Programs & Examples On #Csproj

A file with the 'csproj' file extension is a Visual Studio .NET C# Project file.

How to edit .csproj file

For JetBrains Rider:

First Option

  1. Unload Project
  2. Double click the unloaded project

Second option:

  1. Click on the project
  2. Press F4

That's it!

Using PHP variables inside HTML tags?

You can do it a number of ways, depending on the type of quotes you use:

  • echo "<a href='$param'>Click here</a>";
  • echo "<a href='{$param}'>Click here</a>";
  • echo '<a href="' . $param . '">Click here</a>';
  • echo "<a href=\"$param\">Click here</a>";

Double quotes allow for variables in the middle of the string, where as single quotes are string literals and, as such, interpret everything as a string of characters -- nothing more -- not even \n will be expanded to mean the new line character, it will just be the characters \ and n in sequence.

You need to be careful about your use of whichever type of quoting you decide. You can't use double quotes inside a double quoted string (as in your example) as you'll be ending the string early, which isn't what you want. You can escape the inner double quotes, however, by adding a backslash.

On a separate note, you might need to be careful about XSS attacks when printing unsafe variables (populated by the user) out to the browser.

How to add double quotes to a string that is inside a variable?

Start each row with \"-\" to create bullet list.

Check if a variable exists in a list in Bash

This is almost your original proposal but almost a 1-liner. Not that complicated as other valid answers, and not so depending on bash versions (can work with old bashes).

OK=0 ; MP_FLAVOURS="vanilla lemon hazelnut straciatella"
for FLAV in $MP_FLAVOURS ; do [ $FLAV == $FLAVOR ] && { OK=1 ; break; } ; done
[ $OK -eq 0 ] && { echo "$FLAVOR not a valid value ($MP_FLAVOURS)" ; exit 1 ; }

I guess my proposal can still be improved, both in length and style.

How to set NODE_ENV to production/development in OS X

No one mentioned .env in here yet? Make a .env file in your app root, then require('dotenv').config() and read the values. Easily changed, easily read, cross platform.

shift a std_logic_vector of n bit to right or left

There are two ways that you can achieve this. Concatenation, and shift/rotate functions.

  • Concatenation is the "manual" way of doing things. You specify what part of the original signal that you want to "keep" and then concatenate on data to one end or the other. For example: tmp <= tmp(14 downto 0) & '0';

  • Shift functions (logical, arithmetic): These are generic functions that allow you to shift or rotate a vector in many ways. The functions are: sll (shift left logical), srl (shift right logical). A logical shift inserts zeros. Arithmetric shifts (sra/sla) insert the left most or right most bit, but work in the same way as logical shift. Note that for all of these operations you specify what you want to shift (tmp), and how many times you want to perform the shift (n bits)

  • Rotate functions: rol (rotate left), ror (rotate right). Rotating does just that, the MSB ends up in the LSB and everything shifts left (rol) or the other way around for ror.

Here is a handy reference I found (see the first page).

HTTP Error 404 when running Tomcat from Eclipse

  1. Click on Window > Show view > Server OR right click on the server in "Servers" view, select "Properties".
  2. OR Open the Overview screen for the server by double clicking it.
  3. In the Server locations tab , select "Use Tomcat location".
  4. Save the configurations and restart the Server.

This way Eclipse will take full control over Tomcat, this way you'll also be able to access the default Tomcat homepage with the Tomcat Manager when running from inside Eclipse.

Screenshot is attached here

How to read and write into file using JavaScript?

There are two ways to read and write a file using JavaScript

  1. Using JavaScript extensions

  2. Using a web page and Active X objects

Export data from R to Excel

Recently used xlsx package, works well.

write.xlsx(x, file, sheetName="Sheet1")

where x is a data.frame

A long bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE

Firstly, the below method doesn't compile as it is missing the return type and it should be Long.MAX_VALUE in place of Long.Max_value.

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(long value) {
      return value > Long.Max_value;

The above method can never return true as you are comparing a long value with Long.MAX_VALUE , see the method signature you can pass only long there.Any long can be as big as the Long.MAX_VALUE, it can't be bigger than that.

You can try something like this with BigInteger class :

public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(BigInteger l){
    return l.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))==1?true:false;

The below code will return true :

BigInteger big3 = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).
System.out.println(isBiggerThanMaxLong(big3)); // prints true

How do I write a "tab" in Python?

This is the code:

f = open(filename, 'w')

The \t inside the string is the escape sequence for the horizontal tabulation.

How to get DropDownList SelectedValue in Controller in MVC

I was having the same issue in asp.NET razor C#

I had a ComboBox filled with titles from an EventMessage, and I wanted to show the Content of this message with its selected value to show it in a label or TextField or any other Control...

My ComboBox was filled like this:

 @Html.DropDownList("EventBerichten", new SelectList(ViewBag.EventBerichten, "EventBerichtenID", "Titel"), new { @class = "form-control", onchange = "$(this.form).submit();" })

In my EventController I had a function to go to the page, in which I wanted to show my ComboBox (which is of a different model type, so I had to use a partial view)?

The function to get from index to page in which to load the partial view:

  public ActionResult EventDetail(int id)

            Event eventOrg = db.Event.Include(s => s.Files).SingleOrDefault(s => s.EventID == id);
            //  EventOrg eventOrg = db.EventOrgs.Find(id);
            if (eventOrg == null)

                return HttpNotFound();
            ViewBag.EventBerichten = GetEventBerichtenLijst(id);
            ViewBag.eventOrg = eventOrg;
            return View(eventOrg);

The function for the partial view is here:

 public PartialViewResult InhoudByIdPartial(int id)
            return PartialView(
                db.EventBericht.Where(r => r.EventID == id).ToList());


The function to fill EventBerichten:

        public List<EventBerichten> GetEventBerichtenLijst(int id)
            var eventLijst = db.EventBericht.ToList();
            var berLijst = new List<EventBerichten>();
            foreach (var ber in eventLijst)
                if (ber.EventID == id )
            return berLijst;

The partialView Model looks like this:

@model  IEnumerable<STUVF_back_end.Models.EventBerichten>



    @foreach (var item in Model)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.EventID)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Titel)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Inhoud)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.BerichtDatum)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.BerichtTijd)


VIEUW: This is the script used to get my output in the view

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#EventBerichten").change(function () {
            $("#log").ajaxError(function (event, jqxhr, settings, exception) {

            var BerichtSelected = $("select option:selected").first().text();
                { EventBerichtID: BerichtSelected }, function (data) {
                    Html.RenderAction("InhoudByIdPartial", Model.EventID);

                <legend>Berichten over dit Evenement</legend>
                    @Html.DropDownList("EventBerichten", new SelectList(ViewBag.EventBerichten, "EventBerichtenID", "Titel"), new { @class = "form-control", onchange = "$(this.form).submit();" })

                <br />
                <div id="target">

                <div id="log">


Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP

this works with vs < office 2007 and its pure PHP, no COM crap, still trying to figure 2007


This approach uses detection of NUL (chr(00)) and end line (chr(13))
to decide where the text is:
- divide the file contents up by chr(13)
- reject any slices containing a NUL
- stitch the rest together again
- clean up with a regular expression

function parseWord($userDoc) 
    $fileHandle = fopen($userDoc, "r");
    $line = @fread($fileHandle, filesize($userDoc));   
    $lines = explode(chr(0x0D),$line);
    $outtext = "";
    foreach($lines as $thisline)
        $pos = strpos($thisline, chr(0x00));
        if (($pos !== FALSE)||(strlen($thisline)==0))
          } else {
            $outtext .= $thisline." ";
     $outtext = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\,\.\-\n\r\t@\/\_\(\)]/","",$outtext);
    return $outtext;

$userDoc = "cv.doc";

$text = parseWord($userDoc);
echo $text;


Division in Python 2.7. and 3.3

In Python 3, / is float division

In Python 2, / is integer division (assuming int inputs)

In both 2 and 3, // is integer division

(To get float division in Python 2 requires either of the operands be a float, either as 20. or float(20))

Commenting out a set of lines in a shell script

You can use a 'here' document with no command to send it to.

echo "Say Something"
    your comment 1
    comment 2
echo "Do something else"

Wikipedia Reference


You don't really need a sub-select:

   SUM( CASE WHEN c = 'const' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as d,
   from t group by a order by b desc

Seaborn plots not showing up

To tell from the style of your code snippet, I suppose you were using IPython rather than Jupyter Notebook.

In this issue on GitHub, it was made clear by a member of IPython in 2016 that the display of charts would only work when "only work when it's a Jupyter kernel". Thus, the %matplotlib inline would not work.

I was just having the same issue and suggest you use Jupyter Notebook for the visualization.

generate days from date range

  Dates AS (SELECT adddate('1970-01-01',t4.d*10000 + t3.d*1000 + t2.d*100 + t1.d*10 +t0.d) AS date FROM Digits AS t0, Digits AS t1, Digits AS t2, Digits AS t3, Digits AS t4)
SELECT * FROM Dates WHERE date BETWEEN '2017-01-01' AND '2017-12-31'

How can I multiply and divide using only bit shifting and adding?

This should work for multiplication:


.globl  main


# $4 * $5 = $2

    addi $4, $0, 0x9
    addi $5, $0, 0x6

    add  $2, $0, $0 # initialize product to zero

    beq  $5, $0, Exit # if multiplier is 0,terminate loop
    andi $3, $5, 1 # mask out the 0th bit in multiplier
    beq  $3, $0, Shift # if the bit is 0, skip add
    addu $2, $2, $4 # add (shifted) multiplicand to product

    sll $4, $4, 1 # shift up the multiplicand 1 bit
    srl $5, $5, 1 # shift down the multiplier 1 bit
    j Loop # go for next  

Exit: #

li $v0,10

Very Long If Statement in Python

Here is the example directly from PEP 8 on limiting line length:

class Rectangle(Blob):

    def __init__(self, width, height,
                 color='black', emphasis=None, highlight=0):
        if (width == 0 and height == 0 and
                color == 'red' and emphasis == 'strong' or
                highlight > 100):
            raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")
        if width == 0 and height == 0 and (color == 'red' or
                                           emphasis is None):
            raise ValueError("I don't think so -- values are %s, %s" %
                             (width, height))
        Blob.__init__(self, width, height,
                      color, emphasis, highlight)

Windows batch: formatted date into variable

You can get the current date in a locale-agnostic way using

for /f "skip=1" %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined MyDate set MyDate=%%x

Then you can extract the individual parts using substrings:

set today=%MyDate:~0,4%-%MyDate:~4,2%-%MyDate:~6,2%

Another way, where you get variables that contain the individual parts, would be:

for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_localtime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do set %%x
set today=%Year%-%Month%-%Day%

Much nicer than fiddling with substrings, at the expense of polluting your variable namespace.

If you need UTC instead of local time, the command is more or less the same:

for /f %%x in ('wmic path win32_utctime get /format:list ^| findstr "="') do set %%x
set today=%Year%-%Month%-%Day%

Using Mysql WHERE IN clause in codeigniter

Try this one:

$this->db->where_in("(SELECT trans_id FROM myTable WHERE code = 'B')");
$this->db->where('code !=', 'B');

Note: $this->db->select("*"); is optional when you are selecting all columns from table

Drop all data in a pandas dataframe

This code make clean dataframe:

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2], 'b':[3,4]})
df = pd.DataFrame()

How to show form input fields based on select value?

You have to use val() instead of value() and you have missed starting quote id=dbType" should be id="dbType"

Live Demo


selection = $('this').value();


selection = $(this).val();


selection = this.value;

How to read line by line or a whole text file at once?

You can use std::getline :

#include <fstream>
#include <string>

int main() 
    std::ifstream file("Read.txt");
    std::string str; 
    while (std::getline(file, str))
        // Process str

Also note that it's better you just construct the file stream with the file names in it's constructor rather than explicitly opening (same goes for closing, just let the destructor do the work).

Further documentation about std::string::getline() can be read at CPP Reference.

Probably the easiest way to read a whole text file is just to concatenate those retrieved lines.

std::ifstream file("Read.txt");
std::string str;
std::string file_contents;
while (std::getline(file, str))
  file_contents += str;

Drawing an SVG file on a HTML5 canvas

Sorry, i don't have enough reputation to comment on the @Matyas answer, but if the svg's image is also in base64, it will be drawed to the output.


var svg = document.querySelector('svg');_x000D_
var img = document.querySelector('img');_x000D_
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');_x000D_
// get svg data_x000D_
var xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);_x000D_
// make it base64_x000D_
var svg64 = btoa(xml);_x000D_
var b64Start = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,';_x000D_
// prepend a "header"_x000D_
var image64 = b64Start + svg64;_x000D_
// set it as the source of the img element_x000D_
img.onload = function() {_x000D_
    // draw the image onto the canvas_x000D_
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);_x000D_
img.src = image64;
svg, img, canvas {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
<svg height="40">_x000D_
  <rect width="40" height="40" style="fill:rgb(255,0,255);" />_x000D_
  <image xlink:href="" height="20px" width="20px" x="10" y="10"></image>_x000D_

How do I force Kubernetes to re-pull an image?

There is a comand to directly do that:

Create a new kubectl rollout restart command that does a rolling restart of a deployment.

The pull request got merged. It is part of the version 1.15 (changelog) or higher.

Create PDF with Java

I prefer outputting my data into XML (using Castor, XStream or JAXB), then transforming it using a XSLT stylesheet into XSL-FO and render that with Apache FOP into PDF. Worked so far for 10-page reports and 400-page manuals. I found this more flexible and stylable than generating PDFs in code using iText.

Find all packages installed with easy_install/pip?

At least for Ubuntu (maybe also others) works this (inspired by a previous post in this thread):

printf "Installed with pip:";
pip list 2>/dev/null | gawk '{print $1;}' | while read; do pip show "${REPLY}" 2>/dev/null | grep 'Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages' >/dev/null; if (( $? == 0 )); then printf " ${REPLY}"; fi; done; echo

Node/Express file upload

const http          = require('http');
const fs            = require('fs');

const formidable    = require('formidable');

const path          = require('path');'/upload', (req, res) => {

    let oldpath = req.files.fileUploaded.path;

    let newpath = path.resolve( `./${}` );

    // copy
    fs.copyFile( oldpath, newpath, (err) => {

        if (err) throw err;

        // delete
        fs.unlink( oldpath, (err) => {

            if (err) throw err;

            console.log('Success uploaded")
        } );                

    } );


Wamp Server not goes to green color

CMD > netstat -ao > look for any line like and look at the PID value (e.g. 4796)

Open Task Manager > Processes tab > View > Select Column > Tick on PID (Process Identifier) > OK to create new column

Look at the processes list in Task Manager > Sort by PID (the new column) and find the 4796 to know which program is using Port 80. Mine is Bit-Torrent. After close (exit) Bit-Torrent, Wampserver should work as usual.

How to get the unix timestamp in C#

Updated code from Brad with few things: You don't need Math.truncate, conversion to int or long automatically truncates the value. In my version I am using long instead of int (We will run out of 32 bit signed integers in 2038 year). Also, added timestamp parsing.

public static class DateTimeHelper
    /// <summary>
     /// Converts a given DateTime into a Unix timestamp
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="value">Any DateTime</param>
     /// <returns>The given DateTime in Unix timestamp format</returns>
    public static long ToUnixTimestamp(this DateTime value)
        return (long)(value.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a Unix timestamp representing the current moment
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ignored">Parameter ignored</param>
    /// <returns>Now expressed as a Unix timestamp</returns>
    public static long UnixTimestamp(this DateTime ignored)
        return (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a local DateTime based on provided unix timestamp
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="timestamp">Unix/posix timestamp</param>
    /// <returns>Local datetime</returns>
    public static DateTime ParseUnixTimestamp(long timestamp)
        return (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddSeconds(timestamp).ToLocalTime();


SQL to add column and comment in table in single command

You can use below query to update or create comment on already created table.


COMMENT ON COLUMN TableName.ColumnName IS 'comment text';


COMMENT ON COLUMN TAB_SAMBANGI.MY_COLUMN IS 'This is a comment on my column...';

Utils to read resource text file to String (Java)

At least as of Apache commons-io 2.5, the IOUtils.toString() method supports an URI argument and returns contents of files located inside jars on the classpath:

IOUtils.toString(SomeClass.class.getResource(...).toURI(), ...)

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Adding a bit to use Gokhan's solution for using:


Now you just need to append above text in Target text followed by a space. make sure you close all the instances of chrome browser after adding above property. Now restart chrome by the icon where you added this property. It should work for all.

How do I find an element that contains specific text in Selenium WebDriver (Python)?

You can also use it with Page Object Pattern, e.g:

Try this code:

@FindBy(xpath = "//*[contains(text(), 'Best Choice')]")
WebElement buttonBestChoice;

Find max and second max salary for a employee table MySQL

This should work same :

SELECT MAX(salary) max_salary,
  (SELECT MAX(salary)
   FROM Employee
   WHERE salary NOT IN
       (SELECT MAX(salary)
        FROM Employee)) 2nd_max_salary
FROM Employee

How to add key,value pair to dictionary?

I got here looking for a way to add a key/value pair(s) as a group - in my case it was the output of a function call, so adding the pair using dictionary[key] = value would require me to know the name of the key(s).

In this case, you can use the update method: dictionary.update(function_that_returns_a_dict(*args, **kwargs)))

Beware, if dictionary already contains one of the keys, the original value will be overwritten.

Error QApplication: no such file or directory

Well, It's a bit late for this but I've just started learning Qt and maybe this could help somebody out there:

If you're using Qt Creator then when you've started creating the project you were asked to choose a kit to be used with your project, Let's say you chose Desktop Qt <version-here> MinGW 64-bit. For Qt 5, If you opened the Qt folder of your installation, you'll find a folder with the version of Qt installed as its name inside it, here you can find the kits you can choose from.

You can go to /PATH/FOR/Qt/mingw<version>_64/include and here you'll find all the includes you can use in your program, just search for QApplication and you'll find it inside the folder QtWidgets, So you can use #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> since the path starts from the include folder.

The same goes for other headers if you're stuck with any and for other kits.

Note: "all the includes you can use" doesn't mean these are the only ones you can use, If you include iostream for example then the compiler will include it from /PATH/FOR/Qt/Tools/mingw<version>_64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/7.3.0/include/c++/iostream

Get the _id of inserted document in Mongo database in NodeJS

Another way to do it in async function :

const express = require('express')
const path = require('path')
const db = require(path.join(__dirname, '../database/config')).db;
const router = express.Router()

// Create.R.U.D'/new-order', async function (req, res, next) {

    // security check
    if (Object.keys(req.body).length === 0) {
            msg: "Error",
            code: 404

    try {

        // operations
        let orderNumber = await db.collection('orders').countDocuments()
        let number = orderNumber + 1
        let order = {
            number: number,
            customer: req.body.customer,
            products: req.body.products,
            totalProducts: req.body.totalProducts,
            totalCost: req.body.totalCost,
            type: req.body.type,
            time: req.body.time,


        if (req.body.direction) {
            order.direction = req.body.direction

        if (req.body.specialRequests) {
            order.specialRequests = req.body.specialRequests

        // Here newOrder will store some informations in result of this process.
        // You can find the inserted id and some informations there too.
        let newOrder = await db.collection('orders').insertOne({...order})

        if (newOrder) {

            // MARK: Server response
                msg: `Order N°${number} created : id[${newOrder.insertedId}]`,
                code: 201

        } else {

            // MARK: Server response
                msg: `Order N°${number} not created`,
                code: 404


    } catch (e) {


// C.Read.U.D

// C.R.Update.D

// C.R.U.Delete

module.exports = router;

Managing large binary files with Git

If the program won't work without the files it seems like splitting them into a separate repo is a bad idea. We have large test suites that we break into a separate repo but those are truly "auxiliary" files.

However, you may be able to manage the files in a separate repo and then use git-submodule to pull them into your project in a sane way. So, you'd still have the full history of all your source but, as I understand it, you'd only have the one relevant revision of your images submodule. The git-submodule facility should help you keep the correct version of the code in line with the correct version of the images.

Here's a good introduction to submodules from Git Book.

What is the unix command to see how much disk space there is and how much is remaining?

I love doing du -sh * | sort -nr | less to sort by the largest files first

How can I change or remove HTML5 form validation default error messages?

To set custom error message for HTML 5 validation use,

oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('Your custom message goes here.')"

and to remove this message when user enters valid data use,


Hope this works for you. Enjoy ;)

Background blur with CSS

There is a simple and very common technique by using 2 background images: a crisp and a blurry one. You set the crisp image as a background for the body and the blurry one as a background image for your container. The blurry image must be set to fixed positioning and the alignment is 100% perfect. I used it before and it works.

body {
    background: url(yourCrispImage.jpg) no-repeat;

#container {
    background: url(yourBlurryImage.jpg) no-repeat fixed;

You can see a working example at the following fiddle: Try to resize the browser and see that the alignment never fails.

If only CSS element() was supported by other browsers other than Mozilla's -moz-element() you could create great effects. See this demo with Mozilla.

GCC dump preprocessor defines

Late answer - I found the other answers useful - and wanted to add a bit extra.

How do I dump preprocessor macros coming from a particular header file?

echo "#include <sys/socket.h>" | gcc -E -dM -

or (thanks to @mymedia for the suggestion):

gcc -E -dM -include sys/socket.h - < /dev/null

In particular, I wanted to see what SOMAXCONN was defined to on my system. I know I could just open up the standard header file, but sometimes I have to search around a bit to find the header file locations. Instead I can just use this one-liner:

$ gcc -E -dM -include sys/socket.h - < /dev/null | grep SOMAXCONN
#define SOMAXCONN 128

Plotting multiple curves same graph and same scale

You aren't being very clear about what you want here, since I think @DWin's is technically correct, given your example code. I think what you really want is this:

y1 <- c(100, 200, 300, 400, 500)
y2 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# first plot
plot(x, y1,ylim = range(c(y1,y2)))

# Add points
points(x, y2)

DWin's solution was operating under the implicit assumption (based on your example code) that you wanted to plot the second set of points overlayed on the original scale. That's why his image looks like the points are plotted at 1, 101, etc. Calling plot a second time isn't what you want, you want to add to the plot using points. So the above code on my machine produces this:

enter image description here

But DWin's main point about using ylim is correct.

m2e error in MavenArchiver.getManifest()

I had the same problem with a spring boot project. The solution was to downgrade the spring-boot-starter-parent dependency version from 2.0.0.RELEASE to 1.5.10.RELEASE(you can move to any stable version)


    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

Is there a way to specify a default property value in Spring XML?

<foo name="port">

should work for you to have 8088 as default port

See also:

How to outline text in HTML / CSS

There are some webkit css properties that should work on Chrome/Safari at least:

-webkit-text-stroke-width: 2px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: black;

That's a 2px wide black text outline.

How to check if a user is logged in (how to properly use user.is_authenticated)?

Update for Django 1.10+:

is_authenticated is now an attribute in Django 1.10.

The method was removed in Django 2.0.

For Django 1.9 and older:

is_authenticated is a function. You should call it like

if request.user.is_authenticated():
    # do something if the user is authenticated

As Peter Rowell pointed out, what may be tripping you up is that in the default Django template language, you don't tack on parenthesis to call functions. So you may have seen something like this in template code:

{% if user.is_authenticated %}

However, in Python code, it is indeed a method in the User class.

Add 2 hours to current time in MySQL?

This will also work


What's the difference between "Request Payload" vs "Form Data" as seen in Chrome dev tools Network tab

In Chrome, request with 'Content-Type:application/json' shows as Request PayedLoad and sends data as json object.

But request with 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' shows Form Data and sends data as Key:Value Pair, so if you have array of object in one key it flats that key's value:

{ Id: 1, 


{ Id: 1, 
phones:[object object]
phones:[object object]

Android: how to make an activity return results to the activity which calls it?

Your error is in resultCode = Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, you should instance like resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED ==

difference between primary key and unique key

Difference between Primary Key and Unique Key

|                Primary Key              |                    Unique Key                 |
| Primary Key can't accept null values.   | Unique key can accept only one null value.    |
| By default, Primary key is clustered    | By default, Unique key is a unique            |
| index and data in the database table is | non-clustered index.                          |
| physically organized in the sequence of |                                               |
| clustered index.                        |                                               |
| We can have only one Primary key in a   | We can have more than one unique key in a     |
| table.                                  | table.                                        |
| Primary key can be made foreign key     | In SQL Server, Unique key can be made foreign |
| into another table.                     | key into another table.                       |

You can find detailed information from:

What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

A DBMS is used for storage of data in files. In DBMS relationships can be established between two files. Data is stored in flat files with metadata whereas RDBMS stores the data in tabular form with additional condition of data that enforces relationships among the tables. Unlike RDBMS, DBMS does not support client server architecture. RDBMS imposes integrity constraints and also follows normalization which is not supported in DBMS.

Is there a standardized method to swap two variables in Python?

I would not say it is a standard way to swap because it will cause some unexpected errors.

nums[i], nums[nums[i] - 1] = nums[nums[i] - 1], nums[i]

nums[i] will be modified first and then affect the second variable nums[nums[i] - 1].

Multiple Cursors in Sublime Text 2 Windows

I find using vintage mode works really well with sublime multiselect.

My most used keys would be "w" for jumping a word, "^" and "$" to move to first/last character of the line. Combinations like "2dw" (delete the next two words after the cursor) make using multiselect really powerful.

This sounds obvious but has really sped up my workflow, especially when editing HTML.

plain count up timer in javascript

I had to create a timer for teachers grading students' work. Here's one I used which is entirely based on elapsed time since the grading begun by storing the system time at the point that the page is loaded, and then comparing it every half second to the system time at that point:

var startTime = Math.floor( / 1000); //Get the starting time (right now) in seconds
localStorage.setItem("startTime", startTime); // Store it if I want to restart the timer on the next page

function startTimeCounter() {
    var now = Math.floor( / 1000); // get the time now
    var diff = now - startTime; // diff in seconds between now and start
    var m = Math.floor(diff / 60); // get minutes value (quotient of diff)
    var s = Math.floor(diff % 60); // get seconds value (remainder of diff)
    m = checkTime(m); // add a leading zero if it's single digit
    s = checkTime(s); // add a leading zero if it's single digit
    document.getElementById("idName").innerHTML = m + ":" + s; // update the element where the timer will appear
    var t = setTimeout(startTimeCounter, 500); // set a timeout to update the timer

function checkTime(i) {
    if (i < 10) {i = "0" + i};  // add zero in front of numbers < 10
    return i;


This way, it really doesn't matter if the 'setTimeout' is subject to execution delays, the elapsed time is always relative the system time when it first began, and the system time at the time of update.

delete image from folder PHP


    require 'database.php';

    $id = $_GET['id'];

    $image = "SELECT * FROM slider WHERE id = '$id'";
    $query = mysqli_query($connect, $image);
    $after = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);

    if ($after['image'] != 'default.png') {

    $delete = "DELETE FROM slider WHERE id = $id";
    $query = mysqli_query($connect, $delete);

    if ($query) {
        header('location: slider.php');


why does DateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") give me dd-MM-yyyy?

Slash is a date delimiter, so that will use the current culture date delimiter.

If you want to hard-code it to always use slash, you can do something like this:


Create a jTDS connection string

As detailed in the jTDS Frequenlty Asked Questions, the URL format for jTDS is:


So, to connect to a database called "Blog" hosted by a MS SQL Server running on MYPC, you may end up with something like this:


Or, if you prefer to use getConnection(url, "sa", "s3cr3t"):


EDIT: Regarding your Connection refused error, double check that you're running SQL Server on port 1433, that the service is running and that you don't have a firewall blocking incoming connections.

How to initialize static variables

That's too complex to set in the definition. You can set the definition to null though, and then in the constructor, check it, and if it has not been changed - set it:

private static $dates = null;
public function __construct()
    if (is_null(self::$dates)) {  // OR if (!is_array(self::$date))
         self::$dates = array( /* .... */);

jQuery add blank option to top of list and make selected to existing dropdown

This worked:

$("#theSelectId").prepend("<option value='' selected='selected'></option>");

Firebug Output:

<select id="theSelectId">
  <option selected="selected" value=""/>
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>

You could also use .prependTo if you wanted to reverse the order:

?$("<option>", { value: '', selected: true }).prependTo("#theSelectId");???????????

can't access mysql from command line mac

I've tried all the solutions from the answers but couldn't get mysql command to work from the terminal, always getting the message

bash: command not found

The solution is to change the .bash_profile, and add the mysql path to .bash_profile

To do so follow these steps: 1. Open a new Terminal window or make sure you are in the home directory 2. Open .bash_profile using

nano .bash_profile

3. Add the following command to add the mysql path

export PATH

4. Press Ctrl+X, then press y and press enter.

The following is how my .bash_profile looks like enter image description here

How to get list of dates between two dates in mysql select query


select * from 
(select adddate('1970-01-01',t4.i*10000 + t3.i*1000 + t2.i*100 + t1.i*10 + t0.i) selected_date from
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t0,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t1,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t2,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t3,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t4) v
where selected_date between '2012-02-10' and '2012-02-15'

-for date ranges up to nearly 300 years in the future.

[Corrected following a suggested edit by UrvishAtSynapse.]

Is it possible to clone html element objects in JavaScript / JQuery?

It's actually very easy in jQuery:


Change .appendTo() of course...

Task<> does not contain a definition for 'GetAwaiter'

You have to install Microsoft.Bcl.Async NuGet package to be able to use async/await constructs in pre-.NET 4.5 versions (such as Silverlight 4.0+)

Just for clarity - this package used to be called Microsoft.CompilerServices.AsyncTargetingPack and some old tutorials still refer to it.

Take a look here for info from Immo Landwerth.

Find CRLF in Notepad++

Just do a \r with a find and replace with a blank in the replace field so everything goes up to one line. Then do a find and replace (in my case by semi colon) and replace with ;\n

:) -T&C

Getting All Variables In Scope

No. "In scope" variables are determined by the "scope chain", which is not accessible programmatically.

For detail (quite a lot of it), check out the ECMAScript (JavaScript) specification. Here's a link to the official page where you can download the canonical spec (a PDF), and here's one to the official, linkable HTML version.

Update based on your comment to Camsoft

The variables in scope for your event function are determined by where you define your event function, not how they call it. But, you may find useful information about what's available to your function via this and arguments by doing something along the lines of what KennyTM pointed out (for (var propName in ____)) since that will tell you what's available on various objects provided to you (this and arguments; if you're not sure what arguments they give you, you can find out via the arguments variable that's implicitly defined for every function).

So in addition to whatever's in-scope because of where you define your function, you can find out what else is available by other means by doing:

var n, arg, name;
alert("typeof this = " + typeof this);
for (name in this) {
    alert("this[" + name + "]=" + this[name]);
for (n = 0; n < arguments.length; ++n) {
    arg = arguments[n];
    alert("typeof arguments[" + n + "] = " + typeof arg);
    for (name in arg) {
        alert("arguments[" + n + "][" + name + "]=" + arg[name]);

(You can expand on that to get more useful information.)

Instead of that, though, I'd probably use a debugger like Chrome's dev tools (even if you don't normally use Chrome for development) or Firebug (even if you don't normally use Firefox for development), or Dragonfly on Opera, or "F12 Developer Tools" on IE. And read through whatever JavaScript files they provide you. And beat them over the head for proper docs. :-)

Go back button in a page

You can either use:

<button onclick="window.history.back()">Back</button>


<button onclick="window.history.go(-1)">Back</button>

The difference, of course, is back() only goes back 1 page but go() goes back/forward the number of pages you pass as a parameter, relative to your current page.

How does Python's super() work with multiple inheritance?


Assuming everything descends from object (you are on your own if it doesn't), Python computes a method resolution order (MRO) based on your class inheritance tree. The MRO satisfies 3 properties:

  • Children of a class come before their parents
  • Left parents come before right parents
  • A class only appears once in the MRO

If no such ordering exists, Python errors. The inner workings of this is a C3 Linerization of the classes ancestry. Read all about it here:

Thus, in both of the examples below, it is:

  1. Child
  2. Left
  3. Right
  4. Parent

When a method is called, the first occurrence of that method in the MRO is the one that is called. Any class that doesn't implement that method is skipped. Any call to super within that method will call the next occurrence of that method in the MRO. Consequently, it matters both what order you place classes in inheritance, and where you put the calls to super in the methods.

With super first in each method

class Parent(object):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Parent, self).__init__()
        print "parent"

class Left(Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Left, self).__init__()
        print "left"

class Right(Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Right, self).__init__()
        print "right"

class Child(Left, Right):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Child, self).__init__()
        print "child"

Child() Outputs:


With super last in each method

class Parent(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "parent"
        super(Parent, self).__init__()

class Left(Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        print "left"
        super(Left, self).__init__()

class Right(Parent):
    def __init__(self):
        print "right"
        super(Right, self).__init__()

class Child(Left, Right):
    def __init__(self):
        print "child"
        super(Child, self).__init__()

Child() Outputs:


How do I solve the "server DNS address could not be found" error on Windows 10?

Steps to manually configure DNS:

  1. You can access Network and Sharing center by right clicking on the Network icon on the taskbar.

  2. Now choose adapter settings from the side menu.

  3. This will give you a list of the available network adapters in the system . From them right click on the adapter you are using to connect to the internet now and choose properties option.

  4. In the networking tab choose ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’.

  5. Now you can see the properties dialogue box showing the properties of IPV4. Here you need to change some properties.

    Select ‘use the following DNS address’ option. Now fill the following fields as given here.

    Preferred DNS server:

    Alternate DNS server :

    This is an available Open DNS address. You may also use google DNS server addresses.

    After filling these fields. Check the ‘validate settings upon exit’ option. Now click OK.

You have to add this DNS server address in the router configuration also (by referring the router manual for more information).

Refer : for above method & alternative

If none of this works, then open command prompt(Run as Administrator) and run these:

ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
NETSH winsock reset catalog
NETSH int ipv4 reset reset.log
NETSH int ipv6 reset reset.log

Hopefully that fixes it, if its still not fixed there is a chance that its a NIC related issue(driver update or h/w).

Also FYI, this has a thread on Microsoft community : Windows 10 - DNS Issue

Create XML in Javascript

Simply use

var xmlString = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><root />';
var xml = jQuery.parseXML(xml);

It's jQuery.parseXML, so no need to worry about cross-browser tricks. Use jQuery as like HTML, it's using the native XML engine.

How to copy a file to multiple directories using the gnu cp command

if you want to copy multiple folders to multiple folders one can do something like this:

echo dir1 dir2 dir3 | xargs -n 1 cp -r /path/toyourdir/{subdir1,subdir2,subdir3}

Get connection string from App.config

This worked for me:

string connection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test"].ConnectionString;


Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=OmidPayamak;IntegratedSecurity=True"

How to make (link)button function as hyperlink?

You can use OnClientClick event to call a JavaScript function:

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclientclick='redirect()' />

JavaScript code:

function redirect() {
  location.href = 'page.aspx';

But i think the best would be to style a hyperlink with css.

Example :

.button {
  display: block;
  height: 25px;
  background: #f1f1f1;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  border-radius: 5px;
  border: 1px solid #e1e1e2;
  color: #000;
  font-weight: bold;

what exactly is device pixel ratio?

Gives the number of device pixels per CSS pixel.

this is almost self-explaining. the number describes the ratio of how much "real" pixels (physical pixerls of the screen) are used to display one "virtual" pixel (size set in CSS).

How to get all elements which name starts with some string?

You can use getElementsByName("input") to get a collection of all the inputs on the page. Then loop through the collection, checking the name on the way. Something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>


  <input name="q1_a" type="text" value="1A"/>
  <input name="q1_b" type="text" value="1B"/>
  <input name="q1_c" type="text" value="1C"/>
  <input name="q2_d" type="text" value="2D"/>

  <script type="text/javascript">
  var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
  for (x = 0 ; x < inputs.length ; x++){
    myname = inputs[x].getAttribute("name");
      // do more stuff here


How many socket connections possible?

This depends not only on the operating system in question, but also on configuration, potentially real-time configuration.

For Linux:

cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

will show the current maximum number of file descriptors total allowed to be opened simultaneously. Check out

How to generate List<String> from SQL query?

Loop through the Items and Add to the Collection. You can use the Add method

List<string>items=new List<string>();
using (var con= new SqlConnection("yourConnectionStringHere")
    string qry="SELECT Column1 FROM Table1";
    var cmd= new SqlCommand(qry, con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    using (SqlDataReader objReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        if (objReader.HasRows)
            while (objReader.Read())
              //I would also check for DB.Null here before reading the value.
               string item= objReader.GetString(objReader.GetOrdinal("Column1"));

Normalization in DOM parsing with java - how does it work?

As an extension to @JBNizet's answer for more technical users here's what implementation of org.w3c.dom.Node interface in looks like, gives you the idea how it actually works.

public void normalize() {
    // No need to normalize if already normalized.
    if (isNormalized()) {
    if (needsSyncChildren()) {
    ChildNode kid;
    for (kid = firstChild; kid != null; kid = kid.nextSibling) {

It traverses all the nodes recursively and calls kid.normalize()
This mechanism is overridden in org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl

public void normalize() {
     // No need to normalize if already normalized.
     if (isNormalized()) {
     if (needsSyncChildren()) {
     ChildNode kid, next;
     for (kid = firstChild; kid != null; kid = next) {
         next = kid.nextSibling;

         // If kid is a text node, we need to check for one of two
         // conditions:
         //   1) There is an adjacent text node
         //   2) There is no adjacent text node, but kid is
         //      an empty text node.
         if ( kid.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE )
             // If an adjacent text node, merge it with kid
             if ( next!=null && next.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE )
                 removeChild( next );
                 next = kid; // Don't advance; there might be another.
                 // If kid is empty, remove it
                 if ( kid.getNodeValue() == null || kid.getNodeValue().length() == 0 ) {
                     removeChild( kid );

         // Otherwise it might be an Element, which is handled recursively
         else if (kid.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

     // We must also normalize all of the attributes
     if ( attributes!=null )
         for( int i=0; i<attributes.getLength(); ++i )
             Node attr = attributes.item(i);

    // changed() will have occurred when the removeChild() was done,
    // so does not have to be reissued.


Hope this saves you some time.

First Or Create

firstOrCreate() checks for all the arguments to be present before it finds a match. If not all arguments match, then a new instance of the model will be created.

If you only want to check on a specific field, then use firstOrCreate(['field_name' => 'value']) with only one item in the array. This will return the first item that matches, or create a new one if not matches are found.

The difference between firstOrCreate() and firstOrNew():

  • firstOrCreate() will automatically create a new entry in the database if there is not match found. Otherwise it will give you the matched item.
  • firstOrNew() will give you a new model instance to work with if not match was found, but will only be saved to the database when you explicitly do so (calling save() on the model). Otherwise it will give you the matched item.

Choosing between one or the other depends on what you want to do. If you want to modify the model instance before it is saved for the first time (e.g. setting a name or some mandatory field), you should use firstOrNew(). If you can just use the arguments to immediately create a new model instance in the database without modifying it, you can use firstOrCreate().

How to find/identify large commits in git history?

If you are on Windows, here is a PowerShell script that will print the 10 largest files in your repository:

$revision_objects = git rev-list --objects --all;
$files = $revision_objects.Split() | Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 0 -and $(Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) };
$files | Get-Item -Force | select fullname, length | sort -Descending -Property Length | select -First 10

How to install a Python module via its in Windows? is designed to be run from the command line. You'll need to open your command prompt (In Windows 7, hold down shift while right-clicking in the directory with the file. You should be able to select "Open Command Window Here").

From the command line, you can type

python --help get a list of commands. What you are looking to do is...

python install

How to convert a column number (e.g. 127) into an Excel column (e.g. AA)

In perl, for an input of 1 (A), 27 (AA), etc.

sub excel_colname {
  my ($idx) = @_;       # one-based column number
  --$idx;               # zero-based column index
  my $name = "";
  while ($idx >= 0) {
    $name .= chr(ord("A") + ($idx % 26));
    $idx   = int($idx / 26) - 1;
  return scalar reverse $name;

Passing arrays as parameters in bash

Note: This is the somewhat crude solution I posted myself, after not finding an answer here on Stack Overflow. It allows for only one array being passed, and it being the last element of the parameter list. Actually, it is not passing the array at all, but a list of its elements, which are re-assembled into an array by called_function(), but it worked for me. Somewhat later Ken posted his solution, but I kept mine here for "historic" reference.

    array=( "x", "y", "z" )
    called_function "${variable}" "${array[@]}"


Python: how can I check whether an object is of type

import datetime
d =, 9, 1)
print type(d) is

> True

Retrieve a Fragment from a ViewPager

Add next methods to your FragmentPagerAdapter:

public Fragment getActiveFragment(ViewPager container, int position) {
String name = makeFragmentName(container.getId(), position);
return  mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(name);

private static String makeFragmentName(int viewId, int index) {
    return "android:switcher:" + viewId + ":" + index;

getActiveFragment(0) has to work.

Here is the solution implemented into ViewPager If something fail you will see good crash log.

Use NSInteger as array index

According to the error message, you declared myLoc as a pointer to an NSInteger (NSInteger *myLoc) rather than an actual NSInteger (NSInteger myLoc). It needs to be the latter.

Java NoSuchAlgorithmException - SunJSSE,$DefaultSSLContext

I've had a similar issue with this error. In my case, I was entering the incorrect password for the Keystore.

I changed the password for the Keystore to match what I was entering (I didn't want to change the password I was entering), but it still gave the same error.

keytool -storepasswd -keystore keystore.jks

Problem was that I also needed to change the Key's password within the Keystore.

When I initially created the Keystore, the Key was created with the same password as the Keystore (I accepted this default option). So I had to also change the Key's password as follows:

keytool -keypasswd  -alias my.alias -keystore keystore.jks

Using setattr() in python

Setattr: We use setattr to add an attribute to our class instance. We pass the class instance, the attribute name, and the value. and with getattr we retrive these values

For example

Employee = type("Employee", (object,), dict())

employee = Employee()

# Set salary to 1000
setattr(employee,"salary", 1000 )

# Get the Salary
value = getattr(employee, "salary")


round() doesn't seem to be rounding properly

Floating point math is vulnerable to slight, but annoying, precision inaccuracies. If you can work with integer or fixed point, you will be guaranteed precision.

Plot Normal distribution with Matplotlib

Note: This solution is using pylab, not matplotlib.pyplot

You may try using hist to put your data info along with the fitted curve as below:

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import pylab as pl

h = sorted([186, 176, 158, 180, 186, 168, 168, 164, 178, 170, 189, 195, 172,
     187, 180, 186, 185, 168, 179, 178, 183, 179, 170, 175, 186, 159,
     161, 178, 175, 185, 175, 162, 173, 172, 177, 175, 172, 177, 180])  #sorted

fit = stats.norm.pdf(h, np.mean(h), np.std(h))  #this is a fitting indeed


pl.hist(h,normed=True)      #use this to draw histogram of your data                   #use may also need add this 

enter image description here

How to unstash only certain files?

For examle

git stash show --name-only



Then pop stash in specific file

git checkout stash@{0} -- ofbiz_src/applications/baselogistics/webapp/baselogistics/delivery/purchaseDeliveryDetail.ftl

other related commands

git stash list --stat
get stash show

C++ code file extension? .cc vs .cpp

At the end of the day it doesn't matter because C++ compilers can deal with the files in either format. If it's a real issue within your team, flip a coin and move on to the actual work.

printf not printing on console

Output is buffered.

stdout is line-buffered by default, which means that '\n' is supposed to flush the buffer. Why is it not happening in your case? I don't know. I need more info about your application/environment.

However, you can control buffering with setvbuf():

setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

This will force stdout to be line-buffered.

setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

This will force stdout to be unbuffered, so you won't need to use fflush(). Note that it will severely affect application performance if you have lots of prints.

Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?

Let's say that you have class A that contain class B When you want to call some function of class B outside class A you will simply obtain a pointer to this class and you can do whatever you want and it will also change context of class B in your class A

But be careful with dynamic object

How to download Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition for offline installation?

The command above worked for me

C:\Users\marcelo\Downloads\vs_community.exe --lang en-en --layout C:\VisualStudio2017 --all

json_decode to array

This is a late contribution, but there is a valid case for casting json_decode with (array).
Consider the following:

$jsondata = '';
$arr = json_decode($jsondata, true);
foreach ($arr as $k=>$v){
    echo $v; // etc.

If $jsondata is ever returned as an empty string (as in my experience it often is), json_decode will return NULL, resulting in the error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 3. You could add a line of if/then code or a ternary operator, but IMO it's cleaner to simply change line 2 to ...

$arr = (array) json_decode($jsondata,true);

... unless you are json_decodeing millions of large arrays at once, in which case as @TCB13 points out, performance could be negatively effected.

Can I get image from canvas element and use it in img src tag?

canvas.toDataURL is not working if the original image URL (either relative or absolute) does not belong to the same domain as the web page. Tested from a bookmarklet and a simple javascript in the web page containing the images. Have a look to David Walsh working example. Put the html and images on your own web server, switch original image to relative or absolute URL, change to an external image URL. Only the first two cases are working.

Native query with named parameter fails with "Not all named parameters have been set"

This was a bug fixed in version 4.3.11

EDIT: Best way to execute a native query is still to use NamedParameterJdbcTemplate It allows you need to retrieve a result that is not a managed entity ; you can use a RowMapper and even a Map of named parameters!

private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;

public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
    this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource);

final List<Long> resultList = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.query(query, 
            new RowMapper<Long>() {
        public Long mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
            return rs.getLong(1);

Maven: Failed to read artifact descriptor

I solved this problem by changing the maven setting.xml and repository

How to normalize a vector in MATLAB efficiently? Any related built-in function?

The only problem you would run into is if the norm of V is zero (or very close to it). This could give you Inf or NaN when you divide, along with a divide-by-zero warning. If you don't care about getting an Inf or NaN, you can just turn the warning on and off using WARNING:

oldState = warning('off','MATLAB:divideByZero');  % Return previous state then
                                                  %   turn off DBZ warning
uV = V/norm(V);
warning(oldState);  % Restore previous state

If you don't want any Inf or NaN values, you have to check the size of the norm first:

normV = norm(V);
if normV > 0,  % Or some other threshold, like EPS
  uV = V/normV;
  uV = V;  % Do nothing since it's basically 0

If I need it in a program, I usually put the above code in my own function, usually called unit (since it basically turns a vector into a unit vector pointing in the same direction).

jquery how to empty input field

if you hit the "back" button it usually tends to stick, what you can do is when the form is submitted clear the element then before it goes to the next page but after doing with the element what you need to.

                payment = 0;
                gtotal = ($('#shares').val() * 1) + payment;
                gtotal = gtotal.toFixed(2);
                $("").html("Total Payment: <strong>" + gtotal + "</strong>");

Can I install/update WordPress plugins without providing FTP access?

  1. In wp-config.php add define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
  2. Make server writable the directories wp-content/, wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Install the plugin (copy the plugin dir into the wp-content/plugins dir).

Worked on version 3.2.1

Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'

I used tensorflow 1.8 to train my model and there is no problem for now. Tensorflow 2.0 alpha is not suitable with object detection API

iptables block access to port 8000 except from IP address

Another alternative is;

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -s ! -j DROP

I had similar issue that 3 bridged virtualmachine just need access eachother with different combination, so I have tested this command and it works well.


According to Fernando comment and this link exclamation mark (!) will be placed before than -s parameter:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 ! -s -j DROP

Run jar file in command prompt

Try this

java -jar <jar-file-name>.jar

fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or directory #include <mpi.h>

Debian appears to include the following:

  • mpiCC.openmpi
  • mpic++.openmpi
  • mpicc.openmpi
  • mpicxx.openmpi
  • mpif77.openmpi
  • mpif90.openmpi

I'll test symlinks of each for mpic, etc., and see if that helps the likes of HDF5-openmpi enabled find mpi.h.

Take that back Debian includes symlinks via their alternatives system and it still cannot find the proper paths between HDF5 openmpi packages and mpi.h referenced in the H5public.h header.

Converting a date string to a DateTime object using Joda Time library

DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parseDateTime("04/02/2011 20:27:05");

TSQL Pivot without aggregate function

Here is a great way to build dynamic fields for a pivot query:

--summarize values to a tmp table

declare @STR varchar(1000)
SELECT  @STr =  COALESCE(@STr +', ', '') 
+ QUOTENAME(DateRange) 
from (select distinct DateRange, ID from ##pivot)d order by ID

---see the fields generated

print @STr

exec('  .... pivot code ...
pivot (avg(SalesAmt) for DateRange IN (' + @Str +')) AS P
order by Decile')

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/zip

I got this error because I was serving from my file system. Once I started with a http server chrome could figure it out.

Number of days between two dates in Joda-Time

DateTime  dt  = new DateTime(laterDate);        

DateTime newDate = dt.minus( new  DateTime ( previousDate ).getMillis());

System.out.println("No of days : " + newDate.getDayOfYear() - 1 );    

VBA using ubound on a multidimensional array

[This is a late answer addressing the title of the question (since that is what people would encounter when searching) rather than the specifics of OP's question which has already been answered adequately]

Ubound is a bit fragile in that it provides no way to know how many dimensions an array has. You can use error trapping to determine the full layout of an array. The following returns a collection of arrays, one for each dimension. The count property can be used to determine the number of dimensions and their lower and upper bounds can be extracted as needed:

Function Bounds(A As Variant) As Collection
    Dim C As New Collection
    Dim v As Variant, i As Long

    On Error GoTo exit_function
    i = 1
    Do While True
        v = Array(LBound(A, i), UBound(A, i))
        C.Add v
        i = i + 1
    Set Bounds = C
End Function

Used like this:

Sub test()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim A(1 To 10, 1 To 5, 4 To 10) As Integer
    Dim B(1 To 5) As Variant
    Dim C As Variant
    Dim sizes As Collection

    Set sizes = Bounds(A)
    Debug.Print "A has " & sizes.Count & " dimensions:"
    For i = 1 To sizes.Count
        Debug.Print sizes(i)(0) & " to " & sizes(i)(1)
    Next i

    Set sizes = Bounds(B)
    Debug.Print vbCrLf & "B has " & sizes.Count & " dimensions:"
    For i = 1 To sizes.Count
        Debug.Print sizes(i)(0) & " to " & sizes(i)(1)
    Next i

    Set sizes = Bounds(C)
    Debug.Print vbCrLf & "C has " & sizes.Count & " dimensions:"
    For i = 1 To sizes.Count
        Debug.Print sizes(i)(0) & " to " & sizes(i)(1)
    Next i
End Sub


A has 3 dimensions:
1 to 10
1 to 5
4 to 10

B has 1 dimensions:
1 to 5

C has 0 dimensions:

Finding rows that don't contain numeric data in Oracle

Use this

FROM TableToSearch 
WHERE NOT REGEXP_LIKE(ColumnToSearch, '^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$');

What is the difference between required and ng-required?

AngularJS form elements look for the required attribute to perform validation functions. ng-required allows you to set the required attribute depending on a boolean test (for instance, only require field B - say, a student number - if the field A has a certain value - if you selected "student" as a choice)

As an example, <input required> and <input ng-required="true"> are essentially the same thing

If you are wondering why this is this way, (and not just make <input required="true"> or <input required="false">), it is due to the limitations of HTML - the required attribute has no associated value - its mere presence means (as per HTML standards) that the element is required - so angular needs a way to set/unset required value (required="false" would be invalid HTML)

How can I present a file for download from an MVC controller?

To force the download of a PDF file, instead of being handled by the browser's PDF plugin:

public ActionResult DownloadPDF()
    return File("~/Content/MyFile.pdf", "application/pdf", "MyRenamedFile.pdf");

If you want to let the browser handle by its default behavior (plugin or download), just send two parameters.

public ActionResult DownloadPDF()
    return File("~/Content/MyFile.pdf", "application/pdf");

You'll need to use the third parameter to specify a name for the file on the browser dialog.

UPDATE: Charlino is right, when passing the third parameter (download filename) Content-Disposition: attachment; gets added to the Http Response Header. My solution was to send application\force-download as the mime-type, but this generates a problem with the filename of the download so the third parameter is required to send a good filename, therefore eliminating the need to force a download.

Dilemma: when to use Fragments vs Activities:

An Activity is a user interface component that are mainly used to construct a single screen of application, and represents the main focus of attention on a screen.

In contrast, Fragments, introduced in Honeycomb(3.0) as tablets emerged with larger screens, are reusable components that are attached to and displayed within activities.

Fragments must be hosted by an activity and an activity can host one or more fragments at a time. And a fragment’s lifecycle is directly affected by its host activity’s lifecycle.

While it’s possible to develop a UI only using Activities, this is generally a bad idea since their code cannot later be reused within other Activities, and cannot support multiple screens. In contrast, these are advantages that come with the use of Fragments: optimized experiences based on device size and well-structured, reusable code.

T-test in Pandas

it depends what sort of t-test you want to do (one sided or two sided dependent or independent) but it should be as simple as:

from scipy.stats import ttest_ind

cat1 = my_data[my_data['Category']=='cat1']
cat2 = my_data[my_data['Category']=='cat2']

ttest_ind(cat1['values'], cat2['values'])
>>> (1.4927289925706944, 0.16970867501294376)

it returns a tuple with the t-statistic & the p-value

see here for other t-tests

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?

My issue is a little different, I need to switch from one childViewController in 1st tabBar to home viewController of 2nd tabBar. I simply use the solution provided in the upstairs:

tabBarController.selectedIndex = 2

However when it switched to the home page of 2nd tabBar, the content is invisible. And when I debug, viewDidAppear, viewWillAppear, viewDidLoad, none of them is called. My solutions is to add the following code in the UITabBarController:

override var shouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods: Bool 
    return true

String strip() for JavaScript?

Use this:

if(typeof(String.prototype.trim) === "undefined")
    String.prototype.trim = function() 
        return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

The trim function will now be available as a first-class function on your strings. For example:

" dog".trim() === "dog" //true

EDIT: Took J-P's suggestion to combine the regex patterns into one. Also added the global modifier per Christoph's suggestion.

Took Matthew Crumley's idea about sniffing on the trim function prior to recreating it. This is done in case the version of JavaScript used on the client is more recent and therefore has its own, native trim function.

Edit seaborn legend

If you just want to change the legend title, you can do the following:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

g = sns.lmplot(

g._legend.set_title("New Title")

Git: Merge a Remote branch locally

Fetch the remote branch from the origin first.

git fetch origin remote_branch_name

Merge the remote branch to the local branch

git merge origin/remote_branch_name

How do I kill a process using Vb.NET or C#?

Here is an easy example of how to kill all Word Processes.

Process[] procs = Process.GetProcessesByName("winword");

foreach (Process proc in procs)

How to stop flask application without using ctrl-c

If you're working on the CLI and only have one flask app/process running (or rather, you just want want to kill any flask process running on your system), you can kill it with:

kill $(pgrep -f flask)

PostgreSQL how to see which queries have run

I found the log file at /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log on a mac installation from brew.

How to Publish Web with msbuild?

You can Publish the Solution with desired path by below code, Here PublishInDFolder is the name that has the path where we need to publish(we need to create this in below pic)

You can create publish file like this

Add below 2 lines of code in batch file(.bat)

@echo OFF 
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat"
MSBuild.exe  D:\\Solution\\DataLink.sln /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=PublishInDFolder

Deleting an object in java?

You don't need to delete objects in java. When there is no reference to an object, it will be collected by the garbage collector automatically.

Angular @ViewChild() error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

That also resolved my issue.

@ViewChild('map', {static: false}) googleMap;

How to automatically import data from uploaded CSV or XLS file into Google Sheets

In case anyone would be searching - I created utility for automated import of xlsx files into google spreadsheet: xls2sheets. One can do it automatically via setting up the cronjob for ./cmd/sheets-refresh, readme describes it all. Hope that would be of use.

how to redirect to home page

var url = location.href;_x000D_
var newurl = url.replace('','';);_x000D_

See this answer

Android LinearLayout : Add border with shadow around a LinearLayout

I know this is late but it could help somebody.

You can use a constraintLayout and add the following property in the xml,


Populate nested array in mongoose

Remove docs reference

if (err) {
    return res.json(500);
Project.populate(docs, options, function (err, projects) {

This worked for me.

if (err) {
    return res.json(500);
Project.populate(options, function (err, projects) {

Difference between "process.stdout.write" and "console.log" in node.js?

I've just noticed something while researching this after getting help with https.request for post method. Thought I share some input to help understand.

process.stdout.write doesn't add a new line while console.log does, like others had mentioned. But there's also this which is easier to explain with examples.

var req = https.request(options, (res) => {
    res.on('data', (d) => {

process.stdout.write(d); will print the data properly without a new line. However console.log(d) will print a new line but the data won't show correctly, giving this <Buffer 12 34 56... for example.

To make console.log(d) show the information correctly, I would have to do this.

var req = https.request(options, (res) => {
    var dataQueue = "";    
    res.on("data", function (d) {
        dataQueue += d;
    res.on("end", function () {

So basically:

  • process.stdout.write continuously prints the information as the data being retrieved and doesn't add a new line.

  • console.log prints the information what was obtained at the point of retrieval and adds a new line.

That's the best way I can explain it.

Java: getMinutes and getHours


While I am a fan of Joda-Time, Java 8 introduces the java.time package which is finally a worthwhile Java standard solution! Read this article, Java SE 8 Date and Time, for a good amount of information on java.time outside of hours and minutes.

In particular, look at the LocalDateTime class.

Hours and minutes:;;

The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden

    private class GoogleShortenedURLResponse
        public string id { get; set; }
        public string kind { get; set; }
        public string longUrl { get; set; }

    private class GoogleShortenedURLRequest
        public string longUrl { get; set; }

    public ActionResult Index1()
        return View();

    public ActionResult ShortenURL(string longurl)
        string googReturnedJson = string.Empty;
        JavaScriptSerializer javascriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

        GoogleShortenedURLRequest googSentJson = new GoogleShortenedURLRequest();
        googSentJson.longUrl = longurl;
        string jsonData = javascriptSerializer.Serialize(googSentJson);

        byte[] bytebuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonData);

        WebRequest webreq = WebRequest.Create("");
        webreq.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post;
        webreq.ContentLength = bytebuffer.Length;
        webreq.ContentType = "application/json";

        using (Stream stream = webreq.GetRequestStream())
            stream.Write(bytebuffer, 0, bytebuffer.Length);

        using (HttpWebResponse webresp = (HttpWebResponse)webreq.GetResponse())
            using (Stream dataStream = webresp.GetResponseStream())
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream))
                    googReturnedJson = reader.ReadToEnd();

        //GoogleShortenedURLResponse googUrl = javascriptSerializer.Deserialize<googleshortenedurlresponse>(googReturnedJson);

        //ViewBag.ShortenedUrl =;
        return View();

Why I can't change directories using "cd"?

I have to work in tcsh, and I know this is not an elegant solution, but for example, if I had to change folders to a path where one word is different, the whole thing can be done in the alias

a alias_name 'set a = `pwd`; set b = `echo $a | replace "Trees" "Tests"` ; cd $b'

If the path is always fixed, the just

a alias_name2 'cd path/you/always/need'

should work In the line above, the new folder path is set

req.body empty on posts

I believe this can solve app.use(express.json());

What are the Android SDK build-tools, platform-tools and tools? And which version should be used?

You can find details about these in this Android - Command Line Tools


SDK Tools:

  1. Android SDK Manager (sdkmanager)
  2. AVD Manager (avdmanager)
  3. Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (ddms)

Build Tools:

  1. signer
  2. proGuard
  3. zipalign
  4. jobb

Platform Tools:

  1. adb
  2. aidl, aapt, dexdump, and dx
  3. bmgr
  4. logcat

SQL Server Output Clause into a scalar variable

Over a year later... if what you need is get the auto generated id of a table, you can just


Otherwise, it seems like you are stuck with using a table.

Capturing mobile phone traffic on Wireshark

Install Fiddler on your PC and use it as a proxy on your Android device.


What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

From RFC 4918 (and also documented at

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

How to cancel a pull request on github?

GitHub now supports closing a pull request

Basically, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Visit the pull request page
  2. Click on the pull request
  3. Click the "close pull request" button

Example (button on the very bottom):

github close pull request

This way the pull request gets closed (and ignored), without merging it.

How to use an array list in Java?

A three line solution, but works quite well:

int[] source_array = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
ArrayList<Integer> target_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i = 0; i < source_array.length; i++){

Why use String.Format?

I can see a number of reasons:


string s = string.Format("Hey, {0} it is the {1}st day of {2}.  I feel {3}!", _name, _day, _month, _feeling);


string s = "Hey," + _name + " it is the " + _day + "st day of " + _month + ".  I feel " + feeling + "!";

Format Specifiers (and this includes the fact you can write custom formatters)

string s = string.Format("Invoice number: {0:0000}", _invoiceNum);


string s = "Invoice Number = " + ("0000" + _invoiceNum).Substr(..... /*can't even be bothered to type it*/)

String Template Persistence

What if I want to store string templates in the database? With string formatting:

_id         _translation
  1         Welcome {0} to {1}.  Today is {2}.
  2         You have {0} products in your basket.
  3         Thank-you for your order.  Your {0} will arrive in {1} working days.


_id         _translation
  1         Welcome
  2         to
  3         .  Today is
  4         . 
  5         You have
  6         products in your basket.
  7         Someone
  8         just shoot
  9         the developer.

Java 8: merge lists with stream API

I think flatMap() is what you're looking for.

For example:

 List<AClass> allTheObjects = map.values()
         .flatMap(listContainer ->

How to check date of last change in stored procedure or function in SQL server

This is the correct solution for finding a function:

SELECT name, create_date, modify_date
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type = 'fn'
AND name = 'fn_NAME'

VS2010 command prompt gives error: Cannot determine the location of the VS Common Tools folder

I got a gnarly beast working with only the Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1 batch file SetEnv.Cmd -- ie: I do not have Visual Studio vAny installed and did not have to use any of the specially prepared cmd prompts (where vsvars32.bat et al rear their ugly heads). I just have the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 (7.1) installed with their C/C++ compilers. On my Xp64 box, this is the sequence I used to be able to compile one of the June 2010 DirectX SDK Audio samples :

REM open a regular old cmd.exe and run these 3
REM this builds the Win32 (ie: x86) version of the exe

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Samples\C++\XACT\Tutorials\Tut02_Stream"

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd" /debug /x86 /xp

"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" Tut02_Stream_2010.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32

Note that using the Framework64 version of MSBuild.exe prevents me from building the X64 version (due to targets?), but the X86 version of MSBuild successfully built the X64 version of the same tutorial exe:

REM open a regular old cmd.exe and run these 3
REM this builds the X64 version of the exe

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Samples\C++\XACT\Tutorials\Tut02_Stream"

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd" /debug /x64 /2003

"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" Tut02_Stream_2010.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=X64

Excel - match data from one range to another and get the value from the cell to the right of the matched data

Put this formula in cell d31 and copy down to d39


Here's what is going on. VLOOKUP:

  • Takes a value (here the contents of b31),
  • Looks for it in the first column of a range (f3:f12 in the range f3:g12), and
  • Returns the value for the corresponding row in a column in that range (in this case, the 2nd column or g3:g12 of the range f3:g12).

As you know, the last argument of VLOOKUP sets the match type, with FALSE or 0 indicating an exact match.

Finally, IFERROR handles the #N/A when VLOOKUP does not find a match.

Create view with primary key?

I got the error "The table/view 'dbo.vMyView' does not have a primary key defined" after I created a view in SQL server query designer. I solved the problem by using ISNULL on a column to force entity framework to use it as a primary key. You might have to restart visual studio to get the warnings to go away.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vMyView]
SELECT ISNULL(Id, -1) AS IdPrimaryKey, Name
FROM  dbo.MyTable

Simple WPF RadioButton Binding?

Sometimes it is possible to solve it in the model like this: Suppose you have 3 boolean properties OptionA, OptionB, OptionC.


<RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding OptionA}"/>
<RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding OptionB}"/>
<RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding OptionC}"/>


private bool _optionA;
public bool OptionA
    get { return _optionA; }
        _optionA = value;
        if( _optionA )
             this.OptionB= false;
             this.OptionC = false;

private bool _optionB;
public bool OptionB
    get { return _optionB; }
        _optionB = value;
        if( _optionB )
            this.OptionA= false;
            this.OptionC = false;

private bool _optionC;
public bool OptionC
    get { return _optionC; }
        _optionC = value;
        if( _optionC )
            this.OptionA= false;
            this.OptionB = false;

You get the idea. Not the cleanest thing, but easy.

Opening XML page shows "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it."

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

You will get this error in the client side when the client (the webbrowser) for some reason interprets the HTTP response content as text/xml instead of text/html and the parsed XML tree doesn't have any XML-stylesheet. In other words, the webbrowser incorrectly parsed the retrieved HTTP response content as XML instead of as HTML due to the wrong or missing HTTP response content type.

In case of JSF/Facelets files which have the default extension of .xhtml, that can in turn happen if the HTTP request hasn't invoked the FacesServlet and thus it wasn't able to parse the Facelets file and generate the desired HTML output based on the XHTML source code. Firefox is then merely guessing the HTTP response content type based on the .xhtml file extension which is in your Firefox configuration apparently by default interpreted as text/xml.

You need to make sure that the HTTP request URL, as you see in browser's address bar, matches the <url-pattern> of the FacesServlet as registered in webapp's web.xml, so that it will be invoked and be able to generate the desired HTML output based on the XHTML source code. If it's for example *.jsf, then you need to open the page by /some.jsf instead of /some.xhtml. Alternatively, you can also just change the <url-pattern> to *.xhtml. This way you never need to fiddle with virtual URLs.

See also:

Note thus that you don't actually need a XML stylesheet. This all was just misinterpretation by the webbrowser while trying to do its best to make something presentable out of the retrieved HTTP response content. It should actually have retrieved the properly generated HTML output, Firefox surely knows precisely how to deal with HTML content.

How to search in an array with preg_match?

You can use array_walk to apply your preg_match function to each element of the array.

Completely cancel a rebase

You are lucky that you didn't complete the rebase, so you can still do git rebase --abort. If you had completed the rebase (it rewrites history), things would have been much more complex. Consider tagging the tips of branches before doing potentially damaging operations (particularly history rewriting), that way you can rewind if something blows up.

Rails 2.3.4 Persisting Model on Validation Failure

In your controller, render the new action from your create action if validation fails, with an instance variable, @car populated from the user input (i.e., the params hash). Then, in your view, add a logic check (either an if block around the form or a ternary on the helpers, your choice) that automatically sets the value of the form fields to the params values passed in to @car if car exists. That way, the form will be blank on first visit and in theory only be populated on re-render in the case of error. In any case, they will not be populated unless @car is set.

R for loop skip to next iteration ifelse

for(n in 1:5) {
  if(n==3) next # skip 3rd iteration and go to next iteration

Adding an image to a PDF using iTextSharp and scale it properly

I solved it using the following:

foreach (var image in images)
    iTextSharp.text.Image pic = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(image, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

    if (pic.Height > pic.Width)
        //Maximum height is 800 pixels.
        float percentage = 0.0f;
        percentage = 700 / pic.Height;
        pic.ScalePercent(percentage * 100);
        //Maximum width is 600 pixels.
        float percentage = 0.0f;
        percentage = 540 / pic.Width;
        pic.ScalePercent(percentage * 100);

    pic.Border = iTextSharp.text.Rectangle.BOX;
    pic.BorderColor = iTextSharp.text.BaseColor.BLACK;
    pic.BorderWidth = 3f;

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

I had the same error message, but these answers did not help. On a 4.3 nexus 7, I was using a user who was NOT the owner. I had uninstalled the older version but I kept getting the same message.

Solution: I had to login as the owner and go to Settings -> Apps, then swipe to the All tab. Scroll down to the very end of the list where the old versions are listed with a mark 'not installed'. Select it and press the 'settings' button in the top right corner and finally 'uninstall for all users'

C++ templates that accept only certain types

class Base
    struct FooSecurity{};

template<class Type>
class Foo
    typename Type::FooSecurity If_You_Are_Reading_This_You_Tried_To_Create_An_Instance_Of_Foo_For_An_Invalid_Type;

Make sure derived classes inherit the FooSecurity structure and the compiler will get upset in all the right places.

How to sort a Collection<T>?

If your collections object is a list, I would use the sort method, as proposed in the other answers.

However, if it is not a list, and you don't really care about what type of Collection object is returned, I think it is faster to create a TreeSet instead of a List:

TreeSet sortedSet = new TreeSet(myComparator);

Move column by name to front of table in pandas


seems to be a pretty easy way about this.

Creating watermark using html and css

To make it fixed: Try this way,


<div class="body">This is a sample body This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample bodyThis is a sample bodyThis is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample body
    <div class="watermark">
           Sample Watermark
    This is a sample body
    This is a sample bodyThis is a sample bodyThis is a sample body

.watermark {
    opacity: 0.5;
    color: BLACK;
    position: fixed;
    top: auto;
    left: 80%;

To use absolute:

.watermark {
    opacity: 0.5;
    color: BLACK;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 0;


How to get day of the month?

It is simplified a lot in version Java 8. I have given some util methods below.

To get the day of the month in the format of int for the given day, month, and year.

    public static int findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println(LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfMonth());
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfMonth();

To get current day of the month in the format of int.

    public static int findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println("Asia/Kolkata")).getDayOfMonth());

To get the day of the week in the format of String for the given day, month, and year.

    public static String findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println(LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfWeek());
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfWeek().toString();

To get current day of the week in the format of String.

    public static String findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println("Asia/Kolkata"))..getDayOfWeek());

Variable name as a string in Javascript

This works for basic expressions

const nameof = exp => exp.toString().match(/[.](\w+)/)[1];


nameof(() => options.displaySize);


var nameof = function (exp) { return exp.toString().match(/[.](\w+)/)[1]; };_x000D_
var myFirstName = 'Chuck';_x000D_
var varname = nameof(function () { return window.myFirstName; });_x000D_

Advantages of std::for_each over for loop

Aside from readability and performance, one aspect commonly overlooked is consistency. There are many ways to implement a for (or while) loop over iterators, from:

for (C::iterator iter = c.begin(); iter != c.end(); iter++) {


C::iterator iter = c.begin();
C::iterator end = c.end();
while (iter != end) {

with many examples in between at varying levels of efficiency and bug potential.

Using for_each, however, enforces consistency by abstracting away the loop:

for_each(c.begin(), c.end(), do_something);

The only thing you have to worry about now is: do you implement the loop body as function, a functor, or a lambda using Boost or C++0x features? Personally, I'd rather worry about that than how to implement or read a random for/while loop.

How to concatenate two strings in C++?

Since it's C++ why not to use std::string instead of char*? Concatenation will be trivial:

std::string str = "abc";
str += "another";

Regex to validate JSON

Here my regexp for validate string:


Was written usign original syntax diagramm.

jQuery Mobile Page refresh mechanism

Please take a good look here:

$.mobile.changePage() is to change from one page to another, and the parameter can be a url or a page object. ( only #result will also work )

$ isn't recommended anymore, please use .trigger( "create"), see also: JQuery Mobile .page() function causes infinite loop?

Important: Create vs. refresh: An important distinction

Note that there is an important difference between the create event and refresh method that some widgets have. The create event is suited for enhancing raw markup that contains one or more widgets. The refresh method that some widgets have should be used on existing (already enhanced) widgets that have been manipulated programmatically and need the UI be updated to match.

For example, if you had a page where you dynamically appended a new unordered list with data-role=listview attribute after page creation, triggering create on a parent element of that list would transform it into a listview styled widget. If more list items were then programmatically added, calling the listview’s refresh method would update just those new list items to the enhanced state and leave the existing list items untouched.

$.mobile.refresh() doesn't exist i guess

So what are you using for your results? A listview? Then you can update it by doing:



Otherwise you can do:

$('#result').live("pageinit", function(){ // or pageshow
    // your dom manipulations here

Difference between HashMap and Map in Java..?

Map is an interface; HashMap is a particular implementation of that interface.

HashMap uses a collection of hashed key values to do its lookup. TreeMap will use a red-black tree as its underlying data store.

CSS text-overflow in a table cell?

Specifying a max-width or fixed width doesn't work for all situations, and the table should be fluid and auto-space its cells. That's what tables are for. Works on IE9 and other browsers.

Use this:

table {
    width: 100%;
.first {
    width: 50%;
.ellipsis {
    position: relative;
.ellipsis:before {
    content: '&nbsp;';
    visibility: hidden;
.ellipsis span {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
<table border="1">
            <th>Header 1</th>
            <th>Header 2</th>
            <th>Header 3</th>
            <th>Header 4</th>
            <td class="ellipsis first"><span>This Text Overflows and is too large for its cell.</span></td>
            <td class="ellipsis"><span>This Text Overflows and is too large for its cell.</span></td>
            <td class="ellipsis"><span>This Text Overflows and is too large for its cell.</span></td>
            <td class="ellipsis"><span>This Text Overflows and is too large for its cell.</span></td>

HRESULT: 0x80131040: The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

Just Check your webconfig file and remove this code :-

    <assemblyIdentity name="itextsharp" publicKeyToken="8354ae6d2174ddca" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

How to implement LIMIT with SQL Server?

FROM    (
        SELECT  TOP 20
                t.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY field1) AS rn
        FROM    table1 t
        ORDER BY
        ) t
WHERE   rn > 10

How to convert a string to lower or upper case in Ruby

The Rails Active Support gem provides upcase, downcase, swapcase,capitalize, etc. methods with internationalization support:

gem install activesupport
irb -ractive_support/core_ext/string
"STRING  ÁÂÃÀÇÉÊÍÓÔÕÚ".mb_chars.downcase.to_s
 => "string  áâãàçéêíóôõú"
"string  áâãàçéêíóôõú".mb_chars.upcase.to_s

Are there inline functions in java?

Well, there are methods could be called "inline" methods in java, but depending on the jvm. After compiling, if the method's machine code is less than 35 byte, it will be transferred to a inline method right away, if the method's machine code is less than 325 byte, it could be transferred into a inline method, depending on the jvm.

How can I do a BEFORE UPDATED trigger with sql server?

Can't be sure if this applied to SQL Server Express, but you can still access the "before" data even if your trigger is happening AFTER the update. You need to read the data from either the deleted or inserted table that is created on the fly when the table is changed. This is essentially what @Stamen says, but I still needed to explore further to understand that (helpful!) answer.

The deleted table stores copies of the affected rows during DELETE and UPDATE statements. During the execution of a DELETE or UPDATE statement, rows are deleted from the trigger table and transferred to the deleted table...

The inserted table stores copies of the affected rows during INSERT and UPDATE statements. During an insert or update transaction, new rows are added to both the inserted table and the trigger table...

So you can create your trigger to read data from one of those tables, e.g.

CREATE TRIGGER <TriggerName> ON <TableName>
    INSERT INTO <HistoryTable> ( <columns...>, DateChanged )
    SELECT <columns...>, getdate()
    FROM deleted;

My example is based on the one here:

Passing variable from Form to Module in VBA

Don't declare the variable in the userform. Declare it as Public in the module.

Public pass As String

In the Userform

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    pass = UserForm1.TextBox1
    Unload UserForm1
End Sub

In the Module

Public pass As String

Public Sub Login()
    '~~> Rest of the code
    driver.findElementByName("PASSWORD").SendKeys pass
    '~~> Rest of the code
End Sub

You might want to also add an additional check just before calling the driver.find... line?

If Len(Trim(pass)) <> 0 Then

This will ensure that a blank string is not passed.

How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

I use the below code which is more intuitive.

int countSetBits(int n) {
    return !n ? 0 : 1 + countSetBits(n & (n-1));

Logic : n & (n-1) resets the last set bit of n.

P.S : I know this is not O(1) solution, albeit an interesting solution.

How to upgrade PowerShell version from 2.0 to 3.0

Download and install from You need Windows 7 SP1 though.

It's worth keeping in mind that PowerShell 3 on Windows 7 does not have all the cmdlets as PowerShell 3 on Windows 8. So you may still encounter cmdlets that are not present on your system.

"CASE" statement within "WHERE" clause in SQL Server 2008

There WHERE part could be written like this:

 (LEN('TestPerson') <> 0 OR co.personentered  = co.personentered) AND
 (LEN('TestPerson') = 0 OR co.personentered LIKE '%TestPerson') AND
 (cc.ccnum = CASE LEN('TestFFNum')
                WHEN 0 THEN cc.ccnum 
                ELSE 'TestFFNum' 
              END ) AND
 (LEN('2011-01-09 11:56:29.327') <> 0 OR co.DTEntered = co.DTEntered ) AND
 ((LEN('2011-01-09 11:56:29.327') = 0 AND LEN('2012-01-09 11:56:29.327') <> 0) OR co.DTEntered >= '2011-01-09 11:56:29.327'  ) AND
 ((LEN('2011-01-09 11:56:29.327') = 0 AND LEN('2012-01-09 11:56:29.327') = 0) OR co.DTEntered BETWEEN '2011-01-09 11:56:29.327' AND '2012-01-09 11:56:29.327'  ) AND 
 tl.storenum < 699 

How to get first N elements of a list in C#?

var firstFiveItems = myList.Take(5);

Or to slice:

var secondFiveItems = myList.Skip(5).Take(5);

And of course often it's convenient to get the first five items according to some kind of order:

var firstFiveArrivals = myList.OrderBy(i => i.ArrivalTime).Take(5);

Format datetime to YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss in moment.js

Use different format or pattern to get the information from the date

var myDate = new Date("2015-06-17 14:24:36");_x000D_
console.log(moment(myDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"));_x000D_
console.log("Date: "+moment(myDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD"));_x000D_
console.log("Year: "+moment(myDate).format("YYYY"));_x000D_
console.log("Month: "+moment(myDate).format("MM"));_x000D_
console.log("Month: "+moment(myDate).format("MMMM"));_x000D_
console.log("Day: "+moment(myDate).format("DD"));_x000D_
console.log("Day: "+moment(myDate).format("dddd"));_x000D_
console.log("Time: "+moment(myDate).format("HH:mm")); // Time in24 hour format_x000D_
console.log("Time: "+moment(myDate).format("hh:mm A"));
<script src=""></script>

For more info:

Error: "Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

Well, its not compulsory to restart the emulator you can also reset adb from eclipse itself.

1.) Go to DDMS and there is a reset adb option, please see the image below. enter image description here

2.) You can restart adb manually from command prompt


Then write the below commands.

adb kill-server - To kill the server forcefully

adb start-server - To start the server


F:\android-sdk-windows latest\platform-tools>adb kill-server

F:\android-sdk-windows latest\platform-tools>adb start-server
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

How to format an inline code in Confluence?

Easiest way for me is to Insert Markup.

Confluence Insert Markup

Then in text box type the text between curly braces.

It will insert the formatted text in a new line but you can copy it anywhere, even inline.

Display images in mvc

Make sure you image is a relative path such as:



<img src="~/Content/images/myimage.png" />

You could convert the byte[] into a Base64 string on the fly.

string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes);

<img src="@String.Format("data:image/png;base64,{0}", base64string)" />

Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: - Angular 2

please modify your router.module.ts as:

const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    redirectTo: 'one',
    pathMatch: 'full'
    path: 'two',
    component: ClassTwo, children: [
            path: 'three',
            component: ClassThree,
            outlet: 'nameThree',
            path: 'four',
            component: ClassFour,
            outlet: 'nameFour'
           path: '',
           redirectTo: 'two',
           pathMatch: 'full'

and in your component1.html

<h3>In One</h3>

    <a routerLink="/two" class="dash-item">...Go to Two...</a>
    <a routerLink="/two/three" class="dash-item">... Go to THREE...</a>
    <a routerLink="/two/four" class="dash-item">...Go to FOUR...</a>

<router-outlet></router-outlet>                   // Successfully loaded component2.html
<router-outlet name="nameThree" ></router-outlet> // Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'three'
<router-outlet name="nameFour" ></router-outlet>  // Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'three'

Using UPDATE in stored procedure with optional parameters

UPDATE tbl_ClientNotes 
SET ordering=@ordering, title=@title, content=@content 
WHERE id=@id 
AND @ordering IS NOT NULL
AND @content IS NOT NULL

Or if you meant you only want to update individual columns you would use the post above mine. I read it as do not update if any values are null

Create table in SQLite only if it doesn't exist already



How do I check if a given string is a legal/valid file name under Windows?

This class cleans filenames and paths; use it like

var myCleanPath = PathSanitizer.SanitizeFilename(myBadPath, ' ');

Here's the code;

/// <summary>
/// Cleans paths of invalid characters.
/// </summary>
public static class PathSanitizer
    /// <summary>
    /// The set of invalid filename characters, kept sorted for fast binary search
    /// </summary>
    private readonly static char[] invalidFilenameChars;
    /// <summary>
    /// The set of invalid path characters, kept sorted for fast binary search
    /// </summary>
    private readonly static char[] invalidPathChars;

    static PathSanitizer()
        // set up the two arrays -- sorted once for speed.
        invalidFilenameChars = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
        invalidPathChars = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidPathChars();


    /// <summary>
    /// Cleans a filename of invalid characters
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input">the string to clean</param>
    /// <param name="errorChar">the character which replaces bad characters</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string SanitizeFilename(string input, char errorChar)
        return Sanitize(input, invalidFilenameChars, errorChar);

    /// <summary>
    /// Cleans a path of invalid characters
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input">the string to clean</param>
    /// <param name="errorChar">the character which replaces bad characters</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string SanitizePath(string input, char errorChar)
        return Sanitize(input, invalidPathChars, errorChar);

    /// <summary>
    /// Cleans a string of invalid characters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input"></param>
    /// <param name="invalidChars"></param>
    /// <param name="errorChar"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string Sanitize(string input, char[] invalidChars, char errorChar)
        // null always sanitizes to null
        if (input == null) { return null; }
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        foreach (var characterToTest in input)
            // we binary search for the character in the invalid set. This should be lightning fast.
            if (Array.BinarySearch(invalidChars, characterToTest) >= 0)
                // we found the character in the array of 
                // the character was not found in invalid, so it is valid.

        // we're done.
        return result.ToString();


What's a redirect URI? how does it apply to iOS app for OAuth2.0?

Take a look at OAuth 2.0 playground.You will get an overview of the protocol.It is basically an environment(like any app) that shows you the steps involved in the protocol.

How to get text in QlineEdit when QpushButton is pressed in a string?

The object name is not very important. what you should be focusing at is the variable that stores the lineedit object (le) and your pushbutton object(pb)

QObject(self.pb, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.button_clicked)

def button_clicked(self):

I think this is what you want. I hope i got your question correctly :)

Find a file in python

I used a version of os.walk and on a larger directory got times around 3.5 sec. I tried two random solutions with no great improvement, then just did:

paths = [line[2:] for line in subprocess.check_output("find . -iname '*.txt'", shell=True).splitlines()]

While it's POSIX-only, I got 0.25 sec.

From this, I believe it's entirely possible to optimise whole searching a lot in a platform-independent way, but this is where I stopped the research.

Angular + Material - How to refresh a data source (mat-table)

// this is the dataSource
this.guests = [];

this.guests.push({id: 1, name: 'Ricardo'});

// refresh the dataSource this.guests = Array.from(this.guest);

Basic HTTP authentication with Node and Express 4

I used the code for the original basicAuth to find the answer:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
    var user = auth(req);

    if (user === undefined || user['name'] !== 'username' || user['pass'] !== 'password') {
        res.statusCode = 401;
        res.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="MyRealmName"');
    } else {

keypress, ctrl+c (or some combo like that)

In my case, I was looking for a keydown ctrl key and click event. My jquery looks like this:

$('.linkAccess').click( function (event) {
  if(true === event.ctrlKey) {

    /* Extract the value */
    var $link = $('.linkAccess');
    var value = $link.val();

    /* Verified if the link is not null */
    if('' !== value){;

Where "linkAccess" is the class name for some specific fields where I have a link and I want to access it using my combination of key and click.

How to initialize var?

A var cannot be set to null since it needs to be statically typed.

var foo = null;
// compiler goes: "Huh, what's that type of foo?"

However, you can use this construct to work around the issue:

var foo = (string)null;
// compiler goes: "Ah, it's a string. Nice."

I don't know for sure, but from what I heard you can also use dynamic instead of var. This does not require static typing.

dynamic foo = null;
foo = "hi";

Also, since it was not clear to me from the question if you meant the varkeyword or variables in general: Only references (to classes) and nullable types can be set to null. For instance, you can do this:

string s = null; // reference
SomeClass c = null; // reference
int? i = null; // nullable

But you cannot do this:

int i = null; // integers cannot contain null

pip3: command not found

I had this issue and I fixed it using the following steps You need to completely uninstall python3-p using:

sudo apt-get --purge autoremove python3-pip

Then resintall the package with:

 sudo apt install python3-pip

To confirm that everything works, run:

 pip3 -V

After this you can now use pip3 to manage any python package of your interest. Eg

pip3 install NumPy

How to display string that contains HTML in twig template?

{{ word|striptags('<b>,<a>,<pre>')|raw }}

if you want to allow multiple tags

jQuery Combobox/select autocomplete?

I know this has been said earlier, but jQuery Autocomplete will do exactly what you need. You should check out the docs as the autocomplete is very customizable. If you are familiar with javascript then you should be able to work this out. If not I can give you a few pointers, as I have done this once before, but beware I am not well versed in javascript myself either, so bear with me on this.

I think the first thing you should do is just get a simple autocomplete text field working on your page, and then you can customize it from there.

The autocomplete widget accepts JSON data as it's 'source:' option. So you should set-up your app to produce the 20 top level categories, and subcategories in JSON format.

The next thing to know is that when the user types into your textfield, the autocomplete widget will send the typed values in a parameter called "term".

So let's say you first set-up your site to deliver the JSON data from a URL like this:


Then your autocomplete source: option would be 'source: /categories.json'.

When a user types into the textfield, such as 'first-cata...' the autocomplete widget will start sending the value in the 'term' parameter like this:


This will return JSON data back to the widget filtered by anything that matches 'first-cata', and this is displayed as an autocomplete suggestion.

I am not sure what you are programming in, but you can specify how the 'term' parameter finds a match. So you can customize this, so that the term finds a match in the middle of a word if you want. Example, if the user types 'or' you code could make a match on 'sports'.

Lastly, you made a comment that you want to be able to select a category name but have the autocomplete widget submit the category ID not the name.

This can easily be done with a hidden field. This is what is shown in the jQuery autocomplete docs.

When a user selects a category, your JavaScript should update a hidden field with the ID.

I know this answer is not very detailed, but that is mainly because I am not sure what you are programming in, but the above should point you in the right direction. The thing to know is that you can do practically any customizing you want with this widget, if you are willing to spend the time to learn it.

These are the broad strokes, but you can look here for some notes I made when I implemented something similar to what you want in a Rails app.

Hope this helped.

How to initialize std::vector from C-style array?

You can 'learn' the size of the array automatically:

template<typename T, size_t N>
void set_data(const T (&w)[N]){
    w_.assign(w, w+N);

Hopefully, you can change the interface to set_data as above. It still accepts a C-style array as its first argument. It just happens to take it by reference.

How it works

[ Update: See here for a more comprehensive discussion on learning the size ]

Here is a more general solution:

template<typename T, size_t N>
void copy_from_array(vector<T> &target_vector, const T (&source_array)[N]) {
    target_vector.assign(source_array, source_array+N);

This works because the array is being passed as a reference-to-an-array. In C/C++, you cannot pass an array as a function, instead it will decay to a pointer and you lose the size. But in C++, you can pass a reference to the array.

Passing an array by reference requires the types to match up exactly. The size of an array is part of its type. This means we can use the template parameter N to learn the size for us.

It might be even simpler to have this function which returns a vector. With appropriate compiler optimizations in effect, this should be faster than it looks.

template<typename T, size_t N>
vector<T> convert_array_to_vector(const T (&source_array)[N]) {
    return vector<T>(source_array, source_array+N);