Programs & Examples On #Daab

How to Load RSA Private Key From File

You need to convert your private key to PKCS8 format using following command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key_file  -nocrypt > pkcs8_key

After this your java program can read it.

How can I add private key to the distribution certificate?

With Xcode 9 the interface has been updated and now the way I did to resolve the problem was this:

  1. Choose Xcode > Preferences.
  2. Click Accounts at the top of the window.
  3. Select the team you want to view
  4. Click the gear icon () in the lower-left.

enter image description here

  1. Export Apple Id and Code Signing Assets
  2. After entering a filename in the Save As field and a password in both the Password and Verify fields you'll see a Window like this

enter image description here

  1. Click the gear icon () -> Click Import -> Select the file you exported in step 6

ALTER TABLE on dependent column

I believe that you will have to drop the foreign key constraints first. Then update all of the appropriate tables and remap them as they were.

ALTER TABLE [dbo.Details_tbl] DROP CONSTRAINT [FK_Details_tbl_User_tbl];
-- Perform more appropriate alters
ALTER TABLE [dbo.Details_tbl] ADD FOREIGN KEY (FK_Details_tbl_User_tbl) 
    REFERENCES User_tbl(appId);
-- Perform all appropriate alters to bring the key constraints back

However, unless memory is a really big issue, I would keep the identity as an INT. Unless you are 100% positive that your keys will never grow past the TINYINT restraints. Just a word of caution :)

How to resize datagridview control when form resizes

If anyone else is stuck with this, here's what helped me. Changing the Anchor settings did not work for me. I am using datagridviews within groupboxes in a form which is inside a parent form.

Handling the form resize event was the only thing that worked for me.

private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
     groupBoxSampleQueue.MinimumSize = new Size((this as OperatingForm).Width - 22, 167);
     groupBoxMachineStatus.MinimumSize = new Size((this as OperatingForm).Width - 22, 167);

I added some raw numbers as buffers.

Visual Studio 2017 error: Unable to start program, An operation is not legal in the current state

The other answers in my case did not work. I had to restart windows before I could debug the application again.

replace \n and \r\n with <br /> in java

Since my account is new I can't up-vote Nino van Hooff's answer. If your strings are coming from a Windows based source such as an aspx based server, this solution does work:

rawText.replaceAll("(\\\\r\\\\n|\\\\n)", "<br />");

Seems to be a weird character set issue as the double back-slashes are being interpreted as single slash escape characters. Hence the need for the quadruple slashes above.

Again, under most circumstances "(\\r\\n|\\n)" should work, but if your strings are coming from a Windows based source try the above.

Just an FYI tried everything to correct the issue I was having replacing those line endings. Thought at first was failed conversion from Windows-1252 to UTF-8. But that didn't working either. This solution is what finally did the trick. :)

String comparison in bash. [[: not found

As @Ansgar mentioned, [[ is a bashism, ie built into Bash and not available for other shells. If you want your script to be portable, use [. Comparisons will also need a different syntax: change == to =.

How to set a text box for inputing password in winforms?

To make PasswordChar use the ? character instead:

passwordTextBox.PasswordChar = '\u25CF';

Binding IIS Express to an IP Address

Change bindingInformation=":8080:"

And remember to turn off the firewall for IISExpress

Changing :hover to touch/click for mobile devices

I think this simple method can achieve this goal. With CSS you can turn off pointer event to 'none' then use jQuery to switch classes.

  /* Your Style On Hover Converted to Tap*/_x000D_

Use jQuery to switch classed:


Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

no problem doing it with asp.... it's most natural to do so with MVC, but can be done with standard asp as well.

The MVC framework has all sorts of helper classes for JSON, if you can, I'd suggest sussing in some MVC-love, if not, you can probably easily just get the JSON helper classes used by MVC in and use them in the context of


here's an example of how to return JSON data with MVC. This would be in your controller class. This is out of the box functionality with MVC--when you crate a new MVC project this stuff gets auto-created so it's nothing special. The only thing that I"m doing is returning an actionResult that is JSON. The JSON method I'm calling is a method on the Controller class. This is all very basic, default MVC stuff:

public ActionResult GetData()
    var data = new { Name="kevin", Age=40 };
    return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

This return data could be called via JQuery as an ajax call thusly:

$.get("/Reader/GetData/", function(data) { someJavacriptMethodOnData(data); });

Count the number of all words in a string


will be fine with double/triple spaces between words

All other answers have issues with more than one space between the words.

How to change the application launcher icon on Flutter?

The one marked as correct answer, is not enough, you need one more step, type this command in the terminal in order to create the icons:

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

How can I control the width of a label tag?

label {
  display: inline-block;


label {
  display: inline-flex;


label {
  display: inline-table;

Converting an int or String to a char array on Arduino

You can convert it to char* if you don't need a modifiable string by using:

(char*) yourString.c_str();

This would be very useful when you want to publish a String variable via MQTT in arduino.

How to split the screen with two equal LinearLayouts?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013

Basically we had to enable TLS 1.2 for .NET 4.x. Making this registry changed worked for me, and stopped the event log filling up with the Schannel error.

More information on the answer can be found here

Linked Info Summary

Enable TLS 1.2 at the system (SCHANNEL) level:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server]

(equivalent keys are probably also available for other TLS versions)

Tell .NET Framework to use the system TLS versions:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

This may not be desirable for edge cases where .NET Framework 4.x applications need to have different protocols enabled and disabled than the OS does.

Loading an image to a <img> from <input file>

ES2017 Way

// convert file to a base64 url
const readURL = file => {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = e => res(;
        reader.onerror = e => rej(e);

// for demo
const fileInput = document.createElement('input');
fileInput.type = 'file';
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.attributeStyleMap.set('max-width', '320px');

const preview = async event => {
    const file =[0];
    const url = await readURL(file);
    img.src = url;

fileInput.addEventListener('change', preview);

How to escape double quotes in a title attribute

Here's a snippet of the HTML escape characters taken from a cached page on

&#060   |   <   less than sign
&#064   |   @   at sign
&#093   |   ]   right bracket
&#123   |   {   left curly brace
&#125   |   }   right curly brace
&#133   |   …   ellipsis
&#135   |   ‡   double dagger
&#146   |   ’   right single quote
&#148   |   ”   right double quote
&#150   |   –   short dash
&#153   |   ™   trademark
&#162   |   ¢   cent sign
&#165   |   ¥   yen sign
&#169   |   ©   copyright sign
&#172   |   ¬   logical not sign
&#176   |   °   degree sign
&#178   |   ²   superscript 2
&#185   |   ¹   superscript 1
&#188   |   ¼   fraction 1/4
&#190   |   ¾   fraction 3/4
&#247   |   ÷   division sign
&#8221  |   ”   right double quote
&#062   |   >   greater than sign
&#091   |   [   left bracket
&#096   |   `   back apostrophe
&#124   |   |   vertical bar
&#126   |   ~   tilde
&#134   |   †   dagger
&#145   |   ‘   left single quote
&#147   |   “   left double quote
&#149   |   •   bullet
&#151   |   —   longer dash
&#161   |   ¡   inverted exclamation point
&#163   |   £   pound sign
&#166   |   ¦   broken vertical bar
&#171   |   «   double left than sign
&#174   |   ®   registered trademark sign
&#177   |   ±   plus or minus sign
&#179   |   ³   superscript 3
&#187   |   »   double greater-than sign
&#189   |   ½   fraction 1/2
&#191   |   ¿   inverted question mark
&#8220  |   “   left double quote
&#8212  |   —   dash

What is the meaning of "int(a[::-1])" in Python?

Assuming a is a string. The Slice notation in python has the syntax -


So, when you do a[::-1], it starts from the end towards the first taking each element. So it reverses a. This is applicable for lists/tuples as well.

Example -

>>> a = '1234'
>>> a[::-1]

Then you convert it to int and then back to string (Though not sure why you do that) , that just gives you back the string.

How do I apply a perspective transform to a UIView?

You can only use Core Graphics (Quartz, 2D only) transforms directly applied to a UIView's transform property. To get the effects in coverflow, you'll have to use CATransform3D, which are applied in 3-D space, and so can give you the perspective view you want. You can only apply CATransform3Ds to layers, not views, so you're going to have to switch to layers for this.

Check out the "CovertFlow" sample that comes with Xcode. It's mac-only (ie not for iPhone), but a lot of the concepts transfer well.

Eclipse plugin for generating a class diagram

Try Amateras. It is a very good plugin for generating UML diagrams including class diagram.

What does cmd /C mean?

/C Carries out the command specified by the string and then terminates.

You can get all the cmd command line switches by typing cmd /?.

Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse

Unfortunately I ended up having to re-install eclipse. but first (In Linux)(not sure of folder in Windows) do:

sudo rm -R /usr/share/eclipse/

How can I export tables to Excel from a webpage

Far and away, the cleanest, easiest export from tables to Excel is Jquery DataTables Table Tools plugin. You get a grid that sorts, filters, orders, and pages your data, and with just a few extra lines of code and two small files included, you get export to Excel, PDF, CSV, to clipboard and to the printer.

This is all the code that's required:

  $(document).ready( function () {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
        "oTableTools": {
            "sSwfPath": "/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf"
    } );
} );

So, quick to deploy, no browser limitations, no server-side language required, and most of all very EASY to understand. It's a win-win. The one thing it does have limits on, though, is strict formatting of columns.

If formatting and colors are absolute dealbreakers, the only 100% reliable, cross browser method I've found is to use a server-side language to process proper Excel files from your code. My solution of choice is PHPExcel It is the only one I've found so far that positively handles export with formatting to a MODERN version of Excel from any browser when you give it nothing but HTML. Let me clarify though, it's definitely not as easy as the first solution, and also is a bit of a resource hog. However, on the plus side it also can output direct to PDF as well. And, once you get it configured, it just works, every time.

UPDATE - September 15, 2016: TableTools has been discontinued in favor of a new plugin called "buttons" These tools perform the same functions as the old TableTools extension, but are FAR easier to install and they make use of HTML5 downloads for modern browsers, with the capability to fallback to the original Flash download for browsers that don't support the HTML5 standard. As you can see from the many comments since I posted this response in 2011, the main weakness of TableTools has been addressed. I still can't recommend DataTables enough for handling large amounts of data simply, both for the developer and the user.

Always show vertical scrollbar in <select>


overflow-y: scroll

in your css bud.

How to make function decorators and chain them together?

And of course you can return lambdas as well from a decorator function:

def makebold(f): 
    return lambda: "<b>" + f() + "</b>"
def makeitalic(f): 
    return lambda: "<i>" + f() + "</i>"

def say():
    return "Hello"

print say()

Proper use of const for defining functions in JavaScript

It has been three years since this question was asked, but I am just now coming across it. Since this answer is so far down the stack, please allow me to repeat it:

Q: I am interested if there are any limits to what types of values can be set using const in JavaScript—in particular functions. Is this valid? Granted it does work, but is it considered bad practice for any reason?

I was motivated to do some research after observing one prolific JavaScript coder who always uses const statement for functions, even when there is no apparent reason/benefit.

In answer to "is it considered bad practice for any reason?" let me say, IMO, yes it is, or at least, there are advantages to using function statement.

It seems to me that this is largely a matter of preference and style. There are some good arguments presented above, but none so clear as is done in this article:

Constant confusion: why I still use JavaScript function statements by Sourour, JavaScript guru, consultant, and teacher.

I urge everyone to read that article, even if you have already made a decision.

Here's are the main points:

Function statements have two clear advantages over [const] function expressions:

Advantage #1: Clarity of intent

When scanning through thousands of lines of code a day, it’s useful to be able to figure out the programmer’s intent as quickly and easily as possible.

Advantage #2: Order of declaration == order of execution

Ideally, I want to declare my code more or less in the order that I expect it will get executed.

This is the showstopper for me: any value declared using the const keyword is inaccessible until execution reaches it.

What I’ve just described above forces us to write code that looks upside down. We have to start with the lowest level function and work our way up.

My brain doesn’t work that way. I want the context before the details.

Most code is written by humans. So it makes sense that most people’s order of understanding roughly follows most code’s order of execution.

Export to csv/excel from kibana

FYI : How to download data in CSV from Kibana:

In Kibana--> 1. Go to 'Discover' in left side

  1. Select Index Field (based on your dashboard data) (*** In case if you are not sure which index to select-->go to management tab-->Saved Objects-->Dashboard-->select dashboard name-->scroll down to JSON-->you will see the Index name )

  2. left side you see all the variables available in the data-->click over the variable name that you want to have in csv-->click add-->this variable will be added on the right side of the columns avaliable

  3. Top right section of the kibana-->there is the time filter-->click -->select the duration for which you want the csv

  4. Top upper right -->Reporting-->save this time/variable selection with a new report-->click generate CSV

  5. Go to 'Management' in left side--> 'Reporting'-->download your csv

How to determine the screen width in terms of dp or dip at runtime in Android?

Simplified for Kotlin:

val widthDp = { widthPixels / density }
val heightDp = { heightPixels / density }

Git resolve conflict using --ours/--theirs for all files

function gitcheckoutall() {
    git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U | sed 's/^/"/;s/$/"/' | xargs git checkout --$1

I've added this function in .zshrc file.

Use them this way: gitcheckoutall theirs or gitcheckoutall ours

Select a row from html table and send values onclick of a button

In my case $(document).ready(function() was missing. Try this.

("#table tr").click(function(){
       var value=$(this).find('td:first').html();
    $('.ok').on('click', function(e){
        alert($("#table tr.selected td:first").html());

List directory tree structure in python?

This solution will only work if you have tree installed on your system. However I'm leaving this solution here just in case it helps someone else out.

You can tell tree to output the tree structure as XML (tree -X) or JSON (tree -J). JSON of course can be parsed directly with python and XML can easily be read with lxml.

With the following directory structure as an example:

[sri@localhost Projects]$ tree --charset=ascii bands
|-- DreamTroll
|   |-- MattBaldwinson
|   |-- members.txt
|   |-- PaulCarter
|   |-- SimonBlakelock
|   `-- Rob Stringer
|-- KingsX
|   |-- DougPinnick
|   |-- JerryGaskill
|   |-- members.txt
|   `-- TyTabor
|-- Megadeth
|   |-- DaveMustaine
|   |-- DavidEllefson
|   |-- DirkVerbeuren
|   |-- KikoLoureiro
|   `-- members.txt
|-- Nightwish
|   |-- EmppuVuorinen
|   |-- FloorJansen
|   |-- JukkaNevalainen
|   |-- MarcoHietala
|   |-- members.txt
|   |-- TroyDonockley
|   `-- TuomasHolopainen
`-- Rush
    |-- AlexLifeson
    |-- GeddyLee
    `-- NeilPeart

5 directories, 25 files


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <directory name="bands">
    <directory name="DreamTroll">
      <file name="MattBaldwinson"></file>
      <file name="members.txt"></file>
      <file name="PaulCarter"></file>
      <file name="RobStringer"></file>
      <file name="SimonBlakelock"></file>
    <directory name="KingsX">
      <file name="DougPinnick"></file>
      <file name="JerryGaskill"></file>
      <file name="members.txt"></file>
      <file name="TyTabor"></file>
    <directory name="Megadeth">
      <file name="DaveMustaine"></file>
      <file name="DavidEllefson"></file>
      <file name="DirkVerbeuren"></file>
      <file name="KikoLoureiro"></file>
      <file name="members.txt"></file>
    <directory name="Nightwish">
      <file name="EmppuVuorinen"></file>
      <file name="FloorJansen"></file>
      <file name="JukkaNevalainen"></file>
      <file name="MarcoHietala"></file>
      <file name="members.txt"></file>
      <file name="TroyDonockley"></file>
      <file name="TuomasHolopainen"></file>
    <directory name="Rush">
      <file name="AlexLifeson"></file>
      <file name="GeddyLee"></file>
      <file name="NeilPeart"></file>


[sri@localhost Projects]$ tree -J bands

Python "expected an indented block"

There are several issues:

  1. elif option == 2: and the subsequent elif-else should be aligned with the second if option == 1, not with the for.

  2. The for x in range(x, 1, 1): is missing a body.

  3. Since "option 1 (count)" requires a second input, you need to call input() for the second time. However, for sanity's sake I urge you to store the result in a second variable rather than repurposing option.

  4. The comparison in the first line of your code is probably meant to be an assignment.

You'll discover more issues once you're able to run your code (you'll need a couple more input() calls, one of the range() calls will need attention etc).

Lastly, please don't use the same variable as the loop variable and as part of the initial/terminal condition, as in:

            for x in range(1, x, 1):
                print x

It may work, but it is very confusing to read. Give the loop variable a different name:

            for i in range(1, x, 1):
                print i

How can I get the count of milliseconds since midnight for the current?


You ask for the fraction of a second of the current time as a number of milliseconds (not count from epoch).                               // Get current moment in UTC, then…
       .get( ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND )  // interrogate a `TemporalField`.

2017-04-25T03:01:14.113Z ? 113

  1. Get the fractional second in nanoseconds (billions).
  2. Divide by a thousand to truncate to milliseconds (thousands).

See this code run live at

Using java.time

The modern way is with the java.time classes.

Capture the current moment in UTC.

Use the Instant.get method to interrogate for the value of a TemporalField. In our case, the TemporalField we want is ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND.

int millis = ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND ) ;  // Get current moment in UTC, then interrogate a `TemporalField`.

Or do the math yourself.

More likely you are asking this for a specific time zone. The fraction of a second is likely to be the same as with Instant but there are so many anomalies with time zones, I hesitate to make that assumption.

ZonedDateTime zdt = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ) ;

Interrogate for the fractional second. The Question asked for milliseconds, but java.time classes use a finer resolution of nanoseconds. That means the number of nanoseconds will range from from 0 to 999,999,999.

long nanosFractionOfSecond = zdt.getNano();

If you truly want milliseconds, truncate the finer data by dividing by one million. For example, a half second is 500,000,000 nanoseconds and also is 500 milliseconds.

long millis = ( nanosFractionOfSecond / 1_000_000L ) ;  // Truncate nanoseconds to milliseconds, by a factor of one million.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

How do I free memory in C?

You have to free() the allocated memory in exact reverse order of how it was allocated using malloc().

Note that You should free the memory only after you are done with your usage of the allocated pointers.

memory allocation for 1D arrays:

    buffer = malloc(num_items*sizeof(double));

memory deallocation for 1D arrays:


memory allocation for 2D arrays:

    double **cross_norm=(double**)malloc(150 * sizeof(double *));
    for(i=0; i<150;i++)

memory deallocation for 2D arrays:

    for(i=0; i<150;i++)


IndentationError expected an indented block

You've mixed tabs and spaces. This can lead to some confusing errors.

I'd suggest using only tabs or only spaces for indentation.

Using only spaces is generally the easier choice. Most editors have an option for automatically converting tabs to spaces. If your editor has this option, turn it on.

As an aside, your code is more verbose than it needs to be. Instead of this:

if str_p == str_q:
    result = True
    result = False
return result

Just do this:

return str_p == str_q

You also appear to have a bug on this line:

str_q = p[b+1:]

I'll leave you to figure out what the error is.

How do I overload the [] operator in C#

public int this[int index]
    get => values[index];

Pull all images from a specified directory and then display them

In case anyone is looking for recursive.


echo scanDirectoryImages("images");

 * Recursively search through directory for images and display them
 * @param  array  $exts
 * @param  string $directory
 * @return string
function scanDirectoryImages($directory, array $exts = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'))
    if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') {
        $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1);
    $html = '';
    if (
        && (file_exists($directory) || is_dir($directory))
    ) {
        $directoryList = opendir($directory);
        while($file = readdir($directoryList)) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                $path = $directory . '/' . $file;
                if (is_readable($path)) {
                    if (is_dir($path)) {
                        return scanDirectoryImages($path, $exts);
                    if (
                        && in_array(end(explode('.', end(explode('/', $path)))), $exts)
                    ) {
                        $html .= '<a href="' . $path . '"><img src="' . $path
                            . '" style="max-height:100px;max-width:100px" /></a>';
    return $html;

Generating random numbers with normal distribution in Excel

About the recalculation:

You can keep your set of random values from changing every time you make an adjustment, by adjusting the automatic recalculation, to: manual recalculate. (Re)calculations are then only done when you press F9. Or shift F9.

See this link (though for older excel version than the current 2013) for some info about it:

TypeScript: casting HTMLElement

This seems to solve the problem, using the [index: TYPE] array access type, cheers.

interface ScriptNodeList extends NodeList {
    [index: number]: HTMLScriptElement;

var script = ( <ScriptNodeList>document.getElementsByName('foo') )[0];

How to have click event ONLY fire on parent DIV, not children?

I had the same problem and came up with this solution (based on the other answers)

 $( ".newsletter_background" ).click(function(e) {
    if ( == this) {

Basically it says if the target is the div then run the code otherwise do nothing (don't hide it)

Change bar plot colour in geom_bar with ggplot2 in r

If you want all the bars to get the same color (fill), you can easily add it inside geom_bar.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2, fill = "#FF6666")

enter image description here

Add fill = the_name_of_your_var inside aes to change the colors depending of the variable :

c4 = c("A", "B", "C")
df = cbind(df, c4)
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2)

enter image description here

Use scale_fill_manual() if you want to manually the change of colors.

ggplot(data=df, aes(x=c1+c2/2, y=c3, fill = c4)) + 
geom_bar(stat="identity", width=c2) + 
scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("A" = "black", "B" = "orange", "C" = "blue"))

enter image description here

Want to show/hide div based on dropdown box selection

You need to either put your code at the end of the page or wrap it in a document ready call, otherwise you're trying to execute code on elements that don't yet exist. Also, you can reduce your code to:

$('#purpose').on('change', function () {
    $("#business").css('display', (this.value == '1') ? 'block' : 'none');

jsFiddle example

Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms

It's generally not a real good idea to import the VisualBasic libraries into C# programs (not because they won't work, but just for compatibility, style, and ability to upgrade), but you can call Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox() to display the kind of box you're looking for.

If you can create a Windows.Forms object, that would be best, but you say you cannot do that.

How to change option menu icon in the action bar?

The following lines should be updated in app -> main -> res -> values -> Styles.xml

 <!-- Application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
    <!-- All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here. -->
    <item name="android:actionOverflowButtonStyle">@style/MyActionButtonOverflow</item>

<!-- Style to replace actionbar overflow icon. set item 'android:actionOverflowButtonStyle' in AppTheme -->
<style name="MyActionButtonOverflow" parent="android:style/Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton.Overflow">
    <item name="android:src">@drawable/ic_launcher</item>
    <item name="android:background">?android:attr/actionBarItemBackground</item>
    <item name="android:contentDescription">"Lala"</item>

This is how it can be done. If you want to change the overflow icon in action bar

Constructors in JavaScript objects

Maybe it's gotten a little simpler, but below is what I've come up with now in 2017:

class obj {
  constructor(in_shape, in_color){
    this.shape = in_shape;
    this.color = in_color;

    return this.shape + ' and ' + this.color;
    this.shape = in_shape;
    this.color = in_color;

In using the class above, I have the following:

var newobj = new obj('square', 'blue');

//Here, we expect to see 'square and blue'


//Since we've set new color and shape, we expect the following: 'sphere and white'

As you can see, the constructor takes in two parameters, and we set the object's properties. We also alter the object's color and shape by using the setter functions, and prove that its change remained upon calling getInfo() after these changes.

A bit late, but I hope this helps. I've tested this with a mocha unit-testing, and it's working well.

What range of values can integer types store in C++

For unsigned data type there is no sign bit and all bits are for data ; whereas for signed data type MSB is indicated sign bit and remaining bits are for data.

To find the range do following things :

Step:1 -> Find out no of bytes for the give data type.

Step:2 -> Apply following calculations.

      Let n = no of bits in data type  

      For signed data type ::
            Lower Range = -(2^(n-1)) 
            Upper Range = (2^(n-1)) - 1)  

      For unsigned data type ::
            Lower Range = 0 
            Upper Range = (2^(n)) - 1 

For e.g.

For unsigned int size = 4 bytes (32 bits) --> Range [0 , (2^(32)) - 1]

For signed int size = 4 bytes (32 bits) --> Range [-(2^(32-1)) , (2^(32-1)) - 1]

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version CXXABI_1.3.8' not found

I ran into this issue on my Ubuntu-64 system when attempting to import fst within python as such:

    Python 3.4.3 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jun  4 2015, 15:29:08)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import fst
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/ogi/miniconda3/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pyfst-0.2.3.dev0-py3.4-linux-x86_64.egg/fst/", line 1, in <module>
    from fst._fst import EPSILON, EPSILON_ID, SymbolTable,\
ImportError: /home/ogi/miniconda3/lib/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/

I then ran:

ogi@ubuntu:~/miniconda3/lib$ find ~/ -name ""
find: `/home/ogi/.local/share/jupyter/runtime': Permission denied

mv /home/ogi/miniconda3/lib/ /home/ogi/miniconda3/
cp /home/ogi/miniconda3/libgcc-5-5.2.0-2/lib/ /home/ogi/miniconda3/lib/

At which point I was then able to load the library

ogi@ubuntu:~/miniconda3/lib$ python
Python 3.4.3 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jun  4 2015, 15:29:08)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import fst
>>> exit()

Disable scrolling in an iPhone web application?

document.ontouchmove = function(e){ 

is actually the best choice i found out it allows you to still be able to tap on input fields as well as drag things using jQuery UI draggable but it stops the page from scrolling.

Where to find the win32api module for Python?

There is a a new option as well: get it via pip! There is a package pypiwin32 with wheels available, so you can just install with: pip install pypiwin32!

Edit: Per comment from @movermeyer, the main project now publishes wheels at pywin32, and so can be installed with pip install pywin32

How to remove non UTF-8 characters from text file

Your method must read byte by byte and fully understand and appreciate the byte wise construction of characters. The simplest method is to use an editor which will read anything but only output UTF-8 characters. Textpad is one choice.

Using an attribute of the current class instance as a default value for method's parameter

There is much more to it than you think. Consider the defaults to be static (=constant reference pointing to one object) and stored somewhere in the definition; evaluated at method definition time; as part of the class, not the instance. As they are constant, they cannot depend on self.

Here is an example. It is counterintuitive, but actually makes perfect sense:

def add(item, s=[]):
    print len(s)

add(1)     # 1
add(1)     # 2
add(1, []) # 1
add(1, []) # 1
add(1)     # 3

This will print 1 2 1 1 3.

Because it works the same way as

def add(item, s=default_s):

Obviously, if you modify default_s, it retains these modifications.

There are various workarounds, including

def add(item, s=None):
    if not s: s = []

or you could do this:

def add(self, item, s=None):
    if not s: s = self.makeDefaultS()

Then the method makeDefaultS will have access to self.

Another variation:

import types
def add(item, s=lambda self:[]):
    if isinstance(s, types.FunctionType): s = s("example")

here the default value of s is a factory function.

You can combine all these techniques:

class Foo:
    import types
    def add(self, item, s=Foo.defaultFactory):
        if isinstance(s, types.FunctionType): s = s(self)

    def defaultFactory(self):
        """ Can be overridden in a subclass, too!"""
        return []

Hibernate Delete query

The reason is that for deleting an object, Hibernate requires that the object is in persistent state. Thus, Hibernate first fetches the object (SELECT) and then removes it (DELETE).

Why Hibernate needs to fetch the object first? The reason is that Hibernate interceptors might be enabled (, and the object must be passed through these interceptors to complete its lifecycle. If rows are delete directly in the database, the interceptor won't run.

On the other hand, it's possible to delete entities in one single SQL DELETE statement using bulk operations:

Query q = session.createQuery("delete Entity where id = X");

How can I create a dynamic button click event on a dynamic button?

Button button = new Button();
button.Click += (s,e) => { your code; };
//button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);

//protected void button_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) { }

Create Django model or update if exists

If one of the input when you create is a primary key, this will be enough:


It will automatically update if exist since two data with the same primary key is not allowed.

How to add element into ArrayList in HashMap

HashMap<String, ArrayList<Item>> items = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Item>>();

public synchronized void addToList(String mapKey, Item myItem) {
    List<Item> itemsList = items.get(mapKey);

    // if list does not exist create it
    if(itemsList == null) {
         itemsList = new ArrayList<Item>();
         items.put(mapKey, itemsList);
    } else {
        // add if item is not already in list
        if(!itemsList.contains(myItem)) itemsList.add(myItem);

Google Colab: how to read data from my google drive?

I’m lazy and my memory is bad, so I decided to create easycolab which is easier to memorize and type:

import easycolab as ec

Make sure to install it first: !pip install easycolab

The mount() method basically implement this:

from google.colab import drive
cd ‘/content/gdrive/My Drive/’

Convert array to JSON

If you have only 1 object like the one you asked, the following will work.

var x = [{'a':'b'}];
var b= JSON.stringify(x);
var c = b.substring(1,b.length-1);

Angular 2: How to access an HTTP response body?

This should work. You can get body using response.json() if its a json response.

      subscribe((res: Response.json()) => {

how can select from drop down menu and call javascript function

<select name="aa" onchange="report(this.value)"> 
  <option value="">Please select</option>
  <option value="daily">daily</option>
  <option value="monthly">monthly</option>


function report(period) {
  if (period=="") return; // please select - possibly you want something else here

  const report = "script/"+((period == "daily")?"d":"m")+"_report.php";

Unobtrusive version:

<select id="aa" name="aa"> 
  <option value="">Please select</option>
  <option value="daily">daily</option>
  <option value="monthly">monthly</option>


window.addEventListener("load",function() {
  document.getElementById("aa").addEventListener("change",function() {
    const period = this.value;
    if (period=="") return; // please select - possibly you want something else here

    const report = "script/"+((period == "daily")?"d":"m")+"_report.php";

jQuery version - same select with ID

$(function() {
  $("#aa").on("change",function() {
    const period = this.value;
    if (period=="") return; // please select - possibly you want something else here

    var report = "script/"+((period == "daily")?"d":"m")+"_report.php";

How can I print each command before executing?

The easiest way to do this is to let bash do it:

set -x

Or run it explicitly as bash -x myscript.

Sorting multiple keys with Unix sort

Take care though:

If you want to sort the file primarily by field 3, and secondarily by field 2 you want this:

sort -k 3,3 -k 2,2 < inputfile

Not this: sort -k 3 -k 2 < inputfile which sorts the file by the string from the beginning of field 3 to the end of line (which is potentially unique).

-k, --key=POS1[,POS2]     start a key at POS1 (origin 1), end it at POS2
                          (default end of line)

How do I read / convert an InputStream into a String in Java?

I had log4j available, so I was able to use the org.apache.log4j.lf5.util.StreamUtils.getBytes to get the bytes, which I was able to convert into a string using the String ctor

String result = new String(StreamUtils.getBytes(inputStream));

Increasing nesting function calls limit

Do you have Zend, IonCube, or xDebug installed? If so, that is probably where you are getting this error from.

I ran into this a few years ago, and it ended up being Zend putting that limit there, not PHP. Of course removing it will let you go past the 100 iterations, but you will eventually hit the memory limits.

git recover deleted file where no commit was made after the delete

Do you can want see this

that goes for cases where you used

git checkout -- .

before you commit something.

You may also want to get rid of created files that have not yet been created. And you do not want them. With :

git reset -- .

error: RPC failed; curl transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining

can be two reason

  1. Internet is slow (this was in my case)
  2. buffer size is less,in this case you can run command git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000

Disable LESS-CSS Overwriting calc()

Here's a cross-browser less mixin for using CSS's calc with any property:

.calc(@prop; @val) {
  @{prop}: calc(~'@{val}');
  @{prop}: -moz-calc(~'@{val}');
  @{prop}: -webkit-calc(~'@{val}');
  @{prop}: -o-calc(~'@{val}');

Example usage:

.calc(width; "100% - 200px");

And the CSS that's output:

width: calc(100% - 200px);
width: -moz-calc(100% - 200px);
width: -webkit-calc(100% - 200px);
width: -o-calc(100% - 200px);

A codepen of this example:

Inverse of matrix in R

You can use the function ginv() (Moore-Penrose generalized inverse) in the MASS package

Run script with rc.local: script works, but not at boot

if you are using linux on cloud, then usually you don't have chance to touch the real hardware using your hands. so you don't see the configuration interface when booting for the first time, and of course cannot configure it. As a result, the firstboot service will always be in the way to rc.local. The solution is to disable firstboot by doing:

sudo chkconfig firstboot off

if you are not sure why your rc.local does not run, you can always check from /etc/rc.d/rc file because this file will always run and call other subsystems (e.g. rc.local).

Case insensitive comparison of strings in shell script

In Bash, you can use parameter expansion to modify a string to all lower-/upper-case:


echo ${var1,,} ${var2,,}
echo ${var1^^} ${var2^^}

Convert string to boolean in C#

You must use some of the C # conversion systems:

string to boolean: True to true

string str = "True";
bool mybool = System.Convert.ToBoolean(str);

boolean to string: true to True

bool mybool = true;
string str = System.Convert.ToString(mybool);


string str = mybool.ToString();

bool.Parse expects one parameter which in this case is str, even .

Convert.ToBoolean expects one parameter.

bool.TryParse expects two parameters, one entry (str) and one out (result).

If TryParse is true, then the conversion was correct, otherwise an error occurred

string str = "True";
bool MyBool = bool.Parse(str);


string str = "True";
if(bool.TryParse(str, out bool result))
   //Correct conversion
     //Incorrect, an error has occurred

Get Table and Index storage size in sql server

with pages as (
    SELECT object_id, SUM (reserved_page_count) as reserved_pages, SUM (used_page_count) as used_pages,
            SUM (case 
                    when (index_id < 2) then (in_row_data_page_count + lob_used_page_count + row_overflow_used_page_count)
                    else lob_used_page_count + row_overflow_used_page_count
                 end) as pages
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
    group by object_id
), extra as (
    SELECT p.object_id, sum(reserved_page_count) as reserved_pages, sum(used_page_count) as used_pages
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats p, sys.internal_tables it
    WHERE it.internal_type IN (202,204,211,212,213,214,215,216) AND p.object_id = it.object_id
    group by p.object_id
SELECT object_schema_name(p.object_id) + '.' + object_name(p.object_id) as TableName, (p.reserved_pages + isnull(e.reserved_pages, 0)) * 8 as reserved_kb,
        pages * 8 as data_kb,
        (CASE WHEN p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0) > pages THEN (p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0) - pages) ELSE 0 END) * 8 as index_kb,
        (CASE WHEN p.reserved_pages + isnull(e.reserved_pages, 0) > p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0) THEN (p.reserved_pages + isnull(e.reserved_pages, 0) - p.used_pages + isnull(e.used_pages, 0)) else 0 end) * 8 as unused_kb
from pages p
left outer join extra e on p.object_id = e.object_id

Takes into account internal tables, such as those used for XML storage.

Edit: If you divide the data_kb and index_kb values by 1024.0, you will get the numbers you see in the GUI.

XAMPP Object not found error

Just make sure you have the .htaccess in your project's public directory

If you don't have the file then create one and paste the below code in your .htaccess file.


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
        Options -MultiViews

    RewriteEngine On

    # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

    # Handle Front Controller...
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

Shell script to set environment variables

Run the script as source= to run in debug mode as well.

source= ./

How do I merge a specific commit from one branch into another in Git?

If BranchA has not been pushed to a remote then you can reorder the commits using rebase and then simply merge. It's preferable to use merge over rebase when possible because it doesn't create duplicate commits.

git checkout BranchA
git rebase -i HEAD~113
... reorder the commits so the 10 you want are first ...
git checkout BranchB
git merge [the 10th commit]

Equivalent of "continue" in Ruby

Inside for-loops and iterator methods like each and map the next keyword in ruby will have the effect of jumping to the next iteration of the loop (same as continue in C).

However what it actually does is just to return from the current block. So you can use it with any method that takes a block - even if it has nothing to do with iteration.

How to redirect to a different domain using NGINX?

That should work via HTTPRewriteModule.

Example rewrite from to

server {    
    rewrite ^$request_uri? permanent; 

how to draw smooth curve through N points using javascript HTML5 canvas?

I decide to add on, rather than posting my solution to another post. Below are the solution that I build, may not be perfect, but so far the output are good.

Important: it will pass through all the points!

If you have any idea, to make it better, please share to me. Thanks.

Here are the comparison of before after:

enter image description here

Save this code to HTML to test it out.

    <!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
     <canvas id="myCanvas" width="1200" height="700" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas>_x000D_
      var cv = document.getElementById("myCanvas");_x000D_
      var ctx = cv.getContext("2d");_x000D_
      function gradient(a, b) {_x000D_
       return (b.y-a.y)/(b.x-a.x);_x000D_
      function bzCurve(points, f, t) {_x000D_
       //f = 0, will be straight line_x000D_
       //t suppose to be 1, but changing the value can control the smoothness too_x000D_
       if (typeof(f) == 'undefined') f = 0.3;_x000D_
       if (typeof(t) == 'undefined') t = 0.6;_x000D_
       ctx.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);_x000D_
       var m = 0;_x000D_
       var dx1 = 0;_x000D_
       var dy1 = 0;_x000D_
       var preP = points[0];_x000D_
       for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {_x000D_
        var curP = points[i];_x000D_
        nexP = points[i + 1];_x000D_
        if (nexP) {_x000D_
         m = gradient(preP, nexP);_x000D_
         dx2 = (nexP.x - curP.x) * -f;_x000D_
         dy2 = dx2 * m * t;_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
         dx2 = 0;_x000D_
         dy2 = 0;_x000D_
        ctx.bezierCurveTo(preP.x - dx1, preP.y - dy1, curP.x + dx2, curP.y + dy2, curP.x, curP.y);_x000D_
        dx1 = dx2;_x000D_
        dy1 = dy2;_x000D_
        preP = curP;_x000D_
      // Generate random data_x000D_
      var lines = [];_x000D_
      var X = 10;_x000D_
      var t = 40; //to control width of X_x000D_
      for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {_x000D_
       Y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 300) + 50);_x000D_
       p = { x: X, y: Y };_x000D_
       X = X + t;_x000D_
      //draw straight line_x000D_
      ctx.lineWidth = 1;_x000D_
      bzCurve(lines, 0, 1);_x000D_
      //draw smooth line_x000D_
      ctx.lineWidth = 2;_x000D_
      ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";_x000D_
      bzCurve(lines, 0.3, 1);_x000D_

How do I get the directory that a program is running from?

Path to the current .exe

#include <Windows.h>

std::wstring getexepathW()
    wchar_t result[MAX_PATH];
    return std::wstring(result, GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, result, MAX_PATH));

std::wcout << getexepathW() << std::endl;

//  -------- OR --------

std::string getexepathA()
    char result[MAX_PATH];
    return std::string(result, GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, result, MAX_PATH));

std::cout << getexepathA() << std::endl;

how to fix EXE4J_JAVA_HOME, No JVM could be found on your system error?

This has to be done during your exe4j configuration. In the fourth step of Exe4j wizard which is Executable Info select> Advanced options select 32-bit or 64-bit. This worked well for me. or else install both JDK tool-kits x64 and x32 in your machine.

jQuery: How to get the event object in an event handler function without passing it as an argument?

Since the event object "evt" is not passed from the parameter, is it still possible to obtain this object?

No, not reliably. IE and some other browsers make it available as window.event (not $(window.event)), but that's non-standard and not supported by all browsers (famously, Firefox does not).

You're better off passing the event object into the function:

<a href="#" onclick="myFunc(event, 1,2,3)">click</a>

That works even on non-IE browsers because they execute the code in a context that has an event variable (and works on IE because event resolves to window.event). I've tried it in IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. Example:

But your best bet is to use modern event handling:


<a href="#">click</a>

JavaScript using jQuery (since you're using jQuery):

$("selector_for_the_anchor").click(function(event) {
    // Call `myFunc`
    myFunc(1, 2, 3);

    // Use `event` here at the event handler level, for instance

...or if you really want to pass event into myFunc:

$("selector_for_the_anchor").click(function(event) {
    myFunc(event, 1, 2, 3);

The selector can be anything that identifies the anchor. You have a very rich set to choose from (nearly all of CSS3, plus some). You could add an id or class to the anchor, but again, you have other choices. If you can use where it is in the document rather than adding something artificial, great.

SELECT *, COUNT(*) in SQLite

SELECT *, COUNT(*) FROM my_table is not what you want, and it's not really valid SQL, you have to group by all the columns that's not an aggregate.

You'd want something like

SELECT somecolumn,someothercolumn, COUNT(*) 
   FROM my_table 
GROUP BY somecolumn,someothercolumn

Create a folder if it doesn't already exist

For your specific question about WordPress, use the following code:

if (!is_dir(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads')) wp_mkdir_p(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads');

Function Reference: WordPress wp_mkdir_p. ABSPATH is the constant that returns WordPress working directory path.

The following code is for PHP in general.

if (!is_dir('path/to/directory')) mkdir('path/to/directory', 0777, true);

Function reference: PHP is_dir()

How to call gesture tap on UIView programmatically in swift

try the following extension

    extension UIView {

    func  addTapGesture(action : @escaping ()->Void ){
        let tap = MyTapGestureRecognizer(target: self , action: #selector(self.handleTap(_:)))
        tap.action = action
        tap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1

        self.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

    @objc func handleTap(_ sender: MyTapGestureRecognizer) {

class MyTapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer {
    var action : (()->Void)? = nil

and then use it :

submitBtn.addTapGesture {
     //your code

you can even use it for cell

cell.addTapGesture {
     //your code

Combining two Series into a DataFrame in pandas

If you are trying to join Series of equal length but their indexes don't match (which is a common scenario), then concatenating them will generate NAs wherever they don't match.

x = pd.Series({'a':1,'b':2,})
y = pd.Series({'d':4,'e':5})

#Output (I've added column names for clarity)
Index   x    y
a      1.0  NaN
b      2.0  NaN
d      NaN  4.0
e      NaN  5.0

Assuming that you don't care if the indexes match, the solution is to reindex both Series before concatenating them. If drop=False, which is the default, then Pandas will save the old index in a column of the new dataframe (the indexes are dropped here for simplicity).


#Output (column names added):
Index   x   y
0       1   4
1       2   5

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

I have a full explanation already posted here

Basically, General guidelines for designing images are:

ldpi is 0.75x dimensions of mdpi
hdpi is 1.5x dimensions of mdpi
xhdpi is 2x dimensinons of mdpi

Usually, I design mdpi images for a 320x480 screen and then multiply the dimensions as per the above rules to get images for other resolutions.

Please refer to the full explanation for a more detailed answer.

Bootstrap 3: Using img-circle, how to get circle from non-square image?

I see that this post is a little out of date but still... I can show you and everyone else (who is in the same situation as I was this day) how i did it.

First of all, you need html like this:

<div class="circle-avatar" style="background-image:url("></div>

Than your css class will look like this:{
/* make it responsive */
max-width: 100%;
/* div height to be the same as width*/

/* make it a circle */

/* Centering on image`s center*/
background-position-y: center;
background-position-x: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

/* it makes the clue thing, takes smaller dimension to fill div */
background-size: cover;

/* it is optional, for making this div centered in parent*/
margin: 0 auto;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;

It is responsive circle, centered on original image. You can change width and height not to autofill its parent if you want. But keep them equal if you want to have a circle in result.

Link with solution on fiddle

I hope this answer will help struggling people. Bye.

`getchar()` gives the same output as the input string

In the simple setup you are likely using, getchar works with buffered input, so you have to press enter before getchar gets anything to read. Strings are not terminated by EOF; in fact, EOF is not really a character, but a magic value that indicates the end of the file. But EOF is not part of the string read. It's what getchar returns when there is nothing left to read.

enum - getting value of enum on string conversion

I implemented access using the following

class D(Enum):
    x = 1
    y = 2

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s' % self.value

now I can just do

print(D.x) to get 1 as result.

You can also use in case you wanted to print x instead of 1.

Pandas read in table without headers

Previous answers were good and correct, but in my opinion, an extra names parameter will make it perfect, and it should be the recommended way, especially when the csv has no headers.


Use usecols and names parameters

df = pd.read_csv(file_path, usecols=[3,6], names=['colA', 'colB'])

Additional reading

or use header=None to explicitly tells people that the csv has no headers (anyway both lines are identical)

df = pd.read_csv(file_path, usecols=[3,6], names=['colA', 'colB'], header=None)

So that you can retrieve your data by

# with `names` parameter

instead of

# without `names` parameter


Based on read_csv, when names are passed explicitly, then header will be behaving like None instead of 0, so one can skip header=None when names exist.

Why Git is not allowing me to commit even after configuration?

I had this problem even after setting the config properly. git config

My scenario was issuing git command through supervisor (in Linux). On further debugging, supervisor was not reading the git config from home folder. Hence, I had to set the environment HOME variable in the supervisor config so that it can locate the git config correctly. It's strange that supervisor was not able to locate the git config just from the username configured in supervisor's config (/etc/supervisor/conf.d).

Remove unwanted parts from strings in a column

data['result'] = data['result'].map(lambda x: x.lstrip('+-').rstrip('aAbBcC'))

php exec() is not executing the command

You might also try giving the full path to the binary you're trying to run. That solved my problem when trying to use ImageMagick.

How to cancel a local git commit

You can tell Git what to do with your index (set of files that will become the next commit) and working directory when performing git reset by using one of the parameters:

--soft: Only commits will be reseted, while Index and the working directory are not altered.

--mixed: This will reset the index to match the HEAD, while working directory will not be touched. All the changes will stay in the working directory and appear as modified.

--hard: It resets everything (commits, index, working directory) to match the HEAD.

In your case, I would use git reset --soft to keep your modified changes in Index and working directory. Be sure to check this out for a more detailed explanation.

git: Switch branch and ignore any changes without committing

switching to a new branch losing changes:

git checkout -b YOUR_NEW_BRANCH_NAME --force

switching to an existing branch losing changes:

git checkout YOUR_BRANCH --force

Split by comma and strip whitespace in Python

Use list comprehension -- simpler, and just as easy to read as a for loop.

my_string = "blah, lots  ,  of ,  spaces, here "
result = [x.strip() for x in my_string.split(',')]
# result is ["blah", "lots", "of", "spaces", "here"]

See: Python docs on List Comprehension
A good 2 second explanation of list comprehension.

JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

I have spent 3 hours for solving the error The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly. This environment variable is needed to run this program NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE

Finally I got the solution. Please set the JAVA_HOME value by Browse Directory button/option. Try to find the jdk path. Ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181

It will remove the semicolon issue. :D Browse Directory option

Get selected option from select element

This worked for me:


Ruby: How to get the first character of a string

>> s = 'Smith'                                                          
=> "Smith"                                                              
>> s[0]                                                                 
=> "S"                                                        

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null

You don't have an element with the id u.That's why the error occurs. Note that the global variable document.getElementById("u").value means you are trying to get the value of input element with name u and its not defined in your code.

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python

OCR which stands for Optical Character Recognition is a computer vision technique used to identify the different types of handwritten digits that are used in common mathematics. To perform OCR in OpenCV we will use the KNN algorithm which detects the nearest k neighbors of a particular data point and then classifies that data point based on the class type detected for n neighbors.

Data Used

This data contains 5000 handwritten digits where there are 500 digits for every type of digit. Each digit is of 20×20 pixel dimensions. We will split the data such that 250 digits are for training and 250 digits are for testing for every class.

Below is the implementation.

import numpy as np
import cv2
# Read the image
image = cv2.imread('digits.png')
# gray scale conversion
gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(image,
# We will divide the image
# into 5000 small dimensions 
# of size 20x20
divisions = list(np.hsplit(i,100) for i in np.vsplit(gray_img,50))
# Convert into Numpy array
# of size (50,100,20,20)
NP_array = np.array(divisions)
# Preparing train_data
# and test_data.
# Size will be (2500,20x20)
train_data = NP_array[:,:50].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32)
# Size will be (2500,20x20)
test_data = NP_array[:,50:100].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32)
# Create 10 different labels 
# for each type of digit
k = np.arange(10)
train_labels = np.repeat(k,250)[:,np.newaxis]
test_labels = np.repeat(k,250)[:,np.newaxis]
# Initiate kNN classifier
knn =
# perform training of data
# obtain the output from the
# classifier by specifying the
# number of neighbors.
ret, output ,neighbours,
distance = knn.findNearest(test_data, k = 3)
# Check the performance and
# accuracy of the classifier.
# Compare the output with test_labels
# to find out how many are wrong.
matched = output==test_labels
correct_OP = np.count_nonzero(matched)
#Calculate the accuracy.
accuracy = (correct_OP*100.0)/(output.size)
# Display accuracy.



Well, I decided to workout myself on my question to solve the above problem. What I wanted is to implement a simple OCR using KNearest or SVM features in OpenCV. And below is what I did and how. (it is just for learning how to use KNearest for simple OCR purposes).

1) My first question was about file that comes with OpenCV samples. I wanted to know what is inside that file.

It contains a letter, along with 16 features of that letter.

And this SOF helped me to find it. These 16 features are explained in the paper Letter Recognition Using Holland-Style Adaptive Classifiers. (Although I didn't understand some of the features at the end)

2) Since I knew, without understanding all those features, it is difficult to do that method. I tried some other papers, but all were a little difficult for a beginner.

So I just decided to take all the pixel values as my features. (I was not worried about accuracy or performance, I just wanted it to work, at least with the least accuracy)

I took the below image for my training data:

enter image description here

(I know the amount of training data is less. But, since all letters are of the same font and size, I decided to try on this).

To prepare the data for training, I made a small code in OpenCV. It does the following things:

  1. It loads the image.
  2. Selects the digits (obviously by contour finding and applying constraints on area and height of letters to avoid false detections).
  3. Draws the bounding rectangle around one letter and wait for key press manually. This time we press the digit key ourselves corresponding to the letter in the box.
  4. Once the corresponding digit key is pressed, it resizes this box to 10x10 and saves all 100 pixel values in an array (here, samples) and corresponding manually entered digit in another array(here, responses).
  5. Then save both the arrays in separate .txt files.

At the end of the manual classification of digits, all the digits in the training data (train.png) are labeled manually by ourselves, image will look like below:

enter image description here

Below is the code I used for the above purpose (of course, not so clean):

import sys

import numpy as np
import cv2

im = cv2.imread('pitrain.png')
im3 = im.copy()

gray = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray,(5,5),0)
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(blur,255,1,1,11,2)

#################      Now finding Contours         ###################

contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

samples =  np.empty((0,100))
responses = []
keys = [i for i in range(48,58)]

for cnt in contours:
    if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>50:
        [x,y,w,h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        if  h>28:
            roi = thresh[y:y+h,x:x+w]
            roismall = cv2.resize(roi,(10,10))
            key = cv2.waitKey(0)

            if key == 27:  # (escape to quit)
            elif key in keys:
                sample = roismall.reshape((1,100))
                samples = np.append(samples,sample,0)

responses = np.array(responses,np.float32)
responses = responses.reshape((responses.size,1))
print "training complete"


Now we enter in to training and testing part.

For the testing part, I used the below image, which has the same type of letters I used for the training phase.

enter image description here

For training we do as follows:

  1. Load the .txt files we already saved earlier
  2. create an instance of the classifier we are using (it is KNearest in this case)
  3. Then we use KNearest.train function to train the data

For testing purposes, we do as follows:

  1. We load the image used for testing
  2. process the image as earlier and extract each digit using contour methods
  3. Draw a bounding box for it, then resize it to 10x10, and store its pixel values in an array as done earlier.
  4. Then we use KNearest.find_nearest() function to find the nearest item to the one we gave. ( If lucky, it recognizes the correct digit.)

I included last two steps (training and testing) in single code below:

import cv2
import numpy as np

#######   training part    ############### 
samples = np.loadtxt('',np.float32)
responses = np.loadtxt('',np.float32)
responses = responses.reshape((responses.size,1))

model = cv2.KNearest()

############################# testing part  #########################

im = cv2.imread('pi.png')
out = np.zeros(im.shape,np.uint8)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(im,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray,255,1,1,11,2)

contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

for cnt in contours:
    if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>50:
        [x,y,w,h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
        if  h>28:
            roi = thresh[y:y+h,x:x+w]
            roismall = cv2.resize(roi,(10,10))
            roismall = roismall.reshape((1,100))
            roismall = np.float32(roismall)
            retval, results, neigh_resp, dists = model.find_nearest(roismall, k = 1)
            string = str(int((results[0][0])))


And it worked, below is the result I got:

enter image description here

Here it worked with 100% accuracy. I assume this is because all the digits are of the same kind and the same size.

But anyway, this is a good start to go for beginners (I hope so).

VS Code - Search for text in all files in a directory

Ctrl + P (Win, Linux), Cmd + P (Mac) – Quick open, Go to file

Should URL be case sensitive?

The domain name portion of a URL is not case sensitive since DNS ignores case: and HTTP://EN.EXAMPLE.ORG/ both open the same page.

The path is used to specify and perhaps find the resource requested. It is case-sensitive, though it may be treated as case-insensitive by some servers, especially those based on Microsoft Windows.

If the server is case sensitive and is correct, then or will display an HTTP 404 error page, unless these URLs point to valid resources themselves.

Pipe to/from the clipboard in Bash script

Wow, I can't believe how many answers there are for this question. I can't say I've tried them all but I've tried the top 3 or 4 and none of them work for me. What did work for me was an answer located in one of the comment written by a user called doug. Since I found it so helpful, I decided to restate in an answer.

Install xcopy utility and when you're in the Terminal, input:


Thing_you_want_to_copy|xclip -selection c


myvariable=$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)

I noticed alot of answers recommended pbpaste and pbcopy. If you're into those utilities but for some reason they are not available on your repo, you can always make an alias for the xcopy commands and call them pbpaste and pbcopy.

alias pbcopy="xclip -selection c" 
alias pbpaste="xclip -selection clipboard -o" 

So then it would look like this:


mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli

I had the same problem. I changed the localhost parameter in the mysqli object to '' instead of writing 'localhost'. It worked; I’m not sure how or why.

$db_connection = new mysqli("","root","","db_name");

Hope it helps.

When to use malloc for char pointers

As was indicated by others, you don't need to use malloc just to do:

const char *foo = "bar";

The reason for that is exactly that *foo is a pointer — when you initialize foo you're not creating a copy of the string, just a pointer to where "bar" lives in the data section of your executable. You can copy that pointer as often as you'd like, but remember, they're always pointing back to the same single instance of that string.

So when should you use malloc? Normally you use strdup() to copy a string, which handles the malloc in the background. e.g.

const char *foo = "bar";
char *bar = strdup(foo); /* now contains a new copy of "bar" */
printf("%s\n", bar);     /* prints "bar" */
free(bar);               /* frees memory created by strdup */

Now, we finally get around to a case where you may want to malloc if you're using sprintf() or, more safely snprintf() which creates / formats a new string.

char *foo = malloc(sizeof(char) * 1024);        /* buffer for 1024 chars */
snprintf(foo, 1024, "%s - %s\n", "foo", "bar"); /* puts "foo - bar\n" in foo */
printf(foo);                                    /* prints "foo - bar" */
free(foo);                                      /* frees mem from malloc */

Filtering a list based on a list of booleans

With python 3 you can use list_a[filter] to get True values. To get False values use list_a[~filter]

Bootstrap dropdown not working

Add following lines within the body tags.

<!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files 
        as needed -->
  <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

SQL Query to concatenate column values from multiple rows in Oracle

There's also an XMLAGG function, which works on versions prior to 11.2. Because WM_CONCAT is undocumented and unsupported by Oracle, it's recommended not to use it in production system.

With XMLAGG you can do the following:

SELECT XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(E,ename||',')).EXTRACT('//text()') "Result" 
FROM employee_names

What this does is

  • put the values of the ename column (concatenated with a comma) from the employee_names table in an xml element (with tag E)
  • extract the text of this
  • aggregate the xml (concatenate it)
  • call the resulting column "Result"

ERROR 403 in loading resources like CSS and JS in my index.php

You need to change permissions on the folder bootstrap/css. Your super user may be able to access it but it doesn't mean apache or nginx have access to it, that's why you still need to change the permissions.

Tip: I usually make the apache/nginx's user group owner of that kind of folders and give 775 permission to it.

How to read a text-file resource into Java unit test?

With the use of Google Guava:


public String readResource(final String fileName, Charset charset) throws Exception {
        try {
            return Resources.toString(Resources.getResource(fileName), charset);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);


String fixture = this.readResource("filename.txt", Charsets.UTF_8)

Simplest JQuery validation rules example

The examples contained in this blog post do the trick.

Getting a map() to return a list in Python 3.x

Converting my old comment for better visibility: For a "better way to do this" without map entirely, if your inputs are known to be ASCII ordinals, it's generally much faster to convert to bytes and decode, a la bytes(list_of_ordinals).decode('ascii'). That gets you a str of the values, but if you need a list for mutability or the like, you can just convert it (and it's still faster). For example, in ipython microbenchmarks converting 45 inputs:

>>> %%timeit -r5 ordinals = list(range(45))
... list(map(chr, ordinals))
3.91 µs ± 60.2 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 5 runs, 100000 loops each)

>>> %%timeit -r5 ordinals = list(range(45))
... [*map(chr, ordinals)]
3.84 µs ± 219 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 5 runs, 100000 loops each)

>>> %%timeit -r5 ordinals = list(range(45))
... [*bytes(ordinals).decode('ascii')]
1.43 µs ± 49.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 5 runs, 1000000 loops each)

>>> %%timeit -r5 ordinals = list(range(45))
... bytes(ordinals).decode('ascii')
781 ns ± 15.9 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 5 runs, 1000000 loops each)

If you leave it as a str, it takes ~20% of the time of the fastest map solutions; even converting back to list it's still less than 40% of the fastest map solution. Bulk convert via bytes and bytes.decode then bulk converting back to list saves a lot of work, but as noted, only works if all your inputs are ASCII ordinals (or ordinals in some one byte per character locale specific encoding, e.g. latin-1).

How do I get HTTP Request body content in Laravel?

For those who are still getting blank response with $request->getContent(), you can use:



public function foo(Request $request){
   $bodyContent = $request->all();

Can you nest html forms?

Another way to get around this problem, if you are using some server side scripting language that allows you to manipulate the posted data, is to declare your html form like this :

<input name="a_name"/>
<input name="a_second_name"/>
<input name="subform[another_name]"/>
<input name="subform[another_second_name]"/>

If you print the posted data (I will use PHP here), you will get an array like this :

//print_r($_POST) will output :
    'a_name' => 'a_name_value',
    'a_second_name' => 'a_second_name_value',
    'subform' => array(
      'another_name' => 'a_name_value',
      'another_second_name' => 'another_second_name_value',

Then you can just do something like :

$my_sub_form_data = $_POST['subform'];

Your $_POST now has only your "main form" data, and your subform data is stored in another variable you can manipulate at will.

Hope this helps!

How can I create download link in HTML?

In addition (or in replacement) to the HTML5's <a download attribute already mentioned,
the browser's download to disk behavior can also be triggered by the following http response header:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ProposedFileName.txt;

This was the way to do before HTML5 (and still works with browsers supporting HTML5).

What is the Java equivalent of PHP var_dump?

In my experience, var_dump is typically used for debugging PHP in place of a step-though debugger. In Java, you can of course use your IDE's debugger to see a visual representation of an object's contents.

How to set app icon for Electron / Atom Shell App




You can do it for macOS, too. Ok, not through code, but with some simple steps:

  1. Find the .icns file you want to use, open it and copy it via Edit menu
  2. Find the, usually in node_modules/electron/dist
  3. Open the information window
  4. Select the icon on the top left corner (gray border around it)
  5. Paste the icon via cmd+v
  6. Enjoy your icon during development :-)

enter image description here

Actually it is a general thing not specific to electron. You can change the icon of many macOS apps like this.

Changing Underline color

Another way that the one described by danield is to have a child container width display inline, and the tipography color you want. The parent element width the text-decoration, and the color of underline you want. Like this:

div span{color:#000;display:inline}
  <span>Hover me, i can have many lines</span>_x000D_

Setting Camera Parameters in OpenCV/Python

I wasn't able to fix the problem OpenCV either, but a video4linux (V4L2) workaround does work with OpenCV when using Linux. At least, it does on my Raspberry Pi with Rasbian and my cheap webcam. This is not as solid, light and portable as you'd like it to be, but for some situations it might be very useful nevertheless.

Make sure you have the v4l2-ctl application installed, e.g. from the Debian v4l-utils package. Than run (before running the python application, or from within) the command:

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video1 -c exposure_auto=1 -c exposure_auto_priority=0 -c exposure_absolute=10

It overwrites your camera shutter time to manual settings and changes the shutter time (in ms?) with the last parameter to (in this example) 10. The lower this value, the darker the image.

Why should I use core.autocrlf=true in Git?

For me.

Edit .gitattributes file.


*.dll binary

Then everything goes well.

Absolute Positioning & Text Alignment

This should work:

#my-div { 
  left: 0; 
  width: 100%; 

PHP UML Generator

If you are looking to generate UML easily from your existing PHP Classes you might want to consider PHPStorm 3.0 IDE. It does a good job of replicating existing code into UML.

Have a look at the PHP Storm feature list.

Node.js server that accepts POST requests

The following code shows how to read values from an HTML form. As @pimvdb said you need to use the request.on('data'...) to capture the contents of the body.

const http = require('http')

const server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {

  if (request.method == 'POST') {
    var body = ''
    request.on('data', function(data) {
      body += data
      console.log('Partial body: ' + body)
    request.on('end', function() {
      console.log('Body: ' + body)
      response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
      response.end('post received')
  } else {
    var html = `
                    <form method="post" action="http://localhost:3000">Name: 
                        <input type="text" name="name" />
                        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

const port = 3000
const host = ''
server.listen(port, host)
console.log(`Listening at http://${host}:${port}`)

If you use something like Express.js and Bodyparser then it would look like this since Express will handle the request.body concatenation

var express = require('express')
var fs = require('fs')
var app = express()


app.get('/', function(request, response) {
  console.log('GET /')
  var html = `
            <form method="post" action="http://localhost:3000">Name: 
                <input type="text" name="name" />
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
})'/', function(request, response) {
  console.log('POST /')
  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

port = 3000
console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${port}`)

How to respond with HTTP 400 error in a Spring MVC @ResponseBody method returning String?

Here's a different approach. Create a custom Exception annotated with @ResponseStatus, like the following one.

@ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, reason = "Not Found")
public class NotFoundException extends Exception {

    public NotFoundException() {

And throw it when needed.

@RequestMapping(value = "/matches/{matchId}", produces = "application/json")
public String match(@PathVariable String matchId) {
    String json = matchService.getMatchJson(matchId);
    if (json == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException();
    return json;

Check out the Spring documentation here:

How is malloc() implemented internally?

Simplistically malloc and free work like this:

malloc provides access to a process's heap. The heap is a construct in the C core library (commonly libc) that allows objects to obtain exclusive access to some space on the process's heap.

Each allocation on the heap is called a heap cell. This typically consists of a header that hold information on the size of the cell as well as a pointer to the next heap cell. This makes a heap effectively a linked list.

When one starts a process, the heap contains a single cell that contains all the heap space assigned on startup. This cell exists on the heap's free list.

When one calls malloc, memory is taken from the large heap cell, which is returned by malloc. The rest is formed into a new heap cell that consists of all the rest of the memory.

When one frees memory, the heap cell is added to the end of the heap's free list. Subsequent malloc's walk the free list looking for a cell of suitable size.

As can be expected the heap can get fragmented and the heap manager may from time to time, try to merge adjacent heap cells.

When there is no memory left on the free list for a desired allocation, malloc calls brk or sbrk which are the system calls requesting more memory pages from the operating system.

Now there are a few modification to optimize heap operations.

  • For large memory allocations (typically > 512 bytes, the heap manager may go straight to the OS and allocate a full memory page.
  • The heap may specify a minimum size of allocation to prevent large amounts of fragmentation.
  • The heap may also divide itself into bins one for small allocations and one for larger allocations to make larger allocations quicker.
  • There are also clever mechanisms for optimizing multi-threaded heap allocation.

How to save image in database using C#

You'll need to serialize the image to a binary format that can be stored in a SQL BLOB column. Assuming you're using SQL Server, here is a good article on the subject:

How to redirect verbose garbage collection output to a file?

From the output of java -X:

    -Xloggc:<file>    log GC status to a file with time stamps

Documented here:


Sets the file to which verbose GC events information should be redirected for logging. The information written to this file is similar to the output of -verbose:gc with the time elapsed since the first GC event preceding each logged event. The -Xloggc option overrides -verbose:gc if both are given with the same java command.



So the output looks something like this:

0.590: [GC 896K->278K(5056K), 0.0096650 secs]
0.906: [GC 1174K->774K(5056K), 0.0106856 secs]
1.320: [GC 1670K->1009K(5056K), 0.0101132 secs]
1.459: [GC 1902K->1055K(5056K), 0.0030196 secs]
1.600: [GC 1951K->1161K(5056K), 0.0032375 secs]
1.686: [GC 1805K->1238K(5056K), 0.0034732 secs]
1.690: [Full GC 1238K->1238K(5056K), 0.0631661 secs]
1.874: [GC 62133K->61257K(65060K), 0.0014464 secs]

Boolean operators && and ||

The answer about "short-circuiting" is potentially misleading, but has some truth (see below). In the R/S language, && and || only evaluate the first element in the first argument. All other elements in a vector or list are ignored regardless of the first ones value. Those operators are designed to work with the if (cond) {} else{} construction and to direct program control rather than construct new vectors.. The & and the | operators are designed to work on vectors, so they will be applied "in parallel", so to speak, along the length of the longest argument. Both vectors need to be evaluated before the comparisons are made. If the vectors are not the same length, then recycling of the shorter argument is performed.

When the arguments to && or || are evaluated, there is "short-circuiting" in that if any of the values in succession from left to right are determinative, then evaluations cease and the final value is returned.

> if( print(1) ) {print(2)} else {print(3)}
[1] 1
[1] 2
> if(FALSE && print(1) ) {print(2)} else {print(3)} # `print(1)` not evaluated
[1] 3
> if(TRUE && print(1) ) {print(2)} else {print(3)}
[1] 1
[1] 2
> if(TRUE && !print(1) ) {print(2)} else {print(3)}
[1] 1
[1] 3
> if(FALSE && !print(1) ) {print(2)} else {print(3)}
[1] 3

The advantage of short-circuiting will only appear when the arguments take a long time to evaluate. That will typically occur when the arguments are functions that either process larger objects or have mathematical operations that are more complex.

Python iterating through object attributes

You can use the standard Python idiom, vars():

for attr, value in vars(k).items():
    print(attr, '=', value)

Why use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] instead of ""

In addition to above answers, another way of doing it is $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] or simply using an empty string is to use __DIR__.
If you're on a lower PHP version (<5.3), a more common alternative is to use dirname(__FILE__)
Both returns the folder name of the file in context.

As Boann pointed out that this returns the on-disk location of the file. WHich you would not ideally expose as a url. In that case dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) can return the folder name of the file in context.

How to create circular ProgressBar in android?

It's easy to create this yourself

In your layout include the following ProgressBar with a specific drawable (note you should get the width from dimensions instead). The max value is important here:

    android:progressDrawable="@drawable/circular" />

Now create the drawable in your resources with the following shape. Play with the radius (you can use innerRadius instead of innerRadiusRatio) and thickness values.

circular (Pre Lollipop OR API Level < 21)

        android:thickness="3.8sp" >
        <solid android:color="@color/yourColor" />

circular ( >= Lollipop OR API Level >= 21)

        android:thickness="3.8sp" >
        <solid android:color="@color/yourColor" />

useLevel is "false" by default in API Level 21 (Lollipop) .

Start Animation

Next in your code use an ObjectAnimator to animate the progress field of the ProgessBar of your layout.

ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) view.findViewById(;
ObjectAnimator animation = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(progressBar, "progress", 0, 500); // see this max value coming back here, we animate towards that value
animation.setDuration(5000); // in milliseconds
animation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());

Stop Animation


P.S. unlike examples above, it give smooth animation.

how to use DEXtoJar

After you extract the classes.dex file, just drag and drop it to d2j-dex2jar

How do you test a public/private DSA keypair?

For DSA keys, use

 openssl dsa -pubin -in -modulus -noout

to print the public keys, then

 openssl dsa -in dsa.key -modulus -noout

to display the public keys corresponding to a private key, then compare them.

Is there a REAL performance difference between INT and VARCHAR primary keys?

It's not about performance. It's about what makes a good primary key. Unique and unchanging over time. You may think an entity such as a country code never changes over time and would be a good candidate for a primary key. But bitter experience is that is seldom so.

INT AUTO_INCREMENT meets the "unique and unchanging over time" condition. Hence the preference.

How to measure time in milliseconds using ANSI C?

There is no ANSI C function that provides better than 1 second time resolution but the POSIX function gettimeofday provides microsecond resolution. The clock function only measures the amount of time that a process has spent executing and is not accurate on many systems.

You can use this function like this:

struct timeval tval_before, tval_after, tval_result;

gettimeofday(&tval_before, NULL);

// Some code you want to time, for example:

gettimeofday(&tval_after, NULL);

timersub(&tval_after, &tval_before, &tval_result);

printf("Time elapsed: %ld.%06ld\n", (long int)tval_result.tv_sec, (long int)tval_result.tv_usec);

This returns Time elapsed: 1.000870 on my machine.

'router-outlet' is not a known element

Assuming you are using Angular 6 with angular-cli and you have created a separate routing module which is responsible for routing activities - configure your routes in Routes array.Make sure that you are declaring RouterModule in exports array. Code would look like this:

      imports: [
     // other imports here
     exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

What is the difference between prefix and postfix operators?

Let's keep this as simple as possible.

let i = 1
console.log('A', i)    // 1
console.log('B', ++i)  // 2
console.log('C', i++)  // 2
console.log('D', i)    // 3

A) Prints the value of i. B) First i is incremented then the console.log is run with i as it's new value. C) Console.log is run with i at its current value, then i will get incemented. D) Prints the value of i.

In short if you use the pre-shorthand i.e(++i) i will get updated before the line is executed. If you use the post-shorthand i.e(i++) the current line will run as if i had not been updated yet then i gets increased so ther next time your interpreter comes accross i it will have been increrased.

How can I URL encode a string in Excel VBA?

No, nothing built-in (until Excel 2013 - see this answer).

There are three versions of URLEncode() in this answer.

  • A function with UTF-8 support. You should probably use this one (or the alternative implementation by Tom) for compatibility with modern requirements.
  • For reference and educational purposes, two functions without UTF-8 support:
    • one found on a third party website, included as-is. (This was the first version of the answer)
    • one optimized version of that, written by me

A variant that supports UTF-8 encoding and is based on ADODB.Stream (include a reference to a recent version of the "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects" library in your project):

Public Function URLEncode( _
   ByVal StringVal As String, _
   Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False _
) As String
  Dim bytes() As Byte, b As Byte, i As Integer, space As String

  If SpaceAsPlus Then space = "+" Else space = "%20"

  If Len(StringVal) > 0 Then
    With New ADODB.Stream
      .Mode = adModeReadWrite
      .Type = adTypeText
      .Charset = "UTF-8"
      .WriteText StringVal
      .Position = 0
      .Type = adTypeBinary
      .Position = 3 ' skip BOM
      bytes = .Read
    End With

    ReDim result(UBound(bytes)) As String

    For i = UBound(bytes) To 0 Step -1
      b = bytes(i)
      Select Case b
        Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
          result(i) = Chr(b)
        Case 32
          result(i) = space
        Case 0 To 15
          result(i) = "%0" & Hex(b)
        Case Else
          result(i) = "%" & Hex(b)
      End Select
    Next i

    URLEncode = Join(result, "")
  End If
End Function

This function was found on

Public Function URLEncode( _
   StringToEncode As String, _
   Optional UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace As Boolean = False _
) As String

  Dim TempAns As String
  Dim CurChr As Integer
  CurChr = 1

  Do Until CurChr - 1 = Len(StringToEncode)
    Select Case Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1))
      Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
        TempAns = TempAns & Mid(StringToEncode, CurChr, 1)
      Case 32
        If UsePlusRatherThanHexForSpace = True Then
          TempAns = TempAns & "+"
          TempAns = TempAns & "%" & Hex(32)
        End If
      Case Else
        TempAns = TempAns & "%" & _
          Right("0" & Hex(Asc(Mid(StringToEncode, _
          CurChr, 1))), 2)
    End Select

    CurChr = CurChr + 1

  URLEncode = TempAns
End Function

I've corrected a little bug that was in there.

I would use more efficient (~2× as fast) version of the above:

Public Function URLEncode( _
   StringVal As String, _
   Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False _
) As String

  Dim StringLen As Long: StringLen = Len(StringVal)

  If StringLen > 0 Then
    ReDim result(StringLen) As String
    Dim i As Long, CharCode As Integer
    Dim Char As String, Space As String

    If SpaceAsPlus Then Space = "+" Else Space = "%20"

    For i = 1 To StringLen
      Char = Mid$(StringVal, i, 1)
      CharCode = Asc(Char)
      Select Case CharCode
        Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
          result(i) = Char
        Case 32
          result(i) = Space
        Case 0 To 15
          result(i) = "%0" & Hex(CharCode)
        Case Else
          result(i) = "%" & Hex(CharCode)
      End Select
    Next i
    URLEncode = Join(result, "")
  End If
End Function

Note that neither of these two functions support UTF-8 encoding.

How to make join queries using Sequelize on Node.js

In my case i did following thing. In the UserMaster userId is PK and in UserAccess userId is FK of UserMaster

UserAccess.belongsTo(UserMaster,{foreignKey: 'userId'});
UserMaster.hasMany(UserAccess,{foreignKey : 'userId'});
var userData = await UserMaster.findAll({include: [UserAccess]});

The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine ERROR

In my case the IIS did not have the necessary permissions to access the relevant ASPX path.

I gave the IIS user permissions to the relevant directory and all was well.

How to remove whitespace from a string in typescript?

Trim just removes the trailing and leading whitespace. Use .replace(/ /g, "") if there are just spaces to be replaced.

this.maintabinfo = this.inner_view_data.replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase();

Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?

Just export the environment variables you want above the check for a non-interactive shell in ~/.bashrc.

How can I add new item to the String array?

String a []=new String[1];

  a[0].add("kk" );

Try this one...

How to access child's state in React?

As the previous answers saids, try to move the state to a top component and modify the state through callbacks passed to it's children.

In case that you really need to access to a child state that is declared as a functional component (hooks) you can declare a ref in the parent component, then pass it as a ref attribute to the child but you need to use React.forwardRef and then the hook useImperativeHandle to declare a function you can call in the parent component.

Take a look at the following example:

const Parent = () => {
    const myRef = useRef();
    return <Child ref={myRef} />;

const Child = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
    const [myState, setMyState] = useState('This is my state!');
    useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({getMyState: () => {return myState}}), [myState]);

Then you should be able to get myState in the Parent component by calling: myRef.current.getMyState();

How to change maven java home

I am using Mac and none of the answers above helped me. I found out that maven loads its own JAVA_HOME from the path specified in: ~/.mavenrc

I changed the content of the file to be: JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home

For Linux it will look something like:

jQuery: get parent, parent id?


Entity Framework throws exception - Invalid object name 'dbo.BaseCs'

If everything is fine with your ConnectionString check your DbSet collection name in you db context file. If that and database table names aren't matching you will also get this error.

So, for example, Categories, Products

public class ProductContext : DbContext 
    public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; } 
    public DbSet<Product> Products { get; set; } 

should match with actual database table names:

enter image description here

How do I get the name of the active user via the command line in OS X?

getting username in MAC terminal is easy...

I generally use whoami in terminal...

For example, in this case, I needed that to install Tomcat Server...

enter image description here

Error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

"Segmentation fault (core dumped)" is the string that Linux prints when a program exits with a SIGSEGV signal and you have core creation enabled. This means some program has crashed.

If you're actually getting this error from running Python, this means the Python interpreter has crashed. There are only a few reasons this can happen:

  1. You're using a third-party extension module written in C, and that extension module has crashed.

  2. You're (directly or indirectly) using the built-in module ctypes, and calling external code that crashes.

  3. There's something wrong with your Python installation.

  4. You've discovered a bug in Python that you should report.

The first is by far the most common. If your q is an instance of some object from some third-party extension module, you may want to look at the documentation.

Often, when C modules crash, it's because you're doing something which is invalid, or at least uncommon and untested. But whether it's your "fault" in that sense or not - that doesn't matter. The module should raise a Python exception that you can debug, instead of crashing. So, you should probably report a bug to whoever wrote the extension. But meanwhile, rather than waiting 6 months for the bug to be fixed and a new version to come out, you need to figure out what you did that triggered the crash, and whether there's some different way to do what you want. Or switch to a different library.

On the other hand, since you're reading and printing out data from somewhere else, it's possible that your Python interpreter just read the line "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" and faithfully printed what it read. In that case, some other program upstream presumably crashed. (It's even possible that nobody crashed—if you fetched this page from the web and printed it out, you'd get that same line, right?) In your case, based on your comment, it's probably the Java program that crashed.

If you're not sure which case it is (and don't want to learn how to do process management, core-file inspection, or C-level debugging today), there's an easy way to test: After print line add a line saying print "And I'm OK". If you see that after the Segmentation fault line, then Python didn't crash, someone else did. If you don't see it, then it's probably Python that's crashed.

Get the index of the object inside an array, matching a condition

How can I get the index of the object tha match a condition (without iterate along the array)?

You cannot, something has to iterate through the array (at least once).

If the condition changes a lot, then you'll have to loop through and look at the objects therein to see if they match the condition. However, on a system with ES5 features (or if you install a shim), that iteration can be done fairly concisely:

var index;
yourArray.some(function(entry, i) {
    if (entry.prop2 == "yutu") {
        index = i;
        return true;

That uses the new(ish) Array#some function, which loops through the entries in the array until the function you give it returns true. The function I've given it saves the index of the matching entry, then returns true to stop the iteration.

Or of course, just use a for loop. Your various iteration options are covered in this other answer.

But if you're always going to be using the same property for this lookup, and if the property values are unique, you can loop just once and create an object to map them:

var prop2map = {};
yourArray.forEach(function(entry) {
    prop2map[entry.prop2] = entry;

(Or, again, you could use a for loop or any of your other options.)

Then if you need to find the entry with prop2 = "yutu", you can do this:

var entry = prop2map["yutu"];

I call this "cross-indexing" the array. Naturally, if you remove or add entries (or change their prop2 values), you need to update your mapping object as well.

if statement checks for null but still throws a NullPointerException

The | and & check both the sides everytime.

if (str == null | str.length() == 0)

here we have high possibility to get NullPointerException

Logical || and && check the right hand side only if necessary.

but with logical operator

no chance to get NPE because it will not check RHS

How to store directory files listing into an array?

Here's a variant that lets you use a regex pattern for initial filtering, change the regex to be get the filtering you desire.

files=($(find -E . -type f -regex "^.*$"))
for item in ${files[*]}
  printf "   %s\n" $item

How do I extract Month and Year in a MySQL date and compare them?

in Mysql Doku:

FROM `Table` WHERE Condition = 'Condition';

Change CSS class properties with jQuery

In case you cannot use different stylesheet by dynamically loading it, you can use this function to modify CSS class. Hope it helps you...

function changeCss(className, classValue) {
    // we need invisible container to store additional css definitions
    var cssMainContainer = $('#css-modifier-container');
    if (cssMainContainer.length == 0) {
        var cssMainContainer = $('<div id="css-modifier-container"></div>');

    // and we need one div for each class
    classContainer = cssMainContainer.find('div[data-class="' + className + '"]');
    if (classContainer.length == 0) {
        classContainer = $('<div data-class="' + className + '"></div>');

    // append additional style
    classContainer.html('<style>' + className + ' {' + classValue + '}</style>');

This function will take any class name and replace any previously set values with the new value. Note, you can add multiple values by passing the following into classValue: "background: blue; color:yellow".

Javascript how to split newline

It should be


you're passing in a literal string to the split command, not a regex.

How to change the default encoding to UTF-8 for Apache?

In .htaccess add this line:

AddCharset utf-8 .html .css .php .txt .js

This is for those that do not have access to their server's conf file. It is just one more thing to try when other attempts failed.

As far as performance issues regarding the use of .htaccess I have not seen this. My typical page load times are 150-200 mS with or without .htaccess

What good is performance if your page does not render correctly. Most shared servers do not allow user access to the config file which is the preferred place to add a character set.

How to detect running app using ADB command

Alternatively, you could go with pgrep or Process Grep. (Busybox is needed)

You could do a adb shell pgrep and it would display just the process Id.

As a suggestion, since Android is Linux, you can use most basic Linux commands with adb shell to navigate/control around. :D

`React/RCTBridgeModule.h` file not found

anhdevit's suggestion in worked for me:

In your terminal, run: defaults delete

Replace tabs with spaces in vim

IIRC, something like:

set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab

should do the trick. If you already have tabs, then follow it up with a nice global RE to replace them with double spaces.

If you already have tabs you want to replace,


Convert Data URI to File then append to FormData

My preferred way is canvas.toBlob()

But anyhow here is yet another way to convert base64 to a blob using fetch ^^,

var url = ""_x000D_
.then(res => res.blob())_x000D_
.then(blob => {_x000D_
  var fd = new FormData()_x000D_
  fd.append('image', blob, 'filename')_x000D_
  // Upload_x000D_
  // fetch('upload', {method: 'POST', body: fd})_x000D_

What is the difference between Serialization and Marshaling?

My vies is:

Problem: Object belongs to some process(VM) and it's lifetime is the same

Serialisation - transform object state into stream of bytes(JSON, XML...) for saving, sharing, transforming...

Marshalling - contains Serialisation + codebase. Usually it used by Remote procedure call(RPC) -> Java Remote Method Invocation(Java RMI) where you are able to invoke a object's method which is hosted on remote Java processes.

codebase - is a place or URL to class definition where it can be downloaded by ClassLoader. CLASSPATH[About] is as a local codebase

JVM -> Class Loader -> load class definition -> class

Very simple diagram for RMI

Serialisation - state
Marshalling - state + class definition

Official doc

What is the (function() { } )() construct in JavaScript?

That construct is called an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) which means it gets executed immediately. Think of it as a function getting called automatically when the interpreter reaches that function.

Most Common Use-case:

One of its most common use cases is to limit the scope of a variable made via var. Variables created via var have a scope limited to a function so this construct (which is a function wrapper around certain code) will make sure that your variable scope doesn't leak out of that function.

In following example, count will not be available outside the immediately invoked function i.e. the scope of count will not leak out of the function. You should get a ReferenceError, should you try to access it outside of the immediately invoked function anyway.

(function () { 
    var count = 10;
console.log(count);  // Reference Error: count is not defined

ES6 Alternative (Recommended)

In ES6, we now can have variables created via let and const. Both of them are block-scoped (unlike var which is function-scoped).

Therefore, instead of using that complex construct of IIFE for the use case I mentioned above, you can now write much simpler code to make sure that a variable's scope does not leak out of your desired block.

    let count = 10;
console.log(count);  // ReferenceError: count is not defined

In this example, we used let to define count variable which makes count limited to the block of code, we created with the curly brackets {...}.

I call it a “Curly Jail”.

Unable to specify the compiler with CMake

Never try to set the compiler in the CMakeLists.txt file.

See the CMake FAQ about how to use a different compiler:

(Note that you are attempting method #3 and the FAQ says "(avoid)"...)

We recommend avoiding the "in the CMakeLists" technique because there are problems with it when a different compiler was used for a first configure, and then the CMakeLists file changes to try setting a different compiler... And because the intent of a CMakeLists file should be to work with multiple compilers, according to the preference of the developer running CMake.

The best method is to set the environment variables CC and CXX before calling CMake for the very first time in a build tree.

After CMake detects what compilers to use, it saves them in the CMakeCache.txt file so that it can still generate proper build systems even if those variables disappear from the environment...

If you ever need to change compilers, you need to start with a fresh build tree.

How to sign in kubernetes dashboard?

The skip login has been disabled by default due to security issues.

in your dashboard yaml add this arg

- --enable-skip-login

to get it back

Perform an action in every sub-directory using Bash

You could try:

### $1 == the first args to this script
### usage: /path/to/dir/

for f in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do
  cd "$f"
  <your job here>

or similar...


find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d : Only find directories with a maximum recursive depth of 1 (only the subdirectories of $1) and minimum depth of 1 (excludes current folder .)

Set Date in a single line

Date date = new DateTime(2014, 6, 20, 0, 0).toDate();

DateTime is from

Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake-10.3.2 in any of the sources

I think rake must be preinstalled if you want work with bundler. Try to install rake via 'gem install' and then run 'bundle install' again:

gem install rake && bundle install

If you are using rvm ( ) rake is installed by default...

How to get Url Hash (#) from server side

Probably the only choice is to read it on the client side and transfer it manually to the server (GET/POST/AJAX). Regards Artur

You may see also how to play with back button and browser history at Malcan

What is the proper way to comment functions in Python?

Use docstrings.

This is the built-in suggested convention in PyCharm for describing function using docstring comments:

def test_function(p1, p2, p3):
    test_function does blah blah blah.

    :param p1: describe about parameter p1
    :param p2: describe about parameter p2
    :param p3: describe about parameter p3
    :return: describe what it returns

Detect the Internet connection is offline?

The HTML5 Application Cache API specifies navigator.onLine, which is currently available in the IE8 betas, WebKit (eg. Safari) nightlies, and is already supported in Firefox 3

IE9 JavaScript error: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'ui': object is null or undefined

I have written code that sniffs IE4 or greater and is currently functioning perfectly in sites for my company's clients, as well as my own personal sites.

Include the following enumerated constant and function variables into a javascript include file on your page...

var BrowserTypes = {
    Unknown: 0,
    FireFox: 1,
    Chrome: 2,
    Safari: 3,
    IE: 4,
    IE7: 5,
    IE8: 6,
    IE9: 7,
    IE10: 8,
    IE11: 8,
    IE12: 8

var Browser = function () {
    try {
        var type;
        var version;
        var sVersion;

        switch (navigator.appName.toLowerCase()) {
            case "microsoft internet explorer":
                type = BrowserTypes.IE;
                sVersion = navigator.appVersion.substring(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') + 5, navigator.appVersion.length);
                version = parseFloat(sVersion.split(";")[0]);
                switch (parseInt(version)) {
                    case 7:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE7;
                    case 8:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE8;
                    case 9:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE9;
                    case 10:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE10;
                    case 11:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE11;
                    case 12:
                        type = BrowserTypes.IE12;
            case "netscape":
                if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") > -1) { type = BrowserTypes.Chrome; }
                else { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1) { type = BrowserTypes.FireFox } };
                type = BrowserTypes.Unknown;

        return type;
    } catch (ex) {

Then all you have to do is use any conditional functionality such as...

ie. value = (Browser() >= BrowserTypes.IE) ? node.text : node.textContent;

or WindowWidth = (((Browser() >= BrowserTypes.IE9) || (Browser() < BrowserTypes.IE)) ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth);

or sJSON = (Browser() >= BrowserTypes.IE) ? xmlElement.text : xmlElement.textContent;

Get the idea? Hope this helps.

Oh, you might want to keep it in mind to QA the Browser() function after IE10 is released, just to verify they didn't change the rules.

How to get year and month from a date - PHP

$dateValue = '2012-01-05';
$yeararray = explode("-", $dateValue);

echo "Year : ". $yeararray[0];
echo "Month : ". date( 'F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $yeararray[1]));

Usiong explode() this can be done.

Turn off display errors using file "php.ini"

Let me quickly summarize this for reference:

  • error_reporting() adapts the currently active setting for the default error handler.

  • Editing the error reporting ini options also changes the defaults.

    • Here it's imperative to edit the correct php.ini version - it's typically /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini on modern servers, /etc/php5/mod_php/php.ini alternatively; while the CLI version has a distinct one.

    • Alternatively you can use depending on SAPI:

      • mod_php: .htaccess with php_flag options
      • FastCGI: commonly a local php.ini
      • And with PHP above 5.3 also a .user.ini

    • Restarting the webserver as usual.

If your code is unwieldy and somehow resets these options elsewhere at runtime, then an alternative and quick way is to define a custom error handler that just slurps all notices/warnings/errors up:


Again, this is not advisable, just an alternative.

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: error

if you are using cocoapods make sure your target's build settings contain $(inherited) in the other linker flags section

enter image description here

How can I store the result of a system command in a Perl variable?

Also for eg. you can use IPC::Run:

use IPC::Run qw(run);

my $pid = 5892;
run [qw(top -H -n 1 -p), $pid],
    '|', sub { print grep { /myprocess/ } <STDIN> },
    '|', [qw(wc -l)],
    '>', \my $out;

print $out;
  • processes are running without bash subprocess
  • can be piped to perl subs
  • very similar to shell

Convert Char to String in C

I use this to convert char to string (an example) :

char c = 'A';
char str1[2] = {c , '\0'};
char str2[5] = "";

Right query to get the current number of connections in a PostgreSQL DB

Number of TCP connections will help you. Remember that it is not for a particular database

netstat -a -n | find /c ""

How to recover a dropped stash in Git?

My favorite is this one-liner:

git log --oneline  $( git fsck --no-reflogs | awk '/dangling commit/ {print $3}' )

This is basically the same idea as this answer but much shorter. Of course, you can still add --graph to get a tree-like display.

When you have found the commit in the list, apply with

git stash apply THE_COMMIT_HASH_FOUND

For me, using --no-reflogs did reveal the lost stash entry, but --unreachable (as found in many other answers) did not.

Run it on git bash when you are under Windows.

Credits: The details of the above commands are taken from

How different is Objective-C from C++?

Short list of some of the major differences:

  • C++ allows multiple inheritance, Objective-C doesn't.
  • Unlike C++, Objective-C allows method parameters to be named and the method signature includes only the names and types of the parameters and return type (see bbum's and Chuck's comments below). In comparison, a C++ member function signature contains the function name as well as just the types of the parameters/return (without their names).
  • C++ uses bool, true and false, Objective-C uses BOOL, YES and NO.
  • C++ uses void* and nullptr, Objective-C prefers id and nil.
  • Objective-C uses "selectors" (which have type SEL) as an approximate equivalent to function pointers.
  • Objective-C uses a messaging paradigm (a la Smalltalk) where you can send "messages" to objects through methods/selectors.
  • Objective-C will happily let you send a message to nil, unlike C++ which will crash if you try to call a member function of nullptr
  • Objective-C allows for dynamic dispatch, allowing the class responding to a message to be determined at runtime, unlike C++ where the object a method is invoked upon must be known at compile time (see wilhelmtell's comment below). This is related to the previous point.
  • Objective-C allows autogeneration of accessors for member variables using "properties".
  • Objective-C allows assigning to self, and allows class initialisers (similar to constructors) to return a completely different class if desired. Contrast to C++, where if you create a new instance of a class (either implicitly on the stack, or explicitly through new) it is guaranteed to be of the type you originally specified.
  • Similarly, in Objective-C other classes may also dynamically alter a target class at runtime to intercept method calls.
  • Objective-C lacks the namespace feature of C++.
  • Objective-C lacks an equivalent to C++ references.
  • Objective-C lacks templates, preferring (for example) to instead allow weak typing in containers.
  • Objective-C doesn't allow implicit method overloading, but C++ does. That is, in C++ int foo (void) and int foo (int) define an implicit overload of the method foo, but to achieve the same in Objective-C requires the explicit overloads - (int) foo and - (int) foo:(int) intParam. This is due to Objective-C's named parameters being functionally equivalent to C++'s name mangling.
  • Objective-C will happily allow a method and a variable to share the same name, unlike C++ which will typically have fits. I imagine this is something to do with Objective-C using selectors instead of function pointers, and thus method names not actually having a "value".
  • Objective-C doesn't allow objects to be created on the stack - all objects must be allocated from the heap (either explicitly with an alloc message, or implicitly in an appropriate factory method).
  • Like C++, Objective-C has both structs and classes. However, where in C++ they are treated as almost exactly the same, in Objective-C they are treated wildly differently - you can create structs on the stack, for instance.

In my opinion, probably the biggest difference is the syntax. You can achieve essentially the same things in either language, but in my opinion the C++ syntax is simpler while some of Objective-C's features make certain tasks (such as GUI design) easier thanks to dynamic dispatch.

Probably plenty of other things too that I've missed, I'll update with any other things I think of. Other than that, can highly recommend the guide LiraNuna pointed you to. Incidentally, another site of interest might be this.

I should also point out that I'm just starting learning Objective-C myself, and as such a lot of the above may not quite be correct or complete - I apologise if that's the case, and welcome suggestions for improvement.

EDIT: updated to address the points raised in the following comments, added a few more items to the list.

android download pdf from url then open it with a pdf reader

Download source code from here (Open Pdf from url in Android Programmatically)

package com.deepshikha.openpdf;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;
import android.widget.ProgressBar;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    WebView webview;
    ProgressBar progressbar;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        webview = (WebView)findViewById(;
        progressbar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;
        String filename ="";
        webview.loadUrl("" + filename);

        webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {

            public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
                // do your stuff here



Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

The mail server on CentOS 6 and other IPv6 capable server platforms may be bound to IPv6 localhost (::1) instead of IPv4 localhost (

Typical symptoms:

[root@host /]# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

[root@host /]# telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 host ESMTP Exim 4.72 Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:02:52 +0100

[root@host /]# netstat -plant | grep 25
tcp        0      0 :::25                       :::*                        LISTEN      1082/exim           

If this happens, make sure that you don't have two entries for localhost in /etc/hosts with different IP addresses, like this (bad) example:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

To avoid confusion, make sure you only have one entry for localhost, preferably an IPv4 address, like this:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost  localhost.localdomain   localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim

I usually sweep out a visual block (<C-V>), then search and replace the first character with:


(Entering command mode with a visual block selected automatically places '<,'> on the command line) I can then uncomment the block by sweeping out the same visual block and:


org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already

We don't know what file is that, we neither know what SimocoPoolSize means (do you?)

Let's guess you are using some custom pool of database connections. Then, I guess the problem is that your pool is configured to open 100 or 120 connections, but you Postgresql server is configured to accept MaxConnections=90 . These seem conflictive settings. Try increasing MaxConnections=120.

But you should first understand your db layer infrastructure, know what pool are you using, if you really need so many open connections in the pool. And, specially, if you are gracefully returning the opened connections to the pool

indexOf Case Sensitive?

indexOf is case sensitive. This is because it uses the equals method to compare the elements in the list. The same thing goes for contains and remove.

What does "pending" mean for request in Chrome Developer Window?

The Network pending state on time, means your request is in progressing state. As soon as it responds the time will be updated with total elapsed time.

This picture shows the network call is in processing state(Pending) This picture shows the network call is in processing state(Pending)

This picture shows the time taken in processing by network call. This picture shows the time taken in processing by network call

How to format a floating number to fixed width in Python

for x in numbers:
    print "{:10.4f}".format(x)



The format specifier inside the curly braces follows the Python format string syntax. Specifically, in this case, it consists of the following parts:

  • The empty string before the colon means "take the next provided argument to format()" – in this case the x as the only argument.
  • The 10.4f part after the colon is the format specification.
  • The f denotes fixed-point notation.
  • The 10 is the total width of the field being printed, lefted-padded by spaces.
  • The 4 is the number of digits after the decimal point.

Java 8 - Best way to transform a list: map or foreach?

One of the main benefits of using streams is that it gives the ability to process data in a declarative way, that is, using a functional style of programming. It also gives multi-threading capability for free meaning there is no need to write any extra multi-threaded code to make your stream concurrent.

Assuming the reason you are exploring this style of programming is that you want to exploit these benefits then your first code sample is potentially not functional since the foreach method is classed as being terminal (meaning that it can produce side-effects).

The second way is preferred from functional programming point of view since the map function can accept stateless lambda functions. More explicitly, the lambda passed to the map function should be

  1. Non-interfering, meaning that the function should not alter the source of the stream if it is non-concurrent (e.g. ArrayList).
  2. Stateless to avoid unexpected results when doing parallel processing (caused by thread scheduling differences).

Another benefit with the second approach is if the stream is parallel and the collector is concurrent and unordered then these characteristics can provide useful hints to the reduction operation to do the collecting concurrently.

How do you save/store objects in SharedPreferences on Android?

I know this thread is bit old. But I'm going to post this anyway hoping it might help someone. We can store fields of any Object to shared preference by serializing the object to String. Here I have used GSON for storing any object to shared preference.

Save Object to Preference :

public static void saveObjectToSharedPreference(Context context, String preferenceFileName, String serializedObjectKey, Object object) {
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(preferenceFileName, 0);
    SharedPreferences.Editor sharedPreferencesEditor = sharedPreferences.edit();
    final Gson gson = new Gson();
    String serializedObject = gson.toJson(object);
    sharedPreferencesEditor.putString(serializedObjectKey, serializedObject);

Retrieve Object from Preference:

public static <GenericClass> GenericClass getSavedObjectFromPreference(Context context, String preferenceFileName, String preferenceKey, Class<GenericClass> classType) {
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(preferenceFileName, 0);
    if (sharedPreferences.contains(preferenceKey)) {
        final Gson gson = new Gson();
        return gson.fromJson(sharedPreferences.getString(preferenceKey, ""), classType);
    return null;

Note :

Remember to add compile '' to dependencies in your gradle.

Example :

//assume SampleClass exists
SampleClass mObject = new SampleObject();

//to store an object
saveObjectToSharedPreference(context, "mPreference", "mObjectKey", mObject);

//to retrive object stored in preference
mObject = getSavedObjectFromPreference(context, "mPreference", "mObjectKey", SampleClass.class);


As @Sharp_Edge pointed out in comments, the above solution does not work with List.

A slight modification to the signature of getSavedObjectFromPreference() - from Class<GenericClass> classType to Type classType will make this solution generalized. Modified function signature,

public static <GenericClass> GenericClass getSavedObjectFromPreference(Context context, String preferenceFileName, String preferenceKey, Type classType)

For invoking,

getSavedObjectFromPreference(context, "mPreference", "mObjectKey", (Type) SampleClass.class)

Happy Coding!

How to prevent IFRAME from redirecting top-level window

After reading the spec. I found the sandbox property.

You can set sandbox="", which prevents the iframe from redirecting. That being said it won't redirect the iframe either. You will lose the click essentially.

Example here:
Example without sandbox:

Difference between "managed" and "unmanaged"

Managed code is a differentiation coined by Microsoft to identify computer program code that requires and will only execute under the "management" of a Common Language Runtime virtual machine (resulting in Bytecode).

Is it ok to run docker from inside docker?

Running Docker inside Docker (a.k.a. dind), while possible, should be avoided, if at all possible. (Source provided below.) Instead, you want to set up a way for your main container to produce and communicate with sibling containers.

Jérôme Petazzoni — the author of the feature that made it possible for Docker to run inside a Docker container — actually wrote a blog post saying not to do it. The use case he describes matches the OP's exact use case of a CI Docker container that needs to run jobs inside other Docker containers.

Petazzoni lists two reasons why dind is troublesome:

  1. It does not cooperate well with Linux Security Modules (LSM).
  2. It creates a mismatch in file systems that creates problems for the containers created inside parent containers.

From that blog post, he describes the following alternative,

[The] simplest way is to just expose the Docker socket to your CI container, by bind-mounting it with the -v flag.

Simply put, when you start your CI container (Jenkins or other), instead of hacking something together with Docker-in-Docker, start it with:

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...

Now this container will have access to the Docker socket, and will therefore be able to start containers. Except that instead of starting "child" containers, it will start "sibling" containers.

How to pass a parameter to Vue @click event handler

When you are using Vue directives, the expressions are evaluated in the context of Vue, so you don't need to wrap things in {}.

@click is just shorthand for v-on:click directive so the same rules apply.

In your case, simply use @click="addToCount(item.contactID)"

How to bring an activity to foreground (top of stack)?

if you are using the "Google Cloud Message" to receive push notifications with "PendingIntent" class, the following code displays the notification in the action bar only.

Clicking the notification no activity will be created, the last active activity is restored retaining current state without problems.

Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, ActBase.class); **notificationIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); notificationIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);** PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0);

NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setContentTitle("Localtaxi") .setVibrate(vibrate) .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(msg)) .setAutoCancel(true) .setOnlyAlertOnce(true) .setContentText(msg);


NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);



How to convert a string with Unicode encoding to a string of letters

Actually, I wrote an Open Source library that contains some utilities. One of them is converting a Unicode sequence to String and vise-versa. I found it very useful. Here is the quote from the article about this library about Unicode converter:

Class StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder has methods that can convert a String (in any language) into a sequence of Unicode characters and vise-versa. For example a String "Hello World" will be converted into

"\u0048\u0065\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0020 \u0057\u006f\u0072\u006c\u0064"

and may be restored back.

Here is the link to entire article that explains what Utilities the library has and how to get the library to use it. It is available as Maven artifact or as source from Github. It is very easy to use. Open Source Java library with stack trace filtering, Silent String parsing Unicode converter and Version comparison