Programs & Examples On #Connection

Refers to a connection used to transfer data between two endpoints, such as between a client and a web, database, web service or other server.

MySQL show status - active or total connections?

To see a more complete list you can run:

show session status;


show global status;

See this link to better understand the usage.

If you want to know details about the database you can run:


Why would a " Connection timed out" exception occur when URL is up?

I'd recommend raising the connection timeout time before getting the output stream, like so:


Where 1000 is in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second).

Oracle - What TNS Names file am I using?

For Windows: Filemon from SysInternals will show you what files are being accessed.

Remember to set your filters so you are not overwhelmed by the chatty file system traffic.

Filter Dialog

Added: Filemon does not work with newer Windows versions, so you might have to use Process Monitor.

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://localhost refused in android

When you test with device you want to add your PC ip address.

in pc run in cmd Ipconfig

in ubuntu run terminal ifconfig

Then use "http://your_pc_ip_address:8080/register" insted of using ""

in my pc =

and also add internet permission to Manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>

mySQL Error 1040: Too Many Connection

you need check your all connection. Then try to close it one by one. it maybe caused by one of your connection.

I have similar case, the root cause come from my monitoring server. So when I closed it, it works.

java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;

you can use LocalRegistry such as:

Registry rgsty = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1888);
rgsty.rebind("hello", hello);

How to check if internet connection is present in Java?

The following piece of code allows us to get the status of the network on our Android device

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            TextView mtv=findViewById(;
            ConnectivityManager connectivityManager=
                  (ConnectivityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {

What is the functionality of setSoTimeout and how it works?

Does it mean that I'm blocking reading any input from the Server/Client for this socket for 2000 millisecond and after this time the socket is ready to read data?

No, it means that if no data arrives within 2000ms a SocketTimeoutException will be thrown.

What does it mean timeout expire?

It means the 2000ms (in your case) elapses without any data arriving.

What is the option which must be enabled prior to blocking operation?

There isn't one that 'must be' enabled. If you mean 'may be enabled', this is one of them.

Infinite Timeout menas that the socket does't read anymore?

What a strange suggestion. It means that if no data ever arrives you will block in the read forever.

How do I connect to mongodb with node.js (and authenticate)?

I'm using Mongoose to connect to mongodb. Install mongoose npm using following command

npm install mongoose

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/database_name', function(err){
        console.log('database not connected');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var userschema = new Schema ({});
var user = mongoose.model('collection_name', userschema);

we can use the queries like this


Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

Store connection string in web.config

It is a good practice to store the connection string for your application in a config file rather than as a hard coded string in your code. The way to do this differs between .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5 (and above). This article cover both.

How to grant remote access permissions to mysql server for user?

Two steps:

  1. set up user with wildcard:
    create user 'root'@'%' identified by 'some_characters'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'some_characters' WITH GRANT OPTION

  2. vim /etc/my.cnf
    add the following:

restart server, you should not have any problem connecting to it.

Artificially create a connection timeout error

Connect to a non-routable IP address, such as

Eclipse : Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection refused.

when you have Failed to connect to remote VM Connection refused error, restart your eclipse

How to check if a socket is connected/disconnected in C#?

As Paul Turner answered Socket.Connected cannot be used in this situation. You need to poll connection every time to see if connection is still active. This is code I used:

bool SocketConnected(Socket s)
    bool part1 = s.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead);
    bool part2 = (s.Available == 0);
    if (part1 && part2)
        return false;
        return true;

It works like this:

  • s.Poll returns true if
    • connection is closed, reset, terminated or pending (meaning no active connection)
    • connection is active and there is data available for reading
  • s.Available returns number of bytes available for reading
  • if both are true:
    • there is no data available to read so connection is not active

Cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication

Had the same issue, but executing the queries alone will not help. To fix this I did the following,

  1. Set old_passwords=0 in my.cnf file
  2. Restart mysql
  3. Login to mysql as root user

CodeIgniter: Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings Error Message

Today I fallen this kind of problem in live server and i solved the problem changing this line

$db['default']['db_debug'] = TRUE;


$db['default']['db_debug'] = FALSE;

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

Please check to see if you are connected to the network if this is a domain member PC. Also, make sure you are not on a dual home PC as your routes may be incorrect due to network metrics. I had this issue when I could not connect to the domain the SQL windows authentication switched to the local PC account but registered it as a SQL authentication. Once I disabled my wireless adapter and rebooted, the Windows integration switched back to the domain account and authenticated fine. I had already set up Mixed mode as you had already done as well so the previous posts do not apply.

How to detect the physical connected state of a network cable/connector?

I was using my OpenWRT enhanced device as a repeater (which adds virtual ethernet and wireless lan capabilities) and found that the /sys/class/net/eth0 carrier and opstate values were unreliable. I played around with /sys/class/net/eth0.1 and /sys/class/net/eth0.2 as well with (at least to my finding) no reliable way to detect that something was physically plugged in and talking on any of the ethernet ports. I figured out a bit crude but seemingly reliable way to detect if anything had been plugged in since the last reboot/poweron state at least (which worked exactly as I needed it to in my case).

ifconfig eth0 | grep -o 'RX packets:[0-9]*' | grep -o '[0-9]*'

You'll get a 0 if nothing has been plugged in and something > 0 if anything has been plugged in (even if it was plugged in and since removed) since the last power on or reboot cycle.

Hope this helps somebody out at least!

How to determine total number of open/active connections in ms sql server 2005

Use this to get an accurate count for each connection pool (assuming each user/host process uses the same connection string)

DB_NAME(dbid) as DBName, 
COUNT(dbid) as NumberOfConnections,
loginame as LoginName, hostname, hostprocess
sys.sysprocesses with (nolock)
dbid > 0
dbid, loginame, hostname, hostprocess

How to create user for a db in postgresql?

Create the user with a password :

CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ]

where option can be:

    | CONNECTION LIMIT connlimit
    | VALID UNTIL 'timestamp'
    | IN ROLE role_name [, ...]
    | IN GROUP role_name [, ...]
    | ROLE role_name [, ...]
    | ADMIN role_name [, ...]
    | USER role_name [, ...]
    | SYSID uid

Then grant the user rights on a specific database :

Example :

grant all privileges on database db_name to someuser; Connection reset

Whenever I have had odd issues like this, I usually sit down with a tool like WireShark and look at the raw data being passed back and forth. You might be surprised where things are being disconnected, and you are only being notified when you try and read.

How to kill MySQL connections

As above mentioned, there is no special command to do it. However, if all those connection are inactive, using 'flush tables;' is able to release all those connection which are not active.

Python [Errno 98] Address already in use

First of all find the python process ID using this command

ps -fA | grep python

You will get a pid number by naming of your python process on second column

Then kill the process using this command

kill -9 pid

"Proxy server connection failed" in google chrome

I had the same problem with a freshly installed copy of Chrome. If nothing works, and your Use a proxy server your LAN setting is unchecked, check it and then uncheck it . Believe it or not it might work. I don't know if I should consider it a bug or not.

HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection?

HTTP HEAD requests must be treated slightly differently because response.getEntity() is null. Instead, you must capture the HttpContext passed into HttpClient.execute() and retrieve the connection parameter to close it (in HttpComponents 4.1.X anyway).

HttpRequest httpRqst = new HttpHead( uri );
HttpContext httpContext = httpFactory.createContext();
HttpResponse httpResp = httpClient.execute( httpRqst, httpContext );


// Close when finished
HttpEntity entity = httpResp.getEntity();
if( null != entity )
  // Handles standard 'GET' case
  EntityUtils.consume( entity );
else {
  ConnectionReleaseTrigger  conn =
      (ConnectionReleaseTrigger) httpContext.getAttribute( ExecutionContext.HTTP_CONNECTION );
  // Handles 'HEAD' where entity is not returned
  if( null != conn )

HttpComponents 4.2.X added a releaseConnection() to HttpRequestBase to make this easier.

Rmi connection refused with localhost

One difference we can note in Windows is:

If you use Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rmiregistry 1024");

you can see rmiregistry.exe process will run in your Task Manager

whereas if you use Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1024);

you can not see the process running in Task Manager,

I think Java handles it in a different way.

and this is my server.policy file

Before running the the application, make sure that you killed all your existing javaw.exe and rmiregistry.exe corresponds to your rmi programs which are already running.

The following code works for me by using Registry.LocateRegistry() or


// Standard extensions get all permissions by default

grant {

VM argument



package server;    

import java.rmi.Naming;
import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;

public class HelloServer 
  public static void main (String[] argv) 
    try {

            System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

 Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rmiregistry 1024");

 //     Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1024);
   //   registry.rebind ("Hello", new Hello ("Hello,From pvt ltd!"));
   //Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Users\\Durai\\workspace\\RMI\\src\\server\\rmi_registry_start.bat");

        Naming.rebind ("//localhost:1024/Hello",new Hello ("Hello,From pvt ltd!")); 
      System.out.println ("Server is connected and ready for operation.");
    catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println ("Server not connected: " + e);

java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

As you are creating a database from scratch, you could use:

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/?user=root&password=rootpassword"); 
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("CREATE DATABASE databasename");
int result = ps.executeUpdate();

Here is an identical scenario.

Failed to connect to mysql at with user root access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'(using password:YES)

I faced this issue after using Vast cleanup. Basically mysql instance starts on PC startup and it is active in background all the time even when not in use.

Mistakenly I've stopped it

Failed to connect to mysql at with user root access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'(using password:YES)

Solution which worked for me:

type in mysql command line client. As soon as you open you will be prompted with password

-> mysql -u root -p -h -P 3306

and finally it works even when you switch back to workbench.

How to create a bash script to check the SSH connection?

Complementing the response of @Adrià Cidre you can do:

status=$(ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=5 user@host echo ok 2>&1)

if [[ $status == ok ]] ; then
  echo auth ok, do something
elif [[ $status == "Permission denied"* ]] ; then
  echo no_auth
  echo other_error

"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send." With SSL Certificate

In my case the site that I'm connecting to has upgraded to TLS 1.2. As a result I had to install .net 4.5.2 on my web server in order to support it.

Draw a connecting line between two elements

JointJS/Rappid supports this use case with its Kitchensink example which supports dragging and dropping of elements, and repositioning of connections. It has many examples.

This answer is based off of Vainbhav Jain's answer.

How do multiple clients connect simultaneously to one port, say 80, on a server?

Multiple clients can connect to the same port (say 80) on the server because on the server side, after creating a socket and binding (setting local IP and port) listen is called on the socket which tells the OS to accept incoming connections.

When a client tries to connect to server on port 80, the accept call is invoked on the server socket. This creates a new socket for the client trying to connect and similarly new sockets will be created for subsequent clients using same port 80.

Words in italics are system calls.


How do I start Mongo DB from Windows?

It is properly written over here

If you download the .msi file then install it and if you download the zip file then extract it.

Set up the MongoDB environment.

MongoDB requires a data directory to store all data. MongoDB’s default data directory path is \data\db. Create this folder using the following commands from a Command Prompt:

md \data\db

You can specify an alternate path for data files using the --dbpath option to mongod.exe, for example:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath d:\test\mongodb\data

If your path includes spaces, enclose the entire path in double quotes, for example:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath "d:\test\mongo db data"

You may also specify the dbpath in a configuration file.

Start MongoDB.

To start MongoDB, run mongod.exe. For example, from the Command Prompt:


Connect to MongoDB.

To connect to MongoDB through the mongo.exe shell, open another Command Prompt.


Using R to download zipped data file, extract, and import data

Just for the record, I tried translating Dirk's answer into code :-P

temp <- tempfile()
con <- unz(temp, "a1.dat")
data <- matrix(scan(con),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)

Connection string with relative path to the database file

This worked for me:

string Connection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="
    + HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\myPath\\myFile.db")
    + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES\"";

I'm querying an XLSX file so don't worry about any of the other stuff in the connection string but the Data Source.

So my answer is:


Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

While many are taking the approach to stop/disable IIS, it may be helpful to know that you can simply modify the XAMPP port, which has been answered here. This is the route I had to take as I need both running.

Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket

You can also check the .IsConnected property of the socket if you were to poll.

What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

  1. What is the difference between connection and read timeout for sockets?

The connection timeout is the timeout in making the initial connection; i.e. completing the TCP connection handshake. The read timeout is the timeout on waiting to read data1. If the server (or network) fails to deliver any data <timeout> seconds after the client makes a socket read call, a read timeout error will be raised.

  1. What does connection timeout set to "infinity" mean? In what situation can it remain in an infinitive loop? and what can trigger that the infinity-loop dies?

It means that the connection attempt can potentially block for ever. There is no infinite loop, but the attempt to connect can be unblocked by another thread closing the socket. (A Thread.interrupt() call may also do the trick ... not sure.)

  1. What does read timeout set to "infinity" mean? In what situation can it remain in an infinite loop? What can trigger that the infinite loop to end?

It means that a call to read on the socket stream may block for ever. Once again there is no infinite loop, but the read can be unblocked by a Thread.interrupt() call, closing the socket, and (of course) the other end sending data or closing the connection.

1 - It is not ... as one commenter thought ... the timeout on how long a socket can be open, or idle.

MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory

The error 2002 means that MySQL can't connect to local database server through the socket file (e.g. /tmp/mysql.sock).

To find out where is your socket file, run:

mysql_config --socket

then double check that your application uses the right Unix socket file or connect through the TCP/IP port instead.

Then double check if your PHP has the right MySQL socket set-up:

php -i | grep mysql.default_socket

and make sure that file exists.

Test the socket:

mysql --socket=/var/mysql/mysql.sock

If the Unix socket is wrong or does not exist, you may symlink it, for example:

ln -vs /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock

or correct your configuration file (e.g. php.ini).

To test the PDO connection directly from PHP, you may run:

php -r "new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=dbname', 'root', 'root');"

Check also the configuration between Apache and CLI (command-line interface), as the configuration can be differ.

It might be that the server is running, but you are trying to connect using a TCP/IP port, named pipe, or Unix socket file different from the one on which the server is listening. To correct that you need to invoke a client program (e.g. specifying --port option) to indicate the proper port number, or the proper named pipe or Unix socket file (e.g. --socket option).

See: Troubleshooting Problems Connecting to MySQL

Other utils/commands which can help to track the problem:

  • mysql --socket=$(php -r 'echo ini_get("mysql.default_socket");')
  • netstat -ln | grep mysql
  • php -r "phpinfo();" | grep mysql
  • php -i | grep mysql
  • Use XDebug with xdebug.show_exception_trace=1 in your xdebug.ini
  • On OS X try sudo dtruss -fn mysqld, on Linux debug with strace
  • Check permissions on Unix socket: stat $(mysql_config --socket) and if you've enough free space (df -h).
  • Restart your MySQL.
  • Check net.core.somaxconn.

How to test an Internet connection with bash?

Without ping


wget -q --spider

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Online"
    echo "Offline"

-q : Silence mode

--spider : don't get, just check page availability

$? : shell return code

0 : shell "All OK" code

Without wget


echo -e "GET HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc 80 > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Online"
    echo "Offline"

What port is used by Java RMI connection?

The port is available here: java.rmi.registry.Registry.REGISTRY_PORT (1099)

How do I get the height and width of the Android Navigation Bar programmatically?

I resolved this issue for all devices(including Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy Nexus 6 edge+, Samsung S10, Samsung Note II etc.). I think this will help you to handle device dependant issues.

Here I am adding two types of codes,

Java Code(for Native Android):

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.WindowManager;

public class DeviceSpec {

    private int resourceID = -1;
    private Display display = null;
    private DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = null;
    private DisplayMetrics realDisplayMetrics = null;
    private Resources resources = null;
    private WindowManager windowManager = null;

    public double GetNavigationBarHeight(Context context) {
        try {
            windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
            display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
            displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                realDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                if(displayMetrics.heightPixels != realDisplayMetrics.heightPixels) {
                    resources = context.getResources();
                    return GetNavigationBarSize(context);
            else {
                resources = context.getResources();
                resourceID = resources.getIdentifier("config_showNavigationBar", "bool", "android");
                if (resourceID > 0 && resources.getBoolean(resourceID))
                    return GetNavigationBarSize(context);
        catch (Exception e){
        return 0;

    private double GetNavigationBarSize(Context context) {
        resourceID = resources.getIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
        if (resourceID > 0 && ViewConfiguration.get(context).hasPermanentMenuKey())
           return (resources.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceID) / displayMetrics.density);
        return 0;

And C# code(for Xamarin Forms/Android)

int resourceId = -1;
        IWindowManager windowManager = null;
        Display defaultDisplay = null;
        DisplayMetrics displayMatrics = null;
        DisplayMetrics realMatrics = null;
        Resources resources = null;

        public double NavigationBarHeight
                    windowManager = Forms.Context.GetSystemService(Context.WindowService).JavaCast<IWindowManager>();
                    defaultDisplay = windowManager.DefaultDisplay;
                    displayMatrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                    if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.JellyBeanMr2)
                        realMatrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                        if (displayMatrics.HeightPixels != realMatrics.HeightPixels)
                            resources = Forms.Context.Resources;
                            return GetHeightOfNivigationBar();
                    else {
                        resources = Forms.Context.Resources;
                        resourceId = resources.GetIdentifier("config_showNavigationBar", "bool", "android");
                        if (resourceId > 0 && resources.GetBoolean(resourceId))
                            return GetHeightOfNivigationBar();
                catch (Exception e) { }
                return 0;

        private double GetHeightOfNivigationBar()
            resourceId = resources.GetIdentifier("navigation_bar_height", "dimen", "android");
            if (!ViewConfiguration.Get(Forms.Context).HasPermanentMenuKey && resourceId > 0)
                return resources.GetDimensionPixelSize(resourceId) / displayMatrics.Density;
            return 0;

Ansible date variable

The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts

What's the yield keyword in JavaScript?

Fibonacci sequence generator using the yield keyword.

function* fibbonaci(){
    var a = -1, b = 1, c;
        c = a + b;
        a = b;
        b = c;
        yield c;

var fibonacciGenerator = fibbonaci();; // 0; // 1; // 1; // 2 

Bootstrap alert in a fixed floating div at the top of page

The simplest approach would be to use any of these class utilities that Bootstrap provides:

<div class="position-fixed">...</div>
<div class="position-sticky">...</div>
<div class="fixed-top">...</div>
<div class="fixed-bottom">...</div>
<div class="sticky-top">...</div>

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php on line 1610

I solved this issue to update .htaccess file inside your workspace (like C:\xampp\htdocs\Nayan\.htaccess in my case).

Just update or add this php_value max_execution_time 300 line before # END WordPress. Then save the file and try to install again.

If the error occurs again, you can maximize the value from 300 to 600.

How can I change or remove HTML5 form validation default error messages?

you can remove this alert by doing following:

<input type="text" pattern="[a-zA-Z]+"
    oninvalid="setCustomValidity(' ')"

just set the custom message to one blank space

Why doesn't java.util.Set have get(int index)?

Please note only 2 basic data structure can be accessed via index.

  • Array data structure can be accessed via index with O(1) time complexity to achieve get(int index) operation.
  • LinkedList data structure can also be accessed via index, but with O(n) time complexity to achieve get(int index) operation.

In Java, ArrayList is implemented using Array data structure.

While Set data structure usually can be implemented via HashTable/HashMap or BalancedTree data structure, for fast detecting whether an element exists and add non-existing element, usually a well implemented Set can achieve O(1) time complexity contains operation. In Java, HashSet is the most common used implementation of Set, it is implemented by calling HashMap API, and HashMap is implemented using separate chaining with linked lists (a combination of Array and LinkedList).

Since Set can be implemented via different data structure, there is no get(int index) method for it.

Creating folders inside a GitHub repository without using Git

You can also just enter the website and:

  1. Choose a repository you have write access to (example URL)
  2. Click "Upload files"
  3. Drag and drop a folder with files into the "Drag files here to add them to your repository" area.

The same limitation applies here: the folder must contain at least one file inside it.

Why do package names often begin with "com"

This is what Sun-Oracle documentation says:

Package names are written in all lower case to avoid conflict with the names of classes or interfaces.

Companies use their reversed Internet domain name to begin their package names—for example, com.example.mypackage for a package named mypackage created by a programmer at

How to navigate through a vector using iterators? (C++)

Typically, iterators are used to access elements of a container in linear fashion; however, with "random access iterators", it is possible to access any element in the same fashion as operator[].

To access arbitrary elements in a vector vec, you can use the following:

vec.begin()                  // 1st
vec.begin()+1                // 2nd
// ...
vec.begin()+(i-1)            // ith
// ...
vec.begin()+(vec.size()-1)   // last

The following is an example of a typical access pattern (earlier versions of C++):

int sum = 0;
using Iter = std::vector<int>::const_iterator;
for (Iter it = vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); ++it) {
    sum += *it;

The advantage of using iterator is that you can apply the same pattern with other containers:

sum = 0;
for (Iter it = lst.begin(); it!=lst.end(); ++it) {
    sum += *it;

For this reason, it is really easy to create template code that will work the same regardless of the container type. Another advantage of iterators is that it doesn't assume the data is resident in memory; for example, one could create a forward iterator that can read data from an input stream, or that simply generates data on the fly (e.g. a range or random number generator).

Another option using std::for_each and lambdas:

sum = 0;
std::for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [&sum](int i) { sum += i; });

Since C++11 you can use auto to avoid specifying a very long, complicated type name of the iterator as seen before (or even more complex):

sum = 0;
for (auto it = vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); ++it) {
    sum += *it;

And, in addition, there is a simpler for-each variant:

sum = 0;
for (auto value : vec) {
    sum += value;

And finally there is also std::accumulate where you have to be careful whether you are adding integer or floating point numbers.

Change value of input placeholder via model?

The accepted answer still threw a Javascript error in IE for me (for Angular 1.2 at least). It is a bug but the workaround is to use ngAttr detailed on

<input type="text" ng-model="inputText" ng-attr-placeholder="{{somePlaceholder}}" />


Best practice when adding whitespace in JSX

I have been trying to think of a good convention to use when placing text next to components on different lines, and found a couple good options:

    Hello {


    Hello {}
    {} again!

Each of these produces clean html without additional &nbsp; or other extraneous markup. It creates fewer text nodes than using {' '}, and allows using of html entities where {' hello &amp; goodbye '} does not.

public static const in TypeScript

Thank you WiredPrairie!

Just to expand on your answer a bit, here is a complete example of defining a constants class.

// CYConstants.ts

class CYConstants {
    public static get NOT_FOUND(): number    { return -1; }
    public static get EMPTY_STRING(): string { return ""; }

export = CYConstants;

To use

// main.ts

import CYConstants = require("./CYConstants");

console.log(CYConstants.NOT_FOUND);    // Prints -1
console.log(CYConstants.EMPTY_STRING); // Prints "" (Nothing!)

Why can't C# interfaces contain fields?

Why not just have a Year property, which is perfectly fine?

Interfaces don't contain fields because fields represent a specific implementation of data representation, and exposing them would break encapsulation. Thus having an interface with a field would effectively be coding to an implementation instead of an interface, which is a curious paradox for an interface to have!

For instance, part of your Year specification might require that it be invalid for ICar implementers to allow assignment to a Year which is later than the current year + 1 or before 1900. There's no way to say that if you had exposed Year fields -- far better to use properties instead to do the work here.

Comparison of C++ unit test frameworks

Boost Test Library is a very good choice especially if you're already using Boost.

// TODO: Include your class to test here.
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

    // To simplify this example test, let's suppose we'll test 'float'.
    // Some test are stupid, but all should pass.
    float x = 9.5f;

    BOOST_CHECK(x != 0.0f);
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL((int)x, 9);
    BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(x, 9.5f, 0.0001f); // Checks differ no more then 0.0001%

It supports:

  • Automatic or manual tests registration
  • Many assertions
  • Automatic comparison of collections
  • Various output formats (including XML)
  • Fixtures / Templates...

PS: I wrote an article about it that may help you getting started: C++ Unit Testing Framework: A Boost Test Tutorial

How to open specific tab of bootstrap nav tabs on click of a particuler link using jQuery?

    function updateURL(url_params) {
        if (history.pushState) {
        var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + '?' + url_params;

    function setActiveTab(tab) {
        $('.nav-tabs li').removeClass('active');
        $('.tab-content .tab-pane').removeClass('active');

        $('a[href="#tab-' + tab + '"]').closest('li').addClass('active');
        $('#tab-' + tab).addClass('active');

    // Set active tab
    $url_params = new URLSearchParams(;

    // Get active tab and remember it
        .on('click', function() {
        $href = $(this).attr('href')
        $active_tab = $href.replace('#tab-', '');

        $url_params.set('tab', $active_tab);

    if ($url_params.has('tab')) {
        $tab = $url_params.get('tab');
        $tab = '#tab-' + $tab;
        $myTab = JSON.stringify($tab);
        $thisTab = $('.nav-tabs a[href=' + $myTab  +']');
        $('.nav-tabs a[href=' + $myTab  +']').tab('show');

How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript?

Use onkeyup on the text box and check the keycode of the key pressed, if its between 65 and 90, allow else empty the text box.

How to use numpy.genfromtxt when first column is string and the remaining columns are numbers?

You can use numpy.recfromcsv(filename): the types of each column will be automatically determined (as if you use np.genfromtxt() with dtype=None), and by default delimiter=",". It's basically a shortcut for np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=",", dtype=None) that Pierre GM pointed at in his answer.

Get time of specific timezone

If it's really important that you have the correct date and time; it's best to have a service on your server (which you of course have running in UTC) that returns the time. You can then create a new Date on the client and compare the values and if necessary adjust all dates with the offset from the server time.

Why do this? I've had bug reports that was hard to reproduce because I could not find the error messages in the server log, until I noticed that the bug report was mailed two days after I'd received it. You can probably trust the browser to correctly handle time-zone conversion when being sent a UTC timestamp, but you obviously cannot trust the users to have their system clock correctly set. (If the users have their timezone incorrectly set too, there is not really any solution; other than printing the current server time in "local" time)

How do I get the file name from a String containing the Absolute file path?

getFileName() method of java.nio.file.Path used to return the name of the file or directory pointed by this path object.

Path getFileName()

For reference:

Getting the minimum of two values in SQL

Use a temp table to insert the range of values, then select the min/max of the temp table from within a stored procedure or UDF. This is a basic construct, so feel free to revise as needed.

For example:


    CREATE TABLE #speed (Driver NVARCHAR(10), SPEED INT);
    ' Insert any number of data you need to sort and pull from
    INSERT INTO #speed (N'Petty', 165)
    INSERT INTO #speed (N'Earnhardt', 172)
    INSERT INTO #speed (N'Patrick', 174)


    DROP TABLE #speed


How to add border around linear layout except at the bottom?

Create an XML file named border.xml in the drawable folder and put the following code in it.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <shape android:shape="rectangle">
      <solid android:color="#FF0000" /> 
    <item android:left="5dp" android:right="5dp"  android:top="5dp" >  
     <shape android:shape="rectangle"> 
      <solid android:color="#000000" />

Then add a background to your linear layout like this:



This XML was tested with a galaxy s running GingerBread 2.3.3 and ran perfectly as shown in image below:

enter image description here


tested with galaxy s 3 running JellyBean 4.1.2 and ran perfectly as shown in image below :

enter image description here

Finally its works perfectly with all APIs

EDIT 2 :

It can also be done using a stroke to keep the background as transparent while still keeping a border except at the bottom with the following code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <layer-list xmlns:android="">
   <item android:left="0dp" android:right="0dp"  android:top="0dp"  
    <shape android:shape="rectangle">
     <stroke android:width="10dp" android:color="#B22222" />

hope this help .

jQuery & CSS - Remove/Add display:none

So, let me give you sample code:

<div class="news">
Blah, blah, blah. I'm hidden.

<a class="trigger">Hide/Show News</a>

The link will be the trigger to show the div when clicked. So your Javascript will be:

$('.trigger').click(function() {

You're almost always better off letting jQuery handle the styling for hiding and showing elements.

Edit: I see people above are recommending using .show and .hide for this. .toggle allows you to do both with just one effect. So that's cool.

Python 3: EOF when reading a line (Sublime Text 2 is angry)

EOF is a special out-of-band signal which means the end of input. It's not a character (though in the old DOS days, 0x1B acted like EOF), but rather a signal from the OS that the input has ended.

On Windows, you can "input" an EOF by pressing Ctrl+Z at the command prompt. This signals the terminal to close the input stream, which presents an EOF to the running program. Note that on other OSes or terminal emulators, EOF is usually signalled using Ctrl+D.

As for your issue with Sublime Text 2, it seems that stdin is not connected to the terminal when running a program within Sublime, and so consequently programs start off connected to an empty file (probably nul or /dev/null). See also Python 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error.

Is key-value pair available in Typescript?

Not for the questioner, but for all others, which are interested: See: How to define Typescript Map of key value pair. where key is a number and value is an array of objects

The solution is therefore:

let yourVar: Map<YourKeyType, YourValueType>;
// now you can use it:
yourVar = new Map<YourKeyType, YourValueType>();
yourVar[YourKeyType] = <YourValueType> yourValue;


Matplotlib scatterplot; colour as a function of a third variable

There's no need to manually set the colors. Instead, specify a grayscale colormap...

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Generate data...
x = np.random.random(10)
y = np.random.random(10)

# Plot...
plt.scatter(x, y, c=y, s=500)

enter image description here

Or, if you'd prefer a wider range of colormaps, you can also specify the cmap kwarg to scatter. To use the reversed version of any of these, just specify the "_r" version of any of them. E.g. gray_r instead of gray. There are several different grayscale colormaps pre-made (e.g. gray, gist_yarg, binary, etc).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Generate data...
x = np.random.random(10)
y = np.random.random(10)

plt.scatter(x, y, c=y, s=500, cmap='gray')

How to check if cursor exists (open status)

Just Small change to what Gary W mentioned, adding 'SELECT':

IF (SELECT CURSOR_STATUS('global','myCursor')) >= -1

How to remove old and unused Docker images

I'm using this command:

export BEFORE_DATETIME=$(date --date='10 weeks ago' +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ")
docker images -q | while read IMAGE_ID; do
    export IMAGE_CTIME=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Created}}' --type=image ${IMAGE_ID})
    if [[ "${BEFORE_DATETIME}" > "${IMAGE_CTIME}" ]]; then
        echo "Removing ${IMAGE_ID}, ${BEFORE_DATETIME} is earlier then ${IMAGE_CTIME}"
        docker rmi -f ${IMAGE_ID};

This will remove all images whose creation time is greater than 10 weeks ago.


I am getting the error (...) javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: greetJndi not bound

This means that nothing is bound to the jndi name greetJndi, very likely because of a deployment problem given the incredibly low quality of this tutorial (check the server logs). I'll come back on this.

Is there any specific directory structure to deploy in JBoss?

The internal structure of the ejb-jar is supposed to be like this (using the poor naming conventions and the default package as in the mentioned link):

    +-- ejb-jar.xml
    +-- jboss.xml

But as already mentioned, this tutorial is full of mistakes:

  • there is an extra character (<enterprise-beans>] <-- HERE) in the ejb-jar.xml (!)
  • a space is missing after PUBLIC in the ejb-jar.xml and jboss.xml (!!)
  • the jboss.xml is incorrect, it should contain a session element instead of entity (!!!)

Here is a "fixed" version of the ejb-jar.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" "">

And of the jboss.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE jboss PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 3.2//EN" "">

After doing these changes and repackaging the ejb-jar, I was able to successfully deploy it:

21:48:06,512 INFO  [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@5060868{vfszip:/home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/greet.jar/}
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer] installing bean: ejb/#greetBean,uid19981448
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer]   with dependencies:
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer]   and supplies:
21:48:06,534 INFO  [EjbDeployer]    jndi:greetJndi
21:48:06,624 INFO  [EjbModule] Deploying greetBean
21:48:06,661 WARN  [EjbModule] EJB configured to bypass security. Please verify if this is intended. Bean=greetBean Deployment=vfszip:/home/pascal/opt/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/greet.jar/
21:48:06,805 INFO  [ProxyFactory] Bound EJB Home 'greetBean' to jndi 'greetJndi'

That tutorial needs significant improvement; I'd advise from staying away from

Row names & column names in R

And another expansion:

# create dummy matrix
m <- matrix(round(runif(25, 1, 5)), 5)
d <-

If you want to assign new column names you can do following on data.frame:

# an identical effect can be achieved with colnames()   
names(d) <- LETTERS[1:5]
> d
  A B C D E
1 3 2 4 3 4
2 2 2 3 1 3
3 3 2 1 2 4
4 4 3 3 3 2
5 1 3 2 4 3

If you, however run previous command on matrix, you'll mess things up:

names(m) <- LETTERS[1:5]
> m
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    3    2    4    3    4
[2,]    2    2    3    1    3
[3,]    3    2    1    2    4
[4,]    4    3    3    3    2
[5,]    1    3    2    4    3
 [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 
[20] NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 

Since matrix can be regarded as two-dimensional vector, you'll assign names only to first five values (you don't want to do that, do you?). In this case, you should stick with colnames().

So there...

Maximum size for a SQL Server Query? IN clause? Is there a Better Approach

The SQL Server Maximums are disclosed (this is the 2008 version)

A SQL Query can be a varchar(max) but is shown as limited to 65,536 * Network Packet size, but even then what is most likely to trip you up is the 2100 parameters per query. If SQL chooses to parameterize the literal values in the in clause, I would think you would hit that limit first, but I havn't tested it.

Edit : Test it, even under forced parameteriztion it survived - I knocked up a quick test and had it executing with 30k items within the In clause. (SQL Server 2005)

At 100k items, it took some time then dropped with:

Msg 8623, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information.

So 30k is possible, but just because you can do it - does not mean you should :)

Edit : Continued due to additional question.

50k worked, but 60k dropped out, so somewhere in there on my test rig btw.

In terms of how to do that join of the values without using a large in clause, personally I would create a temp table, insert the values into that temp table, index it and then use it in a join, giving it the best opportunities to optimse the joins. (Generating the index on the temp table will create stats for it, which will help the optimiser as a general rule, although 1000 GUIDs will not exactly find stats too useful.)

How can I get query parameters from a URL in Vue.js?

If your url looks something like this:

Where '123' is a parameter named 'id' (url like /something/:id), try with:


FIX CSS <!--[if lt IE 8]> in IE

Also, the comment tag


is only supported in IE 8 and below, so if that's exactly what you're trying to target, you could wrap them in comment tag. They're the same as

<!--[if lte IE 8]><![endif]-->

In which lte means "less than or equal to".

See: Conditional Comments.

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command

In Windows, open cmd and find the location of PYTHON_HOME using where python. Now add this location to your environment variable PATH using:


Or refer to this.

In Linux, open a terminal and find the location of PYTHON_HOME using which python. Now add the PYTHON_HOME/Scripts to the PATH variable using:

export PATH

text box input height

I came here looking for making an input that's actually multiple lines. Turns out I didn't want an input, I wanted a textarea. You can set height or line-height as other answers specify, but it'll still just be one line of a textbox. If you want actual multiple lines, use a textarea instead. The following is an example of a 3-row textarea with a width of 500px (should be a good part of the page, not necessary to set this and will have to change it based on your requirements).

<textarea name="roleExplanation" style="width: 500px" rows="3">This role is for facility managers and holds the highest permissions in the application.</textarea>


Via css. Put this inside the <head> tag.

<style type="text/css" media="screen">

border:1px solid #FF0000;

table td{
border:1px solid #FF0000;

Get GPS location from the web browser

Use this, and you will find all informations at

var x = document.getElementById("demo");
function getLocation() {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
    } else {
        x.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";
function showPosition(position) {
    x.innerHTML = "Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude + 
    "<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude; 

Hide div after a few seconds

$.fn.delay = function(time, callback){
    // Empty function:
    jQuery.fx.step.delay = function(){};
    // Return meaningless animation, (will be added to queue)
    return this.animate({delay:1}, time, callback);


(Allows chaining of methods)

How do I use Notepad++ (or other) with msysgit?

Update 2010-2011:

zumalifeguard's solution (upvoted) is simpler than the original one, as it doesn't need anymore a shell wrapper script.

As I explain in "How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?", I prefer a wrapper, as it is easier to try and switch editors, or change the path of one editor, without having to register said change with a git config again.
But that is just me.

Additional information: the following solution works with Cygwin, while the zuamlifeguard's solution does not.

Original answer.

The following:

C:\prog\git>git config --global core.editor C:/prog/git/

"c:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst "$*"

does work. Those commands are interpreted as shell script, hence the idea to wrap any windows set of commands in a sh script.
(As Franky comments: "Remember to save your .sh file with Unix style line endings or receive mysterious error messages!")

More details on the SO question How can I set up an editor to work with Git on Windows?

Note the '-multiInst' option, for ensuring a new instance of notepad++ for each call from Git.

Note also that, if you are using Git on Cygwin (and want to use Notepad++ from Cygwin), then scphantm explains in "using Notepad++ for Git inside Cygwin" that you must be aware that:

git is passing it a cygwin path and npp doesn't know what to do with it

So the script in that case would be:

"C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin "$(cygpath -w "$*")"

Multiple lines for readability:

"C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst -notabbar \
  -nosession -noPlugin "$(cygpath -w "$*")"

With "$(cygpath -w "$*")" being the important part here.

Val commented (and then deleted) that you should not use -notabbar option:

It makes no good to disable the tab during rebase, but makes a lot of harm to general Notepad usability since -notab becomes the default setting and you must Settings>Preferences>General>TabBar> Hide>uncheck every time you start notepad after rebase. This is hell. You recommended the hell.

So use rather:

"C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst -nosession -noPlugin "$(cygpath -w "$*")"

That is:

"C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe" -multiInst -nosession \
  -noPlugin "$(cygpath -w "$*")"

If you want to place the script '' in a path with spaces (as in 'c:\program files\...',), you have three options:

  • Either try to quote the path (single or double quotes), as in:

    git config --global core.editor 'C:/program files/git/'
  • or try the shortname notation (not fool-proofed):

    git config --global core.editor C:/progra~1/git/
  • or (my favorite) place '' in a directory part of your %PATH% environment variable. You would not have then to specify any path for the script.

    git config --global core.editor
  • Steiny reports in the comments having to do:

    git config --global core.editor '"C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/scripts/"'

how to get the 30 days before date from Todays Date

SELECT (column name) FROM (table name) WHERE (column name) < DATEADD(Day,-30,GETDATE());


SELECT `name`, `phone`, `product` FROM `tbmMember` WHERE `dateofServicw` < (Day,-30,GETDATE()); 

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/HttpClient

I have solved this problem by importing the following dependency. you must manually import httpclient


What is polymorphism, what is it for, and how is it used?

In object-oriented programming, polymorphism refers to a programming language's ability to process objects differently depending on their data type or class. More specifically, it is the ability to redefine methods for derived classes.

How to make Visual Studio copy a DLL file to the output directory?

(This answer only applies to C# not C++, sorry I misread the original question)

I've got through DLL hell like this before. My final solution was to store the unmanaged DLLs in the managed DLL as binary resources, and extract them to a temporary folder when the program launches and delete them when it gets disposed.

This should be part of the .NET or pinvoke infrastructure, since it is so useful.... It makes your managed DLL easy to manage, both using Xcopy or as a Project reference in a bigger Visual Studio solution. Once you do this, you don't have to worry about post-build events.


I posted code here in another answer

Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?

I'll try to provide a comprehensive answer here. Much of the points appear in other answers, but I found each answer incomplete, and some incorrect.

First and foremost, objectForKey: is an NSDictionary method, while valueForKey: is a KVC protocol method required of any KVC complaint class - including NSDictionary.

Furthermore, as @dreamlax wrote, documentation hints that NSDictionary implements its valueForKey: method USING its objectForKey: implementation. In other words - [NSDictionary valueForKey:] calls on [NSDictionary objectForKey:].

This implies, that valueForKey: can never be faster than objectForKey: (on the same input key) although thorough testing I've done imply about 5% to 15% difference, over billions of random access to a huge NSDictionary. In normal situations - the difference is negligible.

Next: KVC protocol only works with NSString * keys, hence valueForKey: will only accept an NSString * (or subclass) as key, whilst NSDictionary can work with other kinds of objects as keys - so that the "lower level" objectForKey: accepts any copy-able (NSCopying protocol compliant) object as key.

Last, NSDictionary's implementation of valueForKey: deviates from the standard behavior defined in KVC's documentation, and will NOT emit a NSUnknownKeyException for a key it can't find - unless this is a "special" key - one that begins with '@' - which usually means an "aggregation" function key (e.g. @"@sum, @"@avg"). Instead, it will simply return a nil when a key is not found in the NSDictionary - behaving the same as objectForKey:

Following is some test code to demonstrate and prove my notes.

- (void) dictionaryAccess {
    NSLog(@"Value for Z:%@", [@{@"X":@(10), @"Y":@(20)} valueForKey:@"Z"]); // prints "Value for Z:(null)"

    uint32_t testItemsCount = 1000000;
    // create huge dictionary of numbers
    NSMutableDictionary *d = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:testItemsCount];
    for (long i=0; i<testItemsCount; ++i) {
        // make new random key value pair:
        NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"K_%u",arc4random_uniform(testItemsCount)];
        NSNumber *value = @(arc4random_uniform(testItemsCount));
        [d setObject:value forKey:key];
    // create huge set of random keys for testing.
    NSMutableArray *keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:testItemsCount];
    for (long i=0; i<testItemsCount; ++i) {
        NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"K_%u",arc4random_uniform(testItemsCount)];
        [keys addObject:key];

    NSDictionary *dict = [d copy];
    NSTimeInterval vtotal = 0.0, ototal = 0.0;

    NSDate *start;
    NSTimeInterval elapsed;

    for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {

        start = [NSDate date];
        for (NSString *key in keys) {
            id value = [dict valueForKey:key];
        elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
        NSLog (@"reading %lu values off dictionary via valueForKey took: %10.4f seconds", keys.count, elapsed);

        start = [NSDate date];
        for (NSString *key in keys) {
            id obj = [dict objectForKey:key];
        elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
        NSLog (@"reading %lu objects off dictionary via objectForKey took: %10.4f seconds", keys.count, elapsed);

    NSString *slower = (vtotal > ototal) ? @"valueForKey" : @"objectForKey";
    NSString *faster = (vtotal > ototal) ? @"objectForKey" : @"valueForKey";
    NSLog (@"%@ takes %3.1f percent longer then %@", slower, 100.0 * ABS(vtotal-ototal) / MAX(ototal,vtotal), faster);

How to name variables on the fly?

It seems to me that you might be better off with a list rather than using orca1, orca2, etc, ... then it would be orca[1], orca[2], ...

Usually you're making a list of variables differentiated by nothing but a number because that number would be a convenient way to access them later.

orca <- list()
orca[1] <- "Hi"
orca[2] <- 59

Otherwise, assign is just what you want.

React component initialize state from props

You can use componentWillReceiveProps.

constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      productdatail: ''

    this.setState({ productdatail: nextProps.productdetailProps })

Remove Backslashes from Json Data in JavaScript

tl;dr: You don't have to remove the slashes, you have nested JSON, and hence have to decode the JSON twice: DEMO (note I used double slashes in the example, because the JSON is inside a JS string literal).

I assume that your actual JSON looks like

{"data":"{\n \"taskNames\" : [\n \"01 Jan\",\n \"02 Jan\",\n \"03 Jan\",\n \"04 Jan\",\n \"05 Jan\",\n \"06 Jan\",\n \"07 Jan\",\n \"08 Jan\",\n \"09 Jan\",\n \"10 Jan\",\n \"11 Jan\",\n \"12 Jan\",\n \"13 Jan\",\n \"14 Jan\",\n \"15 Jan\",\n \"16 Jan\",\n \"17 Jan\",\n \"18 Jan\",\n \"19 Jan\",\n \"20 Jan\",\n \"21 Jan\",\n \"22 Jan\",\n \"23 Jan\",\n \"24 Jan\",\n \"25 Jan\",\n \"26 Jan\",\n \"27 Jan\"]}"}

I.e. you have a top level object with one key, data. The value of that key is a string containing JSON itself. This is usually because the server side code didn't properly create the JSON. That's why you see the \" inside the string. This lets the parser know that " is to be treated literally and doesn't terminate the string.

So you can either fix the server side code, so that you don't double encode the data, or you have to decode the JSON twice, e.g.

var data = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(json).data));

Swift presentViewController

I had a similar issue but in my case, the solution was to dispatch the action as an async task in the main queue

DispatchQueue.main.async {
    let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: myVCID) as! myVCName
    self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)

Increment a database field by 1

I not expert in MySQL but you probably should look on triggers e.g. BEFORE INSERT. In the trigger you can run select query on your original table and if it found something just update the row 'logins' instead of inserting new values. But all this depends on version of MySQL you running.

Convert datetime object to a String of date only in Python

date and datetime objects (and time as well) support a mini-language to specify output, and there are two ways to access it:

So your example could look like:

  • dt.strftime('The date is %b %d, %Y')
  • 'The date is {:%b %d, %Y}'.format(dt)
  • f'The date is {dt:%b %d, %Y}'

In all three cases the output is:

The date is Feb 23, 2012

For completeness' sake: you can also directly access the attributes of the object, but then you only get the numbers:

'The date is %s/%s/%s' % (dt.month,, dt.year)
# The date is 02/23/2012

The time taken to learn the mini-language is worth it.

For reference, here are the codes used in the mini-language:

  • %a Weekday as locale’s abbreviated name.
  • %A Weekday as locale’s full name.
  • %w Weekday as a decimal number, where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday.
  • %d Day of the month as a zero-padded decimal number.
  • %b Month as locale’s abbreviated name.
  • %B Month as locale’s full name.
  • %m Month as a zero-padded decimal number. 01, ..., 12
  • %y Year without century as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, ..., 99
  • %Y Year with century as a decimal number. 1970, 1988, 2001, 2013
  • %H Hour (24-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, ..., 23
  • %I Hour (12-hour clock) as a zero-padded decimal number. 01, ..., 12
  • %p Locale’s equivalent of either AM or PM.
  • %M Minute as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, ..., 59
  • %S Second as a zero-padded decimal number. 00, ..., 59
  • %f Microsecond as a decimal number, zero-padded on the left. 000000, ..., 999999
  • %z UTC offset in the form +HHMM or -HHMM (empty if naive), +0000, -0400, +1030
  • %Z Time zone name (empty if naive), UTC, EST, CST
  • %j Day of the year as a zero-padded decimal number. 001, ..., 366
  • %U Week number of the year (Sunday is the first) as a zero padded decimal number.
  • %W Week number of the year (Monday is first) as a decimal number.
  • %c Locale’s appropriate date and time representation.
  • %x Locale’s appropriate date representation.
  • %X Locale’s appropriate time representation.
  • %% A literal '%' character.

Spacing between elements

It depends on what exactly you want to accomplish. Let's assume you have this structure:

<p style="width:400px;">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.

If you want the space between the single lines to be bigger, you should increase


If you want the space at the end to be bigger, you should increase


If you want the space at the end to be bigger, but have the background fill the space (or the border around the space) use


Of course, there are also the corresponding values for space on the top:


Some examples:

<p style="line-height: 30px; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black;">
     Space between single lines 
     Space between single lines
     Space between single lines
     Space between single lines
     Space between single lines
     Space between single lines
     Space between single lines
     Space between single lines
<p style="margin-bottom: 30px; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black;">
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
     Space at the bottom, outside of the border
<p style="padding-bottom: 30px; width: 300px; border: 1px solid black;">
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border
     Space at the bottom, inside of the border

here you can see this code in action:

Of course you should put your styles in a separate stylesheet, the inline code was just to show the effect.

here you have a little schematic demonstration of what which value affects:

           content                 +
                                   |      padding-bottom
                  <----------------+      +
           content                        |    border-bottom
                                          |    +
                                          |    |
        +-------------+<------------------+    |       margin-bottom
                                               |       +
     +===================+ <-------------------+       |
  +-------------------------+ <------------------------+

.NET Global exception handler in console application

No, that's the correct way to do it. This worked exactly as it should, something you can work from perhaps:

using System;

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionTrapper;
        throw new Exception("Kaboom");

    static void UnhandledExceptionTrapper(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) {
        Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue");

Do keep in mind that you cannot catch type and file load exceptions generated by the jitter this way. They happen before your Main() method starts running. Catching those requires delaying the jitter, move the risky code into another method and apply the [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] attribute to it.

Python Remove last char from string and return it

Not only is it the preferred way, it's the only reasonable way. Because strings are immutable, in order to "remove" a char from a string you have to create a new string whenever you want a different string value.

You may be wondering why strings are immutable, given that you have to make a whole new string every time you change a character. After all, C strings are just arrays of characters and are thus mutable, and some languages that support strings more cleanly than C allow mutable strings as well. There are two reasons to have immutable strings: security/safety and performance.

Security is probably the most important reason for strings to be immutable. When strings are immutable, you can't pass a string into some library and then have that string change from under your feet when you don't expect it. You may wonder which library would change string parameters, but if you're shipping code to clients you can't control their versions of the standard library, and malicious clients may change out their standard libraries in order to break your program and find out more about its internals. Immutable objects are also easier to reason about, which is really important when you try to prove that your system is secure against particular threats. This ease of reasoning is especially important for thread safety, since immutable objects are automatically thread-safe.

Performance is surprisingly often better for immutable strings. Whenever you take a slice of a string, the Python runtime only places a view over the original string, so there is no new string allocation. Since strings are immutable, you get copy semantics without actually copying, which is a real performance win.

Eric Lippert explains more about the rationale behind immutable of strings (in C#, not Python) here.

Rails 4: assets not loading in production

I'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04, Ruby 2.2.1 and Rails 4.2.4 I have followed a deploy turorial from DigitalOcean and everything went well but when I go to the browser and enter the IP address of my VPS my app is loaded but without styles and javascript.

The app is running with Unicorn and Nginx. To fix this problem I entered my server using SSH with my user 'deployer' and go to my app path which is '/home/deployer/apps/blog' and run the following command:

RAILS_ENV=production bin/rake assets:precompile

Then I just restart the VPS and that's it! It works for me!

Hope it could be useful for somebody else!

How to square or raise to a power (elementwise) a 2D numpy array?

The fastest way is to do a*a or a**2 or np.square(a) whereas np.power(a, 2) showed to be considerably slower.

np.power() allows you to use different exponents for each element if instead of 2 you pass another array of exponents. From the comments of @GarethRees I just learned that this function will give you different results than a**2 or a*a, which become important in cases where you have small tolerances.

I've timed some examples using NumPy 1.9.0 MKL 64 bit, and the results are shown below:

In [29]: a = np.random.random((1000, 1000))

In [30]: timeit a*a
100 loops, best of 3: 2.78 ms per loop

In [31]: timeit a**2
100 loops, best of 3: 2.77 ms per loop

In [32]: timeit np.power(a, 2)
10 loops, best of 3: 71.3 ms per loop

jQuery find and replace string

You could do something this way:

$(document.body).find('*').each(function() {
    if($(this).hasClass('lollypops')){ //class replacing..many ways to do this :)
    var tmp = $(this).children().remove(); //removing and saving children to a tmp obj
    var text = $(this).text(); //getting just current node text
    text = text.replace(/lollypops/g, "marshmellows"); //replacing every lollypops occurence with marshmellows
    $(this).text(text); //setting text
    $(this).append(tmp); //re-append 'foundlings'


how to place last div into right top corner of parent div? (css)

 <div class='block1'>
    <p  style="float:left">text</p>
    <div class='block2' style="float:right">block2</div>
    <p  style="float:left; clear:left">text2</p>


You can clear:both or clear:left depending on the exact context. Also, you will have to play around with width to get it to work correctly...

How to get div height to auto-adjust to background size?

Just background-size: contain; works for me:

div {
  background-image: url('your-image.png');
  background-size: contain;

How to get a user's time zone?

Swift 4, 4.2 & 5

var timeZone : String = String()

override func viewDidLoad() {
    timeZone = getCurrentTimeZone()

func getCurrentTimeZone() -> String {
        let localTimeZoneAbbreviation: Int = TimeZone.current.secondsFromGMT()
        let items = (localTimeZoneAbbreviation / 3600)
        return "\(items)"

Recursive Fibonacci

int fib(int x) 
    if (x < 2)
      return x;
      return (fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2));

How to mention C:\Program Files in batchfile

Now that bash is out for windows 10, if you want to access program files from bash, you can do it like so: cd /mnt/c/Program\ Files.

Chrome:The website uses HSTS. Network errors...this page will probably work later

I see there are so many useful answers here but still, I come across a handy and useful article out there.

I ran into the same issue and that article helped me to what exactly it is and how to deal with that HTH :-)

Android disable screen timeout while app is running

In a View, in my case a SurfaceView subclass, you can set the screen on always on. I wanted the screen to stay on while this view was still drawing stuff.

public class MyCoolSurfaceView extends SurfaceView { 
protected void onAttachedToWindow (){

protected void onDetachedFromWindow(){

How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?

Other than foreground/background term. Another way to hide running window is via vbscript, if is is still available in your system.

DIM objShell
set objShell=wscript.createObject("")
iReturn=objShell.Run("yourcommand.exe", 0, TRUE)

name it as sth.vbs and call it from bat, put in sheduled task, etc. PersonallyI'll disable vbs with no haste at any Windows system I manage :)

How to select clear table contents without destroying the table?

Try just clearing the data (not the entire table including headers):


Should I use pt or px?

Here you've got a very detailed explanation of their differences

The jist of it (from source)

Pixels are fixed-size units that are used in screen media (i.e. to be read on the computer screen). Pixel stands for "picture element" and as you know, one pixel is one little "square" on your screen. Points are traditionally used in print media (anything that is to be printed on paper, etc.). One point is equal to 1/72 of an inch. Points are much like pixels, in that they are fixed-size units and cannot scale in size.

How to Generate Barcode using PHP and Display it as an Image on the same page

There is a library for this BarCode PHP. You just need to include a few files:


You can generate many types of barcodes, namely 1D or 2D. Add the required library:


Generate the colours:

// The arguments are R, G, and B for color.
$colorFront = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$colorBack = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

After you have added all the codes, you will get this way:


Since several have asked for an example here is what I was able to do to get it done



header('Content-Type: image/png');

$color_white = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

$code = new BCGcode128();

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


If you want to actually create the image file so you can save it then change

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


$drawing = new BCGDrawing('image.png', $color_white);

Difference between onStart() and onResume()

A particularly feisty example is when you decide to show a managed Dialog from an Activity using showDialog(). If the user rotates the screen while the dialog is still open (we call this a "configuration change"), then the main Activity will go through all the ending lifecycle calls up untill onDestroy(), will be recreated, and go back up through the lifecycles. What you might not expect however, is that onCreateDialog() and onPrepareDialog() (the methods that are called when you do showDialog() and now again automatically to recreate the dialog - automatically since it is a managed dialog) are called between onStart() and onResume(). The pointe here is that the dialog does not cover the full screen and therefore leaves part of the main activity visible. It's a detail but it does matter!

Change class on mouseover in directive

In general I fully agree with Jason's use of css selector, but in some cases you may not want to change the css, e.g. when using a 3rd party css-template, and rather prefer to add/remove a class on the element.

The following sample shows a simple way of adding/removing a class on ng-mouseenter/mouseleave:

<div ng-app>
    ng-class="{red: hover}"
    ng-init="hover = false"
    ng-mouseenter="hover = true"
    ng-mouseleave="hover = false">
      Test 1 2 3.

with some styling:

.red {
  background-color: red;

.italic {
  font-style: italic;
  color: black;

See running example here: jsfiddle sample

Styling on hovering is a view concern. Although the solution above sets a "hover" property in the current scope, the controller does not need to be concerned about this.

Styling an input type="file" button


I usually go for the visibility:hidden trick

this is my styled button

<div id="uploadbutton" class="btn btn-success btn-block">Upload</div>

this is the input type=file button. Note the visibility:hidden rule

<input type="file" id="upload" style="visibility:hidden;">

this is the JavaScript bit to glue them together. It works


Ajax call Into MVC Controller- Url Issue

you have an type error in example of code. You forget curlybracket after success

 type: "POST",
 url: '@Url.Action("Search","Controller")',
 data: "{queryString:'" + searchVal + "'}",
 contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
 dataType: "html",
 success: function (data) {
     alert("here" + data.d.toString());


I can't delete a remote master branch on git

To answer the question literally (since GitHub is not in the question title), also be aware of this post over on superuser. EDIT: Answer copied here in relevant part, slightly modified for clarity in square brackets:

You're getting rejected because you're trying to delete the branch that your origin has currently "checked out".

If you have direct access to the repo, you can just open up a shell [in the bare repo] directory and use good old git branch to see what branch origin is currently on. To change it to another branch, you have to use git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/another-branch.

Vim 80 column layout concerns

Newer versions of vim allow a :set numberwidth=x value, which sets the width of the line number display. I don't really use folding etc, so I wouldn't know about that though. Drawing a thin vertical line is beyond the abilities of a console application though. GVim may allow this (I don't use it, so can't comment there).

WHERE clause on SQL Server "Text" data type

You can use LIKE instead of =. Without any wildcards this will have the same effect.

        (CastleType TEXT)


FROM   @Village
WHERE  [CastleType] LIKE 'foo' 

text is deprecated. Changing to varchar(max) will be easier to work with.

Also how large is the data likely to be? If you are going to be doing equality comparisons you will ideally want to index this column. This isn't possible if you declare the column as anything wider than 900 bytes though you can add a computed checksum or hash column that can be used to speed this type of query up.

Shortcut to comment out a block of code with sublime text

Just an important note. If you have HTML comment and your uncomment doesn't work
(Maybe it's a PHP file), so don't mark all the comment but just put your cursor at the end or at the beginning of the comment (before ) and try again (Ctrl+/).

Java system properties and environment variables

C++ - unable to start correctly (0xc0150002)

I agree with Brandrew, the problem is most likely caused by some missing dlls that can't be found neither on the system path nor in the folder where the executable is. Try putting the following DLLs nearby the executable:

  • the Visual Studio C++ runtime (in VS2008, they could be found at places like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\redist\x86.) Include all 3 of the DLL files as well as the manifest file.
  • the four OpenCV dlls (cv210.dll, cvaux210.dll, cxcore210.dll and highgui210.dll, or the ones your OpenCV version has)
  • if that still doesn't work, try the debug VS runtime (executables compiled for "Debug" use a different set of dlls, named something like msvcrt9d.dll, important part is the "d")

Alternatively, try loading the executable into Dependency Walker ( ), it should point out the missing dlls for you.

CSS table column autowidth

use auto and min or max width like this:

td {

Bulk create model objects in django

Use bulk_create() method. It's standard in Django now.


    Entry(headline="Django 1.0 Released"),
    Entry(headline="Django 1.1 Announced"),
    Entry(headline="Breaking: Django is awesome")

Bootstrap 4, how to make a col have a height of 100%?

Set display: table for parent div and display: table-cell for children divs


<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row justify-content-center display-as-table">

    <div class="col-4 hidden-md-down" id="yellow">
      XXXX<br />
      XXXX<br />
      XXXX<br />
      XXXX<br />
      XXXX<br />
      XXXX<br />vv
      XXXX<br />

    <div class="col-10 col-sm-10 col-md-10 col-lg-8 col-xl-8" id="red">
      Form Goes Here


#yellow {
  height: 100%;
  background: yellow;
  width: 50%;
#red {background: red}

.container-fluid {bacgkround: #ccc}

/* this is the part make equal height */
.display-as-table {display: table; width: 100%;}
.display-as-table > div {display: table-cell; float: none;}

How do you divide each element in a list by an int?

>>> myList = [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90]
>>> myInt = 10
>>> newList = map(lambda x: x/myInt, myList)
>>> newList
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

How do you create a remote Git branch?

First you create the branch locally:

git checkout -b your_branch

And then to create the branch remotely:

git push --set-upstream origin your_branch

Note: This works on the latests versions of git:

$ git --version
git version 2.3.0


Remove part of string in Java

You should use the substring() method of String object.

Here is an example code:

Assumption: I am assuming here that you want to retrieve the string till the first parenthesis

String strTest = "manchester united(with nice players)";
/*Get the substring from the original string, with starting index 0, and ending index as position of th first parenthesis - 1 */
String strSub = strTest.subString(0,strTest.getIndex("(")-1);

Importing CSV data using PHP/MySQL

letsay $infile = a.csv //file needs to be imported.

class blah
 static public function readJobsFromFile($file)
    if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) === FALSE) 
        echo "readJobsFromFile: Failed to open file [$file]\n";

    while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) 
        // ignore header
        if ($header == true)
            $header = false;

        if ($data[0] == '' && $data[1] == '' ) //u have oly 2 fields
            echo "readJobsFromFile: No more input entries\n";

        $a      = trim($data[0]);
        $b   = trim($data[1]);                 

        if (check_if_exists("SELECT count(*) FROM Db_table WHERE a='$a' AND b='$b'") === true)


        $sql = "INSERT INTO DB_table SET a='$a' , b='$b' ";
        @mysql_query($sql) or die("readJobsFromFile: " . mysql_error());            

    return $index; //no. of fields in database.
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("$sql --" . mysql_error());
if (!$result) {
    $message  = 'check_if_exists::Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n";
    $message .= 'Query: ' . $sql;

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result);
$count = $row['count(*)'];
if ($count > 0)
    return true;
return false;


hope this helps.

Is there a way to only install the mysql client (Linux)?

[root@localhost administrador]# yum search mysql | grep client
community-mysql.i686 : MySQL client programs and shared libraries
                            : client
community-mysql-libs.i686 : The shared libraries required for MySQL clients
root-sql-mysql.i686 : MySQL client plugin for ROOT
mariadb-libs.i686 : The shared libraries required for MariaDB/MySQL clients
[root@localhost administrador]# yum install  -y community-mysql

set initial viewcontroller in appdelegate - swift

Here is complete Solution in Swift 4 implement this in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

 func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

 let isLogin = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "Islogin")
    if isLogin{
        self.NextViewController(storybordid: "OtherViewController")

        self.NextViewController(storybordid: "LoginViewController")


write this Function any where inside Appdelegate.swift

  func NextViewController(storybordid:String)

    let storyBoard:UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
    let exampleVC = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:storybordid )
   // self.present(exampleVC, animated: true)
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
    self.window?.rootViewController = exampleVC

Get Path from another app (WhatsApp)

Using the code example below will return to you the bitmap :


After that you all know what you have to do.

Use underscore inside Angular controllers

you can use this module ->

this is for lodash so does underscore

Bootstrap get div to align in the center

In bootstrap you can use .text-centerto align center. also add .row and .col-md-* to your code.

align= is deprecated,

Added .col-xs-* for demo

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="footer">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-xs-4">
        <p>Hello there</p>
      <div class="col-xs-4 text-center">
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="changeLook()">Re</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="changeBack()">Rs</a>
      <div class="col-xs-4 text-right">
        <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square fa-2x"></i></a>
        <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter fa-2x"></i></a>
        <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-google-plus fa-2x"></i></a>


For those who are reading this and want to use the new version of bootstrap (beta version), you can do the above in a simpler way, using Boostrap Flexbox utilities classes

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="container footer">
  <div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
    <div class="p-1">
      <p>Hello there</p>
    <div class="p-1">
      <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="changeLook()">Re</a>
      <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="changeBack()">Rs</a>
    <div class="p-1">
      <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square fa-2x"></i></a>
      <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter fa-2x"></i></a>
      <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-google-plus fa-2x"></i></a>

Vue JS mounted()

You can also move mounted out of the Vue instance and make it a function in the top-level scope. This is also a useful trick for server side rendering in Vue.

function init() {
  // Use `this` normally

new Vue({

IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF - How to turn it ON?

Add set off also


    INSERT INTO Genre(Id, Name, SortOrder)VALUES (12,'Moody Blues', 20) 


CMake complains "The CXX compiler identification is unknown"

I just had this problem setting up my new laptop. The issue for me was that my toolchain (CodeSourcery) is 32bit and I had not installed the 32bit libs.

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Getting the URL of the current page using Selenium WebDriver

Put sleep. It will work. I have tried. The reason is that the page wasn't loaded yet. Check this question to know how to wait for load - Wait for page load in Selenium

Changing the git user inside Visual Studio Code

From VSCode Commande Palette select :

GitHub Pull Requests : Sign out of GitHub.

Then Sign in with your new credential.

Can the "IN" operator use LIKE-wildcards (%) in Oracle?

This appears to fit what you are looking for:

Basically, you will need to use regular expressions as there appears to be nothing built into oracle for this.

I pulled out the example from the thread and converted it for your purposes. I suck at regex's, though, so that might need tweaked :)

FROM myTable m
WHERE NOT regexp_like(m.status,'((Done^|Finished except^|In Progress^)')

Removing spaces from string

Try this:

String urle = HOST + url + value;

Then return the values from:

urle.replace(" ", "%20").trim();

How do you change text to bold in Android?

Assuming you are a new starter on Android Studio, Simply you can get it done in design view XML by using

android:textStyle="bold"          //to make text bold
android:textStyle="italic"        //to make text italic
android:textStyle="bold|italic"   //to make text bold & italic

Create HTTP post request and receive response using C# console application

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace WebserverInteractionClassLibrary
    public class RequestManager
        public string LastResponse { protected set; get; }

        CookieContainer cookies = new CookieContainer();

        internal string GetCookieValue(Uri SiteUri,string name)
            Cookie cookie = cookies.GetCookies(SiteUri)[name];
            return (cookie == null) ? null : cookie.Value;

        public string GetResponseContent(HttpWebResponse response)
            if (response == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response");
            Stream dataStream = null;
            StreamReader reader = null;
            string responseFromServer = null;

                // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
                dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
                reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);
                // Read the content.
                responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();
                // Cleanup the streams and the response.
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (reader != null)
                if (dataStream != null)
            LastResponse = responseFromServer;
            return responseFromServer;

        public HttpWebResponse SendPOSTRequest(string uri, string content, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            HttpWebRequest request = GeneratePOSTRequest(uri, content, login, password, allowAutoRedirect);
            return GetResponse(request);

        public HttpWebResponse SendGETRequest(string uri, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            HttpWebRequest request = GenerateGETRequest(uri, login, password, allowAutoRedirect);
            return GetResponse(request);

        public HttpWebResponse SendRequest(string uri, string content, string method, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            HttpWebRequest request = GenerateRequest(uri, content, method, login, password, allowAutoRedirect);
            return GetResponse(request);

        public HttpWebRequest GenerateGETRequest(string uri, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            return GenerateRequest(uri, null, "GET", null, null, allowAutoRedirect);

        public HttpWebRequest GeneratePOSTRequest(string uri, string content, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            return GenerateRequest(uri, content, "POST", null, null, allowAutoRedirect);

        internal HttpWebRequest GenerateRequest(string uri, string content, string method, string login, string password, bool allowAutoRedirect)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
            // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post. 
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
            // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
            request.Method = method;
            // Set cookie container to maintain cookies
            request.CookieContainer = cookies;
            request.AllowAutoRedirect = allowAutoRedirect;
            // If login is empty use defaul credentials
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login))
                request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
                request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(login, password);
            if (method == "POST")
                // Convert POST data to a byte array.
                byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
                // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
                request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
                request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;
                // Get the request stream.
                Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                // Write the data to the request stream.
                dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                // Close the Stream object.
            return request;

        internal HttpWebResponse GetResponse(HttpWebRequest request)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
            HttpWebResponse response = null;
                response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();                
                // Print the properties of each cookie.
                Console.WriteLine("\nCookies: ");
                foreach (Cookie cook in cookies.GetCookies(request.RequestUri))
                    Console.WriteLine("Domain: {0}, String: {1}", cook.Domain, cook.ToString());
            catch (WebException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Web exception occurred. Status code: {0}", ex.Status);
            catch (Exception ex)
            return response;


Getting scroll bar width using JavaScript

Here's an easy way using jQuery.

var scrollbarWidth = jQuery('div.withScrollBar').get(0).scrollWidth - jQuery('div.withScrollBar').width();

Basically we subtract the scrollable width from the overall width and that should provide the scrollbar's width. Of course, you'd want to cache the jQuery('div.withScrollBar') selection so you're not doing that part twice.

How do I remove the title bar from my app?

try: toolbar.setTitle(" ");

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 
    Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;

What is the difference between `new Object()` and object literal notation?

Everyone here is talking about the similarities of the two. I am gonna point out the differences.

  1. Using new Object() allows you to pass another object. The obvious outcome is that the newly created object will be set to the same reference. Here is a sample code:

    var obj1 = new Object();
    obj1.a = 1;
    var obj2 = new Object(obj1);
    obj2.a // 1
  2. The usage is not limited to objects as in OOP objects. Other types could be passed to it too. The function will set the type accordingly. For example if we pass integer 1 to it, an object of type number will be created for us.

    var obj = new Object(1);
    typeof obj // "number"
  3. The object created using the above method (new Object(1)) would be converted to object type if a property is added to it.

    var obj = new Object(1);
    typeof obj // "number"
    obj.a = 2;
    typeof obj // "object"
  4. If the object is a copy of a child class of object, we could add the property without the type conversion.

    var obj = new Object("foo");
    typeof obj // "object"
    obj === "foo" // true
    obj.a = 1;
    obj === "foo" // true
    obj.a // 1
    var str = "foo";
    str.a = 1;
    str.a // undefined

Is background-color:none valid CSS?

write this:

.class {

BeautifulSoup Grab Visible Webpage Text

Using BeautifulSoup the easiest way with less code to just get the strings, without empty lines and crap.

tag = <Parent_Tag_that_contains_the_data>
soup = BeautifulSoup(tag, 'html.parser')

for i in soup.stripped_strings:
    print repr(i)

How do you change Background for a Button MouseOver in WPF?

To remove the default MouseOver behaviour on the Button you will need to modify the ControlTemplate. Changing your Style definition to the following should do the trick:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Green"/>
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                <Border Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
                    <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
        <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"/>

EDIT: It's a few years late, but you are actually able to set the border brush inside of the border that is in there. Idk if that was pointed out but it doesn't seem like it was...

How to delete a folder and all contents using a bat file in windows?

  1. del /s /q c:\where ever the file is\*
  2. rmdir /s /q c:\where ever the file is\
  3. mkdir c:\where ever the file is\

Creating a ZIP archive in memory using System.IO.Compression

This is the way to convert a entity to XML File and then compress it:

private  void downloadFile(EntityXML xml) {

string nameDownloadXml = "File_1.xml";
string nameDownloadZip = "";

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(EntityXML));

Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + nameDownloadZip);

using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
    using (var archive = new ZipArchive(memoryStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
        var demoFile = archive.CreateEntry(nameDownloadXml);
        using (var entryStream = demoFile.Open())
        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(entryStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
            serializer.Serialize(writer, xml);

    using (var fileStream = Response.OutputStream)
        memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);



String Concatenation in EL

With EL 2 you can do the following:

#{'this'.concat(' is').concat(' a').concat(' test!')}

Static vs class functions/variables in Swift classes?

Adding to above answers static methods are static dispatch means the compiler know which method will be executed at runtime as the static method can not be overridden while the class method can be a dynamic dispatch as subclass can override these.

Disable resizing of a Windows Forms form

  1. First, select the form.
  2. Then, go to the properties menu.
  3. And change the property "FormBorderStyle" from sizable to Fixed3D or FixedSingle.

    This is where to modify the property "FormBorderStyle".

Redirect to new Page in AngularJS using $location

If you want to change ng-view you'll have to use the '#'

$window.location.href= "#operation";

Where IN clause in LINQ

This little bit different idea. But it will useful to you. I have used sub query to inside the linq main query.


Let say we have document table. Schema as follows schema : document(name,version,auther,modifieddate) composite Keys : name,version

So we need to get latest versions of all documents.


 var result = (from t in Context.document
                          where ((from tt in Context.document where t.Name == tt.Name
                                orderby tt.Version descending select new {Vesion=tt.Version}).FirstOrDefault()).Vesion.Contains(t.Version)
                          select t).ToList();

How to save/restore serializable object to/from file?

I just wrote a blog post on saving an object's data to Binary, XML, or Json. You are correct that you must decorate your classes with the [Serializable] attribute, but only if you are using Binary serialization. You may prefer to use XML or Json serialization. Here are the functions to do it in the various formats. See my blog post for more details.


/// <summary>
/// Writes the given object instance to a binary file.
/// <para>Object type (and all child types) must be decorated with the [Serializable] attribute.</para>
/// <para>To prevent a variable from being serialized, decorate it with the [NonSerialized] attribute; cannot be applied to properties.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being written to the binary file.</typeparam>
/// <param name="filePath">The file path to write the object instance to.</param>
/// <param name="objectToWrite">The object instance to write to the binary file.</param>
/// <param name="append">If false the file will be overwritten if it already exists. If true the contents will be appended to the file.</param>
public static void WriteToBinaryFile<T>(string filePath, T objectToWrite, bool append = false)
    using (Stream stream = File.Open(filePath, append ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create))
        var binaryFormatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
        binaryFormatter.Serialize(stream, objectToWrite);

/// <summary>
/// Reads an object instance from a binary file.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to read from the binary file.</typeparam>
/// <param name="filePath">The file path to read the object instance from.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a new instance of the object read from the binary file.</returns>
public static T ReadFromBinaryFile<T>(string filePath)
    using (Stream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open))
        var binaryFormatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
        return (T)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(stream);


Requires the System.Xml assembly to be included in your project.

/// <summary>
/// Writes the given object instance to an XML file.
/// <para>Only Public properties and variables will be written to the file. These can be any type though, even other classes.</para>
/// <para>If there are public properties/variables that you do not want written to the file, decorate them with the [XmlIgnore] attribute.</para>
/// <para>Object type must have a parameterless constructor.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being written to the file.</typeparam>
/// <param name="filePath">The file path to write the object instance to.</param>
/// <param name="objectToWrite">The object instance to write to the file.</param>
/// <param name="append">If false the file will be overwritten if it already exists. If true the contents will be appended to the file.</param>
public static void WriteToXmlFile<T>(string filePath, T objectToWrite, bool append = false) where T : new()
    TextWriter writer = null;
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
        writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, append);
        serializer.Serialize(writer, objectToWrite);
        if (writer != null)

/// <summary>
/// Reads an object instance from an XML file.
/// <para>Object type must have a parameterless constructor.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to read from the file.</typeparam>
/// <param name="filePath">The file path to read the object instance from.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a new instance of the object read from the XML file.</returns>
public static T ReadFromXmlFile<T>(string filePath) where T : new()
    TextReader reader = null;
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
        reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
        return (T)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
        if (reader != null)


You must include a reference to Newtonsoft.Json assembly, which can be obtained from the Json.NET NuGet Package.

/// <summary>
/// Writes the given object instance to a Json file.
/// <para>Object type must have a parameterless constructor.</para>
/// <para>Only Public properties and variables will be written to the file. These can be any type though, even other classes.</para>
/// <para>If there are public properties/variables that you do not want written to the file, decorate them with the [JsonIgnore] attribute.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object being written to the file.</typeparam>
/// <param name="filePath">The file path to write the object instance to.</param>
/// <param name="objectToWrite">The object instance to write to the file.</param>
/// <param name="append">If false the file will be overwritten if it already exists. If true the contents will be appended to the file.</param>
public static void WriteToJsonFile<T>(string filePath, T objectToWrite, bool append = false) where T : new()
    TextWriter writer = null;
        var contentsToWriteToFile = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objectToWrite);
        writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, append);
        if (writer != null)

/// <summary>
/// Reads an object instance from an Json file.
/// <para>Object type must have a parameterless constructor.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to read from the file.</typeparam>
/// <param name="filePath">The file path to read the object instance from.</param>
/// <returns>Returns a new instance of the object read from the Json file.</returns>
public static T ReadFromJsonFile<T>(string filePath) where T : new()
    TextReader reader = null;
        reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
        var fileContents = reader.ReadToEnd();
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(fileContents);
        if (reader != null)


// Write the contents of the variable someClass to a file.
WriteToBinaryFile<SomeClass>("C:\someClass.txt", object1);

// Read the file contents back into a variable.
SomeClass object1= ReadFromBinaryFile<SomeClass>("C:\someClass.txt");

How do I convert an Array to a List<object> in C#?

Here is my version:

  List<object> list = new List<object>(new object[]{ "test", 0, "hello", 1, "world" });

  foreach(var x in list)
      Console.WriteLine("x: {0}", x);

What is <=> (the 'Spaceship' Operator) in PHP 7?

According to the RFC that introduced the operator, $a <=> $b evaluates to:

  • 0 if $a == $b
  • -1 if $a < $b
  • 1 if $a > $b

which seems to be the case in practice in every scenario I've tried, although strictly the official docs only offer the slightly weaker guarantee that $a <=> $b will return

an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero when $a is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than $b

Regardless, why would you want such an operator? Again, the RFC addresses this - it's pretty much entirely to make it more convenient to write comparison functions for usort (and the similar uasort and uksort).

usort takes an array to sort as its first argument, and a user-defined comparison function as its second argument. It uses that comparison function to determine which of a pair of elements from the array is greater. The comparison function needs to return:

an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second.

The spaceship operator makes this succinct and convenient:

$things = [
        'foo' => 5.5,
        'bar' => 'abc'
        'foo' => 7.7,
        'bar' => 'xyz'
        'foo' => 2.2,
        'bar' => 'efg'

// Sort $things by 'foo' property, ascending
usort($things, function ($a, $b) {
    return $a['foo'] <=> $b['foo'];

// Sort $things by 'bar' property, descending
usort($things, function ($a, $b) {
    return $b['bar'] <=> $a['bar'];

More examples of comparison functions written using the spaceship operator can be found in the Usefulness section of the RFC.

CSS3 Transform Skew One Side

you can make that using transform and transform origins.

Combining various transfroms gives similar result. I hope you find it helpful. :) See these examples for simpler transforms. this has left point :

div {    _x000D_
    width: 300px;_x000D_
    background-image: url('');_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(-30deg);_x000D_
    -o-transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(-30deg);_x000D_
    -moz-transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(-30deg);_x000D_
    -webkit-transform-origin: 100% 50%;_x000D_
    -moz-transform-origin: 100% 50%;_x000D_
    -o-transform-origin: 100% 50%;_x000D_
    transform-origin: 100% 50%;_x000D_
    margin: 10px 90px;_x000D_

This has right skew point :

div {    _x000D_
    width: 300px;_x000D_
    background-image: url('');_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(-30deg);_x000D_
    -o-transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(-30deg);_x000D_
    -moz-transform: perspective(300px) rotateX(-30deg);_x000D_
    -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 50%;_x000D_
    -moz-transform-origin: 0% 50%;_x000D_
    -o-transform-origin: 0% 50%;_x000D_
    transform-origin: 0% 50%;_x000D_
    margin: 10px 90px;_x000D_

what transform: 0% 50%; does is it sets the origin to vertical middle and horizontal left of the element. so the perspective is not visible at the left part of the image, so it looks flat. Perspective effect is there at the right part, so it looks slanted.

How do I determine k when using k-means clustering?

If you use MATLAB, any version since 2013b that is, you can make use of the function evalclusters to find out what should the optimal k be for a given dataset.

This function lets you choose from among 3 clustering algorithms - kmeans, linkage and gmdistribution.

It also lets you choose from among 4 clustering evaluation criteria - CalinskiHarabasz, DaviesBouldin, gap and silhouette.

How can I get the nth character of a string?

Array notation and pointer arithmetic can be used interchangeably in C/C++ (this is not true for ALL the cases but by the time you get there, you will find the cases yourself). So although str is a pointer, you can use it as if it were an array like so:

char char_E = str[1];
char char_L1 = str[2];
char char_O = str[4];

...and so on. What you could also do is "add" 1 to the value of the pointer to a character str which will then point to the second character in the string. Then you can simply do:

str = str + 1; // makes it point to 'E' now
char myChar =  *str;

I hope this helps.

Android Studio update -Error:Could not run build action using Gradle distribution

Try updating gradle dependency to 2.4. For that you need to go to File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Gradle version.

There you need to change from 2.2.1 to 2.4. Wait for new gradle version to be downloaded.

And you are ready to go.

How to find my Subversion server version number?

Browse the repository with Firefox and inspect the element with Firebug. Under the NET tab, you can check the Header of the page. It will have something like:

Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) DAV/2 SVN/1.X.X

jQuery bind to Paste Event, how to get the content of the paste

It would appear as though this event has some clipboardData property attached to it (it may be nested within the originalEvent property). The clipboardData contains an array of items and each one of those items has a getAsString() function that you can call. This returns the string representation of what is in the item.

Those items also have a getAsFile() function, as well as some others which are browser specific (e.g. in webkit browsers, there is a webkitGetAsEntry() function).

For my purposes, I needed the string value of what is being pasted. So, I did something similar to this:

$(element).bind("paste", function (e) {
    e.originalEvent.clipboardData.items[0].getAsString(function (pStringRepresentation) {
        // pStringRepresentation now contains the string representation of what was pasted.
        // This does not include HTML or any markup. Essentially jQuery's $(element).text()
        // function result.

You'll want to perform an iteration through the items, keeping a string concatenation result.

The fact that there is an array of items makes me think more work will need to be done, analyzing each item. You'll also want to do some null/value checks.

How can I get terminal output in python?

The recommended way in Python 3.5 and above is to use

from subprocess import run
output = run("pwd", capture_output=True).stdout

How do I get PHP errors to display?

In Unix CLI, it's very practical to redirect only errors to a file:

./script 2> errors.log

From your script, either use var_dump() or equivalent as usual (both STDOUT and STDERR will receive the output), but to write only in the log file:

fwrite(STDERR, "Debug infos\n"); // Write in errors.log^

Then from another shell, for live changes:

tail -f errors.log

or simply

watch cat errors.log

How do I generate a random integer between min and max in Java?

Using the Random class is the way to go as suggested in the accepted answer, but here is a less straight-forward correct way of doing it if you didn't want to create a new Random object :

min + (int) (Math.random() * (max - min + 1));

Laravel 5 Clear Views Cache

There is now a php artisan view:clear command for this task since Laravel 5.1

jQuery move to anchor location on page load


You can do this using jQuery's .scrollTop() and .offset() method

Check out my sample and this jsFiddle Demonstration


$(function() {
    $(document).scrollTop( $("#header").offset().top );  

More Information

Asynchronous vs synchronous execution, what does it really mean?

In a nutshell, synchronization refers to two or more processes' start and end points, NOT their executions. In this example, Process A's endpoint is synchronized with Process B's start point:


Asynchronous processes, on the other hand, do not have their start and endpoints synchronized:


Where Process A overlaps Process B, they're running concurrently or synchronously (dictionary definition), hence the confusion.

UPDATE: Charles Bretana improved his answer, so this answer is now just a simple (potentially oversimplified) mnemonic.

Pass mouse events through absolutely-positioned element

The reason you are not receiving the event is because the absolutely positioned element is not a child of the element you are wanting to "click" (blue div). The cleanest way I can think of is to put the absolute element as a child of the one you want clicked, but I'm assuming you can't do that or you wouldn't have posted this question here :)

Another option would be to register a click event handler for the absolute element and call the click handler for the blue div, causing them both to flash.

Due to the way events bubble up through the DOM I'm not sure there is a simpler answer for you, but I'm very curious if anyone else has any tricks I don't know about!

How to Automatically Close Alerts using Twitter Bootstrap

After going over some of the answers here an in another thread, here's what I ended up with:

I created a function named showAlert() that would dynamically add an alert, with an optional type and closeDealy. So that you can, for example, add an alert of type danger (i.e., Bootstrap's alert-danger) that will close automatically after 5 seconds like so:

showAlert("Warning message", "danger", 5000);

To achieve that, add the following Javascript function:

function showAlert(message, type, closeDelay) {

    if ($("#alerts-container").length == 0) {
        // alerts-container does not exist, add it
            .append( $('<div id="alerts-container" style="position: fixed;
                width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 10%;">') );

    // default to alert-info; other options include success, warning, danger
    type = type || "info";    

    // create the alert div
    var alert = $('<div class="alert alert-' + type + ' fade in">')
            $('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">')

    // add the alert div to top of alerts-container, use append() to add to bottom

    // if closeDelay was passed - set a timeout to close the alert
    if (closeDelay)
        window.setTimeout(function() { alert.alert("close") }, closeDelay);     

What is a "static" function in C?

static functions are functions that are only visible to other functions in the same file (more precisely the same translation unit).

EDIT: For those who thought, that the author of the questions meant a 'class method': As the question is tagged C he means a plain old C function. For (C++/Java/...) class methods, static means that this method can be called on the class itself, no instance of that class necessary.

What do two question marks together mean in C#?

It's short hand for the ternary operator.

FormsAuth = (formsAuth != null) ? formsAuth : new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();

Or for those who don't do ternary:

if (formsAuth != null)
  FormsAuth = formsAuth;
  FormsAuth = new FormsAuthenticationWrapper();

Mixing a PHP variable with a string literal

You can use {} arround your variable, to separate it from what's after:

echo "{$test}y"

As reference, you can take a look to the Variable parsing - Complex (curly) syntax section of the PHP manual.

Error :Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

As hinted at by this post Error in chrome: Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers just add the additional header to your web.config like so...

    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
    <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept" />

Font Awesome & Unicode

In latest 5.13 there's a difference. You do like always...

font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
content: "\f107";

But there's a difference now... Instead of use font-weight: 500; You are following this:

font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
font-weight: 900;
content: "\f107";

Why is that? I figure out by finding in in .fas class, so you can figure out an updated way by looking into .fas class so you're doing the same as it has to be. Figure out if there's a font-weight and font-family. Here you go guys. That's an update answer for 5.13.

Using Google maps API v3 how do I get LatLng with a given address?

I don't think location.LatLng is working, however this works:

results[0], results[0].geometry.location.lng()

Found it while exploring Get Lat Lon source code.

How to read input from console in a batch file?

If you're just quickly looking to keep a cmd instance open instead of exiting immediately, simply doing the following is enough

set /p asd="Hit enter to continue"

at the end of your script and it'll keep the window open.

Note that this'll set asd as an environment variable, and can be replaced with anything else.

How to fire a change event on a HTMLSelectElement if the new value is the same as the old?

It's not firing because the value hasn't "changed". It's the same value. Unfortunately, you can't achieve the desired behaviour using the change event.

You can handle the blur event and do whatever processing you need when the user leaves the select box. That way you can run the code you need even if the user selects the same value.

Adding an onclick function to go to url in JavaScript?

function URL() {
    location.href = '';

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration

I faced the same issue. I had entered in the App settings. When anybody accessed my website using the full URL, Facebook Login worked fine. But if somebody typed in the URL without www in the browser, Facebook Login failed with this error message. When I changed the App Setting to everything started working fine.

Hashcode and Equals for Hashset

Because in 2nd case you adding same reference twice and HashSet have check against this in HashMap.put() on which HashSet is based:

        if (e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k))) {
            V oldValue = e.value;
            e.value = value;
            return oldValue;

As you can see, equals will be called only if hash of key being added equals to the key already present in set and references of these two are different.

Find stored procedure by name

Very neat trick I stumble upon trying some SQL injection, in object explorer in the search box just use your percentage characters, and this will search EVERYTHING stored procedures, functions, views, tables, schema, indexes...I tired of thinking of more :)

Search Pattern

Best way to remove the last character from a string built with stringbuilder

You have two options. First one is very easy use Remove method it is quite effective. Second way is to use ToString with start index and end index (MSDN documentation)

What is Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface?

Is to do with IPv6

All the gory details here:

Some people have had issues with it, and disabled it, but as a general rule, if it aint broke...

T-SQL: Opposite to string concatenation - how to split string into multiple records

I wrote this awhile back. It assumes the delimiter is a comma and that the individual values aren't bigger than 127 characters. It could be modified pretty easily.

It has the benefit of not being limited to 4,000 characters.

Good luck!

ALTER Function [dbo].[SplitStr] ( 
        @txt text 
Returns @tmp Table 
                value varchar(127)
        declare @str varchar(8000) 
                , @Beg int 
                , @last int 
                , @size int 

        set @size=datalength(@txt) 
        set @Beg=1 

        set @str=substring(@txt,@Beg,8000) 
        IF len(@str)<8000 set @Beg=@size 
        ELSE BEGIN 
                set @last=charindex(',', reverse(@str)) 
                set @str=substring(@txt,@Beg,8000-@last) 
                set @Beg=@Beg+8000-@last+1 

        declare @workingString varchar(25) 
                , @stringindex int 

        while @Beg<=@size Begin 
                WHILE LEN(@str) > 0 BEGIN 
                        SELECT @StringIndex = CHARINDEX(',', @str) 

                                @workingString = CASE 
                                        WHEN @StringIndex > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(@str, 1, @StringIndex-1) 
                                        ELSE @str 

                        INSERT INTO 
                                (cast(rtrim(ltrim(@workingString)) as varchar(127)))
                        SELECT @str = CASE 
                                WHEN CHARINDEX(',', @str) > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(@str, @StringIndex+1, LEN(@str)) 
                                ELSE '' 
                set @str=substring(@txt,@Beg,8000) 

                if @Beg=@size set @Beg=@Beg+1 
                else IF len(@str)<8000 set @Beg=@size 
                ELSE BEGIN 
                        set @last=charindex(',', reverse(@str)) 
                        set @str=substring(@txt,@Beg,8000-@last) 
                        set @Beg=@Beg+8000-@last+1 



Font awesome is not showing icon

In my case: You need to copy the whole font-awesome folder to your project css folder and not just the font-awesome.min.css file.

How to rearrange Pandas column sequence?

I would suggest you just write a function to do what you're saying probably using drop (to delete columns) and insert to insert columns at a position. There isn't an existing API function to do what you're describing.

html select only one checkbox in a group

While JS is probably the way to go, it could be done with HTML and CSS only.

Here you have a fake radio button which is really a label for a real hidden radio button. By doing that, you get exactly the effect you need.

   #uncheck>input { display: none }
   input:checked + label { display: none }
   input:not(:checked) + label + label{ display: none } 

<div id='uncheck'>
  <input type="radio" name='food' id="box1" /> 
    <label for='box1'>&#9678;</label> 
    <label for='box0'>&#9673;</label>
  <input type="radio" name='food' id="box2" /> 
  Ice cream 
    <label for='box2'>&#9678;</label> 
    <label for='box0'>&#9673;</label>
  <input type="radio" name='food' id="box0" checked />

See it here:

Now, that assumes you need non-selectable labels.

If you were willing to include the labels, you can technically avoid repeating the "uncheck" label by changing its text in CSS, see here:

Postgres: How to convert a json string to text?

In 9.4.4 using the #>> operator works for me:

select to_json('test'::text) #>> '{}';

To use with a table column:

select jsoncol #>> '{}' from mytable;

How can I keep my branch up to date with master with git?

You can use the cherry-pick to get the particular bug fix commit(s)

$ git checkout branch
$ git cherry-pick bugfix

Visual Studio Post Build Event - Copy to Relative Directory Location

Would it not make sense to use msbuild directly? If you are doing this with every build, then you can add a msbuild task at the end? If you would just like to see if you can’t find another macro value that is not showed on the Visual Studio IDE, you could switch on the msbuild options to diagnostic and that will show you all of the variables that you could use, as well as their current value.

To switch this on in visual studio, go to Tools/Options then scroll down the tree view to the section called Projects and Solutions, expand that and click on Build and Run, at the right their is a drop down that specify the build output verbosity, setting that to diagnostic, will show you what other macro values you could use.

Because I don’t quite know to what level you would like to go, and how complex you want your build to be, this might give you some idea. I have recently been doing build scripts, that even execute SQL code as part of the build. If you would like some more help or even some sample build scripts, let me know, but if it is just a small process you want to run at the end of the build, the perhaps going the full msbuild script is a bit of over kill.

Hope it helps Rihan

How to find specific lines in a table using Selenium?

you can try following

int index = 0;
WebElement baseTable = driver.findElement(By.className("table gradient myPage"));
List<WebElement> tableRows = baseTable.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));

You can also iterate over tablerows to perform any function you want.

How to Sort Multi-dimensional Array by Value?

I usually use usort, and pass my own comparison function. In this case, it is very simple:

function compareOrder($a, $b)
  return $a['order'] - $b['order'];
usort($array, 'compareOrder');

In PHP 7 using spaceship operator:

usort($array, function($a, $b) {
    return $a['order'] <=> $b['order'];

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

As long as these are only "<" and ">" (and not the double quote itself) characters and you're using them in context like <input value="this" />, you're safe (while for <textarea>this one</textarea> you would be vulnerable of course). That may simplify your situation, but for anything more use one of other posted solutions.

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops

Greg is absolutely correct. This kind of parsing cannot be done with regular expressions. I suppose it is possible to build some horrendous monstrosity that would work for many cases, but then you'll just run across something that does.

You really need to use more traditional parsing techniques. For example, its pretty simple to write a recursive decent parser to do what you need.

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

Oracle: Thin-style Service Name Syntax

Thin-style service names are supported only by the JDBC Thin driver. The syntax is:


Make the first character Uppercase in CSS

<script type="text/javascript">
     $(document).ready(function() {
     var asdf = $('.capsf').text();

<div style="text-transform: capitalize;"  class="capsf">sd GJHGJ GJHgjh gh hghhjk ku</div>

How do I comment on the Windows command line?

Lines starting with "rem" (from the word remarks) are comments:

rem comment here
echo "hello"

Print newline in PHP in single quotes

I wonder why no one added the alternative of using the function chr():

echo 'Hello World!' . chr(10);

or, more efficient if you're going to repeat it a million times:

define('C_NewLine', chr(10));
echo 'Hello World!' . C_NewLine;

This avoids the silly-looking notation of concatenating a single- and double-quoted string.

R: "Unary operator error" from multiline ggplot2 command

It's the '+' operator at the beginning of the line that trips things up (not just that you are using two '+' operators consecutively). The '+' operator can be used at the end of lines, but not at the beginning.

This works:

ggplot(, aes(x = region, y = expression, fill = species)) +

The does not:

ggplot(, aes(x = region, y = expression, fill = species))
+ geom_boxplot() 

*Error in + geom_boxplot():
invalid argument to unary operator*

You also can't use two '+' operators, which in this case you've done. But to fix this, you'll have to selectively remove those at the beginning of lines.

How can I create database tables from XSD files?

The best way to create the SQL database schema using an XSD file is a program called Altova XMLSpy, this is very simple:

  1. Create a new project
  2. On the DTDs / Schemas folder right clicking and selecting add files
  3. Selects the XSD file
  4. Open the XSD file added by double-clicking
  5. Go to the toolbar and look Conversion
  6. They select Create structure database from XML schema
  7. Selects the data source
  8. And finally give it to export the route calls immediately leave their scrip schemas with SQL Server to execute the query.

Hope it helps.

What do numbers using 0x notation mean?


It's a prefix to indicate the number is in hexadecimal rather than in some other base. The C programming language uses it to tell compiler.

Example :

0x6400 translates to 6*16^3 + 4*16^2 + 0*16^1 +0*16^0 = 25600. When compiler reads 0x6400, It understands the number is hexadecimal with the help of 0x term. Usually we can understand by (6400)16 or (6400)8 or any base ..

Hope Helped in some way.

Good day,

How to add image in Flutter

How to include images in your app

1. Create an assets/images folder

  • This should be located in the root of your project, in the same folder as your pubspec.yaml file.
  • In Android Studio you can right click in the Project view
  • You don't have to call it assets or images. You don't even need to make images a subfolder. Whatever name you use, though, is what you will regester in the pubspec.yaml file.

2. Add your image to the new folder

  • You can just copy your image into assets/images. The relative path of lake.jpg, for example, would be assets/images/lake.jpg.

3. Register the assets folder in pubspec.yaml

  • Open the pubspec.yaml file that is in the root of your project.

  • Add an assets subsection to the flutter section like this:

          - assets/images/lake.jpg
  • If you have multiple images that you want to include then you can leave off the file name and just use the directory name (include the final /):

          - assets/images/

4. Use the image in code

  • Get the asset in an Image widget with Image.asset('assets/images/lake.jpg').

  • The entire main.dart file is here:

      import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      void main() => runApp(MyApp());
      class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          return MaterialApp(
            home: Scaffold(
              appBar: AppBar(
                title: Text("Image from assets"),
              body: Image.asset('assets/images/lake.jpg'), //   <--- image

5. Restart your app

When making changes to pubspec.yaml I find that I often need to completely stop my app and restart it again, especially when adding assets. Otherwise I get a crash.

Running the app now you should have something like this:

enter image description here

Further reading

  • See the documentation for how to do things like provide alternate images for different densities.


The first video here goes into a lot of detail about how to include images in your app. The second video covers more about how to adjust how they look.

System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved:

It's probably caused by a local network connectivity issue (but also a DNS error is possible). Unfortunately HResult is generic, however you can determine the exact issue catching HttpRequestException and then inspecting InnerException: if it's a WebException then you can check the WebException.Status property, for example WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure should indicate a DNS resolution problem.

It may happen, there isn't much you can do.

What I'd suggest to always wrap that (network related) code in a loop with a try/catch block (as also suggested here for other fallible operations). Handle known exceptions, wait a little (say 1000 msec) and try again (for say 3 times). Only if failed all times then you can quit/report an error to your users. Very raw example like this:

private const int NumberOfRetries = 3;
private const int DelayOnRetry = 1000;

public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetFromUrlAsync(string url) {
    using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
        for (int i=1; i <= NumberOfRetries; ++i) {
            try {
                return await client.GetAsync(url); 
            catch (Exception e) when (i < NumberOfRetries) {
                await Task.Delay(DelayOnRetry);

VBA - Range.Row.Count

That is nice question :)

When you have situation with 1 cell (A1), it is important to identify if second declared cell is not empty (sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)). If it is true it means your range got out of control :) Look at code below:

Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Arkusz1")

Dim k As Long

If IsEmpty(sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)) = True Then
    k = 1

    k = sh.Range("A1", sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

End If

Autocomplete syntax for HTML or PHP in Notepad++. Not auto-close, autocompelete

Its supported in notepad++ 5.0+ but not enabled by default. You can enable it from settings -> preferences

bodyParser is deprecated express 4

I found that while adding

  extended: true

helps, sometimes it's a matter of your querying that determines how express handles it.

For instance, it could be that your parameters are passed in the URL rather than in the body

In such a case, you need to capture both the body and url parameters and use whichever is available (with preference for the body parameters in the case below)

        let pars = (Object.keys(req.body).length > 0)?req.body:req.query;

pip: no module named _internal

This solution works for me:

curl -o
python3 --force-reinstall

or use sudo for elevated permissions (sudo python3 --force-reinstall).

Of course, you can also use python instead of python3 ;)


Swift Bridging Header import issue

This will probably only affect a small percentage of people, but in my case my project was using CocoaPods and one of those pods had a sub spec with its own CocoaPods. The solution was to use full angle imports to reference any files in the sub-pods.

#import <HexColors/HexColor.h>

Rather than

#import "HexColor.h"

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax?

I have problem with this error handling approach: In case of web.config:

<customErrors mode="On"/>

The error handler is searching view Error.shtml and the control flow step in to Application_Error global.asax only after exception

System.InvalidOperationException: The view 'Error' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched: ~/Views/home/Error.aspx ~/Views/home/Error.ascx ~/Views/Shared/Error.aspx ~/Views/Shared/Error.ascx ~/Views/home/Error.cshtml ~/Views/home/Error.vbhtml ~/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml ~/Views/Shared/Error.vbhtml at System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult.FindView(ControllerContext context) ....................


 Exception exception = Server.GetLastError();
  HttpException httpException = exception as HttpException;

httpException is always null then customErrors mode="On" :( It is misleading Then <customErrors mode="Off"/> or <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/> the users see customErrors html, Then customErrors mode="On" this code is wrong too

Another problem of this code that

Response.Redirect(String.Format("~/Error/{0}/?message={1}", action, exception.Message));

Return page with code 302 instead real error code(402,403 etc)

Python: Fetch first 10 results from a list

Use the slicing operator:

list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]

Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix()

In my case, Android Studio 3.0.1, I fixed the issue with the following two steps.

Step 1: Change Gradle plugin version in project-level build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

Step 2: Change gradle version


how to create a Java Date object of midnight today and midnight tomorrow?

Using apache commons..

//For midnight today 
Date today = new Date(); 
DateUtils.truncate(today, Calendar.DATE);

//For midnight tomorrow   
Date tomorrow = DateUtils.addDays(today, 1); 
DateUtils.truncate(tomorrow, Calendar.DATE);

Cursor adapter and sqlite example

CursorAdapter Example with Sqlite

DatabaseHelper helper = new DatabaseHelper(this);
aListView = (ListView) findViewById(;
Cursor c = helper.getAllContacts();
CustomAdapter adapter = new CustomAdapter(this, c);

class CustomAdapter extends CursorAdapter {
    // CursorAdapter will handle all the moveToFirst(), getCount() logic for you :)

    public CustomAdapter(Context context, Cursor c) {
        super(context, c);

    public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
        String id = cursor.getString(0);
        String name = cursor.getString(1);
        // Get all the values
        // Use it however you need to
        TextView textView = (TextView) view;

    public View newView(Context context, Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) {
        // Inflate your view here.
        TextView view = new TextView(context);
        return view;

private final class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "db_name";
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
    private static final String CREATE_TABLE_TIMELINE = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table_name (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar);";

    public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO ddd (name) VALUES ('One')");
        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO ddd (name) VALUES ('Two')");
        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO ddd (name) VALUES ('Three')");

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {

    public Cursor getAllContacts() {
        String selectQuery = "SELECT  * FROM table_name;
        SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
        Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);
        return cursor;

How to change node.js's console font color?


const colors = {
    Reset : "\x1b[0m",
    Bright : "\x1b[1m",
    Dim : "\x1b[2m",
    Underscore : "\x1b[4m",
    Blink : "\x1b[5m",
    Reverse : "\x1b[7m",
    Hidden : "\x1b[8m",

    FgBlack : "\x1b[30m",
    FgRed : "\x1b[31m",
    FgGreen : "\x1b[32m",
    FgYellow : "\x1b[33m",
    FgBlue : "\x1b[34m",
    FgMagenta : "\x1b[35m",
    FgCyan : "\x1b[36m",
    FgWhite : "\x1b[37m",

    BgBlack : "\x1b[40m",
    BgRed : "\x1b[41m",
    BgGreen : "\x1b[42m",
    BgYellow : "\x1b[43m",
    BgBlue : "\x1b[44m",
    BgMagenta : "\x1b[45m",
    BgCyan : "\x1b[46m",
    BgWhite : "\x1b[47m",

module.exports = () => {
    Object.keys(colors).forEach(key => {
        console['log' + key] = (strg) => {
            if(typeof strg === 'object') strg = JSON.stringify(strg, null, 4);
            return console.log(colors[key]+strg+'\x1b[0m');



Then use it like:

console.logBgGreen(" grüner Hintergrund ")

How can I change UIButton title color?

You created the UIButton is added the ViewController, The following instance method to change UIFont, tintColor and TextColor of the UIButton


 buttonName.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"LuzSans-Book" size:15];
 buttonName.tintColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
 [buttonName setTitleColor:[UIColor purpleColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];


buttonName.titleLabel.font = UIFont(name: "LuzSans-Book", size: 15)
buttonName.tintColor = UIColor.purpleColor()
buttonName.setTitleColor(UIColor.purpleColor(), forState: .Normal)


buttonName.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "LuzSans-Book", size: 15)
buttonName.tintColor = UIColor.purple
buttonName.setTitleColor(UIColor.purple, for: .normal)

How to Compare two Arrays are Equal using Javascript?

A less robust approach, but it works.

a = [2, 4, 5].toString();
b = [2, 4, 5].toString();


Remove multiple items from a Python list in just one statement

You Can use this -

Suppose we have a list, l = [1,2,3,4,5]

We want to delete last two items in a single statement

del l[3:]

We have output:

l = [1,2,3]

Keep it Simple

What is the difference between Digest and Basic Authentication?

Basic Authentication use base 64 Encoding for generating cryptographic string which contains the information of username and password.

Digest Access Authentication uses the hashing methodologies to generate the cryptographic result

Trouble setting up git with my GitHub Account error: could not lock config file

just do Run as need to run the program in the run as administrator mode in windows

Convert MFC CString to integer

Define in msdn:

int atoi(
   const char *str 
int _wtoi(
   const wchar_t *str 
int _atoi_l(
   const char *str,
   _locale_t locale
int _wtoi_l(
   const wchar_t *str,
   _locale_t locale

CString is wchar_t string. So, if you want convert Cstring to int, you can use:

 CString s;  
int test = _wtoi(s)

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

Once you start the web installer there's an option to download media, that being the full installation package. There's even download options for what kind of package to download.

Show which git tag you are on?

git describe is a porcelain command, which you should avoid:

Instead, I used:

git name-rev --tags --name-only $(git rev-parse HEAD)

expected assignment or function call: no-unused-expressions ReactJS

This happens because you put bracket of return on the next line. That might be a common mistake if you write js without semicolons and use a style where you put opened braces on the next line.

Interpreter thinks that you return undefined and doesn't check your next line. That's the return operator thing.

Put your opened bracket on the same line with the return.

How to Identify Microsoft Edge browser via CSS?

/* Microsoft Edge Browser 12-18 (All versions before Chromium) - one-liner method */

_:-ms-lang(x), _:-webkit-full-screen, .selector { property:value; }

That works great!

// for instance:
_:-ms-lang(x), _:-webkit-full-screen, .headerClass 
  border: 1px solid brown;

Run a command over SSH with JSch

The following code example written in Java will allow you to execute any command on a foreign computer through SSH from within a java program. You will need to include the com.jcraft.jsch jar file.

  * SSHManager
  * @author cabbott
  * @version 1.0

  import com.jcraft.jsch.*;
  import java.util.logging.Level;
  import java.util.logging.Logger;

  public class SSHManager
  private static final Logger LOGGER = 
  private JSch jschSSHChannel;
  private String strUserName;
  private String strConnectionIP;
  private int intConnectionPort;
  private String strPassword;
  private Session sesConnection;
  private int intTimeOut;

  private void doCommonConstructorActions(String userName, 
       String password, String connectionIP, String knownHostsFileName)
     jschSSHChannel = new JSch();

     catch(JSchException jschX)

     strUserName = userName;
     strPassword = password;
     strConnectionIP = connectionIP;

  public SSHManager(String userName, String password, 
     String connectionIP, String knownHostsFileName)
     doCommonConstructorActions(userName, password, 
                connectionIP, knownHostsFileName);
     intConnectionPort = 22;
     intTimeOut = 60000;

  public SSHManager(String userName, String password, String connectionIP, 
     String knownHostsFileName, int connectionPort)
     doCommonConstructorActions(userName, password, connectionIP, 
     intConnectionPort = connectionPort;
     intTimeOut = 60000;

  public SSHManager(String userName, String password, String connectionIP, 
      String knownHostsFileName, int connectionPort, int timeOutMilliseconds)
     doCommonConstructorActions(userName, password, connectionIP, 
     intConnectionPort = connectionPort;
     intTimeOut = timeOutMilliseconds;

  public String connect()
     String errorMessage = null;

        sesConnection = jschSSHChannel.getSession(strUserName, 
            strConnectionIP, intConnectionPort);
        // sesConnection.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
     catch(JSchException jschX)
        errorMessage = jschX.getMessage();

     return errorMessage;

  private String logError(String errorMessage)
     if(errorMessage != null)
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "{0}:{1} - {2}", 
            new Object[]{strConnectionIP, intConnectionPort, errorMessage});

     return errorMessage;

  private String logWarning(String warnMessage)
     if(warnMessage != null)
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "{0}:{1} - {2}", 
           new Object[]{strConnectionIP, intConnectionPort, warnMessage});

     return warnMessage;

  public String sendCommand(String command)
     StringBuilder outputBuffer = new StringBuilder();

        Channel channel = sesConnection.openChannel("exec");
        InputStream commandOutput = channel.getInputStream();
        int readByte =;

        while(readByte != 0xffffffff)
           readByte =;

     catch(IOException ioX)
        return null;
     catch(JSchException jschX)
        return null;

     return outputBuffer.toString();

  public void close()


For testing.

     * Test of sendCommand method, of class SSHManager.
  public void testSendCommand()

     String command = "ls FILE_NAME";
     String userName = "USER";
     String password = "PASSWORD";
     String connectionIP = "HOST";
     SSHManager instance = new SSHManager(userName, password, connectionIP, "");
     String errorMessage = instance.connect();

     if(errorMessage != null)

     String expResult = "FILE_NAME\n";
     // call sendCommand for each command and the output 
     //(without prompts) is returned
     String result = instance.sendCommand(command);
     // close only after all commands are sent
     assertEquals(expResult, result);

HTML5 input type range show range value

Try This :

 <input min="0" max="100" id="when_change_range" type="range">
 <input type="text" id="text_for_show_range">

and in jQuery section :


Python: Binary To Decimal Conversion

You can use int casting which allows the base specification.

int(b, 2)  # Convert a binary string to a decimal int.

gson throws MalformedJsonException

From my recent experience, JsonReader#setLenient basically makes the parser very tolerant, even to allow malformed JSON data.

But for certain data retrieved from your trusted RESTful API(s), this error might be caused by trailing white spaces. In such cases, simply trim the data would avoid the error:

String trimmed = result1.trim();

Then gson.fromJson(trimmed, T) might work. Surely this only covers a special case, so YMMV.

What is the difference/usage of homebrew, macports or other package installation tools?

Currently, Macports has many more packages (~18.6 K) than there are Homebrew formulae (~3.1K), owing to its maturity. Homebrew is slowly catching up though.

Macport packages tend to be maintained by a single person.

Macports can keep multiple versions of packages around, and you can enable or disable them to test things out. Sometimes this list can get corrupted and you have to manually edit it to get things back in order, although this is not too hard.

Both package managers will ask to be regularly updated. This can take some time.

Note: you can have both package managers on your system! It is not one or the other. Brew might complain but Macports won't.

Also, if you are dealing with python or ruby packages, use a virtual environment wherever possible.

How can I search Git branches for a file or directory?

You could use gitk --all and search for commits "touching paths" and the pathname you are interested in.

JQuery find first parent element with specific class prefix

Jquery later allowed you to to find the parents with the .parents() method.

Hence I recommend using:

var $div = $('#divid').parents('div[class^="div-a"]');

This gives all parent nodes matching the selector. To get the first parent matching the selector use:

var $div = $('#divid').parents('div[class^="div-a"]').eq(0);

For other such DOM traversal queries, check out the documentation on traversing the DOM.

How to make program go back to the top of the code instead of closing

Use an infinite loop:

while True:
    print('Hello world!')

This certainly can apply to your start() function as well; you can exit the loop with either break, or use return to exit the function altogether, which also terminates the loop:

def start():
    print ("Welcome to the converter toolkit made by Alan.")

    while True:
        op = input ("Please input what operation you wish to perform. 1 for Fahrenheit to Celsius, 2 for meters to centimetres and 3 for megabytes to gigabytes")

        if op == "1":
            f1 = input ("Please enter your fahrenheit temperature: ")
            f1 = int(f1)

            a1 = (f1 - 32) / 1.8
            a1 = str(a1)

            print (a1+" celsius") 

        elif op == "2":
            m1 = input ("Please input your the amount of meters you wish to convert: ")
            m1 = int(m1)
            m2 = (m1 * 100)

            m2 = str(m2)
            print (m2+" m")

        if op == "3":
            mb1 = input ("Please input the amount of megabytes you want to convert")
            mb1 = int(mb1)
            mb2 = (mb1 / 1024)
            mb3 = (mb2 / 1024)

            mb3 = str(mb3)

            print (mb3+" GB")

            print ("Sorry, that was an invalid command!")

If you were to add an option to quit as well, that could be:

if op.lower() in {'q', 'quit', 'e', 'exit'}:

for example.

Dealing with multiple Python versions and PIP?

If you have multiple versions as well as multiple architectures (32 bit, 64 bit) you will need to add a -32 or -64 at the end of your version.

For windows, go to cmd and type py --list and it will produce the versions you have installed. The list will look like the following:

Installed Pythons found by py Launcher for Windows
 -3.7-64 *

The full command as an example will be:

py -3.6-32 -m pip install (package)

If you want to get more indepth, to install a specific version of a package on a specific version of python, use ==(version) after the package. As an example,

py -3.6-32 -m pip install opencv-python==

How to make php display \t \n as tab and new line instead of characters

"\t" not '\t', php doesnt escape in single quotes

How to link to a <div> on another page?

You can add hash info in next page url to move browser at specific position(any html element), after page is loaded.

This is can done in this way:

add hash in the url of next_page :

$( document ).ready(function() {

  ##get hash code at next page
  var hashcode = window.location.hash;

  ## move page to any specific position of next page(let that is div with id "hashcode")
  $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('div#'+hascode).offset().top},'slow');


How to create a fixed sidebar layout with Bootstrap 4?

My version:

div#dashmain { margin-left:150px; }
div#dashside {position:fixed; width:150px; height:100%; }
<div id="dashside"></div>
<div id="dashmain">                        
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="row">
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Multiple glibc libraries on a single host

Can you consider using Nix ?

Nix supports multi-user package management: multiple users can share a common Nix store securely, don’t need to have root privileges to install software, and can install and use different versions of a package.

Get file size before uploading

Here's a simple example of getting the size of a file before uploading. It's using jQuery to detect whenever the contents are added or changed, but you can still get files[0].size without using jQuery.

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('#openFile').on('change', function(evt) {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<form action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" id="uploadform">_x000D_
  <input id="openFile" name="img" type="file" />_x000D_

Here's a more complete example, some proof of concept code to Drag and Drop files into FormData and upload via POST to a server. It includes a simple check for file size.

Joining pairs of elements of a list

>>> lst =  ['abcd', 'e', 'fg', 'hijklmn', 'opq', 'r'] 
>>> print [lst[2*i]+lst[2*i+1] for i in range(len(lst)/2)]
['abcde', 'fghijklmn', 'opqr']

Set variable value to array of strings

In SQL you can not have a variable array.
However, the best alternative solution is to use a temporary table.