Programs & Examples On #Createobject

The CreateObject function is used to instantiate COM objects.

Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL':

I fixed it downloading the latest version from GgitHub GitHub url

Use Font Awesome Icons in CSS

#content h2:before {
    content: "\f055";
    font-family: FontAwesome;

Example Link:

Get Icon code from:

Why is ZoneOffset.UTC != ZoneId.of("UTC")?

The answer comes from the javadoc of ZoneId (emphasis mine) ...

A ZoneId is used to identify the rules used to convert between an Instant and a LocalDateTime. There are two distinct types of ID:

  • Fixed offsets - a fully resolved offset from UTC/Greenwich, that uses the same offset for all local date-times
  • Geographical regions - an area where a specific set of rules for finding the offset from UTC/Greenwich apply

Most fixed offsets are represented by ZoneOffset. Calling normalized() on any ZoneId will ensure that a fixed offset ID will be represented as a ZoneOffset.

... and from the javadoc of ZoneId#of (emphasis mine):

This method parses the ID producing a ZoneId or ZoneOffset. A ZoneOffset is returned if the ID is 'Z', or starts with '+' or '-'.

The argument id is specified as "UTC", therefore it will return a ZoneId with an offset, which also presented in the string form:




As you use the equals method for comparison, you check for object equivalence. Because of the described difference, the result of the evaluation is false.

When the normalized() method is used as proposed in the documentation, the comparison using equals will return true, as normalized() will return the corresponding ZoneOffset:

Normalizes the time-zone ID, returning a ZoneOffset where possible.

    .equals(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized())); // true

As the documentation states, if you use "Z" or "+0" as input id, of will return the ZoneOffset directly and there is no need to call normalized():

now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).equals(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Z"))); //true
now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).equals(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("+0"))); //true

To check if they store the same date time, you can use the isEqual method instead:

    .isEqual(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC"))); // true


System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"UTC\").normalized(): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"Z\"): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"+0\"): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("isEqual - ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"): "+ nowZoneOffset


equals - ZoneId.of("UTC"): false
equals - ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized(): true
equals - ZoneId.of("Z"): true
equals - ZoneId.of("+0"): true
isEqual - ZoneId.of("UTC"): true

What is this Javascript "require"?

I noticed that whilst the other answers explained what require is and that it is used to load modules in Node they did not give a full reply on how to load node modules when working in the Browser.

It is quite simple to do. Install your module using npm as you describe, and the module itself will be located in a folder usually called node_modules.

Now the simplest way to load it into your app is to reference it from your html with a script tag which points at this directory. i.e if your node_modules directory is in the root of the project at the same level as your index.html you would write this in your index.html:

<script src="node_modules/ng"></script>

That whole script will now be loaded into the page - so you can access its variables and methods directly.

There are other approaches which are more widely used in larger projects, such as a module loader like require.js. Of the two, I have not used Require myself, but I think it is considered by many people the way to go.

SMTPAuthenticationError when sending mail using gmail and python

Your code looks correct but sometimes google blocks an IP when you try to send a email from an unusual location. You can try to unblock it by visiting from the IP and following the prompts.


SwiftUI - How do I change the background color of a View?

Use Below Code for Navigation Bar Color Customization

struct ContentView: View {

@State var msg = "Hello SwiftUI"
init() {
    UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = .systemPink

     UINavigationBar.appearance().largeTitleTextAttributes = [
        .foregroundColor: UIColor.white,
               .font : UIFont(name:"Helvetica Neue", size: 40)!]

    // 3.
    UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [
        .font : UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-Thin", size: 20)!]

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        .navigationBarTitle(Text("NAVIGATION BAR"))       

enter image description here

Angular EXCEPTION: No provider for Http

import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http'; package in your module.ts file and add it in your imports.

Comparing the contents of two files in Sublime Text

Compare Side-By-Side looks like the most convenient to me though it's not the most popular:

UPD: I need to add that this plugin can freeze ST while comparing big files. It is certainly not the best decision if you are going to compare large texts.

'float' vs. 'double' precision

A float has 23 bits of precision, and a double has 52.

Merging Cells in Excel using C#

using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
// Your code...
yourWorksheet.Range[yourWorksheet.Cells[rowBegin,colBegin], yourWorksheet.Cells[yourWorksheet.rowEnd, colEnd]].Merge();

Row and Col start at 1.

How to open a URL in a new Tab using JavaScript or jQuery?

I know your question does not specify if you are trying to open all a tags in a new window or only the external links.

But in case you only want external links to open in a new tab you can do this:

$( 'a[href^="http://"]' ).attr( 'target','_blank' )
$( 'a[href^="https://"]' ).attr( 'target','_blank' )

How to set an HTTP proxy in Python 2.7?

On my network just setting http_proxy didn't work for me. The following points were relevant.

1 Setting http_proxy for your user wont be preserved when you execute sudo - to preserve it, do:

sudo -E yourcommand

I got my install working by first installing cntlm local proxy. The instructions here is succinct :

Instead of student number, you'd put your domain username

2 To use the cntlm local proxy, exec:

pip install --proxy localhost:3128 pygments

SQL Server: converting UniqueIdentifier to string in a case statement

Instead of Str(RequestID), try convert(varchar(38), RequestID)

How to flip background image using CSS?

You can flip both vertical and horizontal at the same time

    -moz-transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);
    -o-transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);
    -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);
    transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);

And with the transition property you can get a cool flip

    -webkit-transition: transform .4s ease-out 0ms;
    -moz-transition: transform .4s ease-out 0ms;
    -o-transition: transform .4s ease-out 0ms;
    transition: transform .4s ease-out 0ms;
    transition-property: transform;
    transition-duration: .4s;
    transition-timing-function: ease-out;
    transition-delay: 0ms;

Actually it flips the whole element, not just the background-image


function flip(){_x000D_
 var myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');_x000D_
 if (myDiv.className == 'myFlipedDiv'){_x000D_
  myDiv.className = '';_x000D_
  myDiv.className = 'myFlipedDiv';_x000D_
  -webkit-transition:transform .4s ease-out 0ms;_x000D_
  -moz-transition:transform .4s ease-out 0ms;_x000D_
  -o-transition:transform .4s ease-out 0ms;_x000D_
  transition:transform .4s ease-out 0ms;_x000D_
  -moz-transform:scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);_x000D_
  -o-transform:scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);_x000D_
  -webkit-transform:scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);_x000D_
  transform:scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);_x000D_
<div id="myDiv">Some content here</div>_x000D_
<button onclick="flip()">Click to flip</button>

Type definition in object literal in TypeScript

You're pretty close, you just need to replace the = with a :. You can use an object type literal (see spec section 3.5.3) or an interface. Using an object type literal is close to what you have:

var obj: { property: string; } = { property: "foo" };

But you can also use an interface

interface MyObjLayout {
    property: string;

var obj: MyObjLayout = { property: "foo" };

Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current

just get into the zabbix.conf.php

   >$sudo vim /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
   >$ZBX_SERVER      = '**your zabbix ip address or DNS name**';
   >$ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '10051';
   >$ZBX_SERVER_NAME = '**your zabbix hostname**';

just change the ip address you can resolve the error

Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current

After that restart the zabbix server

 >$sudo service zabbix-server restart

To verify go to Dashboard Administration -> queue there you see data

i resolved my error like this works fine for me.

Exception: Can't bind to 'ngFor' since it isn't a known native property

In angular 7 got this fixed by adding these lines to .module.ts file:

import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; imports: [CommonModule]

Align an element to bottom with flexbox

When setting your display to flex, you could simply use the flex property to mark which content can grow and which content cannot.

Flex property

div.content {_x000D_
 height: 300px;_x000D_
 display: flex;_x000D_
 flex-direction: column;_x000D_
div.up {_x000D_
  flex: 1;_x000D_
div.down {_x000D_
  flex: none;_x000D_
<div class="content">_x000D_
  <div class="up">_x000D_
    <h1>heading 1</h1>_x000D_
    <h2>heading 2</h2>_x000D_
    <p>Some more or less text</p>_x000D_
  <div class="down">_x000D_
    <a href="/" class="button">Click me</a>_x000D_

python for increment inner loop

You might just be better of using while loops rather than for loops for this. I translated your code directly from the java code.

str1 = "ababa"
str2 = "aba"
i = 0

while i < len(str1):
  j = 0
  while j < len(str2):
    if not str1[i+j] == str1[j]:
    if j == (len(str2) -1):
      i += len(str2)

Activating Anaconda Environment in VsCode

I found a hacky solution replace your environment variable for the original python file so instead it can just call from the python.exe from your anaconda folder, so when you reference python it will reference anaconda's python.

So your only python path in env var should be like:

"C:\Anaconda3\envs\py34\", or wherever the python executable lives

If you need more details I don't mind explaining. :)

How to get < span > value?

You need to change your code as below:-


<span id="span_Id">Click the button to display the content.</span>

<button onclick="displayDate()">Click Me</button>

function displayDate() {
   var span_Text = document.getElementById("span_Id").innerText;
   alert (span_Text);

After doing this you will get the tag value in alert.

ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code in C

I think you should move the variable declaration to top of block. I.e.

    int i = 0;


    int i = 0;

Sublime Text 2: How do I change the color that the row number is highlighted?

This post is for Sublime 3.

I just installed Sublime 3, the 64 bit version, on Ubuntu 14.04. I can't tell the difference between this version and Sublime 2 as far as user interface. The reason I didn't go with Sublime 2 is that it gives an annoying "GLib critical" error messages.

Anyways - previous posts mentioned the file /sublime_text_3/Packages/Color\ Scheme\ -\ Default.sublime-package

I wanted to give two tips here with respect to this file in Sublime 3:

  1. You can edit it with pico and use ^W to search the theme name. The first search result will bring you to an XML style entry where you can change the values. Make a copy before you experiment.
  2. If you choose the theme in the sublime menu (under Preferences/Color Scheme) before you change this file, then the changes will be cached and your change will not take effect. So delete the cached version and restart sublime for the changes to take effect. The cached version is at ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Color Scheme - Default/

How do you clone a Git repository into a specific folder?

If you want to clone into the current folder, you should try this:

git clone ./

Find rows that have the same value on a column in MySQL

Thanks guys :-) I used the below because I only cared about those two columns and not so much about the rest. Worked great

  select email, login_id from table
    group by email, login_id
    having COUNT(email) > 1

Using number_format method in Laravel

Here's another way of doing it, add in app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php

use Illuminate\Support\Str;


public function boot()
    // add Str::currency macro
    Str::macro('currency', function ($price)
        return number_format($price, 2, '.', '\'');

Then use Str::currency() in the blade templates or directly in the Expense model.

@foreach ($Expenses as $Expense)
        <td>{{{ $Expense->type }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ $Expense->narration }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ Str::currency($Expense->price) }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ $Expense->quantity }}}</td>
        <td>{{{ Str::currency($Expense->amount) }}}</td>                                                            

How to detect the character encoding of a text file?

Use StreamReader and direct it to detect the encoding for you:

using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(path, true))
    var currentEncoding = reader.CurrentEncoding;

And use Code Page Identifiers in order to switch logic depending on it.

Where can I find "make" program for Mac OS X Lion?

After upgrading to Mountain Lion using the NDK, I had the following error:

Cannot find 'make' program. Please install Cygwin make package or define the GNUMAKE variable to point to it

Error was fixed by downloading and using the latest NDK

How to create a JavaScript callback for knowing when an image is loaded?

If you are using React.js, you could do this:

render() {

// ...

onLoad={() => this.onImgLoad({ item })}
onError={() => this.onImgLoad({ item })}

src={item.src} key={item.key}
ref={item.key} />

// ... }


  • - onLoad (...) now will called with something like this: { src: "https://......png", key:"1" } you can use this as "key" to know which images is loaded correctly and which not.
  • - onError(...) it is the same but for errors.
  • - the object "item" is something like this { key:"..", src:".."} you can use to store the images' URL and key in order to use in a list of images.

  • What is time(NULL) in C?

    You have to refer to the documentation for ctime. time is a function that takes one parameter of type time_t * (a pointer to a time_t object) and assigns to it the current time. Instead of passing this pointer, you can also pass NULL and then use the returned time_t value instead.

    Select From all tables - MySQL

    As Suhel Meman said in the comments:

    SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table 1
    SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table 2

    would work.

    But all your SELECTS would have to consist of the same amount of columns. And because you are displaying it in one resulting table they should contain the same information.

    What you might want to do, is a JOIN on Product ID or something like that. This way you would get more columns, which makes more sense most of the time.

    How to keep one variable constant with other one changing with row in excel

    There are two kinds of cell reference, and it's really valuable to understand them well.

    One is relative reference, which is what you get when you just type the cell: A5. This reference will be adjusted when you paste or fill the formula into other cells.

    The other is absolute reference, and you get this by adding dollar signs to the cell reference: $A$5. This cell reference will not change when pasted or filled.

    A cool but rarely used feature is that row and column within a single cell reference may be independent: $A5 and A$5. This comes in handy for producing things like multiplication tables from a single formula.

    How do I pass a variable by reference?

    Arguments are passed by assignment. The rationale behind this is twofold:

    1. the parameter passed in is actually a reference to an object (but the reference is passed by value)
    2. some data types are mutable, but others aren't


    • If you pass a mutable object into a method, the method gets a reference to that same object and you can mutate it to your heart's delight, but if you rebind the reference in the method, the outer scope will know nothing about it, and after you're done, the outer reference will still point at the original object.

    • If you pass an immutable object to a method, you still can't rebind the outer reference, and you can't even mutate the object.

    To make it even more clear, let's have some examples.

    List - a mutable type

    Let's try to modify the list that was passed to a method:

    def try_to_change_list_contents(the_list):
        print('got', the_list)
        print('changed to', the_list)
    outer_list = ['one', 'two', 'three']
    print('before, outer_list =', outer_list)
    print('after, outer_list =', outer_list)


    before, outer_list = ['one', 'two', 'three']
    got ['one', 'two', 'three']
    changed to ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
    after, outer_list = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']

    Since the parameter passed in is a reference to outer_list, not a copy of it, we can use the mutating list methods to change it and have the changes reflected in the outer scope.

    Now let's see what happens when we try to change the reference that was passed in as a parameter:

    def try_to_change_list_reference(the_list):
        print('got', the_list)
        the_list = ['and', 'we', 'can', 'not', 'lie']
        print('set to', the_list)
    outer_list = ['we', 'like', 'proper', 'English']
    print('before, outer_list =', outer_list)
    print('after, outer_list =', outer_list)


    before, outer_list = ['we', 'like', 'proper', 'English']
    got ['we', 'like', 'proper', 'English']
    set to ['and', 'we', 'can', 'not', 'lie']
    after, outer_list = ['we', 'like', 'proper', 'English']

    Since the the_list parameter was passed by value, assigning a new list to it had no effect that the code outside the method could see. The the_list was a copy of the outer_list reference, and we had the_list point to a new list, but there was no way to change where outer_list pointed.

    String - an immutable type

    It's immutable, so there's nothing we can do to change the contents of the string

    Now, let's try to change the reference

    def try_to_change_string_reference(the_string):
        print('got', the_string)
        the_string = 'In a kingdom by the sea'
        print('set to', the_string)
    outer_string = 'It was many and many a year ago'
    print('before, outer_string =', outer_string)
    print('after, outer_string =', outer_string)


    before, outer_string = It was many and many a year ago
    got It was many and many a year ago
    set to In a kingdom by the sea
    after, outer_string = It was many and many a year ago

    Again, since the the_string parameter was passed by value, assigning a new string to it had no effect that the code outside the method could see. The the_string was a copy of the outer_string reference, and we had the_string point to a new string, but there was no way to change where outer_string pointed.

    I hope this clears things up a little.

    EDIT: It's been noted that this doesn't answer the question that @David originally asked, "Is there something I can do to pass the variable by actual reference?". Let's work on that.

    How do we get around this?

    As @Andrea's answer shows, you could return the new value. This doesn't change the way things are passed in, but does let you get the information you want back out:

    def return_a_whole_new_string(the_string):
        new_string = something_to_do_with_the_old_string(the_string)
        return new_string
    # then you could call it like
    my_string = return_a_whole_new_string(my_string)

    If you really wanted to avoid using a return value, you could create a class to hold your value and pass it into the function or use an existing class, like a list:

    def use_a_wrapper_to_simulate_pass_by_reference(stuff_to_change):
        new_string = something_to_do_with_the_old_string(stuff_to_change[0])
        stuff_to_change[0] = new_string
    # then you could call it like
    wrapper = [my_string]

    Although this seems a little cumbersome.

    Is quitting an application frowned upon?

    I would consider reading "Android Wireless Application Development" published by Addison-Wesley. I am just finishing it up and it is VERY thorough.

    It appears that you have some fundamental misunderstandings of the Android platform. I too was a little frustrated at first with the application life-cycle of Android apps, but after coming to a greater understanding, I have come to really enjoy this approach. This book will answer all of your questions and much more. It really is the best resource I have found for new Android developers.

    Also, I think you need to let go of a line-for-line port of the existing app. In order to port your application to the Android platform, some of the application design is going to change. The application-lifecycle used is necessary as mobile devices have very limited resources relative to desktop systems and allows Android devices to run several applications in an orderly and resource-aware fashion. Do some more in depth study of the platform, and I think you will realize that what you are wanting to do is entirely feasible. Best of luck.

    By the way, I am no way affiliated with Addison-Wesley or any person or organization associated with this book. After re-reading my post I feel that I came off a little fanboyish. I just really, really enjoyed it and found it extremely helpful. :)

    How can I check that two objects have the same set of property names?

    If you are using underscoreJs then you can simply use _.isEqual function and it compares all keys and values at each and every level of hierarchy like below example.

    var object = {"status":"inserted","id":"5799acb792b0525e05ba074c","data":{"workout":[{"set":[{"setNo":1,"exercises":[{"name":"hjkh","type":"Reps","category":"Cardio","set":{"reps":5}}],"isLastSet":false,"index":0,"isStart":true,"startDuration":1469689001989,"isEnd":true,"endDuration":1469689003323,"speed":"00:00:01"}],"setType":"Set","isSuper":false,"index":0}],"time":"2016-07-28T06:56:52.800Z"}};
    var object1 = {"status":"inserted","id":"5799acb792b0525e05ba074c","data":{"workout":[{"set":[{"setNo":1,"exercises":[{"name":"hjkh","type":"Reps","category":"Cardio","set":{"reps":5}}],"isLastSet":false,"index":0,"isStart":true,"startDuration":1469689001989,"isEnd":true,"endDuration":1469689003323,"speed":"00:00:01"}],"setType":"Set","isSuper":false,"index":0}],"time":"2016-07-28T06:56:52.800Z"}};
    console.log(_.isEqual(object, object1));//return true

    If all the keys and values for those keys are same in both the objects then it will return true, otherwise return false.

    Easy login script without database

    if you dont have a database, you will have to hardcode the login details in your code, or read it from a flat file on disk.

    Where does pip install its packages?

    pip when used with virtualenv will generally install packages in the path <virtualenv_name>/lib/<python_ver>/site-packages.

    For example, I created a test virtualenv named venv_test with Python 2.7, and the django folder is in venv_test/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django.

    installing python packages without internet and using source code as .tar.gz and .whl

    This isn't an answer. I was struggling but then realized that my install was trying to connect to internet to download dependencies.

    So, I downloaded and installed dependencies first and then installed with below command. It worked

    python -m pip install filename.tar.gz

    Get selected option from select element

    Here is a shorter version that should also work:

     $('#ddlCodes').change(function() {

    Aliases in Windows command prompt

    Using doskey is the right way to do this, but it resets when the Command Prompt window is closed. You need to add that line to something like .bashrc equivalent. So I did the following:

    1. Add "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++" to system path variable
    2. Make a copy of notepad++.exe (in the same folder, of course) and rename it to np.exe

    Works just fine!

    Swift performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is unavailable

    Swift is statically typed so the performSelector: methods are to fall by the wayside.

    Instead, use GCD to dispatch a suitable block to the relevant queue — in this case it'll presumably be the main queue since it looks like you're doing UIKit work.

    EDIT: the relevant performSelector: is also notably missing from the Swift version of the NSRunLoop documentation ("1 Objective-C symbol hidden") so you can't jump straight in with that. With that and its absence from the Swiftified NSObject I'd argue it's pretty clear what Apple is thinking here.

    Retrieve data from a ReadableStream object?

    Little bit late to the party but had some problems with getting something useful out from a ReadableStream produced from a Odata $batch request using the Sharepoint Framework.

    Had similar issues as OP, but the solution in my case was to use a different conversion method than .json(). In my case .text() worked like a charm. Some fiddling was however necessary to get some useful JSON from the textfile.

    Why "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1." for XML Document?

    I can give you two advices:

    1. It seems you are using "LoadXml" instead of "Load" method. In some cases, it helps me.
    2. You have an encoding problem. Could you check the encoding of the XML file and write it?

    How to autosize and right-align GridViewColumn data in WPF?

    I know that this is too late but here is my approach:

    <GridViewColumn x:Name="GridHeaderLocalSize"  Width="100">      
        <GridViewColumnHeader HorizontalContentAlignment="Right">
            <Grid Width="Auto" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="100"/>
                <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Local size" TextAlignment="Right" Padding="0,0,5,0"/>
            <TextBlock Width="{Binding ElementName=GridHeaderLocalSize, Path=Width, FallbackValue=100}"  HorizontalAlignment="Right" TextAlignment="Right" Padding="0,0,5,0" Text="Text" >

    The main idea is to bind the width of the cellTemplete element to the width of the ViewGridColumn. Width=100 is default width used until first resize. There isn't any code behind. Everything is in xaml.

    Matplotlib connect scatterplot points with line - Python

    I think @Evert has the right answer:

    plt.plot(dates, values)

    Which is pretty much the same as

    plt.plot(dates, values, '-o')

    or whatever linestyle you prefer.

    How do I automatically set the $DISPLAY variable for my current session?

    do you use Bash? Go to the file .bashrc in your home directory and set the variable, then export it.

    DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 ; export DISPLAY

    you can use /etc/bashrc if you want to do it for all the users.

    You may also want to look in ~/.bash_profile and /etc/profile


    function get_xserver ()
        case $TERM in
           xterm )
                XSERVER=$(who am i | awk '{print $NF}' | tr -d ')''(' )    
            aterm | rxvt)           
    if [ -z ${DISPLAY:=""} ]; then
        if [[ -z ${XSERVER}  || ${XSERVER} == $(hostname) || \
          ${XSERVER} == "unix" ]]; then 
            DISPLAY=":0.0"          # Display on local host.
            DISPLAY=${XSERVER}:0.0  # Display on remote host.
    export DISPLAY

    How to solve SQL Server Error 1222 i.e Unlock a SQL Server table

    I had these SQL behavior settings enabled on options query execution: ANSI SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS checked. On execution of your query e.g create, alter table or stored procedure, you have to COMMIT it.

    Just type COMMIT and execute it F5

    Git push rejected after feature branch rebase

    It may or may not be the case that there is only one developer on this branch, that is now (after the rebase) not inline with the origin/feature.

    As such I would suggest to use the following sequence:

    git rebase master
    git checkout -b feature_branch_2
    git push origin feature_branch_2

    Yeah, new branch, this should solve this without a --force, which I think generally is a major git drawback.

    Style input element to fill remaining width of its container

    you can try this :

    div#panel {_x000D_
    div#content {_x000D_
     background-color:#1ea8d1; /*light blue*/_x000D_
    div#panel input {_x000D_
     /*make input doesnt overflow inside div*/_x000D_
     -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
           -moz-box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
                box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
     /*make input doesnt overflow inside div*/_x000D_
    <div id="panel">_x000D_
      <div id="content"></div>_x000D_
      <input type="text" placeholder="write here..."/>_x000D_

    php hide ALL errors

    Use PHP error handling functions to handle errors. How you do it depends on your needs. This system will intercept all errors and forward it however you want it Or supress it if you ask it to do so

    LINQ - Full Outer Join

    I really hate these linq expressions, this is why SQL exists:

    select isnull(, as id, fn.firstname, ln.lastname
       from firstnames fn
       full join lastnames ln on

    Create this as sql view in database and import it as entity.

    Of course, (distinct) union of left and right joins will make it too, but it is stupid.

    How to make a Java thread wait for another thread's output?

    You could do it using an Exchanger object shared between the two threads:

    private Exchanger<String> myDataExchanger = new Exchanger<String>();
    // Wait for thread's output
    String data;
    try {
      data ="");
    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
      // Handle Exceptions

    And in the second thread:

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    As others have said, do not take this light-hearted and just copy-paste code. Do some reading first.

    Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R

    Sorry for necro. I have too run into the same issue and found out that rJava expects JAVA_HOME to point to JRE. If you have JDK installed, most probably your JAVA_HOME points to JDK. My quick solution:

    Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME=paste(Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "jre", sep="\\"))

    Usage of unicode() and encode() functions in Python

    str is text representation in bytes, unicode is text representation in characters.

    You decode text from bytes to unicode and encode a unicode into bytes with some encoding.

    That is:

    >>> 'abc'.decode('utf-8')  # str to unicode
    >>> u'abc'.encode('utf-8') # unicode to str

    UPD Sep 2020: The answer was written when Python 2 was mostly used. In Python 3, str was renamed to bytes, and unicode was renamed to str.

    >>> b'abc'.decode('utf-8') # bytes to str
    >>> 'abc'.encode('utf-8'). # str to bytes

    Change value in a cell based on value in another cell

    by typing yes it wont charge taxes, by typing no it will charge taxes.


    .autocomplete is not a function Error

    Sounds like autocomplete is being called before the library that defines it is actually loaded - if that makes sense?

    If your script is inline, rather than referenced, move it to the bottom of the page. Or (my preferred option) place the script in an external .js file and then reference it:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="yourNewJSFile"></script>

    Edit: if you externalise your script, ensure it is referenced AFTER any JQuery libraries it relies on :)

    How to download/upload files from/to SharePoint 2013 using CSOM?

    Just a suggestion SharePoint 2013 online & on-prem file encoding is UTF-8 BOM. Make sure your file is UTF-8 BOM, otherwise your uploaded html and scripts may not rendered correctly in browser.

    SVN checkout the contents of a folder, not the folder itself

    Just add a . to it:

    svn checkout file:///home/landonwinters/svn/waterproject/trunk .

    That means: check out to current directory.

    A long bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE

    You can't. If you have a method called isBiggerThanMaxLong(long) it should always return false.

    If you were to increment the bits of Long.MAX_VALUE, the next value should be Long.MIN_VALUE. Read up on twos-complement and that should tell you why.

    Class has no objects member

    Just adding on to what @Mallory-Erik said: You can place objects = models.Manager() it in the modals:

    class Question(models.Model):
        # ...
        def was_published_recently(self):
            return self.pub_date >= - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        # ...
        def __str__(self):
            return self.question_text
        question_text = models.CharField(max_length = 200)
        pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
        objects = models.Manager()

    How to get parameter on Angular2 route in Angular way?

    As of Angular 6+, this is handled slightly differently than in previous versions. As @BeetleJuice mentions in the answer above, paramMap is new interface for getting route params, but the execution is a bit different in more recent versions of Angular. Assuming this is in a component:

    private _entityId: number;
    constructor(private _route: ActivatedRoute) {
        // ...
    ngOnInit() {
        // For a static snapshot of the route...
        this._entityId = this._route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
        // For subscribing to the observable paramMap...
            switchMap((params: ParamMap) => this._entityId = params.get('id'))
        // Or as an alternative, with slightly different execution...
        this._route.paramMap.subscribe((params: ParamMap) =>  {
            this._entityId = params.get('id');

    I prefer to use both because then on direct page load I can get the ID param, and also if navigating between related entities the subscription will update properly.

    Source in Angular Docs

    Select from one table where not in another

    To expand on Johan's answer, if the part_num column in the sub-select can contain null values then the query will break.

    To correct this, add a null check...

    SELECT FROM r2r.partmaster pm
          (SELECT pd.part_num FROM wpsapi4.product_details pd 
                      where pd.part_num is not null)
    • Sorry but I couldn't add a comment as I don't have the rep!

    How to make function decorators and chain them together?
    def makeHtmlTag(tag, *args, **kwds):
        def real_decorator(fn):
            css_class = " class='{0}'".format(kwds["css_class"]) \
                                     if "css_class" in kwds else ""
            def wrapped(*args, **kwds):
                return "<"+tag+css_class+">" + fn(*args, **kwds) + "</"+tag+">"
            return wrapped
        # return decorator dont call it
        return real_decorator
    @makeHtmlTag(tag="b", css_class="bold_css")
    @makeHtmlTag(tag="i", css_class="italic_css")
    def hello():
        return "hello world"
    print hello()

    You can also write decorator in Class
    class makeHtmlTagClass(object):
        def __init__(self, tag, css_class=""):
            self._tag = tag
            self._css_class = " class='{0}'".format(css_class) \
                                           if css_class != "" else ""
        def __call__(self, fn):
            def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
                return "<" + self._tag + self._css_class+">"  \
                           + fn(*args, **kwargs) + "</" + self._tag + ">"
            return wrapped
    @makeHtmlTagClass(tag="b", css_class="bold_css")
    @makeHtmlTagClass(tag="i", css_class="italic_css")
    def hello(name):
        return "Hello, {}".format(name)
    print hello("Your name")

    jQuery returning "parsererror" for ajax request

    I recently encountered this problem and stumbled upon this question.

    I resolved it with a much easier way.

    Method One

    You can either remove the dataType: 'json' property from the object literal...

    Method Two

    Or you can do what @Sagiv was saying by returning your data as Json.

    The reason why this parsererror message occurs is that when you simply return a string or another value, it is not really Json, so the parser fails when parsing it.

    So if you remove the dataType: json property, it will not try to parse it as Json.

    With the other method if you make sure to return your data as Json, the parser will know how to handle it properly.

    using wildcards in LDAP search filters/queries

    Your best bet would be to anticipate prefixes, so:

    "(|(displayName=SEARCHKEY*)(displayName=ITSM - SEARCHKEY*)(displayName=alt prefix - SEARCHKEY*))"

    Clunky, but I'm doing a similar thing within my organization.

    Can I add a custom attribute to an HTML tag?

    use data-any , I use them a lot

    <aside data-area="asidetop" data-type="responsive" class="top">

    How to get all enum values in Java?

    Object[] possibleValues = enumValue.getDeclaringClass().getEnumConstants();

    How to reset the use/password of jenkins on windows?

    You can try to re-set your Jenkins security:

    1. Stop the Jenkins service
    2. Open the config.xml with a text editor (i.e notepad++), maybe be in C:\jenkins\config.xml (could backup it also).
    3. Find this <useSecurity>true</useSecurity> and change it to <useSecurity>false</useSecurity>
    4. Start Jenkins service

    You might create an admin user and enable security again.

    how do I check in bash whether a file was created more than x time ago?

    Creation time isn't stored.

    What are stored are three timestamps (generally, they can be turned off on certain filesystems or by certain filesystem options):

    • Last access time
    • Last modification time
    • Last change time

    a "Change" to the file is counted as permission changes, rename etc. While the modification is contents only.

    Check if array is empty or null

    User JQuery is EmptyObject to check whether array is contains elements or not.

    var testArray=[1,2,3,4,5];
    var testArray1=[];
    console.log(jQuery.isEmptyObject(testArray)); //false
    console.log(jQuery.isEmptyObject(testArray1)); //true

    Java Web Service client basic authentication

    If you use JAX-WS, the following works for me:

        //Get Web service Port
        WSTestService wsService = new WSTestService();
        WSTest wsPort = wsService.getWSTestPort();
        // Add username and password for Basic Authentication
        Map<String, Object> reqContext = ((BindingProvider) 
        reqContext.put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "username");
            reqContext.put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "password");

    How to pass variable from jade template file to a script file?

    In my case, I was attempting to pass an object into a template via an express route (akin to OPs setup). Then I wanted to pass that object into a function I was calling via a script tag in a pug template. Though lagginreflex's answer got me close, I ended up with the following:

        var data = JSON.parse('!{JSON.stringify(routeObj)}');

    This ensured the object was passed in as expected, rather than needing to deserialise in the function. Also, the other answers seemed to work fine with primitives, but when arrays etc. were passed along with the object they were parsed as string values.

    How to keep console window open

    Use Console.Readline() at the end .Your code will not close until you close it manually.Since Readline waits for input that needs to be entered for your code hence your console will be open until you type some input.

    Could not obtain information about Windows NT group user

    In my case I was getting this error trying to use the IS_ROLEMEMBER() function on SQL Server 2008 R2. This function isn't valid prior to SQL Server 2012.

    Instead of this function I ended up using

    select 1 
    from sys.database_principals u 
    inner join sys.database_role_members ur 
        on u.principal_id = ur.member_principal_id 
    inner join sys.database_principals r 
        on ur.role_principal_id = r.principal_id 
    where = @role_name 
    and = @username

    Significantly more verbose, but it gets the job done.

    Trim spaces from end of a NSString

    A simple solution to only trim one end instead of both ends in Objective-C:

    @implementation NSString (category)
    /// trims the characters at the end
    - (NSString *)stringByTrimmingSuffixCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)characterSet {
        NSUInteger i = self.length;
        while (i > 0 && [characterSet characterIsMember:[self characterAtIndex:i - 1]]) {
        return [self substringToIndex:i];

    And a symmetrical utility for trimming the beginning only:

    @implementation NSString (category)
    /// trims the characters at the beginning
    - (NSString *)stringByTrimmingPrefixCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)characterSet {
        NSUInteger i = 0;
        while (i < self.length && [characterSet characterIsMember:[self characterAtIndex:i]]) {
        return [self substringFromIndex:i];

    How to display HTML <FORM> as inline element?

    Just use the style float: left in this way:

    <p style="float: left"> Lorem Ipsum </p> 
    <form style="float: left">
       <input  type='submit'/>
    <p style="float: left"> Lorem Ipsum </p>

    How to kill all processes with a given partial name?

    You can use the following command to

    kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 'process' | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}')

    Run function in script from command line (Node JS)

    This one is dirty but works :)

    I will be calling main() function from my script. Previously I just put calls to main at the end of script. However I did add some other functions and exported them from script (to use functions in some other parts of code) - but I dont want to execute main() function every time I import other functions in other scripts.

    So I did this, in my script i removed call to main(), and instead at the end of script I put this check:

    if (process.argv.includes('main')) {

    So when I want to call that function in CLI: node src/myScript.js main

    Binding arrow keys in JS/jQuery

    I came here looking for a simple way to let the user, when focused on an input, use the arrow keys to +1 or -1 a numeric input. I never found a good answer but made the following code that seems to work great - making this site-wide now.

    $("input").bind('keydown', function (e) {
        if(e.keyCode == 40 && $.isNumeric($(this).val()) ) {
        } else if(e.keyCode == 38  && $.isNumeric($(this).val()) ) { 

    Best implementation for hashCode method for a collection, you said

    if equals() returns true for two objects, then hashCode() should return the same value. If equals() returns false, then hashCode() should return different values

    I cannot agree with you. If two objects have the same hashcode it doesn't have to mean that they are equal.

    If A equals B then A.hashcode must be equal to B.hascode


    if A.hashcode equals B.hascode it does not mean that A must equals B

    Tomcat Server Error - Port 8080 already in use

    Since it is easy to tackle with Command Prompt. Open the CMD and type following.

    netstat -aon | find "8080"

    If a process uses above port, it should return something output like this.

    TCP    xxx.xx.xx.xx:8080      ESTABLISHED     2222

    The last column value (2222) is referred to the Process ID (PID).

    Just KILL it as follows.

    taskkill /F /PID 2222

    Now you can start your server.

    How can I set an SQL Server connection string?

    You can use the connection string as follows and you only need to add your database name.

    string connetionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DB name;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";

    MySQL LIKE IN()?

    You can create an inline view or a temporary table, fill it with you values and issue this:

    SELECT  *
    FROM    fiberbox f
    JOIN    (
            SELECT '%1740%' AS cond
            UNION ALL
            SELECT '%1938%' AS cond
            UNION ALL
            SELECT '%1940%' AS cond
            ) ?
    ON      f.fiberBox LIKE cond

    This, however, can return you multiple rows for a fiberbox that is something like '1740, 1938', so this query can fit you better:

    SELECT  *
    FROM    fiberbox f
            SELECT  1
            FROM    (
                    SELECT '%1740%' AS cond
                    UNION ALL
                    SELECT '%1938%' AS cond
                    UNION ALL
                    SELECT '%1940%' AS cond
                    ) ?
            WHERE   f.fiberbox LIKE cond

    jQuery: Performing synchronous AJAX requests

    As you're making a synchronous request, that should be

    function getRemote() {
        return $.ajax({
            type: "GET",
            url: remote_url,
            async: false

    Example -

    PLEASE NOTE: Setting async property to false is deprecated and in the process of being removed (link). Many browsers including Firefox and Chrome have already started to print a warning in the console if you use this:


    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check


    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help

    UILabel Align Text to center

    Use yourLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; for iOS >= 6.0 and yourLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter; for iOS < 6.0.

    Is there an equivalent to background-size: cover and contain for image elements?

    background:url('/image/url/') right top scroll; 
    background-size: auto 100%; 

    encountered same exact symptops. above worked for me.

    Count unique values with pandas per groups

    IIUC you want the number of different ID for every domain, then you can try this:

    output = df.drop_duplicates()


        domain    1      1     2          3
    dtype: int64

    You could also use value_counts, which is slightly less efficient.But the best is Jezrael's answer using nunique:

    %timeit df.drop_duplicates().groupby('domain').size()
    1000 loops, best of 3: 939 µs per loop
    %timeit df.drop_duplicates().domain.value_counts()
    1000 loops, best of 3: 1.1 ms per loop
    %timeit df.groupby('domain')['ID'].nunique()
    1000 loops, best of 3: 440 µs per loop

    DateTime.Compare how to check if a date is less than 30 days old?

    Assuming you want to assign false (if applicable) to matchtime, a simpler way of writing it would be..

    matchtime = ((expiryDate - DateTime.Now).TotalDays < 30);

    C++ - Assigning null to a std::string

    Many C APIs use a null pointer to indicate "use the default", e.g. mosquittopp. Here is the pattern I am using, based on David Cormack's answer:

            MqttOptions->CAFile.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->CAFile.c_str() : NULL,
            MqttOptions->CAPath.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->CAPath.c_str() : NULL,
            MqttOptions->CertFile.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->CertFile.c_str() : NULL,
            MqttOptions->KeyFile.length() > 0 ? MqttOptions->KeyFile.c_str() : NULL

    It is a little cumbersome, but allows one to keep everything as a std::string up until the API call itself.

    How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar?

    There is an excellent eluceo/ical package that allows you to easily create ics files.

    Here is an example usage from docs:

    // 1. Create new calendar
    $vCalendar = new \Eluceo\iCal\Component\Calendar('');
    // 2. Create an event
    $vEvent = new \Eluceo\iCal\Component\Event();
    $vEvent->setDtStart(new \DateTime('2012-12-24'));
    $vEvent->setDtEnd(new \DateTime('2012-12-24'));
    // Adding Timezone (optional)
    // 3. Add event to calendar
    // 4. Set headers
    header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cal.ics"');
    // 5. Output
    echo $vCalendar->render();

    Int to byte array

    Marc's answer is of course the right answer. But since he mentioned the shift operators and unsafe code as an alternative. I would like to share a less common alternative. Using a struct with Explicit layout. This is similar in principal to a C/C++ union.

    Here is an example of a struct that can be used to get to the component bytes of the Int32 data type and the nice thing is that it is two way, you can manipulate the byte values and see the effect on the Int.

      using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
      struct Int32Converter
        [FieldOffset(0)] public int Value;
        [FieldOffset(0)] public byte Byte1;
        [FieldOffset(1)] public byte Byte2;
        [FieldOffset(2)] public byte Byte3;
        [FieldOffset(3)] public byte Byte4;
        public Int32Converter(int value)
          Byte1 = Byte2 = Byte3 = Byte4 = 0;
          Value = value;
        public static implicit operator Int32(Int32Converter value)
          return value.Value;
        public static implicit operator Int32Converter(int value)
          return new Int32Converter(value);

    The above can now be used as follows

     Int32Converter i32 = 256;
     i32.Byte2 = 2;

    Of course the immutability police may not be excited about the last possiblity :)

    <SELECT multiple> - how to allow only one item selected?

    Late to answer but might help someone else, here is how to do it without removing the 'multiple' attribute.

        //Here you can change the value of the maximum allowed options
        max_selected_options: 1

    What is “assert” in JavaScript?

    It probably came with a testing library that some of your code is using. Here's an example of one (chances are it's not the same library as your code is using, but it shows the general idea):

    Check if Python Package is installed

    If you mean a python script, just do something like this:

    Python 3.3+ use sys.modules and find_spec:

    import importlib.util
    import sys
    # For illustrative purposes.
    name = 'itertools'
    if name in sys.modules:
        print(f"{name!r} already in sys.modules")
    elif (spec := importlib.util.find_spec(name)) is not None:
        # If you choose to perform the actual import ...
        module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
        sys.modules[name] = module
        print(f"{name!r} has been imported")
        print(f"can't find the {name!r} module")

    Python 3:

        import mymodule
    except ImportError as e:
        pass  # module doesn't exist, deal with it.

    Python 2:

        import mymodule
    except ImportError, e:
        pass  # module doesn't exist, deal with it.

    Best approach to converting Boolean object to string in java

    If you are sure that your value is not null you can use third option which is

    String str3 = b.toString();

    and its code looks like

    public String toString() {
        return value ? "true" : "false";

    If you want to be null-safe use String.valueOf(b) which code looks like

    public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
        return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();

    so as you see it will first test for null and later invoke toString() method on your object.

    Calling Boolean.toString(b) will invoke

    public static String toString(boolean b) {
        return b ? "true" : "false";

    which is little slower than b.toString() since JVM needs to first unbox Boolean to boolean which will be passed as argument to Boolean.toString(...), while b.toString() reuses private boolean value field in Boolean object which holds its state.

    Creating a JSON dynamically with each input value using jquery

    same from above example - if you are just looking for json (not an array of object) just use

    function getJsonDetails() {
          item = {}
          item ["token1"] = token1val;
          item ["token2"] = token1val;
          return item;

    this output ll print as (a valid json)


    Way to read first few lines for pandas dataframe

    I think you can use the nrows parameter. From the docs:

    nrows : int, default None
        Number of rows of file to read. Useful for reading pieces of large files

    which seems to work. Using one of the standard large test files (988504479 bytes, 5344499 lines):

    In [1]: import pandas as pd
    In [2]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv", nrows=20)
    CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
    Wall time: 0.00 s
    In [3]: len(z)
    Out[3]: 20
    In [4]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv")
    CPU times: user 27.63 s, sys: 1.92 s, total: 29.55 s
    Wall time: 30.23 s

    How to access random item in list?

    I usually use this little collection of extension methods:

    public static class EnumerableExtension
        public static T PickRandom<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
            return source.PickRandom(1).Single();
        public static IEnumerable<T> PickRandom<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int count)
            return source.Shuffle().Take(count);
        public static IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
            return source.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid());

    For a strongly typed list, this would allow you to write:

    var strings = new List<string>();
    var randomString = strings.PickRandom();

    If all you have is an ArrayList, you can cast it:

    var strings = myArrayList.Cast<string>();

    How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent (and set a different text for each app)

    I had same problem and this accepted solution didn't helped me, if someone has same problem you can use my code snippet:

    // example of filtering and sharing multiple images with texts
    // remove facebook from sharing intents
    private void shareFilter(){
        String share = getShareTexts();
        ArrayList<Uri> uris = getImageUris();
        List<Intent> targets = new ArrayList<>();
        Intent template = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE);
        List<ResolveInfo> candidates = getActivity().getPackageManager().
                queryIntentActivities(template, 0);
        // remove facebook which has a broken share intent
        for (ResolveInfo candidate : candidates) {
            String packageName = candidate.activityInfo.packageName;
            if (!packageName.equals("com.facebook.katana")) {
                Intent target = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE);
                target.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, share);
        Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(targets.remove(0), "Share Via");
        chooser.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, targets.toArray(new Parcelable[targets.size()]));

    How to debug Apache mod_rewrite

    The LogRewrite directive as mentioned by Ben is not available anymore in Apache 2.4. You need to use the LogLevel directive instead. E.g.

    LogLevel alert rewrite:trace6


    Altering column size in SQL Server

    You can use ALTER command to modify the table schema.

    The syntax for modifying the column size is

    ALTER table table_name modify COLUMN column_name varchar (size);

    Using success/error/finally/catch with Promises in AngularJS

    I think the previous answers are correct, but here is another example (just a f.y.i, success() and error() are deprecated according to AngularJS Main page:

        .then(function(response) {
        }).catch(function(e) {
            console.log('Error: ', e);
            throw e;
        }).finally(function() {
            console.log('This finally block');

    Xcode error "Could not find Developer Disk Image"

    This error occurs when the version of Xcode predates that of the device.

    For example, attempting to run a build on a device running iOS 9.3 in Xcode 7.2 results in this error; Could not find Developer Disk Image.

    Why an error message that actually describes what the hell is going on can't be provided is beyond me (Apple, I'm looking at you ).

    Update to the latest version of Xcode through the App Store or via direct download to guarantee interoperability with connected iOS hardware.

    Get width in pixels from element with style set with %?

    Try jQuery:


    Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 1.8 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.6

    All answers here are using gradle but if someone like me ends up here and needs answer for maven:


    The change from jetbrains archetype for kotlin-jvm is the <configuration></configuration> specifying the jvmTarget. In my case 11

    Javascript Regex: How to put a variable inside a regular expression?

    Here's an pretty useless function that return values wrapped by specific characters. :)


    function getValsWrappedIn(str,c1,c2){
        var rg = new RegExp("(?<=\\"+c1+")(.*?)(?=\\"+c2+")","g"); 
        return str.match(rg);
    var exampleStr = "Something (5) or some time (19) or maybe a (thingy)";
    var results =  getValsWrappedIn(exampleStr,"(",")")
    // Will return array ["5","19","thingy"]

    Advantage of switch over if-else statement

    switch is definitely preferred. It's easier to look at a switch's list of cases & know for sure what it is doing than to read the long if condition.

    The duplication in the if condition is hard on the eyes. Suppose one of the == was written !=; would you notice? Or if one instance of 'numError' was written 'nmuError', which just happened to compile?

    I'd generally prefer to use polymorphism instead of the switch, but without more details of the context, it's hard to say.

    As for performance, your best bet is to use a profiler to measure the performance of your application in conditions that are similar to what you expect in the wild. Otherwise, you're probably optimizing in the wrong place and in the wrong way.

    Git: How to pull a single file from a server repository in Git?

    git fetch --all
    git checkout origin/master -- <your_file_path>
    git add <your_file_path>
    git commit -m "<your_file_name> updated"

    This is assuming you are pulling the file from origin/master.

    How can I create C header files

    Header files can contain any valid C code, since they are injected into the compilation unit by the pre-processor prior to compilation.

    If a header file contains a function, and is included by multiple .c files, each .c file will get a copy of that function and create a symbol for it. The linker will complain about the duplicate symbols.

    It is technically possible to create static functions in a header file for inclusion in multiple .c files. Though this is generally not done because it breaks from the convention that code is found in .c files and declarations are found in .h files.

    See the discussions in C/C++: Static function in header file, what does it mean? for more explanation.

    How can I run Tensorboard on a remote server?

    Another option if you can't get it working for some reason is to simply mount a logdir directory on your filesystem with sshfs:

    sshfs user@host:/home/user/project/summary_logs ~/summary_logs

    and then run Tensorboard locally.

    How to get base url with jquery or javascript?

    You can easily get it with:

    var currentUrl = window.location.href;

    or, if you want the original URL, use:

    var originalUrl = window.location.origin;

    Basic text editor in command prompt?

    The standard text editor in windows is notepad. There are no built-in command line editors.

    Windows does not ship a C or C++ compiler. The .NET framework comes with several compilers, though: csc.exe (C# compiler), vbc.exe (VB.NET compiler), jsc.exe (JavaScript compiler).

    If you want a free alternative you can download Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop that comes with an optimizing C/C++ compiler (cl.exe).

    Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties

    I fixed this problem employing the two procedures of :

    1. In Eclipse->'Project' menu -> 'Java Compiler' -> set 'Compiler compliance level' = 1.6 check on 'Use default compliance settings' Set 'Generated .class compatibility' = 1.6 Set 'Source compatibilty' = 1.6

    2. Then go to 'Windows' menu --> 'Preferences' -->'Java' , expand 'Java' --> 'Compiler' -->Set 'Compiler compliance level' = 1.6

    Hint: Source compatibility must be equal to or less than compliance level.

    Calculate date from week number

    This one worked for me, it also have the advantage of expecting a cultureinfo as parameter to test the formula with different cultures. If empty, it gets the current culture info... valid values are like: "it", "en-us", "fr", ... ando so on. The trick is to subtract the week number of the first day of the year, that may be 1 to indicate that the first day is within the first week. Hope this helps.

    Public Shared Function FirstDayOfWeek(ByVal year As Integer, ByVal weekNumber As Integer, ByVal culture As String) As Date
        Dim cInfo As System.Globalization.CultureInfo
        If culture = "" Then
            cInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture
            cInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture)
        End If
        Dim calendar As System.Globalization.Calendar = cInfo.Calendar
        Dim firstOfYear As DateTime = New DateTime(year, 1, 1, calendar)
        Dim firstDayWeek As Integer = calendar.GetWeekOfYear(firstOfYear, cInfo.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule, cInfo.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek)
        weekNumber -= firstDayWeek
        Dim targetDay As DateTime = calendar.AddWeeks(firstOfYear, weekNumber)
        Dim fDayOfWeek As DayOfWeek = cInfo.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek
        While (targetDay.DayOfWeek <> fDayOfWeek)
            targetDay = targetDay.AddDays(-1)
        End While
        Return targetDay
    End Function

    How do I set proxy for chrome in python webdriver?

    from selenium import webdriver
    from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import *
    myProxy = ""
    proxy = Proxy({
        'proxyType': ProxyType.MANUAL,
        'httpProxy': myProxy,
        'ftpProxy': myProxy,
        'sslProxy': myProxy,
    driver = webdriver.Firefox(proxy=proxy)

    HAProxy redirecting http to https (ssl)

    A slight variation of user2966600's solution...

    To redirect all except a single URL (In case of multiple frontend/backend):

    redirect scheme https if !{ hdr(Host) -i } !{ ssl_fc }

    How do you get the index of the current iteration of a foreach loop?

    Better to use keyword continue safe construction like this

    int i=-1;
    foreach (Object o in collection)
        continue; //<--- safe to call, index will be increased

    Sending Windows key using SendKeys

    Alt+F4 is working only in brackets


    iPhone app signing: A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain

    I finally got this to work after, like, 4 separate tries after incurring the same problem that was originally posted. So here's what happened, I am not sure if this is an old issue now (2009-07-09), but I will post anyway in case it is helpful to you. What worked for me... might work for you...

    1. start anew and delete the old private keys, public keys, and certificates in the keychain
    2. go through the whole process, request a certificate from a certificate authority, get a new public key, a new private key, and a new certificate. Note: when it worked I had exactly one private key, one public key, and one certificate
    3. Make a new provisioning profile (which utilizes the certificate that you just made) and put that in your organizer window in Xcode. Delete all the old BS.
    4. Run it.

    Hopefully this helps.

    Access maven properties defined in the pom

    This can be done with standard java properties in combination with the maven-resource-plugin with enabled filtering on properties.

    For more info see

    This will work for standard maven project as for plugin projects

    dyld: Library not loaded ... Reason: Image not found

    If you're using Xcode 11 onwards:

    Go to General tab and add the framework in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.

    Important: By default it might be marked as Do Not Embed, change it to Embed Without Signing like shown in the image and you are good to go.

    enter image description here

    For Xcode versions below 11:

    Just add the framework in Embedded Binaries section and you are done.


    How to check if a variable exists in a FreeMarker template?

    This one seems to be a better fit:

    <#if userName?has_content>
    ... do something

    Embed an External Page Without an Iframe?

    Why not use PHP! It's all server side:

    <?php print file_get_contents("")?>

    If you own both sites, you may need to ok this transaction with full declaration of headers at the server end. Works beautifully.

    Amazon S3 - HTTPS/SSL - Is it possible?

    payton109’s answer is correct if you’re in the default US-EAST-1 region. If your bucket is in a different region, use a slightly different URL:


    Where <region> is the bucket location name. For example, if your bucket is in the us-west-2 (Oregon) region, you can do this:

    How to get a dependency tree for an artifact?

    I know this post is quite old, but still, if anyone using IntelliJ any want to see dependency tree directly in IDE then they can install Maven Helper Plugin plugin.

    Once installed open pom.xml and you would able to see Dependency Analyze tab like below. It also provides option to see dependency that is conflicted only and also as a tree structure.

    enter image description here

    How to merge remote changes at GitHub?

    You can also force a push by adding the + symbol before your branch name.

    git push origin +some_branch

    git stash -> merge stashed change with current changes


    Run git add first.

    I just discovered that if your uncommitted changes are added to the index (i.e. "staged", using git add ...), then git stash apply (and, presumably, git stash pop) will actually do a proper merge. If there are no conflicts, you're golden. If not, resolve them as usual with git mergetool, or manually with an editor.

    To be clear, this is the process I'm talking about:

    mkdir test-repo && cd test-repo && git init
    echo test > test.txt
    git add test.txt && git commit -m "Initial version"
    # here's the interesting part:
    # make a local change and stash it:
    echo test2 > test.txt
    git stash
    # make a different local change:
    echo test3 > test.txt
    # try to apply the previous changes:
    git stash apply
    # git complains "Cannot apply to a dirty working tree, please stage your changes"
    # add "test3" changes to the index, then re-try the stash:
    git add test.txt
    git stash apply
    # git says: "Auto-merging test.txt"
    # git says: "CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in test.txt"

    ... which is probably what you're looking for.

    Flutter- wrapping text

    You can use Flexible, in this case the could be a long name (Labels and BlankSpace are custom classes that return widgets) :

    new Column(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
      children: <Widget>[
       new Row(
          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
          children: <Widget>[
            new Flexible(
                child: Labels.getTitle_2(,
                color: StyleColors.COLOR_BLACK)),

    How to display an alert box from C# in ASP.NET?

    You can use Message box to show success message. This works great for me.

    MessageBox.Show("Data inserted successfully");

    Get size of a View in React Native

    for me setting the Dimensions to use % is what worked for me width:'100%'

    How do I scroll to an element using JavaScript?

    Similar to @caveman's solution

    const element = document.getElementById('theelementsid');
    if (element) {
            top: element.scrollTop,
            behavior: 'smooth',

    How to monitor SQL Server table changes by using c#?

    Generally, you'd use Service Broker

    That is trigger -> queue -> application(s)

    Edit, after seeing other answers:

    FYI: "Query Notifications" is built on Service broker


    More links

    SQL Server: Multiple table joins with a WHERE clause

    Try this working fine....

    SELECT computer.NAME, application.NAME,software.Version FROM computer LEFT JOIN software_computer ON(computer.ID = software_computer.ComputerID)
     LEFT JOIN software ON(software_computer.SoftwareID = Software.ID) LEFT JOIN application ON(application.ID = software.ApplicationID) 
     where = 1 group by application.NAME UNION SELECT computer.NAME, application.NAME,
     NULL as Version FROM computer, application WHERE application.ID not in ( SELECT s.applicationId FROM software_computer sc LEFT JOIN software s 
     on s.ID = sc.SoftwareId WHERE sc.ComputerId = 1 ) 
     AND = 1 

    How do you validate a URL with a regular expression in Python?

    I admit, I find your regular expression totally incomprehensible. I wonder if you could use urlparse instead? Something like:

    pieces = urlparse.urlparse(url)
    assert all([pieces.scheme, pieces.netloc])
    assert set(pieces.netloc) <= set(string.letters + string.digits + '-.')  # and others?
    assert pieces.scheme in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']  # etc.

    It might be slower, and maybe you'll miss conditions, but it seems (to me) a lot easier to read and debug than a regular expression for URLs.

    MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

    You have an error in your OrderQuantity column. It is named "OrderQuantity" in the INSERT statement and "OrderQantity" in the table definition.

    Also, I don't think you can use NOW() as default value in OrderDate. Try to use the following:


    Example Fiddle

    Why use deflate instead of gzip for text files served by Apache?

    You are likely not able to actually pick deflate as an option. Contrary to what you may expect mod_deflate is not using deflate but gzip. So while most of the points made are valid it likely is not relevant for most.

    The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) in wamp server

    I use XAMPP and had the same error. I used Paul Gobée solution above and it worked for me. I navigated to C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqld-debug.exe and upon starting the .exe my Windows Firewall popped up asking for permission. Once I allowed it, it worked fine. I would have commented under his post but I do not have that much rep yet... sry! Just wanted to let everyone know this worked for me as well.

    How to remove unique key from mysql table

    First you need to know the exact name of the INDEX (Unique key in this case) to delete or update it.
    INDEX names are usually same as column names. In case of more than one INDEX applied on a column, MySQL automatically suffixes numbering to the column names to create unique INDEX names.

    For example if 2 indexes are applied on a column named customer_id

    1. The first index will be named as customer_id itself.
    2. The second index will be names as customer_id_2 and so on.

    To know the name of the index you want to delete or update

    SHOW INDEX FROM <table_name>

    as suggested by @Amr

    To delete an index

    ALTER TABLE <table_name> DROP INDEX <index_name>;

    how to concat two columns into one with the existing column name in mysql?

    As aziz-shaikh has pointed out, there is no way to suppress an individual column from the * directive, however you might be able to use the following hack:

    FROM   `customer` c;

    Doing this will cause the second occurrence of the FIRSTNAME column to adopt the alias FIRSTNAME_1 so you should be able to safely address your customised FIRSTNAME column. You need to alias the table because * in any position other than at the start will fail if not aliased.

    Hope that helps!

    Sass nth-child nesting

    I'd be careful about trying to get too clever here. I think it's confusing as it is and using more advanced nth-child parameters will only make it more complicated. As for the background color I'd just set that to a variable.

    Here goes what I came up with before I realized trying to be too clever might be a bad thing.

    #romtest {
     $bg: #e5e5e5;
     .detailed {
        th {
          &:nth-child(-2n+6) {
            background-color: $bg;
        td {
          &:nth-child(3n), &:nth-child(2), &:nth-child(7) {
            background-color: $bg;
          &.last {
              background-color: $bg;

    and here is a quick demo:


    Here's another approach to avoid retyping background-color:

    #romtest {
      %highlight {
        background-color: #e5e5e5; 
      .detailed {
        th {
          &:nth-child(-2n+6) {
            @extend %highlight;
        td {
          &:nth-child(3n), &:nth-child(2), &:nth-child(7) {
            @extend %highlight;
          &.last {
              @extend %highlight;

    Converting Python dict to kwargs?

    ** operator would be helpful here.

    ** operator will unpack the dict elements and thus **{'type':'Event'} would be treated as type='Event'

    func(**{'type':'Event'}) is same as func(type='Event') i.e the dict elements would be converted to the keyword arguments.


    * will unpack the list elements and they would be treated as positional arguments.

    func(*['one', 'two']) is same as func('one', 'two')

    Repeat command automatically in Linux

    You can run the following and filter the size only. If your file was called somefilename you can do the following

    while :; do ls -lh | awk '/some*/{print $5}'; sleep 5; done

    One of the many ideas.

    Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive

    You can use in Content-security-policy add "img-src 'self' data:;" And Use outline CSS.Don't use Inline CSS.It's secure from attackers.

    Declaring array of objects

    After seeing how you responded in the comments. It seems like it would be best to use push as others have suggested. This way you don't need to know the indices, but you can still add to the array.

    var arr = [];
    function funcInJsFile() {
        // Do Stuff
        var obj = {x: 54, y: 10};

    In this case, every time you use that function, it will push a new object into the array.

    Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 7 with Python 2.7.3

    Download numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win32.whl from .

    Copy the file to C:\Python27\Scripts

    Run cmd from the above location and type

    pip install numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win32.whl

    You will hopefully get the below output:

    Processing c:\python27\scripts\numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win32.whl
    Installing collected packages: numpy
    Successfully installed numpy-1.9.2

    Hope that works for you.

    EDIT 1
    Adding @oneleggedmule 's suggestion:

    You can also run the following command in the cmd:

    pip2.7 install numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl

    Basically, writing pip alone also works perfectly (as in the original answer). Writing the version 2.7 can also be done for the sake of clarity or specification.

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject Error

    You need to include xmlbeans-xxx.jar and if you have downloaded the POI binary zip, you will get the xmlbeans-xxx.jar in ooxml-lib folder (eg: \poi-3.11\ooxml-lib)

    This jar is used for XML binding which is applicable for .xlsx files.

    Cordova - Error code 1 for command | Command failed for

    Delete all the apk files from platfroms >> android >> build >> generated >> outputs >> apk and run command cordova run android

    how to upload a file to my server using html

    You need enctype="multipart/form-data" otherwise you will load only the file name and not the data.

    Deactivate or remove the scrollbar on HTML

    Meder Omuraliev suggested to use an event handler and set scrollTo(0,0). This is an example for Wassim-azirar. Bringing it all together, I assume this is the final solution.

    We have 3 problems: the scrollbar, scrolling with mouse, and keyboard. This hides the scrollbar:

           html, body{overflow:hidden;}

    Unfortunally, you can still scroll with the keyboard: To prevent this, we can:

        function keydownHandler(e) {
    var evt = e ? e:event;
      var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
      if (keyCode==38 || keyCode==39 || keyCode==40 || keyCode==37){ //arrow keys

    The scrolling with the mouse just naturally doesn't work after this code, so we have prevented the scrolling.

    For example:

    Load view from an external xib file in storyboard

    My full example is here, but I will provide a summary below.


    Add a .swift and .xib file each with the same name to your project. The .xib file contains your custom view layout (using auto layout constraints preferably).

    Make the swift file the xib file's owner.

    enter image description here Code

    Add the following code to the .swift file and hook up the outlets and actions from the .xib file.

    import UIKit
    class ResuableCustomView: UIView {
        let nibName = "ReusableCustomView"
        var contentView: UIView?
        @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
        @IBAction func buttonTap(_ sender: UIButton) {
            label.text = "Hi"
        required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            super.init(coder: aDecoder)
            guard let view = loadViewFromNib() else { return }
            view.frame = self.bounds
            contentView = view
        func loadViewFromNib() -> UIView? {
            let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
            let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: bundle)
            return nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView

    Use it

    Use your custom view anywhere in your storyboard. Just add a UIView and set the class name to your custom class name.

    enter image description here

    For a while Christopher Swasey's approach was the best approach I had found. I asked a couple of the senior devs on my team about it and one of them had the perfect solution! It satisfies every one of the concerns that Christopher Swasey so eloquently addressed and it doesn't require boilerplate subclass code(my main concern with his approach). There is one gotcha, but other than that it is fairly intuitive and easy to implement.

    1. Create a custom UIView class in a .swift file to control your xib. i.e. MyCustomClass.swift
    2. Create a .xib file and style it as you want. i.e. MyCustomClass.xib
    3. Set the File's Owner of the .xib file to be your custom class (MyCustomClass)
    4. GOTCHA: leave the class value (under the identity Inspector) for your custom view in the .xib file blank. So your custom view will have no specified class, but it will have a specified File's Owner.
    5. Hook up your outlets as you normally would using the Assistant Editor.
      • NOTE: If you look at the Connections Inspector you will notice that your Referencing Outlets do not reference your custom class (i.e. MyCustomClass), but rather reference File's Owner. Since File's Owner is specified to be your custom class, the outlets will hook up and work propery.
    6. Make sure your custom class has @IBDesignable before the class statement.
    7. Make your custom class conform to the NibLoadable protocol referenced below.
      • NOTE: If your custom class .swift file name is different from your .xib file name, then set the nibName property to be the name of your .xib file.
    8. Implement required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) and override init(frame: CGRect) to call setupFromNib() like the example below.
    9. Add a UIView to your desired storyboard and set the class to be your custom class name (i.e. MyCustomClass).
    10. Watch IBDesignable in action as it draws your .xib in the storyboard with all of it's awe and wonder.

    Here is the protocol you will want to reference:

    public protocol NibLoadable {
        static var nibName: String { get }
    public extension NibLoadable where Self: UIView {
        public static var nibName: String {
            return String(describing: Self.self) // defaults to the name of the class implementing this protocol.
        public static var nib: UINib {
            let bundle = Bundle(for: Self.self)
            return UINib(nibName: Self.nibName, bundle: bundle)
        func setupFromNib() {
            guard let view = Self.nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView else { fatalError("Error loading \(self) from nib") }
            view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
            view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
            view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
            view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

    And here is an example of MyCustomClass that implements the protocol (with the .xib file being named MyCustomClass.xib):

    class MyCustomClass: UIView, NibLoadable {
        @IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!
        required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            super.init(coder: aDecoder)
        override init(frame: CGRect) {
            super.init(frame: frame)

    NOTE: If you miss the Gotcha and set the class value inside your .xib file to be your custom class, then it will not draw in the storyboard and you will get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when you run the app because it gets stuck in an infinite loop of trying to initialize the class from the nib using the init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) method which then calls Self.nib.instantiate and calls the init again.

    How to set all elements of an array to zero or any same value?

    int myArray[10] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }; // All elements of myArray are 5
    int myArray[10] = { 0 };    // Will initialize all elements to 0
    int myArray[10] = { 5 };    // Will initialize myArray[0] to 5 and other elements to 0
    static int myArray[10]; // Will initialize all elements to 0
    int myArray[10];// This will declare and define (allocate memory) but won’t initialize
    int i;  // Loop variable
    for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) // Using for loop we are initializing
        myArray[i] = 5;
    int myArray[10] = {[0 ... 9] = 5}; // This works only in GCC

    Cell color changing in Excel using C#

    For text:

    [RangeObject].Font.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red);

    For cell background

    [RangeObject].Interior.Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(System.Drawing.Color.Red);

    Using Docker-Compose, how to execute multiple commands

    try using ";" to separate the commands if you are in verions two e.g.

    command: "sleep 20; echo 'a'"

    How to deal with "data of class uneval" error from ggplot2?

    This could also occur if you refer to a variable in the data.frame that doesn't exist. For example, recently I forgot to tell ddply to summarize by one of my variables that I used in geom_line to specify line color. Then, ggplot didn't know where to find the variable I hadn't created in the summary table, and I got this error.

    Port 80 is being used by SYSTEM (PID 4), what is that?


    There are many reasona for this, the one cause/solution i recommended is this:


    net stop http /y

    the above will agree to stop http service then:

    sc config http start= disabled

    the above will configure service to disable by default




    If you ever need to re-enable to default here is the command sc config HTTP start= demand the source of explanation is here

    PhoneGap Eclipse Issue - eglCodecCommon glUtilsParamSize: unknow param errors

    It's very annoying. I'm not sure why Google places it there - no one needs these trash from emulator at all; we know what we are doing. I'm using pidcat and I modified it a bit
    BUG_LINE = re.compile(r'.*nativeGetEnabledTags.*') BUG_LINE2 = re.compile(r'.*glUtilsParamSize.*') BUG_LINE3 = re.compile(r'.*glSizeof.*')

    bug_line = BUG_LINE.match(line) if bug_line is not None: continue bug_line2 = BUG_LINE2.match(line) if bug_line2 is not None: continue bug_line3 = BUG_LINE3.match(line) if bug_line3 is not None: continue

    It's an ugly fix and if you're using the real device you may need those OpenGL errors, but you got the idea.

    word-wrap break-word does not work in this example

    Mozilla Firefox solution


    display: inline-block;

    to the style of your td.

    Webkit based browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, ...) solution


    display: inline-block;
    word-break: break-word;

    to the style of your td.

    Note: Mind that, as for now, break-word is not part of the standard specification for webkit; therefore, you might be interested in employing the break-all instead. This alternative value provides a undoubtedly drastic solution; however, it conforms to the standard.

    Opera solution


    display: inline-block;
    word-break: break-word;

    to the style of your td.

    The previous paragraph applies to Opera in a similar way.

    Xcode 4 - "Archive" is greyed out?

    see the picture. but I have to type enough chars to post the picture.:)

    enter image description here

    DIV table colspan: how?

    I've achieved this by separating them in different , e.g.:

    <div class="table">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col">TD</div>
        <div class="col">TD</div>
        <div class="col">TD</div>
        <div class="col">TD</div>
        <div class="col">TD</div>
    <div class="table">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col">TD</div>

    or you can define different classes for each tables

    <div class="table2">
      <div class="row2">
        <div class="col2">TD</div>

    From the user point of view they behave identically.

    Granted it doesn't solve all colspan/rowspan problems but it does answer my need of the time.

    SQL Server 2008 R2 can't connect to local database in Management Studio

    Follow these steps to connect with SQL Server 2008 r2 (windows authentication)

    Step 1: Goto Control Panel --> Administrator Tools --> Services select SQL SERVER (MSSQLSERVER) and double click on it

    Step 2: Click on start Service

    Step 3: Now login to SQL server with Windows authentication and use user name : (local)

    Enjoy ...

    Browse for a directory in C#

    You could just use the FolderBrowserDialog class from the System.Windows.Forms namespace.

    Python IndentationError: unexpected indent

    Check if you mixed tabs and spaces, that is a frequent source of indentation errors.

    Count work days between two dates

    For workdays, Monday to Friday, you can do it with a single SELECT, like this:

    SET @StartDate = '2008/10/01'
    SET @EndDate = '2008/10/31'
       (DATEDIFF(dd, @StartDate, @EndDate) + 1)
      -(DATEDIFF(wk, @StartDate, @EndDate) * 2)
      -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @StartDate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
      -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

    If you want to include holidays, you have to work it out a bit...

    Zooming MKMapView to fit annotation pins?

    If your are looking for iOS 8 and above, the simplest way to do it is to set the var layoutMargins: UIEdgeInsets { get set } of your map view before calling func showAnnotations(annotations: [MKAnnotation], animated: Bool)

    For instance (Swift 2.1):

    @IBOutlet weak var map: MKMapView! {
        didSet {
            map.delegate = self
            map.mapType = .Standard
            map.pitchEnabled = false
            map.rotateEnabled = false
            map.scrollEnabled = true
            map.zoomEnabled = true
    // call 'updateView()' when viewWillAppear or whenever you set the map annotations
    func updateView() {
        map.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsets(top: 25, left: 25, bottom: 25, right: 25)
        map.showAnnotations(map.annotations, animated: true)

    How to Set Active Tab in jQuery Ui

    just trigger a click, it's work for me:


    Using Mysql in the command line in osx - command not found?

    You have to create a symlink to your mysql installation if it is not the most recent version of mysql.

    $ brew link --force [email protected]

    see this post by Alex Todd

    SimpleDateFormat parsing date with 'Z' literal

    I provide another answer that I found by api-client-library by Google

    try {
        DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parseRfc3339(date);
        dateTime = new DateTime(new Date(dateTime.getValue()), TimeZone.getDefault());
        long timestamp = dateTime.getValue();  // get date in timestamp
        int timeZone = dateTime.getTimeZoneShift();  // get timezone offset
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

    Installation guide,

    Here is API reference,

    Source code of DateTime Class,

    DateTime unit tests,

    Do standard windows .ini files allow comments?



    ; last modified 1 April 2001 by John Doe
    name=John Doe
    organization=Acme Widgets Inc.

    How to get the data-id attribute?

    I use $.data -

    //Set value 7 to data-id 
    $.data(this, 'id', 7);
    //Get value from data-id
    alert( $(this).data("id") ); // => outputs 7

    How to check for an active Internet connection on iOS or macOS?

    Import Reachable.h class in your ViewController, and use the following code to check connectivity:

    #define hasInternetConnection [[Reachability reachabilityForInternetConnection] isReachable]
    if (hasInternetConnection){
          // To-do block

    Sending data back to the Main Activity in Android

    Call the child activity Intent using the startActivityForResult() method call

    There is an example of this here:

    and in the "Returning a Result from a Screen" of this:

    Reading data from DataGridView in C#

     private void HighLightGridRows()
         for (int i = 0; i < dtgvAppSettings.Rows.Count; i++)
             String key = dtgvAppSettings.Rows[i].Cells["Key"].Value.ToString();
             if (key.ToLower().Contains("applicationpath") == true)
                 dtgvAppSettings.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

    How can strip whitespaces in PHP's variable?

    $string = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/','',$string));

    Can I have multiple primary keys in a single table?

    (Have been studying these, a lot)

    Candidate keys - A minimal column combination required to uniquely identify a table row.
    Compound keys - 2 or more columns.

    • Multiple Candidate keys can exist in a table.
      • Primary KEY - Only one of the candidate keys that is chosen by us
      • Alternate keys - All other candidate keys
        • Both Primary Key & Alternate keys can be Compound keys


    How do I import a .sql file in mysql database using PHP?

    If you are using PHP version 7 or higher, try below script,

    // Name of the file
    $filename = 'sql.sql';
    // MySQL host
    $mysql_host = 'localhost';
    // MySQL username
    $mysql_username = 'username';
    // MySQL password
    $mysql_password = 'password';
    // Database name
    $mysql_database = 'database';
    // Connect to MySQL server
    $con = @new mysqli($mysql_host,$mysql_username,$mysql_password,$mysql_database);
    // Check connection
    if ($con->connect_errno) {
       echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $con->connect_errno;
       echo "<br/>Error: " . $con->connect_error;
    // Temporary variable, used to store current query
    $templine = '';
    // Read in entire file
    $lines = file($filename);
    // Loop through each line
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
    // Skip it if it's a comment
    if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--' || $line == '')
    // Add this line to the current segment
    $templine .= $line;
    // If it has a semicolon at the end, it's the end of the query
    if (substr(trim($line), -1, 1) == ';') {
    // Perform the query
    $con->query($templine) or print('Error performing query \'<strong>' . $templine . '\': ' . $con->error() . '<br /><br />');
        // Reset temp variable to empty
        $templine = '';
    echo "Tables imported successfully";

    How to get the current time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:Sec.Millisecond format in Java?

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");

    Removing all unused references from a project in Visual Studio projects

    In a Visual Basic project there is support to remove "Unused References" (Project-->References-->Unused References). In C# there isn´t such a function.

    The only way to do it in a C# project (without other tools) is to remove possible unused assemblies, compile the project and verify if any errors occur during compilation. If none errors occur you have removed a unused assembly. (See my post)

    If you want to know which project (assembly) depends on other assemblies you can use NDepend.

    How I add Headers to http.get or in Typescript and angular 2?

    if someone facing issue of CORS not working in mobile browser or mobile applications, you can set ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["your host ip"] in backend servers where your rest api exists, here your host ip is external ip to access ionic , like External:

    After that in ionic type script make post or get using IP of backened server

    in my case i used django rest framwork and i started server as:- python runserver

    and used this ip in ionic get and post calls of rest api

    Call a stored procedure with parameter in c#

    public void myfunction(){
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_laba", sqlcon);
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            catch(Exception ex)

    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use

    Execute dump query in terminal then it will work

    mysql -u root -p  <Database_Name> > <path of the input file>

    SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

    If the column has a 0 value, you are fine, my guess is that you have a problem with a Null value, in that case you would need to use IsNull(Column, 0) to ensure it is always 0 at minimum.

    Giving a border to an HTML table row, <tr>

    After fighting with this for a long time I have concluded that the spectacularly simple answer is to just fill the table with empty cells to pad out every row of the table to the same number of cells (taking colspan into account, obviously). With computer-generated HTML this is very simple to arrange, and avoids fighting with complex workarounds. Illustration follows:

    <h3>Table borders belong to cells, and aren't present if there is no cell</h3>
    <table style="border:1px solid red; width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
            <th>Col 1<th>Col 2<th>Col 3
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
            <td>Col 1 only
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
            <td colspan=2>Col 1 2 only
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
    <h3>Simple solution, artificially insert empty cells</h3>
    <table style="border:1px solid red; width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;">
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
            <th>Col 1<th>Col 2<th>Col 3
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
            <td>Col 1 only<td><td>
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">
            <td colspan=2>Col 1 2 only<td>
        <tr style="border-top:1px solid darkblue;">

    html select option SELECTED

    Just use the array of options, to see, which option is currently selected.

    $options = array( 'one', 'two', 'three' );
    $output = '';
    for( $i=0; $i<count($options); $i++ ) {
      $output .= '<option ' 
                 . ( $_GET['sel'] == $options[$i] ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' 
                 . $options[$i] 
                 . '</option>';

    Sidenote: I would define a value to be some kind of id for each element, else you may run into problems, when two options have the same string representation.

    How can I open a .tex file?

    I don't know what the .tex extension on your file means. If we are saying that it is any file with any extension you have several methods of reading it.

    I have to assume you are using windows because you have mentioned notepad++.

    1. Use notepad++. Right click on the file and choose "edit with notepad++"

    2. Use notepad Change the filename extension to .txt and double click the file.

    3. Use command prompt. Open the folder that your file is in. Hold down shift and right click. (not on the file, but in the folder that the file is in.) Choose "open command window here" from the command prompt type: "type filename.tex"

    If these don't work, I would need more detail as to how they are not working. Errors that you may be getting or what you may expect to be in the file might help.

    Compare two DataFrames and output their differences side-by-side

    I have faced this issue, but found an answer before finding this post :

    Based on unutbu's answer, load your data...

    import pandas as pd
    import io
    texts = ['''\
    id   Name   score                    isEnrolled                       Date
    111  Jack                            True              2013-05-01 12:00:00
    112  Nick   1.11                     False             2013-05-12 15:05:23
         Zoe    4.12                     True                                  ''',
    id   Name   score                    isEnrolled                       Date
    111  Jack   2.17                     True              2013-05-01 12:00:00
    112  Nick   1.21                     False                                
         Zoe    4.12                     False             2013-05-01 12:00:00''']
    df1 = pd.read_fwf(io.StringIO(texts[0]), widths=[5,7,25,17,20], parse_dates=[4])
    df2 = pd.read_fwf(io.StringIO(texts[1]), widths=[5,7,25,17,20], parse_dates=[4])

    ...define your diff function...

    def report_diff(x):
        return x[0] if x[0] == x[1] else '{} | {}'.format(*x)

    Then you can simply use a Panel to conclude :

    my_panel = pd.Panel(dict(df1=df1,df2=df2))
    print my_panel.apply(report_diff, axis=0)
    #          id  Name        score    isEnrolled                       Date
    #0        111  Jack   nan | 2.17          True        2013-05-01 12:00:00
    #1        112  Nick  1.11 | 1.21         False  2013-05-12 15:05:23 | NaT
    #2  nan | nan   Zoe         4.12  True | False  NaT | 2013-05-01 12:00:00

    By the way, if you're in IPython Notebook, you may like to use a colored diff function to give colors depending whether cells are different, equal or left/right null :

    from IPython.display import HTML
    pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 500  # You need this, otherwise pandas
    #                          will limit your HTML strings to 50 characters
    def report_diff(x):
        if x[0]==x[1]:
            return unicode(x[0].__str__())
        elif pd.isnull(x[0]) and pd.isnull(x[1]):
            return u'<table style="background-color:#00ff00;font-weight:bold;">'+\
                '<tr><td>%s</td></tr><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table>' % ('nan', 'nan')
        elif pd.isnull(x[0]) and ~pd.isnull(x[1]):
            return u'<table style="background-color:#ffff00;font-weight:bold;">'+\
                '<tr><td>%s</td></tr><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table>' % ('nan', x[1])
        elif ~pd.isnull(x[0]) and pd.isnull(x[1]):
            return u'<table style="background-color:#0000ff;font-weight:bold;">'+\
                '<tr><td>%s</td></tr><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table>' % (x[0],'nan')
            return u'<table style="background-color:#ff0000;font-weight:bold;">'+\
                '<tr><td>%s</td></tr><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table>' % (x[0], x[1])
    HTML(my_panel.apply(report_diff, axis=0).to_html(escape=False))

    What is an alternative to execfile in Python 3?

    This one is better, since it takes the globals and locals from the caller:

    import sys
    def execfile(filename, globals=None, locals=None):
        if globals is None:
            globals = sys._getframe(1).f_globals
        if locals is None:
            locals = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
        with open(filename, "r") as fh:
            exec("\n", globals, locals)

    How to create many labels and textboxes dynamically depending on the value of an integer variable?

    I would create a user control which holds a Label and a Text Box in it and simply create instances of that user control 'n' times. If you want to know a better way to do it and use properties to get access to the values of Label and Text Box from the user control, please let me know.

    Simple way to do it would be:

    int n = 4; // Or whatever value - n has to be global so that the event handler can access it
    private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        TextBox[] textBoxes = new TextBox[n];
        Label[] labels = new Label[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            textBoxes[i] = new TextBox();
            // Here you can modify the value of the textbox which is at textBoxes[i]
            labels[i] = new Label();
            // Here you can modify the value of the label which is at labels[i]
        // This adds the controls to the form (you will need to specify thier co-ordinates etc. first)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    The code above assumes that you have a button btnDisplay and it has a onClick event assigned to btnDisplay_Click event handler. You also need to know the value of n and need a way of figuring out where to place all controls. Controls should have a width and height specified as well.

    To do it using a User Control simply do this.

    Okay, first of all go and create a new user control and put a text box and label in it.

    Lets say they are called txtSomeTextBox and lblSomeLabel. In the code behind add this code:

    public string GetTextBoxValue() 
        return this.txtSomeTextBox.Text; 
    public string GetLabelValue() 
        return this.lblSomeLabel.Text; 
    public void SetTextBoxValue(string newText) 
        this.txtSomeTextBox.Text = newText; 
    public void SetLabelValue(string newText) 
        this.lblSomeLabel.Text = newText; 

    Now the code to generate the user control will look like this (MyUserControl is the name you have give to your user control):

    private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MyUserControl[] controls = new MyUserControl[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            controls[i] = new MyUserControl();
            controls[i].setTextBoxValue("some value to display in text");
            controls[i].setLabelValue("some value to display in label");
            // Now if you write controls[i].getTextBoxValue() it will return "some value to display in text" and controls[i].getLabelValue() will return "some value to display in label". These value will also be displayed in the user control.
        // This adds the controls to the form (you will need to specify thier co-ordinates etc. first)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    Of course you can create more methods in the usercontrol to access properties and set them. Or simply if you have to access a lot, just put in these two variables and you can access the textbox and label directly:

    public TextBox myTextBox;
    public Label myLabel;

    In the constructor of the user control do this:

    myTextBox = this.txtSomeTextBox;
    myLabel = this.lblSomeLabel;

    Then in your program if you want to modify the text value of either just do this.

    control[i].myTextBox.Text = "some random text"; // Same applies to myLabel

    Hope it helped :)

    Jquery - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '324' in

    In my case, I forgot to tell the type controller that the response is a JSON object. response.setContentType("application/json");

    What is an AssertionError? In which case should I throw it from my own code?

    Of course the "You shall not instantiate an item of this class" statement has been violated, but if this is the logic behind that, then we should all throw AssertionErrors everywhere, and that is obviously not what happens.

    The code isn't saying the user shouldn't call the zero-args constructor. The assertion is there to say that as far as the programmer is aware, he/she has made it impossible to call the zero-args constructor (in this case by making it private and not calling it from within Example's code). And so if a call occurs, that assertion has been violated, and so AssertionError is appropriate.

    Remove all special characters, punctuation and spaces from string

    Here is a regex to match a string of characters that are not a letters or numbers:


    Here is the Python command to do a regex substitution:

    re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', mystring)

    Sending email from Command-line via outlook without having to click send

    Send SMS/Text Messages from Command Line with VBScript!

    If VBA meets the rules for VB Script then it can be called from command line by simply placing it into a text file - in this case there's no need to specifically open Outlook.

    I had a need to send automated text messages to myself from the command line, so I used the code below, which is just a compressed version of @Geoff's answer above.

    Most mobile phone carriers worldwide provide an email address "version" of your mobile phone number. For example in Canada with Rogers or Chatr Wireless, an email sent to <YourPhoneNumber> will be immediately delivered to your Rogers/Chatr phone as a text message.

    * You may need to "authorize" the first message on your phone, and some carriers may charge an additional fee for theses message although as far as I know, all Canadian carriers provide this little-known service for free. Check your carrier's website for details.

    There are further instructions and various compiled lists of worldwide carrier's Email-to-Text addresses available online such as this and this and this.

    Code & Instructions

    1. Copy the code below and paste into a new file in your favorite text editor.
    2. Save the file with any name with a .VBS extension, such as TextMyself.vbs.

    That's all!
    Just double-click the file to send a test message, or else run it from a batch file using START.

    Sub SendMessage()
        Const EmailToSMSAddy = "[email protected]"
        Dim objOutlookRecip
        With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(0)
            Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add(EmailToSMSAddy)
            objOutlookRecip.Type = 1
            .Subject = "The computer needs your attention!"
            .Body = "Go see why Windows Command Line is texting you!"
        End With
    End Sub

    Example Batch File Usage:

    START x:\mypath\TextMyself.vbs

    Of course there are endless possible ways this could be adapted and customized to suit various practical or creative needs.

    How to search multiple columns in MySQL?

    If it is just for searching then you may be able to use CONCATENATE_WS. This would allow wild card searching. There may be performance issues depending on the size of the table.

    SELECT * 
    FROM pages 
    WHERE CONCAT_WS('', column1, column2, column3) LIKE '%keyword%'

    jQuery onclick toggle class name

    you can use toggleClass() to toggle class it is really handy.


    <div id='mydiv' class="class1"></div>
    $('#mydiv').toggleClass('class1 class2');
    output: <div id='mydiv' class="class2"></div>


    <div id='mydiv' class="class2"></div>
    $('#mydiv').toggleClass('class1 class2');
    output: <div id='mydiv' class="class1"></div>


    <div id='mydiv' class="class1 class2 class3"></div>
    $('#mydiv').toggleClass('class1 class2');
    output: <div id='mydiv' class="class3"></div>

    Replace contents of factor column in R dataframe

    I had the same problem. This worked better:

    Identify which level you want to modify: levels(iris$Species)

        "setosa" "versicolor" "virginica" 

    So, setosa is the first.

    Then, write this:

         levels(iris$Species)[1] <-"new name"
 get file names in directory?

    You will need to use the IO.Directory.GetFiles function.

    Dim files() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("c:\")
    For Each file As String In files
      ' Do work, example
      Dim text As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(file)

    Windows service with timer

    You need to put your main code on the OnStart method.

    This other SO answer of mine might help.

    You will need to put some code to enable debugging within visual-studio while maintaining your application valid as a windows-service. This other SO thread cover the issue of debugging a windows-service.


    Please see also the documentation available here for the OnStart method at the MSDN where one can read this:

    Do not use the constructor to perform processing that should be in OnStart. Use OnStart to handle all initialization of your service. The constructor is called when the application's executable runs, not when the service runs. The executable runs before OnStart. When you continue, for example, the constructor is not called again because the SCM already holds the object in memory. If OnStop releases resources allocated in the constructor rather than in OnStart, the needed resources would not be created again the second time the service is called.

    Multiple lines of input in <input type="text" />

    You should use textarea to support multiple-line inputs.

    <textarea rows="4" cols="50">
    Here you can write some text to display in the textarea as the default text

    Arduino Tools > Serial Port greyed out

    install rx-tx lib for java run this command in terminal

    sudo apt-get install librxtx-java -y

    output port

    sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER 
    sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools 

    help regconize usb device