Programs & Examples On #Createcriteria

No found for dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations:

I missed to add

@Controller("userBo") into UserBoImpl class.

The solution for this is adding this controller into Impl class.

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: filename

Hibernate queries are case sensitive with property names (because they end up relying on getter/setter methods on the @Entity).

Make sure you refer to the property as fileName in the Criteria query, not filename.

Specifically, Hibernate will call the getter method of the filename property when executing that Criteria query, so it will look for a method called getFilename(). But the property is called FileName and the getter getFileName().

So, change the projection like so:


Hibernate Criteria Join with 3 Tables

The fetch mode only says that the association must be fetched. If you want to add restrictions on an associated entity, you must create an alias, or a subcriteria. I generally prefer using aliases, but YMMV:

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Dokument.class, "dokument");
c.createAlias("dokument.role", "role"); // inner join by default
c.createAlias("", "contact");
c.add(Restrictions.eq("contact.lastName", "Test"));
return c.list();

This is of course well explained in the Hibernate reference manual, and the javadoc for Criteria even has examples. Read the documentation: it has plenty of useful information.

Hibernate Criteria for Dates

Why do you use

You should use Restrictions.eq(...).

Note you can also use .le, .lt, .ge, .gt on date objects as comparison operators. LIKE operator is not appropriate for this case since LIKE is useful when you want to match results according to partial content of a column. Please see for the reference.

For example if you have a name column with some people's full name, you can do where name like 'robert %' so that you will return all entries with name starting with 'robert ' (% can replace any character).

In your case you know the full content of the date you're trying to match so you shouldn't use LIKE but equality. I guess Hibernate doesn't give you any exception in this case, but anyway you will probably have the same problem with the Restrictions.eq(...).

Your date object you got with the code:

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-YYYY");
String myDate = "17-04-2011";
Date date = formatter.parse(myDate);

This date object is equals to the 17-04-2011 at 0h, 0 minutes, 0 seconds and 0 nanoseconds.

This means that your entries in database must have exactly that date. What i mean is that if your database entry has a date "17-April-2011 19:20:23.707000000", then it won't be retrieved because you just ask for that date: "17-April-2011 00:00:00.0000000000".

If you want to retrieve all entries of your database from a given day, you will have to use the following code:

    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-YYYY");
    String myDate = "17-04-2011";
    // Create date 17-04-2011 - 00h00
    Date minDate = formatter.parse(myDate);
    // Create date 18-04-2011 - 00h00 
    // -> We take the 1st date and add it 1 day in millisecond thanks to a useful and not so known class
    Date maxDate = new Date(minDate.getTime() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1));
    Conjunction and = Restrictions.conjunction();
    // The order date must be >= 17-04-2011 - 00h00
    and.add("orderDate", minDate) );
    // And the order date must be < 18-04-2011 - 00h00
    and.add("orderDate", maxDate) ); 

failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

Lazy exceptions occur when you fetch an object typically containing a collection which is lazily loaded, and try to access that collection.

You can avoid this problem by

  • accessing the lazy collection within a transaction.
  • Initalizing the collection using Hibernate.initialize(obj);
  • Fetch the collection in another transaction
  • Use Fetch profiles to select lazy/non-lazy fetching runtime
  • Set fetch to non-lazy (which is generally not recommended)

Further I would recommend looking at the related links to your right where this question has been answered many times before. Also see Hibernate lazy-load application design.

No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here

after I add the property:

<prop key="hibernate.current_session_context_class">thread</prop> I get the exception like:

org.hibernate.HibernateException: createQuery is not valid without active transaction
org.hibernate.HibernateException: save is not valid without active transaction.

so I think setting that property is not a good solution.

finally I solve "No Hibernate Session bound to thread" problem :

1.<!-- <prop key="hibernate.current_session_context_class">thread</prop> -->
2.add <tx:annotation-driven /> to servlet-context.xml or dispatcher-servlet.xml
3.add @Transactional after @Service and @Repository

ORDER BY using Criteria API

This is what you have to do since sess.createCriteria is deprecated:

CriteriaBuilder builder = getSession().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<User> q = builder.createQuery(User.class);
Root<User> usr = q.from(User.class);
ParameterExpression<String> p = builder.parameter(String.class);"name"),p))
TypedQuery<User> query = getSession().createQuery(q);
query.setParameter(p, "%" + Main.filterName + "%");
List<User> list = query.getResultList();

How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging)

I've done something like this using Spring AOP so I could grab the sql, parameters, errors, and execution time for any query run in the application whether it was HQL, Criteria, or native SQL.

This is obviously fragile, insecure, subject to break with changes in Hibernate, etc, but it illustrates that it's possible to get the SQL:

CriteriaImpl c = (CriteriaImpl)query;
SessionImpl s = (SessionImpl)c.getSession();
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor)s.getSessionFactory();
String[] implementors = factory.getImplementors( c.getEntityOrClassName() );
CriteriaLoader loader = new CriteriaLoader((OuterJoinLoadable)factory.getEntityPersister(implementors[0]),
    factory, c, implementors[0], s.getEnabledFilters());
Field f = OuterJoinLoader.class.getDeclaredField("sql");
String sql = (String)f.get(loader);

Wrap the entire thing in a try/catch and use at your own risk.

Hibernate Query By Example and Projections

Can I see your User class? This is just using restrictions below. I don't see why Restrictions would be really any different than Examples (I think null fields get ignored by default in examples though).

.setProjection( Projections.distinct( Projections.projectionList()
.add("name"), "name")
.add("city"), "city")))
.add( Restrictions.eq("city", "TEST")))

I've never used the alaistToBean, but I just read about it. You could also just loop over the results..

List<Object> rows = criteria.list();
for(Object r: rows){
  Object[] row = (Object[]) r;
  Type t = ((<Type>) row[0]);

If you have to you can manually populate User yourself that way.

Its sort of hard to look into the issue without some more information to diagnose the issue.

Keystore change passwords

To change the password for a key myalias inside of the keystore mykeyfile:

keytool -keystore mykeyfile -keypasswd -alias myalias

'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Yes, I think for Windows users you need to change all the python3 calls to python to solve your original error. This change will run the Python version set in your current environment. If you need to keep this call as it is (aka python3) because you are working in cross-platform or for any other reason, then a work around is to create a soft link. To create it, go to the folder that contains the Python executable and create the link. For example, this worked in my case in Windows 10 using mklink:

cd C:\Python3
mklink python3.exe python.exe

Use a (soft) symbolic link in Linux:

cd /usr/bin/python3
ln -s python.exe python3.exe

Angular 2: How to access an HTTP response body?

Here is an example of a get http call:


private extractData(res: Response) {
   let body = res.text();  // If response is a JSON use json()
   if (body) {
       return || body;
    } else {
       return {};

private handleError(error: any) {
   // In a real world app, we might use a remote logging infrastructure
   // We'd also dig deeper into the error to get a better message
   let errMsg = (error.message) ? error.message :
   error.status ? `${error.status} - ${error.statusText}` : 'Server error';
        console.error(errMsg); // log to console instead
        return Observable.throw(errMsg);

Note .get() instead of .request().

I wanted to also provide you extra extractData and handleError methods in case you need them and you don't have them.

Select all 'tr' except the first one

You could also use a pseudo class selector in your CSS like this:

.desc:not(:first-child) {
    display: none;

That will not apply the class to the first element with the class .desc.

Here's a JSFiddle with an example:, and this is a good source to explain pseudo class selectors:

How can I check if a user is logged-in in php?

In file Login.html:

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
  <title>Login Form</title>
  <section class="container">
    <div class="login">
      <form method="post" action="login.php">
        <p><input type="text" name="username" value="" placeholder="Username"></p>
        <p><input type="password" name="password" value="" placeholder="Password"></p>

        <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="commit" value="Login"></p>

In file Login.php:

    $host="localhost"; // Host name
    $username=""; // MySQL username
    $password=""; // MySQL password
    $db_name=""; // Database name
    $tbl_name="members"; // Table name

    // Connect to the server and select a database.
    mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password") or die("cannot connect");
    mysql_select_db("$db_name") or die("cannot select DB");

    // Username and password sent from the form
    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];

    // To protect MySQL injection (more detail about MySQL injection)
    $username = stripslashes($username);
    $password = stripslashes($password);
    $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username);
    $password = mysql_real_escape_string($password);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$username' and password='$password'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);

    // Mysql_num_row is counting the table rows

    // If the result matched $username and $password, the table row must be one row
    if($count == 1){
        $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true;
        $_SESSION['username'] = $username;

In file Member.php:

if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) && $_SESSION['loggedin'] == true) {
    echo "Welcome to the member's area, " . $_SESSION['username'] . "!";
else {
    echo "Please log in first to see this page.";


CREATE TABLE `members` (
    `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `username` varchar(65) NOT NULL default '',
    `password` varchar(65) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

In file Register.html:


    <body id="body-color">
        <div id="Sign-Up">
            <fieldset style="width:30%"><legend>Registration Form</legend>
                <table border="0">
                    <form method="POST" action="register.php">
                            <td>UserName</td><td> <input type="text" name="username"></td>

                            <td>Password</td><td> <input type="password" name="password"></td>

                            <td><input id="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="Sign-Up"></td>

In file Register.php:

    define('DB_HOST', '');
    define('DB_NAME', '');
    define('DB_PASSWORD', '');

    $con = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysql_error());
    $db = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $con) or die("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysql_error());

    $userName = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $query = "INSERT INTO members (username,password) VALUES ('$userName', '$password')";
    $data = mysql_query ($query) or die(mysql_error());
        echo "Your registration is completed...";
        echo "Unknown Error!"

How to call stopservice() method of Service class from the calling activity class

That looks like it should stop the service when you uncheck the checkbox. Are there any exceptions in the log? stopService returns a boolean indicating whether or not it was able to stop the service.

If you are starting your service by Intents, then you may want to extend IntentService instead of Service. That class will stop the service on its own when it has no more work to do.


class AutoService extends IntentService {
     private static final String TAG = "AutoService";
     private Timer timer;    
     private TimerTask task;

     public onCreate() {
          timer = new Timer();
          timer = new TimerTask() {
            public void run() 

     protected void onHandleIntent(Intent i) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onHandleIntent");     

        int delay = 5000; // delay for 5 sec.
        int period = 5000; // repeat every sec.

        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timerTask, delay, period);

     public boolean stopService(Intent name) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.stopService(name);


Unable to get spring boot to automatically create database schema

I had same problem and solved it with only this add:


Wheel file installation

If you already have a wheel file (.whl) on your pc, then just go with the following code:

cd ../user
pip install file.whl

If you want to download a file from web, and then install it, go with the following in command line:

pip install package_name

or, if you have the url:

pip install http//

This will for sure install the required file.

Note: I had to type pip2 instead of pip while using Python 2.

What is the best way to remove accents (normalize) in a Python unicode string?

I just found this answer on the Web:

import unicodedata

def remove_accents(input_str):
    nfkd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', input_str)
    only_ascii = nfkd_form.encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
    return only_ascii

It works fine (for French, for example), but I think the second step (removing the accents) could be handled better than dropping the non-ASCII characters, because this will fail for some languages (Greek, for example). The best solution would probably be to explicitly remove the unicode characters that are tagged as being diacritics.

Edit: this does the trick:

import unicodedata

def remove_accents(input_str):
    nfkd_form = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', input_str)
    return u"".join([c for c in nfkd_form if not unicodedata.combining(c)])

unicodedata.combining(c) will return true if the character c can be combined with the preceding character, that is mainly if it's a diacritic.

Edit 2: remove_accents expects a unicode string, not a byte string. If you have a byte string, then you must decode it into a unicode string like this:

encoding = "utf-8" # or iso-8859-15, or cp1252, or whatever encoding you use
byte_string = b"café"  # or simply "café" before python 3.
unicode_string = byte_string.decode(encoding)

How to locate the Path of the current project directory in Java (IDE)?

This is a code snippet to retrieve the path of the current running web application project in java.

public String getPath() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

    String path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("").getPath();
    String fullPath = URLDecoder.decode(path, "UTF-8");
    String pathArr[] = fullPath.split("/WEB-INF/classes/");
    fullPath = pathArr[0];

    return fullPath;



Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH - Visual Studio Code and Node.js

i resolved this problem after disable ESLint extention.

What is the python "with" statement designed for?

In python generally “with” statement is used to open a file, process the data present in the file, and also to close the file without calling a close() method. “with” statement makes the exception handling simpler by providing cleanup activities.

General form of with:

with open(“file name”, “mode”) as file-var:
    processing statements

note: no need to close the file by calling close() upon file-var.close()

Spring: How to get parameters from POST body?

You can get entire post body into a POJO. Following is something similar

    value = { "/api/pojo/edit" }, 
    method = RequestMethod.POST, 
    produces = "application/json", 
    consumes = ["application/json"])
public Boolean editWinner( @RequestBody Pojo pojo) { 

Where each field in Pojo (Including getter/setters) should match the Json request object that the controller receives..

Purpose of returning by const value?

It makes sure that the returned object (which is an RValue at that point) can't be modified. This makes sure the user can't do thinks like this:

myFunc() = Object(...);

That would work nicely if myFunc returned by reference, but is almost certainly a bug when returned by value (and probably won't be caught by the compiler). Of course in C++11 with its rvalues this convention doesn't make as much sense as it did earlier, since a const object can't be moved from, so this can have pretty heavy effects on performance.

How to get Rails.logger printing to the console/stdout when running rspec?

For Rails 4.x the log level is configured a bit different than in Rails 3.x

Add this to config/environment/test.rb

# Enable stdout logger
config.logger =

# Set log level
config.log_level = :ERROR

The logger level is set on the logger instance from config.log_level at:

Environment variable

As a bonus, you can allow overwriting the log level using an environment variable with a default value like so:

# default :ERROR
config.log_level = ENV.fetch("LOG_LEVEL", "ERROR")

And then running tests from shell:

# Log level :INFO (the value is uppercased in bootstrap.rb)
$ LOG_LEVEL=info rake test

# Log level :ERROR
$ rake test

How do you set the width of an HTML Helper TextBox in ASP.NET MVC?

Something like this should work:

<%=Html.TextBox("test", new { style="width:50px" })%>

Or better:


<style type="text/css">
    input[type="text"] { width:50px; }     

How to write an async method with out parameter?

One nice feature of out parameters is that they can be used to return data even when a function throws an exception. I think the closest equivalent to doing this with an async method would be using a new object to hold the data that both the async method and caller can refer to. Another way would be to pass a delegate as suggested in another answer.

Note that neither of these techniques will have any of the sort of enforcement from the compiler that out has. I.e., the compiler won’t require you to set the value on the shared object or call a passed in delegate.

Here’s an example implementation using a shared object to imitate ref and out for use with async methods and other various scenarios where ref and out aren’t available:

class Ref<T>
    // Field rather than a property to support passing to functions
    // accepting `ref T` or `out T`.
    public T Value;

async Task OperationExampleAsync(Ref<int> successfulLoopsRef)
    var things = new[] { 0, 1, 2, };
    var i = 0;
    while (true)
        // Fourth iteration will throw an exception, but we will still have
        // communicated data back to the caller via successfulLoopsRef.
        things[i] += i;

async Task UsageExample()
    var successCounterRef = new Ref<int>();
    // Note that it does not make sense to access successCounterRef
    // until OperationExampleAsync completes (either fails or succeeds)
    // because there’s no synchronization. Here, I think of passing
    // the variable as “temporarily giving ownership” of the referenced
    // object to OperationExampleAsync. Deciding on conventions is up to
    // you and belongs in documentation ^^.
        await OperationExampleAsync(successCounterRef);
        Console.WriteLine($"Had {successCounterRef.Value} successful loops.");

How to convert string to string[]?

If you want to convert a string like "Mohammad" to String[] that contains all characters as String, this may help you:

"Mohammad".ToCharArray().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray()

Is it possible to auto-format your code in Dreamweaver?

For the 2017 CC release this has been moved (after many years of habit development). Find it now at:

Edit > Code > Apply Source Formatting.

It may be prudent to set up a keyboard shortcut if this is something you'll need regularly.

Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts

How to convert a std::string to const char* or char*?

Use the .c_str() method for const char *.

You can use &mystring[0] to get a char * pointer, but there are a couple of gotcha's: you won't necessarily get a zero terminated string, and you won't be able to change the string's size. You especially have to be careful not to add characters past the end of the string or you'll get a buffer overrun (and probable crash).

There was no guarantee that all of the characters would be part of the same contiguous buffer until C++11, but in practice all known implementations of std::string worked that way anyway; see Does “&s[0]” point to contiguous characters in a std::string?.

Note that many string member functions will reallocate the internal buffer and invalidate any pointers you might have saved. Best to use them immediately and then discard.

2 "style" inline css img tags?

Do not use more than one style attribute. Just seperate styles in the style attribute with ; It is a block of inline CSS, so think of this as you would do CSS in a separate stylesheet.

So in this case its: style="height:100px;width:100px;"

You can use this for any CSS style, so if you wanted to change the colour of the text to white: style="height:100px;width:100px;color:#ffffff" and so on.

However, it is worth using inline CSS sparingly, as it can make code less manageable in future. Using an external stylesheet may be a better option for this. It depends really on your requirements. Inline CSS does make for quicker coding.

What is a "method" in Python?

A method is a function that takes a class instance as its first parameter. Methods are members of classes.

class C:
    def method(self, possibly, other, arguments):
        pass # do something here

As you wanted to know what it specifically means in Python, one can distinguish between bound and unbound methods. In Python, all functions (and as such also methods) are objects which can be passed around and "played with". So the difference between unbound and bound methods is:

1) Bound methods

# Create an instance of C and call method()
instance = C()

print instance.method # prints '<bound method C.method of <__main__.C instance at 0x00FC50F8>>'
instance.method(1, 2, 3) # normal method call

f = instance.method
f(1, 2, 3) # method call without using the variable 'instance' explicitly

Bound methods are methods that belong to instances of a class. In this example, instance.method is bound to the instance called instance. Everytime that bound method is called, the instance is passed as first parameter automagically - which is called self by convention.

2) Unbound methods

print C.method # prints '<unbound method C.method>'
instance = C()
C.method(instance, 1, 2, 3) # this call is the same as...
f = C.method
f(instance, 1, 2, 3) # ..this one...

instance.method(1, 2, 3) # and the same as calling the bound method as you would usually do

When you access C.method (the method inside a class instead of inside an instance), you get an unbound method. If you want to call it, you have to pass the instance as first parameter because the method is not bound to any instance.

Knowing that difference, you can make use of functions/methods as objects, like passing methods around. As an example use case, imagine an API that lets you define a callback function, but you want to provide a method as callback function. No problem, just pass self.myCallbackMethod as the callback and it will automatically be called with the instance as first argument. This wouldn't be possible in static languages like C++ (or only with trickery).

Hope you got the point ;) I think that is all you should know about method basics. You could also read more about the classmethod and staticmethod decorators, but that's another topic.

How do I clear this setInterval inside a function?

Simplest way I could think of: add a class.

Simply add a class (on any element) and check inside the interval if it's there. This is more reliable, customisable and cross-language than any other way, I believe.

var i = 0;_x000D_
this.setInterval(function() {_x000D_
  if(!$('#counter').hasClass('pauseInterval')) { //only run if it hasn't got this class 'pauseInterval'_x000D_
    $('#counter').html(i++); //just for explaining and showing_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    console.log('Stopped counting');_x000D_
}, 500);_x000D_
/* In this example, I'm adding a class on mouseover and remove it again on mouseleave. You can of course do pretty much whatever you like */_x000D_
$('#counter').hover(function() { //mouse enter_x000D_
  },function() { //mouse leave_x000D_
/* Other example */_x000D_
$('#pauseInterval').click(function() {_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  background-color: #eee;_x000D_
  font-family: Calibri, Arial, sans-serif;_x000D_
#counter {_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  background: #ddd;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #009afd;_x000D_
  border-radius: 5px;_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  transition: .3s;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
#counter.pauseInterval {_x000D_
  border-color: red;  _x000D_
<!-- you'll need jQuery for this. If you really want a vanilla version, ask -->_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="counter">&nbsp;</p>_x000D_
<button id="pauseInterval">Pause/unpause</button></p>

How to redirect single url in nginx?

location ~ /issue([0-9]+) {
    return 301$1;

How should I do integer division in Perl?

Integer division $x divided by $y ...

$z = -1 & $x / $y

How does it work?

$x / $y

return the floating point division


perform a bit-wise AND


stands for


for the largest integer ... whence

$z = -1 & $x / $y

gives the integer division ...

Prevent users from submitting a form by hitting Enter

You can use a method such as

$(document).ready(function() {
    if(event.keyCode == 13) {
      return false;

In reading the comments on the original post, to make it more usable and allow people to press Enter if they have completed all the fields:

function validationFunction() {
  $('input').each(function() {

  if(good) {
    return true;
  return false;

$(document).ready(function() {
    if( (event.keyCode == 13) && (validationFunction() == false) ) {
      return false;

Windows Batch Files: if else

Another related tip is to use "%~1" instead of "%1". Type "CALL /?" at the command line in Windows to get more details.

Negative regex for Perl string pattern match

If my understanding is correct then you want to match any line which has Clinton and Reagan, in any order, but not Bush. As suggested by Stuck, here is a version with lookahead assertions:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $regex = qr/

while (<DATA>) {
    next unless (/$regex/);
    print $_, "\n";

shouldn't match - reagan came first, then clinton, finally bush
first match - first two: reagan and clinton
second match - first two reverse: clinton and reagan
shouldn't match - last two: clinton and bush
shouldn't match - reverse: bush and clinton
shouldn't match - and then came obama, along comes mary
shouldn't match - to clinton with perl


first match - first two: reagan and clinton
second match - first two reverse: clinton and reagan

as desired it matches any line which has Reagan and Clinton in any order.

You may want to try reading how lookahead assertions work with examples at

they are very tasty :)

Authenticate with GitHub using a token

Step 1: Get access token

In your github account
Click on the image on the top corner of the page that contains your profile picture ->
Settings ->
In the side menu ->
Developer Settings ->
Personal access Tokens ->
Generate new token.

Step 2: Use the token

$ git push
Username: <your username>
Password: <the access token>

Now I do not have to type username and password every time I push changes.
I just type git push and press Enter, And changes will be pushed.

How to increment a JavaScript variable using a button press event


<script type="text/javascript">
var counter = 0;


<button onclick="counter++">Increment</button>

Hyphen, underscore, or camelCase as word delimiter in URIs?

You should use hyphens in a crawlable web application URL. Why? Because the hyphen separates words (so that a search engine can index the individual words), and is not a word character. Underscore is a word character, meaning it should be considered part of a word.

Double-click this in Chrome: camelCase
Double-click this in Chrome: under_score
Double-click this in Chrome: hyphen-ated

See how Chrome (I hear Google makes a search engine too) only thinks one of those is two words?

camelCase and underscore also require the user to use the shift key, whereas hyphenated does not.

So if you should use hyphens in a crawlable web application, why would you bother doing something different in an intranet application? One less thing to remember.

Add a default value to a column through a migration

Here's how you should do it:

change_column :users, :admin, :boolean, :default => false

But some databases, like PostgreSQL, will not update the field for rows previously created, so make sure you update the field manaully on the migration too.

Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https

Try This. You need pass the authentication to let the server know its a valid user. You need to import these two packages and has to include a jersy jar. If you dont want to include jersy jar then import this package

import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;

import com.sun.jersey.core.util.Base64;

and then,

String encodedAuthorizedUser = getAuthantication("username", "password");
URL url = new URL("Your Valid Jira URL");
HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpCon.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedAuthorizedUser );

 public String getAuthantication(String username, String password) {
   String auth = new String(Base64.encode(username + ":" + password));
   return auth;

What is the easiest way to disable/enable buttons and links (jQuery + Bootstrap)

Suppose you have text field and submit button,

<input type="text" id="text-field" />
<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Submit"/>


To disable any button, for example, submit button you just need to add disabled attribute as,


After executing above line, your submit button html tag would look like this:

<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Submit" disabled/>

Notice the 'disabled' attribute has added.


For enabling button, such as when you have some text in text field. You will need to remove the disable attribute to enable button as,

 if ($('#text-field').val() != '') {

Now the above code will remove the 'disabled' attribute.

Updating an object with setState in React

Without using Async and Await Use this...

     this.setState({...this.state.jasper, name: 'someothername'});

If you using with Async And Await use this...

async funCall(){
      await this.setState({...this.state.jasper, name: 'someothername'});

Changing a specific column name in pandas DataFrame

size = 10
df.rename(columns={df.columns[i]: someList[i] for i in range(size)}, inplace = True)

If "0" then leave the cell blank

An accrual ledger should note zeroes, even if that is the hyphen displayed with an Accounting style number format. However, if you want to leave the line blank when there are no values to calculate use a formula like the following,

 =IF(COUNT(F16:G16), SUM(G16, INDEX(H$1:H15, MATCH(1e99, H$1:H15)), -F16), "")

That formula is a little tricky because you seem to have provided your sample formula from somewhere down into the entries of the ledger's item rows without showing any layout or sample data. The formula I provided should be able to be put into H16 and then copied or filled to other locations in column H but I offer no guarantees without seeing the layout.

If you post some sample data or a publicly available link to a screenshot showing your data layout more specific assistance could be offered. is a good place to host a screenshot and it is likely that someone with more reputation will insert the image into your question for you.

SQL How to correctly set a date variable value and use it?

If you manually write out the query with static date values (e.g. '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440') do you get any rows?

So, you are saying that the following two queries produce correct results:

FROM PubAdvTransData AS pat 
    INNER JOIN PubAdvertiser AS pa 
        ON pat.AdvTransID = pa.AdvTransID
WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440') AND (pa.AdvertiserID = 12345))

SET @sp_Date = '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440'

FROM PubAdvTransData AS pat 
    INNER JOIN PubAdvertiser AS pa 
        ON pat.AdvTransID = pa.AdvTransID
WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > @sp_Date) AND (pa.AdvertiserID = 12345))

What's the key difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5?

You might be interested in this list of HTML5 elements and attributes.

Also, please note that it's "HTML 4", not "HTML4". Indeed, for HTML 5, both variants are used, but there is an important difference in meaning. HTML 5 refers to the name of the W3C specification, whereas "HTML5" is the document type of those HTML files with a text/html MIME type that follow this spec. The same goes for XHTML 5 vs. XHTML5.

Spring Data JPA Update @Query not updating?

I finally understood what was going on.

When creating an integration test on a statement saving an object, it is recommended to flush the entity manager so as to avoid any false negative, that is, to avoid a test running fine but whose operation would fail when run in production. Indeed, the test may run fine simply because the first level cache is not flushed and no writing hits the database. To avoid this false negative integration test use an explicit flush in the test body. Note that the production code should never need to use any explicit flush as it is the role of the ORM to decide when to flush.

When creating an integration test on an update statement, it may be necessary to clear the entity manager so as to reload the first level cache. Indeed, an update statement completely bypasses the first level cache and writes directly to the database. The first level cache is then out of sync and reflects the old value of the updated object. To avoid this stale state of the object, use an explicit clear in the test body. Note that the production code should never need to use any explicit clear as it is the role of the ORM to decide when to clear.

My test now works just fine.

How to split a string in Haskell?

In the module Text.Regex (part of the Haskell Platform), there is a function:

splitRegex :: Regex -> String -> [String]

which splits a string based on a regular expression. The API can be found at Hackage.

Python os.path.join() on a list

Assuming join wasn't designed that way (which it is, as ATOzTOA pointed out), and it only took two parameters, you could still use the built-in reduce:

>>> reduce(os.path.join,["c:/","home","foo","bar","some.txt"])

Same output like:

>>> os.path.join(*["c:/","home","foo","bar","some.txt"])

Just for completeness and educational reasons (and for other situations where * doesn't work).

Hint for Python 3

reduce was moved to the functools module.

Will using 'var' affect performance?

I don't think you properly understood what you read. If it gets compiled to the correct type, then there is no difference. When I do this:

var i = 42;

The compiler knows it's an int, and generate code as if I had written

int i = 42;

As the post you linked to says, it gets compiled to the same type. It's not a runtime check or anything else requiring extra code. The compiler just figures out what the type must be, and uses that.

Good way of getting the user's location in Android

This is my solution which works fairly well:

private Location bestLocation = null;
private Looper looper;
private boolean networkEnabled = false, gpsEnabled = false;

private synchronized void setLooper(Looper looper) {
    this.looper = looper;

private synchronized void stopLooper() {
    if (looper == null) return;

protected void runTask() {
    final LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) service
    final SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences();
    final int maxPollingTime = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(
            POLLING_KEY, "0"));
    final int desiredAccuracy = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(
            DESIRED_KEY, "0"));
    final int acceptedAccuracy = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(
            ACCEPTED_KEY, "0"));
    final int maxAge = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(AGE_KEY, "0"));
    final String whichProvider = prefs.getString(PROVIDER_KEY, "any");
    final boolean canUseGps = whichProvider.equals("gps")
            || whichProvider.equals("any");
    final boolean canUseNetwork = whichProvider.equals("network")
            || whichProvider.equals("any");
    if (canUseNetwork)
        networkEnabled = locationManager
    if (canUseGps)
        gpsEnabled = locationManager
    // If any provider is enabled now and we displayed a notification clear it.
    if (gpsEnabled || networkEnabled) removeErrorNotification();
    if (gpsEnabled)
    if (networkEnabled)
    if (desiredAccuracy == 0
            || getLocationQuality(desiredAccuracy, acceptedAccuracy,
                    maxAge, bestLocation) != LocationQuality.GOOD) {
        // Define a listener that responds to location updates
        LocationListener locationListener = new LocationListener() {

            public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
                if (desiredAccuracy != 0
                        && getLocationQuality(desiredAccuracy,
                                acceptedAccuracy, maxAge, bestLocation)
                                == LocationQuality.GOOD)

            public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
                if (isSameProvider(provider,
                        LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER))networkEnabled =true;
                else if (isSameProvider(provider,
                        LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) gpsEnabled = true;
                // The user has enabled a location, remove any error
                // notification
                if (canUseGps && gpsEnabled || canUseNetwork
                        && networkEnabled) removeErrorNotification();

            public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
                if (isSameProvider(provider,
                else if (isSameProvider(provider,
                        LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) gpsEnabled = false;
                if (!gpsEnabled && !networkEnabled) {

            public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status,
                    Bundle extras) {
                Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Provider " + provider + " statusChanged");
                if (isSameProvider(provider,
                        LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) networkEnabled = 
                        status == LocationProvider.AVAILABLE
                        || status == LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE;
                else if (isSameProvider(provider,
                    gpsEnabled = status == LocationProvider.AVAILABLE
                      || status == LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE;
                // None of them are available, stop listening
                if (!networkEnabled && !gpsEnabled) {
                // The user has enabled a location, remove any error
                // notification
                else if (canUseGps && gpsEnabled || canUseNetwork
                        && networkEnabled) removeErrorNotification();
        if (networkEnabled || gpsEnabled) {
            // Register the listener with the Location Manager to receive
            // location updates
            if (canUseGps)
                        LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 1000, 1,
                        locationListener, Looper.myLooper());
            if (canUseNetwork)
                        LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 1000, 1,
                        locationListener, Looper.myLooper());
            Timer t = new Timer();
            t.schedule(new TimerTask() {

                public void run() {
            }, maxPollingTime * 1000);
        } else // No provider is enabled, show a notification
    if (getLocationQuality(desiredAccuracy, acceptedAccuracy, maxAge,
            bestLocation) != LocationQuality.BAD) {
        sendUpdate(new Event(EVENT_TYPE, locationToString(desiredAccuracy,
                acceptedAccuracy, maxAge, bestLocation)));
    } else Log.w(LOG_TAG, "LocationCollector failed to get a location");

private synchronized void showErrorNotification() {
    if (notifId != 0) return;
    ServiceHandler handler = service.getHandler();
    NotificationInfo ni = NotificationInfo.createSingleNotification(
    Intent intent = new Intent(
    ni.pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(service, 0, intent,
    Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(ServiceHandler.SHOW_NOTIFICATION);
    msg.obj = ni;
    notifId =;

private void removeErrorNotification() {
    if (notifId == 0) return;
    ServiceHandler handler = service.getHandler();
    if (handler != null) {
        Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(
                ServiceHandler.CLEAR_NOTIFICATION, notifId, 0);
        notifId = 0;

public void interrupt() {

private String locationToString(int desiredAccuracy, int acceptedAccuracy,
        int maxAge, Location location) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            "qual=%s time=%d prov=%s acc=%.1f lat=%f long=%f",
            getLocationQuality(desiredAccuracy, acceptedAccuracy, maxAge,
                    location), location.getTime() / 1000, // Millis to
                                                            // seconds
            location.getProvider(), location.getAccuracy(), location
                    .getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()));
    if (location.hasAltitude())
        sb.append(String.format(" alt=%.1f", location.getAltitude()));
    if (location.hasBearing())
        sb.append(String.format(" bearing=%.2f", location.getBearing()));
    return sb.toString();

private enum LocationQuality {

    public String toString() {
        if (this == GOOD) return "Good";
        else if (this == ACCEPTED) return "Accepted";
        else return "Bad";

private LocationQuality getLocationQuality(int desiredAccuracy,
        int acceptedAccuracy, int maxAge, Location location) {
    if (location == null) return LocationQuality.BAD;
    if (!location.hasAccuracy()) return LocationQuality.BAD;
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (currentTime - location.getTime() < maxAge * 1000
            && location.getAccuracy() <= desiredAccuracy)
        return LocationQuality.GOOD;
    if (acceptedAccuracy == -1
            || location.getAccuracy() <= acceptedAccuracy)
        return LocationQuality.ACCEPTED;
    return LocationQuality.BAD;

private synchronized void updateBestLocation(Location location) {
    bestLocation = getBestLocation(location, bestLocation);

protected Location getBestLocation(Location location,
        Location currentBestLocation) {
    if (currentBestLocation == null) {
        // A new location is always better than no location
        return location;
    if (location == null) return currentBestLocation;
    // Check whether the new location fix is newer or older
    long timeDelta = location.getTime() - currentBestLocation.getTime();
    boolean isSignificantlyNewer = timeDelta > TWO_MINUTES;
    boolean isSignificantlyOlder = timeDelta < -TWO_MINUTES;
    boolean isNewer = timeDelta > 0;
    // If it's been more than two minutes since the current location, use
    // the new location
    // because the user has likely moved
    if (isSignificantlyNewer) {
        return location;
        // If the new location is more than two minutes older, it must be
        // worse
    } else if (isSignificantlyOlder) {
        return currentBestLocation;
    // Check whether the new location fix is more or less accurate
    int accuracyDelta = (int) (location.getAccuracy() - currentBestLocation
    boolean isLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 0;
    boolean isMoreAccurate = accuracyDelta < 0;
    boolean isSignificantlyLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 200;
    // Check if the old and new location are from the same provider
    boolean isFromSameProvider = isSameProvider(location.getProvider(),
    // Determine location quality using a combination of timeliness and
    // accuracy
    if (isMoreAccurate) {
        return location;
    } else if (isNewer && !isLessAccurate) {
        return location;
    } else if (isNewer && !isSignificantlyLessAccurate
            && isFromSameProvider) {
        return location;
    return bestLocation;

/** Checks whether two providers are the same */
private boolean isSameProvider(String provider1, String provider2) {
    if (provider1 == null) return provider2 == null;
    return provider1.equals(provider2);

How can I open a .tex file?

I don't know what the .tex extension on your file means. If we are saying that it is any file with any extension you have several methods of reading it.

I have to assume you are using windows because you have mentioned notepad++.

  1. Use notepad++. Right click on the file and choose "edit with notepad++"

  2. Use notepad Change the filename extension to .txt and double click the file.

  3. Use command prompt. Open the folder that your file is in. Hold down shift and right click. (not on the file, but in the folder that the file is in.) Choose "open command window here" from the command prompt type: "type filename.tex"

If these don't work, I would need more detail as to how they are not working. Errors that you may be getting or what you may expect to be in the file might help.

Full screen background image in an activity

Another option is to add a single image (not necessarily big) in the drawables (let's name it backgroung.jpg), create an ImageView iv_background at the root of your xml without a "src" attribute. Then in the onCreate method of the corresponding activity:

    /* create a full screen window */

    /* adapt the image to the size of the display */
    Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    Point size = new Point();
    Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(

    /* fill the background ImageView with the resized image */
    ImageView iv_background = (ImageView) findViewById(;

No cropping, no many different sized images. Hope it helps!

Create Word Document using PHP in Linux

By far the easiest way to create DOC files on Linux, using PHP is with the Zend Framework component phpLiveDocx.

From the project web site:

"phpLiveDocx allows developers to generate documents by combining structured data from PHP with a template, created in a word processor. The resulting document can be saved as a PDF, DOCX, DOC or RTF file. The concept is the same as with mail-merge."

How do you run multiple programs in parallel from a bash script?

I had a similar situation recently where I needed to run multiple programs at the same time, redirect their outputs to separated log files and wait for them to finish and I ended up with something like that:


# Add the full path processes to run to the array
PROCESSES_TO_RUN=("/home/joao/Code/test/prog_1/prog1" \
# You can keep adding processes to the array...

for i in ${PROCESSES_TO_RUN[@]}; do
    ${i%/*}/./${i##*/} > ${i}.log 2>&1 &
    # ${i%/*} -> Get folder name until the /
    # ${i##*/} -> Get the filename after the /

# Wait for the processes to finish


Using a custom (ttf) font in CSS

You need to use the css-property font-face to declare your font. Have a look at this fancy site:


@font-face {
  font-family: MyHelvetica;
  src: local("Helvetica Neue Bold"),
  font-weight: bold;

See also: MDN @font-face

HTML5 Video Stop onClose

The following works for me:


Replace multiple characters in a C# string

Performance-Wise this probably might not be the best solution but it works.

var str = "filename:with&bad$separators.txt";
char[] charArray = new char[] { '#', '%', '&', '{', '}', '\\', '<', '>', '*', '?', '/', ' ', '$', '!', '\'', '"', ':', '@' };
foreach (var singleChar in charArray)
   str = str.Replace(singleChar, '_');

How to disable the parent form when a child form is active?

You can also use MDIParent-child form. Set the child form's parent as MDI Parent


child.MdiParent = parentForm;

In this case just 1 form will be shown and the child forms will come inside the parent. Hope this helps

Which JDK version (Language Level) is required for Android Studio?

Answer Clarification - Android Studio supports JDK8

The following is an answer to the question "What version of Java does Android support?" which is different from "What version of Java can I use to run Android Studio?" which is I believe what was actually being asked. For those looking to answer the 2nd question, you might find Using Android Studio with Java 1.7 helpful.

Also: See for Android Studio system requirements. JDK8 is actually a requirement for PC and linux (as of 5/14/16).

Java 8 update (3/19/14)

Because I'd assume this question will start popping up soon with the release yesterday: As of right now, there's no set date for when Android will support Java 8.

Here's a discussion over at /androiddev -

If you really want lambda support, you can checkout Retrolambda - I've never used it, but it seems fairly promising.

Another Update: Android added Java 7 support

Android now supports Java 7 (minus try-with-resource feature). You can read more about the Java 7 features here: If you're using gradle, you can add the following in your build.gradle:

android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

Older response

I'm using Java 7 with Android Studio without any problems (OS X - 10.8.4). You need to make sure you drop the project language level down to 6.0 though. See the screenshot below.

enter image description here

What tehawtness said below makes sense, too. If they're suggesting JDK 6, it makes sense to just go with JDK 6. Either way will be fine.

enter image description here

Update: See this SO post --

Sanitizing user input before adding it to the DOM in Javascript

You could use a simple regular expression to assert that the id only contains allowed characters, like so:

    //The id is fine
    //The id is illegal

My example allows only alphanumerical characters, and strings of length 1 to 16, you should change it to match the type of ids that you use.

By the way, at line 6, the value property is missing a pair of quotes, an easy mistake to make when you quote on two levels.

I can't see your actual data flow, depending on context this check may not at all be needed, or it may not be enough. In order to make a proper security review we would need more information.

In general, about built in escape or sanitize functions, don't trust them blindly. You need to know exactly what they do, and you need to establish that that is actually what you need. If it is not what you need, the code your own, most of the time a simple whitelisting regex like the one I gave you works just fine.

Split page vertically using CSS

Just add overflow:auto; to parent div

<div style="width: 100%;overflow:auto;">
    <div style="float:left; width: 80%">
    <div style="float:right;">

Working Demo

Add an incremental number in a field in INSERT INTO SELECT query in SQL Server

You can use the row_number() function for this.

INSERT INTO PM_Ingrediants_Arrangements_Temp(AdminID, ArrangementID, IngrediantID, Sequence)
    SELECT @AdminID, @ArrangementID, PM_Ingrediants.ID,
            row_number() over (order by (select NULL))
    FROM PM_Ingrediants 
    WHERE PM_Ingrediants.ID IN (SELECT ID FROM GetIDsTableFromIDsList(@IngrediantsIDs)

If you want to start with the maximum already in the table then do:

INSERT INTO PM_Ingrediants_Arrangements_Temp(AdminID, ArrangementID, IngrediantID, Sequence)
    SELECT @AdminID, @ArrangementID, PM_Ingrediants.ID,
           coalesce(const.maxs, 0) + row_number() over (order by (select NULL))
    FROM PM_Ingrediants cross join
         (select max(sequence) as maxs from PM_Ingrediants_Arrangement_Temp) const
    WHERE PM_Ingrediants.ID IN (SELECT ID FROM GetIDsTableFromIDsList(@IngrediantsIDs)

Finally, you can just make the sequence column an auto-incrementing identity column. This saves the need to increment it each time:

create table PM_Ingrediants_Arrangement_Temp ( . . .
    sequence int identity(1, 1) -- and might consider making this a primary key too
    . . .

System.web.mvc missing

Had this problem in vs2017, I already got MVC via nuget but System.Web.Mvc didn't appear in the "Assemblies" list under "Add Reference".

The solution was to select "Extensions" under "Assemblies" in the "Add Reference" dialog.

How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?

I have a way to do it using a simply filename.write() operation. It works fine for me, but I'm dealing with arrays having ~1500 data elements.

I basically just have for loops to iterate through the file and write it to the output destination line-by-line in a csv style output.

import numpy as np

trial = np.genfromtxt("/extension/file.txt", dtype = str, delimiter = ",")

with open("/extension/file.txt", "w") as f:
    for x in xrange(len(trial[:,1])):
        for y in range(num_of_columns):
            if y < num_of_columns-2:
                f.write(trial[x][y] + ",")
            elif y == num_of_columns-1:

The if and elif statement are used to add commas between the data elements. For whatever reason, these get stripped out when reading the file in as an nd array. My goal was to output the file as a csv, so this method helps to handle that.

Hope this helps!

jQuery `.is(":visible")` not working in Chrome

I assume it has something to do with a quirk in our HTML because other places on the same page work just fine.

The only way I was able to solve this problem was to do:

if($('#element_id').css('display') == 'none')
   // Take element is hidden action
   // Take element is visible action

Adding 1 hour to time variable

try this it is worked for me.

$time = date('H:i', strtotime($time.'+1 hour'));
echo $time;

How to check a radio button with jQuery?

attr accepts two strings.

The correct way is:

jQuery("#radio_1").attr('checked', 'true');

Function or sub to add new row and data to table

This should help you.

Dim Ws As Worksheet
Set Ws = Sheets("Sheet-Name")
Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = Ws.ListObjects("Table-Name")
Dim newrow As ListRow
Set newrow = tbl.ListRows.Add

With newrow

        .Range(1, Ws.Range("Table-Name[Table-Column-Name]").Column) = "Your Data"

End With

The declared package does not match the expected package ""

Make sure that Devices is defined as a source folder in the project properties.

Assign an initial value to radio button as checked

I've put this answer on a similar question that was marked as a duplicate of this question. The answer has helped a decent amount of people so I thought I'd add it here too in just in case.

This doesn't exactly answer the question but for anyone using AngularJS trying to achieve this, the answer is slightly different. And actually the normal answer won't work (at least it didn't for me).

Your html will look pretty similar to the normal radio button:

<input type='radio' name='group' ng-model='mValue' value='first' />First
<input type='radio' name='group' ng-model='mValue' value='second' /> Second

In your controller you'll have declared the mValue that is associated with the radio buttons. To have one of these radio buttons preselected, assign the $scope variable associated with the group to the desired input's value:


This makes the "second" radio button selected on loading the page.

C# go to next item in list based on if statement in foreach

Use continue; instead of break; to enter the next iteration of the loop without executing any more of the contained code.

foreach (Item item in myItemsList)
   if (item.Name == string.Empty)
      // Display error message and move to next item in list.  Skip/ignore all validation
      // that follows beneath

   if (item.Weight > 100)
      // Display error message and move to next item in list.  Skip/ignore all validation
      // that follows beneath

Official docs are here, but they don't add very much color.

nvm is not compatible with the npm config "prefix" option:

I just have a idea. Use the symbolic link to solve the error and you can still use your prefix for globally installed packages. ln -s [your prefix path] [path in the '~/.nvm'] then you will have a symbolic folder in the ~/.nvm folder, but in fact, your global packages are still installed in [your prefix path]. Then the error will not show again and you can use nvm use ** normally. ps: it's worked for me on mac. pps: do not forget to set $PATH to your npm bin folder to use the globally installed packages.

What does the term "Tuple" Mean in Relational Databases?

Tuples are known values which is used to relate the table in relational DB.

Converting string to byte array in C#

First of all, add the System.Text namespace

using System.Text;

Then use this code

string input = "some text"; 
byte[] array = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);

Hope to fix it!

Pure CSS scroll animation

You can use my script from CodePen by just wrapping all the content within a .levit-container DIV.

~function  () {
    function Smooth () {
        this.$container = document.querySelector('.levit-container');
        this.$placeholder = document.createElement('div');

    Smooth.prototype.init = function () {
        var instance = this;;;;

    function bindEvents () {
        window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll.bind(this), false);

    function setContainer () {
        var style = this.$;

        style.position = 'fixed';
        style.width = '100%'; = '0';
        style.left = '0';
        style.transition = '0.5s ease-out';

    function setPlaceholder () {
        var instance = this,
                $container = instance.$container,
                $placeholder = instance.$placeholder;

        $placeholder.setAttribute('class', 'levit-placeholder');
        $ = $container.offsetHeight + 'px';
        document.body.insertBefore($placeholder, $container);

    function handleScroll () {
        this.$ = 'translateZ(0) translateY(' + (window.scrollY * (- 1)) + 'px)';

    var smooth = new Smooth();

String Resource new line /n not possible?

Although the actual problem was with the forward slash still for those using backslash but still saw \n in their layout.

Well i was also puzzled at first by why \n is not working in the layout but it seems that when you actually see that layout in an actual device it creates a line break so no need to worry what it shows on layout display screen your line breaks would be working perfectly fine on devices.

How to check if all elements of a list matches a condition?

The best answer here is to use all(), which is the builtin for this situation. We combine this with a generator expression to produce the result you want cleanly and efficiently. For example:

>>> items = [[1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0]]
>>> all(flag == 0 for (_, _, flag) in items)
>>> items = [[1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 0]]
>>> all(flag == 0 for (_, _, flag) in items)

Note that all(flag == 0 for (_, _, flag) in items) is directly equivalent to all(item[2] == 0 for item in items), it's just a little nicer to read in this case.

And, for the filter example, a list comprehension (of course, you could use a generator expression where appropriate):

>>> [x for x in items if x[2] == 0]
[[1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0]]

If you want to check at least one element is 0, the better option is to use any() which is more readable:

>>> any(flag == 0 for (_, _, flag) in items)

Android - Adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent-filter after Updating SDK version 23

this solution work only .if your want to ignore this Warning

<manifest xmlns:android=""

How to use readline() method in Java?

Use BufferedReader and InputStreamReader classes.

BufferedReader buffer=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String line=buffer.readLine();

Or use java.util.Scanner class methods.

Scanner scan=new Scanner(;

How to listen state changes in react.js?

I think you should be using below Component Lifecycle as if you have an input property which on update needs to trigger your component update then this is the best place to do it as its will be called before render you even can do update component state to be reflected on the view.

componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
    likesIncreasing: nextProps.likeCount > this.props.likeCount

How do I pass data to Angular routed components?

use a shared service to store data with a custom index. then send that custom index with queryParam. this approach is more flexible.

// component-a : typeScript :
constructor( private DataCollector: DataCollectorService ) {}

ngOnInit() {
    this.DataCollector['someDataIndex'] = data;

// component-a : html :
<a routerLink="/target-page" 
   [queryParams]="{index: 'someDataIndex'}"></a>


// component-b : typeScript :
public data;

constructor( private DataCollector: DataCollectorService ) {}

ngOnInit() {
        (queryParams: Params) => {
   = this.DataCollector[queryParams['index']];

How do I insert a drop-down menu for a simple Windows Forms app in Visual Studio 2008?

You can use ComboBox, then point your mouse to the upper arrow facing right, it will unfold a box called ComboBox Tasks and in there you can go ahead and edit your items or fill in the items / strings one per line. This should be the easiest.

Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)

The directory or a file in it is locked and cannot be deleted. Find the culprit who locks it and see if you can eliminate it.

TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable

The syntax for accessing a dict given a key is number_map[int(x)]. number_map(int(x)) would actually be a function call but since number_map is not a callable, an exception is raised.

What does [object Object] mean? (JavaScript)

It means you are alerting an instance of an object. When alerting the object, toString() is called on the object, and the default implementation returns [object Object].

var objA = {};
var objB = new Object;
var objC = {};

objC.toString = function () { return "objC" };

alert(objA); // [object Object]
alert(objB); // [object Object]
alert(objC); // objC

If you want to inspect the object, you should either console.log it, JSON.stringify() it, or enumerate over it's properties and inspect them individually using for in.

How to overwrite existing files in batch?

You can refer Windows command prompt help using following command : xcopy /?

How do you make strings "XML safe"?

By either escaping those characters with htmlspecialchars, or, perhaps more appropriately, using a library for building XML documents, such as DOMDocument or XMLWriter.

Another alternative would be to use CDATA sections, but then you'd have to look out for occurrences of ]]>.

Take also into consideration that that you must respect the encoding you define for the XML document (by default UTF-8).

Javascript decoding html entities

var text = '&lt;p&gt;name&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:xx-small;"&gt;ajde&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;da&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;';
var decoded = $('<textarea/>').html(text).text();

This sets the innerHTML of a new element (not appended to the page), causing jQuery to decode it into HTML, which is then pulled back out with .text().

Live demo.

How to handle change text of span

Found the solution here

Lets say you have span1 as <span id='span1'>my text</span>
text change events can be captured with:

         // text change handler


How long is the SHA256 hash?

Encoding options for SHA256's 256 bits:

  1. Base64: 6 bits per char = CHAR(44) including padding character
  2. Hex: 4 bits per char = CHAR(64)
  3. Binary: 8 bits per byte = BINARY(32)

Initializing a list to a known number of elements in Python

Not quite sure why everyone is giving you a hard time for wanting to do this - there are several scenarios where you'd want a fixed size initialised list. And you've correctly deduced that arrays are sensible in these cases.

import array

For the non-pythonistas, the (0,)*1000 term is creating a tuple containing 1000 zeros. The comma forces python to recognise (0) as a tuple, otherwise it would be evaluated as 0.

I've used a tuple instead of a list because they are generally have lower overhead.

What is the volatile keyword useful for?

volatile variable is basically used for instant update (flush) in main shared cache line once it updated, so that changes reflected to all worker threads immediately.

How to find duplicate records in PostgreSQL

You can join to the same table on the fields that would be duplicated and then anti-join on the id field. Select the id field from the first table alias (tn1) and then use the array_agg function on the id field of the second table alias. Finally, for the array_agg function to work properly, you will group the results by the field. This will produce a result set that contains the the id of a record and an array of all the id's that fit the join conditions.

       array_agg( as duplicate_entries, 
from table_name tn1 join table_name tn2 on 
    tn1.year = tn2.year 
    and tn1.sid = tn2.sid 
    and tn1.user_id = tn2.user_id 
    and tn1.cid = tn2.cid
    and <>
group by;

Obviously, id's that will be in the duplicate_entries array for one id, will also have their own entries in the result set. You will have to use this result set to decide which id you want to become the source of 'truth.' The one record that shouldn't get deleted. Maybe you could do something like this:

with dupe_set as (
       array_agg( as duplicate_entries, 
from table_name tn1 join table_name tn2 on 
    tn1.year = tn2.year 
    and tn1.sid = tn2.sid 
    and tn1.user_id = tn2.user_id 
    and tn1.cid = tn2.cid
    and <>
group by
order by asc)
select from dupe_set ds where not exists 
 (select de from unnest(ds.duplicate_entries) as de where de <

Selects the lowest number ID's that have duplicates (assuming the ID is increasing int PK). These would be the ID's that you would keep around.

Bootstrap fullscreen layout with 100% height

<section class="min-vh-100 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center py-3">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center">

Save file Javascript with file name

Replace your "Save" button with an anchor link and set the new download attribute dynamically. Works in Chrome and Firefox:

var d = "ha";
$(this).attr("href", "").attr("download", "file-" + d + ".png");

Here's a working example with the name set as the current date:

Here a compatibility table for downloadattribute:

iCheck check if checkbox is checked



To get the updated markup on the element

Sun JSTL taglib declaration fails with "Can not find the tag library descriptor"

To resolve this issue:

  1. The jstl jar should be in your classpath. If you are using maven, add a dependency to jstl in your pom.xml using the snippet provided here. If you are not using maven, download the jstl jar from here and deploy it into your WEB-INF/lib.

  2. Make sure you have the following taglib directive at the top of your jsp:

     <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>

How to upgrade glibc from version 2.13 to 2.15 on Debian?

I was able to install libc6 2.17 in Debian Wheezy by editing the recommendations in perror's answer:

You need to exit out of your display manager by pressing CTRL-ALT-F1. Then you can stop x (slim) with sudo /etc/init.d/slim stop

(replace slim with mdm or lightdm or whatever)

Add the following line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb experimental main

Should be changed to:

deb sid main

Then follow the rest of perror's post:

Update your package database:

apt-get update

Install the eglibc package:

apt-get -t sid install libc6-amd64 libc6-dev libc6-dbg

After done updating libc6, restart computer, and you should comment out or remove the sid source you just added (deb sid main), or else you risk upgrading your whole distro to sid.

Hope this helps. It took me a while to figure out.

psql: command not found Mac

If Postgres was downloaded and installed, running this should fix the issue:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d &&
echo /Applications/ | sudo tee 

Restart the terminal and you'll be able to use psql command.


Setting transparent images background in IrfanView

You were on the right track. IrfanView sets the background for transparency the same as the viewing color around the image.

You just need to re-open the image with IrfanView after changing the view color to white.

To change the viewing color in Irfanview go to:

Options > Properties/Settings > Viewing > Main window color

How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?

I got sick of googling for this answer, so I took a similar approach to the answer that crizCraig posted earlier.

I added the following to my Bash profile:

function gitdelete(){
    git push origin --delete $1
    git branch -D $1

Then every time I'm done with a branch (merged into master, for example) I run the following in my terminal:

gitdelete my-branch-name

...which then deletes my-branch-name from origin as as well as locally.

Bat file to run a .exe at the command prompt

If your folders are set to "hide file extensions", you'll name the file *.bat or *.cmd and it will still be a text file (hidden .txt extension). Be sure you can properly name a file!

R Not in subset

The expression df1$id %in% idNums1 produces a logical vector. To negate it, you need to negate the whole vector:

!(df1$id %in% idNums1)

Print in new line, java

/n and /r usage depends on the platform (Window, Mac, Linux) which you are using.
But there are some platform independent separators too:

  1. System.lineSeparator()
  2. System.getProperty("line.separator")

Calculate last day of month in JavaScript

var month = 0; // January
var d = new Date(2008, month + 1, 0);
alert(d); // last day in January

IE 6:                     Thu Jan 31 00:00:00 CST 2008
IE 7:                     Thu Jan 31 00:00:00 CST 2008
IE 8: Beta 2:             Thu Jan 31 00:00:00 CST 2008
Opera 8.54:               Thu, 31 Jan 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600
Opera 9.27:               Thu, 31 Jan 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600
Opera 9.60:               Thu Jan 31 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600
Firefox         Thu Jan 31 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (Canada Central Standard Time)
Firefox 3.0.3:            Thu Jan 31 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (Canada Central Standard Time)
Google Chrome Thu Jan 31 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (Canada Central Standard Time)
Safari for Windows 3.1.2: Thu Jan 31 2008 00:00:00 GMT-0600 (Canada Central Standard Time)

Output differences are due to differences in the toString() implementation, not because the dates are different.

Of course, just because the browsers identified above use 0 as the last day of the previous month does not mean they will continue to do so, or that browsers not listed will do so, but it lends credibility to the belief that it should work the same way in every browser.

Nginx upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream, for large requests


The upstream server is timing out and I don't what is happening.

Where to Look first before increasing read or write timeout if your server is connecting to a database

Server is connecting to a database and that connection is working just fine and within sane response time, and its not the one causing this delay in server response time.

make sure that connection state is not causing a cascading failure on your upstream

Then you can move to look at the read and write timeout configurations of the server and proxy.

How to add months to a date in JavaScript?

Split your date into year, month, and day components then use Date:

var d = new Date(year, month, day);
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 8);

Date will take care of fixing the year.

CMake output/build directory

As of CMake Wiki:

CMAKE_BINARY_DIR if you are building in-source, this is the same as CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, otherwise this is the top level directory of your build tree

Compare these two variables to determine if out-of-source build was started

Remove the title bar in Windows Forms

I am sharing my code. form1.cs:-

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace BorderExp
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;


    private void ExitClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void MaxClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (WindowState ==FormWindowState.Normal)
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

    private void MinClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

Now, the designer:-

namespace BorderExp
   partial class Form1
    /// <summary>
    /// Required designer variable.
    /// </summary>
    private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Clean up any resources being used.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing && (components != null))

    #region Windows Form Designer generated code

    /// <summary>
    /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
    /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeComponent()
        this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        this.button2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        this.button3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        // button1
        this.button1.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
        this.button1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonFace;
        this.button1.BackgroundImage = global::BorderExp.Properties.Resources.blank_1_;
        this.button1.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
        this.button1.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(224)))));
        this.button1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
        this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(376, 1);
        this.button1.Name = "button1";
        this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(27, 26);
        this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
        this.button1.Text = "X";
        this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
        this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ExitClick);
        // button2
        this.button2.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
        this.button2.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonFace;
        this.button2.BackgroundImage = global::BorderExp.Properties.Resources.blank_1_;
        this.button2.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
        this.button2.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(224)))));
        this.button2.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
        this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(343, 1);
        this.button2.Name = "button2";
        this.button2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(27, 26);
        this.button2.TabIndex = 1;
        this.button2.Text = "[]";
        this.button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
        this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.MaxClick);
        // button3
        this.button3.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
        this.button3.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonFace;
        this.button3.BackgroundImage = global::BorderExp.Properties.Resources.blank_1_;
        this.button3.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0;
        this.button3.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(224)))), ((int)(((byte)(224)))));
        this.button3.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat;
        this.button3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(310, 1);
        this.button3.Name = "button3";
        this.button3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(27, 26);
        this.button3.TabIndex = 2;
        this.button3.Text = "___";
        this.button3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false;
        this.button3.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.MinClick);
        // Form1
        this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
        this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
        this.BackgroundImage = global::BorderExp.Properties.Resources.blank_1_;
        this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(403, 320);
        this.ControlBox = false;
        this.Name = "Form1";
        this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
        this.Text = "Form1";
        this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);



    private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button button2;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button button3;

the screenshot:- NoBorderForm

How to set session attribute in java?

I am try to catch your point.I hope it is helpful.....

if (session.isNew()){
     title = "Welcome to my website";
     session.setAttribute(userIDKey, userID);

Angular 2 - How to navigate to another route using this.router.parent.navigate('/about')?

Personally, I found that, since we maintain a ngRoutes collection (long story) i find the most enjoyment from:

GOTO(ri) {

I actually use it as part of one of our interview questions. This way, I can get a near-instant read at who's been developing forever by watching who twitches when they run into GOTO(1) for Homepage redirection.

Laravel: How do I parse this json data in view blade?

in controller just convert json data to object using json_decode php function like this

$member = json_decode($json_string); 

and pass to view in view

return view('page',compact('$member'))

in view blade

Member ID: {{$member->member[0]->id}}
Firstname: {{$member->member[0]->firstname}}
Lastname: {{$member->member[0]->lastname}}
Phone: {{$member->member[0]->phone}}

Owner ID: {{$member->owner[0]->id}}
Firstname: {{$member->owner[0]->firstname}}
Lastname: {{$member->owner[0]->lastname}}

How do I parse a URL query parameters, in Javascript?

You could get a JavaScript object containing the parameters with something like this:

var regex = /[?&]([^=#]+)=([^&#]*)/g,
    url = window.location.href,
    params = {},
while(match = regex.exec(url)) {
    params[match[1]] = match[2];

The regular expression could quite likely be improved. It simply looks for name-value pairs, separated by = characters, and pairs themselves separated by & characters (or an = character for the first one). For your example, the above would result in:

{v: "123", p: "hello"}

Here's a working example.

Get safe area inset top and bottom heights

Swift 4, 5

To pin a view to a safe area anchor using constraints can be done anywhere in the view controller's lifecycle because they're queued by the API and handled after the view has been loaded into memory. However, getting safe-area values requires waiting toward the end of a view controller's lifecycle, like viewDidLayoutSubviews().

This plugs into any view controller:

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
    let topSafeArea: CGFloat
    let bottomSafeArea: CGFloat

    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
        topSafeArea =
        bottomSafeArea = view.safeAreaInsets.bottom
    } else {
        topSafeArea = topLayoutGuide.length
        bottomSafeArea = bottomLayoutGuide.length

    // safe area values are now available to use

I prefer this method to getting it off of the window (when possible) because it’s how the API was designed and, more importantly, the values are updated during all view changes, like device orientation changes.

However, some custom presented view controllers cannot use the above method (I suspect because they are in transient container views). In such cases, you can get the values off of the root view controller, which will always be available anywhere in the current view controller's lifecycle.

    guard let root = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController else {
    let topSafeArea: CGFloat
    let bottomSafeArea: CGFloat

    if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
        topSafeArea =
        bottomSafeArea = root.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom
    } else {
        topSafeArea = root.topLayoutGuide.length
        bottomSafeArea = root.bottomLayoutGuide.length

    // safe area values are now available to use

program cant start because php5.dll is missing

if your php version is Non-Thread-Safe (nts) you must use php extension with format example: extension=php_cl_dbg_5_2_nts.dll else if your php version is Thread-Safe (ts) you must use php extension with format example: extension=php_cl_dbg_5_2_ts.dll (notice bolded words)

So if get error like above. Firstly, check your PHP version is nts or ts, if is nts.
Then check in php.ini whether has any line like zend_extension_ts="C:\xammp\php\ext\php_dbg.dll-5.2.x" choose right version of php_dbg.dll-5.2.x from it homepage (google for it). Change from zend_extension_ts to zend_extension_nts.

Hope this help.

How do I convert Int/Decimal to float in C#?

You can just do a cast

int val1 = 1;
float val2 = (float)val1;


decimal val3 = 3;
float val4 = (float)val3;

How to run Gulp tasks sequentially one after the other

For me it was not running the minify task after concatenation as it expects concatenated input and it was not generated some times.

I tried adding to a default task in execution order and it didn't worked. It worked after adding just a return for each tasks and getting the minification inside gulp.start() like below.

* Concatenate JavaScripts
gulp.task('concat-js', function(){
    return gulp.src([

* Minify JavaScript
gulp.task('minify-js', function(){
    return gulp.src('dist/js/ux.js')

gulp.task('concat', ['concat-js'], function(){



How do I set the proxy to be used by the JVM

Set the property to true. You can set it, for example, through the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environmental variable. In Ubuntu, you can, for example, add the following line to .bashrc:


how to use Spring Boot profiles

If you are using the Spring Boot Maven Plugin, run:

mvn spring-boot:run,bar


How do I declare an array of undefined or no initial size?

malloc() (and its friends free() and realloc()) is the way to do this in C.

Extract number from string with Oracle function

You can use regular expressions for extracting the number from string. Lets check it. Suppose this is the string mixing text and numbers 'stack12345overflow569'. This one should work:

select regexp_replace('stack12345overflow569', '[[:alpha:]]|_') as numbers from dual;

which will return "12345569".

also you can use this one:

select regexp_replace('stack12345overflow569', '[^0-9]', '') as numbers,
       regexp_replace('Stack12345OverFlow569', '[^a-z and ^A-Z]', '') as characters
from dual

which will return "12345569" for numbers and "StackOverFlow" for characters.

How to replace all occurrences of a character in string?

std::string doesn't contain such function but you could use stand-alone replace function from algorithm header.

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

void some_func() {
  std::string s = "example string";
  std::replace( s.begin(), s.end(), 'x', 'y'); // replace all 'x' to 'y'

error: ‘NULL’ was not declared in this scope

You can declare the macro NULL. Add that after your #includes:

#define NULL 0


#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

No ";" at the end of the instructions...

Converting from longitude\latitude to Cartesian coordinates

If you care about getting coordinates based on an ellipsoid rather than a sphere, take a look at Geographic_coordinate_conversion - it gives the formulae. GEodetic Datum has the WGS84 constants you need for the conversion.

The formulae there also take into account the altitude relative to the reference ellipsoid surface (useful if you are getting altitude data from a GPS device).

How to resolve "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)" error on TortoiseGit?

I was having this same issue and I resolved it in the following way...

I have the NVIDIA "Tegra Android Development Pack" installed and it seems to also have a version of mysysgit.exe with it. TortoiseGit automatically found that installation location (instead of the standard git installation) and auto-populated it in the settings menu.

To correct this, go to: "Settings -> General" and there is a field for the path to mysysgit.exe. Make sure this is pointing to the correct installation.

How to sort an array of objects with jquery or javascript

//This will sort your array
function SortByName(a, b){
  var aName =;
  var bName =; 
  return ((aName < bName) ? -1 : ((aName > bName) ? 1 : 0));


Make virtualenv inherit specific packages from your global site-packages

Install virtual env with

virtualenv --system-site-packages

and use pip install -U to install matplotlib

React / JSX Dynamic Component Name

I used a bit different Approach, as we always know our actual components so i thought to apply switch case. Also total no of component were around 7-8 in my case.

getSubComponent(name) {
    let customProps = {
       "prop1" :"",

    switch (name) {
      case "Component1": return <Component1 {...this.props} {...customProps} />
      case "Component2": return <Component2 {...this.props} {...customProps} />
      case "component3": return <component3 {...this.props} {...customProps} />


Tar error: Unexpected EOF in archive

I had a similar problem with truncated tar files being produced by a cron job and redirecting standard out to a file fixed the issue.

From talking to a colleague, cron creates a pipe and limits the amount of output that can be sent to standard out. I fixed mine by removing -v from my tar command, making it much less verbose and keeping the error output in the same spot as the rest of my cron jobs. If you need the verbose tar output, you'll need to redirect to a file, though.

How to do a newline in output

Actually you don't even need the block:

  Dir.chdir 'C:/Users/name/Music'
  music = Dir['C:/Users/name/Music/*.{mp3, MP3}']
  puts 'what would you like to call the playlist?'
  playlist_name = gets.chomp + '.m3u', 'w').puts(music)

How to scale a UIImageView proportionally?

I've seen a bit of conversation about scale types so I decided to put together an article regarding some of the most popular content mode scaling types.

The associated image is here:

enter image description here

SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings

Gradle version;

configurations.all {
    exclude module: 'slf4j-log4j12'

Boxplot in R showing the mean

Based on the answers by @James and @Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya I came up with this solution:

zx <- replicate (5, rnorm(50))
zx_means <- (colMeans(zx, na.rm = TRUE))
boxplot(zx, horizontal = FALSE, outline = FALSE)
points(zx_means, pch = 22, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 7)

(See this post for more details)

If you would like to add points to horizontal box plots, please see this post.

Most useful NLog configurations

Some of these fall into the category of general NLog (or logging) tips rather than strictly configuration suggestions.

Here are some general logging links from here at SO (you might have seen some or all of these already):

log4net vs. Nlog

Logging best practices

What's the point of a logging facade?

Why do loggers recommend using a logger per class?

Use the common pattern of naming your logger based on the class Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(). This gives you a high degree of granularity in your loggers and gives you great flexibility in the configuration of the loggers (control globally, by namespace, by specific logger name, etc).

Use non-classname-based loggers where appropriate. Maybe you have one function for which you really want to control the logging separately. Maybe you have some cross-cutting logging concerns (performance logging).

If you don't use classname-based logging, consider naming your loggers in some kind of hierarchical structure (maybe by functional area) so that you can maintain greater flexibility in your configuration. For example, you might have a "database" functional area, an "analysis" FA, and a "ui" FA. Each of these might have sub-areas. So, you might request loggers like this:

Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Database.Connect");
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Database.Query");
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Database.SQL");
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Analysis.Financial");
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Analysis.Personnel");
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Analysis.Inventory");

And so on. With hierarchical loggers, you can configure logging globally (the "*" or root logger), by FA (Database, Analysis, UI), or by subarea (Database.Connect, etc).

Loggers have many configuration options:

<logger name="Name.Space.Class1" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="f1" /> 
<logger name="Name.Space.Class1" levels="Debug,Error" writeTo="f1" /> 
<logger name="Name.Space.*" writeTo="f3,f4" />
<logger name="Name.Space.*" minlevel="Debug" maxlevel="Error" final="true" /> 

See the NLog help for more info on exactly what each of the options means. Probably the most notable items here are the ability to wildcard logger rules, the concept that multiple logger rules can "execute" for a single logging statement, and that a logger rule can be marked as "final" so subsequent rules will not execute for a given logging statement.

Use the GlobalDiagnosticContext, MappedDiagnosticContext, and NestedDiagnosticContext to add additional context to your output.

Use "variable" in your config file to simplify. For example, you might define variables for your layouts and then reference the variable in the target configuration rather than specify the layout directly.

  <variable name="brief" value="${longdate} | ${level} | ${logger} | ${message}"/>
  <variable name="verbose" value="${longdate} | ${machinename} | ${processid} | ${processname} | ${level} | ${logger} | ${message}"/>
    <target name="file" xsi:type="File" layout="${verbose}" fileName="${basedir}/${shortdate}.log" />
    <target name="console" xsi:type="ColoredConsole" layout="${brief}" />

Or, you could create a "custom" set of properties to add to a layout.

  <variable name="mycontext" value="${gdc:item=appname} , ${mdc:item=threadprop}"/>
  <variable name="fmt1withcontext" value="${longdate} | ${level} | ${logger} | [${mycontext}] |${message}"/>
  <variable name="fmt2withcontext" value="${shortdate} | ${level} | ${logger} | [${mycontext}] |${message}"/>

Or, you can do stuff like create "day" or "month" layout renderers strictly via configuration:

  <variable name="day" value="${date:format=dddd}"/>
  <variable name="month" value="${date:format=MMMM}"/>
  <variable name="fmt" value="${longdate} | ${level} | ${logger} | ${day} | ${month} | ${message}"/>
    <target name="console" xsi:type="ColoredConsole" layout="${fmt}" />

You can also use layout renders to define your filename:

  <variable name="day" value="${date:format=dddd}"/>
    <target name="file" xsi:type="File" layout="${verbose}" fileName="${basedir}/${day}.log" />

If you roll your file daily, each file could be named "Monday.log", "Tuesday.log", etc.

Don't be afraid to write your own layout renderer. It is easy and allows you to add your own context information to the log file via configuration. For example, here is a layout renderer (based on NLog 1.x, not 2.0) that can add the Trace.CorrelationManager.ActivityId to the log:

  class ActivityIdLayoutRenderer : LayoutRenderer
    int estimatedSize = Guid.Empty.ToString().Length;

    protected override void Append(StringBuilder builder, LogEventInfo logEvent)

    protected override int GetEstimatedBufferSize(LogEventInfo logEvent)
      return estimatedSize;

Tell NLog where your NLog extensions (what assembly) like this:

    <add assembly="MyNLogExtensions"/>

Use the custom layout renderer like this:

  <variable name="fmt" value="${longdate} | ${ActivityId} | ${message}"/>

Use async targets:

  <targets async="true">
    <!-- all targets in this section will automatically be asynchronous -->

And default target wrappers:

    <default-wrapper xsi:type="BufferingWrapper" bufferSize="100"/>  
    <target name="f1" xsi:type="File" fileName="f1.txt"/>  
    <target name="f2" xsi:type="File" fileName="f2.txt"/>  
    <default-wrapper xsi:type="AsyncWrapper">  
      <wrapper xsi:type="RetryingWrapper"/>  
    <target name="n1" xsi:type="Network" address="tcp://localhost:4001"/>  
    <target name="n2" xsi:type="Network" address="tcp://localhost:4002"/>  
    <target name="n3" xsi:type="Network" address="tcp://localhost:4003"/>  

where appropriate. See the NLog docs for more info on those.

Tell NLog to watch and automatically reload the configuration if it changes:

<nlog autoReload="true" /> 

There are several configuration options to help with troubleshooting NLog

<nlog throwExceptions="true" />
<nlog internalLogFile="file.txt" />
<nlog internalLogLevel="Trace|Debug|Info|Warn|Error|Fatal" />
<nlog internalLogToConsole="false|true" />
<nlog internalLogToConsoleError="false|true" />

See NLog Help for more info.

NLog 2.0 adds LayoutRenderer wrappers that allow additional processing to be performed on the output of a layout renderer (such as trimming whitespace, uppercasing, lowercasing, etc).

Don't be afraid to wrap the logger if you want insulate your code from a hard dependency on NLog, but wrap correctly. There are examples of how to wrap in the NLog's github repository. Another reason to wrap might be that you want to automatically add specific context information to each logged message (by putting it into LogEventInfo.Context).

There are pros and cons to wrapping (or abstracting) NLog (or any other logging framework for that matter). With a little effort, you can find plenty of info here on SO presenting both sides.

If you are considering wrapping, consider using Common.Logging. It works pretty well and allows you to easily switch to another logging framework if you desire to do so. Also if you are considering wrapping, think about how you will handle the context objects (GDC, MDC, NDC). Common.Logging does not currently support an abstraction for them, but it is supposedly in the queue of capabilities to add.

List passed by ref - help me explain this behaviour

While I agree with what everyone has said above. I have a different take on this code. Basically you're assigning the new list to the local variable myList not the global. if you change the signature of ChangeList(List myList) to private void ChangeList() you'll see the output of 3, 4.

Here's my reasoning... Even though list is passed by reference, think of it as passing a pointer variable by value When you call ChangeList(myList) you're passing the pointer to (Global)myList. Now this is stored in the (local)myList variable. So now your (local)myList and (global)myList are pointing to the same list. Now you do a sort => it works because (local)myList is referencing the original (global)myList Next you create a new list and assign the pointer to that your (local)myList. But as soon as the function exits the (local)myList variable is destroyed. HTH

class Test
    List<int> myList = new List<int>();
    public void TestMethod()



        foreach (int i in myList)

    private void ChangeList()

        List<int> myList2 = new List<int>();

        myList = myList2;

Is it possible to specify the schema when connecting to postgres with JDBC?


When instantiating a DataSource implementation, look for a method to set the current/default schema.

For example, on the PGSimpleDataSource class call setCurrentSchema.

org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource dataSource = new org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource ( );
dataSource.setServerName ( "localhost" );
dataSource.setDatabaseName ( "your_db_here_" );
dataSource.setPortNumber ( 5432 );
dataSource.setUser ( "postgres" );
dataSource.setPassword ( "your_password_here" );
dataSource.setCurrentSchema ( "your_schema_name_here_" );  // <----------

If you leave the schema unspecified, Postgres defaults to a schema named public within the database. See the manual, section 5.9.2 The Public Schema. To quote hat manual:

In the previous sections we created tables without specifying any schema names. By default such tables (and other objects) are automatically put into a schema named “public”. Every new database contains such a schema.

SQL Row_Number() function in Where Clause

I think you want something like this:

SELECT employee_id 
FROM  (SELECT employee_id, row_number() 
       OVER (order by employee_id) AS 'rownumber' 
       FROM V_EMPLOYEE) TableExpressionsMustHaveAnAliasForDumbReasons
WHERE rownumber > 0

Multiple returns from a function

function foo(){
  $you = 5;
  $me = 10;
  return $you;
  return $me;

echo foo();
//output is just 5 alone so we cant get second one it only retuns first one so better go with array

function goo(){
  $you = 5;
  $me = 10;
  return $you_and_me =  array($you,$me);

var_dump(goo()); // var_dump result is array(2) { [0]=> int(5) [1]=> int(10) } i think thats fine enough


Why am I getting error for apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png

If a user from Safari Web browser (Apple devices) visit your site. The browser tries to fetch the site icon if it is not defined in <head> in the following order:

  1. apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png
  2. apple-touch-icon-57x57.png
  3. apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
  4. apple-touch-icon.png

To resolve this issue either define an icon for safari web browsers or apple devices. Add something like this to head section of your site:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/custom_icon.png"/>

If you want to keep <head> clean then upload the icon to root dir of your site with proper name.

The default icon size is 57px.

You can find more details on iOS developer library.

How to decode JWT Token?

I found the solution, I just forgot to Cast the result:

var stream ="[encoded jwt]";  
var handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var jsonToken = handler.ReadToken(stream);
var tokenS = handler.ReadToken(stream) as JwtSecurityToken;

I can get Claims using:

var jti = tokenS.Claims.First(claim => claim.Type == "jti").Value;

Remove HTML Tags in Javascript with Regex

Try this, noting that the grammar of HTML is too complex for regular expressions to be correct 100% of the time:

var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig
,   body = "<p>test</p>"
,   result = body.replace(regex, "");


If you're willing to use a library such as jQuery, you could simply do this:


Simple search MySQL database using php

First add HTML code:

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="search">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search">

Now added PHP code:

$con=new mysqli($servername,$username,$password,$dbname);
    echo 'Connection Faild: '.$con->connect_error;
        $sql="select * from information where First_Name like '%$search_value%'";


            echo 'First_name:  '.$row["First_Name"];



Difference between static, auto, global and local variable in the context of c and c++

Local variables are non existent in the memory after the function termination.
However static variables remain allocated in the memory throughout the life of the program irrespective of whatever function.

Additionally from your question, static variables can be declared locally in class or function scope and globally in namespace or file scope. They are allocated the memory from beginning to end, it's just the initialization which happens sooner or later.

replace anchor text with jquery



to access the text inside your element. The # indicates you're searching by id. You aren't looking for a child element, so you don't need children(). Instead you want to access the text inside the element your jQuery function returns.

Read a javascript cookie by name

Unfortunately, Javascript's cookie syntax is nowhere near as nice as that. In fact, in my opinion, it's one of the worst designed parts.

When you try to read document.cookie, you get a string containing all the cookies set. You have to parse the string, separating by the semicolon ; character. Rather than writing this yourself, there are plenty of versions available on the web. My favourite is the one at This gives you createCookie, readCookie and deleteCookie functions.

How can I use Python to get the system hostname?

From at least python >= 3.3:

You can use the field nodename and avoid using array indexing:


Although, even the documentation of os.uname suggests using socket.gethostname()

How do I run Google Chrome as root?

Chrome can run as root (remember to use gksu when doing so) so long as you provide it with a profile directory.

Rather than type in the profile directory every time you want to run it, create a new bash file (I'd name it something like

google-chrome --user-data-dir="/root/chrome-profile/"

Rember to call that script with root privelages!

$ gksu /root/

Calling stored procedure from another stored procedure SQL Server

Simply call test2 from test1 like:

EXEC test2 @newId, @prod, @desc;

Make sure to get @id using SCOPE_IDENTITY(), which gets the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope:


PHP 7: Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll

If you've followed Adam's instructions and you're still getting this error make sure you've installed the right variants (x86 or x64).

I had VC14x64 with PHP7x86 and I still got this error. Changing PHP7 to x64 fixed it. It's easy to miss you accidentally installed the wrong version.

How can I tell if a VARCHAR variable contains a substring?

The standard SQL way is to use like:

where @stringVar like '%thisstring%'

That is in a query statement. You can also do this in TSQL:

if @stringVar like '%thisstring%'

Using setTimeout to delay timing of jQuery actions

You can also use jQuery's delay() method instead of setTimeout(). It'll give you much more readable code. Here's an example from the docs:

$( "#foo" ).slideUp( 300 ).delay( 800 ).fadeIn( 400 );

The only limitation (that I'm aware of) is that it doesn't give you a way to clear the timeout. If you need to do that then you're better off sticking with all the nested callbacks that setTimeout thrusts upon you.

Convert an array into an ArrayList

declaring the list (and initializing it with an empty arraylist)

List<Card> cardList = new ArrayList<Card>();

adding an element:

Card card;

iterating over elements:

for(Card card : cardList){

How to connect to my http://localhost web server from Android Emulator

according to documentation: - Special alias to your host loopback interface (i.e., on your development machine)

check Emulator Networking for more tricks on emulator networking.

How can I combine two commits into one commit?

You want to git rebase -i to perform an interactive rebase.

If you're currently on your "commit 1", and the commit you want to merge, "commit 2", is the previous commit, you can run git rebase -i HEAD~2, which will spawn an editor listing all the commits the rebase will traverse. You should see two lines starting with "pick". To proceed with squashing, change the first word of the second line from "pick" to "squash". Then save your file, and quit. Git will squash your first commit into your second last commit.

Note that this process rewrites the history of your branch. If you are pushing your code somewhere, you'll have to git push -f and anybody sharing your code will have to jump through some hoops to pull your changes.

Note that if the two commits in question aren't the last two commits on the branch, the process will be slightly different.

How can I insert binary file data into a binary SQL field using a simple insert statement?

I believe this would be somewhere close.

(FileId, FileData)

Something to note, the above runs in SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 with the data type as varbinary(max). It was not tested with image as data type.

Can I make dynamic styles in React Native?

Here is what worked for me:

render() {
  const { styleValue } = this.props;
  const dynamicStyleUpdatedFromProps = {
    height: styleValue,
    width: styleValue,
    borderRadius: styleValue,

  return (
    <View style={{ ...styles.staticStyleCreatedFromStyleSheet, ...dynamicStyleUpdatedFromProps }} />

For some reason, this was the only way that mine would update properly.

Spring RestTemplate GET with parameters

Converting of a hash map to a string of query parameters:

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("msisdn", msisdn);
params.put("email", email);
params.put("clientVersion", clientVersion);
params.put("clientType", clientType);
params.put("issuerName", issuerName);
params.put("applicationName", applicationName);

UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl(url);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
    builder.queryParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Accept", "application/json");

HttpEntity<String> response =, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity(headers), String.class);

Convert base64 string to image

This assumes a few things, that you know what the output file name will be and that your data comes as a string. I'm sure you can modify the following to meet your needs:

// Needed Imports
import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;

def sourceData = '...==';

// tokenize the data
def parts = sourceData.tokenize(",");
def imageString = parts[1];

// create a buffered image
BufferedImage image = null;
byte[] imageByte;

BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
imageByte = decoder.decodeBuffer(imageString);
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(imageByte);
image =;

// write the image to a file
File outputfile = new File("image.png");
ImageIO.write(image, "png", outputfile);

Please note, this is just an example of what parts are involved. I haven't optimized this code at all and it's written off the top of my head.

Garbage collector in Android

I would say no, because the Developer docs on RAM usage state:


An explicit GC, such as when you call gc() (which you should avoid calling and instead trust the GC to run when needed).


I've highlighted the relevant part in bold.

Have a look at the YouTube series, Android Performance Patterns - it will show you tips on managing your app's memory usage (such as using Android's ArrayMaps and SparseArrays instead of HashMaps).

Safely casting long to int in Java

One other solution can be:

public int longToInt(Long longVariable)
    try { 
            return Integer.valueOf(longVariable.toString()); 
        } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { 

I have tried this for cases where the client is doing a POST and the server DB understands only Integers while the client has a Long.

git diff between cloned and original remote repository

This example might help someone:

Note "origin" is my alias for remote "What is on Github"
Note "mybranch" is my alias for my branch "what is local" that I'm syncing with github
--your branch name is 'master' if you didn't create one. However, I'm using the different name mybranch to show where the branch name parameter is used.

What exactly are my remote repos on github?

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Add the "other github repository of the same code" - we call this a fork:

$ git remote add someOtherRepo

$git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
someOtherRepo (push)
someOtherRepo (fetch)

make sure our local repo is up to date:

$ git fetch

Change some stuff locally. let's say file ./foo/

$ git status
# On branch mybranch
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   modified:   foo/

Review my uncommitted changes

$ git diff mybranch
diff --git a/playground/foo/ b/playground/foo/
index b4fb1be..516323b 100655
--- a/playground/foo/
+++ b/playground/foo/
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
- This line is wrong
+ This line is fixed now - yea!
+ And I added this line too.

Commit locally.

$ git commit foo/ -m"I changed stuff"
[myfork 9f31ff7] I changed stuff
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Now, I'm different than my remote (on github)

$ git status
# On branch mybranch
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/mybranch' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

Diff this with remote - your fork: (this is frequently done with git diff master origin)

$ git diff mybranch origin
diff --git a/playground/foo/ b/playground/foo/
index 516323b..b4fb1be 100655
--- a/playground/foo/
+++ b/playground/foo/
@@ -1,27 +1,29 @@
- This line is wrong
+ This line is fixed now - yea!
+ And I added this line too.

(git push to apply these to remote)

How does my remote branch differ from the remote master branch?

$ git diff origin/mybranch origin/master

How does my local stuff differ from the remote master branch?

$ git diff origin/master

How does my stuff differ from someone else's fork, master branch of the same repo?

$git diff mybranch someOtherRepo/master

Limit the height of a responsive image with css

The trick is to add both max-height: 100%; and max-width: 100%; to .container img. Example CSS:

.container {
  width: 300px;
  border: dashed blue 1px;

.container img {
  max-height: 100%;
  max-width: 100%;

In this way, you can vary the specified width of .container in whatever way you want (200px or 10% for example), and the image will be no larger than its natural dimensions. (You could specify pixels instead of 100% if you didn't want to rely on the natural size of the image.)

Here's the whole fiddle:

Check if record exists from controller in Rails

ActiveRecord#where will return an ActiveRecord::Relation object (which will never be nil). Try using .empty? on the relation to test if it will return any records.

Cast received object to a List<object> or IEnumerable<object>

How about

List<object> collection = new List<object>((IEnumerable)myObject);

How to push files to an emulator instance using Android Studio

Open command prompt and give the platform-tools path of the sdk. Eg:- C:\Android\sdk\platform-tools> Then type 'adb push' command like below,

C:\Android\sdk\platform-tools>adb push C:\MyFiles\fileName.txt /sdcard/fileName.txt

This command push the file to the root folder of the emulator.

jQuery: Get selected element tag name

nodeName will give you the tag name in uppercase, while localName will give you the lower case.


will give you : yourelement instead of YOURELEMENT

No plot window in matplotlib

The code snippet below works on both Eclipse and the Python shell:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Come up with x and y
x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1)
y = np.sin(x)

# Just print x and y for fun
print x
print y

# Plot the x and y and you are supposed to see a sine curve
plt.plot(x, y)

# Without the line below, the figure won't show

Angular 4: How to include Bootstrap?

npm install --save bootstrap

afterwards, inside angular-cli.json (inside the project's root folder), find styles and add the bootstrap css file like this:

"styles": [

in angular 6+ angular-cli.json was changed to angular.json.

How to Make Laravel Eloquent "IN" Query?

As @Raheel Answered it will fine but if you are working with Laravel 7/6

Then Eloquent whereIn Query.


$users = User::wherein('id',[1,2,3])->get();


$users = DB::table('users')->whereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])->get();


$ids = [1,2,3];

$users = User::wherein('id',$ids)->get();

How to upgrade safely php version in wamp server

For someone who need to update the PHP version in WAMP, I can recommend this

I had a problems with updating too, but on this website are Wampserver addons like new php version (php 7.1.4 etc.) And you don't have to manually edit files like php.ini or phpForApache.


Update all objects in a collection using LINQ

While you can use a ForEach extension method, if you want to use just the framework you can do

collection.Select(c => {c.PropertyToSet = value; return c;}).ToList();

The ToList is needed in order to evaluate the select immediately due to lazy evaluation.

Visual Studio: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file

Go to:

Project properties -> Linker -> General -> Link Library Dependencies set No.

How to add a border to a widget in Flutter?

Use a container with Boxdercoration.

    border: Border.all(
      width: 3.0
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0)

How can I remove specific rules from iptables?

The best solution that works for me without any problems looks this way:
1. Add temporary rule with some comment:

comment=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | sed 's/\-//g')
iptables -A ..... -m comment --comment "${comment}" -j REQUIRED_ACTION

2. When the rule added and you wish to remove it (or everything with this comment), do:

iptables-save | grep -v "${comment}" | iptables-restore

So, you'll 100% delete all rules that match the $comment and leave other lines untouched. This solution works for last 2 months with about 100 changes of rules per day - no issues.Hope, it helps

Does Ruby have a string.startswith("abc") built in method?

If this is for a non-Rails project, I'd use String#index:

"foobar".index("foo") == 0  # => true

Batch file to copy directories recursively

I wanted to replicate Unix/Linux's cp -r as closely as possible. I came up with the following:

xcopy /e /k /h /i srcdir destdir

Flag explanation:

/e Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
/k Copies attributes. Normal Xcopy will reset read-only attributes.
/h Copies hidden and system files also.
/i If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assume destination is a directory.

I made the following into a batch file (cpr.bat) so that I didn't have to remember the flags:

xcopy /e /k /h /i %*

Usage: cpr srcdir destdir

You might also want to use the following flags, but I didn't:
/q Quiet. Do not display file names while copying.
/b Copies the Symbolic Link itself versus the target of the link. (requires UAC admin)
/o Copies directory and file ACLs. (requires UAC admin)

How can I disable the Maven Javadoc plugin from the command line?

You can use the maven.javadoc.skip property to skip execution of the plugin, going by the Mojo's javadoc. You can specify the value as a Maven property:


or as a command-line argument: -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true, to skip generation of the Javadocs.

SQL to Query text in access with an apostrophe in it

How about more simply: Select * from tblStudents where [name] = replace(YourName,"'","''")

How do I generate a stream from a string?

We use the extension methods listed below. I think you should make the developer make a decision about the encoding, so there is less magic involved.

public static class StringExtensions {

    public static Stream ToStream(this string s) {
        return s.ToStream(Encoding.UTF8);

    public static Stream ToStream(this string s, Encoding encoding) {
        return new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(s ?? ""));

How to convert IPython notebooks to PDF and HTML?

I've been searching for a way to save notebooks as html, since whenever I try to download as html with my new Jupyter installation, I always get a 500 : Internal Server Error The error was: nbconvert failed: validate() got an unexpected keyword argument 'relax_add_props' error. Oddly enough, I've found that downloading as html is as simple as:

  1. Left click in the notebook
  2. Click 'Save As...' in the dropdown menu
  3. Save accordingly

No print preview, no print, no nbconvert. Using Jupyter Version: 1.0.0. Just a suggestion to try (obviously not all setups are the same).

NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

Update October 2018

If you are still uncertain about Front-end dev, you can take a quick look into an excellent resource here.

Update June 2018

Learning modern JavaScript is tough if you haven’t been there since the beginning. If you are the newcomer, remember to check this excellent written to have a better overview.

Update July 2017

Recently I found a comprehensive guide from Grab team about how to approach front-end development in 2017. You can check it out as below.

I've been also searching for this quite some time since there are a lot of tools out there and each of them benefits us in a different aspect. The community is divided across tools like Browserify, Webpack, jspm, Grunt and Gulp. You might also hear about Yeoman or Slush. That’s not a problem, it’s just confusing for everyone trying to understand a clear path forward.

Anyway, I would like to contribute something.

Table Of Content

  • Table Of Content
  • 1. Package Manager
    • NPM
    • Bower
    • Difference between Bower and NPM
    • Yarn
    • jspm
  • 2. Module Loader/Bundling
    • RequireJS
    • Browserify
    • Webpack
    • SystemJS
  • 3. Task runner
    • Grunt
    • Gulp
  • 4. Scaffolding tools
    • Slush and Yeoman

1. Package Manager

Package managers simplify installing and updating project dependencies, which are libraries such as: jQuery, Bootstrap, etc - everything that is used on your site and isn't written by you.

Browsing all the library websites, downloading and unpacking the archives, copying files into the projects — all of this is replaced with a few commands in the terminal.


It stands for: Node JS package manager helps you to manage all the libraries your software relies on. You would define your needs in a file called package.json and run npm install in the command line... then BANG, your packages are downloaded and ready to use. It could be used both for front-end and back-end libraries.


For front-end package management, the concept is the same with NPM. All your libraries are stored in a file named bower.json and then run bower install in the command line.

Bower is recommended their user to migrate over to npm or yarn. Please be careful

Difference between Bower and NPM

The biggest difference between Bower and NPM is that NPM does nested dependency tree while Bower requires a flat dependency tree as below.

Quoting from What is the difference between Bower and npm?


project root
[node_modules] // default directory for dependencies
 -> dependency A
 -> dependency B
    -> dependency A

 -> dependency C
    -> dependency B
       -> dependency A
    -> dependency D


project root
[bower_components] // default directory for dependencies
 -> dependency A
 -> dependency B // needs A
 -> dependency C // needs B and D
 -> dependency D

There are some updates on npm 3 Duplication and Deduplication, please open the doc for more detail.


A new package manager for JavaScript published by Facebook recently with some more advantages compared to NPM. And with Yarn, you still can use both NPMand Bower registry to fetch the package. If you've installed a package before, yarn creates a cached copy which facilitates offline package installs.


JSPM is a package manager for the SystemJS universal module loader, built on top of the dynamic ES6 module loader. It is not an entirely new package manager with its own set of rules, rather it works on top of existing package sources. Out of the box, it works with GitHub and npm. As most of the Bower based packages are based on GitHub, we can install those packages using jspm as well. It has a registry that lists most of the commonly used front-end packages for easier installation.

See the different between Bower and jspm: Package Manager: Bower vs jspm

2. Module Loader/Bundling

Most projects of any scale will have their code split between several files. You can just include each file with an individual <script> tag, however, <script> establishes a new HTTP connection, and for small files – which is a goal of modularity – the time to set up the connection can take significantly longer than transferring the data. While the scripts are downloading, no content can be changed on the page.

  • The problem of download time can largely be solved by concatenating a group of simple modules into a single file and minifying it.


    <script src=“build/wagon-bundle.js”></script>
  • The performance comes at the expense of flexibility though. If your modules have inter-dependency, this lack of flexibility may be a showstopper.


    <script src=“connectors/axle.js”></script>
    <script src=“frames/board.js”></script>
    <!-- skateboard-wheel and ball-bearing both depend on abstract-rolling-thing -->
    <script src=“rolling-things/abstract-rolling-thing.js”></script>
    <script src=“rolling-things/wheels/skateboard-wheel.js”></script>
    <!-- but if skateboard-wheel also depends on ball-bearing -->
    <!-- then having this script tag here could cause a problem -->
    <script src=“rolling-things/ball-bearing.js”></script>
    <!-- connect wheels to axle and axle to frame -->
    <script src=“vehicles/skateboard/our-sk8bd-init.js”></script>

Computers can do that better than you can, and that is why you should use a tool to automatically bundle everything into a single file.

Then we heard about RequireJS, Browserify, Webpack and SystemJS


It is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Node.

E.g: myModule.js

// package/lib is a dependency we require
define(["package/lib"], function (lib) {
  // behavior for our module
  function foo() {
    lib.log("hello world!");

  // export (expose) foo to other modules as foobar
  return {
    foobar: foo,

In main.js, we can import myModule.js as a dependency and use it.

require(["package/myModule"], function(myModule) {

And then in our HTML, we can refer to use with RequireJS.

<script src=“app/require.js” data-main=“main.js” ></script>

Read more about CommonJS and AMD to get understanding easily. Relation between CommonJS, AMD and RequireJS?


Set out to allow the use of CommonJS formatted modules in the browser. Consequently, Browserify isn’t as much a module loader as a module bundler: Browserify is entirely a build-time tool, producing a bundle of code that can then be loaded client-side.

Start with a build machine that has node & npm installed, and get the package:

npm install -g –save-dev browserify

Write your modules in CommonJS format

var foo = require("../foo.js");

And when happy, issue the command to bundle:

browserify entry-point.js -o bundle-name.js

Browserify recursively finds all dependencies of entry-point and assembles them into a single file:

<script src="”bundle-name.js”"></script>


It bundles all of your static assets, including JavaScript, images, CSS, and more, into a single file. It also enables you to process the files through different types of loaders. You could write your JavaScript with CommonJS or AMD modules syntax. It attacks the build problem in a fundamentally more integrated and opinionated manner. In Browserify you use Gulp/Grunt and a long list of transforms and plugins to get the job done. Webpack offers enough power out of the box that you typically don’t need Grunt or Gulp at all.

Basic usage is beyond simple. Install Webpack like Browserify:

npm install -g –save-dev webpack

And pass the command an entry point and an output file:

webpack ./entry-point.js bundle-name.js


It is a module loader that can import modules at run time in any of the popular formats used today (CommonJS, UMD, AMD, ES6). It is built on top of the ES6 module loader polyfill and is smart enough to detect the format being used and handle it appropriately. SystemJS can also transpile ES6 code (with Babel or Traceur) or other languages such as TypeScript and CoffeeScript using plugins.

Want to know what is the node module and why it is not well adapted to in-browser.

More useful article:

Why jspm and SystemJS?

One of the main goals of ES6 modularity is to make it really simple to install and use any Javascript library from anywhere on the Internet (Github, npm, etc.). Only two things are needed:

  • A single command to install the library
  • One single line of code to import the library and use it

So with jspm, you can do it.

  1. Install the library with a command: jspm install jquery
  2. Import the library with a single line of code, no need to external reference inside your HTML file.


var $ = require('jquery');

$('body').append("I've imported jQuery!");
  1. Then you configure these things within System.config({ ... }) before importing your module. Normally when run jspm init, there will be a file named config.js for this purpose.

  2. To make these scripts run, we need to load system.js and config.js on the HTML page. After that, we will load the display.js file using the SystemJS module loader.


<script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>

Noted: You can also use npm with Webpack as Angular 2 has applied it. Since jspm was developed to integrate with SystemJS and it works on top of the existing npm source, so your answer is up to you.

3. Task runner

Task runners and build tools are primarily command-line tools. Why we need to use them: In one word: automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting which previously cost us a lot of times to do with command line or even manually.


You can create automation for your development environment to pre-process codes or create build scripts with a config file and it seems very difficult to handle a complex task. Popular in the last few years.

Every task in Grunt is an array of different plugin configurations, that simply get executed one after another, in a strictly independent, and sequential fashion.

    clean: {
    src: ['build/app.js', 'build/vendor.js']

    copy: {
    files: [{
        src: 'build/app.js',
        dest: 'build/dist/app.js'

    concat: {
    'build/app.js': ['build/vendors.js', 'build/app.js']

    // ... other task configurations ...


grunt.registerTask('build', ['clean', 'bower', 'browserify', 'concat', 'copy']);


Automation just like Grunt but instead of configurations, you can write JavaScript with streams like it's a node application. Prefer these days.

This is a Gulp sample task declaration.

//import the necessary gulp plugins
var gulp = require("gulp");
var sass = require("gulp-sass");
var minifyCss = require("gulp-minify-css");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");

//declare the task
gulp.task("sass", function (done) {
        keepSpecialComments: 0,
    .pipe(rename({ extname: ".min.css" }))
    .on("end", done);

See more:

4. Scaffolding tools

Slush and Yeoman

You can create starter projects with them. For example, you are planning to build a prototype with HTML and SCSS, then instead of manually create some folder like scss, css, img, fonts. You can just install yeoman and run a simple script. Then everything here for you.

Find more here.

npm install -g yo
npm install --global generator-h5bp
yo h5bp

See more:

My answer is not matched with the content of the question but when I'm searching for this knowledge on Google, I always see the question on top so that I decided to answer it in summary. I hope you guys found it helpful.

If you like this post, you can read more on my blog at Thanks for visiting :)

How to get memory usage at runtime using C++?

in additional to your way
you could call system ps command and get memory usage from it output.
or read info from /proc/pid ( see PIOCPSINFO struct )

Using union and count(*) together in SQL query

select, count (*)
from (select name from Results 
      select name from Archive_Results) as T1
group by order by

Bootstrap onClick button event

There is no show event in js - you need to bind your button either to the click event:

$('#id').on('click', function (e) {

     //your awesome code here


Mind that if your button is inside a form, you may prefer to bind the whole form to the submit event.

bitwise XOR of hex numbers in python

here's a better function

def strxor(a, b):     # xor two strings of different lengths
    if len(a) > len(b):
        return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a[:len(b)], b)])
        return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b[:len(a)])])

[] and {} vs list() and dict(), which is better?

It's mainly a matter of choice most of the time. It's a matter of preference.

Note however that if you have numeric keys for example, that you can't do:

mydict = dict(1="foo", 2="bar")

You have to do:

mydict = {"1":"foo", "2":"bar"}

How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

What is the purpose of the single underscore "_" variable in Python?

Underscore _ is considered as "I don't Care" or "Throwaway" variable in Python

  • The python interpreter stores the last expression value to the special variable called _.

    >>> 10 
    >>> _ 
    >>> _ * 3 
  • The underscore _ is also used for ignoring the specific values. If you don’t need the specific values or the values are not used, just assign the values to underscore.

    Ignore a value when unpacking

    x, _, y = (1, 2, 3)
    >>> x
    >>> y 

    Ignore the index

    for _ in range(10):     

How is AngularJS different from jQuery

Jquery :-

jQuery is a lightweight and feature-rich JavaScript Library that helps web developers
by simplifying the usage of client-side scripting for web applications using JavaScript.
It extensively simplifies using JavaScript on a website and it’s lightweight as well as fast.

So, using jQuery, we can:

easily manipulate the contents of a webpage
apply styles to make UI more attractive
easy DOM traversal
effects and animation
simple to make AJAX calls and
utilities and much more… 

AngularJS :-

AngularJS is a product by none other the Search Engine Giant Google and it’s an open source
MVC-based framework(considered to be the best and only next generation framework). AngularJS
is a great tool for building highly rich client-side web applications.

As being a framework, it dictates us to follow some rules and a structured approach. It’s
not just a JavaScript library but a framework that is perfectly designed (framework tools
are designed to work together in a truly interconnected way).

In comparison of features jQuery Vs AngularJS, AngularJS simply offers more features:

Two-Way data binding
REST friendly
MVC-based Pattern
Deep Linking
Form Validation
Dependency Injection
Full Testing Environment
Server Communication

ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN failed because one or more objects access this column

The @SqlZim's answer is correct but just to explain why this possibly have happened. I've had similar issue and this was caused by very innocent thing: adding default value to a column

  MyColumn int DEFAULT NULL;

But in the realm of MS SQL Server a default value on a colum is a CONSTRAINT. And like every constraint it has an identifier. And you cannot drop a column if it is used in a CONSTRAINT.

So what you can actually do avoid this kind of problems is always give your default constraints a explicit name, for example:

  MyColumn int NULL,

You'll still have to drop the constraint before dropping the column, but you will at least know its name up front.

How can I remove an SSH key?

Unless I'm misunderstanding, you lost your .ssh directory containing your private key on your local machine and so you want to remove the public key which was on a server and which allowed key-based login.

In that case, it will be stored in the .ssh/authorized_keys file in your home directory on the server. You can just edit this file with a text editor and delete the relevant line if you can identify it (even easier if it's the only entry!).

I hope that key wasn't your only method of access to the server and you have some other way of logging in and editing the file. You can either manually add a new public key to authorised_keys file or use ssh-copy-id. Either way, you'll need password authentication set up for your account on the server, or some other identity or access method to get to the authorized_keys file on the server.

ssh-add adds identities to your SSH agent which handles management of your identities locally and "the connection to the agent is forwarded over SSH remote logins, and the user can thus use the privileges given by the identities anywhere in the network in a secure way." (man page), so I don't think it's what you want in this case. It doesn't have any way to get your public key onto a server without you having access to said server via an SSH login as far as I know.

How to clear the text of all textBoxes in the form?

Your textboxes are probably inside of panels or other containers, and not directly inside the form.

You need to recursively traverse the Controls collection of every child control.

ERROR: Cannot open source file " "

You need to check your project settings, under C++, check include directories and make sure it points to where GameEngine.h resides, the other issue could be that GameEngine.h is not in your source file folder or in any include directory and resides in a different folder relative to your project folder. For instance you have 2 projects ProjectA and ProjectB, if you are including GameEngine.h in some source/header file in ProjectA then to include it properly, assuming that ProjectB is in the same parent folder do this:

include "../ProjectB/GameEngine.h"

This is if you have a structure like this:


Root\ProjectB <- GameEngine.h actually lives here

How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#?

"bigEnough" array is a bit of a stretch. Sure, buffer needs to be "big ebough" but proper design of an application should include transactions and delimiters. In this configuration each transaction would have a preset length thus your array would anticipate certain number of bytes and insert it into correctly sized buffer. Delimiters would ensure transaction integrity and would be supplied within each transaction. To make your application even better, you could use 2 channels (2 sockets). One would communicate fixed length control message transactions that would include information about size and sequence number of data transaction to be transferred using data channel. Receiver would acknowledge buffer creation and only then data would be sent. If you have no control over stream sender than you need multidimensional array as a buffer. Component arrays would be small enough to be manageable and big enough to be practical based on your estimate of expected data. Process logic would seek known start delimiters and then ending delimiter in subsequent element arrays. Once ending delimiter is found, new buffer would be created to store relevant data between delimiters and initial buffer would have to be restructured to allow data disposal.

As far as a code to convert stream into byte array is one below.

Stream s = yourStream;
int streamEnd = Convert.ToInt32(s.Length);
byte[] buffer = new byte[streamEnd];
s.Read(buffer, 0, streamEnd);

What is the equivalent to a JavaScript setInterval/setTimeout in Android/Java?

As always with Android there's lots of ways to do this, but assuming you simply want to run a piece of code a little bit later on the same thread, I use this:

new android.os.Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(
    new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Log.i("tag", "This'll run 300 milliseconds later");

.. this is pretty much equivalent to

    function() {
        console.log("This will run 300 milliseconds later");

How do I know which version of Javascript I'm using?

Click on this link to see which version your BROWSER is using:

You should be able filter by using script tags to each JS version.

<script type="text/javascript">
  var jsver = 1.0;
<script language="Javascript1.1">
  jsver = 1.1;
<script language="Javascript1.2">
  jsver = 1.2;
<script language="Javascript1.3">
  jsver = 1.3;
<script language="Javascript1.4">
  jsver = 1.4;
<script language="Javascript1.5">
  jsver = 1.5;
<script language="Javascript1.6">
  jsver = 1.6;
<script language="Javascript1.7">
  jsver = 1.7;
<script language="Javascript1.8">
  jsver = 1.8;
<script language="Javascript1.9">
  jsver = 1.9;

<script type="text/javascript">

My Chrome reports 1.7

Blatantly stolen from:

Allow scroll but hide scrollbar

I know this is an oldie but here is a quick way to hide the scroll bar with pure CSS.

Just add

::-webkit-scrollbar {display:none;}

To your id or class of the div you're using the scroll bar with.

Here is a helpful link Custom Scroll Bar in Webkit

The best node module for XML parsing

This answer concerns developers for Windows. You want to pick an XML parsing module that does NOT depend on node-expat. Node-expat requires node-gyp and node-gyp requires you to install Visual Studio on your machine. If your machine is a Windows Server, you definitely don't want to install Visual Studio on it.

So, which XML parsing module to pick?

Save yourself a lot of trouble and use either xml2js or xmldoc. They depend on sax.js which is a pure Javascript solution that doesn't require node-gyp.

Both libxmljs and xml-stream require node-gyp. Don't pick these unless you already have Visual Studio on your machine installed or you don't mind going down that road.

Update 2015-10-24: it seems somebody found a solution to use node-gyp on Windows without installing VS:

Compare DATETIME and DATE ignoring time portion

Use the CAST to the new DATE data type in SQL Server 2008 to compare just the date portion:

IF CAST(DateField1 AS DATE) = CAST(DateField2 AS DATE)

Passing a variable from node.js to html

I figured it out I was able to pass a variable like this

<script>var name = "<%= name %>";</script>

Order discrete x scale by frequency/value

I realize this is old, but maybe this function I created is useful to someone out there:

order_axis<-function(data, axis, column)
  # for interactivity with ggplot2
  arguments <- as.list(
  col <- eval(arguments$column, data)
  ax <- eval(arguments$axis, data)

  # evaluated factors
  a<-reorder(with(data, ax), 
             with(data, col))

  # define new var
  within(df, "<-",list(paste0(as.character(arguments$axis),"_o"), a)))

Now, with this function you can interactively plot with ggplot2, like this:

ggplot(order_axis(df, AXIS_X, COLUMN_Y), 
       aes(x = AXIS_X_o, y = COLUMN_Y)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity")

As can be seen, the order_axis function creates another dataframe with a new column named the same but with a _oat the end. This new column has levels in ascending order, so ggplot2 automatically plots in that order.

This is somewhat limited (only works for character or factor and numeric combinations of columns and in ascending order) but I still find it very useful for plotting on the go.

How to do parallel programming in Python?

This can be done very elegantly with Ray.

To parallelize your example, you'd need to define your functions with the @ray.remote decorator, and then invoke them with .remote.

import ray


# Define the functions.

def solve1(a):
    return 1

def solve2(b):
    return 2

# Start two tasks in the background.
x_id = solve1.remote(0)
y_id = solve2.remote(1)

# Block until the tasks are done and get the results.
x, y = ray.get([x_id, y_id])

There are a number of advantages of this over the multiprocessing module.

  1. The same code will run on a multicore machine as well as a cluster of machines.
  2. Processes share data efficiently through shared memory and zero-copy serialization.
  3. Error messages are propagated nicely.
  4. These function calls can be composed together, e.g.,

    def f(x):
        return x + 1
    x_id = f.remote(1)
    y_id = f.remote(x_id)
    z_id = f.remote(y_id)
    ray.get(z_id)  # returns 4
  5. In addition to invoking functions remotely, classes can be instantiated remotely as actors.

Note that Ray is a framework I've been helping develop.

How to delete columns in a CSV file?

You can directly delete the column with just

del variable_name['year']