Programs & Examples On #Caliburn

A framework for WPF and Silverlight applications, facilitating a variety of UI patterns such as MVVM.

When correctly use Task.Run and when just async-await

One issue with your ContentLoader is that internally it operates sequentially. A better pattern is to parallelize the work and then sychronize at the end, so we get

public class PageViewModel : IHandle<SomeMessage>

   public async void Handle(SomeMessage message)

      // makes UI very laggy, but still not dead
      await this.contentLoader.LoadContentAsync(); 


public class ContentLoader 
    public async Task LoadContentAsync()
        var tasks = new List<Task>();

        await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

Obviously, this doesn't work if any of the tasks require data from other earlier tasks, but should give you better overall throughput for most scenarios.

How to dynamically set bootstrap-datepicker's date value?

If you are using Bootstrap DatePicker version 4+

Note All functions are accessed via the data attribute e.g. $('#datetimepicker').data("DateTimePicker").FUNCTION()

To set the date value, your codes should be like

$("#datetimepicker").data("DateTimePicker").date(new Date());

Android eclipse DDMS - Can't access data/data/ on phone to pull files

Event though it's a bit too late to try to answer this I'll leave what worked for me.

Peceps's solution didn't work because the SuperUser app didn't allow "shell" to have root access. So my solution is to directly use another app like RootExplorer and browse the folders from it.

Reinitialize Slick js after successful ajax call

$('#slick-slider').slick('refresh'); //Working for slick 1.8.1

How to detect escape key press with pure JS or jQuery?

check for keyCode && which & keyup || keydown

   var code = e.keyCode || e.which;

Add an element to an array in Swift

From page 143 of The Swift Programming Language:

You can add a new item to the end of an array by calling the array’s append method

Alternatively, add a new item to the end of an array with the addition assignment operator (+=)

Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.

Cannot import scipy.misc.imread

If you have Pillow installed with scipy and it is still giving you error then check your scipy version because it has been removed from scipy since 1.3.0rc1.

rather install scipy 1.1.0 by :

pip install scipy==1.1.0


The method imread in scipy.misc requires the forked package of PIL named Pillow. If you are having problem installing the right version of PIL try using imread in other packages:

from matplotlib.pyplot import imread
im = imread(image.png)

To read jpg images without PIL use:

import cv2 as cv
im = cv.imread(image.jpg)

You can try from scipy.misc.pilutil import imread instead of from scipy.misc import imread

Please check the GitHub page : for more details.

Ansible: Store command's stdout in new variable?

In case than you want to store a complex command to compare text result, for example to compare the version of OS, maybe this can help you:

       - shell: echo $(cat /etc/issue | awk {'print $7'})
         register: echo_content

       - shell: echo "It works"
         when: echo_content.stdout == "12"
         register: out
       - debug: var=out.stdout_lines

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

Mix-in annotations work pretty well here as already mentioned. Another possibility beyond per-property @JsonIgnore is to use @JsonIgnoreType if you have a type that should never be included (i.e. if all instances of GeometryCollection properties should be ignored). You can then either add it directly (if you control the type), or using mix-in, like:

@JsonIgnoreType abstract class MixIn { }
// and then register mix-in, either via SerializationConfig, or by using SimpleModule

This can be more convenient if you have lots of classes that all have a single 'IgnoredType getContext()' accessor or so (which is the case for many frameworks)

mongod command not recognized when trying to connect to a mongodb server

if still not working for you then just close all of your command prompts and then again open and run mongo, mongoimport, mongodb from anywhere it ll work because after setting the path variable command prompt should be restarted.

Resizing image in Java

We're doing this to create thumbnails of images:

  BufferedImage tThumbImage = new BufferedImage( tThumbWidth, tThumbHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
  Graphics2D tGraphics2D = tThumbImage.createGraphics(); //create a graphics object to paint to
  tGraphics2D.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
  tGraphics2D.setPaint( Color.WHITE );
  tGraphics2D.fillRect( 0, 0, tThumbWidth, tThumbHeight );
  tGraphics2D.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR );
  tGraphics2D.drawImage( tOriginalImage, 0, 0, tThumbWidth, tThumbHeight, null ); //draw the image scaled

  ImageIO.write( tThumbImage, "JPG", tThumbnailTarget ); //write the image to a file

URL Encoding using C#

Url Encoding is easy in .NET. Use:

System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(string url)

If that'll be decoded to get the folder name, you'll still need to exclude characters that can't be used in folder names (*, ?, /, etc.)

The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32'

This error means that the MVC framework can't find a value for your id property that you pass as an argument to the Edit method.

MVC searches for these values in places like your route data, query string and form values.

For example the following will pass the id property in your query string:


A nicer way would be to edit your routing configuration so you can pass this value as a part of the URL itself:


This process where MVC searches for values for your parameters is called Model Binding and it's one of the best features of MVC. You can find more information on Model Binding here.

Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java

Here's yet another solution, using the XOM library, that competes with my dom4j answer. (This is part of my quest to find a good dom4j replacement where XOM was suggested as one option.)

First read the XML fragment into a nu.xom.Document:

String newNode = "<node>value</node>"; // Convert this to XML
Document newNodeDocument = new Builder().build(newNode, "");

Then, get the Document and the Node under which the fragment is added. Again, for testing purposes I'll create the Document from a string:

Document originalDoc = new Builder().build("<root><given></given></root>", "");
Element givenNode = originalDoc.getRootElement().getFirstChildElement("given");

Now, adding the child node is simple, and similar as with dom4j (except that XOM doesn't let you add the original root element which already belongs to newNodeDocument):


Outputting the document yields the correct result XML (and is remarkably easy with XOM: just print the string returned by originalDoc.toXML()):

<?xml version="1.0"?>

(If you wanted to format the XML nicely (with indentations and linefeeds), use a Serializer; thanks to Peter Štibraný for pointing this out.)

So, admittedly this isn't very different from the dom4j solution. :) However, XOM may be a little nicer to work with, because the API is better documented, and because of its design philosophy that there's one canonical way for doing each thing.

Appendix: Again, here's how to convert between org.w3c.dom.Document and nu.xom.Document. Use the helper methods in XOM's DOMConverter class:

// w3c -> xom
Document xomDoc = DOMConverter.convert(w3cDoc);

// xom -> w3c
org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc = DOMConverter.convert(xomDoc, domImplementation);  
// You can get a DOMImplementation instance e.g. from DOMImplementationRegistry

Stored Procedure error ORA-06550

Could you try this one:

create or replace 
procedure point_triangle
    dbms_output.put_line(thisteam.FIRSTNAME|| ' ' || thisteam.LASTNAME  || ':' || thisteam.S);


How to send email via Django?

My site is hosted on Godaddy and I have a private email registered on the same. These are the settings which worked for me:


EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '[email protected]'
SERVER_EMAIL = '[email protected]'

In shell:

from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
email = EmailMessage('Subject', 'Body', to=['[email protected]'])

Then I got "1" as the O/P i.e. Success. And I received the mail too. :)

  • What is the meaning of

How to mkdir only if a directory does not already exist?

Use the -p flag.

man mkdir
mkdir -p foo

Getting an element from a Set

Default Set in Java is, unfortunately, not designed to provide a "get" operation, as jschreiner accurately explained.

The solutions of using an iterator to find the element of interest (suggested by dacwe) or to remove the element and re-add it with its values updated (suggested by KyleM), could work, but can be very inefficient.

Overriding the implementation of equals so that non-equal objects are "equal", as stated correctly by David Ogren, can easily cause maintenance problems.

And using a Map as an explicit replacement (as suggested by many), imho, makes the code less elegant.

If the goal is to get access to the original instance of the element contained in the set (hope I understood correctly your use case), here is another possible solution.

I personally had your same need while developing a client-server videogame with Java. In my case, each client had copies of the components stored in the server and the problem was whenever a client needed to modify an object of the server.

Passing an object through the internet meant that the client had different instances of that object anyway. In order to match this "copied" instance with the original one, I decided to use Java UUIDs.

So I created an abstract class UniqueItem, which automatically gives a random unique id to each instance of its subclasses.

This UUID is shared between the client and the server instance, so this way it could be easy to match them by simply using a Map.

However directly using a Map in a similar usecase was still inelegant. Someone might argue that using an Map might be more complicated to mantain and handle.

For these reasons I implemented a library called MagicSet, that makes the usage of an Map "transparent" to the developer.

Like the original Java HashSet, a MagicHashSet (which is one of the implementations of MagicSet provided in the library) uses a backing HashMap, but instead of having elements as keys and a dummy value as values, it uses the UUID of the element as key and the element itself as value. This does not cause overhead in the memory use compared to a normal HashSet.

Moreover, a MagicSet can be used exactly as a Set, but with some more methods providing additional functionalities, like getFromId(), popFromId(), removeFromId(), etc.

The only requirement to use it is that any element that you want to store in a MagicSet needs to extend the abstract class UniqueItem.

Here is a code example, imagining to retrieve the original instance of a city from a MagicSet, given another instance of that city with the same UUID (or even just its UUID).

class City extends UniqueItem {

    // Somewhere in this class

    public void doSomething() {
        // Whatever

public class GameMap {
    private MagicSet<City> cities;

    public GameMap(Collection<City> cities) {
        cities = new MagicHashSet<>(cities);

     * cityId is the UUID of the city you want to retrieve.
     * If you have a copied instance of that city, you can simply 
     * call copiedCity.getId() and pass the return value to this method.
    public void doSomethingInCity(UUID cityId) {
        City city = cities.getFromId(cityId);

    // Other methods can be called on a MagicSet too

VBA using ubound on a multidimensional array

Looping D3 ways;

Sub SearchArray()
    Dim arr(3, 2) As Variant
    arr(0, 0) = "A"
    arr(0, 1) = "1"
    arr(0, 2) = "w"

    arr(1, 0) = "B"
    arr(1, 1) = "2"
    arr(1, 2) = "x"

    arr(2, 0) = "C"
    arr(2, 1) = "3"
    arr(2, 2) = "y"

    arr(3, 0) = "D"
    arr(3, 1) = "4"
    arr(3, 2) = "z"

    Debug.Print "Loop Dimension 1"
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 1)
        Debug.Print "arr(" & i & ", 0) is " & arr(i, 0)
    Next i
    Debug.Print ""

    Debug.Print "Loop Dimension 2"
    For j = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
        Debug.Print "arr(0, " & j & ") is " & arr(0, j)
    Next j
    Debug.Print ""

    Debug.Print "Loop Dimension 1 and 2"
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr, 1)
        For j = 0 To UBound(arr, 2)
            Debug.Print "arr(" & i & ", " & j & ") is " & arr(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
    Debug.Print ""

End Sub

Checking for an empty file in C++

if (nfile.eof()) // Prompt data from the Priming read:
    nfile >> CODE >> QTY >> PRICE;
    /*used to check that the file is not empty*/
    ofile << "empty file!!" << endl;
    return 1;


Microsoft's Using sp_executesql article recommends using sp_executesql instead of execute statement.

Because this stored procedure supports parameter substitution, sp_executesql is more versatile than EXECUTE; and because sp_executesql generates execution plans that are more likely to be reused by SQL Server, sp_executesql is more efficient than EXECUTE.

So, the take away: Do not use execute statement. Use sp_executesql.

Get restaurants near my location

Is this what you are looking for?,-123.137784&radius=500&sensor=false&key=*PlacesAPIKey*&types=restaurant

types is optional

How to convert datetime to timestamp using C#/.NET (ignoring current timezone)

JonSkeet has a good answer but as an alternative if you wanted to keep the result more portable you could convert the date into an ISO 8601 format which could then be read into most other frameworks but this may fall outside your requirements.


How to Update Date and Time of Raspberry Pi With out Internet

You will need to configure your Win7 PC as a Time Server, and then configure the RasPi to connect to it for NTP services.

Configure Win7 as authoritative time server. Configure RasPi time server lookup.

How do you enable mod_rewrite on any OS?

Module rewrite_module is built-in in to the server most cases

Use .htaccess

Use the Mod Rewrite Generator at

curl_init() function not working

Just adding my answer for the case where there are multiple versions of PHP installed in your system, and you are sure that you have already installed the php-curl package, and yet Apache is still giving you the same error.

curl_init() undefined even if php-curl is enabled in Php 7.

Spring Resttemplate exception handling

If you use pooling (http client factory) or load balancing (eureka) mechanism with your RestTemplate, you will not have the luxury of creating a new RestTemplate per class. If you are calling more than one service you cannot use setErrorHandler because if would be globally used for all your requests.

In this case, catching the HttpStatusCodeException seems to be the better option.

The only other option you have is to define multiple RestTemplate instances using the @Qualifier annotation.

Also - but this is my own taste - I like my error handling snuggled tightly to my calls.

Properly Handling Errors in VBA (Excel)

This is what I'm teaching my students tomorrow. After years of looking at this stuff... ie all of the documentation above comes to mind as an excellent one...

I hope this summarizes it for others. There is an Err object and an active (or inactive) ErrorHandler. Both need to be handled and reset for new errors.

Paste this into a workbook and step through it with F8.

Sub ErrorHandlingDemonstration()

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    'this will error
    Debug.Print (1 / 0)

    'this will also error
    dummy = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup("not gonna find me", Range("A1:B2"), 2, True)

    'silly error
    Dummy2 = "string" * 50

    Exit Sub

    maybeWe = "did some cleanup on variables that shouldnt have been divided!"
    ' moves the code execution to the line AFTER the one that errored
    Resume Next

    maybeThisTime = "we made sure the value we were looking for was in the range!"
    ' moves the code execution to the line AFTER the one that errored
    Resume Next

    Exit Sub

    thisErrorsNumberBeforeReset = Err.Number
    thisErrorsDescription = Err.Description
    'this will reset the error object and error handling
    On Error GoTo 0
    'this will tell vba where to go for new errors, ie the new ErrorHandler that was previous just reset!
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    ' 11 is the err.number for division by 0
    If thisErrorsNumberBeforeReset = 11 Then
        GoTo zeroDivisionErrorBlock
    ' 1004 is the err.number for vlookup failing
    ElseIf thisErrorsNumberBeforeReset = 1004 Then
        GoTo vlookupFailedErrorBlock
        GoTo catchAllUnhandledErrors
    End If

End Sub

How to check if a number is a power of 2

Here is another method I devised, in this case using | instead of & :

bool is_power_of_2(ulong x) {
    if(x ==  (1 << (sizeof(ulong)*8 -1) ) return true;
    return (x > 0) && (x<<1 == (x|(x-1)) +1));

How can I export the schema of a database in PostgreSQL?

pg_dump -s databasename -t tablename -U user -h host -p port > tablename.sql

this will limit the schema dump to the table "tablename" of "databasename"

Using OR in SQLAlchemy

This has been really helpful. Here is my implementation for any given table:

def sql_replace(self, tableobject, dictargs):

    #missing check of table object is valid
    primarykeys = [ for key in inspect(tableobject).primary_key]

    filterargs = []
    for primkeys in primarykeys:
        if dictargs[primkeys] is not None:
            filterargs.append(getattr(db.RT_eqmtvsdata, primkeys) == dictargs[primkeys])

    query = select([db.RT_eqmtvsdata]).where(and_(*filterargs))

    if self.r_ExecuteAndErrorChk2(query)[primarykeys[0]] is not None:
        # update
        filter = and_(*filterargs)
        query = tableobject.__table__.update().values(dictargs).where(filter)
        return self.w_ExecuteAndErrorChk2(query)

        query = tableobject.__table__.insert().values(dictargs)
        return self.w_ExecuteAndErrorChk2(query)

# example usage
inrow = {'eqmtvs_id': eqmtvsid, 'datetime': dtime, 'param_id': paramid}

self.sql_replace(tableobject=db.RT_eqmtvsdata, dictargs=inrow)

Relative path in HTML

The relative pathing is based on the document level of the client side i.e. the URL level of the document as seen in the browser.

If the URL of your website is: then starting at the root level starts above the "mywebsite" folder path.

Bootstrap trying to load map file. How to disable it? Do I need to do it?

Deleting this line fixes it, but the problem is the boostrap files are in bower_components and not checked into source control.

So, every developer on the team will get the css file with the map reference when they pull the repo and do bower install (which is part of using a new repo).

The file should not have the reference to a map that is not there.

How can I symlink a file in Linux?

To create a new symlink (will fail if symlink exists already):

ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

To create or update a symlink:

ln -sf /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

Docker-Compose can't connect to Docker Daemon

I used Ubuntu 16.04 and found this problem too when I used docker-compose. I fixed it by running this command.

$ sudo systemctl start docker
$ sudo docker-compose build

VHDL - How should I create a clock in a testbench?

If multiple clock are generated with different frequencies, then clock generation can be simplified if a procedure is called as concurrent procedure call. The time resolution issue, mentioned by Martin Thompson, may be mitigated a little by using different high and low time in the procedure. The test bench with procedure for clock generation is:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity tb is
end entity;

architecture sim of tb is

  -- Procedure for clock generation
  procedure clk_gen(signal clk : out std_logic; constant FREQ : real) is
    constant PERIOD    : time := 1 sec / FREQ;        -- Full period
    constant HIGH_TIME : time := PERIOD / 2;          -- High time
    constant LOW_TIME  : time := PERIOD - HIGH_TIME;  -- Low time; always >= HIGH_TIME
    -- Check the arguments
    assert (HIGH_TIME /= 0 fs) report "clk_plain: High time is zero; time resolution to large for frequency" severity FAILURE;
    -- Generate a clock cycle
      clk <= '1';
      wait for HIGH_TIME;
      clk <= '0';
      wait for LOW_TIME;
    end loop;
  end procedure;

  -- Clock frequency and signal
  signal clk_166 : std_logic;
  signal clk_125 : std_logic;


  -- Clock generation with concurrent procedure call
  clk_gen(clk_166, 166.667E6);  -- 166.667 MHz clock
  clk_gen(clk_125, 125.000E6);  -- 125.000 MHz clock

  -- Time resolution show
  assert FALSE report "Time resolution: " & time'image(time'succ(0 fs)) severity NOTE;

end architecture;

The time resolution is printed on the terminal for information, using the concurrent assert last in the test bench.

If the clk_gen procedure is placed in a separate package, then reuse from test bench to test bench becomes straight forward.

Waveform for clocks are shown in figure below.

Waveforms for clk_166 and clk_125

An more advanced clock generator can also be created in the procedure, which can adjust the period over time to match the requested frequency despite the limitation by time resolution. This is shown here:

-- Advanced procedure for clock generation, with period adjust to match frequency over time, and run control by signal
procedure clk_gen(signal clk : out std_logic; constant FREQ : real; PHASE : time := 0 fs; signal run : std_logic) is
  constant HIGH_TIME   : time := 0.5 sec / FREQ;  -- High time as fixed value
  variable low_time_v  : time;                    -- Low time calculated per cycle; always >= HIGH_TIME
  variable cycles_v    : real := 0.0;             -- Number of cycles
  variable freq_time_v : time := 0 fs;            -- Time used for generation of cycles
  -- Check the arguments
  assert (HIGH_TIME /= 0 fs) report "clk_gen: High time is zero; time resolution to large for frequency" severity FAILURE;
  -- Initial phase shift
  clk <= '0';
  wait for PHASE;
  -- Generate cycles
    -- Only high pulse if run is '1' or 'H'
    if (run = '1') or (run = 'H') then
      clk <= run;
    end if;
    wait for HIGH_TIME;
    -- Low part of cycle
    clk <= '0';
    low_time_v := 1 sec * ((cycles_v + 1.0) / FREQ) - freq_time_v - HIGH_TIME;  -- + 1.0 for cycle after current
    wait for low_time_v;
    -- Cycle counter and time passed update
    cycles_v := cycles_v + 1.0;
    freq_time_v := freq_time_v + HIGH_TIME + low_time_v;
  end loop;
end procedure;

Again reuse through a package will be nice.

getting error HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL but not used `get` ever?

The problem is that you mapped your servlet to /register.html and it expects POST method, because you implemented only doPost() method. So when you open register.html page, it will not open html page with the form but servlet that handles the form data.

Alternatively when you submit POST form to non-existing URL, web container will display 405 error (method not allowed) instead of 404 (not found).

To fix:


Number of rows affected by an UPDATE in PL/SQL

Use the Count(*) analytic function OVER PARTITION BY NULL This will count the total # of rows

How to remove the URL from the printing page?

Perhaps you could try chrome (Probably Safari also)

The url & the page number in the header & footer is not visible when I print to pdf on OSX with Google Chrome.

Sorry not sure if this applies to windows

MySQL select rows where left join is null


  SELECT FROM table1 
  LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.user_one
  WHERE table2.user_one IS NULL
) A
  SELECT FROM table1 
  LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.user_two
  WHERE table2.user_two IS NULL
) B
ON =

See Demo

Or you could use two LEFT JOINS with aliases like:

 LEFT JOIN table2 A ON = A.user_one
 LEFT JOIN table2 B ON = B.user_two
 WHERE A.user_one IS NULL
 AND B.user_two IS NULL

See 2nd Demo

How to insert a new line in Linux shell script?

echo $'Create the snapshots\nSnapshot created\n'

ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

Might sound silly but I simply called npm i node-fetch --save in the wrong project. Make sure you are in the correct directory.

Performing SQL queries on an Excel Table within a Workbook with VBA Macro

found this and it worked for me.

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM DataTable" 

'Where DataTable is the Named range

How can I run SQL statements on a named range within an excel sheet?

Swift: Convert enum value to String?

It couldn't get simpler than this in Swift 2 and the latest Xcode 7 (no need to specify enum type, or .rawValue, descriptors etc...)

Updated for Swift 3 and Xcode 8:

    enum Audience {
        case Public
        case Friends
        case Private

    let audience: Audience = .Public  // or, let audience = Audience.Public
    print(audience) // "Public"

How can I add an image file into json object?

You're only adding the File object to the JSON object. The File object only contains meta information about the file: Path, name and so on.

You must load the image and read the bytes from it. Then put these bytes into the JSON object.

Ansible - Save registered variable to file

A local action will run once for each remote host (in parallel). If you want a unique file per host, make sure to put the inventory_hostname as part of the file name.

- local_action: copy content={{ foo_result }} dest=/path/to/destination/{{ inventory_hostname }}file

If you instead want a single file with all host's information, one way is to have a serial task (don't want to append in parallel) and then append to the file with a module (lineinfile is capable, or could pipe with a shell command)

- hosts: web_servers
  serial: 1
  - local_action: lineinfile line={{ foo_result }} path=/path/to/destination/file

Alternatively, you can add a second play/role/task to the playbook which runs against only local host. Then access the variable from each of the hosts where the registration command ran inside a template Access Other Hosts Variables Docs Template Module Docs

wamp server mysql user id and password

Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin and click on the Privileges tab. There is a "Add a new user" link. alt text

How to write a comment in a Razor view?

Note that in general, IDE's like Visual Studio will markup a comment in the context of the current language, by selecting the text you wish to turn into a comment, and then using the Ctrl+K Ctrl+C shortcut, or if you are using Resharper / Intelli-J style shortcuts, then Ctrl+/.

Server side Comments:

Razor .cshtml

Like so:

@* Comment goes here *@

For those looking for the older .aspx view (and Asp.Net WebForms) server side comment syntax:

<%-- Comment goes here --%>

Client Side Comments

HTML Comment

<!-- Comment goes here -->

Javascript Comment

// One line Comment goes Here
/* Multiline comment
   goes here */

As OP mentions, although not displayed on the browser, client side comments will still be generated for the page / script file on the server and downloaded by the page over HTTP, which unless removed (e.g. minification), will waste I/O, and, since the comment can be viewed by the user by viewing the page source or intercepting the traffic with the browser's Dev Tools or a tool like Fiddler or Wireshark, can also pose a security risk, hence the preference to use server side comments on server generated code (like MVC views or .aspx pages).

How to add element to C++ array?

Initialize all your array elements to null first, then look for the null to find the empty slot

Get connection string from App.config

Try this out

string abc = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CharityManagement"].ConnectionString;

How do I set multipart in axios with react?

If you are sending alphanumeric data try changing

'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'


'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

If you are sending non-alphanumeric data try to remove 'Content-Type' at all.

If it still does not work, consider trying request-promise (at least to test whether it is really axios problem or not)

What is the size of a boolean variable in Java?

It depends on the virtual machine, but it's easy to adapt the code from a similar question asking about bytes in Java:

class LotsOfBooleans
    boolean a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af;
    boolean b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf;
    boolean c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, ca, cb, cc, cd, ce, cf;
    boolean d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, da, db, dc, dd, de, df;
    boolean e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef;

class LotsOfInts
    int a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af;
    int b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, ba, bb, bc, bd, be, bf;
    int c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, ca, cb, cc, cd, ce, cf;
    int d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, da, db, dc, dd, de, df;
    int e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef;

public class Test
    private static final int SIZE = 1000000;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        LotsOfBooleans[] first = new LotsOfBooleans[SIZE];
        LotsOfInts[] second = new LotsOfInts[SIZE];

        long startMem = getMemory();

        for (int i=0; i < SIZE; i++)
            first[i] = new LotsOfBooleans();

        long endMem = getMemory();

        System.out.println ("Size for LotsOfBooleans: " + (endMem-startMem));
        System.out.println ("Average size: " + ((endMem-startMem) / ((double)SIZE)));

        startMem = getMemory();
        for (int i=0; i < SIZE; i++)
            second[i] = new LotsOfInts();
        endMem = getMemory();

        System.out.println ("Size for LotsOfInts: " + (endMem-startMem));
        System.out.println ("Average size: " + ((endMem-startMem) / ((double)SIZE)));

        // Make sure nothing gets collected
        long total = 0;
        for (int i=0; i < SIZE; i++)
            total += (first[i].a0 ? 1 : 0) + second[i].a0;

    private static long getMemory()
        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        return runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();

To reiterate, this is VM-dependent, but on my Windows laptop running Sun's JDK build 1.6.0_11 I got the following results:

Size for LotsOfBooleans: 87978576
Average size: 87.978576
Size for LotsOfInts: 328000000
Average size: 328.0

That suggests that booleans can basically be packed into a byte each by Sun's JVM.

LEFT JOIN in LINQ to entities?

May be I come later to answer but right now I'm facing with this... if helps there are one more solution (the way i solved it).

    var query2 = (
    from users in Repo.T_Benutzer
    join mappings in Repo.T_Benutzer_Benutzergruppen on mappings.BEBG_BE equals users.BE_ID into tmpMapp
    join groups in Repo.T_Benutzergruppen on groups.ID equals mappings.BEBG_BG into tmpGroups
    from mappings in tmpMapp.DefaultIfEmpty()
    from groups in tmpGroups.DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new
         UserId = users.BE_ID
        ,UserName = users.BE_User
        ,UserGroupId = mappings.BEBG_BG
        ,GroupName = groups.Name


By the way, I tried using the Stefan Steiger code which also helps but it was slower as hell.

Javascript - remove an array item by value

function removeValue(arr, value) {
    for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if(arr[i] === value) {
            arr.splice(i, 1);
    return arr;

This can be called like so:

removeValue(tag_story, 90);

Expand Python Search Path to Other Source

You should also read about python packages here:

From your example, I would guess that you really have a package at ~/codez/project. The file in a python directory maps a directory into a namespace. If your subdirectories all have an file, then you only need to add the base directory to your PYTHONPATH. For example:


In addition to testing your PYTHONPATH environment variable, as David explains, you can test it in python like this:

$ python
>>> import project                      # should work if PYTHONPATH set
>>> import sys
>>> for line in sys.path: print line    # print current python path


"Could not find a valid gem in any repository" (rubygame and others)

For what it is worth I came to this page because I had the same problem. I never got anywhere except some IMAP stuff that I don't understand. Then I remembered I had uninstalled privoxy on my ubuntu (because of some weird runtime error that mentioned when I used Daniel Kehoe's Rails template, [never discovered what it was]) and I hadn't changed my terminal to the state of no system wide proxy, under network proxy.

I know this may not be on-point but if I wound up here maybe other privoxy users can benefit too.

Simple way to query connected USB devices info in Python?

I can think of a quick code like this.

Since all USB ports can be accessed via /dev/bus/usb/< bus >/< device >

For the ID generated, even if you unplug the device and reattach it [ could be some other port ]. It will be the same.

import re
import subprocess
device_re = re.compile("Bus\s+(?P<bus>\d+)\s+Device\s+(?P<device>\d+).+ID\s(?P<id>\w+:\w+)\s(?P<tag>.+)$", re.I)
df = subprocess.check_output("lsusb")
devices = []
for i in df.split('\n'):
    if i:
        info = device_re.match(i)
        if info:
            dinfo = info.groupdict()
            dinfo['device'] = '/dev/bus/usb/%s/%s' % (dinfo.pop('bus'), dinfo.pop('device'))
print devices

Sample output here will be:

{'device': '/dev/bus/usb/001/009', 'tag': 'Apple, Inc. Optical USB Mouse [Mitsumi]', 'id': '05ac:0304'},
{'device': '/dev/bus/usb/001/001', 'tag': 'Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub', 'id': '1d6b:0002'},
{'device': '/dev/bus/usb/001/002', 'tag': 'Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub', 'id': '8087:0020'},
{'device': '/dev/bus/usb/001/004', 'tag': 'Microdia ', 'id': '0c45:641d'}

Code Updated for Python 3

import re
import subprocess
device_re = re.compile(b"Bus\s+(?P<bus>\d+)\s+Device\s+(?P<device>\d+).+ID\s(?P<id>\w+:\w+)\s(?P<tag>.+)$", re.I)
df = subprocess.check_output("lsusb")
devices = []
for i in df.split(b'\n'):
    if i:
        info = device_re.match(i)
        if info:
            dinfo = info.groupdict()
            dinfo['device'] = '/dev/bus/usb/%s/%s' % (dinfo.pop('bus'), dinfo.pop('device'))

How do I check if a column is empty or null in MySQL?

You can also do

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column_name LIKE ''

The inverse being

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column_name NOT LIKE ''

How to enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries

If ad hoc updates to system catalog is "not supported", or if you get a "Msg 5808" then you will need to configure with override like this:

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
RECONFIGURE with override
EXEC sp_configure 'ad hoc distributed queries', 1
RECONFIGURE with override

How to import/include a CSS file using PHP code and not HTML code?

You are including the CSS code as text in your PHP page. Why not just link it in the traditional fashion?

<link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/main.css" type="text/css">

Is there a way to call a stored procedure with Dapper?

Here is code for getting value return from Store procedure

Stored procedure:

alter proc [dbo].[UserlogincheckMVC]    
@username nvarchar(max),    
@password nvarchar(max)
    if exists(select Username from Adminlogin where Username =@username and Password=@password)    
            return 1  
            return 0  


var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
string pass = EncrytDecry.Encrypt(objUL.Password);
parameters.Add("@username", objUL.Username);
parameters.Add("@password", pass);
parameters.Add("@RESULT", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.ReturnValue);
var RS = conx.Execute("UserlogincheckMVC", parameters, null, null, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
int result = parameters.Get<int>("@RESULT");

What's the difference between ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer service types in Kubernetes?

A ClusterIP exposes the following:

  • spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port

You can only access this service while inside the cluster. It is accessible from its spec.clusterIp port. If a spec.ports[*].targetPort is set it will route from the port to the targetPort. The CLUSTER-IP you get when calling kubectl get services is the IP assigned to this service within the cluster internally.

A NodePort exposes the following:

  • <NodeIP>:spec.ports[*].nodePort
  • spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port

If you access this service on a nodePort from the node's external IP, it will route the request to spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port, which will in turn route it to your spec.ports[*].targetPort, if set. This service can also be accessed in the same way as ClusterIP.

Your NodeIPs are the external IP addresses of the nodes. You cannot access your service from spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].nodePort.

A LoadBalancer exposes the following:

  • spec.loadBalancerIp:spec.ports[*].port
  • <NodeIP>:spec.ports[*].nodePort
  • spec.clusterIp:spec.ports[*].port

You can access this service from your load balancer's IP address, which routes your request to a nodePort, which in turn routes the request to the clusterIP port. You can access this service as you would a NodePort or a ClusterIP service as well.

How to move text up using CSS when nothing is working

used the following snippet and it worked fine..

.smallText .bmv-disclaimer {
   height: 40px;

What is the difference between Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine?

Google Compute Engine (GCE)

Virtual Machines (VMs) hosted in the cloud. Before the cloud, these were often called Virtual Private Servers (VPS). You'd use these the same way you'd use a physical server, where you install and configure the operating system, install your application, install the database, keep the OS up-to-date, etc. This is known as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).

VMs are most useful when you have an existing application running on a VM or server in your datacenter, and want to easily migrate it to GCP.

Google App Engine

App Engine hosts and runs your code, without requiring you to deal with the operating system, networking, and many of the other things you'd have to manage with a physical server or VM. Think of it as a runtime, which can automatically deploy, version, and scale your application. This is called Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

App Engine is most useful when you want automated deployment and automated scaling of your application. Unless your application requires custom OS configuration, App Engine is often advantageous over configuring and managing VMs by hand.

Construct pandas DataFrame from items in nested dictionary

Building on verified answer, for me this worked best:

ab = pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in data.items()}, axis=0)

How do you clear Apache Maven's cache?

I've had this same problem, and I wrote a one-liner in shell to do it.

rm -rf $(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=settings.localRepository\
                       -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=WARN -B \
              | grep -vF '[INFO]')/*

I did it as a one-liner because I wanted to have a Jenkins-project to simply run this whenever I needed, so I wouldn't have to log on to stuff, etc. If you allow yourself a shell-script for it, you can write it cleaner:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
REPOSITORY=$(mvn help:evaluate \
  -Dexpression=settings.localRepository \
  -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=WARN \ \
  --batch-mode \
  | grep -vF '[INFO]')

rm -rf $REPOSITORY/*

Should work, but I have not tested all of that script. (I've tested the first command, but not the whole script.) This approach has the downside of running a large complicated command first. It is idempotent, so you can test it out for yourself. The deletion is its own command afterwards, and this lets you try it all out and check that it does what you think it does, because you shouldn't trust deletion commands without verification. However, it is smart for one good reason: It's portable. It respects your settings.xml file. If you're running this command, and tell maven to use a specific xml file (the -s or --settings argument), this will still work. So you don't have to fiddle with making sure everything is the same everywhere.

It's a bit wieldy, but it's a decent way of doing business, IMO.

Convert Python ElementTree to string

Non-Latin Answer Extension

Extension to @Stevoisiak's answer and dealing with non-Latin characters. Only one way will display the non-Latin characters to you. The one method is different on both Python 3 and Python 2.


xml = ElementTree.fromstring('<Person Name="???" />')
xml = ElementTree.Element("Person", Name="???")  # Read Note about Python 2

NOTE: In Python 2, when calling the toString(...) code, assigning xml with ElementTree.Element("Person", Name="???")will raise an error...

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xed in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)


# Python 3 (???): b'<Person Name="&#53356;&#47532;&#49828;" />'
# Python 3 (John): b'<Person Name="John" />'

# Python 2 (???): <Person Name="&#53356;&#47532;&#49828;" />
# Python 2 (John): <Person Name="John" />

ElementTree.tostring(xml, encoding='unicode')
# Python 3 (???): <Person Name="???" />             <-------- Python 3
# Python 3 (John): <Person Name="John" />

# Python 2 (???): LookupError: unknown encoding: unicode
# Python 2 (John): LookupError: unknown encoding: unicode

ElementTree.tostring(xml, encoding='utf-8')
# Python 3 (???): b'<Person Name="\xed\x81\xac\xeb\xa6\xac\xec\x8a\xa4" />'
# Python 3 (John): b'<Person Name="John" />'

# Python 2 (???): <Person Name="???" />             <-------- Python 2
# Python 2 (John): <Person Name="John" />

# Python 3 (???): <Person Name="&#53356;&#47532;&#49828;" />
# Python 3 (John): <Person Name="John" />

# Python 2 (???): <Person Name="&#53356;&#47532;&#49828;" />
# Python 2 (John): <Person Name="John" />

Adding an .env file to React Project

Webpack Users

If you are using webpack, you can install and use dotenv-webpack plugin, to do that follow steps below:

Install the package

yarn add dotenv-webpack

Create a .env file

// .env
API_KEY='my secret api key'

Add it to webpack.config.js file

// webpack.config.js
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new Dotenv()

Use it in your code as


For more information and configuration information, visit here

Copy map values to vector in STL

Old question, new answer. With C++11 we have the fancy new for loop:

for (const auto &s : schemas)

where schemas is a std::map and names is an std::vector.

This populates the array (names) with keys from the map (schemas); change s.first to s.second to get an array of values.

how can get index & count in vuejs

The optional SECOND argument is the index, starting at 0. So to output the index and total length of an array called 'some_list':

<div>Total Length: {{some_list.length}}</div>
<div v-for="(each, i) in some_list">
  {{i + 1}} : {{each}}

If instead of a list, you were looping through an object, then the second argument is key of the key/value pair. So for the object 'my_object':

var an_id = new Vue({
  el: '#an_id',
  data: {
    my_object: {
        one: 'valueA',
        two: 'valueB'

The following would print out the key : value pairs. (you can name 'each' and 'i' whatever you want)

<div id="an_id">
  <span v-for="(each, i) in my_object">
    {{i}} : {{each}}<br/>

For more info on Vue list rendering:

How can I set the PATH variable for javac so I can manually compile my .java works?

First thing I wann ans to this imp question: "Why we require PATH To be set?"

Answer : You need to set PATH to compile Java source code, create JAVA CLASS FILES and allow Operating System to load classes at runtime.

Now you will understand why after setting "javac" you can manually compile by just saying ""

Modify the PATH of Windows Environmental Variable by appending the location till bin directory where all exe file(for eg. java,javac) are present.

Example : ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin.

Redirect stderr to stdout in C shell

The csh shell has never been known for its extensive ability to manipulate file handles in the redirection process.

You can redirect both standard output and error to a file with:

xxx >& filename

but that's not quite what you were after, redirecting standard error to the current standard output.

However, if your underlying operating system exposes the standard output of a process in the file system (as Linux does with /dev/stdout), you can use that method as follows:

xxx >& /dev/stdout

This will force both standard output and standard error to go to the same place as the current standard output, effectively what you have with the bash redirection, 2>&1.

Just keep in mind this isn't a csh feature. If you run on an operating system that doesn't expose standard output as a file, you can't use this method.

However, there is another method. You can combine the two streams into one if you send it to a pipeline with |&, then all you need to do is find a pipeline component that writes its standard input to its standard output. In case you're unaware of such a thing, that's exactly what cat does if you don't give it any arguments. Hence, you can achieve your ends in this specific case with:

xxx |& cat

Of course, there's also nothing stopping you from running bash (assuming it's on the system somewhere) within a csh script to give you the added capabilities. Then you can use the rich redirections of that shell for the more complex cases where csh may struggle.

Let's explore this in more detail. First, create an executable echo_err that will write a string to stderr:

#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    fprintf (stderr, "stderr (%s)\n", (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "?");
    return 0;

Then a control script test.csh which will show it in action:


ps -ef ; echo ; echo $$ ; echo

echo 'stdout (csh)'
./echo_err csh

bash -c "( echo 'stdout (bash)' ; ./echo_err bash ) 2>&1"

The echo of the PID and ps are simply so you can ensure it's csh running this script. When you run this script with:

./test.csh >test.out 2>test.err

(the initial redirection is set up by bash before csh starts running the script), and examine the out/err files, you see:

    UID     PID    PPID  TTY        STIME     COMMAND
    pax    5708    5364  cons0      11:31:14  /usr/bin/ps
    pax    5364    7364  cons0      11:31:13  /usr/bin/tcsh
    pax    7364       1  cons0      10:44:30  /usr/bin/bash


    stdout (csh)
    stdout (bash)
    stderr (bash)

    stderr (csh)

You can see there that the test.csh process is running in the C shell, and that calling bash from within there gives you the full bash power of redirection.

The 2>&1 in the bash command quite easily lets you redirect standard error to the current standard output (as desired) without prior knowledge of where standard output is currently going.

How can I disable the Maven Javadoc plugin from the command line?

It seems, that the simple way


does not work with the release-plugin. in this case you have to pass the parameter as an "argument"

mvn release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"

$(document).ready not Working

  • Check for your script has to be write or loaded after jQuery link.

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>_x000D_
//after link >> write codes..._x000D_
      //your code_x000D_

Hibernate Error executing DDL via JDBC Statement

Dialects are removed in recent SQL so use

  <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL57Dialect"/>

How to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome

To run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. First of all, set the property and Chrome driver path:

    System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");
  2. Initialize the Chrome Driver's object:

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
  3. Pass the URL into the get method of WebDriver:


Can someone explain mappedBy in JPA and Hibernate?

MappedBy signals hibernate that the key for the relationship is on the other side.

This means that although you link 2 tables together, only 1 of those tables has a foreign key constraint to the other one. MappedBy allows you to still link from the table not containing the constraint to the other table.

when I try to open an HTML file through `http://localhost/xampp/htdocs/index.html` it says unable to connect to localhost

htdocs is your default document-root directory, so you have to use localhost/index.html to see that html file. In other words, localhost is mapped to xampp/htdocs, so index.html is at localhost itself. You can change the location of document root by modifying httpd.conf and restarting the server.

how to create a cookie and add to http response from inside my service layer?

Following @Aravind's answer with more details

public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{
    myServiceMethodSettingCookie(request, response);        //Do service call passing the response
    return new ModelAndView("CustomerAddView");

// service method
void myServiceMethodSettingCookie(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
    final String cookieName = "my_cool_cookie";
    final String cookieValue = "my cool value here !";  // you could assign it some encoded value
    final Boolean useSecureCookie = false;
    final int expiryTime = 60 * 60 * 24;  // 24h in seconds
    final String cookiePath = "/";

    Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);

    cookie.setSecure(useSecureCookie);  // determines whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL

    cookie.setMaxAge(expiryTime);  // A negative value means that the cookie is not stored persistently and will be deleted when the Web browser exits. A zero value causes the cookie to be deleted.

    cookie.setPath(cookiePath);  // The cookie is visible to all the pages in the directory you specify, and all the pages in that directory's subdirectories


Related docs:

pip: no module named _internal

These often comes from using pip to "update" system installed pip, and/or having multiple pip installs under user. My solution was to clean out the multiple installed pips under user, reinstall pip repo, then "pip install --user pip" as above.

See: for an official complete discussion and fixes for the problem.

What is the difference between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP 2.0?

HTTP/2 supports queries multiplexing, headers compression, priority and more intelligent packet streaming management. This results in reduced latency and accelerates content download on modern web pages.

More details here.

SQL MAX of multiple columns?

Here is another nice solution for the Max functionality using T-SQL and SQL Server

SELECT [Other Fields],
  (SELECT Max(v) 
   FROM (VALUES (date1), (date2), (date3),...) AS value(v)) as [MaxDate]
FROM [YourTableName]

Get exit code of a background process

A simple example, similar to the solutions above. This doesn't require monitoring any process output. The next example uses tail to follow output.

$ echo '#!/bin/bash' >
$ echo 'sleep 30; exit 5' >>
$ chmod +x
$ ./ &
[1] 7454
$ pid=$!
$ wait $pid
[1]+  Exit 5                  ./
$ echo $?

Use tail to follow process output and quit when the process is complete.

$ echo '#!/bin/bash' >
$ echo 'i=0; while let "$i < 10"; do sleep 5; echo "$i"; let i=$i+1; done; exit 5;' >>
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ ./ > /tmp/tmp.log 2>&1 &
[1] 7673
$ pid=$!
$ tail -f --pid $pid /tmp/tmp.log
[1]+  Exit 5                  ./ > /tmp/tmp.log 2>&1
$ wait $pid
$ echo $?

how to avoid a new line with p tag?

I came across this for css

span, p{overflow:hidden; white-space: nowrap;}

via similar stackoverflow question

How to set a background image in Xcode using swift?

You can try this as well, which is really a combination of previous answers from other posters here :

    let backgroundImage = UIImageView(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
    backgroundImage.image = UIImage(named: "RubberMat")
    backgroundImage.contentMode =  UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectFill
    self.view.insertSubview(backgroundImage, at: 0)

uppercase first character in a variable with bash

One way with sed:

echo "$(echo "$foo" | sed 's/.*/\u&/')"



How to convert a timezone aware string to datetime in Python without dateutil?

I'm new to Python, but found a way to convert

2017-05-27T07:20:18.000-04:00 to

2017-05-27T07:20:18 without downloading new utilities.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

time_zone1 = int("2017-05-27T07:20:18.000-04:00"[-6:][:3])
>>returns -04

item_date = datetime.strptime("2017-05-27T07:20:18.000-04:00".replace(".000", "")[:-6], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + timedelta(hours=-time_zone1)

I'm sure there are better ways to do this without slicing up the string so much, but this got the job done.

Ubuntu: OpenJDK 8 - Unable to locate package

I'm getting OpenJDK 8 from the official Debian repositories, rather than some random PPA or non-free Oracle binary. Here's how I did it:

sudo apt-get install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring

Make /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-jessie-backports.list:

deb jessie-backports main

Make /etc/apt/preferences.d/debian-jessie-backports:

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=jessie-backports
Pin-Priority: -200

Then finally do the install:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports install openjdk-8-jdk

How to write an ArrayList of Strings into a text file?

If you need to create each ArrayList item in a single line then you can use this code

private void createFile(String file, ArrayList<String> arrData)
            throws IOException {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file + ".txt");
        int size = arrData.size();
        for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
            String str = arrData.get(i).toString();
            if(i < size-1)**//This prevent creating a blank like at the end of the file**

Is there a way to make numbers in an ordered list bold?


ol {
    counter-reset: item;
ol li { display: block }

ol li:before {
    content: counter(item) ". ";
    counter-increment: item;
    font-weight: bold;

How do I change the ID of a HTML element with JavaScript?

That seems to work for me:

#monkey {color:blue}
#ape {color:purple}
<span id="monkey" onclick="changeid()">
function changeid ()
var e = document.getElementById("monkey"); = "ape";

The expected behaviour is to change the colour of the word "fruit".

Perhaps your document was not fully loaded when you called the routine?

Comparing arrays in JUnit assertions, concise built-in way?

I prefer to convert arrays to strings:

                Arrays.toString(new int[] { 7, 8, 9, 3 }));

this way I can see clearly where wrong values are. This works effectively only for small sized arrays, but I rarely use arrays with more items than 7 in my unit tests.

This method works for primitive types and for other types when overload of toString returns all essential information.

How can I make Bootstrap columns all the same height?

Best out there:

Github reflex - Docs

Works with bootstrap


  1. Include the CSS
  2. Update your code:

 * Reflex v1.0_x000D_
 * Reflex is a flexbox grid which provides a way to take advantage of emerging_x000D_
 * flexbox support while providing a fall back to inline-block on older browsers_x000D_
 * Built by Lee Jordan G.C.S.E._x000D_
 * email: [email protected]_x000D_
 * github:
 * Structure and calculations are inspired by twitter bootstrap_x000D_
.reflex-order-12 {_x000D_
  -webkit-order: 12;_x000D_
  -ms-flex-order: 12;_x000D_
  order: 12;_x000D_
.reflex-order-11 {_x000D_
  -webkit-order: 11;_x000D_
  -ms-flex-order: 11;_x000D_
  order: 11;_x000D_
.reflex-order-10 {_x000D_
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VBA Macro to compare all cells of two Excel files

Do NOT loop through all cells!! There is a lot of overhead in communications between worksheets and VBA, for both reading and writing. Looping through all cells will be agonizingly slow. I'm talking hours.

Instead, load an entire sheet at once into a Variant array. In Excel 2003, this takes about 2 seconds (and 250 MB of RAM). Then you can loop through it in no time at all.

In Excel 2007 and later, sheets are about 1000 times larger (1048576 rows × 16384 columns = 17 billion cells, compared to 65536 rows × 256 columns = 17 million in Excel 2003). You will run into an "Out of memory" error if you try to load the whole sheet into a Variant; on my machine I can only load 32 million cells at once. So you have to limit yourself to the range you know has actual data in it, or load the sheet bit by bit, e.g. 30 columns at a time.

Option Explicit

Sub test()

    Dim varSheetA As Variant
    Dim varSheetB As Variant
    Dim strRangeToCheck As String
    Dim iRow As Long
    Dim iCol As Long

    strRangeToCheck = "A1:IV65536"
    ' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above.
    Debug.Print Now
    varSheetA = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(strRangeToCheck)
    varSheetB = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(strRangeToCheck) ' or whatever your other sheet is.
    Debug.Print Now

    For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1)
        For iCol = LBound(varSheetA, 2) To UBound(varSheetA, 2)
            If varSheetA(iRow, iCol) = varSheetB(iRow, iCol) Then
                ' Cells are identical.
                ' Do nothing.
                ' Cells are different.
                ' Code goes here for whatever it is you want to do.
            End If
        Next iCol
    Next iRow

End Sub

To compare to a sheet in a different workbook, open that workbook and get the sheet as follows:

Set wbkA = Workbooks.Open(filename:="C:\MyBook.xls")
Set varSheetA = wbkA.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' or whatever sheet you need

Clearing Magento Log Data

there are some other tables you can clear out: documented here :

hope this helps Andy

Hibernate, @SequenceGenerator and allocationSize

allocationSize=1 It is a micro optimization before getting query Hibernate tries to assign value in the range of allocationSize and so try to avoid querying database for sequence. But this query will be executed every time if you set it to 1. This hardly makes any difference since if your data base is accessed by some other application then it will create issues if same id is used by another application meantime .

Next generation of Sequence Id is based on allocationSize.

By defualt it is kept as 50 which is too much. It will also only help if your going to have near about 50 records in one session which are not persisted and which will be persisted using this particular session and transation.

So you should always use allocationSize=1 while using SequenceGenerator. As for most of underlying databases sequence is always incremented by 1.

Get product id and product type in magento?

You can also try this..


When you don’t have access to $this you can use Magento registry:


How can I disable the UITableView selection?

UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
[cell setSelected:NO animated:NO];
[cell setHighlighted:NO animated:NO];

Happy coding !!!

unix sort descending order

To list files based on size in asending order.

find ./ -size +1000M -exec ls -tlrh {} \; |awk -F" " '{print $5,$9}'  | sort -n\

Quickest way to clear all sheet contents VBA

The .Cells range isn't limited to ones that are being used, so your code is clearing the content of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns - 17,179,869,184 total cells. That's going to take a while. Just clear the UsedRange instead:


Alternately, you can delete the sheet and re-add it:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = Sheets.Add
sheet.Name = "Zeros"

Can't install APK from browser downloads

I had this problem. Couldn't install apk via the Downloads app. However opening the apk in a file manager app allowed me to install it fine. Using OI File Manager on stock Nexus 7 4.2.1

Template not provided using create-react-app

For Linux this worked for me

sudo npm uninstall -g create-react-app
npx create-react-app my-test-app

how to realize countifs function (excel) in R

Given a dataset

df <- data.frame( sex = c('M', 'M', 'F', 'F', 'M'), 
                  occupation = c('analyst', 'dentist', 'dentist', 'analyst', 'cook') )

you can subset rows

df[df$sex == 'M',] # To get all males
df[df$occupation == 'analyst',] # All analysts


If you want to get number of rows, just call the function nrow such as

nrow(df[df$sex == 'M',])

Change the image source on rollover using jQuery

Whilst looking for a solution some time back, I found a similar script to the below, which after some tweaking I got working for me.

It handles two images, that almost always default to "off", where the mouse is off the image (image-example_off.jpg), and the occasional "on", where for the times the mouse is hovered, the required alternative image (image-example_on.jpg) is displayed.

<script type="text/javascript">        
    $(document).ready(function() {        
        $("img", this).hover(swapImageIn, swapImageOut);

        function swapImageIn(e) {
            this.src = this.src.replace("_off", "_on");
        function swapImageOut (e) {
            this.src = this.src.replace("_on", "_off");

Get text of the selected option with jQuery

You could actually put the value = to the text and then do

        val = $j("#select_2 option:selected").html();

Or what I did on a similar case was

<select name="options[2]" id="select_2" onChange="JavascriptMethod()">
  with you're options here

With this second option you should have a undefined. Give me feedback if it worked :)


How to return multiple values?

You can only return one value, but it can be an object that has multiple fields - ie a "value object". Eg

public class MyResult {
    int returnCode;
    String errorMessage;
    // etc

public MyResult someMethod() {
    // impl here

Parsing domain from a URL

$domain = str_ireplace('www.', '', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST));

This would return the for both and

Javascript : Send JSON Object with Ajax?

With jQuery:

$.post("test.php", { json_string:JSON.stringify({name:"John", time:"2pm"}) });

Without jQuery:

var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();   // new HttpRequest instance"POST", "/json-handler");
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xmlhttp.send(JSON.stringify({name:"John Rambo", time:"2pm"}));

An Iframe I need to refresh every 30 seconds (but not the whole page)

Let's assume that your iframe id= myIframe

here is the code:

window.setInterval("reloadIFrame();", 30000);
function reloadIFrame() {

Java - How to create new Entry (key, value)

org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair implements java.util.Map.Entry and can also be used standalone.

Also as others mentioned Guava's, V) does the trick.

I prefer Pair for its fluent Pair.of(L, R) syntax.

Twitter Bootstrap Form File Element Upload Button

Im surprised there was no mention of the <label> element.


<label class="btn btn-primary" for="my-file-selector">
    <input id="my-file-selector" type="file" class="d-none">
    Button Text Here

No need for any JS, or funky css...

Solution for including the filename:

<label class="btn btn-primary" for="my-file-selector">
    <input id="my-file-selector" type="file" style="display:none" 
    Button Text Here
<span class='label label-info' id="upload-file-info"></span>

The solution above requires jQuery.

Note: use $.text() when displaying user-supplied content on the page. An earlier version of this answer used $.html() which is not safe – filenames can contain HTML markup.

How to call a function within class?

Since these are member functions, call it as a member function on the instance, self.

def isNear(self, p):

github: server certificate verification failed

I also was having this error when trying to clone a repository from Github on a Windows Subsystem from Linux console:

fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

The solution from @VonC on this thread didn't work for me.

The solution from this Fabian Lee's article solved it for me:

openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/BEGIN\ CERTIFICATE/,/END\ CERTIFICATE/ p'  > github-com.pem
cat github-com.pem | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

WPF chart controls

Visifire supports wide range of 2D and 3D charts with zooming and panning functionality.

Visifire Line chart with zooming

Full Disclosure: I have been involved in the development of Visifire.

Python mock multiple return values

You can assign an iterable to side_effect, and the mock will return the next value in the sequence each time it is called:

>>> from unittest.mock import Mock
>>> m = Mock()
>>> m.side_effect = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> m()
>>> m()
>>> m()

Quoting the Mock() documentation:

If side_effect is an iterable then each call to the mock will return the next value from the iterable.

Division in Python 2.7. and 3.3

In Python 2.x, make sure to have at least one operand of your division in float. Multiple ways you may achieve this as the following examples:

20. / 15
20 / float(15)

Why does using an Underscore character in a LIKE filter give me all the results?

As you want to specifically search for a wildcard character you need to escape that

This is done by adding the ESCAPE clause to your LIKE expression. The character that is specified with the ESCAPE clause will "invalidate" the following wildcard character.

You can use any character you like (just not a wildcard character). Most people use a \ because that is what many programming languages also use

So your query would result in:

select * 
from Manager
where managerid LIKE '\_%' escape '\'
and managername like '%\_%' escape '\';

But you can just as well use any other character:

select * 
from Manager
where managerid LIKE '#_%' escape '#'
and managername like '%#_%' escape '#';

Here is an SQLFiddle example:!6/63e88/4

How do I check if an HTML element is empty using jQuery?

document.getElementById("id").innerHTML == "" || null


$("element").html() == "" || null

What happens to C# Dictionary<int, int> lookup if the key does not exist?

Consider the option of encapsulating this particular dictionary and provide a method to return the value for that key:

public static class NumbersAdapter
    private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> Mapping = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["1"] = "One",
        ["2"] = "Two",
        ["3"] = "Three"

    public static string GetValue(string key)
        return Mapping.ContainsKey(key) ? Mapping[key] : key;

Then you can manage the behaviour of this dictionary.

For example here: if the dictionary doesn't have the key, it returns key that you pass by parameter.

How to implement class constructor in Visual Basic?

If you mean VB 6, that would be Private Sub Class_Initialize().

If you mean VB.NET it is Public Sub New() or Shared Sub New().

Is it possible to implement a Python for range loop without an iterator variable?

Instead of an unneeded counter, now you have an unneeded list. Best solution is to use a variable that starts with "_", that tells syntax checkers that you are aware you are not using the variable.

x = range(5)
while x:
  print "Work!"

React JS onClick event handler

This is a non-standard (but not so uncommon) React pattern that doesn't use JSX, instead putting everything inline. Also, it's Coffeescript.

The 'React-way' to do this would be with the component's own state:

(c = console.log.bind console)

mock_items: [
        name: 'item_a'
        uid: shortid()
        name: 'item_b'
        uid: shortid()
        name: 'item_c'
        uid: shortid()
getInitialState: ->
    lighted_item: null
render: ->
    div null,
        ul null,
            for item, idx in @mock_items
                uid = item.uid
                    key: uid
                    onClick: do (idx, uid) =>
                        (e) =>
                            # justf to illustrate these are bound in closure by the do lambda,
                            c idx
                            c uid
                                lighted_item: uid
                        cursor: 'pointer'
                        background: do (uid) =>
                            c @state.lighted_item
                            c 'and uid', uid
                            if @state.lighted_item is uid then 'magenta' else 'chartreuse'
                        # background: 'chartreuse'

This example works -- I tested it locally. You can check out this example code exactly at my github. Originally the env was only local for my own whiteboard r&d purposes but I posted it to Github for this. It may get written over at some point but you can check out the commit from Sept 8, 2016 to see this.

More generally, if you want to see how this CS/no-JSX pattern for React works, check out some recent work here. It's possible I will have time to fully implement a POC for this app idea, the stack for which includes NodeJS, Primus, Redis, & React.

How to correctly set the ORACLE_HOME variable on Ubuntu 9.x?

After installing weblogic and forms server on a Linux machine we met some problems initializing sqlplus and tnsping. We altered the bash_profile in a way that the forms_home acts as the oracle home. It works fine, both commands (sqlplus and tnsping) are executable for user oracle

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


export JAVA_HOME=/mnt/software/java/jdk1.7.0_71
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/lib
export FORMS_PATH=$FORMS_PATH:/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/forms:/oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/FormsComponent/forms:/appl/myapp:/home/oracle/myapp

Passing parameters in Javascript onClick event

onclick vs addEventListener. A matter of preference perhaps (where IE>9).

// Using closures
function onClickLink(e, index) {   
    return false;

var div = document.getElementById('div');

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var link = document.createElement('a');

    link.setAttribute('href', '#');
    link.innerHTML = i + '';
    link.addEventListener('click', (function(e) {
        var index = i;
        return function(e) {
            return onClickLink(e, index);
    })(), false);

How abut just using a plain data-* attribute, not as cool as a closure, but..

function onClickLink(e) {       
    return false;

var div = document.getElementById('div');

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var link = document.createElement('a');

    link.setAttribute('href', '#');
    link.setAttribute('data-index', i);
    link.innerHTML = i + ' Hello';        
    link.addEventListener('click', onClickLink, false);

how do I give a div a responsive height

I don't think this is the BEST solution, but it does appear to work. Instead of using the background color, I'm going to just embed an image of the background, position it relatively and then wrap the text in a child element and position it absolute - in the centre.

Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy is not valid; is your activity running?

For me it was fixed by just removing the static property in the DialogHelper.class methods (resposble for creating & hiding the dialog), as I have properties related to Window in those methods

(unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape

Try writing the file path as "C:\\Users\miche\Documents\school\jaar2\MIK\2.6\vektis_agb_zorgverlener" i.e with double backslash after the drive as opposed to "C:\Users\miche\Documents\school\jaar2\MIK\2.6\vektis_agb_zorgverlener"

Get value of div content using jquery

your div looks like this:

<div class="readonly_label" id="field-function_purpose">Other</div>

With jquery you can easily get inner content:

Use .html() : HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the HTML contents of every matched element.

var text = $('#field-function_purpose').html(); 

Read more about jquery .html()


Use .text() : Get the combined text contents of each element in the set of matched elements, including their descendants, or set the text contents of the matched elements.

var text = $('#field-function_purpose').text();

Read more about jquery .text()

How to get root directory of project in core. Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() doesn't seem to work correctly on a mac

As previously answered (and retracted). To get the base directory, as in the location of the running assembly, don't use Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), rather get it from IHostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath.

private IHostingEnvironment _hostingEnvironment;
    private string projectRootFolder;
    public Program(IHostingEnvironment env)
        _hostingEnvironment = env;
        projectRootFolder = env.ContentRootPath.Substring(0,
            env.ContentRootPath.LastIndexOf(@"\ProjectRoot\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + @"\ProjectRoot\".Length);

However I made an additional error: I had set the ContentRoot Directory to Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() at startup undermining the default value which I had so desired! Here I commented out the offending line:

 public static void Main(string[] args)
        var host = new WebHostBuilder().UseKestrel()
           // .UseContentRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) //<== The mistake

Now it runs correctly - I can now navigate to sub folders of my projects root with:

var pathToData = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projectRootFolder, "data"));

I realised my mistake by reading BaseDirectory vs. Current Directory and @CodeNotFound founds answer (which was retracted because it didn't work because of the above mistake) which basically can be found here: Getting WebRoot Path and Content Root Path in Core

What is the difference between Select and Project Operations

selection opertion is used to select a subset of tuple from the relation that satisfied selection condition It filter out those tuple that satisfied the condition .Selection opertion can be visualized as horizontal partition into two set of tuple - those tuple satisfied the condition are selected and those tuple do not select the condition are discarded sigma (R) projection opertion is used to select a attribute from the relation that satisfied selection condition . It filter out only those tuple that satisfied the condition . The projection opertion can be visualized as a vertically partition into two part -are those satisfied the condition are selected other discarded ?(R) attribute list is a num of attribute

UTC Date/Time String to Timezone

function _settimezone($time,$defaultzone,$newzone)
$date = new DateTime($time, new DateTimeZone($defaultzone));
$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($newzone));
$result=$date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
return $result;

$time="2011-01-01 15:00:00";

How can I verify a Google authentication API access token?

I need to somehow query Google and ask: Is this access token valid for [email protected]?

No. All you need is request standard login with Federated Login for Google Account Users from your API domain. And only after that you could compare "persistent user ID" with one you have from 'public interface'.

The value of realm is used on the Google Federated Login page to identify the requesting site to the user. It is also used to determine the value of the persistent user ID returned by Google.

So you need be from same domain as 'public interface'.

And do not forget that user needs to be sure that your API could be trusted ;) So Google will ask user if it allows you to check for his identity.

How to set the range of y-axis for a seaborn boxplot?

It is standard matplotlib.pyplot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylim(10, 40)

Or simpler, as mwaskom comments below:

ax.set(ylim=(10, 40))

enter image description here

How to compare two strings are equal in value, what is the best method?

You should use some form of the String#equals(Object) method. However, there is some subtlety in how you should do it:

If you have a string literal then you should use it like this:


This is because the string literal "Hello" can never be null, so you will never run into a NullPointerException.

If you have a string and another object then you should use:


You can make sure you are actually getting string equality by doing this. For all you know, myObject could be of a class that always returns true in its equals method!

Start with the object less likely to be null because this:

String foo = null;
String bar = "hello";

will throw a NullPointerException, but this:

String foo = null;
String bar = "hello";

will not. String#equals(Object) will correctly handle the case when its parameter is null, so you only need to worry about the object you are dereferencing--the first object.

UIView's frame, bounds, center, origin, when to use what?

They are related values, and kept consistent by the property setter/getter methods (and using the fact that frame is a purely synthesized value, not backed by an actual instance variable).

The main equations are:

frame.origin = center - bounds.size / 2

(which is the same as)

center = frame.origin + bounds.size / 2

(and there’s also)

frame.size = bounds.size

That's not code, just equations to express the invariant between the three properties. These equations also assume your view's transform is the identity, which it is by default. If it's not, then bounds and center keep the same meaning, but frame can change. Unless you're doing non-right-angle rotations, the frame will always be the transformed view in terms of the superview's coordinates.

This stuff is all explained in more detail with a useful mini-library here:

jquery variable syntax

$self has little to do with $, which is an alias for jQuery in this case. Some people prefer to put a dollar sign together with the variable to make a distinction between regular vars and jQuery objects.


var self = 'some string';
var $self = 'another string';

These are declared as two different variables. It's like putting underscore before private variables.

A somewhat popular pattern is:

var foo = 'some string';
var $foo = $('.foo');

That way, you know $foo is a cached jQuery object later on in the code.

How to change Elasticsearch max memory size

  • Elasticsearch will assign the entire heap specified in jvm.options via the Xms (minimum heap size) and Xmx (maximum heap size) settings.
    • -Xmx12g
    • -Xmx12g
  • Set the minimum heap size (Xms) and maximum heap size (Xmx) to be equal to each other.
  • Don’t set Xmx to above the cutoff that the JVM uses for compressed object pointers (compressed oops), the exact cutoff varies but is near 32 GB.

  • It is also possible to set the heap size via an environment variable

    • ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g" ./bin/elasticsearch
    • ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4000m -Xmx4000m" ./bin/elasticsearch

How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

You can use signals to control nginx.

According to documentation, you need to send HUP signal to nginx master process.

HUP - changing configuration, keeping up with a changed time zone (only for FreeBSD and Linux), starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes

Check the documentation here:

You can send the HUP signal to nginx master process PID like this:

kill -HUP $( cat /var/run/ )

The command above reads the nginx PID from /var/run/ By default nginx pid is written to /usr/local/nginx/logs/ but that can be overridden in config. Check your nginx.config to see where it saves the PID.

Escape sequence \f - form feed - what exactly is it?

It skips to the start of the next page. (Applies mostly to terminals where the output device is a printer rather than a VDU.)

How to detect Safari, Chrome, IE, Firefox and Opera browser?


var OSName="Unknown OS";
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win")!=-1) OSName="Windows";
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) OSName="MacOS";
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("X11")!=-1) OSName="UNIX";
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Linux")!=-1) OSName="Linux";
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Linux x86_64")!=-1) OSName="Ubuntu";

var nVer = navigator.appVersion;
var nAgt = navigator.userAgent;
var browserName  = navigator.appName;
var fullVersion  = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); 
var majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10);
var nameOffset,verOffset,ix;

// In Opera, the true version is after "Opera" or after "Version"
if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Opera"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Opera";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+6);
 if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Version"))!=-1) 
   fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8);
// In MSIE, the true version is after "MSIE" in userAgent
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("MSIE"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Microsoft Internet Explorer";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+5);
// In Chrome, the true version is after "Chrome" 
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Chrome";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7);
// In Safari, the true version is after "Safari" or after "Version" 
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Safari"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Safari";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7);
 if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Version"))!=-1) 
   fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8);
// In Firefox, the true version is after "Firefox" 
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Firefox"))!=-1) {
 browserName = "Firefox";
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8);
// In most other browsers, "name/version" is at the end of userAgent 
else if ( (nameOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) < 
          (verOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf('/')) ) 
 browserName = nAgt.substring(nameOffset,verOffset);
 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+1);
 if (browserName.toLowerCase()==browserName.toUpperCase()) {
  browserName = navigator.appName;
// trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space if present
if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(";"))!=-1)
if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(" "))!=-1)

majorVersion = parseInt(''+fullVersion,10);
if (isNaN(majorVersion)) {
 fullVersion  = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); 
 majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10);

 +'Hey! i see you\'re using '+browserName+'! <br>'
 +'The full version of it is '+fullVersion+'. <br>'
 +'Your major version is '+majorVersion+', <br>'
 +'And your "navigator.appName" is '+navigator.appName+'. <br>'
 +'Your "navigator.userAgent" is '+navigator.userAgent+'. <br>'

document.write('And, your OS is '+OSName+'. <br>');

Java Regex Replace with Capturing Group

How about:

if (regexMatcher.find()) {
    resultString = regexMatcher.replaceAll(
            String.valueOf(3 * Integer.parseInt(;

To get the first match, use #find(). After that, you can use #group(1) to refer to this first match, and replace all matches by the first maches value multiplied by 3.

And in case you want to replace each match with that match's value multiplied by 3:

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d{1,2})");
    Matcher m = p.matcher("12 54 1 65");
    StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
    while (m.find())
        m.appendReplacement(s, String.valueOf(3 * Integer.parseInt(;

You may want to look through Matcher's documentation, where this and a lot more stuff is covered in detail.

Understanding the order() function

In simple words, order() gives the locations of elements of increasing magnitude.

For example, order(c(10,20,30)) will give 1,2,3 and order(c(30,20,10)) will give 3,2,1.

Replace \n with actual new line in Sublime Text

In Sublime Text (with shortcuts on Mac):

  1. Highlight the text that you want to search to apply Find & Replace

  2. Go to Menu > Find > Replace... (Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + Command + F)

  3. In the Find & Replace tool, enable Regular Expression by clicking on the button which looks like [.*] (Keyboard Shortcut: Alt + Command + R)

  4. In Find What, type: \\n

    Note: The additional \ escapes the Regular Expression syntax when searched.

  5. In Replace With, type: \n

  6. Click on the 'Replace All' button (Keyboard Shortcut: CTRL + Alt + Enter)

Your literal text \n will then turn into an actual line break.

Inserting one list into another list in java?

An object is only once in memory. Your first addition to list just adds the object references.

anotherList.addAll will also just add the references. So still only 100 objects in memory.

If you change list by adding/removing elements, anotherList won't be changed. But if you change any object in list, then it's content will be also changed, when accessing it from anotherList, because the same reference is being pointed to from both lists.

Changing case in Vim

Visual select the text, then U for uppercase or u for lowercase. To swap all casing in a visual selection, press ~ (tilde).

Without using a visual selection, gU<motion> will make the characters in motion uppercase, or use gu<motion> for lowercase.

For more of these, see Section 3 in Vim's change.txt help file.

Detect the Internet connection is offline?

My way.

<!-- the file named "tt.jpg" should exist in the same directory -->

function testConnection(callBack)
    document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML +=
        '<img id="testImage" style="display: none;" ' +
        'src="tt.jpg?' + Math.random() + '" ' +
        'onerror="testConnectionCallback(false);" ' +

    testConnectionCallback = function(result){

        var element = document.getElementById('testImage');

<!-- usage example -->

function myCallBack(result)

<a href=# onclick=testConnection(myCallBack);>Am I online?</a>

Integer value in TextView

TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setText("" + 4);

Is the Scala 2.8 collections library a case of "the longest suicide note in history"?

Well, I can understand your pain, but, quite frankly, people like you and I -- or pretty much any regular Stack Overflow user -- are not the rule.

What I mean by that is that... most programmers won't care about that type signature, because they'll never see them! They don't read documentation.

As long as they saw some example of how the code works, and the code doesn't fail them in producing the result they expect, they won't ever look at the documentation. When that fails, they'll look at the documentation and expect to see usage examples at the top.

With these things in mind, I think that:

  1. Anyone (as in, most people) who ever comes across that type signature will mock Scala to no end if they are pre-disposed against it, and will consider it a symbol of Scala's power if they like Scala.

  2. If the documentation isn't enhanced to provide usage examples and explain clearly what a method is for and how to use it, it can detract from Scala adoption a bit.

  3. In the long run, it won't matter. That Scala can do stuff like that will make libraries written for Scala much more powerful and safer to use. These libraries and frameworks will attract programmers atracted to powerful tools.

  4. Programmers who like simplicity and directness will continue to use PHP, or similar languages.

Alas, Java programmers are much into power tools, so, in answering that, I have just revised my expectation of mainstream Scala adoption. I have no doubt at all that Scala will become a mainstream language. Not C-mainstream, but perhaps Perl-mainstream or PHP-mainstream.

Speaking of Java, did you ever replace the class loader? Have you ever looked into what that involves? Java can be scary, if you look at the places framework writers do. It's just that most people don't. The same thing applies to Scala, IMHO, but early adopters have a tendency to look under each rock they encounter, to see if there's something hiding there.

How to change the color of an image on hover

Ideally you should use a transparent PNG with the circle in white and the background of the image transparent. Then you can set the background-color of the .fb-icon to blue on hover. So you're CSS would be:



Additionally, if you don't want to use PNG's you can also use a sprite and alter the background position. A sprite is one large image with a collection of smaller images which can be used as a background image by changing the background position. So for eg, if your original circle image with the white background is 100px X 100px, you can increase the height of the image to 100px X 200px, so that the top half is the original image with the white background, while the lower half is the new image with the blue background. Then you set setup your CSS as:

    background:url('path/to/image/image.png') no-repeat 0 0;

    background:url('path/to/image/image.png') no-repeat 0 -100px;

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory?

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory (possibly recursively)?

This is usually not what you want.

Do you want to do this for png images? PDF files? The .git directory? Your Makefile (which requires tabs)? A 5GB SQL dump?

You could, in theory, pass a whole lot of exlude options to find or whatever else you're using; but this is fragile, and will break as soon as you add other binary files.

What you want, is at least:

  1. Skip files over a certain size.
  2. Detect if a file is binary by checking for the presence of a NULL byte.
  3. Only replace tabs at the start of a file (expand does this, sed doesn't).

As far as I know, there is no "standard" Unix utility that can do this, and it's not very easy to do with a shell one-liner, so a script is needed.

A while ago I created a little script called sanitize_files which does exactly that. It also fixes some other common stuff like replacing \r\n with \n, adding a trailing \n, etc.

You can find a simplified script without the extra features and command-line arguments below, but I recommend you use the above script as it's more likely to receive bugfixes and other updated than this post.

I would also like to point out, in response to some of the other answers here, that using shell globbing is not a robust way of doing this, because sooner or later you'll end up with more files than will fit in ARG_MAX (on modern Linux systems it's 128k, which may seem a lot, but sooner or later it's not enough).

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, re, sys

def is_binary(data):
    return data.find(b'\000') >= 0

def should_ignore(path):
    keep = [
        # VCS systems
        '.git/', '.hg/' '.svn/' 'CVS/',

        # These files have significant whitespace/tabs, and cannot be edited
        # safely
        # TODO: there are probably more of these files..
        'Makefile', 'BSDmakefile', 'GNUmakefile', 'Gemfile.lock'

    for k in keep:
        if '/%s' % k in path:
            return True
    return False

def run(files):
    indent_find = b'\t'
    indent_replace = b'    ' * indent_width

    for f in files:
        if should_ignore(f):
            print('Ignoring %s' % f)

            size = os.stat(f).st_size
        # Unresolvable symlink, just ignore those
        except FileNotFoundError as exc:
            print('%s is unresolvable, skipping (%s)' % (f, exc))

        if size == 0: continue
        if size > 1024 ** 2:
            print("Skipping `%s' because it's over 1MiB" % f)

            data = open(f, 'rb').read()
        except (OSError, PermissionError) as exc:
            print("Error: Unable to read `%s': %s" % (f, exc))

        if is_binary(data):
            print("Skipping `%s' because it looks binary" % f)

        data = data.split(b'\n')

        fixed_indent = False
        for i, line in enumerate(data):
            # Fix indentation
            repl_count = 0
            while line.startswith(indent_find):
                fixed_indent = True
                repl_count += 1
                line = line.replace(indent_find, b'', 1)

            if repl_count > 0:
                line = indent_replace * repl_count + line

        data = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, data))

            open(f, 'wb').write(b'\n'.join(data))
        except (OSError, PermissionError) as exc:
            print("Error: Unable to write to `%s': %s" % (f, exc))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    allfiles = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
        for f in files:
            p = '%s/%s' % (root, f)
            if do_add:


How to specify more spaces for the delimiter using cut?

My approach is to store the PID to a file in /tmp, and to find the right process using the -S option for ssh. That might be a misuse but works for me.




if [ "$1" == "stop" ] ; then
    kill `cat /tmp/sshTunel${LOCAL_PORT}-pid`

set -x

ssh -f -i ~/.ssh/aws.pem centos@$PROXY -L $LOCAL_PORT:$TARGET_REDIS:6379 -N -S /tmp/sshTunel$LOCAL_PORT  ## AWS DocService dev, DNS alias
# SSH_PID=$! ## Only works with &
SSH_PID=`ps aux | grep sshTunel${LOCAL_PORT} | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
echo $SSH_PID > /tmp/sshTunel${LOCAL_PORT}-pid

Better approach might be to query for the SSH_PID right before killing it, since the file might be stale and it would kill a wrong process.

Viewing PDF in Windows forms using C#

Use the above link

private void btnopen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
    OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
    if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK){
        axAcroPDF1.src = openFileDialog1.FileName;

Detect Click into Iframe using JavaScript

As found there : Detect Click into Iframe using JavaScript

=> We can use iframeTracker-jquery :

$('.carousel-inner .item').each(function(e) {
    var item = this;
    var iFrame = $(item).find('iframe');
    if (iFrame.length > 0) {
            blurCallback: function(){
                // Do something when iFrame is clicked (like firing an XHR request)
                onItemClick.bind(item)(); // calling regular click with right context
                console.log('IFrameClick => OK');
        console.log('IFrameTrackingRegistred => OK');

Xcode stops working after set "xcode-select -switch"

You should be pointing it towards the Developer directory, not the Xcode application bundle. Run this:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

With recent versions of Xcode, you can go to Xcode ? Preferences… ? Locations and pick one of the options for Command Line Tools to set the location.

Closing Application with Exit button

You cannot exit your application. Using android.finish() won't exit the application, it just kills the activity. It's used when we don't want to see the previous activity on back button click. The application automatically exits when you switch off the device. The Android architecture does not support exiting the app. If you want, you can forcefully exit the app, but that's not considered good practice.

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

You need to run the command from terminal / command prompt.

mysqldump -u <user name> -p <pwd> <original db> | mysql -u <user name> <pwd> <new db>

e.g: mysqldump -u root test_db1 | mysql -u root test_db2

This copies test_db1 to test_db2 and grant the access to 'root'@'localhost'

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

One line using LINQ:

Dim arr() As String = {"uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco"}
Dim indx As Integer = 2
arr = arr.Where(Function(item, index) index <> indx).ToArray 'arr = {"uno", "dos", "cuatro", "cinco"}

Remove first element:

arr = arr.Skip(1).ToArray

Remove last element:

arr = arr.Take(arr.length - 1).ToArray

Can you split/explode a field in a MySQL query?

It is possible to explode a string in a MySQL SELECT statement.

Firstly generate a series of numbers up to the largest number of delimited values you wish to explode. Either from a table of integers, or by unioning numbers together. The following generates 100 rows giving the values 1 to 100. It can easily be expanded to give larger ranges (add another sub query giving the values 0 to 9 for hundreds - hence giving 0 to 999, etc).

SELECT 1 + units.i + tens.i * 10 AS aNum

This can be cross joined against your table to give you the values. Note that you use SUBSTRING_INDEX to get the delimited value up to a certain value, and then use SUBSTRING_INDEX to get that value, excluding previous ones.

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(clients.courseNames, ',', sub0.aNum), ',', -1) AS a_course_name
FROM clients
    SELECT 1 + units.i + tens.i * 10 AS aNum, units.i + tens.i * 10 AS aSubscript
) sub0

As you can see there is a slight issue here that the last delimited value is repeated many times. To get rid of this you need to limit the range of numbers based on how many delimiters there are. This can be done by taking the length of the delimited field and comparing it to the length of the delimited field with the delimiters changed to '' (to remove them). From this you can get the number of delimiters:-

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(clients.courseNames, ',', sub0.aNum), ',', -1) AS a_course_name
FROM clients
    SELECT 1 + units.i + tens.i * 10 AS aNum
) sub0
ON (1 + LENGTH(clients.courseNames) - LENGTH(REPLACE(clients.courseNames, ',', ''))) >= sub0.aNum

In the original example field you could (for example) count the number of students on each course based on this. Note that I have changed the sub query that gets the range of numbers to bring back 2 numbers, 1 is used to determine the course name (as these are based on starting at 1) and the other gets the subscript (as they are based starting at 0).

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(clients.courseNames, ',', sub0.aNum), ',', -1) AS a_course_name, COUNT(clientenrols.studentId)
FROM clients
    SELECT 1 + units.i + tens.i * 10 AS aNum, units.i + tens.i * 10 AS aSubscript
) sub0
ON (1 + LENGTH(clients.courseNames) - LENGTH(REPLACE(clients.courseNames, ',', ''))) >= sub0.aNum
LEFT OUTER JOIN clientenrols
ON clientenrols.courseId = sub0.aSubscript
GROUP BY a_course_name

As you can see, it is possible but quite messy. And with little opportunity to use indexes it is not going to be efficient. Further the range must cope with the greatest number of delimited values, and works by excluding lots of duplicates; if the max number of delimited values is very large then this will slow things down dramatically. Overall it is generally far better to just properly normalise the database.

Need to install urllib2 for Python 3.5.1

WARNING: Security researches have found several poisoned packages on PyPI, including a package named urllib, which will 'phone home' when installed. If you used pip install urllib some time after June 2017, remove that package as soon as possible.

You can't, and you don't need to.

urllib2 is the name of the library included in Python 2. You can use the urllib.request library included with Python 3, instead. The urllib.request library works the same way urllib2 works in Python 2. Because it is already included you don't need to install it.

If you are following a tutorial that tells you to use urllib2 then you'll find you'll run into more issues. Your tutorial was written for Python 2, not Python 3. Find a different tutorial, or install Python 2.7 and continue your tutorial on that version. You'll find urllib2 comes with that version.

Alternatively, install the requests library for a higher-level and easier to use API. It'll work on both Python 2 and 3.

How to install PHP intl extension in Ubuntu 14.04

In Ubuntu 20.04, PHP 7.4 use the following command:

sudo apt-get install php7.4-intl

replace 7.4 with your PHP version

How to write ternary operator condition in jQuery?

Also, the ternary operator expects expressions, not statements. Do not use semicolons, only at the end of the ternary op.

    $("#blackbox").css('background') === 'pink' ? 'black' : 'pink'});

Tomcat 8 Maven Plugin for Java 8

Plugin run Tomcat 7.0.47:

mvn org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.2:run

 INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/7.0.47

This is sample to run plugin with Tomcat 8 and Java 8: Cargo embedded tomcat: custom context.xml

How to add number of days in postgresql datetime

For me I had to put the whole interval in single quotes not just the value of the interval.

select id,  
   created_at + interval '1 day' * claim_window as deadline from projects   

Instead of

select id,  
   created_at + interval '1' day * claim_window as deadline from projects   

Postgres Date/Time Functions

Only variables should be passed by reference

Everyone else has already given you the reason you're getting an error, but here's the best way to do what you want to do: $file_extension = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

CSS styling in Django forms

For larger form instead of writing css classed for every field you could to this

class UserRegistration(forms.ModelForm):
   # list charfields

   class Meta:
      model = User
      fields = ('username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'password', 'password2')

   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      super(UserRegistration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
      for field in self.fields:
         self.fields[field].widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control'

Relative paths based on file location instead of current working directory

Just one line will be OK.

cat "`dirname $0`"/../some.txt

How does paintComponent work?

Calling object.paintComponent(g) is an error.

Instead this method is called automatically when the panel is created. The paintComponent() method can also be called explicitly by the repaint() method defined in Component class.

The effect of calling repaint() is that Swing automatically clears the graphic on the panel and executes the paintComponent method to redraw the graphics on this panel.

Compare 2 arrays which returns difference

function subtractarrays(array1, array2){
    var difference = [];
    for( var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++ ) {
        if( $.inArray( array1[i], array2 ) == -1 ) {

    return difference;

You can then call the function anywhere in your code.

var I_like    = ["love", "sex", "food"];
var she_likes = ["love", "food"];

alert( "what I like and she does't like is: " + subtractarrays( I_like, she_likes ) ); //returns "Naughty"!

This works in all cases and avoids the problems in the methods above. Hope that helps!

Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator

10 years later, I run into the same problem... For me, the issue is that it was literally disabled in my emulator.

Go to the running emulator, and drag down from the top menu area to make it show the action buttons and notifications. Those action buttons show what features are enabled/disabled, like Wifi, airplane mode, and....rotate.

In my emulator, the 3rd button from the left was the "rotate" button, and it was gray. Once I tapped on it to toggle it on, boom, my app would now switch to landscape mode when I rotated it.

Powershell folder size of folders without listing Subdirectories

This is something I wind up looking for repeatedly, even though I wrote myself a nice little function a while ago. So, I figured others might benefit from having it and maybe I'll even find it here, myself. hahaha

It's pretty simple to paste into your script and use. Just pass it a folder object.

I think it requires PowerShell 3 just because of the -directory flag on the Get-ChildItem command, but I'm sure it can be easily adapted, if need be.

function Get-TreeSize ($folder = $null)
    #Function to get recursive folder size
    $result = @()
    $folderResult = "" | Select-Object FolderPath, FolderName, SizeKB, SizeMB, SizeGB, OverThreshold

    $contents  = Get-ChildItem $folder.FullName -recurse -force -erroraction SilentlyContinue -Include * | Where-Object {$_.psiscontainer -eq $false} | Measure-Object -Property length -sum | Select-Object sum
    $sizeKB = [math]::Round($contents.sum / 1000,3)   #.ToString("#.##")
    $sizeMB = [math]::Round($contents.sum / 1000000,3)   #.ToString("#.##")
    $sizeGB = [math]::Round($contents.sum / 1000000000,3)   #.ToString("#.###")

    $folderResult.FolderPath = $folder.FullName
    $folderResult.FolderName = $folder.BaseName
    $folderResult.SizeKB = $sizeKB
    $folderresult.SizeMB = $sizeMB
    $folderresult.SizeGB = $sizeGB
    $result += $folderResult

    return $result

#Use the function like this for a single directory
$topDir = get-item "C:\test"
Get-TreeSize ($topDir)

#Use the function like this for all top level folders within a direcotry
#$topDir = gci -directory "\\server\share\folder"
$topDir = Get-ChildItem -directory "C:\test"
foreach ($folderPath in $topDir) {Get-TreeSize $folderPath}  

Get data from php array - AJAX - jQuery

When you do echo $array;, PHP will simply echo 'Array' since it can't convert an array to a string. So The 'A' that you are actually getting is the first letter of Array, which is correct.

You might actually need

echo json_encode($array);

This should get you what you want.

EDIT : And obviously, you'd need to change your JS to work with JSON instead of just text (as pointed out by @genesis)

Facebook Javascript SDK Problem: "FB is not defined"

I saw a case where Chrome had installed WidgetBlock which was blocking the Facebook script. The result was exactly this error message. Make sure you disable any extensions that may interfere.

How to use EOF to run through a text file in C?

You should check the EOF after reading from file.

fscanf_s                   // read from file
while(condition)           // check EOF
   fscanf_s               // read from file

Entity Framework and Connection Pooling

Accoriding to EF6 (4,5 also) documentation:

9.3 Context per request

Entity Framework’s contexts are meant to be used as short-lived instances in order to provide the most optimal performance experience. Contexts are expected to be short lived and discarded, and as such have been implemented to be very lightweight and reutilize metadata whenever possible. In web scenarios it’s important to keep this in mind and not have a context for more than the duration of a single request. Similarly, in non-web scenarios, context should be discarded based on your understanding of the different levels of caching in the Entity Framework. Generally speaking, one should avoid having a context instance throughout the life of the application, as well as contexts per thread and static contexts.

How to wait until an element is present in Selenium?

You need to call ignoring with exception to ignore while the WebDriver will wait.

FluentWait<WebDriver> fluentWait = new FluentWait<>(driver)
        .withTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .pollingEvery(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

See the documentation of FluentWait for more info. But beware that this condition is already implemented in ExpectedConditions so you should use

WebElement element = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))

*Update for newer versions of Selenium:

withTimeout(long, TimeUnit) has become withTimeout(Duration)
pollingEvery(long, TimeUnit) has become pollingEvery(Duration)

So the code will look as such:

FluentWait<WebDriver> fluentWait = new FluentWait<>(driver)

Basic tutorial for waiting can be found here.

jQuery .on('change', function() {} not triggering for dynamically created inputs

You should provide a selector to the on function:

$(document).on('change', 'input', function() {
  // Does some stuff and logs the event to the console

In that case, it will work as you expected. Also, it is better to specify some element instead of document.

Read this article for better understanding:

SQL Server IN vs. EXISTS Performance

EXISTS will be faster because once the engine has found a hit, it will quit looking as the condition has proved true.

With IN, it will collect all the results from the sub-query before further processing.

Check if AJAX response data is empty/blank/null/undefined/0

    url: "<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>",
    data: associated_buildsorprojects_form,
        // do console.log(data);
        // you'll find that what exactly inside data 
        // I do not prefer alter(data); now because, it does not 
        // completes requirement all the time 
        // After that you can easily put if condition that you do not want like
        // if(data != '')
        // if(data == null)
        // or whatever you want 
    error: function(errorThrown){
        alert("There is an error with AJAX!");

R color scatter plot points based on values

Here is a method using a lookup table of thresholds and associated colours to map the colours to the variable of interest.

 # make a grid 'Grd' of points and number points for side of square 'GrdD'
Grd <- expand.grid(seq(0.5,400.5,10),seq(0.5,400.5,10))
GrdD <- length(unique(Grd$Var1))

# Add z-values to the grid points
Grd$z <- rnorm(length(Grd$Var1), mean = 10, sd =2)

# Make a vector of thresholds 'Brks' to colour code z 
Brks <- c(seq(0,18,3),Inf)

# Make a vector of labels 'Lbls' for the colour threhsolds
Lbls <- Lbls <- c('0-3','3-6','6-9','9-12','12-15','15-18','>18')

# Make a vector of colours 'Clrs' for to match each range
Clrs <- c("grey50","dodgerblue","forestgreen","orange","red","purple","magenta")

# Make up lookup dataframe 'LkUp' of the lables and colours 
LkUp <- data.frame(cbind(Lbls,Clrs),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Add a new variable 'Lbls' the grid dataframe mapping the labels based on z-value
Grd$Lbls <- as.character(cut(Grd$z, breaks = Brks, labels = Lbls))

# Add a new variable 'Clrs' to the grid dataframe based on the Lbls field in the grid and lookup table
Grd <- merge(Grd,LkUp, by.x = 'Lbls')

# Plot the grid using the 'Clrs' field for the colour of each point
     xlim = c(0,400),
     ylim = c(0,400),
     cex = 1.0,
     col = Grd$Clrs,
     pch = 20,
     xlab = 'mX',
     ylab = 'mY',
     main = 'My Grid',
     axes = FALSE,
     labels = FALSE,
     las = 1

axis(2,seq(0,400,100),las = 1)
box(col = 'black')

legend("topleft", legend = Lbls, fill = Clrs, title = 'Z')

How to reset or change the passphrase for a GitHub SSH key?

You can change the passphrase for your private key by doing:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p

Intel HAXM installation error - This computer does not support Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x)

After I installed Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, Visual Studio notified me about a Windows Phone emulator update, which I installed (it was really a new component, not an update). It turned out this enabled Hyper-V, which broke HAXM.

The solution was to uninstall the emulator from Programs and Features and to turn off Hyper-V from Windows Features (search for "Windows Features" and click "Turn Windows features on or off").

How to update values using pymongo?

You can use the $set syntax if you want to set the value of a document to an arbitrary value. This will either update the value if the attribute already exists on the document or create it if it doesn't. If you need to set a single value in a dictionary like you describe, you can use the dot notation to access child values.

If p is the object retrieved:

existing = p['d']['a']

For pymongo versions < 3.0

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$set': {
    'd.a': existing + 1
}, upsert=False, multi=False)

For pymongo versions >= 3.0

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$set': {
    'd.a': existing + 1
}, upsert=False)

However if you just need to increment the value, this approach could introduce issues when multiple requests could be running concurrently. Instead you should use the $inc syntax:

For pymongo versions < 3.0:

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$inc': {
    'd.a': 1
}, upsert=False, multi=False)

For pymongo versions >= 3.0:

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$inc': {
    'd.a': 1
}, upsert=False)

This ensures your increments will always happen.

extract digits in a simple way from a python string

This regular expression handles floats as well

import re
re_float = re.compile(r'\d*\.?\d+')

You could also add a group to the expression that catches your weight units.

re_banana = re.compile(r'(?P<number>\d*\.?\d+)\s?(?P<uni>[a-zA-Z]+)')

You can access the named groups like this re_banana.match("200 kgm").group('number').

I think this should help you getting started.

Best practice for Django project working directory structure

There're two kind of Django "projects" that I have in my ~/projects/ directory, both have a bit different structure.:

  • Stand-alone websites
  • Pluggable applications

Stand-alone website

Mostly private projects, but doesn't have to be. It usually looks like this:


docs/               # documentation
scripts/         # installed to PATH via
project_name/       # project dir (the one which creates)
  apps/             # project-specific applications
    accounts/       # most frequent app, with custom user model
  settings/         # settings for different environments, see below
        # contains project version
static/             # site-specific static files
templates/          # site-specific templates
tests/              # site-specific tests (mostly in-browser ones)
tmp/                # excluded from git


The main settings are production ones. Other files (eg., simply import everything from and override only necessary variables.

For each environment, there are separate settings files, eg. production, development. I some projects I have also testing (for test runner), staging (as a check before final deploy) and heroku (for deploying to heroku) settings.


I rather specify requirements in directly. Only those required for development/test environment I have in requirements_dev.txt.

Some services (eg. heroku) requires to have requirements.txt in root directory.

Useful when deploying project using setuptools. It adds to PATH, so I can run directly (anywhere).

Project-specific apps

I used to put these apps into project_name/apps/ directory and import them using relative imports.

Templates/static/locale/tests files

I put these templates and static files into global templates/static directory, not inside each app. These files are usually edited by people, who doesn't care about project code structure or python at all. If you are full-stack developer working alone or in a small team, you can create per-app templates/static directory. It's really just a matter of taste.

The same applies for locale, although sometimes it's convenient to create separate locale directory.

Tests are usually better to place inside each app, but usually there is many integration/functional tests which tests more apps working together, so global tests directory does make sense.

Tmp directory

There is temporary directory in project root, excluded from VCS. It's used to store media/static files and sqlite database during development. Everything in tmp could be deleted anytime without any problems.


I prefer virtualenvwrapper and place all venvs into ~/.venvs directory, but you could place it inside tmp/ to keep it together.

Project template

I've created project template for this setup, django-start-template


Deployment of this project is following:

source $VENV/bin/activate
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=project_name.settings.production
git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Update database, static files, locales syncdb  --noinput migrate collectstatic --noinput makemessages -a compilemessages

# restart wsgi
touch project_name/

You can use rsync instead of git, but still you need to run batch of commands to update your environment.

Recently, I made django-deploy app, which allows me to run single management command to update environment, but I've used it for one project only and I'm still experimenting with it.

Sketches and drafts

Draft of templates I place inside global templates/ directory. I guess one can create folder sketches/ in project root, but haven't used it yet.

Pluggable application

These apps are usually prepared to publish as open-source. I've taken example below from django-forme



Name of directories is clear (I hope). I put test files outside app directory, but it really doesn't matter. It is important to provide README and, so package is easily installed through pip.

How to echo JSON in PHP

Native JSON support has been included in PHP since 5.2 in the form of methods json_encode() and json_decode(). You would use the first to output a PHP variable in JSON.

Trying to create a file in Android: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system)

As others have mentioned, app on Android can't write a file to any folder the internal storage but their own private storage (which is under /data/data/PACKAGE_NAME ).

You should use the API to get the correct path that is allowed for your app.

read this .

How to filter a dictionary according to an arbitrary condition function?

dict((k, v) for (k, v) in points.iteritems() if v[0] < 5 and v[1] < 5)

Parsing JSON in Excel VBA

This works for me under Excel and a big JSON files using JSON query translated in to native form. I am able parse node like "item.something" and get value using simple command:

MsgBox Json("item")("something")

What's nice.

How do I initialize a TypeScript Object with a JSON-Object?

Maybe not actual, but simple solution:

interface Bar{

var baz:Bar = JSON.parse(jsonString);

work for difficult dependencies too!!!

How to set-up a favicon?

From experience of my favicon.ico not appearing, I am sharing my experience. You can't get it to show until you put your website on a host, therefore, try put it on a localhost using XAMPP - This is how the favicon appears and like others recommended, change:

rel="shortcut icon"


Also this way .png favicons can be used for slickness.

What does ** (double star/asterisk) and * (star/asterisk) do for parameters?

I want to give an example which others haven't mentioned

* can also unpack a generator

An example from Python3 Document

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [4, 5, 6]

unzip_x, unzip_y = zip(*zip(x, y))

unzip_x will be [1, 2, 3], unzip_y will be [4, 5, 6]

The zip() receives multiple iretable args, and return a generator.

zip(*zip(x,y)) -> zip((1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6))

What is the difference between encode/decode?

There are a few encodings that can be used to de-/encode from str to str or from unicode to unicode. For example base64, hex or even rot13. They are listed in the codecs module.


The decode message on a unicode string can undo the corresponding encode operation:

In [1]: u'0a'.decode('hex')
Out[1]: '\n'

The returned type is str instead of unicode which is unfortunate in my opinion. But when you are not doing a proper en-/decode between str and unicode this looks like a mess anyway.

Named capturing groups in JavaScript regex?

You can use XRegExp, an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods:

  • Adds new regex and replacement text syntax, including comprehensive support for named capture.
  • Adds two new regex flags: s, to make dot match all characters (aka dotall or singleline mode), and x, for free-spacing and comments (aka extended mode).
  • Provides a suite of functions and methods that make complex regex processing a breeze.
  • Automagically fixes the most commonly encountered cross-browser inconsistencies in regex behavior and syntax.
  • Lets you easily create and use plugins that add new syntax and flags to XRegExp's regular expression language.

How can I check if the current date/time is past a set date/time?


$curDateTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$myDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("2018-06-26 16:15:33"));
if($myDate < $curDateTime){
    echo "active";exit;
    echo "inactive";exit;

What is the difference between require and require-dev sections in composer.json?

Different Environments

Typically, software will run in different environments:

  • development
  • testing
  • staging
  • production

Different Dependencies in Different Environments

The dependencies which are declared in the require section of composer.json are typically dependencies which are required for running an application or a package in

  • staging
  • production

environments, whereas the dependencies declared in the require-dev section are typically dependencies which are required in

  • developing
  • testing


For example, in addition to the packages used for actually running an application, packages might be needed for developing the software, such as:

  • friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer (to detect and fix coding style issues)
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer (to detect and fix coding style issues)
  • phpunit/phpunit (to drive the development using tests)
  • etc.


Now, in development and testing environments, you would typically run

$ composer install

to install both production and development dependencies.

However, in staging and production environments, you only want to install dependencies which are required for running the application, and as part of the deployment process, you would typically run

$ composer install --no-dev

to install only production dependencies.


In other words, the sections

  • require
  • require-dev

indicate to composer which packages should be installed when you run

$ composer install


$ composer install --no-dev

That is all.

Note Development dependencies of packages your application or package depend on will never be installed

For reference, see:

How to Sort Multi-dimensional Array by Value?

Let's face it: php does NOT have a simple out of the box function to properly handle every array sort scenario.

This routine is intuitive, which means faster debugging and maintenance:

// automatic population of array
$tempArray = array();
$annotations = array();
// ... some code
// SQL $sql retrieves result array $result 
// $row[0] is the ID, but is populated out of order (comes from 
// multiple selects populating various dimensions for the same DATE 
// for example
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $needle = $row[0];
    arrayIndexes($needle);  // create a parallel array with IDs only
    $annotations[$needle]['someDimension'] = $row[1]; // whatever
foreach ($tempArray as $arrayKey) {
    $dataInOrder = $annotations[$arrayKey]['someDimension']; 
    // .... more code

function arrayIndexes ($needle) {
    global $tempArray;
    if (!in_array($needle,$tempArray)) {