Programs & Examples On #Data structures

A data structure is a way of organizing data in a fashion that allows particular properties of that data to be queried and/or updated efficiently.

List of all unique characters in a string?

I have an idea. Why not use the ascii_lowercase constant?

For example, running the following code:

# string module, contains constant ascii_lowercase which is all the lowercase
# letters of the English alphabet
import string
# Example value of s, a string
s = 'aaabcabccd'
# Result variable to store the resulting string
result = ''
# Goes through each letter in the alphabet and checks how many times it appears.
# If a letter appears at least oce, then it is added to the result variable
for letter in string.ascii_letters:
    if s.count(letter) >= 1:

# Optional three lines to convert result variable to a list for sorting
# and then back to a string
result = list(result)
result = ''.join(result)


Will print 'abcd'

There you go, all duplicates removed and optionally sorted

How would you implement an LRU cache in Java?

I would consider using java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue, with priority determined by a "numberOfUses" counter in each element. I would be very, very careful to get all my synchronisation correct, as the "numberOfUses" counter implies that the element can't be immutable.

The element object would be a wrapper for the objects in the cache:

class CacheElement {
    private final Object obj;
    private int numberOfUsers = 0;

    CacheElement(Object obj) {
        this.obj = obj;

    ... etc.

HashMap get/put complexity

I agree with:

  • the general amortized complexity of O(1)
  • a bad hashCode() implementation could result to multiple collisions, which means that in the worst case every object goes to the same bucket, thus O(N) if each bucket is backed by a List.
  • since Java 8, HashMap dynamically replaces the Nodes (linked list) used in each bucket with TreeNodes (red-black tree when a list gets bigger than 8 elements) resulting to a worst performance of O(logN).

But, this is not the full truth if we want to be 100% precise. The implementation of hashCode() and the type of key Object (immutable/cached or being a Collection) might also affect real time complexity in strict terms.

Let's assume the following three cases:

  1. HashMap<Integer, V>
  2. HashMap<String, V>
  3. HashMap<List<E>, V>

Do they have the same complexity? Well, the amortised complexity of the 1st one is, as expected, O(1). But, for the rest, we also need to compute hashCode() of the lookup element, which means we might have to traverse arrays and lists in our algorithm.

Lets assume that the size of all of the above arrays/lists is k. Then, HashMap<String, V> and HashMap<List<E>, V> will have O(k) amortised complexity and similarly, O(k + logN) worst case in Java8.

*Note that using a String key is a more complex case, because it is immutable and Java caches the result of hashCode() in a private variable hash, so it's only computed once.

/** Cache the hash code for the string */
    private int hash; // Default to 0

But, the above is also having its own worst case, because Java's String.hashCode() implementation is checking if hash == 0 before computing hashCode. But hey, there are non-empty Strings that output a hashcode of zero, such as "f5a5a608", see here, in which case memoization might not be helpful.

Does VBA have Dictionary Structure?

Building off cjrh's answer, we can build a Contains function requiring no labels (I don't like using labels).

Public Function Contains(Col As Collection, Key As String) As Boolean
    Contains = True
    On Error Resume Next
        Col (Key)
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            Contains = False
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

For a project of mine, I wrote a set of helper functions to make a Collection behave more like a Dictionary. It still allows recursive collections. You'll notice Key always comes first because it was mandatory and made more sense in my implementation. I also used only String keys. You can change it back if you like.


I renamed this to set because it will overwrite old values.

Private Sub cSet(ByRef Col As Collection, Key As String, Item As Variant)
    If (cHas(Col, Key)) Then Col.Remove Key
    Col.Add Array(Key, Item), Key
End Sub


The err stuff is for objects since you would pass objects using set and variables without. I think you can just check if it's an object, but I was pressed for time.

Private Function cGet(ByRef Col As Collection, Key As String) As Variant
    If Not cHas(Col, Key) Then Exit Function
    On Error Resume Next
        Set cGet = Col(Key)(1)
        If err.Number = 13 Then
            cGet = Col(Key)(1)
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    If err.Number <> 0 Then Call err.raise(err.Number, err.Source, err.Description, err.HelpFile, err.HelpContext)
End Function


The reason for this post...

Public Function cHas(Col As Collection, Key As String) As Boolean
    cHas = True
    On Error Resume Next
        Col (Key)
        If err.Number <> 0 Then
            cHas = False
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function


Doesn't throw if it doesn't exist. Just makes sure it's removed.

Private Sub cRemove(ByRef Col As Collection, Key As String)
    If cHas(Col, Key) Then Col.Remove Key
End Sub


Get an array of keys.

Private Function cKeys(ByRef Col As Collection) As String()
    Dim Initialized As Boolean
    Dim Keys() As String

    For Each Item In Col
        If Not Initialized Then
            ReDim Preserve Keys(0)
            Keys(UBound(Keys)) = Item(0)
            Initialized = True
            ReDim Preserve Keys(UBound(Keys) + 1)
            Keys(UBound(Keys)) = Item(0)
        End If
    Next Item

    cKeys = Keys
End Function

How do I create a Linked List Data Structure in Java?

The above linked list display in opposite direction. I think the correct implementation of insert method should be

public void insert(int d1, double d2) { 
    Link link = new Link(d1, d2); 

        link.nextLink = null;
        first = link; 

Reverse the ordering of words in a string

Printing words in reverse order of a given statement using C#:

    void ReverseWords(string str)
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = (str.Length - 1); i >= 0; i--)
            if (str[i] == ' ' || i == 0)
                j = i == 0 ? i : i + 1;

                while (j < str.Length && str[j] != ' ')
                Console.Write(' ');

How to print binary tree diagram?

I know you guys all have great solution; I just want to share mine - maybe that is not the best way, but it is perfect for myself!

With python and pip on, it is really quite simple! BOOM!

On Mac or Ubuntu (mine is mac)

  1. open terminal
  2. $ pip install drawtree
  3. $python, enter python console; you can do it in other way
  4. from drawtree import draw_level_order
  5. draw_level_order('{2,1,3,0,7,9,1,2,#,1,0,#,#,8,8,#,#,#,#,7}')


       / \
      /   \
     /     \
    1       3
   / \     / \
  0   7   9   1
 /   / \     / \
2   1   0   8   8

Source tracking:

Before I saw this post, I went google "binary tree plain text"

And I found this, direct me to this

How to add element into ArrayList in HashMap

First you have to add an ArrayList to the Map

ArrayList<Item> al = new ArrayList<Item>();

Items.add("theKey", al); 

then you can add an item to the ArrayLIst that is inside the Map like this:

Items.get("theKey").add(item);  // item is an object of type Item

How to check if a specific key is present in a hash or not?

You can always use Hash#key? to check if the key is present in a hash or not.

If not it will return you false

hash =  { one: 1, two:2 }

#=> true

#=> false

What are the lesser known but useful data structures?

I like treaps - for the simple, yet effective idea of superimposing a heap structure with random priority over a binary search tree in order to balance it.

How to implement a queue using two stacks?

You can even simulate a queue using only one stack. The second (temporary) stack can be simulated by the call stack of recursive calls to the insert method.

The principle stays the same when inserting a new element into the queue:

  • You need to transfer elements from one stack to another temporary stack, to reverse their order.
  • Then push the new element to be inserted, onto the temporary stack
  • Then transfer the elements back to the original stack
  • The new element will be on the bottom of the stack, and the oldest element is on top (first to be popped)

A Queue class using only one Stack, would be as follows:

public class SimulatedQueue<E> {
    private java.util.Stack<E> stack = new java.util.Stack<E>();

    public void insert(E elem) {
        if (!stack.empty()) {
            E topElem = stack.pop();

    public E remove() {
        return stack.pop();

How to implement a Map with multiple keys?

If you intend to use combination of several keys as one, then perhaps apache commnons MultiKey is your friend. I don't think it would work one by one though..

Graph visualization library in JavaScript

As guruz mentioned, the JIT has several lovely graph/tree layouts, including quite appealing RGraph and HyperTree visualizations.

Also, I've just put up a super simple SVG-based implementation at github (no dependencies, ~125 LOC) that should work well enough for small graphs displayed in modern browsers.

Dynamically add data to a javascript map

Well any Javascript object functions sort-of like a "map"

randomObject['hello'] = 'world';

Typically people build simple objects for the purpose:

var myMap = {};

// ...

myMap[newKey] = newValue;

edit — well the problem with having an explicit "put" function is that you'd then have to go to pains to avoid having the function itself look like part of the map. It's not really a Javascripty thing to do.

13 Feb 2014 — modern JavaScript has facilities for creating object properties that aren't enumerable, and it's pretty easy to do. However, it's still the case that a "put" property, enumerable or not, would claim the property name "put" and make it unavailable. That is, there's still only one namespace per object.

How do I sort a list of dictionaries by a value of the dictionary?

You have to implement your own comparison function that will compare the dictionaries by values of name keys. See Sorting Mini-HOW TO from PythonInfo Wiki

Python Sets vs Lists

Lists are slightly faster than sets when you just want to iterate over the values.

Sets, however, are significantly faster than lists if you want to check if an item is contained within it. They can only contain unique items though.

It turns out tuples perform in almost exactly the same way as lists, except for their immutability.


>>> def iter_test(iterable):
...     for i in iterable:
...         pass
>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> timeit(
...     "iter_test(iterable)",
...     setup="from __main__ import iter_test; iterable = set(range(10000))",
...     number=100000)
>>> timeit(
...     "iter_test(iterable)",
...     setup="from __main__ import iter_test; iterable = list(range(10000))",
...     number=100000)
>>> timeit(
...     "iter_test(iterable)",
...     setup="from __main__ import iter_test; iterable = tuple(range(10000))",
...     number=100000)

Determine if an object is present

>>> def in_test(iterable):
...     for i in range(1000):
...         if i in iterable:
...             pass
>>> from timeit import timeit
>>> timeit(
...     "in_test(iterable)",
...     setup="from __main__ import in_test; iterable = set(range(1000))",
...     number=10000)
>>> timeit(
...     "in_test(iterable)",
...     setup="from __main__ import in_test; iterable = list(range(1000))",
...     number=10000)
>>> timeit(
...     "in_test(iterable)",
...     setup="from __main__ import in_test; iterable = tuple(range(1000))",
...     number=10000)

Split List into Sublists with LINQ

It's an old solution but I had a different approach. I use Skip to move to desired offset and Take to extract desired number of elements:

public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Chunk<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, 
                                                   int chunkSize)
    if (chunkSize <= 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(chunkSize)} should be > 0");

    var nbChunks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)source.Count()/chunkSize);

    return Enumerable.Range(0, nbChunks)
                     .Select(chunkNb => source.Skip(chunkNb*chunkSize)

What is the difference between Python's list methods append and extend?

The append() method adds a single item to the end of the list.

x = [1, 2, 3]
x.append([4, 5])
# gives you
[1, 2, 3, [4, 5], 'abc']

The extend() method takes one argument, a list, and appends each of the items of the argument to the original list. (Lists are implemented as classes. “Creating” a list is really instantiating a class. As such, a list has methods that operate on it.)

x = [1, 2, 3]
x.extend([4, 5])
# gives you
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'a', 'b', 'c']

From Dive Into Python.

Tree data structure in C#

Try this simple sample.

public class TreeNode<TValue>
    #region Properties
    public TValue Value { get; set; }
    public List<TreeNode<TValue>> Children { get; private set; }
    public bool HasChild { get { return Children.Any(); } }
    #region Constructor
    public TreeNode()
        this.Children = new List<TreeNode<TValue>>();
    public TreeNode(TValue value)
        : this()
        this.Value = value;
    #region Methods
    public void AddChild(TreeNode<TValue> treeNode)
    public void AddChild(TValue value)
        var treeNode = new TreeNode<TValue>(value);

Which data structures and algorithms book should I buy?

I think introduction to Algorithms is the reference books, and a must have for any serious programmer.

Other fun book is The algorithm design manual It covers more sophisticated algorithms.

I can't not mention The art of computer programming of Knuth

Java collections maintaining insertion order

Performance. If you want the original insertion order there are the LinkedXXX classes, which maintain an additional linked list in insertion order. Most of the time you don't care, so you use a HashXXX, or you want a natural order, so you use TreeXXX. In either of those cases why should you pay the extra cost of the linked list?

In Python, when to use a Dictionary, List or Set?

Dictionary: A python dictionary is used like a hash table with key as index and object as value.

List: A list is used for holding objects in an array indexed by position of that object in the array.

Set: A set is a collection with functions that can tell if an object is present or not present in the set.

How to Correctly Use Lists in R?

If it helps, I tend to conceive "lists" in R as "records" in other pre-OO languages:

  • they do not make any assumptions about an overarching type (or rather the type of all possible records of any arity and field names is available).
  • their fields can be anonymous (then you access them by strict definition order).

The name "record" would clash with the standard meaning of "records" (aka rows) in database parlance, and may be this is why their name suggested itself: as lists (of fields).

.NET data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary -- Speed, memory, and when to use each?

An important note about Hashtable vs Dictionary for high frequency systematic trading engineering: Thread Safety Issue

Hashtable is thread safe for use by multiple threads. Dictionary public static members are thread safe, but any instance members are not guaranteed to be so.

So Hashtable remains the 'standard' choice in this regard.

What is C# analog of C++ std::pair?

I created a C# implementation of Tuples, which solves the problem generically for between two and five values - here's the blog post, which contains a link to the source.

How to reverse a singly linked list using only two pointers?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don't think your three-pointer solution actually works. When I used it in the following test harness, the list was reduced to one node, as per the following output:


You won't get better time complexity than your solution since it's O(n) and you have to visit every node to change the pointers, but you can do a solution with only two extra pointers quite easily, as shown in the following code:

#include <stdio.h>

// The list element type and head.

struct node { 
    int data;
    struct node *link;
static struct node *first = NULL;

// A reverse function which uses only two extra pointers.

void reverse() {
    // curNode traverses the list, first is reset to empty list.
    struct node *curNode = first, *nxtNode;
    first = NULL;

    // Until no more in list, insert current before first and advance.
    while (curNode != NULL) {
        // Need to save next node since we're changing the current.
        nxtNode = curNode->link;

        // Insert at start of new list.
        curNode->link = first;
        first = curNode;

        // Advance to next.
        curNode = nxtNode;

// Code to dump the current list.

static void dumpNodes() {
    struct node *curNode = first;
    printf ("==========\n");
    while (curNode != NULL) {
        printf ("%d\n", curNode->data);
        curNode = curNode->link;

// Test harness main program.

int main (void) {
    int i;
    struct node *newnode;

    // Create list (using actually the same insert-before-first
    // that is used in reverse function.

    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        newnode = malloc (sizeof (struct node));
        newnode->data = i;
        newnode->link = first;
        first = newnode;

    // Dump list, reverse it, then dump again.

    printf ("==========\n");

    return 0;

This code outputs:


which I think is what you were after. It can actually do this since, once you've loaded up first into the pointer traversing the list, you can re-use first at will.

Java: How to convert List to Map

Short and sweet.

Using Java 8 you can do following :

Map<Key, Value> result= results

Value can be any object you use.

How does a hash table work?

You guys are very close to explaining this fully, but missing a couple things. The hashtable is just an array. The array itself will contain something in each slot. At a minimum you will store the hashvalue or the value itself in this slot. In addition to this you could also store a linked/chained list of values that have collided on this slot, or you could use the open addressing method. You can also store a pointer or pointers to other data you want to retrieve out of this slot.

It's important to note that the hashvalue itself generally does not indicate the slot into which to place the value. For example, a hashvalue might be a negative integer value. Obviously a negative number cannot point to an array location. Additionally, hash values will tend to many times be larger numbers than the slots available. Thus another calculation needs to be performed by the hashtable itself to figure out which slot the value should go into. This is done with a modulus math operation like:

uint slotIndex = hashValue % hashTableSize;

This value is the slot the value will go into. In open addressing, if the slot is already filled with another hashvalue and/or other data, the modulus operation will be run once again to find the next slot:

slotIndex = (remainder + 1) % hashTableSize;

I suppose there may be other more advanced methods for determining slot index, but this is the common one I've seen... would be interested in any others that perform better.

With the modulus method, if you have a table of say size 1000, any hashvalue that is between 1 and 1000 will go into the corresponding slot. Any Negative values, and any values greater than 1000 will be potentially colliding slot values. The chances of that happening depend both on your hashing method, as well as how many total items you add to the hash table. Generally, it's best practice to make the size of the hashtable such that the total number of values added to it is only equal to about 70% of its size. If your hash function does a good job of even distribution, you will generally encounter very few to no bucket/slot collisions and it will perform very quickly for both lookup and write operations. If the total number of values to add is not known in advance, make a good guesstimate using whatever means, and then resize your hashtable once the number of elements added to it reaches 70% of capacity.

I hope this has helped.

PS - In C# the GetHashCode() method is pretty slow and results in actual value collisions under a lot of conditions I've tested. For some real fun, build your own hashfunction and try to get it to NEVER collide on the specific data you are hashing, run faster than GetHashCode, and have a fairly even distribution. I've done this using long instead of int size hashcode values and it's worked quite well on up to 32 million entires hashvalues in the hashtable with 0 collisions. Unfortunately I can't share the code as it belongs to my employer... but I can reveal it is possible for certain data domains. When you can achieve this, the hashtable is VERY fast. :)

How to detect a loop in a linked list?

In this context, there are loads to textual materials everywhere. I just wanted to post a diagrammatic representation that really helped me to grasp the concept.

When fast and slow meet at point p,

Distance travelled by fast = a+b+c+b = a+2b+c

Distance travelled by slow = a+b

Since the fast is 2 times faster than the slow. So a+2b+c = 2(a+b), then we get a=c.

So when another slow pointer runs again from head to q, at the same time, fast pointer will run from p to q, so they meet at the point q together.

enter image description here

public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {
    if(head == null ||
        return null;

    ListNode slow = head;
    ListNode fast = head;

    while (fast!=null &&!=null){
        fast =;
        slow =;

        if the 2 pointers meet, then the 
        dist from the meeting pt to start of loop 
        dist from head to start of loop
        if (fast == slow){ //loop found
            slow = head;
            while(slow != fast){
                slow =;
                fast =;
            return slow;
    return null;

What is copy-on-write?

Just to provide another example, Mercurial uses copy-on-write to make cloning local repositories a really "cheap" operation.

The principle is the same as the other examples, except that you're talking about physical files instead of objects in memory. Initially, a clone is not a duplicate but a hard link to the original. As you change files in the clone, copies are written to represent the new version.

Why is Dictionary preferred over Hashtable in C#?

Another important difference is that Hashtable is thread safe. Hashtable has built-in multiple reader/single writer (MR/SW) thread safety which means Hashtable allows ONE writer together with multiple readers without locking.

In the case of Dictionary there is no thread safety; if you need thread safety you must implement your own synchronization.

To elaborate further:

Hashtable provides some thread-safety through the Synchronized property, which returns a thread-safe wrapper around the collection. The wrapper works by locking the entire collection on every add or remove operation. Therefore, each thread that is attempting to access the collection must wait for its turn to take the one lock. This is not scalable and can cause significant performance degradation for large collections. Also, the design is not completely protected from race conditions.

The .NET Framework 2.0 collection classes like List<T>, Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, etc. do not provide any thread synchronization; user code must provide all synchronization when items are added or removed on multiple threads concurrently

If you need type safety as well thread safety, use concurrent collections classes in the .NET Framework. Further reading here.

An additional difference is that when we add the multiple entries in Dictionary, the order in which the entries are added is maintained. When we retrieve the items from Dictionary we will get the records in the same order we have inserted them. Whereas Hashtable doesn't preserve the insertion order.

Sorted array list in Java

You can try Guava's TreeMultiSet.

 Multiset<Integer> ms=TreeMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,1,1,-1,2,4,5,100));

Select Multiple Fields from List in Linq

You could use an anonymous type:

.Select(i => new {, i.category_name })

The compiler will generate the code for a class with name and category_name properties and returns instances of that class. You can also manually specify property names:

i => new { Id = i.category_id, Name = i.category_name }

You can have arbitrary number of properties.

How to create an Array, ArrayList, Stack and Queue in Java?

I am guessing you're confused with the parameterization of the types:

// This works, because there is one class/type definition in the parameterized <> field
ArrayList<String> myArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); 

// This doesn't work, as you cannot use primitive types here
ArrayList<char> myArrayList = new ArrayList<char>();

Practical uses of different data structures

Found the list in a similar question, previously on StackOverflow:

Hash Table - used for fast data lookup - symbol table for compilers, database indexing, caches,Unique data representation.

Trie - dictionary, such as one found on a mobile telephone for autocompletion and spell-checking.

Suffix tree - fast full text searches used in most word processors.

Stack - undo\redo operation in word processors, Expression evaluation and syntax parsing, many virtual machines like JVM are stack oriented.

Queues - Transport and operations research where various entities are stored and held to be processed later ie the queue performs the function of a buffer.

Priority queues - process scheduling in the kernel

Trees - Parsers, Filesystem

Radix tree - IP routing table

BSP tree - 3D computer graphics

Graphs - Connections/relations in social networking sites, Routing ,networks of communication, data organization etc.

Heap - Dynamic memory allocation in lisp

This is the answer originally posted by RV Pradeep

Some other, less useful links:

Applications are only listed for some data structures

Not application focused, by good summary and relevant

How do I clear the std::queue efficiently?

A common idiom for clearing standard containers is swapping with an empty version of the container:

void clear( std::queue<int> &q )
   std::queue<int> empty;
   std::swap( q, empty );

It is also the only way of actually clearing the memory held inside some containers (std::vector)

creating an array of structs in c++

You can't use an initialization-list for a struct after it's been initialized. You've already default-initialized the two Customer structs when you declared the array customerRecords. Therefore you're going to have either use member-access syntax to set the value of the non-static data members, initialize the structs using a list of initialization lists when you declare the array itself, or you can create a constructor for your struct and use the default operator= member function to initialize the array members.

So either of the following could work:

Customer customerRecords[2];
customerRecords[0].uid = 25;
customerRecords[0].name = "Bob Jones";
customerRecords[1].uid = 25;
customerRecords[1].namem = "Jim Smith";

Or if you defined a constructor for your struct like:

Customer::Customer(int id, string input_name): uid(id), name(input_name) {}

You could then do:

Customer customerRecords[2];
customerRecords[0] = Customer(25, "Bob Jones");
customerRecords[1] = Customer(26, "Jim Smith");

Or you could do the sequence of initialization lists that Tuomas used in his answer. The reason his initialization-list syntax works is because you're actually initializing the Customer structs at the time of the declaration of the array, rather than allowing the structs to be default-initialized which takes place whenever you declare an aggregate data-structure like an array.

What is the time complexity of indexing, inserting and removing from common data structures?

Amortized Big-O for hashtables:

  • Insert - O(1)
  • Retrieve - O(1)
  • Delete - O(1)

Note that there is a constant factor for the hashing algorithm, and the amortization means that actual measured performance may vary dramatically.

How do you implement a circular buffer in C?

@Adam Rosenfield's solution, although correct, could be implemented with a more lightweight circular_buffer structure that does not invlove count and capacity.

The structure could only hold the following 4 pointers:

  • buffer: Points to the start of the buffer in memory.
  • buffer_end: Points to the end of the buffer in memory.
  • head: Points to the end of stored data.
  • tail: Points to the start of stored data.

We could keep the sz attribute to allow the parametrisation of the unit of storage.

Both the count and the capacity values should be derive-able using the above pointers.


capacity is straight forward, as it can be derived by dividing the distance between the buffer_end pointer and the buffer pointer by the unit of storage sz (snippet below is pseudocode):

capacity = (buffer_end - buffer) / sz


For count though, things get a bit more complicated. For example, there is no way to determine whether the buffer is empty or full, in the scenario of head and tail pointing to the same location.

To tackle that, the buffer should allocate memory for an additional element. For example, if the desired capacity of our circular buffer is 10 * sz, then we need to allocate 11 * sz.

Capacity formula will then become (snippet below is pseudocode):

capacity_bytes = buffer_end - buffer - sz
capacity = capacity_bytes / sz

This extra element semantic allows us to construct conditions that evaluate whether the buffer is empty or full.

Empty state conditions

In order for the buffer to be empty, the head pointer points to the same location as the tail pointer:

head == tail

If the above evaluates to true, the buffer is empty.

Full state conditions

In order for the buffer to be full, the head pointer should be 1 element behind the tail pointer. Thus, the space needed to cover in order to jump from the head location to the tail location should be equal to 1 * sz.

if tail is larger that head:

tail - head == sz

If the above evaluates to true, the buffer is full.

if head is larger that tail:

  1. buffer_end - head returns the space to jump from the head to the end of the buffer.
  2. tail - buffer returns the space needed to jump from the start of the buffer to the `tail.
  3. Adding the above 2 should equal to the space needed to jump from the head to the tail
  4. The space derived in step 3, shold not be more than 1 * sz
(buffer_end - head) + (tail - buffer) == sz
=> buffer_end - buffer - head + tail == sz
=> buffer_end - buffer - sz == head - tail
=> head - tail == buffer_end - buffer - sz
=> head - tail == capacity_bytes

If the above evaluates to true, the buffer is full.

In practice

Modifying @Adam Rosenfield's to use the above circular_buffer structure:

#include <string.h>

#define CB_SUCCESS 0        /* CB operation was successful */
#define CB_MEMORY_ERROR 1   /* Failed to allocate memory */
#define CB_OVERFLOW_ERROR 2 /* CB is full. Cannot push more items. */
#define CB_EMPTY_ERROR 3    /* CB is empty. Cannot pop more items. */

typedef struct circular_buffer {
  void *buffer;
  void *buffer_end;
  size_t sz;
  void *head;
  void *tail;
} circular_buffer;

int cb_init(circular_buffer *cb, size_t capacity, size_t sz) {
  const int incremented_capacity = capacity + 1; // Add extra element to evaluate count
  cb->buffer = malloc(incremented_capacity * sz);
  if (cb->buffer == NULL)
    return CB_MEMORY_ERROR;
  cb->buffer_end = (char *)cb->buffer + incremented_capacity * sz;
  cb->sz = sz;
  cb->head = cb->buffer;
  cb->tail = cb->buffer;
  return CB_SUCCESS;

int cb_free(circular_buffer *cb) {
  return CB_SUCCESS;

const int _cb_length(circular_buffer *cb) {
  return (char *)cb->buffer_end - (char *)cb->buffer;

int cb_push_back(circular_buffer *cb, const void *item) {
  const int buffer_length = _cb_length(cb);
  const int capacity_length = buffer_length - cb->sz;

  if ((char *)cb->tail - (char *)cb->head == cb->sz ||
      (char *)cb->head - (char *)cb->tail == capacity_length)

  memcpy(cb->head, item, cb->sz);

  cb->head = (char*)cb->head + cb->sz;
  if(cb->head == cb->buffer_end)
    cb->head = cb->buffer;

  return CB_SUCCESS;

int cb_pop_front(circular_buffer *cb, void *item) {
  if (cb->head == cb->tail)
    return CB_EMPTY_ERROR;

  memcpy(item, cb->tail, cb->sz);

  cb->tail = (char*)cb->tail + cb->sz;
  if(cb->tail == cb->buffer_end)
    cb->tail = cb->buffer;

  return CB_SUCCESS;

How to implement a binary tree?

This implementation supports insert, find and delete operations without destroy the structure of the tree. This is not a banlanced tree.

# Class for construct the nodes of the tree. (Subtrees)
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, parent_node = None):
    self.left = None
    self.right = None
    self.key = key
    if parent_node == None:
        self.parent = self
        self.parent = parent_node

# Class with the  structure of the tree. 
# This Tree is not balanced.
class Tree:
def __init__(self):
    self.root = None

# Insert a single element
def insert(self, x):
    if(self.root == None):
        self.root = Node(x)
        self._insert(x, self.root)

def _insert(self, x, node):
    if(x < node.key):
        if(node.left == None):
            node.left = Node(x, node)
            self._insert(x, node.left)
        if(node.right == None):
            node.right = Node(x, node)
            self._insert(x, node.right)

# Given a element, return a node in the tree with key x. 
def find(self, x):
    if(self.root == None):
        return None
        return self._find(x, self.root)
def _find(self, x, node):
    if(x == node.key):
        return node
    elif(x < node.key):
        if(node.left == None):
            return None
            return self._find(x, node.left)
    elif(x > node.key):
        if(node.right == None):
            return None
            return self._find(x, node.right)

# Given a node, return the node in the tree with the next largest element.
def next(self, node):
    if node.right != None:
        return self._left_descendant(node.right)
        return self._right_ancestor(node)

def _left_descendant(self, node):
    if node.left == None:
        return node
        return self._left_descendant(node.left)

def _right_ancestor(self, node):
    if node.key <= node.parent.key:
        return node.parent
        return self._right_ancestor(node.parent)

# Delete an element of the tree
def delete(self, x):
    node = self.find(x)
    if node == None:
        print(x, "isn't in the tree")
        if node.right == None:
            if node.left == None:
                if node.key < node.parent.key:
                    node.parent.left = None
                    del node # Clean garbage
                    node.parent.right = None
                    del Node # Clean garbage
                node.key = node.left.key
                node.left = None
            x =
            node.key = x.key
            x = None

# tests
t = Tree()




# Remember: Find method return the node object. 
# To return a number use t.find(nº).key
# But it will cause an error if the number is not in the tree.

Why doesn't java.util.Set have get(int index)?

Because sets have no ordering. Some implementations do (particularly those implementing the java.util.SortedSet interface), but that is not a general property of sets.

If you're trying to use sets this way, you should consider using a list instead.

How do I remove objects from an array in Java?

Something about the make a list of it then remove then back to an array strikes me as wrong. Haven't tested, but I think the following will perform better. Yes I'm probably unduly pre-optimizing.

boolean [] deleteItem = new boolean[arr.length];
int size=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i==){
String[] newArr=new String[size];
int index=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){

Data structure for maintaining tabular data in memory?

Have a Table class whose rows is a list of dict or better row objects

In table do not directly add rows but have a method which update few lookup maps e.g. for name if you are not adding rows in order or id are not consecutive you can have idMap too e.g.

class Table(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.rows =  []# list of row objects, we assume if order of id
        self.nameMap = {} # for faster direct lookup for row by name

    def addRow(self, row):
        self.nameMap[row['name']] = row

    def getRow(self, name):
        return self.nameMap[name]

table = Table()

How to convert SQL Query result to PANDAS Data Structure?

MySQL Connector

For those that works with the mysql connector you can use this code as a start. (Thanks to @Daniel Velkov)

Used refs:

import pandas as pd
import mysql.connector

# Setup MySQL connection
db = mysql.connector.connect(
    host="<IP>",              # your host, usually localhost
    user="<USER>",            # your username
    password="<PASS>",        # your password
    database="<DATABASE>"     # name of the data base

# You must create a Cursor object. It will let you execute all the queries you need
cur = db.cursor()

# Use all the SQL you like
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM <TABLE>")

# Put it all to a data frame
sql_data = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall())
sql_data.columns = cur.column_names

# Close the session

# Show the data

How to clone object in C++ ? Or Is there another solution?

In C++ copying the object means cloning. There is no any special cloning in the language.

As the standard suggests, after copying you should have 2 identical copies of the same object.

There are 2 types of copying: copy constructor when you create object on a non initialized space and copy operator where you need to release the old state of the object (that is expected to be valid) before setting the new state.

What is the difference between tree depth and height?

Simple Answer:
1. Tree: Number of edges/arc from the root node to the leaf node of the tree is called as the Depth of the Tree.
2. Node: Number of edges/arc from the root node to that node is called as the Depth of that node.

Why do we use arrays instead of other data structures?

Time to go back in time for a lesson. While we don't think about these things much in our fancy managed languages today, they are built on the same foundation, so let's look at how memory is managed in C.

Before I dive in, a quick explanation of what the term "pointer" means. A pointer is simply a variable that "points" to a location in memory. It doesn't contain the actual value at this area of memory, it contains the memory address to it. Think of a block of memory as a mailbox. The pointer would be the address to that mailbox.

In C, an array is simply a pointer with an offset, the offset specifies how far in memory to look. This provides O(1) access time.

  MyArray   [5]
     ^       ^
  Pointer  Offset

All other data structures either build upon this, or do not use adjacent memory for storage, resulting in poor random access look up time (Though there are other benefits to not using sequential memory).

For example, let's say we have an array with 6 numbers (6,4,2,3,1,5) in it, in memory it would look like this:

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |

In an array, we know that each element is next to each other in memory. A C array (Called MyArray here) is simply a pointer to the first element:

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |

If we wanted to look up MyArray[4], internally it would be accessed like this:

   0     1     2     3     4 
|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |
MyArray + 4 ---------------/
(Pointer + Offset)

Because we can directly access any element in the array by adding the offset to the pointer, we can look up any element in the same amount of time, regardless of the size of the array. This means that getting MyArray[1000] would take the same amount of time as getting MyArray[5].

An alternative data structure is a linked list. This is a linear list of pointers, each pointing to the next node

========    ========    ========    ========    ========
| Data |    | Data |    | Data |    | Data |    | Data |
|      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | 
|  P1  |    |  P2  |    |  P3  |    |  P4  |    |  P5  |        
========    ========    ========    ========    ========

P(X) stands for Pointer to next node.

Note that I made each "node" into its own block. This is because they are not guaranteed to be (and most likely won't be) adjacent in memory.

If I want to access P3, I can't directly access it, because I don't know where it is in memory. All I know is where the root (P1) is, so instead I have to start at P1, and follow each pointer to the desired node.

This is a O(N) look up time (The look up cost increases as each element is added). It is much more expensive to get to P1000 compared to getting to P4.

Higher level data structures, such as hashtables, stacks and queues, all may use an array (or multiple arrays) internally, while Linked Lists and Binary Trees usually use nodes and pointers.

You might wonder why anyone would use a data structure that requires linear traversal to look up a value instead of just using an array, but they have their uses.

Take our array again. This time, I want to find the array element that holds the value '5'.

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |
   ^     ^     ^     ^     ^   FOUND!

In this situation, I don't know what offset to add to the pointer to find it, so I have to start at 0, and work my way up until I find it. This means I have to perform 6 checks.

Because of this, searching for a value in an array is considered O(N). The cost of searching increases as the array gets larger.

Remember up above where I said that sometimes using a non sequential data structure can have advantages? Searching for data is one of these advantages and one of the best examples is the Binary Tree.

A Binary Tree is a data structure similar to a linked list, however instead of linking to a single node, each node can link to two children nodes.

         |  Root  |         
        /          \ 
  =========       =========
  | Child |       | Child |
  =========       =========
                  /       \
            =========    =========
            | Child |    | Child |
            =========    =========

 Assume that each connector is really a Pointer

When data is inserted into a binary tree, it uses several rules to decide where to place the new node. The basic concept is that if the new value is greater than the parents, it inserts it to the left, if it is lower, it inserts it to the right.

This means that the values in a binary tree could look like this:

         |   100  |         
        /          \ 
  =========       =========
  |  200  |       |   50  |
  =========       =========
                  /       \
            =========    =========
            |   75  |    |   25  |
            =========    =========

When searching a binary tree for the value of 75, we only need to visit 3 nodes ( O(log N) ) because of this structure:

  • Is 75 less than 100? Look at Right Node
  • Is 75 greater than 50? Look at Left Node
  • There is the 75!

Even though there are 5 nodes in our tree, we did not need to look at the remaining two, because we knew that they (and their children) could not possibly contain the value we were looking for. This gives us a search time that at worst case means we have to visit every node, but in the best case we only have to visit a small portion of the nodes.

That is where arrays get beat, they provide a linear O(N) search time, despite O(1) access time.

This is an incredibly high level overview on data structures in memory, skipping over a lot of details, but hopefully it illustrates an array's strength and weakness compared to other data structures.

Difference between "Complete binary tree", "strict binary tree","full binary Tree"?

Consider a binary tree whose nodes are drawn in a tree fashion. Now start numbering the nodes from top to bottom and left to right. A complete tree has these properties:

If n has children then all nodes numbered less than n have two children.

If n has one child it must be the left child and all nodes less than n have two children. In addition no node numbered greater than n has children.

If n has no children then no node numbered greater than n has children.

A complete binary tree can be used to represent a heap. It can be easily represented in contiguous memory with no gaps (i.e. all array elements are used save for any space that may exist at the end).

golang why don't we have a set datastructure

Partly, because Go doesn't have generics (so you would need one set-type for every type, or fall back on reflection, which is rather inefficient).

Partly, because if all you need is "add/remove individual elements to a set" and "relatively space-efficient", you can get a fair bit of that simply by using a map[yourtype]bool (and set the value to true for any element in the set) or, for more space efficiency, you can use an empty struct as the value and use _, present = the_setoid[key] to check for presence.

Algorithm/Data Structure Design Interview Questions

When interviewing recently, I was often asked to implement a data structure, usually LinkedList or HashMap. Both of these are easy enough to be doable in a short time, and difficult enough to eliminate the clueless.

Quick Way to Implement Dictionary in C

For ease of implementation, it's hard to beat naively searching through an array. Aside from some error checking, this is a complete implementation (untested).

typedef struct dict_entry_s {
    const char *key;
    int value;
} dict_entry_s;

typedef struct dict_s {
    int len;
    int cap;
    dict_entry_s *entry;
} dict_s, *dict_t;

int dict_find_index(dict_t dict, const char *key) {
    for (int i = 0; i < dict->len; i++) {
        if (!strcmp(dict->entry[i], key)) {
            return i;
    return -1;

int dict_find(dict_t dict, const char *key, int def) {
    int idx = dict_find_index(dict, key);
    return idx == -1 ? def : dict->entry[idx].value;

void dict_add(dict_t dict, const char *key, int value) {
   int idx = dict_find_index(dict, key);
   if (idx != -1) {
       dict->entry[idx].value = value;
   if (dict->len == dict->cap) {
       dict->cap *= 2;
       dict->entry = realloc(dict->entry, dict->cap * sizeof(dict_entry_s));
   dict->entry[dict->len].key = strdup(key);
   dict->entry[dict->len].value = value;

dict_t dict_new(void) {
    dict_s proto = {0, 10, malloc(10 * sizeof(dict_entry_s))};
    dict_t d = malloc(sizeof(dict_s));
    *d = proto;
    return d;

void dict_free(dict_t dict) {
    for (int i = 0; i < dict->len; i++) {

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers?

All STL container are externally represented as "sequences" with one iteration mechanism. Trees don't follow this idiom.

Hash table runtime complexity (insert, search and delete)

Ideally, a hashtable is O(1). The problem is if two keys are not equal, however they result in the same hash.

For example, imagine the strings "it was the best of times it was the worst of times" and "Green Eggs and Ham" both resulted in a hash value of 123.

When the first string is inserted, it's put in bucket 123. When the second string is inserted, it would see that a value already exists for bucket 123. It would then compare the new value to the existing value, and see they are not equal. In this case, an array or linked list is created for that key. At this point, retrieving this value becomes O(n) as the hashtable needs to iterate through each value in that bucket to find the desired one.

For this reason, when using a hash table, it's important to use a key with a really good hash function that's both fast and doesn't often result in duplicate values for different objects.

Make sense?

How to check queue length in Python

len(queue) should give you the result, 3 in this case.

Specifically, len(object) function will call object.__len__ method [reference link]. And the object in this case is deque, which implements __len__ method (you can see it by dir(deque)).

queue= deque([])   #is this length 0 queue?

Yes it will be 0 for empty deque.

Difference between binary tree and binary search tree

A tree can be called as a binary tree if and only if the maximum number of children of any of the nodes is two.

A tree can be called as a binary search tree if and only if the maximum number of children of any of the nodes is two and the left child is always smaller than the right child.

Does Java support structs?

Java doesn't have an analog to C++'s structs, but you can use classes with all public members.

Are duplicate keys allowed in the definition of binary search trees?

I just want to add some more information to what @Robert Paulson answered.

Let's assume that node contains key & data. So nodes with the same key might contain different data.
(So the search must find all nodes with the same key)

  1. left <= cur < right
  1. left < cur <= right
  1. left <= cur <= right
  1. left < cur < right && cur contain sibling nodes with the same key.
  1. left < cur < right, such that no duplicate keys exist.

1 & 2. works fine if the tree does not have any rotation-related functions to prevent skewness.
But this form doesn't work with AVL tree or Red-Black tree, because rotation will break the principal.
And even if search() finds the node with the key, it must traverse down to the leaf node for the nodes with duplicate key.
Making time complexity for search = theta(logN)

3. will work well with any form of BST with rotation-related functions.
But the search will take O(n), ruining the purpose of using BST.
Say we have the tree as below, with 3) principal.

       /    \
     10     20
    /  \    /
   9   11  12 
      /      \
    10       12

If we do search(12) on this tree, even tho we found 12 at the root, we must keep search both left & right child to seek for the duplicate key.
This takes O(n) time as I've told.

4. is my personal favorite. Let's say sibling means the node with the same key.
We can change above tree into below.

         12 - 12 - 12
       /    \
10 - 10     20
    /  \
   9   11

Now any search will take O(logN) because we don't have to traverse children for the duplicate key.
And this principal also works well with AVL or RB tree.

Array versus linked-list

Why a linked list over an array ? Well as some have already said, greater speed of insertions and deletions.

But maybe we don't have to live with the limits of either, and get the best of both, at the same time... eh ?

For array deletions, you can use a 'Deleted' byte, to represent the fact that a row has been deleted, thus reorging the array is no longer necessary. To ease the burden of insertions, or rapidly changing data, use a linked list for that. Then when referring to them, have your logic first search one, then the other. Thus, using them in combination gives you the best of both.

If you have a really large array, you could combine it with another, much smaller array or linked list where the smaller one hold thes 20, 50, 100 most recently used items. If the one needed is not in the shorter linked list or array, you go to the large array. If found there, you can then add it to the smaller linked list/array on the presumption that 'things most recently used are most likey to be re-used' ( and yes, possibly bumping the least recently used item from the list ). Which is true in many cases and solved a problem I had to tackle in an .ASP security permissions checking module, with ease, elegance, and impressive speed.

When should I use a List vs a LinkedList

The difference between List and LinkedList lies in their underlying implementation. List is array based collection (ArrayList). LinkedList is node-pointer based collection (LinkedListNode). On the API level usage, both of them are pretty much the same since both implement same set of interfaces such as ICollection, IEnumerable, etc.

The key difference comes when performance matter. For example, if you are implementing the list that has heavy "INSERT" operation, LinkedList outperforms List. Since LinkedList can do it in O(1) time, but List may need to expand the size of underlying array. For more information/detail you might want to read up on the algorithmic difference between LinkedList and array data structures. and Array

Hope this help,

Implementing a HashMap in C

There are other mechanisms to handle overflow than the simple minded linked list of overflow entries which e.g. wastes a lot of memory.

Which mechanism to use depends among other things on if you can choose the hash function and possible pick more than one (to implement e.g. double hashing to handle collisions); if you expect to often add items or if the map is static once filled; if you intend to remove items or not; ...

The best way to implement this is to first think about all these parameters and then not code it yourself but to pick a mature existing implementation. Google has a few good implementations -- e.g.

Best implementation for Key Value Pair Data Structure?

There is an actual Data Type called KeyValuePair, use like this

KeyValuePair<string, string> myKeyValuePair = new KeyValuePair<string,string>("defaultkey", "defaultvalue");

How do I instantiate a Queue object in java?

enter image description here

The Queue interface extends java.util.Collection with additional insertion, extraction, and inspection operations like:

+offer(element: E): boolean // Inserting an element

+poll(): E // Retrieves the element and returns NULL if queue is empty

+remove(): E // Retrieves and removes the element and throws an Exception if queue is empty

+peek(): E // Retrieves,but does not remove, the head of this queue, returning null if this queue is empty.

+element(): E // Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, throws an exception if te queue is empty.

Example Code for implementing Queue:

java.util.Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>();


while (queue.size() > 0){
    System.out.println(queue.remove() + " ");
//Since Queue is empty now so this will return NULL

Output Of the code :


What do I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?

Following up to Isaac Turner's excellent answer, I'd like put an example based on K Closest Points to the Origin using max heap.

from math import sqrt
import heapq

class MaxHeapObj(object):
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val.distance
        self.coordinates = val.coordinates

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.val > other.val

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.val == other.val

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.val)

class MinHeap(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.h = []

    def heappush(self, x):
        heapq.heappush(self.h, x)

    def heappop(self):
        return heapq.heappop(self.h)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.h[i]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.h)

class MaxHeap(MinHeap):
    def heappush(self, x):
        heapq.heappush(self.h, MaxHeapObj(x))

    def heappop(self):
        return heapq.heappop(self.h).val

    def peek(self):
        return heapq.nsmallest(1, self.h)[0].val

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.h[i].val

class Point():
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.distance = round(sqrt(x**2 + y**2), 3)
        self.coordinates = (x, y)

def find_k_closest(points, k):
    res = [Point(x, y) for (x, y) in points]
    maxh = MaxHeap()

    for i in range(k):

    for p in res[k:]:
        if p.distance < maxh.peek():

    res = [str(x.coordinates) for x in maxh.h]
    print(f"{k} closest points from origin : {', '.join(res)}")

points = [(10, 8), (-2, 4), (0, -2), (-1, 0), (3, 5), (-2, 3), (3, 2), (0, 1)]
find_k_closest(points, 3)

Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus?

Usually a simple hash function works by taking the "component parts" of the input (characters in the case of a string), and multiplying them by the powers of some constant, and adding them together in some integer type. So for example a typical (although not especially good) hash of a string might be:

(first char) + k * (second char) + k^2 * (third char) + ...

Then if a bunch of strings all having the same first char are fed in, then the results will all be the same modulo k, at least until the integer type overflows.

[As an example, Java's string hashCode is eerily similar to this - it does the characters reverse order, with k=31. So you get striking relationships modulo 31 between strings that end the same way, and striking relationships modulo 2^32 between strings that are the same except near the end. This doesn't seriously mess up hashtable behaviour.]

A hashtable works by taking the modulus of the hash over the number of buckets.

It's important in a hashtable not to produce collisions for likely cases, since collisions reduce the efficiency of the hashtable.

Now, suppose someone puts a whole bunch of values into a hashtable that have some relationship between the items, like all having the same first character. This is a fairly predictable usage pattern, I'd say, so we don't want it to produce too many collisions.

It turns out that "because of the nature of maths", if the constant used in the hash, and the number of buckets, are coprime, then collisions are minimised in some common cases. If they are not coprime, then there are some fairly simple relationships between inputs for which collisions are not minimised. All the hashes come out equal modulo the common factor, which means they'll all fall into the 1/n th of the buckets which have that value modulo the common factor. You get n times as many collisions, where n is the common factor. Since n is at least 2, I'd say it's unacceptable for a fairly simple use case to generate at least twice as many collisions as normal. If some user is going to break our distribution into buckets, we want it to be a freak accident, not some simple predictable usage.

Now, hashtable implementations obviously have no control over the items put into them. They can't prevent them being related. So the thing to do is to ensure that the constant and the bucket counts are coprime. That way you aren't relying on the "last" component alone to determine the modulus of the bucket with respect to some small common factor. As far as I know they don't have to be prime to achieve this, just coprime.

But if the hash function and the hashtable are written independently, then the hashtable doesn't know how the hash function works. It might be using a constant with small factors. If you're lucky it might work completely differently and be nonlinear. If the hash is good enough, then any bucket count is just fine. But a paranoid hashtable can't assume a good hash function, so should use a prime number of buckets. Similarly a paranoid hash function should use a largeish prime constant, to reduce the chance that someone uses a number of buckets which happens to have a common factor with the constant.

In practice, I think it's fairly normal to use a power of 2 as the number of buckets. This is convenient and saves having to search around or pre-select a prime number of the right magnitude. So you rely on the hash function not to use even multipliers, which is generally a safe assumption. But you can still get occasional bad hashing behaviours based on hash functions like the one above, and prime bucket count could help further.

Putting about the principle that "everything has to be prime" is as far as I know a sufficient but not a necessary condition for good distribution over hashtables. It allows everybody to interoperate without needing to assume that the others have followed the same rule.

[Edit: there's another, more specialized reason to use a prime number of buckets, which is if you handle collisions with linear probing. Then you calculate a stride from the hashcode, and if that stride comes out to be a factor of the bucket count then you can only do (bucket_count / stride) probes before you're back where you started. The case you most want to avoid is stride = 0, of course, which must be special-cased, but to avoid also special-casing bucket_count / stride equal to a small integer, you can just make the bucket_count prime and not care what the stride is provided it isn't 0.]

C compiling - "undefined reference to"?

As stated by a few others, this is a linking error. The section of code where this function is being called doesn't know what this function is. It either needs to be declared in a header file an defined in its own source file, or defined or declared in the same source file, above where it's being called.

Edit: In older versions of C, C89/C90, function declarations weren't actually required. So, you could just add the definition anywhere in the file in which you're using the function, even after the call and the compiler would infer the declaration. For example,

int main()
  int a = func();

int func()
   return 1;

However, this isn't good practice today and most languages, C++ for example, won't allow it. One way to get away with defining the function in the same source file in which you're using it, is to declare it at the beginning of the file. So, the previous example would look like this instead.

int func();

int main()
   int a = func();

int func()
  return 1;

Write code to convert given number into words (eg 1234 as input should output one thousand two hundred and thirty four)

Works for any number from 0 to 999999999.

This program gets a number from the user, divides it into three parts and stores them separately in an array. The three numbers are passed through a function that convert them into words. Then it adds "million" to the first part and "thousand" to the second part.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int buffer = 0, partFunc[3] = {0, 0, 0}, part[3] = {0, 0, 0}, a, b, c, d;
long input, nFake = 0;
const char ones[][20] = {"",       "one",       "two",      "three",
                         "four",    "five",      "six",      "seven",
                         "eight",   "nine",      "ten",      "eleven",
                         "twelve",  "thirteen",  "fourteen", "fifteen",
                         "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"};
const char tens[][20] = {"",     "ten",   "twenty",  "thirty", "forty",
                         "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};
void convert(int funcVar);
int main() {
  cout << "Enter the number:";
  cin >> input;
  nFake = input;
  buffer = 0;
  while (nFake) {
    part[buffer] = nFake % 1000;
    nFake /= 1000;
  if (buffer == 0) {
    cout << "Zero.";
  } else if (buffer == 1) {
  } else if (buffer == 2) {
    cout << " thousand,";
  } else {
    cout << " million,";

    if (part[1]) {
      cout << " thousand,";
    } else {
      cout << "";
  return (0);

void convert(int funcVar) {
  buffer = 0;
  if (funcVar >= 100) {
    a = funcVar / 100;
    b = funcVar % 100;
    if (b)
      cout << " " << ones[a] << " hundred and";
      cout << " " << ones[a] << " hundred ";
    if (b < 20)
      cout << " " << ones[b];
    else {
      c = b / 10;
      cout << " " << tens[c];
      d = b % 10;
      cout << " " << ones[d];
  } else {
    b = funcVar;
    if (b < 20)
      cout << ones[b];
    else {
      c = b / 10;
      cout << tens[c];
      d = b % 10;
      cout << " " << ones[d];

How to determine if binary tree is balanced?

What kind of tree are you talking about? There are self-balancing trees out there. Check their algorithms where they determine if they need to reorder the tree in order to maintain balance.

How to implement a binary search tree in Python?

The problem, or at least one problem with your code is here:-

def insert(self,node,someNumber):
    if node is None:
        node = Node(someNumber)
        if > someNumber:
            self.insert(node.rchild, someNumber)

You see the statement "if > someNumber:" and the associated "else:" statement both have the same code after them. i.e you do the same thing whether the if statement is true or false.

I'd suggest you probably intended to do different things here, perhaps one of these should say self.insert(node.lchild, someNumber) ?

Find kth smallest element in a binary search tree in Optimum way

Here's a concise version in C# that returns the k-th smallest element, but requires passing k in as a ref argument (it's the same approach as @prasadvk):

Node FindSmall(Node root, ref int k)
    if (root == null || k < 1)
        return null;

    Node node = FindSmall(root.LeftChild, ref k);
    if (node != null)
        return node;

    if (--k == 0)
        return node ?? root;
    return FindSmall(root.RightChild, ref k);

It's O(log n) to find the smallest node, and then O(k) to traverse to k-th node, so it's O(k + log n).

design a stack such that getMinimum( ) should be O(1)

We can do this in O(n) time and O(1) space complexity, like so:

class MinStackOptimized:
  def __init__(self):
      self.stack = []
      self.min = None

  def push(self, x): 
      if not self.stack:
          # stack is empty therefore directly add
          self.min = x 
          Directly add (x-self.min) to the stack. This also ensures anytime we have a 
          negative number on the stack is when x was less than existing minimum
          recorded thus far.
          if x < self.min:
              # Update x to new min
              self.min = x 

  def pop(self):
      x = self.stack.pop()
      if x < 0:
          if popped element was negative therefore this was the minimum
          element, whose actual value is in self.min but stored value is what
          contributes to get the next min. (this is one of the trick we use to ensure
          we are able to get old minimum once current minimum gets popped proof is given
          below in pop method), value stored during push was:
          (x - self.old_min) and self.min = x therefore we need to backtrack
          these steps self.min(current) - stack_value(x) actually implies to
              x (self.min) - (x - self.old_min)
          which therefore gives old_min back and therefore can now be set
          back as current self.min.
          self.min = self.min - x 

  def top(self):
      x = self.stack[-1]
      if x < 0:
          As discussed above anytime there is a negative value on stack, this
          is the min value so far and therefore actual value is in self.min,
          current stack value is just for getting the next min at the time
          this gets popped.
          return self.min
          if top element of the stack was positive then it's simple, it was
          not the minimum at the time of pushing it and therefore what we did
          was x(actual) - self.min(min element at current stage) let's say `y`
          therefore we just need to reverse the process to get the actual
          value. Therefore self.min + y, which would translate to
              self.min + x(actual) - self.min, thereby giving x(actual) back
          as desired.
          return x + self.min

  def getMin(self):
      # Always self.min variable holds the minimum so for so easy peezy.
      return self.min

Simplest code for array intersection in javascript

My contribution in ES6 terms. In general it finds the intersection of an array with indefinite number of arrays provided as arguments.

Array.prototype.intersect = function(...a) {_x000D_
  return [this,...a].reduce((p,c) => p.filter(e => c.includes(e)));_x000D_
var arrs = [[0,2,4,6,8],[4,5,6,7],[4,6]],_x000D_
     arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];_x000D_
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(arr.intersect(...arrs)) + "</pre>");

What are the time complexities of various data structures?


  • Set, Check element at a particular index: O(1)
  • Searching: O(n) if array is unsorted and O(log n) if array is sorted and something like a binary search is used,
  • As pointed out by Aivean, there is no Delete operation available on Arrays. We can symbolically delete an element by setting it to some specific value, e.g. -1, 0, etc. depending on our requirements
  • Similarly, Insert for arrays is basically Set as mentioned in the beginning


  • Add: Amortized O(1)
  • Remove: O(n)
  • Contains: O(n)
  • Size: O(1)

Linked List:

  • Inserting: O(1), if done at the head, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Deleting: O(1), if done at the head, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Searching: O(n)

Doubly-Linked List:

  • Inserting: O(1), if done at the head or tail, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Deleting: O(1), if done at the head or tail, O(n) if anywhere else since we have to reach that position by traveseing the linkedlist linearly.
  • Searching: O(n)


  • Push: O(1)
  • Pop: O(1)
  • Top: O(1)
  • Search (Something like lookup, as a special operation): O(n) (I guess so)

Queue/Deque/Circular Queue:

  • Insert: O(1)
  • Remove: O(1)
  • Size: O(1)

Binary Search Tree:

  • Insert, delete and search: Average case: O(log n), Worst Case: O(n)

Red-Black Tree:

  • Insert, delete and search: Average case: O(log n), Worst Case: O(log n)

Heap/PriorityQueue (min/max):

  • Find Min/Find Max: O(1)
  • Insert: O(log n)
  • Delete Min/Delete Max: O(log n)
  • Extract Min/Extract Max: O(log n)
  • Lookup, Delete (if at all provided): O(n), we will have to scan all the elements as they are not ordered like BST


  • Insert/Delete: O(1) amortized
  • Re-size/hash: O(n)
  • Contains: O(1)

The best way to calculate the height in a binary search tree? (balancing an AVL-tree)

You do not need to calculate tree depths on the fly.

You can maintain them as you perform operations.

Furthermore, you don't actually in fact have to maintain track of depths; you can simply keep track of the difference between the left and right tree depths.

Just keeping track of the balance factor (difference between left and right subtrees) is I found easier from a programming POV, except that sorting out the balance factor after a rotation is a PITA...

How do you implement a Stack and a Queue in JavaScript?

Create a pair of classes that provide the various methods that each of these data structures has (push, pop, peek, etc). Now implement the methods. If you're familiar with the concepts behind stack/queue, this should be pretty straightforward. You can implement the stack with an array, and a queue with a linked list, although there are certainly other ways to go about it. Javascript will make this easy, because it is weakly typed, so you don't even have to worry about generic types, which you'd have to do if you were implementing it in Java or C#.

How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary?

Single filter on key

  • return "key" and remove it from my_dict if "key" exists in my_dict
  • return None if "key" doesn't exist in my_dict

this will change my_dict in place (mutable)

my_dict.pop('key', None)

Multiple filters on keys

generate a new dict (immutable)

dic1 = {
    "y": 2,
    "z": 3

def func1(item):
    return  item[0]!= "x" and item[0] != "y"

            lambda item: item[0] != "x" and item[0] != "y", 

Creating a LinkedList class from scratch

How about a fully functional implementation of a non-recursive Linked List?

I created this for my Algorithms I class as a stepping stone to gain a better understanding before moving onto writing a doubly-linked queue class for an assignment.

Here's the code:

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class LinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> {
    private Node first;
    private Node last;
    private int N;

    public LinkedList() {
        first = null;
        last = null;
        N = 0;

    public void add(T item) {
        if (item == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The first argument for addLast() is null."); }
        if (!isEmpty()) {
            Node prev = last;
            last = new Node(item, null);
   = last;
        else {
            last = new Node(item, null);
            first = last;

    public boolean remove(T item) {
        if (isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove() from and empty list."); }
        boolean result = false;
        Node prev = first;
        Node curr = first;
        while ( != null || curr == last) {
            if ( {
                // remove the last remaining element
                if (N == 1) { first = null; last = null; }
                // remove first element
                else if (curr.equals(first)) { first =; }
                // remove last element
                else if (curr.equals(last)) { last = prev; = null; }
                // remove element
                else { =; }
                result = true;
            prev = curr;
            curr =;
        return result;

    public int size() {
        return N;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return N == 0;

    private class Node {
        private T data;
        private Node next;

        public Node(T data, Node next) {
   = data;
   = next;

    public Iterator<T> iterator() { return new LinkedListIterator(); }

    private class LinkedListIterator implements Iterator<T> {
        private Node current = first;

        public T next() {
            if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
            T item =;
            current =;
            return item;

        public boolean hasNext() { return current != null; }

        public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

    @Override public String toString() {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        for (T item : this)
            s.append(item + " ");
        return s.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<>();
        while(!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
            String input = StdIn.readString();
            if (input.equals("print")) { StdOut.println(list.toString()); continue; }
            if (input.charAt(0) == ('+')) { list.add(input.substring(1)); continue; }
            if (input.charAt(0) == ('-')) { list.remove(input.substring(1)); continue; }

Note: It's a pretty basic implementation of a singly-linked-list. The 'T' type is a generic type placeholder. Basically, this linked list should work with any type that inherits from Object. If you use it for primitive types be sure to use the nullable class equivalents (ex 'Integer' for the 'int' type). The 'last' variable isn't really necessary except that it shortens insertions to O(1) time. Removals are slow since they run in O(N) time but it allows you to remove the first occurrence of a value in the list.

If you want you could also look into implementing:

  • addFirst() - add a new item to the beginning of the LinkedList
  • removeFirst() - remove the first item from the LinkedList
  • removeLast() - remove the last item from the LinkedList
  • addAll() - add a list/array of items to the LinkedList
  • removeAll() - remove a list/array of items from the LinkedList
  • contains() - check to see if the LinkedList contains an item
  • contains() - clear all items in the LinkedList

Honestly, it only takes a few lines of code to make this a doubly-linked list. The main difference between this and a doubly-linked-list is that the Node instances of a doubly-linked list require an additional reference that points to the previous element in the list.

The benefit of this over a recursive implementation is that it's faster and you don't have to worry about flooding the stack when you traverse large lists.

There are 3 commands to test this in the debugger/console:

  • Prefixing a value by a '+' will add it to the list.
  • Prefixing with a '-' will remove the first occurrence from the list.
  • Typing 'print' will print out the list with the values separated by spaces.

If you have never seen the internals of how one of these works I suggest you step through the following in the debugger:

  • add() - tacks a new node onto the end or initializes the first/last values if the list is empty
  • remove() - walks the list from the start-to-end. If it finds a match it removes that item and connects the broken links between the previous and next links in the chain. Special exceptions are added when there is no previous or next link.
  • toString() - uses the foreach iterator to simply walk the list chain from beginning-to-end.

While there are better and more efficient approaches for lists like array-lists, understanding how the application traverses via references/pointers is integral to understanding how many higher-level data structures work.

How to initialize a vector with fixed length in R

Just for the sake of completeness you can just take the wanted data type and add brackets with the number of elements like so:

x <- character(10)

How can I implement a tree in Python?

You can try:

from collections import defaultdict
def tree(): return defaultdict(tree)
users = tree()
users['harold']['username'] = 'hrldcpr'
users['handler']['username'] = 'matthandlersux'

As suggested here:

Get keys from HashMap in Java

You can retrieve all of the Map's keys using the method keySet(). Now, if what you need is to get a key given its value, that's an entirely different matter and Map won't help you there; you'd need a specialized data structure, like BidiMap (a map that allows bidirectional lookup between key and values) from Apache's Commons Collections - also be aware that several different keys could be mapped to the same value.

JavaScript hashmap equivalent

Unfortunately, none of the previous answers were good for my case: different key objects may have the same hash code. Therefore, I wrote a simple Java-like HashMap version:

function HashMap() {
    this.buckets = {};

HashMap.prototype.put = function(key, value) {
    var hashCode = key.hashCode();
    var bucket = this.buckets[hashCode];
    if (!bucket) {
        bucket = new Array();
        this.buckets[hashCode] = bucket;
    for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
        if (bucket[i].key.equals(key)) {
            bucket[i].value = value;
    bucket.push({ key: key, value: value });

HashMap.prototype.get = function(key) {
    var hashCode = key.hashCode();
    var bucket = this.buckets[hashCode];
    if (!bucket) {
        return null;
    for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
        if (bucket[i].key.equals(key)) {
            return bucket[i].value;

HashMap.prototype.keys = function() {
    var keys = new Array();
    for (var hashKey in this.buckets) {
        var bucket = this.buckets[hashKey];
        for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
    return keys;

HashMap.prototype.values = function() {
    var values = new Array();
    for (var hashKey in this.buckets) {
        var bucket = this.buckets[hashKey];
        for (var i = 0; i < bucket.length; ++i) {
    return values;

Note: key objects must "implement" the hashCode() and equals() methods.

Priority queue in .Net

Here's my attempt at a .NET heap

public abstract class Heap<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    private const int InitialCapacity = 0;
    private const int GrowFactor = 2;
    private const int MinGrow = 1;

    private int _capacity = InitialCapacity;
    private T[] _heap = new T[InitialCapacity];
    private int _tail = 0;

    public int Count { get { return _tail; } }
    public int Capacity { get { return _capacity; } }

    protected Comparer<T> Comparer { get; private set; }
    protected abstract bool Dominates(T x, T y);

    protected Heap() : this(Comparer<T>.Default)

    protected Heap(Comparer<T> comparer) : this(Enumerable.Empty<T>(), comparer)

    protected Heap(IEnumerable<T> collection)
        : this(collection, Comparer<T>.Default)

    protected Heap(IEnumerable<T> collection, Comparer<T> comparer)
        if (collection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("collection");
        if (comparer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer");

        Comparer = comparer;

        foreach (var item in collection)
            if (Count == Capacity)

            _heap[_tail++] = item;

        for (int i = Parent(_tail - 1); i >= 0; i--)

    public void Add(T item)
        if (Count == Capacity)

        _heap[_tail++] = item;
        BubbleUp(_tail - 1);

    private void BubbleUp(int i)
        if (i == 0 || Dominates(_heap[Parent(i)], _heap[i])) 
            return; //correct domination (or root)

        Swap(i, Parent(i));

    public T GetMin()
        if (Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty");
        return _heap[0];

    public T ExtractDominating()
        if (Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty");
        T ret = _heap[0];
        Swap(_tail, 0);
        return ret;

    private void BubbleDown(int i)
        int dominatingNode = Dominating(i);
        if (dominatingNode == i) return;
        Swap(i, dominatingNode);

    private int Dominating(int i)
        int dominatingNode = i;
        dominatingNode = GetDominating(YoungChild(i), dominatingNode);
        dominatingNode = GetDominating(OldChild(i), dominatingNode);

        return dominatingNode;

    private int GetDominating(int newNode, int dominatingNode)
        if (newNode < _tail && !Dominates(_heap[dominatingNode], _heap[newNode]))
            return newNode;
            return dominatingNode;

    private void Swap(int i, int j)
        T tmp = _heap[i];
        _heap[i] = _heap[j];
        _heap[j] = tmp;

    private static int Parent(int i)
        return (i + 1)/2 - 1;

    private static int YoungChild(int i)
        return (i + 1)*2 - 1;

    private static int OldChild(int i)
        return YoungChild(i) + 1;

    private void Grow()
        int newCapacity = _capacity*GrowFactor + MinGrow;
        var newHeap = new T[newCapacity];
        Array.Copy(_heap, newHeap, _capacity);
        _heap = newHeap;
        _capacity = newCapacity;

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return _heap.Take(Count).GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

public class MaxHeap<T> : Heap<T>
    public MaxHeap()
        : this(Comparer<T>.Default)

    public MaxHeap(Comparer<T> comparer)
        : base(comparer)

    public MaxHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection, Comparer<T> comparer)
        : base(collection, comparer)

    public MaxHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection) : base(collection)

    protected override bool Dominates(T x, T y)
        return Comparer.Compare(x, y) >= 0;

public class MinHeap<T> : Heap<T>
    public MinHeap()
        : this(Comparer<T>.Default)

    public MinHeap(Comparer<T> comparer)
        : base(comparer)

    public MinHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection) : base(collection)

    public MinHeap(IEnumerable<T> collection, Comparer<T> comparer)
        : base(collection, comparer)

    protected override bool Dominates(T x, T y)
        return Comparer.Compare(x, y) <= 0;

Some tests:

public class HeapTests
    public void TestHeapBySorting()
        var minHeap = new MinHeap<int>(new[] {9, 8, 4, 1, 6, 2, 7, 4, 1, 2});
        AssertHeapSort(minHeap, minHeap.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray());

        minHeap = new MinHeap<int> { 7, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 7 };
        AssertHeapSort(minHeap, minHeap.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray());

        var maxHeap = new MaxHeap<int>(new[] {1, 5, 3, 2, 7, 56, 3, 1, 23, 5, 2, 1});
        AssertHeapSort(maxHeap, maxHeap.OrderBy(d => -d).ToArray());

        maxHeap = new MaxHeap<int> {2, 6, 1, 3, 56, 1, 4, 7, 8, 23, 4, 5, 7, 34, 1, 4};
        AssertHeapSort(maxHeap, maxHeap.OrderBy(d => -d).ToArray());

    private static void AssertHeapSort(Heap<int> heap, IEnumerable<int> expected)
        var sorted = new List<int>();
        while (heap.Count > 0)


Binary Search Tree - Java Implementation

According to Collections Framework Overview you have two balanced tree implementations:

"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

You must have some virtual function declared in one of the parent classes and never implemented in any of the child classes. Make sure that all virtual functions are implemented somewhere in the inheritence chain. If a class's definition includes a pure virtual function that is never implemented, an instance of that class cannot ever be constructed.

Program to find largest and second largest number in array

//I think its simple like

int main()

int a1[100],a2[100],i,t,l1,l2,n;
printf("Enter the number of elements:\n");
printf("Enter the elements:\n");
    if(a2[i]>=l2 && a2[i]<l1)
printf("Second highest number is %d",l2);
return 0;

How to create the most compact mapping n ? isprime(n) up to a limit N?

public static boolean isPrime(int number) {
 if(number < 2)
   return false;
 else if(number == 2 || number == 3)
        return true;
      else {
        for(int i=2;i<=number/2;i++)
           if(number%i == 0)
             return false;
           else if(i==number/2)
                return true;
    return false;

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries?

I have a similar thing going. I have a lot of cases where I do:

thedict = {}
for item in ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'):
  mydict = thedict.get(item, {})
  mydict = get_value_for(item)
  thedict[item] = mydict

But going many levels deep. It's the ".get(item, {})" that's the key as it'll make another dictionary if there isn't one already. Meanwhile, I've been thinking of ways to deal with this better. Right now, there's a lot of

value = mydict.get('foo', {}).get('bar', {}).get('baz', 0)

So instead, I made:

def dictgetter(thedict, default, *args):
  totalargs = len(args)
  for i,arg in enumerate(args):
    if i+1 == totalargs:
      thedict = thedict.get(arg, default)
      thedict = thedict.get(arg, {})
  return thedict

Which has the same effect if you do:

value = dictgetter(mydict, 0, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz')

Better? I think so.

What are the differences between B trees and B+ trees?

Example from Database system concepts 5th

B+-tree B+tree

corresponding B-tree Btree

How to implement a tree data-structure in Java?

You can use the HashTree class included in Apache JMeter that is part of the Jakarta Project.

HashTree class is included in the package org.apache.jorphan.collections. Although this package is not released outside the JMeter project, you can get it easily:

1) Download the JMeter sources.

2) Create a new package.

3) Copy on it /src/jorphan/org/apache/jorphan/collections/ . All files except

4) Copy also /src/jorphan/org/apache/jorphan/util/

5) HashTree is ready to use.

Declaring and initializing a string array in VB.NET

Array initializer support for type inference were changed in Visual Basic 10 vs Visual Basic 9.

In previous version of VB it was required to put empty parens to signify an array. Also, it would define the array as object array unless otherwise was stated:

' Integer array
Dim i as Integer() = {1, 2, 3, 4} 

' Object array
Dim o() = {1, 2, 3} 

Check more info:

Visual Basic 2010 Breaking Changes

Collection and Array Initializers in Visual Basic 2010

Implement Stack using Two Queues

Q1 = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
Q2 = []

    dequeue n-1 element from Q1 and enqueue into Q2: Q2 == [10, 15, 20, 25]

    now Q1 dequeue gives "30" that inserted last and working as stack

swap Q1 and Q2 then GOTO exp

Reversing a linked list in Java, recursively

I got half way through (till null, and one node as suggested by plinth), but lost track after making recursive call. However, after reading the post by plinth, here is what I came up with:

Node reverse(Node head) {
  // if head is null or only one node, it's reverse of itself.
  if ( (head==null) || ( == null) ) return head;

  // reverse the sub-list leaving the head node.
  Node reverse = reverse(;

  // still points to the last element of reversed sub-list.
  // so move the head to end. = head;

  // point last node to nil, (get rid of cycles) = null;
  return reverse;

Getting an element from a Set

There would be no point of getting the element if it is equal. A Map is better suited for this usecase.

If you still want to find the element you have no other option but to use the iterator:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Set<Foo> set = new HashSet<Foo>();
    set.add(new Foo("Hello"));

    for (Iterator<Foo> it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Foo f =;
        if (f.equals(new Foo("Hello")))
            System.out.println("foo found");

static class Foo {
    String string;
    Foo(String string) {
        this.string = string;
    public int hashCode() { 
        return string.hashCode(); 
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return string.equals(((Foo) obj).string);

find all unchecked checkbox in jquery

Also it can be achieved with pure js in such a way:

var matches = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)');

How to update values using pymongo?

You can use the $set syntax if you want to set the value of a document to an arbitrary value. This will either update the value if the attribute already exists on the document or create it if it doesn't. If you need to set a single value in a dictionary like you describe, you can use the dot notation to access child values.

If p is the object retrieved:

existing = p['d']['a']

For pymongo versions < 3.0

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$set': {
    'd.a': existing + 1
}, upsert=False, multi=False)

For pymongo versions >= 3.0

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$set': {
    'd.a': existing + 1
}, upsert=False)

However if you just need to increment the value, this approach could introduce issues when multiple requests could be running concurrently. Instead you should use the $inc syntax:

For pymongo versions < 3.0:

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$inc': {
    'd.a': 1
}, upsert=False, multi=False)

For pymongo versions >= 3.0:

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$inc': {
    'd.a': 1
}, upsert=False)

This ensures your increments will always happen.

Hibernate Error: a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

Find the "Cascade" atribute in Hibernate and delete it. When you set "Cascade" available, it will call other operations (save, update and delete) on another entities which has relationship with related classes. So same identities value will be happened. It worked with me.

How to get data from Magento System Configuration

$configValue = Mage::getStoreConfig('sectionName/groupName/fieldName');

sectionName, groupName and fieldName are present in etc/system.xml file of your module.

The above code will automatically fetch config value of currently viewed store.

If you want to fetch config value of any other store than the currently viewed store then you can specify store ID as the second parameter to the getStoreConfig function as below:

$store = Mage::app()->getStore(); // store info
$configValue = Mage::getStoreConfig('sectionName/groupName/fieldName', $store);

How to use npm with node.exe?

Use a Windows Package manager like chocolatey. First install chocolatey as indicated on it's homepage. That should be a breeze

Then, to install Node JS (Install), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

C:> cinst nodejs.install

Viewing full output of PS command

I found this answer which is what nailed it for me as none of the above answers worked

Basically, the kernel is limiting my cmd line.

How to find third or n?? maximum salary from salary table?

declare @maxNthSal as nvarchar(20)
print @maxNthSal

Apply .gitignore on an existing repository already tracking large number of files

This answer solved my problem:

First of all, commit all pending changes.

Then run this command:

git rm -r --cached .

This removes everything from the index, then just run:

git add .

Commit it:

git commit -m ".gitignore is now working"

How do I fix maven error The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly?

My JDK is installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\.
I had set JAVA_HOME= C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\, and I was getting this error:

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program
NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

When I changed the JAVA_HOME to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\jre, the issue got fixed.
I am not sure how.

Converting an integer to a string in PHP

$foo = 5;

$foo = $foo . "";

Now $foo is a string.

But, you may want to get used to casting. As casting is the proper way to accomplish something of that sort:

$foo = 5;
$foo = (string)$foo;

Another way is to encapsulate in quotes:

$foo = 5;
$foo = "$foo"

Can you target an elements parent element using

handleEvent(e) {
  const parent = e.currentTarget.parentNode;

JVM option -Xss - What does it do exactly?

It indeed sets the stack size on a JVM.

You should touch it in either of these two situations:

  • StackOverflowError (the stack size is greater than the limit), increase the value
  • OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread (too many threads, each thread has a large stack), decrease it.

The latter usually comes when your Xss is set too large - then you need to balance it (testing!)

Updating an object with setState in React

Try with this:

const { jasper } = this.state; //Gets the object from state = 'A new name'; //do whatever you want with the object
this.setState({jasper}); //Replace the object in state

Setting PayPal return URL and making it auto return?

one way i have found:

try to insert this field into your generated form code:

<input type='hidden' name='rm' value='2'>

rm means return method;

2 means (post)

Than after user purchases and returns to your site url, then that url gets the POST parameters as well

p.s. if using php, try to insert var_dump($_POST); in your return url(script),then make a test purchase and when you return back to your site you will see what variables are got on your url.

Excel: Use a cell value as a parameter for a SQL query

The SQL is somewhat like the syntax of MS SQL.

SELECT * FROM [table$] WHERE *;

It is important that the table name is ended with a $ sign and the whole thing is put into brackets. As conditions you can use any value, but so far Excel didn't allow me to use what I call "SQL Apostrophes" (´), so a column title in one word is recommended.

If you have users listed in a table called "Users", and the id is in a column titled "id" and the name in a column titled "Name", your query will look like this:

SELECT Name FROM [Users$] WHERE id = 1;

Hope this helps.

Why cannot cast Integer to String in java?

No. Every object can be casted to an java.lang.Object, not a String. If you want a string representation of whatever object, you have to invoke the toString() method; this is not the same as casting the object to a String.

Best Regular Expression for Email Validation in C#

Updated answer for 2019.

Regex object is thread-safe for Matching functions. Knowing that and there are some performance options or cultural / language issues, I propose this simple solution.

public static Regex _regex = new Regex(
    RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Singleline);

public static bool IsValidEmailFormat(string emailInput)
    return _regex.IsMatch(emailInput);

Alternative Configuration for Regex:

public static Regex _regex = new Regex(
    RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled);

I find that compiled is only faster on big string matches, like book parsing for example. Simple email matching is faster just letting Regex interpret.

Thread Safety And Regex
Regex Best Practices

How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?

  1. Create two hidden iframes (add "display: none;" to the css style). Make your second iframe point to something on your own domain.

  2. Create a hidden form, set its method to "post" with target = your first iframe, and optionally set enctype to "multipart/form-data" (I'm thinking you want to do POST because you want to send multipart data like pictures?)

  3. When ready, make the form submit() the POST.

  4. If you can get the other domain to return javascript that will do Cross-Domain Communication With Iframes ( then you are in luck, and you can capture the response as well.

Of course, if you want to use your server as a proxy, you can avoid all this. Simply submit the form to your own server, which will proxy the request to the other server (assuming the other server isn't set up to notice IP discrepancies), get the response, and return whatever you like.

Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator

make sure that your hardware keyboard is enable while creating your AVD

-launch the emulator -install your app -launch your app -make sure that your Num lock is on -Press '7' &'9' from your num pad to change your orientation landscape to portrait & portrait to landscape.

sh: react-scripts: command not found after running npm start

I had issues with latest version of yarn 1.15.1-1

I've fixed it by downgrading to lower version sudo apt-get install yarn=1.12.3-1

How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE

Paul Irish's approach to IE specific CSS is the most elegant I've seen. It uses conditional statements to add classes to the HTML element, which can then be used to apply appropriate IE version specific CSS without resorting to hacks. The CSS validates, and it will continue to work down the line for future browser versions.

The full details of the approach can be seen on his site.

This doesn't cover browser specific hacks for Mozilla and Chrome... but I don't really find I need those anyway.

Hibernate HQL Query : How to set a Collection as a named parameter of a Query?

I'm not sure about HQL, but in JPA you just call the query's setParameter with the parameter and collection.

Query q = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Peron p WHERE name IN (:names)");
q.setParameter("names", names);

where names is the collection of names you're searching for

Collection<String> names = new ArrayList<String();

What's the best way to join on the same table twice?

You could use UNION to combine two joins:

SELECT Table1.PhoneNumber1 as PhoneNumber, Table2.SomeOtherField as OtherField
  FROM Table1
  JOIN Table2
    ON Table1.PhoneNumber1 = Table2.PhoneNumber
SELECT Table1.PhoneNumber2 as PhoneNumber, Table2.SomeOtherField as OtherField
  FROM Table1
  JOIN Table2
    ON Table1.PhoneNumber2 = Table2.PhoneNumber

How do I import modules or install extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1+?

While Evan Carrol's answer is correct, please note that you need to install the postgresql contrib package in order for the CREATE EXTENSION command to work.

In Ubuntu 12.04 it would go like this:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib

Restart the postgresql server:

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

All available extension are in:


Now you can run the CREATE EXTENSION command.

Creating Duplicate Table From Existing Table

Use this query to create the new table with the values from existing table

CREATE TABLE New_Table_name AS SELECT * FROM Existing_table_Name; 

Now you can get all the values from existing table into newly created table.

TNS Protocol adapter error while starting Oracle SQL*Plus

Enter SQL*Plus with:

sqlplus /nolog

And then:

connect sys@<SID> AS sysdba

pythonw.exe or python.exe?

See here:

pythonw.exe "This suppresses the terminal window on startup."

DataTables: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

you can try checking out your fields as you are rendering email field which is not available in your ajax

  url: "url",_x000D_
  type: 'GET',_x000D_
  success: function(data) {_x000D_
    var new_data = {_x000D_
      "data": data_x000D_

Function stoi not declared

Add this option: -std=c++11 while compiling your code

g++ -std=c++11 my_cpp_code.cpp

Getting multiple selected checkbox values in a string in javascript and PHP

var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('location[]');
var vals = "";
for (var i=0, n=checkboxes.length;i<n;i++) 
    if (checkboxes[i].checked) 
        vals += ","+checkboxes[i].value;
if (vals) vals = vals.substring(1);

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I had this error because of some typo in an alias of a column that contained a questionmark (e.g. contract.reference as contract?ref)

Resize image in PHP

This resource(broken link) is also worth considering - some very tidy code that uses GD. However, I modified their final code snippet to create this function which meets the OPs requirements...

function store_uploaded_image($html_element_name, $new_img_width, $new_img_height) {
    $target_dir = "your-uploaded-images-folder/";
    $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES[$html_element_name]["name"]);
    $image = new SimpleImage();
    $image->resize($new_img_width, $new_img_height);
    return $target_file; //return name of saved file in case you want to store it in you database or show confirmation message to user

You will also need to include this PHP file...

* File: SimpleImage.php
* Author: Simon Jarvis
* Copyright: 2006 Simon Jarvis
* Date: 08/11/06
* Link:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details:
class SimpleImage {
   var $image;
   var $image_type;
   function load($filename) {
      $image_info = getimagesize($filename);
      $this->image_type = $image_info[2];
      if( $this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
         $this->image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
      } elseif( $this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
         $this->image = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
      } elseif( $this->image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
         $this->image = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
   function save($filename, $image_type=IMAGETYPE_JPEG, $compression=75, $permissions=null) {
      if( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
      if( $permissions != null) {
   function output($image_type=IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
      if( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF ) {
      } elseif( $image_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG ) {
   function getWidth() {
      return imagesx($this->image);
   function getHeight() {
      return imagesy($this->image);
   function resizeToHeight($height) {
      $ratio = $height / $this->getHeight();
      $width = $this->getWidth() * $ratio;
   function resizeToWidth($width) {
      $ratio = $width / $this->getWidth();
      $height = $this->getheight() * $ratio;
   function scale($scale) {
      $width = $this->getWidth() * $scale/100;
      $height = $this->getheight() * $scale/100;
   function resize($width,$height) {
      $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
      imagecopyresampled($new_image, $this->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $this->getWidth(), $this->getHeight());
      $this->image = $new_image;

MySQL DAYOFWEEK() - my week begins with monday

How about subtracting one and changing Sunday


Of course you would have to do this for every query.

What is the use of WPFFontCache Service in WPF? WPFFontCache_v0400.exe taking 100 % CPU all the time this exe is running, why?

Use This its is very useful for your solution:

  1. Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
  2. Scroll down to 'Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache' and then right click and select properties
  3. In the window then select 'disabled' in the startup type combo

Determine a user's timezone

You could do it on the client with moment-timezone and send the value to server; sample usage:


Counting repeated characters in a string in Python

If it an issue of just counting the number of repeatition of a given character in a given string, try something like this.

word = "babulibobablingo"
letter = 'b'

if letter in word:

How to use parameters with HttpPost

To set parameters to your HttpPostRequest you can use BasicNameValuePair, something like this :

    HttpClient httpclient;
    HttpPost httpPost;
    ArrayList<NameValuePair> postParameters;
    httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    httpPost = new HttpPost("your login link");

    postParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("param1", "param1_value"));
    postParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("param2", "param2_value"));

    httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParameters, "UTF-8"));

    HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);

How to get the full URL of a Drupal page?

Maybe what you want is just plain old predefined variables.

Consider trying


Or read more here.

C++ JSON Serialization

Not yet mentioned, though it was the first in my search result:

Perks listed:

  • Intuitive syntax (looks great!)
  • Single header file to include, nothing else
  • Ridiculously tested

Also, it's under the MIT License.

I'll be honest: I have yet to use it, but through some experience I have a knack for determining when I come across a really well-made c++ library.

How should I deal with "package 'xxx' is not available (for R version x.y.z)" warning?

This solution might break R but here is an easiest solution that works 99% of time.

You need to do is just:


As mentioned by the author over here

What is the difference between a database and a data warehouse?

The simplest way to explain it would be to say that a data warehouse consists of more than just a database. A database is an collection of data organized in some way, but a data warehouse is organized specifically to "facilitate reporting and analysis". This however is not the entire story as data warehousing also contains "the means to retrieve and analyze data, to extract, transform and load data, and to manage the data dictionary are also considered essential components of a data warehousing system".

Data Warehouse

Set adb vendor keys

Sometimes you just need to recreate new device

Byte and char conversion in Java

new String(byteArray, Charset.defaultCharset())

This will convert a byte array to the default charset in java. It may throw exceptions depending on what you supply with the byteArray.

Easy way to add drop down menu with 1 - 100 without doing 100 different options?

Are you using JavaScript or jQuery besides the html? If you are, you can do something like:


<select id='some_selector'></select>?


var select = '';
for (i=1;i<=100;i++){
    select += '<option val=' + i + '>' + i + '</option>';

As you can see here.

Another option for compatible browsers instead of select, you can use is HTML5's input type=number:

<input type="number" min="1" max="100" value="1">

iFrame Height Auto (CSS)


Add this to your section:

  function resizeIframe(obj) { = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px';

And change your iframe to this:

<iframe src="..." frameborder="0" scrolling="no" onload="resizeIframe(this)" />

It is posted Here

It does however use javascript, but it is simple and easy to use code that will fix your problem.

How to recursively delete an entire directory with PowerShell 2.0?

I took another approach inspired by @john-rees above - especially when his approach started to fail for me at some point. Basically recurse the subtree and sort files by their path-length - delete from longest to the shortest

Get-ChildItem $tfsLocalPath -Recurse |  #Find all children
    Select-Object FullName,@{Name='PathLength';Expression={($_.FullName.Length)}} |  #Calculate the length of their path
    Sort-Object PathLength -Descending | #sort by path length descending
    %{ Get-Item -LiteralPath $_.FullName } | 
    Remove-Item -Force

Regarding the -LiteralPath magic, here's another gotchya that may be hitting you:

Instantiating a generic class in Java

Quick solution that worked for me. I see there is already an answer for this and this may not even be the best way to go about it. Also, for my solution you'll need Gson.

However, I ran into a situation where I needed to create an instance of a generic class of type java.lang.reflect.Type.

The following code will create an instance of the class you want with null instance variables.

T object = new Gson().fromJson("{}", myKnownType);

Where myKnownType is known before hand and obtained via TypeToken.getType().

You can now set appropriate properties on this object. Again, this may not be the best way to do this but it works as a quick solution if that's what you need.

XXHDPI and XXXHDPI dimensions in dp for images and icons in android

it is different for different icons.(eg, diff sizes for action bar icons, laucnher icons, etc.) please follow this link icons handbook to learn more.

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?

I use a customized version of DX Auth. I found it simple to use, extremely easy to modify and it has a user guide (with great examples) that is very similar to Code Igniter's.

javascript check for not null

You should be using the strict not equals comparison operator !== so that if the user inputs "null" then you won't get to the else.

Pure CSS collapse/expand div

You just need to iterate the anchors in the two links.

<a href="#hide2" class="hide" id="hide2">+</a>
<a href="#show2" class="show" id="show2">-</a>

See this jsfiddle

I also added some margin to the FAQ call to improve the format.

Difference between using bean id and name in Spring configuration file

Since Spring 3.1 the id attribute is an xsd:string and permits the same range of characters as the name attribute.

The only difference between an id and a name is that a name can contain multiple aliases separated by a comma, semicolon or whitespace, whereas an id must be a single value.

From the Spring 3.2 documentation:

In XML-based configuration metadata, you use the id and/or name attributes to specify the bean identifier(s). The id attribute allows you to specify exactly one id. Conventionally these names are alphanumeric ('myBean', 'fooService', etc), but may special characters as well. If you want to introduce other aliases to the bean, you can also specify them in the name attribute, separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), or white space. As a historical note, in versions prior to Spring 3.1, the id attribute was typed as an xsd:ID, which constrained possible characters. As of 3.1, it is now xsd:string. Note that bean id uniqueness is still enforced by the container, though no longer by XML parsers.

MySQL Where DateTime is greater than today

FROM customer 
WHERE joiningdate >= NOW();

Spark - SELECT WHERE or filtering?

As Yaron mentioned, there isn't any difference between where and filter.

filter is an overloaded method that takes a column or string argument. The performance is the same, regardless of the syntax you use.

filter overloaded method

We can use explain() to see that all the different filtering syntaxes generate the same Physical Plan. Suppose you have a dataset with person_name and person_country columns. All of the following code snippets will return the same Physical Plan below:

df.where("person_country = 'Cuba'").explain()
df.where($"person_country" === "Cuba").explain()
df.where('person_country === "Cuba").explain()
df.filter("person_country = 'Cuba'").explain()

These all return this Physical Plan:

== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Project [person_name#152, person_country#153]
+- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(person_country#153) && (person_country#153 = Cuba))
   +- *(1) FileScan csv [person_name#152,person_country#153] Batched: false, Format: CSV, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/matthewpowers/Documents/code/my_apps/mungingdata/spark2/src/test/re..., PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(person_country), EqualTo(person_country,Cuba)], ReadSchema: struct<person_name:string,person_country:string>

The syntax doesn't change how filters are executed under the hood, but the file format / database that a query is executed on does. Spark will execute the same query differently on Postgres (predicate pushdown filtering is supported), Parquet (column pruning), and CSV files. See here for more details.

Generating all permutations of a given string

public class Anagram {

public static void main(String[] args) {
      java.util.Scanner sc=new java.util.Scanner(;
            PrintWriter p=new PrintWriter(System.out,true);
            p.println("Enter Word");
            String a[],s="",st;boolean flag=true;
            int in[],n,nf=1,i,j=0,k,m=0;
            char l[];
            p.println("1 . "+st);

            a=new String[nf];
            in=new int[n];


                //Removing same words
                        p.println(i+" . "+a[i-1]);



How to disable compiler optimizations in gcc?

To test without copy elision and see you copy/move constructors/operators in action add "-fno-elide-constructors".

Even with no optimizations (-O0 ), GCC and Clang will still do copy elision, which has the effect of skipping copy/move constructors in some cases. See this question for the details about copy elision.

However, in Clang 3.4 it does trigger a bug (an invalid temporary object without calling constructor), which is fixed in 3.5.

Options for HTML scraping?

You would be a fool not to use Perl.. Here come the flames..

Bone up on the following modules and ginsu any scrape around.

use LWP
use HTML::TableExtract
use HTML::TreeBuilder
use HTML::Form
use Data::Dumper

Select element based on multiple classes

Chain selectors are not limited just to classes, you can do it for both classes and ids.


.classA.classB {
/*style here*/

Class & Id

.classA#idB {
/*style here*/

Id & Id

#idA#idB {
/*style here*/

All good current browsers support this except IE 6, it selects based on the last selector in the list. So ".classA.classB" will select based on just ".classB".

For your case

li.left.ui-class-selector {
/*style here*/


.left.ui-class-selector {
/*style here*/

Programmatically center TextView text

try this method

  public void centerTextView(LinearLayout linearLayout) {
    TextView textView = new TextView(context);
    textView.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));

App.Config file in console application C#

You can add a reference to System.Configuration in your project and then:

using System.Configuration;


string sValue = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BatchFile"];

with an app.config file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
       <add key="BatchFile" value="blah.bat" />

Dropdown using javascript onchange

It does not work because your script in JSFiddle is running inside it's own scope (see the "OnLoad" drop down on the left?).

One way around this is to bind your event handler in javascript (where it should be):

document.getElementById('optionID').onchange = function () {
    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Having a Baby!!";

Another way is to modify your code for the fiddle environment and explicitly declare your function as global so it can be found by your inline event handler:

window.changeMessage() {
    document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Having a Baby!!";


How to speed up insertion performance in PostgreSQL

Use COPY table TO ... WITH BINARY which is according to the documentation is "somewhat faster than the text and CSV formats." Only do this if you have millions of rows to insert, and if you are comfortable with binary data.

Here is an example recipe in Python, using psycopg2 with binary input.

Best way to extract a subvector from a vector?

You can use STL copy with O(M) performance when M is the size of the subvector.

PHP - auto refreshing page

Maybe use this code,

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content = "30" />

take it be easy

IndexOf function in T-SQL

I believe you want to use CHARINDEX. You can read about it here.

Set an empty DateTime variable

You can set a DateTime variable to be '1/1/0001 00:00:00' but the variable itself cannot be null. To get this MinTime use:

DateTime variableName = DateTime.MinValue;

What's the difference between using CGFloat and float?

As others have said, CGFloat is a float on 32-bit systems and a double on 64-bit systems. However, the decision to do that was inherited from OS X, where it was made based on the performance characteristics of early PowerPC CPUs. In other words, you should not think that float is for 32-bit CPUs and double is for 64-bit CPUs. (I believe, Apple's ARM processors were able to process doubles long before they went 64-bit.) The main performance hit of using doubles is that they use twice the memory and therefore might be slower if you are doing a lot of floating point operations.

Delete/Reset all entries in Core Data?

here my swift3 version for delete all records. 'Users' is entity name

@IBAction func btnDelAll_touchupinside(_ sender: Any) {

    let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
    let managedObjectContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext

    let fetchReq = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "Users")
    let req = NSBatchDeleteRequest(fetchRequest: fetchReq)

    do {
        try managedObjectContext.execute(req)

    } catch {
        // Error Handling

Strtotime() doesn't work with dd/mm/YYYY format

$date_info = '20/02/2019'; echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $date_info) ));

php mail setup in xampp

My favorite smtp server is hMailServer.

It has a nice windows friendly installer and wizard. Hands down the easiest mail server I've ever setup.

It can proxy through your gmail/yahoo/etc account or send email directly.

Once it is installed, email in xampp just works with no config changes.

How do I obtain a list of all schemas in a Sql Server database

If you are using Sql Server Management Studio, you can obtain a list of all schemas, create your own schema or remove an existing one by browsing to:

Databases - [Your Database] - Security - Schemas


HTML5 Email Validation

Using [a-zA-Z0-9.-_]{1,}@[a-zA-Z.-]{2,}[.]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,} for [email protected] / [email protected]

Git fails when pushing commit to github

The Problem to push mostly is because of the size of the files that need to be pushed. I was trying to push some libraries of just size 2 mb, then too the push was giving error of RPC with result 7. The line is of 4 mbps and is working fine. Some subsequent tries to the push got me success. If such error comes, wait for few minutes and keep on trying.

I also found out that there are some RPC failures if the github is down or is getting unstable network at their side.

So keeping up trying after some intervals is the only option!

How do I get the last inserted ID of a MySQL table in PHP?

What you wrote would get you the greatest id assuming they were unique and auto-incremented that would be fine assuming you are okay with inviting concurrency issues.
Since you're using MySQL as your database, there is the specific function LAST_INSERT_ID() which only works on the current connection that did the insert.
PHP offers a specific function for that too called mysql_insert_id.

How to convert CSV to JSON in Node.js

I started with node-csvtojson, but it brought too many dependencies for my linking.

Building on your question and the answer by brnd, I used node-csv and underscore.js.

var attribs;
var json:
    .transform(function(row) {
        if (!attribs) {
            attribs = row;
            return null;
        return row;
    .to.array(function(rows) {
        json =, function(row) {
            return _.object(attribs, row);

How to get package name from anywhere?

You can use undocumented method :

Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("");
Method method  = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("currentPackageName", null);
String appPackageName = (String) method.invoke(clazz, null);

Caveat: This must be done on the main thread of the application.

Thanks to this blog post for the idea: .

Where can I find System.Web.Helpers, System.Web.WebPages, and System.Web.Razor?

They should be under C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.Net (or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.Net if you're on a 64-bit OS) in a subfolder for MVC3 or WebPages.

How do I run a simple bit of code in a new thread?

The ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem is pretty ideal for something simple. The only caveat is accessing a control from the other thread.

System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
}, null);

Python string.replace regular expression

str.replace() v2|v3 does not recognize regular expressions.

To perform a substitution using a regular expression, use re.sub() v2|v3.

For example:

import re

line = re.sub(
           "interfaceOpDataFile %s" % fileIn, 

In a loop, it would be better to compile the regular expression first:

import re

regex = re.compile(r"^.*interfaceOpDataFile.*$", re.IGNORECASE)
for line in some_file:
    line = regex.sub("interfaceOpDataFile %s" % fileIn, line)
    # do something with the updated line

Disable dragging an image from an HTML page

Well I don't know if the answers in here have helped everyone or not, but here's a simple inline CSS trick which would definitely help you to disable dragging and selecting texts on a HTML page.

On your <body> tag add ondragstart="return false". This will disable dragging of images. But if you also want to disable text selection then add onselectstart="return false".

The code will look like this: <body ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false">

How to capitalize the first character of each word in a string

Heres a lil program I was using to capitalize each first letter word in every subfolder of a parent directory.

private void capitalize(String string)
    List<String> delimiters = new ArrayList<>();
    delimiters.add(" ");

    File folder = new File(string);
    String name = folder.getName();
    String[] characters = name.split("");

    String newName = "";
    boolean capitalizeNext = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < characters.length; i++)
        String character = characters[i];

        if (capitalizeNext || i == 0)
            newName += character.toUpperCase();
            capitalizeNext = false;
            if (delimiters.contains(character)) capitalizeNext = true;
            newName += character;

    folder.renameTo(new File(folder.getParent() + File.separator + newName));

How to Get enum item name from its value

If you know the actual enum labels correlated to their values, you can use containers and C++17's std::string_view to quickly access values and their string representations with the [ ] operator while tracking it yourself. std::string_view will only allocate memory when created. They can also be designated with static constexpr if you want them available at run-time for more performance savings. This little console app should be fairly fast.

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>    
int main() {
    enum class Weekdays { //default behavior starts at 0 and iterates by 1 per entry

    static constexpr std::string_view Monday    = "Monday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Tuesday   = "Tuesday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Wednesday = "Wednesday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Thursday  = "Thursday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Friday    = "Friday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Saturday  = "Saturday";
    static constexpr std::string_view Sunday    = "Sunday";
    static constexpr std::string_view opener    = "enum[";
    static constexpr std::string_view closer    = "] is ";
    static constexpr std::string_view semi      = ":";

    std::pair<Weekdays, std::string_view> Weekdays_List[] = {
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Monday,    Monday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Tuesday,   Tuesday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Wednesday, Wednesday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Thursday,  Thursday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Friday,    Friday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Saturday,  Saturday),
        std::make_pair(Weekdays::Sunday,    Sunday)

    for (int i=0;i<sizeof(Weekdays_List)/sizeof(Weekdays_List[0]);i++) {
    return 0;


enum[0] is Monday:0
enum[1] is Tuesday:1
enum[2] is Wednesday:2
enum[3] is Thursday:3
enum[4] is Friday:4
enum[5] is Saturday:5
enum[6] is Sunday:6

Create Table from View

SELECT * FROM table1/view1

pointer to array c++

The parenthesis are superfluous in your example. The pointer doesn't care whether there's an array involved - it only knows that its pointing to an int

  int g[] = {9,8};
  int (*j) = g;

could also be rewritten as

  int g[] = {9,8};
  int *j = g;

which could also be rewritten as

  int g[] = {9,8};
  int *j = &g[0];

a pointer-to-an-array would look like

  int g[] = {9,8};
  int (*j)[2] = &g;

  //Dereference 'j' and access array element zero
  int n = (*j)[0];

There's a good read on pointer declarations (and how to grok them) at this link here:

How to add border around linear layout except at the bottom?

Kenny is right, just want to clear some things out.

  1. Create the file border.xml and put it in the folder res/drawable/
  2. add the code

    <shape xmlns:android=""> 
       <stroke android:width="4dp" android:color="#FF00FF00" /> 
       <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> 
       <padding android:left="7dp" android:top="7dp" 
            android:right="7dp" android:bottom="0dp" /> 
       <corners android:radius="4dp" /> 
  3. set back ground like android:background="@drawable/border" wherever you want the border

Mine first didn't work cause i put the border.xml in the wrong folder!

Mutex lock threads

What you need to do is to call pthread_mutex_lock to secure a mutex, like this:


Once you do this, any other calls to pthread_mutex_lock(mutex) will not return until you call pthread_mutex_unlock in this thread. So if you try to call pthread_create, you will be able to create a new thread, and that thread will be able to (incorrectly) use the shared resource. You should call pthread_mutex_lock from within your fooAPI function, and that will cause the function to wait until the shared resource is available.

So you would have something like this:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int sharedResource = 0;
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void* fooAPI(void* param)
    printf("Changing the shared resource now.\n");
    sharedResource = 42;
    return 0;

int main()
    pthread_t thread;

    // Really not locking for any reason other than to make the point.
    pthread_create(&thread, NULL, fooAPI, NULL);

    // Now we need to lock to use the shared resource.
    printf("%d\n", sharedResource);

Edit: Using resources across processes follows this same basic approach, but you need to map the memory into your other process. Here's an example using shmem:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

struct shared {
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    int sharedResource;

int main()
    int fd = shm_open("/foo", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0600);
    ftruncate(fd, sizeof(struct shared));

    struct shared *p = (struct shared*)mmap(0, sizeof(struct shared),

    p->sharedResource = 0;

    // Make sure it can be shared across processes
    pthread_mutexattr_t shared;
    pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&shared, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);

    pthread_mutex_init(&(p->mutex), &shared);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        printf("%d\n", p->sharedResource);

    munmap(p, sizeof(struct shared*));

Writing the program to make changes to p->sharedResource is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)

Forgot to note, by the way, that the mutex has to have the PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED attribute set, so that pthreads will work across processes.

Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types

TryParse is usually the most elegant way to handle this type of thing:

long temp = 0;
if (Int64.TryParse(dataAccCom.GetParameterValue(IDbCmd, "op_Id").ToString(), out temp))
   DataTO.Id = temp;

How to start IDLE (Python editor) without using the shortcut on Windows Vista?

There's a file called in your Python installation directory in Lib\idlelib\

If you run that file with Python, then IDLE should start.

c:\Python25\pythonw.exe c:\Python25\Lib\idlelib\

Postgresql column reference "id" is ambiguous

SELECT (, name) FROM v_groups vg 
INNER JOIN people2v_groups p2vg ON = p2vg.v_group_id
WHERE p2vg.people_id = 0;

Git Push ERROR: Repository not found

To solve this problem (on Linux), I merely had to run this:

git config --global --unset credential.helper

Angular ng-class if else

Just make a rule for each case:

<div id="homePage" ng-class="{ 'center': page.isSelected(1) , 'left': !page.isSelected(1)  }">

Or use the ternary operator:

<div id="homePage" ng-class="page.isSelected(1) ? 'center' : 'left'">

How would you make two <div>s overlap?

I might approach it like so (CSS and HTML):

body {_x000D_
  margin: 0px;_x000D_
#logo {_x000D_
  position: absolute; /* Reposition logo from the natural layout */_x000D_
  left: 75px;_x000D_
  top: 0px;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  z-index: 2;_x000D_
#content {_x000D_
  margin-top: 100px; /* Provide buffer for logo */_x000D_
#links {_x000D_
  height: 75px;_x000D_
  margin-left: 400px; /* Flush links (with a 25px "padding") right of logo */_x000D_
<div id="logo">_x000D_
  <img src="" />_x000D_
<div id="content">_x000D_
  <div id="links">dssdfsdfsdfsdf</div>_x000D_

How to write multiple line string using Bash with variables?


cat > /etc/myconfig.conf << EOL
line 1, ${kernel}
line 2,
line 3, ${distro}
line 4
line ...

this does what you want.

In PHP, how do you change the key of an array element?

I like KernelM's solution, but I needed something that would handle potential key conflicts (where a new key may match an existing key). Here is what I came up with:

function swapKeys( &$arr, $origKey, $newKey, &$pendingKeys ) {
    if( !isset( $arr[$newKey] ) ) {
        $arr[$newKey] = $arr[$origKey];
        unset( $arr[$origKey] );
        if( isset( $pendingKeys[$origKey] ) ) {
            // recursion to handle conflicting keys with conflicting keys
            swapKeys( $arr, $pendingKeys[$origKey], $origKey, $pendingKeys );
            unset( $pendingKeys[$origKey] );
    } elseif( $newKey != $origKey ) {
        $pendingKeys[$newKey] = $origKey;

You can then cycle through an array like this:

$myArray = array( '1970-01-01 00:00:01', '1970-01-01 00:01:00' );
$pendingKeys = array();
foreach( $myArray as $key => $myArrayValue ) {
    // NOTE: strtotime( '1970-01-01 00:00:01' ) = 1 (a conflicting key)
    $timestamp = strtotime( $myArrayValue );
    swapKeys( $myArray, $key, $timestamp, $pendingKeys );
// RESULT: $myArray == array( 1=>'1970-01-01 00:00:01', 60=>'1970-01-01 00:01:00' )

Best way to convert list to comma separated string in java

From Apache Commons library:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils


StringUtils.join(slist, ',');

Another similar question and answer here

How should I read a file line-by-line in Python?


with open('filename.txt') as fp:
    for line in fp:
        print line

is the way to go.

It is not more verbose. It is more safe.

How do I run a program with a different working directory from current, from Linux shell?

why not keep it simple

cd SOME_PATH && run_some_command && cd -

the last 'cd' command will take you back to the last pwd directory. This should work on all *nix systems.

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object, when I select a dropdown list

This can happen if you call


on an IEnumerable with 2 or more elements.

Limiting Python input strings to certain characters and lengths

Regexes can also limit the number of characters.

r = re.compile("^[a-z]{1,15}$")

gives you a regex that only matches if the input is entirely lowercase ASCII letters and 1 to 15 characters long.

Max size of an iOS application

50 Meg is the max for Cell data download.

But you might be able to keep it under that in the app store and then have the app download other content after the user install and runs the app, so the app can be bigger. But not sure what the apple rules are for this.

I know that all in-app purchases need to be approved, but not sure if this kind of content needs to be approved.

writing a batch file that opens a chrome URL

assuming chrome is his default browser: start should open that url in his browser.

endforeach in loops?

How about this?

<?php while ($items = array_pop($lists)) { ?>
    <?php foreach ($items as $item) { ?>
        <li><?= $item ?></li>
}//while ?>

We can still use the more widely-used braces and, at the same time, increase readability.

Visual Studio 2013 Install Fails: Program Compatibility Mode is on (Windows 10)

I am using Windows 10 and korean version of Visual studio. I wanted to change from korean to english. I downloaded the english language pack but the error message appeared as "compatibility mode is on..." the only solution to this issue is to rename the Language pack setup file name with its original name, that is to say vs_langpack.exe . And boom the issue is solved.

Hope it is helpful.


Placeholder in IE9

If you want to input a description you can use this. This works on IE 9 and all other browsers.

<input type="text" onclick="if(this.value=='CVC2: '){this.value='';}" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='CVC2: ';}" value="CVC2: "/>

How do I create a new user in a SQL Azure database?

I found this link very helpful:

It details things like:
- Azure SQL Database subscriber account
- Using Azure Active Directory users to access the database
- Server-level principal accounts (unrestricted access)
- Adding users to the dbmanager database role

I used this and Stuart's answer to do the following:
On the master database (see link as to who has permissions on this):

CREATE LOGIN [MyAdmin] with password='ReallySecurePassword'

And then on the database in question:

ALTER ROLE db_owner ADD MEMBER [MyAdmin]

You can also create users like this, according to the link:


Running EXE with parameters

To start the process with parameters, you can use following code:

string filename = Path.Combine(cPath,"HHTCtrlp.exe");
var proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(filename, cParams);

To kill/exit the program again, you can use following code:


Playing MP4 files in Firefox using HTML5 video

I can confirm that mp4 just will not work in the video tag. No matter how much you try to mess with the type tag and the codec and the mime types from the server.

Crazy, because for the same exact video, on the same test page, the old embed tag for an mp4 works just fine in firefox. I spent all yesterday messing with this. Firefox is like IE all of a sudden, hours and hours of time, not billable. Yay.

Speaking of IE, it fails FAR MORE gracefully on this. When it can't match up the format it falls to the content between the tags, so it is possible to just put video around object around embed and everything works great. Firefox, nope, despite failing, it puts up the poster image (greyed out so that isn't even useful as a fallback) with an error message smack in the middle. So now the options are put in browser recognition code (meaning we've gained nothing on embedding videos in the last ten years) or ditch html5.

Getting the index of a particular item in array

FindIndex Extension

static class ArrayExtensions
    public static int FindIndex<T>(this T[] array, Predicate<T> match)
        return Array.FindIndex(array, match);


int[] array = { 9,8,7,6,5 };

var index = array.FindIndex(i => i == 7);

Console.WriteLine(index); // Prints "2"

Here's a fiddle with it.

Bonus: IndexOf Extension

I wrote this first not reading the question properly...

static class ArrayExtensions
    public static int IndexOf<T>(this T[] array, T value)
        return Array.IndexOf(array, value);


int[] array = { 9,8,7,6,5 };

var index = array.IndexOf(7);

Console.WriteLine(index); // Prints "2"

Here's a fiddle with it.

Same font except its weight seems different on different browsers

I don't think using "points" for font-size on a screen is a good idea. Try using px or em on font-size.

From W3C:

Do not specify the font-size in pt, or other absolute length units. They render inconsistently across platforms and can't be resized by the User Agent (e.g browser).

What's the best way to store Phone number in Django models

This solution worked for me:

First install django-phone-field

command: pip install django-phone-field

then on

from phone_field import PhoneField

class Client(models.Model):
    phone_number = PhoneField(blank=True, help_text='Contact phone number')

and on


It looks like this in the end

phone in form

How to try convert a string to a Guid

Unfortunately, there isn't a TryParse() equivalent. If you create a new instance of a System.Guid and pass the string value in, you can catch the three possible exceptions it would throw if it is invalid.

Those are:

  • ArgumentNullException
  • FormatException
  • OverflowException

I have seen some implementations where you can do a regex on the string prior to creating the instance, if you are just trying to validate it and not create it.

tkinter: Open a new window with a button prompt

Here's the nearly shortest possible solution to your question. The solution works in python 3.x. For python 2.x change the import to Tkinter rather than tkinter (the difference being the capitalization):

import tkinter as tk
#import Tkinter as tk  # for python 2
def create_window():
    window = tk.Toplevel(root)

root = tk.Tk()
b = tk.Button(root, text="Create new window", command=create_window)


This is definitely not what I recommend as an example of good coding style, but it illustrates the basic concepts: a button with a command, and a function that creates a window.

Set and Get Methods in java?

It looks like you trying to do something similar to C# if you want setAge create method
setAge(int age){ this.age = age;}

Disable sorting for a particular column in jQuery DataTables

Using Datatables 1.9.4 I've disabled the sorting for the first column with this code:

/* Table initialisation */
$(document).ready(function() {
        "sDom" : "<'row'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
        "sPaginationType" : "bootstrap",
        "oLanguage" : {
            "sLengthMenu" : "_MENU_ records per page"
        // Disable sorting on the first column
        "aoColumnDefs" : [ {
            'bSortable' : false,
            'aTargets' : [ 0 ]
        } ]


You can disable even by using the no-sort class on your <th>,

and use this initialization code:

// Disable sorting on the no-sort class
"aoColumnDefs" : [ {
    "bSortable" : false,
    "aTargets" : [ "no-sort" ]
} ]


In this example I'm using Datables with Bootstrap, following an old blog post. Now there is one link with updated material about styling Datatables with bootstrap.

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

Check if the cross product of b-a and c-a is0: that means all the points are collinear. If they are, check if c's coordinates are between a's and b's. Use either the x or the y coordinates, as long as a and b are separate on that axis (or they're the same on both).

def is_on(a, b, c):
    "Return true iff point c intersects the line segment from a to b."
    # (or the degenerate case that all 3 points are coincident)
    return (collinear(a, b, c)
            and (within(a.x, c.x, b.x) if a.x != b.x else 
                 within(a.y, c.y, b.y)))

def collinear(a, b, c):
    "Return true iff a, b, and c all lie on the same line."
    return (b.x - a.x) * (c.y - a.y) == (c.x - a.x) * (b.y - a.y)

def within(p, q, r):
    "Return true iff q is between p and r (inclusive)."
    return p <= q <= r or r <= q <= p

This answer used to be a mess of three updates. The worthwhile info from them: Brian Hayes's chapter in Beautiful Code covers the design space for a collinearity-test function -- useful background. Vincent's answer helped to improve this one. And it was Hayes who suggested testing only one of the x or the y coordinates; originally the code had and in place of if a.x != b.x else.

Nginx Different Domains on Same IP

Your "listen" directives are wrong. See this page:

They should be

server {
    listen      80;
    root /var/www/domain1;

server {
    listen       80;
    root /var/www/domain2;

Note, I have only included the relevant lines. Everything else looked okay but I just deleted it for clarity. To test it you might want to try serving a text file from each server first before actually serving php. That's why I left the 'root' directive in there.

HTML meta tag for content language

<meta name="language" content="Spanish">

This isn't defined in any specification (including the HTML5 draft)

<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="es">

This is a poor man's version of a real HTTP header and should really be expressed in the headers. For example:

Content-language: es
Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8

It says that the document is intended for Spanish language speakers (it doesn't, however mean the document is written in Spanish; it could, for example, be written in English as part of a language course for Spanish speakers).

From the spec:

The Content-Language entity-header field describes the natural language(s) of the intended audience for the enclosed entity. Note that this might not be equivalent to all the languages used within the entity-body.

If you want to state that a document is written in Spanish then use:

<html lang="es">

Detecting the character encoding of an HTTP POST request

Try setting the charset on your Content-Type:

httpCon.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary=" + boundary );

Excel VBA Macro: User Defined Type Not Defined

I am late for the party. Try replacing as below, mine worked perfectly- "DOMDocument" to "MSXML2.DOMDocument60" "XMLHTTP" to "MSXML2.XMLHTTP60"

Transactions in .net

if you just need it for db-related stuff, some OR Mappers (e.g. NHibernate) support transactinos out of the box per default.

How to download image from url

.net Framework allows PictureBox Control to Load Images from url

and Save image in Laod Complete Event

protected void LoadImage() {
 pictureBox1.ImageLocation = "PROXY_URL;}

void pictureBox1_LoadCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) {
   pictureBox1.Image.Save(destination); }

Bootstrap how to get text to vertical align in a div container


First, we will need to add a class to your text container so that we can access and style it accordingly.

<div class="col-xs-5 textContainer">
     <h3 class="text-left">Link up with other gamers all over the world who share the same tastes in games.</h3>


Next, we will apply the following styles to align it vertically, according to the size of the image div next to it.

.textContainer { 
    height: 345px; 
    line-height: 340px;

.textContainer h3 {
    vertical-align: middle;
    display: inline-block;

All Done! Adjust the line-height and height on the styles above if you believe that it is still slightly out of align.


MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I don't know, it works fine for me. Exact commands:

import scipy, pylab
ax = pylab.subplot(111)
ax.scatter(scipy.randn(100), scipy.randn(100), c='b')
ax.scatter(scipy.randn(100), scipy.randn(100), c='r')

Get the current time in C

Easy way:

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
    time_t mytime = time(NULL);
    char * time_str = ctime(&mytime);
    time_str[strlen(time_str)-1] = '\0';
    printf("Current Time : %s\n", time_str);

    return 0;

How can I remove a pytz timezone from a datetime object?

To remove a timezone (tzinfo) from a datetime object:

# dt_tz is a datetime.datetime object
dt = dt_tz.replace(tzinfo=None)

If you are using a library like arrow, then you can remove timezone by simply converting an arrow object to to a datetime object, then doing the same thing as the example above.

# <Arrow [2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00]>
arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, -25200))
tmpDatetime = arrowObj.datetime

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444)
tmpDatetime = tmpDatetime.replace(tzinfo=None)

Why would you do this? One example is that mysql does not support timezones with its DATETIME type. So using ORM's like sqlalchemy will simply remove the timezone when you give it a datetime.datetime object to insert into the database. The solution is to convert your datetime.datetime object to UTC (so everything in your database is UTC since it can't specify timezone) then either insert it into the database (where the timezone is removed anyway) or remove it yourself. Also note that you cannot compare datetime.datetime objects where one is timezone aware and another is timezone naive.

# MySQL example! where MySQL doesn't support timezones with its DATETIME type!

arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

arrowDt ="utc").datetime

# inserts datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzutc())

# returns datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444)
dbDatetimeNoTz = getFromMysqlDatabase()

# cannot compare timzeone aware and timezone naive
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt # False, or TypeError on python versions before 3.3

# compare datetimes that are both aware or both naive work however
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt.replace(tzinfo=None) # True

jQuery removing '-' character from string

var string = $mylabel.text().replace('-', '');

if you have done it that way variable string now holds "123456"

you can also (i guess the better way) do this...

   return v.replace('-','');

MySQl Error #1064

At first you need to add semi colon (;) after quantity INT NOT NULL) then remove ** from ,genre,quantity)**. to insert a value with numeric data type like int, decimal, float, etc you don't need to add single quote.

Div height 100% and expands to fit content

You can also use

 display: inline-block;

mine worked with this

Is it better practice to use String.format over string Concatenation in Java?

I haven't done any specific benchmarks, but I would think that concatenation may be faster. String.format() creates a new Formatter which, in turn, creates a new StringBuilder (with a size of only 16 chars). That's a fair amount of overhead especially if you are formatting a longer string and StringBuilder keeps having to resize.

However, concatenation is less useful and harder to read. As always, it's worth doing a benchmark on your code to see which is better. The differences may be negligible in server app after your resource bundles, locales, etc are loaded in memory and the code is JITted.

Maybe as a best practice, it would be a good idea to create your own Formatter with a properly sized StringBuilder (Appendable) and Locale and use that if you have a lot of formatting to do.

How do you use math.random to generate random ints?

Cast abc to an integer.


Node.js check if path is file or directory

Update: Node.Js >= 10

We can use the new fs.promises API

const fs = require('fs').promises;

(async() => {
    const stat = await fs.lstat('test.txt');

Any Node.Js version

Here's how you would detect if a path is a file or a directory asynchronously, which is the recommended approach in node. using fs.lstat

const fs = require("fs");

let path = "/path/to/something";

fs.lstat(path, (err, stats) => {

        return console.log(err); //Handle error

    console.log(`Is file: ${stats.isFile()}`);
    console.log(`Is directory: ${stats.isDirectory()}`);
    console.log(`Is symbolic link: ${stats.isSymbolicLink()}`);
    console.log(`Is FIFO: ${stats.isFIFO()}`);
    console.log(`Is socket: ${stats.isSocket()}`);
    console.log(`Is character device: ${stats.isCharacterDevice()}`);
    console.log(`Is block device: ${stats.isBlockDevice()}`);

Note when using the synchronous API:

When using the synchronous form any exceptions are immediately thrown. You can use try/catch to handle exceptions or allow them to bubble up.

   // Handle error
   if(e.code == 'ENOENT'){
     //no such file or directory
     //do something
   }else {
     //do something else

Pick a random value from an enum?

Single line

return Letter.values()[new Random().nextInt(Letter.values().length)];

Export DataBase with MySQL Workbench with INSERT statements

For the latest version of MySql Workbench

  1. Click on the Server menu in the top menu bar
  2. Select 'Data Export' submenu
  3. It will open up the Object Selection window where you can select the appropriate database which has the desired tables
  4. Once you select the database in the left side all the tables will appear in the right side with radio buttons
  5. Select the radio buttons in front of needed tables
  6. Just below the table selection you can see a dropdown to select Dump Structure Only or Data only or Structure & Data
  7. Under Objects to Export tick the box if you need stored procedures or events also. If you don't need those then untick those
  8. Under export option change the exporting file name and path
  9. If you want to create the schema once you import the dump file then tick include create schema
  10. Press Start Export button in the right-hand side corner. once it successful the summary will be showing in the Export progress tab

How do I draw a grid onto a plot in Python?

Here is a small example how to add a matplotlib grid in Gtk3 with Python 2 (not working in Python 3):

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtk3agg import FigureCanvasGTK3Agg as FigureCanvas

win = Gtk.Window()
win.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit)
win.set_title("Embedding in GTK3")

f = Figure(figsize=(1, 1), dpi=100)
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

canvas = FigureCanvas(f)
canvas.set_size_request(400, 400)


enter image description here

Make anchor link go some pixels above where it's linked to

This is also a good solution. Make a div above the destination div like this and link the a to this div;

<div class="destination" id="link"></div> /**Needs to be above the destination**/

.destination {
    margin-top:-100px;/* height of nav*/

Is there any difference between a GUID and a UUID?

GUID has longstanding usage in areas where it isn't necessarily a 128-bit value in the same way as a UUID. For example, the RSS specification defines GUIDs to be any string of your choosing, as long as it's unique, with an "isPermalink" attribute to specify that the value you're using is just a permalink back to the item being syndicated.

Hibernate Delete query

The reason is that for deleting an object, Hibernate requires that the object is in persistent state. Thus, Hibernate first fetches the object (SELECT) and then removes it (DELETE).

Why Hibernate needs to fetch the object first? The reason is that Hibernate interceptors might be enabled (, and the object must be passed through these interceptors to complete its lifecycle. If rows are delete directly in the database, the interceptor won't run.

On the other hand, it's possible to delete entities in one single SQL DELETE statement using bulk operations:

Query q = session.createQuery("delete Entity where id = X");

Strip HTML from strings in Python

Here's my solution for python 3.

import html
import re

def html_to_txt(html_text):
    ## unescape html
    txt = html.unescape(html_text)
    tags = re.findall("<[^>]+>",txt)
    print("found tags: ")
    for tag in tags:
    return txt

Not sure if it is perfect, but solved my use case and seems simple.

Go to first line in a file in vim?

Go to first line

  • :1

  • or Ctrl + Home

Go to last line

  • :%

  • or Ctrl + End

Go to another line (f.i. 27)

  • :27

[Works On VIM 7.4 (2016) and 8.0 (2018)]

SSL peer shut down incorrectly in Java

You can set protocol versions in system property as :

overcome ssl handshake error

System.setProperty("https.protocols", "TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2");

Permission denied for relation


How to use radio on change event?

Use onchage function

<input type="radio" name="bedStatus" id="allot" checked="checked" value="allot" onchange="my_function('allot')">Allot
<input type="radio" name="bedStatus" id="transfer" value="transfer" onchange="my_function('transfer')">Transfer

 function my_function(val){

how to set ulimit / file descriptor on docker container the image tag is phusion/baseimage-docker

I have tried many options and unsure as to why a few solutions suggested above work on one machine and not on others.

A solution that works and that is simple and can work per container is:

docker run --ulimit memlock=819200000:819200000 -h <docker_host_name> --name=current -v /home/user_home:/user_home -i -d -t docker_user_name/image_name

Making a mocked method return an argument that was passed to it

This is a bit old, but I came here because I had the same issue. I'm using JUnit but this time in a Kotlin app with mockk. I'm posting a sample here for reference and comparison with the Java counterpart:

fun demo() {
  // mock a sample function
  val aMock: (String) -> (String) = mockk()

  // make it return the same as the argument on every invocation
  every {
  } answers {

  // test it
  assertEquals("senko", aMock.invoke("senko"))
  assertEquals("senko1", aMock.invoke("senko1"))
  assertNotEquals("not a senko", aMock.invoke("senko"))

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Exception occurring. Why?

Make sure you have closed your MSAccess file before running the java program.

Disable Proximity Sensor during call

Unfortunately my proximity sensor doesn't work, too (always returns 0.0 cm). I found the way, but not easy one: you need to root your phone, install XPOSED framework and Sensor Disabler ( You can mock proximity sensor return value in the app. (e.g. always return 2.0 cm). Then your display will be always on during the call.

Simple (non-secure) hash function for JavaScript?

There are many realizations of hash functions written in JS. For example:

If you don't need security, you can also use base64 which is not hash-function, has not fixed output and could be simply decoded by user, but looks more lightweight and could be used for hide values:

Get total number of items on Json object?

That's an Object and you want to count the properties of it.



whitespaces in the path of windows filepath

There is no problem with whitespaces in the path since you're not using the "shell" to open the file. Here is a session from the windows console to prove the point. You're doing something else wrong

Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 14:24:46) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on wi
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> os.makedirs("C:/ABC/SEM 2/testfiles")
>>> open("C:/ABC/SEM 2/testfiles/all.txt","w")
<open file 'C:/ABC/SEM 2/testfiles/all.txt', mode 'w' at 0x0000000001D95420>
>>> exit()

C:\Users\Gnibbler>dir "C:\ABC\SEM 2\testfiles"
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 46A0-BB64

 Directory of c:\ABC\SEM 2\testfiles

13/02/2013  10:20 PM    <DIR>          .
13/02/2013  10:20 PM    <DIR>          ..
13/02/2013  10:20 PM                 0 all.txt
               1 File(s)              0 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  78,929,309,696 bytes free


Returning from a void function

The only reason to have a return in a void function would be to exit early due to some conditional statement:

void foo(int y)
    if(y == 0) return;

    // do stuff with y

As unwind said: when the code ends, it ends. No need for an explicit return at the end.

How to encrypt a large file in openssl using public key

In more explanation for n. 'pronouns' m.'s answer,

Public-key crypto is not for encrypting arbitrarily long files. One uses a symmetric cipher (say AES) to do the normal encryption. Each time a new random symmetric key is generated, used, and then encrypted with the RSA cipher (public key). The ciphertext together with the encrypted symmetric key is transferred to the recipient. The recipient decrypts the symmetric key using his private key, and then uses the symmetric key to decrypt the message.

There is the flow of Encryption:

+---------------------+      +--------------------+
|                     |      |                    |
| generate random key |      |   the large file   |
|        (R)          |      |        (F)         |
|                     |      |                    |
+--------+--------+---+      +----------+---------+
         |        |                     |
         |        +------------------+  |
         |                           |  |
         v                           v  v
+--------+------------+     +--------+--+------------+
|                     |     |                        |
| encrypt (R) with    |     | encrypt (F)            |
| your RSA public key |     | with symmetric key (R) |
|                     |     |                        |
|  ASym(PublicKey, R) |     |     EF = Sym(F, R)     |
|                     |     |                        |
+----------+----------+     +------------+-----------+
           |                             |
           +------------+ +--------------+
                        | |
                        v v
         |                                |
         |   send this files to the peer  |
         |                                |
         |     ASym(PublicKey, R) + EF    |
         |                                |

And the flow of Decryption:

   +----------------+        +--------------------+
   |                |        |                    |
   | EF = Sym(F, R) |        | ASym(PublicKey, R) |
   |                |        |                    |
   +-----+----------+        +---------+----------+
         |                             |
         |                             |
         |                             v
         |   +-------------------------+-----------------+
         |   |                                           |
         |   |             restore key (R)               |
         |   |                                           |
         |   | R <= ASym(PrivateKey, ASym(PublicKey, R)) |
         |   |                                           |
         |   +---------------------+---------------------+
         |                         |
         v                         v
     |                                 |
     |       restore the file (F)      |
     |                                 |
     |      F <= Sym(Sym(F, R), R)     |
     |                                 |

Besides, you can use this commands:

# generate random symmetric key
openssl rand -base64 32 > /config/key.bin

# encryption
openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey /config/public_key.pem -in /config/key.bin -out /config/key.bin.enc
openssl aes-256-cbc -a -pbkdf2 -salt -in  $file_name -out $file_name.enc -k $(cat /config/key.bin)

# now you can send this files: $file_name.enc + /config/key.bin.enc

# decryption
openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey /config/private_key.pem -in /config/key.bin.enc -out /config/key.bin
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in $file_name.enc -out $file_name -k $(cat /config/key.bin)

How to specify names of columns for x and y when joining in dplyr?

This is more a workaround than a real solution. You can create a new object test_data with another column name:

left_join("names<-"(test_data, "name"), kantrowitz, by = "name")

     name gender
1    john      M
2    bill either
3 madison      M
4    abby either
5     zzz   <NA>

How to get bitmap from a url in android?

This should do the trick:

public static Bitmap getBitmapFromURL(String src) {
    try {
        URL url = new URL(src);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();
        Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input);
        return myBitmap;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
} // Author: silentnuke

Don't forget to add the internet permission in your manifest.

How to use wget in php?

This method is only one class and doesn't require importing other libraries or reusing code.

Personally I use this script that I made a while ago. Located here but for those who don't want to click on that link you can view it below. It lets the developer use the static method HTTP::GET($url, $options) to use the get method in curl while being able to pass through custom curl options. You can also use HTTP::POST($url, $options) but I hardly use that method.

  *  echo HTTP::POST('',
  *      array(
  *            'user_name'=>'[email protected]',
  *            'user_password'=>'demo1234'
  *      )
  *  );
  *  OR
  *  echo HTTP::GET('');

class HTTP{
   public static function GET($url,Array $options=array()){
    $ch = curl_init();
       curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
       $json = curl_exec($ch);
       return $json;
   public static function POST($url, $postfields, $options = null){
       $ch = curl_init();
       $options = array(
          CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postfields,
          CURLOPT_HEADER => true
          //CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json')
           curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
       $json = curl_exec($ch);
       return $json;

Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading?

Check out Boost.Units: link text

It provides zero-overhead Dimensional analysis through operator overloading. How much clearer can this get?

quantity<force>     F = 2.0*newton;
quantity<length>    dx = 2.0*meter;
quantity<energy>    E = F * dx;
std::cout << "Energy = " << E << endl;

would actually output "Energy = 4 J" which is correct.

Maven Run Project

No need to add new plugin in pom.xml. Just run this command

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main" | grep -Ev '(^\[|Download\w+:)' 

See the maven exec plugin for more usage.

How to generate a QR Code for an Android application?

with zxing this is my code for create QR

 QRCodeWriter writer = new QRCodeWriter();
    try {
        BitMatrix bitMatrix = writer.encode(content, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, 512, 512);
        int width = bitMatrix.getWidth();
        int height = bitMatrix.getHeight();
        Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                bmp.setPixel(x, y, bitMatrix.get(x, y) ? Color.BLACK : Color.WHITE);
        ((ImageView) findViewById(;

    } catch (WriterException e) {

Reflection generic get field value

I post my solution in Kotlin, but it can work with java objects as well. I create a function extension so any object can use this function.

fun Any.iterateOverComponents() {

val fields = this.javaClass.declaredFields

fields.forEachIndexed { i, field ->

    fields[i].isAccessible = true
    // get value of the fields
    val value = fields[i].get(this)

    // print result
    Log.w("Msg", "Value of Field "
            + fields[i].name
            + " is " + value)

Take a look at this webpage:

How to run SUDO command in WinSCP to transfer files from Windows to linux

I do have the same issue, and I am not sure whether it is possible or not,

tried the above solutions are not worked for me.

for a workaround, I am going with moving the files to my HOME directory, editing and replacing the files with SSH.

How do you get the contextPath from JavaScript, the right way?

Based on the discussion in the comments (particularly from BalusC), it's probably not worth doing anything more complicated than this:

<script>var ctx = "${pageContext.request.contextPath}"</script>

How to get a key in a JavaScript object by its value?

Here is my solution first:

For example, I suppose that we have an object that contains three value pairs:

function findKey(object, value) {

    for (let key in object)
        if (object[key] === value) return key;

    return "key is not found";

const object = { id_1: "apple", id_2: "pear", id_3: "peach" };

console.log(findKey(object, "pear"));
//expected output: id_2

We can simply write a findKey(array, value) that takes two parameters which are an object and the value of the key you are looking for. As such, this method is reusable and you do not need to manually iterate the object every time by only passing two parameters for this function.

How do I install a Python package with a .whl file?

On the MacOS, with pip installed via MacPorts into the MacPorts python2.7, I had to use @Dunes solution:

sudo python -m pip install some-package.whl

Where python was replaced by the MacPorts python in my case, which is python2.7 or python3.5 for me.

The -m option is "Run library module as script" according to the manpage.

(I had previously run sudo port install py27-pip py27-wheel to install pip and wheel into my python 2.7 installation first.)

Mysql - How to quit/exit from stored procedure

I think this solution is handy if you can test the value of the error field later. This is also applicable by creating a temporary table and returning a list of errors.

CREATE PROCEDURE $procName($params)
    FROM $tables
    WHERE $where
    ORDER BY $sorting LIMIT 1
    INTO $vars;
    IF error = 0 THEN
       SELECT $vars;
       SELECT 1 AS error;
       SET @error = 0;
    END IF;
CALL $procName($effp);

How does Content Security Policy (CSP) work?

Apache 2 mod_headers

You could also enable Apache 2 mod_headers. On Fedora it's already enabled by default. If you use Ubuntu/Debian, enable it like this:

# First enable headers module for Apache 2,
# and then restart the Apache2 service
a2enmod headers
apache2 -k graceful

On Ubuntu/Debian you can configure headers in the file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf

# Setting this header will prevent MSIE from interpreting files as something
# else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
#Header set X-Content-Type-Options: "nosniff"

# Setting this header will prevent other sites from embedding pages from this
# site as frames. This defends against clickjacking attacks.
# Requires mod_headers to be enabled.
Header always set X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin"
Header always set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Header always set X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
Header always set X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies "master-only"
Header always set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
Header always set Pragma "no-cache"
Header always set Expires "-1"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "default-src 'none';"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "script-src 'self';"
Header always set Content-Security-Policy: "style-src 'self';"

Note: This is the bottom part of the file. Only the last three entries are CSP settings.

The first parameter is the directive, the second is the sources to be white-listed. I've added Google analytics and an adserver, which you might have. Furthermore, I found that if you have aliases, e.g, and configured in Apache 2 you should add them to the white-list as well.

Inline code is considered harmful, and you should avoid it. Copy all the JavaScript code and CSS to separate files and add them to the white-list.

While you're at it you could take a look at the other header settings and install mod_security

Further reading:

String Pattern Matching In Java

You can use the Pattern class for this. If you want to match only word characters inside the {} then you can use the following regex. \w is a shorthand for [a-zA-Z0-9_]. If you are ok with _ then use \w or else use [a-zA-Z0-9].

String URL = "https://localhost:8080/sbs/01.00/sip/dreamworks/v/01.00/cui/print/$fwVer/{$fwVer}/$lang/en/$model/{$model}/$region/us/$imageBg/{$imageBg}/$imageH/{$imageH}/$imageSz/{$imageSz}/$imageW/{$imageW}/movie/Kung_Fu_Panda_two/categories/3D_Pix/item/{item}/_back/2?$uniqueID={$uniqueID}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\{\\w+\\}/");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(URL);
if (matcher.find()) {
    System.out.println(; //prints /{item}/
} else {
    System.out.println("Match not found");

Math constant PI value in C

The closest thing C does to "computing p" in a way that's directly visible to applications is acos(-1) or similar. This is almost always done with polynomial/rational approximations for the function being computed (either in C, or by the FPU microcode).

However, an interesting issue is that computing the trigonometric functions (sin, cos, and tan) requires reduction of their argument modulo 2p. Since 2p is not a diadic rational (and not even rational), it cannot be represented in any floating point type, and thus using any approximation of the value will result in catastrophic error accumulation for large arguments (e.g. if x is 1e12, and 2*M_PI differs from 2p by e, then fmod(x,2*M_PI) differs from the correct value of 2p by up to 1e12*e/p times the correct value of x mod 2p. That is to say, it's completely meaningless.

A correct implementation of C's standard math library simply has a gigantic very-high-precision representation of p hard coded in its source to deal with the issue of correct argument reduction (and uses some fancy tricks to make it not-quite-so-gigantic). This is how most/all C versions of the sin/cos/tan functions work. However, certain implementations (like glibc) are known to use assembly implementations on some cpus (like x86) and don't perform correct argument reduction, leading to completely nonsensical outputs. (Incidentally, the incorrect asm usually runs about the same speed as the correct C code for small arguments.)

How to set width of a div in percent in JavaScript?

I always do it like this:

$("#id").css("width", "50%");

Differences between SP initiated SSO and IDP initiated SSO

There is much more to this but this is a high level overview on which is which.

Procore supports both SP- and IdP-initiated SSO:

Identity Provider Initiated (IdP-initiated) SSO. With this option, your end users must log into your Identity Provider's SSO page (e.g., Okta, OneLogin, or Microsoft Azure AD) and then click an icon to log into and open the Procore web application. To configure this solution, see Configure IdP-Initiated SSO for Microsoft Azure AD, Configure Procore for IdP-Initated Okta SSO, or Configure IdP-Initiated SSO for OneLogin. OR Service Provider Initiated (SP-initiated) SSO. Referred to as Procore-initiated SSO, this option gives your end users the ability to sign into the Procore Login page and then sends an authorization request to the Identify Provider (e.g., Okta, OneLogin, or Microsoft Azure AD). Once the IdP authenticates the user's identify, the user is logged into Procore. To configure this solution, see Configure Procore-Initiated SSO for Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Configure Procore-Initiated SSO for Okta, or Configure Procore-Initiated SSO for OneLogin.

Get MD5 hash of big files in Python

Using multiple comment/answers in this thread, here is my solution :

import hashlib
def md5_for_file(path, block_size=256*128, hr=False):
    Block size directly depends on the block size of your filesystem
    to avoid performances issues
    Here I have blocks of 4096 octets (Default NTFS)
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    with open(path,'rb') as f: 
        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): 
    if hr:
        return md5.hexdigest()
    return md5.digest()
  • This is "pythonic"
  • This is a function
  • It avoids implicit values: always prefer explicit ones.
  • It allows (very important) performances optimizations

And finally,

- This has been built by a community, thanks all for your advices/ideas.

How can I implement rate limiting with Apache? (requests per second)

As stated in this blog post it seems possible to use mod_security to implement a rate limit per second.

The configuration is something like this:

SecRuleEngine On

<LocationMatch "^/somepath">
  SecAction initcol:ip=%{REMOTE_ADDR},pass,nolog
  SecAction "phase:5,deprecatevar:ip.somepathcounter=1/1,pass,nolog"
  SecRule IP:SOMEPATHCOUNTER "@gt 60" "phase:2,pause:300,deny,status:509,setenv:RATELIMITED,skip:1,nolog"
  SecAction "phase:2,pass,setvar:ip.somepathcounter=+1,nolog"
  Header always set Retry-After "10" env=RATELIMITED

ErrorDocument 509 "Rate Limit Exceeded"

How to delete specific characters from a string in Ruby?

Here is an even shorter way of achieving this:

1) using Negative character class pattern matching

irb(main)> "((String1))"[/[^()]+/]
=> "String1"

^ - Matches anything NOT in the character class. Inside the charachter class, we have ( and )

Or with global substitution "AKA: gsub" like others have mentioned.

irb(main)> "((String1))".gsub(/[)(]/, '')
=> "String1"

How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing?

My favourite method is using a clearfix class for parent element

.clearfix:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;

.clearfix {
    display: inline-block;

* html .clearfix {
    height: 1%;

.clearfix {
    display: block;

angular2: Error: TypeError: Cannot read property '...' of undefined

That's because abc is undefined at the moment of the template rendering. You can use safe navigation operator (?) to "protect" template until HTTP call is completed:


You can read more about safe navigation operator here.


Safe navigation operator can't be used in arrays, you will have to take advantage of NgIf directive to overcome this problem:

<div *ngIf="arr && arr.length > 0">

Read more about NgIf directive here.

Simple Deadlock Examples

package test.concurrent;
public class DeadLockTest {
   private static long sleepMillis;
   private final Object lock1 = new Object();
   private final Object lock2 = new Object();

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       sleepMillis = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
       DeadLockTest test = new DeadLockTest();

   private void doTest() {
       Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
           public void run() {
       Thread t2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
           public void run() {

   private void lock12() {
       synchronized (lock1) {
           synchronized (lock2) {

   private void lock21() {
       synchronized (lock2) {
           synchronized (lock1) {

   private void sleep() {
       try {
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
To run the deadlock test with sleep time 1 millisecond:
java -cp . test.concurrent.DeadLockTest 1

How to connect from windows command prompt to mysql command line

Go to your MySQL directory. As in my case its...

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin
mysql -uroot -p

root can be changed to your user whatever MySQL user you've set.

It will ask for your password. If you have a password, Type your password and press "Enter", If no password set just press Enter without typing. You will be connected to MySQL.

There is another way to directly connect to MySQL without every time, going to the directory and typing down the commands.

Create a .bat file. First, add your path to MySQL. In my case it was,

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin

Then add these two lines

net start MySQL 
mysql -u root -p

If you don't want to type password every time you can simply add password with -p e.g. -proot (in case root was the password) but that is not recommended.

Also, If you want to connect to other host than local (staging/production server). You can also add -h22.345.80.09 E.g. 22.345.80.09 is your server ip.

net start MySQL 
mysql -u root -p -h22.345.80.0

Save the file. Just double click to open and connect directly to MySQL.

How to install the Sun Java JDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)?

I am assuming that you need the JDK itself. If so you can accomplish this with:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sun-java-community-team/sun-java6

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

You don't really need to go around editing sources or anything along those lines.

Finding duplicate integers in an array and display how many times they occurred

Just use the code below,no need to use dictionary or ArrayList.Hope this helps :)

public static void Main(string[] args)
    int [] array =new int[]{10, 5, 10, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 12};
    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
        int count = 1,k=-1;
        for (int j = i+1; j < array.Length; j++)

                if(array[i] == array[j])
                else break;
        Console.WriteLine("\t\n " + array[i] + "---------->" + count);            

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory?

Use the vim-way:

$ ex +'bufdo retab' -cxa **/*.*
  • Make the backup! before executing the above command, as it can corrupt your binary files.
  • To use globstar (**) for recursion, activate by shopt -s globstar.
  • To specify specific file type, use for example: **/*.c.

To modify tabstop, add +'set ts=2'.

However the down-side is that it can replace tabs inside the strings.

So for slightly better solution (by using substitution), try:

$ ex -s +'bufdo %s/^\t\+/  /ge' -cxa **/*.*

Or by using ex editor + expand utility:

$ ex -s +'bufdo!%!expand -t2' -cxa **/*.*

For trailing spaces, see: How to remove trailing whitespaces for multiple files?

You may add the following function into your .bash_profile:

# Convert tabs to spaces.
# Usage: retab *.*
# See:
retab() {
  ex +'set ts=2' +'bufdo retab' -cxa $*

No ConcurrentList<T> in .Net 4.0?

What would you use a ConcurrentList for?

The concept of a Random Access container in a threaded world isn't as useful as it may appear. The statement

  if (i < MyConcurrentList.Count)  
      x = MyConcurrentList[i]; 

as a whole would still not be thread-safe.

Instead of creating a ConcurrentList, try to build solutions with what's there. The most common classes are the ConcurrentBag and especially the BlockingCollection.

Define an alias in fish shell

To properly load functions from ~/.config/fish/functions

You may set only ONE function inside file and name file the same as function name + add .fish extension.

This way changing file contents reload functions in opened terminals (note some delay may occur ~1-5s)

That way if you edit either by commandline

function name; function_content; end


funcsave name

you have user defined functions in console and custom made in the same order.

Using IF ELSE statement based on Count to execute different Insert statements

Simply use the following:

IF((SELECT count(*) FROM table)=0)



How do I access my webcam in Python?

John Montgomery's, answer is great, but at least on Windows, it is missing the line




Without it, the camera resource is locked, and can not be captured again before the python console is killed.

I can pass a variable from a JSP scriptlet to JSTL but not from JSTL to a JSP scriptlet without an error

@skaffman nailed it down. They live each in its own context. However, I wouldn't consider using scriptlets as the solution. You'd like to avoid them. If all you want is to concatenate strings in EL and you discovered that the + operator fails for strings in EL (which is correct), then just do:

<c:out value="abc${test}" />

Or if abc is to obtained from another scoped variable named ${resp}, then do:

<c:out value="${resp}${test}" />

Send value of submit button when form gets posted

To start, using the same ID twice is not a good idea. ID's should be unique, if you need to style elements you should use a class to apply CSS instead.

At last, you defined the name of your submit button as Tea and Coffee, but in your PHP you are using submit as index. your index should have been $_POST['Tea'] for example. that would require you to check for it being set as it only sends one , you can do that with isset().

Buy anyway , user4035 just beat me to it , his code will "fix" this for you.

How to access the ith column of a NumPy multidimensional array?

You could also transpose and return a row:

In [4]: test.T[0]
Out[4]: array([1, 3, 5])

How to right-align and justify-align in Markdown?

In a generic Markdown document, use:

<style>body {text-align: right}</style>


<style>body {text-align: justify}</style>

Does not seem to work with Jupyter though.

Groovy / grails how to determine a data type?

To determine the class of an object simply call:


You can abbreviate this to someObject.class in most cases. However, if you use this on a Map it will try to retrieve the value with key 'class'. Because of this, I always use getClass() even though it's a little longer.

If you want to check if an object implements a particular interface or extends a particular class (e.g. Date) use:

(somObject instanceof Date)

or to check if the class of an object is exactly a particular class (not a subclass of it), use:

(somObject.getClass() == Date)

Random float number generation

I wasn't satisfied by any of the answers so far so I wrote a new random float function. It makes bitwise assumptions about the float data type. It still needs a rand() function with at least 15 random bits.

//Returns a random number in the range [0.0f, 1.0f).  Every
//bit of the mantissa is randomized.
float rnd(void){
  //Generate a random number in the range [0.5f, 1.0f).
  unsigned int ret = 0x3F000000 | (0x7FFFFF & ((rand() << 8) ^ rand()));
  unsigned short coinFlips;

  //If the coin is tails, return the number, otherwise
  //divide the random number by two by decrementing the
  //exponent and keep going. The exponent starts at 63.
  //Each loop represents 15 random bits, a.k.a. 'coin flips'.
  #define RND_INNER_LOOP() \
    if( coinFlips & 1 ) break; \
    coinFlips >>= 1; \
    ret -= 0x800000
    coinFlips = rand();
    //At this point, the exponent is 60, 45, 30, 15, or 0.
    //If the exponent is 0, then the number equals 0.0f.
    if( ! (ret & 0x3F800000) ) return 0.0f;
  return *((float *)(&ret));

How to edit incorrect commit message in Mercurial?

EDIT: As pointed out by users, don't use MQ, use commit --amend. This answer is mostly of historic interest now.

As others have mentioned the MQ extension is much more suited for this task, and you don't run the risk of destroying your work. To do this:

  1. Enable the MQ extension, by adding something like this to your hgrc:

    mq =
  2. Update to the changeset you want to edit, typically tip:

    hg up $rev
  3. Import the current changeset into the queue:

    hg qimport -r .
  4. Refresh the patch, and edit the commit message:

    hg qrefresh -e
  5. Finish all applied patches (one, in this case) and store them as regular changesets:

    hg qfinish -a

I'm not familiar with TortoiseHg, but the commands should be similar to those above. I also believe it's worth mentioning that editing history is risky; you should only do it if you're absolutely certain that the changeset hasn't been pushed to or pulled from anywhere else.

ggplot with 2 y axes on each side and different scales

The answer by Hadley gives an interesting reference to Stephen Few's report Dual-Scaled Axes in Graphs Are They Ever the Best Solution?.

I do not know what the OP means with "counts" and "rate" but a quick search gives me Counts and Rates, so I get some data about Accidents in North American Mountaineering1:

print(df,row.names = FALSE)

 Years Persons.Involved Fatalities      rate
  1998              281         20  7.117438
  1999              248         17  6.854839
  2000              301         24  7.973422
  2001              276         16  5.797101
  2002              295         34 11.525424
  2003              231         18  7.792208
  2004              311         35 11.254019

And then I tried to do the graph as Few suggested at page 7 of the aforementioned report (and following the request of OP to graph the counts as a bar chart and the rates as a line chart) :

The other less obvious solution, which works only for time series, is to convert all sets of values to a common quantitative scale by displaying percentage differences between each value and a reference (or index) value. For instance, select a particular point in time, such as the first interval that appears in the graph, and express each subsequent value as the percentage difference between it and the initial value. This is done by dividing the value at each point in time by the value for the initial point in time and then multiplying it by 100 to convert the rate to a percentage, as illustrated below.

df2$Persons.Involved <- 100*df$Persons.Involved/df$Persons.Involved[1]
df2$rate <- 100*df$rate/df$rate[1]
  theme(text = element_text(size=30))

And this is the result: enter image description here

But I do not like it a lot and I am not able to easily put a legend on it...

1 WILLIAMSON, Jed, et al. Accidents in North American Mountaineering 2005. The Mountaineers Books, 2005.

Eclipse Intellisense?

I've get closer to VisualStudio-like behaviour by setting the "Autocomplete Trigger for Java" to


and setting delay to 0.

Now I'd like to realize how to make it autocomplete method name when I press ( as VS's Intellisense does.

Cannot open include file 'afxres.h' in VC2010 Express

Had the same problem . Fixed it by installing Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++.

  1. Start
  2. Change or remove program (type)
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio
  4. Modify
  5. Select 'Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++'
  6. Update

enter image description here