Programs & Examples On #Css3pie

CSS3 PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-9 capable of rendering several of the CSS3 decoration features.

css3 text-shadow in IE9

I was looking for a cross-browser text-stroke solution that works when overlaid on background images. think I have a solution for this that doesn't involve extra mark-up, js and works in IE7-9 (I haven't tested 6), and doesn't cause aliasing problems.

This is a combination of using CSS3 text-shadow, which has good support except IE (, then using a combination of filters for IE. CSS3 text-stroke support is poor at the moment.

IE Filters

The glow filter ( looks terrible, so I didn't use that.

David Hewitt's answer involved adding dropshadow filters in a combination of directions. ClearType is then removed unfortunately so we end up with badly aliased text.

I then combined some of the elements suggested on useragentman with the dropshadow filters.

Putting it together

This example would be black text with a white stroke. I'm using conditional html classes by the way to target IE (

#myelement {
    color: #000000;
    -1px -1px 0 #ffffff,  
    1px -1px 0 #ffffff,
    -1px 1px 0 #ffffff,
    1px 1px 0 #ffffff;

html.ie7 #myelement,
html.ie8 #myelement,
html.ie9 #myelement {
    background-color: white;
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color='white') progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=100) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=1,offY=1) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=-1,offY=1) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=1,offY=-1) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropshadow(color=#ffffff,offX=-1,offY=-1);
    zoom: 1;

How to query between two dates using Laravel and Eloquent?

I know this might be an old question but I just found myself in a situation where I had to implement this feature in a Laravel 5.7 app. Below is what worked from me.

 $articles = Articles::where("created_at",">", Carbon::now()->subMonths(3))->get();

You will also need to use Carbon

use Carbon\Carbon;

Iterating over and deleting from Hashtable in Java

You can use a temporary deletion list:

List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>;

for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry : hashTable){
  if(entry.getValue().equals("delete")) // replace with your own check

for(String key : keyList){

You can find more information about Hashtable methods in the Java API

List(of String) or Array or ArrayList

List(Of String) will handle that, mostly - though you need to either use AddRange to add a collection of items, or Add to add one at a time:


If you're adding known values, as you show, a good option is to use something like:

Dim inputs() As String = { "some value", _
                              "some value2", _
                              "some value3", _
                              "some value4" }

Dim lstOfString as List(Of String) = new List(Of String)(inputs)

' ...
Dim s3 = lstOfStrings(3)

This will still allow you to add items later as desired, but also get your initial values in quickly.


In your code, you need to fix the declaration. Change:

Dim lstWriteBits() As List(Of String) 


Dim lstWriteBits As List(Of String) 

Currently, you're declaring an Array of List(Of String) objects.

Plot Normal distribution with Matplotlib

Assuming you're getting norm from scipy.stats, you probably just need to sort your list:

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

h = [186, 176, 158, 180, 186, 168, 168, 164, 178, 170, 189, 195, 172,
     187, 180, 186, 185, 168, 179, 178, 183, 179, 170, 175, 186, 159,
     161, 178, 175, 185, 175, 162, 173, 172, 177, 175, 172, 177, 180]
hmean = np.mean(h)
hstd = np.std(h)
pdf = stats.norm.pdf(h, hmean, hstd)
plt.plot(h, pdf) # including h here is crucial

And so I get: enter image description here

Calculating Time Difference

Here is a piece of code to do so:


#str1 = str1[1:-1]
h1 = 0
h2 = 0
m1 = 0
m2 = 0

def time_dif(h1,m1,h2,m2):
    if(h1 == h2):
        return m2-m1
        return ((h2-h1-1)*60 + (60-m1) + m2)
count_min = 0

if str1[1] == ':':

if str1[-7] == '-':

if h1 == 12:
    h1 = 0
if h2 == 12:
    h2 = 0

if "am" in str1[:8]:
    flag1 = 0
    flag1= 1

if "am" in str1[7:]:
    flag2 = 0
    flag2 = 1

if flag1 == flag2:
    if h2 > h1 or (h2 == h1 and m2 >= m1):
        count_min += time_dif(h1,m1,h2,m2)
        count_min += 1440 - time_dif(h2,m2,h1,m1)
    count_min += (12-h1-1)*60
    count_min += (60 - m1)
    count_min += (h2*60)+m2

return count_min

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

Check How to: Define Constants in C# on MSDN:

In C# the #define preprocessor directive cannot be used to define constants in the way that is typically used in C and C++.

How to create my json string by using C#?

To convert any object or object list into JSON, we have to use the function JsonConvert.SerializeObject.

The below code demonstrates the use of JSON in an ASP.NET environment:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace JSONFromCS
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e1)
            List<Employee> eList = new List<Employee>();
            Employee e = new Employee();
            e.Name = "Minal";
            e.Age = 24;


            e = new Employee();
            e.Name = "Santosh";
            e.Age = 24;


            string ans = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(eList, Formatting.Indented);

            string script = "var employeeList = {\"Employee\": " + ans+"};";
            script += "for(i = 0;i<employeeList.Employee.length;i++)";
            script += "{";
            script += "alert ('Name : ='+employeeList.Employee[i].Name+' 
            Age : = '+employeeList.Employee[i].Age);";
            script += "}";

            ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
            cs.RegisterStartupScript(Page.GetType(), "JSON", script, true);
    public class Employee
        public string Name;
        public int Age;

After running this program, you will get two alerts

In the above example, we have created a list of Employee object and passed it to function "JsonConvert.SerializeObject". This function (JSON library) will convert the object list into JSON format. The actual format of JSON can be viewed in the below code snippet:

{ "Maths" : [ {"Name"     : "Minal",        // First element
                             "Marks"     : 84,
                             "age"       : 23 },
                             "Name"      : "Santosh",    // Second element
                             "Marks"     : 91,
                             "age"       : 24 }
              "Science" :  [ 
                             "Name"      : "Sahoo",     // First Element
                             "Marks"     : 74,
                             "age"       : 27 }, 
                             "Name"      : "Santosh",    // Second Element
                             "Marks"     : 78,
                             "age"       : 41 }


  • {} - acts as 'containers'

  • [] - holds arrays

  • : - Names and values are separated by a colon

  • , - Array elements are separated by commas

This code is meant for intermediate programmers, who want to use C# 2.0 to create JSON and use in ASPX pages.

You can create JSON from JavaScript end, but what would you do to convert the list of object into equivalent JSON string from C#. That's why I have written this article.

In C# 3.5, there is an inbuilt class used to create JSON named JavaScriptSerializer.

The following code demonstrates how to use that class to convert into JSON in C#3.5.

JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer()
return serializer.Serialize(YOURLIST);   

So, try to create a List of arrays with Questions and then serialize this list into JSON

How can I uninstall an application using PowerShell?

Based on Jeff Hillman's answer:

Here's a function you can just add to your profile.ps1 or define in current PowerShell session:

# Uninstall a Windows program
function uninstall($programName)
    $app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter ("Name = '" + $programName + "'")
    if($app -ne $null)
    else {
        echo ("Could not find program '" + $programName + "'")

Let's say you wanted to uninstall Notepad++. Just type this into PowerShell:

> uninstall("notepad++")

Just be aware that Get-WmiObject can take some time, so be patient!

Where can I view Tomcat log files in Eclipse?

Looks like the logs are scattered? I found access logs under <ProjectLocation>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\logs

How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size?

Here is my variant for custom dialog's width:

DisplayMetrics displaymetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
int width = (int) (displaymetrics.widthPixels * (ThemeHelper.isPortrait(mContext) ? 0.95 : 0.65));

WindowManager.LayoutParams params = getWindow().getAttributes();
params.width = width;

So depending on device orientation (ThemeHelper.isPortrait(mContext)) dialog's width will be either 95% (for portrait mode) or 65% (for landscape). It's a little more that the author asked but it could be useful to someone.

You need to create a class that extends from Dialog and put this code into your onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) method.

For dialog's height the code should be similar to this.

Multiline string literal in C#

I haven't seen this, so I will post it here (if you are interested in passing a string you can do this as well.) The idea is that you can break the string up on multiple lines and add your own content (also on multiple lines) in any way you wish. Here "tableName" can be passed into the string.

    private string createTableQuery = "";

    void createTable(string tableName)

         createTableQuery = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
                ["+ tableName  + @"] (
               [Key] NVARCHAR(2048)  NULL, 
               [Value] VARCHAR(2048)  NULL

How to get index using LINQ?

I will make my contribution here... why? just because :p Its a different implementation, based on the Any LINQ extension, and a delegate. Here it is:

public static class Extensions
    public static int IndexOf<T>(
            this IEnumerable<T> list, 
            Predicate<T> condition) {               
        int i = -1;
        return list.Any(x => { i++; return condition(x); }) ? i : -1;

void Main()

void TestGetsFirstItem()
    // Arrange
    var list = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };

    // Act
    int index = list.IndexOf(item => item.Equals("a"));

    // Assert
    if(index != 0)
        throw new Exception("Index should be 0 but is: " + index);

    "Test Successful".Dump();

void TestGetsLastItem()
    // Arrange
    var list = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };

    // Act
    int index = list.IndexOf(item => item.Equals("d"));

    // Assert
    if(index != 3)
        throw new Exception("Index should be 3 but is: " + index);

    "Test Successful".Dump();

void TestGetsMinusOneOnNotFound()
    // Arrange
    var list = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d" };

    // Act
    int index = list.IndexOf(item => item.Equals("e"));

    // Assert
    if(index != -1)
        throw new Exception("Index should be -1 but is: " + index);

    "Test Successful".Dump();

void TestGetsMinusOneOnEmptyList()
    // Arrange
    var list = new string[] {  };

    // Act
    int index = list.IndexOf(item => item.Equals("e"));

    // Assert
    if(index != -1)
        throw new Exception("Index should be -1 but is: " + index);

    "Test Successful".Dump();

void TestGetsMiddleItem()
    // Arrange
    var list = new string[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };

    // Act
    int index = list.IndexOf(item => item.Equals("c"));

    // Assert
    if(index != 2)
        throw new Exception("Index should be 2 but is: " + index);

    "Test Successful".Dump();

jQuery click function doesn't work after ajax call?

When you use $('.deletelanguage').click() to register an event handler it adds the handler to only those elements which exists in the dom when the code was executed

you need to use delegation based event handlers here

$(document).on('click', '.deletelanguage', function(){

Download files in laravel using Response::download

Quite a few of these solutions suggest referencing the public_path() of the Laravel application in order to locate the file. Sometimes you'll want to control access to the file or offer real-time monitoring of the file. In this case, you'll want to keep the directory private and limit access by a method in a controller class. The following method should help with this:

public function show(Request $request, File $file) {

    // Perform validation/authentication/auditing logic on the request

    // Fire off any events or notifiations (if applicable)

    return response()->download(storage_path('app/' . $file->location));

There are other paths that you could use as well, described on Laravel's helper functions documentation

python int( ) function

int() only works for strings that look like integers; it will fail for strings that look like floats. Use float() instead.

creating charts with angularjs

The ZingChart library has an AngularJS directive that was built in-house. Features include:

  • Full access to the entire ZingChart library (all charts, maps, and features)
  • Takes advantage of Angular's 2-way data binding, making data and chart elements easy to update
  • Support from the development team

    $scope.myJson = {
    type : 'line',
       series : [
          { values : [54,23,34,23,43] },{ values : [10,15,16,20,40] }
    <zingchart id="myChart" zc-json="myJson" zc-height=500 zc-width=600></zingchart>

There is a full demo with code examples available.

Create URL from a String

URL url = new URL(yourUrl, "/api/v1/status.xml");

According to the javadocs this constructor just appends whatever resource to the end of your domain, so you would want to create 2 urls:

URL domain = new URL("");
URL url = new URL(domain + "/files/resource.xml");


Using (Ana)conda within PyCharm

I know it's late, but I thought it would be nice to clarify things: PyCharm and Conda and pip work well together.

The short answer

Just manage Conda from the command line. PyCharm will automatically notice changes once they happen, just like it does with pip.

The long answer

Create a new Conda environment:

conda create --name foo pandas bokeh

This environment lives under conda_root/envs/foo. Your python interpreter is conda_root/envs/foo/bin/pythonX.X and your all your site-packages are in conda_root/envs/foo/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages. This is same directory structure as in a pip virtual environement. PyCharm sees no difference.

Now to activate your new environment from PyCharm go to file > settings > project > interpreter, select Add local in the project interpreter field (the little gear wheel) and hunt down your python interpreter. Congratulations! You now have a Conda environment with pandas and bokeh!

Now install more packages:

conda install scikit-learn

OK... go back to your interpreter in settings. Magically, PyCharm now sees scikit-learn!

And the reverse is also true, i.e. when you pip install another package in PyCharm, Conda will automatically notice. Say you've installed requests. Now list the Conda packages in your current environment:

conda list

The list now includes requests and Conda has correctly detected (3rd column) that it was installed with pip.


This is definitely good news for people like myself who are trying to get away from the pip/virtualenv installation problems when packages are not pure python.

NB: I run PyCharm pro edition 4.5.3 on Linux. For Windows users, replace in command line with in the GUI (and forward slashes with backslashes). There's no reason it shouldn't work for you too.

EDIT: PyCharm5 is out with Conda support! In the community edition too.

What are forward declarations in C++?

One problem is, that the compiler does not know, which kind of value is delivered by your function; is assumes, that the function returns an int in this case, but this can be as correct as it can be wrong. Another problem is, that the compiler does not know, which kind of arguments your function expects, and cannot warn you, if you are passing values of the wrong kind. There are special "promotion" rules, which apply when passing, say floating point values to an undeclared function (the compiler has to widen them to type double), which is often not, what the function actually expects, leading to hard to find bugs at run-time.

How can I get Git to follow symlinks?

I got tired of every solution in here either being outdated or requiring root, so I made an LD_PRELOAD-based solution (Linux only).

It hooks into Git's internals, overriding the 'is this a symlink?' function, allowing symlinks to be treated as their contents. By default, all links to outside the repo are inlined; see the link for details.

How to exit a function in bash

Use return operator:

function FUNCT {
  if [ blah is false ]; then
    return 1 # or return 0, or even you can omit the argument.
    keep running the function

How does Python's super() work with multiple inheritance?

This is detailed with a reasonable amount of detail by Guido himself in his blog post Method Resolution Order (including two earlier attempts).

In your example, Third() will call First.__init__. Python looks for each attribute in the class's parents as they are listed left to right. In this case, we are looking for __init__. So, if you define

class Third(First, Second):

Python will start by looking at First, and, if First doesn't have the attribute, then it will look at Second.

This situation becomes more complex when inheritance starts crossing paths (for example if First inherited from Second). Read the link above for more details, but, in a nutshell, Python will try to maintain the order in which each class appears on the inheritance list, starting with the child class itself.

So, for instance, if you had:

class First(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "first"

class Second(First):
    def __init__(self):
        print "second"

class Third(First):
    def __init__(self):
        print "third"

class Fourth(Second, Third):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Fourth, self).__init__()
        print "that's it"

the MRO would be [Fourth, Second, Third, First].

By the way: if Python cannot find a coherent method resolution order, it'll raise an exception, instead of falling back to behavior which might surprise the user.

Edited to add an example of an ambiguous MRO:

class First(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "first"

class Second(First):
    def __init__(self):
        print "second"

class Third(First, Second):
    def __init__(self):
        print "third"

Should Third's MRO be [First, Second] or [Second, First]? There's no obvious expectation, and Python will raise an error:

TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
    Cannot create a consistent method resolution order (MRO) for bases Second, First

Edit: I see several people arguing that the examples above lack super() calls, so let me explain: The point of the examples is to show how the MRO is constructed. They are not intended to print "first\nsecond\third" or whatever. You can – and should, of course, play around with the example, add super() calls, see what happens, and gain a deeper understanding of Python's inheritance model. But my goal here is to keep it simple and show how the MRO is built. And it is built as I explained:

>>> Fourth.__mro__
(<class '__main__.Fourth'>,
 <class '__main__.Second'>, <class '__main__.Third'>,
 <class '__main__.First'>,
 <type 'object'>)

Difference between map, applymap and apply methods in Pandas

@jeremiahbuddha mentioned that apply works on row/columns, while applymap works element-wise. But it seems you can still use apply for element-wise computation....

               b         d         e
Utah         NaN  1.435159       NaN
Ohio    1.098164  0.510594  0.729748
Texas        NaN  0.456436  0.697337
Oregon  0.359079       NaN       NaN

               b         d         e
Utah         NaN  1.435159       NaN
Ohio    1.098164  0.510594  0.729748
Texas        NaN  0.456436  0.697337
Oregon  0.359079       NaN       NaN

Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL?

  1. TIMESTAMP is four bytes vs eight bytes for DATETIME.

  2. Timestamps are also lighter on the database and indexed faster.

  3. The DATETIME type is used when you need values that contain both date and time information. MySQL retrieves and displays DATETIME values in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format. The supported range is ’1000-01-01 00:00:00' to ’9999-12-31 23:59:59'.

The TIMESTAMP data type has a range of ’1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to ’2038-01-09 03:14:07' UTC. It has varying properties, depending on the MySQL version and the SQL mode the server is running in.

  1. DATETIME is constant while TIMESTAMP is effected by the time_zone setting.

Unable to create/open lock file: /data/mongod.lock errno:13 Permission denied

On a Fedora 18 with Mongo 2.2.4 instance I was able to get around a similar error by disabling SELinux by calling setenforce 0 as root.

BTW, this was a corporate environment, not an Amazon EC2 instance, but the symptoms were similar.

Is ncurses available for windows?

Such a thing probably does not exist "as-is". It doesn't really exist on Linux or other UNIX-like operating systems either though.

ncurses is only a library that helps you manage interactions with the underlying terminal environment. But it doesn't provide a terminal emulator itself.

The thing that actually displays stuff on the screen (which in your requirement is listed as "native resizable win32 windows") is usually called a Terminal Emulator. If you don't like the one that comes with Windows (you aren't alone; no person on Earth does) there are a few alternatives. There is Console, which in my experience works sometimes and appears to just wrap an underlying Windows terminal emulator (I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing, since there is a menu option to actually get access to that underlying terminal emulator, and sure enough an old crusty Windows/DOS box appears which mirrors everything in the Console window).

A better option

Another option, which may be more appealing is puttycyg. It hooks in to Putty (which, coming from a Linux background, is pretty close to what I'm used to, and free) but actually accesses an underlying cygwin instead of the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE). So you get all the benefits of Putty's awesome terminal emulator, as well as nice ncurses (and many other) libraries provided by cygwin. Add a couple command line arguments to the Shortcut that launches Putty (or the Batch file) and your app can be automatically launched without going through Putty's UI.

Intellij idea cannot resolve anything in maven

I had empty settings.xml file in Users/.../.m2/settings.xml. When i added

<settings xmlns=""


all dependicies were loaded

How to put two divs on the same line with CSS in simple_form in rails?

Your css is fine, but I think it's not applying on divs. Just write simple class name and then try. You can check it at Jsfiddle.

.left {
  float: left;
  width: 125px;
  text-align: right;
  margin: 2px 10px;
  display: inline;

.right {
  float: left;
  text-align: left;
  margin: 2px 10px;
  display: inline;

When is it appropriate to use UDP instead of TCP?

We have web service that has thousands of winforms client in as many PCs. The PCs have no connection with DB backend, all access is via the web service. So we decided to develop a central logging server that listens on a UDP port and all the clients sends an xml error log packet (using log4net UDP appender) that gets dumped to a DB table upon received. Since we don't really care if a few error logs are missed and with thousands of client it is fast with a dedicated logging service not loading the main web service.

Javascript : get <img> src and set as variable?

As long as the script is after the img, then:

var youtubeimgsrc = document.getElementById("youtubeimg").src;

See getElementById in the DOM specification.

If the script is before the img, then of course the img doesn't exist yet, and that doesn't work. This is one reason why many people recommend putting scripts at the end of the body element.

Side note: It doesn't matter in your case because you've used an absolute URL, but if you used a relative URL in the attribute, like this:

<img id="foo" src="/images/example.png">

...the src reflected property will be the resolved URL — that is, the absolute URL that that turns into. So if that were on the page, document.getElementById("foo").src would give you "".

If you wanted the src attribute's content as is, without being resolved, you'd use getAttribute instead: document.getElementById("foo").getAttribute("src"). That would give you "/images/example.png" with my example above.

If you have an absolute URL, like the one in your question, it doesn't matter.

String literals and escape characters in postgresql

Partially. The text is inserted, but the warning is still generated.

I found a discussion that indicated the text needed to be preceded with 'E', as such:

insert into EscapeTest (text) values (E'This is the first part \n And this is the second');

This suppressed the warning, but the text was still not being returned correctly. When I added the additional slash as Michael suggested, it worked.

As such:

insert into EscapeTest (text) values (E'This is the first part \\n And this is the second');

SHOW PROCESSLIST in MySQL command: sleep

Sleep meaning that thread is do nothing. Time is too large beacuse anthor thread query,but not disconnect server, default wait_timeout=28800;so you can set values smaller,eg 10. also you can kill the thread.

Access nested dictionary items via a list of keys?

a method for concatenating strings:

def get_sub_object_from_path(dict_name, map_list):
    for i in map_list:
        _string = "['%s']" % i
        dict_name += _string
    value = eval(dict_name)
    return value
_dict = {'new': 'person', 'time': {'for': 'one'}}
map_list = ['time', 'for']
print get_sub_object_from_path("_dict",map_list)

Detect changes in the DOM

I have recently written a plugin that does exactly that - jquery.initialize

You use it the same way as .each function

$(".some-element").initialize( function(){
    $(this).css("color", "blue"); 

The difference from .each is - it takes your selector, in this case .some-element and wait for new elements with this selector in the future, if such element will be added, it will be initialized too.

In our case initialize function just change element color to blue. So if we'll add new element (no matter if with ajax or even F12 inspector or anything) like:

$("<div/>").addClass('some-element').appendTo("body"); //new element will have blue color!

Plugin will init it instantly. Also plugin makes sure one element is initialized only once. So if you add element, then .detach() it from body and then add it again, it will not be initialized again.

//initialized only once

Plugin is based on MutationObserver - it will work on IE9 and 10 with dependencies as detailed on the readme page.

Apply jQuery datepicker to multiple instances

A little note to the SeanJA answer.

Interestingly, if you use KnockoutJS and jQuery together the following inputs with different IDs, but with the same data-bind observable:

<data-bind="value: first_dt" id="date_1" class="datepick" />
<data-bind="value: first_dt" id="date_2" class="datepick" />

will bind one (the same) datepicker to both of the inputs (even though they have different ids or names).

Use separate observables in your ViewModel to bind a separate datepicker to each input:

<data-bind="value: first_dt" id="date_1" class="datepick" />
<data-bind="value: second_dt" id="date_2" class="datepick" />



MySQL query to get column names?

Seems there are 2 ways:

DESCRIBE `tablename`



More on DESCRIBE here:

Watch multiple $scope attributes

A slightly safer solution to combine values might be to use the following as your $watch function:

function() { return angular.toJson([item1, item2]) }


  function() {
    return angular.toJson([item1, item2]);
  function() {
    // Stuff to do after either value changes

How to use timeit module

lets setup the same dictionary in each of the following and test the execution time.

The setup argument is basically setting up the dictionary

Number is to run the code 1000000 times. Not the setup but the stmt

When you run this you can see that index is way faster than get. You can run it multiple times to see.

The code basically tries to get the value of c in the dictionary.

import timeit

print('Getting value of C by index:', timeit.timeit(stmt="mydict['c']", setup="mydict={'a':5, 'b':6, 'c':7}", number=1000000))
print('Getting value of C by get:', timeit.timeit(stmt="mydict.get('c')", setup="mydict={'a':5, 'b':6, 'c':7}", number=1000000))

Here are my results, yours will differ.

by index: 0.20900007452246427

by get: 0.54841166886888

Search and replace in bash using regular expressions

These examples also work in bash no need to use sed:

echo ${MYVAR//[0-9]/N}

you can also use the character class bracket expressions

echo ${MYVAR//[[:digit:]]/N}



What @Lanaru wanted to know however, if I understand the question correctly, is why the "full" or PCRE extensions \s\S\w\W\d\D etc don't work as supported in php ruby python etc. These extensions are from Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE) and may not be compatible with other forms of shell based regular expressions.

These don't work:

echo ${hello//\d/}

echo $hello | sed 's/\d//g'

output with all literal "d" characters removed


but the following does work as expected

echo $hello | perl -pe 's/\d//g'



Hope that clarifies things a bit more but if you are not confused yet why don't you try this on Mac OS X which has the REG_ENHANCED flag enabled:

echo $MYVAR | grep -o -E '\d'

On most flavours of *nix you will only see the following output:



Composer update memory limit

When you run composer update, the OS will look into the configured paths and try to locate an executable file with that name.

When running php composer update, the composer string is treated as a parameter to PHP, which is not searched in any paths. You have to provide the full path in order to run it.

Running which composer will tell you where the OS finds the composer executable, and then you simply use the full path in the PHP command:

$>which composer

$>php -d memory_limit=512M /usr/local/bin/composer update

Note that 512MB might be too few. My perception is that it will happily take 1GB or more, depending on the number of dependencies you use and the variety of versions that you theoretically allow, i.e. if you allow Symfony ~2.3, then you make Composer deal with a lot more possible versions compared to using ~2.7.

Also note that running Composer on the production machine is not the best idea. You would have to have access to Github, maybe provide access credentials, have VCS tools installed, and you will easily break your site if any of the remote hosting servers is offline during your update. It is a better idea to use Composer on a deployment system that does all the preparation, and then moves all the files onto the production server.


It's the year 2020 now, and the way Composer manages its memory has changed quite a bit. The most important thing is that Composer will increase the memory limit by itself if it encounters a limit set too low. This however immediately triggers the problem of running out of memory on machines that have too few memory installed. You can make Composer use less memory by setting the environment variable like COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=512M, but this will create problems if Composer would need more memory to correctly operate.

My main point remains true: Do not run Composer on machines that have too few memory installed. You potentially need 1.5 GB of free memory to be able to update everything.

Accessing @attribute from SimpleXML

Try this


How do I force Postgres to use a particular index?

Sometimes PostgreSQL fails to make the best choice of indexes for a particular condition. As an example, suppose there is a transactions table with several million rows, of which there are several hundred for any given day, and the table has four indexes: transaction_id, client_id, date, and description. You want to run the following query:

SELECT client_id, SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE date >= 'yesterday'::timestamp AND date < 'today'::timestamp AND
      description = 'Refund'
GROUP BY client_id

PostgreSQL may choose to use the index transactions_description_idx instead of transactions_date_idx, which may lead to the query taking several minutes instead of less than one second. If this is the case, you can force using the index on date by fudging the condition like this:

SELECT client_id, SUM(amount)
FROM transactions
WHERE date >= 'yesterday'::timestamp AND date < 'today'::timestamp AND
      description||'' = 'Refund'
GROUP BY client_id

How to read a text file directly from Internet using Java?

Alternatively, you can use Guava's Resources object:

URL url = new URL("");
List<String> lines = Resources.readLines(url, Charsets.UTF_8);

Throwing multiple exceptions in a method of an interface in java

I think you are asking for something like the code below:

public interface A
    void foo() 
        throws AException;

public class B
    implements A
    public void foo()
        throws AException,

This will not work unless BException is a subclass of AException. When you override a method you must conform to the signature that the parent provides, and exceptions are part of the signature.

The solution is to declare the the interface also throws a BException.

The reason for this is you do not want code like:

public class Main
    public static void main(final String[] argv)
        A a;

        a = new B();

        catch(final AException ex)
        // compiler will not let you write a catch BException if the A interface
        // doesn't say that it is thrown.

What would happen if B::foo threw a BException? The program would have to exit as there could be no catch for it. To avoid situations like this child classes cannot alter the types of exceptions thrown (except that they can remove exceptions from the list).

Nth max salary in Oracle

FROM Employee Emp1
WHERE (N-1) = ( 
FROM Employee Emp2
WHERE Emp2.Salary > Emp1.Salary)

"Couldn't read dependencies" error with npm

I ran into this problem after I cloned a git repository to a directory, renamed the directory, then tried to run npm install. I'm not sure what the problem was, but something was bungled. Deleting everything, re-cloning (this time with the correct directory name), and then running npm install resolved my issue.

setting global sql_mode in mysql

Access the database as the administrator user (root maybe).

Check current SQL_mode

mysql> SELECT @@sql_mode;

To set a new sql_mode, exit the database, create a file

nano /etc/mysql/conf.d/<filename>.cnf 

with your sql_mode content


Restart Mysql

mysql> sudo service mysql stop
mysql> sudo service mysql start

We create a file in the folder /etc/mysql/conf.d/ because in the main config file /etc/mysql/my.cnf the command is written to include all the settings files from the folder /etc/mysql/conf.d/

Get most recent row for given ID

Simple Way To Achieve

I know it's an old question You can also do something like


In above, query the first record will be the most recent record.

For only one record you can use something like

SELECT top(1) * FROM Table WHERE id=1 ORDER BY signin DESC

Above query will only return one latest record.


Log.INFO vs. Log.DEBUG

Also remember that all info(), error(), and debug() logging calls provide internal documentation within any application.

how to use concatenate a fixed string and a variable in Python

I'm guessing that you meant to do this:

msg['Subject'] = "Auto Hella Restart Report " + sys.argv[1]
# To concatenate strings in python, use       ^ 

How to get the difference between two arrays of objects in JavaScript

JavaScript has Maps, that provide O(1) insertion and lookup time. Therefore this can be solved in O(n) (and not O(n²) as all the other answers do). For that, it is necessary to generate a unique primitive (string / number) key for each object. One could JSON.stringify, but that's quite error prone as the order of elements could influence equality:

 JSON.stringify({ a: 1, b: 2 }) !== JSON.stringify({ b: 2, a: 1 })

Therefore, I'd take a delimiter that does not appear in any of the values and compose a string manually:

const toHash = value => value.value + "@" + value.display;

Then a Map gets created. When an element exists already in the Map, it gets removed, otherwise it gets added. Therefore only the elements that are included odd times (meaning only once) remain. This will only work if the elements are unique in each array:

const entries = new Map();

for(const el of [...firstArray, ...secondArray]) {
  const key = toHash(el);
  if(entries.has(key)) {
  } else {
    entries.set(key, el);

const result = [...entries.values()];

const firstArray = [_x000D_
    { value: "0", display: "Jamsheer" },_x000D_
    { value: "1", display: "Muhammed" },_x000D_
    { value: "2", display: "Ravi" },_x000D_
    { value: "3", display: "Ajmal" },_x000D_
    { value: "4", display: "Ryan" }_x000D_
const secondArray = [_x000D_
    { value: "0", display: "Jamsheer" },_x000D_
    { value: "1", display: "Muhammed" },_x000D_
    { value: "2", display: "Ravi" },_x000D_
    { value: "3", display: "Ajmal" },_x000D_
const toHash = value => value.value + "@" + value.display;_x000D_
const entries = new Map();_x000D_
for(const el of [...firstArray, ...secondArray]) {_x000D_
  const key = toHash(el);_x000D_
  if(entries.has(key)) {_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    entries.set(key, el);_x000D_
const result = [...entries.values()];_x000D_

Python calling method in class

Could someone explain to me, how to call the move method with the variable RIGHT

>>> myMissile = MissileDevice(myBattery)  # looks like you need a battery, don't know what that is, you figure it out.
>>> myMissile.move(MissileDevice.RIGHT)

If you have programmed in any other language with classes, besides python, this sort of thing

class Foo:
    bar = "baz"

is probably unfamiliar. In python, the class is a factory for objects, but it is itself an object; and variables defined in its scope are attached to the class, not the instances returned by the class. to refer to bar, above, you can just call it; you can also access class attributes through instances of the class, like Foo().bar.

Im utterly baffled about what 'self' refers too,

>>> class Foo:
...     def quux(self):
...         print self
...         print
...     bar = 'baz'
>>> Foo.quux
<unbound method Foo.quux>
>>> f = Foo()
>>> f
<__main__.Foo instance at 0x0286A058>
>>> f.quux
<bound method Foo.quux of <__main__.Foo instance at 0x0286A058>>
>>> f.quux()
<__main__.Foo instance at 0x0286A058>

When you acecss an attribute on a python object, the interpreter will notice, when the looked up attribute was on the class, and is a function, that it should return a "bound" method instead of the function itself. All this does is arrange for the instance to be passed as the first argument.

Find first and last day for previous calendar month in SQL Server Reporting Services (VB.Net)

I was looking for a simple answer to solve this myself. here is what I found

This will split the year and month, take one month off and get the first day.

firstDayInPreviousMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), Month(dtmDate) - 1, 1)

Gets the first day of the previous month from the current

lastDayInPreviousMonth = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), Month(dtmDate), 0)

More details can be found at:

SQL to add column and comment in table in single command

Query to add column with comment are :

alter table table_name 
add( "NISFLAG"    NUMBER(1,0) )

comment on column "ELIXIR"."PRD_INFO_1"."NISPRODGSTAPPL" is 'comment here'


How to add a new object (key-value pair) to an array in javascript?

If you're doing jQuery, and you've got a serializeArray thing going on concerning your form data, such as :

var postData = $('#yourform').serializeArray();

// postData (array with objects) : 
// [{name: "firstname", value: "John"}, {name: "lastname", value: "Doe"}, etc]

...and you need to add a key/value to this array with the same structure, for instance when posting to a PHP ajax request then this :

postData.push({"name": "phone", "value": "1234-123456"});


// postData : 
// [{name: "firstname", value: "John"}, {name: "lastname", value: "Doe"}, {"name":"phone","value":"1234-123456"}]

Nginx: Permission denied for nginx on Ubuntu

If i assume that your second code is the puppet config then i have a logical explaination, if the error and log files were create before, you can try this

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/log/nginx;
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/log/nginx;

Can Python test the membership of multiple values in a list?

Another way to do it:

>>> set(['a','b']).issubset( ['b','a','foo','bar'] )

Parse date without timezone javascript

This is the solution that I came up with for this problem which works for me.

library used: momentjs with plain javascript Date class.

Step 1. Convert String date to moment object (PS: moment retains the original date and time as long as toDate() method is not called):

const dateMoment = moment("2005-07-08T11:22:33+0000");

Step 2. Extract hours and minutes values from the previously created moment object:

  const hours = dateMoment.hours();
  const mins = dateMoment.minutes();

Step 3. Convert moment to Date(PS: this will change the original date based on the timezone of your browser/machine, but don't worry and read step 4.):

  const dateObj = dateMoment.toDate();

Step 4. Manually set the hours and minutes extracted in Step 2.


Step 5. dateObj will now have show the original Date without any timezone difference. Even the Daylight time changes won't have any effect on the date object as we are manually setting the original hours and minutes.

Hope this helps.

How to convert std::string to lower case?

Since none of the answers mentioned the upcoming Ranges library, which is available in the standard library since C++20, and currently separately available on GitHub as range-v3, I would like to add a way to perform this conversion using it.

To modify the string in-place:

str |= action::transform([](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });

To generate a new string:

auto new_string = original_string
    | view::transform([](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });

(Don't forget to #include <cctype> and the required Ranges headers.)

Note: the use of unsigned char as the argument to the lambda is inspired by cppreference, which states:

Like all other functions from <cctype>, the behavior of std::tolower is undefined if the argument's value is neither representable as unsigned char nor equal to EOF. To use these functions safely with plain chars (or signed chars), the argument should first be converted to unsigned char:

char my_tolower(char ch)
    return static_cast<char>(std::tolower(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)));

Similarly, they should not be directly used with standard algorithms when the iterator's value type is char or signed char. Instead, convert the value to unsigned char first:

std::string str_tolower(std::string s) {
    std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), 
                // static_cast<int(*)(int)>(std::tolower)         // wrong
                // [](int c){ return std::tolower(c); }           // wrong
                // [](char c){ return std::tolower(c); }          // wrong
                   [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); } // correct
    return s;

Skip certain tables with mysqldump

I like Rubo77's solution, I hadn't seen it before I modified Paul's. This one will backup a single database, excluding any tables you don't want. It will then gzip it, and delete any files over 8 days old. I will probably use 2 versions of this that do a full (minus logs table) once a day, and another that just backs up the most important tables that change the most every hour using a couple cron jobs.


now="$(date +'%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M')"
logfile="$backupfolder/"backup_log_"$(date +'%Y_%m')".txt

do :
   IGNORED_TABLES_STRING+=" --ignore-table=${DATABASE}.${TABLE}"

echo "Dump structure started at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> "$logfile"
mysqldump --host=${HOST} --user=${USER} --password=${PASSWORD} --single-transaction --no-data --routines ${DATABASE}  > ${DB_FILE} 
echo "Dump structure finished at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> "$logfile"
echo "Dump content"
mysqldump --host=${HOST} --user=${USER} --password=${PASSWORD} ${DATABASE} --no-create-info --skip-triggers ${IGNORED_TABLES_STRING} >> ${DB_FILE}
gzip ${DB_FILE}

find "$backupfolder" -name ${DATABASE}_db_backup_* -mtime +8 -exec rm {} \;
echo "old files deleted" >> "$logfile"
echo "operation finished at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> "$logfile"
echo "*****************" >> "$logfile"
exit 0

C++ style cast from unsigned char * to const char *

char * and const unsigned char * are considered unrelated types. So you want to use reinterpret_cast.

But if you were going from const unsigned char* to a non const type you'd need to use const_cast first. reinterpret_cast cannot cast away a const or volatile qualification.

How to Find Item in Dictionary Collection?

It's possible to find the element in Dictionary collection by using ContainsKey or TryGetValue as follows:

class Program
    protected static Dictionary<string, string> _tags = new Dictionary<string,string>();

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string strValue;

        _tags.Add("101", "C#");
        _tags.Add("102", "ASP.NET");

        if (_tags.ContainsKey("101"))
            strValue = _tags["101"];

        if (_tags.TryGetValue("101", out strValue))

How can I make a TextArea 100% width without overflowing when padding is present in CSS?

Use box sizing property:


That will help

How do I trim leading/trailing whitespace in a standard way?

Use a string library, for instance:

Ustr *s1 = USTR1(\7, " 12345 ");

ustr_sc_trim_cstr(&s1, " ");
assert(ustr_cmp_cstr_eq(s1, "12345")); you say this is a "common" problem, yes you need to include a #include or so and it's not included in libc but don't go inventing your own hack job storing random pointers and size_t's that way only leads to buffer overflows.

Add Text on Image using PIL

First install pillow

pip install pillow


from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

image ='Focal.png')
width, height = image.size 

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

text = ''
textwidth, textheight = draw.textsize(text)

margin = 10
x = width - textwidth - margin
y = height - textheight - margin

draw.text((x, y), text)'devnote.png')

# optional parameters like optimize and quality'optimized.png', optimize=True, quality=50)

Retrieve column values of the selected row of a multicolumn Access listbox

For multicolumn listbox extract data from any column of selected row by


where col_num is required column ( 0 for first column)

How to interactively (visually) resolve conflicts in SourceTree / git

I'm using SourceTree along with TortoiseMerge/Diff, which is very easy and convinient diff/merge tool.

If you'd like to use it as well, then:

  1. Get standalone version of TortoiseMerge/Diff (quite old, since it doesn't ship standalone since version 1.6.7 of TortosieSVN, that is since July 2011). Links and details in this answer.

  2. Unzip TortoiseIDiff.exe and TortoiseMerge.exe to any folder (c:\Program Files (x86)\Atlassian\SourceTree\extras\ in my case).

  3. In SourceTree open Tools > Options > Diff > External Diff / Merge. Select TortoiseMerge in both dropdown lists.

  4. Hit OK and point SourceTree to your location of TortoiseIDiff.exe and TortoiseMerge.exe.

After that, you can select Resolve Conflicts > Launch External Merge Tool from context menu on each conflicted file in your local repository. This will open up TortoiseMerge, where you can easily deal with all the conflicts, you have. Once finished, simply close TortoiseMerge (you don't even need to save changes, this will probably be done automatically) and after few seconds SourceTree should handle that gracefully.

The only problem is, that it automatically creates backup copy, even though proper option is unchecked.

How can I implement custom Action Bar with custom buttons in Android?

1 You can use a drawable

<menu xmlns:android="">
    <item android:id="@+id/menu_item1"
        android:showAsAction="ifRoom" />

2 Create a style for the action bar and use a custom background:

    <!-- the theme applied to the application or activity -->
    <style name="CustomActivityTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo">
        <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/MyActionBar</item>
        <!-- other activity and action bar styles here -->
    <!-- style for the action bar backgrounds -->
    <style name="MyActionBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar">
        <item name="android:background">@drawable/background</item>
        <item name="android:backgroundStacked">@drawable/background</item>
        <item name="android:backgroundSplit">@drawable/split_background</item>

3 Style again android:actionBarDivider

The android documentation is very usefull for that.

Today's Date in Perl in MM/DD/YYYY format

You can use Time::Piece, which shouldn't need installing as it is a core module and has been distributed with Perl 5 since version 10.

use Time::Piece;

my $date = localtime->strftime('%m/%d/%Y');
print $date;




You may prefer to use the dmy method, which takes a single parameter which is the separator to be used between the fields of the result, and avoids having to specify a full date/time format

my $date = localtime->dmy('/');

This produces an identical result to that of my original solution

Remove a file from a Git repository without deleting it from the local filesystem

This depends on what you mean by 'remove' from git. :)

You can unstage a file using git rm --cached see for more details. When you unstage something, it means that it is no longer tracked, but this does not remove the file from previous commits.

If you want to do more than unstage the file, for example to remove sensitive data from all previous commits you will want to look into filtering the branch using tools like the BFG Repo-Cleaner.

Using two values for one switch case statement

With the integration of JEP 325: Switch Expressions (Preview) in JDK-12 early access builds, one can now make use of the new form of the switch label as :-

case text1, text4 -> {

or to rephrase the demo from one of the answers, something like :-

public class RephraseDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int month = 9;
        int year = 2018;
        int numDays = 0;

        switch (month) {
            case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 ->{
                numDays = 31;
            case 4, 6, 9, 11 ->{
                numDays = 30;
            case 2 ->{
                if (((year % 4 == 0) &&
                        !(year % 100 == 0))
                        || (year % 400 == 0))
                    numDays = 29;
                    numDays = 28;
            default ->{
                System.out.println("Invalid month.");

        System.out.println("Number of Days = " + numDays);

Here is how you can give it a try - Compile a JDK12 preview feature with Maven

How to check if a DateTime field is not null or empty?

If you declare a DateTime, then the default value is DateTime.MinValue, and hence you have to check it like this:

DateTime dat = new DateTime();

 if (dat==DateTime.MinValue)

If the DateTime is nullable, well that's a different story:

 DateTime? dat = null;

 if (!dat.HasValue)

What is a semaphore?

I've created the visualization which should help to understand the idea. Semaphore controls access to a common resource in a multithreading environment. enter image description here

ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(7);

Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(4);

Runnable longRunningTask = () -> {
    boolean permit = false;
    try {
        permit = semaphore.tryAcquire(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        if (permit) {
            System.out.println("Semaphore acquired");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Could not acquire semaphore");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    } finally {
        if (permit) {

// execute tasks
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {


Semaphore acquired
Semaphore acquired
Semaphore acquired
Semaphore acquired
Could not acquire semaphore
Could not acquire semaphore
Could not acquire semaphore

Sample code from the article

The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared

You have to change the file from .html to .php.

and add this following line

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

How to force a checkbox and text on the same line?

It wont break if you wrap each item in a div. Check out my fiddle with the link below. I made the width of the fieldset 125px and made each item 50px wide. You'll see the label and checkbox remain side by side on a new line and don't break.

<div class="item">
    <input type="checkbox" id="a">
    <label for="a">a</label>
<div class="item">
   <input type="checkbox" id="b">
<!-- depending on width, a linebreak can occur here. -->
    <label for="b">bgf bh fhg fdg hg dg gfh dfgh</label>
<div class="item">
    <input type="checkbox" id="c">
    <label for="c">c</label>

how to loop through each row of dataFrame in pyspark

To "loop" and take advantage of Spark's parallel computation framework, you could define a custom function and use map.

def customFunction(row):

   return (, row.age,

sample2 =


sample2 = x: (, x.age,

The custom function would then be applied to every row of the dataframe. Note that sample2 will be a RDD, not a dataframe.

Map may be needed if you are going to perform more complex computations. If you just need to add a simple derived column, you can use the withColumn, with returns a dataframe.

sample3 = sample.withColumn('age2', sample.age + 2)

Two way sync with rsync

Try this,

 rsync -avzru --delete-excluded server:/media/10001/music/ /media/Incoming/music/

 rsync -avzru --delete-excluded /media/Incoming/music/ server:/media/10001/music/

sync-music: get-music put-music

I just test this and it worked for me. I'm doing a 2-way sync between Windows7 (using cygwin with the rsync package installed) and FreeNAS fileserver (FreeNAS runs on FreeBSD with rsync package pre-installed).

How to run a script at a certain time on Linux?

Cron is good for something that will run periodically, like every Saturday at 4am. There's also anacron, which works around power shutdowns, sleeps, and whatnot. As well as at.

But for a one-off solution, that doesn't require root or anything, you can just use date to compute the seconds-since-epoch of the target time as well as the present time, then use expr to find the difference, and sleep that many seconds.

"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

In C++ a class with at least one pure virtual function is called abstract class. You can not create objects of that class, but may only have pointers or references to it.

If you are deriving from an abstract class, then make sure you override and define all pure virtual functions for your class.

From your snippet Your class AliceUniversity seems to be an abstract class. It needs to override and define all the pure virtual functions of the classes Graduate and UniversityGraduate.

Pure virtual functions are the ones with = 0; at the end of declaration.

Example: virtual void doSomething() = 0;

For a specific answer, you will need to post the definition of the class for which you get the error and the classes from which that class is deriving.

Java - Using Accessor and Mutator methods

You need to remove the static from your accessor methods - these methods need to be instance methods and access the instance variables

public class IDCard {
    public String name, fileName;
    public int id;

    public IDCard(final String name, final String fileName, final int id) { = name;
        this.fileName = fileName = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

You can the create an IDCard and use the accessor like this:

final IDCard card = new IDCard();

Each time you call new a new instance of the IDCard will be created and it will have it's own copies of the 3 variables.

If you use the static keyword then those variables are common across every instance of IDCard.

A couple of things to bear in mind:

  1. don't add useless comments - they add code clutter and nothing else.
  2. conform to naming conventions, use lower case of variable names - name not Name.

Hash String via SHA-256 in Java

This is already implemented in the runtime libs.

public static String calc(InputStream is) {
    String output;
    int read;
    byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

    try {
        MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        while ((read = > 0) {
            digest.update(buffer, 0, read);
        byte[] hash = digest.digest();
        BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(1, hash);
        output = bigInt.toString(16);
        while ( output.length() < 32 ) {
            output = "0"+output;
    catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    return output;

In a JEE6+ environment one could also use JAXB DataTypeConverter:

import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

String hash = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary( 

Import SQL file into mysql

Don't forget to use

charset utf8

If your sql file is in utf-8 :)

So you need to do:


mysql -u root

mysql> charset utf8

mysql> use mydbname

mysql> source C:\myfolder\myfile.sql

Good luck ))

.NET Excel Library that can read/write .xls files

Is there a reason why you can't use the Excel ODBC connection to read and write to Excel? For example, I've used the following code to read from an Excel file row by row like a database:

private DataTable LoadExcelData(string fileName)
  string Connection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + fileName + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1\";";

  OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(Connection);

  OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();

  DataTable dt = new DataTable(); OleDbDataAdapter myCommand = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from [Sheet1$] WHERE LastName <> '' ORDER BY LastName, FirstName", con);



  return dt;

You can write to the Excel "database" the same way. As you can see, you can select the version number to use so that you can downgrade Excel versions for the machine with Excel 2003. Actually, the same is true for using the Interop. You can use the lower version and it should work with Excel 2003 even though you only have the higher version on your development PC.

How to output an Excel *.xls file from classic ASP

I had the same issue until I added Response.Buffer = False. Try changing the code to the following.

Response.Buffer = False Response.ContentType = "application/" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=excelTest.xls"

The only problem I have now is that when Excel opens the file I get the following message.

The file you are trying to open, 'FileName[1].xls', is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?

When you open the file the data all appears in separate columns, but the spreadsheet is all white, no borders between the cells.

Hope that helps.

to remove first and last element in array

To remove element from array is easy just do the following

let array_splited = [].split('/');

Determine if string is in list in JavaScript

Here's mine:

    return (Array.apply(null, arguments).indexOf(this.toString()) != -1)

var x = 'abc';
if (x.inList('aaa','bbb','abc'))

This one is faster if you're OK with passing an array:

    return (list.indexOf(this.toString()) != -1)

var x = 'abc';
if (x.inList(['aaa','bbb','abc']))

Here's the jsperf:

Changing case in Vim

Visual select the text, then U for uppercase or u for lowercase. To swap all casing in a visual selection, press ~ (tilde).

Without using a visual selection, gU<motion> will make the characters in motion uppercase, or use gu<motion> for lowercase.

For more of these, see Section 3 in Vim's change.txt help file.

When to use self over $this?

I believe question was not whether you can call the static member of the class by calling ClassName::staticMember. Question was what's the difference between using self::classmember and $this->classmember.

For e.g., both of the following examples work without any errors, whether you use self:: or $this->

class Person{
    private $name;
    private $address;

    public function __construct($new_name,$new_address){
        $this->name = $new_name;
        $this->address = $new_address;

class Person{
    private $name;
    private $address;
    public function __construct($new_name,$new_address){
        self::$name = $new_name;
        self::$address = $new_address;

SQL update trigger only when column is modified

One should check if QtyToRepair is updated at first.

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_SCHEDULE_Modified]
   ON [dbo].[SCHEDULE]
    IF UPDATE (QtyToRepair) 
        SET modified = GETDATE()
           , ModifiedUser = SUSER_NAME()
           , ModifiedHost = HOST_NAME()
            ON S.OrderNo = I.OrderNo and S.PartNumber =    I.PartNumber
        WHERE S.QtyToRepair <> I.QtyToRepair

Delete everything in a MongoDB database


Get selected value from combo box in C# WPF


How to read XML response from a URL in java?

do it with the following code:

DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

    try {
        DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = builder.parse("/home/codefelix/IdeaProjects/Gradle/src/main/resources/static/Employees.xml");
        NodeList namelist = (NodeList) doc.getElementById("1");

        for (int i = 0; i < namelist.getLength(); i++) {
            Node p = namelist.item(i);

            if (p.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                Element person = (Element) p;
                NodeList id = (NodeList) person.getElementsByTagName("Employee");
                NodeList nodeList = person.getChildNodes();
                List<EmployeeDto> employeeDtoList=new ArrayList();

                for (int j = 0; j < nodeList.getLength(); j++) {
                    Node n = nodeList.item(j);

                    if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        Element naame = (Element) n;
                        System.out.println("Employee" + id + ":" + naame.getTagName() + "=" +naame.getTextContent());
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
    } catch (SAXException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {


How to run html file using node js

This is a simple html file "demo.htm" stored in the same folder as the node.js file.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Below is the node.js file to call this html file.

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');

var server = http.createServer(function(req, resp){
  // Print the name of the file for which request is made.
  console.log("Request for demo file received.");
  fs.readFile("Documents/nodejs/demo.html",function(error, data){
    if (error) {
      resp.write('Contents you are looking for-not found');
    }  else {
      resp.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/html'

server.listen(8081, '');

console.log('Server running at');

Intiate the above nodejs file in command prompt and the message "Server running at" is displayed.Now in your browser type "".

How to use onResume()?


Any Activity that restarts has its onResume() method executed first.

To use this method, do this:

override fun onResume() {
        // your code here

Creating NSData from NSString in Swift

In swift 5

let data = Data(YourString.utf8)

Django -- Template tag in {% if %} block

{% for source in sources %}
    <td>{{ source }}</td>
      {% ifequal title source %}
        Just now!
      {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}


{% for source in sources %}
        <td>{{ source }}</td>
          {% if title == source %}
            Just now!
          {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

See Django Doc

'True' and 'False' in Python

From 6.11. Boolean operations:

In the context of Boolean operations, and also when expressions are used by control flow statements, the following values are interpreted as false: False, None, numeric zero of all types, and empty strings and containers (including strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets and frozensets). All other values are interpreted as true.

The key phrasing here that I think you are misunderstanding is "interpreted as false" or "interpreted as true". This does not mean that any of those values are identical to True or False, or even equal to True or False.

The expression '/bla/bla/bla' will be treated as true where a Boolean expression is expected (like in an if statement), but the expressions '/bla/bla/bla' is True and '/bla/bla/bla' == True will evaluate to False for the reasons in Ignacio's answer.

How to initialize a static array?

Nope, no difference. It's just syntactic sugar. Arrays.asList(..) creates an additional list.

Hibernate: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save()

your id attribute is not set. this MAY be due to the fact that the DB field is not set to auto increment? what DB are you using? MySQL? is your field set to AUTO INCREMENT?

What does \u003C mean?

It is a unicode char \u003C = <

What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?

  • OpenID is an open standard and decentralized authentication protocol controlled by the OpenID Foundation.
  • OAuth is an open standard for access delegation.
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) Combines the features of OpenID and OAuth i.e. does both Authentication and Authorization.

OpenID take the form of a unique URI managed by some "OpenID provider" i.e identity provider (idP).

OAuth can be used in conjunction with XACML where OAuth is used for ownership consent and access delegation whereas XACML is used to define the authorization policies.

OIDC uses simple JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which you can obtain using flows conforming to the OAuth 2.0 specifications. OAuth is directly related to OIDC since OIDC is an authentication layer built on top of OAuth 2.0.

enter image description here

For example, if you chose to sign in to Auth0 using your Google account then you used OIDC. Once you successfully authenticate with Google and authorize Auth0 to access your information, Google will send back to Auth0 information about the user and the authentication performed. This information is returned in a JSON Web Token (JWT). You'll receive an Access Token and, if requested, an ID Token. Types of Token : Source: OpenID Connect

An organisation use ID card for identification purpose and it contains chips, it stores details about Employee along with Authorization i.e. Campus/Gate/ODC access. ID card act as a OIDC and Chip act as a OAuth. more examples and form wiki

Tuple unpacking in for loops

Take this code as an example:

elements = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
index = 0

for element in elements:
  print element, index
  index += 1

You loop over the list and store an index variable as well. enumerate() does the same thing, but more concisely:

elements = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

for index, element in enumerate(elements):
  print element, index

The index, element notation is required because enumerate returns a tuple ((1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), ...) that is unpacked into two different variables.

How to join components of a path when you are constructing a URL in Python

How about this: It is Somewhat Efficient & Somewhat Simple. Only need to join '2' parts of url path:

def UrlJoin(a , b):
    a, b = a.strip(), b.strip()
    a = a if a.endswith('/') else a + '/'
    b = b if not b.startswith('/') else b[1:]
    return a + b

OR: More Conventional, but Not as efficient if joining only 2 url parts of a path.

def UrlJoin(*parts):
    return '/'.join([p.strip().strip('/') for p in parts])

Test Cases:

>>> UrlJoin('', '/TestURL_1')

>>> UrlJoin('', 'TestURL_2')

Note: I may be splitting hairs here, but it is at least good practice and potentially more readable.

Javascript logical "!==" operator?

Copied from the formal specification: ECMAScript 5.1 section 11.9.5

11.9.4 The Strict Equals Operator ( === )

The production EqualityExpression : EqualityExpression === RelationalExpression is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let lref be the result of evaluating EqualityExpression.
  2. Let lval be GetValue(lref).
  3. Let rref be the result of evaluating RelationalExpression.
  4. Let rval be GetValue(rref).
  5. Return the result of performing the strict equality comparison rval === lval. (See 11.9.6)

11.9.5 The Strict Does-not-equal Operator ( !== )

The production EqualityExpression : EqualityExpression !== RelationalExpression is evaluated as follows:

  1. Let lref be the result of evaluating EqualityExpression.
  2. Let lval be GetValue(lref).
  3. Let rref be the result of evaluating RelationalExpression.
  4. Let rval be GetValue(rref). Let r be the result of performing strict equality comparison rval === lval. (See 11.9.6)
  5. If r is true, return false. Otherwise, return true.

11.9.6 The Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm

The comparison x === y, where x and y are values, produces true or false. Such a comparison is performed as follows:

  1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), return false.
  2. Type(x) is Undefined, return true.
  3. Type(x) is Null, return true.
  4. Type(x) is Number, then
    1. If x is NaN, return false.
    2. If y is NaN, return false.
    3. If x is the same Number value as y, return true.
    4. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
    5. If x is -0 and y is +0, return true.
    6. Return false.
  5. If Type(x) is String, then return true if x and y are exactly the same sequence of characters (same length and same characters in corresponding positions); otherwise, return false.
  6. If Type(x) is Boolean, return true if x and y are both true or both false; otherwise, return false.
  7. Return true if x and y refer to the same object. Otherwise, return false.

Authentication issues with WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate

The web server is prompting you for a SPNEGO (Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism) token.

This is a Microsoft invention for negotiating a type of authentication to use for Web SSO (single-sign-on):

  • either NTLM
  • or Kerberos.


Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object not found

I think I got what I was looking for..

data.train <- read.table("Assign2.WineComplete.csv",sep=",",header=T)
fit <- rpart(quality ~ ., method="class",data=data.train)
text(fit, use.n=TRUE)

'xmlParseEntityRef: no name' warnings while loading xml into a php file


  • PHP function simplexml_load_file is throwing parsing error parser error : xmlParseEntityRef while trying to load the XML file from a URL.


  • XML returned by the URL is not a valid XML. It contains & value instead of &amp;. It is quite possible that there are other errors which aren't obvious at this point of time.


  • Ideally, we should make sure that a valid XML is feed into PHP simplexml_load_file function, but it looks like we don't have any control over how the XML is created.
  • It is also not possible to force simplexml_load_file to process an invalid XML file. It does not leave us with many options, other than fixing the XML file itself.


Convert Invalid XML to Valid XML. It can be done using PHP tidy extension. Further instructions can be found from

Once you are sure that the extension exists or is installed, please do the following.

 * As per the question asked, the URL is loaded into a variable first, 
 * which we can assume to be $xml
$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project orderno="6" campaign_name="International Relief & Development for under developed nations">
    <invalid-data>Some other data containing & in it</invalid-data>

 * Whenever we use tidy it is best to pass some configuration options 
 * similar to $tidyConfig. In this particular case we are making sure that
 * tidy understands that our input and output is XML.
$tidyConfig = array (
    'indent' => true,
    'input-xml' => true, 
    'output-xml' => true,
    'wrap' => 200

 * Now we can use tidy to parse the string and then repair it.
$tidy = new tidy;
$tidy->parseString($xml, $tidyConfig, 'utf8');

 * If we try to output the repaired XML string by echoing $tidy it should look like. 

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <project orderno="6" campaign_name="International Relief &amp; Development for under developed nations">
      <invalid-data>Some other data containing &amp; in it</invalid-data>

 * As you can see that & is now fixed in campaign_name attribute 
 * and also with-in invalid-data element. You can also see that the   
 * <unclosed-tag> which didn't had a close tag, has been fixed too.
echo $tidy;

 * Now when we try to use simplexml_load_string to load the clean XML. When we
 * try to print_r it should look something like below.

 SimpleXMLElement Object
    [@attributes] => Array
            [orderno] => 6
            [campaign_name] => International Relief & Development for under developed nations

    [invalid-data] => Some other data containing & in it
    [unclosed-tag] => SimpleXMLElement Object


 $simpleXmlElement = simplexml_load_string($tidy);


The developer should try to compare the invalid XML with a valid XML (generated by tidy), to see there are no adverse side effects after using tidy. Tidy does an extremely good job of doing it correctly, but it never hurts to see it visually and to be 100% sure. In our case it should be as simple as comparing $xml with $tidy.

What is the SSIS package and what does it do?

Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a platform for building high-performance data integration solutions, including extraction, transformation, and load (ETL) packages for data warehousing. SSIS includes graphical tools and wizards for building and debugging packages; tasks for performing workflow functions such as FTP operations, executing SQL statements, and sending e-mail messages; data sources and destinations for extracting and loading data; transformations for cleaning, aggregating, merging, and copying data; a management database, SSISDB, for administering package execution and storage; and application programming interfaces (APIs) for programming the Integration Services object model.

As per Microsoft, the main uses of SSIS Package are:

• Merging Data from Heterogeneous Data Stores Populating Data

• Warehouses and Data Marts Cleaning and Standardizing Data Building

• Business Intelligence into a Data Transformation Process Automating

• Administrative Functions and Data Loading

For developers:

SSIS Package can be integrated with VS development environment for building Business Intelligence solutions. Business Intelligence Development Studio is the Visual Studio environment with enhancements that are specific to business intelligence solutions. It work with 32-bit development environment only.

Download SSDT tools for Visual Studio:

Creating SSIS ETL Package - Basics :

Sample project of SSIS features in 6 lessons:

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

If you are using version 4.3 or higher, your code will not work properly. This is what I used. It worked for me.

.btn:focus, .btn:active {
    outline: none !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
    -webkit-box-shadow: none !important;

Visual Studio: Relative Assembly References Paths

I might be off here, but it seems that the answer is quite obvious: Look at reference paths in the project properties. In our setup I added our common repository folder, to the ref path GUI window, like so

Reference Paths in VS20xx

That way I can copy my dlls (ready for publish) to this folder and every developer now gets the updated DLL every time it builds from this folder.

If the dll is found in the Solution, the builder should prioritize the local version over the published team version.

How to place the cursor (auto focus) in text box when a page gets loaded without javascript support?

An expansion for those who did a bit of fiddling around like I did.

The following work (from W3):

<input type="text" autofocus />
<input type="text" autofocus="" />
<input type="text" autofocus="autofocus" />
<input type="text" autofocus="AuToFoCuS" />

It is important to note that this does not work in CSS though. I.e. you can't use:

.first-input {

At least it didn't work for me...

Is it possible to add an HTML link in the body of a MAILTO link

It isn't possible as far as I can tell, since a link needs HTML, and mailto links don't create an HTML email.

This is probably for security as you could add javascript or iframes to this link and the email client might open up the end user for vulnerabilities.

What is Express.js?

Express.js is a framework used for Node and it is most commonly used as a web application for node js.

Here is a link to a video on how to quickly set up a node app with express

Remove elements from collection while iterating

In Java 8, there is another approach. Collection#removeIf


List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

list.removeIf(i -> i > 2);

App.Config change value

For a .NET 4.0 console application, none of these worked for me. So I modified Kevn Aenmey's answer as below and it worked:

private static void UpdateSetting(string key, string value)
    Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.
    configuration.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;


Only the first line is different, constructed upon the actual executing assembly.

Reading a text file and splitting it into single words in python

What you can do is use nltk to tokenize words and then store all of the words in a list, here's what I did. If you don't know nltk; it stands for natural language toolkit and is used to process natural language. Here's some resource if you wanna get started []

import nltk 
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize 
file = open("abc.txt",newline='')
result =
words = word_tokenize(result)
for i in words:

The output will be this:


Find duplicate entries in a column


  SELECT t.ctn_no
GROUP BY t.ctn_no
  HAVING COUNT(t.ctn_no) > 1

...will show you the ctn_no value(s) that have duplicates in your table. Adding criteria to the WHERE will allow you to further tune what duplicates there are:

  SELECT t.ctn_no
   WHERE t.s_ind = 'Y'
GROUP BY t.ctn_no
  HAVING COUNT(t.ctn_no) > 1

If you want to see the other column values associated with the duplicate, you'll want to use a self join:

  JOIN (SELECT t.ctn_no
          FROM YOUR_TABLE t
      GROUP BY t.ctn_no
        HAVING COUNT(t.ctn_no) > 1) y ON y.ctn_no = x.ctn_no

How to handle the modal closing event in Twitter Bootstrap?

There are two pair of modal events, one is "show" and "shown", the other is "hide" and "hidden". As you can see from the name, hide event fires when modal is about the be close, such as clicking on the cross on the top-right corner or close button or so on. While hidden is fired after the modal is actually close. You can test these events your self. For exampel:

$( '#modal' )
   .on('hide', function() {
   .on('hidden', function(){
   .on('show', function() {
   .on('shown', function(){
      console.log('shown' )

And, as for your question, I think you should listen to the 'hide' event of your modal.

Is there a performance difference between CTE , Sub-Query, Temporary Table or Table Variable?

#temp is materalized and CTE is not.

CTE is just syntax so in theory it is just a subquery. It is executed. #temp is materialized. So an expensive CTE in a join that is execute many times may be better in a #temp. On the other side if it is an easy evaluation that is not executed but a few times then not worth the overhead of #temp.

The are some people on SO that don't like table variable but I like them as the are materialized and faster to create than #temp. There are times when the query optimizer does better with a #temp compared to a table variable.

The ability to create a PK on a #temp or table variable gives the query optimizer more information than a CTE (as you cannot declare a PK on a CTE).

Checking for empty or null JToken in a JObject

You can proceed as follows to check whether a JToken Value is null

JToken token = jObject["key"];

if(token.Type == JTokenType.Null)
    // Do your logic

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

Though my response is late, but it can still help.

lf you are using Spring Tool Suite and you still think that the JQuery file reference path is correct, then refresh your project whenever you modify the JQuery file.

You refresh by right-clicking on the project name -> refresh.

That's what solved mine.

Error You must specify a region when running command aws ecs list-container-instances

#1- Run this to configure the region once and for all:

aws configure set region us-east-1 --profile admin
  • Change admin next to the profile if it's different.

  • Change us-east-1 if your region is different.

#2- Run your command again:

aws ecs list-container-instances --cluster default

Array of strings in groovy

If you really want to create an array rather than a list use either

String[] names = ["lucas", "Fred", "Mary"]


def names = ["lucas", "Fred", "Mary"].toArray()

Not Equal to This OR That in Lua

x ~= 0 or 1 is the same as ((x ~= 0) or 1)

x ~=(0 or 1) is the same as (x ~= 0).

try something like this instead.

function isNot0Or1(x)
    return (x ~= 0 and x ~= 1)

print( isNot0Or1(-1) == true )
print( isNot0Or1(0) == false )
print( isNot0Or1(1) == false )

UITableView, Separator color where to set?

Swift version:

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Assign your color to this property, for example here we assign the red color.
    tableView.separatorColor = UIColor.redColor()

Postgresql SQL: How check boolean field with null and True,False Value?

I'm not expert enough in the inner workings of Postgres to know why your query with the double condition in the WHERE clause be not working. But one way to get around this would be to use a UNION of the two queries which you know do work:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE boolean_column IS NULL
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE boolean_column = FALSE

You could also try using COALESCE:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE COALESCE(boolean_column, FALSE) = FALSE

This second query will replace all NULL values with FALSE and then compare against FALSE in the WHERE condition.

What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

unsigned char bits = sizeof(X) << 3;

where X is a char,int,long etc.. will give you size of X in bits.

Using openssl to get the certificate from a server

To get the certificate of remote server you can use openssl tool and you can find it between BEGIN CERTIFICATE and END CERTIFICATE which you need to copy and paste into your certificate file (CRT).

Here is the command demonstrating it:

ex +'/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/p' <(echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -scq > file.crt

To return all certificates from the chain, just add g (global) like:

ex +'g/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/p' <(echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect -scq

Then you can simply import your certificate file (file.crt) into your keychain and make it trusted, so Java shouldn't complain.

On OS X you can double-click on the file or drag and drop in your Keychain Access, so it'll appear in login/Certificates. Then double-click on the imported certificated and make it Always Trust for SSL.

On CentOS 5 you can append them into /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt file (and run: sudo update-ca-trust force-enable), or in CentOS 6 copy them into /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and run sudo update-ca-trust extract.

In Ubuntu, copy them into /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and run sudo update-ca-certificates.

'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' error during postback

If your stack trace looks like following then you are sending a huge load of json objects to server

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. 
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeDictionary(Int32 depth)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializeInternal(Int32 depth)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.BasicDeserialize(String input, Int32 depthLimit, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize(JavaScriptSerializer serializer, String input, Type type, Int32 depthLimit)
    at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject(String input)
    at Failing.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
    at System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

For resolution, please update your web config with following key. If you are not able to get the stack trace then please use fiddler. If it still does not help then please try increasing the number to 10000 or something

<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="1000" />

For more details, please read this Microsoft kb article

Jquery: how to sleep or delay?

If you can't use the delay method as Robert Harvey suggested, you can use setTimeout.


setTimeout(function() {$("#test").animate({"top":"-=80px"})} , 1500); // delays 1.5 sec
setTimeout(function() {$("#test").animate({"opacity":"0"})} , 1500 + 1000); // delays 1 sec after the previous one

How to search for a string in text files?

Here's another. Takes an absolute file path and a given string and passes it to word_find(), uses readlines() method on the given file within the enumerate() method which gives an iterable count as it traverses line by line, in the end giving you the line with the matching string, plus the given line number. Cheers.

  def word_find(file, word):
    with open(file, 'r') as target_file:
        for num, line in enumerate(target_file.readlines(), 1):
            if str(word) in line:
                print(f'<Line {num}> {line}')
                print(f'> {word} not found.')

  if __name__ == '__main__':
      file_to_process = '/path/to/file'
      string_to_find = input()
      word_find(file_to_process, string_to_find)

Execution order of events when pressing PrimeFaces p:commandButton

It failed because you used ajax="false". This fires a full synchronous request which in turn causes a full page reload, causing the oncomplete to be never fired (note that all other ajax-related attributes like process, onstart, onsuccess, onerror and update are also never fired).

That it worked when you removed actionListener is also impossible. It should have failed the same way. Perhaps you also removed ajax="false" along it without actually understanding what you were doing. Removing ajax="false" should indeed achieve the desired requirement.

Also is it possible to execute actionlistener and oncomplete simultaneously?

No. The script can only be fired before or after the action listener. You can use onclick to fire the script at the moment of the click. You can use onstart to fire the script at the moment the ajax request is about to be sent. But they will never exactly simultaneously be fired. The sequence is as follows:

  • User clicks button in client
  • onclick JavaScript code is executed
  • JavaScript prepares ajax request based on process and current HTML DOM tree
  • onstart JavaScript code is executed
  • JavaScript sends ajax request from client to server
  • JSF retrieves ajax request
  • JSF processes the request lifecycle on JSF component tree based on process
  • actionListener JSF backing bean method is executed
  • action JSF backing bean method is executed
  • JSF prepares ajax response based on update and current JSF component tree
  • JSF sends ajax response from server to client
  • JavaScript retrieves ajax response
    • if HTTP response status is 200, onsuccess JavaScript code is executed
    • else if HTTP response status is 500, onerror JavaScript code is executed
  • JavaScript performs update based on ajax response and current HTML DOM tree
  • oncomplete JavaScript code is executed

Note that the update is performed after actionListener, so if you were using onclick or onstart to show the dialog, then it may still show old content instead of updated content, which is poor for user experience. You'd then better use oncomplete instead to show the dialog. Also note that you'd better use action instead of actionListener when you intend to execute a business action.

See also:

How to clear the entire array?

i fell into a case where clearing the entire array failed with dim/redim :

having 2 module-wide arrays, Private inside a userform,

One array is dynamic and uses a class module, the other is fixed and has a special type.

Option Explicit

Private Type Perso_Type
   Nom As String
   PV As Single 'Long 'max 1
   Mana As Single 'Long
   Classe1 As String
   XP1 As Single
   Classe2 As String
   XP2 As Single
   Classe3 As String
   XP3 As Single
   Classe4 As String
   XP4 As Single
   Buff(1 To 10) As IPicture 'Disp
   BuffType(1 To 10) As String
   Dances(1 To 10) As IPicture 'Disp
   DancesType(1 To 10) As String
End Type

Private Data_Perso(1 To 9, 1 To 8) As Perso_Type

Dim ImgArray() As New ClsImage 'ClsImage is a Class module

And i have a sub declared as public to clear those arrays (and associated run-time created controls) from inside and outside the userform like this :

Public Sub EraseControlsCreatedAtRunTime()
Dim i As Long
On Error Resume Next
With Me.Controls 'removing all on run-time created controls of the Userform :
    For i = .Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 
        .Remove i
    Next i
End With
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0

Erase ImgArray, Data_Perso
'ReDim ImgArray() As ClsImage ' i tried this, no error but wouldn't work correctly
'ReDim Data_Perso(1 To 9, 1 To 8) As Perso_Type 'without the erase not working, with erase this line is not needed.
End Sub

note : this last sub was first called from outside (other form and class module) with Call FormName.SubName but had to replace it with Application.Run FormName.SubName , less errors, don't ask why...

Oracle PL/SQL - How to create a simple array variable?

Sample programs as follows and provided on link also

plsql table or associated array.

            TYPE salary IS TABLE OF NUMBER INDEX BY VARCHAR2(20); 
            salary_list salary; 
            name VARCHAR2(20); 
           -- adding elements to the table 
           salary_list('Rajnish') := 62000; salary_list('Minakshi') := 75000; 
           salary_list('Martin') := 100000; salary_list('James') := 78000; 
           -- printing the table name := salary_list.FIRST; WHILE name IS NOT null 
               dbms_output.put_line ('Salary of ' || name || ' is ' || 
               name := salary_list.NEXT(name); 
            END LOOP; 

How to remove the underline for anchors(links)?

Best Option for you if you just want to remove the underline from anchor link only-

#content a {

This will remove the underline.

Further, you can use a similar syntax for manipulating other styles too using-

text-decoration: none;
text-decoration-color: blue;
text-decoration-skip: spaces;
text-decoration-style: dotted;

Hope this helps!

P.S.- This is my first answer ever!

Centering Bootstrap input fields

Ok, this is best solution for me. Bootstrap includes mobile-first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases. So this worked perfectly on every browser and device:

        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-lg-4"></div>
            <div class="col-lg-4">
                <div class="input-group">
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" /> 
                    <span class="input-group-btn">
                        <button class="btn btn-default" type="button">Go!</button>
                </div><!-- /input-group -->
            </div><!-- /.col-lg-4 -->
            <div class="col-lg-4"></div>
        </div><!-- /.row -->

It means 4 + 4 + 4 =12... so second div will be in the middle that way.


Npm install failed with "cannot run in wd"

I fixed this by changing the ownership of /usr/local and ~/Users/user-name like so:

sudo chown -R my_name /usr/local

This allowed me to do everything without sudo

Pretty-print a Map in Java

String result = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(map) - as simple as this!


{"2019-07-04T03:00":1,"2019-07-04T04:00":1,"2019-07-04T01:00":1,"2019-07-04T02:00":1,"2019-07-04T13:00":1,"2019-07-04T06:00":1 ...}

P.S. add Jackson JSON to your classpath.

Convert list of dictionaries to a pandas DataFrame

You can also use pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d) as :

In [8]: d = [{'points': 50, 'time': '5:00', 'year': 2010}, 
   ...: {'points': 25, 'time': '6:00', 'month': "february"}, 
   ...: {'points':90, 'time': '9:00', 'month': 'january'}, 
   ...: {'points_h1':20, 'month': 'june'}]

In [12]: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
      month  points  points_h1  time    year
0       NaN    50.0        NaN  5:00  2010.0
1  february    25.0        NaN  6:00     NaN
2   january    90.0        NaN  9:00     NaN
3      june     NaN       20.0   NaN     NaN

How to return a file using Web API?

Example with IHttpActionResult in ApiController.

public IHttpActionResult GetFileForCustomer(int id)
    if (id == 0)
      return BadRequest();

    var file = GetFile(id);

    IHttpActionResult response;
    HttpResponseMessage responseMsg = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
    responseMsg.Content = new ByteArrayContent(file.SomeData);
    responseMsg.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");
    responseMsg.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName = file.FileName;
    responseMsg.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");
    response = ResponseMessage(responseMsg);
    return response;

If you don't want to download the PDF and use a browsers built in PDF viewer instead remove the following two lines:

responseMsg.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");
responseMsg.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName = file.FileName;

Condition within JOIN or WHERE

Most RDBMS products will optimize both queries identically. In "SQL Performance Tuning" by Peter Gulutzan and Trudy Pelzer, they tested multiple brands of RDBMS and found no performance difference.

I prefer to keep join conditions separate from query restriction conditions.

If you're using OUTER JOIN sometimes it's necessary to put conditions in the join clause.

kill a process in bash

It is not clear to me what you mean by "escape an executable which is running", but ctrl-z will put a process into the background and return control to the command line. You can then use the fg command to bring the program back into the foreground.

Objective-C : BOOL vs bool

At the time of writing this is the most recent version of objc.h:

/// Type to represent a boolean value.
typedef bool BOOL;
typedef signed char BOOL; 
// BOOL is explicitly signed so @encode(BOOL) == "c" rather than "C" 
// even if -funsigned-char is used.

It means that on 64-bit iOS devices and on WatchOS BOOL is exactly the same thing as bool while on all other devices (OS X, 32-bit iOS) it is signed char and cannot even be overridden by compiler flag -funsigned-char

It also means that this example code will run differently on different platforms (tested it myself):

int myValue = 256;
BOOL myBool = myValue;
if (myBool) {
    printf("i'm 64-bit iOS");
} else {
    printf("i'm 32-bit iOS");

BTW never assign things like array.count to BOOL variable because about 0.4% of possible values will be negative.

jquery to validate phone number

/\(?([0-9]{3})\)?([ .-]?)([0-9]{3})\2([0-9]{4})/

Supports :

  • (123) 456 7899
  • (123).456.7899
  • (123)-456-7899
  • 123-456-7899
  • 123 456 7899
  • 1234567899

String to list in Python

>>> 'QH QD JC KD JS'.split()
['QH', 'QD', 'JC', 'KD', 'JS']


Return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string. If maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are done (thus, the list will have at most maxsplit+1 elements). If maxsplit is not specified, then there is no limit on the number of splits (all possible splits are made).

If sep is given, consecutive delimiters are not grouped together and are deemed to delimit empty strings (for example, '1,,2'.split(',') returns ['1', '', '2']). The sep argument may consist of multiple characters (for example, '1<>2<>3'.split('<>') returns ['1', '2', '3']). Splitting an empty string with a specified separator returns [''].

If sep is not specified or is None, a different splitting algorithm is applied: runs of consecutive whitespace are regarded as a single separator, and the result will contain no empty strings at the start or end if the string has leading or trailing whitespace. Consequently, splitting an empty string or a string consisting of just whitespace with a None separator returns [].

For example, ' 1 2 3 '.split() returns ['1', '2', '3'], and ' 1 2 3 '.split(None, 1) returns ['1', '2 3 '].

How to run only one unit test class using Gradle

Run a single test called MyTest:

./gradlew app:testDebug --tests=com.example.MyTest

How to set proxy for wget?

In Ubuntu 12.x, I added the following lines in $HOME/.wgetrc

http_proxy = http://uname:[email protected]:8080

use_proxy = on

Is there a C++ gdb GUI for Linux?

VisualGDB is another Visual Studio plugin to develop and debug applications on linux and embedded platforms.

Plot size and resolution with R markdown, knitr, pandoc, beamer

I think that is a frequently asked question about the behavior of figures in beamer slides produced from Pandoc and markdown. The real problem is, R Markdown produces PNG images by default (from knitr), and it is hard to get the size of PNG images correct in LaTeX by default (I do not know why). It is fairly easy, however, to get the size of PDF images correct. One solution is to reset the default graphical device to PDF in your first chunk:

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = 'pdf')

Then all the images will be written as PDF files, and LaTeX will be happy.

Your second problem is you are mixing up the HTML units with LaTeX units in out.width / out.height. LaTeX and HTML are very different technologies. You should not expect \maxwidth to work in HTML, or 200px in LaTeX. Especially when you want to convert Markdown to LaTeX, you'd better not set out.width / out.height (use fig.width / fig.height and let LaTeX use the original size).

Java: Rotating Images

public static BufferedImage rotateCw( BufferedImage img )
    int         width  = img.getWidth();
    int         height = img.getHeight();
    BufferedImage   newImage = new BufferedImage( height, width, img.getType() );

    for( int i=0 ; i < width ; i++ )
        for( int j=0 ; j < height ; j++ )
            newImage.setRGB( height-1-j, i, img.getRGB(i,j) );

    return newImage;


How to detect Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C using JavaScript?

Don't forget that, while you might be able to detect and block Ctrl+C/V, you can still alter the value of a certain field.
Best example for this is Chrome's Inspect Element function, this allows you to change the value-property of a field.

Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?

I have found this page

which says that Soap 1.2 uses the new namespace

It is in the 'WSDL 1.1 Binding extension for SOAP 1.1'.

Copy and paste content from one file to another file in vi

Use the variations of d like dd to cut.

To write a range of lines to another file you can use:

:<n>,<m> w filename

Where <n> and <m> are numbers (or symbols) that designate a range of lines.

For using the desktop clipboard, take a look at the +g commands.

Compiling a C++ program with gcc

If I recall correctly, gcc determines the filetype from the suffix. So, make it and it should work.

And, to answer your other question, that is the difference between "gcc" and "g++". gcc is a frontend that chooses the correct compiler.

Instagram API: How to get all user media?

In June 2016 Instagram made most of the functionality of their API available only to applications that have passed a review process. They still however provide JSON data through the web interface, and you can add the parameter __a=1 to a URL to only include the JSON data.

while :;do
  c=$(curl -s "$max")
  jq -r '[]?|.display_src'<<<"$c"
  max=$(jq -r<<<"$c")
  jq -e<<<"$c">/dev/null||break

Edit: As mentioned in the comment by alnorth29, the max_id parameter is now ignored. Instagram also changed the format of the response, and you need to perform additional requests to get the full-size URLs of images in the new-style posts with multiple images per post. You can now do something like this to list the full-size URLs of images on the first page of results:

c=$(curl -s "")
jq -r '.graphql.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.edges[]?|.node|select(.__typename!="GraphSidecar").display_url'<<<"$c"
jq -r '.graphql.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media.edges[]?|.node|select(.__typename=="GraphSidecar")|.shortcode'<<<"$c"|while read l;do
  curl -s "$l?__a=1"|jq -r '.graphql.shortcode_media|.edge_sidecar_to_children.edges[]?.node|.display_url'

To make a list of the shortcodes of each post made by the user whose profile is opened in the frontmost tab in Safari, I use a script like this:

sjs(){ osascript -e'{on run{a}','tell app"safari"to do javascript a in document 1',end} -- "$1";}

while :;do
  sjs 'o="";a=document.querySelectorAll(".v1Nh3 a");for(i=0;e=a[i];i++){o+=e.href+"\n"};o'>>/tmp/a
  sjs 'window.scrollBy(0,window.innerHeight)'
  sleep 1

How do you redirect to a page using the POST verb?

If you want to pass data between two actions during a redirect without include any data in the query string, put the model in the TempData object.


TempData["datacontainer"] = modelData;


var modelData= TempData["datacontainer"] as ModelDataType; 

TempData is meant to be a very short-lived instance, and you should only use it during the current and the subsequent requests only! Since TempData works this way, you need to know for sure what the next request will be, and redirecting to another view is the only time you can guarantee this.

Therefore, the only scenario where using TempData will reliably work is when you are redirecting.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in Eclipse

JDBC API mostly consists of interfaces which work independently of any database. A database specific driver is required for each database which implements the JDBC API.

First download the MySQL connector jar from, then:

Right Click the project -- > build path -- > configure build path

In the libraries tab press Add External Jar and select your jar.

How to reposition Chrome Developer Tools

As of october 2014, Version 39.0.2171.27 beta (64-bit)

I needed to go in the Chrome Web Developper pan into "Settings" and uncheck Split panels vertically when docked to right

XAMPP - Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4! 12

It usually works afters you stop IIS Server and Skype

How to concatenate strings of a string field in a PostgreSQL 'group by' query?

PostgreSQL 9.0 or later:

Recent versions of Postgres (since late 2010) have the string_agg(expression, delimiter) function which will do exactly what the question asked for, even letting you specify the delimiter string:

SELECT company_id, string_agg(employee, ', ')
FROM mytable
GROUP BY company_id;

Postgres 9.0 also added the ability to specify an ORDER BY clause in any aggregate expression; otherwise, the order is undefined. So you can now write:

SELECT company_id, string_agg(employee, ', ' ORDER BY employee)
FROM mytable
GROUP BY company_id;

Or indeed:

SELECT string_agg(actor_name, ', ' ORDER BY first_appearance)

PostgreSQL 8.4 or later:

PostgreSQL 8.4 (in 2009) introduced the aggregate function array_agg(expression) which concatenates the values into an array. Then array_to_string() can be used to give the desired result:

SELECT company_id, array_to_string(array_agg(employee), ', ')
FROM mytable
GROUP BY company_id;

string_agg for pre-8.4 versions:

In case anyone comes across this looking for a compatibilty shim for pre-9.0 databases, it is possible to implement everything in string_agg except the ORDER BY clause.

So with the below definition this should work the same as in a 9.x Postgres DB:

SELECT string_agg(name, '; ') AS semi_colon_separated_names FROM things;

But this will be a syntax error:

SELECT string_agg(name, '; ' ORDER BY name) AS semi_colon_separated_names FROM things;
--> ERROR: syntax error at or near "ORDER"

Tested on PostgreSQL 8.3.

CREATE FUNCTION string_agg_transfn(text, text, text)
    RETURNS text AS 
            IF $1 IS NULL THEN
                RETURN $2;
                RETURN $1 || $3 || $2;
            END IF;

CREATE AGGREGATE string_agg(text, text) (

Custom variations (all Postgres versions)

Prior to 9.0, there was no built-in aggregate function to concatenate strings. The simplest custom implementation (suggested by Vajda Gabo in this mailing list post, among many others) is to use the built-in textcat function (which lies behind the || operator):

  basetype    = text,
  sfunc       = textcat,
  stype       = text,
  initcond    = ''

Here is the CREATE AGGREGATE documentation.

This simply glues all the strings together, with no separator. In order to get a ", " inserted in between them without having it at the end, you might want to make your own concatenation function and substitute it for the "textcat" above. Here is one I put together and tested on 8.3.12:

CREATE FUNCTION commacat(acc text, instr text) RETURNS text AS $$
    IF acc IS NULL OR acc = '' THEN
      RETURN instr;
      RETURN acc || ', ' || instr;
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This version will output a comma even if the value in the row is null or empty, so you get output like this:

a, b, c, , e, , g

If you would prefer to remove extra commas to output this:

a, b, c, e, g

Then add an ELSIF check to the function like this:

CREATE FUNCTION commacat_ignore_nulls(acc text, instr text) RETURNS text AS $$
    IF acc IS NULL OR acc = '' THEN
      RETURN instr;
    ELSIF instr IS NULL OR instr = '' THEN
      RETURN acc;
      RETURN acc || ', ' || instr;
    END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Processing $http response in service

Because it is asynchronous, the $scope is getting the data before the ajax call is complete.

You could use $q in your service to create promise and give it back to controller, and controller obtain the result within then() call against promise.

In your service,

app.factory('myService', function($http, $q) {
  var deffered = $q.defer();
  var data = [];  
  var myService = {};

  myService.async = function() {
    .success(function (d) {
      data = d;
    return deffered.promise;
  }; = function() { return data; };

  return myService;

Then, in your controller:

app.controller('MainCtrl', function( myService,$scope) {
  myService.async().then(function() {
    $ =;

What is the difference between rb and r+b modes in file objects

r+ is used for reading, and writing mode. b is for binary. r+b mode is open the binary file in read or write mode.
You can read more here.

Are there other whitespace codes like &nbsp for half-spaces, em-spaces, en-spaces etc useful in HTML?

Yes, many.

Including, but not limited to:

  • non breaking space : &#160; or &nbsp;
  • narrow no-break space : &#8239; (no character reference available)
  • en space : &#8194; or &ensp;
  • em space : &#8195; or &emsp;
  • 3-per-em space : &#8196; or &emsp13;
  • 4-per-em space : &#8197; or &emsp14;
  • 6-per-em space : &#8198; (no character reference available)
  • figure space : &#8199; or &numsp; 
  • punctuation space : &#8200; or &puncsp;
  • thin space : &#8201; or &thinsp;
  • hair space : &#8202; or &hairsp;

span{background-color: red;}
<tr><td>non breaking space:</td><td> <span>&#160;</span> or <span>&nbsp;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>narrow no-break space:</td><td> <span>&#8239;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>en space:</td><td> <span>&#8194;</span> or <span>&ensp;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>em space:</td><td> <span>&#8195;</span> or <span>&emsp;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>3-per-em space:</td><td> <span>&#8196;</span> or <span>&emsp13;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>4-per-em space:</td><td> <span>&#8197;</span> or <span>&emsp14;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>6-per-em space:</td><td> <span>&#8198;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>figure space:</td><td> <span>&#8199;</span> or <span>&numsp;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>punctuation space:</td><td> <span>&#8200;</span> or <span>&puncsp;</td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>thin space:</td><td> <span>&#8201;</span> or <span>&thinsp;</span></td></tr>_x000D_
<tr><td>hair space:</td><td> <span>&#8202;</span> or <span>&hairsp;</span></td></tr>_x000D_

How can I check Drupal log files?

If you love the command line, you can also do this using drush with the watchdog show command:

drush ws

More information about this command available here:

How to convert between bytes and strings in Python 3?

This is a Python 101 type question,

It's a simple question but one where the answer is not so simple.

In python3, a "bytes" object represents a sequence of bytes, a "string" object represents a sequence of unicode code points.

To convert between from "bytes" to "string" and from "string" back to "bytes" you use the bytes.decode and string.encode functions. These functions take two parameters, an encoding and an error handling policy.

Sadly there are an awful lot of cases where sequences of bytes are used to represent text, but it is not necessarily well-defined what encoding is being used. Take for example filenames on unix-like systems, as far as the kernel is concerned they are a sequence of bytes with a handful of special values, on most modern distros most filenames will be UTF-8 but there is no gaurantee that all filenames will be.

If you want to write robust software then you need to think carefully about those parameters. You need to think carefully about what encoding the bytes are supposed to be in and how you will handle the case where they turn out not to be a valid sequence of bytes for the encoding you thought they should be in. Python defaults to UTF-8 and erroring out on any byte sequence that is not valid UTF-8.


Python uses "repr" as a fallback conversion to string. repr attempts to produce python code that will recreate the object. In the case of a bytes object this means among other things escaping bytes outside the printable ascii range.

How to change pivot table data source in Excel?

In order to change the data source from the ribbon in excel 2007...

Click on your pivot table in the worksheet. Go to the ribbon where it says Pivot Table Tools, Options Tab. Select the Change Data Source button. A dialog box will appear.

To get the right range and avoid an error message... select the contents of the existing field and delete it, then switch to the new data source worksheet and highlight the data area (the dialog box will stay on top of all windows). Once you've selected the new data source correctly, it will fill in the blank field (which you deleted before) in the dialog box. Click OK. Switch back to your pivot table and it should have updated with the new data from the new source.

How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC?

I think the easiest way to create pagination in ASP.NET MVC application is using PagedList library.

There is a complete example in following github repository. Hope it would help.

public class ProductController : Controller
    public object Index(int? page)
        var list = ItemDB.GetListOfItems();

        var pageNumber = page ?? 1; 
        var onePageOfItem = list.ToPagedList(pageNumber, 25); // will only contain 25 items max because of the pageSize

        ViewBag.onePageOfItem = onePageOfProducts;
        return View();

Demo Link:

Source Code:

After installing SQL Server 2014 Express can't find local db

I downloaded a different installer "SQL Server 2014 Express with Advanced Services" and found Instance Features in it. Thanks for Alberto Solano's answer, it was really helpful.

My first installer was "SQL Server 2014 Express". It installed only SQL Management Studio and tools without Instance features. After installation "SQL Server 2014 Express with Advanced Services" my LocalDB is now alive!!!

Java Webservice Client (Best way)

You can find some resources related to developing web services client using Apache axis2 here.

Below posts gives good explanations about developing web services using Apache axis2.

How to use JavaScript regex over multiple lines?

[.\n] doesn't work, because dot in [] (by regex definition; not javascript only) means the dot-character. You can use (.|\n) (or (.|[\n\r])) instead.

Excluding Maven dependencies

Global exclusions look like they're being worked on, but until then...

From the Sonatype maven reference (bottom of the page):

Dependency management in a top-level POM is different from just defining a dependency on a widely shared parent POM. For starters, all dependencies are inherited. If mysql-connector-java were listed as a dependency of the top-level parent project, every single project in the hierarchy would have a reference to this dependency. Instead of adding in unnecessary dependencies, using dependencyManagement allows you to consolidate and centralize the management of dependency versions without adding dependencies which are inherited by all children. In other words, the dependencyManagement element is equivalent to an environment variable which allows you to declare a dependency anywhere below a project without specifying a version number.

As an example:


It doesn't make the code less verbose overall, but it does make it less verbose where it counts. If you still want it less verbose you can follow these tips also from the Sonatype reference.

Reading data from XML

as per @Jon Skeet 's comment, you should use a XmlReader only if your file is very big. Here's how to use it. Assuming you have a Book class

public class Book {
    public string Title {get; set;}
    public string Author {get; set;}

you can read the XML file line by line with a small memory footprint, like this:

public static class XmlHelper {
    public static IEnumerable<Book> StreamBooks(string uri) {
        using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(uri)) {
            string title = null;
            string author = null;

            while (reader.Read()) {
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element
                    && reader.Name == "Book") {
                    while (reader.Read()) {
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                            reader.Name == "Title") {
                            title = reader.ReadString();
                    while (reader.Read()) {
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element &&
                            reader.Name == "Author") {
                            author =reader.ReadString();
                    yield return new Book() {Title = title, Author = author};

Example of usage:

string uri = @"c:\test.xml"; // your big XML file

foreach (var book in XmlHelper.StreamBooks(uri)) {
    Console.WriteLine("Title, Author: {0}, {1}", book.Title, book.Author);  

Automatic date update in a cell when another cell's value changes (as calculated by a formula)

You could fill the dependend cell (D2) by a User Defined Function (VBA Macro Function) that takes the value of the C2-Cell as input parameter, returning the current date as ouput.

Having C2 as input parameter for the UDF in D2 tells Excel that it needs to reevaluate D2 everytime C2 changes (that is if auto-calculation of formulas is turned on for the workbook).


Here is some code:

For the UDF:

    Public Function UDF_Date(ByVal data) As Date

        UDF_Date = Now()

    End Function

As Formula in D2:


You will have to give the D2-Cell a Date-Time Format, or it will show a numeric representation of the date-value.

And you can expand the formula over the desired range by draging it if you keep the C2 reference in the D2-formula relative.

Note: This still might not be the ideal solution because every time Excel recalculates the workbook the date in D2 will be reset to the current value. To make D2 only reflect the last time C2 was changed there would have to be some kind of tracking of the past value(s) of C2. This could for example be implemented in the UDF by providing also the address alonside the value of the input parameter, storing the input parameters in a hidden sheet, and comparing them with the previous values everytime the UDF gets called.


Here is a sample implementation of an UDF that tracks the changes of the cell values and returns the date-time when the last changes was detected. When using it, please be aware that:

  • The usage of the UDF is the same as described above.

  • The UDF works only for single cell input ranges.

  • The cell values are tracked by storing the last value of cell and the date-time when the change was detected in the document properties of the workbook. If the formula is used over large datasets the size of the file might increase considerably as for every cell that is tracked by the formula the storage requirements increase (last value of cell + date of last change.) Also, maybe Excel is not capable of handling very large amounts of document properties and the code might brake at a certain point.

  • If the name of a worksheet is changed all the tracking information of the therein contained cells is lost.

  • The code might brake for cell-values for which conversion to string is non-deterministic.

  • The code below is not tested and should be regarded only as proof of concept. Use it at your own risk.

    Public Function UDF_Date(ByVal inData As Range) As Date
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim dProps As DocumentProperties
        Dim pValue As DocumentProperty
        Dim pDate As DocumentProperty
        Dim sName As String
        Dim sNameDate As String
        Dim bDate As Boolean
        Dim bValue As Boolean
        Dim bChanged As Boolean
        bDate = True
        bValue = True
        bChanged = False
        Dim sVal As String
        Dim dDate As Date
        sName = inData.Address & "_" & inData.Worksheet.Name
        sNameDate = sName & "_dat"
        sVal = CStr(inData.Value)
        dDate = Now()
        Set wb = inData.Worksheet.Parent
        Set dProps = wb.CustomDocumentProperties
    On Error Resume Next
        Set pValue = dProps.Item(sName)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            bValue = False
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
        If Not bValue Then
            bChanged = True
            Set pValue = dProps.Add(sName, False, msoPropertyTypeString, sVal)
            bChanged = pValue.Value <> sVal
            If bChanged Then
                pValue.Value = sVal
            End If
        End If
    On Error Resume Next
        Set pDate = dProps.Item(sNameDate)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            bDate = False
        End If
    On Error GoTo 0
        If Not bDate Then
            Set pDate = dProps.Add(sNameDate, False, msoPropertyTypeDate, dDate)
        End If
        If bChanged Then
            pDate.Value = dDate
            dDate = pDate.Value
        End If
        UDF_Date = dDate
     End Function

Make the insertion of the date conditional upon the range.

This has an advantage of not changing the dates unless the content of the cell is changed, and it is in the range C2:C2, even if the sheet is closed and saved, it doesn't recalculate unless the adjacent cell changes.

Adapted from this tip and @Paul S answer

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
 Dim R1 As Range
 Dim R2 As Range
 Dim InRange As Boolean
    Set R1 = Range(Target.Address)
    Set R2 = Range("C2:C20")
    Set InterSectRange = Application.Intersect(R1, R2)

  InRange = Not InterSectRange Is Nothing
     Set InterSectRange = Nothing
   If InRange = True Then
     R1.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now()
   End If
     Set R1 = Nothing
     Set R2 = Nothing
 End Sub

c# dictionary one key many values

Here's my approach to achieve this behavior.

For a more comprehensive solution involving ILookup<TKey, TElement>, check out my other answer.

public abstract class Lookup<TKey, TElement> : KeyedCollection<TKey, ICollection<TElement>>
  protected override TKey GetKeyForItem(ICollection<TElement> item) =>
    .Select(b => GetKeyForItem(b))

  protected abstract TKey GetKeyForItem(TElement item);

  public void Add(TElement item)
    var key = GetKeyForItem(item);
    if (Dictionary != null && Dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var collection))
      Add(new List<TElement> { item });

  public void Remove(TElement item)
    var key = GetKeyForItem(item);
    if (Dictionary != null && Dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var collection))
      if (collection.Count == 0)


public class Item
  public string Key { get; }
  public string Value { get; set; }
  public Item(string key, string value = null) { Key = key; Value = value; }

public class Lookup : Lookup<string, Item>
  protected override string GetKeyForItem(Item item) => item.Key;

static void Main(string[] args)
  var toRem = new Item("1", "different");
  var single = new Item("2", "single");
  var lookup = new Lookup()
    new Item("1", "hello"),
    new Item("1", "hello2"),
    new Item(""),
    new Item("", "helloo"),


Note: the key must be immutable (or remove and re-add upon key-change).

How to use relative/absolute paths in css URLs?

i had the same problem... every time that i wanted to publish my css.. I had to make a search/replace.. and relative path wouldnt work either for me because the relative paths were different from dev to production.

Finally was tired of doing the search/replace and I created a dynamic css, (e.g. it's the same but now i could use my php constants in the css. somethig like

  background-image:url('<?php echo BASE_IMAGE;?>icon.png');

and it's not a bad idea to make it dynamic because now i could compress it using YUI compressor without loosing the original format on my dev server.

Good Luck!

How to check if a number is a power of 2

I see many answers are suggesting to return n && !(n & (n - 1)) but to my experience if the input values are negative it returns false values. I will share another simple approach here since we know a power of two number have only one set bit so simply we will count number of set bit this will take O(log N) time.

while (n > 0) {
    int count = 0;
    n = n & (n - 1);
return count == 1;

Check this article to count no. of set bits

Spring-Boot: How do I set JDBC pool properties like maximum number of connections?

It turns out setting these configuration properties is pretty straight forward, but the official documentation is more general so it might be hard to find when searching specifically for connection pool configuration information.

To set the maximum pool size for tomcat-jdbc, set this property in your .properties or .yml file:


You can also use the following if you prefer:


You can set any connection pool property you want this way. Here is a complete list of properties supported by tomcat-jdbc.

To understand how this works more generally you need to dig into the Spring-Boot code a bit.

Spring-Boot constructs the DataSource like this (see here, line 102):

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = DataSourceAutoConfiguration.CONFIGURATION_PREFIX)
public DataSource dataSource() {
    DataSourceBuilder factory = DataSourceBuilder

The DataSourceBuilder is responsible for figuring out which pooling library to use, by checking for each of a series of know classes on the classpath. It then constructs the DataSource and returns it to the dataSource() function.

At this point, magic kicks in using @ConfigurationProperties. This annotation tells Spring to look for properties with prefix CONFIGURATION_PREFIX (which is spring.datasource). For each property that starts with that prefix, Spring will try to call the setter on the DataSource with that property.

The Tomcat DataSource is an extension of DataSourceProxy, which has the method setMaxActive().

And that's how your spring.datasource.maxActive=5 gets applied correctly!

What about other connection pools

I haven't tried, but if you are using one of the other Spring-Boot supported connection pools (currently HikariCP or Commons DBCP) you should be able to set the properties the same way, but you'll need to look at the project documentation to know what is available.

Is there a Subversion command to reset the working copy?

Delete unversioned files and revert any changes:

svn revert D:\tmp\sql -R
svn cleanup D:\tmp\sql --remove-unversioned


D         D:\tmp\sql\update\abc.txt

make *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

If after ./configure and are generated and make fail (by showing this following make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.) so there is something not configured well, to solve it, first run "autoconf" commande to solve wrong configuration then re-run "./configure" commande and finally "make"

SMTPAuthenticationError when sending mail using gmail and python

Your code looks correct. Try logging in through your browser and if you are able to access your account come back and try your code again. Just make sure that you have typed your username and password correct

EDIT: Google blocks sign-in attempts from apps which do not use modern security standards (mentioned on their support page). You can however, turn on/off this safety feature by going to the link below:

Go to this link and select Turn On

How to run sql script using SQL Server Management Studio?

This website has a concise tutorial on how to use SQL Server Management Studio. As you will see you can open a "Query Window", paste your script and run it. It does not allow you to execute scripts by using the file path. However, you can do this easily by using the command line (cmd.exe):

sqlcmd -S .\SQLExpress -i SqlScript.sql

Where SqlScript.sql is the script file name located at the current directory. See this Microsoft page for more examples

Waiting until the task finishes

Use DispatchGroups to achieve this. You can either get notified when the group's enter() and leave() calls are balanced:

func myFunction() {
    var a: Int?

    let group = DispatchGroup()

    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        a = 1

    // does not wait. But the code in notify() gets run 
    // after enter() and leave() calls are balanced

    group.notify(queue: .main) {

or you can wait:

func myFunction() {
    var a: Int?

    let group = DispatchGroup()

    // avoid deadlocks by not using .main queue here .qosDefault).async {
        a = 1

    // wait ...

    print(a) // you could also `return a` here

Note: group.wait() blocks the current queue (probably the main queue in your case), so you have to dispatch.async on another queue (like in the above sample code) to avoid a deadlock.

Editable 'Select' element

Similar to answer above but without the absolute positioning:

<select style="width: 200px; float: left;" onchange="this.nextElementSibling.value=this.value">
<input style="width: 185px; margin-left: -199px; margin-top: 1px; border: none; float: left;"/>

So create a input box and put it over the top of the combobox

Enum to String C++

enum Enum{ Banana, Orange, Apple } ;
static const char * EnumStrings[] = { "bananas & monkeys", "Round and orange", "APPLE" };

const char * getTextForEnum( int enumVal )
  return EnumStrings[enumVal];

How to split a delimited string in Ruby and convert it to an array?

>> "1,2,3,4".split(",")
=> ["1", "2", "3", "4"]

Or for integers:

>> "1,2,3,4".split(",").map { |s| s.to_i }
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

Or for later versions of ruby (>= 1.9 - as pointed out by Alex):

>> "1,2,3,4".split(",").map(&:to_i)
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

Why is the use of alloca() not considered good practice?

Old question but nobody mentioned that it should be replaced by variable length arrays.

char arr[size];

instead of

char *arr=alloca(size);

It's in the standard C99 and existed as compiler extension in many compilers.

How to pass data from child component to its parent in ReactJS?

To pass data from child component to parent component

In Parent Component:

    // do not forget to bind getData in constructor
 return(<Child sendData={this.getData}/>);

In Child Component:


Convert boolean to int in Java

boolean b = ....; 
int i = -("false".indexOf("" + b));

Can I pass parameters in computed properties in Vue.Js

You can use methods, but I prefer still to use computed properties instead of methods, if they're not mutating data or do not have external effects.

You can pass arguments to computed properties this way (not documented, but suggested by maintainers, don't remember where):

computed: {
   fullName: function () {
      var vm = this;
      return function (salut) {
          return salut + ' ' + vm.firstName + ' ' + vm.lastName;  

EDIT: Please do not use this solution, it only complicates code without any benefits.

Try-Catch-End Try in VBScript doesn't seem to work

Try Catch exists via workaround in VBScript:

Class CFunc1
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        WScript.Echo "Starting"
        Dim i : i = 65535 ^ 65535 
        MsgBox "Should not see this"
    End Sub

    Private Sub CatchErr
        If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
            Case 6 WScript.Echo "Overflow handled!" 
            Case Else WScript.Echo "Unhandled error " & Err.Number & " occurred."
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        WScript.Echo "Exiting" 
    End Sub 
End Class

Dim Func1 : Set Func1 = New CFunc1 : Set Func1 = Nothing

Javascript/jQuery: Set Values (Selection) in a multiple Select

var groups = ["Test", "Prof","Off"];

    $('#fruits option').filter(function() {
      return groups.indexOf($(this).text()) > -1; //Options text exists in array
    }).prop('selected', true); //Set selected

Invoke-Command error "Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters"

The error you have is because -credential without -computername can't exist.

You can try this way:

Invoke-Command -Credential $migratorCreds  -ScriptBlock ${function:Get-LocalUsers} -ArgumentList $xmlPRE,$migratorCreds -computername YOURCOMPUTERNAME

How to format date in angularjs

I use filter

.filter('toDate', function() {
  return function(items) {
    return new Date(items);


{{'2018-05-06 09:04:13' | toDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm'}}

For homebrew mysql installs, where's my.cnf?

  1. $ps aux | grep mysqld /usr/local/opt/mysql/bin/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/opt/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/local/opt/mysql/lib/plugin

  2. Drop your file to /usr/local/opt/mysql

  3. brew services restart mysql

Find in Files: Search all code in Team Foundation Server

There is currently no way to do this out of the box, but there is a User Voice suggestion for adding it:

While I doubt it is as simple as flipping a switch, if everyone that has viewed this question voted for it, MS would probably implement something.

Update: Just read Brian Harry's blog, which shows this request as being on their radar, and the Online version of Visual Studio has limited support for searching where git is used as the vcs: From this I think it's fair to say it is just a matter of time...

Update 2: There is now a Microsoft provided extension,Code Search which enables searching in code as well as in work items.

How to get all selected values from <select multiple=multiple>?

You can use selectedOptions

var selectedValues = Array.from(document.getElementById('select-meal-type').selectedOptions).map(el=>el.value);
<select id="select-meal-type" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1">Breakfast</option>
    <option value="2" selected>Lunch</option>
    <option value="3">Dinner</option>
    <option value="4" selected>Snacks</option>
    <option value="5">Dessert</option>