Programs & Examples On #Boost variant

Boost.Variant is a C++ library containing a safe, generic, stack-based discriminated union container, offering a simple solution for manipulating an object from a heterogeneous set of types in a uniform manner.

How to load Spring Application Context

package com.dataload;

    public class insertCSV 
        public static void main(String args[])
            ApplicationContext context =
        new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationcontext.xml");

            // retrieve configured instance
            JobLauncher launcher = context.getBean("laucher", JobLauncher.class);
            Job job = context.getBean("job", Job.class);
            JobParameters jobParameters = context.getBean("jobParameters", JobParameters.class);

Response::json() - Laravel 5.1

You need to add use Response; facade in header at your file.

Only then you can successfully retrieve your data with

return Response::json($data);

Export table to file with column headers (column names) using the bcp utility and SQL Server 2008

With a little PowerShell script:

sqlcmd -Q "set nocount on select top 0 * from [DB].[schema].[table]" -o c:\temp\header.txt_x000D_
bcp [DB].[schema].[table] out c:\temp\query.txt -c -T -S BRIZA_x000D_
Get-Content c:\temp\*.txt | Set-Content c:\temp\result.txt_x000D_
Remove-Item c:\temp\header.txt_x000D_
Remove-Item c:\temp\query.txt

Warning: The concatenation follows the .txt file name (in alphabetical order)

How to restrict the selectable date ranges in Bootstrap Datepicker?

i am using v3.1.3 and i had to use data('DateTimePicker') like this

var fromE = $( "#" + fromInput );
var toE = $( "#" + toInput );

$('.form-datepicker').on('change', function(e){
   var isTo = $(this).attr('name') === 'to';

   $( "#" + ( isTo ? fromInput : toInput  ) )
      .data('DateTimePicker')[ isTo ? 'setMaxDate' : 'setMinDate' ](moment($(this).val(), 'DD/MM/YYYY'))

Detect browser or tab closing

If I get you correctly, you want to know when a tab/window is effectively closed. Well, AFAIK the only way in Javascript to detect that kind of stuffs are onunload & onbeforeunload events.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), those events are also fired when you leave a site over a link or your browsers back button. So this is the best answer I can give, I don't think you can natively detect a pure close in Javascript. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

Right click on data which you want to store

  • Firstly, Right click on data which you want to store -> select "Store as global variable" And the new temp variable appear like bellow: (temp3 variable): New temp variable appear in console
  • Second use command copy(temp_variable_name) like picture: enter image description here After that, you can paste data to anywhere you want. hope useful/

How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

This code will do what you're looking for. It's based on examples found here and here.

The autofmt_xdate() call is particularly useful for making the x-axis labels readable.

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()

width = .35
ind = np.arange(len(OY)), OY, width=width)
plt.xticks(ind + width / 2, OX)



enter image description here

How to calculate Average Waiting Time and average Turn-around time in SJF Scheduling?

it is wrong. correct will be

P3 P2 P4 P5 P1 0 3 4 6 10 as the correct difference are these

Waiting Time (0+3+4+6+10)/5 = 4.6


How using try catch for exception handling is best practice

The catch without any arguments is simply eating the exception and is of no use. What if a fatal error occurs? There's no way to know what happened if you use catch without argument.

A catch statement should catch more specific Exceptions like FileNotFoundException and then at the very end you should catch Exception which would catch any other exception and log them.

system("pause"); - Why is it wrong?

As listed on the other answers, there are many reasons you can find to avoid this. It all boils down to one reason that makes the rest moot. The System() function is inherently insecure/untrusted, and should not be introduced into a program unless necessary.

For a student assignment, this condition was never met, and for this reason I would fail an assignment without even running the program if a call to this method was present. (This was made clear from the start.)

Is there a naming convention for MySQL?

MySQL has a short description of their more or less strict rules:

Most common codingstyle for MySQL by Simon Holywell:

See also this question: Are there any published coding style guidelines for SQL?

C# RSA encryption/decryption with transmission

well there are really enough examples for this, but anyway, here you go

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace RsaCryptoExample
  static class Program
    static void Main()
      //lets take a new CSP with a new 2048 bit rsa key pair
      var csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);

      //how to get the private key
      var privKey = csp.ExportParameters(true);

      //and the public key ...
      var pubKey = csp.ExportParameters(false);

      //converting the public key into a string representation
      string pubKeyString;
        //we need some buffer
        var sw = new System.IO.StringWriter();
        //we need a serializer
        var xs = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(RSAParameters));
        //serialize the key into the stream
        xs.Serialize(sw, pubKey);
        //get the string from the stream
        pubKeyString = sw.ToString();

      //converting it back
        //get a stream from the string
        var sr = new System.IO.StringReader(pubKeyString);
        //we need a deserializer
        var xs = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(RSAParameters));
        //get the object back from the stream
        pubKey = (RSAParameters)xs.Deserialize(sr);

      //conversion for the private key is no black magic either ... omitted

      //we have a public key ... let's get a new csp and load that key
      csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

      //we need some data to encrypt
      var plainTextData = "foobar";

      //for encryption, always handle bytes...
      var bytesPlainTextData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(plainTextData);

      //apply pkcs#1.5 padding and encrypt our data 
      var bytesCypherText = csp.Encrypt(bytesPlainTextData, false);

      //we might want a string representation of our cypher text... base64 will do
      var cypherText = Convert.ToBase64String(bytesCypherText);

       * some transmission / storage / retrieval
       * and we want to decrypt our cypherText

      //first, get our bytes back from the base64 string ...
      bytesCypherText = Convert.FromBase64String(cypherText);

      //we want to decrypt, therefore we need a csp and load our private key
      csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

      //decrypt and strip pkcs#1.5 padding
      bytesPlainTextData = csp.Decrypt(bytesCypherText, false);

      //get our original plainText back...
      plainTextData = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytesPlainTextData);

as a side note: the calls to Encrypt() and Decrypt() have a bool parameter that switches between OAEP and PKCS#1.5 padding ... you might want to choose OAEP if it's available in your situation

Difference between objectForKey and valueForKey?

objectForKey: is an NSDictionary method. An NSDictionary is a collection class similar to an NSArray, except instead of using indexes, it uses keys to differentiate between items. A key is an arbitrary string you provide. No two objects can have the same key (just as no two objects in an NSArray can have the same index).

valueForKey: is a KVC method. It works with ANY class. valueForKey: allows you to access a property using a string for its name. So for instance, if I have an Account class with a property accountNumber, I can do the following:

NSNumber *anAccountNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12345];
Account *newAccount = [[Account alloc] init];

[newAccount setAccountNumber:anAccountNUmber];

NSNumber *anotherAccountNumber = [newAccount accountNumber];

Using KVC, I can access the property dynamically:

NSNumber *anAccountNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12345];
Account *newAccount = [[Account alloc] init];

[newAccount setValue:anAccountNumber forKey:@"accountNumber"];

NSNumber *anotherAccountNumber = [newAccount valueForKey:@"accountNumber"];

Those are equivalent sets of statements.

I know you're thinking: wow, but sarcastically. KVC doesn't look all that useful. In fact, it looks "wordy". But when you want to change things at runtime, you can do lots of cool things that are much more difficult in other languages (but this is beyond the scope of your question).

If you want to learn more about KVC, there are many tutorials if you Google especially at Scott Stevenson's blog. You can also check out the NSKeyValueCoding Protocol Reference.

Hope that helps.

jQuery: how do I animate a div rotation?

As of now you still can't animate rotations with jQuery, but you can with CSS3 animations, then simply add and remove the class with jQuery to make the animation occur.

JSFiddle demo


<img src="" width="30" height="30"/>


img {
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
transform: rotate(-90deg);

.rotate {
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
-o-transform: rotate(0deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
transform: rotate(0deg);


$(document).ready(function() {
    $("img").mouseenter(function() {
    $("img").mouseleave(function() {

IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

I had the same problem, and this is how I fixed it. I was using the wrong port for my connection.

private final String DB_URL  = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcll"; // 1521 my wrong port
  • go to your localhost
  • (my localhost address) : https://localhost:1158/em

  • login

    • user name
    • password
    • connect as --> normal
  • Below 'General' click on LISTENER_localhost

  • look at you port number
    • Net Address (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1522)) Connect to port 1522
  • Edit you connection change port 1521 to 1522.

    • done

hide div tag on mobile view only?

You can be guided by this example. On your css file:

.deskContent {
    background-image: url(../img/big-pic.png);
    width: 100%;
    height: 400px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: contain; 

.phoneContent {
    background-image: url(../img/small-pic.png);
    width: 100%;
    height: 100px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: contain;

@media all and (max-width: 959px) {
    .deskContent {display:block;}
    .phoneContent {display:none;}

@media all and (max-width: 479px) {
    .deskContent {display:none;}
    .phoneContent {display:block;}

On your html file:

<div class="deskContent">Content for desktop</div>
<div class="phoneContent">Content for mobile</div>

Python logging: use milliseconds in time format

The simplest way I found was to override default_msec_format:

formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s')
formatter.default_msec_format = '%s.%03d'

HTML5 Email Validation

Using [a-zA-Z0-9.-_]{1,}@[a-zA-Z.-]{2,}[.]{1}[a-zA-Z]{2,} for [email protected] / [email protected]

Getting a list of all subdirectories in the current directory

Much nicer than the above, because you don't need several os.path.join() and you will get the full path directly (if you wish), you can do this in Python 3.5 and above.

subfolders = [ f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir() ]

This will give the complete path to the subdirectory. If you only want the name of the subdirectory use instead of f.path

Slightly OT: In case you need all subfolder recursively and/or all files recursively, have a look at this function, that is faster than os.walk & glob and will return a list of all subfolders as well as all files inside those (sub-)subfolders:

In case you want only all subfolders recursively:

def fast_scandir(dirname):
    subfolders= [f.path for f in os.scandir(dirname) if f.is_dir()]
    for dirname in list(subfolders):
    return subfolders

Returns a list of all subfolders with their full paths. This again is faster than os.walk and a lot faster than glob.

An analysis of all functions

- If you want to get all immediate subdirectories for a folder use os.scandir.
- If you want to get all subdirectories, even nested ones, use os.walk or - slightly faster - the fast_scandir function above.
- Never use os.walk for only top-level subdirectories, as it can be hundreds(!) of times slower than os.scandir.

  • If you run the code below, make sure to run it once so that your OS will have accessed the folder, discard the results and run the test, otherwise results will be screwed.
  • You might want to mix up the function calls, but I tested it, and it did not really matter.
  • All examples will give the full path to the folder. The pathlib example as a (Windows)Path object.
  • The first element of os.walk will be the base folder. So you will not get only subdirectories. You can use fu.pop(0) to remove it.
  • None of the results will use natural sorting. This means results will be sorted like this: 1, 10, 2. To get natural sorting (1, 2, 10), please have a look at


os.scandir      took   1 ms. Found dirs: 439
os.walk         took 463 ms. Found dirs: 441 -> it found the nested one + base folder.
glob.glob       took  20 ms. Found dirs: 439
pathlib.iterdir took  18 ms. Found dirs: 439
os.listdir      took  18 ms. Found dirs: 439

Tested with W7x64, Python 3.8.1.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python 3

import time
import os
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path

directory = r"<insert_folder>"
RUNS = 1

def run_os_walk():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = [x[0] for x in os.walk(directory)]
    print(f"os.walk\t\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found dirs: {len(fu)}")

def run_glob():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = glob(directory + "/*/")
    print(f"glob.glob\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found dirs: {len(fu)}")

def run_pathlib_iterdir():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        dirname = Path(directory)
        fu = [f for f in dirname.iterdir() if f.is_dir()]
    print(f"pathlib.iterdir\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found dirs: {len(fu)}")

def run_os_listdir():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        dirname = Path(directory)
        fu = [os.path.join(directory, o) for o in os.listdir(directory) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, o))]
    print(f"os.listdir\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found dirs: {len(fu)}")

def run_os_scandir():
    a = time.time_ns()
    for i in range(RUNS):
        fu = [f.path for f in os.scandir(directory) if f.is_dir()]
    print(f"os.scandir\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms.\tFound dirs: {len(fu)}")

if __name__ == '__main__':

What is an example of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

Let’s illustrate in Java:

class TrasportationDevice
   String name;
   String getName() { ... }
   void setName(String n) { ... }

   double speed;
   double getSpeed() { ... }
   void setSpeed(double d) { ... }

   Engine engine;
   Engine getEngine() { ... }
   void setEngine(Engine e) { ... }

   void startEngine() { ... }

class Car extends TransportationDevice
   void startEngine() { ... }

There is no problem here, right? A car is definitely a transportation device, and here we can see that it overrides the startEngine() method of its superclass.

Let’s add another transportation device:

class Bicycle extends TransportationDevice
   void startEngine() /*problem!*/

Everything isn’t going as planned now! Yes, a bicycle is a transportation device, however, it does not have an engine and hence, the method startEngine() cannot be implemented.

These are the kinds of problems that violation of Liskov Substitution Principle leads to, and they can most usually be recognized by a method that does nothing, or even can’t be implemented.

The solution to these problems is a correct inheritance hierarchy, and in our case we would solve the problem by differentiating classes of transportation devices with and without engines. Even though a bicycle is a transportation device, it doesn’t have an engine. In this example our definition of transportation device is wrong. It should not have an engine.

We can refactor our TransportationDevice class as follows:

class TrasportationDevice
   String name;
   String getName() { ... }
   void setName(String n) { ... }

   double speed;
   double getSpeed() { ... }
   void setSpeed(double d) { ... }

Now we can extend TransportationDevice for non-motorized devices.

class DevicesWithoutEngines extends TransportationDevice
   void startMoving() { ... }

And extend TransportationDevice for motorized devices. Here is is more appropriate to add the Engine object.

class DevicesWithEngines extends TransportationDevice
   Engine engine;
   Engine getEngine() { ... }
   void setEngine(Engine e) { ... }

   void startEngine() { ... }

Thus our Car class becomes more specialized, while adhering to the Liskov Substitution Principle.

class Car extends DevicesWithEngines
   void startEngine() { ... }

And our Bicycle class is also in compliance with the Liskov Substitution Principle.

class Bicycle extends DevicesWithoutEngines
   void startMoving() { ... }

Equal height rows in a flex container

No, you can't achieve that without setting a fixed height (or using a script).

Here are 2 answers of mine, showing how to use a script to achieve something like that:

How to write both h1 and h2 in the same line?

<h1 style="text-align: left; float: left;">Text 1</h1>
<h2 style="text-align: right; float: right; display: inline;">Text 2</h2>
<hr style="clear: both;" />

Hope this helps!

IntelliJ IDEA generating serialVersionUID

In order to generate the value use

private static final long serialVersionUID = $randomLong$L;

and provide the randomLong template variable with the following value: groovyScript("new Random().nextLong().abs()")

Http Post With Body

You could use this snippet -

HttpURLConnection urlConn;
URL mUrl = new URL(url);
urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) mUrl.openConnection();
//query is your body
urlConn.addRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/" + "POST");
if (query != null) {
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(query.length()));

Iterate over object in Angular

Angular 6.1.0+ Answer

Use the built-in keyvalue-pipe like this:

<div *ngFor="let item of myObject | keyvalue">
    Key: <b>{{item.key}}</b> and Value: <b>{{item.value}}</b>

or like this:

<div *ngFor="let item of myObject | keyvalue:mySortingFunction">
    Key: <b>{{item.key}}</b> and Value: <b>{{item.value}}</b>

where mySortingFunction is in your .ts file, for example:

mySortingFunction = (a, b) => {
  return a.key > b.key ? -1 : 1;


You won't need to register this in any module, since Angular pipes work out of the box in any template.

It also works for Javascript-Maps.

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?

First of all, please vote and comment on the API request on the .NET repo.

Here's my optimized version of the ObservableRangeCollection (optimized version of James Montemagno's one).

It performs very fast and is meant to reuse existing elements when possible and avoid unnecessary events, or batching them into one, when possible. The ReplaceRange method replaces/removes/adds the required elements by the appropriate indices and batches the possible events.

Tested on Xamarin.Forms UI with great results for very frequent updates to the large collection (5-7 updates per second).

Note: Since WPF is not accustomed to work with range operations, it will throw a NotSupportedException, when using the ObservableRangeCollection from below in WPF UI-related work, such as binding it to a ListBox etc. (you can still use the ObservableRangeCollection<T> if not bound to UI).
However you can use the WpfObservableRangeCollection<T> workaround.
The real solution would be creating a CollectionView that knows how to deal with range operations, but I still didn't have the time to implement this.

RAW Code - open as Raw, then do Ctrl+A to select all, then Ctrl+C to copy.

// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel
  /// <summary>
  /// Implementation of a dynamic data collection based on generic Collection&lt;T&gt;,
  /// implementing INotifyCollectionChanged to notify listeners
  /// when items get added, removed or the whole list is refreshed.
  /// </summary>
  public class ObservableRangeCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
    //  Private Fields

    #region Private Fields    
    private DeferredEventsCollection _deferredEvents;
    #endregion Private Fields

    //  Constructors

    #region Constructors
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of ObservableCollection that is empty and has default initial capacity.
    /// </summary>
    public ObservableRangeCollection() { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the ObservableCollection class that contains
    /// elements copied from the specified collection and has sufficient capacity
    /// to accommodate the number of elements copied.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection">The collection whose elements are copied to the new list.</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The elements are copied onto the ObservableCollection in the
    /// same order they are read by the enumerator of the collection.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> collection is a null reference </exception>
    public ObservableRangeCollection(IEnumerable<T> collection) : base(collection) { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the ObservableCollection class
    /// that contains elements copied from the specified list
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="list">The list whose elements are copied to the new list.</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The elements are copied onto the ObservableCollection in the
    /// same order they are read by the enumerator of the list.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> list is a null reference </exception>
    public ObservableRangeCollection(List<T> list) : base(list) { }

    #endregion Constructors

    //  Public Methods

    #region Public Methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection">
    /// The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/>.
    /// The collection itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null, if type T is a reference type.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection)
      InsertRange(Count, collection);

    /// <summary>
    /// Inserts the elements of a collection into the <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> at the specified index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted.</param>
    /// <param name="collection">The collection whose elements should be inserted into the List<T>.
    /// The collection itself cannot be null, but it can contain elements that are null, if type T is a reference type.</param>                
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is not in the collection range.</exception>
    public void InsertRange(int index, IEnumerable<T> collection)
      if (collection == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
      if (index < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
      if (index > Count)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));

      if (collection is ICollection<T> countable)
        if (countable.Count == 0)
      else if (!ContainsAny(collection))


      //expand the following couple of lines when adding more constructors.
      var target = (List<T>)Items;
      target.InsertRange(index, collection);


      if (!(collection is IList list))
        list = new List<T>(collection);

      OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, list, index));

    /// <summary> 
    /// Removes the first occurence of each item in the specified collection from the <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection">The items to remove.</param>        
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    public void RemoveRange(IEnumerable<T> collection)
      if (collection == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));

      if (Count == 0)
      else if (collection is ICollection<T> countable)
        if (countable.Count == 0)
        else if (countable.Count == 1)
          using (IEnumerator<T> enumerator = countable.GetEnumerator())
      else if (!(ContainsAny(collection)))


      var clusters = new Dictionary<int, List<T>>();
      var lastIndex = -1;
      List<T> lastCluster = null;
      foreach (T item in collection)
        var index = IndexOf(item);
        if (index < 0)


        if (lastIndex == index && lastCluster != null)
          clusters[lastIndex = index] = lastCluster = new List<T> { item };


      if (Count == 0)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<T>> cluster in clusters)
          OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, cluster.Value, cluster.Key));


    /// <summary>
    /// Iterates over the collection and removes all items that satisfy the specified match.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>The complexity is O(n).</remarks>
    /// <param name="match"></param>
    /// <returns>Returns the number of elements that where </returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="match"/> is null.</exception>
    public int RemoveAll(Predicate<T> match)
      return RemoveAll(0, Count, match);

    /// <summary>
    /// Iterates over the specified range within the collection and removes all items that satisfy the specified match.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>The complexity is O(n).</remarks>
    /// <param name="index">The index of where to start performing the search.</param>
    /// <param name="count">The number of items to iterate on.</param>
    /// <param name="match"></param>
    /// <returns>Returns the number of elements that where </returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is out of range.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="count"/> is out of range.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="match"/> is null.</exception>
    public int RemoveAll(int index, int count, Predicate<T> match)
      if (index < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
      if (count < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count));
      if (index + count > Count)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
      if (match == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(match));

      if (Count == 0)
        return 0;

      List<T> cluster = null;
      var clusterIndex = -1;
      var removedCount = 0;

      using (BlockReentrancy())
      using (DeferEvents())
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++, index++)
          T item = Items[index];
          if (match(item))

            if (clusterIndex == index)
              Debug.Assert(cluster != null);
              cluster = new List<T> { item };
              clusterIndex = index;

          else if (clusterIndex > -1)
            OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, cluster, clusterIndex));
            clusterIndex = -1;
            cluster = null;

        if (clusterIndex > -1)
          OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, cluster, clusterIndex));

      if (removedCount > 0)

      return removedCount;

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes a range of elements from the <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/>>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The zero-based starting index of the range of elements to remove.</param>
    /// <param name="count">The number of elements to remove.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">The specified range is exceeding the collection.</exception>
    public void RemoveRange(int index, int count)
      if (index < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
      if (count < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count));
      if (index + count > Count)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));

      if (count == 0)

      if (count == 1)

      //Items will always be List<T>, see constructors
      var items = (List<T>)Items;
      List<T> removedItems = items.GetRange(index, count);


      items.RemoveRange(index, count);


      if (Count == 0)
        OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, removedItems, index));

    /// <summary> 
    /// Clears the current collection and replaces it with the specified collection,
    /// using the default <see cref="EqualityComparer{T}"/>.
    /// </summary>             
    /// <param name="collection">The items to fill the collection with, after clearing it.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    public void ReplaceRange(IEnumerable<T> collection)
      ReplaceRange(0, Count, collection, EqualityComparer<T>.Default);

    /// <summary>
    /// Clears the current collection and replaces it with the specified collection,
    /// using the specified comparer to skip equal items.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection">The items to fill the collection with, after clearing it.</param>
    /// <param name="comparer">An <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}"/> to be used
    /// to check whether an item in the same location already existed before,
    /// which in case it would not be added to the collection, and no event will be raised for it.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="comparer"/> is null.</exception>
    public void ReplaceRange(IEnumerable<T> collection, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
      ReplaceRange(0, Count, collection, comparer);

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes the specified range and inserts the specified collection,
    /// ignoring equal items (using <see cref="EqualityComparer{T}.Default"/>).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The index of where to start the replacement.</param>
    /// <param name="count">The number of items to be replaced.</param>
    /// <param name="collection">The collection to insert in that location.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is out of range.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="count"/> is out of range.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    public void ReplaceRange(int index, int count, IEnumerable<T> collection)
      ReplaceRange(index, count, collection, EqualityComparer<T>.Default);

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes the specified range and inserts the specified collection in its position, leaving equal items in equal positions intact.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">The index of where to start the replacement.</param>
    /// <param name="count">The number of items to be replaced.</param>
    /// <param name="collection">The collection to insert in that location.</param>
    /// <param name="comparer">The comparer to use when checking for equal items.</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is out of range.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="count"/> is out of range.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is null.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="comparer"/> is null.</exception>
    public void ReplaceRange(int index, int count, IEnumerable<T> collection, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
      if (index < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));
      if (count < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count));
      if (index + count > Count)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index));

      if (collection == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
      if (comparer == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(comparer));

      if (collection is ICollection<T> countable)
        if (countable.Count == 0)
          RemoveRange(index, count);
      else if (!ContainsAny(collection))
        RemoveRange(index, count);

      if (index + count == 0)
        InsertRange(0, collection);

      if (!(collection is IList<T> list))
        list = new List<T>(collection);

      using (BlockReentrancy())
      using (DeferEvents())
        var rangeCount = index + count;
        var addedCount = list.Count;

        var changesMade = false;
            newCluster = null,
            oldCluster = null;

        int i = index;
        for (; i < rangeCount && i - index < addedCount; i++)
          //parallel position
          T old = this[i], @new = list[i - index];
          if (comparer.Equals(old, @new))
            OnRangeReplaced(i, newCluster, oldCluster);
            Items[i] = @new;

            if (newCluster == null)
              Debug.Assert(oldCluster == null);
              newCluster = new List<T> { @new };
              oldCluster = new List<T> { old };

            changesMade = true;

        OnRangeReplaced(i, newCluster, oldCluster);

        //exceeding position
        if (count != addedCount)
          var items = (List<T>)Items;
          if (count > addedCount)
            var removedCount = rangeCount - addedCount;
            T[] removed = new T[removedCount];
            items.CopyTo(i, removed, 0, removed.Length);
            items.RemoveRange(i, removedCount);
            OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, removed, i));
            var k = i - index;
            T[] added = new T[addedCount - k];
            for (int j = k; j < addedCount; j++)
              T @new = list[j];
              added[j - k] = @new;
            items.InsertRange(i, added);
            OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, added, i));

        else if (changesMade)

    #endregion Public Methods

    //  Protected Methods

    #region Protected Methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Called by base class Collection&lt;T&gt; when the list is being cleared;
    /// raises a CollectionChanged event to any listeners.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void ClearItems()
      if (Count == 0)


    /// <summary>
    /// Called by base class Collection&lt;T&gt; when an item is set in list;
    /// raises a CollectionChanged event to any listeners.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void SetItem(int index, T item)
      if (Equals(this[index], item))

      T originalItem = this[index];
      base.SetItem(index, item);

      OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace, originalItem, item, index);

    /// <summary>
    /// Raise CollectionChanged event to any listeners.
    /// Properties/methods modifying this ObservableCollection will raise
    /// a collection changed event through this virtual method.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// When overriding this method, either call its base implementation
    /// or call <see cref="BlockReentrancy"/> to guard against reentrant collection changes.
    /// </remarks>
    protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
      if (_deferredEvents != null)

    protected virtual IDisposable DeferEvents() => new DeferredEventsCollection(this);

    #endregion Protected Methods

    //  Private Methods

    #region Private Methods

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function to determine if a collection contains any elements.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="collection">The collection to evaluate.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static bool ContainsAny(IEnumerable<T> collection)
      using (IEnumerator<T> enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator())
        return enumerator.MoveNext();

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper to raise Count property and the Indexer property.
    /// </summary>
    private void OnEssentialPropertiesChanged()

    /// <summary>
    /// /// Helper to raise a PropertyChanged event for the Indexer property
    /// /// </summary>
    private void OnIndexerPropertyChanged() =>

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper to raise CollectionChanged event to any listeners
    /// </summary>
    private void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedAction action, object oldItem, object newItem, int index) =>
      OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(action, newItem, oldItem, index));

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper to raise CollectionChanged event with action == Reset to any listeners
    /// </summary>
    private void OnCollectionReset() =>

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper to raise event for clustered action and clear cluster.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="followingItemIndex">The index of the item following the replacement block.</param>
    /// <param name="newCluster"></param>
    /// <param name="oldCluster"></param>
    //TODO should have really been a local method inside ReplaceRange(int index, int count, IEnumerable<T> collection, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer),
    //move when supported language version updated.
    private void OnRangeReplaced(int followingItemIndex, ICollection<T> newCluster, ICollection<T> oldCluster)
      if (oldCluster == null || oldCluster.Count == 0)
        Debug.Assert(newCluster == null || newCluster.Count == 0);

          new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(
              new List<T>(newCluster),
              new List<T>(oldCluster),
              followingItemIndex - oldCluster.Count));


    #endregion Private Methods

    //  Private Types

    #region Private Types
    private sealed class DeferredEventsCollection : List<NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs>, IDisposable
      private readonly ObservableRangeCollection<T> _collection;
      public DeferredEventsCollection(ObservableRangeCollection<T> collection)
        Debug.Assert(collection != null);
        Debug.Assert(collection._deferredEvents == null);
        _collection = collection;
        _collection._deferredEvents = this;

      public void Dispose()
        _collection._deferredEvents = null;
        foreach (var args in this)

    #endregion Private Types


  /// <remarks>
  /// To be kept outside <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/>, since otherwise, a new instance will be created for each generic type used.
  /// </remarks>
  internal static class EventArgsCache
    internal static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs CountPropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Count");
    internal static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs IndexerPropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Item[]");
    internal static readonly NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs ResetCollectionChanged = new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset);

Android - Best and safe way to stop thread

As we know that the Thread.stop() is deprecated in JAVA, under the hood the Thread.stop calls the interrupt() method on the thread to stop it, Interrupt is meant to be thrown from the methods which keep the thread waiting for some other thread to notify after the execution completes. Interrupt will cause nothing to the thread if it is not handled in the execution of a thread, like, if(Thread.interrupted())return; So, all in all we need to basically manage the start and stop of the thread like calling the start() method like Thread.start() starts a while(true) inside the run() method of the thread and checks for interrupted status in each iteration and returns from the thread.

Please note that a thread will not die in the following situations:

  1. The thread has not yet returned from the run().
  2. Any of the objects owned by the thread is accessible. (This hints to null/dispose of the references for GC to do the rest)

Writing data into CSV file in C#

enter code here

string string_value= string.Empty;

        for (int i = 0; i < ur_grid.Rows.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < ur_grid.Rows[i].Cells.Count; j++)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ur_grid.Rows[i].Cells[j].Text.ToString()))
                    if (j > 0)
                        string_value= string_value+ "," + ur_grid.Rows[i].Cells[j].Text.ToString();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(string_value))
                            string_value= ur_grid.Rows[i].Cells[j].Text.ToString();
                            string_value= string_value+ Environment.NewLine + ur_grid.Rows[i].Cells[j].Text.ToString();

        string where_to_save_file = @"d:\location\Files\sample.csv";
        File.WriteAllText(where_to_save_file, string_value);

        string server_path = "/site/Files/sample.csv";
        Response.ContentType = ContentType;
        Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Path.GetFileName(server_path));

What is polymorphism, what is it for, and how is it used?

(I was browsing another article on something entirely different.. and polymorphism popped up... Now I thought that I knew what Polymorphism was.... but apparently not in this beautiful way explained.. Wanted to write it down somewhere.. better still will share it... )

read on from this part:

..... polymorphism. That's a geeky way of saying that different nouns can have the same verb applied to them.

SQL Server loop - how do I loop through a set of records

this way we can iterate into table data.


SELECT @_MinJID = MIN(JobID),@_MaxJID = MAX(JobID)  FROM #Temp

    WHILE @_MinJID <= @_MaxJID

        INSERT INTO Mytable        


        SET @_MinJID = @_MinJID + 1;


STRINGTOTABLE is user define function which will parse comma separated data and return table. thanks

Is it possible to view RabbitMQ message contents directly from the command line?

I wrote rabbitmq-dump-queue which allows dumping messages from a RabbitMQ queue to local files and requeuing the messages in their original order.

Example usage (to dump the first 50 messages of queue incoming_1):

rabbitmq-dump-queue -url="amqp://user:[email protected]:5672/" -queue=incoming_1 -max-messages=50 -output-dir=/tmp

How to limit the maximum value of a numeric field in a Django model?

You can use Django's built-in validators

from django.db.models import IntegerField, Model
from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator, MinValueValidator

class CoolModelBro(Model):
    limited_integer_field = IntegerField(

Edit: When working directly with the model, make sure to call the model full_clean method before saving the model in order to trigger the validators. This is not required when using ModelForm since the forms will do that automatically.

How to hide .php extension in .htaccess

I've used this:

RewriteEngine On

# Unless directory, remove trailing slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$$1 [R=301,L]

# Redirect external .php requests to extensionless URL
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^(.+)\.php([#?][^\ ]*)?\ HTTP/
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.php$$1 [R=301,L]

# Resolve .php file for extensionless PHP URLs
RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)$ $1.php [L]

See also: this question

Send multipart/form-data files with angular using $http

In Angular 6, you can do this:

In your service file:

 function_name(data) {
    const url = `the_URL`;
    let input = new FormData();
    input.append('url', data);   // "url" as the key and "data" as value
    return, input).pipe(map((resp: any) => resp));

In component.ts file: in any function say xyz,

this.Your_service_alias.function_name(data).subscribe(d => {   // "data" can be your file or image in base64 or other encoding

How do I access command line arguments in Python?

Some additional things that I can think of.

As @allsyed said sys.argv gives a list of components (including program name), so if you want to know the number of elements passed through command line you can use len() to determine it. Based on this, you can design exception/error messages if user didn't pass specific number of parameters.

Also if you looking for a better way to handle command line arguments, I would suggest you look at

jQuery AJAX cross domain

You can control this via HTTP header by adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin. Setting it to * will accept cross-domain AJAX requests from any domain.

Using PHP it's really simple, just add the following line into the script that you want to have access outside from your domain:

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

Don't forget to enable mod_headers module in httpd.conf.

How do I activate C++ 11 in CMake?

As it turns out, SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x") does activate many C++11 features. The reason it did not work was that the statement looked like this:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs")

Following this approach, somehow the -std=c++0x flag was overwritten and it did not work. Setting the flags one by one or using a list method is working.

list( APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs")

getting a checkbox array value from POST

// if you do the input like this
<input id="'.$userid.'" value="'.$userid.'"  name="invite['.$userid.']" type="checkbox">

// you can access the value directly like this:
$invite = $_POST['invite'][$userid];

How to find out which JavaScript events fired?

You can use getEventListeners in your Google Chrome developer console.

getEventListeners(object) returns the event listeners registered on the specified object.


How to sort an object array by date property?

Simplest Answer

  // Turn your strings into dates, and then subtract them
  // to get a value that is either negative, positive, or zero.
  return new Date( - new Date(;

More Generic Answer

  if (sort_o1_before_o2)    return -1;
  else if(sort_o1_after_o2) return  1;
  else                      return  0;

Or more tersely:

  return sort_o1_before_o2 ? -1 : sort_o1_after_o2 ? 1 : 0;

Generic, Powerful Answer

Define a custom non-enumerable sortBy function using a Schwartzian transform on all arrays :

  if (typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function'){
    try{Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype,'sortBy',{value:sb}); }catch(e){}
  if (!Array.prototype.sortBy) Array.prototype.sortBy = sb;

  function sb(f){
    for (var i=this.length;i;){
      var o = this[--i];
      this[i] = [].concat(,o,i),o);
      for (var i=0,len=a.length;i<len;++i){
        if (a[i]!=b[i]) return a[i]<b[i]?-1:1;
      return 0;
    for (var i=this.length;i;){
    return this;

Use it like so:

array.sortBy(function(o){ return });

If your date is not directly comparable, make a comparable date out of it, e.g.

array.sortBy(function(o){ return new Date( ) });

You can also use this to sort by multiple criteria if you return an array of values:

// Sort by date, then score (reversed), then name
array.sortBy(function(o){ return [, -o.score, ] };

See for more details.

Form Submission without page refresh

<script type="text/javascript">
    var frm = $('#myform');
    frm.submit(function (ev) {
            type: frm.attr('method'),
            url: frm.attr('action'),
            data: frm.serialize(),
            success: function (data) {


<form id="myform" action="/your_url" method="post">

Add new line in text file with Windows batch file

You can use:

type text1.txt >> combine.txt
echo >> combine.txt
type text2.txt >> combine.txt

or something like this:

echo blah >> combine.txt
echo blah2 >> combine.txt
echo >> combine.txt
echo other >> combine.txt

how to set value of a input hidden field through javascript?

It seems to work fine in Google Chrome. Which browser are you using? Here the proof

Anyhow you can also access to the input value parameter through the document.FormName.checkyear.value. You have to wrap in the input in a <form> tag like with the proper name attribute, like shown below:

<form name="FormName">
    <input type="hidden" name="checkyear" id="checkyear" value="">

Have you considered using the jQuery Library? Here are the docs for .val() function.

Replace contents of factor column in R dataframe

For the things that you are suggesting you can just change the levels using the levels:

levels(iris$Species)[3] <- 'new'

window.location.href doesn't redirect

Some parenthesis are missing.


 window.location.href = "/comments.aspx?id=" + movieShareId.textContent || movieShareId.innerText + "/";


 window.location = "/comments.aspx?id=" + (movieShareId.textContent || movieShareId.innerText) + "/";

No priority is given to the || compared to the +.

Remove also everything after the window.location assignation : this code isn't supposed to be executed as the page changes.

Note: you don't need to set location.href. It's enough to just set location.

Auto-scaling input[type=text] to width of value?

Edit: The plugin now works with trailing whitespace characters. Thanks for pointing it out @JavaSpyder

Since most other answers didn't match what I needed(or simply didn't work at all) I modified Adrian B's answer into a proper jQuery plugin that results in pixel perfect scaling of input without requiring you to change your css or html.


Usage:$("input").autoresize({padding: 20, minWidth: 20, maxWidth: 300});


//JQuery plugin:_x000D_
$.fn.textWidth = function(_text, _font){//get width of text with font.  usage: $("div").textWidth();_x000D_
        var fakeEl = $('<span>').hide().appendTo(document.body).text(_text || this.val() || this.text()).css({font: _font || this.css('font'), whiteSpace: "pre"}),_x000D_
            width = fakeEl.width();_x000D_
        return width;_x000D_
$.fn.autoresize = function(options){//resizes elements based on content size.  usage: $('input').autoresize({padding:10,minWidth:0,maxWidth:100});_x000D_
  options = $.extend({padding:10,minWidth:0,maxWidth:10000}, options||{});_x000D_
  $(this).on('input', function() {_x000D_
    $(this).css('width', Math.min(options.maxWidth,Math.max(options.minWidth,$(this).textWidth() + options.padding)));_x000D_
  return this;_x000D_
//have <input> resize automatically_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input value="i magically resize">_x000D_
called with:_x000D_
$("input").autoresize({padding: 20, minWidth: 40, maxWidth: 300});

Remove end of line characters from Java string

static byte[] discardWhitespace(byte[] data) {
    byte groomedData[] = new byte[data.length];
    int bytesCopied = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        switch (data[i]) {
            case (byte) '\n' :
            case (byte) '\r' :
                groomedData[bytesCopied++] = data[i];

    byte packedData[] = new byte[bytesCopied];

    System.arraycopy(groomedData, 0, packedData, 0, bytesCopied);

    return packedData;

Code found on commons-codec project.

Start new Activity and finish current one in Android?

You can use finish() method or you can use:


And then there is no need to call finish() anymore.

<activity android:name=".ClassName" android:noHistory="true" ... />

PHP Function Comments


 * Does something interesting
 * @param Place   $where  Where something interesting takes place
 * @param integer $repeat How many times something interesting should happen
 * @throws Some_Exception_Class If something interesting cannot happen
 * @author Monkey Coder <[email protected]>
 * @return Status


 * Short description for class
 * Long description for class (if any)...
 * @copyright  2006 Zend Technologies
 * @license   PHP License 3.0
 * @version    Release: @package_version@
 * @link
 * @since      Class available since Release 1.2.0

Sample File:


 * Short description for file
 * Long description for file (if any)...
 * PHP version 5.6
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 *  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * send a note to [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @category   CategoryName
 * @package    PackageName
 * @author     Original Author <[email protected]>
 * @author     Another Author <[email protected]>
 * @copyright  1997-2005 The PHP Group
 * @license  PHP License 3.01
 * @version    SVN: $Id$
 * @link
 * @see        NetOther, Net_Sample::Net_Sample()
 * @since      File available since Release 1.2.0
 * @deprecated File deprecated in Release 2.0.0

 * This is a "Docblock Comment," also known as a "docblock."  The class'
 * docblock, below, contains a complete description of how to write these.
require_once 'PEAR.php';

// {{{ constants

 * Methods return this if they succeed
define('NET_SAMPLE_OK', 1);

// }}}
// {{{ GLOBALS

 * The number of objects created
 * @global int $GLOBALS['_NET_SAMPLE_Count']
$GLOBALS['_NET_SAMPLE_Count'] = 0;

// }}}
// {{{ Net_Sample

 * An example of how to write code to PEAR's standards
 * Docblock comments start with "/**" at the top.  Notice how the "/"
 * lines up with the normal indenting and the asterisks on subsequent rows
 * are in line with the first asterisk.  The last line of comment text
 * should be immediately followed on the next line by the closing asterisk
 * and slash and then the item you are commenting on should be on the next
 * line below that.  Don't add extra lines.  Please put a blank line
 * between paragraphs as well as between the end of the description and
 * the start of the @tags.  Wrap comments before 80 columns in order to
 * ease readability for a wide variety of users.
 * Docblocks can only be used for programming constructs which allow them
 * (classes, properties, methods, defines, includes, globals).  See the
 * phpDocumentor documentation for more information.
 * The Javadoc Style Guide is an excellent resource for figuring out
 * how to say what needs to be said in docblock comments.  Much of what is
 * written here is a summary of what is found there, though there are some
 * cases where what's said here overrides what is said there.
 * The first line of any docblock is the summary.  Make them one short
 * sentence, without a period at the end.  Summaries for classes, properties
 * and constants should omit the subject and simply state the object,
 * because they are describing things rather than actions or behaviors.
 * Below are the tags commonly used for classes. @category through @version
 * are required.  The remainder should only be used when necessary.
 * Please use them in the order they appear here.  phpDocumentor has
 * several other tags available, feel free to use them.
 * @category   CategoryName
 * @package    PackageName
 * @author     Original Author <[email protected]>
 * @author     Another Author <[email protected]>
 * @copyright  1997-2005 The PHP Group
 * @license  PHP License 3.01
 * @version    Release: @package_version@
 * @link
 * @see        NetOther, Net_Sample::Net_Sample()
 * @since      Class available since Release 1.2.0
 * @deprecated Class deprecated in Release 2.0.0
class Net_Sample
    // {{{ properties

     * The status of foo's universe
     * Potential values are 'good', 'fair', 'poor' and 'unknown'.
     * @var string $foo
    public $foo = 'unknown';

     * The status of life
     * Note that names of private properties or methods must be
     * preceeded by an underscore.
     * @var bool $_good
    private $_good = true;

    // }}}
    // {{{ setFoo()

     * Registers the status of foo's universe
     * Summaries for methods should use 3rd person declarative rather
     * than 2nd person imperative, beginning with a verb phrase.
     * Summaries should add description beyond the method's name. The
     * best method names are "self-documenting", meaning they tell you
     * basically what the method does.  If the summary merely repeats
     * the method name in sentence form, it is not providing more
     * information.
     * Summary Examples:
     *   + Sets the label              (preferred)
     *   + Set the label               (avoid)
     *   + This method sets the label  (avoid)
     * Below are the tags commonly used for methods.  A @param tag is
     * required for each parameter the method has.  The @return
     * and @access tags are mandatory.  The @throws tag is required if
     * the method uses exceptions.  @static is required if the method can
     * be called statically.  The remainder should only be used when
     * necessary.  Please use them in the order they appear here.
     * phpDocumentor has several other tags available, feel free to use
     * them.
     * The @param tag contains the data type, then the parameter's
     * name, followed by a description.  By convention, the first noun in
     * the description is the data type of the parameter.  Articles like
     * "a", "an", and  "the" can precede the noun.  The descriptions
     * should start with a phrase.  If further description is necessary,
     * follow with sentences.  Having two spaces between the name and the
     * description aids readability.
     * When writing a phrase, do not capitalize and do not end with a
     * period:
     *   + the string to be tested
     * When writing a phrase followed by a sentence, do not capitalize the
     * phrase, but end it with a period to distinguish it from the start
     * of the next sentence:
     *   + the string to be tested. Must use UTF-8 encoding.
     * Return tags should contain the data type then a description of
     * the data returned.  The data type can be any of PHP's data types
     * (int, float, bool, string, array, object, resource, mixed)
     * and should contain the type primarily returned.  For example, if
     * a method returns an object when things work correctly but false
     * when an error happens, say 'object' rather than 'mixed.'  Use
     * 'void' if nothing is returned.
     * Here's an example of how to format examples:
     * <code>
     * require_once 'Net/Sample.php';
     * $s = new Net_Sample();
     * if (PEAR::isError($s)) {
     *     echo $s->getMessage() . "\n";
     * }
     * </code>
     * Here is an example for non-php example or sample:
     * <samp>
     * pear install net_sample
     * </samp>
     * @param string $arg1 the string to quote
     * @param int    $arg2 an integer of how many problems happened.
     *                     Indent to the description's starting point
     *                     for long ones.
     * @return int the integer of the set mode used. FALSE if foo
     *             foo could not be set.
     * @throws exceptionclass [description]
     * @access public
     * @static
     * @see Net_Sample::$foo, Net_Other::someMethod()
     * @since Method available since Release 1.2.0
     * @deprecated Method deprecated in Release 2.0.0
    function setFoo($arg1, $arg2 = 0)
         * This is a "Block Comment."  The format is the same as
         * Docblock Comments except there is only one asterisk at the
         * top.  phpDocumentor doesn't parse these.
        if ($arg1 == 'good' || $arg1 == 'fair') {
            $this->foo = $arg1;
            return 1;
        } elseif ($arg1 == 'poor' && $arg2 > 1) {
            $this->foo = 'poor';
            return 2;
        } else {
            return false;

    // }}}

// }}}

 * Local variables:
 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
 * End:


Source: PEAR Docblock Comment standards

"unary operator expected" error in Bash if condition

You can also set a default value for the variable, so you don't need to use two "[", which amounts to two processes ("[" is actually a program) instead of one.

It goes by this syntax: ${VARIABLE:-default}.

The whole thing has to be thought in such a way that this "default" value is something distinct from a "valid" value/content.

If that's not possible for some reason you probably need to add a step like checking if there's a value at all, along the lines of "if [ -z $VARIABLE ] ; then echo "the variable needs to be filled"", or "if [ ! -z $VARIABLE ] ; then #everything is fine, proceed with the rest of the script".

NullInjectorError: No provider for AngularFirestore

I had same issue and below is resolved.

Old Service Code:


Updated working Service Code:

  providedIn: 'root'

Jquery AJAX: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

Its a CORS issue, your api cannot be accessed directly from remote or different origin, In order to allow other ip address or other origins from accessing you api, you should add the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' on the api's header, you can set its value to '*' if you want it to be accessible to all, or you can set specific domain or ips like '' or 'http://192. ip address ';

Include this on your api's header, it may vary depending on how you are displaying json data,

if your using ajax, to retrieve and display data your header would look like this,

   url: '',
   headers: {  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': 'http://The web site allowed to access' },
   data: data,
   type: 'dataType',
   /* etc */
   success: function(jsondata){


How do you right-justify text in an HTML textbox?

Apply style="text-align: right" to the input tag. This will allow entry to be right-justified, and (at least in Firefox 3, IE 7 and Safari) will even appear to flow from the right.

Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window

try this

#ui-datepicker-div {
  z-index: 100000;

How to check if a file contains a specific string using Bash

grep -q "something" file
[[ !? -eq 0 ]] && echo "yes" || echo "no"

Entity Framework 6 Code first Default value

You can do it by manually edit code first migration:

public override void Up()
   AddColumn("dbo.Events", "Active", c => c.Boolean(nullable: false, defaultValue: true));

How to split the filename from a full path in batch?

Parse a filename from the fully qualified path name (e.g., c:\temp\my.bat) to any component (e.g., File.ext).

Single line of code:

For %%A in ("C:\Folder1\Folder2\File.ext") do (echo %%~fA)

You can change out "C:\Folder1\Folder2\File.ext" for any full path and change "%%~fA" for any of the other options you will find by running "for /?" at the command prompt.

Elaborated Code

set "filename=C:\Folder1\Folder2\File.ext"
For %%A in ("%filename%") do (
    echo full path: %%~fA
    echo drive: %%~dA
    echo path: %%~pA
    echo file name only: %%~nA
    echo extension only: %%~xA
    echo expanded path with short names: %%~sA
    echo attributes: %%~aA
    echo date and time: %%~tA
    echo size: %%~zA
    echo drive + path: %%~dpA
    echo name.ext: %%~nxA
    echo full path + short name: %%~fsA)

Standalone Batch Script
Save as C:\cmd\ParseFn.cmd.

Add C:\cmd to your PATH environment variable and use it to store all of you reusable batch scripts.

@echo off
@echo ::___________________________________________________________________::
@echo ::                                                                   ::
@echo ::                              ParseFn                              ::
@echo ::                                                                   ::
@echo ::                           Chris Advena                            ::
@echo ::___________________________________________________________________::

:: Process arguements
if "%~1%"=="/?" goto help
if "%~1%"=="" goto help
if "%~2%"=="/?" goto help
if "%~2%"=="" (
    echo !!! Error: ParseFn requires two inputs. !!!
    goto help)

set in=%~1%
set out=%~2%
:: echo "%in:~3,1%"   "%in:~0,1%"
if "%in:~3,1%"=="" (
    if "%in:~0,1%"=="/" (
    set in=%~2%
    set out=%~1%)

:: Parse filename
set "ret="
For %%A in ("%in%") do (
    if "%out%"=="/f" (set ret=%%~fA)
    if "%out%"=="/d" (set ret=%%~dA)
    if "%out%"=="/p" (set ret=%%~pA)
    if "%out%"=="/n" (set ret=%%~nA)
    if "%out%"=="/x" (set ret=%%~xA)
    if "%out%"=="/s" (set ret=%%~sA)
    if "%out%"=="/a" (set ret=%%~aA)
    if "%out%"=="/t" (set ret=%%~tA)
    if "%out%"=="/z" (set ret=%%~zA)
    if "%out%"=="/dp" (set ret=%%~dpA)
    if "%out%"=="/nx" (set ret=%%~nxA)
    if "%out%"=="/fs" (set ret=%%~fsA)
echo ParseFn result: %ret%

goto end
@echo off
:: @echo ::___________________________________________________________________::
:: @echo ::                                                                   ::
:: @echo ::                           ParseFn Help                            ::
:: @echo ::                                                                   ::
:: @echo ::                           Chris Advena                            ::
:: @echo ::___________________________________________________________________::
@echo ParseFn parses a fully qualified path name (e.g., c:\temp\my.bat)
@echo into the requested component, such as drive, path, filename, 
@echo extenstion, etc.
@echo Syntax: /switch filename
@echo where,
@echo   filename is a fully qualified path name including drive, 
@echo   folder(s), file name, and extension
@echo   Select only one switch:
@echo       /f - fully qualified path name
@echo       /d - drive letter only
@echo       /p - path only
@echo       /n - file name only
@echo       /x - extension only
@echo       /s - expanded path contains short names only
@echo       /a - attributes of file
@echo       /t - date/time of file
@echo       /z - size of file
@echo      /dp - drive + path
@echo      /nx - file name + extension
@echo      /fs - full path + short name

:: @echo ::___________________________________________________________________::
:: @echo ::                                                                   ::
:: @echo ::                         ParseFn finished                          ::
:: @echo ::___________________________________________________________________::
:: @echo.

Displaying the Indian currency symbol on a website

This can be sought of a temporary solution. Unicode has accepted U+20B9 as Indian rupee symbol soon all systems will update themselves

Add a "sort" to a =QUERY statement in Google Spreadsheets

You can use ORDER BY clause to sort data rows by values in columns. Something like

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C, D")

If you’d like to order by some columns descending, others ascending, you can add desc/asc, ie:

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C desc, D")

I am getting Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT with Google chrome

I noticed the same error as soon as I added Google Analytics and started testing on localhost.

I have both AdBlock as well as Ghostery... it actually (for me) wasn't AdBlock interfering - it was Ghostery. To "fix", in Ghostery settings, under "Analytics", uncheck Google Analytics.

Check if registry key exists using VBScript

The accepted answer is too long, other answers didn't work for me. I'm gonna leave this for future purpose.

Dim sKey, bFound
skey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\SecurityHealth"

with CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  on error resume next            ' turn off error trapping
    sValue = .regread(sKey)       ' read attempt
    bFound = (err.number = 0)     ' test for success
  on error goto 0                 ' restore error trapping
end with

If bFound Then
  MsgBox = "Registry Key Exist."
  MsgBox = "Nope, it doesn't exist."
End If

Here's the list of the Registry Tree, choose your own base on your current task.


Remove Rows From Data Frame where a Row matches a String

Just use the == with the negation symbol (!). If dtfm is the name of your data.frame:

dtfm[!dtfm$C == "Foo", ]

Or, to move the negation in the comparison:

dtfm[dtfm$C != "Foo", ]

Or, even shorter using subset():

subset(dtfm, C!="Foo")

sudo: docker-compose: command not found

On Ubuntu 16.04

Here's how I fixed this issue: Refer Docker Compose documentation

  1. sudo curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

  2. sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

After you do the curl command , it'll put docker-compose into the


which is not on the PATH. To fix it, create a symbolic link:

  1. sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose

And now if you do: docker-compose --version

You'll see that docker-compose is now on the PATH

PHP Get URL with Parameter

Finally found this method:


This will return all URLs with page name. (e.g.: index.php?id=1&name=rr&class=10).

How to position a CSS triangle using ::after?

Just add position:relative to the parent element .sidebar-resources-categories

explanation: the ::after elements position is based off of it's parent, in your example you probably had a parent element of the .sidebar-res... which had a set height, therefore it rendered just below it. Adding position relative to the .sidebar-res... makes the after elements move to 100% of it's parent which now becomes the .sidebar-res... because it's position is set to relative. I'm not sure how to explain it but it's expected behaviour.

read more on the subject:

dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required

This error raised up because you trying to update dict object by using a wrong sequence (list or tuple) structure.

cash_id.create(cr, uid, lines,context=None) trying to convert lines into dict object:

(0, 0, {
    'amount': l.amount,
    'type': l.type,
    'ref': l.ref,
    'note': l.note,

Remove the second zero from this tuple to properly convert it into a dict object.

To test it your self, try this into python shell:

>>> l=[(0,0,{'h':88})]
>>> a={}
>>> a.update(l)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required

>>> l=[(0,{'h':88})]
>>> a.update(l)

Why am I getting a FileNotFoundError?

You might need to change your path by:

import os
path=os.chdir(str('Here should be the path to your file')) #This command changes directory

This is what worked for me at least! Hope it works for you too!

Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed. Migration Checksum mismatch for migration 2

If you are sure that the modification in the SQL file has no impact on your existing schema, you can also update the checksum of the existing schema.

I did this following a slight change in the sql file.

Here is how I updated the checksum:

update flyway_schema_history set checksum = '-1934991199' where installed_rank = '1';

MSVCP140.dll missing

That's probably the C++ runtime library. Since it's a DLL it is not included in your program executable. Your friend can download those libraries from Microsoft.

TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' when using built-in set function

Sets remove duplicate items. In order to do that, the item can't change while in the set. Lists can change after being created, and are termed 'mutable'. You cannot put mutable things in a set.

Lists have an unmutable equivalent, called a 'tuple'. This is how you would write a piece of code that took a list of lists, removed duplicate lists, then sorted it in reverse.

result = sorted(set(map(tuple, my_list)), reverse=True)

Additional note: If a tuple contains a list, the tuple is still considered mutable.

Some examples:

>>> hash( tuple() )
>>> hash( dict() )

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>
    hash( dict() )
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
>>> hash( list() )

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in <module>
    hash( list() )
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

How to use android emulator for testing bluetooth application?

You can't. The emulator does not support Bluetooth, as mentioned in the SDK's docs and several other places. Android emulator does not have bluetooth capabilities".

You can only use real devices.

Emulator Limitations

The functional limitations of the emulator include:

  • No support for placing or receiving actual phone calls. However, You can simulate phone calls (placed and received) through the emulator console
  • No support for USB
  • No support for device-attached headphones
  • No support for determining SD card insert/eject
  • No support for WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC

Refer to the documentation

Using Rsync include and exclude options to include directory and file by pattern

Here's my "teach a person to fish" answer:

Rsync's syntax is definitely non-intuitive, but it is worth understanding.

  1. First, use -vvv to see the debug info for rsync.
$ rsync -nr -vvv --include="**/file_11*.jpg" --exclude="*" /Storage/uploads/ /website/uploads/

[sender] hiding directory 1280000000 because of pattern *
[sender] hiding directory 1260000000 because of pattern *
[sender] hiding directory 1270000000 because of pattern *

The key concept here is that rsync applies the include/exclude patterns for each directory recursively. As soon as the first include/exclude is matched, the processing stops.

The first directory it evaluates is /Storage/uploads. Storage/uploads has 1280000000/, 1260000000/, 1270000000/ dirs/files. None of them match file_11*.jpg to include. All of them match * to exclude. So they are excluded, and rsync ends.

  1. The solution is to include all dirs (*/) first. Then the first dir component will be 1260000000/, 1270000000/, 1280000000/ since they match */. The next dir component will be 1260000000/. In 1260000000/, file_11_00.jpg matches --include="file_11*.jpg", so it is included. And so forth.
$ rsync -nrv --include='*/' --include="file_11*.jpg" --exclude="*" /Storage/uploads/ /website/uploads/


Getting Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of undefined with bootstrap carousel script

For me, I changed class='carousel-item' to class='item' like this

<div class="item">
    <img class="img-responsive" src="..." alt="...">

Permanently adding a file path to sys.path in Python

There are a few ways. One of the simplest is to create a my-paths.pth file (as described here). This is just a file with the extension .pth that you put into your system site-packages directory. On each line of the file you put one directory name, so you can put a line in there with /path/to/the/ and it will add that directory to the path.

You could also use the PYTHONPATH environment variable, which is like the system PATH variable but contains directories that will be added to sys.path. See the documentation.

Note that no matter what you do, sys.path contains directories not files. You can't "add a file to sys.path". You always add its directory and then you can import the file.

jQuery get html of container including the container itself

var x = $($('div').html($('#container').clone())).html();

Make a URL-encoded POST request using `http.NewRequest(...)`

URL-encoded payload must be provided on the body parameter of the http.NewRequest(method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) method, as a type that implements io.Reader interface.

Based on the sample code:

package main

import (

func main() {
    apiUrl := ""
    resource := "/user/"
    data := url.Values{}
    data.Set("name", "foo")
    data.Set("surname", "bar")

    u, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(apiUrl)
    u.Path = resource
    urlStr := u.String() // ""

    client := &http.Client{}
    r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, urlStr, strings.NewReader(data.Encode())) // URL-encoded payload
    r.Header.Add("Authorization", "auth_token=\"XXXXXXX\"")
    r.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    r.Header.Add("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(data.Encode())))

    resp, _ := client.Do(r)

resp.Status is 200 OK this way.

How to implement a tree data-structure in Java?

There is no specific data structure in Java which suits to your requirements. Your requirements are quite specific and for that you need to design your own data structure. Looking at your requirements anyone can say that you need some kind of n-ary tree with some specific functionality. You can design your data structure in following way:

  1. Structure of the node of the tree would be like content in the node and list of children like: class Node { String value; List children;}
  2. You need to retrieve the children of a given string, so you can have 2 methods 1: Node searchNode(String str), will return the node that has the same value as given input (use BFS for searching) 2: List getChildren(String str): this method will internally call the searchNode to get the node having same string and then it will create the list of all string values of children and return.
  3. You will also be required to insert a string in tree. You will have to write one method say void insert(String parent, String value): this will again search the node having value equal to parent and then you can create a Node with given value and add to the list of children to the found parent.

I would suggest, you write structure of the node in one class like Class Node { String value; List children;} and all other methods like search, insert and getChildren in another NodeUtils class so that you can also pass the root of tree to perform operation on specific tree like: class NodeUtils{ public static Node search(Node root, String value){// perform BFS and return Node}

is it possible to add colors to python output?

IDLE's console does not support ANSI escape sequences, or any other form of escapes for coloring your output.

You can learn how to talk to IDLE's console directly instead of just treating it like normal stdout and printing to it (which is how it does things like color-coding your syntax), but that's pretty complicated. The idle documentation just tells you the basics of using IDLE itself, and its idlelib library has no documentation (well, there is a single line of documentation—"(New in 2.3) Support library for the IDLE development environment."—if you know where to find it, but that isn't very helpful). So, you need to either read the source, or do a whole lot of trial and error, to even get started.

Alternatively, you can run your script from the command line instead of from IDLE, in which case you can use whatever escape sequences your terminal handles. Most modern terminals will handle at least basic 16/8-color ANSI. Many will handle 16/16, or the expanded xterm-256 color sequences, or even full 24-bit colors. (I believe gnome-terminal is the default for Ubuntu, and in its default configuration it will handle xterm-256, but that's really a question for SuperUser or AskUbuntu.)

Learning to read the termcap entries to know which codes to enter is complicated… but if you only care about a single console—or are willing to just assume "almost everything handles basic 16/8-color ANSI, and anything that doesn't, I don't care about", you can ignore that part and just hardcode them based on, e.g., this page.

Once you know what you want to emit, it's just a matter of putting the codes in the strings before printing them.

But there are libraries that can make this all easier for you. One really nice library, which comes built in with Python, is curses. This lets you take over the terminal and do a full-screen GUI, with colors and spinning cursors and anything else you want. It is a little heavy-weight for simple uses, of course. Other libraries can be found by searching PyPI, as usual.

Getting user input

In python 3.x, use input() instead of raw_input()

How to add a char/int to an char array in C?

strcat has the declaration:

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src)

It expects 2 strings. While this compiles:

char str[1024] = "Hello World";
char tmp = '.';

strcat(str, tmp);

It will cause bad memory issues because strcat is looking for a null terminated cstring. You can do this:

char str[1024] = "Hello World";
char tmp[2] = ".";

strcat(str, tmp);

Live example.

If you really want to append a char you will need to make your own function. Something like this:

void append(char* s, char c) {
        int len = strlen(s);
        s[len] = c;
        s[len+1] = '\0';

append(str, tmp)

Of course you may also want to check your string size etc to make it memory safe.

Is there a way to select sibling nodes?

1) Add selected class to target element
2) Find all children of parent element excluding target element
3) Remove class from target element

 <div id = "outer">
            <div class="item" id="inner1">Div 1 </div>
            <div class="item" id="inner2">Div 2 </div>
            <div class="item" id="inner3">Div 3 </div>
            <div class="item" id="inner4">Div 4 </div>

function getSiblings(target) {
    let siblings = document.querySelecttorAll('#outer .item:not(.currentlySelected)')
return siblings

What is Hash and Range Primary Key?

@vnr you can retrieve all the sort keys associated with a partition key by just using the query using partion key. No need of scan. The point here is partition key is compulsory in a query . Sort key are used only to get range of data

Editable text to string

This code work correctly only when u put into button click because at that time user put values into editable text and then when user clicks button it fetch the data and convert into string

EditText dob=(EditText)findviewbyid(;
String  str=dob.getText().toString();

ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

I would recommend separating out all of the foreign-key constraints from your CREATE TABLE statements. Create all the tables first without FK constraints, and then create all the FK constraints once you have created the tables.

You can add an FK constraint to a table using SQL like the following:

  FOREIGN KEY (m_p_unique_id) REFERENCES library (m_p_unique_id);

In particular, your formats and library tables both have foreign-key constraints on one another. The two CREATE TABLE statements to create these two tables can never run successfully, as each will only work when the other table has already been created.

Separating out the constraint creation allows you to create tables with FK constraints on one another. Also, if you have an error with a constraint, only that constraint fails to be created. At present, because you have errors in the constraints in your CREATE TABLE statements, then entire table creation fails and you get various knock-on errors because FK constraints may depend on these tables that failed to create.

How to open a local disk file with JavaScript?

You can't. New browsers like Firefox, Safari etc. block the 'file' protocol. It will only work on old browsers.

You'll have to upload the files you want.

WPF Application that only has a tray icon

You have to use the NotifyIcon control from System.Windows.Forms, or alternatively you can use the Notify Icon API provided by Windows API. WPF Provides no such equivalent, and it has been requested on Microsoft Connect several times.

I have code on GitHub which uses System.Windows.Forms NotifyIcon Component from within a WPF application, the code can be viewed at

Here are the summary bits:

Create a WPF Window with ShowInTaskbar=False, and which is loaded in a non-Visible State.

At class-level:

private System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon notifyIcon = null;

During OnInitialize():

notifyIcon = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon();
notifyIcon.Click += new EventHandler(notifyIcon_Click);
notifyIcon.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(notifyIcon_DoubleClick);
notifyIcon.Icon = IconHandles["QuickLaunch"];

During OnLoaded():

notifyIcon.Visible = true;

And for interaction (shown as notifyIcon.Click and DoubleClick above):

void notifyIcon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

From here you can resume the use of WPF Controls and APIs such as context menus, pop-up windows, etc.

It's that simple. You don't exactly need a WPF Window to host to the component, it's just the most convenient way to introduce one into a WPF App (as a Window is generally the default entry point defined via App.xaml), likewise, you don't need a WPF Wrapper or 3rd party control, as the SWF component is guaranteed present in any .NET Framework installation which also has WPF support since it's part of the .NET Framework (which all current and future .NET Framework versions build upon.) To date, there is no indication from Microsoft that SWF support will be dropped from the .NET Framework anytime soon.

Hope that helps.

It's a little cheese that you have to use a pre-3.0 Framework Component to get a tray-icon, but understandably as Microsoft has explained it, there is no concept of a System Tray within the scope of WPF. WPF is a presentation technology, and Notification Icons are an Operating System (not a "Presentation") concept.

How to get height of entire document with JavaScript?

This is a really old question, and thus, has many outdated answers. As of 2020 all major browsers have adhered to the standard.

Answer for 2020:


Edit: the above doesn't take margins on the <body> tag into account. If your body has margins, use:


How to reload current page?

Without specifying the path you can do:

constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { }

reload() {
  this.router.routeReuseStrategy.shouldReuseRoute = () => false;
  this.router.onSameUrlNavigation = 'reload';
  this.router.navigate(['./'], { relativeTo: this.route });

And if you use query params you can do:

reload() {
  this.router.navigate(['./'], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve' });

Facebook Graph API : get larger pictures in one request

you do not need to pull 'picture' attribute though. there is much more convenient way, the only thing you need is userid, see example below;

p.s. type defines the size you want

plz keep in mind that using token with basic permissions, /me/friends will return list of friends only with id+name attributes

Removing spaces from string

Try this:

String urle = HOST + url + value;

Then return the values from:

urle.replace(" ", "%20").trim();

Get the filename of a fileupload in a document through JavaScript

To get only uploaded file Name use this,


FileUpload1 value contains fake path, that you probably don't want, to avoid that use split and pop last element from your file.

Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is ''

Rename the id of your ListView like this,

<ListView android:id="@android:id/list"

Since you are using ListActivity your xml file must specify the keyword android while mentioning to a ID.

If you need a custom ListView then instead of Extending a ListActivity, you have to simply extend an Activity and should have the same id without the keyword android.

Convert System.Drawing.Color to RGB and Hex Value

I'm failing to see the problem here. The code looks good to me.

The only thing I can think of is that the try/catch blocks are redundant -- Color is a struct and R, G, and B are bytes, so c can't be null and c.R.ToString(), c.G.ToString(), and c.B.ToString() can't actually fail (the only way I can see them failing is with a NullReferenceException, and none of them can actually be null).

You could clean the whole thing up using the following:

private static String HexConverter(System.Drawing.Color c)
    return "#" + c.R.ToString("X2") + c.G.ToString("X2") + c.B.ToString("X2");

private static String RGBConverter(System.Drawing.Color c)
    return "RGB(" + c.R.ToString() + "," + c.G.ToString() + "," + c.B.ToString() + ")";

What's the best way to join on the same table twice?

First, I would try and refactor these tables to get away from using phone numbers as natural keys. I am not a fan of natural keys and this is a great example why. Natural keys, especially things like phone numbers, can change and frequently so. Updating your database when that change happens will be a HUGE, error-prone headache. *

Method 1 as you describe it is your best bet though. It looks a bit terse due to the naming scheme and the short aliases but... aliasing is your friend when it comes to joining the same table multiple times or using subqueries etc.

I would just clean things up a bit:

SELECT t.PhoneNumber1, t.PhoneNumber2, 
   t1.SomeOtherFieldForPhone1, t2.someOtherFieldForPhone2
FROM Table1 t
JOIN Table2 t1 ON t1.PhoneNumber = t.PhoneNumber1
JOIN Table2 t2 ON t2.PhoneNumber = t.PhoneNumber2

What i did:

  • No need to specify INNER - it's implied by the fact that you don't specify LEFT or RIGHT
  • Don't n-suffix your primary lookup table
  • N-Suffix the table aliases that you will use multiple times to make it obvious

*One way DBAs avoid the headaches of updating natural keys is to not specify primary keys and foreign key constraints which further compounds the issues with poor db design. I've actually seen this more often than not.

See line breaks and carriage returns in editor

I suggest you to edit your .vimrc file, for running a list of commands. Edit your .vimrc file, like this :

cat >> ~/.vimrc <<EOF
set ffs=unix
set encoding=utf-8
set fileencoding=utf-8
set listchars=eol:¶
set list

When you're executing vim, the commands into .vimrc are executed, and you can see this example :

My line with CRLF eol here ^M¶

How to declare Global Variables in Excel VBA to be visible across the Workbook

You can do the following to learn/test the concept:

  1. Open new Excel Workbook and in Excel VBA editor right-click on Modules->Insert->Module

  2. In newly added Module1 add the declaration; Public Global1 As String

  3. in Worksheet VBA Module Sheet1(Sheet1) put the code snippet:

Sub setMe()
      Global1 = "Hello"
End Sub
  1. in Worksheet VBA Module Sheet2(Sheet2) put the code snippet:
Sub showMe()
    Debug.Print (Global1)
End Sub
  1. Run in sequence Sub setMe() and then Sub showMe() to test the global visibility/accessibility of the var Global1

Hope this will help.

Change WPF window background image in C# code

img.UriSource = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/images/" + fileName, UriKind.Absolute);

Detect change to selected date with bootstrap-datepicker


    todayBtn:  1,
    autoclose: true,
}).on('changeDate', function (selected) {
    var minDate = new Date(;
    $('#dateTo').datepicker('setStartDate', minDate);

    todayBtn:  1,
    autoclose: true,}) ;


Programmatically switching between tabs within Swift

If you want to do this from code that you are writing as part of a particular view controller, like in response to a button press or something, you can do this:

@IBAction func pushSearchButton(_ sender: UIButton?) {
    if let tabBarController = self.navigationController?.tabBarController  {
        tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1

And you can also add code to handle tab switching using the UITabBarControllerDelegate methods. Using tags on the base view controllers of each tab, you can see where you are and act accordingly: For example

func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
    // if we didn't change tabs, don't do anything
    if tabBarController.selectedViewController?.tabBarItem.tag ==  viewController.tabBarItem.tag {
        return false
    if viewController.tabBarItem.tag == 4096 { // some particular tab
        // do stuff appropriate for a transition to this particular tab
    else if viewController.tabBarItem.tag == 2048 { // some other tab
        // do stuff appropriate for a transition to this other tab

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

@Peter: This could work out for you-

echo "Start!";for p in $(cat ./pep); do
echo $p

This would return the output-


Your project path contains non-ASCII characters android studio

I did create a symbol link (c:\android-sdk) in windows 10 and resolved:
mklink /D "c:\android-sdk" "C:\Users\Clézio\android-sdk"

I want to get the type of a variable at runtime

i have tested that and it worked

val x = 9
def printType[T](x:T) :Unit = {println(x.getClass.toString())}

The system cannot find the file specified. in Visual Studio

Oh my days!!

Feel so embarrassed but it is my first day on the C++.

I was getting the error because of two things.

  1. I opened an empty project

  2. I didn't add #include "stdafx.h"

It ran successfully on the win 32 console.

How to view data saved in android database(SQLite)?

If you don't want to download anything, you can use sqlite3 tool which is provided with adb :

Examining sqlite3 databases from a remote shell

and :

Command Line Shell For SQLite

Smooth scrolling when clicking an anchor link

I'm surprised no one has posted a native solution that also takes care of updating the browser location hash to match. Here it is:

let anchorlinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]')
for (let item of anchorlinks) { // relitere 
    item.addEventListener('click', (e)=> {
        let hashval = item.getAttribute('href')
        let target = document.querySelector(hashval)
            behavior: 'smooth',
            block: 'start'
        history.pushState(null, null, hashval)

See tutorial:

For sites with sticky headers, scroll-padding-top CSS can be used to provide an offset.

How do I select a MySQL database through CLI?

Use the following steps to select the database:

mysql -u username -p

it will prompt for password, Please enter password. Now list all the databases

show databases;

select the database which you want to select using the command:

use databaseName;

select data from any table:

select * from tableName limit 10;

You can select your database using the command use photogallery; Thanks !

Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used

Update (June 2016): I now try to support touch and mouse input on every resolution, since the device landscape is slowly blurring the lines between what things are and aren't touch devices. iPad Pros are touch-only with the resolution of a 13" laptop. Windows laptops now frequently come with touch screens.

Other similar SO answers (see other answer on this question) might have different ways to try to figure out what sort of device the user is using, but none of them are fool-proof. I encourage you to check those answers out if you absolutely need to try to determine the device.

iPhones, for one, ignore the handheld query (Source). And I wouldn't be surprised if other smartphones do, too, for similar reasons.

The current best way that I use to detect a mobile device is to know its width and use the corresponding media query to catch it. That link there lists some popular ones. A quick Google search would yield you any others you might need, I'm sure.

For more iPhone-specific ones (such as Retina display), check out that first link I posted.

How do you do exponentiation in C?

pow only works on floating-point numbers (doubles, actually). If you want to take powers of integers, and the base isn't known to be an exponent of 2, you'll have to roll your own.

Usually the dumb way is good enough.

int power(int base, unsigned int exp) {
    int i, result = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < exp; i++)
        result *= base;
    return result;

Here's a recursive solution which takes O(log n) space and time instead of the easy O(1) space O(n) time:

int power(int base, int exp) {
    if (exp == 0)
        return 1;
    else if (exp % 2)
        return base * power(base, exp - 1);
    else {
        int temp = power(base, exp / 2);
        return temp * temp;

JavaFX Application Icon

stage.getIcons().add(new Image("/images/logo_only.png"));

It is good habit to make images folder in your src folder and get images from it.

Importing a Maven project into Eclipse from Git

I would perform a git clone via the command line (outside Eclipse) then use File -> Import... -> Existing Maven Projects.

Your projects will be understood as using Git and Maven. It's the fastest and most reliable way to import IMO.

Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: StartArray. Path

The first part of your question is a duplicate of Why do I get a JsonReaderException with this code?, but the most relevant part from that (my) answer is this:

[A] JObject isn't the elementary base type of everything in, but JToken is. So even though you could say,

object i = new int[0];

in C#, you can't say,

JObject i = JObject.Parse("[0, 0, 0]");


What you want is JArray.Parse, which will accept the array you're passing it (denoted by the opening [ in your API response). This is what the "StartArray" in the error message is telling you.

As for what happened when you used JArray, you're using arr instead of obj:

var rcvdData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LocationData>(arr /* <-- Here */.ToString(), settings);

Swap that, and I believe it should work.

Although I'd be tempted to deserialize arr directly as an IEnumerable<LocationData>, which would save some code and effort of looping through the array. If you aren't going to use the parsed version separately, it's best to avoid it.

how to get data from selected row from datagridview

To get the cell value, you need to read it directly from DataGridView1 using e.RowIndex and e.ColumnIndex properties.


Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
   Dim value As Object = DataGridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value

   If IsDBNull(value) Then 
      TextBox1.Text = "" ' blank if dbnull values
      TextBox1.Text = CType(value, String)
   End If
End Sub

Jquery $.ajax fails in IE on cross domain calls

Simply install this jQuery Plugin: jQuery Cross-Domain AJAX for IE8

This 1.4kb plugin works right away in Internet Explorer 8 and 9.

Include the plugin after jQuery, and call your ajax request as normal. Nothing else required.

How to split a string between letters and digits (or between digits and letters)?

If you are looking for solution without using Java String functionality (i.e. split, match, etc.) then the following should help:

List<String> splitString(String string) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        String token = "";
        char curr;
        for (int e = 0; e < string.length() + 1; e++) {
            if (e == 0)
                curr = string.charAt(0);
            else {
                curr = string.charAt(--e);

            if (isNumber(curr)) {
                while (e < string.length() && isNumber(string.charAt(e))) {
                    token += string.charAt(e++);
                token = "";
            } else {
                while (e < string.length() && !isNumber(string.charAt(e))) {
                    token += string.charAt(e++);
                token = "";


        return list;

boolean isNumber(char c) {
        return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

This solution will split numbers and 'words', where 'words' are strings that don't contain numbers. However, if you like to have only 'words' containing English letters then you can easily modify it by adding more conditions (like isNumber method call) depending on your requirements (for example you may wish to skip words that contain non English letters). Also note that the splitString method returns ArrayList which later can be converted to String array.

jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined (anonymous function)

I too had the "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined" with:

$.fn.circleType = function(options) {



But fixed it by wrapping it in a document ready function:

jQuery(document).ready.circleType = function(options) {



How to transfer data from JSP to servlet when submitting HTML form

Well, there are plenty of database tutorials online for java (what you're looking for is called JDBC). But if you are using plain servlets, you will have a class that extends HttpServlet and inside it you will have two methods that look like

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp){



public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp){


One of them is called to handle GET operations and another is used to handle POST operations. You will then use the HttpServletRequest object to get the parameters that were passed as part of the form like so:

String name = req.getParameter("name");

Then, once you have the data from the form, it's relatively easy to add it to a database using a JDBC tutorial that is widely available on the web. I also suggest searching for a basic Java servlet tutorial to get you started. It's very easy, although there are a number of steps that need to be configured correctly.

Finish all activities at a time

There is a finishAffinity() method in Activity that will finish the current activity and all parent activities, but it works only in Android 4.1 or higher.

For API 16+, use


For lower (Android 4.1 lower), use


How to see which flags -march=native will activate?

You can use the -Q --help=target options:

gcc -march=native -Q --help=target ...

The -v option may also be of use.

You can see the documentation on the --help option here.

How is OAuth 2 different from OAuth 1?

If you need some advanced explanation you need read both specifications :

If you need a clear explanation of flow differences , this could be help you:

OAuth 1.0 Flow

  1. Client application registers with provider, such as Twitter.
  2. Twitter provides client with a “consumer secret” unique to that application.
  3. Client app signs all OAuth requests to Twitter with its unique “consumer secret.”
  4. If any of the OAuth request is malformed, missing data, or signed improperly, the request will be rejected.

OAuth 2.0 Flow

  1. Client application registers with provider, such as Twitter.
  2. Twitter provides client with a “client secret” unique to that application.
  3. Client application includes “client secret” with every request commonly as http header.
  4. If any of the OAuth request is malformed, missing data, or contains the wrong secret, the request will be rejected.

Source :

Can PHP cURL retrieve response headers AND body in a single request?

If you specifically want the Content-Type, there's a special cURL option to retrieve it:

$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$content_type = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);

Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading?

Some people say that operator overloading in Java would lead to obsfuscation. Have those people ever stopped to look at some Java code doing some basic maths like increasing a financial value by a percentage using BigDecimal ? .... the verbosity of such an exercise becomes its own demonstration of obsfuscation. Ironically, adding operator overloading to Java would allow us to create our own Currency class which would make such mathematical code elegant and simple (less obsfuscated).

What Ruby IDE do you prefer?

On Mac OS X, TextMate is a godsend.

Using Ajax.BeginForm with ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor

Ajax forms work asynchronously using Javascript. So it is required, to load the script files for execution. Even though it's a small performance compromise, the execution happens without postback.

We need to understand the difference between the behaviours of both Html and Ajax forms.


  1. Won't redirect the form, even you do a RedirectAction().

  2. Will perform save, update and any modification operations asynchronously.


  1. Will redirect the form.

  2. Will perform operations both Synchronously and Asynchronously (With some extra code and care).

Demonstrated the differences with a POC in below link. Link

What is the most elegant way to check if all values in a boolean array are true?

OK. This is the "most elegant" solution I could come up with on the fly:

boolean allTrue = !Arrays.toString(myArray).contains("f");

Hope that helps!

Eclipse: Java was started but returned error code=13

My solution: Because all others did not work for me. I deleted the symlinks at C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath. this makes eclipse to run with the jre declared in the PATH. This is better for me because I want to develop Java with the JRE I chose, not the system JRE. Often you want to develop with older versions and such

How to convert array values to lowercase in PHP?

array_map() is the correct method. But, if you want to convert specific array values or all array values to lowercase one by one, you can use strtolower().

for($i=0; $i < count($array1); $i++) {
    $array1[$i] = strtolower($array1[$i]);

Getting the application's directory from a WPF application

One method:


Another way to do it would be:


Passing parameter using onclick or a click binding with KnockoutJS

Knockout's documentation also mentions a much cleaner way of passing extra parameters to functions bound using an on-click binding using function.bind like this:

<button data-bind="click: myFunction.bind($data, 'param1', 'param2')">
    Click me

Delete all files of specific type (extension) recursively down a directory using a batch file

I don't have enough reputation to add comment, so I posted this as an answer. But for original issue with this command:

@echo off
FOR %%p IN (C:\Users\vexe\Pictures\sample) DO FOR %%t IN (*.jpg) DO del /s %%p\%%t

The first For is lacking recursive syntax, it should be:

@echo off
FOR /R %%p IN (C:\Users\vexe\Pictures\sample) DO FOR %%t IN (*.jpg) DO del /s %%p\%%t

You can just do:

FOR %%p IN (C:\Users\0300092544\Downloads\Ces_Sce_600) DO @ECHO %%p

to show the actual output.

Examples of Algorithms which has O(1), O(n log n) and O(log n) complexities

O(1) - Deleting an element from a doubly linked list. e.g.

typedef struct _node {
    struct _node *next;
    struct _node *prev;
    int data;
} node;

void delete(node **head, node *to_delete)

Pass multiple optional parameters to a C# function

C# 4.0 also supports optional parameters, which could be useful in some other situations. See this article.

How to: "Separate table rows with a line"

You could use the border-bottom css property.

table {_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
table tr {_x000D_
  border-bottom: 1px solid black;_x000D_
table tr:last-child {_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_

Does MS SQL Server's "between" include the range boundaries?

It does includes boundaries.

declare @startDate date = cast('15-NOV-2016' as date) 
declare @endDate date = cast('30-NOV-2016' as date)
create table #test (c1 date)
insert into #test values(cast('15-NOV-2016' as date))
insert into #test values(cast('20-NOV-2016' as date))
insert into #test values(cast('30-NOV-2016' as date))
select * from #test where c1 between @startDate and @endDate
drop table #test
RESULT    c1

declare @r1 int  = 10
declare @r2 int  = 15
create table #test1 (c1 int)
insert into #test1 values(10)
insert into #test1 values(15)
insert into #test1 values(11)
select * from #test1 where c1 between @r1 and @r2
drop table #test1

Access cell value of datatable

You can also try (first cell in 4th column):


correct way to define class variables in Python

I think this sample explains the difference between the styles:

#!/usr/bin/env python

class MyClass:
    element1 = "Hello"

    def __init__(self):
        self.element2 = "World"

obj = MyClass()

print dir(MyClass)
print "--"
print dir(obj)
print "--"
print obj.element1 
print obj.element2
print MyClass.element1 + " " + MyClass.element2
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'element1']
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'element1', 'element2']
Hello World
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 17, in <module>
    print MyClass.element2
AttributeError: class MyClass has no attribute 'element2'

element1 is bound to the class, element2 is bound to an instance of the class.

How do I keep track of pip-installed packages in an Anaconda (Conda) environment?

I usually prefix the 'bin/pip' folder for the specific environment you want to install the package before the 'pip' command. For instance, if you would like to install pymc3 in the environment py34, you should use this command:

~/anaconda/envs/py34/bin/pip install git+ 

You basically just need to find the right path to your environment 'bin/pip' folder and put it before the install command.

How to git commit a single file/directory

Your arguments are in the wrong order. Try git commit -m 'my notes' path/to/my/file.ext, or if you want to be more explicit, git commit -m 'my notes' -- path/to/my/file.ext.

Incidentally, git v1.5.2.1 is 4.5 years old. You may want to update to a newer version ( is the current release).

LINQ Orderby Descending Query

You need to choose a Property to sort by and pass it as a lambda expression to OrderByDescending


.OrderByDescending(x => x.Delivery.SubmissionDate);

Really, though the first version of your LINQ statement should work. Is t.Delivery.SubmissionDate actually populated with valid dates?

Execute a command in command prompt using excel VBA

The S parameter does not do anything on its own.

/S      Modifies the treatment of string after /C or /K (see below) 
/C      Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates  
/K      Carries out the command specified by string but remains  

Try something like this instead

Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /K" & "perl c:\temp", vbNormalFocus)

You may not even need to add "cmd.exe" to this command unless you want a command window to open up when this is run. Shell should execute the command on its own.

Shell("perl c:\temp")

To wait for the command to finish you will have to do something like @Nate Hekman shows in his answer here

Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True
Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1

wsh.Run "cmd.exe /S /C perl c:\temp", windowStyle, waitOnReturn

ASP.Net MVC: How to display a byte array image from model

One way is to add this to a new c# class or HtmlExtensions class

public static class HtmlExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString Image(this HtmlHelper html, byte[] image)
        var img = String.Format("data:image/jpg;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(image));
        return new MvcHtmlString("<img src='" + img + "' />");

then you can do this in any view


What is the difference between typeof and instanceof and when should one be used vs. the other?


typeof is faster than instanceof in situations where both are applicable.

Depending on your engine, the performance difference in favor of typeof could be around 20%. (Your mileage may vary)

Here is a benchmark testing for Array:

var subject = new Array();
var iterations = 10000000;

var goBenchmark = function(callback, iterations) {
    var start =;
    for (i=0; i < iterations; i++) { var foo = callback(); }
    var end =;
    var seconds = parseFloat((end-start)/1000).toFixed(2);
    console.log(" took: "+ seconds +" seconds.");
    return seconds;

// Testing instanceof
var iot = goBenchmark(function instanceofTest(){
     (subject instanceof Array);
}, iterations);

// Testing typeof
var tot = goBenchmark(function typeofTest(){
     (typeof subject == "object");
}, iterations);

var r = new Array(iot,tot).sort();
console.log("Performance ratio is: "+ parseFloat(r[1]/r[0]).toFixed(3));


instanceofTest took: 9.98 seconds.
typeofTest took: 8.33 seconds.
Performance ratio is: 1.198

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

For this use below code in your app gradle file under android closure.

dexOptions { javaMaxHeapSize "4g" }

What is the command to exit a Console application in C#?

Console applications will exit when the main function has finished running. A "return" will achieve this.

    static void Main(string[] args)
        while (true)
            Console.WriteLine("I'm running!");
            return; //This will exit the console application's running thread

If you're returning an error code you can do it this way, which is accessible from functions outside of the initial thread:


Check if a path represents a file or a folder

Assuming path is your String.

File file = new File(path);

boolean exists =      file.exists();      // Check if the file exists
boolean isDirectory = file.isDirectory(); // Check if it's a directory
boolean isFile =      file.isFile();      // Check if it's a regular file

See File Javadoc

Or you can use the NIO class Files and check things like this:

Path file = new File(path).toPath();

boolean exists =      Files.exists(file);        // Check if the file exists
boolean isDirectory = Files.isDirectory(file);   // Check if it's a directory
boolean isFile =      Files.isRegularFile(file); // Check if it's a regular file

How can I remove a button or make it invisible in Android?

In order to access elements from another class you can simply use


Ruby on Rails generates model field:type - what are the options for field:type?

:primary_key, :string, :text, :integer, :float, :decimal, :datetime, :timestamp,
:time, :date, :binary, :boolean, :references

See the table definitions section.

pip or pip3 to install packages for Python 3?

If you had python 2.x and then installed python3, your pip will be pointing to pip3. you can verify that by typing pip --version which would be the same as pip3 --version.

On your system you have now pip, pip2 and pip3.

If you want you can change pip to point to pip2 instead of pip3.

How to force the input date format to dd/mm/yyyy?

No such thing. the input type=date will pick up whatever your system default is and show that in the GUI but will always store the value in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd). Beside be aware that not all browsers support this so it's not a good idea to depend on this input type yet.

If this is a corporate issue, force all the computer to use local regional format (dd-mm-yyyy) and your UI will show it in this format (see wufoo link before after changing your regional settings, you need to reopen the browser).

Your best bet is still to use JavaScript based component that will allow you to customize this to whatever you wish.

throwing exceptions out of a destructor

Set an alarm event. Typically alarm events are better form of notifying failure while cleaning up objects

Fixed digits after decimal with f-strings

a = 10.1234


in 0.2f:

  • 0 is telling python to put no limit on the total number of digits to display
  • .2 is saying that we want to take only 2 digits after decimal (the result will be same as a round() function)
  • f is telling that it's a float number. If you forget f then it will just print 1 less digit after the decimal. In this case, it will be only 1 digit after the decimal.

A detailed video on f-string for numbers

IOS - How to segue programmatically using swift

You can use NSNotification

Add a post method in your custom class:

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("NotificationIdentifier", object: nil)

Add an observer in your ViewController:

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "methodOFReceivedNotication:", name:"NotificationIdentifier", object: nil)

Add function in you ViewController:

func methodOFReceivedNotication(notification: NSNotification){
    self.performSegueWithIdentifier("yourIdentifierInStoryboard", sender: self)

How to fix a locale setting warning from Perl

For me, I fixed this error by editing the .bashrc file, adding exports. Add after the initial comments.

Add language support.

export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_TYPE=en_US.UTF-8

How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date?

Update: There are reports this no longer works in Chrome.

This is concise and does the job (obsolete):

$(".date-pick").datepicker('setDate', new Date());

This is less concise, utilizing chaining allows it to work in chrome (2019-06-04):

$(".date-pick").datepicker().datepicker('setDate', new Date());

Install msi with msiexec in a Specific Directory

Actually, both INSTALLPATH/TARGETDIR are correct. It depends on how MSI processes this.

I create a MSG using wixToolSet. In WXS file, there is "Directory" Node, which root dir maybe like the following:

<Directory Id="**TARGETDIR**" Name="SourceDir">;

As you can see: Id is which you should use.

Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?

The spec does not explicitly forbid or discourage it, so I would tend to say it is allowed.

Microsoft sees it the same way (I can hear murmuring in the audience), they state in the MSDN article about the DELETE Method of ADO.NET Data Services Framework:

If a DELETE request includes an entity body, the body is ignored [...]

Additionally here is what RFC2616 (HTTP 1.1) has to say in regard to requests:

  • an entity-body is only present when a message-body is present (section 7.2)
  • the presence of a message-body is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header (section 4.3)
  • a message-body must not be included when the specification of the request method does not allow sending an entity-body (section 4.3)
  • an entity-body is explicitly forbidden in TRACE requests only, all other request types are unrestricted (section 9, and 9.8 specifically)

For responses, this has been defined:

  • whether a message-body is included depends on both request method and response status (section 4.3)
  • a message-body is explicitly forbidden in responses to HEAD requests (section 9, and 9.4 specifically)
  • a message-body is explicitly forbidden in 1xx (informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) responses (section 4.3)
  • all other responses include a message-body, though it may be of zero length (section 4.3)

How do I do a multi-line string in node.js?

Multiline strings are a current part of JavaScript (since ES6) and are supported in node.js v4.0.0 and newer.

var text = `Lorem ipsum dolor 
sit amet, consectetur 
elit.  `;


Validate phone number using angular js

You can also use ng-pattern and I feel that will be a best practice. Similarly try to use ng-message. Please look the ng-pattern attribute on the following html. The code snippet is partial but hope you understand it.

angular.module('myApp', ['ngMessages']);
angular.module("myApp.controllers",[]).controller("registerCtrl", function($scope, Client) {
  $scope.ph_numbr = /^(\+?(\d{1}|\d{2}|\d{3})[- ]?)?\d{3}[- ]?\d{3}[- ]?\d{4}$/;
<form class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post" name="registration" novalidate>
  <div class="form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : ($invalid ||$pristine)}">
    <label for="inputPhone" class="col-sm-3 control-label">Phone :</label>
    <div class="col-sm-9">
      <input type="number" class="form-control" ng-pattern="ph_numbr"  id="inputPhone" name="phone" placeholder="Phone" ng-model="" ng-required="true">
      <div class="help-block" ng-messages="$error">
        <p ng-message="required">Phone number is required.</p>
        <p ng-message="pattern">Phone number is invalid.</p>

How to export SQL Server database to MySQL?

I had some data I had to get from mssql into mysql, had difficulty finding a solution. So what I did in the end (a bit of a long winded way to do it, but as a last resort it works) was:

  • Open the mssql database in sql server management studio express (I used 2005)
  • Open each table in turn and
  • Click the top left corner box to select whole table:

  • Copy data to clipboard (ctrl + v)

  • Open ms excel
  • Paste data from clipboard
  • Save excel file as .csv
  • Repeat the above for each table
  • You should now be able to import the data into mysql

Hope this helps

.htaccess not working on localhost with XAMPP



instead of <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling

please check the jquery mobile scrollstop event

  alert("Stopped scrolling!");

Firebase (FCM) how to get token

According to doc

Migrate a GCM client app to FCM


only Called if InstanceID token is updated

So it will call only at first time when you install an app to your device.

So I suggest please uninstall your app manually and try to run again

definitely you will get TOKEN

Url decode UTF-8 in Python

You can achieve an expected result with requests library as well:

import requests

url = ""

print(f"Before: {url}")
print(f"After:  {requests.utils.unquote(url)}")


$ python3


Might be handy if you are already using requests, without using another library for this job.

How can I hide the Android keyboard using JavaScript?

Just do a random click on any non input item. Keyboard will disappear.

Embed website into my site

**What's the best way to avoid a fixed size, i.e., to have the embedded website scale responsively to the browser's window size? I'd like to avoid scroll bars within my website. – CGFoX Feb 2 '19 at 15:52

**Is it possible to set width and height to percentages instead of absolute pixels? – CGFoX Mar 16 at 11:53

ANSWER: <embed src="" style="width:100%; height: 50vw;">

EditText non editable

android:editable="false" should work, but it is deprecated, you should be using android:inputType="none" instead.

Alternatively, if you want to do it in the code you could do this :

EditText mEdit = (EditText) findViewById(;

This is also a viable alternative :

EditText mEdit = (EditText) findViewById(;

If you're going to make your EditText non-editable, may I suggest using the TextView widget instead of the EditText, since using a EditText seems kind of pointless in that case.

EDIT: Altered some information since I've found that android:editable is deprecated, and you should use android:inputType="none", but there is a bug about it on android code; So please check this.

How to grant remote access to MySQL for a whole subnet?

EDIT: Consider looking at and upvoting Malvineous's answer on this page. Netmasks are a much more elegant solution.

Simply use a percent sign as a wildcard in the IP address.


You can specify wildcards in the host name. For example, user_name@'' applies to user_name for any host in the domain, and user_name@'192.168.1.%' applies to user_name for any host in the 192.168.1 class C subnet.

push object into array

I'm not really sure, but you can try some like this:

var pack = function( arr ) {
    var length = arr.length,
        result = {},

    for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        result[ ( i < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + ( i + 1 ) ] = arr[ i ];

    return result;

pack( [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] ); //{01: "one", 02: "two", 03: "three"}

Java Project: Failed to load ApplicationContext

Looks like you are using maven (src/main/java). In this case put the applicationContext.xml file in the src/main/resources directory. It will be copied in the classpath directory and you should be able to access it with


From the Spring-Documentation: A plain path, for example "context.xml", will be treated as a classpath resource from the same package in which the test class is defined. A path starting with a slash is treated as a fully qualified classpath location, for example "/org/example/config.xml".

So it's important that you add the slash when referencing the file in the root directory of the classpath.

If you work with the absolute file path you have to use 'file:C:...' (if I understand the documentation correctly).

Convert Text to Date?

Blast from the past but I think I found an easy answer to this. The following worked for me. I think it's the equivalent of selecting the cell hitting F2 and then hitting enter, which makes Excel recognize the text as a date.

Selection.Value = Selection.Value

How to run cron job every 2 hours

Just do:

0 */2 * * *  /home/username/ 

The 0 at the beginning means to run at the 0th minute. (If it were an *, the script would run every minute during every second hour.)

Don't forget, you can check syslog to see if it ever actually ran!

Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set

Instead of using np.hist2d, which in general produces quite ugly histograms, I would like to recycle py-sphviewer, a python package for rendering particle simulations using an adaptive smoothing kernel and that can be easily installed from pip (see webpage documentation). Consider the following code, which is based on the example:

import numpy as np
import numpy.random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sphviewer as sph

def myplot(x, y, nb=32, xsize=500, ysize=500):   
    xmin = np.min(x)
    xmax = np.max(x)
    ymin = np.min(y)
    ymax = np.max(y)

    x0 = (xmin+xmax)/2.
    y0 = (ymin+ymax)/2.

    pos = np.zeros([len(x),3])
    pos[:,0] = x
    pos[:,1] = y
    w = np.ones(len(x))

    P = sph.Particles(pos, w, nb=nb)
    S = sph.Scene(P)
    S.update_camera(r='infinity', x=x0, y=y0, z=0, 
                    xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize)
    R = sph.Render(S)
    img = R.get_image()
    extent = R.get_extent()
    for i, j in zip(xrange(4), [x0,x0,y0,y0]):
        extent[i] += j
    print extent
    return img, extent
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(222)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(223)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(224)

# Generate some test data
x = np.random.randn(1000)
y = np.random.randn(1000)

#Plotting a regular scatter plot
ax1.plot(x,y,'k.', markersize=5)

heatmap_16, extent_16 = myplot(x,y, nb=16)
heatmap_32, extent_32 = myplot(x,y, nb=32)
heatmap_64, extent_64 = myplot(x,y, nb=64)

ax2.imshow(heatmap_16, extent=extent_16, origin='lower', aspect='auto')
ax2.set_title("Smoothing over 16 neighbors")

ax3.imshow(heatmap_32, extent=extent_32, origin='lower', aspect='auto')
ax3.set_title("Smoothing over 32 neighbors")

#Make the heatmap using a smoothing over 64 neighbors
ax4.imshow(heatmap_64, extent=extent_64, origin='lower', aspect='auto')
ax4.set_title("Smoothing over 64 neighbors")

which produces the following image:

enter image description here

As you see, the images look pretty nice, and we are able to identify different substructures on it. These images are constructed spreading a given weight for every point within a certain domain, defined by the smoothing length, which in turns is given by the distance to the closer nb neighbor (I've chosen 16, 32 and 64 for the examples). So, higher density regions typically are spread over smaller regions compared to lower density regions.

The function myplot is just a very simple function that I've written in order to give the x,y data to py-sphviewer to do the magic.

How do I use a custom Serializer with Jackson?

These are behavior patterns I have noticed while trying to understand Jackson serialization.

1) Assume there is an object Classroom and a class Student. I've made everything public and final for ease.

public class Classroom {
    public final double double1 = 1234.5678;
    public final Double Double1 = 91011.1213;
    public final Student student1 = new Student();

public class Student {
    public final double double2 = 1920.2122;
    public final Double Double2 = 2324.2526;

2) Assume that these are the serializers we use for serializing the objects into JSON. The writeObjectField uses the object's own serializer if it is registered with the object mapper; if not, then it serializes it as a POJO. The writeNumberField exclusively only accepts primitives as arguments.

public class ClassroomSerializer extends StdSerializer<Classroom> {
    public ClassroomSerializer(Class<Classroom> t) {

    public void serialize(Classroom value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
        jgen.writeObjectField("double1-Object", value.double1);
        jgen.writeNumberField("double1-Number", value.double1);
        jgen.writeObjectField("Double1-Object", value.Double1);
        jgen.writeNumberField("Double1-Number", value.Double1);
        jgen.writeObjectField("student1", value.student1);

public class StudentSerializer extends StdSerializer<Student> {
    public StudentSerializer(Class<Student> t) {

    public void serialize(Student value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
        jgen.writeObjectField("double2-Object", value.double2);
        jgen.writeNumberField("double2-Number", value.double2);
        jgen.writeObjectField("Double2-Object", value.Double2);
        jgen.writeNumberField("Double2-Number", value.Double2);

3) Register only a DoubleSerializer with DecimalFormat output pattern ###,##0.000, in SimpleModule and the output is:

  "double1" : 1234.5678,
  "Double1" : {
    "value" : "91,011.121"
  "student1" : {
    "double2" : 1920.2122,
    "Double2" : {
      "value" : "2,324.253"

You can see that the POJO serialization differentiates between double and Double, using the DoubleSerialzer for Doubles and using a regular String format for doubles.

4) Register DoubleSerializer and ClassroomSerializer, without the StudentSerializer. We expect that the output is such that if we write a double as an object, it behaves like a Double, and if we write a Double as a number, it behaves like a double. The Student instance variable should be written as a POJO and follow the pattern above since it does not register.

  "double1-Object" : {
    "value" : "1,234.568"
  "double1-Number" : 1234.5678,
  "Double1-Object" : {
    "value" : "91,011.121"
  "Double1-Number" : 91011.1213,
  "student1" : {
    "double2" : 1920.2122,
    "Double2" : {
      "value" : "2,324.253"

5) Register all serializers. The output is:

  "double1-Object" : {
    "value" : "1,234.568"
  "double1-Number" : 1234.5678,
  "Double1-Object" : {
    "value" : "91,011.121"
  "Double1-Number" : 91011.1213,
  "student1" : {
    "double2-Object" : {
      "value" : "1,920.212"
    "double2-Number" : 1920.2122,
    "Double2-Object" : {
      "value" : "2,324.253"
    "Double2-Number" : 2324.2526

exactly as expected.

Another important note: If you have multiple serializers for the same class registered with the same Module, then the Module will select the serializer for that class that is most recently added to the list. This should not be used - it's confusing and I am not sure how consistent this is

Moral: if you want to customize serialization of primitives in your object, you must write your own serializer for the object. You cannot rely on the POJO Jackson serialization.

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

APC is going to be included in PHP 6, and I'd guess it has been chosen for good reason :)

It's fairly easy to install and certainly speeds things up.

How can I get all a form's values that would be submitted without submitting

Depending on the type of input types you're using on your form, you should be able to grab them using standard jQuery expressions.


// change forms[0] to the form you're trying to collect elements from...  or remove it, if you need all of them
var input_elements = $("input, textarea", document.forms[0]);

Check out the documentation for jQuery expressions on their site for more info:

Python integer division yields float

The accepted answer already mentions PEP 238. I just want to add a quick look behind the scenes for those interested in what's going on without reading the whole PEP.

Python maps operators like +, -, * and / to special functions, such that e.g. a + b is equivalent to


Regarding division in Python 2, there is by default only / which maps to __div__ and the result is dependent on the input types (e.g. int, float).

Python 2.2 introduced the __future__ feature division, which changed the division semantics the following way (TL;DR of PEP 238):

  • / maps to __truediv__ which must "return a reasonable approximation of the mathematical result of the division" (quote from PEP 238)
  • // maps to __floordiv__, which should return the floored result of /

With Python 3.0, the changes of PEP 238 became the default behaviour and there is no more special method __div__ in Python's object model.

If you want to use the same code in Python 2 and Python 3 use

from __future__ import division

and stick to the PEP 238 semantics of / and //.

Explicit vs implicit SQL joins

Performance wise, it should not make any difference. The explicit join syntax seems cleaner to me as it clearly defines relationships between tables in the from clause and does not clutter up the where clause.

Passing variables through handlebars partial

This can also be done in later versions of handlebars using the key=value notation:

 {{> mypartial foo='bar' }}

Allowing you to pass specific values to your partial context.

Reference: Context different for partial #182

IIS 500.19 with 0x80070005 The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid error

You need to assign permissions for IIS_IUSRS on the local machine (but you don't have to assign for IUSR, in fact it will work even if you explicitly deny permissions).

To assign permissions, just right click on the folder and on the security tab make sure to grant the correct permissions, and if the user is not listed then click "ADD", and enter IIS_IUSRS (and make sure that under "domain" the local computer is selected, or enter in the name field YourLocalComputerName\IIS_IUSRS), and then you are good to go.

If you want you can instead of assigning permissions to the IIS_IUSRS group, you can instead assign to the app pool which should in general be "IIS APPPOOL\ app pool name".

$.ajax - dataType

as per docs:

  • "json": Evaluates the response as JSON and returns a JavaScript object. In jQuery 1.4 the JSON data is parsed in a strict manner; any malformed JSON is rejected and a parse error is thrown. (See for more information on proper JSON formatting.)
  • "text": A plain text string.

No assembly found containing an OwinStartupAttribute Error

Add this code in web.config under the <configuration> tag as shown in image below. Your error should then be gone.

    <add key="owin:AutomaticAppStartup" value="false" />

Check Image Below

Jenkins Git Plugin: How to build specific tag?

I set the Advanced->Refspec field to refs/tags/[your tag name]. This seems simpler than the various other suggestions for Refspec, but it worked just fine for me.

UPDATE 23/7/2014 - Actually, after further testing, it turns out this didn't work as expected. It appears that the HEAD version was still being checked out. Please undo this as the accepted answer. I ended up getting a working solution by following the post from gotgenes in this thread (30th March). The issue mentioned in that post of unnecessary triggering of builds was not an issue for me, as my job is triggered from an upstream job, not from polling SCM.

UPDATE APR-2018 - Note in the comments that this does work for one person, and agrees with Jenkins documentation.

Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict

The thing about collations is that although the database has its own collation, every table, and every column can have its own collation. If not specified it takes the default of its parent object, but can be different.

When you change collation of the database, it will be the new default for all new tables and columns, but it doesn't change the collation of existing objects inside the database. You have to go and change manually the collation of every table and column.

Luckily there are scripts available on the internet that can do the job. I am not going to recommend any as I haven't tried them but here are few links:

Update Collation of all fields in database on the fly

If you need to have different collation on two objects or can't change collations - you can still JOIN between them using COLLATE command, and choosing the collation you want for join.

SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON A.Text = B.Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS 

or using default database collation:


How to detect Windows 64-bit platform with .NET?

I need to do this, but I also need to be able as an admin do it remotely, either case this seems to work quite nicely for me:

    public static bool is64bit(String host)
        using (var reg = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, host))
        using (var key = reg.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\"))
            return key.GetValue("ProgramFilesDir (x86)") !=null;

Tuning nginx worker_process to obtain 100k hits per min

Config file:

worker_processes  4;  # 2 * Number of CPUs

events {
    worker_connections  19000;  # It's the key to high performance - have a lot of connections available

worker_rlimit_nofile    20000;  # Each connection needs a filehandle (or 2 if you are proxying)

# Total amount of users you can serve = worker_processes * worker_connections

more info: Optimizing nginx for high traffic loads

Generate HTML table from 2D JavaScript array

If you don't mind jQuery, I am using this:

<table id="metaConfigTable">
    <caption>This is your target table</caption>


    function tabelajzing(a){ 
    // takes (key, value) pairs from and array and returns
    // corresponding html, i.e. [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6] ] 
      return [
        "<tr>\n<th>", (e, i) {
          return e.join("</th>\n<td>")

      tabelajzing( [ [1,2],[3,4],[5,6] ])

SQL Server - calculate elapsed time between two datetime stamps in HH:MM:SS format


SELECT @StartTime = '2013-03-08 08:00:00', @EndTime = '2013-03-08 08:30:00'

SELECT CAST(@EndTime - @StartTime AS TIME)

Result: 00:30:00.0000000

Format result as you see fit.

Disabling buttons on react native

Use disabled true property

<TouchableOpacity disabled={true}> </TouchableOpacity>

Superscript in CSS only?

I was working on a page with the aim of having clearly legible text, with superscript elements NOT changing the line's top and bottom margins - with the following observations:

If for your main text you have line-height: 1.5em for example, you should reduce the line-height of your superscript text for it to appear correctly. I used line-height: 0.5em.

Also, vertical-align: super works well in most browsers but in IE8 when you have a superscript element present, the rest of that line is pushed down. So instead I used vertical-align: baseline together with a negative top and position: relative to achieve the same effect, which seems to work better across browsers.

So, to add to the "homegrown implementations":

.superscript {
    font-size: .83em;
    line-height: 0.5em;
    vertical-align: baseline;
    position: relative;
    top: -0.4em;

Loop through all the resources in a .resx file

Blogged about it on my blog :) Short version is, to find the full names of the resources(unless you already know them):

var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

foreach (var resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())

To use all of them for something:

foreach (var resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
    using(var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
        // Do something with stream

To use resources in other assemblies than the executing one, you'd just get a different assembly object by using some of the other static methods of the Assembly class. Hope it helps :)

How to get a Char from an ASCII Character Code in c#

Two options:

char c1 = '\u0001';
char c1 = (char) 1;

Install numpy on python3.3 - Install pip for python3

From the terminal run:

  sudo apt-get install python3-numpy

This package contains Numpy for Python 3.

For scipy:

 sudo apt-get install python3-scipy

For for plotting graphs use pylab:

 sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib

Count the number of occurrences of a string in a VARCHAR field?

This should do the trick:

    ROUND (   
            - LENGTH( REPLACE ( description, "value", "") ) 
        ) / LENGTH("value")        
    ) AS count    
FROM <table> 

How to make parent wait for all child processes to finish?

Use waitpid() like this:

pid_t childPid;  // the child process that the execution will soon run inside of. 
childPid = fork();

if(childPid == 0)  // fork succeeded 
   // Do something   

else if(childPid < 0)  // fork failed 
   // log the error

else  // Main (parent) process after fork succeeds 
    int returnStatus;    
    waitpid(childPid, &returnStatus, 0);  // Parent process waits here for child to terminate.

    if (returnStatus == 0)  // Verify child process terminated without error.  
       printf("The child process terminated normally.");    

    if (returnStatus == 1)      
       printf("The child process terminated with an error!.");    

Spring Data JPA map the native query result to Non-Entity POJO

Assuming GroupDetails as in orid's answer have you tried JPA 2.1 @ConstructorResult?


@NamedNativeQuery(name="getGroupDetails", query="SELECT g.*, gm.* FROM group g LEFT JOIN group_members gm ON g.group_id = gm.group_id and gm.user_id = :userId WHERE g.group_id = :groupId", resultSetMapping="groupDetailsMapping")

and use following in repository interface:

GroupDetails getGroupDetails(@Param("userId") Integer userId, @Param("groupId") Integer groupId);

According to Spring Data JPA documentation, spring will first try to find named query matching your method name - so by using @NamedNativeQuery, @SqlResultSetMapping and @ConstructorResult you should be able to achieve that behaviour

Printing newlines with print() in R

You can do this:

cat("File not supplied.\nUsage: ./program F=filename\n")

Notice that cat has a return value of NULL.

Change color of Back button in navigation bar

For Swift 2.0, To change the Navigation-bar tint color, title text and back button tint color changed by using the following in AppDelegate.swift

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

  // Override point for customization after application launch.

    //Navigation bar tint color change

    UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = UIColor(red: 42/255.0, green: 140/255.0, blue: 166/255.0, alpha: 0.5)

    //Back button tint color change

    UINavigationBar.appearance().barStyle = UIBarStyle.Default
    UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor =  UIColor(red: 204/255.0, green: 255/255.0, blue: 204/255.0, alpha: 1)

    //Navigation Menu font tint color change

    UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor(red: 204/255.0, green: 255/255.0, blue: 204/255.0, alpha: 1), NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "OpenSans-Bold", size: 25)!]//UIColor(red: 42/255.0, green: 140/255.0, blue: 166/255.0, alpha: 1.0)

    UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyle.LightContent

    return true

How to make cross domain request

Do a cross-domain AJAX call

Your web-service must support method injection in order to do JSONP.

Your code seems fine and it should work if your web services and your web application hosted in the same domain.

When you do a $.ajax with dataType: 'jsonp' meaning that jQuery is actually adding a new parameter to the query URL.

For instance, if your URL is then jQuery will add ?callback={some_random_dynamically_generated_method}.

This method is more kind of a proxy actually attached in window object. This is nothing specific but does look something like this:

window.some_random_dynamically_generated_method = function(actualJsonpData) {
    //here actually has reference to the success function mentioned with $.ajax
    //so it just calls the success method like this: 

Check the following for more information

Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery