Programs & Examples On #Custom linq providers

Angular 5 Reactive Forms - Radio Button Group

IF you want to derive usg Boolean true False need to add "[]" around value

<form [formGroup]="form">
  <input type="radio" [value]=true formControlName="gender" >Male
  <input type="radio" [value]=false formControlName="gender">Female

iOS start Background Thread

Enable NSZombieEnabled to know which object is being released and then accessed. Then check if the getResultSetFromDB: has anything to do with that. Also check if docids has anything inside and if it is being retained.

This way you can be sure there is nothing wrong.

How do you follow an HTTP Redirect in Node.js?


Now you can follow all redirects with var request = require('request'); using the followAllRedirects param.

  followAllRedirects: true,
  url: url
}, function (error, response, body) {
  if (!error) {

Bootstrap 4 navbar color

you can write !important in front of background-color property value like this it will change the color of links.

.nav-link {
    color: white !important;

Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\

mysqli_select_db() should have 2 parameters, the connection link and the database name -

mysqli_select_db($con, 'phpcadet') or die(mysqli_error($con));

Using mysqli_error in the die statement will tell you exactly what is wrong as opposed to a generic error message.

What is the easiest way to get the current day of the week in Android?

If you want to define the date string in strings.xml. You can do like below.
Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK return value from 1 -> 7 <=> Calendar.SUNDAY -> Calendar.SATURDAY


<string-array name="title_day_of_week">
    <item>?</item> <!-- sunday -->
    <item>?</item> <!-- monday -->
    <item>?</item> <!-- saturday -->


fun String.getDayOfWeek(context: Context, format: String): String {
    val date = SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.getDefault()).parse(this)
    return date?.getDayOfWeek(context) ?: "unknown"

fun Date.getDayOfWeek(context: Context): String {
    val c = Calendar.getInstance().apply { time = this@getDayOfWeek }
    return context.resources.getStringArray(R.array.title_day_of_week)[c[Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK] - 1]


// get current day
val currentDay = Date().getDayOfWeek(context)

// get specific day
val dayString = "2021-1-4"
val day = dayString.getDayOfWeek(context, "yyyy-MM-dd")

How to change maven java home

Just set JAVA_HOME env property.

Responsive Bootstrap Jumbotron Background Image

I found that this worked perfectly for me:

.jumbotron {
background-image: url(/img/Jumbotron.jpg);
background-size: cover;
height: 100%;}

You can resize your screen and it will always take up 100% of the window.

Can an Android NFC phone act as an NFC tag?

Can we make an Android NFC as the tag which an NFC reader will get data from?

The Nexus S supports peer-to-peer mode, which as its name implies, causes one phone to act as a tag which another phone can read. There was a really good Google I/O session on NFC this year. I would recommended watching it if you're at all interested in NFC.

Check whether a value is a number in JavaScript or jQuery

You've an number of options, depending on how you want to play it:


Returns true if val is not a number, false if it is. In your case, this is probably what you need.


Returns true if val, when cast to a String, is a number and it is not equal to +/- Infinity


Returns true if val, when cast to a String, has only digits (probably not what you need).

How to print like printf in Python3?

In Python2, print was a keyword which introduced a statement:

print "Hi"

In Python3, print is a function which may be invoked:

print ("Hi")

In both versions, % is an operator which requires a string on the left-hand side and a value or a tuple of values or a mapping object (like dict) on the right-hand side.

So, your line ought to look like this:

print("a=%d,b=%d" % (f(x,n),g(x,n)))

Also, the recommendation for Python3 and newer is to use {}-style formatting instead of %-style formatting:

print('a={:d}, b={:d}'.format(f(x,n),g(x,n)))

Python 3.6 introduces yet another string-formatting paradigm: f-strings.

print(f'a={f(x,n):d}, b={g(x,n):d}')

PostgreSQL: Resetting password of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Assuming you're the administrator of the machine, Ubuntu has granted you the right to sudo to run any command as any user.
Also assuming you did not restrict the rights in the pg_hba.conf file (in the /etc/postgresql/9.1/main directory), it should contain this line as the first rule:

# Database administrative login by Unix domain socket  
local   all             postgres                                peer

(About the file location: 9.1 is the major postgres version and main the name of your "cluster". It will differ if using a newer version of postgres or non-default names. Use the pg_lsclusters command to obtain this information for your version/system).

Anyway, if the pg_hba.conf file does not have that line, edit the file, add it, and reload the service with sudo service postgresql reload.

Then you should be able to log in with psql as the postgres superuser with this shell command:

sudo -u postgres psql

Once inside psql, issue the SQL command:

ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newpassword';

In this command, postgres is the name of a superuser. If the user whose password is forgotten was ritesh, the command would be:

ALTER USER ritesh PASSWORD 'newpassword';

References: PostgreSQL 9.1.13 Documentation, Chapter 19. Client Authentication

Keep in mind that you need to type postgres with a single S at the end

If leaving the password in clear text in the history of commands or the server log is a problem, psql provides an interactive meta-command to avoid that, as an alternative to ALTER USER ... PASSWORD:

\password username

It asks for the password with a double blind input, then hashes it according to the password_encryption setting and issue the ALTER USER command to the server with the hashed version of the password, instead of the clear text version.

How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery?

This following works better if you need to scroll to an arbitrary item in the list (rather than always to the bottom):

function scrollIntoView(element, container) {
  var containerTop = $(container).scrollTop(); 
  var containerBottom = containerTop + $(container).height(); 
  var elemTop = element.offsetTop;
  var elemBottom = elemTop + $(element).height(); 
  if (elemTop < containerTop) {
  } else if (elemBottom > containerBottom) {
    $(container).scrollTop(elemBottom - $(container).height());

Hibernate Query By Example and Projections

I do not really think so, what I can find is the word "this." causes the hibernate not to include any restrictions in its query, which means it got all the records lists. About the hibernate bug that was reported, I can see it's reported as fixed but I totally failed to download the Patch.

make sounds (beep) with c++

alternatively in c or c++ after including stdio.h

char d=(char)(7);

(char)7 is called the bell character.

What is the maximum characters for the NVARCHAR(MAX)?

I think actually nvarchar(MAX) can store approximately 1070000000 chars.

How to find encoding of a file via script on Linux?

I am using the following script to

  1. Find all files that match FILTER with SRC_ENCODING
  2. Create a backup of them
  3. Convert them to DST_ENCODING
  4. (optional) Remove the backups


#!/bin/bash -xe


echo "Find all files that match the encoding $SRC_ENCODING and filter $FILTER"
FOUND_FILES=$(find . -iname "$FILTER" -exec file -i {} \; | grep "$SRC_ENCODING" | grep -Eo '^.*\.java')

for FILE in $FOUND_FILES ; do
    echo "Backup original file to $ORIGINAL_FILE"

    echo "converting $FILE from $SRC_ENCODING to $DST_ENCODING"

echo "Deleting backups"
find . -iname "*.$SRC_ENCODING.bkp" -exec rm {} \;

how to query LIST using linq

Well, the code you've given is invalid to start with - List is a generic type, and it has an Add method instead of add etc.

But you could do something like:

List<Person> list = new List<Person>
    new person{ID=1,Name="jhon",salary=2500},
    new person{ID=2,Name="Sena",salary=1500},
    new person{ID=3,Name="Max",salary=5500}.
    new person{ID=4,Name="Gen",salary=3500}

// The "Where" LINQ operator filters a sequence
var highEarners = list.Where(p => p.salary > 3000);

foreach (var person in highEarners)

If you want to learn details of what all the LINQ operators do, and how they can be implemented in LINQ to Objects, you might be interested in my Edulinq blog series.

Consider defining a bean of type 'service' in your configuration [Spring boot]

You are trying to inject a bean in itself. That's obviously not going to work.

TopicServiceImplementation implements TopicService. That class attempts to autowire (by field!) a `TopicService. So you're essentially asking the context to inject itself.

It looks like you've edited the content of the error message: Field topicService in seconds47.restAPI.topics is not a class. Please be careful if you need to hide sensitive information as it makes it much harder for others to help you.

Back on the actual issue, it looks like injecting TopicService in itself is a glitch on your side.

gpg decryption fails with no secret key error

When migrating from one machine to another-

  1. Check the gpg version and supported algorithms between the two systems.

    gpg --version

  2. Check the presence of keys on both systems.

    gpg --list-keys

    pub 4096R/62999779 2020-08-04 sub 4096R/0F799997 2020-08-04

    gpg --list-secret-keys

    sec 4096R/62999779 2020-08-04 ssb 4096R/0F799997 2020-08-04

Check for the presence of same pair of key ids on the other machine. For decrypting, only secret key(sec) and secret sub key(ssb) will be needed.

If the key is not present on the other machine, export the keys in a file from the machine on which keys are present, scp the file and import the keys on the machine where it is missing.

Do not recreate the keys on the new machine with the same passphrase, name, user details as the newly generated key will have new unique id and "No secret key" error will still appear if source is using previously generated public key for encryption. So, export and import, this will ensure that same key id is used for decryption and encryption.

gpg --output gpg_pub_key --export <Email address>
gpg --output gpg_sec_key --export-secret-keys <Email address>
gpg --output gpg_sec_sub_key --export-secret-subkeys <Email address>

gpg --import gpg_pub_key
gpg --import gpg_sec_key
gpg --import gpg_sec_sub_key

Image re-size to 50% of original size in HTML

You can use the x descriptor of the srcset attribute as such:

<!-- Original image -->
<img src="" />

<!-- With a 80% size reduction (1/0.8=1.25) -->
<img srcset=" 1.25x" />

<!-- With a 50% size reduction (1/0.5=2) -->
<img srcset=" 2x" />

Currently supported by all browsers except IE. (caniuse)

MDN documentation

Is it possible to cast a Stream in Java 8?

Along the lines of ggovan's answer, I do this as follows:

 * Provides various high-order functions.
public final class F {
     * When the returned {@code Function} is passed as an argument to
     * {@link Stream#flatMap}, the result is a stream of instances of
     * {@code cls}.
    public static <E> Function<Object, Stream<E>> instancesOf(Class<E> cls) {
        return o -> cls.isInstance(o)
                ? Stream.of(cls.cast(o))
                : Stream.empty();

Using this helper function:


How to enable zoom controls and pinch zoom in a WebView?

Inside OnCreate, add:


Inside the html document, add:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=2, user-scalable=yes">

Inside javascript, omit:

//event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false);

OSX - How to auto Close Terminal window after the "exit" command executed.

I tried several variations of the answers here. No matter what I try, I can always find a use case where the user is prompted to close Terminal.

Since my script is a simple (drutil -drive 2 tray open -- to open a specific DVD drive), the user does not need to see the Terminal window while the script runs.

My solution was to turn the script into an app, which runs the script without displaying a Terminal window. The added benefit is that any terminal windows that are already open stay open, and if none are open, then Terminal doesn't stay resident after the script ends. It doesn't seem to launch Terminal at all to run the bash script.

I followed these instructions to turn my script into an app:

Gradle store on local file system

You can use the gradle argument --project-cache-dir "/Users/whatever/.gradle/" to force the gradle cache directory.

In this way you can be darn sure you know what directory is being used (as well as create different caches for different projects)

Set HTML element's style property in javascript

Don't set the style object itself, set the background color property of the style object that is a property of the element.

And yes, even though you said no, jquery and tablesorter with its zebra stripe plugin can do this all for you in 3 lines of code.

And just setting the class attribute would be better since then you have non-hard-coded control over the styling which is more organized

Errno 13 Permission denied Python

If nothing worked for you, make sure the file is not open in another program. I was trying to import an xlsx file and Excel was blocking me from doing so.

What does HTTP/1.1 302 mean exactly?

HTTP code 302 is for redirection see

It tells the browse reading a page to go somewhere else and load another page. Its usage is very common.

Live search through table rows

Using yckart's answer, I made it to search for the whole table - all td's.

$("#search").keyup(function() {
    var value = this.value;

    $("table").find("tr").each(function(index) {
        if (index === 0) return;

        var if_td_has = false; //boolean value to track if td had the entered key
        $(this).find('td').each(function () {
            if_td_has = if_td_has || $(this).text().indexOf(value) !== -1; //Check if td's text matches key and then use OR to check it for all td's



Cannot run Eclipse; JVM terminated. Exit code=13

Before going to the solution, let us know why it is showing that error. If you know the problem behind this issue we can easily fix that error.

Reason 1: The most common reason behind this problem is, we are trying to install different bit version-that is, 64 bit or 32 bit version of the software. It maybe either Eclipse or Java.

Solution: Check which version of operating system you are running.make sure you downloaded the same version of Eclipse as well as same version of Java software.

Reason 2: Configuration mistake in Eclipse.ini file

Solution: Add this line "-vm then path of your java sdk" at the end of Eclipse.ini file. for example: -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_71\bin\javaw.exe

Reason 3: Special characters ( #, !, @) in Eclipse installation directory.

Solution: Make sure you don’t have any special characters.

Reason 4: You have added JAVA path two times in PATH system variable and both the path are different.

Solution: Remove one incorrect/different JAVA path from PATH system variable.

Reason 5: You maybe using latest version of Eclipse, but you might be using wrong version or unsupported version of Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Solution: To check which version of java you are using open command prompt by pressing win+R key and type cmd and press enter. Now in that console type Java -version command to know java version. Now research whether eclipse support that version or not. Or You can open “readme” folder in Eclipse folder and open readme_eclipse.html to see which version it supports.

Building a complete online payment gateway like Paypal

What you're talking about is becoming a payment service provider. I have been there and done that. It was a lot easier about 10 years ago than it is now, but if you have a phenomenal amount of time, money and patience available, it is still possible.

You will need to contact an acquiring bank. You didnt say what region of the world you are in, but by this I dont mean a local bank branch. Each major bank will generally have a separate card acquiring arm. So here in the UK we have (eg) Natwest bank, which uses Streamline (or Worldpay) as its acquiring arm. In total even though we have scores of major banks, they all end up using one of five or so card acquirers.

Happily, all UK card acquirers use a standard protocol for communication of authorisation requests, and end of day settlement. You will find minor quirks where some acquiring banks support some features and have slightly different syntax, but the differences are fairly minor. The UK standards are published by the Association for Payment Clearing Services (APACS) (which is now known as the UKPA). The standards are still commonly referred to as APACS 30 (authorization) and APACS 29 (settlement), but are now formally known as APACS 70 (books 1 through 7).

Although the APACS standard is widely supported across the UK (Amex and Discover accept messages in this format too) it is not used in other countries - each country has it's own - for example: Carte Bancaire in France, CartaSi in Italy, Sistema 4B in Spain, Dankort in Denmark etc. An effort is under way to unify the protocols across Europe - see

Communicating with the acquiring bank can be done a number of ways. Again though, it will depend on your region. In the UK (and most of Europe) we have one communications gateway that provides connectivity to all the major acquirers, they are called TNS and there are dozens of ways of communicating through them to the acquiring bank, from dialup 9600 baud modems, ISDN, HTTPS, VPN or dedicated line. Ultimately the authorisation request will be converted to X25 protocol, which is the protocol used by these acquiring banks when communicating with each other.

In summary then: it all depends on your region.

  • Contact a major bank and try to get through to their card acquiring arm.
  • Explain that you're setting up as a payment service provider, and request details on comms format for authorization requests and end of day settlement files
  • Set up a test merchant account and develop auth/settlement software and go through the accreditation process. Most acquirers help you through this process for free, but when you want to register as an accredited PSP some will request a fee.
  • you will need to comply with some regulations too, for example you may need to register as a payment institution

Once you are registered and accredited you'll then be able to accept customers and set up merchant accounts on behalf of the bank/s you're accredited against (bearing in mind that each acquirer will generally support multiple banks). Rinse and repeat with other acquirers as you see necessary.

Beyond that you have lots of other issues, mainly dealing with PCI-DSS. Thats a whole other topic and there are already some q&a's on this site regarding that. Like I say, its a phenomenal undertaking - most likely a multi-year project even for a reasonably sized team, but its certainly possible.

insert data from one table to another in mysql

It wont work like this.

When you try to insert the row using a query all values should be there in query.

With the above problem you want to insert magazine_subscription_id, subscription_name, magazine_id, status in select query you have magazine_subscription_id, subscription_name, magazine_id, status 1 it is not possible.

If you want to insert either you need to insert using query of direct values

String contains another two strings

Because b + a ="someonedamage", try this to achieve :

if (d.Contains(b) && d.Contains(a))
    Console.WriteLine(" " + d);

Why does "pip install" inside Python raise a SyntaxError?

pip is run from the command line, not the Python interpreter. It is a program that installs modules, so you can use them from Python. Once you have installed the module, then you can open the Python shell and do import selenium.

The Python shell is not a command line, it is an interactive interpreter. You type Python code into it, not commands.

Initializing multiple variables to the same value in Java

Way too late to this but the simplest way I've found is:

String foo = bar = baz = "hello"



How to spyOn a value property (rather than a method) with Jasmine

Jasmine doesn't have that functionality, but you might be able to hack something together using Object.defineProperty.

You could refactor your code to use a getter function, then spy on the getter.

spyOn(myObj, 'getValueA').andReturn(1);

How do you deploy Angular apps?

Angular 2 Deployment in Github Pages

Testing Deployment of Angular2 Webpack in ghpages

First get all the relevant files from the dist folder of your application, for me it was the : + css files in the assets folder + main.bundle.js + polyfills.bundle.js + vendor.bundle.js

Then push this files in the repo which you have created.

1 -- If you want the application to run on the root directory - create a special repo with the name [yourgithubusername] and push these files in the master branch

2 -- Where as if you want to create these page in the sub directory or in a different branch other than than the root, create a branch gh-pages and push these files in that branch.

In both the cases the way we access these deployed pages will be different.

For the First case it will be https://[yourgithubusername] and for the second case it will be [yourgithubusername][Repo name].

If suppose you want to deploy it using the second case make sure to change the base url of the index.html file in the dist as all the route mappings depend on the path you give and it should be set to [/branchname].

Link to this page

Git Repo

Select a Column in SQL not in Group By

You can join the table on itself to get the PK:

Select cpe1.PK, cpe2.MaxDate, cpe1.fmgcms_cpeclaimid 
from Filteredfmgcms_claimpaymentestimate cpe1
    select MAX(createdon) As MaxDate, fmgcms_cpeclaimid 
    from Filteredfmgcms_claimpaymentestimate
    group by fmgcms_cpeclaimid
) cpe2
    on cpe1.fmgcms_cpeclaimid = cpe2.fmgcms_cpeclaimid
    and cpe1.createdon = cpe2.MaxDate
where cpe1.createdon < 'reportstartdate'

Include jQuery in the JavaScript Console

If you're looking to do this for a userscript, I wrote this:

It'll let you include jQuery, plus UI and any plugins you'd like. I'm using it on a site that has 1.5.1 and no UI; this script gives me 1.7.1 instead, plus UI, and no conflicts in Chrome or FF. I've not tested Opera myself, but others have told me it's worked there for them as well, so this ought to be pretty well a complete cross-browser userscript solution, if that's what you need to do this for.

Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?

This seems quick for me :

comm -1 -3 <(sort file1.txt) <(sort file2.txt) > output.txt

Read all worksheets in an Excel workbook into an R list with data.frames will do the job.

I actually found it easier to use compared to XLConnect (not that either package is that difficult to use). Learning curve for both was about 5 minutes.

As an aside, you can easily find all R packages that mention the word "Excel" by browsing to

Do you use NULL or 0 (zero) for pointers in C++?

    cerr << sizeof(0) << endl;
    cerr << sizeof(NULL) << endl;
    cerr << sizeof(void*) << endl;

    On a 64-bit gcc RHEL platform you get:

The moral of the story. You should use NULL when you're dealing with pointers.

1) It declares your intent (don't make me search through all your code trying to figure out if a variable is a pointer or some numeric type).

2) In certain API calls that expect variable arguments, they'll use a NULL-pointer to indicate the end of the argument list. In this case, using a '0' instead of NULL can cause problems. On a 64-bit platform, the va_arg call wants a 64-bit pointer, yet you'll be passing only a 32-bit integer. Seems to me like you're relying on the other 32-bits to be zeroed out for you? I've seen certain compilers (e.g. Intel's icpc) that aren't so gracious -- and this has resulted in runtime errors.

right click context menu for datagridview

  • Put a context menu on your form, name it, set captions etc. using the built-in editor
  • Link it to your grid using the grid property ContextMenuStrip
  • For your grid, create an event to handle CellContextMenuStripNeeded
  • The Event Args e has useful properties e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex.

I believe that e.RowIndex is what you are asking for.

Suggestion: when user causes your event CellContextMenuStripNeeded to fire, use e.RowIndex to get data from your grid, such as the ID. Store the ID as the menu event's tag item.

Now, when user actually clicks your menu item, use the Sender property to fetch the tag. Use the tag, containing your ID, to perform the action you need.

Compare two objects' properties to find differences?

Comparing two objects of the same type using LINQ and Reflection. NB! This is basically a rewrite of the solution from Jon Skeet, but with a more compact and modern syntax. It should also generate slightly more effecticve IL.

It goes something like this:

public bool ReflectiveEquals(LocalHdTicket serverTicket, LocalHdTicket localTicket)
     if (serverTicket == null && localTicket == null) return true;
     if (serverTicket == null || localTicket == null) return false;

     var firstType = serverTicket.GetType();
     // Handle type mismatch anyway you please:
     if(localTicket.GetType() != firstType) throw new Exception("Trying to compare two different object types!");

     return !(from propertyInfo in firstType.GetProperties() 
              where propertyInfo.CanRead 
              let serverValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(serverTicket, null) 
              let localValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(localTicket, null) 
              where !Equals(serverValue, localValue) 
              select serverValue).Any();

Is there a way to iterate over a dictionary?

This is iteration using block approach:

    NSDictionary *dict = @{@"key1":@1, @"key2":@2, @"key3":@3};

    [dict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
        // Set stop to YES when you wanted to break the iteration.

With autocompletion is very fast to set, and you do not have to worry about writing iteration envelope.

How do I change a tab background color when using TabLayout?

Have you tried checking the API?

You will need to create a listener for the OnTabSelectedListener event, then when a user selects any tab you should check if it is the correct one, then change the background color using tabLayout.setBackgroundColor(int color), or if it is not the correct tab make sure you change back to the normal color again with the same method.

html div onclick event

Try out this example, the onclick is still called from your HTML, and event bubbling is stopped.

<div class="expandable-panel-heading">
  <a id="ancherComplaint" href="#addComplaint" onclick="markActiveLink(this);event.stopPropagation();">ABC</a>

Mysql error 1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

you can try this exapmple

 SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
 ALTER TABLE `job_definers` ADD CONSTRAINT `job_cities_foreign` FOREIGN KEY 
 (`job_cities`) REFERENCES `drop_down_lists`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
 SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

Note : if you are using phpmyadmin just uncheck Enable foreign key checks

as example enter image description here

hope this soloution fix your problem :)

Return single column from a multi-dimensional array

Quite simple:

$input = array(
    'tag_name' => 'google'
    'tag_name' => 'technology'

echo implode(', ', array_map(function ($entry) {
  return $entry['tag_name'];
}, $input));

and new in php v5.5.0, array_column:

echo implode(', ', array_column($input, 'tag_name'));

How do I add a simple onClick event handler to a canvas element?

When you draw to a canvas element, you are simply drawing a bitmap in immediate mode.

The elements (shapes, lines, images) that are drawn have no representation besides the pixels they use and their colour.

Therefore, to get a click event on a canvas element (shape), you need to capture click events on the canvas HTML element and use some math to determine which element was clicked, provided you are storing the elements' width/height and x/y offset.

To add a click event to your canvas element, use...

canvas.addEventListener('click', function() { }, false);

To determine which element was clicked...

var elem = document.getElementById('myCanvas'),
    elemLeft = elem.offsetLeft + elem.clientLeft,
    elemTop = elem.offsetTop + elem.clientTop,
    context = elem.getContext('2d'),
    elements = [];

// Add event listener for `click` events.
elem.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    var x = event.pageX - elemLeft,
        y = event.pageY - elemTop;

    // Collision detection between clicked offset and element.
    elements.forEach(function(element) {
        if (y > && y < + element.height 
            && x > element.left && x < element.left + element.width) {
            alert('clicked an element');

}, false);

// Add element.
    colour: '#05EFFF',
    width: 150,
    height: 100,
    top: 20,
    left: 15

// Render elements.
elements.forEach(function(element) {
    context.fillStyle = element.colour;
    context.fillRect(element.left,, element.width, element.height);


This code attaches a click event to the canvas element, and then pushes one shape (called an element in my code) to an elements array. You could add as many as you wish here.

The purpose of creating an array of objects is so we can query their properties later. After all the elements have been pushed onto the array, we loop through and render each one based on their properties.

When the click event is triggered, the code loops through the elements and determines if the click was over any of the elements in the elements array. If so, it fires an alert(), which could easily be modified to do something such as remove the array item, in which case you'd need a separate render function to update the canvas.

For completeness, why your attempts didn't work...

elem.onClick = alert("hello world"); // displays alert without clicking

This is assigning the return value of alert() to the onClick property of elem. It is immediately invoking the alert().

elem.onClick = alert('hello world');  // displays alert without clicking

In JavaScript, the ' and " are semantically identical, the lexer probably uses ['"] for quotes.

elem.onClick = "alert('hello world!')"; // does nothing, even with clicking

You are assigning a string to the onClick property of elem.

elem.onClick = function() { alert('hello world!'); }; // does nothing

JavaScript is case sensitive. The onclick property is the archaic method of attaching event handlers. It only allows one event to be attached with the property and the event can be lost when serialising the HTML.

elem.onClick = function() { alert("hello world!"); }; // does nothing

Again, ' === ".

copy all files and folders from one drive to another drive using DOS (command prompt)

Use robocopy. Robocopy is shipped by default on Windows Vista and newer, and is considered the replacement for xcopy. (xcopy has some significant limitations, including the fact that it can't handle paths longer than 256 characters, even if the filesystem can).

robocopy c:\ d:\ /e /zb /copyall /purge /dcopy:dat

Note that using /purge on the root directory of the volume will cause Robocopy to apply the requested operation on files inside the System Volume Information directory. Run robocopy /? for help. Also note that you probably want to open the command prompt as an administrator to be able to copy system files. To speed things up, use /b instead of /zb.

Need to combine lots of files in a directory

I used this script on windows powershell:

ForEach ($f in get-ChildItem *.sql) { type "$f" >> all.sql }

Base64 PNG data to HTML5 canvas

By the looks of it you need to actually pass drawImage an image object like so

var canvas = document.getElementById("c");_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
var image = new Image();_x000D_
image.onload = function() {_x000D_
  ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);_x000D_
<canvas id="c"></canvas>

I've tried it in chrome and it works fine.

How to change the icon of an Android app in Eclipse?

Look for this on your Manifest.xml android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" then change the ic_launcher to the name of your icon which is on your @drawable folder.

Execute a file with arguments in Python shell

import sys
import subprocess[sys.executable, '', 'argument1', 'argument2'])

Start / Stop a Windows Service from a non-Administrator user account

There is a free GUI Tool ServiceSecurityEditor

Which allows you to edit Windows Service permissions. I have successfully used it to give a non-Administrator user the rights to start and stop a service.

I had used "sc sdset" before I knew about this tool.

ServiceSecurityEditor feels like cheating, it's that easy :)

CSS to stop text wrapping under image

Since this question is gaining lots of views and this was the accepted answer, I felt the need to add the following disclaimer:

This answer was specific to the OP's question (Which had the width set in the examples). While it works, it requires you to have a width on each of the elements, the image and the paragraph. Unless that is your requirement, I recommend using Joe Conlin's solution which is posted as another answer on this question.

The span element is an inline element, you can't change its width in CSS.

You can add the following CSS to your span so you will be able to change its width.

display: block;

Another way, which usually makes more sense, is to use a <p> element as a parent for your <span>.

<li id="CN2787">
  <img class="fav_star" src="images/fav.png">
     <span>Text, text and more text</span>

Since <p> is a block element, you can set its width using CSS, without having to change anything.

But in both cases, since you have a block element now, you will need to float the image so that your text doesn't all go below your image.

li p{width: 100px; margin-left: 20px}
.fav_star {width: 20px;float:left}

P.S. Instead of float:left on the image, you can also put float:right on li p but in that case, you will also need text-align:left to realign the text correctly.

P.S.S. If you went ahead with the first solution of not adding a <p> element, your CSS should look like so:

li span{width: 100px; margin-left: 20px;display:block}
.fav_star {width: 20px;float:left}

How to generate and auto increment Id with Entity Framework

You have a bad table design. You can't autoincrement a string, that doesn't make any sense. You have basically two options:

1.) change type of ID to int instead of string
2.) not recommended!!! - handle autoincrement by yourself. You first need to get the latest value from the database, parse it to the integer, increment it and attach it to the entity as a string again. VERY BAD idea

First option requires to change every table that has a reference to this table, BUT it's worth it.

Comparing Dates in Oracle SQL

31-DEC-95 isn't a string, nor is 20-JUN-94. They're numbers with some extra stuff added on the end. This should be '31-DEC-95' or '20-JUN-94' - note the single quote, '. This will enable you to do a string comparison.

However, you're not doing a string comparison; you're doing a date comparison. You should transform your string into a date. Either by using the built-in TO_DATE() function, or a date literal.


select employee_id
  from employee
 where employee_date_hired > to_date('31-DEC-95','DD-MON-YY')

This method has a few unnecessary pitfalls

  • As a_horse_with_no_name noted in the comments, DEC, doesn't necessarily mean December. It depends on your NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE and NLS_DATE_FORMAT settings. To ensure that your comparison with work in any locale you can use the datetime format model MM instead
  • The year '95 is inexact. You know you mean 1995, but what if it was '50, is that 1950 or 2050? It's always best to be explicit
select employee_id
  from employee
 where employee_date_hired > to_date('31-12-1995','DD-MM-YYYY')

Date literals

A date literal is part of the ANSI standard, which means you don't have to use an Oracle specific function. When using a literal you must specify your date in the format YYYY-MM-DD and you cannot include a time element.

select employee_id
  from employee
 where employee_date_hired > date '1995-12-31'

Remember that the Oracle date datatype includes a time elemement, so the date without a time portion is equivalent to 1995-12-31 00:00:00.

If you want to include a time portion then you'd have to use a timestamp literal, which takes the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS[.FF0-9]

select employee_id
  from employee
 where employee_date_hired > timestamp '1995-12-31 12:31:02'

Further information

NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE is derived from NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_DATE_FORMAT is derived from NLS_TERRITORY. These are set when you initially created the database but they can be altered by changing your inialization parameters file - only if really required - or at the session level by using the ALTER SESSION syntax. For instance:

alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS';

This means:

  • DD numeric day of the month, 1 - 31
  • MM numeric month of the year, 01 - 12 ( January is 01 )
  • YYYY 4 digit year - in my opinion this is always better than a 2 digit year YY as there is no confusion with what century you're referring to.
  • HH24 hour of the day, 0 - 23
  • MI minute of the hour, 0 - 59
  • SS second of the minute, 0-59

You can find out your current language and date language settings by querying V$NLS_PARAMETERSs and the full gamut of valid values by querying V$NLS_VALID_VALUES.

Further reading

Incidentally, if you want the count(*) you need to group by employee_id

select employee_id, count(*)
  from employee
 where employee_date_hired > date '1995-12-31'
 group by employee_id

This gives you the count per employee_id.

How can I make a button have a rounded border in Swift?

I think this is the simple form

Button1.layer.cornerRadius = 10(Half of the length and width)
Button1.layer.borderWidth = 2

What is the most efficient way to create HTML elements using jQuery?

If you have a lot of HTML content (more than just a single div), you might consider building the HTML into the page within a hidden container, then updating it and making it visible when needed. This way, a large portion of your markup can be pre-parsed by the browser and avoid getting bogged down by JavaScript when called. Hope this helps!

IFRAMEs and the Safari on the iPad, how can the user scroll the content?

The Problem

I help maintain a big, complicated, messy old site in which everything (literally) is nested in multiple levels of iframes-- many of which are dynamically created and/or have a dynamic src. That creates the following challenges:

  1. Any changes to the HTML structure risk breaking scripts and stylesheets that haven't been touched in years.
  2. Finding and fixing all of the iframes and src documents manually would take way too much time and effort.

Of the solutions posted so far, this is the only one I've seen that overcomes challenge 1. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work on some iframes, and when it does, the scrolling is very glitchy (which seems to cause other bugs on the page, such as unresponsive links and form controls).

The Solution

If the above sounds anything like your situation, you may want to give the following script a try. It forgoes native scrolling and instead makes all iframes draggable within the bounds of their viewport. You only need to add it to the document that contains the top level iframes; it will apply the fix as needed to them and their descendants.

Here's a working fiddle*, and here's the code:

(function() {
  var mouse = false //Set mouse=true to enable mouse support
    , iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform);
  if(mouse || iOS) {
    (function() {
      var currentFrame
        , startEvent, moveEvent, endEvent
        , screenY, translateY, minY, maxY
        , matrixPrefix, matrixSuffix
        , matrixRegex = /(.*([\.\d-]+, ?){5,13})([\.\d-]+)(.*)/
        , min = Math.min, max = Math.max
        , topWin = window;
      if(!iOS) {
        startEvent = 'mousedown';
        moveEvent = 'mousemove';
        endEvent = 'mouseup';
      else {
        startEvent = 'touchstart';
        moveEvent = 'touchmove';
        endEvent = 'touchend';
      setInterval(scrollFix, 500);
      function scrollFix() {fixSubframes(topWin.frames);}
      function fixSubframes(wins) {for(var i = wins.length; i; addListeners(wins[--i]));}
      function addListeners(win) {
        try {
          var doc = win.document;
          if(!doc.draggableframe) {
            win.addEventListener('unload', resetFrame);
            doc.draggableframe = true;
            doc.addEventListener(startEvent, touchStart);
            doc.addEventListener(moveEvent, touchMove);
            doc.addEventListener(endEvent, touchEnd);
        catch(e) {}
      function resetFrame(e) {
        var doc =
          , win = doc.defaultView
          , iframe = win.frameElement
          , style = getComputedStyle(iframe).transform;
        if(iframe===currentFrame) currentFrame = null;
        win.removeEventListener('unload', resetFrame);
        doc.removeEventListener(startEvent, touchStart);
        doc.removeEventListener(moveEvent, touchMove);
        doc.removeEventListener(endEvent, touchEnd);
        if(style !== 'none') {
          style = style.replace(matrixRegex, '$1|$3|$4').split('|');
 = style[0] + 0 + style[2];
        else = null; = null; = null;
        delete doc.draggableiframe;
      function touchStart(e) {
        var iframe, style, offset, coords
          , touch = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e
          , elem =
          , tag = elem.tagName;
        currentFrame = null;
        if(tag==='TEXTAREA' || tag==='SELECT' || tag==='HTML') return;
        for(;elem.parentElement; elem = elem.parentElement) {
          if(elem.scrollHeight > elem.clientHeight) {
            style = getComputedStyle(elem).overflowY;
            if(style==='auto' || style==='scroll') return;
        elem = elem.ownerDocument.body;
        iframe = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;
        coords = getComputedViewportY(elem.clientHeight < iframe.clientHeight ? elem : iframe);
        if(coords.elemTop >= && coords.elemBottom <= coords.bottom) return;
        style = getComputedStyle(iframe).transform;
        if(style !== 'none') {
          style = style.replace(matrixRegex, '$1|$3|$4').split('|');
          matrixPrefix = style[0];
          matrixSuffix = style[2];
          offset = parseFloat(style[1]);
        else {
          matrixPrefix = 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, ';
          matrixSuffix = ')';
          offset = 0;
        translateY = offset;
        minY = min(0, offset - (coords.elemBottom - coords.bottom));
        maxY = max(0, offset + ( - coords.elemTop));
        screenY = touch.screenY;
        currentFrame = iframe;
      function touchMove(e) {
        var touch, style;
        if(currentFrame) {
          touch = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
          style = min(maxY, max(minY, translateY + (touch.screenY - screenY)));
          if(style===translateY) return;
          translateY = style;
 = matrixPrefix + style + matrixSuffix;
          style = 'inset(' + (-style) + 'px 0px ' + style + 'px 0px)';
 = style;
 = style;
          screenY = touch.screenY;
      function touchEnd() {currentFrame = null;}
      function getComputedViewportY(elem) {
        var style, offset
          , doc = elem.ownerDocument
          , bod = doc.body
          , elemTop = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + elem.clientTop
          , elemBottom = elem.clientHeight
          , viewportTop = elemTop
          , viewportBottom = elemBottom + elemTop
          , position = getComputedStyle(elem).position;
        try {
          while(true) {
            if(elem === bod || position === 'fixed') {
              if(doc.defaultView.frameElement) {
                elem = doc.defaultView.frameElement;
                position = getComputedStyle(elem).position;
                offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + elem.clientTop;
                viewportTop += offset;
                viewportBottom = min(viewportBottom + offset, elem.clientHeight + offset);
                elemTop += offset;
                doc = elem.ownerDocument;
                bod = doc.body;
              else break;
            else {
              if(position === 'absolute') {
                elem = elem.offsetParent;
                style = getComputedStyle(elem);
                position = style.position;
                if(position === 'static') continue;
              else {
                elem = elem.parentElement;
                style = getComputedStyle(elem);
                position = style.position;
              if(style.overflowY !== 'visible') {
                offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top + elem.clientTop;
                viewportTop = max(viewportTop, offset);
                viewportBottom = min(viewportBottom, elem.clientHeight + offset);
        catch(e) {}
        return {
          top: max(viewportTop, 0)
          ,bottom: min(viewportBottom, doc.defaultView.innerHeight)
          ,elemTop: elemTop
          ,elemBottom: elemBottom + elemTop

* The jsfiddle has mouse support enabled for testing purposes. On a production site, you'd want to set mouse=false.

Quick unix command to display specific lines in the middle of a file?

No there isn't, files are not line-addressable.

There is no constant-time way to find the start of line n in a text file. You must stream through the file and count newlines.

Use the simplest/fastest tool you have to do the job. To me, using head makes much more sense than grep, since the latter is way more complicated. I'm not saying "grep is slow", it really isn't, but I would be surprised if it's faster than head for this case. That'd be a bug in head, basically.

Plotting using a CSV file

You can also plot to a png file using gnuplot (which is free):

terminal commands

gnuplot> set title '<title>'
gnuplot> set ylabel '<yLabel>'
gnuplot> set xlabel '<xLabel>'
gnuplot> set grid
gnuplot> set term png
gnuplot> set output '<Output file name>.png'
gnuplot> plot '<fromfile.csv>'

note: you always need to give the right extension (.png here) at set output

Then it is also possible that the ouput is not lines, because your data is not continues. To fix this simply change the 'plot' line to:

plot '<Fromfile.csv>' with line lt -1 lw 2

More line editing options (dashes and line color ect.) at:

  • gnuplot is available in most linux distros via the package manager (e.g. on an apt based distro, run apt-get install gnuplot)
  • gnuplot is available in windows via Cygwin
  • gnuplot is available on macOS via homebrew (run brew install gnuplot)

Centering floating divs within another div

I accomplished the above using relative positioning and floating to the right.

HTML code:

<div class="clearfix">                          
    <div class="outer-div">
        <div class="inner-div">
            <div class="floating-div">Float 1</div>
            <div class="floating-div">Float 2</div>
            <div class="floating-div">Float 3</div>


.outer-div { position: relative; float: right; right: 50%; }
.inner-div { position: relative; float: right; right: -50%; }
.floating-div { float: left; border: 1px solid red; margin: 0 1.5em; }

.clearfix:after { content: " "; display: table; }
.clearfix:after { clear: both; }
.clearfix { *zoom: 1; }


This will work in IE8 and up, but not earlier (surprise, surprise!)

I do not recall the source of this method unfortunately, so I cannot give credit to the original author. If anybody else knows, please post the link!

How to convert jsonString to JSONObject in Java

Using org.json

If you have a String containing JSON format text, then you can get JSON Object by following steps:

String jsonString = "{\"phonetype\":\"N95\",\"cat\":\"WP\"}";
JSONObject jsonObj = null;
    try {
        jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonString);
    } catch (JSONException e) {

Now to access the phonetype


Spring @Transactional - isolation, propagation

Isolation level defines how the changes made to some data repository by one transaction affect other simultaneous concurrent transactions, and also how and when that changed data becomes available to other transactions. When we define a transaction using the Spring framework we are also able to configure in which isolation level that same transaction will be executed.

public void someTransactionalMethod(Object obj) {


READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level states that a transaction may read data that is still uncommitted by other transactions.

READ_COMMITTED isolation level states that a transaction can't read data that is not yet committed by other transactions.

REPEATABLE_READ isolation level states that if a transaction reads one record from the database multiple times the result of all those reading operations must always be the same.

SERIALIZABLE isolation level is the most restrictive of all isolation levels. Transactions are executed with locking at all levels (read, range and write locking) so they appear as if they were executed in a serialized way.

Propagation is the ability to decide how the business methods should be encapsulated in both logical or physical transactions.

Spring REQUIRED behavior means that the same transaction will be used if there is an already opened transaction in the current bean method execution context.

REQUIRES_NEW behavior means that a new physical transaction will always be created by the container.

The NESTED behavior makes nested Spring transactions to use the same physical transaction but sets savepoints between nested invocations so inner transactions may also rollback independently of outer transactions.

The MANDATORY behavior states that an existing opened transaction must already exist. If not an exception will be thrown by the container.

The NEVER behavior states that an existing opened transaction must not already exist. If a transaction exists an exception will be thrown by the container.

The NOT_SUPPORTED behavior will execute outside of the scope of any transaction. If an opened transaction already exists it will be paused.

The SUPPORTS behavior will execute in the scope of a transaction if an opened transaction already exists. If there isn't an already opened transaction the method will execute anyway but in a non-transactional way.

C - function inside struct

It can't be done directly, but you can emulate the same thing using function pointers and explicitly passing the "this" parameter:

typedef struct client_t client_t, *pno;
struct client_t
        pid_t pid;
        char password[TAM_MAX]; // -> 50 chars
        pno next;

        pno (*AddClient)(client_t *);    

pno client_t_AddClient(client_t *self) { /* code */ }

int main()

    client_t client;
    client.AddClient = client_t_AddClient; // probably really done in some init fn

    //code ..



It turns out that doing this, however, doesn't really buy you an awful lot. As such, you won't see many C APIs implemented in this style, since you may as well just call your external function and pass the instance.

Javascript checkbox onChange

I know this seems like noob answer but I'm putting it here so that it can help others in the future.

Suppose you are building a table with a foreach loop. And at the same time adding checkboxes at the end.

<!-- Begin Loop-->
   <div class="form-check">
    <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" name="active" value="<?=$id?>" <?=$status?'checked':''?>> 
<!-- mark as 'checked' if checkbox was selected on a previous save -->
<!-- End of Loop -->

You place a button below the table with a hidden input:

<form method="post" action="/goalobj-review" id="goalobj">

 <!-- we retrieve saved checkboxes & concatenate them into a string separated by commas.i.e. $saved_data = "1,2,3"; -->

 <input type="hidden" name="result" id="selected" value="<?= $saved_data ?>>
 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info" form="goalobj">Submit Changes</button>

You can write your script like so:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName('form-check-input');
    var i;
    var tid = setInterval(function () {
        if (document.readyState !== "complete") {

    function checkBoxValue(event) {
        var selected = document.querySelector("input[id=selected]");
        var result = 0;
        if(this.checked) {

            if(selected.value.length > 0) {
                result = selected.value + "," + this.value;
                document.querySelector("input[id=selected]").value = result;
            } else {
                result = this.value;
                document.querySelector("input[id=selected]").value = result;
        if(! this.checked) { 

// trigger if unchecked. if checkbox is marked as 'checked' from a previous saved is deselected, this will also remove its corresponding value from our hidden input.

            var compact = selected.value.split(","); // split string into array
            var index = compact.indexOf(this.value); // return index of our selected checkbox
            compact.splice(index,1); // removes 1 item at specified index
            var newValue = compact.join(",") // returns a new string
            document.querySelector("input[id=selected]").value = newValue;


The ids of your checkboxes will be submitted as a string "1,2" within the result variable. You can then break it up at the controller level however you want.

Populating a ListView using an ArrayList?

You need to do it through an ArrayAdapter which will adapt your ArrayList (or any other collection) to your items in your layout (ListView, Spinner etc.).

This is what the Android developer guide says:

A ListAdapter that manages a ListView backed by an array of arbitrary objects. By default this class expects that the provided resource id references a single TextView. If you want to use a more complex layout, use the constructors that also takes a field id. That field id should reference a TextView in the larger layout resource.

However the TextView is referenced, it will be filled with the toString() of each object in the array. You can add lists or arrays of custom objects. Override the toString() method of your objects to determine what text will be displayed for the item in the list.

To use something other than TextViews for the array display, for instance ImageViews, or to have some of data besides toString() results fill the views, override getView(int, View, ViewGroup) to return the type of view you want.

So your code should look like:

public class YourActivity extends Activity {

    private ListView lv;

    public void onCreate(Bundle saveInstanceState) {

         lv = (ListView) findViewById(;

         // Instanciating an array list (you don't need to do this, 
         // you already have yours).
         List<String> your_array_list = new ArrayList<String>();

         // This is the array adapter, it takes the context of the activity as a 
         // first parameter, the type of list view as a second parameter and your 
         // array as a third parameter.
         ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(
                 your_array_list );


Passing an array/list into a Python function

You don't need to use the asterisk to accept a list.

Simply give the argument a name in the definition, and pass in a list like

def takes_list(a_list):
    for item in a_list:
         print item

What is the meaning of the term "thread-safe"?

As others have pointed out, thread safety means that a piece of code will work without errors if it's used by more than one thread at once.

It's worth being aware that this sometimes comes at a cost, of computer time and more complex coding, so it isn't always desirable. If a class can be safely used on only one thread, it may be better to do so.

For example, Java has two classes that are almost equivalent, StringBuffer and StringBuilder. The difference is that StringBuffer is thread-safe, so a single instance of a StringBuffer may be used by multiple threads at once. StringBuilder is not thread-safe, and is designed as a higher-performance replacement for those cases (the vast majority) when the String is built by only one thread.

Get ALL User Friends Using Facebook Graph API - Android

In v2.0 of the Graph API, calling /me/friends returns the person's friends who also use the app.

In addition, in v2.0, you must request the user_friends permission from each user. user_friends is no longer included by default in every login. Each user must grant the user_friends permission in order to appear in the response to /me/friends. See the Facebook upgrade guide for more detailed information, or review the summary below.

The /me/friendlists endpoint and user_friendlists permission are not what you're after. This endpoint does not return the users friends - its lets you access the lists a person has made to organize their friends. It does not return the friends in each of these lists. This API and permission is useful to allow you to render a custom privacy selector when giving people the opportunity to publish back to Facebook.

If you want to access a list of non-app-using friends, there are two options:

  1. If you want to let your people tag their friends in stories that they publish to Facebook using your App, you can use the /me/taggable_friends API. Use of this endpoint requires review by Facebook and should only be used for the case where you're rendering a list of friends in order to let the user tag them in a post.

  2. If your App is a Game AND your Game supports Facebook Canvas, you can use the /me/invitable_friends endpoint in order to render a custom invite dialog, then pass the tokens returned by this API to the standard Requests Dialog.

In other cases, apps are no longer able to retrieve the full list of a user's friends (only those friends who have specifically authorized your app using the user_friends permission).

For apps wanting allow people to invite friends to use an app, you can still use the Send Dialog on Web or the new Message Dialog on iOS and Android.

CSS :not(:last-child):after selector

If it's a problem with the not selector, you can set all of them and override the last one

  content: ' |';
  content: '';

or if you can use before, no need for last-child

  content: '| ';

Print the contents of a DIV

I think there is a better solution. Make your div to print cover the entire document, but only when it's printed:

@media print {
    .myDivToPrint {
        background-color: white;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 15px;
        font-size: 14px;
        line-height: 18px;

MVC 4 Razor adding input type date

 @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.EntryDate, new{ type = "date" })

 or type = "time"

 it will display a calendar
 it will not work if you give @Html.EditorFor()

What is the T-SQL To grant read and write access to tables in a database in SQL Server?

It will be better to Create a New role, then grant execute, select ... etc permissions to this role and finally assign users to this role.

Create role

CREATE ROLE [db_SomeExecutor] 

Grant Permission to this role

GRANT EXECUTE TO db_SomeExecutor
GRANT INSERT  TO db_SomeExecutor

to Add users database>security> > roles > databaseroles>Properties > Add ( bottom right ) you can search AD users and add then


   EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_SomeExecutor', 'domainName\UserName'

Please refer this post

How to show git log history (i.e., all the related commits) for a sub directory of a git repo?


git log .

from the specific directory, it also gives commits in that directory.

Java verify void method calls n times with Mockito

The necessary method is Mockito#verify:

public static <T> T verify(T mock,
                           VerificationMode mode)

mock is your mocked object and mode is the VerificationMode that describes how the mock should be verified. Possible modes are:

verify(mock, times(5)).someMethod("was called five times");
verify(mock, never()).someMethod("was never called");
verify(mock, atLeastOnce()).someMethod("was called at least once");
verify(mock, atLeast(2)).someMethod("was called at least twice");
verify(mock, atMost(3)).someMethod("was called at most 3 times");
verify(mock, atLeast(0)).someMethod("was called any number of times"); // useful with captors
verify(mock, only()).someMethod("no other method has been called on the mock");

You'll need these static imports from the Mockito class in order to use the verify method and these verification modes:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeast;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.atLeastOnce;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.atMost;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.only;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;

So in your case the correct syntax will be:

Mockito.verify(mock, times(4)).send()

This verifies that the method send was called 4 times on the mocked object. It will fail if it was called less or more than 4 times.

If you just want to check, if the method has been called once, then you don't need to pass a VerificationMode. A simple

verify(mock).someMethod("was called once");

would be enough. It internally uses verify(mock, times(1)).someMethod("was called once");.

It is possible to have multiple verification calls on the same mock to achieve a "between" verification. Mockito doesn't support something like this verify(mock, between(4,6)).someMethod("was called between 4 and 6 times");, but we can write

verify(mock, atLeast(4)).someMethod("was called at least four times ...");
verify(mock, atMost(6)).someMethod("... and not more than six times");

instead, to get the same behaviour. The bounds are included, so the test case is green when the method was called 4, 5 or 6 times.

How to evaluate a math expression given in string form?

You can evaluate expressions easily if your Java application already accesses a database, without using any other JARs.

Some databases require you to use a dummy table (eg, Oracle's "dual" table) and others will allow you to evaluate expressions without "selecting" from any table.

For example, in Sql Server or Sqlite

select (((12.10 +12.0))/ 233.0) amount

and in Oracle

select (((12.10 +12.0))/ 233.0) amount from dual;

The advantage of using a DB is that you can evaluate many expressions at the same time. Also most DB's will allow you to use highly complex expressions and will also have a number of extra functions that can be called as necessary.

However performance may suffer if many single expressions need to be evaluated individually, particularly when the DB is located on a network server.

The following addresses the performance problem to some extent, by using a Sqlite in-memory database.

Here's a full working example in Java

Class. forName("org.sqlite.JDBC");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite::memory:");
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery( "select (1+10)/20.0 amount");;

Of course you could extend the above code to handle multiple calculations at the same time.

ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery( "select (1+10)/20.0 amount, (1+100)/20.0 amount2");

How to extract 1 screenshot for a video with ffmpeg at a given time?

FFMpeg can do this by seeking to the given timestamp and extracting exactly one frame as an image, see for instance:

ffmpeg -i input_file.mp4 -ss 01:23:45 -vframes 1 output.jpg

Let's explain the options:

-i input file           the path to the input file
-ss 01:23:45            seek the position to the specified timestamp
-vframes 1              only handle one video frame
output.jpg              output filename, should have a well-known extension

The -ss parameter accepts a value in the form HH:MM:SS[.xxx] or as a number in seconds. If you need a percentage, you need to compute the video duration beforehand.

What is the recommended way to delete a large number of items from DynamoDB?

The answer of this question depends on the number of items and their size and your budget. Depends on that we have following 3 cases:

1- The number of items and size of items in the table are not very much. then as Steffen Opel said you can Use Query rather than Scan to retrieve all items for user_id and then loop over all returned items and either facilitate DeleteItem or BatchWriteItem. But keep in mind you may burn a lot of throughput capacity here. For example, consider a situation where you need delete 1000 items from a DynamoDB table. Assume that each item is 1 KB in size, resulting in Around 1MB of data. This bulk-deleting task will require a total of 2000 write capacity units for query and delete. To perform this data load within 10 seconds (which is not even considered as fast in some applications), you would need to set the provisioned write throughput of the table to 200 write capacity units. As you can see its doable to use this way if its for less number of items or small size items.

2- We have a lot of items or very large items in the table and we can store them according to the time into different tables. Then as jonathan Said you can just delete the table. this is much better but I don't think it is matched with your case. As you want to delete all of users data no matter what is the time of creation of logs, so in this case you can't delete a particular table. if you wanna have a separate table for each user then I guess if number of users are high then its so expensive and it is not practical for your case.

3- If you have a lot of data and you can't divide your hot and cold data into different tables and you need to do large scale delete frequently then unfortunately DynamoDB is not a good option for you at all. It may become more expensive or very slow(depends on your budget). In these cases I recommend to find another database for your data.

Can we make unsigned byte in Java

I am trying to use this data as a parameter to a function of Java that accepts only a byte as parameter

This is not substantially different from a function accepting an integer to which you want to pass a value larger than 2^32-1.

That sounds like it depends on how the function is defined and documented; I can see three possibilities:

  1. It may explicitly document that the function treats the byte as an unsigned value, in which case the function probably should do what you expect but would seem to be implemented wrong. For the integer case, the function would probably declare the parameter as an unsigned integer, but that is not possible for the byte case.

  2. It may document that the value for this argument must be greater than (or perhaps equal to) zero, in which case you are misusing the function (passing an out-of-range parameter), expecting it to do more than it was designed to do. With some level of debugging support you might expect the function to throw an exception or fail an assertion.

  3. The documentation may say nothing, in which case a negative parameter is, well, a negative parameter and whether that has any meaning depends on what the function does. If this is meaningless then perhaps the function should really be defined/documented as (2). If this is meaningful in an nonobvious manner (e.g. non-negative values are used to index into an array, and negative values are used to index back from the end of the array so -1 means the last element) the documentation should say what it means and I would expect that it isn't what you want it to do anyway.

How can you debug a CORS request with cURL?

Updated answer that covers most cases

curl -H "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET" -H "Origin: http://localhost" --head
  1. Replace with URL you want to test.
  2. If response includes Access-Control-Allow-* then your resource supports CORS.

Rationale for alternative answer

I google this question every now and then and the accepted answer is never what I need. First it prints response body which is a lot of text. Adding --head outputs only headers. Second when testing S3 URLs we need to provide additional header -H "Access-Control-Request-Method: GET".

Hope this will save time.

How to execute mongo commands through shell scripts?

Put this in a file called test.js:

db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(collection) {

then run it with mongo myDbName test.js.

How to use radio on change event?

Use onchage function

<input type="radio" name="bedStatus" id="allot" checked="checked" value="allot" onchange="my_function('allot')">Allot
<input type="radio" name="bedStatus" id="transfer" value="transfer" onchange="my_function('transfer')">Transfer

 function my_function(val){

PHP isset() with multiple parameters

You just need:

if (!empty($_POST['search_term']) && !empty($_POST['postcode']))

isset && !empty is redundant.

Select count(*) from result query

select count(*) from(select count(SID) from Test where Date = '2012-12-10' group by SID)select count(*) from(select count(SID) from Test where Date = '2012-12-10' group by SID)

should works

SQL Server Group By Month

If you need to do this frequently, I would probably add a computed column PaymentMonth to the table:

ALTER TABLE dbo.Payments ADD PaymentMonth AS MONTH(PaymentDate) PERSISTED

It's persisted and stored in the table - so there's really no performance overhead querying it. It's a 4 byte INT value - so the space overhead is minimal, too.

Once you have that, you could simplify your query to be something along the lines of:

SELECT ItemID, IsPaid,
(SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM Payments WHERE Year = 2010 And PaymentMonth = 1 AND UserID = 100) AS 'Jan',
(SELECT SUM(Amount) FROM Payments WHERE Year = 2010 And PaymentMonth = 2 AND UserID = 100) AS 'Feb',
.... and so on .....
WHERE UserID = 16178 

How to import JSON File into a TypeScript file?

First solution - simply change the extension of your .json file to .ts and add export default at the beginning of the file, like so:

export default {
   property: value;

Then you can just simply import the file without the need to add typings, like so:

import data from 'data';

Second solution get the json via HttpClient.

Inject HttpClient into your component, like so:

export class AppComponent  {
  constructor(public http: HttpClient) {}

and then use this code:

this.http.get('/your.json').subscribe(data => {
  this.results = data;

This solution has one clear adventage over other solutions provided here - it doesn't require you to rebuild entire application if your json will change (it's loaded dynamically from a separate file, so you can modify only that file).

Launch custom android application from android browser

Yeah, Chrome searches instead of looking for scheme. If you want to launch your App through URI scheme, use this cool utility App on the Play store. It saved my day :)

TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable when indexing in to a dictionary

Normally Python throws NameError if the variable is not defined:

>>> d[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'd' is not defined

However, you've managed to stumble upon a name that already exists in Python.

Because dict is the name of a built-in type in Python you are seeing what appears to be a strange error message, but in reality it is not.

The type of dict is a type. All types are objects in Python. Thus you are actually trying to index into the type object. This is why the error message says that the "'type' object is not subscriptable."

>>> type(dict)
<type 'type'>
>>> dict[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

Note that you can blindly assign to the dict name, but you really don't want to do that. It's just going to cause you problems later.

>>> dict = {1:'a'}
>>> type(dict)
<class 'dict'>
>>> dict[1]

The true source of the problem is that you must assign variables prior to trying to use them. If you simply reorder the statements of your question, it will almost certainly work:

d = {1: "walk1.png", 2: "walk2.png", 3: "walk3.png"}
m1 = pygame.image.load(d[1])
m2 = pygame.image.load(d[2])
m3 = pygame.image.load(d[3])
playerxy = (375,130)
window.blit(m1, (playerxy))

How can I do factory reset using adb in android?

You can send intent MASTER_CLEAR in adb:

adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR

or as root

adb shell  "su -c 'am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR'"

Docker is installed but Docker Compose is not ? why?

docker-compose is currently a tool that utilizes docker(-engine) but is not included in the distribution of docker.

Here is the link to the installation manual:


curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/bin/docker-compose

(1.8.0 will change in the future)

Cookies vs. sessions

Actually, session and cookies are not always separate things. Often, but not always, session uses cookies.

There are some good answers to your question in these other questions here. Since your question is specifically about saving the user's IDU (or ID), I don't think it is quite a duplicate of those other questions, but their answers should help you.

cookies vs session

Cache VS Session VS cookies?

What is the difference between a Session and a Cookie?

How to disable sort in DataGridView?

You can disable it in the ColumnAdded event:

private void dataGridView1_ColumnAdded(object sender, DataGridViewColumnEventArgs e)
    dataGridView1.Columns[e.Column.Index].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;

How to print float to n decimal places including trailing 0s?

Floating point numbers lack precision to accurately represent "1.6" out to that many decimal places. The rounding errors are real. Your number is not actually 1.6.

Check out:

Javascript callback when IFRAME is finished loading?

I have a similar code in my projects that works fine. Adapting my code to your function, a solution could be the following:

function xssRequest(url, callback)
    var iFrameObj = document.createElement('IFRAME'); = 'myUniqueID';
    iFrameObj.src = url;                        


Maybe you have an empty innerHTML because (one or both causes): 1. you should use it against the body element 2. you have removed the iframe from the your page DOM

Forward X11 failed: Network error: Connection refused

I had the same problem, but it's solved now. Finally, Putty does work with Cigwin-X, and Xming is not an obligatory app for MS-Windows X-server.

Nowadays it's xlaunch, who controls the run of X-window. Certainly, xlaunch.exe must be installed in Cigwin. When run in interactive mode it asks for "extra settings". You should add "-listen tcp" to additional param field, since Cigwin-X does not listen TCP by default.

In order to not repeat these steps, you may save settings to the file. And run xlaunch.exe via its shortcut with modified CLI inside. Something like

C:\cygwin64\bin\xlaunch.exe -run C:\cygwin64\config.xlaunch

Android Intent Cannot resolve constructor


Intent myIntent = new Intent(v.getContext(), MyClass.class);


 Intent myIntent = new Intent(MyFragment.this.getActivity(), MyClass.class);

to start a new Activity. This is because you will need to pass Application or component context as a first parameter to the Intent Constructor when you are creating an Intent for a specific component of your application.

How to set up subdomains on IIS 7

As DotNetMensch said but you DO NOT need to add another site in IIS as this can also cause further problems and make things more complicated because you then have a website within a website so the file paths, masterpage paths and web.config paths may need changing. You just need to edit teh bindings of the existing site and add the new subdomain there.


  1. Add sub-domain to DNS records. My host (RackSpace) uses a web portal to do this so you just log in and go to Network->Domains(DNS)->Actions->Create Zone, and enter your subdomain as etc, leave the other settings as default

  2. Go to your domain in IIS, right-click->Edit Bindings->Add, and add your new subdomain leaving everything else the same e.g.

You may need to wait 5-10 mins for the DNS records to update but that's all you need.

Subscripts in plots in R

expression is your friend:

plot(1,1, main=expression('title'^2))  #superscript
plot(1,1, main=expression('title'[2])) #subscript

Check if value exists in column in VBA

Try adding WorksheetFunction:

If Not IsError(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ValueToSearchFor, RangeToSearchIn, 0)) Then
' String is in range

printf format specifiers for uint32_t and size_t


#include <inttypes.h>

printf("i [ %zu ] k [ %"PRIu32" ]\n", i, k);

The z represents an integer of length same as size_t, and the PRIu32 macro, defined in the C99 header inttypes.h, represents an unsigned 32-bit integer.

How to increment a pointer address and pointer's value?

First, the ++ operator takes precedence over the * operator, and the () operators take precedence over everything else.

Second, the ++number operator is the same as the number++ operator if you're not assigning them to anything. The difference is number++ returns number and then increments number, and ++number increments first and then returns it.

Third, by increasing the value of a pointer, you're incrementing it by the sizeof its contents, that is you're incrementing it as if you were iterating in an array.

So, to sum it all up:

ptr++;    // Pointer moves to the next int position (as if it was an array)
++ptr;    // Pointer moves to the next int position (as if it was an array)
++*ptr;   // The value of ptr is incremented
++(*ptr); // The value of ptr is incremented
++*(ptr); // The value of ptr is incremented
*ptr++;   // Pointer moves to the next int position (as if it was an array). But returns the old content
(*ptr)++; // The value of ptr is incremented
*(ptr)++; // Pointer moves to the next int position (as if it was an array). But returns the old content
*++ptr;   // Pointer moves to the next int position, and then get's accessed, with your code, segfault
*(++ptr); // Pointer moves to the next int position, and then get's accessed, with your code, segfault

As there are a lot of cases in here, I might have made some mistake, please correct me if I'm wrong.


So I was wrong, the precedence is a little more complicated than what I wrote, view it here:

In JPA 2, using a CriteriaQuery, how to count results

I've sorted this out using the cb.createQuery() (without the result type parameter):

public class Blah() {

    CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
    Root<Entity> root;
    Predicate whereClause;
    EntityManager entityManager;
    Class<Entity> domainClass;

    ... Methods to create where clause ...

    public Blah(EntityManager entityManager, Class<Entity> domainClass) {
        this.entityManager = entityManager;
        this.domainClass = domainClass;
        criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
        whereClause = criteriaBuilder.equal(criteriaBuilder.literal(1), 1);
        root = query.from(domainClass);

    public CriteriaQuery<Entity> getQuery() {;
        return query;

    public CriteriaQuery<Long> getQueryForCount() {;
        return query;

    public List<Entity> list() {
        TypedQuery<Entity> q = this.entityManager.createQuery(this.getQuery());
        return q.getResultList();

    public Long count() {
        TypedQuery<Long> q = this.entityManager.createQuery(this.getQueryForCount());
        return q.getSingleResult();

Hope it helps :)

Measuring function execution time in R

The built-in function system.time() will do it.

Use like: system.time(result <- myfunction(with, arguments))

Enable vertical scrolling on textarea

You can try adding:

    height: 100px;
    max-height: 100px;  

How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows

Since Android is open source, you don't actually need to reimplement ListView's optimizations. You can grab ListView's code and try to find a way to hack in the animation, you can also open a feature request in android bug tracker (and if you decided to implement it, don't forget to contribute a patch).

FYI, the ListView source code is here.

How to set up file permissions for Laravel?

This worked for me:

sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo chmod -R 777 ./storage
sudo chmod -R 777 ./bootstrap/cache/

Only if you use npm (VUE, compiling SASS, etc..) add this:

sudo chmod -R 777 ./node_modules/

What it does:

  • Change all file permissions to 644
  • Change all folder permissions to 755
  • For storage and bootstrap cache (special folders used by laravel for creating and executing files, not available from outside) set permission to 777, for anything inside
  • For nodeJS executable, same as above

Note: Maybe you can not, or don't need, to do it with sudo prefix. it depends on your user's permissions, group, etc...

Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

I modified Trevor Senior's Promise based answer to work with Bluebird

var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    Promise = require('bluebird');

var readdirAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.readdir);
var statAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.stat);
function walkFiles (directory) {
    var results = [];
    return readdirAsync(directory).map(function(file) {
        file = path.join(directory, file);
        return statAsync(file).then(function(stat) {
            if (stat.isFile()) {
                return results.push(file);
            return walkFiles(file).then(function(filesInDir) {
                results = results.concat(filesInDir);
    }).then(function() {
        return results;

walkDir(__dirname).then(function(files) {
}).catch(function(e) {
    console.error(e); {

How to detect the device orientation using CSS media queries?

I think we need to write more specific media query. Make sure if you write one media query it should be not effect to other view (Mob,Tab,Desk) otherwise it can be trouble. I would like suggest to write one basic media query for respective device which cover both view and one orientation media query that you can specific code more about orientation view its for good practice. we Don't need to write both media orientation query at same time. You can refer My below example. I am sorry if my English writing is not much good. Ex:

For Mobile

@media screen and (max-width:767px) {

..This is basic media query for respective device.In to this media query  CSS code cover the both view landscape and portrait view.


@media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:767px) and (orientation:landscape) {

..This orientation media query. In to this orientation media query you can specify more about CSS code for landscape view.


For Tablet

@media screen and (max-width:1024px){
..This is basic media query for respective device.In to this media query  CSS code cover the both view landscape and portrait view.
@media screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1024px) and (orientation:landscape){

..This orientation media query. In to this orientation media query you can specify more about CSS code for landscape view.



make as per your design requirement enjoy...(:

Thanks, Jitu

Java: notify() vs. notifyAll() all over again

To summarize the excellent detailed explanations above, and in the simplest way I can think of, this is due to the limitations of the JVM built-in monitor, which 1) is acquired on the entire synchronization unit (block or object) and 2) does not discriminate about the specific condition being waited/notified on/about.

This means that if multiple threads are waiting on different conditions and notify() is used, the selected thread may not be the one which would make progress on the newly fulfilled condition - causing that thread (and other currently still waiting threads which would be able to fulfill the condition, etc..) not to be able to make progress, and eventually starvation or program hangup.

In contrast, notifyAll() enables all waiting threads to eventually re-acquire the lock and check for their respective condition, thereby eventually allowing progress to be made.

So notify() can be used safely only if any waiting thread is guaranteed to allow progress to be made should it be selected, which in general is satisfied when all threads within the same monitor check for only one and the same condition - a fairly rare case in real world applications.

How to parse/format dates with LocalDateTime? (Java 8)

Let's take two questions, example string "2014-04-08 12:30"

How can I obtain a LocalDateTime instance from the given string?

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.LocalDateTime

final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")

// Parsing or conversion
final LocalDateTime dt = LocalDateTime.parse("2014-04-08 12:30", formatter)

dt should allow you to all date-time related operations

How can I then convert the LocalDateTime instance back to a string with the same format?

final String date = dt.format(formatter)

How to get Enum Value from index in Java?

I recently had the same problem and used the solution provided by Harry Joy. That solution only works with with zero-based enumaration though. I also wouldn't consider it save as it doesn't deal with indexes that are out of range.

The solution I ended up using might not be as simple but it's completely save and won't hurt the performance of your code even with big enums:

public enum Example {

    UNKNOWN(0, "unknown"), ENUM1(1, "enum1"), ENUM2(2, "enum2"), ENUM3(3, "enum3");

    private static HashMap<Integer, Example> enumById = new HashMap<>();
    static { -> enumById.put(e.getId(), e));

    public static Example getById(int id) {
        return enumById.getOrDefault(id, UNKNOWN);

    private int id;
    private String description;

    private Example(int id, String description) { = id;
        this.description= description;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

If you are sure that you will never be out of range with your index and you don't want to use UNKNOWN like I did above you can of course also do:

public static Example getById(int id) {
        return enumById.get(id);

"cannot be used as a function error"

Modify your estimated population function to take a growth argument of type float. Then you can call the growthRate function with your birthRate and deathRate and use the return value as the input for grown into estimatedPopulation.

float growthRate (float birthRate, float deathRate)     
    return ((birthRate) - (deathRate));    

int estimatedPopulation (int currentPopulation, float growth)
    return ((currentPopulation) + (currentPopulation) * (growth / 100);

// main.cpp
int currentPopulation = 100;
int births = 50;
int deaths = 25;
int population = estimatedPopulation(currentPopulation, growthRate(births, deaths));

How do I remove/delete a folder that is not empty?

From the python docs on os.walk():

# Delete everything reachable from the directory named in 'top',
# assuming there are no symbolic links.
# CAUTION:  This is dangerous!  For example, if top == '/', it
# could delete all your disk files.
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False):
    for name in files:
        os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
    for name in dirs:
        os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))

/bin/sh: apt-get: not found

The image you're using is Alpine based, so you can't use apt-get because it's Ubuntu's package manager.

To fix this just use:

apk update and apk add

Remove by _id in MongoDB console

The answer is that the web console/shell at behaves differently and not as I expected it to. An installed version at home worked perfectly without problem ie; the auto generated _id on the web shell was saved like this :

"_id" : { "$oid" : "4d512b45cc9374271b02ec4f" },

The same document setup at home and the auto generated _id was saved like this :

"_id" : ObjectId("4d5192665777000000005490")

Queries worked against the latter without problem.

How do you reverse a string in place in C or C++?

If you don't need to store it, you can reduce the time spent like this:

void showReverse(char s[], int length)
    printf("Reversed String without storing is ");
    //could use another variable to test for length, keeping length whole.
    //assumes contiguous memory
    for (; length > 0; length--)
        printf("%c", *(s+ length-1) );

Generating UNIQUE Random Numbers within a range

$len = 10;   // total number of numbers
$min = 100;  // minimum
$max = 999;  // maximum
$range = []; // initialize array
foreach (range(0, $len - 1) as $i) {
    while(in_array($num = mt_rand($min, $max), $range));
    $range[] = $num;

I was interested to see how the accepted answer stacks up against mine. It's useful to note, a hybrid of both may be advantageous; in fact a function that conditionally uses one or the other depending on certain values:

# The accepted answer
function randRange1($min, $max, $count)
    $numbers = range($min, $max);
    return array_slice($numbers, 0, $count);

# My answer
function randRange2($min, $max, $count)
    $range = array();
    while ($i++ < $count) {
        while(in_array($num = mt_rand($min, $max), $range));
        $range[] = $num;
    return $range;

echo 'randRange1: small range, high count' . PHP_EOL;
$time = microtime(true);
randRange1(0, 9999, 5000);
echo (microtime(true) - $time) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

echo 'randRange2: small range, high count' . PHP_EOL;
$time = microtime(true);
randRange2(0, 9999, 5000);
echo (microtime(true) - $time) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

echo 'randRange1: high range, small count' . PHP_EOL;
$time = microtime(true);
randRange1(0, 999999, 6);
echo (microtime(true) - $time) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

echo 'randRange2: high range, small count' . PHP_EOL;
$time = microtime(true);
randRange2(0, 999999, 6);
echo (microtime(true) - $time) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

The results:

randRange1: small range, high count

randRange2: small range, high count

randRange1: high range, small count

randRange2: high range, small count

If you're using a smaller range and a higher count of returned values, the accepted answer is certainly optimal; however as I had expected, larger ranges and smaller counts will take much longer with the accepted answer, as it must store every possible value in range. You even run the risk of blowing PHP's memory cap. A hybrid that evaluates the ratio between range and count, and conditionally chooses the generator would be the best of both worlds.

Search a text file and print related lines in Python?

searchfile = open("file.txt", "r")
for line in searchfile:
    if "searchphrase" in line: print line

To print out multiple lines (in a simple way)

f = open("file.txt", "r")
searchlines = f.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(searchlines):
    if "searchphrase" in line: 
        for l in searchlines[i:i+3]: print l,

The comma in print l, prevents extra spaces from appearing in the output; the trailing print statement demarcates results from different lines.

Or better yet (stealing back from Mark Ransom):

with open("file.txt", "r") as f:
    searchlines = f.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(searchlines):
    if "searchphrase" in line: 
        for l in searchlines[i:i+3]: print l,

aspx page to redirect to a new page

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
  protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

jQuery: checking if the value of a field is null (empty)

My Working solution is

var town_code = $('#town_code').val(); 
 if(town_code.trim().length == 0){
    var town_code = 0;

Trimming text strings in SQL Server 2008

SQL Server does not have a TRIM function, but rather it has two. One each for specifically trimming spaces from the "front" of a string (LTRIM) and one for trimming spaces from the "end" of a string (RTRIM).

Something like the following will update every record in your table, trimming all extraneous space (either at the front or the end) of a varchar/nvarchar field:

   [YourFieldName] = LTRIM(RTRIM([YourFieldName]))

(Strangely, SSIS (Sql Server Integration Services) does have a single TRIM function!)

JTable - Selected Row click event

To learn what row was selected, add a ListSelectionListener, as shown in How to Use Tables in the example SimpleTableSelectionDemo. A JList can be constructed directly from the linked list's toArray() method, and you can add a suitable listener to it for details.

Chart.js canvas resize

If anyone is having problems, I found a solution that doesn't involve sacrificing responsiveness etc.

Simply wrap your canvas in a div container (no styling) and reset the contents of the div to an empty canvas with ID before calling the Chart constructor.



<div id="chartContainer">
    <canvas id="myChart"></canvas>


$("#chartContainer").html('<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>');
//call new Chart() as usual

How to force div to appear below not next to another?

#similar { 

Event for Handling the Focus of the EditText

when in kotlin it will look like this :

editText.setOnFocusChangeListener { view, hasFocus ->
        if (hasFocus) toast("focused") else toast("focuse lose")

Bootstrap 3 only for mobile

If you're looking to make the elements be 33.3% only on small devices and lower:

This is backwards from what Bootstrap is designed for, but you can do this:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-12">.col-xs-4 .col-md-12</div>
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-12">.col-xs-4 .col-md-12</div>
    <div class="col-xs-4 col-md-12">.col-xs-4 .col-md-12</div>

This will make each element 33.3% wide on small and extra small devices but 100% wide on medium and larger devices.


If you're only looking to hide elements for smaller devices:

I think you're looking for the visible-xs and/or visible-sm classes. These will let you make certain elements only visible to small screen devices.

For example, if you want a element to only be visible to small and extra-small devices, do this:

<div class="visible-xs visible-sm">You're using a fairly small device.</div>

To show it only for larger screens, use this:

<div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">You're probably not using a phone.</div>

See for more information.

How to concatenate int values in java?

Use StringBuilder

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(a));

Calculating how many minutes there are between two times

You just need to query the TotalMinutes property like this varTime.TotalMinutes

Installing Bootstrap 3 on Rails App

As many know, there is no need for a gem.

Steps to take:

  1. Download Bootstrap
  2. Copy


    to: app/assets/stylesheets

  3. Copy


    to: app/assets/javascripts

  4. Append to: app/assets/stylesheets/application.css

    *= require bootstrap

  5. Append to: app/assets/javascripts/application.js

    //= require bootstrap

That is all. You are ready to add a new cool Bootstrap template.

Why app/ instead of vendor/?

It is important to add the files to app/assets, so in the future you'll be able to overwrite Bootstrap styles.

If later you want to add a custom.css.scss file with custom styles. You'll have something similar to this in application.css:

 *= require bootstrap                                                            
 *= require custom  

If you placed the bootstrap files in app/assets, everything works as expected. But, if you placed them in vendor/assets, the Bootstrap files will be loaded last. Like this:

<link href="/assets/custom.css?body=1" media="screen" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/assets/bootstrap.css?body=1" media="screen" rel="stylesheet">

So, some of your customizations won't be used as the Bootstrap styles will override them.

Reason behind this

Rails will search for assets in many locations; to get a list of this locations you can do this:

$ rails console
> Rails.application.config.assets.paths

In the output you'll see that app/assets takes precedence, thus loading it first.

assign multiple variables to the same value in Javascript

Nothing stops you from doing the above, but hold up!

There are some gotchas. Assignment in Javascript is from right to left so when you write:

var moveUp = moveDown = moveLeft = moveRight = mouseDown = touchDown = false;

it effectively translates to:

var moveUp = (moveDown = (moveLeft = (moveRight = (mouseDown = (touchDown = false)))));

which effectively translates to:

var moveUp = (window.moveDown = (window.moveLeft = (window.moveRight = (window.mouseDown = (window.touchDown = false)))));

Inadvertently, you just created 5 global variables--something I'm pretty sure you didn't want to do.

Note: My above example assumes you are running your code in the browser, hence window. If you were to be in a different environment these variables would attach to whatever the global context happens to be for that environment (i.e., in Node.js, it would attach to global which is the global context for that environment).

Now you could first declare all your variables and then assign them to the same value and you could avoid the problem.

var moveUp, moveDown, moveLeft, moveRight, mouseDown, touchDown;
moveUp = moveDown = moveLeft = moveRight = mouseDown = touchDown = false;

Long story short, both ways would work just fine, but the first way could potentially introduce some pernicious bugs in your code. Don't commit the sin of littering the global namespace with local variables if not absolutely necessary.

Sidenote: As pointed out in the comments (and this is not just in the case of this question), if the copied value in question was not a primitive value but instead an object, you better know about copy by value vs copy by reference. Whenever assigning objects, the reference to the object is copied instead of the actual object. All variables will still point to the same object so any change in one variable will be reflected in the other variables and will cause you a major headache if your intention was to copy the object values and not the reference.

How to read a single char from the console in Java (as the user types it)?

You need to knock your console into raw mode. There is no built-in platform-independent way of getting there. jCurses might be interesting, though.

On a Unix system, this might work:

String[] cmd = {"/bin/sh", "-c", "stty raw </dev/tty"};

For example, if you want to take into account the time between keystrokes, here's sample code to get there.

Recover SVN password from local cache

Just use this this decrypter to decrypt your locally cached username & password.

By default, TortoiseSVN stores your cached credentials inside files in the %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth\svn.simple directory. The passwords are encrypted using the Windows Data Protection API, with a key tied to your user account. This tool reads the files and uses the API to decrypt your passwords

svn password decryptor

How can I get a list of repositories 'apt-get' is checking?

It seems the closest is:

apt-cache policy

Console output in a Qt GUI app?

In your .pro add

CONFIG          += console

PHP regular expression - filter number only

use built in php function is_numeric to check if the value is numeric.

Prevent BODY from scrolling when a modal is opened

I'm not sure about this code, but it's worth a shot.

In jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $(/* Put in your "onModalDisplay" here */)./* whatever */(function() {
        $("#Modal").css("overflow", "hidden");

As I said before, I'm not 100% sure but try anyway.

How to Export-CSV of Active Directory Objects?

From a Windows Server OS execute the following command for a dump of the entire Active Director:

csvde -f test.csv

This command is very broad and will give you more than necessary information. To constrain the records to only user records, you would instead want:

csvde -f test.csv -r objectClass=user 

You can further restrict the command to give you only the fields you need relevant to the search requested such as:

csvde -f test.csv -r objectClass=user -l DN, sAMAccountName, department, memberOf

If you have an Exchange server and each user associated with a live person has a mailbox (as opposed to generic accounts for kiosk / lab workstations) you can use mailNickname in place of sAMAccountName.

Uncompress tar.gz file

gunzip <filename>


tar -xvf <tar-file-name>

How to find the duration of difference between two dates in java?

Use Joda-Time library

DateTime startTime, endTime;
Period p = new Period(startTime, endTime);
long hours = p.getHours();
long minutes = p.getMinutes();

Joda Time has a concept of time Interval:

Interval interval = new Interval(oldTime, new Instant());

One more example Date Difference

One more Link

or with Java-8 (which integrated Joda-Time concepts)

Instant start, end;//
Duration dur = Duration.between(start, stop);
long hours = dur.toHours();
long minutes = dur.toMinutes();

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. Why?

try to break your large data as much as possible because I already faced number of times this types of problem. In which I have above 10 Lakh records with 15 columns.

Meaning of .Cells(.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).row


is the VBA equivalent of being in Cell A1 and pressing Ctrl + Any arrow key. It will continue to travel in that direction until it hits the last cell of data, or if you use this command to move from a cell that is the last cell of data it will travel until it hits the next cell containing data.

If you wanted to find that last "used" cell in Column A, you could go to A65536 (for example, in an XL93-97 workbook) and press Ctrl + Up to "snap" to the last used cell. Or in VBA you would write:

Range("A65536").End(xlUp) which again can be re-written as Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) for compatibility reasons across workbooks with different numbers of rows.

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier - Two GUIDs

You have to check unique identifier column and you have to give a diff value to that particular field if you give the same value it will not work. It enforces uniqueness of the key.

Here is the code:

Insert into production.product 
    Style ,
  values ('LL lemon' ,'BC-1234',0,0,'blue',400,960,0.00,100.00,Null,Null,Null,null,1,null,null,null,null,null,'1998-06-01 00:00:00.000',null,null,'C4244F0C-ABCE-451B-A895-83C0E6D1F468','2004-03-11 10:01:36.827')

WebApi's {"message":"an error has occurred"} on IIS7, not in IIS Express

The problem was a missing dependency that wasn't on the server but was on my local machine. In our case, it was a Devart.Data.Linq dll.

To get to that answer, I turned on IIS tracing for 500 errors. That gave a little bit of information, but the really helpful thing was in the web.config setting the <system.web><customErrors mode="Off"/></system.web> This pointed to a missing dynamically-loaded dependency. After adding this dependency and telling it to be copied locally, the server started working.

mysql SELECT IF statement with OR

IF(compliment IN('set','Y',1), 'Y', 'N') AS customer_compliment

Will do the job as Buttle Butkus suggested.

SQL Server: Cannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column

There is some good information in these answers. Suppose you are dealing with databases which you can't alter, and that you are copying data from one version of the table to another, or from the same table in one database to another. Suppose also that there are lots of columns, and you either need data from all the columns, or the columns which you don't need don't have default values. You need to write a query with all the column names.

Here is a query which returns all the non-timestamp column names for a table, which you can cut and paste into your insert query. FYI: 189 is the type ID for timestamp.

declare @TableName nvarchar(50) = 'Product';

select stuff(
        ', ' +
        (select id from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name = @TableName) tables
        inner join syscolumns columns on =
    where columns.xtype <> 189
    for xml path('')), 1, 2, '')

Just change the name of the table at the top from 'Product' to your table name. The query will return a list of column names:

ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, MakeFlag, FinishedGoodsFlag, Color, SafetyStockLevel, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, ListPrice, Size, SizeUnitMeasureCode, WeightUnitMeasureCode, Weight, DaysToManufacture, ProductLine, Class, Style, ProductSubcategoryID, ProductModelID, SellStartDate, SellEndDate, DiscontinuedDate, rowguid, ModifiedDate

If you are copying data from one database (DB1) to another database(DB2) you could use this query.

insert DB2.dbo.Product (ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, MakeFlag, FinishedGoodsFlag, Color, SafetyStockLevel, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, ListPrice, Size, SizeUnitMeasureCode, WeightUnitMeasureCode, Weight, DaysToManufacture, ProductLine, Class, Style, ProductSubcategoryID, ProductModelID, SellStartDate, SellEndDate, DiscontinuedDate, rowguid, ModifiedDate)
select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, MakeFlag, FinishedGoodsFlag, Color, SafetyStockLevel, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, ListPrice, Size, SizeUnitMeasureCode, WeightUnitMeasureCode, Weight, DaysToManufacture, ProductLine, Class, Style, ProductSubcategoryID, ProductModelID, SellStartDate, SellEndDate, DiscontinuedDate, rowguid, ModifiedDate 
from DB1.dbo.Product

Increasing the maximum number of TCP/IP connections in Linux

Maximum number of connections are impacted by certain limits on both client & server sides, albeit a little differently.

On the client side: Increase the ephermal port range, and decrease the tcp_fin_timeout

To find out the default values:

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range
sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout

The ephermal port range defines the maximum number of outbound sockets a host can create from a particular I.P. address. The fin_timeout defines the minimum time these sockets will stay in TIME_WAIT state (unusable after being used once). Usual system defaults are:

  • net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 32768 61000
  • net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 60

This basically means your system cannot consistently guarantee more than (61000 - 32768) / 60 = 470 sockets per second. If you are not happy with that, you could begin with increasing the port_range. Setting the range to 15000 61000 is pretty common these days. You could further increase the availability by decreasing the fin_timeout. Suppose you do both, you should see over 1500 outbound connections per second, more readily.

To change the values:

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="15000 61000"
sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=30

The above should not be interpreted as the factors impacting system capability for making outbound connections per second. But rather these factors affect system's ability to handle concurrent connections in a sustainable manner for large periods of "activity."

Default Sysctl values on a typical Linux box for tcp_tw_recycle & tcp_tw_reuse would be


These do not allow a connection from a "used" socket (in wait state) and force the sockets to last the complete time_wait cycle. I recommend setting:

sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1
sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 

This allows fast cycling of sockets in time_wait state and re-using them. But before you do this change make sure that this does not conflict with the protocols that you would use for the application that needs these sockets. Make sure to read post "Coping with the TCP TIME-WAIT" from Vincent Bernat to understand the implications. The net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle option is quite problematic for public-facing servers as it won’t handle connections from two different computers behind the same NAT device, which is a problem hard to detect and waiting to bite you. Note that net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle has been removed from Linux 4.12.

On the Server Side: The net.core.somaxconn value has an important role. It limits the maximum number of requests queued to a listen socket. If you are sure of your server application's capability, bump it up from default 128 to something like 128 to 1024. Now you can take advantage of this increase by modifying the listen backlog variable in your application's listen call, to an equal or higher integer.

sysctl net.core.somaxconn=1024

txqueuelen parameter of your ethernet cards also have a role to play. Default values are 1000, so bump them up to 5000 or even more if your system can handle it.

ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 5000
echo "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 5000" >> /etc/rc.local

Similarly bump up the values for net.core.netdev_max_backlog and net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog. Their default values are 1000 and 1024 respectively.

sysctl net.core.netdev_max_backlog=2000
sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048

Now remember to start both your client and server side applications by increasing the FD ulimts, in the shell.

Besides the above one more popular technique used by programmers is to reduce the number of tcp write calls. My own preference is to use a buffer wherein I push the data I wish to send to the client, and then at appropriate points I write out the buffered data into the actual socket. This technique allows me to use large data packets, reduce fragmentation, reduces my CPU utilization both in the user land and at kernel-level.

Google Play Services Missing in Emulator (Android 4.4.2)

Quoting docs

If you want to test your app on the emulator, expand the directory for Android 4.2.2 (API 17) or a higher version, select Google APIs, and install it. Then create a new AVD with Google APIs as the platform target.

Needs Emulator of Google API"S

See the target in the snap


enter image description here

I prefer testing on a real device which has google play services installed

Extract a substring according to a pattern

Here is another simple answer

gsub("^.*:","", string)

How to read html from a url in python 3

import requests

url = requests.get("")
htmltext = url.text

This will work similar to urllib.urlopen.

How can I select rows by range?

Assuming id is the primary key of table :


For first 20 results

SELECT * FROM table order by id limit 20;

How do I fix the npm UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY warning?

you can resolve by installing the UNMET dependencies globally.

example : npm install -g @angular/[email protected]

install each one by one. its worked for me.

How to watch and reload ts-node when TypeScript files change

This works for me:

nodemon src/index.ts

Apparently thanks to since this pull request:

Replace missing values with column mean

dplyr's mutate_all or mutate_at could be useful here:


df <- data.frame(a = sample(c(NA, 1:3)    , replace = TRUE, 10),           
                 b = sample(c(NA, 101:103), replace = TRUE, 10),                            
                 c = sample(c(NA, 201:203), replace = TRUE, 10))                            


#>     a   b   c
#> 1   2 102 203
#> 2   1 102 202
#> 3   1  NA 203
#> 4   2 102 201
#> 5  NA 101 201
#> 6  NA 101 202
#> 7   1  NA 203
#> 8   1 101  NA
#> 9   2 101 203
#> 10  1 103 201

df %>% mutate_all(~ifelse(, mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), .x))          

#>        a       b        c
#> 1  2.000 102.000 203.0000
#> 2  1.000 102.000 202.0000
#> 3  1.000 101.625 203.0000
#> 4  2.000 102.000 201.0000
#> 5  1.375 101.000 201.0000
#> 6  1.375 101.000 202.0000
#> 7  1.000 101.625 203.0000
#> 8  1.000 101.000 202.1111
#> 9  2.000 101.000 203.0000
#> 10 1.000 103.000 201.0000

df %>% mutate_at(vars(a, b),~ifelse(, mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), .x))

#>        a       b   c
#> 1  2.000 102.000 203
#> 2  1.000 102.000 202
#> 3  1.000 101.625 203
#> 4  2.000 102.000 201
#> 5  1.375 101.000 201
#> 6  1.375 101.000 202
#> 7  1.000 101.625 203
#> 8  1.000 101.000  NA
#> 9  2.000 101.000 203
#> 10 1.000 103.000 201

PHP check if url parameter exists

It is not quite clear what function you are talking about and if you need 2 separate branches or one. Assuming one:

Change your first line to

$slide = '';
if (isset($_GET["id"]))
    $slide = $_GET["id"];

Site does not exist error for a2ensite

There's another good way, just edit the file apache2.conf theres a line at the end

IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf

just remove the .conf at the end, like this

IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*

and restart the server.

(I tried this only in the Ubuntu 13.10, when I updated it.)

Could not get constructor for org.hibernate.persister.entity.SingleTableEntityPersister

in my case, the problem got solved only by implementing serializable as below:

@Entity @Table(name = "User" , uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"nam"}) }) public class User extends GenericT implements Serializable

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

Scott Hanselman put together a great summary page with all of the various SQL downloads here

For offline installers, see this answer

How do I format a date in VBA with an abbreviated month?

I'm using

Sheet1.Range("E2", "E3000").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss"

to format a column

So I guess

Sheet1.Range("E2", "E3000").NumberFormat = "MMM dd yyyy"

would do the trick for you.

More: NumberFormat function.

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC

The public keyword is used only when declaring a class method.

Since you're declaring a simple function and not a class you need to remove public from your code.

How to dynamic filter options of <select > with jQuery?

A much simpler way nowadays is to use the jquery filter() as follows:

var options = $('select option');
var query = $('input').val();
options.filter(function() {
    $(this).toggle($(this).val().toLowerCase().indexOf(query) > -1);

How do I find out what version of Sybase is running

Run this command:

select @@version

Is there a workaround for ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 error?

Just use multiple in-clauses to get around this:

select field1, field2, field3 from table1 
where  name in ('value1', 'value2', ..., 'value999') 
    or name in ('value1000', ..., 'value1999') 
    or ...;

Difference between JSONObject and JSONArray

To understand it in a easier way, following are the diffrences between JSON object and JSON array:

Link to Tabular Difference :

JSON Array

1. Arrays in JSON are used to organize a collection of related items
   (Which could be JSON objects)
2.  Array values must be of type string, number, object, array, boolean or null
3.  Syntax: 
           [ "Ford", "BMW", "Fiat" ]
4.  JSON arrays are surrounded by square brackets []. 
    **Tip to remember**  :  Here, order of element is important. That means you have 
    to go straight like the shape of the bracket i.e. straight lines. 
   (Note :It is just my logic to remember the shape of both.) 
5.  Order of elements is important. Example:  ["Ford","BMW","Fiat"] is not 
    equal to ["Fiat","BMW","Ford"]
6.  JSON can store nested Arrays that are passed as a value.

JSON Object

1.  JSON objects are written in key/value pairs.
2.  Keys must be strings, and values must be a valid JSON data type (string, number, 
    object, array, boolean or null).Keys and values are separated by a colon.
    Each key/value pair is separated by a comma.
3.  Syntax:
         { "name":"Somya", "age":25, "car":null }
4.  JSON objects are surrounded by curly braces {} 
    Tip to remember : Here, order of element is not important. That means you can go 
    the way you like. Therefore the shape of the braces i.e. wavy. 
    (Note : It is just my logic to remember the shape of both.)
5.  Order of elements is not important. 
    Example:  { rollno: 1, firstname: 'Somya'} 
                   is equal to 
             { firstname: 'Somya', rollno: 1}
6.  JSON can store nested objects in JSON format in addition to nested arrays.

Sort collection by multiple fields in Kotlin

Use sortedWith to sort a list with Comparator.

You can then construct a comparator using several ways:

  • compareBy, thenBy construct the comparator in a chain of calls:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy<Person> { it.age }.thenBy { }.thenBy { it.address })
  • compareBy has an overload which takes multiple functions:

    list.sortedWith(compareBy({ it.age }, { }, { it.address }))

Selenium Webdriver: Entering text into text field

Use this code.


Get original URL referer with PHP?

As Johnathan Suggested, you would either want to save it in a cookie or a session.

The easier way would be to use a Session variable.

    $_SESSION['org_referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

Put that at the top of the page, and you will always be able to access the first referer that the site visitor was directed by.

Read only file system on Android

mount -o rw,remount /dev/stl12 /system

works for me

What algorithm for a tic-tac-toe game can I use to determine the "best move" for the AI?

A Tic-tac-toe adaptation to the min max algorithem

let gameBoard: [
    [null, null, null],
    [null, null, null],
    [null, null, null]

const SYMBOLS = {

const RESULT = {
    INCOMPLETE: "incomplete",
    tie: "tie"

We'll need a function that can check for the result. The function will check for a succession of chars. What ever the state of the board is, the result is one of 4 options: either Incomplete, player X won, Player O won or a tie.

function checkSuccession (line){_x000D_
    if (line === SYMBOLS.X.repeat(3)) return SYMBOLS.X_x000D_
    if (line === SYMBOLS.O.repeat(3)) return SYMBOLS.O_x000D_
    return false _x000D_
function getResult(board){_x000D_
    let result = RESULT.incomplete_x000D_
    if (moveCount(board)<5){_x000D_
        return result_x000D_
    let lines_x000D_
    //first we check row, then column, then diagonal_x000D_
    for (var i = 0 ; i<3 ; i++){_x000D_
    for (var j=0 ; j<3; j++){_x000D_
        const column = [board[0][j],board[1][j],board[2][j]]_x000D_
    const diag1 = [board[0][0],board[1][1],board[2][2]]_x000D_
    const diag2 = [board[0][2],board[1][1],board[2][0]]_x000D_
    for (i=0 ; i<lines.length ; i++){_x000D_
        const succession = checkSuccesion(lines[i])_x000D_
            return succession_x000D_
    //Check for tie_x000D_
    if (moveCount(board)==9){_x000D_
        return RESULT.tie_x000D_
    return result_x000D_

Our getBestMove function will receive the state of the board, and the symbol of the player for which we want to determine the best possible move. Our function will check all possible moves with the getResult function. If it is a win it will give it a score of 1. if it's a loose it will get a score of -1, a tie will get a score of 0. If it is undetermined we will call the getBestMove function with the new state of the board and the opposite symbol. Since the next move is of the oponent, his victory is the lose of the current player, and the score will be negated. At the end possible move receives a score of either 1,0 or -1, we can sort the moves, and return the move with the highest score.

const copyBoard = (board) => _x000D_
    row => square => square  ) _x000D_
function getAvailableMoves (board) {_x000D_
  let availableMoves = []_x000D_
  for (let row = 0 ; row<3 ; row++){_x000D_
    for (let column = 0 ; column<3 ; column++){_x000D_
      if (board[row][column]===null){_x000D_
        availableMoves.push({row, column})_x000D_
  return availableMoves_x000D_
function applyMove(board,move, symbol) {_x000D_
  board[move.row][move.column]= symbol_x000D_
  return board_x000D_
function getBestMove (board, symbol){_x000D_
    let availableMoves = getAvailableMoves(board)_x000D_
    let availableMovesAndScores = []_x000D_
    for (var i=0 ; i<availableMoves.length ; i++){_x000D_
      let move = availableMoves[i]_x000D_
      let newBoard = copyBoard(board)_x000D_
      newBoard = applyMove(newBoard,move, symbol)_x000D_
      result = getResult(newBoard,symbol).result_x000D_
      let score_x000D_
      if (result == RESULT.tie) {score = 0}_x000D_
      else if (result == symbol) {_x000D_
        score = 1_x000D_
      else {_x000D_
        let otherSymbol = (symbol==SYMBOLS.x)? SYMBOLS.o : SYMBOLS.x_x000D_
        nextMove = getBestMove(newBoard, otherSymbol)_x000D_
        score = - (nextMove.score)_x000D_
      if(score === 1)  // Performance optimization_x000D_
        return {move, score}_x000D_
      availableMovesAndScores.push({move, score})_x000D_
    availableMovesAndScores.sort((moveA, moveB )=>{_x000D_
        return moveB.score - moveA.score_x000D_
    return availableMovesAndScores[0]_x000D_

Algorithm in action, Github, Explaining the process in more details

IF... OR IF... in a windows batch file

I realize this question is old, but I wanted to post an alternate solution in case anyone else (like myself) found this thread while having the same question. I was able to work around the lack of an OR operator by echoing the variable and using findstr to validate.

for /f %%v in ('echo %var% ^| findstr /x /c:"1" /c:"2"') do (
    if %errorlevel% equ 0 echo true

What is the iOS 6 user agent string?


Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25


Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25

For a complete list and more details about the iOS user agent check out these 2 resources:
Safari User Agent Strings (
Complete List of iOS User-Agent Strings (

git replace local version with remote version

Use the -s or --strategy option combined with the -X option. In your specific question, you want to keep all of the remote files and replace the local files of the same name.

Replace conflicts with the remote version

git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs upstream/master  

will use the remote repo version of all conflicting files.

Replace conflicts with the local version

git merge -s recursive -Xours upstream/master

will use the local repo version of all conflicting files.

Xampp Access Forbidden php

A. #LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
B. <Directory />
    AllowOverride none
    Require all denied

Replace with:

A. LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

From E:\xamp**apache\conf/httpd.conf**

In C#, why is String a reference type that behaves like a value type?

The distinction between reference types and value types are basically a performance tradeoff in the design of the language. Reference types have some overhead on construction and destruction and garbage collection, because they are created on the heap. Value types on the other hand have overhead on method calls (if the data size is larger than a pointer), because the whole object is copied rather than just a pointer. Because strings can be (and typically are) much larger than the size of a pointer, they are designed as reference types. Also, as Servy pointed out, the size of a value type must be known at compile time, which is not always the case for strings.

The question of mutability is a separate issue. Both reference types and value types can be either mutable or immutable. Value types are typically immutable though, since the semantics for mutable value types can be confusing.

Reference types are generally mutable, but can be designed as immutable if it makes sense. Strings are defined as immutable because it makes certain optimizations possible. For example, if the same string literal occurs multiple times in the same program (which is quite common), the compiler can reuse the same object.

So why is "==" overloaded to compare strings by text? Because it is the most useful semantics. If two strings are equal by text, they may or may not be the same object reference due to the optimizations. So comparing references are pretty useless, while comparing text are almost always what you want.

Speaking more generally, Strings has what is termed value semantics. This is a more general concept than value types, which is a C# specific implementation detail. Value types have value semantics, but reference types may also have value semantics. When a type have value semantics, you can't really tell if the underlying implementation is a reference type or value type, so you can consider that an implementation detail.

How to send and retrieve parameters using $state.go toParams and $stateParams?

If this is a query parameter that you want to pass like this: /toState?referer=current_user

then you need to describe your state like this:

$stateProvider.state('toState', {


Disabling swap files creation in vim

I found the answer here:

vim -n <file>

opens file without swapfile.

In addition:

set dir=/tmp

in .vimrc creates the swapfiles in /tmp.

How to cast the size_t to double or int C++

Assuming that the program cannot be redesigned to avoid the cast (ref. Keith Thomson's answer):

To cast from size_t to int you need to ensure that the size_t does not exceed the maximum value of the int. This can be done using std::numeric_limits:

int SizeTToInt(size_t data)
    if (data > std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
        throw std::exception("Invalid cast.");
    return std::static_cast<int>(data);

If you need to cast from size_t to double, and you need to ensure that you don't lose precision, I think you can use a narrow cast (ref. Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition):

template<class Target, class Source>
Target NarrowCast(Source v)
    auto r = static_cast<Target>(v);
    if (static_cast<Source>(r) != v)
        throw RuntimeError("Narrow cast failed.");
    return r;

I tested using the narrow cast for size_t-to-double conversions by inspecting the limits of the maximum integers floating-point-representable integers (code uses googletest):

EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() - 2 })), size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() - 2 });
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() - 1 })), size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() - 1 });
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() })), size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() });
EXPECT_THROW(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 1 }), std::exception);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 2 })), size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 2 });
EXPECT_THROW(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 3 }), std::exception);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 4 })), size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 4 });
EXPECT_THROW(NarrowCast<double>(size_t{ IntegerRepresentableBoundary() + 5 }), std::exception);


constexpr size_t IntegerRepresentableBoundary()
    static_assert(std::numeric_limits<double>::radix == 2, "Method only valid for binary floating point format.");
    return size_t{2} << (std::numeric_limits<double>::digits - 1);

That is, if N is the number of digits in the mantissa, for doubles smaller than or equal to 2^N, integers can be exactly represented. For doubles between 2^N and 2^(N+1), every other integer can be exactly represented. For doubles between 2^(N+1) and 2^(N+2) every fourth integer can be exactly represented, and so on.

How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon

I have figured out how this is done for Sony devices.

I've blogged about it here. I've also posted a seperate SO question about this here.

Sony devices use a class named BadgeReciever.

  1. Declare the com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE permission in your manifest file:

  2. Broadcast an Intent to the BadgeReceiver:

    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.ACTIVITY_NAME", "com.yourdomain.yourapp.MainActivity");
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.SHOW_MESSAGE", true);
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.MESSAGE", "99");
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.PACKAGE_NAME", "com.yourdomain.yourapp");
  3. Done. Once this Intent is broadcast the launcher should show a badge on your application icon.

  4. To remove the badge again, simply send a new broadcast, this time with SHOW_MESSAGE set to false:

    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.SHOW_MESSAGE", false);

I've excluded details on how I found this to keep the answer short, but it's all available in the blog. Might be an interesting read for someone.

JPA entity without id

If there is a one to one mapping between entity and entity_property you can use entity_id as the identifier.

Out-File -append in Powershell does not produce a new line and breaks string into characters

Out-File defaults to unicode encoding which is why you are seeing the behavior you are. Use -Encoding Ascii to change this behavior. In your case

Out-File -Encoding Ascii -append textfile.txt. 

Add-Content uses Ascii and also appends by default.

"This is a test" | Add-Content textfile.txt.

As for the lack of newline: You did not send a newline so it will not write one to file.

Absolute vs relative URLs

For every system that support relative URI resolution, both relative and absolute URIs do serve the same goal: referencing. And they can be used interchangeably. So you could decide in each case differently. Technically, they provide the same referencing.

To be precise, with each relative URI there already is an absolute URI. And that's the base-URI that relative URI is resolved against. So a relative URI is actually a feature on top of absolute URIs.

And that's also why with relative URIs you can do more as with an absolute URI alone - this is especially important for static websites which otherwise couldn't be as flexible to maintain as compared to absolute URIs.

These positive effects of relative URI resolution can be exploited for dynamic web-application development as well. The inflexibility absolute URIs do introduce are also easier to cope up with, in a dynamic environment, so for some developers that are unsure about URI resolution and how to properly implement and manage it (not that it's always easy) do often opt into using absolute URIs in a dynamic part of a website as they can introduce other dynamic features (e.g. configuration variable containing the URI prefix) so to work around the inflexibility.

So what is the benefit then in using absolute URIs? Technically there ain't, but one I'd say: Relative URIs are more complex because they need to be resolved against the so called absolute base-URI. Even the resolution is strictly define since years, you might run over a client that has a mistake in URI resolution. As absolute URIs do not need any resolution, using absolute URIs have no risk to run into faulty client behaviour with relative URI resolution. So how high is that risk actually? Well, it's very rare. I only know about one Internet browser that had an issue with relative URI resolution. And that was not generally but only in a very (obscure) case.

Next to the HTTP client (browser) it's perhaps more complex for an author of hypertext documents or code as well. Here the absolute URI has the benefit that it is easier to test, as you can just enter it as-is into your browsers address bar. However, if it's not just your one-hour job, it's most often of more benefit to you to actually understand absolute and relative URI handling so that you can actually exploit the benefits of relative linking.

Why is php not running?

Type in browser localhost:80//test5.php[where 80 is your port and test.php is your file name] instead of c://xampp/htdocs/test.php.

C# get and set properties for a List Collection

It would be inappropriate for it to be part of the setter - it's not like you're really setting the whole list of strings - you're just trying to add one.

There are a few options:

  • Put AddSubheading and AddContent methods in your class, and only expose read-only versions of the lists
  • Expose the mutable lists just with getters, and let callers add to them
  • Give up all hope of encapsulation, and just make them read/write properties

In the second case, your code can be just:

public class Section
    public String Head { get; set; }
    private readonly List<string> _subHead = new List<string>();
    private readonly List<string> _content = new List<string>();

    // Note: fix to case to conform with .NET naming conventions
    public IList<string> SubHead { get { return _subHead; } }
    public IList<string> Content { get { return _content; } }

This is reasonably pragmatic code, although it does mean that callers can mutate your collections any way they want, which might not be ideal. The first approach keeps the most control (only your code ever sees the mutable list) but may not be as convenient for callers.

Making the setter of a collection type actually just add a single element to an existing collection is neither feasible nor would it be pleasant, so I'd advise you to just give up on that idea.

Create a global variable in TypeScript

I'm using this:

interface Window {
    globalthing: any;

declare var globalthing: any;

Facebook page automatic "like" URL (for QR Code)

I'm not an attorney, but clicking the like button without the express permission of a facebook user might be a violation of facebook policy. You should have your corporate attorney check out the facebook policy.

You should encode the url to a page with a like button, so when scanned by the phone, it opens up a browser window to the like page, where now the user has the option to like it or not.

Error System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater when installs setup

Install Nuget for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess

Make sure you are using header for Oracle:

using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

This Worked for me.

How do you import an Eclipse project into Android Studio now?

Android Studio has been improved since this question was posted, and the latest versions of Android Studio (as of this writing, we are at 2.1.1) have fairly good Eclipse importing capabilities, so importing Eclipse projects directly into Android Studio is now the best approach for migrating projects from Eclipse into Android Studio.

I will describe how to do this below, including a few of the pitfalls that one might encounter. I will deal in particular with importing an Eclipse workspace that contains multiple apps sharing one or more project libraries (the approaches posted thus far seem limited to importing just one Eclipse app project and its project libraries). While I don't deal with every possible issue, I do go into a lot of detail regarding some of them, which I hope will be helpful to those going through this process for the first time themselves.

I recently imported the projects from an Eclipse workspace. This workspace included four library projects that were shared between up to nine projects each.

Some background:

An Eclipse workspace contains multiple projects, which may be library projects or apps.

An Android Studio project is analogous to an Eclipse workspace, in that it can contain both library projects and apps. However, a library project or an app is represented by a "module" in Android Studio, whereas it is represented by a "project" in Eclipse.

So, to summarize: Eclipse workspaces will end up as Android Studio projects, and Eclipse projects inside a workspace will end up as Android Studio modules inside a project.

You should start the import process by creating an Android Studio project (File / New / New Project). You might give this project the same (or similar) name as you gave your Eclipse workspace. This project will eventually hold all of your modules, one each for each Eclipse project (including project libraries) that you will import.

The import process does not change your original Eclipse files, so long as you place the imported files in a different folder hierarchy, so you should choose a folder for this project that is not in your original Eclipse hierarchy. For example, if your Eclipse projects are all in a folder called Android, you might create a sibling folder called AStudio.

Your Android Studio project can then be created as a sub-folder of this new folder. The New Project wizard will prompt you to enter this top-level project folder, into which it will create your project.

Android Studio's new project wizard will then ask you to configure a single module at the time you create the project. This can be a little confusing at first, because they never actually tell you that you are creating a module, but you are; you are creating a project with a single module in it. Apparently, every project is required to have at least one module, so, since you are relying on Eclipse to provide your modules, your initial module will be a placeholder to vacuously satisfy that formal requirement.

Thus, you probably will want to create an initial module for your project that does as little as possible. Therefore, select Phone and Tablet as the type of your module, accept the default minimum SDK (API level 8), and select Add No Activity for your module.

Next, select one of the Eclipse app projects in your workspace that requires the largest number of libraries as your first project to import. The advantage of doing this is that when you import that project, all the library projects that it uses (directly, or indirectly, if some of your library projects themselves require other library projects) will get imported along with it as part of the importing process.

Each of these imported projects will get its own module within your Android Studio project. All of these modules will be siblings of one another (both in your project hierarchy, and in the folder hierarchy where their files are placed), just as if you had imported the modules separately. However, the dependencies between the modules will be created for you (in your app's build.gradle files) as part of the importing process.

Note that after you finish importing, testing and debugging this "most dependent" Eclipse project and its supporting library projects, you will go on to import a second Eclipse app project (if you have a second one in your workspace) and its library project modules (with those imported earlier getting found by the import wizard as existing modules and re-used for this new module, rather than being duplicated).

So, you should never have to import even a single library project from Eclipse directly; they will all be brought in indirectly, based on their dependencies upon app projects that you import. This is assuming that all of your library projects in the workspace are created to serve the needs of one or more app projects in that same workspace.

To perform the import of this first app project, back in Android Studio, while you are in the project that you just created, select File / New / New Module. You might think that you should be using File / New / Import Module, but no, you should not, because if you do that, Android Studio will create a new project to hold your imported module, and it will import your module to that project. You actually could create your first module that way, but then the second through Nth modules would still require that you use this other method (for importing a module into an existing project), and so I think that just starting with an "empty" project (or rather, one with its own vacuous, do-nothing placeholder module), and then importing each of your Eclipse projects as a new module into that project (i.e., the approach we are taking here), may be less confusing.

So, you are going to take your practically-empty new project, and perform a File / New / New Module in it. The wizard that this invokes will give you a choice of what kind of module you want to create. You must select "Import Eclipse ADT Project." That is what accesses the wizard that knows how to convert an Eclipse project into an Android Studio module (along with the library modules on which it depends) within your current Android Studio project.

When prompted for a source folder, you should enter the folder for your Eclipse project (this is the folder that contains that project's AndroidManifest.xml file).

The import wizard will then display the module name that it intends to create (similar to your original Eclipse project's name, but with a lower-case first letter because that is a convention that distinguishes module names from project names (which start with an upper-case letter). It usually works pretty well to accept this default.

Below the module name is a section titled "Additional required modules." This will list every library required by the module you are importing (or by any of its libraries, etc.). Since this is the first module you are importing, none of these will already be in your project, so each of them will have its Import box checked by default. You should leave these checked because you need these modules. (Note that when you import later Eclipse app projects, if a library that they need has already been imported, those libraries will still appear here, but there will be a note that "Project already contains module with this name," and the Import box will be un-checked by default. In that case, you should leave the box unchecked, so that the importer will hook up your newly-imported module(s) to the libraries that have already been imported. It may be that accepting the default names that Android Studio creates for your modules will be important for allowing the IDE to find and re-use these library modules.

Next, the importer will offer to replace any jars and library sources with Gradle dependencies, and to create camelCase module names for any dependent modules, checking all those options by default. You should generally leave these options checked and continue. Read the warning, though, about possible problems. Remember that you can always delete an imported module or modules (via the Project Structure dialog) and start the import process over again.

The next display that I got (YMMV) claims that the Android Support Repository is not installed in my SDK installation. It provides a button to open the Android SDK Manager for purposes of installing it. However, that button did not work for me. I manually opened the SDK manager as a separate app, and found that the Android Support Repository was already installed. There was an update, however. I installed that, and tapped the Refresh button in the import dialog, but that did nothing. So, I proceeded, and the perceived lack of this Repository did not seem to hurt the importing process (although I did get messages regarding it being missing from time to time later on, while working with the imported code, which I was able to appease by clicking a supplied link that corrected the problem - at least temporarily). Eventually this problem went away when I installed an update to the repository, so you may not experience it at all.

At this point, you will click Finish, and after a bit it should create your modules and build them. If all goes well, you should get a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in your Gradle Console.

One quirk is that if the build fails, you may not see your imported modules in the Project hierarchy. It seems that you need to get to the first valid build before the new modules will appear there (my experience, anyway). You may still be able to see the new modules in the File / Project Structure dialog (e.g., if you want to delete them and start your import over).

Remember that since you are not changing your original Eclipse projects, you can always delete the modules that you have just imported (if importing goes badly), and start all over again. You can even make changes to the Eclipse side after deleting your Android Studio modules, if that will make importing go better the second time (so long as you preserve your fallback ability to build your existing source under Eclipse). As you'll see when we discuss version control below, it may be necessary for you to retain your ability to build under Eclipse, because the project structure is changed under Android Studio, so if you need to go back to a commit that precedes your move to Android Studio (e.g., to make a bug fix), you will want to have the ability to build that earlier commit in Eclipse.

To delete a module, you must select File / Project Structure, then select the module from the left side of the dialog, and then hit the delete key. For some reason, I was not able to delete a module directly in the Project hierarchy; it had to be done using this Project Structure dialog.

The import wizard generates an import-summary.txt file containing a detailed list of any issues it may have encountered, along with actions taken to resolve them. You should read it carefully, as it may provide clues as to what is happening if you have trouble building or running the imported code. It will also help you to find things that the importer moves around to accommodate the different structure of Android Studio projects.

If all does not go well, then have at look at these possible problems that you may encounter, along with solutions for those problems:

Generally speaking, there are two main kinds of problems that I encountered:

  1. Proguard problems
  2. Manifest problems

When Proguard is messed up, the (obfuscated) names of methods in your libraries may not match the names being used to invoke them from your app, and you will get compiler errors like "error: cannot find symbol class ..."

In Eclipse, Proguard stuff is pretty much ignored for library projects, with the Proguard stuff for any app project that you are building determining the obfuscation, etc. for not just itself, but for processing all of the libraries on which it depends. And that is generally what you want.

In Android Studio, however, you need to make some changes to attain this same effect. Basically, in the build.gradle files for each of your library project modules, you will want something like this:

buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        consumerProguardFiles 'proguard.cfg'

Where proguard.cfg is your library module's own proguard configuration file.

The term "consumer" in "consumerProguardFiles" apparently refers to the app module that is using this library module. So the proguard commands from that app are used in preference to those of the library module itself, and apparently this results in obfuscations that are coordinated and compatible, so that all calls from the app module to its library modules are made with matching symbols.

These "consumerProguardFiles" entries are not created automatically during the import process (at least that was my own experience) so you will want to make sure to edit that into your library modules' build.gradle files if they are not created for you during importing.

If you wanted to distribute your library projects separately, with obfuscation, then you would need an individual proguard file for them; I have not done this myself, and so that is beyond the scope of this answer.

In the app module, you will want something like this:

buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled true
        proguardFiles 'proguard.cfg'

(BTW, as of this writing, while my apps are running just fine, I have not yet directly confirmed that things are actually getting obfuscated using this approach, so do check this yourself - e.g., by using a decompiler like apktool. I will be checking this later on, and will edit this answer when I get that info).

The second kind of problem is due to the fact that Eclipse pretty much ignores the manifest files for library projects when compiling an app project that uses those library projects, while in Android Studio, there is an interleaving of the two that apparently does not consistently prioritize the app's manifest over those of its libraries.

I encountered this because I had a library manifest that listed (just for documentation purposes) an abstract Activity class as the main activity. There was a class derived from this abstract class in my app that was declared in the manifest of each app that used the library.

In Eclipse, this never caused any problems, because the library manifests were ignored. But in Android Studio, I ended up with that abstract class as my activity class for the app, which caused a run-time error when the code made an attempt to instantiate that abstract class.

You have two choices in this case:

  1. Use tools syntax to override specific library manifest stuff in your app manifest - for example:
<manifest xmlns:android=""


  1. Strip out practically everything from your library modules' manifests, and rely upon the app module's manifest to provide every value. Note that you do need to have a manifest for each library module, but not much more is required than the header and a bare manifest element with just a package attribute in it.

I tried both and ended up with approach 2., above, as the simpler method. However, if you wanted to distribute your library modules separately, you would need to create a more meaningful manifest file that reflects each library module's own individual requirements.

There is probably a more "correct" way to do this which puts requirements (e.g., permissions) for each library in the library manifest itself, and allows the automatic interleaving process to combine these with those declared for the app. However, given that Eclipse ignores the manifests for libraries, it seems safer at least initially to rely entirely on the app manifests and just strip the library manifests down to the bare bones.

Be aware that some of the project properties, and also the manifest attributes, from your Eclipse project will have been used to construct portions of your build.gradle files. Specifically, your compileSdkVersion in build.gradle is set to the project build version from the Eclipse project properties, applicationId is the package name from your app's manifest, and minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion are also copied from the app's manifest file. The dependencies section of build.gradle comes from the library project dependencies in your project's properties.

Note that this may make some of your AndroidManifest.xml values redundant and quite possibly residual (i.e., unused). This could create confusion. My understanding is that the build.gradle values are the ones that actually have an effect, and that the manifest values like targetSdkVersion are not used any more for purposes of building. However, they may still be used by app stores such as Google Play; I don't know for certain one way or the other, so at this point I am just maintaining them in tandem.

Besides the above two kinds of issue, there are more routine things like importing a project that has a project build level of 22 when you have only installed SDK level 23 in Android Studio. In that situation, it is probably better to edit your app module's build.gradle file to move compileSdkVersion from 22 (the imported value) to 23, than it would be to install the SDK for level 22, but either approach should work.

Throughout this entire process, when something does not build properly and you make a change to try to address it, you might want to try Build / Rebuild Project and/or Tools / Android / Sync Project with Gradle Files, and/or File / Invalidate Caches/Restart, to make sure that your changes have been fully incorporated. I don't know exactly when these are truly necessary, because I don't know how much is done incrementally when you haven't yet had a successful build, but I performed them all fairly regularly as a kind of superstitious ritual, and I'm fairly certain that it helped. For example, when I got a Resources$NotFound runtime error that appeared to be from an inability to find the launch icon resource, I tried all three, and the problem was fixed.

When you have performed the above for your first Eclipse project and have attained a successful build, then with luck, you can select your app module from the dropdown at the top of the Android Studio display to the left of the play button, then click the play button itself, then select a device or Android Virtual Device, and the app should be loaded for running.

Likewise, you should be able to create a signed copy of your app using the Build / Generate Signed APK feature. Note that some import-related errors may appear when running your signed copy that do not appear when using the play button, so you need to confirm that both are working before deciding that your import is complete.

Following this, you will probably want to turn on version control. I am using git myself, but there are a number of other options available.

Version control is mostly beyond the scope of this answer, but there are a few things that are affected by the importing process. First, in Eclipse you might have your various projects in various folders stuck all over the place, but when you import into Android Studio, all modules will be created as direct child folders of your main project folder. So if you had a separate git folder for each project in Eclipse, or for related groups of projects organized under a parent folder for each group (as I did), that is not going to translate very well to Android Studio.

My knowledge of this is limited as I have not worked with version control yet in Android Studio, so maybe there is a way around this, but it appears that all version control in Android Studio is unified at the project level, and so all of your modules will be under a single git archive.

This means that you may need to abandon your old git archive and start fresh with a new archive for your imported source code. And that means that you will want to keep your old git archive around, so that it can be used with Eclipse to perform any needed bug fixes, etc., at least for a while. And you also will want it to preserve a history of your project.

If you are fortunate enough to have had all of your projects organized under a single Eclipse workspace, and if you were using a single git archive for those projects, then it is possible that you might just copy your old git archive from in and under your Eclipse workspace folder to in and under your Android Studio project folder. Then, you could edit any still-relevant .gitignore items from you Eclipse project into the auto-generated .gitignore file for your Android Studio project, and let git figure out what has been changed during the importing process (and some things will have been moved around - for example, the manifest file is no longer at the top level of your module). Others have reported that git is pretty good at figuring out what has changed; I have not tried this myself.

But even if you did this, going back to a commit that precedes your move from Eclipse to Android Studio would be going back to a set of files that would only make sense from inside Eclipse. So it sounds, well, "difficult" to work with. Especially since Eclipse will still be pointing to its original set of project folders.

I personally had multiple git archives for my various sets of related projects, and so I decided to just make a clean break and start git over again in Android Studio. If you had to do this, it could affect your planning, because you would want to be at a very stable point in your code development before making the move in that case, since you will lose some accessibility to that older code within your version control system (e.g., ability to merge with post-import code) once you have made the move to Android Studio.

The part of this answer that pertains to git is partly speculative, since I have not actually worked with version control yet on my imported project files, but I wanted to include it to give some idea of the challenges, and I plan to update my answer after I have worked more with version control inside Android Studio.

javascript, for loop defines a dynamic variable name

I think you could do it by creating parameters in an object maybe?

var myObject = {}; for(var i=0;i<myArray.length;i++) {     myObject[ myArray[i] ]; } 

If you don't set them to anything, you'll just have an object with some parameters that are undefined. I'd have to write this myself to be sure though.

How do I create a custom Error in JavaScript?

Try a new prototype object for each instance of the user defined error type. It allows instanceof checks to behave as usual plus type and message are correctly reported in Firefox and V8 (Chome, nodejs).

function NotImplementedError(message){
        NotImplementedError.innercall = true;
        NotImplementedError.prototype = new Error(message); = "NotImplementedError";
        NotImplementedError.prototype.constructor = NotImplementedError;

        return new NotImplementedError(message);
    delete NotImplementedError.innercall;

Note that an additional entry will preceed the otherwise correct stack.

Count the number of occurrences of a character in a string in Javascript

I'm using Node.js v.6.0.0 and the fastest is the one with index (the 3rd method in Lo Sauer's answer).

The second is:

function count(s, c) {_x000D_
  var n = 0;_x000D_
  for (let x of s) {_x000D_
    if (x == c)_x000D_
  return n;_x000D_
_x000D_ /storage/emulated/0/New file.txt: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)

If you are running in Android 29 then you have to use scoped storage or for now, you can bypass this issue by using:


in manifest in the application tag.

What does the Excel range.Rows property really do?

Range.Rows and Range.Columns return essentially the same Range except for the fact that the new Range has a flag which indicates that it represents Rows or Columns. This is necessary for some Excel properties such as Range.Count and Range.Hidden and for some methods such as Range.AutoFit():

  • Range.Rows.Count returns the number of rows in Range.
  • Range.Columns.Count returns the number of columns in Range.
  • Range.Rows.AutoFit() autofits the rows in Range.
  • Range.Columns.AutoFit() autofits the columns in Range.

You might find that Range.EntireRow and Range.EntireColumn are useful, although they still are not exactly what you are looking for. They return all possible columns for EntireRow and all possible rows for EntireColumn for the represented range.

I know this because SpreadsheetGear for .NET comes with .NET APIs which are very similar to Excel's APIs. The SpreadsheetGear API comes with several strongly typed overloads to the IRange indexer including the one you probably wish Excel had:

  • IRange this[int row1, int column1, int row2, int column2];

Disclaimer: I own SpreadsheetGear LLC

Run function from the command line

This function cannot be run from the command line as it returns a value which will go unhanded. You can remove the return and use print instead

Can I have multiple background images using CSS?

use this

body {
background: url(images/image-1.png), url(images/image-2.png),url(images/image-3.png);
background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y;
background-position:10px 20px , 20px 30px ,15px 25px;

a simple way to adjust you every image position with background-position: and set repeat property with background-repeat: for every image individually