Programs & Examples On #Clone

A clone is a copy of an object with all of the same attributes, data, and methods as the original object. Or a software system that is designed to mimic another system.

How do I clone a generic List in Java?

ArrayList newArrayList = (ArrayList) oldArrayList.clone();

Copying a HashMap in Java

If you want a copy of the HashMap you need to construct a new one with.

myobjectListB = new HashMap<Integer,myObject>(myobjectListA);

This will create a (shallow) copy of the map.

How do I copy an object in Java?

Other than explicitly copying, another approach is to make the object immutable (no set or other mutator methods). In this way the question never arises. Immutability becomes more difficult with larger objects, but that other side of that is that it pushes you in the direction of splitting into coherent small objects and composites.

How to make a copy of an object in C#

Properties in your object are value types and you can use the shallow copy in such situation like that:

obj myobj2 = (obj)myobj.MemberwiseClone();

But in other situations, like if any members are reference types, then you need Deep Copy. You can get a deep copy of an object using Serialization and Deserialization techniques with the help of BinaryFormatter class:

public static T DeepCopy<T>(T other)
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        formatter.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Clone);
        formatter.Serialize(ms, other);
        ms.Position = 0;
        return (T)formatter.Deserialize(ms);

The purpose of setting StreamingContext: We can introduce special serialization and deserialization logic to our code with the help of either implementing ISerializable interface or using built-in attributes like OnDeserialized, OnDeserializing, OnSerializing, OnSerialized. In all cases StreamingContext will be passed as an argument to the methods(and to the special constructor in case of ISerializable interface). With setting ContextState to Clone, we are just giving hint to that method about the purpose of the serialization.

Additional Info: (you can also read this article from MSDN)

Shallow copying is creating a new object and then copying the nonstatic fields of the current object to the new object. If a field is a value type, a bit-by-bit copy of the field is performed; for a reference type, the reference is copied but the referred object is not; therefore the original object and its clone refer to the same object.

Deep copy is creating a new object and then copying the nonstatic fields of the current object to the new object. If a field is a value type, a bit-by-bit copy of the field is performed. If a field is a reference type, a new copy of the referred object is performed.

How do I clone a generic list in C#?

If you have already referenced Newtonsoft.Json in your project and your objects are serializeable you could always use:

List<T> newList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listToCopy))

Possibly not the most efficient way to do it, but unless you're doing it 100s of 1000s of times you may not even notice the speed difference.

What is the difference between pull and clone in git?

Miss Clone: I get a fresh copy to local.

Mr Pull: I already have it locally, I just update it.

Miss Clone: I can do what you do! You are just my subset.

Mr Pull: Ditto!

Miss Clone: No, you don't create. This is what I do:

  1. Create empty bare repository in local computer.
  2. Populate remote-tracking branches (all branches in repo downloaded to local computer)
  3. Run git fetch without arguments

You only do #3, and then you merge, which I do not need to do(mine is fresh).

Mr Pull: Smarty pants, no big deal, I will do a "git init" first! Then we are the same.

Miss Clone: No dear, don't you need a 'checked-out branch'... the git checkout? Who will do it? me!

Mr Pull: Oh right, that is needed. I need a default branch to act on. But..but I have the extra 'merge' capability on existing repo! Which makes me the most used command in Git ;)

Git creators: Hold your horses Mr Pull, if --bare or --mirror is used with clone or init, your merge won't happen. It remains read-only. And for you Miss Clone, git checkout can be replaced with a git fetch <remote> <srcBranch>:<destBranch> unless you want to use a -s <strategy> with pull which is missing in fetch.

Miss Clone: Somehow I feel like a winner already but let me drop this too: my command applies to all the branches in the repository. Are you that broad minded Mr. Pull?

Mr. Pull: I am broad minded when it comes to fetching all the branch names from the repo. But the merge will happen only on the current checked out branch. Exclusivity is the name! And in your case too, you only check-out one branch.

Does calling clone() on an array also clone its contents?

clone() creates a shallow copy. Which means the elements will not be cloned. (What if they didn't implement Cloneable?)

You may want to use Arrays.copyOf(..) for copying arrays instead of clone() (though cloning is fine for arrays, unlike for anything else)

If you want deep cloning, check this answer

A little example to illustrate the shallowness of clone() even if the elements are Cloneable:

ArrayList[] array = new ArrayList[] {new ArrayList(), new ArrayList()};
ArrayList[] clone = array.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < clone.length; i ++) {



Clone() vs Copy constructor- which is recommended in java

Keep in mind that the copy constructor limits the class type to that of the copy constructor. Consider the example:

// Need to clone person, which is type Person
Person clone = new Person(person);

This doesn't work if person could be a subclass of Person (or if Person is an interface). This is the whole point of clone, is that it can can clone the proper type dynamically at runtime (assuming clone is properly implemented).

Person clone = (Person)person.clone();


Person clone = (Person)SomeCloneUtil.clone(person); // See Bozho's answer

Now person can be any type of Person assuming that clone is properly implemented.

How do you make a deep copy of an object?

You can do a serialization-based deep clone using org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils.clone(T) in Apache Commons Lang, but be careful—the performance is abysmal.

In general, it is best practice to write your own clone methods for each class of an object in the object graph needing cloning.

Deep copy, shallow copy, clone

The terms "shallow copy" and "deep copy" are a bit vague; I would suggest using the terms "memberwise clone" and what I would call a "semantic clone". A "memberwise clone" of an object is a new object, of the same run-time type as the original, for every field, the system effectively performs "newObject.field = oldObject.field". The base Object.Clone() performs a memberwise clone; memberwise cloning is generally the right starting point for cloning an object, but in most cases some "fixup work" will be required following a memberwise clone. In many cases attempting to use an object produced via memberwise clone without first performing the necessary fixup will cause bad things to happen, including the corruption of the object that was cloned and possibly other objects as well. Some people use the term "shallow cloning" to refer to memberwise cloning, but that's not the only use of the term.

A "semantic clone" is an object which is contains the same data as the original, from the point of view of the type. For examine, consider a BigList which contains an Array> and a count. A semantic-level clone of such an object would perform a memberwise clone, then replace the Array> with a new array, create new nested arrays, and copy all of the T's from the original arrays to the new ones. It would not attempt any sort of deep-cloning of the T's themselves. Ironically, some people refer to the of cloning "shallow cloning", while others call it "deep cloning". Not exactly useful terminology.

While there are cases where truly deep cloning (recursively copying all mutable types) is useful, it should only be performed by types whose constituents are designed for such an architecture. In many cases, truly deep cloning is excessive, and it may interfere with situations where what's needed is in fact an object whose visible contents refer to the same objects as another (i.e. a semantic-level copy). In cases where the visible contents of an object are recursively derived from other objects, a semantic-level clone would imply a recursive deep clone, but in cases where the visible contents are just some generic type, code shouldn't blindly deep-clone everything that looks like it might possibly be deep-clone-able.

What is the best way to clone/deep copy a .NET generic Dictionary<string, T>?

The best way for me is this:

Dictionary<int, int> copy= new Dictionary<int, int>(yourListOrDictionary);

Deep copy vs Shallow Copy

Shallow copy:

Some members of the copy may reference the same objects as the original:

class X
    int i;
    int *pi;
        : pi(new int)
    { }
    X(const X& copy)   // <-- copy ctor
        : i(copy.i), pi(copy.pi)
    { }

Here, the pi member of the original and copied X object will both point to the same int.

Deep copy:

All members of the original are cloned (recursively, if necessary). There are no shared objects:

class X
    int i;
    int *pi;
        : pi(new int)
    { }
    X(const X& copy)   // <-- copy ctor
        : i(copy.i), pi(new int(*copy.pi))  // <-- note this line in particular!
    { }

Here, the pi member of the original and copied X object will point to different int objects, but both of these have the same value.

The default copy constructor (which is automatically provided if you don't provide one yourself) creates only shallow copies.

Correction: Several comments below have correctly pointed out that it is wrong to say that the default copy constructor always performs a shallow copy (or a deep copy, for that matter). Whether a type's copy constructor creates a shallow copy, or deep copy, or something in-between the two, depends on the combination of each member's copy behaviour; a member's type's copy constructor can be made to do whatever it wants, after all.

Here's what section 12.8, paragraph 8 of the 1998 C++ standard says about the above code examples:

The implicitly defined copy constructor for class X performs a memberwise copy of its subobjects. [...] Each subobject is copied in the manner appropriate to its type: [...] [I]f the subobject is of scalar type, the builtin assignment operator is used.

What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

Cloning an object using today's JavaScript: ECMAScript 2015 (formerly known as ECMAScript 6)

var original = {a: 1};

// Method 1: New object with original assigned.
var copy1 = Object.assign({}, original);

// Method 2: New object with spread operator assignment.
var copy2 = {...original};

Old browsers may not support ECMAScript 2015. A common solution is to use a JavaScript-to-JavaScript compiler like Babel to output an ECMAScript 5 version of your JavaScript code.

As pointed out by @jim-hall, this is only a shallow copy. Properties of properties are copied as a reference: changing one would change the value in the other object/instance.

What are the differences between git branch, fork, fetch, merge, rebase and clone?

Here is Oliver Steele's image of how it all fits together:

enter image description here

How do I clone a range of array elements to a new array?

You can use Array.Copy(...) to copy into the new array after you've created it, but I don't think there's a method which creates the new array and copies a range of elements.

If you're using .NET 3.5 you could use LINQ:

var newArray = array.Skip(3).Take(5).ToArray();

but that will be somewhat less efficient.

See this answer to a similar question for options for more specific situations.

List changes unexpectedly after assignment. How do I clone or copy it to prevent this?

All of the other contributors gave great answers, which work when you have a single dimension (leveled) list, however of the methods mentioned so far, only copy.deepcopy() works to clone/copy a list and not have it point to the nested list objects when you are working with multidimensional, nested lists (list of lists). While Felix Kling refers to it in his answer, there is a little bit more to the issue and possibly a workaround using built-ins that might prove a faster alternative to deepcopy.

While new_list = old_list[:], copy.copy(old_list)' and for Py3k old_list.copy() work for single-leveled lists, they revert to pointing at the list objects nested within the old_list and the new_list, and changes to one of the list objects are perpetuated in the other.

Edit: New information brought to light

As was pointed out by both Aaron Hall and PM 2Ring using eval() is not only a bad idea, it is also much slower than copy.deepcopy().

This means that for multidimensional lists, the only option is copy.deepcopy(). With that being said, it really isn't an option as the performance goes way south when you try to use it on a moderately sized multidimensional array. I tried to timeit using a 42x42 array, not unheard of or even that large for bioinformatics applications, and I gave up on waiting for a response and just started typing my edit to this post.

It would seem that the only real option then is to initialize multiple lists and work on them independently. If anyone has any other suggestions, for how to handle multidimensional list copying, it would be appreciated.

As others have stated, there are significant performance issues using the copy module and copy.deepcopy for multidimensional lists.

How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?

Use deepcopy from npm. Works in both the browser and in node as an npm module...

let a = deepcopy(b)

How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET?

I believe that the BinaryFormatter approach is relatively slow (which came as a surprise to me!). You might be able to use ProtoBuf .NET for some objects if they meet the requirements of ProtoBuf. From the ProtoBuf Getting Started page (

Notes on types supported:

Custom classes that:

  • Are marked as data-contract
  • Have a parameterless constructor
  • For Silverlight: are public
  • Many common primitives, etc.
  • Single dimension arrays: T[]
  • List<T> / IList<T>
  • Dictionary<TKey, TValue> / IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
  • any type which implements IEnumerable<T> and has an Add(T) method

The code assumes that types will be mutable around the elected members. Accordingly, custom structs are not supported, since they should be immutable.

If your class meets these requirements you could try:

public static void deepCopy<T>(ref T object2Copy, ref T objectCopy)
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
        Serializer.Serialize(stream, object2Copy);
        stream.Position = 0;
        objectCopy = Serializer.Deserialize<T>(stream);

Which is VERY fast indeed...


Here is working code for a modification of this (tested on .NET 4.6). It uses System.Xml.Serialization and System.IO. No need to mark classes as serializable.

public void DeepCopy<T>(ref T object2Copy, ref T objectCopy)
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
        var serializer = new XS.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

        serializer.Serialize(stream, object2Copy);
        stream.Position = 0;
        objectCopy = (T)serializer.Deserialize(stream);

Is it possible to clone html element objects in JavaScript / JQuery?

Get the HTML of the element to clone with .innerHTML, and then just make a new object by means of createElement()...

var html = document.getElementById('test').innerHTML;
var clone = document.createElement('span');
clone.innerHTML = html;

In general, clone() functions must be coded by, or understood by, the cloner. For example, let's clone this: <div>Hello, <span>name!</span></div>. If I delete the clone's <span> tags, should it also delete the original's span tags? If both are deleted, the object references were cloned; if only one set is deleted, the object references are brand-new instantiations. In some cases you want one, in others the other.

In HTML, typically, you'll want anything cloned to be referentially self-contained. The best way to make sure these new references are contained properly is to have the same innerHTML rerun and re-understood by the browser within a new element. Better than working to solve your problem, you should know exactly how it's doing its cloning...

Full Working Demo:

function cloneElement() {
    var html = document.getElementById('test').innerHTML;
    var clone = document.createElement('span');
    clone.innerHTML = html;
<span id="test">Hello!!!</span><br><br>

<span id="clones"></span><br><br>

<input type="button" onclick="cloneElement();" value="Click Here to Clone an Element">

Deep cloning objects

Here is a deep copy implementation:

public static object CloneObject(object opSource)
    //grab the type and create a new instance of that type
    Type opSourceType = opSource.GetType();
    object opTarget = CreateInstanceOfType(opSourceType);

    //grab the properties
    PropertyInfo[] opPropertyInfo = opSourceType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

    //iterate over the properties and if it has a 'set' method assign it from the source TO the target
    foreach (PropertyInfo item in opPropertyInfo)
        if (item.CanWrite)
            //value types can simply be 'set'
            if (item.PropertyType.IsValueType || item.PropertyType.IsEnum || item.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(System.String)))
                item.SetValue(opTarget, item.GetValue(opSource, null), null);
            //object/complex types need to recursively call this method until the end of the tree is reached
                object opPropertyValue = item.GetValue(opSource, null);
                if (opPropertyValue == null)
                    item.SetValue(opTarget, null, null);
                    item.SetValue(opTarget, CloneObject(opPropertyValue), null);
    //return the new item
    return opTarget;

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

As the manual says in Copying Databases you can pipe the dump directly into the mysql client:

mysqldump db_name | mysql new_db_name

If you're using MyISAM you could copy the files, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's a bit dodgy.

Integrated from various good other answers

Both mysqldump and mysql commands accept options for setting connection details (and much more), like:

mysqldump -u <user name> --password=<pwd> <original db> | mysql -u <user name> -p <new db>

Also, if the new database is not existing yet, you have to create it beforehand (e.g. with echo "create database new_db_name" | mysql -u <dbuser> -p).

How to properly override clone method?

You can implement protected copy constructors like so:

/* This is a protected copy constructor for exclusive use by .clone() */
protected MyObject(MyObject that) {
    this.myFirstMember = that.getMyFirstMember(); //To clone primitive data
    this.mySecondMember = that.getMySecondMember().clone(); //To clone complex objects
    // etc

public MyObject clone() {
    return new MyObject(this);

Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance

For complicated objects and when performance is not significant i use gson to serialize the object to json text, then deserialize the text to get new object.

gson which based on reflection will works in most cases, except that transient fields will not be copied and objects with circular reference with cause StackOverflowError.

public static <ObjectType> ObjectType Copy(ObjectType AnObject, Class<ObjectType> ClassInfo)
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
    String text = gson.toJson(AnObject);
    ObjectType newObject = gson.fromJson(text, ClassInfo);
    return newObject;
public static void main(String[] args)
    MyObject anObject ...
    MyObject copyObject = Copy(o, MyObject.class);


How to rebase local branch onto remote master

Step 1:

git fetch origin

Step 2:

git rebase origin/master

Step 3:(Fix if any conflicts)

git add .

Step 4:

git rebase --continue

Step 5:

git push --force

The difference between fork(), vfork(), exec() and clone()

  • execve() replaces the current executable image with another one loaded from an executable file.
  • fork() creates a child process.
  • vfork() is a historical optimized version of fork(), meant to be used when execve() is called directly after fork(). It turned out to work well in non-MMU systems (where fork() cannot work in an efficient manner) and when fork()ing processes with a huge memory footprint to run some small program (think Java's Runtime.exec()). POSIX has standardized the posix_spawn() to replace these latter two more modern uses of vfork().
  • posix_spawn() does the equivalent of a fork()/execve(), and also allows some fd juggling in between. It's supposed to replace fork()/execve(), mainly for non-MMU platforms.
  • pthread_create() creates a new thread.
  • clone() is a Linux-specific call, which can be used to implement anything from fork() to pthread_create(). It gives a lot of control. Inspired on rfork().
  • rfork() is a Plan-9 specific call. It's supposed to be a generic call, allowing several degrees of sharing, between full processes and threads.

jQuery Clone table row

Your problem is that your insertAfter:


inserts after every .tr_clone:

the matched set of elements will be inserted after the element(s) specified by this parameter.

You probably just want to use after on the row you're duplicating. And a little .find(':text').val('') will clear the cloned text inputs; something like this:

var $tr    = $(this).closest('.tr_clone');
var $clone = $tr.clone();

Demo: or for a modern jQuery:

I'm not sure which input should end up with the focus so I've left that alone.

How to jQuery clone() and change id?


  // get the last DIV which ID starts with ^= "klon"
  var $div = $('div[id^="klon"]:last');

  // Read the Number from that DIV's ID (i.e: 3 from "klon3")
  // And increment that number by 1
  var num = parseInt( $div.prop("id").match(/\d+/g), 10 ) +1;

  // Clone it and assign the new ID (i.e: from num 4 to ID "klon4")
  var $klon = $div.clone().prop('id', 'klon'+num );

  // Finally insert $klon wherever you want
  $div.after( $klon.text('klon'+num) );

<script src=""></script>

How create a new deep copy (clone) of a List<T>?

If the Array class meets your needs, you could also use the List.ToArray method, which copies elements to a new array.


git: fatal: I don't handle protocol '??http'

Summary: Type the url instead of copy pasting it in the commandline. It worked for me.

"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" from git status

Sometimes its because of ssh. So you can use this:

git clone

instead of:

git clone git://

How to copy java.util.list Collection

You may create a new list with an input of a previous list like so:

List one = new ArrayList()
//... add data, sort, etc
List two = new ArrayList(one);

This will allow you to modify the order or what elemtents are contained independent of the first list.

Keep in mind that the two lists will contain the same objects though, so if you modify an object in List two, the same object will be modified in list one.


MyObject value1 = one.get(0);
MyObject value2 = two.get(0);
value1 == value2 //true
value2.getName(); //returns "hello"


To avoid this you need a deep copy of each element in the list like so:

List<Torero> one = new ArrayList<Torero>();
//add elements

List<Torero> two = new Arraylist<Torero>();
for(Torero t : one){
    Torero copy = deepCopy(t);

with copy like the following:

public Torero deepCopy(Torero input){
    Torero copy = new Torero();
    copy.setValue(input.getValue());//.. copy primitives, deep copy objects again

    return copy;

How to clone an InputStream?

The class below should do the trick. Just create an instance, call the "multiply" method, and provide the source input stream and the amount of duplicates you need.

Important: you must consume all cloned streams simultaneously in separate threads.


import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class InputStreamMultiplier {
    protected static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
    private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

    public InputStream[] multiply(final InputStream source, int count) throws IOException {
        PipedInputStream[] ins = new PipedInputStream[count];
        final PipedOutputStream[] outs = new PipedOutputStream[count];

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            ins[i] = new PipedInputStream();
            outs[i] = new PipedOutputStream(ins[i]);

        executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    copy(source, outs);
                } catch (IOException e) {

        return ins;

    protected void copy(final InputStream source, final PipedOutputStream[] outs) throws IOException {
        byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
        int n = 0;
        try {
            while (-1 != (n = {
                //write each chunk to all output streams
                for (PipedOutputStream out : outs) {
                    out.write(buffer, 0, n);
        } finally {
            //close all output streams
            for (PipedOutputStream out : outs) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

jquery clone div and append it after specific div

try this out


How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

You will need to iterate on the items, and clone them one by one, putting the clones in your result array as you go.

public static List<Dog> cloneList(List<Dog> list) {
    List<Dog> clone = new ArrayList<Dog>(list.size());
    for (Dog item : list) clone.add(item.clone());
    return clone;

For that to work, obviously, you will have to get your Dog class to implement the Cloneable interface and override the clone() method.

react-native :app:installDebug FAILED

on my android device, the problem was about the previous build versions of the application that I had installed on my phone before. the following steps solved my problem:

  1. removing any previous build of the application, including debugging version and signed apk version

  2. on the root directory of your project, run (on windows):

    cd android

    .\gradlew clean

    cd ..

    npm cache clean --force

  3. reboot your android device

hope this help you too.

Tools for creating Class Diagrams

WhiteStarUML is a fork of StarUML that is still maintain

Handling data in a PHP JSON Object

You mean something like this?


$jsonurl = "";
$json = file_get_contents($jsonurl,0,null,null);
$json_output = json_decode($json);

foreach ( $json_output->trends as $trend )
    echo "{$trend->name}\n";

Rounding float in Ruby

You can also provide a negative number as an argument to the round method to round to the nearest multiple of 10, 100 and so on.

# Round to the nearest multiple of 10. 
12.3453.round(-1)       # Output: 10

# Round to the nearest multiple of 100. 
124.3453.round(-2)      # Output: 100

C++/CLI Converting from System::String^ to std::string

C# uses the UTF16 format for its strings.
So, besides just converting the types, you should also be conscious about the string's actual format.

When compiling for Multi-byte Character set Visual Studio and the Win API assumes UTF8 (Actually windows encoding which is Windows-28591 ).
When compiling for Unicode Character set Visual studio and the Win API assume UTF16.

So, you must convert the string from UTF16 to UTF8 format as well, and not just convert to std::string.
This will become necessary when working with multi-character formats like some non-latin languages.

The idea is to decide that std::wstring always represents UTF16.
And std::string always represents UTF8.

This isn't enforced by the compiler, it's more of a good policy to have.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <codecvt>
#include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>

using namespace System;

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    System::String^ managedString = "test";

    msclr::interop::marshal_context context;

    //Actual format is UTF16, so represent as wstring
    std::wstring utf16NativeString = context.marshal_as<std::wstring>(managedString); 

    //C++11 format converter
    std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> convert;

    //convert to UTF8 and std::string
    std::string utf8NativeString = convert.to_bytes(utf16NativeString);

    return 0;

Or have it in a more compact syntax:

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    System::String^ managedString = "test";

    msclr::interop::marshal_context context;
    std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> convert;

    std::string utf8NativeString = convert.to_bytes(context.marshal_as<std::wstring>(managedString));

    return 0;

Android Shared preferences for creating one time activity (example)

Write to Shared Preferences

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
editor.putInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), newHighScore);

Read from Shared Preferences

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int defaultValue = getResources().getInteger(R.string.saved_high_score_default);
long highScore = sharedPref.getInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), defaultValue);

How to set the custom border color of UIView programmatically?

You can write an extension to use it with all the UIViews eg. UIButton, UILabel, UIImageView etc. You can customise my following method as per your requirement, but I think it will work well for you.

extension UIView{

    func setBorder(radius:CGFloat, color:UIColor = UIColor.clearColor()) -> UIView{
        var roundView:UIView = self
        roundView.layer.cornerRadius = CGFloat(radius)
        roundView.layer.borderWidth = 1
        roundView.layer.borderColor = color.CGColor
        roundView.clipsToBounds = true
        return roundView


btnLogin.setBorder(7, color: UIColor.lightGrayColor())

Simple PowerShell LastWriteTime compare


ls | % {(get-date) - $_.LastWriteTime }

It can work to retrieve the diff. You can replace ls with a single file.

Removing header column from pandas dataframe

Haven't seen this solution yet so here's how I did it without using read_csv:


If you rename all your column names to empty strings your table will return without a header.

And if you have a lot of columns in your table you can just create a dictionary first instead of renaming manually:

df_dict = dict.fromkeys(df.columns, '')
df.rename(columns = df_dict)

What is the Regular Expression For "Not Whitespace and Not a hyphen"

In Java:

    String regex = "[^-\\s]";

    System.out.println("-".matches(regex)); // prints "false"
    System.out.println(" ".matches(regex)); // prints "false"
    System.out.println("+".matches(regex)); // prints "true"

The regex [^-\s] works as expected. [^\s-] also works.

See also

What is float in Java?

In JAVA, values like:

  1. 8.5
  2. 3.9
  3. (and so on..)

Is assumed as double and not float.

You can also perform a cast in order to solve the problem:

float b = (float) 3.5;

Another solution:

float b = 3.5f;

Xcode warning: "Multiple build commands for output file"

The key was to do pod deintegrate and rm *.workspace file ! What a waste of time !

Make Axios send cookies in its requests automatically

Another solution is to use this library:

which integrates "Tough Cookie" support in to Axios. Note that this approach still requires the withCredentials flag.

How to Generate Barcode using PHP and Display it as an Image on the same page

There is a library for this BarCode PHP. You just need to include a few files:


You can generate many types of barcodes, namely 1D or 2D. Add the required library:


Generate the colours:

// The arguments are R, G, and B for color.
$colorFront = new BCGColor(0, 0, 0);
$colorBack = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

After you have added all the codes, you will get this way:


Since several have asked for an example here is what I was able to do to get it done



header('Content-Type: image/png');

$color_white = new BCGColor(255, 255, 255);

$code = new BCGcode128();

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


If you want to actually create the image file so you can save it then change

$drawing = new BCGDrawing('', $color_white);


$drawing = new BCGDrawing('image.png', $color_white);

Calculate percentage Javascript

function calculate() {_x000D_
    // amount_x000D_
        var salary = parseInt($('#salary').val());_x000D_
    // percent    _x000D_
        var incentive_rate = parseInt($('#incentive_rate').val());_x000D_
        var perc = "";_x000D_
        if (isNaN(salary) || isNaN(incentive_rate)) {_x000D_
            perc = " ";_x000D_
        } else {_x000D_
            perc =  (incentive_rate/100) * salary;_x000D_
        } $('#total_income').val(perc);_x000D_

slideToggle JQuery right to left

I would suggest you use the below css

.showhideoverlay { 
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  right: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  position: fixed;
  background: #000;
  opacity: 0.75;

You can then use a simple toggle function:

$('').click(function() {

This will display the overlay menu from right to left. Alternatively, you can use the positioning for changing the effect from top or bottom, i.e. use bottom: 0; instead of top: 0; - you will see menu sliding from right-bottom corner.

Output array to CSV in Ruby

I've got this down to just one line.

rows = [['a1', 'a2', 'a3'],['b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4'], ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'], ... ]
csv_str = rows.inject([]) { |csv, row|  csv << CSV.generate_line(row) }.join("")
#=> "a1,a2,a3\nb1,b2,b3\nc1,c2,c3\n" 

Do all of the above and save to a csv, in one line."ss.csv", "w") {|f| f.write(rows.inject([]) { |csv, row|  csv << CSV.generate_line(row) }.join(""))}


To convert an active record database to csv would be something like this I think, 'w') do |csv|
  csv << Model.column_names
  Model.where(query).each do |m|
    csv << m.attributes.values

Hmm @tamouse, that gist is somewhat confusing to me without reading the csv source, but generically, assuming each hash in your array has the same number of k/v pairs & that the keys are always the same, in the same order (i.e. if your data is structured), this should do the deed:

rowid = 0, 'w') do |csv|
  hsh_ary.each do |hsh|
    rowid += 1
    if rowid == 1
      csv << hsh.keys# adding header row (column labels)
      csv << hsh.values
    end# of if/else inside hsh
  end# of hsh's (rows)
end# of csv open

If your data isn't structured this obviously won't work

Extract data from log file in specified range of time

You can use this for getting current and log times:


while read line
  current_hours=`date | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ :]+"}; {print $4}'`
  current_minutes=`date | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ :]+"}; {print $5}'`
  current_seconds=`date | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ :]+"}; {print $6}'`

  log_file_hours=`echo $line | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ [/:]+"}; {print  $7}'`
  log_file_minutes=`echo $line | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ [/:]+"}; {print  $8}'`
  log_file_seconds=`echo $line | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[ [/:]+"}; {print  $9}'`    
done < $log

And compare log_file_* and current_* variables.

How do I base64 encode a string efficiently using Excel VBA?

As Mark C points out, you can use the MSXML Base64 encoding functionality as described here.

I prefer late binding because it's easier to deploy, so here's the same function that will work without any VBA references:

Function EncodeBase64(text As String) As String
  Dim arrData() As Byte
  arrData = StrConv(text, vbFromUnicode)

  Dim objXML As Variant
  Dim objNode As Variant

  Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
  Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")

  objNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
  objNode.nodeTypedValue = arrData
  EncodeBase64 = objNode.text

  Set objNode = Nothing
  Set objXML = Nothing
End Function

How to pass payload via JSON file for curl?

curl sends POST requests with the default content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If you want to send a JSON request, you will have to specify the correct content type header:

$ curl -vX POST http://server/api/v1/places.json -d @testplace.json \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"

But that will only work if the server accepts json input. The .json at the end of the url may only indicate that the output is json, it doesn't necessarily mean that it also will handle json input. The API documentation should give you a hint on whether it does or not.

The reason you get a 401 and not some other error is probably because the server can't extract the auth_token from your request.

How to align LinearLayout at the center of its parent?

for ImageView or others views who layout-gravity or gravity does not exist use : android:layout_centerInParent="true" in the child (I had a relative layout with an ImageView as a child).

PHP array printing using a loop

Here is example:

$array = array("Jon","Smith");
foreach($array as $value) {
  echo $value;

Position buttons next to each other in the center of page

This can be solved using the following CSS:

#container {
  text-align: center;

button {
  display: inline-block;

display: inline-block will put the buttons side by side and text-align: center places the buttons in the center of the page.


CSS Child vs Descendant selectors

Yes, you are correct. div p will match the following example, but div > p will not.

<div><table><tr><td><p> <!...

The first one is called descendant selector and the second one is called child selector.

PowerShell The term is not recognized as cmdlet function script file or operable program

For the benefit of searchers, there is another way you can produce this error message - by missing the $ off the script block name when calling it.

e.g. I had a script block like so:

$qa = {
    param($question, $answer)
    Write-Host "Question = $question, Answer = $answer"

I tried calling it using:

&qa -question "Do you like powershell?" -answer "Yes!"

But that errored. The correct way was:

&$qa -question "Do you like powershell?" -answer "Yes!"

Convert list of ints to one number?

def magic(numbers):
    return int(''.join([ "%d"%x for x in numbers]))

Find objects between two dates MongoDB

Convert your dates to GMT timezone as you're stuffing them into Mongo. That way there's never a timezone issue. Then just do the math on the twitter/timezone field when you pull the data back out for presentation.

Setting a JPA timestamp column to be generated by the database?

This also works for me:-

@Column(name = "CREATE_DATE_TIME", nullable = false, updatable = false, insertable = false, columnDefinition = "TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
public Date getCreateDateTime() {
    return createDateTime;

public void setCreateDateTime(Date createDateTime) {
    this.createDateTime = createDateTime;

Windows Batch: How to add Host-Entries?

I would do it this way, so you won't end up with duplicate entries if the script is run multiple times.

@echo off

SET NEWLINE=^& echo.

FIND /C /I "" %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO %NEWLINE%^>>%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

FIND /C /I "" %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO %NEWLINE%^>>%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

FIND /C /I "" %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO %NEWLINE%^>>%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

FIND /C /I "" %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ECHO %NEWLINE%^>>%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Selecting specific rows and columns from NumPy array

Using np.ix_ is the most convenient way to do it (as answered by others), but here is another interesting way to do it:

>>> rows = [0, 1, 3]
>>> cols = [0, 2]

>>> a[rows].T[cols].T

array([[ 0,  2],
       [ 4,  6],
       [12, 14]])

MySQL ORDER BY multiple column ASC and DESC

@DRapp is a genius. I never understood how he coded his SQL,so I tried coding it in my own understanding.

        JOIN users
        ON scores.user_id =
        ORDER BY scores.point DESC
        ) userscores
      ORDER BY
        point DESC,
      ) f
    GROUP BY f.username
    ORDER BY point DESC

It yields the same result by using GROUP BY instead of the user @variables.

How can I use std::maps with user-defined types as key?

The right solution is to Specialize std::less for your class/Struct.

• Basically maps in cpp are implemented as Binary Search Trees.

  1. BSTs compare elements of nodes to determine the organization of the tree.
  2. Nodes who's element compares less than that of the parent node are placed on the left of the parent and nodes whose elements compare greater than the parent nodes element are placed on the right. i.e.

For each node, node.left.key < node.key < node.right.key

Every node in the BST contains Elements and in case of maps its KEY and a value, And keys are supposed to be ordered. More About Map implementation : The Map data Type.

In case of cpp maps , keys are the elements of the nodes and values does not take part in the organization of the tree its just a supplementary data .

So It means keys should be compatible with std::less or operator< so that they can be organized. Please check map parameters.

Else if you are using user defined data type as keys then need to give meaning full comparison semantics for that data type.

Solution : Specialize std::less:

The third parameter in map template is optional and it is std::less which will delegate to operator< ,

So create a new std::less for your user defined data type. Now this new std::less will be picked by std::map by default.

namespace std
    template<> struct  less<MyClass>
        bool operator() (const MyClass& lhs, const MyClass& rhs) const
            return lhs.anyMemen < rhs.age;


Note: You need to create specialized std::less for every user defined data type(if you want to use that data type as key for cpp maps).

Bad Solution: Overloading operator< for your user defined data type. This solution will also work but its very bad as operator < will be overloaded universally for your data type/class. which is undesirable in client scenarios.

Please check answer Pavel Minaev's answer

How do you performance test JavaScript code?

I think JavaScript performance (time) testing is quite enough. I found a very handy article about JavaScript performance testing here.

How to use QTimer

Other way is using of built-in method start timer & event TimerEvent.



#include <QMainWindow>

namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

    Ui::MainWindow *ui;
    int timerId;

    void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event);

#endif // MAINWINDOW_H


#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <QDebug>

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    timerId = startTimer(1000);

    delete ui;

void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
    qDebug() << "Update...";

How do I create a user account for basic authentication?

Unfortunatelly, for IIS installed on Windows 7/8 machines, there is no option to create users only for IIS authentification. For Windows Server there is that option where you can add users from IIS Manager UI. These users have roles only on IIS, but not for the rest of the system. In this article it shows how you add users, but it is incorrect stating that is also appliable to standard OS, it only applies to server versions.

What is HEAD in Git?

A great way to drive home the point made in the correct answers is to run git reflog HEAD, you get a history of all of the places HEAD has pointed.

Slice indices must be integers or None or have __index__ method

Your debut and fin values are floating point values, not integers, because taille is a float.

Make those values integers instead:

item = plateau[int(debut):int(fin)]

Alternatively, make taille an integer:

taille = int(sqrt(len(plateau)))

How can I detect if Flash is installed and if not, display a hidden div that informs the user?

I used Adobe's detection kit, originally suggested by justpassinby. Their system is nice because it detects the version number and compares it for you against your 'required version'

One bad thing is it does an alert showing the detected version of flash, which isn't very user friendly. All of a sudden a box pops up with some seemingly random numbers.

Some modifications you might want to consider:

  • remove the alert
  • change it so it returns an object (or array) --- first element is boolean true/false for "was the required version found on user's machine" --- second element is the actual version number found on user's machine

Interop type cannot be embedded

Got the solution

Go to references right click the desired dll you will get option "Embed Interop Types" to "False" or "True".

How to detect control+click in Javascript from an onclick div attribute?

I'd recommend using JQuery's keyup and keydown methods on the document, as it normalizes the event codes, to make one solution crossbrowser.

For the right click, you can use oncontextmenu, however beware it can be buggy in IE8. See a chart of compatibility here:

<p onclick="selectMe(1)" oncontextmenu="selectMe(2)">Click me</p>

        cntrlIsPressed = true;

    cntrlIsPressed = false;

var cntrlIsPressed = false;

function selectMe(mouseButton)
            case 1:
                alert("Cntrl +  left click");
            case 2:
                alert("Cntrl + right click");


Function pointer to member function

While you unfortunately cannot convert an existing member function pointer to a plain function pointer, you can create an adapter function template in a fairly straightforward way that wraps a member function pointer known at compile-time in a normal function like this:

template <class Type>
struct member_function;

template <class Type, class Ret, class... Args>
struct member_function<Ret(Type::*)(Args...)>
    template <Ret(Type::*Func)(Args...)>
    static Ret adapter(Type &obj, Args&&... args)
        return (obj.*Func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template <class Type, class Ret, class... Args>
struct member_function<Ret(Type::*)(Args...) const>
    template <Ret(Type::*Func)(Args...) const>
    static Ret adapter(const Type &obj, Args&&... args)
        return (obj.*Func)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);


int (*func)(A&) = &member_function<decltype(&A::f)>::adapter<&A::f>;

Note that in order to call the member function, an instance of A must be provided.

What is the difference between a token and a lexeme?

LEXEME - Sequence of characters matched by PATTERN forming the TOKEN

PATTERN - The set of rule that define a TOKEN

TOKEN - The meaningful collection of characters over the character set of the programming language ex:ID, Constant, Keywords, Operators, Punctuation, Literal String

How can I sanitize user input with PHP?

It's a common misconception that user input can be filtered. PHP even has a (now deprecated) "feature", called magic-quotes, that builds on this idea. It's nonsense. Forget about filtering (or cleaning, or whatever people call it).

What you should do, to avoid problems, is quite simple: whenever you embed a a piece of data within a foreign code, you must treat it according to the formatting rules of that code. But you must understand that such rules could be too complicated to try to follow them all manually. For example, in SQL, rules for strings, numbers and identifiers are all different. For your convenience, in most cases there is a dedicated tool for such an embedding. For example, when you need to use a PHP variable in the SQL query, you have to use a prepared statement, that will take care of all the proper formatting/treatment.

Another example is HTML: If you embed strings within HTML markup, you must escape it with htmlspecialchars. This means that every single echo or print statement should use htmlspecialchars.

A third example could be shell commands: If you are going to embed strings (such as arguments) to external commands, and call them with exec, then you must use escapeshellcmd and escapeshellarg.

Also, a very compelling example is JSON. The rules are so numerous and complicated that you would never be able to follow them all manually. That's why you should never ever create a JSON string manually, but always use a dedicated function, json_encode() that will correctly format every bit of data.

And so on and so forth ...

The only case where you need to actively filter data, is if you're accepting preformatted input. For example, if you let your users post HTML markup, that you plan to display on the site. However, you should be wise to avoid this at all cost, since no matter how well you filter it, it will always be a potential security hole.

Extracting columns from text file with different delimiters in Linux

If the command should work with both tabs and spaces as the delimiter I would use awk:

awk '{print $100,$101,$102,$103,$104,$105}' myfile > outfile

As long as you just need to specify 5 fields it is imo ok to just type them, for longer ranges you can use a for loop:

awk '{for(i=100;i<=105;i++)print $i}' myfile > outfile

If you want to use cut, you need to use the -f option:

cut -f100-105 myfile > outfile

If the field delimiter is different from TAB you need to specify it using -d:

cut -d' ' -f100-105 myfile > outfile

Check the man page for more info on the cut command.

css width: calc(100% -100px); alternative using jquery

Its not that hard to replicate in javascript :-) , though it will only work for width and height the best but you can expand it as per your expectations :-)

function calcShim(element,property,expression){
    var calculated = 0;
    var freed_expression = expression.replace(/ /gi,'').replace("(","").replace(")","");
    // Remove all the ( ) and spaces 
    // Now find the parts 
    var parts = freed_expression.split(/[\*+-\/]/gi);

    var units = {
            var part = 0;
            part = parseFloat(quantity,10);
            return part;
            var part = 0,
            parentQuantity = parseFloat(element.parent().css(property));
            part = parentQuantity * ((parseFloat(quantity,10))/100);
            return part;
        } // you can always add more units here.

    for( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ){
        for( var unit in units ){
            if( parts[i].indexOf(unit) != -1 ){
               // replace the expression by calculated part.
               expression = expression.replace(parts[i],units[unit](parts[i]));
    // And now compute it. though eval is evil but in some cases its a good friend.
    // Though i wish there was math. calc

Undo a particular commit in Git that's been pushed to remote repos

Identify the hash of the commit, using git log, then use git revert <commit> to create a new commit that removes these changes. In a way, git revert is the converse of git cherry-pick -- the latter applies the patch to a branch that's missing it, the former removes it from a branch that has it.

$(form).ajaxSubmit is not a function


triggers another validation resulting to a recursion. try changing it to


MySQL Query GROUP BY day / month / year

The following query worked for me in Oracle Database 12c Release

FROM stats

How to do Base64 encoding in node.js?

I have created a ultimate small js npm library for the base64 encode/decode conversion in Node.js.


npm install nodejs-base64-converter --save


var nodeBase64 = require('nodejs-base64-converter');

console.log(nodeBase64.encode("test text")); //dGVzdCB0ZXh0
console.log(nodeBase64.decode("dGVzdCB0ZXh0")); //test text

bootstrap multiselect get selected values

more efficient, due to less DOM lookups:

    // ...
    onChange: function() {
        var selected = this.$select.val();
        // ...

Mercurial: how to amend the last commit?

Assuming that you have not yet propagated your changes, here is what you can do.

  • Add to your .hgrc:

    mq =
  • In your repository:

    hg qimport -r0:tip
    hg qpop -a

    Of course you need not start with revision zero or pop all patches, for the last just one pop (hg qpop) suffices (see below).

  • remove the last entry in the .hg/patches/series file, or the patches you do not like. Reordering is possible too.

  • hg qpush -a; hg qfinish -a
  • remove the .diff files (unapplied patches) still in .hg/patches (should be one in your case).

If you don't want to take back all of your patch, you can edit it by using hg qimport -r0:tip (or similar), then edit stuff and use hg qrefresh to merge the changes into the topmost patch on your stack. Read hg help qrefresh.

By editing .hg/patches/series, you can even remove several patches, or reorder some. If your last revision is 99, you may just use hg qimport -r98:tip; hg qpop; [edit series file]; hg qpush -a; hg qfinish -a.

Of course, this procedure is highly discouraged and risky. Make a backup of everything before you do this!

As a sidenote, I've done it zillions of times on private-only repositories.

How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?

If you're using promises, this answer is for you.

This means AngularJS, jQuery (with deferred), native XHR's replacement (fetch), EmberJS, BackboneJS's save or any node library that returns promises.

Your code should be something along the lines of this:

function foo() {
    var data;
    // or $.get(...).then, or request(...).then, or query(...).then
        data = response.json();
    return data;

var result = foo(); // result is always undefined no matter what.

Felix Kling did a fine job writing an answer for people using jQuery with callbacks for AJAX. I have an answer for native XHR. This answer is for generic usage of promises either on the frontend or backend.

The core issue

The JavaScript concurrency model in the browser and on the server with NodeJS/io.js is asynchronous and reactive.

Whenever you call a method that returns a promise, the then handlers are always executed asynchronously - that is, after the code below them that is not in a .then handler.

This means when you're returning data the then handler you've defined did not execute yet. This in turn means that the value you're returning has not been set to the correct value in time.

Here is a simple analogy for the issue:

    function getFive(){_x000D_
        var data;_x000D_
        setTimeout(function(){ // set a timer for one second in the future_x000D_
           data = 5; // after a second, do this_x000D_
        }, 1000);_x000D_
        return data;_x000D_
    document.body.innerHTML = getFive(); // `undefined` here and not 5

The value of data is undefined since the data = 5 part has not executed yet. It will likely execute in a second but by that time it is irrelevant to the returned value.

Since the operation did not happen yet (AJAX, server call, IO, timer) you're returning the value before the request got the chance to tell your code what that value is.

One possible solution to this problem is to code re-actively , telling your program what to do when the calculation completed. Promises actively enable this by being temporal (time-sensitive) in nature.

Quick recap on promises

A Promise is a value over time. Promises have state, they start as pending with no value and can settle to:

  • fulfilled meaning that the computation completed successfully.
  • rejected meaning that the computation failed.

A promise can only change states once after which it will always stay at the same state forever. You can attach then handlers to promises to extract their value and handle errors. then handlers allow chaining of calls. Promises are created by using APIs that return them. For example, the more modern AJAX replacement fetch or jQuery's $.get return promises.

When we call .then on a promise and return something from it - we get a promise for the processed value. If we return another promise we'll get amazing things, but let's hold our horses.

With promises

Let's see how we can solve the above issue with promises. First, let's demonstrate our understanding of promise states from above by using the Promise constructor for creating a delay function:

function delay(ms){ // takes amount of milliseconds
    // returns a new promise
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        setTimeout(function(){ // when the time is up
            resolve(); // change the promise to the fulfilled state
        }, ms);

Now, after we converted setTimeout to use promises, we can use then to make it count:

function delay(ms){ // takes amount of milliseconds_x000D_
  // returns a new promise_x000D_
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){_x000D_
    setTimeout(function(){ // when the time is up_x000D_
      resolve(); // change the promise to the fulfilled state_x000D_
    }, ms);_x000D_
function getFive(){_x000D_
  // we're RETURNING the promise, remember, a promise is a wrapper over our value_x000D_
  return delay(100).then(function(){ // when the promise is ready_x000D_
      return 5; // return the value 5, promises are all about return values_x000D_
// we _have_ to wrap it like this in the call site, we can't access the plain value_x000D_
getFive().then(function(five){ _x000D_
   document.body.innerHTML = five;_x000D_

Basically, instead of returning a value which we can't do because of the concurrency model - we're returning a wrapper for a value that we can unwrap with then. It's like a box you can open with then.

Applying this

This stands the same for your original API call, you can:

function foo() {
    // RETURN the promise
    return fetch("/echo/json").then(function(response){
        return response.json(); // process it inside the `then`

    // access the value inside the `then`

So this works just as well. We've learned we can't return values from already asynchronous calls but we can use promises and chain them to perform processing. We now know how to return the response from an asynchronous call.

ES2015 (ES6)

ES6 introduces generators which are functions that can return in the middle and then resume the point they were at. This is typically useful for sequences, for example:

function* foo(){ // notice the star, this is ES6 so new browsers/node/io only
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    while(true) yield 3;

Is a function that returns an iterator over the sequence 1,2,3,3,3,3,.... which can be iterated. While this is interesting on its own and opens room for a lot of possibility there is one particular interesting case.

If the sequence we're producing is a sequence of actions rather than numbers - we can pause the function whenever an action is yielded and wait for it before we resume the function. So instead of a sequence of numbers, we need a sequence of future values - that is: promises.

This somewhat tricky but very powerful trick lets us write asynchronous code in a synchronous manner. There are several "runners" that do this for you, writing one is a short few lines of code but is beyond the scope of this answer. I'll be using Bluebird's Promise.coroutine here, but there are other wrappers like co or Q.async.

var foo = coroutine(function*(){
    var data = yield fetch("/echo/json"); // notice the yield
    // code here only executes _after_ the request is done
    return data.json(); // data is defined

This method returns a promise itself, which we can consume from other coroutines. For example:

var main = coroutine(function*(){
   var bar = yield foo(); // wait our earlier coroutine, it returns a promise
   // server call done here, code below executes when done
   var baz = yield fetch("/api/users/"+bar.userid); // depends on foo's result
   console.log(baz); // runs after both requests done

ES2016 (ES7)

In ES7, this is further standardized, there are several proposals right now but in all of them you can await promise. This is just "sugar" (nicer syntax) for the ES6 proposal above by adding the async and await keywords. Making the above example:

async function foo(){
    var data = await fetch("/echo/json"); // notice the await
    // code here only executes _after_ the request is done
    return data.json(); // data is defined

It still returns a promise just the same :)


All other answers solves the problem and my answer works the same way as the others, but just on a more didactically way (this works on MySQL... don't know other SQL servers):

  stringColumn  = 'A String', 
  numericColumn = 5, 
  selectColumn  = (SELECT idTable2 FROM table2 WHERE ...);

You can refer the MySQL documentation: INSERT Syntax

How to sort an STL vector?

Overload less than operator, then sort. This is an example I found off the web...

class MyData
  int m_iData;
  string m_strSomeOtherData;
  bool operator<(const MyData &rhs) const { return m_iData < rhs.m_iData; }

std::sort(myvector.begin(), myvector.end());

Source: here

Determine function name from within that function (without using traceback)

I suggest not to rely on stack elements. If someone use your code within different contexts (python interpreter for instance) your stack will change and break your index ([0][3]).

I suggest you something like that:

class MyClass:

    def __init__(self):
        self.function_name = None

    def _Handler(self, **kwargs):
        print('Calling function {} with parameters {}'.format(self.function_name, kwargs))
        self.function_name = None

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        self.function_name = attr
        return self._Handler

mc = MyClass()
mc.test(FirstParam='my', SecondParam='test')

Get HTML source of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver using Python

The method to get the rendered HTML I prefer is the following:

body_html = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body")
print body_html.text

However, the above method removes all the tags (yes, the nested tags as well) and returns only text content. If you interested in getting the HTML markup as well, then use the method below.

print body_html.getAttribute("innerHTML")

In Bootstrap open Enlarge image in modal


img.modal-img {
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: 0.3s;
img.modal-img:hover {
  opacity: 0.7;
.img-modal {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  z-index: 99999;
  padding-top: 100px;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9);
.img-modal img {
  margin: auto;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 700%;
.img-modal div {
  margin: auto;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 700px;
  text-align: center;
  color: #ccc;
  padding: 10px 0;
  height: 150px;
.img-modal img, .img-modal div {
  animation: zoom 0.6s;
.img-modal span {
  position: absolute;
  top: 15px;
  right: 35px;
  color: #f1f1f1;
  font-size: 40px;
  font-weight: bold;
  transition: 0.3s;
  cursor: pointer;
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {
  .img-modal img {
    width: 100%;
@keyframes zoom {
  0% {
    transform: scale(0);
  100% {
    transform: scale(1);


$('img.modal-img').each(function() {_x000D_
    var modal = $('<div class="img-modal"><span>&times;</span><img /><div></div></div>');_x000D_
    modal.find('img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));_x000D_
    modal = $(this).next();_x000D_
    $(this).click(function(event) {_x000D_;_x000D_
    modal.find('span').click(function(event) {_x000D_
  $(document).keyup(function(event) {_x000D_
img.modal-img {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
  transition: 0.3s;_x000D_
img.modal-img:hover {_x000D_
  opacity: 0.7;_x000D_
.img-modal {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  z-index: 99999;_x000D_
  padding-top: 100px;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9);_x000D_
.img-modal img {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  max-width: 700%;_x000D_
.img-modal div {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  max-width: 700px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  color: #ccc;_x000D_
  padding: 10px 0;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
.img-modal img, .img-modal div {_x000D_
  animation: zoom 0.6s;_x000D_
.img-modal span {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 15px;_x000D_
  right: 35px;_x000D_
  color: #f1f1f1;_x000D_
  font-size: 40px;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  transition: 0.3s;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {_x000D_
  .img-modal img {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
@keyframes zoom {_x000D_
  0% {_x000D_
    transform: scale(0);_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    transform: scale(1);_x000D_
$('img.modal-img').each(function() {_x000D_
    var modal = $('<div class="img-modal"><span>&times;</span><img /><div></div></div>');_x000D_
    modal.find('img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));_x000D_
    modal = $(this).next();_x000D_
    $(this).click(function(event) {_x000D_;_x000D_
    modal.find('span').click(function(event) {_x000D_
  $(document).keyup(function(event) {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<img src="" class="modal-img">

How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?

You are looking for scipy.misc.toimage:

import scipy.misc
rgb = scipy.misc.toimage(np_array)

It seems to be also in scipy 1.0, but has a deprecation warning. Instead, you can use pillow and PIL.Image.fromarray

Create JSON object dynamically via JavaScript (Without concate strings)

This is what you need!

function onGeneratedRow(columnsResult)
    var jsonData = {};
        var columnName = column.metadata.colName;
        jsonData[columnName] = column.value;

SQL Query NOT Between Two Dates

For there to be an overlap the table's start_date has to be LESS THAN the interval end date (i.e. it has to start before the end of the interval) AND the table's end_date has to be GREATER THAN the interval start date. You may need to use <= and >= depending on your requirements.

How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object

An improved of Roger's version.

The problem with GetDynamicSortProperty is that only get the property names but what happen if in the GridView we use NavigationProperties? it will send an exception, since it finds null.


"Employee.Company.Name; " will crash... since allows only "Name" as a parameter to get its value.

Here's an improved version that allows us to sort by Navigation Properties.

public object GetDynamicSortProperty(object item, string propName)
            string[] prop = propName.Split('.'); 

            //Use reflection to get order type                   
            int i = 0;                    
            while (i < prop.Count())
                item = item.GetType().GetProperty(prop[i]).GetValue(item, null);

            return item;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;


Create a 3D matrix

Create a 3D matrix

A = zeros(20, 10, 3);   %# Creates a 20x10x3 matrix

Add a 3rd dimension to a matrix

B = zeros(4,4);  
C = zeros(size(B,1), size(B,2), 4);  %# New matrix with B's size, and 3rd dimension of size 4
C(:,:,1) = B;                        %# Copy the content of B into C's first set of values

zeros is just one way of making a new matrix. Another could be A(1:20,1:10,1:3) = 0 for a 3D matrix. To confirm the size of your matrices you can run: size(A) which gives 20 10 3.

There is no explicit bound on the number of dimensions a matrix may have.

Add a Progress Bar in WebView

in oncreate method where you have set your Webview.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


web_view = (WebView) findViewById(;
pd = new ProgressDialog(SiteOpenInWebView.this);
    pd.setMessage("Please wait Loading...");;
    web_view.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());
    web_view.loadUrl("ur site name");


private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {

    if (!pd.isShowing()) {;

    return true;

public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
    System.out.println("on finish");
    if (pd.isShowing()) {


Html/PHP - Form - Input as array

If is ok for you to index the array you can do this:

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[0][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[0][build_time]">

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[1][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[1][build_time]">

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[2][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[2][build_time]">

... to achieve that:

[levels] => Array ( 
  [0] => Array ( 
    [level] => 1 
    [build_time] => 2 
  [1] => Array ( 
    [level] => 234 
   [build_time] => 456 
  [2] => Array ( 
    [level] => 111
    [build_time] => 222 

But if you remove one pair of inputs (dynamically, I suppose) from the middle of the form then you'll get holes in your array, unless you update the input names...

Finishing current activity from a fragment

As mentioned by Jon F Hancock, this is how a fragment can 'close' the activity by suggesting the activity to close. This makes the fragment portable as is the reason for them. If you use it in a different activity, you might not want to close the activity.

Code below is a snippet from an activity and fragment which has a save and cancel button.


public class PlayerActivity extends Activity 
    implements PlayerInfo.PlayerAddListener {

    public void onPlayerCancel() {
       // Decide if its suitable to close the activity, 
       //e.g. is an edit being done in one of the other fragments?

PlayerInfoFragment, which contains an interface which the calling activity needs to implement.

public class PlayerInfoFragment extends Fragment {
   private PlayerAddListener callback; // implemented in the Activity

   public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
     callback= (PlayerAddListener) activity;

   public interface PlayerAddListener {
       public void onPlayerSave(Player p); // not shown in impl above
       public void onPlayerCancel();

   public void btnCancel(View v) {
      callback.onPlayerCancel(); // the activity's implementation

JQuery Ajax - How to Detect Network Connection error when making Ajax call

// start snippet
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        if (XMLHttpRequest.readyState == 4) {
            // HTTP error (can be checked by XMLHttpRequest.status and XMLHttpRequest.statusText)
        else if (XMLHttpRequest.readyState == 0) {
            // Network error (i.e. connection refused, access denied due to CORS, etc.)
        else {
            // something weird is happening
//end snippet

Forcing label to flow inline with input that they label

The following CSS class force the label text to flow inline and get clipped if its length is more than max-length of the label.

.inline-label { 
    white-space: nowrap;
    max-width: 150px;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;


    <label for="id1" class="inline-label">This is the dummy text i want to display::</label>
    <input type="text" id="id1"/>

How to fix "containing working copy admin area is missing" in SVN?

First of all checkout the project into your system in a folder. Then remove the .svn folder from conflict project and copy the .svn folder from new checkout folder and paste into your working copy folder. Then problem is solved.

replace NULL with Blank value or Zero in sql server

You can use the COALESCE function to automatically return null values as 0. Syntax is as shown below:

SELECT COALESCE(total_amount, 0) from #Temp1

How can I add a line to a file in a shell script?

This doesn't use sed, but using >> will append to a file. For example:

echo 'one, two, three' >> testfile.csv

Edit: To prepend to a file, try something like this:

echo "text"|cat - yourfile > /tmp/out && mv /tmp/out yourfile

I found this through a quick Google search.

How to print VARCHAR(MAX) using Print Statement?

I just created a SP out of Ben's great answer:

PURPOSE   : Print a string without the limitation of 4000 or 8000 characters.
USAGE     : 
SET @Result = 'TEST'
EXEC [dbo].[Print_Unlimited] @Result
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Print_Unlimited]
    @String NVARCHAR(MAX)



    DECLARE @CurrentEnd BIGINT; /* track the length of the next substring */
    DECLARE @Offset TINYINT; /* tracks the amount of offset needed */
    SET @String = replace(replace(@String, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), CHAR(10)), CHAR(13), CHAR(10))

    WHILE LEN(@String) > 1
        IF CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), @String) BETWEEN 1 AND 4000
            SET @CurrentEnd =  CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), @String) -1
            SET @Offset = 2
            SET @CurrentEnd = 4000
            SET @Offset = 1
        PRINT SUBSTRING(@String, 1, @CurrentEnd) 
        SET @String = SUBSTRING(@String, @CurrentEnd + @Offset, LEN(@String))   
    END /*End While loop*/

        DECLARE @ErrorMessage VARCHAR(4000)
        SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()    

What is the "-->" operator in C/C++?

C and C++ obey the "maximum munch" rule. The same way a---b is translated to (a--) - b, in your case x-->0 translates to (x--)>0.

What the rule says essentially is that going left to right, expressions are formed by taking the maximum of characters which will form an valid expression.

node.js http 'get' request with query string parameters

If you don't want use external package , Just add the following function in your utilities :

var params=function(req){
  let q=req.url.split('?'),result={};
           try {
           } catch (e) {
  return result;

Then , in createServer call back , add attribute params to request object :

     req.params=params(req); // call the function above ;
       * http://mysite/add?name=Ahmed
     console.log( ; // display : "Ahmed"


send mail to multiple receiver with HTML mailto

"There are no safe means of assigning multiple recipients to a single mailto: link via HTML. There are safe, non-HTML, ways of assigning multiple recipients from a mailto: link."

For a quick fix to your problem, change your ; to a comma , and eliminate the spaces between email addresses

<a href='mailto:[email protected],[email protected]'>Email Us</a>

Deleting folders in python recursively

Just for the next guy searching for a micropython solution, this works purely based on os (listdir, remove, rmdir). It is neither complete (especially in errorhandling) nor fancy, it will however work in most circumstances.

def deltree(target):
    print("deltree", target)
    for d in os.listdir(target):
            deltree(target + '/' + d)
        except OSError:
            os.remove(target + '/' + d)


Assign static IP to Docker container

If you want your container to have it's own virtual ethernet socket (with it's own MAC address), iptables, then use the Macvlan driver. This may be necessary to route traffic out to your/ISPs router.

Send values from one form to another form

You can make use of a different approach if you like.

  1. Using System.Action (Here you simply pass the main forms function as the parameter to the child form like a callback function)
  2. OpenForms Method ( You directly call one of your open forms)

Using System.Action

You can think of it as a callback function passed to the child form.

// -------- IN THE MAIN FORM --------

Options frmOptions = new Options(UpdateSettings);

public void UpdateSettings(string data)

// -------- IN THE CHILD FORM --------

Action<string> UpdateSettings = null;

public Options(Action<string> UpdateSettings)
    this.UpdateSettings = UpdateSettings;

private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (UpdateSettings != null)
        UpdateSettings("some data");

OpenForms Method

This method is easy (2 lines). But only works with forms that are open. All you need to do is add these two lines where ever you want to pass some data.

Main frmMain = (Main)Application.OpenForms["Main"];
frmMain.UpdateSettings("Some data");

I provided my answer to a similar question here

Stored Procedure parameter default value - is this a constant or a variable

It has to be a constant - the value has to be computable at the time that the procedure is created, and that one computation has to provide the value that will always be used.

Look at the definition of sys.all_parameters:

default_value sql_variant If has_default_value is 1, the value of this column is the value of the default for the parameter; otherwise, NULL.

That is, whatever the default for a parameter is, it has to fit in that column.

As Alex K pointed out in the comments, you can just do:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[problemParam] 
    @StartDate INT = NULL,
    @EndDate INT = NULL
   SET @StartDate = COALESCE(@StartDate,CONVERT(INT,(CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE()-130,112))))

provided that NULL isn't intended to be a valid value for @StartDate.

As to the blog post you linked to in the comments - that's talking about a very specific context - that, the result of evaluating GETDATE() within the context of a single query is often considered to be constant. I don't know of many people (unlike the blog author) who would consider a separate expression inside a UDF to be part of the same query as the query that calls the UDF.

Extract column values of Dataframe as List in Apache Spark

from pyspark.sql.functions import col"column_name")).collect()

here collect is functions which in turn convert it to list. Be ware of using the list on the huge data set. It will decrease performance. It is good to check the data.

Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UITabBarController: 0x197870>

I had the same problem and thought I would post in case someone else runs into something similar.

In my case, I had attached a long press gesture recognizer to my UITableViewController.

UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPressGesture = [[[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc]
[longPressGesture setMinimumPressDuration:1];
[self.tableView addGestureRecognizer:longPressGesture];

In my onLongPress selector, I launched my next view controller.

- (IBAction)onLongPress:(id)sender {

    SomeViewController* page = [[SomeViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"SomeViewController" bundle:nil];

    [self.navigationController pushViewController:page animated:YES];

    [page release];


In my case, I received the error message because the long press recognizer fired more than one time and as a result, my "SomeViewController" was pushed onto the stack multiple times.

The solution was to add a boolean to indicate when the SomeViewController had been pushed onto the stack. When my UITableViewController's viewWillAppear method was called, I set the boolean back to NO.

Convert array to JSON string in swift

If you're already using SwiftyJSON:

You can do this:

// this works with dictionaries too
let paramsDictionary = [
    "title": "foo",
    "description": "bar"
let paramsArray = [ "one", "two" ]
let paramsJSON = JSON(paramsArray)
let paramsString = paramsJSON.rawString(encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, options: nil)


 let paramsJSON = JSON(paramsArray)
 let paramsString = paramsJSON.rawString(String.Encoding.utf8, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted)!

JSON strings, which are good for transport, don't come up often because you can JSON encode an HTTP body. But one potential use-case for JSON stringify is Multipart Post, which AlamoFire nows supports.

Android: No Activity found to handle Intent error? How it will resolve

Add the below to your manifest:

  <activity   android:name=".AppPreferenceActivity" android:label="@string/app_name">  
       <action android:name="" />  
       <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />  

Pass parameter from a batch file to a PowerShell script

Add the parameter declaration at the top of ps1 file


  # Our preferred encoding
  [string]$Encoding = "UTF8"

write ("Encoding : {0}" -f $Encoding)


C:\temp> .\test.ps1 -Encoding ASCII
Encoding : ASCII

Printing everything except the first field with awk

Yet another way...

...this rejoins the fields 2 thru NF with the FS and outputs one line per line of input

awk '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf $i; if (i < NF) {printf FS};}printf RS}'

I use this with git to see what files have been modified in my working dir:

git diff| \
    grep '\-\-git'| \
    awk '{print$NF}'| \
    awk -F"/" '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf $i; if (i < NF) {printf FS};}printf RS}'

Group list by values

>>> import collections
>>> D1 = collections.defaultdict(list)
>>> for element in L1:
...     D1[element[1]].append(element[0])
>>> L2 = D1.values()
>>> print L2
[['A', 'C'], ['B'], ['D', 'E']]

Excel to JSON javascript code?

The answers are working fine with xls format but, in my case, it didn't work for xlsx format. Thus I added some code here. it works both xls and xlsx format.

I took the sample from the official sample link.

Hope it may help !

function fileReader(oEvent) {
        var oFile =[0];
        var sFilename =;

        var reader = new FileReader();
        var result = {};

        reader.onload = function (e) {
            var data =;
            data = new Uint8Array(data);
            var workbook =, {type: 'array'});
            var result = {};
            workbook.SheetNames.forEach(function (sheetName) {
                var roa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetName], {header: 1});
                if (roa.length) result[sheetName] = roa;
            // see the result, caution: it works after reader event is done.

// Add your id of "File Input" 
$('#fileUpload').change(function(ev) {
        // Do something 

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

Why does the error mention tuples?

Others have explained that the problem was the missing ,, but the final mystery is why does the error message talk about tuples?

The reason is that your:

["pennies", '2.5', '50.0', '.01'] 
["nickles", '5.0', '40.0', '.05']

can be reduced to:

[][1, 2]

as mentioned by 6502 with the same error.

But then __getitem__, which deals with [] resolution, converts object[1, 2] to a tuple:

class C(object):
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        return k

# Single argument is passed directly.
assert C()[0] == 0

# Multiple indices generate a tuple.
assert C()[0, 1] == (0, 1)

and the implementation of __getitem__ for the list built-in class cannot deal with tuple arguments like that.

More examples of __getitem__ action at:

How to convert array to a string using methods other than JSON?

Use the implode() function:

$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array);
echo $comma_separated; // lastname,email,phone

Using "super" in C++

I won't say much except present code with comments that demonstrates that super doesn't mean calling base!

super != base.

In short, what is "super" supposed to mean anyway? and then what is "base" supposed to mean?

  1. super means, calling the last implementor of a method (not base method)
  2. base means, choosing which class is default base in multiple inheritance.

This 2 rules apply to in class typedefs.

Consider library implementor and library user, who is super and who is base?

for more info here is working code for copy paste into your IDE:

#include <iostream>

// Library defiens 4 classes in typical library class hierarchy
class Abstract
    virtual void f() = 0;

class LibraryBase1 :
    virtual public Abstract
    void f() override
        std::cout << "Base1" << std::endl;

class LibraryBase2 :
    virtual public Abstract
    void f() override
        std::cout << "Base2" << std::endl;

class LibraryDerivate :
    public LibraryBase1,
    public LibraryBase2
    // base is meaningfull only for this class,
    // this class decides who is my base in multiple inheritance
    using base = LibraryBase1;

    // this is super! base is not super but base!
    using super = LibraryDerivate;

    void f() override
        std::cout << "I'm super not my Base" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Calling my *default* base: " << std::endl;

// Library user
struct UserBase :
    public LibraryDerivate
    // NOTE: If user overrides f() he must update who is super, in one class before base!
    using super = UserBase; // this typedef is needed only so that most derived version
    // is called, which calls next super in hierarchy.
    // it's not needed here, just saying how to chain "super" calls if needed

    // NOTE: User can't call base, base is a concept private to each class, super is not.
    using base = LibraryDerivate; // example of typedefing base.


struct UserDerived :
    public UserBase
    // NOTE: to typedef who is super here we would need to specify full name
    // when calling super method, but in this sample is it's not needed.

    // Good super is called, example of good super is last implementor of f()
    // example of bad super is calling base (but which base??)
    void f() override

int main()
    UserDerived derived;
    // derived calls super implementation because that's what
    // "super" is supposed to mean! super != base

    // Yes it work with polymorphism!
    Abstract* pUser = new LibraryDerivate;

    Abstract* pUserBase = new UserBase;

Another important point here is this:

  1. polymorphic call: calls downward
  2. super call: calls upwards

inside main() we use polymorphic call downards that super calls upwards, not really useful in real life, but it demonstrates the difference.

Killing a process created with Python's subprocess.Popen()

In your code it should be


Both kill or terminate are methods of the Popen object which sends the signal signal.SIGKILL to the process.

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons are not working

I had to create some rewrite conditions to allow them:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(^.+\.ttf)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(^.+\.eot)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(^.+\.svg)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(^.+\.woff)

Use a loop to plot n charts Python

We can create a for loop and pass all the numeric columns into it. The loop will plot the graphs one by one in separate pane as we are including plt.figure() into it.

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

numeric_features=[x for x in data.columns if data[x].dtype!="object"]
#taking only the numeric columns from the dataframe.

for i in data[numeric_features].columns:

cmd line rename file with date and time

I took the above but had to add one more piece because it was putting a space after the hour which gave a syntax error with the rename command. I used:

    set HR=%time:~0,2%
    set HR=%Hr: =0% 
    set HR=%HR: =%
    rename c:\ops\logs\copyinvoices.log copyinvoices_results_%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%_%HR%%time:~3,2%.log 

This gave me my format I needed: copyinvoices_results_2013-09-13_0845.log

changing source on html5 video tag

Using JavaScript and jQuery:

<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<video id="vid" width="1280" height="720" src="v/myvideo01.mp4" controls autoplay></video>
function chVid(vid) {
<div onclick="chVid('v/myvideo02.mp4')">See my video #2!</div>

How to remove an item from an array in AngularJS scope?

You'll have to find the index of the person in your persons array, then use the array's splice method:

$scope.persons.splice( $scope.persons.indexOf(person), 1 );

100% width background image with an 'auto' height

Just use a two color background image:

<div style="width:100%; background:url('images/bkgmid.png');
       background-size: cover;">

"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." using Gmail SMTP server

In our case problem was caused by IIS server certificate. The certificate's subject was set to DNS name and users were trying to access web site by IP adress, so .NET certification validation failed. Problem disappeared when users started to use DNS name.

So you have to change your Provider URL to https://CertificateSubject/xxx/xxx.application

Standard deviation of a list

Here's some pure-Python code you can use to calculate the mean and standard deviation.

All code below is based on the statistics module in Python 3.4+.

def mean(data):
    """Return the sample arithmetic mean of data."""
    n = len(data)
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError('mean requires at least one data point')
    return sum(data)/n # in Python 2 use sum(data)/float(n)

def _ss(data):
    """Return sum of square deviations of sequence data."""
    c = mean(data)
    ss = sum((x-c)**2 for x in data)
    return ss

def stddev(data, ddof=0):
    """Calculates the population standard deviation
    by default; specify ddof=1 to compute the sample
    standard deviation."""
    n = len(data)
    if n < 2:
        raise ValueError('variance requires at least two data points')
    ss = _ss(data)
    pvar = ss/(n-ddof)
    return pvar**0.5

Note: for improved accuracy when summing floats, the statistics module uses a custom function _sum rather than the built-in sum which I've used in its place.

Now we have for example:

>>> mean([1, 2, 3])
>>> stddev([1, 2, 3]) # population standard deviation
>>> stddev([1, 2, 3], ddof=1) # sample standard deviation

sql query to return differences between two tables

If you want to get which column values are different, you could use Entity-Attribute-Value model:

declare @Data1 xml, @Data2 xml

select @Data1 = 
    select * 
    from (select * from Test1 except select * from Test2) as a
    for xml raw('Data')

select @Data2 = 
    select * 
    from (select * from Test2 except select * from Test1) as a
    for xml raw('Data')

;with CTE1 as (
        T.C.value('../@ID', 'bigint') as ID,
        T.C.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as Name,
        T.C.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value
    from @Data1.nodes('Data/@*') as T(C)    
), CTE2 as (
        T.C.value('../@ID', 'bigint') as ID,
        T.C.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(128)') as Name,
        T.C.value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') as Value
    from @Data2.nodes('Data/@*') as T(C)     
    isnull(C1.ID, C2.ID) as ID, isnull(C1.Name, C2.Name) as Name, C1.Value as Value1, C2.Value as Value2
from CTE1 as C1
    full outer join CTE2 as C2 on C2.ID = C1.ID and C2.Name = C1.Name
    C1.Value is null and C2.Value is null or
    C1.Value is not null and C2.Value is not null and C1.Value = C2.Value


JavaScript: IIF like statement

var x = '<option value="' + col + '"'
if (col == 'screwdriver') x += ' selected';
x += '>Very roomy</option>';

How to add a tooltip to an svg graphic?

Can you use simply the SVG <title> element and the default browser rendering it conveys? (Note: this is not the same as the title attribute you can use on div/img/spans in html, it needs to be a child element named title)

rect {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  fill: #69c;_x000D_
  stroke: #069;_x000D_
  stroke-width: 5px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0.5_x000D_
<p>Mouseover the rect to see the tooltip on supporting browsers.</p>_x000D_
<svg xmlns="">_x000D_
    <title>Hello, World!</title>_x000D_

Alternatively, if you really want to show HTML in your SVG, you can embed HTML directly:

rect {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  fill: #69c;_x000D_
  stroke: #069;_x000D_
  stroke-width: 5px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0.5_x000D_
foreignObject {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
svg div {_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  line-height: 150px;_x000D_
<svg xmlns="">_x000D_
    <body xmlns="">_x000D_
        Hello, <b>World</b>!_x000D_
    </body>      _x000D_

…but then you'd need JS to turn the display on and off. As shown above, one way to make the label appear at the right spot is to wrap the rect and HTML in the same <g> that positions them both together.

To use JS to find where an SVG element is on screen, you can use getBoundingClientRect(), e.g.

Javascript wait() function

Javascript isn't threaded, so a "wait" would freeze the entire page (and probably cause the browser to stop running the script entirely).

To specifically address your problem, you should remove the brackets after donothing in your setTimeout call, and make waitsecs a number not a string:

setTimeout(donothing,500); // run donothing after 0.5 seconds

But that won't stop execution; "after" will be logged before your function runs.

To wait properly, you can use anonymous functions:


All your variables will still be there in the "after" section. You shouldn't chain these - if you find yourself needing to, you need to look at how you're structuring the program. Also you may want to use setInterval / clearInterval if it needs to loop.

PHP read and write JSON from file

When you want to create json format it had to be in this format for it to read:


How can I parse a CSV string with JavaScript, which contains comma in data?

I liked FakeRainBrigand's answer, however it contains a few problems: It can not handle whitespace between a quote and a comma, and does not support 2 consecutive commas. I tried editing his answer but my edit got rejected by reviewers that apparently did not understand my code. Here is my version of FakeRainBrigand's code. There is also a fiddle:

String.prototype.splitCSV = function() {
        var matches = this.match(/(\s*"[^"]+"\s*|\s*[^,]+|,)(?=,|$)/g);
        for (var n = 0; n < matches.length; ++n) {
            matches[n] = matches[n].trim();
            if (matches[n] == ',') matches[n] = '';
        if (this[0] == ',') matches.unshift("");
        return matches;

var string = ',"string, duppi, du" , 23 ,,, "string, duppi, du",dup,"", , lala';
var parsed = string.splitCSV();

How can I convert IPV6 address to IPV4 address?

The IPAddress Java library can accomplish what you are describing here.

IPv6 addresses are 16 bytes. Using that library, if you are starting with a 16-byte array you can construct the IPv6 address object:

IPv6Address addr = new IPv6Address(bytes); //bytes is byte[16]

From there you can check if the address is IPv4 mapped, IPv4 compatible, IPv4 translated, and so on (there are many possible ways IPv6 represents IPv4 addresses). In most cases, if an IPv6 address represents an IPv4 address, the ipv4 address is in the lower 4 bytes, and so you can get the derived IPv4 address as follows. Afterwards, you can convert back to bytes, which will be just 4 bytes for IPv4.

    if(addr.isIPv4Compatible() || addr.isIPv4Mapped()) {
        IPv4Address derivedIpv4Address = addr.getEmbeddedIPv4Address();
        byte ipv4Bytes[] = derivedIpv4Address.getBytes();

The javadoc is available at the link.

Unable to auto-detect email address

In case you're using git, use the right email address you used for github registration and then your computer name. this worked for me.

How to change the text color of first select option

For Option 1 used as the placeholder:

select:invalid { color:grey; }

All other options:

select:valid { color:black; }

npm - "Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable."

I installed python2.7 to solve this issue. I wish can help you.

How to stop a looping thread in Python?

I find it useful to have a class, derived from threading.Thread, to encapsulate my thread functionality. You simply provide your own main loop in an overridden version of run() in this class. Calling start() arranges for the object’s run() method to be invoked in a separate thread.

Inside the main loop, periodically check whether a threading.Event has been set. Such an event is thread-safe.

Inside this class, you have your own join() method that sets the stop event object before calling the join() method of the base class. It can optionally take a time value to pass to the base class's join() method to ensure your thread is terminated in a short amount of time.

import threading
import time

class MyThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, sleep_time=0.1):
        self._stop_event = threading.Event()
        self._sleep_time = sleep_time
        """call base class constructor"""

    def run(self):
        """main control loop"""
        while not self._stop_event.isSet():
            #do work

    def join(self, timeout=None):
        """set stop event and join within a given time period"""

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = MyThread()


    t.join(1) #wait 1s max

Having a small sleep inside the main loop before checking the threading.Event is less CPU intensive than looping continuously. You can have a default sleep time (e.g. 0.1s), but you can also pass the value in the constructor.

Windows equivalent of the 'tail' command

more /e filename.txt P n

where n = the number of rows to display. Works fast and is exactly like head command.

Why am I getting "Thread was being aborted" in ASP.NET?

For a web service hosted in ASP.NET, the configuration property is executionTimeout:

<configuration> <system.web>

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="360" />



Set this and the thread abort exception will go away :)

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #12: Error inflating class <unknown>

I know this thread is old, but still answering it so that no-one else should spend sleepless nights.

I was refactoring an old project, whose layout files all contained hardcoded attributes such as android:maxLength = 500. So I decided to register it in my res/dimen file as <dimen name="max_length">500</dimen>.

Finished refactoring almost 30 layout files with my res-value. Guess what? the next time I ran my project it started throwing the same InflateException.

As a solution, needed to redo my all changes and keep all-those values as same as before.


step 1: All running good.

step 2: To boost my maintenance I replaced android:maxLength = 500 with <dimen name="max_length">500</dimen> and android:maxLength = @dimen/max_length , that's where it all went wrong(crashing with InflateException).

step 3: All running bad

step 4: Re-do all my work by again replacing android:maxLength = @dimen/max_length with android:maxLength = 500.Everything got fixed.

step 5: All running good.

How to get file creation & modification date/times in Python?

The best function to use for this is os.path.getmtime(). Internally, this just uses os.stat(filename).st_mtime.

The datetime module is the best manipulating timestamps, so you can get the modification date as a datetime object like this:

import os
import datetime
def modification_date(filename):
    t = os.path.getmtime(filename)
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)

Usage example:

>>> d = modification_date('/var/log/syslog')
>>> print d
2009-10-06 10:50:01
>>> print repr(d)
datetime.datetime(2009, 10, 6, 10, 50, 1)

How to implement if-else statement in XSLT?

If I may offer some suggestions (two years later but hopefully helpful to future readers):

  • Factor out the common h2 element.
  • Factor out the common ooooooooooooo text.
  • Be aware of new XPath 2.0 if/then/else construct if using XSLT 2.0.

XSLT 1.0 Solution (also works with XSLT 2.0)

    <xsl:when test="$CreatedDate > $IDAppendedDate">m</xsl:when>

XSLT 2.0 Solution

   <xsl:value-of select="if ($CreatedDate > $IDAppendedDate) then 'm' else 'd'"/>

Oracle SQL convert date format from DD-Mon-YY to YYYYMM

As offer_date is an number, and is of lower accuracy than your real dates, this may work...
- Convert your real date to a string of format YYYYMM
- Conver that value to an INT
- Compare the result you your offer_date

    offer_date = (SELECT CAST(to_char(create_date, 'YYYYMM') AS INT) FROM customers where id = '12345678')
AND offer_rate > 0 

Also, by doing all the manipulation on the create_date you only do the processing on one value.

Additionally, had you manipulated the offer_date you would not be able to utilise any index on that field, and so force SCANs instead of SEEKs.

Format number to always show 2 decimal places

For the most accurate rounding, create this function:

function round(value, decimals) {
    return Number(Math.round(value +'e'+ decimals) +'e-'+ decimals).toFixed(decimals);

and use it to round to 2 decimal places:

console.log("seeked to " + round(1.005, 2));
> 1.01

Thanks to Razu, this article, and MDN's Math.round reference.

Seaborn Barplot - Displaying Values

Let's stick to the solution from the linked question (Changing color scale in seaborn bar plot). You want to use argsort to determine the order of the colors to use for colorizing the bars. In the linked question argsort is applied to a Series object, which works fine, while here you have a DataFrame. So you need to select one column of that DataFrame to apply argsort on.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

df = sns.load_dataset("tips")

pal = sns.color_palette("Greens_d", len(groupedvalues))
rank = groupedvalues["total_bill"].argsort().argsort() 
g=sns.barplot(x='day',y='tip',data=groupedvalues, palette=np.array(pal[::-1])[rank])

for index, row in groupedvalues.iterrows():
    g.text(,row.tip, round(row.total_bill,2), color='black', ha="center")

enter image description here

The second attempt works fine as well, the only issue is that the rank as returned by rank() starts at 1 instead of zero. So one has to subtract 1 from the array. Also for indexing we need integer values, so we need to cast it to int.

rank = groupedvalues['total_bill'].rank(ascending=True).values
rank = (rank-1).astype(

How should we manage jdk8 stream for null values

Stuart's answer provides a great explanation, but I'd like to provide another example.

I ran into this issue when attempting to perform a reduce on a Stream containing null values (actually it was LongStream.average(), which is a type of reduction). Since average() returns OptionalDouble, I assumed the Stream could contain nulls but instead a NullPointerException was thrown. This is due to Stuart's explanation of null v. empty.

So, as the OP suggests, I added a filter like so:
    .filter(o -> o != null)

Or as tangens pointed out below, use the predicate provided by the Java API:

From the mailing list discussion Stuart linked: Brian Goetz on nulls in Streams

How to search for an element in a golang slice

There is no library function for that. You have to code by your own.

for _, value := range myconfig {
    if value.Key == "key1" {
        // logic

Working code:

package main

import (

func main() {
    type Config struct {
        Key   string
        Value string

    var respbody = []byte(`[
        {"Key":"Key1", "Value":"Value1"},
        {"Key":"Key2", "Value":"Value2"}

    var myconfig []Config

    err := json.Unmarshal(respbody, &myconfig)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("error:", err)

    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", myconfig)

    for _, v := range myconfig {
        if v.Key == "Key1" {
            fmt.Println("Value: ", v.Value)


Get the selected value in a dropdown using jQuery.


jQuery("#availability option:selected").val();

Or to get the text of the option, use text():

jQuery("#availability option:selected").text();

More Info:

How to change an Android app's name?

The change in Manifest file did not change the App name,

<application android:icon="@drawable/ic__logo" android:theme="@style/AppTheme" android:largeHeap="true" android:label="@string/app_name">

but changing the Label attribute in the MainLauncher did the trick for me .

[Activity(Label = "@string/app_name", MainLauncher = true, Theme = "@style/MainActivityNoActionBarTheme", ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait)]

Matplotlib color according to class labels

The accepted answer has it spot on, but if you might want to specify which class label should be assigned to a specific color or label you could do the following. I did a little label gymnastics with the colorbar, but making the plot itself reduces to a nice one-liner. This works great for plotting the results from classifications done with sklearn. Each label matches a (x,y) coordinate.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = [4,8,12,16,1,4,9,16]
y = [1,4,9,16,4,8,12,3]
label = [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3]
colors = ['red','green','blue','purple']

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
plt.scatter(x, y, c=label, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(colors))

cb = plt.colorbar()
loc = np.arange(0,max(label),max(label)/float(len(colors)))

Scatter plot color labels

Using a slightly modified version of this answer, one can generalise the above for N colors as follows:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N = 23 # Number of labels

# setup the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(6,6))
# define the data
x = np.random.rand(1000)
y = np.random.rand(1000)
tag = np.random.randint(0,N,1000) # Tag each point with a corresponding label    

# define the colormap
cmap =
# extract all colors from the .jet map
cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)]
# create the new map
cmap = cmap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, cmap.N)

# define the bins and normalize
bounds = np.linspace(0,N,N+1)
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)

# make the scatter
scat = ax.scatter(x,y,c=tag,s=np.random.randint(100,500,N),cmap=cmap,     norm=norm)
# create the colorbar
cb = plt.colorbar(scat, spacing='proportional',ticks=bounds)
cb.set_label('Custom cbar')
ax.set_title('Discrete color mappings')

Which gives:

enter image description here

Converting String to Cstring in C++

vector<char> toVector( const std::string& s ) {
  string s = "apple";  
  vector<char> v(s.size()+1);
  memcpy( &v.front(), s.c_str(), s.size() + 1 );
  return v;
vector<char> v = toVector(std::string("apple"));

// what you were looking for (mutable)
char* c =;

.c_str() works for immutable. The vector will manage the memory for you.

How to pass arguments to entrypoint in docker-compose.yml

The command clause does work as @Karthik says above.

As a simple example, the following service will have a -inMemory added to its ENTRYPOINT when docker-compose up is run.

version: '2'
    build: local-dynamo
    image: spud/dynamo
    command: -inMemory

Android Gradle plugin 0.7.0: "duplicate files during packaging of APK"

I noticed this commit comment in AOSP, the solution will be to exclude some files using DSL. Probably when 0.7.1 is released.

commit e7669b24c1f23ba457fdee614ef7161b33feee69
Author: Xavier Ducrohet <--->
Date:   Thu Dec 19 10:21:04 2013 -0800

    Add DSL to exclude some files from packaging.

    This only applies to files coming from jar dependencies.
    The DSL is:

    android {
      packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'

tooltips for Button

You should use both title and alt attributes to make it work in all browsers.

<button title="Hello World!" alt="Hello World!">Sample Button</button>

Angular 2 filter/search list

You can also create a search pipe to filter results:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name : 'searchPipe',
export class SearchPipe implements PipeTransform {
  public transform(value, key: string, term: string) {
    return value.filter((item) => {
      if (item.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        if (term) {
          let regExp = new RegExp('\\b' + term, 'gi');
          return regExp.test(item[key]);
        } else {
          return true;
      } else {
        return false;

Use pipe in HTML :

<md-input placeholder="Item name..." [(ngModel)]="search" ></md-input>
<div *ngFor="let item of items | searchPipe:'name':search ">

Tree view of a directory/folder in Windows?

I recommend WinDirStat.

I frequently use WinDirStat to create screen shots for user documentation of open folders and their contents.

It even uses the correct icons for Windows registered file types.

All I would say is missing is an option to display the files without their icons. I can live without it personally, since I am usually pasting the image into a paint program or Visio to edit it, but it would still be a useful feature.

insert a NOT NULL column to an existing table

If you aren't allowing the column to be Null you need to provide a default to populate existing rows. e.g.

    newcol int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_YourTbl_newcol DEFAULT 0

On Enterprise Edition this is a metadata only change since 2012

Error: Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes

When the unstaged change is because git is attempting to fix eol conventions on a file (as is always my case), no amount of stashing or checking-out or resetting will make it go away.

However, if the intent is really to rebase and ignore unstaged changed, then what I do is delete the branch locally then check it out again.

git checkout -f anyotherbranchthanthisone
git branch -D thebranchineedtorebase
git checkout thebranchineedtorebase

Voila! It hasn't failed me yet.

80-characters / right margin line in Sublime Text 3

For this to work, your font also needs to be set to monospace.
If you think about it, lines can't otherwise line up perfectly perfectly.

This answer is detailed at sublime text forum:
This answer has links for choosing an appropriate font for your OS,
and gives an answer to an edge case of fonts not lining up.

Another website that lists great monospaced free fonts for programmers.

On stackoverflow, see:

Michael Ruth's answer here: How to make ruler always be shown in Sublime text 2?

MattDMo's answer here: What is the default font of Sublime Text?

I have rulers set at the following:
50 (git commit message titles should be limited to 50 characters)
72 (git commit message details should be limited to 72 characters)
80 (Windows Command Console Window maxes out at 80 character width)

Other viewing environments that benefit from shorter lines: github: there is no word wrap when viewing a file online
So, I try to keep .js .md and other files at 70-80 characters.
Windows Console: 80 characters.

Importing a function from a class in another file?

First you need to make sure if both of your files are in the same working directory. Next, you can import the whole file. For example,

import myClass

or you can import the entire class and entire functions from the file. For example,

from myClass import

Finally, you need to create an instance of the class from the original file and call the instance objects.

How to hide a View programmatically?

Kotlin Solution

view.isVisible = true
view.isInvisible = true
view.isGone = true

// For these to work, you need to use androidx and import:
import androidx.core.view.isVisible // or isInvisible/isGone

Kotlin Extension Solution

If you'd like them to be more consistent length, work for nullable views, and lower the chance of writing the wrong boolean, try using these custom extensions:

// Example

fun View?.show() {
    if (this == null) return
    if (!isVisible) isVisible = true

fun View?.hide() {
    if (this == null) return
    if (!isInvisible) isInvisible = true

fun View?.gone() {
    if (this == null) return
    if (!isGone) isGone = true

To make conditional visibility simple, also add these:

fun View?.show(visible: Boolean) {
    if (visible) show() else gone()

fun View?.hide(hide: Boolean) {
    if (hide) hide() else show()

fun View?.gone(gone: Boolean = true) {
    if (gone) gone() else show()

Polymorphism: Why use "List list = new ArrayList" instead of "ArrayList list = new ArrayList"?

This is called programming to interface. This will be helpful in case if you wish to move to some other implementation of List in the future. If you want some methods in ArrayList then you would need to program to the implementation that is ArrayList a = new ArrayList().

Get 2 Digit Number For The Month

SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, MONTH(GetDate()) * 0.01), '0.', '')

How to change XML Attribute

Using LINQ to xml if you are using framework 3.5:

using System.Xml.Linq;

XDocument xmlFile = XDocument.Load("books.xml"); 

var query = from c in xmlFile.Elements("catalog").Elements("book")    
            select c; 

foreach (XElement book in query) 
   book.Attribute("attr1").Value = "MyNewValue";


JSON parsing using Gson for Java

You can use a JsonPath query to extract the value. And with JsonSurfer which is backed by Gson, your problem can be solved by simply two line of code!

    JsonSurfer jsonSurfer = JsonSurfer.gson();
    String result = jsonSurfer.collectOne(jsonLine, String.class, "$.data.translations[0].translatedText");

How line ending conversions work with git core.autocrlf between different operating systems

core.autocrlf value does not depend on OS type but on Windows default value is true and for Linux - input. I explored 3 possible values for commit and checkout cases and this is the resulting table:

¦ core.autocrlf ¦     false    ¦     input    ¦     true     ¦
¦               ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => LF   ¦
¦ git commit    ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦
¦               ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦ CRLF => LF   ¦ CRLF => LF   ¦
¦               ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => LF   ¦ LF   => CRLF ¦
¦ git checkout  ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦ CR   => CR   ¦
¦               ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦ CRLF => CRLF ¦

How to prove that a problem is NP complete?

  1. Get familiar to a subset of NP Complete problems
  2. Prove NP Hardness : Reduce an arbitrary instance of an NP complete problem to an instance of your problem. This is the biggest piece of a pie and where the familiarity with NP Complete problems pays. The reduction will be more or less difficult depending on the NP Complete problem you choose.
  3. Prove that your problem is in NP : design an algorithm which can verify in polynomial time whether an instance is a solution.

Determining 32 vs 64 bit in C++

Unfortunately there is no cross platform macro which defines 32 / 64 bit across the major compilers. I've found the most effective way to do this is the following.

First I pick my own representation. I prefer ENVIRONMENT64 / ENVIRONMENT32. Then I find out what all of the major compilers use for determining if it's a 64 bit environment or not and use that to set my variables.

// Check windows
#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
#if _WIN64

// Check GCC
#if __GNUC__
#if __x86_64__ || __ppc64__

Another easier route is to simply set these variables from the compiler command line.

How to change Format of a Cell to Text using VBA

for large numbers that display with scientific notation set format to just '#'

How to save all files from source code of a web site?

In Chrome, go to options (Customize and Control, the 3 dots/bars at top right) ---> More Tools ---> save page as

save page as  
filename     : any_name.html 
save as type : webpage complete.

Then you will get any_name.html and any_name folder.

How to do the equivalent of pass by reference for primitives in Java

Java is not call by reference it is call by value only

But all variables of object type are actually pointers.

So if you use a Mutable Object you will see the behavior you want

public class XYZ {

    public static void main(String[] arg) {
        StringBuilder toyNumber = new StringBuilder("5");
        System.out.println("Toy number in main " + toyNumber);

    private static void play(StringBuilder toyNumber) {
        System.out.println("Toy number in play " + toyNumber);
        toyNumber.append(" + 1");
        System.out.println("Toy number in play after increement " + toyNumber);

Output of this code:

Toy number in play 5
Toy number in play after increement 5 + 1
Toy number in main 5 + 1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

You can see this behavior in Standard libraries too. For example Collections.sort(); Collections.shuffle(); These methods does not return a new list but modifies it's argument object.

    List<Integer> mutableList = new ArrayList<Integer>();







Output of this code:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[3, 4, 1, 5, 2]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

Determine file creation date in Java

On a Windows system, you can use free FileTimes library.

This will be easier in the future with Java NIO.2 (JDK 7) and the java.nio.file.attribute package.

But remember that most Linux filesystems don't support file creation timestamps.

How to stop flask application without using ctrl-c

As others have pointed out, you can only use werkzeug.server.shutdown from a request handler. The only way I've found to shut down the server at another time is to send a request to yourself. For example, the /kill handler in this snippet will kill the dev server unless another request comes in during the next second:

import requests
from threading import Timer
from flask import request
import time

def update_last_request_ms():
    global LAST_REQUEST_MS
    LAST_REQUEST_MS = time.time() * 1000

@app.route('/seriouslykill', methods=['POST'])
def seriouslykill():
    func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
    if func is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server')
    return "Shutting down..."

@app.route('/kill', methods=['POST'])
def kill():
    last_ms = LAST_REQUEST_MS
    def shutdown():
        if LAST_REQUEST_MS <= last_ms:  # subsequent requests abort shutdown

    Timer(1.0, shutdown).start()  # wait 1 second
    return "Shutting down..."

Get Windows version in a batch file

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('systeminfo ^| find "OS Name"') do set OS_Name=%%a
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("%OS_Name%") do set OS_Name=%%a
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ("%OS_Name%") do set OS_Name=%%a
if "%os_name%"=="XP" set version=XP
if "%os_name%"=="7" set version=7

This will grab the OS name as "7" or "XP"

Then you can use this in a variable to do certain commands based on the version of windows.

Run as java application option disabled in eclipse

Had the same problem. I apparently wrote the Main wrong:

public static void main(String[] args){

I missed the [] and that was the whole problem.

Check and recheck the Main function!

.NET data structures: ArrayList, List, HashTable, Dictionary, SortedList, SortedDictionary -- Speed, memory, and when to use each?

I found "Choose a Collection" section of Microsoft Docs on Collection and Data Structure page really useful

C# Collections and Data Structures : Choose a collection

enter image description here

And also the following matrix to compare some other features

enter image description here

How can I run a directive after the dom has finished rendering?

If you can't use $timeout due to external resources and cant use a directive due to a specific issue with timing, use broadcast.

Add $scope.$broadcast("variable_name_here"); after the desired external resource or long running controller/directive has completed.

Then add the below after your external resource has loaded.

$scope.$on("variable_name_here", function(){ 
   // DOM manipulation here

For example in the promise of a deferred HTTP request.

   $scope.MyHttpReturnedImage = data.image;

$scope.$on("imageLoaded", function(){ 

What does OpenCV's cvWaitKey( ) function do?

waits milliseconds to check if the key is pressed, if pressed in that interval return its ascii value, otherwise it still -1

PostgreSQL database default location on Linux


At least in Gentoo Linux and Ubuntu 14.04 by default.

You can find postgresql.conf and look at param data_directory. If it is commented then database directory is the same as this config file directory.

Fit website background image to screen size

Try this:

background: url(../IMAGES/background.jpg) no-repeat;
background-size: auto auto;

git ignore exception

!foo.dll in .gitignore, or (every time!) git add -f foo.dll

how to auto select an input field and the text in it on page load

Using the autofocus attribute works well with text input and checkboxes.

<input type="text" name="foo" value="boo" autofocus="autofocus"> FooBoo
<input type="checkbox" name="foo" value="boo" autofocus="autofocus"> FooBoo

counting number of directories in a specific directory

Best way to do it:

ls -la | grep -v total | wc -l

This gives you the perfect count.

What's the HTML to have a horizontal space between two objects?

I guess what you want is:


But this is usually not a nice way to align some content. You better put your different content in


tags and then use css for proper alignment.

You can also check out this post with useful extra info:

Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function but got: object

For me it was that my styled-components were defined after my functional component definition. It was only happening in staging and not locally for me. Once I moved my styled-components above my component definition the error went away.

UIScrollView not scrolling

Make sure you have the contentSize property of the scroll view set to the correct size (ie, one large enough to encompass all your content.)

Inserting multiple rows in mysql

INSERT INTO test_b (price_sum)
  SELECT price
  FROM   test_a;
INSERT INTO test_c (price_summ) 
  SELECT price
FROM   test_a;

Scala: what is the best way to append an element to an Array?

You can use :+ to append element to array and +: to prepend it:

0 +: array :+ 4

should produce:

res3: Array[Int] = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

It's the same as with any other implementation of Seq.

How to sort a list of strings?

But how does this handle language specific sorting rules? Does it take locale into account?

No, list.sort() is a generic sorting function. If you want to sort according to the Unicode rules, you'll have to define a custom sort key function. You can try using the pyuca module, but I don't know how complete it is.

How to import existing *.sql files in PostgreSQL 8.4?

From the command line:

psql -f 1.sql
psql -f 2.sql

From the psql prompt:

\i 1.sql
\i 2.sql

Note that you may need to import the files in a specific order (for example: data definition before data manipulation). If you've got bash shell (GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Cygwin) and the files may be imported in the alphabetical order, you may use this command:

for f in *.sql ; do psql -f $f ; done

Here's the documentation of the psql application (thanks, Frank):

Simplest way to wait some asynchronous tasks complete, in Javascript?

With deferred (another promise/deferred implementation) you can do:

// Setup 'pdrop', promise version of 'drop' method
var deferred = require('deferred');
mongoose.Collection.prototype.pdrop =

// Drop collections:['aaa','bbb','ccc'], function(name){
    return conn.collection(name).pdrop()(function () {
}).end(function () {
    console.log("all dropped");
}, null);

Appending to an empty DataFrame in Pandas?

You can concat the data in this way:

InfoDF = pd.DataFrame()
tempDF = pd.DataFrame(rows,columns=['id','min_date'])

InfoDF = pd.concat([InfoDF,tempDF])

Determine Pixel Length of String in Javascript/jQuery?

I don't believe you can do just a string, but if you put the string inside of a <span> with the correct attributes (size, font-weight, etc); you should then be able to use jQuery to get the width of the span.

<span id='string_span' style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 12'>Here is my string</span>

AngularJS - convert dates in controller

i suggest in Javascript:

var item=1387843200000;
var date1=new Date(item);

and then date1 is a Date.

Uploading files to file server using webclient class

Just use

File.Copy(filepath, "\\\\\\Files");

A windows fileshare exposed via a UNC path is treated as part of the file system, and has nothing to do with the web.

The credentials used will be that of the ASP.NET worker process, or any impersonation you've enabled. If you can tweak those to get it right, this can be done.

You may run into problems because you are using the IP address instead of the server name (windows trust settings prevent leaving the domain - by using IP you are hiding any domain details). If at all possible, use the server name!

If this is not on the same windows domain, and you are trying to use a different domain account, you will need to specify the username as "[domain_or_machine]\[username]"

If you need to specify explicit credentials, you'll need to look into coding an impersonation solution.

Does Visual Studio have code coverage for unit tests?

For anyone that is looking for an easy solution in Visual Studio Community 2019, Fine Code Coverage is simple but it works well.

It cannot give accurate numbers on the precise coverage, but it will tell which lines are being covered with green/red gutters.

Ant task to run an Ant target only if a file exists?

Since Ant 1.8.0 there's apparently also resourceexists


Tests a resource for existance. since Ant 1.8.0

The actual resource to test is specified as a nested element.

An example:

  <file file="${file}"/>

I was about rework the example from the above good answer to this question, and then I found this

As of Ant 1.8.0, you may instead use property expansion; a value of true (or on or yes) will enable the item, while false (or off or no) will disable it. Other values are still assumed to be property names and so the item is enabled only if the named property is defined.

Compared to the older style, this gives you additional flexibility, because you can override the condition from the command line or parent scripts:

<target name="-check-use-file" unless="file.exists">
    <available property="file.exists" file="some-file"/>
<target name="use-file" depends="-check-use-file" if="${file.exists}">
    <!-- do something requiring that file... -->
<target name="lots-of-stuff" depends="use-file,other-unconditional-stuff"/>

from the ant manual at

Hopefully this example is of use to some. They're not using resourceexists, but presumably you could?.....

How do you execute an arbitrary native command from a string?

Please also see this Microsoft Connect report on essentially, how blummin' difficult it is to use PowerShell to run shell commands (oh, the irony).

They suggest using --% as a way to force PowerShell to stop trying to interpret the text to the right.

For example:

MSBuild /t:Publish --% /p:TargetDatabaseName="MyDatabase";TargetConnectionString="Data Source=.\;Integrated Security=True" /p:SqlPublishProfilePath="Deploy.publish.xml" Database.sqlproj

How does numpy.histogram() work?

Another useful thing to do with numpy.histogram is to plot the output as the x and y coordinates on a linegraph. For example:

arr = np.random.randint(1, 51, 500)
y, x = np.histogram(arr, bins=np.arange(51))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x[:-1], y)

enter image description here

This can be a useful way to visualize histograms where you would like a higher level of granularity without bars everywhere. Very useful in image histograms for identifying extreme pixel values.

Using jQuery to test if an input has focus

There is a plugin to check if an element is focused:

   if ($(this) == $.focused()) {

Trying to include a library, but keep getting 'undefined reference to' messages

Yes, It is required to add libraries after the source files/objects files. This command will solve the problem:

gcc -static -L/usr/lib -I/usr/lib main.c -ltommath

Detect the Enter key in a text input field

The best way I found is using keydown ( the keyup doesn't work well for me).

Note: I also disabled the form submit because usually when you like to do some actions when pressing Enter Key the only think you do not like is to submit the form :)

$('input').keydown( function( event ) {
    if ( event.which === 13 ) {
        // Do something
        // Disable sending the related form
        return false;

How can I check if an ip is in a network in Python?

This article shows you can do it with socket and struct modules without too much extra effort. I added a little to the article as follows:

import socket,struct

def makeMask(n):
    "return a mask of n bits as a long integer"
    return (2L<<n-1) - 1

def dottedQuadToNum(ip):
    "convert decimal dotted quad string to long integer"
    return struct.unpack('L',socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]

def networkMask(ip,bits):
    "Convert a network address to a long integer" 
    return dottedQuadToNum(ip) & makeMask(bits)

def addressInNetwork(ip,net):
   "Is an address in a network"
   return ip & net == net

address = dottedQuadToNum("")
networka = networkMask("",24)
networkb = networkMask("",24)
print (address,networka,networkb)
print addressInNetwork(address,networka)
print addressInNetwork(address,networkb)

This outputs:


If you just want a single function that takes strings it would look like this:

import socket,struct

def addressInNetwork(ip,net):
   "Is an address in a network"
   ipaddr = struct.unpack('L',socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
   netaddr,bits = net.split('/')
   netmask = struct.unpack('L',socket.inet_aton(netaddr))[0] & ((2L<<int(bits)-1) - 1)
   return ipaddr & netmask == netmask

"inappropriate ioctl for device"

I tried the following code that seemed to work:

if(open(my $FILE, "<File.txt")) {
    print "$_";}
} else {
    print "File could not be opened or did not exists\n";

Git - Ignore files during merge

.gitattributes - is a root-level file of your repository that defines the attributes for a subdirectory or subset of files.

You can specify the attribute to tell Git to use different merge strategies for a specific file. Here, we want to preserve the existing config.xml for our branch. We need to set the merge=foo to config.xml in .gitattributes file.

merge=foo tell git to use our(current branch) file, if a merge conflict occurs.

  1. Add a .gitattributes file at the root level of the repository

  2. You can set up an attribute for confix.xml in the .gitattributes file

     <pattern> merge=foo

    Let's take an example for config.xml

     config.xml merge=foo
  3. And then define a dummy foo merge strategy with:

     $ git config --global true

If you merge the stag form dev branch, instead of having the merge conflicts with the config.xml file, the stag branch's config.xml preserves at whatever version you originally had.

for more reference: merge_strategies

VBA: How to delete filtered rows in Excel?

As an alternative to using UsedRange or providing an explicit range address, the AutoFilter.Range property can also specify the affected range.


As used here, Offset causes the first row after the AutoFilter range to also be deleted. In order to avoid that, I would try using .Resize() after .Offset().

Why is json_encode adding backslashes?

I had a very similar problem, I had an array ready to be posted. in my post function I had this:

json = JSON.stringfy(json);

the detail here is that I'm using blade inside laravel to build a three view form, so I can go back and forward, I have in between every back and forward button validations and when I go back in the form without reloading the page my json get filled by backslashes. I console.log(json) in every validation and realized that the json was treated as a string instead of an object.

In conclution i shouldn't have assinged json = JSON.stringfy(json) instead i assigned it to another variable.

var aux = JSON.stringfy(json);

This way i keep json as an object, and not a string.

How to run an application as "run as administrator" from the command prompt?

See this TechNet article: Runas command documentation

From a command prompt:

C:\> runas /user:<localmachinename>\administrator cmd

Or, if you're connected to a domain:

C:\> runas /user:<DomainName>\<AdministratorAccountName> cmd

Storing integer values as constants in Enum manner in java

The most common valid reason for wanting an integer constant associated with each enum value is to interoperate with some other component which still expects those integers (e.g. a serialization protocol which you can't change, or the enums represent columns in a table, etc).

In almost all cases I suggest using an EnumMap instead. It decouples the components more completely, if that was the concern, or if the enums represent column indices or something similar, you can easily make changes later on (or even at runtime if need be).

 private final EnumMap<Page, Integer> pageIndexes = new EnumMap<Page, Integer>(Page.class);
 pageIndexes.put(Page.SIGN_CREATE, 1);
 //etc., ...

 int createIndex = pageIndexes.get(Page.SIGN_CREATE);

It's typically incredibly efficient, too.

Adding data like this to the enum instance itself can be very powerful, but is more often than not abused.

Edit: Just realized Bloch addressed this in Effective Java / 2nd edition, in Item 33: Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing.

How do getters and setters work?

In Java getters and setters are completely ordinary functions. The only thing that makes them getters or setters is convention. A getter for foo is called getFoo and the setter is called setFoo. In the case of a boolean, the getter is called isFoo. They also must have a specific declaration as shown in this example of a getter and setter for 'name':

class Dummy
    private String name;

    public Dummy() {}

    public Dummy(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

The reason for using getters and setters instead of making your members public is that it makes it possible to change the implementation without changing the interface. Also, many tools and toolkits that use reflection to examine objects only accept objects that have getters and setters. JavaBeans for example must have getters and setters as well as some other requirements.

How do I create a table based on another table

select * into newtable from oldtable

Spring boot - configure EntityManager

With Spring Boot its not necessary to have any config file like persistence.xml. You can configure with annotations Just configure your DB config for JPA in the



Then you can use CrudRepository provided by Spring where you have standard CRUD transaction methods. There you can also implement your own SQL's like JPQL.

public interface ObjectRepository extends CrudRepository<Object, Long> {

And if you still need to use the Entity Manager you can create another class.

public class ObjectRepositoryImpl implements ObjectCustomMethods{

    private EntityManager em;


This should be in your pom.xml



cURL POST command line on WINDOWS RESTful service

We can use below Curl command in Windows Command prompt to send the request. Use the Curl command below, replace single quote with double quotes, remove quotes where they are not there in below format and use the ^ symbol.

curl http://localhost:7101/module/url ^
  -d @D:/request.xml ^
  -H "Content-Type: text/xml" ^
  -H "SOAPAction: process" ^
  -H "Authorization: Basic xyz" ^

Line break in SSRS expression

In Order to implement Line Break in SSRS, there are 2 ways

  1. Setting HTML Markup Type
    Update the Markup Type of the placeholder to HTML and then make use of <br/> tag to introduce line break within the expression

="first line of text. Param1 value: " & Parameters!Param1.Value & "<br/>" & Parameters!Param1.Value

  1. Using Newline function
    Make use of Environment.NewLine() function to add line break within the expression.

="first line of text. Param1 value: " & Parameters!Param1.Value & Environment.NewLine() & Parameters!Param1.Value

Note:- Always remember to leave a space after every "&" (ampersand) in order to evaluate the expression properly

Postgresql : syntax error at or near "-"

i was trying trying to GRANT read-only privileges to a particular table to a user called walters-ro. So when i ran the sql command # GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO walters-ro; --- i got the following error..`syntax error at or near “-”

The solution to this was basically putting the user_name into double quotes since there is a dash(-) between the name.

# GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO "walters-ro";

That solved the problem.

What is App.config in C#.NET? How to use it?

App.Config is an XML file that is used as a configuration file for your application. In other words, you store inside it any setting that you may want to change without having to change code (and recompiling). It is often used to store connection strings.

See this MSDN article on how to do that.

How to set only time part of a DateTime variable in C#

date = new DateTime(date.year, date.month,, HH, MM, SS);

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python?

Based on the cpu usage code by @Hrabal, this is what I use:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

def get_cpu_usage():
    ''' Get CPU usage on Linux by reading /proc/stat '''

    sub = Popen(('grep', 'cpu', '/proc/stat'), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    top_vals = [int(val) for val in sub.communicate()[0].split('\n')[0].split[1:5]]

    return (top_vals[0] + top_vals[2]) * 100. /(top_vals[0] + top_vals[2] + top_vals[3])

Functional style of Java 8's Optional.ifPresent and if-not-Present?

In case you want store the value:

Pair.of<List<>, List<>> output = -> Pair.of(details.a, details.b))).orElseGet(() -> Pair.of(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()));

php: catch exception and continue execution, is it possible?


try {
catch (Exception $e) {
    // handle or ignore exception here. 

however note that php also has error codes separate from exceptions, a legacy holdover from before php had oop primitives. Most library builtins still raise error codes, not exceptions. To ignore an error code call the function prefixed with @:


Why do you create a View in a database?

I like to use views over stored procedures when I am only running a query. Views can also simplify security, can be used to ease inserts/updates to multiple tables, and can be used to snapshot/materialize data (run a long-running query, and keep the results cached).

I've used materialized views for run longing queries that are not required to be kept accurate in real time.

How do I publish a UDP Port on Docker?

Use the -p flag and add /udp suffix to the port number.

-p 53160:53160/udp

Full command

sudo docker run -p 53160:53160 \
    -p 53160:53160/udp -p 58846:58846 \ 
    -p 8112:8112 -t -i aostanin/deluge /

If you're running boot2docker on Mac, be sure to forward the same ports on boot2docker to your local machine.

You can also document that your container needs to receive UDP using EXPOSE in The Dockerfile (EXPOSE does not publish the port):

EXPOSE 8285/udp

Here is a link with more Docker Networking info covered in the container docs: (Courtesy of Old Pro in the comments)

DIV table colspan: how?

You could always use CSS to simply adjust the width and the height of those elements that you want to do a colspan and rowspan and then simply omit displaying the overlapped DIVs. For example:

<div class = 'td colspan3 rowspan5'> Some data </div>


   display: table-cell;

   width: 300px; /*3 times the standard cell width of 100px - colspan3 */

   height: 500px; /* 5 times the standard height of a cell - rowspan5 */


Git: How to squash all commits on branch

Checkout the branch for which you would like to squash all the commits into one commit. Let's say it's called feature_branch.

git checkout feature_branch

Step 1:

Do a soft reset of your origin/feature_branch with your local main branch (depending on your needs, you can reset with origin/main as well). This will reset all the extra commits in your feature_branch, but without changing any of your file changes locally.

git reset --soft main

Step 2:

Add all of the changes in your git repo directory, to the new commit that is going to be created. And commit the same with a message.

git add -A && git commit -m "commit message goes here"

returning a Void object

It is possible to create instances of Void if you change the security manager, so something like this:

static Void getVoid() throws SecurityException, InstantiationException,
        IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
    class BadSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
        public void checkPermission(Permission perm) { }
        public void checkPackageAccess(String pkg) { }

    System.setSecurityManager(badManager = new BadSecurityManager());
    Constructor<?> constructor = Void.class.getDeclaredConstructors()[0];
    if(!constructor.isAccessible()) {
    return (Void) constructor.newInstance();

Obviously this is not all that practical or safe; however, it will return an instance of Void if you are able to change the security manager.