Programs & Examples On #Clean urls

Semantic URLs (aka Clean URLs) are purely structural URLs that do not contain a query string and instead contain only the path of the resource.

BAT file to map to network drive without running as admin

I just figured it out! What I did was I created the batch file like I had it originally:

net use P: "\\server\foldername\foldername"

I then saved it to the desktop and right clicked the properties and checked run as administrator. I then copied the file to C:\Users\"TheUser"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Where "TheUser" was the desired user I wanted to add it to.

How to find the users list in oracle 11g db?

You can think of a mysql database as a schema/user in Oracle. If you have the privileges, you can query the DBA_USERS view to see the list of schema.

Convert Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>

Not possible.

This a little counter-intuitive.

You're encountering the "Apple is-a fruit" but "Every Fruit is not an Apple"

Go for creating a new map and checking with instance of with String

Questions every good .NET developer should be able to answer?

I would always look for the soft skills myself - no pun intended. So good OO design, test driven development, a good multi (programming) lingual background and all round general smartness (and getting-things done-ness I guess!).

An intelligent developer should not have any trouble learning the individual technologies that you need them to know even if they have never looked at them before - so I wouldn't worry too much about specific questions around WCF/compact framework and the like.

I would have them write some code - best way to find out what they know and how they work. Anyone can memorise the answer to 'What's the difference between a reference type and a value type?'

How to run Java program in command prompt

A very general command prompt how to for java is

java mainjava

You'll very often see people doing

javac *.java
java mainjava

As for the subclass problem that's probably occurring because a path is missing from your class path, the -c flag I believe is used to set that.

Make content horizontally scroll inside a div

Same as what clairesuzy answered, except you can get a similar result by adding display: flex instead of white-space: nowrap. Using display: flex will collapse the img "margins", in case that behavior is preferred.

javascript check for not null

Use !== as != will get you into a world of nontransitive JavaScript truth table weirdness.

PostgreSQL JOIN data from 3 tables

Something like:

select, t2.image_id, t3.path
from table1 t1 inner join table2 t2 on t1.person_id = t2.person_id
inner join table3 t3 on t2.image_id=t3.image_id

Automatically set appsettings.json for dev and release environments in core?

Just an update for .NET core 2.0 users, you can specify application configuration after the call to CreateDefaultBuilder:

public class Program
   public static void Main(string[] args)

   public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>

   static void ConfigConfiguration(WebHostBuilderContext ctx, IConfigurationBuilder config)
                .AddJsonFile("config.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
                .AddJsonFile($"config.{ctx.HostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);


Label word wrapping

If you open the dropdown for the Text property in Visual Studio, you can use the enter key to split lines. This will obviously only work for static text unless you know the maximum dimensions of dynamic text.

How to force R to use a specified factor level as reference in a regression?

For those looking for a dplyr/tidyverse version. Building on Gavin Simpson solution:

# Create DF
x <- rnorm(100)
DF <- data.frame(x = x,
                 y = 4 + (1.5*x) + rnorm(100, sd = 2),
                 b = gl(5, 20))

# Change reference level
DF = DF %>% mutate(b = relevel(b, 3))

m2 <- lm(y ~ x + b, data = DF)

Function to get yesterday's date in Javascript in format DD/MM/YYYY

Try this:

function getYesterdaysDate() {
    var date = new Date();
    return date.getDate() + '/' + (date.getMonth()+1) + '/' + date.getFullYear();

Capture key press (or keydown) event on DIV element

(1) Set the tabindex attribute:

<div id="mydiv" tabindex="0" />

(2) Bind to keydown:

 $('#mydiv').on('keydown', function(event) {
       //....your actions for the keys .....

To set the focus on start:

$(function() {

To remove - if you don't like it - the div focus border, set outline: none in the CSS.

See the table of keycodes for more keyCode possibilities.

All of the code assuming you use jQuery.


File uploading with Express 4.0: req.files undefined

1) Make sure that your file is really sent from the client side. For example you can check it in Chrome Console: screenshot

2) Here is the basic example of NodeJS backend:

const express = require('express');
const fileUpload = require('express-fileupload');
const app = express();

app.use(fileUpload()); // Don't forget this line!'/upload', function(req, res) {

Fastest way to extract frames using ffmpeg?

If you know exactly which frames to extract, eg 1, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, try using:

select='eq(n\,1)+eq(n\,200)+eq(n\,400)+eq(n\,600)+eq(n\,800)+eq(n\,1000)' \
       -vsync vfr -q:v 2

I'm using this with a pipe to Imagemagick's montage to get 10 frames preview from any videos. Obviously the frame numbers you'll need to figure out using ffprobe

ffmpeg -i -vf \
    select='eq(n\,1)+eq(n\,200)+eq(n\,400)+eq(n\,600)+eq(n\,800)+eq(n\,1000)',scale=320:-1 \
    -vsync vfr -q:v 2 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm - \
  | montage -tile x1 -geometry "1x1+0+0<" -quality 100 -frame 1 - output.png


Little explanation:

  1. In ffmpeg expressions + stands for OR and * for AND
  2. \, is simply escaping the , character
  3. Without -vsync vfr -q:v 2 it doesn't seem to work but I don't know why - anyone?

How can I check whether an array is null / empty?

You can also check whether there is any elements in the array by finding out its length, then put it into if-else statement to check whether it is null.

int[] k = new int[3];
if(k.length == 0)
//do something

Run command on the Ansible host

I'd like to share that Ansible can be run on localhost via shell:

ansible all -i "localhost," -c local -m shell -a 'echo hello world'

This could be helpful for simple tasks or for some hands-on learning of Ansible.

The example of code is taken from this good article:

Running ansible playbook in localhost

List of encodings that Node.js supports

The encodings are spelled out in the buffer documentation.

Buffers and character encodings:

Character Encodings

  • utf8: Multi-byte encoded Unicode characters. Many web pages and other document formats use UTF-8. This is the default character encoding.
  • utf16le: Multi-byte encoded Unicode characters. Unlike utf8, each character in the string will be encoded using either 2 or 4 bytes.
  • latin1: Latin-1 stands for ISO-8859-1. This character encoding only supports the Unicode characters from U+0000 to U+00FF.

Binary-to-Text Encodings

  • base64: Base64 encoding. When creating a Buffer from a string, this encoding will also correctly accept "URL and Filename Safe Alphabet" as specified in RFC 4648, Section 5.
  • hex: Encode each byte as two hexadecimal characters.

Legacy Character Encodings

  • ascii: For 7-bit ASCII data only. Generally, there should be no reason to use this encoding, as 'utf8' (or, if the data is known to always be ASCII-only, 'latin1') will be a better choice when encoding or decoding ASCII-only text.
  • binary: Alias for 'latin1'.
  • ucs2: Alias of 'utf16le'.

How do I get the "id" after INSERT into MySQL database with Python?

Also, cursor.lastrowid (a dbapi/PEP249 extension supported by MySQLdb):

>>> import MySQLdb
>>> connection = MySQLdb.connect(user='root')
>>> cursor = connection.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute('INSERT INTO sometable VALUES (...)')
>>> connection.insert_id()
>>> cursor.lastrowid
>>> cursor.execute('SELECT last_insert_id()')
>>> cursor.fetchone()
>>> cursor.execute('select @@identity')
>>> cursor.fetchone()

cursor.lastrowid is somewhat cheaper than connection.insert_id() and much cheaper than another round trip to MySQL.

Load JSON text into class object in c#

I recommend you to use JSON.NET. it is an open source library to serialize and deserialize your c# objects into json and Json objects into .net objects ...

Serialization Example:

Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Apple";
product.Expiry = new DateTime(2008, 12, 28);
product.Price = 3.99M;
product.Sizes = new string[] { "Small", "Medium", "Large" };

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(product);
//  "Name": "Apple",
//  "Expiry": new Date(1230422400000),
//  "Price": 3.99,
//  "Sizes": [
//    "Small",
//    "Medium",
//    "Large"
//  ]

Product deserializedProduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Product>(json);

Performance Comparison To Other JSON serializiation Techniques enter image description here

JavaScript Extending Class

ES6 gives you now the opportunity to use class & extends keywords :

Then , your code will be :

You have a base class:

class Monster{
    = 100;
       growl() {


That You want to extend and create another class with:

class Monkey extends Monster {
            super(); //don't forget "super"
            this.bananaCount = 5;

        eatBanana() {
 ; //Accessing variable from parent class monster
           this.growl(); //Accessing function from parent class monster


CSS border less than 1px

The minimum width that your screen can display is 1 pixel. So its impossible to display less then 1px. 1 pixels can only have 1 color and cannot be split up.

Handling urllib2's timeout? - Python

In Python 2.7.3:

import urllib2
import socket

class MyException(Exception):

    urllib2.urlopen("", timeout = 1)
except urllib2.URLError as e:
    print type(e)    #not catch
except socket.timeout as e:
    print type(e)    #catched
    raise MyException("There was an error: %r" % e)

Press Enter to move to next control

You can put a KeyPress handler on your TextBoxes, and see which key was used.

To handle the text selection, put a handler on the GotFocus event.

You may also want to consider how to (or if you need to) handle multi-line TextBoxes.

Loop backwards using indices in Python?

You might want to use the reversed function in python. Before we jump in to the code we must remember that the range function always returns a list (or a tuple I don't know) so range(5) will return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. The reversed function reverses a list or a tuple so reversed(range(5)) will be [4, 3, 2, 1, 0] so your solution might be:

for i in reversed(range(100)):

Linking dll in Visual Studio

Assume that the source file you want to compile is main.cpp and your example_dll.dll and example_dll.lib . now run cl.exe main.cpp /EHsc /link example_dll.lib now you may get main.exe

Removing "bullets" from unordered list <ul>

You can remove the "bullets" by setting the "list-style-type: none;" Like

    list-style-type: none;


<ul class="menu custompozition4"  style="list-style-type: none;">
    <li class="item-507"><a href=#">Strategic Recruitment Solutions</a>
    <li class="item-508"><a href="#">Executive Recruitment</a>
    <li class="item-509"><a href="#">Leadership Development</a>
    <li class="item-510"><a href="#">Executive Capability Review</a>
    <li class="item-511"><a href="#">Board and Executive Coaching</a>
    <li class="item-512"><a href="#">Cross Cultutral Coaching</a>
    <li class="item-513"><a href="#">Team Enhancement &amp; Coaching</a>
    <li class="item-514"><a href="#">Personnel Re-deployment</a>

How to retrieve the hash for the current commit in Git?

There's always git describe as well. By default it gives you --

john@eleanor:/dev/shm/mpd/ncmpc/pkg (master)$ git describe --always

How do I clone a github project to run locally?

You clone a repository with git clone [url]. Like so,

$ git clone

Generic Interface

If I understand correctly, you want to have one class implement multiple of those interfaces with different input/output parameters? This will not work in Java, because the generics are implemented via erasure.

The problem with the Java generics is that the generics are in fact nothing but compiler magic. At runtime, the classes do not keep any information about the types used for generic stuff (class type parameters, method type parameters, interface type parameters). Therefore, even though you could have overloads of specific methods, you cannot bind those to multiple interface implementations which differ in their generic type parameters only.

In general, I can see why you think that this code has a smell. However, in order to provide you with a better solution, it would be necessary to know a little more about your requirements. Why do you want to use a generic interface in the first place?

Creating a List of Lists in C#

public class ListOfLists<T> : List<List<T>>

var myList = new ListOfLists<string>();

Bootstrap 3 scrollable div for table

A scrolling comes from a box with class pre-scrollable

<div class="pre-scrollable"></div>

There's more examples:
Wish it helps.

Display a float with two decimal places in Python

If you want to get a floating point value with two decimal places limited at the time of calling input,

Check this out ~

a = eval(format(float(input()), '.2f'))   # if u feed 3.1415 for 'a'.
print(a)                                  # output 3.14 will be printed.

npm install error - MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe"

As Matt said ( you should install the build-tools for windows. However, I did it via cmd and got an error, although I am the administrator -

Please restart this script from an administrative PowerShell!
The build tools cannot be installed without administrative rights.
To fix, right-click on PowerShell and run "as Administrator".

I got the same error via a PowerShell.

For windows 7, the administrative PowerShell can be found under:

Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Windows PowerShell Modules

How to add a set path only for that batch file executing?

That's right, but it doesn't change it permanently, but just for current command prompt, if you wanna to change it permanently you have to use for example this:


This will change it permanently and yes you can overwrite it by another batch script.

Git list of staged files

The best way to do this is by running the command:

git diff --name-only --cached

When you check the manual you will likely find the following:

    Show only names of changed files.

And on the example part of the manual:

git diff --cached
    Changes between the index and your current HEAD.

Combined together you get the changes between the index and your current HEAD and Show only names of changed files.

Update: --staged is also available as an alias for --cached above in more recent git versions.

What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

I think what you are asking is the difference between RPC Literal, Document Literal and Document Wrapped SOAP web services.

Note that Document web services are delineated into literal and wrapped as well and they are different - one of the primary difference is that the latter is BP 1.1 compliant and the former is not.

Also, in Document Literal the operation to be invoked is not specified in terms of its name whereas in Wrapped, it is. This, I think, is a significant difference in terms of easily figuring out the operation name that the request is for.

In terms of RPC literal versus Document Wrapped, the Document Wrapped request can be easily vetted / validated against the schema in the WSDL - one big advantage.

I would suggest using Document Wrapped as the web service type of choice due to its advantages.

SOAP on HTTP is the SOAP protocol bound to HTTP as the carrier. SOAP could be over SMTP or XXX as well. SOAP provides a way of interaction between entities (client and servers, for example) and both entities can marshal operation arguments / return values as per the semantics of the protocol.

If you were using XML over HTTP (and you can), it is simply understood to be XML payload on HTTP request / response. You would need to provide the framework to marshal / unmarshal, error handling and so on.

A detailed tutorial with examples of WSDL and code with emphasis on Java: SOAP and JAX-WS, RPC versus Document Web Services

How to move all files including hidden files into parent directory via *

Let me introduce you to my friend "dotglob". It turns on and off whether or not "*" includes hidden files.

$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ touch a b c .hidden .hi .den
$ ls -a
. ..  .den  .hi .hidden a b c

$ shopt -u dotglob
$ ls *
a b c
$ for i in * ; do echo I found: $i ; done
I found: a
I found: b
I found: c

$ shopt -s dotglob
$ ls *
.den  .hi .hidden a b c
$ for i in * ; do echo I found: $i ; done
I found: .den
I found: .hi
I found: .hidden
I found: a
I found: b
I found: c

It defaults to "off".

$ shopt dotglob
dotglob         off

It is best to turn it back on when you are done otherwise you will confuse things that assume it will be off.

Vertically aligning text next to a radio button

This will give dead on alignment

input[type="radio"] {
  margin-top: 1px;
  vertical-align: top;

Get UTC time and local time from NSDate object

a date is independant of any timezone, so use a Dateformatter and attach a timezone for display:


let date = NSDate()
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
let timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC")

dateFormatter.timeZone = timeZone



NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
NSTimeZone *timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"UTC"];

[dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
[dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
[dateFormatter setTimeZone:timeZone];       
NSLog(@"%@", [dateFormatter stringFromDate:date]);

Refreshing data in RecyclerView and keeping its scroll position

If you have one or more EditTexts inside of a recyclerview items, disable the autofocus of these, putting this configuration in the parent view of recyclerview:


I had this issue when I started another activity launched from a recyclerview item, when I came back and set an update of one field in one item with notifyItemChanged(position) the scroll of RV moves, and my conclusion was that, the autofocus of EditText Items, the code above solved my issue.


How to check if a file is empty in Bash?

Many of the answers are correct but I feel like they could be more complete / simplistic etc. for example :

Example 1 : Basic if statement

# BASH4+ example on Linux :

typeset read_file="/tmp/some-file.txt"
if [ ! -s "${read_file}" ]  || [ ! -f "${read_file}" ] ;then
    echo "Error: file (${read_file}) not found.. "
    exit 7

if $read_file is empty or not there stop the show with exit. More than once I have had misread the top answer here to mean the opposite.

Example 2 : As a function

# -- Check if file is missing /or empty --
# Globals: None
# Arguments: file name
# Returns: Bool
# --
is_file_empty_or_missing() {
    [[ ! -f "${1}" || ! -s "${1}" ]] && return 0 || return 1

How to create a new text file using Python

Looks like you forgot the mode parameter when calling open, try w:

file = open("copy.txt", "w") 
file.write("Your text goes here") 

The default value is r and will fail if the file does not exist

'r' open for reading (default)
'w' open for writing, truncating the file first

Other interesting options are

'x' open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists
'a' open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists

See Doc for Python2.7 or Python3.6

-- EDIT --

As stated by chepner in the comment below, it is better practice to do it with a withstatement (it guarantees that the file will be closed)

with open("copy.txt", "w") as file:
    file.write("Your text goes here")

MySQL SELECT only not null values


Using IS NOT NULL On Join Conditions

 SELECT * FROM users 
 LEFT JOIN posts ON post.user_id = 

 Using IS NOT NULL With AND Logical Operator

 SELECT * FROM users 
 WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL 
 AND mobile_number IS NOT NULL;

Using IS NOT NULL With OR Logical Operator

 SELECT * FROM users 
 WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL 
 OR mobile_number IS NOT NULL;

How to check if a string contains an element from a list in Python

Use list comprehensions if you want a single line solution. The following code returns a list containing the url_string when it has the extensions .doc, .pdf and .xls or returns empty list when it doesn't contain the extension.

print [url_string for extension in extensionsToCheck if(extension in url_string)]

NOTE: This is only to check if it contains or not and is not useful when one wants to extract the exact word matching the extensions.

How can I move a tag on a git branch to a different commit?

I'll leave here just another form of this command that suited my needs.
There was a tag v0.0.1.2 that I wanted to move.

$ git tag -f v0.0.1.2 63eff6a

Updated tag 'v0.0.1.2' (was 8078562)

And then:

$ git push --tags --force

How to position two elements side by side using CSS

You have two options, either float:left or display:inline-block.

Both methods have their caveats. It seems that display:inline-block is more common nowadays, as it avoids some of the issues of floating.

Read this article or this one for a more in detail discussion.

How do I get sed to read from standard input?

use "-e" to specify the sed-expression

cat input.txt | sed -e 's/foo/bar/g'

Calling a javascript function recursively

Using Named Function Expressions:

You can give a function expression a name that is actually private and is only visible from inside of the function ifself:

var factorial = function myself (n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;
    return n * myself(n-1);
typeof myself === 'undefined'

Here myself is visible only inside of the function itself.

You can use this private name to call the function recursively.

See 13. Function Definition of the ECMAScript 5 spec:

The Identifier in a FunctionExpression can be referenced from inside the FunctionExpression's FunctionBody to allow the function to call itself recursively. However, unlike in a FunctionDeclaration, the Identifier in a FunctionExpression cannot be referenced from and does not affect the scope enclosing the FunctionExpression.

Please note that Internet Explorer up to version 8 doesn't behave correctly as the name is actually visible in the enclosing variable environment, and it references a duplicate of the actual function (see patrick dw's comment below).

Using arguments.callee:

Alternatively you could use arguments.callee to refer to the current function:

var factorial = function (n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;
    return n * arguments.callee(n-1);

The 5th edition of ECMAScript forbids use of arguments.callee() in strict mode, however:

(From MDN): In normal code arguments.callee refers to the enclosing function. This use case is weak: simply name the enclosing function! Moreover, arguments.callee substantially hinders optimizations like inlining functions, because it must be made possible to provide a reference to the un-inlined function if arguments.callee is accessed. arguments.callee for strict mode functions is a non-deletable property which throws when set or retrieved.

@Scope("prototype") bean scope not creating new bean

@controller is a singleton object, and if inject a prototype bean to a singleton class will make the prototype bean also as singleton unless u specify using lookup-method property which actually create a new instance of prototype bean for every call you make.

Ajax Upload image


<div class="rCol"> 
     <div id ="prv" style="height:auto; width:auto; float:left; margin-bottom: 28px; margin-left: 200px;"></div>
    <div class="rCol" style="clear:both;">

    <label > Upload Photo : </label> 
    <input type="file" id="file" name='file' onChange=" return submitForm();">
    <input type="hidden" id="filecount" value='0'>

Here is Ajax Code:

function submitForm() {

    var fcnt = $('#filecount').val();
    var fname = $('#filename').val();
    var imgclean = $('#file');
    data = new FormData();
    data.append('file', $('#file')[0].files[0]);

    var imgname  =  $('input[type=file]').val();
     var size  =  $('#file')[0].files[0].size;

    var ext =  imgname.substr( (imgname.lastIndexOf('.') +1) );
    if(ext=='jpg' || ext=='jpeg' || ext=='png' || ext=='gif' || ext=='PNG' || ext=='JPG' || ext=='JPEG')
      url: "<?php echo base_url() ?>/upload.php",
      type: "POST",
      data: data,
      enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
      processData: false,  // tell jQuery not to process the data
      contentType: false   // tell jQuery not to set contentType
    }).done(function(data) {
       if(data!='FILE_SIZE_ERROR' || data!='FILE_TYPE_ERROR' )
        fcnt = parseInt(fcnt)+1;
        var img = '<div class="dialog" id ="img_'+fcnt+'" ><img src="<?php echo base_url() ?>/local_cdn/'+data+'"><a href="#" id="rmv_'+fcnt+'" onclick="return removeit('+fcnt+')" class="close-classic"></a></div><input type="hidden" id="name_'+fcnt+'" value="'+data+'">';
          fname = fname+','+data;
          fname = data;
          imgclean.replaceWith( imgclean = imgclean.clone( true ) );
         imgclean.replaceWith( imgclean = imgclean.clone( true ) );
         alert('SORRY SIZE AND TYPE ISSUE');

    return false;
  }//end size
      imgclean.replaceWith( imgclean = imgclean.clone( true ) );//Its for reset the value of file type
    alert('Sorry File size exceeding from 1 Mb');
  }//end FILETYPE
     imgclean.replaceWith( imgclean = imgclean.clone( true ) );
    alert('Sorry Only you can uplaod JPEG|JPG|PNG|GIF file type ');
  }//end filecount
  {    imgclean.replaceWith( imgclean = imgclean.clone( true ) );
     alert('You Can not Upload more than 6 Photos');

Here is PHP code :

$filetype = array('jpeg','jpg','png','gif','PNG','JPEG','JPG');
   foreach ($_FILES as $key )

          $name =time().$key['name'];

          $file_ext =  pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
          if(in_array(strtolower($file_ext), $filetype))

             echo $name;

               echo "FILE_SIZE_ERROR";
            echo "FILE_TYPE_ERROR";
        }// Its simple code.Its not with proper validation.

Here upload and preview part done.Now if you want to delete and remove image from page and folder both then code is here for deletion. Ajax Part:

function removeit (arg) {
       var id  = arg;
       // GET FILE VALUE
       var fname = $('#filename').val();
       var fcnt = $('#filecount').val();
        // GET FILE VALUE


        var dname  =  $('#name_'+id).val();
        fcnt = parseInt(fcnt)-1;
        var fname = fname.replace(dname, "");
        var fname = fname.replace(",,", "");
          url: 'delete.php',
          type: 'POST',

Here is PHP part(delete.php):


     echo "Success";
     echo "Failed";

Deck of cards JAVA

Here is some code. It uses 2 classes ( and to accomplish this issue, and to top it off it auto sorts it for you when you create the deck object. :)

import java.util.*;

public class deck2 {
    ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>();

    String[] values = {"A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"};
    String[] suit = {"Club", "Spade", "Diamond", "Heart"};

    static boolean firstThread = true;
    public deck2(){
        for (int i = 0; i<suit.length; i++) {
            for(int j=0; j<values.length; j++){
        //shuffle the deck when its created


    public ArrayList<Card> getDeck(){
        return cards;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        deck2 deck = new deck2();

        //print out the deck.


//separate class

public class Card {

    private String suit;
    private String value;

    public Card(String suit, String value){
        this.suit = suit;
        this.value = value;
    public Card(){}
    public String getSuit(){
        return suit;
    public void setSuit(String suit){
        this.suit = suit;
    public String getValue(){
        return value;
    public void setValue(String value){
        this.value = value;

    public String toString(){
        return "\n"+value + " of "+ suit;

Change border color on <select> HTML form

I would consinder enclosing that select block within a div block and setting the border property like this:

<div style="border: 2px solid blue;">_x000D_
  <select style="width: 100%;">_x000D_
    <option value="Sal">Sal</option>_x000D_
    <option value="Awesome">Awesome!</option>_x000D_

You should be able to play with that to accomplish what you need.

Is there a way to disable initial sorting for jquery DataTables?

Try this:

$(document).ready( function () {
    "order": []

this will solve your problem.

UICollectionView - Horizontal scroll, horizontal layout?

If you need to set the UICollectionView scrolling Direction Horizental and you need to set cell width and height static. Please set the collectionview estimate size Automatic into None .

View The ScreenShot

Android Studio : unmappable character for encoding UTF-8

1/ Convert the file encoding
File -> Settings -> Editor -> File encodings -> set UTF-8 for

  • IDE Encoding
  • Project Encoding
  • Default encoding propertie file

Press OK

2/ Rebuild Project

Build -> Rebuild project

jQuery selector for the label of a checkbox

This should do it:


If you have non alphanumeric characters in your id then you must surround the attr value with quotes:


Eclipse: "'Periodic workspace save.' has encountered a pro?blem."

The solution that work for me is the following:

  1. Delete .metadata folder
  2. Restart eclipse

How do you make strings "XML safe"?

Adding this in case it helps someone.

As I am working with Japanese characters, encoding has also been set appropriately. However, from time to time, I find that htmlentities and htmlspecialchars are not sufficient.

Some user inputs contain special characters that are not stripped by the above functions. In those cases I have to do this:


This will also remove certain xml-unsafe control characters like Null character or EOT. You can use this table to determine which characters you wish to omit.

how to place last div into right top corner of parent div? (css)

You can simply add a right float to .block2 element and place it in the first position (this is very important).

Here is the code:

    <style type="text/css">
        .block1 {
            color: red;
            width: 100px;
            border: 1px solid green;
        .block2 {
            color: blue;
            width: 70px;
            border: 2px solid black;
            position: relative;
            float: right;
    <div class='block1'>
        <div class='block2'>block2</div>


sh: react-scripts: command not found after running npm start

npm install -g create-react-app

create-react-app my-app
cd my-app/
npm start

You install the create-react-app package globally. After that you run it and create a project called my-app. Enter your project folder and then run npm start. If that doesn't work try running npm install and then npm start. If that doesn't work as well, try updating your node version and/or npm.

Making a Bootstrap table column fit to content

Tested on Bootstrap 4.5 and 5.0

None of the solution works for me. The td last column still takes the full width. So here's the solution works.

Add table-fit to your table

table.table-fit {
    width: auto !important;
    table-layout: auto !important;
table.table-fit thead th, table.table-fit tfoot th {
    width: auto !important;
table.table-fit tbody td, table.table-fit tfoot td {
    width: auto !important;

Here's the one for sass uses.

@mixin width {
    width: auto !important;

table {
    &.table-fit {
        @include width;
        table-layout: auto !important;
        thead th, tfoot th  {
            @include width;
        tbody td, tfoot td {
            @include width;

How can I get the max (or min) value in a vector?

If you want to use the function std::max_element(), the way you have to do it is:

double max = *max_element(vector.begin(), vector.end());
cout<<"Max value: "<<max<<endl;

I hope this can help.

MySQL "ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table 'foo.#sql-12c_4' (errno: 150)"

I use Ubuntu linux, and in my case the error was caused by incorrect statement syntax (which I found out by typing perror 150 at the terminal, which gives

MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed

Changing the syntax of the query from

alter table scale add constraint foreign key (year_id) references;


alter table scale add constraint foreign key (year_id) references year(id);

fixed it.

How to implement class constants?

TypeScript 2.0 has the readonly modifier:

class MyClass {
    readonly myReadOnlyProperty = 1;

    myMethod() {
        this.myReadOnlyProperty = 5; // error, readonly

new MyClass().myReadOnlyProperty = 5; // error, readonly

It's not exactly a constant because it allows assignment in the constructor, but that's most likely not a big deal.

Alternative Solution

An alternative is to use the static keyword with readonly:

class MyClass {
    static readonly myReadOnlyProperty = 1;

    constructor() {
        MyClass.myReadOnlyProperty = 5; // error, readonly

    myMethod() {
        MyClass.myReadOnlyProperty = 5; // error, readonly

MyClass.myReadOnlyProperty = 5; // error, readonly

This has the benefit of not being assignable in the constructor and only existing in one place.

How do I create a Linked List Data Structure in Java?

Java has a LinkedList implementation, that you might wanna check out. You can download the JDK and it's sources at

Serializing PHP object to JSON

I spent some hours on the same problem. My object to convert contains many others whose definitions I'm not supposed to touch (API), so I've came up with a solution which could be slow I guess, but I'm using it for development purposes.

This one converts any object to array

function objToArr($o) {
$s = '<?php
class base {
    public static function __set_state($array) {
        return $array;
function __autoload($class) {
    eval("class $class extends base {}");
$a = '.var_export($o,true).';
$f = './tmp_'.uniqid().'.php';
$r = eval('return '.shell_exec('php -f '.$f).';');
return $r;

This converts any object to stdClass

class base {
    public static function __set_state($array) {
        return (object)$array;
function objToStd($o) {
$s = '<?php
class base {
    public static function __set_state($array) {
        $o = new self;
        foreach($array as $k => $v) $o->$k = $v;
        return $o;
function __autoload($class) {
    eval("class $class extends base {}");
$a = '.var_export($o,true).';
$f = './tmp_'.uniqid().'.php';
$r = eval('return '.shell_exec('php -f '.$f).';');
return $r;

XPath to select multiple tags

Not sure if this helps, but with XSL, I'd do something like:

<xsl:for-each select="a/b">
    <xsl:value-of select="c"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="d"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="e"/>

and won't this XPath select all children of B nodes:


How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?

This is an old question, but some new technology might help someone out.

If you have administrative access to the other server then you can use the opensource Forge project to accomplish your cross-domain POST. Forge provides a cross-domain JavaScript XmlHttpRequest wrapper that takes advantage of Flash's raw socket API. The POST can even be done over TLS.

The reason you need administrative access to the server you are POSTing to is because you must provide a cross-domain policy that permits access from your domain.

How to properly reference local resources in HTML?

  • A leading slash tells the browser to start at the root directory.
  • If you don't have the leading slash, you're referencing from the current directory.
  • If you add two dots before the leading slash, it means you're referencing the parent of the current directory.

Take the following folder structure

demo folder structure


  • the ROOT checkmark is green,
  • the second checkmark is orange,
  • the third checkmark is purple,
  • the forth checkmark is yellow

Now in the index.html.en file you'll want to put the following markup

    <img src="check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced from this current directory</span>

    <img src="/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm green because I'm referenced from the ROOT directory</span>

    <img src="subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm yellow because I'm referenced from the child of this current directory</span>

    <img src="/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm orange because I'm referenced from the child of the ROOT directory</span>

    <img src="../subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced from the parent of this current directory</span>

    <img src="subfolder/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm [broken] because there is no subfolder two children down from this current directory</span>

    <img src="/subfolder/subfolder/check_mark.png" />
    <span>I'm purple because I'm referenced two children down from the ROOT directory</span>

Now if you load up the index.html.en file located in the second subfolder

This will be your output

enter image description here

How do we determine the number of days for a given month in python

Just for the sake of academic interest, I did it this way...

(dt.replace(month = dt.month % 12 +1, day = 1)-timedelta(days=1)).day

Find OpenCV Version Installed on Ubuntu

You can look at the headers or libs installed. pkg-config can tell you where they are:

pkg-config --cflags opencv
pkg-config --libs opencv

Alternatively you can write a simple program and print the following defs:


A similar question has been also asked here:

Is it possible to register a http+domain-based URL Scheme for iPhone apps, like YouTube and Maps?

window.location = appurl;// fb://method/call..
!window.document.webkitHidden && setTimeout(function () {
    setTimeout(function () {
    window.location = weburl; //
    }, 100);
}, 600);

document.webkitHidden is to detect if your app is already invoked and current safari tab to going to the background, this code is from

Accessing dict_keys element by index in Python3

Call list() on the dictionary instead:

keys = list(test)

In Python 3, the dict.keys() method returns a dictionary view object, which acts as a set. Iterating over the dictionary directly also yields keys, so turning a dictionary into a list results in a list of all the keys:

>>> test = {'foo': 'bar', 'hello': 'world'}
>>> list(test)
['foo', 'hello']
>>> list(test)[0]

Windows batch - concatenate multiple text files into one

At its most basic, concatenating files from a batch file is done with 'copy'.

copy file1.txt + file2.txt + file3.txt concattedfile.txt

SQL conditional SELECT

You want the CASE statement:

    WHEN @SelectField1 = 1 THEN Field1
    WHEN @SelectField2 = 1 THEN Field2
  END AS NewField
FROM Table

EDIT: My example is for combining the two fields into one field, depending on the parameters supplied. It is a one-or-neither solution (not both). If you want the possibility of having both fields in the output, use Quassnoi's solution.

Css pseudo classes input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus

Instead of:

input:not(disabled)not:[type="submit"]:focus {}


input:not([disabled]):not([type="submit"]):focus {}

disabled is an attribute so it needs the brackets, and you seem to have mixed up/missing colons and parentheses on the :not() selector.


One thing to note: I may be wrong, but I don't think disabled inputs can normally receive focus, so that part may be redundant.

Alternatively, use :enabled

input:enabled:not([type="submit"]):focus { /* styles here */ }

Again, I can't think of a case where disabled input can receive focus, so it seems unnecessary.

How to throw an exception in C?

There's no built-in exception mechanism in C; you need to simulate exceptions and their semantics. This is usually achieved by relying on setjmp and longjmp.

There are quite a few libraries around, and I'm implementing yet another one. It's called exceptions4c; it's portable and free. You may take a look at it, and compare it against other alternatives to see which fits you most.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;

That method was added in Servlet 2.5.

So this problem can have at least 3 causes:

  1. The servlet container does not support Servlet 2.5.
  2. The web.xml is not declared conform Servlet 2.5 or newer.
  3. The webapp's runtime classpath is littered with servlet container specific JAR files of a different servlet container make/version which does not support Servlet 2.5.

To solve it,

  1. Make sure that your servlet container supports at least Servlet 2.5. That are at least Tomcat 6, Glassfish 2, JBoss AS 4.1, etcetera. Tomcat 5.5 for example supports at highest Servlet 2.4. If you can't upgrade Tomcat, then you'd need to downgrade Spring to a Servlet 2.4 compatible version.
  2. Make sure that the root declaration of web.xml complies Servlet 2.5 (or newer, at least the highest whatever your target runtime supports). For an example, see also somewhere halfway our servlets wiki page.
  3. Make sure that you don't have any servlet container specific libraries like servlet-api.jar or j2ee.jar in /WEB-INF/lib or even worse, the JRE/lib or JRE/lib/ext. They do not belong there. This is a pretty common beginner's mistake in an attempt to circumvent compilation errors in an IDE, see also How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?.

How to display an image from a path in MVC 4 and Razor view?

you can also try with this answer :

 <img src="~/Content/img/@Html.DisplayFor(model =>model.ImagePath)" style="height:200px;width:200px;"/>

How to get JSON response from http.Get

The results from json.Unmarshal (into var data interface{}) do not directly match your Go type and variable declarations. For example,

package main

import (

type Tracks struct {
    Toptracks []Toptracks_info

type Toptracks_info struct {
    Track []Track_info
    Attr  []Attr_info

type Track_info struct {
    Name       string
    Duration   string
    Listeners  string
    Mbid       string
    Url        string
    Streamable []Streamable_info
    Artist     []Artist_info
    Attr       []Track_attr_info

type Attr_info struct {
    Country    string
    Page       string
    PerPage    string
    TotalPages string
    Total      string

type Streamable_info struct {
    Text      string
    Fulltrack string

type Artist_info struct {
    Name string
    Mbid string
    Url  string

type Track_attr_info struct {
    Rank string

func get_content() {
    // json data
    url := ""
    url += "&limit=1" // limit data for testing
    res, err := http.Get(url)
    if err != nil {
    body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
    if err != nil {
    var data interface{} // TopTracks
    err = json.Unmarshal(body, &data)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Results: %v\n", data)

func main() {


Results: map[toptracks:map[track:map[name:Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams) listeners:1863 url: artist:map[name:Daft Punk mbid:056e4f3e-d505-4dad-8ec1-d04f521cbb56 url:] image:[map[#text: size:small] map[#text: size:medium] map[#text: size:large] map[#text: size:extralarge]] @attr:map[rank:1] duration:369 mbid: streamable:map[#text:1 fulltrack:0]] @attr:map[country:Netherlands page:1 perPage:1 totalPages:500 total:500]]]

How to store image in SQL Server database tables column

Insert Into FEMALE(ID, Image)
Select '1', BulkColumn 
from Openrowset (Bulk 'D:\thepathofimage.jpg', Single_Blob) as Image

You will also need admin rights to run the query.

Extracting a parameter from a URL in WordPress

When passing parameters through the URL you're able to retrieve the values as GET parameters.

Use this:

$variable = $_GET['param_name'];

//Or as you have it
$ppc = $_GET['ppc'];

It is safer to check for the variable first though:

if (isset($_GET['ppc'])) {
  $ppc = $_GET['ppc'];
} else {
  //Handle the case where there is no parameter

Here's a bit of reading on GET/POST params you should look at:

EDIT: I see this answer still gets a lot of traffic years after making it. Please read comments attached to this answer, especially input from @emc who details a WordPress function which accomplishes this goal securely.

SSH to Elastic Beanstalk instance

Depending on your environment configuration, you may not have a public IP address on the EC2 instance that was created for your environment. You can check by:

  1. Go to the EC2 Console
  2. Find your instance and check the Description tab
  3. If there is no Public IP...
  4. Click Elastic IPs on the Navigation
  5. Click Allocate new address
  6. Choose Amazon for the pool
  7. Click Allocate

Finally, select your new EIP and choose Associate address from the action menu. Associate that IP with your EC2 instance. You should be able to connect using eb ssh now.

You can reset the connection details by running eb ssh --setup.

ImportError: No module named model_selection

Your sklearn version is too low, model_selection is imported by 0.18.1, so please update the sklearn version.

C default arguments

Why can't we do this.

Give the optional argument a default value. In that way, the caller of the function don't necessarily need to pass the value of the argument. The argument takes the default value. And easily that argument becomes optional for the client.

For e.g.

void foo(int a, int b = 0);

Here b is an optional argument.

How to return a result from a VBA function

VBA functions treat the function name itself as a sort of variable. So instead of using a "return" statement, you would just say:

test = 1

Notice, though, that this does not break out of the function. Any code after this statement will also be executed. Thus, you can have many assignment statements that assign different values to test, and whatever the value is when you reach the end of the function will be the value returned.

How to do a non-greedy match in grep?

You're looking for a non-greedy (or lazy) match. To get a non-greedy match in regular expressions you need to use the modifier ? after the quantifier. For example you can change .* to .*?.

By default grep doesn't support non-greedy modifiers, but you can use grep -P to use the Perl syntax.

Return HTTP status code 201 in flask

You can read about it here.

return render_template('page.html'), 201

Where to put a textfile I want to use in eclipse?

Ask first yourself: Is your file an internal component of your application? (That usually implies that it's packed inside your JAR, or WAR if it is a web-app; typically, it's some configuration file or static resource, read-only).

If the answer is yes, you don't want to specify an absolute path for the file. But you neither want to access it with a relative path (as your example), because Java assumes that path is relative to the "current directory". Usually the preferred way for this scenario is to load it relatively from the classpath.

Java provides you the classLoader.getResource() method for doing this. And Eclipse (in the normal setup) assumes src/ is to be in the root of your classpath, so that, after compiling, it copies everything to your output directory ( bin/ ), the java files in compiled form ( .class ), the rest as is.

So, for example, if you place your file in src/Files/myfile.txt, it will be copied at compile time to bin/Files/myfile.txt ; and, at runtime, bin/ will be in (the root of) your classpath. So, by calling getResource("/Files/myfile.txt") (in some of its variants) you will be able to read it.

Edited: Further, if your file is conceptually tied to a java class (eg, some com.example.MyClass has a MyClass.cfg associated configuration file), you can use the getResource() method from the class and use a (resource) relative path: MyClass.getResource("MyClass.cfg"). The file then will be searched in the classpath, but with the class package pre-appended. So that, in this scenario, you'll typically place your MyClass.cfg and files in the same directory.

Redis: Show database size/size for keys

You might find it very useful to sample Redis keys and group them by type. Salvatore has written a tool called redis-sampler that issues about 10000 RANDOMKEY commands followed by a TYPE on retrieved keys. In a matter of seconds, or minutes, you should get a fairly accurate view of the distribution of key types.

I've written an extension (unfortunately not anywhere open-source because it's work related), that adds a bit of introspection of key names via regexs that give you an idea of what kinds of application keys (according to whatever naming structure you're using), are stored in Redis. Combined with the more general output of redis-sampler, this should give you an extremely good idea of what's going on.

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA? (100/100 Google page speed insight) loads google analitycs code only if user make a scroll of the page:

var fired = false;

window.addEventListener("scroll", function(){
    if ((document.documentElement.scrollTop != 0 && fired === false) || (document.body.scrollTop != 0 && fired === false)) {

        (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m{i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','//','ga');

        ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X', 'auto');
        ga('send', 'pageview');

        fired = true;
}, true);

Force Intellij IDEA to reread all maven dependencies

In the latest IntelliJ IDEA version (2020.1.3 Ultimate Edition), You need to to click this little guy that appears on the top right of the editor window after you make a change to the pom.xml

This little guy is too small and in an unnoticeable position. I liked the previous versions where an alert shows up in the bottom right. Still can't find the option to enable auto import in this version.

enter image description here

How to set layout_weight attribute dynamically from code?

If the constructor with width, height and weight is not working, try using the constructor with width and height. And then manually set the weight.

And if you want the width to be set according to the weight, set width as 0 in the constructor. Same applies for height. Below code works for me.

LinearLayout.LayoutParams childParam1 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
childParam1.weight = 0.3f;

LinearLayout.LayoutParams childParam2 = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(0,LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
childParam2.weight = 0.7f;


How to convert a Date to a formatted string in

you can do it using the format function, here is a sample:

Format(mydate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

Pass array to MySQL stored routine

This simulates a character array but you can substitute SUBSTR for ELT to simulate a string array

declare t_tipos varchar(255) default 'ABCDE';
declare t_actual char(1);
declare t_indice integer default 1;
while t_indice<length(t_tipos)+1 do
    set t_actual=SUBSTR(t_tipos,t_indice,1);
        select t_actual;
        set t_indice=t_indice+1;
end while;

Logout button php

Instead of a button, put a link and navigate it to another page

<a href="logout.php">Logout</a>

Then in logout.php page, use

header('Location: login.php');

Embed website into my site

Put content from other site in iframe

<iframe src="/othersiteurl" width="100%" height="300">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

Split column at delimiter in data frame

Just came across this question as it was linked in a recent question on SO.

Shameless plug of an answer: Use cSplit from my "splitstackshape" package:

df <- data.frame(ID=11:13, FOO=c('a|b','b|c','x|y'))
cSplit(df, "FOO", "|")
#   ID FOO_1 FOO_2
# 1 11     a     b
# 2 12     b     c
# 3 13     x     y

This particular function also handles splitting multiple columns, even if each column has a different delimiter:

df <- data.frame(ID=11:13, 
                 BAR = c("A*B", "B*C", "C*D"))
cSplit(df, c("FOO", "BAR"), c("|", "*"))
#   ID FOO_1 FOO_2 BAR_1 BAR_2
# 1 11     a     b     A     B
# 2 12     b     c     B     C
# 3 13     x     y     C     D

Essentially, it's a fancy convenience wrapper for using read.table(text = some_character_vector, sep = some_sep) and binding that output to the original data.frame. In other words, another A base R approach could be:

df <- data.frame(ID=11:13, FOO=c('a|b','b|c','x|y'))
cbind(df, read.table(text = as.character(df$FOO), sep = "|"))
  ID FOO V1 V2
1 11 a|b  a  b
2 12 b|c  b  c
3 13 x|y  x  y

Why do symbols like apostrophes and hyphens get replaced with black diamonds on my website?

Look at your actual html code and check that the weird symbols are not originating there. This issue came up when I started coding in Notepad++ halfway after coding in Notepad. It seems to me that the older version of Notepad I was using may have used different encoding to Notepad's++ UTF-8 encoding. After I transferred my code from Notepad to Notepad++, the apostrophes got replaced with weird symbols, so I simply had to remove the symbols from my Notepad++ code.

HTML CSS How to stop a table cell from expanding

This could be useful. Like another answer it is just CSS.

td {
    word-wrap: break-word;

How do I exit from the text window in Git?

First type


to enter the commit message then press ESC then type


to save the commit message and to quit. Or type


to quit without saving the message.

Best way to convert list to comma separated string in java

From Apache Commons library:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils


StringUtils.join(slist, ',');

Another similar question and answer here

Delete branches in Bitbucket

In addition to the answer given by @Marcus you can now also delete a remote branch via:

git push [remote-name] --delete [branch-name] 

How to fix "containing working copy admin area is missing" in SVN?

I had this problem when I was trying to add a directory to svn. I solved it by going into repo browser. Right clicking in the left window, choosing add folder and adding the directory directly in the repo browser.

I then deleted the directory locally (after backup of course) did a clean up and svn update and everything was working again.

Improve INSERT-per-second performance of SQLite

Avoid sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt).

The code in the test sets the bindings every time through which should be enough.

The C API intro from the SQLite docs says:

Prior to calling sqlite3_step() for the first time or immediately after sqlite3_reset(), the application can invoke the sqlite3_bind() interfaces to attach values to the parameters. Each call to sqlite3_bind() overrides prior bindings on the same parameter

There is nothing in the docs for sqlite3_clear_bindings saying you must call it in addition to simply setting the bindings.

More detail: Avoid_sqlite3_clear_bindings()

When and why to 'return false' in JavaScript?

When a return statement is called in a function, the execution of this function is stopped. If specified, a given value is returned to the function caller. If the expression is omitted, undefined is returned instead.

For more take a look at the MDN docs page for return.

Using Java 8 to convert a list of objects into a string obtained from the toString() method

Also, you can do like this.

    List<String> list = Arrays.asList("One", "Two", "Three");
    String result = String.join(", ", list);

PHP PDO: charset, set names?

I just want to add that you have to make sure your database is created with COLLATE utf8_general_ci or whichever collation you want to use, Else you might end up with another one than intended.

In phpmyadmin you can see the collation by clicking your database and choose operations. If you try create tables with another collation than your database, your tables will end up with the database collation anyways.

So make sure the collation for your database is right before creating tables. Hope this saves someone a few hours lol

Kotlin Error : Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jre7:1.0.7

If you are using Android Studio 3.2 & above,then issue will be solved by adding google() & jcenter() to build.gradle of the project:

repositories {

Eclipse Java Missing required source folder: 'src'

If you are facing an error with the folder, such as src/test/java or src/test/resources, just do a right click on the folder and then create a a new folder with the name being src/test/java. This should solve your problem.

MySQL/SQL: Group by date only on a Datetime column

Cast the datetime to a date, then GROUP BY using this syntax:

SELECT SUM(foo), DATE(mydate) FROM a_table GROUP BY DATE(a_table.mydate);

Or you can GROUP BY the alias as @orlandu63 suggested:

SELECT SUM(foo), DATE(mydate) DateOnly FROM a_table GROUP BY DateOnly;

Though I don't think it'll make any difference to performance, it is a little clearer.

RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide

You are dividing by rr which may be 0.0. Check if rr is zero and do something reasonable other than using it in the denominator.

Printing all global variables/local variables?

In case you want to see the local variables of a calling function use select-frame before info locals


(gdb) bt
#0  0xfec3c0b5 in _lwp_kill () from /lib/
#1  0xfec36f39 in thr_kill () from /lib/
#2  0xfebe3603 in raise () from /lib/
#3  0xfebc2961 in abort () from /lib/
#4  0xfebc2bef in _assert_c99 () from /lib/
#5  0x08053260 in main (argc=1, argv=0x8047958) at ber.c:480
(gdb) info locals
No symbol table info available.
(gdb) select-frame 5
(gdb) info locals
i = 28

Sublime text 3. How to edit multiple lines?

Thank you for all answers! I found it! It calls "Column selection (for Sublime)" and "Column Mode Editing (for Notepad++)"

How to POST JSON request using Apache HttpClient?

Apache HttpClient doesn't know anything about JSON, so you'll need to construct your JSON separately. To do so, I recommend checking out the simple JSON-java library from (If "JSON-java" doesn't suit you, has a big list of libraries available in different languages.)

Once you've generated your JSON, you can use something like the code below to POST it

StringRequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(

PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod("");

int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(postMethod);


Note - The above answer, as asked for in the question, applies to Apache HttpClient 3.1. However, to help anyone looking for an implementation against the latest Apache client:

StringEntity requestEntity = new StringEntity(

HttpPost postMethod = new HttpPost("");

HttpResponse rawResponse = httpclient.execute(postMethod);

Remove "Using default security password" on Spring Boot

If you are declaring your configs in a separate package, make sure you add component scan like this :


    public class MyApplication {

        public static void main(String[] args) {
  , args);


You may also need to add @component annotation in the config class like so :

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

  1. Also clear browser cache and run spring boot app in incognito mode

How To Get The Current Year Using Vba


Year(): Returns the year portion of the date argument.
Date: Current date only.

Explanation of both of these functions from here.

Why does git perform fast-forward merges by default?

Let me expand a bit on a VonC's very comprehensive answer:

First, if I remember it correctly, the fact that Git by default doesn't create merge commits in the fast-forward case has come from considering single-branch "equal repositories", where mutual pull is used to sync those two repositories (a workflow you can find as first example in most user's documentation, including "The Git User's Manual" and "Version Control by Example"). In this case you don't use pull to merge fully realized branch, you use it to keep up with other work. You don't want to have ephemeral and unimportant fact when you happen to do a sync saved and stored in repository, saved for the future.

Note that usefulness of feature branches and of having multiple branches in single repository came only later, with more widespread usage of VCS with good merging support, and with trying various merge-based workflows. That is why for example Mercurial originally supported only one branch per repository (plus anonymous tips for tracking remote branches), as seen in older revisions of "Mercurial: The Definitive Guide".

Second, when following best practices of using feature branches, namely that feature branches should all start from stable version (usually from last release), to be able to cherry-pick and select which features to include by selecting which feature branches to merge, you are usually not in fast-forward situation... which makes this issue moot. You need to worry about creating a true merge and not fast-forward when merging a very first branch (assuming that you don't put single-commit changes directly on 'master'); all other later merges are of course in non fast-forward situation.


Combining two sorted lists in Python

from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter

class DT:
    def __init__(self, dt):
        self.dt = dt

list1 = [DT(datetime(2008, 12, 5, 2)),
         DT(datetime(2009, 1, 1, 13)),
         DT(datetime(2009, 1, 3, 5))]

list2 = [DT(datetime(2008, 12, 31, 23)),
         DT(datetime(2009, 1, 2, 12)),
         DT(datetime(2009, 1, 4, 15))]

list3 = sorted(chain(list1, list2), key=attrgetter('dt'))
for item in list3:
    print item.dt

The output:

2008-12-05 02:00:00
2008-12-31 23:00:00
2009-01-01 13:00:00
2009-01-02 12:00:00
2009-01-03 05:00:00
2009-01-04 15:00:00

I bet this is faster than any of the fancy pure-Python merge algorithms, even for large data. Python 2.6's heapq.merge is a whole another story.

How to set character limit on the_content() and the_excerpt() in wordpress

I know this post is a bit old, but thought I would add the functions I use that take into account any filters and any <![CDATA[some stuff]]> content you want to safely exclude.

Simply add to your functions.php file and use anywhere you would like, such as:





//limit excerpt
function excerpt($limit) {
  $excerpt = explode(' ', get_the_excerpt(), $limit);
  if (count($excerpt)>=$limit) {
    $excerpt = implode(" ",$excerpt).'...';
  } else {
    $excerpt = implode(" ",$excerpt);
  $excerpt = preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`','',$excerpt);
  return $excerpt;

//limit content 
function content($limit) {
  $content = explode(' ', get_the_content(), $limit);
  if (count($content)>=$limit) {
    $content = implode(" ",$content).'...';
  } else {
    $content = implode(" ",$content);
  $content = preg_replace('/\[.+\]/','', $content);
  $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); 
  $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $content);
  return $content;

Programmatically extract contents of InstallShield setup.exe

Usage: isxunpack.exe yourinstallshield.exe

It will extract in the same folder.

How to configure SMTP settings in web.config

I don't have enough rep to answer ClintEastwood, and the accepted answer is correct for the Web.config file. Adding this in for code difference.

When your mailSettings are set on Web.config, you don't need to do anything other than new up your SmtpClient and .Send. It finds the connection itself without needing to be referenced. You would change your C# from this:

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient("", Convert.ToInt32(587));
System.Net.NetworkCredential credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password");
smtpClient.Credentials = credentials;

To this:

SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();

How to pass parameter to a promise function

You can use .bind() to pass the param(this) to the function.

var someFunction =function(resolve, reject) {
  /* get username, password*/
  var username=this.username;
  var password=this.password;
  if ( /* everything turned out fine */ ) {
    resolve("Stuff worked!");
  } else {
    reject(Error("It broke"));
var promise=new Promise(someFunction.bind({username:"your username",password:"your password"}));

Setting focus on an HTML input box on page load

You could also use:

<body onload="focusOnInput()">
    <form name="passwordForm" action="verify.php" method="post">
        <input name="passwordInput" type="password" />

And then in your JavaScript:

function focusOnInput() {

How do I use jQuery to redirect?

You forgot the HTTP part:

window.location.href = "";

Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart

the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart means that there have been changes on the remote branch that you don’t have locally. and git tells you import new changes from REMOTE and merge it with your code and then push it to remote.

You can use this command to force changes to server with local repo ().

git push -f origin master

with -f tag you will override Remote Brach code with your code.

Is there any way of configuring Eclipse IDE proxy settings via an autoproxy configuration script?

In Netbeans, we can use Tools->Options-> General Tab - > Under proxy settings, select Use system proxy settings.

This way, it uses the proxy settings provided in Settings -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan Settings -> use automatic configuration scripts.

If you are using maven, make sure the proxy settings are not provided there, so that it uses Netbeans settings provided above for proxy.

Hope this helps.


Twitter Bootstrap button click to toggle expand/collapse text section above button


<h4 data-toggle-selector="#me">toggle</h4>
<div id="me">content here</div>


$(function () {
    $('[data-toggle-selector]').on('click',function () {

ASP.Net MVC: Calling a method from a view

Building on Amine's answer, create a helper like:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString CurrencyFormat(this HtmlHelper helper, string value)
        var result = string.Format("{0:C2}", value);
        return new MvcHtmlString(result);

in your view: use @Html.CurrencyFormat(model.value)

If you are doing simple formating like Standard Numeric Formats, then simple use string.Format() in your view like in the helper example above:

@string.Format("{0:C2}", model.value)

How can I search an array in VB.NET?


Dim arr() As String = {"ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh"}
Dim result = arr.Where(Function(a) a.Contains("ra")).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray()


string[] arr = { "ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh" };
var result = arr.Where(a => a.Contains("Ra")).Select(a => Array.IndexOf(arr, a)).ToArray();


Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim arr() As String = {"ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh"}
        Dim searchStr = "ra"
        'Not case sensitive - checks if item starts with searchStr
        Dim result1 = arr.Where(Function(a) a.ToLower.StartsWith(searchStr)).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray
        'Case sensitive - checks if item starts with searchStr
        Dim result2 = arr.Where(Function(a) a.StartsWith(searchStr)).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray
        'Not case sensitive - checks if item contains searchStr
        Dim result3 = arr.Where(Function(a) a.ToLower.Contains(searchStr)).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray
    End Sub

End Module

CakePHP find method with JOIN

There are two main ways that you can do this. One of them is the standard CakePHP way, and the other is using a custom join.

It's worth pointing out that this advice is for CakePHP 2.x, not 3.x.

The CakePHP Way

You would create a relationship with your User model and Messages Model, and use the containable behavior:

class User extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $hasMany = array('Message');

class Message extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $belongsTo = array('User');

You need to change the messages.from column to be messages.user_id so that cake can automagically associate the records for you.

Then you can do this from the messages controller:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'contain' => array('User')
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

The (other) CakePHP way

I recommend using the first method, because it will save you a lot of time and work. The first method also does the groundwork of setting up a relationship which can be used for any number of other find calls and conditions besides the one you need now. However, cakePHP does support a syntax for defining your own joins. It would be done like this, from the MessagesController:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'joins' => array(
            'table' => 'users',
            'alias' => 'UserJoin',
            'type' => 'INNER',
            'conditions' => array(
                ' = Message.from'
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'fields' => array('UserJoin.*', 'Message.*'),
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

Note, I've left the field name messages.from the same as your current table in this example.

Using two relationships to the same model

Here is how you can do the first example using two relationships to the same model:

class User extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $hasMany = array(
        'MessagesSent' => array(
            'className'  => 'Message',
            'foreignKey' => 'from'
    public $belongsTo = array(
        'MessagesReceived' => array(
            'className'  => 'Message',
            'foreignKey' => 'to'

class Message extends AppModel {
    public $actsAs = array('Containable');
    public $belongsTo = array(
        'UserFrom' => array(
            'className'  => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'from'
    public $hasMany = array(
        'UserTo' => array(
            'className'  => 'User',
            'foreignKey' => 'to'

Now you can do your find call like this:

$this->Message->find('all', array(
    'contain' => array('UserFrom')
    'conditions' => array(
        '' => 4
    'order' => 'Message.datetime DESC'

Regex Match all characters between two strings

Try This is[\s\S]*sentence, works in javascript

Where are shared preferences stored?

Shared Preferences are the key/value pairs that we can store. They are internal type of storage which means we do not have to create an external database to store it. To see it go to, 1) Go to View in the menu bar. Select Tool Windows. 2) Click on Device File Explorer. 3) Device File Explorer opens up in the right hand side. 4) Find the data folder and click on it. 5) In the data folder, you can select another data folder. 6) Try to search for your package name in this data folder. Ex: 7) Then Click on shared_prefs and open the .xml file.

Hope this helps!

IsNothing versus Is Nothing

I find that Patrick Steele answered this question best on his blog: Avoiding IsNothing()

I did not copy any of his answer here, to ensure Patrick Steele get's credit for his post. But I do think if you're trying to decide whether to use Is Nothing or IsNothing you should read his post. I think you'll agree that Is Nothing is the best choice.

Edit - VoteCoffe's comment here

Partial article contents: After reviewing more code I found out another reason you should avoid this: It accepts value types! Obviously, since IsNothing() is a function that accepts an 'object', you can pass anything you want to it. If it's a value type, .NET will box it up into an object and pass it to IsNothing -- which will always return false on a boxed value! The VB.NET compiler will check the "Is Nothing" style syntax and won't compile if you attempt to do an "Is Nothing" on a value type. But the IsNothing() function compiles without complaints. -PSteele – VoteCoffee

error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type ‘int&’ from an rvalue of type ‘int’

12 is a compile-time constant which can not be changed unlike the data referenced by int&. What you can do is

const int& z = 12;

Extracting jar to specified directory

There is no such option available in jar command itself. Look into the documentation:

-C dir Temporarily changes directories (cd dir) during execution of the jar command while processing the following inputfiles argument. Its operation is intended to be similar to the -C option of the UNIX tar utility. For example: jar uf foo.jar -C classes bar.class changes to the classes directory and add the bar.class from that directory to foo.jar. The following command, jar uf foo.jar -C classes . -C bin xyz.class changes to the classes directory and adds to foo.jar all files within the classes directory (without creating a classes directory in the jar file), then changes back to the original directory before changing to the bin directory to add xyz.class to foo.jar. If classes holds files bar1 and bar2, then here's what the jar file contains using jar tf foo.jar: META-INF/





How to remove unused dependencies from composer?

In fact, it is very easy.

composer update

will do all this for you, but it will also update the other packages.

To remove a package without updating the others, specifiy that package in the command, for instance:

composer update monolog/monolog

will remove the monolog/monolog package.

Nevertheless, there may remain some empty folders or files that cannot be removed automatically, and that have to be removed manually.

Jump into interface implementation in Eclipse IDE

Press Ctrl + T on the method name (rather than F3). This gives the type hierarchy as a pop-up so is slightly faster than using F4 and the type hierarchy view.

Also, when done on a method, subtypes that don't implement/override the method will be greyed out, and when you double click on a class in the list it will take you straight to the method in that class.

Yarn install command error No such file or directory: 'install'

Just copy and paste this code one after on your terminal It worked perfectly well for me.

sudo apt remove cmdtest
sudo apt remove yarn
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install yarn -y

UINavigationBar custom back button without title

This works, but it will remove the title of the previous item, even if you pop back to it:

self.navigationController.navigationBar.topItem.title = @"";

Just set this property on viewDidLoad of the pushed View Controller.

How can I pull from remote Git repository and override the changes in my local repository?

As an addendum, if you want to reapply your changes on top of the remote, you can also try:

git pull --rebase origin master

If you then want to undo some of your changes (but perhaps not all of them) you can use:

git reset SHA_HASH

Then do some adjustment and recommit.

See line breaks and carriage returns in editor

VI shows newlines (LF character, code x0A) by showing the subsequent text on the next line.

Use the -b switch for binary mode. Eg vi -b filename or vim -b filename --.

It will then show CR characters (x0D), which are not normally used in Unix style files, as the characters ^M.

How do I give text or an image a transparent background using CSS?

For a simple semi-transparent background color, the above solutions (CSS3 or bg images) are the best options. However, if you want to do something fancier (e.g. animation, multiple backgrounds, etc.), or if you don't want to rely on CSS3, you can try the “pane technique”:

.pane, .pane > .back, .pane > .cont { display: block; }

.pane {
    position: relative;

.pane > .back {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%; height: 100%;
    top: auto; bottom: auto; left: auto; right: auto;

.pane > .cont {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 10;
<p class="pane">
    <span class="back" style="background-color: green; opacity: 0.6;"></span>
    <span class="cont" style="color: white;">Hello world</span>

The technique works by using two “layers” inside of the outer pane element:

  • one (the “back”) that fits the size of the pane element without affecting the flow of content,
  • and one (the “cont”) that contains the content and helps determine the size of the pane.

The position: relative on pane is important; it tells back layer to fit to the pane's size. (If you need the <p> tag to be absolute, change the pane from a <p> to a <span> and wrap all that in a absolutely-position <p> tag.)

The main advantage this technique has over similar ones listed above is that the pane doesn't have to be a specified size; as coded above, it will fit full-width (normal block-element layout) and only as high as the content. The outer pane element can be sized any way you please, as long as it's rectangular (i.e. inline-block will work; plain-old inline will not).

Also, it gives you a lot of freedom for the background; you're free to put really anything in the back element and have it not affect the flow of content (if you want multiple full-size sub-layers, just make sure they also have position: absolute, width/height: 100%, and top/bottom/left/right: auto).

One variation to allow background inset adjustment (via top/bottom/left/right) and/or background pinning (via removing one of the left/right or top/bottom pairs) is to use the following CSS instead:

.pane > .back {
    position: absolute;
    width: auto; height: auto;
    top: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px;

As written, this works in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE8+, and Opera, although IE7 and IE6 require extra CSS and expressions, IIRC, and last time I checked, the second CSS variation does not work in Opera.

Things to watch out for:

  • Floating elements inside of the cont layer will not be contained. You'll need to make sure they are cleared or otherwise contained, or they'll slip out of the bottom.
  • Margins go on the pane element and padding goes on the cont element. Don't do use the opposite (margins on the cont or padding on the pane) or you'll discover oddities such as the page always being slightly wider than the browser window.
  • As mentioned, the whole thing needs to be block or inline-block. Feel free to use <div>s instead of <span>s to simplify your CSS.

A fuller demo, showing off the flexiblity of this technique by using it in tandem with display: inline-block, and with both auto & specific widths/min-heights:

.pane, .pane > .back, .pane > .cont { display: block; }_x000D_
.pane {_x000D_
 position: relative;_x000D_
 width: 175px; min-height: 100px;_x000D_
 margin: 8px;_x000D_
.pane > .back {_x000D_
 position: absolute; z-index: 1;_x000D_
 width: auto; height: auto;_x000D_
 top: 8px; bottom: 8px; left: 8px; right: 8px;_x000D_
.pane > .cont {_x000D_
 position: relative; z-index: 10;_x000D_
.debug_red { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75); }_x000D_
.debug_green { background: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75); }_x000D_
.debug_blue { background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5); border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.75); }
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left; display: inline-block; width: auto;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_
<p class="pane debug_blue" style="float: left; display: inline-block; width: auto; min-height: auto;">_x000D_
 <span class="back debug_green"></span>_x000D_
 <span class="cont debug_red">_x000D_
  Pane content.<br/>_x000D_
  Pane content._x000D_

And here's a live demo of the technique being used extensively: screenshot

SELECT INTO using Oracle

If NEW_TABLE already exists then ...

insert into new_table 
select * from old_table

If you want to create NEW_TABLE based on the records in OLD_TABLE ...

create table new_table as 
select * from old_table

If the purpose is to create a new but empty table then use a WHERE clause with a condition which can never be true:

create table new_table as 
select * from old_table
where 1 = 2

Remember that CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT creates only a table with the same projection as the source table. The new table does not have any constraints, triggers or indexes which the original table might have. Those still have to be added manually (if they are required).

Open Google Chrome from VBA/Excel

I found an easier way to do it and it works perfectly even if you don't know the path where the chrome is located.

First of all, you have to paste this code in the top of the module.

Option Explicit
Private pWebAddress As String
Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

After that you have to create this two modules:

Sub LoadExplorer()
    LoadFile "Chrome.exe" ' Here you are executing the chrome. exe
End Sub

Sub LoadFile(FileName As String)
    ShellExecute 0, "Open", FileName, "http://test.123", "", 1 ' You can change the URL.
End Sub

With this you will be able (if you want) to set a variable for the url or just leave it like hardcode.

Ps: It works perfectly for others browsers just changing "Chrome.exe" to opera, bing, etc.

Execute Python script via crontab

As you have mentioned it doesn't change anything.

First, you should redirect both standard input and standard error from the crontab execution like below:

*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/souza/Documets/Listener/ > /tmp/listener.log 2>&1

Then you can view the file /tmp/listener.log to see if the script executed as you expected.

Second, I guess what you mean by change anything is by watching the files created by your program:

f = file('counter', 'r+w')
json_file = file('json_file_create_server.json', 'r+w')

The crontab job above won't create these file in directory /home/souza/Documets/Listener, as the cron job is not executed in this directory, and you use relative path in the program. So to create this file in directory /home/souza/Documets/Listener, the following cron job will do the trick:

*/2 * * * * cd /home/souza/Documets/Listener && /usr/bin/python > /tmp/listener.log 2>&1

Change to the working directory and execute the script from there, and then you can view the files created in place.

How to connect wireless network adapter to VMWare workstation?

  1. Add a local loop network in your normal PC (search google how to)
  2. Click start -> type "ncpa.cpl" hit enter to open network connections.
  3. While pressing Ctrl key, select both your wireless and recently created local loop network. right click on it and create the bridge.
  4. Now in virtual network editor in vmware, select the network with type "Bridged" and change Bridged to option to the recently created bridge.

You will then have access to network via wifi card.

Capture characters from standard input without waiting for enter to be pressed

The closest thing to portable is to use the ncurses library to put the terminal into "cbreak mode". The API is gigantic; the routines you'll want most are

  • initscr and endwin
  • cbreak and nocbreak
  • getch

Good luck!

What is the default access specifier in Java?

There is an access modifier called "default" in JAVA, which allows direct instance creation of that entity only within that package.

Here is a useful link:

Java Access Modifiers/Specifiers

Nginx 403 forbidden for all files

One permission requirement that is often overlooked is a user needs x permissions in every parent directory of a file to access that file. Check the permissions on /, /home, /home/demo, etc. for www-data x access. My guess is that /home is probably 770 and www-data can't chdir through it to get to any subdir. If it is, try chmod o+x /home (or whatever dir is denying the request).

EDIT: To easily display all the permissions on a path, you can use namei -om /path/to/check

Extract string between two strings in java

Your regex looks correct, but you're splitting with it instead of matching with it. You want something like this:

// Untested code
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<%=(.*?)%>").matcher(str);
while (matcher.find()) {

Change input value onclick button - pure javascript or jQuery

Try This(Simple javascript):-

 <!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
          function change(value){_x000D_
          document.getElementById("count").value= 500*value;_x000D_
          document.getElementById("totalValue").innerHTML= "Total price: $" + 500*value;_x000D_
          Product price: $500_x000D_
          <div id= "totalValue">Total price: $500 </div>_x000D_
          <input type="button" onclick="change(2)" value="2&#x00A;Qty">_x000D_
          <input type="button" onclick="change(4)" value="4&#x00A;Qty">_x000D_
          Total <input type="text" id="count" value="1">_x000D_

Hope this will help you..

Laravel 4: how to "order by" using Eloquent ORM

This is how I would go about it.

$posts = $this->post->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->get();

git: updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally

git pull --rebase origin master

git push origin master

git push -f origin master

Warning git push -f origin master

  • forcefully pushes on existing repository and also delete previous repositories so if you don`t need previous versions than this might be helpful

FileNotFoundException while getting the InputStream object from HttpURLConnection

FileNotFound in this case means you got a 404 from your server

You Have to Set the Request Content-Type Header Parameter Set “content-type” request header to “application/json” to send the request content in JSON form.

This parameter has to be set to send the request body in JSON format.

Failing to do so, the server returns HTTP status code “400-bad request”.

con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; utf-8");

Full Script ->

public class SendDeviceDetails extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

    String data = "";
    String url = "";

    HttpURLConnection con = null;
    try {

        // From the above URL object,
        // we can invoke the openConnection method to get the HttpURLConnection object.
        // We can't instantiate HttpURLConnection directly, as it's an abstract class:
        con = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(url).openConnection();
        //To send a POST request, we'll have to set the request method property to POST:

        // Set the Request Content-Type Header Parameter
        // Set “content-type” request header to “application/json” to send the request content in JSON form.
        // This parameter has to be set to send the request body in JSON format.
        //Failing to do so, the server returns HTTP status code “400-bad request”.
        con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; utf-8");
        //Set Response Format Type
        //Set the “Accept” request header to “application/json” to read the response in the desired format:
        con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");

        //To send request content, let's enable the URLConnection object's doOutput property to true.
        //Otherwise, we'll not be able to write content to the connection output stream:

        //JSON String need to be constructed for the specific resource.
        //We may construct complex JSON using any third-party JSON libraries such as jackson or org.json
        String jsonInputString = params[0];

        try(OutputStream os = con.getOutputStream()){
            byte[] input = jsonInputString.getBytes("utf-8");
            os.write(input, 0, input.length);

        int code = con.getResponseCode();

        //Get the input stream to read the response content.
        // Remember to use try-with-resources to close the response stream automatically.
        try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream(), "utf-8"))){
            StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
            String responseLine = null;
            while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        if (con != null) {

    return data;

protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
    Log.e("TAG", result); // this is expecting a response code to be sent from your server upon receiving the POST data

and call it

new SendDeviceDetails().execute("");

you can find more details in this tutorial

How to create a dynamic array of integers

int* array = new int[size];

Question mark characters displaying within text, why is this?

I had this issue so I just took all my content, copy/pasted it into notepad, made a new php file, pasted back in, re-saved and overwrote, and.. that worked! It really was some relic of Microsoft Word editing...

How do I change data-type of pandas data frame to string with a defined format?

I'm unable to reproduce your problem but have you tried converting it to an integer first?

image_name_data['id'] = image_name_data['id'].astype(int).astype('str')

Then, regarding your more general question you could use map (as in this answer). In your case:

image_name_data['id'] = image_name_data['id'].map('{:.0f}'.format)

Currency formatting in Python

My locale settings seemed incomplete, so I had too look beyond this SO answer and found:


Just wanted to share here.

How to escape % in String.Format?

Here's an option if you need to escape multiple %'s in a string with some already escaped.


To sanitise the message before passing it to String.format, you can use the following

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:[^%]|^)(?:(%%)+|)(%)(?:[^%])");
Matcher m1 = p.matcher(log);

StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
while (m1.find())
    m1.appendReplacement(buf, log.substring(m1.start(), m1.start(2)) + "%%" + log.substring(m1.end(2), m1.end()));

// Return the sanitised message
String escapedString = m1.appendTail(buf).toString();

This works with any number of formatting characters, so it will replace % with %%, %%% with %%%%, %%%%% with %%%%%% etc.

It will leave any already escaped characters alone (e.g. %%, %%%% etc.)

The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called

I ran into this issue as well on MacOS while remote debugging Selenium test code on port 5005. The problem turned out to be caused by a leftover surefire-forked-JVM that remained running. Log output to the Eclipse IDE terminal did not show the underlying issue which was Address already in use. The log message was only shown when I ran the same command in a MacOS terminal that Eclipse was actually trying to run:

/bin/sh -c cd /path/to/your/project/directory && /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 -jar /path/to/target/surefire/surefirebooter230340673926465933.jar /path/to/target/surefire 2019-06-28T10-50-02_140-jvmRun1 surefire6455775580414993159tmp surefire_02461993428448591420tmp

Killing the rogue JVM instance (look for a java process name in Activity Monitor) fixed the issue. By the way I am running the surefire plugin version 2.21.0 with no issues with open jdk 8 (v1.8.0_212). Note that all paths will be specific to your build environment and possibly the port (address=5005).

Simple (I think) Horizontal Line in WPF?

Use a Border of height 1 and don't set the Width (i.e. Width = Auto, HorizontalAlignment = Stretch, the default)

typedef fixed length array

To use the array type properly as a function argument or template parameter, make a struct instead of a typedef, then add an operator[] to the struct so you can keep the array like functionality like so:

typedef struct type24 {
  char& operator[](int i) { return byte[i]; }
  char byte[3];
} type24;

type24 x;
x[2] = 'r';
char c = x[2];

Reading a file character by character in C

Either of the two should do the trick -

char *readFile(char *fileName)
  FILE *file;
  char *code = malloc(1000 * sizeof(char));
  char *p = code;
  file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    *p++ = (char)fgetc(file);
  } while(*p != EOF);
  *p = '\0';
  return code;

char *readFile(char *fileName)
  FILE *file;
  int i = 0;
  char *code = malloc(1000 * sizeof(char));
  file = fopen(fileName, "r");
    code[i++] = (char)fgetc(file);
  } while(code[i-1] != EOF);
  code[i] = '\0'
  return code;

Like the other posters have pointed out, you need to ensure that the file size does not exceed 1000 characters. Also, remember to free the memory when you're done using it.

Convert a float64 to an int in Go

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
  var x float64 = 5.7
  var y int = int(x)
  fmt.Println(y)  // outputs "5"

Android: Create a toggle button with image and no text

I know this is a little late, however for anyone interested, I've created a custom component that is basically a toggle image button, the drawable can have states as well as the background

How can I convert ticks to a date format?

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        long myTicks = 633896886277130000;
        DateTime dtime = new DateTime(myTicks);
        MessageBox.Show(dtime.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy"));


September 27, 2009

Is that what you need?

I don't see how that format is necessarily easy to work with in SQL queries, though.

Java Can't connect to X11 window server using 'localhost:10.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

First do this either in Build Phase of Jenkins if using or set in /etc/profile:

export DISPLAY=:0

then set this property either in java code or using maven: -Djava.awt.headless=false

TypeScript, Looping through a dictionary

If you just for in a object without if statement hasOwnProperty then you will get error from linter like:

for (const key in myobj) {
WARNING in component.ts
for (... in ...) statements must be filtered with an if statement

So the solutions is use Object.keys and of instead.

for (const key of Object.keys(myobj)) {

Hope this helper some one using a linter.

What is the OR operator in an IF statement

|| is the conditional OR operator in C#

You probably had a hard time finding it because it's difficult to search for something whose name you don't know. Next time try doing a Google search for "C# Operators" and look at the logical operators.

Here is a list of C# operators.

My code is:

if (title == "User greeting" || "User name") {do stuff};

and my error is:

Error 1 Operator '||' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'string' C:\Documents and Settings\Sky View Barns\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\FOL Ministry\FOL Ministry\Downloader.cs 63 21 FOL Ministry

You need to do this instead:

if (title == "User greeting" || title == "User name") {do stuff};

The OR operator evaluates the expressions on both sides the same way. In your example, you are operating on the expression title == "User greeting" (a bool) and the expression "User name" (a string). These can't be combined directly without a cast or conversion, which is why you're getting the error.

In addition, it is worth noting that the || operator uses "short-circuit evaluation". This means that if the first expression evaluates to true, the second expression is not evaluated because it doesn't have to be - the end result will always be true. Sometimes you can take advantage of this during optimization.

One last quick note - I often write my conditionals with nested parentheses like this:

if ((title == "User greeting") || (title == "User name")) {do stuff};

This way I can control precedence and don't have to worry about the order of operations. It's probably overkill here, but it's especially useful when the logic gets complicated.

List of special characters for SQL LIKE clause

You should add that you have to add an extra ' to escape an exising ' in SQL Server:

smith's -> smith''s

Importing a long list of constants to a Python file

And ofcourse you can do:


from a import *

When is a C++ destructor called?

Whenever you use "new", that is, attach an address to a pointer, or to say, you claim space on the heap, you need to "delete" it.
1.yes, when you delete something, the destructor is called.
2.When the destructor of the linked list is called, it's objects' destructor is called. But if they are pointers, you need to delete them manually. 3.when the space is claimed by "new".

jQuery: How to get the HTTP status code from within the $.ajax.error method?

You should create a map of actions using the statusCode setting:

  statusCode: {
    400: function() {
      alert('400 status code! user error');
    500: function() {
      alert('500 status code! server error');

Reference (Scroll to: 'statusCode')

EDIT (In response to comments)

If you need to take action based on the data returned in the response body (which seems odd to me), you will need to use error: instead of statusCode:

error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
    switch (xhr.status) {
        case 404:
             // Take action, referencing xhr.responseText as needed.

Error: select command denied to user '<userid>'@'<ip-address>' for table '<table-name>'

If you are working from a windows forms application this worked for me

"server=localhost; user id=dbuser; password=password; database=dbname; Use Procedure Bodies=false;"

Just add the "Use Procedure Bodies=false" at the end of your connection string.

AddTransient, AddScoped and AddSingleton Services Differences

This image illustrates this concept well. Unfortunately, I could not find the original source of this image, but someone made it, he has shown this concept very well in the form of an image. enter image description here

How to elegantly check if a number is within a range?

How about something like this?

if (theNumber.isBetween(low, high, IntEx.Bounds.INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE))

with the extension method as follows (tested):

public static class IntEx
    public enum Bounds 

    public static bool isBetween(this int theNumber, int low, int high, Bounds boundDef)
        bool result;
        switch (boundDef)
            case Bounds.INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE:
                result = ((low <= theNumber) && (theNumber <= high));
            case Bounds.INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE:
                result = ((low <= theNumber) && (theNumber < high));
            case Bounds.EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE:
                result = ((low < theNumber) && (theNumber <= high));
            case Bounds.EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE:
                result = ((low < theNumber) && (theNumber < high));
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid boundary definition argument");
        return result;

What is the shortest function for reading a cookie by name in JavaScript?

(edit: posted the wrong version first.. and a non-functional one at that. Updated to current, which uses an unparam function that is much like the second example.)

Nice idea in the first example cwolves. I built on both for a fairly compact cookie reading/writing function that works across multiple subdomains. Figured I'd share in case anyone else runs across this thread looking for that.

  s.strToObj = function (x,splitter) {
    for ( var y = {},p,a = x.split (splitter),L = a.length;L;) {
      p = a[ --L].split ('=');
      y[p[0]] = p[1]
    return y
  s.rwCookie = function (n,v,e) {
    var d=document,
        c= s.cookies||s.strToObj(d.cookie,'; '),
      domain = h.slice(h.lastIndexOf('.',(h.lastIndexOf('.')-1))+1);
      d.cookie = n + '=' + (c[n]=v) + (e ? '; expires=' + e : '') + '; domain=.' + domain + '; path=/'
    return c[n]||c
  • If you pass rwCookie nothing, it will get all cookies into cookie storage
  • Passed rwCookie a cookie name, it gets that cookie's value from storage
  • Passed a cookie value, it writes the cookie and places the value in storage
  • Expiration defaults to session unless you specify one

What is the iOS 6 user agent string?


Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25


Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25

For a complete list and more details about the iOS user agent check out these 2 resources:
Safari User Agent Strings (
Complete List of iOS User-Agent Strings (

Find Item in ObservableCollection without using a loop

I'd suggest storing these in a Hashtable. You can then access an item in the collection using the key, it's a much more efficient lookup.

var myObjects = new Hashtable();
myObjects.Add(yourObject.Title, yourObject);
var myRetrievedObject = myObjects["TargetTitle"];

IntelliJ and Tomcat.. Howto..?

The problem I had was due to the fact that I was unknowingly editing the default values and not a new Tomcat instance at all. Click the plus sign at the top left part of the Run window and select Tomcat | Local from there.

How to put scroll bar only for modal-body?

Adding on to Carlos Calla's great answer.

The height of .modal-body must be set, BUT you can use media queries to make sure it's appropriate for the screen size.

    height: 250px;
    overflow-y: auto;

@media (min-height: 500px) {
    .modal-body { height: 400px; }

@media (min-height: 800px) {
    .modal-body { height: 600px; }

How to draw a custom UIView that is just a circle - iPhone app

Would I just override the drawRect method?


- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
    CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGContextAddEllipseInRect(ctx, rect);
    CGContextSetFillColor(ctx, CGColorGetComponents([[UIColor blueColor] CGColor]));

Also, would it be okay to change the frame of that view within the class itself?

Ideally not, but you could.

Or do I need to change the frame from a different class?

I'd let the parent control that.

Javascript - How to extract filename from a file input control

Very simple

let file = $("#fileupload")[0].files[0];

Do I need to pass the full path of a file in another directory to open()?

You have to specify the path that you are working on:

source = '/home/test/py_test/'
for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(source):
    for f in filenames:
        print f
        fullpath = os.path.join(source, f)
        log = open(fullpath, 'r')

Check whether there is an Internet connection available on Flutter app

I found that just using the connectivity package was not enough to tell if the internet was available or not. In Android it only checks if there is WIFI or if mobile data is turned on, it does not check for an actual internet connection . During my testing, even with no mobile signal would return true.

With IOS my testing found that the connectivity plugin does correctly detect if there is an internet connection when the phone has no signal, the issue was only with Android.

The solution I found was to use the data_connection_checker package along with the connectivity package. This just makes sure there is an internet connection by making requests to a few reliable addresses, the default timeout for the check is around 10 seconds.

My finished isInternet function looked a bit like this:

  Future<bool> isInternet() async {
    var connectivityResult = await (Connectivity().checkConnectivity());
    if (connectivityResult == {
      // I am connected to a mobile network, make sure there is actually a net connection.
      if (await DataConnectionChecker().hasConnection) {
        // Mobile data detected & internet connection confirmed.
        return true;
      } else {
        // Mobile data detected but no internet connection found.
        return false;
    } else if (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.wifi) {
      // I am connected to a WIFI network, make sure there is actually a net connection.
      if (await DataConnectionChecker().hasConnection) {
        // Wifi detected & internet connection confirmed.
        return true;
      } else {
        // Wifi detected but no internet connection found.
        return false;
    } else {
      // Neither mobile data or WIFI detected, not internet connection found.
      return false;

The if (await DataConnectionChecker().hasConnection) part is the same for both mobile and wifi connections and should probably be moved to a separate function. I've not done that here to leave it more readable.

This is my first Stack Overflow answer, hope it helps someone.

Java, List only subdirectories from a directory, not files

Here is solution for my code. I just did a litlle change from first answer. This will list all folders only in desired directory line by line:

try {
            File file = new File("D:\\admir\\MyBookLibrary");
            String[] directories = file.list(new FilenameFilter() {
              public boolean accept(File current, String name) {
                return new File(current, name).isDirectory();
            for(int i = 0;i < directories.length;i++) {
                if(directories[i] != null) {

        }catch(Exception e) {

How to hide columns in an ASP.NET GridView with auto-generated columns?

I found Steve Hibbert's response to be very helpful. The problem the OP seemed to be describing is that of an AutoGeneratedColumns on a GridView.

In this instance you can set which columns will be "visible" and which will be hidden when you bind a data table in the code behind.

For example: A Gridview is on the page as follows.

<asp:GridView ID="gv" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >

And then in the code behind a PopulateGridView routine is called during the page load event.

protected void PopulateGridView()
    DataTable dt = GetDataSource();
    gv.DataSource = dt;
    foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
        BoundField field = new BoundField();
        field.DataField = col.ColumnName;
        field.HeaderText = col.ColumnName;
        if (col.ColumnName.EndsWith("ID"))
            field.Visible = false;

In the above the GridView AutoGenerateColumns is set to False and the codebehind is used to create the bound fields. One is obtaining the datasource as a datatable through one's own process which here I labeled GetDataSource(). Then one loops through the columns collection of the datatable. If the column name meets a given criteria, you can set the bound field visible property accordingly. Then you bind the data to the gridview. This is very similar to AutoGenerateColumns="True" but you get to have criteria for the columns. This approach is most useful when the criteria for hiding and un-hiding is based upon the column name.

Current time formatting with Javascript

Using Moment.

I can't recommend the use of Moment enough. If you are able to use third-party libraries, I highly recommend doing so. Beyond just formatting, it deals with timezones, parsing, durations and time travel extremely well and will pay dividends in simplicity and time (at the small expense of size, abstraction and performance).


You wanted something that looked like this:

Friday 2:00pm 1 Feb 2013

Well, with Moment all you need you to do is this:

import Moment from "moment";

Moment().format( "dddd h:mma D MMM YYYY" ); //=> "Wednesday 9:20am 9 Dec 2020"

And if you wanted to match that exact date and time, all you would need to do is this:

import Moment from "moment";

Moment( "2013-2-1 14:00:00" ).format( "dddd h:mma D MMM YYYY" ) ); //=> "Friday 2:00pm 1 Feb 2013"

There's a myriad of other formatting options that can be found here.


Go to their home page to see more detailed instructions, but if you're using npm or yarn it's as simple as:

npm install moment --save


yarn add moment

Load arrayList data into JTable

I created an arrayList from it and I somehow can't find a way to store this information into a JTable.

The DefaultTableModel doesn't support displaying custom Objects stored in an ArrayList. You need to create a custom TableModel.

You can check out the Bean Table Model. It is a reusable class that will use reflection to find all the data in your FootballClub class and display in a JTable.

Or, you can extend the Row Table Model found in the above link to make is easier to create your own custom TableModel by implementing a few methods. The source code give a complete example of how you can do this.

Why is the Java main method static?

Applets, midlets, servlets and beans of various kinds are constructed and then have lifecycle methods called on them. Invoking main is all that is ever done to the main class, so there is no need for a state to be held in an object that is called multiple times. It's quite normal to pin main on another class (although not a great idea), which would get in the way of using the class to create the main object.

Is there any "font smoothing" in Google Chrome?

Status of the issue, June 2014: Fixed with Chrome 37

Finally, the Chrome team will release a fix for this issue with Chrome 37 which will be released to public in July 2014. See example comparison of current stable Chrome 35 and latest Chrome 37 (early development preview) here:

enter image description here

Status of the issue, December 2013

1.) There is NO proper solution when loading fonts via @import, <link href= or Google's webfont.js. The problem is that Chrome simply requests .woff files from Google's API which render horribly. Surprisingly all other font file types render beautifully. However, there are some CSS tricks that will "smoothen" the rendered font a little bit, you'll find the workaround(s) deeper in this answer.

2.) There IS a real solution for this when self-hosting the fonts, first posted by Jaime Fernandez in another answer on this Stackoverflow page, which fixes this issue by loading web fonts in a special order. I would feel bad to simply copy his excellent answer, so please have a look there. There is also an (unproven) solution that recommends using only TTF/OTF fonts as they are now supported by nearly all browsers.

3.) The Google Chrome developer team works on that issue. As there have been several huge changes in the rendering engine there's obviously something in progress.

I've written a large blog post on that issue, feel free to have a look: How to fix the ugly font rendering in Google Chrome

Reproduceable examples

See how the example from the initial question look today, in Chrome 29:


Left: Firefox 23, right: Chrome 29

enter image description here


Top: Firefox 23, bottom: Chrome 29

enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here


Fixing the above screenshot with -webkit-text-stroke:

enter image description here

First row is default, second has:

-webkit-text-stroke: 0.3px;

Third row has:

-webkit-text-stroke: 0.6px;

So, the way to fix those fonts is simply giving them

-webkit-text-stroke: 0.Xpx;

or the RGBa syntax (by nezroy, found in the comments! Thanks!)

-webkit-text-stroke: 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)

There's also an outdated possibility: Give the text a simple (fake) shadow:

text-shadow: #fff 0px 1px 1px;

RGBa solution (found in Jasper Espejo's blog):

text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(51,51,51,0.2);

I made a blog post on this:

If you want to be updated on this issue, have a look on the according blog post: How to fix the ugly font rendering in Google Chrome. I'll post news if there're news on this.

My original answer:

This is a big bug in Google Chrome and the Google Chrome Team does know about this, see the official bug report here. Currently, in May 2013, even 11 months after the bug was reported, it's not solved. It's a strange thing that the only browser that messes up Google Webfonts is Google's own browser Chrome (!). But there's a simple workaround that will fix the problem, please see below for the solution.


Official statement in the bug report comments:

Our Windows font rendering is actively being worked on. ... We hope to have something within a milestone or two that developers can start playing with. How fast it goes to stable is, as always, all about how fast we can root out and burn down any regressions.

Clear terminal in Python

You can use call() function to execute terminal's commands :

from subprocess import call

Angular 2 Dropdown Options Default Value

Fully fleshing out other posts, here is what works in Angular2 quickstart,

To set the DOM default: along with *ngFor, use a conditional statement in the <option>'s selected attribute.

To set the Control's default: use its constructor argument. Otherwise before an onchange when the user re-selects an option, which sets the control's value with the selected option's value attribute, the control value will be null.


import {ControlGroup,Control} from '@angular/common';
export class MyComponent{
  myForm: ControlGroup;
  myArray: Array<Object> = [obj1,obj2,obj3];
  myDefault: Object = myArray[1]; //or obj2

  ngOnInit(){ //override
    this.myForm = new ControlGroup({'myDropdown': new Control(this.myDefault)});
    console.log(this.myForm.value.myDropdown); //returns the control's value 


<form [ngFormModel]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="myOnSubmit()">
  <select ngControl="myDropdown">
    <option *ngFor="let eachObj of myArray" selected="eachObj==={{myDefault}}"
  <button type="submit">Save</button>