Programs & Examples On #Brewmp

Brew MP is an application framework for mobile phones, built upon the Brew framework. Brew MP will eventually replace Brew.

Could not instantiate mail function. Why this error occurring

"Could not instantiate mail function" is PHPMailer's way of reporting that the call to mail() (in the Mail extension) failed. (So you're using the 'mail' mailer.)

You could try removing the @s before the calls to mail() in PHPMailer::MailSend and seeing what, if any, errors are being silently discarded.

How to convert Java String into byte[]?

Try using String.getBytes(). It returns a byte[] representing string data. Example:

String data = "sample data";
byte[] byteData = data.getBytes();

How to create a numpy array of arbitrary length strings?

You could use the object data type:

>>> import numpy
>>> s = numpy.array(['a', 'b', 'dude'], dtype='object')
>>> s[0] += 'bcdef'
>>> s
array([abcdef, b, dude], dtype=object)

Easy pretty printing of floats in python?

I believe that Python 3.1 will print them nicer by default, without any code changing. But that is useless if you use any extensions that haven't been updated to work with Python 3.1

How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops

Regular expressions are used for Pattern Matching.

To use in Excel follow these steps:

Step 1: Add VBA reference to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5"

  • Select "Developer" tab (I don't have this tab what do I do?)
  • Select "Visual Basic" icon from 'Code' ribbon section
  • In "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications" window select "Tools" from the top menu.
  • Select "References"
  • Check the box next to "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5" to include in your workbook.
  • Click "OK"

Step 2: Define your pattern

Basic definitions:

- Range.

  • E.g. a-z matches an lower case letters from a to z
  • E.g. 0-5 matches any number from 0 to 5

[] Match exactly one of the objects inside these brackets.

  • E.g. [a] matches the letter a
  • E.g. [abc] matches a single letter which can be a, b or c
  • E.g. [a-z] matches any single lower case letter of the alphabet.

() Groups different matches for return purposes. See examples below.

{} Multiplier for repeated copies of pattern defined before it.

  • E.g. [a]{2} matches two consecutive lower case letter a: aa
  • E.g. [a]{1,3} matches at least one and up to three lower case letter a, aa, aaa

+ Match at least one, or more, of the pattern defined before it.

  • E.g. a+ will match consecutive a's a, aa, aaa, and so on

? Match zero or one of the pattern defined before it.

  • E.g. Pattern may or may not be present but can only be matched one time.
  • E.g. [a-z]? matches empty string or any single lower case letter.

* Match zero or more of the pattern defined before it.

  • E.g. Wildcard for pattern that may or may not be present.
  • E.g. [a-z]* matches empty string or string of lower case letters.

. Matches any character except newline \n

  • E.g. a. Matches a two character string starting with a and ending with anything except \n

| OR operator

  • E.g. a|b means either a or b can be matched.
  • E.g. red|white|orange matches exactly one of the colors.

^ NOT operator

  • E.g. [^0-9] character can not contain a number
  • E.g. [^aA] character can not be lower case a or upper case A

\ Escapes special character that follows (overrides above behavior)

  • E.g. \., \\, \(, \?, \$, \^

Anchoring Patterns:

^ Match must occur at start of string

  • E.g. ^a First character must be lower case letter a
  • E.g. ^[0-9] First character must be a number.

$ Match must occur at end of string

  • E.g. a$ Last character must be lower case letter a

Precedence table:

Order  Name                Representation
1      Parentheses         ( )
2      Multipliers         ? + * {m,n} {m, n}?
3      Sequence & Anchors  abc ^ $
4      Alternation         |

Predefined Character Abbreviations:

abr    same as       meaning
\d     [0-9]         Any single digit
\D     [^0-9]        Any single character that's not a digit
\w     [a-zA-Z0-9_]  Any word character
\W     [^a-zA-Z0-9_] Any non-word character
\s     [ \r\t\n\f]   Any space character
\S     [^ \r\t\n\f]  Any non-space character
\n     [\n]          New line

Example 1: Run as macro

The following example macro looks at the value in cell A1 to see if the first 1 or 2 characters are digits. If so, they are removed and the rest of the string is displayed. If not, then a box appears telling you that no match is found. Cell A1 values of 12abc will return abc, value of 1abc will return abc, value of abc123 will return "Not Matched" because the digits were not at the start of the string.

Private Sub simpleRegex()
    Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "^[0-9]{1,2}"
    Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = ""
    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    Dim strInput As String
    Dim Myrange As Range
    Set Myrange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
    If strPattern <> "" Then
        strInput = Myrange.Value
        With regEx
            .Global = True
            .MultiLine = True
            .IgnoreCase = False
            .Pattern = strPattern
        End With
        If regEx.Test(strInput) Then
            MsgBox (regEx.Replace(strInput, strReplace))
            MsgBox ("Not matched")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Example 2: Run as an in-cell function

This example is the same as example 1 but is setup to run as an in-cell function. To use, change the code to this:

Function simpleCellRegex(Myrange As Range) As String
    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    Dim strPattern As String
    Dim strInput As String
    Dim strReplace As String
    Dim strOutput As String
    strPattern = "^[0-9]{1,3}"
    If strPattern <> "" Then
        strInput = Myrange.Value
        strReplace = ""
        With regEx
            .Global = True
            .MultiLine = True
            .IgnoreCase = False
            .Pattern = strPattern
        End With
        If regEx.test(strInput) Then
            simpleCellRegex = regEx.Replace(strInput, strReplace)
            simpleCellRegex = "Not matched"
        End If
    End If
End Function

Place your strings ("12abc") in cell A1. Enter this formula =simpleCellRegex(A1) in cell B1 and the result will be "abc".

results image

Example 3: Loop Through Range

This example is the same as example 1 but loops through a range of cells.

Private Sub simpleRegex()
    Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "^[0-9]{1,2}"
    Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = ""
    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    Dim strInput As String
    Dim Myrange As Range
    Set Myrange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5")
    For Each cell In Myrange
        If strPattern <> "" Then
            strInput = cell.Value
            With regEx
                .Global = True
                .MultiLine = True
                .IgnoreCase = False
                .Pattern = strPattern
            End With
            If regEx.Test(strInput) Then
                MsgBox (regEx.Replace(strInput, strReplace))
                MsgBox ("Not matched")
            End If
        End If
End Sub

Example 4: Splitting apart different patterns

This example loops through a range (A1, A2 & A3) and looks for a string starting with three digits followed by a single alpha character and then 4 numeric digits. The output splits apart the pattern matches into adjacent cells by using the (). $1 represents the first pattern matched within the first set of ().

Private Sub splitUpRegexPattern()
    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    Dim strPattern As String
    Dim strInput As String
    Dim Myrange As Range
    Set Myrange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A3")
    For Each C In Myrange
        strPattern = "(^[0-9]{3})([a-zA-Z])([0-9]{4})"
        If strPattern <> "" Then
            strInput = C.Value
            With regEx
                .Global = True
                .MultiLine = True
                .IgnoreCase = False
                .Pattern = strPattern
            End With
            If regEx.test(strInput) Then
                C.Offset(0, 1) = regEx.Replace(strInput, "$1")
                C.Offset(0, 2) = regEx.Replace(strInput, "$2")
                C.Offset(0, 3) = regEx.Replace(strInput, "$3")
                C.Offset(0, 1) = "(Not matched)"
            End If
        End If
End Sub


results image

Additional Pattern Examples

String   Regex Pattern                  Explanation
a1aaa    [a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z]{3}       Single alpha, single digit, three alpha characters
a1aaa    [a-zA-Z]?[0-9][a-zA-Z]{3}      May or may not have preceding alpha character
a1aaa    [a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z]{0,3}     Single alpha, single digit, 0 to 3 alpha characters
a1aaa    [a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z]*         Single alpha, single digit, followed by any number of alpha characters

</i8>    \<\/[a-zA-Z][0-9]\>            Exact non-word character except any single alpha followed by any single digit

On - window.location.hash - Change?

Firefox has had an onhashchange event since 3.6. See window.onhashchange.

/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found

For testing purposes:

On the original machine, find the library, copy to the same directory as the executable:

$ ldconfig -p | grep libstdc (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (libc6) => /usr/lib32/
$ cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ .

Then copy this same library to the target machine, and run the executable:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./myexecutable

Note: command above is temporary; it is not a system-wide change.

Site does not exist error for a2ensite

Try like this..

NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]

    DocumentRoot /var/www/

    LogLevel warn
    ErrorLog /var/www/
    CustomLog /var/www/ combined

and add entry in /etc/hosts

restart apache..

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

var x;
if (x === undefined) {
    alert ("only declared, but not defined.")
if (typeof y === "undefined") {
    alert ("not even declared.")

You can only use second one: as it will check for both definition and declaration

PHP string "contains"

You can use stristr() or strpos(). Both return false if nothing is found.

How can I make setInterval also work when a tab is inactive in Chrome?

On most browsers inactive tabs have low priority execution and this can affect JavaScript timers.

If the values of your transition were calculated using real time elapsed between frames instead fixed increments on each interval, you not only workaround this issue but also can achieve a smother animation by using requestAnimationFrame as it can get up to 60fps if the processor isn't very busy.

Here's a vanilla JavaScript example of an animated property transition using requestAnimationFrame:

var target = document.querySelector('div#target')_x000D_
var startedAt, duration = 3000_x000D_
var domain = [-100, window.innerWidth]_x000D_
var range = domain[1] - domain[0]_x000D_
function start() {_x000D_
  startedAt =
function update() {_x000D_
  let elapsedTime = - startedAt_x000D_
  // playback is a value between 0 and 1_x000D_
  // being 0 the start of the animation and 1 its end_x000D_
  let playback = elapsedTime / duration_x000D_
  if (playback > 0 && playback < 1) {_x000D_
   // Queue the next frame_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
   // Wait for a while and restart the animation_x000D_
   setTimeout(start, duration/10)_x000D_
function updateTarget(playback) {_x000D_
  // Uncomment the line below to reverse the animation_x000D_
  // playback = 1 - playback_x000D_
  // Update the target properties based on the playback position_x000D_
  let position = domain[0] + (playback * range)_x000D_ = position + 'px'_x000D_ = position + 'px'_x000D_ = 'scale(' + playback * 3 + ')'_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
div {_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
<div id="target">...HERE WE GO</div>

For Background Tasks (non-UI related)

@UpTheCreek comment:

Fine for presentation issues, but still there are some things that you need to keep running.

If you have background tasks that needs to be precisely executed at given intervals, you can use HTML5 Web Workers. Take a look at Möhre's answer below for more details...

CSS vs JS "animations"

This problem and many others could be avoided by using CSS transitions/animations instead of JavaScript based animations which adds a considerable overhead. I'd recommend this jQuery plugin that let's you take benefit from CSS transitions just like the animate() methods.

Java 8 Filter Array Using Lambda

even simpler, adding up to String[],

use built-in filter filter(StringUtils::isNotEmpty) of org.apache.commons.lang3

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

    String test = "a\nb\n\nc\n";
    String[] lines = test.split("\\n", -1);

    String[]  result =[]::new);

and output: [a, b, , c, ] [a, b, c]

PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9

Notice the case in 'Trident':

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) &&
    ((strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false) || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Trident') !== false)) {   
     // IE is here :-(

PHP call Class method / function

To answer your question, the current method would be to create the object then call the method:

$functions = new Functions();
$var = $functions->filter($_GET['params']);

Another way would be to make the method static since the class has no private data to rely on:

public static function filter($data){

This can then be called like so:

$var = Functions::filter($_GET['params']);

Lastly, you do not need a class and can just have a file of functions which you include. So you remove the class Functions and the public in the method. This can then be called like you tried:

$var = filter($_GET['params']);

How to Correctly Check if a Process is running and Stop it

Thanks @Joey. It's what I am looking for.

I just bring some improvements:

  • to take into account multiple processes
  • to avoid reaching the timeout when all processes have terminated
  • to package the whole in a function

function Stop-Processes {
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $processName,
                                     $timeout = 5
    $processList = Get-Process $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($processList) {
        # Try gracefully first
        $processList.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null

        # Wait until all processes have terminated or until timeout
        for ($i = 0 ; $i -le $timeout; $i ++){
            $AllHaveExited = $True
            $processList | % {
                $process = $_
                If (!$process.HasExited){
                    $AllHaveExited = $False
            If ($AllHaveExited){
            sleep 1
        # Else: kill
        $processList | Stop-Process -Force        


This one disables all bogus verbs and only allows GET and POST

      <verbs allowUnlisted="false">
    <add verb="GET" allowed="true"/>
    <add verb="POST" allowed="true"/>

What does the "yield" keyword do?

An easy example to understand what it is: yield

def f123():
    for _ in range(4):
        yield 1
        yield 2

for i in f123():
    print (i)

The output is:

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Select records from NOW() -1 Day

when search field is timestamp and you want find records from 0 hours yesterday and 0 hour today use construction

MY_DATE_TIME_FIELD between makedate(year(now()), date_format(now(),'%j')-1) and makedate(year(now()), date_format(now(),'%j'))  


 now() - interval 1 day

Oracle SQL Where clause to find date records older than 30 days


 WHERE creation_date <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 30

SYSDATE returns the date & time; TRUNC resets the date to being as of midnight so you can omit it if you want the creation_date that is 30 days previous including the current time.

Depending on your needs, you could also look at using ADD_MONTHS:

 WHERE creation_date <= ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -1)

What do I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?

This is a simple MaxHeap implementation based on heapq. Though it only works with numeric values.

import heapq
from typing import List

class MaxHeap:
    def __init__(self): = []

    def top(self):

    def push(self, val):
        heapq.heappush(, -val)

    def pop(self):
        return -heapq.heappop(


max_heap = MaxHeap()
print(  # 5

Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants

The three constants have similar functions nowadays, but different historical origins, and very occasionally you may be required to use one or the other.

You need to think back to the days of old manual typewriters to get the origins of this. There are two distinct actions needed to start a new line of text:

  1. move the typing head back to the left. In practice in a typewriter this is done by moving the roll which carries the paper (the "carriage") all the way back to the right -- the typing head is fixed. This is a carriage return.
  2. move the paper up by the width of one line. This is a line feed.

In computers, these two actions are represented by two different characters - carriage return is CR, ASCII character 13, vbCr; line feed is LF, ASCII character 10, vbLf. In the old days of teletypes and line printers, the printer needed to be sent these two characters -- traditionally in the sequence CRLF -- to start a new line, and so the CRLF combination -- vbCrLf -- became a traditional line ending sequence, in some computing environments.

The problem was, of course, that it made just as much sense to only use one character to mark the line ending, and have the terminal or printer perform both the carriage return and line feed actions automatically. And so before you knew it, we had 3 different valid line endings: LF alone (used in Unix and Macintoshes), CR alone (apparently used in older Mac OSes) and the CRLF combination (used in DOS, and hence in Windows). This in turn led to the complications of DOS / Windows programs having the option of opening files in text mode, where any CRLF pair read from the file was converted to a single CR (and vice versa when writing).

So - to cut a (much too) long story short - there are historical reasons for the existence of the three separate line separators, which are now often irrelevant: and perhaps the best course of action in .NET is to use Environment.NewLine which means someone else has decided for you which to use, and future portability issues should be reduced.

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

Following resolved my issue:

Check where is your MySQL server is listning to: netstat -nlp If it is listning to TCP then use while connecting to DB instead of "localhost"

Check MySQL doc here

Ubuntu says "bash: ./program Permission denied"

Try this:

sudo chmod +x program_name

Composer: Command Not Found

Step 1 : Open Your terminal

Step 2 : Run bellow command

          curl -sS | php

Step 3 : After installation run bellow command

          sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/

Step 4 : Open bash_profile file create alias follow bellow steps

           vim ~/.bash_profile

Step 5 : Add bellow line in bash_profile file

          alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"

Step 6 : Close your terminal and reopen your terminal and run bellow command composer

HTTP POST using JSON in Java

It's probably easiest to use HttpURLConnection.

You'll use JSONObject or whatever to construct your JSON, but not to handle the network; you need to serialize it and then pass it to an HttpURLConnection to POST.

JQuery create a form and add elements to it programmatically

The tag is not closed:

$form.append("<input type=button value=button");

Should be:

$form.append('<input type="button" value="button">');

Is java.sql.Timestamp timezone specific?

I think the correct answer should be java.sql.Timestamp is NOT timezone specific. Timestamp is a composite of java.util.Date and a separate nanoseconds value. There is no timezone information in this class. Thus just as Date this class simply holds the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT + nanos.

In PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x, Calendar cal) Calendar is used by the driver to change the default timezone. But Timestamp still holds milliseconds in GMT.

API is unclear about how exactly JDBC driver is supposed to use Calendar. Providers seem to feel free about how to interpret it, e.g. last time I worked with MySQL 5.5 Calendar the driver simply ignored Calendar in both PreparedStatement.setTimestamp and ResultSet.getTimestamp.

Create array of regex matches

Here's a simple example:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexPattern);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input);
while (m.find()) {

(if you have more capturing groups, you can refer to them by their index as an argument of the group method. If you need an array, then use list.toArray())

Extract subset of key-value pairs from Python dictionary object?

You can also use map (which is a very useful function to get to know anyway):

sd = dict(map(lambda k: (k, l.get(k, None)), l))


large_dictionary = {'a1':123, 'a2':45, 'a3':344}
list_of_keys = ['a1', 'a3']
small_dictionary = dict(map(lambda key: (key, large_dictionary.get(key, None)), list_of_keys))

PS: I borrowed the .get(key, None) from a previous answer :)

selected value get from db into dropdown select box option using php mysql error

Answer is simple. when u pass value from dropdown.

Just use as if else.

for eg:

foreach($result as $row) {                      
   $GLOBALS['output'] .='<option value="'.$row["dropdownid"].'"'. 
   ($GLOBALS['passselectedvalueid']==$row["dropwdownid"] ? ' Selected' : '').' 

Best way of invoking getter by reflection

You can use Reflections framework for this

import static org.reflections.ReflectionUtils.*;
Set<Method> getters = ReflectionUtils.getAllMethods(someClass,
      withModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC), withPrefix("get"), withAnnotation(annotation));

Error: Node Sass version 5.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0

Small update: Incase if you get below error in regard to node-sass follow the steps given below.

code EPERM
npm ERR! syscall unlink

steps to solve the issue:

  1. close visual studio
  2. manually remove .node-sass.DELETE from node_modules
  3. open visual studio
  4. npm cache verify
  5. npm install [email protected]

C# - Making a Process.Start wait until the process has start-up

I agree with Tom. In addition, to check the processes while performing Thread.Sleep, check the running processes. Something like:

bool found = 0;
while (!found)
    foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
        if (clsProcess.Name == Name)
            found = true;


How to call a asp:Button OnClick event using JavaScript?

Set style= "display:none;". By setting visible=false, it will not render button in the browser. Thus,client side script wont execute.

<asp:Button ID="savebtn" runat="server" OnClick="savebtn_Click" style="display:none" />

html markup should be

<button id="btnsave" onclick="fncsave()">Save</button>

Change javascript to

<script type="text/javascript">
     function fncsave()
        document.getElementById('<%= savebtn.ClientID %>').click();

How to use the IEqualityComparer

IEquatable<T> can be a much easier way to do this with modern frameworks.

You get a nice simple bool Equals(T other) function and there's no messing around with casting or creating a separate class.

public class Person : IEquatable<Person>
    public Person(string name, string hometown)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Hometown = hometown;

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Hometown { get; set; }

    // can't get much simpler than this!
    public bool Equals(Person other)
        return this.Name == other.Name && this.Hometown == other.Hometown;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Name.GetHashCode();  // see other links for hashcode guidance 

Note you DO have to implement GetHashCode if using this in a dictionary or with something like Distinct.

PS. I don't think any custom Equals methods work with entity framework directly on the database side (I think you know this because you do AsEnumerable) but this is a much simpler method to do a simple Equals for the general case.

If things don't seem to be working (such as duplicate key errors when doing ToDictionary) put a breakpoint inside Equals to make sure it's being hit and make sure you have GetHashCode defined (with override keyword).

Calculate the display width of a string in Java

And now for something completely different. The following assumes arial font, and makes a wild guess based on a linear interpolation of character vs width.

// Returns the size in PICA of the string, given space is 200 and 'W' is 1000.
// see

static int picaSize(String s)
    // the following characters are sorted by width in Arial font
    String lookup = " .:,;'^`!|jl/\\i-()JfIt[]?{}sr*a\"ce_gFzLxkP+0123456789<=>~qvy$SbduEphonTBCXY#VRKZN%GUAHD@OQ&wmMW";
    int result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i)
        int c = lookup.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
        result += (c < 0 ? 60 : c) * 7 + 200;
    return result;

Interesting, but perhaps not very practical.

Matplotlib - How to plot a high resolution graph?

For saving the graph:

matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 300

For displaying the graph when you use

matplotlib.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100

Just add them at the top

Python - round up to the nearest ten

Here is one way to do it:

>>> n = 46
>>> (n + 9) // 10 * 10

Chrome Extension - Get DOM content

For those who tried gkalpak answer and it did not work,

be aware that chrome will add the content script to a needed page only when your extension enabled during chrome launch and also a good idea restart browser after making these changes

Initialize empty vector in structure - c++

Both std::string and std::vector<T> have constructors initializing the object to be empty. You could use std::vector<unsigned char>() but I'd remove the initializer.

compare differences between two tables in mysql

I found another solution in this link

SELECT MIN (tbl_name) AS tbl_name, PK, column_list
  SELECT ' source_table ' as tbl_name, S.PK, S.column_list
  FROM source_table AS S
  SELECT 'destination_table' as tbl_name, D.PK, D.column_list
  FROM destination_table AS D 
)  AS alias_table
GROUP BY PK, column_list

What is the difference between dim and set in vba

There's no reason to use set unless referring to an object reference. It's good practice to only use it in that context. For all other simple data types, just use an assignment operator. It's a good idea to dim (dimension) ALL variables however:

Examples of simple data types would be integer, long, boolean, string. These are just data types and do not have their own methods and properties.

Dim i as Integer
i = 5

Dim myWord as String
myWord = "Whatever I want"

An example of an object would be a Range, a Worksheet, or a Workbook. These have their own methods and properties.

Dim myRange as Range
Set myRange = Sheet1.Range("A1")

If you try to use the last line without Set, VB will throw an error. Now that you have an object declared you can access its properties and methods.

myString = myRange.Value

Vertical divider doesn't work in Bootstrap 3

I think this will bring it back using 3.0

.navbar .divider-vertical {
    height: 50px;
    margin: 0 9px;
    border-right: 1px solid #ffffff;
    border-left: 1px solid #f2f2f2;

.navbar-inverse .divider-vertical {
    border-right-color: #222222;
    border-left-color: #111111;

@media (max-width: 767px) {
    .navbar-collapse .nav > .divider-vertical {
        display: none;

Modal width (increase)

Bootstrap 4 includes sizing utilities. You can change the size to 25/50/75/100% of the page width (I wish there were even more increments).

To use these we will replace the modal-lg class. Both the default width and modal-lg use css max-width to control the modal's width, so first add the mw-100 class to effectively disable max-width. Then just add the width class you want, e.g. w-75.

Note that you should place the mw-100 and w-75 classes in the div with the modal-dialog class, not the modal div e.g.,

<div class='modal-dialog mw-100 w-75'>

Issue when importing dataset: `Error in scan(...): line 1 did not have 145 elements`

Beside all the guidance mentioned above,you can also check all the data.

If there are blanks between words, you must replace them with "_".

However that how I solve my own problem.

Java - checking if parseInt throws exception

public static boolean isParsable(String input) {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
        return false;

Assign a variable inside a Block to a variable outside a Block

Just a reminder of a mistake I made myself too, the


declaration must be done when first declaring the variable, that is, OUTSIDE of the block, not inside of it. This should resolve problems mentioned in the comments about the variable not retaining its value outside of the block.

Newline in markdown table?

Use <br/> . For example:

Change log, upgrade version

Dependency | Old version | New version |
---------- | ----------- | -----------
Spring Boot | `1.3.5.RELEASE` | `1.4.3.RELEASE`
Gradle | `2.13` | `3.2.1`
Gradle plugin <br/>`com.gorylenko.gradle-git-properties` | `1.4.16` | `1.4.17`
`org.webjars:requirejs` | `2.2.0` | `2.3.2`
`org.webjars.npm:stompjs` | `2.3.3` | `2.3.3`
`org.webjars.bower:sockjs-client` | `1.1.0` | `1.1.1`


What's the most efficient way to test two integer ranges for overlap?

My case is different. i want check two time ranges overlap. there should not be a unit time overlap. here is Go implementation.

    func CheckRange(as, ae, bs, be int) bool {
    return (as >= be) != (ae > bs)

Test cases

if CheckRange(2, 8, 2, 4) != true {
        t.Error("Expected 2,8,2,4 to equal TRUE")

    if CheckRange(2, 8, 2, 4) != true {
        t.Error("Expected 2,8,2,4 to equal TRUE")

    if CheckRange(2, 8, 6, 9) != true {
        t.Error("Expected 2,8,6,9 to equal TRUE")

    if CheckRange(2, 8, 8, 9) != false {
        t.Error("Expected 2,8,8,9 to equal FALSE")

    if CheckRange(2, 8, 4, 6) != true {
        t.Error("Expected 2,8,4,6 to equal TRUE")

    if CheckRange(2, 8, 1, 9) != true {
        t.Error("Expected 2,8,1,9 to equal TRUE")

    if CheckRange(4, 8, 1, 3) != false {
        t.Error("Expected 4,8,1,3 to equal FALSE")

    if CheckRange(4, 8, 1, 4) != false {
        t.Error("Expected 4,8,1,4 to equal FALSE")

    if CheckRange(2, 5, 6, 9) != false {
        t.Error("Expected 2,5,6,9 to equal FALSE")

    if CheckRange(2, 5, 5, 9) != false {
        t.Error("Expected 2,5,5,9 to equal FALSE")

you can see there is XOR pattern in boundary comparison


Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 uses these SQL-92 keywords for outer joins specified in a FROM clause:





The full outer join or full join returns all rows from both tables, matching up the rows wherever a match can be made and placing NULLs in the places where no matching row exists.

Get remote registry value

You can try using .net:

$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computer1)
$RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Veritas\\NetBackup\\CurrentVersion")
$NetbackupVersion1 = $RegKey.GetValue("PackageVersion")

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

This helped me to get rid of this error.This option disables -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

Xcode "Device Locked" When iPhone is unlocked

Check that on the "Runner" option is selected the correct device. Although you have one device physically plugged in with a cable, Xcode could have connected via WiFi to any other device that has the "Connect via network" option enabled.

Check the "Runner" device (3rd Top Left button after the "build & run", and the "stop" buttons)

How can I select the record with the 2nd highest salary in database Oracle?

select * from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp where sal<(select max(sal) from emp))

so in our emp table(default provided by oracle) here is the output


  7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       3000            30
  7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000            20
  7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000            20

or just you want 2nd maximum salary to be displayed

select max(sal) from emp where sal<(select max(sal) from emp)



Apply CSS Style to child elements

As far as I know this:

div[class=yourclass] table {  your style here; } 

or in your case even this:

div.yourclass table { your style here; }

(but this will work for elements with yourclass that might not be divs) will affect only tables inside yourclass. And, as Ken says, the > is not supported everywhere (and div[class=yourclass] too, so use the point notation for classes).

How do I check if the user is pressing a key?

In java you don't check if a key is pressed, instead you listen to KeyEvents. The right way to achieve your goal is to register a KeyEventDispatcher, and implement it to maintain the state of the desired key:

import java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher;
import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class IsKeyPressed {
    private static volatile boolean wPressed = false;
    public static boolean isWPressed() {
        synchronized (IsKeyPressed.class) {
            return wPressed;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventDispatcher(new KeyEventDispatcher() {

            public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent ke) {
                synchronized (IsKeyPressed.class) {
                    switch (ke.getID()) {
                    case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
                        if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
                            wPressed = true;

                    case KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED:
                        if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
                            wPressed = false;
                    return false;

Then you can always use:

if (IsKeyPressed.isWPressed()) {
    // do your thing.

You can, of course, use same method to implement isPressing("<some key>") with a map of keys and their state wrapped inside IsKeyPressed.

docker container ssl certificates

As was suggested in a comment above, if the certificate store on the host is compatible with the guest, you can just mount it directly.

On a Debian host (and container), I've successfully done:

docker run -v /etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro ...

CSS Animation and Display None

The following will get you to animate an element when

  1. Giving it a Display - None
  2. Giving it a Display - Block


.MyClass {
       opacity: 0;
       transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
       -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
       -moz-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
       -o-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;
       -ms-transition: opacity 0.5s linear;


function GetThisHidden(){
    $(".MyClass").css("opacity", "0").on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend', HideTheElementAfterAnimation);

function GetThisDisplayed(){
    $(".MyClass").css("display", "block").css("opacity", "1").unbind("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend");

function HideTheElementAfterAnimation(){
    $(".MyClass").css("display", "none");

Dropdownlist validation in Using Required field validator

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator InitialValue="-1" ID="Req_ID" Display="Dynamic" 
    ValidationGroup="g1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ControlID"
    Text="*" ErrorMessage="ErrorMessage"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

Casting to string in JavaScript

Real world example: I've got a log function that can be called with an arbitrary number of parameters: log("foo is {} and bar is {}", param1, param2). If a DEBUG flag is set to true, the brackets get replaced by the given parameters and the string is passed to console.log(msg). Parameters can and will be Strings, Numbers and whatever may be returned by JSON / AJAX calls, maybe even null.

  • arguments[i].toString() is not an option, because of possible null values (see Connell Watkins answer)
  • JSLint will complain about arguments[i] + "". This may or may not influence a decision on what to use. Some folks strictly adhere to JSLint.
  • In some browsers, concatenating empty strings is a little faster than using string function or string constructor (see JSPerf test in Sammys S. answer). In Opera 12 and Firefox 19, concatenating empty strings is rediculously faster (95% in Firefox 19) - or at least JSPerf says so.

Access the css ":after" selector with jQuery

You can't manipulate :after, because it's not technically part of the DOM and therefore is inaccessible by any JavaScript. But you can add a new class with a new :after specified.


.pageMenu .active.changed:after { 
/* this selector is more specific, so it takes precedence over the other :after */
    border-top-width: 22px;
    border-left-width: 22px;
    border-right-width: 22px;


$('.pageMenu .active').toggleClass('changed');

UPDATE: while it's impossible to directly modify the :after content, there are ways to read and/or override it using JavaScript. See "Manipulating CSS pseudo-elements using jQuery (e.g. :before and :after)" for a comprehensive list of techniques.

How to use java.Set

It's difficult to answer this question with the information given. Nothing looks particularly wrong with how you are using HashSet.

Well, I'll hazard a guess that it's not a compilation issue and, when you say "getting errors," you mean "not getting the behavior [you] want."

I'll also go out on a limb and suggest that maybe your Block's equals an hashCode methods are not properly overridden.

How to run Unix shell script from Java code?

Yes, it is possible and you have answered it! About good practises, I think it is better to launch commands from files and not directly from your code. So you have to make Java execute the list of commands (or one command) in an existing .bat, .sh , .ksh ... files. Here is an example of executing a list of commands in a file

    String[] cmd = { "sh", "", "\pathOfTheFile"};

The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)

Just in case...
If you are using SoapUI Mock Service (as the Server), calling it from a C# WCF:

WCF --> SoapUI MockService

And in this case you are getting the same error:

The content type text/html; charset=UTF-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8).

Edit your Mock Response at SoapUI and add a Header to it: enter image description here

In my scenario, this fix the problem.

How to set calculation mode to manual when opening an excel file?

The best way around this would be to create an Excel called 'launcher.xlsm' in the same folder as the file you wish to open. In the 'launcher' file put the following code in the 'Workbook' object, but set the constant TargetWBName to be the name of the file you wish to open.

Private Const TargetWBName As String = "myworkbook.xlsx"

'// First, a function to tell us if the workbook is already open...
Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
' returns TRUE if the workbook is open
    WorkbookOpen = False
    On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
    If Len(Application.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
        WorkbookOpen = True
        Exit Function
    End If
End Function

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    'Check if our target workbook is open
    If WorkbookOpen(TargetWBName) = False Then
        'set calculation to manual
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & TargetWBName
        Me.Close False
    End If
End Sub

Set the constant 'TargetWBName' to be the name of the workbook that you wish to open. This code will simply switch calculation to manual, then open the file. The launcher file will then automatically close itself. *NOTE: If you do not wish to be prompted to 'Enable Content' every time you open this file (depending on your security settings) you should temporarily remove the 'me.close' to prevent it from closing itself, save the file and set it to be trusted, and then re-enable the 'me.close' call before saving again. Alternatively, you could just set the False to True after Me.Close

Search for "does-not-contain" on a DataFrame in pandas

You can use the invert (~) operator (which acts like a not for boolean data):

new_df = df[~df["col"].str.contains(word)]

, where new_df is the copy returned by RHS.

contains also accepts a regular expression...

If the above throws a ValueError, the reason is likely because you have mixed datatypes, so use na=False:

new_df = df[~df["col"].str.contains(word, na=False)]


new_df = df[df["col"].str.contains(word) == False]

Can a website detect when you are using Selenium with chromedriver?

One more thing I found is that some websites uses a platform that checks the User Agent. If the value contains: "HeadlessChrome" the behavior can be weird when using headless mode.

The workaround for that will be to override the user agent value, for example in Java:

chromeOptions.addArguments("--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36");

JSON library for C#

If you look here, you will see several different libraries for JSON on C#.

You will find a version for LINQ as well as some others. There are about 7 libraries for C# and JSON.

How to develop Desktop Apps using HTML/CSS/JavaScript?

CEF offers lot of flexibility and options for customisation. But if the intent is to develop quickly node-webkit is also a good option. Node-web kit also offers ability to call node modules directly from DOM.

If there aren't any native modules to integrate Node-Webkit can offer better mileage. With native modules C/C++ or even C# it is better with CEF.

www-data permissions?

As stated in an article by Slicehost:

User setup

So let's start by adding the main user to the Apache user group:

sudo usermod -a -G www-data demo

That adds the user 'demo' to the 'www-data' group. Do ensure you use both the -a and the -G options with the usermod command shown above.

You will need to log out and log back in again to enable the group change.

Check the groups now:

# demo www-data

So now I am a member of two groups: My own (demo) and the Apache group (www-data).

Folder setup

Now we need to ensure the public_html folder is owned by the main user (demo) and is part of the Apache group (www-data).

Let's set that up:

sudo chgrp -R www-data /home/demo/public_html

As we are talking about permissions I'll add a quick note regarding the sudo command: It's a good habit to use absolute paths (/home/demo/public_html) as shown above rather than relative paths (~/public_html). It ensures sudo is being used in the correct location.

If you have a public_html folder with symlinks in place then be careful with that command as it will follow the symlinks. In those cases of a working public_html folder, change each folder by hand.


Good so far, but remember the command we just gave only affects existing folders. What about anything new?

We can set the ownership so anything new is also in the 'www-data' group.

The first command will change the permissions for the public_html directory to include the "setgid" bit:

sudo chmod 2750 /home/demo/public_html

That will ensure that any new files are given the group 'www-data'. If you have subdirectories, you'll want to run that command for each subdirectory (this type of permission doesn't work with '-R'). Fortunately new subdirectories will be created with the 'setgid' bit set automatically.

If we need to allow write access to Apache, to an uploads directory for example, then set the permissions for that directory like so:

sudo chmod 2770 /home/demo/public_html/

The permissions only need to be set once as new files will automatically be assigned the correct ownership.

What is the difference between require() and library()?

Always use library. Never use require.

In a nutshell, this is because, when using require, your code might yield different, erroneous results, without signalling an error. This is rare but not hypothetical! Consider this code, which yields different results depending on whether {dplyr} can be loaded:


x = data.frame(y = seq(100))
y = 1
filter(x, y == 1)

This can lead to subtly wrong results. Using library instead of require throws an error here, signalling clearly that something is wrong. This is good.

It also makes debugging all other failures more difficult: If you require a package at the start of your script and use its exports in line 500, you’ll get an error message “object ‘foo’ not found” in line 500, rather than an error “there is no package called ‘bla’”.

The only acceptable use case of require is when its return value is immediately checked, as some of the other answers show. This is a fairly common pattern but even in these cases it is better (and recommended, see below) to instead separate the existence check and the loading of the package. That is: use requireNamespace instead of require in these cases.

More technically, require actually calls library internally (if the package wasn’t already attached — require thus performs a redundant check, because library also checks whether the package was already loaded). Here’s a simplified implementation of require to illustrate what it does:

require = function (package) {
    already_attached = paste('package:', package) %in% search()
    if (already_attached) return(TRUE)
    maybe_error = try(library(package, character.only = TRUE)) 
    success = ! inherits(maybe_error, 'try-error')
    if (! success) cat("Failed")

Experienced R developers agree:

Yihui Xie, author of {knitr}, {bookdown} and many other packages says:

Ladies and gentlemen, I've said this before: require() is the wrong way to load an R package; use library() instead

Hadley Wickham, author of more popular R packages than anybody else, says

Use library(x) in data analysis scripts. […] You never need to use require() (requireNamespace() is almost always better)

TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'list'

What the error is telling, is that you can't convert an entire list into an integer. You could get an index from the list and convert that into an integer:

x = ["0", "1", "2"] 
y = int(x[0]) #accessing the zeroth element

If you're trying to convert a whole list into an integer, you are going to have to convert the list into a string first:

x = ["0", "1", "2"]
y = ''.join(x) # converting list into string
z = int(y)

If your list elements are not strings, you'll have to convert them to strings before using str.join:

x = [0, 1, 2]
y = ''.join(map(str, x))
z = int(y)

Also, as stated above, make sure that you're not returning a nested list.

The entitlements specified...profile. (0xE8008016). Error iOS 4.2

This seems to work for me when I encounter this:

  • Turn off all entitlements under Capabilities
  • Install app with a basic provisioning profile (no app groups, without push, no keychain sharing, etc)
  • Change the entitlements back and switch back to your proper provisioning profile. I undo the above changes using source control.

Flipping entitlements off/on alone didn't work for me—including uninstalling and reinstalling the app in between, deleting DerivedData, and restarting Xcode. It seemed I actually had to deploy the app in this configuration for it to go back to working properly.

I've had this issue several times when my provisioning profile gets updated and I reload it into Xcode. Nothing had changed with the entitlements allowed by the provisioning profile so everything should have matched as before. It may have worked to delete my entitlements file and recreate it as other uprooted answers suggest, from the Capabilities tab, too; but I use the above method to avoid random/no-op changes to my entitlements file that's checked into source control.

Run PowerShell scripts on remote PC

Accepted answer doesn't work for me, but this does. Ensure script in the location (c:\temp_ below on each remote server. servers.txt contains a list of IP addresses (one per line).

psexec @servers.txt -u <username> cmd /c "powershell -noninteractive -file C:\temp\script.ps1"

How to use Apple's new San Francisco font on a webpage

-apple-system allows you to pick San Francisco in Safari. BlinkMacSystemFont is the corresponding alternative for Chrome.

font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;

Roboto or Helvetica Neue could be inserted as fallbacks even before sans-serif. (how or previously do a great job explaining the details.

How to get query parameters from URL in Angular 5?

Be careful with your routes. A "redirectTo" will remove|drop any query parameter.

const appRoutes: Routes [
 {path: "one", component: PageOneComponent},
 {path: "two", component: PageTwoComponent},
 {path: "", redirectTo: "/one", pathMatch: full},
 {path: "**", redirectTo: "/two"}

I called my main component with query parameters like "/main?param1=a&param2=b and assume that my query parameters arrive in the "ngOnInit()" method in the main component before the redirect forwarding takes effect.

But this is wrong. The redirect will came before, drop the query parameters away and call the ngOnInit() method in the main component without query parameters.

I changed the third line of my routes to

{path: "", component: PageOneComponent},

and now my query parameters are accessible in the main components ngOnInit and also in the PageOneComponent.

Shortcut to Apply a Formula to an Entire Column in Excel

Try double-clicking on the bottom right hand corner of the cell (ie on the box that you would otherwise drag).

How to install a Python module via its in Windows? is designed to be run from the command line. You'll need to open your command prompt (In Windows 7, hold down shift while right-clicking in the directory with the file. You should be able to select "Open Command Window Here").

From the command line, you can type

python --help get a list of commands. What you are looking to do is...

python install

How do I deserialize a complex JSON object in C# .NET?

shareInfo is Class:

public class ShareInfo
            public readonly DateTime Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            public string ShareName = null;
            public string ReadyState = null;
            public DateTime? CreatedUtc = null;
            public string Title = null;
            public string GettUrl = null;
            public string UserId = null;
            public string Fullname = null;
            public GettFile.FileInfo[] Files = new GettFile.FileInfo[0];

// POST request.
            var gett = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 };
            gett.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
            byte[] request = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonArgument.ToString());
            byte[] response = gett.UploadData(baseUri.Uri, request);

            // Response.
            var shareInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ShareInfo>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response));

get the value of "onclick" with jQuery?

i have never done this, but it would be done like this:

var script = $('#google').attr("onclick")

ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one

You can install them by

sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools

Trying to check if username already exists in MySQL database using PHP

change your query to like.

$username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); // escape string before passing it to query.
$query = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM Users WHERE username='".$username."'");

However, MySQL is deprecated. You should instead use MySQLi or PDO

How to test for $null array in PowerShell

How do you want things to behave?

If you want arrays with no elements to be treated the same as unassigned arrays, use:

[array]$foo = @() #example where we'd want TRUE to be returned
@($foo).Count -eq 0

If you want a blank array to be seen as having a value (albeit an empty one), use:

[array]$foo = @() #example where we'd want FALSE to be returned
$foo.PSObject -eq $null

If you want an array which is populated with only null values to be treated as null:

[array]$foo = $null,$null
@($foo | ?{$_.PSObject}).Count -eq 0 

NB: In the above I use $_.PSObject over $_ to avoid [bool]$false, [int]0, [string]'', etc from being filtered out; since here we're focussed solely on nulls.

how to display excel sheet in html page

You can upload it into Google Docs, and embed the Google Spreadsheet as detailed here:

Could not find folder 'tools' inside SDK

For me it was a simple case of specifying the path to the 'sdk' subfolder rather than the top level folder.

In my case I needed to input


instead of


How do I make an HTML text box show a hint when empty?

You can use a attribute called placeholder="" Here's a demo:

// try this out!
<input placeholder="This is my placeholder"/>

How to do exponential and logarithmic curve fitting in Python? I found only polynomial fitting

Well I guess you can always use:

np.log   -->  natural log
np.log10 -->  base 10
np.log2  -->  base 2

Slightly modifying IanVS's answer:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def func(x, a, b, c):
  #return a * np.exp(-b * x) + c
  return a * np.log(b * x) + c

x = np.linspace(1,5,50)   # changed boundary conditions to avoid division by 0
y = func(x, 2.5, 1.3, 0.5)
yn = y + 0.2*np.random.normal(size=len(x))

popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, yn)

plt.plot(x, yn, 'ko', label="Original Noised Data")
plt.plot(x, func(x, *popt), 'r-', label="Fitted Curve")

This results in the following graph:

enter image description here

How to set a default value in react-select

I used the defaultValue parameter, below is the code how I achieved a default value as well as update the default value when an option is selected from the drop-down.

  defaultValue={{ label: "Select Dept", value: 0 }}
  onChange={e => {
              department: e.label,
              deptId: e.value

Editing legend (text) labels in ggplot

The tutorial @Henrik mentioned is an excellent resource for learning how to create plots with the ggplot2 package.

An example with your data:

# transforming the data from wide to long
dfm <- melt(df, id = "TY")

# creating a scatterplot
ggplot(data = dfm, aes(x = TY, y = value, color = variable)) + 
  geom_point(size=5) +
  labs(title = "Temperatures\n", x = "TY [°C]", y = "Txxx", color = "Legend Title\n") +
  scale_color_manual(labels = c("T999", "T888"), values = c("blue", "red")) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14), axis.title.x = element_text(size = 16),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14), axis.title.y = element_text(size = 16),
        plot.title = element_text(size = 20, face = "bold", color = "darkgreen"))

this results in:

enter image description here

As mentioned by @user2739472 in the comments: If you only want to change the legend text labels and not the colours from ggplot's default palette, you can use scale_color_hue(labels = c("T999", "T888")) instead of scale_color_manual().

How to fix the "508 Resource Limit is reached" error in WordPress?

Actually it happens when the number of processes exceeds the limits set by the hosting provider.

To avoid either we need to enhance the capacity by hosting providers or we need to check in the code whether any process takes longer time (like background tasks).

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?



chrome = 57.0.2987.133
chromedriver = 2.27.440174


from import Options

chrome_options = Options()
driver = Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)

How to use string.substr() function?

If I am correct, the second parameter of substr() should be the length of the substring. How about

b = a.substr(i,2);


How can I revert multiple Git commits (already pushed) to a published repository?

git revert HEAD -m 1

In the above code line. "Last argument represents"

  • 1 - reverts one commits. 2 - reverts last commits. n - reverts last n commits


git reset --hard siriwjdd

How to get distinct values for non-key column fields in Laravel?

$users = User::all();
foreach($users->unique('column_name') as $user){
    code here..

convert string to number node.js

Using parseInt() is a bad idea mainly because it never fails. Also because some results can be unexpected, like in the case of INFINITY.
Below is the function for handling unexpected behaviour.

function cleanInt(x) {
    x = Number(x);
    return x >= 0 ? Math.floor(x) : Math.ceil(x);

See results of below test cases.

console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('xyz'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('xyz'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('123abc'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('123abc'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('234'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('234'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('-679'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('-679'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('897.0998'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('897.0998'));
console.log("CleanInt: ", cleanInt('Infinity'), " ParseInt: ", parseInt('Infinity'));


CleanInt:  NaN  ParseInt:  NaN
CleanInt:  NaN  ParseInt:  123
CleanInt:  234  ParseInt:  234
CleanInt:  -679  ParseInt:  -679
CleanInt:  897  ParseInt:  897
CleanInt:  Infinity  ParseInt:  NaN

android start activity from service

Another thing worth mentioning: while the answer above works just fine when our task is in the background, the only way I could make it work if our task (made of service + some activities) was in the foreground (i.e. one of our activities visible to user) was like this:

    Intent intent = new Intent(storedActivity, MyActivity.class);

I do not know whether ACTION_VIEW or FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK are of any actual use here. The key to succeeding was


and of course FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT for not instantiating the activity again. Best of luck!

How do I apply a style to all children of an element

Instead of the * selector you can use the :not(selector) with the > selector and set something that definitely wont be a child.

Edit: I thought it would be faster but it turns out I was wrong. Disregard.


.container > :not(marquee){

<div class="container">

How to send parameters with jquery $.get()

I got this working : -

$.get('api.php', 'client=mikescafe', function(data) {

It sends via get the string ?client=mikescafe then collect this variable in api.php, and use it in your mysql statement.

How do I do string replace in JavaScript to convert ‘9.61’ to ‘9:61’?

Do it like this:

var value = $("#text").val(); // value = 9.61 use $("#text").text() if you are not on select box...
value = value.replace(".", ":"); // value = 9:61
// can then use it as

Updated to reflect to current version of jQuery. And also there are a lot of answers here that would best fit to any same situation as this. You, as a developer, need to know which is which.

Replace all occurrences

To replace multiple characters at a time use some thing like this: name.replace(/&/g, "-"). Here I am replacing all & chars with -. g means "global"

Note - you may need to add square brackets to avoid an error - title.replace(/[+]/g, " ")

credits vissu and Dante Cullari

Detecting when the 'back' button is pressed on a navbar

This works for me in iOS 9.3.x with Swift:

override func didMoveToParentViewController(parent: UIViewController?) {

    if parent == self.navigationController?.parentViewController {
        print("Back tapped")

Unlike other solutions here, this doesn't seem to trigger unexpectedly.

extra qualification error in C++

A worthy note for readability/maintainability:

You can keep the JSONDeserializer:: qualifier with the definition in your implementation file (*.cpp).

As long as your in-class declaration (as mentioned by others) does not have the qualifier, g++/gcc will play nice.

For example:

In myFile.h:

class JSONDeserializer
    Value ParseValue(TDR type, const json_string& valueString);

And in myFile.cpp:

Value JSONDeserializer::ParseValue(TDR type, const json_string& valueString)
    do_something(type, valueString);

When myFile.cpp implements methods from many classes, it helps to know who belongs to who, just by looking at the definition.

String to char array Java

A string to char array is as simple as

String str = "someString"; 
char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();

Can you explain a little more on what you are trying to do?

* Update *

if I am understanding your new comment, you can use a byte array and example is provided.

byte[] bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(1695609641).array();

for (byte b : bytes) {
   System.out.format("0x%x ", b);

With the following output

0x65 0x10 0xf3 0x29

How to stop execution after a certain time in Java?

you should try the new Java Executor Services.

With this you don't need to program the loop the time measuring by yourself.

public class Starter {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final ExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

        try {
            final Future<Object> f = service.submit(() -> {
                // Do you long running calculation here
                Thread.sleep(1337); // Simulate some delay
                return "42";

            System.out.println(f.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        } catch (final TimeoutException e) {
            System.err.println("Calculation took to long");
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally {

How to write dynamic variable in Ansible playbook

I would first suggest that you step back and look at organizing your plays to not require such complexity, but if you really really do, use the following:

    myvariable: "{{[param1|default(''), param2|default(''), param3|default('')]|join(',')}}"

Lock down Microsoft Excel macro

You can check out this new product at, it allows you to properly protect your sensitive macros.

The Excel password system is extremely weak - you can crack it in 2 minutes just using a basic HEX editor. I wouldn't recommend relying on this to protect anything.

I wrote an extensive post on this topic here: Protecting Code in an Excel Workbook?

How to upload files to server using Putty (ssh)

"C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pscp.exe" -scp will be uploaded into your HOME dir on remote server.

or when the remote server has a different user, use "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pscp.exe" -l username -scp

After connecting to the server pscp will ask for a password.

Contain form within a bootstrap popover?

I work in WordPress a lot so use PHP.

My method is to contain my HTML in a PHP Variable, and then echo the variable in data-content.

$my-data-content = '<form><input type="text"/></form>';

along with

data-content='<?php echo $my-data-content; ?>' 

Does PHP have threading?

There is the rather obscure, and soon to be deprecated, feature called ticks. The only thing I have ever used it for, is to allow a script to capture SIGKILL (Ctrl+C) and close down gracefully.

Difference between window.location.href, window.location.replace and window.location.assign

These do the same thing:

window.location = url;
window.location.href = url;

They simply navigate to the new URL. The replace method on the other hand navigates to the URL without adding a new record to the history.

So, what you have read in those many forums is not correct. The assign method does add a new record to the history.


What is the difference between ports 465 and 587?

I don't want to name names, but someone appears to be completely wrong. The referenced standards body stated the following: submissions 465 tcp Message Submission over TLS protocol [IESG] [IETF_Chair] 2017-12-12 [RFC8314]

If you are so inclined, you may wish to read the referenced RFC.

This seems to clearly imply that port 465 is the best way to force encrypted communication and be sure that it is in place. Port 587 offers no such guarantee.

How can I concatenate a string and a number in Python?

You have to convert the int into a string:

"abc" + str(9)

How to include() all PHP files from a directory?

If you want include all in a directory AND its subdirectories:

$dir = "classes/";
$dh  = opendir($dir);
$dir_list = array($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
        array_push($dir_list, $dir.$filename."/");
foreach ($dir_list as $dir) {
    foreach (glob($dir."*.php") as $filename)
        require_once $filename;

Don't forget that it will use alphabetic order to include your files.

Docker - Cannot remove dead container

I have tried the suggestions above but didn't work.


  1. I try : docker system prune -a, it didn't work the first time
  2. I reboot the system
  3. I try again docker system prune -a. This time it works. It will send a warning message and in the end ask "Are you sure you want to continue? y/n? . Ans:y . It will time a time and in the end the dead containers are gone.
  4. Verify with docker ps -a

IMPORTANT - this is the nuclear option as it destroys all containers + images

How can I alias a default import in JavaScript?

defaultMember already is an alias - it doesn't need to be the name of the exported function/thing. Just do

import alias from 'my-module';

Alternatively you can do

import {default as alias} from 'my-module';

but that's rather esoteric.

How do I set adaptive multiline UILabel text?

It should work. Try this

var label:UILabel = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(10
    ,100, 300, 40));
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center;
label.numberOfLines = 0;
label.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(16.0);
label.text = "First label\nsecond line";

How can a windows service programmatically restart itself?

I don't think you can in a self-contained service (when you call Restart, it will stop the service, which will interrupt the Restart command, and it won't ever get started again). If you can add a second .exe (a Console app that uses the ServiceManager class), then you can kick off the standalone .exe and have it restart the service and then exit.

On second thought, you could probably have the service register a Scheduled Task (using the command-line 'at' command, for example) to start the service and then have it stop itself; that would probably work.

Center/Set Zoom of Map to cover all visible Markers?

The size of array must be greater than zero. ?therwise you will have unexpected results.

function zoomeExtends(){
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
  if (markers.length>0) { 
      for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {

What happens to C# Dictionary<int, int> lookup if the key does not exist?

The Dictionary throws a KeyNotFound exception in the event that the dictionary does not contain your key.

As suggested, ContainsKey is the appropriate precaution. TryGetValue is also effective.

This allows the dictionary to store a value of null more effectively. Without it behaving this way, checking for a null result from the [] operator would indicate either a null value OR the non-existance of the input key which is no good.

Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

If the filenames don't have spaces, this will work:

ls -C1 -t| awk 'NR>5'|xargs rm

If the filenames do have spaces, something like

ls -C1 -t | awk 'NR>5' | sed -e "s/^/rm '/" -e "s/$/'/" | sh

Basic logic:

  • get a listing of the files in time order, one column
  • get all but the first 5 (n=5 for this example)
  • first version: send those to rm
  • second version: gen a script that will remove them properly

Bootstrap modal in React.js

Just add href='#scheduleentry-modal' to the element you want to open the modal with

Or using jQuery: $('#scheduleentry-modal').modal('show');

200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 425 Failed to establish connection

Actually your Windows firewall is blocking the connection. You need to enter these commands into cmd.exe from Administrator.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP" dir=in action=allow program=%SystemRoot%\System32\ftp.exe enable=yes protocol=tcp
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP" dir=in action=allow program=%SystemRoot%\System32\ftp.exe enable=yes protocol=udp

In case something goes wrong then you can revert by this:

netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="FTP" program=%SystemRoot%\System32\ftp.exe

How do I unlock a SQLite database?

I caused my sqlite db to become locked by crashing an app during a write. Here is how i fixed it:

echo ".dump" | sqlite old.db | sqlite new.db

Taken from:

Searching for file in directories recursively

you can do something like this:

foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(MyFolder, "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
            // do something with this file

Understanding the map function

map creates a new list by applying a function to every element of the source:

xs = [1, 2, 3]

# all of those are equivalent — the output is [2, 4, 6]
# 1. map
ys = map(lambda x: x * 2, xs)
# 2. list comprehension
ys = [x * 2 for x in xs]
# 3. explicit loop
ys = []
for x in xs:
    ys.append(x * 2)

n-ary map is equivalent to zipping input iterables together and then applying the transformation function on every element of that intermediate zipped list. It's not a Cartesian product:

xs = [1, 2, 3]
ys = [2, 4, 6]

def f(x, y):
    return (x * 2, y // 2)

# output: [(2, 1), (4, 2), (6, 3)]
# 1. map
zs = map(f, xs, ys)
# 2. list comp
zs = [f(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]
# 3. explicit loop
zs = []
for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
    zs.append(f(x, y))

I've used zip here, but map behaviour actually differs slightly when iterables aren't the same size — as noted in its documentation, it extends iterables to contain None.

Bootstrap 3.0: How to have text and input on same line?

In Bootstrap 4 for Horizontal element you can use .row with .col-*-* classes to specify the width of your labels and controls. see this link.

And if you want to display a series of labels, form controls, and buttons on a single horizontal row you can use .form-inline for more info this link

How do I implement basic "Long Polling"?

This is a nice 5-minute screencast on how to do long polling using PHP & jQuery:

Code is quite similar to dbr's example above.

How does the "position: sticky;" property work?

I know this is an old post. But if there's someone like me that just recently started messing around with position: sticky this can be useful.

In my case i was using position: sticky as a grid-item. It was not working and the problem was an overflow-x: hidden on the html element. As soon as i removed that property it worked fine. Having overflow-x: hidden on the body element seemed to work tho, no idea why yet.

.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

What you could also do is put a .htaccess file containing

RewriteEngine Off

In the folders you want to exclude from being rewritten (by the rules in a .htaccess file that's higher up in the tree). Simple but effective.

Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object

I've made a small improvement to Fedor's code. It basically does the same, but without the (in my opinion) ugly while loop and it always results in a power of two. Kudos to Fedor for making the original solution, I was stuck until I found his, and then I was able to make this one :)

 private Bitmap decodeFile(File f){
    Bitmap b = null;

        //Decode image size
    BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;

    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, o);

    int scale = 1;
    if (o.outHeight > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE || o.outWidth > IMAGE_MAX_SIZE) {
        scale = (int)Math.pow(2, (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE / 
           (double) Math.max(o.outHeight, o.outWidth)) / Math.log(0.5)));

    //Decode with inSampleSize
    BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
    o2.inSampleSize = scale;
    fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, o2);

    return b;

Stuck while installing Visual Studio 2015 (Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2999226))

I faced this problem after installing clean Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit OS,

When I search about KB2999226 install fails during Visual Studio I also saw that I couldn't install any other updates.

By the way, I found a solution. When formatting some PCs with ( maybe ) partly corrupted bootable media, first Update for windows not completely installed.

As a solution;

1- Disable update for windows from Control Panel.

2- Restart your pc.

3- Install KB3102810 windows update. ( First update for Windows )

Microsoft TR links;

( 64 bit )

( 32 bit )

4- Restart your pc via finished setup.

5- Try getting updates, or manually setup KB2999226.

I could install this way.

Have a nice days.

HTML form input tag name element array with JavaScript

To answer your questions in order:
1) There is no specific name for this. It's simply multiple elements with the same name (and in this case type as well). Name isn't unique, which is why id was invented (it's supposed to be unique).

function getElementsByTagAndName(tag, name) {
    //you could pass in the starting element which would make this faster
    var elem = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);  
    var arr = new Array();
    var i = 0;
    var iarr = 0;
    var att;
    for(; i < elem.length; i++) {
        att = elem[i].getAttribute("name");
        if(att == name) {
            arr[iarr] = elem[i];
    return arr;

Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory exception

Issue solved by adding commons-logging.jar

Imp files are ,










calling server side event from html button control

Please follow this tutorial:

On a sidenote: ASP.NET generates a client side javascript function that you can call from your own functions to perform the postback you want.

-- More info on hijacking the postback event:

Call a VBA Function into a Sub Procedure

Here are some of the different ways you can call things in Microsoft Access:

To call a form sub or function from a module

The sub in the form you are calling MUST be public, as in:

Public Sub DoSomething()
  MsgBox "Foo"
End Sub

Call the sub like this:

Call Forms("form1").DoSomething

The form must be open before you make the call.

To call an event procedure, you should call a public procedure within the form, and call the event procedure within this public procedure.

To call a subroutine in a module from a form

Public Sub DoSomethingElse()
  MsgBox "Bar"
End Sub

...just call it directly from your event procedure:

Call DoSomethingElse

To call a subroutine from a form without using an event procedure

If you want, you can actually bind the function to the form control's event without having to create an event procedure under the control. To do this, you first need a public function in the module instead of a sub, like this:

Public Function DoSomethingElse()
  MsgBox "Bar"
End Function

Then, if you have a button on the form, instead of putting [Event Procedure] in the OnClick event of the property window, put this:


When you click the button, it will call the public function in the module.

To call a function instead of a procedure

If calling a sub looks like this:

Call MySub(MyParameter)

Then calling a function looks like this:


where Result is a variable of type returned by the function.

NOTE: You don't always need the Call keyword. Most of the time, you can just call the sub like this:


How do I debug Windows services in Visual Studio?

I use a great Nuget package called ServiceProcess.Helpers.

And I quote...

It helps windows services debugging by creating a play/stop/pause UI when running with a debugger attached, but also allows the service to be installed and run by the windows server environment.

All this with one line of code.

Once installed and wired in all you need to do is set your windows service project as the start-up project and click start on your debugger.

Format cell if cell contains date less than today

Your first problem was you weren't using your compare symbols correctly.

< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

To answer your other questions; get the condition to work on every cell in the column and what about blanks?

What about blanks?

Add an extra IF condition to check if the cell is blank or not, if it isn't blank perform the check. =IF(B2="","",B2<=TODAY())

Condition on every cell in column

enter image description here

How to debug a referenced dll (having pdb)

Another point to keep in mind, be sure the referenced dlls are not installed in the GAC. After testing, I installed my dlls into the GAC to do system level testing. Later, when I had to debug my code again, I couldn't step into the referenced assemblies until I deleted them from the GAC.

Converting a column within pandas dataframe from int to string

Warning: Both solutions given ( astype() and apply() ) do not preserve NULL values in either the nan or the None form.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([None,'string',np.nan,42], index=[0,1,2,3], columns=['A'])

df1 = df['A'].astype(str)
df2 =  df['A'].apply(str)

print df.isnull()
print df1.isnull()
print df2.isnull()

I believe this is fixed by the implementation of to_string()

difference between new String[]{} and new String[] in java

You have a choice, when you create an object array (as opposed to an array of primitives).

One option is to specify a size for the array, in which case it will just contain lots of nulls.

String[] array = new String[10]; // Array of size 10, filled with nulls.

The other option is to specify what will be in the array.

String[] array = new String[] {"Larry", "Curly", "Moe"};  // Array of size 3, filled with stooges.

But you can't mix the two syntaxes. Pick one or the other.

How do I block comment in Jupyter notebook?

After searching for a while I have found a solution to comment on an AZERTY mac. The shortcut is Ctrl +/= key

Python list of dictionaries search

One simple way using list comprehensions is , if l is the list

l = [
{"name": "Tom", "age": 10},
{"name": "Mark", "age": 5},
{"name": "Pam", "age": 7}


[d['age'] for d in l if d['name']=='Tom']

Merge (with squash) all changes from another branch as a single commit

Found it! Merge command has a --squash option

git checkout master
git merge --squash WIP

at this point everything is merged, possibly conflicted, but not committed. So I can now:

git add .
git commit -m "Merged WIP"

Psexec "run as (remote) admin"

Use psexec -s

The s switch will cause it to run under system account which is the same as running an elevated admin prompt. just used it to enable WinRM remotely.

Insert string in beginning of another string

It is better if you find quotation marks by using the indexof() method and then add a string behind that index.

string s="hai";
int s=s.indexof(""");

Using the AND and NOT Operator in Python

It's called and and or in Python.

Javascript swap array elements

Well, you don't need to buffer both values - only one:

var tmp = list[x];
list[x] = list[y];
list[y] = tmp;

get launchable activity name of package from adb

Launch your app and keep it in foreground.

Run the below command:

adb shell dumpsys window windows | find "mcurrentfocus"

Check for false

If you want an explicit check against false (and not undefined, null and others which I assume as you are using !== instead of !=) then yes, you have to use that.

Also, this is the same in a slightly smaller footprint:

if(borrar() !== !1)

How do I load external fonts into an HTML document?

I did not see any reference to Raphael.js. So I thought I'd include it here. Raphael.js is backwards compatible all the way back to IE5 and a very early Firefox as well as all of the rest of the browsers. It uses SVG when it can and VML when it can not. What you do with it is to draw onto a canvas. Some browsers will even let you select the text that is generated. Raphael.js can be found here:

It can be as simple as creating your paper drawing area, specifying the font, font-weight, size, etc... and then telling it to put your string of text onto the paper. I am not sure if it gets around the licensing issues or not but it is drawing the text so I'm fairly certain it does circumvent the licensing issues. But check with your lawyer to be sure. :-)

login to remote using "mstsc /admin" with password

Same problem but @Angelo answer didn't work for me, because I'm using same server with different credentials. I used the approach below and tested it on Windows 10.

cmdkey /add:server01 /user:<username> /pass:<password>

Then used mstsc /v:server01 to connect to the server.

The point is to use names instead of ip addresses to avoid conflict between credentials. If you don't have a DNS server locally accessible try c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

Just for the sake of completeness, since not much has been said about sorting by column numbers... It can surely be argued that it is often not desirable (because the order of the columns could change, paving the way to errors), but in some specific situations (when for instance you need a quick job done and there is no such risk of columns changing orders), it might be the most sensible thing to do, especially when dealing with large numbers of columns.

In that case, comes to the rescue:

ind <- = "order", args = iris[,c(5,1,2,3)])
iris[ind, ]

##        Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species
##    14           4.3         3.0          1.1         0.1     setosa
##    9            4.4         2.9          1.4         0.2     setosa
##    39           4.4         3.0          1.3         0.2     setosa
##    43           4.4         3.2          1.3         0.2     setosa
##    42           4.5         2.3          1.3         0.3     setosa
##    4            4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2     setosa
##    48           4.6         3.2          1.4         0.2     setosa
##    7            4.6         3.4          1.4         0.3     setosa
##    (...)

No provider for Http StaticInjectorError

I am on an angular project that (unfortunately) uses source code inclusion via tsconfig.json to connect different collections of code. I came across a similar StaticInjector error for a service (e.g.RestService in the top example) and I was able to fix it by listing the service dependencies in the deps array when providing the affected service in the module, for example:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { RestService } from 'mylib/src/rest/rest.service';
  imports: [
  providers: [
      provide: RestService,
      useClass: RestService,
      deps: [HttpClient] /* the injected services in the constructor for RestService */

How can I use an array of function pointers?

Here's how you can use it:


#ifndef NEW_FUN_H_
#define NEW_FUN_H_

#include <stdio.h>

typedef int speed;
speed fun(int x);

enum fp {
    f1, f2, f3, f4, f5

void F1();
void F2();
void F3();
void F4();
void F5();


#include "New_Fun.h"

speed fun(int x)
    int Vel;
    Vel = x;
    return Vel;

void F1()
    printf("From F1\n");

void F2()
    printf("From F2\n");

void F3()
    printf("From F3\n");

void F4()
    printf("From F4\n");

void F5()
    printf("From F5\n");


#include <stdio.h>
#include "New_Fun.h"

int main()
    int (*F_P)(int y);
    void (*F_A[5])() = { F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 };    // if it is int the pointer incompatible is bound to happen
    int xyz, i;

    printf("Hello Function Pointer!\n");
    F_P = fun;
    xyz = F_P(5);
    printf("The Value is %d\n", xyz);
    //(*F_A[5]) = { F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 };
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    return 0;

I hope this helps in understanding Function Pointer.

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

it must be changed whenever anything changes that affects the serialization (additional fields, removed fields, change of field order, ...)

That's not correct, and you will be unable to cite an authoriitative source for that claim. It should be changed whenever you make a change that is incompatible under the rules given in the Versioning of Serializable Objects section of the Object Serialization Specification, which specifically does not include additional fields or change of field order, and when you haven't provided readObject(), writeObject(), and/or readResolve() or /writeReplace() methods and/or a serializableFields declaration that could cope with the change.

SSIS Connection Manager Not Storing SQL Password

Check the text contents of the connection manager file itself, the password field might be configured in the Project.params file, in which case entering the password into the connection manager window will cause it to not save.

find the array index of an object with a specific key value in underscore

I don't know if there is an existing underscore method that does this, but you can achieve the same result with plain javascript.

Array.prototype.getIndexBy = function (name, value) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
        if (this[i][name] == value) {
            return i;
    return -1;

Then you can just do:

var data = tv[tv.getIndexBy("id", 2)]

How to: Install Plugin in Android Studio

  1. Launch Android Studio application
  2. Choose Project Settings
  3. Choose Plugin from disk, if on disk then choose that location of *.jar, in my case is GenyMotion jar
  4. Click on Apply and OK.
  5. Then Android studio will ask for Restart.

That's all Folks! enter image description here

How can I stream webcam video with C#?

I've used VideoCapX for our project. It will stream out as MMS/ASF stream which can be open by media player. You can then embed media player into your webpage.

If you won't need much control, or if you want to try out VideoCapX without writing a code, try U-Broadcast, they use VideoCapX behind the scene.

How can I find which tables reference a given table in Oracle SQL Developer?

SELECT DISTINCT table_name, 
FROM   (SELECT uc.table_name, 
               (SELECT table_name 
                FROM   user_constraints 
                WHERE  constraint_name = uc.r_constraint_name) r_table_name, 
               (SELECT column_name 
                FROM   user_cons_columns 
                WHERE  constraint_name = uc.r_constraint_name 
                       AND position = cols.position)           r_column_name, 
        FROM   user_constraints uc 
               inner join user_cons_columns cols 
                       ON uc.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name 
        WHERE  constraint_type != 'C') 
START WITH table_name = '&&tableName' 
           AND column_name = '&&columnName' 
CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR table_name = r_table_name 
                         AND PRIOR column_name = r_column_name; 

Do you get charged for a 'stopped' instance on EC2?

This may have changed since the question was asked, but there is a difference between stopping an instance and terminating an instance.

If your instance is EBS-based, it can be stopped. It will remain in your account, but you will not be charged for it (you will continue to be charged for EBS storage associated with the instance and unused Elastic IP addresses). You can re-start the instance at any time.

If the instance is terminated, it will be deleted from your account. You’ll be charged for any remaining EBS volumes, but by default the associated EBS volume will be deleted. This can be configured when you create the instance using the command-line EC2 API Tools.

How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript?

If you want only letters - so from a to z, lower case or upper case, excluding everything else (numbers, blank spaces, symbols), you can modify your function like this:

function validate() {
    if ( == "") {
        alert("Enter a name");;
        return false;
    if (!/^[a-zA-Z]*$/g.test( {
        alert("Invalid characters");;
        return false;

How much RAM is SQL Server actually using?

Go to management studio and run sp_helpdb <db_name>, it will give detailed disk usage for the specified database. Running it without any parameter values will list high level information for all databases in the instance.

tsconfig.json: Build:No inputs were found in config file

I received this same error when I made a backup copy of the node_modules folder in the same directory. I was in the process of trying to solve a different build error when this occurred. I hope this scenario helps someone. Remove the backup folder and the build will complete.

What is the Swift equivalent to Objective-C's "@synchronized"?

Swift 3

This code has the re-entry ability and can work with Asynchronous function calls. In this code, after someAsyncFunc() is called, another function closure on the serial queue will process but be blocked by semaphore.wait() until signal() is called. internalQueue.sync shouldn't be used as it will block the main thread if I'm not mistaken.

let internalQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueue")
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)

internalQueue.async {


    // Critical section

    someAsyncFunc() {

        // Do some work here


objc_sync_enter/objc_sync_exit isn't a good idea without error handling.

How to SHUTDOWN Tomcat in Ubuntu?


/etc/init.d/tomcat stop

(maybe you have to write something after tomcat, just press tab one time)

Edit: And you also need to do it as root.

Remove a specific character using awk or sed

tr can be more concise for removing characters than sed or awk, especially when you want to remove different characters from a string.

Removing double quotes:

echo '"Hi"' | tr -d \"
# Produces Hi without quotes

Removing different kinds of brackets:

echo '[{Hi}]' | tr -d {}[]
# Produces Hi without brackets

-d stands for "delete".

How can I get a list of users from active directory?

If you are new to Active Directory, I suggest you should understand how Active Directory stores data first.

Active Directory is actually a LDAP server. Objects stored in LDAP server are stored hierarchically. It's very similar to you store your files in your file system. That's why it got the name Directory server and Active Directory

The containers and objects on Active Directory can be specified by a distinguished name. The distinguished name is like this CN=SomeName,CN=SomeDirectory,DC=yourdomain,DC=com. Like a traditional relational database, you can run query against a LDAP server. It's called LDAP query.

There are a number of ways to run a LDAP query in .NET. You can use DirectorySearcher from System.DirectoryServices or SearchRequest from System.DirectoryServices.Protocol.

For your question, since you are asking to find user principal object specifically, I think the most intuitive way is to use PrincipalSearcher from System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement. You can easily find a lot of different examples from google. Here is a sample that is doing exactly what you are asking for.

using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ""))
    using (var searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(new UserPrincipal(context)))
        foreach (var result in searcher.FindAll())
            DirectoryEntry de = result.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry;
            Console.WriteLine("First Name: " + de.Properties["givenName"].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Last Name : " + de.Properties["sn"].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("SAM account name   : " + de.Properties["samAccountName"].Value);
            Console.WriteLine("User principal name: " + de.Properties["userPrincipalName"].Value);

Note that on the AD user object, there are a number of attributes. In particular, givenName will give you the First Name and sn will give you the Last Name. About the user name. I think you meant the user logon name. Note that there are two logon names on AD user object. One is samAccountName, which is also known as pre-Windows 2000 user logon name. userPrincipalName is generally used after Windows 2000.

Design Patterns web based applications

A bit decent web application consists of a mix of design patterns. I'll mention only the most important ones.

Model View Controller pattern

The core (architectural) design pattern you'd like to use is the Model-View-Controller pattern. The Controller is to be represented by a Servlet which (in)directly creates/uses a specific Model and View based on the request. The Model is to be represented by Javabean classes. This is often further dividable in Business Model which contains the actions (behaviour) and Data Model which contains the data (information). The View is to be represented by JSP files which have direct access to the (Data) Model by EL (Expression Language).

Then, there are variations based on how actions and events are handled. The popular ones are:

  • Request (action) based MVC: this is the simplest to implement. The (Business) Model works directly with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. You have to gather, convert and validate the request parameters (mostly) yourself. The View can be represented by plain vanilla HTML/CSS/JS and it does not maintain state across requests. This is how among others Spring MVC, Struts and Stripes works.

  • Component based MVC: this is harder to implement. But you end up with a simpler model and view wherein all the "raw" Servlet API is abstracted completely away. You shouldn't have the need to gather, convert and validate the request parameters yourself. The Controller does this task and sets the gathered, converted and validated request parameters in the Model. All you need to do is to define action methods which works directly with the model properties. The View is represented by "components" in flavor of JSP taglibs or XML elements which in turn generates HTML/CSS/JS. The state of the View for the subsequent requests is maintained in the session. This is particularly helpful for server-side conversion, validation and value change events. This is how among others JSF, Wicket and Play! works.

As a side note, hobbying around with a homegrown MVC framework is a very nice learning exercise, and I do recommend it as long as you keep it for personal/private purposes. But once you go professional, then it's strongly recommended to pick an existing framework rather than reinventing your own. Learning an existing and well-developed framework takes in long term less time than developing and maintaining a robust framework yourself.

In the below detailed explanation I'll restrict myself to request based MVC since that's easier to implement.

Front Controller pattern (Mediator pattern)

First, the Controller part should implement the Front Controller pattern (which is a specialized kind of Mediator pattern). It should consist of only a single servlet which provides a centralized entry point of all requests. It should create the Model based on information available by the request, such as the pathinfo or servletpath, the method and/or specific parameters. The Business Model is called Action in the below HttpServlet example.

protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {
        Action action = ActionFactory.getAction(request);
        String view = action.execute(request, response);

        if (view.equals(request.getPathInfo().substring(1)) {
            request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/" + view + ".jsp").forward(request, response);
        else {
            response.sendRedirect(view); // We'd like to fire redirect in case of a view change as result of the action (PRG pattern).
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ServletException("Executing action failed.", e);

Executing the action should return some identifier to locate the view. Simplest would be to use it as filename of the JSP. Map this servlet on a specific url-pattern in web.xml, e.g. /pages/*, *.do or even just *.html.

In case of prefix-patterns as for example /pages/* you could then invoke URL's like,, etc and provide /WEB-INF/register.jsp, /WEB-INF/login.jsp with the appropriate GET and POST actions. The parts register, login, etc are then available by request.getPathInfo() as in above example.

When you're using suffix-patterns like *.do, *.html, etc, then you could then invoke URL's like,, etc and you should change the code examples in this answer (also the ActionFactory) to extract the register and login parts by request.getServletPath() instead.

Strategy pattern

The Action should follow the Strategy pattern. It needs to be defined as an abstract/interface type which should do the work based on the passed-in arguments of the abstract method (this is the difference with the Command pattern, wherein the abstract/interface type should do the work based on the arguments which are been passed-in during the creation of the implementation).

public interface Action {
    public String execute(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception;

You may want to make the Exception more specific with a custom exception like ActionException. It's just a basic kickoff example, the rest is all up to you.

Here's an example of a LoginAction which (as its name says) logs in the user. The User itself is in turn a Data Model. The View is aware of the presence of the User.

public class LoginAction implements Action {

    public String execute(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        String username = request.getParameter("username");
        String password = request.getParameter("password");
        User user = userDAO.find(username, password);

        if (user != null) {
            request.getSession().setAttribute("user", user); // Login user.
            return "home"; // Redirect to home page.
        else {
            request.setAttribute("error", "Unknown username/password. Please retry."); // Store error message in request scope.
            return "login"; // Go back to redisplay login form with error.


Factory method pattern

The ActionFactory should follow the Factory method pattern. Basically, it should provide a creational method which returns a concrete implementation of an abstract/interface type. In this case, it should return an implementation of the Action interface based on the information provided by the request. For example, the method and pathinfo (the pathinfo is the part after the context and servlet path in the request URL, excluding the query string).

public static Action getAction(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return actions.get(request.getMethod() + request.getPathInfo());

The actions in turn should be some static/applicationwide Map<String, Action> which holds all known actions. It's up to you how to fill this map. Hardcoding:

actions.put("POST/register", new RegisterAction());
actions.put("POST/login", new LoginAction());
actions.put("GET/logout", new LogoutAction());
// ...

Or configurable based on a properties/XML configuration file in the classpath: (pseudo)

for (Entry entry : configuration) {
    actions.put(entry.getKey(), Class.forName(entry.getValue()).newInstance());

Or dynamically based on a scan in the classpath for classes implementing a certain interface and/or annotation: (pseudo)

for (ClassFile classFile : classpath) {
    if (classFile.isInstanceOf(Action.class)) {
       actions.put(classFile.getAnnotation("mapping"), classFile.newInstance());

Keep in mind to create a "do nothing" Action for the case there's no mapping. Let it for example return directly the request.getPathInfo().substring(1) then.

Other patterns

Those were the important patterns so far.

To get a step further, you could use the Facade pattern to create a Context class which in turn wraps the request and response objects and offers several convenience methods delegating to the request and response objects and pass that as argument into the Action#execute() method instead. This adds an extra abstract layer to hide the raw Servlet API away. You should then basically end up with zero import javax.servlet.* declarations in every Action implementation. In JSF terms, this is what the FacesContext and ExternalContext classes are doing. You can find a concrete example in this answer.

Then there's the State pattern for the case that you'd like to add an extra abstraction layer to split the tasks of gathering the request parameters, converting them, validating them, updating the model values and execute the actions. In JSF terms, this is what the LifeCycle is doing.

Then there's the Composite pattern for the case that you'd like to create a component based view which can be attached with the model and whose behaviour depends on the state of the request based lifecycle. In JSF terms, this is what the UIComponent represent.

This way you can evolve bit by bit towards a component based framework.

See also:

What does int argc, char *argv[] mean?

The first parameter is the number of arguments provided and the second parameter is a list of strings representing those arguments.

Disable keyboard on EditText

I found this solution which works for me. It also places the cursor, when clicked on EditText at the correct position.

EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(;
// set OnTouchListener to consume the touch event
editText.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            v.onTouchEvent(event);   // handle the event first
            InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)v.getContext().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
            if (imm != null) {
                imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);  // hide the soft keyboard 
            return true;

'uint32_t' does not name a type

if it happened when you include opencv header.

I would recommand that change the order of headers.

put the opencv headers just below the standard C++ header.

like this:


Changing password with Oracle SQL Developer

Depending on the admin settings, you may have to specify your old password using the REPLACE option

alter user <username> identified by <newpassword> replace <oldpassword> 

jQuery AJAX single file upload

A. Grab file data from the file field

The first thing to do is bind a function to the change event on your file field and a function for grabbing the file data:

// Variable to store your files
var files;

// Add events
$('input[type=file]').on('change', prepareUpload);

// Grab the files and set them to our variable
function prepareUpload(event)
  files =;

This saves the file data to a file variable for later use.

B. Handle the file upload on submit

When the form is submitted you need to handle the file upload in its own AJAX request. Add the following binding and function:

$('form').on('submit', uploadFiles);

// Catch the form submit and upload the files
function uploadFiles(event)
  event.stopPropagation(); // Stop stuff happening
    event.preventDefault(); // Totally stop stuff happening


// Create a formdata object and add the files
var data = new FormData();
$.each(files, function(key, value)
    data.append(key, value);

    url: 'submit.php?files',
    type: 'POST',
    data: data,
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    processData: false, // Don't process the files
    contentType: false, // Set content type to false as jQuery will tell the server its a query string request
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
        if(typeof data.error === 'undefined')
            // Success so call function to process the form
            submitForm(event, data);
            // Handle errors here
            console.log('ERRORS: ' + data.error);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        // Handle errors here
        console.log('ERRORS: ' + textStatus);

What this function does is create a new formData object and appends each file to it. It then passes that data as a request to the server. 2 attributes need to be set to false:

  • processData - Because jQuery will convert the files arrays into strings and the server can't pick it up.
  • contentType - Set this to false because jQuery defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded and doesn't send the files. Also setting it to multipart/form-data doesn't seem to work either.

C. Upload the files

Quick and dirty php script to upload the files and pass back some info:

<?php // You need to add server side validation and better error handling here

$data = array();

$error = false;
$files = array();

$uploaddir = './uploads/';
foreach($_FILES as $file)
    if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploaddir .basename($file['name'])))
        $files[] = $uploaddir .$file['name'];
        $error = true;
$data = ($error) ? array('error' => 'There was an error uploading your files') : array('files' => $files);
    $data = array('success' => 'Form was submitted', 'formData' => $_POST);

echo json_encode($data);


IMP: Don't use this, write your own.

D. Handle the form submit

The success method of the upload function passes the data sent back from the server to the submit function. You can then pass that to the server as part of your post:

function submitForm(event, data)
  // Create a jQuery object from the form
$form = $(;

// Serialize the form data
var formData = $form.serialize();

// You should sterilise the file names
$.each(data.files, function(key, value)
    formData = formData + '&filenames[]=' + value;

    url: 'submit.php',
    type: 'POST',
    data: formData,
    cache: false,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
        if(typeof data.error === 'undefined')
            // Success so call function to process the form
            console.log('SUCCESS: ' + data.success);
            // Handle errors here
            console.log('ERRORS: ' + data.error);
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
        // Handle errors here
        console.log('ERRORS: ' + textStatus);
    complete: function()

Final note

This script is an example only, you'll need to handle both server and client side validation and some way to notify users that the file upload is happening. I made a project for it on Github if you want to see it working.

Referenced From

Converting NSString to NSDictionary / JSON

I believe you are misinterpreting the JSON format for key values. You should store your string as

NSString *jsonString = @"{\"ID\":{\"Content\":268,\"type\":\"text\"},\"ContractTemplateID\":{\"Content\":65,\"type\":\"text\"}}";
NSData *data = [jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
id json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:nil];

Now if you do following NSLog statement

NSLog(@"%@",[json objectForKey:@"ID"]);

Result would be another NSDictionary.

    Content = 268;
    type = text;

Hope this helps to get clear understanding.

How do I fix a "Expected Primary-expression before ')' token" error?

showInventory(player);     // I get the error here.

void showInventory(player& obj) {   // By Johnny :D

this means that player is an datatype and showInventory expect an referance to an variable of type player.

so the correct code will be

  void showInventory(player& obj) {   // By Johnny :D
    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        std::cout << "\nINVENTORY:\n" + obj.getItem(i);
        std::cout << "\t\t\t" + obj.getItem(i) + "\n";

players myPlayers[10];

    std::string toDo() //BY KEATON
    std::string commands[5] =   // This is the valid list of commands.
        {"help", "inv"};

    std::string ans;
    std::cout << "\nWhat do you wish to do?\n>> ";
    std::cin >> ans;

    if(ans == commands[0]) {
        return NULL;
    else if(ans == commands[1]) {
        showInventory(myPlayers[0]);     // or any other index,also is not necessary to have an array
        return NULL;


Single TextView with multiple colored text

You can use Spannable to apply effects to your TextView:

Here is my example for colouring just the first part of a TextView text (while allowing you to set the color dynamically rather than hard coding it into a String as with the HTML example!)

    mTextView.setText("Red text is here", BufferType.SPANNABLE);
    Spannable span = (Spannable) mTextView.getText();
    span.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(0xFFFF0000), 0, "Red".length(),

In this example you can replace 0xFFFF0000 with a getResources().getColor(

Interop type cannot be embedded

Got the solution

Go to references right click the desired dll you will get option "Embed Interop Types" to "False" or "True".

MD5 is 128 bits but why is it 32 characters?

32 chars as hexdecimal representation, thats 2 chars per byte.

Twitter Bootstrap Button Text Word Wrap

You can add these style's and it works just as expected.

.btn {
    white-space:normal !important; 
    word-wrap: break-word; 
    word-break: normal;

How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

As said by JW, you can't find the current focused element, at least in a browser-independent way. But if your app is IE only (some are...), you can find it the following way :


EDIT: It looks like IE did not have everything wrong after all, this is part of HTML5 draft and seems to be supported by the latest version of Chrome, Safari and Firefox at least.

how to use List<WebElement> webdriver

Try the following code:

By mySelector = By.xpath("/html/body/div[1]/div/section/div/div[2]/form[1]/div/ul/li");
List<WebElement> myElements = driver.findElements(mySelector);
for(WebElement e : myElements) {

It will returns with the whole content of the <li> tags, like:

<a class="extra">Vše</a> (950)</li>

But you can easily get the number now from it, for example by using split() and/or substring().

How to get folder path from file path with CMD

In case anyone wants an alternative method...

If it is the last subdirectory in the path, you can use this one-liner:

cd "c:\directory\subdirectory\filename.exe\..\.." && dir /ad /b /s

This would return the following:


The .... drops back to the previous directory. /ad shows only directories /b is a bare format listing /s includes all subdirectories. This is used to get the full path of the directory to print.

Import CSV to SQLite

Here's how I did it.

  • Make/Convert csv file to be seperated by tabs (\t) AND not enclosed by any quotes (sqlite interprets quotes literally - says old docs)
  • Enter the sqlite shell of the db to which the data needs to be added

    sqlite> .separator "\t" ---IMPORTANT! should be in double quotes sqlite> .import afile.csv tablename-to-import-to

How to get the day name from a selected date?

DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek quite easy to guess actually.

for any given date:

   DateTime dt = //....
   DayOfWeek dow = dt.DayOfWeek; //enum
   string str = dow.ToString(); //string

Get specific ArrayList item


How do I get the SQLSRV extension to work with PHP, since MSSQL is deprecated?

Download Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server. Extract the files and use one of:

File                             Thread Safe         VC Bulid
php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc6.dll           No                  VC6
php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9.dll           No                  VC9
php_sqlsrv_53_ts_vc6.dll            Yes                 VC6
php_sqlsrv_53_ts_vc9.dll            Yes                 VC9

You can see the Thread Safety status in phpinfo().

Add the correct file to your ext directory and the following line to your php.ini:


Use the filename of the file you used.

As Gordon already posted this is the new Extension from Microsoft and uses the sqlsrv_* API instead of mssql_*

On Linux you do not have the requisite drivers and neither the SQLSERV Extension.
Look at Connect to MS SQL Server from PHP on Linux? for a discussion on this.

In short you need to install FreeTDS and YES you need to use mssql_* functions on linux. see update 2

To simplify things in the long run I would recommend creating a wrapper class with requisite functions which use the appropriate API (sqlsrv_* or mssql_*) based on which extension is loaded.

Update 2: You do not need to use mssql_* functions on linux. You can connect to an ms sql server using PDO + ODBC + FreeTDS. On windows, the best performing method to connect is via PDO + ODBC + SQL Native Client since the PDO + SQLSRV driver can be incredibly slow.

Error - is not marked as serializable

You need to add a Serializable attribute to the class which you want to serialize.

public class OrgPermission

How to set full calendar to a specific start date when it's initialized for the 1st time?

This can be used in v5.3.2 to goto a date after initialization

calendar.gotoDate( '2020-09-12' );

eg on datepicker change

var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar');
var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
     initialDate: '2020-09-02',

     var date = $(this).val();
     calendar.gotoDate( date );

Format ints into string of hex

Just for completeness, using the modern .format() syntax:

>>> numbers = [1, 15, 255]
>>> ''.join('{:02X}'.format(a) for a in numbers)

How to convert an address to a latitude/longitude?

When you convert an address or object to a lat/long it is called Geocoding.

There are a lot geocoding solutions around. The solution right for your project will depend on the acceptability of the licensing terms of each geocoding solution. Both Microsoft Virtual Earth and Google Maps offer solutions which are free to use under a very restrictive licenses...

R Error in x$ed : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors

You get this error, despite everything being in line, because of a conflict caused by one of the packages that are currently loaded in your R environment.

So, to solve this issue, detach all the packages that are not needed from the R environment. For example, when I had the same issue, I did the following:


bottom line: detach all the libraries no longer needed for execution... and the problem will be solved.

Can you append strings to variables in PHP?

PHP syntax is little different in case of concatenation from JavaScript. Instead of (+) plus a (.) period is used for string concatenation.


$selectBox = '<select name="number">';
for ($i=1;$i<=100;$i++)
    $selectBox += '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; // <-- (Wrong) Replace + with .
    $selectBox .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; // <-- (Correct) Here + is replaced .
$selectBox += '</select>'; // <-- (Wrong) Replace + with .
$selectBox .= '</select>'; // <-- (Correct) Here + is replaced .
echo $selectBox;


Subtract two variables in Bash

You just need a little extra whitespace around the minus sign, and backticks:


Be aware of the exit status:

The exit status is 0 if EXPRESSION is neither null nor 0, 1 if EXPRESSION is null or 0.

Keep this in mind when using the expression in a bash script in combination with set -e which will exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.

Skip download if files exist in wget?

Try the following parameter:

-nc, --no-clobber: skip downloads that would download to existing files.

Sample usage:

wget -nc

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't match value '1700' in CppFile1.obj

I upgraded from 2010 to 2013 and after changing all the projects' Platform Toolset, I need to right-click on the Solution and choose Retarget... to make it work.

System.Net.WebException HTTP status code

I'm not sure if there is but if there was such a property it wouldn't be considered reliable. A WebException can be fired for reasons other than HTTP error codes including simple networking errors. Those have no such matching http error code.

Can you give us a bit more info on what you're trying to accomplish with that code. There may be a better way to get the information you need.

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android

In order to move a View anywhere on the screen, I would recommend placing it in a full screen layout. By doing so, you won't have to worry about clippings or relative coordinates.

You can try this sample code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/rootLayout">

        android:text="MOVE" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_marginBottom="100dip"/>

        android:orientation="vertical" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false">

            android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_marginTop="150dip"/>


Your activity

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ((Button) findViewById( )).setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById( );              
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );                
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );

private void moveViewToScreenCenter( View view )
    RelativeLayout root = (RelativeLayout) findViewById( );
    DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
    this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics( dm );
    int statusBarOffset = dm.heightPixels - root.getMeasuredHeight();

    int originalPos[] = new int[2];
    view.getLocationOnScreen( originalPos );

    int xDest = dm.widthPixels/2;
    xDest -= (view.getMeasuredWidth()/2);
    int yDest = dm.heightPixels/2 - (view.getMeasuredHeight()/2) - statusBarOffset;

    TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation( 0, xDest - originalPos[0] , 0, yDest - originalPos[1] );
    anim.setFillAfter( true );

The method moveViewToScreenCenter gets the View's absolute coordinates and calculates how much distance has to move from its current position to reach the center of the screen. The statusBarOffset variable measures the status bar height.

I hope you can keep going with this example. Remember that after the animation your view's position is still the initial one. If you tap the MOVE button again and again the same movement will repeat. If you want to change your view's position do it after the animation is finished.