Programs & Examples On #Blogml

BlogML is an open XML standard for describing the contents of a blog.

Error:Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt

Go to "File" in android studio, Click "invalidate caches/Restart" and "Invalidate and Restart"

That also works

Mvn install or Mvn package

If you're not using a remote repository (like artifactory), use plain old: mvn clean install

Pretty old topic but AFAIK, if you run your own repository (eg: with artifactory) to share jar among your team(s), you might want to use

mvn clean deploy


This way, your continuous integration server can be sure that all dependencies are correctly pushed into your remote repository. If you missed one, mvn will not be able to find it into your CI local m2 repository.

What is a handle in C++?

A handle is a sort of pointer in that it is typically a way of referencing some entity.

It would be more accurate to say that a pointer is one type of handle, but not all handles are pointers.

For example, a handle may also be some index into an in memory table, which corresponds to an entry that itself contains a pointer to some object.

The key thing is that when you have a "handle", you neither know nor care how that handle actually ends up identifying the thing that it identifies, all you need to know is that it does.

It should also be obvious that there is no single answer to "what exactly is a handle", because handles to different things, even in the same system, may be implemented in different ways "under the hood". But you shouldn't need to be concerned with those differences.

Bootstrap 3 Multi-column within a single ul not floating properly

Thanks, Varun Rathore. It works perfectly!

For those who want graceful collapse from 4 items per row to 2 items per row depending on the screen width:

<ul class="list-group row">
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_1</li>
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_2</li>
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_3</li>
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_4</li>
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_5</li>
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_6</li>
    <li class="list-group-item col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3">Cell_7</li>

CSS:Defining Styles for input elements inside a div

When you say "called" I'm going to assume you mean an ID tag.

To make it cross-brower, I wouldn't suggest using the CSS3 [], although it is an option. This being said, give each of your textboxes a class like "tb" and the radio button "rb".


#divContainer .tb { width: 150px }
#divContainer .rb { width: 20px }

This assumes you are using the same classes elsewhere, if not, this will suffice:

.tb { width: 150px }
.rb { width: 20px }

As @David mentioned, to access anything within the division itself:

#divContainer [element] { ... }

Where [element] is whatever HTML element you need.

Pylint "unresolved import" error in Visual Studio Code

Alternative way: use the command interface!

Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P ? Python: Select Interpreter ? choose the one with the packages you look for:

Enter image description here

web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true

I encountered this issue in eclipse only, everything worked fine in Maven command line, and my web.xml file existed. It was a mature project (already deployed out in production) that was impacted. My problem was tied to the eclipse metadata. There was an issue with one of the files in my .settings/ folder, specifically org.eclipse.wst.common.component had been changed. I was able to restore this file to its prior version, which resolved the issue in my case.

Note that Yuci's answer did not work for me, when I tried to click on Deployment Assembly in the eclipse properties, I got an error that said "the currently displayed page contains invalid values."

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

I just wanted to know if the dictionary i was going to try to pull data from had data in it in the first place, this seems to be simplest way.

d = {}


#should return

d = {'hello':'world'}


#should return

Open an image using URI in Android's default gallery image viewer

My solution

Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+"/your_app_folder/"+"your_picture_saved_name"+".png")), "image/*");

SQL Order By Count

You need to aggregate the data first, this can be done using the GROUP BY clause:

FROM table

The DESC keyword allows you to show the highest count first, ORDER BY by default orders in ascending order which would show the lowest count first.

Convert R vector to string vector of 1 element

Use the collapse argument to paste:

paste(a,collapse=" ")
[1] "aa bb cc"

JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

return response;

After that get the response we need to parse this By:

JSONObject myObj=new JSONObject(response);

On response there is no need for double quotes.

Update a local branch with the changes from a tracked remote branch

You don't use the : syntax - pull always modifies the currently checked-out branch. Thus:

git pull origin my_remote_branch

while you have my_local_branch checked out will do what you want.

Since you already have the tracking branch set, you don't even need to specify - you could just do...

git pull

while you have my_local_branch checked out, and it will update from the tracked branch.

Java: Local variable mi defined in an enclosing scope must be final or effectively final

One solution is to create a named class instead of using an anonymous class. Give that named class a constructor that takes whatever parameters you wish and assigns them to class fields:

class MenuActionListener implements ActionListener {
    private Color kolorIkony;

    public MenuActionListener(Color kolorIkony) {
        this.kolorIkony = kolorIkony

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem) e.getSource();
        IconA icon = (IconA) item.getIcon();
        // Use the class field here

Now you can create an instance of this class as usual:

Jmi.addActionListener(new MenuActionListener(getColor(colors[mi]));

Apache server keeps crashing, "caught SIGTERM, shutting down"

try to disable the rewrite module in ubuntu using sudo a2dismod rewrite. This will perhaps stop your apache server to crash.

Get current index from foreach loop

Use Enumerable.Select<TSource, TResult> Method (IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Int32, TResult>)

list = list.Cast<object>().Select( (v, i) => new {Value= v, Index = i});

foreach(var row in list)
    bool IsChecked = (bool)((CheckBox)DataGridDetail.Columns[0].GetCellContent(row.Value)).IsChecked;
    row.Index ...

How to encrypt a large file in openssl using public key

I found the instructions at useful.

To paraphrase the linked site with filenames from your example:

Generate a symmetric key because you can encrypt large files with it

openssl rand -base64 32 > key.bin

Encrypt the large file using the symmetric key

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in myLargeFile.xml \
  -out myLargeFile.xml.enc -pass file:./key.bin

Encrypt the symmetric key so you can safely send it to the other person

openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public.pem -pubin -in key.bin -out key.bin.enc

Destroy the un-encrypted symmetric key so nobody finds it

shred -u key.bin

At this point, you send the encrypted symmetric key (key.bin.enc) and the encrypted large file (myLargeFile.xml.enc) to the other person

The other person can then decrypt the symmetric key with their private key using

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private.pem -in key.bin.enc -out key.bin

Now they can use the symmetric key to decrypt the file

openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in myLargeFile.xml.enc \
  -out myLargeFile.xml -pass file:./key.bin

And you're done. The other person has the decrypted file and it was safely sent.

How do I read / convert an InputStream into a String in Java?

In terms of reduce, and concat it can be expressed in Java 8 as:

String fromFile = new BufferedReader(new   

How can I count the occurrences of a list item?

 def Test(l):   
        global count 
        if len(l)==0:
             return count
        for i in l:
             if type(i) is list:
        return count   

this will recursive count or search for the item in the list even if it in list of lists

Threading pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?

Hi to use the thread pool in Python you can use this library :

from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool

and then for use, this library do like that :

pool = ThreadPool(threads)
results =, tasks)
return results

The threads are the number of threads that you want and tasks are a list of task that most map to the service.

What is this Javascript "require"?

You know how when you are running JavaScript in the browser, you have access to variables like "window" or Math? You do not have to declare these variables, they have been written for you to use whenever you want.

Well, when you are running a file in the Node.js environment, there is a variable that you can use. It is called "module" It is an object. It has a property called "exports." And it works like this:

In a file that we will name example.js, you write:


module.exports = "some code";

Now, you want this string "some code" in another file.

We will name the other file otherFile.js

In this file, you write:


let str = require('./example.js')

That require() statement goes to the file that you put inside of it, finds whatever data is stored on the module.exports property. The let str = ... part of your code means that whatever that require statement returns is stored to the str variable.

So, in this example, the end-result is that in otherFile.js you now have this:

let string = "some code";

  • or -

let str = ('./example.js').module.exports


the file-name that is written inside of the require statement: If it is a local file, it should be the file-path to example.js. Also, the .js extension is added by default, so I didn't have to write it.

You do something similar when requiring node.js libraries, such as Express. In the express.js file, there is an object named 'module', with a property named 'exports'.

So, it looks something like along these lines, under the hood (I am somewhat of a beginner so some of these details might not be exact, but it's to show the concept:


module.exports = function() {
    //It returns an object with all of the server methods
    return {
        listen: function(port){},
        get: function(route, function(req, res){}){}

If you are requiring a module, it looks like this: const moduleName = require("module-name");

If you are requiring a local file, it looks like this: const localFile = require("./path/to/local-file");

(notice the ./ at the beginning of the file name)

Also note that by default, the export is an object .. eg module.exports = {} So, you can write module.exports.myfunction = () => {} before assigning a value to the module.exports. But you can also replace the object by writing module.exports = "I am not an object anymore."

Jquery Smooth Scroll To DIV - Using ID value from Link

You can do this:

$('.searchbychar').click(function () {
    var divID = '#' +;
    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $(divID).offset().top
    }, 2000);


  • You need to prefix a class name with a . (dot) like in your first line of code.
  • $( 'searchbychar' ).click(function() {
  • Also, your code $('.searchbychar').attr('id') will return a string ID not a jQuery object. Hence, you can not apply .offset() method to it.

How to send POST request?

If you really want to handle with HTTP using Python, I highly recommend Requests: HTTP for Humans. The POST quickstart adapted to your question is:

>>> import requests
>>> r ="", data={'number': 12524, 'type': 'issue', 'action': 'show'})
>>> print(r.status_code, r.reason)
200 OK
>>> print(r.text[:300] + '...')

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
Issue 12524: change httplib docs POST example - Python tracker

<link rel="shortcut i...

Server is already running in Rails

TL;DR Just Run this command to Kill it

sudo kill -9 $(lsof -i :3000 -t)

Root Cause: Because PID is locked in a file and web server thinks that if that file exists then it means it is already running. Normally when a web server is closed that file is deleted, but in some cases, proper deletion doesn't happen so you have to remove the file manually New Solutions

when you run rails s

=> Booting WEBrick

=> Rails 4.0.4 application starting in development on

=> Run rails server -h for more startup options

=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server

A server is already running. Check /your_project_path/tmp/pids/ Exiting

So place your path shown here /your_project_path/tmp/pids/

and remove this file:

rm /your_project_path/tmp/pids/

OR Incase you're server was detached then follow below guidelines:

If you detached you rails server by using command "rails -d" then,

Remove rails detached server by using command

ps -aef | grep rails

OR by this command

sudo lsof -wni tcp:3000


kill -9 pID

OR use this command

To find and kill process by port name on which that program is running. For 3000 replace port on which your program is running.

sudo kill -9 $(lsof -i :3000 -t)

Old Solution:

rails s -p 4000 -P tmp/pids/

Also you can find this post for more options Rails Update to 3.2.11 breaks running multiple servers

What's the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript?

window.location is the more reliably consistent of the two, considering older browsers.

How to do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL?

You can do the following:

    table1 t1
        LEFT JOIN
    table2 t2 ON =
    table1 t1
        RIGHT JOIN
    table2 t2 ON =

List of macOS text editors and code editors

Best open source one is Smultron in my opinion, but it doesn't a torch to TextMate.

Git - What is the difference between push.default "matching" and "simple"

Git v2.0 Release Notes

Backward compatibility notes

When git push [$there] does not say what to push, we have used the traditional "matching" semantics so far (all your branches were sent to the remote as long as there already are branches of the same name over there). In Git 2.0, the default is now the "simple" semantics, which pushes:

  • only the current branch to the branch with the same name, and only when the current branch is set to integrate with that remote branch, if you are pushing to the same remote as you fetch from; or

  • only the current branch to the branch with the same name, if you are pushing to a remote that is not where you usually fetch from.

You can use the configuration variable "push.default" to change this. If you are an old-timer who wants to keep using the "matching" semantics, you can set the variable to "matching", for example. Read the documentation for other possibilities.

When git add -u and git add -A are run inside a subdirectory without specifying which paths to add on the command line, they operate on the entire tree for consistency with git commit -a and other commands (these commands used to operate only on the current subdirectory). Say git add -u . or git add -A . if you want to limit the operation to the current directory.

git add <path> is the same as git add -A <path> now, so that git add dir/ will notice paths you removed from the directory and record the removal. In older versions of Git, git add <path> used to ignore removals. You can say git add --ignore-removal <path> to add only added or modified paths in <path>, if you really want to.

How to script FTP upload and download?

Batch files don't work that way. They don't just "type" everything - they run system commands, in this case ftp, wait for them to return, and run the next command... so in this case, the interpreter is simply waiting for ftp to exit.

If you must use the ftp command, then prepare a script file (for example, commands.txt and run ftp -s:commands.txt.

But using cURL, or a PHP/Perl/Python/whatever script may be a better idea.

can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

In this line:

fund = fund * (1 + 0.01 * growthRates) + depositPerYear

growthRates is a sequence ([3,4,5,0,3]). You can't multiply that sequence by a float (0.1). It looks like what you wanted to put there was i.

Incidentally, i is not a great name for that variable. Consider something more descriptive, like growthRate or rate.

data.frame Group By column

Using dplyr:

df <- data.frame(A = c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3), B = c(2, 3, 3, 5, 6))
df %>% group_by(A) %>% summarise(B = sum(B))

## Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
##   A  B
## 1 1  5
## 2 2  3
## 3 3 11

With sqldf:


Random record from MongoDB

When I was faced with a similar solution, I backtracked and found that the business request was actually for creating some form of rotation of the inventory being presented. In that case, there are much better options, which have answers from search engines like Solr, not data stores like MongoDB.

In short, with the requirement to "intelligently rotate" content, what we should do instead of a random number across all of the documents is to include a personal q score modifier. To implement this yourself, assuming a small population of users, you can store a document per user that has the productId, impression count, click-through count, last seen date, and whatever other factors the business finds as being meaningful to compute a q score modifier. When retrieving the set to display, typically you request more documents from the data store than requested by the end user, then apply the q score modifier, take the number of records requested by the end user, then randomize the page of results, a tiny set, so simply sort the documents in the application layer (in memory).

If the universe of users is too large, you can categorize users into behavior groups and index by behavior group rather than user.

If the universe of products is small enough, you can create an index per user.

I have found this technique to be much more efficient, but more importantly more effective in creating a relevant, worthwhile experience of using the software solution.

MySQL: ERROR 1227 (42000): Access denied - Cannot CREATE USER

First thing to do is run this:


You will quickly see you were assigned the anonymous user to authenticate into mysql.

Instead of logging into mysql with


login like this:

mysql -uroot

By default, root@localhost has all rights and no password.

If you cannot login as root without a password, do the following:

Step 01) Add the two options in the mysqld section of my.ini:


Step 02) Restart mysql

net stop mysql
<wait 10 seconds>
net start mysql

Step 03) Connect to mysql


Step 04) Create a password from root@localhost

UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password('whateverpasswordyoulike')
WHERE user='root' AND host='localhost';

Step 05) Restart mysql

net stop mysql
<wait 10 seconds>
net start mysql

Step 06) Login as root with password

mysql -u root -p

You should be good from there.

CAVEAT: Please remove anonymous users !!!

xcode-select active developer directory error

In my case,

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ 

didn't work because my Xcode had some special name. eg)

cd /applications

Then I found my Xcode name, then replace it with

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/{myXcodeName}.app/Contents/Developer 

It worked for me.

Using Razor within JavaScript

The following solution seems more accurate to me than combine JavaScript with Razor. Check this out:

You can add almost any complex data to ViewBag.Ngon and access it in JavaScript

In the controller:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        var person = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Age = 30 };
        ViewBag.NGon.Person = person;
        return View();

In JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("#button").click(function () {
            var person = ngon.Person;
            var div = $("#output");
            div.append("FirstName: " + person.FirstName);
            div.append(", LastName: " + person.LastName);
            div.append(", Age: " + person.Age);

It's allows any plain old CLR objects (POCOs) that can be serialized using the default JavascriptSerializer.

Better solution without exluding fields from Binding

You should not use your domain models in your views. ViewModels are the correct way to do it.

You need to map your domain model's necessary fields to viewmodel and then use this viewmodel in your controllers. This way you will have the necessery abstraction in your application.

If you never heard of viewmodels, take a look at this.

How to convert String to DOM Document object in java?

you can try

DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
InputSource is = new InputSource();
is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader("<root><node1></node1></root>"));

Document doc = db.parse(is);

refer this

What is a clean, Pythonic way to have multiple constructors in Python?

Those are good ideas for your implementation, but if you are presenting a cheese making interface to a user. They don't care how many holes the cheese has or what internals go into making cheese. The user of your code just wants "gouda" or "parmesean" right?

So why not do this:

from cheeses import make_gouda, make_parmesean

gouda = make_gouda()
paremesean = make_parmesean()

And then you can use any of the methods above to actually implement the functions:

class Cheese(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        #args -- tuple of anonymous arguments
        #kwargs -- dictionary of named arguments
        self.num_holes = kwargs.get('num_holes',random_holes())

def make_gouda():
    return Cheese()

def make_paremesean():
    return Cheese(num_holes=15)

This is a good encapsulation technique, and I think it is more Pythonic. To me this way of doing things fits more in line more with duck typing. You are simply asking for a gouda object and you don't really care what class it is.

How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?

I did write an app using Location services, app must send location every 10s. And it worked very well.

Just use the "allowDeferredLocationUpdatesUntilTraveled:timeout" method, following Apple's doc.

What I did are:

Required: Register background mode for update Location.

1. Create LocationManger and startUpdatingLocation, with accuracy and filteredDistance as whatever you want:

-(void) initLocationManager    
    // Create the manager object
    self.locationManager = [[[CLLocationManager alloc] init] autorelease];
    _locationManager.delegate = self;
    // This is the most important property to set for the manager. It ultimately determines how the manager will
    // attempt to acquire location and thus, the amount of power that will be consumed.
    _locationManager.desiredAccuracy = 45;
    _locationManager.distanceFilter = 100;
    // Once configured, the location manager must be "started".
    [_locationManager startUpdatingLocation];

2. To keep app run forever using allowDeferredLocationUpdatesUntilTraveled:timeout method in background, you must restart updatingLocation with new parameter when app moves to background, like this:

- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application {
     _isBackgroundMode = YES;

    [_locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
    [_locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyBest];
    [_locationManager setDistanceFilter:kCLDistanceFilterNone];
    _locationManager.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = NO;
    _locationManager.activityType = CLActivityTypeAutomotiveNavigation;
    [_locationManager startUpdatingLocation];

3. App gets updatedLocations as normal with locationManager:didUpdateLocations: callback:

-(void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
//  store data
    CLLocation *newLocation = [locations lastObject];
    self.userLocation = newLocation;

   //tell the centralManager that you want to deferred this updatedLocation
    if (_isBackgroundMode && !_deferringUpdates)
        _deferringUpdates = YES;
        [self.locationManager allowDeferredLocationUpdatesUntilTraveled:CLLocationDistanceMax timeout:10];

4. But you should handle the data in then locationManager:didFinishDeferredUpdatesWithError: callback for your purpose

- (void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFinishDeferredUpdatesWithError:(NSError *)error {

     _deferringUpdates = NO;

     //do something 

5. NOTE: I think we should reset parameters of LocationManager each time app switches between background/forground mode.

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined - AngularJS not working

Just to complement m59's correct answer, here is a working jsfiddle:

<body ng-app='myApp'>
        <button my-directive>Click Me!</button>


How do I install PIL/Pillow for Python 3.6?

Pillow is released with installation wheels on Windows:

We provide Pillow binaries for Windows compiled for the matrix of supported Pythons in both 32 and 64-bit versions in wheel, egg, and executable installers. These binaries have all of the optional libraries included

Update: Python 3.6 is now supported by Pillow. Install with pip install pillow and check for more information.

However, Python 3.6 is still in alpha and not officially supported yet, although the tests do all pass for the nightly Python builds (currently 3.6a4).

If it's somehow possible to install the 3.5 wheel for 3.6, that's your best bet. Otherwise, zlib notwithstanding, you'll need to build from source, requiring an MS Visual C++ compiler, and which isn't straightforward. For tips see:

And also see how it's built for Windows on AppVeyor CI (but not yet 3.5 or 3.6):

Failing that, downgrade to Python 3.5 or wait until 3.6 is supported by Pillow, probably closer to the 3.6's official release.

What generates the "text file busy" message in Unix?

This occurs when you try and write to a file that is currently being executed by the kernel, or execute a file that is currently open for writing.


How to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device?

Hi Actually this is my same question but I didn't get anything.Now I got mobile number and his email-Id from particular Android real device(Android Mobile).Now a days 90% people using what's App application on Android Mobile.And now I am getting Mobile no and email-ID Through this What's app API.Its very simple to use see this below code.

            AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
            Account[] accounts = am.getAccounts();
      for (Account ac : accounts) 
        acname =;

        if (acname.startsWith("91")) {
            mobile_no = acname;
        }else if(acname.endsWith("")||acname.endsWith("")||acname.endsWith("")){
            email = acname;

        // Take your time to look at all available accounts
        Log.i("Accounts : ", "Accounts : " + acname);

and import this API

    import android.accounts.Account;
    import android.accounts.AccountManager;

Pandas How to filter a Series

Another way is to first convert to a DataFrame and use the query method (assuming you have numexpr installed):

import pandas as pd

test = {
383:    3.000000,
663:    1.000000,
726:    1.000000,
737:    9.000000,
833:    8.166667

s = pd.Series(test)
s.to_frame(name='x').query("x != 1")

Merge (with squash) all changes from another branch as a single commit

I have created my own git alias to do exactly this. I'm calling it git freebase! It will take your existing messy, unrebasable feature branch and recreate it so that it becomes a new branch with the same name with its commits squashed into one commit and rebased onto the branch you specify (master by default). At the very end, it will allow you to use whatever commit message you like for your newly "freebased" branch.

Install it by placing the following alias in your .gitconfig:

  freebase = "!f() { \
    TOPIC="$(git branch | grep '\\*' | cut -d ' ' -f2)"; \
    NEWBASE="${1:-master}"; \
    PREVSHA1="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"; \
    echo "Freebaseing $TOPIC onto $NEWBASE, previous sha1 was $PREVSHA1"; \
    echo "---"; \
    git reset --hard "$NEWBASE"; \
    git merge --squash "$PREVSHA1"; \
    git commit; \
  }; f"

Use it from your feature branch by running: git freebase <new-base>

I've only tested this a few times, so read it first and make sure you want to run it. As a little safety measure it does print the starting sha1 so you should be able to restore your old branch if anything goes wrong.

I'll be maintaining it in my dotfiles repo on github:

Spring Resttemplate exception handling

I have handled this as below:

try {
  response = restTemplate.postForEntity(requestUrl, new HttpEntity<>(requestBody, headers), String.class);
} catch (HttpStatusCodeException ex) {
  response = new ResponseEntity<String>(ex.getResponseBodyAsString(), ex.getResponseHeaders(), ex.getStatusCode());

Is the ternary operator faster than an "if" condition in Java

If there's any performance difference (which I doubt), it will be negligible. Concentrate on writing the simplest, most readable code you can.

Having said that, try to get over your aversion of the conditional operator - while it's certainly possible to overuse it, it can be really useful in some cases. In the specific example you gave, I'd definitely use the conditional operator.

Combine two columns and add into one new column

Generally, I agree with @kgrittn's advice. Go for it.

But to address your basic question about concat(): The new function concat() is useful if you need to deal with null values - and null has neither been ruled out in your question nor in the one you refer to.

If you can rule out null values, the good old (SQL standard) concatenation operator || is still the best choice, and @luis' answer is just fine:

SELECT col_a || col_b;

If either of your columns can be null, the result would be null in that case. You could defend with COALESCE:

SELECT COALESCE(col_a, '') || COALESCE(col_b, '');

But that get tedious quickly with more arguments. That's where concat() comes in, which never returns null, not even if all arguments are null. Per documentation:

NULL arguments are ignored.

SELECT concat(col_a, col_b);

The remaining corner case for both alternatives is where all input columns are null in which case we still get an empty string '', but one might want null instead (at least I would). One possible way:

          WHEN col_a IS NULL THEN col_b
          WHEN col_b IS NULL THEN col_a
          ELSE col_a || col_b

This gets more complex with more columns quickly. Again, use concat() but add a check for the special condition:

            ELSE concat(col_a, col_b) END;

How does this work?
(col_a, col_b) is shorthand notation for a row type expression ROW (col_a, col_b). And a row type is only null if all columns are null. Detailed explanation:

Also, use concat_ws() to add separators between elements (ws for "with separator").

An expression like the one in Kevin's answer:

SELECT $1.zipcode || ' - ' || $ || ', ' || $1.state;

is tedious to prepare for null values in PostgreSQL 8.3 (without concat()). One way (of many):

            WHEN $1.zipcode IS NULL THEN $
            WHEN $    IS NULL THEN $1.zipcode
            ELSE $1.zipcode || ' - ' || $
         END, '')
       || COALESCE(', ' || $1.state, '');

Function volatility is only STABLE

concat() and concat_ws() are STABLE functions, not IMMUTABLE because they can invoke datatype output functions (like timestamptz_out) that depend on locale settings.
Explanation by Tom Lane.

This prohibits their direct use in index expressions. If you know that the result is actually immutable in your case, you can work around this with an IMMUTABLE function wrapper. Example here:

Pass Hidden parameters using response.sendRedirect()

TheNewIdiot's answer successfully explains the problem and the reason why you can't send attributes in request through a redirect. Possible solutions:

  1. Using forwarding. This will enable that request attributes could be passed to the view and you can use them in form of ServletRequest#getAttribute or by using Expression Language and JSTL. Short example (reusing TheNewIdiot's answer] code).

    Controller (your servlet)

    request.setAttribute("message", "Hello world");
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher = servletContext().getRequestDispatcher(url);
    dispatcher.forward(request, response);

    View (your JSP)

    Using scriptlets:


    This is just for information purposes. Scriptlets usage must be avoided: How to avoid Java code in JSP files?. Below there is the example using EL and JSTL.

    <c:out value="${message}" />
  2. If you can't use forwarding (because you don't like it or you don't feel it that way or because you must use a redirect) then an option would be saving a message as a session attribute, then redirect to your view, recover the session attribute in your view and remove it from session. Remember to always have your user session with only relevant data. Code example


    //if request is not from HttpServletRequest, you should do a typecast before
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
    //save message in session
    session.setAttribute("helloWorld", "Hello world");


    Again, showing this using scriptlets and then EL + JSTL:

    <c:out value="${sessionScope.message}" />
    <c:remove var="message" scope="session" />

What’s the difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?

Here Response.Write():to display only string and you can not display any other data type values like int,date,etc.Conversion(from one data type to another) is not allowed. whereas Response .Output .Write(): you can display any type of data like int, date ,string etc.,by giving index values.

Here is example:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       Response.Write ("hi good morning!"+"is it right?");//only strings are allowed        
       Response.Write("Scott is {0} at {1:d}", "cool", DateTime.Now);//this will give error(conversion is not allowed)
       Response.Output.Write("\nhi goood morning!");//works fine
       Response.Output.Write("Jai is {0} on {1:d}", "cool", DateTime.Now);//here the current date will be converted into string and displayed

Generate JSON string from NSDictionary in iOS

NSMutableDictionary *contentDictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
        [contentDictionary setValue:@"a" forKey:@"b"];
        [contentDictionary setValue:@"c" forKey:@"d"];
        NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:contentDictionary options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:nil];
        NSString *jsonStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data

ggplot legends - change labels, order and title

You need to do two things:

  1. Rename and re-order the factor levels before the plot
  2. Rename the title of each legend to the same title

The code:

dtt$model <- factor(dtt$model, levels=c("mb", "ma", "mc"), labels=c("MBB", "MAA", "MCC"))

ggplot(dtt, aes(x=year, y=V, group = model, colour = model, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.35, linetype=0)+ 
  geom_line(aes(linetype=model), size = 1) +       
  geom_point(aes(shape=model), size=4)  +      
  theme(legend.position=c(.6,0.8)) +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(colour = 'black', fill = 'grey90', size = 1, linetype='solid')) +
  scale_linetype_discrete("Model 1") +
  scale_shape_discrete("Model 1") +
  scale_colour_discrete("Model 1")

enter image description here

However, I think this is really ugly as well as difficult to interpret. It's far better to use facets:

ggplot(dtt, aes(x=year, y=V, group = model, colour = model, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, colour=NA)+ 
  geom_line() +       
  geom_point()  +      

enter image description here

#1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' cPanel

The technique in this post worked for me

1) Click the "Export" tab for the database

2) Click the "Custom" radio button

3) Go the section titled "Format-specific options" and change the dropdown for "Database system or older MySQL server to maximize output compatibility with:" from NONE to MYSQL40.

4) Scroll to the bottom and click "GO".

I'm not certain if doing this causes any data loss, however in the one time I've tried it I did not notice any. Neither did anyone who responded in the forums linked to above.

Edit 8/12/16 - I believe exporting a database in this way causes me to lose data saved in Black Studio TinyMCE Visual Editor widgets, though I haven't ran multiple tests to confirm.

Can I recover a branch after its deletion in Git?

From my understanding if the branch to be deleted can be reached by another branch, you can delete it safely using

git branch -d [branch]

and your work is not lost. Remember that a branch is not a snapshot, but a pointer to one. So when you delete a branch you delete a pointer.

You won't even lose work if you delete a branch which cannot be reached by another one. Of course it won't be as easy as checking out the commit hash, but you can still do it. That's why Git is unable to delete a branch which cannot be reached by using -d. Instead you have to use

git branch -D [branch]

This is part of a must watch video from Scott Chacon about Git. Check minute 58:00 when he talks about branches and how delete them.

Introduction to Git with Scott Chacon of GitHub

String parsing in Java with delimiter tab "\t" using split

String.split implementations will have serious limitations if the data in a tab-delimited field itself contains newline, tab and possibly " characters.

TAB-delimited formats have been around for donkey's years, but format is not standardised and varies. Many implementations don't escape characters (newlines and tabs) appearing within a field. Rather, they follow CSV conventions and wrap any non-trivial fields in "double quotes". Then they escape only double-quotes. So a "line" could extend over multiple lines.

Reading around I heard "just reuse apache tools", which sounds like good advice.

In the end I personally chose opencsv. I found it light-weight, and since it provides options for escape and quote characters it should cover most popular comma- and tab- delimited data formats.


CSVReader tabFormatReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader("yourfile.tsv"), '\t');

Can Flask have optional URL parameters?

@app.route('/', defaults={'path': ''})
@app.route('/< path:path >')
def catch_all(path):
    return 'You want path: %s' % path

Redirect on Ajax Jquery Call

JQuery is looking for a json type result, but because the redirect is processed automatically, it will receive the generated html source of your login.htm page.

One idea is to let the the browser know that it should redirect by adding a redirect variable to to the resulting object and checking for it in JQuery:

        type: "GET", 
        url: "populateData.htm", 
            if (response.redirect) {
                window.location.href = response.redirect;
            else {
                // Process the expected results...
     error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { 
            alert('Error!  Status = ' + xhr.status); 


You could also add a Header Variable to your response and let your browser decide where to redirect. In Java, instead of redirecting, do response.setHeader("REQUIRES_AUTH", "1") and in JQuery you do on success(!):

            if (response.getResponseHeader('REQUIRES_AUTH') === '1'){ 
                window.location.href = 'login.htm'; 
            else {
                // Process the expected results...

Hope that helps.

My answer is heavily inspired by this thread which shouldn't left any questions in case you still have some problems.

Get elements by attribute when querySelectorAll is not available without using libraries?

Try this - I slightly changed the above answers:

var getAttributes = function(attribute) {
    var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
        allElementsLen = allElements.length,
        results = [];

    for(i = 0; i < allElementsLen; i += 1) {
        curElement = allElements[i];

        if(curElement.getAttribute(attribute)) {

    return results;



crudrepository findBy method signature with multiple in operators?

The following signature will do:

List<Email> findByEmailIdInAndPincodeIn(List<String> emails, List<String> pinCodes);

Spring Data JPA supports a large number of keywords to build a query. IN and AND are among them.

ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system

open windows powershell in administrator mode and run the following command and its work VOILA!!

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

How to delete and recreate from scratch an existing EF Code First database

There re many ways to drop a database or update existing database, simply you can switched to previous migrations.

dotnet ef database update previousMigraionName    

But some databases have limitations like not allow to modify after create relationships, means you have not allow privileges to drop columns from ef core database providers but most of time in ef core drop database is you can drop DB using drop command and then you use previous migration again.

dotnet ef database drop
PMC command 
PM> drop-database

OR you can do manually deleting database and do a migration.

check the null terminating character in char*

Your '/0' should be '\0' .. you got the slash reversed/leaning the wrong way. Your while should look like:

while (*(forward++)!='\0') 

though the != '\0' part of your expression is optional here since the loop will continue as long as it evaluates to non-zero (null is considered zero and will terminate the loop).

All "special" characters (i.e., escape sequences for non-printable characters) use a backward slash, such as tab '\t', or newline '\n', and the same for null '\0' so it's easy to remember.

What is offsetHeight, clientHeight, scrollHeight?

Offset Means "the amount or distance by which something is out of line". Margin or Borders are something which makes the actual height or width of an HTML element "out of line". It will help you to remember that :

  • offsetHeight is a measurement in pixels of the element's CSS height, including border, padding and the element's horizontal scrollbar.

On the other hand, clientHeight is something which is you can say kind of the opposite of OffsetHeight. It doesn't include the border or margins. It does include the padding because it is something that resides inside of the HTML container, so it doesn't count as extra measurements like margin or border. So :

  • clientHeight property returns the viewable height of an element in pixels, including padding, but not the border, scrollbar or margin.

ScrollHeight is all the scrollable area, so your scroll will never run over your margin or border, so that's why scrollHeight doesn't include margin or borders but yeah padding does. So:

  • scrollHeight value is equal to the minimum height the element would require in order to fit all the content in the viewport without using a vertical scrollbar. The height is measured in the same way as clientHeight: it includes the element's padding, but not its border, margin or horizontal scrollbar.

How do you clear the focus in javascript?

You can call window.focus();

but moving or losing the focus is bound to interfere with anyone using the tab key to get around the page.

you could listen for keycode 13, and forego the effect if the tab key is pressed.

How to style the UL list to a single line

ul li{
  display: inline;

For more see the basic list options and a basic horizontal list at listamatic. (thanks to Daniel Straight below for the links).

Also, as pointed out in the comments, you probably want styling on the ul and whatever elements go inside the li's and the li's themselves to get things to look nice.

How to get current url in view in core 1.0

public string BuildAbsolute(PathString path, QueryString query = default(QueryString), FragmentString fragment = default(FragmentString))
    var rq = httpContext.Request;
    return Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions.UriHelper.BuildAbsolute(rq.Scheme, rq.Host, rq.PathBase, path, query, fragment);

In Java, how do I call a base class's method from the overriding method in a derived class?


call the base methods with super keyword and pass the respective params.

How to remove the URL from the printing page?

I have a trick to remove it from the print page in Firefox. Use this:

<html moznomarginboxes mozdisallowselectionprint>

In the html tag you have to use moznomarginboxes mozdisallowselectionprint. I am sure it will help you a lot.

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

Try this for compatibility;

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
            setTimeout(function() {
                window.location.href = $('#myAnchor').attr("href");

            }, 1500);

Extending the User model with custom fields in Django

Well, some time passed since 2008 and it's time for some fresh answer. Since Django 1.5 you will be able to create custom User class. Actually, at the time I'm writing this, it's already merged into master, so you can try it out.

There's some information about it in docs or if you want to dig deeper into it, in this commit.

All you have to do is add AUTH_USER_MODEL to settings with path to custom user class, which extends either AbstractBaseUser (more customizable version) or AbstractUser (more or less old User class you can extend).

For people that are lazy to click, here's code example (taken from docs):

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import (
    BaseUserManager, AbstractBaseUser

class MyUserManager(BaseUserManager):
    def create_user(self, email, date_of_birth, password=None):
        Creates and saves a User with the given email, date of
        birth and password.
        if not email:
            raise ValueError('Users must have an email address')

        user = self.model(

        return user

    def create_superuser(self, username, date_of_birth, password):
        Creates and saves a superuser with the given email, date of
        birth and password.
        u = self.create_user(username,
        u.is_admin = True
        return u

class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser):
    email = models.EmailField(
                        verbose_name='email address',
    date_of_birth = models.DateField()
    is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
    is_admin = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    objects = MyUserManager()

    USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'
    REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['date_of_birth']

    def get_full_name(self):
        # The user is identified by their email address

    def get_short_name(self):
        # The user is identified by their email address

    def __unicode__(self):

    def has_perm(self, perm, obj=None):
        "Does the user have a specific permission?"
        # Simplest possible answer: Yes, always
        return True

    def has_module_perms(self, app_label):
        "Does the user have permissions to view the app `app_label`?"
        # Simplest possible answer: Yes, always
        return True

    def is_staff(self):
        "Is the user a member of staff?"
        # Simplest possible answer: All admins are staff
        return self.is_admin

Dynamic classname inside ngClass in angular 2

more elegant solution is to use && (using NgFor and its first, its free to use ur own matching tho):

        *ngFor="let day of days;
                let first = first;"
        [ngClass]="first && ('day--' + day)"

will turn out as:

class="day day--monday"

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

Add the following:

using System.Linq

...and call ToList() on the IQueryable<>.

Extracting specific columns in numpy array

you can also use extractedData=data([:,1],[:,9])

Checking length of dictionary object

This question is confusing. A regular object, {} doesn't have a length property unless you're intending to make your own function constructor which generates custom objects which do have it ( in which case you didn't specify ).

Meaning, you have to get the "length" by a statement on the object, since length is not set, and increment a counter.

I'm confused as to why you need the length. Are you manually setting 0 on the object, or are you relying on custom string keys? eg obj['foo'] = 'bar';. If the latter, again, why the need for length?

Edit #1: Why can't you just do this?

list = [ {name:'john'}, {name:'bob'} ];

Then iterate over list? The length is already set.

TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly

def attributeSelection():
balance = 25
print("Your SP balance is currently 25.")
strength = input("How much SP do you want to put into strength?")
balanceAfterStrength = balance - int(strength)
if balanceAfterStrength == 0:
    print("Your SP balance is now 0.")
elif strength < 0:
    print("That is an invalid input. Restarting attribute selection. Keep an eye on your balance this time!")
elif strength > balance:
    print("That is an invalid input. Restarting attribute selection. Keep an eye on your balance this time!")
elif balanceAfterStrength > 0 and balanceAfterStrength < 26:
    print("Ok. You're balance is now at " + str(balanceAfterStrength) + " skill points.")
    print("That is an invalid input. Restarting attribute selection.")

Programmatically Check an Item in Checkboxlist where text is equal to what I want

Example based on ASP.NET CheckBoxList

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="checkBoxList1" runat="server">

private void SelectCheckBoxList(string valueToSelect)
    ListItem listItem = this.checkBoxList1.Items.FindByText(valueToSelect);

    if(listItem != null) listItem.Selected = true;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

super() in Java

In a constructor, you can use it without a dot to call another constructor. super calls a constructor in the superclass; this calls a constructor in this class :

public MyClass(int a) {
  this(a, 5);  // Here, I call another one of this class's constructors.

public MyClass(int a, int b) {
  super(a, b);  // Then, I call one of the superclass's constructors.

super is useful if the superclass needs to initialize itself. this is useful to allow you to write all the hard initialization code only once in one of the constructors and to call it from all the other, much easier-to-write constructors.

In any method, you can use it with a dot to call another method. super.method() calls a method in the superclass; this.method() calls a method in this class :

public String toString() {
  int    hp   = this.hitpoints();  // Calls the hitpoints method in this class
                                   //   for this object.
  String name =;      // Calls the name method in the superclass
                                   //   for this object.

  return "[" + name + ": " + hp + " HP]";

super is useful in a certain scenario: if your class has the same method as your superclass, Java will assume you want the one in your class; super allows you to ask for the superclass's method instead. this is useful only as a way to make your code more readable.

What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?

.pyc contain the compiled bytecode of Python source files. The Python interpreter loads .pyc files before .py files, so if they're present, it can save some time by not having to re-compile the Python source code. You can get rid of them if you want, but they don't cause problems, they're not big, and they may save some time when running programs.

combining two string variables

IMO, froadie's simple concatenation is fine for a simple case like you presented. If you want to put together several strings, the string join method seems to be preferred:

the_text = ''.join(['the ', 'quick ', 'brown ', 'fox ', 'jumped ', 'over ', 'the ', 'lazy ', 'dog.'])

Edit: Note that join wants an iterable (e.g. a list) as its single argument.

What does it mean if a Python object is "subscriptable" or not?

As a corollary to the earlier answers here, very often this is a sign that you think you have a list (or dict, or other subscriptable object) when you do not.

For example, let's say you have a function which should return a list;

def gimme_things():
    if something_happens():
        return ['all', 'the', 'things']

Now when you call that function, and something_happens() for some reason does not return a True value, what happens? The if fails, and so you fall through; gimme_things doesn't explicitly return anything -- so then in fact, it will implicitly return None. Then this code:

things = gimme_things()
print("My first thing is {0}".format(things[0]))

will fail with "NoneType object is not subscriptable" because, well, things is None and so you are trying to do None[0] which doesn't make sense because ... what the error message says.

There are two ways to fix this bug in your code -- the first is to avoid the error by checking that things is in fact valid before attempting to use it;

things = gimme_things()
if things:
    print("My first thing is {0}".format(things[0]))
    print("No things")  # or raise an error, or do nothing, or ...

or equivalently trap the TypeError exception;

things = gimme_things()
    print("My first thing is {0}".format(things[0]))
except TypeError:
    print("No things")  # or raise an error, or do nothing, or ...

Another is to redesign gimme_things so that you make sure it always returns a list. In this case, that's probably the simpler design because it means if there are many places where you have a similar bug, they can be kept simple and idiomatic.

def gimme_things():
    if something_happens():
        return ['all', 'the', 'things']
    else:  # make sure we always return a list, no matter what!"Something didn't happen; return empty list")
        return []

Of course, what you put in the else: branch depends on your use case. Perhaps you should raise an exception when something_happens() fails, to make it more obvious and explicit where something actually went wrong? Adding exceptions to your own code is an important way to let yourself know exactly what's up when something fails!

(Notice also how this latter fix still doesn't completely fix the bug -- it prevents you from attempting to subscript None but things[0] is still an IndexError when things is an empty list. If you have a try you can do except (TypeError, IndexError) to trap it, too.)

How to concatenate a std::string and an int?

If you are using MFC, you can use a CString

CString nameAge = "";
nameAge.Format("%s%d", "John", 21);

Managed C++ also has a string formatter.

How to combine GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING

Steps for Using Group by,Having By and Order by...

Select Attitude ,count(*) from Person
group by person
HAving PersonAttitude='cool and friendly'
Order by PersonName.

How to use the IEqualityComparer

Your GetHashCode implementation always returns the same value. Distinct relies on a good hash function to work efficiently because it internally builds a hash table.

When implementing interfaces of classes it is important to read the documentation, to know which contract you’re supposed to implement.1

In your code, the solution is to forward GetHashCode to Class_reglement.Numf.GetHashCode and implement it appropriately there.

Apart from that, your Equals method is full of unnecessary code. It could be rewritten as follows (same semantics, ¼ of the code, more readable):

public bool Equals(Class_reglement x, Class_reglement y)
    return x.Numf == y.Numf;

Lastly, the ToList call is unnecessary and time-consuming: AddRange accepts any IEnumerable so conversion to a List isn’t required. AsEnumerable is also redundant here since processing the result in AddRange will cause this anyway.

1 Writing code without knowing what it actually does is called cargo cult programming. It’s a surprisingly widespread practice. It fundamentally doesn’t work.

How do you make a deep copy of an object?

I used Dozer for cloning java objects and it's great at that , Kryo library is another great alternative.

Jenkins "Console Output" log location in filesystem

I found the console output of my job in the browser at the following location:

http://[Jenkins URL]/job/[Job Name]/default/[Build Number]/console

Add line break to ::after or ::before pseudo-element content

I had to have new lines in a tooltip. I had to add this CSS on my :after :

.tooltip:after {
  width: 500px;
  white-space: pre;
  word-wrap: break-word;

The word-wrap seems necessary.

In addition, the \A didn't work in the middle of the text to display, to force a new line.


worked. I was then able to get such a tooltip :

enter image description here

Post form data using HttpWebRequest

Use this code:

internal void SomeFunction() {
    Dictionary<string, string> formField = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    formField.Add("Name", "Henry");
    formField.Add("Age", "21");
    string body = GetBodyStringFromDictionary(formField);
    // output : Name=Henry&Age=21

internal string GetBodyStringFromDictionary(Dictionary<string, string> formField)
    string body = string.Empty;
    foreach (var pair in formField)
        body += $"{pair.Key}={pair.Value}&";   

    // delete last "&"
    body = body.Substring(0, body.Length - 1);

    return body;

How to use if statements in LESS

I stumbled over the same question and I've found a solution.

First make sure you upgrade to LESS 1.6 at least. You can use npm for that case.

Now you can use the following mixin:

.if (@condition, @property, @value) when (@condition = true){
     @{property}: @value;

Since LESS 1.6 you are able to pass PropertyNames to Mixins as well. So for example you could just use:

.myHeadline {
   .if(@include-lineHeight,  line-height, '35px');

If @include-lineheight resolves to true LESS will print the line-height: 35px and it will skip the mixin if @include-lineheight is not true.

Set scroll position

You can use window.scrollTo(), like this:

window.scrollTo(0, 0); // values are x,y-offset

Eclipse not recognizing JVM 1.8

Open up terminal and check what java version is currently set in your path variable.

You can do that by typing in your terminal

java -version // this will check your jre version. 
javac -version // this will check your compiler version

If this shows incorrect java version but you have installed java 1.8 then you have to set path variable to the newer version of java.

To do that do add the line:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/jdk1.x

to ~/.bash_profile (same as /Users/username/.bash_profile)

Then do this from the terminal to set the new variable

source ~/.bash_profile

Also what's your eclipse.ini set to ?



Please open up terminal and type

 find / -name "java" // This should find all folder named java on your file system.

Also how did you install java in the first place ?

RAW POST using cURL in PHP

I just found the solution, kind of answering to my own question in case anyone else stumbles upon it.

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            "http://url/url/url" );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           1 );
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     "body goes here" ); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,     array('Content-Type: text/plain')); 

$result=curl_exec ($ch);

How can I color dots in a xy scatterplot according to column value?

If you code your x axis text categories, list them in a single column, then in adjacent columns list plot points for respective variables against relevant text category code and just leave blank cells against non-relevant text category code, you can scatter plot and get the displayed result. Any questions let me know. enter image description here

Inserting Data into Hive Table

You may try this, I have developed a tool to generate hive scripts from a csv file. Following are few examples on how files are generated. Tool --

  1. Select a CSV file using Browse and set hadoop root directory ex: /user/bigdataproject/

  2. Tool Generates Hadoop script with all csv files and following is a sample of generated Hadoop script to insert csv into Hadoop

    #!/bin/bash -v
    hadoop fs -put ./AllstarFull.csv /user/bigdataproject/AllstarFull.csv hive -f ./AllstarFull.hive

    hadoop fs -put ./Appearances.csv /user/bigdataproject/Appearances.csv hive -f ./Appearances.hive

    hadoop fs -put ./AwardsManagers.csv /user/bigdataproject/AwardsManagers.csv hive -f ./AwardsManagers.hive

  3. Sample of generated Hive scripts

    USE lahman;
    CREATE TABLE AllstarFull (playerID string,yearID string,gameNum string,gameID string,teamID string,lgID string,GP string,startingPos string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;
    LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/bigdataproject/AllstarFull.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE AllstarFull;
    SELECT * FROM AllstarFull;

Thanks Vijay

How do I check if I'm running on Windows in Python?

Python os module

Specifically for Python 3.6/3.7: The name of the operating system dependent module imported. The following names have currently been registered: 'posix', 'nt', 'java'.

In your case, you want to check for 'nt' as output:

import os

if == 'nt':

There is also a note on

See also sys.platform has a finer granularity. os.uname() gives system-dependent version information.

The platform module provides detailed checks for the system’s identity.

How to generate Class Diagram (UML) on Android Studio (IntelliJ Idea)

There is Code Iris which you can install by going to File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browse Repositories, then find and choose Code Iris. Restart then you will have a new Code Iris tab.

How do I specify unique constraint for multiple columns in MySQL?

This works for mysql version 5.5.32

ALTER TABLE  `tablename` ADD UNIQUE (`column1` ,`column2`);

How do I revert all local changes in Git managed project to previous state?

You may not necessarily want/need to stash your work/files in your working directory but instead simply get rid of them completely. The command git clean will do this for you.

Some common use cases for doing this would be to remove cruft that has been generated by merges or external tools or remove other files so that you can run a clean build.

Keep in mind you will want to be very cautious of this command, since its designed to remove files from your local working directory that are NOT TRACKED. if you suddently change your mind after executing this command, there is no going back to see the content of the files that were removed. An alternative which is safer is to execute

git stash --all

which will remove everything but save it all in a stash. This stash can then later be used.

However, if you truly DO want to remove all the files and clean your working directory, you should execute

git clean -f -d

This will remove any files and also any sub-directories that don't have any items as a result of the command. A smart thing to do before executing the git clean -f -d command is to run

git clean -f -d -n

which will show you a preview of what WILL be removed after executing git clean -f -d

So here is a summary of your options from most aggressive to least aggressive

Option 1: Remove all files locally(Most aggressive)

git clean -f -d

Option 2: Preview the above impact(Preview most aggressive)

git clean -f -d -n

Option 3: Stash all files (Least aggressive)

`git stash --all` 

sql query with multiple where statements


        (meta_key = 'lat' AND meta_value >= '60.23457047672217')
        (meta_key = 'lat' AND meta_value <= '60.23457047672217')

is the same as

        (meta_key = 'lat')

Adding it all together (the same applies to the long filter) you have this impossible WHERE clause which will give no rows because meta_key cannot be 2 values in one row

    (meta_key = 'lat' AND meta_key = 'long' )

You need to review your operators to make sure you get the correct logic

How to pad a string with leading zeros in Python 3

There are many ways to achieve this but the easiest way in Python 3.6+, in my opinion, is this:


How to remove an appended element with Jquery and why bind or live is causing elements to repeat

The live function is registering a click event handler. It'll do so every time you click the object. So if you click it twice, you're assigning two click handlers to the object. You're also assigning a click handler here:

onclick="feedback('the message html')";

And then that click handler is assigning another click handler via live().

Really what I think you want to do is this:

function feedback(message)

    $('.answers').append('<div id="feedback">'+message+'</div>');

Ok, per your comment, try taking out the onclick part of the <a> element and instead, putting this in a document.ready() handler.

                     $('.answers').append('<div id="feedback">'+message+'</div>');

socket.emit() vs. socket.send()


socket.send(data, callback) is essentially equivalent to calling socket.emit('message', JSON.stringify(data), callback)

Without looking at the source code, I would assume that the send function is more efficient edit: for sending string messages, at least?

So yeah basically emit allows you to send objects, which is very handy.

Take this example with socket.emit:

sendMessage: function(type, message) {
    socket.emit('message', {
        type: type,
        message: message

and for those keeping score at home, here is what it looks like using socket.send:

sendMessage: function(type, message) {
        type: type,
        message: message

Git Bash doesn't see my PATH

On Windows 10, just uninstall git and install it again. It will set the environment variable automatically for you. I had removed the environment variable by mistake and I couldn't use git inside my IDE. Reinstalling git fixed this issue.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Please note , you might need to disable adblocks if necessary. Drag and drop off script path in visual studio doesn't work if you are using HTML pages but it does work for mvc ,asp.netwebforms. I figured this after one hour

Why SpringMVC Request method 'GET' not supported?

I also had the same issue. I changed it to the following and it worked.

Java :

@RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)

HTML code:

  <form action="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/test" method="GET">
    <input type="submit" value="submit"> 

By default if you do not specify http method in a form it uses GET. To use POST method you need specifically state it.

Hope this helps.

Spring Boot: How can I set the logging level with

In case you want to use a different logging framework, log4j for example, I found the easiest approach is to disable spring boots own logging and implement your own. That way I can configure every loglevel within one file, log4j.xml (in my case) that is.

To achieve this you simply have to add those lines to your pom.xml:



You probably already have the first dependency and only need the other two. Please note, that this example only covers log4j.
That's all, now you're all set to configure logging for boot within your log4j config file!

How to initialize a private static const map in C++?

If the map is to contain only entries that are known at compile time and the keys to the map are integers, then you do not need to use a map at all.

char get_value(int key)
    switch (key)
        case 1:
            return 'a';
        case 2:
            return 'b';
        case 3:
            return 'c';
            // Do whatever is appropriate when the key is not valid

Using PHP with

I haven't tried it yet, but you should be able to do this with ReactPHP and this socket component. Looks just like Node, but in PHP.

How to assign string to bytes array

Go, convert a string to a bytes slice

You need a fast way to convert a []string to []byte type. To use in situations such as storing text data into a random access file or other type of data manipulation that requires the input data to be in []byte type.

package main

func main() {

    var s string


    b := []byte(s)


which is useful when using ioutil.WriteFile, which accepts a bytes slice as its data parameter:

WriteFile func(filename string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) error

Another example

package main

import (

func main() {

    stringSlice := []string{"hello", "world"}

    stringByte := strings.Join(stringSlice, " ")

    // Byte array value

    // Corresponding string value


[104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100] hello world

Please check the link playground

How to override toString() properly in Java?

You can creating new object in the toString(). use

return "Name = " + +" height= " + this.height;

instead of

return Kid(, this.height, this.bDay);

You may change the return string as required. There are other ways to store date instead calander.

Is it possible to animate scrollTop with jQuery?

the cross browser code is:


it is without animation but works everywhere

How can I kill a process by name instead of PID?

To kill with grep:

kill -9 `pgrep myprocess`

diff current working copy of a file with another branch's committed copy

git diff mybranch master -- file

should also work

JavaScript: location.href to open in new window/tab?
  '_blank' // <- This is what makes it open in a new window.

Environment variable to control

If you look in the source code of the JDK, you can see that for unix systems the property is read at compile time from the paths.h or hard coded. For windows the function GetTempPathW from win32 returns the tmpdir name.

For posix systems you might expect the standard TMPDIR to work, but that is not the case. You can confirm that TMPDIR is not used by running TMPDIR=/mytmp java -XshowSettings

External VS2013 build error "error MSB4019: The imported project <path> was not found"

giammin's solution is partially incorrect. You SHOULD NOT remove that entire PropertyGroup from your solution. If you do, MSBuild's "DeployTarget=Package" feature will stop working. This feature relies on the "VSToolsPath" being set.

  <!-- VisualStudioVersion is incompatible with later versions of Visual Studio.  Removing. -->
  <!-- <VisualStudioVersion Condition="'$(VisualStudioVersion)' == ''">10.0</VisualStudioVersion> -->
  <!-- VSToolsPath is required by MSBuild for features like "DeployTarget=Package" -->
  <VSToolsPath Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' == ''">$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)</VSToolsPath>
<Import Project="$(VSToolsPath)\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" Condition="'$(VSToolsPath)' != ''" />

Installing Numpy on 64bit Windows 7 with Python 2.7.3

The (unofficial) binaries ( worked for me.
I've tried Mingw, Cygwin, all failed due to varies reasons. I am on Windows 7 Enterprise, 64bit.

Semaphore vs. Monitors - what's the difference?

Semaphore allows multiple threads (up to a set number) to access a shared object. Monitors allow mutually exclusive access to a shared object.



How can I create an editable dropdownlist in HTML?

The <select> tag only allows the use of predefined entries. The typical solution to your problem is to have one entry labeled 'Other' and a disabled edit field (<input type="text"). Add some JavaScript to enable the edit field only when 'Other' is selected.

It may be possible to somehow create a dropdown that allows direct editing, but IMO that is not worth the effort. If it was, Amazon, Google or Microsoft would be doing it ;-) Just get the job done with the least complicated solution. It as faster (your boss may like that) and usually easier to maintain (you may like that).

Find the most common element in a list

This is an O(n) solution.

mydict   = {}
cnt, itm = 0, ''
for item in reversed(lst):
     mydict[item] = mydict.get(item, 0) + 1
     if mydict[item] >= cnt :
         cnt, itm = mydict[item], item

print itm

(reversed is used to make sure that it returns the lowest index item)

Spring @PropertySource using YAML

I was in a particular situation where I couldn't load a @ConfigurationProperties class due to custom file property naming. At the end the only thing that worked is (thanks @Mateusz Balbus):

import java.util.List;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.boot.env.YamlPropertySourceLoader;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.TestConfiguration;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {MyTest.ContextConfiguration.class})
public class MyTest {

    public static class ContextConfiguration {

        ApplicationContext applicationContext;

        public ConfigurationPropertiesBean myConfigurationPropertiesBean() throws IOException {
            Resource resource = applicationContext.getResource("classpath:my-properties-file.yml");

            YamlPropertySourceLoader sourceLoader = new YamlPropertySourceLoader();
            List<PropertySource<?>> loadedSources = sourceLoader.load("yamlTestProperties", resource);
            PropertySource<?> yamlTestProperties = loadedSources.get(0);
            ConfigurableEnvironment configurableEnvironment = (ConfigurableEnvironment)applicationContext.getEnvironment();

            Binder binder = Binder.get(applicationContext.getEnvironment());
            ConfigurationPropertiesBean configurationPropertiesBean = binder.bind("my-properties-file-prefix", Bindable.of(ConfigurationPropertiesBean.class)).get();
            return configurationPropertiesBean;


    ConfigurationPropertiesBean configurationPropertiesBean;

    public void test() {




Is it possible that one domain name has multiple corresponding IP addresses?

Yes this is possible, however not convenient as Jens said. Using Next generation load balancers like Alteon, which Uses a proprietary protocol called DSSP(Distributed site state Protocol) which performs regular site checks to make sure that the service is available both Locally or Globally i.e different geographical areas. You need to however in your Master DNS to delegate the URL or Service to the device by configuring it as an Authoritative Name Server for that IP or Service. By doing this, the device answers DNS queries where it will resolve the IP that has a service by Round-Robin or is not congested according to how you have chosen from several metrics.

Spring transaction REQUIRED vs REQUIRES_NEW : Rollback Transaction

Using REQUIRES_NEW is only relevant when the method is invoked from a transactional context; when the method is invoked from a non-transactional context, it will behave exactly as REQUIRED - it will create a new transaction.

That does not mean that there will only be one single transaction for all your clients - each client will start from a non-transactional context, and as soon as the the request processing will hit a @Transactional, it will create a new transaction.

So, with that in mind, if using REQUIRES_NEW makes sense for the semantics of that operation - than I wouldn't worry about performance - this would textbook premature optimization - I would rather stress correctness and data integrity and worry about performance once performance metrics have been collected, and not before.

On rollback - using REQUIRES_NEW will force the start of a new transaction, and so an exception will rollback that transaction. If there is also another transaction that was executing as well - that will or will not be rolled back depending on if the exception bubbles up the stack or is caught - your choice, based on the specifics of the operations. Also, for a more in-depth discussion on transactional strategies and rollback, I would recommend: «Transaction strategies: Understanding transaction pitfalls», Mark Richards.

Java : Comparable vs Comparator

When your class implements Comparable, the compareTo method of the class is defining the "natural" ordering of that object. That method is contractually obligated (though not demanded) to be in line with other methods on that object, such as a 0 should always be returned for objects when the .equals() comparisons return true.

A Comparator is its own definition of how to compare two objects, and can be used to compare objects in a way that might not align with the natural ordering.

For example, Strings are generally compared alphabetically. Thus the "a".compareTo("b") would use alphabetical comparisons. If you wanted to compare Strings on length, you would need to write a custom comparator.

In short, there isn't much difference. They are both ends to similar means. In general implement comparable for natural order, (natural order definition is obviously open to interpretation), and write a comparator for other sorting or comparison needs.

How to use PHP's password_hash to hash and verify passwords

I’ve built a function I use all the time for password validation and to create passwords, e.g. to store them in a MySQL database. It uses a randomly generated salt which is way more secure than using a static salt.

function secure_password($user_pwd, $multi) {

    secure_password ( string $user_pwd, boolean/string $multi ) 

    *** Description: 
        This function verifies a password against a (database-) stored password's hash or
        returns $hash for a given password if $multi is set to either true or false

    *** Examples:
        // To check a password against its hash
        if(secure_password($user_password, $row['user_password'])) {
        // To create a password-hash
        $my_password = 'uber_sEcUrE_pass';
        $hash = secure_password($my_password, true);
        echo $hash;

// Set options for encryption and build unique random hash
$crypt_options = ['cost' => 11, 'salt' => mcrypt_create_iv(22, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)];
$hash = password_hash($user_pwd, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $crypt_options);

// If $multi is not boolean check password and return validation state true/false
if($multi!==true && $multi!==false) {
    if (password_verify($user_pwd, $table_pwd = $multi)) {
        return true; // valid password
    } else {
        return false; // invalid password
// If $multi is boolean return $hash
} else return $hash;


HTML5 video - show/hide controls programmatically

CARL LANGE also showed how to get hidden, autoplaying audio in html5 on a iOS device. Works for me.


<div id="hideme">
    <audio id="audioTag" controls>
        <source src="/path/to/audio.mp3">

with JS

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
    var audioEl = document.getElementById("audioTag");


#hideme {display: none;}

Convert JavaScript String to be all lower case?

Yes, any string in JavaScript has a toLowerCase() method that will return a new string that is the old string in all lower case. The old string will remain unchanged.

So, you can do something like:


Volley - POST/GET parameters

For Future Readers

I love to work with Volley. To save development time i tried to write small handy library Gloxey Netwok Manager to setup Volley with my project. It includes JSON parser and different other methods that helps to check network availability.

Use ConnectionManager.class in which different methods for Volley String and Volley JSON request are available. You can make requests of GET, PUT, POST, DELETE with or without header. You can read full documentation here.

Just put this line in your gradle file.

  dependencies { 

       compile 'io.gloxey.gnm:network-manager:1.0.1'

Volley StringRequest

Method GET (without header)

    ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(context, isDialog, progressDialogView, requestURL, volleyResponseInterface);

How to use?

     Configuration                Description

     Context                      Context 
     isDialog                     If true dialog will appear, otherwise not.
     progressView                 For custom progress view supply your progress view id and make isDialog true. otherwise pass null. 
     requestURL                   Pass your API URL.  
     volleyResponseInterface      Callback for response.  


    ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(this, false, null, "url", new VolleyResponse() {
    public void onResponse(String _response) {

         * Handle Response

     public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

         * handle Volley Error

    public void isNetwork(boolean connected) {

         * True if internet is connected otherwise false

Volley StringRequest

Method POST/PUT/DELETE (without header)

    ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(context, isDialog, progressDialogView, requestURL, requestMethod, params, volleyResponseInterface);


Use Method : Request.Method.POST

Your params : 

HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("param 1", "value");
params.put("param 2", "value");

ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(this, true, null, "url", Request.Method.POST, params, new VolleyResponse() {
    public void onResponse(String _response) {

         * Handle Response

    public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

         * handle Volley Error

    public void isNetwork(boolean connected) {

         * True if internet is connected otherwise false


Gloxey JSON Parser

Feel free to use gloxey json parser to parse your api response.

  YourModel yourModel = GloxeyJsonParser.getInstance().parse(stringResponse, YourModel.class);


ConnectionManager.volleyStringRequest(this, false, null, "url", new VolleyResponse() {
    public void onResponse(String _response) {

         * Handle Response

         try {

          YourModel yourModel = GloxeyJsonParser.getInstance().parse(_response, YourModel.class);

            } catch (Exception e) {


     public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {

         * handle Volley Error
         if (error instanceof TimeoutError || error instanceof NoConnectionError) {

                showSnackBar(parentLayout, getString(R.string.internet_not_found), getString(R.string.retry), new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View view) {

                     //handle retry button


            } else if (error instanceof AuthFailureError) {
            } else if (error instanceof ServerError) {
            } else if (error instanceof NetworkError) {
            } else if (error instanceof ParseError) {


    public void isNetwork(boolean connected) {

         * True if internet is connected otherwise false
          if (!connected) {
                showSnackBar(parentLayout, getString(R.string.internet_not_found), getString(R.string.retry), new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View view) {
                        //Handle retry button

     public void showSnackBar(View view, String message) {
            Snackbar.make(view, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();

     public void showSnackBar(View view, String message, String actionText, View.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
            Snackbar.make(view, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).setAction(actionText, onClickListener).show();

CSS text-align: center; is not centering things

To make a inline-block element align center horizontally in its parent, add text-align:center to its parent.

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/CollegeWebsite]]

This error happens because of your Jre version of Eclipse and Tomcat are mismatched ..either change eclipse one to tomcat one or ViceVersa..

Both should be same ..Java version mismatched ..Check it

Programmatically get own phone number in iOS

To get you phone number you can read a plist file. It will not work on non-jailbroken iDevices:

NSString *commcenter = @"/private/var/wireless/Library/Preferences/";
    NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:commcenter];
    NSString *PhoneNumber = [dict valueForKey:@"PhoneNumber"];
    NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Phone number: %@",PhoneNumber]);

I don't know if Apple allow this but it works on iPhones.

dd: How to calculate optimal blocksize?

This is totally system dependent. You should experiment to find the optimum solution. Try starting with bs=8388608. (As Hitachi HDDs seems to have 8MB cache.)

The difference between sys.stdout.write and print?

There's at least one situation in which you want sys.stdout instead of print.

When you want to overwrite a line without going to the next line, for instance while drawing a progress bar or a status message, you need to loop over something like

Note carriage return-> "\rMy Status Message: %s" % progress

And since print adds a newline, you are better off using sys.stdout.

Adding n hours to a date in Java?

To simplify @Christopher's example.

Say you have a constant

public static final long HOUR = 3600*1000; // in milli-seconds.

You can write.

Date newDate = new Date(oldDate.getTime() + 2 * HOUR);

If you use long to store date/time instead of the Date object you can do

long newDate = oldDate + 2 * HOUR;

Bootstrap 3 collapsed menu doesn't close on click

Though the solution posted earlier to change the menu item itself, like below, works when the menu is on a small device, it has a side effect when the menu is on full width and expanded, this can result in a horizontal scrollbar sliding over your menu items. The javascript solutions do not have this side-effect.

<li><a href="#one">One</a></li> to 
<li><a data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse" href="#one">One</a></li>  

(sorry for answering like this, wanted to add a comment to that answer, but, seems I haven't sufficient credit to make remarks )

How to get a substring of text?

Since you tagged it Rails, you can use truncate:


 truncate(@text, :length => 17)

Excerpt is nice to know too, it lets you display an excerpt of a text Like so:

 excerpt('This is an example', 'an', :radius => 5)
 # => ...s is an exam...

How to kill a while loop with a keystroke?

pyHook might help.

See keyboard hooks; this is more generalized-- if you want specific keyboard interactions and not just using KeyboardInterrupt.

Also, in general (depending on your use) I think having the Ctrl-C option still available to kill your script makes sense.

See also previous question: Detect in python which keys are pressed

Download file from an ASP.NET Web API method using AngularJS

We also had to develop a solution which would even work with APIs requiring authentication (see this article)

Using AngularJS in a nutshell here is how we did it:

Step 1: Create a dedicated directive

// jQuery needed, uses Bootstrap classes, adjust the path of templateUrl
app.directive('pdfDownload', function() {
return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: '/path/to/pdfDownload.tpl.html',
    scope: true,
    link: function(scope, element, attr) {
        var anchor = element.children()[0];

        // When the download starts, disable the link
        scope.$on('download-start', function() {
            $(anchor).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

        // When the download finishes, attach the data to the link. Enable the link and change its appearance.
        scope.$on('downloaded', function(event, data) {
                href: 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + data,
                download: attr.filename

            // Also overwrite the download pdf function to do nothing.
            scope.downloadPdf = function() {
    controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', '$http', function($scope, $attrs, $http) {
        $scope.downloadPdf = function() {
            $http.get($attrs.url).then(function(response) {

Step 2: Create a template

<a href="" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="downloadPdf()">Download</a>

Step 3: Use it

<pdf-download url="/some/path/to/a.pdf" filename="my-awesome-pdf"></pdf-download>

This will render a blue button. When clicked, a PDF will be downloaded (Caution: the backend has to deliver the PDF in Base64 encoding!) and put into the href. The button turns green and switches the text to Save. The user can click again and will be presented with a standard download file dialog for the file my-awesome.pdf.

File 'app/hero.ts' is not a module error in the console, where to store interfaces files in directory structure with angular2?

In my case I was accusing that the '*service.ts' is not a module.

To solve it I just added the service within providers in the module.

QComboBox - set selected item based on the item's data

You lookup the value of the data with findData() and then use setCurrentIndex()

QComboBox* combo = new QComboBox;
combo->addItem("100",100.0);    // 2nd parameter can be any Qt type
combo->addItem .....

float value=100.0;
int index = combo->findData(value);
if ( index != -1 ) { // -1 for not found

When do I use the PHP constant "PHP_EOL"?

No, PHP_EOL does not handle endline issues, because the system where you use that constant is not the same system where you send the output to.

I would not recommend using PHP_EOL at all. Unix/Linux use \n, MacOS / OS X changed from \r to \n too and on Windows many applications (especially browsers) can display it correctly too. On Windows, it is also easy change existing client-side code to use \n only and still maintain backward-compatibility: Just change the delimiter for line trimming from \r\n to \n and wrap it in a trim() like function.

How to access static resources when mapping a global front controller servlet on /*

I'd recommend trying to use a Filter instead of a default servlet whenever possible.

Other two possibilities:

Write a FileServlet yourself. You'll find plenty examples, it should just open the file by URL and write its contents into output stream. Then, use it to serve static file request.

Instantiate a FileServlet class used by Google App Engine and call service(request, response) on that FileServlet when you need to serve the static file at a given URL.

You can map /res/* to YourFileServlet or whatever to exclude it from DispatcherServlets' handling, or call it directly from DispatcherServlet.

And, I have to ask, what does Spring documentation say about this collision? I've never used it.

Is it possible to insert multiple rows at a time in an SQLite database?

Yes, as of SQLite 3.7.11 this is supported in SQLite. From the SQLite documentation:

SQLite INSERT statement syntax

(when this answer was originally written, this was not supported)

For compatibility with older versions of SQLite, you can use the trick suggested by andy and fearless_fool using UNION, but for 3.7.11 and later the simpler syntax described in here should be preferred.

T-SQL split string based on delimiter

        WHEN CHARINDEX('/', myColumn, 0) = 0
            THEN myColumn
        ELSE LEFT(myColumn, CHARINDEX('/', myColumn, 0)-1)
        END AS FirstName
        WHEN CHARINDEX('/', myColumn, 0) = 0
            THEN ''
        ELSE RIGHT(myColumn, CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(myColumn), 0)-1)
        END AS LastName
FROM MyTable

View RDD contents in Python Spark?

If you want to see the contents of RDD then yes collect is one option, but it fetches all the data to driver so there can be a problem

<>.take(<num of elements you want to fetch>)

Better if you want to see just a sample

Running foreach and trying to print, I dont recommend this because if you are running this on cluster then the print logs would be local to the executor and it would print for the data accessible to that executor. print statement is not changing the state hence it is not logically wrong. To get all the logs you will have to do something like

foreach print

But this may result in job failure as collecting all the data on driver may crash it. I would suggest using take command or if u want to analyze it then use sample collect on driver or write to file and then analyze it.

Class method decorator with self arguments?

from re import search
from functools import wraps

def is_match(_lambda, pattern):
    def wrapper(f):
        def wrapped(self, *f_args, **f_kwargs):
            if callable(_lambda) and search(pattern, (_lambda(self) or '')): 
                f(self, *f_args, **f_kwargs)
        return wrapped
    return wrapper

class MyTest(object):

    def __init__(self): = 'foo'
        self.surname = 'bar'

    @is_match(lambda x:, 'foo')
    @is_match(lambda x: x.surname, 'foo')
    def my_rule(self):
        print 'my_rule : ok'

    @is_match(lambda x:, 'foo')
    @is_match(lambda x: x.surname, 'bar')
    def my_rule2(self):
        print 'my_rule2 : ok'

test = MyTest()

ouput: my_rule2 : ok

How to format font style and color in echo

echo "<span style = 'font-color: #ff0000'> Movie List for {$key} 2013 </span>";

Variables are only expanded inside double quotes, not single quotes. Since the above uses double quotes for the PHP string, I switched to single quotes for the embedded HTML, to avoid having to escape the quotes.

The other problem with your code is that <style> tags are for entering CSS blocks, not for styling individual elements. To style an element, you need an element tag with a style attribute; <span> is the simplest element -- it doesn't have any formatting of its own, it just serves as a place to attach attributes.

Another popular way to write it is with string concatenation:

echo '<span style = "font-color: #ff0000"> Movie List for ' . $key . ' 2013 </span>';

How to grant permission to users for a directory using command line in Windows?

This is what worked for me:

  1. Manually open the folder for which the access is denied.

  2. Select the Executable/application file in that folder.

  3. Right-click on it and go to Properties -> Compatibility

  4. Now see the Privilege Level and check it for Run As Administrator

  5. Click on Change Settings for all users.

The problem is solved now.

asp:TextBox ReadOnly=true or Enabled=false?

I have a child aspx form that does an address lookup server side. The values from the child aspx page are then passed back to the parent textboxes via javascript client side.

Although you can see the textboxes have been changed neither ReadOnly or Enabled would allow the values to be posted back in the parent form.

How to create javascript delay function

You do not need to use an anonymous function with setTimeout. You can do something like this:

setTimeout(doSomething, 3000);

function doSomething() {
   //do whatever you want here

How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never times out

Kotlin and coroutines

I have placed the function in a ViewModel, which has the viewModelScope. Using an observable LiveData I inform an activity about the connection.


 fun checkInternetConnection(timeoutMs: Int) {
        viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            try {
                val socket = Socket()
                val socketAddress = InetSocketAddress("", 53)

                socket.connect(socketAddress, timeoutMs)

            catch(ex: IOException) {
 private val _connection = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
 val connection: LiveData<Boolean> = _connection


 private fun checkInternetConnection() {
     viewModel.connection.observe(this) { hasInternet ->
         if(!hasInternet) {
             //hasn't connection
         else {
            //has connection

Is there a way to override class variables in Java?

only by overriding printMe():

class Son extends Dad 
    public void printMe() 

the reference to me in the Dad.printMe method implicitly points to the static field, so one way or another you're changing what printMe does in Son...

Two Divs on the same row and center align both of them

I would vote against display: inline-block since its not supported across browsers, IE < 8 specifically.

.wrapper {
    width:500px; /* Adjust to a total width of both .left and .right */
    margin: 0 auto;
.left {
    float: left;
    width: 49%; /* Not 50% because of 1px border. */
    border: 1px solid #000;
.right {
    float: right;
    width: 49%; /* Not 50% because of 1px border. */
    border: 1px solid #F00;

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="left">Div 1</div>
    <div class="right">Div 2</div>

EDIT: If no spacing between the cells is desired just change both .left and .right to use float: left;

Bootstrap 3 .img-responsive images are not responsive inside fieldset in FireFox

in FF use inline style i.e.

<img src="..." class="img-responsive" style="width:100%; height:auto;" />

It rocks :)

Is Laravel really this slow?

I use Laravel quite a bit and I simply do not believe the numbers it tells me because end-to-end rendering as measured by my browser shows LOWER total time from request to ready.

Further, I get slightly higher numbers on my machine at work, which does execute the page noticeably faster than my machine at home.

I don't know how those numbers are getting calculated, but they are not corroborated by observation, or browser tools like Firebug...

Laravel is not actually all that slow, especially when optimized. It is memory-hungry however. Even a heavy CMS like Drupal which is very slow, appears to have about 1/3rd the memory footprint of a bare bones Laravel request.

Thus to run Laravel in production, I would deploy to memory-optimized servers before CPU-optimized servers.

How to find the most recent file in a directory using .NET, and without looping?

Another approach if you are using Directory.EnumerateFiles and want to read files in latest modified by first.

foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(fileDirectory, fileType).OrderByDescending(f => new FileInfo(f).LastWriteTime))


How to sort a HashSet?

This simple command did the trick for me:


I used this within a print statement, so if you need to actually persist the ordering, you may need to use TreeSets or other structures proposed on this thread.

How can I copy columns from one sheet to another with VBA in Excel?

Selecting is often unnecessary. Try this

Sub OneCell()
    Sheets("Sheet2").range("B1:B3").value = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1:A3").value
End Sub

concat yesterdays date with a specific time

where date_dt = to_date(to_char(sysdate-1, 'YYYY-MM-DD') || ' 19:16:08', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 

should work.

Processing $http response in service

Related to this I went through a similar problem, but not with get or post made by Angular but with an extension made by a 3rd party (in my case Chrome Extension).
The problem that I faced is that the Chrome Extension won't return then() so I was unable to do it the way in the solution above but the result is still Asynchronous.
So my solution is to create a service and to proceed to a callback

app.service('cookieInfoService', function() {
    this.getInfo = function(callback) {
        var model = {};
        chrome.cookies.get({url:serverUrl, name:'userId'}, function (response) {
            model.response= response;

Then in my controller

app.controller("MyCtrl", function ($scope, cookieInfoService) {
    cookieInfoService.getInfo(function (info) {

Hope this can help others getting the same issue.

Best way to convert string to bytes in Python 3?

If you look at the docs for bytes, it points you to bytearray:

bytearray([source[, encoding[, errors]]])

Return a new array of bytes. The bytearray type is a mutable sequence of integers in the range 0 <= x < 256. It has most of the usual methods of mutable sequences, described in Mutable Sequence Types, as well as most methods that the bytes type has, see Bytes and Byte Array Methods.

The optional source parameter can be used to initialize the array in a few different ways:

If it is a string, you must also give the encoding (and optionally, errors) parameters; bytearray() then converts the string to bytes using str.encode().

If it is an integer, the array will have that size and will be initialized with null bytes.

If it is an object conforming to the buffer interface, a read-only buffer of the object will be used to initialize the bytes array.

If it is an iterable, it must be an iterable of integers in the range 0 <= x < 256, which are used as the initial contents of the array.

Without an argument, an array of size 0 is created.

So bytes can do much more than just encode a string. It's Pythonic that it would allow you to call the constructor with any type of source parameter that makes sense.

For encoding a string, I think that some_string.encode(encoding) is more Pythonic than using the constructor, because it is the most self documenting -- "take this string and encode it with this encoding" is clearer than bytes(some_string, encoding) -- there is no explicit verb when you use the constructor.

Edit: I checked the Python source. If you pass a unicode string to bytes using CPython, it calls PyUnicode_AsEncodedString, which is the implementation of encode; so you're just skipping a level of indirection if you call encode yourself.

Also, see Serdalis' comment -- unicode_string.encode(encoding) is also more Pythonic because its inverse is byte_string.decode(encoding) and symmetry is nice.

Switching to a TabBar tab view programmatically?

Note that the tabs are indexed starting from 0. So the following code snippet works

tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
tabBarController.selectedViewController = [tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:4];

goes to the fifth tab in the bar.

Trying to get property of non-object - CodeIgniter

To access the elements in the array, use array notation: $product['prodname']

$product->prodname is object notation, which can only be used to access object attributes and methods.

Aggregate multiple columns at once

We can use the formula method of aggregate. The variables on the 'rhs' of ~ are the grouping variables while the . represents all other variables in the 'df1' (from the example, we assume that we need the mean for all the columns except the grouping), specify the dataset and the function (mean).

aggregate(.~id1+id2, df1, mean)

Or we can use summarise_each from dplyr after grouping (group_by)

df1 %>%
    group_by(id1, id2) %>% 

Or using summarise with across (dplyr devel version - ‘’)

df1 %>% 
    group_by(id1, id2) %>%
    summarise(across(starts_with('val'), mean))

Or another option is data.table. We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT(df1), grouped by 'id1' and 'id2', we loop through the subset of data.table (.SD) and get the mean.

setDT(df1)[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = .(id1, id2)] 


df1 <- structure(list(id1 = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", 
"b", "b"
), id2 = c("x", "x", "y", "y", "x", "y", "x", "y"), 
val1 = c(1L, 
2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 4L, 3L, 2L), val2 = c(9L, 4L, 5L, 9L, 7L, 4L, 
9L, 8L)), .Names = c("id1", "id2", "val1", "val2"), 
class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"))

Making TextView scrollable on Android

Put maxLines and scrollbars inside TextView in xml.

<TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    android:maxLines="5" // any number of max line here.

Then in java code.

textView.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod());

What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls (and user-space functions) on i386 and x86-64

Calling conventions defines how parameters are passed in the registers when calling or being called by other program. And the best source of these convention is in the form of ABI standards defined for each these hardware. For ease of compilation, the same ABI is also used by userspace and kernel program. Linux/Freebsd follow the same ABI for x86-64 and another set for 32-bit. But x86-64 ABI for Windows is different from Linux/FreeBSD. And generally ABI does not differentiate system call vs normal "functions calls". Ie, here is a particular example of x86_64 calling conventions and it is the same for both Linux userspace and kernel: (note the sequence a,b,c,d,e,f of parameters):

A good rendering of calling conventions vs registers usage

Performance is one of the reasons for these ABI (eg, passing parameters via registers instead of saving into memory stacks)

For ARM there is various ABI:

ARM64 convention:

For Linux on PowerPC:

And for embedded there is the PPC EABI:

This document is good overview of all the different conventions:

nginx missing sites-available directory

Well, I think nginx by itself doesn't have that in its setup, because the Ubuntu-maintained package does it as a convention to imitate Debian's apache setup. You could create it yourself if you wanted to emulate the same setup.

Create /etc/nginx/sites-available and /etc/nginx/sites-enabled and then edit the http block inside /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add this line

include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

Of course, all the files will be inside sites-available, and you'd create a symlink for them inside sites-enabled for those you want enabled.

Java Compare Two Lists

Are these really lists (ordered, with duplicates), or are they sets (unordered, no duplicates)?

Because if it's the latter, then you can use, say, a java.util.HashSet<E> and do this in expected linear time using the convenient retainAll.

    List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList(
        "milan", "milan", "iga", "dingo", "milan"
    List<String> list2 = Arrays.asList(
        "hafil", "milan", "dingo", "meat"

    // intersection as set
    Set<String> intersect = new HashSet<String>(list1);
    System.out.println(intersect.size()); // prints "2"
    System.out.println(intersect); // prints "[milan, dingo]"

    // intersection/union as list
    List<String> intersectList = new ArrayList<String>();
    // prints "[milan, milan, dingo, milan, milan, dingo]"

    // original lists are structurally unmodified
    System.out.println(list1); // prints "[milan, milan, iga, dingo, milan]"
    System.out.println(list2); // prints "[hafil, milan, dingo, meat]"

Is there a concise way to iterate over a stream with indices in Java 8?

Since guava 21, you can use


Example (from official doc):

    Stream.of("a", "b", "c"),
    (str, index) -> str + ":" + index)
) // will return Stream.of("a:0", "b:1", "c:2")

How to count the NaN values in a column in pandas DataFrame

The below will print all the Nan columns in descending order.

df.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending = False)


The below will print first 15 Nan columns in descending order.

df.isnull().sum().sort_values(ascending = False).head(15)

How to cd into a directory with space in the name?

As an alternative to using quotes, for a directory you want to go to often, you could use the cdable_vars shell option:

shopt -s cdable_vars
docs='/cygdrive/c/Users/my dir/Documents'

Now, to change into that directory from anywhere, you can use

cd docs

and the shell will indicate which directory it changed to:

$ cd docs
/cygdrive/c/Users/my dir/Documents

How to check if a network port is open on linux?

Please check Michael answer and vote for it. It is the right way to check open ports. Netstat and other tools are not any use if you are developing services or daemons. For instance, I am crating modbus TCP server and client services for an industrial network. The services can listen to any port, but the question is whether that port is open? The program is going to be used in different places, and I cannot check them all manually, so this is what I did:

from contextlib import closing
import socket
class example:
    def __init__():

       self.machine_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
       self.ready:bool = self.check_socket()

    def check_socket(self)->bool:
        result:bool = True
        with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock:
        modbus_tcp_port:int = 502
        if not sock.connect_ex((self.machine_ip, modbus_tcp_port)) == 0:
            result = False
        return result

Parsing time string in Python

Your best bet is to have a look at strptime()

Something along the lines of

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> date_str = 'Tue May 08 15:14:45 +0800 2012'
>>> date = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%a %B %d %H:%M:%S +0800 %Y')
>>> date
datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 8, 15, 14, 45)

Im not sure how to do the +0800 timezone unfortunately, maybe someone else can help out with that.

The formatting strings can be found at and are the same for formatting the string for printing.

Hope that helps


PS, Your best bet for timezones in installing pytz from pypi. ( ) in fact I think pytz has a great datetime parsing method if i remember correctly. The standard lib is a little thin on the ground with timezone functionality.

Converting unix time into date-time via excel



...and the format of the cell should be date.

If it doesn't work for you

  • If you get a number you forgot to format the output cell as a date.
  • If you get ##### you probably don't have a real Unix time. Check your timestamps in Try to divide your input by 10, 100, 1000 or 10000**
  • You work with timestamps outside Excel's (very extended) limits.
  • You didn't replace A1 with the cell containing the timestamp ;-p


Unix system represent a point in time as a number. Specifically the number of seconds* since a zero-time called the Unix epoch which is 1/1/1970 00:00 UTC/GMT. This number of seconds is called "Unix timestamp" or "Unix time" or "POSIX time" or just "timestamp" and sometimes (confusingly) "Unix epoch".

In the case of Excel they chose a different zero-time and step (because who wouldn't like variety in technical details?). So Excel counts days since 24 hours before 1/1/0000 UTC/GMT. So 25569 corresponds to 1/1/1970 00:00 UTC/GMT and 25570 to 2/1/1970 00:00.

Now please note that we have 86400 seconds per day (24 hours x60 minutes each x60 seconds) and you can understand what this formula does: A1/86400 converts seconds to days and +25569 adjusts for the offset between what is time-zero for Unix and what is time-zero for Excel.

By the way DATE(1970,1,1) will helpfully return 25569 for you in case you forget all this so a more "self-documenting" way to write our formula is:

=A1/(24*60*60) + DATE(1970,1,1)

P.S.: All these were already present in other answers and comments just not laid out as I like them and I don't feel it's OK to edit the hell out of another answer.

*: that's almost correct because you should not count leap seconds

**: E.g. in the case of this question the number was number of milliseconds since the the Unix epoch.

Invalid shorthand property initializer

Change the = to : to fix the error.

var makeRequest = function(message) {<br>
 var options = {<br>
  host: 'localhost',<br>
  port : 8080,<br>
  path : '/',<br>
  method: 'POST'<br>

XML Error: There are multiple root elements

Wrap the xml in another element


Why do package names often begin with "com"

From the Wikipedia article on Java package naming:

In general, a package name begins with the top level domain name of the organization and then the organization's domain and then any subdomains, listed in reverse order. The organization can then choose a specific name for its package. Package names should be all lowercase characters whenever possible.
For example, if an organization in Canada called MySoft creates a package to deal with fractions, naming the package ca.mysoft.fractions distinguishes the fractions package from another similar package created by another company. If a US company named MySoft also creates a fractions package, but names it us.mysoft.fractions, then the classes in these two packages are defined in a unique and separate namespace.

Convert char* to string C++

char *charPtr = "test string";
cout << charPtr << endl;

string str = charPtr;
cout << str << endl;

How do I show my global Git configuration?

Since Git 2.26.0, you can use --show-scope option:

git config --list --show-scope

Example output:

system  rebase.autosquash=true
system  credential.helper=helper-selector
global  core.editor='code.cmd' --wait -n
global  merge.tool=kdiff3
local   core.symlinks=false
local   core.ignorecase=true

It can be combined with

  • --local for project config, --global for user config, --system for all users' config
  • --show-origin to show the exact config file location

Converting byte array to String (Java)

The byte array contains characters in a special encoding (that you should know). The way to convert it to a String is:

String decoded = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");  // example for one encoding type

By The Way - the raw bytes appear may appear as negative decimals just because the java datatype byte is signed, it covers the range from -128 to 127.

-109 = 0x93: Control Code "Set Transmit State"

The value (-109) is a non-printable control character in UNICODE. So UTF-8 is not the correct encoding for that character stream.

0x93 in "Windows-1252" is the "smart quote" that you're looking for, so the Java name of that encoding is "Cp1252". The next line provides a test code:

System.out.println(new String(new byte[]{-109}, "Cp1252")); 

How to Import .bson file format on mongodb

mongorestore is the tool to use to import bson files that were dumped by mongodump.

From the docs:

mongorestore takes the output from mongodump and restores it.


# On the server run dump, it will create 2 files per collection
# in ./dump directory:
# ./dump/my-collection.bson
# ./dump/my-collection.metadata.json
mongodump -h -d my-db -c my-collection

# Locally, copy this structure and run restore.
# All collections from ./dump directory are picked up.
scp user@server:~/dump/**/* ./
mongorestore -h -d my-db

How many characters can a Java String have?

Integer.MAX_VALUE is max size of string + depends of your memory size but the Problem on sphere's online judge you don't have to use those functions

Tomcat startup logs - SEVERE: Error filterStart how to get a stack trace?

I had a similar issue. Renato's tip worked for me. I used a older version of java class files (under WEB-INF/classes folder) and the problem disappeared. So, it should have been the compiler version mismatch.

How to make a transparent border using CSS?

use rgba (rgb with alpha transparency):

border: 10px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); // 0.5 means 50% of opacity

The alpha transparency variate between 0 (0% opacity = 100% transparent) and 1 (100 opacity = 0% transparent)

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center

The simplest solution is to add modal dialog styles to the top of the page or import css with this code:

    .modal-dialog {
    top:50% !important;
    transform: translate(0, -50%) !important;
    -ms-transform: translate(0, -50%) !important;
    -webkit-transform: translate(0, -50%) !important;
    margin:auto 50%;

Modal declaration:

    <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModalCenter" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalCenterTitle" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLongTitle">Modal title</h5>
                <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
            <div class="modal-body">
            <div class="modal-footer">
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>

Modal usage:

<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModalCenter">

What is the correct SQL type to store a .Net Timespan with values > 24:00:00?

I would store the timespan.TotalSeconds in a float and then retrieve it using Timespan.FromSeconds(totalSeconds).

Depending on the resolution you need you could use TotalMilliseconds, TotalMinutes, TotalDays.

You could also adjust the precision of your float in the database.

It's not an exact value... but the nice thing about this is that it's easy to read and calculate in simple queries.

How to resolve "git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)" error on TortoiseGit?

In my case, it was because of the proxy. A proxy was needed in the corporate network and TortoiseGit / Git does not seems to automatically get information from Windows internet settings. Setting up the proxy address solved the issue.

How do you declare an interface in C++?

All good answers above. One extra thing you should keep in mind - you can also have a pure virtual destructor. The only difference is that you still need to implement it.


    --- header file ----
    class foo {
      foo() {;}
      virtual ~foo() = 0;

      virtual bool overrideMe() {return false;}

    ---- source ----

The main reason you'd want to do this is if you want to provide interface methods, as I have, but make overriding them optional.

To make the class an interface class requires a pure virtual method, but all of your virtual methods have default implementations, so the only method left to make pure virtual is the destructor.

Reimplementing a destructor in the derived class is no big deal at all - I always reimplement a destructor, virtual or not, in my derived classes.

TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object in re.findall()

You want to convert html (a byte-like object) into a string using .decode, e.g. html ='utf-8').

See Convert bytes to a Python String

How can I make a float top with CSS?

<div class="block blockLeft">...</div>
<div class="block blockRight">...</div>
<div class="block blockLeft">...</div>
<div class="block blockRight">...</div>
<div class="block blockLeft">...</div>
<div class="block blockRight">...</div>

block {width:300px;}
blockLeft {float:left;}
blockRight {float:right;}

But if the number of div's elements is not fixed or you don't know how much it could be, you still need JS. use jQuery :even, :odd

SQL datetime format to date only

SELECT Subject, CONVERT(varchar(10),DeliveryDate) as DeliveryDate
from Email_Administration 
where MerchantId =@ MerchantID

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse x86 Windows 8.1

My issue came from trying to disable the Maven nature from my project and then deleting the pom.xml file. This is bad, very bad, don't do this. If you do, change it back to a Maven project and hopefully you can either restore your old pom.xml file or create a new one. As soon as I did that, it worked again.

EDIT: I recently ran across this problem again and this time it was because I had duplicate libraries in my classpath. The one Maven added (which started with /M2_REPO/.... and then one I had added (which I should not have done). Even though Eclipse was reporting that it could not find the class, the actual problem was that I had given it two libraries with the same class and it didn't know which one to use. Once I removed the second reference, it worked.

Moving items around in an ArrayList

I came across this old question in my search for an answer, and I thought I would just post the solution I found in case someone else passes by here looking for the same.

For swapping 2 elements, Collections.swap is fine. But if we want to move more elements, there is a better solution that involves a creative use of Collections.sublist and Collections.rotate that I hadn't thought of until I saw it described here:,%20int%29

Here's a quote, but go there and read the whole thing for yourself too:

Note that this method can usefully be applied to sublists to move one or more elements within a list while preserving the order of the remaining elements. For example, the following idiom moves the element at index j forward to position k (which must be greater than or equal to j):

Collections.rotate(list.subList(j, k+1), -1);

How can I send an xml body using requests library?

Pass in the straight XML instead of a dictionary.

setup android on eclipse but don't know SDK directory

You can search your hard drive for one of the programs that's installed with the SDK. For instance, if you search for aapt.exe or adb.exe, they will be in the platform-tools directory underneath the installation directory (which is what you're after).

Java - JPA - @Version annotation

Version used to ensure that only one update in a time. JPA provider will check the version, if the expected version already increase then someone else already update the entity so an exception will be thrown.

So updating entity value would be more secure, more optimist.

If the value changes frequent, then you might consider not to use version field. For an example "an entity that has counter field, that will increased everytime a web page accessed"

Is there a built-in function to print all the current properties and values of an object?

You want vars() mixed with pprint():

from pprint import pprint

PHP refresh window? equivalent to F5 page reload?

If you have any text before a


you'll have issues, because that must be sent before any other text is sent to the page.

Try using this code instead

$page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;' . $page . '">';

Just remember, this code will create and infinite loop, so you'll probably need to make some conditional changes to it.

Add custom message to thrown exception while maintaining stack trace in Java

There is an Exception constructor that takes also the cause argument: Exception(String message, Throwable t).

You can use it to propagate the stacktrace:

}catch(Exception E){
        throw new Exception("transaction: " + transNbr, E); 

Why would someone use WHERE 1=1 AND <conditions> in a SQL clause?

Actually, I've seen this sort of thing used in BIRT reports. The query passed to the BIRT runtime is of the form:

select a,b,c from t where a = ?

and the '?' is replaced at runtime by an actual parameter value selected from a drop-down box. The choices in the drop-down are given by:

select distinct a from t
union all
select '*' from sysibm.sysdummy1

so that you get all possible values plus "*". If the user selects "*" from the drop down box (meaning all values of a should be selected), the query has to be modified (by Javascript) before being run.

Since the "?" is a positional parameter and MUST remain there for other things to work, the Javascript modifies the query to be:

select a,b,c from t where ((a = ?) or (1==1))

That basically removes the effect of the where clause while still leaving the positional parameter in place.

I've also seen the AND case used by lazy coders whilst dynamically creating an SQL query.

Say you have to dynamically create a query that starts with select * from t and checks:

  • the name is Bob; and
  • the salary is > $20,000

some people would add the first with a WHERE and subsequent ones with an AND thus:

select * from t where name = 'Bob' and salary > 20000

Lazy programmers (and that's not necessarily a bad trait) wouldn't distinguish between the added conditions, they'd start with select * from t where 1=1 and just add AND clauses after that.

select * from t where 1=1 and name = 'Bob' and salary > 20000