Programs & Examples On #Data import

How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code?

You could also grab the attributes with the getAttribute() method which will return the value of a specific HTML attribute.

var elem = document.getElementById('the-span');_x000D_
var typeId = elem.getAttribute('data-typeId');_x000D_
var type   = elem.getAttribute('data-type');_x000D_
var points = elem.getAttribute('data-points');_x000D_
var important = elem.getAttribute('data-important');_x000D_
console.log(`typeId: ${typeId} | type: ${type} | points: ${points} | important: ${important}`_x000D_
<span data-typeId="123" data-type="topic" data-points="-1" data-important="true" id="the-span"></span>

Eclipse Intellisense?

d3dave's answer is cool. However theGreenGarbage mentioned an issue about it which I too find rather annoying. So here's one that doesn't immediately suggest something after '=' sign and when typing blank space:


What I did was simply remove the space and '=' chars from the array :)

Alternatively if you want suggestions when typing blank space, but not after '=' sign:

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz .(!+-*/~,[{@#$%^&

SQL Update with row_number()

Simple and easy way to update the cursor

SET Cursor.CODE = Cursor.New_CODE
  FROM Table Where CODE BETWEEN 1000 AND 1999
  ) Cursor

Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data

I came across this because I was trying to load a JSON file dumped from MongoDB. It was giving me an error

JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1

The MongoDB JSON dump has one object per line, so what worked for me is:

import json
data = [json.loads(line) for line in open('data.json', 'r')]


take look at this example

class Person
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }

class Pet
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Person Owner { get; set; }

public static void LeftOuterJoinExample()
    Person magnus = new Person {ID = 1, FirstName = "Magnus", LastName = "Hedlund"};
    Person terry = new Person {ID = 2, FirstName = "Terry", LastName = "Adams"};
    Person charlotte = new Person {ID = 3, FirstName = "Charlotte", LastName = "Weiss"};
    Person arlene = new Person {ID = 4, FirstName = "Arlene", LastName = "Huff"};

    Pet barley = new Pet {Name = "Barley", Owner = terry};
    Pet boots = new Pet {Name = "Boots", Owner = terry};
    Pet whiskers = new Pet {Name = "Whiskers", Owner = charlotte};
    Pet bluemoon = new Pet {Name = "Blue Moon", Owner = terry};
    Pet daisy = new Pet {Name = "Daisy", Owner = magnus};

    // Create two lists.
    List<Person> people = new List<Person> {magnus, terry, charlotte, arlene};
    List<Pet> pets = new List<Pet> {barley, boots, whiskers, bluemoon, daisy};

    var query = from person in people
        where person.ID == 4
        join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner  into personpets
        from petOrNull in personpets.DefaultIfEmpty()
        select new { Person=person, Pet = petOrNull}; 

    foreach (var v in query )
        Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1}", v.Person.FirstName + ":", (v.Pet == null ? "Does not Exist" : v.Pet.Name));

// This code produces the following output:
// Magnus:        Daisy
// Terry:         Barley
// Terry:         Boots
// Terry:         Blue Moon
// Charlotte:     Whiskers
// Arlene:

now you are able to include elements from the left even if that element has no matches in the right, in our case we retrived Arlene even he has no matching in the right

here is the reference

How to: Perform Left Outer Joins (C# Programming Guide)

XPath: difference between dot and text()

There is a difference between . and text(), but this difference might not surface because of your input document.

If your input document looked like (the simplest document one can imagine given your XPath expressions)

Example 1

  <a>Ask Question</a>

Then //a[text()="Ask Question"] and //a[.="Ask Question"] indeed return exactly the same result. But consider a different input document that looks like

Example 2

  <a>Ask Question<other/>

where the a element also has a child element other that follows immediately after "Ask Question". Given this second input document, //a[text()="Ask Question"] still returns the a element, while //a[.="Ask Question"] does not return anything!

This is because the meaning of the two predicates (everything between [ and ]) is different. [text()="Ask Question"] actually means: return true if any of the text nodes of an element contains exactly the text "Ask Question". On the other hand, [.="Ask Question"] means: return true if the string value of an element is identical to "Ask Question".

In the XPath model, text inside XML elements can be partitioned into a number of text nodes if other elements interfere with the text, as in Example 2 above. There, the other element is between "Ask Question" and a newline character that also counts as text content.

To make an even clearer example, consider as an input document:

Example 3

<a>Ask Question<other/>more text</a>

Here, the a element actually contains two text nodes, "Ask Question" and "more text", since both are direct children of a. You can test this by running //a/text() on this document, which will return (individual results separated by ----):

Ask Question
more text

So, in such a scenario, text() returns a set of individual nodes, while . in a predicate evaluates to the string concatenation of all text nodes. Again, you can test this claim with the path expression //a[.='Ask Questionmore text'] which will successfully return the a element.

Finally, keep in mind that some XPath functions can only take one single string as an input. As LarsH has pointed out in the comments, if such an XPath function (e.g. contains()) is given a sequence of nodes, it will only process the first node and silently ignore the rest.

Use chrome as browser in C#?

1/3/2017 --> January the 3rd 2017

Hi there, today I found this article to achieve this, the article is called "Creating an HTML UI for Desktop .NET Applications" and is intended to embed a chromium based control in a WPF application. It saved me the day.

I hope it helps somebody else.

NOTE: it is based on DotNetBrowser, see license agreement here:

Creating java date object from year,month,day

That's my favorite way prior to Java 8:

Date date = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day).getTime();

I'd say this is a cleaner approach than:

calendar.set(year, month - 1, day, 0, 0);

How do I increase the capacity of the Eclipse output console?


If your console is not empty, right click on the Console area > Preferences... > change the value for the Console buffer size (characters) (recommended) or uncheck the Limit console output (not recommended):

enter image description here enter image description here

Run .jar from batch-file

Just the same way as you would do in command console. Copy exactly those commands in the batch file.

CRC32 C or C++ implementation

rurban's fork of SMHasher (the original SMHasher seems abandoned) has hardware CRC32 support. The changes were added before the initial commit, but try comparing the new CMakeLists.txt and the old one (which doesn't mention SSE at all).

The best option is probably Intel's zlib fork with PCLMULQDQ support described in this paper. This library also has the SSE 4.2 optimizations.

If you don't need portability and you're on Linux, you can use the kernel's implementation (which is hardware accelerated if available):

How do I download a file from the internet to my linux server with Bash

You can use the command wget to download from command line. Specifically, you could use


However because Oracle requires you to accept a license agreement this may not work (and I am currently unable to test it).

How to transfer paid android apps from one google account to another google account

You will not be able to do that. You can download apps again to the same userid account on different devices, but you cannot transfer those licenses to other userids.

There is no way to do this programatically - I don't think you can do that practically (except for trying to call customer support at the Play Store).

What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

I see this one a lot:

// TODO make this work

What's the difference between emulation and simulation?

I do not know whether this is the general opinion, but I've always differentiated the two by what they are used for. An emulator is used if you actually want to use the emulated machine for its output. A simulator, on the other hand, is for when you want to study the simulated machine or test its behaviour.

For example, if you want to write some state machine logic in your application (which is running on a general purpose CPU), you write a small state machine emulator. If you want to study the efficiency or viability of a state machine for a particular problem, you write a simulator.

_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

Sometimes, a row contain double quote column. When csv reader try read this row, not understood end of column and fire this raise. Solution is below:

reader = csv.reader(cf, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

Asp Net Web API 2.1 get client IP address

My solution is similar to user1587439's answer, but works directly on the controller's instance (instead of accessing HttpContext.Current).

In the 'Watch' window, I saw that this.RequestContext.WebRequest contains the 'UserHostAddress' property, but since it relies on the WebHostHttpRequestContext type (which is internal to the 'System.Web.Http' assembly) - I wasn't able to access it directly, so I used reflection to directly access it:

string hostAddress = ((System.Web.HttpRequestWrapper)this.RequestContext.GetType().Assembly.GetType("System.Web.Http.WebHost.WebHostHttpRequestContext").GetProperty("WebRequest").GetMethod.Invoke(this.RequestContext, null)).UserHostAddress;

I'm not saying it's the best solution. using reflection may cause issues in the future in case of framework upgrade (due to name changes), but for my needs it's perfect

'Linker command failed with exit code 1' when using Google Analytics via CocoaPods

This usually happens when using Cocoapods and you are building from the xcproject which doesn't know about the cocoapod libraries.

How do I remove all non alphanumeric characters from a string except dash?

Based on the answer for this question, I created a static class and added these. Thought it might be useful for some people.

public static class RegexConvert
    public static string ToAlphaNumericOnly(this string input)
        Regex rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9]");
        return rgx.Replace(input, "");

    public static string ToAlphaOnly(this string input)
        Regex rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z]");
        return rgx.Replace(input, "");

    public static string ToNumericOnly(this string input)
        Regex rgx = new Regex("[^0-9]");
        return rgx.Replace(input, "");

Then the methods can be used as:

string example = "asdf1234!@#$";
string alphanumeric = example.ToAlphaNumericOnly();
string alpha = example.ToAlphaOnly();
string numeric = example.ToNumericOnly();

Check if selected dropdown value is empty using jQuery

You forgot the # on the id selector:

if ($("#EventStartTimeMin").val() === "") {
    // ...

Calling a Variable from another Class

That would just be:


and it needs to be public also:

public class Variables
   public static string name = "";

findViewById in Fragment

I like everything to be structured. You can do in this way.

First initialize view

private ImageView imageView;

Then override OnViewCreated

    public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

Then add a void method to find views

private void findViews(View v) {
    imageView = v.findViewById(;

How to change font-color for disabled input?

You can use readonly instead. Following would do the trick for you.

<input type="text" class="details-dialog" style="background-color: #bbbbbb" readonly>

But you need to note the following. Depends on your business requirement, you can use it.

A readonly element is just not editable, but gets sent when the according form submits. A disabled element isn't editable and isn't sent on submit.

Opening Chrome From Command Line

Use the start command as follows.

start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

It will be better to close chrome instances before you open a new one. You can do that as follows:

taskkill /IM chrome.exe
start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

That'll work for you.

Constructors in JavaScript objects

It seems to me most of you are giving example of getters and setters not a constructor, ie

lunched-dan was closer but the example didn't work in jsFiddle.

This example creates a private constructor function that only runs during the creation of the object.

var color = 'black';

function Box()
   // private property
   var color = '';

   // private constructor 
   var __construct = function() {
       alert("Object Created.");
       color = 'green';

   // getter
   this.getColor = function() {
       return color;

   // setter
   this.setColor = function(data) {
       color = data;


var b = new Box();

alert(b.getColor()); // should be green


alert(b.getColor()); // should be orange

alert(color); // should be black

If you wanted to assign public properties then the constructor could be defined as such:

var color = 'black';

function Box()
   // public property
   this.color = '';

   // private constructor 
   var __construct = function(that) {
       alert("Object Created.");
       that.color = 'green';

   // getter
   this.getColor = function() {
       return this.color;

   // setter
   this.setColor = function(color) {
       this.color = color;


var b = new Box();

alert(b.getColor()); // should be green


alert(b.getColor()); // should be orange

alert(color); // should be black

complex if statement in python

if x == 80 or x == 443 or 1024 <= x <= 65535

should definitely do

Spark DataFrame TimestampType - how to get Year, Month, Day values from field?

Since Spark 1.5 you can use a number of date processing functions:

import datetime
from pyspark.sql.functions import year, month, dayofmonth

elevDF = sc.parallelize([
    (datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), 1, 638.55),
    (datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), 2, 638.55),
    (datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), 3, 638.55),
    (datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), 4, 638.55),
    (datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), 5, 638.55)
]).toDF(["date", "hour", "value"])
# +----+-----+---+
# |year|month|day|
# +----+-----+---+
# |1984|    1|  1|
# |1984|    1|  1|
# |1984|    1|  1|
# |1984|    1|  1|
# |1984|    1|  1|
# +----+-----+---+

You can use simple map as with any other RDD:

elevDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize([
        Row(date=datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), hour=1, value=638.55),
        Row(date=datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), hour=2, value=638.55),
        Row(date=datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), hour=3, value=638.55),
        Row(date=datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), hour=4, value=638.55),
        Row(date=datetime.datetime(1984, 1, 1, 0, 0), hour=5, value=638.55)]))

 .map(lambda (date, hour, value): (date.year, date.month,

and the result is:

[(1984, 1, 1), (1984, 1, 1), (1984, 1, 1), (1984, 1, 1), (1984, 1, 1)]

Btw: datetime.datetime stores an hour anyway so keeping it separately seems to be a waste of memory.

Convert string in base64 to image and save on filesystem in Python

If you are trying to decode a web image you can simply use this :

import base64

with open("imageToSave.png", "wb") as fh:

data => is the encoded string

It will take care of the padding errors

Why is IoC / DI not common in Python?

Unlike the strong typed nature in Java. Python's duck typing behavior makes it so easy to pass objects around.

Java developers are focusing on the constructing the class strcuture and relation between objects, while keeping things flexible. IoC is extremely important for achieving this.

Python developers are focusing on getting the work done. They just wire up classes when they need it. They don't even have to worry about the type of the class. As long as it can quack, it's a duck! This nature leaves no room for IoC.

Restore LogCat window within Android Studio

way one :

you can use bin icon in logcat enter image description here

way two: you can clear logcat after per lunch Edit Configuration > Miscellaneous

check Clear log before lunch

enter image description here

Downloading an entire S3 bucket?

If you use Firefox with S3Fox, that DOES let you select all files (shift-select first and last) and rightclick and download all... I've done it with 500+ files w/o problem

Validate email with a regex in jQuery

You probably want to use a regex like the one described here to check the format. When the form's submitted, run the following test on each field:

var userinput = $(this).val();
var pattern = /^\b[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b$/i

  alert('not a valid e-mail address');

How do I set up Eclipse/EGit with GitHub?

In Eclipse, go to Help -> Install New Software -> Add -> Name: any name like egit; Location: -> Okay. Now Search for egit in Work with and select all the check boxes and press Next till finish.

File -> Import -> search Git and select "Projects from Git" -> Clone URI. In the URI, paste the HTTPS URL of the repository (the one with .git extension). -> Next ->It will show all the branches "Next" -> Local Destination "Next" -> "Import as a general project" -> Next till finish.

You can refer to this Youtube tutorial:

How to install plugin for Eclipse from .zip

Download the plugin, extract it inside eclipse/dropins folder and restart your Eclipse IDE. You may require to pass --clean along with eclipse command

Convert a timedelta to days, hours and minutes

Here is a little function I put together to do this right down to microseconds:

def tdToDict(td:datetime.timedelta) -> dict:
    def __t(t, n):
        if t < n: return (t, 0)
        v = t//n
        return (t -  (v * n), v)
    (s, h) = __t(td.seconds, 3600)
    (s, m) = __t(s, 60)    
    (micS, milS) = __t(td.microseconds, 1000)

    return {
         'days': td.days
        ,'hours': h
        ,'minutes': m
        ,'seconds': s
        ,'milliseconds': milS
        ,'microseconds': micS

Here is a version that returns a tuple:

# usage: (_d, _h, _m, _s, _mils, _mics) = tdTuple(td)
def tdTuple(td:datetime.timedelta) -> tuple:
    def _t(t, n):
        if t < n: return (t, 0)
        v = t//n
        return (t -  (v * n), v)
    (s, h) = _t(td.seconds, 3600)
    (s, m) = _t(s, 60)    
    (mics, mils) = _t(td.microseconds, 1000)
    return (td.days, h, m, s, mics, mils)

What is the opposite of evt.preventDefault();

To process a command before continue a link from a click event in jQuery:

Eg: <a href="" class="myevent">Click me</a>

Prevent and follow through with jQuery:

$('a.myevent').click(function(event) {

    // Do my commands
    if( myEventThingFirst() )
      // then redirect to original location
      window.location = this.href;
      alert("Couldn't do my thing first");

Or simply run window.location = this.href; after the preventDefault();

git ahead/behind info between master and branch?

You can also use awk to make it a little bit prettier:

git rev-list --left-right --count  origin/develop...feature-branch | awk '{print "Behind "$1" - Ahead "$2""}'

You can even make an alias that always fetches origin first and then compares the branches

commit-diff = !"git fetch &> /dev/null && git rev-list --left-right --count"

ajax jquery simple get request

var dataString = "flag=fetchmediaaudio&id="+id;

  type: "POST",
  url: "ajax.php",
  data: dataString,
  success: function(html)

How do I remove whitespace from the end of a string in Python?

>>> "    xyz     ".rstrip()
'    xyz'

There is more about rstrip in the documentation.

Regular Expression to get a string between parentheses in Javascript

Simple solution

Notice: this solution can be used for strings having only single "(" and ")" like string in this question.

("I expect five hundred dollars ($500).").match(/\((.*)\)/).pop();

Online demo (jsfiddle)

Cannot use Server.MapPath

you can try using this


or use HostingEnvironment.MapPath


Python - converting a string of numbers into a list of int

number_string = '0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11'

number_string = number_string.split(',')

number_string = [int(i) for i in number_string]

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

The problem was actually solved by providing crossOrigin: null to OpenLayers OSM source:

var newLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM({
    url: 'E:/Maperitive/Tiles/vychod/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
    crossOrigin: null

Recover SVN password from local cache

Just use this this decrypter to decrypt your locally cached username & password.

By default, TortoiseSVN stores your cached credentials inside files in the %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth\svn.simple directory. The passwords are encrypted using the Windows Data Protection API, with a key tied to your user account. This tool reads the files and uses the API to decrypt your passwords

svn password decryptor

How to get the home directory in Python?

I know this is an old thread, but I recently needed this for a large scale project (Python 3.8). It had to work on any mainstream OS, so therefore I went with the solution @Max wrote in the comments.


import os

Output Windows:

PS C:\Python> & C:/Python38/python.exe c:/Python/

Output Linux (Ubuntu):

rxxx@xx:/mnt/c/Python$ python3

I also tested it on Python 2.7.17 and that works too.

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this

If you call a new window UI statement in an existing thread, it throws an error. Instead of that create a new thread inside the main thread and write the window UI statement in the new child thread.

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

The problem is that your regex is a string, but html is bytes:

>>> type(html)
<class 'bytes'>

Since python doesn't know how those bytes are encoded, it throws an exception when you try to use a string regex on them.

You can either decode the bytes to a string:

html = html.decode('ISO-8859-1')  # encoding may vary!
title = re.findall(pattern, html)  # no more error

Or use a bytes regex:

regex = rb'<title>(,+?)</title>'
#        ^

In this particular context, you can get the encoding from the response headers:

with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
    encoding ='charset', 'utf8')
    html =

See the urlopen documentation for more details.

Xcode stuck on Indexing

For me, the cause was I opened the same file in both the Primary Editor and Assistant Editor at the same time. Once I closed Assistant Editor, it came through. (Xcode Version 7.2.1)

How to delete or change directory of a cloned git repository on a local computer

I'm assuming you're using Windows, and GitBASH.

You can just delete the folder "C:...\project" with no adverse effects.

Then in git bash, you can do cd c\:. This changes the directory you're working in to C:\

Then you can do git clone [url] This will create a folder called "project" on C:\ with the contents of the repo.

If you'd like to name it something else, you can do git clone [url] [something else]

For example
cd c\:
git clone [email protected]:username\repo.git MyRepo

This would create a folder at "C:\MyRepo" with the contents of the remote repository.

How to list installed packages from a given repo using yum

On newer versions of yum, this information is stored in the "yumdb" when the package is installed. This is the only 100% accurate way to get the information, and you can use:

yumdb search from_repo repoid

(or repoquery and grep -- don't grep yum output). However the command "find-repos-of-install" was part of yum-utils for a while which did the best guess without that information:

As floyd said, a lot of repos. include a unique "dist" tag in their release, and you can look for that ... however from what you said, I guess that isn't the case for you?

HTML to PDF with Node.js


I used html-pdf

Easy to use and allows not only to save pdf as file, but also pipe pdf content to a WriteStream (so I could stream it directly to Google Storage to save there my reports).

Using css + images

It takes css into account. The only problem I faced - it ignored my images. The solution I found was to replace url in src attrribute value by base64, e.g.

<img src="...kSuQmCC">

You can do it with your code or to use one of online converters, e.g.

Compile valid html code from html fragment + css

  1. I had to get a fragment of my html document (I just appiled .html() method on jQuery selector).
  2. Then I've read the content of the relevant css file.

Using this two values (stored in variables html and css accordingly) I've compiled a valid html code using Template string

var htmlContent = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <body id=direct-sellers-bill>

and passed it to create method of html-pdf.

executing a function in sql plus

As another answer already said, call select myfunc(:y) from dual; , but you might find declaring and setting a variable in sqlplus a little tricky:

sql> var y number

sql> begin
  2  select 7 into :y from dual;
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

sql> print :y


sql> select myfunc(:y) from dual;

List file names based on a filename pattern and file content?

It can be done without find as well by using grep's "--include" option.

grep man page says:

Search only files whose base name matches GLOB (using wildcard matching as described under --exclude).

So to do a recursive search for a string in a file matching a specific pattern, it will look something like this:

grep -r --include=<pattern> <string> <directory>

For example, to recursively search for string "mytarget" in all Makefiles:

grep -r --include="Makefile" "mytarget" ./

Or to search in all files starting with "Make" in filename:

grep -r --include="Make*" "mytarget" ./

Standard Android Button with a different color

The way I do a different styled button that works quite well is to subclass the Button object and apply a colour filter. This also handles enabled and disabled states by applying an alpha to the button.

import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.Button;

public class DimmableButton extends Button {

    public DimmableButton(Context context) {

    public DimmableButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public DimmableButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable d) {
        // Replace the original background drawable (e.g. image) with a LayerDrawable that
        // contains the original drawable.
        DimmableButtonBackgroundDrawable layer = new DimmableButtonBackgroundDrawable(d);

    public void setBackground(Drawable d) {
        // Replace the original background drawable (e.g. image) with a LayerDrawable that
        // contains the original drawable.
        DimmableButtonBackgroundDrawable layer = new DimmableButtonBackgroundDrawable(d);

     * The stateful LayerDrawable used by this button.
    protected class DimmableButtonBackgroundDrawable extends LayerDrawable {

        // The color filter to apply when the button is pressed
        protected ColorFilter _pressedFilter = new LightingColorFilter(Color.LTGRAY, 1);
        // Alpha value when the button is disabled
        protected int _disabledAlpha = 100;
        // Alpha value when the button is enabled
        protected int _fullAlpha = 255;

        public DimmableButtonBackgroundDrawable(Drawable d) {
            super(new Drawable[] { d });

        protected boolean onStateChange(int[] states) {
            boolean enabled = false;
            boolean pressed = false;

            for (int state : states) {
                if (state == android.R.attr.state_enabled)
                    enabled = true;
                else if (state == android.R.attr.state_pressed)
                    pressed = true;

            if (enabled && pressed) {
            } else if (!enabled) {
            } else {


            return super.onStateChange(states);

        public boolean isStateful() {
            return true;


What does "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK]" mean in Android Studio?

Fix your gradle file the following way

defaultConfig {
    applicationId ""
    minSdkVersion 8 //this should be lower than your device
    targetSdkVersion 21
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
} no protocol

Try instead of db.parse(xml):

Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(**xml**)));

Can I recover a branch after its deletion in Git?


if you are using GIT follow these simple steps

if you are using smartgit and already push that branch go to origin, find that branch and right click then checkout

String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated

In my case, I was getting this error because my table had


but I was injecting 67 character long string, which resulted in thi error. Changing it to


fixed the problem.

Subtracting two lists in Python

You can try something like this:

class mylist(list):

    def __sub__(self, b):
        result = self[:]
        b = b[:]
        while b:
            except ValueError:
                raise Exception("Not all elements found during subtraction")
        return result

a = mylist([0, 1, 2, 1, 0] )
b = mylist([0, 1, 1])

>>> a - b
[2, 0]

You have to define what [1, 2, 3] - [5, 6] should output though, I guess you want [1, 2, 3] thats why I ignore the ValueError.

Edit: Now I see you wanted an exception if a does not contain all elements, added it instead of passing the ValueError.

How to update cursor limit for ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceed

you can update the setting under init.ora in oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\config\scripts

Full width image with fixed height

Set the image's width to 100%, and the image's height will adjust itself:

<img style="width:100%;" id="image" src="...">

If you have a custom CSS, then:


<img id="image" src="...">


    width: 100%;

Also, you could do File -> View Source next time, or maybe Google.

How to add buttons dynamically to my form?

You could do something like this:

Point newLoc = new Point(5,5); // Set whatever you want for initial location
for(int i=0; i < 10; ++i)
    Button b = new Button();
    b.Size = new Size(10, 50);
    b.Location = newLoc;
    newLoc.Offset(0, b.Height + 5);

If you want them to layout in any sort of reasonable fashion it would be better to add them to one of the layout panels (i.e. FlowLayoutPanel) or to align them yourself.

Convert dateTime to ISO format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in C#

For those who are using this format all the timme like me I did an extension method. I just wanted to share because I think it can be usefull to you.

     /// <summary>
    /// Convert a date to a human readable ISO datetime format. ie. 2012-12-12 23:01:12
    /// this method must be put in a static class. This will appear as an available function
    /// on every datetime objects if your static class namespace is declared.
    /// </summary>
    public static string ToIsoReadable(this DateTime dateTime)
        return dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH':'mm':'ss");

Why am I getting "Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store" in my Excel Addin?

You need to re-add that certificate to your machine or chose another certificate.

To choose another certificate or to recreate one, head over to the Project's properties page, click on Signing tab and either

  • Click on Select from store
  • Click on Select from file
  • Click on Create test certificate

Once either of these is done, you should be able to build it again.

Assign multiple values to array in C

If you really to assign values (as opposed to initialize), you can do it like this:

 GLfloat coordinates[8]; 
 static const GLfloat coordinates_defaults[8] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ....};
 memcpy(coordinates, coordinates_defaults, sizeof(coordinates_defaults));

 return coordinates; 

Printing an int list in a single line python3

Yes that is possible in Python 3, just use * before the variable like:


This will print the list separated by spaces.

(where * is the unpacking operator that turns a list into positional arguments, print(*[1,2,3]) is the same as print(1,2,3), see also What does the star operator mean, in a function call?)

Usage of $broadcast(), $emit() And $on() in AngularJS


It dispatches an event name upwards through the scope hierarchy and notify to the registered $rootScope.Scope listeners. The event life cycle starts at the scope on which $emit was called. The event traverses upwards toward the root scope and calls all registered listeners along the way. The event will stop propagating if one of the listeners cancels it.


It dispatches an event name downwards to all child scopes (and their children) and notify to the registered $rootScope.Scope listeners. The event life cycle starts at the scope on which $broadcast was called. All listeners for the event on this scope get notified. Afterwards, the event traverses downwards toward the child scopes and calls all registered listeners along the way. The event cannot be canceled.


It listen on events of a given type. It can catch the event dispatched by $broadcast and $emit.

Visual demo:

Demo working code, visually showing scope tree (parent/child relationship):

Demonstrates the method calls:

  $scope.$on('eventEmitedName', function(event, data) ...

Mosaic Grid gallery with dynamic sized images

I think you can try "Google Grid Gallery", it based on aforementioned Masonry with some additions, like styles and viewer.

Shell command to sum integers, one per line?

You can using num-utils, although it may be overkill for what you need. This is a set of programs for manipulating numbers in the shell, and can do several nifty things, including of course, adding them up. It's a bit out of date, but they still work and can be useful if you need to do something more.

How do I escape ampersands in XML so they are rendered as entities in HTML?

I have tried &amp, but it didn't work. Based on Wim ten Brink's answer I tried &amp;amp and it worked.

One of my fellow developers suggested me to use &#x26; and that worked regardless of how many times it may be rendered.

No WebApplicationContext found: no ContextLoaderListener registered?

You'll have to have a ContextLoaderListener in your web.xml - It loads your configuration files.


You need to understand the difference between Web application context and root application context .

In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext. These inherited beans defined can be overridden in the servlet-specific scope, and new scope-specific beans can be defined local to a given servlet instance.

The dispatcher servlet's application context is a web application context which is only applicable for the Web classes . You cannot use these for your middle tier layers . These need a global app context using ContextLoaderListener .

Read the spring reference here for spring mvc .

how to get curl to output only http response body (json) and no other headers etc

You are specifying the -i option:

-i, --include

(HTTP) Include the HTTP-header in the output. The HTTP-header includes things like server-name, date of the document, HTTP-version and more...

Simply remove that option from your command line:

response=$(curl -sb -H "Accept: application/json" "http://host:8080/some/resource")

Convert string to a variable name

Use"string"). You can use then use x to refer to the variable with name string.

I don't know, if it answers your question correctly.

JavaScript: Check if mouse button down?

Using jQuery, the following solution handles even the "drag off the page then release case".

$(document).mousedown(function(e) {
    mouseDown = true;
}).mouseup(function(e) {
    mouseDown = false;
}).mouseleave(function(e) {
    mouseDown = false;

I don't know how it handles multiple mouse buttons. If there were a way to start the click outside the window, then bring the mouse into the window, then this would probably not work properly there either.

How do I enable --enable-soap in php on linux?

As far as your question goes: no, if activating from .ini is not enough and you can't upgrade PHP, there's not much you can do. Some modules, but not all, can be added without recompilation (zypper install php5-soap, yum install php-soap). If it is not enough, try installing some PEAR class for interpreted SOAP support (NuSOAP, etc.).

In general, the double-dash --switches are designed to be used when recompiling PHP from scratch.

You would download the PHP source package (as a compressed .tgz tarball, say), expand it somewhere and then, e.g. under Linux, run the configure script

./configure --prefix ...

The configure command used by your PHP may be shown with phpinfo(). Repeating it identical should give you an exact copy of the PHP you now have installed. Adding --enable-soap will then enable SOAP in addition to everything else.

That said, if you aren't familiar with PHP recompilation, don't do it. It also requires several ancillary libraries that you might, or might not, have available - freetype, gd, libjpeg, XML, expat, and so on and so forth (it's not enough they are installed; they must be a developer version, i.e. with headers and so on; in most distributions, having libjpeg installed might not be enough, and you might need libjpeg-dev also).

I have to keep a separate virtual machine with everything installed for my recompilation purposes.

jQuery: selecting each td in a tr

$('#tblNewAttendees tbody tr).each((index, tr)=> {
        $(tr).children('td').each ((index, td) => {



You can use this tr and td parameter also.

Removing All Items From A ComboBox?

In Access 2013 I've just tested this:

While ComboBox1.ListCount > 0
    ComboBox1.RemoveItem 0

Interestingly, if you set the item list in Properties, this is not lost when you exit Form View and go back to Design View.

Git fast forward VS no fast forward merge

It is possible also that one may want to have personalized feature branches where code is just placed at the end of day. That permits to track development in finer detail.

I would not want to pollute master development with non-working code, thus doing --no-ff may just be what one is looking for.

As a side note, it may not be necessary to commit working code on a personalized branch, since history can be rewritten git rebase -i and forced on the server as long as nobody else is working on that same branch.

Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

Use TRY_CAST function in exact same way of CAST function. TRY_CAST takes a string and tries to cast it to a data type specified after the AS keyword. If the conversion fails, TRY_CAST returns a NULL instead of failing.

How can I install the Beautiful Soup module on the Mac?

The "normal" way is to:

Another solution is to use easy_install. Go to, install the package using the instructions on that page, and then type, in a Terminal window:

easy_install BeautifulSoup4
# for older v3:
# easy_install BeautifulSoup

easy_install will take care of downloading, unpacking, building, and installing the package. The advantage to using easy_install is that it knows how to search for many different Python packages, because it queries the PyPI registry. Thus, once you have easy_install on your machine, you install many, many different third-party packages simply by one command at a shell.

Random Number Between 2 Double Numbers

Watch out: if you're generating the random inside a loop like for example for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++), do not put the new Random() declaration inside the loop.

From MSDN:

The random number generation starts from a seed value. If the same seed is used repeatedly, the same series of numbers is generated. One way to produce different sequences is to make the seed value time-dependent, thereby producing a different series with each new instance of Random. By default, the parameterless constructor of the Random class uses the system clock to generate its seed value...

So based on this fact, do something as:

var random = new Random();

for(int d = 0; d < 7; d++)
    // Actual BOE
    boes.Add(new LogBOEViewModel()
        LogDate = criteriaDate,
        BOEActual = GetRandomDouble(random, 100, 1000),
        BOEForecast = GetRandomDouble(random, 100, 1000)

double GetRandomDouble(Random random, double min, double max)
     return min + (random.NextDouble() * (max - min));

Doing this way you have the guarantee you'll get different double values.

How to remove duplicates from a list?

Does Customer implement the equals() contract?

If it doesn't implement equals() and hashCode(), then listCustomer.contains(customer) will check to see if the exact same instance already exists in the list (By instance I mean the exact same object--memory address, etc). If what you are looking for is to test whether or not the same Customer( perhaps it's the same customer if they have the same customer name, or customer number) is in the list already, then you would need to override equals() to ensure that it checks whether or not the relevant fields(e.g. customer names) match.

Note: Don't forget to override hashCode() if you are going to override equals()! Otherwise, you might get trouble with your HashMaps and other data structures. For a good coverage of why this is and what pitfalls to avoid, consider having a look at Josh Bloch's Effective Java chapters on equals() and hashCode() (The link only contains iformation about why you must implement hashCode() when you implement equals(), but there is good coverage about how to override equals() too).

By the way, is there an ordering restriction on your set? If there isn't, a slightly easier way to solve this problem is use a Set<Customer> like so:

Set<Customer> noDups = new HashSet<Customer>();
return new ArrayList<Customer>(noDups);

Which will nicely remove duplicates for you, since Sets don't allow duplicates. However, this will lose any ordering that was applied to tmpListCustomer, since HashSet has no explicit ordering (You can get around that by using a TreeSet, but that's not exactly related to your question). This can simplify your code a little bit.

How can I create an object based on an interface file definition in TypeScript?

Here another solution what i am using frequently. However I am not sure is good practice or not, please comment below if not.

/// Interface
export default interface BookInterface {
  title: string,
  author: string,
  id: any

/// Creating Class
export class BookClass implements BookInterface {
  title: string;
  author: string;
  id: any;

  constructor(title: string, author: string, id: any) {
    this.title = title; = author; = id;

/// How to use it
let book: BookInterface = new BookClass(title, author, id);

Thanks :)

How to get text from EditText?

in Kotlin 1.3

 val readTextFromUser = (findViewById( as EditText).text.toString()

This will read the current text that the user has typed on the UI screen

How to use [DllImport("")] in C#?

You can't declare an extern local method inside of a method, or any other method with an attribute. Move your DLL import into the class:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class WindowHandling
    public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr point);

    public void ActivateTargetApplication(string processName, List<string> barcodesList)
        Process p = Process.Start("notepad++.exe");
        IntPtr h = p.MainWindowHandle;
        IntPtr processFoundWindow = p.MainWindowHandle;

Python Web Crawlers and "getting" html source code

The first thing you need to do is read the HTTP spec which will explain what you can expect to receive over the wire. The data returned inside the content will be the "rendered" web page, not the source. The source could be a JSP, a servlet, a CGI script, in short, just about anything, and you have no access to that. You only get the HTML that the server sent you. In the case of a static HTML page, then yes, you will be seeing the "source". But for anything else you see the generated HTML, not the source.

When you say modify the page and return the modified page what do you mean?

INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE when I try to install compiled .apk on device

RankoR@ you must have installed the application from a different computer. in my case thats where the problem arose .. all you need to do is just uninstall the application and reinstall it or run it from the computer you are working .. this might be a late reply but it will help some one .. thanks

When to use the different log levels

I suggest using only three levels

  1. Fatal - Which would break the application.
  2. Info - Info
  3. Debug - Less important info

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

You're trying to use a dict as a key to another dict or in a set. That does not work because the keys have to be hashable. As a general rule, only immutable objects (strings, integers, floats, frozensets, tuples of immutables) are hashable (though exceptions are possible). So this does not work:

>>> dict_key = {"a": "b"}
>>> some_dict[dict_key] = True
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

To use a dict as a key you need to turn it into something that may be hashed first. If the dict you wish to use as key consists of only immutable values, you can create a hashable representation of it like this:

>>> key = frozenset(dict_key.items())

Now you may use key as a key in a dict or set:

>>> some_dict[key] = True
>>> some_dict
{frozenset([('a', 'b')]): True}

Of course you need to repeat the exercise whenever you want to look up something using a dict:

>>> some_dict[dict_key]                     # Doesn't work
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
>>> some_dict[frozenset(dict_key.items())]  # Works

If the dict you wish to use as key has values that are themselves dicts and/or lists, you need to recursively "freeze" the prospective key. Here's a starting point:

def freeze(d):
    if isinstance(d, dict):
        return frozenset((key, freeze(value)) for key, value in d.items())
    elif isinstance(d, list):
        return tuple(freeze(value) for value in d)
    return d

How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

One possible approach, if you just need to specify a parameter once and replicate it in several places, is to do something like this:

  str_size  /* my variable usage */
  , LPAD(TRUNC(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE * POWER(10, str_size)), str_size, '0') rand
  dual  /* or any other table, or mixed of joined tables */
  CROSS JOIN (SELECT 8 str_size FROM dual);  /* my variable declaration */

This code generates a string of 8 random digits.

Notice that I create a kind of alias named str_size that holds the constant 8. It is cross-joined to be used more than once in the query.

How to label scatterplot points by name?

For all those who don't have the option in Excel (like me), there is a macro which works and is explained here: Very useful

Why does the jquery change event not trigger when I set the value of a select using val()?

I believe you can manually trigger the change event with trigger():


Though why it doesn't fire automatically, I have no idea.

Starting with Zend Tutorial - Zend_DB_Adapter throws Exception: "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory"

Do not assume your unix_socket which would be different from one to another, try to find it.

First of all, get your unix_socket location.

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter your mysql password and login your mysql server from command line.

mysql> show variables like '%sock%';
| Variable_name | Value                                 |
| socket        | /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock |

Your unix_soket could be diffrent.

Then change your php.ini, find your php.ini file from

<? phpinfo();

You maybe install many php with different version, so please don't assume your php.ini file location, get it from your 'phpinfo';

Change your php.ini:

mysql.default_socket = /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock

mysqli.default_socket = /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock

pdo_mysql.default_socket = /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock

Then restart your apache or php-fpm.

Show/Hide Multiple Divs with Jquery

simple but stupid approach:



as for better one - add common class to all div's, and use some attribute in buttons with id of target divs

Integrating Dropzone.js into existing HTML form with other fields

You can modify the formData by catching the 'sending' event from your dropzone.

dropZone.on('sending', function(data, xhr, formData){
        formData.append('fieldname', 'value');

IF function with 3 conditions

=if([Logical Test 1],[Action 1],if([Logical Test 2],[Action 1],if([Logical Test 3],[Action 3],[Value if all logical tests return false])))

Replace the components in the square brackets as necessary.

Check if a string has a certain piece of text

Here you go: ES5

var test = 'Hello World';
if( test.indexOf('World') >= 0){
  // Found world

With ES6 best way would be to use includes function to test if the string contains the looking work.

const test = 'Hello World';
if (test.includes('World')) { 
  // Found world

How to update large table with millions of rows in SQL Server?

I want share my experience. A few days ago I have to update 21 million records in table with 76 million records. My colleague suggested the next variant. For example, we have the next table 'Persons':

Id | FirstName | LastName | Email            | JobTitle
1  | John      |  Doe     | [email protected]     | Software Developer
2  | John1     |  Doe1    | [email protected]     | Software Developer
3  | John2     |  Doe2    | [email protected]     | Web Designer

Task: Update persons to the new Job Title: 'Software Developer' -> 'Web Developer'.

1. Create Temporary Table 'Persons_SoftwareDeveloper_To_WebDeveloper (Id INT Primary Key)'

2. Select into temporary table persons which you want to update with the new Job Title:

INSERT INTO Persons_SoftwareDeveloper_To_WebDeveloper SELECT Id FROM
Persons WITH(NOLOCK) --avoid lock 
WHERE JobTitle = 'Software Developer' 
OPTION(MAXDOP 1) -- use only one core

Depends on rows count, this statement will take some time to fill your temporary table, but it would avoid locks. In my situation it took about 5 minutes (21 million rows).

3. The main idea is to generate micro sql statements to update database. So, let's print them:

DECLARE @i INT, @pagesize INT, @totalPersons INT
    SET @i=0
    SET @pagesize=2000
    SELECT @totalPersons = MAX(Id) FROM Persons

    while @i<= @totalPersons
    Print '
    UPDATE persons 
      SET persons.JobTitle = ''ASP.NET Developer''
      FROM  Persons_SoftwareDeveloper_To_WebDeveloper tmp
      JOIN Persons persons ON tmp.Id = persons.Id
      where persons.Id between '+cast(@i as varchar(20)) +' and '+cast(@i+@pagesize as varchar(20)) +' 
        PRINT ''Page ' + cast((@i / @pageSize) as varchar(20))  + ' of ' + cast(@totalPersons/@pageSize as varchar(20))+'
     set @i=@i+@pagesize

After executing this script you will receive hundreds of batches which you can execute in one tab of MS SQL Management Studio.

4. Run printed sql statements and check for locks on table. You always can stop process and play with @pageSize to speed up or speed down updating(don't forget to change @i after you pause script).

5. Drop Persons_SoftwareDeveloper_To_AspNetDeveloper. Remove temporary table.

Minor Note: This migration could take a time and new rows with invalid data could be inserted during migration. So, firstly fix places where your rows adds. In my situation I fixed UI, 'Software Developer' -> 'Web Developer'.

Error occurred during initialization of VM (java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object)

sometime you missed some file like I missed my one file so better to check yours .........

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\jre\lib

ValueError : I/O operation on closed file

Same error can raise by mixing: tabs + spaces.

with open('/foo', 'w') as f:
 (spaces OR  tab) print f       <-- success
 (spaces AND tab) print f       <-- fail

Core dump file is not generated

Make sure your current directory (at the time of crash -- server may change directories) is writable. If the server calls setuid, the directory has to be writable by that user.

Also check /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern. That may redirect core dumps to another directory, and that directory must be writable. More info here.

How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

Regex should be a fast approach:'[a-zA-Z]', the_string)

Cast from VARCHAR to INT - MySQL

For casting varchar fields/values to number format can be little hack used:


How can I open a .db file generated by eclipse(android) form DDMS-->File explorer-->data--->data-->packagename-->database?

Download this Sqlite manager its the easiest one to use Sqlite manager

and drag and drop your fetched file on its running instance

only drawback of this Sqlite Manager it stop responding if you run some SQL statement that has Syntax Error in it.

So i Use Firefox Plugin Side by side also which you can find at FireFox addons

Why is my JQuery selector returning a n.fn.init[0], and what is it?

Your result object is a jQuery element, not a javascript array. The array you wish must be under .get()

As the return value is a jQuery object, which contains an array, it's very common to call .get() on the result to work with a basic array.

How to copy data from another workbook (excel)?

I don't think you need to select anything at all. I opened two blank workbooks Book1 and Book2, put the value "A" in Range("A1") of Sheet1 in Book2, and submitted the following code in the immediate window -

Workbooks(2).Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Copy Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).Range("A1")

The Range("A1") in Sheet1 of Book1 now contains "A".

Also, given the fact that in your code you are trying to copy from the ActiveWorkbook to "myfile.xls", the order seems to be reversed as the Copy method should be applied to a range in the ActiveWorkbook, and the destination (argument to the Copy function) should be the appropriate range in "myfile.xls".

c++ Read from .csv file

You can follow this answer to see many different ways to process CSV in C++.

In your case, the last call to getline is actually putting the last field of the first line and then all of the remaining lines into the variable genero. This is because there is no space delimiter found up until the end of file. Try changing the space character into a newline instead:

    getline(file, genero, file.widen('\n'));

or more succinctly:

    getline(file, genero);

In addition, your check for file.good() is premature. The last newline in the file is still in the input stream until it gets discarded by the next getline() call for ID. It is at this point that the end of file is detected, so the check should be based on that. You can fix this by changing your while test to be based on the getline() call for ID itself (assuming each line is well formed).

while (getline(file, ID, ',')) {
    cout << "ID: " << ID << " " ; 

    getline(file, nome, ',') ;
    cout << "User: " << nome << " " ;

    getline(file, idade, ',') ;
    cout << "Idade: " << idade << " "  ; 

    getline(file, genero);
    cout << "Sexo: " <<  genero<< " "  ;

For better error checking, you should check the result of each call to getline().

Filter values only if not null using lambda in Java8

You just need to filter the cars that have a null name:

requiredCars =
                   .filter(c -> c.getName() != null)
                   .filter(c -> c.getName().startsWith("M"));

Why is semicolon allowed in this python snippet?

Compound statements consist of one or more ‘clauses.’ A clause consists of a header and a ‘suite.’ The clause headers of a particular compound statement are all at the same indentation level. Each clause header begins with a uniquely identifying keyword and ends with a colon. A suite is a group of statements controlled by a clause. A suite can be one or more semicolon-separated simple statements on the same line as the header, following the header’s colon, or it can be one or more indented statements on subsequent lines. Only the latter form of suite can contain nested compound statements; the following is illegal, mostly because it wouldn’t be clear to which if clause a following else clause would belong:

if test1: if test2: print x

Also note that the semicolon binds tighter than the colon in this context, so that in the following example, either all or none of the print statements are executed:

if x < y < z: print x; print y; print z 


compound_stmt ::=  if_stmt
                   | while_stmt
                   | for_stmt
                   | try_stmt
                   | with_stmt
                   | funcdef
                   | classdef
                   | decorated
suite         ::=  stmt_list NEWLINE | NEWLINE INDENT statement+ DEDENT
statement     ::=  stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt
stmt_list     ::=  simple_stmt (";" simple_stmt)* [";"]

Preventing form resubmission

There are 2 approaches people used to take here:

Method 1: Use AJAX + Redirect

This way you post your form in the background using JQuery or something similar to Page2, while the user still sees page1 displayed. Upon successful posting, you redirect the browser to Page2.

Method 2: Post + Redirect to self

This is a common technique on forums. Form on Page1 posts the data to Page2, Page2 processes the data and does what needs to be done, and then it does a HTTP redirect on itself. This way the last "action" the browser remembers is a simple GET on page2, so the form is not being resubmitted upon F5.

git add remote branch

You can check if you got your remote setup right and have the proper permissions with

git ls-remote origin

if you called your remote "origin". If you get an error you probably don't have your security set up correctly such as uploading your public key to github for example. If things are setup correctly, you will get a list of the remote references. Now

git fetch origin

will work barring any other issues like an unplugged network cable.

Once you have that done, you can get any branch you want that the above command listed with

git checkout some-branch

this will create a local branch of the same name as the remote branch and check it out.

keytool error bash: keytool: command not found

You could also put this on one line like so:

/path/to/jre/bin/keytool -genkey -alias [mypassword] -keyalg [RSA]

Wanted to include this as a comment on piet.t answer but I don't have enough rep to comment.

See the "signing" section of this article that describes how to access the keytool.exe without changing your working directory to the path:

Note that they say you can type in space separated folder names like /"Program Files"/ with quotes but I found in bash i had to separate with back slashes like /Program\ Files/.

How to loop through a plain JavaScript object with the objects as members?

In ES6/2015 you can loop through an object like this: (using arrow function)

Object.keys(myObj).forEach(key => {
  console.log(key);        // the name of the current key.
  console.log(myObj[key]); // the value of the current key.


In ES7/2016 you can use Object.entries instead of Object.keys and loop through an object like this:

Object.entries(myObj).forEach(([key, val]) => {
  console.log(key); // the name of the current key.
  console.log(val); // the value of the current key.

The above would also work as a one-liner:

Object.entries(myObj).forEach(([key, val]) => console.log(key, val));


In case you want to loop through nested objects as well, you can use a recursive function (ES6):

const loopNestedObj = obj => {
  Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
    if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === "object") loopNestedObj(obj[key]); // recurse.
    else console.log(key, obj[key]); // or do something with key and val.


Same as function above, but with ES7 Object.entries() instead of Object.keys():

const loopNestedObj = obj => {
  Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, val]) => {
    if (val && typeof val === "object") loopNestedObj(val); // recurse.
    else console.log(key, val); // or do something with key and val.

Here we loop through nested objects change values and return a new object in one go using Object.entries() combined with Object.fromEntries() (ES10/2019):

const loopNestedObj = obj =>
    Object.entries(obj).map(([key, val]) => {
      if (val && typeof val === "object") [key, loopNestedObj(val)]; // recurse
      else [key, updateMyVal(val)]; // or do something with key and val.

Another way of looping through objects is by using for ... in and for ... of. See @vdegenne's nicely written answer.

Accessing Object Memory Address

You could reimplement the default repr this way:

def __repr__(self):
    return '<%s.%s object at %s>' % (

Reset select2 value and show placeholder

This solution work for me (Select2 4.0.13)

$('#select').on("select2:unselecting", function (e) {

How to trigger ngClick programmatically

Simple sample:


<div id='player'>
    <div id="my-button" ng-click="someFuntion()">Someone</div>


$timeout(function() {
}, 0);

What this does is look for the button's id and perform a click action. Voila.


Calculating text width

I found this solution works well and it inherits the origin font before sizing:

$.fn.textWidth = function(text){
  var org = $(this)
  var html = $('<span style="postion:absolute;width:auto;left:-9999px">' + (text || org.html()) + '</span>');
  if (!text) {
    html.css("font-family", org.css("font-family"));
    html.css("font-size", org.css("font-size"));
  var width = html.width();
  return width;

C++ alignment when printing cout <<

See also: Which C I/O library should be used in C++ code?

struct Item
   std::string     artist;
   std::string     c;
   integer         price;  // in cents (as floating point is not acurate)
   std::string     Genre;
   integer         disc;
   integer         sale;
   integer         tax;

std::cout << "Sales Report for September 15, 2010\n"
          << "Artist  Title   Price   Genre   Disc    Sale    Tax Cash\n";
FOREACH(Item loop,data)
          , loop.artist
          , loop.title
          , loop.price / 100.0
          , loop.Genre
          , loop.disc , "%"
          , / 100.0
          , / 100.0);

   // or

    std::cout << std::setw(8) << loop.artist
              << std::setw(8) << loop.title
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << loop.price / 100.0
              << std::setw(8) << loop.Genre
              << std::setw(7) << loop.disc << std::setw(1) << "%"
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << / 100.0
              << std::setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << / 100.0
              << "\n";

    // or

    std::cout << boost::format("%8s%8s%8.2f%7s%1s%8.2f%8.2f\n")
              % loop.artist
              % loop.title
              % loop.price / 100.0
              % loop.Genre
              % loop.disc % "%"
              % / 100.0
              % / 100.0;

CSS way to horizontally align table

Simple. IE6 and above will happily center your table with "margin: 0 auto;" if only the page renders in "standards" mode. To make this happen you need a valid doctype declaration, such as



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

True, IE5.5 and below will still refuse to center the table but perhaps you can live with that, especially if the page is still functional with the table left aligned. I think by now users of IE5.5 and below are fairly used to some odd looking websites - but you still need to ensure that those visual glitches don't render your site unusable.

Happy coding!

EDIT: Sorry, I should perhaps point out that you do not have to have a "strict" doctype to get IE6 and up into "standards" rendering mode. I realised it might seem that way from the doctype examples I posted above. For example, this doctype declaration will of course work equally:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

How to enable NSZombie in Xcode?

Go to Product - Scheme - edit scheme - Arguments - Environment Variables set NSZombieEnabled = YES

enter image description here

enter image description here

Solr vs. ElasticSearch


Now that the question scope has been corrected, I might add something in this regard as well:

There are many comparisons between Apache Solr and ElasticSearch available, so I'll reference those I found most useful myself, i.e. covering the most important aspects:

  • Bob Yoplait already linked kimchy's answer to ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Lucene, Solr, Xapian. Which fits for which usage?, which summarizes the reasons why he went ahead and created ElasticSearch, which in his opinion provides a much superior distributed model and ease of use in comparison to Solr.

  • Ryan Sonnek's Realtime Search: Solr vs Elasticsearch provides an insightful analysis/comparison and explains why he switched from Solr to ElasticSeach, despite being a happy Solr user already - he summarizes this as follows:

    Solr may be the weapon of choice when building standard search applications, but Elasticsearch takes it to the next level with an architecture for creating modern realtime search applications. Percolation is an exciting and innovative feature that singlehandedly blows Solr right out of the water. Elasticsearch is scalable, speedy and a dream to integrate with. Adios Solr, it was nice knowing you. [emphasis mine]

  • The Wikipedia article on ElasticSearch quotes a comparison from the reputed German iX magazine, listing advantages and disadvantages, which pretty much summarize what has been said above already:


    • ElasticSearch is distributed. No separate project required. Replicas are near real-time too, which is called "Push replication".
    • ElasticSearch fully supports the near real-time search of Apache Lucene.
    • Handling multitenancy is not a special configuration, where with Solr a more advanced setup is necessary.
    • ElasticSearch introduces the concept of the Gateway, which makes full backups easier.


    • Only one main developer [not applicable anymore according to the current elasticsearch GitHub organization, besides having a pretty active committer base in the first place]
    • No autowarming feature [not applicable anymore according to the new Index Warmup API]

Initial Answer

They are completely different technologies addressing completely different use cases, thus cannot be compared at all in any meaningful way:

  • Apache Solr - Apache Solr offers Lucene's capabilities in an easy to use, fast search server with additional features like faceting, scalability and much more

  • Amazon ElastiCache - Amazon ElastiCache is a web service that makes it easy to deploy, operate, and scale an in-memory cache in the cloud.

    • Please note that Amazon ElastiCache is protocol-compliant with Memcached, a widely adopted memory object caching system, so code, applications, and popular tools that you use today with existing Memcached environments will work seamlessly with the service (see Memcached for details).

[emphasis mine]

Maybe this has been confused with the following two related technologies one way or another:

  • ElasticSearch - It is an Open Source (Apache 2), Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine built on top of Apache Lucene.

  • Amazon CloudSearch - Amazon CloudSearch is a fully-managed search service in the cloud that allows customers to easily integrate fast and highly scalable search functionality into their applications.

The Solr and ElasticSearch offerings sound strikingly similar at first sight, and both use the same backend search engine, namely Apache Lucene.

While Solr is older, quite versatile and mature and widely used accordingly, ElasticSearch has been developed specifically to address Solr shortcomings with scalability requirements in modern cloud environments, which are hard(er) to address with Solr.

As such it would probably be most useful to compare ElasticSearch with the recently introduced Amazon CloudSearch (see the introductory post Start Searching in One Hour for Less Than $100 / Month), because both claim to cover the same use cases in principle.

Using sed to mass rename files

The backslash-paren stuff means, "while matching the pattern, hold on to the stuff that matches in here." Later, on the replacement text side, you can get those remembered fragments back with "\1" (first parenthesized block), "\2" (second block), and so on.

How do I make an Event in the Usercontrol and have it handled in the Main Form?

one of the easy way to do that is use landa function without any problem like

userControl_Material1.simpleButton4.Click += (s, ee) =>

Loading state button in Bootstrap 3

You need to detect the click from js side, your HTML remaining same. Note: this method is deprecated since v3.5.5 and removed in v4.

$("button").click(function() {
    var $btn = $(this);
    // simulating a timeout
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);

Also, don't forget to load jQuery and Bootstrap js (based on jQuery) file in your page.


Official Documentation

jQuery - add additional parameters on submit (NOT ajax)

Similar answer, but I just wanted to make it available for an easy/quick test.

var input = $("<input>")_x000D_
               .attr("name", "mydata").val("go Rafa!");_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form id="easy_test">_x000D_

Array inside a JavaScript Object?

Kill the braces.

var defaults = {
 backgroundcolor: '#000',
 color: '#fff',
 weekdays: ['sun','mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat']

Printing everything except the first field with awk

The field separator in gawk (at least) can be a string as well as a character (it can also be a regex). If your data is consistent, then this will work:

awk -F "  " '{print $2,$1}' inputfile

That's two spaces between the double quotes.

RegEx for Javascript to allow only alphanumeric


^         Start of string
[a-z0-9]  a or b or c or ... z or 0 or 1 or ... 9
+         one or more times (change to * to allow empty string)
$         end of string    
/i        case-insensitive

Update (supporting universal characters)

if you need to this regexp supports universal character you can find list of unicode characters here.

for example: /^([a-zA-Z0-9\u0600-\u06FF\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9 _.-]+)$/

this will support persian.

How can I tell if an algorithm is efficient?

Yes you can start with the Wikipedia article explaining the Big O notation, which in a nutshell is a way of describing the "efficiency" (upper bound of complexity) of different type of algorithms. Or you can look at an earlier answer where this is explained in simple english

Git push error: "origin does not appear to be a git repository"

I had this problem cause i had already origin remote defined locally. So just change "origin" into another name:

git remote add originNew

git push -u originNew

or u can remove your local origin. to check your remote name type:

git remote

to remove remote - log in your clone repository and type:

git remote remove origin(depending on your remote's name)

Border for an Image view in Android?

For those who are searching custom border and shape of ImageView. You can use android-shape-imageview


Just add compile 'com.github.siyamed:android-shape-imageview:0.9.+@aar' to your build.gradle.

And use in your layout.


How to override the properties of a CSS class using another CSS class

Just use !important it will help to override

background:none !important;

Although it is said to be a bad practice, !important can be useful for utility classes, you just need to use it responsibly, check this: When Using important is the right choice

Uploading into folder in FTP?

The folder is part of the URL you set when you create request: "". If you use "" then the file will be uploaded to a folder named wibble.

You may need to first use a request with Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory to make the wibble folder if it doesn't already exist.

How to customize Bootstrap 3 tab color

To have the active tab also styled, merge the answer from this thread, from Mansukh Khandhar, with this other answer, from lmgonzalves:

.nav-tabs > > a {
  background-color: yellow !important;
  border: medium none;
  border-radius: 0;

Could not open input file: composer.phar

The composer.phar install is not working but without .phar this is working.

We need to enable the openssl module in php before installing the zendframe work.

We have to uncomment the line ;extension=php_openssl.dll from php.ini file.

composer use different php.ini file which is located at the wamp\bin\php\php-<version number>\php.ini

After enabling the openssl we need to restart the server.

The execute the following comments.

I can install successfully using these commands -

composer self-update
composer install --prefer-dist

enter image description here

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

Step by step self explaining commands for update of feature branch with the latest code from origin "develop" branch:

git checkout develop
git pull -p
git checkout feature_branch
git merge develop
git push origin feature_branch

Query to get only numbers from a string

Just a little modification to @Epsicron 's answer

SELECT SUBSTRING(string, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', string), PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', string + 't') - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', 
                    string) + 1) AS Number
FROM (values ('003Preliminary Examination Plan'),
    ('Balance1000sheet')) as a(string)

no need for a temporary variable

Converting a byte array to PNG/JPG

You should be able to do something like this:

byte[] bitmap = GetYourImage();

using(Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bitmap)))
    image.Save("output.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);  // Or Png

Look here for more info.

Hopefully this helps.

Angular 2 @ViewChild annotation returns undefined

My solution to this was to replace *ngIf with [hidden]. Downside was all the child components were present in the code DOM. But worked for my requirements.

Change Text Color of Selected Option in a Select Box

Try this:

.greenText{ background-color:green; }_x000D_
.blueText{ background-color:blue; }_x000D_
.redText{ background-color:red; }
     <option class="greenText" value="apple" >Apple</option>_x000D_
    <option class="redText"   value="banana" >Banana</option>_x000D_
    <option class="blueText" value="grape" >Grape</option>_x000D_

Laravel update model with unique validation rule for attribute

Another elegant way...

In your model, create a static function:

public static function rules ($id=0, $merge=[]) {
    return array_merge(
            'username'  => 'required|min:3|max:12|unique:users,username' . ($id ? ",$id" : ''),
            'email'     => 'required|email|unique:member'. ($id ? ",id,$id" : ''),
            'firstname' => 'required|min:2',
            'lastname'  => 'required|min:2',

Validation on create:

$validator = Validator::make($input, User::rules());

Validation on update:

$validator = Validator::make($input, User::rules($id));

Validation on update, with some additional rules:

$extend_rules = [
    'password'       => 'required|min:6|same:password_again',
    'password_again' => 'required'
$validator = Validator::make($input, User::rules($id, $extend_rules));


After submitting a POST form open a new window showing the result

var urlAction = 'whatever.php';
var data = {param1:'value1'};

var $form = $('<form target="_blank" method="POST" action="' + urlAction + '">');
$.each(data, function(k,v){
    $form.append('<input type="hidden" name="' + k + '" value="' + v + '">');

WampServer: php-win.exe The program can't start because MSVCR110.dll is missing

Windows 10 x64 released August 2015 - same issue arising. MSVCR110.dll is also found in the sysWOW64 folder (which is where I found it, copying to system32 does not help). To resolve:

  1. uninstall the x86 versions of VC 11 vcredist_x64/86.exe for 2012 and 2013
  2. uninstall WAMP Server 2.5
  3. delete (maybe back up first) the WAMP folder
  4. restart windows
  5. reinstall WAMP 2.5

Hopefully like me you have a MySQL database backup handy!

How to execute the start script with Nodemon

I know it's 5 years late, if you want to use nodemon.json you may try this,

  "verbose": true,
  "ignore": ["*.test.js", "fixtures/*"],
  "execMap": {
    "js": "electron ." // 'js' is for the extension, and 'electron .' is command that I want to execute

The execMap will execute like a script in package.json, then you can run nodemon js

How to configure robots.txt to allow everything?

If you want to allow every bot to crawl everything, this is the best way to specify it in your robots.txt:

User-agent: *

Note that the Disallow field has an empty value, which means according to the specification:

Any empty value, indicates that all URLs can be retrieved.

Your way (with Allow: / instead of Disallow:) works, too, but Allow is not part of the original robots.txt specification, so it’s not supported by all bots (many popular ones support it, though, like the Googlebot). That said, unrecognized fields have to be ignored, and for bots that don’t recognize Allow, the result would be the same in this case anyway: if nothing is forbidden to be crawled (with Disallow), everything is allowed to be crawled.
However, formally (per the original spec) it’s an invalid record, because at least one Disallow field is required:

At least one Disallow field needs to be present in a record.

Connecting to Postgresql in a docker container from outside

I tried to connect from localhost (mac) to a postgres container. I changed the port in the docker-compose file from 5432 to 3306 and started the container. No idea why I did it :|

Then I tried to connect to postgres via PSequel and adminer and the connection could not be established.

After switching back to port 5432 all works fine.

    image: postgres
      - 5432:5432
    restart: always
      - "db_sql:/var/lib/mysql"
      POSTGRES_USER: root
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
      POSTGRES_DB: postgres_db

This was my experience I wanted to share. Perhaps someone can make use of it.

Cmake is not able to find Python-libraries

You can fix the errors by appending to the cmake command the -DPYTHON_LIBRARY and -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR flags filled with the respective folders.

Thus, the trick is to fill those parameters with the returned information from the python interpreter, which is the most reliable. This may work independently of your python location/version (also for Anaconda users):

$ cmake .. \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())")  \
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python -c "import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR'))")

If the version of python that you want to link against cmake is Python3.X and the default python symlink points to Python2.X, python3 -c ... can be used instead of python -c ....

In case that the error persists, you may need to update the cmake to a higher version as stated by @pdpcosta and repeat the process again.

Conflict with dependency ''. Resolved versions for app (23.1.0) and test app (23.0.1) differ

Source: CodePath - UI Testing With Espresso

  1. Finally, we need to pull in the Espresso dependencies and set the test runner in our app build.gradle:
// build.gradle
android {
    defaultConfig {
        testInstrumentationRunner ""

dependencies {
    androidTestCompile('') {
        // Necessary if your app targets Marshmallow (since Espresso
        // hasn't moved to Marshmallow yet)
        exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
    androidTestCompile('') {
        // Necessary if your app targets Marshmallow (since the test runner
        // hasn't moved to Marshmallow yet)
        exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'

I've added that to my gradle file and the warning disappeared.

Also, if you get any other dependency listed as conflicting, such as support-annotations, try excluding it too from the androidTestCompile dependencies.

Right query to get the current number of connections in a PostgreSQL DB

The following query is very helpful

select  * from
(select count(*) used from pg_stat_activity) q1,
(select setting::int res_for_super from pg_settings where name=$$superuser_reserved_connections$$) q2,
(select setting::int max_conn from pg_settings where name=$$max_connections$$) q3;

How to find count of Null and Nan values for each column in a PySpark dataframe efficiently?

An alternative to the already provided ways is to simply filter on the column like so

df = df.where(F.col('columnNameHere').isNull())

This has the added benefit that you don't have to add another column to do the filtering and it's quick on larger data sets.

PHP MySQL Query Where x = $variable

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `note` FROM `glogin_users` WHERE email = '".$email."'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo $row['note'];

How do you list volumes in docker containers?

docker inspect -f '{{ json .Mounts }}' containerid | jq '.[]'

How to create an array from a CSV file using PHP and the fgetcsv function

Try this..

function getdata($csvFile){
    $file_handle = fopen($csvFile, 'r');
    while (!feof($file_handle) ) {
        $line_of_text[] = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
    return $line_of_text;

// Set path to CSV file
$csvFile = 'test.csv';

$csv = getdata($csvFile);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

    [0] => Array
            [0] => Project
            [1] => Date
            [2] => User
            [3] => Activity
            [4] => Issue
            [5] => Comment
            [6] => Hours

    [1] => Array
            [0] => test
            [1] => 04/30/2015
            [2] => test
            [3] => test
            [4] => test
            [5] => 
            [6] => 6.00

Difference between uint32 and uint32_t

uint32_t is standard, uint32 is not. That is, if you include <inttypes.h> or <stdint.h>, you will get a definition of uint32_t. uint32 is a typedef in some local code base, but you should not expect it to exist unless you define it yourself. And defining it yourself is a bad idea.

How can I add 1 day to current date?

To add one day to a date object:

var date = new Date();

// add a day
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);

CSS align images and text on same line

You can either use (on the h4 elements, as they are block by default)

display: inline-block;

Or you can float the elements to the left/rght

float: left;

Just don't forget to clear the floats after

clear: left;

More visual example for the float left/right option as shared below by @VSB:

<h4> _x000D_
    <div style="float:left;">Left Text</div>_x000D_
    <div style="float:right;">Right Text</div>_x000D_
    <div style="clear: left;"/>_x000D_

Push an associative item into an array in JavaScript

JavaScript doesn't have associate arrays. You need to use Objects instead:

var obj = {};
var name = "name";
var val = 2;
obj[name] = val;

To get value you can use now different ways:


What are invalid characters in XML

In addition to potame's answer, if you do want to escape using a CDATA block.

If you put your text in a CDATA block then you don't need to use escaping. In that case you can use all characters in the following range:

graphical representation of possible characters

Note: On top of that, you're not allowed to use the ]]> character sequence. Because it would match the end of the CDATA block.

If there are still invalid characters (e.g. control characters), then probably it's better to use some kind of encoding (e.g. base64).

Stopping an Android app from console

I tried all answers here on Linux nothing worked for debugging on unrooted device API Level 23, so i found an Alternative for debugging From Developer Options -> Apps section -> check Do Not keep activities that way when ever you put the app in background it gets killed

P.S remember to uncheck it after you finished debugging

How can I reverse the order of lines in a file?

tail -r works in most Linux and MacOS systems

seq 1 20 | tail -r

How to Correctly handle Weak Self in Swift Blocks with Arguments

Swift 4.2

let closure = { [weak self] (_ parameter:Int) in
    guard let self = self else { return }


What is the difference between C# and .NET?

C# is a language, .NET is an application framework. The .NET libraries can run on the CLR and thus any language which can run on the CLR can also use the .NET libraries.

If you are familiar with Java, this is similar... Java is a language built on top of the JVM... though any of the pre-assembled Java libraries can be used by another language built on top of the JVM.

How to view the Folder and Files in GAC?


gacutil -i "path_to_the_assembly"


Open in Windows Explorer folder

  • .NET 1.0 - NET 3.5: c:\windows\assembly (%systemroot%\assembly)
  • .NET 4.x: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\assembly

OR gacutil –l

When you are going to install an assembly you have to specify where gacutil can find it, so you have to provide a full path as well. But when an assembly already is in GAC - gacutil know a folder path so it just need an assembly name.


Interface or an Abstract Class: which one to use?

From a phylosophic point of view :

  • An abstract class represents an "is a" relationship. Lets say I have fruits, well I would have a Fruit abstract class that shares common responsabilities and common behavior.

  • An interface represents a "should do" relationship. An interface, in my opinion (which is the opinion of a junior dev), should be named by an action, or something close to an action, (Sorry, can't find the word, I'm not an english native speaker) lets say IEatable. You know it can be eaten, but you don't know what you eat.

From a coding point of view :

  • If your objects have duplicated code, it is an indication that they have common behavior, which means you might need an abstract class to reuse the code, which you cannot do with an interface.

  • Another difference is that an object can implement as many interfaces as you need, but you can only have one abstract class because of the "diamond problem" (check out here to know why!

I probably forget some points, but I hope it can clarify things.

PS : The "is a"/"should do" is brought by Vivek Vermani's answer, I didn't mean to steal his answer, just to reuse the terms because I liked them!

Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

This could be due to Android Studio version conflict of v3 and v4 especially when you import a project in android stdio v4 which was previously built in v3.

Here are the few things you need to do:

  • remove the .gradle and .idea folders from the main Application folder.
  • import the project in the android studio.
  • after the sync finished, it will ask you to update the android studio supported version.
  • click update.
  • done.

segmentation fault : 11

What system are you running on? Do you have access to some sort of debugger (gdb, visual studio's debugger, etc.)?

That would give us valuable information, like the line of code where the program crashes... Also, the amount of memory may be prohibitive.

Additionally, may I recommend that you replace the numeric limits by named definitions?

As such:

#define DIM1_SZ 1000
#define DIM2_SZ 1000000

Use those whenever you wish to refer to the array dimension limits. It will help avoid typing errors.

Is there any good dynamic SQL builder library in Java?

ddlutils is my best choice:

here is create example(groovy):

Platform platform  = PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance("oracle");//db2,...
//create schema    
def db =        new Database();
def t = new Table(name:"t1",description:"XXX");
def col1 = new Column(primaryKey:true,name:"id",type:"bigint",required:true);
t.addColumn(new Column(name:"c2",type:"DECIMAL",size:"8,2"));
t.addColumn( new Column(name:"c3",type:"varchar"));
t.addColumn(new Column(name:"c4",type:"TIMESTAMP",description:"date"));        
println platform.getCreateModelSql(db, false, false)

//you can read Table Object from  platform.readModelFromDatabase(....)
def sqlbuilder = platform.getSqlBuilder();
println "insert:"+sqlbuilder.getInsertSql(t,["id":1,c2:3],false);
println "update:"+sqlbuilder.getUpdateSql(t,["id":1,c2:3],false);
println "delete:"+sqlbuilder.getDeleteSql(t,["id":1,c2:3],false);

Moment Js UTC to Local Time

This is what worked for me, it required moment-tz as well as moment though.

const guess = moment.utc(date).tz(;
const correctTimezone = guess.format()

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

This post has a reasonable answer:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.2)

project(googletest-download NONE)

  GIT_TAG           master
  SOURCE_DIR        "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-src"
  BINARY_DIR        "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-build"
  TEST_COMMAND      ""


# Download and unpack googletest at configure time
  WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download )
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .
  WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download )

# Prevent GoogleTest from overriding our compiler/linker options
# when building with Visual Studio
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)

# Add googletest directly to our build. This adds
# the following targets: gtest, gtest_main, gmock
# and gmock_main

# The gtest/gmock targets carry header search path
# dependencies automatically when using CMake 2.8.11 or
# later. Otherwise we have to add them here ourselves.

# Now simply link your own targets against gtest, gmock,
# etc. as appropriate

However it does seem quite hacky. I'd like to propose an alternative solution - use Git submodules.

cd MyProject/dependencies/gtest
git submodule add
cd googletest
git checkout release-1.8.0
cd ../../..
git add *
git commit -m "Add googletest"

Then in MyProject/dependencies/gtest/CMakeList.txt you can do something like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)

if(TARGET gtest) # To avoid diamond dependencies; may not be necessary depending on you project.


I haven't tried this extensively yet but it seems cleaner.

Edit: There is a downside to this approach: The subdirectory might run install() commands that you don't want. This post has an approach to disable them but it was buggy and didn't work for me.

Edit 2: If you use add_subdirectory("googletest" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) it seems means the install() commands in the subdirectory aren't used by default.

Get value of a specific object property in C# without knowing the class behind

In some cases, Reflection doesn't work properly.

You could use dictionaries, if all item types are the same. For instance, if your items are strings :

Dictionary<string, string> response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(item);

Or ints:

Dictionary<string, int> response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, int>>(item);

Select the first row by group

now, for dplyr, adding a distinct counter.

df %>%
    group_by(aa, bb) %>%
    summarise(first=head(value,1), count=n_distinct(value))

You create groups, them summarise within groups.

If data is numeric, you can use:
first(value) [there is also last(value)] in place of head(value, 1)



> df
Source: local data frame [16 x 3]

   aa bb value
1   1  1   GUT
2   1  1   PER
3   1  2   SUT
4   1  2   GUT
5   1  3   SUT
6   1  3   GUT
7   1  3   PER
8   2  1   221
9   2  1   224
10  2  1   239
11  2  2   217
12  2  2   221
13  2  2   224
14  3  1   GUT
15  3  1   HUL
16  3  1   GUT

> library(dplyr)
> df %>%
>   group_by(aa, bb) %>%
>   summarise(first=head(value,1), count=n_distinct(value))

Source: local data frame [6 x 4]
Groups: aa

  aa bb first count
1  1  1   GUT     2
2  1  2   SUT     2
3  1  3   SUT     3
4  2  1   221     3
5  2  2   217     3
6  3  1   GUT     2

How to merge two sorted arrays into a sorted array?

A minor improvement, but after the main loop, you could use System.arraycopy to copy the tail of either input array when you get to the end of the other. That won't change the O(n) performance characteristics of your solution, though.

Visual Studio 2008 Product Key in Registry?

Just delete key:


Or run in command line:

reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Registration /f

Undefined index with $_POST

Instead of isset() you can use something shorter getting errors muted, it is @$_POST['field']. Then, if the field is not set, you'll get no error printed on a page.

What does "publicPath" in Webpack do?

publicPath is used by webpack for the replacing relative path defined in your css for refering image and font file.

Error when creating a new text file with python?

following script will use to create any kind of file, with user input as extension

import sys
def create():
    print("creating new  file")
    name=raw_input ("enter the name of file:")
    extension=raw_input ("enter extension of file:")

            print("error occured")


Convert Linq Query Result to Dictionary

Try using the ToDictionary method like so:

var dict = TableObj.ToDictionary( t => t.Key, t => t.TimeStamp );

How to read files from resources folder in Scala?

For Scala >= 2.12, use Source.fromResource:"located_in_resouces.any")

How to display image from database using php

You need to do this to display image

$sqlimage  = "SELECT image FROM userdetail where `id` = $id1";
$imageresult1 = mysql_query($sqlimage);

    $image = $rows['image'];
    echo "<img src='$image' >";
    echo "<br>";

You need to use html img tag.

jQuery: Check if button is clicked

jQuery(':button').click(function () {
    if ( == 'button1') {
        alert('Button 1 was clicked');
    else if ( == 'button2') {
        alert('Button 2 was clicked');

EDIT:- This will work for all buttons.

Pass multiple complex objects to a post/put Web API method

Best way to pass multiple complex object to webapi services is by using tuple other than dynamic, json string, custom class.

HttpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("http://Server/WebService/Controller/ServiceMethod?number=" + number + "&name" + name, Tuple.Create(args1, args2, args3, args4));

public IHttpActionResult ServiceMethod(int number, string name, Tuple<Class1, Class2, Class3, Class4> args)
    Class1 c1 = (Class1)args.Item1;
    Class2 c2 = (Class2)args.Item2;
    Class3 c3 = (Class3)args.Item3;
    Class4 c4 = (Class4)args.Item4;
    /* do your actions */
    return Ok();

No need to serialize and deserialize passing object while using tuple. If you want to send more than seven complex object create internal tuple object for last tuple argument.

align right in a table cell with CSS


text-align: right

The text-align CSS property describes how inline content like text is aligned in its parent block element. text-align does not control the alignment of block elements itself, only their inline content.



<td class='alnright'>text to be aligned to right</td>

    .alnright { text-align: right; }

Best way to simulate "group by" from bash?

You probably can use the file system itself as a hash table. Pseudo-code as follows:

for every entry in the ip address file; do
  let addr denote the ip address;

  if file "addr" does not exist; then
    create file "addr";
    write a number "0" in the file;
    read the number from "addr";
    increase the number by 1 and write it back;

In the end, all you need to do is to traverse all the files and print the file names and numbers in them. Alternatively, instead of keeping a count, you could append a space or a newline each time to the file, and in the end just look at the file size in bytes.

How to dynamically add a style for text-align using jQuery

$(this).css("text-align", "center"); should work, make sure 'this' is the element you're actually trying to set the text-align style to.

HTML5 Video tag not working in Safari , iPhone and iPad

As of iOS 6.1, it is no longer possible to auto-play videos on the iPad. According to Apple documentation Autoplay feature is not working on Safari in all ios devices including iPad:

"Apple has made the decision to disable the automatic playing of video on iOS devices, through both script and attribute implementations.

In Safari, on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and auto-play are disabled. No data is loaded until the user initiates it."

You can read more abut it in this Apple documentation

How to send an email with Gmail as provider using Python?

Not directly related but still worth pointing out is that my package tries to make sending gmail messages really quick and painless. It also tries to maintain a list of errors and tries to point to the solution immediately.

It would literally only need this code to do exactly what you wrote:

import yagmail
yag = yagmail.SMTP('[email protected]')
yag.send('[email protected]', 'Why,Oh why!')

Or a one liner:

yagmail.SMTP('[email protected]').send('[email protected]', 'Why,Oh why!')

For the package/installation please look at git or pip, available for both Python 2 and 3.

CSS-Only Scrollable Table with fixed headers

This answer will be used as a placeholder for the not fully supported position: sticky and will be updated over time. It is currently advised to not use the native implementation of this in a production environment.

See this for the current support:

Use of position: sticky

An alternative answer would be using position: sticky. As described by W3C:

A stickily positioned box is positioned similarly to a relatively positioned box, but the offset is computed with reference to the nearest ancestor with a scrolling box, or the viewport if no ancestor has a scrolling box.

This described exactly the behavior of a relative static header. It would be easy to assign this to the <thead> or the first <tr> HTML-tag, as this should be supported according to W3C. However, both Chrome, IE and Edge have problems assigning a sticky position property to these tags. There also seems to be no priority in solving this at the moment.

What does seem to work for a table element is assigning the sticky property to a table-cell. In this case the <th> cells.

Because a table is not a block-element that respects the static size you assign to it, it is best to use a wrapper element to define the scroll-overflow.

The code

div {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
  overflow: auto_x000D_
table th {_x000D_
  position: -webkit-sticky;_x000D_
  position: sticky;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
/* == Just general styling, not relevant :) == */_x000D_
table {_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
th {_x000D_
  background-color: #1976D2;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  padding: 1em .5em;_x000D_
table tr {_x000D_
  color: #212121;_x000D_
table tr:nth-child(odd) {_x000D_
  background-color: #BBDEFB;_x000D_
  <table border="0">_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 2, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row 1, cell 2</td>_x000D_

In this example I use a simple <div> wrapper to define the scroll-overflow done with a static height of 150px. This can of course be any size. Now that the scrolling box has been defined, the sticky <th> elements will corespondent "to the nearest ancestor with a scrolling box", which is the div-wrapper.

Use of a position: sticky polyfill

Non-supported devices can make use of a polyfill, which implements the behavior through code. An example is stickybits, which resembles the same behavior as the browser's implemented position: sticky.

Example with polyfill:

"VT-x is not available" when I start my Virtual machine

You might try reducing your base memory under settings to around 3175MB and reduce your cores to 1. That should work given that your BIOS is set for virtualization. Use the f12 key, security, virtualization to make sure that it is enabled. If it doesn't say VT-x that is ok, it should say VT-d or the like.

C++ Redefinition Header Files (winsock2.h)

I've run into the same issue and here is what I have discovered so far:

From this output fragment -

c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\ws2def.h(91) : warning C4005: 'AF_IPX' : macro redefinition
c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\winsock.h(460) : see previous definition of 'AF_IPX'

-It appears that both ws2def.h and winsock.h have been included in your solution.

If you look at the file ws2def.h it starts with the following comment -


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Module Name:



    This file contains the core definitions for the Winsock2
    specification that can be used by both user-mode and 
    kernel mode modules.

    This file is included in WINSOCK2.H. User mode applications
    should include WINSOCK2.H rather than including this file
    directly. This file can not be included by a module that also
    includes WINSOCK.H.


    user mode or kernel mode


Pay attention to the last line - "This file can not be included by a module that also includes WINSOCK.H"

Still trying to rectify the problem without making changes to the code.

Let me know if this makes sense.


At first glance your original attempt seems pretty close. I'm assuming that clockDate is a DateTime fields so try this:

IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Clock WHERE cast(clockDate as date) = '08/10/2012') 
    AND userName = 'test') 
    INSERT INTO Clock(clockDate, userName, breakOut) 
    VALUES(GetDate(), 'test', GetDate()) 
    UPDATE Clock 
    SET breakOut = GetDate()
    WHERE Cast(clockDate AS Date) = '08/10/2012' AND userName = 'test'

Note that getdate gives you the current date. If you are trying to compare to a date (without the time) you need to cast or the time element will cause the compare to fail.

If clockDate is NOT datetime field (just date), then the SQL engine will do it for you - no need to cast on a set/insert statement.

IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Clock WHERE clockDate = '08/10/2012') 
    AND userName = 'test') 
    INSERT INTO Clock(clockDate, userName, breakOut) 
    VALUES(GetDate(), 'test', GetDate()) 
    UPDATE Clock 
    SET breakOut = GetDate()
    WHERE clockDate = '08/10/2012' AND userName = 'test'

As others have pointed out, the merge statement is another way to tackle this same logic. However, in some cases, especially with large data sets, the merge statement can be prohibitively slow, causing a lot of tran log activity. So knowing how to logic it out as shown above is still a valid technique.

How to change the default collation of a table?

may need to change the SCHEMA not only table

ALTER SCHEMA `<database name>`  DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4  DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci (as Rich said - utf8mb4);

(mariaDB 10)

selected value get from db into dropdown select box option using php mysql error

Answer is simple. when u pass value from dropdown.

Just use as if else.

for eg:

foreach($result as $row) {                      
   $GLOBALS['output'] .='<option value="'.$row["dropdownid"].'"'. 
   ($GLOBALS['passselectedvalueid']==$row["dropwdownid"] ? ' Selected' : '').' 

Is it possible to import modules from all files in a directory, using a wildcard?

I was able to take from user atilkan's approach and modify it a bit:

For Typescript users;

require.context('@/folder/with/modules', false, /\.ts$/).keys().forEach((fileName => {
    import('@/folder/with/modules' + fileName).then((mod) => {
            (window as any)[fileName] = mod[fileName];
            const module = new (window as any)[fileName]();

            // use module


C - Convert an uppercase letter to lowercase


void main()
 char a;

 printf("enter a character:");

   printf("type a capital letter");


Error: unexpected symbol/input/string constant/numeric constant/SPECIAL in my code

These errors mean that the R code you are trying to run or source is not syntactically correct. That is, you have a typo.

To fix the problem, read the error message carefully. The code provided in the error message shows where R thinks that the problem is. Find that line in your original code, and look for the typo.

Prophylactic measures to prevent you getting the error again

The best way to avoid syntactic errors is to write stylish code. That way, when you mistype things, the problem will be easier to spot. There are many R style guides linked from the SO R tag info page. You can also use the formatR package to automatically format your code into something more readable. In RStudio, the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + A will reformat your code.

Consider using an IDE or text editor that highlights matching parentheses and braces, and shows strings and numbers in different colours.

Common syntactic mistakes that generate these errors

Mismatched parentheses, braces or brackets

If you have nested parentheses, braces or brackets it is very easy to close them one too many or too few times.

## Error: unexpected '}' in "{}}"
{{}} # OK

Missing * when doing multiplication

This is a common mistake by mathematicians.

Error: unexpected symbol in "5x"
5*x # OK

Not wrapping if, for, or return values in parentheses

This is a common mistake by MATLAB users. In R, if, for, return, etc., are functions, so you need to wrap their contents in parentheses.

if x > 0 {}
## Error: unexpected symbol in "if x"
if(x > 0) {} # OK

Not using multiple lines for code

Trying to write multiple expressions on a single line, without separating them by semicolons causes R to fail, as well as making your code harder to read.

x + 2 y * 3
## Error: unexpected symbol in "x + 2 y"
x + 2; y * 3 # OK

else starting on a new line

In an if-else statement, the keyword else must appear on the same line as the end of the if block.

if(TRUE) 1
else 2
## Error: unexpected 'else' in "else"    
if(TRUE) 1 else 2 # OK
} else            # also OK

= instead of ==

= is used for assignment and giving values to function arguments. == tests two values for equality.

if(x = 0) {}
## Error: unexpected '=' in "if(x ="    
if(x == 0) {} # OK

Missing commas between arguments

When calling a function, each argument must be separated by a comma.

c(1 2)
## Error: unexpected numeric constant in "c(1 2"
c(1, 2) # OK

Not quoting file paths

File paths are just strings. They need to be wrapped in double or single quotes.

## Error: unexpected ')' in "path.expand(~)"
path.expand("~") # OK

Quotes inside strings

This is a common problem when trying to pass quoted values to the shell via system, or creating quoted xPath or sql queries.

Double quotes inside a double quoted string need to be escaped. Likewise, single quotes inside a single quoted string need to be escaped. Alternatively, you can use single quotes inside a double quoted string without escaping, and vice versa.

## Error: unexpected symbol in ""x"y"   
"x\"y" # OK
'x"y'  # OK  

Using curly quotes

So-called "smart" quotes are not so smart for R programming.

## Error: unexpected input in "path.expand(“"    
path.expand("~") # OK

Using non-standard variable names without backquotes

?make.names describes what constitutes a valid variable name. If you create a non-valid variable name (using assign, perhaps), then you need to access it with backquotes,

assign("x y", 0)
x y
## Error: unexpected symbol in "x y"
`x y` # OK

This also applies to column names in data frames created with check.names = FALSE.

dfr <- data.frame("x y" = 1:5, check.names = FALSE)
dfr$x y
## Error: unexpected symbol in "dfr$x y"
dfr[,"x y"] # OK
dfr$`x y`   # also OK

It also applies when passing operators and other special values to functions. For example, looking up help on %in%.

## Error: unexpected SPECIAL in "?%in%"
?`%in%` # OK

Sourcing non-R code

The source function runs R code from a file. It will break if you try to use it to read in your data. Probably you want read.table.

source(textConnection("x y"))
## Error in source(textConnection("x y")) : 
##   textConnection("x y"):1:3: unexpected symbol
## 1: x y
##       ^

Corrupted RStudio desktop file

RStudio users have reported erroneous source errors due to a corrupted .rstudio-desktop file. These reports only occurred around March 2014, so it is possibly an issue with a specific version of the IDE. RStudio can be reset using the instructions on the support page.

Using expression without paste in mathematical plot annotations

When trying to create mathematical labels or titles in plots, the expression created must be a syntactically valid mathematical expression as described on the ?plotmath page. Otherwise the contents should be contained inside a call to paste.

plot(rnorm(10), ylab = expression(alpha ^ *)))
## Error: unexpected '*' in "plot(rnorm(10), ylab = expression(alpha ^ *"
plot(rnorm(10), ylab = expression(paste(alpha ^ phantom(0), "*"))) # OK

How to set a Timer in Java?

    new java.util.Timer().schedule(new TimerTask(){
        public void run() {
           //your code here 
           //1000*5=5000 mlsec. i.e. 5 seconds. u can change accordngly 

How to search in array of object in mongodb

Use $elemMatch to find the array of particular object

db.users.findOne({"_id": id},{awards: {$elemMatch: {award:'Turing Award', year:1977}}})

How to create a foreign key in phpmyadmin

To be able to create a relation, the table Storage Engine must be InnoDB. You can edit in Operations tab. Storage Engine Configuration

Then, you need to be sure that the id column in your main table has been indexed. It should appear at Index section in Structure tab.

Index list

Finally, you could see the option Relations View in Structure tab. When edditing, you will be able to select the parent column in foreign table to create the relation.

enter image description here

See attachments. I hope this could be useful for anyone.