Programs & Examples On #Cilk

Cilk is a general-purpose programming language designed for multithreaded parallel computing. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I presume you're running Linux on an amd64 machine. The Folder your executable is residing in (lib32) suggests a 32-bit executable which requires 32-bit libraries.

These seem not to be present on your system, so you need to install them manually. The package name depends on your distribution, for Debian it's ia32-libs, for Fedora libstdc++.<version>.i686.

XPath selecting a node with some attribute value equals to some other node's attribute value

I think this is what you want:


CSS background opacity with rgba not working in IE 8

This solution really works, try it. Tested in IE8

   -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#4C000000,endColorstr=#4C000000)"; 

List Git aliases

The following works under Linux, MacOSX and Windows (with msysgit).

Use git la to show aliases in .gitconfig

Did I hear 'bash scripting'? ;)

About the 'not needed' part in a comment above, I basically created a man page like overview for my aliases. Why all the fuss? Isn't that complete overkill?

Read on...

I have set the commands like this in my .gitconfig, separated like TAB=TAB:

        alias1            =            foo -x -y --z-option
        alias2            =            bar -y --z-option --set-something

and simply defined another alias to grep the TAB= part of the defined aliases. (All other options don't have tabs before and after the '=' in their definition, just spaces.)

Comments not appended to an alias also have a TAB===== appended, so they are shown after grepping.

For better viewing I am piping the grep output into less, like this:

basic version: (black/white)

        # use 'git h <command>' for help, use 'git la' to list aliases  =====
        h     =     help #... <git-command-in-question>
        la    =     "!grep '\t=' ~/.gitconfig | less" 

The '\t=' part matches TAB=.

To have an even better overview of what aliases I have, and since I use the bash console, I colored the output with terminal colors:

  • all '=' are printed in red
  • all '#' are printed in green

advanced version: (colored)

       la      =       "!grep '\t=' ~/.gitconfig | sed -e 's/=/^[[0;31m=^[[0m/g' | sed -e 's/#.*/^[[0;32m&^[[0m/g' | less -R"

Basically the same as above, just sed usage is added to get the color codes into the output.

The -R flag of less is needed to get the colors shown in less.

(I recently found out, that long commands with a scrollbar under their window are not shown correctly on mobile devices: They text is cut off and the scrollbar is simply missing. That might be the case with the last code snippet here, keep that in mind when looking at code snippets here while on the go.)

Why get such magic to work?

I have a like half a mile of aliases, tailored to my needs.
Also some of them change over time, so after all the best idea to have an up-to-date list at hand is parsing the .gitconfig.

A ****short**** excerpt from my .gitconfig aliases:

    #  choose       =====
    a       =       add #...
    aa      =       add .
    ai      =       add -i
    #  unchoose     =====
    rm      =       rm -r #... unversion and delete
    rmc     =       rm -r --cached #... unversion, but leave in working copy
    #  do   =====
    c       =       commit -m #...
    fc      =       commit -am "fastcommit"
    ca      =       commit -am #...
    mc      =       commit # think 'message-commit'
    mca     =       commit -a
    cam     =       commit --amend -C HEAD # update last commit
    #  undo =====
    r       =       reset --hard HEAD
    rv      =       revert HEAD

In my linux or mac workstations also further aliases exist in the .bashrc's, sort of like:

alias g="git"
alias gh="git h"
alias gla="git la"
function gc { git c "$*" } # this is handy, just type 'gc this is my commitmessage' at prompt

That way no need to type git help submodule, no need for git h submodule, just gh submodule is all that is needed to get the help. It is just some characters, but how often do you type them?

I use all of the following, of course only with shortcuts...

  • add
  • commit
  • commit --amend
  • reset --hard HEAD
  • push
  • fetch
  • rebase
  • checkout
  • branch
  • show-branch (in a lot of variations)
  • shortlog
  • reflog
  • diff (in variations)
  • log (in a lot of variations)
  • status
  • show
  • notes
  • ...

This was just from the top of my head.

I often have to use git without a gui, since a lot of the git commands are not implemented properly in any of the graphical frontends. But everytime I put them to use, it is mostly in the same manner.

On the 'not implemented' part mentioned in the last paragraph:
I have yet to find something that compares to this in a GUI:
sba = show-branch --color=always -a --more=10 --no-name - show all local and remote branches as well as the commits they have within them
ccm = "!git reset --soft HEAD~ && git commit" - change last commit message

From a point of view that is more simple:
How often do you type git add . or git commit -am "..."? Not counting even the rest...
Getting things to work like git aa or git ca "..." in windows,
or with bash aliases gaa/g aa or gca "..."/g ca "..." in linux and on mac's...

For my needs it seemed a smart thing to do, to tailor git commands like this...
... and for easier use I just helped myself for lesser used commands, so i dont have to consult the man pages everytime. Commands are predefined and looking them up is as easy as possible.

I mean, we are programmers after all? Getting things to work like we need them is our job.

Here is an additional screenshot, this works in Windows:

script working with cmd.exe

BONUS: If you are on linux or mac, colorized man pages can help you quite a bit:

colorized man pages

Which is the default location for keystore/truststore of Java applications?

In Java, according to the JSSE Reference Guide, there is no default for the keystore, the default for the truststore is "jssecacerts, if it exists. Otherwise, cacerts".

A few applications use ~/.keystore as a default keystore, but this is not without problems (mainly because you might not want all the application run by the user to use that trust store).

I'd suggest using application-specific values that you bundle with your application instead, it would tend to be more applicable in general.

How to ignore files/directories in TFS for avoiding them to go to central source repository?

I found the perfect way to Ignore files in TFS like SVN does.
First of all, select the file that you want to ignore (e.g. the Web.config).
Now go to the menu tab and select:

File Source control > Advanced > Exclude web.config from source control

... and boom; your file is permanently excluded from source control.

How can one develop iPhone apps in Java?

Even if the question states Java, most of the answers have digressed. So I thought I would do the same :)

We have been using Adobe AIR for the last 5 years and it is truly cross-platform and provides native-like performance with the same code base (at least 99% of our code is the same). Adobe AIR got some bad press at the beginning during the 'beta' period (slow, no GPU, Flash 'dead' etc.) But now, it's amazing what you can do with it. Not to mention the wealth of open source libs out there.

With the same code base you can push your app onto:

  • iOS
  • Android (x86 and ARM)
  • Flash (still VERY useful)
  • ChromeBook
  • PC (as native with installer)
  • Mac (as native with installer)

Why bother with Java or Objective-C ?

The only common platform not covered is Window Phone. But that's coming soon too.

How do you get the current page number of a ViewPager for Android?

in the latest packages you can also use



vp is the viewPager ,

pageListener = new PageListener();

you have to put a page change listener for your viewPager. There is no method on viewPager to get the current page.

private int currentPage;

    private static class PageListener extends SimpleOnPageChangeListener{
            public void onPageSelected(int position) {
                Log.i(TAG, "page selected " + position);
                   currentPage = position;

How can I stop .gitignore from appearing in the list of untracked files?

The .gitignore file should be in your repository, so it should indeed be added and committed in, as git status suggests. It has to be a part of the repository tree, so that changes to it can be merged and so on.

So, add it to your repository, it should not be gitignored.

If you really want you can add .gitignore to the .gitignore file if you don't want it to be committed. However, in that case it's probably better to add the ignores to .git/info/exclude, a special checkout-local file that works just like .gitignore but does not show up in "git status" since it's in the .git folder.

See also

Why does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier?

You can read Bloch's original reasoning under "Comments" in He investigated the performance of different hash functions in regards to the resulting "average chain size" in a hash table. P(31) was one of the common functions during that time which he found in K&R's book (but even Kernighan and Ritchie couldn't remember where it came from). In the end he basically had to choose one and so he took P(31) since it seemed to perform well enough. Even though P(33) was not really worse and multiplication by 33 is equally fast to calculate (just a shift by 5 and an addition), he opted for 31 since 33 is not a prime:

Of the remaining four, I'd probably select P(31), as it's the cheapest to calculate on a RISC machine (because 31 is the difference of two powers of two). P(33) is similarly cheap to calculate, but it's performance is marginally worse, and 33 is composite, which makes me a bit nervous.

So the reasoning was not as rational as many of the answers here seem to imply. But we're all good in coming up with rational reasons after gut decisions (and even Bloch might be prone to that).

Is it possible to style a select box?

This seems old but here a very interesting plugin -

jQuery - select the associated label element of a input field

There are two ways to specify label for element:

  1. Setting label's "for" attribute to element's id
  2. Placing element inside label

So, the proper way to find element's label is

   var $element = $( ... )

   var $label = $("label[for='"+$element.attr('id')+"']")
   if ($label.length == 0) {
     $label = $element.closest('label')

   if ($label.length == 0) {
     // label wasn't found
   } else {
     // label was found

How to wait till the response comes from the $http request, in angularjs?

for people new to this you can also use a callback for example:

In your service:

.factory('DataHandler',function ($http){

   var GetRandomArtists = function(data, callback){
     $, data).success(function (response) {

In your controller:

    DataHandler.GetRandomArtists(3, function(response){
      $ = response;

Delaying function in swift

For adding argument to delay function.

First setup a dictionary then add it as the userInfo. Unwrap the info with the timer as the argument.

let arg : Int = 42
let infoDict : [String : AnyObject] = ["argumentInt", arg]

NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(NSTimeInterval(3), target: self, selector: "functionHereWithArgument:", userInfo: infoDict, repeats: false)

Then in the called function

func functionHereWithArgument (timer : NSTimer)
    if let userInfo = timer.userInfo as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>
         let argumentInt : Int = (userInfo[argumentInt] as! Int)

Windows Explorer "Command Prompt Here"

Inside your current folder, simply press Shift+Alt+F --then--> Enter.

The prompt will appear with your current folder's path set.

Note: That works only in Windows 7 / Vista. What it does is that drops the "File" menu down for you, because the "Shift" key is pressed the option "Open command window here" is enabled and focused as the first available option of "File" menu. Pressing enter starts the focused option therefor the command window.


In case you are in a folder and you already selected some of its contents (file/folder) this wont work. In that case Click on the empty area inside the folder to deselect any previously selected files and repeat.


Another way you can open terminal in current directory is to type cmd on file browser navigation bar where the path of current folder is written.

In order to focus with your keyboard on the navigation bar Ctrl+L. Then you can type cmd and hit Enter

Using ng-if as a switch inside ng-repeat?

Try to surround strings (hoot, story, article) with quotes ':

<div ng-repeat = "data in comments">
    <div ng-if="data.type == 'hoot' ">
        //different template with hoot data
    <div ng-if="data.type == 'story' ">
        //different template with story data
    <div ng-if="data.type == 'article' ">
        //different template with article data

How exactly does <script defer="defer"> work?

The defer attribute is only for external scripts (should only be used if the src attribute is present).

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

Any point on the line segment (a, b) (where a and b are vectors) can be expressed as a linear combination of the two vectors a and b:

In other words, if c lies on the line segment (a, b):

c = ma + (1 - m)b, where 0 <= m <= 1

Solving for m, we get:

m = (c.x - b.x)/(a.x - b.x) = (c.y - b.y)/(a.y - b.y)

So, our test becomes (in Python):

def is_on(a, b, c):
    """Is c on the line segment ab?"""

    def _is_zero( val ):
        return -epsilon < val < epsilon

    x1 = a.x - b.x
    x2 = c.x - b.x
    y1 = a.y - b.y
    y2 = c.y - b.y

    if _is_zero(x1) and _is_zero(y1):
        # a and b are the same point:
        # so check that c is the same as a and b
        return _is_zero(x2) and _is_zero(y2)

    if _is_zero(x1):
        # a and b are on same vertical line
        m2 = y2 * 1.0 / y1
        return _is_zero(x2) and 0 <= m2 <= 1
    elif _is_zero(y1):
        # a and b are on same horizontal line
        m1 = x2 * 1.0 / x1
        return _is_zero(y2) and 0 <= m1 <= 1
        m1 = x2 * 1.0 / x1
        if m1 < 0 or m1 > 1:
            return False
        m2 = y2 * 1.0 / y1
        return _is_zero(m2 - m1)

Split List into Sublists with LINQ

For anyone interested in a packaged/maintained solution, the MoreLINQ library provides the Batch extension method which matches your requested behavior:

IEnumerable<char> source = "Example string";
IEnumerable<IEnumerable<char>> chunksOfThreeChars = source.Batch(3);

The Batch implementation is similar to Cameron MacFarland's answer, with the addition of an overload for transforming the chunk/batch before returning, and performs quite well.

How to show and update echo on same line

This is vary useful please try it and change as required.

for load in $(seq 1 100); do
    echo -ne "$load % downloded ...\r"
    sleep 1
echo "100"
echo "Loaded ..."

How should I have explained the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class?

1.1 Difference between Abstract class and interface

1.1.1. Abstract classes versus interfaces in Java 8
1.1.2. Conceptual Difference:

1.2 Interface Default Methods in Java 8

1.2.1. What is Default Method?
1.2.2. ForEach method compilation error solved using Default Method
1.2.3. Default Method and Multiple Inheritance Ambiguity Problems
1.2.4. Important points about java interface default methods:

1.3 Java Interface Static Method

1.3.1. Java Interface Static Method, code example, static method vs default method
1.3.2. Important points about java interface static method:

1.4 Java Functional Interfaces

1.1.1. Abstract classes versus interfaces in Java 8

Java 8 interface changes include static methods and default methods in interfaces. Prior to Java 8, we could have only method declarations in the interfaces. But from Java 8, we can have default methods and static methods in the interfaces.

After introducing Default Method, it seems that interfaces and abstract classes are same. However, they are still different concept in Java 8.

Abstract class can define constructor. They are more structured and can have a state associated with them. While in contrast, default method can be implemented only in the terms of invoking other interface methods, with no reference to a particular implementation's state. Hence, both use for different purposes and choosing between two really depends on the scenario context.

1.1.2. Conceptual Difference:

Abstract classes are valid for skeletal (i.e. partial) implementations of interfaces but should not exist without a matching interface.

So when abstract classes are effectively reduced to be low-visibility, skeletal implementations of interfaces, can default methods take this away as well? Decidedly: No! Implementing interfaces almost always requires some or all of those class-building tools which default methods lack. And if some interface doesn’t, it is clearly a special case, which should not lead you astray.

1.2 Interface Default Methods in Java 8

Java 8 introduces “Default Method” or (Defender methods) new feature, which allows developer to add new methods to the Interfaces without breaking the existing implementation of these Interface. It provides flexibility to allow Interface define implementation which will use as default in the situation where a concrete Class fails to provide an implementation for that method.

Let consider small example to understand how it works:

public interface OldInterface {
    public void existingMethod();
    default public void newDefaultMethod() {
        System.out.println("New default method"
               + " is added in interface");

The following Class will compile successfully in Java JDK 8,

public class OldInterfaceImpl implements OldInterface {
    public void existingMethod() {
     // existing implementation is here…

If you create an instance of OldInterfaceImpl:

OldInterfaceImpl obj = new OldInterfaceImpl ();
// print “New default method add in interface”

1.2.1. Default Method:

Default methods are never final, can not be synchronized and can not override Object’s methods. They are always public, which severely limits the ability to write short and reusable methods.

Default methods can be provided to an Interface without affecting implementing Classes as it includes an implementation. If each added method in an Interface defined with implementation then no implementing Class is affected. An implementing Class can override the default implementation provided by the Interface.

Default methods enable to add new functionality to existing Interfaces without breaking older implementation of these Interfaces.

When we extend an interface that contains a default method, we can perform following,

  1. Not override the default method and will inherit the default method.
  2. Override the default method similar to other methods we override in subclass.
  3. Redeclare default method as abstract, which force subclass to override it.

1.2.2. ForEach method compilation error solved using Default Method

For Java 8, the JDK collections have been extended and forEach method is added to the entire collection (which work in conjunction with lambdas). With conventional way, the code looks like below,

public interface Iterable<T> {
    public void forEach(Consumer<? super T> consumer);

Since this result each implementing Class with compile errors therefore, a default method added with a required implementation in order that the existing implementation should not be changed.

The Iterable Interface with the Default method is below,

public interface Iterable<T> {
    public default void forEach(Consumer
                   <? super T> consumer) {
        for (T t : this) {

The same mechanism has been used to add Stream in JDK Interface without breaking the implementing Classes.

1.2.3. Default Method and Multiple Inheritance Ambiguity Problems

Since java Class can implement multiple Interfaces and each Interface can define default method with same method signature, therefore, the inherited methods can conflict with each other.

Consider below example,

public interface InterfaceA {  
       default void defaultMethod(){  
           System.out.println("Interface A default method");  
public interface InterfaceB {
   default void defaultMethod(){
       System.out.println("Interface B default method");
public class Impl implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB  {

The above code will fail to compile with the following error,

java: class Impl inherits unrelated defaults for defaultMethod() from types InterfaceA and InterfaceB

In order to fix this class, we need to provide default method implementation:

public class Impl implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
    public void defaultMethod(){

Further, if we want to invoke default implementation provided by any of super Interface rather than our own implementation, we can do so as follows,

public class Impl implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
    public void defaultMethod(){
        // existing code here..

We can choose any default implementation or both as part of our new method.

1.2.4. Important points about java interface default methods:

  1. Java interface default methods will help us in extending interfaces without having the fear of breaking implementation classes.
  2. Java interface default methods have bridge down the differences between interfaces and abstract classes.
  3. Java 8 interface default methods will help us in avoiding utility classes, such as all the Collections class method can be provided in the interfaces itself.
  4. Java interface default methods will help us in removing base implementation classes, we can provide default implementation and the implementation classes can chose which one to override.
  5. One of the major reason for introducing default methods in interfaces is to enhance the Collections API in Java 8 to support lambda expressions.
  6. If any class in the hierarchy has a method with same signature, then default methods become irrelevant. A default method cannot override a method from java.lang.Object. The reasoning is very simple, it’s because Object is the base class for all the java classes. So even if we have Object class methods defined as default methods in interfaces, it will be useless because Object class method will always be used. That’s why to avoid confusion, we can’t have default methods that are overriding Object class methods.
  7. Java interface default methods are also referred to as Defender Methods or Virtual extension methods.

Resource Link:

  1. When to use: Java 8+ interface default method, vs. abstract method
  2. Abstract class versus interface in the JDK 8 era
  3. Interface evolution via virtual extension methods

1.3 Java Interface Static Method

1.3.1. Java Interface Static Method, code example, static method vs default method

Java interface static method is similar to default method except that we can’t override them in the implementation classes. This feature helps us in avoiding undesired results incase of poor implementation in implementation classes. Let’s look into this with a simple example.

public interface MyData {

    default void print(String str) {
        if (!isNull(str))
            System.out.println("MyData Print::" + str);

    static boolean isNull(String str) {
        System.out.println("Interface Null Check");

        return str == null ? true : "".equals(str) ? true : false;

Now let’s see an implementation class that is having isNull() method with poor implementation.

public class MyDataImpl implements MyData {

    public boolean isNull(String str) {
        System.out.println("Impl Null Check");

        return str == null ? true : false;
    public static void main(String args[]){
        MyDataImpl obj = new MyDataImpl();

Note that isNull(String str) is a simple class method, it’s not overriding the interface method. For example, if we will add @Override annotation to the isNull() method, it will result in compiler error.

Now when we will run the application, we get following output.

Interface Null Check

Impl Null Check

If we make the interface method from static to default, we will get following output.

Impl Null Check

MyData Print::

Impl Null Check

Java interface static method is visible to interface methods only, if we remove the isNull() method from the MyDataImpl class, we won’t be able to use it for the MyDataImpl object. However like other static methods, we can use interface static methods using class name. For example, a valid statement will be:

boolean result = MyData.isNull("abc");

1.3.2. Important points about java interface static method:

  1. Java interface static method is part of interface, we can’t use it for implementation class objects.
  2. Java interface static methods are good for providing utility methods, for example null check, collection sorting etc.
  3. Java interface static method helps us in providing security by not allowing implementation classes to override them.
  4. We can’t define interface static method for Object class methods, we will get compiler error as “This static method cannot hide the instance method from Object”. This is because it’s not allowed in java, since Object is the base class for all the classes and we can’t have one class level static method and another instance method with same signature.
  5. We can use java interface static methods to remove utility classes such as Collections and move all of it’s static methods to the corresponding interface, that would be easy to find and use.

1.4 Java Functional Interfaces

Before I conclude the post, I would like to provide a brief introduction to Functional interfaces. An interface with exactly one abstract method is known as Functional Interface.

A new annotation @FunctionalInterface has been introduced to mark an interface as Functional Interface. @FunctionalInterface annotation is a facility to avoid accidental addition of abstract methods in the functional interfaces. It’s optional but good practice to use it.

Functional interfaces are long awaited and much sought out feature of Java 8 because it enables us to use lambda expressions to instantiate them. A new package java.util.function with bunch of functional interfaces are added to provide target types for lambda expressions and method references. We will look into functional interfaces and lambda expressions in the future posts.

Resource Location:

  1. Java 8 Interface Changes – static method, default method

Creating a PHP header/footer

Just create the header.php file, and where you want to use it do:


Same with the footer. You don't need php tags in these files if you just have html.

See more about include here:

Using pickle.dump - TypeError: must be str, not bytes

Just had same issue. In Python 3, Binary modes 'wb', 'rb' must be specified whereas in Python 2x, they are not needed. When you follow tutorials that are based on Python 2x, that's why you are here.

import pickle

class MyUser(object):
    def __init__(self,name): = name

user = MyUser('Peter')

print("Before serialization: ")
serialized = pickle.dumps(user)
filename = 'serialized.native'

with open(filename,'wb') as file_object:

with open(filename,'rb') as file_object:
    raw_data =

deserialized = pickle.loads(raw_data)

print("Loading from serialized file: ")
user2 = deserialized

How to convert char to int?

how about (for char c)

int i = (int)(c - '0');

which does substraction of the char value?

Re the API question (comments), perhaps an extension method?

public static class CharExtensions {
    public static int ParseInt32(this char value) {
        int i = (int)(value - '0');
        if (i < 0 || i > 9) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
        return i;

then use int x = c.ParseInt32();

What is AndroidX?

This article Android Jetpack: What do the recent announcements mean for Android’s Support Library? explains it well

Today, many consider the Support Library an essential part of Android app development, to the point where it’s used by 99 percent of apps in the Google Play store. However, as the Support Library has grown, inconsistencies have crept in surrounding the library’s naming convention.

Initially, the name of each package indicated the minimum API level supported by that package, for example, support-v4. However, version 26.0.0 of the Support Library increased the minimum API to 14, so today many of the package names have nothing to do with the minimum supported API level. When support-v4 and the support-v7 packages both have a minimum API of 14, it’s easy to see why people get confused!

To clear up this confusion, Google is currently refactoring the Support Library into a new Android extension library (AndroidX) package structure. AndroidX will feature simplified package names, as well as Maven groupIds and artifactIds that better reflect each package’s content and its supported API levels.

With the current naming convention, it also isn’t clear which packages are bundled with the Android operating system, and which are packaged with your application’s APK (Android Package Kit). To clear up this confusion, all the unbundled libraries will be moved to AndroidX’s androidx.* namespace, while the android.* package hierarchy will be reserved for packages that ship with the Android operating system.

Graphical user interface Tutorial in C

You can also have a look at FLTK (C++ and not plain C though)

FLTK (pronounced "fulltick") is a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX®/Linux® (X11), Microsoft® Windows®, and MacOS® X. FLTK provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and supports 3D graphics via OpenGL® and its built-in GLUT emulation.

FLTK is designed to be small and modular enough to be statically linked, but works fine as a shared library. FLTK also includes an excellent UI builder called FLUID that can be used to create applications in minutes.

Here are some quickstart screencasts

[Happy New Year!]

How to play .mp4 video in videoview in android?

I'm not sure that is the problem but what worked for me is calling mVideoView.start(); inside the mVideoView.setOnPreparedListener event callback.

For example:

Uri uriVideo = Uri.parse(<your link here>);

MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(mContext);

mVideoView.setOnPreparedListener(new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener()
     public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp)

How do you serve a file for download with AngularJS or Javascript?

You can do something like this using Blob.

<a download="content.txt" ng-href="{{ url }}">download</a>

in your controller:

var content = 'file content for example';
var blob = new Blob([ content ], { type : 'text/plain' });
$scope.url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL( blob );

in order to enable the URL:

app = angular.module(...);
    function ($compileProvider) {

Please note that

Each time you call createObjectURL(), a new object URL is created, even if you've already created one for the same object. Each of these must be released by calling URL.revokeObjectURL() when you no longer need them. Browsers will release these automatically when the document is unloaded; however, for optimal performance and memory usage, if there are safe times when you can explicitly unload them, you should do so.

Source: MDN

PHP code is not being executed, instead code shows on the page

i had similar problem but in my case solution was different. my file that held php code was called "somename.html" changed it to "somename.php" worked fine

Fixed height and width for bootstrap carousel

set style="height:300px !important;" and "imgBanner" for img tag.

<img src="/image/1.jpg" class="imgBanner" style="width:100%; height:300px !important;">

then if you want responsive image, so you can use jquery as:


       if (pagesize < 578) {
        } else if (pagesize > 578 ) {

Determine if 2 lists have the same elements, regardless of order?

This seems to work, though possibly cumbersome for large lists.

>>> A = [0, 1]
>>> B = [1, 0]
>>> C = [0, 2]
>>> not sum([not i in A for i in B])
>>> not sum([not i in A for i in C])

However, if each list must contain all the elements of other then the above code is problematic.

>>> A = [0, 1, 2]
>>> not sum([not i in A for i in B])

The problem arises when len(A) != len(B) and, in this example, len(A) > len(B). To avoid this, you can add one more statement.

>>> not sum([not i in A for i in B]) if len(A) == len(B) else False

One more thing, I benchmarked my solution with timeit.repeat, under the same conditions used by Aaron Hall in his post. As suspected, the results are disappointing. My method is the last one. set(x) == set(y) it is.

>>> def foocomprehend(): return not sum([not i in data for i in data2])
>>> min(timeit.repeat('fooset()', 'from __main__ import fooset, foocount, foocomprehend'))
>>> min(timeit.repeat('foosort()', 'from __main__ import fooset, foocount, foocomprehend'))
>>> min(timeit.repeat('foocomprehend()', 'from __main__ import fooset, foocount, foocomprehend'))

Read MS Exchange email in C#

Here is some old code I had laying around to do WebDAV. I think it was written against Exchange 2003, but I don't remember any more. Feel free to borrow it if its helpful...

class MailUtil
    private CredentialCache creds = new CredentialCache();

    public MailUtil()
        // set up webdav connection to exchange
        this.creds = new CredentialCache();
        this.creds.Add(new Uri("[email protected]/Inbox/"), "Basic", new NetworkCredential("myUserName", "myPassword", "WINDOWSDOMAIN"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all unread emails in a user's Inbox
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A list of unread mail messages</returns>
    public List<model.Mail> GetUnreadMail()
        List<model.Mail> unreadMail = new List<model.Mail>();

        string reqStr =
            @"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
                <g:searchrequest xmlns:g=""DAV:"">
                            ""urn:schemas:mailheader:from"", ""urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription""
                            ""[email protected]/Inbox/"" 
                            ""urn:schemas:httpmail:read"" = FALSE 
                            AND ""urn:schemas:httpmail:subject"" = 'tbintg' 
                            AND ""DAV:contentclass"" = 'urn:content-classes:message' 

        byte[] reqBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reqStr);

        // set up web request
        HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create("[email protected]/Inbox/");
        request.Credentials = this.creds;
        request.Method = "SEARCH";
        request.ContentLength = reqBytes.Length;
        request.ContentType = "text/xml";
        request.Timeout = 300000;

        using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
                requestStream.Write(reqBytes, 0, reqBytes.Length);

        HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
        using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

                // set up namespaces
                XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable);
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("a", "DAV:");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("b", "urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("c", "xml:");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("d", "urn:schemas:mailheader:");
                nsmgr.AddNamespace("e", "urn:schemas:httpmail:");

                // Load each response (each mail item) into an object
                XmlNodeList responseNodes = document.GetElementsByTagName("a:response");
                foreach (XmlNode responseNode in responseNodes)
                    // get the <propstat> node that contains valid HTTP responses
                    XmlNode uriNode = responseNode.SelectSingleNode("child::a:href", nsmgr);
                    XmlNode propstatNode = responseNode.SelectSingleNode("descendant::a:propstat[a:status='HTTP/1.1 200 OK']", nsmgr);
                    if (propstatNode != null)
                        // read properties of this response, and load into a data object
                        XmlNode fromNode = propstatNode.SelectSingleNode("descendant::d:from", nsmgr);
                        XmlNode descNode = propstatNode.SelectSingleNode("descendant::e:textdescription", nsmgr);

                        // make new data object
                        model.Mail mail = new model.Mail();
                        if (uriNode != null)
                            mail.Uri = uriNode.InnerText;
                        if (fromNode != null)
                            mail.From = fromNode.InnerText;
                        if (descNode != null)
                            mail.Body = descNode.InnerText;

            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = e.Message;

        return unreadMail;

And model.Mail:

class Mail
    private string uri;
    private string from;
    private string body;

    public string Uri
        get { return this.uri; }
        set { this.uri = value; }

    public string From
        get { return this.from; }
        set { this.from = value; }

    public string Body
        get { return this.body; }
        set { this.body = value; }

Cookies on localhost with explicit domain

There is an issue on Chromium open since 2011, that if you are explicitly setting the domain as 'localhost', you should set it as false or undefined.

java howto ArrayList push, pop, shift, and unshift

I was facing with this problem some time ago and I found java.util.LinkedList is best for my case. It has several methods, with different namings, but they're doing what is needed:

push()    -> LinkedList.addLast(); // Or just LinkedList.add();
pop()     -> LinkedList.pollLast();
shift()   -> LinkedList.pollFirst();
unshift() -> LinkedList.addFirst();

how to use List<WebElement> webdriver

Try the following code:

By mySelector = By.xpath("/html/body/div[1]/div/section/div/div[2]/form[1]/div/ul/li");
List<WebElement> myElements = driver.findElements(mySelector);
for(WebElement e : myElements) {

It will returns with the whole content of the <li> tags, like:

<a class="extra">Vše</a> (950)</li>

But you can easily get the number now from it, for example by using split() and/or substring().

Parsing a YAML file in Python, and accessing the data?

Since PyYAML's yaml.load() function parses YAML documents to native Python data structures, you can just access items by key or index. Using the example from the question you linked:

import yaml
with open('tree.yaml', 'r') as f:
    doc = yaml.load(f)

To access branch1 text you would use:

txt = doc["treeroot"]["branch1"]
print txt
"branch1 text"

because, in your YAML document, the value of the branch1 key is under the treeroot key.

Why doesn't TFS get latest get the latest?

In my case, Get specific version, even checking both check boxes and undoing all pending changes didn't work.

Checked the work spaces. Edit current workspace. Check all paths. The solution path was incorrect and was pointing to a deleted folder.

Fixed the path and get latest worked fine.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1

Well, I meant that I need to parse object like this: var jsonObj = {"first name" : "fname"}. But, I don't actually. Because it's already an JSON.

INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY (do nothing)

Negative : because the UPDATE uses resources for the second action.

Negative : MySQL will not show any errors if something goes wrong, so you cannot handle the errors. Use it only if you don’t care about the query.

How can I make SQL case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?

The default character set and collation are latin1 and latin1_swedish_ci, so nonbinary string comparisons are case insensitive by default. This means that if you search with col_name LIKE 'a%', you get all column values that start with A or a. To make this search case sensitive, make sure that one of the operands has a case sensitive or binary collation. For example, if you are comparing a column and a string that both have the latin1 character set, you can use the COLLATE operator to cause either operand to have the latin1_general_cs or latin1_bin collation:

col_name COLLATE latin1_general_cs LIKE 'a%'
col_name LIKE 'a%' COLLATE latin1_general_cs
col_name COLLATE latin1_bin LIKE 'a%'
col_name LIKE 'a%' COLLATE latin1_bin

If you want a column always to be treated in case-sensitive fashion, declare it with a case sensitive or binary collation.

Regex to validate JSON

Looking at the documentation for JSON, it seems that the regex can simply be three parts if the goal is just to check for fitness:

  1. The string starts and ends with either [] or {}
    • [{\[]{1}...[}\]]{1}
  2. and
    1. The character is an allowed JSON control character (just one)
      • ...[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]...
    2. or The set of characters contained in a ""
      • ...".*?"...

All together: [{\[]{1}([,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]|".*?")+[}\]]{1}

If the JSON string contains newline characters, then you should use the singleline switch on your regex flavor so that . matches newline. Please note that this will not fail on all bad JSON, but it will fail if the basic JSON structure is invalid, which is a straight-forward way to do a basic sanity validation before passing it to a parser.

Jenkins / Hudson environment variables

On my Ubuntu 13.04, I tried quite a few tweaks before succeeding with this:

  1. Edit /etc/init/jenkins.conf
  2. Locate the spot where "exec start-stop-server..." begins
  3. Insert the environment update just before that, i.e.

export PATH=$PATH:/some/new/path/bin

No templates in Visual Studio 2017

If you have installed .NET desktop development and still you can't see the templates, then VS is probably getting the templates from your custom templates folder and not installed.

To fix that, copy the installed templates folder to custom.

This is your "installed" folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates

This is your "custom" folder

C:\Users[your username]\Documents\Visual Studio\2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates

Typically this happens when you are at the office and you are running VS as an administrator and visual studio is confused how to merge both of them and if you notice they don't have the same folder structure and folder names.. One is CSHARP and the other C#....

I didn't have the same problem when I installed VS 2017 community edition at home though. This happened when I installed visual studio 2017 "enterprise" edition.

Edittext change border color with shape.xml

Use root tag as shape instead of selector in your shape.xml file, and it will resolve your problem!

Android SDK Setup under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

My situation:: Win 7 x64 JDK 1.6.23 (x64) running installer_r08-windows to install Android SDK failed to detect JDK

Solution is in

Adjust list style image position?

like "a darren" answer but minor modification

background: url("images/bullet.gif") left center no-repeat;
padding-left: 14px;
margin-left: 24px;

it works cross browser, just adjust the padding and margin

Edit for nested: add this style to add margin-left to the sub-nested list

ul ul{ margin-left:15px; }

Get year, month or day from numpy datetime64

If you upgrade to numpy 1.7 (where datetime is still labeled as experimental) the following should work.


What is the syntax for Typescript arrow functions with generics?

This works for me

const Generic = <T> (value: T) => {
    return value;

What does /p mean in set /p?

The /P switch allows you to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user. Displays the specified promptString before reading the line of input. The promptString can be empty.

Two ways I've used it... first:

SET /P variable=

When batch file reaches this point (when left blank) it will halt and wait for user input. Input then becomes variable.

And second:

SET /P variable=<%temp%\filename.txt

Will set variable to contents (the first line) of the txt file. This method won't work unless the /P is included. Both tested on Windows 8.1 Pro, but it's the same on 7 and 10.

'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level

I do not know how to solve this problem differently, but this is solved simply. The loader babel should be placed at the beginning of the array and everything works.

How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL

Barn's answer worked for me with modification because my column is not compressed. The quick and dirty solution:

select * from my_table
where dbms_lob.instr(my_UNcompressed_blob, utl_raw.cast_to_raw('MY_SEARCH_STRING'))>0;

Weblogic Transaction Timeout : how to set in admin console in WebLogic AS 8.1

Had the same problem, thanks mikej.

In WLS 10.3 this configuration can be found in Services > JTA menu, or if you click on the domain name (first item in the menu) - on the Configuration > JTA tabs.

alt text

Android webview slow

None of those answers was not helpful for me.

Finally I have found reason and solution. The reason was a lot of CSS3 filters (filter, -webkit-filter).


I have added detection of WebView in web page script in order to add class "lowquality" to HTML body. BTW. You can easily track WebView by setting user-agent in WebView settings. Then I created new CSS rule

body.lowquality * { filter: none !important; }

Finding the number of non-blank columns in an Excel sheet using VBA

Result is shown in the following code as column number (8,9 etc.):

Dim lastColumn As Long
lastColumn = Sheet1.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
MsgBox lastColumn

Result is shown in the following code as letter (H,I etc.):

Dim lastColumn As Long
lastColumn = Sheet1.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
MsgBox Split(Sheet1.Cells(1, lastColumn).Address, "$")(1)

Observable Finally on Subscribe

I'm now using RxJS 5.5.7 in an Angular application and using finalize operator has a weird behavior for my use case since is fired before success or error callbacks.

Simple example:

// Simulate an AJAX callback...
    finalize(() => {
      // Do some work after complete...
      console.log('Finalize method executed before "Data available" (or error thrown)');
      response => {
        console.log('Data available.');
      err => {

I have had to use the add medhod in the subscription to accomplish what I want. Basically a finally callback after the success or error callbacks are done. Like a try..catch..finally block or Promise.finally method.

Simple example:

// Simulate an AJAX callback...
      response => {
        console.log('Data available.');
      err => {
  .add(() => {
    // Do some work after complete...
    console.log('At this point the success or error callbacks has been completed.');

Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?

For me I had to uncomment these lines in php.ini:

extension_dir = "ext"

"ext" is applicable if php_openssl.dll is located in the "ext" folder.

Note: I had to do this for two of my php.ini files otherwise it would not work. One located in the vs.php installation folder, and the other on on the PHP folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Jcx.Software\VS.Php\2013\Php 5.6
C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.6


Creating a Custom Event

Based on @ionden's answer, the call to the delegate could be simplified using null propagation since C# 6.0.

Your code would simply be:

class MyClass {
    public event EventHandler MyEvent;

    public void Method() {
        MyEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

Use it like this:

MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
myObject.MyEvent += new EventHandler(myObject_MyEvent);

How to change XML Attribute

If the attribute you want to change doesn't exist or has been accidentally removed, then an exception occurs. I suggest you first create a new attribute and send it to a function like the following:

private void SetAttrSafe(XmlNode node,params XmlAttribute[] attrList)
        foreach (var attr in attrList)
            if (node.Attributes[attr.Name] != null)
                node.Attributes[attr.Name].Value = attr.Value;


   XmlAttribute attr = dom.CreateAttribute("name");
   attr.Value = value;
   SetAttrSafe(node, attr);

Changing font size and direction of axes text in ggplot2

Adding to previous solutions, you can also specify the font size relative to the base_size included in themes such as theme_bw() (where base_size is 11) using the rel() function.

For example:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=rel(0.5), angle=90))

How to rename a single column in a data.frame?

I would simply add a new column to the data frame with the name I want and get the data for it from the existing column. like this:


then I remove the old column! like this:


This code might seem silly! But it works perfectly...

private constructor

One common use is in the singleton pattern where you want only one instance of the class to exist. In that case, you can provide a static method which does the instantiation of the object. This way the number of objects instantiated of a particular class can be controlled.

How to shutdown my Jenkins safely?

You can also look in the init script area (e.g. centos vi /etc/init.d/jenkins ) for details on how the service is actually started and stopped.

JavaScript check if value is only undefined, null or false

Boolean(val) === false. This worked for me to check if value was falsely.

Compile Views in ASP.NET MVC

Build > Run Code Analysis

Hotkey : Alt+F11

Helped me catch Razor errors.

The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly

If you are installing PHP 7.1.14 on windows server 2008 rc2 Enterprise, only thing worked for me is to install microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 from

how to create a list of lists

You want to create an empty list, then append the created list to it. This will give you the list of lists. Example:

>>> l = []
>>> l.append([1,2,3])
>>> l.append([4,5,6])
>>> l
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

How to display hidden characters by default (ZERO WIDTH SPACE ie. &#8203)

Not sure what you meant, but you can permanently turn showing whitespaces on and off in Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance -> Show whitespaces.

Also, you can set it for a current file only in View -> Active Editor -> Show WhiteSpaces.


Had some free time since it looks like a popular issue, I had written a plugin to inspect the code for such abnormalities. It is called Zero Width Characters locator and you're welcome to give it a try.

Enabling/installing GD extension? --without-gd

In my case (php 5.6, Ubuntu 14.04) the following command worked for me:

sudo apt-get install php5.6-gd

According to php version we need to change the php5.x-gd

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

You can accomplish this using the mysqldump command-line function.

For example:

If it's an entire DB, then:

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p db_name > db_backup.sql

If it's all DBs, then:

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p --all-databases > all_db_backup.sql

If it's specific tables within a DB, then:

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p db_name table1 table2 > table_backup.sql

You can even go as far as auto-compressing the output using gzip (if your DB is very big):

   $ mysqldump -u [uname] -p db_name | gzip > db_backup.sql.gz

If you want to do this remotely and you have the access to the server in question, then the following would work (presuming the MySQL server is on port 3306):

   $ mysqldump -P 3306 -h [ip_address] -u [uname] -p db_name > db_backup.sql

It should drop the .sql file in the folder you run the command-line from.

EDIT: Updated to avoid inclusion of passwords in CLI commands, use the -p option without the password. It will prompt you for it and not record it.

JQuery Redirect to URL after specified time

You don't really need jQuery for this. You could do it with plain javascript using the setTimeout method:

// redirect to google after 5 seconds
window.setTimeout(function() {
    window.location.href = '';
}, 5000);

How can I disable a specific LI element inside a UL?

I usualy use <li> to include <a> link. I disabled click action writing like this; You may not include <a> link, then you will ignore my post.

a.noclick       {_x000D_
  pointer-events: none;_x000D_
<a class="noclick" href="#">this is disabled</a>

Update div with jQuery ajax response html

Almost 5 years later, I think my answer can reduce a little bit the hard work of many people.

Update an element in the DOM with the HTML from the one from the ajax call can be achieved that way

$('#submitform').click(function() {
     url: "getinfo.asp",
     data: {
         txtsearch: $('#appendedInputButton').val()
     type: "GET",
     dataType : "html",
     success: function (data){
         // similar to $(data).find('#showresults')

or with replaceWith()

// codes

success: function (data){

How to use (install) dblink in PostgreSQL?

Since PostgreSQL 9.1, installation of additional modules is simple. Registered extensions like dblink can be installed with CREATE EXTENSION:


Installs into your default schema, which is public by default. Make sure your search_path is set properly before you run the command. The schema must be visible to all roles who have to work with it. See:

Alternatively, you can install to any schema of your choice with:

CREATE EXTENSION dblink SCHEMA extensions;


Run once per database. Or run it in the standard system database template1 to add it to every newly created DB automatically. Details in the manual.

You need to have the files providing the module installed on the server first. For Debian and derivatives this would be the package postgresql-contrib-9.1 - for PostgreSQL 9.1, obviously. Since Postgres 10, there is just a postgresql-contrib metapackage.

Java: Convert String to TimeStamp

DateFormat formatter;
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date date = (Date) formatter.parse(str_date);
java.sql.Timestamp timeStampDate = new Timestamp(date.getTime());

Make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?

I do this as a side-effect of pushing with the -u option as in

$ git push -u origin branch-name

The equivalent long option is --set-upstream.

The git-branch command also understands --set-upstream, but its use can be confusing. Version 1.8.0 modifies the interface.

git branch --set-upstream is deprecated and may be removed in a relatively distant future. git branch [-u|--set-upstream-to] has been introduced with a saner order of arguments.

It was tempting to say git branch --set-upstream origin/master, but that tells Git to arrange the local branch "origin/master" to integrate with the currently checked out branch, which is highly unlikely what the user meant. The option is deprecated; use the new --set-upstream-to (with a short-and-sweet -u) option instead.

Say you have a local foo branch and want it to treat the branch by the same name as its upstream. Make this happen with

$ git branch foo
$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/foo

or just

$ git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/foo foo

How to measure the a time-span in seconds using System.currentTimeMillis()?

From your code it would appear that you are trying to measure how long a computation took (as opposed to trying to figure out what the current time is).

In that case, you need to call currentTimeMillis before and after the computation, take the difference, and divide the result by 1000 to convert milliseconds to seconds.

Skip first line(field) in loop using CSV file? Return the next row of the reader’s iterable object as a list, parsed according to the current dialect.

Correct way to synchronize ArrayList in java

Let's take a normal list (implemented by the ArrayList class) and make it synchronized. This is shown in the SynchronizedListExample class. We pass the Collections.synchronizedList method a new ArrayList of Strings. The method returns a synchronized List of Strings. //Here is SynchronizedArrayList class

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* @author manoj.kumar
* @email [email protected]
public class SynchronizedArrayList {
    static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SynchronizedArrayList.class.getName());
    public static void main(String[] args) {    
        List<String> synchronizedList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
        // when iterating over a synchronized list, we need to synchronize access to the synchronized list
        synchronized (synchronizedList) {
            Iterator<String> iterator = synchronizedList.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      "Synchronized Array List Items: " +;

Notice that when iterating over the list, this access is still done using a synchronized block that locks on the synchronizedList object. In general, iterating over a synchronized collection should be done in a synchronized block

How can I make a program wait for a variable change in javascript?

What worked for me (I looked all over the place and ended up using someone's jsfiddler / very slightly modifying it - worked nicely) was to set that variable to an object with a getter and setter, and the setter triggers the function that is waiting for variable change.

var myVariableImWaitingOn = function (methodNameToTriggerWhenChanged){
    triggerVar = this;
    triggerVar.val = '';
    triggerVar.onChange = methodNameToTriggerWhenChanged;
        if (value != 'undefined' && value != ''){
            triggerVar.val = value; //modify this according to what you're passing in -
            //like a loop if an array that's only available for a short time, etc
            triggerVar.onChange(); //could also pass the val to the waiting function here
            //or the waiting function can just call myVariableImWaitingOn.GetValue()
        return triggerVar.val();

Facebook API: Get fans of / people who like a page

Use this.<your page id>

It will return up to 500 of the most recent likes.<your page id>&start=400

Each page will give you 100 fans. Change start value to (0, 100, 200, 300, 400) to get the first 500. If start is >= 401, the page will be blank :(

Decoding a Base64 string in Java

Commonly base64 it is used for images. if you like to decode an image (jpg in this example with org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 package):

byte[] decoded = Base64.decodeBase64(imageJpgInBase64);
FileOutputStream fos = null;
fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\output\\image.jpg");

How to install a python library manually

You need to install it in a directory in your home folder, and somehow manipulate the PYTHONPATH so that directory is included.

The best and easiest is to use virtualenv. But that requires installation, causing a catch 22. :) But check if virtualenv is installed. If it is installed you can do this:

$ cd /tmp
$ virtualenv foo
$ cd foo
$ ./bin/python

Then you can just run the installation as usual, with /tmp/foo/python install. (Obviously you need to make the virtual environment in your a folder in your home directory, not in /tmp/foo. ;) )

If there is no virtualenv, you can install your own local Python. But that may not be allowed either. Then you can install the package in a local directory for packages:

$ wget
$ tar xvf six-1.0b1.tar.gz 
$ cd six-1.0b1/
$ pythonX.X   install --install-dir=/tmp/frotz

Now you need to add /tmp/frotz/pythonX.X/site-packages to your PYTHONPATH, and you should be up and running!

What's the Android ADB shell "dumpsys" tool and what are its benefits?

According to official Android information about dumpsys:

The dumpsys tool runs on the device and provides information about the status of system services.

To get a list of available services use

adb shell dumpsys -l

Android- Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForRelease'

Sol 1: In build.gradle:

defaultConfig {
    multiDexEnabled true

Clean your project and rebuild.

Sol 2: in add,

org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX\:MaxHeapSize\=512m -Xmx512m

Sol 3

compile ''

Else add all 3 in your application.

Ball to Ball Collision - Detection and Handling

You should use space partitioning to solve this problem.

Read up on Binary Space Partitioning and Quadtrees

How to pass data from 2nd activity to 1st activity when pressed back? - android

Activity1 should start Activity2 with startActivityForResult().

Activity2 should use setResult() to send data back to Activity1.

In Activity2,

public void onBackPressed() {
    String data = mEditText.getText();
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra("MyData", data);
    setResult(resultcode, intent);

In Activity1,

onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == 1) {
        if(resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            String myStr=data.getStringExtra("MyData");

How to check if a column exists in a datatable

You can look at the Columns property of a given DataTable, it is a list of all columns in the table.

private void PrintValues(DataTable table)
    foreach(DataRow row in table.Rows)
        foreach(DataColumn column in table.Columns)

Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?

There are two widely-used memory allocation techniques: automatic allocation and dynamic allocation. Commonly, there is a corresponding region of memory for each: the stack and the heap.


The stack always allocates memory in a sequential fashion. It can do so because it requires you to release the memory in the reverse order (First-In, Last-Out: FILO). This is the memory allocation technique for local variables in many programming languages. It is very, very fast because it requires minimal bookkeeping and the next address to allocate is implicit.

In C++, this is called automatic storage because the storage is claimed automatically at the end of scope. As soon as execution of current code block (delimited using {}) is completed, memory for all variables in that block is automatically collected. This is also the moment where destructors are invoked to clean up resources.


The heap allows for a more flexible memory allocation mode. Bookkeeping is more complex and allocation is slower. Because there is no implicit release point, you must release the memory manually, using delete or delete[] (free in C). However, the absence of an implicit release point is the key to the heap's flexibility.

Reasons to use dynamic allocation

Even if using the heap is slower and potentially leads to memory leaks or memory fragmentation, there are perfectly good use cases for dynamic allocation, as it's less limited.

Two key reasons to use dynamic allocation:

  • You don't know how much memory you need at compile time. For instance, when reading a text file into a string, you usually don't know what size the file has, so you can't decide how much memory to allocate until you run the program.

  • You want to allocate memory which will persist after leaving the current block. For instance, you may want to write a function string readfile(string path) that returns the contents of a file. In this case, even if the stack could hold the entire file contents, you could not return from a function and keep the allocated memory block.

Why dynamic allocation is often unnecessary

In C++ there's a neat construct called a destructor. This mechanism allows you to manage resources by aligning the lifetime of the resource with the lifetime of a variable. This technique is called RAII and is the distinguishing point of C++. It "wraps" resources into objects. std::string is a perfect example. This snippet:

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
    std::string program(argv[0]);

actually allocates a variable amount of memory. The std::string object allocates memory using the heap and releases it in its destructor. In this case, you did not need to manually manage any resources and still got the benefits of dynamic memory allocation.

In particular, it implies that in this snippet:

int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
    std::string * program = new std::string(argv[0]);  // Bad!
    delete program;

there is unneeded dynamic memory allocation. The program requires more typing (!) and introduces the risk of forgetting to deallocate the memory. It does this with no apparent benefit.

Why you should use automatic storage as often as possible

Basically, the last paragraph sums it up. Using automatic storage as often as possible makes your programs:

  • faster to type;
  • faster when run;
  • less prone to memory/resource leaks.

Bonus points

In the referenced question, there are additional concerns. In particular, the following class:

class Line {
    std::string* mString;

Line::Line() {
    mString = new std::string("foo_bar");

Line::~Line() {
    delete mString;

Is actually a lot more risky to use than the following one:

class Line {
    std::string mString;

Line::Line() {
    mString = "foo_bar";
    // note: there is a cleaner way to write this.

The reason is that std::string properly defines a copy constructor. Consider the following program:

int main ()
    Line l1;
    Line l2 = l1;

Using the original version, this program will likely crash, as it uses delete on the same string twice. Using the modified version, each Line instance will own its own string instance, each with its own memory and both will be released at the end of the program.

Other notes

Extensive use of RAII is considered a best practice in C++ because of all the reasons above. However, there is an additional benefit which is not immediately obvious. Basically, it's better than the sum of its parts. The whole mechanism composes. It scales.

If you use the Line class as a building block:

 class Table
      Line borders[4];


 int main ()
     Table table;

allocates four std::string instances, four Line instances, one Table instance and all the string's contents and everything is freed automagically.

Customize list item bullets using CSS

    <li id="bigger"></li>

     #bigger .li {height:##px; width:##px;}

How can I create an utility class?

For a completely stateless utility class in Java, I suggest the class be declared public and final, and have a private constructor to prevent instantiation. The final keyword prevents sub-classing and can improve efficiency at runtime.

The class should contain all static methods and should not be declared abstract (as that would imply the class is not concrete and has to be implemented in some way).

The class should be given a name that corresponds to its set of provided utilities (or "Util" if the class is to provide a wide range of uncategorized utilities).

The class should not contain a nested class unless the nested class is to be a utility class as well (though this practice is potentially complex and hurts readability).

Methods in the class should have appropriate names.

Methods only used by the class itself should be private.

The class should not have any non-final/non-static class fields.

The class can also be statically imported by other classes to improve code readability (this depends on the complexity of the project however).


public final class ExampleUtilities {
    // Example Utility method
    public static int foo(int i, int j) {
        int val;

        //Do stuff

        return val;

    // Example Utility method overloaded
    public static float foo(float i, float j) {
        float val;

        //Do stuff

        return val;

    // Example Utility method calling private method
    public static long bar(int p) {
        return hid(p) * hid(p);

    // Example private method
    private static long hid(int i) {
        return i * 2 + 1;

Perhaps most importantly of all, the documentation for each method should be precise and descriptive. Chances are methods from this class will be used very often and its good to have high quality documentation to complement the code.

svn: E155004: ..(path of resource).. is already locked

We had the same problem and we solved it as follows : we tried a "revert from SVN" from another folder than the one we faced the issue, and suddenly we were able to perform commit,revert etc from the folder that had the issue. It seems that it firstly needs to commit a change from another dir.


Bloomberg Open API

The API's will provide full access to LIVE data, and developers can thus provide applications and develop against the API without paying licencing fees. Consumers will pay for any data received from the apps provided by third party developers, and so BB will grow their audience and revenue in that way.

NOTE: Bloomberg is offering this programming interface (BLPAPI) under a free-use license. This license does not include nor provide access to any Bloomberg data or content.


Excluding files/directories from Gulp task

Gulp uses micromatch under the hood for matching globs, so if you want to exclude any of the .min.js files, you can achieve the same by using an extended globbing feature like this:


Basically what it says is: grab everything at any level inside of js that doesn't end with *.min.js

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?

In my case, I wanted to have several windows pop up as they are being computed. For reference, this is the way:

from matplotlib.pyplot import draw, figure, show
f1, f2 = figure(), figure()
af1 = f1.add_subplot(111)
af2 = f2.add_subplot(111)
print 'continuing computation'

PS. A quite useful guide to matplotlib's OO interface.

Daylight saving time and time zone best practices

Just one example to prove that handling time is the huge mess described, and that you can never be complacent. In several spots on this page leap-seconds have been ignored.

Several years ago, the Android operating system used GPS satellites to get a UTC time reference, but ignored the fact that GPS satellites do not use leap-seconds. No one noticed until there was confusion on New Year's Eve, when the Apple phone users and Android phone users did their count-downs about 15 seconds apart.

I think it has since been fixed, but you never know when these 'minor details' will come back to haunt you.

Create a directory if it does not exist and then create the files in that directory as well


// Create Directory if not exist then Copy a file.

public static void copyFile_Directory(String origin, String destDir, String destination) throws IOException {

    Path FROM = Paths.get(origin);
    Path TO = Paths.get(destination);
    File directory = new File(String.valueOf(destDir));

    if (!directory.exists()) {
        //overwrite the destination file if it exists, and copy
        // the file attributes, including the rwx permissions
     CopyOption[] options = new CopyOption[]{

        Files.copy(FROM, TO, options);


How can I print each command before executing?

set -x is fine.

Another way to print each executed command is to use trap with DEBUG. Put this line at the beginning of your script :

trap 'echo "# $BASH_COMMAND"' DEBUG

You can find a lot of other trap usages here.

How do you convert Html to plain text?

public static string StripTags2(string html) { return html.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); }

By this you escape all "<" and ">" in a string. Is this what you want?

PHP string concatenation

while ($personCount < 10) {
    $result .= ($personCount++)." people ";

echo $result;

Setting "checked" for a checkbox with jQuery

As @livefree75 said:

jQuery 1.5.x and below

You can also extend the $.fn object with new methods:

(function($)  {
      check : function()  {
         return this.filter(":radio, :checkbox").attr("checked", true);
      uncheck : function()  {
         return this.filter(":radio, :checkbox").removeAttr("checked");

But in new versions of jQuery, we have to use something like this:

jQuery 1.6+

    (function($)  {
          check : function()  {
             return this.filter(":radio, :checkbox").prop("checked", true);
          uncheck : function()  {
             return this.filter(":radio, :checkbox").prop("checked",false);

Then you can just do:


How can I get table names from an MS Access Database?

Here is an updated answer which works in Access 2010 VBA using Data Access Objects (DAO). The table's name is held in TableDef.Name. The collection of all table definitions is held in TableDefs. Here is a quick example of looping through the table names:

Dim db as Database
Dim td as TableDef
Set db = CurrentDb()
For Each td In db.TableDefs
Next td

Mac SQLite editor

Take a look on a free tool - Valentina Studio. Amazing product! IMO this is the best manager for SQLite for all platforms:

Also it works on Mac OS X, you can install Valentina Studio (FREE) directly from Mac App Store:

Get all validation errors from Angular 2 FormGroup

Recursive way to retrieve all the errors from an Angular form, after creating any kind of formulary structure there's no way to retrieve all the errors from the form. This is very useful for debugging purposes but also for plotting those errors.

Tested for Angular 9

getFormErrors(form: AbstractControl) {
    if (form instanceof FormControl) {
        // Return FormControl errors or null
        return form.errors ?? null;
    if (form instanceof FormGroup) {
        const groupErrors = form.errors;
        // Form group can contain errors itself, in that case add'em
        const formErrors = groupErrors ? {groupErrors} : {};
        Object.keys(form.controls).forEach(key => {
            // Recursive call of the FormGroup fields
            const error = this.getFormErrors(form.get(key));
            if (error !== null) {
                // Only add error if not null
                formErrors[key] = error;
        // Return FormGroup errors or null
        return Object.keys(formErrors).length > 0 ? formErrors : null;

mvn command is not recognized as an internal or external command

Right click on My Computer >> Properties >> Advanced system settings >> System Properties window will get displayed Under Advanced >> Environment Variables

Click on New to set Environment Variables

Variable name: JAVA_HOME Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121

Variable name: M2 Variable value: %M2_HOME%\bin

Variable name: M2_HOME Variable value: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.5.0

Variable name: Path Variable value: %M2_HOME%\bin

Then click on Ok, ok, ok. Now restart you command prompt and check again with “mvn –version” to verify the mvn is running, you may restart your system also.

It's Working...... Enjoy :)

Thanks Sandeep Nehte

Export from pandas to_excel without row names (index)?

You need to set index=False in to_excel in order for it to not write the index column out, this semantic is followed in other Pandas IO tools, see and

How to right-align and justify-align in Markdown?

In a generic Markdown document, use:

<style>body {text-align: right}</style>


<style>body {text-align: justify}</style>

Does not seem to work with Jupyter though.

How to display the first few characters of a string in Python?

You can 'slice' a string very easily, just like you'd pull items from a list:

a_string = 'This is a string'

To get the first 4 letters:

first_four_letters = a_string[:4]
>>> 'This'

Or the last 5:

last_five_letters = a_string[-5:]
>>> 'string'

So applying that logic to your problem:

the_string = '416d76b8811b0ddae2fdad8f4721ddbe|d4f656ee006e248f2f3a8a93a8aec5868788b927|12a5f648928f8e0b5376d2cc07de8e4cbf9f7ccbadb97d898373f85f0a75c47f '
first_32_chars = the_string[:32]
>>> 416d76b8811b0ddae2fdad8f4721ddbe

How do I limit the number of rows returned by an Oracle query after ordering?

(untested) something like this may do the job

base AS
    select *                   -- get the table
    from sometable
    order by name              -- in the desired order
twenty AS
    select *                   -- get the first 30 rows
    from base
    where rownum < 30
    order by name              -- in the desired order
select *                       -- then get rows 21 .. 30
from twenty
where rownum > 20
order by name                  -- in the desired order

There is also the analytic function rank, that you can use to order by.

Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences

this should work:

public void setSections (Context c,  List<Section> sectionList){
    this.sectionList = sectionList;

    Type sectionListType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Section>>(){}.getType();
    String sectionListString = new Gson().toJson(sectionList,sectionListType);

    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences(c).edit().putString(PREFS_KEY_SECTIONS, sectionListString);

them, to catch it just:

public List<Section> getSections(Context c){

    if(this.sectionList == null){
        String sSections = getSharedPreferences(c).getString(PREFS_KEY_SECTIONS, null);

        if(sSections == null){
            return new ArrayList<>();

        Type sectionListType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Section>>(){}.getType();
        try {

            this.sectionList = new Gson().fromJson(sSections, sectionListType);

            if(this.sectionList == null){
                return new ArrayList<>();
        }catch (JsonSyntaxException ex){

            return new ArrayList<>();

        }catch (JsonParseException exc){

            return new ArrayList<>();
    return this.sectionList;

it works for me.

How to get the current user's Active Directory details in C#

Alan already gave you the right answer - use the sAMAccountName to filter your user.

I would add a recommendation on your use of DirectorySearcher - if you only want one or two pieces of information, add them into the "PropertiesToLoad" collection of the DirectorySearcher.

Instead of retrieving the whole big user object and then picking out one or two items, this will just return exactly those bits you need.


adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("sn");  // surname = last name
adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("givenName");  // given (or first) name
adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("mail");  // e-mail addresse
adSearch.PropertiesToLoad.Add("telephoneNumber");  // phone number

Those are just the usual AD/LDAP property names you need to specify.

Javac is not found

do this: 1. run CMD (WIN+R then type in CMD) 2. Type this:

set PATH=%PATH%; java installation path\bin

Replace "java installation path" with the directory JDK is installed in, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Java. Be sure to add the \bin after the JDK directory, because this points to "javac" and "java" (BIN stands for "binaries")

This way, you can run the Java compiler from anywhere. It is impossible to CD to the JDK directory because it has a space in Program Files, and DOS will not let you CD to these directories.

How to execute .sql script file using JDBC

Another option, this DOESN'T support comments, very useful with AmaterasERD DDL export for Apache Derby:

public void executeSqlScript(Connection conn, File inputFile) {

    // Delimiter
    String delimiter = ";";

    // Create scanner
    Scanner scanner;
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(inputFile).useDelimiter(delimiter);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

    // Loop through the SQL file statements 
    Statement currentStatement = null;
    while(scanner.hasNext()) {

        // Get statement 
        String rawStatement = + delimiter;
        try {
            // Execute statement
            currentStatement = conn.createStatement();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            // Release resources
            if (currentStatement != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
            currentStatement = null;

When do you use varargs in Java?

A good rule of thumb would be:

"Use varargs for any method (or constructor) that needs an array of T (whatever type T may be) as input".

That will make calls to these methods easier (no need to do new T[]{...}).

You could extend this rule to include methods with a List<T> argument, provided that this argument is for input only (ie, the list is not modified by the method).

Additionally, I would refrain from using f(Object... args) because its slips towards a programming way with unclear APIs.

In terms of examples, I have used it in DesignGridLayout, where I can add several JComponents in one call:

layout.row().grid(new JLabel("Label")).add(field1, field2, field3);

In the code above the add() method is defined as add(JComponent... components).

Finally, the implementation of such methods must take care of the fact that it may be called with an empty vararg! If you want to impose at least one argument, then you have to use an ugly trick such as:

void f(T arg1, T... args) {...}

I consider this trick ugly because the implementation of the method will be less straightforward than having just T... args in its arguments list.

Hopes this helps clarifying the point about varargs.

unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally (Driver info: chromedriver=2.9

I am running a similar setup: Selenium 3.40, Chrome 61, chromedriver 2.33 running with xvfb on ubuntu 16.04.

I was getting the same Chrome error intermittently. It seems that sometimes, the chromedriver fails to cleanup the temp files associated with the Chrome profile.

A workaround for me is to cleanup the temp files before running tests:

rm -rf /tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium*

I expect this will be resolved in future versions of chromedriver, but for now this solves the problem in my case.

Total size of the contents of all the files in a directory

If you use busybox's "du" in emebedded system, you can not get a exact bytes with du, only Kbytes you can get.

BusyBox v1.4.1 (2007-11-30 20:37:49 EST) multi-call binary

Usage: du [-aHLdclsxhmk] [FILE]...

Summarize disk space used for each FILE and/or directory.
Disk space is printed in units of 1024 bytes.

        -a      Show sizes of files in addition to directories
        -H      Follow symbolic links that are FILE command line args
        -L      Follow all symbolic links encountered
        -d N    Limit output to directories (and files with -a) of depth < N
        -c      Output a grand total
        -l      Count sizes many times if hard linked
        -s      Display only a total for each argument
        -x      Skip directories on different filesystems
        -h      Print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 243M 2G )
        -m      Print sizes in megabytes
        -k      Print sizes in kilobytes(default)

Adding a regression line on a ggplot

The simple solution using geom_abline:

geom_abline(slope = coef(data.lm)[[2]], intercept = coef(data.lm)[[1]])

Where data.lm is an lm object, and coef(data.lm) looks something like this:

> coef(data.lm)
(Intercept)    DepDelay 
  -2.006045    1.025109 

The numeric indexing assumes that (Intercept) is listed first, which is the case if the model includes an intercept. If you have some other linear model object, just plug in the slope and intercept values similarly.

jQuery `.is(":visible")` not working in Chrome

If you read the jquery docs, there are numerous reasons for something to not be considered visible/hidden:

They have a CSS display value of none.

They are form elements with type="hidden".

Their width and height are explicitly set to 0.

An ancestor element is hidden, so the element is not shown on the page.

Here's a small jsfiddle example with one visible and one hidden element:

How to get previous page url using jquery

If you are using PHP, you can check previous url using php script rather than javascript. Here is the code:


Hope it helps even out of relevance :)

Can we write our own iterator in Java?

You can implement your own Iterator. Your iterator could be constructed to wrap the Iterator returned by the List, or you could keep a cursor and use the List's get(int index) method. You just have to add logic to your Iterator's next method AND the hasNext method to take into account your filtering criteria. You will also have to decide if your iterator will support the remove operation.

Removing spaces from string

String res =" Application " res=res.trim();

o/p: Application

Note: White space ,blank space are trim or removed

Insert images to XML file

I always convert the byte data to a Base64 encoding and then insert the image.

This is also the way that Word does it, for it's XML files (not that Word is a good example on how to work with XML :P).

How to implement a confirmation (yes/no) DialogPreference?

Android comes with a built-in YesNoPreference class that does exactly what you want (a confirm dialog with yes and no options). See the official source code here.

Unfortunately, it is in the package, which means it is a part of Android's private APIs and you cannot access it from your application (private API classes are subject to change without notice, hence the reason why Google does not let you access them).

Solution: just re-create the class in your application's package by copy/pasting the official source code from the link I provided. I've tried this, and it works fine (there's no reason why it shouldn't).

You can then add it to your preferences.xml like any other Preference. Example:

    android:dialogMessage="Are you sure you want to revert all settings to their default values?"
    android:summary="Revert all settings to their default values."
    android:title="Reset Settings" />

Which looks like this:


Calculating time difference between 2 dates in minutes

Try this one:

select * from MyTab T where date_add(T.runTime, INTERVAL 20 MINUTE) < NOW()

NOTE: this should work if you're using MySQL DateTime format. If you're using Unix Timestamp (integer), then it would be even easier:

select * from MyTab T where UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - T.runTime > 20*60

UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function returns you current unix timestamp.

How to make use of ng-if , ng-else in angularJS

<span ng-if="verifyName.indicator == 1"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></span>
<span ng-if="verifyName.indicator == 0"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></span>

try this code. here verifyName.indicator value is coming from controller. this works for me.

Excel: Searching for multiple terms in a cell

Another way


Also, if you keep a list of values in, say A1 to A3, then you can use


The wildcards are not necessary at all in the Search() function, since Search() returns the position of the found string.

sed: print only matching group

The cut command is designed for this exact situation. It will "cut" on any delimiter and then you can specify which chunks should be output.

For instance: echo "foo bar <foo> bla 1 2 3.4" | cut -d " " -f 6-7

Will result in output of: 2 3.4

-d sets the delimiter

-f selects the range of 'fields' to output, in this case, it's the 6th through 7th chunks of the original string. You can also specify the range as a list, such as 6,7.

SQL Server Management Studio, how to get execution time down to milliseconds

Include Client Statistics by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S. Then you will have all execution information in the statistics tab below.

Bootstrap 3 panel header with buttons wrong position

I would start by adding clearfix class to the <div> with panel-heading class. Then, add both panel-title and pull-left to the H4 tag. Then, add padding-top, as necessary.

Here's the complete code:

<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading clearfix">
      <h4 class="panel-title pull-left" style="padding-top: 7.5px;">Panel header</h4>
      <div class="btn-group pull-right">
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">## Lock</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">## Delete</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">## Move</a>

Configuring ObjectMapper in Spring

There is org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean for a long time. Starting from 1.2 release of Spring Boot there is org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder for Java Config.

In String Boot configuration can be as simple as:


in or some Java code in @Configuration class:

public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder jacksonBuilder() {
    Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder();
    builder.indentOutput(true).dateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"));
    return builder;


Convert timestamp to string

new Date().toString();

Dateformatter can make it to any string you want

XSLT equivalent for JSON

To say lack of tools suggest lack of need is just begging the question. The same could be applied to support for X or Y in Linux (Why bother developing quality drivers and/or games for such a minority OS? And why pay attention to an OS that big game and hardware companies don't develop for?). Probably the people who would need to use XSLT and JSON end up using a somewhat trivial workaround: Transforming JSON into XML. But that's not the optimal solution, is it?

When you have a native JSON format and you want to edit it "wysywyg" in the browser, XSLT would be a more than adequate solution for the problem. Doing that with traditional javascript programming can become a pain in the arse.

In fact, I have implemented a "stone-age" approach to XSLT, using substring parsing to interpret some basic commands for javascript, like calling a template, process children, etc. Certainly implementing a transformation engine with a JSON object is much easier than implementing a full-fledged XML parser to parse the XSLT. Problem is, that to use XML templates to transform a JSON object you need to parse the XML of the templates.

To tranform a JSON object with XML (or HTML, or text or whatever) you need to think carefully about the syntax and what special characters you need to use to identify the transformation commands. Otherwise you'll end up having to design a parser for your own custom templating language. Having walked through that path, I can tell you that it's not pretty.

Update (Nov 12, 2010): After a couple of weeks working on my parser, I've been able to optimize it. Templates are parsed beforehand and commands are stored as JSON objects. Transformation rules are also JSON objects, while the template code is a mix of HTML and a homebrew syntax similar to shell code. I've been able to transform a complex JSON document into HTML to make a document editor. The code is around 1K lines for the editor (it's for a private project so I can't share it) and around 990 lines for the JSON transformation code (includes iteration commands, simple comparisons, template calling, variable saving and evaluation). I plan to release it under a MIT license. Drop me a mail if you want to get involved.

How to find rows that have a value that contains a lowercase letter

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column = 'my string'
COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS

This would make a case sensitive search.


As stated in kouton's comment here and tormuto's comment here whosoever faces problem with the below collation

COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS

should first check the default collation for their SQL server, their respective database and the column in question; and pass in the default collation with the query expression. List of collations can be found here.

PuTTY Connection Manager download?

PuTTY Session Manager is a tool that allows system administrators to organise their PuTTY sessions into folders and assign hotkeys to favourite sessions. Multiple sessions can be launched with one click. Requires MS Windows and the .NET 2.0 Runtime.

View tabular file such as CSV from command line

Here's a (probably too) simple option:

sed "s/,/\t/g" filename.csv | less

Transfer git repositories from GitLab to GitHub - can we, how to and pitfalls (if any)?

For anyone still looking for a simpler method to transfer repos from Gitlab to Github while preserving all history.

Step 1. Login to Github, create a private repo with the exact same name as the repo you would like to transfer.

Step 2. Under "push an existing repository from the command" copy the link of the new repo, it will look something like this:

[email protected]:your-name/name-of-repo.git

Step 3. Open up your local project and look for the folder .git typically this will be a hidden folder. Inside the .git folder open up config.

The config file will contain something like:

[remote "origin"]
url = [email protected]:your-name/name-of-repo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/origin/

Under [remote "origin"], change the URL to the one that you copied on Github.

Step 4. Open your project folder in the terminal and run: git push --all. This will push your code to Github as well as all the commit history.

Step 5. To make sure everything is working as expected, make changes, commit, push and new commits should appear on the newly created Github repo.

Step 6. As a last step, you can now archive your Gitlab repo or set it to read only.

Nginx Different Domains on Same IP

Your "listen" directives are wrong. See this page:

They should be

server {
    listen      80;
    root /var/www/domain1;

server {
    listen       80;
    root /var/www/domain2;

Note, I have only included the relevant lines. Everything else looked okay but I just deleted it for clarity. To test it you might want to try serving a text file from each server first before actually serving php. That's why I left the 'root' directive in there.

how to set default method argument values?

If your arguments are the same type you could use varargs:

public int something(int... args) {
    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;
    if (args.length > 0) {
      a = args[0];
    if (args.length > 1) {
      b = args[1];
    return a + b

but this way you lose the semantics of the individual arguments, or

have a method overloaded which relays the call to the parametered version

public int something() {
  return something(1, 2);

or if the method is part of some kind of initialization procedure, you could use the builder pattern instead:

class FoodBuilder {
   int saltAmount;
   int meatAmount;
   FoodBuilder setSaltAmount(int saltAmount) {
       this.saltAmount = saltAmount;
       return this;
   FoodBuilder setMeatAmount(int meatAmount) {
       this.meatAmount = meatAmount;
       return this;
   Food build() {
       return new Food(saltAmount, meatAmount);

Food f = new FoodBuilder().setSaltAmount(10).build();
Food f2 = new FoodBuilder().setSaltAmount(10).setMeatAmount(5).build();

Then work with the Food object

int doSomething(Food f) {
    return f.getSaltAmount() + f.getMeatAmount();

The builder pattern allows you to add/remove parameters later on and you don't need to create new overloaded methods for them.

Spring - applicationContext.xml cannot be opened because it does not exist

enter image description here

I was struggling since a couple of hours for this issue because i was putting that file under resources folder but it didn't help me, finally i realized my mistake. Put it directly under src/main/java.

What tools do you use to test your public REST API? this enables you to create an entire test suite for your API and run it from your browser and share it with others.

How to get the selected value from RadioButtonList?

The ASPX code will look something like this:

 <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblist1" runat="server">

    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item1" Value="1" />
    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item2" Value="2" />
    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item3" Value="3" />
    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item4" Value="4" />


    <asp:Button ID="btn1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="select value" />

And the code behind:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string selectedValue = rblist1.SelectedValue;

What is the best data type to use for money in C#?

Decimal. If you choose double you're leaving yourself open to rounding errors

Greater than and less than in one statement

This is one ugly way to do this. I would just use a local variable.

EDIT: If size() > 0 as well.

if (orderBean.getFiles().size() + Integer.MIN_VALUE-1 < Integer.MIN_VALUE + 5-1)

Outline effect to text

Easy! SVG to the rescue.

This is a simplified method:

  font   : bold 70px Century Gothic, Arial;
  width  : 100%;
  height : 120px;

  fill            : none;
  stroke          : black;
  stroke-width    : .5px;
  stroke-linejoin : round;
  animation       : 2s pulsate infinite;

@keyframes pulsate {
  50%{ stroke-width:5px }
<svg viewBox="0 0 450 50">
  <text y="50">Scalable Title</text>

Here's a more complex demo.

Convert XmlDocument to String

Assuming xmlDoc is an XmlDocument object whats wrong with xmlDoc.OuterXml?

return xmlDoc.OuterXml;

The OuterXml property returns a string version of the xml.

Difference between \n and \r?

In windows, the \n moves to the beginning of the next line. The \r moves to the beginning of the current line, without moving to the next line. I have used \r in my own console apps where I am testing out some code and I don't want to see text scrolling up my screen, so rather than use \n after printing out some text, of say, a frame rate (FPS), I will printf("%-10d\r", fps); This will return the cursor to the beginning of the line without moving down to the next line and allow me to have other information on the screen that doesn't get scrolled off while the framerate constantly updates on the same line (the %-10 makes certain the output is at least 10 characters, left justified so it ends up padded by spaces, overwriting any old values for that line). It's quite handy for stuff like this, usually when I have debugging stuff output to my console screen.

A little history

The /r stands for "return" or "carriage return" which owes it's history to the typewriter. A carriage return moved your carriage all the way to the right so you were typing at the start of the line.

The /n stands for "new line", again, from typewriter days you moved down to a new line. Not nessecarily to the start of it though, which is why some OSes adopted the need for both a /r return followed by a /n newline, as that was the order a typewriter did it in. It also explains the old 8bit computers that used to have "Return" rather than "Enter", from "carriage return", which was familiar.

Detect browser or tab closing

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
  return false; //here also can be string, that will be shown to the user

Are loops really faster in reverse?

Not a lot of time is consumed by i-- or i++. If you go deep inside the CPU architecture the ++ is more speedy than the --, since the -- operation will do the 2's complement, but it happend inside the hardware so this will make it speedy and no major difference between the ++ and -- also these operations are considered of the least time consumed in the CPU.

The for loop runs like this:

  • Initialize the variable once at the start.
  • Check the constraint in the second operand of the loop, <, >, <=, etc.
  • Then apply the loop.
  • Increment the loop and loop again throw these processes again.


for (var i = Things.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

will calculate the array length only once at the start and this is not a lot of time, but

for(var i = array.length; i--; ) 

will calculate the length at each loop, so it will consume a lot of time.

Constructor of an abstract class in C#

Key Points About Abstract Class

  1. An abstract class cannot be instantiated.
  2. An abstract class can have constructor and destructor.
  3. An abstract class cannot be a sealed class because the sealed modifier prevents a class from being inherited.
  4. An abstract class contains abstract as well as non-abstract members.
  5. An abstract class members can be private, protected and internal.
  6. Abstract members cannot have a private access modifier.
  7. Abstract members are implicitly virtual and must be implemented by a non-abstract derived class.

Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js

I was facing following error with code (nodejs 0.10.13), provided by ampersand:

origin is not allowed by access-control-allow-origin

Issue was resolved changing

response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});


response.writeHead(200, {
                 'Content-Type': 'text/html',
                 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' : '*'});

Excel how to fill all selected blank cells with text

If you want to do this in VBA, then this is a shorter method:

Sub FillBlanksWithNull()

'This macro will fill all "blank" cells with the text "Null"

'When no range is selected, it starts at A1 until the last used row/column

'When a range is selected prior, only the blank cell in the range will be used.

On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).FormulaR1C1 = "Null"

Exit Sub


MsgBox "No blank cells found", vbDefaultButton1, Error

Resume Next

End Sub


Robert Ilbrink

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ownerDocument' of undefined

If you use ES6 anon functions, it will conflict with $(this)

This works:

$('.dna-list').on('click', '.card', function(e) {

This doesn't work:

$('.dna-list').on('click', '.card', (e) => {

AFNetworking Post Request

For AFNetworking 4

AFHTTPSessionManager *manager = [AFHTTPSessionManager manager];
NSDictionary *params = @{@"user[height]": height,
                         @"user[weight]": weight};
[manager POST:@"" parameters:params headers:nil progress:nil success:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, id responseObject) {
    NSLog(@"JSON: %@", responseObject);
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *operation, NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);

Unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts. C# MySQL

I found the solution to my problem, I was having the same issue. Previously I had my connection string as this notice the port :3306 needs to be either attached to the server like that or removed from server like that Server=;Port=3306 depending on your .NET environment:


It was running fine until something happened which I am not sure exactly what it is, might be a recent update to my .NET application packages. It looks like format and spacing of the connection string is important. Anyways, the following format seems to be working for me:


Try either of the versions and see which one works for you.

Also I noticed that you are not using camel casing, this could be it. Make sure your property names are in capital casing like that


Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript

Short date patterns:

const shortDatePatterns = {
'aa-DJ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'aa-ER': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'aa-ET': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'af': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'af-NA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'af-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'agq-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'ak-GH': "yyyy/MM/dd",
'am': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'am-ET': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar': "dd/MM/yy",
'ar-001': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-AE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-BH': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-DJ': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-DZ': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ar-EG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-ER': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-IL': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-IQ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-JO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-KM': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-KW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-LB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-LY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-MA': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ar-MR': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-OM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-PS': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-QA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-SA': "dd/MM/yy",
'ar-SD': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-SO': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-SS': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-SY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ar-TD': "d/M/yyyy",
'ar-TN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ar-YE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'arn-CL': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'as': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'as-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'asa-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ast-ES': "d/M/yyyy",
'az': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'az-Cyrl-AZ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'az-Latn-AZ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ba': "dd.MM.yy",
'ba-RU': "dd.MM.yy",
'bas-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'be': "dd.MM.yy",
'be-BY': "dd.MM.yy",
'bem-ZM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'bez-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'bg': "d.M.yyyy '?.'",
'bg-BG': "d.M.yyyy '?.'",
'bin-NG': "d/M/yyyy",
'bm': "d/M/yyyy",
'bm-Latn-ML': "d/M/yyyy",
'bn': "d/M/yyyy",
'bn-BD': "d/M/yyyy",
'bn-IN': "dd-MM-yy",
'bo': "yyyy/M/d",
'bo-CN': "yyyy/M/d",
'bo-IN': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'br': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'br-FR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'brx-IN': "M/d/yyyy",
'bs': "d.M.yyyy.",
'bs-Cyrl-BA': "d.M.yyyy",
'bs-Latn-BA': "d.M.yyyy.",
'byn-ER': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ca': "d/M/yyyy",
'ca-AD': "d/M/yyyy",
'ca-ES': "d/M/yyyy",
'ca-ES-valencia': "d/M/yyyy",
'ca-FR': "d/M/yyyy",
'ca-IT': "d/M/yyyy",
'ce-RU': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'cgg-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'chr-Cher-US': "M/d/yyyy",
'co': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'co-FR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'cs-CZ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'cu': "yyyy.MM.dd",
'cu-RU': "yyyy.MM.dd",
'cy': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'cy-GB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'da-DK': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'da-GL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'dav-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'de': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-AT': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-BE': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-CH': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-DE': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-IT': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-LI': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'de-LU': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'dje-NE': "d/M/yyyy",
'dsb-DE': "d. M. yyyy",
'dua-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'dv-MV': "dd/MM/yy",
'dyo-SN': "d/M/yyyy",
'dz': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'dz-BT': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'ebu-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ee': "M/d/yyyy",
'ee-GH': "M/d/yyyy",
'ee-TG': "M/d/yyyy",
'el-CY': "d/M/yyyy",
'el-GR': "d/M/yyyy",
'en-001': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-029': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-150': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-AG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-AI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-AS': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-AT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-AU': "d/MM/yyyy",
'en-BB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-BE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-BI': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-BM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-BS': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-BW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-BZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-CA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'en-CC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-CH': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-CK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-CM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-CX': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-CY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-DE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-DK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-DM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-ER': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-FI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-FJ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-FK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-FM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GD': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GH': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-GU': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-GY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-HK': "d/M/yyyy",
'en-ID': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-IE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-IL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-IM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'en-IO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-JE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-JM': "d/M/yyyy",
'en-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-KI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-KN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-KY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-LC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-LR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-LS': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MH': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-MO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MP': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-MS': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-MY': "d/M/yyyy",
'en-NA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-NF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-NG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-NL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-NR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-NU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-NZ': "d/MM/yyyy",
'en-PG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-PH': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-PK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-PN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-PR': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-PW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-RW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SD': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SE': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'en-SG': "d/M/yyyy",
'en-SH': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SS': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SX': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-SZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-TC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-TK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-TO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-TT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-TV': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-UM': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-US': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-VC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-VG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-VI': "M/d/yyyy",
'en-VU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-WS': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-ZA': "yyyy/MM/dd",
'en-ZM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'en-ZW': "d/M/yyyy",
'eo-001': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'es': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'es-419': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-AR': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-BO': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-BR': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-BZ': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-CL': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'es-CO': "d/MM/yyyy",
'es-CR': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-CU': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-DO': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-EC': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-ES': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'es-GQ': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-GT': "d/MM/yyyy",
'es-HN': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-MX': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'es-NI': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-PA': "MM/dd/yyyy",
'es-PE': "d/MM/yyyy",
'es-PH': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-PR': "MM/dd/yyyy",
'es-PY': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-SV': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-US': "M/d/yyyy",
'es-UY': "d/M/yyyy",
'es-VE': "d/M/yyyy",
'et': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'et-EE': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'eu-ES': "yyyy/M/d",
'ewo-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'fa-IR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ff-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'ff-GN': "d/M/yyyy",
'ff-Latn-SN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ff-MR': "d/M/yyyy",
'ff-NG': "d/M/yyyy",
'fi': "d.M.yyyy",
'fi-FI': "d.M.yyyy",
'fil-PH': "M/d/yyyy",
'fo': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'fo-DK': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'fo-FO': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'fr': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-029': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-BE': "dd-MM-yy",
'fr-BF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-BI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-BJ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-BL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-CA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'fr-CD': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-CF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-CG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-CH': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'fr-CI': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-CM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-DJ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-DZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-FR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-GA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-GF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-GN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-GP': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-GQ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-HT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-KM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-LU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-ML': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MQ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-MU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-NC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-NE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-PF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-PM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-RE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-RW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-SC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-SN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-SY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-TD': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-TG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-TN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-VU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-WF': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fr-YT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fur-IT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'fy-NL': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ga': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ga-IE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gd': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gd-GB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gl': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gl-ES': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gn': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gn-PY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gsw-CH': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'gsw-FR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gsw-LI': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'gu': "dd-MM-yy",
'gu-IN': "dd-MM-yy",
'guz-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'gv-IM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ha-Latn-GH': "d/M/yyyy",
'ha-Latn-NE': "d/M/yyyy",
'ha-Latn-NG': "d/M/yyyy",
'haw-US': "d/M/yyyy",
'he-IL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'hi-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'hr': "d.M.yyyy.",
'hr-BA': "d. M. yyyy.",
'hr-HR': "d.M.yyyy.",
'hsb-DE': "d.M.yyyy",
'hu': "yyyy. MM. dd.",
'hu-HU': "yyyy. MM. dd.",
'hy-AM': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ia-001': "yyyy/MM/dd",
'ia-FR': "yyyy/MM/dd",
'ibb-NG': "d/M/yyyy",
'id': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'id-ID': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ig-NG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ii-CN': "yyyy/M/d",
'is': "d.M.yyyy",
'is-IS': "d.M.yyyy",
'it': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'it-CH': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'it-IT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'it-SM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'it-VA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'iu-Cans-CA': "d/M/yyyy",
'iu-Latn-CA': "d/MM/yyyy",
'ja-JP': "yyyy/MM/dd",
'jgo-CM': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'jmc-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'jv-Java-ID': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'jv-Latn-ID': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ka-GE': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'kab-DZ': "d/M/yyyy",
'kam-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'kde-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'kea-CV': "d/M/yyyy",
'khq-ML': "d/M/yyyy",
'ki': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ki-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'kk-KZ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'kkj-CM': "dd/MM yyyy",
'kl-GL': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'kln-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'km': "dd/MM/yy",
'km-KH': "dd/MM/yy",
'kn': "dd-MM-yy",
'kn-IN': "dd-MM-yy",
'ko-KP': "yyyy. M. d.",
'ko-KR': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'kok-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'kr': "d/M/yyyy",
'kr-NG': "d/M/yyyy",
'ks-Arab-IN': "M/d/yyyy",
'ks-Deva-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ksb-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ksf-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'ksh-DE': "d. M. yyyy",
'ku-Arab-IQ': "yyyy/MM/dd",
'ku-Arab-IR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'kw': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'kw-GB': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ky': "d-MMM yy",
'ky-KG': "d-MMM yy",
'la': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'la-001': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'lag-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'lb': "dd.MM.yy",
'lb-LU': "dd.MM.yy",
'lg-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'lkt-US': "M/d/yyyy",
'ln-AO': "d/M/yyyy",
'ln-CD': "d/M/yyyy",
'ln-CF': "d/M/yyyy",
'ln-CG': "d/M/yyyy",
'lo-LA': "d/M/yyyy",
'lrc-IQ': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'lrc-IR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'lt': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'lt-LT': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'lu': "d/M/yyyy",
'lu-CD': "d/M/yyyy",
'luo-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'luy-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'lv': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'lv-LV': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'mas-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mas-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mer-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mfe-MU': "d/M/yyyy",
'mg': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'mg-MG': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'mgh-MZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mgo-CM': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'mi-NZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mk': "dd.M.yyyy",
'mk-MK': "dd.M.yyyy",
'ml': "d/M/yyyy",
'ml-IN': "d/M/yyyy",
'mn': "yyyy.MM.dd",
'mn-MN': "yyyy.MM.dd",
'mn-Mong-CN': "yyyy/M/d",
'mn-Mong-MN': "yyyy/M/d",
'mni-IN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'moh-CA': "M/d/yyyy",
'mr': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'mr-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ms': "d/MM/yyyy",
'ms-BN': "d/MM/yyyy",
'ms-MY': "d/MM/yyyy",
'ms-SG': "d/MM/yyyy",
'mt': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mt-MT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'mua-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'my': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'my-MM': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'mzn-IR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'naq-NA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'nb-NO': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'nb-SJ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'nd-ZW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'nds-DE': "d.MM.yyyy",
'nds-NL': "d.MM.yyyy",
'ne': "M/d/yyyy",
'ne-IN': "yyyy/M/d",
'ne-NP': "M/d/yyyy",
'nl': "d-M-yyyy",
'nl-AW': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'nl-BE': "d/MM/yyyy",
'nl-BQ': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'nl-CW': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'nl-NL': "d-M-yyyy",
'nl-SR': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'nl-SX': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'nmg-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'nn-NO': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'nnh-CM': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'no': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'nqo-GN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'nr': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'nr-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'nso-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'nus-SS': "d/MM/yyyy",
'nyn-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'oc-FR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'om': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'om-ET': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'om-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'or-IN': "dd-MM-yy",
'os-GE': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'os-RU': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'pa': "dd-MM-yy",
'pa-Arab-PK': "dd-MM-yy",
'pa-IN': "dd-MM-yy",
'pap-029': "d-M-yyyy",
'pl': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'pl-PL': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'prg-001': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'prs-AF': "yyyy/M/d",
'ps': "yyyy/M/d",
'ps-AF': "yyyy/M/d",
'pt': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-AO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-BR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-CH': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-CV': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-GQ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-GW': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-LU': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-MO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-MZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-PT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-ST': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'pt-TL': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'quc-Latn-GT': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'quz-BO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'quz-EC': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'quz-PE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'rm-CH': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'rn-BI': "d/M/yyyy",
'ro': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ro-MD': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ro-RO': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'rof-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ru': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ru-BY': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ru-KG': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ru-KZ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ru-MD': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ru-RU': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ru-UA': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'rw': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'rw-RW': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'rwk-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sa': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'sa-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'sah-RU': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'saq-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sbp-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sd': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sd-Arab-PK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sd-Deva-IN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'se': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'se-FI': "d.M.yyyy",
'se-NO': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'se-SE': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'seh-MZ': "d/M/yyyy",
'ses-ML': "d/M/yyyy",
'sg': "d/M/yyyy",
'sg-CF': "d/M/yyyy",
'shi-Latn-MA': "d/M/yyyy",
'shi-Tfng-MA': "d/M/yyyy",
'si': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'si-LK': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'sk': "d. M. yyyy",
'sk-SK': "d. M. yyyy",
'sl': "d. MM. yyyy",
'sl-SI': "d. MM. yyyy",
'sma-NO': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'sma-SE': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'smj-NO': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'smj-SE': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'smn-FI': "d.M.yyyy",
'sms-FI': "d.M.yyyy",
'sn': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'sn-Latn-ZW': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'so': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'so-DJ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'so-ET': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'so-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'so-SO': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sq-AL': "d.M.yyyy",
'sq-MK': "d.M.yyyy",
'sq-XK': "d.M.yyyy",
'sr': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Cyrl-BA': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Cyrl-ME': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Cyrl-RS': "dd.MM.yyyy.",
'sr-Cyrl-XK': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Latn-BA': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Latn-ME': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Latn-RS': "d.M.yyyy.",
'sr-Latn-XK': "d.M.yyyy.",
'ss': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'ss-SZ': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'ss-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'ssy-ER': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'st': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'st-LS': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'st-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'sv': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'sv-AX': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'sv-FI': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'sv-SE': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'sw-CD': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sw-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sw-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'sw-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'syr-SY': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ta-IN': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ta-LK': "d/M/yyyy",
'ta-MY': "d/M/yyyy",
'ta-SG': "d/M/yyyy",
'te-IN': "dd-MM-yy",
'teo-KE': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'teo-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'tg': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'tg-Cyrl-TJ': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'th': "d/M/yyyy",
'th-TH': "d/M/yyyy",
'ti-ER': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'ti-ET': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'tig-ER': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'tk': "dd.MM.yy 'ý.'",
'tk-TM': "dd.MM.yy 'ý.'",
'tn': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'tn-BW': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'tn-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'to': "d/M/yyyy",
'to-TO': "d/M/yyyy",
'tr': "d.MM.yyyy",
'tr-CY': "d.MM.yyyy",
'tr-TR': "d.MM.yyyy",
'ts-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'tt': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'tt-RU': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'twq-NE': "d/M/yyyy",
'tzm-Arab-MA': "d/M/yyyy",
'tzm-Latn-DZ': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'tzm-Latn-MA': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'tzm-Tfng-MA': "dd-MM-yyyy",
'ug': "yyyy-M-d",
'ug-CN': "yyyy-M-d",
'uk-UA': "dd.MM.yyyy",
'ur-IN': "d/M/yy",
'ur-PK': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'uz': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'uz-Arab-AF': "dd/MM yyyy",
'uz-Cyrl-UZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'uz-Latn-UZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'vai-Latn-LR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'vai-Vaii-LR': "dd/MM/yyyy",
've': "yyyy-MM-dd",
've-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'vi': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'vi-VN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'vo-001': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'vun-TZ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'wae-CH': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'wal-ET': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'wo-SN': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'xh-ZA': "yyyy-MM-dd",
'xog-UG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'yav-CM': "d/M/yyyy",
'yi-001': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'yo-BJ': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'yo-NG': "dd/MM/yyyy",
'zgh-Tfng-MA': "d/M/yyyy",
'zh-CN': "yyyy/M/d",
'zh-Hans-HK': "d/M/yyyy",
'zh-Hans-MO': "d/M/yyyy",
'zh-HK': "d/M/yyyy",
'zh-MO': "d/M/yyyy",
'zh-SG': "d/M/yyyy",
'zh-TW': "yyyy/M/d",
'zu-ZA': "M/d/yyyy",

PHP convert XML to JSON

Json & Array from XML in 3 lines:

$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
$json = json_encode($xml);
$array = json_decode($json,TRUE);

How to set the title of UIButton as left alignment?

There is a small error in the code of @DyingCactus. Here is the correct solution to add an UILabel to an UIButton to align the button text to better control the button 'title':

NSString *myLabelText = @"Hello World";
UIButton *myButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];

// position in the parent view and set the size of the button
myButton.frame = CGRectMake(myX, myY, myWidth, myHeight); 

CGRect myButtonRect = myButton.bounds;
UILabel *myLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: myButtonRect];   
myLabel.text = myLabelText;
myLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
myLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor]; 
myLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica Neue" size:14.0];   
myLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft;

[myButton addSubview:myLabel];
[myLabel release];

Hope this helps....


How do I call paint event?

I think you can also call Refresh().

Oracle SqlDeveloper JDK path

if you use sqldeveloper 18.2.0

edit %APPDATA%\sqldeveloper\18.2.0\product.conf

jdk9, jdk10, and jdk11 are not supported

change back to jdk 8

for example

SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\ojdkbuild\java-1.8.0-openjdk-

How to get current SIM card number in Android?

Getting the Phone Number, IMEI, and SIM Card ID

TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) 

For SIM card, use the getSimSerialNumber()

    //---get the SIM card ID---
    String simID = tm.getSimSerialNumber();
    if (simID != null)
        Toast.makeText(this, "SIM card ID: " + simID, 

Phone number of your phone, use the getLine1Number() (some device's dont return the phone number)

    //---get the phone number---
    String telNumber = tm.getLine1Number();
    if (telNumber != null)        
        Toast.makeText(this, "Phone number: " + telNumber, 

IMEI number of the phone, use the getDeviceId()

    //---get the IMEI number---
    String IMEI = tm.getDeviceId();
    if (IMEI != null)        
        Toast.makeText(this, "IMEI number: " + IMEI, 

Permissions needed

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

a page can have only one server-side form tag

Sometime when you render the current page as shown in below code will generate the same error

StringWriter str_wrt = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter html_wrt = new HtmlTextWriter(str_wrt);
String HTML = str_wrt.ToString();

so how can we sort it?

What is %0|%0 and how does it work?

This is the Windows version of a fork bomb.

%0 is the name of the currently executing batch file. A batch file that contains just this line:


Is going to recursively execute itself forever, quickly creating many processes and slowing the system down.

This is not a bug in windows, it is just a very stupid thing to do in a batch file.

How to wait until an element is present in Selenium?

public WebElement fluientWaitforElement(WebElement element, int timoutSec, int pollingSec) {

    FluentWait<WebDriver> fWait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(driver).withTimeout(timoutSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .pollingEvery(pollingSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class, TimeoutException.class).ignoring(StaleElementReferenceException.class);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        try {
            //fWait.until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[@id='reportmanager-wrapper']/div[1]/div[2]/ul/li/span[3]/i[@data-original--title='We are processing through trillions of data events, this insight may take more than 15 minutes to complete.']")));
        } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("Element Not found trying again - " + element.toString().substring(70));


    return element;


How to apply color in Markdown?

This works in the note-taking Joplin:

<span style="color:red">text in red</span>

Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program

Regarding building a DLL using MinGW, here are some very brief instructions.

First, you need to mark your functions for export, so they can be used by callers of the DLL. To do this, modify them so they look like (for example)

__declspec( dllexport ) int add2(int num){
   return num + 2;

then, assuming your functions are in a file called funcs.c, you can compile them:

gcc -shared -o mylib.dll funcs.c

The -shared flag tells gcc to create a DLL.

To check if the DLL has actually exported the functions, get hold of the free Dependency Walker tool and use it to examine the DLL.

For a free IDE which will automate all the flags etc. needed to build DLLs, take a look at the excellent Code::Blocks, which works very well with MinGW.

Edit: For more details on this subject, see the article Creating a MinGW DLL for Use with Visual Basic on the MinGW Wiki.

Is it possible to use if...else... statement in React render function?

You should Remember about TERNARY operator


so your code will be like this,

    return (
            // note: code does not work here
               this.props.hasImage ?  // if has image
               <MyImage />            // return My image tag 
               <OtherElement/>        // otherwise return other element  


How does System.out.print() work?

The scenarios that you have mentioned are not of overloading, you are just concatenating different variables with a String.

System.out.print("Hello World");

System.out.print("My name is" + foo);

System.out.print("Sum of " + a + "and " + b + "is " + c); 

System.out.print("Total USD is " + usd);

in all of these cases, you are only calling print(String s) because when something is concatenated with a string it gets converted to a String by calling the toString() of that object, and primitives are directly concatenated. However if you want to know of different signatures then yes print() is overloaded for various arguments.

What are libtool's .la file for?

According to, they're needed to handle dependencies. But using pkg-config may be a better option:

In a perfect world, every static library needing dependencies would have its own .pc file for pkg-config, and every package trying to statically link to that library would be using pkg-config --static to get the libraries to link to.

How do I export an Android Studio project?

In the Android Studio go to File then Close Project. Then take the folder (in the workspace folder) of the project and copy it to a flash memory or whatever. Then when you get comfortable at home, copy this folder in the workspace folder you've already created, open the Android Studio and go to File then Open and import this project into your workspace.

The problem you have with this is that you're searching for the wrong term here, because in Android, exporting a project means compiling it to .apk file (not exporting the project). Import/Export is used for the .apk management, what you need is Open/Close project, the other thing is just copy/paste.

JSON for List of int

JSON is perfectly capable of expressing lists of integers, and the JSON you have posted is valid. You can simply separate the integers by commas:

    "Id": "610",
    "Name": "15",
    "Description": "1.99",
    "ItemModList": [42, 47, 139]

Can we pass an array as parameter in any function in PHP?

Yes, we can pass arrays to a function.

$arr = array(“a” => “first”, “b” => “second”, “c” => “third”);

function user_defined($item, $key)
    echo $key.”-”.$item.”<br/>”;

array_walk($arr, ‘user_defined’);

We can find more array functions here

How to obtain values of request variables using Python and Flask

If you want to retrieve POST data:

first_name = request.form.get("firstname")

If you want to retrieve GET (query string) data:

first_name = request.args.get("firstname")

Or if you don't care/know whether the value is in the query string or in the post data:

first_name = request.values.get("firstname") 

request.values is a CombinedMultiDict that combines Dicts from request.form and request.args.

pg_config executable not found

I recommend that you try to use ( This way you can easily turn Postgres on and off on your Mac. Once you do, add the path to Postgres to your .profile file by appending the following:


Only after you added Postgres to your path you can try to install psycopg2 either within a virtual environment (using pip) or into your global site-packages.

ASP.Net 2012 Unobtrusive Validation with jQuery

All the validator error has been solved by this

<add key="ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode" value="None"/>

Error must be vanished enjoy....

Getting unix timestamp from Date()

getTime() retrieves the milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 GMT passed to the constructor. It should not be too hard to get the Unix time (same, but in seconds) from that.

How to throw RuntimeException ("cannot find symbol")

An Exception is an Object like any other in Java. You need to use the new keyword to create a new Exception before you can throw it.

throw new RuntimeException();

Optionally you could also do the following:

RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException();
throw e;

Both code snippets are equivalent.

Link to the tutorials for completeness.

Class file for not found

You can easily solve this problem by getting the latest version of the Firebase Libraries for Android SDK.

You can get the latest library from



implementation ''



implementation ''

Change input value onclick button - pure javascript or jQuery

Another simple solution for this case using jQuery. Keep in mind it's not a good practice to use inline javascript.


I've added IDs to html on the total price and on the buttons. Here is the jQuery.

    $('#total').text('Product price: $1000');

    $('#total').text('Product price: $2000');

git: can't push (unpacker error) related to permission issues

A simpler way to do this is to add a post-receive script which runs the chmod command after every push to the 'hub' repo on the server. Add the following line to hooks/post-receive inside your git folder on the server:

chmod -Rf u+w /path/to/git/repo/objects

Disable a link in Bootstrap

I just created my own version using CSS. As I need to disabled, then when document is ready use jQuery to make active. So that way a user cannot click on a button until after the document is ready. So i can substitute with AJAX instead. The way I came up with, was to add a class to the anchor tag itself and remove the class when document is ready. Could re-purpose this for your needs.


    pointer-events: none;
    cursor: default;


<a class="btn btn-info disabled">Link Text</a>



Convert list to tuple in Python

It should work fine. Don't use tuple, list or other special names as a variable name. It's probably what's causing your problem.

>>> l = [4,5,6]
>>> tuple(l)
(4, 5, 6)

>>> tuple = 'whoops'   # Don't do this
>>> tuple(l)
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole?

On Linux, I used the following params:

and also I edited /etc/hosts so that the hostname resolves to the host address (192.168.0.x) rather than the loopback address (

Open another page in php

header( 'Location:' );

in your process.php file

How to get keyboard input in pygame?

I think you can use:


in which delayTime is in milliseconds.

Put it before events.

HTTPS connection Python

If using httplib.HTTPSConnection:

Please take a look at:

Changed in version 2.7.9:

This class now performs all the necessary certificate and hostname checks by default. To revert to the previous, unverified, behavior ssl._create_unverified_context() can be passed to the context parameter. You can use:

if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
  ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

HTML checkbox onclick called in Javascript

Label without an onclick will behave as you would expect. It changes the input. What you relly want is to execute selectAll() when you click on a label, right? Then only add select all to the label onclick. Or wrap the input into the the label and assign onclick only for the label

<label for="check_all_1" onclick="selectAll(document.wizard_form, this);">
  <input type="checkbox" id="check_all_1" name="check_all_1" title="Select All">
  Select All

Filtering array of objects with lodash based on property value

lodash also has a remove method

var myArr = [
    { name: "john", age: 23 },
    { name: "john", age: 43 },
    { name: "jim", age: 101 },
    { name: "bob", age: 67 }

var onlyJohn = myArr.remove( person => { return == "john" })

Rounding to 2 decimal places in SQL

Try to avoid formatting in your query. You should return your data in a raw format and let the receiving application (e.g. a reporting service or end user app) do the formatting, i.e. rounding and so on.

Formatting the data in the server makes it harder (or even impossible) for you to further process your data. You usually want export the table or do some aggregation as well, like sum, average etc. As the numbers arrive as strings (varchar), there is usually no easy way to further process them. Some report designers will even refuse to offer the option to aggregate these 'numbers'.

Also, the end user will see the country specific formatting of the server instead of his own PC.

Also, consider rounding problems. If you round the values in the server and then still do some calculations (supposing the client is able to revert the number-strings back to a number), you will end up getting wrong results.

bootstrap popover not showing on top of all elements

When you have some styles on a parent element that interfere with a popover, you’ll want to specify a custom container so that the popover’s HTML appears within that element instead.

For instance say the parent for a popover is body then you can use.

    <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body"> Popover One </a>

Other case might be when popover is placed inside some other element and you want to show popover over that element, then you'll need to specify that element in data-container. ex: Suppose, we have popover inside a bootstrap modal with id as 'modal-two', then you'll need to set 'data-container' to 'modal-two'.

    <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="#modal-two"> Popover Two </a>

get UTC time in PHP

with string GMT/UTC +/-0400 or GMT/UTC +/-1000 based on local timings

Your custom format is just missing O to give you the timezone offsets from local time.

Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours Example: +0200

echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s O');

2018-01-12 12:10:11 -0400

However, for maximized portability/interoperability, I would recommend using the ISO8601 date format c

echo date('c');


echo date('c');


You can use also gmdate and the timezone offset string will always be +00:00

echo gmdate('c');


echo gmdate('c');


How do I convert a String to an int in Java?

You can have your own implementations for this, like:

public class NumericStringToInt {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "123459";

        int num = stringToNumber(str);
        System.out.println("Number of " + str + " is: " + num);

    private static int stringToNumber(String str) {

        int num = 0;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < str.length()) {
            char ch = str.charAt(i);
            if (ch < 48 || ch > 57)
                throw new NumberFormatException("" + ch);
            num = num * 10 + Character.getNumericValue(ch);
        return num;

/etc/apt/sources.list" E212: Can't open file for writing

because the dir is not exist.

can use :!mkdir -p /etc/apt/ to make the directory.

then :wq

Android Studio emulator does not come with Play Store for API 23

As of now, Installing the apks to the /system directory seems to be working using adb push command.

Some hidden service was automatically remounting the /system directory in read-only mode.

Any way I was able to install the Play store in a normal virtual-machine ( Ie, non-Google-Api virtual machine ) by simply mounting the system.img file from my OS and by copying over the files.

# To be executed as root user in your Unix based OS
mkdir sys_temp
mount $SDK_HOME/system-images/android-23/default/x86/system.img sys_temp -o loop
cp Phonesky.apk GmsCore.apk GoogleLoginService.apk GoogleServicesFramework.apk ./sys_temp/priv-app/
umount sys_temp
rmdir sys_temp

The APK files can be pulled from any real Android device running Google Apps by using adb pull command

[ To get the exact path of the apks, we can use command pm list packages -f inside the adb shell ]

Passing multiple values for a single parameter in Reporting Services

As of MSSQL 2016 - with compatibility level 130, you can utilize String_Split() to parse your joined parameter from SSRS. Say you wanted to populate a parameter from a query in SSRS and then pass that param to a stored proc or SSRS Shared Dataset:

  1. Add two datasets to your SSRS report, one that returns a list of values and labels to display in your parameter and one that has the actual data you're looking to filter. Each of these datasets can be a stored proc or shared dataset or embedded query.
  2. Create a parameter in SSRS that is NOT on the dataset you want to filter. Let's call it Customer
  3. Set Customer param to allow multiple values and set up Available Values tab with the dataset, labels, and values you want to display from the query.
  4. Right click the dataset you're looking to filter and add a parameter that IS defined in the stored procedure. Let's call it CustomerList.
  5. Click the expression button next to the value field for this parameter and do Join(Parameters!Customer.Value, ",")
  6. In your stored proc or shared dataset, utilize string_split to break the comma-delimited @CustomerList param into an array: Customer.CustID in (select value from string_split(@CustomerList, ',') where value = Customer.CustID)

Difference in Months between two dates in JavaScript

Here you go other approach with less looping:

calculateTotalMonthsDifference = function(firstDate, secondDate) {
        var fm = firstDate.getMonth();
        var fy = firstDate.getFullYear();
        var sm = secondDate.getMonth();
        var sy = secondDate.getFullYear();
        var months = Math.abs(((fy - sy) * 12) + fm - sm);
        var firstBefore = firstDate > secondDate;
        firstBefore ? firstDate < secondDate ? months-- : "" : secondDate < firstDate ? months-- : "";
        return months;

How to print the value of a Tensor object in TensorFlow?

Question: How to print the value of a Tensor object in TensorFlow?


import tensorflow as tf

# Variable
x = tf.Variable([[1,2,3]])

# initialize
init = (tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.local_variables_initializer())

# Create a session
sess = tf.Session()

# run the session

# print the value

"Faceted Project Problem (Java Version Mismatch)" error message

Did you check your Project Properties -> Project Facets panel? (From that post)

A WTP project is composed of multiple units of functionality (known as facets).

The Java facet version needs to always match the java compiler compliance level.
The best way to change java level is to use the Project Facets properties panel as that will update both places at the same time.


The "Project->Preferences->Project Facets" stores its configuration in this file, "org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml", under the ".settings" directory.

The content might look like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <runtime name="WebSphere Application Server v6.1"/>
  <fixed facet=""/>
  <fixed facet="jst.web"/>
  <installed facet="" version="5.0"/>
  <installed facet="jst.web" version="2.4"/>
  <installed facet="" version="7.0"/>
  <installed facet="jsf.base" version="7.0"/>
  <installed facet="web.jstl" version="1.1"/>

Check also your Java compliance level:

Java compliance level

disable a hyperlink using jQuery

Removing the href attribute definitely seems to the way to go. If for some reason you need it later, I would just store it in another attribute, e.g.

$(".my-link").each(function() {
    $(this).attr("data-oldhref", $(this).attr("href"));

This is the only way to do it that will make the link appear disabled as well without writing custom CSS. Just binding a click handler to false will make the link appear like a normal link, but nothing will happen when clicking on it, which may be confusing to users. If you are going to go the click handler route, I would at least also .addClass("link-disabled") and write some CSS that makes links with that class appear like normal text.

Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: StartArray. Path

The first part of your question is a duplicate of Why do I get a JsonReaderException with this code?, but the most relevant part from that (my) answer is this:

[A] JObject isn't the elementary base type of everything in, but JToken is. So even though you could say,

object i = new int[0];

in C#, you can't say,

JObject i = JObject.Parse("[0, 0, 0]");


What you want is JArray.Parse, which will accept the array you're passing it (denoted by the opening [ in your API response). This is what the "StartArray" in the error message is telling you.

As for what happened when you used JArray, you're using arr instead of obj:

var rcvdData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LocationData>(arr /* <-- Here */.ToString(), settings);

Swap that, and I believe it should work.

Although I'd be tempted to deserialize arr directly as an IEnumerable<LocationData>, which would save some code and effort of looping through the array. If you aren't going to use the parsed version separately, it's best to avoid it.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) in Bind function

The 500 code would normally indicate an error on the server, not anything with your code. Some thoughts

  • Talk to the server developer for more info. You can't get more info directly.
  • Verify your arguments into the call (values). Look for anything you might think could cause a problem for the server process. The process should not die and should return you a better code, but bugs happen there also.
  • Could be intermittent, like if the server database goes down. May be worth trying at another time.