Programs & Examples On #Brushes

'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dll

To diagnose this issue, place the line of code causing the TargetInvocationException inside the try block.

To troubleshoot this type of error, get the inner exception. It could be due to a number of different issues.

    // code causing TargetInvocationException
catch (Exception e)
    if (e.InnerException != null)
    string err = e.InnerException.Message;

Clear image on picturebox

clear pictureBox in c# winform Application Simple way to clear pictureBox in c# winform Application

C# : changing listbox row color?

First use this Namespace:

using System.Drawing;

Add this anywhere on your form:

listBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
listBox.DrawItem += listBox_DrawItem;

Here is the Event Handler:

private void listBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)

     Graphics g = e.Graphics;
     g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), e.Bounds);
     ListBox lb = (ListBox)sender;
     g.DrawString(lb.Items[e.Index].ToString(), e.Font, new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new PointF(e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y));


What's the difference between StaticResource and DynamicResource in WPF?

Important benefit of the dynamic resources

if application startup takes extremely long time, you must use dynamic resources, because static resources are always loaded when the window or app is created, while dynamic resources are loaded when they’re first used.

However, you won’t see any benefit unless your resource is extremely large and complex.

How to get exact browser name and version?

Since some codes gave a wrong result for Edge and Opera, I suggest to try this code:

$popularBrowsers = ["Opera","OPR/", "Edg", "Chrome", "Safari", "Firefox", "MSIE", "Trident"];

$userAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$userBrowser = 'Other less popular browsers';
foreach ($popularBrowsers as $browser) {
    if (strpos($userAgent, $browser) !== false) {
        $userBrowser = $browser;

switch ($userBrowser) {
    case 'OPR/':
        $userBrowser = 'Opera';
    case 'MSIE':
        $userBrowser = 'Internet Explorer';

    case 'Trident':
        $userBrowser = 'Internet Explorer';

    case 'Edg':
        $userBrowser = 'Microsoft Edge';

echo "Your browser: " . $userBrowser;

For information about agent strings for different browsers and some similarities in them, please refer to:

How to add google-play-services.jar project dependency so my project will run and present map

Some of the solutions described here did not work for me. Others did, however they produced warnings on runtime and javadoc was still not linked. After some experimenting, I managed to solve this. The steps are:

  1. Install the Google Play Services as recommended on Android Developers.

  2. Set up your project as recommended on Android Developers.

  3. If you followed 1. and 2., you should see two projects in your workspace: your project and google-play-services_lib project. Copy the docs folder which contains the javadoc from <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/ to libs folder of your project.

  4. Copy google-play-services.jar from <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs to 'libs' folder of your project.

  5. In google-play-services_lib project, edit libs/ . The <path> in doc=<path> should point to the subfolder reference of the folder docs, which you created in step 3.

  6. In Eclipse, do Project > Clean. Done, javadoc is now linked.

Regular expression for exact match of a string

if you have a the input password in a variable and you want to match exactly 123456 then anchors will help you:


in perl the test for matching the password would be something like

print "MATCH_OK" if ($input_pass=~/^123456$/);


bart kiers is right tho, why don't you use a strcmp() for this? every language has it in its own way

as a second thought, you may want to consider a safer authentication mechanism :)

Dependent DLL is not getting copied to the build output folder in Visual Studio

Just a sidenote to Overlord Zurg's answer.

I've added the dummy reference this way, and it worked in Debug mode:

public class DummyClass
    private static void Dummy()
        var dummy = typeof(AbcDll.AnyClass);

But in Release mode, the dependent dll still did not get copied.
This worked however:

public class DummyClass
    private static void Dummy()
        Action<Type> noop = _ => {};
        var dummy = typeof(AbcDll.AnyClass);

This infomation actually costed me hours to figure out, so I thought I share it.

Python: how to capture image from webcam on click using OpenCV

Here is a simple programe to capture a image from using laptop default camera.I hope that this will be very easy method for all.

import cv2

# 1.creating a video object
video = cv2.VideoCapture(0) 
# 2. Variable
a = 0
# 3. While loop
while True:
    a = a + 1
    # 4.Create a frame object
    check, frame =
    # Converting to grayscale
    #gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # the frame!
    # 6.for playing 
    key = cv2.waitKey(1)
    if key == ord('q'):
# 7. image saving
showPic = cv2.imwrite("filename.jpg",frame)
# 8. shutdown the camera

You can see my github code here

How to save all files from source code of a web site?

In Chrome, go to options (Customize and Control, the 3 dots/bars at top right) ---> More Tools ---> save page as

save page as  
filename     : any_name.html 
save as type : webpage complete.

Then you will get any_name.html and any_name folder.

remove duplicates from sql union

Union will remove duplicates. Union All does not.

Regexp Java for password validation

RegEx is -

  1. at least 8 digits {8,}
  2. at least one number (?=.*\d)
  3. at least one lowercase (?=.*[a-z])
  4. at least one uppercase (?=.*[A-Z])
  5. at least one special character (?=.*[@#$%^&+=])
  6. No space [^\s]

How to convert char to integer in C?

In the old days, when we could assume that most computers used ASCII, we would just do

int i = c[0] - '0';

But in these days of Unicode, it's not a good idea. It was never a good idea if your code had to run on a non-ASCII computer.

Edit: Although it looks hackish, evidently it is guaranteed by the standard to work. Thanks @Earwicker.

I lose my data when the container exits

When you use docker run to start a container, it actually creates a new container based on the image you have specified.

Besides the other useful answers here, note that you can restart an existing container after it exited and your changes are still there.

docker start f357e2faab77 # restart it in the background
docker attach f357e2faab77 # reattach the terminal & stdin

Time stamp in the C programming language

This will give you the time in seconds + microseconds

#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec // seconds
tv.tv_usec // microseconds

Clear input fields on form submit

Still using empty strings you can use:

document.getElementById("name").value = '';
document.getElementById("review").value = '';

ReactJS and images in public folder

You should use webpack here to make your life easier. Add below rule in your config:

const srcPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'publicfolder')

const rules = []

const includePaths = [
    // handle images
      test: /\.(png|gif|jpe?g|svg|ico)$/,
      include: includePaths,
      use: [{
        loader: 'file-loader',
        options: {
          name: 'images/[name]-[hash].[ext]'

After this, you can simply import the images into your react components:

import myImage from 'publicfolder/images/Image1.png'

Use myImage like below:

<div><img src={myImage}/></div>

or if the image is imported into local state of component

<div><img src={this.state.myImage}/></div> 

iPhone system font


Specific font

Setting a specific font in Swift is done like this:

let myFont = UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17)

If you don't know the name, you can get a list of the available font names like this:


Or an even more detailed list like this:

for familyName in UIFont.familyNames() {

But the system font changes from version to version of iOS. So it would be better to get the system font dynamically.

System font

let myFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(17)

But we have the size hard-coded in. What if the user's eyes are bad and they want to make the font larger? Of course, you could make a setting in your app for the user to change the font size, but this would be annoying if the user had to do this separately for every single app on their phone. It would be easier to just make one change in the general settings...

Dynamic font

let myFont = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .body)

Ah, now we have the system font at the user's chosen size for the Text Style we are working with. This is the recommended way of setting the font. See Supporting Dynamic Type for more info on this.


Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/


/# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 39384516   9886300  80% /

Ok, let's first try system prune

#/ docker system prune --volumes
/# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 38613596  10657220  79% /

Not so great, seems like it cleaned up a few megabytes. Let's go crazy now:

/# sudo su
/# service docker stop
/# cd /var/lib/docker
/var/lib/docker# rm -rf *
/# service docker start
/var/lib/docker# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 8086924  41183892  17% /

Nice! Just remember that this is NOT recommended in anything but a throw-away server. At this point Docker's internal database won't be able to find any of these overlays and it may cause unintended consequences.

Reading settings from app.config or web.config in .NET

Step 1: Right-click on references tab to add reference.

Step 2: Click on Assemblies tab

Step 3: Search for 'System.Configuration'

Step 4: Click OK.

Then it will work.

 string value = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["keyname"];

Can you have multiple $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); sections?

You can even nest document ready functions inside included html files. Here's an example using jquery:

File: test_main.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>

    <div id="main-container">

    $(document).ready( function()
        console.log( 'test_main.html READY' );
    } );


File: test_embed.html

    $(document).ready( function()
        console.log( 'test_embed.html READY' );
    } );

Console output:

test_main.html READY                       test_main.html:15
test_embed.html READY                      (program):4

Browser shows:


What is the $? (dollar question mark) variable in shell scripting?

$? is used to find the return value of the last executed command. Try the following in the shell:

ls somefile
echo $?

If somefile exists (regardless whether it is a file or directory), you will get the return value thrown by the ls command, which should be 0 (default "success" return value). If it doesn't exist, you should get a number other then 0. The exact number depends on the program.

For many programs you can find the numbers and their meaning in the corresponding man page. These will usually be described as "exit status" and may have their own section.

How do I share variables between different .c files?

The 2nd file needs to know about the existance of your variable. To do this you declare the variable again but use the keyword extern in front of it. This tells the compiler that the variable is available but declared somewhere else, thus prevent instanciating it (again, which would cause clashes when linking). While you can put the extern declaration in the C file itself it's common style to have an accompanying header (i.e. .h) file for each .c file that provides functions or variables to others which hold the extern declaration. This way you avoid copying the extern declaration, especially if it's used in multiple other files. The same applies for functions, though you don't need the keyword extern for them.

That way you would have at least three files: the source file that declares the variable, it's acompanying header that does the extern declaration and the second source file that #includes the header to gain access to the exported variable (or any other symbol exported in the header). Of course you need all source files (or the appropriate object files) when trying to link something like that, as the linker needs to resolve the symbol which is only possible if it actually exists in the files linked.

How to format date in angularjs

This will work:

{{ oD.OrderDate.replace('/Date(','').replace(')/','') | date:"MM/dd/yyyy" }}

NOTE: once you replace these then remaining date/millis will be converted to given foramt.

How do I get rid of the b-prefix in a string in python?

you need to decode the bytes of you want a string:

b = b'1234'
print(b.decode('utf-8'))  # '1234'

Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 1, current count = 0

Avoid using


statement when you are using





statements in SQL stored procedures

Java ArrayList of Arrays?

ArrayList<String[]> action = new ArrayList<String[]>();

Don't need String[2];

fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees

I used:

 git reset --hard

I lost some changes, but this is ok.

Want to upgrade project from Angular v5 to Angular v6

As Vinay Kumar pointed out that it will not update global installed Angular CLI. To update it globally just use following commands:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Note if you want to update existing project you have to modify existing project, you should change package.json inside your project.

There are no breaking changes in Angular itself but they are in RxJS, so don't forget to use rxjs-compat library to work with legacy code.

  npm install --save rxjs-compat  

I wrote a good article about installation/updating Angular CLI

Count indexes using "for" in Python

In additon to other answers - very often, you do not have to iterate using the index but you can simply use a for-each expression:

my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
for item in my_list:
    print item

How to get an Instagram Access Token

This worked just fine for me:

FYI, I used it in combination with the jQuery Instagram plugin which you'll find here;

Find all stored procedures that reference a specific column in some table

You can use the below query to identify the values. But please keep in mind that this will not give you the results from encrypted stored procedure.

FROM syscomments comments
    ,sys.objects objects
WHERE = objects.object_id
    AND TEXT LIKE '%CreatedDate%'

Deserialize JSON array(or list) in C#

Download Json.NET from here

name deserializedName = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<name>(jsonData);

Can (a== 1 && a ==2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true?

I think this is the minimal code to implement it:

if (a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3) {_x000D_
  console.log('Mind === Blown');_x000D_

Creating a dummy object with a custom valueOf that increments a global variable i on each call. 23 characters!

ImportError: No module named mysql.connector using Python2

I had a file named in the folder. That's why it gave an error because it tried to call it in the import process.

import mysql.connector

I solved the problem by changing the file name.

Change Timezone in Lumen or Laravel 5

After changing app.php, make sure you run:

 php artisan config:clear

This is needed to clear the cache of config settings. If you notice that your timestamps are still wrong after changing the timezone in your app.php file, then running the above command should refresh everything, and your new timezone should be effective.

CSS transition between left -> right and top -> bottom positions

For elements with dynamic width it's possible to use transform: translateX(-100%); to counter the horizontal percentage value. This leads to two possible solutions:

1. Option: moving the element in the entire viewport:

Transition from:

transform: translateX(0);


transform: translateX(calc(100vw - 100%));

#viewportPendulum {_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  animation: 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate swingViewport;_x000D_
  /* just for styling purposes */_x000D_
  background: #c70039;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
@keyframes swingViewport {_x000D_
  from {_x000D_
    transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    transform: translateX(calc(100vw - 100%));_x000D_
<div id="viewportPendulum">Viewport</div>

2. Option: moving the element in the parent container:

Transition from:

transform: translateX(0);
left: 0;


left: 100%;
transform: translateX(-100%);

#parentPendulum {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  animation: 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate swingParent;_x000D_
  /* just for styling purposes */_x000D_
  background: #c70039;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
@keyframes swingParent {_x000D_
  from {_x000D_
    transform: translateX(0);_x000D_
    left: 0;_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    left: 100%;_x000D_
    transform: translateX(-100%);_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  padding: 2rem 0;_x000D_
  margin: 2rem 15%;_x000D_
  background: #eee;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div id="parentPendulum">Parent</div>_x000D_

Demo on Codepen

Note: This approach can easily be extended to work for vertical positioning. Visit example here.

When to use a linked list over an array/array list?

Linked lists are preferable over arrays when:

  1. you need constant-time insertions/deletions from the list (such as in real-time computing where time predictability is absolutely critical)

  2. you don't know how many items will be in the list. With arrays, you may need to re-declare and copy memory if the array grows too big

  3. you don't need random access to any elements

  4. you want to be able to insert items in the middle of the list (such as a priority queue)

Arrays are preferable when:

  1. you need indexed/random access to elements

  2. you know the number of elements in the array ahead of time so that you can allocate the correct amount of memory for the array

  3. you need speed when iterating through all the elements in sequence. You can use pointer math on the array to access each element, whereas you need to lookup the node based on the pointer for each element in linked list, which may result in page faults which may result in performance hits.

  4. memory is a concern. Filled arrays take up less memory than linked lists. Each element in the array is just the data. Each linked list node requires the data as well as one (or more) pointers to the other elements in the linked list.

Array Lists (like those in .Net) give you the benefits of arrays, but dynamically allocate resources for you so that you don't need to worry too much about list size and you can delete items at any index without any effort or re-shuffling elements around. Performance-wise, arraylists are slower than raw arrays.

How to change the cursor into a hand when a user hovers over a list item?

Simply just do something like this:

li { 
  cursor: pointer;

I apply it on your code to see how it works:

li {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_

Note: Also DO not forget you can have any hand cursor with customised cursor, you can create fav hand icon like this one for example:

div {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 400px;_x000D_
  height: 400px;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  cursor: url( 4 12, auto;_x000D_

How to detect when an @Input() value changes in Angular?

Basically both suggested solutions work fine in most cases. My main negative experience with ngOnChange() is the lack of type safety.

In one of my projects I did some renaming, following which some of the magic strings remained unchanged, and the bug of course took some time to surface.

Setters do not have that issue: your IDE or compiler will let you know of any mismatch.

Use own username/password with git and bitbucket

Are you sure you aren't pushing over SSH? Maybe check the email associated with your SSH key in bitbucket if you have one.

How to replicate vector in c?

Here's my implementation. It's basicaly a struct containing pointer to the data, size (in elements), overall allocated space and a size of the type that's being stored in vector to allow use of void pointer.

How to pass a value to razor variable from javascript variable?

Razor View Server Side variable can be read to Client Side JavaScript using @ While and JavaScript client side variable can read to Razor View using @:

Connect to mysql in a docker container from the host

In your terminal run: docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash Then: mysql

Box shadow for bottom side only

Specify negative value to spread value. This works for me:

box-shadow: 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

Your app is attempting to parse the undefined JSON web token. Such malfunction may occur due to the wrong usage of the local storage. Try to clear your local storage.

Example for Google Chrome:

  1. F12
  2. Application
  3. Local Storage
  4. Clear All

What does it mean when MySQL is in the state "Sending data"?

In this state:

The thread is reading and processing rows for a SELECT statement, and sending data to the client.

Because operations occurring during this this state tend to perform large amounts of disk access (reads).

That's why it takes more time to complete and so is the longest-running state over the lifetime of a given query.

Spring Boot - inject map from application.yml

Below solution is a shorthand for @Andy Wilkinson's solution, except that it doesn't have to use a separate class or on a @Bean annotated method.


  name: raja
  age: 12
    abcd: 1 
    bcbd: 2
    cdbd: 3

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "input")
class SomeComponent {

    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    private HashMap<String, Integer> somedata;

    public HashMap<String, Integer> getSomedata() {
        return somedata;

    public void setSomedata(HashMap<String, Integer> somedata) {
        this.somedata = somedata;


We can club both @Value annotation and @ConfigurationProperties, no issues. But getters and setters are important and @EnableConfigurationProperties is must to have the @ConfigurationProperties to work.

I tried this idea from groovy solution provided by @Szymon Stepniak, thought it will be useful for someone.

Unresponsive KeyListener for JFrame

You must add your keyListener to every component that you need. Only the component with the focus will send these events. For instance, if you have only one TextBox in your JFrame, that TextBox has the focus. So you must add a KeyListener to this component as well.

The process is the same:

myComponent.addKeyListener(new KeyListener ...);

Note: Some components aren't focusable like JLabel.

For setting them to focusable you need to:


How to split CSV files as per number of rows specified?

Made it into a function. You can now call splitCsv <Filename> [chunkSize]

splitCsv() {
    HEADER=$(head -1 $1)
    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
    tail -n +2 $1 | split -l $CHUNK - $1_split_
    for i in $1_split_*; do
        sed -i -e "1i$HEADER" "$i"

Found on:

How to avoid "Permission denied" when using pip with virtualenv

I didn't create my virtualenv using sudo. So Sebastian's answer didn't apply to me. My project is called utils. I checked utils directory and saw this:

-rw-r--r--   1 macuser  staff   983  6 Jan 15:17
drwxr-xr-x   6 root     staff   204  6 Jan 14:36 utils.egg-info
-rw-r--r--   1 macuser  staff    31  6 Jan 15:09 requirements.txt

As you can see, utils.egg-info is owned by root not macuser. That is why it was giving me permission denied error. I also had to remove /Users/macuser/.virtualenvs/armoury/lib/python2.7/site-packages/utils.egg-link as it was created by root as well. I did pip install -e . again after removing those, and it worked.

How can I test a change made to Jenkinsfile locally?


Long Version
Jenkins Pipeline testing becomes more and more of a pain. Unlike the classic declarative job configuration approach where the user was limited to what the UI exposed the new Jenkins Pipeline is a full fledged programming language for the build process where you mix the declarative part with your own code. As good developers we want to have some unit tests for this kind of code as well.

There are three steps you should follow when developing Jenkins Pipelines. The step 1. should cover 80% of the uses cases.

  1. Do as much as possible in build scripts (eg. Maven, Gradle, Gulp etc.). Then in your pipeline scripts just calls the build tasks in the right order. The build pipeline just orchestrates and executes the build tasks but does not have any major logic that needs a special testing.
  2. If the previous rule can't be fully applied then move over to Pipeline Shared libraries where you can develop and test custom logic on its own and integrate them into the pipeline.
  3. If all of the above fails you, you can try one of those libraries that came up recently (March-2017). Jenkins Pipeline Unit testing framework or pipelineUnit (examples). Since 2018 there is also Jenkinsfile Runner, a package to execution Jenkins pipelines from a command line tool.


The pipelineUnit GitHub repo contains some Spock examples on how to use Jenkins Pipeline Unit testing framework

How to change the background color on a Java panel?

You could call:


Or add a JPanel to the JFrame your using. Then add your components to the JPanel. This will allow you to call


on the JPanel to set the background color.

Default Activity not found in Android Studio

You can get Android Studio not to complain by going to the "Edit Configurations" menu (tap "Shift" three times, type "Edit Configurations"), then change Launch Options > Launch to "Nothing".

I'll probably add a generic activity containing instructions, just to avoid any confusion.

what does this mean ? image/png;base64?

It's an inlined image (png), encoded in base64. It can make a page faster: the browser doesn't have to query the server for the image data separately, saving a round trip.

(It can also make it slower if abused: these resources are not cached, so the bytes are included in each page load.)

how to query LIST using linq

I would also suggest LinqPad as a convenient way to tackle with Linq for both advanced and beginners.

enter image description here

Pycharm does not show plot

My env: macOS & anaconda3

This works for me:


or interactive mode:


Transpose/Unzip Function (inverse of zip)?

Consider using more_itertools.unzip:

>>> from more_itertools import unzip
>>> original = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)]
>>> [list(x) for x in unzip(original)]
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, 3, 4]]     

JUnit 5: How to assert an exception is thrown?

You can use assertThrows(), which allows you to test multiple exceptions within the same test. With support for lambdas in Java 8, this is the canonical way to test for exceptions in JUnit.

Per the JUnit docs:

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;

void exceptionTesting() {
    MyException thrown = assertThrows(
           () -> myObject.doThing(),
           "Expected doThing() to throw, but it didn't"


Rails 2.3.4 Persisting Model on Validation Failure

In your controller, render the new action from your create action if validation fails, with an instance variable, @car populated from the user input (i.e., the params hash). Then, in your view, add a logic check (either an if block around the form or a ternary on the helpers, your choice) that automatically sets the value of the form fields to the params values passed in to @car if car exists. That way, the form will be blank on first visit and in theory only be populated on re-render in the case of error. In any case, they will not be populated unless @car is set.

How to draw a rounded Rectangle on HTML Canvas?

    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

Should we pass a shared_ptr by reference or by value?

Here's Herb Sutter's take

Guideline: Don’t pass a smart pointer as a function parameter unless you want to use or manipulate the smart pointer itself, such as to share or transfer ownership.

Guideline: Express that a function will store and share ownership of a heap object using a by-value shared_ptr parameter.

Guideline: Use a non-const shared_ptr& parameter only to modify the shared_ptr. Use a const shared_ptr& as a parameter only if you’re not sure whether or not you’ll take a copy and share ownership; otherwise use widget* instead (or if not nullable, a widget&).

regex to match a single character that is anything but a space

  • \s matches any white-space character
  • \S matches any non-white-space character
  • You can match a space character with just the space character;
  • [^ ] matches anything but a space character.

Pick whichever is most appropriate.

How to call a parent class function from derived class function?

If your base class is called Base, and your function is called FooBar() you can call it directly using Base::FooBar()

void Base::FooBar()
   printf("in Base\n");

void ChildOfBase::FooBar()

SQL query to group by day

For PostgreSQL:

GROUP BY to_char(timestampfield, 'yyyy-mm-dd')

or using cast:

GROUP BY timestampfield::date

if you want speed, use the second option and add an index:

CREATE INDEX tablename_timestampfield_date_idx ON  tablename(date(timestampfield));

Java: Get last element after split

Save the array in a local variable and use the array's length field to find its length. Subtract one to account for it being 0-based:

String[] bits = one.split("-");
String lastOne = bits[bits.length-1];

Caveat emptor: if the original string is composed of only the separator, for example "-" or "---", bits.length will be 0 and this will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Example:

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

Just a small hack. Update the URL in the file "hudson.model.UpdateCenter.xml" from https to http

<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>

Eclipse "Invalid Project Description" when creating new project from existing source

Copy the project into your workspace, create new Android Application Project with the same name from eclipse file->new->project and voila.

How to set the size of a column in a Bootstrap responsive table

you can use the following Bootstrap class with

<tr class="w-25">


for more details check the following page

Can I give a default value to parameters or optional parameters in C# functions?

This functionality is available from C# 4.0 - it was introduced in Visual Studio 2010. And you can use it in project for .NET 3.5. So there is no need to upgrade old projects in .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.0.

You have to just use Visual Studio 2010, but remember that it should compile to default language version (set it in project Properties->Buid->Advanced...)

This MSDN page has more information about optional parameters in VS 2010.

Return only string message from Spring MVC 3 Controller

With Spring 4, if your Controller is annotated with @RestController instead of @Controller, you don't need the @ResponseBody annotation.

The code would be

public class FooController {

   @RequestMapping(value="/controller", method=GET)
   public String foo() {
      return "Response!";


You can find the Javadoc for @RestController here

Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection

You need the following code below. At a glance, this may look like any old code that I made up. However, what I did was look at the source code for Then after that, I carefully looked through the code of setString(int parameterIndex, String x) to find the characters which it escapes and customised this to my own class so that it can be used for the purposes that you need. After all, if this is the list of characters that Oracle escapes, then knowing this is really comforting security-wise. Maybe Oracle need a nudge to add a method similar to this one for the next major Java release.

public class SQLInjectionEscaper {

    public static String escapeString(String x, boolean escapeDoubleQuotes) {
        StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(x.length() * 11/10);

        int stringLength = x.length();

        for (int i = 0; i < stringLength; ++i) {
            char c = x.charAt(i);

            switch (c) {
            case 0: /* Must be escaped for 'mysql' */


            case '\n': /* Must be escaped for logs */


            case '\r':


            case '\\':


            case '\'':


            case '"': /* Better safe than sorry */
                if (escapeDoubleQuotes) {



            case '\032': /* This gives problems on Win32 */


            case '\u00a5':
            case '\u20a9':
                // escape characters interpreted as backslash by mysql
                // fall through


        return sBuilder.toString();

Listing only directories using ls in Bash?

For listing only directories:

ls -l | grep ^d

For listing only files:

ls -l | grep -v ^d 

Or also you can do as:

ls -ld */

Binary search (bisection) in Python

This one is:

  • not recursive (which makes it more memory-efficient than most recursive approaches)
  • actually working
  • fast since it runs without any unnecessary if's and conditions
  • based on a mathematical assertion that the floor of (low + high)/2 is always smaller than high where low is the lower limit and high is the upper limit.

def binsearch(t, key, low = 0, high = len(t) - 1):
    # bisecting the range
    while low < high:
        mid = (low + high)//2
        if t[mid] < key:
            low = mid + 1
            high = mid
    # at this point 'low' should point at the place
    # where the value of 'key' is possibly stored.
    return low if t[low] == key else -1

Docker: Container keeps on restarting again on again

This could also be the case if you have created a systemd service that has:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker container start -a my_container
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker container stop -t 2 my_container

Why am I getting error CS0246: The type or namespace name could not be found?

I had this error on a MVC Project. And after a long research i found out that the .cs file containing some of the classes i referenced in the main project had a Build Actions set to "Content" ...

After changing it "Content"->"Compile" the error disappeared.

Razor View throwing "The name 'model' does not exist in the current context"

You are likely to use in the code a variable named model.

How can I multiply all items in a list together with Python?

Python 3: use functools.reduce:

>>> from functools import reduce
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

Python 2: use reduce:

>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

For compatible with 2 and 3 use pip install six, then:

>>> from six.moves import reduce
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

Changing datagridview cell color dynamically

If you want every cell in the grid to have the same background color, you can just do this:

dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Green;

500 Internal Server Error for php file not for html

Google guides me here but it didn't fix mine, this is a very general question and there are various causes, so I post my problem and solution here for reference in case anyone might read this later.

Another possible cause of 500 error is syntax error in header(...) function, like this one:

header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . '200 OK');

Be aware there should be space between server protocol and status code, so it should be:

header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 200 OK');

So I suggest check your http header call if you have it in your code.

Python - difference between two strings

You can use ndiff in the difflib module to do this. It has all the information necessary to convert one string into another string.

A simple example:

import difflib

cases=[('afrykanerskojezyczny', 'afrykanerskojezycznym'),
       ('afrykanerskojezyczni', 'nieafrykanerskojezyczni'),
       ('afrykanerskojezycznym', 'afrykanerskojezyczny'),
       ('nieafrykanerskojezyczni', 'afrykanerskojezyczni'),
       ('nieafrynerskojezyczni', 'afrykanerskojzyczni'),

for a,b in cases:     
    print('{} => {}'.format(a,b))  
    for i,s in enumerate(difflib.ndiff(a, b)):
        if s[0]==' ': continue
        elif s[0]=='-':
            print(u'Delete "{}" from position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
        elif s[0]=='+':
            print(u'Add "{}" to position {}'.format(s[-1],i))    


afrykanerskojezyczny => afrykanerskojezycznym
Add "m" to position 20

afrykanerskojezyczni => nieafrykanerskojezyczni
Add "n" to position 0
Add "i" to position 1
Add "e" to position 2

afrykanerskojezycznym => afrykanerskojezyczny
Delete "m" from position 20

nieafrykanerskojezyczni => afrykanerskojezyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2

nieafrynerskojezyczni => afrykanerskojzyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2
Add "k" to position 7
Add "a" to position 8
Delete "e" from position 16

abcdefg => xac
Add "x" to position 0
Delete "b" from position 2
Delete "d" from position 4
Delete "e" from position 5
Delete "f" from position 6
Delete "g" from position 7

Displaying unicode symbols in HTML

You should ensure the HTTP server headers are correct.

In particular, the header:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

should be present.

The meta tag is ignored by browsers if the HTTP header is present.

Also ensure that your file is actually encoded as UTF-8 before serving it, check/try the following:

  • Ensure your editor save it as UTF-8.
  • Ensure your FTP or any file transfer program does not mess with the file.
  • Try with HTML encoded entities, like &#uuu;.
  • To be really sure, hexdump the file and look as the character, for the ?, it should be E2 9C 94 .

Note: If you use an unicode character for which your system can't find a glyph (no font with that character), your browser should display a question mark or some block like symbol. But if you see multiple roman characters like you do, this denotes an encoding problem.

How to include duplicate keys in HashMap?

You can't have duplicate keys in a Map. You can rather create a Map<Key, List<Value>>, or if you can, use Guava's Multimap.

Multimap<Integer, String> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
multimap.put(1, "rohit");
multimap.put(1, "jain");

System.out.println(multimap.get(1));  // Prints - [rohit, jain]

And then you can get the java.util.Map using the Multimap#asMap() method.

Replace words in the body text

The function below works perfectly for me:

// Note this *is* JQuery, see below for JS solution instead
function replaceText(selector, text, newText, flags) {
  var matcher = new RegExp(text, flags);
  $(selector).each(function () {
    var $this = $(this);
    if (!$this.children().length)
       $this.text($this.text().replace(matcher, newText));

Here's a usage example:

function replaceAllText() {
  replaceText('*', 'hello', 'hi', 'g');


You can also use do a direct replacement like so:

document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace('hello', 'hi');

But be careful with it since it may affect the tags, css and scripts as well.

EDIT: As for a pure JavaScript solution use this method instead:

function replaceText(selector, text, newText, flags) {
  var matcher = new RegExp(text, flags);
  var elems = document.querySelectorAll(selector), i;

  for (i = 0; i < elems.length; i++)
    if (!elems[i].childNodes.length)
      elems[i].innerHTML = elems[i].innerHTML.replace(matcher, newText);

Fast query runs slow in SSRS

Couple of things you can do, without executing the actual report just run the sproc from within the data tab of reporting services. Does it still take time? Another option is to use SQL Profiler and determine what is coming in and out of the database system.

Another thing you can do to test it, so to recreate a simple report without any parameters. Run the report and see if it makes a difference. It could be that your RS report is corrupted or badly formed that may cause the rendering to be really slow.

Facebook Android Generate Key Hash


I have had this Problem for two months now. My key hashes have been pyling up to 9. Today i finally found the simple solution:


Install the facebook sdk you downloaded from the facebook developer page on your phone. Don´t install the normal facebook app. Make sure you can log into facebook. Then log out.


Export your app with your final release key as an apk, like you would when uploading it to the playstore.


Put the Apk file on your phone via usb cable or usb stick.


Install your app, using a file manager: Example


Launch your app and try to log in with facebook. A dialog will open and tell you: "the key YOURHASHKEY has not been found in the facebook developer console"


Write down the key.


Put it into your facebook developer console and save. Now you are done. Anyone that downloads your app, published with earlier used keystore can log into facebook.


Why does printf not flush after the call unless a newline is in the format string?

It's probably like that because of efficiency and because if you have multiple programs writing to a single TTY, this way you don't get characters on a line interlaced. So if program A and B are outputting, you'll usually get:

program A output
program B output
program B output
program A output
program B output

This stinks, but it's better than

proprogrgraam m AB  ououtputputt
prproogrgram amB A  ououtputtput
program B output

Note that it isn't even guaranteed to flush on a newline, so you should flush explicitly if flushing matters to you.

How to disable/enable a button with a checkbox if checked


<input type="checkbox" id="checkme"/><input type="submit" name="sendNewSms" class="inputButton" id="sendNewSms" value=" Send " />


var checker = document.getElementById('checkme');
var sendbtn = document.getElementById('sendNewSms');
checker.onchange = function() {
  sendbtn.disabled = !!this.checked;


Dealing with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" error

Set -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m. Later on you may also try increasing MaxPermSize. Hope it'll work. The same works for me. Setting only MaxPermSize didn't worked for me.

How to implement a simple scenario the OO way

You might implement your class model by composition, having the book object have a map of chapter objects contained within it (map chapter number to chapter object). Your search function could be given a list of books into which to search by asking each book to search its chapters. The book object would then iterate over each chapter, invoking the function to look for the desired key and return some kind of index into the chapter. The book's search() would then return some data type which could combine a reference to the book and some way to reference the data that it found for the search. The reference to the book could be used to get the name of the book object that is associated with the collection of chapter search hits.

WPF Add a Border to a TextBlock

No, you need to wrap your TextBlock in a Border. Example:

<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Black">
    <TextBlock ... />

Of course, you can set these properties (BorderThickness, BorderBrush) through styles as well:

<Style x:Key="notCalledBorder" TargetType="{x:Type Border}">
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1" />
    <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />

<Border Style="{StaticResource notCalledBorder}">
    <TextBlock ... />

How to add 'ON DELETE CASCADE' in ALTER TABLE statement

This PL*SQL will write to DBMS_OUTPUT a script that will drop each constraint that does not have delete cascade and recreate it with delete cascade.

NOTE: running the output of this script is AT YOUR OWN RISK. Best to read over the resulting script and edit it before executing it.

      CURSOR consCols (theCons VARCHAR2, theOwner VARCHAR2) IS
        select * from user_cons_columns
            where constraint_name = theCons and owner = theOwner
            order by position;
      firstCol BOOLEAN := TRUE;
        -- For each constraint
        FOR cons IN (select * from user_constraints
            where delete_rule = 'NO ACTION'
            and constraint_name not like '%MODIFIED_BY_FK'  -- these constraints we do not want delete cascade
            and constraint_name not like '%CREATED_BY_FK'
            order by table_name)
            -- Drop the constraint
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ALTER TABLE ' || cons.OWNER || '.' || cons.TABLE_NAME || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' || cons.CONSTRAINT_NAME || ';');
            -- Re-create the constraint
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('ALTER TABLE ' || cons.OWNER || '.' || cons.TABLE_NAME || ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' || cons.CONSTRAINT_NAME 
                                        || ' FOREIGN KEY (');
            firstCol := TRUE;
            -- For each referencing column
            FOR consCol IN consCols(cons.CONSTRAINT_NAME, cons.OWNER)
                IF(firstCol) THEN
                    firstCol := FALSE;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;                                    


            firstCol := TRUE;
            -- For each referenced column
            FOR consCol IN consCols(cons.R_CONSTRAINT_NAME, cons.R_OWNER)
                IF(firstCol) THEN
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(consCol.TABLE_NAME);        -- This seems a bit of a kluge.
                    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(' (');
                    firstCol := FALSE;
                END IF;
            END LOOP;                                    

        END LOOP;

Java method: Finding object in array list given a known attribute value

If you have to get an attribute that is not the ID. I would use CollectionUtils.

Dog someDog = new Dog();
Dog dog = CollectionUtils(dogList, new Predicate() {

public boolean evaluate(Object o)
    Dog d = (Dog)o;
    return someDog.getName().equals(d.getName());

Correct way to use get_or_create?

From the documentation get_or_create:

# get_or_create() a person with similar first names.

p, created = Person.objects.get_or_create(
    defaults={'birthday': date(1940, 10, 9)},

# get_or_create() didn't have to create an object.
>>> created

Explanation: Fields to be evaluated for similarity, have to be mentioned outside defaults. Rest of the fields have to be included in defaults. In case CREATE event occurs, all the fields are taken into consideration.

It looks like you need to be returning into a tuple, instead of a single variable, do like this:

customer.source,created = Source.objects.get_or_create(name="Website")

Get a list of dates between two dates

I am using Server version: 5.7.11-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Now we will solve this in a simple way.

I have created a table named "datetable"

mysql> describe datetable;
| Field   | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| colid   | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| coldate | date    | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

now, wee will see the inserted records within.

mysql> select * from datetable;
| colid | coldate    |
|   101 | 2015-01-01 |
|   102 | 2015-05-01 |
|   103 | 2016-01-01 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

and here our query to fetch records within two dates rather than those dates.

mysql> select * from datetable where coldate > '2015-01-01' and coldate < '2016-01-01';
| colid | coldate    |
|   102 | 2015-05-01 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

hope this would help many ones.

(WAMP/XAMP) send Mail using SMTP localhost

you can directly send mail from php mail() function if you specified the smtp server and smtp port in php.ini, first ask the SMTP server credential to your ISP.

SMTP = //put your ISP's smtp server

smtp_port = 25 // your ISP's smtp port.

then just restart the apache server and it will start working. ENjoy ...

How do I perform the SQL Join equivalent in MongoDB?

We can merge two collection by using mongoDB sub query. Here is example, Commentss--

  { uid:12345, pid:444, comment:"blah" },
  { uid:12345, pid:888, comment:"asdf" },
  { uid:99999, pid:444, comment:"qwer" }])`


  { uid:12345, name:"john" },
  { uid:99999, name:"mia"  }])

MongoDB sub query for JOIN--

    function (newComments) {
        newComments.userss = db.userss.find( { "uid": newComments.uid } ).toArray();

Get result from newly generated Collection--



    "_id" : ObjectId("5511236e29709afa03f226ef"),
    "uid" : 12345,
    "pid" : 444,
    "comment" : "blah",
    "userss" : [
            "_id" : ObjectId("5511238129709afa03f226f2"),
            "uid" : 12345,
            "name" : "john"
    "_id" : ObjectId("5511236e29709afa03f226f0"),
    "uid" : 12345,
    "pid" : 888,
    "comment" : "asdf",
    "userss" : [
            "_id" : ObjectId("5511238129709afa03f226f2"),
            "uid" : 12345,
            "name" : "john"
    "_id" : ObjectId("5511236e29709afa03f226f1"),
    "uid" : 99999,
    "pid" : 444,
    "comment" : "qwer",
    "userss" : [
            "_id" : ObjectId("5511238129709afa03f226f3"),
            "uid" : 99999,
            "name" : "mia"

Hope so this will help.

Checking if a variable is not nil and not zero in ruby

ok, after 5 years have passed....

if discount.try :nonzero?

It's important to note that try is defined in the ActiveSupport gem, so it is not available in plain ruby.

TortoiseSVN Error: "OPTIONS of 'https://...' could not connect to server (...)"

For me this was the solution.

The problem was that the SVN server was behind a reverse-proxy (pound). And the reverse proxy had to be told to allow OPTIONS.

Enable UTF-8 encoding for JavaScript

Just like any other text file, .js files have specific encodings they are saved in. This message means you are saving the .js file with a non-UTF8 encoding (probably ASCII), and so your non-ASCII characters never even make it to the disk.

That is, the problem is not at the level of HTML or <meta charset> or Content-Type headers, but instead a very basic issue of how your text file is saved to disk.

To fix this, you'll need to change the encoding that Dreamweaver saves files in. It looks like this page outlines how to do so; choose UTF8 without saving a Byte Order Mark (BOM). This Super User answer (to a somewhat-related question) even includes screenshots.

How to set specific Java version to Maven

In the POM, you can set the compiler properties, e.g. for 1.8:


Reset textbox value in javascript

Use it like this:

$("#searchField").focus(function() {

It has to work. Otherwise it probably never gets focused.

C# how to change data in DataTable?

You should probably set the property dt.Columns["columnName"].ReadOnly = false; before.

Pandas - Plotting a stacked Bar Chart

If you want to change the size of plot the use arg figsize

df.groupby(['NFF', 'ABUSE']).size().unstack()
      .plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, figsize=(15, 5))

Angular update object in object array

I would rather create a map

export class item{
    name: string; 
    id: string

let caches = new Map<string, item>();

and then you can simply

this.caches[] = newitem; 


this.caches.set(, newitem); 

array is so 1999. :)

ng-if, not equal to?

There are pretty good solutions here but they don't help to understand why the problem actually happens.

But it's very simple, you just need to understand how logic OR || works. Whole expression will evaluate to true when either of its sides evaluates to true.

Now let's look at your case. Assume whole details.Payment[0].Status is Status and it's a number for brevity. Then we have Status != 0 || Status != 1 || ....

Imagine Status = 1:

( 1 != 0 || 1 != 1 || ... ) =
(  true  || false  || ... ) =
(       true       || ... ) = ... = true

Now imagine Status = 0:

( 0 != 0 || 0 != 1 || ... ) =
( false  ||  true  || ... ) =
(       true       || ... ) = ... = true

As you it doesn't even matter what you have as ... as logical OR of first two expressions gives you true which will be the result of the full expression.

What you actually need is logical AND && that will be true only if both its sides are true.

MySQL: update a field only if condition is met

Another variation:

SET field = IF ( {condition}, {new value}, field )
WHERE id = 123

This will update the field with {new value} only if {condition} is met

How to use log4net in core 2.0

There is a third-party log4net adapter for the ASP.NET Core logging interface.

Only thing you need to do is pass the ILoggerFactory to your Startup class, then call


and have a config in place. So you don't have to write any boiler-plate code.

More info here

C# get string from textbox

When using MVC, try using ViewBag. The best way to take input from textbox and displaying in View.

How to Git stash pop specific stash in 1.8.3?

On Windows Powershell I run this:

git stash apply "stash@{1}"

Lazy Method for Reading Big File in Python?

If your computer, OS and python are 64-bit, then you can use the mmap module to map the contents of the file into memory and access it with indices and slices. Here an example from the documentation:

import mmap
with open("hello.txt", "r+") as f:
    # memory-map the file, size 0 means whole file
    map = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
    # read content via standard file methods
    print map.readline()  # prints "Hello Python!"
    # read content via slice notation
    print map[:5]  # prints "Hello"
    # update content using slice notation;
    # note that new content must have same size
    map[6:] = " world!\n"
    # ... and read again using standard file methods
    print map.readline()  # prints "Hello  world!"
    # close the map

If either your computer, OS or python are 32-bit, then mmap-ing large files can reserve large parts of your address space and starve your program of memory.

How do I set up HttpContent for my HttpClient PostAsync second parameter?

    public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
        apiTable table = new apiTable();
        table.Name = "Asma Nadeem";
        table.Roll = "6655";

        string str = "";
        string str2 = "";

        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

        string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(table);

        StringContent httpContent = new StringContent(json, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

        var response = await client.PostAsync("", httpContent);

        str = "" + response.Content + " : " + response.StatusCode;

        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            str2 = "Data Posted";

        return View();

How can I get the sha1 hash of a string in node.js?

Please read and strongly consider my advice in the comments of your post. That being said, if you still have a good reason to do this, check out this list of crypto modules for Node. It has modules for dealing with both sha1 and base64.

Android Studio Gradle Configuration with name 'default' not found

In my case I received this error when I misspelled the module name of the library (dependency) in build.gradle file.

So remember to check if the name of the module is correct.


dependencies {
    compile project(':module-name-of-the-library')

how to get the last part of a string before a certain character?

Difference between split and partition is split returns the list without delimiter and will split where ever it gets delimiter in string i.e.

x = ''

a,b,c = x.split(-)

and partition will divide the string with only first delimiter and will only return 3 values in list

x = ''
a,b,c = x.partition('-')

so as you want last value you can use rpartition it works in same way but it will find delimiter from end of string

x = ''
a,b,c = x.partition('-')

How to pretty print XML from Java?

a simpler solution based on this answer:

public static String prettyFormat(String input, int indent) {
    try {
        Source xmlInput = new StreamSource(new StringReader(input));
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        StreamResult xmlOutput = new StreamResult(stringWriter);
        TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        transformerFactory.setAttribute("indent-number", indent);
        Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); 
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
        transformer.transform(xmlInput, xmlOutput);
        return xmlOutput.getWriter().toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e); // simple exception handling, please review it

public static String prettyFormat(String input) {
    return prettyFormat(input, 2);




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid

The above solution left blue border around each cell in my case.

This is the solution that worked for me. It is very simple, just add this to your DataGrid. You can change it from a SolidColorBrush to any other brush such as linear gradient.

  <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey}" 

How to unblock with mysqladmin flush hosts

You can easily restart your MySql service. This kicks the error off.

How do you know if Tomcat Server is installed on your PC

The port 8005 is used as service port. You can send a shutdown command (a configurable password) to that port. It will not "speak" HTTP, so you cannot use your browser to connect.

The default port for delivering web-content is 8080.

But there may be other applications listen to that port. So your tomcat may not start, if the port is not available.

You asked "How do you know, if tomcat server is installed on your PC?". The answer to that question is: You can't

You can't determine, if it is installed, because it may be only extracted from a ZIP archive or packaged within another application (Like JBoss AS (I think)).

Is there a list of Pytz Timezones?

You can list all the available timezones with pytz.all_timezones:

In [40]: import pytz
In [41]: pytz.all_timezones

There is also pytz.common_timezones:

In [45]: len(pytz.common_timezones)
Out[45]: 403

In [46]: len(pytz.all_timezones)
Out[46]: 563

Best way to access web camera in Java

I think the project you are looking for is: (I'm the author)

There is an example working exactly as you've described - after it's run, the window appear where, after you press "Start" button, you can see live image from webcam device and save it to file after you click on "Snapshot" (source code available, please note that FPS counter in the corner can be disabled):


The project is portable (WinXP, Win7, Win8, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi) and does not require any additional software to be installed on the PC.

API is really nice and easy to learn. Example how to capture single image and save it to PNG file:

Webcam webcam = Webcam.getDefault();;
ImageIO.write(webcam.getImage(), "PNG", new File("test.png"));

How to call webmethod in C#

Here is your answer. use


Javascript :

function CallAddToCart(eitemId, equantity) {
   var itemId = Number(eitemId);
   var quantity = equantity;
   var dataValue = "{itemId:'" + itemId+ "', quantity :'"+ quantity "'}" ;
           url: "AddToCart.aspx/AddTo_Cart",
           type: "POST",
           dataType: "json",
           data: dataValue,
           contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
           success: function (msg) {
           error: function () { alert(arguments[2]); }      

and your C# web method should be

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static string AddTo_Cart(int itemId, string quantity)
   SpiritsShared.ShoppingCart.AddItem(itemId, quantity);      
  return "Item Added Successfully";

From any of the button click or any other html control event you can call to the javascript method with the parameter which in turn calls to the webmethod to get the value in json format.

Moving up one directory in Python

Although this is not exactly what OP meant as this is not super simple, however, when running scripts from Notepad++ the os.getcwd() method doesn't work as expected. This is what I would do:

import os

# get real current directory (determined by the file location)
curDir, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))

print(curDir) # print current directory

Define a function like this:

def dir_up(path,n): # here 'path' is your path, 'n' is number of dirs up you want to go
    for _ in range(n):
        path = dir_up(path.rpartition("\\")[0], 0) # second argument equal '0' ensures that 
                                                        # the function iterates proper number of times

The use of this function is fairly simple - all you need is your path and number of directories up.

print(dir_up(curDir,3)) # print 3 directories above the current one

The only minus is that it doesn't stop on drive letter, it just will show you empty string.

Accessing post variables using Java Servlets

The previous answers are correct but remember to use the name attribute in the input fields (html form) or you won't get anything. Example:

<input type="text" id="username" /> <!-- won't work --> <input type="text" name="username" /> <!-- will work --> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" /> <!-- will work too -->

All this code is HTML valid, but using getParameter(java.lang.String) you will need the name attribute been set in all parameters you want to receive.

How can I count the numbers of rows that a MySQL query returned?

If you're fetching data using Wordpress, then you can access the number of rows returned using $wpdb->num_rows:

$wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare('select * from mytable where foo = %s', $searchstring));
echo $wpdb->num_rows;

If you want a specific count based on a mysql count query then you do this:

$numrows = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable where foo = %s', $searchstring );
echo $numrows;

If you're running updates or deletes then the count of rows affected is returned directly from the function call:

$numrowsaffected = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare(
   'update mytable set val=%s where myid = %d', $valuetoupdate, $myid));

This applies also to $wpdb->update and $wpdb->delete.

Simple way to read single record from MySQL

Assuming you are using an auto-incrementing primary key, which is the normal way to do things, then you can access the key value of the last row you put into the database with:

$userID = mysqli_insert_id($link);

otherwise, you'll have to know more specifics about the row you are trying to find, such as email address. Without knowing your table structure, we can't be more specific.

Either way, to limit your SELECT query, use a WHERE statement like this: (Generic Example)

$getID = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($link, "SELECT userID FROM users WHERE something = 'unique'"));
$userID = $getID['userID'];

(Specific example) Or a more specific example:

$getID = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($link, "SELECT userID FROM users WHERE userID = 1"));
$userID = $getID['userID'];

How to check what version of jQuery is loaded?

You can just check if the jQuery object exists:

if( typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ) ... // jQuery loaded

jQuery().jquery has the version number.

As for the prefix, jQuery should always work. If you want to use $ you can wrap your code to a function and pass jQuery to it as the parameter:

(function( $ ) {
    $( '.class' ).doSomething();  // works always
})( jQuery )

Angular 1 - get current URL parameters

Better would have been generate url like

and then use

var type=$;
var id=$;

and inject $location in controller.

How to add a JAR in NetBeans

You want to add libraries to your project and in doing so you have two options as you yourself identified:

Compile-time libraries are libraries which is needed to compile your application. They are not included when your application is assembled (e.g., into a war-file). Libraries of this kind must be provided by the container running your project.

This is useful in situation when you want to vary API and implementation, or when the library is supplied by the container (which is typically the case with javax.servlet which is required to compile but provided by the application server, e.g., Apache Tomcat).

Run-time libraries are libraries which is needed both for compilation and when running your project. This is probably what you want in most cases. If for instance your project is packaged into a war/ear, then these libraries will be included in the package.

As for the other alernatives you have either global libraries using Library Manageror jdk libraries. The latter is simply your regular java libraries, while the former is just a way for your to store a set of libraries under a common name. For all your future projects, instead of manually assigning the libraries you can simply select to import them from your Library Manager.

Attach the Java Source Code

enter image description here

if you are add jre and jkd path, remove jre install path, keep jdk path is work

PHP Warning Permission denied (13) on session_start()

I have had this issue before, you need more than the standard 755 or 644 permission to store the $_SESSION information. You need to be able to write to that file as that is how it remembers.

Maven and Spring Boot - non resolvable parent pom - (Unknown host)

Just a remind: I tried to work with idea and imported maven, and encountered the same problem, I have tried all the solutions and they didnt work. Finally, I found out it was because of the root access... I opened idea with administrator access and all things work just fine, hope you not as silly as i am...

How to use boolean datatype in C?

If you have a compiler that supports C99 you can

#include <stdbool.h>

Otherwise, you can define your own if you'd like. Depending on how you want to use it (and whether you want to be able to compile your code as C++), your implementation could be as simple as:

#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0

In my opinion, though, you may as well just use int and use zero to mean false and nonzero to mean true. That's how it's usually done in C.

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components

setSize will resize the component to the specified size.

setPreferredSize sets the preferred size. The component may not actually be this size depending on the size of the container it's in, or if the user re-sized the component manually.

How to access local files of the filesystem in the Android emulator?

In Android Studio 3.5.3, the Device File Explorer can be found in View -> Tool Windows.

It can also be opened using the vertical tabs on the right-hand side of the main window.

.m2 , settings.xml in Ubuntu

.m2 directory on linux box usually would be $HOME/.m2

you could get the $HOME :

echo $HOME

or simply:

cd <enter>

to go to your home directory.

other information from maven site:

jquery: change the URL address without redirecting?

No, because that would open up the floodgates for phishing. The only part of the URI you can change is the fragment (everything after the #). You can do so by setting window.location.hash.

Deleting a SQL row ignoring all foreign keys and constraints

I know this is an old thread, but I landed here when my row deletes were blocked by foreign key constraints. In my case, my table design permitted "NULL" values in the constrained column. In the rows to be deleted, I changed the constrained column value to "NULL" (which does not violate the Foreign Key Constraint) and then deleted all the rows.

UNION with WHERE clause

i think it will depend on many things - run EXPLAIN PLAN on each one to see what your optimizer selects. Otherwise - as @rayman suggests - run them both and time them.

How can I preview a merge in git?

Most answers here either require a clean working directory and multiple interactive steps (bad for scripting), or don't work for all cases, e.g. past merges which already bring some of the outstanding changes into your target branch, or cherry-picks doing the same.

To truly see what would change in the master branch if you merged develop into it, right now:

git merge-tree $(git merge-base master develop) master develop

As it's a plumbing command, it does not guess what you mean, you have to be explicit. It also doesn't colorize the output or use your pager, so the full command would be:

git merge-tree $(git merge-base master develop) master develop | colordiff | less -R

(thanks to David Normington for the link)


If you would get merge conflicts, they will show up with the usual conflict markers in the output, e.g.:

$ git merge-tree $(git merge-base a b ) a b 
added in both
  our    100644 78981922613b2afb6025042ff6bd878ac1994e85 a
  their  100644 61780798228d17af2d34fce4cfbdf35556832472 a
@@ -1 +1,5 @@
+<<<<<<< .our
+>>>>>>> .their

User @dreftymac makes a good point: this makes it unsuitable for scripting, because you can't easily catch that from the status code. The conflict markers can be quite different depending on circumstance (deleted vs modified, etc), which makes it hard to grep, too. Beware.

Unknown URL content://downloads/my_downloads

I got the same issue and after a lot of time spent on the search I found the solution

Just change your method especially // DownloadsProvider part



@SuppressLint("NewApi") public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

    // DocumentProvider
    if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
        // ExternalStorageProvider
        if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            // This is for checking Main Memory
            if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                if (split.length > 1) {
                    return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];
                } else {
                    return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/";
                // This is for checking SD Card
            } else {
                return "storage" + "/" + docId.replace(":", "/");

        // DownloadsProvider
        else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {
            String fileName = getFilePath(context, uri);
            if (fileName != null) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/Download/" + fileName;

            String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            if (id.startsWith("raw:")) {
                id = id.replaceFirst("raw:", "");
                File file = new File(id);
                if (file.exists())
                    return id;

            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));
            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
        // MediaProvider
        else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            Uri contentUri = null;
            if ("image".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

            final String selection = "_id=?";
            final String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
    // MediaStore (and general)
    else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {

        // Return the remote address
        if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri))
            return uri.getLastPathSegment();

        return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
    // File
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

For more solution click on the link here

I hope will do the same for you!

How to change app default theme to a different app theme?

If you are trying to reference an android style, you need to put "android:" in there


If that doesn't solve it, you may need to edit your question with the full manifest file, so we can see more details

Replace last occurrence of a string in a string

Use the "$" on a reg expression to match the end of the string

$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fox';
echo preg_replace('/fox$/', 'dog', $string);

'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'

Disable button in angular with two conditions?

It sounds like you need an OR instead:

<button type="submit" [disabled]="!validate || !SAForm.valid">Add</button>

This will disable the button if not validate or if not SAForm.valid.

oracle - what statements need to be committed?

In mechanical terms a COMMIT makes a transaction. That is, a transaction is all the activity (one or more DML statements) which occurs between two COMMIT statements (or ROLLBACK).

In Oracle a DDL statement is a transaction in its own right simply because an implicit COMMIT is issued before the statement is executed and again afterwards. TRUNCATE is a DDL command so it doesn't need an explicit commit because calling it executes an implicit commit.

From a system design perspective a transaction is a business unit of work. It might consist of a single DML statement or several of them. It doesn't matter: only full transactions require COMMIT. It literally does not make sense to issue a COMMIT unless or until we have completed a whole business unit of work.

This is a key concept. COMMITs don't just release locks. In Oracle they also release latches, such as the Interested Transaction List. This has an impact because of Oracle's read consistency model. Exceptions such as ORA-01555: SNAPSHOT TOO OLD or ORA-01002: FETCH OUT OF SEQUENCE occur because of inappropriate commits. Consequently, it is crucial for our transactions to hang onto locks for as long as they need them.

Is ConfigurationManager.AppSettings available in .NET Core 2.0?

I installed System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager from Nuget into my .net core 2.2 application.

I then reference using System.Configuration;

Next, I changed


to ..


So far I believe this is correct. 4.5.0 is typical with .net core 2.2

I have not had any issues with this.

ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore

Try this command to solve your problem.

sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev libqt4-dev

This works for me in python3.

Using an image caption in Markdown Jekyll

You can try to use pandoc as your converter. Here's a jekyll plugin to implement this. Pandoc will be able to add a figure caption the same as your alt attribute automatically.

But you have to push the compiled site because github doesn't allow plugins in Github pages for security.

How to get current formatted date dd/mm/yyyy in Javascript and append it to an input

I honestly suggest that you use moment.js. Just download moment.min.js and then use this snippet to get your date in whatever format you want:

$(document).ready(function() {

     // set an element
     $("#date").val( moment().format('MMM D, YYYY') );

     // set a variable
     var today = moment().format('D MMM, YYYY');


Use following chart for date formats:

enter image description here

How to keep console window open

If your using Visual Studio just run the application with Crtl + F5 instead of F5. This will leave the console open when it's finished executing.

WAMP error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server

The simple solution to this would be to find phpmyadmin.conf file and then find below code inside it,

<Directory "c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

AllowOverride all

    Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from


Change "Deny from all" to "Allow from all".


Follow below link to get better understanding on how to do it,

WAMP says Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server Windows 7 or 8

Enjoy :)

How can I add JAR files to the web-inf/lib folder in Eclipse?

Pasting the jar files in WebContent\WEB-INF\lib via the file system was the only way it worked for me.

They then appeared under the Deployed Resources and WebContent lib sub-folders.

When I looked, the build path had the jars in the Web App Libraries and everything built and ran fine.

Does a favicon have to be 32x32 or 16x16?

May I remind everybody that the question was:

I'd like to use a single image as both a regular favicon and iPhone/iPad friendly favicon? Is this possible? Would an iPad-friendly 72x72 PNG scale if linked to as a regular browser favicon? Or do I have to use a separate 16x16 or 32x32 image?

The answer is: YES, that is possible! YES, it will be scaled. NO, you do not need a 'regular browser favicon'. Please look at this answer:

Failed to load ApplicationContext for JUnit test of Spring controller

If you are using Maven, add the below config in your pom.xml:


With this config, you will be able to access xml files in WEB-INF folder. From Maven POM Reference: The testResources element block contains testResource elements. Their definitions are similar to resource elements, but are naturally used during test phases.

Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery

If we have a dropdown with a title of "Data Classification":

<select title="Data Classification">
    <option value="Top Secret">Top Secret</option>
    <option value="Secret">Secret</option>
    <option value="Confidential">Confidential</option>

We can get it into a variable:

var dataClsField = $('select[title="Data Classification"]');

Then put into another variable the value we want the dropdown to have:

var myValue = "Top Secret";  // this would have been "2" in your example

Then we can use the field we put into dataClsField, do a find for myValue and make it selected using .prop():

dataClsField.find('option[value="'+ myValue +'"]').prop('selected', 'selected');

Or, you could just use .val(), but your selector of . can only be used if it matches a class on the dropdown, and you should use quotes on the value inside the parenthesis, or just use the variable we set earlier:


How to check if a stored procedure exists before creating it

**The simplest way to drop and recreate a stored proc in T-Sql is **

Use DatabaseName
If Object_Id('schema.storedprocname') is not null
   drop procedure schema.storedprocname

create procedure schema.storedprocname


Show hide div using codebehind

<div id="OK1"  runat="server" style ="display:none" >
    <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList2" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
</div> code

  Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
    If DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
        OK1.Style.Add("display", "none")
        OK1.Style.Add("display", "block")
    End If
End Sub

Camera access through browser

As of 2015, it now just works.

<input type="file">

This will ask user for the upload of any file. On iOS 8.x this can be a camera video, camera photo, or a photo/video from Photo Library.

iOS/iPhone photo/video/file upload

<input type="file" accept="image/*">

This is as above, but limits the uploads to photos only from camera or library, no videos.

Java: how to convert HashMap<String, Object> to array

To guarantee the correct order for each array of Keys and Values, use this (the other answers use individual Sets which offer no guarantee as to order.

Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String[] keys = new String[map.size()];
Object[] values = new Object[map.size()];
int index = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> mapEntry : map.entrySet()) {
    keys[index] = mapEntry.getKey();
    values[index] = mapEntry.getValue();

jQuery ajax request with json response, how to?

Connect your javascript clientside controller and php serverside controller using sending and receiving opcodes with binded data. So your php code can send as response functional delta for js recepient/listener


Sorry for my bad English

How do I format a date in VBA with an abbreviated month?

I'm using

Sheet1.Range("E2", "E3000").NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss"

to format a column

So I guess

Sheet1.Range("E2", "E3000").NumberFormat = "MMM dd yyyy"

would do the trick for you.

More: NumberFormat function.

postgresql - sql - count of `true` values

Since PostgreSQL 9.4 there's the FILTER clause, which allows for a very concise query to count the true values:

select count(*) filter (where myCol)
from tbl;

The above query is a bad example in that a simple WHERE clause would suffice, and is for demonstrating the syntax only. Where the FILTER clause shines is that it is easy to combine with other aggregates:

select count(*), -- all
       count(myCol), -- non null
       count(*) filter (where myCol) -- true
from tbl;

The clause is especially handy for aggregates on a column that uses another column as the predicate, while allowing to fetch differently filtered aggregates in a single query:

select count(*),
       sum(otherCol) filter (where myCol)
from tbl;

Rendering an in React

Add up to Dmitry's answer, if you don't want to handle unique key IDs manually, you can use React.Children.toArray as proposed in the React documentation


Returns the children opaque data structure as a flat array with keys assigned to each child. Useful if you want to manipulate collections of children in your render methods, especially if you want to reorder or slice this.props.children before passing it down.


React.Children.toArray() changes keys to preserve the semantics of nested arrays when flattening lists of children. That is, toArray prefixes each key in the returned array so that each element’s key is scoped to the input array containing it.

, i) => <li>Test</li>)

Disabled form inputs do not appear in the request

In addition to Tom Blodget's response, you may simply add @HtmlBeginForm as the form action, like this:

 <form id="form" method="post" action="@Html.BeginForm("action", "controller", FormMethod.Post, new { onsubmit = "this.querySelectorAll('input').forEach(i => i.disabled = false)" })"

ConnectionTimeout versus SocketTimeout

A connection timeout is the maximum amount of time that the program is willing to wait to setup a connection to another process. You aren't getting or posting any application data at this point, just establishing the connection, itself.

A socket timeout is the timeout when waiting for individual packets. It's a common misconception that a socket timeout is the timeout to receive the full response. So if you have a socket timeout of 1 second, and a response comprised of 3 IP packets, where each response packet takes 0.9 seconds to arrive, for a total response time of 2.7 seconds, then there will be no timeout.

Adding whitespace in Java

String text = "text";
text += new String(" ");

How do I get the logfile from an Android device?

A simple way is to make your own log collector methods or even just an existing log collector app from the market.

For my apps I made a report functionality which sends the logs to my email (or even to another place - once you get the log you can do whether you want with it).

Here is a simple example about how to get the log file from a device:

Get first date of current month in java


    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();   // this takes current date
    c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
    System.out.println(c.getTime());       // this returns java.util.Date

Updated (Since Java 8):

import java.time.LocalDate;
LocalDate todaydate =;
System.out.println("Months first date in yyyy-mm-dd: " +todaydate.withDayOfMonth(1));

How to create a GUID/UUID in Python

If you need to pass UUID for a primary key for your model or unique field then below code returns the UUID object -

 import uuid

If you need to pass UUID as a parameter for URL you can do like below code -

import uuid

If you want the hex value for a UUID you can do the below one -

import uuid    

Example on ToggleButton

    android:textOn="Vibrate on"
    android:textOff="Vibrate off"

Within the Activity that hosts this layout, the following method handles the click event:

public void onToggleClicked(View view) {
    // Is the toggle on?
    boolean on = ((ToggleButton) view).isChecked();

    if (on) {
        // Enable vibrate
    } else {
        // Disable vibrate

Python: pandas merge multiple dataframes

Looks like the data has the same columns, so you can:

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)

merged_df = pd.concat([df1, df2])

Check/Uncheck all the checkboxes in a table

$(document).ready(function () {

            var someObj = {};

            $("#checkAll").click(function () {
                $('.chk').prop('checked', this.checked);

            $(".chk").click(function () {

                $("#checkAll").prop('checked', ($('.chk:checked').length == $('.chk').length) ? true : false);

            $("input:checkbox").change(function () {

                someObj.elementChecked = [];

                $("input:checkbox").each(function () {
                    if ($(this).is(":checked")) {



            $("#button").click(function () {





    <ul class="chkAry">
        <li><input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" />Select All</li>

        <li><input class="chk" type="checkbox" id="Delhi">Delhi</li>

        <li><input class="chk" type="checkbox" id="Pune">Pune</li>

        <li><input class="chk" type="checkbox" id="Goa">Goa</li>

        <li><input class="chk" type="checkbox" id="Haryana">Haryana</li>

        <li><input class="chk" type="checkbox" id="Mohali">Mohali</li>

    <input type="button" id="button" value="Get" />


Resolving a Git conflict with binary files

You can also overcome this problem with

git mergetool

which causes git to create local copies of the conflicted binary and spawn your default editor on them:

  • {conflicted}.HEAD
  • {conflicted}
  • {conflicted}.REMOTE

Obviously you can't usefully edit binaries files in a text editor. Instead you copy the new {conflicted}.REMOTE file over {conflicted} without closing the editor. Then when you do close the editor git will see that the undecorated working-copy has been changed and your merge conflict is resolved in the usual way.

Java Long primitive type maximum limit

Ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

It will start from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808


How to blur background images in Android

This might be a very late reply but I hope it helps someone.

  1. You can use third party libs such as RenderScript/Blurry/etc.
  2. If you do not want to use any third party libs, you can do the below using alpha(setting alpha to 0 means complete blur and 1 means same as existing).

Note(If you are using point 2) : While setting alpha to the background, it will blur the whole layout. To avoid this, create a new xml containing drawable and set alpha here to 0.5 (or value of your wish) and use this drawable name (name of file) as the background.

For example, use it as below (say file name is bgndblur.xml):

<bitmap xmlns:android=""

Use the below in your layout :


Hope this helped.

new Image(), how to know if image 100% loaded or not?

Using the Promise pattern:

function getImage(url){
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
            var img = new Image()
            img.onload = function(){
            img.onerror = function(){
            img.src = url

And when calling the function we can handle its response or error quite neatly.

    //do stufff
    //do stuff

How do you loop through each line in a text file using a windows batch file?

Here's a bat file I wrote to execute all SQL scripts in a folder:

REM ******************************************************************
REM Runs all *.sql scripts sorted by filename in the current folder.
REM To use integrated auth change -U <user> -P <password> to -E
REM ******************************************************************

dir /B /O:n *.sql > RunSqlScripts.tmp
for /F %%A in (RunSqlScripts.tmp) do osql -S (local) -d DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME -U USERNAME_GOES_HERE -P PASSWORD_GOES_HERE -i %%A
del RunSqlScripts.tmp

De-obfuscate Javascript code to make it readable again

Here's a new automated tool, JSNice, to try to deobfuscate/deminify it. The tool even tries to guess the variable names, which is unbelievably cool. (It mines Javascript on github for this purpose.)

How can I brew link a specific version?

The usage info:

Usage: brew switch <formula> <version>


brew switch mysql 5.5.29

You can find the versions installed on your system with info.

brew info mysql

And to see the available versions to install, you can provide a dud version number, as brew will helpfully respond with the available version numbers:

brew switch mysql 0

Update (15.10.2014):

The brew versions command has been removed from brew, but, if you do wish to use this command first run brew tap homebrew/boneyard.

The recommended way to install an old version is to install from the homebrew/versions repo as follows:

$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install mysql55

For detailed info on all the ways to install an older version of a formula read this answer.

How to check whether particular port is open or closed on UNIX?

Try (maybe as root)

lsof -i -P

and grep the output for the port you are looking for.

For example to check for port 80 do

lsof -i -P | grep :80

Picking a random element from a set

Since you said "Solutions for other languages are also welcome", here's the version for Python:

>>> import random
>>> random.choice([1,2,3,4,5,6])
>>> random.choice([1,2,3,4,5,6])

Convert a file path to Uri in Android

Please try the following code

Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/sample.jpg"))

Windows.history.back() + location.reload() jquery

After struggling with this for a few days, it turns out that you can't do a window.location.reload() after a window.history.go(-2), because the code stops running after the window.history.go(-2). Also the html spec basically views a history.go(-2) to the the same as hitting the back button and should retrieve the page as it was instead of as it now may be. There was some talk of setting caching headers in the webserver to turn off caching but I did not want to do this.

The solution for me was to use session storage to set a flag in the browser with sessionStorage.setItem('refresh', 'true'); Then in the "theme" or the next page that needs to be refreshed do:

if (sessionStorage.getItem("refresh") == "true") { 
    sessionStorage.removeItem("refresh"); window.location.reload()

So basically tell it to reload in the sessionStorage then check for that at the top of the page that needs to be reloaded.

Hope this helps someone with this bit of frustration.

git remote prune – didn't show as many pruned branches as I expected

When you use git push origin :staleStuff, it automatically removes origin/staleStuff, so when you ran git remote prune origin, you have pruned some branch that was removed by someone else. It's more likely that your co-workers now need to run git prune to get rid of branches you have removed.

So what exactly git remote prune does? Main idea: local branches (not tracking branches) are not touched by git remote prune command and should be removed manually.

Now, a real-world example for better understanding:

You have a remote repository with 2 branches: master and feature. Let's assume that you are working on both branches, so as a result you have these references in your local repository (full reference names are given to avoid any confusion):

  • refs/heads/master (short name master)
  • refs/heads/feature (short name feature)
  • refs/remotes/origin/master (short name origin/master)
  • refs/remotes/origin/feature (short name origin/feature)

Now, a typical scenario:

  1. Some other developer finishes all work on the feature, merges it into master and removes feature branch from remote repository.
  2. By default, when you do git fetch (or git pull), no references are removed from your local repository, so you still have all those 4 references.
  3. You decide to clean them up, and run git remote prune origin.
  4. git detects that feature branch no longer exists, so refs/remotes/origin/feature is a stale branch which should be removed.
  5. Now you have 3 references, including refs/heads/feature, because git remote prune does not remove any refs/heads/* references.

It is possible to identify local branches, associated with remote tracking branches, by branch.<branch_name>.merge configuration parameter. This parameter is not really required for anything to work (probably except git pull), so it might be missing.

(updated with example & useful info from comments)

List all the files and folders in a Directory with PHP recursive function

This will print the full path of all files in the given directory, you can also pass other callback functions to recursiveDir.

function printFunc($path){
    echo $path."<br>";

function recursiveDir($path, $fileFunc, $dirFunc){
    $openDir = opendir($path);
    while (($file = readdir($openDir)) !== false) {
        $fullFilePath = realpath("$path/$file");
        if ($file[0] != ".") {
            if (is_file($fullFilePath)){
                if (is_callable($fileFunc)){
            } else {
                if (is_callable($dirFunc)){
                recursiveDir($fullFilePath, $fileFunc, $dirFunc);

recursiveDir($dirToScan, 'printFunc', 'printFunc');

Unique constraint on multiple columns

By using the constraint definition on table creation, you can specify one or multiple constraints that span multiple columns. The syntax, simplified from technet's documentation, is in the form of:

    column [ ASC | DESC ] [ ,...n ]

Therefore, the resuting table definition would be:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[user](
    [userID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [fcode] [int] NULL,
    [scode] [int] NULL,
    [dcode] [int] NULL,
    [name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [address] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
        [userID] ASC
        [fcode], [scode], [dcode]

How can I change the text color with jQuery?

Place the following in your jQuery mouseover event handler:

$(this).css('color', 'red');

To set both color and size at the same time:

$(this).css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '150%' });

You can set any CSS attribute using the .css() jQuery function.

Excel Date to String conversion

Couldnt get the TEXT() formula to work

Easiest solution was to copy paste into Notepad and back into Excel with the column set to Text before pasting back

Or you can do the same with a formula like this

=DAY(A2)&"/"&MONTH(A2)&"/"&YEAR(A2)& " "&HOUR(B2)&":"&MINUTE(B2)&":"&SECOND(B2)

How to backup a local Git repository?

Found the simple official way after wading through the walls of text above that would make you think there is none.

Create a complete bundle with:

$ git bundle create <filename> --all

Restore it with:

$ git clone <filename> <folder>

This operation is atomic AFAIK. Check official docs for the gritty details.

Regarding "zip": git bundles are compressed and surprisingly small compared to the .git folder size.

WPF TabItem Header Styling

Try this style instead, it modifies the template itself. In there you can change everything you need to transparent:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
  <Setter Property="Template">
      <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
          <Border Name="Border" Margin="0,0,0,0" Background="Transparent"
                  BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1,1,1,1" CornerRadius="5">
            <ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                              ContentSource="Header" Margin="12,2,12,2"
            <RotateTransform Angle="270" />
          <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
            <Setter Property="Panel.ZIndex" Value="100" />
            <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" Value="Red" />
            <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderThickness" Value="1,1,1,0" />
          <Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
            <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" Value="DarkRed" />
            <Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="DarkGray" />

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

Whenever you create or update package name Make sure your package name is exactly the same [Upper case and lower case matters]

Do below step.

1). Check applicationId in App level gradle file,

2). Check package_name in your google-services.json file,

3). Check package in your AndroidManifest file

and for full confirmation make sure that your working package directory name i.e.("") is also the same.

EDIT [ Any one who is facing this issue in productFlavour scenario, go check out Droid Chris's Solution ]

How to re-index all subarray elements of a multidimensional array?

Use array_values to reset keys

foreach($input as &$val) {
   $val = array_values($val);

Getter and Setter declaration in .NET

Well, the first and second both generate something like the third in the end. However, don't use the third when you have a syntax for properties.

Finally, if you have no work to do in the get or set, then use the first.

In the end, the first and second are just some form of syntactic sugar, but why code more than what's necessary.

// more code == more bugs

And just to have a little fun, consider this:

public string A { get; private set; }

Now that's a lot more straight forward isn't it? The public modifier is implied on both the get and the set, but it can be overriden. This would of course be the same rule for any modifier used when defining the property itself.

Reference member variables as class members

Is there a name to describe this idiom?

There is no name for this usage, it is simply known as "Reference as class member".

I am assuming it is to prevent the possibly large overhead of copying a big complex object?

Yes and also scenarios where you want to associate the lifetime of one object with another object.

Is this generally good practice? Are there any pitfalls to this approach?

Depends on your usage. Using any language feature is like "choosing horses for courses". It is important to note that every (almost all) language feature exists because it is useful in some scenario.
There are a few important points to note when using references as class members:

  • You need to ensure that the referred object is guaranteed to exist till your class object exists.
  • You need to initialize the member in the constructor member initializer list. You cannot have a lazy initialization, which could be possible in case of pointer member.
  • The compiler will not generate the copy assignment operator=() and you will have to provide one yourself. It is cumbersome to determine what action your = operator shall take in such a case. So basically your class becomes non-assignable.
  • References cannot be NULL or made to refer any other object. If you need reseating, then it is not possible with a reference as in case of a pointer.

For most practical purposes (unless you are really concerned of high memory usage due to member size) just having a member instance, instead of pointer or reference member should suffice. This saves you a whole lot of worrying about other problems which reference/pointer members bring along though at expense of extra memory usage.

If you must use a pointer, make sure you use a smart pointer instead of a raw pointer. That would make your life much easier with pointers.

Find the 2nd largest element in an array with minimum number of comparisons

Sort the array into ascending order then assign a variable to the (n-1)th term.

Get text from DataGridView selected cells



How to loop through files matching wildcard in batch file

Assuming you have two programs that process the two files, process_in.exe and process_out.exe:

for %%f in (*.in) do (
    echo %%~nf
    process_in ""
    process_out "%%~nf.out"

%%~nf is a substitution modifier, that expands %f to a file name only. See other modifiers in (midway down the page) or just in the next answer.

Printing Exception Message in java

try {
} catch (javax.script.ScriptException ex) {
// System.out.println(ex.getMessage());