Programs & Examples On #Binsor

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?

Does this answer your question?

I have never used reinterpret_cast, and wonder whether running into a case that needs it isn't a smell of bad design. In the code base I work on dynamic_cast is used a lot. The difference with static_cast is that a dynamic_cast does runtime checking which may (safer) or may not (more overhead) be what you want (see msdn).

Permission is only granted to system app

Have same error from time to time (when I set install location to "prefer external" in manifest). Just clean and rebuild project. Works for me.

Check if string is neither empty nor space in shell script

In case you need to check against any amount of whitespace, not just single space, you can do this:

To strip string of extra white space (also condences whitespace in the middle to one space):

trimmed=`echo -- $original`

The -- ensures that if $original contains switches understood by echo, they'll still be considered as normal arguments to be echoed. Also it's important to not put "" around $original, or the spaces will not get removed.

After that you can just check if $trimmed is empty.

[ -z "$trimmed" ] && echo "empty!"

Dropdown select with images

Check this example .. everything has been done easily

EDIT: Updated/working as of 2013, July 02:


<select name="webmenu" id="webmenu">
    <option value="calendar" title=""></option>
    <option value="shopping_cart" title=""></option>
    <option value="cd" title=""></option>
    <option value="email"  selected="selected" title=""></option>
    <option value="faq" title=""></option>
    <option value="games" title=""></option>

$("body select").msDropDown();

What is the most efficient way to create HTML elements using jQuery?

You don't need raw performance from an operation you will perform extremely infrequently from the point of view of the CPU.

TypeError: $(...).on is not a function

I tried the solution of Oskar (and many others) but for me it finaly only worked with:

   // Your jQuery code here, using the $


Date Format in Swift

swift 3

let date : Date = Date()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM dd, yyyy"
let todaysDate = dateFormatter.string(from: date)

How to fix a header on scroll

The chosen solution did not fit well in my page. So this is a more advanced version that works with bootstrap.

The javascript

var stickyOffset = $('.sticky-header').offset().top;

$(window).scroll(function () {
    var sticky = $('.sticky-header'),
        scroll = $(window).scrollTop(),
        header = $('.fixed-header-background');
    sticky.each(function() {
        var left = $(this).offset().left;
        $(this).data('left', left);//I store the left offset

    if (scroll >= stickyOffset) {
        header.css('display', 'block');
        sticky.each(function() {
            $(this).css('left', $(this).data('left'));//I set the left offset
    } else {
        header.css('display', 'none');
        sticky.each(function () {
            $(this).css('left', '');//I remove the left offset


.fixed-header-background {
    display: none;
     position: fixed;
    top: 50px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 30px;
    background-color: #fff;
    z-index: 5;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-color: #dedede;
    border-bottom-width: 2px;

     position: fixed;
    top: 52px;
    z-index: 6;

And the HTML

    <div class="fixed-header-background"></div>
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed">
                <th><span class="sticky-header">My header 1</span></th>
                <th><span class="sticky-header">My header 2</span></th>


conditional Updating a list using LINQ

How about

(from k in myList
 where > 35
 select k).ToList().ForEach(k => k.Name = "Banana");

Reading in from - Java

You would read from just like you would for keyboard input using, for example, InputStreamReader or Scanner.

Add vertical whitespace using Twitter Bootstrap?

Wrapping works but when you just want a space, I like:

<div class="col-xs-12" style="height:50px;"></div>

ImportError: No module named enum

Please use --user at end of this, it is working fine for me.

pip install enum34 --user

max(length(field)) in mysql

Edited, will work for unknown max() values:

select name, length( name )
from my_table
where length( name ) = ( select max( length( name ) ) from my_table );

Open an image using URI in Android's default gallery image viewer

Try use it:

Uri uri =  Uri.fromFile(entry);
Intent intent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
String mime = "*/*";
MimeTypeMap mimeTypeMap = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton();
if (mimeTypeMap.hasExtension(
    mime = mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(

submit the form using ajax

You can add an onclick function to your submit button, but you won't be able to submit your function by pressing enter. For my part, I use this:

<form action="" method="post" onsubmit="your_ajax_function(); return false;">
    Your Name <br/>
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" />
    <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" />

Hope it helps.

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

This will fetch without you having to name a branch:

git pull origin pull/939/head

How do I get a specific pull request on my machine?

Function names in C++: Capitalize or not?

There isn't a 'correct way'. They're all syntactically correct, though there are some conventions. You could follow the Google style guide, although there are others out there.

From said guide:

Regular functions have mixed case; accessors and mutators match the name of the variable: MyExcitingFunction(), MyExcitingMethod(), my_exciting_member_variable(), set_my_exciting_member_variable().

How to do SQL Like % in Linq?

Contains is used in Linq ,Just like Like is used in SQL .

string _search="/12/";

. . .

.Where(s => s.Hierarchy.Contains(_search))

You can write your SQL script in Linq as Following :

 var result= Organizations.Join(OrganizationsHierarchy.Where(s=>s.Hierarchy.Contains("/12/")),s=>s.Id,s=>s.OrganizationsId,(org,orgH)=>new {org,orgH});

Copy an entire worksheet to a new worksheet in Excel 2010

'Make the excel file that runs the software the active workbook

'The first sheet used as a temporary place to hold the data 

'Create a new Excel workbook
Dim NewCaseFile As Workbook
Dim strFileName As String

Set NewCaseFile = Workbooks.Add
With NewCaseFile
    Cells(1, 1).Select
End With


ReactJS: Maximum update depth exceeded error

ReactJS: Maximum update depth exceeded error

    displayValue: String(digit)

<button type="button"onClick={this.inputDigit(0)}>

why that?

<button type="button"onClick={() => this.inputDigit(1)}>1</button>

The function onDigit sets the state, which causes a rerender, which causes onDigit to fire because that’s the value you’re setting as onClick which causes the state to be set which causes a rerender, which causes onDigit to fire because that’s the value you’re… Etc

How to set back button text in Swift

If you are pushing a view controller from page view controller page, you cannot update the navigation controller's back button title. To solve this create a delegate back to your parent view controller (you may also be able to traverse the view controller hierarchy back up to the parent).

Furthermore, Back buttons have a character limit. If you exceed that character limit, the system will default to "Back". It will not truncate for you. For example:

backItem.title = "Birthdays/Anniversaries" // Get's converted to "Back".
backItem.title = "Birthdays/Anniversa…" // Fits and shows as is.

Run a single migration file

Method 1 :

rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20080906120000

Method 2:

In Rails Console 1. Copy paste the migration class in console (say add_name_to_user.rb) 2. Then in console, type the following


It is done!!

jQuery get input value after keypress

You have to interrupt the execution thread to allow the input to update.

  $(document).ready(function(event) {
       $("#dSuggest").keypress(function() {
           //Interrupt the execution thread to allow input to update
               setTimeout(function() {
                   var dInput = $('input:text[name=dSuggest]').val();
                   $(".dDimension:contains('" + dInput + "')").css("display","block");
               }, 0);

LEFT JOIN only first row

I want to give a more generalized answer. One that will handle any case when you want to select only the first item in a LEFT JOIN.

You can use a subquery that GROUP_CONCATS what you want (sorted, too!), then just split the GROUP_CONCAT'd result and take only its first item, like so...

LEFT JOIN Person ON = (
        GROUP_CONCAT(FirstName ORDER BY FirstName DESC SEPARATOR "_" ), '_', 1)
    ) FROM Person

Since we have DESC as our ORDER BY option, this will return a Person id for someone like "Zack". If we wanted someone with the name like "Andy", we would change ORDER BY FirstName DESC to ORDER BY FirstName ASC.

This is nimble, as this places the power of ordering totally within your hands. But, after much testing, it will not scale well in a situation with lots of users and lots of data.

It is, however, useful in running data-intensive reports for admin.

Press Enter to move to next control

protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
        if (keyData == (Keys.Enter))

        return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);

goto the design form and View-> tab(as like picture shows) Order then you ordered all the control[That's it] enter image description here

Cannot get Kerberos service ticket: KrbException: Server not found in Kerberos database (7)

In my case, My principal was kafka/[email protected] I got below lines in the terminal:

>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=190
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove
>>> KDCRep: init() encoding tag is 126 req type is 13
         cTime is Thu Oct 05 03:42:15 UTC 1995 812864535000
         sTime is Fri May 31 06:43:38 UTC 2019 1559285018000
         suSec is 111309
         error code is 7
         error Message is Server not found in Kerberos database
         cname is kafka/[email protected]
         sname is kafka/[email protected]
         msgType is 30

After hours of checking, I just found the below line has a wrong value in kafka_2.12-2.2.0/


Also I got two entries of and for same IP address.

I changed it to as listeners=SASL_PLAINTEXT:// Then it worked!

According to the below link, the principal should contain the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of each host and it should be matched with the principal.

How do I use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable?

JAVA_OPTS is environment variable used by tomcat in its startup/shutdown script to configure params.

You can set it in linux by

export JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true" 

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

I use a hidden textbox to edit all the listview items/subitems. The only problem is that the textbox needs to disappear as soon as any event takes place outside the textbox and the listview doesn't trigger the scroll event so if you scroll the listview the textbox will still be visible. To bypass this problem I created the Scroll event with this overrided listview.

Here is my code, I constantly reuse it so it might be help for someone:

ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem SelectedLSI;
private void listView2_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    ListViewHitTestInfo i = listView2.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
    SelectedLSI = i.SubItem;
    if (SelectedLSI == null)

    int border = 0;
    switch (listView2.BorderStyle)
        case BorderStyle.FixedSingle:
            border = 1;
        case BorderStyle.Fixed3D:
            border = 2;

    int CellWidth = SelectedLSI.Bounds.Width;
    int CellHeight = SelectedLSI.Bounds.Height;
    int CellLeft = border + listView2.Left + i.SubItem.Bounds.Left;
    int CellTop =listView2.Top + i.SubItem.Bounds.Top;
    // First Column
    if (i.SubItem == i.Item.SubItems[0])
        CellWidth = listView2.Columns[0].Width;

    TxtEdit.Location = new Point(CellLeft, CellTop);
    TxtEdit.Size = new Size(CellWidth, CellHeight);
    TxtEdit.Visible = true;
    TxtEdit.Text = i.SubItem.Text;
private void listView2_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void listView2_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void TxtEdit_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void TxtEdit_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter || e.KeyCode == Keys.Return)
private void HideTextEditor()
    TxtEdit.Visible = false;
    if (SelectedLSI != null)
        SelectedLSI.Text = TxtEdit.Text;
    SelectedLSI = null;
    TxtEdit.Text = "";

How do you align left / right a div without using float?

Very useful thing have applied today in my project. One div had to be aligned right, with no floating applied.

Applying code made my goal achieved:

.div {
  margin-right: 0px;
  margin-left: auto;

How can I encode a string to Base64 in Swift?

I don’t have 6.2 installed but I don’t think 6.3 is any different in this regard:

dataUsingEncoding returns an optional, so you need to unwrap that.

NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.fromRaw has been replaced with NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue:). Slightly surprisingly, this is not a failable initializer so you don’t need to unwrap it.

But since NSData(base64EncodedString:) is a failable initializer, you need to unwrap that.

Btw, all these changes were suggested by Xcode migrator (click the error message in the gutter and it has a “fix-it” suggestion).

Final code, rewritten to avoid force-unwraps, looks like this:

import Foundation

let str = "iOS Developer Tips encoded in Base64"
println("Original: \(str)")

let utf8str = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)

if let base64Encoded = utf8str?.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0)) 

    println("Encoded:  \(base64Encoded)")

    if let base64Decoded = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64Encoded, options:   NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
                          .map({ NSString(data: $0, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) })
        // Convert back to a string
        println("Decoded:  \(base64Decoded)")

(if using Swift 1.2 you could use multiple if-lets instead of the map)

Swift 5 Update:

import Foundation

let str = "iOS Developer Tips encoded in Base64"
print("Original: \(str)")

let utf8str = .utf8)

if let base64Encoded = utf8str?.base64EncodedString(options: Data.Base64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0)) {
    print("Encoded: \(base64Encoded)")

    if let base64Decoded = Data(base64Encoded: base64Encoded, options: Data.Base64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
    .map({ String(data: $0, encoding: .utf8) }) {
        // Convert back to a string
        print("Decoded: \(base64Decoded ?? "")")

Powershell: convert string to number

Since this topic never received a verified solution, I can offer a simple solution to the two issues I see you asked solutions for.

  1. Replacing the "." character when value is a string

The string class offers a replace method for the string object you want to update:


$myString = $myString.replace(".","") 
  1. Converting the string value to an integer

The system.int32 class (or simply [int] in powershell) has a method available called "TryParse" which will not only pass back a boolean indicating whether the string is an integer, but will also return the value of the integer into an existing variable by reference if it returns true.


[string]$convertedInt = "1500"
[int]$returnedInt = 0
[bool]$result = [int]::TryParse($convertedInt, [ref]$returnedInt)

I hope this addresses the issue you initially brought up in your question.

Passing HTML input value as a JavaScript Function Parameter

1 IDs are meant to be unique

2 You dont need to pass any argument as you can call them in your javascript

  a: <input type="number" name="a" id="a"><br>
  b: <input type="number" name="b" id="b"><br>
  <button onclick="add()">Add</button>
  function add() {
    var a = document.getElementById('a').value;
    var b = document.getElementById('b').value;
    var sum = a + b;

Check if a string contains another string

Building on Rene's answer, you could also write a function that returned either TRUE if the substring was present, or FALSE if it wasn't:

Public Function Contains(strBaseString As String, strSearchTerm As String) As Boolean
'Purpose: Returns TRUE if one string exists within another
On Error GoTo ErrorMessage
    Contains = InStr(strBaseString, strSearchTerm)
Exit Function
MsgBox "The database has generated an error. Please contact the database administrator, quoting the following error message: '" & Err.Description & "'", vbCritical, "Database Error"
End Function

CSS two div width 50% in one line with line break in file

Wrap them around a div with the following CSS

    white-space: nowrap;

Python one-line "for" expression

Even array2.extend(array1) will work.

SelectedValue vs SelectedItem.Value of DropDownList

In droupDown list there are two item add property.

1) Text 2) value

If you want to get text property then u use selecteditem.text

and If you want to select value property then use selectedvalue property

In your case i thing both value and text property are the same so no matter if u use selectedvalue or selecteditem.text

If both are different then they give us different results

How to create nested directories using Mkdir in Golang?

This way you don't have to use any magic numbers:

os.MkdirAll(newPath, os.ModePerm)

Also, rather than using + to create paths, you can use:

import "path/filepath"
path := filepath.Join(someRootPath, someSubPath)

The above uses the correct separators automatically on each platform for you.

How to clear Facebook Sharer cache?

Facebook treats each url as unique and caches the page based on that url, so if you want to share the latest url the simplest solution is to add a query string with the url being shared. In simple words just add ?v=1 at the end of the url. Any number can be used in place of 1.

Hat tip: Umair Jabbar

Numpy: find index of the elements within range

s=[52, 33, 70, 39, 57, 59, 7, 2, 46, 69, 11, 74, 58, 60, 63, 43, 75, 92, 65, 19, 1, 79, 22, 38, 26, 3, 66, 88, 9, 15, 28, 44, 67, 87, 21, 49, 85, 32, 89, 77, 47, 93, 35, 12, 73, 76, 50, 45, 5, 29, 97, 94, 95, 56, 48, 71, 54, 55, 51, 23, 84, 80, 62, 30, 13, 34]


for i in range(0,len(s),10):
    dic[i,i+10]=list(filter(lambda x:((x>=i)&(x<i+10)),s))

for keys,values in dic.items():


(0, 10)
[7, 2, 1, 3, 9, 5]
(20, 30)
[22, 26, 28, 21, 29, 23]
(30, 40)
[33, 39, 38, 32, 35, 30, 34]
(10, 20)
[11, 19, 15, 12, 13]
(40, 50)
[46, 43, 44, 49, 47, 45, 48]
(60, 70)
[69, 60, 63, 65, 66, 67, 62]
(50, 60)
[52, 57, 59, 58, 50, 56, 54, 55, 51]  

How do you convert CString and std::string std::wstring to each other?

This works fine:

//Convert CString to std::string
inline std::string to_string(const CString& cst)
    return CT2A(cst.GetString());

GC overhead limit exceeded

From Java SE 6 HotSpot[tm] Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning

the following

Excessive GC Time and OutOfMemoryError

The concurrent collector will throw an OutOfMemoryError if too much time is being spent in garbage collection: if more than 98% of the total time is spent in garbage collection and less than 2% of the heap is recovered, an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown. This feature is designed to prevent applications from running for an extended period of time while making little or no progress because the heap is too small. If necessary, this feature can be disabled by adding the option -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit to the command line.

The policy is the same as that in the parallel collector, except that time spent performing concurrent collections is not counted toward the 98% time limit. In other words, only collections performed while the application is stopped count toward excessive GC time. Such collections are typically due to a concurrent mode failure or an explicit collection request (e.g., a call to System.gc()).

in conjunction with a passage further down

One of the most commonly encountered uses of explicit garbage collection occurs with RMIs distributed garbage collection (DGC). Applications using RMI refer to objects in other virtual machines. Garbage cannot be collected in these distributed applications without occasionally collection the local heap, so RMI forces full collections periodically. The frequency of these collections can be controlled with properties. For example,

java -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000

-Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 specifies explicit collection once per hour instead of the default rate of once per minute. However, this may also cause some objects to take much longer to be reclaimed. These properties can be set as high as Long.MAX_VALUE to make the time between explicit collections effectively infinite, if there is no desire for an upper bound on the timeliness of DGC activity.

Seems to imply that the evaluation period for determining the 98% is one minute long, but it might be configurable on Sun's JVM with the correct define.

Of course, other interpretations are possible.

Ternary operator in PowerShell

$result = If ($condition) {"true"} Else {"false"}

Everything else is incidental complexity and thus to be avoided.

For use in or as an expression, not just an assignment, wrap it in $(), thus:

write-host  $(If ($condition) {"true"} Else {"false"}) 

data type not understood


mmatrix = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))

Since the shape parameter has to be an int or sequence of ints

Otherwise you are passing ncols to np.zeros as the dtype.

How can I populate a select dropdown list from a JSON feed with AngularJS?

<select name="selectedFacilityId" ng-model="selectedFacilityId">
         <option ng-repeat="facility in facilities" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>

This is an example on how to use it.

Server http:/localhost:8080 requires a user name and a password. The server says: XDB

This is caused because there is a database running on your computer. In my case, it was an Oracle data base. By default, everytime you start your computer, the services of the database automatically starts.

Go to Start >> find Oracle or whatever data-base in the list of programms >> and manually stop the database. It appears that there is a conflict of port.

Python xticks in subplots

There are two ways:

  1. Use the axes methods of the subplot object (e.g. ax.set_xticks and ax.set_xticklabels) or
  2. Use to set the current axes for the pyplot state machine (i.e. the plt interface).

As an example (this also illustrates using setp to change the properties of all of the subplots):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=4)

# Set the ticks and ticklabels for all axes
plt.setp(axes, xticks=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], xticklabels=['a', 'b', 'c'],
        yticks=[1, 2, 3])

# Use the pyplot interface to change just one subplot...[1, 1])
plt.xticks(range(3), ['A', 'Big', 'Cat'], color='red')


enter image description here

How to check if a MySQL query using the legacy API was successful?

You can use mysql_errno() for this too.

$result = mysql_query($query);

    echo "MySQL error ".mysql_errno().": "
         .mysql_error()."\n<br>When executing <br>\n$query\n<br>";

"Debug certificate expired" error in Eclipse Android plugins

For windows xp go to C:\Documents and Settings\%userprofile%\.android and delete debug.keystore file, restart the eclipse and now your project get build without error.

Example path:

C:\Documents and Settings\raja.ap\.android\


Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server, Failed to register URL, Access is denied

I just had a similar issue. I'm not totally sure how to describe the actual fault but it seems like the hostname in the reservation is incorrect. Try this in an elevated command prompt...

netsh http delete urlacl url=http://localhost:62940/

... then ...

netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:62940/ user=everyone

and restart your site. It should work.

How to insert a string which contains an "&"

An alternate solution, use concatenation and the chr function:

select 'J' || chr(38) || 'J Construction' from dual;

How to run script as another user without password?

`su -c "Your command right here" -s /bin/sh username`

The above command is correct, but on Red Hat if selinux is enforcing it will not allow cron to execute scripts as another user. example; execl: couldn't exec /bin/sh execl: Permission denied

I had to install setroubleshoot and setools and run the following to allow it:

yum install setroubleshoot setools
sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
grep crond /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mypol
semodule -i mypol.p

LINQ to SQL - How to select specific columns and return strongly typed list

Basically you are doing it the right way. However, you should use an instance of the DataContext for querying (it's not obvious that DataContext is an instance or the type name from your query):

var result = (from a in new DataContext().Persons
              where a.Age > 18
              select new Person { Name = a.Name, Age = a.Age }).ToList();

Apparently, the Person class is your LINQ to SQL generated entity class. You should create your own class if you only want some of the columns:

class PersonInformation {
   public string Name {get;set;}
   public int Age {get;set;}

var result = (from a in new DataContext().Persons
              where a.Age > 18
              select new PersonInformation { Name = a.Name, Age = a.Age }).ToList();

You can freely swap var with List<PersonInformation> here without affecting anything (as this is what the compiler does).

Otherwise, if you are working locally with the query, I suggest considering an anonymous type:

var result = (from a in new DataContext().Persons
              where a.Age > 18
              select new { a.Name, a.Age }).ToList();

Note that in all of these cases, the result is statically typed (it's type is known at compile time). The latter type is a List of a compiler generated anonymous class similar to the PersonInformation class I wrote above. As of C# 3.0, there's no dynamic typing in the language.


If you really want to return a List<Person> (which might or might not be the best thing to do), you can do this:

var result = from a in new DataContext().Persons
             where a.Age > 18
             select new { a.Name, a.Age };

List<Person> list = result.AsEnumerable()
                          .Select(o => new Person {
                                           Name = o.Name, 
                                           Age = o.Age

You can merge the above statements too, but I separated them for clarity.

How do I run a bat file in the background from another bat file?

Two years old, but for completeness...

Standard, inline approach: (i.e. behaviour you'd get when using & in Linux)

START /B CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]]

Notes: 1. CALL is paired with the .bat file because that where it usually goes.. (i.e. This is just an extension to the CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" form to make it asynchronous. Usually, it's required to correctly get exit codes, but that's a non-issue here.); 2. Double quotes around the .bat file is only needed if the name contains spaces. (The name could be a path in which case there's more likelihood of that.).

If you don't want the output:

START /B CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]] >NUL 2>&1

If you want the bat to be run on an independent console: (i.e. another window)

START CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]]

If you want the other window to hang around afterwards:

START CMD /K CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]]

Note: This is actually poor form unless you have users that specifically want to use the opened window as a normal console. If you just want the window to stick around in order to see the output, it's better off putting a PAUSE at the end of the bat file. Or even yet, add ^& PAUSE after the command line:

START CMD /C CALL "foo.bat" [args [...]] ^& PAUSE

Load different application.yml in SpringBoot Test

Starting with Spring 4.1, We can directly set the property in application.yml using the @TestPropertySource annotation.

@TestPropertySource(properties = {"yoursection.yourparameter=your_value"})
public MyIntTest
 //your test methods

Just convert your yaml parameters into complete property structure. For example: If content of application.yml is like below


Then value to go inside the @TestPropertySource will be,


HTML5 Local storage vs. Session storage

Late answer but felt to add some points here.

Session storage will be available for specific tab where as we can use Local storage through out the browser. Both are default to same origin and we can also store values manually with key, value pairs (value must be string).

Once tab (session) of the browser is closed then Session storage will be cleared on that tab, where as in case of Local storage we need to clear it explicitly. Maximum storage limit respectively 5MB and 10MB.

We can save and retrieve the data like below,

To Save:

sessionStorage.setItem('id', noOfClicks);   // localStorage.setItem('id', noOfClicks);

sessionStorage.setItem('userDetails', JSON.stringify(userDetails));   // if it's object

To Get:

sessionStorage.getItem('id');    // localStorage.getItem('id');

User user = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("userDetails")) as User;  // if it's object

To Modify:

sessionStorage.removeItem('id');    // localStorage.removeItem('id');

sessionStorage.clear();   // localStorage.clear();

P.S: getItem() also return back the data as string and we need convert it into JSON format to access if it's object.

You can read more about Browser Storages here..

  1. Difference between localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies

  2. localstorage-vs-sessionstorage

How do I render a Word document (.doc, .docx) in the browser using JavaScript?

There seem to be some js libraries that can handle .docx (not .doc) to html conversion client-side (in no particular order):

Note: If you are looking for the best way to convert a doc/docx file on the client side, then probably the answer is don't do it. If you really need to do it then do it server-side, i.e. with libreoffice in headless mode, apache-poi (java), pandoc or whatever other library works best for you.

`export const` vs. `export default` in ES6

From the documentation:

Named exports are useful to export several values. During the import, one will be able to use the same name to refer to the corresponding value.

Concerning the default export, there is only a single default export per module. A default export can be a function, a class, an object or anything else. This value is to be considered as the "main" exported value since it will be the simplest to import.

When to use IList and when to use List

It's always best to use the lowest base type possible. This gives the implementer of your interface, or consumer of your method, the opportunity to use whatever they like behind the scenes.

For collections you should aim to use IEnumerable where possible. This gives the most flexibility but is not always suited.

Change arrow colors in Bootstraps carousel

In bootstrap 4 if you are just changing the colour of the controls you can use the sass variables, typically in custom.scss:

$carousel-control-color: #7b277d;

As highlighted in this github issue note:

View the change history of a file using Git versioning

git whatchanged -p filename is also equivalent to git log -p filename in this case.

You can also see when a specific line of code inside a file was changed with git blame filename. This will print out a short commit id, the author, timestamp, and complete line of code for every line in the file. This is very useful after you've found a bug and you want to know when it was introduced (or who's fault it was).

Detect Scroll Up & Scroll down in ListView

this is a simple implementation:

lv.setOnScrollListener(new OnScrollListener() {
        private int mLastFirstVisibleItem;

        public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {


        public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem,
                int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {

                Log.i("SCROLLING DOWN","TRUE");
                Log.i("SCROLLING UP","TRUE");


and if you need more precision, you can use this custom ListView class:

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AbsListView;
import android.widget.ListView;

 * Created by root on 26/05/15.
public class ScrollInterfacedListView extends ListView {

    private OnScrollListener onScrollListener;
    private OnDetectScrollListener onDetectScrollListener;

    public ScrollInterfacedListView(Context context) {
        onCreate(context, null, null);

    public ScrollInterfacedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        onCreate(context, attrs, null);

    public ScrollInterfacedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        onCreate(context, attrs, defStyle);

    private void onCreate(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, Integer defStyle) {

    private void setListeners() {
        super.setOnScrollListener(new OnScrollListener() {

            private int oldTop;
            private int oldFirstVisibleItem;

            public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) {
                if (onScrollListener != null) {
                    onScrollListener.onScrollStateChanged(view, scrollState);

            public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) {
                if (onScrollListener != null) {
                    onScrollListener.onScroll(view, firstVisibleItem, visibleItemCount, totalItemCount);

                if (onDetectScrollListener != null) {
                    onDetectedListScroll(view, firstVisibleItem);

            private void onDetectedListScroll(AbsListView absListView, int firstVisibleItem) {
                View view = absListView.getChildAt(0);
                int top = (view == null) ? 0 : view.getTop();

                if (firstVisibleItem == oldFirstVisibleItem) {
                    if (top > oldTop) {
                    } else if (top < oldTop) {
                } else {
                    if (firstVisibleItem < oldFirstVisibleItem) {
                    } else {

                oldTop = top;
                oldFirstVisibleItem = firstVisibleItem;

    public void setOnScrollListener(OnScrollListener onScrollListener) {
        this.onScrollListener = onScrollListener;

    public void setOnDetectScrollListener(OnDetectScrollListener onDetectScrollListener) {
        this.onDetectScrollListener = onDetectScrollListener;

    public interface OnDetectScrollListener {

        void onUpScrolling();

        void onDownScrolling();


an example for use: (don't forget to add it as an Xml Tag in your layout.xml)

scrollInterfacedListView.setOnDetectScrollListener(new ScrollInterfacedListView.OnDetectScrollListener() {
            public void onUpScrolling() {
               //Do your thing

            public void onDownScrolling() {

             //Do your thing

How do I run a terminal inside of Vim?

The way that I get around this is:

  • pause Vim with Ctrl + Z,
  • play in the terminal,
  • then return to exactly where you left with Vim by just typing the command fg.

Bootstrap Align Image with text

use the grid-system of boostrap , more information here

for example

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-4">here img</div>
  <div class="col-md-4">here text</div>

in this way when the page will shrink the second div(the text) will be found under the first(the image)

How do you format a Date/Time in TypeScript?

Here is another option for Angular (using own formatting function) - this one is for format:

YYYY-mm-dd hh:nn:ss

-you can adjust to your formats, just re-order the lines and change separators

dateAsYYYYMMDDHHNNSS(date): string {
  return date.getFullYear()
            + '-' + this.leftpad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2)
            + '-' + this.leftpad(date.getDate(), 2)
            + ' ' + this.leftpad(date.getHours(), 2)
            + ':' + this.leftpad(date.getMinutes(), 2)
            + ':' + this.leftpad(date.getSeconds(), 2);

leftpad(val, resultLength = 2, leftpadChar = '0'): string {
  return (String(leftpadChar).repeat(resultLength)
        + String(val)).slice(String(val).length);

For current time stamp use like this:

const curTime = this.dateAsYYYYMMDDHHNNSS(new Date());

Will output e.g: 2018-12-31 23:00:01

Expression must be a modifiable lvalue

You test k = M instead of k == M.
Maybe it is what you want to do, in this case, write if (match == 0 && (k = M))

How to stop/kill a query in postgresql?

What I did is first check what are the running processes by

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'active';

Find the process you want to kill, then type:

SELECT pg_cancel_backend(<pid of the process>)

This basically "starts" a request to terminate gracefully, which may be satisfied after some time, though the query comes back immediately.

If the process cannot be killed, try:

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(<pid of the process>)

Best equivalent VisualStudio IDE for Mac to program .NET/C#

MonoDevelop from:

There is no equivalent to Visual Studio. However, for writing C# on Mac or Linux, you can't get better than MonoDevelop.

The Mac build is pre beta. From the MonoDevelop site on Mac:

The Mac OS X port of MonoDevelop is under active development and has not seen a stable release yet. Recent work described by Michael Hutchinson has focussed on improving the usability and stability of Monodevelop on the Mac. This work will be released in MonoDevelop 2.2. Right now it's not finished, and is very much an alpha.

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow

I am using python 3.6.8, on ubunu 18.04, for me the solution was to just upgrade pip

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tensorflow==2.1.0

Which characters are valid in CSS class names/selectors?

Going off of @Triptych's answer, you can use the following 2 regex matches to make a string valid:


This is a reverse match that selects anything that isn't a letter, number, dash or underscore for easy removal.


This matches 0 or 1 dashes followed by 1 or more numbers at the beginning of a string, also for easy removal.

How I use it in PHP:

//Make alphanumeric with dashes and underscores (removes all other characters)
$class = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9A-Z_-]/", "", $class);
//Classes only begin with an underscore or letter
$class = preg_replace("/^-*[0-9]+/", "", $class);
//Make sure the string is 2 or more characters long
return 2 <= strlen($class) ? $class : '';

Open another application from your own (intent)

Launch an application from another application on Android

  Intent launchIntent = getActivity.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.ionicframework.uengage");

Call to undefined function mysql_connect

You have probably forgotten to restart apache/wamp/xamp/whatever webserver you use, you need to do that in order to make it work

How to Read from a Text File, Character by Character in C++

You could try something like:

char ch;
fstream fin("file", fstream::in);
while (fin >> noskipws >> ch) {
    cout << ch; // Or whatever

Android - Center TextView Horizontally in LinearLayout

If you set <TextView> in center in <Linearlayout> then first put android:layout_width="fill_parent" compulsory
No need of using any other gravity



Do you (really) write exception safe code?

I really like working with Eclipse and Java though (new to Java), because it throws errors in the editor if you are missing an EH handler. That makes things a LOT harder to forget to handle an exception...

Plus, with the IDE tools, it adds the try / catch block or another catch block automatically.

What is :: (double colon) in Python when subscripting sequences?

it means 'nothing for the first argument, nothing for the second, and jump by three'. It gets every third item of the sequence sliced. Extended slices is what you want. New in Python 2.3

CSS white space at bottom of page despite having both min-height and height tag

Try setting the height of the html element to 100% as well.

html {
    min-height: 100%;
    overflow-y: scroll;
body {
     min-height: 100%;

Reference from this answer..

Reading a binary input stream into a single byte array in Java

Max value for array index is Integer.MAX_INT - it's around 2Gb (2^31 / 2 147 483 647). Your input stream can be bigger than 2Gb, so you have to process data in chunks, sorry.

        InputStream is;
        final byte[] buffer = new byte[512 * 1024 * 1024]; // 512Mb
        while(true) {
            final int read =;
            if ( read < 0 ) {
            // do processing 

Create a table without a header in Markdown

@thamme-gowda's solution works for images too!

| | |:----------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ![]( "Tonejito") |

You can check this out on a gist I made for that. Here is a render of the table hack on GitHub and GitLab:

Chrome extension id - how to find it

All extension ID are listed here:



How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

I would store it as a char(36).

How to use mongoimport to import csv

I use this on mongoimport shell

mongoimport --db db_name --collection collection_name --type csv --file C:\\Your_file_path\target_file.csv --headerline

type can choose csv/tsv/json But only csv/tsv can use --headerline

You can read more on the offical doc.

Unable to Cast from Parent Class to Child Class

The instance that your base class reference is referring to is not an instance of your child class. There's nothing wrong.

More specifically:

Base derivedInstance = new Derived();
Base baseInstance = new Base();

Derived good = (Derived)derivedInstance; // OK
Derived fail = (Derived)baseInstance; // Throws InvalidCastException

For the cast to be successful, the instance that you're downcasting must be an instance of the class that you're downcasting to (or at least, the class you're downcasting to must be within the instance's class hierarchy), otherwise the cast will fail.

Naming conventions for Java methods that return boolean

is is the one I've come across more than any other. Whatever makes sense in the current situation is the best option though.

Loop through JSON object List

Since you are using jQuery, you might as well use the each method... Also, it seems like everything is a value of the property 'd' in this JS Object [Notation].

$.each(result.d,function(i) {
    // In case there are several values in the array 'd'
    $.each(this,function(j) {
        // Apparently doesn't work...
        // What about this?
        // Or this?

That should work. if not, then maybe you can give us a longer example of the JSON.

Edit: If none of this stuff works then I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with the syntax of your JSON.

how to set JAVA_OPTS for Tomcat in Windows?

This is because, the amount of memory you wish to assign for JVM is not available or may be you are assigning more than available memory. Try small size then u can see the difference.

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m

How do I create a simple Qt console application in C++?

You could fire an event into the quit() slot of your application even without connect(). This way, the event-loop does at least one turn and should process the events within your main()-logic:

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QTimer>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication app( argc, argv );

    // do your thing, once

    QTimer::singleShot( 0, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit );
    return app.exec();

Don't forget to place CONFIG += console in your .pro-file, or set consoleApplication: true in your .qbs Project.CppApplication.

keypress, ctrl+c (or some combo like that)

enter image description here

$(window).keypress("c", function(e) {
  if (!e.ctrlKey)
    return;"CTRL +  C detected !");

$(window).keypress("c", function(e) {_x000D_
  if (!e.ctrlKey)_x000D_
/* */_x000D_
kbd {_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
  color: #000;_x000D_
  background: #eee;_x000D_
  border-style: solid;_x000D_
  border-color: #ccc #aaa #888 #bbb;_x000D_
  padding: 2px 6px;_x000D_
  -moz-border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
  -webkit-border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px #ffffff inset;_x000D_
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px #ffffff inset;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px #ffffff inset;_x000D_
  background-color: #FAFAFA;_x000D_
  border-color: #CCCCCC #CCCCCC #FFFFFF;_x000D_
  border-style: solid solid none;_x000D_
  border-width: 1px 1px medium;_x000D_
  color: #444444;_x000D_
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif;_x000D_
  font-size: 11px;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 5px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div style="display:none">_x000D_
  <kbd>CTRL</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd> detected !_x000D_

Adding and removing extensionattribute to AD object

I used the following today - It works!

Add a value to an extensionAttribute

 $ThisUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $User -Properties extensionAttribute1
    Set-ADUser –Identity $ThisUser -add @{"extensionattribute1"="MyString"}

Remove a value from an extensionAttribute

  $ThisUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $User -Properties extensionAttribute1
  Set-ADUser –Identity $ThisUser -Clear "extensionattribute1" 

Adding a y-axis label to secondary y-axis in matplotlib

The best way is to interact with the axes object directly

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
y1 = 0.05 * x**2
y2 = -1 *y1

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(x, y1, 'g-')
ax2.plot(x, y2, 'b-')

ax1.set_xlabel('X data')
ax1.set_ylabel('Y1 data', color='g')
ax2.set_ylabel('Y2 data', color='b')

example graph

How to pass parameter to click event in Jquery

Better Approach:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#btn').click(function() {
      var id = $(this).attr('id');

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" />

But, if you REALLY need to do the click handler inline, this will work:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function display(el) {
        var id = $(el).attr('id');

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" OnClick="display(this);" />

Best way to convert IList or IEnumerable to Array

Which version of .NET are you using? If it's .NET 3.5, I'd just call ToArray() and be done with it.

If you only have a non-generic IEnumerable, do something like this:

IEnumerable query = ...;
MyEntityType[] array = query.Cast<MyEntityType>().ToArray();

If you don't know the type within that method but the method's callers do know it, make the method generic and try this:

public static void T[] PerformQuery<T>()
    IEnumerable query = ...;
    T[] array = query.Cast<T>().ToArray();
    return array;

Efficient evaluation of a function at every cell of a NumPy array

You could just vectorize the function and then apply it directly to a Numpy array each time you need it:

import numpy as np

def f(x):
    return x * x + 3 * x - 2 if x > 0 else x * 5 + 8

f = np.vectorize(f)  # or use a different name if you want to keep the original f

result_array = f(A)  # if A is your Numpy array

It's probably better to specify an explicit output type directly when vectorizing:

f = np.vectorize(f, otypes=[np.float])

Responsive font size in CSS

There's another approach to responsive font sizes - using rem units.

html {
    /* Base font size */
    font-size: 16px;

h1 {
    font-size: 1.5rem;

h2 {
    font-size: 1.2rem;

Later in media queries, you can adjust all fonts sizes by changing the base font size:

@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    html {
      /* Reducing base font size will reduce all rem sizes */
      font-size: 13px;

    /* You can reduce font sizes manually as well */
    h1 {
        font-size: 1.2rem;
    h2 {
        font-size: 1.0rem;

To make this work in Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8 you will have to add a fallback with px units:

h1 {
    font-size: 18px;
    font-size: 1.125rem;

If you're developing with Less, you can create a mixin that will do the math for you.

Rem units support -

node.js Error: connect ECONNREFUSED; response from server

just run the following command in the node project

npm install

its worked for me

Reload nginx configuration

Maybe you're not doing it as root?

Try sudo nginx -s reload, if it still doesn't work, you might want to try sudo pkill -HUP nginx.

Abstract Class vs Interface in C++

interface were primarily made popular by Java.
Below are the nature of interface and its C++ equivalents:

  1. interface can contain only body-less abstract methods; C++ equivalent is pure virtual methods, though they can/cannot have body
  2. interface can contain only static final data members; C++ equivalent is static const data members which are compile time constants
  3. Multiple interface can be implemented by a Java class, this facility is needed because a Java class can inherit only 1 class; C++ supports multiple inheritance straight away with help of virtual keyword when needed

Because of point 3 interface concept was never formally introduced in C++. Still one can have a flexibility to do that.

Besides this you can refer Bjarne's FAQ on this topic.

How to sort by dates excel?

The problem in here is ms excel not recognizing the things which we entered as date, though is appears as date in menu bar. Select cell and type "=istext(cell ad)" then you can see it "TRUE" hence still your date ms excel thinks as a text that is why it aligns to left automatically. So we should change the type of text. There are many types of changing methods. but I think this too easy and lets do it now.

SELECT THE CELLS -> Go DATA in menu bar -> Then select "Text to Columns" object -> Select "Delimited" in first window then click next -> remove all ticks in the second window and hit next button -> last window select the "Date" and select your prefer date format then hit the finish button.(Then dates look like Wednesday, March 14, 2012) Then you can using previously used formula use and check whether our date is recognized in excel. Then you can Sort as you want. Thank you

Materialize CSS - Select Doesn't Seem to Render

The solution that worked for me is by calling the 'material_select' function after the options data has been loaded. If you print out the value of OptionsList.find().count() to the console it's first 0 then a few milliseconds later the list gets populated with data.

Template.[name].rendered = function() {
    this.autorun(function() {
        var optionsCursor = OptionsList.find().count();
        if(optionsCursor > 0)

sqlplus statement from command line

I assume this is *nix?

Use "here document":

sqlplus -s user/pass <<+EOF
select 1 from dual;

EDIT: I should have tried your second example. It works, too (even in Windows, sans ticks):

$ echo 'select 1 from dual;'|sqlplus -s user/pw



Output (echo/print) everything from a PHP Array

For nice & readable results, use this:

function printVar($var) {
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

The above function will preserve the original formatting, making it (more)readable in a web browser.

Occurrences of substring in a string

Increment lastIndex whenever you look for next occurrence.

Otherwise it's always finding the first substring (at position 0).

Line break in HTML with '\n'

This is to show new line and return carriage in html, then you don't need to do it explicitly. You can do it in css by setting the white-space attribute pre-line value.

<span style="white-space: pre-line">@Model.CommentText</span>

How to get the insert ID in JDBC?

  1. Create Generated Column

    String generatedColumns[] = { "ID" };
  2. Pass this geneated Column to your statement

    PreparedStatement stmtInsert = conn.prepareStatement(insertSQL, generatedColumns);
  3. Use ResultSet object to fetch the GeneratedKeys on Statement

    ResultSet rs = stmtInsert.getGeneratedKeys();
    if ( {
        long id = rs.getLong(1);
        System.out.println("Inserted ID -" + id); // display inserted record

selecting rows with id from another table

Try this (subquery):

   (SELECT term_id FROM terms_relation WHERE taxonomy = "categ")

Or you can try this (JOIN):

SELECT t.* FROM terms AS t 
   INNER JOIN terms_relation AS tr 
   ON = tr.term_id AND tr.taxonomy = "categ"

If you want to receive all fields from two tables:

SELECT,, t.slug, tr.description, tr.created_at, tr.updated_at 
  FROM terms AS t 
   INNER JOIN terms_relation AS tr 
   ON = tr.term_id AND tr.taxonomy = "categ"

Select data from "show tables" MySQL query

Not that I know of, unless you select from INFORMATION_SCHEMA, as others have mentioned.

However, the SHOW command is pretty flexible, E.g.:

SHOW tables like '%s%'

Play multiple CSS animations at the same time

You can indeed run multiple animations simultaneously, but your example has two problems. First, the syntax you use only specifies one animation. The second style rule hides the first. You can specify two animations using syntax like this:

-webkit-animation-name: spin, scale
-webkit-animation-duration: 2s, 4s

as in this fiddle (where I replaced "scale" with "fade" due to the other problem explained below... Bear with me.):

Second, both of your animations alter the same CSS property (transform) of the same DOM element. I don't believe you can do that. You can specify two animations on different elements, the image and a container element perhaps. Just apply one of the animations to the container, as in this fiddle:

using "if" and "else" Stored Procedures MySQL

I think that this construct: if exists (select... is specific for MS SQL. In MySQL EXISTS predicate tells you whether the subquery finds any rows and it's used like this: SELECT column1 FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t2);

You can rewrite the above lines of code like this:


CREATE PROCEDURE `checando`(in nombrecillo varchar(30), in contrilla varchar(30), out resultado int)

    DECLARE count_prim INT;
    DECLARE count_sec INT;

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count_prim FROM compas WHERE nombre = nombrecillo AND contrasenia = contrilla;
    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count_sec FROM FROM compas WHERE nombre = nombrecillo;

    if (count_prim > 0) then
        set resultado = 0;
    elseif (count_sec > 0) then
        set resultado = -1;
        set resultado = -2;
    end if;
    SELECT resultado;

Saving lists to txt file

Assuming your Generic List is of type String:

TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("SavedList.txt");

foreach (String s in Lists.verbList)


Alternatively, with the using keyword:

using(TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("SavedList.txt"))
   foreach (String s in Lists.verbList)

Java: using switch statement with enum under subclass

Change it to this:

switch (enumExample) {
    case VALUE_A: {

The clue is in the error. You don't need to qualify case labels with the enum type, just its value.

Having Django serve downloadable files

I did a project on this. You can look at my github repo:

This module provides a simple way to serve files for download in django rest framework using Apache module Xsendfile. It also has an additional feature of serving downloads only to users belonging to a particular group

Reload the page after ajax success

BrixenDK is right.

.ajaxStop() callback executed when all ajax call completed. This is a best place to put your handler.


encrypt and decrypt md5

It's not possible to decrypt MD5 hash which created. You need all information to decrypt the MD5 value which was used during encryption.

You can use AES algorithm to encrypt and decrypt

JavaScript AES encryption and decryption (Advanced Encryption Standard)

CASE .. WHEN expression in Oracle SQL


00905. 00000 -  "missing keyword"
Erro na linha: 15 Coluna: 11

How to download dependencies in gradle

You should try this one :

task getDeps(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.runtime
    into 'runtime/'

I was was looking for it some time ago when working on a project in which we had to download all dependencies into current working directory at some point in our provisioning script. I guess you're trying to achieve something similar.

Android SDK location

I found it here C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\sdk .

How to open a new form from another form

For example, you have a Button named as Button1. First click on it it will open the EventHandler of that Button2 to call another Form you should write the following code to your Button.

your name example=form2.

form2 obj=new form2();;

To close form1, write the following code:

form1.visible=false; or form1.Hide();

laravel select where and where condition

The error is coming from $userRecord->email. You need to use the ->get() or ->first() methods when calling from the database otherwise you're only getting the Eloquent\Builder object rather than an Eloquent\Collection

The ->first() method is pretty self-explanatory, it will return the first row found. ->get() returns all the rows found

$userRecord = Model::where('email', '=', $email)->where('password', '=', $password)->get();
echo "First name: " . $userRecord->email;

How to set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in linux

I do the following in Mint 15 through 17, also works on ubuntu server 12.04 and above:

sudo vi /etc/bash.bashrc 

scroll to the bottom, and add:


All users have the environment variable added.

Set folder for classpath

Use the command as

java -classpath ".;C:\MyLibs\a\*;D:\MyLibs\b\*" <your-class-name>

The above command will set the mentioned paths to classpath only once for executing the class named TestClass.

If you want to execute more then one classes, then you can follow this

set classpath=".;C:\MyLibs\a\*;D:\MyLibs\b\*"

After this you can execute as many classes as you want just by simply typing

java <your-class-name>

The above command will work till you close the command prompt. But after closing the command prompt, if you will reopen the command prompt and try to execute some classes, then you have to again set the classpath with the help of any of the above two mentioned methods.(First method for executing one class and second one for executing more classes)

If you want to set the classpth only once so that it could work for everytime, then do as follows

1. Right click on "My Computer" icon
2. Go to the "properties"
3. Go to the "Advanced System Settings" or "Advance Settings"
4. Go to the "Environment Variable"
5. Create a new variable at the user variable by giving the information as below
    a.  Variable Name-     classpath
    b.  Variable Value-    .;C:\program files\jdk 1.6.0\bin;C:\MyLibs\a\';C:\MyLibs\b\*
6.Apply this and you are done.

Remember this will work every time. You don't need to explicitly set the classpath again and again.

NOTE: If you want to add some other libs after some day, then don't forget to add a semi-colon at the end of the "variable-value" of the "Environment Variable" and then type the path of your new libs after the semi-colon. Because semi-colon separates the paths of different directories.

Hope this will help you.

Javascript isnull

if (typeof(results)!='undefined'){ 
    return results[1];
} else { 
    return 0; 

But you might want to check if results is an array. Arrays are of type Object so you will need this function

function typeOf(value) {
    var s = typeof value;
    if (s === 'object') {
        if (value) {
            if (value instanceof Array) {
                s = 'array';
        } else {
            s = 'null';
    return s;

So your code becomes

if (typeOf(results)==='array'){
      return results[1];
      return 0;

Create a Path from String in Java7

You can just use the Paths class:

Path path = Paths.get(textPath);

... assuming you want to use the default file system, of course.

Making a mocked method return an argument that was passed to it

You can create an Answer in Mockito. Let's assume, we have an interface named Application with a method myFunction.

public interface Application {
  public String myFunction(String abc);

Here is the test method with a Mockito answer:

public void testMyFunction() throws Exception {
  Application mock = mock(Application.class);
  when(mock.myFunction(anyString())).thenAnswer(new Answer<String>() {
    public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
      Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
      return (String) args[0];


Since Mockito 1.9.5 and Java 8, you can also use a lambda expression:

when(myMock.myFunction(anyString())).thenAnswer(i -> i.getArguments()[0]);

Error when testing on iOS simulator: Couldn't register with the bootstrap server

In most worst condition Reset content and setting of iOS Simulater, and most of the time in my case, quitting XCode along with simulator, always work works for me with XCode4.6 (that frequently get hanged)

How to ISO 8601 format a Date with Timezone Offset in JavaScript?

Just my two sends here

I was facing this issue with datetimes so what I did is this:

const moment = require('moment-timezone')

const date ='America/Bogota').format()

Then save date to db to be able to compare it from some query.

To install moment-timezone

npm i moment-timezone

How to reload/refresh jQuery dataTable?

var myTable = $('#tblIdName').DataTable(); myTable.clear().rows.add(;

This worked for me without using ajax.

Call Python script from bash with argument

Embedded option:

Wrap python code in a bash function.


function current_datetime {
python - <<END
import datetime

# Call it

# Call it and capture the output
echo Current date and time: $DT

Use environment variables, to pass data into to your embedded python script.


function line {
PYTHON_ARG="$1" python - <<END
import os
line_len = int(os.environ['PYTHON_ARG'])
print '-' * line_len

# Do it one way
line 80

# Do it another way
echo $(line 80)

onclick on a image to navigate to another page using Javascript

You can define a a click function and then set the onclick attribute for the element.

function imageClick(url) {
    window.location = url;

<img src="../images/bottle.jpg" alt="bottle" class="thumbnails" onclick="imageClick('../images/bottle.html')" />

This approach lets you get rid of the surrounding <a> element. If you want to keep it, then define the onclick attribute on <a> instead of on <img>.

How to show what a commit did?

This is one way I know of. With git, there always seems to be more than one way to do it.

git log -p commit1 commit2

Gradle Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'

I've solved this problem by deleting the google-services.json file and downloading it again from Firebase console.

How to solve : SQL Error: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1

I noticed following line from error.

exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

That means Oracle was expecting one row but It was getting multiple rows. And, only dual table has that characteristic, which returns only one row.

Later I recall, I have done few changes in dual table and when I executed dual table. Then found multiple rows.

So, I truncated dual table and inserted only row which X value. And, everything working fine.

How do I set the default Java installation/runtime (Windows)?

Stacked by this issue and have resolved it in 2020, in Windows 10. I'm using Java 8 RE and 14.1 JDK and it worked well until Eclipse upgrade to version 2020-09. After that I can't run Eclipse because it needed to use Java 11 or newer and it found only 8 version. It was because of order of environment variables of "Path":

environment variables setting

I suppose C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath is path to link to installed JRE exe files (in my case Java 8) and the issue was resolved by move down this link after %JAVA_HOME%, what leads to Java 14.1/bin folder.

EV setting after edit

It seems that order of environment variables affects order of searched folders while executable file is requested. Thanks for your comment or better explanation.

Close virtual keyboard on button press

Try this...

  1. For Showing keyboard

    InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
    imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0);
  2. For Hide keyboard

    InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); 
    inputManager.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.HIDE_IMPLICIT_ONLY, 0);

Calculate the execution time of a method

If you are interested in understand performance, the best answer is to use a profiler.

Otherwise, System.Diagnostics.StopWatch provides a high resolution timer.

PHP7 : install ext-dom issue

First of all, read the warning! It says do not run composer as root! Secondly, you're probably using Xammp on your local which has the required php libraries as default.

But in your server you're missing ext-dom. php-xml has all the related packages you need. So, you can simply install it by running:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install php-xml

Most likely you are missing mbstring too. If you get the error, install this package as well with:

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

Then run:

composer update
composer require cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?

I have recently found a thread here, as I have to do a similar thing for a listview with images, but the principle is simple, as you can read in the first sample class shown there (by jleedev). You get the Input stream of the image (from web)

private InputStream fetch(String urlString) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
    DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpGet request = new HttpGet(urlString);
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
    return response.getEntity().getContent();

Then you store the image as Drawable and you can pass it to the ImageView (via setImageDrawable). Again from the upper code snippet take a look at the entire thread.

InputStream is = fetch(urlString);
Drawable drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(is, "src");

Python find elements in one list that are not in the other

Use a list comprehension like this:

main_list = [item for item in list_2 if item not in list_1]


>>> list_1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
>>> list_2 = ["a", "f", "c", "m"] 
>>> main_list = [item for item in list_2 if item not in list_1]
>>> main_list
['f', 'm']


Like mentioned in the comments below, with large lists, the above is not the ideal solution. When that's the case, a better option would be converting list_1 to a set first:

set_1 = set(list_1)  # this reduces the lookup time from O(n) to O(1)
main_list = [item for item in list_2 if item not in set_1]

Angularjs: input[text] ngChange fires while the value is changing

I had exactly the same problem and this worked for me. Add ng-model-update and ng-keyup and you're good to go! Here is the docs

 <input type="text" name="userName"
         ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }"
         ng-keyup="cancel($event)" />

How to get current date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format in ASP.NET?

The ToString method on the DateTime struct can take a format parameter:

var dateAsString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
// dateAsString = "2011-02-17"

Documentation for standard and custom format strings is available on MSDN.

HTTP could not register URL http://+:8000/HelloWCF/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace

You must give permission to your app for listening http requests. You can use this command in cmd for this purpose (open cmd Run As Administrator mode)

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8000/ user=Everyone

If your app is working other port, for example 9095, this command must be like as below:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:9095/ user=Everyone

And re-run your app, it should work. This way working for me.

Check if current directory is a Git repository

if ! [[ $(pwd) = *.git/* || $(pwd) = *.git ]]; then 
  if type -P git >/dev/null; then
    ! git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
     printf '\n%s\n\n' "GIT repository detected." && git status

Thank you ivan_pozdeev, Now I have a test if inside the .git directory the code will not run so no errors printed out or false exit status.

The "! [[ $(pwd) = .git/ || $(pwd) = *.git ]]" tests if you're not inside a .git repo then it will run the git command. The builtin type command is use to check if you have git installed or it is within your PATH. see help type

WPF Binding StringFormat Short Date String

Some DateTime StringFormat samples I found useful. Lifted from C# Examples

DateTime dt = new DateTime(2008, 3, 9, 16, 5, 7, 123);

String.Format("{0:y yy yyy yyyy}", dt);  // "8 08 008 2008"   year
String.Format("{0:M MM MMM MMMM}", dt);  // "3 03 Mar March"  month
String.Format("{0:d dd ddd dddd}", dt);  // "9 09 Sun Sunday" day
String.Format("{0:h hh H HH}",     dt);  // "4 04 16 16"      hour 12/24
String.Format("{0:m mm}",          dt);  // "5 05"            minute
String.Format("{0:s ss}",          dt);  // "7 07"            second
String.Format("{0:f ff fff ffff}", dt);  // "1 12 123 1230"   sec.fraction
String.Format("{0:F FF FFF FFFF}", dt);  // "1 12 123 123"    without zeroes
String.Format("{0:t tt}",          dt);  // "P PM"            A.M. or P.M.
String.Format("{0:z zz zzz}",      dt);  // "-6 -06 -06:00"   time zone

Get Android .apk file VersionName or VersionCode WITHOUT installing apk

aapt dump badging test.apk | grep "VersionName" | sed -e "s/.*versionName='//" -e "s/' .*//"

This answers the question by returning only the version number as a result. However......

The goal as previously stated should be to find out if the apk on the server is newer than the one installed BEFORE attempting to download or install it. The easiest way to do this is include the version number in the filename of the apk hosted on the server eg myapp_1.01.apk

You will need to establish the name and version number of the apps already installed (if it is installed) in order to make the comparison. You will need a rooted device or a means of installing the aapt binary and busybox if they are not already included in the rom.

This script will get the list of apps from your server and compare with any installed apps. The result is a list flagged for upgrade/installation.

SERVER_LIST=$(wget -qO- "" | grep 'href' | grep '\.apk' | sed 's/.*href="//' | \
              sed 's/".*//' | grep -v '\/' | sed -E "s/%/\\\\x/g" | sed -e "s/x20/ /g" -e "s/\\\\//g")
LOCAL_LIST=$(for APP in $(pm list packages -f | sed -e 's/package://' -e 's/=.*//' | sort -u); do \
              INFO=$(echo -n $(aapt dump badging $APP | grep -e 'package: name=' -e 'application: label=')) 2>/dev/null; \
              PACKAGE=$(echo $INFO | sed "s/.*package: name='//" | sed "s/'.*$//"); \
              LABEL=$(echo $INFO | sed "s/.*application: label='//" | sed "s/'.*$//"); if [ -z "$LABEL" ]; then LABEL="$PACKAGE"; fi; \
              VERSION=$(echo $INFO | sed -e "s/.*versionName='//" -e "s/' .*//"); \
              NAME=$LABEL"_"$VERSION".apk"; echo "$NAME"; \
OFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\t\n'
    REMOTE_NAME=$(echo $REMOTE | sed 's/_.*//'); REMOTE_VER=$(echo $REMOTE | sed 's/^[^_]*_//g' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
    for LOCAL in $LOCAL_LIST; do
        LOCAL_NAME=$(echo $LOCAL | sed 's/_.*//'); LOCAL_VER=$(echo $LOCAL | sed 's/^[^_]*_//g' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
        if [ "$REMOTE_NAME" == "$LOCAL_NAME" ]; then INSTALLED=1; fi
        if [ "$REMOTE_NAME" == "$LOCAL_NAME" ] && [ ! "$REMOTE_VER" == "$LOCAL_VER" ]; then echo remote=$REMOTE ver=$REMOTE_VER local=$LOCAL ver=$LOCAL_VER; fi
    if [ "$INSTALLED" == "0" ]; then echo "$REMOTE"; fi

As somebody asked how to do it without using aapt. It is also possible to extract apk info with apktool and a bit of scripting. This way is slower and not simple in android but will work on windows/mac or linux as long as you have working apktool setup.

rm -f -R $TMPDIR
apktool d -q -f -s --force-manifest -o $TMPDIR $APK
APK=$(basename $APK)
VERSION=$(cat $TMPDIR/apktool.yml | grep "versionName" | sed -e "s/versionName: //")
LABEL=$(cat $TMPDIR/res/values/strings.xml | grep 'string name="title"' | sed -e 's/.*">//' -e 's/<.*//')
rm -f -R $TMPDIR
echo ${LABEL}_$(echo $V).apk

Also consider a drop folder on your server. Upload apks to it and a cron task renames and moves them to your update folder.

# Drop Folder script for renaming APKs
# Read apk file from SRC folder and move it to TGT folder while changing filename to APKLABEL_APKVERSION.apk
# If an existing version of the APK exists in the target folder then script will remove it
# Define METHOD as "aapt" or "apktool" depending upon what is available on server 

# Variables
if [ -d "$SRC" ];then mkdir -p $SRC
if [ -d "$TGT" ]then mkdir -p $TGT

# Functions
get_apk_filename () {
    if [ "$1" = "" ]; then return 1; fi
    local A="$1"
    case $METHOD in
            local D=/tmp/apktool
            rm -f -R $D
            apktool d -q -f -s --force-manifest -o $D $A
            local A=$(basename $A)
            local V=$(cat $D/apktool.yml | grep "versionName" | sed -e "s/versionName: //")
            local T=$(cat $D/res/values/strings.xml | grep 'string name="title"' | sed -e 's/.*">//' -e 's/<.*//')
            rm -f -R $D<commands>
            local A=$(aapt dump badging $A | grep -e "application-label:" -e "VersionName")
            local V=$(echo $A | sed -e "s/.*versionName='//" -e "s/' .*//")
            local T=$(echo $A | sed -e "s/.*application-label:'//" -e "s/'.*//")
    echo ${T}_$(echo $V).apk

# Begin script
for APK in $(ls "$SRC"/*.apk); do
    APKNAME=$(get_apk_filename "$APK")
    rm -f $TGT/$(echo APKNAME | sed "s/_.*//")_*.apk
    mv "$APK" "$TGT"/$APKNAME

Hbase quickly count number of rows

Use RowCounter in HBase RowCounter is a mapreduce job to count all the rows of a table. This is a good utility to use as a sanity check to ensure that HBase can read all the blocks of a table if there are any concerns of metadata inconsistency. It will run the mapreduce all in a single process but it will run faster if you have a MapReduce cluster in place for it to exploit.

$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.RowCounter <tablename>

Usage: RowCounter [options] 
    <tablename> [          
        [<column1> <column2>...]

Summing radio input values

Your javascript is executed before the HTML is generated, so it doesn't "see" the ungenerated INPUT elements. For jQuery, you would either stick the Javascript at the end of the HTML or wrap it like this:

<script type="text/javascript">   $(function() { //jQuery trick to say after all the HTML is parsed.     $("input[type=radio]").click(function() {       var total = 0;       $("input[type=radio]:checked").each(function() {         total += parseFloat($(this).val());       });        $("#totalSum").val(total);     });   }); </script> 

EDIT: This code works for me

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body>   <strong>Choose a base package:</strong>   <input id="item_0" type="radio" name="pkg" value="1942" />Base Package 1 - $1942   <input id="item_1" type="radio" name="pkg" value="2313" />Base Package 2 - $2313   <input id="item_2" type="radio" name="pkg" value="2829" />Base Package 3 - $2829   <strong>Choose an add on:</strong>   <input id="item_10" type="radio" name="ext" value="0" />No add-on - +$0   <input id="item_12" type="radio" name="ext" value="2146" />Add-on 1 - (+$2146)   <input id="item_13" type="radio" name="ext" value="2455" />Add-on 2 - (+$2455)   <input id="item_14" type="radio" name="ext" value="2764" />Add-on 3 - (+$2764)   <input id="item_15" type="radio" name="ext" value="3073" />Add-on 4 - (+$3073)   <input id="item_16" type="radio" name="ext" value="3382" />Add-on 5 - (+$3382)   <input id="item_17" type="radio" name="ext" value="3691" />Add-on 6 - (+$3691)   <strong>Your total is:</strong>   <input id="totalSum" type="text" name="totalSum" readonly="readonly" size="5" value="" />   <script src=""></script>   <script type="text/javascript">       $("input[type=radio]").click(function() {         var total = 0;         $("input[type=radio]:checked").each(function() {           total += parseFloat($(this).val());         });          $("#totalSum").val(total);       });     </script> </body> </html> 

Two versions of python on linux. how to make 2.7 the default

Enter the command

which python


cd /usr/bin
ls -l

Here you can see something like this

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root            9 Mar  7 17:04  python -> python2.7

your default python2.7 is soft linked to the text 'python'

So remove the softlink python

sudo rm -r python

then retry the above command

ls -l

you can see the softlink is removed

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root   root      3670448 Nov 12 20:01  python2.7

Then create a new softlink for python3.6

ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 python

Then try the command python in terminal

Python 3.6.7 (default, Oct 22 2018, 11:32:17) 
[GCC 8.2.0] on linux

Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

How to make a function wait until a callback has been called using node.js

Note: This answer should probably not be used in production code. It's a hack and you should know about the implications.

There is the uvrun module (updated for newer Nodejs versions here) where you can execute a single loop round of the libuv main event loop (which is the Nodejs main loop).

Your code would look like this:

function(query) {
  var r;
  myApi.exec('SomeCommand', function(response) {
    r = response;
  var uvrun = require("uvrun");
  while (!r)
  return r;

(You might alternative use uvrun.runNoWait(). That could avoid some problems with blocking, but takes 100% CPU.)

Note that this approach kind of invalidates the whole purpose of Nodejs, i.e. to have everything async and non-blocking. Also, it could increase your callstack depth a lot, so you might end up with stack overflows. If you run such function recursively, you definitely will run into troubles.

See the other answers about how to redesign your code to do it "right".

This solution here is probably only useful when you do testing and esp. want to have synced and serial code.

Warning message: In `...` : invalid factor level, NA generated

I have got similar issue which data retrieved from .xlsx file. Unfortunately, I could not find the proper answer here. I handled it on my own with dplyr as below which might help others:

extracted_df <- read.xlsx("test.xlsx", sheetName='Sheet1', stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Replace all NAs in a data frame with "G" character
extracted_df[] <- "G"

However, I could not handle it with the readxl package which does not have similar parameter to the stringsAsFactors. For the reason, I have moved to the xlsx package.

How to use GROUP_CONCAT in a CONCAT in MySQL

select id, group_concat(`Name` separator ',') as `ColumnName`
    concat(`Name`, ':', group_concat(`Value` separator ',')) as `Name`
  from mytbl
  group by 
) tbl
group by id;

You can see it implemented here : Sql Fiddle Demo. Exactly what you need.

Update Splitting in two steps. First we get a table having all values(comma separated) against a unique[Name,id]. Then from obtained table we get all names and values as a single value against each unique id See this explained here SQL Fiddle Demo (scroll down as it has two result sets)

Edit There was a mistake in reading question, I had grouped only by id. But two group_contacts are needed if (Values are to be concatenated grouped by Name and id and then over all by id). Previous answer was

id,group_concat(concat(`name`,':',`value`) separator ',')
as Result from mytbl group by id

You can see it implemented here : SQL Fiddle Demo

How to get Device Information in Android

Try this:


String serviceName = Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE;
TelephonyManager m_telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(serviceName);
IMEI = m_telephonyManager.getDeviceId();
IMSI = m_telephonyManager.getSubscriberId();

How to remove the border highlight on an input text element

To remove it from all inputs

input {

How do I get a list of all the duplicate items using pandas in python?

df[df['ID'].duplicated() == True]

This worked for me

CKEditor instance already exists

This is the simplest (and only) solution that worked for me:

   delete CKEDITOR.instances[editorName];

Deleting this entry in the array prevents this form safety check from destroying your application.

destroy() and remove() did not work for me.

How to properly overload the << operator for an ostream?

To add to Mehrdad answer ,

namespace Math
    class Matrix


    std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Math::Matrix& matrix);

In your implementation

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, 
                     const Math::Matrix& matrix) {
    matrix.print(stream); //assuming you define print for matrix 
    return stream;

How to create a popup window (PopupWindow) in Android

This an example from my code how to address a widget(button) in popupwindow

View v=LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.popupwindow, null, false);
    final PopupWindow pw = new PopupWindow(v,500,500, true);
    final Button button = rootView.findViewById(;
    button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            pw.showAtLocation(rootView.findViewById(, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

    final Button popup_btn=v.findViewById(;

    popup_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

Hope this help you

java: run a function after a specific number of seconds

Example of using javax.swing.Timer

Timer timer = new Timer(3000, new ActionListener() {
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
    // Code to be executed
timer.setRepeats(false); // Only execute once
timer.start(); // Go go go!

This code will only be executed once, and the execution happens in 3000 ms (3 seconds).

As camickr mentions, you should lookup "How to Use Swing Timers" for a short introduction.

dll missing in JDBC

Alright guys, I found it out! I didn't really need to change the java.library.path but the "Native library location" of sqljdbc.jar

This is the best answer I could find:

It works now, thanks for the support!

c# write text on bitmap

Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("filename.bmp");

RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(70, 90, 90, 50);

Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
g.DrawString("yourText", new Font("Tahoma",8), Brushes.Black, rectf);



String to char array Java

A string to char array is as simple as

String str = "someString"; 
char[] charArray = str.toCharArray();

Can you explain a little more on what you are trying to do?

* Update *

if I am understanding your new comment, you can use a byte array and example is provided.

byte[] bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(1695609641).array();

for (byte b : bytes) {
   System.out.format("0x%x ", b);

With the following output

0x65 0x10 0xf3 0x29

Get index of a row of a pandas dataframe as an integer

To answer the original question on how to get the index as an integer for the desired selection, the following will work :


String array initialization in Java

You can do the following during declaration:

String names[] = {"Ankit","Bohra","Xyz"};

And if you want to do this somewhere after declaration:

String names[];
names = new String[] {"Ankit","Bohra","Xyz"};

What is the difference between T(n) and O(n)?

There's a simple way (a trick, I guess) to remember which notation means what.

All of the Big-O notations can be considered to have a bar.

When looking at a O, the bar is at the bottom, so it is an (asymptotic) lower bound.

When looking at a T, the bar is obviously in the middle. So it is an (asymptotic) tight bound.

When handwriting O, you usually finish at the top, and draw a squiggle. Therefore O(n) is the upper bound of the function. To be fair, this one doesn't work with most fonts, but it is the original justification of the names.

Simple VBA selection: Selecting 5 cells to the right of the active cell

This example selects a new Range of Cells defined by the current cell to a cell 5 to the right.

Note that .Offset takes arguments of Offset(row, columns) and can be quite useful.

Sub testForStackOverflow()
    Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
End Sub

Subset data.frame by date

The first thing you should do with date variables is confirm that R reads it as a Date. To do this, for the variable (i.e. vector/column) called Date, in the data frame called EPL2011_12, input


The output should read [1] "Date". If it doesn't, you should format it as a date by inputting

EPL2011_12$Date <- as.Date(EPL2011_12$Date, "%d-%m-%y")

Note that the hyphens in the date format ("%d-%m-%y") above can also be slashes ("%d/%m/%y"). Confirm that R sees it as a Date. If it doesn't, try a different formatting command

EPL2011_12$Date <- format(EPL2011_12$Date, format="%d/%m/%y")

Once you have it in Date format, you can use the subset command, or you can use brackets

WhateverYouWant <- EPL2011_12[EPL2011_12$Date > as.Date("2014-12-15"),]

JQuery / JavaScript - trigger button click from another button click event

If it does not work by using the click() method like suggested in the accepted answer, then you can try this:

//trigger second button

Difference between exit() and sys.exit() in Python

exit is a helper for the interactive shell - sys.exit is intended for use in programs.

The site module (which is imported automatically during startup, except if the -S command-line option is given) adds several constants to the built-in namespace (e.g. exit). They are useful for the interactive interpreter shell and should not be used in programs.

Technically, they do mostly the same: raising SystemExit. sys.exit does so in sysmodule.c:

static PyObject *
sys_exit(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyObject *exit_code = 0;
    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, "exit", 0, 1, &exit_code))
        return NULL;
    /* Raise SystemExit so callers may catch it or clean up. */
    PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_SystemExit, exit_code);
   return NULL;

While exit is defined in and, respectively.

class Quitter(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = name
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Use %s() or %s to exit' % (, eof)
    def __call__(self, code=None):
        # Shells like IDLE catch the SystemExit, but listen when their
        # stdin wrapper is closed.
        raise SystemExit(code)
__builtin__.quit = Quitter('quit')
__builtin__.exit = Quitter('exit')

Note that there is a third exit option, namely os._exit, which exits without calling cleanup handlers, flushing stdio buffers, etc. (and which should normally only be used in the child process after a fork()).

Soft keyboard open and close listener in an activity in Android

You can try it:

private void initKeyBoardListener() {
    // ??????????? ???????? ??????????. 
    // Threshold for minimal keyboard height.
    final int MIN_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PX = 150;
    // ???? ???????? ?????? view. 
    // Top-level window decor view.
    final View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
    // ???????????? ?????????? ?????????. Register global layout listener.
    decorView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
        // ??????? ????????????? ?????? ????. 
        // Retrieve visible rectangle inside window.
        private final Rect windowVisibleDisplayFrame = new Rect();
        private int lastVisibleDecorViewHeight;

        public void onGlobalLayout() {
            final int visibleDecorViewHeight = windowVisibleDisplayFrame.height();

            if (lastVisibleDecorViewHeight != 0) {
                if (lastVisibleDecorViewHeight > visibleDecorViewHeight + MIN_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PX) {
                    Log.d("Pasha", "SHOW");
                } else if (lastVisibleDecorViewHeight + MIN_KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PX < visibleDecorViewHeight) {
                    Log.d("Pasha", "HIDE");
            // ????????? ??????? ?????? view ?? ?????????? ??????.
            // Save current decor view height for the next call.
            lastVisibleDecorViewHeight = visibleDecorViewHeight;

jQuery - Detecting if a file has been selected in the file input

You should be able to attach an event handler to the onchange event of the input and have that call a function to set the text in your span.

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
     $("input:file").change(function (){
       var fileName = $(this).val();

You may want to add IDs to your input and span so you can select based on those to be specific to the elements you are concerned with and not other file inputs or spans in the DOM.

Use of the MANIFEST.MF file in Java

Manifest.MF contains information about the files contained in the JAR file.

Whenever a JAR file is created a default file is created inside META-INF folder and it contains the default entries like this:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_06 (Oracle Corporation)

These are entries as “header:value” pairs. The first one specifies the manifest version and second one specifies the JDK version with which the JAR file is created.

Main-Class header: When a JAR file is used to bundle an application in a package, we need to specify the class serving an entry point of the application. We provide this information using ‘Main-Class’ header of the manifest file,

Main-Class: {fully qualified classname}

The ‘Main-Class’ value here is the class having main method. After specifying this entry we can execute the JAR file to run the application.

Class-Path header: Most of the times we need to access the other JAR files from the classes packaged inside application’s JAR file. This can be done by providing their fully qualified paths in the manifest file using ‘Class-Path’ header,

Class-Path: {jar1-name jar2-name directory-name/jar3-name}

This header can be used to specify the external JAR files on the same local network and not inside the current JAR.

Package version related headers: When the JAR file is used for package versioning the following headers are used as specified by the Java language specification:

Headers in a manifest
Header                  | Definition
Name                    | The name of the specification.
Specification-Title     | The title of the specification.
Specification-Version   | The version of the specification.
Specification-Vendor    | The vendor of the specification.
Implementation-Title    | The title of the implementation.
Implementation-Version  | The build number of the implementation.
Implementation-Vendor   | The vendor of the implementation.

Package sealing related headers:

We can also specify if any particular packages inside a JAR file should be sealed meaning all the classes defined in that package must be archived in the same JAR file. This can be specified with the help of ‘Sealed’ header,

Name: {package/some-package/} Sealed:true

Here, the package name must end with ‘/’.

Enhancing security with manifest files:

We can use manifest files entries to ensure the security of the web application or applet it packages with the different attributes as ‘Permissions’, ‘Codebae’, ‘Application-Name’, ‘Trusted-Only’ and many more.

META-INF folder:

This folder is where the manifest file resides. Also, it can contain more files containing meta data about the application. For example, in an EJB module JAR file, this folder contains the EJB deployment descriptor for the EJB module along with the manifest file for the JAR. Also, it contains the xml file containing mapping of an abstract EJB references to concrete container resources of the application server on which it will be run.


How do you specifically order ggplot2 x axis instead of alphabetical order?

It is a little difficult to answer your specific question without a full, reproducible example. However something like this should work:

#Turn your 'treatment' column into a character vector
data$Treatment <- as.character(data$Treatment)
#Then turn it back into a factor with the levels in the correct order
data$Treatment <- factor(data$Treatment, levels=unique(data$Treatment))

In this example, the order of the factor will be the same as in the data.csv file.

If you prefer a different order, you can order them by hand:

data$Treatment <- factor(data$Treatment, levels=c("Y", "X", "Z"))

However this is dangerous if you have a lot of levels: if you get any of them wrong, that will cause problems.

Why does viewWillAppear not get called when an app comes back from the background?

Just trying to make it as easy as possible see code below:

- (void)viewDidLoad
   [self appWillEnterForeground]; //register For Application Will enterForeground

- (id)appWillEnterForeground{ //Application will enter foreground.

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
    return self;

-(void) allFunctions{ //call any functions that need to be run when application will enter foreground 
    NSLog(@"calling all functions...application just came back from foreground");


SOAP-UI - How to pass xml inside parameter

Either encode the needed XML entities or use CDATA.

    <parameter1>&lt;test>like this&lt;/test></parameter1>
    <parameter2><![CDATA[<test>or like this</test>]]></parameter2>

jQuery change URL of form submit

Try using this:

$(".move_to").on("click", function(e){
    $('#contactsForm').attr('action', "/test1").submit();

Moving the order in which you use .preventDefault() might fix your issue. You also didn't use function(e) so e.preventDefault(); wasn't working.

Here it is working: - first of all, click the 'Check action attribute.' link. You'll get an alert saying undefined. Then click 'Set action attribute.' and click 'Check action attribute.' again. You'll see that the form's action attribute has been correctly set to /test1.

While, Do While, For loops in Assembly Language (emu8086)


For-loop in C:

for(int x = 0; x<=3; x++)
    //Do something!

The same loop in 8086 assembler:

        xor cx,cx   ; cx-register is the counter, set to 0
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here, should not change cx
        inc cx      ; Increment
        cmp cx,3    ; Compare cx to the limit
        jle loop1   ; Loop while less or equal

That is the loop if you need to access your index (cx). If you just wanna to something 0-3=4 times but you do not need the index, this would be easier:

        mov cx,4    ; 4 iterations
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here, should not change cx
        loop loop1  ; loop instruction decrements cx and jumps to label if not 0

If you just want to perform a very simple instruction a constant amount of times, you could also use an assembler-directive which will just hardcore that instruction

times 4 nop


Do-while-loop in C:

int x=1;
    //Do something!

The same loop in assembler:

        mov ax,1
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here
        cmp ax,1    ; Check wether cx is 1
        je loop1    ; And loop if equal


While-loop in C:

    //Do something

The same loop in assembler:

        jmp loop1   ; Jump to condition first
cloop1  nop         ; Execute the content of the loop
loop1   cmp ax,1    ; Check the condition
        je cloop1   ; Jump to content of the loop if met

For the for-loops you should take the cx-register because it is pretty much standard. For the other loop conditions you can take a register of your liking. Of course replace the no-operation instruction with all the instructions you wanna perform in the loop.

Android toolbar center title and custom font

this is what i did with one navigation icon and one Text view now you can make an extension to apply it where ever you need it. but you have to apply it on every activity

(toolbar[0] as AppCompatTextView).let {
            it.viewTreeObserver.addOnDrawListener {
                it.layoutParams = it.layoutParams.apply {
                    width = Toolbar.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
                    (this as ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams).apply {
                        marginEnd = toolbar[1].width
                it.textAlignment = View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER


How to load a resource bundle from a file resource in Java?

This worked for me very well. And it doesn't reload the bundle everytime. I tried to take some stats to load and reload the bundle from external file location.

File file = new File("C:\\temp");
URL[] urls = {file.toURI().toURL()};
ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls);
ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("myResource", Locale.getDefault(), loader);

where "c:\temp" is the external folder (NOT on the classpath) holding the property files, and "myResource" relates to,, etc.

Note: If you have the same bundle name on your classpath then it will be picked up by default using this constructor of URLClassLoader.

Credit to

Find some of the stats below, all time in ms. I am not worried about the initial load time as that could be something with my workspace or code that I am trying to figure out but what I am trying to show is the reload took way lesser telling me its coming from memory.

Here some of the stats:

  • Initial Locale_1 load took 3486
  • Reload Locale_1 took 24
  • Reload Locale_1 took 23
  • Reload Locale_1 took 22
  • Reload Locale_1 took 15
  • Initial Locale_2 load took 870
  • Reload Locale_2 took 22
  • Reload Locale_2 took 18
  • Initial Locale_3 load took 2298
  • Reload Locale_3 took 8
  • Reload Locale_3 took 4

How to compress an image via Javascript in the browser?

@PsychoWoods' answer is good. I would like to offer my own solution. This Javascript function takes an image data URL and a width, scales it to the new width, and returns a new data URL.

// Take an image URL, downscale it to the given width, and return a new image URL.
function downscaleImage(dataUrl, newWidth, imageType, imageArguments) {
    "use strict";
    var image, oldWidth, oldHeight, newHeight, canvas, ctx, newDataUrl;

    // Provide default values
    imageType = imageType || "image/jpeg";
    imageArguments = imageArguments || 0.7;

    // Create a temporary image so that we can compute the height of the downscaled image.
    image = new Image();
    image.src = dataUrl;
    oldWidth = image.width;
    oldHeight = image.height;
    newHeight = Math.floor(oldHeight / oldWidth * newWidth)

    // Create a temporary canvas to draw the downscaled image on.
    canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    canvas.width = newWidth;
    canvas.height = newHeight;

    // Draw the downscaled image on the canvas and return the new data URL.
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
    newDataUrl = canvas.toDataURL(imageType, imageArguments);
    return newDataUrl;

This code can be used anywhere you have a data URL and want a data URL for a downscaled image.

How do I include the string header?

You shouldn't be using string.h if you're coding in C++. Strings in C++ are of the std::string variety which is a lot easier to use than then old C-style "strings". Use:

#include <string>

to get the correct information and something std::string s to declare one. The many wonderful ways you can use std::string can be seen here.

If you have a look at the large number of questions on Stack Overflow regarding the use of C strings, you'll see why you should avoid them where possible :-)

jquery to validate phone number

If you normalize your data first, then you can avoid all the very complex regular expressions required to validate phone numbers. From my experience, complicated regex patterns can have two unwanted side effects: (1) they can have unexpected behavior that would be a pain to debug later, and (2) they can be slower than simpler regex patterns, which may become noticeable when you are executing regex in a loop.

By keeping your regular expressions as simple as possible, you reduce these risks and your code will be easier for others to follow, partly because it will be more predictable. To use your phone number example, first we can normalize the value by stripping out all non-digits like this:

value = $.trim(value).replace(/\D/g, '');

Now your regex pattern for a US phone number (or any other locale) can be much simpler:


Not only is the regular expression much simpler, it is also easier to follow what's going on: a value optionally leading with number one (US country code) followed by ten digits. If you want to format the validated value to make it look pretty, then you can use this slightly longer regex pattern:


This means an optional leading number one followed by three digits, another three digits, and ending with four digits. With each group of numbers memorized, you can output it any way you want. Here's a codepen using jQuery Validation to illustrate this for two locales (Singapore and US):

How to find which git branch I am on when my disk is mounted on other server

.git/HEAD contains the path of the current ref, the working directory is using as HEAD.

C# version of java's synchronized keyword?

static object Lock = new object();

lock (Lock) 
// do stuff

Tooltip on image

You can use the standard HTML title attribute of image for this:

<img src="source of image" alt="alternative text" title="this will be displayed as a tooltip"/>

Detect if a jQuery UI dialog box is open

If you read the docs.


This method returns a Boolean (true or false), not a jQuery object.

How do I check whether a file exists without exceptions?

Use os.path.isfile() with os.access():

import os

PATH = './file.txt'
if os.path.isfile(PATH) and os.access(PATH, os.R_OK):
    print("File exists and is readable")
    print("Either the file is missing or not readable")

Python Error: "ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack"

This error is because

argv # which is argument variable that is holding the variables that you pass with a call to the script.

so now instead



python yourname {pass the variable that you made to store argv}

NuGet: 'X' already has a dependency defined for 'Y'

In a project using vs 2010, I was only able to solve the problem by installing an older version of the package that I needed via Package Manager Console.

This command worked:

PM> Install-Package EPPlus -Version

This command did not work:

PM> Install-Package EPPlus -Version

How to get complete month name from DateTime

Debug.writeline(Format(Now, "dd MMMM yyyy"))

How to set HTTP headers (for cache-control)?

You can set the headers in PHP by using:

  //set headers to NOT cache a page
  header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); //HTTP 1.1
  header("Pragma: no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0
  header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past

  //or, if you DO want a file to cache, use:
  header("Cache-Control: max-age=2592000"); //30days (60sec * 60min * 24hours * 30days)


Note that the exact headers used will depend on your needs (and if you need to support HTTP 1.0 and/or HTTP 1.1)

jQuery: set selected value of dropdown list?

You can select dropdown option value by name

 if( jQuery(this).text() == 'Monday' )

"com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" with working passwords

Example case, when I get file from remote server and save it in local machine
package connector;


import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;
import com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JSchException, SftpException, IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String username = "XXXXXX";
        String host = "XXXXXX";
        String passwd = "XXXXXX";
        JSch conn = new JSch();
        Session session = null;
        session = conn.getSession(username, host, 22);
        session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

        ChannelSftp channel = null;
        channel = (ChannelSftp)session.openChannel("sftp");

        InputStream in = channel.get("testScp");
        String lf = "OBJECT_FILE";
        FileOutputStream tergetFile = new FileOutputStream(lf);

        int c;
        while ( (c= != -1 ) {





How to put a component inside another component in Angular2?

I think in your Angular-2 version directives are not supported in Component decorator, hence you have to register directive same as other component in @NgModule and then import in component as below and also remove directives: [ChildComponent] from decorator.

import {myDirective} from './myDirective';

How to use operator '-replace' in PowerShell to replace strings of texts with special characters and replace successfully

In your example, you prepended your source string with AccountKey= but not your target string.

$c = $c -replace 'AccountKey=eKkij32jGEIYIEqAR5RjkKgf4OTiMO6SAyF68HsR/Zd/KXoKvSdjlUiiWyVV2+OUFOrVsd7jrzhldJPmfBBpQA==','AccountKey=DdOegAhDmLdsou6Ms6nPtP37bdw6EcXucuT47lf9kfClA6PjGTe3CfN+WVBJNWzqcQpWtZf10tgFhKrnN48lXA=='

By not including that in the target string, the resulting string will remove AccountKey= instead of replacing it. You correctly do this with the AccountName= example, which seems to support this conclusion since it is not giving you any problems. If you really mean to have that prepended, then this may resolve your issue.

Force index use in Oracle

You can use:

WITH index = ...

more info

Pandas: drop a level from a multi-level column index?

As of Pandas 0.24.0, we can now use DataFrame.droplevel():

cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("a", "b"), ("a", "c")])
df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2], [3,4]], columns=cols)

df.droplevel(0, axis=1) 

#   b  c
#0  1  2
#1  3  4

This is very useful if you want to keep your DataFrame method-chain rolling.

how to convert 2d list to 2d numpy array?

np.array() is even more powerful than what unutbu said above. You also could use it to convert a list of np arrays to a higher dimention array, the following is a simple example:



aList=[aArray, bArray]


xArray's shape is (2,3), it's a standard np array. This operation avoids a loop programming.

Android: adb: Permission Denied

Be careful with the slash, change "\" for "/" , like this: adb.exe push SuperSU-v2.79-20161205182033.apk /storage

JQuery html() vs. innerHTML

innerHTML is not standard and may not work in some browsers. I have used html() in all browsers with no problem.