Programs & Examples On #Databinder

Formatting DataBinder.Eval data

There is an optional overload for DataBinder.Eval to supply formatting:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "expression"[, "format"]) %>

The format parameter is a String value, using the value placeholder replacement syntax (called composite formatting) like this:

<asp:Label id="lblNewsDate" runat="server" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "publishedDate", "{0:dddd d MMMM}") %>'</label>

Reading PDF content with itextsharp dll in VB.NET or C#

Here an improved answer of ShravankumarKumar. I created special classes for the pages so you can access words in the pdf based on the text rows and the word in that row.

using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser;

//create a list of pdf pages
var pages = new List<PdfPage>();

//load the pdf into the reader. NOTE: path can also be replaced with a byte array
using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(path))
    //loop all the pages and extract the text
    for (int i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++)
        pages.Add(new PdfPage()
           content = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, i)

//use linq to create the rows and words by splitting on newline and space
pages.ForEach(x => x.rows = x.content.Split('\n').Select(y => 
    new PdfRow() { 
       content = y,
       words = y.Split(' ').ToList()

The custom classes

class PdfPage
    public string content { get; set; }
    public List<PdfRow> rows { get; set; }

class PdfRow
    public string content { get; set; }
    public List<string> words { get; set; }

Now you can get a word by row and word index.

string myWord = pages[0].rows[12].words[4];

Or use Linq to find the rows containing a specific word.

//find the rows in a specific page containing a word
var myRows = pages[0].rows.Where(x => x.words.Any(y => y == "myWord1")).ToList();

//find the rows in all pages containing a word
var myRows = pages.SelectMany(r => r.rows).Where(x => x.words.Any(y => y == "myWord2")).ToList();

How to set ChartJS Y axis title?

chart.js supports this by defaul check the link. chartjs

you can set the label in the options attribute.

options object looks like this.

options = {
            scales: {
                yAxes: [
                        id: 'y-axis-1',
                        display: true,
                        position: 'left',
                        ticks: {
                            callback: function(value, index, values) {
                                return value + "%";
                            display: true,
                            labelString: 'Average Personal Income',
                            fontColor: "#546372"

How to run a JAR file

You have to add a manifest to the jar, which tells the java runtime what the main class is. Create a file '' with the following content:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: your.programs.MainClass

Change 'your.programs.MainClass' to your actual main class. Now put the file into the Jar-file, in a subfolder named 'META-INF'. You can use any ZIP-utility for that.

Importing a function from a class in another file?

If, like me, you want to make a function pack or something that people can download then it's very simple. Just write your function in a python file and save it as the name you want IN YOUR PYTHON DIRECTORY. Now, in your script where you want to use this, you type:


Note - the parts in capital letters are where you type the file name and function name.

Now you just use your function however it was meant to be.


FUNCTION SCRIPT - saved at C:\Python27 as

def choose(a):
  from random import randint
  b = randint(0, len(a) - 1)
  c = a[b]

SCRIPT USING FUNCTION - saved wherever

from function_choose import choose
list_a = ["dog", "cat", "chicken"]


Hoped this helped, now you can create function packs for download!

--------------------------------This is for Python 2.7-------------------------------------

FromBody string parameter is giving null

By declaring the jsonString parameter with [FromBody] you tell ASP.NET Core to use the input formatter to bind the provided JSON (or XML) to a model. So your test should work, if you provide a simple model class

public class MyModel
    public string Key {get; set;}

public void Test(int id, [FromBody] MyModel model)
    ... model.Key....

and a sent JSON like

    key: "value"

Of course you can skip the model binding and retrieve the provided data directly by accessing HttpContext.Request in the controller. The HttpContext.Request.Body property gives you the content stream or you can access the form data via HttpContext.Request.Forms.

I personally prefer the model binding because of the type safety.

SQL to add column and comment in table in single command

You can use below query to update or create comment on already created table.


COMMENT ON COLUMN TableName.ColumnName IS 'comment text';


COMMENT ON COLUMN TAB_SAMBANGI.MY_COLUMN IS 'This is a comment on my column...';

Best way to convert string to bytes in Python 3?

Answer for a slightly different problem:

You have a sequence of raw unicode that was saved into a str variable:

s_str: str = "\x00\x01\x00\xc0\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04"

You need to be able to get the byte literal of that unicode (for struct.unpack(), etc.)

s_bytes: bytes = b'\x00\x01\x00\xc0\x01\x00\x00\x00\x04'


s_new: bytes = bytes(s, encoding="raw_unicode_escape")

Reference (scroll up for standard encodings):

Python Specific Encodings

Why am I getting a "401 Unauthorized" error in Maven?

If you were like me, running maven compile deploy from eclipse's maven run configuration, the issue could be related to eclipse's own embedded maven as described in

The workaround is to run mvn compile deploy from CLI such as bash, or to NOT use embedded maven in the eclipse's maven run configuration, and add an external maven (mine is in /usr/share/mvn), and voila, it'll say BUILD SUCCESS.

How to make --no-ri --no-rdoc the default for gem install?

# /home/{user}/.gemrc

:update_sources: true
:benchmark: false
:bulk_threshold: 1000
:backtrace: false
:verbose: true
gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc

How can I get a specific parameter from

This is what I like to do:
        function(accumulator, currentValue) {
            var pair = currentValue
                .map(function(value) {
                    return decodeURIComponent(value);

            accumulator[pair[0]] = pair[1];

            return accumulator;

Of course you can make it more compact using modern syntax or writing everything into one line...

I leave that up to you.

Load CSV file with Spark

Are you sure that all the lines have at least 2 columns? Can you try something like, just to check?:

sc.textFile("file.csv") \
    .map(lambda line: line.split(",")) \
    .filter(lambda line: len(line)>1) \
    .map(lambda line: (line[0],line[1])) \

Alternatively, you could print the culprit (if any):

sc.textFile("file.csv") \
    .map(lambda line: line.split(",")) \
    .filter(lambda line: len(line)<=1) \

Add row to query result using select

is it possible to extend query results with literals like this?


Select Name
From Customers
Select 'Jason'
  • Use UNION to add Jason if it isn't already in the result set.
  • Use UNION ALL to add Jason whether or not he's already in the result set.

Generate preview image from Video file?

I recommend php-ffmpeg library.

Extracting image

You can extract a frame at any timecode using the FFMpeg\Media\Video::frame method.

This code returns a FFMpeg\Media\Frame instance corresponding to the second 42. You can pass any FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode as argument, see dedicated documentation below for more information.

$frame = $video->frame(FFMpeg\Coordinate\TimeCode::fromSeconds(42));

If you want to extract multiple images from the video, you can use the following filter:

    ->extractMultipleFrames(FFMpeg\Filters\Video\ExtractMultipleFramesFilter::FRAMERATE_EVERY_10SEC, '/path/to/destination/folder/')

    ->save(new FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264(), '/path/to/new/file');

By default, this will save the frames as jpg images.

You are able to override this using setFrameFileType to save the frames in another format:

$frameFileType = 'jpg'; // either 'jpg', 'jpeg' or 'png'
$filter = new ExtractMultipleFramesFilter($frameRate, $destinationFolder);


MySQL JOIN with LIMIT 1 on joined table

Replace the tables with yours:

SELECT * FROM works w 
(SELECT photoPath, photoUrl, videoUrl FROM workmedias LIMIT 1) AS wm ON wm.idWork = w.idWork

warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]

You can also use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of return 0;. The macro EXIT_SUCCESS is actually defined as zero, but makes your program more readable.

Process.start: how to get the output?

When you create your Process object set StartInfo appropriately:

var proc = new Process 
    StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
        FileName = "program.exe",
        Arguments = "command line arguments to your executable",
        UseShellExecute = false,
        RedirectStandardOutput = true,
        CreateNoWindow = true

then start the process and read from it:

while (!proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
    string line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
    // do something with line

You can use int.Parse() or int.TryParse() to convert the strings to numeric values. You may have to do some string manipulation first if there are invalid numeric characters in the strings you read.

How to model type-safe enum types?

Starting from Scala 3, there is now enum keyword which can represent a set of constants (and other use cases)

enum Color:
   case Red, Green, Blue

scala> val red = Color.Red
val red: Color = Red
scala> red.ordinal
val res0: Int = 0

PHP Unset Array value effect on other indexes

The Key Disappears, whether it is numeric or not. Try out the test script below.

    $t = array( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' );
    foreach($t as $k => $v)
        echo($k . ": " . $v . "<br/>");
    // Output: 0: a, 1: b, 2: c, 3: d


    foreach($t as $k => $v)
        echo($k . ": " . $v . "<br/>");
    // Output: 0: a, 2: c, 3: d

How do I lowercase a string in C?

to convert to lower case is equivalent to rise bit 0x60 if you restrict yourself to ASCII:

for(char *p = pstr; *p; ++p)
    *p = *p > 0x40 && *p < 0x5b ? *p | 0x60 : *p;

How to check what version of jQuery is loaded?

My preference is:

console.debug("jQuery "+ (jQuery ? $().jquery : "NOT") +" loaded")


jQuery 1.8.0 loaded

How to call javascript function from button click event

If you don't need to initiate a post back when you press this button, then making the overhead of a server control isn't necesary.

<input id="addButton" type="button" value="Add" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

If you still need to be able to do a post back, you can conditionally stop the rest of the button actions with a little different code:

<asp:Button ID="buttonAdd" runat="server" Text="Add" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
         $('#<%= buttonAdd.ClientID %>').click(function(e) 

             if(/*Some Condition Is Not Met*/) 
                return false;

Unit test naming best practices

I use Given-When-Then concept. Take a look at this short article Article describes this concept in terms of BDD, but you can use it in TDD as well without any changes.

Loop through all the rows of a temp table and call a stored procedure for each row

You can do something like this

    Declare @min int=0, @max int =0 --Initialize variable here which will be use in loop 
    Declare @Recordid int,@TO nvarchar(30),@Subject nvarchar(250),@Body nvarchar(max)  --Initialize variable here which are useful for your

    select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY [Recordid] )  AS Rownumber, Recordid, [To], [Subject], [Body], [Flag]
            into #temp_Mail_Mstr FROM Mail_Mstr where Flag='1'  --select your condition with row number & get into a temp table

    set @min = (select MIN(Rownumber) from #temp_Mail_Mstr); --Get minimum row number from temp table
    set @max = (select Max(Rownumber) from #temp_Mail_Mstr);  --Get maximum row number from temp table

   while(@min <= @max)
        select @Recordid=Recordid, @To=[To], @Subject=[Subject], @Body=Body from #temp_Mail_Mstr where Rownumber=@min

        -- You can use your variables (like @Recordid,@To,@Subject,@Body) here  
        -- Do your work here 

        set @min=@min+1 --Increment of current row number

How to set selected item of Spinner by value, not by position?

here is my solution

List<Country> list = CountryBO.GetCountries(0);
CountriesAdapter dataAdapter = new CountriesAdapter(this,list);

and getItemIndexById below

public int getItemIndexById(String id) {
    for (Country item : this.items) {
            return this.items.indexOf(item);
    return 0;

Hope this help!

Oracle Partition - Error ORA14400 - inserted partition key does not map to any partition

select partition_name,column_name,high_value,partition_position
where table_name='YOUR_TABLE' and a.table_name =;

This query lists the column name used as key and the allowed values. make sure, you insert the allowed values(high_value). Else, if default partition is defined, it would go there.


I presume, your TABLE DDL would be like this.

    PARTITION PDIA_98_20091023 VALUES LESS THAN (98,20091024)

Which means I had created a partition with multiple columns which holds value less than the composite range (98,20091024);

That is first COD_PAIS <= 98 and Also FEC_DATA < 20091024

Combinations And Result:

98, 20091024     FAIL
98, 20091023     PASS
99, ********     FAIL
97, ********     PASS
 < 98, ********     PASS

So the below INSERT fails with ORA-14400; because (98,20091024) in INSERT is EQUAL to the one in DDL but NOT less than it.

                                  VALUES(98, 20091024, 'CTA');  2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition

But, we I attempt (97,20091024), it goes through

  2                                    VALUES(97, 20091024, 'CTA');

1 row created.

Get class name using jQuery

To complete Whitestock answer (which is the best I found) I did :

className = $(this).attr('class').match(/[\d\w-_]+/g);
className = '.' + className.join(' .');

So for " myclass1 myclass2 " the result will be '.myclass1 .myclass2'

Apply CSS rules if browser is IE

I prefer using a separate file for ie rules, as described earlier.

<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie-style.css"/><![endif]-->

And inside it you can set up rules for different versions of ie using this:

.abc {...} /* ALL MSIE */
*html *.abc {...} /* MSIE 6 */
*:first-child+html .abc {...} /* MSIE 7 */

How to switch to another domain and get-aduser

Try specifying a DC in DomainB using the -Server property. Ex:

Get-ADUser -Server "dc01.DomainB.local" -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*Smith_Karla*"} -Properties EmailAddress

How do you get the length of a string?

same way you do it in javascript:


Getting Python error "from: can't read /var/mail/Bio"

Put this at the top of your .py file (for python 2.x)

#!/usr/bin/env python 

or for python 3.x

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This should look up the python environment, without it, it will execute the code as if it were not python code, but straight to the CLI. If you need to specify a manual location of python environment put


How can I get the image url in a Wordpress theme?

I had to use Stylesheet directory to work for me.

<img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/images/image.png">

TypeScript or JavaScript type casting

In typescript it is possible to do an instanceof check in an if statement and you will have access to the same variable with the Typed properties.

So let's say MarkerSymbolInfo has a property on it called marker. You can do the following:

if (symbolInfo instanceof MarkerSymbol) {
    // access .marker here
    const marker = symbolInfo.marker

It's a nice little trick to get the instance of a variable using the same variable without needing to reassign it to a different variable name.

Check out these two resources for more information:

TypeScript instanceof & JavaScript instanceof

Writing a dict to txt file and reading it back?

Your code is almost right! You are right, you are just missing one step. When you read in the file, you are reading it as a string; but you want to turn the string back into a dictionary.

The error message you saw was because self.whip was a string, not a dictionary.

I first wrote that you could just feed the string into dict() but that doesn't work! You need to do something else.


Here is the simplest way: feed the string into eval(). Like so:

def reading(self):
    s = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
    self.whip = eval(s)

You can do it in one line, but I think it looks messy this way:

def reading(self):
    self.whip = eval(open('deed.txt', 'r').read())

But eval() is sometimes not recommended. The problem is that eval() will evaluate any string, and if someone tricked you into running a really tricky string, something bad might happen. In this case, you are just running eval() on your own file, so it should be okay.

But because eval() is useful, someone made an alternative to it that is safer. This is called literal_eval and you get it from a Python module called ast.

import ast

def reading(self):
    s = open('deed.txt', 'r').read()
    self.whip = ast.literal_eval(s)

ast.literal_eval() will only evaluate strings that turn into the basic Python types, so there is no way that a tricky string can do something bad on your computer.


Actually, best practice in Python is to use a with statement to make sure the file gets properly closed. Rewriting the above to use a with statement:

import ast

def reading(self):
    with open('deed.txt', 'r') as f:
        s =
        self.whip = ast.literal_eval(s)

In the most popular Python, known as "CPython", you usually don't need the with statement as the built-in "garbage collection" features will figure out that you are done with the file and will close it for you. But other Python implementations, like "Jython" (Python for the Java VM) or "PyPy" (a really cool experimental system with just-in-time code optimization) might not figure out to close the file for you. It's good to get in the habit of using with, and I think it makes the code pretty easy to understand.

Define variable to use with IN operator (T-SQL)

I think you'll have to declare a string and then execute that SQL string.

Have a look at sp_executeSQL

Can you style an html radio button to look like a checkbox?

I don't think you can make a control look like anything other than a control with CSS.

Your best bet it to make a PRINT button goes to a new page with a graphic in place of the selected radio button, then do a window.print() from there.

What are the advantages of NumPy over regular Python lists?

Alex mentioned memory efficiency, and Roberto mentions convenience, and these are both good points. For a few more ideas, I'll mention speed and functionality.

Functionality: You get a lot built in with NumPy, FFTs, convolutions, fast searching, basic statistics, linear algebra, histograms, etc. And really, who can live without FFTs?

Speed: Here's a test on doing a sum over a list and a NumPy array, showing that the sum on the NumPy array is 10x faster (in this test -- mileage may vary).

from numpy import arange
from timeit import Timer

Nelements = 10000
Ntimeits = 10000

x = arange(Nelements)
y = range(Nelements)

t_numpy = Timer("x.sum()", "from __main__ import x")
t_list = Timer("sum(y)", "from __main__ import y")
print("numpy: %.3e" % (t_numpy.timeit(Ntimeits)/Ntimeits,))
print("list:  %.3e" % (t_list.timeit(Ntimeits)/Ntimeits,))

which on my systems (while I'm running a backup) gives:

numpy: 3.004e-05
list:  5.363e-04

ORA-01652 Unable to extend temp segment by in tablespace

I found the solution to this. There is a temporary tablespace called TEMP which is used internally by database for operations like distinct, joins,etc. Since my query(which has 4 joins) fetches almost 50 million records the TEMP tablespace does not have that much space to occupy all data. Hence the query fails even though my tablespace has free space.So, after increasing the size of TEMP tablespace the issue was resolved. Hope this helps someone with the same issue. Thanks :)

How to set a value of a variable inside a template code?

The best solution for this is to write a custom assignment_tag. This solution is more clean than using a with tag because it achieves a very clear separation between logic and styling.

Start by creating a template tag file (eg. appname/templatetags/

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def get_addressee():
    return "World"

Now you may use the get_addressee template tag in your templates:

{% load hello_world %}

{% get_addressee as addressee %}

        <h1>hello {{addressee}}</h1>

Run a task every x-minutes with Windows Task Scheduler

The task must be configured in two steps.

First you create a simple task that start at 0:00, every day. Then, you go in Advanced... (or similar depending on the operating system you are on) and select the Repeat every X minutes option for 24 hours.

The key here is to find the advanced properties. If you are using the XP wizard, it will only offer you to launch the advanced dialog once you created the task.

On more recent versions of Windows (7+ I think?):

  1. Double click the task and a property window will show up.
  2. Click the Triggers tab.
  3. Double click the trigger details and the Edit Trigger window will show up.
  4. Under Advanced settings panel, tick Repeat task every xxx minutes, and set Indefinitely if you need.
  5. Finally, click ok.

How is a CSS "display: table-column" supposed to work?

The "table-column" display type means it acts like the <col> tag in HTML - i.e. an invisible element whose width* governs the width of the corresponding physical column of the enclosing table.

See the W3C standard for more information about the CSS table model.

* And a few other properties like borders, backgrounds.

How to detect running app using ADB command


adb shell pidof <myPackageName>

Standard output will be empty if the Application is not running. Otherwise, it will output the PID.

Setting a spinner onClickListener() in Android

Here is a working solution:

Instead of setting the spinner's OnClickListener, we are setting OnTouchListener and OnKeyListener.


and the listeners:

private View.OnTouchListener Spinner_OnTouch = new View.OnTouchListener() {
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
        return true;
private static View.OnKeyListener Spinner_OnKey = new View.OnKeyListener() {
    public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

Android Studio Gradle: Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'. > No matching client found for package

I found success using this configuration:

classpath ''
classpath ''
//or use
//classpath ''



using 8.40 Google Play services. Alpha5 & Alpha6 gave the same 2.8 error you had, regardless of the distributionUrl being 2.10

Why do people hate SQL cursors so much?

The optimizer often cannot use the relational algebra to transform the problem when a cursor method is used. Often a cursor is a great way to solve a problem, but SQL is a declarative language, and there is a lot of information in the database, from constraints, to statistics and indexes which mean that the optimizer has a lot of options to solve the problem, whereas a cursor pretty much explicitly directs the solution.

Get skin path in Magento?

First of all it is not recommended to have php files with functions in design folder. You should create a new module or extend (copy from core to local a helper and add function onto that class) and do not change files from app/code/core.

To answer to your question you can use:


Best practice (as a start) will be to create in /app/code/local/Mage/Core/Helper/Extra.php a php file:

class Mage_Core_Helper_Extra extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract

    public function getSomething()
        return 'Someting';


And to use it in phtml files use:


Or in all the places:


HTML5 tag for horizontal line break

I am answering this old question just because it still shows up in google queries and I think one optimal answer is missing. Try this code: use ::before or ::after

See Align <hr> to the left in an HTML5-compliant way

Can I invoke an instance method on a Ruby module without including it?

If you want to call these methods without including module in another class then you need to define them as module methods:

module UsefulThings
  def self.get_file; ...
  def self.delete_file; ...

  def self.format_text(x); ...

and then you can call them with




But anyway I would recommend that you put just related methods in one module or in one class. If you have problem that you want to include just one method from module then it sounds like a bad code smell and it is not good Ruby style to put unrelated methods together.

Proper way to handle multiple forms on one page in Django

Wanted to share my solution where Django Forms are not being used. I have multiple form elements on a single page and I want to use a single view to manage all the POST requests from all the forms.

What I've done is I have introduced an invisible input tag so that I can pass a parameter to the views to check which form has been submitted.

<form method="post" id="formOne">
    {% csrf_token %}
   <input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="formOne">



<form method="post" id="formTwo">
    {% csrf_token %}
    <input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="formTwo">

def handlemultipleforms(request, template="handle/multiple_forms.html"):
    Handle Multiple <form></form> elements
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.POST.get("form_type") == 'formOne':
            #Handle Elements from first Form
        elif request.POST.get("form_type") == 'formTwo':
            #Handle Elements from second Form

How do I remove all null and empty string values from an object?

There is a very simple way to remove NULL values from JSON object. By default JSON object includes NULL values. Following can be used to remove NULL from JSON string

JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourClassObject, new JsonSerializerSettings() {
                                       NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore})) 

Web scraping with Java

For tasks of this type I usually use Crawller4j + Jsoup.

With crawler4j I download the pages from a domain, you can specify which ULR with a regular expression.

With jsoup, I "parsed" the html data you have searched for and downloaded with crawler4j.

Normally you can also download data with jsoup, but Crawler4J makes it easier to find links. Another advantage of using crawler4j is that it is multithreaded and you can configure the number of concurrent threads

Maximum number of rows in an MS Access database engine table?

As others have stated it's combination of your schema and the number of indexes.

A friend had about 100,000,000 historical stock prices, daily closing quotes, in an MDB which approached the 2 Gb limit.

He pulled them down using some code found in a Microsoft Knowledge base article. I was rather surprised that whatever server he was using didn't cut him off after the first 100K records.

He could view any record in under a second.

How can one run multiple versions of PHP 5.x on a development LAMP server?

I have several projects running on my box. If you have already installed more than one version, this bash script should help you easily switch. At the moment I have php5, php5.6, and php7.0 which I often swtich back and forth depending on the project I am working on. Here is my code.

Feel free to copy. Make sure you understand how the code works. This is for the webhostin. my local box my mods are stored at /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

# This file is for switching php versions.  
# To run this file you must use bash, not sh
    # OS: Ubuntu 14.04 but should work on any linux
# Example: bash 7.0
# Written by Daniel Pflieger
# growlingflea at g mail dot com

NEWVERSION=$1  #this is the git directory target

#get the active php enabled mod by getting the array of files and store
#it to a variable
VAR=$(ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php*)

#parse the returned variables and get the version of php that is active.
IFS=' ' read -r -a array <<< "$VAR"

#confirm that the newversion veriable isn't empty.. if it is tell user 
#current version and exit
if [ "$NEWVERSION" = "" ]; then
echo current version is ${array[0]}.  To change version please use argument
exit 1

#confirm to the user this is what they want to do
echo "Update php"  ${OLDVERSION} to ${NEWVERSION}

#give the user the opportunity to use CTRL-C to exit ot just hit return
read x

#call a2dismod function: this deactivate the current php version
sudo a2dismod php${OLDVERSION}

#call the a2enmod version.  This enables the new mode
sudo a2enmod php${NEWVERSION} 

echo "Restart service??"
read x

#restart apache
sudo service apache2 restart

Create a branch in Git from another branch

To create a branch from another branch in your local directory you can use following command.

git checkout -b <sub-branch> branch

For Example:

  • name of the new branch to be created 'XYZ'
  • name of the branch ABC under which XYZ has to be created
git checkout -b XYZ ABC

PHP array() to javascript array()

Have you tried using json_encode

It converts an array to a json string

How can I use random numbers in groovy?

For example, let's say that you want to create a random number between 50 and 60, you can use one of the following methods.

new Random().nextInt()%6 +55

new Random().nextInt()%6 returns a value between -5 and 5. and when you add it to 55 you can get values between 50 and 60

Second method:

Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()%11) +50

Math.abs(new Random().nextInt()%11) creates a value between 0 and 10. Later you can add 50 which in the will give you a value between 50 and 60

Subtract two dates in Java

Date d1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd").parse((String) request.
Date d2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-M-dd").parse((String) request.

long diff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime();

System.out.println("Difference between  " + d1 + " and "+ d2+" is "
        + (diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + " days.");

How to make an AJAX call without jQuery?

I was looking for a way to include promises with ajax and exclude jQuery. There's an article on HTML5 Rocks that talks about ES6 promises. (You could polyfill with a promise library like Q) You can use the code snippet that I copied from the article.

function get(url) {
  // Return a new promise.
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    // Do the usual XHR stuff
    var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);

    req.onload = function() {
      // This is called even on 404 etc
      // so check the status
      if (req.status == 200) {
        // Resolve the promise with the response text
      else {
        // Otherwise reject with the status text
        // which will hopefully be a meaningful error

    // Handle network errors
    req.onerror = function() {
      reject(Error("Network Error"));

    // Make the request

Note: I also wrote an article about this.

Setting a max height on a table

Use divs with max height and min height around the content that needs to scroll.


td div{

How can one display images side by side in a GitHub

The easiest way I can think of solving this is using the tables included in GitHub's flavored markdown.

To your specific example it would look something like this:

Solarized dark             |  Solarized Ocean
![](https://...Dark.png)  |  ![](https://...Ocean.png)

This creates a table with Solarized Dark and Ocean as headers and then contains the images in the first row. Obviously you would replace the ... with the real link. The :s are optional (They just center the content in the cells, which is kinda unnecessary in this case). Also you might want to downsize the images so they will display better side-by-side.

HTTP POST and GET using cURL in Linux

*nix provides a nice little command which makes our lives a lot easier.


with JSON:

curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource

with XML:

curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource


For posting data:

curl --data "param1=value1&param2=value2" http://hostname/resource

For file upload:

curl --form "[email protected]" http://hostname/resource

RESTful HTTP Post:

curl -X POST -d @filename http://hostname/resource

For logging into a site (auth):

curl -d "username=admin&password=admin&submit=Login" --dump-header headers http://localhost/Login
curl -L -b headers http://localhost/

Pretty-printing the curl results:


If you use npm and nodejs, you can install json package by running this command:

npm install -g json


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | json

If you use pip and python, you can install pjson package by running this command:

pip install pjson


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | pjson

If you use Python 2.6+, json tool is bundled within.


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | python -m json.tool

If you use gem and ruby, you can install colorful_json package by running this command:

gem install colorful_json


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource | cjson

If you use apt-get (aptitude package manager of your Linux distro), you can install yajl-tools package by running this command:

sudo apt-get install yajl-tools


curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://hostname/resource |  json_reformat

For XML:

If you use *nix with Debian/Gnome envrionment, install libxml2-utils:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils


curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource | xmllint --format -

or install tidy:

sudo apt-get install tidy


curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET http://hostname/resource | tidy -xml -i -

Saving the curl response to a file

curl http://hostname/resource >> /path/to/your/file


curl http://hostname/resource -o /path/to/your/file

For detailed description of the curl command, hit:

man curl

For details about options/switches of the curl command, hit:

curl -h

How can I check if character in a string is a letter? (Python)

data = "abcdefg hi j 12345"

digits_count = 0
letters_count = 0
others_count = 0

for i in userinput:

    if i.isdigit():
        digits_count += 1 
    elif i.isalpha():
        letters_count += 1
        others_count += 1

print("Letters=", letters_count)
print("Digits=", digits_count)


Please Enter Letters with Numbers:
abcdefg hi j 12345
Letters = 10
Digits = 5

By using str.isalpha() you can check if it is a letter.

ASP.NET Bundles how to disable minification

Search for EnableOptimizations keyword in your project

So if you find

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;

turn it false.

This does disable minification, And it also disables bundling entirely

create table in postgreSQL

-- Table: "user"

-- DROP TABLE "user";

  id bigserial NOT NULL,
  name text NOT NULL,
  email character varying(20) NOT NULL,
  password text NOT NULL,
  OWNER TO postgres;

Call one constructor from another

Yeah, you can call other method before of the call base or this!

public class MyException : Exception
    public MyException(int number) : base(ConvertToString(number)) 

    private static string ConvertToString(int number) 
      return number.toString()


Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

I fixed it myself, the key is android:width="0dip"



            android:layout_weight="1" />

            android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" />

            android:width="0dip" />


        android:paddingRight="5dip" />


Cannot start session without errors in phpMyAdmin

In my case it was the wrong ownership for /var/lib/php/session. I changed that to the Apache user and group (the user and group that the webserver runs as) and all was well.

How to save Excel Workbook to Desktop regardless of user?

Not sure if this is still relevant, but I use this way

Public bEnableEvents As Boolean
Public bclickok As Boolean
Public booRestoreErrorChecking As Boolean   'put this at the top of the module

 Private Declare Function apiGetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function GetUserID() As String
' Returns the network login name
On Error Resume Next
Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String
strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
If lngX <> 0 Then
    GetUserID = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1)
    GetUserID = ""
End If
Exit Function
End Function

This next bit I save file as PDF, but can change to suit

Public Sub SaveToDesktop()
Dim LoginName As String
LoginName = UCase(GetUserID)

ChDir "C:\Users\" & LoginName & "\Desktop\"
Debug.Print LoginName
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
    "C:\Users\" & LoginName & "\Desktop\MyFileName.pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
    IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, OpenAfterPublish:= _
End Sub

"SetPropertiesRule" warning message when starting Tomcat from Eclipse

I'm finding that Tomcat can't seem to find classes defined in other projects, maybe even in the main project. It's failing on the filter definition which is the first definition in web.xml. If I add the project and its dependencies to the server's launch configuration then I just move on to a new error, all of which seems to point to it not setting up the project properly.

Our setup is quite complex. We have multiple components as projects in Eclipse with separate output projects. We have a separate webapp directory which contains the static HTML and images, as well as our WEB-INF.

Eclipse is "Europa Winter release". Tomcat is 6.0.18. I tried version 2.4 and 2.5 of the "Dynamic Web Module" facet.

Thanks for any help!

  • Richard

Parse large JSON file in Nodejs

I had similar requirement, i need to read a large json file in node js and process data in chunks and call a api and save in mongodb. inputFile.json is like:

       { /*customer data*/},
       { /*customer data*/},
       { /*customer data*/}....

Now i used JsonStream and EventStream to achieve this synchronously.

var JSONStream = require("JSONStream");
var es = require("event-stream");

fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: "utf8" });
  es.through(function(data) {
    console.log("printing one customer object read from file ::");
    processOneCustomer(data, this);
    return data;
  function end() {
    console.log("stream reading ended");

function processOneCustomer(data, es) {, dataModel) {

Why does using from __future__ import print_function breaks Python2-style print?

First of all, from __future__ import print_function needs to be the first line of code in your script (aside from some exceptions mentioned below). Second of all, as other answers have said, you have to use print as a function now. That's the whole point of from __future__ import print_function; to bring the print function from Python 3 into Python 2.6+.

from __future__ import print_function

import sys, os, time

for x in range(0,10):
    print(x, sep=' ', end='')  # No need for sep here, but okay :)

__future__ statements need to be near the top of the file because they change fundamental things about the language, and so the compiler needs to know about them from the beginning. From the documentation:

A future statement is recognized and treated specially at compile time: Changes to the semantics of core constructs are often implemented by generating different code. It may even be the case that a new feature introduces new incompatible syntax (such as a new reserved word), in which case the compiler may need to parse the module differently. Such decisions cannot be pushed off until runtime.

The documentation also mentions that the only things that can precede a __future__ statement are the module docstring, comments, blank lines, and other future statements.

python pip: force install ignoring dependencies

pip has a --no-dependencies switch. You should use that.

For more information, run pip install -h, where you'll see this line:

--no-deps, --no-dependencies
                        Ignore package dependencies

Vue.js img src concatenate variable and text

if you handel this from dataBase try :

<img :src="baseUrl + 'path/path' + obj.key +'.png'">

How to sort a Pandas DataFrame by index?

Dataframes have a sort_index method which returns a copy by default. Pass inplace=True to operate in place.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=[100, 29, 234, 1, 150], columns=['A'])

Gives me:

1    4
29   2
100  1
150  5
234  3

versionCode vs versionName in Android Manifest

Version Code - It's a positive integer that's used for comparison with other version codes. It's not shown to the user, it's just for record-keeping in a way. You can set it to any integer you like but it's suggested that you linearly increment it for successive versions.

Version Name - This is the version string seen by the user. It isn't used for internal comparisons or anything, it's just for users to see.

For example: Say you release an app, its initial versionCode could be 1 and versionName could also be 1. Once you make some small changes to the app and want to publish an update, you would set versionName to "1.1" (since the changes aren't major) while logically your versionCode should be 2 (regardless of size of changes).

Say in another condition you release a completely revamped version of your app, you could set versionCode and versionName to "2".

Hope that helps.

You can read more about it here

Formatting text in a TextBlock

a good site, with good explanations:

here the author gives you good examples for what you are looking for! Overal the site is great for research material plus it covers a great deal of options you have in WPF


There are different methods to format the text. for a basic formatting (the easiest in my opinion):

    <TextBlock Margin="10" TextWrapping="Wrap">
                    TextBlock with <Bold>bold</Bold>, <Italic>italic</Italic> and <Underline>underlined</Underline> text.

Example 1 shows basic formatting with Bold Itallic and underscored text.

Following includes the SPAN method, with this you van highlight text:

   <TextBlock Margin="10" TextWrapping="Wrap">
                    This <Span FontWeight="Bold">is</Span> a
                    <Span Background="Silver" Foreground="Maroon">TextBlock</Span>
                    with <Span TextDecorations="Underline">several</Span>
                    <Span FontStyle="Italic">Span</Span> elements,
                    <Span Foreground="Blue">
                            using a <Bold>variety</Bold> of <Italic>styles</Italic>

Example 2 shows the span function and the different possibilities with it.

For a detailed explanation check the site!


How to force JS to do math instead of putting two strings together

I'm adding this answer because I don't see it here.

One way is to put a '+' character in front of the value


var x = +'11.5' + +'3.5'

x === 15

I have found this to be the simplest way

In this case, the line:

dots = document.getElementById("txt").value;

could be changed to

dots = +(document.getElementById("txt").value);

to force it to a number


+'' === 0
+[] === 0
+[5] === 5
+['5'] === 5

merge one local branch into another local branch

  1. git checkout [branchYouWantToReceiveBranch] - checkout branch you want to receive branch
  2. git merge [branchYouWantToMergeIntoBranch]

How to check if a Constraint exists in Sql server?

Are you looking at something like this, below is tested in SQL Server 2005

SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints WHERE 
object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[CK_accounts]') AND 
parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo]. [accounts]')

Parsing command-line arguments in C

I like C's getopt(), but then I'm old. :-)

Why is semicolon allowed in this python snippet?

It's allowed because authors decided to allow it:

If move to question why authors decided todo so, I guess it's so because semi-column is allowed as simple statement termination at least in the following langages: C++, C, C#, R, Matlab,Perl,...

So it's faster to move into usage of Python for people with background in other language. And there are no lose of generality in such deicison.

PostgreSQL naming conventions

Regarding tables names, case, etc, the prevalent convention is:

  • SQL keywords: UPPER CASE
  • names (identifiers): lower_case_with_underscores

For example:

UPDATE my_table SET name = 5;

This is not written in stone, but the bit about identifiers in lower case is highly recommended, IMO. Postgresql treats identifiers case insensitively when not quoted (it actually folds them to lowercase internally), and case sensitively when quoted; many people are not aware of this idiosyncrasy. Using always lowercase you are safe. Anyway, it's acceptable to use camelCase or PascalCase (or UPPER_CASE), as long as you are consistent: either quote identifiers always or never (and this includes the schema creation!).

I am not aware of many more conventions or style guides. Surrogate keys are normally made from a sequence (usually with the serial macro), it would be convenient to stick to that naming for those sequences if you create them by hand (tablename_colname_seq).

See also some discussion here, here and (for general SQL) here, all with several related links.

Note: Postgresql 10 introduced identity columns as an SQL-compliant replacement for serial.

Disable single warning error


#pragma warning(suppress:0000)  // (suppress one error in the next line)

This pragma is valid for C++ starting with Visual Studio 2005.

The pragma is NOT valid for C# through Visual Studio 2005 through Visual Studio 2015.
Error: "Expected disable or restore".
(I guess they never got around to implementing suppress ...)

C# needs a different format. It would look like this (but not work):

#pragma warning suppress 0642  // (suppress one error in the next line)

Instead of suppress, you have to disable and enable:

if (condition)
#pragma warning disable 0642
    ;  // Empty statement HERE provokes Warning: "Possible mistaken empty statement" (CS0642)
#pragma warning restore 0642

That is SO ugly, I think it is smarter to just re-style it:

if (condition)
    // Do nothing (because blah blah blah).

Python: access class property from string

A picture's worth a thousand words:

>>> class c:
o = c()
>>> setattr(o, "foo", "bar")
>>> getattr(o, "foo")

Access nested dictionary items via a list of keys?

Very late to the party, but posting in case this may help someone in the future. For my use case, the following function worked the best. Works to pull any data type out of dictionary

dict is the dictionary containing our value

list is a list of "steps" towards our value

def getnestedvalue(dict, list):

    length = len(list)
        for depth, key in enumerate(list):
            if depth == length - 1:
                output = dict[key]
                return output
            dict = dict[key]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
        return None

    return None

HTTP Request in Kotlin

Maybe the simplest GET

For everybody stuck with NetworkOnMainThreadException for the other solutions: use AsyncTask or, even shorter, (yet still experimental) Coroutines:

launch {

    val jsonStr = URL("url").readText()


If you need to test with plain http don't forget to add to your manifest: android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"

For the experimental Coroutines you have to add to build.gradle as of 10/10/2018:

kotlin {
    experimental {
        coroutines 'enable'
dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:0.24.0"
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:0.24.0"

entity framework Unable to load the specified metadata resource

Craig Stuntz has written an extensive (in my opinion) blog post on troubleshooting this exact error message, I personally would start there.

The following res: (resource) references need to point to your model.

<add name="Entities" connectionString="metadata=

Make sure each one has the name of your .edmx file after the "*/", with the "edmx" changed to the extension for that res (.csdl, .ssdl, or .msl).

It also may help to specify the assembly rather than using "//*/".

Worst case, you can check everything (a bit slower but should always find the resource) by using

<add name="Entities" connectionString="metadata=
        res://*/;provider= <!-- ... -->

How to reset radiobuttons in jQuery so that none is checked

I know this is old and that this is a little off topic, but supposing you wanted to uncheck only specific radio buttons in a collection:

      if($(this).val() !== "1"){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input id="radio1" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="1">1</input>_x000D_
<input id="radio2" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="2">2</input>_x000D_
<input id="radio3" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="3">3</input>_x000D_
<input id="radio4" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="4">4</input>_x000D_
<input type="button" id="go" value="go">

And if you are dealing with a radiobutton list, you can use the :checked selector to get just the one you want.

<script src=""></script>
<input id="radio1" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="1">1</input>
<input id="radio2" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="2">2</input>
<input id="radio3" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="3">3</input>
<input id="radio4" type="radio" name="correctAnswer" value="4">4</input>
<input type="button" id="go" value="go">

CSS, Images, JS not loading in IIS

This is an authentication issue. In my case, it solved by below steps: 1- Go to IIS manager, in the left pane, expand the server root and select your web application from Sites node. 2- In the Home screen, go to IIS section and select Authentication. 3- Enable Anonymous Authentication. 4- Then, select Edit and set Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials to Application pool identity.

Anonymous Authentication Credentials

Failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

In my case it was just caused because there was not enough space on the disk for cvtres.exe to write the files it had to.

The error was preceded by this line

CVTRES : fatal error CVT1106: cannot write to file

Loop through Map in Groovy?

Quite simple with a closure:

def map = [

map.each{ k, v -> println "${k}:${v}" }

Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

Resolution is simple. Open the "Android SDK Manager", update all packages and then restart your Android Studio. After that you project should compile without any issues.

How does a Breadth-First Search work when looking for Shortest Path?

From tutorial here

"It has the extremely useful property that if all of the edges in a graph are unweighted (or the same weight) then the first time a node is visited is the shortest path to that node from the source node"

Laravel - Eloquent "Has", "With", "WhereHas" - What do they mean?


with() is for eager loading. That basically means, along the main model, Laravel will preload the relationship(s) you specify. This is especially helpful if you have a collection of models and you want to load a relation for all of them. Because with eager loading you run only one additional DB query instead of one for every model in the collection.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::with('posts')->get();
foreach($users as $user){
    $users->posts; // posts is already loaded and no additional DB query is run


has() is to filter the selecting model based on a relationship. So it acts very similarly to a normal WHERE condition. If you just use has('relation') that means you only want to get the models that have at least one related model in this relation.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::has('posts')->get();
// only users that have at least one post are contained in the collection


whereHas() works basically the same as has() but allows you to specify additional filters for the related model to check.


User > hasMany > Post

$users = User::whereHas('posts', function($q){
    $q->where('created_at', '>=', '2015-01-01 00:00:00');
// only users that have posts from 2015 on forward are returned

Javascript to open popup window and disable parent window

This is how I finally did it! You can put a layer (full sized) over your body with high z-index and, of course hidden. You will make it visible when the window is open, make it focused on click over parent window (the layer), and finally will disappear it when the opened window is closed or submitted or whatever.

        position: fixed;
        opacity: 0.7;
        left: 0px;
        top: 0px;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        z-index: 999999;
        background-color: #BEBEBE;
        display: none;
        cursor: not-allowed;

and layer in the body:

                <div class="layout" id="layout"></div>

function that opens the popup window:

    var new_window;
    function winOpen(){

keeping new window focused:

             $(".layout").click(function(e) {

and in the opened window:

    function submit(){
        var doc = window.opener.document,

   window.onbeforeunload = function(){
        var doc = window.opener.document;

I hope it would help :-)

How to handle command-line arguments in PowerShell

You are reinventing the wheel. Normal PowerShell scripts have parameters starting with -, like script.ps1 -server http://devserver

Then you handle them in param section in the beginning of the file.

You can also assign default values to your params, read them from console if not available or stop script execution:

 param (
    [string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
    [string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" )

Inside the script you can simply

write-output $server

since all parameters become variables available in script scope.

In this example, the $server gets a default value if the script is called without it, script stops if you omit the -username parameter and asks for terminal input if -password is omitted.

Update: You might also want to pass a "flag" (a boolean true/false parameter) to a PowerShell script. For instance, your script may accept a "force" where the script runs in a more careful mode when force is not used.

The keyword for that is [switch] parameter type:

 param (
    [string]$server = "http://defaultserver",
    [string]$password = $( Read-Host "Input password, please" ),
    [switch]$force = $false

Inside the script then you would work with it like this:

if ($force) {
  //deletes a file or does something "bad"

Now, when calling the script you'd set the switch/flag parameter like this:

.\yourscript.ps1 -server "http://otherserver" -force

If you explicitly want to state that the flag is not set, there is a special syntax for that

.\yourscript.ps1 -server "http://otherserver" -force:$false

Links to relevant Microsoft documentation (for PowerShell 5.0; tho versions 3.0 and 4.0 are also available at the links):

How to read if a checkbox is checked in PHP?

A minimalistic boolean check with switch position retaining


$checked = ($_POST['foo'] == ' checked');


<input type="checkbox" name="foo" value=" checked"<?=$_POST['foo']?>>

How can I implement custom Action Bar with custom buttons in Android?

enter image description here

This is pretty much as close as you'll get if you want to use the ActionBar APIs. I'm not sure you can place a colorstrip above the ActionBar without doing some weird Window hacking, it's not worth the trouble. As far as changing the MenuItems goes, you can make those tighter via a style. It would be something like this, but I haven't tested it.

<style name="MyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="actionButtonStyle">@style/MyActionButtonStyle</item>

<style name="MyActionButtonStyle" parent="Widget.ActionButton">
    <item name="android:minWidth">28dip</item>

Here's how to inflate and add the custom layout to your ActionBar.

    // Inflate your custom layout
    final ViewGroup actionBarLayout = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(

    // Set up your ActionBar
    final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

    // You customization
    final int actionBarColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.action_bar);
    actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(actionBarColor));

    final Button actionBarTitle = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarSent = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarStaff = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarLocations = (Button) findViewById(;
    actionBarLocations.setText("HIPPA Locations");

Here's the custom layout:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:paddingEnd="8dip" >

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />


Here's the color strip layout: To use it, just use merge in whatever layout you inflate in setContentView.

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:background="@android:color/holo_blue_dark" />

Here are the Button styles:

<style name="ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:background">@null</item>
    <item name="android:ellipsize">end</item>
    <item name="android:singleLine">true</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">@dimen/text_size_small</item>

<style name="ActionBarButtonWhite" parent="@style/ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/white</item>

<style name="ActionBarButtonOffWhite" parent="@style/ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/off_white</item>

Here are the colors and dimensions I used:

<color name="action_bar">#ff0d0d0d</color>
<color name="white">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="off_white">#99ffffff</color>

<!-- Text sizes -->
<dimen name="text_size_small">14.0sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_medium">16.0sp</dimen>

<!-- ActionBar color strip -->
<dimen name="colorstrip">5dp</dimen>

If you want to customize it more than this, you may consider not using the ActionBar at all, but I wouldn't recommend that. You may also consider reading through the Android Design Guidelines to get a better idea on how to design your ActionBar.

If you choose to forgo the ActionBar and use your own layout instead, you should be sure to add action-able Toasts when users long press your "MenuItems". This can be easily achieved using this Gist.

Undefined function mysql_connect()

My guess is your PHP installation wasn't compiled with MySQL support.

Check your configure command (php -i | grep mysql). You should see something like '--with-mysql=shared,/usr'.

You can check for complete instructions at Although, I would rather go with the solution proposed by @wanovak.

Still, I think you need MySQL support in order to use PDO.

Convert float to string with precision & number of decimal digits specified?

Another option is snprintf:

double pi = 3.1415926;

std::string s(16, '\0');
auto written = std::snprintf(&s[0], s.size(), "%.2f", pi);

Demo. Error handling should be added, i.e. checking for written < 0.

How to use class from other files in C# with visual studio?

It would be more beneficial for us if we could see the actual project structure, as the classes alone do not say that much.

Assuming that both .cs files are in the same project (if they are in different projects inside the same solution, you'd have to add a reference to the project containing Class2.cs), you can click on the Class2 occurrence in your code that is underlined in red and press CTRL + . (period) or click on the blue bar that should be there. The first option appearing will then add the appropriate using statement automatically. If there is no such menu, it may indicate that there is something wrong with the project structure or a reference missing.

You could try making Class2 public, but it sounds like this can't be a problem here, since by default what you did is internal class Class2 and thus Class2 should be accessible if both are living in the same project/assembly. If you are referencing a different assembly or project wherein Class2 is contained, you have to make it public in order to access it, as internal classes can't be accessed from outside their assembly.

As for renaming: You can click Program.cs in the Solution Explorer and press F2 to rename it. It will then open up a dialog window asking you if the class Program itself and all references thereof should be renamed as well, which is usually what you want. Or you could just rename the class Program in the declaration and again open up the menu with the small blue bar (or, again, CTRL+.) and do the same, but it won't automatically rename the actual file accordingly.

Edit after your question edit: I have never used this option you used, but from quick checking I think that it's really not inside the same project then. Do the following when adding new classes to a project: In the Solution Explorer, right click the project you created and select [Add] -> [Class] or [Add] -> [New Item...] and then select 'Class'. This will automatically make the new class part of the project and thus the assembly (the assembly is basically the 'end product' after building the project). For me, there is also the shortcut Alt+Shift+C working to create a new class.

Adding dictionaries together, Python

If you're interested in creating a new dict without using intermediary storage: (this is faster, and in my opinion, cleaner than using dict.items())

dic2 = dict(dic0, **dic1)

Or if you're happy to use one of the existing dicts:


How to set text color in submit button?

    font-size: 20px;

Android Starting Service at Boot Time , How to restart service class after device Reboot?

Pls check JobScheduler for apis above 26

WakeLock was the best option for this but it is deprecated in api level 26 Pls check this link if you consider api levels above 26,%20android.content.Intent)

It says

As of Android O, background check restrictions make this class no longer generally useful. (It is generally not safe to start a service from the receipt of a broadcast, because you don't have any guarantees that your app is in the foreground at this point and thus allowed to do so.) Instead, developers should use to schedule a job, and this does not require that the app hold a wake lock while doing so (the system will take care of holding a wake lock for the job).

so as it says cosider JobScheduler

if it is to do something than to start and to keep it you can receive the broadcast ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED

If it isn't about foreground pls check if an Accessibility service could do

another option is to start an activity from broadcast receiver and finish it after starting the service within onCreate() , since newer android versions doesnot allows starting services from receivers

Is it possible to run selenium (Firefox) web driver without a GUI?

maybe you need to set your window-size dimension. just like:

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

browser = webdriver.Chrome(options=options,executable_path = './chromedriver')

if also not working, try increase window-size dimension.

Ignore outliers in ggplot2 boxplot

One idea would be to winsorize the data in a two-pass procedure:

  1. run a first pass, learn what the bounds are, e.g. cut of at given percentile, or N standard deviation above the mean, or ...

  2. in a second pass, set the values beyond the given bound to the value of that bound

I should stress that this is an old-fashioned method which ought to be dominated by more modern robust techniques but you still come across it a lot.

Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

My database was larger than 500mb, I then used the following


It loaded everything including SP's

*NB: Run the cmd as Administrator

Plotting time-series with Date labels on x-axis

I like using the ggplot2 for this sort of thing:

df$Date <- as.Date( df$Date, '%m/%d/%Y')
ggplot( data = df, aes( Date, Visits )) + geom_line() 

enter image description here

How to get a reference to an iframe's window object inside iframe's onload handler created from parent window

You're declaring everything in the parent page. So the references to window and document are to the parent page's. If you want to do stuff to the iframe's, use iframe || iframe.contentWindow to access its window, and iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document to access its document.

There's a word for what's happening, possibly "lexical scope": What is lexical scope?

The only context of a scope is this. And in your example, the owner of the method is doc, which is the iframe's document. Other than that, anything that's accessed in this function that uses known objects are the parent's (if not declared in the function). It would be a different story if the function were declared in a different place, but it's declared in the parent page.

This is how I would write it:

(function () {
  var dom, win, doc, where, iframe;

  iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.src = "javascript:false";

  where = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  where.parentNode.insertBefore(iframe, where);

  win = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
  doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;;
  doc._l = (function (w, d) {
    return function () {
      w.vanishing_global = new Date().getTime();

      var js = d.createElement("script");
      js.src = 'test-vanishing-global.js?' + w.vanishing_global; = "foobar";
      d.foobar = "foobar:" + Math.random();
      d.foobar = "barfoo:" + Math.random();
  })(win, doc);
  doc.write('<body onload="document._l();"></body>');

The aliasing of win and doc as w and d aren't necessary, it just might make it less confusing because of the misunderstanding of scopes. This way, they are parameters and you have to reference them to access the iframe's stuff. If you want to access the parent's, you still use window and document.

I'm not sure what the implications are of adding methods to a document (doc in this case), but it might make more sense to set the _l method on win. That way, things can be run without a prefix...such as <body onload="_l();"></body>

PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters

The simplest way to do this is like this


<?php $active = 'home'; include 'second.php'; ?>


<?php echo $active; ?>

You can share variables since you are including 2 files by using "include"

How to get pip to work behind a proxy server

Old thread, I know, but for future reference, the --proxy option is now passed with an "="


$ sudo pip install --proxy=http://yourproxy:yourport package_name

What replaces cellpadding, cellspacing, valign, and align in HTML5 tables?

This should solve your problem:

td {
    /* <>
     * left, right, center, justify, inherit
    text-align: center;
    /* <>
     * baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle,
     * bottom, text-bottom, length, or a value in percentage
    vertical-align: top;

What is the difference between Scrum and Agile Development?


SCRUM is a type of Agile approach. It is a Framework not a Methodology.

It does not provide detailed instructions to what needs to be done rather most of it is dependent on the team that is developing the software. Because the developing the project knows how the problem can be solved that is why much is left on them

Cross-functional and self-organizing teams are essential in case of scrum. There is no team leader in this case who will assign tasks to the team members rather the whole team addresses the issues or problems. It is cross-functional in a way that everyone is involved in the project right from the idea to the implementation of the project.

The advantage of scrum is that a project’s direction to be adjusted based on completed work, not on speculation or predictions.

Roles Involved : Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team Members

Agile Methodology :

Build Software applications that are unpredictable in nature

Iterative and incremental work cadences called sprints are used in this methodology.

Both Agile and SCRUM follows the system -- some of the features are developed as a part of the sprint and at the end of each sprint; the features are completed right from coding, testing and their integration into the product. A demonstration of the functionality is provided to the owner at the end of each sprint so that feedback can be taken which can be helpful for the next sprint.

Manifesto for Agile Development :

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  4. Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

click command in selenium webdriver does not work

I was working with EasyRepro, and when I debugged my code it was clicking on the element which is visible and enabled, and not navigating as expected. But finally I understood the root cause for the issue.

My Chrome was zoomed out 90%

Once i reset the zoom level, it clicked on the correct element and successfully navigated to next page.

getting exception "IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState"

Same issue from me and after a day long analysis of all articles, blog and stackoverflow i've found a simple solution. Don't use savedInstanceState at all, this is the condition with one line of code. On the fragment code:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

How to check if a character is upper-case in Python?

Maybe you want str.istitle

>>> help(str.istitle)
Help on method_descriptor:

    S.istitle() -> bool

    Return True if S is a titlecased string and there is at least one
    character in S, i.e. uppercase characters may only follow uncased
    characters and lowercase characters only cased ones. Return False

>>> "Alpha_beta_Gamma".istitle()
>>> "Alpha_Beta_Gamma".istitle()
>>> "Alpha_Beta_GAmma".istitle()

Understanding esModuleInterop in tsconfig file

in your tsconfig you have to add: "esModuleInterop": true - it should help.

PHP PDO returning single row

Did you try:

$DBH = new PDO( "connection string goes here" );
$row = $DBH->query( "select figure from table1" )->fetch();
echo $row["figure"];
$DBH = null;

Page unload event in

There is an event Page.Unload. At that moment page is already rendered in HTML and HTML can't be modified. Still, all page objects are available.

Credentials for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid

In my case password was expired. Change the password and try the step again.

How can I test if a letter in a string is uppercase or lowercase using JavaScript?

You can also use this, it will check the string for lower and uppercase

var s = "a"
  alert ('lower case true');

if(/[A-Z]/.test(s)) {
 alert ('upper case true'); 

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

You can use cut to split the line on spaces and return only the first such field:

md5=$(md5sum "$my_iso_file" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

I would like to add one further reason tests may not be found, in my case it pertained C++ unit tests that were not found.

In my case tests were not found for a particular project because its output directory was not contained within the project directory, changing this ensured the tests were found.

PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied python using moviepy to write gif

Solution on windows : restarted docker

On windows I used --use-container option during sam build

So, in order to fix stuck process, I've restarted docker

Converting a double to an int in Javascript without rounding

Just use parseInt() and be sure to include the radix so you get predictable results:

parseInt(d, 10);

Custom domain for GitHub project pages

Things are lot easier nowadays!

  1. Update your Apex domain (@) record to point

  1. Edit your Custome domain field in your github repo settings.

enter image description here

  1. www and other subdomains can be updated as CNAME to apex domain.

Change status bar text color to light in iOS 9 with Objective-C

  1. Add a key in your info.plist file UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance and set it to YES.

  2. In viewDidLoad method of your ViewController add a method call:

    [self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];
  3. Then paste the following method in viewController file:

    - (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle
        return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent; 

C# HttpWebRequest The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send

For .Net 4 use:

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)768 | (SecurityProtocolType)3072;

How to auto-scroll to end of div when data is added?

var objDiv = document.getElementById("divExample");
objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight;

Setting the JVM via the command line on Windows

Yes - just explicitly provide the path to java.exe. For instance:

c:\Users\Jon\Test>"c:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin\java.exe" -version
java version "1.6.0_03"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode, sharing)

c:\Users\Jon\Test>"c:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_12\bin\java.exe" -version
java version "1.6.0_12"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

The easiest way to do this for a running command shell is something like:

set PATH=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin;%PATH%

For example, here's a complete session showing my default JVM, then the change to the path, then the new one:

c:\Users\Jon\Test>java -version
java version "1.6.0_12"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

c:\Users\Jon\Test>set PATH=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin;%PATH%

c:\Users\Jon\Test>java -version
java version "1.6.0_03"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0_03-b05, mixed mode, sharing)

This won't change programs which explicitly use JAVA_HOME though.

Note that if you get the wrong directory in the path - including one that doesn't exist - you won't get any errors, it will effectively just be ignored.

How to Calculate Jump Target Address and Branch Target Address?

Usually you don't have to worry about calculating them as your assembler (or linker) will take of getting the calculations right. Let's say you have a small function:

  slti $t0, $a0, 2
  beq $t0, $zero, cont
  ori $v0, $zero, 1
  jr $ra
  jal func

When translating the above code into a binary stream of instructions the assembler (or linker if you first assembled into an object file) it will be determined where in memory the function will reside (let's ignore position independent code for now). Where in memory it will reside is usually specified in the ABI or given to you if you're using a simulator (like SPIM which loads the code at 0x400000 - note the link also contains a good explanation of the process).

Assuming we're talking about the SPIM case and our function is first in memory, the slti instruction will reside at 0x400000, the beq at 0x400004 and so on. Now we're almost there! For the beq instruction the branch target address is that of cont (0x400010) looking at a MIPS instruction reference we see that it is encoded as a 16-bit signed immediate relative to the next instruction (divided by 4 as all instructions must reside on a 4-byte aligned address anyway).

That is:

Current address of instruction + 4 = 0x400004 + 4 = 0x400008
Branch target = 0x400010
Difference = 0x400010 - 0x400008 = 0x8
To encode = Difference / 4 = 0x8 / 4 = 0x2 = 0b10

Encoding of beq $t0, $zero, cont

0001 00ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii
0001 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010

As you can see you can branch to within -0x1fffc .. 0x20000 bytes. If for some reason, you need to jump further you can use a trampoline (an unconditional jump to the real target placed placed within the given limit).

Jump target addresses are, unlike branch target addresses, encoded using the absolute address (again divided by 4). Since the instruction encoding uses 6 bits for the opcode, this only leaves 26 bits for the address (effectively 28 given that the 2 last bits will be 0) therefore the 4 bits most significant bits of the PC register are used when forming the address (won't matter unless you intend to jump across 256 MB boundaries).

Returning to the above example the encoding for jal func is:

Destination address = absolute address of func = 0x400000
Divided by 4 = 0x400000 / 4 = 0x100000
Lower 26 bits = 0x100000 & 0x03ffffff = 0x100000 = 0b100000000000000000000

0000 11ii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii
0000 1100 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

You can quickly verify this, and play around with different instructions, using this online MIPS assembler i ran across (note it doesn't support all opcodes, for example slti, so I just changed that to slt here):

00400000: <func>    ; <input:0> func:
00400000: 0000002a  ; <input:1> slt $t0, $a0, 2
00400004: 11000002  ; <input:2> beq $t0, $zero, cont
00400008: 34020001  ; <input:3> ori $v0, $zero, 1
0040000c: 03e00008  ; <input:4> jr $ra
00400010: <cont>    ; <input:5> cont:
00400010: 0c100000  ; <input:7> jal func

No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

Add below to your app.config.

    <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.LocalDbConnectionFactory, EntityFramework">
        <parameter value="v11.0" />
      <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />

How to Consume WCF Service with Android

You will need something more that a http request to interact with a WCF service UNLESS your WCF service has a REST interface. Either look for a SOAP web service API that runs on android or make your service RESTful. You will need .NET 3.5 SP1 to do WCF REST services:

Step-by-step debugging with IPython

What about ipdb.set_trace() ? In your code :

import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

update: now in Python 3.7, we can write breakpoint(). It works the same, but it also obeys to the PYTHONBREAKPOINT environment variable. This feature comes from this PEP.

This allows for full inspection of your code, and you have access to commands such as c (continue), n (execute next line), s (step into the method at point) and so on.

See the ipdb repo and a list of commands. IPython is now called (edit: part of) Jupyter.

ps: note that an ipdb command takes precedence over python code. So in order to write list(foo) you'd need print(list(foo)), or !list(foo) .

Also, if you like the ipython prompt (its emacs and vim modes, history, completions,…) it's easy to get the same for your project since it's based on the python prompt toolkit.

How to keep environment variables when using sudo

For individual variables you want to make available on a one off basis you can make it part of the command.

sudo http_proxy=$http_proxy wget ""

Calling class staticmethod within the class body?

What about this solution? It does not rely on knowledge of @staticmethod decorator implementation. Inner class StaticMethod plays as a container of static initialization functions.

class Klass(object):

    class StaticMethod:
        @staticmethod  # use as decorator
        def _stat_func():
            return 42

    _ANS = StaticMethod._stat_func()  # call the staticmethod

    def method(self):
        ret = self.StaticMethod._stat_func() + Klass._ANS
        return ret

Image re-size to 50% of original size in HTML

You can use the x descriptor of the srcset attribute as such:

<!-- Original image -->
<img src="" />

<!-- With a 80% size reduction (1/0.8=1.25) -->
<img srcset=" 1.25x" />

<!-- With a 50% size reduction (1/0.5=2) -->
<img srcset=" 2x" />

Currently supported by all browsers except IE. (caniuse)

MDN documentation

Get length of array?

If the variant is empty then an error will be thrown. The bullet-proof code is the following:

Public Function GetLength(a As Variant) As Integer
   If IsEmpty(a) Then
      GetLength = 0
      GetLength = UBound(a) - LBound(a) + 1
   End If
End Function

How to create timer in angular2

import {Component, View, OnInit, OnDestroy} from "angular2/core";

import { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs/Rx';


export class NewContactComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

    ticks = 0;
    private timer;
    // Subscription object
    private sub: Subscription;

    ngOnInit() {
        this.timer = Observable.timer(2000,5000);
        // subscribing to a observable returns a subscription object
        this.sub = this.timer.subscribe(t => this.tickerFunc(t));
        this.ticks = tick

        console.log("Destroy timer");
        // unsubscribe here



How can I pretty-print JSON using Go?

I was frustrated by the lack of a fast, high quality way to marshal JSON to a colorized string in Go so I wrote my own Marshaller called ColorJSON.

With it, you can easily produce output like this using very little code:

ColorJSON sample output

package main

import (


func main() {
    str := `{
      "str": "foo",
      "num": 100,
      "bool": false,
      "null": null,
      "array": ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
      "obj": { "a": 1, "b": 2 }

    var obj map[string]interface{}
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &obj)

    // Make a custom formatter with indent set
    f := colorjson.NewFormatter()
    f.Indent = 4

    // Marshall the Colorized JSON
    s, _ := f.Marshal(obj)

I'm writing the documentation for it now but I was excited to share my solution.

Composer: file_put_contents(./composer.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

In my case, .composer was owned by root, so I did sudo rm -fr .composer and then my global require worked.

Be warned! You don't wanna use that command if you are not sure what you are doing.

Why would anybody use C over C++?

Because they want to use features in C99 that don't have equivalents in C++.

However, there aren't as many C99 features that are useful to C++ as people think at first glance. Variable-length arrays? C++ has std::vectors. Support for complex/imaginary numbers? C++ has a templated complex type. Type-generic math functions? C++ overloaded the standard math functions, causing the same result.

Named initializers? Not in C++, but there's a workaround:

struct My_class_params {
    int i;
    long j;
    std::string name;

    My_class_params& set_i(int ii)
        i = ii;
        return *this;

    My_class_params& set_j(long jj)
        j = jj;
        return *this;

    template <typename STRING>
    My_class_params& set_name(STRING&& n)
        name = std::forward<STRING>(n);
        return *this;

        // set defaults

class My_class {
    My_class_params params;
    My_class(const My_class_params& p) : params(p) { }

This allows you to write things like:

My_class mc(My_class_params().set_i(5).set_name("Me"));

Angular2 router (@angular/router), how to set default route?

V2.0.0 and later

See also see

RouterConfig = [
  { path: '', redirectTo: '/heroes', pathMatch: 'full' },
  { path: 'heroes', component: HeroComponent,
    children: [
      { path: '', redirectTo: '/detail', pathMatch: 'full' },
      { path: 'detail', component: HeroDetailComponent }

There is also the catch-all route

{ path: '**', redirectTo: '/heroes', pathMatch: 'full' },

which redirects "invalid" urls.

V3-alpha (vladivostok)

Use path / and redirectTo

RouterConfig = [
  { path: '/', redirectTo: 'heroes', terminal: true },
  { path: 'heroes', component: HeroComponent,
    children: [
      { path: '/', redirectTo: 'detail', terminal: true },
      { path: 'detail', component: HeroDetailComponent }

RC.1 @angular/router

The RC router doesn't yet support useAsDefault. As a workaround you can navigate explicitely.

In the root component

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(router:Router) {

for other components

export class OtherComponent {
  constructor(private router:Router) {}

  routerOnActivate(curr: RouteSegment, prev?: RouteSegment, currTree?: RouteTree, prevTree?: RouteTree) : void {
    this.router.navigate(['SomeRoute'], curr);

How can I group data with an Angular filter?

In addition to the accepted answer you can use this if you want to group by multiple columns:

<ul ng-repeat="(key, value) in players | groupBy: '[team,name]'">

Ambiguous overload call to abs(double)

Its boils down to this: math.h is from C and was created over 10 years ago. In math.h, due to its primitive nature, the abs() function is "essentially" just for integer types and if you wanted to get the absolute value of a double, you had to use fabs(). When C++ was created it took math.h and made it cmath. cmath is essentially math.h but improved for C++. It improved things like having to distinguish between fabs() and abs, and just made abs() for both doubles and integer types. In summary either: Use math.h and use abs() for integers, fabs() for doubles or use cmath and just have abs for everything (easier and recommended)

Hope this helps anyone who is having the same problem!

Difference between number and integer datatype in oracle dictionary views

the best explanation i've found is this:

What is the difference betwen INTEGER and NUMBER? When should we use NUMBER and when should we use INTEGER? I just wanted to update my comments here...

NUMBER always stores as we entered. Scale is -84 to 127. But INTEGER rounds to whole number. The scale for INTEGER is 0. INTEGER is equivalent to NUMBER(38,0). It means, INTEGER is constrained number. The decimal place will be rounded. But NUMBER is not constrained.

  • INTEGER(12.2) => 12
  • INTEGER(12.5) => 13
  • INTEGER(12.9) => 13
  • INTEGER(12.4) => 12
  • NUMBER(12.2) => 12.2
  • NUMBER(12.5) => 12.5
  • NUMBER(12.9) => 12.9
  • NUMBER(12.4) => 12.4

INTEGER is always slower then NUMBER. Since integer is a number with added constraint. It takes additional CPU cycles to enforce the constraint. I never watched any difference, but there might be a difference when we load several millions of records on the INTEGER column. If we need to ensure that the input is whole numbers, then INTEGER is best option to go. Otherwise, we can stick with NUMBER data type.

Here is the link

Does a VPN Hide my Location on Android?

Your question can be conveniently divided into several parts:

Does a VPN hide location? Yes, he is capable of this. This is not about GPS determining your location. If you try to change the region via VPN in an application that requires GPS access, nothing will work. However, sites define your region differently. They get an IP address and see what country or region it belongs to. If you can change your IP address, you can change your region. This is exactly what VPNs can do.

How to hide location on Android? There is nothing difficult in figuring out how to set up a VPN on Android, but a couple of nuances still need to be highlighted. Let's start with the fact that not all Android VPNs are created equal. For example, VeePN outperforms many other services in terms of efficiency in circumventing restrictions. It has 2500+ VPN servers and a powerful IP and DNS leak protection system.

You can easily change the location of your Android device by using a VPN. Follow these steps for any device model (Samsung, Sony, Huawei, etc.):

  1. Download and install a trusted VPN.

  2. Install the VPN on your Android device.

  3. Open the application and connect to a server in a different country.

  4. Your Android location will now be successfully changed!

Is it legal? Yes, changing your location on Android is legal. Likewise, you can change VPN settings in Microsoft Edge on your PC, and all this is within the law. VPN allows you to change your IP address, safeguarding your privacy and protecting your actual location from being exposed. However, VPN laws may vary from country to country. There are restrictions in some regions.

Brief summary: Yes, you can change your region on Android and a VPN is a necessary assistant for this. It's simple, safe and legal. Today, VPN is the best way to change the region and unblock sites with regional restrictions.

What is the correct syntax of ng-include?

For those trouble shooting, it is important to know that ng-include requires the url path to be from the app root directory and not from the same directory where the partial.html lives. (whereas partial.html is the view file that the inline ng-include markup tag can be found).

For example:

Correct: div ng-include src=" '/views/partials/tabSlides/add-more.html' ">

Incorrect: div ng-include src=" 'add-more.html' ">

Using Apache httpclient for https

When I used Apache HTTP Client 4.3, I was using the Pooled or Basic Connection Managers to the HTTP Client. I noticed, from using java SSL debugging, that these classes loaded the cacerts trust store and not the one I had specified programmatically.

PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
BasicHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new BasicHttpClientConnectionManager();
builder.setConnectionManager( cm );

I wanted to use them but ended up removing them and creating an HTTP Client without them. Note that builder is an HttpClientBuilder.

I confirmed when running my program with the Java SSL debug flags, and stopped in the debugger. I used as a VM argument. I stopped my code in the debugger and when either of the above *ClientConnectionManager were constructed, the cacerts file would be loaded.

Missing Microsoft RDLC Report Designer in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2017

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. In Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Online
  3. Search for 'rdlc'
  4. Install Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer (23.3 MB)
  5. Close Visual Studio, let the installer run and open Visual Studio to see the rdlc in the designer.

what is the difference between OLE DB and ODBC data sources?

ODBC and OLE DB are two competing data access technologies. Specifically regarding SQL Server, Microsoft has promoted both of them as their Preferred Future Direction - though at different times.


ODBC is an industry-wide standard interface for accessing table-like data. It was primarily developed for databases and presents data in collections of records, each of which is grouped into a collection of fields. Each field has its own data type suitable to the type of data it contains. Each database vendor (Microsoft, Oracle, Postgres, …) supplies an ODBC driver for their database.

There are also ODBC drivers for objects which, though they are not database tables, are sufficiently similar that accessing data in the same way is useful. Examples are spreadsheets, CSV files and columnar reports.


OLE DB is a Microsoft technology for access to data. Unlike ODBC it encompasses both table-like and non-table-like data such as email messages, web pages, Word documents and file directories. However, it is procedure-oriented rather than object-oriented and is regarded as a rather difficult interface with which to develop access to data sources. To overcome this, ADO was designed to be an object-oriented layer on top of OLE DB and to provide a simpler and higher-level – though still very powerful – way of working with it. ADO’s great advantage it that you can use it to manipulate properties which are specific to a given type of data source, just as easily as you can use it to access those properties which apply to all data source types. You are not restricted to some unsatisfactory lowest common denominator.

While all databases have ODBC drivers, they don’t all have OLE DB drivers. There is however an interface available between OLE and ODBC which can be used if you want to access them in OLE DB-like fashion. This interface is called MSDASQL (Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC).

SQL Server Data Access Technologies

Since SQL Server is (1) made by Microsoft, and (2) the Microsoft database platform, both ODBC and OLE DB are a natural fit for it.


Since all other database platforms had ODBC interfaces, Microsoft obviously had to provide one for SQL Server. In addition to this, DAO, the original default technology in Microsoft Access, uses ODBC as the standard way of talking to all external data sources. This made an ODBC interface a sine qua non. The version 6 ODBC driver for SQL Server, released with SQL Server 2000, is still around. Updated versions have been released to handle the new data types, connection technologies, encryption, HA/DR etc. that have appeared with subsequent releases. As of 09/07/2018 the most recent release is v13.1 “ODBC Driver for SQL Server”, released on 23/03/2018.


This is Microsoft’s own technology, which they were promoting strongly from about 2002 – 2005, along with its accompanying ADO layer. They were evidently hoping that it would become the data access technology of choice. (They even made ADO the default method for accessing data in Access 2002/2003.) However, it eventually became apparent that this was not going to happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  1. The world was not going to convert to Microsoft technologies and away from ODBC;
  2. DAO/ODBC was faster than ADO/OLE DB and was also thoroughly integrated into MS Access, so wasn’t going to die a natural death;
  3. New technologies that were being developed by Microsoft, specifically ADO.NET, could also talk directly to ODBC. ADO.NET could talk directly to OLE DB as well (thus leaving ADO in a backwater), but it was not (unlike ADO) solely dependent on it.

For these reasons and others, Microsoft actually deprecated OLE DB as a data access technology for SQL Server releases after v11 (SQL Server 2012). For a couple of years before this point, they had been producing and updating the SQL Server Native Client, which supported both ODBC and OLE DB technologies. In late 2012 however, they announced that they would be aligning with ODBC for native relational data access in SQL Server, and encouraged everybody else to do the same. They further stated that SQL Server releases after v11/SQL Server 2012 would actively not support OLE DB!

This announcement provoked a storm of protest. People were at a loss to understand why MS was suddenly deprecating a technology that they had spent years getting them to commit to. In addition, SSAS/SSRS and SSIS, which were MS-written applications intimately linked to SQL Server, were wholly or partly dependent on OLE DB. Yet another complaint was that OLE DB had certain desirable features which it seemed impossible to port back to ODBC – after all, OLE DB had many good points.

In October 2017, Microsoft relented and officially un-deprecated OLE DB. They announced the imminent arrival of a new driver (MSOLEDBSQL) which would have the existing feature set of the Native Client 11 and would also introduce multi-subnet failover and TLS 1.2 support. The driver was released in March 2018.

Google Maps API v3 adding an InfoWindow to each marker

The add_marker still has a closure issue, cause it uses the marker variable outside the google.maps.event.addListener scope.

A better implementation would be:

function add_marker(racer_id, point, note) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({map: map, position: point, clickable: true});
    marker.note = note;
    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
        info_window.content = this.note;, this);
    return marker;

I also used the map from the marker, this way you don't need to pass the google map object, you probably want to use the map where the marker belongs to anyway.

Search All Fields In All Tables For A Specific Value (Oracle)

I would do something like this (generates all the selects you need). You can later on feed them to sqlplus:

echo "select table_name from user_tables;" | sqlplus -S user/pwd | grep -v "^--" | grep -v "TABLE_NAME" | grep "^[A-Z]" | while read sw;
do echo "desc $sw" | sqlplus -S user/pwd | grep -v "\-\-\-\-\-\-" | awk -F' ' '{print $1}' | while read nw;
do echo "select * from $sw where $nw='val'";

It yields:

select * from TBL1 where DESCRIPTION='val'
select * from TBL1 where ='val'
select * from TBL2 where Name='val'
select * from TBL2 where LNG_ID='val'

And what it does is - for each table_name from user_tables get each field (from desc) and create a select * from table where field equals 'val'.

Move the most recent commit(s) to a new branch with Git

Simplest way to do this:

1. Rename master branch to your newbranch (assuming you are on master branch):

git branch -m newbranch

2. Create master branch from the commit that you wish:

git checkout -b master <seven_char_commit_id>

e.g. git checkout -b master a34bc22

Posting JSON data via jQuery to ASP .NET MVC 4 controller action


Okay, so I have just spent several hours looking for a viable method for posting multiple parameters to an MVC 4 WEB API, but most of what I found was either for a 'GET' action or just flat out did not work. However, I finally got this working and I thought I'd share my solution.

  1. Use NuGet packages to download JSON-js json2 and Json.NET. Steps to install NuGet packages:

    (1) In Visual Studio, go to Website > Manage NuGet Packages... enter image description here

    (2) Type json (or something to that effect) into the search bar and find JSON-js json2 and Json.NET. Double-clicking them will install the packages into the current project.enter image description here

    (3) NuGet will automatically place the json file in ~/Scripts/json2.min.js in your project directory. Find the json2.min.js file and drag/drop it into the head of your website. Note: for instructions on installing .js (javascript) files, read this solution.

  2. Create a class object containing the desired parameters. You will use this to access the parameters in the API controller. Example code:

    Public Class PostMessageObj
    Private _body As String
    Public Property body As String
            Return _body
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _body = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _id As String
    Public Property id As String
            Return _id
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            _id = value
        End Set
    End Property
    End Class
  3. Then we setup the actual MVC 4 Web API controller that we will be using for the POST action. In it, we will use Json.NET to deserialize the string object when it is posted. Remember to use the appropriate namespaces. Continuing with the previous example, here is my code:

    Public Sub PostMessage(<FromBody()> ByVal newmessage As String)
    Dim t As PostMessageObj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of PostMessageObj)(newmessage)
    Dim body As String = t.body
    Dim i As String =
    End Sub
  4. Now that we have our API controller set up to receive our stringified JSON object, we can call the POST action freely from the client-side using $.ajax; Continuing with the previous example, here is my code (replace localhost+rootpath appropriately):

    var url = 'http://<localhost+rootpath>/api/Offers/PostMessage';
    var dataType = 'json'
    var data = 'nothn'
    var tempdata = { body: 'this is a new message...Ip sum lorem.',
        id: '1234'
    var jsondata = JSON.stringify(tempdata)
        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        data: { '': jsondata},
        success: success(data),
        dataType: 'text'

As you can see we are basically building the JSON object, converting it into a string, passing it as a single parameter, and then rebuilding it via the JSON.NET framework. I did not include a return value in our API controller so I just placed an arbitrary string value in the success() function.

Author's notes

This was done in Visual Studio 2010 using ASP.NET 4.0, WebForms, VB.NET, and MVC 4 Web API Controller. For anyone having trouble integrating MVC 4 Web API with VS2010, you can download the patch to make it possible. You can download it from Microsoft's Download Center.

Here are some additional references which helped (mostly in C#):

How do I unset an element in an array in javascript?

If you know the key name simply do like this:

delete array['key_name']

How to use delimiter for csv in python

ok, here is what i understood from your question. You are writing a csv file from python but when you are opening that file into some other application like excel or open office they are showing the complete row in one cell rather than each word in individual cell. I am right??

if i am then please try this,

import csv

with open(r"C:\\test.csv", "wb") as csv_file:
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter =",",quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

you have to set the delimiter = ","

How to create .ipa file using Xcode?

Here is the steps I followed to export the .ipa

  • Validate the archive
  • Click on on distribute the app
  • Click the distribution method
  • Choose the export in the next screen (The screen shown only if the archive is validated)

col align right

Use float-right for block elements, or text-right for inline elements:

<div class="row">
     <div class="col">left</div>
     <div class="col text-right">inline content needs to be right aligned</div>
<div class="row">
      <div class="col">left</div>
      <div class="col">
          <div class="float-right">element needs to be right aligned</div>

If float-right is not working, remember that Bootstrap 4 is now flexbox, and many elements are display:flex which can prevent float-right from working.

In some cases, the utility classes like align-self-end or ml-auto work to right align elements that are inside a flexbox container like the Bootstrap 4 .row, Card or Nav. The ml-auto (margin-left:auto) is used in a flexbox element to push elements to the right.

Bootstrap 4 align right examples

How to continue the code on the next line in VBA

To have newline in code you use _


Dim a As Integer
a = 500 _
  + 80 _
  + 90

MsgBox a

Correct Way to Load Assembly, Find Class and Call Run() Method

I'm doing exactly what you're looking for in my rules engine, which uses CS-Script for dynamically compiling, loading, and running C#. It should be easily translatable into what you're looking for, and I'll give an example. First, the code (stripped-down):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using CSScriptLibrary;

namespace RulesEngine
    /// <summary>
    /// Make sure <typeparamref name="T"/> is an interface, not just any type of class.
    /// Should be enforced by the compiler, but just in case it's not, here's your warning.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    public class RulesEngine<T> where T : class
        public RulesEngine(string rulesScriptFileName, string classToInstantiate)
            : this()
            if (rulesScriptFileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rulesScriptFileName");
            if (classToInstantiate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("classToInstantiate");

            if (!File.Exists(rulesScriptFileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find rules script", rulesScriptFileName);

            RulesScriptFileName = rulesScriptFileName;
            ClassToInstantiate = classToInstantiate;


        public T @Interface;

        public string RulesScriptFileName { get; private set; }
        public string ClassToInstantiate { get; private set; }
        public DateTime RulesLastModified { get; private set; }

        private RulesEngine()
            @Interface = null;

        private void LoadRules()
            if (!File.Exists(RulesScriptFileName))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find rules script", RulesScriptFileName);

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(RulesScriptFileName);

            DateTime lastModified = file.LastWriteTime;

            if (lastModified == RulesLastModified)
                // No need to load the same rules twice.

            string rulesScript = File.ReadAllText(RulesScriptFileName);

            Assembly compiledAssembly = CSScript.LoadCode(rulesScript, null, true);

            @Interface = compiledAssembly.CreateInstance(ClassToInstantiate).AlignToInterface<T>();

            RulesLastModified = lastModified;

This will take an interface of type T, compile a .cs file into an assembly, instantiate a class of a given type, and align that instantiated class to the T interface. Basically, you just have to make sure the instantiated class implements that interface. I use properties to setup and access everything, like so:

private RulesEngine<IRulesEngine> rulesEngine;

public RulesEngine<IRulesEngine> RulesEngine
        if (null == rulesEngine)
            string rulesPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Rules.cs");

            rulesEngine = new RulesEngine<IRulesEngine>(rulesPath, typeof(Rules).FullName);

        return rulesEngine;

public IRulesEngine RulesEngineInterface
    get { return RulesEngine.Interface; }

For your example, you want to call Run(), so I'd make an interface that defines the Run() method, like this:

public interface ITestRunner
    void Run();

Then make a class that implements it, like this:

public class TestRunner : ITestRunner
    public void Run()
        // implementation goes here

Change the name of RulesEngine to something like TestHarness, and set your properties:

private TestHarness<ITestRunner> testHarness;

public TestHarness<ITestRunner> TestHarness
        if (null == testHarness)
            string sourcePath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "TestRunner.cs");

            testHarness = new TestHarness<ITestRunner>(sourcePath , typeof(TestRunner).FullName);

        return testHarness;

public ITestRunner TestHarnessInterface
    get { return TestHarness.Interface; }

Then, anywhere you want to call it, you can just run:

ITestRunner testRunner = TestHarnessInterface;

if (null != testRunner)

It would probably work great for a plugin system, but my code as-is is limited to loading and running one file, since all of our rules are in one C# source file. I would think it'd be pretty easy to modify it to just pass in the type/source file for each one you wanted to run, though. You'd just have to move the code from the getter into a method that took those two parameters.

Also, use your IRunnable in place of ITestRunner.

Java: Check if enum contains a given string?

It is an enum, those are constant values so if its in a switch statement its just doing something like this:

case: val1
case: val2

Also why would you need to know what is declared as a constant?

How to change an Android app's name?

Old question but also now relative to Xamarin Android development:

As Xamarin allows for attributes to be used for adding items into the manifest, you may need to open your MainActivity.cs file and change the Label tag to your application's name:


Note: This attribute will override written android:label= tags in your manifest file as I found out whilst archiving the app ready for release so be sure to change this attribute too.

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement

Statement interface executes static SQL statements without parameters

PreparedStatement interface (extending Statement) executes a precompiled SQL statement with/without parameters

  1. Efficient for repeated executions

  2. It is precompiled so it's faster

Sending intent to BroadcastReceiver from adb

Noting down my situation here may be useful to somebody,

I have to send a custom intent with multiple intent extras to a broadcast receiver in Android P,

The details are,

Receiver name: com.hardian.testservice.TestBroadcastReceiver

Intent action = "com.hardian.testservice.ADD_DATA"

intent extras are,

  1. "text"="test msg",
  2. "source"= 1,

Run the following in command line.

adb shell "am broadcast -a com.hardian.testservice.ADD_DATA --es text 'test msg' --es source 1 -n com.hardian.testservice/.TestBroadcastReceiver"

Hope this helps.

Does Hibernate create tables in the database automatically

If property hibernate.ddl-auto = update, then it will not create the tables automatically. To create tables automatically, you need to set the property to hibernate.ddl-auto = create

The list of option which is used in the spring boot are

  • validate: validate the schema, makes no changes to the database.

  • update: update the schema.

  • create: creates the schema, destroying previous data.

  • create-drop: drop the schema at the end of the session

  • none: is all other cases

So for the first time you can set it to create and then next time on-wards you should set it to update.

- java.lang.NullPointerException - setText on null object reference

private void fillTextView (int id, String text) {
    TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(id);

If this is where you're getting the null pointer exception, there was no view found for the id that you passed into findViewById(), and the actual exception is thrown when you try to call a function setText() on null. You should post your XML for R.layout.activity_main, as it's hard to tell where things went wrong just by looking at your code.

More reading on null pointers: What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?

How to change the font size and color of x-axis and y-axis label in a scatterplot with plot function in R?

To track down the correct parameters you need to go first to ?plot.default, which refers you to ?par and ?axis:

plot(1, 1 ,xlab="x axis", ylab="y axis",  pch=19,
           col.lab="red", cex.lab=1.5,    #  for the xlab and ylab
           col="green")                   #  for the points

How to install latest version of git on CentOS 7.x/6.x

You can use WANDisco's CentOS repository to install Git 2.x: for CentOS 6, for CentOS 7

  1. Install WANDisco repo package:

    yum install
    - or -
    yum install
    - or -
    yum install
  2. Install the latest version of Git 2.x:

    yum install git
  3. Verify the version of Git that was installed:

    git --version

As of 02 Mar. 2020, the latest available version from WANDisco is 2.22.0.

Checking if a variable is an integer in PHP

An integer starting with 0 will cause fatal error as of PHP 7, because it might interpret it as an octal character.

Invalid octal literals

Previously, octal literals that contained invalid numbers were silently truncated (0128 was taken as 012). Now, an invalid octal literal will cause a parse error.

So you might want to remove leading zeros from your integer, first:

$var = ltrim($var, 0);

How to pause a YouTube player when hiding the iframe?

RobW's answers here and elsewhere were very helpful, but I found my needs to be much simpler. I've answered this elsewhere, but perhaps it will be useful here also.

I have a method where I form an HTML string to be loaded in a UIWebView:

NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"",videoID];

preparedHTML = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<html><body style='background:none; text-align:center;'><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type='text/javascript'>var player; function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(){player=new YT.Player('player')}</script><iframe id='player' class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='%f' height='%f' src='%@?rel=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=1' style='text-align:center; border: 6px solid; border-radius:5px; background-color:transparent;' rel=nofollow allowfullscreen></iframe></body></html>", 628.0f, 352.0f, urlString];

You can ignore the styling stuff in the preparedHTML string. The important aspects are:

  • Using the API to create the "YT.player" object. At one point, I only had the video in the iFrame tag and that prevented me from referencing the "player" object later with JS.
  • I've seen a few examples on the web where the first script tag (the one with the iframe_api src tag) is omitted, but I definitely needed that to get this working.
  • Creating the "player" variable at the beginning of the API script. I have also seen some examples that have omitted that line.
  • Adding an id tag to the iFrame to be referenced in the API script. I almost forgot that part.
  • Adding "enablejsapi=1" to the end of the iFrame src tag. That hung me up for a while, as I initially had it as an attribute of the iFrame tag, which does not work/did not work for me.

When I need to pause the video, I just run this:

[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"player.pauseVideo();"];

Hope that helps!

How to remove newlines from beginning and end of a string?

Try this

function replaceNewLine(str) { 
  return str.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "");

Fastest way to get the first n elements of a List into an Array


list - List<String>

Using Java 8 Streams,

  • to get first N elements from a list into a list,

    List<String> firstNElementsList =;

  • to get first N elements from a list into an Array,

    String[] firstNElementsArray = String[n]);

How can I get a collection of keys in a JavaScript dictionary?

Use Object.keys() or shim it in older browsers...

const keys = Object.keys(driversCounter);

If you wanted values, there is Object.values() and if you want key and value, you can use Object.entries(), often paired with Array.prototype.forEach() like this...

Object.entries(driversCounter).forEach(([key, value]) => {
   console.log(key, value);

Alternatively, considering your use case, maybe this will do it...

var selectBox, option, prop;

selectBox = document.getElementById("drivers");

for (prop in driversCounter) {
   option = document.createElement("option");
   option.textContent = prop;
   option.value = driversCounter[prop];

Get the system date and split day, month and year

You can do like follow:

 String date = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString();
    String Month = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
    String Year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();

On the place of datetime you can use your column..

Bad Gateway 502 error with Apache mod_proxy and Tomcat

So, answering my own question here. We ultimately determined that we were seeing 502 and 503 errors in the load balancer due to Tomcat threads timing out. In the short term we increased the timeout. In the longer term, we fixed the app problems that were causing the timeouts in the first place. Why Tomcat timeouts were being perceived as 502 and 503 errors at the load balancer is still a bit of a mystery.

How do I add the contents of an iterable to a set?

for item in items:

For the record, I think the assertion that "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." is bogus. It makes an assumption that many technical minded people make, that everyone thinks alike. What is obvious to one person is not so obvious to another.

I would argue that my proposed solution is clearly readable, and does what you ask. I don't believe there are any performance hits involved with it--though I admit I might be missing something. But despite all of that, it might not be obvious and preferable to another developer.

Xcode Product -> Archive disabled

Change the active scheme Device from Simulator to Generic iOS Device

Getting time and date from timestamp with php

$mydatetime = "2012-04-02 02:57:54";
$datetimearray = explode(" ", $mydatetime);
$date = $datetimearray[0];
$time = $datetimearray[1];
$reformatted_date = date('d-m-Y',strtotime($date));
$reformatted_time = date('Gi.s',strtotime($time));

Where is after pip install?

The exact path where is stored/located varies from OS to OS. Even with in same OS, it varies from version to version. So we need a generic solution that works for all OS versions.

Easiest way I have found to find its path is: Do

pip uninstall virtualenvwrapper

This will prompt a confirmation. Say "No" But first line of confirmation shows the path of (Prompt gives a list of files it will delete, if you say Yes. First entry in this list contains path to in your machine)

How to start and stop/pause setInterval?

The reason you're seeing this specific problem:

JSFiddle wraps your code in a function, so start() is not defined in the global scope.

enter image description here

Moral of the story: don't use inline event bindings. Use addEventListener/attachEvent.

Other notes:

Please don't pass strings to setTimeout and setInterval. It's eval in disguise.

Use a function instead, and get cozy with var and white space:

var input = document.getElementById("input"),

function start() {
  add = setInterval(function() {
  }, 1000);

<script src=""></script>
<input type="number" id="input" />
<input type="button" onclick="clearInterval(add)" value="stop" />
<input type="button" onclick="start()" value="start" />

How can I know when an EditText loses focus?

Kotlin way

editText.setOnFocusChangeListener { _, hasFocus ->
    if (!hasFocus) {  }

How do I compare two files using Eclipse? Is there any option provided by Eclipse?

If your compairing javascript you might find it not displaying.

Here is a workround...

  • Window > Preferences > Compare/Patch > General Tab
  • Deselect checkbox next to "Open structure compare automatically"

must declare a named package eclipse because this compilation unit is associated to the named module

Reason of the error: Package name left blank while creating a class. This make use of default package. Thus causes this error.

Quick fix:

  1. Create a package eg. helloWorld inside the src folder.
  2. Move file in that package. Just drag and drop on the package. Error should disappear.


  • My Eclipse version: 2020-09 (4.17.0)
  • My Java version: Java 15, 2020-09-15

Latest version of Eclipse required java11 or above. The module feature is introduced in java9 and onward. It was proposed in 2005 for Java7 but later suspended. Java is object oriented based. And module is the moduler approach which can be seen in language like C. It was harder to implement it, due to which it took long time for the release. Source: Understanding Java 9 Modules

When you create a new project in Eclipse then by default module feature is selected. And in Eclipse-2020-09-R, a pop-up appears which ask for creation of file. If you select don't create then will not create and your project will free from this issue.

Best practice is while crating project, after giving project name. Click on next button instead of finish. On next page at the bottom it ask for creation of file. Select or deselect as per need.

If selected: (by default) click on finish button and give name for module. Now while creating a class don't forget to give package name. Whenever you create a class just give package name. Any name, just don't left it blank.

If deselect: No issue

Change color of PNG image via CSS?

Think I have a solution for this that's a) exactly what you were looking for 5 years ago, and b) is a bit simpler than the other code options here.

With any white png (eg, white icon on transparent background), you can add an ::after selector to recolor.

.icon {
    background: url(img/icon.png); /* Your icon */
    position: relative; /* Allows an absolute positioned psuedo element */

    position: absolute; /* Positions psuedo element relative to .icon */
    width: 100%; /* Same dimensions as .icon */
    height: 100%;
    content: ""; /* Allows psuedo element to show */
    background: #EC008C; /* The color you want the icon to change to */
    mix-blend-mode: multiply; /* Only apply color on top of white, use screen if icon is black */

See this codepen (applying the color swap on hover):

force browsers to get latest js and css files in application

Your solution works. It is quite popular in fact.

Even Stack Overflow uses a similar method:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""> 

Where v=6184 is probably the SVN revision number.

How to upload a file to directory in S3 bucket using boto

I have something that seems to me has a bit more order:

import boto3
from pprint import pprint
from botocore.exceptions import NoCredentialsError

class S3(object):
    BUCKET = "test"
    connection = None

    def __init__(self):
            vars = get_s3_credentials("aws")
            self.connection = boto3.resource('s3', 'aws_access_key_id',
        except(Exception) as error:
            self.connection = None

    def upload_file(self, file_to_upload_path, file_name):
        if file_to_upload is None or file_name is None: return False
            file_name = "your-folder-inside-s3/{0}".format(file_name)
            print("Upload Successful")
            return True

        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("The file was not found")
            return False

        except NoCredentialsError:
            print("Credentials not available")
            return False

There're three important variables here, the BUCKET const, the file_to_upload and the file_name

BUCKET: is the name of your S3 bucket

file_to_upload_path: must be the path from file you want to upload

file_name: is the resulting file and path in your bucket (this is where you add folders or what ever)

There's many ways but you can reuse this code in another script like this

import S3

def some_function():
    S3.S3().upload_file(path_to_file, final_file_name)

Inheriting constructors

Correct Code is

class A
      explicit A(int x) {}

class B: public A

     B(int a):A(a){

    B *b = new B(5);
     delete b;

Error is b/c Class B has not parameter constructor and second it should have base class initializer to call the constructor of Base Class parameter constructor

how does work?

Maybe a bit late, but the answer to all of this mess is that call() is used in JS for inheritance. If we compare this to Python or PHP, for example, call is used respectively as super().init() or parent::_construct().

This is an example of its usage that clarifies all:

function Teacher(first, last, age, gender, interests, subject) {, first, last, age, gender, interests);

  this.subject = subject;


Is module __file__ attribute absolute or relative?

With the help of the of Guido mail provided by @kindall, we can understand the standard import process as trying to find the module in each member of sys.path, and file as the result of this lookup (more details in PyMOTW Modules and Imports.). So if the module is located in an absolute path in sys.path the result is absolute, but if it is located in a relative path in sys.path the result is relative.

Now the startup file takes care of delivering only absolute path in sys.path, except the initial '', so if you don't change it by other means than setting the PYTHONPATH (whose path are also made absolute, before prefixing sys.path), you will get always an absolute path, but when the module is accessed through the current directory.

Now if you trick sys.path in a funny way you can get anything.

As example if you have a sample module in /tmp/ with the code:

import sys
print (__file__)

If you go in /tmp you get:

>>> import foo
['', '/tmp', '/usr/lib/python3.3', ...]

When in in /home/user, if you add /tmp your PYTHONPATH you get:

>>> import foo
['', '/tmp', '/usr/lib/python3.3', ...]

Even if you add ../../tmp, it will be normalized and the result is the same.

But if instead of using PYTHONPATH you use directly some funny path you get a result as funny as the cause.

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append('../../tmp')
>>> import foo
['', '/usr/lib/python3.3', .... , '../../tmp']

Guido explains in the above cited thread, why python do not try to transform all entries in absolute paths:

we don't want to have to call getpwd() on every import .... getpwd() is relatively slow and can sometimes fail outright,

So your path is used as it is.

Python - Create list with numbers between 2 values?

assuming you want to have a range between x to y


>>> range(11,17)
[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]

use list for 3.x support

Disable/Enable button in Excel/VBA

This is what iDevelop is trying to say Enabled Property

So you have been infact using enabled, coz your initial post was enable..

You may try the following:

Sub disenable()
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

  For i = 1 To 10
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:1"))
  Next i

  sheets(1).button1.enabled = False
End Sub

Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25

On windows, nearly all AMPP (Apache,MySQL,PHP,PHPmyAdmin) packages don't include a mail server (but nearly all naked linuxes do have!). So, when using PHP under windows, you need to setup a mail server!

Imo the best and most simple tool ist this:

SMTP4Dev is a simple one-file mail server tool that does collect the mails it send (so it does not really sends mail, it just keeps them for development). Perfect tool.

How to insert values in two dimensional array programmatically?

Try to code below,

String[][] shades = new String[4][3];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  for(int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
    shades[i][y] = value;

How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?

MAX_EXECUTION_TIME is also an important parameter for long running queries.Will work for MySQL 5.7 or later.

Check the current value


Then set it according to your needs.


label or @html.Label MVC 4

@html.label and @html.textbox are use when you want bind it to your model in a easy way...which cannot be achieve by input etc. in one line

CSS position absolute full width problem

I have similar situation. In my case, it doesn't have a parent with position:relative. Just paste my solution here for those that might need.

position: fixed;
left: 0;
right: 0;

Counting Number of Letters in a string variable

string yourWord = "Derp derp";

Console.WriteLine(new string(yourWord.Select(c => char.IsLetter(c) ? '_' : c).ToArray()));


____ ____

What is a postback?

In the old HTML, the only way to make something updated on the webpage is to resend a new webpage to the client browser. That's what ASP used to do, you have to do this thing call a "PostBack" to send an updated page to the client.

In ASP .NET, you don't have to resend the entire webpage. You can now use AJAX, or other ASP.NET controls such that you don't have to resend the entire webpage.

If you visit some old website, you would notice that once you click something, the entire page has to be refresh, this is the old ASP. In most of the modern website, you will notice your browser doesn't have to refresh the entire page, it only updates the part of the content that needs to be updated. For example, in Stackoverflow, you see the page update only the content, not the entire webpage.

Adding delay between execution of two following lines

I have a couple of turn-based games where I need the AI to pause before taking its turn (and between steps in its turn). I'm sure there are other, more useful, situations where a delay is the best solution. In Swift:

        let delay = 2.0 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC) 
        let time = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(delay)) 
        dispatch_after(time, dispatch_get_main_queue()) { self.playerTapped(aiPlayView) }

I just came back here to see if the Objective-C calls were different.(I need to add this to that one, too.)

How to save data in an android app

In onCreate:

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getSharedPreferences("mySettings", MODE_PRIVATE);

    String mySetting = sharedPref.getString("mySetting", null);

In onDestroy or equivalent:

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getSharedPreferences("mySettings", MODE_PRIVATE);

    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
    editor.putString("mySetting", "Hello Android");