Programs & Examples On #Browser testing

How to sort a List of objects by their date (java collections, List<Object>)

In Java 8, it's now as simple as:


How to remove a character at the end of each line in unix

This Perl code removes commas at the end of the line:

perl -pe 's/,$//' file > file.nocomma

This variation still works if there is whitespace after the comma:

perl -lpe 's/,\s*$//' file > file.nocomma

This variation edits the file in-place:

perl -i -lpe 's/,\s*$//' file

This variation edits the file in-place, and makes a backup file.bak:

perl -i.bak -lpe 's/,\s*$//' file

Capitalize only first character of string and leave others alone? (Rails)

If and only if OP would want to do monkey patching on String object, then this can be used

class String
  # Only capitalize first letter of a string
  def capitalize_first
    self.sub(/\S/, &:upcase)

Now use it:

"i live in New York".capitalize_first #=> I live in New York

Actionbar notification count icon (badge) like Google has

Ok, for @AndrewS solution to work with v7 appCompat library:

    xmlns:someNamespace="" >

        android:icon="@drawable/shape_notification" />



public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
    inflater.inflate(, menu);

    MenuItem item = menu.findItem(;
    MenuItemCompat.setActionView(item, R.layout.feed_update_count);
    View view = MenuItemCompat.getActionView(item);
    notifCount = (Button)view.findViewById(;

private void setNotifCount(int count){
    mNotifCount = count;

The rest of the code is the same.

How to have comments in IntelliSense for function in Visual Studio?

Those are called XML Comments. They have been a part of Visual Studio since forever.

You can make your documentation process easier by using GhostDoc, a free add-in for Visual Studio which generates XML-doc comments for you. Just place your caret on the method/property you want to document, and press Ctrl-Shift-D.

Here's an example from one of my posts.

Hope that helps :)

Java System.out.print formatting

Something likes this

public void testPrintOut() {
    int val1 = 8;
    String val2 = "$951.23";
    String val3 = "$215.92";
    String val4 = "$198,301.22";
    System.out.println(String.format("%03d %7s %7s %11s", val1, val2, val3, val4));

    val1 = 9;
    val2 = "$950.19";
    val3 = "$216.95";
    val4 = "$198,084.26";
    System.out.println(String.format("%03d %7s %7s %11s", val1, val2, val3, val4));

How to load image (and other assets) in Angular an project?

In my project I am using the following syntax in my app.component.html:

<img src="/assets/img/1.jpg" alt="image">


<img src='' alt='image'>

use [src] as a template expression when you are binding a property using interpolation:

<img [src]="imagePath" />

is the same as:

<img src={{imagePath}} />

Source: how to bind img src in angular 2 in ngFor?

How to import a .cer certificate into a java keystore?

  • If you want to authenticate you need the private key - there is no other option.
  • A certificate is a public key with extra properties (like company name, country,...) that is signed by some Certificate authority that guarantees that the attached properties are true.
  • .CER files are certificates and don't have the private key. The private key is provided with a .PFX keystore file normally. If you really authenticate is because you already had imported the private key.
  • You normally can import .CER certificates without any problems with

    keytool -importcert -file certificate.cer -keystore keystore.jks -alias "Alias" 

How to install the Raspberry Pi cross compiler on my Linux host machine?

For Windows host, I want to highly recommend this tutorial::

  • Download and install the toolchain
  • Sync sysroot with your RPi include/lib directories
  • Compile your code
  • Drag and drop the executable to your RPi using SmarTTY
  • Run it!

Nothing more, nothing less!

Prebuilt GNU Toolchains available for Raspberry, Beaglebone, Cubieboard, AVR (Atmel) and more

Make column fixed position in bootstrap

Following the solution here,

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-3 fixed">
        Fixed content
    <div class="col-lg-9 scrollit">
        Normal scrollable content


I modified some css to work just perfect:

.fixed {
        position: fixed;
        width: 25%;
.scrollit {
        float: left;
        width: 71%

Thanks @Lowkase for sharing the solution.

Easy way to make a confirmation dialog in Angular?

Method 1

One simple way to confirm is to use the native browser confirm alert. The template can have a button or link.

<button type=button class="btn btn-primary"  (click)="clickMethod('name')">Delete me</button>

And the component method can be something like below.

clickMethod(name: string) {
  if(confirm("Are you sure to delete "+name)) {
    console.log("Implement delete functionality here");

Method 2

Another way to get a simple confirmation dialog is to use the angular bootstrap components like ng-bootstrap or ngx-bootstrap. You can simply install the component and use the modal component.

  1. Examples of modals using ng-bootstrap
  2. Examples of modals using ngx-bootstrap.

Method 3

Provided below is another way to implement a simple confirmation popup using angular2/material that I implemented in my project.


import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { ConfirmationDialog } from './confirm-dialog/confirmation-dialog';

  imports: [
  declarations: [
  providers: [ ... ],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  entryComponents: [ConfirmationDialog]
export class AppModule { }


import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { MdDialog, MdDialogRef } from '@angular/material';

  selector: 'confirm-dialog',
  templateUrl: '/app/confirm-dialog/confirmation-dialog.html',
export class ConfirmationDialog {
  constructor(public dialogRef: MdDialogRef<ConfirmationDialog>) {}

  public confirmMessage:string;


<h1 md-dialog-title>Confirm</h1>
<div md-dialog-content>{{confirmMessage}}</div>
<div md-dialog-actions>
  <button md-button style="color: #fff;background-color: #153961;" (click)="dialogRef.close(true)">Confirm</button>
  <button md-button (click)="dialogRef.close(false)">Cancel</button>


<button (click)="openConfirmationDialog()">Delete me</button>


import { MdDialog, MdDialogRef } from '@angular/material';
import { ConfirmationDialog } from './confirm-dialog/confirmation-dialog';

  templateUrl: '/app/app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['/app/main.css']

export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  dialogRef: MdDialogRef<ConfirmationDialog>;

  constructor(public dialog: MdDialog) {}

  openConfirmationDialog() {
    this.dialogRef =, {
      disableClose: false
    this.dialogRef.componentInstance.confirmMessage = "Are you sure you want to delete?"

    this.dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => {
      if(result) {
        // do confirmation actions
      this.dialogRef = null;

index.html => added following stylesheet

<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@angular/material/core/theming/prebuilt/indigo-pink.css">

Error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version

Use ` backticks for MYSQL reserved words...

table name "table" is reserved word for MYSQL...

so your query should be as follows...

$sql="INSERT INTO `table` (`username`, `password`)

Log exception with traceback

Heres a simple example taken from the python 2.6 documentation:

import logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/logging_example.out'

logging.debug('This message should go to the log file')

Java abstract interface

Why is it necessary for an interface to be "declared" abstract?

It's not.

public abstract interface Interface {
           '----> Neither this...

    public void interfacing();
    public abstract boolean interfacing(boolean really);
               '----> nor this, are necessary.

Interfaces and their methods are implicitly abstract and adding that modifier makes no difference.

Is there other rules that applies with an abstract interface?

No, same rules apply. The method must be implemented by any (concrete) implementing class.

If abstract is obsolete, why is it included in Java? Is there a history for abstract interface?

Interesting question. I dug up the first edition of JLS, and even there it says "This modifier is obsolete and should not be used in new Java programs".

Okay, digging even further... After hitting numerous broken links, I managed to find a copy of the original Oak 0.2 Specification (or "manual"). Quite interesting read I must say, and only 38 pages in total! :-)

Under Section 5, Interfaces, it provides the following example:

public interface Storing {
    void freezeDry(Stream s) = 0;
    void reconstitute(Stream s) = 0;

And in the margin it says

In the future, the " =0" part of declaring methods in interfaces may go away.

Assuming =0 got replaced by the abstract keyword, I suspect that abstract was at some point mandatory for interface methods!

Related article: Java: Abstract interfaces and abstract interface methods

list.clear() vs list = new ArrayList<Integer>();

List.clear would remove the elements without reducing the capacity of the list.

groovy:000> mylist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
===> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
groovy:000> mylist.elementData.length
===> 12
groovy:000> mylist.elementData
===> [Ljava.lang.Object;@19d6af
groovy:000> mylist.clear()
===> null
groovy:000> mylist.elementData.length
===> 12
groovy:000> mylist.elementData
===> [Ljava.lang.Object;@19d6af
groovy:000> mylist = new ArrayList();
===> []
groovy:000> mylist.elementData
===> [Ljava.lang.Object;@2bfdff
groovy:000> mylist.elementData.length
===> 10

Here mylist got cleared, the references to the elements held by it got nulled out, but it keeps the same backing array. Then mylist was reinitialized and got a new backing array, the old one got GCed. So one way holds onto memory, the other one throws out its memory and gets reallocated from scratch (with the default capacity). Which is better depends on whether you want to reduce garbage-collection churn or minimize the current amount of unused memory. Whether the list sticks around long enough to be moved out of Eden might be a factor in deciding which is faster (because that might make garbage-collecting it more expensive).

How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in SQL Server?

I ran into a couple of problems when I tried converting Kevin Fairchild's suggestion to work with strings containing spaces and special XML characters (&, <, >) which were encoded.

The final version of my code (which doesn't answer the original question but may be useful to someone) looks like this:

CREATE TABLE #YourTable ([ID] INT, [Name] VARCHAR(MAX), [Value] INT)

INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (1,'Oranges & Lemons',4)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (1,'1 < 2',8)
INSERT INTO #YourTable ([ID],[Name],[Value]) VALUES (2,'C',9)

    SELECT ', ' + CAST([Name] AS VARCHAR(MAX))
    FROM #YourTable WHERE (ID = Results.ID) 
     /* Use .value to uncomment XML entities e.g. &gt; &lt; etc*/
  ,1,2,'') as NameValues
FROM    #YourTable Results


Rather than using a space as a delimiter and replacing all the spaces with commas, it just pre-pends a comma and space to each value then uses STUFF to remove the first two characters.

The XML encoding is taken care of automatically by using the TYPE directive.

jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined (anonymous function)

I too had the "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined" with:

$.fn.circleType = function(options) {



But fixed it by wrapping it in a document ready function:

jQuery(document).ready.circleType = function(options) {



Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

Just updating with Nuget 2.8.3. To change the location of installed packages , I enabled package restore from right clicking solution. Edited NuGet.Config and added these lines :

    <add key="repositorypath" value="..\Core\Packages" />

Then rebuilt the solution, it downloaded all packages to my desired folder and updated references automatically.

Mean Squared Error in Numpy?

Even more numpy

np.square(np.subtract(A, B)).mean()

Simple Popup by using Angular JS

Built a modal popup example using syarul's jsFiddle link. Here is the updated fiddle.

Created an angular directive called modal and used in html. Explanation:-


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="container">
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Success')" class="btn btn-default">Success</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Remove')" class="btn btn-default">Remove</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Deny')" class="btn btn-default">Deny</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Cancel')" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>
  <modal visible="showModal">
      Any additional data / buttons

On button click toggleModal() function is called with the button message as parameter. This function toggles the visibility of popup. Any tags that you put inside will show up in the popup as content since ng-transclude is placed on modal-body in the directive template.


var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $scope.buttonClicked = "";
    $scope.toggleModal = function(btnClicked){
        $scope.buttonClicked = btnClicked;
        $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ buttonClicked }} clicked!!</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
        scope.title = attrs.title;

        scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;


<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="mymodal">


<div ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="container">
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Success')" class="btn btn-default">Success</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Remove')" class="btn btn-default">Remove</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Deny')" class="btn btn-default">Deny</button>
  <button ng-click="toggleModal('Cancel')" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button>
  <modal visible="showModal">
      Any additional data / buttons
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <!-- Scripts -->
    <script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

    <!-- App -->
        var mymodal = angular.module('mymodal', []);

mymodal.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
    $scope.showModal = false;
    $scope.buttonClicked = "";
    $scope.toggleModal = function(btnClicked){
        $scope.buttonClicked = btnClicked;
        $scope.showModal = !$scope.showModal;

mymodal.directive('modal', function () {
    return {
      template: '<div class="modal fade">' + 
          '<div class="modal-dialog">' + 
            '<div class="modal-content">' + 
              '<div class="modal-header">' + 
                '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + 
                '<h4 class="modal-title">{{ buttonClicked }} clicked!!</h4>' + 
              '</div>' + 
              '<div class="modal-body" ng-transclude></div>' + 
            '</div>' + 
          '</div>' + 
      restrict: 'E',
      transclude: true,
      link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
          scope.$watch(attrs.visible, function(value){
          if(value == true)

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = true;

        $(element).on('', function(){
            scope.$parent[attrs.visible] = false;


UPDATE 2 restrict : 'E' : directive to be used as an HTML tag (element). Example in our case is


Other values are 'A' for attribute

<div modal>

'C' for class (not preferable in our case because modal is already a class in bootstrap.css)

<div class="modal">

When should you use 'friend' in C++?

Friend comes handy when you are building a container and you want to implement an iterator for that class.

C++ Array of pointers: delete or delete []?

To simplify the answare let's look on the following code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A
    int m_id;
    static int count;
    A() {count++; m_id = count;}
    A(int id) { m_id = id; }
    ~A() {cout<< "Destructor A "   <<m_id<<endl; }

int A::count = 0;

void f1()
    A* arr = new A[10];
    //delete operate only one constructor, and crash!
    delete arr;
    //delete[] arr;

int main()
    return 0;

The output is: Destructor A 1 and then it's crashing (Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(phead- nBlockUse)).

We need to use: delete[] arr; becuse it's delete the whole array and not just one cell!

try to use delete[] arr; the output is: Destructor A 10 Destructor A 9 Destructor A 8 Destructor A 7 Destructor A 6 Destructor A 5 Destructor A 4 Destructor A 3 Destructor A 2 Destructor A 1

The same principle is for an array of pointers:

void f2()
    A** arr = new A*[10];
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        arr[i] = new A(i);
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        delete arr[i];//delete the A object allocations.

    delete[] arr;//delete the array of pointers

if we'll use delete arr instead of delete[] arr. it will not delete the whole pointers in the array => memory leak of pointer objects!

How to print a linebreak in a python function?

Also if you're making it a console program, you can do: print(" ") and continue your program. I've found it the easiest way to separate my text.

how to save DOMPDF generated content to file?

I did test your code and the only problem I could see was the lack of permission given to the directory you try to write the file in to.

Give "write" permission to the directory you need to put the file. In your case it is the current directory.

Use "chmod" in linux.

Add "Everyone" with "write" enabled to the security tab of the directory if you are in Windows.

open program minimized via command prompt

Local Windows 10 ActiveMQ server :

@echo off
start /min "" "C:\Install\apache-activemq\5.15.10\bin\win64\activemq.bat" start

Android ListView with different layouts for each row

In your custom array adapter, you override the getView() method, as you presumably familiar with. Then all you have to do is use a switch statement or an if statement to return a certain custom View depending on the position argument passed to the getView method. Android is clever in that it will only give you a convertView of the appropriate type for your position/row; you do not need to check it is of the correct type. You can help Android with this by overriding the getItemViewType() and getViewTypeCount() methods appropriately.

Change some value inside the List<T>

You could use a projection with a statement lambda, but the original foreach loop is more readable and is editing the list in place rather than creating a new list.

var result = list.Select(i => 
      if (i.Name == "height") i.Value = 30;
      return i; 

Extension Method

public static IEnumerable<MyClass> SetHeights(
    this IEnumerable<MyClass> source, int value)
    foreach (var item in source)
       if (item.Name == "height")
           item.Value = value;

       yield return item;

var result = list.SetHeights(30).ToList();

Set Date in a single line

This is yet another reason to use Joda Time

new DateMidnight(2010, 3, 5)

DateMidnight is now deprecated but the same effect can be achieved with Joda Time DateTime

DateTime dt = new DateTime(2010, 3, 5, 0, 0);

Sound alarm when code finishes

I'm assuming you want the standard system bell, and don't want to concern yourself with frequencies and durations etc., you just want the standard windows bell.

import winsound

How to compare two Carbon Timestamps?

First, Eloquent automatically converts it's timestamps (created_at, updated_at) into carbon objects. You could just use updated_at to get that nice feature, or specify edited_at in your model in the $dates property:

protected $dates = ['edited_at'];

Now back to your actual question. Carbon has a bunch of comparison functions:

  • eq() equals
  • ne() not equals
  • gt() greater than
  • gte() greater than or equals
  • lt() less than
  • lte() less than or equals


    // edited at is newer than created at

VS 2017 Git Local Commit DB.lock error on every commit

I had done above solutions , finally this works solved my problem :

  • Close the visual studio

  • Run the git bash in the project folder

  • Write :

    git add .

    git commit -m "[your comment]"

    git push

How can I select the record with the 2nd highest salary in database Oracle?

select Max(Salary) as SecondHighestSalary from Employee where Salary not in (select max(Salary) from Employee)

UICollectionView - dynamic cell height?

We can maintain dynamic height for collection view cell without xib(only using storyboard).

- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView
  sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

        NSAttributedString* labelString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Your long string goes here" attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:17.0]}];
        CGRect cellRect = [labelString boundingRectWithSize:CGSizeMake(cellWidth, MAXFLOAT) options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil];

        return CGSizeMake(cellWidth, cellRect.size.height);

Make sure that numberOfLines in IB should be 0.

Why is NULL undeclared?

NULL is not a built-in constant in the C or C++ languages. In fact, in C++ it's more or less obsolete, just use a plain literal 0 instead, the compiler will do the right thing depending on the context.

In newer C++ (C++11 and higher), use nullptr (as pointed out in a comment, thanks).

Otherwise, add

#include <stddef.h>

to get the NULL definition.

How to find prime numbers between 0 - 100?

Here's the fastest way to calculate primes in JavaScript, based on the previous prime value.

function nextPrime(value) {
    if (value > 2) {
        var i, q;
        do {
            i = 3;
            value += 2;
            q = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(value));
            while (i <= q && value % i) {
                i += 2;
        } while (i <= q);
        return value;
    return value === 2 ? 3 : 2;


var value = 0, result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    value = nextPrime(value);
console.log("Primes:", result);


Primes: [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 ]

It is faster than other alternatives published here, because:

  • It aligns the loop limit to an integer, which works way faster;
  • It uses a shorter iteration loop, skipping even numbers.

It can give you the first 100,000 primes in about 130ms, or the first 1m primes in about 4 seconds.

 function nextPrime(value) {_x000D_
        if (value > 2) {_x000D_
            var i, q;_x000D_
            do {_x000D_
                i = 3;_x000D_
                value += 2;_x000D_
                q = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(value));_x000D_
                while (i <= q && value % i) {_x000D_
                    i += 2;_x000D_
            } while (i <= q);_x000D_
            return value;_x000D_
        return value === 2 ? 3 : 2;_x000D_
    var value, result = [];_x000D_
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {_x000D_
        value = nextPrime(value);_x000D_
    display("Primes: " + result.join(', '));_x000D_
    function display(msg) {_x000D_
            "<p>" + msg + "</p>"_x000D_

Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers

Unlike the solutions here, I needed to convert to/from UTF-8 data. For this purpose, I coded the following two functions, using the (un)escape/(en)decodeURIComponent trick. They're pretty wasteful of memory, allocating 9 times the length of the encoded utf8-string, though those should be recovered by gc. Just don't use them for 100mb text.

function utf8AbFromStr(str) {
    var strUtf8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
    var ab = new Uint8Array(strUtf8.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < strUtf8.length; i++) {
        ab[i] = strUtf8.charCodeAt(i);
    return ab;

function strFromUtf8Ab(ab) {
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, ab)));

Checking that it works:

-> "latin????????aß?de???????"

Is there a printf converter to print in binary format?

Some runtimes support "%b" although that is not a standard.

Also see here for an interesting discussion:


Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android

For me none of the above methods not work.

Just do this to clear all previous activity:

finishAffinity() // if you are in fragment use activity.finishAffinity()
Intent intent = new Intent(this, DestActivity.class); // with all flags you want

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Net.Http.Formatting' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the path specified

Probably you need to set library reference as "Copy Local = True" on properties dialog. On visual studio click on "references" then right-click on the missing reference, from the context menu click properties, you should see copy local setting.

Java: how do I initialize an array size if it's unknown?

**input of list of number for array from single line.

   String input = sc.nextLine();
    String arr[] = input.split(" ");
    int new_arr[] = new int[arr.length];
    for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
         new_arr[i] = Integer.parseInt(arr[i]);

Generate pdf from HTML in div using Javascript

jsPDF is able to use plugins. In order to enable it to print HTML, you have to include certain plugins and therefore have to do the following:

  1. Go to and download the latest Version.
  2. Include the following Scripts in your project:
    • jspdf.js
    • jspdf.plugin.from_html.js
    • jspdf.plugin.split_text_to_size.js
    • jspdf.plugin.standard_fonts_metrics.js

If you want to ignore certain elements, you have to mark them with an ID, which you can then ignore in a special element handler of jsPDF. Therefore your HTML should look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p id="ignorePDF">don't print this to pdf</p>
      <p><font size="3" color="red">print this to pdf</font></p>

Then you use the following JavaScript code to open the created PDF in a PopUp:

var doc = new jsPDF();          
var elementHandler = {
  '#ignorePDF': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;
var source = window.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
      'width': 180,'elementHandlers': elementHandler


For me this created a nice and tidy PDF that only included the line 'print this to pdf'.

Please note that the special element handlers only deal with IDs in the current version, which is also stated in a GitHub Issue. It states:

Because the matching is done against every element in the node tree, my desire was to make it as fast as possible. In that case, it meant "Only element IDs are matched" The element IDs are still done in jQuery style "#id", but it does not mean that all jQuery selectors are supported.

Therefore replacing '#ignorePDF' with class selectors like '.ignorePDF' did not work for me. Instead you will have to add the same handler for each and every element, which you want to ignore like:

var elementHandler = {
  '#ignoreElement': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;
  '#anotherIdToBeIgnored': function (element, renderer) {
    return true;

From the examples it is also stated that it is possible to select tags like 'a' or 'li'. That might be a little bit to unrestrictive for the most usecases though:

We support special element handlers. Register them with jQuery-style ID selector for either ID or node name. ("#iAmID", "div", "span" etc.) There is no support for any other type of selectors (class, of compound) at this time.

One very important thing to add is that you lose all your style information (CSS). Luckily jsPDF is able to nicely format h1, h2, h3 etc., which was enough for my purposes. Additionally it will only print text within text nodes, which means that it will not print the values of textareas and the like. Example:

    <!-- This is printed as the element contains a textnode -->        
    <li>Print me!</li>
    <!-- This is not printed because jsPDF doesn't deal with the value attribute -->
    <input type="textarea" value="Please print me, too!">

Python OpenCV2 (cv2) wrapper to get image size?

import cv2
img_info = img.shape
print("Image height :",img_info[0])
print("Image Width :", img_info[1])
print("Image channels :", img_info[2])

Ouput :- enter image description here

My_test.jpg link --->

how do you view macro code in access?

You can try the following VBA code to export Macro contents directly without converting them to VBA first. Unlike Tables, Forms, Reports, and Modules, the Macros are in a container called Scripts. But they are there and can be exported and imported using SaveAsText and LoadFromText

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

Public Sub ExportDatabaseObjects()
On Error GoTo Err_ExportDatabaseObjects

    Dim db As Database
    Dim d As Document
    Dim c As Container
    Dim sExportLocation As String

    Set db = CurrentDb()

    sExportLocation = "C:\SomeFolder\"
    Set c = db.Containers("Scripts")
    For Each d In c.Documents
        Application.SaveAsText acMacro, d.Name, sExportLocation & "Macro_" & d.Name & ".txt"
    Next d

An alternative object to use is as follows:

  For Each obj In Access.Application.CurrentProject.AllMacros
    Access.Application.SaveAsText acMacro, obj.Name, strFilePath & "\Macro_" & obj.Name & ".txt"

Angular 2 - Redirect to an external URL and open in a new tab

One caveat on using is that if the url that you pass to it doesn't have http:// or https:// in front of it, angular treats it as a route.

To get around this, test if the url starts with http:// or https:// and append it if it doesn't.

let url: string = '';
if (!/^http[s]?:\/\//.test(this.urlToOpen)) {
    url += 'http://';

url += this.urlToOpen;, '_blank');

Returning IEnumerable<T> vs. IQueryable<T>

I recently ran into an issue with IEnumerable v. IQueryable. The algorithm being used first performed an IQueryable query to obtain a set of results. These were then passed to a foreach loop, with the items instantiated as an Entity Framework (EF) class. This EF class was then used in the from clause of a Linq to Entity query, causing the result to be IEnumerable.

I'm fairly new to EF and Linq for Entities, so it took a while to figure out what the bottleneck was. Using MiniProfiling, I found the query and then converted all of the individual operations to a single IQueryable Linq for Entities query. The IEnumerable took 15 seconds and the IQueryable took 0.5 seconds to execute. There were three tables involved and, after reading this, I believe that the IEnumerable query was actually forming a three table cross-product and filtering the results.

Try to use IQueryables as a rule-of-thumb and profile your work to make your changes measurable.


Access requires parentheses in the FROM clause for queries which include more than one join. Try it this way ...

    INNER JOIN tbl_netpay
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_netpay.emp_id)
    INNER JOIN tbl_gross
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_gross.emp_ID)
    INNER JOIN tbl_tax
    ON tbl_employee.emp_id = tbl_tax.emp_ID;

If possible, use the Access query designer to set up your joins. The designer will add parentheses as required to keep the db engine happy.

How to remove special characters from a string?

Use the String.replaceAll() method in Java. replaceAll should be good enough for your problem.

Generate sql insert script from excel worksheet

Here is a link to an Online automator to convert CSV files to SQL Insert Into statements:


How can I create Min stl priority_queue?

One way would be to define a suitable comparator with which to operate on the ordinary priority queue, such that its priority gets reversed:

 #include <iostream>  
 #include <queue>  
 using namespace std;  

 struct compare  
   bool operator()(const int& l, const int& r)  
       return l > r;  

 int main()  
     priority_queue<int,vector<int>, compare > pq;  

     while ( !pq.empty() )  
         cout << << endl;  

Which would output 1, 3, 5, 8 respectively.

Some examples of using priority queues via STL and Sedgewick's implementations are given here.

Trigger an event on `click` and `enter`

Take a look at the keypress function.

I believe the enter key is 13 so you would want something like:

    if(e.which == 13){  //Enter is key 13
        //Do something

Check if string ends with certain pattern

This is really simple, the String object has an endsWith method.

From your question it seems like you want either /, , or . as the delimiter set.


String str = "";

if (str.endsWith(".work.") || str.endsWith("/work/") || str.endsWith(",work,"))
     // ... 

You can also do this with the matches method and a fairly simple regex:

if (str.matches(".*([.,/])work\\1$"))

Using the character class [.,/] specifying either a period, a slash, or a comma, and a backreference, \1 that matches whichever of the alternates were found, if any.

What's the safest way to iterate through the keys of a Perl hash?

The rule of thumb is to use the function most suited to your needs.

If you just want the keys and do not plan to ever read any of the values, use keys():

foreach my $key (keys %hash) { ... }

If you just want the values, use values():

foreach my $val (values %hash) { ... }

If you need the keys and the values, use each():

keys %hash; # reset the internal iterator so a prior each() doesn't affect the loop
while(my($k, $v) = each %hash) { ... }

If you plan to change the keys of the hash in any way except for deleting the current key during the iteration, then you must not use each(). For example, this code to create a new set of uppercase keys with doubled values works fine using keys():

%h = (a => 1, b => 2);

foreach my $k (keys %h)
  $h{uc $k} = $h{$k} * 2;

producing the expected resulting hash:

(a => 1, A => 2, b => 2, B => 4)

But using each() to do the same thing:

%h = (a => 1, b => 2);

keys %h;
while(my($k, $v) = each %h)
  $h{uc $k} = $h{$k} * 2; # BAD IDEA!

produces incorrect results in hard-to-predict ways. For example:

(a => 1, A => 2, b => 2, B => 8)

This, however, is safe:

keys %h;
while(my($k, $v) = each %h)
    delete $h{$k}; # This is safe

All of this is described in the perl documentation:

% perldoc -f keys
% perldoc -f each

How to get exit code when using Python subprocess communicate method?

Use process.wait() after you call process.communicate().
For example:

import subprocess

process = subprocess.Popen(['ipconfig', '/all'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
exit_code = process.wait()
print(stdout, stderr, exit_code)

Is it possible to view RabbitMQ message contents directly from the command line?

You should enable the management plugin.

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

See here:

And here for the specifics of management.

Finally once set up you will need to follow the instructions below to install and use the rabbitmqadmin tool. Which can be used to fully interact with the system.

For example:

rabbitmqadmin get queue=<QueueName> requeue=false

will give you the first message off the queue.

Why is "1000000000000000 in range(1000000000000001)" so fast in Python 3?

  1. Due to optimization, it is very easy to compare given integers just with min and max range.
  2. The reason that range() function is so fast in Python3 is that here we use mathematical reasoning for the bounds, rather than a direct iteration of the range object.
  3. So for explaining the logic here:
    • Check whether the number is between the start and stop.
    • Check whether the step precision value doesn't go over our number.
  4. Take an example, 997 is in range(4, 1000, 3) because:

    4 <= 997 < 1000, and (997 - 4) % 3 == 0.

jquery find element by specific class when element has multiple classes

you are looking for

<div id="mydiv" class="foo bar"></div>

$('#mydiv').hasClass('foo') //returns ture

Splitting string into multiple rows in Oracle

Here is an alternative implementation using XMLTABLE that allows for casting to different data types:

from xmltable(
  'for $text in tokenize("a,b,c", ",") return $text'
    txt varchar2(4000) path '.'
) xmltab

... or if your delimited strings are stored in one or more rows of a table:

from (
  select 'a;b;c' inpt from dual union all
  select 'd;e;f' from dual
) base
inner join xmltable(
  'for $text in tokenize($input, ";") return $text'
  passing base.inpt as "input"
    txt varchar2(4000) path '.'
) xmltab
  on 1=1

How to run iPhone emulator WITHOUT starting Xcode?

The easiest way is to use Spotlight Search. Just click CMD+Space and type in search Simulator. Just like this:

enter image description here

And in few seconds emulated device will be loaded:

enter image description here

To switch to another device you can use menu under Hardware -> Device

There are few different cool instruments you can use under Hardware menu, such as orientation change, gestures, buttons, FaceID, keyboard or audio inputs.

Remove "whitespace" between div element

use line-height: 0px;


The CSS Code:


This will affect generically to all your Div's. If you want your existing parent div only to have no spacing, you can apply the same into it.

Error: Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes

If you want to keep your working changes while performing a rebase, you can use --autostash. From the documentation:

Before starting rebase, stash local modifications away (see git-stash[1]) if needed, and apply the stash when done.

For example:

git pull --rebase --autostash

Design Documents (High Level and Low Level Design Documents)

High-Level Design (HLD) involves decomposing a system into modules, and representing the interfaces & invocation relationships among modules. An HLD is referred to as software architecture.

LLD, also known as a detailed design, is used to design internals of the individual modules identified during HLD i.e. data structures and algorithms of the modules are designed and documented.

Now, HLD and LLD are actually used in traditional Approach (Function-Oriented Software Design) whereas, in OOAD, the system is seen as a set of objects interacting with each other.

As per the above definitions, a high-level design document will usually include a high-level architecture diagram depicting the components, interfaces, and networks that need to be further specified or developed. The document may also depict or otherwise refer to work flows and/or data flows between component systems.

Class diagrams with all the methods and relations between classes come under LLD. Program specs are covered under LLD. LLD describes each and every module in an elaborate manner so that the programmer can directly code the program based on it. There will be at least 1 document for each module. The LLD will contain - a detailed functional logic of the module in pseudo code - database tables with all elements including their type and size - all interface details with complete API references(both requests and responses) - all dependency issues - error message listings - complete inputs and outputs for a module.


INSERT INTO table1 (col1, col2)
SELECT "a string", 5, TheNameOfTheFieldInTable2
FROM table2 where ...

SQL count rows in a table

select sum([rows])
from sys.partitions
where object_id=object_id('tablename')
 and index_id in (0,1)

is very fast but very rarely inaccurate.

How to move or copy files listed by 'find' command in unix?

This is the best way for me:

cat filename.tsv  |
    while read FILENAME
    sudo find /PATH_FROM/  -name "$FILENAME" -maxdepth 4 -exec cp '{}' /PATH_TO/ \; ;

How to jQuery clone() and change id?


  // get the last DIV which ID starts with ^= "klon"
  var $div = $('div[id^="klon"]:last');

  // Read the Number from that DIV's ID (i.e: 3 from "klon3")
  // And increment that number by 1
  var num = parseInt( $div.prop("id").match(/\d+/g), 10 ) +1;

  // Clone it and assign the new ID (i.e: from num 4 to ID "klon4")
  var $klon = $div.clone().prop('id', 'klon'+num );

  // Finally insert $klon wherever you want
  $div.after( $klon.text('klon'+num) );

<script src=""></script>

Is it possible to disable floating headers in UITableView with UITableViewStylePlain?

You should be able to fake this by using a custom cell to do your header rows. These will then scroll like any other cell in the table view.

You just need to add some logic in your cellForRowAtIndexPath to return the right cell type when it is a header row.

You'll probably have to manage your sections yourself though, i.e. have everything in one section and fake the headers. (You could also try returning a hidden view for the header view, but I don't know if that will work)

How to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH?

To solve this problem make sure you find the path of composer.phar first

example mine is something like this

alias composer="php /Users/Your-username/composer.phar"

Go to cd Users > Your user > Command ls and see if composer.phar is there if yes then add the above line to your .bash_profile. Make sure you change the username to your own.

Hope this help you out

How to access first element of JSON object array?

the event property seems to be string first you have to parse it to json :

 var req = { mandrill_events: '[{"event":"inbound","ts":1426249238}]' };
 var event = JSON.parse(req.mandrill_events);
 var ts =  event[0].ts

How to delete all files from a specific folder?

You can do something like:

Directory directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
List<FileInfo> fileInfos = directory.EnumerateFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
foreach (FileInfo f in fileInfos)

Why can I not create a wheel in python?

Update your pip first:

pip install --upgrade pip

for Python 3:

pip3 install --upgrade pip

Java Date - Insert into database

VALUES ('"+user+"' , '"+FirstTest+"'  , '"+LastTest+"'..............etc)

You can use it to insert variables into sql query.

Count indexes using "for" in Python

Just use

for i in range(0, 5):
    print i

to iterate through your data set and print each value.

For large data sets, you want to use xrange, which has a very similar signature, but works more effectively for larger data sets.

Standard Android Button with a different color

There is a much easier way now :

It will let you change the colors of all holo drawables (buttons, spinners, ...) easily. You select the color and then download a zip file containing drawables for all resolutions.

Can I use complex HTML with Twitter Bootstrap's Tooltip?

Another solution to avoid inserting html into data-title is to create independant div with tooltip html content, and refer to this div when creating your tooltip :

<!-- Tooltip link -->
<p><span class="tip" data-tip="my-tip">Hello world</span></p>

<!-- Tooltip content -->
<div id="my-tip" class="tip-content hidden">
    <h2>Tip title</h2>
    <p>This is my tip content</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Tooltips
        $('.tip').each(function () {
                html: true,
                title: $('#' + $(this).data('tip')).html()

This way you can create complex readable html content, and activate as many tooltips as you want.

live demo here on codepen

Isn't the size of character in Java 2 bytes?

Looks like your file contains ASCII characters, which are encoded in just 1 byte. If text file was containing non-ASCII character, e.g. 2-byte UTF-8, then you get just the first byte, not whole character.

No tests found with test runner 'JUnit 4'

I've had issues with this recently, which seem to be fixed in the latest Eclipse.

eclipse-java 4.11.0,2019-03:R -> 4.12.0,2019-06:R

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

I wanted a solution to copy files modified after a certain date and time which mean't I need to use Get-ChildItem piped through a filter. Below is what I came up with:

$SourceFolder = "C:\Users\RCoode\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyProject"
$ArchiveFolder = "J:\Temp\Robin\Deploy\MyProject"
$ChangesStarted = New-Object System.DateTime(2013,10,16,11,0,0)
$IncludeFiles = ("*.vb","*.cs","*.aspx","*.js","*.css")

Get-ChildItem $SourceFolder -Recurse -Include $IncludeFiles | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt $ChangesStarted} | ForEach-Object {
    $PathArray = $_.FullName.Replace($SourceFolder,"").ToString().Split('\') 

    $Folder = $ArchiveFolder

    for ($i=1; $i -lt $PathArray.length-1; $i++) {
        $Folder += "\" + $PathArray[$i]
        if (!(Test-Path $Folder)) {
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Folder
    $NewPath = Join-Path $ArchiveFolder $_.FullName.Replace($SourceFolder,"")

    Copy-Item $_.FullName -Destination $NewPath  

Declare variable MySQL trigger

Agree with neubert about the DECLARE statements, this will fix syntax error. But I would suggest you to avoid using openning cursors, they may be slow.

For your task: use INSERT...SELECT statement which will help you to copy data from one table to another using only one query.


jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?

Add hidden submit, not type hidden, just plain submit with style="display:none". Here is an example (removed unnecessary attributes from code).

  <input type="text">
  <input type="submit" style="display:none">

it will accept enter key natively, no need for JavaScript, works in every browser.

jQuery AJAX single file upload

A. Grab file data from the file field

The first thing to do is bind a function to the change event on your file field and a function for grabbing the file data:

// Variable to store your files
var files;

// Add events
$('input[type=file]').on('change', prepareUpload);

// Grab the files and set them to our variable
function prepareUpload(event)
  files =;

This saves the file data to a file variable for later use.

B. Handle the file upload on submit

When the form is submitted you need to handle the file upload in its own AJAX request. Add the following binding and function:

$('form').on('submit', uploadFiles);

// Catch the form submit and upload the files
function uploadFiles(event)
  event.stopPropagation(); // Stop stuff happening
    event.preventDefault(); // Totally stop stuff happening


// Create a formdata object and add the files
var data = new FormData();
$.each(files, function(key, value)
    data.append(key, value);

    url: 'submit.php?files',
    type: 'POST',
    data: data,
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    processData: false, // Don't process the files
    contentType: false, // Set content type to false as jQuery will tell the server its a query string request
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
        if(typeof data.error === 'undefined')
            // Success so call function to process the form
            submitForm(event, data);
            // Handle errors here
            console.log('ERRORS: ' + data.error);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        // Handle errors here
        console.log('ERRORS: ' + textStatus);

What this function does is create a new formData object and appends each file to it. It then passes that data as a request to the server. 2 attributes need to be set to false:

  • processData - Because jQuery will convert the files arrays into strings and the server can't pick it up.
  • contentType - Set this to false because jQuery defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and doesn't send the files. Also setting it to multipart/form-data doesn't seem to work either.

C. Upload the files

Quick and dirty php script to upload the files and pass back some info:

<?php // You need to add server side validation and better error handling here

$data = array();

$error = false;
$files = array();

$uploaddir = './uploads/';
foreach($_FILES as $file)
    if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploaddir .basename($file['name'])))
        $files[] = $uploaddir .$file['name'];
        $error = true;
$data = ($error) ? array('error' => 'There was an error uploading your files') : array('files' => $files);
    $data = array('success' => 'Form was submitted', 'formData' => $_POST);

echo json_encode($data);


IMP: Don't use this, write your own.

D. Handle the form submit

The success method of the upload function passes the data sent back from the server to the submit function. You can then pass that to the server as part of your post:

function submitForm(event, data)
  // Create a jQuery object from the form
$form = $(;

// Serialize the form data
var formData = $form.serialize();

// You should sterilise the file names
$.each(data.files, function(key, value)
    formData = formData + '&filenames[]=' + value;

    url: 'submit.php',
    type: 'POST',
    data: formData,
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
        if(typeof data.error === 'undefined')
            // Success so call function to process the form
            console.log('SUCCESS: ' + data.success);
            // Handle errors here
            console.log('ERRORS: ' + data.error);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        // Handle errors here
        console.log('ERRORS: ' + textStatus);
    complete: function()

Final note

This script is an example only, you'll need to handle both server and client side validation and some way to notify users that the file upload is happening. I made a project for it on Github if you want to see it working.

Referenced From

Get current value when change select option - Angular2

There is a way to get the value from different options. check this plunker


<select class="form-control" #t (change)="callType(t.value)">
  <option *ngFor="#type of types" [value]="type">{{type}}</option>


this.types = [ 'type1', 'type2', 'type3' ];

callType(value) {
  this.order.type = value;

Necessary to add link tag for favicon.ico?

We can add for all devices with platform specific size

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-57x57.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-60x60.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-72x72.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-76x76.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-114x114.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-120x120.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-144x144.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-152x152.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="fav_icons/apple-icon-180x180.png">

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="192x192"  href="fav_icons/">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="fav_icons/favicon-32x32.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="96x96" href="fav_icons/favicon-96x96.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="fav_icons/favicon-16x16.png">

Connect to mysql in a docker container from the host

I do this by running a temporary docker container against my server so I don't have to worry about what is installed on my host. First, I define what I need (which you should modify for your purposes):

export DB_DOCKER_NETWORK=db-net
export MYSQL_PORT=6604

I always create a new docker network which any other containers will need:

docker network create --driver bridge $DB_DOCKER_NETWORK

Start a mySQL database server:


Capture IP address of the new server container

export DBIP="$(docker inspect ${MYSQL_SERVER_CONTAINER} | grep -i 'ipaddress' | grep -oE '((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])')"

Open a command line interface to the server:

docker run -it -v ${HOST_DATA}:/data --net=$DB_DOCKER_NETWORK --link ${MYSQL_SERVER_CONTAINER}:mysql --rm mysql sh -c "exec mysql -h${DBIP} -uroot -p"

This last container will remove itself when you exit the mySQL interface, while the server will continue running. You can also share a volume between the server and host to make it easier to import data or scripts. Hope this helps!

Angular 2.0 and Modal Dialog

try to use ng-window, it's allow developer to open and full control multiple windows in single page applications in simple way, No Jquery, No Bootstrap.

enter image description here

Avilable Configration

  • Maxmize window
  • Minimize window
  • Custom size,
  • Custom posation
  • the window is dragable
  • Block parent window or not
  • Center the window or not
  • Pass values to chield window
  • Pass values from chield window to parent window
  • Listening to closing chield window in parent window
  • Listen to resize event with your custom listener
  • Open with maximum size or not
  • Enable and disable window resizing
  • Enable and disable maximization
  • Enable and disable minimization

Storing and retrieving datatable from session

this is just as a side note, but generally what you want to do is keep size on the Session and ViewState small. I generally just store IDs and small amounts of packets in Session and ViewState.

for instance if you want to pass large chunks of data from one page to another, you can store an ID in the querystring and use that ID to either get data from a database or a file.

PS: but like I said, this might be totally unrelated to your query :)

Can't connect to Postgresql on port 5432

You have to edit postgresql.conf file and change line with 'listen_addresses'.

This file you can find in the /etc/postgresql/9.3/main directory.

Default Ubuntu config have allowed only localhost (or interface, which is sufficient for using, when every PostgreSQL client work on the same computer, as PostgreSQL server. If you want connect PostgreSQL server from other computers, you have change this config line in this way:

listen_addresses = '*'

Then you have edit pg_hba.conf file, too. In this file you have set, from which computers you can connect to this server and what method of authentication you can use. Usually you will need similar line:

host    all         all        md5

Please, read comments in this file...


After the editing postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf you have to restart postgresql server.

EDIT2: Highlited configuration files.

Delete all SYSTEM V shared memory and semaphores on UNIX-like systems

In addition to bvamos's answer, according to the documentation the use of sem is deprecated :

NAME ipcrm - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id SYNOPSIS ipcrm [ -M key | -m id | -Q key | -q id | -S key | -s id ] ... deprecated usage

ipcrm [ shm | msg | sem ] id ...

remove shared memory

us ipcrm -m to remove a shared memory segment by the id


set IPCS_M = ipcs -m | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $USERNAME | cut -f2 -d" "

for id in $IPCS_M; do
  ipcrm -m $id;

or ipcrm -M to remove a shared memory segment by the key


set IPCS_M = ipcs -m | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $USERNAME | cut -f1 -d" "

for id in $IPCS_M; do
  ipcrm -M $id;

remove message queues

us ipcrm -q to remove a shared memory segment by the id


set IPCS_Q = ipcs -q | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $USERNAME | cut -f2 -d" "

for id in $IPCS_Q; do
  ipcrm -q $id;

or ipcrm -Q to remove a shared memory segment by the key


set IPCS_Q = ipcs -q | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $USERNAME | cut -f1 -d" "

for id in $IPCS_Q; do
  ipcrm -Q $id;

remove semaphores

us ipcrm -s to remove a semaphore segment by the id


set IPCS_S = ipcs -s | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $USERNAME | cut -f2 -d" "

for id in $IPCS_S; do
  ipcrm -s $id;

or ipcrm -S to remove a semaphore segment by the key


set IPCS_S = ipcs -s | egrep "0x[0-9a-f]+ [0-9]+" | grep $USERNAME | cut -f1 -d" "

for id in $IPCS_S; do
  ipcrm -S $id;

What are the most-used vim commands/keypresses?

Have you run through Vim's built-in tutorial? If not, drop to the command-line and type vimtutor. It's a great way to learn the initial commands.

Vim has an incredible amount of flexibility and power and, if you're like most vim users, you'll learn a lot of new commands and forget old ones, then relearn them. The built-in help is good and worthy of periodic browsing to learn new stuff.

There are several good FAQs and cheatsheets for vim on the internet. I'd recommend searching for vim + faq and vim + cheatsheet. is a good source, as is Vim Tips wiki.

How do include paths work in Visual Studio?

@RichieHindle solution is now deprecated as of Visual Studio 2012. As the VS studio prompt now states:

VC++ Directories are now available as a user property sheet that is added by default to all projects.

To set an include path you now must right-click a project and go to:

Properties/VC++ Directories/General/Include Directories

Screenshot: enter image description here

Python vs Cpython

You should know that CPython doesn't really support multithreading (it does, but not optimal) because of the Global Interpreter Lock. It also has no Optimisation mechanisms for recursion, and has many other limitations that other implementations and libraries try to fill.

You should take a look at this page on the python wiki.

Look at the code snippets on this page, it'll give you a good idea of what an interpreter is.

Remove a specific string from an array of string

Define "remove".

Arrays are fixed length and can not be resized once created. You can set an element to null to remove an object reference;

for (int i = 0; i < myStringArray.length(); i++)
    if (myStringArray[i].equals(stringToRemove))
        myStringArray[i] = null;


myStringArray[indexOfStringToRemove] = null;

If you want a dynamically sized array where the object is actually removed and the list (array) size is adjusted accordingly, use an ArrayList<String>




Edit in response to OP's edit to his question and comment below

String r = myArrayList.get(rgenerator.nextInt(myArrayList.size()));

How to install libusb in Ubuntu

This should work:

# apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

Drop all duplicate rows across multiple columns in Python Pandas

Actually, drop rows 0 and 1 only requires (any observations containing matched A and C is kept.):

In [335]:

In [336]:

print df.drop_duplicates('C', take_last=True) #this dataset is a special case, in general, one may need to first drop_duplicates by 'c' and then by 'a'.
     A  B  C    AC
2  foo  1  B  fooB
3  bar  1  A  barA

[2 rows x 4 columns]

But I suspect what you really want is this (one observation containing matched A and C is kept.):

In [337]:

print df.drop_duplicates('AC')
     A  B  C    AC
0  foo  0  A  fooA
2  foo  1  B  fooB
3  bar  1  A  barA

[3 rows x 4 columns]


Now it is much clearer, therefore:

In [352]:
DG=df.groupby(['A', 'C'])   
print pd.concat([DG.get_group(item) for item, value in DG.groups.items() if len(value)==1])
     A  B  C
2  foo  1  B
3  bar  1  A

[2 rows x 3 columns]

Pentaho Data Integration SQL connection

In addition to the other answers here, here's how you can do it on Ubuntu (14.04):

sudo apt-get install libmysql-java

this will download mysql-connector-java-5.x.x.jar to /usr/share/java/, which i believe also automatically creates a symlink named mysql-connector-java.jar.

Then, create a symlink in /your/path/to/data-integration/lib/:

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar /your/path/to/data-integration/lib/mysql-connector-java.jar

Is it possible to style html5 audio tag?

Yes! The HTML5 audio tag with the "controls" attribute uses the browser's default player. You can customize it to your liking by not using the browser controls, but rolling your own controls and talking to the audio API via javascript.

Luckily, other people have already done this. My favorite player right now is jPlayer, it is very stylable and works great. Check it out.

How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link?

This is the key:

header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");

Content-type application/x-pdf-document or application/pdf is sent while sending PDF file. Adobe Reader usually sets the handler for this MIME type so browser will pass the document to Adobe Reader when any of PDF MIME types is received.

read string from .resx file in C#

Create a resource manager to retrieve resources.

ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("param1",Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

String str = rm.GetString("param2");

param1 = "AssemblyName.ResourceFolderName.ResourceFileName"

param2 = name of the string to be retrieved from the resource file

Autoreload of modules in IPython

For IPython version 3.1, 4.x, and 5.x

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Then your module will be auto-reloaded by default. This is the doc:


``autoreload`` is an IPython extension that reloads modules
automatically before executing the line of code typed.

This makes for example the following workflow possible:

.. sourcecode:: ipython

   In [1]: %load_ext autoreload

   In [2]: %autoreload 2

   In [3]: from foo import some_function

   In [4]: some_function()
   Out[4]: 42

   In [5]: # open in an editor and change some_function to return 43

   In [6]: some_function()
   Out[6]: 43

The module was reloaded without reloading it explicitly, and the
object imported with ``from foo import ...`` was also updated.

There is a trick: when you forget all of the above when using ipython, just try:

import autoreload
# Then you get all the above

How to remove all ListBox items?

  • VB ListBox2.DataSource = Nothing
  • C# ListBox2.DataSource = null;

@Media min-width & max-width

The correct value for the content attribute should include initial-scale instead:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_

How to gzip all files in all sub-directories into one compressed file in bash

@amitchhajer 's post works for GNU tar. If someone finds this post and needs it to work on a NON GNU system, they can do this:

tar cvf - folderToCompress | gzip > compressFileName

To expand the archive:

zcat compressFileName | tar xvf -

Regular expression to remove HTML tags from a string

You could do it with jsoup

Whitelist whitelist = Whitelist.none();
String cleanStr = Jsoup.clean(yourText, whitelist);

Difference between maven scope compile and provided for JAR packaging

When you set maven scope as provided, it means that when the plugin runs, the actual dependencies version used will depend on the version of Apache Maven you have installed.

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

If you are lazy to check on each third party SDK if they use or not the IDFA you can use this command:
fgrep -R advertisingIdentifier . (don't forget the dot at the end of the command)

Go to your project/workspace folder and run the command to find which files are using the advertising identifier.

Then you just have to look in the guidelines of those SDKs to see what you need to do about the IDFA.

Where IN clause in LINQ

I like it as an extension method:

public static bool In<T>(this T source, params T[] list)
    return list.Contains(source);

Now you call:

var states = _objdatasources.StateList().Where(s => s.In(countrycodes));

You can pass individual values too:

var states = tooManyStates.Where(s => s.In("x", "y", "z"));

Feels more natural and closer to sql.

How to check if a column exists in Pandas

Just to suggest another way without using if statements, you can use the get() method for DataFrames. For performing the sum based on the question:

df['sum'] = df.get('A', df['B']) + df['C']

The DataFrame get method has similar behavior as python dictionaries.

How to read response headers in angularjs?

According the MDN custom headers are not exposed by default. The server admin need to expose them using "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" in the same fashion they deal with "access-control-allow-origin"

See this MDN link for confirmation []

Are vectors passed to functions by value or by reference in C++

If I had to guess, I'd say that you're from a Java background. This is C++, and things are passed by value unless you specify otherwise using the &-operator (note that this operator is also used as the 'address-of' operator, but in a different context). This is all well documented, but I'll re-iterate anyway:

void foo(vector<int> bar); // by value
void foo(vector<int> &bar); // by reference (non-const, so modifiable inside foo)
void foo(vector<int> const &bar); // by const-reference

You can also choose to pass a pointer to a vector (void foo(vector<int> *bar)), but unless you know what you're doing and you feel that this is really is the way to go, don't do this.

Also, vectors are not the same as arrays! Internally, the vector keeps track of an array of which it handles the memory management for you, but so do many other STL containers. You can't pass a vector to a function expecting a pointer or array or vice versa (you can get access to (pointer to) the underlying array and use this though). Vectors are classes offering a lot of functionality through its member-functions, whereas pointers and arrays are built-in types. Also, vectors are dynamically allocated (which means that the size may be determined and changed at runtime) whereas the C-style arrays are statically allocated (its size is constant and must be known at compile-time), limiting their use.

I suggest you read some more about C++ in general (specifically array decay), and then have a look at the following program which illustrates the difference between arrays and pointers:

void foo1(int *arr) { cout << sizeof(arr) << '\n'; }
void foo2(int arr[]) { cout << sizeof(arr) << '\n'; }
void foo3(int arr[10]) { cout << sizeof(arr) << '\n'; }
void foo4(int (&arr)[10]) { cout << sizeof(arr) << '\n'; }

int main()
    int arr[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

In PHP, how can I add an object element to an array?

Here is a clean method I've discovered:

$myArray = [];

array_push($myArray, (object)[
        'key1' => 'someValue',
        'key2' => 'someValue2',
        'key3' => 'someValue3',

return $myArray;

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android

METHOD 1 ( Recommanded )

Library YouTubeExtractor

Add into your gradle file

 allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" }

And dependencies

 compile 'com.github.Commit451.YouTubeExtractor:youtubeextractor:2.1.0'

Add this small code and you done. Demo HERE

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String YOUTUBE_ID = "ea4-5mrpGfE";

    private final YouTubeExtractor mExtractor = YouTubeExtractor.create();

    private Callback<YouTubeExtractionResult> mExtractionCallback = new Callback<YouTubeExtractionResult>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<YouTubeExtractionResult> call, Response<YouTubeExtractionResult> response) {

        public void onFailure(Call<YouTubeExtractionResult> call, Throwable t) {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//        For android youtube extractor library  com.github.Commit451.YouTubeExtractor:youtubeextractor:2.1.0'


    private void onError(Throwable t) {
        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "It failed to extract. So sad", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    private void bindVideoResult(YouTubeExtractionResult result) {

//        Here you can get download url link
        Log.d("OnSuccess", "Got a result with the best url: " + result.getBestAvailableQualityVideoUri());

        Toast.makeText(this, "result : " + result.getSd360VideoUri(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

You can get download link in bindVideoResult() method.


Using this library android-youtubeExtractor

Add into gradle file

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

compile 'com.github.HaarigerHarald:android-youtubeExtractor:master-SNAPSHOT'

Here is the code for getting download url.

       String youtubeLink = "";

    YouTubeUriExtractor ytEx = new YouTubeUriExtractor(this) {
        public void onUrisAvailable(String videoId, String videoTitle, SparseArray<YtFile> ytFiles) {
            if (ytFiles != null) {
                int itag = 22;
// Here you can get download url
                String downloadUrl = ytFiles.get(itag).getUrl();


How to serve all existing static files directly with NGINX, but proxy the rest to a backend server.

Use try_files and named location block ('@apachesite'). This will remove unnecessary regex match and if block. More efficient.

location / {
    root /path/to/root/of/static/files;
    try_files $uri $uri/ @apachesite;

    expires max;
    access_log off;

location @apachesite {
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Update: The assumption of this config is that there doesn't exist any php script under /path/to/root/of/static/files. This is common in most modern php frameworks. In case your legacy php projects have both php scripts and static files mixed in the same folder, you may have to whitelist all of the file types you want nginx to serve.

Scroll Automatically to the Bottom of the Page

This will guaranteed scroll to the bottom

Head Codes

<script src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function scrollToBottom() {
  $('#html, body').scrollTop($('#html, body')[0].scrollHeight);

Body code

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onmouseover="scrollToBottom();" title="Scroll to Bottom">&#9660; Bottom &#9660;</a>

URL to compose a message in Gmail (with full Gmail interface and specified to, bcc, subject, etc.)

It's worth pointing out that if you have multiple Gmail accounts, you may want to use the URL approach because you can customize which account to compose from.


Or if you know the email address you are sending from, replace the numeric index with the email address:[email protected]/#inbox?compose=new

Add text to Existing PDF using Python

I know this is an older post, but I spent a long time trying to find a solution. I came across a decent one using only ReportLab and PyPDF so I thought I'd share:

  1. read your PDF using PdfFileReader(), we'll call this input
  2. create a new pdf containing your text to add using ReportLab, save this as a string object
  3. read the string object using PdfFileReader(), we'll call this text
  4. create a new PDF object using PdfFileWriter(), we'll call this output
  5. iterate through input and apply .mergePage(*text*.getPage(0)) for each page you want the text added to, then use output.addPage() to add the modified pages to a new document

This works well for simple text additions. See PyPDF's sample for watermarking a document.

Here is some code to answer the question below:

packet = StringIO.StringIO()
can = canvas.Canvas(packet, pagesize=letter)
<do something with canvas>
input = PdfFileReader(packet)

From here you can merge the pages of the input file with another document.

Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

I really like following clean solution.

class Router
  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

  def self.default_url_options

router =
router.posts_url  # http://localhost:3000/posts
router.posts_path # /posts

It's from

Select count(*) from result query

You can wrap your query in another SELECT:

select count(*)
  select count(SID) tot  -- add alias
  from Test 
  where Date = '2012-12-10' 
  group by SID
) src;  -- add alias

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

In order for it to work, the count(SID) need a column alias and you have to provide an alias to the subquery itself.

macro - open all files in a folder

You can use Len(StrFile) > 0 in loop check statement !

Sub openMyfile()

    Dim Source As String
    Dim StrFile As String

    'do not forget last backslash in source directory.
    Source = "E:\Planning\03\"
    StrFile = Dir(Source)

    Do While Len(StrFile) > 0                        
        Workbooks.Open Filename:=Source & StrFile
        StrFile = Dir()
End Sub

How can I get a List from some class properties with Java 8 Stream?

You can use map :

List<String> names =


In order to combine the Lists of friend names, you need to use flatMap :

List<String> friendNames =

How can I set the default timezone in node.js?

I know this thread is very old, but i think this would help anyone that landed here from google like me.

In GAE Flex (NodeJs), you could set the enviroment variable TZ (the one that manages all date timezones in the app) in the app.yaml file, i leave you here an example:


# [START env]
  # Timezone
  TZ: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires

Facebook database design?

This recent June 2013 post goes into some detail into explaining the transition from relationship databases to objects with associations for some data types.

There's a longer paper available at’s-distributed-data-store-social-graph

How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java

As far as I know, JFrame cannot do Modal mode. Use JDialog instead and call setModalityType(Dialog.ModalityType type) to set it to be modal (or not modal).

Validating URL in Java

Using only standard API, pass the string to a URL object then convert it to a URI object. This will accurately determine the validity of the URL according to the RFC2396 standard.


public boolean isValidURL(String url) {

    try {
        new URL(url).toURI();
    } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) {
        return false;

    return true;

What does the question mark and the colon (?: ternary operator) mean in objective-c?

It's the ternary or conditional operator. It's basic form is:

condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse

Where the values will only be evaluated if they are chosen.

String comparison technique used by Python

Take a look also at How do I sort unicode strings alphabetically in Python? where the discussion is about sorting rules given by the Unicode Collation Algorithm (

To reply to the comment

What? How else can ordering be defined other than left-to-right?

by S.Lott, there is a famous counter-example when sorting French language. It involves accents: indeed, one could say that, in French, letters are sorted left-to-right and accents right-to-left. Here is the counter-example: we have e < é and o < ô, so you would expect the words cote, coté, côte, côté to be sorted as cote < coté < côte < côté. Well, this is not what happens, in fact you have: cote < côte < coté < côté, i.e., if we remove "c" and "t", we get oe < ôe < oé < ôé, which is exactly right-to-left ordering.

And a last remark: you shouldn't be talking about left-to-right and right-to-left sorting but rather about forward and backward sorting.

Indeed there are languages written from right to left and if you think Arabic and Hebrew are sorted right-to-left you may be right from a graphical point of view, but you are wrong on the logical level!

Indeed, Unicode considers character strings encoded in logical order, and writing direction is a phenomenon occurring on the glyph level. In other words, even if in the word ???? the letter shin appears on the right of the lamed, logically it occurs before it. To sort this word one will first consider the shin, then the lamed, then the vav, then the mem, and this is forward ordering (although Hebrew is written right-to-left), while French accents are sorted backwards (although French is written left-to-right).

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

i created an invoke-async which allows you do run multiple script blocks/cmdlets/functions at the same time. this is great for small jobs (subnet scan or wmi query against 100's of machines) because the overhead for creating a runspace vs the startup time of start-job is pretty drastic. It can be used like so.

with scriptblock,

$sb = [scriptblock] {param($system) gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $system | select csname,caption} 

$servers = Get-Content servers.txt 

$rtn = Invoke-Async -Set $server -SetParam system  -ScriptBlock $sb

just cmdlet/function

$servers = Get-Content servers.txt 

$rtn = Invoke-Async -Set $servers -SetParam computername -Params @{count=1} -Cmdlet Test-Connection -ThreadCount 50

Replace spaces with dashes and make all letters lower-case

You can also use split and join:

"Sonic Free Games".split(" ").join("-").toLowerCase(); //sonic-free-games

Run a batch file with Windows task scheduler

I messed with this for several hours and tried many different suggestions.

I finally got it to work by doing the following:

Action: Start a program

Program/Script: C:\scriptdir\script.bat

Add arguments (optional) script.bat

Start in (optional): c:\scriptdir

run only when user logged in

run with highest privileges

configure for: Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008

What is the difference between XAMPP or WAMP Server & IIS?

WAMP is an acronym for Windows (OS), Apache (web-server), MySQL (database), PHP (language).

XAMPP and WampServer are both free packages of WAMP, with additional applications/tools, put together by different people. There are also other WAMPs such as UniformServer. And there are commercial WAMPs such as WampDeveloper (what I use).

Their differences are in the format/structure of the package, the configurations, and the included management applications.

IIS is a web-server application just like Apache is, except it's made by Microsoft and is Windows only (Apache runs on both Windows and Linux). IIS is also more geared towards using ASP.NET (vs. PHP) and "SQL Server" (vs. MySQL), though it can use PHP and MySQL too.

How can I escape latex code received through user input?

If you want to convert an existing string to raw string, then we can reassign that like below

s1 = "welcome\tto\tPython"
raw_s1 = "%r"%s1

Will print


Comments in .gitignore?

Yes, you may put comments in there. They however must start at the beginning of a line.


The rules for the patterns you can put in the .gitignore file are as follows:
- Blank lines or lines starting with # are ignored.

The comment character is #, example:

# no .a files

How to get the selected value from RadioButtonList?

The ASPX code will look something like this:

 <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblist1" runat="server">

    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item1" Value="1" />
    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item2" Value="2" />
    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item3" Value="3" />
    <asp:ListItem Text ="Item4" Value="4" />


    <asp:Button ID="btn1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="select value" />

And the code behind:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string selectedValue = rblist1.SelectedValue;

Can I pass parameters in computed properties in Vue.Js

Well, technically speaking we can pass a parameter to a computed function, the same way we can pass a parameter to a getter function in vuex. Such a function is a function that returns a function.

For instance, in the getters of a store:

  itemById: function(state) {
    return (id) => state.itemPool[id];

This getter can be mapped to the computed functions of a component:

computed: {

And we can use this computed function in our template as follows:

<div v-for="id in ids" :key="id">{{itemById(id).description}}</div>

We can apply the same approach to create a computed method that takes a parameter.

computed: {
  descriptionById: function() {
    return (id) => this.itemById(id).description;

And use it in our template:

<div v-for="id in ids" :key="id">{{descriptionById(id)}}</div>

This being said, I'm not saying here that it's the right way of doing things with Vue.

However, I could observe that when the item with the specified ID is mutated in the store, the view does refresh its contents automatically with the new properties of this item (the binding seems to be working just fine).

This version of Android Studio cannot open this project, please retry with Android Studio 3.4 or newer

You can now update your android studio to 3.4 stable version. Updates for stable version are now available. cheers!!!

Call a Javascript function every 5 seconds continuously

Do a "recursive" setTimeout of your function, and it will keep being executed every amount of time defined:

function yourFunction(){
    // do whatever you like here

    setTimeout(yourFunction, 5000);


dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libpng16.16.dylib with anything php related

I suggest you run:

$ brew update && brew upgrade

Until couple of minutes ago I had this problem, too. Because I have an up to date PHP version, I solved it with:

$ brew reinstall php55

Hope that helps.

How to make matrices in Python?

Looping helps:

for row in matrix:
    print ' '.join(row)

or use nested str.join() calls:

print '\n'.join([' '.join(row) for row in matrix])


>>> matrix = [['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']]
>>> for row in matrix:
...     print ' '.join(row)
>>> print '\n'.join([' '.join(row) for row in matrix])

If you wanted to show the rows and columns transposed, transpose the matrix by using the zip() function; if you pass each row as a separate argument to the function, zip() recombines these value by value as tuples of columns instead. The *args syntax lets you apply a whole sequence of rows as separate arguments:

>>> for cols in zip(*matrix):  # transposed
...     print ' '.join(cols)

Spring MVC: difference between <context:component-scan> and <annotation-driven /> tags?

<context:component-scan base-package="" /> 

tells Spring to scan those packages for Annotations.


registers a RequestMappingHanderMapping, a RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, and an ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver to support the annotated controller methods like @RequestMapping, @ExceptionHandler, etc. that come with MVC.

This also enables a ConversionService that supports Annotation driven formatting of outputs as well as Annotation driven validation for inputs. It also enables support for @ResponseBody which you can use to return JSON data.

You can accomplish the same things using Java-based Configuration using @ComponentScan(basePackages={"...", "..."} and @EnableWebMvc in a @Configuration class.

Check out the 3.1 documentation to learn more.

Opacity of div's background without affecting contained element in IE 8?

Maybe there's a more simple answer, try to add any background color you like to the code, like background-color: #fff;

#alpha {
 background-color: #fff;
 opacity: 0.8;
 filter: alpha(opacity=80);

What is 'Context' on Android?

What's Context exactly?

Per the Android reference documentation, it's an entity that represents various environment data. It provides access to local files, databases, class loaders associated to the environment, services (including system-level services), and more. Throughout this book, and in your day-to-day coding with Android, you'll see the Context passed around frequently.

From the "Android in Practice" book, p. 60.

Several Android APIs require a Context as parameter

If you look through the various Android APIs, you’ll notice that many of them take an android.content.Context object as a parameter. You’ll also see that an Activity or a Service is usually used as a Context. This works because both of these classes extend from Context.

"elseif" syntax in JavaScript

You could use this syntax which is functionally equivalent:

switch (true) {
  case condition1:
     //e.g. if (condition1 === true)
  case condition2:
     //e.g. elseif (condition2 === true)
     //e.g. else

This works because each condition is fully evaluated before comparison with the switch value, so the first one that evaluates to true will match and its branch will execute. Subsequent branches will not execute, provided you remember to use break.

Note that strict comparison is used, so a branch whose condition is merely "truthy" will not be executed. You can cast a truthy value to true with double negation: !!condition.

What do 'real', 'user' and 'sys' mean in the output of time(1)?

In very simple terms, I like to think about it like this:

  • real is the actual amount of time it took to run the command (as if you had timed it with a stopwatch)

  • user and sys are how much 'work' the CPU had to do to execute the command. This 'work' is expressed in units of time.

Generally speaking:

  • user is how much work the CPU did to run to run the command's code
  • sys is how much work the CPU had to do to handle 'system overhead' type tasks (such as allocating memory, file I/O, ect.) in order to support the running command

Since these last two times are counting 'work' done, they don't include time a thread might have spent waiting (such as waiting on another process or for disk I/O to finish).

real, however, is a measure of actual runtime and not 'work', so it does include any time spent waiting.

How do I sort a table in Excel if it has cell references in it?

Even with absolute references, sort does not handle references correctly. Relative references are made to point at the same relative offset from the new row location (which is obviously wrong because other rows are not in the same relative position) and absolute references are not changed (because the SORT omits the step of translating the absolute references after each rearrangement of a row). The only way to do this is to manually MOVE the rows (having converted references to absolute) one by one. Excel then does the necessary translation of references. The Excel SORT is deficient as it does not do this.

How to pass a URI to an intent?

here how I use it; This button inside my CameraActionActivity Activity class where I call camera

 btn_frag_camera.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intenImatToSec = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE);
                startActivityForResult(intenImatToSec, REQUEST_CODE_VIDEO);
                //intenImatToSec.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY, 1);
                //intenImatToSec.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_DURATION_LIMIT, 10);
                //Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Hello From Camera", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

            if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_IMG) {
                Bundle bundle = data.getExtras();
                Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) bundle.get("data");
                Intent intentBitMap = new Intent(getActivity(), DisplayImage.class);
                // aldigimiz imagi burda yonlendirdigimiz sinifa iletiyoruz
                ByteArrayOutputStream _bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 50, _bs);
                intentBitMap.putExtra("byteArray", _bs.toByteArray());

            } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_VIDEO) {
                Uri videoUrl = data.getData();
                Intent intenToDisplayVideo = new Intent(getActivity(), DisplayVideo.class);
                intenToDisplayVideo.putExtra("videoUri", videoUrl.toString());

And my other DisplayVideo Activity Class

VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
        Uri myUri=  Uri.parse(extras.getString("videoUri"));

How to call a RESTful web service from Android?

This is an sample restclient class

public class RestClient
    public enum RequestMethod
    public int responseCode=0;
    public String message;
    public String response;
    public void Execute(RequestMethod method,String url,ArrayList<NameValuePair> headers,ArrayList<NameValuePair> params) throws Exception
        switch (method)
            case GET:
                // add parameters
                String combinedParams = "";
                if (params!=null)
                    combinedParams += "?";
                    for (NameValuePair p : params)
                        String paramString = p.getName() + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(p.getValue(),"UTF-8");
                        if (combinedParams.length() > 1)
                            combinedParams += "&" + paramString;
                            combinedParams += paramString;
                HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url + combinedParams);
                // add headers
                if (headers!=null)
                    for (NameValuePair h : headers)
                        request.addHeader(h.getName(), h.getValue());
                executeRequest(request, url);
            case POST:
                HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);
                // add headers
                if (headers!=null)
                    for (NameValuePair h : headers)
                        request.addHeader(h.getName(), h.getValue());
                if (params!=null)
                    request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, HTTP.UTF_8));
                executeRequest(request, url);
    private ArrayList<NameValuePair> addCommonHeaderField(ArrayList<NameValuePair> _header)
        _header.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
        return _header;
    private void executeRequest(HttpUriRequest request, String url)
        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpResponse httpResponse;
            httpResponse = client.execute(request);
            responseCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            message = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase();
            HttpEntity entity = httpResponse.getEntity();

            if (entity != null)
                InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
                response = convertStreamToString(instream);
        catch (Exception e)
        { }

    private static String convertStreamToString(InputStream is)
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String line = null;
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
                sb.append(line + "\n");
        catch (IOException e)
        { }
        return sb.toString();

Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

There is a simple way to use custom fonts in iOS 4.

  1. Add your font file (for example, Chalkduster.ttf) to Resources folder of the project in XCode.
  2. Open info.plist and add a new key called UIAppFonts. The type of this key should be array.
  3. Add your custom font name to this array including extension (Chalkduster.ttf).
  4. Now you can use [UIFont fontWithName:@"Chalkduster" size:16] in your application.

Unfortunately, IB doesn't allow to initialize labels with custom fonts. See this question to solve this problem. My favorite solution is to use custom UILabel subclass:

@implementation CustomFontLabel

- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder
    if (self = [super initWithCoder: decoder])
        [self setFont: [UIFont fontWithName: @"Chalkduster" size: self.font.pointSize]];
    return self;


JSON and XML comparison

The important thing about JSON is to keep data transfer encrypted for security reasons. No doubt that JSON is much much faster then XML. I have seen XML take 100ms where as JSON only took 60ms. JSON data is easy to manipulate.

Pandas Merge - How to avoid duplicating columns

I use the suffixes option in .merge():

dfNew = df.merge(df2, left_index=True, right_index=True,
                 how='outer', suffixes=('', '_y'))
dfNew.drop(dfNew.filter(regex='_y$').columns.tolist(),axis=1, inplace=True)

Thanks @ijoseph

$.browser is undefined error

The .browser call has been removed in jquery 1.9 have a look at for more details.

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol (C++)

That means that the definition of your function is not present in your program. You forgot to add that one.cpp to your program.

What "to add" means in this case depends on your build environment and its terminology. In MSVC (since you are apparently use MSVC) you'd have to add one.cpp to the project.

In more practical terms, applicable to all typical build methodologies, when you link you program, the object file created form one.cpp is missing.

How can I prevent the TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple when copying a python list to a numpy array?

np.append needs the array as the first argument and the list you want to append as the second:

mean_data = np.append(mean_data, [ur, ua, np.mean(data[samepoints,-1])])

struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

The struct module mimics C structures. It takes more CPU cycles for a processor to read a 16-bit word on an odd address or a 32-bit dword on an address not divisible by 4, so structures add "pad bytes" to make structure members fall on natural boundaries. Consider:

struct {                   11
    char a;      012345678901
    short b;     ------------
    char c;      axbbcxxxdddd
    int d;

This structure will occupy 12 bytes of memory (x being pad bytes).

Python works similarly (see the struct documentation):

>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('BHBL',1,2,3,4)
>>> struct.calcsize('BHBL')

Compilers usually have a way of eliminating padding. In Python, any of =<>! will eliminate padding:

>>> struct.calcsize('=BHBL')
>>> struct.pack('=BHBL',1,2,3,4)

Beware of letting struct handle padding. In C, these structures:

struct A {       struct B {
    short a;         int a;
    char b;          char b;
};               };

are typically 4 and 8 bytes, respectively. The padding occurs at the end of the structure in case the structures are used in an array. This keeps the 'a' members aligned on correct boundaries for structures later in the array. Python's struct module does not pad at the end:

>>> struct.pack('LB',1,2)
>>> struct.pack('LBLB',1,2,3,4)

How to group an array of objects by key

Agree that unless you use these often there is no need for an external library. Although similar solutions are available, I see that some of them are tricky to follow here is a gist that has a solution with comments if you're trying to understand what is happening.

const cars = [{
  'make': 'audi',
  'model': 'r8',
  'year': '2012'
}, {
  'make': 'audi',
  'model': 'rs5',
  'year': '2013'
}, {
  'make': 'ford',
  'model': 'mustang',
  'year': '2012'
}, {
  'make': 'ford',
  'model': 'fusion',
  'year': '2015'
}, {
  'make': 'kia',
  'model': 'optima',
  'year': '2012'
}, ];

 * Groups an array of objects by a key an returns an object or array grouped by provided key.
 * @param array - array to group objects by key.
 * @param key - key to group array objects by.
 * @param removeKey  - remove the key and it's value from the resulting object.
 * @param outputType - type of structure the output should be contained in.
const groupBy = (
  removeKey = false,
  outputType = {},
) => {
  return inputArray.reduce(
    (previous, current) => {
      // Get the current value that matches the input key and remove the key value for it.
      const {
        [key]: keyValue
      } = current;
      // remove the key if option is set
      removeKey && keyValue && delete current[key];
      // If there is already an array for the user provided key use it else default to an empty array.
      const {
        [keyValue]: reducedValue = []
      } = previous;

      // Create a new object and return that merges the previous with the current object
      return Object.assign(previous, {
        [keyValue]: reducedValue.concat(current)
    // Replace the object here to an array to change output object to an array

console.log(groupBy(cars, 'make', true))

Make Div overlay ENTIRE page (not just viewport)?

I had quite a bit of trouble as I didn't want to FIX the overlay in place as I wanted the info inside the overlay to be scrollable over the text. I used:

<html style="height=100%">
   <body style="position:relative">
      <div id="my-awesome-overlay" 
                  display: block">
           [epic content here]

Of course the div in the middle needs some content and probably a transparent grey background but I'm sure you get the gist!

Find the PID of a process that uses a port on Windows

If you want to do this programmatically you can use some of the options given to you as follows in a PowerShell script:

$processPID =  $($(netstat -aon | findstr "9999")[0] -split '\s+')[-1]
taskkill /f /pid $processPID

However; be aware that the more accurate you can be the more precise your PID result will be. If you know which host the port is supposed to be on you can narrow it down a lot. netstat -aon | findstr "" will only return one application and most llikely the correct one. Only searching on the port number may cause you to return processes that only happens to have 9999 in it, like this:

TCP                     LISTENING       15776
UDP    [fe80::81ad:9999:d955:c4ca%2]:1900  *:*                             12331

The most likely candidate usually ends up first, but if the process has ended before you run your script you may end up with PID 12331 instead and killing the wrong process.

How to find third or n?? maximum salary from salary table?

Try this one...

SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee WHERE salary NOT IN (SELECT * FROM employee ORDERBY salary DESC LIMIT n-1)

How to create a hidden <img> in JavaScript?

Try setting the style to display=none:

<img src="a.gif" style="display:none">

Any way to replace characters on Swift String?

I think Regex is the most flexible and solid way:

var str = "This is my string"
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: " ", options: [])
let output = regex.stringByReplacingMatchesInString(
    options: [],
    range: NSRange(location: 0, length: str.characters.count),
    withTemplate: "+"
// output: "This+is+my+string"

"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send." With SSL Certificate

If you are stuck with .Net 4.0 and the target site is using TLS 1.2, you need the following line instead. ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072;

source: TLS 1.2 and .NET Support: How to Avoid Connection Errors

VBA for filtering columns

Here's a different approach. The heart of it was created by turning on the Macro Recorder and filtering the columns per your specifications. Then there's a bit of code to copy the results. It will run faster than looping through each row and column:

Sub FilterAndCopy()
Dim LastRow As Long

With Worksheets("Sheet1")
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="#N/A"
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:="=String1", Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:="=string2"
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=">0"
    .Range("$A:$E").AutoFilter field:=5, Criteria1:="Number"
    LastRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    .Range("A1:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Copy _
End With
End Sub

As a side note, your code has more loops and counter variables than necessary. You wouldn't need to loop through the columns, just through the rows. You'd then check the various cells of interest in that row, much like you did.

Truncate string in Laravel blade templates

Laravel 6 Update:

$value = 'Artificial Intelligence';
$var = Str::limit($value, $limit = 15, $end = '');

<p class="card-text">{{ Illuminate\Support\Str::limit($value, 7) }}</p>
<h2 class="main-head">{!! Str::limit($value, 5) !!}</h2>

Age from birthdate in python

Unfortunately, you cannot just use timedelata as the largest unit it uses is day and leap years will render you calculations invalid. Therefore, let's find number of years then adjust by one if the last year isn't full:

from datetime import date
birth_date = date(1980, 5, 26)
years = - birth_date.year
if ( - birth_date.replace( >= 0:
    age = years
    age = years - 1


This solution really causes an exception when Feb, 29 comes into play. Here's correct check:

from datetime import date
birth_date = date(1980, 5, 26)
today =
years = today.year - birth_date.year
if all((x >= y) for x,y in zip(today.timetuple(), birth_date.timetuple()):
   age = years
   age = years - 1


Calling multiple calls to now() a performance hit is ridiculous, it does not matter in all but extremely special cases. The real reason to use a variable is the risk of data incosistency.

Using OpenSSL what does "unable to write 'random state'" mean?

I have come accross this problem today on AWS Lambda. I created an environment variable RANDFILE = /tmp/.random

That did the trick.

Initialization of all elements of an array to one default value in C++?

Another way of initializing the array to a common value, would be to actually generate the list of elements in a series of defines:

#define DUP1( X ) ( X )
#define DUP2( X ) DUP1( X ), ( X )
#define DUP3( X ) DUP2( X ), ( X )
#define DUP4( X ) DUP3( X ), ( X )
#define DUP5( X ) DUP4( X ), ( X )
#define DUP100( X ) DUP99( X ), ( X )

#define DUPx( X, N ) DUP##N( X )
#define DUP( X, N ) DUPx( X, N )

Initializing an array to a common value can easily be done:

#define LIST_MAX 6
static unsigned char List[ LIST_MAX ]= { DUP( 123, LIST_MAX ) };

Note: DUPx introduced to enable macro substitution in parameters to DUP

Mysql command not found in OS X 10.7

Your PATH might not setup. Go to terminal and type:

echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Essentially, this allows you to access mysql from anywhere.

Type cat .bash_profile to check the PATH has been setup.

Check mysql version now: mysql --version

If this still doesn't work, close the terminal and reopen. Check the version now, it should work. Good luck!

How can I get the first two digits of a number?

Both of the previous 2 answers have at least O(n) time complexity and the string conversion has O(n) space complexity too. Here's a solution for constant time and space:

num // 10 ** (int(math.log(num, 10)) - 1)


import math

def first_n_digits(num, n):
    return num // 10 ** (int(math.log(num, 10)) - n + 1)


>>> first_n_digits(123456, 1)
>>> first_n_digits(123456, 2)
>>> first_n_digits(123456, 3)
>>> first_n_digits(123456, 4)
>>> first_n_digits(123456, 5)
>>> first_n_digits(123456, 6)

You will need to add some checks if it's possible that your input number has less digits than you want.

Python Remove last char from string and return it

Yes, python strings are immutable and any modification will result in creating a new string. This is how it's mostly done.

So, go ahead with it.

jQuery has deprecated synchronous XMLHTTPRequest

This happened to me by having a link to external js outside the head just before the end of the body section. You know, one of these:

<script src="">

It did not have anything to do with JQuery.

You would probably see the same doing something like this:

var script = $("<script></script>");
script.attr("src", basepath + "someotherfile.js");

But I haven't tested that idea.

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

i founded this tool to auto generate wsdl to android code,

public void callWebService(){
    SampleService srv1 = new SampleService();
    Request req = new Request();
    req.companyId = "1";
    req.userName = "userName";
    req.password = "pas";
    Response response =  srv1.ServiceSample(req);

Can I position an element fixed relative to parent?

The CSS specification requires that position:fixed be anchored to the viewport, not the containing positioned element.

If you must specify your coordinates relative to a parent, you will have to use JavaScript to find the parent's position relative to the viewport first, then set the child (fixed) element's position accordingly.

ALTERNATIVE: Some browsers have sticky CSS support which limits an element to be positioned within both its container and the viewport. Per the commit message:

sticky ... constrains an element to be positioned inside the intersection of its container box, and the viewport.

A stickily positioned element behaves like position:relative (space is reserved for it in-flow), but with an offset that is determined by the sticky position. Changed isInFlowPositioned() to cover relative and sticky.

Depending on your design goals, this behavior may be helpful in some cases. It is currently a working draft, and has decent support, aside from table elements. position: sticky still needs a -webkit prefix in Safari.

See caniuse for up-to-date stats on browser support.

Storing a Key Value Array into a compact JSON string

If the logic parsing this knows that {"key": "slide0001.html", "value": "Looking Ahead"} is a key/value pair, then you could transform it in an array and hold a few constants specifying which index maps to which key.

For example:

var data = ["slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"];

var C_KEY = 0;
var C_VALUE = 1;

var value = data[C_VALUE];

So, now, your data can be:

    ["slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"],
    ["slide0008.html", "Forecast"],
    ["slide0021.html", "Summary"]

If your parsing logic doesn't know ahead of time about the structure of the data, you can add some metadata to describe it. For example:

{ meta: { keys: [ "key", "value" ] },
  data: [
    ["slide0001.html", "Looking Ahead"],
    ["slide0008.html", "Forecast"],
    ["slide0021.html", "Summary"]

... which would then be handled by the parser.

Best practice to return errors in ASP.NET Web API

Use the built in "InternalServerError" method (available in ApiController):

return InternalServerError();
return InternalServerError(new YourException("your message"));

How to use auto-layout to move other views when a view is hidden?

In this case, I map the height of the Author label to an appropriate IBOutlet:

@property (retain, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint* authorLabelHeight;

and when I set the height of the constraint to 0.0f, we preserve the "padding", because the Play button's height allows for it.

cell.authorLabelHeight.constant = 0;

enter image description here enter image description here

How to send parameters with jquery $.get()

Try this:

    type: 'get',
    url: '',
    data: 'option=1',
    success: function(data) {

        availableProductNames = data.split(",");



Also You have a few errors in your sample code, not sure if that was causing the error or it was just a typo upon entering the question.

How to read pdf file and write it to outputStream


public class FileRead {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        File f=new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\abc\\Desktop\\abc.pdf");

        OutputStream oos = new FileOutputStream("test.pdf");

        byte[] buf = new byte[8192];

        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);

        int c = 0;

        while ((c =, 0, buf.length)) > 0) {
            oos.write(buf, 0, c);




The easiest way so far. Hope this helps.

Transactions in .net

if you just need it for db-related stuff, some OR Mappers (e.g. NHibernate) support transactinos out of the box per default.

Using Position Relative/Absolute within a TD?

also works if you do a "display: block;" on the td, destroying the td identity, but works!

How to set different colors in HTML in one statement?

How about using FONT tag?


H<font color="red">E</font>LLO.

Can't show example here, because this site doesn't allow font tag use.

Span style is fast and easy too.

dropping rows from dataframe based on a "not in" condition

You can use Series.isin:

df = df[~df.datecolumn.isin(a)]

While the error message suggests that all() or any() can be used, they are useful only when you want to reduce the result into a single Boolean value. That is however not what you are trying to do now, which is to test the membership of every values in the Series against the external list, and keep the results intact (i.e., a Boolean Series which will then be used to slice the original DataFrame).

You can read more about this in the Gotchas.

Using custom std::set comparator

Yacoby's answer inspires me to write an adaptor for encapsulating the functor boilerplate.

template< class T, bool (*comp)( T const &, T const & ) >
class set_funcomp {
    struct ftor {
        bool operator()( T const &l, T const &r )
            { return comp( l, r ); }
    typedef std::set< T, ftor > t;

// usage

bool my_comparison( foo const &l, foo const &r );
set_funcomp< foo, my_comparison >::t boo; // just the way you want it!

Wow, I think that was worth the trouble!

Excel how to fill all selected blank cells with text

If you want to do this in VBA, then this is a shorter method:

Sub FillBlanksWithNull()

'This macro will fill all "blank" cells with the text "Null"

'When no range is selected, it starts at A1 until the last used row/column

'When a range is selected prior, only the blank cell in the range will be used.

On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).FormulaR1C1 = "Null"

Exit Sub


MsgBox "No blank cells found", vbDefaultButton1, Error

Resume Next

End Sub


Robert Ilbrink

How to convert UTF-8 byte[] to string?

BitConverter class can be used to convert a byte[] to string.

var convertedString = BitConverter.ToString(byteAttay);

Documentation of BitConverter class can be fount on MSDN

Could not resolve '...' from state ''

This kind of error usually means that some parts of (JS) code were not loaded. That the state which is inside of ui-sref is missing.

There is a working example

I am not an expert in ionic, so this example should show that it would be working, but I used some more tricks (parent for tabs)

This is a bit adjusted state def:

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){


    .state('app', {
      abstract: true,
      templateUrl: "",

  $stateProvider.state('index', {
    url: '/',
    templateUrl: "tpl.index.html",
    parent: "app",

  $stateProvider.state('register', {
    url: "/register",
    templateUrl: "tpl.register.html",
    parent: "app",


And here we have the parent view with tabs, and their content:

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top">

  <ion-tab title="Index" icon="icon ion-home" ui-sref="index">
    <ion-nav-view name=""></ion-nav-view>

  <ion-tab title="Register" icon="icon ion-person" ui-sref="register">
    <ion-nav-view name=""></ion-nav-view>


Take it more than an example of how to make it running and later use ionic framework the right way...Check that example here

Here is similar Q & A with an example using the named views (for sure better solution) ionic routing issue, shows blank page

Improved version with named views in a tab is here:

  <ion-tab title="Index" icon="icon ion-home" ui-sref="index">
    <ion-nav-view name="index"></ion-nav-view>

  <ion-tab title="Register" icon="icon ion-person" ui-sref="register">
    <ion-nav-view name="register"></ion-nav-view>

targeting named views:

  $stateProvider.state('index', {
    url: '/',
    views: { "index" : { templateUrl: "tpl.index.html" } },
    parent: "app",

  $stateProvider.state('register', {
    url: "/register",
    views: { "register" : { templateUrl: "tpl.register.html", } },
    parent: "app",

How to load all the images from one of my folder into my web page, using Jquery/Javascript

If, as in my case, you would like to load the images from a local folder on your own machine, then there is a simple way to do it with a very short Windows batch file. This uses the ability to send the output of any command to a file using > (to overwrite a file) and >> (to append to a file).

Potentially, you could output a list of filenames to a plain text file like this:

dir /B > filenames.txt

However, reading in a text file requires more faffing around, so I output a javascript file instead, which can then be loaded in your to create a global variable with all the filenames in it.

echo var g_FOLDER_CONTENTS = mlString(function() { /*! > folder_contents.js
dir /B images >> folder_contents.js
echo */}); >> folder_contents.js

The reason for the weird function with comment inside notation is to get around the limitation on multi-line strings in Javascript. The output of the dir command cannot be formatted to write a correct string, so I found a workaround here.

function mlString(f) {
    return f.toString().
        replace(/^[^\/]+\/\*!?/, '').
        replace(/\*\/[^\/]+$/, '');

Add this in your main code before the generated javascript file is run, and then you will have a global variable called g_FOLDER_CONTENTS, which is a string containing the output from the dir command. This can then be tokenized and you'll have a list of filenames, with which you can do what you like.

var filenames = g_FOLDER_CONTENTS.match(/\S+/g);

Here's an example of it all put together:

In the example, run.bat generates the Javascript file and opens index.html, so you needn't open index.html yourself.

NOTE: .bat is an executable type in Windows, so open them in a text editor before running if you are downloading from some random internet link like this one.

If you are running Linux or OSX, you can probably do something similar to the batch file and produce a correctly formatted javascript string without any of the mlString faff.

What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

At least in Firefox (v3.5), cache seems to be disabled rather than simply cleared. If there are multiple instances of the same image on a page, it will be transferred multiple times. That is also the case for img tags that are added subsequently via Ajax/JavaScript.

So in case you're wondering why the browser keeps downloading the same little icon a few hundred times on your auto-refresh Ajax site, it's because you initially loaded the page using CTRL-F5.

Why I am Getting Error 'Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!'

For me it was caused by a splash screen image that was too big (over 4000x2000). The problem disappeared after reducing its dimensions.

How to analyze a JMeter summary report?

A Jmeter Test Plan must have listener to showcase the result of performance test execution.

  • Listeners capture the response coming back from Server while Jmeter runs and showcase in the form of – tree, tables, graphs and log files.

  • It also allows you to save the result in a file for future reference. There are many types of listeners Jmeter provides. Some of them are: Summary Report, Aggregate Report, Aggregate Graph, View Results Tree, View Results in Table etc.

Here is the detailed understanding of each parameter in Summary report.

By referring to the figure:


Label: It is the name/URL for the specific HTTP(s) Request. If you have selected “Include group name in label?” option then the name of the Thread Group is applied as the prefix to each label.

Samples: This indicates the number of virtual users per request.

Average: It is the average time taken by all the samples to execute specific label. In our case, the average time for Label 1 is 942 milliseconds & total average time is 584 milliseconds.

Min: The shortest time taken by a sample for specific label. If we look at Min value for Label 1 then, out of 20 samples shortest response time one of the sample had was 584 milliseconds.

Max: The longest time taken by a sample for specific label. If we look at Max value for Label 1 then, out of 20 samples longest response time one of the sample had was 2867 milliseconds.

Std. Dev.: This shows the set of exceptional cases which were deviating from the average value of sample response time. The lesser this value more consistent the data. Standard deviation should be less than or equal to half of the average time for a label.

Error%: Percentage of Failed requests per Label.

Throughput: Throughput is the number of request that are processed per time unit(seconds, minutes, hours) by the server. This time is calculated from the start of first sample to the end of the last sample. Larger throughput is better.

KB/Sec: This indicates the amount of data downloaded from server during the performance test execution. In short, it is the Throughput measured in Kilobytes per second.

For more information:

window.location.reload with clear cache

i had this problem and i solved it using javascript


you may also use


to stop the browser back button after user logs out of the application.

Using sed, Insert a line above or below the pattern?

More portable to use ed; some systems don't support \n in sed

printf "/^lorem ipsum dolor sit amet/a\nconsectetur adipiscing elit\n.\nw\nq\n" |\
    /bin/ed $filename

Converting integer to digit list

By looping it can be done the following way :)

num1= int(input('Enter the number'))
sum1 = num1 #making a alt int to store the value of the orginal so it wont be affected
y = [] #making a list 
while True:
    if(sum1==0):#checking if the number is not zero so it can break if it is
    d = sum1%10 #last number of your integer is saved in d
    sum1 = int(sum1/10) #integer is now with out the last number ie.4320/10 become 432
    y.append(d) # appending the last number in the first place

y.reverse()#as last is in first , reversing the number to orginal form

Answer becomes

Enter the number2342
[2, 3, 4, 2]

Removing App ID from Developer Connection

App IDs cannot be removed because once allocated they need to stay alive so that another App ID doesn't accidentally collide with a previously existing App ID.

Apple should however support hiding unwanted App IDs (instead of completely deleting them) to reduce clutter.

Only Add Unique Item To List

Just like the accepted answer says a HashSet doesn't have an order. If order is important you can continue to use a List and check if it contains the item before you add it.

if (_remoteDevices.Contains(rDevice))

Performing List.Contains() on a custom class/object requires implementing IEquatable<T> on the custom class or overriding the Equals. It's a good idea to also implement GetHashCode in the class as well. This is per the documentation at

public class RemoteDevice: IEquatable<RemoteDevice>
    private readonly int id;
    public RemoteDevice(int uuid)
        id = id
    public int GetId
        get { return id; }

    // ...

    public bool Equals(RemoteDevice other)
        if (this.GetId == other.GetId)
            return true;
            return false;
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return id;

Is there a GUI design app for the Tkinter / grid geometry?

Apart from the options already given in other answers, there's a current more active, recent and open-source project called pygubu.

This is the first description by the author taken from the github repository:

Pygubu is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the python tkinter module.

The user interfaces designed are saved as XML, and by using the pygubu builder these can be loaded by applications dynamically as needed. Pygubu is inspired by Glade.

Pygubu hello world program is an introductory video explaining how to create a first project using Pygubu.

The following in an image of interface of the last version of pygubu designer on a OS X Yosemite 10.10.2:

enter image description here

I would definitely give it a try, and contribute to its development.

jQuery Get Selected Option From Dropdown

I hope this also helps to understand better and helps try this below,

$('select[id="aioConceptName[]"] option:selected').each(function(key,value){
   options2[$(this).val()] = $(this).text();

to more details please

Iterating Through a Dictionary in Swift

If you want to iterate over all the values:

dict.values.forEach { value in
    // print(value)

Checking host availability by using ping in bash scripts

I liked the idea of checking a list like:

for i in `cat Hostlist`
  ping -c1 -w2 $i | grep "PING" | awk '{print $2,$3}'

but that snippet doesn't care if a host is unreachable, so is not a great answer IMHO.

I ran with it and wrote

for i in `cat Hostlist`
  ping -c1 -w2 $i >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $i $?

And I can then handle each accordingly.