Programs & Examples On #Cqwp

The Content Query Web Part (CQWP) aggregates and displays list items within a site hierarchy using lists, libraries or sites as a data source.

Regex to match string containing two names in any order

You can do:


What does enctype='multipart/form-data' mean?

  • enctype(ENCode TYPE) attribute specifies how the form-data should be encoded when submitting it to the server.
  • multipart/form-data is one of the value of enctype attribute, which is used in form element that have a file upload. multi-part means form data divides into multiple parts and send to server.

How to find a Java Memory Leak

A tool is a big help.

However, there are times when you can't use a tool: the heap dump is so huge it crashes the tool, you are trying to troubleshoot a machine in some production environment to which you only have shell access, etc.

In that case, it helps to know your way around the hprof dump file.

Look for SITES BEGIN. This shows you what objects are using the most memory. But the objects aren't lumped together solely by type: each entry also includes a "trace" ID. You can then search for that "TRACE nnnn" to see the top few frames of the stack where the object was allocated. Often, once I see where the object is allocated, I find a bug and I'm done. Also, note that you can control how many frames are recorded in the stack with the options to -Xrunhprof.

If you check out the allocation site, and don't see anything wrong, you have to start backward chaining from some of those live objects to root objects, to find the unexpected reference chain. This is where a tool really helps, but you can do the same thing by hand (well, with grep). There is not just one root object (i.e., object not subject to garbage collection). Threads, classes, and stack frames act as root objects, and anything they reference strongly is not collectible.

To do the chaining, look in the HEAP DUMP section for entries with the bad trace id. This will take you to an OBJ or ARR entry, which shows a unique object identifier in hexadecimal. Search for all occurrences of that id to find who's got a strong reference to the object. Follow each of those paths backward as they branch until you figure out where the leak is. See why a tool is so handy?

Static members are a repeat offender for memory leaks. In fact, even without a tool, it'd be worth spending a few minutes looking through your code for static Map members. Can a map grow large? Does anything ever clean up its entries?

Spring data jpa- No bean named 'entityManagerFactory' is defined; Injection of autowired dependencies failed

In your application context, change the bean with id from emf to entityManagerFactory:

<bean id="emf"
    <property name="packagesToScan" value="org.wahid.cse.entity" />
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />

    <property name="jpaProperties">
            <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
            <prop key="">create</prop>
            <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</prop>

    <property name="persistenceProvider">
        <bean class="org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider"></bean>



<bean id="entityManagerFactory"
    <property name="packagesToScan" value="org.wahid.cse.entity" />
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />

    <property name="jpaProperties">
            <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
            <prop key="">create</prop>
            <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</prop>

    <property name="persistenceProvider">
        <bean class="org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider"></bean>


SQL Server 2008: How to query all databases sizes?

sometimes SECURITY issues prevent from asking for all the db's and you need to query one by one with the db prefix, for those cases i created this dynamic query

declare @Results table ([Name] nvarchar(max), [DataFileSizeMB] int, [LogFileSizeMB] int);

declare @QaQuery nvarchar(max)
declare @name nvarchar(max)

declare MY_CURSOR cursor 
  local static read_only forward_only
select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name not in ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb', 'rdsadmin');

fetch next from MY_CURSOR into @name
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
        print @name + ' Column Exist'
        set @QaQuery = N'select 
                            '''+@name+''' as Name
                            ,sum(case when type = 0 then size else 0 end) as DataFileSizeMB
                            ,sum(case when type = 1 then size else 0 end) as LogFileSizeMB
                        from ['+@name+'].sys.database_files
                        group by replace(name, ''_log'', '''')';

        insert @Results exec sp_executesql @QaQuery;
  fetch next from MY_CURSOR into @name
deallocate MY_CURSOR

select * from @Results order by DataFileSizeMB desc

How to include duplicate keys in HashMap?

You can't have duplicate keys in a Map. You can rather create a Map<Key, List<Value>>, or if you can, use Guava's Multimap.

Multimap<Integer, String> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
multimap.put(1, "rohit");
multimap.put(1, "jain");

System.out.println(multimap.get(1));  // Prints - [rohit, jain]

And then you can get the java.util.Map using the Multimap#asMap() method.

Python: how to capture image from webcam on click using OpenCV

This is a simple program to capture an image from using a default camera. Also, It can Detect a human face.

import cv2
import sys
import logging as log
import datetime as dt
from time import sleep

cascPath = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"
faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath)

video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
anterior = 0

while True:
    if not video_capture.isOpened():
        print('Unable to load camera.')

    # Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, frame =

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(
        minSize=(30, 30)

    # Draw a rectangle around the faces
    for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
        cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2)

    if anterior != len(faces):
        anterior = len(faces)"faces: "+str(len(faces))+" at "+str(

    # Display the resulting frame
    cv2.imshow('Video', frame)

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('s'): 

        check, frame =
        cv2.imshow("Capturing", frame)
        cv2.imwrite(filename='saved_img.jpg', img=frame)
        img_new = cv2.imread('saved_img.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        img_new = cv2.imshow("Captured Image", img_new)
        print("Image Saved")
        print("Program End")

    elif cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
        print("Turning off camera.")
        print("Camera off.")
        print("Program ended.")

    # Display the resulting frame
    cv2.imshow('Video', frame)

# When everything is done, release the capture


enter image description here

Also, You can check out my GitHub code

Recreating a Dictionary from an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<>>

If you're using .NET 3.5 or .NET 4, it's easy to create the dictionary using LINQ:

Dictionary<string, ArrayList> result = target.GetComponents()
                                      .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

There's no such thing as an IEnumerable<T1, T2> but a KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> is fine.

Making Enter key on an HTML form submit instead of activating button

$("form#submit input").on('keypress',function(event) {
  if (event.which === 13) {

'and' (boolean) vs '&' (bitwise) - Why difference in behavior with lists vs numpy arrays?

For the first example and base on the django's doc
It will always return the second list, indeed a non empty list is see as a True value for Python thus python return the 'last' True value so the second list

In [74]: mylist1 = [False]
In [75]: mylist2 = [False, True, False,  True, False]
In [76]: mylist1 and mylist2
Out[76]: [False, True, False, True, False]
In [77]: mylist2 and mylist1
Out[77]: [False]

Excel column number from column name

In my opinion the simpliest way to get column number is:
Sub Sample() ColName = ActiveCell.Column MsgBox ColName End Sub

How can I hide/show a div when a button is clicked?

Task can be made simple javascript without jQuery etc.

<script type="text/javascript">
function showhide() {
document.getElementById("wizard").className = (document.getElementById("wizard").className=="swMain") ? swHide : swMain;

This function is simple if statement that looks if wizard has class swMain and change class to swHide and else if it's not swMain then change to swMain. This code doesn't support multiple class attributes but in this case it is just enough.

Now you have to make css class named swHide that has display: none

Then add on to the button onclick="showhide()"

So easy it is.

Convert xlsx to csv in Linux with command line

As others said, libreoffice can convert xls files to csv. The problem for me was the sheet selection.

This libreoffice Python script does a fine job at converting a single sheet to CSV.

Usage is:

./ File.xls:"Sheet Name" output.csv

The only downside (on my end) is that --headless doesn't seem to work. I have a LO window that shows up for a second and then quits.
That's OK with me, it's the only tool that does the job rapidly.

Send file using POST from a Python script

Looks like python requests does not handle extremely large multi-part files.

The documentation recommends you look into requests-toolbelt.

Here's the pertinent page from their documentation.

CSS body background image fixed to full screen even when zooming in/out

there is another technique



That is it full set of css is

body { 
    background: url('images/body-bg.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

Latest browsers support the default property.

IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF - How to turn it ON?

Shouldn't you be setting identity_Insert ON, inserting the records and then turning it back off?

Like this:


ALTER procedure [dbo].[spInsertDeletedIntoTBLContent]
@ContentID int, 
...insert command...

Split page vertically using CSS

I guess your elements on the page messes up because you don't clear out your floats, check this out



<div class="wrap">
    <div class="floatleft"></div>
    <div class="floatright"></div>
    <div style="clear: both;"></div>


.wrap {
    width: 100%;

.floatleft {
    width: 80%;
    background-color: #ff0000;
    height: 400px;

.floatright {
float: right;
    background-color: #00ff00;
    height: 400px;
    width: 20%;

Local file access with JavaScript

if you are using angularjs & aspnet/mvc, to retrieve json files, you have to allow mime type at web config

    <remove fileExtension=".json" />
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />

Detect network connection type on Android

Currently, only MOBILE and WIFI is supported. Take a look and human readable type function.

Add common prefix to all cells in Excel

Type a value in one cell (EX:B4 CELL). For temporary use this formula in other cell (once done delete it). =CONCAT(XY,B4) . click and drag till the value you need. Copy the whole column and right click paste only values (second option).

I tried and it's working as expected.

How do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

enter image description here

  1. Open the design table tab
  2. Highlight your two INT fields (Ctrl/Shift+click on the grey blocks in the very first column)
  3. Right click -> Set primary key

Downloading a file from spring controllers

If you:

  • Don't want to load the whole file into a byte[] before sending to the response;
  • Want/need to send/download it via InputStream;
  • Want to have full control of the Mime Type and file name sent;
  • Have other @ControllerAdvice picking up exceptions for you (or not).

The code below is what you need:

@RequestMapping(value = "/stuff/{stuffId}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<FileSystemResource> downloadStuff(@PathVariable int stuffId)
                                                                      throws IOException {
    String fullPath = stuffService.figureOutFileNameFor(stuffId);
    File file = new File(fullPath);
    long fileLength = file.length(); // this is ok, but see note below

    HttpHeaders respHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    respHeaders.setContentDispositionFormData("attachment", "fileNameIwant.pdf");

    return new ResponseEntity<FileSystemResource>(
        new FileSystemResource(file), respHeaders, HttpStatus.OK

More on setContentLength(): First of all, the content-length header is optional per the HTTP 1.1 RFC. Still, if you can provide a value, it is better. To obtain such value, know that File#length() should be good enough in the general case, so it is a safe default choice.
In very specific scenarios, though, it can be slow, in which case you should have it stored previously (e.g. in the DB), not calculated on the fly. Slow scenarios include: if the file is very large, specially if it is on a remote system or something more elaborated like that - a database, maybe.


If your resource is not a file, e.g. you pick the data up from the DB, you should use InputStreamResource. Example:

    InputStreamResource isr = new InputStreamResource(new FileInputStream(file));
    return new ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource>(isr, respHeaders, HttpStatus.OK);

JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date

Using the getDay method of Date objects, you can know the number of day of the week (being 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc).

You can then subtract that number of days plus one, for example:

function getMonday(d) {
  d = new Date(d);
  var day = d.getDay(),
      diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6:1); // adjust when day is sunday
  return new Date(d.setDate(diff));

getMonday(new Date()); // Mon Nov 08 2010

Given a starting and ending indices, how can I copy part of a string in C?

Just use memcpy.

If the destination isn't big enough, strncpy won't null terminate. if the destination is huge compared to the source, strncpy just fills the destination with nulls after the string. strncpy is pointless, and unsuitable for copying strings.

strncpy is like memcpy except it fills the destination with nulls once it sees one in the source. It's absolutely useless for string operations. It's for fixed with 0 padded records.

#1214 - The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes

From official reference

Full-text indexes can be used only with MyISAM tables. (In MySQL 5.6 and up, they can also be used with InnoDB tables.) Full-text indexes can be created only for CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT columns.

InnoDB with MySQL 5.5 does not support Full-text indexes.

How to link html pages in same or different folders?



For example if your file, lets say image is in folder1 in folder2 you locate it this way


Search a whole table in mySQL for a string

for specific requirement the following will work for search:

select * from table_name where (column_name1='%var1%' or column_name2='var2' or column_name='%var3%') and column_name='var';

if you want to query for searching data from the database this will work perfectly.

How to calculate the number of days between two dates?

Here's what I use. If you just subtract the dates, it won't work across the Daylight Savings Time Boundary (eg April 1 to April 30 or Oct 1 to Oct 31). This drops all the hours to make sure you get a day and eliminates any DST problem by using UTC.

var nDays = (    Date.UTC(EndDate.getFullYear(), EndDate.getMonth(), EndDate.getDate()) -
                 Date.UTC(StartDate.getFullYear(), StartDate.getMonth(), StartDate.getDate())) / 86400000;

as a function:

function DaysBetween(StartDate, EndDate) {
  // The number of milliseconds in all UTC days (no DST)
  const oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;

  // A day in UTC always lasts 24 hours (unlike in other time formats)
  const start = Date.UTC(EndDate.getFullYear(), EndDate.getMonth(), EndDate.getDate());
  const end = Date.UTC(StartDate.getFullYear(), StartDate.getMonth(), StartDate.getDate());

  // so it's safe to divide by 24 hours
  return (start - end) / oneDay;

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Use div instead of span, or add display: block; to your css style for the span tag.

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

Of course you can sample each row:

sapply (1:4, function (row) df1[row,]<<-sample(df1[row,]))

will shuffle the rows itself, so the number of 1's in each row doesn't change. Small changes and it also works great with columns, but this is a exercise for the reader :-P

Cannot find or open the PDB file in Visual Studio C++ 2010

Answer by Paul is right, I am just putting the visual to easily get there.

Go to Tools->Options->Debugging->Symbols

Set the checkbox marked in red and it will download the pdb files from microsoft. When you set the checkbox, it will also set a default path for the pdb files in the edit box under, you don't need to change that.

enter image description here

Jasmine JavaScript Testing - toBe vs toEqual

Thought someone might like explanation by (annotated) example:

Below, if my deepClone() function does its job right, the test (as described in the 'it()' call) will succeed:

describe('deepClone() array copy', ()=>{
    let source:any = {}
    let clone:any = source
        source.a = [1,'string literal',{x:10, obj:{y:4}}]
        clone = Utils.deepClone(source) // THE CLONING ACT TO BE TESTED - lets see it it does it right.
    it('should create a clone which has unique identity, but equal values as the source object',()=>{
        expect(source !== clone).toBe(true) // If we have different object instances...
        expect(source).not.toBe(clone) // <= synonymous to the above. Will fail if: you remove the '.not', and if: the two being compared are indeed different objects.
        expect(source).toEqual(clone) // ...that hold same values, all tests will succeed.

Of course this is not a complete test suite for my deepClone(), as I haven't tested here if the object literal in the array (and the one nested therein) also have distinct identity but same values.

How to get a dependency tree for an artifact?

If you'd like to get a graphical, searchable representation of the dependency tree (including all modules from your project, transitive dependencies and eviction information), check out UpdateImpact: (free service).

Disclaimer: I'm one of the developers of the site

"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" from git status

I suddenly got an error like in any directory I tried to run any git command from:

fatal: Not a git repository: /Users/me/Desktop/../../.git/modules/some-submodule

For me, turned out I had a hidden file .git on my Desktop with the content:

gitdir: ../../.git/modules/some-module

Removed that file and fixed.

how to print float value upto 2 decimal place without rounding off

i'd suggest shorter and faster approach:

printf("%.2f", ((signed long)(fVal * 100) * 0.01f));

this way you won't overflow int, plus multiplication by 100 shouldn't influence the significand/mantissa itself, because the only thing that really is changing is exponent.

Is there a maximum number you can set Xmx to when trying to increase jvm memory?

I think that it's around 2GB. While the answer by Pete Kirkham is very interesting and probably holds truth, I have allocated upwards of 3GB without error, however it did not use 3GB in practice. That might explain why you were able to allocate 2.5 GB on 2GB RAM with no swap space. In practice, it wasn't using 2.5GB.

Quickest way to convert XML to JSON in Java

JSON in Java has some great resources.

Maven dependency:

</dependency> is the class you're looking for:

import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.XML;
import org.json.JSONException;

public class Main {

    public static int PRETTY_PRINT_INDENT_FACTOR = 4;
    public static String TEST_XML_STRING =
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><test attrib=\"moretest\">Turn this to JSON</test>";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            JSONObject xmlJSONObj = XML.toJSONObject(TEST_XML_STRING);
            String jsonPrettyPrintString = xmlJSONObj.toString(PRETTY_PRINT_INDENT_FACTOR);
        } catch (JSONException je) {

Output is:

{"test": {
    "attrib": "moretest",
    "content": "Turn this to JSON"

replacing text in a file with Python

The essential way is

  • read(),
  • data = data.replace() as often as you need and then
  • write().

If you read and write the whole data at once or in smaller parts is up to you. You should make it depend on the expected file size.

read() can be replaced with the iteration over the file object.

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot

inspired by Sammys answer above:

margins = {  #     vvv margin in inches
    "left"   :     1.5 / figsize[0],
    "bottom" :     0.8 / figsize[1],
    "right"  : 1 - 0.3 / figsize[0],
    "top"    : 1 - 1   / figsize[1]

Where figsize is the tuple that you used in fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=...)

how to run vibrate continuously in iphone?

iOS 5 has implemented Custom Vibrations mode. So in some cases variable vibration is acceptable. The only thing is unknown what library deals with that (pretty sure not CoreTelephony) and if it is open for developers. So keep on searching.

Print "hello world" every X seconds

Use java.util.Timer and Timer#schedule(TimerTask,delay,period) method will help you.

public class RemindTask extends TimerTask {
    public void run() {
      System.out.println(" Hello World!");
    public static void main(String[] args){
       Timer timer = new Timer();
       timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), 3000,3000);

How To Accept a File POST

This question has lots of good answers even for .Net Core. I was using both Frameworks the provided code samples work fine. So I won't repeat it. In my case the important thing was how to use File upload actions with Swagger like this:

File upload button in Swagger

Here is my recap:

ASP .Net WebAPI 2

  • To upload file use: MultipartFormDataStreamProvider see answers here
  • How to use it with Swagger

.NET Core

How to escape "&" in XML?

use &amp; in place of &

change to

<string name="magazine">Newspaper &amp; Magazines</string>

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files

I wrapped mp3 decoder library and made it available for .net developers. You can find it here:

Included are the samples to convert mp3 file to PCM, and read ID3 tags.

PHP function to build query string from array

Implode will combine an array into a string for you, but to make an SQL query out a kay/value pair you'll have to write your own function.

Install tkinter for Python

You only need to import it:

import tkinter as tk

then you will be use the phrase tk, which is shorter and easier.

Also, I prefer using messagebox too:

from tkinter import messagebox as msgbx

Here's some ways you will be able to use it.

# make a new window
window = tk.Tk()

# show popup
msgbx.showinfo("title", "This is a text")

How to open the terminal in Atom?

There are a number of Atom packages which give you access to the terminal from within Atom. Try a few out to find the best option for you.

Some recommendations which work in Ubuntu (with their primary keyboard shortcuts):

Open a terminal in Atom:

Edit: recommended plugin changed as terminal-plus is no longer maintained. Thanks for the head's-up, @MorganRodgers.

If you want to open a terminal panel in Atom, try atom-ide-terminal. Use the keyboard shortcut ctrl-` to open a new terminal instance.

Open an external terminal from Atom:

If you just want a shortcut to open your external terminal from within Atom, try atom-terminal (this is what I use). You can use ctrl-shift-t to open your external terminal in the current file's directory, or alt-shift-t to open the terminal in the project's root directory.

Setting default permissions for newly created files and sub-directories under a directory in Linux?

in your shell script (or .bashrc) you may use somthing like:

umask 022

umask is a command that determines the settings of a mask that controls how file permissions are set for newly created files.

Why is a ConcurrentModificationException thrown and how to debug it

This is not a synchronization problem. This will occur if the underlying collection that is being iterated over is modified by anything other than the Iterator itself.

Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
   Entry item =;

This will throw a ConcurrentModificationException when the it.hasNext() is called the second time.

The correct approach would be

   Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext())
      Entry item =;

Assuming this iterator supports the remove() operation.

How to resolve the error "Unable to access jarfile ApacheJMeter.jar errorlevel=1" while initiating Jmeter?

Try downloading from

This contains the proper ApacheJMeter.jar that is needed to initiate.

Go to bin folder in the command prompt and try java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar if the download is correct this should open the GUI.

Edit on 23/08/2018:

How do I connect to a MySQL Database in Python?

For python 3.3


I have pip installed on my windows 7, just pip install cymysql

(you don't need cython) quick and painless

Color text in terminal applications in UNIX

Use ANSI escape sequences. This article goes into some detail about them. You can use them with printf as well.

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components

IIRC ...

setSize sets the size of the component.

setPreferredSize sets the preferred size. The Layoutmanager will try to arrange that much space for your component.

It depends on whether you're using a layout manager or not ...

What's the name for hyphen-separated case?

I've always called it, and heard it be called, 'dashcase.'

MongoDB what are the default user and password?

For MongoDB earlier than 2.6, the command to add a root user is addUser (e.g.)


Javascript array sort and unique

A way to use a custom sort function

//func has to return 0 in the case in which they are equal
sort_unique = function(arr,func) {
        func = func || function (a, b) {
            return a*1 - b*1;
        arr = arr.sort(func);
        var ret = [arr[0]];
        for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (func(arr[i-1],arr[i]) != 0) 
        return ret;

Example: desc order for an array of objects

MyArray = sort_unique(MyArray , function(a,b){
            return  b.iterator_internal*1 - a.iterator_internal*1;

How to create a bash script to check the SSH connection?

Just in case someone only wishes to check if port 22 is open on a remote machine, this simple netcat command is useful. I used it because nmap and telnet were not available for me. Moreover, my ssh configuration uses keyboard password auth.

It is a variant of the solution proposed by GUESSWHOz.

nc -q 0 -w 1 "${remote_ip}" 22 < /dev/null &> /dev/null && echo "Port is reachable" || echo "Port is unreachable"

CodeIgniter 500 Internal Server Error

This works fine for me

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]
</IfModule >

How to change the Content of a <textarea> with JavaScript

If you can use jQuery, and I highly recommend you do, you would simply do


Otherwise, it is browser dependent. Assuming you have

var myTextArea = document.getElementById('myTextArea');

In most browsers you do

myTextArea.innerHTML = '';

But in Firefox, you do

myTextArea.innerText = '';

Figuring out what browser the user is using is left as an exercise for the reader. Unless you use jQuery, of course ;)

Edit: I take that back. Looks like support for .innerHTML on textarea's has improved. I tested in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer, all of them cleared the textarea correctly.

Edit 2: And I just checked, if you use .val('') in jQuery, it just sets the .value property for textarea's. So .value should be fine.

Windows-1252 to UTF-8 encoding

There's no general way to tell if a file is encoded with a specific encoding. Remember that an encoding is nothing more but an "agreement" how the bits in a file should be mapped to characters.

If you don't know which of your files are actually already encoded in UTF-8 and which ones are encoded in windows-1252, you will have to inspect all files and find out yourself. In the worst case that could mean that you have to open every single one of them with either of the two encodings and see whether they "look" correct -- i.e., all characters are displayed correctly. Of course, you may use tool support in order to do that, for instance, if you know for sure that certain characters are contained in the files that have a different mapping in windows-1252 vs. UTF-8, you could grep for them after running the files through 'iconv' as mentioned by Seva Akekseyev.

Another lucky case for you would be, if you know that the files actually contain only characters that are encoded identically in both UTF-8 and windows-1252. In that case, of course, you're done already.

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?

Following solution is very basic and simple approach to send data from VC2 to VC1 using delegate .

PS: This solution is made in Xcode 9.X and Swift 4

Declared a protocol and created a delegate var into ViewControllerB

    import UIKit

    //Declare the Protocol into your SecondVC
    protocol DataDelegate {
        func sendData(data : String)

    class ViewControllerB : UIViewController {

    //Declare the delegate property in your SecondVC
        var delegate : DataDelegate?
        var data : String = "Send data to ViewControllerA."
        override func viewDidLoad() {

        @IBAction func btnSendDataPushed(_ sender: UIButton) {
                // Call the delegate method from SecondVC
                dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

ViewControllerA confirms the protocol and expected to receive data via delegate method sendData

    import UIKit
        // Conform the  DataDelegate protocol in ViewControllerA
        class ViewControllerA : UIViewController , DataDelegate {
        @IBOutlet weak var dataLabel: UILabel!

        override func viewDidLoad() {

        @IBAction func presentToChild(_ sender: UIButton) {
            let childVC =  UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:"ViewControllerB") as! ViewControllerB
            //Registered delegate
            childVC.delegate = self
            self.present(childVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

        // Implement the delegate method in ViewControllerA
        func sendData(data : String) {
            if data != "" {
                self.dataLabel.text = data

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

As Darren commented, Apache don't understand php.ini relative paths in Windows.

To fix it, change the relative paths in your php.ini to absolute paths.


R adding days to a date

You could also use

dmy("1/1/2001") + days(45)

How can I find out which server hosts LDAP on my windows domain?

AD registers Service Location (SRV) resource records in its DNS server which you can query to get the port and the hostname of the responsible LDAP server in your domain.

Just try this on the command-line:

C:\> nslookup 
> set types=all
> _ldap._tcp.<<your.AD.domain>>
_ldap._tcp.<<your.AD.domain>>  SRV service location:
      priority       = 0
      weight         = 100
      port           = 389
      svr hostname   = <<ldap.hostname>>.<<your.AD.domain>>

(provided that your nameserver is the AD nameserver which should be the case for the AD to function properly)

Please see Active Directory SRV Records and Windows 2000 DNS white paper for more information.

Issue with Task Scheduler launching a task

I was having the same issue. I tried with the compatibility option, but in Windows 10 it doesn't show the compatibility option. The following steps solved the problem for me:

  1. I made sure the account with which the task was running had the full access privileges on the file to be executed. (Executed the task and was still not running)
  2. I man taskschd.msc as administrator
  3. I added the account to run the task (whether was it logged or not)
  4. I executed the task and now IT WORKED!

So somehow setting up the task in taskschd.msc as a regular user wasn't working, even though my account is an admin one.

Hope this helps anyone having the same issue

Connect Device to Mac localhost Server?

  1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac via USB.

  2. Go to Network Utility (cmd+space and type "network utility")

  3. Go to the "Info" tab

  4. Click on the drop down menu that says "Wi-Fi" and select "iPhone USB" as shown here:

    Photo for Step 4

  5. You'll find an IP address like "" or similar. Open Safari browser on your iPhone and enter IP_address:port_number


[NOTE: If the IP address field is blank, make sure your iPhone is connected via USB, quit Network Utility, open it again and check for the IP address.]

Swift double to string

I would prefer NSNumber and NumberFormatter approach (where need), also u can use extension to avoid bloating code

extension Double {

   var toString: String {
      return NSNumber(value: self).stringValue


U can also need reverse approach

extension String {

    var toDouble: Double {
        return Double(self) ?? .nan


Is there functionality to generate a random character in Java?

If you don't mind adding a new library in your code you can generate characters with MockNeat (disclaimer: I am one of the authors).

MockNeat mock = MockNeat.threadLocal();

Character chr = mock.chars().val();
Character lowerLetter = mock.chars().lowerLetters().val();
Character upperLetter = mock.chars().upperLetters().val();
Character digit = mock.chars().digits().val();
Character hex = mock.chars().hex().val(); 

Can I replace groups in Java regex?

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but it is kind-of weird that no-one pointed this out - "Yes you can, but this is the opposite of how you use capturing groups in real life".

If you use Regex the way it is meant to be used, the solution is as simple as this:

"6 example input 4".replaceAll("(?:\\d)(.*)(?:\\d)", "number$11");

Or as rightfully pointed out by shmosel below,

"6 example input 4".replaceAll("\d(.*)\d", "number$11");

...since in your regex there is no good reason to group the decimals at all.

You don't usually use capturing groups on the parts of the string you want to discard, you use them on the part of the string you want to keep.

If you really want groups that you want to replace, what you probably want instead is a templating engine (e.g. moustache, ejs, StringTemplate, ...).

As an aside for the curious, even non-capturing groups in regexes are just there for the case that the regex engine needs them to recognize and skip variable text. For example, in

(?:abc)*(capture me)(?:bcd)*

you need them if your input can look either like "abcabccapture mebcdbcd" or "abccapture mebcd" or even just "capture me".

Or to put it the other way around: if the text is always the same, and you don't capture it, there is no reason to use groups at all.

SQL Query - Change date format in query to DD/MM/YYYY

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(11),Getdate(),105)

'module' object is not callable - calling method in another file

The problem is in the import line. You are importing a module, not a class. Assuming your file is named (unlike java, again, there is no such rule as "one class, one file"):

from other_file import findTheRange

if your file is named findTheRange too, following java's convenions, then you should write

from findTheRange import findTheRange

you can also import it just like you did with random:

import findTheRange
operator = findTheRange.findTheRange()

Some other comments:

a) @Daniel Roseman is right. You do not need classes here at all. Python encourages procedural programming (when it fits, of course)

b) You can build the list directly:

  randomList = [random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(5)]

c) You can call methods in the same way you do in java:

largestInList = operator.findLargest(randomList)
smallestInList = operator.findSmallest(randomList)

d) You can use built in function, and the huge python library:

largestInList = max(randomList)
smallestInList = min(randomList)

e) If you still want to use a class, and you don't need self, you can use @staticmethod:

class findTheRange():
    def findLargest(_list):

How to install PIP on Python 3.6?

There is an issue with downloading and installing Python 3.6. Unchecking pip in the installation prevents the issue. So pip is not given in every installation.

How to convert a .eps file to a high quality 1024x1024 .jpg?

For vector graphics, ImageMagick has both a render resolution and an output size that are independent of each other.

Try something like

convert -density 300 image.eps -resize 1024x1024 image.jpg

Which will render your eps at 300dpi. If 300 * width > 1024, then it will be sharp. If you render it too high though, you waste a lot of memory drawing a really high-res graphic only to down sample it again. I don't currently know of a good way to render it at the "right" resolution in one IM command.

The order of the arguments matters! The -density X argument needs to go before image.eps because you want to affect the resolution that the input file is rendered at.

This is not super obvious in the manpage for convert, but is hinted at:


convert [input-option] input-file [output-option] output-file

Angular2 dynamic change CSS property

Angular 6 + Alyle UI

With Alyle UI you can change the styles dynamically

Here a demo stackblitz

  declarations: [
  imports: [
        name: 'myTheme',
        primary: {
          default: '#00bcd4'
        accent: {
          default: '#ff4081'
        scheme: 'myCustomScheme', // myCustomScheme from colorSchemes
        lightGreen: '#8bc34a',
        colorSchemes: {
          light: {
            myColor: 'teal',
          dark: {
            myColor: '#FF923D'
          myCustomScheme: {
            background: {
              primary: '#dde4e6',
            text: {
              default: '#fff'
            myColor: '#C362FF'
    LyCommonModule, // for bg, color, raised and others
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


<div [className]="classes.card">dynamic style</div>
<p color="myColor">myColor</p>
<p bg="myColor">myColor</p>

For change Style

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LyTheme } from '@alyle/ui';

@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent  {
  classes = {
    card: this.theme.setStyle(
      'card', // key
      () => (
        // style
        `background-color: ${this.theme.palette.myColor};` +
        `position: relative;` +
        `margin: 1em;` +
        `text-align: center;`
    public theme: LyTheme
  ) { }

  changeScheme() {
    const scheme = this.theme.palette.scheme === 'light' ?
    'dark' : this.theme.palette.scheme === 'dark' ?
    'myCustomScheme' : 'light';

Github Repository

HTML <select> selected option background-color CSS style

I realise this is an old post, but in case it helps, you can apply this CSS to have IE11 draw a dotted outline for the focus indication of a <select> element so that it resembles Firefox's focus indication: select:focus::-ms-value { background: transparent; color: inherit; outline-style: dotted; outline-width: thin; }

Maximum value of maxRequestLength?

2,147,483,647 bytes, since the value is a signed integer (Int32). That's probably more than you'll need.

Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?

Inside the simple_html_dom.php change the value of the $offset variable from -1 to 0. this error usually happens when you migrate to PHP 7.

HtmlDomParser::file_get_html uses a default offset of -1, passing in 0 should fix your problem.

Create folder in Android

If you are trying to make more than just one folder on the root of the sdcard, ex. Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Example/Ex App/"

then instead of folder.mkdir() you would use folder.mkdirs()

I've made this mistake in the past & I took forever to figure it out.

What is the difference between background, backgroundTint, backgroundTintMode attributes in android layout xml?

BackgroundTint works as color filter.

FEFBDE as tint

37AEE4 as background

Try seeing the difference by comment tint/background and check the output when both are set.

UITextView that expands to text using auto layout

I see multiple answers suggest simply turning off scrollEnabled. This is the best solution. I’m writing this answer to explain why it works.

UITextView implements the intrinsicContentSize property if scrollEnabled == NO. The disassembly of the getter method looks like this:

- (CGSize)intrinsicContentSize {
  if (self.scrollEnabled) {
    return CGSizeMake(UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric, UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric);
  } else {
    // Calculate and return intrinsic content size based on current width.

That means you just need to make sure the width of the text view is constrained enough and then you can use the intrinsic content height (either via Auto Layout content hugging/compression resistance priorities or directly using the value during manual layout).

Unfortunately, this behavior is not documented. Apple could have easily saved us all some headaches… no need for an extra height constraint, subclassing, etc.

Copy data from one existing row to another existing row in SQL?

Try this:

UPDATE barang
SET ID FROM(SELECT tblkatalog.tblkatalog_id FROM tblkatalog 
WHERE tblkatalog.tblkatalog_nomor = barang.NO_CAT) WHERE barang.NO_CAT <>'';

Converting cv::Mat to IplImage*

Personaly I think it's not the problem caused by type casting but a buffer overflow problem; it is this line

cvCopy(iplimagearray[i], xyz);   

that I think will cause segment fault, I suggest that you confirm the array iplimagearray[i] have enough size of buffer to receive copyed data

Error type 3 Error: Activity class {} does not exist

In my case, I had defined defaultConfig two times.

I don't know why but double check it in case of a mistake.

set option "selected" attribute from dynamic created option

// Get <select> object
var sel = $('country');

// Loop through and look for value match, then break
for(i=0;i<sel.length;i++) { if(sel.value=="ID") { break; } }

// Select index 
sel.options.selectedIndex = i;

Begitu loh.

How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file

Add cmd.exe as a new line below the code you want to execute:

c:\Python27\python D:\code\


Difference between return and exit in Bash functions

Sometimes, you run a script using . or source.


If you include an exit in the, it will not just terminate the script, but end your shell session.

If you include a return in the, it simply stops processing the script.

Can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

You don't need anything outside the std libs

If you just replace the timezone it will not adjust the time. If your system is already UTC then .replace(tz='UTC') is fine.

datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 16, 7, 57, 5, 364576)

>>> print(x)
2020-11-16 07:57:05.364576

>>> print(x.astimezone()) 
2020-11-16 07:57:05.364576-07:00

>>> print(x.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)) # wrong
2020-11-16 07:57:05.364576+00:00

How to specify jackson to only use fields - preferably globally

You can configure individual ObjectMappers like this:

ObjectMapper mapper  = new ObjectMapper();

If you want it set globally, I usually access a configured mapper through a wrapper class.

How to find my realm file?

If you are using the default Realm DB in simulator:

po Realm().configuration.fileURL

www-data permissions?

sudo chown -R yourname:www-data cake


sudo chmod -R g+s cake

First command changes owner and group.

Second command adds s attribute which will keep new files and directories within cake having the same group permissions.

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?

Cookies are used to identify sessions. Visit any site that is using cookies and pull up either Chrome inspect element and then network or FireBug if using Firefox.

You can see that there is a header sent to a server and also received called Cookie. Usually it contains some personal information (like an ID) that can be used on the server to identify a session. These cookies stay on your computer and your browser takes care of sending them to only the domains that are identified with it.

If there were no cookies then you would be sending a unique ID on every request via GET or POST. Cookies are like static id's that stay on your computer for some time.

A session is a group of information on the server that is associated with the cookie information. If you're using PHP you can check the session.save_path location and actually "see sessions". They are either files on the server filesystem or backed in a database.

Screenshot of a Cookie

VirtualBox Cannot register the hard disk already exists

I really appreciate the suggestions here. The Impaler's and Oleg's comments helped me to piece my solution together.

Use the VBoxManage CLI. There's a modifymedium command with a --setlocation option.

I suggest opening the VBox GUI (on VM VirtualBox Manager 6.0)
- select "Virtual Media Manager" (I used the File menu)
- select the "Information" button for the disk giving you this error
- copy the UUID
Note: I removed the controller from the "Storage" setting before the next step.
- open your command prompt and navigate to the location of the .vdi file
It's a good idea to type VBoxMange to see a list of options, but this is the command to run:

VBoxManage modifymedium [insert medium type here] [UUID] --setlocation [full path to .vdi file]

Finally, reattach the controller to any VM--preferably the one you'd like to fix.

How to append contents of multiple files into one file

If all your files are in single directory you can simply do

cat * > 0.txt

Files 1.txt,2.txt, .. will go into 0.txt

Return a 2d array from a function

What you are (trying to do)/doing in your snippet is to return a local variable from the function, which is not at all recommended - nor is it allowed according to the standard.

If you'd like to create a int[6][6] from your function you'll either have to allocate memory for it on the free-store (ie. using new T/malloc or similar function), or pass in an already allocated piece of memory to MakeGridOfCounts.

Getting Http Status code number (200, 301, 404, etc.) from HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse

As per 'dtb' you need to use HttpStatusCode, but following 'zeldi' you need to be extra careful with code responses >= 400.

This has worked for me:

HttpWebResponse response = null;
HttpStatusCode statusCode;
    response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
catch (WebException we)
    response = (HttpWebResponse)we.Response;

statusCode = response.StatusCode;
Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
sResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();
Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + (int)statusCode + " - " + statusCode.ToString());

How to pass variable as a parameter in Execute SQL Task SSIS?

Along with @PaulStock's answer, Depending on your connection type, your variable names and SQLStatement/SQLStatementSource Changes

variable or field declared void

It for example happens in this case here:

void initializeJSP(unknownType Experiment);

Try using std::string instead of just string (and include the <string> header). C++ Standard library classes are within the namespace std::.

How do I code my submit button go to an email address

You might use Form tag with action attribute to submit the mailto.

Here is an example:

<form method="post" action="mailto:[email protected]" >
<input type="submit" value="Send Email" /> 

Get the height and width of the browser viewport without scrollbars using jquery?

Don't use jQuery, just use javascript for correct result:

This includes scrollbar width/height:

var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;_x000D_
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;_x000D_
alert('viewport width is: '+ windowWidth + ' and viewport height is:' + windowHeight);

This excludes scrollbar width/height:

var widthWithoutScrollbar = document.body.clientWidth;_x000D_
var heightWithoutScrollbar = document.body.clientHeight;_x000D_
alert('viewport width is: '+ widthWithoutScrollbar + ' and viewport height is:' + heightWithoutScrollbar);

How do you run your own code alongside Tkinter's event loop?

The solution posted by Bjorn results in a "RuntimeError: Calling Tcl from different appartment" message on my computer (RedHat Enterprise 5, python 2.6.1). Bjorn might not have gotten this message, since, according to one place I checked, mishandling threading with Tkinter is unpredictable and platform-dependent.

The problem seems to be that app.start() counts as a reference to Tk, since app contains Tk elements. I fixed this by replacing app.start() with a self.start() inside __init__. I also made it so that all Tk references are either inside the function that calls mainloop() or are inside functions that are called by the function that calls mainloop() (this is apparently critical to avoid the "different apartment" error).

Finally, I added a protocol handler with a callback, since without this the program exits with an error when the Tk window is closed by the user.

The revised code is as follows:

# Run tkinter code in another thread

import tkinter as tk
import threading

class App(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self):

    def callback(self):

    def run(self):
        self.root = tk.Tk()
        self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.callback)

        label = tk.Label(self.root, text="Hello World")


app = App()
print('Now we can continue running code while mainloop runs!')

for i in range(100000):

Access to file download dialog in Firefox

Web Applications generate 3 different types of pop-ups; namely,

 1| JavaScript PopUps
 2| Browser PopUps
 3| Native OS PopUps [e.g., Windows Popup like Upload/Download]

In General, the JavaScript pop-ups are generated by the web application code. Selenium provides an API to handle these JavaScript pop-ups, such as Alert.

Eventually, the simplest way to ignore Browser pop-up and download files is done by making use of Browser profiles; There are couple of ways to do this:

  • Manually involve changes on browser properties (or)
  • Customize browser properties using profile setPreference


Before you start working with pop-ups on Browser profiles, make sure that the Download options are set default to Save File.

(Open Firefox) Tools > Options > Applications

enter image description here


Make use of the below snippet and do edits whenever necessary.

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();

String path = "C:\\Test\\";
profile.setPreference("", 2);
profile.setPreference("", path);
profile.setPreference("", false);
profile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/msword, application/csv, application/ris, text/csv, image/png, application/pdf, text/html, text/plain, application/zip, application/x-zip, application/x-zip-compressed, application/download, application/octet-stream");
profile.setPreference("", false);
profile.setPreference("", false);  
profile.setPreference("", true);
profile.setPreference("browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force", false);
profile.setPreference("", false);
profile.setPreference("", true);
profile.setPreference("", false);
profile.setPreference("", false);
profile.setPreference("", false);
profile.setPreference("pdfjs.disabled", true);
driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);

Error: Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK - Android

On linux (Ubuntu in my case) just install gradle:

sudo apt-get install gradle

Edit: It seems as though ubuntu repo only has gradle 2.10, for newer versions:

High Quality Image Scaling Library

There's an article on Code Project about using GDI+ for .NET to do photo resizing using, say, Bicubic interpolation.

There was also another article about this topic on another blog (MS employee, I think), but I can't find the link anywhere. :( Perhaps someone else can find it?

Calling Objective-C method from C++ member function?

You need to make your C++ file be treated as Objective-C++. You can do this in xcode by renaming foo.cpp to (.mm is the obj-c++ extension). Then as others have said standard obj-c messaging syntax will work.

How to Check byte array empty or not?

You must swap the order of your test:


if (Attachment.Length > 0 && Attachment != null)


if (Attachment != null && Attachment.Length > 0 )

The first version attempts to dereference Attachment first and therefore throws if it's null. The second version will check for nullness first and only go on to check the length if it's not null (due to "boolean short-circuiting").

[EDIT] I come from the future to tell you that with later versions of C# you can use a "null conditional operator" to simplify the code above to:

if (Attachment?.Length > 0)

"Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture" even with build config set

Try changing your deployment target to something higher than an armv6 processor. The settings for xCode are referencing the operating system level, for instance: iOS version#{3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1}

(i)You can set this in the build settings tab or the summary tab. Start at the top left of the window in the Project Navigator, with all the files listed in it. Click the top-most one which has a blue icon.

(ii)If you are planning on using the programmable shader line circuitry, which is accessed and controlled through openGL ES 2.0 API, then you should set your "Deployment Version" to about 4.3, which I believe is only available on devices such as the 3GS or newer. xCode is reporting that iOS 4.2.5 or higher is needed run armv7 code. And once again, this processor, I believe, started with the 3GS.* iOS 4.3 seems to be the choice for me, for now.

Effective way to find any file's Encoding

Check this.


This is a port of Mozilla Universal Charset Detector and you can use it like this...

public static void Main(String[] args)
    string filename = args[0];
    using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filename)) {
        Ude.CharsetDetector cdet = new Ude.CharsetDetector();
        if (cdet.Charset != null) {
            Console.WriteLine("Charset: {0}, confidence: {1}", 
                 cdet.Charset, cdet.Confidence);
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine("Detection failed.");

Referencing Row Number in R


data$rownumber = 1:nrow(Data)

IntelliJ: Working on multiple projects

Yes, your intuition was good. You shouldn't use three instances of intellij. You can open one Project and add other 'parts' of application as Modules. Add them via project browser, default hotkey is alt+1

Display Image On Text Link Hover CSS Only

From w3 schools:

/* Tooltip container */
.tooltip {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  border-bottom: 1px dotted black; /* If you want dots under the hoverable text */

/* Tooltip text */
.tooltip .tooltiptext {
  visibility: hidden;
  width: 120px;
  background-color: black;
  color: #fff;
  text-align: center;
  padding: 5px 0;
  border-radius: 6px;

  /* Position the tooltip text - see examples below! */
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;

/* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */
.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {
  visibility: visible;

<div class="tooltip">Hover over me
  <img src="/pathtoimage" class="tooltiptext">

Sounds like about what you want

How to process each output line in a loop?

One of the easy ways is not to store the output in a variable, but directly iterate over it with a while/read loop.

Something like:

grep xyz abc.txt | while read -r line ; do
    echo "Processing $line"
    # your code goes here

There are variations on this scheme depending on exactly what you're after.

If you need to change variables inside the loop (and have that change be visible outside of it), you can use process substitution as stated in fedorqui's answer:

while read -r line ; do
    echo "Processing $line"
    # your code goes here
done < <(grep xyz abc.txt)

Javascript : get <img> src and set as variable?

in this situation, you would grab the element by its id using getElementById and then just use .src

var youtubeimgsrc = document.getElementById("youtubeimg").src;

How do you perform wireless debugging in Xcode 9 with iOS 11, Apple TV 4K, etc?

In the new Xcode9-beta, we can use wireless debugging as said by Apple:

Cut the Cord
Choose any of your iOS or tvOS devices on the local network to install, run, and debug your apps – without a USB cord plugged into your Mac. Simply click the ‘Connect via Network’ checkbox the first time you use a new iOS device, and that device will be available over the network from that point forward. Wireless development also works in other apps, including Instruments, Accessibility Inspector, Quicktime Player, and Console.

Try this!

If facing disconnection issues, try this:

Workaround: Enable airplane mode on your device for 10 seconds and then disable airplane mode to re-establish your connection

Rounding a variable to two decimal places C#

You can round the result and use string.Format to set the precision like this:

decimal pay = 200.5555m;
pay = Math.Round(pay + bonus, 2);
string payAsString = string.Format("{0:0.00}", pay);

Converting string to byte array in C#

If you already have a byte array then you will need to know what type of encoding was used to make it into that byte array.

For example, if the byte array was created like this:

byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(someString);

You will need to turn it back into a string like this:

string someString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);

If you can find in the code you inherited, the encoding used to create the byte array then you should be set.

How to call a JavaScript function, declared in <head>, in the body when I want to call it

You can also put the JavaScript code in script tags, rather than a separate function. <script>//JS Code</script> This way the code will get executes on Page Load.

Make a simple fade in animation in Swift?

0x7ffffff's answer is ok and definitely exhaustive.

As a plus, I suggest you to make an UIView extension, in this way:

public extension UIView {

  Fade in a view with a duration

  - parameter duration: custom animation duration
  func fadeIn(duration duration: NSTimeInterval = 1.0) {
    UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, animations: {
        self.alpha = 1.0

  Fade out a view with a duration

  - parameter duration: custom animation duration
  func fadeOut(duration duration: NSTimeInterval = 1.0) {
    UIView.animateWithDuration(duration, animations: {
        self.alpha = 0.0



/// Fade in a view with a duration
/// Parameter duration: custom animation duration
func fadeIn(withDuration duration: TimeInterval = 1.0) {
    UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
        self.alpha = 1.0

/// Fade out a view with a duration
/// - Parameter duration: custom animation duration
func fadeOut(withDuration duration: TimeInterval = 1.0) {
    UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
        self.alpha = 0.0

In this way you can do this wherever in your code:

let newImage = UIImage(named: "")
newImage.alpha = 0 // or newImage.fadeOut(duration: 0.0)

Code reuse is important!

Add some word to all or some rows in Excel?

Following Mike's answer, I'd also add another step. Let's imagine you have your data in column A.

  • Insert a column with the word you want to add (column B, with k)
  • apply the formula (as suggested by Mike) that merges both values in column C (C1=A1+B1)
  • Copy down the formula
  • Copy the values in column C (already merged)
  • Paste special as 'values'
  • Remove columns A and B

Hope it helps.

Ofc, if the word you want to add will always be the same, you won't need a column B (thus, C1="k"+A1)


Retrieve CPU usage and memory usage of a single process on Linux?

Based on @caf's answer, this working nicely for me.

Calculate average for given PID:

for i in $(seq 1 $times)
   OUTPUT=$(top -b -n 1 -d 0.1 -p $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}')
   echo -n "$i time: ${OUTPUT}"\\r
   total=`echo "$total + $OUTPUT" | bc -l`
#echo "Average: $total / $times" | bc

average=`echo "scale=2; $total / $times" | bc`
echo "Average: $average"


# send PID as argument
sh 3282

Laravel Eloquent - distinct() and count() not working properly together

I came across the same problem.

If you install laravel debug bar you can see the queries and often see the problem


change to


You need to set the values to return as distinct. If you don't set the select fields it will return all the columns in the database and all will be unique. So set the query to distinct and only select the columns that make up your 'distinct' value you might want to add more. ->select('pid','date') to get all the unique values for a user in a day

limit text length in php and provide 'Read more' link

This method will not truncate a word in the middle.

echo $output. ' ... <a href="#">Read more</a>';

Angular 5, HTML, boolean on checkbox is checked

Here is my answer,

In row.model.ts

export interface Row {
   otherProperty : type;
   checked : bool;
   otherProperty : type;

In .html

<tr class="even" *ngFor="let item of rows">
   <input [checked]="item.checked" type="checkbox">

In .ts

rows : Row[] = [];

update the rows in component.ts

Execute Immediate within a stored procedure keeps giving insufficient priviliges error

You should use this example with AUTHID CURRENT_USER :

   SEQ_NAME       VARCHAR2 (100);
   cur_id         NUMBER;



      -- ELSE
        FROM DUAL;

      cur_id := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
      DBMS_SQL.parse (cur_id, FINAL_QUERY, DBMS_SQL.v7);
      DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR (cur_id);

   END IF;


How to use a RELATIVE path with AuthUserFile in htaccess?

Let's take an example.

Your application is located in /var/www/myApp on some Linux server

.htaccess : /var/www/myApp/.htaccess

htpasswdApp : /var/www/myApp/htpasswdApp. (You're free to use any name for .htpasswd file)

To use relative path in .htaccess:

AuthType Digest
AuthName myApp
AuthUserFile "htpasswdApp"
Require valid-user

But it will search for file in server_root directory. Not in document_root.

In out case, when application is located at /var/www/myApp :

document_root is /var/www/myApp

server_root is /etc/apache2 //(just in our example, because of we using the linux server)

You can redefine it in your apache configuration file ( /etc/apache2/apache2.conf), but I guess it's a bad idea.

So to use relative file path in your /var/www/myApp/.htaccess you should define the password's file in your server_root.

I prefer to do it by follow command:

sudo ln -s /var/www/myApp/htpasswdApp /etc/apache2/htpasswdApp

You're free to copy my command, use a hard link instead of symbol,or copy a file to your server_root.

Python 3: ImportError "No Module named Setuptools"

A few years ago I inherited a python (2.7.1) project running under Django-1.2.3 and now was asked to enhance it with QR possibilities. Got the same problem and did not find pip or apt-get either. So I solved it in a totally different but easy way. I /bin/vi-ed the and changed the line "from setuptools import setup" into: "from distutils.core import setup" That did it for me, so I thought I should post this for other users running old pythons. Regards, Roger Vermeir

Android: how to refresh ListView contents?

Only this works for me everytime, note that I don't know if it causes any other complications or performance issues:

private void updateListView(){

Convert Mercurial project to Git



It’s a relatively simple process. First we download fast-export (the best way is via its Git repository, which I’ll clone right to the desktop), then we create a new git repository, perform the migration, and check out the HEAD. On the command line, it goes like this:

cd ~/Desktop
git clone git://
git init git_repo
cd git_repo
~/Desktop/fast-export/ -r /path/to/old/mercurial_repo
git checkout HEAD

You should see a long listing of commits fly by as your project is migrated after running fast-export. If you see errors, they are likely related to an improperly specified Python path (see the note above and customize for your system).

That’s it, you’re done.

What's Mongoose error Cast to ObjectId failed for value XXX at path "_id"?

Are you parsing that string as ObjectId?

Here in my application, what I do is:

ObjectId.fromString( myObjectIdString );

Javascript : natural sort of alphanumerical strings

So you need a natural sort ?

If so, than maybe this script by Brian Huisman based on David koelle's work would be what you need.

It seems like Brian Huisman's solution is now directly hosted on David Koelle's blog:

Browser: Identifier X has already been declared

Remember that window is the global namespace. These two lines attempt to declare the same variable:

window.APP = { ... }
const APP = window.APP

The second definition is not allowed in strict mode (enabled with 'use strict' at the top of your file).

To fix the problem, simply remove the const APP = declaration. The variable will still be accessible, as it belongs to the global namespace.

How to find whether a ResultSet is empty or not in Java?

if (rs == null || !rs.first()) {
} else {
    //not empty

Note that after this method call, if the resultset is not empty, it is at the beginning.

AWS ssh access 'Permission denied (publickey)' issue

If you're using a Bitnami image, log in as 'bitnami'.

Seems obvious, but something I overlooked.

Can I write native iPhone apps using Python?

Pythonista has an Export to Xcode feature that allows you to export your Python scripts as Xcode projects that build standalone iOS apps. is also worth looking into.

How to add RSA key to authorized_keys file?

mkdir -p ~/.ssh/

To overwrite authorized_keys

cat your_key > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

To append to the end of authorized_keys

cat your_key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Python loop counter in a for loop

I'll sometimes do this:

def draw_menu(options, selected_index):
    for i in range(len(options)):
        if i == selected_index:
            print " [*] %s" % options[i]
            print " [ ] %s" % options[i]

Though I tend to avoid this if it means I'll be saying options[i] more than a couple of times.

Intercept and override HTTP requests from WebView

An ultimate solution would be to embed a simple http server listening on your 'secret' port on loopback. Then you can substitute the matched image src URL with something like http://localhost:123/.../mypic.jpg

Looping each row in datagridview

Best aproach for me was:

  private void grid_receptie_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
        int X = 1;
        foreach(DataGridViewRow row in grid_receptie.Rows)
            row.Cells["NR_CRT"].Value = X;

What is the difference between Integrated Security = True and Integrated Security = SSPI?

In my point of view,

If you dont use Integrated security=SSPI,then you need to hardcode the username and password in the connection string which means "relatively insecure" why because, all the employees have the access even ex-employee could use the information maliciously.

"call to undefined function" error when calling class method

you need to call the function like this


instead of just assign() Connection reset

Connection reset simply means that a TCP RST was received. This happens when your peer receives data that it can't process, and there can be various reasons for that.

The simplest is when you close the socket, and then write more data on the output stream. By closing the socket, you told your peer that you are done talking, and it can forget about your connection. When you send more data on that stream anyway, the peer rejects it with an RST to let you know it isn't listening.

In other cases, an intervening firewall or even the remote host itself might "forget" about your TCP connection. This could happen if you don't send any data for a long time (2 hours is a common time-out), or because the peer was rebooted and lost its information about active connections. Sending data on one of these defunct connections will cause a RST too.

Update in response to additional information:

Take a close look at your handling of the SocketTimeoutException. This exception is raised if the configured timeout is exceeded while blocked on a socket operation. The state of the socket itself is not changed when this exception is thrown, but if your exception handler closes the socket, and then tries to write to it, you'll be in a connection reset condition. setSoTimeout() is meant to give you a clean way to break out of a read() operation that might otherwise block forever, without doing dirty things like closing the socket from another thread.

Python slice first and last element in list

What about this?

>>> first_element, last_element = some_list[0], some_list[-1]

SQL Server: Examples of PIVOTing String data

Well, for your sample and any with a limited number of unique columns, this should do it.

    distinct a,
    (select distinct t2.b  from t t2  where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b='VIEW'),
    (select distinct t2.b from t t2  where t1.a=t2.a and t2.b='EDIT')
from t t1

Using Composer's Autoload

In my opinion, Sergiy's answer should be the selected answer for the given question. I'm sharing my understanding.

I was looking to autoload my package files using composer which I have under the dir structure given below.

    |           |--------App/
    |           |
    |           |--------Test/
    |           |
    |           |---------composer/
    |           |           |---------autoload_psr4.php
    |           |           
    |           |----------autoload.php

I'm using psr-4 autoloading specification.

Had to add below lines to the project's composer.json. I intend to place my class files inside src/App , src/Test and library directory.

"autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "OrgName\\AppType\\AppName\\": ["src/App", "src/Test", "library/"]

This is pretty much self explaining. OrgName\AppType\AppName is my intended namespace prefix. e.g for class User in src/App/Controller/Provider/User.php -

namespace OrgName\AppType\AppName\Controller\Provider; // namespace declaration

use OrgName\AppType\AppName\Controller\Provider\User; // when using the class

Also notice "src/App", "src/Test" .. are from your web-root that is where your composer.json is. Nothing to do with the vendor dir. take a look at vendor/autoload.php

Now if composer is installed properly all that is required is #composer update

After composer update my classes loaded successfully. What I observed is that composer is adding a line in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php

$vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
$baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);

return array(
    'Monolog\\' => array($vendorDir . '/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog'),
    'OrgName\\AppType\\AppName\\' => array($baseDir . '/src/App', $baseDir . '/src/Test', $baseDir . '/library'),

This is how composer maps. For psr-0 mapping is in vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php

Get all table names of a particular database by SQL query?



Getting the computer name in Java

I agree with peterh's answer, so for those of you who like to copy and paste instead of 60 more seconds of Googling:

private String getComputerName()
    Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
    if (env.containsKey("COMPUTERNAME"))
        return env.get("COMPUTERNAME");
    else if (env.containsKey("HOSTNAME"))
        return env.get("HOSTNAME");
        return "Unknown Computer";

I have tested this in Windows 7 and it works. If peterh was right the else if should take care of Mac and Linux. Maybe someone can test this? You could also implement Brian Roach's answer inside the else if you wanted extra robustness.

How to get dictionary values as a generic list

        List<String> objListColor = new List<String>() { "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow" };
        List<String> objListDirection = new List<String>() { "East", "West", "North", "South" };

        Dictionary<String, List<String>> objDicRes = new Dictionary<String, List<String>>();
        objDicRes.Add("Color", objListColor);
        objDicRes.Add("Direction", objListDirection);

How to convert a string Date to long millseconds

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
Date date = (Date)formatter.parse("12-December-2012");
long mills = date.getTime();

Call Jquery function

calling a function is simple ..


so your code will be something like..

         myFuntion();  //this will call your function

     $('#elementID').click( myFuntion );


or with some condition

   myFunction();  //this will call your function

Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly while pushing back to git repository

Googled "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly", first result an exact SO dupe:

GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly which links here in the accepted answer (from the original poster, no less):

How to recover closed output window in netbeans?

Go to window tab - reset windows - run your program. - then right click on bottom of the tab where program running

How to display the current time and date in C#

labelName.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd , MMM dd yyyy,hh:mm:ss");



How to get URL parameter using jQuery or plain JavaScript?

May be its too late. But this method is very easy and simple

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.url.js"></script>

<!-- URL: -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    $.url.attr('protocol')  // --> Protocol: "http"
    $.url.attr('path')      // --> host: ""
    $.url.attr('query')         // --> path: "/correct/"
    $.url.attr('message')       // --> query: "done"
    $.url.attr('year')      // --> query: "1990"

Requires the url plugin :
Thanks -Ripounet

Using CSS in Laravel views?

Use {!! in new laravel

{!! asset('js/app.min.js') !!}

<script type="text/javascript" src="{!! asset('js/app.min.js') !!}"></script>

Running an Excel macro via Python?

For Python 3.7 or later,(2018-10-10), I have to combine both @Alejandro BR and SMNALLY's answer, coz @Alejandro forget to define wincl.

import os, os.path
import win32com.client
if os.path.exists('C:/Users/jz/Desktop/test.xlsm'):
    excel_macro = win32com.client.DispatchEx("Excel.Application") # DispatchEx is required in the newest versions of Python.
    excel_path = os.path.expanduser('C:/Users/jz/Desktop/test.xlsm')
    workbook = excel_macro.Workbooks.Open(Filename = excel_path, ReadOnly =1)
    excel_macro.Application.Run("test.xlsm!Module1.Macro1") # update Module1 with your module, Macro1 with your macro
    del excel_macro

How do I use the new computeIfAbsent function?

Another example. When building a complex map of maps, the computeIfAbsent() method is a replacement for map's get() method. Through chaining of computeIfAbsent() calls together, missing containers are constructed on-the-fly by provided lambda expressions:

  // Stores regional movie ratings
  Map<String, Map<Integer, Set<String>>> regionalMovieRatings = new TreeMap<>();

  // This will throw NullPointerException!
  regionalMovieRatings.get("New York").get(5).add("Boyhood");

  // This will work
    .computeIfAbsent("New York", region -> new TreeMap<>())
    .computeIfAbsent(5, rating -> new TreeSet<>())

JavaScript seconds to time string with format hh:mm:ss

Here is an es6 Version of it:

export const parseTime = (time) => { // send time in seconds
// eslint-disable-next-line 
let hours = parseInt(time / 60 / 60), mins = Math.abs(parseInt(time / 60) - (hours * 60)), seconds = Math.round(time % 60);
return isNaN(hours) || isNaN(mins) || isNaN(seconds) ? `00:00:00` : `${hours > 9 ? Math.max(hours, 0) : '0' + Math.max(hours, 0)}:${mins > 9 ? Math.max(mins, 0) : '0' + Math.max(0, mins)}:${seconds > 9 ? Math.max(0, seconds) : '0' + Math.max(0, seconds)}`;}

Check number of arguments passed to a Bash script

There is a lot of good information here, but I wanted to add a simple snippet that I find useful.

How does it differ from some above?

  • Prints usage to stderr, which is more proper than printing to stdout
  • Return with exit code mentioned in this other answer
  • Does not make it into a one liner...
    _echoerr "Usage: $0 <args>"

    echo "$*" >&2

if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then # NOTE: May need to customize this conditional
    exit 2
main "$@"

replacing NA's with 0's in R dataframe

dataset <- matrix(sample(c(NA, 1:5), 25, replace = TRUE), 5);
data <-
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] 
[1,]    2    3    5    5    4
[2,]    2    4    3    2    4
[3,]    2   NA   NA   NA    2
[4,]    2    3   NA    5    5
[5,]    2    3    2    2    3
data[] <- 0

What's the difference between JavaScript and Java?

In addittion to being entirely different languages, in my experience:

  • Java looks nice at first, later it gets annoying.
  • JavaScript looks awful and hopeless at first, then gradually you really start to like it.

(But this may just have more to do with my preference of functional programming over OO programming... ;)

Linq to SQL .Sum() without group ... into



Actually this would perform better:

var itemsInCart = from o in db.OrderLineItems
              where o.OrderId == currentOrder.OrderId
              select new { o.WishListItem.Price };
var sum = itemsCard.ToList().Select(c=>c.Price).Sum();

Because you'll only be retrieving one column from the database.

No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:keyboardNavigationCluster'. when updating to Support Library 26.0.0

I got this issue when compile react-native-fbsdk

I resolved this issue by change build.gradle of react-native-fbsdk





How to change the color of a SwitchCompat from AppCompat library

So some days I lack brain cells and:


does not apply the theme because style is incorrect. I was supposed to use app:theme :P


Whoopsies. This post was what gave me insight into my mistake...hopefully if someone stumbles across this it will help them like it did me. Thank you Gaëtan Maisse for your answer

Visual Studio SignTool.exe Not Found

The SignTool is available as part of the Windows SDK (which comes with Visual Studio Community 2015). Make sure to select the "ClickOnce Publishing Tools" from the feature list during the installation of Visual Studio 2015 to get the SignTool.

Once Visual Studio is installed you can run the signtool command from the Visual Studio Command Prompt. By default (on Windows 10) the SignTool will be installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\signtool.exe.

ClickOnce Publishing Tools Installation:

enter image description here

SignTool Location:

enter image description here

How do you stash an untracked file?

There are several correct answers here, but I wanted to point out that for new entire directories, 'git add path' will NOT work. So if you have a bunch of new files in untracked-path and do this:

git add untracked-path
git stash "temp stash"

this will stash with the following message:

Saved working directory and index state On master: temp stash
warning: unable to rmdir untracked-path: Directory not empty

and if untracked-path is the only path you're stashing, the stash "temp stash" will be an empty stash. Correct way is to add the entire path, not just the directory name (i.e. end the path with a '/'):

git add untracked-path/
git stash "temp stash"

Java: Convert a String (representing an IP) to InetAddress

Simply call InetAddress.getByName(String host) passing in your textual IP address.

From the javadoc: The host name can either be a machine name, such as "", or a textual representation of its IP address.

InetAddress javadoc

ImageView in circular through xml

if you want to set edit icon on to circle imageview than put this below code.


                    android:src="@drawable/ic_upload" />


CSS - how to make image container width fixed and height auto stretched

Try width:inherit to make the image take the width of it's container <div>. It will stretch/shrink it's height to maintain proportion. Don't set the height in the <div>, it will size to fit the image height.

img {

.item {
    border:1px solid pink;
    width: 120px;
    float: left;
    margin: 3px;
    padding: 3px;

JSFiddle example

Is it possible to write to the console in colour in .NET?

Yes, it is possible as follows. These colours can be used in a console application to view some errors in red, etc.

Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;//after this line every text will be white on blue background
Console.WriteLine("White on blue.");
Console.WriteLine("Another line.");
Console.ResetColor();//reset to the defoult colour

_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

Below is to check the current limit


Out[20]: 131072

Below is to increase the limit. Add it to the code


Try checking the limit again


Out[22]: 100000000

Now you won't get the error "_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)"

Count rows with not empty value

Make another column that determines if the referenced cell is blank using the function "CountBlank". Then use count on the values created in the new "CountBlank" column.

how to instanceof List<MyType>?

You can use a fake factory to include many methods instead of using instanceof:

public class Message1 implements YourInterface {
   List<YourObject1> list;
   Message1(List<YourObject1> l) {
       list = l;

public class Message2 implements YourInterface {
   List<YourObject2> list;
   Message2(List<YourObject2> l) {
       list = l;

public class FactoryMessage {
    public static List<YourInterface> getMessage(List<YourObject1> list) {
        return (List<YourInterface>) new Message1(list);
    public static List<YourInterface> getMessage(List<YourObject2> list) {
        return (List<YourInterface>) new Message2(list);

Call an angular function inside html

Yep, just add parenthesis (calling the function). Make sure the function is in scope and actually returns something.

<ul class="ui-listview ui-radiobutton" ng-repeat="meter in meters">
  <li class = "ui-divider">
    {{ meter.DESCRIPTION }}
    {{ htmlgeneration() }}

How do I create a new branch?

In the Repository Browser of TortoiseSVN, find the branch that you want to create the new branch from. Right-click, Copy To.... and enter the new branch path. Now you can "switch" your local WC to that branch.

split python source code into multiple files?

You can do the same in python by simply importing the second file, code at the top level will run when imported. I'd suggest this is messy at best, and not a good programming practice. You would be better off organizing your code into modules


print "Hello, "
import f2

print "World!"

When run:

python ./

Edit to clarify: The part I was suggesting was "messy" is using the import statement only for the side effect of generating output, not the creation of separate source files.

Running AngularJS initialization code when view is loaded

When your view loads, so does its associated controller. Instead of using ng-init, simply call your init() method in your controller:

$scope.init = function () {
    if ($routeParams.Id) {
        //get an existing object
    } else {
        //create a new object
    $scope.isSaving = false;

Since your controller runs before ng-init, this also solves your second issue.


As John David Five mentioned, you might not want to attach this to $scope in order to make this method private.

var init = function () {
    // do something

See jsFiddle

If you want to wait for certain data to be preset, either move that data request to a resolve or add a watcher to that collection or object and call your init method when your data meets your init criteria. I usually remove the watcher once my data requirements are met so the init function doesnt randomly re-run if the data your watching changes and meets your criteria to run your init method.

var init = function () {
    // do something
var unwatch = scope.$watch('myCollecitonOrObject', function(newVal, oldVal){
                    if( newVal && newVal.length > 0) {

create a trusted self-signed SSL cert for localhost (for use with Express/Node)

If you're on OSX/Chrome you can add the self-signed SSL certificate to your system keychain as explained here:

It's a manual process, but I got it working finally. Just make sure the Common Name (CN) is set to "localhost" (without the port) and after the certificate is added make sure all the Trust options on the certificate are set to "Always Trust". Also make sure you add it to the "System" keychain and not the "login" keychain.

Passing an array by reference

It's just the required syntax:

void Func(int (&myArray)[100])

^ Pass array of 100 int by reference the parameters name is myArray;

void Func(int* myArray)

^ Pass an array. Array decays to a pointer. Thus you lose size information.

void Func(int (*myFunc)(double))

^ Pass a function pointer. The function returns an int and takes a double. The parameter name is myFunc.

How to get user agent in PHP

You could also use the php native funcion get_browser()

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should have a browscap.ini file.

Detect change to selected date with bootstrap-datepicker

You can use onSelect event

  onSelect: function(dateText) {

It is Called when the datepicker is selected. The function receives the selected date as text and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field.


The best way to remove duplicate values from NSMutableArray in Objective-C?

Using Orderedset will do the trick. This will keep the remove duplicates from the array and maintain order which sets normally doesn't do

CSS Resize/Zoom-In effect on Image while keeping Dimensions

You could achieve that simply by wrapping the image by a <div> and adding overflow: hidden to that element:

<div class="img-wrapper">
    <img src="..." />
.img-wrapper {
    display: inline-block; /* change the default display type to inline-block */
    overflow: hidden;      /* hide the overflow */


Also it's worth noting that <img> element (like the other inline elements) sits on its baseline by default. And there would be a 4~5px gap at the bottom of the image.

That vertical gap belongs to the reserved space of descenders like: g j p q y. You could fix the alignment issue by adding vertical-align property to the image with a value other than baseline.

Additionally for a better user experience, you could add transition to the images.

Thus we'll end up with the following:

.img-wrapper img {
    transition: all .2s ease;
    vertical-align: middle;


Best way to check that element is not present using Selenium WebDriver with java

In Python for assertion I use:

assert len(driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("your_css_selector")) == 0

window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox, Safari, Opera?

Firefox simply does not show custom onbeforeunload messages. Mozilla say they are protecing end users from malicious sites that might show misleading text.

How do I scroll to an element using JavaScript?

To scroll to a given element, just made this javascript only solution below.

Simple usage:

EPPZScrollTo.scrollVerticalToElementById('signup_form', 20);

Engine object (you can fiddle with filter, fps values):

 * Created by Borbás Geri on 12/17/13
 * Copyright (c) 2013 eppz! development, LLC.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

var EPPZScrollTo =
     * Helpers.
    documentVerticalScrollPosition: function()
        if (self.pageYOffset) return self.pageYOffset; // Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari.
        if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) return document.documentElement.scrollTop; // Internet Explorer 6 (standards mode).
        if (document.body.scrollTop) return document.body.scrollTop; // Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8.
        return 0; // None of the above.

    viewportHeight: function()
    { return (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight; },

    documentHeight: function()
    { return (document.height !== undefined) ? document.height : document.body.offsetHeight; },

    documentMaximumScrollPosition: function()
    { return this.documentHeight() - this.viewportHeight(); },

    elementVerticalClientPositionById: function(id)
        var element = document.getElementById(id);
        var rectangle = element.getBoundingClientRect();

     * Animation tick.
    scrollVerticalTickToPosition: function(currentPosition, targetPosition)
        var filter = 0.2;
        var fps = 60;
        var difference = parseFloat(targetPosition) - parseFloat(currentPosition);

        // Snap, then stop if arrived.
        var arrived = (Math.abs(difference) <= 0.5);
        if (arrived)
            // Apply target.
            scrollTo(0.0, targetPosition);

        // Filtered position.
        currentPosition = (parseFloat(currentPosition) * (1.0 - filter)) + (parseFloat(targetPosition) * filter);

        // Apply target.
        scrollTo(0.0, Math.round(currentPosition));

        // Schedule next tick.
        setTimeout("EPPZScrollTo.scrollVerticalTickToPosition("+currentPosition+", "+targetPosition+")", (1000 / fps));

     * For public use.
     * @param id The id of the element to scroll to.
     * @param padding Top padding to apply above element.
    scrollVerticalToElementById: function(id, padding)
        var element = document.getElementById(id);
        if (element == null)
            console.warn('Cannot find element with id \''+id+'\'.');

        var targetPosition = this.documentVerticalScrollPosition() + this.elementVerticalClientPositionById(id) - padding;
        var currentPosition = this.documentVerticalScrollPosition();

        // Clamp.
        var maximumScrollPosition = this.documentMaximumScrollPosition();
        if (targetPosition > maximumScrollPosition) targetPosition = maximumScrollPosition;

        // Start animation.
        this.scrollVerticalTickToPosition(currentPosition, targetPosition);

Can we instantiate an abstract class directly?

You can't directly instantiate an abstract class, but you can create an anonymous class when there is no concrete class:

public class AbstractTest {
    public static void main(final String... args) {
        final Printer p = new Printer() {
            void printSomethingOther() {
            public void print() {
                printSomethingOther(); // works fine
        //p.printSomethingOther(); // does not work

abstract class Printer {
    public void print() {

This works with interfaces, too.

Regular expression to match balanced parentheses

This one also worked

re.findall(r'\(.+\)', s)

How do you receive a url parameter with a spring controller mapping

You should be using @RequestParam instead of @ModelAttribute, e.g.

public @ResponseBody int getAttr(@PathVariable(value="someID") String id, 
                                 @RequestParam String someAttr) {

You can even omit @RequestParam altogether if you choose, and Spring will assume that's what it is:

public @ResponseBody int getAttr(@PathVariable(value="someID") String id, 
                                 String someAttr) {

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

Try adding a cachebreaker at the end of the url:

newImage.src = "http://localhost/image.jpg?" + new Date().getTime();

This will append the current timestamp automatically when you are creating the image, and it will make the browser look again for the image instead of retrieving the one in the cache.

Getting random numbers in Java

int max = 50;
int min = 1;

1. Using Math.random()

double random = Math.random() * 49 + 1;
int random = (int )(Math.random() * 50 + 1);

This will give you value from 1 to 50 in case of int or 1.0 (inclusive) to 50.0 (exclusive) in case of double


random() method returns a random number between 0.0 and 0.9..., you multiply it by 50, so upper limit becomes 0.0 to 49.999... when you add 1, it becomes 1.0 to 50.999..., now when you truncate to int, you get 1 to 50. (thanks to @rup in comments). leepoint's awesome write-up on both the approaches.

2. Using Random class in Java.

Random rand = new Random(); 
int value = rand.nextInt(50); 

This will give value from 0 to 49.

For 1 to 50: rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;

Source of some Java Random awesomeness.

How to change color of Android ListView separator line?

XML version for @Asher Aslan cool effect.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="" >



Name for that shape as: list_driver.xml under drawable folder

        android:dividerHeight="5sp" />

How to SELECT the last 10 rows of an SQL table which has no ID field?

You can use the "ORDER BY DESC" option, then put it back in the original order:


Passing std::string by Value or Reference

There are multiple answers based on what you are doing with the string.

1) Using the string as an id (will not be modified). Passing it in by const reference is probably the best idea here: (std::string const&)

2) Modifying the string but not wanting the caller to see that change. Passing it in by value is preferable: (std::string)

3) Modifying the string but wanting the caller to see that change. Passing it in by reference is preferable: (std::string &)

4) Sending the string into the function and the caller of the function will never use the string again. Using move semantics might be an option (std::string &&)

Java: Get last element after split

String str = "";
int index = str.lastIndexOf('/');
String lastString = str.substring(index +1);

Now lastString has the value "directory"

SQL Server String or binary data would be truncated

Yes,I am also face these kind of problem.


Here, I've change REMARKS filed length from 500 to 1000

Get Memory Usage in Android

Check the Debug class. i.e. Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize()

It has methods to get the used native heap, which is i.e. used by external bitmaps in your app. For the heap that the app is using internally, you can see that in the DDMS tool that comes with the Android SDK and is also available via Eclipse.

The native heap + the heap as indicated in the DDMS make up the total heap that your app is allocating.

For CPU usage I'm not sure if there's anything available via API/SDK.

Filter Excel pivot table using VBA

Latest versions of Excel has a new tool called Slicers. Using slicers in VBA is actually more reliable that .CurrentPage (there have been reports of bugs while looping through numerous filter options). Here is a simple example of how you can select a slicer item (remember to deselect all the non-relevant slicer values):

Sub Step_Thru_SlicerItems2()
Dim slItem As SlicerItem
Dim i As Long
Dim searchName as string

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    For Each slItem In .VisibleSlicerItems
        If slItem.Name <> .SlicerItems(1).Name Then _
            slItem.Selected = False
            slItem.Selected = True
        End if
    Next slItem
End Sub

There are also services like SmartKato that would help you out with setting up your dashboards or reports and/or fix your code.