Programs & Examples On #Argument dependent lookup

A form of name lookup in C++ which allows function names to be found in namespaces associated with the arguments used in the function call.

Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake-10.3.2 in any of the sources

In my case, my problem was environmental. Meaning, I did something wrong in my bash session. After attempting nearly everything in this thread, I opened a new bash session and everything was back to normal.

Is there an advantage to use a Synchronized Method instead of a Synchronized Block?

The only real difference is that a synchronized block can choose which object it synchronizes on. A synchronized method can only use 'this' (or the corresponding Class instance for a synchronized class method). For example, these are semantically equivalent:

synchronized void foo() {

void foo() {
    synchronized (this) {

The latter is more flexible since it can compete for the associated lock of any object, often a member variable. It's also more granular because you could have concurrent code executing before and after the block but still within the method. Of course, you could just as easily use a synchronized method by refactoring the concurrent code into separate non-synchronized methods. Use whichever makes the code more comprehensible.

How to create a inset box-shadow only on one side?

This might not be the exact thing you are looking for, but you can create a very similar effect by using rgba in combination with linear-gradient:

  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 30%);

This creates a linear-gradient from black with 50% opacity (rgba(0,0,0,.5)) to transparent (rgba(0,0,0,0)) which starts being competently transparent 30% from the top. You can play with those values to create your desired effect. You can have it on a different side by adding a deg-value (linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 30%)) or switching the colors around. If you want really complex shadows like different angles on different sides you could even start layering linear-gradient.

Here is a snippet to see it in action:

.box {_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 30%);_x000D_
.text {_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
<div class="box">_x000D_
  <div class="text">_x000D_
    Lorem ipsum ...._x000D_

importing a CSV into phpmyadmin

In phpMyAdmin, click the table, and then click the Import tab at the top of the page.

Browse and open the csv file. Leave the charset as-is. Uncheck partial import unless you have a HUGE dataset (or slow server). The format should already have selected “CSV” after selecting your file, if not then select it (not using LOAD DATA). If you want to clear the whole table before importing, check “Replace table data with file”. Optionally check “Ignore duplicate rows” if you think you have duplicates in the CSV file. Now the important part, set the next four fields to these values:

Fields terminated by: ,
Fields enclosed by: “
Fields escaped by: \
Lines terminated by: auto

Currently these match the defaults except for “Fields terminated by”, which defaults to a semicolon.

Now click the Go button, and it should run successfully.

jQuery check if attr = value

jQuery's attr method returns the value of the attribute:

The .attr() method gets the attribute value for only the first element in the matched set. To get the value for each element individually, use a looping construct such as jQuery's .each() or .map() method.

All you need is:

$('html').attr('lang') == 'fr-FR'

However, you might want to do a case-insensitive match:

$('html').attr('lang').toLowerCase() === 'fr-fr'

jQuery's val method returns the value of a form element.

The .val() method is primarily used to get the values of form elements such as input, select and textarea. In the case of <select multiple="multiple"> elements, the .val() method returns an array containing each selected option; if no option is selected, it returns null.

scrollTop jquery, scrolling to div with id?

try this:

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#xxx').position().top}, 'slow');

Convert python long/int to fixed size byte array

long/int to the byte array looks like exact purpose of struct.pack. For long integers that exceed 4(8) bytes, you can come up with something like the next:

>>> limit = 256*256*256*256 - 1
>>> i = 1234567890987654321
>>> parts = []
>>> while i:
        parts.append(i & limit)
        i >>= 32

>>> struct.pack('>' + 'L'*len(parts), *parts )

>>> struct.unpack('>LL', '\xb1l\x1c\xb1\x11"\x10\xf4')
(2976652465L, 287445236)
>>> (287445236L << 32) + 2976652465L

Graphviz: How to go from .dot to a graph?

You can also output your file in xdot format, then render it in a browser using canviz, a JavaScript library.

Canviz on

To see an example, there is a "Canviz Demo" link on the page above as of November 2, 2014.

React-Native: Application has not been registered error

Non of the solutions worked for me. I had to kill the following process and re ran react-native run-android and it worked.

node ./local-cli/cli.js start

How to add spacing between columns?

it's simple .. you have to add solid border right, left to col-* and it should be work ..:)

it looks like this :


<div class="row">
     <div class="col-sm-3" id="services_block">

     <div class="col-sm-3" id="services_block">

     <div class="col-sm-3" id="services_block">

     <div class="col-sm-3" id="services_block">



div#services_block {
   height: 355px;
   background-color: #33363a;
   border-left:3px solid white;
   border-right:3px solid white;

C++ JSON Serialization

This is my attempt using Qt: A JSON like this:

{"menu": {
    "header": "SVG Viewer",
    "items": [
        {"id": "Open"},
        {"id": "OpenNew", "label": "Open New"},
        {"id": "ZoomIn", "label": "Zoom In"},
        {"id": "ZoomOut", "label": "Zoom Out"},
        {"id": "OriginalView", "label": "Original View"},
        {"id": "Quality"},
        {"id": "Pause"},
        {"id": "Mute"},
        {"id": "Find", "label": "Find..."},
        {"id": "FindAgain", "label": "Find Again"},
        {"id": "Copy"},
        {"id": "CopyAgain", "label": "Copy Again"},
        {"id": "CopySVG", "label": "Copy SVG"},
        {"id": "ViewSVG", "label": "View SVG"},
        {"id": "ViewSource", "label": "View Source"},
        {"id": "SaveAs", "label": "Save As"},
        {"id": "Help"},
        {"id": "About", "label": "About Adobe CVG Viewer..."}

can be deserialized by declaring classes like these:

L_RW_PROP(QString, id, setId, QString())
L_RW_PROP(QString, label, setLabel, QString())

L_RW_PROP(QString, header, setHeader)
L_RW_PROP_ARRAY_WITH_ADDER(Item*, items, setItems)

L_RW_PROP(Menu*, menu, setMenu, nullptr)

and writing writing:

LDeserializer<MenuRoot> deserializer;
QScopedPointer<MenuRoot> g(deserializer.deserialize(jsonString));

You also need to inject mappings for meta objects once:

QHash<QString, QMetaObject> factory {
    { QSL("Item*"), Item::staticMetaObject },
    { QSL("Menu*"), Menu::staticMetaObject }

I'm looking for a way to avoid this.

How do I setup the dotenv file in Node.js?

Take care that you also execute your Node script from the ROOT folder.

E.g. I was using a testing script in a subfolder called ./bin/test.js. Calling it like: node ./bin/test.js worked totally fine. Calling it from the subfolder like:

$ pwd
$ node ./test.js

causes dotenv to not find my ./.env file.

Apply function to pandas groupby

I saw a nested function technique for computing a weighted average on S.O. one time, altering that technique can solve your issue.

def group_weight(overall_size):
    def inner(group):
        return len(group)/float(overall_size)
    inner.__name__ = 'weight'
    return inner

d = {"my_label": pd.Series(['A','B','A','C','D','D','E'])}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print df.groupby('my_label').apply(group_weight(len(df)))

A    0.285714
B    0.142857
C    0.142857
D    0.285714
E    0.142857
dtype: float64

Here is how to do a weighted average within groups

def wavg(val_col_name,wt_col_name):
    def inner(group):
        return (group[val_col_name] * group[wt_col_name]).sum() / group[wt_col_name].sum()
    inner.__name__ = 'wgt_avg'
    return inner

d = {"P": pd.Series(['A','B','A','C','D','D','E'])
     ,"Q": pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
    ,"R": pd.Series([0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7])

df = pd.DataFrame(d)
print df.groupby('P').apply(wavg('Q','R'))

A    2.500000
B    2.000000
C    4.000000
D    5.545455
E    7.000000
dtype: float64

version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ...)

GCC 4.9 introduces a newer C++ ABI version than your system libstdc++ has, so you need to tell the loader to use this newer version of the library by adding that path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you straight off where the libstdc++ so for your GCC 4.9 installation is located, as this depends on how you configured GCC. So you need something in the style of:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lib/gcc-4.9.0/lib:/home/user/lib/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Note the actual path may be different (there might be some subdirectory hidden under there, like `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0´ or similar).

Change background colour for Visual Studio

One line answer, F1 -> search for "Color Theme" -> select the color you like

How to compile Go program consisting of multiple files?

It depends on your project structure. But most straightforward is:

go build -o ./myproject ./...

then run ./myproject.

Suppose your project structure looks like this

- hello
|- main.go

then you just go to the project directory and run

go build -o ./myproject

then run ./myproject on shell.


# most easiest; builds and run simultaneously
go run main.go

suppose your main file is nested into a sub-directory like a cmd

- hello
|- cmd
 |- main.go

then you will run

go run cmd/main.go

How to sort a dataframe by multiple column(s)

Just for the sake of completeness, since not much has been said about sorting by column numbers... It can surely be argued that it is often not desirable (because the order of the columns could change, paving the way to errors), but in some specific situations (when for instance you need a quick job done and there is no such risk of columns changing orders), it might be the most sensible thing to do, especially when dealing with large numbers of columns.

In that case, comes to the rescue:

ind <- = "order", args = iris[,c(5,1,2,3)])
iris[ind, ]

##        Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species
##    14           4.3         3.0          1.1         0.1     setosa
##    9            4.4         2.9          1.4         0.2     setosa
##    39           4.4         3.0          1.3         0.2     setosa
##    43           4.4         3.2          1.3         0.2     setosa
##    42           4.5         2.3          1.3         0.3     setosa
##    4            4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2     setosa
##    48           4.6         3.2          1.4         0.2     setosa
##    7            4.6         3.4          1.4         0.3     setosa
##    (...)

Space between two divs

DIVs inherently lack any useful meaning, other than to divide, of course.

Best course of action would be to add a meaningful class name to them, and style their individual margins in CSS.

<h1>Important Title</h1>
<div class="testimonials">...</div>
<div class="footer">...</div>

h1 {margin-bottom: 0.1em;}
div.testimonials {margin-bottom: 0.2em;}
div.footer {margin-bottom: 0;}

how to add value to a tuple?

In Python, you can't. Tuples are immutable.

On the containing list, you could replace tuple ('1', '2', '3', '4') with a different ('1', '2', '3', '4', '1234') tuple though.

Correct way to load a Nib for a UIView subclass

Answering my own question about 2 or something years later here but...

It uses a protocol extension so you can do it without any extra code for all classes.


- In IB set the view's class to the type hook up any IBOutlets
- In IB ensure the file's owner is blank


public protocol CreatedFromNib {
    static func createFromNib() -> Self?
    static func nibName() -> String?

extension UIView: CreatedFromNib { }

public extension CreatedFromNib where Self: UIView {

    public static func createFromNib() -> Self? {
        guard let nibName = nibName() else { return nil }
        guard let view = NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed(nibName, owner: nil, options: nil).last as? Self else { return nil }
        return view

    public static func nibName() -> String? {
        guard let n = NSStringFromClass(Self.self).componentsSeparatedByString(".").last else { return nil }
        return n

// Usage:
let myView = MyView().createFromNib()

How do I make case-insensitive queries on Mongodb?

To find case-insensitive literals string:

Using regex (recommended)

    name: {
        $regex: new RegExp('^' + name.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') + '$', 'i')

Using lower-case index (faster)

    name_lower: name.toLowerCase()

Regular expressions are slower than literal string matching. However, an additional lowercase field will increase your code complexity. When in doubt, use regular expressions. I would suggest to only use an explicitly lower-case field if it can replace your field, that is, you don't care about the case in the first place.

Note that you will need to escape the name prior to regex. If you want user-input wildcards, prefer appending .replace(/%/g, '.*') after escaping so that you can match "a%" to find all names starting with 'a'.

Dump a list in a pickle file and retrieve it back later

Pickling will serialize your list (convert it, and it's entries to a unique byte string), so you can save it to disk. You can also use pickle to retrieve your original list, loading from the saved file.

So, first build a list, then use pickle.dump to send it to a file...

Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 12:39:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> mylist = ['I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.', "Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?", "I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!", "No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting."]
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('parrot.pkl', 'wb') as f:
...   pickle.dump(mylist, f)

Then quit and come back later… and open with pickle.load...

Python 3.4.1 (default, May 21 2014, 12:39:51) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.2.79)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pickle
>>> with open('parrot.pkl', 'rb') as f:
...   mynewlist = pickle.load(f)
>>> mynewlist
['I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.', "Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?", "I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!", "No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting."]

PHP Pass by reference in foreach

I think this code show the procedure more clear.


$a = array ('zero','one','two', 'three');

foreach ($a as &$v) {


foreach ($a as $v) {

Result: (Take attention on the last two array)

array(4) {
  string(4) "zero"
  string(3) "one"
  string(3) "two"
  &string(5) "three"
array(4) {
  string(4) "zero"
  string(3) "one"
  string(3) "two"
  &string(4) "zero"
array(4) {
  string(4) "zero"
  string(3) "one"
  string(3) "two"
  &string(3) "one"
array(4) {
  string(4) "zero"
  string(3) "one"
  string(3) "two"
  &string(3) "two"
array(4) {
  string(4) "zero"
  string(3) "one"
  string(3) "two"
  &string(3) "two"

PHP Foreach Arrays and objects


//$arr should be array as you mentioned as below
foreach($arr as $key=>$value){
  echo $value->sm_id;


//$arr should be array as you mentioned as below
foreach($arr as $value){
  echo $value->sm_id;

How to commit my current changes to a different branch in Git

  1. git checkout my_other_branch
  2. git add my_file my_other_file
  3. git commit -m

And provide your commit message.

What does the star operator mean, in a function call?

It is called the extended call syntax. From the documentation:

If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a sequence. Elements from this sequence are treated as if they were additional positional arguments; if there are positional arguments x1,..., xN, and expression evaluates to a sequence y1, ..., yM, this is equivalent to a call with M+N positional arguments x1, ..., xN, y1, ..., yM.


If the syntax **expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a mapping, the contents of which are treated as additional keyword arguments. In the case of a keyword appearing in both expression and as an explicit keyword argument, a TypeError exception is raised.

Update multiple rows with different values in a single SQL query

Something like this might work for you:

"UPDATE myTable SET ... ;
 UPDATE myTable SET ... ;
 UPDATE myTable SET ... ;
 UPDATE myTable SET ... ;"

If any of the posX or posY values are the same, then they could be combined into one query

UPDATE myTable SET posX='39' WHERE id IN('2','3','40');

ERROR 1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

This helped me out after reading @Mr-Faizan's and other answers.

Untick the 'Enable foreign key checks'

in phpMyAdmin and hit the query. I don't know about WorkBench but the other answers might help you out.

MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bill'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I resolved this by deleting the old buggy user 'bill' entries (this is the important part: both from mysql.user and mysql.db), then created the same user as sad before:

CREATE USER bill@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'passpass';
grant all privileges on *.* to bill@localhost with grant option;

Worked, user is connecting. Now I'll remove some previlegies from it :)

Counting array elements in Python

The method len() returns the number of elements in the list.




myArray = [1, 2, 3]



Returning unique_ptr from functions

This is in no way specific to std::unique_ptr, but applies to any class that is movable. It's guaranteed by the language rules since you are returning by value. The compiler tries to elide copies, invokes a move constructor if it can't remove copies, calls a copy constructor if it can't move, and fails to compile if it can't copy.

If you had a function that accepts std::unique_ptr as an argument you wouldn't be able to pass p to it. You would have to explicitly invoke move constructor, but in this case you shouldn't use variable p after the call to bar().

void bar(std::unique_ptr<int> p)
    // ...

int main()
    unique_ptr<int> p = foo();
    bar(p); // error, can't implicitly invoke move constructor on lvalue
    bar(std::move(p)); // OK but don't use p afterwards
    return 0;

How can I clear the terminal in Visual Studio Code?

Right click on the terminal and select clear option (for ubuntu).

For mac just type clear

Changing Shell Text Color (Windows)

Been looking into this for a while and not got any satisfactory answers, however...

1) ANSI escape sequences do work in a terminal on Linux

2) if you can tolerate a limited set of colo(u)rs try this:

print("hello", end=''); print("error", end='', file=sys.stderr); print("goodbye")

In idle "hello" and "goodbye" are in blue and "error" is in red.

Not fantastic, but good enough for now, and easy!

Why is there no Char.Empty like String.Empty?

public static string QuitEscChars(this string s) 
    return s.Replace(((char)27).ToString(), "");

JS file gets a net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

As mentionned in comments: you need a way to send your static files to the client. This can be achieved with a reverse proxy like Nginx, or simply using express.static().

Put all your "static" (css, js, images) files in a folder dedicated to it, different from where you put your "views" (html files in your case). I'll call it static for the example. Once it's done, add this line in your server code:

app.use("/static", express.static('./static/'));

This will effectively serve every file in your "static" folder via the /static route.

Querying your index.js file in the client thus becomes:

<script src="static/index.js"></script>

What is The Rule of Three?

Basically if you have a destructor (not the default destructor) it means that the class that you defined has some memory allocation. Suppose that the class is used outside by some client code or by you.

    MyClass x(a, b);
    MyClass y(c, d);
    x = y; // This is a shallow copy if assignment operator is not provided

If MyClass has only some primitive typed members a default assignment operator would work but if it has some pointer members and objects that do not have assignment operators the result would be unpredictable. Therefore we can say that if there is something to delete in destructor of a class, we might need a deep copy operator which means we should provide a copy constructor and assignment operator.

Foreign Key naming scheme

My usual approach is


Or in other terms


This way I can name two foreign keys that reference the same table like a history_info table with column actionBy and actionTo from users_info table

It will be like

FK_actionBy_usersInfo_name - For actionBy
FK_actionTo_usersInfo_name - For actionTo

Note that:

I didn't include the child table name because it seems common sense to me, I am in the table of the child so I can easily assume the child's table name. The total character of it is 26 and fits well to the 30 character limit of oracle which was stated by Charles Burns on a comment here

Note for readers: Many of the best practices listed below do not work in Oracle because of its 30 character name limit. A table name or column name may already be close to 30 characters, so a convention combining the two into a single name requires a truncation standard or other tricks. – Charles Burns

PHP Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused

For me to make it work again I just deleted the files





from :


Mac 10.13.3
MAMP:Version 4.3 (853)

Provide an image for WhatsApp link sharing

I had the same problem, here is to solve.

It should be show up if you add meta og:image

The problem is whatsapp would not show image if you type without http:// and end with / For example, it show up image and description if you type but not with

Hope it helps someone.

Python: find position of element in array

You should do:

    value_index = my_list.index(value)
    value_index = -1;

'NOT LIKE' in an SQL query

You have missed out the field name id in the second NOT LIKE. Try:

SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE id NOT LIKE '1%' AND id NOT LIKE '2%'

The AND in the where clause joins 2 full condition expressions such as id NOT LIKE '1%' and can't be used to list multiple values that the id is 'not like'.

div hover background-color change?


Expanding tuples into arguments

myfun(*some_tuple) does exactly what you request. The * operator simply unpacks the tuple (or any iterable) and passes them as the positional arguments to the function. Read more about unpacking arguments.

Failed to load JavaHL Library

Try this:

  1. Select Window >> Preferences
  2. Expand Team >> SVN
  3. Under SVN interface set Client to SVNKit (Pure Java) SVNKit....

When to use cla(), clf() or close() for clearing a plot in matplotlib?

They all do different things, since matplotlib uses a hierarchical order in which a figure window contains a figure which may consist of many axes. Additionally, there are functions from the pyplot interface and there are methods on the Figure class. I will discuss both cases below.

pyplot interface

pyplot is a module that collects a couple of functions that allow matplotlib to be used in a functional manner. I here assume that pyplot has been imported as import matplotlib.pyplot as plt. In this case, there are three different commands that remove stuff:

plt.cla() clears an axes, i.e. the currently active axes in the current figure. It leaves the other axes untouched.

plt.clf() clears the entire current figure with all its axes, but leaves the window opened, such that it may be reused for other plots.

plt.close() closes a window, which will be the current window, if not specified otherwise.

Which functions suits you best depends thus on your use-case.

The close() function furthermore allows one to specify which window should be closed. The argument can either be a number or name given to a window when it was created using figure(number_or_name) or it can be a figure instance fig obtained, i.e., usingfig = figure(). If no argument is given to close(), the currently active window will be closed. Furthermore, there is the syntax close('all'), which closes all figures.

methods of the Figure class

Additionally, the Figure class provides methods for clearing figures. I'll assume in the following that fig is an instance of a Figure:

fig.clf() clears the entire figure. This call is equivalent to plt.clf() only if fig is the current figure.

fig.clear() is a synonym for fig.clf()

Note that even del fig will not close the associated figure window. As far as I know the only way to close a figure window is using plt.close(fig) as described above.

Does java.util.List.isEmpty() check if the list itself is null?

Invoking any method on any null reference will always result in an exception. Test if the object is null first:

List<Object> test = null;
if (test != null && !test.isEmpty()) {
    // ...

Alternatively, write a method to encapsulate this logic:

public static <T> boolean IsNullOrEmpty(Collection<T> list) {
    return list == null || list.isEmpty();

Then you can do:

List<Object> test = null;
if (!IsNullOrEmpty(test)) {
    // ...

HttpClient not supporting PostAsJsonAsync method C#

For me I found the solution after a lot of try which is replacing




Moment.js with ReactJS (ES6)

import moment to your project

 import moment from react-moment

Then use it like this

<Moment format="YYYY/MM/DD">{}</Moment>

Python: read all text file lines in loop

Just iterate over each line in the file. Python automatically checks for the End of file and closes the file for you (using the with syntax).

with open('fileName', 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
       if 'str' in line:

Class vs. static method in JavaScript

In additions, now it is possible to do with class and static

'use strict'

class Foo {
 static talk() {

 speak() {


will give

var a = new Foo();;  // 'talk';    // err 'is not a function'
a.speak();   // 'speak'
Foo.speak(); // err 'is not a function'

SVG fill color transparency / alpha?

As a not yet fully standardized solution (though in alignment with the color syntax in CSS3) you can use e.g fill="rgba(124,240,10,0.5)". Works fine in Firefox, Opera, Chrome.

Here's an example.

Google Maps API throws "Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined" only when using AJAX

The API can't be loaded after the document has finished loading by default, you'll need to load it asynchronous.

modify the page with the map:

<div id="map_canvas" style="height: 354px; width:713px;"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var directionsDisplay,

function initialize() {
  var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
  directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
  var chicago = new google.maps.LatLng(41.850033, -87.6500523);
  var mapOptions = { zoom:7, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, center: chicago }
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);


For more details take a look at:


How to write a caption under an image?

CSS is your friend; there is no need for the center tag (not to mention it is quite depreciated) nor the excessive non-breaking spaces. Here is a simple example:


.images {
.images img {
.images div {
.images div span {
.margin_right {
.float {
.clear {


<div class="images">
    <div class="float margin_right">
        <a href=""><img src="hello.png" width="100px" height="100px" /></a>
        <span>This is some text</span>
    <div class="float">
        <a href=""><img src="hi.png" width="100px" height="100px" /></a>
        <span>And some more text</span>
    <span class="clear"></span>

How to connect a Windows Mobile PDA to Windows 10

Here is the answer: Download the "Windows Mobile Device Center" for your machine type, likely 64bit.

Before you run the install, change the compatibility settings to 'Windows 7'. Then install it... Then run it: You'll find it under 'WMDC'.. Your device should now recognize, when plugged in, mine did!

(WAMP/XAMP) send Mail using SMTP localhost

I prefer using PHPMailer script to send emails from localhost as it lets me use my Gmail account as SMTP. You can find the PHPMailer from . Help regarding how to use gmail as SMTP or any other SMTP can be found at . Hope this helps!

How to change button background image on mouseOver?

I think something like this:

btn.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.*Image_Identifier*;

Where *Image_Identifier* is an identifier of the image in your resources.

pip install: Please check the permissions and owner of that directory

If you altered your $PATH variable that could also cause the problem. If you think that might be the issue, check your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc

Error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdafx.h'

Add #include "afxwin.h" in your source file. It will solve your issue.

Regular expression field validation in jQuery

I believe this does it:

It's got built-in patterns for stuff like URLs and e-mail addresses, and I think you can have it use your own as well.

How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?

For VB.Net

CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).GetFocusedRow()

For C#


example bind data by linq so use

Dim selRow As CUSTOMER = CType(GridControl1.MainView, GridView).GetFocusedRow()

Display a view from another controller in ASP.NET MVC

Yes, you can. Return an Action like this :

return RedirectToAction("View", "Name of Controller");

An example:

return RedirectToAction("Details/" + id.ToString(), "FullTimeEmployees");

This approach will call the GET method

Also you could pass values to action like this:

return RedirectToAction("Details/" + id.ToString(), "FullTimeEmployees", new {id = id.ToString(), viewtype = "extended" });

How can I get the current date and time in UTC or GMT in Java?

tl;dr   // Capture the current moment in UTC. 

Generate a String to represent that value:  



As the correct answer by Jon Skeet stated, a java.util.Date object has no time zone. But its toString implementation applies the JVM’s default time zone when generating the String representation of that date-time value. Confusingly to the naïve programmer, a Date seems to have a time zone but does not.

The java.util.Date, j.u.Calendar, and java.text.SimpleDateFormat classes bundled with Java are notoriously troublesome. Avoid them. Instead, use either of these competent date-time libraries:

java.time (Java 8)

Java 8 brings an excellent new java.time.* package to supplant the old java.util.Date/Calendar classes.

Getting current time in UTC/GMT is a simple one-liner…

Instant instant =;

That Instant class is the basic building block in java.time, representing a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds.

In Java 8, the current moment is captured with only up to milliseconds resolution. Java 9 brings a fresh implementation of Clock captures the current moment in up to the full nanosecond capability of this class, depending on the ability of your host computer’s clock hardware.

It’s toString method generates a String representation of its value using one specific ISO 8601 format. That format outputs zero, three, six or nine digits digits (milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds) as necessary to represent the fraction-of-second.

If you want more flexible formatting, or other additional features, then apply an offset-from-UTC of zero, for UTC itself (ZoneOffset.UTC constant) to get a OffsetDateTime.

OffsetDateTime now = ZoneOffset.UTC );

Dump to console…

System.out.println( "now.toString(): " + now );

When run…

now.toString(): 2014-01-21T23:42:03.522Z

Table of date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy.

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

Table of which java.time library to use with which version of Java or Android

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.


UPDATE: The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

Using the Joda-Time 3rd-party open-source free-of-cost library, you can get the current date-time in just one line of code.

Joda-Time inspired the new java.time.* classes in Java 8, but has a different architecture. You may use Joda-Time in older versions of Java. Joda-Time continues to work in Java 8 and continues to be actively maintained (as of 2014). However, the Joda-Time team does advise migration to java.time.

System.out.println( "UTC/GMT date-time in ISO 8601 format: " + new org.joda.time.DateTime( org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.UTC ) );

More detailed example code (Joda-Time 2.3)…

org.joda.time.DateTime now = new org.joda.time.DateTime(); // Default time zone.
org.joda.time.DateTime zulu = now.toDateTime( org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.UTC );

Dump to console…

System.out.println( "Local time in ISO 8601 format: " + now );
System.out.println( "Same moment in UTC (Zulu): " + zulu );

When run…

Local time in ISO 8601 format: 2014-01-21T15:34:29.933-08:00
Same moment in UTC (Zulu): 2014-01-21T23:34:29.933Z

For more example code doing time zone work, see my answer to a similar question.

Time Zone

I recommend you always specify a time zone rather than relying implicitly on the JVM’s current default time zone (which can change at any moment!). Such reliance seems to be a common cause of confusion and bugs in date-time work.

When calling now() pass the desired/expected time zone to be assigned. Use the DateTimeZone class.

DateTimeZone zoneMontréal = DateTimeZone.forID( "America/Montreal" );
DateTime now = zoneMontréal );

That class holds a constant for UTC time zone.

DateTime now = DateTimeZone.UTC );

If you truly want to use the JVM’s current default time zone, make an explicit call so your code is self-documenting.

DateTimeZone zoneDefault = DateTimeZone.getDefault();

ISO 8601

Read about ISO 8601 formats. Both java.time and Joda-Time use that standard’s sensible formats as their defaults for both parsing and generating strings.

Actually, java.util.Date does have a time zone, buried deep under layers of source code. For most practical purposes, that time zone is ignored. So, as shorthand, we say java.util.Date has no time zone. Furthermore, that buried time zone is not the one used by Date’s toString method; that method uses the JVM’s current default time zone. All the more reason to avoid this confusing class and stick with Joda-Time and java.time.

Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null

I had the same problem with nothing was returned from render.

It turns out that my code issue with curly braces {}. I wrote my code like this:

import React from 'react';

const Header = () => {
    <nav class="navbar"></nav>

export default Header;

It must be within ():

import React from 'react';

const Header = () => (
    <nav class="navbar"></nav>

export default Header;

Retrieving an element from array list in Android?

public class DemoActivity extends Activity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // add elements to the array list


        // retrieve elements from array

        String data = al.get(pass the index here);
        System.out.println("Data is "+ data);

This is another way of getting element

        Iterator<String> it = al.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            System.out.println("Data is "+;

Objective-C and Swift URL encoding

It's called URL encoding. More here.

-(NSString *)urlEncodeUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding {
    return (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL,
           (CFStringRef)@"!*'\"();:@&=+$,/?%#[]% ",

Jquery-How to grey out the background while showing the loading icon over it

Note: There is no magic to animating a gif: it is either an animated gif or it is not. If the gif is not visible, very likely the path to the gif is wrong - or, as in your case, the container (div/p/etc) is not large enough to display it. In your code sample, you did not specify height or width and that appeared to be problem.

If the gif is displayed but not animating, see reference links at very bottom of this answer.

Displaying the gif + overlay, however, is easier than you might think.

All you need are two absolute-position DIVs: an overlay div, and a div that contains your loading gif. Both have higher z-index than your page content, and the image has a higher z-index than the overlay - so they will display above the page when visible.

So, when the button is pressed, just unhide those two divs. That's it!

jsFiddle Demo

$("#button").click(function() {_x000D_
   $('#myOverlay, #loadingGIF').fadeOut();_x000D_
/*  Or, remove overlay/image on click background... */_x000D_
 $('#myOverlay, #loadingGIF').fadeOut();_x000D_
body{font-family:Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif;}_x000D_
button{margin:5px 30px;padding:10px 20px;}
<div id="myOverlay"></div>_x000D_
<div id="loadingGIF"><img src="" /></div>_x000D_
<div id="abunchoftext">_x000D_
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious routine of forgotten code... While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping... as of someone gently rapping - rapping at my office door. 'Tis the team leader, I muttered, tapping at my office door - only this and nothing more. Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December and each separate React print-out lay there crumpled on the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow; vainly I had sought to borrow from Stack-O surcease from sorrow - sorrow for my routine's core. For the brilliant but unworking code my angels seem to just ignore. I'll be tweaking code... forevermore! - <a href="" target="_blank">Apologies To Poe</a></div>_x000D_
<button id="button">Submit</button>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>


You might enjoy playing with the new backdrop-filter:blur(_px) css property that gives a blur effect to the underlying content, as used in above demo... (As of April 2020: works in Chrome, Edge, Safari, Android, but not yet in Firefox)


Animated GIF while loading page does not animate

don't fail jenkins build if execute shell fails

The following works for mercurial by only committing if there are changes. So the build only fails if the commit fails.

hg id | grep "+" || exit 0
hg commit -m "scheduled commit"

Correct use of flush() in JPA/Hibernate

Can em.flush() cause any harm when using it within a transaction?

Yes, it may hold locks in the database for a longer duration than necessary.

Generally, When using JPA you delegates the transaction management to the container (a.k.a CMT - using @Transactional annotation on business methods) which means that a transaction is automatically started when entering the method and commited / rolled back at the end. If you let the EntityManager handle the database synchronization, sql statements execution will be only triggered just before the commit, leading to short lived locks in database. Otherwise your manually flushed write operations may retain locks between the manual flush and the automatic commit which can be long according to remaining method execution time.

Notes that some operation automatically triggers a flush : executing a native query against the same session (EM state must be flushed to be reachable by the SQL query), inserting entities using native generated id (generated by the database, so the insert statement must be triggered thus the EM is able to retrieve the generated id and properly manage relationships)

How to check empty DataTable

First make sure that DataTable is not null and than check for the row count

    //do your code 

Looping through all the properties of object php

Here is another way to express the object property.

foreach ($obj as $key=>$value) {
    echo "$key => $obj[$key]\n";

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

Yes! By passing a stream context in the third parameter:

Here with a timeout of 1s:

file_get_contents("", 0, stream_context_create(["http"=>["timeout"=>1]]));

Source in comment section of

HTTP context options:


Other contexts:

Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script in

If your using an IDE, you must start your code at the very first line. example Im using aptana studio3

//line2  your code
//line3  your code

Hope it helps.That solves my problem,.

Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important?

To expand/correct on the first answer above, it's not translation that String.format would help with, actually.
What String.format will help with is when you're printing a date/time (or a numeric format, etc), where there are localization(l10n) differences (ie, some countries will print 04Feb2009 and others will print Feb042009).
With translation, you're just talking about moving any externalizable strings (like error messages and what-not) into a property bundle so that you can use the right bundle for the right language, using ResourceBundle and MessageFormat.

Looking at all the above, I'd say that performance-wise, String.format vs. plain concatenation comes down to what you prefer. If you prefer looking at calls to .format over concatenation, then by all means, go with that.
After all, code is read a lot more than it's written.

Internet Explorer 11 detection

A pretty safe & concise way to detect IE 11 only is

if(window.msCrypto) {
    // I'm IE11 for sure

or something like this

var IE11= !!window.msCrypto;

msCrypto is a prefixed version of the window.crypto object and only implemented in IE 11.

How to replace ${} placeholders in a text file?


Here is a solution from yottatsa on a similar question that only does replacement for variables like $VAR or ${VAR}, and is a brief one-liner

i=32 word=foo envsubst < template.txt

Of course if i and word are in your environment, then it is just

envsubst < template.txt

On my Mac it looks like it was installed as part of gettext and from MacGPG2

Old Answer

Here is an improvement to the solution from mogsie on a similar question, my solution does not require you to escale double quotes, mogsie's does, but his is a one liner!

eval "cat <<EOF
" 2> /dev/null

The power on these two solutions is that you only get a few types of shell expansions that don't occur normally $((...)), `...`, and $(...), though backslash is an escape character here, but you don't have to worry that the parsing has a bug, and it does multiple lines just fine.

How to extract HTTP response body from a Python requests call?

import requests

site_request = requests.get("")

site_response = str(site_request.content)


You can do it either way.

How can I store and retrieve images from a MySQL database using PHP?

Personally i wouldnt store the image in the database, Instead put it in a folder not accessable from outside, and use the database for keeping track of its location. keeps database size down and you can just include it by using PHP. There would be no way without PHP to access that image then

Declare a variable in DB2 SQL

I'm coming from a SQL Server background also and spent the past 2 weeks figuring out how to run scripts like this in IBM Data Studio. Hope it helps.

CREATE VARIABLE v_lookupid INTEGER DEFAULT (4815162342); --where 4815162342 is your variable data 
DROP VARIABLE v_lookupid; 

HashMap with multiple values under the same key

You can do it implicitly.

// Create the map. There is no restriction to the size that the array String can have
HashMap<Integer, String[]> map = new HashMap<Integer, String[]>();

//initialize a key chosing the array of String you want for your values
map.put(1, new String[] { "name1", "name2" });

//edit value of a key
map.get(1)[0] = "othername";

This is very simple and effective. If you want values of diferent classes instead, you can do the following:

HashMap<Integer, Object[]> map = new HashMap<Integer, Object[]>();

SOAP PHP fault parsing WSDL: failed to load external entity?

I had the same problem, I succeeded by adding:

new \SoapClient(URI WSDL OR NULL if non-WSDL mode, [
    'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 
    'proxy_host' => 'URL PROXY',
    'proxy_port' => 'PORT PROXY'

Hope this help :)

What is the difference between declarations, providers, and import in NgModule?

  1. declarations: This property tells about the Components, Directives and Pipes that belong to this module.
  2. exports: The subset of declarations that should be visible and usable in the component templates of other NgModules.
  3. imports: Other modules whose exported classes are needed by component templates declared in this NgModule.
  4. providers: Creators of services that this NgModule contributes to the global collection of services; they become accessible in all parts of the app. (You can also specify providers at the component level, which is often preferred.)
  5. bootstrap: The main application view, called the root component, which hosts all other app views. Only the root NgModule should set the bootstrap property.

How to hide keyboard in swift on pressing return key?

Make sure that your textField delegate is set to the view controller from which you are writing your textfield related code in.

self.textField.delegate = self

How can I represent a range in Java?

For a range of Comparable I use the following :

public class Range<T extends Comparable<T>> {

     * Include start, end in {@link Range}
    public enum Inclusive {START,END,BOTH,NONE }

     * {@link Range} start and end values
    private T start, end;
    private Inclusive inclusive;

     * Create a range with {@link Inclusive#START}
     * @param start
     *<br/> Not null safe
     * @param end
     *<br/> Not null safe
    public Range(T start, T end) {  this(start, end, null); }

     * @param start
     *<br/> Not null safe
     * @param end
     *<br/> Not null safe
     *@param inclusive
     *<br/>If null {@link Inclusive#START} used
    public Range(T start, T end, Inclusive inclusive) {

        if((start == null) || (end == null)) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Invalid null start / end value");

        if( isBigger(start, end) ) {
            this.start = end;   this.end   = start;
        }else {
            this.start = start;  this.end   = end;

     * Convenience method
    public boolean isBigger(T t1, T t2) { return t1.compareTo(t2) > 0; }

     * Convenience method
    public boolean isSmaller(T t1, T t2) { return t1.compareTo(t2) < 0; }

     * Check if this {@link Range} contains t
     *@param t
     *<br/>Not null safe
     *false for any value of t, if this.start equals this.end
    public boolean contains(T t) { return contains(t, inclusive); }

     * Check if this {@link Range} contains t
     *@param t
     *<br/>Not null safe
     *@param inclusive
     *<br/>If null {@link Range#inclusive} used
     *false for any value of t, if this.start equals this.end
    public boolean contains(T t, Inclusive inclusive) {

        if(t == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Invalid null value");

        inclusive = (inclusive == null) ? this.inclusive : inclusive;

        switch (inclusive) {
            case NONE:
                return ( isBigger(t, start) && isSmaller(t, end) );
            case BOTH:
                return ( ! isBigger(start, t)  && ! isBigger(t, end) ) ;
            case START: default:
                return ( ! isBigger(start, t)  &&  isBigger(end, t) ) ;
            case END:
                return ( isBigger(t, start)  &&  ! isBigger(t, end) ) ;

     * Check if this {@link Range} contains other range
     * @return
     * false for any value of range, if this.start equals this.end
    public boolean contains(Range<T> range) {
        return contains(range.start) && contains(range.end);

     * Check if this {@link Range} intersects with other range
     * @return
     * false for any value of range, if this.start equals this.end
    public boolean intersects(Range<T> range) {
        return contains(range.start) || contains(range.end);

    * Get {@link #start}
    public T getStart() { return start; }

    * Set {@link #start}
    * <br/>Not null safe
    * <br/>If start > end they are switched
    public Range<T> setStart(T start) {

        if(start.compareTo(end)>0) {
            this.start = end;
            this.end  = start;
        }else {
            this.start = start;
        return this;

    * Get {@link #end}
    public T getEnd() {  return end;  }

    * Set {@link #end}
    * <br/>Not null safe
    *  <br/>If start > end they are switched
    public  Range<T> setEnd(T end) {

        if(start.compareTo(end)>0) {
            this.end  = start;
            this.start = end;
        }else {
            this.end = end;
        return this;

    * Get {@link #inclusive}
    public Inclusive getInclusive() { return inclusive; }

    * Set {@link #inclusive}
    * @param inclusive
    *<br/>If null {@link Inclusive#START} used
    public  Range<T> setInclusive(Inclusive inclusive) {

        this.inclusive = (inclusive == null) ? Inclusive.START : inclusive;
        return this;

(This is a somewhat shorted version. The full code is available here )

How can I copy columns from one sheet to another with VBA in Excel?

Selecting is often unnecessary. Try this

Sub OneCell()
    Sheets("Sheet2").range("B1:B3").value = Sheets("Sheet1").range("A1:A3").value
End Sub

Rails 4: how to use $(document).ready() with turbo-links

I figured I'd leave this here for those upgrading to Turbolinks 5: the easiest way to fix your code is to go from:

var ready;
ready = function() {
  // Your JS here
$(document).on('page:load', ready)


var ready;
ready = function() {
  // Your JS here
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', ready);


What is the $? (dollar question mark) variable in shell scripting?

A return value of the previously executed process.

10.4 Getting the return value of a program

In bash, the return value of a program is stored in a special variable called $?.

This illustrates how to capture the return value of a program, I assume that the directory dada does not exist. (This was also suggested by mike)

        cd /dada &> /dev/null
        echo rv: $?
        cd $(pwd) &> /dev/null
        echo rv: $?

See Bash Programming Manual for more details.

How to suppress "error TS2533: Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'"?

In typescript you can do the following to suppress the error:

let subString?: string;

subString > !null; - Note the added exclamation mark before null.

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION AndroidManifest Permissions Not Being Granted

Compatible with all SDK versions (android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION became dangerous permission in Android M and requires user to manually grant it).

In Android versions below Android M ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(...) always returns true if you add these permission(s) in AndroidManifest.xml)

public void onSomeButtonClick() {
    if (!permissionsGranted()) {
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] {Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, 123);
    } else doLocationAccessRelatedJob();

private Boolean permissionsGranted() {
    return ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED);

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    if (requestCode == 123) {
        if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // Permission granted.
        } else {
            // User refused to grant permission. You can add AlertDialog here
            Toast.makeText(this, "You didn't give permission to access device location", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

private void startInstalledAppDetailsActivity() {
    Intent i = new Intent();
    i.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + getPackageName()));

in AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

Storing Data in MySQL as JSON

Everybody commenting seems to be coming at this from the wrong angle, it is fine to store JSON code via PHP in a relational DB and it will in fact be faster to load and display complex data like this, however you will have design considerations such as searching, indexing etc.

The best way of doing this is to use hybrid data, for example if you need to search based upon datetime MySQL (performance tuned) is going to be a lot faster than PHP and for something like searching distance of venues MySQL should also be a lot faster (notice searching not accessing). Data you do not need to search on can then be stored in JSON, BLOB or any other format you really deem necessary.

Data you need to access is very easily stored as JSON for example a basic per-case invoice system. They do not benefit very much at all from RDBMS, and could be stored in JSON just by json_encoding($_POST['entires']) if you have the correct HTML form structure.

I am glad you are happy using MongoDB and I hope that it continues to serve you well, but don't think that MySQL is always going to be off your radar, as your app increases in complexity you may well end up needing an RDBMS for some functionality and features (even if it is just for retiring archived data or business reporting)

How to programmatically set cell value in DataGridView?

The following works. I may be mistaken but adding a String value doesn't seem compatible to a DataGridView cell (I hadn't experimented or tried any hacks though).

DataGridViewName.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = 1;

How can I verify if one list is a subset of another?

one = [1, 2, 3]
two = [9, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1]

all(x in two for x in one)

Explanation: Generator creating booleans by looping through list one checking if that item is in list two. all() returns True if every item is truthy, else False.

There is also an advantage that all return False on the first instance of a missing element rather than having to process every item.

Can you run GUI applications in a Docker container?

I managed to run a video stream from an USB camera using opencv in docker by following these steps:

  1. Let docker access the X server

    xhost +local:docker
  2. Create the X11 Unix socket and the X authentication file

  3. Add proper permissions

    xauth nlist $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/' | xauth -f $XAUTH nmerge -
  4. Set the Qt rendering speed to "native", so it doesn't bypass the X11 rendering engine

    export QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native
  5. Tell Qt to not use MIT-SHM (shared memory) - that way it should be also safer security-wise

    export QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1
  6. Update the docker run command

    docker run -it \
               -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
               -e XAUTHORITY=$XAUTH \
               -v $XSOCK:$XSOCK \
               -v $XAUTH:$XAUTH \
               --runtime=nvidia \
               --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 \

Note: When you finish the the project, return the access controls at their default value - xhost -local:docker

More details: Using GUI's with Docker

Credit: Real-time and video processing object detection using Tensorflow, OpenCV and Docker

How can I make my layout scroll both horizontally and vertically?

In this post Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android they talk about a possible solution, quoting:

Matt Clark has built a custom view based on the Android source, and it seems to work perfectly:

Beware that the class in that page has a bug calculating the view's horizonal width. A fix by Manuel Hilty is in the comments:

Solution: Replace the statement on line 808 by the following:

final int childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);

best way to get folder and file list in Javascript

Why to invent the wheel?

There is a very popular NPM package, that let you do things like that easy.

var recursive = require("recursive-readdir");

recursive("some/path", function (err, files) {
  // `files` is an array of file paths

Lear more:

Convert a string to an enum in C#

object Enum.Parse(System.Type enumType, string value, bool ignoreCase);

So if you had an enum named mood it would look like this:

   enum Mood

   // ...
   Mood m = (Mood) Enum.Parse(typeof(Mood), "Happy", true);
   Console.WriteLine("My mood is: {0}", m.ToString());

How can I check whether an array is null / empty?

if you are trying to check that in spring frame work then isEmpty method in objectUtils class helps,

public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable Object[] array) {
        return (array == null || array.length == 0);

With Spring can I make an optional path variable?

If you are using Spring 4.1 and Java 8 you can use java.util.Optional which is supported in @RequestParam, @PathVariable, @RequestHeader and @MatrixVariable in Spring MVC -

@RequestMapping(value = {"/json/{type}", "/json" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody TestBean typedTestBean(
    @PathVariable Optional<String> type,
    @RequestParam("track") String track) {      
    if (type.isPresent()) {
        //type.get() will return type value
        //corresponds to path "/json/{type}"
    } else {
        //corresponds to path "/json"

Sql Server string to date conversion

If you want SQL Server to try and figure it out, just use CAST CAST('whatever' AS datetime) However that is a bad idea in general. There are issues with international dates that would come up. So as you've found, to avoid those issues, you want to use the ODBC canonical format of the date. That is format number 120, 20 is the format for just two digit years. I don't think SQL Server has a built-in function that allows you to provide a user given format. You can write your own and might even find one if you search online.

React Native TextInput that only accepts numeric characters

First Solution

You can use keyboardType = 'numeric' for numeric keyboard.

  <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.textStyle}>Enter Number</Text>
          placeholder={'Enter number here'}
          onChangeText={value => this.onTextChanged(value)}

In first case punctuation marks are included ex:- . and -

Second Solution

Use regular expression to remove punctuation marks.

 onTextChanged(value) {
    // code to remove non-numeric characters from text
    this.setState({ number: value.replace(/[- #*;,.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, '') });

Please check snack link

Type converting slices of interfaces

Here is the official explanation:

var dataSlice []int = foo()
var interfaceSlice []interface{} = make([]interface{}, len(dataSlice))
for i, d := range dataSlice {
    interfaceSlice[i] = d

NodeJS / Express: what is "app.use"?

As the name suggests, it acts as a middleware in your routing.

Let's say for any single route, you want to call multiple url or perform multiple functions internally before sending the response. you can use this middleware and pass your route and perform all internal operations.

app.use( function(req, res, next) {
  // code

next is optional, you can use to pass the result using this parameter to the next function.

How to write and save html file in python?

You can create multi-line strings by enclosing them in triple quotes. So you can store your HTML in a string and pass that string to write():

html_str = """
<table border=1>
     <% for i in range(10): %>
         <td><%= i %></td>
         <td><%= i**2 %></td>

Html_file= open("filename","w")

How to include a Font Awesome icon in React's render()

npm install --save font-awesome

import 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';


<i className="fa fa-shopping-cart" style={{fontSize:24}}></i>  
        <span className="badge badge-danger" style={{position:"absolute", right:5, top:5}}>number of</span>

ImproperlyConfigured: You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings

In my case it was the use of the call_command module that posed a problem.
I added set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings but it didn't work.

I finally found it:

add these lines at the top of the script, and the order matters.

import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")

import django

from import call_command

Remove HTML tags from a String

One more way can be to use class like


This is not bullet proof code though and when I run it on wikipedia entries I am getting style info also. However I believe for small/simple jobs this would be effective.

Bootstrap 3 Flush footer to bottom. not fixed

None of these solutions exactly worked for me perfectly because I used navbar-inverse class in my footer. But I did get a solution that worked and Javascript-free. Used Chrome to aid in forming media queries. The height of the footer changes as the screen resizes so you have to pay attention to that and adjust accordingly. Your footer content (I set id="footer" to define my content) should use postion=absolute and bottom=0 to keep it at the bottom. Also width:100%. Here is my CSS with media queries. You'll have to adjust min-width and max-width and add or remove some elements:

#footer {
  position: absolute;
  color:  #ffffff;
  width: 100%;
  bottom: 0; 
@media only screen and (min-width:1px) and (max-width: 407px)  {
    body {
        margin-bottom: 275px;

    #footer {
        height: 270px; 
@media only screen and (min-width:408px) and (max-width: 768px)  {
    body {
        margin-bottom: 245px;

    #footer {
        height: 240px; 
@media only screen and (min-width:769px)   {
    body {
        margin-bottom: 125px;

    #footer {
        height: 120px; 

How do I set the maximum line length in PyCharm?

For PyCharm 2018.1 on Mac:

Preferences (?+,), then Editor -> Code Style:

enter image description here

For PyCharm 2018.3 on Windows:

File -> Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S), then Editor -> Code Style:

To follow PEP-8 set Hard wrap at to 80.

Negative list index?

Negative numbers mean that you count from the right instead of the left. So, list[-1] refers to the last element, list[-2] is the second-last, and so on.

Adding text to a cell in Excel using VBA

Range("$A$1").Value = "'01/01/13 00:00" will do it.

Note the single quote; this will defeat automatic conversion to a number type. But is that what you really want? An alternative would be to format the cell to take a date-time value. Then drop the single quote from the string.

Is there Unicode glyph Symbol to represent "Search"

You can simply add this CSS to your header

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

next add this code in place where you want to display a glyph symbol.

<div class="fa fa-search"></div> <!-- smaller -->
<div class="fa fa-search fa-2x"></div> <!-- bigger -->

Have fun.

Getting data from selected datagridview row and which event?

You should check your designer file. Open Form1.Designer.cs and
find this line: windows Form Designer Generated Code.
Expand this and you will see a lot of code. So check Whether this line is there inside datagridview1 controls if not place it.

this.dataGridView1.CellClick += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventHandler(this.dataGridView1_CellClick); 

I hope it helps.

Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent

2020 Update

As in Laravel >= 5.3, if someone is still curious how to do so in easy way. Its possible by using : updateOrCreate().

For example for asked question you can use something like:

$matchThese = ['shopId'=>$theID,'metadataKey'=>2001];
ShopMeta::updateOrCreate($matchThese,['shopOwner'=>'New One']);

Above code will check the table represented by ShopMeta, which will be most likely shop_metas unless not defined otherwise in model itself

and it will try to find entry with

column shopId = $theID


column metadateKey = 2001

and if it finds then it will update column shopOwner of found row to New One.

If it finds more than one matching rows then it will update the very first row that means which has lowest primary id.

If not found at all then it will insert a new row with :

shopId = $theID,metadateKey = 2001 and shopOwner = New One

Notice Check your model for $fillable and make sue that you have every column name defined there which you want to insert or update and rest columns have either default value or its id column auto incremented one.

Otherwise it will throw error when executing above example:

Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field '...' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `...` (`...`,.., `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (...,.., xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx, xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx))'

As there would be some field which will need value while inserting new row and it will not be possible as either its not defined in $fillable or it doesnt have default value.

For more reference please see Laravel Documentation at :

One example from there is:

// If there's a flight from Oakland to San Diego, set the price to $99.
// If no matching model exists, create one.
$flight = App\Flight::updateOrCreate(
    ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
    ['price' => 99]

which pretty much clears everything.

Query Builder Update

Someone has asked if it is possible using Query Builder in Laravel. Here is reference for Query Builder from Laravel docs.

Query Builder works exactly the same as Eloquent so anything which is true for Eloquent is true for Query Builder as well. So for this specific case, just use the same function with your query builder like so:

$matchThese = array('shopId'=>$theID,'metadataKey'=>2001);
DB::table('shop_metas')::updateOrCreate($matchThese,['shopOwner'=>'New One']);

Of course, don't forget to add DB facade:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;


use DB;

I hope it helps

How to add row in JTable?

For the sake of completeness, first make sure you have the correct import so you can use the addRow function:

import javax.swing.table.*;

Assuming your jTable is already created, you can proceed and create your own add row method which will accept the parameters that you need:

public void yourAddRow(String str1, String str2, String str3){
  DefaultTableModel yourModel = (DefaultTableModel) yourJTable.getModel();
  yourModel.addRow(new Object[]{str1, str2, str3});

Console.log not working at all

In my case I was developing a Polymer WebComponent, which is included using <link rel="import"> into the main HTML document. Turns out that the WebComponent HTML file was being cached for some reason, even though I had changed it since the cached version.

To solve it I opened the Developer Console (in Chrome), right clicked on the reload arrow next to the URL bar and selected "Empty cache and hard reload" - problem solved.

How do I convert a column of text URLs into active hyperlinks in Excel?

Thank you Cassiopeia for code. I change his code to work with local addresses and made little changes to his conditions. I removed following conditions:

  1. Change http:/ to file:///
  2. Removed all type of white space conditions
  3. Changed 10k cell range condition to 100k

Sub HyperAddForLocalLinks()
Dim CellsWithSpaces As String
    'Converts each text hyperlink selected into a working hyperlink
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim NotPresent As Integer
    NotPresent = 0

    For Each xCell In Selection
        xCell.Formula = Trim(xCell.Formula)
            If InStr(xCell.Formula, "file:///") <> 0 Then
                Hyperstring = Trim(xCell.Formula)
                Hyperstring = "file:///" & Trim(xCell.Formula)
            End If

            ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:=Hyperstring

        i = i + 1
        If i = 100000 Then Exit Sub
      Next xCell
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Algorithm to compare two images

This is just a suggestion, it might not work and I'm prepared to be called on this.

This will generate false positives, but hopefully not false negatives.

  1. Resize both of the images so that they are the same size (I assume that the ratios of widths to lengths are the same in both images).

  2. Compress a bitmap of both images with a lossless compression algorithm (e.g. gzip).

  3. Find pairs of files that have similar file sizes. For instance, you could just sort every pair of files you have by how similar the file sizes are and retrieve the top X.

As I said, this will definitely generate false positives, but hopefully not false negatives. You can implement this in five minutes, whereas the Porikil et. al. would probably require extensive work.

WSDL/SOAP Test With soapui

You can try opening the wsdl in web browser and saving with .wsdl extension. And set the WSDL in SOAP UI project to this .wsdl file. This really works.

How do I open an .exe from another C++ .exe?

Provide the full path of the file openfile.exe and remember not to put forward slash / in the path such as c:/users/username/etc.... instead of that use c:\\Users\\username\etc (for windows)

May be this will help you.

Remove spacing between table cells and rows

Nothing has worked. The solution for the issue is.

table td {
    padding: 0;

Twitter Bootstrap date picker

Much confusion stems from the existence of at least three major libraries named bootstrap-datepicker:

  1. A popular fork of eyecon's datepicker by Andrew 'eternicode' Rowls (use this one!):
  2. The original version by Stefan 'eyecon' Petre, still available at
  3. A totally unrelated datepicker widget that 'storborg' sought to have merged into bootstrap. It wasn't merged and no proper release version of the widget was ever created.

If you're starting a new project - or heck, even if you're taking over an old project using the eyecon version - I recommend that you use eternicode's version, not eyecon's. The original eyecon version is outright inferior in terms of both functionality and documentation, and this is unlikely to change - it has not been updated since March 2013.

You can see most of the capabilities of the eternicode datepicker on the demo page which lets you play with the datepicker's configuration and observe the results. For more detail, see the succinct but comprehensive documentation, which you can probably consume in its entirety in under an hour.

In case you're impatient, though, here's a very short step-by-step guide to the simplest and most common use case for the datepicker.

Quick start guide

  1. Include the following libraries (minimum versions noted here) on your page:
  2. Put an input element on your page somewhere, e.g.

    <input id="my-date-input">
  3. With jQuery, select your input and call the .datepicker() method:

  4. Load your page and click on or tab into your input element. A datepicker will appear:

    Picture of a datepicker

Pandas read in table without headers

Previous answers were good and correct, but in my opinion, an extra names parameter will make it perfect, and it should be the recommended way, especially when the csv has no headers.


Use usecols and names parameters

df = pd.read_csv(file_path, usecols=[3,6], names=['colA', 'colB'])

Additional reading

or use header=None to explicitly tells people that the csv has no headers (anyway both lines are identical)

df = pd.read_csv(file_path, usecols=[3,6], names=['colA', 'colB'], header=None)

So that you can retrieve your data by

# with `names` parameter

instead of

# without `names` parameter


Based on read_csv, when names are passed explicitly, then header will be behaving like None instead of 0, so one can skip header=None when names exist.

Sublime Text 2 keyboard shortcut to open file in specified browser (e.g. Chrome)

Windows7 FireFox/Chrome:

       "cmd":["F:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe","$file"]

just use your own path of firefox.exe or chrome.exe to replace mine.

Replace firefox.exe or chrome.exe with your own path.

Clear text in EditText when entered

It's simple: declare the widget variables (editText, textView, button etc.) in class but initialize it in onCreate after setContentView.

The problem is when you try to access a widget of a layout first you have to declare the layout. Declaring the layout is setContentView. And when you initialize the widget variable via findViewById you are accessing the id of the widget in the main layout in the setContentView.

I hope you get it!

Pandas Replace NaN with blank/empty string

If you are reading the dataframe from a file (say CSV or Excel) then use :

  • df.read_csv(path , na_filter=False)
  • df.read_excel(path , na_filter=False)

This will automatically consider the empty fields as empty strings ''

If you already have the dataframe

  • df = df.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
  • df = df.fillna('')

How to override and extend basic Django admin templates?

I agree with Chris Pratt. But I think it's better to create the symlink to original Django folder where the admin templates place in:

ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ templates/django_admin

and as you can see it depends on python version and the folder where the Django installed. So in future or on a production server you might need to change the path.

What does it mean "No Launcher activity found!"

You have not included Launcher intent filter in activity you want to appear first, so it does not know which activity to start when application launches, for this tell the system by including launcher filter intent in manifest.xml

CSS: How to have position:absolute div inside a position:relative div not be cropped by an overflow:hidden on a container

If there is other content not being shown inside the outer-div (the green box), why not have that content wrapped inside another div, let's call it "content". Have overflow hidden on this new inner-div, but keep overflow visible on the green box.

The only catch is that you will then have to mess around to make sure that the content div doesn't interfere with the positioning of the red box, but it sounds like you should be able to fix that with little headache.

<div id="1" background: #efe; padding: 5px; width: 125px">
    <div id="content" style="overflow: hidden;">
    <div id="2" style="position: relative; background: #fee; padding: 2px; width: 100px; height: 100px">
        <div id="3" style="position: absolute; top: 10px; background: #eef; padding: 2px; width: 75px; height: 150px"/>

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python

You can find a PCA function in the matplotlib module:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.mlab import PCA

data = np.array(np.random.randint(10,size=(10,3)))
results = PCA(data)

results will store the various parameters of the PCA. It is from the mlab part of matplotlib, which is the compatibility layer with the MATLAB syntax

EDIT: on the blog nextgenetics I found a wonderful demonstration of how to perform and display a PCA with the matplotlib mlab module, have fun and check that blog!

Check if object value exists within a Javascript array of objects and if not add a new object to array

Check it here :

You can create something like if condition afterwards, like

if(!contains(array, obj)) add();

Difference between matches() and find() in Java Regex

matches return true if the whole string matches the given pattern. find tries to find a substring that matches the pattern.

Locating child nodes of WebElements in selenium

The toString() method of Selenium's By-Class produces something like "By.xpath: //XpathFoo"

So you could take a substring starting at the colon with something like this:

String selector = divA.toString().substring(s.indexOf(":") + 2);

With this, you could find your element inside your other element with this:

WebElement input = driver.findElement( By.xpath( selector + "//input" ) );

Advantage: You have to search only once on the actual SUT, so it could give you a bonus in performance.

Disadvantage: Ugly... if you want to search for the parent element with css selectory and use xpath for it's childs, you have to check for types before you concatenate... In this case, Slanec's solution (using findElement on a WebElement) is much better.

Validating Phone Numbers Using Javascript

Try this I It's working.

<input type="text" name="mobile" pattern="[1-9]{1}[0-9]{9}" title="Enter 10 digit mobile number" placeholder="Mobile number" required>_x000D_

Checking for Undefined In React

You can check undefined object using below code.

ReactObject === 'undefined'

How to create a JavaScript callback for knowing when an image is loaded?

You could use the load()-event in jQuery but it won't always fire if the image is loaded from the browser cache. This plugin can be used to remedy that problem.

How do I install g++ on MacOS X?

xcode is now available for free from the app store. Just "buy it" (for free) and it will download. To get the command line tools go into preferences/downloads and "install command line compiler tools".

Instead of gcc you are using clang, but it works the same.

Failed loading english.pickle with

The main reason why you see that error is nltk couldn't find punkt package. Due to the size of nltk suite, all available packages are not downloaded by default when one installs it.

You can download punkt package like this.

import nltk'punkt')

from nltk import word_tokenize,sent_tokenize

If you do not pass any argument to the download function, it downloads all packages i.e chunkers, grammars, misc, sentiment, taggers, corpora, help, models, stemmers, tokenizers.

The above function saves packages to a specific directory. You can find that directory location from comments here.

Passing parameters to click() & bind() event in jquery?

From where would you get these values? If they're from the button itself, you could just do {

If they're a variable in the binding scope, you can access them from without

var id = 1; {

If they're a variable in the binding scope, that might change before the click is called, you'll need to create a new closure

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
   $('#button'+i).click((function(id) {
      return function() {

SQL use CASE statement in WHERE IN clause

 select  * from Tran_LibraryBooksTrans LBT  left join
 Tran_LibraryIssuedBooks LIB ON   case WHEN LBT.IssuedTo='SN' AND
 ELSE 0 END`enter code here`select  * from Tran_LibraryBooksTrans LBT 
 left join Tran_LibraryIssuedBooks LIB ON   case WHEN LBT.IssuedTo='SN'

Perl regular expression (using a variable as a search string with Perl operator characters included)

Use the quotemeta function:

$text_to_search = "example text with [foo] and more";
$search_string = quotemeta "[foo]";

print "wee" if ($text_to_search =~ /$search_string/);

Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items

See LINQ: How to get the latest/last record with a group by clause

var firstItemsInGroup = from b in mainButtons
                 group b by b.category into g
select g.First();

I assume that mainButtons are already sorted correctly.

If you need to specify custom sort order, use OrderBy override with Comparer.

var firstsByCompareInGroups = from p in rows
        group p by p.ID into grp
        select grp.OrderBy(a => a, new CompareRows()).First();

See an example in my post "Select First Row In Group using Custom Comparer"

How can I insert values into a table, using a subquery with more than one result?

INSERT INTO prices(group, id, price)
SELECT 7, articleId, 1.50
FROM article where name like 'ABC%';

Convert row to column header for Pandas DataFrame,

This works (pandas v'0.19.2'):


Reading specific XML elements from XML file

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(path_to_xml);
var word = xdoc.Elements("word")
               .SingleOrDefault(w => (string)w.Element("category") == "verb");

This query will return whole word XElement. If there is more than one word element with category verb, than you will get an InvalidOperationException. If there is no elements with category verb, result will be null.

What is the best project structure for a Python application?

The "Python Packaging Authority" has a sampleproject:

It is a sample project that exists as an aid to the Python Packaging User Guide's Tutorial on Packaging and Distributing Projects.

React.js, wait for setState to finish before triggering a function?

According to the docs of setState() the new state might not get reflected in the callback function findRoutes(). Here is the extract from React docs:

setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.

There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains.

So here is what I propose you should do. You should pass the new states input in the callback function findRoutes().

handleFormSubmit: function(input){
    // Form Input
        originId: input.originId,
        destinationId: input.destinationId,
        radius: input.radius,
    this.findRoutes(input);    // Pass the input here

The findRoutes() function should be defined like this:

findRoutes: function(me = this.state) {    // This will accept the input if passed otherwise use this.state
    if (!me.originId || !me.destinationId) {
    var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            origin: {'placeId': me.originId},
            destination: {'placeId': me.destinationId},
            travelMode: me.travelMode
        }, function(response, status){
            if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
                // me.response = response;
            } else {
                window.alert('Directions config failed due to ' + status);
    return p1

Android emulator-5554 offline

From the AVD Manager try the "Cold Boot Now" option in the drop-down. It worked for me!

Angular 4: no component factory found,did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

In my case, I forgot to add MatDialogModule to imports in a child module.

Laravel is there a way to add values to a request array

You can access directly the request array with $request['key'] = 'value';

Deleting queues in RabbitMQ

Hopefully it might help someone.

I tried the above pieces of code but I did not do any streaming.

sudo rabbitmqctl list_queues | awk '{print $1}' > queues.txt; for line in $(cat queues.txt); do sudo rabbitmqctl delete_queue "$line"; done.

I generate a file that contains all the queue names and loops through it line by line to the delete them. For the loops, while read ... did not do it for me. It was always stopping at the first queue name.

Also, if you want to delete a single queue, the above solutions will help(python, Java ...) and also do sudo rabbitmqctl delete_queue queue_name. I am using rabbitmqctl instead of rabbitmqadmin.

What is the best way to get the minimum or maximum value from an Array of numbers?

If you want to find both the min and max at the same time, the loop can be modified as follows:

int min = int.maxValue;
int max = int.minValue;

foreach num in someArray {
  if(num < min)
    min = num;
  if(num > max)
    max = num;

This should get achieve O(n) timing.

What is the return value of os.system() in Python?

You might want to use

return_value = os.popen('ls').read()

instead. os.system only returns the error value.

The os.popen is a neater wrapper for subprocess.Popen function as is seen within the python source code.

Resize to fit image in div, and center horizontally and vertically


.container {
    margin: 10px;
    width: 115px;
    height: 115px;
    line-height: 115px;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid red;
    background-image: url("");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    background-size: contain;



<div class='container'>

<div class='container' style='width:50px;height:100px;line-height:100px'>

<div class='container' style='width:140px;height:70px;line-height:70px'>

Format date in a specific timezone

You can Try this ,

Here you can get the date based on the Client Timezone (Browser).

moment(new Date().getTime()).zone(new Date().toString().match(/([-\+][0-9]+)\s/)[1]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')

The regex basically gets you the offset value.


Alternative to iFrames with HTML5

An iframe is still the best way to download cross-domain visual content. With AJAX you can certainly download the HTML from a web page and stick it in a div (as others have mentioned) however the bigger problem is security. With iframes you'll be able to load the cross domain content but won't be able to manipulate it since the content doesn't actually belong to you. On the other hand with AJAX you can certainly manipulate any content you are able to download but the other domain's server needs to be setup in such a way that will allow you to download it to begin with. A lot of times you won't have access to the other domain's configuration and even if you do, unless you do that kind of configuration all the time, it can be a headache. In which case the iframe can be the MUCH easier alternative.

As others have mentioned you can also use the embed tag and the object tag but that's not necessarily more advanced or newer than the iframe.

HTML5 has gone more in the direction of adopting web APIs to get information from cross domains. Usually web APIs just return data though and not HTML.

how to check if a file is a directory or regular file in python?

An educational example from the stat documentation:

import os, sys
from stat import *

def walktree(top, callback):
    '''recursively descend the directory tree rooted at top,
       calling the callback function for each regular file'''

    for f in os.listdir(top):
        pathname = os.path.join(top, f)
        mode = os.stat(pathname)[ST_MODE]
        if S_ISDIR(mode):
            # It's a directory, recurse into it
            walktree(pathname, callback)
        elif S_ISREG(mode):
            # It's a file, call the callback function
            # Unknown file type, print a message
            print 'Skipping %s' % pathname

def visitfile(file):
    print 'visiting', file

if __name__ == '__main__':
    walktree(sys.argv[1], visitfile)

Date Difference in php on days?

Below code will give the output for number of days, by taking out the difference between two dates..

$str = "Jul 02 2013";
$str = strtotime(date("M d Y ")) - (strtotime($str));
echo floor($str/3600/24);

iOS 10 - Changes in asking permissions of Camera, microphone and Photo Library causing application to crash

[UPDATED privacy keys list to iOS 13 - see below]

There is a list of all Cocoa Keys that you can specify in your Info.plist file:

(Xcode: Target -> Info -> Custom iOS Target Properties)

iOS already required permissions to access microphone, camera, and media library earlier (iOS 6, iOS 7), but since iOS 10 app will crash if you don't provide the description why you are asking for the permission (it can't be empty).

Privacy keys with example description: cheatsheet


Alternatively, you can open Info.plist as source code: source code


And add privacy keys like this:

<string>${PRODUCT_NAME} always location use</string>

List of all privacy keys: [UPDATED to iOS 13]


Update 2019:

In the last months, two of my apps were rejected during the review because the camera usage description wasn't specifying what I do with taken photos.

I had to change the description from ${PRODUCT_NAME} need access to the camera to take a photo to ${PRODUCT_NAME} need access to the camera to update your avatar even though the app context was obvious (user tapped on the avatar).

It seems that Apple is now paying even more attention to the privacy usage descriptions, and we should explain in details why we are asking for permission.

Pan & Zoom Image

I also tried this answer but was not entirely happy with the result. I kept googling around and finally found a Nuget Package that helped me to manage the result I wanted, anno 2021. I would like to share it with the former developers of Stack Overflow.

I used this Nuget Package Gu.WPF.Geometry found via this Github Repository. All credits for develoment should go to Johan Larsson, the owner of this package.

How I used it? I wanted to have the commands as buttons below the zoombox, as shown here in MachineLayoutControl.xaml .

       <ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/ResourceDictionaries/AllResourceDictionariesCombined.xaml" />

   <Grid Margin="0">
           <RowDefinition Height="*" />
           <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

           Style="{StaticResource Border_Head}"
               Visibility="{Binding Zoombox_Visibility}">
               <ContentControl Content="{Binding Viewing_Canvas}" />
                   CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=ImageBox}"
                   Content="Zoom In"
                   Style="{StaticResource StyleForResizeButtons}" />

                   CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=ImageBox}"
                   Content="Zoom Out"
                   Style="{StaticResource StyleForResizeButtons}" />

                   CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=ImageBox}"
                   Content="See Full Machine"
                   Style="{StaticResource StyleForResizeButtons}" />

                   CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=ImageBox}"
                   Content="Zoom To Machine Width"
                   Style="{StaticResource StyleForResizeButtons}" />


In the underlying Viewmodel, I had the following relevant code:

public Visibility Zoombox_Visibility { get => movZoombox_Visibility; set { movZoombox_Visibility = value; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Zoombox_Visibility)); } }
public Canvas Viewing_Canvas { get => mdvViewing_Canvas; private set => mdvViewing_Canvas = value; }

Also, I wanted that immediately on loading, the Uniform to Fill Command was executed, this is something that I managed to do in the code-behind MachineLayoutControl.xaml.cs . You see that I only set the Zoombox to visible if the command is executed, to avoid "flickering" when the usercontrol is loading.

    public partial class MachineLayoutControl : UserControl
        #region Constructors

        public MachineLayoutControl()
            Loaded += MyWindow_Loaded;

        #endregion Constructors

        #region EventHandlers

        private void MyWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
               new Action(() =>
                   ZoomCommands.Uniform.Execute(null, ImageBox);
                   ((MachineLayoutControlViewModel)DataContext).Zoombox_Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

        #endregion EventHandlers


Properly close mongoose's connection once you're done

The other answer didn't work for me. I had to use mongoose.disconnect(); as stated in this answer.

How to display PDF file in HTML?

Implementation of a PDF file in your HTML web-page is very easy.

<embed src="file_name.pdf" width="800px" height="2100px" />

Make sure to change the width and height for your needs. Good luck!

What is the difference between null and System.DBNull.Value?

From the documentation of the DBNull class:

Do not confuse the notion of null in an object-oriented programming language with a DBNull object. In an object-oriented programming language, null means the absence of a reference to an object. DBNull represents an uninitialized variant or nonexistent database column.

How to download a file from my server using SSH (using PuTTY on Windows)

try this scp -r -P2222 [email protected]:/home2/kwazy/www/ /Desktop

Another easier option if you're going to be pulling files left and right is to just use an SFTP client like WinSCP. Then you're not typing out 100 characters every time you want to pull something, just drag and drop.

Edit: Just noticed /Desktop probably isn't where you're looking to download the file to. Should be something like C:\Users\you\Desktop


Have a look at

You want something like:

insert or replace into Book (ID, Name, TypeID, Level, Seen) values
((select ID from Book where Name = "SearchName"), "SearchName", ...);

Note that any field not in the insert list will be set to NULL if the row already exists in the table. This is why there's a subselect for the ID column: In the replacement case the statement would set it to NULL and then a fresh ID would be allocated.

This approach can also be used if you want to leave particular field values alone if the row in the replacement case but set the field to NULL in the insert case.

For example, assuming you want to leave Seen alone:

insert or replace into Book (ID, Name, TypeID, Level, Seen) values (
   (select ID from Book where Name = "SearchName"),
    (select Seen from Book where Name = "SearchName"));

How do you do block comments in YAML?

In Vim you can do one of the following:

  • Comment all lines: :%s/^/#
  • Comment lines 10 - 15: :10,15s/^/#
  • Comment line 10 to current line: :10,.s/^/#
  • Comment line 10 to end: :10,$s/^/#

or using visual block:

  1. Select a multiple-line column after entering visual block via Ctrl+v.
  2. Press r followed by # to comment out the multiple-line block replacing the selection, or Shift+i#Esc to insert comment characters before the selection.

jquery ui Dialog: cannot call methods on dialog prior to initialization

I got this error when I only updated the jquery library without updating the jqueryui library in parallel. I was using jquery 1.8.3 with jqueryui 1.9.0. However, when I updated jquery 1.8.3 to 1.9.1 I got the above error. When I commented out the offending .close method lines, it then threw an error about not finding .browser in the jquery library which was deprecated in jquery 1.8.3 and removed from jquery 1.9.1. So bascially, the jquery 1.9.1 library was not compatible with the jquery ui 1.9.0 library despite the jquery ui download page saying it works with jquery 1.6+. Essentially, there are unreported bugs when trying to use differing versions of the two. If you use the jquery version that comes bundled with the jqueryui download, I'm sure you'll be fine, but it's when you start using different versions that you off the beaten path and get errors like this. So, in summary, this error is from mis-matched versions (in my case anyway).

Requery a subform from another form?

Just a comment on the method of accomplishing this:

You're making your EntryForm permanently tied to the form you're calling it from. I think it's better to not have forms tied to context like that. I'd remove the requery from the Save/Close routine and instead open the EntryForm modally, using the acDialog switch:

  DoCmd.OpenForm "EntryForm", , ,"[ID]=" & Me!SubForm.Form!ID, , acDialog

That way, EntryForm is not tied down to use in one context. The alternative is to complicate EntryForm with something that is knowledgable of which form opened it and what needs to requeried. I think it's better to keep that kind of thing as close to the context in which it's used, and keep the called form's code as simple as possible.

Perhaps a principle here is that any time you are requerying a form using the Forms collection from another form, it's a good indication something's not right about your architecture -- that should happen seldom, in my opinion.

Simple prime number generator in Python

Here is what I have:

def is_prime(num):
    if num < 2:         return False
    elif num < 4:       return True
    elif not num % 2:   return False
    elif num < 9:       return True
    elif not num % 3:   return False
        for n in range(5, int(math.sqrt(num) + 1), 6):
            if not num % n:
                return False
            elif not num % (n + 2):
                return False

    return True

It's pretty fast for large numbers, as it only checks against already prime numbers for divisors of a number.

Now if you want to generate a list of primes, you can do:

# primes up to 'max'
def primes_max(max):
    yield 2
    for n in range(3, max, 2):
        if is_prime(n):
            yield n

# the first 'count' primes
def primes_count(count):
    counter = 0
    num = 3

    yield 2

    while counter < count:
        if is_prime(num):
            yield num
            counter += 1
        num += 2

using generators here might be desired for efficiency.

And just for reference, instead of saying:

one = 1
while one == 1:
    # do stuff

you can simply say:

while 1:
    #do stuff

Errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'

I was also coming across this issue and for me when doing more updates more issues occurred.

What worked for me in the end was more or less to remove angular cli and re install it with these steps:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean --force
npm install -g @angular/cli

this helped me out source: how to uninstall angular/cli

Ways to implement data versioning in MongoDB

Another option is to use mongoose-history plugin.

let mongoose = require('mongoose');
let mongooseHistory = require('mongoose-history');
let Schema = mongoose.Schema;

let MySchema = Post = new Schema({
    title: String,
    status: Boolean

// The plugin will automatically create a new collection with the schema name + "_history".
// In this case, collection with name "my_schema_history" will be created.

throw checked Exceptions from mocks with Mockito

There is the solution with Kotlin :

given(myObject.myCall()).willAnswer {
    throw IOException("Ooops")

Where given comes from

import org.mockito.BDDMockito.given

Pandas sort by group aggregate and column

Groupby A:

In [0]: grp = df.groupby('A')

Within each group, sum over B and broadcast the values using transform. Then sort by B:

In [1]: grp[['B']].transform(sum).sort('B')
2 -2.829710
5 -2.829710
1  0.253651
4  0.253651
0  0.551377
3  0.551377

Index the original df by passing the index from above. This will re-order the A values by the aggregate sum of the B values:

In [2]: sort1 = df.ix[grp[['B']].transform(sum).sort('B').index]

In [3]: sort1
     A         B      C
2  baz -0.528172  False
5  baz -2.301539   True
1  bar -0.611756   True
4  bar  0.865408  False
0  foo  1.624345  False
3  foo -1.072969   True

Finally, sort the 'C' values within groups of 'A' using the sort=False option to preserve the A sort order from step 1:

In [4]: f = lambda x: x.sort('C', ascending=False)

In [5]: sort2 = sort1.groupby('A', sort=False).apply(f)

In [6]: sort2
         A         B      C
baz 5  baz -2.301539   True
    2  baz -0.528172  False
bar 1  bar -0.611756   True
    4  bar  0.865408  False
foo 3  foo -1.072969   True
    0  foo  1.624345  False

Clean up the df index by using reset_index with drop=True:

In [7]: sort2.reset_index(0, drop=True)
     A         B      C
5  baz -2.301539   True
2  baz -0.528172  False
1  bar -0.611756   True
4  bar  0.865408  False
3  foo -1.072969   True
0  foo  1.624345  False

Android SDK Manager gives "Failed to fetch URL" error when selecting repository

I found another way without setting proxy. I'm currently using an antivirus which has a firewall program. Then, I turn off this firewall and now I can fetch that URL.

If still doesn't work, try to turn off Firewall on your PC, such as Windows Firewall.

HTML5 live streaming

It is not possible to use the RTMP protocol in HTML 5, because the RTMP protocol is only used between the server and the flash player. So you can use the other streaming protocols for viewing the streaming videos in HTML 5.

SQL Inner join more than two tables

SELECT eb.n_EmpId,
FROM tbl_EmployeeMaster em
 INNER JOIN tbl_DesignationMaster deg ON em.n_DesignationId=deg.n_DesignationId
 INNER JOIN tbl_DepartmentMaster dm ON dm.n_DeptId = em.n_DepartmentId
 INNER JOIN tbl_EmployeeBranch eb ON eb.n_BranchId = em.n_BranchId;

Reorder bars in geom_bar ggplot2 by value

Your code works fine, except that the barplot is ordered from low to high. When you want to order the bars from high to low, you will have to add a -sign before value:

ggplot(corr.m, aes(x = reorder(miRNA, -value), y = value, fill = variable)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")

which gives:

enter image description here

Used data:

corr.m <- structure(list(miRNA = structure(c(5L, 2L, 3L, 6L, 1L, 4L), .Label = c("mmu-miR-139-5p", "mmu-miR-1983", "mmu-miR-301a-3p", "mmu-miR-5097", "mmu-miR-532-3p", "mmu-miR-96-5p"), class = "factor"),
                         variable = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "pos", class = "factor"),
                         value = c(7L, 75L, 70L, 5L, 10L, 47L)),
                    class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))

Regular expression to match numbers with or without commas and decimals in text


This would match any small or large number as following with or without comma




Generate random numbers with a given (numerical) distribution

based on other solutions, you generate accumulative distribution (as integer or float whatever you like), then you can use bisect to make it fast

this is a simple example (I used integers here)

l=[(20, 'foo'), (60, 'banana'), (10, 'monkey'), (10, 'monkey2')]
def get_cdf(l):
    for i in l: c+=i[0]; ret.append((c, i[1]))
    return ret

def get_random_item(cdf):
    return cdf[bisect.bisect_left(cdf, (random.randint(0, cdf[-1][0]),))][1]

for i in range(100): print get_random_item(cdf),

the get_cdf function would convert it from 20, 60, 10, 10 into 20, 20+60, 20+60+10, 20+60+10+10

now we pick a random number up to 20+60+10+10 using random.randint then we use bisect to get the actual value in a fast way

DateTime to javascript date

I know this is a little late, but here's the solution I had to come up with for handling dates when you want to be timezone independent. Essentially it involves converting everything to UTC.

From Javascript to Server:

Send out dates as epoch values with the timezone offset removed.

var d = new Date(2015,0,1) // Jan 1, 2015
// Ajax Request to server ...
  url: '/target',
  params: { date: d.getTime() - (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000) }

The server then recieves 1420070400000 as the date epoch.

On the Server side, convert that epoch value to a datetime object:

DateTime d = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddMilliseconds(epoch);

At this point the date is just the date/time provided by the user as they provided it. Effectively it is UTC.

Going the other way:

When the server pulls data from the database, presumably in UTC, get the difference as an epoch (making sure that both date objects are either local or UTC):

long ms = (long)utcDate.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds;


long ms = (long)localDate.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)).TotalMilliseconds;

When javascript receives this value, create a new date object. However, this date object is going to be assumed local time, so you need to offset it by the current timezone:

var epochValue = 1420070400000 // value pulled from server.
var utcDateVal = new Date(epochValue);
var actualDate = new Date(utcDateVal.getTime() + (utcDateVal.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000))

console.log(utcDateVal); // Wed Dec 31 2014 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
console.log(actualDate); // Thu Jan 01 2015 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

As far as I know, this should work for any time zone where you need to display dates that are timezone independent.

Get all files that have been modified in git branch

git diff --name-only master...branch-name

to which we want to compare.

How to Make Laravel Eloquent "IN" Query?

Here is how you do in Eloquent

$users = User::whereIn('id', array(1, 2, 3))->get();

And if you are using Query builder then :

$users = DB::table('users')->whereIn('id', array(1, 2, 3))->get();

How do I find the mime-type of a file with php?

If you are sure you're only ever working with images, you can check out the getimagesize() exif_imagetype() PHP function, which attempts to return the image mime-type.

If you don't mind external dependencies, you can also check out the excellent getID3 library which can determine the mime-type of many different file types.

Lastly, you can check out the mime_content_type() function - but it has been deprecated for the Fileinfo PECL extension.

Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired

I had the same issue when my server free disk space available was 0

You can use the command (there must be ample space for the mysql files)

REPAIR TABLE `<table name>`;

for repairing individual tables

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

I have a suggestion but not a solution. If some of your columns have a larger data sets then you should try with following

SELECT *, LEFT(col1, 0) AS col1, LEFT(col2, 0) as col2 FROM table

Android Stop Emulator from Command Line

I can close it with:

adb shell reboot -p

How do I undo 'git add' before commit?

git remove or git rm can be used for this, with the --cached flag. Try:

git help rm

OOP vs Functional Programming vs Procedural

One of my friends is writing a graphics app using NVIDIA CUDA. Application fits in very nicely with OOP paradigm and the problem can be decomposed into modules neatly. However, to use CUDA you need to use C, which doesn't support inheritance. Therefore, you need to be clever.

a) You devise a clever system which will emulate inheritance to a certain extent. It can be done!

i) You can use a hook system, which expects every child C of parent P to have a certain override for function F. You can make children register their overrides, which will be stored and called when required.

ii) You can use struct memory alignment feature to cast children into parents.

This can be neat but it's not easy to come up with future-proof, reliable solution. You will spend lots of time designing the system and there is no guarantee that you won't run into problems half-way through the project. Implementing multiple inheritance is even harder, if not almost impossible.

b) You can use consistent naming policy and use divide and conquer approach to create a program. It won't have any inheritance but because your functions are small, easy-to-understand and consistently formatted you don't need it. The amount of code you need to write goes up, it's very hard to stay focused and not succumb to easy solutions (hacks). However, this ninja way of coding is the C way of coding. Staying in balance between low-level freedom and writing good code. Good way to achieve this is to write prototypes using a functional language. For example, Haskell is extremely good for prototyping algorithms.

I tend towards approach b. I wrote a possible solution using approach a, and I will be honest, it felt very unnatural using that code.

Quick way to list all files in Amazon S3 bucket?

In Java you can get the keys using ListObjects (see AWS documentation)

FileWriter fileWriter;
BufferedWriter bufferedWriter;
// [...]

AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider());        

ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest()
ObjectListing objectListing;

do {
    objectListing = s3client.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
    for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : 
        objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
        // write to file with e.g. a bufferedWriter
} while (objectListing.isTruncated());

how to fetch array keys with jQuery?

Use an object (key/value pairs, the nearest JavaScript has to an associative array) for this and not the array object. Other than that, I believe that is the most elegant way

var foo = {};
foo['alfa'] = "first item";
foo['beta'] = "second item";

for (var key in foo) {

Note: JavaScript doesn't guarantee any particular order for the properties. So you cannot expect the property that was defined first to appear first, it might come last.


In response to your comment, I believe that this article best sums up the cases for why arrays in JavaScript should not be used in this fashion -

Detect if a NumPy array contains at least one non-numeric value?

Pfft! Microseconds! Never solve a problem in microseconds that can be solved in nanoseconds.

Note that the accepted answer:

  • iterates over the whole data, regardless of whether a nan is found
  • creates a temporary array of size N, which is redundant.

A better solution is to return True immediately when NAN is found:

import numba
import numpy as np

NAN = float("nan")

def _any_nans(a):
    for x in a:
        if np.isnan(x): return True
    return False

def any_nans(a):
    if not a.dtype.kind=='f': return False
    return _any_nans(a.flat)

array1M = np.random.rand(1000000)
assert any_nans(array1M)==False
%timeit any_nans(array1M)  # 573us

array1M[0] = NAN
assert any_nans(array1M)==True
%timeit any_nans(array1M)  # 774ns  (!nanoseconds)

and works for n-dimensions:

array1M_nd = array1M.reshape((len(array1M)/2, 2))
assert any_nans(array1M_nd)==True
%timeit any_nans(array1M_nd)  # 774ns

Compare this to the numpy native solution:

def any_nans(a):
    if not a.dtype.kind=='f': return False
    return np.isnan(a).any()

array1M = np.random.rand(1000000)
assert any_nans(array1M)==False
%timeit any_nans(array1M)  # 456us

array1M[0] = NAN
assert any_nans(array1M)==True
%timeit any_nans(array1M)  # 470us

%timeit np.isnan(array1M).any()  # 532us

The early-exit method is 3 orders or magnitude speedup (in some cases). Not too shabby for a simple annotation.

ObservableCollection Doesn't support AddRange method, so I get notified for each item added, besides what about INotifyCollectionChanging?

Proof of need for OnPropertyChanged("Count") and OnPropertyChanged("Item[]") calls in order to behave as per ObservableCollection. Note that I don't know what the consequences are if you don't bother!

Here is a test method that shows that there are two PropertyChange events for each add in a normal observable collection. One for "Count" and one for "Item[]".

public void TestAddSinglesInOldObsevableCollection()
  int colChangedEvents = 0;
  int propChangedEvents = 0;
  var collection = new ObservableCollection<object>();
  collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => { colChangedEvents++; };
  (collection as INotifyPropertyChanged).PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { propChangedEvents++; };
  collection.Add(new object());
  collection.Add(new object());
  collection.Add(new object());
  Assert.AreEqual(3, colChangedEvents);
  Assert.AreEqual(6, propChangedEvents);

@Shimmy , swap the standard for your collection and change to an add range and you will get zero PropertyChanges. Note that collection change does work fine, but not doing exactly what ObservableCollection does. So Test for shimmy collection looks like this:

public void TestShimmyAddRange()
  int colChangedEvents = 0;
  int propChangedEvents = 0;
  var collection = new ShimmyObservableCollection<object>();
  collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => { colChangedEvents++; };
  (collection as INotifyPropertyChanged).PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { propChangedEvents++; };
    new object(), new object(), new object(), new object()}); //4 objects at once
  Assert.AreEqual(1, colChangedEvents);  //great, just one!
  Assert.AreEqual(2, propChangedEvents); //fails, no events :(

FYI here is code from InsertItem (also called by Add) from ObservableCollection:

protected override void InsertItem(int index, T item)
  base.InsertItem(index, item);
  base.OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, item, index);

Tried to Load Angular More Than Once

I was having the exact same error. After some hours, I noticed that there was an extra comma in my .JSON file, on the very last key-value pair.

//doesn't work

Then I just took it off (the last ',') and that solved the problem.



We had the same problem on a CentOS7 machine. Disabling the VERIFYHOST VERIFYPEER did not solve the problem, we did not have the cURL error anymore but the response still was invalid. Doing a wget to the same link as the cURL was doing also resulted in a certificate error.

-> Our solution also was to reboot the VPS, this solved it and we were able to complete the request again.

For us this seemed to be a memory corruption problem. Rebooting the VPS reloaded the libary in the memory again and now it works. So if the above solution from @clover does not work try to reboot your machine.

Highlight a word with jQuery

I wrote a very simple function that uses jQuery to iterate the elements wrapping each keyword with a .highlight class.

function highlight_words(word, element) {
    if(word) {
        var textNodes;
        word = word.replace(/\W/g, '');
        var str = word.split(" ");
        $(str).each(function() {
            var term = this;
            var textNodes = $(element).contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3 });
            textNodes.each(function() {
              var content = $(this).text();
              var regex = new RegExp(term, "gi");
              content = content.replace(regex, '<span class="highlight">' + term + '</span>');

More info:

Webclient / HttpWebRequest with Basic Authentication returns 404 not found for valid URL

If its working when you are using a browser and then passing on your username and password for the first time - then this means that once authentication is done Request header of your browser is set with required authentication values, which is then passed on each time a request is made to hosting server.

So start with inspecting Request Header (this could be done using Web Developers tools), Once you established whats required in header then you could pass this within your HttpWebRequest Header.

Example with Digest Authentication:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;

namespace NUI
    public class DigestAuthFixer
        private static string _host;
        private static string _user;
        private static string _password;
        private static string _realm;
        private static string _nonce;
        private static string _qop;
        private static string _cnonce;
        private static DateTime _cnonceDate;
        private static int _nc;

public DigestAuthFixer(string host, string user, string password)
    // TODO: Complete member initialization
    _host = host;
    _user = user;
    _password = password;

private string CalculateMd5Hash(
    string input)
    var inputBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
    var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(inputBytes);
    var sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (var b in hash)
    return sb.ToString();

private string GrabHeaderVar(
    string varName,
    string header)
    var regHeader = new Regex(string.Format(@"{0}=""([^""]*)""", varName));
    var matchHeader = regHeader.Match(header);
    if (matchHeader.Success)
        return matchHeader.Groups[1].Value;
    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Header {0} not found", varName));

private string GetDigestHeader(
    string dir)
    _nc = _nc + 1;

    var ha1 = CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", _user, _realm, _password));
    var ha2 = CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}", "GET", dir));
    var digestResponse =
        CalculateMd5Hash(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2:00000000}:{3}:{4}:{5}", ha1, _nonce, _nc, _cnonce, _qop, ha2));

    return string.Format("Digest username=\"{0}\", realm=\"{1}\", nonce=\"{2}\", uri=\"{3}\", " +
        "algorithm=MD5, response=\"{4}\", qop={5}, nc={6:00000000}, cnonce=\"{7}\"",
        _user, _realm, _nonce, dir, digestResponse, _qop, _nc, _cnonce);

public string GrabResponse(
    string dir)
    var url = _host + dir;
    var uri = new Uri(url);

    var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);

    // If we've got a recent Auth header, re-use it!
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cnonce) &&
        DateTime.Now.Subtract(_cnonceDate).TotalHours < 1.0)
        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", GetDigestHeader(dir));

    HttpWebResponse response;
        response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    catch (WebException ex)
        // Try to fix a 401 exception by adding a Authorization header
        if (ex.Response == null || ((HttpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)

        var wwwAuthenticateHeader = ex.Response.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
        _realm = GrabHeaderVar("realm", wwwAuthenticateHeader);
        _nonce = GrabHeaderVar("nonce", wwwAuthenticateHeader);
        _qop = GrabHeaderVar("qop", wwwAuthenticateHeader);

        _nc = 0;
        _cnonce = new Random().Next(123400, 9999999).ToString();
        _cnonceDate = DateTime.Now;

        var request2 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
        request2.Headers.Add("Authorization", GetDigestHeader(dir));
        response = (HttpWebResponse)request2.GetResponse();
    var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
    return reader.ReadToEnd();


Then you could call it:

DigestAuthFixer digest = new DigestAuthFixer(domain, username, password);
string strReturn = digest.GrabResponse(dir);

if Url is: then domain: (domain part) dir: /folder/rss (rest of the url)

you could also return it as stream and use XmlDocument Load() method.

Convert cells(1,1) into "A1" and vice versa

The Address property of a cell can get this for you:

MsgBox Cells(1, 1).Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False)

returns A1.

The other way around can be done with the Row and Column property of Range:

MsgBox Range("A1").Row & ", " & Range("A1").Column

returns 1,1.

Create a Cumulative Sum Column in MySQL

Using a correlated query:

         (SELECT SUM(x.count)
            FROM TABLE x
           WHERE <= AS cumulative_sum

Using MySQL variables:

         @running_total := @running_total + t.count AS cumulative_sum
    JOIN (SELECT @running_total := 0) r


  • The JOIN (SELECT @running_total := 0) r is a cross join, and allows for variable declaration without requiring a separate SET command.
  • The table alias, r, is required by MySQL for any subquery/derived table/inline view


  • MySQL specific; not portable to other databases
  • The ORDER BY is important; it ensures the order matches the OP and can have larger implications for more complicated variable usage (IE: psuedo ROW_NUMBER/RANK functionality, which MySQL lacks)

Cannot make Project Lombok work on Eclipse

This sometimes does not work if Eclipse is on one of those strange default windows paths (e.g. c:/Program files (86)/Eclipse).

In that case, do as above, then move the lombok jar to a cleaner path without spaces and braces (e.g. c:\lombok\lombok.jar) and modify eclipse.ini accordingly.