Programs & Examples On #Conferencing

How to undo a successful "git cherry-pick"?

One command and does not use the destructive git reset command:

GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i 's/pick/d/'" git rebase -i HEAD~ --autostash

It simply drops the commit, putting you back exactly in the state before the cherry-pick even if you had local changes.

How to call a Web Service Method?

The current way to do this is by using the "Add Service Reference" command. If you specify "TestUploaderWebService" as the service reference name, that will generate the type TestUploaderWebService.Service1. That class will have a method named GetFileListOnWebServer, which will return an array of strings (you can change that to be a list of strings if you like). You would use it like this:

string[] files = null;
TestUploaderWebService.Service1 proxy = null;
bool success = false;
    proxy = new TestUploaderWebService.Service1();
    files = proxy.GetFileListOnWebServer();
    success = true;
    if (!success)

P.S. Tell your instructor to look at "Microsoft: ASMX Web Services are a “Legacy Technology”", and ask why he's teaching out of date technology.

While loop in batch

I have a trick for doing this!

I came up with this method because while on the CLI, it's not possible to use the methods provided in the other answers here and it had always bugged me.

I call this the "Do Until Break" or "Infinite" Loop:

Basic Example

FOR /L %L IN (0,0,1) DO @(
 ECHO. Counter always 0, See "%L" = "0" - Waiting a split second&ping -n 1>NUL )

This is truly an infinite loop!

This is useful for monitoring something in a CMD window, and allows you to use CTRL+C to break it when you're done.

Want to Have a counter?

Either use SET /A OR You can modify the FOR /L Loop to do the counting and still be infinite (Note, BOTH of these methods have a 32bit integer overflow)

SET /A Method:

FOR /L %L IN (0,0,1) DO @(
 SET /A "#+=1"&ECHO. L Still equals 0, See "%L = 0"!  - Waiting a split second &ping -n 1>NUL  )

Native FOR /L Counter:

FOR /L %L IN (-2147483648,1,2147483648) DO @(
 ECHO.Current value of L: %L - Waiting a split second &ping -n 1>NUL  )

Counting Sets of 4294967295 and Showing Current Value of L:

FOR /L %L IN (1,1,2147483648) DO @(
  IF %L EQU 0 SET /A "#+=1">NUL
 )&SET /A "#+=0"&ECHO. Sets of 4294967295 - Current value of L: %L - Waiting a split second &ping -n 1>NUL )

However, what if:

  • You're interested in reviewing the output of the monitor, and concerned that I will pass the 9999 line buffer limit before I check it after it has completed.
  • You'd like to take some additional actions once the Thing I am monitoring is finished.

For this, I determined how to use a couple methods to break the FOR Loop prematurely effectively turning it into a "DO WHILE" or "DO UNTIL" Loop, which is otherwise sorely lacking in CMD.

NOTE: Most of the time a loop will continue to iterate past the condition you checked for, often this is a wanted behavior, but not in our case.

Turn the "infinite Loop" into a "DO WHILE" / "DO UNTIL" Loop

UPDATE: Due to wanting to use this code in CMD Scripts (and have them persist!) as well as CLI, and on thinking if there might be a "more Correct" method to achieve this I recommend using the New method!

New Method (Can be used inside CMD Scripts without exiting the script):

FOR /F %%A IN ('
  CMD /C "FOR /L %%L IN (0,1,2147483648) DO @( ECHO.%%L & IF /I %%L EQU 10 ( exit /b  ) )"
') DO @(
  ECHO %%~A


FOR /F %A IN ('
  CMD /C "FOR /L %L IN (0,1,2147483648) DO @( ECHO.%L & IF /I %L EQU 10 ( exit /b  ) )"
') DO @(
  ECHO %~A

Original Method (Will work on CLI just fine, but will kill a script.)

FOR /L %L IN (0,1,2147483648) DO @(
  ECHO.Current value of L: %L - Waiting a split second &ping -n 1>NUL&(
    IF /I %L EQU 10 (
      ECHO.Breaking the Loop! Because We have matched the condition!&DIR >&0
) 2>NUL

Older Post Stuff

Through chance I had hit upon some ways to exit loops prematurely that did not close the CMD prompt when trying to do other things which gave me this Idea.


While ECHO.>&3 >NUL had worked for me in some scenarios, I have played with this off and on over the years and found that DIR >&0 >NUL was much more consistent.

I am re-writing this answer from here forward to use that method instead as I recently found the old note to myself to use this method instead.

Edited Post with better Method Follows:

DIR >&0 >NUL

The >NUL is optional, I just prefer not to have it output the error.

I prefer to match inLine when possible, as you can see in this sanitized example of a Command I use to monitor LUN Migrations on our VNX.

for /l %L IN (0,0,1) DO @(
   ECHO.& ECHO.===========================================& (
     [VNX CMD] | FINDSTR /R /C:"Source LU Name" /C:"State:" /C:"Time " || DIR >&0 >NUL
   ) & Ping -n 10 -w 1000>NUL )

Also, I have another method I found in that note to myself which I just re-tested to confirm works just as well at the CLI as the other method.

Apparently, when I first posted here I posted an older iteration I was playing with instead of the two newer ones which work better:

In this method, we use EXIT /B to exit the For Loop, but we don't want to exit the CLI so we wrap it in a CMD session:

FOR /F %A IN ('CMD /C "FOR /L %L IN (0,1,10000000) DO @( ECHO.%L & IF /I %L EQU 10 ( exit /b  ) )" ') DO @(ECHO %~A)

Because the loop itself happens in the CMD session, we can use EXIT /B to exit the iteration of the loop without losing our CMD Session, and without waiting for the loop to complete, much the same as with the other method.

I would go so far as to say that this method is likely the "intended" method for the sort of scenario where you want to break a for loop at the CLI, as using CMD session is also the only way to get Delayed expansion working at the CLI for your loops, and the behavior and such behavior is clearly an intended workflow to leave a CMD session.

IE: Microsoft clearly made an intentional effort to have CMD Exit /B For loops behave this way, while the "Intended" way of doing this, as my other method, relies on having accidentally created just the right error to kick you out of the loop without letting the loop finish processing, which I only happenstantially discovered, and seems to only reliably work when using the DIR command which is fairly strange.

So that said, I think it's probably a better practice to use Method 2:

FOR /F %A IN ('CMD /C "FOR /L %L IN (0,1,10000000) DO @( ECHO.%L & IF /I %L EQU 10 ( exit /b  ) )" ') DO @(ECHO %~A)

Although I suspect Method 1 is going to be slightly faster:

FOR /L %L IN (0,1,10000000) DO @( ECHO.%L & IF /I %L EQU 10 ( DIR >&) >NUL ) )

And in either case, both should allow DO-While loops as you need for your purposes.

How to assign text size in sp value using java code

From Api level 1, you can use the public void setTextSize (float size) method.

From the documentation:

Set the default text size to the given value, interpreted as "scaled pixel" units. This size is adjusted based on the current density and user font size preference.

Parameters: size -> float: The scaled pixel size.

So you can simple do:

textView.setTextSize(12); // your size in sp

How to use Chrome's network debugger with redirects

I don't know of a way to force Chrome to not clear the Network debugger, but this might accomplish what you're looking for:

  1. Open the js console
  2. window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function() { debugger; }, false)

This will pause chrome before loading the new page by hitting a breakpoint.

Margin on child element moves parent element

To prevent "Div parent" use margin of "div child":
In parent use these css:

  • Float
  • Padding
  • Border
  • Overflow

Changing Placeholder Text Color with Swift

For swift 4.2 and above you can do it as below:

textField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: "Placeholder Text", attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])

What are these attributes: `aria-labelledby` and `aria-hidden`

The primary consumers of these properties are user agents such as screen readers for blind people. So in the case with a Bootstrap modal, the modal's div has role="dialog". When the screen reader notices that a div becomes visible which has this role, it'll speak the label for that div.

There are lots of ways to label things (and a few new ones with ARIA), but in some cases it is appropriate to use an existing element as a label (semantic) without using the <label> HTML tag. With HTML modals the label is usually a <h> header. So in the Bootstrap modal case, you add aria-labelledby=[IDofModalHeader], and the screen reader will speak that header when the modal appears.

Generally speaking a screen reader is going to notice whenever DOM elements become visible or invisible, so the aria-hidden property is frequently redundant and can probably be skipped in most cases.

How do I create dynamic variable names inside a loop?

 var marker+i = "some stuff";

coudl be interpreted like this: create a variable named marker (undefined); then add to i; then try to assign a value to to the result of an expression, not possible. What firebug is saying is this: var marker; i = 'some stuff'; this is what firebug expects a comma after marker and before i; var is a statement and don't (apparently) accepts expressions. Not so good an explanation but i hope it helps.

HttpServletRequest - Get query string parameters, no form data

As the other answers state there is no way getting query string parameters using servlet api.

So, I think the best way to get query parameters is parsing the query string yourself. ( It is more complicated iterating over parameters and checking if query string contains the parameter)

I wrote below code to get query string parameters. Using apache StringUtils and ArrayUtils which supports CSV separated query param values as well.

Example: username=james&username=smith&password=pwd1,pwd2 will return

password : [pwd1, pwd2] (length = 2)

username : [james, smith] (length = 2)

public static Map<String, String[]> getQueryParameters(HttpServletRequest request) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    Map<String, String[]> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
    String queryString = request.getQueryString();
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(queryString)) {
        queryString = URLDecoder.decode(queryString, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());
        String[] parameters = queryString.split("&");
        for (String parameter : parameters) {
            String[] keyValuePair = parameter.split("=");
            String[] values = queryParameters.get(keyValuePair[0]);
            //length is one if no value is available.
            values = keyValuePair.length == 1 ? ArrayUtils.add(values, "") :
                    ArrayUtils.addAll(values, keyValuePair[1].split(",")); //handles CSV separated query param values.
            queryParameters.put(keyValuePair[0], values);
    return queryParameters;

Is there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times?

most performant solution for string

string result = new StringBuilder().Insert(0, "---", 5).ToString();

Suppress Scientific Notation in Numpy When Creating Array From Nested List

Python Force-suppress all exponential notation when printing numpy ndarrays, wrangle text justification, rounding and print options:

What follows is an explanation for what is going on, scroll to bottom for code demos.

Passing parameter suppress=True to function set_printoptions works only for numbers that fit in the default 8 character space allotted to it, like this:

import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) #prevent numpy exponential 
                                   #notation on print, default False

#            tiny     med  large
a = np.array([1.01e-5, 22, 1.2345678e7])  #notice how index 2 is 8 
                                          #digits wide

print(a)    #prints [ 0.0000101   22.     12345678. ]

However if you pass in a number greater than 8 characters wide, exponential notation is imposed again, like this:


a = np.array([1.01e-5, 22, 1.2345678e10])    #notice how index 2 is 10
                                             #digits wide, too wide!

#exponential notation where we've told it not to!
print(a)    #prints [1.01000000e-005   2.20000000e+001   1.23456780e+10]

numpy has a choice between chopping your number in half thus misrepresenting it, or forcing exponential notation, it chooses the latter.

Here comes set_printoptions(formatter=...) to the rescue to specify options for printing and rounding. Tell set_printoptions to just print bare a bare float:


a = np.array([1.01e-5, 22, 1.2345678e30])  #notice how index 2 is 30
                                           #digits wide.  

#Ok good, no exponential notation in the large numbers:
print(a)  #prints [0.000010 22.000000 1234567799999999979944197226496.000000] 

We've force-suppressed the exponential notation, but it is not rounded or justified, so specify extra formatting options:

   formatter={'float_kind':'{:0.2f}'.format})  #float, 2 units 
                                               #precision right, 0 on left

a = np.array([1.01e-5, 22, 1.2345678e30])   #notice how index 2 is 30
                                            #digits wide

print(a)  #prints [0.00 22.00 1234567799999999979944197226496.00]

The drawback for force-suppressing all exponential notion in ndarrays is that if your ndarray gets a huge float value near infinity in it, and you print it, you're going to get blasted in the face with a page full of numbers.

Full example Demo 1:

from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np
#chaotic python list of lists with very different numeric magnitudes
my_list = [[3.74, 5162, 13683628846.64, 12783387559.86, 1.81],
           [9.55, 116, 189688622.37, 260332262.0, 1.97],
           [2.2, 768, 6004865.13, 5759960.98, 1.21],
           [3.74, 4062, 3263822121.39, 3066869087.9, 1.93],
           [1.91, 474, 44555062.72, 44555062.72, 0.41],
           [5.8, 5006, 8254968918.1, 7446788272.74, 3.25],
           [4.5, 7887, 30078971595.46, 27814989471.31, 2.18],
           [7.03, 116, 66252511.46, 81109291.0, 1.56],
           [6.52, 116, 47674230.76, 57686991.0, 1.43],
           [1.85, 623, 3002631.96, 2899484.08, 0.64],
           [13.76, 1227, 1737874137.5, 1446511574.32, 4.32],
           [13.76, 1227, 1737874137.5, 1446511574.32, 4.32]]

#convert python list of lists to numpy ndarray called my_array
my_array = np.array(my_list)

#This is a little recursive helper function converts all nested 
#ndarrays to python list of lists so that pretty printer knows what to do.
def arrayToList(arr):
    if type(arr) == type(np.array):
        #If the passed type is an ndarray then convert it to a list and
        #recursively convert all nested types
        return arrayToList(arr.tolist())
        #if item isn't an ndarray leave it as is.
        return arr

#suppress exponential notation, define an appropriate float formatter
#specify stdout line width and let pretty print do the work
   formatter={'float_kind':'{:16.3f}'.format}, linewidth=130)


array([[           3.740,         5162.000,  13683628846.640,  12783387559.860,            1.810],
       [           9.550,          116.000,    189688622.370,    260332262.000,            1.970],
       [           2.200,          768.000,      6004865.130,      5759960.980,            1.210],
       [           3.740,         4062.000,   3263822121.390,   3066869087.900,            1.930],
       [           1.910,          474.000,     44555062.720,     44555062.720,            0.410],
       [           5.800,         5006.000,   8254968918.100,   7446788272.740,            3.250],
       [           4.500,         7887.000,  30078971595.460,  27814989471.310,            2.180],
       [           7.030,          116.000,     66252511.460,     81109291.000,            1.560],
       [           6.520,          116.000,     47674230.760,     57686991.000,            1.430],
       [           1.850,          623.000,      3002631.960,      2899484.080,            0.640],
       [          13.760,         1227.000,   1737874137.500,   1446511574.320,            4.320],
       [          13.760,         1227.000,   1737874137.500,   1446511574.320,            4.320]])

Full example Demo 2:

import numpy as np  
#chaotic python list of lists with very different numeric magnitudes 

#            very tiny      medium size            large sized
#            numbers        numbers                numbers

my_list = [[0.000000000074, 5162, 13683628846.64, 1.01e10, 1.81], 
           [1.000000000055,  116, 189688622.37, 260332262.0, 1.97], 
           [0.010000000022,  768, 6004865.13,   -99e13, 1.21], 
           [1.000000000074, 4062, 3263822121.39, 3066869087.9, 1.93], 
           [2.91,            474, 44555062.72, 44555062.72, 0.41], 
           [5,              5006, 8254968918.1, 7446788272.74, 3.25], 
           [0.01,           7887, 30078971595.46, 27814989471.31, 2.18], 
           [7.03,            116, 66252511.46, 81109291.0, 1.56], 
           [6.52,            116, 47674230.76, 57686991.0, 1.43], 
           [1.85,            623, 3002631.96, 2899484.08, 0.64], 
           [13.76,          1227, 1737874137.5, 1446511574.32, 4.32], 
           [13.76,          1337, 1737874137.5, 1446511574.32, 4.32]] 
import sys 
#convert python list of lists to numpy ndarray called my_array 
my_array = np.array(my_list) 
#following two lines do the same thing, showing that np.savetxt can 
#correctly handle python lists of lists and numpy 2D ndarrays. 
np.savetxt(sys.stdout, my_list, '%19.2f') 
np.savetxt(sys.stdout, my_array, '%19.2f') 


 0.00             5162.00      13683628846.64      10100000000.00              1.81
 1.00              116.00        189688622.37        260332262.00              1.97
 0.01              768.00          6004865.13 -990000000000000.00              1.21
 1.00             4062.00       3263822121.39       3066869087.90              1.93
 2.91              474.00         44555062.72         44555062.72              0.41
 5.00             5006.00       8254968918.10       7446788272.74              3.25
 0.01             7887.00      30078971595.46      27814989471.31              2.18
 7.03              116.00         66252511.46         81109291.00              1.56
 6.52              116.00         47674230.76         57686991.00              1.43
 1.85              623.00          3002631.96          2899484.08              0.64
13.76             1227.00       1737874137.50       1446511574.32              4.32
13.76             1337.00       1737874137.50       1446511574.32              4.32
 0.00             5162.00      13683628846.64      10100000000.00              1.81
 1.00              116.00        189688622.37        260332262.00              1.97
 0.01              768.00          6004865.13 -990000000000000.00              1.21
 1.00             4062.00       3263822121.39       3066869087.90              1.93
 2.91              474.00         44555062.72         44555062.72              0.41
 5.00             5006.00       8254968918.10       7446788272.74              3.25
 0.01             7887.00      30078971595.46      27814989471.31              2.18
 7.03              116.00         66252511.46         81109291.00              1.56
 6.52              116.00         47674230.76         57686991.00              1.43
 1.85              623.00          3002631.96          2899484.08              0.64
13.76             1227.00       1737874137.50       1446511574.32              4.32
13.76             1337.00       1737874137.50       1446511574.32              4.32

Notice that rounding is consistent at 2 units precision, and exponential notation is suppressed in both the very large e+x and very small e-x ranges.

How to run Linux commands in Java?

You need not store the diff in a 3rd file and then read from in. Instead you make use of the Runtime.exec

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("diff fileA fileB");
BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {

Why does overflow:hidden not work in a <td>?

Well here is a solution for you but I don't really understand why it works:

  <div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid red;">Test</div>
  <div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid blue; overflow: hidden; height: 1.5em;">My hovercraft is full of eels.  These pretzels are making me thirsty.</div>
  <div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid yellow; overflow: hidden; height: 1.5em;">
  <table style="border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; width: 200px;"><tr>
   <td style="width:200px; border: 1px solid green; overflow: hidden; height: 1.5em;"><div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid yellow; overflow: hidden;">

Namely, wrapping the cell contents in a div.

Remove all whitespace from C# string with regex

No need for regex. This will also remove tabs, newlines etc

var newstr = String.Join("",str.Where(c=>!char.IsWhiteSpace(c)));

WhiteSpace chars : 0009 , 000a , 000b , 000c , 000d , 0020 , 0085 , 00a0 , 1680 , 180e , 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 200a , 2028 , 2029 , 202f , 205f , 3000.

Best practice to look up Java Enum

Apache Commons Lang 3 contais the class EnumUtils. If you aren't using Apache Commons in your projects, you're doing it wrong. You are reinventing the wheel!

There's a dozen of cool methods that we could use without throws an Exception. For example:

Gets the enum for the class, returning null if not found.

This method differs from Enum.valueOf in that it does not throw an exceptionfor an invalid enum name and performs case insensitive matching of the name.

EnumUtils.getEnumIgnoreCase(SeasonEnum.class, season);

How to uncommit my last commit in Git

If you haven't pushed your changes yet use git reset --soft [Hash for one commit] to rollback to a specific commit. --soft tells git to keep the changes being rolled back (i.e., mark the files as modified). --hard tells git to delete the changes being rolled back.

What is the difference between '@' and '=' in directive scope in AngularJS?

The = way is 2-way binding, which lets you to have live changes inside your directive. When someone changes that variable out of directive, you will have that changed data inside your directive, but @ way is not two-ways binding. It works like Text. You bind once, and you will have only its value.

To get it more clearly, you can use this great article:

AngularJS Directive Scope '@' and '='

Java Security: Illegal key size or default parameters?

I experienced the same error while using Windows 7 x64, Eclipse, and JDK 1.6.0_30. In the JDK installation folder there is a jre folder. This threw me off at first as I was adding the aforementioned jars to the JDK's lib/security folder with no luck. Full path:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_30\jre\lib\security

Download and extract the files contained in the jce folder of this archive into that folder.

How to assign the output of a Bash command to a variable?

Here's your script...

echo $DIR
while [ "$DIR" != "/" ]; do
    cd ..
    echo $DIR

Note the spaces, use of quotes, and $ signs.

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?

1) The common mistake is shown in the example below.

public class Car {

    private String color;

    public Car(String color) {
        this.color = color;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if(obj==null) return false;
        if (!(obj instanceof Car))
            return false;   
        if (obj == this)
            return true;
        return this.color.equals(((Car) obj).color);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Car a1 = new Car("green");
        Car a2 = new Car("red");

        //hashMap stores Car type and its quantity
        HashMap<Car, Integer> m = new HashMap<Car, Integer>();
        m.put(a1, 10);
        m.put(a2, 20);
        System.out.println(m.get(new Car("green")));

the green Car is not found

2. Problem caused by hashCode()

The problem is caused by the un-overridden method hashCode(). The contract between equals() and hashCode() is:

  1. If two objects are equal, then they must have the same hash code.
  2. If two objects have the same hash code, they may or may not be equal.

    public int hashCode(){  
      return this.color.hashCode(); 

Use CSS3 transitions with gradient backgrounds

I know that is old question but mabye someone enjoy my way of solution in pure CSS. Gradient fade from left to right.

  border:solid 2px black;
.ed {
    width: 0px;
    height: 200px;
    background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.75));
    position: relative;
    transition:width 20s, opacity 0.6s;

.contener:hover .ed{
    width: 300px;
    background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.75));
    position: relative;
    transition:width 0.4s, opacity 1.1s;
    transition-delay: width 2s;
    animation-name: gradient-fade;
    animation-duration: 1.1s;   
    -webkit-animation-name: gradient-fade; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
    -webkit-animation-duration: 1.1s; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */

@-webkit-keyframes gradient-fade {
    0%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    2%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.01875), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    4%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.0375), rgba(255,0,0,0.0));}
    6%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.05625), rgba(255,0,0,0.0));}
    8% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.075), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    10%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.09375), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    12%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.1125), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    14%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.13125), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    16%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.15), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    18%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.16875), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    20% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.1875), rgba(255,0,0,0));}
    22%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.20625), rgba(255,0,0,0.01875));}
    24%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.225), rgba(255,0,0,0.0375));}
    26%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.24375), rgba(255,0,0,0.05625));}
    28%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.2625), rgba(255,0,0,0.075));}
    30%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.28125), rgba(255,0,0,0.09375));}
    32% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.3), rgba(255,0,0,0.1125));}
    34%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.31875), rgba(255,0,0,0.13125));}
    36%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.3375), rgba(255,0,0,0.15));}
    38%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.35625), rgba(255,0,0,0.16875));}
    40%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.375), rgba(255,0,0,0.1875));}
    42%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.39375), rgba(255,0,0,0.20625));}
    44% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.4125), rgba(255,0,0,0.225));}
    46%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.43125),rgba(255,0,0,0.24375));}
    48%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.45), rgba(255,0,0,0.2625));}
    50%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.46875), rgba(255,0,0,0.28125));}
    52%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.4875), rgba(255,0,0,0.3));}
    54%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.50625), rgba(255,0,0,0.31875));}
    56%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.525), rgba(255,0,0,0.3375));}
    58%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.54375), rgba(255,0,0,0.35625));}
    60%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.5625), rgba(255,0,0,0.375));}
    62% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.58125), rgba(255,0,0,0.39375));}
    64%  {background:linear-gradient(to right,rgba(0,0,255,0.6), rgba(255,0,0,0.4125));}
    66%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.61875), rgba(255,0,0,0.43125));}
    68%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.6375), rgba(255,0,0,0.45));}
    70%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.65625), rgba(255,0,0,0.46875));}
    72%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.675), rgba(255,0,0,0.4875));}
    74% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.69375), rgba(255,0,0,0.50625));}
    76%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.7125), rgba(255,0,0,0.525));}
    78%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.73125),,rgba(255,0,0,0.54375));}
    80%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.5625));}
    82%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.58125));}
    84%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75),rgba(255,0,0,0.6));}
    86% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.61875));}
    88%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.6375));}
    90%   {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.65625));}
    92%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.675));}
    94%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75),rgba(255,0,0,0.69375));}
    96%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.7125));}
    98% {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.73125),);}
    100%  {background:linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,255,0.75), rgba(255,0,0,0.75));}
<div class="contener" style="">
  <div class="ed"></div>

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

Installing modules usually requires you to run an sql script that is included with the database installation.

Assuming linux-like OS

find / -name dblink.sql

Verify the location and run it

Laravel form html with PUT method for PUT routes

Just use like this somewhere inside the form


Should CSS always preceed Javascript?

Updated 2017-12-16

I was not sure about the tests in OP. I decided to experiment a little and ended up busting some of the myths.

Synchronous <script src...> will block downloading of the resources below it until it is downloaded and executed

This is no longer true. Have a look at the waterfall generated by Chrome 63:

<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=1"></script>
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=2"></script>
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;rand=3"></script>

Chrome net inspector -> waterfall

<link rel=stylesheet> will not block download and execution of scripts below it

This is incorrect. The stylesheet will not block download but it will block execution of the script (little explanation here). Have a look at performance chart generated by Chrome 63:

<link href="//;delay=666" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//;delay=333&amp;block=1000"></script>

Chrome dev tools -> performance

Keeping the above in mind, the results in OP can be explained as follows:

CSS First:

CSS Download  500ms:<------------------------------------------------>
JS Download   400ms:<-------------------------------------->
JS Execution 1000ms:                                                  <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DOM Ready   @1500ms:                                                                                                                                                      ?

JS First:

JS Download   400ms:<-------------------------------------->
CSS Download  500ms:<------------------------------------------------>
JS Execution 1000ms:                                        <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
DOM Ready   @1400ms:                                                                                                                                            ?

Access VBA | How to replace parts of a string with another string

Use Access's VBA function Replace(text, find, replacement):

Dim result As String

result = Replace("Some sentence containing Avenue in it.", "Avenue", "Ave")

Google Chromecast sender error if Chromecast extension is not installed or using incognito

By default Chrome extensions do not run in Incognito mode. You have to explicitly enable the extension to run in Incognito.

Why do I get "a label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statement" if I have a variable that is initialized after a label?

The language standard simply doesn't allow for it. Labels can only be followed by statements, and declarations do not count as statements in C. The easiest way to get around this is by inserting an empty statement after your label, which relieves you from keeping track of the scope the way you would need to inside a block.

#include <stdio.h>
int main () 
    printf("Hello ");
    goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: ; //This is an empty statement.
    char *str = "World\n";
    printf("%s\n", str);

html5 - canvas element - Multiple layers

No, however, you could layer multiple <canvas> elements on top of each other and accomplish something similar.

<div style="position: relative;">
 <canvas id="layer1" width="100" height="100" 
   style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 0;"></canvas>
 <canvas id="layer2" width="100" height="100" 
   style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1;"></canvas>

Draw your first layer on the layer1 canvas, and the second layer on the layer2 canvas. Then when you clearRect on the top layer, whatever's on the lower canvas will show through.

Finding last index of a string in Oracle

Use -1 as the start position:

INSTR('JD-EQ-0001', '-', -1)

Find a value in an array of objects in Javascript

with underscore.js use the findWhere method:

var array = [
    { name:"string 1", value:"this", other: "that" },
    { name:"string 2", value:"this", other: "that" }

var result = _.findWhere(array, {name: 'string 1'});


See this in JSFIDDLE

Bootstrap4 adding scrollbar to div

Use the overflow-y: scroll property on the element that contains the elements.

The overflow-y property specifies whether to clip the content, add a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the top and bottom edges.

Sometimes it is interesting to place a height for the element next to the overflow-y property, as in the example below:

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked" style="height: 250px; overflow-y: scroll;">
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link active" href="#">Active</a>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link disabled" href="#">Disabled</a>

Focus Next Element In Tab Index

i use this code, which relies on the library "JQuery":

    $(document).on('change', 'select', function () {
    let next_select = $(this);
// console.log(next_select.toArray())
    if (!next_select.parent().parent().next().find('select').length) {
    } else if (next_select.parent().parent().next().find('select').prop("disabled")) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 1000)
    } else if (next_select.parent().parent().next().find('select').length) {

How to extract epoch from LocalDate and LocalDateTime?

Convert from human readable date to epoch:

long epoch = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyyHH:mm:ss").parse("01/01/1970 01:00:00").getTime() / 1000;

Convert from epoch to human readable date:

String date = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyyHH:mm:ss").format(new java.util.Date (epoch*1000));

For other language converter:

.NET Global exception handler in console application

I just inherited an old VB.NET console application and needed to set up a Global Exception Handler. Since this question mentions VB.NET a few times and is tagged with VB.NET, but all the other answers here are in C#, I thought I would add the exact syntax for a VB.NET application as well.

Public Sub Main()
    REM Set up Global Unhandled Exception Handler.
    AddHandler System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException, AddressOf MyUnhandledExceptionEvent

    REM Do other stuff
End Sub

Public Sub MyUnhandledExceptionEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)
    REM Log Exception here and do whatever else is needed
End Sub

I used the REM comment marker instead of the single quote here because Stack Overflow seemed to handle the syntax highlighting a bit better with REM.

App can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

Right click > Open.

Or, you can go into System Preferences, Security & Privacy, and set the restrictions on opening apps there.

Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R

The last question has an easy answer:

> .Machine$sizeof.pointer
[1] 8

Meaning I am running R64. If I were running 32 bit R it would return 4. Just because you are running a 64 bit OS does not mean you will be running 64 bit R, and from the error message it appears you are not.

EDIT: If the package has binaries, then they are in separate directories. The specifics will depend on the OS. Notice that your LoadLibrary error occurred when it attempted to find the dll in ...rJava/libs/x64/... On my MacOS system the ...rJava/libs/...` folder has 3 subdirectories: i386, ppc, and x86_64. (The ppc files are obviously useless baggage.)

Rounded Corners Image in Flutter

For image use this

        'https://url to your image',
        fit: BoxFit.fill,

While for Asset Image use this

    child: Image.asset(
        'Path to your image',
        fit: BoxFit.cover,

How do malloc() and free() work?

Memory protection has page-granularity and would require kernel interaction

Your example code essentially asks why the example program doesn't trap, and the answer is that memory protection is a kernel feature and applies only to entire pages, whereas the memory allocator is a library feature and it manages .. without enforcement .. arbitrary sized blocks which are often much smaller than pages.

Memory can only be removed from your program in units of pages, and even that is unlikely to be observed.

calloc(3) and malloc(3) do interact with the kernel to get memory, if necessary. But most implementations of free(3) do not return memory to the kernel1, they just add it to a free list that calloc() and malloc() will consult later in order to reuse the released blocks.

Even if a free() wanted to return memory to the system, it would need at least one contiguous memory page in order to get the kernel to actually protect the region, so releasing a small block would only lead to a protection change if it was the last small block in a page.

So your block is there, sitting on the free list. You can almost always access it and nearby memory just as if it were still allocated. C compiles straight to machine code and without special debugging arrangements there are no sanity checks on loads and stores. Now, if you try and access a free block, the behavior is undefined by the standard in order to not make unreasonable demands on library implementators. If you try and access freed memory or meory outside an allocated block, there are various things that can go wrong:

  • Sometimes allocators maintain separate blocks of memory, sometimes they use a header they allocate just before or after (a "footer", I guess) your block, but they just might want to use memory within the block for the purpose of keeping the free list linked together. If so, your reading the block is OK, but its contents may change, and writing to the block would be likely to cause the allocator to misbehave or crash.
  • Naturally, your block may be allocated in the future, and then it is likely to be overwritten by your code or a library routine, or with zeroes by calloc().
  • If the block is reallocated, it may also have its size changed, in which case yet more links or initialization will be written in various places.
  • Obviously you may reference so far out of range that you cross a boundary of one of your program's kernel-known segments, and in this one case you will trap.

Theory of Operation

So, working backwards from your example to the overall theory, malloc(3) gets memory from the kernel when it needs it, and typically in units of pages. These pages are divided or consolidated as the program requires. Malloc and free cooperate to maintain a directory. They coalesce adjacent free blocks when possible in order to be able to provide large blocks. The directory may or may not involve using the memory in freed blocks to form a linked list. (The alternative is a bit more shared-memory and paging-friendly, and it involves allocating memory specifically for the directory.) Malloc and free have little if any ability to enforce access to individual blocks even when special and optional debugging code is compiled into the program.

1. The fact that very few implementations of free() attempt to return memory to the system is not necessarily due to the implementors slacking off. Interacting with the kernel is much slower than simply executing library code, and the benefit would be small. Most programs have a steady-state or increasing memory footprint, so the time spent analyzing the heap looking for returnable memory would be completely wasted. Other reasons include the fact that internal fragmentation makes page-aligned blocks unlikely to exist, and it's likely that returning a block would fragment blocks to either side. Finally, the few programs that do return large amounts of memory are likely to bypass malloc() and simply allocate and free pages anyway.

matplotlib has no attribute 'pyplot'

pyplot is a sub-module of matplotlib which doesn't get imported with a simple import matplotlib.

>>> import matplotlib
>>> print matplotlib.pyplot
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'pyplot'
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot

It seems customary to do: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt at which time you can use the various functions and classes it contains:

p = plt.plot(...)

How do I hide javascript code in a webpage?

I'm not sure anyone else actually addressed your question directly which is code being viewed from the browser's View Source command.

As other have said, there is no way to protect javascript intended to run in a browser from a determined viewer. If the browser can run it, then any determined person can view/run it also.

But, if you put your javascript in an external javascript file that is included with:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

tags, then the javascript code won't be immediately visible with the View Source command - only the script tag itself will be visible that way. That doesn't mean that someone can't just load that external javascript file to see it, but you did ask how to keep it out of the browser's View Source command and this will do it.

If you wanted to really make it more work to view the source, you would do all of the following:

  1. Put it in an external .js file.
  2. Obfuscate the file so that most native variable names are replaced with short versions, so that all unneeded whitespace is removed, so it can't be read without further processing, etc...
  3. Dynamically include the .js file by programmatically adding script tags (like Google Analytics does). This will make it even more difficult to get to the source code from the View Source command as there will be no easy link to click on there.
  4. Put as much interesting logic that you want to protect on the server that you retrieve via ajax calls rather than do local processing.

With all that said, I think you should focus on performance, reliability and making your app great. If you absolutely have to protect some algorithm, put it on the server, but other than that, compete on being the best at you do, not by having secrets. That's ultimately how success works on the web anyway.

Slide right to left?

Check the example here.


Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

Let's go straight to your question.

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

The source code is located at Python/bltinmodule.c

To find the source code in the GitHub repository go here. You can see that all in-built functions start with builtin_<name_of_function>, for instance, sorted() is implemented in builtin_sorted.

For your pleasure I'll post the implementation of sorted():

builtin_sorted(PyObject *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs, PyObject *kwnames)
    PyObject *newlist, *v, *seq, *callable;

    /* Keyword arguments are passed through list.sort() which will check
       them. */
    if (!_PyArg_UnpackStack(args, nargs, "sorted", 1, 1, &seq))
        return NULL;

    newlist = PySequence_List(seq);
    if (newlist == NULL)
        return NULL;

    callable = _PyObject_GetAttrId(newlist, &PyId_sort);
    if (callable == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    assert(nargs >= 1);
    v = _PyObject_FastCallKeywords(callable, args + 1, nargs - 1, kwnames);
    if (v == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    return newlist;

As you may have noticed, that's not Python code, but C code.

How do I read all classes from a Java package in the classpath?

  1. Bill Burke has written a (nice article about class scanning] and then he wrote Scannotation.

  2. Hibernate has this already written:

    • org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.Scanner
    • org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.NativeScanner
  3. CDI might solve this, but don't know - haven't investigated fully yet


@Inject Instance< MyClass> x;

Also for annotations:

abstract class MyAnnotationQualifier
extends AnnotationLiteral<Entity> implements Entity {}

Python loop that also accesses previous and next values

Using generators, it is quite simple:

signal = ['?Signal value?']
def pniter( iter, signal=signal ):
    iA = iB = signal
    for iC in iter:
        if iB is signal:
            iB = iC
            yield iA, iB, iC
        iA = iB
        iB = iC
    iC = signal
    yield iA, iB, iC

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('test 1:')
    for a, b, c in pniter( range( 10 )):
        print( a, b, c )
    print('\ntest 2:')
    for a, b, c in pniter([ 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ]):
        print( a, b, c )
    print('\ntest 3:')
    cam = { 1: 30, 2: 40, 10: 9, -5: 36 }
    for a, b, c in pniter( cam ):
        print( a, b, c )
    for a, b, c in pniter( cam ):
        print( a, a if a is signal else cam[ a ], b, b if b is signal else cam[ b ], c, c if c is signal else cam[ c ])
    print('\ntest 4:')
    for a, b, c in pniter([ 20, 30, None, 50, 60, 70, 80 ]):
        print( a, b, c )
    print('\ntest 5:')
    for a, b, c in pniter([ 20, 30, None, 50, 60, 70, 80 ], ['sig']):
        print( a, b, c )
    print('\ntest 6:')
    for a, b, c in pniter([ 20, ['?Signal value?'], None, '?Signal value?', 60, 70, 80 ], signal ):
        print( a, b, c )

Note that tests that include None and the same value as the signal value still work, because the check for the signal value uses "is" and the signal is a value that Python doesn't intern. Any singleton marker value can be used as a signal, though, which might simplify user code in some circumstances.

What’s the best way to get an HTTP response code from a URL?

You should use urllib2, like this:

import urllib2
for url in ["", ""]:
        connection = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        print connection.getcode()
    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
        print e.getcode()

# Prints:
# 200 [from the try block]
# 404 [from the except block]

Bootstrap combining rows (rowspan)

Paul's answer seems to defeat the purpose of bootstrap; that of being responsive to the viewport / screen size.

By nesting rows and columns you can achieve the same result, while retaining responsiveness.

Here is an up-to-date response to this problem;

<div class="container-fluid">_x000D_
  <h1>  Responsive Nested Bootstrap </h1> _x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-5" style="background-color:red;">Span 5</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-3" style="background-color:blue;">Span 3</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-2">_x000D_
      <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="container" style="background-color:green;">Span 2</div>_x000D_
      <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="container" style="background-color:purple;">Span 2</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-2" style="background-color:yellow;">Span 2</div>_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
      <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="container" style="background-color:yellow;">Span 6</div>_x000D_
      <div class="row">_x000D_
        <div class="container" style="background-color:green;">Span 6</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-6" style="background-color:red;">Span 6</div>_x000D_

You can view the codepen here.

What is an ORM, how does it work, and how should I use one?


Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that lets you query and manipulate data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. When talking about ORM, most people are referring to a library that implements the Object-Relational Mapping technique, hence the phrase "an ORM".

An ORM library is a completely ordinary library written in your language of choice that encapsulates the code needed to manipulate the data, so you don't use SQL anymore; you interact directly with an object in the same language you're using.

For example, here is a completely imaginary case with a pseudo language:

You have a book class, you want to retrieve all the books of which the author is "Linus". Manually, you would do something like that:

book_list = new List();
sql = "SELECT book FROM library WHERE author = 'Linus'";
data = query(sql); // I over simplify ...
while (row =
     book = new Book();

With an ORM library, it would look like this:

book_list = BookTable.query(author="Linus");

The mechanical part is taken care of automatically via the ORM library.

Pros and Cons

Using ORM saves a lot of time because:

  • DRY: You write your data model in only one place, and it's easier to update, maintain, and reuse the code.
  • A lot of stuff is done automatically, from database handling to I18N.
  • It forces you to write MVC code, which, in the end, makes your code a little cleaner.
  • You don't have to write poorly-formed SQL (most Web programmers really suck at it, because SQL is treated like a "sub" language, when in reality it's a very powerful and complex one).
  • Sanitizing; using prepared statements or transactions are as easy as calling a method.

Using an ORM library is more flexible because:

  • It fits in your natural way of coding (it's your language!).
  • It abstracts the DB system, so you can change it whenever you want.
  • The model is weakly bound to the rest of the application, so you can change it or use it anywhere else.
  • It lets you use OOP goodness like data inheritance without a headache.

But ORM can be a pain:

  • You have to learn it, and ORM libraries are not lightweight tools;
  • You have to set it up. Same problem.
  • Performance is OK for usual queries, but a SQL master will always do better with his own SQL for big projects.
  • It abstracts the DB. While it's OK if you know what's happening behind the scene, it's a trap for new programmers that can write very greedy statements, like a heavy hit in a for loop.

How to learn about ORM?

Well, use one. Whichever ORM library you choose, they all use the same principles. There are a lot of ORM libraries around here:

If you want to try an ORM library in Web programming, you'd be better off using an entire framework stack like:

  • Symfony (PHP, using Propel or Doctrine).
  • Django (Python, using a internal ORM).

Do not try to write your own ORM, unless you are trying to learn something. This is a gigantic piece of work, and the old ones took a lot of time and work before they became reliable.

Grant execute permission for a user on all stored procedures in database?

use below code , change proper database name and user name and then take that output and execute in SSMS. FOR SQL 2005 ABOVE

USE <database_name> 
select 'GRANT EXECUTE ON ['+name+'] TO [userName]  '  
from sys.objects  
where type ='P' 
and is_ms_shipped = 0  

Nodejs convert string into UTF-8

I had the same problem, when i loaded a text file via fs.readFile(), I tried to set the encodeing to UTF8, it keeped the same. my solution now is this:

myString = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( myString ) )

after this an Ö is realy interpreted as an Ö.

PHP, How to get current date in certain format

I belive the answer is:

echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

Correct MySQL configuration for Ruby on Rails Database.yml file

If you can have an empty config/database.yml file then define ENV['DATABASE_URL'] variable, then It will work

$ cat config/database.yml
mysql://root:[email protected]:3306/my_db_name

for Heroku: heroku config:set DATABASE_URL='mysql://root:[email protected]/my_db_name'

What is the purpose of "&&" in a shell command?

A quite common usage for '&&' is compiling software with autotools. For example:

./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install

Basically if the configure succeeds, make is run to compile, and if that succeeds, make is run as root to install the program. I use this when I am mostly sure that things will work, and it allows me to do other important things like look at stackoverflow an not 'monitor' the progress.

Sometimes I get really carried away...

tar xf package.tar.gz && ( cd package; ./configure && make && sudo make install ) && rm package -rf

I do this when for example making a linux from scratch box.

Select dropdown with fixed width cutting off content in IE

I did Google about this issue but didn't find any best solution ,So Created a solution that works fine in all browsers.

just call badFixSelectBoxDataWidthIE() function on page load.

function badFixSelectBoxDataWidthIE(){
    if ($.browser.msie){
    if($(this).attr('multiple')== false){
               if($(this).css("width") != "auto") {
                   var width = $(this).width();
                   $(this).data("origWidth", $(this).css("width"))
                          .css("width", "auto");
                   /* if the width is now less than before then undo */
                   if($(this).width() < width) {
                       $(this).css("width", $(this).data("origWidth"));
           /* Handle blur if the user does not change the value */
               $(this).css("width", $(this).data("origWidth"));

           /* Handle change of the user does change the value */
               $(this).css("width", $(this).data("origWidth"));


How to fill background image of an UIView

Swift 4 Solution :

@IBInspectable var backgroundImage: UIImage? {
    didSet {
        backgroundImage?.draw(in: self.bounds)
        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        if let image = image{
            self.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: image)

Get value from hidden field using jQuery

This should work:

var hv = $('#h_v').val();

How to decode a Base64 string?

Base64 encoding converts three 8-bit bytes (0-255) into four 6-bit bytes (0-63 aka base64). Each of the four bytes indexes an ASCII string which represents the final output as four 8-bit ASCII characters. The indexed string is typically 'A-Za-z0-9+/' with '=' used as padding. This is why encoded data is 4/3 longer.

Base64 decoding is the inverse process. And as one would expect, the decoded data is 3/4 as long.

While base64 encoding can encode plain text, its real benefit is encoding non-printable characters which may be interpreted by transmitting systems as control characters.

I suggest the original poster render $z as bytes with each bit having meaning to the application. Rendering non-printable characters as text typically invokes Unicode which produces glyphs based on your system's localization.

Base64decode("the answer to life the universe and everything") = 00101010

Get multiple elements by Id

An "id" Specifies a unique id for an element & a class Specifies one or more classnames for an element . So its better to use "Class" instead of "id".

React img tag issue with url and class

var Hello = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
      return (
        <div className="divClass">
           <img src={this.props.url} alt={`${this.props.title}'s picture`}  className="img-responsive" />
           <span>Hello {}</span>

How to detect Adblock on my website?

AdBlock seems to block the loading of AdSense (etc) JavaScript files. So, if you are using asynchronous version of AdSense ads you can check if adsbygoogle is an Array. This must be checked after few seconds since the asynchronous script is... asynchronous. Here is a rough outline:

    if(adsbygoogle instanceof Array) {
        // adsbygoogle.js did not execute; probably blocked by an ad blocker
    } else {
        // adsbygoogle.js executed
}, 2000);

To clarify, here is an example of what the AdSense asynchronous ads code looks like:

<!-- this can go anywhere -->
<script async src="//"></script>

<!-- this is where the ads display -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle" ...></ins>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Notice that adsbygoogle is initialized as an Array. The adsbygoogle.js library changes this array into Object {push: ...} when it executes. Checking the type of variable after a certain time can tell you if the script was loaded.

Javascript - get array of dates between 2 dates


  var dates = [],
      currentDate = startDate,
      addDays = function(days) {
        var date = new Date(this.valueOf());
        date.setDate(date.getDate() + days);
        return date;
  while (currentDate <= endDate) {
    currentDate =, 1);
  return dates;


var dates = getDatesRange(new Date(2019,01,01), new Date(2019,01,25));                                                                                                           
dates.forEach(function(date) {

Hope it helps you

How to delete an element from a Slice in Golang

No need to check every single element unless you care contents and you can utilize slice append. try it out

pos := 0
arr := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9}
fmt.Println("input your position")
/* you need to check if negative input as well */
if (pos < len(arr)){
    arr = append(arr[:pos], arr[pos+1:]...)
} else {
    fmt.Println("position invalid")

Does a foreign key automatically create an index?

I notice that Entity Framework 6.1 pointed at MSSQL does automatically add indexes on foreign keys.

Styling a disabled input with css only

Use this CSS (jsFiddle example):

input:disabled.btn:focus {
  color: green

You have to write the most outer element on the left and the most inner element on the right.

.btn:hover input:disabled would select any disabled input elements contained in an element with a class btn which is currently hovered by the user.

I would prefer :disabled over [disabled], see this question for a discussion: Should I use CSS :disabled pseudo-class or [disabled] attribute selector or is it a matter of opinion?

By the way, Laravel (PHP) generates the HTML - not the browser.

Download File Using jQuery

  • Using jQuery function

        var valFileDownloadPath = 'http//:'+'your url';
   , '_blank');

Maven artifact and groupId naming

Weirdness is highly subjective, I just suggest to follow the official recommendation:

Guide to naming conventions on groupId, artifactId and version

  • groupId will identify your project uniquely across all projects, so we need to enforce a naming schema. It has to follow the package name rules, what means that has to be at least as a domain name you control, and you can create as many subgroups as you want. Look at More information about package names.

    eg. org.apache.maven, org.apache.commons

    A good way to determine the granularity of the groupId is to use the project structure. That is, if the current project is a multiple module project, it should append a new identifier to the parent's groupId.

    eg. org.apache.maven, org.apache.maven.plugins, org.apache.maven.reporting

  • artifactId is the name of the jar without version. If you created it then you can choose whatever name you want with lowercase letters and no strange symbols. If it's a third party jar you have to take the name of the jar as it's distributed.

    eg. maven, commons-math

  • version if you distribute it then you can choose any typical version with numbers and dots (1.0, 1.1, 1.0.1, ...). Don't use dates as they are usually associated with SNAPSHOT (nightly) builds. If it's a third party artifact, you have to use their version number whatever it is, and as strange as it can look.

    eg. 2.0, 2.0.1, 1.3.1

How do I solve the INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error?

I was getting this issue when trying to install on 2.3 devices (fine on 4.0.3). It ended up being due to a lib project i was using had multiple jars which were for stuff already in android e.g. HttpClient and XML parsers etc. Looking at logcat led me to find this as it was telling me it was skipping classes due to them already being present. Nice unhelpful original error there!

git add remote branch

You can check if you got your remote setup right and have the proper permissions with

git ls-remote origin

if you called your remote "origin". If you get an error you probably don't have your security set up correctly such as uploading your public key to github for example. If things are setup correctly, you will get a list of the remote references. Now

git fetch origin

will work barring any other issues like an unplugged network cable.

Once you have that done, you can get any branch you want that the above command listed with

git checkout some-branch

this will create a local branch of the same name as the remote branch and check it out.

What is the shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA to find method / functions?

If you just want to look for methods:

On mac OS X 10.5+ binding, it is Alt + ? + O

By Default XWin Key binding, it is Shift + Ctrl + Alt + N

You can also press double SHIFT then, you can search anything (not only method, but also class, files, and actions)

How can I avoid ResultSet is closed exception in Java?

Sounds like you executed another statement in the same connection before traversing the result set from the first statement. If you're nesting the processing of two result sets from the same database, you're doing something wrong. The combination of those sets should be done on the database side.

How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?

Another alternative is KMP (Knuth–Morris–Pratt).

The KMP algorithm searches for a length-m substring in a length-n string in worst-case O(n+m) time, compared to a worst-case of O(n·m) for the naive algorithm, so using KMP may be reasonable if you care about worst-case time complexity.

Here's a JavaScript implementation by Project Nayuki, taken from

// Searches for the given pattern string in the given text string using the Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching algorithm.
// If the pattern is found, this returns the index of the start of the earliest match in 'text'. Otherwise -1 is returned.

function kmpSearch(pattern, text) {_x000D_
  if (pattern.length == 0)_x000D_
    return 0; // Immediate match_x000D_
  // Compute longest suffix-prefix table_x000D_
  var lsp = [0]; // Base case_x000D_
  for (var i = 1; i < pattern.length; i++) {_x000D_
    var j = lsp[i - 1]; // Start by assuming we're extending the previous LSP_x000D_
    while (j > 0 && pattern.charAt(i) != pattern.charAt(j))_x000D_
      j = lsp[j - 1];_x000D_
    if (pattern.charAt(i) == pattern.charAt(j))_x000D_
  // Walk through text string_x000D_
  var j = 0; // Number of chars matched in pattern_x000D_
  for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {_x000D_
    while (j > 0 && text.charAt(i) != pattern.charAt(j))_x000D_
      j = lsp[j - 1]; // Fall back in the pattern_x000D_
    if (text.charAt(i) == pattern.charAt(j)) {_x000D_
      j++; // Next char matched, increment position_x000D_
      if (j == pattern.length)_x000D_
        return i - (j - 1);_x000D_
  return -1; // Not found_x000D_
console.log(kmpSearch('ays', 'haystack') != -1) // true_x000D_
console.log(kmpSearch('asdf', 'haystack') != -1) // false

Make div 100% Width of Browser Window

There are new units that you can use:

vw - viewport width

vh - viewport height

   width: 100%; //fallback
   width: 100vw;

Help / MDN

Opera Mini does not support this, but you can use it in all other modern browsers.


enter image description here

Getting the value of an attribute in XML

This is more of an xpath question, but like this, assuming the context is the parent element:

<xsl:value-of select="name/@attribute1" />

Fixing the order of facets in ggplot

Make your size a factor in your dataframe by:

temp$size_f = factor(temp$size, levels=c('50%','100%','150%','200%'))

Then change the facet_grid(.~size) to facet_grid(.~size_f)

Then plot: enter image description here

The graphs are now in the correct order.

How to split a string, but also keep the delimiters?

Here is a simple clean implementation which is consistent with Pattern#split and works with variable length patterns, which look behind cannot support, and it is easier to use. It is similar to the solution provided by @cletus.

public static String[] split(CharSequence input, String pattern) {
    return split(input, Pattern.compile(pattern));

public static String[] split(CharSequence input, Pattern pattern) {
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
    int start = 0;
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
    while (matcher.find()) {
        result.add(input.subSequence(start, matcher.start()).toString());
        start = matcher.end();
    if (start != input.length()) result.add(input.subSequence(start, input.length()).toString());
    return result.toArray(new String[0]);

I don't do null checks here, Pattern#split doesn't, why should I. I don't like the if at the end but it is required for consistency with the Pattern#split . Otherwise I would unconditionally append, resulting in an empty string as the last element of the result if the input string ends with the pattern.

I convert to String[] for consistency with Pattern#split, I use new String[0] rather than new String[result.size()], see here for why.

Here are my tests:

public void splitsVariableLengthPattern() {
    String[] result = Split.split("/foo/$bar/bas", "\\$\\w+");
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "/foo/", "$bar", "/bas" }, result);

public void splitsEndingWithPattern() {
    String[] result = Split.split("/foo/$bar", "\\$\\w+");
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "/foo/", "$bar" }, result);

public void splitsStartingWithPattern() {
    String[] result = Split.split("$foo/bar", "\\$\\w+");
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "", "$foo", "/bar" }, result);

public void splitsNoMatchesPattern() {
    String[] result = Split.split("/foo/bar", "\\$\\w+");
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "/foo/bar" }, result);

c++ array assignment of multiple values

There is a difference between initialization and assignment. What you want to do is not initialization, but assignment. But such assignment to array is not possible in C++.

Here is what you can do:

#include <algorithm>

int array [] = {1,3,34,5,6};
int newarr [] = {34,2,4,5,6};
std::copy(newarr, newarr + 5, array);

However, in C++0x, you can do this:

std::vector<int> array = {1,3,34,5,6};
array = {34,2,4,5,6};

Of course, if you choose to use std::vector instead of raw array.

How can I iterate JSONObject to get individual items

How about this?

JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject           (YOUR_JSON_STRING);
JSONObject ipinfo     = jsonObject.getJSONObject ("ipinfo");
String     ip_address = ipinfo.getString         ("ip_address");
JSONObject location   = ipinfo.getJSONObject     ("Location");
String     latitude   = location.getString       ("latitude");
System.out.println (latitude);

This sample code using "org.json.JSONObject"

Can I escape html special chars in javascript?

Use this to remove HTML tags from string in JavaScript:

const strippedString = htmlString.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "");


How to limit the maximum files chosen when using multiple file input

Use two <input type=file> elements instead, without the multiple attribute.

What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times?

Use forward declarations where you can. If a class declaration only uses a pointer or reference to a type, you can just forward declare it and include the header for the type in the implementation file.

For example:

// T.h
class Class2; // Forward declaration

class T {
    void doSomething(Class2 &c2);
    Class2 *m_Class2Ptr;

// T.cpp
#include "Class2.h"
void Class2::doSomething(Class2 &c2) {
    // Whatever you want here

Fewer includes means far less work for the preprocessor if you do it enough.

How to randomize (or permute) a dataframe rowwise and columnwise?

This is another way to shuffle the data.frame using package dplyr:


df2 <- slice(df1, sample(1:n()))


df2 <- sample_frac(df1, 1L)


df2 <- select(df1, one_of(sample(names(df1)))) 

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

That combination of username, host, and password is not allowed to connect to the server. Verify the permission tables (reloading grants if required) on the server and that you're connecting to the correct server.

C++ Array Of Pointers

For example, if you want an array of int pointers it will be int* a[10]. It means that variable a is a collection of 10 int* s.


I guess this is what you want to do:

class Bar

class Foo

    //Takes number of bar elements in the pointer array
    Foo(int size_in);

    void add(Bar& bar);

    //Pointer to bar array
    Bar** m_pBarArr;

    //Current fee bar index
    int m_index;

Foo::Foo(int size_in) : m_index(0)
    //Allocate memory for the array of bar pointers
    m_pBarArr = new Bar*[size_in];

    //Notice delete[] and not delete
    delete[] m_pBarArr;
    m_pBarArr = NULL;

void Foo::add(Bar &bar)
    //Store the pointer into the array. 
    //This is dangerous, you are assuming that bar object
    //is valid even when you try to use it
    m_pBarArr[m_index++] = &bar;

How to use delimiter for csv in python

ok, here is what i understood from your question. You are writing a csv file from python but when you are opening that file into some other application like excel or open office they are showing the complete row in one cell rather than each word in individual cell. I am right??

if i am then please try this,

import csv

with open(r"C:\\test.csv", "wb") as csv_file:
    writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter =",",quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)

you have to set the delimiter = ","

how to deal with google map inside of a hidden div (Updated picture)

If used inside Bootstrap v3 tabs, the following should work:

$('a[href="#tab-location"]').on('', function(e){
    var center = map.getCenter();
    google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');

where tab-location is the ID of tab containing map.

How do I subtract minutes from a date in javascript?

var date=new Date();

//here I am using "-30" to subtract 30 minutes from the current time.
var minute=date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes()-30); 

console.log(minute) //it will print the time and date according to the above condition in Unix-timestamp format.

you can convert Unix timestamp into conventional time by using new Date().for example

var extract=new Date(minute)
console.log(minute)//this will print the time in the readable format.

Query for array elements inside JSON type

Create a table with column as type json

CREATE TABLE friends ( id serial primary key, data jsonb);

Now let's insert json data

INSERT INTO friends(data) VALUES ('{"name": "Arya", "work": ["Improvements", "Office"], "available": true}');
INSERT INTO friends(data) VALUES ('{"name": "Tim Cook", "work": ["Cook", "ceo", "Play"], "uses": ["baseball", "laptop"], "available": false}');

Now let's make some queries to fetch data

select data->'name' from friends;
select data->'name' as name, data->'work' as work from friends;

You might have noticed that the results comes with inverted comma( " ) and brackets ([ ])

    name    |            work            
 "Arya"     | ["Improvements", "Office"]
 "Tim Cook" | ["Cook", "ceo", "Play"]
(2 rows)

Now to retrieve only the values just use ->>

select data->>'name' as name, data->'work'->>0 as work from friends;
select data->>'name' as name, data->'work'->>0 as work from friends where data->>'name'='Arya';

Negation in Python

Combining the input from everyone else (use not, no parens, use os.mkdir) you'd get...

special_path_for_john = "/usr/share/sounds/blues"
if not os.path.exists(special_path_for_john):

How to show SVG file on React Native?

I had the same problem. I'm using this solution I found: React Native display SVG from a file

It's not perfect, and i'm revisiting today, because it performs a lot worse on Android.

Disable Button in Angular 2

Change ng-disabled="!contractTypeValid" to [disabled]="!contractTypeValid"

IF... OR IF... in a windows batch file

If %x%==1 (
If %y%==1 (
:: both are equal to 1.

That's for checking if multiple variables equal value. Here's for either variable.

If %x%==1 (
:: true
If %x%==0 (
If %y%==1 (
:: true
If %x%==0 (
If %y%==0 (
:: False

I just thought of that off the top if my head. I could compact it more.

Python re.sub replace with matched content

A backreference to the whole match value is \g<0>, see re.sub documentation:

The backreference \g<0> substitutes in the entire substring matched by the RE.

See the Python demo:

import re
method = 'images/:id/huge'
print(re.sub(r':[a-z]+', r'<span>\g<0></span>', method))
# => images/<span>:id</span>/huge

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

URLSearchParams has increasing browser support.

const data = {
  var1: 'value1',
  var2: 'value2'

const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(data);

// searchParams.toString() === 'var1=value1&var2=value2'

Node.js offers the querystring module.

const querystring = require('querystring');

const data = {
  var1: 'value1',
  var2: 'value2'

const searchParams = querystring.stringify(data);

// searchParams === 'var1=value1&var2=value2'

Vertical line using XML drawable

You can use the rotate attribute

        android:pivotY="50%" >
            android:top="1dip" >

Escaping ampersand in URL

This may help if someone want it in PHP

$variable ="candy_name=M&M";
$variable = str_replace("&", "%26", $variable);

How to output only captured groups with sed?

The key to getting this to work is to tell sed to exclude what you don't want to be output as well as specifying what you do want.

string='This is a sample 123 text and some 987 numbers'
echo "$string" | sed -rn 's/[^[:digit:]]*([[:digit:]]+)[^[:digit:]]+([[:digit:]]+)[^[:digit:]]*/\1 \2/p'

This says:

  • don't default to printing each line (-n)
  • exclude zero or more non-digits
  • include one or more digits
  • exclude one or more non-digits
  • include one or more digits
  • exclude zero or more non-digits
  • print the substitution (p)

In general, in sed you capture groups using parentheses and output what you capture using a back reference:

echo "foobarbaz" | sed 's/^foo\(.*\)baz$/\1/'

will output "bar". If you use -r (-E for OS X) for extended regex, you don't need to escape the parentheses:

echo "foobarbaz" | sed -r 's/^foo(.*)baz$/\1/'

There can be up to 9 capture groups and their back references. The back references are numbered in the order the groups appear, but they can be used in any order and can be repeated:

echo "foobarbaz" | sed -r 's/^foo(.*)b(.)z$/\2 \1 \2/'

outputs "a bar a".

If you have GNU grep (it may also work in BSD, including OS X):

echo "$string" | grep -Po '\d+'

or variations such as:

echo "$string" | grep -Po '(?<=\D )(\d+)'

The -P option enables Perl Compatible Regular Expressions. See man 3 pcrepattern or man 3 pcresyntax.

Can I have two JavaScript onclick events in one element?

You can attach a handler which would call as many others as you like:

<a href="#blah" id="myLink"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

function myOtherFunction() {
//do stuff...

document.getElementById( 'myLink' ).onclick = function() {
   //do stuff...


Simulate limited bandwidth from within Chrome?

I'd recommend Charles Proxy - you can choose to slowdown individual sites, also has a whole bunch of HTTP inspection tools.


As of June 2014, Chrome now has the ability to do this natively in DevTools - you'll need Chrome 38 though.

The option is accessible from the Network tab via a drop down at the end of the toolbar.

MySQL: How to reset or change the MySQL root password?

Set / change / reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux. Enter the following lines in your terminal.

  1. Stop the MySQL Server: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop
  2. Start the mysqld configuration: sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables &

    In some cases, you've to create the /var/run/mysqld first:

    sudo mkdir -v /var/run/mysqld && sudo chown mysql /var/run/mysqld
  3. Run: sudo service mysql start
  4. Login to MySQL as root: mysql -u root mysql
  5. Replace YOURNEWPASSWORD with your new password:

      User = 'root';

Note: on some versions, if password column doesn't exist, you may want to try:
UPDATE user SET authentication_string=password('YOURNEWPASSWORD') WHERE user='root';

Note: This method is not regarded as the most secure way of resetting the password, however, it works.


  1. Set / Change / Reset the MySQL root password on Ubuntu Linux
  2. How to Reset the Root Password

Codeigniter: does $this->db->last_query(); execute a query?

The query execution happens on all get methods like


While last_query contains the last query which was run


If you want to get query string without execution you will have to do this. Go to system/database/DB_active_rec.php Remove public or protected keyword from these functions

public function _compile_select($select_override = FALSE)
public function _reset_select()

Now you can write query and get it in a variable

$subQuery = $this->db->_compile_select();

Now reset query so if you want to write another query the object will be cleared.


And the thing is done. Cheers!!! Note : While using this way you must use


instead of


which runs the query.

Take a look at this example

Disabling browser caching for all browsers from ASP.NET

There are two approaches that I know of. The first is to tell the browser not to cache the page. Setting the Response to no cache takes care of that, however as you suspect the browser will often ignore this directive. The other approach is to set the date time of your response to a point in the future. I believe all browsers will correct this to the current time when they add the page to the cache, but it will show the page as newer when the comparison is made. I believe there may be some cases where a comparison is not made. I am not sure of the details and they change with each new browser release. Final note I have had better luck with pages that "refresh" themselves (another response directive). The refresh seems less likely to come from the cache.

Hope that helps.

How to access parent scope from within a custom directive *with own scope* in AngularJS?

If you are using ES6 Classes and ControllerAs syntax, you need to do something slightly different.

See the snippet below and note that vm is the ControllerAs value of the parent Controller as used in the parent HTML

myApp.directive('name', function() {
  return {
    // no scope definition
    link : function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {


Preventing iframe caching in browser

This is a bug in Firefox:

Try this workaround:

<iframe src="webpage2.html?var=xxx" id="theframe"></iframe>

var _theframe = document.getElementById("theframe");
_theframe.contentWindow.location.href = _theframe.src;

How to get Git to clone into current directory

git clone ssh://[email protected]/home/user/private/repos/project_hub.git $(pwd)

MySQL select with CONCAT condition

Try this:

  FROM  (
        SELECT neededfield, CONCAT(firstname, ' ', lastname) as firstlast 
        FROM users 
    ) a
WHERE firstlast = "Bob Michael Jones"

How to make the main content div fill height of screen with css

There is a CSS unit called viewport height / viewport width.


.mainbody{height: 100vh;} similarly html,body{width: 100vw;}

or 90vh = 90% of the viewport height.

**IE9+ and most modern browsers.

How to get my project path?

You can use

string wanted_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()));

Run cron job only if it isn't already running

I do this for a print spooler program that I wrote, it's just a shell script:

if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep doctype.php ; then
        exit 0
        /home/user/bin/doctype.php >> /home/user/bin/spooler.log &
        #mailing program
        /home/user/bin/simplemail.php "Print spooler was not running...  Restarted." 
        exit 0

It runs every two minutes and is quite effective. I have it email me with special information if for some reason the process is not running.

Is there Selected Tab Changed Event in the standard WPF Tab Control

You could still use that event. Just check that the sender argument is the control you actually care about and if so, run the event code.

Xcode 7.2 no matching provisioning profiles found

I also had some problems after updating Xcode.

I fixed it by opening Xcode Preferences (?+,), going to AccountsView Details. Then select all provisioning profiles and delete them with backspace (note: they can't be removed in Xcode 7.2). Restart Xcode, else the list doesn't seem to update properly.

Now click the Download all button, and you should have all provisioning profiles that you defined in the Member center back in Xcode. Don't worry about the Xcode-generated ones (Prefixed with XC:), Xcode will regenerate them if necessary. Restart Xcode again.

Now go to the Code Signing section in your Build Settings and select the correct profile and cert.

Why this happens at all? No idea... I gave up on understanding Apple's policies regarding app signing.

How to resize JLabel ImageIcon?

This will keep the right aspect ratio.

    public ImageIcon scaleImage(ImageIcon icon, int w, int h)
        int nw = icon.getIconWidth();
        int nh = icon.getIconHeight();

        if(icon.getIconWidth() > w)
          nw = w;
          nh = (nw * icon.getIconHeight()) / icon.getIconWidth();

        if(nh > h)
          nh = h;
          nw = (icon.getIconWidth() * nh) / icon.getIconHeight();

        return new ImageIcon(icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(nw, nh, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT));

Check if returned value is not null and if so assign it, in one line, with one method call

Using Java 1.8 you can use Optional

public class Main  {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //example call, the methods are just dumb templates, note they are static
        FutureMeal meal = getChicken().orElse(getFreeRangeChicken());

        //another possible way to call this having static methods is
        FutureMeal meal = getChicken().orElseGet(Main::getFreeRangeChicken); //method reference

        //or if you would use a Instance of Main and call getChicken and getFreeRangeChicken
        // as nonstatic methods (assume static would be replaced with public for this)
        Main m = new Main();
        FutureMeal meal = m.getChicken().orElseGet(m::getFreeRangeChicken); //method reference

        FutureMeal meal = m.getChicken().orElse(m.getFreeRangeChicken()); //method call


    static Optional<FutureMeal> getChicken(){

        //instead of returning null, you would return Optional.empty() 
        //here I just return it to demonstrate
        return Optional.empty();

        //if you would return a valid object the following comment would be the code
        //FutureMeal ret = new FutureMeal(); //your return object
        //return Optional.of(ret);            


    static FutureMeal getFreeRangeChicken(){
        return new FutureMeal();

You would implement a logic for getChicken to return either Optional.empty() instead of null, or Optional.of(myReturnObject), where myReturnObject is your chicken.

Then you can call getChicken() and if it would return Optional.empty() the orElse(fallback) would give you whatever the fallback would be, in your case the second method.

Fastest way to check if string contains only digits

I like Linq and to make it exit on first mismatch you can do this

string str = '0129834X33';
bool isAllDigits = !str.Any( ch=> ch < '0' || ch > '9' );

Using moment.js to convert date to string "MM/dd/yyyy"

Try this:

var momentObj = $("#start_ts").datepicker("getDate");

var yourDate = momentObj.format('L');

Error related to only_full_group_by when executing a query in MySql

For localhost / wampserver 3 we can set sql-mode = user_mode to remove this error:

click on wamp icon -> MySql -> MySql Setting -> sql-mode -> user_mode

then restart wamp or apache

Python error message io.UnsupportedOperation: not readable

This will let you read, write and create the file if it don't exist:

f = open('filename.txt','a+')
f = open('filename.txt','r+')

Often used commands:

f.readline() #Read next line #Jump to beginning #Read all file
f.write('test text') #Write 'test text' to file
f.close() #Close file

How to resolve 'npm should be run outside of the node repl, in your normal shell'

You must get directory right path of program(node.js in program files).

such as

enter image description here

and use "npm install -g phonegap"

How to use a parameter in ExecStart command line?

Although systemd indeed does not provide way to pass command-line arguments for unit files, there are possibilities to write instances:

For example: /lib/systemd/system/[email protected] looks something like this:

Description=Serial Getty on %I
After=dev-%i.device systemd-user-sessions.service

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -s %I 115200,38400,9600

So, you may start it like:

$ systemctl start [email protected]
$ systemctl start [email protected]

For systemd it will different instances:

$ systemctl status [email protected]
[email protected] - Getty on ttyUSB0
      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]; static)
      Active: active (running) since Mon, 26 Sep 2011 04:20:44 +0200; 2s ago
    Main PID: 5443 (agetty)
      CGroup: name=systemd:/system/[email protected]/ttyUSB0
          + 5443 /sbin/agetty -s ttyUSB0 115200,38400,9600

It also mean great possibility enable and disable it separately.

Off course it lack much power of command line parsing, but in common way it is used as some sort of config files selection. For example you may look at Fedora [email protected]:[email protected]

jQuery ui dialog change title after load-callback

I have found simpler solution:

$('#clickToCreate').live('click', function() {
              title: "Set the title to Create"

$('#clickToEdit').live('click', function() {
              title: "Set the title To Edit"

Hope that helps!

Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

Here is what is did it with string

export function withoutRange(number) {
  const str = String(number);
  const dotPosition = str.indexOf('.');
  if (dotPosition > 0) {
    const length = str.substring().length;
    const end = length > 3 ? 3 : length;
    return str.substring(0, dotPosition + end);
  return str;

how to get file path from sd card in android

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() will NOT return path to micro SD card Storage.

how to get file path from sd card in android

By sd card, I am assuming that, you meant removable micro SD card.

In API level 19 i.e. in Android version 4.4 Kitkat, they have added File[] getExternalFilesDirs (String type) in Context Class that allows apps to store data/files in micro SD cards.

Android 4.4 is the first release of the platform that has actually allowed apps to use SD cards for storage. Any access to SD cards before API level 19 was through private, unsupported APIs.

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() was there from API level 1

getExternalFilesDirs(String type) returns absolute paths to application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices. It means, it will return paths to both internal and external memory. Generally, second returned path would be the storage path for microSD card (if any).

But note that,

Shared storage may not always be available, since removable media can be ejected by the user. Media state can be checked using getExternalStorageState(File).

There is no security enforced with these files. For example, any application holding WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE can write to these files.

The Internal and External Storage terminology according to Google/official Android docs is quite different from what we think.

Using Google maps API v3 how do I get LatLng with a given address?

There is a pretty good example on

To shorten it up a little:

geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();

function codeAddress() {

    //In this case it gets the address from an element on the page, but obviously you  could just pass it to the method instead
    var address = document.getElementById( 'address' ).value;

    geocoder.geocode( { 'address' : address }, function( results, status ) {
        if( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {

            //In this case it creates a marker, but you can get the lat and lng from the location.LatLng
            map.setCenter( results[0].geometry.location );
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker( {
                map     : map,
                position: results[0].geometry.location
            } );
        } else {
            alert( 'Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status );
    } );

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)

The above examples aren't simply written for Swift 3.0+

Update - Swift 3.0+ - Convert Date To String

let date = Date() // insert your date data here
var dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" // add custom format if you'd like 
var dateString = dateFormatter.string(from: date)

Is it possible to hide/encode/encrypt php source code and let others have the system?

There are commercial products such as ionCube (which I use), source guardian, and Zen Guard.

There are also postings on the net which claim they can reverse engineer the encoded programs. How reliable they are is questionable, since I have never used them.

Note that most of these solutions require an encoder to be installed on their servers. So you may want to make sure your client is comfortable with that.

Delete file from internal storage

The getFilesDir() somehow didn't work. Using a method, which returns the entire path and filename gave the desired result. Here is the code:

File file = new File(inputHandle.getImgPath(id));
boolean deleted = file.delete();

How to read a CSV file from a URL with Python?

You need to replace open with urllib.urlopen or urllib2.urlopen.


import csv
import urllib2

url = ''
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
cr = csv.reader(response)

for row in cr:
    print row

This would output the following

Year,City,Sport,Discipline,NOC,Event,Event gender,Medal
1924,Chamonix,Skating,Figure skating,AUT,individual,M,Silver
1924,Chamonix,Skating,Figure skating,AUT,individual,W,Gold

The original question is tagged "python-2.x", but for a Python 3 implementation (which requires only minor changes) see below.

milliseconds to days

public static final long SECOND_IN_MILLIS = 1000;
public static final long MINUTE_IN_MILLIS = SECOND_IN_MILLIS * 60;
public static final long HOUR_IN_MILLIS = MINUTE_IN_MILLIS * 60;
public static final long DAY_IN_MILLIS = HOUR_IN_MILLIS * 24;
public static final long WEEK_IN_MILLIS = DAY_IN_MILLIS * 7;

You could cast int but I would recommend using long.

How to Enable ActiveX in Chrome?

I'm not an expert but it sounds to me that this is something you could only do if you built the browser yourself - ie, not something done in a web page. I'm not sure that the sources for Chrome are publicly available (I think they are though), but the sources are what you'd probably need to change for this.

How to split a string after specific character in SQL Server and update this value to specific column

Try this:

UPDATE YourTable
SET Col2 = RIGHT(Col1,LEN(Col1)-CHARINDEX('/',Col1))

Difference in make_shared and normal shared_ptr in C++

The difference is that std::make_shared performs one heap-allocation, whereas calling the std::shared_ptr constructor performs two.

Where do the heap-allocations happen?

std::shared_ptr manages two entities:

  • the control block (stores meta data such as ref-counts, type-erased deleter, etc)
  • the object being managed

std::make_shared performs a single heap-allocation accounting for the space necessary for both the control block and the data. In the other case, new Obj("foo") invokes a heap-allocation for the managed data and the std::shared_ptr constructor performs another one for the control block.

For further information, check out the implementation notes at cppreference.

Update I: Exception-Safety

NOTE (2019/08/30): This is not a problem since C++17, due to the changes in the evaluation order of function arguments. Specifically, each argument to a function is required to fully execute before evaluation of other arguments.

Since the OP seem to be wondering about the exception-safety side of things, I've updated my answer.

Consider this example,

void F(const std::shared_ptr<Lhs> &lhs, const std::shared_ptr<Rhs> &rhs) { /* ... */ }

F(std::shared_ptr<Lhs>(new Lhs("foo")),
  std::shared_ptr<Rhs>(new Rhs("bar")));

Because C++ allows arbitrary order of evaluation of subexpressions, one possible ordering is:

  1. new Lhs("foo"))
  2. new Rhs("bar"))
  3. std::shared_ptr<Lhs>
  4. std::shared_ptr<Rhs>

Now, suppose we get an exception thrown at step 2 (e.g., out of memory exception, Rhs constructor threw some exception). We then lose memory allocated at step 1, since nothing will have had a chance to clean it up. The core of the problem here is that the raw pointer didn't get passed to the std::shared_ptr constructor immediately.

One way to fix this is to do them on separate lines so that this arbitary ordering cannot occur.

auto lhs = std::shared_ptr<Lhs>(new Lhs("foo"));
auto rhs = std::shared_ptr<Rhs>(new Rhs("bar"));
F(lhs, rhs);

The preferred way to solve this of course is to use std::make_shared instead.

F(std::make_shared<Lhs>("foo"), std::make_shared<Rhs>("bar"));

Update II: Disadvantage of std::make_shared

Quoting Casey's comments:

Since there there's only one allocation, the pointee's memory cannot be deallocated until the control block is no longer in use. A weak_ptr can keep the control block alive indefinitely.

Why do instances of weak_ptrs keep the control block alive?

There must be a way for weak_ptrs to determine if the managed object is still valid (eg. for lock). They do this by checking the number of shared_ptrs that own the managed object, which is stored in the control block. The result is that the control blocks are alive until the shared_ptr count and the weak_ptr count both hit 0.

Back to std::make_shared

Since std::make_shared makes a single heap-allocation for both the control block and the managed object, there is no way to free the memory for control block and the managed object independently. We must wait until we can free both the control block and the managed object, which happens to be until there are no shared_ptrs or weak_ptrs alive.

Suppose we instead performed two heap-allocations for the control block and the managed object via new and shared_ptr constructor. Then we free the memory for the managed object (maybe earlier) when there are no shared_ptrs alive, and free the memory for the control block (maybe later) when there are no weak_ptrs alive.

Add Whatsapp function to website, like sms, tel

I just posted an answer on a thread similiar to this here

The approach with:

<a href="whatsapp://send?abid=username&text=Hello%2C%20World!">whatsapp</a>

and with

<a href="intent://send/0123456789#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end">whatsapp</a>

Only works if the person who clicked on your link have your number on their contact list.

Since not everybody will have it, the other solution is to use Whatsapp API like this:

<a href="">Send Message</a>

Name does not exist in the current context

I also faced a similar issue, the problem was the form was inside a folder and the file .aspx.designer.cs I had the namespace referencing specifically to that directory; which caused the error to appear in several components:

El nombre no existe en el contexto actual

This in your case, a possible solution is to leave the namespace line of the Members_Jobs.aspx.designer.cs file specified globally, ie change this

namespace stman.Members {

For this

namespace stman {

It's what helped me solve the problem.

I hope to be helpful

How to read data from excel file using c#

CSharpJExcel for reading Excel 97-2003 files (XLS), ExcelPackage for reading Excel 2007/2010 files (Office Open XML format, XLSX), and ExcelDataReader that seems to have the ability to handle both formats

Good luck!

Java Strings: "String s = new String("silly");"

In most versions of the JDK the two versions will be the same:

String s = new String("silly");

String s = "No longer silly";

Because strings are immutable the compiler maintains a list of string constants and if you try to make a new one will first check to see if the string is already defined. If it is then a reference to the existing immutable string is returned.

To clarify - when you say "String s = " you are defining a new variable which takes up space on the stack - then whether you say "No longer silly" or new String("silly") exactly the same thing happens - a new constant string is compiled into your application and the reference points to that.

I dont see the distinction here. However for your own class, which is not immutable, this behaviour is irrelevant and you must call your constructor.

UPDATE: I was wrong! Based on a down vote and comment attached I tested this and realise that my understanding is wrong - new String("Silly") does indeed create a new string rather than reuse the existing one. I am unclear why this would be (what is the benefit?) but code speaks louder than words!

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


How do I extend a class with c# extension methods?

Extension methods are syntactic sugar for making static methods whose first parameter is an instance of type T look as if they were an instance method on T.

As such the benefit is largely lost where you to make 'static extension methods' since they would serve to confuse the reader of the code even more than an extension method (since they appear to be fully qualified but are not actually defined in that class) for no syntactical gain (being able to chain calls in a fluent style within Linq for example).

Since you would have to bring the extensions into scope with a using anyway I would argue that it is simpler and safer to create:

public static class DateTimeUtils
    public static DateTime Tomorrow { get { ... } }

And then use this in your code via:

WriteLine("{0}", DateTimeUtils.Tomorrow)

Check if date is a valid one

I use moment along with new Date to handle cases of undefined data values:

const date = moment(new Date("2016-10-19"));

because of: moment(undefined).isValid() == true

where as the better way: moment(new Date(undefined)).isValid() == false

Mysql database sync between two databases

Replication is not very hard to create.

Here's some good tutorials:

Here some simple rules you will have to keep in mind (there's more of course but that is the main concept):

  1. Setup 1 server (master) for writing data.
  2. Setup 1 or more servers (slaves) for reading data.

This way, you will avoid errors.

For example: If your script insert into the same tables on both master and slave, you will have duplicate primary key conflict.

You can view the "slave" as a "backup" server which hold the same information as the master but cannot add data directly, only follow what the master server instructions.

NOTE: Of course you can read from the master and you can write to the slave but make sure you don't write to the same tables (master to slave and slave to master).

I would recommend to monitor your servers to make sure everything is fine.

Let me know if you need additional help

How to Remove the last char of String in C#?

If this is something you need to do a lot in your application, or you need to chain different calls, you can create an extension method:

public static String TrimEnd(this String str, int count)
    return str.Substring(0, str.Length - count);

and call it:

string oldString = "...Hello!";
string newString = oldString.Trim(1); //returns "...Hello"

or chained:

string newString = oldString.Substring(3).Trim(1);  //returns "Hello"

How to convert a time string to seconds?

A little more pythonic way I think would be:

timestr = '00:04:23'

ftr = [3600,60,1]

sum([a*b for a,b in zip(ftr, map(int,timestr.split(':')))])

Output is 263Sec.

I would be interested to see if anyone could simplify it further.

Using (Ana)conda within PyCharm

Continuum Analytics now provides instructions on how to setup Anaconda with various IDEs including Pycharm here. However, with Pycharm 5.0.1 running on Unbuntu 15.10 Project Interpreter settings were found via the File | Settings and then under the Project branch of the treeview on the Settings dialog.


Under "Project -> Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions" add _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS

How to stop an animation (cancel() does not work)

You must use .clearAnimation(); method in UI thread:

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Pandas - Compute z-score for all columns

Here's other way of getting Zscore using custom function:

In [6]: import pandas as pd; import numpy as np

In [7]: np.random.seed(0) # Fixes the random seed

In [8]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3), columns=["randomA", "randomB","randomC"])

In [9]: df # watch output of dataframe
    randomA   randomB   randomC
0  1.764052  0.400157  0.978738
1  2.240893  1.867558 -0.977278
2  0.950088 -0.151357 -0.103219
3  0.410599  0.144044  1.454274
4  0.761038  0.121675  0.443863

## Create custom function to compute Zscore 
In [10]: def z_score(df):
   ....:         df.columns = [x + "_zscore" for x in df.columns.tolist()]
   ....:         return ((df - df.mean())/df.std(ddof=0))

## make sure you filter or select columns of interest before passing dataframe to function
In [11]: z_score(df) # compute Zscore
   randomA_zscore  randomB_zscore  randomC_zscore
0        0.798350       -0.106335        0.731041
1        1.505002        1.939828       -1.577295
2       -0.407899       -0.875374       -0.545799
3       -1.207392       -0.463464        1.292230
4       -0.688061       -0.494655        0.099824

Result reproduced using scipy.stats zscore

In [12]: from scipy.stats import zscore

In [13]: df.apply(zscore) # (Credit: Manuel)
    randomA   randomB   randomC
0  0.798350 -0.106335  0.731041
1  1.505002  1.939828 -1.577295
2 -0.407899 -0.875374 -0.545799
3 -1.207392 -0.463464  1.292230
4 -0.688061 -0.494655  0.099824

Get div height with plain JavaScript

var clientHeight = document.getElementById('myDiv').clientHeight;


var offsetHeight = document.getElementById('myDiv').offsetHeight;

clientHeight includes padding.

offsetHeight includes padding, scrollBar and borders.

What is the easiest way to parse an INI file in Java?

As simple as 80 lines:

package windows.prefs;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class IniFile {

   private Pattern  _section  = Pattern.compile( "\\s*\\[([^]]*)\\]\\s*" );
   private Pattern  _keyValue = Pattern.compile( "\\s*([^=]*)=(.*)" );
   private Map< String,
      Map< String,
         String >>  _entries  = new HashMap<>();

   public IniFile( String path ) throws IOException {
      load( path );

   public void load( String path ) throws IOException {
      try( BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( path ))) {
         String line;
         String section = null;
         while(( line = br.readLine()) != null ) {
            Matcher m = _section.matcher( line );
            if( m.matches()) {
               section = 1 ).trim();
            else if( section != null ) {
               m = _keyValue.matcher( line );
               if( m.matches()) {
                  String key   = 1 ).trim();
                  String value = 2 ).trim();
                  Map< String, String > kv = _entries.get( section );
                  if( kv == null ) {
                     _entries.put( section, kv = new HashMap<>());   
                  kv.put( key, value );

   public String getString( String section, String key, String defaultvalue ) {
      Map< String, String > kv = _entries.get( section );
      if( kv == null ) {
         return defaultvalue;
      return kv.get( key );

   public int getInt( String section, String key, int defaultvalue ) {
      Map< String, String > kv = _entries.get( section );
      if( kv == null ) {
         return defaultvalue;
      return Integer.parseInt( kv.get( key ));

   public float getFloat( String section, String key, float defaultvalue ) {
      Map< String, String > kv = _entries.get( section );
      if( kv == null ) {
         return defaultvalue;
      return Float.parseFloat( kv.get( key ));

   public double getDouble( String section, String key, double defaultvalue ) {
      Map< String, String > kv = _entries.get( section );
      if( kv == null ) {
         return defaultvalue;
      return Double.parseDouble( kv.get( key ));

How to avoid a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException?

I got this exception while coping a object(variable) Matrix Array into Excel sheet. The solution to this is, Matrix array Index(i,j) must start from (0,0) whereas Excel sheet should start with Matrix Array index (i,j) from (1,1) .

I hope you this concept.

How to use ArrayAdapter<myClass>

I think this is the best approach. Using generic ArrayAdapter class and extends your own Object adapter is as simple as follows:

public abstract class GenericArrayAdapter<T> extends ArrayAdapter<T> {

  // Vars
  private LayoutInflater mInflater;

  public GenericArrayAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<T> objects) {
    super(context, 0, objects);

  // Headers
  public abstract void drawText(TextView textView, T object);

  private void init(Context context) {
    this.mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);

  @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    final ViewHolder vh;
    if (convertView == null) {
      convertView = mInflater.inflate(android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, parent, false);
      vh = new ViewHolder(convertView);
    } else {
      vh = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();

    drawText(vh.textView, getItem(position));

    return convertView;

  static class ViewHolder {

    TextView textView;

    private ViewHolder(View rootView) {
      textView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;

and here your adapter (example):

public class SizeArrayAdapter extends GenericArrayAdapter<Size> {

  public SizeArrayAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<Size> objects) {
    super(context, objects);

  @Override public void drawText(TextView textView, Size object) {


and finally, how to initialize it:

ArrayList<Size> sizes = getArguments().getParcelableArrayList(Constants.ARG_PRODUCT_SIZES);
SizeArrayAdapter sizeArrayAdapter = new SizeArrayAdapter(getActivity(), sizes);

I've created a Gist with TextView layout gravity customizable ArrayAdapter:

In java how to get substring from a string till a character c?

This could help:

public static String getCorporateID(String fileName) {

    String corporateId = null;

    try {
        corporateId = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf("_"));
        // System.out.println(new Date() + ": " + "Corporate:
        // "+corporateId);
        return corporateId;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        corporateId = null;

    return corporateId;

Submit form using AJAX and jQuery

There is a nice form plugin that allows you to send an HTML form asynchroniously.

$(document).ready(function() { 



to submit the form immediately

Tool to Unminify / Decompress JavaScript

Pretty Diff will beautify (pretty print) JavaScript in a way that conforms to JSLint and JSHint white space algorithms.

How to remove the bottom border of a box with CSS

You seem to misunderstand the box model - in CSS you provide points for the top and left and then width and height - these are all that are needed for a box to be placed with exact measurements.

The width property is what your C-D is, but it is also what A-B is. If you omit it, the div will not have a defined width and the width will be defined by its contents.

Update (following the comments on the question:

Add a border-bottom-style: none; to your CSS to remove this style from the bottom only.

Way to read first few lines for pandas dataframe

I think you can use the nrows parameter. From the docs:

nrows : int, default None

    Number of rows of file to read. Useful for reading pieces of large files

which seems to work. Using one of the standard large test files (988504479 bytes, 5344499 lines):

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv", nrows=20)
CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
Wall time: 0.00 s

In [3]: len(z)
Out[3]: 20

In [4]: time z = pd.read_csv("P00000001-ALL.csv")
CPU times: user 27.63 s, sys: 1.92 s, total: 29.55 s
Wall time: 30.23 s

Difference between numeric, float and decimal in SQL Server

The case for Decimal

What it the underlying need?

It arises from the fact that, ultimately, computers represent, internally, numbers in binary format. That leads, inevitably, to rounding errors.

Consider this:

0.1 (decimal, or "base 10") = .00011001100110011... (binary, or "base 2")

The above ellipsis [...] means 'infinite'. If you look at it carefully, there is an infinite repeating pattern (='0011')

So, at some point the computer has to round that value. This leads to accumulation errors deriving from the repeated use of numbers that are inexactly stored.

Say that you want to store financial amounts (which are numbers that may have a fractional part). First of all, you cannot use integers obviously (integers don't have a fractional part). From a purely mathematical point of view, the natural tendency would be to use a float. But, in a computer, floats have the part of a number that is located after a decimal point - the "mantissa" - limited. That leads to rounding errors.

To overcome this, computers offer specific datatypes that limit the binary rounding error in computers for decimal numbers. These are the data type that should absolutely be used to represent financial amounts. These data types typically go by the name of Decimal. That's the case in C#, for example. Or, DECIMAL in most databases.

Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

Most of the cases issue is due to problem with hostname . Please check the hostname ,some times database team will maintain many hostname for connecting same database . Please check with database team regarding this connection issue.

Split string in Lua?

Super late to this question, but in case anyone wants a version that handles the amount of splits you want to get.....

-- Split a string into a table using a delimiter and a limit
string.split = function(str, pat, limit)
  local t = {}
  local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
  local last_end = 1
  local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
  while s do
    if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
      table.insert(t, cap)

    last_end = e+1
    s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)

    if limit ~= nil and limit <= #t then

  if last_end <= #str then
    cap = str:sub(last_end)
    table.insert(t, cap)

  return t

In Tensorflow, get the names of all the Tensors in a graph

This worked for me:

for n in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node:

Unable to install Maven on Windows: "JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory"

This seems to be old post but still I wanted to share how this issue got fixed for me.

For users, who do not have admin access and when they open a command prompt, it runs under the user privilege. It means, you may have path like C:\Users\

so when trying C:\Users\XYZ>mvn --version , it actually search the JAVA_HOME path from user variables not system variables in Environment Variables.

So, In order to fix this, we need to create a environment variable for JAVA_HOME in user variables.

Hope, this helps someone.

Replacing last character in a String with java

You can simply use substring:

  fieldName = fieldName.substring(0,fieldName.length() - 1);

Make sure to reassign your field after performing substring as Strings are immutable in java

When to use CouchDB over MongoDB and vice versa

Be aware of an issue with sparse unique indexes in MongoDB. I've hit it and it is extremely cumbersome to workaround.

The problem is this - you have a field, which is unique if present and you wish to find all the objects where the field is absent. The way sparse unique indexes are implemented in Mongo is that objects where that field is missing are not in the index at all - they cannot be retrieved by a query on that field - {$exists: false} just does not work.

The only workaround I have come up with is having a special null family of values, where an empty value is translated to a special prefix (like null:) concatenated to a uuid. This is a real headache, because one has to take care of transforming to/from the empty values when writing/quering/reading. A major nuisance.

I have never used server side javascript execution in MongoDB (it is not advised anyway) and their map/reduce has awful performance when there is just one Mongo node. Because of all these reasons I am now considering to check out CouchDB, maybe it fits more to my particular scenario.

BTW, if anyone knows the link to the respective Mongo issue describing the sparse unique index problem - please share.

How can I check for "undefined" in JavaScript?

You can use typeof, like this:

if (typeof something != "undefined") {
    // ...

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (running jar file, not web app)

put the folder which has the properties file for log in java build path source. You can add it by right clicking the project ----> build path -----> configure build path ------> add t

PHP remove special character from string

$string = '`~!@#$%^&^&*()_+{}[]|\/;:"< >,.?-<h1>You .</h1><p> text</p>'."'";
$string = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\s.\s-]/','',$string); 
echo $string = str_replace( array( '-', '.' ), '', $string);

How to put a delay on AngularJS instant search?

I think the easiest way here is to preload the json or load it once on$dirty and then the filter search will take care of the rest. This'll save you the extra http calls and its much faster with preloaded data. Memory will hurt, but its worth it.

Defining Z order of views of RelativeLayout in Android

Please note that you can use view.setZ(float) starting from API level 21. Here you can find more info.

How to get label text value form a html page?

You can use textContent attribute to retrieve data from a label.

       var datas = document.getElementById("excel-data-div").textContent;

<label id="excel-data-div" style="display: none;">
     Sample text

How to remove multiple deleted files in Git repository

Update all changes you made:

git add -u

The deleted files should change from unstaged (usually red color) to staged (green). Then commit to remove the deleted files:

git commit -m "note"

Python datetime strptime() and strftime(): how to preserve the timezone information

Unfortunately, strptime() can only handle the timezone configured by your OS, and then only as a time offset, really. From the documentation:

Support for the %Z directive is based on the values contained in tzname and whether daylight is true. Because of this, it is platform-specific except for recognizing UTC and GMT which are always known (and are considered to be non-daylight savings timezones).

strftime() doesn't officially support %z.

You are stuck with python-dateutil to support timezone parsing, I am afraid.

Relative paths based on file location instead of current working directory

What you want to do is get the absolute path of the script (available via ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) and then use this to get the parent directory and cd to it at the beginning of the script.

parent_path=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ; pwd -P )

cd "$parent_path"
cat ../some.text

This will make your shell script work independent of where you invoke it from. Each time you run it, it will be as if you were running ./ inside dir.

Note that this script only works if you're invoking the script directly (i.e. not via a symlink), otherwise the finding the current location of the script gets a little more tricky)

Strange "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" in Eclipse

I had a similar problem and it had to do with the libraries referenced by the java build path; I was referencing libraries that didn't exist anymore when I did an update. When I removed these references, by project started running again.

The libraries are listed under the Java Build Path in the project properties window.

Hope this helps.

ssh: The authenticity of host 'hostname' can't be established

Ideally, you should create a self-managed certificate authority. Start with generating a key pair: ssh-keygen -f cert_signer

Then sign each server's public host key: ssh-keygen -s cert_signer -I cert_signer -h -n -V +52w /etc/ssh/

This generates a signed public host key: /etc/ssh/

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, point the HostCertificate to this file: HostCertificate /etc/ssh/

Restart the sshd service: service sshd restart

Then on the SSH client, add the following to ~/.ssh/known_hosts: @cert-authority * ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz...cYwy+1Y2u/

The above contains:

  • @cert-authority
  • The domain *
  • The full contents of the public key

The cert_signer public key will trust any server whose public host key is signed by the cert_signer private key.

Although this requires a one-time configuration on the client side, you can trust multiple servers, including those that haven't been provisioned yet (as long as you sign each server, that is).

For more details, see this wiki page.

connect local repo with remote repo

git remote add origin <remote_repo_url>
git push --all origin

If you want to set all of your branches to automatically use this remote repo when you use git pull, add --set-upstream to the push:

git push --all --set-upstream origin

Proxy Error 502 : The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

Add this into your httpd.conf file

Timeout 2400
ProxyTimeout 2400
ProxyBadHeader Ignore 

What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

I like the idea of using a directive for this:

.directive('stopEvent', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element, attr) {
            element.bind('click', function (e) {

Then use the directive like:

<div ng-controller="OverlayCtrl" class="overlay" ng-click="hideOverlay()">
    <img src="http://some_src" ng-click="nextImage()" stop-event/>

If you wanted, you could make this solution more generic like this answer to a different question:

Duplicate line in Visual Studio Code

The duplicate can be achieved by CTRL+C and CTRL+V with cursor in the line without nothing selected.

Syncing Android Studio project with Gradle files

I've had this problem after installing the genymotion (another android amulator) plugin. A closer inspection reveled that gradle needs SDK tools version 19.1.0 in order to run (I had 19.0.3 previously).

To fix it, I had to edit build.gradle and under android I changed to: buildToolsVersion 19.1.0

Then I had to rebuild again, and the error was gone.

How to import image (.svg, .png ) in a React Component

There are few steps if we dont use "create-react-app",([email protected]) first we should install file-loader as devDedepencie,next step is to add rule in webpack.config

    test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$/i,
    loader: 'file-loader',

, then in our src directory we should make file called declarationFiles.d.ts(for example) and register modules inside

declare module '*.jpg';
declare module '*.png';

,then restart dev-server. After these steps we can import and use images like in code bellow

import React from 'react';
import image from './img1.png';
import './helloWorld.scss';

const HelloWorld = () => (
    <h1 className="main">React TypeScript Starter</h1>
        <img src={image} alt="some example image" />
export default HelloWorld;

Works in typescript and also in javacript,just change extension from .ts to .js


Utils to read resource text file to String (Java)

If you want to get your String from a project resource like the file testcase/foo.json in src/main/resources in your project, do this:

String myString= 
 new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("testcase/foo.json").toURI())));

Note that the getClassLoader() method is missing on some of the other examples.

No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 4'

I also faced the same issue while running JUnit test. I resolved this by putting the annotation @Test just above the main test function.

Copy all the lines to clipboard


:set go=a


See :help go-a:

'a' Autoselect:  If present, then whenever VISUAL mode is started,
 or the Visual area extended, Vim tries to become the owner of
 the windowing system's global selection.  This means that the
 Visually highlighted text is available for pasting into other
 applications as well as into Vim itself.  When the Visual mode
 ends, possibly due to an operation on the text, or when an
 application wants to paste the selection, the highlighted text
 is automatically yanked into the "* selection register.
 Thus the selection is still available for pasting into other
 applications after the VISUAL mode has ended.
     If not present, then Vim won't become the owner of the
 windowing system's global selection unless explicitly told to
 by a yank or delete operation for the "* register.
 The same applies to the modeless selection.

node.js: read a text file into an array. (Each line an item in the array.)


var fs = require('fs');
var array = fs.readFileSync('file.txt').toString().split("\n");
for(i in array) {


var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('file.txt', function(err, data) {
    if(err) throw err;
    var array = data.toString().split("\n");
    for(i in array) {

Gets last digit of a number

You have just created an empty integer array. The array guess does not contain anything to my knowledge. The rest you should work out to get better.

How to append rows to an R data frame

Suppose you simply don't know the size of the data.frame in advance. It can well be a few rows, or a few millions. You need to have some sort of container, that grows dynamically. Taking in consideration my experience and all related answers in SO I come with 4 distinct solutions:

  1. rbindlist to the data.frame

  2. Use data.table's fast set operation and couple it with manually doubling the table when needed.

  3. Use RSQLite and append to the table held in memory.

  4. data.frame's own ability to grow and use custom environment (which has reference semantics) to store the data.frame so it will not be copied on return.

Here is a test of all the methods for both small and large number of appended rows. Each method has 3 functions associated with it:

  • create(first_element) that returns the appropriate backing object with first_element put in.

  • append(object, element) that appends the element to the end of the table (represented by object).

  • access(object) gets the data.frame with all the inserted elements.

rbindlist to the data.frame

That is quite easy and straight-forward:


append.1<-function(dt, elems)
  return(rbindlist(list(dt,  elems),use.names = TRUE))


data.table::set + manually doubling the table when needed.

I will store the true length of the table in a rowcount attribute.


append.2<-function(dt, elems)
  n<-attr(dt, 'rowcount')
  if (is.null(n))
  if (n==nrow(dt))
    dt<-rbindlist(list(dt, tmp), fill=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)
    setattr(dt,'rowcount', n)
  pos<-as.integer(match(names(elems), colnames(dt)))
  for (j in seq_along(pos))
    set(dt, i=as.integer(n+1), pos[[j]], elems[[j]])

  n<-attr(elems, 'rowcount')

SQL should be optimized for fast record insertion, so I initially had high hopes for RSQLite solution

This is basically copy&paste of Karsten W. answer on similar thread.

  con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
  RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, 't',

append.3<-function(con, elems)
  RSQLite::dbWriteTable(con, 't',, append=TRUE)

  return(RSQLite::dbReadTable(con, "t", row.names=NULL))

data.frame's own row-appending + custom environment.


append.4<-function(env, elems)


The test suite:

For convenience I will use one test function to cover them all with indirect calling. (I checked: using instead of calling the functions directly doesn't makes the code run measurable longer).

test<-function(id, n=1000)
  for (i in 1:n)
  return('access.', id), list(o)))

Let's see the performance for n=10 insertions.

I also added a 'placebo' functions (with suffix 0) that don't perform anything - just to measure the overhead of the test setup.

r<-microbenchmark(test(0,n=10), test(1,n=10),test(2,n=10),test(3,n=10), test(4,n=10))

Timings for adding n=10 rows

Timings for n=100 rows Timings for n=1000 rows

For 1E5 rows (measurements done on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz):

nr  function      time
4   data.frame    228.251 
3   sqlite        133.716
2   data.table      3.059
1   rbindlist     169.998 
0   placebo         0.202

It looks like the SQLite-based sulution, although regains some speed on large data, is nowhere near data.table + manual exponential growth. The difference is almost two orders of magnitude!


If you know that you will append rather small number of rows (n<=100), go ahead and use the simplest possible solution: just assign the rows to the data.frame using bracket notation and ignore the fact that the data.frame is not pre-populated.

For everything else use data.table::set and grow the data.table exponentially (e.g. using my code).

How to check if a process id (PID) exists

By pid:

pgrep [pid] >/dev/null

By name:

pgrep -u [user] -x [name] >/dev/null

"-x" means "exact match".

Read data from a text file using Java

Simple code for reading file in JAVA:


class ReadData
    public static void main(String args[])
        FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File("<put your file path here>"));
                char ch=(char);

How do I assign ls to an array in Linux Bash?

Whenever possible, you should avoid parsing the output of ls (see Greg's wiki on the subject). Basically, the output of ls will be ambiguous if there are funny characters in any of the filenames. It's also usually a waste of time. In this case, when you execute ls -d */, what happens is that the shell expands */ to a list of subdirectories (which is already exactly what you want), passes that list as arguments to ls -d, which looks at each one, says "yep, that's a directory all right" and prints it (in an inconsistent and sometimes ambiguous format). The ls command isn't doing anything useful!

Well, ok, it is doing one thing that's useful: if there are no subdirectories, */ will get left as is, ls will look for a subdirectory named "*", not find it, print an error message that it doesn't exist (to stderr), and not print the "*/" (to stdout).

The cleaner way to make an array of subdirectory names is to use the glob (*/) without passing it to ls. But in order to avoid putting "*/" in the array if there are no actual subdirectories, you should set nullglob first (again, see Greg's wiki):

shopt -s nullglob
shopt -u nullglob # Turn off nullglob to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything later
echo "${array[@]}"  # Note double-quotes to avoid extra parsing of funny characters in filenames

If you want to print an error message if there are no subdirectories, you're better off doing it yourself:

if (( ${#array[@]} == 0 )); then
    echo "No subdirectories found" >&2

Keytool is not recognized as an internal or external command

You are getting that error because the keytool executable is under the bin directory, not the lib directory in your example. And you will need to add the location of your keystore as well in the command line. There is a pretty good reference to all of this here - Jrun Help / Import certificates | Certificate stores | ColdFusion

The default truststore is the JRE's cacerts file. This file is typically located in the following places:

  • Server Configuration:


  • Multiserver/J2EE on JRun 4 Configuration:


  • Sun JDK installation:


  • Consult documentation for other J2EE application servers and JVMs

The keytool is part of the Java SDK and can be found in the following places:

  • Server Configuration:


  • Multiserver/J2EE on JRun 4 Configuration:


  • Sun JDK installation:


  • Consult documentation for other J2EE application servers and JVMs

So if you navigate to the directory where the keytool executable is located your command line would look something like this:

keytool -list -v -keystore JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\security\cacert -storepass changeit

You will need to supply pathing information depending on where you run the keytool command from and where your certificate file resides.

Also, be sure you are updating the correct cacerts file that ColdFusion is using. In case you have more than one JRE installed on that server. You can verify the JRE ColdFusion is using from the administrator under the 'System Information'. Look for the Java Home line.

In jQuery, what's the best way of formatting a number to 2 decimal places?

Maybe something like this, where you could select more than one element if you'd like?


Correct file permissions for WordPress

I set permissions to:

    # Set all files and directories user and group to wp-user
    chown wp-user:wp-user -R *

    # Set uploads folder user and group to www-data
    chown www-data:www-data -R wp-content/uploads/

    # Set all directories permissions to 755
    find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

    # Set all files permissions to 644
    find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

In my case I created a specific user for WordPress which is different from the apache default user that prevent access from the web to those files owned by that user.

Then it gives permission to apache user to handle the upload folder and finally set secure enough file and folder permissions.


If you're using W3C Total Cache you should do the next also:

rm -rf wp-content/cache/config
rm -rf wp-content/cache/object
rm -rf wp-content/cache/db
rm -rf wp-content/cache/minify
rm -rf wp-content/cache/page_enhanced

Then it'll work!


After a while developing WordPress sites I'd recommend different file permissions per environment:

In production, I wouldn't give access to users to modify the filesystem, I'll only allow them to upload resources and give access to some plugins specific folders to do backups, etc. But managing projects under Git and using deploy keys on the server, it isn't good update plugins on staging nor production. I leave here the production file setup:

# Set uploads folder user and group to www-data
chown www-data:www-data -R wp-content/uploads/

www-data:www-data = apache or nginx user and group

Staging will share the same production permissions as it should be a clone of it.

Finally, development environment will have access to update plugins, translations, everything...

# Set uploads folder user and group to www-data
chown www-data:www-data -R wp-content/

# Set uploads folder user and group to www-data
chown your-user:root-group -R wp-content/themes

# Set uploads folder user and group to www-data
chown your-user:root-group -R wp-content/plugins/your-plugin

www-data:www-data = apache or nginx user and group your-user:root-group = your current user and the root group

These permissions will give you access to develop under themes and your-plugin folder without asking permission. The rest of the content will be owned by the Apache or Nginx user to allow WP to manage the filesystem.

Before creating a git repo first run these commands:

# Set all directories permissions to 755
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

# Set all files permissions to 644
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Convert UTF-8 with BOM to UTF-8 with no BOM in Python

Simply use the "utf-8-sig" codec:

fp = open("file.txt")
s =
u = s.decode("utf-8-sig")

That gives you a unicode string without the BOM. You can then use

s = u.encode("utf-8")

to get a normal UTF-8 encoded string back in s. If your files are big, then you should avoid reading them all into memory. The BOM is simply three bytes at the beginning of the file, so you can use this code to strip them out of the file:

import os, sys, codecs

BUFSIZE = 4096
BOMLEN = len(codecs.BOM_UTF8)

path = sys.argv[1]
with open(path, "r+b") as fp:
    chunk =
    if chunk.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
        i = 0
        chunk = chunk[BOMLEN:]
        while chunk:
            i += len(chunk)
  , os.SEEK_CUR)
            chunk =, os.SEEK_CUR)

It opens the file, reads a chunk, and writes it out to the file 3 bytes earlier than where it read it. The file is rewritten in-place. As easier solution is to write the shorter file to a new file like newtover's answer. That would be simpler, but use twice the disk space for a short period.

As for guessing the encoding, then you can just loop through the encoding from most to least specific:

def decode(s):
    for encoding in "utf-8-sig", "utf-16":
            return s.decode(encoding)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
    return s.decode("latin-1") # will always work

An UTF-16 encoded file wont decode as UTF-8, so we try with UTF-8 first. If that fails, then we try with UTF-16. Finally, we use Latin-1 — this will always work since all 256 bytes are legal values in Latin-1. You may want to return None instead in this case since it's really a fallback and your code might want to handle this more carefully (if it can).

Simulate a click on 'a' element using javascript/jquery

Using jQuery: $('#gift-close').trigger('click');

Using JavaScript: document.getElementById('gift-close').click();

XXHDPI and XXXHDPI dimensions in dp for images and icons in android

it is different for different icons.(eg, diff sizes for action bar icons, laucnher icons, etc.) please follow this link icons handbook to learn more.

How to print a list of symbols exported from a dynamic library

Use otool:

otool -TV your.dylib


nm -g your.dylib

psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dev"

For people in the future seeing this, postgres is in the /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin on my Ubuntu server.

I added it to the PATH in my .bashrc file, and add this line at the end


then on the command line

$> source ./.bashrc

I refreshed my bash environment. Now I can use postgres -D /wherever from any directory