Programs & Examples On #Attachedbehaviors


Getting the first character of a string with $str[0]

$str = 'abcdef';
echo $str[0];                 // a

Instant run in Android Studio 2.0 (how to turn off)


In Android Studio Version 3.5 and Above

Now Instant Run is removed, It has "Apply Changes". See official blog for more about the change.

we removed Instant Run and re-architectured and implemented from the ground-up a more practical approach in Android Studio 3.5 called Apply Changes.Apply Changes uses platform-specific APIs from Android Oreo and higher to ensure reliable and consistent behavior; unlike Instant Run, Apply Changes does not modify your APK. To support the changes, we re-architected the entire deployment pipeline to improve deployment speed, and also tweaked the run and deployment toolbar buttons for a more streamlined experience.

Now, As per stable available version 3.0 of Android studio,

If you need to turn off Instant Run, go to

File ? Settings ? Build, Execution, Deployment ? Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run.

enter image description here

How can I delete (not disable) ActiveX add-ons in Internet Explorer (7 and 8 Beta 2)?

Actually the "Remote" option in Configuration Menu for Plug-In works by me (Win7 64, ie8 with all updates), however:

  1. You need administrator rights
  2. The plug-in should be disabled before pressing the remove button
  3. You need restart internet-explorer to see the changes.

Also the previous comment about browsing-history->view objects was also useful if plug-in was installed right now.


Scroll to the top of the page after render in react.js

All of the above didn't work for me - not sure why but:


worked, where HEADER is the id of my header element

What size do you use for varchar(MAX) in your parameter declaration?

The maximum SqlDbType.VarChar size is 2147483647.

If you would use a generic oledb connection instead of sql, I found here there is also a LongVarChar datatype. Its max size is 2147483647.

cmd.Parameters.Add("@blah", OleDbType.LongVarChar, -1).Value = "very big string";

What does the following Oracle error mean: invalid column index

I also got this type error, problem is wrong usage of parameters to statement like, Let's say you have a query like this


and for the preparedStatement object (JDBC) if you set the parameters like


then it results in SQLException: Invalid column index

So, I removed that second parameter setting to prepared statement then problem solved

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?

Also take a look at BackendPro

Ultimately you will probably end up writing something custom, but there's nothing wrong with borrowing concepts from DX Auth, Freak Auth, BackendPro, etc.

My experiences with the packaged apps is they are specific to certain structures and I have had problems integrating them into my own applications without requiring hacks, then if the pre-package has an update, I have to migrate them in.

I also use Smarty and ADOdb in my CI code, so no matter what I would always end up making major code changes.

DateTime.MinValue and SqlDateTime overflow

From MSDN:

Date and time data from January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999, with an accuracy of one three-hundredth second, or 3.33 milliseconds. Values are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 milliseconds. Stored as two 4-byte integers. The first 4 bytes store the number of days before or after the base date, January 1, 1900. The base date is the system's reference date. Values for datetime earlier than January 1, 1753, are not permitted. The other 4 bytes store the time of day represented as the number of milliseconds after midnight. Seconds have a valid range of 0–59.

SQL uses a different system than C# for DateTime values.

You can use your MinValue as a sentinel value - and if it is MinValue - pass null into your object (and store the date as nullable in the DB).

if(date == dateTime.Minvalue)
    objinfo.BirthDate = null;

Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object, when I select a dropdown list

I know an answer has already been accepted for this problem but someone asked in the comments if there was a solution that could be done outside the web.config. I had a ListView producing the exact same error and setting EnableViewState to false resolved this problem for me.

Htaccess: add/remove trailing slash from URL

Right below the RewriteEngine On line, add:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R] # <- for test, for prod use [L,R=301]

to enforce a no-trailing-slash policy.

To enforce a trailing-slash policy:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*[^/])$ /$1/ [L,R] # <- for test, for prod use [L,R=301]

EDIT: commented the R=301 parts because, as explained in a comment:

Be careful with that R=301! Having it there makes many browsers cache the .htaccess-file indefinitely: It somehow becomes irreversible if you can't clear the browser-cache on all machines that opened it. When testing, better go with simple R or R=302

After you've completed your tests, you can use R=301.

Why can't I find SQL Server Management Studio after installation?

It appears that SQL Server 2008 R2 can be downloaded with or without the management tools. I honestly have NO IDEA why someone would not want the management tools. But either way, the options are here:

and the one for 64 bit WITH the management tools (management studio) is here:

From the first link I presented, the 3rd and 4th include the management studio for 32 and 64 bit respectively.

Is it possible to convert char[] to char* in C?

It sounds like you're confused between pointers and arrays. Pointers and arrays (in this case char * and char []) are not the same thing.

  • An array char a[SIZE] says that the value at the location of a is an array of length SIZE
  • A pointer char *a; says that the value at the location of a is a pointer to a char. This can be combined with pointer arithmetic to behave like an array (eg, a[10] is 10 entries past wherever a points)

In memory, it looks like this (example taken from the FAQ):

 char a[] = "hello";  // array

a: | h | e | l | l | o |\0 |

 char *p = "world"; // pointer

   +-----+     +---+---+---+---+---+---+
p: |  *======> | w | o | r | l | d |\0 |
   +-----+     +---+---+---+---+---+---+

It's easy to be confused about the difference between pointers and arrays, because in many cases, an array reference "decays" to a pointer to it's first element. This means that in many cases (such as when passed to a function call) arrays become pointers. If you'd like to know more, this section of the C FAQ describes the differences in detail.

One major practical difference is that the compiler knows how long an array is. Using the examples above:

char a[] = "hello";  
char *p =  "world";  

sizeof(a); // 6 - one byte for each character in the string,
           // one for the '\0' terminator
sizeof(p); // whatever the size of the pointer is
           // probably 4 or 8 on most machines (depending on whether it's a 
           // 32 or 64 bit machine)

Without seeing your code, it's hard to recommend the best course of action, but I suspect changing to use pointers everywhere will solve the problems you're currently having. Take note that now:

  • You will need to initialise memory wherever the arrays used to be. Eg, char a[10]; will become char *a = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));, followed by a check that a != NULL. Note that you don't actually need to say sizeof(char) in this case, because sizeof(char) is defined to be 1. I left it in for completeness.

  • Anywhere you previously had sizeof(a) for array length will need to be replaced by the length of the memory you allocated (if you're using strings, you could use strlen(), which counts up to the '\0').

  • You will need a make a corresponding call to free() for each call to malloc(). This tells the computer you are done using the memory you asked for with malloc(). If your pointer is a, just write free(a); at a point in the code where you know you no longer need whatever a points to.

As another answer pointed out, if you want to get the address of the start of an array, you can use:

char* p = &a[0] 

You can read this as "char pointer p becomes the address of element [0] of a".

Add a link to an image in a css style sheet

You can not do that...

via css the URL you put on the background-image is just for the image.

Via HTML you have to add the href for your hyperlink in this way:

<a href="" id="logo">Your logo</a>

With text-indent and some other css you can adjust your a element to show just the image and clicking on it you will go to your link.


I'm here again to show you and explain why my solution is much better:

<a href="" id="logo">Your logo name</a>

This block of HTML is SEO friendly because you have some text inside your link!

How to style it with css:

#logo {
  background-image: url(images/logo.png);
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
  text-indent: -9999px;
  width: 981px;
  height: 180px;

Then if you don't care about SEO good to choose the other answer.

What is the difference between ArrayList.clear() and ArrayList.removeAll()?

The source code for clear():

public void clear() {

    // Let gc do its work
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        elementData[i] = null;

    size = 0;

The source code for removeAll()(As defined in AbstractCollection):

public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
    boolean modified = false;
    Iterator<?> e = iterator();
    while (e.hasNext()) {
        if (c.contains( {
            modified = true;
    return modified;

clear() is much faster since it doesn't have to deal with all those extra method calls.

And as Atrey points out, c.contains(..) increases the time complexity of removeAll to O(n2) as opposed to clear's O(n).

Java HTML Parsing

The main problem as stated by preceding coments is malformed HTML, so an html cleaner or HTML-XML converter is a must. Once you get the XML code (XHTML) there are plenty of tools to handle it. You could get it with a simple SAX handler that extracts only the data you need or any tree-based method (DOM, JDOM, etc.) that let you even modify original code.

Here is a sample code that uses HTML cleaner to get all DIVs that use a certain class and print out all Text content inside it.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner;
import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode;

 * @author Fernando Miguélez Palomo <fernandoDOTmiguelezATgmailDOTcom>
public class TestHtmlParse
    static final String className = "tags";
    static final String url = "";

    TagNode rootNode;

    public TestHtmlParse(URL htmlPage) throws IOException
        HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
        rootNode = cleaner.clean(htmlPage);

    List getDivsByClass(String CSSClassname)
        List divList = new ArrayList();

        TagNode divElements[] = rootNode.getElementsByName("div", true);
        for (int i = 0; divElements != null && i < divElements.length; i++)
            String classType = divElements[i].getAttributeByName("class");
            if (classType != null && classType.equals(CSSClassname))

        return divList;

    public static void main(String[] args)
            TestHtmlParse thp = new TestHtmlParse(new URL(url));

            List divs = thp.getDivsByClass(className);
            System.out.println("*** Text of DIVs with class '"+className+"' at '"+url+"' ***");
            for (Iterator iterator = divs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                TagNode divElement = (TagNode);
                System.out.println("Text child nodes of DIV: " + divElement.getText().toString());
        catch(Exception e)

How to pass a datetime parameter?

This is a solution and a model for possible solutions. Use Moment.js in your client to format dates, convert to unix time.


Setup your route parameters to be long.

public async Task<object[]> Get(long? startDate)
    DateTime? sDate = new DateTime();

        if (startDate != null)
            sDate = new DateTime().FromUnixTime(startDate.Value); 
            sDate = null;
         ... your code here!

Create an extension method for Unix time. Unix DateTime Method

How to install PHP intl extension in Ubuntu 14.04

For php 5.6 on ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt-get install php5.6-intl

Is Task.Result the same as .GetAwaiter.GetResult()?

As already mentioned if you can use await. If you need to run the code synchronously like you mention .GetAwaiter().GetResult(), .Result or .Wait() is a risk for deadlocks as many have said in comments/answers. Since most of us like oneliners you can use these for .Net 4.5<

Acquiring a value via an async method:

var result = Task.Run(() => asyncGetValue()).Result;

Syncronously calling an async method

Task.Run(() => asyncMethod()).Wait();

No deadlock issues will occur due to the use of Task.Run.



Could cause a deadlock if the calling thread is from the threadpool. The following happens: A new task is queued to the end of the queue, and the threadpool thread which would eventually execute the Task is blocked until the Task is executed.


How to add elements of a Java8 stream into an existing List

As far as I can see, all other answers so far used a collector to add elements to an existing stream. However, there's a shorter solution, and it works for both sequential and parallel streams. You can simply use the method forEachOrdered in combination with a method reference.

List<String> source = ...;
List<Integer> target = ...;

The only restriction is, that source and target are different lists, because you are not allowed to make changes to the source of a stream as long as it is processed.

Note that this solution works for both sequential and parallel streams. However, it does not benefit from concurrency. The method reference passed to forEachOrdered will always be executed sequentially.

What's the valid way to include an image with no src?

Simply, Like this:

<img id="give_me_src"/>

How can I get the number of records affected by a stored procedure?

WARNING: @@ROWCOUNT may return bogus data if the table being altered has triggers attached to it!

The @@ROWCOUNT will return the number of records affected by the TRIGGER, not the actual statement!

Remove Style on Element

$("#sample_id").css({ 'width' : '', 'height' : '' });

How to save all console output to file in R?

You can't. At most you can save output with sink and input with savehistory separately. Or use external tool like script, screen or tmux.

How do I make a column unique and index it in a Ruby on Rails migration?

You might want to add name for the unique key as many times the default unique_key name by rails can be too long for which the DB can throw the error.

To add name for your index just use the name: option. The migration query might look something like this -

add_index :table_name, [:column_name_a, :column_name_b, ... :column_name_n], unique: true, name: 'my_custom_index_name'

More info -

When increasing the size of VARCHAR column on a large table could there be any problems?

Changing to Varchar(1200) from Varchar(200) should cause you no issue as it is only a metadata change and as SQL server 2008 truncates excesive blank spaces you should see no performance differences either so in short there should be no issues with making the change.

Connecting to remote URL which requires authentication using Java

Use this code for basic authentication.

URL url = new URL(path);_x000D_
String userPass = "username:password";_x000D_
String basicAuth = "Basic " + Base64.encodeToString(userPass.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT);//or_x000D_
//String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.encode(userPass.getBytes(), Base64.No_WRAP));_x000D_
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();_x000D_
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);_x000D_

How to select specific columns in laravel eloquent

You can use Table::select ('name', 'surname')->where ('id', 1)->get ().

Keep in mind that when selecting for only certain fields, you will have to make another query if you end up accessing those other fields later in the request (that may be obvious, just wanted to include that caveat). Including the id field is usually a good idea so laravel knows how to write back any updates you do to the model instance.

Get Path from another app (WhatsApp)

you can try to this , then you get a bitmap of selected image and then you can easily find it's native path from Device Default Gallery.

Bitmap roughBitmap= null;
    try {
    // Works with content://, file://, or android.resource:// URIs
    InputStream inputStream =
    roughBitmap= BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);

    // calc exact destination size
    Matrix m = new Matrix();
    RectF inRect = new RectF(0, 0, roughBitmap.Width, roughBitmap.Height);
    RectF outRect = new RectF(0, 0, dstWidth, dstHeight);
    m.SetRectToRect(inRect, outRect, Matrix.ScaleToFit.Center);
    float[] values = new float[9];

    // resize bitmap if needed
    Bitmap resizedBitmap = Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(roughBitmap, (int) (roughBitmap.Width * values[0]), (int) (roughBitmap.Height * values[4]), true);

    string name = "IMG_" + new Java.Text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").Format(new Java.Util.Date()) + ".png";
    var sdCardPath= Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory("DCIM").AbsolutePath;
    Java.IO.File file = new Java.IO.File(sdCardPath);
    if (!file.Exists())
    var filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(sdCardPath, name);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    // Inform the user that things have gone horribly wrong

Is it possible to play music during calls so that the partner can hear it ? Android

I think this is possible in one case

1.Some of the native music players in android device where handling this,they restrict the music when call is in TelephonyManager.EXTRA_STATE_OFFHOOK (OFFHOOK STATE) so there is no way of playing the background music using native players and some other players like "poweramp music palyer"

2.By using the MediaPlayer class also it is not possible(clearly mentioned in documentation)

3.It is possible only in one case if your developing custom music player(with out using MediaPlayer class) in that implements

AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener by using this you can get the state of the audiomanager in the below code "focusChange=AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT"(this state calls when music is playing in background any incoming call came) this state is completely in developers hand whether to play or pause the music. As according to your requriment as for question you asked if you want to play the music when call is in OFFHOOK STATE dont pause playing music in OFFHOOK STATE .And this is only possible when headset is disabled

AudioManager am = (AudioManager) this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
    OnAudioFocusChangeListener afChangeListener = new OnAudioFocusChangeListener() {
        public void onAudioFocusChange(int focusChange) {
            if (focusChange == AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT
                // Pause playback (during incoming call) 
            } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN) {
                // Resume playback (incoming call ends)
            } else if (focusChange == AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS) {
                // Stop playback (when any other app playing music  in that situation current app stop the audio)

How to unbind a listener that is calling event.preventDefault() (using jQuery)?

The best way to do this by using namespace. It is a safe and secure way. Here .rb is the namespace which ensures unbind function works on that particular keydown but not on others.

            return false;




How to Initialize char array from a string


const char S[] = "ABCD";

should work.

What's your compiler?

Web.Config Debug/Release

If your are going to replace all of the connection strings with news ones for production environment, you can simply replace all connection strings with production ones using this syntax:

<configuration xmlns:xdt="">

<connectionStrings xdt:Transform="Replace">
    <!-- production environment config --->
    <add name="ApplicationServices" connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true"
      providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
    <add name="Testing1" connectionString="Data Source=test;Initial Catalog=TestDatabase;Integrated Security=True"
      providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Information for this answer are brought from this answer and this blog post.

notice: As others explained already, this setting will apply only when application publishes not when running/debugging it (by hitting F5).

What is the easiest way to install BLAS and LAPACK for scipy?

Using conda install scipy instead of pip solved the problem for me!

Double.TryParse or Convert.ToDouble - which is faster and safer?

Unless you are 100% certain of your inputs, which is rarely the case, you should use Double.TryParse.

Convert.ToDouble will throw an exception on non-numbers
Double.Parse will throw an exception on non-numbers or null
Double.TryParse will return false or 0 on any of the above without generating an exception.

The speed of the parse becomes secondary when you throw an exception because there is not much slower than an exception.

Make 2 functions run at the same time

Try this

from threading import Thread

def fun1():
def fun2():

t1 = Thread(target=fun1)
t2 = Thread(target=fun2)


How can we redirect a Java program console output to multiple files?

You could use a "variable" inside the output filename, for example:



Returns the current system time formatted as yyyyMMdd_HHmm. An optional argument can be used to provide alternative formatting. The argument must be valid pattern for java.util.SimpleDateFormat.

Or you can also use a system_property or an env_var to specify something dynamic (either one needs to be specified as arguments)

adding css class to multiple elements

try this:

.button input, .button a {
//css here

That will apply the style to all a tags nested inside of <p class="button"></p>

Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript

To answer the question:

What is the fastest way to stream live video using JavaScript? Is WebSockets over TCP a fast enough protocol to stream a video of, say, 30fps?

Yes, Websocket can be used to transmit over 30 fps and even 60 fps.

The main issue with Websocket is that it is low-level and you have to deal with may other issues than just transmitting video chunks. All in all it's a great transport for video and also audio.

How to concatenate two layers in keras?

Adding to the above-accepted answer so that it helps those who are using tensorflow 2.0

import tensorflow as tf

# some data
c1 = tf.constant([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], dtype=tf.float32)
c2 = tf.constant([[2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]], dtype=tf.float32)
c3 = tf.constant([[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]], dtype=tf.float32)

# bake layers x1, x2, x3
x1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(c1)
x2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(c2)
x3 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(c3)

# merged layer y1
y1 = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([x1, x2])

# merged layer y2
y2 = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)([y1, x3])

# print info
print("x1", x1.shape, "x2", x2.shape, "x3", x3.shape)
print("y1", y1.shape)
print("y2", y2.shape)


x1 (2, 10) x2 (2, 10) x3 (2, 10)
y1 (2, 20)
y2 (2, 30)

Select columns from result set of stored procedure

To achieve this, first you create a #test_table like below:

create table #test_table(
    col1 int,
    col2 int,
    col80 int

Now execute procedure and put value in #test_table:

insert into #test_table
EXEC MyStoredProc 'param1', 'param2'

Now you fetch the value from #test_table:

select col1,col2....,col80 from #test_table

How to Free Inode Usage?

Late answer: In my case, it was my session files under


that were using Inodes.
I was even unable to open my crontab or making a new directory let alone triggering the deletion operation. Since I use PHP, we have this guide where I copied the code from example 1 and set up a cronjob to execute that part of the code.

// Note: This script should be executed by the same user of web server 

// Need active session to initialize session data storage access.

// Executes GC immediately

// Clean up session ID created by session_gc()

If you're wondering how did I manage to open my crontab, then well, I deleted some sessions manually through CLI.

Hope this helps!

I'm getting the "missing a using directive or assembly reference" and no clue what's going wrong

In some cases, when necessary using has been obviously added and studio can't see this namespace, studio restart can save the day.

See what's in a stash without applying it

From the man git-stash page:

The modifications stashed away by this command can be listed with git stash list, inspected with git stash show

show [<stash>]
       Show the changes recorded in the stash as a diff between the stashed state and
       its original parent. When no <stash> is given, shows the latest one. By default,
       the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to git diff
       (e.g., git stash show -p stash@{1} to view the second most recent stash in patch

To list the stashed modifications

git stash list

To show files changed in the last stash

git stash show

So, to view the content of the most recent stash, run

git stash show -p

To view the content of an arbitrary stash, run something like

git stash show -p stash@{1}

Check for false

If you want it to check explicit for it to not be false (boolean value) you have to use

if(borrar() !== false)

But in JavaScript we usually use falsy and truthy and you could use


but then values 0, '', null, undefined, null and NaN would not generate the alert.

The following values are always falsy:

,0 (zero)
,'' or "" (empty string)

Everything else is truthy. That includes:

'0' (a string containing a single zero)
,'false' (a string containing the text “false”)
,[] (an empty array)
,{} (an empty object)
,function(){} (an “empty” function)


As an extra perk to convert any value to true or false (boolean type), use double exclamation mark:

!![] === true
!!'false' === true
!!false === false
!!undefined === false

MVC4 HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

I'm running Windows Server 2012 R2 on Azure and ASP.NET 4.5, IIS 8

I solved this problem by uninstalling all of the ASP.NET items in Programs and Features, then reinstalling ASP.NET like this with Server Manager using Add Roles and Features: picked Role-Based or Feature-Based installation, picked my server, and then for Select Server Role picked Web Server (IIS)/Web Server/Application Development, then clicked ASP.NET 4.5, confirmed installation of a prerequisite, and then reinstalled ASP.NET 4.5.

My previous searches had lead me to believe that the problem actually stems from a registration problem with ASP.NET. With earlier versions of ASP.NET, there is actually a utility that you can run to register ASP.NET without reinstalling, but that doesn't seem to be available any longer.

How do I delete multiple rows in Entity Framework (without foreach)

EF 6.=>

var assignmentAddedContent = dbHazirBot.tbl_AssignmentAddedContent.Where(a =>
a.HazirBot_CategoryAssignmentID == categoryAssignment.HazirBot_CategoryAssignmentID);

how to make jni.h be found?

I don't know if this applies in this case, but sometimes the file got deleted for unknown reasons, copying it again into the respective folder should resolve the problem.

C# - Making a Process.Start wait until the process has start-up

The answer of 'ChrisG' is correct, but we need to refresh MainWindowTitle every time and it's better to check for empty.... like this:

var proc = Process.Start("popup.exe");
while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proc.MainWindowTitle))

Java properties UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

If the properties are for XML or HTML, it's safest to use XML entities. They're uglier to read, but it means that the properties file can be treated as straight ASCII, so nothing will get mangled.

Note that HTML has entities that XML doesn't, so I keep it safe by using straight XML:

Custom style to jquery ui dialogs

You can specify a custom class to the top element of the dialog via the option dialogClass


Then you can target this class in CSS via .myClass.ui-dialog.

Is there a date format to display the day of the week in java?

Yep - 'E' does the trick

Date date = new Date();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-E");

vagrant primary box defined but commands still run against all boxes

The primary flag seems to only work for vagrant ssh for me.

In the past I have used the following method to hack around the issue.

# stage box intended for configuration closely matching production if ARGV[1] == 'stage'     config.vm.define "stage" do |stage|         box_setup stage, \         "", "deploy/playbook_full_stack.yml", "deploy/hosts/vagrant_stage.yml"     end end 

repository element was not specified in the POM inside distributionManagement element or in -DaltDep loymentRepository=id::layout::url parameter

You should include the repository where you want to deploy in the distribution management section of the pom.xml.


<project xmlns=""   xmlns:xsi=""   xsi:schemaLocation="
      <name>Corporate Repository</name>

See Distribution Management

JavaScript/jQuery to download file via POST with JSON data

It is been a while since this question was asked but I had the same challenge and want to share my solution. It uses elements from the other answers but I wasn't able to find it in its entirety. It doesn't use a form or an iframe but it does require a post/get request pair. Instead of saving the file between the requests, it saves the post data. It seems to be both simple and effective.


var apples = new Array(); 
// construct data - replace with your own
   type: "POST",
   url: '/Home/Download',
   data: JSON.stringify(apples),
   contentType: "application/json",
   dataType: "text",

   success: function (data) {
      var url = '/Home/Download?id=' + data;
      window.location = url;


// called first
public ActionResult Download(Apple[] apples)
   string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(apples);
   string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
   string path = Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/temp/{0}.json", id));
   System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, json);

   return Content(id);

// called next
public ActionResult Download(string id)
   string path = Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/temp/{0}.json", id));
   string json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
   Apple[] apples = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Apple[]>(json);

   // work with apples to build your file in memory
   byte[] file = createPdf(apples); 

   Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=juicy.pdf");
   return File(file, "application/pdf");

Collection that allows only unique items in .NET?

How about just an extension method on HashSet?

public static void AddOrThrow<T>(this HashSet<T> hash, T item)
    if (!hash.Add(item))
        throw new ValueExistingException();

Multiple ping script in Python

Python actually has a really sweet method that will 'return an iterator over the usable hosts in the network'. (setting strict to false iterates over all IPs)

For example:

import subprocess
import ipaddress

subnet = ipaddress.ip_network('', strict=False)
for i in subnet.hosts():
    i = str(i)["ping", "-c1", "-n", "-i0.1", "-W1", i])

The wait interval (-i0.1) may be important for automations, even a one second timeout (-t1) can take forever over a .0/24

EDIT: So, in order to track ICMP (ping) requests, we can do something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import subprocess
import ipaddress

alive = []
subnet = ipaddress.ip_network('', strict=False)
for i in subnet.hosts():
    i = str(i)
    retval =["ping", "-c1", "-n", "-i0.1", "-W1", i])
    if retval == 0:
for ip in alive:
    print(ip + " is alive") 

Which will return something like: is alive is alive is alive is alive

i.e. all of the IPs responding to ICMP ranging over an entire /23-- Pretty cool!

Push JSON Objects to array in localStorage

var arr = [ 'a', 'b', 'c'];
arr.push('d'); // insert as last item

What is the best way to implement nested dictionaries?

I find setdefault quite useful; It checks if a key is present and adds it if not:

d = {}
d.setdefault('new jersey', {}).setdefault('mercer county', {})['plumbers'] = 3

setdefault always returns the relevant key, so you are actually updating the values of 'd' in place.

When it comes to iterating, I'm sure you could write a generator easily enough if one doesn't already exist in Python:

def iterateStates(d):
    # Let's count up the total number of "plumbers" / "dentists" / etc.
    # across all counties and states
    job_totals = {}

    # I guess this is the annoying nested stuff you were talking about?
    for (state, counties) in d.iteritems():
        for (county, jobs) in counties.iteritems():
            for (job, num) in jobs.iteritems():
                # If job isn't already in job_totals, default it to zero
                job_totals[job] = job_totals.get(job, 0) + num

    # Now return an iterator of (job, number) tuples
    return job_totals.iteritems()

# Display all jobs
for (job, num) in iterateStates(d):
    print "There are %d %s in total" % (job, num)

How to clear a data grid view


php implode (101) with quotes

If you want to use loops you can also do:

$array = array('lastname', 'email', 'phone');
foreach($array as &$value){
   $value = "'$value'";
$comma_separated = implode(",", $array);


error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout

You can force checkout your branch, if you do not want to commit your local changes.

git checkout -f branch_name

react hooks useEffect() cleanup for only componentWillUnmount?

function LegoComponent() {

  const [lego, setLegos] = React.useState([])

  React.useEffect(() => {
    let isSubscribed = true
    fetchLegos().then( legos=> {
      if (isSubscribed) {
    return () => isSubscribed = false
  }, []);

  return (
    {> <li>{lego}</li>)}

In the code above, the fetchLegos function returns a promise. We can “cancel” the promise by having a conditional in the scope of useEffect, preventing the app from setting state after the component has unmounted.

Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.

read subprocess stdout line by line

A function that allows iterating over both stdout and stderr concurrently, in realtime, line by line

In case you need to get the output stream for both stdout and stderr at the same time, you can use the following function.

The function uses Queues to merge both Popen pipes into a single iterator.

Here we create the function read_popen_pipes():

from queue import Queue, Empty
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def enqueue_output(file, queue):
    for line in iter(file.readline, ''):

def read_popen_pipes(p):

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(2) as pool:
        q_stdout, q_stderr = Queue(), Queue()

        pool.submit(enqueue_output, p.stdout, q_stdout)
        pool.submit(enqueue_output, p.stderr, q_stderr)

        while True:

            if p.poll() is not None and q_stdout.empty() and q_stderr.empty():

            out_line = err_line = ''

                out_line = q_stdout.get_nowait()
            except Empty:
                err_line = q_stderr.get_nowait()
            except Empty:

            yield (out_line, err_line)

read_popen_pipes() in use:

import subprocess as sp

with sp.Popen(my_cmd, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, text=True) as p:

    for out_line, err_line in read_popen_pipes(p):

        # Do stuff with each line, e.g.:
        print(out_line, end='')
        print(err_line, end='')

    return p.poll() # return status-code

Rendering JSON in controller

You'll normally be returning JSON either because:

A) You are building part / all of your application as a Single Page Application (SPA) and you need your client-side JavaScript to be able to pull in additional data without fully reloading the page.


B) You are building an API that third parties will be consuming and you have decided to use JSON to serialize your data.

Or, possibly, you are eating your own dogfood and doing both

In both cases render :json => some_data will JSON-ify the provided data. The :callback key in the second example needs a bit more explaining (see below), but it is another variation on the same idea (returning data in a way that JavaScript can easily handle.)

Why :callback?

JSONP (the second example) is a way of getting around the Same Origin Policy that is part of every browser's built-in security. If you have your API at and you will be serving your application off of your JavaScript will not (by default) be able to make XMLHttpRequest (XHR - aka ajax) requests from services to api. The way people have been sneaking around that limitation (before the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing spec was finalized) is by sending the JSON data over from the server as if it was JavaScript instead of JSON). Thus, rather than sending back:

{"name": "John", "age": 45}

the server instead would send back:

valueOfCallbackHere({"name": "John", "age": 45})

Thus, a client-side JS application could create a script tag pointing at and have the valueOfCallbackHere function (which would have to be defined in the client-side JS) called with the data from this other origin.)

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

You can add #define uAppDelegate (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] in your project's Prefix.pch file and then call any method of your AppDelegate in any UIViewController with the below code.

[uAppDelegate showLoginView];

Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake-10.3.2 in any of the sources

In my case, my problem was environmental. Meaning, I did something wrong in my bash session. After attempting nearly everything in this thread, I opened a new bash session and everything was back to normal.

Convert String to java.util.Date

You should set a TimeZone in your DateFormat, otherwise it will use the default one (depending on the settings of the computer).

Dynamically load JS inside JS

My guess is that in your DOM-only solution you did something like:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = something;
//do stuff with the script

First of all, that won't work because the script is not added to the document tree, so it won't be loaded. Furthermore, even when you do, execution of javascript continues while the other script is loading, so its content will not be available to you until that script is fully loaded.

You can listen to the script's load event, and do things with the results as you would. So:

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function () {
    //do stuff with the script
script.src = something;

document.head.appendChild(script); //or something of the likes

Common MySQL fields and their appropriate data types

Since you're going to be dealing with data of a variable length (names, email addresses), then you'd be wanting to use VARCHAR. The amount of space taken up by a VARCHAR field is [field length] + 1 bytes, up to max length 255, so I wouldn't worry too much about trying to find a perfect size. Take a look at what you'd imagine might be the longest length might be, then double it and set that as your VARCHAR limit. That said...:

I generally set email fields to be VARCHAR(100) - i haven't come up with a problem from that yet. Names I set to VARCHAR(50).

As the others have said, phone numbers and zip/postal codes are not actually numeric values, they're strings containing the digits 0-9 (and sometimes more!), and therefore you should treat them as a string. VARCHAR(20) should be well sufficient.

Note that if you were to store phone numbers as integers, many systems will assume that a number starting with 0 is an octal (base 8) number! Therefore, the perfectly valid phone number "0731602412" would get put into your database as the decimal number "124192010"!!

how to access downloads folder in android?

For your first question try


(available since API 8)

To access individual files in this directory use either File.list() or File.listFiles(). Seems that reporting download progress is only possible in notification, see here.

PHP - how to create a newline character?

For some reason, every single post asking about newline escapes in PHP fails to mention the case that simply inserting a newline into single-quoted strings will do exactly what you think:

ex 1.

 echo 'foo\nbar';

Example 1 clearly does not print the desired result, however, while it is true you cannot escape a newline in single-quotes, you can have one:

ex 2.

 echo 'foo

Example 2 has exactly the desired behavior. Unfortunately the newline that is inserted is operating system dependent. This usually isn't a problem, as web browsers/servers will correctly interpret the newline whether it is \r, \r\n, or \n.

Obviously this solution is not ideal if you plan to distribute the file through other means then a web browser and to multiple operating systems. In that case you should see one of the other answers.

note: using a feature rich text editor you should be able to insert a newline as a binary character(s) that represents a newline on a different operating system than the one editing the file. If all else fails, simply using a hex editor to insert the binary ascii character would do.

Which versions of SSL/TLS does System.Net.WebRequest support?

This is an important question. The SSL 3 protocol (1996) is irreparably broken by the Poodle attack published 2014. The IETF have published "SSLv3 MUST NOT be used". Web browsers are ditching it. Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome have already done so.

Two excellent tools for checking protocol support in browsers are SSL Lab's client test and . The latter does not require Javascript, so you can try it from .NET's HttpClient:

// set proxy if you need to
// WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = new WebProxy("http://localhost:3128");

File.WriteAllText("howsmyssl-httpclient.html", new HttpClient().GetStringAsync("").Result);

// alternative using WebClient for older framework versions
// new WebClient().DownloadFile("", "howsmyssl-webclient.html");

The result is damning:

Your client is using TLS 1.0, which is very old, possibly susceptible to the BEAST attack, and doesn't have the best cipher suites available on it. Additions like AES-GCM, and SHA256 to replace MD5-SHA-1 are unavailable to a TLS 1.0 client as well as many more modern cipher suites.

That's concerning. It's comparable to 2006's Internet Explorer 7.

To list exactly which protocols a HTTP client supports, you can try the version-specific test servers below:

var test_servers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
test_servers["SSL 2"] = "";
test_servers["SSL 3"] = "";
test_servers["TLS 1.0"] = "";
test_servers["TLS 1.1"] = "";
test_servers["TLS 1.2"] = "";

var supported = new Func<string, bool>(url =>
    try { return new HttpClient().GetAsync(url).Result.IsSuccessStatusCode; }
    catch { return false; }

var supported_protocols = test_servers.Where(server => supported(server.Value));
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", supported_protocols.Select(x => x.Key)));

I'm using .NET Framework 4.6.2. I found HttpClient supports only SSL 3 and TLS 1.0. That's concerning. This is comparable to 2006's Internet Explorer 7.

Update: It turns HttpClient does support TLS 1.1 and 1.2, but you have to turn them on manually at System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol. See

I don't know why it uses bad protocols out-the-box. That seems a poor setup choice, tantamount to a major security bug (I bet plenty of applications don't change the default). How can we report it?

Installation Issue with matplotlib Python

Problem Cause

In mac os image rendering back end of matplotlib (what-is-a-backend to render using the API of Cocoa by default). There are Qt4Agg and GTKAgg and as a back-end is not the default. Set the back end of macosx that is differ compare with other windows or linux os.


  • I assume you have installed the pip matplotlib, there is a directory in your root called ~/.matplotlib.
  • Create a file ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc there and add the following code: backend: TkAgg

From this link you can try different diagrams.

Storing an object in state of a React component?

In addition to kiran's post, there's the update helper (formerly a react addon). This can be installed with npm using npm install immutability-helper

import update from 'immutability-helper';

var abc = update(, {
   xyz: {$set: 'foo'}

this.setState({abc: abc});

This creates a new object with the updated value, and other properties stay the same. This is more useful when you need to do things like push onto an array, and set some other value at the same time. Some people use it everywhere because it provides immutability.

If you do this, you can have the following to make up for the performance of

shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
   return !==; 
   // and compare any props that might cause an update

How to apply a CSS filter to a background image

I didn't write this, but I noticed there was a polyfill for the partially supported backdrop-filter using the CSS SASS compiler, so if you have a compilation pipeline it can be achieved nicely (it also uses TypeScript):

Transpose list of lists

more_itertools.unzip() is easy to read, and it also works with generators.

import more_itertools
l = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
r = more_itertools.unzip(l) # a tuple of generators.
r = list(map(list, r))      # a list of lists

or equivalently

import more_itertools
l = more_itertools.chunked(range(1,10), 3)
r = more_itertools.unzip(l) # a tuple of generators.
r = list(map(list, r))      # a list of lists

Is there any way to debug chrome in any IOS device

If you don't need full debugging support, you can now view JavaScript console logs directly within Chrome for iOS at chrome://inspect.

Chrome for iOS Console

Validating input using java.util.Scanner

If you are parsing string data from the console or similar, the best way is to use regular expressions. Read more on that here:

Otherwise, to parse an int from a string, try Integer.parseInt(string). If the string is not a number, you will get an exception. Otherise you can then perform your checks on that value to make sure it is not negative.

String input;
int number;
    number = Integer.parseInt(input);
    if(number > 0)
        System.out.println("You positive number is " + number);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex)
     System.out.println("That is not a positive number!");

To get a character-only string, you would probably be better of looping over each character checking for digits, using for instance Character.isLetter(char).

String input
for(int i = 0; i<input.length(); i++)
      System.out.println("This string does not contain only letters!");

Good luck!

Typescript ReferenceError: exports is not defined


This answer might not work depending if you're not targeting es5 anymore, I'll try to make the answer more complete.

Original Answer

If CommonJS isn't installed (which defines exports), you have to remove this line from your tsconfig.json:

 "module": "commonjs",

As per the comments, this alone may not work with later versions of tsc. If that is the case, you can install a module loader like CommonJS, SystemJS or RequireJS and then specify that.


Look at your main.js file that tsc generated. You will find this at the very top:

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

It is the root of the error message, and after removing "module": "commonjs",, it will vanish.

Entity Framework change connection at runtime

I have two extension methods to convert the normal connection string to the Entity Framework format. This version working well with class library projects without copying the connection strings from app.config file to the primary project. This is VB.Net but easy to convert to C#.

Public Module Extensions

    Public Function ToEntityConnectionString(ByRef sqlClientConnStr As String, ByVal modelFileName As String, Optional ByVal multipleActiceResultSet As Boolean = True)
        Dim sqlb As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder(sqlClientConnStr)
        Return ToEntityConnectionString(sqlb, modelFileName, multipleActiceResultSet)
    End Function

    Public Function ToEntityConnectionString(ByRef sqlClientConnStrBldr As SqlConnectionStringBuilder, ByVal modelFileName As String, Optional ByVal multipleActiceResultSet As Boolean = True)
        sqlClientConnStrBldr.MultipleActiveResultSets = multipleActiceResultSet
        sqlClientConnStrBldr.ApplicationName = "EntityFramework"

        Dim metaData As String = "metadata=res://*/{0}.csdl|res://*/{0}.ssdl|res://*/{0}.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string='{1}'"
        Return String.Format(metaData, modelFileName, sqlClientConnStrBldr.ConnectionString)
    End Function

End Module

After that I create a partial class for DbContext:

Partial Public Class DlmsDataContext

    Public Shared Property ModelFileName As String = "AvrEntities" ' (AvrEntities.edmx)

    Public Sub New(ByVal avrConnectionString As String)
        MyBase.New(CStr(avrConnectionString.ToEntityConnectionString(ModelFileName, True)))
    End Sub

End Class

Creating a query:

Dim newConnectionString As String = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=pass"

Using ctx As New DlmsDataContext(newConnectionString)
    ' ...
End Using

How can I send and receive WebSocket messages on the server side?

pimvdb's answer implemented in python:

def DecodedCharArrayFromByteStreamIn(stringStreamIn):
    #turn string values into opererable numeric byte values
    byteArray = [ord(character) for character in stringStreamIn]
    datalength = byteArray[1] & 127
    indexFirstMask = 2 
    if datalength == 126:
        indexFirstMask = 4
    elif datalength == 127:
        indexFirstMask = 10
    masks = [m for m in byteArray[indexFirstMask : indexFirstMask+4]]
    indexFirstDataByte = indexFirstMask + 4
    decodedChars = []
    i = indexFirstDataByte
    j = 0
    while i < len(byteArray):
        decodedChars.append( chr(byteArray[i] ^ masks[j % 4]) )
        i += 1
        j += 1
    return decodedChars

An Example of usage:

fromclient = '\x81\x8c\xff\xb8\xbd\xbd\xb7\xdd\xd1\xd1\x90\x98\xea\xd2\x8d\xd4\xd9\x9c'
# this looks like "?ŒOÇ¿¢gÓ ç\Ð=«ož" in unicode, received by server
print DecodedCharArrayFromByteStreamIn(fromclient)
# ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'W', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!']

How to convert hex to rgb using Java?

For JavaFX

import javafx.scene.paint.Color;


Color whiteColor = Color.valueOf("#ffffff");

Adding an onclicklistener to listview (android)

Try this:

    list.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() {

    public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1,
            int arg2, long arg3)

    public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0) {


Capture the screen shot using .NET

It's certainly possible to grab a screenshot using the .NET Framework. The simplest way is to create a new Bitmap object and draw into that using the Graphics.CopyFromScreen method.

Sample code:

using (Bitmap bmpScreenCapture = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, 
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpScreenCapture))
                     0, 0,

Caveat: This method doesn't work properly for layered windows. Hans Passant's answer here explains the more complicated method required to get those in your screen shots.

Set content of HTML <span> with Javascript

This is standards compliant and cross-browser safe.


var span = document.getElementById('someID');

while( span.firstChild ) {
    span.removeChild( span.firstChild );
span.appendChild( document.createTextNode("some new content") );

How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?

The following code sample, will match the pattern even in case of space characters in between. i.e. :

<td><a href='/path/to/file'>Name of File</a></td>

as well as:

<td> <a      href='/path/to/file' >Name of File</a>  </td>

Method returns true or false, depending on whether the input htmlTd string matches the pattern or no. If it matches, the out params contain the link and name respectively.

/// <summary>
/// Assigns proper values to link and name, if the htmlId matches the pattern
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if success, false otherwise</returns>
public static bool TryGetHrefDetails(string htmlTd, out string link, out string name)
    link = null;
    name = null;

    string pattern = "<td>\\s*<a\\s*href\\s*=\\s*(?:\"(?<link>[^\"]*)\"|(?<link>\\S+))\\s*>(?<name>.*)\\s*</a>\\s*</td>";

    if (Regex.IsMatch(htmlTd, pattern))
        Regex r = new Regex(pattern,  RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
        link = r.Match(htmlTd).Result("${link}");
        name = r.Match(htmlTd).Result("${name}");
        return true;
        return false;

I have tested this and it works correctly.

How To Get The Current Year Using Vba


Year(): Returns the year portion of the date argument.
Date: Current date only.

Explanation of both of these functions from here.

What is the best open source help ticket system?

I like eTicket Support, is very simple to use and install.

:touch CSS pseudo-class or something similar?

There is no such thing as :touch in the W3C specifications,

:active should work, I would think.

Order on the :active/:hover pseudo class is important for it to function correctly.

Here is a quote from that above link

Interactive user agents sometimes change the rendering in response to user actions. CSS provides three pseudo-classes for common cases:

  • The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an element (with some pointing device), but does not activate it. For example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element. User agents not supporting interactive media do not have to support this pseudo-class. Some conforming user agents supporting interactive media may not be able to support this pseudo-class (e.g., a pen device).
  • The :active pseudo-class applies while an element is being activated by the user. For example, between the times the user presses the mouse button and releases it.
  • The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the focus (accepts keyboard events or other forms of text input).

Internal and external fragmentation

I am an operating system that only allocates you memory in 10mb partitions.

Internal Fragmentation

  • You ask for 17mb of memory
  • I give you 20mb of memory

Fulfilling this request has just led to 3mb of internal fragmentation.

External Fragmentation

  • You ask for 20mb of memory
  • I give you 20mb of memory
  • The 20mb of memory that I give you is not immediately contiguous next to another existing piece of allocated memory. In so handing you this memory, I have "split" a single unallocated space into two spaces.

Fulfilling this request has just led to external fragmentation

How do I detect if software keyboard is visible on Android Device or not?

It works with adjustNothing flag of activity and lifecycle events are used. Also with Kotlin:

 * This class uses a PopupWindow to calculate the window height when the floating keyboard is opened and closed
 * @param activity The parent activity
 *  The root activity that uses this KeyboardManager
class KeyboardManager(private val activity: AppCompatActivity) : PopupWindow(activity), LifecycleObserver {

    private var observerList = mutableListOf<((keyboardTop: Int) -> Unit)>()

    /** The last value of keyboardTop */
    private var keyboardTop: Int = 0

    /** The view that is used to calculate the keyboard top  */
    private val popupView: View?

    /** The parent view  */
    private var parentView: View

    var isKeyboardShown = false
        private set

     * Create transparent view which will be stretched over to the full screen
    private fun createFullScreenView(): View {
        val view = LinearLayout(activity)
        view.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
        view.background = ColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT)
        return view

    init {
        this.popupView = createFullScreenView()
        contentView = popupView

        softInputMode = LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE or LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE
        inputMethodMode = INPUT_METHOD_NEEDED

        parentView = activity.findViewById(

        width = 0
        height = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT

        popupView.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener {
            val rect = Rect()

            val keyboardTop = rect.bottom
            if (this.keyboardTop != keyboardTop) {
                isKeyboardShown = keyboardTop < this.keyboardTop
                this.keyboardTop = keyboardTop
                observerList.forEach { it(keyboardTop) }

     * This must be called after the onResume of the Activity or inside { } .
     * PopupWindows are not allowed to be registered before the onResume has finished
     * of the Activity
    fun start() { {
            if (!isShowing && parentView.windowToken != null) {
                showAtLocation(parentView, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, 0, 0)

     * This manager will not be used anymore
    fun close() {

     * Set the keyboard top observer. The observer will be notified when the keyboard top has changed.
     * For example when the keyboard is opened or closed
     * @param observer The observer to be added to this provider
    fun registerKeyboardTopObserver(observer: (keyboardTop: Int) -> Unit) {

Useful method to keep view always above the keyboard

fun KeyboardManager.updateBottomMarginIfKeyboardShown(
        view: View,
        activity: AppCompatActivity,
        // marginBottom of view when keyboard is hide
        marginBottomHideKeyboard: Int,
        // marginBottom of view when keybouard is shown
        marginBottomShowKeyboard: Int
) {
    registerKeyboardTopObserver { bottomKeyboard ->
        val bottomView = ViewUtils.getFullViewBounds(view).bottom
        val maxHeight = ScreenUtils.getFullScreenSize(activity.windowManager).y
        // Check that view is within the window size
        if (bottomView < maxHeight) {
            if (bottomKeyboard < bottomView) {
                ViewUtils.updateMargin(view, bottomMargin = bottomView - bottomKeyboard +
                        view.marginBottom + marginBottomShowKeyboard)
            } else ViewUtils.updateMargin(view, bottomMargin = marginBottomHideKeyboard)

Where getFullViewBounds

fun getLocationOnScreen(view: View): Point {
    val location = IntArray(2)
    return Point(location[0], location[1])

fun getFullViewBounds(view: View): Rect {
     val location = getLocationOnScreen(view)
     return Rect(location.x, location.y, location.x + view.width,
            location.y + view.height)

Where getFullScreenSize

fun getFullScreenSize(wm: WindowManager? = null) =
            getScreenSize(wm) { getRealSize(it) }

private fun getScreenSize(wm: WindowManager? = null, block: Display.(Point) -> Unit): Point {
    val windowManager = wm ?: App.INSTANCE.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)
            as WindowManager
    val point = Point()
    return point

Where updateMargin

fun updateMargin(
        view: View,
        leftMargin: Int? = null,
        topMargin: Int? = null,
        rightMargin: Int? = null,
        bottomMargin: Int? = null
) {
    val layoutParams = view.layoutParams as ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
    if (leftMargin != null) layoutParams.leftMargin = leftMargin
    if (topMargin != null) layoutParams.topMargin = topMargin
    if (rightMargin != null) layoutParams.rightMargin = rightMargin
    if (bottomMargin != null) layoutParams.bottomMargin = bottomMargin
    view.layoutParams = layoutParams

Rounding to 2 decimal places in SQL

This works too. The below statement rounds to two decimal places.

SELECT ROUND(92.258,2) from dual;

Chart.js v2 - hiding grid lines

Please refer to the official documentation:

Below code changes would hide the gridLines:

        gridLines: {

enter image description here

How do you save/store objects in SharedPreferences on Android?

there are two file solved your all problem about sharedpreferences


    public class AppPersistence {
    public enum keys {
        DOB, MRG_Anniversary, COMPANY, USER_TYPE, support_phone

    private static AppPersistence mAppPersistance;
    private SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;

    public static AppPersistence start(Context context) {
        if (mAppPersistance == null) {
            mAppPersistance = new AppPersistence(context);
        return mAppPersistance;

    private AppPersistence(Context context) {
        sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(context.getString(R.string.prefrence_file_name),

    public Object get(Enum key) {
        Map<String, ?> all = sharedPreferences.getAll();
        return all.get(key.toString());

    void save(Enum key, Object val) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
        if (val instanceof Integer) {
            editor.putInt(key.toString(), (Integer) val);
        } else if (val instanceof String) {
            editor.putString(key.toString(), String.valueOf(val));
        } else if (val instanceof Float) {
            editor.putFloat(key.toString(), (Float) val);
        } else if (val instanceof Long) {
            editor.putLong(key.toString(), (Long) val);
        } else if (val instanceof Boolean) {
            editor.putBoolean(key.toString(), (Boolean) val);

    void remove(Enum key) {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();

    public void removeAll() {
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();


public static void setPreference(Context context, Enum Name, String Value) {
        AppPersistence.start(context).save(Name, Value);

    public static String getPreference(Context context, Enum Name) {
        return (String) AppPersistence.start(context).get(Name);

    public static void removePreference(Context context, Enum Name) {

now you can save,remove or get like,


AppPreference.setPreference(context, AppPersistence.keys.USER_ID, userID);


AppPreference.removePreference(context, AppPersistence.keys.USER_ID);


 AppPreference.getPreference(context, AppPersistence.keys.USER_ID);

Pointers in Python?

I want['field'] and form.field.value to always have the same value

This is feasible, because it involves decorated names and indexing -- i.e., completely different constructs from the barenames a and b that you're asking about, and for with your request is utterly impossible. Why ask for something impossible and totally different from the (possible) thing you actually want?!

Maybe you don't realize how drastically different barenames and decorated names are. When you refer to a barename a, you're getting exactly the object a was last bound to in this scope (or an exception if it wasn't bound in this scope) -- this is such a deep and fundamental aspect of Python that it can't possibly be subverted. When you refer to a decorated name x.y, you're asking an object (the object x refers to) to please supply "the y attribute" -- and in response to that request, the object can perform totally arbitrary computations (and indexing is quite similar: it also allows arbitrary computations to be performed in response).

Now, your "actual desiderata" example is mysterious because in each case two levels of indexing or attribute-getting are involved, so the subtlety you crave could be introduced in many ways. What other attributes is form.field suppose to have, for example, besides value? Without that further .value computations, possibilities would include:

class Form(object):
   def __getattr__(self, name):


class Form(object):
   def data(self):
       return self.__dict__

The presence of .value suggests picking the first form, plus a kind-of-useless wrapper:

class KouWrap(object):
   def __init__(self, value):
       self.value = value

class Form(object):
   def __getattr__(self, name):
       return KouWrap([name])

If assignments such form.field.value = 23 is also supposed to set the entry in, then the wrapper must become more complex indeed, and not all that useless:

class MciWrap(object):
   def __init__(self, data, k):
       self._data = data
       self._k = k
   def value(self):
       return self._data[self._k]
   def value(self, v)
       self._data[self._k] = v

class Form(object):
   def __getattr__(self, name):
       return MciWrap(, name)

The latter example is roughly as close as it gets, in Python, to the sense of "a pointer" as you seem to want -- but it's crucial to understand that such subtleties can ever only work with indexing and/or decorated names, never with barenames as you originally asked!

How to import other Python files?

Import doc .. -- Link for reference

The files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages, this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path. can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the __all__ variable.

import spam.module
from spam import module

Downloading a file from spring controllers

This can be a useful answer.

Is it ok to export data as pdf format in frontend?

Extending to this, adding content-disposition as an attachment(default) will download the file. If you want to view it, you need to set it to inline.

Executing <script> injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

This 'just works' for me using jQuery, provided you don't try to append a subset the XHR-returned HTML to the document. (See this bug report showing the problem with jQuery.)

Here is an example showing it working:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> 
        var snippet = "<div><span id='a'>JS did not run<\/span><script type='text/javascript'>" +
        "$('#a').html('Hooray! JS ran!');" +
    <div id="replaceable">I'm going away.</div> 

Here is the equivalent of the above:

Failed Apache2 start, no error log

You have following ways to make it work:

  1. Delete /var/run/apache2/ then check if its working

  2. You can disable SELinux and then check if it works. You can disable SELinux permanantly or temporarily by using tutorial

How do files get into the External Dependencies in Visual Studio C++?

The External Dependencies folder is populated by IntelliSense: the contents of the folder do not affect the build at all (you can in fact disable the folder in the UI).

You need to actually include the header (using a #include directive) to use it. Depending on what that header is, you may also need to add its containing folder to the "Additional Include Directories" property and you may need to add additional libraries and library folders to the linker options; you can set all of these in the project properties (right click the project, select Properties). You should compare the properties with those of the project that does build to determine what you need to add.

Asking the user for input until they give a valid response

Persistent user input using recursive function:


def askName():
    return input("Write your name: ").strip() or askName()

name = askName()


def askAge():
    try: return int(input("Enter your age: "))
    except ValueError: return askAge()

age = askAge()

and finally, the question requirement:

def askAge():
    try: return int(input("Enter your age: "))
    except ValueError: return askAge()

age = askAge()

responseAge = [
    "You are able to vote in the United States!",
    "You are not able to vote in the United States.",
][int(age < 18)]


How to disable GCC warnings for a few lines of code

Rather than silencing the warnings, gcc style is usually to use either standard C constructs or the __attribute__ extension to tell the compiler more about your intention. For instance, the warning about assignment used as a condition is suppressed by putting the assignment in parentheses, i.e. if ((p=malloc(cnt))) instead of if (p=malloc(cnt)). Warnings about unused function arguments can be suppressed by some odd __attribute__ I can never remember, or by self-assignment, etc. But generally I prefer just globally disabling any warning option that generates warnings for things that will occur in correct code.

Multiple INSERT statements vs. single INSERT with multiple VALUES

It is not too surprising: the execution plan for the tiny insert is computed once, and then reused 1000 times. Parsing and preparing the plan is quick, because it has only four values to del with. A 1000-row plan, on the other hand, needs to deal with 4000 values (or 4000 parameters if you parameterized your C# tests). This could easily eat up the time savings you gain by eliminating 999 roundtrips to SQL Server, especially if your network is not overly slow.

What is float in Java?

The thing is that decimal numbers defaults to double. And since double doesn't fit into float you have to tell explicitely you intentionally define a float. So go with:

float b = 3.6f;

Java : Sort integer array without using Arrays.sort()

Bubble sort can be used here:

 //Time complexity: O(n^2)
public static int[] bubbleSort(final int[] arr) {

    if (arr == null || arr.length <= 1) {
        return arr;

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j < arr.length - i; j++) {
            if (arr[j - 1] > arr[j]) {
                arr[j] = arr[j] + arr[j - 1];
                arr[j - 1] = arr[j] - arr[j - 1];
                arr[j] = arr[j] - arr[j - 1];

    return arr;

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)

UPDATE 2019 (Swift 4):

Made a Date extension for that. It uses NSDataDetector instead of NSDateFormatter.

// Just throw at it without any format.
var date: Date? = Date.FromString("02-14-2019 17:05:05")

Pretty enjoyable, it even recognizes things like "Tomorrow at 5".

XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("2019-02-14"),                    Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("2019.02.14"),                    Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("2019/02/14"),                    Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("2019 Feb 14"),                   Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("2019 Feb 14th"),                 Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("20190214"),                      Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("02-14-2019"),                    Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("02.14.2019 5:00 PM"),            Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("02/14/2019 17:00"),              Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("14 February 2019 at 5 hour"),    Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("02-14-2019 17:05:05"),           Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17, 05, 05))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("17:05, 14 February 2019 (UTC)"), Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17, 05))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("02-14-2019 17:05:05 GMT"),       Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17, 05, 05))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("02-13-2019 Tomorrow"),           Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14))
XCTAssertEqual(Date.FromString("2019 Feb 14th Tomorrow at 5"),   Date.FromCalendar(2019, 2, 14, 17))

Goes like:

extension Date

    public static func FromString(_ dateString: String) -> Date?
        // Date detector.
        let detector = try! NSDataDetector(types:

        // Enumerate matches.
        var matchedDate: Date?
        var matchedTimeZone: TimeZone?
            in: dateString,
            options: [],
            range: NSRange(location: 0, length: dateString.utf16.count),
                (eachResult, _, _) in

                // Lookup matches.
                matchedDate = eachResult?.date
                matchedTimeZone = eachResult?.timeZone

                // Convert to GMT (!) if no timezone detected.
                if matchedTimeZone == nil, let detectedDate = matchedDate
                { matchedDate = .second, value: TimeZone.current.secondsFromGMT(), to: detectedDate)! }

        // Result.
        return matchedDate

UPDATE 2014:

Made an NSString extension for that.

// Simple as this.   
date = dateString.dateValue;

Thanks to NSDataDetector, it recognizes a whole lot of format.

'2014-01-16' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'2014.01.16' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'2014/01/16' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'2014 Jan 16' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'2014 Jan 16th' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'20140116' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'01-16-2014' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'01.16.2014' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'01/16/2014' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'16 January 2014' dateValue is <2014-01-16 11:00:00 +0000>
'01-16-2014 17:05:05' dateValue is <2014-01-16 16:05:05 +0000>
'01-16-2014 T 17:05:05 UTC' dateValue is <2014-01-16 17:05:05 +0000>
'17:05, 1 January 2014 (UTC)' dateValue is <2014-01-01 16:05:00 +0000>

Part of eppz!kit, grab the category NSString+EPPZKit.h from GitHub.


Whether you're not sure (or don't care) about the date format contained in the string, use NSDataDetector for parsing date.

//Role players.
NSString *dateString = @"Wed, 03 Jul 2013 02:16:02 -0700";
__block NSDate *detectedDate;

NSDataDetector *detector = [NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:NSTextCheckingAllTypes error:nil];
[detector enumerateMatchesInString:dateString
                             range:NSMakeRange(0, [dateString length])
                        usingBlock:^(NSTextCheckingResult *result, NSMatchingFlags flags, BOOL *stop)
{ detectedDate =; }];

Extract directory path and filename

Using bash "here string":

$ fspec="/exp/home1/abc.txt" 
$ tr  "/"  "\n"  <<< $fspec | tail -1
$ filename=$(tr  "/"  "\n"  <<< $fspec | tail -1)
$ echo $filename

The benefit of the "here string" is that it avoids the need/overhead of running an echo command. In other words, the "here string" is internal to the shell. That is:

$ tr <<< $fspec

as opposed to:

$ echo $fspec | tr

Android: How to use webcam in emulator?

I suggest you to look at this highly rated blog post which manages to give a solution to the problem you're facing :

His code is based on the current Android APIs and should work in your case given that you are using a recent Android API.

Java ArrayList of Doubles

double[] arr = new double[] {1.38, 2.56, 4.3};

ArrayList<Double> list = DoubleStream.of( arr ).boxed().collect(
    Collectors.toCollection( new Supplier<ArrayList<Double>>() {
      public ArrayList<Double> get() {
        return( new ArrayList<Double>() );
    } ) );

Regular expression for validating names and surnames?

I'll try to give a proper answer myself:

The only punctuations that should be allowed in a name are full stop, apostrophe and hyphen. I haven't seen any other case in the list of corner cases.

Regarding numbers, there's only one case with an 8. I think I can safely disallow that.

Regarding letters, any letter is valid.

I also want to include space.

This would sum up to this regex:

^[\p{L} \.'\-]+$

This presents one problem, i.e. the apostrophe can be used as an attack vector. It should be encoded.

So the validation code should be something like this (untested):

var name = nameParam.Trim();
if (!Regex.IsMatch(name, "^[\p{L} \.\-]+$")) 
    throw new ArgumentException("nameParam");
name = name.Replace("'", "&#39;");  //&apos; does not work in IE

Can anyone think of a reason why a name should not pass this test or a XSS or SQL Injection that could pass?

complete tested solution

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace test
    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var names = new string[]{"Hello World", 
                "???? ?????",
                "' --",
            foreach (var nameParam in names)
                Console.Write(nameParam+" ");
                var name = nameParam.Trim();
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(name, @"^[\p{L}\p{M}' \.\-]+$"))
                name = name.Replace("'", "&#39;");

Ruby: Merging variables in to a string

The idiomatic way is to write something like this:

"The #{animal} #{action} the #{second_animal}"

Note the double quotes (") surrounding the string: this is the trigger for Ruby to use its built-in placeholder substitution. You cannot replace them with single quotes (') or the string will be kept as is.

Fatal Error :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog

Looks like you forgot adding correct headers to your get request (ask the REST API developer or you specific API description):

HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
connection.header("Accept", "application/xml")


connection.header("Accept", "application/xml;version=1")

When maven says "resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of MyRepo has elapsed", where is that interval specified?

This works after you delete the related dependency from your local maven repository


MVC ajax post to controller action method

$('#loginBtn').click(function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); /// it should not have this code or else it wont continue

OVER_QUERY_LIMIT in Google Maps API v3: How do I pause/delay in Javascript to slow it down?

The general answer to this question is:

Don't geocode known locations every time you load your page. Geocode them off-line and use the resulting coordinates to display the markers on your page.

The limits exist for a reason.

If you can't geocode the locations off-line, see this page (Part 17 Geocoding multiple addresses) from Mike Williams' v2 tutorial which describes an approach, port that to the v3 API.

How to reject in async/await syntax?

You can create a wrapper function that takes in a promise and returns an array with data if no error and the error if there was an error.

function safePromise(promise) {
  return promise.then(data => [ data ]).catch(error => [ null, error ]);

Use it like this in ES7 and in an async function:

async function checkItem() {
  const [ item, error ] = await safePromise(getItem(id));
  if (error) { return null; } // handle error and return
  return item; // no error so safe to use item

Get the value in an input text box

You have to use various ways to get current value of an input element.


If you want to use a simple .val(), try this:

<input type="text" id="txt_name" />

Get values from Input

// use to select with DOM element.

// use the id to select the element.

// use type="text" with input to select the element

Set value to Input

// use to add "text content" to the DOM element.
$("input").val("text content");

// use the id to add "text content" to the element.
$("#txt_name").val("text content");

// use type="text" with input to add "text content" to the element
$("input:text").val("text content");


Use .attr() to get the content.

<input type="text" id="txt_name" value="" />

I just add one attribute to the input field. value="" attribute is the one who carry the text content that we entered in input field.



you can use this one directly on your input element.


django MultiValueDictKeyError error, how do I deal with it

Why didn't you try to define is_private in your models as default=False?

class Foo(models.Models):
    is_private = models.BooleanField(default=False)

log4j logging hierarchy order

[Taken from]

DEBUG is the lowest restricted java logging level and we should write everything we need to debug an application, this java logging mode should only be used on Development and Testing environment and must not be used in production environment.

INFO is more restricted than DEBUG java logging level and we should log messages which are informative purpose like Server has been started, Incoming messages, outgoing messages etc in INFO level logging in java.

WARN is more restricted than INFO java logging level and used to log warning sort of messages e.g. Connection lost between client and server. Database connection lost, Socket reaching to its limit. These messages and java logging level are almost important because you can setup alert on these logging messages in java and let your support team monitor health of your java application and react on this warning messages. In Summary WARN level is used to log warning message for logging in Java.

ERROR is the more restricted java logging level than WARN and used to log Errors and Exception, you can also setup alert on this java logging level and alert monitoring team to react on this messages. ERROR is serious for logging in Java and you should always print it.

FATAL java logging level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort. After this mostly your application crashes and stopped.

OFF java logging level has the highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging in Java.

Setting the default ssh key location

If you are only looking to point to a different location for you identity file, the you can modify your ~/.ssh/config file with the following entry:

IdentityFile ~/.foo/identity

man ssh_config to find other config options.

How to switch to new window in Selenium for Python?

You can do it by using window_handles and switch_to_window method.

Before clicking the link first store the window handle as

window_before = driver.window_handles[0]

after clicking the link store the window handle of newly opened window as

window_after = driver.window_handles[1]

then execute the switch to window method to move to newly opened window


and similarly you can switch between old and new window. Following is the code example

import unittest
from selenium import webdriver

class GoogleOrgSearch(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()

    def test_google_search_page(self):
        driver = self.driver
        window_before = driver.window_handles[0]
        print window_before
        window_after = driver.window_handles[1]
        print window_after

    def tearDown(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

How to insert a text at the beginning of a file?

sed can operate on an address:

$ sed -i '1s/^/<added text> /' file

What is this magical 1s you see on every answer here? Line addressing!.

Want to add <added text> on the first 10 lines?

$ sed -i '1,10s/^/<added text> /' file

Or you can use Command Grouping:

$ { echo -n '<added text> '; cat file; } >
$ mv file{.new,}

How do you return the column names of a table?


Showing all errors and warnings

Set these on php.ini:

;display_startup_errors = On
display_errors =on
html_errors= on

From your PHP page, use a suitable filter for error reporting.


Filers can be made according to requirements.


Locate current file in IntelliJ

Alt + F1 (or Alt + Shift + 1 for linux) almost does what you want. You need to hit Enter afterwards as IDEA allows multiple "targets" for navigation (project structure, file structure etc).

(Note you can also set AutoScroll to Source and AutoScroll from source using the two "boxes with arrows" buttons above the project structure view but this can get annoying when it shoves you into the JDK source because you followed a reference to

The keymap defines it as Select current file or symbol in any view.

Copying text outside of Vim with set mouse=a enabled

Press shift while selecting with the mouse. This will make mouse selection behave as if mouse=a was not enabled.

Note: this trick also applies to "middle button paste": if you want to paste in vim text that was selected outside, press shift while clicking the middle button. Just make sure that insert mode is activated when you do that (you may also want to :set paste to avoid unexpected effects).

OS X (mac): hold alt/option while selecting (source)

python - if not in list

You better do this syntax

if not (item in mylist):  
    Code inside the if

Python not working in command prompt?

None of these actually worked for me. What you needed to do to really have Python recognized within it's path, is to download the latest version of it only from this website and not other website:

But be careful while installing; the default installation is set not to add Python's path to the Environmental Variables in the Control Panel if you have a Windows computer, but you should change the setting so that the installation does it, and it will all be done by itself.

Can you have multiple $(document).ready(function(){ ... }); sections?

You can have multiple ones, but it's not always the neatest thing to do. Try not to overuse them, as it will seriously affect readability. Other than that , it's perfectly legal. See the below:

Try this out:

$(document).ready(function() {
    alert('Hello Tom!');

$(document).ready(function() {
    alert('Hello Jeff!');

$(document).ready(function() {
    alert('Hello Dexter!');

You'll find that it's equivalent to this, note the order of execution:

$(document).ready(function() {
    alert('Hello Tom!');
    alert('Hello Jeff!');
    alert('Hello Dexter!');

It's also worth noting that a function defined within one $(document).ready block cannot be called from another $(document).ready block, I just ran this test:

$(document).ready(function() {
    function saySomething() {

$(document).ready(function() {

output was:


Binding a Button's visibility to a bool value in ViewModel

Since Windows 10 15063 upwards

Since Windows 10 build 15063, there is a new feature called "Implicit Visibility conversion" that binds Visibility to bool value natively - There is no need anymore to use a converter.


My code (which supposes that MVVM is used, and Template 10 as well):

<!-- In XAML -->
<StackPanel x:Name="Msg_StackPanel" Visibility="{x:Bind ViewModel.ShowInlineHelp}" Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,24,0,0">
    <TextBlock Text="Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul" Margin="0,0,8,0"/>
    <SymbolIcon Symbol="OutlineStar "/>
    <TextBlock Text="With a corncob pipe and a button nose" Margin="8,0,0,0"/>

<!-- in companion View-Model -->
public bool ShowInlineHelp // using T10 SettingsService
    get { return (_settings.ShowInlineHelp); }
    set { _settings.ShowInlineHelp = !value; base.RaisePropertyChanged(); }

Using PI in python 2.7

Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import math
>>> math.pi

Check out the Python tutorial on modules and how to use them.

As for the second part of your question, Python comes with batteries included, of course:

>>> math.radians(90)
>>> math.radians(180)

How to insert a row in an HTML table body in JavaScript

You can try the following snippet using jQuery:


Better way to get type of a Javascript variable?

You can try using

new RegExp()

As with everything JavaScript, someone will eventually invariably point that this is somehow evil, so here is a link to an answer that covers this pretty well.

An alternative is to use[])

Access parent URL from iframe

Yes, accessing parent page's URL is not allowed if the iframe and the main page are not in the same (sub)domain. However, if you just need the URL of the main page (i.e. the browser URL), you can try this:

var url = (window.location != window.parent.location)
            ? document.referrer
            : document.location.href;


window.parent.location is allowed; it avoids the security error in the OP, which is caused by accessing the href property: window.parent.location.href causes "Blocked a frame with origin..."

document.referrer refers to "the URI of the page that linked to this page." This may not return the containing document if some other source is what determined the iframe location, for example:

  • Container iframe @ Domain 1
  • Sends child iframe to Domain 2
  • But in the child iframe... Domain 2 redirects to Domain 3 (i.e. for authentication, maybe SAML), and then Domain 3 directs back to Domain 2 (i.e. via form submission(), a standard SAML technique)
  • For the child iframe the document.referrer will be Domain 3, not the containing Domain 1

document.location refers to "a Location object, which contains information about the URL of the document"; presumably the current document, that is, the iframe currently open. When window.location === window.parent.location, then the iframe's href is the same as the containing parent's href.

Create a temporary table in MySQL with an index from a select


Example :


Checking if a variable exists in javascript

A variable is declared if accessing the variable name will not produce a ReferenceError. The expression typeof variableName !== 'undefined' will be false in only one of two cases:

  • the variable is not declared (i.e., there is no var variableName in scope), or
  • the variable is declared and its value is undefined (i.e., the variable's value is not defined)

Otherwise, the comparison evaluates to true.

If you really want to test if a variable is declared or not, you'll need to catch any ReferenceError produced by attempts to reference it:

var barIsDeclared = true; 
try{ bar; }
catch(e) {
    if( == "ReferenceError") {
        barIsDeclared = false;

If you merely want to test if a declared variable's value is neither undefined nor null, you can simply test for it:

if (variableName !== undefined && variableName !== null) { ... }

Or equivalently, with a non-strict equality check against null:

if (variableName != null) { ... }

Both your second example and your right-hand expression in the && operation tests if the value is "falsey", i.e., if it coerces to false in a boolean context. Such values include null, false, 0, and the empty string, not all of which you may want to discard.

How to test valid UUID/GUID?

Use the .match() method to check whether String is UUID.

public boolean isUUID(String s){
    return s.match("^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$");

PHP memcached Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found

Dispite what the accepted answer says in the comments, the correct way to install 'Memcache' is:

sudo apt-get install php5-memcache

NOTE Memcache & Memcached are two distinct although related pieces of software, that are often confused.

EDIT As this is now an old post I thought it worth mentioning that you should replace php5 with your php version number.

How to Apply Gradient to background view of iOS Swift App

Extend UIView with this custom class.


import UIKit

class GradientView: UIView {

    // Default Colors
    var colors:[UIColor] = [UIColor.redColor(), UIColor.blueColor()]

    override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {

        // Must be set when the rect is drawn
        setGradient(colors[0], color2: colors[1])

    func setGradient(color1: UIColor, color2: UIColor) {

        let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
        let gradient = CGGradientCreateWithColors(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), [color1.CGColor, color2.CGColor], [0, 1])!

        // Draw Path
        let path = UIBezierPath(rect: CGRectMake(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height))
        CGContextDrawLinearGradient(context, gradient, CGPointMake(frame.width / 2, 0), CGPointMake(frame.width / 2, frame.height), CGGradientDrawingOptions())

    override func layoutSubviews() {

        // Ensure view has a transparent background color (not required)
        backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()



gradientView.colors = [UIColor.blackColor().colorWithAlphaComponent(0.8), UIColor.clearColor()]


enter image description here

Reading value from console, interactively

Easiest way is to use readline-sync

It process one by one input and out put.

npm i readline-sync


var firstPrompt = readlineSync.question('Are you sure want to initialize new db? This will drop whole database and create new one, Enter: (yes/no) ');

if (firstPrompt === 'yes') {
    console.log('--firstPrompt--', firstPrompt)
} else if (firstPrompt === 'no') {
    var secondPrompt = readlineSync.question('Do you want to modify migration?, Enter: (yes/no) ');
    console.log('secondPrompt ', secondPrompt)
} else {
    console.log('Invalid Input')

How do I dump the data of some SQLite3 tables?

You can do this getting difference of .schema and .dump commands. for example with grep:

sqlite3 some.db .schema > schema.sql
sqlite3 some.db .dump > dump.sql
grep -vx -f schema.sql dump.sql > data.sql

data.sql file will contain only data without schema, something like this:

INSERT INTO "table1" VALUES ...;
INSERT INTO "table2" VALUES ...;

I hope this helps you.

How to compare the contents of two string objects in PowerShell

You want to do $arrayOfString[0].Title -eq $myPbiject.item(0).Title

-match is for regex matching ( the second argument is a regex )

HTML-encoding lost when attribute read from input field

As far as I know there isn't any straight forward HTML Encode/Decode method in javascript.

However, what you can do, is to use JS to create an arbitrary element, set its inner text, then read it using innerHTML.

Let's say, with jQuery, this should work:

var helper = $('chalk & cheese').hide().appendTo('body');
var htmled = helper.html();

Or something along these lines.

Optimal way to DELETE specified rows from Oracle

First, disabling the index during the deletion would be helpful.

Try with a MERGE INTO statement :
1) create a temp table with IDs and an additional column from TABLE1 and test with the following

MERGE INTO table1 src
         FROM test_merge_delete) tgt
ON ( =
     SET src.col1 = tgt.col1
   WHERE =

Load CSV data into MySQL in Python

  from __future__ import print_function
import csv
import MySQLdb

print("Enter  File  To Be Export")
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", port=3306, user="root", passwd="", db="database")
cursor = conn.cursor()
#sql = 'CREATE DATABASE test1'
sql ='''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test1`; CREATE TABLE test1 (policyID int, statecode varchar(255), county varchar(255))'''

with open('C:/Users/Desktop/Code/python/sample.csv') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter = ',')
    for row in reader:
        print(row['policyID'], row['statecode'], row['county'])
        # insert
        conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", port=3306, user="root", passwd="", db="database")
        sql_statement = "INSERT INTO test1(policyID ,statecode,county) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)"
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.executemany(sql_statement,[(row['policyID'], row['statecode'], row['county'])])

What's the difference between console.dir and console.log?

From the firebug site

Calling console.dir(object) will log an interactive listing of an object's properties, like > a miniature version of the DOM tab.

How to convert a huge list-of-vector to a matrix more efficiently?

I think you want

output <-,lapply(z,matrix,ncol=10,byrow=TRUE))

i.e. combining @BlueMagister's use of,...) with an lapply statement to convert the individual list elements into 11*10 matrices ...

Benchmarks (showing @flodel's unlist solution is 5x faster than mine, and 230x faster than the original approach ...)

n <- 1000
z <- replicate(n,matrix(1:110,ncol=10,byrow=TRUE),simplify=FALSE)
origfn <- function(z) {
    output <- NULL 
    for(i in 1:length(z))
        output<- rbind(output,matrix(z[[i]],ncol=10,byrow=TRUE))
rbindfn <- function(z),lapply(z,matrix,ncol=10,byrow=TRUE))
unlistfn <- function(z) matrix(unlist(z), ncol = 10, byrow = TRUE)

##          test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self 
## 1   origfn(z)          100  36.467  230.804    34.834    1.540  
## 2  rbindfn(z)          100   0.713    4.513     0.708    0.012 
## 3 unlistfn(z)          100   0.158    1.000     0.144    0.008 

If this scales appropriately (i.e. you don't run into memory problems), the full problem would take about 130*0.2 seconds = 26 seconds on a comparable machine (I did this on a 2-year-old MacBook Pro).

What is the canonical way to check for errors using the CUDA runtime API?

The C++-canonical way: Don't check for errors...use the C++ bindings which throw exceptions.

I used to be irked by this problem; and I used to have a macro-cum-wrapper-function solution just like in Talonmies and Jared's answers, but, honestly? It makes using the CUDA Runtime API even more ugly and C-like.

So I've approached this in a different and more fundamental way. For a sample of the result, here's part of the CUDA vectorAdd sample - with complete error checking of every runtime API call:

// (... prepare host-side buffers here ...)

auto current_device = cuda::device::current::get();
auto d_A = cuda::memory::device::make_unique<float[]>(current_device, numElements);
auto d_B = cuda::memory::device::make_unique<float[]>(current_device, numElements);
auto d_C = cuda::memory::device::make_unique<float[]>(current_device, numElements);

cuda::memory::copy(d_A.get(), h_A.get(), size);
cuda::memory::copy(d_B.get(), h_B.get(), size);

// (... prepare a launch configuration here... )

cuda::launch(vectorAdd, launch_config,
    d_A.get(), d_B.get(), d_C.get(), numElements
cuda::memory::copy(h_C.get(), d_C.get(), size);

// (... verify results here...)

Again - all potential errors are checked , and an exception if an error occurred (caveat: If the kernel caused some error after launch, it will be caught after the attempt to copy the result, not before; to ensure the kernel was successful you would need to check for error between the launch and the copy with a cuda::outstanding_error::ensure_none() command).

The code above uses my

Thin Modern-C++ wrappers for the CUDA Runtime API library (Github)

Note that the exceptions carry both a string explanation and the CUDA runtime API status code after the failing call.

A few links to how CUDA errors are automagically checked with these wrappers:

How do I deserialize a complex JSON object in C# .NET?

I had a scenario, and this one helped me

JObject objParserd = JObject.Parse(jsonString);

JObject arrayObject1 = (JObject)objParserd["d"];

D myOutput= JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<D>(arrayObject1.ToString());

How to get the browser to navigate to URL in JavaScript

Try these:

  1. window.location.href = '';
  2. window.location.assign("");
  3. window.location = '';

For more see this link: other ways to reload the page with JavaScript

Wpf control size to content?

For most controls, you set its height and width to Auto in the XAML, and it will size to fit its content.

In code, you set the width/height to double.NaN. For details, see FrameworkElement.Width, particularly the "remarks" section.

Python safe method to get value of nested dictionary

An adaptation of unutbu's answer that I found useful in my own code:

example_dict.setdefaut('key1', {}).get('key2')

It generates a dictionary entry for key1 if it does not have that key already so that you avoid the KeyError. If you want to end up a nested dictionary that includes that key pairing anyway like I did, this seems like the easiest solution.

Maven:Non-resolvable parent POM and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM

There was conflict in java version. Resolved after using 1.8 for maven.

What is a Question Mark "?" and Colon ":" Operator Used for?

Thats an if/else statement equilavent to

if(row % 2 == 1){

pandas groupby sort within groups

Here's other example of taking top 3 on sorted order, and sorting within the groups:

In [43]: import pandas as pd                                                                                                                                                       

In [44]:  df = pd.DataFrame({"name":["Foo", "Foo", "Baar", "Foo", "Baar", "Foo", "Baar", "Baar"], "count_1":[5,10,12,15,20,25,30,35], "count_2" :[100,150,100,25,250,300,400,500]})

In [45]: df                                                                                                                                                                        
   count_1  count_2  name
0        5      100   Foo
1       10      150   Foo
2       12      100  Baar
3       15       25   Foo
4       20      250  Baar
5       25      300   Foo
6       30      400  Baar
7       35      500  Baar

### Top 3 on sorted order:
In [46]: df.groupby(["name"])["count_1"].nlargest(3)                                                                                                                               
Baar  7    35
      6    30
      4    20
Foo   5    25
      3    15
      1    10
dtype: int64

### Sorting within groups based on column "count_1":
In [48]: df.groupby(["name"]).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(["count_1"], ascending = False)).reset_index(drop=True)
   count_1  count_2  name
0       35      500  Baar
1       30      400  Baar
2       20      250  Baar
3       12      100  Baar
4       25      300   Foo
5       15       25   Foo
6       10      150   Foo
7        5      100   Foo

How can I determine the character encoding of an excel file?

For Excel 2010 it should be UTF-8. Instruction by MS :

"The basic document structure of a SpreadsheetML document consists of the Sheets and Sheet elements, which reference the worksheets in the Workbook. A separate XML file is created for each Worksheet. For example, the SpreadsheetML for a workbook that has two worksheets name MySheet1 and MySheet2 is located in the Workbook.xml file and is shown in the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<workbook xmlns= xmlns:r="">
        <sheet name="MySheet1" sheetId="1" r:id="rId1" /> 
        <sheet name="MySheet2" sheetId="2" r:id="rId2" /> 

The worksheet XML files contain one or more block level elements such as SheetData. sheetData represents the cell table and contains one or more Row elements. A row contains one or more Cell elements. Each cell contains a CellValue element that represents the value of the cell. For example, the SpreadsheetML for the first worksheet in a workbook, that only has the value 100 in cell A1, is located in the Sheet1.xml file and is shown in the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<worksheet xmlns="">
        <row r="1">
            <c r="A1">


Detection of cell encodings:

How to set default values for Angular 2 component properties?

That is interesting subject. You can play around with two lifecycle hooks to figure out how it works: ngOnChanges and ngOnInit.

Basically when you set default value to Input that's mean it will be used only in case there will be no value coming on that component. And the interesting part it will be changed before component will be initialized.

Let's say we have such components with two lifecycle hooks and one property coming from input.

  selector: 'cmp',
export class Login implements OnChanges, OnInit {
  @Input() property: string = 'default';

  ngOnChanges(changes) {

  ngOnInit() {


Situation 1

Component included in html without defined property value

As result we will see in console: Init default

That's mean onChange was not triggered. Init was triggered and property value is default as expected.

Situation 2

Component included in html with setted property <cmp [property]="'new value'"></cmp>

As result we will see in console:

Changed new value Object {}

Init new value

And this one is interesting. Firstly was triggered onChange hook, which setted property to new value, and previous value was empty object! And only after that onInit hook was triggered with new value of property.

How do I use Safe Area Layout programmatically?

This extension helps you to constraint a UIVIew to its superview and superview+safeArea:

extension UIView {

    ///Constraints a view to its superview
    func constraintToSuperView() {
        guard let superview = superview else { return }
        translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.topAnchor).isActive = true
        leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.leftAnchor).isActive = true
        bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
        rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.rightAnchor).isActive = true

    ///Constraints a view to its superview safe area
    func constraintToSafeArea() {
        guard let superview = superview else { return }
        translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor).isActive = true
        leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leftAnchor).isActive = true
        bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
        rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superview.safeAreaLayoutGuide.rightAnchor).isActive = true


How to use a switch case 'or' in PHP

switch ($value)
    case 1:
    case 2:
        echo "the value is either 1 or 2.";

This is called "falling through" the case block. The term exists in most languages implementing a switch statement.

Using margin:auto to vertically-align a div

Edit: it's 2020, I would use flex box instead.

Original answer:


  <div class="centered">


.centered {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

How to show git log history (i.e., all the related commits) for a sub directory of a git repo?

For tracking changes to a folder where the folder was moved, I started using:

git rev-list --all --pretty=oneline -- "*/foo/subfoo/*"

This isn't perfect as it will grab other folders with the same name, but if it is unique, then it seems to work.

How to use CURL via a proxy?

root@APPLICATIOSERVER:/var/www/html# php connectiontest.php
61e23468-949e-4103-8e08-9db09249e8s1 OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to root@APPLICATIOSERVER:/var/www/html#

Post declaring the proxy settings in the php script file issue has been fixed.

$proxy = '';
curl_setopt($cSession, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy); // PROXY details with port

In what situations would AJAX long/short polling be preferred over HTML5 WebSockets?

For chat applications or any other application that is in constant conversation with the server, WebSockets are the best option. However, you can only use WebSockets with a server that supports them, so that may limit your ability to use them if you cannot install the required libraries. In which case, you would need to use Long Polling to obtain similar functionality.

How to use setArguments() and getArguments() methods in Fragments?

You have a method called getArguments() that belongs to Fragment class.

What is the difference between YAML and JSON?

Technically YAML offers a lot more than JSON (YAML v1.2 is a superset of JSON):

  • comments
  • anchors and inheritance - example of 3 identical items:

    item1: &anchor_name
      name: Test
      title: Test title
    item2: *anchor_name
      <<: *anchor_name
      # You may add extra stuff.
  • ...

Most of the time people will not use those extra features and the main difference is that YAML uses indentation whilst JSON uses brackets. This makes YAML more concise and readable (for the trained eye).

Which one to choose?

  • YAML extra features and concise notation makes it a good choice for configuration files (non-user provided files).
  • JSON limited features, wide support, and faster parsing makes it a great choice for interoperability and user provided data.

no pg_hba.conf entry for host

BTW, in my case it was that I needed to specify the user/pwd in the url, not as independent properties, they were ignored and my OS user was used to connect

My config is in a WebSphere 8.5.5 server.xml file


This would not work and was getting the error:


How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail?

i know in XAMPP i can configure sendmail.ini to forward local email. need to set


this works when using my own server, not gmail so can't say for certain you'd have no problems

How to pass command line arguments to a rake task

You can specify formal arguments in rake by adding symbol arguments to the task call. For example:

require 'rake'

task :my_task, [:arg1, :arg2] do |t, args|
  puts "Args were: #{args} of class #{args.class}"
  puts "arg1 was: '#{args[:arg1]}' of class #{args[:arg1].class}"
  puts "arg2 was: '#{args[:arg2]}' of class #{args[:arg2].class}"

task :invoke_my_task do
  Rake.application.invoke_task("my_task[1, 2]")

# or if you prefer this syntax...
task :invoke_my_task_2 do
  Rake::Task[:my_task].invoke(3, 4)

# a task with prerequisites passes its 
# arguments to it prerequisites
task :with_prerequisite, [:arg1, :arg2] => :my_task #<- name of prerequisite task

# to specify default values, 
# we take advantage of args being a Rake::TaskArguments object
task :with_defaults, :arg1, :arg2 do |t, args|
  args.with_defaults(:arg1 => :default_1, :arg2 => :default_2)
  puts "Args with defaults were: #{args}"

Then, from the command line:

> rake my_task[1,false]
Args were: {:arg1=>"1", :arg2=>"false"} of class Rake::TaskArguments
arg1 was: '1' of class String
arg2 was: 'false' of class String

> rake "my_task[1, 2]"
Args were: {:arg1=>"1", :arg2=>"2"}

> rake invoke_my_task
Args were: {:arg1=>"1", :arg2=>"2"}

> rake invoke_my_task_2
Args were: {:arg1=>3, :arg2=>4}

> rake with_prerequisite[5,6]
Args were: {:arg1=>"5", :arg2=>"6"}

> rake with_defaults
Args with defaults were: {:arg1=>:default_1, :arg2=>:default_2}

> rake with_defaults['x','y']
Args with defaults were: {:arg1=>"x", :arg2=>"y"}

As demonstrated in the second example, if you want to use spaces, the quotes around the target name are necessary to keep the shell from splitting up the arguments at the space.

Looking at the code in rake.rb, it appears that rake does not parse task strings to extract arguments for prerequisites, so you can't do task :t1 => "dep[1,2]". The only way to specify different arguments for a prerequisite would be to invoke it explicitly within the dependent task action, as in :invoke_my_task and :invoke_my_task_2.

Note that some shells (like zsh) require you to escape the brackets: rake my_task\['arg1'\]

How to compare LocalDate instances Java 8

LocalDate ld ....;
LocalDateTime ldtime ...;


List changes unexpectedly after assignment. How do I clone or copy it to prevent this?

Felix already provided an excellent answer, but I thought I'd do a speed comparison of the various methods:

  1. 10.59 sec (105.9us/itn) - copy.deepcopy(old_list)
  2. 10.16 sec (101.6us/itn) - pure python Copy() method copying classes with deepcopy
  3. 1.488 sec (14.88us/itn) - pure python Copy() method not copying classes (only dicts/lists/tuples)
  4. 0.325 sec (3.25us/itn) - for item in old_list: new_list.append(item)
  5. 0.217 sec (2.17us/itn) - [i for i in old_list] (a list comprehension)
  6. 0.186 sec (1.86us/itn) - copy.copy(old_list)
  7. 0.075 sec (0.75us/itn) - list(old_list)
  8. 0.053 sec (0.53us/itn) - new_list = []; new_list.extend(old_list)
  9. 0.039 sec (0.39us/itn) - old_list[:] (list slicing)

So the fastest is list slicing. But be aware that copy.copy(), list[:] and list(list), unlike copy.deepcopy() and the python version don't copy any lists, dictionaries and class instances in the list, so if the originals change, they will change in the copied list too and vice versa.

(Here's the script if anyone's interested or wants to raise any issues:)

from copy import deepcopy

class old_class:
    def __init__(self):
        self.blah = 'blah'

class new_class(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.blah = 'blah'

dignore = {str: None, unicode: None, int: None, type(None): None}

def Copy(obj, use_deepcopy=True):
    t = type(obj)

    if t in (list, tuple):
        if t == tuple:
            # Convert to a list if a tuple to 
            # allow assigning to when copying
            is_tuple = True
            obj = list(obj)
            # Otherwise just do a quick slice copy
            obj = obj[:]
            is_tuple = False

        # Copy each item recursively
        for x in xrange(len(obj)):
            if type(obj[x]) in dignore:
            obj[x] = Copy(obj[x], use_deepcopy)

        if is_tuple: 
            # Convert back into a tuple again
            obj = tuple(obj)

    elif t == dict: 
        # Use the fast shallow dict copy() method and copy any 
        # values which aren't immutable (like lists, dicts etc)
        obj = obj.copy()
        for k in obj:
            if type(obj[k]) in dignore:
            obj[k] = Copy(obj[k], use_deepcopy)

    elif t in dignore: 
        # Numeric or string/unicode? 
        # It's immutable, so ignore it!

    elif use_deepcopy: 
        obj = deepcopy(obj)
    return obj

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import copy
    from time import time

    num_times = 100000
    L = [None, 'blah', 1, 543.4532, 
         ['foo'], ('bar',), {'blah': 'blah'},
         old_class(), new_class()]

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'Custom Copy:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        Copy(L, use_deepcopy=False)
    print 'Custom Copy Only Copying Lists/Tuples/Dicts (no classes):', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'copy.copy:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'copy.deepcopy:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'list slicing [:]:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
    print 'list(L):', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        [i for i in L]
    print 'list expression(L):', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        a = []
    print 'list extend:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        a = []
        for y in L:
    print 'list append:', time()-t

    t = time()
    for i in xrange(num_times):
        a = []
        a.extend(i for i in L)
    print 'generator expression extend:', time()-t

Split text file into smaller multiple text file using command line

I have created a simple program for this and your question helped me complete the solution... I added one more feature and few configurations. In case you want to add a specific character/ string after every few lines (configurable). Please go through the notes. I have added the code files :

How to do a HTTP HEAD request from the windows command line?

On Linux, I often use curl with the --head parameter. It is available for several operating systems, including Windows.

[edit] related to the answer below, is currently down as of February 23 2012. Check for updated info.

Is it possible to use JavaScript to change the meta-tags of the page?

var description=document.getElementsByTagName('h4')[0].innerHTML;
var link = document.createElement('meta');
link.setAttribute('name', 'description');
link.content = description;
var htwo=document.getElementsByTagName('h2');
var hthree=document.getElementsByTagName('h3');
var ls=[];
for(var i=0;i<hthree.length;i++){ls.push(htwo[i].innerHTML);}

for(var i=0;i<hthree.length;i++){ls.push(hthree[i].innerHTML);}

var keyword=ls.toString()
var keyw = document.createElement('meta');
keyw.setAttribute('name', 'keywords');
keyw.content = keyword;

in my case, I write this code and all my meta tags are working perfectly but we can not see the actual meta tag it will be hidden somewhere.

How to make unicode string with python3

Literal strings are unicode by default in Python3.

Assuming that text is a bytes object, just use text.decode('utf-8')

unicode of Python2 is equivalent to str in Python3, so you can also write:

str(text, 'utf-8')

if you prefer.

What does AngularJS do better than jQuery?


You go around making your webpage, and keep on putting {{data bindings}} whenever you feel you would have dynamic data. Angular will then provide you a $scope handler, which you can populate (statically or through calls to the web server).

This is a good understanding of data-binding. I think you've got that down.

DOM Manipulation

For simple DOM manipulation, which doesnot involve data manipulation (eg: color changes on mousehover, hiding/showing elements on click), jQuery or old-school js is sufficient and cleaner. This assumes that the model in angular's mvc is anything that reflects data on the page, and hence, css properties like color, display/hide, etc changes dont affect the model.

I can see your point here about "simple" DOM manipulation being cleaner, but only rarely and it would have to be really "simple". I think DOM manipulation is one the areas, just like data-binding, where Angular really shines. Understanding this will also help you see how Angular considers its views.

I'll start by comparing the Angular way with a vanilla js approach to DOM manipulation. Traditionally, we think of HTML as not "doing" anything and write it as such. So, inline js, like "onclick", etc are bad practice because they put the "doing" in the context of HTML, which doesn't "do". Angular flips that concept on its head. As you're writing your view, you think of HTML as being able to "do" lots of things. This capability is abstracted away in angular directives, but if they already exist or you have written them, you don't have to consider "how" it is done, you just use the power made available to you in this "augmented" HTML that angular allows you to use. This also means that ALL of your view logic is truly contained in the view, not in your javascript files. Again, the reasoning is that the directives written in your javascript files could be considered to be increasing the capability of HTML, so you let the DOM worry about manipulating itself (so to speak). I'll demonstrate with a simple example.

This is the markup we want to use. I gave it an intuitive name.

<div rotate-on-click="45"></div>

First, I'd just like to comment that if we've given our HTML this functionality via a custom Angular Directive, we're already done. That's a breath of fresh air. More on that in a moment.

Implementation with jQuery

live demo here (click).

function rotate(deg, elem) {
    webkitTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    mozTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    msTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    oTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
    transform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'    

function addRotateOnClick($elems) {
  $elems.each(function(i, elem) {
    var deg = 0;
    $(elem).click(function() {
      deg+= parseInt($(this).attr('rotate-on-click'), 10);
      rotate(deg, this);


Implementation with Angular

live demo here (click).

app.directive('rotateOnClick', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      var deg = 0;
      element.bind('click', function() {
        deg+= parseInt(attrs.rotateOnClick, 10);
          webkitTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          mozTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          msTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          oTransform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', 
          transform: 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'    

Pretty light, VERY clean and that's just a simple manipulation! In my opinion, the angular approach wins in all regards, especially how the functionality is abstracted away and the dom manipulation is declared in the DOM. The functionality is hooked onto the element via an html attribute, so there is no need to query the DOM via a selector, and we've got two nice closures - one closure for the directive factory where variables are shared across all usages of the directive, and one closure for each usage of the directive in the link function (or compile function).

Two-way data binding and directives for DOM manipulation are only the start of what makes Angular awesome. Angular promotes all code being modular, reusable, and easily testable and also includes a single-page app routing system. It is important to note that jQuery is a library of commonly needed convenience/cross-browser methods, but Angular is a full featured framework for creating single page apps. The angular script actually includes its own "lite" version of jQuery so that some of the most essential methods are available. Therefore, you could argue that using Angular IS using jQuery (lightly), but Angular provides much more "magic" to help you in the process of creating apps.

This is a great post for more related information: How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?

General differences.

The above points are aimed at the OP's specific concerns. I'll also give an overview of the other important differences. I suggest doing additional reading about each topic as well.

Angular and jQuery can't reasonably be compared.

Angular is a framework, jQuery is a library. Frameworks have their place and libraries have their place. However, there is no question that a good framework has more power in writing an application than a library. That's exactly the point of a framework. You're welcome to write your code in plain JS, or you can add in a library of common functions, or you can add a framework to drastically reduce the code you need to accomplish most things. Therefore, a more appropriate question is:

Why use a framework?

Good frameworks can help architect your code so that it is modular (therefore reusable), DRY, readable, performant and secure. jQuery is not a framework, so it doesn't help in these regards. We've all seen the typical walls of jQuery spaghetti code. This isn't jQuery's fault - it's the fault of developers that don't know how to architect code. However, if the devs did know how to architect code, they would end up writing some kind of minimal "framework" to provide the foundation (achitecture, etc) I discussed a moment ago, or they would add something in. For example, you might add RequireJS to act as part of your framework for writing good code.

Here are some things that modern frameworks are providing:

  • Templating
  • Data-binding
  • routing (single page app)
  • clean, modular, reusable architecture
  • security
  • additional functions/features for convenience

Before I further discuss Angular, I'd like to point out that Angular isn't the only one of its kind. Durandal, for example, is a framework built on top of jQuery, Knockout, and RequireJS. Again, jQuery cannot, by itself, provide what Knockout, RequireJS, and the whole framework built on top them can. It's just not comparable.

If you need to destroy a planet and you have a Death Star, use the Death star.

Angular (revisited).

Building on my previous points about what frameworks provide, I'd like to commend the way that Angular provides them and try to clarify why this is matter of factually superior to jQuery alone.

DOM reference.

In my above example, it is just absolutely unavoidable that jQuery has to hook onto the DOM in order to provide functionality. That means that the view (html) is concerned about functionality (because it is labeled with some kind of identifier - like "image slider") and JavaScript is concerned about providing that functionality. Angular eliminates that concept via abstraction. Properly written code with Angular means that the view is able to declare its own behavior. If I want to display a clock:



Yes, we need to go to JavaScript to make that mean something, but we're doing this in the opposite way of the jQuery approach. Our Angular directive (which is in it's own little world) has "augumented" the html and the html hooks the functionality into itself.

MVW Architecure / Modules / Dependency Injection

Angular gives you a straightforward way to structure your code. View things belong in the view (html), augmented view functionality belongs in directives, other logic (like ajax calls) and functions belong in services, and the connection of services and logic to the view belongs in controllers. There are some other angular components as well that help deal with configuration and modification of services, etc. Any functionality you create is automatically available anywhere you need it via the Injector subsystem which takes care of Dependency Injection throughout the application. When writing an application (module), I break it up into other reusable modules, each with their own reusable components, and then include them in the bigger project. Once you solve a problem with Angular, you've automatically solved it in a way that is useful and structured for reuse in the future and easily included in the next project. A HUGE bonus to all of this is that your code will be much easier to test.

It isn't easy to make things "work" in Angular.

THANK GOODNESS. The aforementioned jQuery spaghetti code resulted from a dev that made something "work" and then moved on. You can write bad Angular code, but it's much more difficult to do so, because Angular will fight you about it. This means that you have to take advantage (at least somewhat) to the clean architecture it provides. In other words, it's harder to write bad code with Angular, but more convenient to write clean code.

Angular is far from perfect. The web development world is always growing and changing and there are new and better ways being put forth to solve problems. Facebook's React and Flux, for example, have some great advantages over Angular, but come with their own drawbacks. Nothing's perfect, but Angular has been and is still awesome for now. Just as jQuery once helped the web world move forward, so has Angular, and so will many to come.

CSS to hide INPUT BUTTON value text

Applying font-size: 0.1px; to the button works for me in Firefox, Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Safari. None of the other solutions I've found worked across all of the browsers.

How to access component methods from “outside” in ReactJS?

If you want to call functions on components from outside React, you can call them on the return value of renderComponent:

var Child = React.createClass({…});
var myChild = React.renderComponent(Child);

The only way to get a handle to a React Component instance outside of React is by storing the return value of React.renderComponent. Source.

In Java, should I escape a single quotation mark (') in String (double quoted)?

It's best practice only to escape the quotes when you need to - if you can get away without escaping it, then do!

The only times you should need to escape are when trying to put " inside a string, or ' in a character:

String quotes = "He said \"Hello, World!\"";
char quote = '\'';

How to create custom spinner like border around the spinner with down triangle on the right side?

To change only "background" (add corners, change color, ....) you can put it into FrameLayout with wanted background drawable, else you need to make nine patch background for to not lose spinner arrow. Spinner background is transparent.

USB Debugging option greyed out

I had an LG Android phone, and could not get USB to work with Windows, even after trying the following:

  1. Settings > About phone > Software info
  2. Tap 'Build number' 7x, and Activate Developer mode
  3. Settings > Developer options > USB debugging [ON]
  4. Settings > Developer options > Select USB Configuration > MTP
  5. Plug into Windows PC with USB cable.

It DOES show the phone as charging via USB (so the plug must be OK), but it does not show up under 'This PC' in Windows File Explorer as a Device/Drive.. grrr.

Turns out that not all USB cables are the same — some USB cable manufacturers only make their cable with 2wires instead of 4wires, so that they will charge, but not pass data through the cable — so if software solutions do not appear to be working, try changing the USB cable (!).

im writing this here so that maybe someone else doesnt have to waste half an hour figuring out that some USB cable manufacturer doesnt include all 4 wires in their USB cables... grrr.

How to print a float with 2 decimal places in Java?

I would suggest using String.format() if you need the value as a String in your code.

For example, you can use String.format() in the following way:

float myFloat = 2.001f;

String formattedString = String.format("%.02f", myFloat);

What is the regex for "Any positive integer, excluding 0"

Got this one:


Someone beats it? :)

How to test an Oracle Stored Procedure with RefCursor return type?

I think this link will be enough for you. I found it when I was searching for the way to execute oracle procedures.

The link to the page

Short Description:

--cursor variable declaration 
variable Out_Ref_Cursor refcursor;
--execute procedure 
execute get_employees_name(IN_Variable,:Out_Ref_Cursor);
--display result referenced by ref cursor.
print Out_Ref_Cursor;

What are the main performance differences between varchar and nvarchar SQL Server data types?

Always use nvarchar.

You may never need the double-byte characters for most applications. However, if you need to support double-byte languages and you only have single-byte support in your database schema it's really expensive to go back and modify throughout your application.

The cost of migrating one application from varchar to nvarchar will be much more than the little bit of extra disk space you'll use in most applications.

Auto-refreshing div with jQuery - setTimeout or another method?

function update() {
    type: 'GET',
    url: 'jbede.php',
    timeout: 2000,
    success: function(data) {
      window.setTimeout(update, 10000);
    error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
      $("#notice_div").html('Timeout contacting server..');
      window.setTimeout(update, 60000);
$(document).ready(function() {

This is Better Code

Depend on a branch or tag using a git URL in a package.json?

If you want to use devel or feature branch, or you haven’t published a certain package to the NPM registry, or you can’t because it’s a private module, then you can point to a git:// URI instead of a version number in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
   "public": "git://",
   "private": "git+ssh://[email protected]:user/repo.git#ref"

The #ref portion is optional, and it can be a branch (like master), tag (like 0.0.1) or a partial or full commit id.

React JS onClick event handler

Here is how you define a react onClick event handler, which was answering the question title... using es6 syntax

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class Test extends Component {
  handleClick(e) {

  render() {
    return (
      <a href='#' onClick={e => this.handleClick(e)}>click me</a>

SQL: how to select a single id ("row") that meets multiple criteria from a single column

FROM [user]
WHERE user.user_id In (select user_id from user where ancestry = 'England') 
    And user.user_id In (select user_id from user where ancestry = 'France') 
    And user.user_id In (select user_id from user where ancestry = 'Germany');`

Post form data using HttpWebRequest

Try this:

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");

var postData = "thing1=hello";
    postData += "&thing2=world";
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);

request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;

using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream())
    stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

Passing parameter to controller action from a Html.ActionLink

You are using the incorrect overload of ActionLink. Try this

<%= Html.ActionLink("Create New Part", "CreateParts", "PartList", new { parentPartId = 0 }, null)%>

Check if Nullable Guid is empty in c#

SomeProperty.HasValue I think it's what you're looking for.

EDIT : btw, you can write System.Guid? instead of Nullable<System.Guid> ;)

How to reset (clear) form through JavaScript?

Reset (Clear) Form throught Javascript & jQuery:

Example Javascript:


Example jQuery:

You may try using trigger() Reference Link


Best way to encode text data for XML in Java?

Try to encode the XML using Apache XML serializer

//Serialize DOM
OutputFormat format    = new OutputFormat (doc); 
// as a String
StringWriter stringOut = new StringWriter ();    
XMLSerializer serial   = new XMLSerializer (stringOut, 
// Display the XML

Make REST API call in Swift

Here is the complete code for REST API requests using NSURLSession in swift

For GET Request

 let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration .defaultSessionConfiguration()
    let session = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration)

    let urlString = NSString(format: "your URL here")

    print("get wallet balance url string is \(urlString)")
    //let url = NSURL(string: urlString as String)
    let request : NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest()
    request.URL = NSURL(string: NSString(format: "%@", urlString) as String)
    request.HTTPMethod = "GET"
    request.timeoutInterval = 30

    request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")

    let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) {
        (let data: NSData?, let response: NSURLResponse?, let error: NSError?) -> Void in

        // 1: Check HTTP Response for successful GET request
        guard let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse, receivedData = data
            else {
                print("error: not a valid http response")

        switch (httpResponse.statusCode)
        case 200:

            let response = NSString (data: receivedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
            print("response is \(response)")

            do {
                let getResponse = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(receivedData, options: .AllowFragments)

                EZLoadingActivity .hide()

               // }
            } catch {
                print("error serializing JSON: \(error)")

        case 400:

            print("wallet GET request got response \(httpResponse.statusCode)")

For POST request ...

let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration .defaultSessionConfiguration()
    let session = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration)

    let params = ["username":bindings .objectForKey("username"), "provider":"walkingcoin", "securityQuestion":securityQuestionField.text!, "securityAnswer":securityAnswerField.text!] as Dictionary<String, AnyObject>

    let urlString = NSString(format: “your URL”);
    print("url string is \(urlString)")
    let request : NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest()
    request.URL = NSURL(string: NSString(format: "%@", urlString)as String)
    request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
    request.timeoutInterval = 30
    request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")      
    request.HTTPBody  = try! NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: [])

    let dataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request)
            (let data: NSData?, let response: NSURLResponse?, let error: NSError?) -> Void in
            // 1: Check HTTP Response for successful GET request
            guard let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse, receivedData = data
                else {
                    print("error: not a valid http response")

            switch (httpResponse.statusCode)
            case 200:

                let response = NSString (data: receivedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

                if response == "SUCCESS"


                print("save profile POST request got response \(httpResponse.statusCode)")

I hope it works.

How to get the last five characters of a string using Substring() in C#?

simple way to do this in one line of code would be this

string sub = input.Substring(input.Length > 5 ? input.Length - 5 : 0);

and here some informations about Operator ? :

How do I import a .sql file in mysql database using PHP?

If you need a User Interface and if you want to use PDO

Here's a simple solution

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="text" name="db" placeholder="Databasename" />
    <input type="file" name="file">
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">


    $query = file_get_contents($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
    $dbname = $_POST['db'];
    $con = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=$dbname","root","");
    $stmt = $con->prepare($query);
        echo "Successfully imported to the $dbname.";

Definitely working on my end. Worth a try.

Resize Google Maps marker icon image

So I just had this same issue, but a little different. I already had the icon as an object as Philippe Boissonneault suggests, but I was using an SVG image.

What solved it for me was:
Switch from an SVG image to a PNG and following Catherine Nyo on having an image that is double the size of what you will use.

Create two-dimensional arrays and access sub-arrays in Ruby

Here's a 3D array case

class Array3D
   def initialize(d1,d2,d3)
    @data = { { } }

  def [](x, y, z)

  def []=(x, y, z, value)
    @data[x][y][z] = value

You can access subsections of each array just like any other Ruby array. @data[0..2][3..5][8..10] = 0 etc