Programs & Examples On #Bing api

The Bing Application Programming Interface (API), enables developers to programmatically submit queries to and retrieve results from the Microsoft Bing Search Engine.

How can I get the current page's full URL on a Windows/IIS server?


function my_url(){
    $url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ?
               "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] :
    echo $url;

Then just call the my_url function.

How to use pull to refresh in Swift?

Due to less customisability, code duplication and bugs which come with pull to refresh control, I created a library PullToRefreshDSL which uses DSL pattern just like SnapKit

// You only have to add the callback, rest is taken care of
tableView.ptr.headerCallback = { [weak self] in // weakify self to avoid strong reference
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(2)) { // your network call
        self?.tableView.ptr.isLoadingHeader = false // setting false will hide the view

You only have to add magical keyword ptr after any UIScrollView subclass i.e. UITableView/UICollectionView

You dont have to download the library, you can explore and modify the source code, I am just pointing towards a possible implementation of pull to refresh for iOS

"Please try running this command again as Root/Administrator" error when trying to install LESS

Just prepend sudo to the beginning of your command. As stated before, an installation runs some scripts that might be dangerous but I saw installing globally helps a lot and is way simpler.

Run sudo npm install -g less

Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

If you face this problem while publishing your website or application on some server, the simple solution I used is to convert folder which contains files to web application.

Html code as IFRAME source rather than a URL

iframe srcdoc: This attribute contains HTML content, which will override src attribute. If a browser does not support the srcdoc attribute, it will fall back to the URL in the src attribute.

Let's understand it with an example

    srcdoc="<h1 style='text-align:center; color:#9600fa'>Welcome to iframes</h1>"

Original content is taken from iframes.

Animate background image change with jQuery

I had the same problem, after loads of research and Googling, I found the following solution worked best for me! plenty of trial and error went into this one.



$(document).ready(function() {
                $(this).css({"background-image":"url(<?php bloginfo('template_url') ?>/img/header-boy-hover.jpg)"});


header {
    -webkit-transition:all 1s ease-in;
    -moz-transition:all 1s ease-in;
    -o-transition:all 1s ease-in;
    -ms-transition:all 1s ease-in;
    transition:all 1s ease-in;

How to convert int to float in C?

Integer division truncates, so (50/100) results in 0. You can cast to float (better double) or multiply with 100.0 (for double precision, 100.0f for float precision) first,

double percentage;
// ...
percentage = 100.0*number/total;
// percentage = (double)number/total * 100;


float percentage;
// ...
percentage = (float)number/total * 100;
// percentage = 100.0f*number/total;

Since floating point arithmetic is not associative, the results of 100.0*number/total and (double)number/total * 100 may be slightly different (the same holds for float), but it's extremely unlikely to influence the first two places after the decimal point, so it probably doesn't matter which way you choose.

Express: How to pass app-instance to routes from a different file?

If you want to pass an app-instance to others in Node-Typescript :

Option 1: With the help of import (when importing)

import { Application } from "express";
import { categoryRoute } from './routes/admin/category.route'
import { courseRoute } from './routes/admin/course.route';

const routing = (app: Application) => {
    app.use('/api/admin/category', categoryRoute)
    app.use('/api/admin/course', courseRoute)
export { routing }

Then import it and pass app:

import express, { Application } from 'express';

const app: Application = express();
import('./routes').then(m => m.routing(app))

Option 2: With the help of class

// index.ts
import express, { Application } from 'express';
import { Routes } from './routes';

const app: Application = express();
const rotues = new Routes(app)

Here we will access the app in the constructor of Routes Class

// routes.ts
import { Application } from 'express'
import { categoryRoute } from '../routes/admin/category.route'
import { courseRoute } from '../routes/admin/course.route';

class Routes {
    constructor(private app: Application) {

    private apply(): void {'/api/admin/category', categoryRoute)'/api/admin/course', courseRoute)

export { Routes }

Change the Right Margin of a View Programmatically?

Use LayoutParams (as explained already). However be careful which LayoutParams to choose. According to "you need to use the one that relates to the PARENT of the view you're working on, not the actual view"

If for example the TextView is inside a TableRow, then you need to use TableRow.LayoutParams instead of RelativeLayout or LinearLayout

Best practices for API versioning?

We found it practical and useful to put the version in the URL. It makes it easy to tell what you're using at a glance. We do alias /foo to /foo/(latest versions) for ease of use, shorter / cleaner URLs, etc, as the accepted answer suggests.

Keeping backwards compatibility forever is often cost-prohibitive and/or very difficult. We prefer to give advanced notice of deprecation, redirects like suggested here, docs, and other mechanisms.

What does ENABLE_BITCODE do in xcode 7?

Since the exact question is "what does enable bitcode do", I'd like to give a few thin technical details I've figured out thus far. Most of this is practically impossible to figure out with 100% certainty until Apple releases the source code for this compiler

First, Apple's bitcode does not appear to be the same thing as LLVM bytecode. At least, I've not been able to figure out any resemblance between them. It appears to have a proprietary header (always starts with "xar!") and probably some link-time reference magic that prevents data duplications. If you write out a hardcoded string, this string will only be put into the data once, rather than twice as would be expected if it was normal LLVM bytecode.

Second, bitcode is not really shipped in the binary archive as a separate architecture as might be expected. It is not shipped in the same way as say x86 and ARM are put into one binary (FAT archive). Instead, they use a special section in the architecture specific MachO binary named "__LLVM" which is shipped with every architecture supported (ie, duplicated). I assume this is a short coming with their compiler system and may be fixed in the future to avoid the duplication.

C code (compiled with clang -fembed-bitcode hi.c -S -emit-llvm):

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("hi there!");
    return 0;

LLVM IR output:

; ModuleID = '/var/folders/rd/sv6v2_f50nzbrn4f64gnd4gh0000gq/T/hi-a8c16c.bc'
target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0"

@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [10 x i8] c"hi there!\00", align 1
@llvm.embedded.module = appending constant [1600 x i8] c"\DE\C0\17\0B\00\00\00\00\14\00\00\00$\06\00\00\07\00\00\01BC\C0\DE!\0C\00\00\86\01\00\00\0B\82 \00\02\00\00\00\12\00\00\00\07\81#\91A\C8\04I\06\1029\92\01\84\0C%\05\08\19\1E\04\8Bb\80\10E\02B\92\0BB\84\102\148\08\18I\0A2D$H\0A\90!#\C4R\80\0C\19!r$\07\C8\08\11b\A8\A0\A8@\C6\F0\01\00\00\00Q\18\00\00\C7\00\00\00\1Bp$\F8\FF\FF\FF\FF\01\90\00\0D\08\03\82\1D\CAa\1E\E6\A1\0D\E0A\1E\CAa\1C\D2a\1E\CA\A1\0D\CC\01\1E\DA!\1C\C8\010\87p`\87y(\07\80p\87wh\03s\90\87ph\87rh\03xx\87tp\07z(\07yh\83r`\87th\07\80\1E\E4\A1\1E\CA\01\18\DC\E1\1D\DA\C0\1C\E4!\1C\DA\A1\1C\DA\00\1E\DE!\1D\DC\81\1E\CAA\1E\DA\A0\1C\D8!\1D\DA\A1\0D\DC\E1\1D\DC\A1\0D\D8\A1\1C\C2\C1\1C\00\C2\1D\DE\A1\0D\D2\C1\1D\CCa\1E\DA\C0\1C\E0\A1\0D\DA!\1C\E8\01\1D\00s\08\07v\98\87r\00\08wx\876p\87pp\87yh\03s\80\876h\87p\A0\07t\00\CC!\1C\D8a\1E\CA\01 \E6\81\1E\C2a\1C\D6\A1\0D\E0A\1E\DE\81\1E\CAa\1C\E8\E1\1D\E4\A1\0D\C4\A1\1E\CC\C1\1C\CAA\1E\DA`\1E\D2A\1F\CA\01\C0\03\80\A0\87p\90\87s(\07zh\83q\80\87z\00\C6\E1\1D\E4\A1\1C\E4\00 \E8!\1C\E4\E1\1C\CA\81\1E\DA\C0\1C\CA!\1C\E8\A1\1E\E4\A1\1C\E6\01X\83y\98\87y(\879`\835\18\07|\88\03;`\835\98\87y(\076X\83y\98\87r\90\036X\83y\98\87r\98\03\80\A8\07w\98\87p0\87rh\03s\80\876h\87p\A0\07t\00\CC!\1C\D8a\1E\CA\01 \EAa\1E\CA\A1\0D\E6\E1\1D\CC\81\1E\DA\C0\1C\D8\E1\1D\C2\81\1E\00s\08\07v\98\87r\006\C8\88\F0\FF\FF\FF\FF\03\C1\0E\E50\0F\F3\D0\06\F0 \0F\E50\0E\E90\0F\E5\D0\06\E6\00\0F\ED\10\0E\E4\00\98C8\B0\C3<\94\03@\B8\C3;\B4\819\C8C8\B4C9\B4\01<\BCC:\B8\03=\94\83<\B4A9\B0C:\B4\03@\0F\F2P\0F\E5\00\0C\EE\F0\0Em`\0E\F2\10\0E\EDP\0Em\00\0F\EF\90\0E\EE@\0F\E5 \0FmP\0E\EC\90\0E\ED\D0\06\EE\F0\0E\EE\D0\06\ECP\0E\E1`\0E\00\E1\0E\EF\D0\06\E9\E0\0E\E60\0Fm`\0E\F0\D0\06\ED\10\0E\F4\80\0E\809\84\03;\CCC9\00\84;\BCC\1B\B8C8\B8\C3<\B4\819\C0C\1B\B4C8\D0\03:\00\E6\10\0E\EC0\0F\E5\00\10\F3@\0F\E10\0E\EB\D0\06\F0 \0F\EF@\0F\E50\0E\F4\F0\0E\F2\D0\06\E2P\0F\E6`\0E\E5 \0Fm0\0F\E9\A0\0F\E5\00\E0\01@\D0C8\C8\C39\94\03=\B4\C18\C0C=\00\E3\F0\0E\F2P\0Er\00\10\F4\10\0E\F2p\0E\E5@\0Fm`\0E\E5\10\0E\F4P\0F\F2P\0E\F3\00\AC\C1<\CC\C3<\94\C3\1C\B0\C1\1A\8C\03>\C4\81\1D\B0\C1\1A\CC\C3<\94\03\1B\AC\C1<\CCC9\C8\01\1B\AC\C1<\CCC9\CC\01@\D4\83;\CCC8\98C9\B4\819\C0C\1B\B4C8\D0\03:\00\E6\10\0E\EC0\0F\E5\00\10\F50\0F\E5\D0\06\F3\F0\0E\E6@\0Fm`\0E\EC\F0\0E\E1@\0F\809\84\03;\CCC9\00\00I\18\00\00\02\00\00\00\13\82`B \00\00\00\89 \00\00\0D\00\00\002\22\08\09 d\85\04\13\22\A4\84\04\13\22\E3\84\A1\90\14\12L\88\8C\0B\84\84L\100s\04H*\00\C5\1C\01\18\94`\88\08\AA0F7\10@3\02\00\134|\C0\03;\F8\05;\A0\836\08\07x\80\07v(\876h\87p\18\87w\98\07|\88\038p\838\80\037\80\83\0DeP\0Em\D0\0Ez\F0\0Em\90\0Ev@\07z`\07t\D0\06\E6\80\07p\A0\07q \07x\D0\06\EE\80\07z\10\07v\A0\07s \07z`\07t\D0\06\B3\10\07r\80\07:\0FDH #EB\80\1D\8C\10\18I\00\00@\00\00\C0\10\A7\00\00 \00\00\00\00\00\00\00\868\08\10\00\02\00\00\00\00\00\00\90\05\02\00\00\08\00\00\002\1E\98\0C\19\11L\90\8C\09&G\C6\04C\9A\22(\01\0AM\D0i\10\1D]\96\97C\00\00\00y\18\00\00\1C\00\00\00\1A\03L\90F\02\134A\18\08&PIC Level\13\84a\D80\04\C2\C05\08\82\83c+\03ab\B2j\02\B1+\93\9BK{s\03\B9q\81q\81\01A\19c\0Bs;k\B9\81\81q\81q\A9\99q\99I\D9\10\14\8D\D8\D8\EC\DA\5C\DA\DE\C8\EA\D8\CA\5C\CC\D8\C2\CE\E6\A6\04C\1566\BB6\974\B227\BA)A\01\00y\18\00\002\00\00\003\08\80\1C\C4\E1\1Cf\14\01=\88C8\84\C3\8CB\80\07yx\07s\98q\0C\E6\00\0F\ED\10\0E\F4\80\0E3\0CB\1E\C2\C1\1D\CE\A1\1Cf0\05=\88C8\84\83\1B\CC\03=\C8C=\8C\03=\CCx\8Ctp\07{\08\07yH\87pp\07zp\03vx\87p \87\19\CC\11\0E\EC\90\0E\E10\0Fn0\0F\E3\F0\0E\F0P\0E3\10\C4\1D\DE!\1C\D8!\1D\C2a\1Ef0\89;\BC\83;\D0C9\B4\03<\BC\83<\84\03;\CC\F0\14v`\07{h\077h\87rh\077\80\87p\90\87p`\07v(\07v\F8\05vx\87w\80\87_\08\87q\18\87r\98\87y\98\81,\EE\F0\0E\EE\E0\0E\F5\C0\0E\EC\00q \00\00\05\00\00\00&`<\11\D2L\85\05\10\0C\804\06@\F8\D2\14\01\00\00a \00\00\0B\00\00\00\13\04A,\10\00\00\00\03\00\00\004#\00dC\19\020\18\83\01\003\11\CA@\0C\83\11\C1\00\00#\06\04\00\1CB\12\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00", section "__LLVM,__bitcode"
@llvm.cmdline = appending constant [67 x i8] c"-triple\00x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0\00-emit-llvm\00-disable-llvm-optzns\00", section "__LLVM,__cmdline"

; Function Attrs: nounwind ssp uwtable
define i32 @main() #0 {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4
  store i32 0, i32* %1
  %2 = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0))
  ret i32 0

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) #1

attributes #0 = { nounwind ssp uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}

!0 = !{i32 1, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!1 = !{!"Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.53.3)"}

The data array that is in the IR also changes depending on the optimization and other code generation settings of clang. It's completely unknown to me what format or anything that this is in.


Following the hint on Twitter, I decided to revisit this and to confirm it. I followed this blog post and used his bitcode extractor tool to get the Apple Archive binary out of the MachO executable. And after extracting the Apple Archive with the xar utility, I got this (converted to text with llvm-dis of course)

; ModuleID = '1'
target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0"

@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [10 x i8] c"hi there!\00", align 1

; Function Attrs: nounwind ssp uwtable
define i32 @main() #0 {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4
  store i32 0, i32* %1
  %2 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8], [10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0))
  ret i32 0

declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) #1

attributes #0 = { nounwind ssp uwtable "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
attributes #1 = { "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "no-frame-pointer-elim"="true" "no-frame-pointer-elim-non-leaf" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="core2" "target-features"="+ssse3,+cx16,+sse,+sse2,+sse3" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}

!0 = !{i32 1, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!1 = !{!"Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.1.76)"}

The only notable difference really between the non-bitcode IR and the bitcode IR is that filenames have been stripped to just 1, 2, etc for each architecture.

I also confirmed that the bitcode embedded in a binary is generated after optimizations. If you compile with -O3 and extract out the bitcode, it'll be different than if you compile with -O0.

And just to get extra credit, I also confirmed that Apple does not ship bitcode to devices when you download an iOS 9 app. They include a number of other strange sections that I don't recognized like __LINKEDIT, but they do not include __LLVM.__bundle, and thus do not appear to include bitcode in the final binary that runs on a device. Oddly enough, Apple still ships fat binaries with separate 32/64bit code to iOS 8 devices though.

Javascript to sort contents of select element

Try this...hopefully it will offer you a solution:

function sortlist_name()

    var lb = document.getElementById('mylist');
    arrTexts = new Array();
    newTexts = new Array();
    txt = new Array();
    newArray =new Array();
    for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)
      arrTexts[i] = lb.options[i].text;
    for(i=0;i<arrTexts.length; i++)
        str = arrTexts[i].split(" -> ");
        newTexts[i] = str[1]+' -> '+str[0];
    for(i=0;i<newTexts.length; i++)
        txt = newTexts[i].split(' -> ');
        newArray[i] = txt[1]+' -> '+txt[0];
    for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)
        lb.options[i].text = newArray[i];
        lb.options[i].value = newArray[i];
/***********revrse by name******/
function sortreverse_name()

    var lb = document.getElementById('mylist');
    arrTexts = new Array();
    newTexts = new Array();
    txt = new Array();
    newArray =new Array();
    for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)
      arrTexts[i] = lb.options[i].text;
    for(i=0;i<arrTexts.length; i++)
        str = arrTexts[i].split(" -> ");
        newTexts[i] = str[1]+' -> '+str[0];
    for(i=0;i<newTexts.length; i++)
        txt = newTexts[i].split(' -> ');
        newArray[i] = txt[1]+' -> '+txt[0];
    for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)
        lb.options[i].text = newArray[i];
        lb.options[i].value = newArray[i];

function sortlist_id() {
var lb = document.getElementById('mylist');
arrTexts = new Array();

for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)  {
  arrTexts[i] = lb.options[i].text;


for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)  {
  lb.options[i].text = arrTexts[i];
  lb.options[i].value = arrTexts[i];

/***********revrse by id******/
function sortreverse_id() {
var lb = document.getElementById('mylist');
arrTexts = new Array();

for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)  {
  arrTexts[i] = lb.options[i].text;


for(i=0; i<lb.length; i++)  {
  lb.options[i].text = arrTexts[i];
  lb.options[i].value = arrTexts[i];

  ID<a href="javascript:sortlist_id()"> &#x25B2;  </a> <a href="javascript:sortreverse_id()">&#x25BC;</a> |  Name<a href="javascript:sortlist_name()"> &#x25B2;  </a> <a href="javascript:sortreverse_name()">&#x25BC;</a><br/>

<select name=mylist id=mylist size=8 style='width:150px'>

<option value="bill">4 -> Bill</option>
<option value="carl">5 -> Carl</option>
<option value="Anton">1 -> Anton</option>
<option value="mike">2 -> Mike</option>
<option value="peter">3 -> Peter</option>

.ssh directory not being created

Is there a step missing?

Yes. You need to create the directory:

mkdir ${HOME}/.ssh

Additionally, SSH requires you to set the permissions so that only you (the owner) can access anything in ~/.ssh:

% chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Should the .ssh dir be generated when I use the ssh-keygen command?

No. This command generates an SSH key pair but will fail if it cannot write to the required directory:

% ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/tmp/does_not_exist
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
open /Users/tmp/does_not_exist failed: No such file or directory.
Saving the key failed: /Users/tmp/does_not_exist.

Once you've created your keys, you should also restrict who can read those key files to just yourself:

% chmod -R go-wrx ~/.ssh/*

How to pull remote branch from somebody else's repo

git remote add coworker git://path/to/coworkers/repo.git
git fetch coworker
git checkout --track coworker/foo

This will setup a local branch foo, tracking the remote branch coworker/foo. So when your co-worker has made some changes, you can easily pull them:

git checkout foo
git pull

Response to comments:

Cool :) And if I'd like to make my own changes to that branch, should I create a second local branch "bar" from "foo" and work there instead of directly on my "foo"?

You don't need to create a new branch, even though I recommend it. You might as well commit directly to foo and have your co-worker pull your branch. But that branch already exists and your branch foo need to be setup as an upstream branch to it:

git branch --set-upstream foo colin/foo

assuming colin is your repository (a remote to your co-workers repository) defined in similar way:

git remote add colin git://path/to/colins/repo.git

PHP: check if any posted vars are empty - form: all fields required

I did it like this:

$missing = array();
 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($value == "") { array_push($missing, $key);}}
 if (count($missing) > 0) {
  echo "Required fields found empty: ";
  foreach ($missing as $k => $v) { echo $v." ";}
  } else {
  // do your stuff here with the $_POST

How to scroll to top of a div using jQuery?

Special thanks to Stoic for

   $("#miscCategory").animate({scrollTop: $("#miscCategory").offset().top});

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

If you want get an array of filenames including symlinks, use'/path/to/dir').entries.reject { |f| f }

or even'/path/to/dir').reject { |f| f }

and if you want to go without symlinks, use'/path/to/dir').select { |f| File.file? f }

As shown in other answers, use Dir.glob('/path/to/dir/**/*') instead of'/path/to/dir') if you want to get all the files recursively.

How to make the HTML link activated by clicking on the <li>?

jqyery this is another version with jquery a little less shorter. assuming that the <a> element is inside de <li> element


Tomcat 8 throwing - org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource

This isn’t a solution in the sense that it doesn’t resolve the conditions which cause the message to appear in the logs, but the message can be suppressed by appending the following to conf/

org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.level = SEVERE

This filters out the “Unable to add the resource” logs, which are at level WARNING.

In my view a WARNING is not necessarily an error that needs to be addressed, but rather can be ignored if desired.

Switch/toggle div (jQuery)

Use this:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    $("#toggle").click(function() { $("#login-form, #recover-password").toggle(); });

Your HTML should look like:

<a id="toggle" href="javascript:void(0);">forgot password?</a>
<div id="login-form"></div>
<div id="recover-password" style="display:none;"></div>

Hey, all right! One line! I <3 jQuery.

How to insert newline in string literal?

If you are working with Web application you can try this.

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("Some text with line one");
sb.AppendLine("Some mpre text with line two");
MyLabel.Text = sb.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")

java create date object using a value string

Here is the optimized solution to do it with SimpleDateFormat parse() method.

SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(
        "EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy/hh:mm:ss");
String strDate = formatter.format(new Date());

try {
    Date pDate = formatter.parse(strDate);
} catch (ParseException e) { // note: parse method can throw ParseException

Few things to notice

  • We don't need to create a Calendar instance to get the current date & time instead use new Date()
  • Also it doesn't require 2 instances of SimpleDateFormat as found in the most voted answer for this question. It's just a waste of memory
  • Furthermore, catching a generic exception like Exception is a bad practice when we know that the parse method only stands a chance to throw a ParseException. We need to be as specific as possible when dealing with Exceptions. You can refer, throws Exception bad practice?

Saving an image in OpenCV

I use the following code to capture images:

CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( CV_CAP_ANY );
if(!capture) error((char*)"No Capture");
IplImage *img=cvQueryFrame(capture);

I know this works for sure

Showing Thumbnail for link in WhatsApp || og:image meta-tag doesn't work

Additional useful info:

You can provide several og:images, whatsapp will use the last one. This will help with the problem that e.g. facebook want 1.91:1 ratio and whatsapp 1:1

Creating a div element inside a div element in javascript

Your code works well you just mistyped this line of code:


change it with this: (The "B" should be capitalized.)



function test() {_x000D_
    var element = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
    element.appendChild(document.createTextNode('The man who mistook his wife for a hat'));_x000D_
<input id="filter" type="text" placeholder="Enter your filter text here.." onkeyup = "test()" />_x000D_
<div id="lc" style="background: blue; height: 150px; width: 150px;_x000D_
}" onclick="test();">  _x000D_

Styling twitter bootstrap buttons

Instead of changing CSS values one by one I would suggest to use LESS. Bootstrap has LESS version on Github:

LESS allows you to define variables to change colors which makes it so much more convenient. Define color once and LESS compiles CSS file that changes the values globally. Saves time and effort.

Using Spring RestTemplate in generic method with generic parameter

Note: This answer refers/adds to Sotirios Delimanolis's answer and comment.

I tried to get it to work with Map<Class, ParameterizedTypeReference<ResponseWrapper<?>>>, as indicated in Sotirios's comment, but couldn't without an example.

In the end, I dropped the wildcard and parametrisation from ParameterizedTypeReference and used raw types instead, like so

Map<Class<?>, ParameterizedTypeReference> typeReferences = new HashMap<>();
typeReferences.put(MyClass1.class, new ParameterizedTypeReference<ResponseWrapper<MyClass1>>() { });
typeReferences.put(MyClass2.class, new ParameterizedTypeReference<ResponseWrapper<MyClass2>>() { });


ParameterizedTypeReference typeRef = typeReferences.get(clazz);

ResponseEntity<ResponseWrapper<T>> response =

and this finally worked.

If anyone has an example with parametrisation, I'd be very grateful to see it.

Reset select value to default

$("#reset").on("click", function () {

How to create a file with a given size in Linux?

Some of these answers have you using /dev/zero for the source of your data. If your testing network upload speeds, this may not be the best idea if your application is doing any compression, a file full of zeros compresses really well. Using this command to generate the file

 dd if=/dev/zero of=upload_test bs=10000 count=1

I could compress upload_test down to about 200 bytes. So you could put yourself in a situation where you think your uploading a 10KB file but it would actually be much less.

What I suggest is using /dev/urandom instead of /dev/zero. I couldn't compress the output of /dev/urandom very much at all.

How can I run code on a background thread on Android?

I want some code to run in the background continuously. I don't want to do it in a service. Is there any other way possible?

Most likely mechanizm that you are looking for is AsyncTask. It directly designated for performing background process on background Thread. Also its main benefit is that offers a few methods which run on Main(UI) Thread and make possible to update your UI if you want to annouce user about some progress in task or update UI with data retrieved from background process.

If you don't know how to start here is nice tutorial:

Note: Also there is possibility to use IntentService with ResultReceiver that works as well.

geom_smooth() what are the methods available?

The se argument from the example also isn't in the help or online documentation.

When 'se' in geom_smooth is set 'FALSE', the error shading region is not visible

Crop image in PHP

imagecopyresampled() will take a rectangular area from $src_image of width $src_w and height $src_h at position ($src_x, $src_y) and place it in a rectangular area of $dst_image of width $dst_w and height $dst_h at position ($dst_x, $dst_y).

If the source and destination coordinates and width and heights differ, appropriate stretching or shrinking of the image fragment will be performed. The coordinates refer to the upper left corner.

This function can be used to copy regions within the same image. But if the regions overlap, the results will be unpredictable.

- Edit -

If $src_w and $src_h are smaller than $dst_w and $dst_h respectively, thumb image will be zoomed in. Otherwise it will be zoomed out.

$dst_x = 0;   // X-coordinate of destination point
$dst_y = 0;   // Y-coordinate of destination point
$src_x = 100; // Crop Start X position in original image
$src_y = 100; // Crop Srart Y position in original image
$dst_w = 160; // Thumb width
$dst_h = 120; // Thumb height
$src_w = 260; // Crop end X position in original image
$src_h = 220; // Crop end Y position in original image

// Creating an image with true colors having thumb dimensions (to merge with the original image)
$dst_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dst_w, $dst_h);
// Get original image
$src_image = imagecreatefromjpeg('images/source.jpg');
// Cropping
imagecopyresampled($dst_image, $src_image, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h);
// Saving
imagejpeg($dst_image, 'images/crop.jpg');

Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery?

To remove ALL event-handlers, this is what worked for me:

To remove all event handlers mean to have the plain HTML structure without all the event handlers attached to the element and its child nodes. To do this, jQuery's clone() helped.

var original, clone;
// element with id my-div and its child nodes have some event-handlers
original = $('#my-div');
clone = original.clone();

With this, we'll have the clone in place of the original with no event-handlers on it.

Good Luck...

What is the difference between Collection and List in Java?

Java API is the best to answer this


The root interface in the collection hierarchy. A collection represents a group of objects, known as its elements. Some collections allow duplicate elements and others do not. Some are ordered and others unordered. The JDK does not provide any direct implementations of this interface: it provides implementations of more specific subinterfaces like Set and List. This interface is typically used to pass collections around and manipulate them where maximum generality is desired.

List (extends Collection)

An ordered collection (also known as a sequence). The user of this interface has precise control over where in the list each element is inserted. The user can access elements by their integer index (position in the list), and search for elements in the list.

Unlike sets, lists typically allow duplicate elements. More formally, lists typically allow pairs of elements e1 and e2 such that e1.equals(e2), and they typically allow multiple null elements if they allow null elements at all. It is not inconceivable that someone might wish to implement a list that prohibits duplicates, by throwing runtime exceptions when the user attempts to insert them, but we expect this usage to be rare.

How to get the size of a range in Excel

The overall dimensions of a range are in its Width and Height properties.

Dim r As Range
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A4:H12")

Debug.Print r.Width
Debug.Print r.Height

Add "Are you sure?" to my excel button, how can I?

Create a new sub with the following code and assign it to your button. Change the "DeleteProcess" to the name of your code to do the deletion. This will pop up a box with OK or Cancel and will call your delete sub if you hit ok and not if you hit cancel.

Sub AreYouSure()

Dim Sure As Integer

Sure = MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbOKCancel)
If Sure = 1 Then Call DeleteProcess

End Sub


How to get an object's methods?

Get the Method Names:

var getMethodNames = function (obj) {
    return (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).filter(function (key) {
        return obj[key] && (typeof obj[key] === "function");

Or, Get the Methods:

var getMethods     = function (obj) {
    return (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).filter(function (key) {
        return obj[key] && (typeof obj[key] === "function");
    })).map(function (key) {
        return obj[key];

Select multiple columns by labels in pandas

How do I select multiple columns by labels in pandas?

Multiple label-based range slicing is not easily supported with pandas, but position-based slicing is, so let's try that instead:

loc = df.columns.get_loc
df.iloc[:, np.r_[loc('A'):loc('C')+1, loc('E'), loc('G'):loc('I')+1]]

          A         B         C         E         G         H         I
0 -1.666330  0.321260 -1.768185 -0.034774  0.023294  0.533451 -0.241990
1  0.911498  3.408758  0.419618 -0.462590  0.739092  1.103940  0.116119
2  1.243001 -0.867370  1.058194  0.314196  0.887469  0.471137 -1.361059
3 -0.525165  0.676371  0.325831 -1.152202  0.606079  1.002880  2.032663
4  0.706609 -0.424726  0.308808  1.994626  0.626522 -0.033057  1.725315
5  0.879802 -1.961398  0.131694 -0.931951 -0.242822 -1.056038  0.550346
6  0.199072  0.969283  0.347008 -2.611489  0.282920 -0.334618  0.243583
7  1.234059  1.000687  0.863572  0.412544  0.569687 -0.684413 -0.357968
8 -0.299185  0.566009 -0.859453 -0.564557 -0.562524  0.233489 -0.039145
9  0.937637 -2.171174 -1.940916 -1.553634  0.619965 -0.664284 -0.151388

Note that the +1 is added because when using iloc the rightmost index is exclusive.

Comments on Other Solutions

  • filter is a nice and simple method for OP's headers, but this might not generalise well to arbitrary column names.

  • The "location-based" solution with loc is a little closer to the ideal, but you cannot avoid creating intermediate DataFrames (that are eventually thrown out and garbage collected) to compute the final result range -- something that we would ideally like to avoid.

  • Lastly, "pick your columns directly" is good advice as long as you have a manageably small number of columns to pick. It will, however not be applicable in some cases where ranges span dozens (or possibly hundreds) of columns.

Jenkins - How to access BUILD_NUMBER environment variable

Assuming I am understanding your question and setup correctly,

If you're trying to use the build number in your script, you have two options:

1) When calling ant, use: ant -Dbuild_parameter=${BUILD_NUMBER}

2) Change your script so that:

<property environment="env" />
<property name="build_parameter"  value="${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"/>

C++ inheritance - inaccessible base?

You have to do this:

class Bar : public Foo
    // ...

The default inheritance type of a class in C++ is private, so any public and protected members from the base class are limited to private. struct inheritance on the other hand is public by default.

How to start working with GTest and CMake

Yours and VladLosevs' solutions are probably better than mine. If you want a brute-force solution, however, try this:


    if(${flag_var} MATCHES "/MD")
        string(REGEX REPLACE "/MD" "/MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}")
    endif(${flag_var} MATCHES "/MD")

Python: One Try Multiple Except

Yes, it is possible.

except FirstException:

except SecondException:

except (ThirdException, FourthException, FifthException) as e:

except Exception:


The "as" keyword is used to assign the error to a variable so that the error can be investigated more thoroughly later on in the code. Also note that the parentheses for the triple exception case are needed in python 3. This page has more info: Catch multiple exceptions in one line (except block)

Counting words in string

Try these before reinventing the wheels

from Count number of words in string using JavaScript

function countWords(str) {
  return str.trim().split(/\s+/).length;


function countWords(s){
    s = s.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi,"");//exclude  start and end white-space
    s = s.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," ");//2 or more space to 1
    s = s.replace(/\n /,"\n"); // exclude newline with a start spacing
    return s.split(' ').filter(function(str){return str!="";}).length;
    //return s.split(' ').filter(String).length; - this can also be used

from Use JavaScript to count words in a string, WITHOUT using a regex - this will be the best approach

function WordCount(str) {
     return str.split(' ')
            .filter(function(n) { return n != '' })

Notes From Author:

You can adapt this script to count words in whichever way you like. The important part is s.split(' ').length — this counts the spaces. The script attempts to remove all extra spaces (double spaces etc) before counting. If the text contains two words without a space between them, it will count them as one word, e.g. "First sentence .Start of next sentence".

How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version

I have faced the same problem, and I fixed it in Linux.

Check your $JAVA_HOME

Need JDK 1.8 to compile/build APK

Install Java JDK 1.8 and change the JAVA_HOME

Edit ~/.bashrc and add your JDK 1.8 path as JAVA_HOME.

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/

And source ~/.bashrc

Close the current terminal window/tab and run $JAVA_HOME to check the path.

How do I create variable variables?

You can use dictionaries to accomplish this. Dictionaries are stores of keys and values.

>>> dct = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
>>> dct
{'y': 2, 'x': 1, 'z': 3}
>>> dct["y"]

You can use variable key names to achieve the effect of variable variables without the security risk.

>>> x = "spam"
>>> z = {x: "eggs"}
>>> z["spam"]

For cases where you're thinking of doing something like

var1 = 'foo'
var2 = 'bar'
var3 = 'baz'

a list may be more appropriate than a dict. A list represents an ordered sequence of objects, with integer indices:

lst = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
print(lst[1])           # prints bar, because indices start at 0
lst.append('potatoes')  # lst is now ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'potatoes']

For ordered sequences, lists are more convenient than dicts with integer keys, because lists support iteration in index order, slicing, append, and other operations that would require awkward key management with a dict.

How to convert base64 string to image?

You can try using open-cv to save the file since it helps with image type conversions internally. The sample code:

import cv2
import numpy as np

def save(encoded_data, filename):
    nparr = np.fromstring(encoded_data.decode('base64'), np.uint8)
    img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR)
    return cv2.imwrite(filename, img)

Then somewhere in your code you can use it like this:

save(base_64_string, 'testfile.png');
save(base_64_string, 'testfile.jpg');
save(base_64_string, 'testfile.bmp');

Disable/Enable Submit Button until all forms have been filled

I think this will be much simpler for beginners in JavaScript

    //The function checks if the password and confirm password match
    // Then disables the submit button for mismatch but enables if they match
            function checkPass()
                //Store the password field objects into variables ...
                var pass1 = document.getElementById("register-password");
                var pass2 = document.getElementById("confirm-password");
                //Store the Confimation Message Object ...
                var message = document.getElementById('confirmMessage');
                //Set the colors we will be using ...
                var goodColor = "#66cc66";
                var badColor = "#ff6666";
                //Compare the values in the password field 
                //and the confirmation field
                if(pass1.value == pass2.value){
                    //The passwords match. 
                    //Set the color to the good color and inform
                    //the user that they have entered the correct password 
           = goodColor;
           = goodColor;
                    message.innerHTML = "Passwords Match!"
 //Enables the submit button when there's no mismatch                   
                    var tabPom = document.getElementById("btnSignUp");
                    $(tabPom ).prop('disabled', false);
                    //The passwords do not match.
                    //Set the color to the bad color and
                    //notify the user.
           = badColor;
           = badColor;
                    message.innerHTML = "Passwords Do Not Match!"
 //Disables the submit button when there's mismatch       
                    var tabPom = document.getElementById("btnSignUp");
                    $(tabPom ).prop('disabled', true);

Sublime 3 - Set Key map for function Goto Definition

For anyone else who wants to set Eclipse style goto definition, you need to create .sublime-mousemap file in Sublime User folder.

Windows - create Default (Windows).sublime-mousemap in %appdata%\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User

Linux - create Default (Linux).sublime-mousemap in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User

Mac - create Default (OSX).sublime-mousemap in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User

Now open that file and put the following configuration inside

        "button": "button1", 
        "count": 1, 
        "modifiers": ["ctrl"],
        "press_command": "drag_select",
        "command": "goto_definition"

You can change modifiers key as you like.

Since Ctrl-button1 on Windows and Linux is used for multiple selections, adding a second modifier key like Alt might be a good idea if you want to use both features:

        "button": "button1", 
        "count": 1, 
        "modifiers": ["ctrl", "alt"],
        "press_command": "drag_select",
        "command": "goto_definition"

Alternatively, you could use the right mouse button (button2) with Ctrl alone, and not interfere with any built-in functions.

How can I use an http proxy with node.js http.Client?

May not be the exact one-liner you were hoping for but you could have a look at as that may shed some light on how you can use your app with http.Client.

How to resolve symbolic links in a shell script

This is a symlink resolver in Bash that works whether the link is a directory or a non-directory:

function readlinks {(
  set -o errexit -o nounset
  declare n=0 limit=1024 link="$1"

  # If it's a directory, just skip all this.
  if cd "$link" 2>/dev/null
    pwd -P
    return 0

  # Resolve until we are out of links (or recurse too deep).
  while [[ -L $link ]] && [[ $n -lt $limit ]]
    cd "$(dirname -- "$link")"
    n=$((n + 1))
    link="$(readlink -- "${link##*/}")"
  cd "$(dirname -- "$link")"

  if [[ $n -ge $limit ]]
    echo "Recursion limit ($limit) exceeded." >&2
    return 2

  printf '%s/%s\n' "$(pwd -P)" "${link##*/}"

Note that all the cd and set stuff takes place in a subshell.

How do I scroll to an element using JavaScript?

In case you want to use html, you could just use this:

a href="

and make it an html link to the specific element id. Its basically getElementById html version.

AngularJS resource promise

You could also do:

Regions.query({}, function(response) {
    $scope.regions = response;
    // Do stuff that depends on $scope.regions here

Getting ssh to execute a command in the background on target machine

If you don't/can't keep the connection open you could use screen, if you have the rights to install it.

user@localhost $ screen -t remote-command
user@localhost $ ssh user@target # now inside of a screen session
user@remotehost $ cd /some/directory; program-to-execute &

To detach the screen session: ctrl-a d

To list screen sessions:

screen -ls

To reattach a session:

screen -d -r remote-command

Note that screen can also create multiple shells within each session. A similar effect can be achieved with tmux.

user@localhost $ tmux
user@localhost $ ssh user@target # now inside of a tmux session
user@remotehost $ cd /some/directory; program-to-execute &

To detach the tmux session: ctrl-b d

To list screen sessions:

tmux list-sessions

To reattach a session:

tmux attach <session number>

The default tmux control key, 'ctrl-b', is somewhat difficult to use but there are several example tmux configs that ship with tmux that you can try.

Render HTML string as real HTML in a React component

You just use dangerouslySetInnerHTML method of React

<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: htmlString }} />

Or you can implement more with this easy way: Render the HTML raw in React app

Android Studio doesn't recognize my device

On HTC mini one 2, besides enabling the Developer Options, the following worked for me:

  1. Go to More in Wireless & Networks
  2. Mobile Network Sharing
  3. In USB network setting
  4. Select Internet pass-through

How to embed a .mov file in HTML?

<object CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="320" height="256" CODEBASE="">
    <param name="src" value="">
    <param name="qtsrc" value="rtsp://">
    <param name="autoplay" value="true">
    <param name="loop" value="false">
    <param name="controller" value="true">
    <embed src="" qtsrc="rtsp://" width="320" height="256" autoplay="true" loop="false" controller="true" pluginspage=""></embed>

source is the first search result of the Google

SVN undo delete before commit

You could remove the folder and update the parent directory before committing:

rm -r some_dir

svn update some_dir_parent

how to implement a long click listener on a listview

    listView.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
    public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
        return false;

Definitely does the trick.

Pass variables to Ruby script via command line

Unless it is the most trivial case, there is only one sane way to use command line options in Ruby. It is called docopt and documented here.

What is amazing with it, is it's simplicity. All you have to do, is specify the "help" text for your command. What you write there will then be auto-parsed by the standalone (!) ruby library.

From the example:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'docopt.rb'

doc = <<DOCOPT
Usage: #{__FILE__} --help
       #{__FILE__} -v...
       #{__FILE__} go [go]
       #{__FILE__} (--path=<path>)...
       #{__FILE__} <file> <file>

Try: #{__FILE__} -vvvvvvvvvv
     #{__FILE__} go go
     #{__FILE__} --path ./here --path ./there
     #{__FILE__} this.txt that.txt


  require "pp"
  pp Docopt::docopt(doc)
rescue Docopt::Exit => e
  puts e.message

The output:

$ ./counted_example.rb -h
Usage: ./counted_example.rb --help
       ./counted_example.rb -v...
       ./counted_example.rb go [go]
       ./counted_example.rb (--path=<path>)...
       ./counted_example.rb <file> <file>

Try: ./counted_example.rb -vvvvvvvvvv
     ./counted_example.rb go go
     ./counted_example.rb --path ./here --path ./there
     ./counted_example.rb this.txt that.txt

$ ./counted_example.rb something else
 "<file>"=>["something", "else"]}

$ ./counted_example.rb -v
{"--help"=>false, "-v"=>1, "go"=>0, "--path"=>[], "<file>"=>[]}

$ ./counted_example.rb go go
{"--help"=>false, "-v"=>0, "go"=>2, "--path"=>[], "<file>"=>[]}


DateTime to javascript date

JavaScript Date constructor accepts number of milliseconds since Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Here’s C# extension method that converts .Net DateTime object to JavaScript date:

public static class DateTimeJavaScript
   private static readonly long DatetimeMinTimeTicks =
      (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).Ticks;

   public static long ToJavaScriptMilliseconds(this DateTime dt)
      return (long)((dt.ToUniversalTime().Ticks - DatetimeMinTimeTicks) / 10000);

JavaScript Usage:

var dt = new Date(<%= DateTime.Today.ToJavaScriptMilliseconds() %>);

Python MYSQL update statement

@Esteban Küber is absolutely right.

Maybe one additional hint for bloody beginners like me. If you speciify the variables with %s, you have to follow this principle for EVERY input value, which means for the SET-variables as well as for the WHERE-variables.

Otherwise, you will have to face a termination message like 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '%s WHERE'

Get operating system info

You can look for this information in $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], but its format is free-form, not guaranteed to be sent, and could easily be altered by the user, whether for privacy or other reasons.

If you've not set the browsecap directive, this will return a warning. To make sure it's set, you can retrieve the value using ini_get and see if it's set.

if(ini_get("browscap")) {
    $browser = get_browser(null, true);
    $browser = get_browser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);  

As kba explained in his answer, your browser sends a lot of information to the server while loading a webpage. Most websites use these User-agent information to determine the visitor's operating system, browser and various information.

Null check in VB

Change your Ands to AndAlsos

A standard And will test both expressions. If comp.Container is Nothing, then the second expression will raise a NullReferenceException because you're accessing a property on a null object.

AndAlso will short-circuit the logical evaluation. If comp.Container is Nothing, then the 2nd expression will not be evaluated.

jQuery Validate Required Select

The solution mentioned by @JMP worked in my case with a little modification: I use element.value instead of value in the addmethod.

$.validator.addMethod("valueNotEquals", function(value, element, arg){
    // I use element.value instead value here, value parameter was always null
    return arg != element.value; 
}, "Value must not equal arg.");

// configure your validation
    rules: {
        SelectName: { valueNotEquals: "0" }
    messages: {
        SelectName: { valueNotEquals: "Please select an item!" }

It could be possible, that I have a special case here, but didn't track down the cause. But @JMP's solution should work in regular cases.

Oracle SQL Developer: Failure - Test failed: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection?

I am answering this for the benefit of future community users. There were multiple issues. If you encounter this problem, I suggest you look for the following:

  • Make sure your tnsnames.ora is complete and has the databases you wish to connect to
  • Make sure you can tnsping the server you wish to connect to
  • On the server, make sure it will be open on the port you desire with the specific application you are using.

Once I did these three things, I solved my problem.

Is there a "goto" statement in bash?

If you are using it to skip part of a large script for debugging (see Karl Nicoll's comment), then if false could be a good option (not sure if "false" is always available, for me it is in /bin/false):

# ... Code I want to run here ...

if false; then

# ... Code I want to skip here ...


# ... I want to resume here ...

The difficulty comes in when it's time to rip out your debugging code. The "if false" construct is pretty straightforward and memorable, but how do you find the matching fi? If your editor allows you to block indent, you could indent the skipped block (then you'll want to put it back when you're done). Or a comment on the fi line, but it would have to be something you'll remember, which I suspect will be very programmer-dependent.

Create own colormap using matplotlib and plot color scale

There is an illustrative example of how to create custom colormaps here. The docstring is essential for understanding the meaning of cdict. Once you get that under your belt, you might use a cdict like this:

cdict = {'red':   ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 
                   (0.1, 1.0, 1.0),  # red 
                   (0.4, 1.0, 1.0),  # violet
                   (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), # blue

         'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                   (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),

         'blue':  ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
                   (0.1, 0.0, 0.0),  # red
                   (0.4, 1.0, 1.0),  # violet
                   (1.0, 1.0, 0.0))  # blue

Although the cdict format gives you a lot of flexibility, I find for simple gradients its format is rather unintuitive. Here is a utility function to help generate simple LinearSegmentedColormaps:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors

def make_colormap(seq):
    """Return a LinearSegmentedColormap
    seq: a sequence of floats and RGB-tuples. The floats should be increasing
    and in the interval (0,1).
    seq = [(None,) * 3, 0.0] + list(seq) + [1.0, (None,) * 3]
    cdict = {'red': [], 'green': [], 'blue': []}
    for i, item in enumerate(seq):
        if isinstance(item, float):
            r1, g1, b1 = seq[i - 1]
            r2, g2, b2 = seq[i + 1]
            cdict['red'].append([item, r1, r2])
            cdict['green'].append([item, g1, g2])
            cdict['blue'].append([item, b1, b2])
    return mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap('CustomMap', cdict)

c = mcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb
rvb = make_colormap(
    [c('red'), c('violet'), 0.33, c('violet'), c('blue'), 0.66, c('blue')])
N = 1000
array_dg = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(N, 2))
colors = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, size=(N,))
plt.scatter(array_dg[:, 0], array_dg[:, 1], c=colors, cmap=rvb)

enter image description here

By the way, the for-loop

for i in range(0, len(array_dg)):

plots one point for every call to plt.plot. This will work for a small number of points, but will become extremely slow for many points. plt.plot can only draw in one color, but plt.scatter can assign a different color to each dot. Thus, plt.scatter is the way to go.

Back button and refreshing previous activity

protected void onRestart() {
    overridePendingTransition(0, 0);
    overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

In previous activity use this code. This will do a smooth transition and reload the activity when you come back by pressing back button.

Get the week start date and week end date from week number

This is my solution

    SET DATEFIRST 1;    /* change to use a different datefirst  */
    SET @date = CAST('2/6/2019' as date)

    SELECT  DATEADD(dd,0 - (DATEPART(dw, @date) - 1) ,@date) [dateFrom], 
            DATEADD(dd,6 - (DATEPART(dw, @date) - 1) ,@date) [dateTo]

show loading icon until the page is load?

add class="loading" in the body tag then use below script with follwing css code

body {
            -webkit-transition: background-color 1s;
            transition: background-color 1s;
        html, body { min-height: 100%; }
        body.loading {
            background: #333 url('') no-repeat 50% 50%;
            -webkit-transition: background-color 0;
            transition: background-color 0;
            opacity: 0;
            -webkit-transition: opacity 0;
            transition: opacity 0;

Use this code

var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var removeLoading = function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        body.className = body.className.replace(/loading/, '');
    }, 3000);


sql query to get earliest date


select * from dataset
where id = 2
order by date limit 1

Been a while since I did sql, so this might need some tweaking.

Oracle 11g Express Edition for Windows 64bit?

I just installed the 32bit 11g R2 Express edition version on 64bit windows, created a new database and performed some queries. Seems to work like it should work! :-) I followed the following easy guide!

Add & delete view from Layout

I've done it like so:


How can the size of an input text box be defined in HTML?

You could set its width:

<input type="text" id="text" name="text_name" style="width: 300px;" />

or even better define a class:

<input type="text" id="text" name="text_name" class="mytext" />

and in a separate CSS file apply the necessary styling:

.mytext {
    width: 300px;

If you want to limit the number of characters that the user can type into this textbox you could use the maxlength attribute:

<input type="text" id="text" name="text_name" class="mytext" maxlength="25" />

Ansible playbook shell output

Expanding on what leucos said in his answer, you can also print information with Ansible's humble debug module:

- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
    - shell: ps -eo pcpu,user,args | sort -r -k1 | head -n5
      register: ps

    # Print the shell task's stdout.
    - debug: msg={{ ps.stdout }}

    # Print all contents of the shell task's output.
    - debug: var=ps

OR condition in Regex

I think what you need might be simply:

\d( \w)?

Note that your regex would have worked too if it was written as \d \w|\d instead of \d|\d \w.

This is because in your case, once the regex matches the first option, \d, it ceases to search for a new match, so to speak.

How does Git handle symbolic links?

Git just stores the contents of the link (i.e. the path of the file system object that it links to) in a 'blob' just like it would for a normal file. It then stores the name, mode and type (including the fact that it is a symlink) in the tree object that represents its containing directory.

When you checkout a tree containing the link, it restores the object as a symlink regardless of whether the target file system object exists or not.

If you delete the file that the symlink references it doesn't affect the Git-controlled symlink in any way. You will have a dangling reference. It is up to the user to either remove or change the link to point to something valid if needed.

How can I select from list of values in Oracle

You can do this:

create type number_tab is table of number;

select * from table (number_tab(1,2,3,4,5,6));

The column is given the name COLUMN_VALUE by Oracle, so this works too:

select column_value from table (number_tab(1,2,3,4,5,6));

Pass Hidden parameters using response.sendRedirect()

Using session, I successfully passed a parameter (name) from servlet #1 to servlet #2, using response.sendRedirect in servlet #1. Servlet #1 code:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
    String name = request.getParameter("name");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    request.getSession().setAttribute("name", name);

In Servlet #2, you don't need to get name back. It's already connected to the session. You could do String name = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("name"); ---but you don't need this.

If Servlet #2 calls a JSP, you can show name this way on the JSP webpage:

<h1>Welcome ${name}</h1>

Simplest way to detect a pinch

detect two fingers pinch zoom on any element, easy and w/o hassle with 3rd party libs like Hammer.js (beware, hammer has issues with scrolling!)

function onScale(el, callback) {
    let hypo = undefined;

    el.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event) {
        if (event.targetTouches.length === 2) {
            let hypo1 = Math.hypot((event.targetTouches[0].pageX - event.targetTouches[1].pageX),
                (event.targetTouches[0].pageY - event.targetTouches[1].pageY));
            if (hypo === undefined) {
                hypo = hypo1;
    }, false);

    el.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) {
        hypo = undefined;
    }, false);

W3WP.EXE using 100% CPU - where to start?

  1. Standard Windows performance counters (look for other correlated activity, such as many GET requests, excessive network or disk I/O, etc); you can read them from code as well as from perfmon (to trigger data collection if CPU use exceeds a threshold, for example)
  2. Custom performance counters (particularly to time for off-box requests and other calls where execution time is uncertain)
  3. Load testing, using tools such as Visual Studio Team Test or WCAT
  4. If you can test on or upgrade to IIS 7, you can configure Failed Request Tracing to generate a trace if requests take more a certain amount of time
  5. Use logparser to see which requests arrived at the time of the CPU spike
  6. Code reviews / walk-throughs (in particular, look for loops that may not terminate properly, such as if an error happens, as well as locks and potential threading issues, such as the use of statics)
  7. CPU and memory profiling (can be difficult on a production system)
  8. Process Explorer
  9. Windows Resource Monitor
  10. Detailed error logging
  11. Custom trace logging, including execution time details (perhaps conditional, based on the CPU-use perf counter)
  12. Are the errors happening when the AppPool recycles? If so, it could be a clue.

round() for float in C++

I did this:

#include <cmath.h>

using namespace std;

double roundh(double number, int place){

    /* place = decimal point. Putting in 0 will make it round to whole
                              number. putting in 1 will round to the
                              tenths digit.

    number *= 10^place;
    int istack = (int)floor(number);
    int out = number-istack;
    if (out < 0.5){
        number /= 10^place;
        return number;
    if (out > 0.4) {
        number /= 10^place;
        return number;

jQuery datepicker years shown

Perfect for date of birth fields (and what I use) is similar to what Shog9 said, although I'm going to give a more specific DOB example:

    yearRange: "-122:-18", //18 years or older up to 122yo (oldest person ever, can be sensibly set to something much smaller in most cases)
    maxDate: "-18Y", //Will only allow the selection of dates more than 18 years ago, useful if you need to restrict this
    minDate: "-122Y"

Hope future googlers find this useful :).

Passing arguments to angularjs filters

You can simply do like this In Template

<span ng-cloak>{{amount |firstFiler:'firstArgument':'secondArgument' }}</span>

In filter


    console.log("filter loads");
    return function(items, firstArgument,secondArgument){
        console.log("item is ",items); // it is value upon which you have to filter
        console.log("firstArgument is ",firstArgument);
        console.log("secondArgument ",secondArgument);

        return "hello";

Disable LESS-CSS Overwriting calc()

The solutions of Fabricio works just fine.

A very common usecase of calc is add 100% width and adding some margin around the element.

One can do so with:

@someMarginVariable: 15px;

margin: @someMarginVariable;
width: calc(~"100% - "@someMarginVariable*2);
width: -moz-calc(~"100% - "@someMarginVariable*2);
width: -webkit-calc(~"100% - "@someMarginVariable*2);
width: -o-calc(~"100% - "@someMarginVariable*2);

Or can use a mixin like:

.fullWidthMinusMarginPaddingMixin(@marginSize,@paddingSize) {
  @minusValue: (@marginSize+@paddingSize)*2;
  padding: @paddingSize;
  margin: @marginSize;
  width: calc(~"100% - "@minusValue);
  width: -moz-calc(~"100% - "@minusValue);
  width: -webkit-calc(~"100% - "@minusValue);
  width: -o-calc(~"100% - "@minusValue);

Text to speech(TTS)-Android

public class Texttovoice extends ActionBarActivity implements OnInitListener {
private TextToSpeech tts;
private Button btnSpeak;
private EditText txtText;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    tts = new TextToSpeech(this, this);

    // Refer 'Speak' button
    btnSpeak = (Button) findViewById(;
    // Refer 'Text' control
    txtText = (EditText) findViewById(;
    // Handle onClick event for button 'Speak'
    btnSpeak.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View arg0) {
            // Method yet to be defined



private void speakOut() {
    // Get the text typed
    String text = txtText.getText().toString();
    // If no text is typed, tts will read out 'You haven't typed text'
    // else it reads out the text you typed
    if (text.length() == 0) {
        tts.speak("You haven't typed text", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
    } else {
        tts.speak(text, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);



public void onDestroy() {
    // Don't forget to shutdown!
    if (tts != null) {

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return true;

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will
    // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long
    // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.
    int id = item.getItemId();
    if (id == {
        return true;
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

public void onInit(int status) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    // TTS is successfully initialized
    if (status == TextToSpeech.SUCCESS) {
        // Setting speech language
        int result = tts.setLanguage(Locale.US);
        // If your device doesn't support language you set above
        if (result == TextToSpeech.LANG_MISSING_DATA
                || result == TextToSpeech.LANG_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
            // Cook simple toast message with message
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Language not supported",
            Log.e("TTS", "Language is not supported");
        // Enable the button - It was disabled in main.xml (Go back and
        // Check it)
        else {
        // TTS is not initialized properly
    } else {
        Toast.makeText(this, "TTS Initilization Failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
        Log.e("TTS", "Initilization Failed");

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
tools:ignore="HardcodedText" >

    android:text="listen your text"
    android:textStyle="bold" />

    android:hint="Enter text to speak" />


How to position a table at the center of div horizontally & vertically

You can center a box both vertically and horizontally, using the following technique :

The outher container :

  • should have display: table;

The inner container :

  • should have display: table-cell;
  • should have vertical-align: middle;
  • should have text-align: center;

The content box :

  • should have display: inline-block;

If you use this technique, just add your table (along with any other content you want to go with it) to the content box.

Demo :

body {_x000D_
    margin : 0;_x000D_
.outer-container {_x000D_
    position : absolute;_x000D_
    display: table;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
    height: 100%;_x000D_
    background: #ccc;_x000D_
.inner-container {_x000D_
    display: table-cell;_x000D_
    vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
.centered-content {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    background: #fff;_x000D_
    padding : 20px;_x000D_
    border : 1px solid #000;_x000D_
<div class="outer-container">_x000D_
   <div class="inner-container">_x000D_
     <div class="centered-content">_x000D_
        <em>Data :</em>_x000D_

See also this Fiddle!

htaccess redirect if URL contains a certain string

RewriteRule ^(.*)foobar(.*)$ [L,R=301]

(No space inside your website)

How to merge two arrays of objects by ID using lodash?

Create dictionaries for both arrays using _.keyBy(), merge the dictionaries, and convert the result to an array with _.values(). In this way, the order of the arrays doesn't matter. In addition, it can also handle arrays of different length.

const ObjectId = (id) => id; // mock of ObjectId_x000D_
const arr1 = [{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d8"),"bank" : ObjectId("575b052ca6f66a5732749ecc"),"country" : ObjectId("575b0523a6f66a5732749ecb")},{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d6"),"bank" : ObjectId("575b052ca6f66a5732749ecc"),"country" : ObjectId("575b0523a6f66a5732749ecb")}];_x000D_
const arr2 = [{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d6"),"name" : 'xxxxxx',"age" : 25},{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d8"),"name" : 'yyyyyyyyyy',"age" : 26}];_x000D_
const merged = _(arr1) // start sequence_x000D_
  .keyBy('member') // create a dictionary of the 1st array_x000D_
  .merge(_.keyBy(arr2, 'member')) // create a dictionary of the 2nd array, and merge it to the 1st_x000D_
  .values() // turn the combined dictionary to array_x000D_
  .value(); // get the value (array) out of the sequence_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Using ES6 Map

Concat the arrays, and reduce the combined array to a Map. Use Object#assign to combine objects with the same member to a new object, and store in map. Convert the map to an array with Map#values and spread:

const ObjectId = (id) => id; // mock of ObjectId_x000D_
const arr1 = [{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d8"),"bank" : ObjectId("575b052ca6f66a5732749ecc"),"country" : ObjectId("575b0523a6f66a5732749ecb")},{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d6"),"bank" : ObjectId("575b052ca6f66a5732749ecc"),"country" : ObjectId("575b0523a6f66a5732749ecb")}];_x000D_
const arr2 = [{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d6"),"name" : 'xxxxxx',"age" : 25},{"member" : ObjectId("57989cbe54cf5d2ce83ff9d8"),"name" : 'yyyyyyyyyy',"age" : 26}];_x000D_
const merged = [...arr1.concat(arr2).reduce((m, o) => _x000D_
  m.set(o.member, Object.assign(m.get(o.member) || {}, o))_x000D_
, new Map()).values()];_x000D_

Resolve promises one after another (i.e. in sequence)?

Your approach is not bad, but it does have two issues: it swallows errors and it employs the Explicit Promise Construction Antipattern.

You can solve both of these issues, and make the code cleaner, while still employing the same general strategy:

var Q = require("q");

var readFile = function(file) {
  ... // Returns a promise.

var readFiles = function(files) {
  var readSequential = function(index) {
    if (index < files.length) {
      return readFile(files[index]).then(function() {
        return readSequential(index + 1);

  // using Promise.resolve() here in case files.length is 0
  return Promise.resolve(readSequential(0)); // Start!

What is the difference between a static and a non-static initialization code block

The static code block can be used to instantiate or initialize class variables (as opposed to object variables). So declaring "a" static means that is only one shared by all Test objects, and the static code block initializes "a" only once, when the Test class is first loaded, no matter how many Test objects are created.

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

A one liner fixes it for Windows in an Admin prompt

choco install wget (first see

wget -O C:\cacert.pem && setx /M SSL_CERT_FILE "C:\cacert.pem"

Or just do this:

gem sources -r
gem sources -a

Milanio's method:

gem sources -r
gem sources -a 
gem update --system
gem sources -r
gem sources -a

gem install [NAME_OF_GEM]

Iterating over Numpy matrix rows to apply a function each?

Use numpy.apply_along_axis(). Assuming your matrix is 2D, you can use like:

import numpy as np
mymatrix = np.matrix([[11,12,13],
def myfunction( x ):
    return sum(x)

print np.apply_along_axis( myfunction, axis=1, arr=mymatrix )
#[36 66 96]

How does one check if a table exists in an Android SQLite database?

 // @param db, readable database from SQLiteOpenHelper

 public boolean doesTableExist(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableName) {
        Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select DISTINCT tbl_name from sqlite_master where tbl_name = '" + tableName + "'", null);

    if (cursor != null) {
        if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
            return true;
    return false;
  • sqlite maintains sqlite_master table containing information of all tables and indexes in database.
  • So here we are simply running SELECT command on it, we'll get cursor having count 1 if table exists.

How can I fix WebStorm warning "Unresolved function or method" for "require" (Firefox Add-on SDK)

Working with Intellj 2016, Angular2, and Typescript... the only thing that worked for me was to get the Typescript Definitions for NodeJS

Get node.d.ts from DefinitelyTyped on GitHub

Or just run:

npm install @types/node --save-dev

Then in tsconfig.json, include

"types": [

Change bundle identifier in Xcode when submitting my first app in IOS

By default, Xcode sets the bundle identifier to the bundle/company identifier that you set during project creation + project name.

Project Creation - Bundle/Company Identifier + Product Name

This is similar to what you see in the Project > Summary screen.

Project > Summary

But you can change this in the Project > Info screen. (This is the Info.plist.)

Project > Info

How to insert Records in Database using C# language?

You should form the command with the contents of the textboxes:

sql = "insert into Main (Firt Name, Last Name) values(" + textbox2.Text + 
"," + textbox3.Text+ ")";

This, of course, provided that you manage to open the connection correctly.

It would be helpful to know what is happening with your current code. If you are getting some error displayed in that message box, it would be great to know what it's saying.

You should also validate the inputs before actually running the command (i.e. make sure they don't contain malicious code).

CSS media queries for screen sizes

Put it all in one document and use this:

/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 320px) 
and (max-device-width : 480px) {
  /* Styles */

/* Smartphones (landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-width : 321px) {
  /* Styles */

/* Smartphones (portrait) ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (max-width : 320px) {
  /* Styles */

/* iPads (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) {
  /* Styles */

/* iPads (landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : landscape) {
  /* Styles */

/* iPads (portrait) ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 768px) 
and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
and (orientation : portrait) {
  /* Styles */

/* Desktops and laptops ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-width : 1224px) {
  /* Styles */

/* Large screens ----------- */
@media only screen 
and (min-width : 1824px) {
  /* Styles */

/* iPhone 4 - 5s ----------- */
only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5),
only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {
  /* Styles */

/* iPhone 6 ----------- */
only screen and (max-device-width: 667px) 
only screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
  /* Styles */

/* iPhone 6+ ----------- */
only screen and (min-device-width : 414px) 
only screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio: 3) {
  /*** You've spent way too much on a phone ***/

/* Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge ----------- */
@media only screen
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3),
and (min-resolution: 192dpi)and (max-width:640px) {
 /* Styles */


At this point, I would definitely consider using em values instead of pixels. For more information, check this post:

When to use RSpec let()?

let is functional as its essentially a Proc. Also its cached.

One gotcha I found right away with let... In a Spec block that is evaluating a change.

let(:object) {FactoryGirl.create :object}

expect {
  post :destroy, id:
}.to change(Object, :count).by(-1)

You'll need to be sure to call let outside of your expect block. i.e. you're calling FactoryGirl.create in your let block. I usually do this by verifying the object is persisted.

object.persisted?.should eq true

Otherwise when the let block is called the first time a change in the database will actually happen due to the lazy instantiation.


Just adding a note. Be careful playing code golf or in this case rspec golf with this answer.

In this case, I just have to call some method to which the object responds. So I invoke the _.persisted?_ method on the object as its truthy. All I'm trying to do is instantiate the object. You could call empty? or nil? too. The point isn't the test but bringing the object ot life by calling it.

So you can't refactor

object.persisted?.should eq true

to be

object.should be_persisted 

as the object hasn't been instantiated... its lazy. :)

Update 2

leverage the let! syntax for instant object creation, which should avoid this issue altogether. Note though it will defeat a lot of the purpose of the laziness of the non banged let.

Also in some instances you might actually want to leverage the subject syntax instead of let as it may give you additional options.

subject(:object) {FactoryGirl.create :object}

mysql after insert trigger which updates another table's column

With your requirements you don't need BEGIN END and IF with unnecessary SELECT in your trigger. So you can simplify it to this

CREATE TRIGGER occupy_trig AFTER INSERT ON occupiedroom 
  UPDATE BookingRequest
     SET status = 1
   WHERE idRequest = NEW.idRequest;

How do you specify a debugger program in Code::Blocks 12.11?

  • In the Code::Blocks IDE, navigate Settings -> Debugger

  • In the tree control at the right, select Common -> GDB/CDB debugger -> Common.

  • Then in the dialog at the left you can enter Executable path and choose Debugger type = GDB or CDB, as well as configuring various other options.

Where does Java's String constant pool live, the heap or the stack?

The answer is technically neither. According to the Java Virtual Machine Specification, the area for storing string literals is in the runtime constant pool. The runtime constant pool memory area is allocated on a per-class or per-interface basis, so it's not tied to any object instances at all. The runtime constant pool is a subset of the method area which "stores per-class structures such as the runtime constant pool, field and method data, and the code for methods and constructors, including the special methods used in class and instance initialization and interface type initialization". The VM spec says that although the method area is logically part of the heap, it doesn't dictate that memory allocated in the method area be subject to garbage collection or other behaviors that would be associated with normal data structures allocated to the heap.

jQuery returning "parsererror" for ajax request

The problem

window.JSON.parse raises an error in $.parseJSON function.

$.parseJSON: function( data ) {
// Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
return window.JSON.parse( data );

My solution

Overloading JQuery using requirejs tool.

define(['jquery', 'jquery.overload'], function() { 
    //Loading jquery.overload

jquery.overload.js file content

define(['jquery'],function ($) { 

    $.parseJSON: function( data ) {
        // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
        /**  THIS RAISES Parsing ERROR
        if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
            return window.JSON.parse( data );

        if ( data === null ) {
            return data;

        if ( typeof data === "string" ) {

            // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
            data = $.trim( data );

            if ( data ) {
                // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
                // Logic borrowed from
                if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" )
                    .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" )
                    .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) {

                    return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )();

        $.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );

    return $;


What is difference between XML Schema and DTD?

From the Differences Between DTDs and Schema section of the Converting a DTD into a Schema article:

The critical difference between DTDs and XML Schema is that XML Schema utilize an XML-based syntax, whereas DTDs have a unique syntax held over from SGML DTDs. Although DTDs are often criticized because of this need to learn a new syntax, the syntax itself is quite terse. The opposite is true for XML Schema, which are verbose, but also make use of tags and XML so that authors of XML should find the syntax of XML Schema less intimidating.

The goal of DTDs was to retain a level of compatibility with SGML for applications that might want to convert SGML DTDs into XML DTDs. However, in keeping with one of the goals of XML, "terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance," there is no real concern with keeping the syntax brief.


So what are some of the other differences which might be especially important when we are converting a DTD? Let's take a look.


The most significant difference between DTDs and XML Schema is the capability to create and use datatypes in Schema in conjunction with element and attribute declarations. In fact, it's such an important difference that one half of the XML Schema Recommendation is devoted to datatyping and XML Schema. We cover datatypes in detail in Part III of this book, "XML Schema Datatypes."


Occurrence Constraints

Another area where DTDs and Schema differ significantly is with occurrence constraints. If you recall from our previous examples in Chapter 2, "Schema Structure" (or your own work with DTDs), there are three symbols that you can use to limit the number of occurrences of an element: *, + and ?.



So, let's say we had a element, and we wanted to be able to define a size attribute for the shirt, which allowed users to choose a size: small, medium, or large. Our DTD would look like this:

<!ELEMENT item (shirt)>
<!ELEMENT shirt (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST shirt
    size_value (small | medium | large)>


But what if we wanted size to be an element? We can't do that with a DTD. DTDs do not provide for enumerations in an element's text content. However, because of datatypes with Schema, when we declared the enumeration in the preceding example, we actually created a simpleType called size_values which we can now use with an element:

<xs:element name="size" type="size_value">


Java sending and receiving file (byte[]) over sockets

Thanks for the help. I've managed to get it working now so thought I would post so that the others can use to help them.


public class Server {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ServerSocket serverSocket = null;

        try {
            serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4444);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            System.out.println("Can't setup server on this port number. ");

        Socket socket = null;
        InputStream in = null;
        OutputStream out = null;
        try {
            socket = serverSocket.accept();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            System.out.println("Can't accept client connection. ");
        try {
            in = socket.getInputStream();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            System.out.println("Can't get socket input stream. ");

        try {
            out = new FileOutputStream("M:\\test2.xml");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            System.out.println("File not found. ");

        byte[] bytes = new byte[16*1024];

        int count;
        while ((count = > 0) {
            out.write(bytes, 0, count);


and the Client:

public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Socket socket = null;
        String host = "";

        socket = new Socket(host, 4444);
        File file = new File("M:\\test.xml");
        // Get the size of the file
        long length = file.length();
        byte[] bytes = new byte[16 * 1024];
        InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
        OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
        int count;
        while ((count = > 0) {
            out.write(bytes, 0, count);


How to list active connections on PostgreSQL?

Oh, I just found that command on PostgreSQL forum:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

Commenting multiple lines in DOS batch file

If you want to add REM at the beginning of each line instead of using GOTO, you can use Notepad++ to do this easily following these steps:

  1. Select the block of lines
  2. hit Ctrl-Q

Repeat steps to uncomment

When should you use 'friend' in C++?

Another use: friend (+ virtual inheritance) can be used to avoid deriving from a class (aka: "make a class underivable") => 1, 2

From 2:

 class Fred;

 class FredBase {
   friend class Fred;
   FredBase() { }

 class Fred : private virtual FredBase {

jQuery, checkboxes and .is(":checked")

As of June 2016 (using jquery 2.1.4) none of the other suggested solutions work. Checking attr('checked') always returns undefined and is('checked) always returns false.

Just use the prop method:

$("#checkbox").change(function(e) {

  if ($(this).prop('checked')){

node.js vs. meteor.js what's the difference?

A loose analogy is, "Meteor is to Node as Rails is to Ruby." It's a large, opinionated framework that uses Node on the server. Node itself is just a low-level framework providing functions for sending and receiving HTTP requests and performing other I/O.

Meteor is radically ambitious: By default, every page it serves is actually a Handlebars template that's kept in sync with the server. Try the Leaderboard example: You create a template that simply says "List the names and scores," and every time any client changes a name or score, the page updates with the new data—not just for that client, but for everyone viewing the page.

Another difference: While Node itself is stable and widely used in production, Meteor is in a "preview" state. There are serious bugs, and certain things that don't fit with Meteor's data-centric conceptual model (such as animations) are very hard to do.

If you love playing with new technologies, give Meteor a spin. If you want a more traditional, stable web framework built on Node, take a look at Express.

Stop node.js program from command line

on linux try: pkill node

on windows:

Taskkill /IM node.exe /F


from subprocess import call

call(['taskkill', '/IM', 'node.exe', '/F'])

How to set column widths to a jQuery datatable?

Try setting the width on the table itself:

<table id="ratesandcharges1" class="grid" style="width: 650px;">

You'll have to adjust the 650 by a couple pixels to account for whatever padding, margins, and borders you have.

You'll probably still have some issues though. I don't see enough horizontal space for all those columns without mangling the headers, reducing the font sizes, or some other bit of ugliness.

$(document).on("click"... not working?

You are using the correct syntax for binding to the document to listen for a click event for an element with id="test-element".

It's probably not working due to one of:

  • Not using recent version of jQuery
  • Not wrapping your code inside of DOM ready
  • or you are doing something which causes the event not to bubble up to the listener on the document.

To capture events on elements which are created AFTER declaring your event listeners - you should bind to a parent element, or element higher in the hierarchy.

For example:

$(document).ready(function() {
    // This WILL work because we are listening on the 'document', 
    // for a click on an element with an ID of #test-element
    $(document).on("click","#test-element",function() {
        alert("click bound to document listening for #test-element");

    // This will NOT work because there is no '#test-element' ... yet
    $("#test-element").on("click",function() {
        alert("click bound directly to #test-element");

    // Create the dynamic element '#test-element'
    $('body').append('<div id="test-element">Click mee</div>');

In this example, only the "bound to document" alert will fire.

JSFiddle with jQuery 1.9.1

How can I check if character in a string is a letter? (Python)

data = "abcdefg hi j 12345"

digits_count = 0
letters_count = 0
others_count = 0

for i in userinput:

    if i.isdigit():
        digits_count += 1 
    elif i.isalpha():
        letters_count += 1
        others_count += 1

print("Letters=", letters_count)
print("Digits=", digits_count)


Please Enter Letters with Numbers:
abcdefg hi j 12345
Letters = 10
Digits = 5

By using str.isalpha() you can check if it is a letter.

How to get coordinates of an svg element?

The element.getBoundingClientRect() method will return the proper coordinates of an element relative to the viewport regardless of whether the svg has been scaled and/or translated.

See this question and answer.

While getBBox() works for an untransformed space, if scale and translation have been applied to the layout then it will no longer be accurate. The getBoundingClientRect() function has worked well for me in a force layout project when pan and zoom are in effect, where I wanted to attach HTML Div elements as labels to the nodes instead of using SVG Text elements.

Hiding the scroll bar on an HTML page

Copy this CSS code to the customer code for hiding the scroll bar:


    ::-webkit-scrollbar {
       display: none;

    #element::-webkit-scrollbar {
       display: none;


Centering floating divs within another div

I accomplished the above using relative positioning and floating to the right.

HTML code:

<div class="clearfix">                          
    <div class="outer-div">
        <div class="inner-div">
            <div class="floating-div">Float 1</div>
            <div class="floating-div">Float 2</div>
            <div class="floating-div">Float 3</div>


.outer-div { position: relative; float: right; right: 50%; }
.inner-div { position: relative; float: right; right: -50%; }
.floating-div { float: left; border: 1px solid red; margin: 0 1.5em; }

.clearfix:after { content: " "; display: table; }
.clearfix:after { clear: both; }
.clearfix { *zoom: 1; }


This will work in IE8 and up, but not earlier (surprise, surprise!)

I do not recall the source of this method unfortunately, so I cannot give credit to the original author. If anybody else knows, please post the link!

How to execute powershell commands from a batch file?

Type in cmd.exe Powershell -Help and see the examples.

How to use custom font in a project written in Android Studio

First create assets folder then create fonts folder in it.

Then you can set font from assets or directory like bellow :

public class FontSampler extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

        TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
        Typeface face = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/HandmadeTypewriter.ttf");


        File font = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "MgOpenCosmeticaBold.ttf");

        if (font.exists()) {
            tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
            face = Typeface.createFromFile(font);

        } else {

I am receiving warning in Facebook Application using PHP SDK

You need to ensure that any code that modifies the HTTP headers is executed before the headers are sent. This includes statements like session_start(). The headers will be sent automatically when any HTML is output.

Your problem here is that you're sending the HTML ouput at the top of your page before you've executed any PHP at all.

Move the session_start() to the top of your document :

<?php    session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>PHP SDK</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once 'src/facebook.php';    // more PHP code here. 

'Linker command failed with exit code 1' when using Google Analytics via CocoaPods

This usually happens when using Cocoapods and you are building from the xcproject which doesn't know about the cocoapod libraries.

How to check if my string is equal to null?

If myString is in fact null, then any call to the reference will fail with a Null Pointer Exception (NPE). Since java 6, use #isEmpty instead of length check (in any case NEVER create a new empty String with the check).

if (myString != null &&  !myString.isEmpty()){

Incidentally if comparing with String literals as you do, would reverse the statement so as not to have to have a null check, i.e,

if ("some string to check".equals(myString)){

instead of :

if (myString != null &&  myString.equals("some string to check")){

Getting the location from an IP address

This question is protected, which I understand. However, I do not see an answer here, what I see is a lot of people showing what they came up with from having the same question.

There are currently five Regional Internet Registries with varying degrees of functionality that serve as the first point of contact with regard to IP ownership. The process is in flux, which is why the various services here work sometimes and don't at other times.

Who Is is (obviously) an ancient TCP protocol, however -- the way it worked originally was by connection to port 43, which makes it problematic getting it routed through leased connections, through firewalls...etc.

At this moment -- most Who Is is done via RESTful HTTP and ARIN, RIPE and APNIC have RESTful services that work. LACNIC's returns a 503 and AfriNIC apparently has no such API. (All have online services, however.)

That will get you -- the address of the IP's registered owner, but -- not your client's location -- you must get that from them and also -- you have to ask for it. Also, proxies are the least of your worries when validating the IP that you think is the originator.

People do not appreciate the notion that they are being tracked, so -- my thoughts are -- get it from your client directly and with their permission and expect a lot to balk at the notion.

Styling HTML5 input type number

Unfortunately in HTML 5 the 'pattern' attribute is linked to only 4-5 attributes. However if you are willing to use a "text" field instead and convert to number later, this might help you;

This limits an input from 1 character (numberic) to 3.

<input name=quantity type=text pattern='[0-9]{1,3}'>

The CSS basically allows for confirmation with an "Thumbs up" or "Down".

Example 1

Example 2

How do you read a CSV file and display the results in a grid in Visual Basic 2010?

Consider this CodeProject article/project: LINQ TO CSV.

It will enable you to create a custom class that is shaped like your .csv file's columns. You'd then consume the CSV and bind to your DataGridView.

Dim cc As new CsvContext()
Dim inputFileDescription As New CsvFileDescription() With { _
    .SeparatorChar = ","C, _
    .FirstLineHasColumnNames = True _

Dim products As IEnumerable(Of Product) = _
     cc.Read(Of Product)("products.csv", inputFileDescription)

' query from CSV, load into a new class of your own   
Dim productsByName = From p In products
    Select New CustomDisplayClass With _
       {.Name = p.Name, .SomeDate = p.SomeDate, .Price = p.Price}, _        
    Order By p.Name

myDataGridView1.DataSource = products

Yum fails with - There are no enabled repos.

ok, so my problem was that I tried to install the package with yum which is the primary tool for getting, installing, deleting, querying, and managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPM software packages from official Red Hat software repositories, as well as other third-party repositories.

But I'm using ubuntu and The usual way to install packages on the command line in Ubuntu is with apt-get. so the right command was:

sudo apt-get install libstdc++.i686

Javascript reduce() on Object


[{value:5}, {value:10}].reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => { return {value: previousValue.value + currentValue.value}})

>> Object {value: 15}


[{value:5}, {value:10}].map(item => item.value).reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => {return previousValue + currentValue })

>> 15


[{value:5}, {value:10}].reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue) {
      return {value: previousValue.value + currentValue.value};

>> Object {value: 15}

Call to undefined function mysql_query() with Login

What is your PHP version? Extension "Mysql" was deprecated in PHP 5.5.0. Use extension Mysqli (like mysqli_query).

Horizontal swipe slider with jQuery and touch devices support?

If I was you, I would implement my own solution based on the event specs. Basically, what swipe is - it's handling of touch down, touch move, touch up events. here is excerpt of my own lib for handling iPhone touch events:

touch_object.prototype.handle_touchstart = function(e){
    if (e.targetTouches.length != 1){
        return false;
    } = 100;
    this.startX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX - this.geometry.x;
    this.startY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.geometry.y;
    /* adjust for left /top */
touch_object.prototype.handle_touchmove = function(e) {
    if (e.targetTouches.length != 1){
        return false;
    var x=e.targetTouches[0].pageX - this.startX;
    var y=e.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.startY;

touch_object.prototype.handle_touchend = function(e){ = 10;

I used that code to "move things around". But, instead of moving, you can create your own algorithm for e.g. triggering redirect to some other location, or you can use that move to "move/swipe" the element, on which the swipe is on to other location.

so, it really helps to understand basics of how things work and then create more complicated solutions. this might help as well.

I used this, to create my solution:

Simple timeout in java

    public class StatusSingletonBean {
      private String status;
      public void setStatus(String new Status) {
        status = newStatus;
      public void doTediousOperation {
    //The following singleton has a default access timeout value of 60 seconds, specified //using the TimeUnit.SECONDS constant:
    @AccessTimeout(value=60, timeUnit=SECONDS) 
    public class StatusSingletonBean { 
    //The Java EE 6 Tutorial


How to merge two json string in Python?

Merging json objects is fairly straight forward but has a few edge cases when dealing with key collisions. The biggest issues have to do with one object having a value of a simple type and the other having a complex type (Array or Object). You have to decide how you want to implement that. Our choice when we implemented this for json passed to chef-solo was to merge Objects and use the first source Object's value in all other cases.

This was our solution:

from collections import Mapping
import json

original = json.loads(jsonStringA)
addition = json.loads(jsonStringB)

for key, value in addition.iteritems():
    if key in original:
        original_value = original[key]
        if isinstance(value, Mapping) and isinstance(original_value, Mapping):
            merge_dicts(original_value, value)
        elif not (isinstance(value, Mapping) or 
                  isinstance(original_value, Mapping)):
            original[key] = value
            raise ValueError('Attempting to merge {} with value {}'.format(
                key, original_value))
        original[key] = value

You could add another case after the first case to check for lists if you want to merge those as well, or for specific cases when special keys are encountered.

How to change the remote repository for a git submodule?

These commands will do the work on command prompt without altering any files on local repository

git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.Submod.url
git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.Submod.branch Development
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Please look at the blog for screenshots: Changing GIT submodules URL/Branch to other URL/branch of same repository

C++ cast to derived class

Think like this:

class Animal { /* Some virtual members */ };
class Dog: public Animal {};
class Cat: public Animal {};

Dog     dog;
Cat     cat;
Animal& AnimalRef1 = dog;  // Notice no cast required. (Dogs and cats are animals).
Animal& AnimalRef2 = cat;
Animal* AnimalPtr1 = &dog;
Animal* AnimlaPtr2 = &cat;

Cat&    catRef1 = dynamic_cast<Cat&>(AnimalRef1);  // Throws an exception  AnimalRef1 is a dog
Cat*    catPtr1 = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(AnimalPtr1);  // Returns NULL         AnimalPtr1 is a dog
Cat&    catRef2 = dynamic_cast<Cat&>(AnimalRef2);  // Works
Cat*    catPtr2 = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(AnimalPtr2);  // Works

// This on the other hand makes no sense
// An animal object is not a cat. Therefore it can not be treated like a Cat.
Animal  a;
Cat&    catRef1 = dynamic_cast<Cat&>(a);    // Throws an exception  Its not a CAT
Cat*    catPtr1 = dynamic_cast<Cat*>(&a);   // Returns NULL         Its not a CAT.

Now looking back at your first statement:

Animal   animal = cat;    // This works. But it slices the cat part out and just
                          // assigns the animal part of the object.
Cat      bigCat = animal; // Makes no sense.
                          // An animal is not a cat!!!!!
Dog      bigDog = bigCat; // A cat is not a dog !!!!

You should very rarely ever need to use dynamic cast.
This is why we have virtual methods:

void makeNoise(Animal& animal)

Dog    dog;
Cat    cat;
Duck   duck;
Chicken chicken;


The only reason I can think of is if you stored your object in a base class container:

std::vector<Animal*>  barnYard;

Dog*  dog = dynamic_cast<Dog*>(barnYard[1]); // Note: NULL as this was the cat.

But if you need to cast particular objects back to Dogs then there is a fundamental problem in your design. You should be accessing properties via the virtual methods.


Difference between Iterator and Listiterator?

the following is that the difference between iterator and listIterator

iterator :

boolean hasNext();
E next();
void remove();


boolean hasNext();
E next();
boolean hasPrevious();
E previous();
int nextIndex();
int previousIndex();
void remove();
void set(E e);
void add(E e);

Could not reserve enough space for object heap to start JVM

According to this post this error message means:

Heap size is larger than your computer's physical memory.

Edit: Heap is not the only memory that is reserved, I suppose. At least there are other JVM settings like PermGenSpace that ask for the memory. With heap size 128M and a PermGenSpace of 64M you already fill the space available.

Why not downsize other memory settings to free up space for the heap?

Getting the last n elements of a vector. Is there a better way than using the length() function?

You can do exactly the same thing in R with two more characters:

x <- 0:9
[1] 5 6 7 8 9



Difference between two lists

Following helper can be usefull if for such task:

There are 2 collections local collection called oldValues and remote called newValues From time to time you get notification bout some elements on remote collection have changed and you want to know which elements were added, removed and updated. Remote collection always returns ALL elements that it has.

    public class ChangesTracker<T1, T2>
    private readonly IEnumerable<T1> oldValues;
    private readonly IEnumerable<T2> newValues;
    private readonly Func<T1, T2, bool> areEqual;

    public ChangesTracker(IEnumerable<T1> oldValues, IEnumerable<T2> newValues, Func<T1, T2, bool> areEqual)
        this.oldValues = oldValues;
        this.newValues = newValues;
        this.areEqual = areEqual;

    public IEnumerable<T2> AddedItems
        get => newValues.Where(n => oldValues.All(o => !areEqual(o, n)));

    public IEnumerable<T1> RemovedItems
        get => oldValues.Where(n => newValues.All(o => !areEqual(n, o)));

    public IEnumerable<T1> UpdatedItems
        get => oldValues.Where(n => newValues.Any(o => areEqual(n, o)));


    public void AddRemoveAndUpdate()
        // Arrange
        var listA = ChangesTrackerMockups.GetAList(10); // ids 1-10
        var listB = ChangesTrackerMockups.GetBList(11)  // ids 1-11
            .Where(b => b.Iddd != 7); // Exclude element means it will be delete
        var changesTracker = new ChangesTracker<A, B>(listA, listB, AreEqual);

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual(1, changesTracker.AddedItems.Count()); // = 11
        Assert.AreEqual(1, changesTracker.RemovedItems.Count()); // = 7
        Assert.AreEqual(9, changesTracker.UpdatedItems.Count()); // all == b.iddd

    private bool AreEqual(A a, B b)
        if (a == null && b == null)
            return true;
        if (a == null || b == null)
            return false;
        return a.Id == b.Iddd;

Powershell Active Directory - Limiting my get-aduser search to a specific OU [and sub OUs]

If I understand you correctly, you need to use -SearchBase:

Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=Accounts,OU=RootOU,DC=ChildDomain,DC=RootDomain,DC=com" -Filter *

Note that Get-ADUser defaults to using

 -SearchScope Subtree

so you don't need to specify it. It's this that gives you all sub-OUs (and sub-sub-OUs, etc.).

Remove header and footer from window.print()

Today my colleague stumbled upon the same issue.

As the "margin:0" solution works for chromium based browsers, however, Internet Explorer continue to print footer even if @page margins are set to zero.

The solution (more of a hack) was to put negative margin on the @page.

@page {margin:0 -6cm}
html {margin:0 6cm}

Please note that negative margin won't work for Y axis, only for X

Hope it helps.

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost."

I faced the same issue while calling using my company's server from iOS 12 app with a physical device. The problem was that the server hard disk was full. Freeing space in the server solved the problem.

I found the same error in another situation I think due to a timeout not parametrizable through the standard Networking API provided by Apple (URLSession.timeoutIntervalForRequest and URLSession.timeoutIntervalForResource). Even there.. made server answer faster solved the problem

How to make Java honor the DNS Caching Timeout?

According to the official oracle java properties, is Sun implementation-specific property, which "may not be supported in future releases". "the preferred way is to use the security property" networkaddress.cache.ttl.

Disable/Enable button in Excel/VBA

This is what iDevelop is trying to say Enabled Property

So you have been infact using enabled, coz your initial post was enable..

You may try the following:

Sub disenable()
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

  For i = 1 To 10
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:1"))
  Next i

  sheets(1).button1.enabled = False
End Sub

How to clear a data grid view

private void ClearGrid()
    if(this.InvokeRequired) this.Invoke(new Action(this.ClearGrid));

    this.dataGridView.DataSource = null;

How to change the display name for LabelFor in razor in mvc3?

Decorate the model property with the DisplayName attribute.

Python, how to check if a result set is empty?

You can do like this :

count = 0
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};"
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute(SQL query)
for row in cursor:
    count = 1
    if true condition:
if count == 0:
    print("No Result")

Thanks :)

Get restaurants near my location

Is this what you are looking for?,-123.137784&radius=500&sensor=false&key=*PlacesAPIKey*&types=restaurant

types is optional

how to convert rgb color to int in java

Color has a getRGB() method that returns the color as an int.

How do I use $rootScope in Angular to store variables?

i find no reason to do this $scope.value = $rootScope.test;

$scope is already prototype inheritance from $rootScope.

Please see this example

var app = angular.module('app',[]).run(function($rootScope){
$rootScope.userName = "Rezaul Hasan";

now you can bind this scope variable in anywhere in app tag.

Use CSS to automatically add 'required field' asterisk to form inputs

To put it exactly INTO input as it is shown on the following image:

enter image description here

I found the following approach:

.asterisk_input::after {
content:" *"; 
color: #e32;
position: absolute; 
margin: 0px 0px 0px -20px; 
font-size: xx-large; 
padding: 0 5px 0 0; }
        <input type="text" size="15" />                                 
        <span class="asterisk_input">  </span>            

Site on which I work is coded using fixed layout so it was ok for me.

I'm not sure that that it's good for liquid design.

How can I loop over entries in JSON?

Actually, to query the team_name, just add it in brackets to the last line. Apart from that, it seems to work on Python 2.7.3 on command line.

from urllib2 import urlopen
import json

url = ''
response = urlopen(url)
json_obj = json.load(response)

for i in json_obj['team']:
    print i['team_name']

Send request to curl with post data sourced from a file

If you are using form data to upload file,in which a parameter name must be specified , you can use:

curl -X POST -i -F "parametername=@filename" -F "additional_parm=param2" host:port/xxx

SQL Query for Selecting Multiple Records

You're looking for the IN() clause:

SELECT * FROM `Buses` WHERE `BusID` IN (1,2,3,5,7,9,11,44,88,etc...);

Populate a Drop down box from a mySQL table in PHP

At the top first set up database connection as follow:

$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "username", "password", "database") or die($this->mysqli->error);
$query= $mysqli->query("SELECT PcID from PC");

Then include the following code in HTML inside form

<select name="selected_pcid" id='selected_pcid'>


             while ($rows = $query->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
                        $value= $rows['id'];
                 <option value="<?= $value?>"><?= $value?></option>
                <?php } ?>

However, if you are using materialize css or any other out of the box css, make sure that select field is not hidden or disabled.

How do I base64 encode (decode) in C?

Here's the decoder I've been using for years...

    static const char  table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    static const int   BASE64_INPUT_SIZE = 57;

    BOOL isbase64(char c)
       return c && strchr(table, c) != NULL;

    inline char value(char c)
       const char *p = strchr(table, c);
       if(p) {
          return p-table;
       } else {
          return 0;

    int UnBase64(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, int srclen)
       *dest = 0;
       if(*src == 0) 
          return 0;
       unsigned char *p = dest;

          char a = value(src[0]);
          char b = value(src[1]);
          char c = value(src[2]);
          char d = value(src[3]);
          *p++ = (a << 2) | (b >> 4);
          *p++ = (b << 4) | (c >> 2);
          *p++ = (c << 6) | d;
             p -= 2;
          else if(!isbase64(src[2])) 
             p -= 2;
          else if(!isbase64(src[3])) 
          src += 4;
          while(*src && (*src == 13 || *src == 10)) src++;
       while(srclen-= 4);
       *p = 0;
       return p-dest;

Test if a property is available on a dynamic variable

As ExpandoObject inherits the IDictionary<string, object> you can use the following check

dynamic myVariable = GetDataThatLooksVerySimilarButNotTheSame();

if (((IDictionary<string, object>)myVariable).ContainsKey("MyProperty"))    
//Do stuff

You can make a utility method to perform this check, that will make the code much cleaner and re-usable

Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up?

To do this programatically in a fragment you can use following code


Place this in onResume()

How to wait in a batch script?

You'd better ping Windows ping pauses for one second between pings so you if you want to sleep for 10 seconds, use

ping -n 11 > nul

This way you don't need to worry about unexpected early returns (say, there's no default route and the is instantly known to be unreachable.)

SQL Case Expression Syntax?

Here are the CASE statement examples from the PostgreSQL docs (Postgres follows the SQL standard here):

   CASE WHEN a=1 THEN 'one'
        WHEN a=2 THEN 'two'
        ELSE 'other'
FROM test;


   CASE a WHEN 1 THEN 'one'
          WHEN 2 THEN 'two'
          ELSE 'other'
FROM test;

Obviously the second form is cleaner when you are just checking one field against a list of possible values. The first form allows more complicated expressions.

AngularJS - Access to child scope

One possible workaround is inject the child controller in the parent controller using a init function.

Possible implementation:

<div ng-controller="ParentController as parentCtrl">

    <div ng-controller="ChildController as childCtrl" 

Where in ChildController you have :

    ['$scope', '$rootScope', function ($scope, $rootScope) {
    this.init = function() {
         $scope.parentCtrl.childCtrl = $scope.childCtrl;
         $scope.childCtrl.test = 'aaaa';


So now in the ParentController you can use :

    ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'service', function ($scope, $rootScope, service) { = function() {{
            a:  $scope.parentCtrl.ChildCtrl.test


To work properly you have to use the directive ng-controller and rename each controller using as like i did in the html eg.

Use the chrome plugin ng-inspector during the process. It's going to help you to understand the tree.

How to create a shortcut using PowerShell

Beginning PowerShell 5.0 New-Item, Remove-Item, and Get-ChildItem have been enhanced to support creating and managing symbolic links. The ItemType parameter for New-Item accepts a new value, SymbolicLink. Now you can create symbolic links in a single line by running the New-Item cmdlet.

New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "C:\temp" -Name "calc.lnk" -Value "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"

Be Carefull a SymbolicLink is different from a Shortcut, shortcuts are just a file. They have a size (A small one, that just references where they point) and they require an application to support that filetype in order to be used. A symbolic link is filesystem level, and everything sees it as the original file. An application needs no special support to use a symbolic link.

Anyway if you want to create a Run As Administrator shortcut using Powershell you can use

$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($file)
$bytes[0x15] = $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20 #set byte 21 (0x15) bit 6 (0x20) ON (Use –bor to set RunAsAdministrator option and –bxor to unset)
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($file, $bytes)

If anybody want to change something else in a .LNK file you can refer to official Microsoft documentation.

How to insert image in mysql database(table)?

I tried all above solution and fail, it just added a null file to the DB.

However, I was able to get it done by moving the image(fileName.jpg) file first in to below folder(in my case) C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Uploads and then I executed below command and it works for me,

INSERT INTO xx_BLOB(ID,IMAGE) VALUES(1,LOAD_FILE('C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.7/Uploads/fileName.jpg'));

Hope this helps.

How do you get the "object reference" of an object in java when toString() and hashCode() have been overridden?

Double equals == will always check based on object identity, regardless of the objects' implementation of hashCode or equals. Of course - make sure the object references you are comparing are volatile (in a 1.5+ JVM).

If you really must have the original Object toString result (although it's not the best solution for your example use-case), the Commons Lang library has a method ObjectUtils.identityToString(Object) that will do what you want. From the JavaDoc:

public static java.lang.String identityToString(java.lang.Object object)

Gets the toString that would be produced by Object if a class did not override toString itself. null will return null.

 ObjectUtils.identityToString(null)         = null
 ObjectUtils.identityToString("")           = "java.lang.String@1e23"
 ObjectUtils.identityToString(Boolean.TRUE) = "java.lang.Boolean@7fa"

How can I capture the right-click event in JavaScript?

I think that you are looking for something like this:

   function rightclick() {
    var rightclick;
    var e = window.event;
    if (e.which) rightclick = (e.which == 3);
    else if (e.button) rightclick = (e.button == 2);
    alert(rightclick); // true or false, you can trap right click here by if comparison


And then use the onmousedown even with the function rightclick() (if you want to use it globally on whole page you can do this <body onmousedown=rightclick(); >

Remove all elements contained in another array

You can use _.differenceBy from lodash

const myArray = [
  {name: 'deepak', place: 'bangalore'}, 
  {name: 'chirag', place: 'bangalore'}, 
  {name: 'alok', place: 'berhampur'}, 
  {name: 'chandan', place: 'mumbai'}
const toRemove = [
  {name: 'deepak', place: 'bangalore'},
  {name: 'alok', place: 'berhampur'}
const sorted = _.differenceBy(myArray, toRemove, 'name');

Example code here: CodePen

Understanding dict.copy() - shallow or deep?

Take this example:

original = dict(a=1, b=2, c=dict(d=4, e=5))
new = original.copy()

Now let's change a value in the 'shallow' (first) level:

new['a'] = 10
# new = {'a': 10, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 4, 'e': 5}}
# original = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 4, 'e': 5}}
# no change in original, since ['a'] is an immutable integer

Now let's change a value one level deeper:

new['c']['d'] = 40
# new = {'a': 10, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 40, 'e': 5}}
# original = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'d': 40, 'e': 5}}
# new['c'] points to the same original['d'] mutable dictionary, so it will be changed

Send an Array with an HTTP Get

That depends on what the target server accepts. There is no definitive standard for this. See also a.o. Wikipedia: Query string:

While there is no definitive standard, most web frameworks allow multiple values to be associated with a single field (e.g. field1=value1&field1=value2&field2=value3).[4][5]

Generally, when the target server uses a strong typed programming language like Java (Servlet), then you can just send them as multiple parameters with the same name. The API usually offers a dedicated method to obtain multiple parameter values as an array.

String[] foo = request.getParameterValues("foo"); // [value1, value2, value3]

The request.getParameter("foo") will also work on it, but it'll return only the first value.

String foo = request.getParameter("foo"); // value1

And, when the target server uses a weak typed language like PHP or RoR, then you need to suffix the parameter name with braces [] in order to trigger the language to return an array of values instead of a single value.

$foo = $_GET["foo"]; // [value1, value2, value3]
echo is_array($foo); // true

In case you still use foo=value1&foo=value2&foo=value3, then it'll return only the first value.

$foo = $_GET["foo"]; // value1
echo is_array($foo); // false

Do note that when you send foo[]=value1&foo[]=value2&foo[]=value3 to a Java Servlet, then you can still obtain them, but you'd need to use the exact parameter name including the braces.

String[] foo = request.getParameterValues("foo[]"); // [value1, value2, value3]

Naming Classes - How to avoid calling everything a "<WhatEver>Manager"?

If I cannot come up with a more concrete name for my class than XyzManager this would be a point for me to reconsider whether this is really functionality that belongs together in a class, i.e. an architectural 'code smell'.

No newline after div?

Quoting Mr Initial Man from here:

Instead of this:

<div id="Top" class="info"></div><a href="#" class="a_info"></a>

Use this:

<span id="Top" class="info"></span><a href="#" class="a_info"></a>

Also, you could use this:

<div id="Top" class="info"><a href="#" class="a_info"></a></div>

And gostbustaz:

If you absoultely must use a <div>, you can set

div {
    display: inline;

in your stylesheet.

Of course, that essentially makes the <div> a <span>.

Java replace issues with ' (apostrophe/single quote) and \ (backslash) together

Remember that stringToEdit.replaceAll(String, String) returns the result string. It doesn't modify stringToEdit because Strings are immutable in Java. To get any change to stick, you should use

stringToEdit = stringToEdit.replaceAll("'", "\\'");

Volley JsonObjectRequest Post request not working

build gradle(app)

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"
    implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.1.0'
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-alpha01'
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
    androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1'
    androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'
    implementation ''

android manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

When you use JsonObjectRequest it is mandatory to send a jsonobject and receive jsonobject otherwise you will get an error as it only accepts jsonobject.

fun peticion(){
    val jsonObject = JSONObject()
    jsonObject.put("user", "jairo")
    jsonObject.put("password", "1234")
    val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this)
    val url = ""
    // GET: JsonObjectRequest( url, null,
    // POST: JsonObjectRequest( url, jsonObject,
    val jsonObjectRequest = JsonObjectRequest( url, jsonObject,
        Response.Listener { response ->
            // Check if the object 'msm' does not exist
                println("Name: "+response.getString("nombre1"))
                // If the object 'msm' exists we print it
                println("msm: "+response.getString("msm"))
        Response.ErrorListener { error ->

file php get_user.php
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
    header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *");
    // we receive the parameters
    $json = file_get_contents('php://input');
    $params = json_decode($json);
    require_once 'conexion.php';

    $verifica_usuario=mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE usuario='$user' and clave='$password'");
        $query="SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE usuario='$user'";
        while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
        $res=array('msm'=>"Incorrect user or password");
    $jsonstring = json_encode($res);
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo $jsonstring;

file php conexion
    function getConex(){
        $mysqli = mysqli_connect($servidor,$usuario,$pass,$base);
        if (mysqli_connect_errno($mysqli)){
            echo "Fallo al conectar a MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
        return $mysqli;

'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I prefer adding path to ~/.bashrc.

vim ~/.bashrc, then add these lines:

export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven-your_maven_path&version
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin

jQuery UI Alert Dialog as a replacement for alert()

Just throw an empty, hidden div onto your html page and give it an ID. Then you can use that for your jQuery UI dialog. You can populate the text just like you normally would with any jquery call.

Data truncated for column?

By issuing this statement:


... you omitted the length parameter. Your query was therefore equivalent to:

ALTER TABLE calls MODIFY incoming_Cid CHAR(1);

You must specify the field size for sizes larger than 1:

ALTER TABLE calls MODIFY incoming_Cid CHAR(34);

How do I center align horizontal <UL> menu?

Try this:

div.topmenu-design ul
  width:600px; /* or whatever width value */
  margin:0px auto;

When using .net MVC RadioButtonFor(), how do you group so only one selection can be made?

In my case, I had a collection of radio buttons that needed to be in a group. I just included a 'Selected' property in the model. Then, in the loop to output the radiobuttons just do...

@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => Model.Selected, Model.Categories[i].Title)

This way, the name is the same for all radio buttons. When the form is posted, the 'Selected' property is equal to the category title (or id or whatever) and this can be used to update the binding on the relevant radiobutton, like this...

model.Categories.Find(m => m.Title.Equals(model.Selected)).Selected = true;

May not be the best way, but it does work.

How to tag docker image with docker-compose

Original answer Nov 20 '15:

No option for a specific tag as of Today. Docker compose just does its magic and assigns a tag like you are seeing. You can always have some script call docker tag <image> <tag> after you call docker-compose.

Now there's an option as described above or here

build: ./dir
image: webapp:tag

SQL Server converting varbinary to string

I know this is an old question, but here is an alternative approach that I have found more useful in some situations. I believe the master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr function has been available in SQL Server at least since SQL2K. Adding it here just for completeness. Some readers may also find it instructive to look at the source code of this function.

declare @source varbinary(max);
set @source = 0x21232F297A57A5A743894A0E4A801FC3;
select varbin_source = @source
,string_result = master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr (@source)

How to Call a Function inside a Render in React/Jsx

The fix was at the accepted answer. Yet if someone wants to know why it worked and why the implementation in the SO question didn't work,

First, functions are first class objects in JavaScript. That means they are treated like any other variable. Function can be passed as an argument to other functions, can be returned by another function and can be assigned as a value to a variable. Read more here.

So we use that variable to invoke the function by adding parentheses () at the end.

One thing, If you have a function that returns a funtion and you just need to call that returned function, you can just have double paranthesis when you call the outer function ()().

Cannot connect to MySQL Workbench on mac. Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61) Mac Macintosh

I ran into the same scenario

I opened "System Preferences", clicked "MySQL", then clicked "Initialize Database" button. I entered a new password and saved it in a safe place. After that i restarted the MySql Instance (in the System Preferences dialog as well). After that i opened MySqlWorkbench and opened the default connection, entered the password i set before and: Viola, i can do whatever i want :-)

Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event

The docs for the spinner-widget says

A spinner does not support item click events.

You should use setOnItemSelectedListener to handle your problem.

What is a CSRF token? What is its importance and how does it work?

The Cloud Under blog has a good explanation of CSRF tokens. (archived)

Imagine you had a website like a simplified Twitter, hosted on Signed in users can enter some text (a tweet) into a form that’s being sent to the server as a POST request and published when they hit the submit button. On the server the user is identified by a cookie containing their unique session ID, so your server knows who posted the Tweet.

The form could be as simple as that:

 <form action="" method="POST">
   <input type="text" name="tweet">
   <input type="submit">

Now imagine, a bad guy copies and pastes this form to his malicious website, let’s say The form would still work. As long

as a user is signed in to your Twitter (i.e. they’ve got a valid session cookie for, the POST request would be sent to and processed as usual when the user clicks the submit button.

So far this is not a big issue as long as the user is made aware about what the form exactly does, but what if our bad guy tweaks the form like this:

 <form action="" method="POST">
   <input type="hidden" name="tweet" value="Buy great products at">
   <input type="submit" value="Click to win!">

Now, if one of your users ends up on the bad guy’s website and hits the “Click to win!” button, the form is submitted to

your website, the user is correctly identified by the session ID in the cookie and the hidden Tweet gets published.

If our bad guy was even worse, he would make the innocent user submit this form as soon they open his web page using JavaScript, maybe even completely hidden away in an invisible iframe. This basically is cross-site request forgery.

A form can easily be submitted from everywhere to everywhere. Generally that’s a common feature, but there are many more cases where it’s important to only allow a form being submitted from the domain where it belongs to.

Things are even worse if your web application doesn’t distinguish between POST and GET requests (e.g. in PHP by using $_REQUEST instead of $_POST). Don’t do that! Data altering requests could be submitted as easy as <img src="">, embedded in a malicious website or even an email.

How do I make sure a form can only be submitted from my own website? This is where the CSRF token comes in. A CSRF token is a random, hard-to-guess string. On a page with a form you want to protect, the server would generate a random string, the CSRF token, add it to the form as a hidden field and also remember it somehow, either by storing it in the session or by setting a cookie containing the value. Now the form would look like this:

    <form action="" method="POST">
      <input type="hidden" name="csrf-token" value="nc98P987bcpncYhoadjoiydc9ajDlcn">
      <input type="text" name="tweet">
      <input type="submit">

When the user submits the form, the server simply has to compare the value of the posted field csrf-token (the name doesn’t

matter) with the CSRF token remembered by the server. If both strings are equal, the server may continue to process the form. Otherwise the server should immediately stop processing the form and respond with an error.

Why does this work? There are several reasons why the bad guy from our example above is unable to obtain the CSRF token:

Copying the static source code from our page to a different website would be useless, because the value of the hidden field changes with each user. Without the bad guy’s website knowing the current user’s CSRF token your server would always reject the POST request.

Because the bad guy’s malicious page is loaded by your user’s browser from a different domain ( instead of, the bad guy has no chance to code a JavaScript, that loads the content and therefore our user’s current CSRF token from your website. That is because web browsers don’t allow cross-domain AJAX requests by default.

The bad guy is also unable to access the cookie set by your server, because the domains wouldn’t match.

When should I protect against cross-site request forgery? If you can ensure that you don’t mix up GET, POST and other request methods as described above, a good start would be to protect all POST requests by default.

You don’t have to protect PUT and DELETE requests, because as explained above, a standard HTML form cannot be submitted by a browser using those methods.

JavaScript on the other hand can indeed make other types of requests, e.g. using jQuery’s $.ajax() function, but remember, for AJAX requests to work the domains must match (as long as you don’t explicitly configure your web server otherwise).

This means, often you do not even have to add a CSRF token to AJAX requests, even if they are POST requests, but you will have to make sure that you only bypass the CSRF check in your web application if the POST request is actually an AJAX request. You can do that by looking for the presence of a header like X-Requested-With, which AJAX requests usually include. You could also set another custom header and check for its presence on the server side. That’s safe, because a browser would not add custom headers to a regular HTML form submission (see above), so no chance for Mr Bad Guy to simulate this behaviour with a form.

If you’re in doubt about AJAX requests, because for some reason you cannot check for a header like X-Requested-With, simply pass the generated CSRF token to your JavaScript and add the token to the AJAX request. There are several ways of doing this; either add it to the payload just like a regular HTML form would, or add a custom header to the AJAX request. As long as your server knows where to look for it in an incoming request and is able to compare it to the original value it remembers from the session or cookie, you’re sorted.

INSERT SELECT statement in Oracle 11G

Your query should be:

insert into table1 (col1, col2) 
select t1.col1, t2.col2 
from oldtable1 t1, oldtable2 t2

I.e. without the VALUES part.

How can I recover a lost commit in Git?

Another way to get to the deleted commit is with the git fsck command.

git fsck --lost-found

This will output something like at the last line:

dangling commit xyz

We can check that it is the same commit using reflog as suggested in other answers. Now we can do a git merge

git merge xyz

We cannot get the commit back with fsck if we have already run a git gc command which will remove the reference to the dangling commit.

How to convert an Array to a Set in Java

Quickly : you can do :

// Fixed-size list
List list = Arrays.asList(array);

// Growable list
list = new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(array));

// Duplicate elements are discarded
Set set = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(array));

and to reverse

// Create an array containing the elements in a list
Object[] objectArray = list.toArray();
MyClass[] array = (MyClass[])list.toArray(new MyClass[list.size()]);

// Create an array containing the elements in a set
objectArray = set.toArray();
array = (MyClass[])set.toArray(new MyClass[set.size()]);

addEventListener, "change" and option selection

You need a click listener which calls addActivityItem if less than 2 options exist:

var activities = document.getElementById("activitySelector");

activities.addEventListener("click", function() {
    var options = activities.querySelectorAll("option");
    var count = options.length;
    if(typeof(count) === "undefined" || count < 2)

activities.addEventListener("change", function() {
    if(activities.value == "addNew")

function addActivityItem() {
    // ... Code to add item here

A live demo is here on JSfiddle.

How to delay the .keyup() handler until the user stops typing?

This function extends the function from Gaten's answer a bit in order to get the element back:

$.fn.delayKeyup = function(callback, ms){
    var timer = 0;
    var el = $(this);
    clearTimeout (timer);
    timer = setTimeout(function(){
        }, ms);
    return $(this);

    // Here I need the input element (value for ajax call) for further process

How to execute a bash command stored as a string with quotes and asterisk

To eliminate the need for the cmd variable, you can do this:

eval 'mysql AMORE -u root --password="password" -h localhost -e "select host from amoreconfig"'

How to SELECT a dropdown list item by value programmatically

I prefer

if(ddl.Items.FindByValue(string) != null)
    ddl.Items.FindByValue(string).Selected = true;

Replace ddl with the dropdownlist ID and string with your string variable name or value.

What do the icons in Eclipse mean?

This is a fairly comprehensive list from the Eclipse documentation. If anyone knows of another list — maybe with more details, or just the most common icons — feel free to add it.

Latest: JDT Icons

2019-06: JDT Icons

2019-03: JDT Icons

2018-12: JDT Icons

2018-09: JDT Icons

Photon: JDT Icons

Oxygen: JDT Icons

Neon: JDT Icons

Mars: JDT Icons

Luna: JDT Icons

Kepler: JDT Icons

Juno: JDT Icons

Indigo: JDT Icons

Helios: JDT Icons

There are also some CDT icons at the bottom of this help page.

If you're a Subversion user, the icons you're looking for may actually belong to Subclipse; see this excellent answer for more on those.

issue ORA-00001: unique constraint violated coming in INSERT/UPDATE

Oracle's error message should be somewhat longer. It usually looks like this:

ORA-00001: unique constraint (TABLE_UK1) violated

The name in parentheses is the constrait name. It tells you which constraint was violated.

How do I select child elements of any depth using XPath?

You're almost there. Simply use:


The // shortcut can also be used inside an expression.

string sanitizer for filename

It seems this all hinges on the question, is it possible to create a filename that can be used to hack into a server (or do some-such other damage). If not, then it seems the simple answer to is try creating the file wherever it will, ultimately, be used (since that will be the operating system of choice, no doubt). Let the operating system sort it out. If it complains, port that complaint back to the User as a Validation Error.

This has the added benefit of being reliably portable, since all (I'm pretty sure) operating systems will complain if the filename is not properly formed for that OS.

If it is possible to do nefarious things with a filename, perhaps there are measures that can be applied before testing the filename on the resident operating system -- measures less complicated than a full "sanitation" of the filename.

C dynamically growing array

When you're saying

make an array holding an index number (int) of an indeterminate number of entities

you're basically saying you're using "pointers", but one which is a array-wide local pointer instead of memory-wide pointer. Since you're conceptually already using "pointers" (i.e. id numbers that refers to an element in an array), why don't you just use regular pointers (i.e. id numbers that refers to an element in the biggest array: the whole memory).

Instead of your objects storing a resource id numbers, you can make them store a pointer instead. Basically the same thing, but much more efficient since we avoid turning "array + index" into a "pointer".

Pointers are not scary if you think of them as array index for the whole memory (which is what they actually are)

Using cURL with a username and password?

I had the same need in bash (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) and the commands provided in the answers failed to work in my case. I had to use:

curl -X POST -F 'username="$USER"' -F 'password="$PASS"' ""

Double quotes in the -F arguments are only needed if you're using variables, thus from the command line ... -F 'username=myuser' ... will be fine.

Relevant Security Notice: as Mr. Mark Ribau points in comments this command shows the password ($PASS variable, expanded) in the processlist!

MySQL set current date in a DATETIME field on insert

Your best bet is to change that column to a timestamp. MySQL will automatically use the first timestamp in a row as a 'last modified' value and update it for you. This is configurable if you just want to save creation time.

See doc

Preventing multiple clicks on button

We can use on and off click for preventing Multiple clicks. i tried it to my application and it's working as expected.

$(document).ready(function () {     
    $("#disable").on('click', function () {
        // enter code here

How do I tell Spring Boot which main class to use for the executable jar?

Add your start class in your pom:

    <!-- The main class to start by executing java -jar -->

