Programs & Examples On #Burn

Burn is the WiX (Windows Installer XML) engine used to chain multiple installation packages into a singular, more seamless setup experience.

Constraint Layout Vertical Align Center

You can easily center multiple things by creating a chain. It works both vertically and horizontally

Link to official documentation about chains

Edit to answer comment :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

This code gives this result

You have the horizontal chain : first_score <=> second_score <=> third_score. second_score is centered vertically. The other scores are centered vertically according to it.

You can definitely create a vertical chain first_score <=> subtitle and center it according to second_score

No assembly found containing an OwinStartupAttribute Error

I know this post is old but just in case someone is looking for the same error, try adding

<add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false"></add>

after the tag <appSettings>

and if afterwards the next error show up:

HTTP Error 401.0 - Unauthorized error message

add the next code after the tag <system.web> it can be at the beginning

<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/YourFolderName/yourFileName" timeout="1" /> </authentication>

In my case is:

<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/Login/Index" timeout="1" /> </authentication>

reactjs giving error Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined

Happened to me too when I used this :

class App extends React.Component(){


Instead of the right one :

class App extends React.Component{


Notice:- () in the first one which is the main cause of this problem

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardServer[8005]]A child container failed during start

Just make sure build with correct web.xml configuration.I have update web.xml with tomcat configuration and it worked for me. Sample :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>_x000D_
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""_x000D_
 xmlns="" xmlns:web=""_x000D_
 id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">_x000D_
 <description>simulator app</description>_x000D_
    <!-- File upload  -->_x000D_
 <!-- excel simulation -->_x000D_
    <description>simulator app</description>_x000D_
    <!-- File upload  -->_x000D_

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource error

Try this - set Ajax call by setting up the header as follows:

var uri = "http://localhost:50869/odata/mydatafeeds"
    url: uri,
    beforeSend: function (request) {
        request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Negotiate");
    async: true,
    success: function (data) {
    error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorMessage) {

Then run your code by opening Chrome with the following command line:

chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND in nodejs for get call

i have same issue with Amazon server i change my code to this

var connection = mysql.createConnection({
    localAddress     : '35.160.300.66',
    user     : 'root',
    password : 'root',
    database : 'rootdb',

check mysql node module

Need to find element in selenium by css

You can describe your css selection like cascading style sheet dows:

protected override void When()
   SUT.Browser.FindElements(By.CssSelector("#carousel > a.tiny.button"))

When correctly use Task.Run and when just async-await

One issue with your ContentLoader is that internally it operates sequentially. A better pattern is to parallelize the work and then sychronize at the end, so we get

public class PageViewModel : IHandle<SomeMessage>

   public async void Handle(SomeMessage message)

      // makes UI very laggy, but still not dead
      await this.contentLoader.LoadContentAsync(); 


public class ContentLoader 
    public async Task LoadContentAsync()
        var tasks = new List<Task>();

        await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

Obviously, this doesn't work if any of the tasks require data from other earlier tasks, but should give you better overall throughput for most scenarios.

Non-conformable arrays error in code

The problem is that omega in your case is matrix of dimensions 1 * 1. You should convert it to a vector if you wish to multiply t(X) %*% X by a scalar (that is omega)

In particular, you'll have to replace this line:

omega   = rgamma(1,a0,1) / L0


omega   = as.vector(rgamma(1,a0,1) / L0)

everywhere in your code. It happens in two places (once inside the loop and once outside). You can substitute as.vector(.) or c(t(.)). Both are equivalent.

Here's the modified code that should work:

gibbs = function(data, m01 = 0, m02 = 0, k01 = 0.1, k02 = 0.1, 
                     a0 = 0.1, L0 = 0.1, nburn = 0, ndraw = 5000) {
    m0      = c(m01, m02) 
    C0      = matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2) 
    C0[1,1] = 1 / k01 
    C0[1,2] = 0 
    C0[2,1] = 0 
    C0[2,2] = 1 / k02 
    beta    = mvrnorm(1,m0,C0) 
    omega   = as.vector(rgamma(1,a0,1) / L0)
    draws   = matrix(ncol = 3,nrow = ndraw) 
    it      = -nburn 

    while (it < ndraw) {
        it    = it + 1 
        C1    = solve(solve(C0) + omega * t(X) %*% X) 
        m1    = C1 %*% (solve(C0) %*% m0 + omega * t(X) %*% y)
        beta  = mvrnorm(1, m1, C1) 
        a1    = a0 + n / 2 
        L1    = L0 + t(y - X %*% beta) %*% (y - X %*% beta) / 2 
        omega = as.vector(rgamma(1, a1, 1) / L1)
        if (it > 0) { 
            draws[it,1] = beta[1]
            draws[it,2] = beta[2]
            draws[it,3] = omega

How to view unallocated free space on a hard disk through terminal

This is an old question, but I wanted to give my answer as well.

Since we're talking about free available space, we should talk about sectors, since no partitioning or sizing of sectors is done.

For us human beings this doesn't make much sense. To have human-readable information we must translate this number into bytes. So, we have a disk already partitioned and we want to know how much space we may use. I personally don't like the parted solution because my brain-memory for commands is already taken. There is also cfdisk, which gives you free space. But I think fdisk is the quickest solution: it's plain and simple, with nothing to install: execute fdisk /dev/sdx and then enter v into the interactive shell. It will gives you the number of sectors still free.

2004-54-0 [17:03:33][root@minimac:~]$> fdisk /dev/sda
Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).
Command (m for help): v
Remaining 1713 unallocated 512-byte sectors

We still have 1713 sectors at 512 bytes each. So, because you love terminal (in 2012, who knows now?) we do echo $(((1713*512)/1024))k, which is 1713 sectors multiplied for 512 bytes (divided by 1024 to have KB), which gives 856k.. not even 900 KB.. and I need another disk..

Creating an iframe with given HTML dynamically

There is an alternative for creating an iframe whose contents are a string of HTML: the srcdoc attribute. This is not supported in older browsers (chief among them: Internet Explorer, and possibly Safari?), but there is a polyfill for this behavior, which you could put in conditional comments for IE, or use something like has.js to conditionally lazy load it.

How do you get the contextPath from JavaScript, the right way?

A Spring Boot with Thymeleaf solution could look like:

Lets say my context-path is /app/

In Thymeleaf you can get it via:

<script th:inline="javascript">
        let contextPath    = /*[[@{/}]]*/

How to style the menu items on an Android action bar

Chris answer is working for me...

My values-v11/styles.xml file:

<style name="LightThemeSelector" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/ActionBar</item>
    <item name="android:editTextBackground">@drawable/edit_text_holo_light</item>
    <item name="android:actionMenuTextAppearance">@style/MyActionBar.MenuTextStyle</item>

<!--sets the point size to the menu item(s) in the upper right of action bar-->
<style name="MyActionBar.MenuTextStyle" parent="android:style/TextAppearance.Holo.Widget.ActionBar.Title">
    <item name="android:textSize">25sp</item>

<!-- sets the background of the actionbar to a PNG file in my drawable folder. 
displayOptions unset allow me to NOT SHOW the application icon and application name in the upper left of the action bar-->
<style name="ActionBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.Holo.ActionBar">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/actionbar_background</item>
    <item name="android:displayOptions"></item>

<style name="inputfield" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/red2</item>

Converting Python dict to kwargs?

** operator would be helpful here.

** operator will unpack the dict elements and thus **{'type':'Event'} would be treated as type='Event'

func(**{'type':'Event'}) is same as func(type='Event') i.e the dict elements would be converted to the keyword arguments.


* will unpack the list elements and they would be treated as positional arguments.

func(*['one', 'two']) is same as func('one', 'two')

Pipe subprocess standard output to a variable

If you are using python 2.7 or later, the easiest way to do this is to use the subprocess.check_output() command. Here is an example:

output = subprocess.check_output('ls')

To also redirect stderr you can use the following:

output = subprocess.check_output('ls', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

In the case that you want to pass parameters to the command, you can either use a list or use invoke a shell and use a single string.

output = subprocess.check_output(['ls', '-a'])
output = subprocess.check_output('ls -a', shell=True)

How can I autoplay a video using the new embed code style for Youtube?

The only way I was able to get autoplay to work was to use the iframe player api.

<div id="ytplayer"></div>
// Load the IFrame Player API code asynchronously.
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
// Replace the 'ytplayer' element with an <iframe> and
// YouTube player after the API code downloads.
var player;
function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() {
    player = new YT.Player('ytplayer', {
        height: '480',
        width: '853',
        videoId: 'JW5meKfy3fY',
        playerVars: {
            'autoplay': 1,
            'showinfo': 0,
            'controls': 0

How to thoroughly purge and reinstall postgresql on ubuntu?

Steps that worked for me on Ubuntu 8.04.2 to remove postgres 8.3

  1. List All Postgres related packages

    dpkg -l | grep postgres
    ii  postgresql                            8.3.17-0ubuntu0.8.04.1           object-relational SQL database (latest versi
    ii  postgresql-8.3                        8.3.9-0ubuntu8.04                object-relational SQL database, version 8.3
    ii  postgresql-client                     8.3.9-0ubuntu8.04                front-end programs for PostgreSQL (latest ve
    ii  postgresql-client-8.3                 8.3.9-0ubuntu8.04                front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.3
    ii  postgresql-client-common              87ubuntu2                        manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versi
    ii  postgresql-common                     87ubuntu2                        PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
    ii  postgresql-contrib                    8.3.9-0ubuntu8.04                additional facilities for PostgreSQL (latest
    ii  postgresql-contrib-8.3                8.3.9-0ubuntu8.04                additional facilities for PostgreSQL
  2. Remove all above listed

    sudo apt-get --purge remove postgresql postgresql-8.3  postgresql-client  postgresql-client-8.3 postgresql-client-common postgresql-common  postgresql-contrib postgresql-contrib-8.3
  3. Remove the following folders

    sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgresql/
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/postgresql/
    sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql/

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

I know this as long time ago, but this worked for me..

$copied_array = array_slice($original_array,0,count($original_array));

Eclipse "cannot find the tag library descriptor" for custom tags (not JSTL!)

It turns out that the cause was that this project wasn't being considered by Eclipse to actually be a Java EE project at all; it was an old project from 3.1, and the Eclipse 3.5 we are using now requires several "natures" to be set in the project configuration file.


I was able to find the cause by creating a new "Dynamic Web Project" which properly read its JSP files, and diffing against the config of the older project.

The only way I could find to add these was by editing the .project file, but after re-opening the project, everything magically worked. The settings referenced by pribeiro, above, weren't necessary since the project already conformed to the default settings.

Both pribeiro and nitind's answers gave me ideas to jumpstart my search, thanks.

Is there a way of editing these "natures" from within the UI?

How do I make a burn down chart in Excel?

No macros required. Data as below, two columns, dates don't need to be in order. Select range, convert to a Table (Ctrl+T). When data is added to the table, a chart based on the table will automatically include the added data.

Select table, insert a line chart. Right click chart, choose Select Data, click on Blank and Hidden Cells button, choose Interpolate option.

Burndown Chart of Pages Read

Binding to static property

These answers are all good if you want to follow good conventions but the OP wanted something simple, which is what I wanted too instead of dealing with GUI design patterns. If all you want to do is have a string in a basic GUI app you can update ad-hoc without anything fancy, you can just access it directly in your C# source.

Let's say you've got a really basic WPF app MainWindow XAML like this,

<Window x:Class="MyWPFApp.MainWindow"
            Background="White" >
        <TextBlock x:Name="textBlock"                   
                       Foreground="Blue" Margin="0,10,0,0"
        <Button x:Name="Find_Kilroy"
                    Content="Poke Kilroy"

That will look something like this:

enter image description here

In your MainWindow XAML's source, you could have something like this where all we're doing in changing the value directly via textBlock.Text's get/set functionality:

using System.Windows;

namespace MyWPFApp
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); }

        private void Button_Click_Poke_Kilroy(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            textBlock.Text = "              \\|||/\r\n" +
                             "              (o o) \r\n" +
                             "----ooO- (_) -Ooo----";

Then when you trigger that click event by clicking the button, voila! Kilroy appears :)

enter image description here

Select values from XML field in SQL Server 2008

If you are able to wrap your XML in a root element - say then the following is your solution:

DECLARE @PersonsXml XML = '<persons><person><firstName>Jon</firstName><lastName>Johnson</lastName></person>

SELECT  b.value('(./firstName/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') as FirstName, b.value('(./lastName/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM @PersonsXml.nodes('/persons/person') AS a(b)

enter image description here

Tracking the script execution time in PHP

I wrote a function that check remaining execution time.

Warning: Execution time counting is different on Windows and on Linux platform.

 * Check if more that `$miliseconds` ms remains
 * to error `PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time exceeded`
 * @param int $miliseconds
 * @return bool
function isRemainingMaxExecutionTimeBiggerThan($miliseconds = 5000) {
    $max_execution_time = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    if ($max_execution_time === 0) {
        // No script time limitation
        return true;
    if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
        // On Windows: The real time is measured.
        $spendMiliseconds = (microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]) * 1000;
    } else {
        // On Linux: Any time spent on activity that happens outside the execution
        //           of the script such as system calls using system(), stream operations
        //           database queries, etc. is not included.
        //           @see
        $resourceUsages = getrusage();
        $spendMiliseconds = $resourceUsages['ru_utime.tv_sec'] * 1000 + $resourceUsages['ru_utime.tv_usec'] / 1000;
    $remainingMiliseconds = $max_execution_time * 1000 - $spendMiliseconds;
    return ($remainingMiliseconds >= $miliseconds);


while (true) {
    // so something

    if (!isRemainingMaxExecutionTimeBiggerThan(5000)) {
        // Time to die.
        // Safely close DB and done the iteration.

Hidden Features of C#?

C# allows you to add property setter methods to concrete types that implement readonly interface properties even though the interface declaration itself has no property setter. For example:

public interface IReadOnlyFoo
   object SomeReadOnlyProperty { get; }

The concrete class looks like this:

internal class Foo : IReadOnlyFoo
   public object SomeReadOnlyProperty { get; internal set; }

What's interesting about this is that the Foo class is immutable if you cast it to the IReadOnlyFoo interface:

// Create a Foo instance
Foo foo = new Foo();

// This statement is legal
foo.SomeReadOnlyProperty = 12345;

// Make Foo read only
IReadOnlyFoo readOnlyFoo = foo;

// This statement won't compile
readOnlyFoo.SomeReadOnlyProperty = 54321;

What good technology podcasts are out there?

Brian Deacon wrote:

Dvorak is so... Spolsky.

I can't describe why, but I agree.

How do I call an Angular 2 pipe with multiple arguments?

Extended from : user3777549

Multi-value filter on one set of data(reference to title key only)


<div *ngFor='let item of items | filtermulti: [{title:["mr","ms"]},{first:["john"]}]' >
 Hello {{item.first}} !


args.forEach(function (filterobj) {
    let filterkey = Object.keys(filterobj)[0];
    let filtervalue = filterobj[filterkey];
    myobjects.forEach(function (objectToFilter) {

      if (!filtervalue.some(x=>x==objectToFilter[filterkey]) && filtervalue != "") {
        // object didn't match a filter value so remove it from array via filter
        returnobjects = returnobjects.filter(obj => obj !== objectToFilter);

Multiple Buttons' OnClickListener() android

You Just Simply have to Follow these steps for making it easy...

You don't have to write new onClickListener for Every Button... Just Implement View.OnClickLister to your Activity/Fragment.. it will implement new Method called onClick() for handling onClick Events for Button,TextView` etc.

  1. Implement OnClickListener() in your Activity/Fragment
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {

  1. Implement onClick() method in your Activity/Fragment
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    public void onClick(View v) {
      // default method for handling onClick Events..
  1. Implement OnClickListener() For Buttons
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Button one = (Button) findViewById(;
    one.setOnClickListener(this); // calling onClick() method
    Button two = (Button) findViewById(;
    Button three = (Button) findViewById(;
  1. Find Buttons By Id and Implement Your Code..
public void onClick(View v) {
    switch (v.getId()) {
            // do your code
            // do your code
            // do your code

Please refer to this link for more information : (updated)

This will make easier to handle many buttons click events and makes it looks simple to manage it...

How can I use JavaScript in Java?

Rhino is what you are looking for.

Rhino is an open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users.

Update: Now Nashorn, which is more performant JavaScript Engine for Java, is available with jdk8.

Amazon S3 upload file and get URL

You can work it out for yourself given the bucket and the file name you specify in the upload request.

e.g. if your bucket is mybucket and your file is named myfilename:

The s3 bit will be different depending on which region your bucket is in. For example, I use the south-east asia region so my urls are like:

HTML5 iFrame Seamless Attribute

Updated: October 2016

The seamless attribute no longer exists. It was originally pitched to be included in the first HTML5 spec, but subsequently dropped. An unrelated attribute of the same name made a brief cameo in the HTML5.1 draft, but that too was ditched mid-2016:

So I think the gist of it all both from the implementor side and the web-dev side is that seamless as-specced doesn’t seem to be what anybody wanted to begin with. Or at least it’s more than anybody actually wanted. And anyway like @annevk says, it’s seems a lot of it’s since been “overcome by events” in light of Shadow DOM.

In other words: purge the seamless attribute from your memory, and pretend it never existed.

For posterity's sake, here's my original answer from five years ago:

Original answer: April 2011

The attribute is in draft mode at the moment. For that reason, none of the current browsers are supporting it yet (as the implementation is subject to change). In the meantime, it's best just to use CSS to strip the borders/scrollbars from the iframe:

    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0px none transparent;
    padding: 0px;
    overflow: hidden;

There's more to the seamless attribute than what can be added with CSS: part of the reasoning behind the attribute was to allow nested content to inherit the same styles applied to the iframe (acting as though the embedded document was one big nested inside the element, for example).

Lastly, versions of Internet Explorer (8 and earlier) require additional attributes in order to remove the borders, scrollbars and background colour:

<iframe frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" src="..."></iframe>

Naturally, this doesn't validate. So it's up to you how to handle it. My (picky) approach would be to sniff the agent string and add the attributes for IE versions earlier than 9.

Hope that helps. :)

Is it possible to add dynamically named properties to JavaScript object?


var data = {_x000D_
    'PropertyA': 1,_x000D_
    'PropertyB': 2,_x000D_
    'PropertyC': 3_x000D_
data["PropertyD"] = 4;_x000D_
// dialog box with 4 in it_x000D_

Javascript onload not working

There's nothing wrong with include file in head. It seems you forgot to add;. Please try this one:

<body onload="imageRefreshBig();">

But as per my knowledge semicolons are optional. You can try with ; but better debug code and see if chrome console gives any error.

I hope this helps.

How to do a num_rows() on COUNT query in codeigniter?

Doing a COUNT(*) will only give you a singular row containing the number of rows and not the results themselves.

To access COUNT(*) you would need to do

$result = $query->row_array();
$count = $result['COUNT(*)'];

The second option performs much better since it does not need to return a dataset to PHP but instead just a count and therefore is much more optimized.

SQLite Query in Android to count rows

See rawQuery(String, String[]) and the documentation for Cursor

Your DADABASE_COMPARE SQL statement is currently invalid, loginname and loginpass won't be escaped, there is no space between loginname and the and, and you end the statement with ); instead of ; -- If you were logging in as bob with the password of password, that statement would end up as

select count(*) from users where uname=boband pwd=password);

Also, you should probably use the selectionArgs feature, instead of concatenating loginname and loginpass.

To use selectionArgs you would do something like

final String SQL_STATEMENT = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE uname=? AND pwd=?";

private void someMethod() {
    Cursor c = db.rawQuery(SQL_STATEMENT, new String[] { loginname, loginpass });

How to generate XML file dynamically using PHP?

An easily broken way to do this is :

// Send the headers
header('Content-type: text/xml');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Cache-control: private');
header('Expires: -1');
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";

echo '<xml>';

// echo some dynamically generated content here
    <title>track_number - track_title</title>

echo '</xml>';


save it as .php

vertical align middle in <div>

You can use line-height: 50px;, you won't need vertical-align: middle; there.


The above will fail if you've multiple lines, so in that case you can wrap your text using span and than use display: table-cell; and display: table; along with vertical-align: middle;, also don't forget to use width: 100%; for #abc


  font:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
  display: table;
  width: 100%;

#abc span {
  display: table-cell;

Another solution I can think of here is to use transform property with translateY() where Y obviously stands for Y Axis. It's pretty straight forward... All you need to do is set the elements position to absolute and later position 50% from the top and translate from it's axis with negative -50%

div {
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;
  background-color: tomato;
  position: relative;

p {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);


Note that this won't be supported on older browsers, for example IE8, but you can make IE9 and other older browser versions of Chrome and Firefox by using -ms, -moz and -webkit prefixes respectively.

For more information on transform, you can refer here.

How to set a timer in android

For timing operation you should use Handler.

If you need to run a background service the AlarmManager is the way to go.

"sed" command in bash

sed is a stream editor. I would say try man sed.If you didn't find this man page in your system refer this URL:

How to check permissions of a specific directory?

On OS X you can use:

ls -lead

The e option shows ACLs. And ACLs are very important to knowing what the exact permissions on your system are.

Postgres integer arrays as parameters?

I realize this is an old question, but it took me several hours to find a good solution and thought I'd pass on what I learned here and save someone else the trouble. Try, for example,

SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id_column = ANY(@id_list)

where @id_list is bound to an int[] parameter by way of

command.Parameters.Add("@id_list", NpgsqlDbType.Array | NpgsqlDbType.Integer).Value = my_id_list;

where command is a NpgsqlCommand (using C# and Npgsql in Visual Studio).

How much RAM is SQL Server actually using?

Related to your question, you may want to consider limiting the amount of RAM SQL Server has access to if you are using it in a shared environment, i.e., on a server that hosts more than just SQL Server:

  1. Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005: SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Connect using whatever account has admin rights.
  3. Right click on the database > Properties.
  4. Select "Memory" from the left pane and then change the "Server memory options" to whatever you feel should be allocated to SQL Server.

This will help alleviate SQL Server from consuming all the server's RAM.

The VMware Authorization Service is not running

I have a similar problem: I have to start manually this service once in a while. For those of you who have the same problem you can create a bat file and execute it when the service is not running (VMAuthdService service). This doesn't solve the problem, it's just a kind of workaround. The content of the file is the following:

:: BatchGotAdmin
REM  --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )

    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    exit /B

    if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

net start VMAuthdService

Name the file Start Auth VmWare.bat

Python vs. Java performance (runtime speed)

If you ignore the characteristics of both languages, how do you define "SPEED"? Which features should be in your benchmark and which do you want to omit?

For example:

  • Does it count when Java executes an empty loop faster than Python?
  • Or is Python faster when it notices that the loop body is empty, the loop header has no side effects and it optimizes the whole loop away?
  • Or is that "a language characteristic"?
  • Do you want to know how many bytecodes each language can execute per second?
  • Which ones? Only the fast ones or all of them?
  • How do you count the Java VM JIT compiler which turns bytecode into CPU-specific assembler code at runtime?
  • Do you include code compilation times (which are extra in Java but always included in Python)?

Conclusion: Your question has no answer because it isn't defined what you want. Even if you made it more clear, the question will probably become academic since you will measure something that doesn't count in real life. For all of my projects, both Java and Python have always been fast enough. Of course, I would prefer one language over the other for a specific problem in a certain context.

Difference between natural join and inner join

Inner join, join two table where column name is same.

Natural join, join two table where column name and data types are same.

Webclient / HttpWebRequest with Basic Authentication returns 404 not found for valid URL

//This works ONLY if the server returns 401 first
//The client DOES NOT send credentials on first request
//ONLY after a 401
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, passWord); //doesnt work

//So use THIS instead to send credentials RIGHT AWAY
string credentials = Convert.ToBase64String(
    Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(userName + ":" + password));
client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = string.Format(
    "Basic {0}", credentials);

How do I enable saving of filled-in fields on a PDF form?

You can use the free foxit reader to fill in the forms, and if you pay a little you can design the forms that way you want.

You can also us iText to programmaticly create those forms.

There are free online services that allow you to upload a pdf and you can add fields also.

It depends on how you want to do the designing.

EDIT: If you use foxit reader, you can save any form that is fillable.

JavaScript style.display="none" or jQuery .hide() is more efficient?

a = 2;


function a(nb) {
    of = cross;
    return handling(nb);

In your opinion, what do you think is going to be the fastest?

Java - get index of key in HashMap?

I don't know is this what you're looking for

List keys = new ArrayList(map.keySet());
int index = keys.indexOf(element);

Adding 'serial' to existing column in Postgres

Look at the following commands (especially the commented block).


CREATE TABLE foo (a int, b text);
CREATE TABLE bar (a serial, b text);

INSERT INTO foo (a, b) SELECT i, 'foo ' || i::text FROM generate_series(1, 5) i;
INSERT INTO bar (b) SELECT 'bar ' || i::text FROM generate_series(1, 5) i;

-- blocks of commands to turn foo into bar
ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN a SET DEFAULT nextval('foo_a_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE foo_a_seq OWNED BY foo.a;    -- 8.2 or later

SELECT setval('foo_a_seq', 5);  -- replace 5 by SELECT MAX result

INSERT INTO foo (b) VALUES('teste');
INSERT INTO bar (b) VALUES('teste');


How can I use tabs for indentation in IntelliJ IDEA?

I have started using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition version 12.1.3 and I found the setting in the following place: -

File > Other Settings > Default Settings > {choose from Code Style dropdown}

How to merge a transparent png image with another image using PIL

Image.paste does not work as expected when the background image also contains transparency. You need to use real Alpha Compositing.

Pillow 2.0 contains an alpha_composite function that does this.

background ="test1.png")
foreground ="test2.png")

Image.alpha_composite(background, foreground).save("test3.png")

EDIT: Both images need to be of the type RGBA. So you need to call convert('RGBA') if they are paletted, etc.. If the background does not have an alpha channel, then you can use the regular paste method (which should be faster).

How to draw border on just one side of a linear layout?

Borders of different colors. I used 3 items.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/colorAccent" />
    <item android:top="3dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/light_grey" />
        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary" />

PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them

An error message that begins Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' can be caused by mistakenly writing a class static reference Class::$Variable as Class:$Variable.

Proxy Error 502 : The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

The HTTP 502 "Bad Gateway" response is generated when Apache web server does not receive a valid HTTP response from the upstream server, which in this case is your Tomcat web application.

Some reasons why this might happen:

  • Tomcat may have crashed
  • The web application did not respond in time and the request from Apache timed out
  • The Tomcat threads are timing out
  • A network device is blocking the request, perhaps as some sort of connection timeout or DoS attack prevention system

If the problem is related to timeout settings, you may be able to resolve it by investigating the following:

  • ProxyTimeout directive of Apache's mod_proxy
  • Connector config of Apache Tomcat
  • Your network device's manual

Could not load file or assembly version

Problem: (Sql server 2014) This issue happens when assembly version not found by visual studio.

Solution: just go to and download:

  • ENU\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
  • ENU\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,

then install it, and restart visual studio.

PS: You may need install DB2OLEDBV5_x64.msi or DB2OLEDBV5_x86.msi too.

Problem: (Sql server 2012) This issue happens when assembly version not found by visual studio.

Solution: just go to and download:

  • ENU\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
  • ENU\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,

then install it, and restart visual studio.

Problem: (Sql server 2008) This issue happens when assembly version not found by visual studio.

Solution: just go to and download:

  • 1033\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X64 OS or
  • 1033\x86\SharedManagementObjects.msi for X86 OS,

(In most cases downloading this is better

then install it, and restart visual studio.

Problem: I recently got similar problem after installing SharedManagementObjects. assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, Version= not found by visual studio. The problem was Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio was not installed yet.

Solution: for Visual Studio 2013 just go to and download:

  • vcredist_x64.exe for X64 OS or
  • vcredist_x86.exe for X86 OS,

then install it, and restart visual studio.

PS: You can find Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 20XX for other versions of Visual Studio easily by googling it.

Send message to specific client with and node.js

Socket.IO allows you to “namespace” your sockets, which essentially means assigning different endpoints or paths.

This might help:

How to change the default collation of a table?

It sets the default collation for the table; if you create a new column, that should be collated with latin_general_ci -- I think. Try specifying the collation for the individual column and see if that works. MySQL has some really bizarre behavior in regards to the way it handles this.

Copy rows from one Datatable to another DataTable?

As a result of the other posts, this is the shortest I could get:

DataTable destTable = sourceTable.Clone();
sourceTable.AsEnumerable().Where(row => /* condition */ ).ToList().ForEach(row => destTable.ImportRow(row));

Why do many examples use `fig, ax = plt.subplots()` in Matplotlib/pyplot/python

In addition to the answers above, you can check the type of object using type(plt.subplots()) which returns a tuple, on the other hand, type(plt.subplot()) returns matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot which you can't unpack.

Python: Removing spaces from list objects

List comprehension [num.strip() for num in hello] is the fastest.

>>> import timeit
>>> hello = ['999 ',' 666 ']

>>> t1 = lambda: map(str.strip, hello)
>>> timeit.timeit(t1)

>>> t2 = lambda: list(map(str.strip, hello))
>>> timeit.timeit(t2)

>>> t3 = lambda: [num.strip() for num in hello]
>>> timeit.timeit(t3)

>>> t4 = lambda: [num.replace(' ', '') for num in hello]
>>> timeit.timeit(t4)

How to convert a python numpy array to an RGB image with Opencv 2.4?

This is due to the fact that cv2 uses the type "uint8" from numpy. Therefore, you should define the type when creating the array.

Something like the following:

import numpy
import cv2

b = numpy.zeros([5,5,3], dtype=numpy.uint8)
b[:,:,0] = numpy.ones([5,5])*64
b[:,:,1] = numpy.ones([5,5])*128
b[:,:,2] = numpy.ones([5,5])*192

ffmpeg - Converting MOV files to MP4

The command to just stream it to a new container (mp4) needed by some applications like Adobe Premiere Pro without encoding (fast) is:

ffmpeg -i -qscale 0 output.mp4

Alternative as mentioned in the comments, which re-encodes with best quaility (-qscale 0):

ffmpeg -i -q:v 0 output.mp4

Auto increment in phpmyadmin

There are possible steps to enable auto increment for a column. I guess the phpMyAdmin version is 3.5.5 but not sure.

Click on Table > Structure tab > Under Action Click Primary (set as primary), click on Change on the pop-up window, scroll left and check A_I. Also make sure you have selected None for Defaultenter image description here

List of swagger UI alternatives

Yes, there are a few of them.

Hosted solutions that support swagger:

Check the following articles for more details:

Script not served by static file handler on IIS7.5

I had the same problem. When I added Static content feaute for IIS, It works fine.

How do I create a message box with "Yes", "No" choices and a DialogResult?

MessageBox.Show(title, text, messageboxbuttons.yes/no)

This returns a DialogResult which you can check.

For example,

if(MessageBox.Show("","",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
   //do something

Terminating a script in PowerShell

Write-Error is for non-terminating errors and throw is for terminating errors

The Write-Error cmdlet declares a non-terminating error. By default, errors are sent in the error stream to the host program to be displayed, along with output.

Non-terminating errors write an error to the error stream, but they do not stop command processing. If a non-terminating error is declared on one item in a collection of input items, the command continues to process the other items in the collection.

To declare a terminating error, use the Throw keyword. For more information, see about_Throw (

Regex doesn't work in String.matches()

java's implementation of regexes try to match the whole string

that's different from perl regexes, which try to find a matching part

if you want to find a string with nothing but lower case characters, use the pattern [a-z]+

if you want to find a string containing at least one lower case character, use the pattern .*[a-z].*

JavaScript: What are .extend and .prototype used for?

Some extend functions in third party libraries are more complex than others. Knockout.js for instance contains a minimally simple one that doesn't have some of the checks that jQuery's does:

function extend(target, source) {
    if (source) {
        for(var prop in source) {
            if(source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                target[prop] = source[prop];
    return target;

Getting value GET OR POST variable using JavaScript?

This is my first Answer in stackoverflow and my english is not good. so I can't talk good about this problem:)

I think you might need the following code to get the value of your or tags.

this is what you might need:


<input id="input_id" type="checkbox/text/radio" value="mehrad" />

<div id="writeSomething"></div>


function checkvalue(input , Write) {
  var inputValue = document.getElementById(input).value;
  if(inputValue !="" && inputValue !=null) { 
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = inputValue;
  } else { 
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = "Value is empty";

also, you can use other codes or other if in this function like this:

function checkvalue(input , Write) {
  var inputValue = document.getElementById(input).value;
  if(inputValue !="" && inputValue !=null) { 
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = inputValue;
    document.getElementById(Write).style.color = "#000";
  } else {
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = "Value is empty";

and you can use this function in your page by events like this:

<div onclick="checkvalue('input_id','writeSomthing')"></div>

I hope my code will be useful for you

Write by <Mehrad Karampour>

How to get all elements inside "div" that starts with a known text

Option 1: Likely fastest (but not supported by some browsers if used on Document or SVGElement) :

var elements = document.getElementById('parentContainer').children;

Option 2: Likely slowest :

var elements = document.getElementById('parentContainer').getElementsByTagName('*');

Option 3: Requires change to code (wrap a form instead of a div around it) :

// Since what you're doing looks like it should be in a form...
var elements = document.forms['parentContainer'].elements;

var matches = [];

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
    if (elements[i].value.indexOf('q17_') == 0)

How can I change the font size using seaborn FacetGrid?

The FacetGrid plot does produce pretty small labels. While @paul-h has described the use of sns.set as a way to the change the font scaling, it may not be the optimal solution since it will change the font_scale setting for all plots.

You could use the seaborn.plotting_context to change the settings for just the current plot:

with sns.plotting_context(font_scale=1.5):
    sns.factorplot(x, y ...)

How do I remove documents using Node.js Mongoose?

You can just use the query directly within the remove function, so:

FBFriendModel.remove({ id: 333}, function(err){});

unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION

put public, protected or private before the $connection.

How to set a bitmap from resource

If the resource is showing and is a view, you can also capture it. Like a screenshot:

View rootView = ((View) findViewById(;
rootView.layout(0, 0, rootView.getWidth(), rootView.getHeight());

Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(rootView.getDrawingCache());


This actually grabs the whole layout but you can alter as you wish.

In Laravel, the best way to pass different types of flash messages in the session

Simply return with the 'flag' that you want to be treated without using any additional user function. The Controller:

return \Redirect::back()->withSuccess( 'Message you want show in View' );

Notice that I used the 'Success' flag.

The View:

@if( Session::has( 'success' ))
     {{ Session::get( 'success' ) }}
@elseif( Session::has( 'warning' ))
     {{ Session::get( 'warning' ) }} <!-- here to 'withWarning()' -->

Yes, it really works!

how to pass parameters to query in SQL (Excel)

It depends on the database to which you're trying to connect, the method by which you created the connection, and the version of Excel that you're using. (Also, most probably, the version of the relevant ODBC driver on your computer.)

The following examples are using SQL Server 2008 and Excel 2007, both on my local machine.

When I used the Data Connection Wizard (on the Data tab of the ribbon, in the Get External Data section, under From Other Sources), I saw the same thing that you did: the Parameters button was disabled, and adding a parameter to the query, something like select field from table where field2 = ?, caused Excel to complain that the value for the parameter had not been specified, and the changes were not saved.

When I used Microsoft Query (same place as the Data Connection Wizard), I was able to create parameters, specify a display name for them, and enter values each time the query was run. Bringing up the Connection Properties for that connection, the Parameters... button is enabled, and the parameters can be modified and used as I think you want.

I was also able to do this with an Access database. It seems reasonable that Microsoft Query could be used to create parameterized queries hitting other types of databases, but I can't easily test that right now.

Protecting cells in Excel but allow these to be modified by VBA script

Try using

Worksheet.Protect "Password", UserInterfaceOnly := True

If the UserInterfaceOnly parameter is set to true, VBA code can modify protected cells.

Function not defined javascript

There are a couple of things to check:

  • In FireBug, see if there are any loading errors that would indicate that your script is badly formatted and the functions do not get registered.
  • You can also try typing "proceedToSecond" into the FireBug console to see if the function gets defined
  • One thing you may try is removing the space around the @type attribute to the script tag: it should be <script type="text/javascript"> instead of <script type = "text/javascript">

LEFT JOIN only first row

based on several answers here, i found something that worked for me and i wanted to generalize and explain what's going on.


LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON (t2.thing = t1.thing)


LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON (t2.p_key = (SELECT MIN(t2_.p_key) 
    FROM table2 t2_ WHERE (t2_.thing = t1.thing) LIMIT 1))

the condition that connects t1 and t2 is moved from the ON and into the inner query WHERE. the MIN(primary key) or LIMIT 1 makes sure that only 1 row is returned by the inner query.

after selecting one specific row we need to tell the ON which row it is. that's why the ON is comparing the primary key of the joined tabled.

you can play with the inner query (i.e. order+limit) but it must return one primary key of the desired row that will tell the ON the exact row to join.

Update - for MySQL 5.7+

another option relevant to MySQL 5.7+ is to use ANY_VALUE+GROUP BY. it will select an artist name that is not necessarily the first one.

SELECT feeds.*,ANY_VALUE( artist_name
    FROM feeds 
    LEFT JOIN feeds_artists ON = feeds_artists.feed_id 

more info about ANY_VALUE:

Angularjs: Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'HomeController' is not a function, got undefined

For me the solution was to add a semicolon after one of the functions declared in my HomeController.js

//Corrected code is :
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope, $http, $log) {

  $scope.demo1 = function(){
      console.log("In demo");
  } //Here i forgot to add the semicolon
  $scope.demo2 = function(){
      console.log("In demo");

How to get DropDownList SelectedValue in Controller in MVC

Simple solution not sure if this has been suggested or not. This also may not work for some things. That being said this is the simple solution below.

new SelectListItem { Value = "1", Text = "Waiting Invoices", Selected = true}

List<SelectListItem> InvoiceStatusDD = new List<SelectListItem>();
InvoiceStatusDD.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "0", Text = "All Invoices" });
InvoiceStatusDD.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "1", Text = "Waiting Invoices", Selected = true});
InvoiceStatusDD.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = "7", Text = "Client Approved Invoices" });

@Html.DropDownList("InvoiceStatus", InvoiceStatusDD)

You can also do something like this for a database driven select list. you will need to set selected in your controller

@Html.DropDownList("ApprovalProfile", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["ApprovalProfiles"], "All Employees")

Something like this but better solutions exist this is just one method.

foreach (CountryModel item in CountryModel.GetCountryList())
        if (item.CountryPhoneCode.Trim() != "974")
            countries.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.CountryName + " +(" + item.CountryPhoneCode + ")", Value = item.CountryPhoneCode });

        else {

            countries.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.CountryName + " +(" + item.CountryPhoneCode + ")", Value = item.CountryPhoneCode,Selected=true });


Register comdlg32.dll gets Regsvr32: DllRegisterServer entry point was not found

comdlg32.dll is not a COM DLL and cannot be registered.

One way to confirm this for yourself is to run this command:

dumpbin /exports comdlg32.dll

You'll see that comdlg32.dll doesn't contain a DllRegisterServer method. Hence RegSvr32.exe won't work.

That's your answer.

ComDlg32.dll is a a system component. (exists in both c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\syswow64) Trying to replace it or override any registration with an older version could corrupt the rest of Windows.

I can help more, but I need to know what MSComDlg.CommonDialog is. What does it do and how is it supposed to work? And what version of ComDlg32.dll are you trying to register (and where did you get it)?

How to use template module with different set of variables?

This is a solution/hack I'm using:


- name: parametrized template - a
    src: test.j2
    dest: /tmp/templateA
  with_items: var_a

- name: parametrized template - b
    src: test.j2
    dest: /tmp/templateB
  with_items: var_b


  - 'this is var_a'
  - 'this is var_b'


{{ item }}

After running this, you get this is var_a in /tmp/templateA and this is var_b in /tmp/templateB.

Basically you abuse with_items to render the template with each item in the one-item list. This works because you can control what the list is when using with_items.

The downside of this is that you have to use item as the variable name in you template.

If you want to pass more than one variable this way, you can dicts as your list items like this:

    var_1: 'this is var_a1'
    var_2: 'this is var_a2'
    var_1: 'this is var_b1'
    var_2: 'this is var_b2'

and then refer to them in your template like this:

{{ item.var_1 }}
{{ item.var_2 }}

How to ensure a <select> form field is submitted when it is disabled?

Another option is to use the readonly attribute.

<select readonly="readonly">

With readonly the value is still submitted, the input field is grayed out and the user cannot edit it.


Quoted from

  • Read-only elements receive focus but cannot be modified by the user.
  • Read-only elements are included in tabbing navigation.
  • Read-only elements may be successful.

When it says the element may be succesful, it means it may be submitted, as stated here:

How do I check whether input string contains any spaces?

Why use a regex?

name.contains(" ")

That should work just as well, and be faster.

Selecting all text in HTML text input when clicked

Html (you'll have to put the onclick attribute on every input you want it to work for on the page)

 <input type="text" value="click the input to select" onclick=";"/>


jQuery (this will work for every text input on the page, no need to change your html):

<script  type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>  
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).on('click','input[type=text]',function(){; });

How can I check Drupal log files?

We came across many situation where we need to check error and error logs to figure out issue we are facing we can check by possibly following method:

1.) On blank screen Some time we got nothing but blank screen instead of our site or message written The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later , so we can Print Errors to the Screen by adding


ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); 

ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE); 

in index.php at top.;

2.) We should enable optional core module for Database Logging at /admin/build/modules, and then we can check logs your_domain_name/admin/reports/dblog

3.) We can use drush command also to check logs drush watchdog-show it will show recent ten message

or if we want to continue showing logs with more information we can user
drush watchdog-show --tail --full.

4.) Also we can enable core Syslog module this module logs events of operating system of any web server.

Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?

It violates encapsulation. You shouldn't be able to bypass the parent class's behaviour. It makes sense to sometimes be able to bypass your own class's behaviour (particularly from within the same method) but not your parent's. For example, suppose we have a base "collection of items", a subclass representing "a collection of red items" and a subclass of that representing "a collection of big red items". It makes sense to have:

public class Items
    public void add(Item item) { ... }

public class RedItems extends Items
    public void add(Item item)
        if (!item.isRed())
            throw new NotRedItemException();

public class BigRedItems extends RedItems
    public void add(Item item)
        if (!item.isBig())
            throw new NotBigItemException();

That's fine - RedItems can always be confident that the items it contains are all red. Now suppose we were able to call super.super.add():

public class NaughtyItems extends RedItems
    public void add(Item item)
        // I don't care if it's red or not. Take that, RedItems!

Now we could add whatever we like, and the invariant in RedItems is broken.

Does that make sense?

Named colors in matplotlib

I constantly forget the names of the colors I want to use and keep coming back to this question =)

The previous answers are great, but I find it a bit difficult to get an overview of the available colors from the posted image. I prefer the colors to be grouped with similar colors, so I slightly tweaked the matplotlib answer that was mentioned in a comment above to get a color list sorted in columns. The order is not identical to how I would sort by eye, but I think it gives a good overview.

I updated the image and code to reflect that 'rebeccapurple' has been added and the three sage colors have been moved under the 'xkcd:' prefix since I posted this answer originally.

enter image description here

I really didn't change much from the matplotlib example, but here is the code for completeness.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors

colors = dict(mcolors.BASE_COLORS, **mcolors.CSS4_COLORS)

# Sort colors by hue, saturation, value and name.
by_hsv = sorted((tuple(mcolors.rgb_to_hsv(mcolors.to_rgba(color)[:3])), name)
                for name, color in colors.items())
sorted_names = [name for hsv, name in by_hsv]

n = len(sorted_names)
ncols = 4
nrows = n // ncols

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10))

# Get height and width
X, Y = fig.get_dpi() * fig.get_size_inches()
h = Y / (nrows + 1)
w = X / ncols

for i, name in enumerate(sorted_names):
    row = i % nrows
    col = i // nrows
    y = Y - (row * h) - h

    xi_line = w * (col + 0.05)
    xf_line = w * (col + 0.25)
    xi_text = w * (col + 0.3)

    ax.text(xi_text, y, name, fontsize=(h * 0.8),

    ax.hlines(y + h * 0.1, xi_line, xf_line,
              color=colors[name], linewidth=(h * 0.8))

ax.set_xlim(0, X)
ax.set_ylim(0, Y)

fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1,
                    top=1, bottom=0,
                    hspace=0, wspace=0)

Additional named colors

Updated 2017-10-25. I merged my previous updates into this section.


If you would like to use additional named colors when plotting with matplotlib, you can use the xkcd crowdsourced color names, via the 'xkcd:' prefix:

plt.plot([1,2], lw=4, c='xkcd:baby poop green')

Now you have access to a plethora of named colors!

enter image description here


The default Tableau colors are available in matplotlib via the 'tab:' prefix:

plt.plot([1,2], lw=4, c='tab:green')

There are ten distinct colors:

enter image description here


You can also plot colors by their HTML hex code:

plt.plot([1,2], lw=4, c='#8f9805')

This is more similar to specifying and RGB tuple rather than a named color (apart from the fact that the hex code is passed as a string), and I will not include an image of the 16 million colors you can choose from...

For more details, please refer to the matplotlib colors documentation and the source file specifying the available colors,

ssh-copy-id no identities found error

FWIW, the -i option was a red herring for me. ssh-copy-id will use ~/.ssh/ by default.

What was keeping it from working for me was the permissions on the ~ directory, the ~/.ssh directory, and the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote computer.

All three need to be set with chmod 755 ~ ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, then ssh-copy-id will work.

Excel - match data from one range to another and get the value from the cell to the right of the matched data

Here is how I used the formula from chuffs' solution:

In Sheet1, column C5, I have first names from one list and answers to a survey, but no email address. In sheet two, column A1 and C1, I have first names and email addresses, but no answers to the survey. I need email addresses and answers to the survey for my project.

With this formula I was able to get the solution as follows, putting the matched email addresses in column A1 of sheet 1.


How to convert image file data in a byte array to a Bitmap?

Just try this:

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("/path/images/image.jpg");
ByteArrayOutputStream blob = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 0 /* Ignored for PNGs */, blob);
byte[] bitmapdata = blob.toByteArray();

If bitmapdata is the byte array then getting Bitmap is done like this:

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bitmapdata, 0, bitmapdata.length);

Returns the decoded Bitmap, or null if the image could not be decoded.

Passing an array as a function parameter in JavaScript

you can use spread operator in a more basic form


in the case of functions that return arrays but are expected to pass as arguments


function expectArguments(...args){
  return [].concat(...args);

JSON.stringify(expectArguments(1,2,3)) === JSON.stringify(expectArguments([1,2,3]))

How to format code in Xcode?

  1. Select the block of code that you want indented.

  2. Right-click (or, on Mac, Ctrl-click).

  3. Structure → Re-indent

Check existence of input argument in a Bash shell script

It is:

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
    echo "No arguments supplied"

The $# variable will tell you the number of input arguments the script was passed.

Or you can check if an argument is an empty string or not like:

if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "No argument supplied"

The -z switch will test if the expansion of "$1" is a null string or not. If it is a null string then the body is executed.

Lightweight workflow engine for Java

I'd recommend you yo use an out-of-the-box solution. Given that the development of a workflow engine requires a vast amount of resources and time, a ready-made engine is a better option. Have a look at Workflow Engine. It's a lightweight component that enables you to add custom executable workflows of any complexity to any Java solutions.

Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

Don't worry about you should just change .dll from x64 to x86, in the native library.

for example:- you might have selected this (C:\opencv\build\java\x64).

instead you select this for native library(C:\opencv\build\java\x86).

How to recover deleted rows from SQL server table?

You have Full data + Transaction log backups, right? You can restore to another Database from backups and then sync the deleted rows back. Lots of work though...

(Have you looked at Redgate's SQL Log Rescue? Update: it's SQL Server 2000 only)

There is Log Explorer

Easy way to build Android UI?

You can also try this. If you like the model view controller concept and fast prototyping then I would say you will like the idea behind it;)

SimpleUi ( )

The generated UI (code below):

enter image description here

The complete code to create this Android UI:

enter image description here

I use it in real applications, not only for fast prototyping or dialogs and its well tested over the years. The concept is based on the model view control principle and for most common scenarios there are ready to use components which automatically look correct on any device. I don't say it should be used for any UI (e.g. listviews should be done by hand) but for most usecases this should be quite handy ;) Oh and feel free to fork it and improve it further if you want

Can´t run .bat file under windows 10

There is no inherent reason that a simple batch file would run in XP but not Windows 10. It is possible you are referencing a command or a 3rd party utility that no longer exists. To know more about what is actually happening, you will need to do one of the following:

  • Add a pause to the batch file so that you can see what is happening before it exits.
    1. Right click on one of the .bat files and select "edit". This will open the file in notepad.
    2. Go to the very end of the file and add a new line by pressing "enter".
    3. type pause.
    4. Save the file.
    5. Run the file again using the same method you did before.

- OR -

  • Run the batch file from a static command prompt so the window does not close.
    1. In the folder where the .bat files are located, hold down the "shift" key and right click in the white space.
    2. Select "Open Command Window Here".
    3. You will now see a new command prompt. Type in the name of the batch file and press enter.

Once you have done this, I recommend creating a new question with the output you see after using one of the methods above.

What are the pros and cons of parquet format compared to other formats?

Avro is a row-based storage format for Hadoop.

Parquet is a column-based storage format for Hadoop.

If your use case typically scans or retrieves all of the fields in a row in each query, Avro is usually the best choice.

If your dataset has many columns, and your use case typically involves working with a subset of those columns rather than entire records, Parquet is optimized for that kind of work.


Explicitly calling return in a function or not

Question was: Why is not (explicitly) calling return faster or better, and thus preferable?

There is no statement in R documentation making such an assumption.
The main page ?'function' says:

function( arglist ) expr

Is it faster without calling return?

Both function() and return() are primitive functions and the function() itself returns last evaluated value even without including return() function.

Calling return() as .Primitive('return') with that last value as an argument will do the same job but needs one call more. So that this (often) unnecessary .Primitive('return') call can draw additional resources. Simple measurement however shows that the resulting difference is very small and thus can not be the reason for not using explicit return. The following plot is created from data selected this way:

bench_nor2 <- function(x,repeats) { system.time(rep(
# without explicit return
(function(x) vector(length=x,mode="numeric"))(x)
,repeats)) }

bench_ret2 <- function(x,repeats) { system.time(rep(
# with explicit return
(function(x) return(vector(length=x,mode="numeric")))(x)
,repeats)) }

maxlen <- 1000
reps <- 10000
along <- seq(from=1,to=maxlen,by=5)
ret <- sapply(along,FUN=bench_ret2,repeats=reps)
nor <- sapply(along,FUN=bench_nor2,repeats=reps)
res <- data.frame(N=along,ELAPSED_RET=ret["elapsed",],ELAPSED_NOR=nor["elapsed",])

# res object is then visualized
# R version 2.15

Function elapsed time comparison

The picture above may slightly difffer on your platform. Based on measured data, the size of returned object is not causing any difference, the number of repeats (even if scaled up) makes just a very small difference, which in real word with real data and real algorithm could not be counted or make your script run faster.

Is it better without calling return?

Return is good tool for clearly designing "leaves" of code where the routine should end, jump out of the function and return value.

# here without calling .Primitive('return')
> (function() {10;20;30;40})()
[1] 40
# here with .Primitive('return')
> (function() {10;20;30;40;return(40)})()
[1] 40
# here return terminates flow
> (function() {10;20;return();30;40})()
> (function() {10;20;return(25);30;40})()
[1] 25

It depends on strategy and programming style of the programmer what style he use, he can use no return() as it is not required.

R core programmers uses both approaches ie. with and without explicit return() as it is possible to find in sources of 'base' functions.

Many times only return() is used (no argument) returning NULL in cases to conditially stop the function.

It is not clear if it is better or not as standard user or analyst using R can not see the real difference.

My opinion is that the question should be: Is there any danger in using explicit return coming from R implementation?

Or, maybe better, user writing function code should always ask: What is the effect in not using explicit return (or placing object to be returned as last leaf of code branch) in the function code?

How to do a simple file search in cmd

dir /s *foo* searches in current folder and sub folders.

It finds directories as well as files.

where /s means(documentation):

/s Lists every occurrence of the specified file name within the specified directory and all subdirectories.

Virtual/pure virtual explained

Pure Virtual Function

try this code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class aClassWithPureVirtualFunction


    virtual void sayHellow()=0;


class anotherClass:aClassWithPureVirtualFunction


    void sayHellow()

        cout<<"hellow World";

int main()
    //aClassWithPureVirtualFunction virtualObject;
     This not possible to create object of a class that contain pure virtual function
    anotherClass object;

In class anotherClass remove the function sayHellow and run the code. you will get error!Because when a class contain a pure virtual function, no object can be created from that class and it is inherited then its derived class must implement that function.

Virtual function

try another code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class aClassWithPureVirtualFunction


    virtual void sayHellow()
        cout<<"from base\n";


class anotherClass:public aClassWithPureVirtualFunction


    void sayHellow()

        cout<<"from derived \n";

int main()
    aClassWithPureVirtualFunction *baseObject=new aClassWithPureVirtualFunction;
    baseObject->sayHellow();///call base one

    baseObject=new anotherClass;
    baseObject->sayHellow();////call the derived one!


Here the sayHellow function is marked as virtual in base class.It say the compiler that try searching the function in derived class and implement the function.If not found then execute the base one.Thanks

How can I restart a Java application?

If you realy need to restart your app, you could write a separate app the start it...

This page provides many different examples for different scenarios:

jQuery ajax request being block because Cross-Origin

There is nothing you can do on your end (client side). You can not enable crossDomain calls yourself, the source ( needs to have CORS enabled for this to work.

The only thing you can really do is to create a server side proxy script which does this for you. Are you using any server side scripts in your project? PHP, Python, ASP.NET etc? If so, you could create a server side "proxy" script which makes the HTTP call to dailymotion and returns the response. Then you call that script from your Javascript code, since that server side script is on the same domain as your script code, CORS will not be a problem.

how to show calendar on text box click in html

What you need is a jQuery UI Datepicker

Check out the demo and the source code.

Why does "pip install" inside Python raise a SyntaxError?

Programmatically, the following currently works. I see all the answers post 10.0 and all, but none of them are the correct path for me. Within Kaggle for sure, this apporach works

from pip._internal import main as _main

package_names=['pandas'] #packages to install
_main(['install'] + package_names + ['--upgrade']) 

error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll) C:\something\LIBCMT.lib(setlocal.obj)

If you VS solution contains several projects, select all of them in the right pane, and press "properties". Then go to C++ -> Code Generation and chose one Run Time library option for all of them

Removing html5 required attribute with jQuery

Even though the ID selector is the simplest, you can also use the name selector as below:


For more see:

How do I pass command line arguments to a Node.js program?

whithout librairies: using Array.prototype.reduce()

const args = process.argv.slice(2).reduce((acc, arg) => {

    let [k, v = true] = arg.split('=')
    acc[k] = v
    return acc

}, {})

for this command node index.js count=2 print debug=false msg=hi

console.log(args) // { count: '2', print: true, debug: 'false', msg: 'hi' }


we can change

    let [k, v = true] = arg.split('=')
    acc[k] = v

by (much longer)

    let [k, v] = arg.split('=')
    acc[k] = v === undefined ? true : /true|false/.test(v) ? v === 'true' : /[\d|\.]+/.test(v) ? Number(v) : v

to auto parse Boolean & Number

console.log(args) // { count: 2, print: true, debug: false, msg: 'hi' }

In C, how should I read a text file and print all strings

You could read the entire file with dynamic memory allocation, but isn't a good idea because if the file is too big, you could have memory problems.

So is better read short parts of the file and print it.

#include <stdio.h>
#define BLOCK   1000

int main() {
    FILE *f=fopen("teste.txt","r");
    int size;
    char buffer[BLOCK];
    // ...
    // ...
    return 0;

How can I get a character in a string by index?

Do you mean like this

int index = 2;
string s = "hello";

string also implements IEnumberable<char> so you can also enumerate it like this

foreach (char c in s)

android: how to align image in the horizontal center of an imageview?

Use this attribute: android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"

res.sendFile absolute path

I tried this and it worked.

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.sendFile('public/index.html', { root: __dirname });

LaTeX: Prevent line break in a span of text

\mbox is the simplest answer. Regarding the update:

TeX prefers overlong lines to adding too much space between words on a line; I think the idea is that you will notice the lines that extend into the margin (and the black boxes it inserts after such lines), and will have a chance to revise the contents, whereas if there was too much space, you might not notice it.

Use \sloppy or \begin{sloppypar}...\end{sloppypar} to adjust this behavior, at least a little. Another possibility is \raggedright (or \begin{raggedright}...\end{raggedright}).

How to change environment's font size?

In Visual Studio Code, by pressing Ctrl+ and Ctrl- you can change the overall font size of the IDE. This helps faster than changing settings in every session. Hope it helps...

label or @html.Label MVC 4

When it comes to labels, I would say it's up to you what you prefer. Some examples when it can be useful with HTML helper tags are, for instance

  • When dealing with hyperlinks, since the HTML helper simplifies routing
  • When you bind to your model, using @Html.LabelFor, @Html.TextBoxFor, etc
  • When you use the @Html.EditorFor, as you can assign specific behavior och looks in a editor view

Pandas rename column by position?

try this

df.rename(columns={ df.columns[1]: "your value" }, inplace = True)

How do I add a newline to a TextView in Android?

For me the solution was to add the following line to the layout:


And \n shows up as a new line in the visual editor. Hope it helps!

How to call code behind server method from a client side JavaScript function?

// include jquery.js
//javascript function
var a1="aaa";
var b1="bbb";
                         **pagename/methodname**     *parameters*
CallServerFunction("Default.aspx/FunPubGetTasks", "{a:'" + a1+ "',b:'" + b1+ "'}",

function CallServerFunction(StrPriUrl,ObjPriData,CallBackFunction)

        type: "post",
        url: StrPriUrl,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        data: ObjPriData,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(result) 
            if(CallBackFunction!=null && typeof CallBackFunction !='undefined')

        error: function(result) 
            alert('error occured');
        async: true

//page name is Default.aspx & FunPubGetTasks method
///your code behind function
        public static object FunPubGetTasks(string a, string b)
            //return Ienumerable or array   

Simulate string split function in Excel formula

=IFERROR(LEFT(A3, FIND(" ", A3, 1)), A3)

This will firstly check if the cell contains a space, if it does it will return the first value from the space, otherwise it will return the cell value.


Just to add to the above formula, as it stands if there is no value in the cell it would return 0. If you are looking to display a message or something to tell the user it is empty you could use the following:

=IF(IFERROR(LEFT(A3, FIND(" ", A3, 1)), A3)=0, "Empty", IFERROR(LEFT(A3, FIND(" ", A3, 1)), A3))

How do I iterate through lines in an external file with shell?

One way would be:

while read NAME
    echo "$NAME"
done < names.txt

EDIT: Note that the loop gets executed in a sub-shell, so any modified variables will be local, except if you declare them with declare outside the loop.

Dennis Williamson is right. Sorry, must have used piped constructs too often and got confused.

select records from postgres where timestamp is in certain range

FROM reservations 
WHERE arrival >= '2012-01-01'
AND arrival < '2013-01-01'

BTW if the distribution of values indicates that an index scan will not be the worth (for example if all the values are in 2012), the optimiser could still choose a full table scan. YMMV. Explain is your friend.

Creating a segue programmatically

I reverse-engineered and made an open source (re)implementation of UIStoryboard's segues:

With that library, you can define segues programmatically (without any storyboard).

Hope it may help.

'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

If you want to use Unix shell commands on Windows, you can use Windows Powershell, which includes both Windows and Unix commands as aliases. You can find more info on it in the documentation.

PowerShell supports aliases to refer to commands by alternate names. Aliasing allows users with experience in other shells to use common command names that they already know for similar operations in PowerShell.

The PowerShell equivalents may not produce identical results. However, the results are close enough that users can do work without knowing the PowerShell command name.

Does MySQL ignore null values on unique constraints?

Avoid nullable unique constraints. You can always put the column in a new table, make it non-null and unique and then populate that table only when you have a value for it. This ensures that any key dependency on the column can be correctly enforced and avoids any problems that could be caused by nulls.

Using an if statement to check if a div is empty

It depends what you mean by empty.

To check if there is no text (this allows child elements that are empty themselves):

if ($('#leftmenu').text() == '')

To check if there are no child elements or text:

if ($('#leftmenu').contents().length == 0)


if ($('#leftmenu').html() == '')

This view is not constrained

From Android Studio v3 and up, Infer Constraint was removed from the dropdown.

Use the magic wand icon in the toolbar menu above the design preview; there is the "Infer Constraints" button. Click on this button, this will automatically add some lines in the text field and the red line will be removed.

enter image description here

How to convert these strange characters? (ë, Ã, ì, ù, Ã)

Even though utf8_decode is a useful solution, I prefer to correct the encoding errors on the table itself. In my opinion it is better to correct the bad characters themselves than making "hacks" in the code. Simply do a replace on the field on the table. To correct the bad encoded characters from OP :

update <table> set <field> = replace(<field>, "ë", "ë")
update <table> set <field> = replace(<field>, "Ã", "à")
update <table> set <field> = replace(<field>, "ì", "ì")
update <table> set <field> = replace(<field>, "ù", "ù")

Where <table> is the name of the mysql table and <field> is the name of the column in the table. Here is a very good check-list for those typically bad encoded windows-1252 to utf-8 characters -> Debugging Chart Mapping Windows-1252 Characters to UTF-8 Bytes to Latin-1 Characters.

Remember to backup your table before trying to replace any characters with SQL!

[I know this is an answer to a very old question, but was facing the issue once again. Some old windows machine didnt encoded the text correct before inserting it to the utf8_general_ci collated table.]

Center Plot title in ggplot2

From the release news of ggplot 2.2.0: "The main plot title is now left-aligned to better work better with a subtitle". See also the plot.title argument in ?theme: "left-aligned by default".

As pointed out by @J_F, you may add theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) to center the title.

ggplot() +
  ggtitle("Default in 2.2.0 is left-aligned")

enter image description here

ggplot() +
  ggtitle("Use theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) to center") +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

enter image description here

Proper use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat()?

There's a funny named method/constant/whatever in each version of Android.

The only practical use I ever saw was in the Last Call for Google I/O Contest where they asked what it was for a particular version, to see if contestants read the API diff report for each release. The contest had programming problems too, but generally some trivia that could be graded automatically first to get the number of submissions down to reasonable amounts that would be easier to check.

Logical XOR operator in C++?

I use "xor" (it seems it's a keyword; in Code::Blocks at least it gets bold) just as you can use "and" instead of && and "or" instead of ||.

if (first xor second)...

Yes, it is bitwise. Sorry.

How do I use DateTime.TryParse with a Nullable<DateTime>?

As Jason says, you can create a variable of the right type and pass that. You might want to encapsulate it in your own method:

public static DateTime? TryParse(string text)
    DateTime date;
    if (DateTime.TryParse(text, out date))
        return date;
        return null;

... or if you like the conditional operator:

public static DateTime? TryParse(string text)
    DateTime date;
    return DateTime.TryParse(text, out date) ? date : (DateTime?) null;

Or in C# 7:

public static DateTime? TryParse(string text) =>
    DateTime.TryParse(text, out var date) ? date : (DateTime?) null;

Does it matter what extension is used for SQLite database files?

SQLite doesn't define any particular extension for this, it's your own choice. Personally, I name them with the .sqlite extension, just so there isn't any ambiguity when I'm looking at my files later.

.gitignore and "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout"

2 files with the same name but different case might be the issue.

You can Delete one on these files or rename it. Ex:

Pdf.html.twig (The GOOD one)

pdf.html.twig (The one I deleted)

How to get the current plugin directory in WordPress?

Try this:

function PluginUrl() {

        //Try to use WP API if possible, introduced in WP 2.6
        if (function_exists('plugins_url')) return trailingslashit(plugins_url(basename(dirname(__FILE__))));

        //Try to find manually... can't work if wp-content was renamed or is redirected
        $path = dirname(__FILE__);
        $path = str_replace("\\","/",$path);
        $path = trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('wpurl')) . trailingslashit(substr($path,strpos($path,"wp-content/")));
        return $path;

echo PluginUrl(); will return the current plugin url.

What is the difference between Eclipse for Java (EE) Developers and Eclipse Classic?

If you want to build Java EE applications, it's best to use Eclipse IDE for Java EE. It has editors from HTML to JSP/JSF, Javascript. It's rich for webapps development, and provide plugins and tools to develop Java EE applications easily (all bundled).

Eclipse Classic is basically the full featured Eclipse without the Java EE part.

Get custom product attributes in Woocommerce

Although @airdrumz solutions works, you will get lots of errors about you doing it wrong by accessing ID directly, this is not good for future compatibility.

But it lead me to inspect the object and create this OOP approach:

function myplug_get_prod_attrs() {
    // Enqueue scripts happens very early, global $product has not been created yet, neither has the post/loop
    global $product;
    $wc_attr_objs = $product->get_attributes();
    $prod_attrs = [];
    foreach ($wc_attr_objs as $wc_attr => $wc_term_objs) {
        $prod_attrs[$wc_attr] = [];
        $wc_terms = $wc_term_objs->get_terms();
        foreach ($wc_terms as $wc_term) {
            array_push($prod_attrs[$wc_attr], $wc_term->slug);
    return $prod_attrs;

Bonus, if you are performing the above early before the global $product item is created (e.g. during enqueue scripts), you can make it yourself with:

    $product = wc_get_product(get_queried_object_id());

When to use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

The only portable way to achieve consistency between rooms and tags and making sure rooms are never returned after they had been deleted is locking them with SELECT FOR UPDATE.

However in some systems locking is a side effect of concurrency control, and you achieve the same results without specifying FOR UPDATE explicitly.

To solve this problem, Thread 1 should SELECT id FROM rooms FOR UPDATE, thereby preventing Thread 2 from deleting from rooms until Thread 1 is done. Is that correct?

This depends on the concurrency control your database system is using.

  • MyISAM in MySQL (and several other old systems) does lock the whole table for the duration of a query.

  • In SQL Server, SELECT queries place shared locks on the records / pages / tables they have examined, while DML queries place update locks (which later get promoted to exclusive or demoted to shared locks). Exclusive locks are incompatible with shared locks, so either SELECT or DELETE query will lock until another session commits.

  • In databases which use MVCC (like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL with InnoDB), a DML query creates a copy of the record (in one or another way) and generally readers do not block writers and vice versa. For these databases, a SELECT FOR UPDATE would come handy: it would lock either SELECT or the DELETE query until another session commits, just as SQL Server does.

When should one use REPEATABLE_READ transaction isolation versus READ_COMMITTED with SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

Generally, REPEATABLE READ does not forbid phantom rows (rows that appeared or disappeared in another transaction, rather than being modified)

  • In Oracle and earlier PostgreSQL versions, REPEATABLE READ is actually a synonym for SERIALIZABLE. Basically, this means that the transaction does not see changes made after it has started. So in this setup, the last Thread 1 query will return the room as if it has never been deleted (which may or may not be what you wanted). If you don't want to show the rooms after they have been deleted, you should lock the rows with SELECT FOR UPDATE

  • In InnoDB, REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE are different things: readers in SERIALIZABLE mode set next-key locks on the records they evaluate, effectively preventing the concurrent DML on them. So you don't need a SELECT FOR UPDATE in serializable mode, but do need them in REPEATABLE READ or READ COMMITED.

Note that the standard on isolation modes does prescribe that you don't see certain quirks in your queries but does not define how (with locking or with MVCC or otherwise).

When I say "you don't need SELECT FOR UPDATE" I really should have added "because of side effects of certain database engine implementation".

Maven and Spring Boot - non resolvable parent pom - (Unknown host)

In the pom.xml (after loading effective pom.xml in eclipse), you may see it "" under central repository instead of "". Fix it

Spring MVC Controller redirect using URL parameters instead of in response provided me with what I needed to get things working until Spring MVC offers the functionality (potentially in the 3.0.2 release). Although I simply implemented the classes they have temporarily and added the filter to my web application context. Works great!

jQuery won't parse my JSON from AJAX query

The techniques "eval()" and "JSON.parse()" use mutually exclusive formats.

  • With "eval()" parenthesis are required.
  • With "JSON.parse()" parenthesis are forbidden.

Beware, there are "stringify()" functions that produce "eval" format. For ajax, you should use only the JSON format.

While "eval" incorporates the entire JavaScript language, JSON uses only a tiny subset of the language. Among the constructs in the JavaScript language that "eval" must recognize is the "Block statement" (a.k.a. "compound statement"); which is a pair or curly braces "{}" with some statements inside. But curly braces are also used in the syntax of object literals. The interpretation is differentiated by the context in which the code appears. Something might look like an object literal to you, but "eval" will see it as a compound statement.

In the JavaScript language, object literals occur to the right of an assignment.

var myObj = { };

Object literals don't occur on their own.

{ }   // this looks like a compound statement

Going back to the OP's original question, asked in 2008, he inquired why the following fails in "eval()":

{ title: "One", key: "1" }

The answer is that it looks like a compound statement. To convert it into an object, you must put it into a context where a compound statement is impossible. That is done by putting parenthesis around it

( { title: "One", key: "1" } )    // not a compound statment, so must be object literal

The OP also asked why a similar statement did successfully eval:

[ { title: "One", key: "1" }, { title: "Two", key: "2" } ]

The same answer applies -- the curly braces are in a context where a compound statement is impossible. This is an array context, "[...]", and arrays can contain objects, but they cannot contain statements.

Unlike "eval()", JSON is very limited in its capabilities. The limitation is intentional. The designer of JSON intended a minimalist subset of JavaScript, using only syntax that could appear on the right hand side of an assignment. So if you have some code that correctly parses in JSON...

var myVar = JSON.parse("");

...that implies it will also legally parse on the right hand side of an assignment, like this..

var myVar = ;

But that is not the only restriction on JSON. The BNF language specification for JSON is very simple. For example, it does not allow for the use of single quotes to indicate strings (like JavaScript and Perl do) and it does not have a way to express a single character as a byte (like 'C' does). Unfortunately, it also does not allow comments (which would be really nice when creating configuration files). The upside of all those limitations is that parsing JSON is fast and offers no opportunity for code injection (a security threat).

Because of these limitations, JSON has no use for parenthesis. Consequently, a parenthesis in a JSON string is an illegal character.

Always use JSON format with ajax, for the following reasons:

  • A typical ajax pipeline will be configured for JSON.
  • The use of "eval()" will be criticised as a security risk.

As an example of an ajax pipeline, consider a program that involves a Node server and a jQuery client. The client program uses a jQuery call having the form $.ajax({dataType:'json',...etc.});. JQuery creates a jqXHR object for later use, then packages and sends the associated request. The server accepts the request, processes it, and then is ready to respond. The server program will call the method res.json(data) to package and send the response. Back at the client side, jQuery accepts the response, consults the associated jqXHR object, and processes the JSON formatted data. This all works without any need for manual data conversion. The response involves no explicit call to JSON.stringify() on the Node server, and no explicit call to JSON.parse() on the client; that's all handled for you.

The use of "eval" is associated with code injection security risks. You might think there is no way that can happen, but hackers can get quite creative. Also, "eval" is problematic for Javascript optimization.

If you do find yourself using a using a "stringify()" function, be aware that some functions with that name will create strings that are compatible with "eval" and not with JSON. For example, in Node, the following gives you function that creates strings in "eval" compatible format:

var stringify = require('node-stringify'); // generates eval() format

This can be useful, but unless you have a specific need, it's probably not what you want.

sort files by date in PHP

An example that uses RecursiveDirectoryIterator class, it's a convenient way to iterate recursively over filesystem.

$output = array();
foreach( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( 
    new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( 'path', FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS | FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS ) ) as $value ) {      
        if ( $value->isFile() ) {
            $output[] = array( $value->getMTime(), $value->getRealPath() );

usort ( $output, function( $a, $b ) {
    return $a[0] > $b[0];

Can someone explain how to append an element to an array in C programming?

Short answer is: You don't have any choice other than:

arr[4] = 5;

When or Why to use a "SET DEFINE OFF" in Oracle Database

Here is the example:

SQL> set define off;
SQL> select * from dual where dummy='&var';

no rows selected

SQL> set define on
SQL> /
Enter value for var: X
old   1: select * from dual where dummy='&var'
new   1: select * from dual where dummy='X'


With set define off, it took a row with &var value, prompted a user to enter a value for it and replaced &var with the entered value (in this case, X).

How do I wait for a promise to finish before returning the variable of a function?

You don't want to make the function wait, because JavaScript is intended to be non-blocking. Rather return the promise at the end of the function, then the calling function can use the promise to get the server response.

var promise = query.find(); 
return promise; 

//Or return query.find(); 

What is a pre-revprop-change hook in SVN, and how do I create it?

Basically it's a script that is launched before unversioned property is modified on the repository, so that you can manage more precisely what's happening on your repository.

There are templates in the SVN distrib for different hooks, located in the /hooks subdirectory (*.tmpl that you have to edit and rename depending on your OS, to activate).

Node.js/Express routing with get params

For Query parameters like format, then you can easily receive it via - req.query.

app.get('/test', function(req, res){
  var format = req.query.format,
      type = req.query.type;

Why doesn't the Scanner class have a nextChar method?

The reason is that the Scanner class is designed for reading in whitespace-separated tokens. It's a convenience class that wraps an underlying input stream. Before scanner all you could do was read in single bytes, and that's a big pain if you want to read words or lines. With Scanner you pass in, and it does a number of read() operations to tokenize the input for you. Reading a single character is a more basic operation. Source

You can use (char);.

Creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in Android

Do not use Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888

Instead use int w = WIDTH_PX, h = HEIGHT_PX;

Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444; // see other conf types
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, conf); // this creates a MUTABLE bitmap
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);

// ready to draw on that bitmap through that canvas

ARGB_8888 can land you in OutOfMemory issues when dealing with more bitmaps or large bitmaps. Or better yet, try avoiding usage of ARGB option itself.

Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10

From Reddit:

I can't see the original source in this thread, although I would like to.

I am using these instructions with a laptop that upgraded from windows 8 to windows 10. I have to repeat the last instructions after rebooting.

I have test an get solution for my self and want to share my solution. - Host Only worked - Bridge Adapter worked

My Configuration is - Surface Pro 1 - Clean install Windows 10 x64 build 10130 - VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe

(this is my opinion but not tested on how to remove previous version by install VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe with select all function to install its will fault and rollback all, then its same as uninstall)

Install Step - Right Click on VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe and select "Run as Administrator" - "Unselect" option bridge network

  • next until finish

  • Open "Device Manager", you can use search bar to get this, under "Network adapters" then Right Click "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" select "Update Driver Software" select "Search automactic" wait until its finish

  • Open "Network Connections", you can use search bar to get this, at here you should find VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
  • Open "CMD", you can use search bar to get this, Right Click and Select Run as Administrator
  • cd to your install path and run command "VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-100731-Win.exe -extract" its will return pop-up tell where is extracted folder
  • in extracted folder extract "VirtualBox-5.0.0_RC1-r100731-MultiArch_amd64.msi" by 7-Zip or any similar
  • in msi extracted folder rename all files by remove file_ in front of them
  • copy "VBoxNetFltNobj.sys" and "VBoxNetFlt.sys" to C:\Windows\System32\
  • Open "CMD", you can use search bar to get this, Right Click and Select Run as Administrator run command "regsvr32.exe /s VBoxNetFltNobj.sys" run command "regsvr32.exe /s VBoxNetFlt.sys"
  • Open "Network Connections", you can use search bar to get this, Right Click on any real network adapter select Properties select Install select Service select "Have Disk" and browse to "VBoxDrv.inf" select "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver" after finish install you should see its avaliable in this connection
  • On Start Menu Right Click on "Orcle VM VirtualBox" select open file location

  • Right Click on Shortcut then select properties on tab "Compatibility" checked "Run this Program as Administrator"

!!! this very important to run application with adminstrator if not you will lose host-only network adapter

  • Open "Virtual Box" select file > preference select network then select Host On Network select edit change ip to and netmask to
  • Now you can use both host-only and bridge network on your guest

I think reason why normal installation was error is about Administrator access level when regis service and run application

Sorry for my bad english and this is so long procedure

Hope this will work for you too. ^_^!

What is the difference between Bower and npm?

Bower maintains a single version of modules, it only tries to help you select the correct/best one for you.

Javascript dependency management : npm vs bower vs volo?

NPM is better for node modules because there is a module system and you're working locally. Bower is good for the browser because currently there is only the global scope, and you want to be very selective about the version you work with.

Variable not accessible when initialized outside function

Declare systemStatus in an outer scope and assign it in an onload handler.

systemStatus = null;

function onloadHandler(evt) {
    systemStatus = document.getElementById("....");

Or if you don't want the onload handler, put your script tag at the bottom of your HTML.

Input type DateTime - Value format?

This article seems to show the valid types that are acceptable

 <!-- without @datetime content must be a valid date, time, or precise datetime -->
<time datetime="2009-11-13">13<sup>th</sup> November</time>
 <!-- when using @datetime the content can be anything relevant -->
<time datetime="20:00">starting at 8pm</time>
 <!-- time example -->
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00+00:00">8pm on my birthday</time>
 <!-- datetime with time-zone example -->
<time datetime="2009-11-13T20:00Z">8pm on my birthday</time>
 <!-- datetime with time-zone “Z” -->

This one covers using it in the <input> field:

<input type="date" name="d" min="2011-08-01" max="2011-08-15"> This example of the HTML5 input type "date" combine with the attributes min and max shows how we can restrict the dates a user can input. The attributes min and max are not dependent on each other and can be used independently.

<input type="time" name="t" value="12:00"> The HTML5 input type "time" allows users to choose a corresponding time that is displayed in a 24hour format. If we did not include the default value of "12:00" the time would set itself to the time of the users local machine.

<input type="week" name="w"> The HTML5 Input type week will display the numerical version of the week denoted by a "W" along with the corresponding year.

<input type="month" name="m"> The HTML5 input type month does exactly what you might expect it to do. It displays the month. To be precise it displays the numerical version of the month along with the year.

<input type="datetime" name="dt"> The HTML5 input type Datetime displays the UTC date and time code. User can change the the time steps forward or backward in one minute increments. If you wish to display the local date and time of the user you will need to use the next example datetime-local

<input type="datetime-local" name="dtl" step="7200"> Because datetime steps through one minute at a time, you may want to change the default increment by using the attribute "step". In the following example we will have it increment by two hours by setting the attribute step to 7200 (60seconds X 60 minutes X 2).

How to get an HTML element's style values in javascript?

You can make function getStyles that'll take an element and other arguments are properties that's values you want.

const convertRestArgsIntoStylesArr = ([...args]) => {
    return args.slice(1);

const getStyles = function () {
    const args = [...arguments];
    const [element] = args;

    let stylesProps = [...args][1] instanceof Array ? args[1] : convertRestArgsIntoStylesArr(args);

    const styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
    const stylesObj = stylesProps.reduce((acc, v) => {
        acc[v] = styles.getPropertyValue(v);
        return acc;
    }, {});

    return stylesObj;

Now, you can use this function like this:

const styles = getStyles(document.body, "height", "width");


const styles = getStyles(document.body, ["height", "width"]);

CSS selector for first element with class

According to your updated problem

<div class="home">
  <p class="red">first</p>
  <p class="red">second</p>
  <p class="red">third</p>
  <p class="red">fourth</p>

how about

.home span + .red{
      border:1px solid red;

This will select class home, then the element span and finally all .red elements that are placed immediately after span elements.


How do I check the operating system in Python?

If you want to know on which platform you are on out of "Linux", "Windows", or "Darwin" (Mac), without more precision, you should use:

>>> import platform
>>> platform.system()
'Linux'  # or 'Windows'/'Darwin'

The platform.system function uses uname internally.

How to get PHP $_GET array?

You can get them using the Query String:

$idArray = explode('&',$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);

This will give you:

$idArray[0] = "id=1";
$idArray[1] = "id=2";
$idArray[2] = "id=3";


foreach ($idArray as $index => $avPair)
  list($ignore, $value) = explode("=", $avPair);
  $id[$index] = $value;

This will give you

$id[0] = "1";
$id[1] = "2";
$id[2] = "3";

How to make a div with no content have a width?

Too late to answer, but nevertheless.

While using CSS, to style the div (content-less), the min-height property must be set to "n"px to make the div visible (works with webkits and chrome, while not sure if this trick will work on IE6 and lower)


  width: 40px;_x000D_
  min-height: 40px;_x000D_
  background: #FF0000;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
<div class="shape-round"></div>

How do you add a JToken to an JObject?

I think you're getting confused about what can hold what in JSON.Net.

  • A JToken is a generic representation of a JSON value of any kind. It could be a string, object, array, property, etc.
  • A JProperty is a single JToken value paired with a name. It can only be added to a JObject, and its value cannot be another JProperty.
  • A JObject is a collection of JProperties. It cannot hold any other kind of JToken directly.

In your code, you are attempting to add a JObject (the one containing the "banana" data) to a JProperty ("orange") which already has a value (a JObject containing {"colour":"orange","size":"large"}). As you saw, this will result in an error.

What you really want to do is add a JProperty called "banana" to the JObject which contains the other fruit JProperties. Here is the revised code:

JObject foodJsonObj = JObject.Parse(jsonText);
JObject fruits = foodJsonObj["food"]["fruit"] as JObject;
fruits.Add("banana", JObject.Parse(@"{""colour"":""yellow"",""size"":""medium""}"));

How do I delay a function call for 5 seconds?

You can use plain javascript, this will call your_func once, after 5 seconds:

setTimeout(function() { your_func(); }, 5000);

If your function has no parameters and no explicit receiver you can call directly setTimeout(func, 5000)

There is also a plugin I've used once. It has oneTime and everyTime methods.

Refreshing page on click of a button

There are several ways to reload the current page using a button or other trigger. The examples below use a button click to reload the page but you can use a text hyperlink or any trigger you like.

<input type="button" value="Reload Page" onClick="window.location.reload()">

<input type="button" value="Reload Page" onClick="history.go(0)">

<input type="button" value="Reload Page" onClick="window.location.href=window.location.href">

Vagrant stuck connection timeout retrying

One thing to double check is if Hardware Virtualisation is enabled in your machine's BIOS.

My problem is the same string of timeouts but I could only see a black screen in the GUI.

A laptop which I was just setting up kept showing the same problem. After hours of searching I finally found a tip to see if the BIOS had Hardware Virtualisation was enabled.

Here's the content of the post I found:

I see there are still some users who are experiencing this issue. So, I will attempt to summarise a list below of some possible solutions to the SSH timeout problem:

  • Make sure your firewall or antivirus is not blocking the program (which I doubt will happen often)
  • Give your vagrant machine some time for timeouts to happen. If you dont have a very fast PC / Mac, the VM will take while to boot into an SSH ready state, so timeouts will happen.
  • Therefore, first try to let vagrant timeout COMPLETELY before concluding that there is a fault.
  • If vagrant times out completely then increase the timeout limit in the vagrant file to a few min and try again.
  • If that still doesnt work, then try to clean boot your vagrant machine through the VirtualBox interface and enable the GUI of the machine beforehand. If the GUI doesn't show anything happening (ie. just blackscreen, no text) while it is booting, then your vagrant machine has got problems.
  • Destroy the entire machine through the VB interface and reinstall.
  • Delete the ubuntu image files in the Vagrant Images folder in the user folder and redownload and install.
  • Do you even have an intel processor that supports 64bit hardware virtualisation? Google it. If you do, make sure there is no setting in your Bios disabling this feature.
  • Disable hyper-v feature if you are running windows 7 or 8. Google how to disable.
  • Make sure you are running through an SSH enabled client. Use Git bash. Download:
  • Install a 32bit version of ubuntu like trusty32 or precise32. Just change the version in the vagrant file and reinstall vagrant in new directory.
  • Make sure you are using the latest vagrant and virtualbox versions. Last resorts: Format your computer, reinstall windows and buy an intel core isomething processor.

Hope that helps.

Fast check for NaN in NumPy

I think np.isnan(np.min(X)) should do what you want.

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' using CakePHP

Check Following Things

  • Make Sure You Have MySQL Server Running
  • Check connection with default credentials i.e. username : 'root' & password : '' [Blank Password]
  • Try login phpmyadmin with same credentials
  • Try to put instead localhost or your lan IP would do too.
  • Make sure you are running MySql on 3306 and if you have configured make sure to state it while making a connection

draw diagonal lines in div background with CSS

I needed to draw arbitrary diagonal lines inside any div. My issue with the other answers posted is that none of them allowed to draw an arbitrary line from point A to point B without doing the trigonometry yourself for the angles. With javascript & CSS you can do this. Hope it's helpful, just specify a pair of points and you're golden.

const objToStyleString = (obj) => {_x000D_
  const reducer = (acc, curr) => acc += curr + ": " + obj[curr] + ";"; _x000D_
  return Object.keys(obj).reduce(reducer, "")_x000D_
const lineStyle = (xy1, xy2, borderStyle) => {_x000D_
  const p1 = {x: xy1[0], y: xy1[1]};_x000D_
  const p2 = {x: xy2[0], y: xy2[1]};_x000D_
  const a = p2.x - p1.x;_x000D_
  const xOffset = p1.x;_x000D_
  const b = p2.y - p1.y;_x000D_
  const yOffset = p1.y;_x000D_
  const c = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);_x000D_
  const ang = Math.acos(a/c);_x000D_
  const tX1 = `translateX(${-c/2 + xOffset}px) `;_x000D_
  const tY1 = `translateY(${yOffset}px) `;_x000D_
  const rot = `rotate(${ang}rad) `;_x000D_
  const tX2 = `translateX(${c/2}px) `;_x000D_
  const tY2 = `translateY(${0}px) `;_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    "width": Math.floor(c) + "px",_x000D_
    "height": "0px",_x000D_
    "border-top": borderStyle,_x000D_
    "-webkit-transform": tX1+tY1+rot+tX2+tY2,_x000D_
    "position": "relative",_x000D_
    "top": "0px",_x000D_
    "left": "0px",_x000D_
    "box-sizing": "border-box",_x000D_
function drawLine(parent, p1, p2, borderStyle) {_x000D_
  const style = lineStyle(p1, p2, borderStyle);_x000D_
  const line = document.createElement("div");_x000D_ = objToStyleString(style);_x000D_
drawLine(container, [100,5], [25,195], "1px dashed purple");_x000D_
drawLine(container, [100,100], [190,190], "1px solid blue");_x000D_
drawLine(container, [25,150], [175,150], "2px solid red");_x000D_
drawLine(container, [25,10], [175,20], "5px dotted green");
#container {_x000D_
  background-color: #BCBCBC;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
  padding: 0; _x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_

A simple jQuery form validation script

You can simply use the jQuery Validate plugin as follows.


$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#myform').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            field1: {
                required: true,
                email: true
            field2: {
                required: true,
                minlength: 5



<form id="myform">
    <input type="text" name="field1" />
    <input type="text" name="field2" />
    <input type="submit" />




Standard Rules:

Optional Rules available with the additional-methods.js file:

email2 (optional TLD)
url2 (optional TLD)

CodeIgniter - accessing $config variable in view

Whenever I need to access config variables I tend to use: $this->config->config['variable_name'];

Run-time error '3061'. Too few parameters. Expected 1. (Access 2007)

In my case, I got this error when I tried to use in a query a new column, which I added to MySQL table (linked to MS Access), but didn't refresh it inside MS Access.

To refresh a linked remote table:

  1. Open "Linked Table Manager" ("External Data" tab on ribbon);
  2. Select a checkbox near the table you want to refresh;
  3. Press "OK" button.

Regex for remove everything after | (with | )

The pipe, |, is a special-character in regex (meaning "or") and you'll have to escape it with a \.

Using your current regex:


I've tried this in Notepad++, as you've mentioned, and it appears to work well.

Math functions in AngularJS bindings

Angular Typescript example using a pipe.


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'math',

export class MathPipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: number, args: any = null):any {
      if(value) {
        return Math[args](value);
      return 0;

Add to @NgModule declarations

  declarations: [

then use in your template like so:

{{(100*count/total) | math:'round'}}

Iterating over every property of an object in javascript using Prototype?

You should iterate over the keys and get the values using square brackets.

See: How do I enumerate the properties of a javascript object?

EDIT: Obviously, this makes the question a duplicate.

Is there a way to detach matplotlib plots so that the computation can continue?

Use matplotlib's calls that won't block:

Using draw():

from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, draw, show
print('continue computation')

# at the end call show to ensure window won't close.

Using interactive mode:

from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, ion, show
ion() # enables interactive mode
plot([1,2,3]) # result shows immediatelly (implicit draw())

print('continue computation')

# at the end call show to ensure window won't close.
show() not found error

here is your answer

String userName = "xxxx";
    String password = "xxxx";
    String url = ";databaseName=asdfzxcvqwer;integratedSecurity=true";

    try {
            connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password); 

  } catch (Exception e)

handling dbnull data in

I got tired of dealing with this problem so I wrote a NotNull() function to help me out.

Public Shared Function NotNull(Of T)(ByVal Value As T, ByVal DefaultValue As T) As T
        If Value Is Nothing OrElse IsDBNull(Value) Then
                Return DefaultValue
                Return Value
        End If
End Function


If NotNull(myItem("sID"), "") = sID Then
  ' Do something
End If

My NotNull() function has gone through a couple of overhauls over the years. Prior to Generics, I simply specified everything as an Object. But I much prefer the Generic version.

What is the "continue" keyword and how does it work in Java?

continue must be inside a loop Otherwise it showsThe error below:

Continue outside the loop

How to specify a editor to open crontab file? "export EDITOR=vi" does not work

If the above methods don't work (as they didn't work on my Ubuntu 13.04 installation) try:

There are a number of alternative ways:

1) Run select-editor


2) Manually edit the file: ~/.selected_editor specifying your preferred editor. With this option you can specify editor parameters.

# Generated by /usr/bin/select-editor
SELECTED_EDITOR="/usr/bin/emacs -nw"

3) You can specify on the fly on the commandline with:

env VISUAL="emacs -nw" crontab -e

How to format column to number format in Excel sheet?

This will format column A as text, B as General, C as a number.

Sub formatColumns()
 Columns(1).NumberFormat = "@"
 Columns(2).NumberFormat = "General"
 Columns(3).NumberFormat = "0"
End Sub

multiple axis in matplotlib with different scales

if you want to do very quick plots with secondary Y-Axis then there is much easier way using Pandas wrapper function and just 2 lines of code. Just plot your first column then plot the second but with parameter secondary_y=True, like this:

df.A.plot(label="Points", legend=True)
df.B.plot(secondary_y=True, label="Comments", legend=True)

This would look something like below:

enter image description here

You can do few more things as well. Take a look at Pandas plotting doc.

How to return data from PHP to a jQuery ajax call

It's an argument passed to your success function:

  type: "POST",
  url: "somescript.php",
  datatype: "html",
  data: dataString,
  success: function(data) {

The full signature is success(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest), but you can use just he first argument if it's a simple string coming back. As always, see the docs for a full explanation :)

proper name for python * operator?

I call *args "star args" or "varargs" and **kwargs "keyword args".

How do I declare a 2d array in C++ using new?

declaring 2D array dynamically:

    using namespace std;
    int main()
        int x = 3, y = 3;

        int **ptr = new int *[x];

        for(int i = 0; i<y; i++)
            ptr[i] = new int[y];

        for(int j = 0; j<x; j++)
            for(int k = 0; k<y; k++)
                int a = rand()%10;
                ptr[j][k] = a;
                cout<<ptr[j][k]<<" ";

Now in the above code we took a double pointer and assigned it a dynamic memory and gave a value of the columns. Here the memory allocated is only for the columns, now for the rows we just need a for loop and assign the value for every row a dynamic memory. Now we can use the pointer just the way we use a 2D array. In the above example we then assigned random numbers to our 2D array(pointer).Its all about DMA of 2D array.

How do I remove carriage returns with Ruby?

What do you get when you do puts lines? That will give you a clue.

By default opens the file in text mode, so your \r\n characters will be automatically converted to \n. Maybe that's the reason lines are always equal to lines2. To prevent Ruby from parsing the line ends use the rb mode:

C:\> copy con lala.txt

C:\> irb
irb(main):001:0> text ='lala.txt').read
=> "a\nfile\nwith\nmany\nlines\n"
irb(main):002:0> bin ='lala.txt', 'rb').read
=> "a\r\nfile\r\nwith\r\nmany\r\nlines\r\n"

But from your question and code I see you simply need to open the file with the default modifier. You don't need any conversion and may use the shorter

How to escape special characters of a string with single backslashes

We could use built-in function repr() or string interpolation fr'{}' escape all backwardslashs \ in Python 3.7.*

repr('my_string') or fr'{my_string}'

Check the Link:

Access properties file programmatically with Spring?

This help me:


How can a Javascript object refer to values in itself?

That's not a JSON object, that's a Javascript object created via object literal notation. (JSON is a textual notation for data exchange (more). If you're dealing with JavaScript source code, and not dealing with a string, you're not dealing with JSON.)

There's no way within the object initializer to refer to another key of the object being initialized, because there's no way to get a reference to the object being created until the initializer is finished. (There's no keyword akin to this or something for this situation.)

Getting the value of an attribute in XML

This is more of an xpath question, but like this, assuming the context is the parent element:

<xsl:value-of select="name/@attribute1" />

What should I do if the current ASP.NET session is null?

ASP.NET Technical Articles

SUMMARY: In ASP.NET, every Web page derives from the System.Web.UI.Page class. The Page class aggregates an instance of the HttpSession object for session data. The Page class exposes different events and methods for customization. In particular, the OnInit method is used to set the initialize state of the Page object. If the request does not have the Session cookie, a new Session cookie will be issued to the requester.


Session: A Concept for Beginners

SUMMARY: Session is created when user sends a first request to the server for any page in the web application, the application creates the Session and sends the Session ID back to the user with the response and is stored in the client machine as a small cookie. So ideally the "machine that has disabled the cookies, session information will not be stored".

Should I make HTML Anchors with 'name' or 'id'?

In html 5, the id="" attribute defines a unique identifier for an element, which is also an anchor for a fragment link. In previous html standards, the name="" attribute of the <a> element defines an anchor for a fragment link. I recommend something like:
<a name="foo" id="foo"></a><h1>Foo Title</h1>
Because support for the id="" attribute is a bit spotty(even though the latest releases of all major browsers support it, the releases that don't aren't more than a few years old[And it's best not to break something if there isn't a good reason to]). It's compatible, & it doesn't style whatever's in the link'd element, for the closing </a> is still outside the element, but it's still valid in all current standards.

Be sure that the name="" and id="" attributes of the <a> element are the same.

How can I listen for keypress event on the whole page?

I would use @HostListener decorator within your component:

import { HostListener } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent {

  @HostListener('document:keypress', ['$event'])
  handleKeyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) { 
    this.key = event.key;

There are also other options like:

host property within @Component decorator

Angular recommends using @HostListener decorator over host property

  host: {
    '(document:keypress)': 'handleKeyboardEvent($event)'
export class AppComponent {
  handleKeyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) {


import { Component, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core';

export class AppComponent {
  globalListenFunc: Function;

  constructor(private renderer: Renderer2) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.globalListenFunc = this.renderer.listen('document', 'keypress', e => {

  ngOnDestroy() {
    // remove listener


import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromEvent';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';

export class AppComponent {
  subscription: Subscription;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.subscription = Observable.fromEvent(document, 'keypress').subscribe(e => {

  ngOnDestroy() {

How to perform a sum of an int[] array

Once is out (March 2014) you'll be able to use streams:

int sum = IntStream.of(a).sum();

or even

int sum = IntStream.of(a).parallel().sum();

How to set session variable in jquery?

Use localStorage to store the fact that you opened the page :

$(document).ready(function() {
    var yetVisited = localStorage['visited'];
    if (!yetVisited) {
        // open popup
        localStorage['visited'] = "yes";

Make JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents

If you need it to work in IE7, you can't use the undocumented, buggy, and unsupported {'width':'auto'} option. Instead, add the following to your .dialog():

'open': function(){ $(this).dialog('option', 'width', this.scrollWidth) }

Whether .scrollWidth includes the right-side padding depends on the browser (Firefox differs from Chrome), so you can either add a subjective "good enough" number of pixels to .scrollWidth, or replace it with your own width-calculation function.

You might want to include width: 0 among your .dialog() options, since this method will never decrease the width, only increase it.

Tested to work in IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox 30, Chrome 35, and Opera 22.

How can I get a precise time, for example in milliseconds in Objective-C?

NSDate and the timeIntervalSince* methods will return a NSTimeInterval which is a double with sub-millisecond accuracy. NSTimeInterval is in seconds, but it uses the double to give you greater precision.

In order to calculate millisecond time accuracy, you can do:

// Get a current time for where you want to start measuring from
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];

// do work...

// Find elapsed time and convert to milliseconds
// Use (-) modifier to conversion since receiver is earlier than now
double timePassed_ms = [date timeIntervalSinceNow] * -1000.0;

Documentation on timeIntervalSinceNow.

There are many other ways to calculate this interval using NSDate, and I would recommend looking at the class documentation for NSDate which is found in NSDate Class Reference.

Case insensitive comparison of strings in shell script

For zsh the syntax is slightly different, but still shorter than most answers here:

> str1='mAtCh'
> str2='MaTcH'
> [[ "$str1:u" = "$str2:u" ]] && echo 'Strings Match!'
Strings Match!

This will convert both strings to uppercase before the comparison.

Another method makes use zsh's globbing flags, which allows us to directly make use of case-insensitive matching by using the i glob flag:

setopt extendedglob
[[ $str1 = (#i)$str2 ]] && echo "Match success"
[[ $str1 = (#i)match ]] && echo "Match success"

How can I copy a Python string?

I'm just starting some string manipulations and found this question. I was probably trying to do something like the OP, "usual me". The previous answers did not clear up my confusion, but after thinking a little about it I finally "got it".

As long as a, b, c, d, and e have the same value, they reference to the same place. Memory is saved. As soon as the variable start to have different values, they get start to have different references. My learning experience came from this code:

import copy
a = 'hello'
b = str(a)
c = a[:]
d = a + ''
e = copy.copy(a)

print map( id, [ a,b,c,d,e ] )

print a, b, c, d, e

e = a + 'something'
a = 'goodbye'
print map( id, [ a,b,c,d,e ] )
print a, b, c, d, e

The printed output is:

[4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992]

hello hello hello hello hello

[6113502048, 4538504992, 4538504992, 4538504992, 5570935808]

goodbye hello hello hello hello something

Python not working in the command line of git bash

I know this is an old post, but I just came across this problem on Windows 10 running Python 3.8.5 and Git

Somehow I had several different 2.7x versions of Python installed as well. I removed every version of Python (3x and 2x), downloaded the official installer here, installed 3.8.5 fresh (just used the defaults) which installed Python 3.8.5 at this location:

C:\Users\(my username)\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38

Then to get the command python to work in my git bash shell, I had to manually add the path to Python38 to my path variable following the instructions listed here. This is important to note because on the python installer at the bottom of the first modal that comes up it asks if you want to add the python path to your PATH environment variable. I clicked the checkbox next to this but it didn't actually add the path, hence the need to manually add the path to my PATH environment variable.

Now using my gitbash shell I can browse to a directory with a python script in it and just type python and it runs no problem.

I wanted to post this because this is all I had to do to get my gitbash shell to allow me to run python scripts. I think there might have been some updates so I didn't need to do any of the other solutions listed here. At any rate, this is another thing to try if you are having issues running python scripts in your gitbash shell on a Windows 10 machine.


How to avoid Sql Query Timeout

My team were experiencing these issues intermittently with long running SSIS packages. This has been happening since Windows server patching.

Our SSIS and SQL servers are on separate VM servers.

Working with our Wintel Servers team we rebooted both servers and for the moment, the problem appears to have gone away.

The engineer has said that they're unsure if the issue is the patches or new VMTools that they updated at the same time. We'll monitor for now and if the timeout problems recur, they'll try rolling back the VMXNET3 driver, first, then if that doesn't work, take off the June Rollup patches.

So for us the issue is nothing to do with our SQL Queries (we're loading billions of new rows so it has to be long running).

How to wait until WebBrowser is completely loaded in VB.NET?

Hold on...

From my experience, you SHOULD make sure that the DocumCompleted belongs to YOUR URL and not to a frame sub-page, script, image, CSS, etc. And that is regardless of the IsBusy or the ReadyState is finished or not, which both are often inaccurate when page is slightly complex.

Well, that is my own personal experience, on a working program of VB.2013 and IE11. Let me also mention that you should take into account also the compatibility mode IE7 which is ON by default at the webBrowser1.

' Page, sub-frame or resource was totally loaded.
Private Sub webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As Object, _ 
    e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) _ 
    Handles webBrowser1.DocumentCompleted

    ' Check if finally the full page was loaded (inc. sub-frames, javascripts, etc)
    If e.Url.ToString = webBrowser1.Url.ToString Then
        ' Only now you are sure!
        fullyLoaded = True
    End If

End Sub

Javascript to export html table to Excel

ShieldUI's export to excel functionality should already support all special chars.

Difference between malloc and calloc?

One often-overlooked advantage of calloc is that (conformant implementations of) it will help protect you against integer overflow vulnerabilities. Compare:

size_t count = get_int32(file);
struct foo *bar = malloc(count * sizeof *bar);


size_t count = get_int32(file);
struct foo *bar = calloc(count, sizeof *bar);

The former could result in a tiny allocation and subsequent buffer overflows, if count is greater than SIZE_MAX/sizeof *bar. The latter will automatically fail in this case since an object that large cannot be created.

Of course you may have to be on the lookout for non-conformant implementations which simply ignore the possibility of overflow... If this is a concern on platforms you target, you'll have to do a manual test for overflow anyway.

Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?

If you use toFixed(n) where n > 0, a more simple and stable (no more float operations) solution can be:

(+n).toFixed(2).replace(/(\.0+|0+)$/, '')

// 0 => 0
// 0.1234 => 0.12
// 0.1001 => 0.1

// 1 => 1
// 1.1234 => 1.12
// 1.1001 => 1.1

// 100 => 100
// 100.1234 => 100.12
// 100.1001 => 100.1

PS: if you use toFixed(0), then no replace is needed.

Incomplete type is not allowed: stringstream

#include <sstream> and use the fully qualified name i.e. std::stringstream ss;

JavaScript require() on client side

You can create elements to the DOM, which loads items.

Like such:

var myScript = document.createElement('script'); // Create new script element
myScript.type = 'text/javascript'; // Set appropriate type
myScript.src = './js/myclass.js'; // Load javascript file


Since you want to pivot multiple columns of data, I would first suggest unpivoting the result, score and grade columns so you don't have multiple columns but you will have multiple rows.

Depending on your version of SQL Server you can use the UNPIVOT function or CROSS APPLY. The syntax to unpivot the data will be similar to:

select ratio, col, value
cross apply
  select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'grade', grade
) c(col, value)

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Once the data has been unpivoted, then you can apply the PIVOT function:

select ratio = col,
  [current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total
  select ratio, col, value
  cross apply
    select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'grade', grade
  ) c(col, value)
) d
  for ratio in ([current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total)
) piv;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This will give you the result:

|  grade |          Good |          Good |      Satisfactory |      Good |
| result |       1.29400 |       0.33840 |           0.04270 |    (null) |
|  score |      60.00000 |      70.00000 |          50.00000 | 180.00000 |

How to close jQuery Dialog within the dialog?

Close from iframe inside a dialog:


How to convert a data frame column to numeric type?

Universal way using type.convert() and rapply():

convert_types <- function(x) {
    x[] <- rapply(x, utils::type.convert, classes = "character",
                  how = "replace", = TRUE)
d <- data.frame(char = letters[1:5], 
                fake_char = as.character(1:5), 
                fac = factor(1:5), 
                char_fac = factor(letters[1:5]), 
                num = 1:5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sapply(d, class)
#>        char   fake_char         fac    char_fac         num 
#> "character" "character"    "factor"    "factor"   "integer"
sapply(convert_types(d), class)
#>        char   fake_char         fac    char_fac         num 
#> "character"   "integer"    "factor"    "factor"   "integer"

Make outer div be automatically the same height as its floating content

You can set the outerdiv's CSS to this

#outerdiv {
    overflow: hidden; /* make sure this doesn't cause unexpected behaviour */

You can also do this by adding an element at the end with clear: both. This can be added normally, with JS (not a good solution) or with :after CSS pseudo element (not widely supported in older IEs).

The problem is that containers won't naturally expand to include floated children. Be warned with using the first example, if you have any children elements outside the parent element, they will be hidden. You can also use 'auto' as the property value, but this will invoke scrollbars if any element appears outside.

You can also try floating the parent container, but depending on your design, this may be impossible/difficult.

How to loop through all elements of a form jQuery

I'm using:


It Seems ugly, but to me it is still the better way to get all the elements with jQuery.

Adding a new value to an existing ENUM Type

As discussed above, ALTER command cannot be written inside a transaction. The suggested way is to insert into the pg_enum table directly, by retrieving the typelem from pg_type table and calculating the next enumsortorder number;

Following is the code that I use. (Checks if duplicate value exists before inserting (constraint between enumtypid and enumlabel name)

INSERT INTO pg_enum (enumtypid, enumlabel, enumsortorder)
    SELECT typelem,
    (SELECT MAX(enumsortorder) + 1 
        FROM pg_enum e
        JOIN pg_type p
        ON p.typelem = e.enumtypid
        WHERE p.typname = '_mytypename'
    FROM pg_type p
    WHERE p.typname = '_mytypename'
        SELECT * FROM 
        pg_enum e
        JOIN pg_type p
        ON p.typelem = e.enumtypid
        WHERE e.enumlabel = 'NEW_ENUM_VALUE'
        AND p.typname = '_mytypename'

Note that your type name is prepended with an underscore in the pg_type table. Also, the typname needs to be all lowercase in the where clause.

Now this can be written safely into your db migrate script.

Ajax using https on an http page

Check out the opensource Forge project. It provides a JavaScript TLS implementation, along with some Flash to handle the actual cross-domain requests:

In short, Forge will enable you to make XmlHttpRequests from a web page loaded over http to an https site. You will need to provide a Flash cross-domain policy file via your server to enable the cross-domain requests. Check out the blog posts at the end of the README to get a more in-depth explanation for how it works.

However, I should mention that Forge is better suited for requests between two different https-domains. The reason is that there's a potential MiTM attack. If you load the JavaScript and Flash from a non-secure site it could be compromised. The most secure use is to load it from a secure site and then use it to access other sites (secure or otherwise).

Convert a SQL Server datetime to a shorter date format

With SQL Server 2005, I would use this:

select replace(convert(char(10),getdate(),102),'.',' ')

Results: 2015 03 05

Using @property versus getters and setters

I think both have their place. One issue with using @property is that it is hard to extend the behaviour of getters or setters in subclasses using standard class mechanisms. The problem is that the actual getter/setter functions are hidden in the property.

You can actually get hold of the functions, e.g. with

class C(object):
    _p = 1
    def p(self):
        return self._p
    def p(self, val):
        self._p = val

you can access the getter and setter functions as C.p.fget and C.p.fset, but you can't easily use the normal method inheritance (e.g. super) facilities to extend them. After some digging into the intricacies of super, you can indeed use super in this way:

# Using super():
class D(C):
    # Cannot use super(D,D) here to define the property
    # since D is not yet defined in this scope.
    def p(self):
        return super(D,D).p.fget(self)

    def p(self, val):
        print 'Implement extra functionality here for D'
        super(D,D).p.fset(self, val)

# Using a direct reference to C
class E(C):
    p = C.p

    def p(self, val):
        print 'Implement extra functionality here for E'
        C.p.fset(self, val)

Using super() is, however, quite clunky, since the property has to be redefined, and you have to use the slightly counter-intuitive super(cls,cls) mechanism to get an unbound copy of p.

What is the purpose of class methods?

It allows you to write generic class methods that you can use with any compatible class.

For example:

def get_name(cls):

class C:
    name = "tester"

C.get_name = get_name

#call it:

If you don't use @classmethod you can do it with self keyword but it needs an instance of Class:

def get_name(self):

class C:
    name = "tester"

C.get_name = get_name

#call it:
C().get_name() #<-note the its an instance of class C

Storing image in database directly or as base64 data?

  • Pro base64: the encoded representation you handle is a pretty safe string. It contains neither control chars nor quotes. The latter point helps against SQL injection attempts. I wouldn't expect any problem to just add the value to a "hand coded" SQL query string.

  • Pro BLOB: the database manager software knows what type of data it has to expect. It can optimize for that. If you'd store base64 in a TEXT field it might try to build some index or other data structure for it, which would be really nice and useful for "real" text data but pointless and a waste of time and space for image data. And it is the smaller, as in number of bytes, representation.

JQuery show and hide div on mouse click (animate)

I would do something like this

DEMO in JsBin:

  <a href="#" id="showmenu">Click Here</a>
  <div class="menu">
      <li><a href="#">Button 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Button 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Button 3</a></li>

and in jQuery as simple as

var min = "-100px", // remember to set in css the same value
    max = "0px";

$(function() {
  $("#showmenu").click(function() {

    if($(".menu").css("marginLeft") == min) // is it left?
      $(".menu").animate({ marginLeft: max }); // move right
      $(".menu").animate({ marginLeft: min }); // move left


Web colors in an Android color xml resource file

You have surely made your own by now, but for the benefit of others, please find w3c and x11 below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <color name="white">#FFFFFF</color>
 <color name="yellow">#FFFF00</color>
 <color name="fuchsia">#FF00FF</color>
 <color name="red">#FF0000</color>
 <color name="silver">#C0C0C0</color>
 <color name="gray">#808080</color>
 <color name="olive">#808000</color>
 <color name="purple">#800080</color>
 <color name="maroon">#800000</color>
 <color name="aqua">#00FFFF</color>
 <color name="lime">#00FF00</color>
 <color name="teal">#008080</color>
 <color name="green">#008000</color>
 <color name="blue">#0000FF</color>
 <color name="navy">#000080</color>
 <color name="black">#000000</color>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <color name="White">#FFFFFF</color>
 <color name="Ivory">#FFFFF0</color>
 <color name="LightYellow">#FFFFE0</color>
 <color name="Yellow">#FFFF00</color>
 <color name="Snow">#FFFAFA</color>
 <color name="FloralWhite">#FFFAF0</color>
 <color name="LemonChiffon">#FFFACD</color>
 <color name="Cornsilk">#FFF8DC</color>
 <color name="Seashell">#FFF5EE</color>
 <color name="LavenderBlush">#FFF0F5</color>
 <color name="PapayaWhip">#FFEFD5</color>
 <color name="BlanchedAlmond">#FFEBCD</color>
 <color name="MistyRose">#FFE4E1</color>
 <color name="Bisque">#FFE4C4</color>
 <color name="Moccasin">#FFE4B5</color>
 <color name="NavajoWhite">#FFDEAD</color>
 <color name="PeachPuff">#FFDAB9</color>
 <color name="Gold">#FFD700</color>
 <color name="Pink">#FFC0CB</color>
 <color name="LightPink">#FFB6C1</color>
 <color name="Orange">#FFA500</color>
 <color name="LightSalmon">#FFA07A</color>
 <color name="DarkOrange">#FF8C00</color>
 <color name="Coral">#FF7F50</color>
 <color name="HotPink">#FF69B4</color>
 <color name="Tomato">#FF6347</color>
 <color name="OrangeRed">#FF4500</color>
 <color name="DeepPink">#FF1493</color>
 <color name="Fuchsia">#FF00FF</color>
 <color name="Magenta">#FF00FF</color>
 <color name="Red">#FF0000</color>
 <color name="OldLace">#FDF5E6</color>
 <color name="LightGoldenrodYellow">#FAFAD2</color>
 <color name="Linen">#FAF0E6</color>
 <color name="AntiqueWhite">#FAEBD7</color>
 <color name="Salmon">#FA8072</color>
 <color name="GhostWhite">#F8F8FF</color>
 <color name="MintCream">#F5FFFA</color>
 <color name="WhiteSmoke">#F5F5F5</color>
 <color name="Beige">#F5F5DC</color>
 <color name="Wheat">#F5DEB3</color>
 <color name="SandyBrown">#F4A460</color>
 <color name="Azure">#F0FFFF</color>
 <color name="Honeydew">#F0FFF0</color>
 <color name="AliceBlue">#F0F8FF</color>
 <color name="Khaki">#F0E68C</color>
 <color name="LightCoral">#F08080</color>
 <color name="PaleGoldenrod">#EEE8AA</color>
 <color name="Violet">#EE82EE</color>
 <color name="DarkSalmon">#E9967A</color>
 <color name="Lavender">#E6E6FA</color>
 <color name="LightCyan">#E0FFFF</color>
 <color name="BurlyWood">#DEB887</color>
 <color name="Plum">#DDA0DD</color>
 <color name="Gainsboro">#DCDCDC</color>
 <color name="Crimson">#DC143C</color>
 <color name="PaleVioletRed">#DB7093</color>
 <color name="Goldenrod">#DAA520</color>
 <color name="Orchid">#DA70D6</color>
 <color name="Thistle">#D8BFD8</color>
 <color name="LightGrey">#D3D3D3</color>
 <color name="Tan">#D2B48C</color>
 <color name="Chocolate">#D2691E</color>
 <color name="Peru">#CD853F</color>
 <color name="IndianRed">#CD5C5C</color>
 <color name="MediumVioletRed">#C71585</color>
 <color name="Silver">#C0C0C0</color>
 <color name="DarkKhaki">#BDB76B</color>
 <color name="RosyBrown">#BC8F8F</color>
 <color name="MediumOrchid">#BA55D3</color>
 <color name="DarkGoldenrod">#B8860B</color>
 <color name="FireBrick">#B22222</color>
 <color name="PowderBlue">#B0E0E6</color>
 <color name="LightSteelBlue">#B0C4DE</color>
 <color name="PaleTurquoise">#AFEEEE</color>
 <color name="GreenYellow">#ADFF2F</color>
 <color name="LightBlue">#ADD8E6</color>
 <color name="DarkGray">#A9A9A9</color>
 <color name="Brown">#A52A2A</color>
 <color name="Sienna">#A0522D</color>
 <color name="YellowGreen">#9ACD32</color>
 <color name="DarkOrchid">#9932CC</color>
 <color name="PaleGreen">#98FB98</color>
 <color name="DarkViolet">#9400D3</color>
 <color name="MediumPurple">#9370DB</color>
 <color name="LightGreen">#90EE90</color>
 <color name="DarkSeaGreen">#8FBC8F</color>
 <color name="SaddleBrown">#8B4513</color>
 <color name="DarkMagenta">#8B008B</color>
 <color name="DarkRed">#8B0000</color>
 <color name="BlueViolet">#8A2BE2</color>
 <color name="LightSkyBlue">#87CEFA</color>
 <color name="SkyBlue">#87CEEB</color>
 <color name="Gray">#808080</color>
 <color name="Olive">#808000</color>
 <color name="Purple">#800080</color>
 <color name="Maroon">#800000</color>
 <color name="Aquamarine">#7FFFD4</color>
 <color name="Chartreuse">#7FFF00</color>
 <color name="LawnGreen">#7CFC00</color>
 <color name="MediumSlateBlue">#7B68EE</color>
 <color name="LightSlateGray">#778899</color>
 <color name="SlateGray">#708090</color>
 <color name="OliveDrab">#6B8E23</color>
 <color name="SlateBlue">#6A5ACD</color>
 <color name="DimGray">#696969</color>
 <color name="MediumAquamarine">#66CDAA</color>
 <color name="CornflowerBlue">#6495ED</color>
 <color name="CadetBlue">#5F9EA0</color>
 <color name="DarkOliveGreen">#556B2F</color>
 <color name="Indigo">#4B0082</color>
 <color name="MediumTurquoise">#48D1CC</color>
 <color name="DarkSlateBlue">#483D8B</color>
 <color name="SteelBlue">#4682B4</color>
 <color name="RoyalBlue">#4169E1</color>
 <color name="Turquoise">#40E0D0</color>
 <color name="MediumSeaGreen">#3CB371</color>
 <color name="LimeGreen">#32CD32</color>
 <color name="DarkSlateGray">#2F4F4F</color>
 <color name="SeaGreen">#2E8B57</color>
 <color name="ForestGreen">#228B22</color>
 <color name="LightSeaGreen">#20B2AA</color>
 <color name="DodgerBlue">#1E90FF</color>
 <color name="MidnightBlue">#191970</color>
 <color name="Aqua">#00FFFF</color>
 <color name="Cyan">#00FFFF</color>
 <color name="SpringGreen">#00FF7F</color>
 <color name="Lime">#00FF00</color>
 <color name="MediumSpringGreen">#00FA9A</color>
 <color name="DarkTurquoise">#00CED1</color>
 <color name="DeepSkyBlue">#00BFFF</color>
 <color name="DarkCyan">#008B8B</color>
 <color name="Teal">#008080</color>
 <color name="Green">#008000</color>
 <color name="DarkGreen">#006400</color>
 <color name="Blue">#0000FF</color>
 <color name="MediumBlue">#0000CD</color>
 <color name="DarkBlue">#00008B</color>
 <color name="Navy">#000080</color>
 <color name="Black">#000000</color>

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

In my case, I needed to do a replacement of Localhost to the actual database server IP address

Instead of

 Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
 "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/DBname", "root", "root");

I needed

 Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
 "jdbc:mysql://", "root", "root");

How do I read a large csv file with pandas?

The above answer is already satisfying the topic. Anyway, if you need all the data in memory - have a look at bcolz. Its compressing the data in memory. I have had really good experience with it. But its missing a lot of pandas features

Edit: I got compression rates at around 1/10 or orig size i think, of course depending of the kind of data. Important features missing were aggregates.

How to use '-prune' option of 'find' in sh?

Show everything including dir itself but not its long boring contents:

find . -print -name dir -prune

Is there a list of Pytz Timezones?

Here, Python list of country codes, names, continents, capitals, and pytz timezones.

countries = [
{'timezones': ['Europe/Paris'], 'code': 'FR', 'continent': 'Europe', 'name': 'France', 'capital': 'Paris'}
{'timezones': ['Africa/Kampala'], 'code': 'UG', 'continent': 'Africa', 'name': 'Uganda', 'capital': 'Kampala'},
{'timezones': ['Asia/Colombo'], 'code': 'LK', 'continent': 'Asia', 'name': 'Sri Lanka', 'capital': 'Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte'},
{'timezones': ['Asia/Riyadh'], 'code': 'SA', 'continent': 'Asia', 'name': 'Saudi Arabia', 'capital': 'Riyadh'},
{'timezones': ['Africa/Luanda'], 'code': 'AO', 'continent': 'Africa', 'name': 'Angola', 'capital': 'Luanda'},    
{'timezones': ['Europe/Vienna'], 'code': 'AT', 'continent': 'Europe', 'name': 'Austria', 'capital': 'Vienna'},
{'timezones': ['Asia/Calcutta'], 'code': 'IN', 'continent': 'Asia', 'name': 'India', 'capital': 'New Delhi'},
{'timezones': ['Asia/Dubai'], 'code': 'AE', 'continent': 'Asia', 'name': 'United Arab Emirates', 'capital': 'Abu Dhabi'},
{'timezones': ['Europe/London'], 'code': 'GB', 'continent': 'Europe', 'name': 'United Kingdom', 'capital': 'London'},

For full list : Gist Github

Hope, It helps.

How to disable JavaScript in Chrome Developer Tools?

To temporarily block JavaScript on a domain :

  1. Click on the Button left to the address on the address bar (which says View site information)
  2. In the drop-down next to JavaScript, select Always block on this site
  3. Reload Page