Programs & Examples On #Databasepublishingwizard

Null check in VB

Your code is way more cluttered than necessary.

Replace (Not (X Is Nothing)) with X IsNot Nothing and omit the outer parentheses:

If comp.Container IsNot Nothing AndAlso comp.Container.Components IsNot Nothing Then
    For i As Integer = 0 To comp.Container.Components.Count() - 1
        fixUIIn(comp.Container.Components(i), style)
End If

Much more readable. … Also notice that I’ve removed the redundant Step 1 and the probably redundant .Item.

But (as pointed out in the comments), index-based loops are out of vogue anyway. Don’t use them unless you absolutely have to. Use For Each instead:

If comp.Container IsNot Nothing AndAlso comp.Container.Components IsNot Nothing Then
    For Each component In comp.Container.Components
        fixUIIn(component, style)
End If

What do Clustered and Non clustered index actually mean?

Clustered Index: Primary Key constraint creates clustered Index automatically if no clustered Index already exists on the table. Actual data of clustered index can be stored at leaf level of Index.

Non Clustered Index: Actual data of non clustered index is not directly found at leaf node, instead it has to take an additional step to find because it has only values of row locators pointing towards actual data. Non clustered Index can't be sorted as clustered index. There can be multiple non clustered indexes per table, actually it depends on the sql server version we are using. Basically Sql server 2005 allows 249 Non Clustered Indexes and for above versions like 2008, 2016 it allows 999 Non Clustered Indexes per table.

Random "Element is no longer attached to the DOM" StaleElementReferenceException

I had the same problem and mine was caused by an old selenium version. I cannot update to a newer version due to development environment. The problem is caused by HTMLUnitWebElement.switchFocusToThisIfNeeded(). When you navigate to a new page it might happen that the element you clicked on the old page is the oldActiveElement (see below). Selenium tries to get context from the old element and fails. That's why they built a try catch in future releases.

Code from selenium-htmlunit-driver version < 2.23.0:

private void switchFocusToThisIfNeeded() {
    HtmlUnitWebElement oldActiveElement =

    boolean jsEnabled = parent.isJavascriptEnabled();
    boolean oldActiveEqualsCurrent = oldActiveElement.equals(this);
    boolean isBody = oldActiveElement.getTagName().toLowerCase().equals("body");
    if (jsEnabled &&
        !oldActiveEqualsCurrent &&
        !isBody) {

Code from selenium-htmlunit-driver version >= 2.23.0:

private void switchFocusToThisIfNeeded() {
    HtmlUnitWebElement oldActiveElement =

    boolean jsEnabled = parent.isJavascriptEnabled();
    boolean oldActiveEqualsCurrent = oldActiveElement.equals(this);
    try {
        boolean isBody = oldActiveElement.getTagName().toLowerCase().equals("body");
        if (jsEnabled &&
            !oldActiveEqualsCurrent &&
            !isBody) {
    } catch (StaleElementReferenceException ex) {
      // old element has gone, do nothing

Without updating to 2.23.0 or newer you can just give any element on the page focus. I just used for example.

What's the idiomatic syntax for prepending to a short python list?

The s.insert(0, x) form is the most common.

Whenever you see it though, it may be time to consider using a collections.deque instead of a list.

List supported SSL/TLS versions for a specific OpenSSL build

It's clumsy, but you can get this from the usage messages for s_client or s_server, which are #ifed at compile time to match the supported protocol versions. Use something like

 openssl s_client -help 2>&1 | awk '/-ssl[0-9]|-tls[0-9]/{print $1}' 
 # in older releases any unknown -option will work; in 1.1.0 must be exactly -help

adb uninstall failed

You can follow below steps to uninstall the app from the device via command prompt.

  1. execute the command : adb -s [devicename] uninstall -k [packagename]. this command will retain the data and cache in the device but will remove the app from the device.
  2. To remove the data and cache also from the device along with the application execute the command below. adb shell pm uninstall -k [packagename].

if it shows sucess your app is uninstalled successfully'

setImmediate vs. nextTick

In the comments in the answer, it does not explicitly state that nextTick shifted from Macrosemantics to Microsemantics.

before node 0.9 (when setImmediate was introduced), nextTick operated at the start of the next callstack.

since node 0.9, nextTick operates at the end of the existing callstack, whereas setImmediate is at the start of the next callstack

check out for tools and details

How to downgrade Node version

 curl -o- | bash
 sudo npm install -g n
 sudo n 10.15
 npm install
 npm audit fix
 npm start

How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

Some Bash tricks I use to set variables from commands

Sorry, there is a loong answer, but as is a , where the main goal is to run other commands and react to resut code and/or output, ( commands are often piped filter, etc... ).

Storing command output in variables is something basic and fundamental.

Therefore, depending on

  • compatibility ()
  • kind of output (filter(s))
  • number of variable to set (split or interpret)
  • execution time (monitoring)
  • error trapping
  • repeatability of request (see long running background process, further)
  • interactivity (considering user input while reading from another input file descriptor)
  • do I miss something?

First simple, old, and compatible way

myPi=`echo '4*a(1)' | bc -l`
echo $myPi 

Mostly compatible, second way

As nesting could become heavy, parenthesis was implemented for this

myPi=$(bc -l <<<'4*a(1)')

Nested sample:

SysStarted=$(date -d "$(ps ho lstart 1)" +%s)
echo $SysStarted 


Reading more than one variable (with Bashisms)

df -k /
Filesystem     1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/dm-0         999320 529020    401488  57% /

If I just want a used value:

array=($(df -k /))

you could see an array variable:

declare -p array
declare -a array='([0]="Filesystem" [1]="1K-blocks" [2]="Used" [3]="Available" [
4]="Use%" [5]="Mounted" [6]="on" [7]="/dev/dm-0" [8]="999320" [9]="529020" [10]=
"401488" [11]="57%" [12]="/")'


echo ${array[9]}

But I often use this:

{ read foo ; read filesystem size using avail prct mountpoint ; } < <(df -k /)
echo $using

The first read foo will just skip header line, but in only one command, you will populate 7 different variables:

declare -p avail filesystem foo mountpoint prct size using
declare -- avail="401488"
declare -- filesystem="/dev/dm-0"
declare -- foo="Filesystem     1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on"
declare -- mountpoint="/"
declare -- prct="57%"
declare -- size="999320"
declare -- using="529020"


{ read -a head;varnames=(${head[@]//[K1% -]});varnames=(${head[@]//[K1% -]});
  read ${varnames[@],,} ; } < <(LANG=C df -k /)


declare -p varnames ${varnames[@],,} 
declare -a varnames=([0]="Filesystem" [1]="blocks" [2]="Used" [3]="Available" [4]="Use" [5]="Mounted" [6]="on")
declare -- filesystem="/dev/dm-0"
declare -- blocks="999320"
declare -- used="529020"
declare -- available="401488"
declare -- use="57%"
declare -- mounted="/"
declare -- on=""

Or even:

{ read foo ; read filesystem dsk[{6,2,9}] prct mountpoint ; } < <(df -k /)
declare -p mountpoint dsk
declare -- mountpoint="/"
declare -a dsk=([2]="529020" [6]="999320" [9]="401488")

(Note Used and Blocks is switched there: read ... dsk[6] dsk[2] dsk[9] ...)

... will work with associative arrays too: read foo disk[total] disk[used] ...

Dedicated fd using unnamed fifo:

There is an elegent way:

while IFS=: read -u $list user pass uid gid name home bin ;do
    ((uid>=500)) &&
        printf -v users[uid] "%11d %7d %-20s %s\n" $uid $gid $user $home
done {list}</etc/passwd

Using this way (... read -u $list; ... {list}<inputfile) leave STDIN free for other purposes, like user interaction.


echo -n "${users[@]}"
       1000    1000 user         /home/user
      65534   65534 nobody       /nonexistent


echo ${!users[@]}
1000 ... 65534

echo -n "${users[1000]}"
      1000    1000 user       /home/user

This could be used with static files or even /dev/tcp/xx.xx.xx.xx/yyy with x for ip address or hostname and y for port number:

    read -u $list -a head          # read header in array `head`
    varnames=(${head[@]//[K1% -]}) # drop illegal chars for variable names
    while read -u $list ${varnames[@],,} ;do
        ((pct=available*100/(available+used),pct<10)) &&
            printf "WARN: FS: %-20s on %-14s %3d <10 (Total: %11u, Use: %7s)\n" \
                "${filesystem#*/mapper/}" "$mounted" $pct $blocks "$use"
 } {list}< <(LANG=C df -k)

And of course with inline documents:

while IFS=\; read -u $list -a myvar ;do
    echo ${myvar[2]}
done {list}<<"eof"

Sample function for populating some variables:


declare free=0 total=0 used=0

getDiskStat() {
    local foo
        read foo
        read foo total used free foo
    } < <(
        df -k ${1:-/}

getDiskStat $1
echo $total $used $free

Nota: declare line is not required, just for readability.

About sudo cmd | grep ... | cut ...

shell=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep $USER | cut -d : -f 7)
echo $shell

(Please avoid useless cat! So this is just one fork less:

shell=$(grep $USER </etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 7)

All pipes (|) implies forks. Where another process have to be run, accessing disk, libraries calls and so on.

So using sed for sample, will limit subprocess to only one fork:

shell=$(sed </etc/passwd "s/^$USER:.*://p;d")
echo $shell

And with Bashisms:

But for many actions, mostly on small files, Bash could do the job itself:

while IFS=: read -a line ; do
    [ "$line" = "$USER" ] && shell=${line[6]}
  done </etc/passwd
echo $shell


while IFS=: read loginname encpass uid gid fullname home shell;do
    [ "$loginname" = "$USER" ] && break
  done </etc/passwd
echo $shell $loginname ...

Going further about variable splitting...

Have a look at my answer to How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?

Alternative: reducing forks by using backgrounded long-running tasks

In order to prevent multiple forks like

myPi=$(bc -l <<<'4*a(1)'
myCirc=$(bc -l <<<" 2 * $myPi * $myRay ")


myStarted=$(date -d "$(ps ho lstart 1)" +%s)
mySessStart=$(date -d "$(ps ho lstart $$)" +%s)

This work fine, but running many forks is heavy and slow.

And commands like date and bc could make many operations, line by line!!


bc -l <<<$'3*4\n5*6'

date -f - +%s < <(ps ho lstart 1 $$)

So we could use a long running background process to make many jobs, without having to initiate a new fork for each request.

Under , there is a built-in function: coproc:

coproc bc -l
echo 4*3 >&${COPROC[1]}
read -u $COPROC answer
echo $answer

echo >&${COPROC[1]} 'pi=4*a(1)'
printf >&${COPROC[1]} '2*pi*%s\n' $ray
read -u $COPROC answer
echo $answer

printf >&${COPROC[1]} 'pi*%s^2\n' $ray
read -u $COPROC answer
echo $answer

As bc is ready, running in background and I/O are ready too, there is no delay, nothing to load, open, close, before or after operation. Only the operation himself! This become a lot quicker than having to fork to bc for each operation!

Border effect: While bc stay running, they will hold all registers, so some variables or functions could be defined at initialisation step, as first write to ${COPROC[1]}, just after starting the task (via coproc).

Into a function newConnector

You may found my newConnector function on GitHub.Com or on my own site (Note on GitHub: there are two files on my site. Function and demo are bundled into one uniq file which could be sourced for use or just run for demo.)




ps --tty pts/20 fw
  29019 pts/20   Ss     0:00 bash
  30745 pts/20   R+     0:00  \_ ps --tty pts/20 fw

newConnector /usr/bin/bc "-l" '3*4' 12

ps --tty pts/20 fw
  29019 pts/20   Ss     0:00 bash
  30944 pts/20   S      0:00  \_ /usr/bin/bc -l
  30952 pts/20   R+     0:00  \_ ps --tty pts/20 fw

declare -p PI
bash: declare: PI: not found

myBc '4*a(1)' PI
declare -p PI
declare -- PI="3.14159265358979323844"

The function myBc lets you use the background task with simple syntax, and for date:

newConnector /bin/date '-f - +%s' @0 0
myDate '2000-01-01'
myDate "$(ps ho lstart 1)" boottime
myDate now now ; read utm idl </proc/uptime
myBc "$now-$boottime" uptime
printf "%s\n" ${utm%%.*} $uptime

ps --tty pts/20 fw
  29019 pts/20   Ss     0:00 bash
  30944 pts/20   S      0:00  \_ /usr/bin/bc -l
  32615 pts/20   S      0:00  \_ /bin/date -f - +%s
   3162 pts/20   R+     0:00  \_ ps --tty pts/20 fw

From there, if you want to end one of background processes, you just have to close its fd:

eval "exec $DATEOUT>&-"
eval "exec $DATEIN>&-"
ps --tty pts/20 fw
   4936 pts/20   Ss     0:00 bash
   5256 pts/20   S      0:00  \_ /usr/bin/bc -l
   6358 pts/20   R+     0:00  \_ ps --tty pts/20 fw

which is not needed, because all fd close when the main process finishes.

How to execute only one test spec with angular-cli

This is working for me in Angular 7. It is based on the --main option of the ng command. I am not sure if this option is undocumented and possibly subject to change, but it works for me. I put a line in my package.json file in scripts section. There using the --main option of with the ng test command, I specify the path to the .spec.ts file I want to execute. For example

"test 1": "ng test --main E:/WebRxAngularClient/src/app/test/shared/my-date-utils.spec.ts",

You can run the script as you run any such script. I run it in Webstorm by clicking on "test 1" in the npm section.

How to create directory automatically on SD card

Had the same problem and just want to add that AndroidManifest.xml also needs this permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Is it possible to change javascript variable values while debugging in Google Chrome?

I'm able to modify a script variable value by assignment in the Console. Seems simplest.

Draw Circle using css alone

Yep, draw a box and give it a border radius that is half the width of the box:

#circle {
    background: #f00;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    border-radius: 50%;

Working demo:

#circle {_x000D_
    background: #f00;_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
<div id="circle"></div>

How to implement class constants?

Angular 2 Provides a very nice feature called as Opaque Constants. Create a class & Define all the constants there using opaque constants.

import { OpaqueToken } from "@angular/core";

export let APP_CONFIG = new OpaqueToken("my.config");

export interface MyAppConfig {
    apiEndpoint: string;

export const AppConfig: MyAppConfig = {    
    apiEndpoint: "http://localhost:8080/api/"    

Inject it in providers in app.module.ts

You will be able to use it across every components.

EDIT for Angular 4 :

For Angular 4 the new concept is Injection Token & Opaque token is Deprecated in Angular 4.

Injection Token Adds functionalities on top of Opaque Tokens, it allows to attach type info on the token via TypeScript generics, plus Injection tokens, removes the need of adding @Inject

Example Code

Angular 2 Using Opaque Tokens

const API_URL = new OpaqueToken('apiUrl'); //no Type Check

providers: [
    provide: DataService,
    useFactory: (http, apiUrl) => {
      // create data service
    deps: [
      new Inject(API_URL) //notice the new Inject

Angular 4 Using Injection Tokens

const API_URL = new InjectionToken<string>('apiUrl'); // generic defines return value of injector

providers: [
    provide: DataService,
    useFactory: (http, apiUrl) => {
      // create data service
    deps: [
      API_URL // no `new Inject()` needed!

Injection tokens are designed logically on top of Opaque tokens & Opaque tokens are deprecated in Angular 4.

Git: Cannot see new remote branch

You can checkout remote branch /n git fetch && git checkout remotebranch

jdk7 32 bit windows version to download

As detailed in the Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap

After April 2015, Oracle will no longer post updates of Java SE 7 to its public download sites. Existing Java SE 7 downloads already posted as of April 2015 will remain accessible in the Java Archive

Check the Java SE 7 Archive Downloads page. The last release was update 80, therefore the 32-bit filename to download is jdk-7u80-windows-i586.exe (64-bit is named jdk-7u80-windows-x64.exe.

Old Java downloads also require a sign on to an Oracle account now :-( however with some crafty cookie creating one can use wget to grab the file without signing in.

wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""

What exactly is LLVM?

A good summary of LLVM is this:

enter image description here

At the frontend you have Perl, and many other high level languages. At the backend, you have the natives code that run directly on the machine.

At the centre is your intermediate code representation. If every high level language can be represented in this LLVM IR format, then analysis tools based on this IR can be easily reused - that is the basic rationale.

How to read an entire file to a string using C#?

A benchmark comparison of File.ReadAllLines vs StreamReader ReadLine from C# file handling

File Read Comparison

Results. StreamReader is much faster for large files with 10,000+ lines, but the difference for smaller files is negligible. As always, plan for varying sizes of files, and use File.ReadAllLines only when performance isn't critical.

StreamReader approach

As the File.ReadAllText approach has been suggested by others, you can also try the quicker (I have not tested quantitatively the performance impact, but it appears to be faster than File.ReadAllText (see comparison below)). The difference in performance will be visible only in case of larger files though.

string readContents;
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path, Encoding.UTF8))
     readContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

Comparison of File.Readxxx() vs StreamReader.Readxxx()

Viewing the indicative code through ILSpy I have found the following about File.ReadAllLines, File.ReadAllText.

  • File.ReadAllText - Uses StreamReader.ReadToEnd internally
  • File.ReadAllLines - Also uses StreamReader.ReadLine internally with the additionally overhead of creating the List<string> to return as the read lines and looping till the end of file.

So both the methods are an additional layer of convenience built on top of StreamReader. This is evident by the indicative body of the method.

File.ReadAllText() implementation as decompiled by ILSpy

public static string ReadAllText(string path)
    if (path == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
    if (path.Length == 0)
        throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyPath"));
    return File.InternalReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8);

private static string InternalReadAllText(string path, Encoding encoding)
    string result;
    using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path, encoding))
        result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
    return result;

How to hide Bootstrap previous modal when you opening new one?

The best that I've been able to do is


This gets the modal holding the DOM object you triggered the event on (guessing you're clicking a button). Gets the closest parent '.modal' and toggles it. Obviously only works because it's inside the modal you clicked.

You can however do this:


This gets the modal that is displaying (since you can only have one open at a time), and triggers the 'toggle' This would not work without ":visible"

Set NOW() as Default Value for datetime datatype?

The best way is using "DEFAULT 0". Other way:

    /************ ROLE ************/
    drop table if exists `role`;
    create table `role` (
        `id_role` bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment,
        `date_created` datetime,
        `date_deleted` datetime,
        `name` varchar(35) not null,
        `description` text,
        primary key (`id_role`)
    ) comment='';

    drop trigger if exists `role_date_created`;
    create trigger `role_date_created` before insert
        on `role`
        for each row 
        set new.`date_created` = now();

Nullable DateTime conversion

You might want to do it like this:

DateTime? lastPostDate =  (DateTime?)(reader.IsDbNull(3) ? null : reader[3]); 

The problem you are having is that the ternary operator wants a viable cast between the left and right sides. And null can't be cast to DateTime.

Note the above works because both sides of the ternary are object's. The object is explicitly cast to DateTime? which works: as long as reader[3] is in fact a date.

How to change color of the back arrow in the new material theme?

We were running into the same problem and all we wanted was to set the


attribute in the toolbar in the end, which we did not find since it is not very well documented :)

         app:collapseIcon="@drawable/collapseBackIcon" />

PHP UML Generator

I strongly recommend BOUML which:

  • is extremely fast (fastest UML tool ever created, check out benchmarks),
  • has rock solid PHP import and export support (also supports C++, Java, Python)
  • is multiplatform (Linux, Windows, other OSes),
  • is full featured, impressively intensively developed (look at development history, it's hard to believe that such fast progress is possible).
  • supports plugins, has modular architecture (this allows user contributions, looks like BOUML community is forming up)

Object Library Not Registered When Adding Windows Common Controls 6.0

You Just execute the following commands in your command prompt,

For 32 bit machine,

cd C:\Windows\System32
regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx
regtlib msdatsrc.tlb

For 64 bit machine,

cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64
regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx
regtlib msdatsrc.tlb

How to pass payload via JSON file for curl?

curl sends POST requests with the default content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If you want to send a JSON request, you will have to specify the correct content type header:

$ curl -vX POST http://server/api/v1/places.json -d @testplace.json \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"

But that will only work if the server accepts json input. The .json at the end of the url may only indicate that the output is json, it doesn't necessarily mean that it also will handle json input. The API documentation should give you a hint on whether it does or not.

The reason you get a 401 and not some other error is probably because the server can't extract the auth_token from your request.

github: server certificate verification failed

You can also disable SSL verification, (if the project does not require a high level of security other than login/password) by typing :

git config --global http.sslverify false

enjoy git :)

How to find the users list in oracle 11g db?

select * from all_users

This will work for sure

Dealing with timestamps in R

You want the (standard) POSIXt type from base R that can be had in 'compact form' as a POSIXct (which is essentially a double representing fractional seconds since the epoch) or as long form in POSIXlt (which contains sub-elements). The cool thing is that arithmetic etc are defined on this -- see help(DateTimeClasses)

Quick example:

R> now <- Sys.time()
R> now
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> as.numeric(now)
[1] 1.262e+09
R> now + 10  # adds 10 seconds
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:21 CST"
R> as.POSIXlt(now)
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> str(as.POSIXlt(now))
 POSIXlt[1:9], format: "2009-12-25 18:39:11"
R> unclass(as.POSIXlt(now))
[1] 11.79

[1] 39

[1] 18

[1] 25

[1] 11

[1] 109

[1] 5

[1] 358

[1] 0

[1] "America/Chicago" "CST"             "CDT"            

As for reading them in, see help(strptime)

As for difference, easy too:

R> Jan1 <- strptime("2009-01-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
R> difftime(now, Jan1, unit="week")
Time difference of 51.25 weeks

Lastly, the zoo package is an extremely versatile and well-documented container for matrix with associated date/time indices.

How to change button color with tkinter

Another way to change color of a button if you want to do multiple operations along with color change. Using the Tk().after method and binding a change method allows you to change color and do other operations.

Label.destroy is another example of the after method.

    def export_win():
        //Some Operation
        orig_color = export_finding_graph.cget("background")
        export_finding_graph.configure(background = "green")

        tt = "Exported"
        label = Label(tab1_closed_observations, text=tt, font=("Helvetica", 12))

        def change(orig_color):
            export_finding_graph.configure(background = orig_color)

        tab1_closed_observations.after(1000, lambda: change(orig_color))
        tab1_closed_observations.after(500, label.destroy)

    export_finding_graph = Button(tab1_closed_observations, text='Export', command=export_win)

You can also revert to the original color.

Twitter Bootstrap Tabs: Go to Specific Tab on Page Reload or Hyperlink

I just had this issue, but needed to handle multiple tab levels. The code is rather ugly (see comments), but does its job: Hopefully someone else will find it useful (and feel free to propose better solutions!).

Add unique constraint to combination of two columns

Once you have removed your duplicate(s):

ALTER TABLE dbo.yourtablename
  ADD CONSTRAINT uq_yourtablename UNIQUE(column1, column2);


CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uq_yourtablename
  ON dbo.yourtablename(column1, column2);

Of course, it can often be better to check for this violation first, before just letting SQL Server try to insert the row and returning an exception (exceptions are expensive).

If you want to prevent exceptions from bubbling up to the application, without making changes to the application, you can use an INSTEAD OF trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER dbo.BlockDuplicatesYourTable
 ON dbo.YourTable

    INNER JOIN dbo.YourTable AS t
    ON i.column1 = t.column1
    AND i.column2 = t.column2
    INSERT dbo.YourTable(column1, column2, ...)
      SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM inserted;
    PRINT 'Did nothing.';

But if you don't tell the user they didn't perform the insert, they're going to wonder why the data isn't there and no exception was reported.

EDIT here is an example that does exactly what you're asking for, even using the same names as your question, and proves it. You should try it out before assuming the above ideas only treat one column or the other as opposed to the combination...

USE tempdb;

  Name NVARCHAR(32),
  Active BIT,
  PersonNumber INT

ALTER TABLE dbo.Person 
  ADD CONSTRAINT uq_Person UNIQUE(PersonNumber, Active);

-- succeeds:
INSERT dbo.Person(Name, Active, PersonNumber)
  VALUES(N'foo', 1, 22);

-- succeeds:
INSERT dbo.Person(Name, Active, PersonNumber)
  VALUES(N'foo', 0, 22);

-- fails:
INSERT dbo.Person(Name, Active, PersonNumber)
  VALUES(N'foo', 1, 22);

Data in the table after all of this:

ID   Name   Active PersonNumber
---- ------ ------ ------------
1    foo    1      22
2    foo    0      22

Error message on the last insert:

Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 3 Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'uq_Person'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Person'. The statement has been terminated.

alert() not working in Chrome

Take a look at this thread:

The problem is caused by javascript method ", windowName[, windowFeatures])". If the 3rd parameter windowFeatures is specified, then alert box doesn't work in the popup constrained window in Chrome, here is a simplified reduction:


If the 3rd parameter windowFeatures is ignored, then alert box works in the popup in Chrome(the popup is actually opened as a new tab in Chrome), like this:


it doesn't happen in IE7, Firefox3 or Safari3, it's a chrome specific issue.

See also attachments for simplified reductions

How to read file using NPOI

I find NPOI very usefull for working with Excel Files, here is my implementation (Comments are in Spanish, sorry for that):

This Method Opens an Excel (both xls or xlsx) file and converts it into a DataTable.

        /// <summary>Abre un archivo de Excel (xls o xlsx) y lo convierte en un DataTable.
    /// <param name="pRutaArchivo">Ruta completa del archivo a abrir.</param>
    /// <param name="pHojaIndex">Número (basado en cero) de la hoja que se desea abrir. 0 es la primera hoja.</param>
    private DataTable Excel_To_DataTable(string pRutaArchivo, int pHojaIndex)
        // --------------------------------- //
        /* REFERENCIAS:
         * NPOI.dll
         * NPOI.OOXML.dll
         * NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll */
        // --------------------------------- //
        /* USING:
         * using NPOI.SS.UserModel;
         * using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel;
         * using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; */
        // AUTOR: Ing. Jhollman Chacon R. 2015
        // --------------------------------- //
        DataTable Tabla = null;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(pRutaArchivo))

                IWorkbook workbook = null;  //IWorkbook determina si es xls o xlsx              
                ISheet worksheet = null;
                string first_sheet_name = "";

                using (FileStream FS = new FileStream(pRutaArchivo, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(FS);          //Abre tanto XLS como XLSX
                    worksheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(pHojaIndex);    //Obtener Hoja por indice
                    first_sheet_name = worksheet.SheetName;         //Obtener el nombre de la Hoja

                    Tabla = new DataTable(first_sheet_name);

                    // Leer Fila por fila desde la primera
                    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex <= worksheet.LastRowNum; rowIndex++)
                        DataRow NewReg = null;
                        IRow row = worksheet.GetRow(rowIndex);
                        IRow row2 = null;
                        IRow row3 = null;

                        if (rowIndex == 0)
                            row2 = worksheet.GetRow(rowIndex + 1); //Si es la Primera fila, obtengo tambien la segunda para saber el tipo de datos
                            row3 = worksheet.GetRow(rowIndex + 2); //Y la tercera tambien por las dudas

                        if (row != null) //null is when the row only contains empty cells 
                            if (rowIndex > 0) NewReg = Tabla.NewRow();

                            int colIndex = 0;
                            //Leer cada Columna de la fila
                            foreach (ICell cell in row.Cells)
                                object valorCell = null;
                                string cellType = "";
                                string[] cellType2 = new string[2];

                                if (rowIndex == 0) //Asumo que la primera fila contiene los titlos:
                                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                        ICell cell2 = null;
                                        if (i == 0) { cell2 = row2.GetCell(cell.ColumnIndex); }
                                        else { cell2 = row3.GetCell(cell.ColumnIndex); }

                                        if (cell2 != null)
                                            switch (cell2.CellType)
                                                case CellType.Blank: break;
                                                case CellType.Boolean: cellType2[i] = "System.Boolean"; break;
                                                case CellType.String: cellType2[i] = "System.String"; break;
                                                case CellType.Numeric:
                                                    if (HSSFDateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(cell2)) { cellType2[i] = "System.DateTime"; }
                                                        cellType2[i] = "System.Double";  //valorCell = cell2.NumericCellValue;

                                                case CellType.Formula:                                                      
                                                    bool continuar = true;
                                                    switch (cell2.CachedFormulaResultType)
                                                        case CellType.Boolean: cellType2[i] = "System.Boolean"; break;
                                                        case CellType.String: cellType2[i] = "System.String"; break;
                                                        case CellType.Numeric:
                                                            if (HSSFDateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(cell2)) { cellType2[i] = "System.DateTime"; }
                                                                    //DETERMINAR SI ES BOOLEANO
                                                                    if (cell2.CellFormula == "TRUE()") { cellType2[i] = "System.Boolean"; continuar = false; }
                                                                    if (continuar && cell2.CellFormula == "FALSE()") { cellType2[i] = "System.Boolean"; continuar = false; }
                                                                    if (continuar) { cellType2[i] = "System.Double"; continuar = false; }
                                                                catch { }
                                                            } break;
                                                    cellType2[i] = "System.String"; break;

                                    //Resolver las diferencias de Tipos
                                    if (cellType2[0] == cellType2[1]) { cellType = cellType2[0]; }
                                        if (cellType2[0] == null) cellType = cellType2[1];
                                        if (cellType2[1] == null) cellType = cellType2[0];
                                        if (cellType == "") cellType = "System.String";

                                    //Obtener el nombre de la Columna
                                    string colName = "Column_{0}";
                                    try { colName = cell.StringCellValue; }
                                    catch { colName = string.Format(colName, colIndex); }

                                    //Verificar que NO se repita el Nombre de la Columna
                                    foreach (DataColumn col in Tabla.Columns)
                                        if (col.ColumnName == colName) colName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", colName, colIndex);

                                    //Agregar el campos de la tabla:
                                    DataColumn codigo = new DataColumn(colName, System.Type.GetType(cellType));
                                    Tabla.Columns.Add(codigo); colIndex++;
                                    //Las demas filas son registros:
                                    switch (cell.CellType)
                                        case CellType.Blank: valorCell = DBNull.Value; break;
                                        case CellType.Boolean: valorCell = cell.BooleanCellValue; break;
                                        case CellType.String: valorCell = cell.StringCellValue; break;
                                        case CellType.Numeric:
                                            if (HSSFDateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(cell)) { valorCell = cell.DateCellValue; }
                                            else { valorCell = cell.NumericCellValue; } break;
                                        case CellType.Formula:
                                            switch (cell.CachedFormulaResultType)
                                                case CellType.Blank: valorCell = DBNull.Value; break;
                                                case CellType.String: valorCell = cell.StringCellValue; break;
                                                case CellType.Boolean: valorCell = cell.BooleanCellValue; break;
                                                case CellType.Numeric:
                                                    if (HSSFDateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(cell)) { valorCell = cell.DateCellValue; }
                                                    else { valorCell = cell.NumericCellValue; }
                                        default: valorCell = cell.StringCellValue; break;
                                    //Agregar el nuevo Registro
                                    if (cell.ColumnIndex <= Tabla.Columns.Count - 1) NewReg[cell.ColumnIndex] = valorCell;
                        if (rowIndex > 0) Tabla.Rows.Add(NewReg);
                throw new Exception("ERROR 404: El archivo especificado NO existe.");
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
        return Tabla;

This Second method does the oposite, saves a DataTable into an Excel File, yeah it can either be xls or the new xlsx, your choise!

        /// <summary>Convierte un DataTable en un archivo de Excel (xls o Xlsx) y lo guarda en disco.</summary>
    /// <param name="pDatos">Datos de la Tabla a guardar. Usa el nombre de la tabla como nombre de la Hoja</param>
    /// <param name="pFilePath">Ruta del archivo donde se guarda.</param>
    private void DataTable_To_Excel(DataTable pDatos, string pFilePath)
            if (pDatos != null && pDatos.Rows.Count > 0)
                IWorkbook workbook = null;
                ISheet worksheet = null;

                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(pFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    string Ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(pFilePath); //<-Extension del archivo
                    switch (Ext.ToLower())
                        case ".xls":
                            HSSFWorkbook workbookH = new HSSFWorkbook();
                            NPOI.HPSF.DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = NPOI.HPSF.PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation();
                            dsi.Company = "Cutcsa"; dsi.Manager = "Departamento Informatico";
                            workbookH.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi;
                            workbook = workbookH;

                        case ".xlsx": workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); break;

                    worksheet = workbook.CreateSheet(pDatos.TableName); //<-Usa el nombre de la tabla como nombre de la Hoja

                    int iRow = 0;
                    if (pDatos.Columns.Count > 0)
                        int iCol = 0;
                        IRow fila = worksheet.CreateRow(iRow);
                        foreach (DataColumn columna in pDatos.Columns)
                            ICell cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.String);

                    ICellStyle _doubleCellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    _doubleCellStyle.DataFormat = workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("#,##0.###");

                    ICellStyle _intCellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    _intCellStyle.DataFormat = workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("#,##0");

                    ICellStyle _boolCellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    _boolCellStyle.DataFormat = workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("BOOLEAN");

                    ICellStyle _dateCellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    _dateCellStyle.DataFormat = workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

                    ICellStyle _dateTimeCellStyle = workbook.CreateCellStyle();
                    _dateTimeCellStyle.DataFormat = workbook.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");

                    foreach (DataRow row in pDatos.Rows)
                        IRow fila = worksheet.CreateRow(iRow);
                        int iCol = 0;
                        foreach (DataColumn column in pDatos.Columns)
                            ICell cell = null; //<-Representa la celda actual                               
                            object cellValue = row[iCol]; //<- El valor actual de la celda

                            switch (column.DataType.ToString())
                                case "System.Boolean":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.Boolean);

                                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(cellValue)) { cell.SetCellFormula("TRUE()"); }
                                        else { cell.SetCellFormula("FALSE()"); }

                                        cell.CellStyle = _boolCellStyle;

                                case "System.String":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.String);

                                case "System.Int32":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.Numeric);
                                        cell.CellStyle = _intCellStyle;
                                case "System.Int64":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.Numeric);
                                        cell.CellStyle = _intCellStyle;
                                case "System.Decimal":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.Numeric);
                                        cell.CellStyle = _doubleCellStyle;
                                case "System.Double":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.Numeric);
                                        cell.CellStyle = _doubleCellStyle;

                                case "System.DateTime":
                                    if (cellValue != DBNull.Value)
                                        cell = fila.CreateCell(iCol, CellType.Numeric);

                                        //Si No tiene valor de Hora, usar formato dd-MM-yyyy
                                        DateTime cDate = Convert.ToDateTime(cellValue);
                                        if (cDate != null && cDate.Hour > 0) { cell.CellStyle = _dateTimeCellStyle; }
                                        else { cell.CellStyle = _dateCellStyle; }

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

With this 2 methods you can Open an Excel file, load it into a DataTable, do your modifications and save it back into an Excel file.

Hope you guys find this usefull.

How to copy a java.util.List into another java.util.List

You should use the addAll method. It appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of the copy list. It will be a copy of your list.

List<String> myList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> copyList = new ArrayList<>();

Delete cookie by name?

In order to delete a cookie set the expires date to something in the past. A function that does this would be.

var delete_cookie = function(name) {
    document.cookie = name + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

Then to delete a cookie named roundcube_sessauth just do.


'AND' vs '&&' as operator

I guess it's a matter of taste, although (mistakenly) mixing them up might cause some undesired behaviors:

true && false || false; // returns false

true and false || false; // returns true

Hence, using && and || is safer for they have the highest precedence. In what regards to readability, I'd say these operators are universal enough.

UPDATE: About the comments saying that both operations return false ... well, in fact the code above does not return anything, I'm sorry for the ambiguity. To clarify: the behavior in the second case depends on how the result of the operation is used. Observe how the precedence of operators comes into play here:

var_dump(true and false || false); // bool(false)

$a = true and false || false; var_dump($a); // bool(true)

The reason why $a === true is because the assignment operator has precedence over any logical operator, as already very well explained in other answers.

Remove duplicate elements from array in Ruby

Just to provide some insight:

require 'fruity'
require 'set'

array = [1,2,2,1,4,4,5,6,7,8,5,6] * 1_000

def mithun_sasidharan(ary)

def jaredsmith(ary)
  ary & ary

def lri(ary)
  counts =
  ary.each { |v| counts[v] += 1 } { |v, count| count == 1 }.keys 

def finks(ary)

def santosh_mohanty(ary)
    result = ary.reject.with_index do |ele,index|
      res = (ary[index+1] ^ ele)
      res == 0

SHORT_ARRAY = [1,1,2,2,3,1]
mithun_sasidharan(SHORT_ARRAY) # => [1, 2, 3]
jaredsmith(SHORT_ARRAY) # => [1, 2, 3]
lri(SHORT_ARRAY) # => [3]
finks(SHORT_ARRAY) # => #<Set: {1, 2, 3}>
santosh_mohanty(SHORT_ARRAY) # => [1, 2, 3, 1]

puts 'Ruby v%s' % RUBY_VERSION

compare do
  _mithun_sasidharan { mithun_sasidharan(array) }
  _jaredsmith { jaredsmith(array) }
  _lri { lri(array) }
  _finks { finks(array) }
  _santosh_mohanty { santosh_mohanty(array) }

Which, when run, results in:

# >> Ruby v2.7.1
# >> Running each test 16 times. Test will take about 2 seconds.
# >> _mithun_sasidharan is faster than _jaredsmith by 2x ± 0.1
# >> _jaredsmith is faster than _santosh_mohanty by 4x ± 0.1 (results differ: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] vs [1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, ...
# >> _santosh_mohanty is similar to _lri (results differ: [1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, ...
# >> _lri is similar to _finks (results differ: [] vs #<Set: {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}>)

Note: these returned bad results:

  • lri(SHORT_ARRAY) # => [3]
  • finks(SHORT_ARRAY) # => #<Set: {1, 2, 3}>
  • santosh_mohanty(SHORT_ARRAY) # => [1, 2, 3, 1]

What is logits, softmax and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits?

Whatever goes to softmax is logit, this is what J. Hinton repeats in coursera videos all the time.

Passing Parameters JavaFX FXML

Here is an example for using a controller injected by Guice.

 * Loads a FXML file and injects its controller from the given Guice {@code Provider}
public abstract class GuiceFxmlLoader {

   public GuiceFxmlLoader(Stage stage, Provider<?> provider) {
      mStage = Objects.requireNonNull(stage);
      mProvider = Objects.requireNonNull(provider);

    * @return the FXML file name
   public abstract String getFileName();

    * Load FXML, set its controller with given {@code Provider}, and add it to {@code Stage}.
   public void loadView() {
      try {
         FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(getFileName()));
         loader.setControllerFactory(p -> mProvider.get());
         Node view = loader.load();
      catch (IOException ex) {
         LOGGER.error("Failed to load FXML: " + getFileName(), ex);

   private void setViewInStage(Node view) {
      BorderPane pane = (BorderPane)mStage.getScene().getRoot();

   private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GuiceFxmlLoader.class);

   private final Stage mStage;
   private final Provider<?> mProvider;

Here is a concrete implementation of the loader:

public class ConcreteViewLoader extends GuiceFxmlLoader {

   public ConcreteViewLoader(Stage stage, Provider<MyController> provider) {
      super(stage, provider);

   public String getFileName() {
      return "my_view.fxml";

Note this example loads the view into the center of a BoarderPane that is the root of the Scene in the Stage. This is irrelevant to the example (implementation detail of my specific use case) but decided to leave it in as some may find it useful.

Iterate through a C array

If the size of the array is known at compile time, you can use the structure size to determine the number of elements.

struct foo fooarr[10];

for(i = 0; i < sizeof(fooarr) / sizeof(struct foo); i++)

If it is not known at compile time, you will need to store a size somewhere or create a special terminator value at the end of the array.

How can I detect the touch event of an UIImageView?

You might want to override the touchesBegan:withEvent: method of the UIView (or subclass) that contains your UIImageView subview.

Within this method, test if any of the UITouch touches fall inside the bounds of the UIImageView instance (let's say it is called imageView).

That is, does the CGPoint element [touch locationInView] intersect with with the CGRect element [imageView bounds]? Look into the function CGRectContainsPoint to run this test.

Select all occurrences of selected word in VSCode

According to Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code there's:

Ctrl+Shift+L to select all occurrences of current selection


Ctrl+F2 to select all occurrences of current word

You can view the currently active keyboard shortcuts in VS Code in the Command Palette (View -> Command Palette) or in the Keyboard Shortcuts editor (File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts).

Pytesseract : "TesseractNotFound Error: tesseract is not installed or it's not in your path", how do I fix this?

In windows:

pip install tesseract

pip install tesseract-ocr

and check the file which is stored in your system usr/appdata/local/programs/site-pakages/python/python36/lib/pytesseract/ file and compile the file

Convert unix time to readable date in pandas dataframe

Assuming we imported pandas as pd and df is our dataframe

pd.to_datetime(df['date'], unit='s')

works for me.

QLabel: set color of text and background

This one is working perfect

QColorDialog *dialog = new QColorDialog(this);
QColor color=  dialog->getColor();
QVariant variant= color;
QString colcode = variant.toString();
ui->label->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color :"+colcode+" ; color : blue; }");

getColor() method returns the selected color. You can change label color using stylesheet

TypeScript for ... of with index / key?

You can use the TypeScript operator to access the index when dealing with collections.

var test = [7,8,9];
for (var i in test) {
   console.log(i + ': ' + test[i]);


 0: 7
 1: 8
 2: 9

See Demo

Importing Maven project into Eclipse

Since Eclipse Neon which contains Eclipse Maven Integration (m2e) 1.7, the preferred way is one of the following ways:

  • File > Projects from File System... - This works for Eclipse projects (containing the file .project) as well as for non-Eclipse projects that only contain the file pom.xml.
  • If importing from a Git repository, in the Git Repositories view right-click the repository node, one folder or multiple selected folders in the Working Tree and choose Import Projects.... This opens the same dialog, but you don't have to select the directory.

How to Run Terminal as Administrator on Mac Pro

search for terminal after opening the termincal type

su <admin-user-name>   //su - switch user

enter and then give the admin password then run your sudo commands e.g:

sudo open

How do I store data in local storage using Angularjs?

this is a bit of my code that stores and retrieves to local storage. i use broadcast events to save and restore the values in the model.

app.factory('userService', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

    var service = {

        model: {
            name: '',
            email: ''

        SaveState: function () {
            sessionStorage.userService = angular.toJson(service.model);

        RestoreState: function () {
            service.model = angular.fromJson(sessionStorage.userService);

    $rootScope.$on("savestate", service.SaveState);
    $rootScope.$on("restorestate", service.RestoreState);

    return service;

Target a css class inside another css class

Not certain what the HTML looks like (that would help with answers). If it's

<div class="testimonials content">stuff</div>

then simply remove the space in your css. A la...

.testimonials.content { css here }


Okay, after seeing HTML see if this works...

.testimonials .wrapper .content { css here }

or just

.testimonials .wrapper { css here }


.desc-container .wrapper { css here }

all 3 should work.

How to type a new line character in SQL Server Management Studio

You can prepare the text in notepad, and paste it into SSMS. SSMS will not display the newlines, but they are there, as you can verify with a select:

select *
from YourTable
where Col1 like '%' + char(10) + '%'

How to create a unique index on a NULL column?

It is possible to use filter predicates to specify which rows to include in the index.

From the documentation:

WHERE <filter_predicate> Creates a filtered index by specifying which rows to include in the index. The filtered index must be a nonclustered index on a table. Creates filtered statistics for the data rows in the filtered index.


  NullableCol int NULL

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Table1 ON Table1 (NullableCol) WHERE NullableCol IS NOT NULL;

Linq select objects in list where exists IN (A,B,C)

NB: this is LINQ to objects, I am not 100% sure if it work in LINQ to entities, and have no time to check it right now. In fact it isn't too difficult to translate it to x in [A, B, C] but you have to check for yourself.

So, instead of Contains as a replacement of the ???? in your code you can use Any which is more LINQ-uish:

// Filter the orders based on the order status
var filteredOrders = from order in orders.Order
                     where new[] { "A", "B", "C" }.Any(s => s == order.StatusCode)
                     select order;

It's the opposite to what you know from SQL this is why it is not so obvious.

Of course, if you prefer fluent syntax here it is:

var filteredOrders = orders.Order.Where(order => new[] {"A", "B", "C"}.Any(s => s == order.StatusCode));

Here we again see one of the LINQ surprises (like Joda-speech which puts select at the end). However it is quite logical in this sense that it checks if at least one of the items (that is any) in a list (set, collection) matches a single value.

Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String`

This is the generic method that I use to convert any object that might be a DBNull.Value:

public static T ConvertDBNull<T>(object value, Func<object, T> conversionFunction)
    return conversionFunction(value == DBNull.Value ? null : value);


var result = command.ExecuteScalar();

return result.ConvertDBNull(Convert.ToInt32);


return command

Search an array for matching attribute

let restaurant = restaurants.find(element => == "chicken");

The find() method returns the value of the first element in the provided array that satisfies the provided testing function.


How does Spring autowire by name when more than one matching bean is found?

This is documented in section 3.9.3 of the Spring 3.0 manual:

For a fallback match, the bean name is considered a default qualifier value.

In other words, the default behaviour is as though you'd added @Qualifier("country") to the setter method.

Last Key in Python Dictionary

Since python 3.7 dict always ordered(insert order),

since python 3.8 keys(), values() and items() of dict returns: view that can be reversed:

to get last key:


the same apply for values() and items()

PS, to get first key use: next(iter(my_dict.keys()))

How to overplot a line on a scatter plot in python?

Another way to do it, using axes.get_xlim():

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def scatter_plot_with_correlation_line(x, y, graph_filepath):
    x does not have to be ordered.
    # Create scatter plot
    plt.scatter(x, y)

    # Add correlation line
    axes = plt.gca()
    m, b = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
    X_plot = np.linspace(axes.get_xlim()[0],axes.get_xlim()[1],100)
    plt.plot(X_plot, m*X_plot + b, '-')

    # Save figure
    plt.savefig(graph_filepath, dpi=300, format='png', bbox_inches='tight')

def main():
    # Data
    x = np.random.rand(100)
    y = x + np.random.rand(100)*0.1

    # Plot
    scatter_plot_with_correlation_line(x, y, 'scatter_plot.png')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main()'main()') # if you want to do some profiling

enter image description here

use regular expression in if-condition in bash

Adding this solution with grep and basic sh builtins for those interested in a more portable solution (independent of bash version; also works with plain old sh, on non-Linux platforms etc.)

# GLOB matching
case "$gg" in
   *grid*) echo $gg ;;

# REGEXP    
if echo "$gg" | grep '^....grid*' >/dev/null ; then echo $gg ; fi    
if echo "$gg" | grep '....grid*' >/dev/null ; then echo $gg ; fi    
if echo "$gg" | grep 's...grid*' >/dev/null ; then echo $gg ; fi    

# Extended REGEXP
if echo "$gg" | egrep '(^....grid*|....grid*|s...grid*)' >/dev/null ; then
  echo $gg

Some grep incarnations also support the -q (quiet) option as an alternative to redirecting to /dev/null, but the redirect is again the most portable.

How to sign an android apk file

Here is a guide on how to manually sign an APK. It includes info about the new apk-signer introduced in build-tools 24.0.3 (10/2016)

Automated Process:

Use this tool (uses the new apksigner from Google):

Disclaimer: Im the developer :)

Manual Process:

Step 1: Generate Keystore (only once)

You need to generate a keystore once and use it to sign your unsigned apk. Use the keytool provided by the JDK found in %JAVA_HOME%/bin/

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias app

Step 2 or 4: Zipalign

zipalign which is a tool provided by the Android SDK found in e.g. %ANDROID_HOME%/sdk/build-tools/24.0.2/ is a mandatory optimzation step if you want to upload the apk to the Play Store.

zipalign -p 4 my.apk my-aligned.apk

Note: when using the old jarsigner you need to zipalign AFTER signing. When using the new apksigner method you do it BEFORE signing (confusing, I know). Invoking zipalign before apksigner works fine because apksigner preserves APK alignment and compression (unlike jarsigner).

You can verify the alignment with

zipalign -c 4 my-aligned.apk

Step 3: Sign & Verify

Using build-tools 24.0.2 and older

Use jarsigner which, like the keytool, comes with the JDK distribution found in %JAVA_HOME%/bin/ and use it like so:

jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my.keystore my-app.apk my_alias_name

and can be verified with

jarsigner -verify -verbose my_application.apk

Using build-tools 24.0.3 and newer

Android 7.0 introduces APK Signature Scheme v2, a new app-signing scheme that offers faster app install times and more protection against unauthorized alterations to APK files (See here and here for more details). Threfore Google implemented their own apk signer called apksigner (duh!) The script file can be found in %ANDROID_HOME%/sdk/build-tools/24.0.3/ (the .jar is in the /lib subfolder). Use it like this

apksigner sign --ks my.keystore my-app.apk --ks-key-alias alias_name

and can be verified with

apksigner verify my-app.apk

The official documentation can be found here.

How to select the nth row in a SQL database table?

In Oracle 12c, You may use OFFSET..FETCH..ROWS option with ORDER BY

For example, to get the 3rd record from top:

FROM   sometable
ORDER BY column_name

Pass correct "this" context to setTimeout callback?

If you're using underscore, you can use bind.


if (this.options.destroyOnHide) {
     setTimeout(_.bind(this.tip.destroy, this), 1000);

The type initializer for 'MyClass' threw an exception

This problem can be caused if a class tries to get value of a key in web.config or app.config which is not present there.

The class has a static variable

private static string ClientID = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["GoogleCalendarApplicationClientID"].ToString();

But the web.config doesn't contain the GoogleCalendarApplicationClientID key

The error will be thrown on any static function call or any class instance creation

Pass props in Link react-router


<Route state={this.state} exact path="/customers/:id" render={(props) => <PageCustomer {...props} state={this.state} />} />

And then can access params in your PageCustomer component like this:

For example an api call in PageCustomer component:

   method: 'get',
   url: '/api/customers/' +,
   data: {},
   headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'}

Python string to unicode

Unicode escapes only work in unicode strings, so this


is actually a string of 6 characters: '\', 'u', '2', '0', '2', '6'.

To make unicode out of this, use decode('unicode-escape'):

print repr(a)
print repr(a.decode('unicode-escape'))

## '\\u2026'
## u'\u2026'

what is the size of an enum type data in C++?

It depends. The standard only demands that it is large enough to hold all values, so formally an enum like enum foo { zero, one, two }; needs to only be one byte large. However most implementations make those enums as large as ints (that's faster on modern hardware; moreover it's needed for compatibility with C where enums are basically glorified ints). Note however that C++ allows enums with initializers outside of the int range, and for those enums the size will of course also be larger. For example, if you have enum bar { a, b = 1LL << 35 }; then your enum will be larger than 32 bits (most likely 64 bits) even on a system with 32 bit ints (note that in C that enum would not be allowed).

In SQL how to compare date values?

Uh, WHERE mydate<='2008-11-25' is the way to do it. That should work.

Do you get an error message? Are you using an ancient version of MySQL?

Edit: The following works fine for me on MySQL 5.x

create temporary table foo(d datetime);
insert into foo(d) VALUES ('2000-01-01');
insert into foo(d) VALUES ('2001-01-01');
select * from foo where d <= '2000-06-01';

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

for those who got here because the title of the question:

I use Reply-To: address with webforms. when someone fills out the form, the webpage sends an automatic email to the page's owner. the From: is the automatic mail sender's address, so the owner knows it is from the webform. but the Reply-To: address is the one filled in in the form by the user, so the owner can just hit reply to contact them.

How can I view the allocation unit size of a NTFS partition in Vista?

from the commandline:

chkdsk l: (wait for the scan to finish)


Easiest way to convert month name to month number in JS ? (Jan = 01)

Here is another way :

var currentMonth = 1
var months = ["ENE", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", 
              "JUL", "AGO", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DIC"];

console.log(months[currentMonth - 1]);

Artificially create a connection timeout error

The easiest thing would be to drop your connection using CurrPorts.

However, in order to unit test your exception handling code, perhaps you should consider abstracting your network connection code, and write a stub, mock or decorator which throws exceptions on demand. You will then be able to test the application error-handling logic without having to actually use the network.

How to pass parameters to a modal?

Alternatively you can create a new scope and pass through params via the scope option

var scope = $rootScope.$new();
 scope.params = {editId: $scope.editId};
        scope: scope,
        templateUrl: 'template.html',
        controller: 'Controller',

In your modal controller pass in $scope, you then do not need to pass in and itemsProvider or what ever resolve you named it

modalController = function($scope) {

Skip download if files exist in wget?

When running Wget with -r or -p, but without -N, -nd, or -nc, re-downloading a file will result in the new copy simply overwriting the old.

So adding -nc will prevent this behavior, instead causing the original version to be preserved and any newer copies on the server to be ignored.

See more info at GNU.

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Add "-O file.tgz" or "-O file.tar.gz" at the end wget command and extract "file.tgz" or "file.tar.gz"

Here is the sample code for google colab-

!wget -q  --trust-server-names  -O file.tgz 
print("Download completed successfully !!!")
!tar zxvf  file.tgz 

Note- Please ensure that http path for tgz is valid and file is not corrupted

Remove x-axis label/text in chart.js

(this question is a duplicate of In chart.js, Is it possible to hide x-axis label/text of bar chart if accessing from mobile?) They added the option, 2.1.4 (and maybe a little earlier) has it

var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'line',
    data: data,
    options: {
        scales: {
            xAxes: [{
                ticks: {
                    display: false

How can I get the full/absolute URL (with domain) in Django?

Use handy request.build_absolute_uri() method on request, pass it the relative url and it'll give you full one.

By default, the absolute URL for request.get_full_path() is returned, but you can pass it a relative URL as the first argument to convert it to an absolute URL.

Taking pictures with camera on Android programmatically

The following is a simple way to open the camera:

private void startCamera() {

    Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
    startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

How to find the kth largest element in an unsorted array of length n in O(n)?

A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis gives a version that is O(n), although the author states that the constant factor is so high, you'd probably prefer the naive sort-the-list-then-select method.

I answered the letter of your question :)

WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)

The problem occurred due to the Control validator. Just Add the J Query reference to your web page as follows and then add the Validation Settings in your web.config file to overcome the problem. I too faced the same problem and the below gave the solution to my problem.


Code to be added in web page

Step2 :

Code to be added in Web.config file

It will resolve your problem.

How can I get the image url in a Wordpress theme?

If you are developing a child theme you can use:

<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>-child/images/example.png" />

get_template_directory_uri() will return url to your currently active theme (parent theme), then you add -child/, then add path to your image (the example above assumes your image is at <child-theme-directory>/images/example.png)

Python: How do I make a subclass from a superclass?

class Mammal(object): 
#mammal stuff

class Dog(Mammal): 
#doggie stuff

Return array from function

Your BlockID function uses the undefined variable images, which will lead to an error. Also, you should not use an Array here - JavaScripts key-value-maps are plain objects:

function BlockID() {
    return {
        "s": "Images/Block_01.png",
        "g": "Images/Block_02.png",
        "C": "Images/Block_03.png",
        "d": "Images/Block_04.png"

What is the recommended way to delete a large number of items from DynamoDB?

My approach to delete all rows from a table i DynamoDb is just to pull all rows out from the table, using DynamoDbs ScanAsync and then feed the result list to DynamoDbs AddDeleteItems. Below code in C# works fine for me.

        public async Task DeleteAllReadModelEntitiesInTable()
        List<ReadModelEntity> readModels;

        var conditions = new List<ScanCondition>();
        readModels = await _context.ScanAsync<ReadModelEntity>(conditions).GetRemainingAsync();

        var batchWork = _context.CreateBatchWrite<ReadModelEntity>();
        await batchWork.ExecuteAsync();

Note: Deleting the table and then recreating it again from the web console may cause problems if using YAML/CloudFormation to create the table.

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.Set

Not saying your mapping is correct or wrong but I think hibernate wants a instance of the set where you declare the field.

@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@Column(name = "ROLE_ID")
private Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>();

Is it possible to make input fields read-only through CSS?

Not really what you need, but it can help and answser the question here depending of what you want to achieve.

You can prevent all pointer events to be sent to the input by using the CSS property : pointer-events:none It will kind of add a layer on top of the element that will prevent you to click in it ... You can also add a cursor:text to the parent element to give back the text cursor style to the input ...

Usefull, for example, when you can't modify the JS/HTML of a module.. and you can just customize it by css.


What is the HTML tabindex attribute?

When the user presses the tab button the user will be taken through the form in the order 1, 2, and 3 as indicated in the example below.

For example:

Name: <input name="name" tabindex="1"  />
Age: <input name="age" tabindex="3"  />
Email: <input name="email" tabindex="2"  />

How to deselect a selected UITableView cell?

Use the following method in the table view delegate's didSelectRowAtIndexpath (Or from anywhere)

[myTable deselectRowAtIndexPath:[myTable indexPathForSelectedRow] animated:YES];

Python popen command. Wait until the command is finished

Force popen to not continue until all output is read by doing:


Javascript how to split newline


var ks = $('#keywords').val().split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);

will work perfectly.

Be sure \r\n is placed at the leading of the RegExp string, cause it will be tried first.

calculating the difference in months between two dates

You won't be able to get that from a TimeSpan, because a "month" is a variable unit of measure. You'll have to calculate it yourself, and you'll have to figure out how exactly you want it to work.

For example, should dates like July 5, 2009 and August 4, 2009 yield one month or zero months difference? If you say it should yield one, then what about July 31, 2009 and August 1, 2009? Is that a month? Is it simply the difference of the Month values for the dates, or is it more related to an actual span of time? The logic for determining all of these rules is non-trivial, so you'll have to determine your own and implement the appropriate algorithm.

If all you want is simply a difference in the months--completely disregarding the date values--then you can use this:

public static int MonthDifference(this DateTime lValue, DateTime rValue)
    return (lValue.Month - rValue.Month) + 12 * (lValue.Year - rValue.Year);

Note that this returns a relative difference, meaning that if rValue is greater than lValue, then the return value will be negative. If you want an absolute difference, you can use this:

public static int MonthDifference(this DateTime lValue, DateTime rValue)
    return Math.Abs((lValue.Month - rValue.Month) + 12 * (lValue.Year - rValue.Year));

How to Empty Caches and Clean All Targets Xcode 4 and later

Command-Option-Shift-K to clean out the build folder. Even better, quit Xcode and clean out ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData manually. Remove all its contents because there's a bug where Xcode will run an old version of your project that's in there somewhere. (Xcode 4.2 will show you the Derived Data folder: choose Window > Organizer and switch to the Projects tab. Click the right-arrow to the right of the Derived Data folder name.)

In the simulator, choose iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.

Finally, for completeness, you can delete the contents of /var/folders; some caching happens there too.

WARNING: Deleting /var/folders can cause issues, and you may need to repair or reinstall your operating system after doing so.

EDIT: I have just learned that if you are afraid to grapple with /var/folders/ you can use the following command in the Terminal to delete in a more targeted way:

rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/org.llvm.clang/ModuleCache"

EDIT: For certain Swift-related problems I have found it useful to delete ~/Library/Caches/ You lose a lot when you do this, like your spare copies of the downloaded documentation doc sets, but it can be worth it.

NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

Hibernate 4.3 is the first version to implement the JPA 2.1 spec (part of Java EE 7). And it's thus expecting the JPA 2.1 library in the classpath, not the JPA 2.0 library. That's why you get this exception: Table.indexes() is a new attribute of Table, introduced in JPA 2.1

python date of the previous month

def prev_month(
    if date.month == 1:
        return date.replace(month=12,year=date.year-1)
            return date.replace(month=date.month-1)
        except ValueError:
            return prev_month(date=date.replace(

How do I detect a page refresh using jquery?

   //do something

But this wont save any info for later, unless you were planning on saving that in a cookie somewhere (or local storage) and the unload event does not always fire in all browsers.




     //save info somewhere

    return 'are you sure you want to leave?';


Check if enum exists in Java

You can also use Guava and do something like this:

// This method returns enum for a given string if it exists, otherwise it returns default enum.
private MyEnum getMyEnum(String enumName) {
  // It is better to return default instance of enum instead of null
  return hasMyEnum(enumName) ? MyEnum.valueOf(enumName) : MyEnum.DEFAULT;

// This method checks that enum for a given string exists.
private boolean hasMyEnum(String enumName) {
  return Iterables.any(Arrays.asList(MyEnum.values()), new Predicate<MyEnum>() {
    public boolean apply(MyEnum myEnum) {

In second method I use guava (Google Guava) library which provides very useful Iterables class. Using the Iterables.any() method we can check if a given value exists in a list object. This method needs two parameters: a list and Predicate object. First I used Arrays.asList() method to create a list with all enums. After that I created new Predicate object which is used to check if a given element (enum in our case) satisfies the condition in apply method. If that happens, method Iterables.any() returns true value.

Uninstall mongoDB from ubuntu

use sudo with the command:

sudo apt-get remove --purge mongodb  
apt-get autoremove --purge mongodb  

How to write a JSON file in C#?

Update 2020: It's been 7 years since I wrote this answer. It still seems to be getting a lot of attention. In 2013 Newtonsoft Json.Net was THE answer to this problem. Now it's still a good answer to this problem but it's no longer the the only viable option. To add some up-to-date caveats to this answer:

  • .Net Core now has the spookily similar System.Text.Json serialiser (see below)
  • The days of the JavaScriptSerializer have thankfully passed and this class isn't even in .Net Core. This invalidates a lot of the comparisons ran by Newtonsoft.
  • It's also recently come to my attention, via some vulnerability scanning software we use in work that Json.Net hasn't had an update in some time. Updates in 2020 have dried up and the latest version, 12.0.3, is over a year old.
  • The speed tests quoted below are comparing an older version of Json.Nt (version 6.0 and like I said the latest is 12.0.3) with an outdated .Net Framework serialiser.

Are Json.Net's days numbered? It's still used a LOT and it's still used by MS librarties. So probably not. But this does feel like the beginning of the end for this library that may well of just run it's course.

Update since .Net Core 3.0

A new kid on the block since writing this is System.Text.Json which has been added to .Net Core 3.0. Microsoft makes several claims to how this is, now, better than Newtonsoft. Including that it is faster than Newtonsoft. as below, I'd advise you to test this yourself .

I would recommend Json.Net, see example below:

List<data> _data = new List<data>();
_data.Add(new data()
    Id = 1,
    SSN = 2,
    Message = "A Message"

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_data.ToArray());

//write string to file
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"D:\path.txt", json);

Or the slightly more efficient version of the above code (doesn't use a string as a buffer):

//open file stream
using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(@"D:\path.txt"))
     JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
     //serialize object directly into file stream
     serializer.Serialize(file, _data);

Documentation: Serialize JSON to a file

Why? Here's a feature comparison between common serialisers as well as benchmark tests .

Below is a graph of performance taken from the linked article:

enter image description here

This separate post, states that:

Json.NET has always been memory efficient, streaming the reading and writing large documents rather than loading them entirely into memory, but I was able to find a couple of key places where object allocations could be reduced...... (now) Json.Net (6.0) allocates 8 times less memory than JavaScriptSerializer

Benchmarks appear to be Json.Net 5, the current version (on writing) is 10. What version of standard .Net serialisers used is not mentioned

These tests are obviously from the developers who maintain the library. I have not verified their claims. If in doubt test them yourself.

How to dynamically load a Python class

def import_class(cl):
    d = cl.rfind(".")
    classname = cl[d+1:len(cl)]
    m = __import__(cl[0:d], globals(), locals(), [classname])
    return getattr(m, classname)

How to open a link in new tab using angular?

In the app-routing.modules.ts file:

    path: 'hero/:id', component: HeroComponent

In the component.html file:

target="_blank" [routerLink]="['/hero', '/sachin']"

How to clone object in C++ ? Or Is there another solution?

In C++ copying the object means cloning. There is no any special cloning in the language.

As the standard suggests, after copying you should have 2 identical copies of the same object.

There are 2 types of copying: copy constructor when you create object on a non initialized space and copy operator where you need to release the old state of the object (that is expected to be valid) before setting the new state.

Android Studio does not show layout preview

Please (change or ( to ( in build.gradle (Module: App).

Next click File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart

Need internet access.

It works for me Windows 10 and in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

How to set background color of a button in Java GUI?

You may or may not have to use setOpaque method to ensure that the colors show up by passing true to the method.

How do you make a deep copy of an object?

For Spring Framework users. Using class org.springframework.util.SerializationUtils:

public static <T extends Serializable> T clone(T object) {
     return (T) SerializationUtils.deserialize(SerializationUtils.serialize(object));

Convert a date format in PHP

Note: Because this post's answer sometimes gets upvoted, I came back here to kindly ask people not to upvote it anymore. My answer is ancient, not technically correct, and there are several better approaches right here. I'm only keeping it here for historical purposes.

Although the documentation poorly describes the strtotime function, @rjmunro correctly addressed the issue in his comment: it's in ISO format date "YYYY-MM-DD".

Also, even though my Date_Converter function might still work, I'd like to warn that there may be imprecise statements below, so please do disregard them.

The most voted answer is actually incorrect!

The PHP strtotime manual here states that "The function expects to be given a string containing an English date format". What it actually means is that it expects an American US date format, such as "m-d-Y" or "m/d/Y".

That means that a date provided as "Y-m-d" may get misinterpreted by strtotime. You should provide the date in the expected format.

I wrote a little function to return dates in several formats. Use and modify at will. If anyone does turn that into a class, I'd be glad if that would be shared.

function Date_Converter($date, $locale = "br") {

    # Exception
    if (is_null($date))
        $date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");

    # Let's go ahead and get a string date in case we've
    # been given a Unix Time Stamp
    if ($locale == "unix")
        $date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s", $date);

    # Separate Date from Time
    $date = explode(" ", $date);

    if ($locale == "br") {
        # Separate d/m/Y from Date
        $date[0] = explode("/", $date[0]);
        # Rearrange Date into m/d/Y
        $date[0] = $date[0][1] . "/" . $date[0][0] . "/" . $date[0][2];

    # Return date in all formats
        # US
        $Return["datetime"]["us"] = implode(" ", $date);
        $Return["date"]["us"]     = $date[0];

        # Universal
        $Return["time"]           = $date[1];
        $Return["unix_datetime"]  = strtotime($Return["datetime"]["us"]);
        $Return["unix_date"]      = strtotime($Return["date"]["us"]);
        $Return["getdate"]        = getdate($Return["unix_datetime"]);

        # BR
        $Return["datetime"]["br"] = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $Return["unix_datetime"]);
        $Return["date"]["br"]     = date("d/m/Y", $Return["unix_date"]);

    # Return
    return $Return;

} # End Function

How to redirect to logon page when session State time out is completed in mvc

One way is that In case of Session Expire, in every action you have to check its session and if it is null then redirect to Login page.

But this is very hectic method To over come this you need to create your own ActionFilterAttribute which will do this, you just need to add this attribute in every action method.

Here is the Class which overrides ActionFilterAttribute.

public class SessionExpireFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;

            // check if session is supported
            CurrentCustomer objCurrentCustomer = new CurrentCustomer();
            objCurrentCustomer = ((CurrentCustomer)SessionStore.GetSessionValue(SessionStore.Customer));
            if (objCurrentCustomer == null)
                // check if a new session id was generated
                filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/Users/Login");


Then in action just add this attribute like so:

public ActionResult Index()
     return Index();

This will do you work.

Controlling a USB power supply (on/off) with Linux

I have found these solutions that at least work for properly configured Terminus FE 1.1 USB hub chip:

1.To turn off power on all USB ports of a hub, you may unbind the hub from kernel using:

echo "1-4.4.4" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/unbind

to turn power back on - you may bind it back using

echo "1-4.4.4" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb/bind

2.Switching power at each port individually is trickier: I was able to use hubpower to control each port - but it comes with a downside: hubpower first disconnects the usbdevfs wich causes all of the USB devices to disconect from system, at least on ubuntu:

usb_ioctl.ioctl_code = USBDEVFS_DISCONNECT;
rc = ioctl(fd, USBDEVFS_IOCTL, &usb_ioctl);

With this ioctl disabled I was able to switch off individual port power without detaching all devices - but the power goes back on immediately (probably due to kernel seeing an uninitialized device) which causes USB device just to do a "cold restart" which is what I generally wanted to do. My patched hubpower is here

Dataset - Vehicle make/model/year (free)

How about Freebase? I think they have an API available, too.

What is the best way to delete a value from an array in Perl?

If you know the array index, you can delete() it. The difference between splice() and delete() is that delete() does not renumber the remaining elements of the array.

WCF service startup error "This collection already contains an address with scheme http"

I had this problem, and the cause was rather silly. I was trying out Microsoft's demo regarding running a ServiceHost from w/in a Command Line executable. I followed the instructions, including where it says to add the appropriate Service (and interface). But I got the above error.

Turns out when I added the service class, VS automatically added the configuration to the app.config. And the demo was trying to add that info too. Since it was already in the config, I removed the demo part, and it worked.

How can I check if two segments intersect?

You have two line segments. Define one segment by endpoints A & B and the second segment by endpoints C & D. There is a nice trick to show that they must intersect, WITHIN the bounds of the segments. (Note that the lines themselves may intersect beyond the bounds of the segments, so you must be careful. Good code will also watch for parallel lines.)

The trick is to test that points A and B must line on opposite sides of line CD, AND that points C and D must lie on opposite sides of line AB.

Since this is homework, I won't give you an explicit solution. But a simple test to see which side of a line a point falls on, is to use a dot product. Thus, for a given line CD, compute the normal vector to that line (I'll call it N_C.) Now, simply test the signs of these two results:




If those results have opposite signs, then A and B are opposite sides of line CD. Now do the same test for the other line, AB. It has normal vector N_A. Compare the signs of




I'll leave it to you to figure out how to compute a normal vector. (In 2-d, that is trivial, but will your code worry about whether A and B are distinct points? Likewise, are C and D distinct?)

You still need to worry about line segments that lie along the same infinite line, or if one point actually falls on the other line segment itself. Good code will cater to every possible problem.

How to trigger jQuery change event in code

Use That :






Trigger can be any event that javascript support.. Hope it's easy to understandable to all of You.

Get domain name

Why are you using WMI? Can't you use the standard .NET functionality?


Difference between using Throwable and Exception in a try catch

I have seen people use Throwable to catch some errors that might happen due to infra failure/ non availability.

Difference between Build Solution, Rebuild Solution, and Clean Solution in Visual Studio?

  • Build solution will perform an incremental build: if it doesn't think it needs to rebuild a project, it won't. It may also use partially-built bits of the project if they haven't changed (I don't know how far it takes this)
  • Rebuild solution will clean and then build the solution from scratch, ignoring anything it's done before. The difference between this and "Clean, followed by Build" is that Rebuild will clean-then-build each project, one at a time, rather than cleaning all and then building all.
  • Clean solution will remove the build artifacts from the previous build. If there are any other files in the build target directories (bin and obj) they may not be removed, but actual build artifacts are. I've seen behaviour for this vary - sometimes deleting fairly thoroughly and sometimes not - but I'll give VS the benefit of the doubt for the moment :)

(The links are to the devenv.exe command line switches, but they do the same as the menu items.)

FB OpenGraph og:image not pulling images (possibly https?)

For me this worked:

<meta property="og:url" content="http://yoursiteurl" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="link_to_first_image_if_you_want" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="link_to_second_image_if_you_want" />
    <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg" /> 
    <meta property="og:image:width" content="400" /> 
    <meta property="og:image:height" content="300" />
    <meta property="og:title" content="your title" />
    <meta property="og:description"  content="your text about homepage"/> 

Get last record of a table in Postgres

you can use

SELECT timestamp, value, card 
FROM my_table 
ORDER BY timestamp DESC 

assuming you want also to sort by timestamp?

Spring Boot @autowired does not work, classes in different package

For this kind of issue, I ended up in putting @Service annotation on the newly created service class then the autowire was picked up. So, try to check those classes which are not getting autowired, if they need the corresponding required annotations(like @Controller, @Service, etc.) applied to them and then try to build the project again.

How to add a ListView to a Column in Flutter?

    children: <Widget>[
      Text('Leading text widget'),
        shrinkWrap: true,
        physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
        children: <Widget>[
            leading: Icon(,
            title: Text('Map'),
            leading: Icon(Icons.photo_album),
            title: Text('Album'),
            leading: Icon(,
            title: Text('Phone'),
      Text('More widget'),

just use

shrinkWrap: true,

physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),

properties in listView

Filtering array of objects with lodash based on property value

let myArr = [_x000D_
    { name: "john", age: 23 },_x000D_
    { name: "john", age: 43 },_x000D_
    { name: "jim", age: 101 },_x000D_
    { name: "bob", age: 67 },_x000D_
// this will return old object (myArr) with items named 'john'_x000D_
let list = _.filter(myArr, item => === 'jhon');_x000D_
//  this will return new object referenc (new Object) with items named 'john' _x000D_
let list =, item => === 'jhon').filter(item =>;

Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript?

This question is not exactly young, but there have come up some alternatives:

  • "Skulpt is an entirely in-browser implementation of Python."
  • Brython - "A Python 3 implementation for client-side web programming"
  • RapydScript - "Python-like JavaScript without the extra overhead or quirks"
  • Transcrypt - "Lean and mean Python 3.6 to JavaScript compiler with multiple inheritance, sourcemaps, static type checking and selective operator overloading." (also on Github)

Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar

I have been able to make it work by subclassing a UITabBarController and using private classes:

@interface UITabBarController (private)
- (UITabBar *)tabBar;

@implementation CustomUITabBarController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, self.view.bounds.size.width, 48);
    UIView *v = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
    [v setBackgroundColor:kMainColor];
    [v setAlpha:0.5];
    [[self tabBar] addSubview:v];
    [v release];


A good Sorted List for Java

This is the SortedList implementation I am using. Maybe this helps with your problem:

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
 * This class is a List implementation which sorts the elements using the
 * comparator specified when constructing a new instance.
 * @param <T>
public class SortedList<T> extends ArrayList<T> {
     * Needed for serialization.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
     * Comparator used to sort the list.
    private Comparator<? super T> comparator = null;
     * Construct a new instance with the list elements sorted in their
     * {@link java.lang.Comparable} natural ordering.
    public SortedList() {
     * Construct a new instance using the given comparator.
     * @param comparator
    public SortedList(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
        this.comparator = comparator;
     * Construct a new instance containing the elements of the specified
     * collection with the list elements sorted in their
     * {@link java.lang.Comparable} natural ordering.
     * @param collection
    public SortedList(Collection<? extends T> collection) {
     * Construct a new instance containing the elements of the specified
     * collection with the list elements sorted using the given comparator.
     * @param collection
     * @param comparator
    public SortedList(Collection<? extends T> collection, Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
     * Add a new entry to the list. The insertion point is calculated using the
     * comparator.
     * @param paramT
     * @return <code>true</code> if this collection changed as a result of the call.
    public boolean add(T paramT) {
        int initialSize = this.size();
        // Retrieves the position of an existing, equal element or the 
        // insertion position for new elements (negative).
        int insertionPoint = Collections.binarySearch(this, paramT, comparator);
        super.add((insertionPoint > -1) ? insertionPoint : (-insertionPoint) - 1, paramT);
        return (this.size() != initialSize);
     * Adds all elements in the specified collection to the list. Each element
     * will be inserted at the correct position to keep the list sorted.
     * @param paramCollection
     * @return <code>true</code> if this collection changed as a result of the call.
    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> paramCollection) {
        boolean result = false;
        if (paramCollection.size() > 4) {
            result = super.addAll(paramCollection);
            Collections.sort(this, comparator);
        else {
            for (T paramT:paramCollection) {
                result |= add(paramT);
        return result;
     * Check, if this list contains the given Element. This is faster than the
     * {@link #contains(Object)} method, since it is based on binary search.
     * @param paramT
     * @return <code>true</code>, if the element is contained in this list;
     * <code>false</code>, otherwise.
    public boolean containsElement(T paramT) {
        return (Collections.binarySearch(this, paramT, comparator) > -1);
     * @return The comparator used for sorting this list.
    public Comparator<? super T> getComparator() {
        return comparator;
     * Assign a new comparator and sort the list using this new comparator.
     * @param comparator
    public void setComparator(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
        this.comparator = comparator;
        Collections.sort(this, comparator);

This solution is very flexible and uses existing Java functions:

  • Completely based on generics
  • Uses java.util.Collections for finding and inserting list elements
  • Option to use a custom Comparator for list sorting

Some notes:

  • This sorted list is not synchronized since it inherits from java.util.ArrayList. Use Collections.synchronizedList if you need this (refer to the Java documentation for java.util.ArrayList for details).
  • The initial solution was based on java.util.LinkedList. For better performance, specifically for finding the insertion point (Logan's comment) and quicker get operations (, this has been changed to java.util.ArrayList.

Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery

You can use this simple plugin as $('#some_id').getAttributes();

(function($) {
    $.fn.getAttributes = function() {
        var attributes = {}; 

        if( this.length ) {
            $.each( this[0].attributes, function( index, attr ) {
                attributes[ ] = attr.value;
            } ); 

        return attributes;

How can I use a Python script in the command line without cd-ing to its directory? Is it the PYTHONPATH?

With PYTHONPATH set as in your example, you should be able to do

python -m gmbx

-m option will make Python search for your module in paths Python usually searches modules in, including what you added to PYTHONPATH. When you run interpreter like python, it looks for particular file and PYTHONPATH does not apply.

Java 8 Distinct by property

You can use groupingBy collector:

persons.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.getName())).values().forEach(t -> System.out.println(t.get(0).getId()));

If you want to have another stream you can use this:

persons.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.getName())).values().stream().map(l -> (l.get(0)));

What is an index in SQL?

An index is used for several different reasons. The main reason is to speed up querying so that you can get rows or sort rows faster. Another reason is to define a primary-key or unique index which will guarantee that no other columns have the same values.

Correct redirect URI for Google API and OAuth 2.0

There's no problem with using a localhost url for Dev work - obviously it needs to be changed when it comes to production.

You need to go here: and then follow the link for the API Console - link's in the Basic Steps section. When you've filled out the new application form you'll be asked to provide a redirect Url. Put in the page you want to go to once access has been granted.

When forming the Google oAuth Url - you need to include the redirect url - it has to be an exact match or you'll have problems. It also needs to be UrlEncoded.

How do I call a JavaScript function on page load?

here's the trick (works everywhere):

alert('DOM Ready!');
function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout('r('+f+')',9):f()}

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `songs` where `id` = 5 limit 1)

I am running laravel 5.8 and i experienced the same problem. The solution that worked for me is as follows :

  1. I used bigIncrements('id') to define my primary key.
  2. I used unsignedBigInteger('user_id') to define the foreign referenced key.

        Schema::create('generals', function (Blueprint $table) {
        Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {

I hope this helps out.

convert base64 to image in javascript/jquery

This is not exactly the OP's scenario but an answer to those of some of the commenters. It is a solution based on Cordova and Angular 1, which should be adaptable to other frameworks like jQuery. It gives you a Blob from Base64 data which you can store somewhere and reference it from client side javascript / html.

It also answers the original question on how to get an image (file) from the Base 64 data:

The important part is the Base 64 - Binary conversion:

function base64toBlob(base64Data, contentType) {
    contentType = contentType || '';
    var sliceSize = 1024;
    var byteCharacters = atob(base64Data);
    var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;
    var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);
    var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);

    for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {
        var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;
        var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);

        var bytes = new Array(end - begin);
        for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {
            bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);
        byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);
    return new Blob(byteArrays, { type: contentType });

Slicing is required to avoid out of memory errors.

Works with jpg and pdf files (at least that's what I tested). Should work with other mimetypes/contenttypes too. Check the browsers and their versions you aim for, they need to support Uint8Array, Blob and atob.

Here's the code to write the file to the device's local storage with Cordova / Android:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalDataDirectory, function(dirEntry) {

                    // Setup filename and assume a jpg file
                    var filename = + "-" + (attachment.fileName ? attachment.fileName : 'image') + "." + (attachment.fileType ? attachment.fileType : "jpg");
                    dirEntry.getFile(filename, { create: true, exclusive: false }, function(fileEntry) {
                        // attachment.document holds the base 64 data at this moment
                        var binary = base64toBlob(attachment.document, attachment.mimetype);
                        writeFile(fileEntry, binary).then(function() {
                            // Store file url for later reference, base 64 data is no longer required
                            attachment.document = fileEntry.nativeURL;

                        }, function(error) {
                            WL.Logger.error("Error writing local file: " + error);

                    }, function(errorCreateFile) {
                        WL.Logger.error("Error creating local file: " + JSON.stringify(errorCreateFile));

                }, function(errorCreateFS) {
                    WL.Logger.error("Error getting filesystem: " + errorCreateFS);

Writing the file itself:

function writeFile(fileEntry, dataObj) {
    return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
        // Create a FileWriter object for our FileEntry (log.txt).
        fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {

            fileWriter.onwriteend = function() {
                WL.Logger.debug(LOG_PREFIX + "Successful file write...");

            fileWriter.onerror = function(e) {
                WL.Logger.error(LOG_PREFIX + "Failed file write: " + e.toString());

            // If data object is not passed in,
            // create a new Blob instead.
            if (!dataObj) {
                dataObj = new Blob(['missing data'], { type: 'text/plain' });


I am using the latest Cordova (6.5.0) and Plugins versions:

I hope this sets everyone here in the right direction.

PHP write file from input to txt

A possible solution:

$txt = "data.txt"; 
if (isset($_POST['field1']) && isset($_POST['field2'])) { // check if both fields are set
    $fh = fopen($txt, 'a'); 
    $txt=$_POST['field1'].' - '.$_POST['field2']; 
    fwrite($fh,$txt); // Write information to the file
    fclose($fh); // Close the file

You were closing the script before close de file.

How does one make random number between range for arc4random_uniform()?

Edit: Swift 4.2+ provides this now:


It’s idiomatic to me to extend Range:

public extension Range where Bound == Int {
    var random: Int {
        return lowerBound + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(upperBound - lowerBound)))

public extension ClosedRange where Bound == Int {
    var random: Int {
        return lowerBound + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(upperBound - lowerBound + 1)))

In use:

let foo = (100..<600).random

getting the error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ token

you need to place the opening brace after main , not before it

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void)

How do I retrieve an HTML element's actual width and height?

element.offsetWidth and element.offsetHeight should do, as suggested in previous post.

However, if you just want to center the content, there is a better way of doing so. Assuming you use xhtml strict DOCTYPE. set the margin:0,auto property and required width in px to the body tag. The content gets center aligned to the page.

New Line Issue when copying data from SQL Server 2012 to Excel

My best guess is that this is not a bug, but a feature of Sql 2012. ;-) In other contexts, you'd be happy to retain your cr-lf's, like when copying a big chunk of text. It's just that it doesn't work well in your situation.

You could always strip them out in your select. This would make your query for as you intend in both versions:

select REPLACE(col, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), ', ') from table

How can I determine if a String is non-null and not only whitespace in Groovy?

You could add a method to String to make it more semantic:

String.metaClass.getNotBlank = { !delegate.allWhitespace }

which let's you do:

groovy:000> foo = ''
groovy:000> foo.notBlank
===> false
groovy:000> foo = 'foo'
===> foo
groovy:000> foo.notBlank
===> true

How to center the content inside a linear layout?

android:gravity handles the alignment of its children,

android:layout_gravity handles the alignment of itself.

So use one of these.

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".Main" >

        android:gravity="center" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_speak" />

        android:gravity="center" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_readtext" />



<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".Main" >

        android:layout_weight="1" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_speak" />

        android:layout_weight="1" >

            android:src="@drawable/ic_readtext" />


How to change status bar color in Flutter?

This is by far is the best way, it requires no extra plugins.

Widget emptyAppBar(){
  return PreferredSize(
      preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(0.0), 
      child: AppBar(
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFFf7f7f7),
        brightness: Brightness.light,

and call it in your scaffold like this

return Scaffold(
      appBar: emptyAppBar(),

Alternative to Intersect in MySQL

Your query would always return an empty recordset since cut_name= '?????' and cut_name='??' will never evaluate to true.

In general, INTERSECT in MySQL should be emulated like this:

FROM    mytable m
        SELECT  NULL
        FROM    othertable o
        WHERE   (o.col1 = m.col1 OR (m.col1 IS NULL AND o.col1 IS NULL))
                AND (o.col2 = m.col2 OR (m.col2 IS NULL AND o.col2 IS NULL))
                AND (o.col3 = m.col3 OR (m.col3 IS NULL AND o.col3 IS NULL))

If both your tables have columns marked as NOT NULL, you can omit the IS NULL parts and rewrite the query with a slightly more efficient IN:

FROM    mytable m
WHERE   (col1, col2, col3) IN
        SELECT  col1, col2, col3
        FROM    othertable o

Get HTML source of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver using Python

In Ruby, using selenium-webdriver (2.32.1), there is a page_source method that contains the entire page source.

SQL Server principal "dbo" does not exist,

I resolved this issue by setting database owner. My database did not have had any owner before this issue. Execute this command in your database to set owner to sysadmin account:

use [YourDatabaseName] EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'

Git command to checkout any branch and overwrite local changes

The new git-switch command (starting in GIT 2.23) also has a flag --discard-changes which should help you. git pull might be necessary afterwards.

Warning: it's still considered to be experimental.

Failed to load the JNI shared Library (JDK)

I have multiple versions of Java installed, both Sun JDK & JRockit, both 32 bit and 64-bit, etc. and ran into this problem with a fresh install of 64-bit Eclipse for Java EE (JUNO).

What did NOT work:

64-bit trio as suggested by Peter Rader:

I'm using 64-bit Eclipse on 64-bit OS (Windows 7).

I ensured Sun JDK 7 64-bit was the default java version. When I typed "java -version" from command line (cmd.exe), Sun JDK 7 64-bit was returned...

java version "1.7.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b147)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed mode)

This did not resolve the problem for me.

What DID work:

Adding -vm option to eclipse.ini as suggested by Jayesh Kavathiya:

I added the following to eclipse.ini:



I did not have to uninstall any of the various versions of JDK or JRE I have on my machine.

What is an optional value in Swift?

Let's take the example of an NSError, if there isn't an error being returned you'd want to make it optional to return Nil. There's no point in assigning a value to it if there isn't an error..

var error: NSError? = nil

This also allows you to have a default value. So you can set a method a default value if the function isn't passed anything

func doesntEnterNumber(x: Int? = 5) -> Bool {
    if (x == 5){
        return true
    } else {
        return false

How do I move an existing Git submodule within a Git repository?

Note: As mentioned in the comments this answer refers to the steps needed with older versions of git. Git now has native support for moving submodules:

Since git 1.8.5, git mv old/submod new/submod works as expected and does all the plumbing for you. You might want to use git 1.9.3 or newer, because it includes fixes for submodule moving.

The process is similar to how you'd remove a submodule (see How do I remove a submodule?):

  1. Edit .gitmodules and change the path of the submodule appropriately, and put it in the index with git add .gitmodules.
  2. If needed, create the parent directory of the new location of the submodule (mkdir -p new/parent).
  3. Move all content from the old to the new directory (mv -vi old/parent/submodule new/parent/submodule).
  4. Make sure Git tracks this directory (git add new/parent).
  5. Remove the old directory with git rm --cached old/parent/submodule.
  6. Move the directory .git/modules/old/parent/submodule with all its content to .git/modules/new/parent/submodule.
  7. Edit the .git/modules/new/parent/config file, make sure that worktree item points to the new locations, so in this example it should be worktree = ../../../../../new/parent/module. Typically there should be two more .. than directories in the direct path in that place.
  8. Edit the file new/parent/module/.git, make sure that the path in it points to the correct new location inside the main project .git folder, so in this example gitdir: ../../../.git/modules/new/parent/submodule.

    git status output looks like this for me afterwards:

    # On branch master
    # Changes to be committed:
    #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    #       modified:   .gitmodules
    #       renamed:    old/parent/submodule -> new/parent/submodule
  9. Finally, commit the changes.

Pad with leading zeros

There's no such concept as an integer with padding. How many legs do you have - 2, 02 or 002? They're the same number. Indeed, even the "2" part isn't really part of the number, it's only relevant in the decimal representation.

If you need padding, that suggests you're talking about the textual representation of a number... i.e. a string.

You can achieve that using string formatting options, e.g.

string text = value.ToString("0000000");


string text = value.ToString("D7");

RESTful web service - how to authenticate requests from other services?

You can create Session on server and share sessionId in between client and server with each REST call.

  1. First authenticate REST request: /authenticate. Returns response (as per your client format) with sessionId: ABCDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;

  2. Store this sessionId in Map with actual session. Map.put(sessionid, session) or use SessionListener to create and destroy keys for you;

    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent arg0) {
      // add session to a static Map 
    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent arg0) {
      // Remove session from static map
  3. Get sessionid with every REST call, like URL?jsessionid=ABCDXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (or other way);

  4. Retrive HttpSession from map using sessionId;
  5. Validate request for that session if session is active;
  6. Send back response or error message.

Get specific objects from ArrayList when objects were added anonymously?

List.indexOf() will give you what you want, provided you know precisely what you're after, and provided that the equals() method for Party is well-defined.

Party searchCandidate = new Party("FirstParty");
int index = cave.parties.indexOf(searchCandidate);

This is where it gets interesting - subclasses shouldn't be examining the private properties of their parents, so we'll define equals() in the superclass.

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
        return true;
    if (!(o instanceof CaveElement)) {
        return false;

    CaveElement that = (CaveElement) o;

    if (index != that.index) {
        return false;
    if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) {
        return false;

    return true;

It's also wise to override hashCode if you override equals - the general contract for hashCode mandates that, if x.equals(y), then x.hashCode() == y.hashCode().

public int hashCode() {
    int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
    result = 31 * result + index;
    return result;

Convert Xml to DataTable

You can use this code(Recommended)

 MemoryStream objMS = new MemoryStream();
 DataTable oDT = new DataTable();//Your DataTable which you want to convert
 objMS.Position = 0;
 XPathDocument result = new XPathDocument(objMS);

This is another way but first ex. is recommended

StringWriter objSW = new StringWriter();
DataTable oDt = new DataTable();//Your DataTable which you want to convert
string result = objSW.ToString();

Spring MVC UTF-8 Encoding

Ok guys I found the reason for my encoding issue.

The fault was in my build process. I didn't tell Maven in my pom.xml file to build the project with the UTF-8 encoding. Therefor Maven just took the default encoding from my system which is MacRoman and build it with the MacRoman encoding.

Luckily Maven is warning you about this when building your project (BUT there is a good chance that the warning disappears to fast from your screen because of all the other messages).

Here is the property you need to set in the pom.xml file:


Thank you guys for all your help. Without you guys I wouldn't be able to figure this out!

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake

If you are connecting to an old SQL Server:

Switch from System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection to System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection

Use an OleDb connection string:

<add name="Northwind" connectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Data Source=MyServer; Initial Catalog=Northwind;  Persist Security Info=True; User ID=abc; Password=xyz;" providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />

Deactivate or remove the scrollbar on HTML

What I would try in this case is put this in the stylesheet

html, body{overflow:hidden;}

this way one disables the scrollbar, and as a cumulative effect they disable scrolling with the keyboard

tsc throws `TS2307: Cannot find module` for a local file

In my case ,

   //app.UseWebpackDevMiddleware(new WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions
            //    HotModuleReplacement = true

i commented it in startup.cs


In my case it was broken config for mysqlnd_ms php extension on the server. Funny thing is that it was working fine on requests with short duration. There was a warning in server error log, so we have fixed it quick.

WAMP Cannot access on local network 403 Forbidden

If you are using WAMPServer 3 See bottom of answer

For WAMPServer versions <= 2.5

By default Wampserver comes configured as securely as it can, so Apache is set to only allow access from the machine running wamp. Afterall it is supposed to be a development server and not a live server.

Also there was a little error released with WAMPServer 2.4 where it used the old Apache 2.2 syntax instead of the new Apache 2.4 syntax for access rights.

You need to change the security setting on Apache to allow access from anywhere else, so edit your httpd.conf file.

Change this section from :

#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
     Order Deny,Allow
     Deny from all
     Allow from
     Allow from ::1
     Allow from localhost

To :

#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
    Require local
    Require ip 192.168.0

The Require local allows access from these ip's & localhost & ::1.

The statement Require ip 192.168.0 will allow you to access the Apache server from any ip on your internal network. Also it will allow access using the server mechines actual ip address from the server machine, as you are trying to do.

WAMPServer 3 has a different method

In version 3 and > of WAMPServer there is a Virtual Hosts pre defined for localhost so you have to make the access privilage amendements in the Virtual Host definition config file

First dont amend the httpd.conf file at all, leave it as you found it.

Using the menus, edit the httpd-vhosts.conf file.

enter image description here

It should look like this :

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot D:/wamp/www
    <Directory  "D:/wamp/www/">
        Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require local

Amend it to

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName localhost
    DocumentRoot D:/wamp/www
    <Directory  "D:/wamp/www/">
        Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

Hopefully you will have created a Virtual Host for your project and not be using the wamp\www folder for your site. In that case leave the localhost definition alone and make the change only to your Virtual Host.

Dont forget to restart Apache after making this change

ASP.NET Identity reset password

Best way to Reset Password in Asp.Net Core Identity use for Web API.

Note* : Error() and Result() are created for internal use. You can return you want.

        public async Task<IActionResult> ResetPassword(ResetPasswordModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return BadRequest(ModelState);
                if (model is null)
                    return Error("No data found!");

                var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(AppCommon.ToString(GetUserId()));
                if (user == null)
                    return Error("No user found!");

                Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.SignInResult checkOldPassword =
                    await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(user.UserName, model.OldPassword, false, false);

                if (!checkOldPassword.Succeeded)
                    return Error("Old password does not matched.");

                string resetToken = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resetToken))
                    return Error("Error while generating reset token.");

                var result = await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, resetToken, model.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    return Result();
                    return Error();
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Error(ex);

How to redirect the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to a file?

If you are just testing your PL/SQL in SQL Plus you can direct it to a file like this:

spool output.txt
set serveroutput on

  SELECT systimestamp FROM dual INTO time_db;
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('time before procedure ' || time_db);

spool off

IDEs like Toad and SQL Developer can capture the output in other ways, but I'm not familiar with how.

How to view log output using docker-compose run?

Unfortunately we need to run docker-compose logs separately from docker-compose run. In order to get this to work reliably we need to suppress the docker-compose run exit status then redirect the log and exit with the right status.

set -euo pipefail
docker-compose run app | tee app.log || failed=yes
docker-compose logs --no-color > docker-compose.log
[[ -z "${failed:-}" ]] || exit 1

how to add the missing RANDR extension

I had the same problem with Firefox 30 + Selenium 2.49 + Ubuntu 15.04.

It worked fine with Ubuntu 14 but after upgrade to 15.04 I got same RANDR warning and problem at starting Firefox using Xfvb.

After adding +extension RANDR it worked again.

$ vim /etc/init/xvfb.conf

description "Xvfb Server as a daemon"

start on filesystem and started networking
stop on shutdown


env XVFB=/usr/bin/Xvfb
env XVFBARGS=":10 -screen 1 1024x768x24 -ac +extension GLX +extension RANDR +render -noreset"
env PIDFILE=/var/run/

exec start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --make-pidfile --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $XVFB -- $XVFBARGS >> /var/log/xvfb.log 2>&1

How to set bootstrap navbar active class with Angular JS?

Use an object as a switch variable.
You can do this inline quite simply with:

<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
   <li ng-class="{'active':switch.linkOne}" ng-click="switch = {linkOne: true}"><a href="/">Link One</a></li>
   <li ng-class="{'active':switch.linkTwo}" ng-click="switch = {link-two: true}"><a href="/link-two">Link Two</a></li>

Each time you click on a link the switch object is replaced by a new object where only the correct switch object property is true. The undefined properties will evaluate as false and so the elements which depend on them will not have the active class assigned.

How to use pip with python 3.4 on windows?

I had the same problem when I install python3.5.3. And finally I find the pip.exe in this folder: ~/python/scripts/pip.exe. Hope that help.

Add and remove attribute with jquery

Once you remove the ID "page_navigation" that element no longer has an ID and so cannot be found when you attempt to access it a second time.

The solution is to cache a reference to the element:

    // This reference remains available to the following functions
    // even when the ID is removed.
    var page_navigation = $("#page_navigation1");



SQLAlchemy IN clause

How about


edit: Without the ORM, it would be

        [,],, 456))

select() takes two parameters, the first one is a list of fields to retrieve, the second one is the where condition. You can access all fields on a table object via the c (or columns) property.

Why is width: 100% not working on div {display: table-cell}?

Welcome to 2017 these days will using vW and vH do the trick

html, body {_x000D_
    margin: 0; padding: 0;_x000D_
    width: 100%; height: 100%;_x000D_
ul {_x000D_
    background: #CCC;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    list-style-position: outside;_x000D_
    margin: 0; padding: 0;_x000D_
li {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
img {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 410px;_x000D_
.outer-wrapper {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    top: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 0; padding: 0;_x000D_
.inner-wrapper {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    width: 100vw; /* only change is here "%" to "vw" ! */_x000D_
    height: 100vh; /* only change is here "%" to "vh" ! */_x000D_
        <img src="#">_x000D_
        <div class="outer-wrapper">_x000D_
            <div class="inner-wrapper">_x000D_
                <h1>My Title</h1>_x000D_

How can you create multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code

You can do the following per the Selection menu:

Screenshot of Selection menu in VS Code

Press/hold Alt+Ctrl+Up Arrow/Alt+Ctrl+Down Arrow as required to create sufficient cursors, then Ctrl+D can be used to expand the selections.

JPA Hibernate One-to-One relationship

I have a better way of doing this:

public class Person {

    @JoinColumn(name = "`Id_OtherInfo`")
    public OtherInfo getOtherInfo() {
      return otherInfo;


That's all

How does one capture a Mac's command key via JavaScript?

Here is how I did it in AngularJS

app = angular.module('MM_Graph')

class Keyboard
  constructor: ($injector)->
    @.$injector  = $injector
    @.$window    = @.$injector.get('$window')                             # get reference to $window and $rootScope objects
    @.$rootScope = @.$injector.get('$rootScope')

    @.$rootScope.$broadcast 'keydown', $event                             # broadcast a global keydown event

    if $event.code is 'KeyS' and ($event.ctrlKey or $event.metaKey)       # detect S key pressed and either OSX Command or Window's Control keys pressed
      @.$rootScope.$broadcast '', $event                                  # broadcast keyup_CtrS event
      #$event.preventDefault()                                             # this should be used by the event listeners to prevent default browser behaviour

  setup_Hooks: ()=>
    angular.element(@.$window).bind "keydown", @.on_Key_Down              # hook keydown event in window (only called once per app load)

app.service 'keyboard', ($injector)=>
  return new Keyboard($injector).setup_Hooks()

Upload files from Java client to a HTTP server

You'd normally use to fire HTTP requests. You'd also normally use multipart/form-data encoding for mixed POST content (binary and character data). Click the link, it contains information and an example how to compose a multipart/form-data request body. The specification is in more detail described in RFC2388.

Here's a kickoff example:

String url = "";
String charset = "UTF-8";
String param = "value";
File textFile = new File("/path/to/file.txt");
File binaryFile = new File("/path/to/file.bin");
String boundary = Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Just generate some unique random value.
String CRLF = "\r\n"; // Line separator required by multipart/form-data.

URLConnection connection = new URL(url).openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);

try (
    OutputStream output = connection.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, charset), true);
) {
    // Send normal param.
    writer.append("--" + boundary).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"param\"").append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" + charset).append(CRLF);

    // Send text file.
    writer.append("--" + boundary).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"textFile\"; filename=\"" + textFile.getName() + "\"").append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" + charset).append(CRLF); // Text file itself must be saved in this charset!
    Files.copy(textFile.toPath(), output);
    output.flush(); // Important before continuing with writer!
    writer.append(CRLF).flush(); // CRLF is important! It indicates end of boundary.

    // Send binary file.
    writer.append("--" + boundary).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"binaryFile\"; filename=\"" + binaryFile.getName() + "\"").append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Type: " + URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(binaryFile.getName())).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary").append(CRLF);
    Files.copy(binaryFile.toPath(), output);
    output.flush(); // Important before continuing with writer!
    writer.append(CRLF).flush(); // CRLF is important! It indicates end of boundary.

    // End of multipart/form-data.
    writer.append("--" + boundary + "--").append(CRLF).flush();

// Request is lazily fired whenever you need to obtain information about response.
int responseCode = ((HttpURLConnection) connection).getResponseCode();
System.out.println(responseCode); // Should be 200

This code is less verbose when you use a 3rd party library like Apache Commons HttpComponents Client.

The Apache Commons FileUpload as some incorrectly suggest here is only of interest in the server side. You can't use and don't need it at the client side.

See also

How to get PHP $_GET array?

The usual way to do this in PHP is to put id[] in your URL instead of just id:


Then $_GET['id'] will be an array of those values. It's not especially pretty, but it works out of the box.

Bootstrap Alert Auto Close

Why all the other answers use slideUp is just beyond me. As I'm using the fade and in classes to have the alert fade away when closed (or after timeout), I don't want it to "slide up" and conflict with that.

Besides the slideUp method didn't even work. The alert itself didn't show at all. Here's what worked perfectly for me:

$(document).ready(function() {
    // show the alert
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2000);

Adding double quote delimiters into csv file

open powershell and run below command:

import-csv C:\Users\Documents\Weekly_Status.csv | export-csv C:\Users\Documents\Weekly_Status2.csv  -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Is it safe to delete a NULL pointer?

delete performs the check anyway, so checking it on your side adds overhead and looks uglier. A very good practice is setting the pointer to NULL after delete (helps avoiding double deletion and other similar memory corruption problems).

I'd also love if delete by default was setting the parameter to NULL like in

#define my_delete(x) {delete x; x = NULL;}

(I know about R and L values, but wouldn't it be nice?)

How to prevent errno 32 broken pipe?

It depends on how you tested it, and possibly on differences in the TCP stack implementation of the personal computer and the server.

For example, if your sendall always completes immediately (or very quickly) on the personal computer, the connection may simply never have broken during sending. This is very likely if your browser is running on the same machine (since there is no real network latency).

In general, you just need to handle the case where a client disconnects before you're finished, by handling the exception.

Remember that TCP communications are asynchronous, but this is much more obvious on physically remote connections than on local ones, so conditions like this can be hard to reproduce on a local workstation. Specifically, loopback connections on a single machine are often almost synchronous.

Could not find folder 'tools' inside SDK

For me it was a simple case of specifying the path to the 'sdk' subfolder rather than the top level folder.

In my case I needed to input


instead of


What is ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING used for in Teradata?

ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING is no Teradata-specific syntax, it's Standard SQL. Together with the ORDER BY it defines the window on which the result is calculated.

Logically a Windowed Aggregate Function is newly calculated for each row within the PARTITION based on all ROWS between a starting row and an ending row.

Starting and ending rows might be fixed or relative to the current row based on the following keywords:

  • CURRENT ROW, the current row
  • UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, all rows before the current row -> fixed
  • UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING, all rows after the current row -> fixed
  • x PRECEDING, x rows before the current row -> relative
  • y FOLLOWING, y rows after the current row -> relative

Possible kinds of calculation include:

  • Both starting and ending row are fixed, the window consists of all rows of a partition, e.g. a Group Sum, i.e. aggregate plus detail rows
  • One end is fixed, the other relative to current row, the number of rows increases or decreases, e.g. a Running Total, Remaining Sum
  • Starting and ending row are relative to current row, the number of rows within a window is fixed, e.g. a Moving Average over n rows

So SUM(x) OVER (ORDER BY col ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) results in a Cumulative Sum or Running Total

11 -> 11
 2 -> 11 +  2                = 13
 3 -> 13 +  3 (or 11+2+3)    = 16
44 -> 16 + 44 (or 11+2+3+44) = 60

RESTful Authentication via Spring

Regarding tokens carrying information, JSON Web Tokens ( is a brilliant technology. The main concept is to embed information elements (claims) into the token, and then signing the whole token so that the validating end can verify that the claims are indeed trustworthy.

I use this Java implementation:

There is also a Spring module (spring-security-jwt), but I haven't looked into what it supports.

What is unexpected T_VARIABLE in PHP?

In my case it was an issue of the PHP version.

The .phar file I was using was not compatible with PHP 5.3.9. Switching interpreter to PHP 7 did fix it.

Is it possible to specify condition in Count()?

Assuming you do not want to restrict the rows that are returned because you are aggregating other values as well, you can do it like this:

select count(case when Position = 'Manager' then 1 else null end) as ManagerCount
from ...

Let's say within the same column you had values of Manager, Supervisor, and Team Lead, you could get the counts of each like this:

select count(case when Position = 'Manager' then 1 else null end) as ManagerCount,
    count(case when Position = 'Supervisor' then 1 else null end) as SupervisorCount,
    count(case when Position = 'Team Lead' then 1 else null end) as TeamLeadCount,
from ...

How do I get git to default to ssh and not https for new repositories

You may have accidentally cloned the repository in https instead of ssh. I've made this mistake numerous times on github. Make sure that you copy the ssh link in the first place when cloning, instead of the https link.

Generate random colors (RGB)

Output in the form of (r,b,g) its look like (255,155,100)

from numpy import random
color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255))

Get href attribute on jQuery

var a_href = $('div.cpt').find('h2 a').attr('href');

should be

var a_href = $(this).find('div.cpt').find('h2 a').attr('href');

In the first line, your query searches the entire document. In the second, the query starts from your tr element and only gets the element underneath it. (You can combine the finds if you like, I left them separate to illustrate the point.)

How to cast or convert an unsigned int to int in C?

It's as simple as this:

unsigned int foo;
int bar = 10;

foo = (unsigned int)bar;

Or vice versa...

How do I select the "last child" with a specific class name in CSS?

I suggest that you take advantage of the fact that you can assign multiple classes to an element like so:

    <li class="list">test1</li>
    <li class="list">test2</li>
    <li class="list last">test3</li>

The last element has the list class like its siblings but also has the last class which you can use to set any CSS property you want, like so:

ul li.list {
    color: #FF0000;

ul li.list.last {
    background-color: #000;

Response.Redirect to new window


<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" OnClientClick = "SetTarget();" />


function SetTarget() {
 document.forms[0].target = "_blank";}

AND codebehind:


Center align a column in twitter bootstrap

The question is correctly answered here Center a column using Twitter Bootstrap 3

For odd rows: i.e., col-md-7 or col-large-9 use this

Add col-centered to the column you want centered.

<div class="col-lg-11 col-centered">    

And add this to your stylesheet:

float: none;
margin: 0 auto;

For even rows: i.e., col-md-6 or col-large-10 use this

Simply use bootstrap 3's offset col class. i.e.,

<div class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1">

Append an array to another array in JavaScript

If you want to modify the original array instead of returning a new array, use .push()...

array1.push.apply(array1, array2);
array1.push.apply(array1, array3);

I used .apply to push the individual members of arrays 2 and 3 at once.


array1.push.apply(array1, array2.concat(array3));

To deal with large arrays, you can do this in batches.

for (var n = 0, to_add = array2.concat(array3); n < to_add.length; n+=300) {
    array1.push.apply(array1, to_add.slice(n, n+300));

If you do this a lot, create a method or function to handle it.

var push_apply = Function.apply.bind([].push);
var slice_call =[].slice);

Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "pushArrayMembers", {
    value: function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            var to_add = arguments[i];
            for (var n = 0; n < to_add.length; n+=300) {
                push_apply(this, slice_call(to_add, n, n+300));

and use it like this:

array1.pushArrayMembers(array2, array3);

var push_apply = Function.apply.bind([].push);_x000D_
var slice_call =[].slice);_x000D_
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "pushArrayMembers", {_x000D_
    value: function() {_x000D_
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {_x000D_
            var to_add = arguments[i];_x000D_
            for (var n = 0; n < to_add.length; n+=300) {_x000D_
                push_apply(this, slice_call(to_add, n, n+300));_x000D_
var array1 = ['a','b','c'];_x000D_
var array2 = ['d','e','f'];_x000D_
var array3 = ['g','h','i'];_x000D_
array1.pushArrayMembers(array2, array3);_x000D_
document.body.textContent = JSON.stringify(array1, null, 4);

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Maybe this is what you mean to do:

import random

x = 0
z = input('Please Enter an integer: ')
z = int(z) # you need to capture the result of the expressioin: int(z) and assign it backk to z

def main():
    for i in range(x,z):
        n1 = random.randrange(1,3)
        n2 = random.randrange(1,3)
        t1 = n1+n2

  1. do z = int(z)
  2. Add the missing closing parenthesis on the last line of code in your listing.
  3. And have a for-loop that will iterate from x to z-1

Here's a link on the range() function:

How to use AND in IF Statement

If there are no typos in the question, you got the conditions wrong:

You said this:

IF cells (i,"A") contains the text 'Miami'

...but your code says:

If Cells(i, "A") <> "Miami"

--> <> means that the value of the cell is not equal to "Miami", so you're not checking what you think you are checking.

I guess you want this instead:

If Cells(i, "A") like "*Miami*"


Sorry, but I can't really help you more. As I already said in a comment, I'm no Excel VBA expert.
Normally I would open Excel now and try your code myself, but I don't even have Excel on any of my machines at home (I use OpenOffice).

Just one general thing: can you identify the row that does not work?
Maybe this helps someone else to answer the question.

Does it ever execute (or at least try to execute) the Cells(i, "C").Value = "BA" line?
Or is the If Cells(i, "A") like "*Miami*" stuff already False?
If yes, try checking just one cell and see if that works.

How to count occurrences of a column value efficiently in SQL?

Here's another solution. this one uses very simple syntax. The first example of the accepted solution did not work on older versions of Microsoft SQL (i.e 2000)

SELECT age, count(*)
FROM Students 
GROUP by age

how to avoid extra blank page at end while printing?

    page-break-after: avoid;
    page-break-inside: avoid;
    margin-bottom: 0px;

This worked for me.

Laravel: Validation unique on update

There is a simple and elegant way to do this. If you are passing the user_id in a body request or through a query parameter. e.g


Then in your request rules

  public function rules(Request $request)
        return [
            'first_name' => 'required|string',
            'last_name' => 'required|string',
            'email' => ['required','email', 'string', Rule::unique('users')->ignore($request->user_id )],
            'phone_number' => ['required', 'string', Rule::unique('users')->ignore($request->user_id )],

Better Still, you can pass in auth->id() in place of $request->user_id to get the login user id.

ReactJS SyntheticEvent stopPropagation() only works with React events?

Update: You can now <Elem onClick={ proxy => proxy.stopPropagation() } />

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug' in android studio

My Settings Screenshot: image

Thanks to this post.

Just turn off instant run in your settings. You can easily search the keyword "instant" like I showed and it would switch to the window you want.

Is there an upper bound to BigInteger?

The number is held in an int[] - the maximum size of an array is Integer.MAX_VALUE. So the maximum BigInteger probably is (2 ^ 32) ^ Integer.MAX_VALUE.

Admittedly, this is implementation dependent, not part of the specification.

In Java 8, some information was added to the BigInteger javadoc, giving a minimum supported range and the actual limit of the current implementation:

BigInteger must support values in the range -2Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) to +2Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) and may support values outside of that range.

Implementation note: BigInteger constructors and operations throw ArithmeticException when the result is out of the supported range of -2Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive) to +2Integer.MAX_VALUE (exclusive).

How can I select the row with the highest ID in MySQL?

This is the only proposed method who actually selects the whole row, not only the max(id) field. It uses a subquery

SELECT * FROM permlog WHERE id = ( SELECT MAX( id ) FROM permlog )

What is the meaning of ImagePullBackOff status on a Kubernetes pod?

The issue arises when the image is not present on the cluster and k8s engine is going to pull the respective registry. k8s Engine enables 3 types of ImagePullPolicy mentioned :

  1. Always : It always pull the image in container irrespective of changes in the image
  2. Never : It will never pull the new image on the container
  3. IfNotPresent : It will pull the new image in cluster if the image is not present.

Best Practices : It is always recommended to tag the new image in both docker file as well as k8s deployment file. So That it can pull the new image in container.

Pass a PHP string to a JavaScript variable (and escape newlines)

If you use a templating engine to construct your HTML then you can fill it with what ever you want!

Check out XTemplates. It's a nice, open source, lightweight, template engine.

Your HTML/JS there would look like this:

    var myvar = {$MyVarValue};

how to empty recyclebin through command prompt?

You can use a powershell script (this works for users with folder redirection as well to not have their recycle bins take up server storage space)

$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$RecBin = $Shell.Namespace(0xA)
$RecBin.Items() | %{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false}

The above script is taken from here.

If you have windows 10 and powershell 5 there is the Clear-RecycleBin commandlet.

To use Clear-RecycleBin inside PowerShell without confirmation, you can use Clear-RecycleBin -Force. Official documentation can be found here

Java split string to array

This is expected. Refer to Javadocs for split.

Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.

This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split(java.lang.String,int) method with the given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are therefore not included in the resulting array.