Programs & Examples On #Bulkloader

What is the easiest way to clear a database from the CLI with in Django?

Quickest (drops and creates all tables including data):

./ reset appname | ./ dbshell


  • Might not work on Windows correctly.
  • Might keep some old tables in the db

Update OpenSSL on OS X with Homebrew

If you're using Homebrew /usr/local/bin should already be at the front of $PATH or at least come before /usr/bin. If you now run brew link --force openssl in your terminal window, open a new one and run which openssl in it. It should now show openssl under /usr/local/bin.

Does a valid XML file require an XML declaration?

In XML 1.0, the XML Declaration is optional. See section 2.8 of the XML 1.0 Recommendation, where it says it "should" be used -- which means it is recommended, but not mandatory. In XML 1.1, however, the declaration is mandatory. See section 2.8 of the XML 1.1 Recommendation, where it says "MUST" be used. It even goes on to state that if the declaration is absent, that automatically implies the document is an XML 1.0 document.

Note that in an XML Declaration the encoding and standalone are both optional. Only the version is mandatory. Also, these are not attributes, so if they are present they must be in that order: version, followed by any encoding, followed by any standalone.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes"?>

If you don't specify the encoding in this way, XML parsers try to guess what encoding is being used. The XML 1.0 Recommendation describes one possible way character encoding can be autodetected. In practice, this is not much of a problem if the input is encoded as UTF-8, UTF-16 or US-ASCII. Autodetection doesn't work when it encounters 8-bit encodings that use characters outside the US-ASCII range (e.g. ISO 8859-1) -- avoid creating these if you can.

The standalone indicates whether the XML document can be correctly processed without the DTD or not. People rarely use it. These days, it is a bad to design an XML format that is missing information without its DTD.


A "prolog error/invalid utf-8 encoding" error indicates that the actual data the parser found inside the file did not match the encoding that the XML declaration says it is. Or in some cases the data inside the file did not match the autodetected encoding.

Since your file contains a byte-order-mark (BOM) it should be in UTF-16 encoding. I suspect that your declaration says <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> which is obviously incorrect when the file has been changed into UTF-16 by NotePad. The simple solution is to remove the encoding and simply say <?xml version="1.0"?>. You could also edit it to say encoding="UTF-16" but that would be wrong for the original file (which wasn't in UTF-16) or if the file somehow gets changed back to UTF-8 or some other encoding.

Don't bother trying to remove the BOM -- that's not the cause of the problem. Using NotePad or WordPad to edit XML is the real problem!

Javascript Regex: How to put a variable inside a regular expression?

if you're using es6 template literals are an option...

string.replace(new RegExp(`ReGeX${testVar}ReGeX`), "replacement")

One line if-condition-assignment

If one line code is definitely going to happen for you, Python 3.8 introduces assignment expressions affectionately known as “the walrus operator”.


someBoolValue and (num := 20)

The 20 will be assigned to num if the first boolean expression is True. The assignment must be inside parentheses here otherwise you will get a syntax error.

num = 10
someBoolValue = True

someBoolValue and (num := 20)
print(num) # 20

num = 10
someBoolValue = False

someBoolValue and (num := 20)
print(num) # 10

Nginx fails to load css files

style.css is actually being process via fastcgi due to your "location /" directive. So it is fastcgi that is serving up the file (nginx > fastcgi > filesystem), and not the filesystem directly (nginx > filesystem).

For a reason I have yet to figure out (I'm sure there's a directive somewhere), NGINX applies the mime type text/html to anything being served from fastcgi, unless the backend application explicitly says otherwise.

The culprit is this configuration block specifically:

location / {
     root    /usr/share/nginx/html;
     index  index.html index.htm index.php;
     fastcgi_index  index.php;
     fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  /usr/share/nginx/html$fastcgi_script_name;
     include        fastcgi_params;

It should be:

location ~ \.php$ { # this line
     root    /usr/share/nginx/html;
     index  index.html index.htm index.php;
     fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; #this line
     fastcgi_index  index.php;
     fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; # update this too
     include        fastcgi_params;

This change makes sure only *.php files are requested from fastcgi. At this point, NGINX will apply the correct MIME type. If you have any URL rewriting happening, you must handle this before the location directive (location ~\.php$) so that the correct extension is derived and properly routed to fastcgi.

Be sure to check out this article regarding additional security considerations using try_files. Given the security implications, I consider this a feature and not a bug.

Update a dataframe in pandas while iterating row by row

You can assign values in the loop using df.set_value:

for i, row in df.iterrows():
    ifor_val = something
    if <condition>:
        ifor_val = something_else

If you don't need the row values you could simply iterate over the indices of df, but I kept the original for-loop in case you need the row value for something not shown here.


df.set_value() has been deprecated since version 0.21.0 you can use instead:

for i, row in df.iterrows():
    ifor_val = something
    if <condition>:
        ifor_val = something_else[i,'ifor'] = ifor_val

What is %0|%0 and how does it work?

This is the Windows version of a fork bomb.

%0 is the name of the currently executing batch file. A batch file that contains just this line:


Is going to recursively execute itself forever, quickly creating many processes and slowing the system down.

This is not a bug in windows, it is just a very stupid thing to do in a batch file.

How to remove entry from $PATH on mac

Close the terminal(End the current session). Open it again.

How to select label for="XYZ" in CSS?

If the content is a variable, it will be necessary to concatenate it with quotation marks. It worked for me. Like this:

itemSelected(id: number){
    console.log('label contains', document.querySelector("label[for='" + id + "']"));

Importing PNG files into Numpy?

Using just scipy, glob and having PIL installed (pip install pillow) you can use scipy's imread method:

from scipy import misc
import glob

for image_path in glob.glob("/home/adam/*.png"):
    image = misc.imread(image_path)
    print image.shape
    print image.dtype


According to the doc, scipy.misc.imread is deprecated starting SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Consider using imageio.imread instead. See the answer by Charles.

Horizontal list items

A much better way is to use inline-block, because you don't need to use clear:both at the end of your list anymore.

Try this:

        <a href="#">some item</a>
        <a href="#">another item</a>


ul > li{

Have a look at it here :

Azure SQL Database "DTU percentage" metric

A DTU is a unit of measure for the performance of a service tier and is a summary of several database characteristics. Each service tier has a certain number of DTUs assigned to it as an easy way to compare the performance level of one tier versus another.

Database Throughput Unit (DTU): DTUs provide a way to describe the relative capacity of a performance level of Basic, Standard, and Premium databases. DTUs are based on a blended measure of CPU, memory, reads, and writes. As DTUs increase, the power offered by the performance level increases. For example, a performance level with 5 DTUs has five times more power than a performance level with 1 DTU. A maximum DTU quota applies to each server.

The DTU Quota applies to the server, not the individual databases and each server has a maximum of 1600 DTUs. The DTU% is the percentage of units your particular database is using and it seems that this number can go over 100% of the DTU rating of the service tier (I assume to the limit of the server). This percentage number is designed to help you choose the appropriate service tier.

From down toward the bottom of this announcement:

For example, if your DTU consumption shows a value of 80%, it indicates it is consuming DTU at the rate of 80% of the limit an S2 database would have. If you see values greater than 100% in this view it means that you need a performance tier larger than S2.

As an example, let’s say you see a percentage value of 300%. This tells you that you are using three times more resources than would be available in an S2. To determine a reasonable starting size, compare the DTUs available in an S2 (50 DTUs) with the next higher sizes (P1 = 100 DTUs, or 200% of S2, P2 = 200 DTUs or 400% of S2). Because you are at 300% of S2 you would want to start with a P2 and re-test.

Namespace not recognized (even though it is there)

In my case I got the error only in VS 2015. When opening the project in VS 2017 the error was gone.

What's the best way to send a signal to all members of a process group?

Modified version of zhigang's answer:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu

killtree() {
    local pid
    for pid; do
        kill -stop $pid
        local cpid
        for cpid in $(pgrep -P $pid); do
            killtree $cpid
        kill $pid
        kill -cont $pid
        wait $pid 2>/dev/null || true

cpids() {
    local pid=$1 options=${2:-} space=${3:-}
    local cpid
    for cpid in $(pgrep -P $pid); do
        echo "$space$cpid"
        if [[ "${options/a/}" != "$options" ]]; then
            cpids $cpid "$options" "$space  "

while true; do sleep 1; done &
for i in $(seq 1 2); do
    cpids $$ a
    sleep 1
killtree $cpid
echo ---
cpids $$ a

XSL xsl:template match="/"

It's worth noting, since it's confusing for people new to XML, that the root (or document node) of an XML document is not the top-level element. It's the parent of the top-level element. This is confusing because it doesn't seem like the top-level element can have a parent. Isn't it the top level?

But look at this, a well-formed XML document:

<?xml-stylesheet href="my_transform.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<!-- Comments and processing instructions are XML nodes too, remember. -->

The root of this document has three children: a processing instruction, a comment, and an element.

So, for example, if you wanted to write a transform that got rid of that comment, but left in any comments appearing anywhere else in the document, you'd add this to the identity transform:

<xsl:template match="/comment()"/>

Even simpler (and more commonly useful), here's an XPath pattern that matches the document's top-level element irrespective of its name: /*.

Using pg_dump to only get insert statements from one table within database

just in case you are using a remote access and want to dump all database data, you can use:

pg_dump -a -h your_host -U your_user -W -Fc your_database > DATA.dump

it will create a dump with all database data and use

pg_restore -a -h your_host -U your_user -W -Fc your_database < DATA.dump

to insert the same data in your data base considering you have the same structure

What are Keycloak's OAuth2 / OpenID Connect endpoints?

Following link Provides JSON document describing metadata about the Keycloak


Following information reported with Keycloak 6.0.1 for master realm

      "id_token token",
      "code id_token",
      "code token",
      "code id_token token"

C# Error: Parent does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments

The compiler cannot guess what should be passed for the base constructor argument. You have to do it explicitly:

public class child : parent {
    public child(int i) : base(i) {

How do I capture response of form.submit

You can do that using javascript and AJAX technology. Have a look at jquery and at this form plug in. You only need to include two js files to register a callback for the form.submit.

Passing arguments to an interactive program non-interactively

You can also use printf to pipe the input to your script.

printf "yes\nno\nmaybe\n$var\n" | ./

Include an SVG (hosted on GitHub) in MarkDown

Update 2020: how they made it work while avoiding XSS attacks

GitHub appears to use two security approaches, this is a good article: see also:

Update 2017

A GitHub dev is currently looking into this:

Update 2014-12: GitHub now renders SVG on blob show, so I don't see any reason why not to render on README renderings:

Also note that that SVG does have an XSS attempt but it does not run:

The billion laugh SVG does make Firefox 44 Freeze, but Chromium 48 is OK:

Petah mentioned that blobs are fine because the SVG is inside an iframe.

Possible rationale for GitHub not serving SVG images

The following questions asks about the risks of SVG in general:

Serializing an object to JSON

Just to keep it backward compatible I load Crockfords JSON-library from cloudflare CDN if no native JSON support is given (for simplicity using jQuery):

function winHasJSON(){
  json_data = JSON.stringify(obj);
  // ... (do stuff with json_data)
if(typeof JSON === 'object' && typeof JSON.stringify === 'function'){
} else {
  $.getScript('//', winHasJSON)

How to run test methods in specific order in JUnit4?

If the order is important, you should make the order yourself.

@Test public void test1() { ... }
@Test public void test2() { test1(); ... }

In particular, you should list some or all possible order permutations to test, if necessary.

For example,

void test1(); 
void test2(); 
void test3(); 

public void testOrder1() { test1(); test3(); }

@Test(expected = Exception.class)
public void testOrder2() { test2(); test3(); test1(); }

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testOrder3() { test3(); test1(); test2(); }

Or, a full test of all permutations:

public void testAllOrders() {
    for (Object[] sample: permute(1, 2, 3)) {
        for (Object index: sample) {
            switch (((Integer) index).intValue()) {
                case 1: test1(); break; 
                case 2: test2(); break; 
                case 3: test3(); break; 

Here, permute() is a simple function which iterates all possible permuations into a Collection of array.

Is it possible to set UIView border properties from interface builder?

For Swift 3 and 4, if you're willing to use IBInspectables, there's this:

@IBDesignable extension UIView {
    @IBInspectable var borderColor:UIColor? {
        set {
            layer.borderColor = newValue!.cgColor
        get {
            if let color = layer.borderColor {
                return UIColor(cgColor: color)
            else {
                return nil
    @IBInspectable var borderWidth:CGFloat {
        set {
            layer.borderWidth = newValue
        get {
            return layer.borderWidth
    @IBInspectable var cornerRadius:CGFloat {
        set {
            layer.cornerRadius = newValue
            clipsToBounds = newValue > 0
        get {
            return layer.cornerRadius

How do I set/unset a cookie with jQuery?

Make sure not to do something like this:

var a = $.cookie("cart").split(",");

Then, if the cookie doesn't exist, the debugger will return some unhelpful message like ".cookie not a function".

Always declare first, then do the split after checking for null. Like this:

var a = $.cookie("cart");
if (a != null) {
    var aa = a.split(",");

How to use background thread in swift?

Swift 5

To make it easy, create a file "DispatchQueue+Extensions.swift" with this content :

import Foundation

typealias Dispatch = DispatchQueue

extension Dispatch {

    static func background(_ task: @escaping () -> ()) { .background).async {

    static func main(_ task: @escaping () -> ()) {
        Dispatch.main.async {

Usage :

Dispatch.background {
    // do stuff

    Dispatch.main { 
        // update UI

boundingRectWithSize for NSAttributedString returning wrong size

My final decision after long investigation:
- boundingRectWithSize function returns correct size for uninterrupted sequence of characters only! In case string contains spaces or something else (called by Apple "Some of the glyphs" ) - it is impossible to get actual size of rect needed to display text!
I have replaced spaces in my strings by letters and immediately got correct result.

Apple says here:

"This method returns the actual bounds of the glyphs in the string. Some of the glyphs (spaces, for example) are allowed to overlap the layout constraints specified by the size passed in, so in some cases the width value of the size component of the returned CGRect can exceed the width value of the size parameter."

So it is necessary to find some another way to calculate actual rect...

After long investigation process solution finally found!!! I am not sure it will work good for all cases related to UITextView, but main and important thing was detected!

boundingRectWithSize function as well as CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints (and many other methods) will calculate size and text portion correct when correct rectangle used. For example - UITextView has textView.bounds.size.width - and this value not actual rectangle used by system when text drawing on UITextView.

I found very interesting parameter and performed simple calculation in code:

CGFloat padding = textView.textContainer.lineFragmentPadding;  
CGFloat  actualPageWidth = textView.bounds.size.width - padding * 2;

And magic works - all my texts calculated correct now! Enjoy!

Handling of non breaking space: <p>&nbsp;</p> vs. <p> </p>

In HTML, elements containing nothing but normal whitespace characters are considered empty. A paragraph that contains just a normal space character will have zero height. A non-breaking space is a special kind of whitespace character that isn't considered to be insignificant, so it can be used as content for a non-empty paragraph.

Even if you consider CSS margins on paragraphs, since an "empty" paragraph has zero height, its vertical margins will collapse. This causes it to have no height and no margins, making it appear as if it were never there at all.

How exactly does the android:onClick XML attribute differ from setOnClickListener?

To make your life easier and avoid the Anonymous Class in setOnClicklistener (), implement a View.OnClicklistener Interface as below:

public class YourClass extends CommonActivity implements View.OnClickListener, ...

this avoids:

btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

and goes directly to:

public void onClick(View v) {
  switch (v.getId()) {

Communication between multiple docker-compose projects

For using another docker-compose network you just do these(to share networks between docker-compose):

  1. Run the first docker-compose project by up -d
  2. Find the network name of the first docker-compose by: docker network ls(It contains the name of the root directory project)
  3. Then use that name by this structure at below in the second docker-compose file.

second docker-compose.yml

version: '3'
  service-on-second-compose:  # Define any names that you want.
      - <put it here(the network name that comes from "docker network ls")>

  - <put it here(the network name that comes from "docker network ls")>:
    external: true

how do I make a single legend for many subplots with matplotlib?

if you are using subplots with bar charts, with different colour for each bar. it may be faster to create the artefacts yourself using mpatches

Say you have four bars with different colours as r m c k you can set the legend as follows

import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
labels = ['Red Bar', 'Magenta Bar', 'Cyan Bar', 'Black Bar']

# insert code for the subplots here #

# now, create an artist for each color
red_patch = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='r', edgecolor='#000000') #this will create a red bar with black borders, you can leave out edgecolor if you do not want the borders
black_patch = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='k', edgecolor='#000000')
magenta_patch = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='m', edgecolor='#000000')
cyan_patch = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='c', edgecolor='#000000')
fig.legend(handles = [red_patch, magenta_patch, cyan_patch, black_patch],labels=labels,
       loc="center right", 
plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) #adjust the subplot to the right for the legend

Create a .csv file with values from a Python list

Jupyter notebook

Let's say that your list name is A

Then you can code the following and you will have it as a csv file (columns only!)

f = open('Columns.csv','w')

How to wait for async method to complete?

Avoid async void. Have your methods return Task instead of void. Then you can await them.

Like this:

private async Task RequestToSendOutputReport(List<byte[]> byteArrays)
    foreach (byte[] b in byteArrays)
        while (condition)
            // we'll typically execute this code many times until the condition is no longer met
            Task t = SendOutputReportViaInterruptTransfer();
            await t;

        // read some data from device; we need to wait for this to return
        await RequestToGetInputReport();

private async Task RequestToGetInputReport()
    // lots of code prior to this
    int bytesRead = await GetInputReportViaInterruptTransfer();

async at console app in C#?

In most project types, your async "up" and "down" will end at an async void event handler or returning a Task to your framework.

However, Console apps do not support this.

You can either just do a Wait on the returned task:

static void Main()
  // or, if you want to avoid exceptions being wrapped into AggregateException:
  //  MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

static async Task MainAsync()

or you can use your own context like the one I wrote:

static void Main()
  AsyncContext.Run(() => MainAsync());

static async Task MainAsync()

More information for async Console apps is on my blog.

How to change mysql to mysqli?

In case of big projects, many files to change and also if the previous project version of PHP was 5.6 and the new one is 7.1, you can create a new file sql.php and include it in the header or somewhere you use it all the time and needs sql connection. For example:

$sql_host =     "localhost";      
$sql_username = "root";    
$sql_password = "";       
$sql_database = "db"; 

$mysqli = new mysqli($sql_host , $sql_username , $sql_password , $sql_database );

/* check connection */
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);

// /* change character set to utf8 */
if (!$mysqli->set_charset("utf8")) {
    printf("Error loading character set utf8: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
} else {
    // printf("Current character set: %s\n", $mysqli->character_set_name());
if (!function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {
    function mysql_real_escape_string($string){
        global $mysqli;
            // $mysqli = new mysqli($sql_host , $sql_username , $sql_password , $sql_database );            
            $newString =  $mysqli->real_escape_string($string);
            return $newString;
// $mysqli->close();
$conn = null;
if (!function_exists('mysql_query')) {
    function mysql_query($query) {
        global $mysqli;
        // echo "DAAAAA";
        if($query) {
            $result = $mysqli->query($query);
            return $result;
else {
    $conn=mysql_connect($sql_host,$sql_username, $sql_password);
    mysql_set_charset("utf8", $conn);

if (!function_exists('mysql_fetch_array')) {
    function mysql_fetch_array($result){
            $row =  $result->fetch_assoc();
            return $row;

if (!function_exists('mysql_num_rows')) {
    function mysql_num_rows($result){
            $row_cnt = $result->num_rows;;
            return $row_cnt;

if (!function_exists('mysql_free_result')) {
    function mysql_free_result($result){
            global $mysqli;


if (!function_exists('mysql_data_seek')) {
    function mysql_data_seek($result, $offset){
            global $mysqli;
            return $result->data_seek($offset);


if (!function_exists('mysql_close')) {
    function mysql_close(){
        global $mysqli;
        return $mysqli->close();

if (!function_exists('mysql_insert_id')) {
    function mysql_insert_id(){
            global $mysqli;
            $lastInsertId = $mysqli->insert_id;
            return $lastInsertId;

if (!function_exists('mysql_error')) {
    function mysql_error(){
        global $mysqli;
        $error = $mysqli->error;
        return $error;

Swift - How to detect orientation changes

Swift 3 Above code updated:

override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
    super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)

    if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape {
    } else {

How do I use the CONCAT function in SQL Server 2008 R2?

NULL safe drop in replacement approximations for SQL Server 2012 CONCAT function

SQL Server 2012:

SELECT CONCAT(data1, data2)

PRE SQL 2012 (Two Solutions):

SELECT {fn CONCAT(ISNULL(data1, ''), ISNULL(data2, ''))}

SELECT ISNULL(CAST(data1 AS varchar(MAX)), '') + ISNULL(CAST(data2 AS varchar(MAX)), '')

These two solutions collate several excellent answers and caveats raised by other posters including @Martin Smith, @Svish and @vasin1987.

These options add NULL to '' (empty string) casting for safe NULL handling while accounting for the varying behaviour of the + operator pertaining to specific operands.

Note the ODBC Scaler Function solution is limited to 2 arguments whereas the + operator approach is scalable to many arguments as needed.

Note also the potential issue identified by @Swifty regarding the default varchar size here remedied by varchar(MAX).

Changing password with Oracle SQL Developer

SQL Developer has a built-in reset password option that may work for your situation. It requires adding Oracle Instant Client to the workstation as well. When instant client is in the path when SQL developer launches you will get the following option enabled:

SQL Developer: Drop Down menu showing reset password option

Oracle Instant Client does not need admin privileges to install, just the ability to write to a directory and add that directory to the users path. Most users have the privileges to do this.

Recap: In order to use Reset Password on Oracle SQL Developer:

  1. You must unpack the Oracle Instant Client in a directory
  2. You must add the Oracle Instant Client directory to the users path
  3. You must then restart Oracle SQL Developer

At this point you can right click a data source and reset your password.

See for a complete walk-through

Also see the comment in the oracle docs:

An alternative configuration to have SQL Developer (tested on version 4.0.1) recognize and use the Instant Client on OS X is:

  1. Set path to Instant Client in Preferences -> Database -> Advanced -> Use Oracle Client
  2. Verify the Instance Client can be loaded succesfully using the Configure... -> Test... options from within the preferences dialog
  3. (OS X) Refer to this question to resolve issues related to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. I used the following command and then restarted SQL Developer to pick up the change:

    $ launchctl setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/oracle/instantclient_11_2

jQuery: Return data after ajax call success

See jquery docs example: (about 2/3 the page)

You may be looking for following code:

     url: 'ajax/test.html',
     success: function(data) {
     alert('Load was performed.');

Same page...lower down.

YAML mapping values are not allowed in this context

The elements of a sequence need to be indented at the same level. Assuming you want two jobs (A and B) each with an ordered list of key value pairs, you should use:

 - - name: A
   - schedule: "0 0/5 * 1/1 * ? *"
   - - type: mongodb.cluster
     - config:
       - host: mongodb://localhost:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs
       - minSecondaries: 2
       - minOplogHours: 100
       - maxSecondaryDelay: 120
 - - name: B
   - schedule: "0 0/5 * 1/1 * ? *"
   - - type: mongodb.cluster
     - config:
       - host: mongodb://localhost:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs
       - minSecondaries: 2
       - minOplogHours: 100
       - maxSecondaryDelay: 120

Converting the sequences of (single entry) mappings to a mapping as @Tsyvarrev does is also possible, but makes you lose the ordering.

int to hex string

Previous answer is not good for negative numbers. Use a short type instead of int

        short iValue = -1400;
        string sResult = iValue.ToString("X2");
        Console.WriteLine("Value={0} Result={1}", iValue, sResult);

Now result is FA88

Checking if an object is a given type in Swift

Swift 4.2 , In my case , using isKind function .

isKind(of:) Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver is an instance of given class or an instance of any class that inherits from that class.

  let items : [AnyObject] = ["A", "B" , ... ]
  for obj in items {
    if(obj.isKind(of: NSString.self)){


MySql export schema without data

To get an individual table's creation script:
- select all the table (with shift key)
- just right click on the table name and click Copy to Clipboard > Create Statement.

Failed to connect to mysql at with user root access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'(using password:YES)

I had the same problem.
I've installed fresh mysql at Ubuntu but I left mysql password empty, and as a result I couldn't connect to mysql in any way.
Lately I've revealed that there is a table of users where are names, hosts, passwords and some plugins. So for my user root@localhost mysql while installing assigned a plugin called auth_socket, which let Unix user "root" log in as a mysql user "root" without password, but don't allow login as another Unix user. So to fix that you should turn off this plugin and set usual authentication:

  1. open Linux terminal
  2. enter "sudo mysql"
    you will see "mysql >" which means you've connected to mysql as a 'root' Unix user and you can type SQL queries.
  3. enter SQL query to change a way how you will log in:
    ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your_new_password';
    where 'mysql_native_password' means - to turn off auth_socket plugin.

Split a List into smaller lists of N size

how about:

    locations= locations.Skip(nSize).ToList();

Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist

I use this way, you should put a backslash at the end of the directory name to avoid that place exists in a file without extension with the same name as the directory you specified, never use "C:\VTS" because it can a file exists with the name "VTS" saved in "C:" partition, the correct way is to use "C:\VTS\", check out the backslash after the VTS, so is the right way.

@echo off
@break off
@title Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist - D3F4ULT
@color 0a

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

if not exist "C:\VTS\" (
  mkdir "C:\VTS\"
  if "!errorlevel!" EQU "0" (
    echo Folder created successfully
  ) else (
    echo Error while creating folder
) else (
  echo Folder already exists


What is a magic number, and why is it bad?

A magic number can also be a number with special, hardcoded semantics. For example, I once saw a system where record IDs > 0 were treated normally, 0 itself was "new record", -1 was "this is the root" and -99 was "this was created in the root". 0 and -99 would cause the WebService to supply a new ID.

What's bad about this is that you're reusing a space (that of signed integers for record IDs) for special abilities. Maybe you'll never want to create a record with ID 0, or with a negative ID, but even if not, every person who looks either at the code or at the database might stumble on this and be confused at first. It goes without saying those special values weren't well-documented.

Arguably, 22, 7, -12 and 620 count as magic numbers, too. ;-)

Checking if a SQL Server login already exists

Try this (replace 'user' with the actual login name):

SELECT name 
FROM [master].[sys].[syslogins]
WHERE NAME = 'user')

    --create login here

Custom Python list sorting

Even better:

student_tuples = [
    ('john', 'A', 15),
    ('jane', 'B', 12),
    ('dave', 'B', 10),

sorted(student_tuples, key=lambda student: student[2])   # sort by age
[('dave', 'B', 10), ('jane', 'B', 12), ('john', 'A', 15)]

Taken from:

How to extract elements from a list using indices in Python?

Use Numpy direct array indexing, as in MATLAB, Julia, ...

a = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
s = [1, 2, 5] ;

import numpy as np
# [11, 12, 15]

Better yet, just stay with Numpy arrays

a = np.array([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])
#array([11, 12, 15])

Event system in Python

You can try buslane module.

This library makes implementation of message-based system easier. It supports commands (single handler) and events (0 or multiple handlers) approach. Buslane uses Python type annotations to properly register handler.

Simple example:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from buslane.commands import Command, CommandHandler, CommandBus

class RegisterUserCommand(Command):
    email: str
    password: str

class RegisterUserCommandHandler(CommandHandler[RegisterUserCommand]):

    def handle(self, command: RegisterUserCommand) -> None:
        assert command == RegisterUserCommand(
            email='[email protected]',

command_bus = CommandBus()
    email='[email protected]',

To install buslane, simply use pip:

$ pip install buslane

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

It turned out there were 2 versions of SQL Server installed on the machine.
Removing the old one solved the issues on my side.

More details:
During the startup the services of both services were trying to run.
And the one which was loaded first was working properly and was blocking the second to start.
P.S. Stopping the services of the first server and manually starting the second wasn't working as well.

How to get current html page title with javascript


returns all the title

but if you just want the page title then use


How To Launch Git Bash from DOS Command Line?

I used the info above to help create a more permanent solution. The following will create the alias sh that you can use to open Git Bash:

echo @start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login > %systemroot%\sh.bat

SQL sum with condition

Try this instead:

SUM(CASE WHEN ValueDate > @startMonthDate THEN cash ELSE 0 END)


Your CASE expression has incorrect syntax. It seems you are confusing the simple CASE expression syntax with the searched CASE expression syntax. See the documentation for CASE:

The CASE expression has two formats:

  • The simple CASE expression compares an expression to a set of simple expressions to determine the result.
  • The searched CASE expression evaluates a set of Boolean expressions to determine the result.

You want the searched CASE expression syntax:

     WHEN Boolean_expression THEN result_expression [ ...n ] 
     [ ELSE else_result_expression ] 

As a side note, if performance is an issue you may find that this expression runs more quickly if you rewrite using a JOIN and GROUP BY instead of using a dependent subquery.

Bundling data files with PyInstaller (--onefile)

Newer versions of PyInstaller do not set the env variable anymore, so Shish's excellent answer will not work. Now the path gets set as sys._MEIPASS:

def resource_path(relative_path):
    """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """
        # PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS
        base_path = sys._MEIPASS
    except Exception:
        base_path = os.path.abspath(".")

    return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)

Convert bytes to int?

int.from_bytes( bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False )

doesn't work with me I used function from this website, it works well

def bytes_to_int(bytes):
    result = 0
    for b in bytes:
        result = result * 256 + int(b)
    return result

def int_to_bytes(value, length):
    result = []
    for i in range(0, length):
        result.append(value >> (i * 8) & 0xff)
    return result

How can I install a package with go get?

Command go

Download and install packages and dependencies


go get [-d] [-f] [-t] [-u] [-v] [-fix] [-insecure] [build flags] [packages]

Get downloads the packages named by the import paths, along with their dependencies. It then installs the named packages, like 'go install'.

The -d flag instructs get to stop after downloading the packages; that is, it instructs get not to install the packages.

The -f flag, valid only when -u is set, forces get -u not to verify that each package has been checked out from the source control repository implied by its import path. This can be useful if the source is a local fork of the original.

The -fix flag instructs get to run the fix tool on the downloaded packages before resolving dependencies or building the code.

The -insecure flag permits fetching from repositories and resolving custom domains using insecure schemes such as HTTP. Use with caution.

The -t flag instructs get to also download the packages required to build the tests for the specified packages.

The -u flag instructs get to use the network to update the named packages and their dependencies. By default, get uses the network to check out missing packages but does not use it to look for updates to existing packages.

The -v flag enables verbose progress and debug output.

Get also accepts build flags to control the installation. See 'go help build'.

When checking out a new package, get creates the target directory GOPATH/src/. If the GOPATH contains multiple entries, get uses the first one. For more details see: 'go help gopath'.

When checking out or updating a package, get looks for a branch or tag that matches the locally installed version of Go. The most important rule is that if the local installation is running version "go1", get searches for a branch or tag named "go1". If no such version exists it retrieves the default branch of the package.

When go get checks out or updates a Git repository, it also updates any git submodules referenced by the repository.

Get never checks out or updates code stored in vendor directories.

For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.

For more about how 'go get' finds source code to download, see 'go help importpath'.

This text describes the behavior of get when using GOPATH to manage source code and dependencies. If instead the go command is running in module-aware mode, the details of get's flags and effects change, as does 'go help get'. See 'go help modules' and 'go help module-get'.

See also: go build, go install, go clean.

For example, showing verbose output,

$ go get -v (download) (download) (download)

Auto line-wrapping in SVG text

The following code is working fine. Run the code snippet what it does.

Maybe it can be cleaned up or make it automatically work with all text tags in SVG.

function svg_textMultiline() {_x000D_
  var x = 0;_x000D_
  var y = 20;_x000D_
  var width = 360;_x000D_
  var lineHeight = 10;_x000D_
  /* get the text */_x000D_
  var element = document.getElementById('test');_x000D_
  var text = element.innerHTML;_x000D_
  /* split the words into array */_x000D_
  var words = text.split(' ');_x000D_
  var line = '';_x000D_
  /* Make a tspan for testing */_x000D_
  element.innerHTML = '<tspan id="PROCESSING">busy</tspan >';_x000D_
  for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {_x000D_
    var testLine = line + words[n] + ' ';_x000D_
    var testElem = document.getElementById('PROCESSING');_x000D_
    /*  Add line in testElement */_x000D_
    testElem.innerHTML = testLine;_x000D_
    /* Messure textElement */_x000D_
    var metrics = testElem.getBoundingClientRect();_x000D_
    testWidth = metrics.width;_x000D_
    if (testWidth > width && n > 0) {_x000D_
      element.innerHTML += '<tspan x="0" dy="' + y + '">' + line + '</tspan>';_x000D_
      line = words[n] + ' ';_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      line = testLine;_x000D_
  element.innerHTML += '<tspan x="0" dy="' + y + '">' + line + '</tspan>';_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  font-family: arial;_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_
svg {_x000D_
  background: #dfdfdf;_x000D_
  border:1px solid #aaa;_x000D_
svg text {_x000D_
  fill: blue;_x000D_
  stroke: red;_x000D_
  stroke-width: 0.3;_x000D_
  stroke-linejoin: round;_x000D_
  stroke-linecap: round;_x000D_
<svg height="300" width="500" xmlns="" version="1.1">_x000D_
  <text id="test" y="0">GIETEN - Het college van Aa en Hunze is in de fout gegaan met het weigeren van een zorgproject in het failliete hotel Braams in Gieten. Dat stelt de PvdA-fractie in een brief aan het college. De partij wil opheldering over de kwestie en heeft schriftelijke_x000D_
    vragen ingediend. Verkeerde route De PvdA vindt dat de gemeenteraad eerst gepolst had moeten worden, voordat het college het plan afwees. "Volgens ons is de verkeerde route gekozen", zegt PvdA-raadslid Henk Santes.</text>_x000D_

Getting return value from stored procedure in C#

Suppose you need to pass Username and Password to Stored Procedure and know whether login is successful or not and check if any error has occurred in Stored Procedure.

public bool IsLoginSuccess(string userName, string password)
        SqlConnection SQLCon = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlConnector"].ConnectionString);
        SqlCommand sqlcomm = new SqlCommand();
        sqlcomm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        sqlcomm.CommandText = "spLoginCheck"; // Stored Procedure name
        sqlcomm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", userName); // Input parameters
        sqlcomm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", password); // Input parameters

        // Your output parameter in Stored Procedure           
        var returnParam1 = new SqlParameter
            ParameterName = "@LoginStatus",
            Direction = ParameterDirection.Output,
            Size = 1                    

        // Your output parameter in Stored Procedure  
        var returnParam2 = new SqlParameter
            ParameterName = "@Error",
            Direction = ParameterDirection.Output,
            Size = 1000                    


        string error = (string)sqlcomm.Parameters["@Error"].Value;
        string retunvalue = (string)sqlcomm.Parameters["@LoginStatus"].Value;                    
    catch (Exception ex)

    return false;

Your connection string in Web.Config

    <add name="SqlConnector"
         connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Databasename;User id=yourusername;Password=yourpassword"
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

And here is the Stored Procedure for reference

    @Username Varchar(100),
    @Password Varchar(100) ,
    @LoginStatus char(1) = null output,
    @Error Varchar(1000) output 


            SET @Error = 'None'
            SET @LoginStatus = ''

                SET @LoginStatus='Y'

                SET @LoginStatus='N'


            SET @Error = ERROR_MESSAGE()

Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?

p is the conversion specifier to print pointers. Use this.

int a = 42;

printf("%p\n", (void *) &a);

Remember that omitting the cast is undefined behavior and that printing with p conversion specifier is done in an implementation-defined manner.

how to set image from url for imageView


URL newurl = new URL(photo_url_str); 
mIcon_val = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(newurl.openConnection() .getInputStream()); 

More from

1) how-to-load-an-imageview-by-url-in-android.

2) android-make-an-image-at-a-url-equal-to-imageviews-image

Simple Java Client/Server Program

If you got your IP address from an external web site (, you have your external IP address. If your server is on the same local network, you may need an internal IP address instead. Local IP addresses look like 10.X.X.X, 172.X.X.X, or 192.168.X.X.

Try the suggestions on this page to find what your machine thinks its IP address is.

Max size of URL parameters in _GET

See What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?

The length of the url can't be changed in PHP. The linked question is about the URL size limit, you will find what you want.

Setting an HTML text input box's "default" value. Revert the value when clicking ESC

See the defaultValue property of a text input, it's also used when you reset the form by clicking an <input type="reset"/> button ( )

btw, defaultValue and placeholder text are different concepts, you need to see which one better fits your needs

How to search for a string in an arraylist

May be easier using a java.util.HashSet. For example:

  List <String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); 

  //Load the list into a hashSet
  Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(list);
  if (set.contains("bend"))
    System.out.println("String found!");

Excel VBA - How to Redim a 2D array?

I stumbled across this question while hitting this road block myself. I ended up writing a piece of code real quick to handle this ReDim Preserve on a new sized array (first or last dimension). Maybe it will help others who face the same issue.

So for the usage, lets say you have your array originally set as MyArray(3,5), and you want to make the dimensions (first too!) larger, lets just say to MyArray(10,20). You would be used to doing something like this right?

 ReDim Preserve MyArray(10,20) '<-- Returns Error

But unfortunately that returns an error because you tried to change the size of the first dimension. So with my function, you would just do something like this instead:

 MyArray = ReDimPreserve(MyArray,10,20)

Now the array is larger, and the data is preserved. Your ReDim Preserve for a Multi-Dimension array is complete. :)

And last but not least, the miraculous function: ReDimPreserve()

'redim preserve both dimensions for a multidimension array *ONLY
Public Function ReDimPreserve(aArrayToPreserve,nNewFirstUBound,nNewLastUBound)
    ReDimPreserve = False
    'check if its in array first
    If IsArray(aArrayToPreserve) Then       
        'create new array
        ReDim aPreservedArray(nNewFirstUBound,nNewLastUBound)
        'get old lBound/uBound
        nOldFirstUBound = uBound(aArrayToPreserve,1)
        nOldLastUBound = uBound(aArrayToPreserve,2)         
        'loop through first
        For nFirst = lBound(aArrayToPreserve,1) to nNewFirstUBound
            For nLast = lBound(aArrayToPreserve,2) to nNewLastUBound
                'if its in range, then append to new array the same way
                If nOldFirstUBound >= nFirst And nOldLastUBound >= nLast Then
                    aPreservedArray(nFirst,nLast) = aArrayToPreserve(nFirst,nLast)
                End If
        'return the array redimmed
        If IsArray(aPreservedArray) Then ReDimPreserve = aPreservedArray
    End If
End Function

I wrote this in like 20 minutes, so there's no guarantees. But if you would like to use or extend it, feel free. I would've thought that someone would've had some code like this up here already, well apparently not. So here ya go fellow gearheads.

How long is the SHA256 hash?

I prefer to use BINARY(32) since it's the optimized way!

You can place in that 32 hex digits from (00 to FF).

Therefore BINARY(32)!

How To Save Canvas As An Image With canvas.toDataURL()?

Instead of imageElement.src = myImage; you should use window.location = myImage;

And even after that the browser will display the image itself. You can right click and use "Save Link" for downloading the image.

Check this link for more information.

How to position text over an image in css

This is another method for working with Responsive sizes. It will keep your text centered and maintain its position within its parent. If you don't want it centered then it's even easier, just work with the absolute parameters. Keep in mind the main container is using display: inline-block. There are many others ways to do this, depending on what you're working on.

Based off of Centering the Unknown

Working codepen example here


<div class="containerBox">
    <div class="text-box">
        <h4>Your Text is responsive and centered</h4>
    <img class="img-responsive" src=""/>


.containerBox {
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
.text-box {
    position: absolute;    
    height: 100%;
    text-align: center;    
    width: 100%;
.text-box:before {
   content: '';
   display: inline-block;
   height: 100%;
   vertical-align: middle;
h4 {
   display: inline-block;
   font-size: 20px; /*or whatever you want*/
   color: #FFF;   
img {
  display: block;
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;

Convert InputStream to byte array in Java

Solution in Kotlin (will work in Java too, of course), which includes both cases of when you know the size or not:

    fun InputStream.readBytesWithSize(size: Long): ByteArray? {
        return when {
            size < 0L -> this.readBytes()
            size == 0L -> ByteArray(0)
            size > Int.MAX_VALUE -> null
            else -> {
                val sizeInt = size.toInt()
                val result = ByteArray(sizeInt)
                readBytesIntoByteArray(result, sizeInt)

    fun InputStream.readBytesIntoByteArray(byteArray: ByteArray,bytesToRead:Int=byteArray.size) {
        var offset = 0
        while (true) {
            val read =, offset, bytesToRead - offset)
            if (read == -1)
            offset += read
            if (offset >= bytesToRead)

If you know the size, it saves you on having double the memory used compared to the other solutions (in a brief moment, but still could be useful). That's because you have to read the entire stream to the end, and then convert it to a byte array (similar to ArrayList which you convert to just an array).

So, if you are on Android, for example, and you got some Uri to handle, you can try to get the size using this:

    fun getStreamLengthFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri): Long {
        context.contentResolver.query(uri, arrayOf(MediaStore.MediaColumns.SIZE), null, null, null)?.use {
            if (!it.moveToNext())
            val fileSize = it.getLong(it.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.MediaColumns.SIZE))
            if (fileSize > 0)
                return fileSize
        //if you wish, you can also get the file-path from the uri here, and then try to get its size, using this:
        FileUtilEx.getFilePathFromUri(context, uri, false)?.use {
            val file = it.file
            val fileSize = file.length()
            if (fileSize > 0)
                return fileSize
        context.contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)?.use { inputStream ->
            if (inputStream is FileInputStream)
            else {
                var bytesCount = 0L
                while (true) {
                    val available = inputStream.available()
                    if (available == 0)
                    val skip = inputStream.skip(available.toLong())
                    if (skip < 0)
                    bytesCount += skip
                if (bytesCount > 0L)
                    return bytesCount
        return -1L

How to apply shell command to each line of a command output?

i like to use gawk for running multiple commands on a list, for instance

ls -l | gawk '{system("/path/to/ "$1)}'

however the escaping of the escapable characters can get a little hairy.

Select multiple columns using Entity Framework

Here is a code sample:

var dataset = entities.processlists
    .Where(x => x.environmentID == environmentid && x.ProcessName == processname && x.RemoteIP == remoteip && x.CommandLine == commandlinepart)
    .Select(x => new PInfo 
                      ServerName = x.ServerName, 
                      ProcessID = x.ProcessID, 
                      UserName = x.Username 
                 }) AsEnumerable().
               Select(y => new PInfo
                   ServerName = y.ServerName,
                   ProcessID = y.ProcessID,
                   UserName = y.UserName 

How do I add items to an array in jQuery?

You are making an ajax request which is asynchronous therefore your console log of the list length occurs before the ajax request has completed.

The only way of achieving what you want is changing the ajax call to be synchronous. You can do this by using the .ajax and passing in asynch : false however this is not recommended as it locks the UI up until the call has returned, if it fails to return the user has to crash out of the browser.

Count number of cells with any value (string or number) in a column in Google Docs Spreadsheet

In the cell you want your result to appear, use the following formula:


That will count all cells which have a value and ignore all empty cells in the range of A1 to A200.

How to get just the responsive grid from Bootstrap 3?

Made a Grunt build with the Bootstrap 3.3.5 grid only:

~10KB minimized.

If you need some other parts from Bootstrap just include them in /src/less/bootstrap.less.

How to trigger button click in MVC 4

yo can try this code

@using (Html.BeginForm("SignUp", "Account", FormMethod.Post)){<fieldset>
    <legend>Sign Up</legend>
                @Html.Label("User Name")
                @Html.TextBoxFor(account => account.Username)
                @Html.TextBoxFor(account => account.Email)
                @Html.TextBoxFor(account => account.Password)
                @Html.Label("Confirm Password")
                <input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Sign Up" />

What is Java Servlet?

A servlet at its very core is a java class; which can handle HTTP requests. Typically the internal nitty-gritty of reading a HTTP request and response over the wire is taken care of by the containers like Tomcat. This is done so that as a server side developer you can focus on what to do with the HTTP request and responses and not bother about dealing with code that deals with networking etc. The container will take care of things like wrapping the whole thing in a HTTP response object and send it over to the client (say a browser).

Now the next logical question to ask is who decides what is a container supposed to do? And the answer is; In Java world at least It is guided (note I did not use the word controlled) by specifications. For example Servlet specifications (See resource 2) dictates what a servlet must be able to do. So if you can write an implementation for the specification, congratulations you just created a container (Technically containers like Tomcat also implement other specifications and do tricky stuff like custom class loaders etc but you get the idea).

Assuming you have a container, your servlets are now java classes whose lifecycle will be maintained by the container but their reaction to incoming HTTP requests will be decided by you. You do that by writing what-you-want-to-do in the pre-defined methods like init(), doGet(), doPost() etc. Look at Resource 3.

Here is a fun exercise for you. Create a simple servlet like in Resource 3 and write a few System.out.println() statements in it's constructor method (Yes you can have a constructor of a servlet), init(), doGet(), doPost() methods and run the servlet in tomcat. See the console logs and tomcat logs.

Hope this helps, happy learning.


  1. Look how the HTTP servlet looks here(Tomcat example).

  2. Servlet Specification.

  3. Simple Servlet example.

  4. Start reading the book online/PDF It also provides you download of the whole book. May be this will help. if you are just starting servlets may be it's a good idea to read the material along with the servlet API. it's a slower process of learning, but is way more helpful in getting the basics clear.

How to remove the border highlight on an input text element

You could use CSS to disable that! This is the code I use for disabling the blue border:

*:focus {
    outline: none;

This is a working example

Animate an element's width from 0 to 100%, with it and it's wrapper being only as wide as they need to be, without a pre-set width, in CSS3 or jQuery

Got it to work by transitioning the padding as well as the width.


<div class='label gray'>+
</div><!-- must be connected to prevent gap --><div class='contents-wrapper'>
    <div class="gray contents">These are the contents of this div</div>
.gray {
    background: #ddd;
.contents-wrapper, .label, .contents {
    display: inline-block;
.label, .contents {
    overflow: hidden; /* must be on both divs to prevent dropdown behavior */
    height: 20px;
.label {
    padding: 10px 10px 15px;
.contents {
    padding: 10px 0px 15px; /* no left-right padding at beginning */
    white-space: nowrap; /* keeps text all on same line */
    width: 0%;
    -webkit-transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
    transition: width 1s ease-in-out, padding-left 1s ease-in-out, 
        padding-right 1s ease-in-out;
.label:hover + .contents-wrapper .contents {
    width: 100%;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;

How can I disable mod_security in .htaccess file?

For anyone that simply are looking to bypass the ERROR page to display the content on shared hosting. You might wanna try and use redirect in .htaccess file. If it is say 406 error, on UnoEuro it didn't seem to work simply deactivating the security. So I used this instead:

ErrorDocument 406 /

Then you can always change the error status using PHP. But be aware that in my case doing so means I am opening a door to SQL injections as I am bypassing WAF. So you will need to make sure that you either have your own security measures or enable the security again asap.

Python - PIP install trouble shooting - PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied

I have the same error. Not sure why it happened. But I managed to upgrade by running:

pip install setuptools --upgrade --ignore-installed

After that, I used a PowerShell or Command Prompt - cmd in administrator mode to install the package:

pip install the-package

# or
easy_install the-package

Also, what they have already suggested: Installing packages using pip and virtual environments , which is the best practice for new projects.

How do I get specific properties with Get-AdUser

This worked for me as well:

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "ou=OU,dc=Domain,dc=com" -Properties Enabled, CanonicalName, Displayname, Givenname, Surname, EmployeeNumber, EmailAddress, Department, StreetAddress, Title | select Enabled, CanonicalName, Displayname, GivenName, Surname, EmployeeNumber, EmailAddress, Department, Title | Export-CSV "C:\output.csv"

OnClick vs OnClientClick for an asp:CheckBox?

One solution is with JQuery:

    function () {
        $('#mycheckboxId').click(function () {
               // here the action or function to call

AngularJS : When to use service instead of factory

There is nothing a Factory cannot do or does better in comparison with a Service. And vice verse. Factory just seems to be more popular. The reason for that is its convenience in handling private/public members. Service would be more clumsy in this regard. When coding a Service you tend to make your object members public via “this” keyword and may suddenly find out that those public members are not visible to private methods (ie inner functions).

var Service = function(){

  this.age = 13;

  function getAge(){

    return this.age; //private does not see public


  console.log("age: " + getAge());


var s = new Service(); //prints 'age: undefined'

Angular uses the “new” keyword to create a service for you, so the instance Angular passes to the controller will have the same drawback. Of course you may overcome the problem by using this/that:

var Service = function(){

  var that = this;

  this.age = 13;

  function getAge(){

    return that.age;


  console.log("age: " + getAge());


var s = new Service();// prints 'age: 13'  

But with a large Service constant this\that-ing would make the code poorly readable. Moreover, the Service prototypes will not see private members – only public will be available to them:

var Service = function(){

  var name = "George";


Service.prototype.getName = function(){

  return; //will not see a private member


var s = new Service();
console.log("name: " + s.getName());//prints 'name: undefined'

Summing it up, using Factory is more convenient. As Factory does not have these drawbacks. I would recommend using it by default.

How to decrease prod bundle size?

If you have run ng build --prod - you shouldn't have vendor files at all.

If I run just ng build - I get these files:

enter image description here

The total size of the folder is ~14MB. Waat! :D

But if I run ng build --prod - I get these files:

enter image description here

The total size of the folder is 584K.

One and the same code. I have enabled Ivy in both cases. Angular is 8.2.13.

So - I guess you didn't add --prod to your build command?

How to fix a locale setting warning from Perl

Try to reinstall:

localess apt-get install --reinstall locales

Read more in How to change the default locale

Using .text() to retrieve only text not nested in child tags

Not sure how flexible or how many cases you need it to cover, but for your example, if the text always comes before the first HTML tags – why not just split the inner html at the first tag and take the former:


and if you need it wider maybe just


and if you need the text between two markers, like after one thing but before another, you can do something like (untested) and use if statements to make it flexible enough to have a start or end marker or both, while avoiding null ref errors:

var startMarker = '';// put any starting marker here
var endMarker = '<';// put the end marker here
var myText = String( $('#listItem').html() );
// if the start marker is found, take the string after it
myText = myText.split(startMarker)[1];        
// if the end marker is found, take the string before it
myText = myText.split(endMarker)[0];
console.log(myText); // output text between the first occurrence of the markers, assuming both markers exist.  If they don't this will throw an error, so some if statements to check params is probably in order...

I generally make utility functions for useful things like this, make them error free, and then rely on them frequently once solid, rather than always rewriting this type of string manipulation and risking null references etc. That way, you can re-use the function in lots of projects and never have to waste time on it again debugging why a string reference has an undefined reference error. Might not be the shortest 1 line code ever, but after you have the utility function, it is one line from then on. Note most of the code is just handling parameters being there or not to avoid errors :)

For example:

* Get the text between two string markers.
function textBetween(__string,__startMark,__endMark){
    var hasText = typeof __string !== 'undefined' && __string.length > 0;
    if(!hasText) return __string;
    var myText = String( __string );
    var hasStartMarker = typeof __startMark !== 'undefined' && __startMark.length > 0 && __string.indexOf(__startMark)>=0;
    var hasEndMarker =  typeof __endMark !== 'undefined' && __endMark.length > 0 && __string.indexOf(__endMark) > 0;
    if( hasStartMarker )  myText = myText.split(__startMark)[1];
    if( hasEndMarker )    myText = myText.split(__endMark)[0];
    return myText;

// now with 1 line from now on, and no jquery needed really, but to use your example:
var textWithNoHTML = textBetween( $('#listItem').html(), '', '<'); // should return text before first child HTML tag if the text is on page (use document ready etc)

Setting selected option in laravel form

You can also try this for limited options:

          <select class="form-control required" id="assignedRole">
            <option id = "employeeRole" selected ="@if($employee->employee_role=='Employee'){'selected'}else{''} @endif">Employee</option>
            <option id = "adminRole" selected ="@if($employee->employee_role=='Admin'){'selected'}else{''} @endif">Admin</option>
            <option id = "employerRole" selected ="@if($employee->employee_role=='Employer'){'selected'}else{''} @endif">Employer</option>

What's the fastest way in Python to calculate cosine similarity given sparse matrix data?

Hi you can do it this way

    temp = sp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(3, 59))
    temp1 = temp.tocsr()

    #Cosine similarity
    row_sums = ((temp1.multiply(temp1)).sum(axis=1))
    rows_sums_sqrt = np.array(np.sqrt(row_sums))[:,0]
    row_indices, col_indices = temp1.nonzero() /= rows_sums_sqrt[row_indices]
    temp2 = temp1.transpose()
    temp3 = temp1*temp2

Text file with 0D 0D 0A line breaks

Apple mail has also been known to make an encoding error on text and csv attachments outbound. In essence it replaces line terminators with soft line breaks on each line, which look like =0D in the encoding. If the attachment is emailed to Outlook, Outlook sees the soft line breaks, removes the = then appends real line breaks i.e. 0D0A so you get 0D0D0A (cr cr lf) at the end of each line. The encoding should be =0D= if it is a mac format file (or any other flavour of unix) or =0D0A= if it is a windows format file.

If you are emailing out from apple mail (in at least mavericks or yosemite), making the attachment not a text or csv file is an acceptable workaround e.g. compress it.

The bug also exists if you are running a windows VM under parallels and email a txt file from there using apple mail. It is the email encoding. Form previous comments here, it looks like netscape had the same issue.

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

Just go to the combo box properties - DropDownStyle and change it to "DropDownList"

This will make visible the first item.

How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

You can also use pgfutter, or, even better, pgcsv.

These tools create the table columns from you, based on the CSV header.

pgfutter is quite buggy, I'd recommend pgcsv.

Here's how to do it with pgcsv:

sudo pip install pgcsv
pgcsv --db 'postgresql://localhost/postgres?user=postgres&password=...' my_table my_file.csv

Click to call html

tl;dr What to do in modern (2018) times? Assume tel: is supported, use it and forget about anything else.

The tel: URI scheme RFC5431 (as well as sms: but also feed:, maps:, youtube: and others) is handled by protocol handlers (as mailto: and http: are).

They're unrelated to HTML5 specification (it has been out there from 90s and documented first time back in 2k with RFC2806) then you can't check for their support using tools as modernizr. A protocol handler may be installed by an application (for example Skype installs a callto: protocol handler with same meaning and behaviour of tel: but it's not a standard), natively supported by browser or installed (with some limitations) by website itself.

What HTML5 added is support for installing custom web based protocol handlers (with registerProtocolHandler() and related functions) simplifying also the check for their support through isProtocolHandlerRegistered() function.

There is some easy ways to determine if there is an handler or not:" How to detect browser's protocol handlers?).

In general what I suggest is:

  1. If you're running on a mobile device then you can safely assume tel: is supported (yes, it's not true for very old devices but IMO you can ignore them).
  2. If JS isn't active then do nothing.
  3. If you're running on desktop browsers then you can use one of the techniques in the linked post to determine if it's supported.
  4. If tel: isn't supported then change links to use callto: and repeat check desctibed in 3.
  5. If tel: and callto: aren't supported (or - in a desktop browser - you can't detect their support) then simply remove that link replacing URL in href with javascript:void(0) and (if number isn't repeated in text span) putting, telephone number in title. Here HTML5 microdata won't help users (just search engines). Note that newer versions of Skype handle both callto: and tel:.

Please note that (at least on latest Windows versions) there is always a - fake - registered protocol handler called App Picker (that annoying window that let you choose with which application you want to open an unknown file). This may vanish your tests so if you don't want to handle Windows environment as a special case you can simplify this process as:

  1. If you're running on a mobile device then assume tel: is supported.
  2. If you're running on desktop then replace tel: with callto:. then drop tel: or leave it as is (assuming there are good chances Skype is installed).

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

'some+multi+word+string'.replace(/\+/g, ' ');

'g' = "global"


Getting value from a cell from a gridview on RowDataBound event

Just use a loop to check your cell in a gridview for example:

for (int i = 0; i < GridView2.Rows.Count; i++)
    string vr;
    vr = GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[4].Text; // here you go vr = the value of the cel
    if (vr  == "0") // you can check for anything
        GridView2.Rows[i].Cells[4].Text = "Done";
        // you can format this cell 

run main class of Maven project

Try the maven-exec-plugin. From there:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.Main"

This will run your class in the JVM. You can use -Dexec.args="arg0 arg1" to pass arguments.

If you're on Windows, apply quotes for exec.mainClass and exec.args:

mvn exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="com.example.Main"

If you're doing this regularly, you can add the parameters into the pom.xml as well:


org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request

This is what worked for me. Issue is earlier I didn't set Content Type(header) when I used exchange method.

MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map.add("param1", "123");
map.add("param2", "456");
map.add("param3", "789");
map.add("param4", "123");
map.add("param5", "456");

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

final HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> entity = new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>>(map ,
JSONObject jsonObject = null;

try {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
            "https://url", HttpMethod.POST, entity,

    if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED) {
        try {
            jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseEntity.getBody());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JSONException occurred");
  } catch (final HttpClientErrorException httpClientErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallBadRequestException();
  } catch (HttpServerErrorException httpServerErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(httpServerErrorException);
  } catch (Exception exception) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(exception);

ExternalCallBadRequestException and ExternalCallServerErrorException are the custom exceptions here.

Note: Remember HttpClientErrorException is thrown when a 4xx error is received. So if the request you send is wrong either setting header or sending wrong data, you could receive this exception.

What is the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy?

var source = { firstName="Jane", lastname="Jones" };
var shallow = ShallowCopyOf(source);
var deep = DeepCopyOf(source);
source.lastName = "Smith";
WriteLine(source.lastName); // prints Smith
WriteLine(shallow.lastName); // prints Smith
WriteLine(deep.lastName); // prints Jones

Filter element based on .data() key/value

We can make a plugin pretty easily:

$.fn.filterData = function(key, value) {
    return this.filter(function() {
        return $(this).data(key) == value;

Usage (checking a radio button):


Getting the filenames of all files in a folder

Create a File object, passing the directory path to the constructor. Use the listFiles() to retrieve an array of File objects for each file in the directory, and then call the getName() method to get the filename.

List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();

File[] files = new File("/path/to/the/directory").listFiles();
//If this pathname does not denote a directory, then listFiles() returns null. 

for (File file : files) {
    if (file.isFile()) {

Copy filtered data to another sheet using VBA

Best way of doing it

Below code is to copy the visible data in DBExtract sheet, and paste it into duplicateRecords sheet, with only filtered values. Range selected by me is the maximum range that can be occupied by my data. You can change it as per your need.

  Sub selectVisibleRange()

    Dim DbExtract, DuplicateRecords As Worksheet
    Set DbExtract = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Export Worksheet")
    Set DuplicateRecords = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DuplicateRecords")

    DuplicateRecords.Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial

    End Sub

Save internal file in my own internal folder in Android

The answer of Mintir4 is fine, I would also do the following to load the file.

FileInputStream fis = myContext.openFileInput(fn);
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
String s = "";

while ((s = r.readLine()) != null) {
    txt += s;


Try reinstalling `node-sass` on node 0.12?

My issue was that I was on a machine with node version 0.12.2, but that had an old 1.x.x version of npm. Be sure to update your version of npm: sudo npm install -g npm Once that is done, remove any existing node-sass and reinstall it via npm.

Initialize value of 'var' in C# to null

The var keyword in C#'s main benefit is to enhance readability, not functionality. Technically, the var keywords allows for some other unlocks (e.g. use of anonymous objects), but that seems to be outside the scope of this question. Every variable declared with the var keyword has a type. For instance, you'll find that the following code outputs "String".

var myString = "";

Furthermore, the code above is equivalent to:

String myString = "";

The var keyword is simply C#'s way of saying "I can figure out the type for myString from the context, so don't worry about specifying the type."

var myVariable = (MyType)null or MyType myVariable = null should work because you are giving the C# compiler context to figure out what type myVariable should will be.

For more information:

Best way to check that element is not present using Selenium WebDriver with java

WebElement element = driver.findElement(locator);

The above assertion will pass if element is not present.

Add all files to a commit except a single file?

git add .
git reset main/dontcheckmein.txt

PL/SQL, how to escape single quote in a string?

In addition to DCookie's answer above, you can also use chr(39) for a single quote.

I find this particularly useful when I have to create a number of insert/update statements based on a large amount of existing data.

Here's a very quick example:

Lets say we have a very simple table, Customers, that has 2 columns, FirstName and LastName. We need to move the data into Customers2, so we need to generate a bunch of INSERT statements.

Select 'INSERT INTO Customers2 (FirstName, LastName) ' ||
       'VALUES (' || chr(39) || FirstName || chr(39) ',' || 
       chr(39) || LastName || chr(39) || ');' From Customers;

I've found this to be very useful when moving data from one environment to another, or when rebuilding an environment quickly.

exit application when click button - iOS

exit(X), where X is a number (according to the doc) should work. But it is not recommended by Apple and won't be accepted by the AppStore. Why? Because of these guidelines (one of my app got rejected):

We found that your app includes a UI control for quitting the app. This is not in compliance with the iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.

Please refer to the attached screenshot/s for reference.

The iOS Human Interface Guidelines specify,

"Always Be Prepared to Stop iOS applications stop when people press the Home button to open a different application or use a device feature, such as the phone. In particular, people don’t tap an application close button or select Quit from a menu. To provide a good stopping experience, an iOS application should:

Save user data as soon as possible and as often as reasonable because an exit or terminate notification can arrive at any time.

Save the current state when stopping, at the finest level of detail possible so that people don’t lose their context when they start the application again. For example, if your app displays scrolling data, save the current scroll position."

> It would be appropriate to remove any mechanisms for quitting your app.

Plus, if you try to hide that function, it would be understood by the user as a crash.

How to combine two vectors into a data frame

df = data.frame(cond=c(rep("x",3),rep("y",3)),rating=c(x,y))

Invert colors of an image in CSS or JavaScript

For inversion from 0 to 1 and back you can use this library InvertImages, which provides support for IE 10. I also tested with IE 11 and it should work.

How to get current date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format in ASP.NET?

Which WebControl are you using? Did you try?


how to change directory using Windows command line

Another alternative is pushd, which will automatically switch drives as needed. It also allows you to return to the previous directory via popd:

C:\Temp>pushd D:\some\folder

How do I properly 'printf' an integer and a string in C?

You're on the right track. Here's a corrected version:

char str[10];
int n;

printf("type a string: ");
scanf("%s %d", str, &n);

printf("%s\n", str);
printf("%d\n", n);

Let's talk through the changes:

  1. allocate an int (n) to store your number in
  2. tell scanf to read in first a string and then a number (%d means number, as you already knew from your printf

That's pretty much all there is to it. Your code is a little bit dangerous, still, because any user input that's longer than 9 characters will overflow str and start trampling your stack.

Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String`

This is the generic method that I use to convert any object that might be a DBNull.Value:

public static T ConvertDBNull<T>(object value, Func<object, T> conversionFunction)
    return conversionFunction(value == DBNull.Value ? null : value);


var result = command.ExecuteScalar();

return result.ConvertDBNull(Convert.ToInt32);


return command

How to convert date to timestamp in PHP?

If you want to know for sure whether a date gets parsed into something you expect, you can use DateTime::createFromFormat():

$d = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y', '22-09-2008');
if ($d === false) {
    die("Woah, that date doesn't look right!");
echo $d->format('Y-m-d'), PHP_EOL;
// prints 2008-09-22

It's obvious in this case, but e.g. 03-04-2008 could be 3rd of April or 4th of March depending on where you come from :)

presenting ViewController with NavigationViewController swift

I used an extension to UIViewController and a struct to make sure that my current view is presented from the favourites

1.Struct for a global Bool

struct PresentedFromFavourites {
static var comingFromFav = false}

2.UIVeiwController extension: presented modally as in the second option by "stefandouganhyde - Option 2 " and solving the back

extension UIViewController {
func returnToFavourites()
    // you return to the storyboard wanted by changing the name
    let storyBoard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle:nil)
    let mainNavigationController = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "HomeNav") as! UINavigationController
    // Set animated to false
    let favViewController = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Favourites")
    self.present(mainNavigationController, animated: false, completion: {
        mainNavigationController.pushViewController(favViewController, animated: false)

// call this function in viewDidLoad()
func addBackToFavouritesButton()
    if PresentedFromFavourites.comingFromFav
        //Create a button
        // I found this good for most size classes
        let buttonHeight = (self.navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.size.height)! - 15
        let rect = CGRect(x: 2, y: 8, width: buttonHeight, height: buttonHeight)
        let aButton = UIButton(frame: rect)
        // Down a back arrow image from icon8 for free and add it to your image assets  
        aButton.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "backArrow"), for: .normal)
        aButton.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
        aButton.addTarget(self, action:#selector(self.returnToFavourites), for: .touchUpInside)
        PresentedFromFavourites.comingFromFav = false


How to refresh activity after changing language (Locale) inside application

If I imagined that you set android:configChanges in manifest.xml and create several directory for several language such as: values-fr OR values-nl, I could suggest this code(In Activity class):

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
    btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            // change language by onclick a button
             Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
             newConfig.locale = Locale.FRENCH;

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {

    getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(newConfig, getBaseContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics());

    // Checks the active language
    if (newConfig.locale == Locale.ENGLISH) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "English", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } else if (newConfig.locale == Locale.FRENCH){
        Toast.makeText(this, "French", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

I tested this code, It is correct.

MySQL error 1241: Operand should contain 1 column(s)

Another way to make the parser raise the same exception is the following incorrect clause.

FROM roles r
WHERE id IN ( SELECT role_id ,
                 FROM role_members m
                 WHERE = m.role_id
                 AND m.system_user_id = intIdSystemUser

The nested SELECT statement in the IN clause returns two columns, which the parser sees as operands, which is technically correct, since the id column matches values from but one column (role_id) in the result returned by the nested select statement, which is expected to return a list.

For sake of completeness, the correct syntax is as follows.

FROM roles r
WHERE id IN ( SELECT role_id
                 FROM role_members m
                 WHERE = m.role_id
                 AND m.system_user_id = intIdSystemUser

The stored procedure of which this query is a portion not only parsed, but returned the expected result.

Update Query with INNER JOIN between tables in 2 different databases on 1 server

//For Access Database:
UPDATE ((tblEmployee
LEFT JOIN tblCity ON (tblEmployee.CityCode = tblCity.CityCode))
LEFT JOIN tblCountry ON (tblEmployee.CountryCode = tblCountryCode))
SET tblEmployee.CityName = tblCity.CityName, 
tblEmployee.CountryName = tblCountry.CountryName
WHERE (tblEmployee.CityName = '' OR tblEmployee.CountryName = '')

What is the 'override' keyword in C++ used for?

override is a C++11 keyword which means that a method is an "override" from a method from a base class. Consider this example:

   class Foo
        virtual void func1();

   class Bar : public Foo
        void func1() override;

If B::func1() signature doesn't equal A::func1() signature a compilation error will be generated because B::func1() does not override A::func1(), it will define a new method called func1() instead.

Listview Scroll to the end of the list after updating the list

A combination of TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL and setSelection made it work for me

ChatAdapter adapter = new ChatAdapter(this);

ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById(;

adapter.registerDataSetObserver(new DataSetObserver() {
    public void onChanged() {
        lv.setSelection(adapter.getCount() - 1);    

Simple IEnumerator use (with example)

I'd do something like:

private IEnumerable<string> DoWork(IEnumerable<string> data)
    List<string> newData = new List<string>();
    foreach(string item in data)
        newData.Add(item + "roxxors");
    return newData;

Simple stuff :)

Stored Procedure error ORA-06550

Could you try this one:

create or replace 
procedure point_triangle
    dbms_output.put_line(thisteam.FIRSTNAME|| ' ' || thisteam.LASTNAME  || ':' || thisteam.S);


How to import data from one sheet to another


You can do it with a simple VLOOKUP formula. I've put the data in the same sheet, but you can also reference a different worksheet. For the price column just change the last value from 2 to 3, as you are referencing the third column of the matrix "A2:C4". VLOOKUP example

External Reference

To reference a cell of the same Workbook use the following pattern:




To reference a cell of a different Workbook use this pattern:




How to check if an array element exists?

You can use either the language construct isset, or the function array_key_exists.

isset should be a bit faster (as it's not a function), but will return false if the element exists and has the value NULL.

For example, considering this array :

$a = array(
    123 => 'glop', 
    456 => null, 

And those three tests, relying on isset :


The first one will get you (the element exists, and is not null) :

boolean true

While the second one will get you (the element exists, but is null) :

boolean false

And the last one will get you (the element doesn't exist) :

boolean false

On the other hand, using array_key_exists like this :

var_dump(array_key_exists(123, $a));
var_dump(array_key_exists(456, $a));
var_dump(array_key_exists(789, $a));

You'd get those outputs :

boolean true
boolean true
boolean false

Because, in the two first cases, the element exists -- even if it's null in the second case. And, of course, in the third case, it doesn't exist.

For situations such as yours, I generally use isset, considering I'm never in the second case... But choosing which one to use is now up to you ;-)

For instance, your code could become something like this :

if (!isset(self::$instances[$instanceKey])) {
    $instances[$instanceKey] = $theInstance;

Non-resolvable parent POM for Could not find artifact and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM

You need to have the file /root/test/devenv/openstack-rhel/pom.xml

This file need to have the followings elements:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

How to add image for button in android?

        android:text="News Feed"
        android:icon="@drawable/newsfeed" />

newsfeed is image in the drawable folder

Chrome extension id - how to find it

Extension IDs can be found in:

chrome://extensions (Chrome_Hotdog >> More_tools >> Extensions) Developer mode.

For Linux: $HOME/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences (json file) under ["extensions"].

PHP strtotime +1 month adding an extra month

Maybe because its 2013-01-29 so +1 month would be 2013-02-29 which doesn't exist so it would be 2013-03-01

You could try

date('m/d/y h:i a',(strtotime('next month',strtotime(date('m/01/y')))));

from the comments on

PostgreSQL column 'foo' does not exist

As others suggested in comments, this is probably a matter of upper-case versus lower-case, or some whitespace in the column name. (I'm using an answer so I can format some code samples.) To see what the column names really are, try running this query:

SELECT '"' || attname || '"', char_length(attname)
  FROM pg_attribute
  WHERE attrelid = 'table_name'::regclass AND attnum > 0
  ORDER BY attnum;

You should probably also check your PostgreSQL server log if you can, to see what it reports for the statement.

If you quote an identifier, everything in quotes is part of the identifier, including upper-case characters, line endings, spaces, and special characters. The only exception is that two adjacent quote characters are taken as an escape sequence for one quote character. When an identifier is not in quotes, all letters are folded to lower-case. Here's an example of normal behavior:

test=# create table t (alpha text, Bravo text, "Charlie" text, "delta " text);
test=# select * from t where Alpha is null;
 alpha | bravo | Charlie | delta  
(0 rows)

test=# select * from t where bravo is null;
 alpha | bravo | Charlie | delta  
(0 rows)

test=# select * from t where Charlie is null;
ERROR:  column "charlie" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from t where Charlie is null;
test=# select * from t where delta is null;
ERROR:  column "delta" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from t where delta is null;

The query I showed at the top yields this:

 ?column?  | char_length 
 "alpha"   |           5
 "bravo"   |           5
 "Charlie" |           7
 "delta "  |           6
(4 rows)

What is an IIS application pool?

Basically, an application pool is a way to create compartments in a web server through process boundaries, and route sets of URLs to each of these compartments. See more info here:

$(document).on('click', '#id', function() {}) vs $('#id').on('click', function(){})

The first example demonstrates event delegation. The event handler is bound to an element higher up the DOM tree (in this case, the document) and will be executed when an event reaches that element having originated on an element matching the selector.

This is possible because most DOM events bubble up the tree from the point of origin. If you click on the #id element, a click event is generated that will bubble up through all of the ancestor elements (side note: there is actually a phase before this, called the 'capture phase', when the event comes down the tree to the target). You can capture the event on any of those ancestors.

The second example binds the event handler directly to the element. The event will still bubble (unless you prevent that in the handler) but since the handler is bound to the target, you won't see the effects of this process.

By delegating an event handler, you can ensure it is executed for elements that did not exist in the DOM at the time of binding. If your #id element was created after your second example, your handler would never execute. By binding to an element that you know is definitely in the DOM at the time of execution, you ensure that your handler will actually be attached to something and can be executed as appropriate later on.

How can I generate random alphanumeric strings?

The main goals of my code are:

  1. The distribution of strings is almost uniform (don't care about minor deviations, as long as they're small)
  2. It outputs more than a few billion strings for each argument set. Generating an 8 character string (~47 bits of entropy) is meaningless if your PRNG only generates 2 billion (31 bits of entropy) different values.
  3. It's secure, since I expect people to use this for passwords or other security tokens.

The first property is achieved by taking a 64 bit value modulo the alphabet size. For small alphabets (such as the 62 characters from the question) this leads to negligible bias. The second and third property are achieved by using RNGCryptoServiceProvider instead of System.Random.

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

public static string GetRandomAlphanumericString(int length)
    const string alphanumericCharacters =
        "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
    return GetRandomString(length, alphanumericCharacters);

public static string GetRandomString(int length, IEnumerable<char> characterSet)
    if (length < 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("length must not be negative", "length");
    if (length > int.MaxValue / 8) // 250 million chars ought to be enough for anybody
        throw new ArgumentException("length is too big", "length");
    if (characterSet == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("characterSet");
    var characterArray = characterSet.Distinct().ToArray();
    if (characterArray.Length == 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("characterSet must not be empty", "characterSet");

    var bytes = new byte[length * 8];
    var result = new char[length];
    using (var cryptoProvider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        ulong value = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, i * 8);
        result[i] = characterArray[value % (uint)characterArray.Length];
    return new string(result);

How to determine the current language of a wordpress page when using polylang?

We can use the get_locale function:

if (get_locale() == 'en_GB') {
    // drink tea

What exactly is the 'react-scripts start' command?

"start" is a name of a script, in npm you run scripts like this npm run scriptName, npm start is also a short for npm run start

As for "react-scripts" this is a script related specifically to create-react-app

pip install: Please check the permissions and owner of that directory

I also saw this change on my Mac when I went from running pip to sudo pip. Adding -H to sudo causes the message to go away for me. E.g.

sudo -H pip install foo

man sudo tells me that -H causes sudo to set $HOME to the target users (root in this case).

So it appears pip is looking into $HOME/Library/Log and sudo by default isn't setting $HOME to /root/. Not surprisingly ~/Library/Log is owned by you as a user rather than root.

I suspect this is some recent change in pip. I'll run it with sudo -H for now to work around.

How to debug a referenced dll (having pdb)

If you have a project reference, it should work immediately.

If it is a file (dll) reference, you need the debugging symbols (the "pdb" file) to be in the same folder as the dll. Check that your projects are generating debug symbols (project properties => Build => Advanced => Output / Debug Info = full); and if you have copied the dll, put the pdb with it.

You can also load symbols directly in the IDE if you don't want to copy any files, but it is more work.

The easiest option is to use project references!

HTTP could not register URL http://+:8000/HelloWCF/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace

The simple thing you need to do is to close your Visual Studio environment and open it again by using 'Run as administrator'. It should now run successfully.

How do you run a single query through mysql from the command line?

If it's a query you run often, you can store it in a file. Then any time you want to run it:

mysql < thefile

(with all the login and database flags of course)

Best /Fastest way to read an Excel Sheet into a DataTable?

The below code is tested by myself and is very simple, understandable, usable and fast. This code, initially takes all sheet names, then puts all tables of that excel file in a DataSet.

    public static DataSet ToDataSet(string exceladdress, int startRecord = 0, int maxRecord = -1, string condition = "")
        DataSet result = new DataSet();
        using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(
                ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" + exceladdress + "';" + "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;'"
                : "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='" + exceladdress + "';Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"))
                DataTable schema = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);
                foreach (DataRow drSheet in schema.Rows)
                    if (drSheet["TABLE_NAME"].ToString().Contains("$"))
                        string s = drSheet["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
                        if (s.StartsWith("'")) s = s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2);
                        System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter command =
                            new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(string.Join("", "SELECT * FROM [", s, "] ", condition), connection);
                        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                        if (maxRecord > -1 && startRecord > -1) command.Fill(startRecord, maxRecord, dt);
                        else command.Fill(dt);
                return result;
            catch (Exception ex) { return null; }
            finally { connection.Close(); }


gitx How do I get my 'Detached HEAD' commits back into master

If checkout master was the last thing you did, then the reflog entry HEAD@{1} will contain your commits (otherwise use git reflog or git log -p to find them). Use git merge HEAD@{1} to fast forward them into master.


As noted in the comments, Git Ready has a great article on this.

git reflog and git reflog --all will give you the commit hashes of the mis-placed commits.

Git Ready: Reflog, Your Safety Net


How do I add the contents of an iterable to a set?

for item in items:

For the record, I think the assertion that "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." is bogus. It makes an assumption that many technical minded people make, that everyone thinks alike. What is obvious to one person is not so obvious to another.

I would argue that my proposed solution is clearly readable, and does what you ask. I don't believe there are any performance hits involved with it--though I admit I might be missing something. But despite all of that, it might not be obvious and preferable to another developer.

ActiveXObject creation error " Automation server can't create object"

I have the same problem , it solved by registering the dll

at project properties => build => register for COM interop => check it

How to vertically align a html radio button to it's label?

Adding display:inline-block to the labels and giving them padding-top would fix this, I think. Also, just setting the line-height on the labels would also.

Show two digits after decimal point in c++

Using header file stdio.h you can easily do it as usual like c. before using %.2lf(set a specific number after % specifier.) using printf().

It simply printf specific digits after decimal point.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
   double total=100;
   printf("%.2lf",total);//this prints 100.00 like as C

Convert object string to JSON

Douglas Crockford has a converter, but I'm not sure it will help with bad JSON to good JSON.

How to use Typescript with native ES6 Promises

Using native ES6 Promises with Typescript in Visual Studio 2015 + Node.js tools 1.2

No npm install required as ES6 Promises is native.

Node.js project -> Properties -> Typescript Build tab ECMAScript version = ECMAScript6

import http = require('http');
import fs = require('fs');

function findFolderAsync(directory : string): Promise<string> {

    let p = new Promise<string>(function (resolve, reject) {

        fs.stat(directory, function (err, stats) {

            //Check if error defined and the error code is "not exists"
            if (err && err.code === "ENOENT") {
                reject("Directory does not exist");
            else {
                resolve("Directory exists");

    return p;


    function (msg : string) {
        console.log("Promise resolved as " + msg); 
    function (msg : string) {
        console.log("Promise rejected as " + msg); 

socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use

I am new to Python, but after my brief research I found out that this is typical of sockets being binded. It just so happens that the socket is still being used and you may have to wait to use it. Or, you can just add:

tcpSocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

This should make the port available within a shorter time. In my case, it made the port available almost immediately.

push object into array

Well, ["Title", "Ramones"] is an array of strings. But [{"01":"Title", "02", "Ramones"}] is an array of object.

If you are willing to push properties or value into one object, you need to access that object and then push data into that. Example: nietos[indexNumber].yourProperty=yourValue; in real application:

nietos[0].02 = "Ramones";

If your array of object is already empty, make sure it has at least one object, or that object in which you are going to push data to.

Let's say, our array is myArray[], so this is now empty array, the JS engine does not know what type of data does it have, not string, not object, not number nothing. So, we are going to push an object (maybe empty object) into that array. myArray.push({}), or myArray.push({""}).

This will push an empty object into myArray which will have an index number 0, so your exact object is now myArray[0]

Then push property and value into that like this:

myArray[0].property = value;
//in your case:
myArray[0]["01"] = "value";

How to change the name of a Django app?

Why not just use the option Find and Replace. (every code editor has it)?

For example Visual Studio Code (under Edit option):

Visual Studio Code option: 'Replace in files'

You just type in old name and new name and replace everyhting in the project with one click.

NOTE: This renames only file content, NOT file and folder names. Do not forget renaming folders, eg. templates/my_app_name/ rename it to templates/my_app_new_name/

How to clear form after submit in Angular 2?

Here is how I do it in Angular 7.3

// you can put this method in a module and reuse it as needed
resetForm(form: FormGroup) {


    Object.keys(form.controls).forEach(key => {
      form.get(key).setErrors(null) ;

There was no need to call form.clearValidators()

MySQL Sum() multiple columns

SELECT student, (SUM(mark1)+SUM(mark2)+SUM(mark3)....+SUM(markn)) AS Total
 FROM your_table
 GROUP BY student

How do you make strings "XML safe"?

1) You can wrap your text as CDATA like this:

    <![CDATA[Your text goes here. Btw: 5<6 and 6>5]]>


2) As already someone said: Escape those chars. E.g. like so:

5&lt;6 and 6&gt;5

IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

The question as answered by Daniel is perfctly fine. I wanted to leave a note regarding NULLS. We should be carefull about using NOT IN operator when a column contains NULL values. You won't get any output if your column contains NULL values and you are using the NOT IN operator. This is how it's explained over here , a very good article which I came across and thought of sharing it.

iTunes Connect: How to choose a good SKU?

You are able to choose one that you like, but it has to be unique.

Every time I have to enter the SKU I use the App identifier (e.g. de.mycompany.myappname) because this is already unique.

Return index of greatest value in an array

If you are utilizing underscore, you can use this nice short one-liner:

_.indexOf(arr, _.max(arr))

It will first find the value of the largest item in the array, in this case 22. Then it will return the index of where 22 is within the array, in this case 2.

How create Date Object with values in java

I think the best way would be using a SimpleDateFormat object.

DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String dateString = "2014-02-11";
Date dateObject = sdf.parse(dateString); // Handle the ParseException here

Double Iteration in List Comprehension

This flatten_nlevel function calls recursively the nested list1 to covert to one level. Try this out

def flatten_nlevel(list1, flat_list):
    for sublist in list1:
        if isinstance(sublist, type(list)):        
            flatten_nlevel(sublist, flat_list)

list1 = [1,[1,[2,3,[4,6]],4],5]

items = []


[1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 4, 5]

Correct syntax to compare values in JSTL <c:if test="${values.type}=='object'">

The comparison needs to be evaluated fully inside EL ${ ... }, not outside.

<c:if test="${values.type eq 'object'}">

As to the docs, those ${} things are not JSTL, but EL (Expression Language) which is a whole subject at its own. JSTL (as every other JSP taglib) is just utilizing it. You can find some more EL examples here.

<c:if test="#{bean.booleanValue}" />
<c:if test="#{bean.intValue gt 10}" />
<c:if test="#{bean.objectValue eq null}" />
<c:if test="#{bean.stringValue ne 'someValue'}" />
<c:if test="#{not empty bean.collectionValue}" />
<c:if test="#{not bean.booleanValue and bean.intValue ne 0}" />
<c:if test="#{bean.enumValue eq 'ONE' or bean.enumValue eq 'TWO'}" />

See also:

By the way, unrelated to the concrete problem, if I guess your intent right, you could also just call Object#getClass() and then Class#getSimpleName() instead of adding a custom getter.

<c:forEach items="${list}" var="value">
    <c:if test="${value['class'].simpleName eq 'Object'}">
        <!-- code here -->

See also:

How do I include the string header?

Sources telling you to use apstring.h are materials for the Advanced Placement course in computer science. It describes a string class that you'll use through the course, and some of the exam questions may refer to it and expect you to be moderately familiar with it. Unless you're enrolled in that class or studying to take that exam, ignore those sources.

Sources telling you to use string.h are either not really talking about C++, or are severely outdated. You should probably ignore them, too. That header is for the C functions for manipulating null-terminated arrays of characters, also known as C-style strings.

In C++, you should use the string header. Write #include <string> at the top of your file. When you declare a variable, the type is string, and it's in the std namespace, so its full name is std::string. You can avoid having to write the namespace portion of that name all the time by following the example of lots of introductory texts and saying using namespace std at the top of the C++ source files (but generally not at the top of any header files you might write).

How to implement the Java comparable interface?

You just have to define that Animal implements Comparable<Animal> i.e. public class Animal implements Comparable<Animal>. And then you have to implement the compareTo(Animal other) method that way you like it.

public int compareTo(Animal other) {
    return, other.year_discovered);

Using this implementation of compareTo, animals with a higher year_discovered will get ordered higher. I hope you get the idea of Comparable and compareTo with this example.

git command to move a folder inside another

One of the nicest things about git is that you don't need to track file renames explicitly. Git will figure it out by comparing the contents of the files.

So, in your case, don't work so hard:

$ mkdir include
$ mv common include
$ git rm -r common
$ git add include/common

Running git status should show you something like this:

$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   renamed:    common/file.txt -> include/common/file.txt

How to use regex with find command?

The -regex find expression matches the whole name, including the relative path from the current directory. For find . this always starts with ./, then any directories.

Also, these are emacs regular expressions, which have other escaping rules than the usual egrep regular expressions.

If these are all directly in the current directory, then

find . -regex '\./[a-f0-9\-]\{36\}\.jpg'

should work. (I'm not really sure - I can't get the counted repetition to work here.) You can switch to egrep expressions by -regextype posix-egrep:

find . -regextype posix-egrep -regex '\./[a-f0-9\-]{36}\.jpg'

(Note that everything said here is for GNU find, I don't know anything about the BSD one which is also the default on Mac.)

How to delete only the content of file in python

You can do this:

def deleteContent(pfile): 
    return open(fn,'w')

add id to dynamically created <div>

Not sure if this is the best way, but it works.

if (cartDiv == null) {
    cartDiv = "<div id='unique_id'></div>"; // document.createElement('div');

Simpler way to create dictionary of separate variables?

import re
import traceback

pattren = re.compile(r'[\W+\w+]*get_variable_name\((\w+)\)')
def get_variable_name(x):
    return pattren.match( traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0][3]) .group(1)

a = 1
b = a
c = b
print get_variable_name(a)
print get_variable_name(b)
print get_variable_name(c)

A python class that acts like dict

Don’t inherit from Python built-in dict, ever! for example update method woldn't use __setitem__, they do a lot for optimization. Use UserDict.

from collections import UserDict

class MyDict(UserDict):
    def __delitem__(self, key):
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):

How to sum digits of an integer in java?

shouldn't you be able to do it recursively something like so? I'm kinda new to programming but I traced this out and I think it works.

int sum(int n){
return n%10 + sum(n/10);

IF EXISTS condition not working with PLSQL

IF EXISTS() is semantically incorrect. EXISTS condition can be used only inside a SQL statement. So you might rewrite your pl/sql block as follows:

  l_exst number(1);
  select case 
           when exists(select ce.s_regno 
                         from courseoffering co
                         join co_enrolment ce
                           on ce.co_id = co.co_id
                        where ce.s_regno=403 
                          and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
                          and ce.c_id = 803
                          and rownum = 1
           then 1
           else 0
         end  into l_exst
  from dual;

  if l_exst = 1 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT'); 
  end if;

Or you can simply use count function do determine the number of rows returned by the query, and rownum=1 predicate - you only need to know if a record exists:

  l_exst number;
   select count(*) 
     into l_exst
     from courseoffering co
          join co_enrolment ce
            on ce.co_id = co.co_id
    where ce.s_regno=403 
      and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
      and ce.c_id = 803
      and rownum = 1;

  if l_exst = 0
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
  end if;

Setting the number of map tasks and reduce tasks

From your log I understood that you have 12 input files as there are 12 local maps generated. Rack Local maps are spawned for the same file if some of the blocks of that file are in some other data node. How many data nodes you have?

What are the benefits of using C# vs F# or F# vs C#?

F# is essentially the C++ of functional programming languages. They kept almost everything from Objective Caml, including the really stupid parts, and threw it on top of the .NET runtime in such a way that it brings in all the bad things from .NET as well.

For example, with Objective Caml you get one type of null, the option<T>. With F# you get three types of null, option<T>, Nullable<T>, and reference nulls. This means if you have an option you need to first check to see if it is "None", then you need to check if it is "Some(null)".

F# is like the old Java clone J#, just a bastardized language just to attract attention. Some people will love it, a few of those will even use it, but in the end it is still a 20-year-old language tacked onto the CLR.

The VMware Authorization Service is not running

I have a similar problem: I have to start manually this service once in a while. For those of you who have the same problem you can create a bat file and execute it when the service is not running (VMAuthdService service). This doesn't solve the problem, it's just a kind of workaround. The content of the file is the following:

:: BatchGotAdmin
REM  --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )

    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    exit /B

    if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

net start VMAuthdService

Name the file Start Auth VmWare.bat

How to add composite primary key to table

If using Sql Server Management Studio Designer just select both rows (Shift+Click) and Set Primary Key.

enter image description here

constant pointer vs pointer on a constant value

The easiest way to understand the difference is to think of the different possibilities. There are two objects to consider, the pointer and the object pointed to (in this case 'a' is the name of the pointer, the object pointed to is unnamed, of type char). The possibilities are:

  1. nothing is const
  2. the pointer is const
  3. the object pointed to is const
  4. both the pointer and the pointed to object are const.

These different possibilities can be expressed in C as follows:

  1. char * a;
  2. char * const a;
  3. const char * a;
  4. const char * const a;

I hope this illustrates the possible differences

Replace non-numeric with empty string

try this

public static string cleanPhone(string inVal)
            char[] newPhon = new char[inVal.Length];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (char c in inVal)
                if (c.CompareTo('0') > 0 && c.CompareTo('9') < 0)
                    newPhon[i++] = c;
            return newPhon.ToString();

How to send and retrieve parameters using $state.go toParams and $stateParams?

All I had to do was add a parameter to the url state definition like so

url: '/toState?referer'


Bootstrap 3: Scroll bars

You need to use the overflow option, but with the following parameters:

.nav {

Use overflow-y:auto; so the scrollbar only appears when the content exceeds the maximum height.

If you use overflow-y:scroll, the scrollbar will always be visible - on all .nav - regardless if the content exceeds the maximum heigh or not.

Presumably you want something that adapts itself to the content rather then the the opposite.

Hope it may helpful

Regex match digits, comma and semicolon?

boolean foundMatch = Pattern.matches("[0-9,;]+", "131;23,87");

How to use boolean datatype in C?

C99 has a boolean datatype, actually, but if you must use older versions, just define a type:

typedef enum {false=0, true=1} bool;

How to split data into training/testing sets using sample function


GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

This error will also occur when we simply declare a virtual function without any definition in the base class.

For example:

class Base
    virtual void method1(); // throws undefined reference error.


Change the above declaration to the below one, it will work fine.

class Base
    virtual void method1()

How can I mix LaTeX in with Markdown?

I was looking for exactly the same thing when I found teqhtml. It does the conversion of $ and $$ equations to images with the nice bonus of aligning the resulting image vertically with the surrounding text. Not a lot of doc but it's quite straightforward.

Hope it helps some future readers.

How can I check the extension of a file?

An old thread, but may help future readers...

I would avoid using .lower() on filenames if for no other reason than to make your code more platform independent. (linux is case sensistive, .lower() on a filename will surely corrupt your logic eventually ...or worse, an important file!)

Why not use re? (Although to be even more robust, you should check the magic file header of each file... How to check type of files without extensions in python? )

import re

def checkext(fname):   

flist = ['myfile.mp3', 'myfile.MP3','myfile.mP3','myfile.mp4','myfile.flack','myfile.FLAC',

for f in flist:
    print "{} ==> {}".format(f,checkext(f)) 


myfile.mp3 ==> mp3
myfile.MP3 ==> mp3
myfile.mP3 ==> mp3
myfile.mp4 ==> skip
myfile.flack ==> skip
myfile.FLAC ==> flac
myfile.Mov ==> skip
myfile.fLaC ==> flac

Python: fastest way to create a list of n lists

So I did some speed comparisons to get the fastest way. List comprehensions are indeed very fast. The only way to get close is to avoid bytecode getting exectuded during construction of the list. My first attempt was the following method, which would appear to be faster in principle:

l = [[]]
for _ in range(n): l.extend(map(list,l))

(produces a list of length 2**n, of course) This construction is twice as slow as the list comprehension, according to timeit, for both short and long (a million) lists.

My second attempt was to use starmap to call the list constructor for me, There is one construction, which appears to run the list constructor at top speed, but still is slower, but only by a tiny amount:

from itertools import starmap
l = list(starmap(list,[()]*(1<<n)))

Interesting enough the execution time suggests that it is the final list call that is makes the starmap solution slow, since its execution time is almost exactly equal to the speed of:

l = list([] for _ in range(1<<n))

My third attempt came when I realized that list(()) also produces a list, so I tried the apperently simple:

l = list(map(list, [()]*(1<<n)))

but this was slower than the starmap call.

Conclusion: for the speed maniacs: Do use the list comprehension. Only call functions, if you have to. Use builtins.

Getting JavaScript object key list

var obj = {
  key1: 'value1',
  key2: 'value2',
  key3: 'value3',
  key4: 'value4'
var keys = [];

for (var k in obj) keys.push(k);

console.log("total " + keys.length + " keys: " + keys);

re.sub erroring with "Expected string or bytes-like object"

I suppose better would be to use re.match() function. here is an example which may help you.

import re
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize'punkt')
sentences = word_tokenize("I love to learn NLP \n 'a :(")
#for i in range(len(sentences)):
sentences = [word.lower() for word in sentences if re.match('^[a-zA-Z]+', word)]  

Are arrays in PHP copied as value or as reference to new variables, and when passed to functions?

When an array is passed to a method or function in PHP, it is passed by value unless you explicitly pass it by reference, like so:

function test(&$array) {
    $array['new'] = 'hey';

$a = $array(1,2,3);
// prints [0=>1,1=>2,2=>3]
// prints [0=>1,1=>2,2=>3,'new'=>'hey']

In your second question, $b is not a reference to $a, but a copy of $a.

Much like the first example, you can reference $a by doing the following:

$a = array(1,2,3);
$b = &$a;
// prints [0=>1,1=>2,2=>3]
$b['new'] = 'hey';
// prints [0=>1,1=>2,2=>3,'new'=>'hey']

C++11 thread-safe queue

There is also GLib solution for this case, I did not try it yet, but I believe it is a good solution.

Can I set background image and opacity in the same property?

I had a similar issue. I had an image and wanted to reduce the transparency and have a black background behind the image. Instead of reducing the opacity or creating a black background or any secondary div I set a linear-gradient to the image all on one line:

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8) 100%), url("/img/picture.png");

What exactly is Apache Camel?

If you have 5 to 10 minutes, I generally recommend people to read this Integration with Apache Camel by Jonathan Anstey. It's a well written piece which gives a brief introduction to and overview of some of Camel's concepts, and it implements a use case with code samples. In it, Jonathan writes:

Apache Camel is an open source Java framework that focuses on making integration easier and more accessible to developers. It does this by providing:

  • concrete implementations of all the widely used Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs)
  • connectivity to a great variety of transports and APIs
  • easy to use Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to wire EIPs and transports together

There is also a free chapter of Camel in Action (Camel in Action, 2nd ed. is here) which introduces Camel in the first chapter. Jonathan is a co-author on that book with me.

Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. Why?

It runs successfully the first time, but if I run it again, I keep getting a System.OutOfMemoryException. What are some reasons this could be happening?

Regardless of what the others have said, the error has nothing to do with forgetting to dispose your DBCommand or DBConnection, and you will not fix your error by disposing of either of them.

The error has everything to do with your dataset which contains nearly 600,000 rows of data. Apparently your dataset consumes more than 50% of the available memory on your machine. Clearly, you'll run out of memory when you return another dataset of the same size before the first one has been garbage collected. Simple as that.

You can remedy this problem in a few ways:

  • Consider returning fewer records. I personally can't imagine a time when returning 600K records has ever been useful to a user. To minimize the records returned, try:

    • Limiting your query to the first 1000 records. If there are more than 1000 results returned from the query, inform the user to narrow their search results.

    • If your users really insist on seeing that much data at once, try paging the data. Remember: Google never shows you all 22 bajillion results of a search at once, it shows you 20 or so records at a time. Google probably doesn't hold all 22 bajillion results in memory at once, it probably finds its more memory efficient to requery its database to generate a new page.

  • If you just need to iterate through the data and you don't need random access, try returning a datareader instead. A datareader only loads one record into memory at a time.

If none of those are an option, then you need to force .NET to free up the memory used by the dataset before calling your method using one of these methods:

  • Remove all references to your old dataset. Anything holding on to a refenence of your dataset will prevent it from being reclaimed by memory.

  • If you can't null all the references to your dataset, clear all of the rows from the dataset and any objects bound to those rows instead. This removes references to the datarows and allows them to be eaten by the garbage collector.

I don't believe you'll need to call GC.Collect() to force a gen cycle. Not only is it generally a bad idea to call GC.Collect(), because sufficient memory pressure will cause .NET invoke the garbage collector on its own.

Note: calling Dispose on your dataset does not free any memory, nor does it invoke the garbage collector, nor does it remove a reference to your dataset. Dispose is used to clean up unmanaged resources, but the DataSet does not have any unmanaged resources. It only implements IDispoable because it inherents from MarshalByValueComponent, so the Dispose method on the dataset is pretty much useless.

Creating a JSON response using Django and Python

Most of these answers are out of date. JsonResponse is not recommended because it escapes the characters, which is usually undesired. Here's what I use: (returns HTML)

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.core import serializers

def your_view(request):
    data = serializers.serialize('json', YourModel.objects.all())
    context = {"data":data}
    return render(request, "your_view.html", context) (returns JSON)

from django.core import serializers
from django.http import HttpResponse

def your_view(request):
    data = serializers.serialize('json', YourModel.objects.all())
    return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')

Bonus for Vue Users

If you want to bring your Django Queryset into Vue, you can do the following.


<div id="dataJson" style="display:none">
{{ data }}

let dataParsed = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('dataJson').textContent);
var app = new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    yourVariable: dataParsed,

Error when trying to inject a service into an angular component "EXCEPTION: Can't resolve all parameters for component", why?

As already stated, the issue is caused by the export ordering within the barrel which is caused by circular dependencies.

A more detailed explanation is here:

How to put a component inside another component in Angular2?

If you remove directives attribute it should work.

    selector: 'parent',
    template: `
            <h1>Parent Component</h1>
    export class ParentComponent{}

    selector: 'child',    
    template: `
            <h4>Child Component</h4>
    export class ChildComponent{}

Directives are like components but they are used in attributes. They also have a declarator @Directive. You can read more about directives Structural Directives and Attribute Directives.

There are two other kinds of Angular directives, described extensively elsewhere: (1) components and (2) attribute directives.

A component manages a region of HTML in the manner of a native HTML element. Technically it's a directive with a template.

Also if you are open the glossary you can find that components are also directives.

Directives fall into one of the following categories:

  • Components combine application logic with an HTML template to render application views. Components are usually represented as HTML elements. They are the building blocks of an Angular application.

  • Attribute directives can listen to and modify the behavior of other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented as HTML attributes, hence the name.

  • Structural directives are responsible for shaping or reshaping HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating elements and their children.

The difference that components have a template. See Angular Architecture overview.

A directive is a class with a @Directive decorator. A component is a directive-with-a-template; a @Component decorator is actually a @Directive decorator extended with template-oriented features.

The @Component metadata doesn't have directives attribute. See Component decorator.

C++ Array Of Pointers

What you want is:

Foo *array[10]; // array of 10 Foo pointers

Not to be confused with:

Foo (*array)[10]; // pointer to array of 10 Foos

In either case, nothing will be automatically initialized because these represent pointers to Foos that have yet to be assigned to something (e.g. with new).

I finally "got" pointer/array declaration syntax in C when I realized that it describes how you access the base type. Foo *array[5][10]; means that *array[0..4][0..9] (subscript on an array of 5 items, then subscript on an array of 10 items, then dereference as a pointer) will access a Foo object (note that [] has higher precedence than *).

This seems backwards. You would think that int array[5][10]; (a.k.a. int (array[5])[10];) is an array of 10 int array[5]. Suppose this were the case. Then you would access the last element of the array by saying array[9][4]. Doesn't that look backwards too? Because a C array declaration is a pattern indicating how to get to the base type (rather than a composition of array expressions like one might expect), array declarations and code using arrays don't have to be flipflopped.

How does one get started with procedural generation?

If you want an example of a world generator simulation plates tectonics, erosion, rain-shadow, etc. take a look at:

On top of that there is also a civilizations evolution simulator:

A blog full on interesting resource is:

It is abandoned now but you should read all its posts

How to get the difference between two arrays of objects in JavaScript

Most generic and simple way:

findObject(listOfObjects, objectToSearch) {
    let found = false, matchingKeys = 0;
    for(let object of listOfObjects) {
        found = false;
        matchingKeys = 0;
        for(let key of Object.keys(object)) {
            if(object[key]==objectToSearch[key]) matchingKeys++;
        if(matchingKeys==Object.keys(object).length) {
            found = true;
    return found;

get_removed_list_of_objects(old_array, new_array) {
    // console.log('old:',old_array);
    // console.log('new:',new_array);
    let foundList = [];
    for(let object of old_array) {
        if(!this.findObject(new_array, object)) foundList.push(object);
    return foundList;

get_added_list_of_objects(old_array, new_array) {
    let foundList = [];
    for(let object of new_array) {
        if(!this.findObject(old_array, object)) foundList.push(object);
    return foundList;