Programs & Examples On #Consumption

How to check whether Kafka Server is running?

For Linux, "ps aux | grep kafka" see if kafka properties are shown in the results. E.g. /path/to/kafka/

Getting "error": "unsupported_grant_type" when trying to get a JWT by calling an OWIN OAuth secured Web Api via Postman

try to add this in your payload


Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])

To read more than one json tip (array, attribute) I did the following.

var jVariable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<YourCommentaryClass>(jsonVariableContent);

change to

var jVariable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List<YourCommentaryClass>>(jsonVariableContent);

Because you cannot see all the bits in the method used in the foreach loop. Example foreach loop

foreach (jsonDonanimSimple Variable in jVariable)

I also received an error in this loop and changed it as follows.

foreach (jsonDonanimSimple Variable in jVariable)

Representing null in JSON

I would pick "default" for data type of variable (null for strings/objects, 0 for numbers), but indeed check what code that will consume the object expects. Don't forget there there is sometimes distinction between null/default vs. "not present".

Check out null object pattern - sometimes it is better to pass some special object instead of null (i.e. [] array instead of null for arrays or "" for strings).

Deciding between HttpClient and WebClient

HttpClient is the newer of the APIs and it has the benefits of

  • has a good async programming model
  • being worked on by Henrik F Nielson who is basically one of the inventors of HTTP, and he designed the API so it is easy for you to follow the HTTP standard, e.g. generating standards-compliant headers
  • is in the .Net framework 4.5, so it has some guaranteed level of support for the forseeable future
  • also has the xcopyable/portable-framework version of the library if you want to use it on other platforms - .Net 4.0, Windows Phone etc.

If you are writing a web service which is making REST calls to other web services, you should want to be using an async programming model for all your REST calls, so that you don't hit thread starvation. You probably also want to use the newest C# compiler which has async/await support.

Note: It isn't more performant AFAIK. It's probably somewhat similarly performant if you create a fair test.

Wait until boolean value changes it state

You need a mechanism which avoids busy-waiting. The old wait/notify mechanism is fraught with pitfalls so prefer something from the java.util.concurrent library, for example the CountDownLatch:

public final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

public void run () {

And at the other side call


However, starting a thread to do nothing but wait until it is needed is still not the best way to go. You could also employ an ExecutorService to which you submit as a task the work which must be done when the condition is met.

Fix columns in horizontal scrolling



<h2>TableHeadFixer Fix Left Column</h2>

<div id="parent">
    <table id="fixTable" class="table">


    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#fixTable").tableHeadFixer({"head" : false, "right" : 1}); 


    #parent {
        height: 300px;

    #fixTable {
        width: 1800px !important;

SQL Server Creating a temp table for this query

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyTempTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTempTable

CREATE TABLE #MyTempTable (SiteName varchar(50), BillingMonth varchar(10), Consumption float)

INSERT INTO #MyTempTable (SiteName, BillingMonth, Consumption)
SELECT  tblMEP_Sites.Name AS SiteName, convert(varchar(10),BillingMonth ,101)
AS BillingMonth, SUM(Consumption) AS Consumption
FROM tblMEP_Projects.......

SQL Server 100% CPU Utilization - One database shows high CPU usage than others

According to this article on sqlserverstudymaterial;

Remember that "%Privileged time" is not based on 100%.It is based on number of processors.If you see 200 for sqlserver.exe and the system has 8 CPU then CPU consumed by sqlserver.exe is 200 out of 800 (only 25%).

If "% Privileged Time" value is more than 30% then it's generally caused by faulty drivers or anti-virus software. In such situations make sure the BIOS and filter drives are up to date and then try disabling the anti-virus software temporarily to see the change.

If "% User Time" is high then there is something consuming of SQL Server. There are several known patterns which can be caused high CPU for processes running in SQL Server including

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

Structure your code so that all your temporary objects are located inside closures instead of global namespace / global object properties and go out of scope when you've done with them. GC will take care of the rest.

How to launch a Google Chrome Tab with specific URL using C#

// open in default browser

// open in Internet Explorer
Process.Start("iexplore", @"");

// open in Firefox
Process.Start("firefox", @"");

// open in Google Chrome
Process.Start("chrome", @"");

How to force keyboard with numbers in mobile website in Android


I am posting this as an answer, not a comment, as it is rather important info and it will attract more attention in this format.

As other fellows pointed, you can force a device to show you a numeric keyboard with type="number" / type="tel", but I must emphasize that you have to be extremely cautious with this.

If someone expects a number beginning with zeros, such as 000222, then she is likely to have trouble, as some browsers (desktop Chrome, for instance) will send to the server 222, which is not what she wants.

About type="tel" I can't say anything similar but personally I do not use it, as its behavior on different telephones can vary. I have confined myself to the simple pattern="[0-9]*" which do not work in Android

Python 2.6: Class inside a Class?

It sounds like you are talking about aggregation. Each instance of your player class can contain zero or more instances of Airplane, which, in turn, can contain zero or more instances of Flight. You can implement this in Python using the built-in list type to save you naming variables with numbers.

class Flight(object):

    def __init__(self, duration):
        self.duration = duration

class Airplane(object):

    def __init__(self): = []

    def add_flight(self, duration):

class Player(object):

    def __init__ (self, stock = 0, bank = 200000, fuel = 0, total_pax = 0):
        self.stock = stock = bank
        self.fuel = fuel
        self.total_pax = total_pax
        self.airplanes = []

    def add_planes(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    player = Player()

When should use Readonly and Get only properties

A property that has only a getter is said to be readonly. Cause no setter is provided, to change the value of the property (from outside).

C# has has a keyword readonly, that can be used on fields (not properties). A field that is marked as "readonly", can only be set once during the construction of an object (in the constructor).

private string _name = "Foo"; // field for property Name;
private bool _enabled = false; // field for property Enabled;

public string Name{ // This is a readonly property.
  get {
    return _name;  

public bool Enabled{ // This is a read- and writeable property.
    return _enabled;
    _enabled = value;

How to create the most compact mapping n ? isprime(n) up to a limit N?

You could try something like this.

def main():
        user_in = int(input("Enter a number to determine whether the number is prime or not: "))
    except ValueError:
        print("You must enter a number!")
    list_range = list(range(2,user_in+1))
    divisor_list = []
    for number in list_range:
        if user_in%number==0:
    if len(divisor_list) < 2:
        print(user_in, "is a prime number!")
        print(user_in, "is not a prime number!")

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?

Since this question now features prominently when searching for YAML and JSON, it's worth noting one rarely-cited difference between the two: license. JSON purports to have a license which JSON users must adhere to (including the legally-ambiguous "shall be used for Good, not Evil"). YAML carries no such license claim, and that might be an important difference (to your lawyer, if not to you).

How to use XPath contains() here?

Paste my contains example here:

//table[contains(@class, "EC_result")]/tbody

What is the memory consumption of an object in Java?

No, registering an object takes a bit of memory too. 100 objects with 1 attribute will take up more memory.

Binary search (bisection) in Python

Only used if set your position as global
position #set global 

def bst(array,taget): # just pass the array and target
        global position
        low = 0
        high = len(array)
    while low <= high:
        mid = (lo+hi)//2
        if a[mid] == target:
            position = mid
            return -1
        elif a[mid] < target: 
            high = mid+1
            low = mid-1
    return -1

I guess this is much better and effective. please correct me :) . Thank you

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?

For Linux You can also use /proc/self/statm to get a single line of numbers containing key process memory information which is a faster thing to process than going through a long list of reported information as you get from proc/self/status


          Provides information about memory usage, measured in pages.
          The columns are:

              size       (1) total program size
                         (same as VmSize in /proc/[pid]/status)
              resident   (2) resident set size
                         (same as VmRSS in /proc/[pid]/status)
              shared     (3) number of resident shared pages (i.e., backed by a file)
                         (same as RssFile+RssShmem in /proc/[pid]/status)
              text       (4) text (code)
              lib        (5) library (unused since Linux 2.6; always 0)
              data       (6) data + stack
              dt         (7) dirty pages (unused since Linux 2.6; always 0)

Using media breakpoints in Bootstrap 4-alpha

Use breakpoint mixins like this:

.something {
    padding: 5px;
    @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { 
        padding: 20px;
    @include media-breakpoint-up(md) { 
        padding: 40px;

v4 breakpoints reference

v4 alpha6 breakpoints reference

Below full options and values.

Breakpoint & up (toggle on value and above):

@include media-breakpoint-up(xs) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) { ... }

breakpoint & up values:

// Extra small devices (portrait phones, less than 576px)
// No media query since this is the default in Bootstrap

// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
@media (min-width: 576px) { ... }

// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
@media (min-width: 768px) { ... }

// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
@media (min-width: 992px) { ... }

// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
@media (min-width: 1200px) { ... }

breakpoint & down (toggle on value and down):

@include media-breakpoint-down(xs) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-down(sm) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-down(md) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-down(lg) { ... }

breakpoint & down values:

// Extra small devices (portrait phones, less than 576px)
@media (max-width: 575px) { ... }

// Small devices (landscape phones, less than 768px)
@media (max-width: 767px) { ... }

// Medium devices (tablets, less than 992px)
@media (max-width: 991px) { ... }

// Large devices (desktops, less than 1200px)
@media (max-width: 1199px) { ... }

// Extra large devices (large desktops)
// No media query since the extra-large breakpoint has no upper bound on its width

breakpoint only:

@include media-breakpoint-only(xs) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-only(sm) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-only(md) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-only(lg) { ... }
@include media-breakpoint-only(xl) { ... }

breakpoint only values (toggle in between values only):

// Extra small devices (portrait phones, less than 576px)
@media (max-width: 575px) { ... }

// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px) { ... }

// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) { ... }

// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) { ... }

// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
@media (min-width: 1200px) { ... } - <customErrors mode="Off"/> error when trying to access working webpage

You should only have one <system.web> in your Web.Config Configuration File.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    <compilation debug="true"/>
    <authentication mode="None"/>

Alter column, add default constraint

Actually you have to Do Like below Example, which will help to Solve the Issue...

drop table ABC_table

create table ABC_table
    names varchar(20),
    age int

DEFAULT 'This is not NULL' FOR names

insert into ABC(age) values(10)

select * from ABC

Font-awesome, input type 'submit'

With multiple submits, when you need the value of the submit selected, this can be done quite easily. Just create a hidden field in your form and change its value depending on what button is clicked. For example, in the form, say you have:

<input type="hidden" id="Clicked" name="Clicked" value="" />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success ClickCheck" id="Create"> <i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o"> Create Bill</i></button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success ClickCheck" id="Reset"> <i class="fa fa-times"> Reset</i></button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success ClickCheck" id="StoreData"> <i class="fa fa-archive"> Save</i></button>

Using jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
            var ButtonID = $(this).attr('id');

Then you can retrieve the value of the button clicked in the "Clicked" post variable

What is meant with "const" at end of function declaration?

Consider two class-typed variables:

class Boo { ... };

Boo b0;       // mutable object
const Boo b1; // non-mutable object

Now you are able to call any member function of Boo on b0, but only const-qualified member functions on b1.

Combining a class selector and an attribute selector with jQuery

I think you just need to remove the space. i.e.

$(".myclass[reference=12345]").css('border', '#000 solid 1px');

There is a fiddle here

Close Android Application

You could finish your Activity by calling Activity.finish(). However take care of the Android Activity life-cycle.

Python regex findall

Use this pattern,

pattern = '\[P\].+?\[\/P\]'

Check here

String replacement in batch file

This works fine

@echo off    
set word=table    
set str=jump over the chair    
set rpl=%str:chair=%%word%    
echo %rpl%

How to open an Excel file in C#?


 using Excel= Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
 using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime;

Here is the code to open an excel sheet using C#.

    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wbv = excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\\YourExcelSheet.xlsx");
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet wx = excel.ActiveSheet as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet;

    wbv.Close(true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

Here is a video mate on how to open an excel worksheet using C#

How to make an introduction page with Doxygen

Note that with Doxygen release 1.8.0 you can also add Markdown formated pages. For this to work you need to create pages with a .md or .markdown extension, and add the following to the config file:

FILE_PATTERNS += *.md *.markdown

See for details.

Converting an int to std::string

You can use this function to convert int to std::string after including <sstream>:

#include <sstream>

string IntToString (int a)
    stringstream temp;
    return temp.str();

The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion launcher jar windows

I've the same problem, and the below solution exactly work for me....!

Edit eclipse.ini file and remove these two lines:

--launcher.library .%%..\eclipse\plugins\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.200.v20120522-1813

Make sure make a separate copy of this file before any changing...:)

How to center cards in bootstrap 4?

Put the elements which you want to shift to the centre within this div tag.

<div class="col d-flex justify-content-center">

Iterating through a list in reverse order in java

Very simple Example:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();




// Iterate to disply : result will be as ---     ravi kant soni

for (String name : list) {

//Now call this method


// iterate and print index wise : result will be as ---     soni kant ravi

for (String name : list) {

How to ignore the certificate check when ssl

Just incidentally, this is a the least verbose way of turning off all certificate validation in a given app that I know of:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (a, b, c, d) => true;

PHP errors NOT being displayed in the browser [Ubuntu 10.10]

Use the phpinfo(); function to see the table of settings on your browser and look for the

Configuration File (php.ini) Path

and edit that file. Your computer can have multiple php.ini files, you want to edit the right one.

Also check display_errors = On, html_errors = On and error_reporting = E_ALL inside that file

Restart Apache.

Split varchar into separate columns in Oracle

Depends on the consistency of the data - assuming a single space is the separator between what you want to appear in column one vs two:

SELECT SUBSTR(t.column_one, 1, INSTR(t.column_one, ' ')-1) AS col_one,
       SUBSTR(t.column_one, INSTR(t.column_one, ' ')+1) AS col_two

Oracle 10g+ has regex support, allowing more flexibility depending on the situation you need to solve. It also has a regex substring method...


Conditional HTML Attributes using Razor MVC3

You didn't hear it from me, the PM for Razor, but in Razor 2 (Web Pages 2 and MVC 4) we'll have conditional attributes built into Razor(as of MVC 4 RC tested successfully), so you can just say things like this...

<input type="text" id="@strElementID" class="@strCSSClass" />

If strCSSClass is null then the class attribute won't render at all.

SSSHHH...don't tell. :)

How to implement reCaptcha for ASP.NET MVC?

I've successfully implemented ReCaptcha in the following way.
note: this is in VB, but can easily be converted

1] First grab a copy of the reCaptcha library

2] Then build a custom ReCaptcha HTML Helper

    ''# fix SO code coloring issue.
    Public Function reCaptcha(ByVal htmlHelper As HtmlHelper) As MvcHtmlString
        Dim captchaControl = New Recaptcha.RecaptchaControl With {.ID = "recaptcha",
                                                                  .Theme = "clean",
                                                                  .PublicKey = "XXXXXX",
                                                                  .PrivateKey = "XXXXXX"}
        Dim htmlWriter = New HtmlTextWriter(New IO.StringWriter)
        Return MvcHtmlString.Create(htmlWriter.InnerWriter.ToString)
    End Function

3] From here you need a re-usable server side validator

Public Class ValidateCaptchaAttribute : Inherits ActionFilterAttribute
    Private Const CHALLENGE_FIELD_KEY As String = "recaptcha_challenge_field"
    Private Const RESPONSE_FIELD_KEY As String = "recaptcha_response_field"

    Public Overrides Sub OnActionExecuting(ByVal filterContext As ActionExecutingContext)

        If IsNothing(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form(CHALLENGE_FIELD_KEY)) Then
            ''# this will push the result value into a parameter in our Action
            filterContext.ActionParameters("CaptchaIsValid") = True
        End If

        Dim captchaChallengeValue = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form(CHALLENGE_FIELD_KEY)
        Dim captchaResponseValue = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Form(RESPONSE_FIELD_KEY)

        Dim captchaValidtor = New RecaptchaValidator() With {.PrivateKey = "xxxxx",
                                                                       .RemoteIP = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress,
                                                                       .Challenge = captchaChallengeValue,
                                                                       .Response = captchaResponseValue}

        Dim recaptchaResponse = captchaValidtor.Validate()

        ''# this will push the result value into a parameter in our Action
        filterContext.ActionParameters("CaptchaIsValid") = recaptchaResponse.IsValid

    End Sub

above this line is reusable **ONE TIME** code

below this line is how easy it is to implement reCaptcha over and over

Now that you have your re-usable code... all you need to do is add the captcha to your View.

<%: Html.reCaptcha %>

And when you post the form to your controller...

    ''# Fix SO code coloring issues
    Function Add(ByVal CaptchaIsValid As Boolean, ByVal [event] As Domain.Event) As ActionResult

        If Not CaptchaIsValid Then ModelState.AddModelError("recaptcha", "*")

        '#' Validate the ModelState and submit the data.
        If ModelState.IsValid Then
            ''# Post the form
            ''# Return View([event])
        End If
    End Function

How do I run Selenium in Xvfb?

If you use Maven, you can use xvfb-maven-plugin to start xvfb before tests, run them using related DISPLAY environment variable, and stop xvfb after all.

Sending mass email using PHP

Also the Pear packages:


PS: DO NOT use mail() to send those 5000 emails. In addition to what everyone else said, it is extremely inefficient since mail() creates a separate socket per email set, even to the same MTA.

How do I connect to mongodb with node.js (and authenticate)?

Slight typo with Chris' answer.

Db.authenticate(user, password, function({ // callback }));

should be

Db.authenticate(user, password, function(){ // callback } );

Also depending on your mongodb configuration, you may need to connect to admin and auth there first before going to a different database. This will be the case if you don't add a user to the database you're trying to access. Then you can auth via admin and then switch db and then read or write at will.

How to select some rows with specific rownames from a dataframe?

Assuming that you have a data frame called students, you can select individual rows or columns using the bracket syntax, like this:

  • students[1,2] would select row 1 and column 2, the result here would be a single cell.
  • students[1,] would select all of row 1, students[,2] would select all of column 2.

If you'd like to select multiple rows or columns, use a list of values, like this:

  • students[c(1,3,4),] would select rows 1, 3 and 4,
  • students[c("stu1", "stu2"),] would select rows named stu1 and stu2.

Hope I could help.

Case insensitive regular expression without re.compile?

The case-insensitive marker, (?i) can be incorporated directly into the regex pattern:

>>> import re
>>> s = 'This is one Test, another TEST, and another test.'
>>> re.findall('(?i)test', s)
['Test', 'TEST', 'test']

Can you style an html radio button to look like a checkbox?

appearance property doesn't work in all browser. You can do like the following-

  display: none;_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="gender" id="test1" value="male">_x000D_
  <label for="test1"> check 1</label>_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" id="test2">_x000D_
  <label for="test2"> check 2</label>_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="other" id="test3">_x000D_
  <label for="test3"> check 3</label>  

It works IE 8+ and other browsers

How do I calculate tables size in Oracle

For sub partitioned tables and indexes we can use the following query

    SELECT owner, table_name, ROUND(sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024, 2) GB
    (SELECT segment_name table_name, owner, bytes
     FROM dba_segments
     SELECT i.table_name, i.owner, s.bytes
     FROM dba_indexes i, dba_segments s
     WHERE s.segment_name = i.index_name
     AND   s.owner = i.owner
     SELECT l.table_name, l.owner, s.bytes
     FROM dba_lobs l, dba_segments s
     WHERE s.segment_name = l.segment_name
     AND   s.owner = l.owner
     AND   s.segment_type = 'LOBSEGMENT'
     SELECT l.table_name, l.owner, s.bytes
     FROM dba_lobs l, dba_segments s
     WHERE s.segment_name = l.index_name
     AND   s.owner = l.owner
     AND   s.segment_type = 'LOBINDEX')
    WHERE owner in UPPER('&owner')
    GROUP BY table_name, owner
    HAVING SUM(bytes)/1024/1024 > 10  /* Ignore really small tables */
    ORDER BY SUM(bytes) DESC

Where do I find some good examples for DDD?

This is a good example based on domain driven design and explains why it is important to have separate domain layer.
Microsoft spain - DDD N Layer Architecture

How to manage Angular2 "expression has changed after it was checked" exception when a component property depends on current datetime

Use a default form value to avoid the error.

Instead of using the accepted answer of applying detectChanges() in ngAfterViewInit() (which also solved the error in my case), I decided instead to save a default value for a dynamically required form field, so that when the form is later updated, it's validity is not changed if the user decides to change an option on the form that would trigger the new required fields (and cause the submit button to be disabled).

This saved a tiny bit of code in my component, and in my case the error was avoided altogether.

How do I return JSON without using a template in Django?

In Django 1.7 this is even easier with the built-in JsonResponse.

# import it
from django.http import JsonResponse

def my_view(request):

    # do something with the your data
    data = {}

    # just return a JsonResponse
    return JsonResponse(data)

How do I check if an integer is even or odd?

One more solution to the problem
(children are welcome to vote)

bool isEven(unsigned int x)
  unsigned int half1 = 0, half2 = 0;
  while (x)
     if (x) { half1++; x--; }
     if (x) { half2++; x--; }

  return half1 == half2;

Java Could not reserve enough space for object heap error

Go to StartControl PanelSystemAdvanced system settingsadvanced(tab)Environment VariablesSystem VariablesNew:

Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
Variable value: -Xmx512M

Function passed as template argument

In your template

template <void (*T)(int &)>
void doOperation()

The parameter T is a non-type template parameter. This means that the behaviour of the template function changes with the value of the parameter (which must be fixed at compile time, which function pointer constants are).

If you want somthing that works with both function objects and function parameters you need a typed template. When you do this, though, you also need to provide an object instance (either function object instance or a function pointer) to the function at run time.

template <class T>
void doOperation(T t)
  int temp=0;
  std::cout << "Result is " << temp << std::endl;

There are some minor performance considerations. This new version may be less efficient with function pointer arguments as the particular function pointer is only derefenced and called at run time whereas your function pointer template can be optimized (possibly the function call inlined) based on the particular function pointer used. Function objects can often be very efficiently expanded with the typed template, though as the particular operator() is completely determined by the type of the function object.

Valid to use <a> (anchor tag) without href attribute?

I think you can find your answer here : Is an anchor tag without the href attribute safe?

Also if you want to no link operation with href , you can use it like :

<a href="javascript:void(0);">something</a>

Highcharts - redraw() vs. new Highcharts.chart

you have to call set and add functions on chart object before calling redraw.

chart.xAxis[0].setCategories([2,4,5,6,7], false);

    name: "acx",
    data: [4,5,6,7,8]
}, false);


Converting NSData to NSString in Objective c


let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .ascii)

or .utf8 or whatever encoding appropriate

Items in JSON object are out of order using "json.dumps"?

json.dump() will preserve the ordder of your dictionary. Open the file in a text editor and you will see. It will preserve the order regardless of whether you send it an OrderedDict.

But json.load() will lose the order of the saved object unless you tell it to load into an OrderedDict(), which is done with the object_pairs_hook parameter as J.F.Sebastian instructed above.

It would otherwise lose the order because under usual operation, it loads the saved dictionary object into a regular dict and a regular dict does not preserve the oder of the items it is given.

CSS Border Not Working

Use this line of code in your css

border: 1px solid #000 !important;

or if you want border only in left and right side of container then use:

border-right: 1px solid #000 !important;
border-left: 1px solid #000 !important;

How to reload a div without reloading the entire page?



whole code:

<div id="submit">ajax</div> 
<div id="div_element"></div> 


Unable to get spring boot to automatically create database schema

You need to provide configurations considering your Spring Boot Version and the version of libraries it downloads based on the same.

My Setup: Spring Boot 1.5.x (1.5.10 in my case) downloads Hibernate v5.x

Use below only if your Spring Boot setup has downloaded Hibernate v4.


Hibernate 5 doesn't support above.

If your Spring Boot Setup has downloaded Hibernate v5.x, then prefer below definition:


IMPORTANT: In your Spring Boot application development, you should prefer to use annotation: @SpringBootApplication which has been super-annotated with: @SpringBootConfiguration and @EnableAutoConfiguration

NOW If your entity classes are in different package than the package in which your Main Class resides, Spring Boot won't scan those packages.

Thus you need to explicitly define Annotation: @EntityScan(basePackages = { "com.springboot.entities" })
This annotation scans JPA based annotated entity classes (and others like MongoDB, Cassandra etc)

NOTE: "com.springboot.entities" is the custom package name.

Following is the way I had defined Hibernate and JPA based properties at to create Tables:-

spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3333/development?useSSL=true spring.datasource.username=admin

I am able to create tables using my above mentioned configuration.

Refer it and change your code wherever applicable.

How to convert any Object to String?

I am try to convert Object type variable into string using this line of code

try this to convert object value to string:

Java Code

 Object dataobject=value;
    //convert object into String  
     String convert= String.valueOf(dataobject);

Problem in running .net framework 4.0 website on iis 7.0

If you are running Delphi, or other native compiled CGI, this solution will work:

  1. As other pointed, go to IIS manager and click on the server name. Then click on the "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions" icon under the IIS header.

  2. If you have everything allowed, it will still not work. You need to click on "Edit Feature Settings" in Actions (on the right side), and check "Allow unspecified CGI modules", or "Allow unspecified ISAPI modules" respectively.

  3. Click OK

What is the difference between the float and integer data type when the size is the same?

Floats are used to store a wider range of number than can be fit in an integer. These include decimal numbers and scientific notation style numbers that can be bigger values than can fit in 32 bits. Here's the deep dive into them:

What to do with commit made in a detached head

Alternatively, you could cherry-pick the commit-id onto your branch.

<commit-id> made in detached head state

git checkout master

git cherry-pick <commit-id>

No temporary branches, no merging.

How to style a disabled checkbox?

Use the attribute selector in the css

  outline:1px solid red; // or whatever

for checkbox exclusively use

  outline:1px solid red; // or whatever

$('button').click(function() {_x000D_
  const i = $('input');_x000D_
  if ('[disabled]'))_x000D_
    i.attr('disabled', false)_x000D_
    i.attr('disabled', true);_x000D_
input[type=checkbox][disabled] {_x000D_
  outline: 2px solid red;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" value="tasd" disabled />_x000D_
<input type="text" value="text" disabled />_x000D_

Style bottom Line in Android

This answer is for those google searchers who want to show dotted bottom border of EditText like here


Create dotted.xml inside drawable folder and paste these

<layer-list xmlns:android="">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
                android:color="@android:color/black" />    
            <solid android:color="#ffffff" />
                android:dashWidth="5dp" />
                android:top="5dp" />

Then simply set the android:background attribute to dotted.xml we just created. Your EditText looks like this.

    android:text="Some Text"
    android:background="@drawable/dotted" />

How do I get the HTTP status code with jQuery?

this is possible with jQuery $.ajax() method

$.ajax(serverUrl, {
   type: OutageViewModel.Id() == 0 ? "POST" : "PUT",
   data: dataToSave,
   statusCode: {
      200: function (response) {
      201: function (response) {
      400: function (response) {
         bootbox.alert('<span style="color:Red;">Error While Saving Outage Entry Please Check</span>', function () { });
      404: function (response) {
         bootbox.alert('<span style="color:Red;">Error While Saving Outage Entry Please Check</span>', function () { });
   }, success: function () {

Two submit buttons in one form

Maybe the suggested solutions here worked in 2009, but ive tested all of this upvoted answers and nobody is working in any browsers.

only solution i found working is this: (but its a bit ugly to use i think)

<form method="post" name="form">
<input type="submit" value="dosomething" onclick="javascript: form.action='actionurl1';"/>
<input type="submit" value="dosomethingelse" onclick="javascript: form.action='actionurl2';"/>

Getting the parameters of a running JVM

Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 provide such information in their standard task manager. A rare case for production, but if the target JVM is running on Windows, the simplest way to see its parameters is to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, choose the Processes tab and add the Command line column (by clicking the right mouse button on any existing column header).

HTML image bottom alignment inside DIV container

This is your code:

Using display: table-cell is fine, provided that you're aware that it won't work in IE6/7. Other than that, it's safe: Is there a disadvantage of using `display:table-cell`on divs?

To fix the space at the bottom, add vertical-align: bottom to the actual imgs:

Removing the space between the images boils down to this: bikeshedding CSS3 property alternative?

So, here's a demo with the whitespace removed in your HTML:

Can a html button perform a POST request?

You can:

  • Either, use an <input type="submit" ..>, instead of that button.
  • or, Use a bit of javascript, to get a hold of form object (using name or id), and call submit(..) on it. Eg: form.submit(). Attach this code to the button click event. This will serialise the form parameters and execute a GET or POST request as specified in the form's method attribute.

How to scale a BufferedImage

scale(..) works a bit differently. You can use bufferedImage.getScaledInstance(..)

How do you read scanf until EOF in C?

Scanf is pretty much always more trouble than it's worth. Here are two better ways to do what you're trying to do. This first one is a more-or-less direct translation of your code. It's longer, but you can look at it and see clearly what it does, unlike with scanf.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(void)
    char buf[1024], *p, *q;
    while (fgets(buf, 1024, stdin))
        p = buf;
        while (*p)
            while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
            q = p;
            while (*q && !isspace(*q)) q++;
            *q = '\0';
            if (p != q)
            p = q;
    return 0;

And here's another version. It's a little harder to see what this does by inspection, but it does not break if a line is longer than 1024 characters, so it's the code I would use in production. (Well, really what I would use in production is tr -s '[:space:]' '\n', but this is how you implement something like that.)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(void)
    int ch, lastch = '\0';
    while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF)
        if (!isspace(ch))
        if (!isspace(lastch))
        lastch = ch;
    if (lastch != '\0' && !isspace(lastch))
    return 0;

How to use sys.exit() in Python

In tandem with what Pedro Fontez said a few replies up, you seemed to never call the sys module initially, nor did you manage to stick the required () at the end of sys.exit:


import sys

and when finished:


Rename computer and join to domain in one step with PowerShell

This solution is working:

  • Enter the computer in the Active Directory domain with authentication (no Restart)
  • Rename the computer with authentication (no Restart)
  • after, Restart

In code:

# get the credential 
$cred = get-credential

# enter the computer in the right place
Add-Computer -DomainName EPFL -Credential $cred -OUPath "...,DC=epfl,DC=ch"

# rename the computer with credential (because we are in the domain)
$Computer = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem
$r = $Computer.Rename("NewComputerName", $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password, $cred.Username)

Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio

Inside your project folder their is a bin folder. Inside your bin folder, there are 2 folders, a Release and a Debug. For your polished .exe, you want to go into your Release folder.

I'm not quite sure if thats what youre asking

How to sort by Date with DataTables jquery plugin?

As of 2015, the most convenient way according to me to sort Date column in a DataTable, is using the required sort plugin. Since the date format in my case was dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss, I ended up using the date-euro plugin. All one needs to do is:

Step 1: Include the sorting plugin JavaScript file or code and;

Step 2: Add columnDefs as shown below to target appropriate column(s).

$('#example').dataTable( {
    columnDefs: [
       { type: 'date-euro', targets: 0 }

matplotlib: how to change data points color based on some variable

If you want to plot lines instead of points, see this example, modified here to plot good/bad points representing a function as a black/red as appropriate:

def plot(xx, yy, good):
    """Plot data

    Good parts are plotted as black, bad parts as red.

    xx, yy : 1D arrays
        Data to plot.
    good : `numpy.ndarray`, boolean
        Boolean array indicating if point is good.
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    from matplotlib.colors import from_levels_and_colors
    from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
    cmap, norm = from_levels_and_colors([0.0, 0.5, 1.5], ['red', 'black'])
    points = np.array([xx, yy]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
    segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1)
    lines = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

"Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument

When we do this:

def foo(a=[]):

... we assign the argument a to an unnamed list, if the caller does not pass the value of a.

To make things simpler for this discussion, let's temporarily give the unnamed list a name. How about pavlo ?

def foo(a=pavlo):

At any time, if the caller doesn't tell us what a is, we reuse pavlo.

If pavlo is mutable (modifiable), and foo ends up modifying it, an effect we notice the next time foo is called without specifying a.

So this is what you see (Remember, pavlo is initialized to []):

 >>> foo()

Now, pavlo is [5].

Calling foo() again modifies pavlo again:

>>> foo()
[5, 5]

Specifying a when calling foo() ensures pavlo is not touched.

>>> ivan = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> foo(a=ivan)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> ivan
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

So, pavlo is still [5, 5].

>>> foo()
[5, 5, 5]

What REST PUT/POST/DELETE calls should return by a convention?

I like Alfonso Tienda responce from HTTP status code for update and delete?

Here are some Tips:


  • 200 (if you want send some additional data in the Response) or 204 (recommended).

  • 202 Operation deleted has not been committed yet.

  • If there's nothing to delete, use 204 or 404 (DELETE operation is idempotent, delete an already deleted item is operation successful, so you can return 204, but it's true that idempotent doesn't necessarily imply the same response)

Other errors:

  • 400 Bad Request (Malformed syntax or a bad query is strange but possible).
  • 401 Unauthorized Authentication failure
  • 403 Forbidden: Authorization failure or invalid Application ID.
  • 405 Not Allowed. Sure.
  • 409 Resource Conflict can be possible in complex systems.
  • And 501, 502 in case of errors.


If you're updating an element of a collection

  • 200/204 with the same reasons as DELETE above.
  • 202 if the operation has not been commited yet.

The referenced element doesn't exists:

  • PUT can be 201 (if you created the element because that is your behaviour)

  • 404 If you don't want to create elements via PUT.

  • 400 Bad Request (Malformed syntax or a bad query more common than in case of DELETE).

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden: Authentication failure or invalid Application ID.

  • 405 Not Allowed. Sure.

  • 409 Resource Conflict can be possible in complex systems, as in DELETE.

  • 422 Unprocessable entity It helps to distinguish between a "Bad request" (e.g. malformed XML/JSON) and invalid field values

  • And 501, 502 in case of errors.

Javascript : natural sort of alphanumerical strings

Building on @Adrien Be's answer above and using the code that Brian Huisman & David koelle created, here is a modified prototype sorting for an array of objects:

//Usage: unsortedArrayOfObjects.alphaNumObjectSort("name");
//Test Case: var unsortedArrayOfObjects = [{name: "a1"}, {name: "a2"}, {name: "a3"}, {name: "a10"}, {name: "a5"}, {name: "a13"}, {name: "a20"}, {name: "a8"}, {name: "8b7uaf5q11"}];
//Sorted: [{name: "8b7uaf5q11"}, {name: "a1"}, {name: "a2"}, {name: "a3"}, {name: "a5"}, {name: "a8"}, {name: "a10"}, {name: "a13"}, {name: "a20"}]

// **Sorts in place**
Array.prototype.alphaNumObjectSort = function(attribute, caseInsensitive) {
  for (var z = 0, t; t = this[z]; z++) {
    this[z].sortArray = new Array();
    var x = 0, y = -1, n = 0, i, j;

    while (i = (j = t[attribute].charAt(x++)).charCodeAt(0)) {
      var m = (i == 46 || (i >=48 && i <= 57));
      if (m !== n) {
        this[z].sortArray[++y] = "";
        n = m;
      this[z].sortArray[y] += j;

  this.sort(function(a, b) {
    for (var x = 0, aa, bb; (aa = a.sortArray[x]) && (bb = b.sortArray[x]); x++) {
      if (caseInsensitive) {
        aa = aa.toLowerCase();
        bb = bb.toLowerCase();
      if (aa !== bb) {
        var c = Number(aa), d = Number(bb);
        if (c == aa && d == bb) {
          return c - d;
        } else {
          return (aa > bb) ? 1 : -1;

    return a.sortArray.length - b.sortArray.length;

  for (var z = 0; z < this.length; z++) {
    // Here we're deleting the unused "sortArray" instead of joining the string parts
    delete this[z]["sortArray"];

Programmatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard

Did you try InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT in first window.

and for hiding in second window use InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY


If its still not working then probably you are putting it at the wrong place. Override onFinishInflate() and show/hide there.

public void onFinishInflate() {
     /* code to show keyboard on startup */
    InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
    imm.showSoftInput(mUserNameEdit, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT);

Setting up maven dependency for SQL Server

Answer for the "new" and "cool" Microsoft.

Yay, SQL Server driver now under MIT license on


Answer for the "old" Microsoft:

For my use-case (integration testing) it was sufficient to use a system scope for the JDBC driver's dependency as such:


That way, I could put the JDBC driver into local version control. No need to have each developer manually set stuff up in their own repositories.

I took inspiration from this answer to another Stack Overflow question and I've also blogged about it here.

Stop a gif animation onload, on mouseover start the activation

Related answer, you can specify the number of playbacks on a gif. The below gif has 3 playbacks associated with it (10 second timer, 30 second playback total). After 30 seconds have passed since page load, it stops at "0:01".

Refresh the page to restart all 3 playbacks

You have to modify the gif itself. An easy tool is found here for modifying GIF playbacks

To see an example of a single-loop playback gif in action on a landing page, checkout this site using a single playback gif

enter image description here

Position Absolute + Scrolling

So gaiour is right, but if you're looking for a full height item that doesn't scroll with the content, but is actually the height of the container, here's the fix. Have a parent with a height that causes overflow, a content container that has a 100% height and overflow: scroll, and a sibling then can be positioned according to the parent size, not the scroll element size. Here is the fiddle:

and the relevant code:


<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">
    Lorem ipsum ...
  <div class="full-height"></div>


  height: 256px;
  position: relative;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: scroll;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  width: 20%;
  top: 0;
  height: 100%;

What is the difference between PUT, POST and PATCH?

Quite logical the difference between PUT & PATCH w.r.t sending full & partial data for replacing/updating respectively. However, just couple of points as below

  1. Sometimes POST is considered as for updates w.r.t PUT for create
  2. Does HTTP mandates/checks for sending full vs partial data in PATCH? Otherwise, PATCH may be quite same as update as in PUT/POST

jQuery change event on dropdown

The html

<select id="drop"  name="company" class="company btn btn-outline   dropdown-toggle" >
   <option value="demo1">Group Medical</option>
   <option value="demo">Motor Insurance</option>


$("#drop").change(function () {                            
   var category= $('select[name=company]').val() // Here we can get the value of selected item

tqdm in Jupyter Notebook prints new progress bars repeatedly

Use tqdm_notebook

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm


for i in tqdm(range(0,len(x))):


How to permanently remove few commits from remote branch

 git reset --soft commit_id
 git stash save "message"
 git reset --hard commit_id
 git stash apply stash stash@{0}
 git push --force

How to draw rounded rectangle in Android UI?

I think, this is you exactly needed.

Here drawable(xml) file that creates rounded rectangle. round_rect_shape.xml

<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" >

    <solid android:color="#ffffff" />

        android:topRightRadius="8dp" />


Here layout file: my_layout.xml

    android:padding="5dp" >

        android:text="Something text"
        android:textColor="#ff0000" />

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        <requestFocus />

-> In the above code, LinearLayout having the background(That is the key role to place to create rounded rectangle). So you can place any view like TextView, EditText... in that LinearLayout to see background as round rectangle for all.

How to include files outside of Docker's build context?

Workaround with links:

ln path/to/file/outside/context/file_to_copy ./file_to_copy

On Dockerfile, simply:

COPY file_to_copy /path/to/file

How to replace local branch with remote branch entirely in Git?

git checkout .

i always use this command to replace my local changes with repository changes. git checkout space dot.

jQuery ID starts with


$("td[id^=" + value + "]")

How to add a custom CA Root certificate to the CA Store used by pip in Windows?

I think nt86's solution is the most appropriate because it leverages the underlying Windows infrastructure (certificate store). But it doesn't explain how to install python-certifi-win32 to start with since pip is non functional.

The trick is to use --trustedhost to install python-certifi-win32 and then after that, pip will automatically use the windows certificate store to load the certificate used by the proxy.

So in a nutshell, you should do:

pip install python-certifi-win32 -trustedhost

and after that you should be good to go

jQuery append() - return appended elements

// wrap it in jQuery, now it's a collection
var $elements = $(someHTML);

// append to the DOM

// do stuff, using the initial reference
$elements.effects("highlight", {}, 2000);

Full path from file input using jQuery

You can't: It's a security feature in all modern browsers.

For IE8, it's off by default, but can be reactivated using a security setting:

When a file is selected by using the input type=file object, the value of the value property depends on the value of the "Include local directory path when uploading files to a server" security setting for the security zone used to display the Web page containing the input object.

The fully qualified filename of the selected file is returned only when this setting is enabled. When the setting is disabled, Internet Explorer 8 replaces the local drive and directory path with the string C:\fakepath\ in order to prevent inappropriate information disclosure.

In all other current mainstream browsers I know of, it is also turned off. The file name is the best you can get.

More detailed info and good links in this question. It refers to getting the value server-side, but the issue is the same in JavaScript before the form's submission.



       COUNT(DISTINCT `site_id`) as distinct_sites
  FROM `cp_visits`

Or per site

         `site_id` as site,
         COUNT(DISTINCT `user_id`) as distinct_users_per_site
    FROM `cp_visits`
GROUP BY `site_id`

Having the time column in the result doesn't make sense - since you are aggregating the rows, showing one particular time is irrelevant, unless it is the min or max you are after.

Undefined reference to vtable

Undefined reference to vtable may occur due to the following situation also. Just try this:

Class A Contains:

virtual void functionA(parameters)=0; 
virtual void functionB(parameters);

Class B Contains:

  1. The definition for the above functionA.
  2. The definition for the above functionB.

Class C Contains: Now you're writing a Class C in which you are going to derive it from Class A.

Now if you try to compile you will get Undefined reference to vtable for Class C as error.


functionA is defined as pure virtual and its definition is provided in Class B. functionB is defined as virtual (NOT PURE VIRTUAL) so it tries to find its definition in Class A itself but you provided its definition in Class B.


  1. Make function B as pure virtual (if you have requirement like that) virtual void functionB(parameters) =0; (This works it is Tested)
  2. Provide Definition for functionB in Class A itself keeping it as virtual . (Hope it works as I didn't try this)

How to animate button in android?

create shake.xml in anim folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<translate xmlns:android="" 
                android:interpolator="@anim/cycle" />

and cycle.xml in anim folder

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<cycleInterpolator xmlns:android="" 
    android:cycles="4" />

now add animation on your code

Animation shake = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.shake);

If you want vertical animation, change fromXdelta and toXdelta value to fromYdelta and toYdelta value

How to check if a file exists before creating a new file

Looked around a bit, and the only thing I find is using the open system call. It is the only function I found that allows you to create a file in a way that will fail if it already exists

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

int fd=open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
if (fd < 0) {
  /* file exists or otherwise uncreatable
     you might want to check errno*/
}else {
  /* File is open to writing */

Note that you have to give permissions since you are creating a file.

This also removes any race conditions there might be

Swift presentViewController

I had a similar issue but in my case, the solution was to dispatch the action as an async task in the main queue

DispatchQueue.main.async {
    let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: myVCID) as! myVCName
    self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)

How can I remove the outline around hyperlinks images?

There is the same border effect in Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE), it becomes visible when you click on some link.

This code will fix just IE:

a:active { outline: none; }.

And this one will fix both Firefox and IE:

:active, :focus { outline: none; -moz-outline-style: none; }

Last code should be added into your stylesheet, if you would like to remove the link borders from your site.

PHP multiline string with PHP

Use Heredocs to output muli-line strings containing variables. The syntax is...

$string = <<<HEREDOC
   string stuff here

The "HEREDOC" part is like the quotes, and can be anything you want. The end tag must be the only thing on it's line i.e. no whitespace before or after, and must end in a colon. For more info check out the manual.

C++ array initialization

Yes, this form of initialization is supported by all C++ compilers. It is a part of C++ language. In fact, it is an idiom that came to C++ from C language. In C language = { 0 } is an idiomatic universal zero-initializer. This is also almost the case in C++.

Since this initalizer is universal, for bool array you don't really need a different "syntax". 0 works as an initializer for bool type as well, so

bool myBoolArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };

is guaranteed to initialize the entire array with false. As well as

char* myPtrArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };

in guaranteed to initialize the whole array with null-pointers of type char *.

If you believe it improves readability, you can certainly use

bool myBoolArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = { false };
char* myPtrArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = { nullptr };

but the point is that = { 0 } variant gives you exactly the same result.

However, in C++ = { 0 } might not work for all types, like enum types, for example, which cannot be initialized with integral 0. But C++ supports the shorter form

T myArray[ARRAY_SIZE] = {};

i.e. just an empty pair of {}. This will default-initialize an array of any type (assuming the elements allow default initialization), which means that for basic (scalar) types the entire array will be properly zero-initialized.

Re-run Spring Boot Configuration Annotation Processor to update generated metadata

For me, other answers didn't work. I had to go to open Files and do Invalidate caches and restart on Intellij. After that, everything worked fine again.

Kubernetes how to make Deployment to update image

kubectl rollout restart deployment myapp

This is the current way to trigger a rolling update and leave the old replica sets in place for other operations provided by kubectl rollout like rollbacks.

Execute command without keeping it in history

You might consider using a shell without history, like perhaps

/bin/sh << END
   your commands without history

(perhaps /bin/dash or /bin/sash could be more appropriate than /bin/sh)

or even better use the batch utility e.g

batch << EOB
   your commands

The history would then contain sh or batch which is not very meaningful

Composer - the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system

For php 7.1

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring


Exponentiation in Python - should I prefer ** operator instead of math.pow and math.sqrt?

Even in base Python you can do the computation in generic form

result = sum(x**2 for x in some_vector) ** 0.5

x ** 2 is surely not an hack and the computation performed is the same (I checked with cpython source code). I actually find it more readable (and readability counts).

Using instead x ** 0.5 to take the square root doesn't do the exact same computations as math.sqrt as the former (probably) is computed using logarithms and the latter (probably) using the specific numeric instruction of the math processor.

I often use x ** 0.5 simply because I don't want to add math just for that. I'd expect however a specific instruction for the square root to work better (more accurately) than a multi-step operation with logarithms.

Return the characters after Nth character in a string

If your numbers are always 4 digits long:

=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-5) //'0001 Baseball' returns Baseball

If the numbers are variable (i.e. could be more or less than 4 digits) then:

=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(" ",A1,1)) //'123456 Baseball’ returns Baseball

UPDATE and REPLACE part of a string

Try to remove % chars as below

SET Value = REPLACE(Value, '123', '')

Giving UIView rounded corners

- SwiftUI

In SwiftUI, you can use cornerRadius modifier directly on any View you want. For example of this question:

Text("Signing In…")


Note that there is no more diamond like radius, so even if you set the cornerRadius more than half of the height, it will round smoothly.

Checkout this answer to se how to Round Specific Corners in SwiftUI

Make a directory and copy a file

You can use the shell for this purpose.

Set shl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
shl.Run "cmd mkdir YourDir" & copy "

How to initialize an array in angular2 and typescript

I don't fully understand what you really mean by initializing an array?

Here's an example:

class Environment {

    // you can declare private, public and protected variables in constructor signature 
        private id: string,
        private name: string
    ) { 
        alert( );

let environments = new Environment('a','b');

// creating and initializing array of Environment objects
let envArr: Array<Environment> = [ 
        new Environment('c','v'), 
        new Environment('c','v'), 
        new Environment('g','g'), 
        new Environment('3','e') 

Try it here :

What do &lt; and &gt; stand for?

&lt; ==  lesser-than == <
&gt; == greater-than == >

How to select a CRAN mirror in R

If you need to set the mirror in a non-interactive way (for example doing an rbundler install in a deploy script) you can do it in this way:

First manually run:


Pick the mirror number that is best for you and remember it. Then to automate the selection:

R -e 'chooseCRANmirror(graphics=FALSE, ind=87);library(rbundler);bundle()'

Where 87 is the number of the mirror you would like to use. This snippet also installs the rbundle for you. You can omit that if you like.

How to check if a value exists in an array in Ruby

This will tell you not only that it exists but also how many times it appears:

 a = ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Bird']
 #=> 1

How to fix SSL certificate error when running Npm on Windows?

The problem lies on your proxy. Because the location provider of your install package creates its own certificate and does not buy a verified one from an accepted authority, your proxy does not allow access to the targeted host. I assume that you bypass the proxy when using the Chrome Browser. So there is no checking.

There are some solutions to this problem. But all imply that you trust the package provider.

Possible solutions:

  1. As mentioned in other answers you can make an http:// access which may bypass your proxy. That's a bit dangerous, because the man in the middle can inject malware into you downloads.
  2. The wget suggests you to use a flag --no-check-certificate. This will add a proxy directive to your request. The proxy, if it understands the directive, does not check if the servers certificate is verified by an authority and passes the request. Perhaps there is a config with npm that does the same as the wget flag.
  3. You configure your proxy to accept CA npm. I don't know your proxy, so I can't give you a hint.

Unable to locate tools.jar

solving this problem I have simply copied the tools.jar file from C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_112\lib to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\lib so that I have two tools.jar files instead of one and problem disappeared.

CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' (EF code-first)

Run Visual Studio as Administrator, it worked for me

jquery - check length of input field?

If you mean that you want to enable the submit after the user has typed at least one character, then you need to attach a key event that will check it for you.

Something like:

$("#fbss").keypress(function() {
    if($(this).val().length > 1) {
         // Enable submit button
    } else {
         // Disable submit button

How to check whether an object is a date?

Inspired by this answer, this solution works in my case(I needed to check whether the value recieved from API is a date or not):

!isNaN(Date.parse(new Date(YourVariable)))

This way, if it is some random string coming from a client, or any other object, you can find out if it is a Date-like object.

How to import a CSS file in a React Component

Using extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin and css-loader loader work for me, see below:

webpack.config.js Import extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin

const ExtractCssChunks = require('extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin');

webpack.config.js Add the css rule, Extract css Chunks first then the css loader css-loader will embed them into the html document, ensure css-loader and extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin are in the package.json dev dependencies

rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
            loader: ExtractCssChunks.loader,

webpack.config.js Make instance of the plugin

plugins: [
    new ExtractCssChunks({
      // Options similar to the same options in webpackOptions.output
      // both options are optional
      filename: '[name].css',
      chunkFilename: '[id].css'

And now importing css is possible And now in a tsx file like index.tsx i can use import like this import './Tree.css' where Tree.css contains css rules like

body {
    background: red;

My app is using typescript and this works for me, check my repo for the source :

Xcode stuck on Indexing

For me, the cause was I opened the same file in both the Primary Editor and Assistant Editor at the same time. Once I closed Assistant Editor, it came through. (Xcode Version 7.2.1)

SignalR - Sending a message to a specific user using (IUserIdProvider) *NEW 2.0.0*

This is how use SignarR in order to target a specific user (without using any provider):

 private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> clients = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>();

 public string Login(string username)
     clients.TryAdd(Context.ConnectionId, username);            
     return username;

// The variable 'contextIdClient' is equal to Context.ConnectionId of the user, 
// once logged in. You have to store that 'id' inside a dictionaty for example.  

What does the 'Z' mean in Unix timestamp '120314170138Z'?

The Z stands for 'Zulu' - your times are in UTC. From Wikipedia:

The UTC time zone is sometimes denoted by the letter Z—a reference to the equivalent nautical time zone (GMT), which has been denoted by a Z since about 1950. The letter also refers to the "zone description" of zero hours, which has been used since 1920 (see time zone history). Since the NATO phonetic alphabet and amateur radio word for Z is "Zulu", UTC is sometimes known as Zulu time. This is especially true in aviation, where Zulu is the universal standard.

Best HTTP Authorization header type for JWT

The best HTTP header for your client to send an access token (JWT or any other token) is the Authorization header with the Bearer authentication scheme.

This scheme is described by the RFC6750.


GET /resource HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIXVCJ9TJV...r7E20RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ

If you need stronger security protection, you may also consider the following IETF draft: This draft seems to be a good alternative to the (abandoned?)

Note that even if this RFC and the above specifications are related to the OAuth2 Framework protocol, they can be used in any other contexts that require a token exchange between a client and a server.

Unlike the custom JWT scheme you mention in your question, the Bearer one is registered at the IANA.

Concerning the Basic and Digest authentication schemes, they are dedicated to authentication using a username and a secret (see RFC7616 and RFC7617) so not applicable in that context.

Match two strings in one line with grep

Don't try to use grep for this, use awk instead. To match 2 regexps R1 and R2 in grep you'd think it would be:

grep 'R1.*R2|R2.*R1'

while in awk it'd be:

awk '/R1/ && /R2/'

but what if R2 overlaps with or is a subset of R1? That grep command simply would not work while the awk command would. Lets say you want to find lines that contain the and heat:

$ echo 'theatre' | grep 'the.*heat|heat.*the'
$ echo 'theatre' | awk '/the/ && /heat/'

You'd have to use 2 greps and a pipe for that:

$ echo 'theatre' | grep 'the' | grep 'heat'

and of course if you had actually required them to be separate you can always write in awk the same regexp as you used in grep and there are alternative awk solutions that don't involve repeating the regexps in every possible sequence.

Putting that aside, what if you wanted to extend your solution to match 3 regexps R1, R2, and R3. In grep that'd be one of these poor choices:

grep 'R1.*R2.*R3|R1.*R3.*R2|R2.*R1.*R3|R2.*R3.*R1|R3.*R1.*R2|R3.*R2.*R1' file
grep R1 file | grep R2 | grep R3

while in awk it'd be the concise, obvious, simple, efficient:

awk '/R1/ && /R2/ && /R3/'

Now, what if you actually wanted to match literal strings S1 and S2 instead of regexps R1 and R2? You simply can't do that in one call to grep, you have to either write code to escape all RE metachars before calling grep:

S1=$(sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<< 'R1')
S2=$(sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<< 'R2')
grep 'S1.*S2|S2.*S1'

or again use 2 greps and a pipe:

grep -F 'S1' file | grep -F 'S2'

which again are poor choices whereas with awk you simply use a string operator instead of regexp operator:

awk 'index($0,S1) && index($0.S2)'

Now, what if you wanted to match 2 regexps in a paragraph rather than a line? Can't be done in grep, trivial in awk:

awk -v RS='' '/R1/ && /R2/'

How about across a whole file? Again can't be done in grep and trivial in awk (this time I'm using GNU awk for multi-char RS for conciseness but it's not much more code in any awk or you can pick a control-char you know won't be in the input for the RS to do the same):

awk -v RS='^$' '/R1/ && /R2/'

So - if you want to find multiple regexps or strings in a line or paragraph or file then don't use grep, use awk.

postgresql - add boolean column to table set default

Just for future reference, if you already have a boolean column and you just want to add a default do:

  ALTER COLUMN priv_user SET DEFAULT false;

Why is using onClick() in HTML a bad practice?

It's not good for several reasons:

  • it mixes code and markup
  • code written this way goes through eval
  • and runs in the global scope

The simplest thing would be to add a name attribute to your <a> element, then you could do:

document.myelement.onclick = function() {
    window.popup('/map/', 300, 300, 'map');
    return false;

although modern best practise would be to use an id instead of a name, and use addEventListener() instead of using onclick since that allows you to bind multiple functions to a single event.


Well, they don't do the same thing, really.

$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] contains the request method (surprise).

$_POST contains any post data.

It's possible for a POST request to contain no POST data.

I check the request method — I actually never thought about testing the $_POST array. I check the required post fields, though. So an empty post request would give the user a lot of error messages - which makes sense to me.

Differences in boolean operators: & vs && and | vs ||

In Java, the single operators &, |, ^, ! depend on the operands. If both operands are ints, then a bitwise operation is performed. If both are booleans, a "logical" operation is performed.

If both operands mismatch, a compile time error is thrown.

The double operators &&, || behave similarly to their single counterparts, but both operands must be conditional expressions, for example:

if (( a < 0 ) && ( b < 0 )) { ... } or similarly, if (( a < 0 ) || ( b < 0 )) { ... }

source: java programming lang 4th ed

Disable/Enable button in Excel/VBA

Others are correct in saying that setting button.enabled = false doesn't prevent the button from triggering. However, I found that setting button.visible = false does work. The button disappears and can't be clicked until you set visible to true again.

Specify system property to Maven project

If your test and webapp are in the same Maven project, you can use a property in the project POM. Then you can filter certain files which will allow Maven to set the property in those files. There are different ways to filter, but the most common is during the resources phase -

If the test and webapp are in different Maven projects, you can put the property in settings.xml, which is in your maven repository folder (C:\Documents and Settings\username.m2) on Windows. You will still need to use filtering or some other method to read the property into your test and webapp.

Deserialize JSON string to c# object

solution :

 public Response Get(string jsonData) {
     var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<modelname>(jsonData);
     var data = StoredProcedure.procedureName(json.Parameter, json.Parameter, json.Parameter, json.Parameter);
     return data;


 public class modelname {
     public long parameter{ get; set; }
     public int parameter{ get; set; }
     public int parameter{ get; set; }
     public string parameter{ get; set; }

PostgreSQL INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE (upsert) use all excluded values

Postgres hasn't implemented an equivalent to INSERT OR REPLACE. From the ON CONFLICT docs (emphasis mine):

It can be either DO NOTHING, or a DO UPDATE clause specifying the exact details of the UPDATE action to be performed in case of a conflict.

Though it doesn't give you shorthand for replacement, ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE applies more generally, since it lets you set new values based on preexisting data. For example:

INSERT INTO users (id, level)
VALUES (1, 0)
SET level = users.level + 1;

How to open/run .jar file (double-click not working)?

Short trick: after I only REMOVED SPACES from names of the folders, where the .jar file was, double-clicked worked and the file executed.

Could not resolve Spring property placeholder

I still believe its to do with the props file not being located by spring. Do a quick test by passing the params as jvm params. i.e -Didm.url=....

How can I solve "Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (COLUMN) is wrong."?

I got this error when Updating code first MVC5 database. Dropping (right click, delete) all the tables from my database and removing the migrations from the Migration folder worked for me.

How can I change the color of a Google Maps marker?

This relatively recent article provides a simple example with a limited Google Maps set of colored icons.

IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

I'm going to agree with shodanex, it looks like you're prematurely trying to optimize something that isn't yet problematic. Unless you know sockets are going to be a bottleneck, I'd just use them.

A lot of people who swear by named pipes find a little savings (depending on how well everything else is written), but end up with code that spends more time blocking for an IPC reply than it does doing useful work. Sure, non-blocking schemes help this, but those can be tricky. Spending years bringing old code into the modern age, I can say, the speedup is almost nil in the majority of cases I've seen.

If you really think that sockets are going to slow you down, then go out of the gate using shared memory with careful attention to how you use locks. Again, in all actuality, you might find a small speedup, but notice that you're wasting a portion of it waiting on mutual exclusion locks. I'm not going to advocate a trip to futex hell (well, not quite hell anymore in 2015, depending upon your experience).

Pound for pound, sockets are (almost) always the best way to go for user space IPC under a monolithic kernel .. and (usually) the easiest to debug and maintain.

How do I turn off the output from tar commands on Unix?

Just drop the option v.

-v is for verbose. If you don't use it then it won't display:

tar -zxf tmp.tar.gz -C ~/tmp1

ASP.NET Custom Validator Client side & Server Side validation not firing

Did you verify that the control causing the post back has CausesValidation set to tru and that it does not have a validation group assigned to it?

I'm not sure what else might cause this behavior.

Windows batch: echo without new line

With jscript:

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /*
    @cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~nx0" %*
    @exit /b %errorlevel%
*/if(WScript.Arguments.Count()>0) WScript.StdOut.Write(WScript.Arguments.Item(0));

if it is called write.bat you can test it like:

call write.bat string & echo _Another_String_

If you want to use powershell but with cmd defined variables you can use:

set str=_My_StrinG_
powershell "Write-Host -NoNewline ""%str%""""  & echo #Another#STRING#

How to use *ngIf else?


<ng-template [ngIf]="condition1" [ngIfElse]="template2">

<ng-template #template2> 

Check OS version in Swift?

If you're using Swift 2 and you want to check the OS version to use a certain API, you can use new availability feature:

if #available(iOS 8, *) {
    //iOS 8+ code here.
else {
    //Code for iOS 7 and older versions.
    //An important note: if you use #availability, Xcode will also 
    //check that you don't use anything that was introduced in iOS 8+
    //inside this `else` block. So, if you try to use UIAlertController
    //here, for instance, it won't compile. And it's great.

I wrote this answer because it is the first question in Google for the swift 2 check system version query.

Docker can't connect to docker daemon

at april 2020 on mac os catalina you just need to open the desktop application enter image description here

Initializing a struct to 0

The first is easiest(involves less typing), and it is guaranteed to work, all members will be set to 0[Ref 1].
The second is more readable.

The choice depends on user preference or the one which your coding standard mandates.

[Ref 1] Reference C99 Standard

If there are fewer initializers in a brace-enclosed list than there are elements or members of an aggregate, or fewer characters in a string literal used to initialize an array of known size than there are elements in the array, the remainder of the aggregate shall be initialized implicitly the same as objects that have static storage duration.

Good Read:
C and C++ : Partial initialization of automatic structure

Android textview outline text

Here is the simplest way I could find by extending TextView

public class CustomTextView extends androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView {

float mStroke;

public CustomTextView(Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    TextPaint paint = this.getPaint();

then you only need to add the following to the attrs.xml file

<declare-styleable name="CustomTextView">
    <attr name="stroke" format="float"/>

and now you will be able to set the stroke widht by app:stroke while retaining all other desirable properties of TextView. my solution only draws the stroke w/o a fill. this makes it a bit simpler than the others. bellow a screencapture with the result while setting a custom font to my customtextview.

enter image description here

Display UIViewController as Popup in iPhone

Feel free to use my form sheet controller MZFormSheetControllerfor iPhone, in example project there are many examples on how to present modal view controller which will not cover full window and has many presentation/transition styles.

You can also try newest version of MZFormSheetController which is called MZFormSheetPresentationController and have a lot of more features.

Is it possible to execute multiple _addItem calls asynchronously using Google Analytics?

From the docs:

_trackTrans() Sends both the transaction and item data to the Google Analytics server. This method should be called after _trackPageview(), and used in conjunction with the _addItem() and addTrans() methods. It should be called after items and transaction elements have been set up.

So, according to the docs, the items get sent when you call trackTrans(). Until you do, you can add items, but the transaction will not be sent.

Edit: Further reading led me here:

Where it clearly says you can start another transaction with an existing ID. When you commit it, the new items you listed will be added to that transaction.

How to use mongoimport to import csv

My requirement was to import the .csv (with no headline) to remote MongoDB instance. For mongoimport v3.0.7below command worked for me:

mongoimport -h <host>:<port> -u <db-user> -p <db-password>  -d <database-name> -c <collection-name> --file <csv file location> --fields <name of the columns(comma seperated) in csv> --type csv

For example:

mongoimport -h -u arpitaggarwal -p password  -d my-database -c employees --file employees.csv --fields name,email --type csv

Below is the screenshot of how it looks like after import:

enter image description here

where name and email are the columns in the .csv file.

Copying one structure to another

If the structures are of compatible types, yes, you can, with something like:

memcpy (dest_struct, source_struct, sizeof (*dest_struct));

The only thing you need to be aware of is that this is a shallow copy. In other words, if you have a char * pointing to a specific string, both structures will point to the same string.

And changing the contents of one of those string fields (the data that the char * points to, not the char * itself) will change the other as well.

If you want a easy copy without having to manually do each field but with the added bonus of non-shallow string copies, use strdup:

memcpy (dest_struct, source_struct, sizeof (*dest_struct));
dest_struct->strptr = strdup (source_struct->strptr);

This will copy the entire contents of the structure, then deep-copy the string, effectively giving a separate string to each structure.

And, if your C implementation doesn't have a strdup (it's not part of the ISO standard), get one from here.

Combining two Series into a DataFrame in pandas

Why don't you just use .to_frame if both have the same indexes?

>= v0.23


< v0.23


Java - Abstract class to contain variables?

Of course. The whole idea of abstract classes is that they can contain some behaviour or data which you require all sub-classes to contain. Think of the simple example of WheeledVehicle - it should have a numWheels member variable. You want all sub classes to have this variable. Remember that abstract classes are a very useful feature when developing APIs, as they can ensure that people who extend your API won't break it.

determine DB2 text string length

Mostly we write below statement select * from table where length(ltrim(rtrim(field)))=10;

TypeScript: Property does not exist on type '{}'

Near the top of the file, you need to write var fadeDiv = ... instead of fadeDiv = ... so that the variable is actually declared.

The error "Property 'fadeDiv' does not exist on type '{}'." seems to be triggering on a line you haven't posted in your example (there is no access of a fadeDiv property anywhere in that snippet).

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

The only way to do this is via various CSS hacks, which will make your page much more likely to fail on the next browser updates. If anything, it will be LESS safe than using a js-browser sniffer.

How to ignore certain files in Git

I tried this -

  1. list files which we want to ignore

git status .idea/xyz.xml .idea/pqr.iml Output .DS_Store

  1. Copy the content of step#1 and append it into .gitignore file.

echo " .idea/xyz.xml .idea/pqr.iml Output .DS_Store" >> .gitignore

  1. Validate

git status .gitignore

likewise we can add directory and all of its sub dir/files which we want to ignore in git status using directoryname/* and I executed this command from src directory.

How can I remove all files in my git repo and update/push from my local git repo?

First, remove all files from your Git repository using: git rm -r *

After that you should commit: using git commit -m "your comment"

After that you push using: git push (that's update the origin repository)

To verify your status using: git status

After that you can copy all your local files in the local Git folder, and you add them to the Git repository using: git add -A

You commit (git commit -m "your comment" and you push (git push)

Vertical align in bootstrap table


.table-vcenter {
    th {
        vertical-align: middle;


<table class="table table-vcenter">

Necessary to add link tag for favicon.ico?

Please note that both the HTML5 specification of W3C and WhatWG standardize

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico">

Note the value of the "rel" attribute!

The value shortcut icon for the rel attribute is a very old Internet Explorer specific extension and deprecated.

So please consider not using it any more and updating your files so they are standards compliant and are displayed correctly in all browsers.

You might also want to take a look at this great post: rel="shortcut icon" considered harmful

changing default x range in histogram matplotlib

the following code is for making the same y axis limit on two subplots

f ,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize = (30, 13),gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [5, 1]})
df.plot(ax = ax[0], linewidth = 2.5)
ylim = [lower_limit,upper_limit]
ax[1].hist(data,normed =1, bins = num_bin, color = 'yellow' ,alpha = 1) 

just a reminder, plt.hist(range=[low, high]) the histogram auto crops the range if the specified range is larger than the max&min of the data points. So if you want to specify the y-axis range number, i prefer to use set_ylim

What are the main differences between JWT and OAuth authentication?

OAuth 2.0 defines a protocol, i.e. specifies how tokens are transferred, JWT defines a token format.

OAuth 2.0 and "JWT authentication" have similar appearance when it comes to the (2nd) stage where the Client presents the token to the Resource Server: the token is passed in a header.

But "JWT authentication" is not a standard and does not specify how the Client obtains the token in the first place (the 1st stage). That is where the perceived complexity of OAuth comes from: it also defines various ways in which the Client can obtain an access token from something that is called an Authorization Server.

So the real difference is that JWT is just a token format, OAuth 2.0 is a protocol (that may use a JWT as a token format).

get one item from an array of name,value JSON

I don't know anything about jquery so can't help you with that, but as far as Javascript is concerned you have an array of objects, so what you will only be able to access the names & values through each array element. E.g arr[0].name will give you 'k1', arr[1].value will give you 'hi'.

Maybe you want to do something like:

var obj = {};

obj.k1 = "abc";
obj.k2 = "hi";
obj.k3 = "oa";

alert ("obj.k2:" + obj.k2);

How to debug SSL handshake using cURL?

  1. For TLS handshake troubleshooting please use openssl s_client instead of curl.
  2. -msg does the trick!
  3. -debug helps to see what actually travels over the socket.
  4. -status OCSP stapling should be standard nowadays.
openssl s_client -connect -tls1_2 -status -msg -debug -CAfile <path to trusted root ca pem> -key <path to client private key pem> -cert <path to client cert pem> 

Other useful switches -tlsextdebug -prexit -state

How to check if an excel cell is empty using Apache POI?

Gagravarr's answer is quite good!

Check if an excel cell is empty

But if you assume that a cell is also empty if it contains an empty String (""), you need some additional code. This can happen, if a cell was edited and then not cleared properly (for how to clear a cell properly, see further below).

I wrote myself a helper to check if an XSSFCell is empty (including an empty String).

 * Checks if the value of a given {@link XSSFCell} is empty.
 * @param cell
 *            The {@link XSSFCell}.
 * @return {@code true} if the {@link XSSFCell} is empty. {@code false}
 *         otherwise.
public static boolean isCellEmpty(final XSSFCell cell) {
    if (cell == null) { // use row.getCell(x, Row.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK) to avoid null cells
        return true;

    if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
        return true;

    if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING && cell.getStringCellValue().trim().isEmpty()) {
        return true;

    return false;

Pay attention for newer POI Version

They first changed getCellType() to getCellTypeEnum() as of Version 3.15 Beta 3 and then moved back to getCellType() as of Version 4.0.

  • Version >= 3.15 Beta 3:

    • Use CellType.BLANK and CellType.STRING instead of Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK and Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING
  • Version >= 3.15 Beta 3 && Version < 4.0

    • Use Cell.getCellTypeEnum() instead of Cell.getCellType()

But better double check yourself, because they planned to change it back in future releases.


This JUnit test shows the case in which the additional empty check is needed.

Scenario: the content of a cell is changed within a Java program. Later on, in the same Java program, the cell is checked for emptiness. The test will fail if the isCellEmpty(XSSFCell cell) function doesn't check for empty Strings.

public void testIsCellEmpty_CellHasEmptyString_ReturnTrue() {
    // Arrange
    XSSFCell cell = new XSSFWorkbook().createSheet().createRow(0).createCell(0);

    boolean expectedValue = true;
    boolean actualValue;

    // Act
    cell.setCellValue(" ");
    actualValue = isCellEmpty(cell);

    // Assert
    Assert.assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue);

In addition: Clear a cell properly

Just in case if someone wants to know, how to clear the content of a cell properly. There are two ways to archive that (I would recommend way 1).

// way 1
public static void clearCell(final XSSFCell cell) {

// way 2
public static void clearCell(final XSSFCell cell) {
    String nullString = null;

Why way 1? Explicit is better than implicit (thanks, Python)

Way 1: sets the cell type explicitly back to blank.
Way 2: sets the cell type implicitly back to blank due to a side effect when setting a cell value to a null String.

Useful sources

Regards winklerrr

How to use the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings

you should use []

var x = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["APIKey"];

Callback functions in C++

See the above definition where it states that a callback function is passed off to some other function and at some point it is called.

In C++ it is desirable to have callback functions call a classes method. When you do this you have access to the member data. If you use the C way of defining a callback you will have to point it to a static member function. This is not very desirable.

Here is how you can use callbacks in C++. Assume 4 files. A pair of .CPP/.H files for each class. Class C1 is the class with a method we want to callback. C2 calls back to C1's method. In this example the callback function takes 1 parameter which I added for the readers sake. The example doesn't show any objects being instantiated and used. One use case for this implementation is when you have one class that reads and stores data into temporary space and another that post processes the data. With a callback function, for every row of data read the callback can then process it. This technique cuts outs the overhead of the temporary space required. It is particularly useful for SQL queries that return a large amount of data which then has to be post-processed.

// C1 H file

class C1
    C1() {};
    ~C1() {};
    void CALLBACK F1(int i);

// C1 CPP file

void CALLBACK C1::F1(int i)
// Do stuff with C1, its methods and data, and even do stuff with the passed in parameter

// C2 H File

class C1; // Forward declaration

class C2
    typedef void (CALLBACK C1::* pfnCallBack)(int i);
    C2() {};
    ~C2() {};

    void Fn(C1 * pThat,pfnCallBack pFn);

// C2 CPP File

void C2::Fn(C1 * pThat,pfnCallBack pFn)
    // Call a non-static method in C1
    int i = 1;

Laravel 5.4 redirection to custom url after login

Path Customization (tested in laravel 7) When a user is successfully authenticated, they will be redirected to the /home URI. You can customize the post-authentication redirect path using the HOME constant defined in your RouteServiceProvider:

public const HOME = '/home';

Codeigniter LIKE with wildcard(%)

  $this->db->like('title', 'match', 'before'); 
 // Produces: WHERE title LIKE '%match' 

 $this->db->like('title', 'match', 'after'); 
// Produces: WHERE title LIKE 'match%' 

$this->db->like('title', 'match', 'both'); 
// Produces: WHERE title LIKE '%match%'

Vertical Alignment of text in a table cell

Just add vertical-align:top for first td alone needed not for all td.

tr>td:first-child {_x000D_
  vertical-align: top;_x000D_
  <td>more text</td>_x000D_

Git clone without .git directory


git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git://someserver/somerepo dirformynewrepo
rm -rf ./dirformynewrepo/.git
  • The depth option will make sure to copy the least bit of history possible to get that repo.
  • The branch option is optional and if not specified would get master.
  • The second line will make your directory dirformynewrepo not a Git repository any more.
  • If you're doing recursive submodule clone, the depth and branch parameter don't apply to the submodules.

What is the difference between HTTP and REST?

Not quite...

REST was initially described in the context of HTTP, but is not limited to that protocol. RESTful architectures can be based on other Application Layer protocols if they already provide a rich and uniform vocabulary for applications based on the transfer of meaningful representational state. RESTful applications maximise the use of the pre-existing, well-defined interface and other built-in capabilities provided by the chosen network protocol, and minimise the addition of new application-specific features on top of it.

(Simple Object Access Protocol) The standard for web services messages. Based on XML, SOAP defines an envelope format and various rules for describing its contents. Seen (with WSDL and UDDI) as one of the three foundation standards of web services, it is the preferred protocol for exchanging web services, but by no means the only one; proponents of REST say that it adds unnecessary complexity.

How to window.scrollTo() with a smooth effect

2018 Update

Now you can use just window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }) to get the page scrolled with a smooth effect.

const btn = document.getElementById('elem');_x000D_
btn.addEventListener('click', () => window.scrollTo({_x000D_
  top: 400,_x000D_
  behavior: 'smooth',_x000D_
#x {_x000D_
  height: 1000px;_x000D_
  background: lightblue;_x000D_
<div id='x'>_x000D_
  <button id='elem'>Click to scroll</button>_x000D_

Older solutions

You can do something like this:

var btn = document.getElementById('x');_x000D_
btn.addEventListener("click", function() {_x000D_
  var i = 10;_x000D_
  var int = setInterval(function() {_x000D_
    window.scrollTo(0, i);_x000D_
    i += 10;_x000D_
    if (i >= 200) clearInterval(int);_x000D_
  }, 20);_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  background: #3a2613;_x000D_
  height: 600px;_x000D_
<button id='x'>click</button>

ES6 recursive approach:

const btn = document.getElementById('elem');_x000D_
const smoothScroll = (h) => {_x000D_
  let i = h || 0;_x000D_
  if (i < 200) {_x000D_
    setTimeout(() => {_x000D_
      window.scrollTo(0, i);_x000D_
      smoothScroll(i + 10);_x000D_
    }, 10);_x000D_
btn.addEventListener('click', () => smoothScroll());
body {_x000D_
  background: #9a6432;_x000D_
  height: 600px;_x000D_
<button id='elem'>click</button>

Most useful NLog configurations

Log to Twitter

Based on this post about a log4net Twitter Appender, I thought I would try my hand at writing a NLog Twitter Target (using NLog 1.0 refresh, not 2.0). Alas, so far I have not been able to get a Tweet to actually post successfully. I don't know if it is something wrong in my code, Twitter, our company's internet connection/firewall, or what. I am posting the code here in case someone is interested in trying it out. Note that there are three different "Post" methods. The first one that I tried is PostMessageToTwitter. PostMessageToTwitter is essentially the same as PostLoggingEvent in the orignal post. If I use that I get a 401 exception. PostMessageBasic gets the same exception. PostMessage runs with no errors, but the message still does not make it up to Twitter. PostMessage and PostMessageBasic are based on examples that I found here on SO.

FYI - I just now found a comment by @Jason Diller to an answer in this post that says that twitter is going to turn off basic authentication "next month". This was back in May 2010 and it is now December 2010, so I guess that could be why this is not working.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;

using NLog;
using NLog.Targets;
using NLog.Config;

namespace NLogExtensions
  public class TwitterTarget : TargetWithLayout
    private const string REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";  

    private const string REQUEST_METHOD = "POST";  

    // The source attribute has been removed from the Twitter API,  
    // unless you're using OAuth.  
    // Even if you are using OAuth, there's still an approval process.  
    // Not worth it; "API" will work for now!  
    // private const string TWITTER_SOURCE_NAME = "Log4Net";  
    private const string TWITTER_UPDATE_URL_FORMAT = "{0}";  

    public string TwitterUserName { get; set; }

    public string TwitterPassword { get; set; }

    protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TwitterUserName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TwitterPassword)) return;

      string msg = this.CompiledLayout.GetFormattedMessage(logEvent);

      if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg)) return;

      catch (Exception ex)
        //Should probably do something here ...

    private void PostMessageBasic(string msg)
      // Create a webclient with the twitter account credentials, which will be used to set the HTTP header for basic authentication 
      WebClient client = new WebClient { Credentials = new NetworkCredential { UserName = TwitterUserName, Password = TwitterPassword } };

      // Don't wait to receive a 100 Continue HTTP response from the server before sending out the message body 
      ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

      // Construct the message body 
      byte[] messageBody = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("status=" + msg);

      // Send the HTTP headers and message body (a.k.a. Post the data) 
      client.UploadData(@"", messageBody);

    private void PostMessage(string msg)
      string user = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TwitterUserName + ":" + TwitterPassword));
      byte [] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("status=" + msg.ToTweet());
      HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
      request.Method = "POST";
      request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
      request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + user);
      request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
      request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
      Stream reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
      reqStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

    private void PostMessageToTwitter(string msg)
      var updateRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(string.Format(TWITTER_UPDATE_URL_FORMAT,
                                                HttpUtility.UrlEncode(msg.ToTweet()))) as HttpWebRequest;
      updateRequest.ContentLength = 0;
      updateRequest.ContentType = REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE;
      updateRequest.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(TwitterUserName, TwitterPassword);
      updateRequest.Method = REQUEST_METHOD;

      updateRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;

      var updateResponse = updateRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;

      if (updateResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK && updateResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Continue)
        throw new Exception(string.Format("An error occurred while invoking the Twitter REST API [Response Code: {0}]", updateResponse.StatusCode));

  public static class Extensions
    public static string ToTweet(this string s)
      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) || s.Length < 140)
        return s;

      return s.Substring(0, 137) + "...";

Configure it like this:

Tell NLog the assembly containing the target:

  <add assembly="NLogExtensions"/>

Configure the target:

    <target name="twitter" type="TwitterTarget" TwitterUserName="yourtwittername" TwitterPassword="yourtwitterpassword" layout="${longdate} ${logger} ${level} ${message}" />

If someone tries this out and has success, post back with your findings.

How does the keyword "use" work in PHP and can I import classes with it?

You'll have to include/require the class anyway, otherwise PHP won't know about the namespace.
You don't necessary have to do it in the same file though. You can do it in a bootstrap file for example. (or use an autoloader, but that's not the topic actually)

How to configure Git post commit hook

Hope this helps:

It's just a matter of using curl to trigger a Jenkins job using the git hooks provided by git.
The command

curl http://localhost:8080/job/someJob/build?delay=0sec

can run a Jenkins job, where someJob is the name of the Jenkins job.

Search for the hooks folder in your hidden .git folder. Rename the post-commit.sample file to post-commit. Open it with Notepad, remove the : Nothing line and paste the above command into it.

That's it. Whenever you do a commit, Git will trigger the post-commit commands defined in the file.

How do I put my website's logo to be the icon image in browser tabs?


  < link rel="icon" href="directory/image.png">

Then run and enjoy it

DateDiff to output hours and minutes

If you want 08:30 ( HH:MM) format then try this,

    , EmplName
    , InTime
    , [TimeOut]
    , [DateVisited]
    ,  RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(varchar(3),DATEDIFF(minute,InTime, TimeOut)/60),2) + ':' +
      RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(varchar(2),DATEDIFF(minute,InTime,TimeOut)%60),2)
      as TotalHours from times Order By EmplID, DateVisited

How do I verify that a string only contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes?

A regular expression will do the trick with very little code:

import re


if re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*$", my_little_string):
    # do something here

How is the default submit button on an HTML form determined?

HTML 4 does not make it explicit. The current HTML5 working draft specifies that the first submit button must be the default:

A form element's default button is the first submit button in tree order whose form owner is that form element.

If the user agent supports letting the user submit a form implicitly (for example, on some platforms hitting the "enter" key while a text field is focused implicitly submits the form), then doing so for a form whose default button has a defined activation behavior must cause the user agent to run synthetic click activation steps on that default button.

How to convert string into float in JavaScript?

Have you ever tried to do this? :p

var str = '3.8';ie
alert( +(str) + 0.2 );

+(string) will cast string into float.


So in order to solve your problem, you can do something like this:

var floatValue = +(str.replace(/,/,'.'));

Remove last character from string. Swift language

I'd recommend using NSString for strings that you want to manipulate. Actually come to think of it as a developer I've never run into a problem with NSString that Swift String would solve... I understand the subtleties. But I've yet to have an actual need for them.

var foo = someSwiftString as NSString


var foo = "Foo" as NSString


var foo: NSString = "blah"

And then the whole world of simple NSString string operations is open to you.

As answer to the question

// check bounds before you do this, e.g. foo.length > 0
// Note shortFoo is of type NSString
var shortFoo = foo.substringToIndex(foo.length-1)

How correctly produce JSON by RESTful web service?

You can annotate your bean with jaxb annotations.

  public class MyJaxbBean {
    public String name;
    public int age;

    public MyJaxbBean() {} // JAXB needs this

    public MyJaxbBean(String name, int age) { = name;
      this.age = age;

and then your method would look like this:

   @GET @Produces("application/json")
   public MyJaxbBean getMyBean() {
      return new MyJaxbBean("Agamemnon", 32);

There is a chapter in the latest documentation that deals with this:

Read Excel sheet in Powershell

Sorry I know this is an old one but still felt like helping out ^_^

Maybe it's the way I read this but assuming the excel sheet 1 is called "London" and has this information; B5="Marleybone" B6="Paddington" B7="Victoria" B8="Hammersmith". And the excel sheet 2 is called "Nottingham" and has this information; C5="Alverton" C6="Annesley" C7="Arnold" C8="Askham". Then I think this code below would work. ^_^

$xlCellTypeLastCell = 11 
$startRow = 5

$excel = new-object -com excel.application
$wb = $"C:\users\administrator\my_test.xls")

for ($i = 1; $i -le $wb.sheets.count; $i++)
        $sh = $wb.Sheets.Item($i)
        $endRow = $sh.UsedRange.SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
        $col = $col + $i - 1
        $city = $wb.Sheets.Item($i).name
        $rangeAddress = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow, $col).Address() + ":" + $sh.Cells.Item($endRow, $col).Address()
        $sh.Range($rangeAddress).Value2 | foreach{
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{City = $city; Area=$_}


This should be the output (without the commas):

City, Area
---- ----
London, Marleybone
London, Paddington
London, Victoria
London, Hammersmith
Nottingham, Alverton
Nottingham, Annesley
Nottingham, Arnold
Nottingham, Askham

Loading an image to a <img> from <input file>

Andy E is correct that there is no HTML-based way to do this*; but if you are willing to use Flash, you can do it. The following works reliably on systems that have Flash installed. If your app needs to work on iPhone, then of course you'll need a fallback HTML-based solution.

* (Update 4/22/2013: HTML does now support this, in HTML5. See the other answers.)

Flash uploading also has other advantages -- Flash gives you the ability to show a progress bar as the upload of a large file progresses. (I'm pretty sure that's how Gmail does it, by using Flash behind the scenes, although I may be wrong about that.)

Here is a sample Flex 4 app that allows the user to pick a file, and then displays it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
               xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Button x="10" y="10" label="Choose file..." click="showFilePicker()" />
    <mx:Image id="myImage" x="9" y="44"/>
            private var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();

            // Called when the app starts.
            private function init():void
                // Set up event handlers.
                fr.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelect);
                fr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

            // Called when the user clicks "Choose file..."
            private function showFilePicker():void

            // Called when fr.browse() dispatches Event.SELECT to indicate
            // that the user has picked a file.
            private function onSelect(e:Event):void
                fr.load(); // start reading the file

            // Called when fr.load() dispatches Event.COMPLETE to indicate
            // that the file has finished loading.
            private function onComplete(e:Event):void
       =; // load the file's data into the Image

How can I strip first X characters from string using sed?

Chances are, you'll have cut as well. If so:

[me@home]$ echo "pid: 1234" | cut -d" " -f2

jQuery limit to 2 decimal places

You could use a variable to make the calculation and use toFixed when you set the #diskamountUnit element value:

var amount = $("#disk").slider("value") * 1.60;
$("#diskamountUnit").val('$' + amount.toFixed(2));

You can also do that in one step, in the val method call but IMO the first way is more readable:

$("#diskamountUnit").val('$' + ($("#disk").slider("value") * 1.60).toFixed(2));

Why doesn't Mockito mock static methods?

Mockito [3.4.0] can mock static methods!

  1. Replace mockito-core dependency with mockito-inline:3.4.0.

  2. Class with static method:

    class Buddy {
      static String name() {
        return "John";
  3. Use new method Mockito.mockStatic():

    void lookMomICanMockStaticMethods() {
      try (MockedStatic<Buddy> theMock = Mockito.mockStatic(Buddy.class)) {

    Mockito replaces the static method within the try block only.

ASP.NET Core return JSON with status code

What I do in my Asp Net Core Api applications it is to create a class that extends from ObjectResult and provide many constructors to customize the content and the status code. Then all my Controller actions use one of the costructors as appropiate. You can take a look at my implementation at:


here is how the class looks like(go to my repo for full code):

public class StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper : ObjectResult

    public StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper(AppResponse dto, int statusCode = 200) : base(dto)
        StatusCode = statusCode;

    private StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper(AppResponse dto, int statusCode, string message) : base(dto)
        StatusCode = statusCode;
        if (dto.FullMessages == null)
            dto.FullMessages = new List<string>(1);

    private StatusCodeAndDtoWrapper(AppResponse dto, int statusCode, ICollection<string> messages) : base(dto)
        StatusCode = statusCode;
        dto.FullMessages = messages;

Notice the base(dto) you replace dto by your object and you should be good to go.

Programmatically create a UIView with color gradient

Try This it worked like a charm for me,

Objective C

I have set RGB gradient background Color to UIview

   UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,35)];
   CAGradientLayer *gradient = [CAGradientLayer layer];
   gradient.frame = view.bounds;
   gradient.startPoint = CGPointZero;
   gradient.endPoint = CGPointMake(1, 1);
   gradient.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)[[UIColor colorWithRed:34.0/255.0 green:211/255.0 blue:198/255.0 alpha:1.0] CGColor],(id)[[UIColor colorWithRed:145/255.0 green:72.0/255.0 blue:203/255.0 alpha:1.0] CGColor], nil];
   [view.layer addSublayer:gradient];

enter image description here

UPDATED :- Swift3 +

Code :-

 var gradientView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 320, height: 35))
 let gradientLayer:CAGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
 gradientLayer.frame.size = self.gradientView.frame.size
 gradientLayer.colors = 
//Use diffrent colors

enter image description here

You can add starting and end point of gradient color.

  gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 1.0)
  gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)

enter image description here

For more details description refer CAGradientLayer Doc

Hope this is help for some one .

Command Prompt Error 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

If a directory has spaces in, put quotes around it. This includes the program you're calling, not just the arguments

"C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.0\430\bin\icc430.exe" "F:\CP001\source\Meter\Main.c" -D Hardware_P20E -D Calibration_code -D _Optical -D _Configuration_TS0382 -o "F:\CP001\Temp\C20EO\Obj\" --no_cse --no_unroll --no_inline --no_code_motion --no_tbaa --debug -D__MSP430F425 -e --double=32 --dlib_config "C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.0\430\lib\dlib\dl430fn.h" -Ol --multiplier=16 --segment __data16=DATA16 --segment __data20=DATA20

Visual Studio 2017 error: Unable to start program, An operation is not legal in the current state

This error message appeared for me when I tried to debug two solutions at the same time as I wanted to visually compare the differences. Unchecking the Enable JavaScript Debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome and IE) option worked, but I am still confused why I could not debug more than one solution at a time. Since it is a known issue, maybe this will be address in an update from Visual Studio. Here is to hoping ....

Converting Hexadecimal String to Decimal Integer

void htod(String hexadecimal)
    int h = hexadecimal.length() - 1;
    int d = 0;
    int n = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i<hexadecimal.length(); i++)
        char ch = hexadecimal.charAt(i);
        boolean flag = false;
            case '1': n = 1; break;
            case '2': n = 2; break;
            case '3': n = 3; break;
            case '4': n = 4; break;
            case '5': n = 5; break;
            case '6': n = 6; break;
            case '7': n = 7; break;
            case '8': n = 8; break;
            case '9': n = 9; break;
            case 'A': n = 10; break;
            case 'B': n = 11; break;
            case 'C': n = 12; break;
            case 'D': n = 13; break;
            case 'E': n = 14; break;
            case 'F': n = 15; break;
            default : flag = true;
            System.out.println("Wrong Entry"); 
        d = (int)(n*(Math.pow(16,h))) + (int)d;
    System.out.println("The decimal form of hexadecimal number "+hexadecimal+" is " + d);

What is the difference between, and localhost? is normally the IP address assigned to the "loopback" or local-only interface. This is a "fake" network adapter that can only communicate within the same host. It's often used when you want a network-capable application to only serve clients on the same host. A process that is listening on for connections will only receive local connections on that socket.

"localhost" is normally the hostname for the IP address. It's usually set in /etc/hosts (or the Windows equivalent named "hosts" somewhere under %WINDIR%). You can use it just like any other hostname - try "ping localhost" to see how it resolves to has a couple of different meanings, but in this context, when a server is told to listen on that means "listen on every available network interface". The loopback adapter with IP address from the perspective of the server process looks just like any other network adapter on the machine, so a server told to listen on will accept connections on that interface too.

That hopefully answers the IP side of your question. I'm not familiar with Jekyll or Vagrant, but I'm guessing that your port forwarding 8080 => 4000 is somehow bound to a particular network adapter, so it isn't in the path when you connect locally to

input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql

For me, It's working like this one.

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin> psql -U postgres -p 5432  -d dummy -f C:\Users\Downloads\d2cm_test.sql

What is the best way to remove a table row with jQuery?

function removeRow(row) {

<tr onmousedown="removeRow(this)"><td>Foo</td></tr>

Maybe something like this could work as well? I haven't tried doing something with "this", so I don't know if it works or not.

SQL Stored Procedure: If variable is not null, update statement

Use a T-SQL IF:


Take a look at the MSDN docs.

Nginx fails to load css files

I was having the same issue and none of the above made any difference for me what did work was having my location php above any other location blocks.

location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {
fastcgi_split_path_info  ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_index            index.php;
fastcgi_pass             unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock;
include                  fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param   PATH_INFO       $fastcgi_path_info;
fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
** The below is specifically for moodle **
location /dataroot/ {
alias <full_moodledata_path>; # ensure the path ends with /

Mercurial: how to amend the last commit?

With the release of Mercurial 2.2, you can use the --amend option with hg commit to update the last commit with the current working directory

From the command line reference:

The --amend flag can be used to amend the parent of the working directory with a new commit that contains the changes in the parent in addition to those currently reported by hg status, if there are any. The old commit is stored in a backup bundle in .hg/strip-backup (see hg help bundle and hg help unbundle on how to restore it).

Message, user and date are taken from the amended commit unless specified. When a message isn't specified on the command line, the editor will open with the message of the amended commit.

The great thing is that this mechanism is "safe", because it relies on the relatively new "Phases" feature to prevent updates that would change history that's already been made available outside of the local repository.

How to make a HTML list appear horizontally instead of vertically using CSS only?

You will have to use something like below

#menu ul{_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
#menu li{_x000D_
  display: inline;_x000D_
<div id="menu">_x000D_
    <li>First menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>Second menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>Third menu item</li>_x000D_

What does appending "?v=1" to CSS and JavaScript URLs in link and script tags do?

In order to answer you questions;

"?v=1" this is written only beacuse to download a fresh copy of the css and js files instead of using from the cache of the browser.

If you mention this query string parameter at the end of your stylesheet or the js file then it forces the browser to download a new file, Due to which the recent changes in the .css and .js files are made effetive in your browser.

If you dont use this versioning then you may need to clear the cache of refresh the page in order to view the recent changes in those files.

Here is an article that explains this thing How and Why to make versioning of CSS and JS files

How should I use try-with-resources with JDBC?

What about creating an additional wrapper class?

package com.naveen.research.sql;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public abstract class PreparedStatementWrapper implements AutoCloseable {

    protected PreparedStatement stat;

    public PreparedStatementWrapper(Connection con, String query, Object ... params) throws SQLException {
        this.stat = con.prepareStatement(query);

    protected abstract void prepareStatement(Object ... params) throws SQLException;

    public ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
        return this.stat.executeQuery();

    public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
        return this.stat.executeUpdate();

    public void close() {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

Then in the calling class you can implement prepareStatement method as:

try (Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(JDBC_URL, prop);
    PreparedStatementWrapper stat = new PreparedStatementWrapper(con, query,
                new Object[] { 123L, "TEST" }) {
            protected void prepareStatement(Object... params) throws SQLException {
                stat.setLong(1, Long.class.cast(params[0]));
                stat.setString(2, String.valueOf(params[1]));
        ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();) {
    while (
        System.out.println(String.format("%s, %s", rs.getString(2), rs.getString(1)));
} catch (SQLException e) {

What is the correct syntax of ng-include?

    <ng-include src="'views/sidepanel.html'"></ng-include>


    <div ng-include="'views/sidepanel.html'"></div>


    <div ng-include src="'views/sidepanel.html'"></div>

Points To Remember:

--> No spaces in src

--> Remember to use single quotation in double quotation for src

How to populate a sub-document in mongoose after creating it?

@user1417684 and @chris-foster are right!

excerpt from working code (without error handling):

var SubItemModel = mongoose.model('subitems', SubItemSchema);
var ItemModel    = mongoose.model('items', ItemSchema);

var new_sub_item_model = new SubItemModel(new_sub_item_plain); (error, new_sub_item) {

  var new_item = new ItemModel(new_item);
  new_item.subitem = new_sub_item._id; (error, new_item) {
    // so this is a valid way to populate via the Model
    // as documented in comments above (here @stack overflow):
    ItemModel.populate(new_item, { path: 'subitem', model: 'subitems' }, function(error, new_item) {
    // or populate directly on the result object
    new_item.populate('subitem', function(error, new_item) {


Scala vs. Groovy vs. Clojure

Obviously, the syntax are completely different (Groovy is closest to Java), but I suppose that is not what you are asking for.

If you are interested in using them to script a Java application, Scala is probably not a good choice, as there is no easy way to evaluate it from Java, whereas Groovy is especially suited for that purpose.

MySQL said: Documentation #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Try this:

1. xampp/htdocs/xampp/cds.php

change line 4 to: mysql_connect("localhost","root","enter password here");
change line 64 to: if(!mysql_connect("localhost","root","enter password here"))

From here

Angular @ViewChild() error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

it is because view child require two argument try like this

@ViewChild('nameInput', { static: false, }) nameInputRef: ElementRef;

@ViewChild('amountInput', { static: false, }) amountInputRef: ElementRef;

how to change the default positioning of modal in bootstrap?

If you need to change the bottom position of the modal, you need to modify the max-height of the modal-body:

.modal-body {
  max-height: 75vh;

As other answers have said, you can adjust the right and top on the modal-dialog :

.modal-dialog {
  top: 10vh;
  right: 5vw;
  • "vh" means "% of view height"
  • "vw" means "% of view width"

C/C++ check if one bit is set in, i.e. int variable

You could "simulate" shifting and masking: if((0x5e/(2*2*2))%2) ...

Convert JS date time to MySQL datetime

The venerable DateJS library has a formatting routine (it overrides ".toString()"). You could also do one yourself pretty easily because the "Date" methods give you all the numbers you need.

How to convert date format to milliseconds?

You could use

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
long millis = cal.getTimeInMillis();

Bootstrap 4 dropdown with search

dropdown with search using bootstrap 4.4.0 version

function myFunction() {

function filterFunction() {
  var input, filter, ul, li, a, i;
  input = document.getElementById("myInput");
  filter = input.value.toUpperCase();
    = document.getElementById("myDropdown");
  a = div.getElementsByTagName("a");
  for (i = 0; i <
    a.length; i++) {
    txtValue = a[i].textContent || a[i].innerText;
    if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) {
      a[i].style.display = "";
    } else {
      a[i].style.display = "none";
#myInput {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  background-image: url('searchicon.png');
  background-position: 14px 12px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  font-size: 16px;
  padding: 14px 20px 12px 45px;
  border: none;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;

.dropdown-content {
  display: none;
  position: absolute;
  background-color: #f6f6f6;
  min-width: 230px;
  overflow: auto;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  z-index: 1;

.dropdown-content a {
  color: black;
  padding: 12px 16px;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: block;

.dropdown a:hover {
  background-color: #ddd;

.show {
  display: block;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/umd/popper.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="dropdown">
  <button onclick="myFunction()" class="dropbtn">Dropdown</button>
  <div id="myDropdown" class="dropdown-content">
    <input type="text" placeholder="Search.." id="myInput" onkeyup="filterFunction()">
    <a href="#about">home</a>
    <a href="#base">contact</a>


The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found

If cleaning the solution didn't work and for anybody who see's this question and tried moving a project or renaming.

Open Package manager console and type "dotnet restore".

Determine a user's timezone

Here is a more complete way.

  1. Get the timezone offset for the user
  2. Test some days on daylight saving boundaries to determine if they are in a zone that uses daylight saving.

An excerpt is below:

function TimezoneDetect(){
    var dtDate = new Date('1/1/' + (new Date()).getUTCFullYear());
    var intOffset = 10000; //set initial offset high so it is adjusted on the first attempt
    var intMonth;
    var intHoursUtc;
    var intHours;
    var intDaysMultiplyBy;

    // Go through each month to find the lowest offset to account for DST
    for (intMonth=0;intMonth < 12;intMonth++){
        //go to the next month
        dtDate.setUTCMonth(dtDate.getUTCMonth() + 1);

        // To ignore daylight saving time look for the lowest offset.
        // Since, during DST, the clock moves forward, it'll be a bigger number.
        if (intOffset > (dtDate.getTimezoneOffset() * (-1))){
            intOffset = (dtDate.getTimezoneOffset() * (-1));

    return intOffset;

Getting TZ and DST from JS (via Way Back Machine)

What is an unsigned char?

unsigned char takes only positive values: 0 to 255 while signed char takes positive and negative values: -128 to +127.

read.csv warning 'EOF within quoted string' prevents complete reading of file

I'm a new-ish R user and thought I'd post this in case it helps anyone else. I was trying to read in data from a text file (separated with commas) that included a few Spanish characters and it took me forever to figure it out. I knew I needed to use UTF-8 encoding, set the header arg to TRUE, and that I need to set the sep arguemnt to ",", but then I still got hang ups. After reading this post I tried setting the fill arg to TRUE, but then got the same "EOF within quoted string" which I was able to fix in the same manner as above. My successful read.table looks like this:

target <- read.table("target2.txt", fill=TRUE, header=TRUE, quote="", sep=",", encoding="UTF-8")

The result has Spanish language characters and same dims I had originally, so I'm calling it a success! Thanks all!

regular expression to validate datetime format (MM/DD/YYYY)

In this case, to validate Date (DD-MM-YYYY) or (DD/MM/YYYY), with a year between 1900 and 2099,like this with month and Days validation

if (!Regex.Match(txtDob.Text, @"^(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0,1])([/+-])(0[1-9]|1[0-2])([/+-])(19|20)[0-9]{2}$").Success)                  
   MessageBox.Show("InValid Date of Birth");