unique the names, causing the rbind to fail.

# first merge will end up with 'name.x' & 'name.y'
merge(my.list[[1]], my.list[[2]],, all=T)
# [1] matchname    party        st           district     chamber      senate1993   name.x      
# [8] votes.year.x senate1994   name.y       votes.year.y
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# as there is no clash, we retain 'name.x' & 'name.y' and get 'name' again
merge(merge(my.list[[1]], my.list[[2]],, all=T), my.list[[3]],, all=T)
# [1] matchname    party        st           district     chamber      senate1993   name.x      
# [8] votes.year.x senate1994   name.y       votes.year.y senate1995   name         votes.year  
#<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# the next merge will fail as 'name' will get renamed to a pre-existing field.

Easiest way to fix is to not leave the field renaming for duplicates fields (of which there are many here) up to merge. Eg:

my.list2 = Map(function(x, i) setNames(x, ifelse(names(x) %in%,
      names(x), sprintf('%s.%d', names(x), i))), my.list, seq_along(my.list))

The merge/Reduce will then work fine.

Is there a way to make HTML5 video fullscreen?

Safari supports it through webkitEnterFullscreen.

Chrome should support it since it's WebKit also, but errors out.

Chris Blizzard of Firefox said they're coming out with their own version of fullscreen which will allow any element to go to fullscreen. e.g. Canvas

Philip Jagenstedt of Opera says they'll support it in a later release.

Yes, the HTML5 video spec says not to support fullscreen, but since users want it, and every browser is going to support it, the spec will change.

Returning Arrays in Java

As Luiggi mentioned you need to change your main to:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class trial1{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        int[] A = numbers();
        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(A)); //Might require import of util.Arrays

    public static int[] numbers(){
        int[] A = {1,2,3};
        return A;

android - save image into gallery

I come here with the same doubt but for Xamarin for Android, I have used the Sigrist answer to do this method after save my file:

private void UpdateGallery()
    Intent mediaScanIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionMediaScannerScanFile);
    Java.IO.File file = new Java.IO.File(_path);
    Android.Net.Uri contentUri = Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(file);

and it solved my problem, Thx Sigrist. I put it here becouse i did not found an answare about this for Xamarin and i hope it can help other people.

How much overhead does SSL impose?

I second @erickson: The pure data-transfer speed penalty is negligible. Modern CPUs reach a crypto/AES throughput of several hundred MBit/s. So unless you are on resource constrained system (mobile phone) TLS/SSL is fast enough for slinging data around.

But keep in mind that encryption makes caching and load balancing much harder. This might result in a huge performance penalty.

But connection setup is really a show stopper for many application. On low bandwidth, high packet loss, high latency connections (mobile device in the countryside) the additional roundtrips required by TLS might render something slow into something unusable.

For example we had to drop the encryption requirement for access to some of our internal web apps - they where next to unusable if used from china.

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'

One or more of your .cpp files is not being linked in, or some non-inline functions in some class are not defined. In particular, takeaway::textualGame()'s implementation can't be found. Note that you've defined a textualGame() at toplevel, but this is distinct from a takeaway::textualGame() implementation - probably you just forgot the takeaway:: there.

What the error means is that the linker can't find the "vtable" for a class - every class with virtual functions has a "vtable" data structure associated with it. In GCC, this vtable is generated in the same .cpp file as the first listed non-inline member of the class; if there's no non-inline members, it will be generated wherever you instantiate the class, I believe. So you're probably failing to link the .cpp file with that first-listed non-inline member, or never defining that member in the first place.

CORS: Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true

If you are using CORS middleware and you want to send withCredential boolean true, you can configure CORS like this:

var cors = require('cors');    
app.use(cors({credentials: true, origin: 'http://localhost:3000'}));

Android - Launcher Icon Size

According to the Material design guidelines (here, under "DP unit grid"), your product icon should be of size 48 dp, with a padding of 1dp, except for the case of XXXHDPI, where the padding should be 4dp.

So, in pixels, the sizes are:

  • 48 × 48 (mdpi) , with 1 dp padding
  • 72 × 72 (hdpi), with 1 dp padding
  • 96 × 96 (xhdpi), with 1 dp padding
  • 144 × 144 (xxhdpi), with 1 dp padding
  • 192 × 192 (xxxhdpi) , with 4 dp padding

I recommend to avoid using VectorDrawable as some launchers don't support it, but I think WEBP should be ok as long as you have your minSdk support transparency for them (API 18 and above - Android 4.3).

If you publish on the Play Store, the requirement to what to upload there are (based on here) :

  • 32-bit PNG (with alpha)
  • Dimensions: 512px by 512px
  • Maximum file size: 1024KB

Adding HTML entities using CSS content

Here are two ways:

  • In HTML:

    <div class="ics">&#9969;</div>

This will result into ⛱

  • In Css:

    .ics::before {content: "\9969;"}

with HTML code <div class="ics"></div>

This also results in ⛱

How can I repeat a character in Bash?

I've just found a seriously easy way to do this using seq:

UPDATE: This works on the BSD seq that comes with OS X. YMMV with other versions

seq  -f "#" -s '' 10

Will print '#' 10 times, like this:

  • -f "#" sets the format string to ignore the numbers and just print # for each one.
  • -s '' sets the separator to an empty string to remove the newlines that seq inserts between each number
  • The spaces after -f and -s seem to be important.

EDIT: Here it is in a handy function...

repeat () {
    seq  -f $1 -s '' $2; echo

Which you can call like this...

repeat "#" 10

NOTE: If you're repeating # then the quotes are important!

What is the difference between sscanf or atoi to convert a string to an integer?

Combining R.. and PickBoy answers for brevity

long strtol (const char *String, char **EndPointer, int Base)

// examples
strtol(s, NULL, 10);
strtol(s, &s, 10);

Default FirebaseApp is not initialized

As mentioned by @PSIXO in a comment, this might be the problem with the dependency version of google-services. For me changing,

buildscript {
    // ...
    dependencies {
        // ...
        classpath ''


buildscript {
    // ...
    dependencies {
        // ...
        classpath ''

worked.There might be some problem with 4.1.0 version. Because I wasted many hours on this, I thought to write this as an answer.

How to Get a Layout Inflater Given a Context?

You can use the static from() method from the LayoutInflater class:

 LayoutInflater li = LayoutInflater.from(context);

Gets byte array from a ByteBuffer in java

Depends what you want to do.

If what you want is to retrieve the bytes that are remaining (between position and limit), then what you have will work. You could also just do:

ByteBuffer bb =..

byte[] b = new byte[bb.remaining()];

which is equivalent as per the ByteBuffer javadocs.

Write to text file without overwriting in Java

use a FileWriter instead.

FileWriter(File file, boolean append)

the second argument in the constructor tells the FileWriter to append any given input to the file rather than overwriting it.

here is some code for your example:

File log = new File("log.txt")

        System.out.println("We had to make a new file.");

    FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(log, true);

    BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter);
    bufferedWriter.write("******* " + timeStamp.toString() +"******* " + "\n");

} catch(IOException e) {
    System.out.println("COULD NOT LOG!!");

Laravel Eloquent - distinct() and count() not working properly together

Anyone else come across this post, and not finding the other suggestions to work?

Depending on the specific query, a different approach may be needed. In my case, I needed either count the results of a GROUP BY, e.g.




After some puzzling around, I realised there was no built-in Laravel function for either of these. So the simplest solution was to use use DB::raw with the count method.

$count = $builder->count(DB::raw('DISTINCT b'));

Remember, don't use groupBy before calling count. You can apply groupBy later, if you need it for getting rows.

Swift 2: Call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled

You have to catch the error just as you're already doing for your save() call and since you're handling multiple errors here, you can try multiple calls sequentially in a single do-catch block, like so:

func deleteAccountDetail() {
    let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("AccountDetail", inManagedObjectContext: Context!)
    let request = NSFetchRequest()
    request.entity = entityDescription

    do {
        let fetchedEntities = try self.Context!.executeFetchRequest(request) as! [AccountDetail]

        for entity in fetchedEntities {

        try self.Context!.save()
    } catch {

Or as @bames53 pointed out in the comments below, it is often better practice not to catch the error where it was thrown. You can mark the method as throws then try to call the method. For example:

func deleteAccountDetail() throws {
    let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("AccountDetail", inManagedObjectContext: Context!)
    let request = NSFetchRequest()

    request.entity = entityDescription

    let fetchedEntities = try Context.executeFetchRequest(request) as! [AccountDetail]

    for entity in fetchedEntities {

    try self.Context!.save()

Failed to Connect to MySQL at localhost:3306 with user root

Try to execute below command in your terminal :

mysql -h localhost -P 3306 -u root -p

If you successfully connect to your database, then same thing has to happen with Mysql Workbench.

If you are unable to connect then I think 3306 port is acquired by another process.

Find which process running on 3306 port. If required, give admin privileges using sudo.

netstat -lnp | grep 3306

Kill/stop that process and restart your MySQL server. You are good to go.

Execute below command to find my.cnf file in macbook.

mysql --help | grep cnf

You can change MySQL port to any available port in your system. But after that, make sure you restart MySQL server.

How to move Jenkins from one PC to another

Sometimes we may not have access to a Jenkins machine to copy a folder directly into another Jenkins instance. So I wrote a menu driven utility which uses Jenkins REST API calls to install plugins and jobs from one Jenkins instance to another.

For plugin migration:

  1. GET request: {SOURCE_JENKINS_SERVER}/pluginManager/api/json?depth=1 will get you the list of plugins installed with their version.
  2. You can send a POST request with the following parameters to install these plugins.

    data=`<jenkins><install plugin="{PLUGIN_NAME}@latest"/></jenkins>` (where, latest will fetch the latest version of the plugin_name)
    auth=`(destination_jenkins_username, destination_jenkins_password)`
    header=`{crumb_field:crumb_value,"Content-Type":"application/xml”}` (where crumb_field=Jenkins-Crumb and get crumb value using API call {DESTINATION_JENKINS_SERVER}/crumbIssuer/api/json

For job migration:

  1. You can get the list of jobs installed on {SOURCE_JENKINS_URL} using a REST call, {SOURCE_JENKINS_URL}/view/All/api/json
  2. Then you can get each job config.xml file from the jobs on {SOURCE_JENKINS_URL} using the job URL {SOURCE_JENKINS_URL}/job/{JOB_NAME}.
  3. Use this config.xml file to POST the content of the XML file on {DESTINATION_JENKINS_URL} and that will create a job on {DESTINATION_JENKINS_URL}.

I have created a menu-driven utility in Python which asks the user to start plugin or Jenkins migration and uses Jenkins REST API calls to do it.

You can refer the JenkinsMigration.docx from this URL

Measuring the distance between two coordinates in PHP

For the ones who like shorter and faster(not calling deg2rad()).

function circle_distance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2) {
  $rad = M_PI / 180;
  return acos(sin($lat2*$rad) * sin($lat1*$rad) + cos($lat2*$rad) * cos($lat1*$rad) * cos($lon2*$rad - $lon1*$rad)) * 6371;// Kilometers

Is it possible to use if...else... statement in React render function?

If you want a condition to show elements, you can use something like this.

renderButton() {
    if (this.state.loading) {
        return <Spinner size="small" spinnerStyle={styles.spinnerStyle} />;

    return (
        <Button onPress={this.onButtonPress.bind(this)}>
            Log In

Then call the helping method inside render function.

<View style={styles.buttonStyle}>

Or you can use another way of condition inside return.

{this.props.hasImage ? <element1> : <element2>}

No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

You don't need to install Entity Framework in your Console application, you just need to add a reference to the assembly EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll. You can copy this assembly from the Class Library project that uses Entity Framework to a LIB folder and add a reference to it.

In summary:

  • Class Library application:
    • Install Entity Framework
    • Write your data layer code
    • app.config file has all the configuration related to Entity Framework except for the connection string.
  • Create a Console, web or desktop application:
    • Add a reference to the first project.
    • Add a reference to EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll.
    • app.config/web.config has the connection string (remember that the name of the configuration entry has to be the same as the name of the DbContext class.

I hope it helps.

Why can't DateTime.ParseExact() parse "9/1/2009" using "M/d/yyyy"

I suspect the problem is the slashes in the format string versus the ones in the data. That's a culture-sensitive date separator character in the format string, and the final argument being null means "use the current culture". If you either escape the slashes ("M'/'d'/'yyyy") or you specify CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, it will be okay.

If anyone's interested in reproducing this:

// Works
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("9/1/2009", "M'/'d'/'yyyy", 
                                  new CultureInfo("de-DE"));

// Works
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("9/1/2009", "M/d/yyyy", 
                                  new CultureInfo("en-US"));

// Works
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("9/1/2009", "M/d/yyyy", 

// Fails
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("9/1/2009", "M/d/yyyy", 
                                  new CultureInfo("de-DE"));

IllegalArgumentException or NullPointerException for a null parameter?

I was all in favour of throwing IllegalArgumentException for null parameters, until today, when I noticed the java.util.Objects.requireNonNull method in Java 7. With that method, instead of doing:

if (param == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("param cannot be null.");

you can do:


and it will throw a NullPointerException if the parameter you pass it is null.

Given that that method is right bang in the middle of java.util I take its existence to be a pretty strong indication that throwing NullPointerException is "the Java way of doing things".

I think I'm decided at any rate.

Note that the arguments about hard debugging are bogus because you can of course provide a message to NullPointerException saying what was null and why it shouldn't be null. Just like with IllegalArgumentException.

One added advantage of NullPointerException is that, in highly performance critical code, you could dispense with an explicit check for null (and a NullPointerException with a friendly error message), and just rely on the NullPointerException you'll get automatically when you call a method on the null parameter. Provided you call a method quickly (i.e. fail fast), then you have essentially the same effect, just not quite as user friendly for the developer. Most times it's probably better to check explicitly and throw with a useful message to indicate which parameter was null, but it's nice to have the option of changing that if performance dictates without breaking the published contract of the method/constructor.

SQL Server procedure declare a list

I've always found it easier to invert the test against the list in situations like this. For instance...

    field0, field1, field2 
    ',' + @mysearchlist + ',' LIKE '%,' + CAST(field3 AS VARCHAR) + ',%' 

This means that there is no complicated mish-mash required for the values that you are looking for.

As an example, if our list was ('1,2,3'), then we add a comma to the start and end of our list like so: ',' + @mysearchlist + ','.

We also do the same for the field value we're looking for and add wildcards: '%,' + CAST(field3 AS VARCHAR) + ',%' (notice the % and the , characters).

Finally we test the two using the LIKE operator: ',' + @mysearchlist + ',' LIKE '%,' + CAST(field3 AS VARCHAR) + ',%'.

Getting ssh to execute a command in the background on target machine

I think this is what you need: At first you need to install sshpass on your machine. then you can write your own script:

while read pass port user ip; do
sshpass -p$pass ssh -p $port $user@$ip <<ENDSSH1
done <<____HERE
    PASS    PORT    USER    IP
      .      .       .       .
      .      .       .       .
      .      .       .       .
    PASS    PORT    USER    IP    

Counting duplicates in Excel

If you perhaps also want to eliminate all of the duplicates and keep only a single one of each

Change the formula =COUNTIF(A:A,A2) to =COUNIF($A$2:A2,A2) and drag the formula down. Then autofilter for anything greater than 1 and you can delete them.

Can you autoplay HTML5 videos on the iPad?

iOS 10 update

The ban on autoplay has been lifted as of iOS 10 - but with some restrictions (e.g. A can be autoplayed if there is no audio track).

To see a full list of these restrictions, see the official docs:

iOS 9 and before

As of iOS 6.1, it is no longer possible to auto-play videos on the iPad.

My assumption as to why they've disabled the auto-play feature?

Well, as many device owners have data usage/bandwidth limits on their devices, I think Apple felt that the user themselves should decide when they initiate bandwidth usage.

After a bit of research I found the following extract in the Apple documentation in regard to auto-play on iOS devices to confirm my assumption:

"Apple has made the decision to disable the automatic playing of video on iOS devices, through both script and attribute implementations.

In Safari, on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and auto-play are disabled. No data is loaded until the user initiates it." - Apple documentation.

Here is a separate warning featured on the Safari HTML5 Reference page about why embedded media cannot be played in Safari on iOS:

Warning: To prevent unsolicited downloads over cellular networks at the user’s expense, embedded media cannot be played automatically in Safari on iOS—the user always initiates playback. A controller is automatically supplied on iPhone or iPod touch once playback in initiated, but for iPad you must either set the controls attribute or provide a controller using JavaScript.

What this means (in terms of code) is that Javascript's play() and load() methods are inactive until the user initiates playback, unless the play() or load() method is triggered by user action (e.g. a click event).

Basically, a user-initiated play button works, but an onLoad="play()" event does not.

For example, this would play the movie:

<input type="button" value="Play" onclick="">

Whereas the following would do nothing on iOS:

<body onload="">

How to push both value and key into PHP array

You can use the union operator (+) to combine arrays and keep the keys of the added array. For example:


$arr1 = array('foo' => 'bar');
$arr2 = array('baz' => 'bof');
$arr3 = $arr1 + $arr2;


// prints:
// array(
//   'foo' => 'bar',
//   'baz' => 'bof',
// );

So you could do $_GET += array('one' => 1);.

There's more info on the usage of the union operator vs array_merge in the documentation at Android License Status Unknown

  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. Go to File->Settings.
  3. Search for AndroidSDK.
  4. Update your API Level to latest version.
  5. Then reload Android Studio.

How to filter array when object key value is in array

In 2019 using ES6:

const ids = [1, 4, 5],_x000D_
  data = {_x000D_
    records: [{_x000D_
      "empid": 1,_x000D_
      "fname": "X",_x000D_
      "lname": "Y"_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      "empid": 2,_x000D_
      "fname": "A",_x000D_
      "lname": "Y"_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      "empid": 3,_x000D_
      "fname": "B",_x000D_
      "lname": "Y"_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      "empid": 4,_x000D_
      "fname": "C",_x000D_
      "lname": "Y"_x000D_
    }, {_x000D_
      "empid": 5,_x000D_
      "fname": "C",_x000D_
      "lname": "Y"_x000D_
data.records = data.records.filter( i => ids.includes( i.empid ) );_x000D_
_x000D_ data );

JQuery Parsing JSON array

var dataArray = [];
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(yourInput);

$.each(obj, function (index, value) {
    dataArray.push([value["yourID"].toString(), value["yourValue"] ]);

this helps me a lot :-)

What are the differences between Abstract Factory and Factory design patterns?

Allow me to put it precisely. Most of the answers have already explained, provided diagrams and examples as well.

So my answer would just be a one-liner. My own words: “An abstract factory pattern adds on the abstract layer over multiple factory method implementations. It means an abstract factory contains or composite one or more than one factory method pattern”

How to use session in JSP pages to get information?


<% String username = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute(...); %>

Note that your use of <%! ... %> is translated to class-level, but request is only available in the service() method of the translated servlet.

See how JSP code is translated to a servlet.

UIImageView aspect fit and center

Just pasting the solution:

Just like @manohar said

imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
if (imageView.bounds.size.width > ((UIImage*)imagesArray[i]).size.width && imageView.bounds.size.height > ((UIImage*)imagesArray[i]).size.height) {
       imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;

solved my problem

Extracting Path from OpenFileDialog path/filename

You can use FolderBrowserDialog instead of FileDialog and get the path from the OK result.

FolderBrowserDialog browser = new FolderBrowserDialog();
string tempPath ="";

if (browser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
  tempPath  = browser.SelectedPath; // prints path

How do I check if a Sql server string is null or empty

Here is another solution:

SELECT Isnull(Nullif(listing.offertext, ''), company.offertext) AS offer_text, 
FROM   tbl_directorylisting listing 
       INNER JOIN tbl_companymaster company 
         ON listing.company_id = company.company_id

How to display binary data as image - extjs 4

In front-end JavaScript/HTML, you can load a binary file as an image, you do not have to convert to base64:

<img src="">

my-image is a binary image file. This will load just fine.

CSS3 :unchecked pseudo-class

I think you are trying to over complicate things. A simple solution is to just style your checkbox by default with the unchecked styles and then add the checked state styles.

input[type="checkbox"] {
  // Unchecked Styles
input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
  // Checked Styles

I apologize for bringing up an old thread but felt like it could have used a better answer.

EDIT (3/3/2016):

W3C Specs state that :not(:checked) as their example for selecting the unchecked state. However, this is explicitly the unchecked state and will only apply those styles to the unchecked state. This is useful for adding styling that is only needed on the unchecked state and would need removed from the checked state if used on the input[type="checkbox"] selector. See example below for clarification.

input[type="checkbox"] {
  /* Base Styles aka unchecked */
  font-weight: 300; // Will be overwritten by :checked
  font-size: 16px; // Base styling
input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked) {
  /* Explicit Unchecked Styles */
  border: 1px solid #FF0000; // Only apply border to unchecked state
input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
  /* Checked Styles */
  font-weight: 900; // Use a bold font when checked

Without using :not(:checked) in the example above the :checked selector would have needed to use a border: none; to achieve the same affect.

Use the input[type="checkbox"] for base styling to reduce duplication.

Use the input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked) for explicit unchecked styles that you do not want to apply to the checked state.

RecyclerView: Inconsistency detected. Invalid item position

I am altering data for the RecyclerView in the background Thread. I got the same Exception as the OP. I added this after changing data: Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Hope it helps

Getting Serial Port Information

    (from qP in System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames()
     orderby System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(qP, "~\\d",
     string.Empty).PadLeft(6, '0')
     select qP).ToArray()

.NET data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary -- Speed, memory, and when to use each?

If at all possible, use generics. This includes:

  • List instead of ArrayList
  • Dictionary instead of HashTable

How to add google-play-services.jar project dependency so my project will run and present map

The quick start guide that keyboardsurfer references will work if you need to get your project to build properly, but it leaves you with a dummy google-play-services project in your Eclipse workspace, and it doesn't properly link Eclipse to the Google Play Services Javadocs.

Here's what I did instead:

  1. Install the Google Play Services SDK using the instructions in the Android Maps V2 Quick Start referenced above, or the instructions to Setup Google Play Services SDK, but do not follow the instructions to add Google Play Services into your project.

  2. Right click on the project in the Package Explorer, select Properties to open the properties for your project.

  3. (Only if you already followed the instructions in the quick start guide!) Remove the dependency on the google-play-services project:

    • Click on the Android category and remove the reference to the google-play-services project.

    • Click on the Java Build Path category, then the Projects tab and remove the reference to the google-play-services project.

  4. Click on the Java Build Path category, then the Libraries tab.

  5. Click Add External JARs... and select the google-play-services.jar file. This should be in [Your ADT directory]\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib\libs.

  6. Click on the arrow next to the new google-play-services.jar entry, and select the Javadoc Location item.

  7. Click Edit... and select the folder containing the Google Play Services Javadocs. This should be in [Your ADT directory]\sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\docs\reference.

  8. Still in the Java Build Path category, click on the Order and Export tab. Check the box next to the google-play-services.jar entry.

  9. Click OK to save your project properties.

Your project should now have access to the Google Play Services library, and the Javadocs should display properly in Eclipse.

XmlWriter to Write to a String Instead of to a File

Use StringBuilder:

var sb = new StringBuilder();
    using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sb))
return sb.ToString();

Read line by line in bash script

What you have is piping the text "cat test" into the loop.

You just want:

cat test | \
while read CMD; do
    echo $CMD

Conversion between UTF-8 ArrayBuffer and String

If you are doing this in browser there are no character encoding libraries built-in, but you can get by with:

function pad(n) {
    return n.length < 2 ? "0" + n : n;

var array = new Uint8Array(data);
var str = "";
for( var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; ++i ) {
    str += ( "%" + pad(array[i].toString(16)))

str = decodeURIComponent(str);

Here's a demo that decodes a 3-byte UTF-8 unit:

How can I turn a List of Lists into a List in Java 8?

You can use the flatCollect() pattern from Eclipse Collections.

MutableList<List<Object>> list = Lists.mutable.empty();
MutableList<Object> flat = list.flatCollect(each -> each);

If you can't change list from List:

List<List<Object>> list = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> flat = ListAdapter.adapt(list).flatCollect(each -> each);

Note: I am a contributor to Eclipse Collections.

What is the proper way to comment functions in Python?

The correct way to do it is to provide a docstring. That way, help(add) will also spit out your comment.

def add(self):
    """Create a new user.
    Line 2 of comment...
    And so on... 

That's three double quotes to open the comment and another three double quotes to end it. You can also use any valid Python string. It doesn't need to be multiline and double quotes can be replaced by single quotes.

See: PEP 257

MySQL with Node.js

KnexJs can be used as an SQL query builder in both Node.JS and the browser. I find it easy to use. Let try it - Knex.js

$ npm install knex --save
# Then add one of the following (adding a --save) flag:
$ npm install pg
$ npm install sqlite3
$ npm install mysql
$ npm install mysql2
$ npm install mariasql
$ npm install strong-oracle
$ npm install oracle
$ npm install mssql

var knex = require('knex')({
  client: 'mysql',
  connection: {
    host : '',
    user : 'your_database_user',
    password : 'your_database_password',
    database : 'myapp_test'

You can use it like this'*').from('users')


  first_name: 'Test',
  last_name:  'User'

Windows CMD command for accessing usb?

firstly you have to change the drive, which is allocated to your usb.

follow these step to access your pendrive using CMD. 1- type drivename follow by the colon just like k: 2- type dir it will show all the files and directory in your usb 3- now you can access any file or directory of your usb.

Vue is not defined

Sometimes the problem may be if you import that like this:

const Vue = window.vue;

this may overwrite the original Vue reference.

Loading scripts after page load?

Here is a code I am using and which is working for me.

window.onload = function(){
        var scriptElement=document.createElement('script');
        scriptElement.type = 'text/javascript';
        scriptElement.src = "vendor/js/jquery.min.js";

        setTimeout(function() {
            var scriptElement1=document.createElement('script');
            scriptElement1.type = 'text/javascript';
            scriptElement1.src = "gallery/js/lc_lightbox.lite.min.js";
        }, 100);
        setTimeout(function() {
                lc_lightbox('.elem', {
                    wrap_class: 'lcl_fade_oc',
                    gallery : true, 
                    thumb_attr: 'data-lcl-thumb', 
                    slideshow_time  : 3000,
                    skin: 'minimal',
                    radius: 0,
                    padding : 0,
                    border_w: 0,
        }, 200);

    }, 150);

New lines (\r\n) are not working in email body

"\n\r" produces 2 new lines while "\n","\r" & "\r\n" produce single lines if, in the Header, you use content-type: text/plain.

Beware: If you do the Following php code:

print $message.'<br><br>';
print $message;

you get the following in the Windows browser:


ab cd e f

and with content-type: text/plain you get the following in an email output;


Temporary tables in stored procedures

For short: No


According to the official docs:

If a local temporary table is created in a stored procedure or application that can be executed at the same time by several users, the Database Engine must be able to distinguish the tables created by the different users. The Database Engine does this by internally appending a numeric suffix to each local temporary table name. The full name of a temporary table as stored in the sysobjects table in tempdb is made up of the table name specified in the CREATE TABLE statement and the system-generated numeric suffix. To allow for the suffix, table_name specified for a local temporary name cannot exceed 116 characters.

C# Validating input for textbox on winforms

With WinForms you can use the ErrorProvider in conjunction with the Validating event to handle the validation of user input. The Validating event provides the hook to perform the validation and ErrorProvider gives a nice consistent approach to providing the user with feedback on any error conditions.

How to change the default port of mysql from 3306 to 3360

On newer (for example 8.0.0) the simplest solution is (good choice for a scripted start-up for example):

mysqld --port=23306

sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It means you didn't set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID variables. Kindly set proper working $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID and after that execute sqlplus /nolog command. It will be working.

Using global variables in a function

You may want to explore the notion of namespaces. In Python, the module is the natural place for global data:

Each module has its own private symbol table, which is used as the global symbol table by all functions defined in the module. Thus, the author of a module can use global variables in the module without worrying about accidental clashes with a user’s global variables. On the other hand, if you know what you are doing you can touch a module’s global variables with the same notation used to refer to its functions, modname.itemname.

A specific use of global-in-a-module is described here - How do I share global variables across modules?, and for completeness the contents are shared here:

The canonical way to share information across modules within a single program is to create a special configuration module (often called config or cfg). Just import the configuration module in all modules of your application; the module then becomes available as a global name. Because there is only one instance of each module, any changes made to the module object get reflected everywhere. For example:


x = 0   # Default value of the 'x' configuration setting


import config
config.x = 1


import config
import mod
print config.x

How do I find the difference between two values without knowing which is larger?

This does not address the original question, but I thought I would expand on the answer zinturs gave. If you would like to determine the appropriately-signed distance between any two numbers, you could use a custom function like this:

import math

def distance(a, b):
    if (a == b):
        return 0
    elif (a < 0) and (b < 0) or (a > 0) and (b > 0):
        if (a < b):
            return (abs(abs(a) - abs(b)))
            return -(abs(abs(a) - abs(b)))
        return math.copysign((abs(a) + abs(b)),b)

print(distance(3,-5))  # -8

print(distance(-3,5))  #  8

print(distance(-3,-5)) #  2

print(distance(5,3))   # -2

print(distance(5,5))   #  0

print(distance(-5,3))  #  8

print(distance(5,-3))  # -8

Please share simpler or more pythonic approaches, if you have one.

Add values to app.config and retrieve them

Try adding a Reference to System.Configuration, you get some of the configuration namespace by referencing the System namespace, adding the reference to System.Configuration should allow you to access ConfigurationManager.

What's the best way of scraping data from a website?

You will definitely want to start with a good web scraping framework. Later on you may decide that they are too limiting and you can put together your own stack of libraries but without a lot of scraping experience your design will be much worse than pjscrape or scrapy.

Note: I use the terms crawling and scraping basically interchangeable here. This is a copy of my answer to your Quora question, it's pretty long.


Get very familiar with either Firebug or Chrome dev tools depending on your preferred browser. This will be absolutely necessary as you browse the site you are pulling data from and map out which urls contain the data you are looking for and what data formats make up the responses.

You will need a good working knowledge of HTTP as well as HTML and will probably want to find a decent piece of man in the middle proxy software. You will need to be able to inspect HTTP requests and responses and understand how the cookies and session information and query parameters are being passed around. Fiddler ( and Charles Proxy ( are popular tools. I use mitmproxy ( a lot as I'm more of a keyboard guy than a mouse guy.

Some kind of console/shell/REPL type environment where you can try out various pieces of code with instant feedback will be invaluable. Reverse engineering tasks like this are a lot of trial and error so you will want a workflow that makes this easy.


PHP is basically out, it's not well suited for this task and the library/framework support is poor in this area. Python (Scrapy is a great starting point) and Clojure/Clojurescript (incredibly powerful and productive but a big learning curve) are great languages for this problem. Since you would rather not learn a new language and you already know Javascript I would definitely suggest sticking with JS. I have not used pjscrape but it looks quite good from a quick read of their docs. It's well suited and implements an excellent solution to the problem I describe below.

A note on Regular expressions: DO NOT USE REGULAR EXPRESSIONS TO PARSE HTML. A lot of beginners do this because they are already familiar with regexes. It's a huge mistake, use xpath or css selectors to navigate html and only use regular expressions to extract data from actual text inside an html node. This might already be obvious to you, it becomes obvious quickly if you try it but a lot of people waste a lot of time going down this road for some reason. Don't be scared of xpath or css selectors, they are WAY easier to learn than regexes and they were designed to solve this exact problem.

Javascript-heavy sites

In the old days you just had to make an http request and parse the HTML reponse. Now you will almost certainly have to deal with sites that are a mix of standard HTML HTTP request/responses and asynchronous HTTP calls made by the javascript portion of the target site. This is where your proxy software and the network tab of firebug/devtools comes in very handy. The responses to these might be html or they might be json, in rare cases they will be xml or something else.

There are two approaches to this problem:

The low level approach:

You can figure out what ajax urls the site javascript is calling and what those responses look like and make those same requests yourself. So you might pull the html from and extract one piece of data and then have to pull the json response from to get the other piece of data. You'll need to be aware of passing the correct cookies or session parameters. It's very rare, but occasionally some required parameters for an ajax call will be the result of some crazy calculation done in the site's javascript, reverse engineering this can be annoying.

The embedded browser approach:

Why do you need to work out what data is in html and what data comes in from an ajax call? Managing all that session and cookie data? You don't have to when you browse a site, the browser and the site javascript do that. That's the whole point.

If you just load the page into a headless browser engine like phantomjs it will load the page, run the javascript and tell you when all the ajax calls have completed. You can inject your own javascript if necessary to trigger the appropriate clicks or whatever is necessary to trigger the site javascript to load the appropriate data.

You now have two options, get it to spit out the finished html and parse it or inject some javascript into the page that does your parsing and data formatting and spits the data out (probably in json format). You can freely mix these two options as well.

Which approach is best?

That depends, you will need to be familiar and comfortable with the low level approach for sure. The embedded browser approach works for anything, it will be much easier to implement and will make some of the trickiest problems in scraping disappear. It's also quite a complex piece of machinery that you will need to understand. It's not just HTTP requests and responses, it's requests, embedded browser rendering, site javascript, injected javascript, your own code and 2-way interaction with the embedded browser process.

The embedded browser is also much slower at scale because of the rendering overhead but that will almost certainly not matter unless you are scraping a lot of different domains. Your need to rate limit your requests will make the rendering time completely negligible in the case of a single domain.

Rate Limiting/Bot behaviour

You need to be very aware of this. You need to make requests to your target domains at a reasonable rate. You need to write a well behaved bot when crawling websites, and that means respecting robots.txt and not hammering the server with requests. Mistakes or negligence here is very unethical since this can be considered a denial of service attack. The acceptable rate varies depending on who you ask, 1req/s is the max that the Google crawler runs at but you are not Google and you probably aren't as welcome as Google. Keep it as slow as reasonable. I would suggest 2-5 seconds between each page request.

Identify your requests with a user agent string that identifies your bot and have a webpage for your bot explaining it's purpose. This url goes in the agent string.

You will be easy to block if the site wants to block you. A smart engineer on their end can easily identify bots and a few minutes of work on their end can cause weeks of work changing your scraping code on your end or just make it impossible. If the relationship is antagonistic then a smart engineer at the target site can completely stymie a genius engineer writing a crawler. Scraping code is inherently fragile and this is easily exploited. Something that would provoke this response is almost certainly unethical anyway, so write a well behaved bot and don't worry about this.


Not a unit/integration test person? Too bad. You will now have to become one. Sites change frequently and you will be changing your code frequently. This is a large part of the challenge.

There are a lot of moving parts involved in scraping a modern website, good test practices will help a lot. Many of the bugs you will encounter while writing this type of code will be the type that just return corrupted data silently. Without good tests to check for regressions you will find out that you've been saving useless corrupted data to your database for a while without noticing. This project will make you very familiar with data validation (find some good libraries to use) and testing. There are not many other problems that combine requiring comprehensive tests and being very difficult to test.

The second part of your tests involve caching and change detection. While writing your code you don't want to be hammering the server for the same page over and over again for no reason. While running your unit tests you want to know if your tests are failing because you broke your code or because the website has been redesigned. Run your unit tests against a cached copy of the urls involved. A caching proxy is very useful here but tricky to configure and use properly.

You also do want to know if the site has changed. If they redesigned the site and your crawler is broken your unit tests will still pass because they are running against a cached copy! You will need either another, smaller set of integration tests that are run infrequently against the live site or good logging and error detection in your crawling code that logs the exact issues, alerts you to the problem and stops crawling. Now you can update your cache, run your unit tests and see what you need to change.

Legal Issues

The law here can be slightly dangerous if you do stupid things. If the law gets involved you are dealing with people who regularly refer to wget and curl as "hacking tools". You don't want this.

The ethical reality of the situation is that there is no difference between using browser software to request a url and look at some data and using your own software to request a url and look at some data. Google is the largest scraping company in the world and they are loved for it. Identifying your bots name in the user agent and being open about the goals and intentions of your web crawler will help here as the law understands what Google is. If you are doing anything shady, like creating fake user accounts or accessing areas of the site that you shouldn't (either "blocked" by robots.txt or because of some kind of authorization exploit) then be aware that you are doing something unethical and the law's ignorance of technology will be extraordinarily dangerous here. It's a ridiculous situation but it's a real one.

It's literally possible to try and build a new search engine on the up and up as an upstanding citizen, make a mistake or have a bug in your software and be seen as a hacker. Not something you want considering the current political reality.

Who am I to write this giant wall of text anyway?

I've written a lot of web crawling related code in my life. I've been doing web related software development for more than a decade as a consultant, employee and startup founder. The early days were writing perl crawlers/scrapers and php websites. When we were embedding hidden iframes loading csv data into webpages to do ajax before Jesse James Garrett named it ajax, before XMLHTTPRequest was an idea. Before jQuery, before json. I'm in my mid-30's, that's apparently considered ancient for this business.

I've written large scale crawling/scraping systems twice, once for a large team at a media company (in Perl) and recently for a small team as the CTO of a search engine startup (in Python/Javascript). I currently work as a consultant, mostly coding in Clojure/Clojurescript (a wonderful expert language in general and has libraries that make crawler/scraper problems a delight)

I've written successful anti-crawling software systems as well. It's remarkably easy to write nigh-unscrapable sites if you want to or to identify and sabotage bots you don't like.

I like writing crawlers, scrapers and parsers more than any other type of software. It's challenging, fun and can be used to create amazing things.

Problems using Maven and SSL behind proxy

ymptom: After configuring Nexus to serve SSL maven builds fail with "peer not authenticated" or "PKIX path building failed".

This is usually caused by using a self signed SSL certificate on Nexus. Java does not consider these to be a valid certificates, and will not allow connecting to server's running them by default.

You have a few choices here to fix this:

  1. Add the public certificate of the Nexus server to the trust store of the Java running Maven
  2. Get the certificate on Nexus signed by a root certificate authority such as Verisign
  3. Tell Maven to accept the certificate even though it isn't signed

For option 1 you can use the keytool command and follow the steps in the below article.

Explicitly Trusting a Self-Signed or Private Certificate in a Java Based Client

For option 3, invoke Maven with "-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true". If the host name configured in the certificate doesn't match the host name Nexus is running on you may also need to add "-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true".

Note: These additional parameters are initialized in static initializers, so they have to be passed in via the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable. Passing them on the command line to Maven will not work.

See here for more information:

What is the difference between children and childNodes in JavaScript?

Pick one depends on the method you are looking for!?

I will go with ParentNode.children:

As it provides namedItem method that allows me directly to get one of the children elements without looping through all children or avoiding to use getElementById etc.


ParentNode.children.namedItem('ChildElement-ID'); // JS
ref.current.children.namedItem('ChildElement-ID'); // React
this.$refs.ref.children.namedItem('ChildElement-ID'); // Vue

I will go with Node.childNodes:

As it provides forEach method when I work with window.IntersectionObserver e.g.

nodeList.forEach((node) => { observer.observe(node) })
// IE11 does not support forEach on nodeList, but easy to be polyfilled.

On Chrome 83

Node.childNodes provides entries, forEach, item, keys, length and values

ParentNode.children provides item, length and namedItem

Add to integers in a list

If you try appending the number like, say listName.append(4) , this will append 4 at last. But if you are trying to take <int> and then append it as, num = 4 followed by listName.append(num), this will give you an error as 'num' is of <int> type and listName is of type <list>. So do type cast int(num) before appending it.

filedialog, tkinter and opening files

The exception you get is telling you filedialog is not in your namespace. filedialog (and btw messagebox) is a tkinter module, so it is not imported just with from tkinter import *

>>> from tkinter import *
>>> filedialog
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'filedialog' is not defined

you should use for example:

>>> from tkinter import filedialog
>>> filedialog
<module 'tkinter.filedialog' from 'C:\Python32\lib\tkinter\'>


>>> import tkinter.filedialog as fdialog


>>> from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename

So this would do for your browse button:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from tkinter.messagebox import showerror

class MyFrame(Frame):
    def __init__(self):
        self.master.rowconfigure(5, weight=1)
        self.master.columnconfigure(5, weight=1)

        self.button = Button(self, text="Browse", command=self.load_file, width=10)
        self.button.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)

    def load_file(self):
        fname = askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Template files", "*.tplate"),
                                           ("HTML files", "*.html;*.htm"),
                                           ("All files", "*.*") ))
        if fname:
                print("""here it comes: self.settings["template"].set(fname)""")
            except:                     # <- naked except is a bad idea
                showerror("Open Source File", "Failed to read file\n'%s'" % fname)

if __name__ == "__main__":

enter image description here

Vibrate and Sound defaults on notification

Its work fine to me,You can try it.

 protected void displayNotification() {

        Log.i("Start", "notification");

      // Invoking the default notification service //
        NotificationCompat.Builder  mBuilder =
                new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);

        mBuilder.setContentTitle("New Message");
        mBuilder.setContentText("You have "+unMber_unRead_sms +" new message.");
        mBuilder.setTicker("New message from PayMe..");

      // Increase notification number every time a new notification arrives //

      // Creates an explicit intent for an Activity in your app //

        Intent resultIntent = new Intent(this, FreesmsLog.class);

        TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(this);

      // Adds the Intent that starts the Activity to the top of the stack //
        PendingIntent resultPendingIntent =

      //  mBuilder.setOngoing(true);
        Notification note =;
        note.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;
        note.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;

        mNotificationManager =
                (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
      // notificationID allows you to update the notification later on. //


Find duplicate entries in a column


  SELECT t.ctn_no
GROUP BY t.ctn_no
  HAVING COUNT(t.ctn_no) > 1

...will show you the ctn_no value(s) that have duplicates in your table. Adding criteria to the WHERE will allow you to further tune what duplicates there are:

  SELECT t.ctn_no
   WHERE t.s_ind = 'Y'
GROUP BY t.ctn_no
  HAVING COUNT(t.ctn_no) > 1

If you want to see the other column values associated with the duplicate, you'll want to use a self join:

  JOIN (SELECT t.ctn_no
          FROM YOUR_TABLE t
      GROUP BY t.ctn_no
        HAVING COUNT(t.ctn_no) > 1) y ON y.ctn_no = x.ctn_no

python tuple to dict


>>> t = ((1, 'a'),(2, 'b'))
>>> dict((y, x) for x, y in t)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

How to pass data between fragments

Fragment class A

public class CountryListFragment extends ListFragment{

    /** List of countries to be displayed in the ListFragment */

    ListFragmentItemClickListener ifaceItemClickListener;   

    /** An interface for defining the callback method */
    public interface ListFragmentItemClickListener {
    /** This method will be invoked when an item in the ListFragment is clicked */
    void onListFragmentItemClick(int position);

/** A callback function, executed when this fragment is attached to an activity */  
public void onAttach(Activity activity) {

        /** This statement ensures that the hosting activity implements ListFragmentItemClickListener */
        ifaceItemClickListener = (ListFragmentItemClickListener) activity;          
    }catch(Exception e){
        Toast.makeText(activity.getBaseContext(), "Exception",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Fragment Class B

public class CountryDetailsFragment extends Fragment {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    /** Inflating the layout country_details_fragment_layout to the view object v */
    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.country_details_fragment_layout, null);

    /** Getting the textview object of the layout to set the details */ 
    TextView tv = (TextView) v.findViewById(;      

    /** Getting the bundle object passed from MainActivity ( in Landscape   mode )  or from 
     *  CountryDetailsActivity ( in Portrait Mode )  
     * */
    Bundle b = getArguments();

    /** Getting the clicked item's position and setting corresponding  details in the textview of the detailed fragment */
    tv.setText("Details of " +[b.getInt("position")]);     

    return v;


Main Activity class for passing data between fragments

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements ListFragmentItemClickListener {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

/** This method will be executed when the user clicks on an item in the listview */
public void onListFragmentItemClick(int position) {

    /** Getting the orientation ( Landscape or Portrait ) of the screen */
    int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;

    /** Landscape Mode */
    if(orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ){
        /** Getting the fragment manager for fragment related operations */
        FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();

        /** Getting the fragmenttransaction object, which can be used to add, remove or replace a fragment */
        FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

        /** Getting the existing detailed fragment object, if it already exists. 
         *  The fragment object is retrieved by its tag name  *
Fragment prevFrag = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("");

        /** Remove the existing detailed fragment object if it exists */

        /** Instantiating the fragment CountryDetailsFragment */
  CountryDetailsFragment fragment = new CountryDetailsFragment();

        /** Creating a bundle object to pass the data(the clicked item's   position) from the activity to the fragment */ 
        Bundle b = new Bundle();

        /** Setting the data to the bundle object */
        b.putInt("position", position);

        /** Setting the bundle object to the fragment */

        /** Adding the fragment to the fragment transaction */
        fragmentTransaction.add(,   fragment,"");

        /** Adding this transaction to backstack */

        /** Making this transaction in effect */

    }else{          /** Portrait Mode or Square mode */
        /** Creating an intent object to start the CountryDetailsActivity */
        Intent intent = new Intent("in.wptrafficanalyzer.CountryDetailsActivity");

        /** Setting data ( the clicked item's position ) to this intent */
        intent.putExtra("position", position);

        /** Starting the activity by passing the implicit intent */

Detailde acitivity class

public class CountryDetailsActivity extends Activity{
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    /** Setting the layout for this activity */

    /** Getting the fragment manager for fragment related operations */
    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();

    /** Getting the fragmenttransaction object, which can be used to add, remove or replace a fragment */
    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransacton = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();

    /** Instantiating the fragment CountryDetailsFragment */
    CountryDetailsFragment detailsFragment = new CountryDetailsFragment();

    /** Creating a bundle object to pass the data(the clicked item's position) from the activity to the fragment */
    Bundle b = new Bundle();

    /** Setting the data to the bundle object from the Intent*/
    b.putInt("position", getIntent().getIntExtra("position", 0));

    /** Setting the bundle object to the fragment */

    /** Adding the fragment to the fragment transaction */
    fragmentTransacton.add(, detailsFragment);       

    /** Making this transaction in effect */


Array Of Contries

public class Country {

/** Array of countries used to display in CountryListFragment */
static String name[] = new String[] {
        "Sri Lanka",
        "North Korea",
        "South Korea",

For More Details visit this link []. There are full example ..

Round up value to nearest whole number in SQL UPDATE

For MS SQL CEILING(your number) will round it up. FLOOR(your number) will round it down

Test file upload using HTTP PUT method

In my opinion the best tool for such testing is curl. Its --upload-file option uploads a file by PUT, which is exactly what you want (and it can do much more, like modifying HTTP headers, in case you need it):

curl http://myservice --upload-file file.txt

Convert a string to an enum in C#

// str.ToEnum<EnumType>()
T static ToEnum<T>(this string str) 
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof(T), str);

From Arraylist to Array

Yes it is safe to convert an ArrayList to an Array. Whether it is a good idea depends on your intended use. Do you need the operations that ArrayList provides? If so, keep it an ArrayList. Else convert away!

ArrayList<Integer> foo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Integer[] bar = foo.toArray(new Integer[foo.size()]);
System.out.println("bar.length = " + bar.length);


bar.length = 5

How to Batch Rename Files in a macOS Terminal?

Using mmv

mmv '*_*_*' '#1_#3' *.png

Download and open PDF file using Ajax

This is how i solve this issue.
The answer of Jonathan Amend on this post helped me a lot.
The example below is simplified.

For more details, the above source code is able to download a file using a JQuery Ajax request (GET, POST, PUT etc). It, also, helps to upload parameters as JSON and to change the content type to application/json (my default).

The html source:

<form method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="startDate"/>
    <input type="text" name="endDate"/>
    <input type="text" name="startDate"/>
    <select name="reportTimeDetail">
        <option value="1">1</option>
    <button type="submit"> Submit</button>

A simple form with two input text, one select and a button element.

The javascript page source:

<script type="text/javascript" src="JQuery 1.11.0 link"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // File Download on form submition.
    $(document).on("ready", function(){
        $("form button").on("click", function (event) {
            event.stopPropagation(); // Do not propagate the event.

            // Create an object that will manage to download the file.
            new AjaxDownloadFile({
                url: "url that returns a file",
                data: JSON.stringify($("form").serializeObject())

            return false; // Do not submit the form.

A simple event on button click. It creates an AjaxDownloadFile object. The AjaxDownloadFile class source is below.

The AjaxDownloadFile class source:

var AjaxDownloadFile = function (configurationSettings) {
    // Standard settings.
    this.settings = {
        // JQuery AJAX default attributes.
        url: "",
        type: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
        data: {},
        // Custom events.
        onSuccessStart: function (response, status, xhr, self) {
        onSuccessFinish: function (response, status, xhr, self, filename) {
        onErrorOccured: function (response, status, xhr, self) {
    }; = function () {
        var self = this;
            type: this.settings.type,
            url: this.settings.url,
            headers: this.settings.headers,
            success: function (response, status, xhr) {
                // Start custom event.
                self.settings.onSuccessStart(response, status, xhr, self);

                // Check if a filename is existing on the response headers.
                var filename = "";
                var disposition = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Disposition");
                if (disposition && disposition.indexOf("attachment") !== -1) {
                    var filenameRegex = /filename[^;=\n]*=(([""]).*?\2|[^;\n]*)/;
                    var matches = filenameRegex.exec(disposition);
                    if (matches != null && matches[1])
                        filename = matches[1].replace(/[""]/g, "");

                var type = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
                var blob = new Blob([response], {type: type});

                if (typeof window.navigator.msSaveBlob !== "undefined") {
                    // IE workaround for "HTML7007: One or more blob URLs were revoked by closing the blob for which they were created. These URLs will no longer resolve as the data backing the URL has been freed.
                    window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
                } else {
                    var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
                    var downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

                    if (filename) {
                        // Use HTML5 a[download] attribute to specify filename.
                        var a = document.createElement("a");
                        // Safari doesn"t support this yet.
                        if (typeof === "undefined") {
                            window.location = downloadUrl;
                        } else {
                            a.href = downloadUrl;
                   = filename;
                    } else {
                        window.location = downloadUrl;

                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 100); // Cleanup

                // Final custom event.
                self.settings.onSuccessFinish(response, status, xhr, self, filename);
            error: function (response, status, xhr) {
                // Custom event to handle the error.
                self.settings.onErrorOccured(response, status, xhr, self);
    // Constructor.
        // Merge settings.
        $.extend(this.settings, configurationSettings);
        // Make the request.;

I created this class to added to my JS library. It is reusable. Hope that helps.

Methods vs Constructors in Java

The important difference between constructors and methods is that constructors initialize objects that are being created with the new operator, while methods perform operations on objects that already exist.

Constructors can't be called directly; they are called implicitly when the new keyword creates an object. Methods can be called directly on an object that has already been created with new.

The definitions of constructors and methods look similar in code. They can take parameters, they can have modifiers (e.g. public), and they have method bodies in braces.

Constructors must be named with the same name as the class name. They can't return anything, even void (the object itself is the implicit return).

Methods must be declared to return something, although it can be void.

T-SQL: How to Select Values in Value List that are NOT IN the Table?

Use this : -- SQL Server 2008 or later

Inner Join (
    EMail, [Status]
        ('email1', 'Exist'),
        ('email2', 'Exist'),
        ('email3', 'Not Exist'),
        ('email4', 'Exist')
    )AS TempTableName (EMail, [Status])
  Where TempTableName.EMail IN ('email1','email2','email3')
) As TMP ON U.EMail = TMP.EMail

How to configure multi-module Maven + Sonar + JaCoCo to give merged coverage report?

to have unit-testing AND integration-testing you can use maven-surefire-plugin and maven-failsafe-plugin with restricted includes/excludes. I was playing with CDI while getting in touch with sonar/jacoco, so i ended up in this project:

Maybe it helps you a little bit. in my pom.xml i use "-javaagent" implicit by setting the argLine-option in the configuration-section of the specified testing-plugins. Explicit using ANT in MAVEN projects is something i would not give a try, for me its to much mixing two worlds.

I only have a single-module maven project, but maybe it helps you to adjust yours to work.

note: maybe not all maven-plugins are up2date, maybe some issues are fixed in later versions

How do I import a .sql file in mysql database using PHP?

Grain Script is superb and save my day. Meanwhile mysql is depreciated and I rewrote Grain answer using PDO.

    $server  =  'localhost'; 
    $username   = 'root'; 
    $password   = 'your password';  
    $database = 'sample_db';

    /* PDO connection start */
    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$server; dbname=$database", $username, $password);
    $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);         
    $conn->exec("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");     
    /* PDO connection end */

    // your config
    $filename = 'yourFile.sql';

    $maxRuntime = 8; // less then your max script execution limit

    $deadline = time()+$maxRuntime; 
    $progressFilename = $filename.'_filepointer'; // tmp file for progress
    $errorFilename = $filename.'_error'; // tmp file for erro

    ($fp = fopen($filename, 'r')) OR die('failed to open file:'.$filename);

    // check for previous error
    if( file_exists($errorFilename) ){
        die('<pre> previous error: '.file_get_contents($errorFilename));

    // activate automatic reload in browser
    echo '<html><head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.($maxRuntime+2).'"><pre>';

    // go to previous file position
    $filePosition = 0;
    if( file_exists($progressFilename) ){
        $filePosition = file_get_contents($progressFilename);
        fseek($fp, $filePosition);

    $queryCount = 0;
    $query = '';
    while( $deadline>time() AND ($line=fgets($fp, 1024000)) ){
        if(substr($line,0,2)=='--' OR trim($line)=='' ){

        $query .= $line;
        if( substr(trim($query),-1)==';' ){

            $igweze_prep= $conn->prepare($query);

                $error = 'Error performing query \'<strong>' . $query . '\': ' . print_r($conn->errorInfo());
                file_put_contents($errorFilename, $error."\n");
            $query = '';
            file_put_contents($progressFilename, ftell($fp)); // save the current file position for 

    if( feof($fp) ){
        echo 'dump successfully restored!';
        echo ftell($fp).'/'.filesize($filename).' '.(round(ftell($fp)/filesize($filename), 2)*100).'%'."\n";
        echo $queryCount.' queries processed! please reload or wait for automatic browser refresh!';

MySQL 'create schema' and 'create database' - Is there any difference

The documentation of MySQL says :

CREATE DATABASE creates a database with the given name. To use this statement, you need the CREATE privilege for the database. CREATE SCHEMA is a synonym for CREATE DATABASE as of MySQL 5.0.2.

So, it would seem normal that those two instruction do the same.

Execute a SQL Stored Procedure and process the results


To execute a stored procedure returning rows programmatically using a command object

Dim sqlConnection1 As New SqlConnection("Your Connection String")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim reader As SqlDataReader

cmd.CommandText = "StoredProcedureName"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1


reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
' Data is accessible through the DataReader object here.
' Use Read method (true/false) to see if reader has records and advance to next record
' You can use a While loop for multiple records (While reader.Read() ... End While)
If reader.Read() Then
  someVar = reader(0)
  someVar2 = reader(1)
  someVar3 = reader("NamedField")
End If    


Custom format for time command

Use the bash built-in variable SECONDS. Each time you reference the variable it will return the elapsed time since the script invocation.


echo "Start $SECONDS"
sleep 10
echo "Middle $SECONDS"
sleep 10
echo "End $SECONDS"


Start 0
Middle 10
End 20

relative path in require_once doesn't work

for php version 5.2.17 __DIR__ will not work it will only works with php 5.3

But for older version of php dirname(__FILE__) perfectly

For example write like this

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/db_config.php';

How to view Plugin Manager in Notepad++

My system was 32 bit. I removed and re-installed Notepad++. After that from below got and extracted it.

I created a folder called PluginManager at C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\ and copied PluginManager.dll into it. I restarted my notepad++ and now I see Plugin Manager.

enter image description here

How to redirect cin and cout to files?

Here is a short code snippet for shadowing cin/cout useful for programming contests:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    ifstream cin("input.txt");
    ofstream cout("output.txt");

    int a, b;   
    cin >> a >> b;
    cout << a + b << endl;

This gives additional benefit that plain fstreams are faster than synced stdio streams. But this works only for the scope of single function.

Global cin/cout redirect can be written as:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

void func() {
    int a, b;
    std::cin >> a >> b;
    std::cout << a + b << endl;

int main() {
    ifstream cin("input.txt");
    ofstream cout("output.txt");

    // optional performance optimizations    



Note that ios_base::sync_with_stdio also resets std::cin.rdbuf. So the order matters.

See also Significance of ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);

Std io streams can also be easily shadowed for the scope of single file, which is useful for competitive programming:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using std::endl;

std::ifstream cin("input.txt");
std::ofstream cout("output.txt");

int a, b;

void read() {
    cin >> a >> b;

void write() {
    cout << a + b << endl;

int main() {

But in this case we have to pick std declarations one by one and avoid using namespace std; as it would give ambiguity error:

error: reference to 'cin' is ambiguous
     cin >> a >> b;
note: candidates are: 
std::ifstream cin
    ifstream cin("input.txt");
    In file test.cpp
std::istream std::cin
    extern istream cin;  /// Linked to standard input

See also How do you properly use namespaces in C++?, Why is "using namespace std" considered bad practice? and How to resolve a name collision between a C++ namespace and a global function?

What is the advantage of using heredoc in PHP?

The heredoc syntax is much cleaner to me and it is really useful for multi-line strings and avoiding quoting issues. Back in the day I used to use them to construct SQL queries:

$sql = <<<SQL
select *
  from $tablename
 where id in [$order_ids_list]
   and product_name = "widgets"

To me this has a lower probability of introducing a syntax error than using quotes:

$sql = "
select *
  from $tablename
 where id in [$order_ids_list]
   and product_name = \"widgets\"

Another point is to avoid escaping double quotes in your string:

$x = "The point of the \"argument" was to illustrate the use of here documents";

The problem with the above is the syntax error (the missing escaped quote) I just introduced as opposed to here document syntax:

$x = <<<EOF
The point of the "argument" was to illustrate the use of here documents

It is a bit of style, but I use the following as rules for single, double and here documents for defining strings:

  • Single quotes are used when the string is a constant like 'no variables here'
  • Double quotes when I can put the string on a single line and require variable interpolation or an embedded single quote "Today is ${user}'s birthday"
  • Here documents for multi-line strings that require formatting and variable interpolation.

The difference between fork(), vfork(), exec() and clone()

in fork(), either child or parent process will execute based on cpu selection.. But in vfork(), surely child will execute first. after child terminated, parent will execute.

Get Android API level of phone currently running my application

try this :Float.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE) <= 2.1

How can I use Google's Roboto font on a website?

It's actually quite simple. Go to the font on Google's website, and add its link to the head of every page you want to include the font.

BASH Syntax error near unexpected token 'done'

Might help someone else : I encountered the same kind of issues while I had done some "copy-paste" from a side Microsoft Word document, where I took notes, to my shell script(s).

Re-writing, manually, the exact same code in the script just solved this.

It was quite un-understandable at first, I think Word's hidden characters and/or formatting were the issue. Obvious but not see-able ... I lost about one hour on this (I'm no shell expert, as you might guess ...)

How to position two divs horizontally within another div

Instead of using overflow:hidden, which is a kind of hack, why not simply setting a fixed height, e.g. height:500px, to the parent division?

Keep-alive header clarification

Where is this info kept ("this connection is between computer A and server F")?

A TCP connection is recognized by source IP and port and destination IP and port. Your OS, all intermediate session-aware devices and the server's OS will recognize the connection by this.

HTTP works with request-response: client connects to server, performs a request and gets a response. Without keep-alive, the connection to an HTTP server is closed after each response. With HTTP keep-alive you keep the underlying TCP connection open until certain criteria are met.

This allows for multiple request-response pairs over a single TCP connection, eliminating some of TCP's relatively slow connection startup.

When The IIS (F) sends keep alive header (or user sends keep-alive) , does it mean that (E,C,B) save a connection

No. Routers don't need to remember sessions. In fact, multiple TCP packets belonging to same TCP session need not all go through same routers - that is for TCP to manage. Routers just choose the best IP path and forward packets. Keep-alive is only for client, server and any other intermediate session-aware devices.

which is only for my session ?

Does it mean that no one else can use that connection

That is the intention of TCP connections: it is an end-to-end connection intended for only those two parties.

If so - does it mean that keep alive-header - reduce the number of overlapped connection users ?

Define "overlapped connections". See HTTP persistent connection for some advantages and disadvantages, such as:

  • Lower CPU and memory usage (because fewer connections are open simultaneously).
  • Enables HTTP pipelining of requests and responses.
  • Reduced network congestion (fewer TCP connections).
  • Reduced latency in subsequent requests (no handshaking).

if so , for how long does the connection is saved to me ? (in other words , if I set keep alive- "keep" till when?)

An typical keep-alive response looks like this:

Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100

See Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Keep-Alive Header for example (a draft for HTTP/2 where the keep-alive header is explained in greater detail than both 2616 and 2086):

  • A host sets the value of the timeout parameter to the time that the host will allows an idle connection to remain open before it is closed. A connection is idle if no data is sent or received by a host.

  • The max parameter indicates the maximum number of requests that a client will make, or that a server will allow to be made on the persistent connection. Once the specified number of requests and responses have been sent, the host that included the parameter could close the connection.

However, the server is free to close the connection after an arbitrary time or number of requests (just as long as it returns the response to the current request). How this is implemented depends on your HTTP server.

How to install iPhone application in iPhone Simulator

Please note: this answer is obsolete, the functionality was removed from iOS simulator.

I have just found that you don't need to copy the mobile application bundle to the iPhone Simulator's folder to start it on the simulator, as described in the forum. That way you need to click on the app to get it started, not confortable when you want to do testing and start the app numerous times.

There are undocumented command line parameters for the iOS Simulator, which can be used for such purposes. The one you are looking for is: -SimulateApplication

An example command line starting up YourFavouriteApp:

/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\\ Simulator -SimulateApplication path_to_your_app/

This will start up your application without any installation and works with iOS Simulator 4.2 at least. You cannot reach the home menu, though.

There are other unpublished command line parameters, like switching the SDK. Happy hunting for those...

Get element type with jQuery

Use Nodename over tagName :

nodeName contains all functionalities of tagName, plus a few more. Therefore nodeName is always the better choice.

see DOM Core

Sorting a vector in descending order

First approach refers:

    std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), std::greater<>());

You may use the first approach because of getting more efficiency than second.
The first approach's time complexity less than second one.

Are there any free Xml Diff/Merge tools available?

Altova's DiffDog has free 30-day trial and should do what you're looking for:

How to convert DataTable to class Object?

Is it very expensive to do this by json convert? But at least you have a 2 line solution and its generic. It does not matter eather if your datatable contains more or less fields than the object class:

Dim sSql = $"SELECT '{jobID}' AS ConfigNo, 'MainSettings' AS ParamName, VarNm AS ParamFieldName, 1 AS ParamSetId, Val1 AS ParamValue FROM StrSVar WHERE NmSp = '{sAppName} Params {jobID}'"
            Dim dtParameters As DataTable = DBLib.GetDatabaseData(sSql)

            Dim paramListObject As New List(Of ParameterListModel)()

            If (Not dtParameters Is Nothing And dtParameters.Rows.Count > 0) Then
                Dim json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtParameters).ToString()

                paramListObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of List(Of ParameterListModel))(json)
            End If

Set auto height and width in CSS/HTML for different screen sizes


I hope that is the solution you're looking for! DEMO1 DEMO2

With that solution the only scrollbar in the page is on your contents section in the middle! In that section build your structure with a sidebar or whatever you want!

You can do that with that code here:

<div class="navTop">
    <nav>Dynamic menu</nav>
<div class="container">
    <section>THE CONTENTS GOES HERE</section>
<footer class="bottomFooter">

With that css:

border:1px solid black;
border:1px solid black;

And a bit of jquery:

$(document).ready(function() {
  function setHeight() {
    var top = $('.navTop').outerHeight();
    var bottom = $('footer').outerHeight();
    var totHeight = $(window).height();
      'height': totHeight - top - bottom + 'px'

  $(window).on('resize', function() { setHeight(); });


If you don't want jquery

<div class="row">

<div class="row container">
    <div class="content">
        <div class="sidebar">
        <div class="contents">


width: 100%;
background: yellow;
background: pink;
.content {
display: block;
padding-bottom: 40px;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: fixed; 
bottom: 0; 
left: 0; 
background: yellow;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;


How do I create a folder in VB if it doesn't exist?

You should try using the File System Object or FSO. There are many methods belonging to this object that check if folders exist as well as creating new folders.

How to increase Heap size of JVM

Start the program with -Xms=[size] -Xmx -XX:MaxPermSize=[size] -XX:MaxNewSize=[size]

For example -

-Xms512m -Xmx1152m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m

int to hex string

Use ToString("X4").

The 4 means that the string will be 4 digits long.

Reference: The Hexadecimal ("X") Format Specifier on MSDN.

Extract time from moment js object

This is the good way using formats:

const now = moment()
now.format("hh:mm:ss K") // 1:00:00 PM
now.format("HH:mm:ss") // 13:00:00

Red more about moment sring format

How to compare two java objects

You have to correctly override method equals() from class Object

Edit: I think that my first response was misunderstood probably because I was not too precise. So I decided to to add more explanations.

Why do you have to override equals()? Well, because this is in the domain of a developer to decide what does it mean for two objects to be equal. Reference equality is not enough for most of the cases.

For example, imagine that you have a HashMap whose keys are of type Person. Each person has name and address. Now, you want to find detailed bean using the key. The problem is, that you usually are not able to create an instance with the same reference as the one in the map. What you do is to create another instance of class Person. Clearly, operator == will not work here and you have to use equals().

But now, we come to another problem. Let's imagine that your collection is very large and you want to execute a search. The naive implementation would compare your key object with every instance in a map using equals(). That, however, would be very expansive. And here comes the hashCode(). As others pointed out, hashcode is a single number that does not have to be unique. The important requirement is that whenever equals() gives true for two objects, hashCode() must return the same value for both of them. The inverse implication does not hold, which is a good thing, because hashcode separates our keys into kind of buckets. We have a small number of instances of class Person in a single bucket. When we execute a search, the algorithm can jump right away to a correct bucket and only now execute equals for each instance. The implementation for hashCode() therefore must distribute objects as evenly as possible across buckets.

There is one more point. Some collections require a proper implementation of a hashCode() method in classes that are used as keys not only for performance reasons. The examples are: HashSet and LinkedHashSet. If they don’t override hashCode(), the default Object hashCode() method will allow multiple objects that you might consider "meaningfully equal" to be added to your "no duplicates allowed" set.

Some of the collections that use hashCode()

  • HashSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • HashMap

Have a look at those two classes from apache commons that will allow you to implement equals() and hashCode() easily

twitter bootstrap navbar fixed top overlapping site

All you have to do is

@media (min-width: 980px) { body { padding-top: 40px; } } 

Setting PHP tmp dir - PHP upload not working

The problem described here was solved by me quite a long time ago but I don't really remember what was the main reason that uploads weren't working. There were multiple things that needed fixing so the upload could work. I have created checklist that might help others having similar problems and I will edit it to make it as helpful as possible. As I said before on chat, I was working on embedded system, so some points may be skipped on non-embedded systems.

  • Check upload_tmp_dir in php.ini. This is directory where PHP stores temporary files while uploading.

  • Check open_basedir in php.ini. If defined it limits PHP read/write rights to specified path and its subdirectories. Ensure that upload_tmp_dir is inside this path.

  • Check post_max_size in php.ini. If you want to upload 20 Mbyte files, try something a little bigger, like post_max_size = 21M. This defines largest size of POST message which you are probably using during upload.

  • Check upload_max_filesize in php.ini. This specifies biggest file that can be uploaded.

  • Check memory_limit in php.ini. That's the maximum amount of memory a script may consume. It's quite obvious that it can't be lower than upload size (to be honest I'm not quite sure about it-PHP is probably buffering while copying temporary files).

  • Ensure that you're checking the right php.ini file that is one used by PHP on your webserver. The best solution is to execute script with directive described here (php_ini_loaded_file function)

  • Check what user php runs as (See here how to do it: How to check what user php is running as? ). I have worked on different distros and servers. Sometimes it is apache, but sometimes it can be root. Anyway, check that this user has rights for reading and writing in the temporary directory and directory that you're uploading into. Check all directories in the path in case you're uploading into subdirectory (for example /dir1/dir2/-check both dir1 and dir2.

  • On embedded platforms you sometimes need to restrict writing to root filesystem because it is stored on flash card and this helps to extend life of this card. If you are using scripts to enable/disable file writes, ensure that you enable writing before uploading.

  • I had serious problems with PHP >5.4 upload monitoring based on sessions (as described here ) on some platforms. Try something simple at first (like here: ). If it works, you can try more sophisticated mechanisms.

  • If you make any changes in php.ini remember to restart server so the configuration will be reloaded.

Execute command without keeping it in history

echo "discreet";history -d $(history 1)

Hover and Active only when not disabled

.button:active:hover:not([disabled]) {
    /*your styles*/

You can try this..

Remove a prefix from a string

I think you can use methods of the str type to do this. There's no need for regular expressions:

def remove_prefix(text, prefix):
    if text.startswith(prefix): # only modify the text if it starts with the prefix
         text = text.replace(prefix, "", 1) # remove one instance of prefix
    return text

JQuery to load Javascript file dynamically

Yes, use getScript instead of document.write - it will even allow for a callback once the file loads.

You might want to check if TinyMCE is defined, though, before including it (for subsequent calls to 'Add Comment') so the code might look something like this:

$('#add_comment').click(function() {
    if(typeof TinyMCE == "undefined") {
        $.getScript('tinymce.js', function() {

Assuming you only have to call init on it once, that is. If not, you can figure it out from here :)

how to rotate a bitmap 90 degrees

Using Java createBitmap() method you can pass the degrees.

Bitmap bInput /*your input bitmap*/, bOutput;
float degrees = 45; //rotation degree
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
bOutput = Bitmap.createBitmap(bInput, 0, 0, bInput.getWidth(), bInput.getHeight(), matrix, true);

Format certain floating dataframe columns into percentage in pandas

Just another way of doing it should you require to do it over a larger range of columns

using applymap

df[['var1','var2']] = df[['var1','var2']].applymap("{0:.2f}".format)
df['var3'] = df['var3'].applymap(lambda x: "{0:.2f}%".format(x*100))

applymap is useful if you need to apply the function over multiple columns; it's essentially an abbreviation of the below for this specific example:

df[['var1','var2']].apply(lambda x: map(lambda x:'{:.2f}%'.format(x),x),axis=1)

Great explanation below of apply, map applymap:

Difference between map, applymap and apply methods in Pandas

How to know elastic search installed version from kibana?

If you are logged into your Kibana, you can click on the Management tab and that will show your Kibana version. Alternatively, you can click on the small tube-like icon enter image description here and that will show the version number.

Watching variables in SSIS during debug

Drag the variable from Variables pane to Watch pane and voila!

Java generating Strings with placeholders

This can be done in a single line without the use of library. Please check java.text.MessageFormat class.


String stringWithPlaceHolder = "test String with placeholders {0} {1} {2} {3}";
String formattedStrin = java.text.MessageFormat.format(stringWithPlaceHolder, "place-holder-1", "place-holder-2", "place-holder-3", "place-holder-4");

Output will be

test String with placeholders place-holder-1 place-holder-2 place-holder-3 place-holder-4

Do something if screen width is less than 960 px

// Adds and removes body class depending on screen width.
function screenClass() {
    if($(window).innerWidth() > 960) {
    } else {

// Fire.

// And recheck when window gets resized.

best practice font size for mobile

Based on my comment to the accepted answer, there are a lot potential pitfalls that you may encounter by declaring font-sizes smaller than 12px. By declaring styles that lead to computed font-sizes of less than 12px, like so:

html {
  font-size: 8px;
p {
  font-size: 1.4rem;
// Computed p size: 11px.

You'll run into issues with browsers, like Chrome with a Chinese language pack that automatically renders any font sizes computed under 12px as 12px. So, the following is true:

h6 {
    font-size: 12px;
p {
   font-size: 8px;
// Both render at 12px in Chrome with a Chinese language pack.   
// How unpleasant of a surprise.

I would also argue that for accessibility reasons, you generally shouldn't use sizes under 12px. You might be able to make a case for captions and the like, but again--prepare to be surprised under some browser setups, and prepared to make your grandma squint when she's trying to read your content.

I would instead, opt for something like this:

h1 {
    font-size: 2.5rem;

h2 {
    font-size: 2.25rem;

h3 {
    font-size: 2rem;

h4 {
    font-size: 1.75rem;

h5 {
    font-size: 1.5rem;

h6 {
    font-size: 1.25rem;

p {
    font-size: 1rem;

@media (max-width: 480px) {
    html {
        font-size: 12px;

@media (min-width: 480px) {
    html {
        font-size: 13px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    html {
        font-size: 14px;

@media (min-width: 992px) {
    html {
        font-size: 15px;

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
    html {
        font-size: 16px;

You'll find that tons of sites that have to focus on accessibility use rather large font sizes, even for p elements.

As a side note, setting margin-bottom equal to the font-size usually also tends to be attractive, i.e.:

h1 {
    font-size: 2.5rem;
    margin-bottom: 2.5rem;

Good luck.

Getting Chrome to accept self-signed localhost certificate

This post is already flooded with responses, but I created a bash script based on some of the other answers to make it easier to generate a self-signed TLS certificate valid in Chrome (Tested in Chrome 65.x). Hope it's useful to others.

self-signed-tls bash script

After you install (and trust) the certificate, don't forget to restart Chrome (chrome://restart)

Another tool worth checking out is CloudFlare's cfssl toolkit:


how to convert numeric to nvarchar in sql command

select convert(nvarchar(255), 4343)

Should do the trick.

How do I update a Linq to SQL dbml file?

In the case of stored procedure update, you should delete it from the .dbml file and reinsert it again. But if the stored procedure have two paths (ex: if something; display some columns; else display some other columns), make sure the two paths have the same columns aliases!!! Otherwise only the first path columns will exist.

import module from string variable

The __import__ function can be a bit hard to understand.

If you change

i = __import__('matplotlib.text')


i = __import__('matplotlib.text', fromlist=[''])

then i will refer to matplotlib.text.

In Python 2.7 and Python 3.1 or later, you can use importlib:

import importlib

i = importlib.import_module("matplotlib.text")

Some notes

  • If you're trying to import something from a sub-folder e.g. ./feature/, the code will look like importlib.import_module("")

  • You can't import anything if there is no in the folder with file you are trying to import

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

To create list of lists, you need to separate them with commas, like this

coin_args = [
    ["pennies", '2.5', '50.0', '.01'],
    ["nickles", '5.0', '40.0', '.05'],
    ["dimes", '2.268', '50.0', '.1'],
    ["quarters", '5.67', '40.0', '.25']

Set equal width of columns in table layout in Android

Try this.

It boils down to adding android:stretchColumns="*" to your TableLayout root and setting android:layout_width="0dp" to all the children in your TableRows.

    android:stretchColumns="*"   // Optionally use numbered list "0,1,2,3,..."

How to make the script wait/sleep in a simple way in unity

You were correct to use WaitForSeconds. But I suspect that you tried using it without coroutines. That's how it should work:

public void SomeMethod()

private IEnumerator SomeCoroutine()
    TextUI.text = "Welcome to Number Wizard!";
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (3);
    TextUI.text = ("The highest number you can pick is " + max);
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (3);
    TextUI.text = ("The lowest number you can pick is " + min);

How do I remove duplicate items from an array in Perl?

The Perl documentation comes with a nice collection of FAQs. Your question is frequently asked:

% perldoc -q duplicate

The answer, copy and pasted from the output of the command above, appears below:

Found in /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/pods/perlfaq4.pod
 How can I remove duplicate elements from a list or array?
   (contributed by brian d foy)

   Use a hash. When you think the words "unique" or "duplicated", think
   "hash keys".

   If you don't care about the order of the elements, you could just
   create the hash then extract the keys. It's not important how you
   create that hash: just that you use "keys" to get the unique elements.

       my %hash   = map { $_, 1 } @array;
       # or a hash slice: @hash{ @array } = ();
       # or a foreach: $hash{$_} = 1 foreach ( @array );

       my @unique = keys %hash;

   If you want to use a module, try the "uniq" function from
   "List::MoreUtils". In list context it returns the unique elements,
   preserving their order in the list. In scalar context, it returns the
   number of unique elements.

       use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);

       my @unique = uniq( 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7 ); # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
       my $unique = uniq( 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7 ); # 7

   You can also go through each element and skip the ones you've seen
   before. Use a hash to keep track. The first time the loop sees an
   element, that element has no key in %Seen. The "next" statement creates
   the key and immediately uses its value, which is "undef", so the loop
   continues to the "push" and increments the value for that key. The next
   time the loop sees that same element, its key exists in the hash and
   the value for that key is true (since it's not 0 or "undef"), so the
   next skips that iteration and the loop goes to the next element.

       my @unique = ();
       my %seen   = ();

       foreach my $elem ( @array )
         next if $seen{ $elem }++;
         push @unique, $elem;

   You can write this more briefly using a grep, which does the same

       my %seen = ();
       my @unique = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } @array;

Check if an element is present in an array

In lodash you can use _.includes (which also aliases to _.contains)

You can search the whole array:

_.includes([1, 2, 3], 1); // true

You can search the array from a starting index:

_.includes([1, 2, 3], 1, 1);  // false (begins search at index 1)

Search a string:

_.includes('pebbles', 'eb');  // true (string contains eb)

Also works for checking simple arrays of objects:

_.includes({ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40 }, 'fred');    // true
_.includes({ 'user': 'fred', 'age': false }, false);  // true

One thing to note about the last case is it works for primitives like strings, numbers and booleans but cannot search through arrays or objects

_.includes({ 'user': 'fred', 'age': {} }, {});   // false
_.includes({ 'user': [1,2,3], 'age': {} }, 3);   // false

laravel 5.3 new Auth::routes()

Here's Laravel 5.7, Laravel 5.8, Laravel 6.0, Laravel 7.0, and Laravel 8.0 (note a minor bc change in 6.0 to the email verification route).

// Authentication Routes...
Route::get('login', 'Auth\LoginController@showLoginForm')->name('login');
Route::post('login', 'Auth\LoginController@login');
Route::post('logout', 'Auth\LoginController@logout')->name('logout');

// Registration Routes...
Route::get('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@showRegistrationForm')->name('register');
Route::post('register', 'Auth\RegisterController@register');

// Password Reset Routes...
Route::get('password/reset', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@showLinkRequestForm')->name('password.request');
Route::post('password/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail')->name('');
Route::get('password/reset/{token}', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@showResetForm')->name('password.reset');
Route::post('password/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController@reset')->name('password.update');

// Confirm Password (added in v6.2)
Route::get('password/confirm', 'Auth\ConfirmPasswordController@showConfirmForm')->name('password.confirm');
Route::post('password/confirm', 'Auth\ConfirmPasswordController@confirm');

// Email Verification Routes...
Route::get('email/verify', 'Auth\VerificationController@show')->name('verification.notice');
Route::get('email/verify/{id}/{hash}', 'Auth\VerificationController@verify')->name('verification.verify'); // v6.x
/* Route::get('email/verify/{id}', 'Auth\VerificationController@verify')->name('verification.verify'); // v5.x */
Route::get('email/resend', 'Auth\VerificationController@resend')->name('verification.resend');

You can verify these routes here:

Iterating through a JSON object

Your loading of the JSON data is a little fragile. Instead of:

json_raw= raw.readlines()
json_object = json.loads(json_raw[0])

you should really just do:

json_object = json.load(raw)

You shouldn't think of what you get as a "JSON object". What you have is a list. The list contains two dicts. The dicts contain various key/value pairs, all strings. When you do json_object[0], you're asking for the first dict in the list. When you iterate over that, with for song in json_object[0]:, you iterate over the keys of the dict. Because that's what you get when you iterate over the dict. If you want to access the value associated with the key in that dict, you would use, for example, json_object[0][song].

None of this is specific to JSON. It's just basic Python types, with their basic operations as covered in any tutorial.

How to create a directory in Java?

With Java 7, you can use Files.createDirectories().

For instance:


Bootstrap 3 Flush footer to bottom. not fixed

There is a simplified solution from bootstrap here (where you don't need to create a new class):

When you open that page, right click on a browser and "View Source" and open the sticky-footer-navbar.css file (

you can see that you only need this CSS

/* Sticky footer styles
-------------------------------------------------- */
html {
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100%;
body {
  /* Margin bottom by footer height */
  margin-bottom: 60px;
.footer {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  /* Set the fixed height of the footer here */
  height: 60px;
  background-color: #f5f5f5;

for this HTML

        <!-- Begin page content -->
        <div class="container">

        <footer class="footer">

How to merge two json string in Python?

You can load both json strings into Python Dictionaries and then combine. This will only work if there are unique keys in each json string.

import json

a = json.loads(jsonStringA)
b = json.loads(jsonStringB)
c = dict(a.items() + b.items())
# or c =  dict(a, **b)

No suitable driver found for 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql

This error happened to me, generally it'll be a problem due to not including the mysql-connector.jar in your eclipse project (or your IDE).

In my case, it was because of a problem on the OS.

I was editing a table in phpmyadmin, and mysql hung, I restarted Ubuntu. I cleaned the project without being successful. This morning, when I've tried the web server, it work perfectly the first time.

At the first reboot, the OS recognized that there was a problem, and after the second one, it was fixed. I hope this will save some time to somebody that "could" have this problem!

How to find the path of the local git repository when I am possibly in a subdirectory

git rev-parse --show-toplevel

could be enough if executed within a git repo.
From git rev-parse man page:


Show the absolute path of the top-level directory.

For older versions (before 1.7.x), the other options are listed in "Is there a way to get the git root directory in one command?":

git rev-parse --git-dir

That would give the path of the .git directory.

The OP mentions:

git rev-parse --show-prefix

which returns the local path under the git repo root. (empty if you are at the git repo root)

Note: for simply checking if one is in a git repo, I find the following command quite expressive:

git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree

And yes, if you need to check if you are in a .git git-dir folder:

git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir

How to get max value of a column using Entity Framework?

Selected answer throws exceptions, and the answer from Carlos Toledo applies filtering after retrieving all values from the database.

The following one runs a single round-trip and reads a single value, using any possible indexes, without an exception.

int maxAge = _dbContext.Persons
  .OrderByDescending(p => p.Age)
  .Select(p => p.Age)

Can the :not() pseudo-class have multiple arguments?

If you're using SASS in your project, I've built this mixin to make it work the way we all want it to:

@mixin not($ignorList...) {
    //if only a single value given
    @if (length($ignorList) == 1){
        //it is probably a list variable so set ignore list to the variable
        $ignorList: nth($ignorList,1);
    //set up an empty $notOutput variable
    $notOutput: '';
    //for each item in the list
    @each $not in $ignorList {
        //generate a :not([ignored_item]) segment for each item in the ignore list and put them back to back
        $notOutput: $notOutput + ':not(#{$not})';
    //output the full :not() rule including all ignored items
    &#{$notOutput} {

it can be used in 2 ways:

Option 1: list the ignored items inline

input {
  /*non-ignored styling goes here*/
  @include not('[type="radio"]','[type="checkbox"]'){
    /*ignored styling goes here*/

Option 2: list the ignored items in a variable first


input {
  /*non-ignored styling goes here*/
  @include not($ignoredItems){
    /*ignored styling goes here*/

Outputted CSS for either option

input {
    /*non-ignored styling goes here*/

input:not([type="radio"]):not([type="checkbox"]) {
    /*ignored styling goes here*/

Find row number of matching value

For your first method change ws.Range("A") to ws.Range("A:A") which will search the entirety of column a, like so:

Sub Find_Bingo()

        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim FoundCell As Range
        Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
        Set ws = ActiveSheet

            Const WHAT_TO_FIND As String = "Bingo"

            Set FoundCell = ws.Range("A:A").Find(What:=WHAT_TO_FIND)
            If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox (WHAT_TO_FIND & " found in row: " & FoundCell.Row)
                MsgBox (WHAT_TO_FIND & " not found")
            End If
End Sub

For your second method, you are using Bingo as a variable instead of a string literal. This is a good example of why I add Option Explicit to the top of all of my code modules, as when you try to run the code it will direct you to this "variable" which is undefined and not intended to be a variable at all.

Additionally, when you are using With...End With you need a period . before you reference Cells, so Cells should be .Cells. This mimics the normal qualifying behavior (i.e. Sheet1.Cells.Find..)

Change Bingo to "Bingo" and change Cells to .Cells

With Sheet1
        Set FoundCell = .Cells.Find(What:="Bingo", After:=.Cells(1, 1), _
        LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
        SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
    End With

If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox ("""Bingo"" found in row " & FoundCell.Row)
        MsgBox ("Bingo not found")
End If


In my

With Sheet1
End With

The Sheet1 refers to a worksheet's code name, not the name of the worksheet itself. For example, say I open a new blank Excel workbook. The default worksheet is just Sheet1. I can refer to that in code either with the code name of Sheet1 or I can refer to it with the index of Sheets("Sheet1"). The advantage to using a codename is that it does not change if you change the name of the worksheet.

Continuing this example, let's say I renamed Sheet1 to Data. Using Sheet1 would continue to work, as the code name doesn't change, but now using Sheets("Sheet1") would return an error and that syntax must be updated to the new name of the sheet, so it would need to be Sheets("Data").

In the VB Editor you would see something like this:

code object explorer example

Notice how, even though I changed the name to Data, there is still a Sheet1 to the left. That is what I mean by codename.

The Data worksheet can be referenced in two ways:

Debug.Print Sheet1.Name
Debug.Print Sheets("Data").Name

Both should return Data

More discussion on worksheet code names can be found here.

"unmappable character for encoding" warning in Java

This worked for me -

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<project name="test" default="compile">
    <target name="compile">
        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="classes" 
                           encoding="iso-8859-1" debug="true" />

Java ArrayList of Arrays?

Since the size of your string array is fixed at compile time, you'd be better off using a structure (like Pair) that mandates exactly two fields, and thus avoid the runtime errors possible with the array approach.


Since Java doesn't supply a Pair class, you'll need to define your own.

class Pair<A, B> {
  public final A first;
  public final B second;

  public Pair(final A first, final B second) {
    this.first = first;
    this.second = second;

  // Override 'equals', 'hashcode' and 'toString'

and then use it as:

List<Pair<String, String>> action = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();

[ Here I used List because it's considered a good practice to program to interfaces. ]

How to set IE11 Document mode to edge as default?

I was having the same problem while developing my own website. While it was resident locally, resources opened as file//. For pages from the internet, including my own loaded as http://, the F12 Developer did use Edge as default, but not while they were loaded into IE11 from local files.

After following the suggestions above, I unchecked the box for "Display intranet Sites in Compatibility View".

That did the trick without adding any extra coding to my web page, or adding a multitude of pages to populate the list. Now all local files open in Edge document mode with F12.

So if you are referring to using F12 for locally hosted files, this may help.

JavaScript error (Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input)

In my case, it ended up being a simple double quote issue in my bookmarklet, remember only use single quotes on bookmarklets. Just in case this helps someone.

How to determine the first and last iteration in a foreach loop?

The most efficient answer from @morg, unlike foreach, only works for proper arrays, not hash map objects. This answer avoids the overhead of a conditional statement for every iteration of the loop, as in most of these answers (including the accepted answer) by specifically handling the first and last element, and looping over the middle elements.

The array_keys function can be used to make the efficient answer work like foreach:

$keys = array_keys($arr);
$numItems = count($keys);


# Special handling of the first item goes here

    # Handling of regular items


# Special handling of the last item goes here


I haven't done benchmarking on this, but no logic has been added to the loop, which is were the biggest hit to performance happens, so I'd suspect that the benchmarks provided with the efficient answer are pretty close.

If you wanted to functionalize this kind of thing, I've taken a swing at such an iterateList function here. Although, you might want to benchmark the gist code if you're super concerned about efficiency. I'm not sure how much overhead all the function invocation introduces.

What's the difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

  1. clusterIP : IP accessible inside cluster (across nodes within d cluster).
nodeA : pod1 => clusterIP1, pod2 => clusterIP2
nodeB : pod3 => clusterIP3.

pod3 can talk to pod1 via their clusterIP network.

  1. nodeport : to make pods accessible from outside the cluster via nodeIP:nodeport, it will create/keep clusterIP above as its clusterIP network.
nodeA => nodeIPA : nodeportX
nodeB => nodeIPB : nodeportX

you might access service on pod1 either via nodeIPA:nodeportX OR nodeIPB:nodeportX. Either way will work because kube-proxy (which is installed in each node) will receive your request and distribute it [redirect it(iptables term)] across nodes using clusterIP network.

  1. Load balancer

basically just putting LB in front, so that inbound traffic is distributed to nodeIPA:nodeportX and nodeIPB:nodeportX then continue with the process flow number 2 above.

Remove style attribute from HTML tags

$html = preg_replace('/\sstyle=("|\').*?("|\')/i', '', $html);

For replacing all style="" with blank.

from jquery $.ajax to angular $http

The AngularJS way of calling $http would look like:

    url: "",
    method: "POST",
    data: {"foo":"bar"}
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
        // this callback will be called asynchronously
        // when the response is available
        $ =;
    }, function errorCallback(response) {
        // called asynchronously if an error occurs
        // or server returns response with an error status.
        $scope.error = response.statusText;

or could be written even simpler using shortcut methods:

$"", {"foo":"bar"})
.then(successCallback, errorCallback);

There are number of things to notice:

  • AngularJS version is more concise (especially using .post() method)
  • AngularJS will take care of converting JS objects into JSON string and setting headers (those are customizable)
  • Callback functions are named success and error respectively (also please note parameters of each callback) - Deprecated in angular v1.5
  • use then function instead.
  • More info of then usage can be found here

The above is just a quick example and some pointers, be sure to check AngularJS documentation for more:$http

Pipenv: Command Not Found

I tried this:

python -m pipenv # for python2

python3 -m pipenv # for python3

Hope this can help you.

Gradle error: could not execute build using gradle distribution

This happened to me after a java update, few things to check if you are sure your path has been set before:

  1. if the path doesn't match the latest java install folder, change it (if your in eclipse check the eclipse.ini too to make sure your using your systems default vm (ie no VM tag) )

  2. go to the java directory, there should be a 'jdk' and a 'jre' in the path, for example:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_72\jre

    if not you probably installed the JRE only not the JDK that

  3. finally if the lib folder of the jdk (not jre) doesnt contain tools.jar then you have a problem with the install

How to make rpm auto install dependencies

I found a simpler solution. If you have all the RPMs in the same directory, all you need to do is,

$ sudo rpm -i *.rpm

rpm seems to figure out the correct order to install these and installs the RPMs.

PowerShell The term is not recognized as cmdlet function script file or operable program

You first have to 'dot' source the script, so for you :

. .\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1

The first 'dot' asks PowerShell to load the script file into your PowerShell environment, not to start it. You should also use set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted or set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned see(the Execution Policy instructions).

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

Find the .jar theme file in your disk. Drag the file into PhpStorm window and voila !

The imported project "C:\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" was not found

I got this after reinstalling Windows. Visual Studio was installed, and I could see the Silverlight project type in the New Project window, but opening one didn't work. The solution was simple: I had to install the Silverlight Developer runtime and/or the Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio. This may seem stupid, but I overlooked it because I thought it should work, as the Silverlight project type was available.

rbind error: "names do not match previous names"

rbind() needs the two object names to be the same. For example, the first object names: ID Age, the next object names: ID Gender,if you want to use rbind(), it will print out:

names do not match previous names

Refresh (reload) a page once using jQuery?



This is the correct syntax.

$('#div-id').html(newContent); //This doesnt work

Why check both isset() and !empty()

isset() tests if a variable is set and not null:

empty() can return true when the variable is set to certain values:

To demonstrate this, try the following code with $the_var unassigned, set to 0, and set to 1.


#$the_var = 0;

if (isset($the_var)) {
  echo "set";
} else {
  echo "not set";

echo "\n";

if (empty($the_var)) {
  echo "empty";
} else {
  echo "not empty";

Email address validation using ASP.NET MVC data type attributes

I use MVC 3. An example of email address property in one of my classes is:

[Display(Name = "Email address")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "The email address is required")]
[Email(ErrorMessage = "The email address is not valid")]
public string Email { get; set; }

Remove the Required if the input is optional. No need for regular expressions although I have one which covers all of the options within an email address up to RFC 2822 level (it's very long).

How to deselect a selected UITableView cell?

NSIndexPath * index = [self.menuTableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
[self.menuTableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:index animated:NO];

place this code according to your code and you will get your cell deselected.

Counter inside xsl:for-each loop

You can also run conditional statements on the Postion() which can be really helpful in many scenarios.

for eg.

 <xsl:if test="(position( )) = 1">
     //Show header only once

Finding the number of days between two dates

You can find dates simply by

$start  = date_create('1988-08-10');
$end    = date_create(); // Current time and date
$diff   = date_diff( $start, $end );

echo 'The difference is ';
echo  $diff->y . ' years, ';
echo  $diff->m . ' months, ';
echo  $diff->d . ' days, ';
echo  $diff->h . ' hours, ';
echo  $diff->i . ' minutes, ';
echo  $diff->s . ' seconds';
// Output: The difference is 28 years, 5 months, 19 days, 20 hours, 34 minutes, 36 seconds

echo 'The difference in days : ' . $diff->days;
// Output: The difference in days : 10398

SQL Server: how to select records with specific date from datetime column

FROM LogRequests
WHERE cast(dateX as date) between '2014-05-09' and '2014-05-10';

This will select all the data between the 2 dates

HTML Submit-button: Different value / button-text?

There are plenty of answers here explaining what you could do (I use the different field name one) but the simple (and as-yet unstated) answer to your question is 'no' - you can't have a different text and value using just HTML.

How can I change the language (to english) in Oracle SQL Developer?

With SQL Developer 4.x, the language option is to be added to ..\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf, rather than ..\sqldeveloper\bin\ide.conf:

AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
# ----- MODIFICATION END -----

How to redirect a URL path in IIS?

Here's the config for ISAPI_Rewrite 3:

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^stuff/(.+)$$1 [NC,R=301,L]

How to return string value from the stored procedure

You are placing your result in the RETURN value instead of in the passed @rvalue.


(RETURN) Is the integer value that is returned. Stored procedures can return an integer value to a calling procedure or an application.

Changing your procedure.

ALTER procedure S_Comp(@str1 varchar(20),@r varchar(100) out) as 

    declare @str2 varchar(100) 
    set @str2 ='welcome to sql server. Sql server is a product of Microsoft' 
    if(PATINDEX('%'+@str1 +'%',@str2)>0) 
        SELECT @r =  @str1+' present in the string' 
        SELECT @r = @str1+' not present'

Calling the procedure

  EXEC S_Comp 'Test', @r OUTPUT

Print the stack trace of an exception

If you are interested in a more compact stack trace with more information (package detail) that looks like: timed out
    at j.n.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.receive0(Native Method)[na:1.8.0_151]
    at j.n.AbstractPlainDatagramSocketImpl.receive([^]
    at j.n.DatagramSocket.receive([^]
    at o.s.n.SntpClient.requestTime([classes/]
    at o.s.n.SntpClient$^:145)[^]
    at ^.call(^:134)[^]
    at o.s.n.SntpClient.requestTimeHA([^]
    at ^.requestTimeHA(^:122)[^]
    at o.s.n.SntpClientTest.test2h([test-classes/]
    at s.r.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)[na:1.8.0_151]

you can try to use Throwables.writeTo from the spf4j lib.

get the titles of all open windows

Here’s some code you can use to get a list of all the open windows. Actually, you get a dictionary where each item is a KeyValuePair where the key is the handle (hWnd) of the window and the value is its title. It also finds pop-up windows, such as those created by MessageBox.Show.

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using HWND = System.IntPtr;

/// <summary>Contains functionality to get all the open windows.</summary>
public static class OpenWindowGetter
  /// <summary>Returns a dictionary that contains the handle and title of all the open windows.</summary>
  /// <returns>A dictionary that contains the handle and title of all the open windows.</returns>
  public static IDictionary<HWND, string> GetOpenWindows()
    HWND shellWindow = GetShellWindow();
    Dictionary<HWND, string> windows = new Dictionary<HWND, string>();

    EnumWindows(delegate(HWND hWnd, int lParam)
      if (hWnd == shellWindow) return true;
      if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) return true;

      int length = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd);
      if (length == 0) return true;

      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(length);
      GetWindowText(hWnd, builder, length + 1);

      windows[hWnd] = builder.ToString();
      return true;

    }, 0);

    return windows;

  private delegate bool EnumWindowsProc(HWND hWnd, int lParam);

  private static extern bool EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc enumFunc, int lParam);

  private static extern int GetWindowText(HWND hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);

  private static extern int GetWindowTextLength(HWND hWnd);

  private static extern bool IsWindowVisible(HWND hWnd);

  private static extern IntPtr GetShellWindow();

And here’s some code that uses it:

foreach(KeyValuePair<IntPtr, string> window in OpenWindowGetter.GetOpenWindows())
  IntPtr handle = window.Key;
  string title = window.Value;

  Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", handle, title);


libxml install error using pip

Using Windows 7 with Cygwin, I came across:

Compile failed: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
cc -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/libxml2 -c /tmp/xmlXPathInitZsgdMQ.c -o tmp/xmlXPathInitZsgdMQ.o
Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

I fixed it by installing mingw64-x86_64-libxslt

What is Dispatcher Servlet in Spring?

In Spring MVC, all incoming requests go through a single servlet. This servlet - DispatcherServlet - is the front controller. Front controller is a typical design pattern in the web applications development. In this case, a single servlet receives all requests and transfers them to all other components of the application.

The task of the DispatcherServlet is to send request to the specific Spring MVC controller.

Usually we have a lot of controllers and DispatcherServlet refers to one of the following mappers in order to determine the target controller:

If no configuration is performed, the DispatcherServlet uses BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping and DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping by default.

When the target controller is identified, the DispatcherServlet sends request to it. The controller performs some work according to the request (or delegate it to the other objects), and returns back to the DispatcherServlet with the Model and the name of the View.

The name of the View is only a logical name. This logical name is then used to search for the actual View (to avoid coupling with the controller and specific View). Then DispatcherServlet refers to the ViewResolver and maps the logical name of the View to the specific implementation of the View.

Some possible Implementations of the ViewResolver are:

When the DispatcherServlet determines the view that will display the results it will be rendered as the response.

Finally, the DispatcherServlet returns the Response object back to the client.

MVC [HttpPost/HttpGet] for Action

Let's say you have a Login action which provides the user with a login screen, then receives the user name and password back after the user submits the form:

public ActionResult Login() {
    return View();

public ActionResult Login(string userName, string password) {
    // do login stuff
    return View();

MVC isn't being given clear instructions on which action is which, even though we can tell by looking at it. If you add [HttpGet] to the first action and [HttpPost] to the section action, MVC clearly knows which action is which.

Why? See Request Methods. Long and short: When a user views a page, that's a GET request and when a user submits a form, that's usually a POST request. HttpGet and HttpPost just restrict the action to the applicable request type.

public ActionResult Login() {
    return View();

public ActionResult Login(string userName, string password) {
    // do login stuff
    return View();

You can also combine the request method attributes if your action serves requests from multiple verbs:

[AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get | HttpVerbs.Post)].

How do I prevent a Gateway Timeout with FastCGI on Nginx

In http nginx section (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) add or modify:

keepalive_timeout 300s

In server nginx section (/etc/nginx/sites-available/ add these lines:

client_max_body_size 50M;
fastcgi_buffers 8 1600k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 3200k;
fastcgi_connect_timeout 300s;
fastcgi_send_timeout 300s;
fastcgi_read_timeout 300s;

In php file in the case (/etc/php/7.X/fpm/pool.d/www.conf) modify:

request_terminate_timeout = 300

I hope help you.

Which version of CodeIgniter am I currently using?

Try this code working fine check codeigniter version

Just go to 'system' > 'core' > 'CodeIgniter.php' and look for the lines,

 * CodeIgniter Version
 * @var    string
    define('CI_VERSION', '3.0.0');

Alternate method to check codeigniter version, you can echo the constant value 'CI_VERSION' somewhere in codeigniter controller/view file.

    echo CI_VERSION;

More Information with demo: how to check codeigniter version

How to format numbers by prepending 0 to single-digit numbers?

If the number is higher than 9, convert the number to a string (consistency). Otherwise, add a zero.

function n(n){
    return n > 9 ? "" + n: "0" + n;

n( 9); //Returns "09"
n(10); //Returns "10"
n(999);//Returns "999"

Phone validation regex

I tried :

^(1[ \-\+]{0,3}|\+1[ -\+]{0,3}|\+1|\+)?((\(\+?1-[2-9][0-9]{1,2}\))|(\(\+?[2-8][0-9][0-9]\))|(\(\+?[1-9][0-9]\))|(\(\+?[17]\))|(\([2-9][2-9]\))|([ \-\.]{0,3}[0-9]{2,4}))?([ \-\.][0-9])?([ \-\.]{0,3}[0-9]{2,4}){2,3}$

I took care of special country codes like 1-97... as well. Here are the numbers I tested against (from Puneet Lamba and MCattle):

***** PASS *****
1 800 555 1234
+1 800 555-1234
+86 800 555 1234
1 (800) 555-1234
(800) 555-1234
(+230) 5 911 4450
(1) 345 654 67
+1 245436
1-976 33567
(1-734) 5465654
+(230) 2 345 6568
(003) 555-1212
(103) 555-1212
(911) 555-1212
+1 800 555x1234
1 800 5555 1234
+867 800 555 1234
1 (800)  555-1234
86 800 555 1212

Originally posted here: Regular expression to match standard 10 digit phone number

Google Maps API v3 marker with label

the above solutions wont work on ipad-2

recently I had an safari browser crash issue while plotting the markers even if there are less number of markers. Initially I was using marker with label (markerwithlabel.js) library for plotting the marker , when i use google native marker it was working fine even with large number of markers but i want customized markers , so i refer the above solution given by jonathan but still the crashing issue is not resolved after doing lot of research i came to know about this blog and now my map search is working smoothly on ipad-2 :)

How to Convert unsigned char* to std::string in C++?

BYTE is nothing but typedef unsigned char BYTE;

You can easily use any of below constructors

string ( const char * s, size_t n );
string ( const char * s );

Cordova : Requirements check failed for JDK 1.8 or greater

The Ubuntu/Debian Linux version of this answer is to install openjdk 8 and set the default via update-alternatives

# install (open)jdk 8
sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk

# update java compiler and set to 1.8
update-alternatives --config javac

# update java runtime (optional)
update-alternatives --config java

# Also set $JAVA_HOME and $PATH to your .bashrc (optional)
echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

# load in current bash session
source ~/.bashrc

Make javascript alert Yes/No Instead of Ok/Cancel

"Confirm" in Javascript stops the whole process until it gets a mouse response on its buttons. If that is what you are looking for, you can refer jquery-ui but if you have nothing running behind your process while receiving the response and you control the flow programatically, take a look at this. You will have to hard-code everything by yourself but you have complete command over customization.

Print "hello world" every X seconds

I figure it out with a timer, hope it helps. I have used a timer from java.util.Timer and TimerTask from the same package. See below:

TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Hello World");

Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(task, new Date(), 3000);

relative path in BAT script

either bin\Iris.exe (no leading slash - because that means start right from the root)
or \Program\bin\Iris.exe (full path)

Check if checkbox is checked with jQuery

For checkbox with an id

<input id="id_input_checkbox13" type="checkbox"></input>

you can simply do


you will get true or false as return value for above syntax. You can use it in if clause as normal boolean expression.

Pass value to iframe from a window

Incase you're using angular and an iframe inside, you'll need need to listen to the iframe to finish loading. You can do something like this:

         document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].addEventListener('load', () => {
                    call: 'sendValue',
                    value: 'data'

You will have to get the iframe one way or another (there are better ways to do it in angular) and then wait for it to load. Or else the listener won't be attached to it even if you do it inside lifecycle methods like ngAfterViewInit()

Android view pager with page indicator

I know this has already been answered, but for anybody looking for a simple, no-frills implementation of a ViewPager indicator, I've implemented one that I've open sourced. For anyone finding Jake Wharton's version a bit complex for their needs, have a look at

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare();

Here's what I've been doing:

  public void displayError(final String errorText) {
    Runnable doDisplayError = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), errorText, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

That should allow the method to be called from either thread.

Where messageHandler is declared in the activity as ..

Handler messageHandler = new Handler();

Convert Year/Month/Day to Day of Year in Python

Use datetime.timetuple() to convert your datetime object to a time.struct_time object then get its tm_yday property:

from datetime import datetime
day_of_year =  # returns 1 for January 1st

Proper way to use AJAX Post in jquery to pass model from strongly typed MVC3 view

If using MVC 5 read this solution!

I know the question specifically called for MVC 3, but I stumbled upon this page with MVC 5 and wanted to post a solution for anyone else in my situation. I tried the above solutions, but they did not work for me, the Action Filter was never reached and I couldn't figure out why. I am using version 5 in my project and ended up with the following action filter:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Filters;

namespace SydHeller.Filters
    public class ValidateJSONAntiForgeryHeader : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            string clientToken = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers.Get(KEY_NAME);
            if (clientToken == null)
                throw new HttpAntiForgeryException(string.Format("Header does not contain {0}", KEY_NAME));

            string serverToken = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get(KEY_NAME).Value;
            if (serverToken == null)
                throw new HttpAntiForgeryException(string.Format("Cookies does not contain {0}", KEY_NAME));

            System.Web.Helpers.AntiForgery.Validate(serverToken, clientToken);

        private const string KEY_NAME = "__RequestVerificationToken";

-- Make note of the using System.Web.Mvc and using System.Web.Mvc.Filters, not the http libraries (I think that is one of the things that changed with MVC v5. --

Then just apply the filter [ValidateJSONAntiForgeryHeader] to your action (or controller) and it should get called correctly.

In my layout page right above </body> I have @AntiForgery.GetHtml();

Finally, in my Razor page, I do the ajax call as follows:

var formForgeryToken = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val();

  type: "POST",
  url: serviceURL,
  contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
  dataType: "json",
  data: requestData,
  headers: {
     "__RequestVerificationToken": formForgeryToken
     success: crimeDataSuccessFunc,
     error: crimeDataErrorFunc

Any way (or shortcut) to auto import the classes in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse?

IntelliJ IDEA does not have an action to add imports. Rather it has the ability to do such as you type. If you enable the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" in Settings > Editor > General > Auto Import, IntelliJ IDEA will add them as you type without the need for any shortcuts. You can also add classes and packages to exclude from auto importing to make a class you use heavily, that clashes with other classes of the same name, unambiguous.

For classes that are ambiguous (or is you prefer to have the "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" option turned off), just type the name of the class (just the name is OK, no need to fully qualify). Use code completion and select the particular class you want:

enter image description here

Notice the fully qualified names to the right. When I select the one I want and hit enter, IDEA will automatically add the import statement. This works the same if I was typing the name of a constructor. For static methods, you can even just keep typing the method you want. In the following screenshot, no "StringUtils" class is imported yet.

enter image description here

Alternatively, type the class name and then hit Alt+Enter or ?+Enter to "Show intention actions and quick-fixes" and then select the import option.

Although I've never used it, I think the Eclipse Code Formatter third party plug-in will do what you want. It lists "emulates Eclipse's imports optimizing" as a feature. See its instructions for more information. But in the end, I suspect you'll find the built in IDEA features work fine once you get use to their paradigm. In general, IDEA uses a "develop by intentions" concept. So rather than interrupting my development work to add an import statement, I just type the class I want (my intention) and IDEA automatically adds the import statement for the class for me.

No module named pkg_resources

I had this problem when I had activated my virtualenv as a different user than the one who created it. It seems to be a permission problem. I discovered this when I tried the answer by @cwc and saw this in the output:

Installing easy_install script to /path/env/bin
error: /path/env/bin/easy_install: Permission denied

Switching back to the user that created the virtualenv, then running the original pip install command went without problems. Hope this helps!

jQuery find parent form

As of HTML5 browsers one can use inputElement.form - the value of the attribute must be an id of a <form> element in the same document. More info on MDN.

how to get html content from a webview?

try using HttpClient as Sephy said:

public String getHtml(String url) {
    HttpClient vClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpGet vGet = new HttpGet(url);
    String response = "";    

    try {
        ResponseHandler<String> vHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
        response = vClient.execute(vGet, vHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return response;

Getting realtime output using subprocess

Complete solution:

import contextlib
import subprocess

# Unix, Windows and old Macintosh end-of-line
newlines = ['\n', '\r\n', '\r']
def unbuffered(proc, stream='stdout'):
    stream = getattr(proc, stream)
    with contextlib.closing(stream):
        while True:
            out = []
            last =
            # Don't loop forever
            if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
            while last not in newlines:
                # Don't loop forever
                if last == '' and proc.poll() is not None:
                last =
            out = ''.join(out)
            yield out

def example():
    cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/']
    proc = subprocess.Popen(
        # Make all end-of-lines '\n'
    for line in unbuffered(proc):
        print line


How to convert base64 string to image?

Return converted image without saving:

from PIL import Image
import cv2

# Take in base64 string and return cv image
def stringToRGB(base64_string):
    imgdata = base64.b64decode(str(base64_string))
    image =
    return cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

How to call a shell script from python code?

import os
import sys

Assuming is the shell script that you would want to execute
