Programs & Examples On #Crud

The four basic operations for a data management system : Create, Read, Update, Delete

How to perform update operations on columns of type JSONB in Postgres 9.4

I wrote small function for myself that works recursively in Postgres 9.4. I had same problem (good they did solve some of this headache in Postgres 9.5). Anyway here is the function (I hope it works well for you):

    result JSONB;
    v RECORD;
    IF jsonb_typeof(val2) = 'null'
        RETURN val1;
    END IF;

    result = val1;

    FOR v IN SELECT key, value FROM jsonb_each(val2) LOOP

        IF jsonb_typeof(val2->v.key) = 'object'
                result = result || jsonb_build_object(v.key, jsonb_update(val1->v.key, val2->v.key));
                result = result || jsonb_build_object(v.key, v.value);
        END IF;

    RETURN result;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Here is sample use:

select jsonb_update('{"a":{"b":{"c":{"d":5,"dd":6},"cc":1}},"aaa":5}'::jsonb, '{"a":{"b":{"c":{"d":15}}},"aa":9}'::jsonb);
 {"a": {"b": {"c": {"d": 15, "dd": 6}, "cc": 1}}, "aa": 9, "aaa": 5}
(1 row)

As you can see it analyze deep down and update/add values where needed.

Which HTTP methods match up to which CRUD methods?

The Symfony project tries to keep its HTTP methods joined up with CRUD methods, and their list associates them as follows:

  • GET Retrieve the resource from the server
  • POST Create a resource on the server
  • PUT Update the resource on the server
  • DELETE Delete the resource from the server

It's worth noting that, as they say on that page, "In reality, many modern browsers don't support the PUT and DELETE methods."

From what I remember, Symfony "fakes" PUT and DELETE for those browsers that don't support them when generating its forms, in order to try to be as close to using the theoretically-correct HTTP method even when a browser doesn't support it.

Bootstrap modal in React.js

I've only used bootstrap cdn (css + js) to achieve "reactstrap" like solution. I've used props.children to pass dynamic data from parent to child components. You can find more about this here. In this way you have three separate components modal header, modal body and modal footer and they are totally independent from each other.

//Modal component
import React, { Component } from 'react';

export const ModalHeader = props => {
  return <div className="modal-header">{props.children}</div>;

export const ModalBody = props => {
  return <div className="modal-body">{props.children}</div>;

export const ModalFooter = props => {
  return <div className="modal-footer">{props.children}</div>;

class Modal extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      modalShow: '',
      display: 'none'
    this.openModal = this.openModal.bind(this);
    this.closeModal = this.closeModal.bind(this);

  openModal() {
      modalShow: 'show',
      display: 'block'

  closeModal() {
      modalShow: '',
      display: 'none'

  componentDidMount() {
    this.props.isOpen ? this.openModal() : this.closeModal();

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if (prevProps.isOpen !== this.props.isOpen) {
      this.props.isOpen ? this.openModal() : this.closeModal();

  render() {
    return (
        className={'modal fade ' + this.state.modalShow}
        style={{ display: this.state.display }}
        <div className="modal-dialog" role="document">
          <div className="modal-content">{this.props.children}</div>

export default Modal;

//App component
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Modal, { ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter } from './components/Modal';

import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      modal: false
    this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);

  toggle() {
    this.setState({ modal: !this.state.modal });

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1>Bootstrap Components</h1>

          className="btn btn-secondary"

        <Modal isOpen={this.state.modal}>
            <h3>This is modal header</h3>
              <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
            <p>This is modal body</p>
              className="btn btn-secondary"
              className="btn btn-primary"
              Save changes

export default App;

Rails 4: before_filter vs. before_action

before_filter/before_action: means anything to be executed before any action executes.

Both are same. they are just alias for each other as their behavior is same.

Using a Loop to add objects to a list(python)

The problem appears to be that you are reinitializing the list to an empty list in each iteration:

while choice != 0:
    a = []

Try moving the initialization above the loop so that it is executed only once.

a = []
while choice != 0:

Exception.Message vs Exception.ToString()

In terms of the XML format for log4net, you need not worry about ex.ToString() for the logs. Simply pass the exception object itself and log4net does the rest do give you all of the details in its pre-configured XML format. The only thing I run into on occasion is new line formatting, but that's when I'm reading the files raw. Otherwise parsing the XML works great.

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

If it's just a matter of easy reading, you could always define your own function :

is.not.null <- function(x) !is.null(x)

So you can use it all along your program.


Extract / Identify Tables from PDF python

You should definitely have a look at this answer of mine:

and also have a look at all the links included therein.

Tabula/TabulaPDF is currently the best table extraction tool that is available for PDF scraping.

Merging dictionaries in C#

How about adding a params overload?

Also, you should type them as IDictionary for maximum flexibility.

public static IDictionary<TKey, TValue> Merge<TKey, TValue>(IEnumerable<IDictionary<TKey, TValue>> dictionaries)
    // ...

public static IDictionary<TKey, TValue> Merge<TKey, TValue>(params IDictionary<TKey, TValue>[] dictionaries)
    return Merge((IEnumerable<TKey, TValue>) dictionaries);

href="file://" doesn't work

%20 is the space between AmberCRO SOP.

Try -

href="http://file:///K:/AmberCRO SOP/2011-07-05/SOP-SOP-3.0.pdf"

Or rename the folder as AmberCRO-SOP and write it as -


GET URL parameter in PHP

$_GET is not a function or language construct—it's just a variable (an array). Try:

echo $_GET['link'];

In particular, it's a superglobal: a built-in variable that's populated by PHP and is available in all scopes (you can use it from inside a function without the global keyword).

Since the variable might not exist, you could (and should) ensure your code does not trigger notices with:

if (isset($_GET['link'])) {
    echo $_GET['link'];
} else {
    // Fallback behaviour goes here

Alternatively, if you want to skip manual index checks and maybe add further validations you can use the filter extension:

echo filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'link', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);

Last but not least, you can use the null coalescing operator (available since PHP/7.0) to handle missing parameters:

echo $_GET['link'] ?? 'Fallback value';

Twitter bootstrap progress bar animation on page load

Bootstrap uses CSS3 transitions so progress bars are automatically animated when you set the width of .bar trough javascript / jQuery. ..see?

Regex for string contains?

Just don't anchor your pattern:


The above regex will check for the literal string "Test" being found somewhere within it.

You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https

make sure you have correct path to extension folder

extension_dir = "ext"

by default it is commented with ; character

Why use prefixes on member variables in C++ classes

Others try to enforce using this->member whenever a member variable is used

That is usually because there is no prefix. The compiler needs enough information to resolve the variable in question, be it a unique name because of the prefix, or via the this keyword.

So, yes, I think prefixes are still useful. I, for one, would prefer to type '_' to access a member rather than 'this->'.

Move branch pointer to different commit without checkout

In gitk --all:

  • right click on the commit you want
  • -> create new branch
  • enter the name of an existing branch
  • press return on the dialog that confirms replacing the old branch of that name.

Beware that re-creating instead of modifying the existing branch will lose tracking-branch information. (This is generally not a problem for simple use-cases where there's only one remote and your local branch has the same name as the corresponding branch in the remote. See comments for more details, thanks @mbdevpl for pointing out this downside.)

It would be cool if gitk had a feature where the dialog box had 3 options: overwrite, modify existing, or cancel.

Even if you're normally a command-line junkie like myself, git gui and gitk are quite nicely designed for the subset of git usage they allow. I highly recommend using them for what they're good at (i.e. selectively staging hunks into/out of the index in git gui, and also just committing. (ctrl-s to add a signed-off: line, ctrl-enter to commit.)

gitk is great for keeping track of a few branches while you sort out your changes into a nice patch series to submit upstream, or anything else where you need to keep track of what you're in the middle of with multiple branches.

I don't even have a graphical file browser open, but I love gitk/git gui.

How to remove the first and the last character of a string


This way you can use the directories if it is like .../.../.../... etc.

Change width of select tag in Twitter Bootstrap

In bootstrap 3, it is recommended that you size inputs by wrapping them in col-**-# div tags. It seems that most things have 100% width, especially .form-control elements.

How to target only IE (any version) within a stylesheet?

Internet Explorer 9 and lower : You could use conditional comments to load an IE-specific stylesheet for any version (or combination of versions) that you wanted to specifically below using external stylesheet.

<!--[if IE]>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="all-ie-only.css" />

However, beginning in version 10, conditional comments are no longer supported in IE.

Internet Explorer 10 & 11 : Create a media query using -ms-high-contrast, in which you place your IE 10 and 11-specific CSS styles. Because -ms-high-contrast is Microsoft-specific (and only available in IE 10+), it will only be parsed in Internet Explorer 10 and greater.

@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
     /* IE10+ CSS styles go here */

Microsoft Edge 12 : Can use the @supports rule Here is a link with all the info about this rule

@supports (-ms-accelerator:true) {
  /* IE Edge 12+ CSS styles go here */ 

Inline rule IE8 detection

I have 1 more option but it is only detect IE8 and below version.

  /* For IE css hack */
  margin-top: 10px\9 /* apply to all ie from 8 and below */
  *margin-top:10px;  /* apply to ie 7 and below */
  _margin-top:10px; /* apply to ie 6 and below */

As you specefied for embeded stylesheet. I think you need to use media query and condition comment for below version.

Fixing npm path in Windows 8 and 10

You need to Add C:\Program Files\nodejs to your PATH environment variable. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Use the global Search Charm to search "Environment Variables"
  2. Click "Edit system environment variables"
  3. Click "Environment Variables" in the dialog.
  4. In the "System Variables" box, search for Path and edit it to include C:\Program Files\nodejs. Make sure it is separated from any other paths by a ;.

You will have to restart any currently-opened command prompts before it will take effect.

BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext

In summary:

The ApplicationContext includes all functionality of the BeanFactory. It is generally recommended to use the former.

There are some limited situations such as in a Mobile application, where memory consumption might be critical.

In that scenarios, It can be justifiable to use the more lightweight BeanFactory. However, in the most enterprise applications, the ApplicationContext is what you will want to use.

For more, see my blog post:

Difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext in Spring – The java spring blog from the basics

How to set the holo dark theme in a Android app?

change parent="android:Theme.Holo.Dark" to parent="android:Theme.Holo"

The holo dark theme is called Holo

How to modify the nodejs request default timeout time?

For those having configuration in bin/www, just add the timeout parameter after http server creation.

var server = http.createServer(app);
* Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces

Converting string to integer

The function you need is CInt.

ie CInt(PrinterLabel)

See Type Conversion Functions (Visual Basic) on MSDN

Edit: Be aware that CInt and its relatives behave differently in and VBScript. For example, in, CInt casts to a 32-bit integer, but in VBScript, CInt casts to a 16-bit integer. Be on the lookout for potential overflows!

Why I got " cannot be resolved to a type" error?

In my case the missing type was referencing an import for java class in a dependent jar. For some reason my project file was missing the javabuilder and therefore couldnt resolve the path to the import.

Why it was missing in the first place I don't know, but adding these lines in fixed the error.


In JPA 2, using a CriteriaQuery, how to count results

CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = cb.createQuery(Long.class);;

return em.createQuery(cq).getSingleResult();

Updating the list view when the adapter data changes




((BaseAdapter) mMyListView.getAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged(); 

If that doesnt work, refer to this thread: Android List view refresh

How to install an APK file on an Android phone?

I quote Hello Android because I can't say it better ;-)

You need to enable USB debugging on the phone itself (by starting the Settings application and selecting Applications > Development > USB Debugging), install the Android USB device driver if you haven’t already (Windows only), and then plug the phone into your computer using the USB cable that came with the phone.

Close the emulator window if it’s already open. As long as the phone is plugged in, Eclipse will load and run applications on the phone instead. You need to right-click the project and select Run As > Android Application.

How do I give text or an image a transparent background using CSS?

For a simple semi-transparent background color, the above solutions (CSS3 or bg images) are the best options. However, if you want to do something fancier (e.g. animation, multiple backgrounds, etc.), or if you don't want to rely on CSS3, you can try the “pane technique”:

.pane, .pane > .back, .pane > .cont { display: block; }

.pane {
    position: relative;

.pane > .back {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%; height: 100%;
    top: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto; right: auto;

.pane > .cont {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 10;
<p class="pane">
    <span class="back" style="background-color: green; opacity: 0.6;"></span>
    <span class="cont" style="color: white;">Hello world</span>

The technique works by using two “layers” inside of the outer pane element:

  • one (the “back”) that fits the size of the pane element without affecting the flow of content,
  • and one (the “cont”) that contains the content and helps determine the size of the pane.

The position: relative on pane is important; it tells back layer to fit to the pane's size. (If you need the <p> tag to be absolute, change the pane from a <p> to a <span> and wrap all that in a absolutely-position <p> tag.)

The main advantage this technique has over similar ones listed above is that the pane doesn't have to be a specified size; as coded above, it will fit full-width (normal block-element layout) and only as high as the content. The outer pane element can be sized any way you please, as long as it's rectangular (i.e. inline-block will work; plain-old inline will not).

Also, it gives you a lot of freedom for the background; you're free to put really anything in the back element and have it not affect the flow of content (if you want multiple full-size sub-layers, just make sure they also have position: absolute, width/height: 100%, and top/bottom/left/right: auto).

One variation to allow background inset adjustment (via top/bottom/left/right) and/or background pinning (via removing one of the left/right or top/bottom pairs) is to use the following CSS instead:

.pane > .back {
    position: absolute;
    width: auto; height: auto;
    top: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px;

As written, this works in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE8+, and Opera, although IE7 and IE6 require extra CSS and expressions, IIRC, and last time I checked, the second CSS variation does not work in Opera.

Things to watch out for:

  • Floating elements inside of the cont layer will not be contained. You'll need to make sure they are cleared or otherwise contained, or they'll slip out of the bottom.
  • Margins go on the pane element and padding goes on the cont element. Don't do use the opposite (margins on the cont or padding on the pane) or you'll discover oddities such as the page always being slightly wider than the browser window.
  • As mentioned, the whole thing needs to be block or inline-block. Feel free to use <div>s instead of <span>s to simplify your CSS.

A fuller demo, showing off the flexiblity of this technique by using it in tandem with display: inline-block, and with both auto & specific widths/min-heights:

.pane, .pane > .back, .pane > .cont { display: block; }_x000D_
.pane {_x000D_
 position: relative;_x000D_
 width: 175px; min-height: 100px;_x000D_
 margin: 8px;_x000D_
.pane > .back {_x000D_
 position: absolute; z-index: 1;_x000D_
 width: auto; height: auto;_x000D_
 top: 8px; bottom: 8px; left: 8px; right: 8px;_x000D_
.pane > .cont {_x000D_
 position: relative; z-index: 10;_x000D_
.debug_red { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75); }_x000D_
.debug_green { background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75); }_x000D_
.debug_blue { background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left; display: inline-block; width: auto;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left; display: inline-block; width: auto; min-height: auto;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_

And here's a live demo of the technique being used extensively: screenshot

pop/remove items out of a python tuple

The best solution is the tuple applied to a list comprehension, but to extract one item this could work:

def pop_tuple(tuple, n): return tuple[:n]+tuple[n+1:], tuple[n]

Output array to CSV in Ruby

Struggling with this myself. This is my take:

require 'csv'

class CSV
  def CSV.unparse array
    CSV.generate do |csv|
      array.each { |i| csv << i }

CSV.unparse [ %w(your array), %w(goes here) ]

Android 5.0 - Add header/footer to a RecyclerView

recyclerview:1.2.0 introduces ConcatAdapter class which concatenates multiple adapters into a single one. So it allows to create separate header/footer adapters and reuse them across multiple lists.

myRecyclerView.adapter = ConcatAdapter(headerAdapter, listAdapter, footerAdapter)

Take a look at the announcement article. It contains a sample how to display a loading progress in header and footer using ConcatAdapter.

For the moment when I post this answer the version 1.2.0 of the library is in alpha stage, so the api might change. You can check the status here.

Increasing the Command Timeout for SQL command

it takes this command about 2 mins to return the data as there is a lot of data

Probably, Bad Design. Consider using paging here.

default connection time is 30 secs, how do I increase this

As you are facing a timeout on your command, therefore you need to increase the timeout of your sql command. You can specify it in your command like this

// Setting command timeout to 2 minutes
scGetruntotals.CommandTimeout = 120;

Emulating a do-while loop in Bash

This implementation:

  • Has no code duplication
  • Doesn't require extra functions()
  • Doesn't depend on the return value of code in the "while" section of the loop:
while $do || conditions; do
  # your code ...

It works with a read loop, too, skipping the first read:

while $do || read foo; do

  # your code ...
  echo $foo

PDF to image using Java

Apache PDF Box can convert PDFs to jpg,bmp,wbmp,png, and gif.

The library even comes with a command line utility called PDFToImage to do this.

If you download the source code and look at the PDFToImage class you should be able to figure out how to use PDF Box to convert PDFs to images from your own Java code.

http post - how to send Authorization header?

If you are like me, and starring at your angular/ionic typescript, which looks like..

  getPdf(endpoint: string): Observable<Blob> {
    let url = this.url + '/' + endpoint;
    let token = this.msal.accessToken;
    return<Blob>(url, {
      headers: new HttpHeaders(
          'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': 'https://localhost:5100',
          'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST',
          'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',
          'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
          'Accept': '*/*',
        //responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob,

And while you are setting options but can't seem to figure why they aren't anywhere..

Well.. if you were like me and started this post from a copy/paste of a get, then...

Change to:

  getPdf(endpoint: string): Observable<Blob> {
    let url = this.url + '/' + endpoint;
    let token = this.msal.accessToken;
    return<Blob>(url, null, { //  <-----  notice the null  *****
      headers: new HttpHeaders(
          'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
          'Accept': '*/*',
        //responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob,

Convert string into integer in bash script - "Leading Zero" number error


Constants with a leading 0 are interpreted as octal numbers.

You can remove the leading zero by parameter expansion:


or force base-10 interpretation:

$((10#$hour + 1))

How do you follow an HTTP Redirect in Node.js?

Possibly a little bit of a necromancing post here, but...

here's a function that follows up to 10 redirects, and detects infinite redirect loops. also parses result into JSON

Note - uses a callback helper (shown at the end of this post)

( TLDR; full working demo in context here or remixed-version here)

function getJSON(url,cb){

    var callback=errBack(cb);
    //var callback=errBack(cb,undefined,false);//replace previous line with this to turn off logging

    if (typeof url!=='string') {
        return callback.error("getJSON:expecting url as string");

    if (typeof cb!=='function') {
        return callback.error("getJSON:expecting cb as function");

    var redirs = [url],
    fetch = function(u){"hitting:"+u);
        https.get(u, function(res){
            var body = [];
            if ([301,302].indexOf(res.statusCode)>=0) {
                if (redirs.length>10) {
                    return callback.error("excessive 301/302 redirects detected");
                } else {
                    if (redirs.indexOf(res.headers.location)<0) {
                        return fetch(res.headers.location);
                    } else {
                        return callback.error("301/302 redirect loop detected");
            } else {
              res.on('data', function(chunk){
              res.on('end', function(){
                  try {
                      // convert to a single buffer
                      var json = Buffer.concat(body);

                      // parse the buffer as json
                      return callback.result(JSON.parse(json),json);
                  } catch (err) {

                      console.error("exception in getJSON.fetch:",err.message||err);

                      if (json.length>32) {
                        console.error("json==>|"+json.toString('utf-8').substr(0,32)+"|<=== ... (+"+(json.length-32)+" more bytes of json)");
                      } else {
                          console.error("json==>|"+json.toString('utf-8')+"|<=== json");

                      return callback.error(err,undefined,json);

Note - uses a callback helper (shown below)

you can paste this into the node console and it should run as is.

( or for full working demo in context see here )


fs      = require('fs'),
https   = require('https');

function errBack (cb,THIS,logger) {

       if (logger===false) {
       } else {
           fn.log        = logger?logger.log   : console.log.bind(console);
        = logger?  :;
           fn.warn       = logger?logger.warn  : console.warn.bind(console);
           fn.errlog     = logger?logger.error : console.error.bind(console);
       return (self=fn);

   if (typeof cb==='function') {
       return EB(

            logger===false // optimization when not logging - don't log errors
            ?   function(err){
                   if (err) {
                      cb (err);
                     return true;
                   return false;

            :  function(err){
                   if (err) {
                      cb (err);
                     return true;
                   return false;

           function () {
               return cb.apply (THIS,Array.prototype.concat.apply([undefined],arguments));
           function (err) {
               return cb.apply (THIS,Array.prototype.concat.apply([typeof err==='string'?new Error(err):err],arguments));
   } else {

       return EB(

               if (err) {
                   if (typeof err ==='object' && err instanceof Error) {
                       throw err;
                   } else {
                       throw new Error(err);
                   return true;//redundant due to throw, but anyway.
               return false;

              ? self.log //optimization :resolves to noop when logger==false
              : function () {
         "ignoring returned arguments:",Array.prototype.concat.apply([],arguments));

           function (err) {
               throw typeof err==='string'?new Error(err):err;

function getJSON(url,cb){

    var callback=errBack(cb);

    if (typeof url!=='string') {
        return callback.error("getJSON:expecting url as string");

    if (typeof cb!=='function') {
        return callback.error("getJSON:expecting cb as function");

    var redirs = [url],
    fetch = function(u){"hitting:"+u);
        https.get(u, function(res){
            var body = [];
            if ([301,302].indexOf(res.statusCode)>=0) {
                if (redirs.length>10) {
                    return callback.error("excessive 302 redirects detected");
                } else {
                    if (redirs.indexOf(res.headers.location)<0) {
                        return fetch(res.headers.location);
                    } else {
                        return callback.error("302 redirect loop detected");
            } else {
              res.on('data', function(chunk){
              res.on('end', function(){
                  try {
                      // convert to a single buffer
                      var json = Buffer.concat(body);

                      // parse the buffer as json
                      return callback.result(JSON.parse(json),json);
                  } catch (err) {
                      // read with "bypass refetch" option
                      console.error("exception in getJSON.fetch:",err.message||err);

                      if (json.length>32) {
                        console.error("json==>|"+json.toString('utf-8').substr(0,32)+"|<=== ... (+"+(json.length-32)+" more bytes of json)");
                      } else {
                          console.error("json==>|"+json.toString('utf-8')+"|<=== json");

                      return callback.error(err,undefined,json);

var TLDs,TLDs_fallback = "".split(".");
var TLD_url = "";
var TLD_cache = "./tld.json";
var TLD_refresh_msec = 15 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var TLD_last_msec;
var TLD_default_filter=function(dom){return dom.substr(0,3)!="xn-"};

function getTLDs(cb,filter_func){

    if (typeof cb!=='function') return TLDs;

        return cb(
            ? cb(tlds)
            : tlds.filter(
                typeof filter_func==='function'
                 ? filter_func
                 : TLD_default_filter)
    check_mtime = function(mtime) {
       if ( > TLD_refresh_msec) {
           return fetch();
       if (TLDs) return CB_WRAP (TLDs);
       return read();

    fetch = function(){

            if (err) {
                console.log("exception in getTLDs.fetch:",err.message||err);
                return read(true);      
            } else {

                    if (err) {
                        // ignore save error, we have the data
                    } else {
                        // get mmtime for the file we just made
                            if (!err && stats) {
                               TLD_last_msec = stats.mtimeMs; 

    read=function(bypassFetch) {

            try {
                if (err) {

                    if (bypassFetch) {
                        // after a http errror, we fallback to hardcoded basic list of tlds
                        // if the disk file is not readable
                        console.log("exception in",err.messsage||err);    

                        throw err;
                    // if the disk read failed, get the data from the CDN server instead
                    return fetch();

                if (bypassFetch) {
                    // we need to update stats here as fetch called us directly
                    // instead of being called by check_mtime
                    return fs.stat(TLD_cache,function(err,stats){
                        if (err) return fetch();
                        TLD_last_msec =stats.mtimeMs;
                        return CB_WRAP(TLDs);

            } catch (e){
                // after JSON error, if we aren't in an http fail situation, refetch from cdn server
                if (!bypassFetch) {
                    return fetch();

                // after a http,disk,or json parse error, we fallback to hardcoded basic list of tlds

                console.log("exception in",err.messsage||err);    

            return CB_WRAP(TLDs);

    if (TLD_last_msec) {
        return check_mtime(TLD_last_msec);
    } else {
            if (err) return fetch();
            TLD_last_msec =stats.mtimeMs;
            return check_mtime(TLD_last_msec);


Append lines to a file using a StreamWriter

Use this instead:

new StreamWriter("c:\\file.txt", true);

With this overload of the StreamWriter constructor you choose if you append the file, or overwrite it.

C# 4 and above offers the following syntax, which some find more readable:

new StreamWriter("c:\\file.txt", append: true);

SQL: How to perform string does not equal

Try the following query

select * from table
where NOT (tester = 'username')

Docker Error bind: address already in use

On my machine a PID was not being shown from this command netstat -tulpn for the in-use port (8080), so i could not kill it, killing the containers and restarting the computer did not work. So service docker restart command restarted docker for me (ubuntu) and the port was no longer in use and i am a happy chap and off to lunch.

How can I reorder a list?

If you use numpy there's a neat way to do it:

items = np.array(["a","b","c","d"])
indices = np.arange(items.shape[0])

This code returns:

[1 3 2 0]
['b' 'd' 'c' 'a']

Use dynamic (variable) string as regex pattern in JavaScript

var string = "Hi welcome to stack overflow"
var toSearch = "stack"

//case insensitive search

var result = RegExp(toSearch, "i")) > 0 ? 'Matched' : 'notMatched'

Hope this helps

How to download a file from a URL in C#?

Complete class to download a file while printing status to console.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading;

class FileDownloader
    private readonly string _url;
    private readonly string _fullPathWhereToSave;
    private bool _result = false;
    private readonly SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0);

    public FileDownloader(string url, string fullPathWhereToSave)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullPathWhereToSave)) throw new ArgumentNullException("fullPathWhereToSave");

        this._url = url;
        this._fullPathWhereToSave = fullPathWhereToSave;

    public bool StartDownload(int timeout)

            if (File.Exists(_fullPathWhereToSave))
            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                var ur = new Uri(_url);
                // client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
                client.DownloadProgressChanged += WebClientDownloadProgressChanged;
                client.DownloadFileCompleted += WebClientDownloadCompleted;
                Console.WriteLine(@"Downloading file:");
                client.DownloadFileAsync(ur, _fullPathWhereToSave);
                return _result && File.Exists(_fullPathWhereToSave);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Was not able to download file!");
            return false;

    private void WebClientDownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        Console.Write("\r     -->    {0}%.", e.ProgressPercentage);

    private void WebClientDownloadCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs args)
        _result = !args.Cancelled;
        if (!_result)
        Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Download finished!");

    public static bool DownloadFile(string url, string fullPathWhereToSave, int timeoutInMilliSec)
        return new FileDownloader(url, fullPathWhereToSave).StartDownload(timeoutInMilliSec);


static void Main(string[] args)
    var success = FileDownloader.DownloadFile(fileUrl, fullPathWhereToSave, timeoutInMilliSec);
    Console.WriteLine("Done  - success: " + success);

Escape double quotes in a string

In C# you can use the backslash to put special characters to your string. For example, to put ", you need to write \". There are a lot of characters that you write using the backslash: Backslash with a number:

  • \000 null
  • \010 backspace
  • \011 horizontal tab
  • \012 new line
  • \015 carriage return
  • \032 substitute
  • \042 double quote
  • \047 single quote
  • \134 backslash
  • \140 grave accent

Backslash with othe character

  • \a Bell (alert)
  • \b Backspace
  • \f Formfeed
  • \n New line
  • \r Carriage return
  • \t Horizontal tab
  • \v Vertical tab
  • \' Single quotation mark
  • \" Double quotation mark
  • \ Backslash
  • \? Literal question mark
  • \ ooo ASCII character in octal notation
  • \x hh ASCII character in hexadecimal notation
  • \x hhhh Unicode character in hexadecimal notation if this escape sequence is used in a wide-character constant or a Unicode string literal. For example, WCHAR f = L'\x4e00' or WCHAR b[] = L"The Chinese character for one is \x4e00".

What is the difference between a schema and a table and a database?

A database schema is a way to logically group objects such as tables, views, stored procedures etc. Think of a schema as a container of objects. And tables are collections of rows and columns. combination of all tables makes a db.

How do I update Homebrew?

Alternatively you could update brew by installing it again. (Think I did this as El Capitan changed something)

Note: this is a heavy handed approach that will remove all applications installed via brew!

Try to install brew a fresh and it will tell how to uninstall.

At original time of writing to uninstall:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Edit: As of 2020 to uninstall:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Remove all non-"word characters" from a String in Java, leaving accented characters?

Well, here is one solution I ended up with, but I hope there's a more elegant one...

StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i<name.length(); i++) {
    char tmpChar = name.charAt( i );
    if (Character.isLetterOrDigit( tmpChar) || tmpChar == '_' ) {
        result.append( tmpChar );

result ends up with the desired result...

How do I put text on ProgressBar?

I have created a InfoProgressBar control which uses a TransparentLabel control. Testing on a form with a Timer, I get some slight glitches displaying the text every 30-40 value changes if using a timer interval of less than 250 milliseconds (probably because of the time required to update the screen is greater than the timer interval).

It would be possible to modify UpdateText method to insert all the calculated values into CustomText but it isn't something that I have needed yet. This would remove the need for the DisplayType property and enumerate.

The TransparentLabel class was created by adding a new UserControl and changing it to inheriting from Label with the following implementation:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Utils.GUI
    public partial class TransparentLabel : Label
        // hide the BackColor attribute as much as possible.
        // setting the base value has no effect as drawing the
        // background is disabled
        public override Color BackColor
                return Color.Transparent;

        protected override CreateParams CreateParams
                CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
                cp.ExStyle |= 0x20; //  WS_EX_TRANSPARENT
                return cp;

        public override string Text
                return base.Text;
                base.Text = value;
                if(Parent != null) Parent.Invalidate(Bounds, false);

        public override ContentAlignment TextAlign
                return base.TextAlign;
                base.TextAlign = value;
                if(Parent != null) Parent.Invalidate(Bounds, false);

        public TransparentLabel()

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, false);

            base.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

        protected override void OnMove(EventArgs e)

        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
            // do nothing

I did not make any changes to the related designer code but here it is for completeness.

namespace Utils.GUI
    partial class TransparentLabel
        /// <summary> 
        /// Required designer variable.
        /// </summary>
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        /// <summary> 
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if(disposing && (components != null))

        #region Component Designer generated code

        /// <summary> 
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();


I then created another new UserControl and changed it to derive from ProgressBar with the following implementation:

using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;

namespace Utils.GUI
    public partial class InfoProgressBar : ProgressBar
        // designer class to add font baseline snapline by copying it from the label
        private class InfoProgressBarDesigner : ControlDesigner
            public override IList SnapLines
                    IList snapLines = base.SnapLines;

                    InfoProgressBar control = Control as InfoProgressBar;

                    if(control != null)
                        using(IDesigner designer = TypeDescriptor.CreateDesigner(control.lblText, typeof(IDesigner)))
                            if(designer != null)

                                ControlDesigner boxDesigner = designer as ControlDesigner;

                                if(boxDesigner != null)
                                    foreach(SnapLine line in boxDesigner.SnapLines)
                                        if(line.SnapLineType == SnapLineType.Baseline)
                                            snapLines.Add(new SnapLine(SnapLineType.Baseline, line.Offset, line.Filter, line.Priority));

                    return snapLines;

        // enum to select the type of displayed value
        public enum ProgressBarDisplayType
            Custom = 0,
            Percent = 1,
            Progress = 2,
            Remain = 3,
            Value = 4,

        private string _customText;
        private ProgressBarDisplayType _displayType;
        private int _range;

        // {0} is replaced with the result of the selected calculation
        public string CustomText
                return _customText;
                _customText = value;

        public ProgressBarDisplayType DisplayType
                return _displayType;
                _displayType = value;

        // don't use the lblText font as if it is null, it checks the parent font (i.e. this property) and gives an infinite loop
        public override Font Font
                return base.Font;
                base.Font = value; 

        public new int Maximum
                return base.Maximum;
                base.Maximum = value;
                _range = base.Maximum - base.Minimum;

        public new int Minimum
                return base.Minimum;
                base.Minimum = value;
                _range = base.Maximum - base.Minimum;

        public ContentAlignment TextAlign 
                return lblText.TextAlign;
                lblText.TextAlign = value;

        [DefaultValue(typeof(Color), "0x000000")]
        public Color TextColor
                return lblText.ForeColor;
                lblText.ForeColor = value;

        public new int Value
                return base.Value;
                base.Value = value;

        public InfoProgressBar()

            CustomText = "{0}";
            DisplayType = ProgressBarDisplayType.Percent;
            Maximum = 100;
            Minimum = 0;
            TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            TextColor = Color.Black;
            Value = 0;

            // means the label gets drawn in front of the progress bar
            lblText.Parent = this;

            _range = base.Maximum - base.Minimum;

        protected void UpdateText()
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Custom:
                    lblText.Text = _customText;
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Percent:
                    if(_range > 0)
                        lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, string.Format("{0}%", (int)((Value * 100) / _range)));
                        lblText.Text = "100%";
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Progress:
                    lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, (Value - Minimum));
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Remain:
                    lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, (Maximum - Value));
                case ProgressBarDisplayType.Value:
                    lblText.Text = string.Format(_customText, Value);

        public new void Increment(int value)

        public new void PerformStep()

And the designer code:

namespace Utils.GUI
    partial class InfoProgressBar
        /// <summary>
        /// Required designer variable.
        /// </summary>
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if(disposing && (components != null))

        #region Component Designer generated code

        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.lblText = new Utils.GUI.TransparentLabel();
            // lblText
            this.lblText.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            this.lblText.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            this.lblText.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            this.lblText.Name = "lblText";
            this.lblText.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 0, 3, 0);
            this.lblText.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 23);
            this.lblText.TabIndex = 0;
            this.lblText.Text = "transparentLabel1";



        private TransparentLabel lblText;


Float sum with javascript

(parseFloat('2.3') + parseFloat('2.4')).toFixed(1);

its going to give you solution i suppose

How to select only 1 row from oracle sql?

There is no limit 1 condition (thats MySQL / PostgresSQL) in Oracle, you need to specify where rownum = 1.

How do I get the command-line for an Eclipse run configuration?

I found a solution on Stack Overflow for Java program run configurations which also works for JUnit run configurations.

You can get the full command executed by your configuration on the Debug tab, or more specifically the Debug view.

  1. Run your application
  2. Go to your Debug perspective
  3. There should be an entry in there (in the Debug View) for the app you've just executed
  4. Right-click the node which references java.exe or javaw.exe and select Properties In the dialog that pops up you'll see the Command Line which includes all jars, parameters, etc

How to remove leading and trailing zeros in a string? Python

Assuming you have other data types (and not only string) in your list try this. This removes trailing and leading zeros from strings and leaves other data types untouched. This also handles the special case s = '0'


a = ['001', '200', 'akdl00', 200, 100, '0']

b = [(lambda x: x.strip('0') if isinstance(x,str) and len(x) != 1 else x)(x) for x in a]

>>>['1', '2', 'akdl', 200, 100, '0']

Why do you need to invoke an anonymous function on the same line?

It's called a self-invoked function.

What you are doing when you call (function(){}) is returning a function object. When you append () to it, it is invoked and anything in the body is executed. The ; denotes the end of the statement, that's why the 2nd invocation fails.

open a url on click of ok button in android

String url = "";
if (url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("http://")) {
    Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
    Toast.makeText(mContext, "Invalid Url", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

You have to check that the URL is valid or not. If URL is invalid application may crash so that you have to check URL is valid or not by this method.

C++ Erase vector element by value rather than by position?

Eric Niebler is working on a range-proposal and some of the examples show how to remove certain elements. Removing 8. Does create a new vector.

#include <iostream>
#include <range/v3/all.hpp>

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    std::vector<int> vi{2,4,6,8,10};
    for (auto& i : vi) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----" << std::endl;
    std::vector<int> vim = vi | ranges::view::remove_if([](int i){return i == 8;});
    for (auto& i : vim) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;
    return 0;



psql - save results of command to a file

If you got the following error

ufgtoolspg=> COPY (SELECT foo, bar FROM baz) TO '/tmp/query.csv' (format csv, delimiter ';');
ERROR:  must be superuser to COPY to or from a file
HINT:  Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone.

you can run it in this way:

psql somepsqllink_or_credentials -c "COPY (SELECT foo, bar FROM baz) TO STDOUT (format csv, delimiter ';')"  > baz.csv

how to force maven to update local repo

try using -U (aka --update-snapshots) when you run maven

And make sure the dependency definition is correct

How to get the host name of the current machine as defined in the Ansible hosts file?

The necessary variable is inventory_hostname.

- name: Install this only for local dev machine
  pip: name=pyramid
  when: inventory_hostname == "local"

It is somewhat hidden in the documentation at the bottom of this section.

Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots

Heres an example using: getDisplayMedia

document.body.innerHTML = '<video style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 1px black solid;"/>';

.then( mediaStream => {
  const video = document.querySelector('video');
  video.srcObject = mediaStream;
  video.onloadedmetadata = e => {;
.catch( err => console.log(`${}: ${err.message}`));

Also worth checking out is the Screen Capture API docs.

Converting a string to a date in a cell

Have you tried the =DateValue() function?

To include time value, just add the functions together:


how to achieve transfer file between client and server using java socket

Reading quickly through the source it seems that you're not far off. The following link should help (I did something similar but for FTP). For a file send from server to client, you start off with a file instance and an array of bytes. You then read the File into the byte array and write the byte array to the OutputStream which corresponds with the InputStream on the client's side.

Edit: Here's a working ultra-minimalistic file sender and receiver. Make sure you understand what the code is doing on both sides.

package filesendtest;


class TCPServer {

    private final static String fileToSend = "C:\\test1.pdf";

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        while (true) {
            ServerSocket welcomeSocket = null;
            Socket connectionSocket = null;
            BufferedOutputStream outToClient = null;

            try {
                welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(3248);
                connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
                outToClient = new BufferedOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // Do exception handling

            if (outToClient != null) {
                File myFile = new File( fileToSend );
                byte[] mybytearray = new byte[(int) myFile.length()];

                FileInputStream fis = null;

                try {
                    fis = new FileInputStream(myFile);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                    // Do exception handling
                BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);

                try {
          , 0, mybytearray.length);
                    outToClient.write(mybytearray, 0, mybytearray.length);

                    // File sent, exit the main method
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // Do exception handling

package filesendtest;


class TCPClient {

    private final static String serverIP = "";
    private final static int serverPort = 3248;
    private final static String fileOutput = "C:\\testout.pdf";

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        byte[] aByte = new byte[1];
        int bytesRead;

        Socket clientSocket = null;
        InputStream is = null;

        try {
            clientSocket = new Socket( serverIP , serverPort );
            is = clientSocket.getInputStream();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // Do exception handling

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        if (is != null) {

            FileOutputStream fos = null;
            BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
            try {
                fos = new FileOutputStream( fileOutput );
                bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
                bytesRead =, 0, aByte.length);

                do {
                        bytesRead =;
                } while (bytesRead != -1);

            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // Do exception handling


Byte array of unknown length in java

Edit: The following could be used to fingerprint small files before and after transfer (use SHA if you feel it's necessary):

public static String md5String(File file) {
    try {
        InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); md5er = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int read;
        do {
            read =;
            if (read > 0) {
                md5er.update(buffer, 0, read);
        } while (read != -1);
        byte[] digest = md5er.digest();
        if (digest == null) {
            return null;
        String strDigest = "0x";
        for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) {
            strDigest += Integer.toString((digest[i] & 0xff)
                    + 0x100, 16).substring(1).toUpperCase();
        return strDigest;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

How can I configure my makefile for debug and release builds?

If by configure release/build, you mean you only need one config per makefile, then it is simply a matter and decoupling CC and CFLAGS:

CC=g++ -g3 -gdwarf2 $(CFLAGS)

Depending on whether you can use gnu makefile, you can use conditional to make this a bit fancier, and control it from the command line:

DEBUG ?= 1
ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1)

.o: .c
    $(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS)

and then use:

make DEBUG=0
make DEBUG=1

If you need to control both configurations at the same time, I think it is better to have build directories, and one build directory / config.

Getting "TypeError: failed to fetch" when the request hasn't actually failed

If your are invoking fetch on a localhost server, use non-SSL unless you have a valid certificate for localhost. fetch will fail on an invalid or self signed certificate especially on localhost.

static linking only some libraries

From the manpage of ld (this does not work with gcc), referring to the --static option:

You may use this option multiple times on the command line: it affects library searching for -l options which follow it.

One solution is to put your dynamic dependencies before the --static option on the command line.

Another possibility is to not use --static, but instead provide the full filename/path of the static object file (i.e. not using -l option) for statically linking in of a specific library. Example:

# echo "int main() {}" > test.cpp
# c++ test.cpp /usr/lib/libX11.a
# ldd a.out =>  (0x00007fff385cc000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f9a5b233000) => /lib/ (0x00007f9a5afb0000) => /lib/ (0x00007f9a5ad99000) => /lib/ (0x00007f9a5aa46000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f9a5b53f000)

As you can see in the example, libX11 is not in the list of dynamically-linked libraries, as it was linked statically.

Beware: An .so file is always linked dynamically, even when specified with a full filename/path.

Node.js request CERT_HAS_EXPIRED

Add this at the top of your file:


DANGEROUS This disables HTTPS / SSL / TLS checking across your entire node.js environment. Please see the solution using an https agent below.

Passing ArrayList through Intent

//arraylist/Pojo you can Pass using bundle  like this 
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
Bundle args = new Bundle();

Get SecondActivity like this
  Intent intent = getIntent();
        Bundle args = intent.getBundleExtra("BUNDLE");
String filter = bundle.getString("imageSliders");

//Happy coding

Increase number of axis ticks


ggplot(dat, aes(x,y)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(dat$x), max(dat$x), by = 0.05))

Works for binned or discrete scaled x-axis data (I.e., rounding not necessary).

pandas GroupBy columns with NaN (missing) values

This is mentioned in the Missing Data section of the docs:

NA groups in GroupBy are automatically excluded. This behavior is consistent with R

One workaround is to use a placeholder before doing the groupby (e.g. -1):

In [11]: df.fillna(-1)
   a   b
0  1   4
1  2  -1
2  3   6

In [12]: df.fillna(-1).groupby('b').sum()
-1  2
4   1
6   3

That said, this feels pretty awful hack... perhaps there should be an option to include NaN in groupby (see this github issue - which uses the same placeholder hack).

However, as described in another answer, "from pandas 1.1 you have better control over this behavior, NA values are now allowed in the grouper using dropna=False"

Disable text input history

<input type="text" autocomplete="off"/>

Should work. Alternatively, use:

<form autocomplete="off" … >

for the entire form (see this related question).

onclick or inline script isn't working in extension

Chrome Extensions don't allow you to have inline JavaScript (documentation).
The same goes for Firefox WebExtensions (documentation).

You are going to have to do something similar to this:

Assign an ID to the link (<a onClick=hellYeah("xxx")> becomes <a id="link">), and use addEventListener to bind the event. Put the following in your popup.js file:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    var link = document.getElementById('link');
    // onClick's logic below:
    link.addEventListener('click', function() {

popup.js should be loaded as a separate script file:

<script src="popup.js"></script>

Set a default font for whole iOS app?

I created my own conversion of typography for Swift 4 after reviewing a few posts, it covers most of the cases, such as:

1st Add fonts to project estructure and to .plist file (with the same name):



struct Resources {

    struct Fonts {
        //struct is extended in Fonts

extension Resources.Fonts {

    enum Weight: String {
        case light = "Typo-Light"
        case regular = "Typo-Regular"
        case semibold = "Typo-Semibold"
        case italic = "Typo-LightItalic"

extension UIFontDescriptor.AttributeName {
    static let nsctFontUIUsage = UIFontDescriptor.AttributeName(rawValue: "NSCTFontUIUsageAttribute")

extension UIFont {

    @objc class func mySystemFont(ofSize: CGFloat, weight: UIFont.Weight) -> UIFont {
        switch weight {
        case .semibold, .bold, .heavy, .black:
            return UIFont(name: Resources.Fonts.Weight.semibold.rawValue, size: ofSize)!

        case .medium, .regular:
            return UIFont(name: Resources.Fonts.Weight.regular.rawValue, size: ofSize)!

            return UIFont(name: Resources.Fonts.Weight.light.rawValue, size: ofSize)!

    @objc class func mySystemFont(ofSize size: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
        return UIFont(name: Resources.Fonts.Weight.light.rawValue, size: size)!

    @objc class func myBoldSystemFont(ofSize size: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
        return UIFont(name: Resources.Fonts.Weight.semibold.rawValue, size: size)!

    @objc class func myItalicSystemFont(ofSize size: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
        return UIFont(name: Resources.Fonts.Weight.italic.rawValue, size: size)!

    @objc convenience init(myCoder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            let fontDescriptor = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "UIFontDescriptor") as? UIFontDescriptor,
            let fontAttribute = fontDescriptor.fontAttributes[.nsctFontUIUsage] as? String else {
                self.init(myCoder: aDecoder)
        var fontName = ""
        switch fontAttribute {
        case "CTFontRegularUsage", "CTFontMediumUsage":
            fontName = Resources.Fonts.Weight.regular.rawValue
        case "CTFontEmphasizedUsage", "CTFontBoldUsage", "CTFontSemiboldUsage","CTFontHeavyUsage", "CTFontBlackUsage":
            fontName = Resources.Fonts.Weight.semibold.rawValue
        case "CTFontObliqueUsage":
            fontName = Resources.Fonts.Weight.italic.rawValue
            fontName = Resources.Fonts.Weight.light.rawValue
        self.init(name: fontName, size: fontDescriptor.pointSize)!

    class func overrideDefaultTypography() {
        guard self == UIFont.self else { return }

        if let systemFontMethodWithWeight = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(systemFont(ofSize: weight:))),
            let mySystemFontMethodWithWeight = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(mySystemFont(ofSize: weight:))) {
            method_exchangeImplementations(systemFontMethodWithWeight, mySystemFontMethodWithWeight)

        if let systemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(systemFont(ofSize:))),
            let mySystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(mySystemFont(ofSize:))) {
            method_exchangeImplementations(systemFontMethod, mySystemFontMethod)

        if let boldSystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(boldSystemFont(ofSize:))),
            let myBoldSystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(myBoldSystemFont(ofSize:))) {
            method_exchangeImplementations(boldSystemFontMethod, myBoldSystemFontMethod)

        if let italicSystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(italicSystemFont(ofSize:))),
            let myItalicSystemFontMethod = class_getClassMethod(self, #selector(myItalicSystemFont(ofSize:))) {
            method_exchangeImplementations(italicSystemFontMethod, myItalicSystemFontMethod)

        if let initCoderMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(UIFontDescriptor.init(coder:))),
            let myInitCoderMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, #selector(UIFont.init(myCoder:))) {
            method_exchangeImplementations(initCoderMethod, myInitCoderMethod)

Finally call to created method at Appdelegate like next:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {

        return true

What are the differences between git remote prune, git prune, git fetch --prune, etc

I don't blame you for getting frustrated about this. The best way to look at is this. There are potentially three versions of every remote branch:

  1. The actual branch on the remote repository
    (e.g., remote repo at, refs/heads/master)
  2. Your snapshot of that branch locally (stored under refs/remotes/...)
    (e.g., local repo, refs/remotes/origin/master)
  3. And a local branch that might be tracking the remote branch
    (e.g., local repo, refs/heads/master)

Let's start with git prune. This removes objects that are no longer being referenced, it does not remove references. In your case, you have a local branch. That means there's a ref named random_branch_I_want_deleted that refers to some objects that represent the history of that branch. So, by definition, git prune will not remove random_branch_I_want_deleted. Really, git prune is a way to delete data that has accumulated in Git but is not being referenced by anything. In general, it doesn't affect your view of any branches.

git remote prune origin and git fetch --prune both operate on references under refs/remotes/... (I'll refer to these as remote references). It doesn't affect local branches. The git remote version is useful if you only want to remove remote references under a particular remote. Otherwise, the two do exactly the same thing. So, in short, git remote prune and git fetch --prune operate on number 2 above. For example, if you deleted a branch using the git web GUI and don't want it to show up in your local branch list anymore (git branch -r), then this is the command you should use.

To remove a local branch, you should use git branch -d (or -D if it's not merged anywhere). FWIW, there is no git command to automatically remove the local tracking branches if a remote branch disappears.

execute function after complete page load

You're best bet as far as I know is to use

window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    console.log('All assets loaded')

The #1 answer of using the DOMContentLoaded event is a step backwards since the DOM will load before all assets load.

Other answers recommend setTimeout which I would strongly oppose since it is completely subjective to the client's device performance and network connection speed. If someone is on a slow network and/or has a slow cpu, a page could take several to dozens of seconds to load, thus you could not predict how much time setTimeout will need.

As for readystatechange, it fires whenever readyState changes which according to MDN will still be before the load event.


The state indicates that the load event is about to fire.

Socket send and receive byte array

Try this, it's working for me.


byte[] message = ...
Socket socket = ...
DataOutputStream dOut = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());

dOut.writeInt(message.length); // write length of the message
dOut.write(message);           // write the message


Socket socket = ...
DataInputStream dIn = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

int length = dIn.readInt();                    // read length of incoming message
if(length>0) {
    byte[] message = new byte[length];
    dIn.readFully(message, 0, message.length); // read the message

How to handle a lost KeyStore password in Android?

On a MAC launch Console utility and scrolled down to ~/Library/Logs -> AndroidStudio ->idea.log.1 (or any old log number) Then I searched for "keystore" and it should appear somewhere in the logs.

Original question: link

Regex to validate date format dd/mm/yyyy

Please Following Expression

Regex regex = new Regex(@"(((0|1)[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/((19|20)\d\d))$");

How to make the webpack dev server run on port 80 and on to make it publicly accessible?

If you're in a React Application created with 'create-react-app' go to your package.json and change

"start": "react-scripts start",

to ... (unix)

"start": "PORT=80 react-scripts start",

or to ... (win)

"start": "set PORT=3005 && react-scripts start"

How can I check that two objects have the same set of property names?

If you want to check if both objects have the same properties name, you can do this:

function hasSameProps( obj1, obj2 ) {
  return Object.keys( obj1 ).every( function( prop ) {
    return obj2.hasOwnProperty( prop );

var obj1 = { prop1: 'hello', prop2: 'world', prop3: [1,2,3,4,5] },
    obj2 = { prop1: 'hello', prop2: 'world', prop3: [1,2,3,4,5] };

console.log(hasSameProps(obj1, obj2));

In this way you are sure to check only iterable and accessible properties of both the objects.

EDIT - 2013.04.26:

The previous function can be rewritten in the following way:

function hasSameProps( obj1, obj2 ) {
    var obj1Props = Object.keys( obj1 ),
        obj2Props = Object.keys( obj2 );

    if ( obj1Props.length == obj2Props.length ) {
        return obj1Props.every( function( prop ) {
          return obj2Props.indexOf( prop ) >= 0;

    return false;

In this way we check that both the objects have the same number of properties (otherwise the objects haven't the same properties, and we must return a logical false) then, if the number matches, we go to check if they have the same properties.


A possible enhancement could be to introduce also a type checking to enforce the match on every property.

Post-increment and Pre-increment concept?

Since we now have inline javascript snippets I might as well add an interactive example of pre and pos increment. It's not C++ but the concept stays the same.

let A = 1;_x000D_
let B = 1;_x000D_
console.log('A++ === 2', A++ === 2);_x000D_
console.log('++B === 2', ++B === 2);

In Swift how to call method with parameters on GCD main thread?

Reload collectionView on Main Thread

DispatchQueue.main.async {

Where to find the win32api module for Python?

There is a a new option as well: get it via pip! There is a package pypiwin32 with wheels available, so you can just install with: pip install pypiwin32!

Edit: Per comment from @movermeyer, the main project now publishes wheels at pywin32, and so can be installed with pip install pywin32

How to add MVC5 to Visual Studio 2013?

Go File -> New Project.

Select Web under Visual C#.

Select ASP.NET Web Application

Click OK.

New Project Dialog

Select MVC.

Click OK.

ASP.Net Dialog

How to set up gradle and android studio to do release build?

in the latest version of android studio, you can just do:

./gradlew assembleRelease

or aR for short. This will produce an unsigned release apk. Building a signed apk can be done similarly or you can use Build -> Generate Signed Apk in Android Studio.

See the docs here

Here is my build.gradle for reference:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath ''
apply plugin: 'android'

dependencies {
  compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')

android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"

sourceSets {
    main {
        manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
        java.srcDirs = ['src']
        resources.srcDirs = ['src']
        aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
        renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
        res.srcDirs = ['res']
        assets.srcDirs = ['assets']

    // Move the tests to tests/java, tests/res, etc...

    // Move the build types to build-types/<type>
    // For instance, build-types/debug/java, build-types/debug/AndroidManifest.xml, ...
    // This moves them out of them default location under src/<type>/... which would
    // conflict with src/ being used by the main source set.
    // Adding new build types or product flavors should be accompanied
    // by a similar customization.


buildTypes {
    release {


How to use a table type in a SELECT FROM statement?

Prior to Oracle 12C you cannot select from PL/SQL-defined tables, only from tables based on SQL types like this:

currency_cd VARCHAR2(9),
exch_rt_eur NUMBER,
exch_rt_usd NUMBER);


In Oracle 12C it is now possible to select from PL/SQL tables that are defined in a package spec.

Use a list of values to select rows from a pandas dataframe

You can use isin method:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [5,6,3,4], 'B': [1,2,3,5]})

In [2]: df
   A  B
0  5  1
1  6  2
2  3  3
3  4  5

In [3]: df[df['A'].isin([3, 6])]
   A  B
1  6  2
2  3  3

And to get the opposite use ~:

In [4]: df[~df['A'].isin([3, 6])]
   A  B
0  5  1
3  4  5

How to convert java.lang.Object to ArrayList?

The conversion fails (java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.ArrayList) because you have surely some objects that are not ArrayList. verify the types of your different objects.

Append to the end of a file in C

Following the documentation of fopen:

``a'' Open for writing. The file is created if it does not exist. The stream is positioned at the end of the file. Subsequent writes to the file will always end up at the then cur- rent end of file, irrespective of any intervening fseek(3) or similar.

So if you pFile2=fopen("myfile2.txt", "a"); the stream is positioned at the end to append automatically. just do:

FILE *pFile;
FILE *pFile2;
char buffer[256];

pFile=fopen("myfile.txt", "r");
pFile2=fopen("myfile2.txt", "a");
if(pFile==NULL) {
    perror("Error opening file.");
else {
    while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFile)) {
        fprintf(pFile2, "%s", buffer);

Launching Spring application Address already in use

Close the application, then restart it after changing to a new port:


You can use any new unused port. Here, I used port 8181.

Tensorflow set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES within jupyter

You can set environment variables in the notebook using os.environ. Do the following before initializing TensorFlow to limit TensorFlow to first GPU.

import os
os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID"   # see issue #152

You can double check that you have the correct devices visible to TF

from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
print device_lib.list_local_devices()

I tend to use it from utility module like notebook_util

import notebook_util
import tensorflow as tf

How to use a keypress event in AngularJS?

I think using document.bind is a bit more elegant

constructor($scope, $document) {
  var that = this;
  $document.bind("keydown", function(event) {

To get document to the controller constructor:

controller: ['$scope', '$document', MyCtrl]

Left Join With Where Clause

For this problem, as for many others involving non-trivial left joins such as left-joining on inner-joined tables, I find it convenient and somewhat more readable to split the query with a with clause. In your example,

with settings_for_char as (
  select setting_id, value from character_settings where character_id = 1
  left join settings_for_char on settings_for_char.setting_id =;

How can I erase all inline styles with javascript and leave only the styles specified in the css style sheet?

I was using the $('div').attr('style', ''); technique and it wasn't working in IE8.

I outputted the style attribute using alert() and it was not stripping out inline styles.

.removeAttr ended up doing the trick in IE8.

git status shows modifications, git checkout -- <file> doesn't remove them

Nothing else on this page worked. This finally worked for me. Showing no untracked, or commited files.

git add -A
git reset --hard

Private vs Protected - Visibility Good-Practice Concern

Well it is all about encapsulation if the paybill classes handles billing of payment then in product class why would it needs the whole process of billing process i.e payment method how to pay where to pay .. so only letting what are used for other classes and objects nothing more than that public for those where other classes would use too, protected for those limit only for extending classes. As you are madara uchiha the private is like "limboo" you can see it (you class only single class).

Nesting optgroups in a dropdownlist/select

Ok, if anyone ever reads this: the best option is to add four &nbsp;s at each extra level of indentation, it would seem!


 <optgroup label="Level One">_x000D_
  <option> A.1 </option>_x000D_
  <optgroup label="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Level Two">_x000D_
   <option>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A.B.1 </option>_x000D_
  <option> A.2 </option>_x000D_

How to ssh from within a bash script?

If you want to continue to use passwords and not use key exchange then you can accomplish this with 'expect' like so:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh user@hostname
expect "password:"
sleep 1
send "<your password>\r"

Correct way to set Bearer token with CURL

This is a cURL function that can send or retrieve data. It should work with any PHP app that supports OAuth:

    function jwt_request($token, $post) {

       header('Content-Type: application/json'); // Specify the type of data
       $ch = curl_init(''); // Initialise cURL
       $post = json_encode($post); // Encode the data array into a JSON string
       $authorization = "Authorization: Bearer ".$token; // Prepare the authorisation token
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json' , $authorization )); // Inject the token into the header
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // Specify the request method as POST
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); // Set the posted fields
       curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // This will follow any redirects
       $result = curl_exec($ch); // Execute the cURL statement
       curl_close($ch); // Close the cURL connection
       return json_decode($result); // Return the received data


Use it within one-way or two-way requests:

$token = "080042cad6356ad5dc0a720c18b53b8e53d4c274"; // Get your token from a cookie or database
$post = array('some_trigger'=>'...','some_values'=>'...'); // Array of data with a trigger
$request = jwt_request($token,$post); // Send or retrieve data

How to disable mouse right click on a web page?

There are plenty of examples of this which can be found via Google

However, users can turn off Javascript to stop this highly annoying "feature". I think you should really think about this before implementing it. It isn't really going to protect your content (if that is what you are trying achieve).

There is an article here that illustrates just how annoying and pointless it is.

RegExp matching string not starting with my

Wouldn't it be significantly more readable to do a positive match and reject those strings - rather than match the negative to find strings to accept?


Why is my xlabel cut off in my matplotlib plot?

In case you want to store it to a file, you solve it using bbox_inches="tight" argument:

plt.savefig('myfile.png', bbox_inches = "tight")

Applying styles to tables with Twitter Bootstrap

bootstrap provides various classes for table

 <table class="table"></table>
 <table class="table table-bordered"></table>
 <table class="table table-hover"></table>
 <table class="table table-condensed"></table>
 <table class="table table-responsive"></table>

Convert JSON String to JSON Object c#

there's an interesting way to achive another goal which is to have a strongly type class base on json with a very powerfull tools that i used few days ago for first time to translate tradedoubler json result into classes

Is a simple tool: copy your json source paste and in few second you will have a strongly typed class json oriented . In this manner you will use these classes which is more powerful and simply to use.

what is the difference between $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and $_GET['q']?

In the context of Drupal, the difference will depend whether clean URLs are on or not.

With them off, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will have the full path of the page as called w/ /index.php, while $_GET["q"] will just have what is assigned to q.

With them on, they will be nearly identical w/o other arguments, but $_GET["q"] will be missing the leading /. Take a look towards the end of the default .htaccess to see what is going on. They will also differ if additional arguments are passed into the page, eg when a pager is active.

How to apply bold text style for an entire row using Apache POI?

This worked for me

    Object[][] bookData = { { "col1", "col2", 3 }, { "col1", "col2", 3 }, { "col1", "col2", 3 },
            { "col1", "col2", 3 }, { "col1", "col2", 3 }, { "col1", "col2", 3 } };

    String[] headers = new String[] { "HEader 1", "HEader 2", "HEader 3" };

    int noOfColumns = headers.length;
    int rowCount = 0;

    Row rowZero = sheet.createRow(rowCount++);
    CellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
    Font font = workbook.createFont();
    for (int col = 1; col <= noOfColumns; col++) {
        Cell cell = rowZero.createCell(col);
        cell.setCellValue(headers[col - 1]);

How to disable a ts rule for a specific line?


TS 3.9 introduces a new magic comment. @ts-expect-error will:

  • have same functionality as @ts-ignore
  • trigger an error, if actually no compiler error has been suppressed (= indicates useless flag)
if (false) {
  // @ts-expect-error: Let's ignore a single compiler error like this unreachable code 
  console.log("hello"); // compiles

// If @ts-expect-error didn't suppress anything at all, we now get a nice warning 
let flag = true;
// ...
if (flag) {
  // @ts-expect-error
  // ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ error: "Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.(2578)"


@ts-ignore and @ts-expect-error can be used for all sorts of compiler errors. For type issues (like in OP), I recommend one of the following alternatives due to narrower error suppression scope:

? Use any type

// type assertion for single expression
delete ($ as any).summernote.options.keyMap.pc.TAB;

// new variable assignment for multiple usages
const $$: any = $
delete $$.summernote.options.keyMap.pc.TAB;
delete $$.summernote.options.keyMap.mac.TAB;

? Augment JQueryStatic interface

// ./global.d.ts
interface JQueryStatic {
  summernote: any;

// ./main.ts
delete $.summernote.options.keyMap.pc.TAB; // works

In other cases, shorthand module declarations or module augmentations for modules with no/extendable types are handy utilities. A viable strategy is also to keep not migrated code in .js and use --allowJs with checkJs: false.

How do I make a newline after a twitter bootstrap element?

Like KingCronus mentioned in the comments you can use the row class to make the list or heading on its own line. You could use the row class on either or both elements:

<ul class="nav nav-tabs span2 row">
  <li><a href="./index.html"><i class="icon-black icon-music"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./about.html"><i class="icon-black icon-eye-open"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./team.html"><i class="icon-black icon-user"></i></a></li>
  <li><a href="./contact.html"><i class="icon-black icon-envelope"></i></a></li>

<div class="well span6 row">
  <h3>I wish this appeared on the next line without having to gratuitously use BR!</h3>

JavaScript function to add X months to a date

This function handles edge cases and is fast:

function addMonthsUTC (date, count) {
  if (date && count) {
    var m, d = (date = new Date(+date)).getUTCDate()

    date.setUTCMonth(date.getUTCMonth() + count, 1)
    m = date.getUTCMonth()
    if (date.getUTCMonth() !== m) date.setUTCDate(0)
  return date


> d = new Date('2016-01-31T00:00:00Z');
Sat Jan 30 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonthsUTC(d, 1);
Sun Feb 28 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonthsUTC(d, 1);
Mon Mar 28 2016 18:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d.toISOString()

Update for non-UTC dates: (by A.Hatchkins)

function addMonths (date, count) {
  if (date && count) {
    var m, d = (date = new Date(+date)).getDate()

    date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + count, 1)
    m = date.getMonth()
    if (date.getMonth() !== m) date.setDate(0)
  return date


> d = new Date(2016,0,31);
Sun Jan 31 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonths(d, 1);
Mon Feb 29 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d = addMonths(d, 1);
Tue Mar 29 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
> d.toISOString()

How to remove unused imports in Intellij IDEA on commit?

When you commit, tick the Optimize imports option on the right. This will become the default until you change it.

I prefer using the Reformat code option as well.

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch + git rebase?

It should be pretty obvious from your question that you're actually just asking about the difference between git merge and git rebase.

So let's suppose you're in the common case - you've done some work on your master branch, and you pull from origin's, which also has done some work. After the fetch, things look like this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C (master)
                P - Q - R (origin/master)

If you merge at this point (the default behavior of git pull), assuming there aren't any conflicts, you end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - A - B - C - X (master)
               \             /
                P - Q - R --- (origin/master)

If on the other hand you did the appropriate rebase, you'd end up with this:

- o - o - o - H - P - Q - R - A' - B' - C' (master)

The content of your work tree should end up the same in both cases; you've just created a different history leading up to it. The rebase rewrites your history, making it look as if you had committed on top of origin's new master branch (R), instead of where you originally committed (H). You should never use the rebase approach if someone else has already pulled from your master branch.

Finally, note that you can actually set up git pull for a given branch to use rebase instead of merge by setting the config parameter branch.<name>.rebase to true. You can also do this for a single pull using git pull --rebase.

How can I set NODE_ENV=production on Windows?

Just to clarify, and for anyone else that may be pulling their hair out...

If you are using git bash on Windows, set node_env=production&& node whatever.js does not seem to work. Instead, use the native cmd. Then, using set node_env=production&& node whatever.jsworks as expected.

My use case:

I develop on Windows because my workflow is a lot faster, but I needed to make sure that my application's development-specific middleware were not firing in the production environment.

Use basic authentication with jQuery and Ajax

According to SharkAlley answer it works with nginx too.

I was search for a solution to get data by jQuery from a server behind nginx and restricted by Base Auth. This works for me:

server {

    location / {
        if ($request_method = OPTIONS ) {
            add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";
            add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS";
            add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization";

            # Not necessary
            #            add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true";
            #            add_header Content-Length 0;
            #            add_header Content-Type text/plain;

            return 200;

        auth_basic "Restricted";
        auth_basic_user_file /var/.htpasswd;


And the JavaScript code is:

var auth = btoa('username:password');
    type: 'GET',
    url: '',
    headers: {
        "Authorization": "Basic " + auth
    success : function(data) {

Article that I find useful:

  1. This topic's answers

Windows batch files: .bat vs .cmd?

No - it doesn't matter in the slightest. On NT the .bat and .cmd extension both cause the cmd.exe processor to process the file in exactly the same way.

Additional interesting information about vs. cmd.exe on WinNT-class systems from MS TechNet (

This behavior reveals a quite subtle feature of Windows NT that is very important. The 16-bit MS-DOS shell (COMMAND.COM) that ships with Windows NT is specially designed for Windows NT. When a command is entered for execution by this shell, it does not actually execute it. Instead, it packages the command text and sends it to a 32-bit CMD.EXE command shell for execution. Because all commands are actually executed by CMD.EXE (the Windows NT command shell), the 16-bit shell inherits all the features and facilities of the full Windows NT shell.

View stored procedure/function definition in MySQL

If you want to know the list of procedures you can run the following command -

show procedure status;

It will give you the list of procedures and their definers Then you can run the show create procedure <procedurename>;

ALTER COLUMN in sqlite

While it is true that the is no ALTER COLUMN, if you only want to rename the column, drop the NOT NULL constraint, or change the data type, you can use the following set of dangerous commands:

PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;
PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;

You will need to either close and reopen your connection or vacuum the database to reload the changes into the schema.

For example:

Y:\> **sqlite3 booktest**  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> **create table BOOKS ( title TEXT NOT NULL, publication_date TEXT NOT 
sqlite> **insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);**  
Error: BOOKS.publication_date may not be NULL  
sqlite> **PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;**  
NULL, publication_date TEXT)' WHERE NAME = 'BOOKS';**  
sqlite> **PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;**  
sqlite> **.q**  

Y:\> **sqlite3 booktest**  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> **insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);**  
sqlite> **.q**  


pragma writable_schema
When this pragma is on, the SQLITE_MASTER tables in which database can be changed using ordinary UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. Warning: misuse of this pragma can easily result in a corrupt database file.

[alter table](From
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.


How to send a Post body in the HttpClient request in Windows Phone 8?

I implemented it in the following way. I wanted a generic MakeRequest method that could call my API and receive content for the body of the request - and also deserialise the response into the desired type. I create a Dictionary<string, string> object to house the content to be submitted, and then set the HttpRequestMessage Content property with it:

Generic method to call the API:

    private static T MakeRequest<T>(string httpMethod, string route, Dictionary<string, string> postParams = null)
        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod(httpMethod), $"{_apiBaseUri}/{route}");

            if (postParams != null)
                requestMessage.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(postParams);   // This is where your content gets added to the request body

            HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendAsync(requestMessage).Result;

            string apiResponse = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                // Attempt to deserialise the reponse to the desired type, otherwise throw an expetion with the response from the api.
                if (apiResponse != "")
                    return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(apiResponse);
                    throw new Exception();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception($"An error ocurred while calling the API. It responded with the following message: {response.StatusCode} {response.ReasonPhrase}");

Call the method:

    public static CardInformation ValidateCard(string cardNumber, string country = "CAN")
        // Here you create your parameters to be added to the request content
        var postParams = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "cardNumber", cardNumber }, { "country", country } };
        // make a POST request to the "cards" endpoint and pass in the parameters
        return MakeRequest<CardInformation>("POST", "cards", postParams);

How to make jQuery UI nav menu horizontal?

This post has inspired me to try the jQuery ui menu.

<ul id="nav">
    <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 3</a>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-1</a>
                <li><a href="#">Item 3-11</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item 3-12</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item 3-13</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-3</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-4</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-5</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 5</a></li>

.ui-menu { 
    overflow: hidden;
.ui-menu .ui-menu {
    overflow: visible !important;
.ui-menu > li { 
    float: left;
    display: block;
    width: auto !important;
.ui-menu ul li {
.ui-menu ul li ul {
    left:120px !important;
.ui-menu ul li ul li {
.ui-menu ul li ul li a {
.ui-menu > li {
    margin: 5px 5px !important;
    padding: 0 0 !important;
.ui-menu > li > a { 
    float: left;
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    overflow: hidden;
.ui-menu .ui-menu-icon { 
    margin-top: 0.3em !important;
.ui-menu .ui-menu .ui-menu li { 
    float: left;
    display: block;

$( "#nav" ).menu({position: {at: "left bottom"}});

<ul id="nav">
    <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 3</a>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-1</a>
                <li><a href="#">Item 3-11</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item 3-12</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Item 3-13</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-2</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-3</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-4</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Item 3-5</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 5</a></li>

.ui-menu { list-style:none; padding: 2px; margin: 0; display:block; outline: none; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu { margin-top: -3px; position: absolute; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item {
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    width: auto;
.ui-menu .ui-menu-divider { margin: 5px -2px 5px -2px; height: 0; font-size: 0; line-height: 0; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a { text-decoration: none; display: block; padding: 2px .4em; line-height: 1.5; zoom: 1; font-weight: normal; }
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a.ui-state-focus,
.ui-menu .ui-menu-item a.ui-state-active { font-weight: normal; margin: -1px; }

.ui-menu .ui-state-disabled { font-weight: normal; margin: .4em 0 .2em; line-height: 1.5; }
.ui-menu .ui-state-disabled a { cursor: default; }
.ui-menu:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;
    line-height: 0;
    height: 0;

$( "#nav" ).menu({position: {at: "left bottom"}});

Why catch and rethrow an exception in C#?

C# (before C# 6) doesn't support CIL "filtered exceptions", which VB does, so in C# 1-5 one reason for re-throwing an exception is that you don't have enough information at the time of catch() to determine whether you wanted to actually catch the exception.

For example, in VB you can do

Catch Ex As MyException When Ex.ErrorCode = 123
End Try

...which would not handle MyExceptions with different ErrorCode values. In C# prior to v6, you would have to catch and re-throw the MyException if the ErrorCode was not 123:

catch(MyException ex)
    if (ex.ErrorCode != 123) throw;

Since C# 6.0 you can filter just like with VB:

  // Do stuff
catch (Exception e) when (e.ErrorCode == 123456) // filter
  // Handle, other exceptions will be left alone and bubble up

How to get value of Radio Buttons?

To Get the Value when the radio button is checked

if (rdbtnSN06.IsChecked == true)
string RadiobuttonContent =Convert.ToString(rdbtnSN06.Content.ToString());
string RadiobuttonContent =Convert.ToString(rdbtnSN07.Content.ToString());

How do I return multiple values from a function in C?

Two different approaches:

  1. Pass in your return values by pointer, and modify them inside the function. You declare your function as void, but it's returning via the values passed in as pointers.
  2. Define a struct that aggregates your return values.

I think that #1 is a little more obvious about what's going on, although it can get tedious if you have too many return values. In that case, option #2 works fairly well, although there's some mental overhead involved in making specialized structs for this purpose.

Extract part of a regex match


title ='<title>(.*)</title>', html, re.IGNORECASE).group(1)

C++ create string of text and variables

You can also use sprintf:

char str[1024];
sprintf(str, "somtext %s sometext %s", somevar, somevar);

How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically?

Yes, you can call setId(value) in any view with any (positive) integer value that you like and then find it in the parent container using findViewById(value). Note that it is valid to call setId() with the same value for different sibling views, but findViewById() will return only the first one.

How to detect the currently pressed key?

You can also look at the following if you use WPF or reference System.Windows.Input

if (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Shift)

The Keyboard namespace can also be used to check the pressed state of other keys with Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key), or if you are subscribing to a KeyDownEvent or similar event, the event arguments carry a list of currently pressed keys.

How to split a single column values to multiple column values?

An alternative to Martin's

select LEFT(name, CHARINDEX(' ', name + ' ') -1),
       STUFF(name, 1, Len(Name) +1- CHARINDEX(' ',Reverse(name)), '')
from somenames

Sample table

create table somenames (Name varchar(100))
insert somenames select 'abcd efgh'
insert somenames select 'ijk lmn opq'
insert somenames select 'asd j. asdjja'
insert somenames select 'asb (asdfas) asd'
insert somenames select 'asd'
insert somenames select ''
insert somenames select null

"Comparison method violates its general contract!"

You can't compare object data like this:s1.getParent() == s2 - this will compare the object references. You should override equals function for Foo class and then compare them like this s1.getParent().equals(s2)

Python Checking a string's first and last character

When you say [:-1] you are stripping the last element. Instead of slicing the string, you can apply startswith and endswith on the string object itself like this

if str1.startswith('"') and str1.endswith('"'):

So the whole program becomes like this

>>> str1 = '"xxx"'
>>> if str1.startswith('"') and str1.endswith('"'):
...     print "hi"
>>> else:
...     print "condition fails"

Even simpler, with a conditional expression, like this

>>> print("hi" if str1.startswith('"') and str1.endswith('"') else "fails")

gradlew command not found?

First thing is you need to run the gradle task that you mentioned for this wrapper. Ex : gradle wrapper After running this command, check your directory for gradlew and gradlew.bat files. gradlew is the shell script file & can be used in linux/Mac OS. gradlew.bat is the batch file for windows OS. Then run,

./gradlew build (linux/mac). It will work.

equivalent of vbCrLf in c#


How do I make entire div a link?


<a href="foo.html"><div class="xyz"></div></a>

works in browsers, even though it violates current HTML specifications. It is permitted according to HTML5 drafts.

When you say that it does not work, you should explain exactly what you did (including jsfiddle code is a good idea), what you expected, and how the behavior different from your expectations.

It is unclear what you mean by “all the content in that div is in the css”, but I suppose it means that the content is really empty in HTML markup and you have CSS like

.xyz:before { content: "Hello world"; }

The entire block is then clickable, with the content text looking like link text there. Isn’t this what you expected?

How do I make calls to a REST API using C#?

I did it in this simple way, with Web API 2.0. You can remove UseDefaultCredentials. I used it for my own use cases.

List<YourObject> listObjects = new List<YourObject>();

string response = "";
using (var client = new WebClient() { UseDefaultCredentials = true })
     response = client.DownloadString(apiUrl);

listObjects = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<YourObject>>(response);
return listObjects;

How do I compare two files using Eclipse? Is there any option provided by Eclipse?

To compare two files in Eclipse, first select them in the Project Explorer / Package Explorer / Navigator with control-click. Now right-click on one of the files, and the following context menu will appear. Select Compare With / Each Other.

enter image description here

How can I add the sqlite3 module to Python?

I have python 2.7.3 and this solved my problem:

pip install pysqlite

Find the directory part (minus the filename) of a full path in access 97


The Dir function will return only the file portion of the full path. Currentdb.Name is used here, but it could be any full path string.

How to get Linux console window width in Python

Here is an version that should be Linux and Solaris compatible. Based on the posts and commments from madchine. Requires the subprocess module.

def termsize():
    import shlex, subprocess, re
    output = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split('/bin/stty -a'))
    m ='rows\D+(?P\d+); columns\D+(?P\d+);', output)
    if m:
    raise OSError('Bad response: %s' % (output))
>>> termsize()
('40', '100')

Find closing HTML tag in Sublime Text

None of the above worked on Sublime Text 3 on Windows 10, Ctrl + Shift + ' with the Emmet Sublime Text 3 plugin works great and was the only working solution for me. Ctrl + Shift + T re-opens the last closed item and to my knowledge of Sublime, has done so since early builds of ST3 or late builds of ST2.

C++: Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal

only use:

cout << dec << 0x;

how to get current location in google map android

Please check the sample code for the Google Maps Android API v2. Using this will solve your problem.

private void setUpMapIfNeeded() {
    // Do a null check to confirm that we have not already instantiated the map.
    if (mMap == null) {
        // Try to obtain the map from the SupportMapFragment.
        mMap = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
        // Check if we were successful in obtaining the map.
        if (mMap != null) {
            mMap.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(new GoogleMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener() {
                public void onMyLocationChange(Location arg0) {
                    mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(new LatLng(arg0.getLatitude(), arg0.getLongitude())).title("It's Me!"));

Call this function in onCreate function.

python getoutput() equivalent in subprocess

To catch errors with subprocess.check_output(), you can use CalledProcessError. If you want to use the output as string, decode it from the bytecode.

# \return String of the output, stripped from whitespace at right side; or None on failure.
def runls():
    import subprocess
        byteOutput = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '-a'], timeout=2)
        return byteOutput.decode('UTF-8').rstrip()
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        print("Error in ls -a:\n", e.output)
        return None

jQuery Ajax Request inside Ajax Request

    url: "<?php echo site_url('upToWeb/ajax_edit/')?>/" + id,
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "JSON",
    success: function (data) {
        if (data.web == 0) {
            if (confirm('Data product upToWeb ?')) {
                    url: "<?php echo site_url('upToWeb/set_web/')?>/" + data.id_item,
                    type: "post",
                    dataType: "json",
                    data: {web: 1},
                    success: function (respons) {
                        location.href = location.pathname;
                    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { // Ketika terjadi error
                        alert(xhr.responseText); // munculkan alert
        else {
            if (confirm('Data product DownFromWeb ?')) {
                    url: "<?php echo site_url('upToWeb/set_web/')?>/" + data.id_item,
                    type: "post",
                    dataType: "json",
                    data: {web: 0},
                    success: function (respons) {
                        location.href = location.pathname;
                    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { // Ketika terjadi error
                        alert(xhr.responseText); // munculkan alert

    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        alert('Error get data from ajax');


CSS to prevent child element from inheriting parent styles

Can't you style the forms themselves? Then, style the divs accordingly.

    /* styles */

You can always overrule inherited styles by making it important:

    /* styles */ !important

Sending HTML mail using a shell script

Heres mine (given "mail" is configured correctly):

scanuser@owncloud:~$ vi

mail -s "You have new mail" -a "Content-type: text/html" -a "From: [email protected]" $1 << EOF
Neues Dokument: $2<br>
<a href="https://xxx/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Post">Hier anschauen</a>


to make executable:

chmod +x

then call:

./ [email protected] test.doc

Why is 1/1/1970 the "epoch time"?

Short answer: Why not?

Longer answer: The time itself doesn't really matter, as long as everyone who uses it agrees on its value. As 1/1/70 has been in use for so long, using it will make you code as understandable as possible for as many people as possible.

There's no great merit in choosing an arbitrary epoch just to be different.

Comment shortcut Android Studio

Mac (French-Canadian Keyboard):

Line Comment hold both: Cmd + É

Block Comment hold all three: Cmd + Alt + É

"É" is on the same position as "?/" in english one.

How to pass integer from one Activity to another?

In Activity A

private void startSwitcher() {
    int yourInt = 200;
    Intent myIntent = new Intent(A.this, B.class);
    intent.putExtra("yourIntName", yourInt);

in Activity B

int score = getIntent().getIntExtra("yourIntName", 0);

How can I bind to the change event of a textarea in jQuery?

Try this

 $("textarea").bind('cut paste', function(e) { });

How to center cards in bootstrap 4?

Add the css for .card

.card {
        margin: 0 auto; /* Added */
        float: none; /* Added */
        margin-bottom: 10px; /* Added */

here is the pen

UPDATE: You can use the class .mx-auto available in bootstrap 4 to center cards.

The type List is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments [HTTPClient]

Try to import


instead of


PHP array delete by value (not key)

The accepted answer converts the array to associative array, so, if you would like to keep it as a non-associative array with the accepted answer, you may have to use array_values too.

if(($key = array_search($del_val, $messages)) !== false) {
    $arr = array_values($messages);

The reference is here

Pandas: Creating DataFrame from Series

No need to initialize an empty DataFrame (you weren't even doing that, you'd need pd.DataFrame() with the parens).

Instead, to create a DataFrame where each series is a column,

  1. make a list of Series, series, and
  2. concatenate them horizontally with df = pd.concat(series, axis=1)

Something like:

series = [pd.Series(mat[name][:, 1]) for name in Variables]
df = pd.concat(series, axis=1)

write a shell script to ssh to a remote machine and execute commands

This worked for me. I made a function. Put this in your shell script:

    ssh $1@$2 $3


If you have multiple machines that you want to do the same command on you would repeat that line with a semi colon. For example, if you have two machines you would do this:


Replace USER with the user of the computer. Replace HOST with the name of the computer. Replace COMMAND with the command you want to do on the computer.

Hope this helps!

Windows batch: call more than one command in a FOR loop?

SilverSkin and Anders are both correct. You can use parentheses to execute multiple commands. However, you have to make sure that the commands themselves (and their parameters) do not contain parentheses. cmd greedily searches for the first closing parenthesis, instead of handling nested sets of parentheses gracefully. This may cause the rest of the command line to fail to parse, or it may cause some of the parentheses to get passed to the commands (e.g. DEL myfile.txt)).

A workaround for this is to split the body of the loop into a separate function. Note that you probably need to jump around the function body to avoid "falling through" into it.

FOR /r %%X IN (*.txt) DO CALL :loopbody %%X
REM Don't "fall through" to :loopbody.

DEL %1

Caching a jquery ajax response in javascript/browser

Old question, but my solution is a bit different.

I was writing a single page web app that was constantly making ajax calls triggered by the user, and to make it even more difficult it required libraries that used methods other than jquery (like dojo, native xhr, etc). I wrote a plugin for one of my own libraries to cache ajax requests as efficiently as possible in a way that would work in all major browsers, regardless of which libraries were being used to make the ajax call.

The solution uses jSQL (written by me - a client-side persistent SQL implementation written in javascript which uses indexeddb and other dom storage methods), and is bundled with another library called XHRCreep (written by me) which is a complete re-write of the native XHR object.

To implement all you need to do is include the plugin in your page, which is here.

There are two options:

jSQL.xhrCache.max_time = 60;

Set the maximum age in minutes. any cached responses that are older than this are re-requested. Default is 1 hour.

jSQL.xhrCache.logging = true;

When set to true, mock XHR calls will be shown in the console for debugging.

You can clear the cache on any given page via

jSQL.tables = {}; jSQL.persist();

Using Java generics for JPA findAll() query with WHERE clause

Hat tip to Adam Bien if you don't want to use createQuery with a String and want type safety:

 EntityManager em;

 public List<ConfigurationEntry> allEntries() {
        CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<ConfigurationEntry> cq = cb.createQuery(ConfigurationEntry.class);
        Root<ConfigurationEntry> rootEntry = cq.from(ConfigurationEntry.class);
        CriteriaQuery<ConfigurationEntry> all =;
        TypedQuery<ConfigurationEntry> allQuery = em.createQuery(all);
        return allQuery.getResultList();

RESTful call in Java

I see many answers, here's what we are using in 2020 WebClient, and BTW RestTemplate is going to get deprecated. (can check this) RestTemplate going to be deprecated

JavaScript, getting value of a td with id name

Again with getElementById, but instead .value, use .innerText

<td id="test">Chicken</td>
document.getElementById('test').innerText; //the value of this will be 'Chicken'

Extract the last substring from a cell

This works, even when there are middle names:


If you want everything BUT the last name, check out this answer.

If there are trailing spaces in your names, then you may want to remove them by replacing all instances of A2 by TRIM(A2) in the above formula.

Note that it is only by pure chance that your first formula =RIGHT(A2,FIND(" ",A2,1)-1) kind of works for Alistair Stevens. This is because "Alistair" and " Stevens" happen to contain the same number of characters (if you count the leading space in " Stevens").

Check file uploaded is in csv format

Mime type option is not best option for validating CSV file. I used this code this worked well in all browser

$type = explode(".",$_FILES['file']['name']);
if(strtolower(end($type)) == 'csv'){



Remove duplicate values from JS array

function removeDuplicates(inputArray) {
            var outputArray=new Array();

                jQuery.each(inputArray, function(index, value) {
                    if(jQuery.inArray(value, outputArray) == -1){
            return outputArray;

Start an activity from a fragment

with Kotlin I execute this code:


Is it possible to read the value of a annotation in java?

Elaborating to the answer of @Cephalopod, if you wanted all column names in a list you could use this oneliner:

List<String> columns = 
              .filter(f -> f.getAnnotation(Column.class)!=null)
              .map(f -> f.getAnnotation(Column.class).columnName())

What is the easiest way to parse an INI File in C++?

this question is a bit old, but I will post my answer. I have tested various INI classes (you can see them on my website) and I also use simpleIni because I want to work with INI files on both windows and winCE. Window's GetPrivateProfileString() works only with the registry on winCE.

It is very easy to read with simpleIni. Here is an example:

#include "SimpleIni\SimpleIni.h"    
CSimpleIniA ini;
const char * pVal = ini.GetValue(section, entry, DefaultStr);

Create normal zip file programmatically

You should look into Zip Packages

They are a more structured version of normal ZIP archives, requiring some meta stuff in the root. So other ZIP tools can open a package, but the Sysytem.IO.Packaging API can not open all ZIP files.

How to force input to only allow Alpha Letters?

Nice one-liner HTML only:

 <input type="text" id='nameInput' onkeypress='return ((event.charCode >= 65 && event.charCode <= 90) || (event.charCode >= 97 && event.charCode <= 122) || (event.charCode == 32))'>

CardView Corner Radius

An easy way to achieve this would be:

1.Make a custom background resource (like a rectangle shape) with rounded corners.

2.set this custom background using the command -

cardView = view.findViewById(;

this worked for me.

The XML layout I made with top left and bottom right radius.

<shape xmlns:android="">
<solid android:color="@color/white" />
<corners android:topLeftRadius="18dp" android:bottomRightRadius="18dp" />

In your case, you need to change only topLeftRadius as well as topRightRadius.

If you have a layout that overlaps with the corners of the card view and has a different color maybe, then you might need a different background resource file for the layout and in the xml set this background resource to your layout.

I tried and tested the above method. Hope this helps you.

How do I install Python packages in Google's Colab?

You can use ! install to do that.

Colab is just like a Jupyter notebook. Therefore, we can use the ! operator here to install any package in Colab. What ! actually does is, it tells the notebook cell that this line is not a Python code, its a command line script. So, to run any command line script in Colab, just add a ! preceding the line.

For example: !pip install tensorflow. This will treat that line (here pip install tensorflow) as a command prompt line and not some Python code. However, if you do this without adding the ! preceding the line, it'll throw up an error saying "invalid syntax".

But keep in mind that you'll have to upload the file to your drive before doing this (preferably into the same folder where your notebook is).

Hope this answers your question :)

Check if my SSL Certificate is SHA1 or SHA2

Update: The site below is no longer running because, as they say on the site:

As of January 1, 2016, no publicly trusted CA is allowed to issue a SHA-1 certificate. In addition, SHA-1 support was removed by most modern browsers and operating systems in early 2017. Any new certificate you get should automatically use a SHA-2 algorithm for its signature.

Legacy clients will continue to accept SHA-1 certificates, and it is possible to have requested a certificate on December 31, 2015 that is valid for 39 months. So, it is possible to see SHA-1 certificates in the wild that expire in early 2019.

Original answer:

You can also use - set up to make this particular task easy. The site has a text box - you type in your site domain name, click the Go button and it then tells you whether the site is using SHA1 or SHA2.


EPPlus - Read Excel Table

Below code will read excel data into a datatable, which is converted to list of datarows.

if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
    if (Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName) == ".xlsx")
        Stream fs = FileUpload1.FileContent;
        ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(fs);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        dt= package.ToDataTable();
        List<DataRow> listOfRows = new List<DataRow>();
        listOfRows = dt.AsEnumerable().ToList();

using OfficeOpenXml;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;

 public static class ExcelPackageExtensions
        public static DataTable ToDataTable(this ExcelPackage package)
            ExcelWorksheet workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            foreach (var firstRowCell in workSheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, workSheet.Dimension.End.Column])

            for (var rowNumber = 2; rowNumber <= workSheet.Dimension.End.Row; rowNumber++)
                var row = workSheet.Cells[rowNumber, 1, rowNumber, workSheet.Dimension.End.Column];
                var newRow = table.NewRow();
                foreach (var cell in row)
                    newRow[cell.Start.Column - 1] = cell.Text;
            return table;


Ajax success event not working

You must declare both Success AND Error callback. Adding

error: function(err) {...} 

should fix the problem

Is there any way to call a function periodically in JavaScript?

yes - take a look at setInterval and setTimeout for executing code at certain times. setInterval would be the one to use to execute code periodically.

See a demo and answer here for usage

JComboBox Selection Change Listener?

You may try these

 int selectedIndex = myComboBox.getSelectedIndex();


Object selectedObject = myComboBox.getSelectedItem();


String selectedValue = myComboBox.getSelectedValue().toString();

How to implement 2D vector array?

Another way to define a 2-d vector is to declare a vector of pair's.

 vector < pair<int,int> > v;

**To insert values**
 cin >> x >>y;

**Retrieve Values**
 i=0 to size(v)

For 3-d vectors take a look at tuple and make_tuple.

What are the most widely used C++ vector/matrix math/linear algebra libraries, and their cost and benefit tradeoffs?

What about GLM?

It's based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification and released under the MIT license. Clearly aimed at graphics programmers

Create a Dropdown List for MVC3 using Entity Framework (.edmx Model) & Razor Views && Insert A Database Record to Multiple Tables

Well, actually I'll have to say David is right with his solution, but there are some topics disturbing me:

  1. You should never send your model to the view => This is correct
  2. If you create a ViewModel, and include the Model as member in the ViewModel, then you effectively sent your model to the View => this is BAD
  3. Using dictionaries to send the options to the view => this not good style

So how can you create a better coupling?

I would use a tool like AutoMapper or ValueInjecter to map between ViewModel and Model. AutoMapper does seem to have the better syntax and feel to it, but the current version lacks a very severe topic: It is not able to perform the mapping from ViewModel to Model (under certain circumstances like flattening, etc., but this is off topic) So at present I prefer to use ValueInjecter.

So you create a ViewModel with the fields you need in the view. You add the SelectList items you need as lookups. And you add them as SelectLists already. So you can query from a LINQ enabled sourc, select the ID and text field and store it as a selectlist: You gain that you do not have to create a new type (dictionary) as lookup and you just move the new SelectList from the view to the controller.

  // StaffTypes is an IEnumerable<StaffType> from dbContext
  // viewModel is the viewModel initialized to copy content of Model Employee  
  // viewModel.StaffTypes is of type SelectList

  viewModel.StaffTypes =
    new SelectList(
        StaffTypes.OrderBy( item => item.Name )

In the view you just have to call

@Html.DropDownListFor( model => mode.StaffTypeID, model.StaffTypes )

Back in the post element of your method in the controller you have to take a parameter of the type of your ViewModel. You then check for validation. If the validation fails, you have to remember to re-populate the viewModel.StaffTypes SelectList, because this item will be null on entering the post function. So I tend to have those population things separated into a function. You just call back return new View(viewModel) if anything is wrong. Validation errors found by MVC3 will automatically be shown in the view.

If you have your own validation code you can add validation errors by specifying which field they belong to. Check documentation on ModelState to get info on that.

If the viewModel is valid you have to perform the next step:

If it is a create of a new item, you have to populate a model from the viewModel (best suited is ValueInjecter). Then you can add it to the EF collection of that type and commit changes.

If you have an update, you get the current db item first into a model. Then you can copy the values from the viewModel back to the model (again using ValueInjecter gets you do that very quick). After that you can SaveChanges and are done.

Feel free to ask if anything is unclear.

Passing arguments forward to another javascript function

The explanation that none of the other answers supplies is that the original arguments are still available, but not in the original position in the arguments object.

The arguments object contains one element for each actual parameter provided to the function. When you call a you supply three arguments: the numbers 1, 2, and, 3. So, arguments contains [1, 2, 3].

function a(args){
    console.log(arguments) // [1, 2, 3]

When you call b, however, you pass exactly one argument: a's arguments object. So arguments contains [[1, 2, 3]] (i.e. one element, which is a's arguments object, which has properties containing the original arguments to a).

function b(args){
    // arguments are lost?
    console.log(arguments) // [[1, 2, 3]]


As @Nick demonstrated, you can use apply to provide a set arguments object in the call.

The following achieves the same result:

function a(args){
    b(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); // three arguments

But apply is the correct solution in the general case.

how to list all sub directories in a directory

FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

        DialogResult result = fbd.ShowDialog();

        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath);
        string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(fbd.SelectedPath);

        foreach (string item2 in dirs)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(item2);



        foreach (string item in files)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(item);



What is the use of static synchronized method in java?

In general, synchronized methods are used to protect access to resources that are accessed concurrently. When a resource that is being accessed concurrently belongs to each instance of your class, you use a synchronized instance method; when the resource belongs to all instances (i.e. when it is in a static variable) then you use a synchronized static method to access it.

For example, you could make a static factory method that keeps a "registry" of all objects that it has produced. A natural place for such registry would be a static collection. If your factory is used from multiple threads, you need to make the factory method synchronized (or have a synchronized block inside the method) to protect access to the shared static collection.

Note that using synchronized without a specific lock object is generally not the safest choice when you are building a library to be used in code written by others. This is because malicious code could synchronize on your object or a class to block your own methods from executing. To protect your code against this, create a private "lock" object, instance or static, and synchronize on that object instead.

Checking session if empty or not

You need to check that Session["emp_num"] is not null before trying to convert it to a string otherwise you will get a null reference exception.

I'd go with your first example - but you could make it slightly more "elegant".

There are a couple of ways, but the ones that springs to mind are:

if (Session["emp_num"] is string)


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["emp_num"] as string))

This will return null if the variable doesn't exist or isn't a string.

How to center a subview of UIView

You can use = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(superview.bounds), CGRectGetMidY(superview.bounds))

And In Swift 3.0 = CGPoint(x: superview.bounds.midX, y: superview.bounds.midY)

Indentation Error in Python

This has happened with me too, python is space sensitive, so after " : "(colon) you might have left a space,
for example: [space is represented by "."]

`if command == 'HOWMANY':.
     opcodegroupr = "A0"
     opcoder = "85"
 elif command == 'IDENTIFY':.
     opcodegroupr = "A0"
     opcoder = "81"`

so try removing the unnecessary spaces,if you open it in IDE your cursor will be displayed away from ":" something like :- "if command == 'HOWMANY': |"
....whereas it should be:- "if command == 'HOWMANY':| "

How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters?

I know this is old, but...

function _truncate($str, $limit) {
    if(strlen($str) < $limit)
        return $str;
    $uid = uniqid();
    return array_shift(explode($uid, wordwrap($str, $limit, $uid)));

Running PHP script from the command line


After misunderstanding, I finally got what you are trying to do. You should check your server configuration files; are you using apache2 or some other server software?

Look for lines that start with LoadModule php... There probably are configuration files/directories named mods or something like that, start from there.

You could also check output from php -r 'phpinfo();' | grep php and compare lines to phpinfo(); from web server.

To run php interactively:

(so you can paste/write code in the console)

php -a

To make it parse file and output to console:

php -f file.php

Parse file and output to another file:

php -f file.php > results.html

Do you need something else?

To run only small part, one line or like, you can use:

php -r '$x = "Hello World"; echo "$x\n";'

If you are running linux then do man php at console.

if you need/want to run php through fpm, use cli fcgi

SCRIPT_NAME="file.php" SCRIP_FILENAME="file.php" REQUEST_METHOD="GET" cgi-fcgi -bind -connect "/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock"

where /var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock is your php-fpm socket file.

Convert file path to a file URI?

The System.Uri constructor has the ability to parse full file paths and turn them into URI style paths. So you can just do the following:

var uri = new System.Uri("c:\\foo");
var converted = uri.AbsoluteUri;

Can a div have multiple classes (Twitter Bootstrap)

Yes, div can take as many classes as you need. Use space to separate one from another.

 <div class="active dropdown-toggle custom-class">Example of multiple classses</div>

jQuery SVG vs. Raphael

I think it is not totally unrelated but did you consider canvas? something like Process JS can make it simpler.

Format Date output in JSF

With EL 2 (Expression Language 2) you can use this type of construct for your question:


Or you can add an alternate getter in your bean resulting in


where getBirthdateString returns the proper text representation. Remember to annotate the get method as @Transient if it is an Entity.

Regular expression to match balanced parentheses

This might help to match balanced parenthesis.


Displaying a Table in Django from Database

The easiest way is to use a for loop template tag.

Given the view:

def MyView(request):
    query_results = YourModel.objects.all()
    #return a response to your template and add query_results to the context

You can add a snippet like this your template...

        <th>Field 1</th>
        <th>Field N</th>
    {% for item in query_results %}
        <td>{{ item.field1 }}</td>
        <td>{{ item.fieldN }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

This is all covered in Part 3 of the Django tutorial. And here's Part 1 if you need to start there.

sscanf in Python

There is an ActiveState recipe which implements a basic scanf

How can I view the allocation unit size of a NTFS partition in Vista?

The simple GUI way, as provided by J Y in a previous answer:

  1. Create a small file (not empty)
  2. Right-click, choose Properties
  3. Check "Size on disk" (in tab General), double-check that your file size is less than half that so that it is certainly using a single allocation unit.

This works well and reminds you of the significance of allocation unit size. But it does have a caveat: as seen in comments to previous answer, Windows will sometimes show "Size on disk" as 0 for a very small file. In my testing, NTFS filesystems with allocation unit size 4096 bytes required the file to be 800 bytes to consistently avoid this issue. On FAT32 file systems this issue seems nonexistent, even a single byte file will work - just not empty.

S3 limit to objects in a bucket

@Acyra- performance of object delivery from a single bucket would depend greatly on the names of the objects in it.

If the file names were distanced by random characters then their physical locations would be spread further on the AWS hardware, but if you named everything 'common-x.jpg', 'common-y.jpg' then those objects will be stored together.

This may slow delivery of the files if you request them simultaneously but not by enough to worry you, the greater risk is from data-loss or an outage, since these objects are stored together they will be lost or unavailable together.

Java, Check if integer is multiple of a number

Use modulo

whenever a number x is a multiple of some number y, then always x % y equal to 0, which can be used as a check. So use

if (j % 4 == 0) 

Submit a form using jQuery

In jQuery I would prefer the following:


But then again, you really don't need jQuery to perform that task - just use regular JavaScript:


Nested or Inner Class in PHP

Since PHP version 5.4 you can force create objects with private constructor through reflection. It can be used to simulate Java nested classes. Example code:

class OuterClass {
  private $name;

  public function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;

  public function getName() {
    return $this->name;

  public function forkInnerObject($name) {
    $class = new ReflectionClass('InnerClass');
    $constructor = $class->getConstructor();
    $innerObject = $class->newInstanceWithoutConstructor(); // This method appeared in PHP 5.4
    $constructor->invoke($innerObject, $this, $name);
    return $innerObject;

class InnerClass {
  private $parentObject;
  private $name;

  private function __construct(OuterClass $parentObject, $name) {
    $this->parentObject = $parentObject;
    $this->name = $name;

  public function getName() {
    return $this->name;

  public function getParent() {
    return $this->parentObject;

$outerObject = new OuterClass('This is an outer object');
//$innerObject = new InnerClass($outerObject, 'You cannot do it');
$innerObject = $outerObject->forkInnerObject('This is an inner object');
echo $innerObject->getName() . "\n";
echo $innerObject->getParent()->getName() . "\n";

Set View Width Programmatically

You can use something like code below, if you need to affect only specific value, and not touch others:

view.getLayoutParams().width = newWidth;

Creating an Instance of a Class with a variable in Python

If you haven't found it yet, here is Dive into Python's chapter on object-oriented programming.

Here are some more examples, scroll to BankAccount.

You can call a class directly to create an instance. Parameters are passed to the __init__ method.

class Tamago(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name

imouto = Tamago('imouto')
oba = Tamago('oba') # 'oba' # 'imouto'

Get specific object by id from array of objects in AngularJS

Why complicate the situation? this is simple write some function like this:

function findBySpecField(data, reqField, value, resField) {
    var container = data;
    for (var i = 0; i < container.length; i++) {
        if (container[i][reqField] == value) {
    return '';

Use Case:

var data=[{
            "id": 502100,
            "name": "B?rd? filiali"
            "id": 502122
            "name": "10 sayli filiali"
            "id": 503176
            "name": "5 sayli filiali"

console.log('Result is  '+findBySpecField(data,'id','502100','name'));


Result is B?rd? filiali

Conversion from List<T> to array T[]


Will do the tric. See here for details.

How to make a movie out of images in python

I use the ffmpeg-python binding. You can find more information here.

import ffmpeg
    .input('/path/to/jpegs/*.jpg', pattern_type='glob', framerate=25)

Regular expression for exact match of a string

In malfaux's answer '^' and '$' has been used to detect the beginning and the end of the text.
These are usually used to detect the beginning and the end of a line.
However this may be the correct way in this case.
But if you wish to match an exact word the more elegant way is to use '\b'. In this case following pattern will match the exact phrase'123456'.


SQL Server returns error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'." in Windows application

Try setting "Integrated Security=False" in the connection string.

<add name="YourContext" connectionString="Data Source=<IPAddressOfDBServer>;Initial Catalog=<DBName>;USER ID=<youruserid>;Password=<yourpassword>;Integrated Security=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

How to update/refresh specific item in RecyclerView

you just have to add following code in alert dialog box on save click

          recyclerData.add(position, updateText.getText().toString());

Check whether variable is number or string in JavaScript

Since ES2015 the correct way to check if a variable holds a valid number is Number.isFinite(value)


Number.isFinite(Infinity)   // false
Number.isFinite(NaN)        // false
Number.isFinite(-Infinity)  // false

Number.isFinite(0)          // true
Number.isFinite(2e64)       // true

Number.isFinite('0')        // false
Number.isFinite(null)       // false

Java, "Variable name" cannot be resolved to a variable

If you look at the scope of the variable 'hoursWorked' you will see that it is a member of the class (declared as private int)

The two variables you are having trouble with are passed as parameters to the constructor.

The error message is because 'hours' is out of scope in the setter.