Programs & Examples On #App.xaml

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

When I used the Scaffold-DbContext command, it didn't include the "[key]" annotation in the model files or the "entity.HasKey(..)" entry in the "modelBuilder.Entity" blocks. My solution was to add a line like this in every "modelBuilder.Entity" block in the *Context.cs file:

entity.HasKey(X => x.Id);

I'm not saying this is better, or even the right way. I'm just saying that it worked for me.

Close Window from ViewModel

It's simple. You can create your own ViewModel class for Login - LoginViewModel. You can create view var dialog = new UserView(); inside your LoginViewModel. And you can set-up Command LoginCommand into button.

<Button Name="btnLogin" IsDefault="True" Content="Login" Command="{Binding LoginCommand}" />


<Button Name="btnCancel" IsDefault="True" Content="Login" Command="{Binding CancelCommand}" />

ViewModel class:

public class LoginViewModel
    Window dialog;
    public bool ShowLogin()
       dialog = new UserView();
       dialog.DataContext = this; // set up ViewModel into View
       if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
         return true;

       return false;

    ICommand _loginCommand
    public ICommand LoginCommand
            if (_loginCommand == null)
                _loginCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.Login());

            return _loginCommand;

    public void CloseLoginView()
            if (dialog != null)

    public void Login()
          // write error message

    public bool CheckLogin()
      // ... check login code
      return true;

Does not contain a static 'main' method suitable for an entry point

Try adding this method to a class and see if you still get the error:

static void Main()

Binding ItemsSource of a ComboBoxColumn in WPF DataGrid

Your ComboBox is trying to bind to bind to GridItem[x].CompanyItems, which doesn't exist.

Your RelativeBinding is close, however it needs to bind to DataContext.CompanyItems because Window.CompanyItems does not exist

WPF Application that only has a tray icon

I recently had this same problem. Unfortunately, NotifyIcon is only a Windows.Forms control at the moment, if you want to use it you are going to have to include that part of the framework. I guess that depends how much of a WPF purist you are.

If you want a quick and easy way of getting started check out this WPF NotifyIcon control on the Code Project which does not rely on the WinForms NotifyIcon at all. A more recent version seems to be available on the author's website and as a NuGet package. This seems like the best and cleanest way to me so far.

  • Rich ToolTips rather than text
  • WPF context menus and popups
  • Command support and routed events
  • Flexible data binding
  • Rich balloon messages rather than the default messages provides by the OS

Check it out. It comes with an amazing sample app too, very easy to use, and you can have great looking Windows Live Messenger style WPF popups, tooltips, and context menus. Perfect for displaying an RSS feed, I am using it for a similar purpose.

Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point

As what, I guess pixparker wanted to say, but remained to be not clear enough, for me at least, do ensure that... All "Other Projects" have an "Output Type" of "Class Library" selected while... Only "One Project" being selected as either "Window Application" or "Console Application" output.

ResourceDictionary in a separate assembly

An example, just to make this a 15 seconds answer -

Say you have "styles.xaml" in a WPF library named "common" and you want to use it from your main application project:

  1. Add a reference from the main project to "common" project
  2. Your app.xaml should contain:

            <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Common;component/styles.xaml"/>

Validating parameters to a Bash script

Use set -u which will cause any unset argument reference to immediately fail the script.

Please, see the article: Writing Robust Bash Shell Scripts - David

T-SQL split string

If you need a quick ad-hoc solution for common cases with minimum code, then this recursive CTE two-liner will do it:

DECLARE @s VARCHAR(200) = ',1,2,,3,,,4,,,,5,'

a AS (SELECT i=-1, j=0 UNION ALL SELECT j, CHARINDEX(',', @s, j + 1) FROM a WHERE j > i),
b AS (SELECT SUBSTRING(@s, i+1, IIF(j>0, j, LEN(@s)+1)-i-1) s FROM a WHERE i >= 0)

Either use this as a stand-alone statement or just add the above CTEs to any of your queries and you will be able to join the resulting table b with others for use in any further expressions.

edit (by Shnugo)

If you add a counter, you will get a position index together with the List:

DECLARE @s VARCHAR(200) = '1,2333,344,4'

a AS (SELECT n=0, i=-1, j=0 UNION ALL SELECT n+1, j, CHARINDEX(',', @s, j+1) FROM a WHERE j > i),
b AS (SELECT n, SUBSTRING(@s, i+1, IIF(j>0, j, LEN(@s)+1)-i-1) s FROM a WHERE i >= 0)

The result:

n   s
1   1
2   2333
3   344
4   4

More elegant way of declaring multiple variables at the same time

I like the top voted answer; however, it has problems with list as shown.

  >> a, b = ([0]*5,)*2
  >> print b
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  >> a[0] = 1
  >> print b
  [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

This is discussed in great details (here), but the gist is that a and b are the same object with a is b returning True (same for id(a) == id(b)). Therefore if you change an index, you are changing the index of both a and b, since they are linked. To solve this you can do (source)

>> a, b = ([0]*5 for i in range(2))
>> print b
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>> a[0] = 1
>> print b
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

This can then be used as a variant of the top answer, which has the "desired" intuitive results

>> a, b, c, d, e, g, h, i = (True for i in range(9))
>> f = (False for i in range(1)) #to be pedantic

Python "\n" tag extra line

The print function in python adds itself \n

You could use

import sys


How to round down to nearest integer in MySQL?

if you need decimals can use this

DECLARE @Num NUMERIC(18, 7) = 19.1471985
SELECT FLOOR(@Num * 10000) / 10000

Output: 19.147100 Clear: 985 Add: 00

OR use this:


Output: 19.1471 Clear: 985

In Angular, how do you determine the active route?

Below is the method using RouteData to style menuBar items depending of the current route:

RouteConfig includes data with tab (current route):

    path: '/home',    name: 'Home',    component: HomeComponent,
    data: {activeTab: 'home'},  useAsDefault: true
  }, {
    path: '/jobs',    name: 'Jobs',    data: {activeTab: 'jobs'},
    component: JobsComponent

A piece of layout:

  <li role="presentation" [ngClass]="{active: isActive('home')}">
    <a [routerLink]="['Home']">Home</a>
  <li role="presentation" [ngClass]="{active: isActive('jobs')}">
    <a [routerLink]="['Jobs']">Jobs</a>


export class MainMenuComponent {
  router: Router;

  constructor(data: Router) {
    this.router = data;

  isActive(tab): boolean {
    if (this.router.currentInstruction && this.router.currentInstruction.component.routeData) {
      return tab ==['activeTab'];
    return false;

SELECT *, COUNT(*) in SQLite

If you want to count the number of records in your table, simply run:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM your_table;

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

Much simpler solution, Select the Combo-box, and in the option of Selected item, select the item index (0 for the first item) and set it to be the default value in the combo box.

How should you diagnose the error SEHException - External component has thrown an exception

The component makers say that this has been fixed in the latest version of their component which we are using in-house, but this has been given to the customer yet.

Ask the component maker how to test whether the problem that the customer is getting is the problem which they say they've fixed in their latest version, without/before deploying their latest version to the customer.

Unique constraint violation during insert: why? (Oracle)

Your error looks like you are duplicating an already existing Primary Key in your DB. You should modify your sql code to implement its own primary key by using something like the IDENTITY keyword.

    [DBId] bigint NOT NULL IDENTITY,



Disable click outside of bootstrap modal area to close modal

data-keyboard="false" data-backdrop="static" in your html code for start of modal Box div

Pass mouse events through absolutely-positioned element

If all you need is mousedown, you may be able to make do with the document.elementFromPoint method, by:

  1. removing the top layer on mousedown,
  2. passing the x and y coordinates from the event to the document.elementFromPoint method to get the element underneath, and then
  3. restoring the top layer.

How to pipe list of files returned by find command to cat to view all the files

I use something like this:

find . -name <filename> -print0 | xargs -0 cat | grep <word2search4>

"-print0" argument for "find" and "-0" argument for "xargs" are needed to handle whitespace in file paths/names correctly.

How to upload a file to directory in S3 bucket using boto

I used this and it is very simple to implement

import tinys3

conn = tinys3.Connection('S3_ACCESS_KEY','S3_SECRET_KEY',tls=True)

f = open('','rb')

Compiling dynamic HTML strings from database

You can use


directive to bind html dynamically. However you have to get the data via $sce service.

Please see the live demo at

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,$sce) {
   return $sce.trustAsHtml("<b>Hi Rupesh hi <u>dfdfdfdf</u>!</b>sdafsdfsdf<button>dfdfasdf</button>");

  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<span ng-bind-html="getHtml()"></span>

Trouble setting up git with my GitHub Account error: could not lock config file

Check if you have a .git directory in your home folder and if you don't:

mkdir ~/.git

Solved the problem in my case.

How to Install Windows Phone 8 SDK on Windows 7

You can install it by first extracting all the files from the ISO and then overwriting those files with the files from the ZIP. Then you can run the batch file as administrator to do the installation. Most of the packages install on windows 7, but I haven't tested yet how well they work.

Why does this AttributeError in python occur?

Because you imported scipy, not sparse. Try from scipy import sparse?

Using the slash character in Git branch name

Sometimes that problem occurs if you already have a branch with the base name.

I tried this:

git checkout -b features/aName origin/features/aName

Unfortunately, I already had a branch named features, and I got the exception of the question asker.

Removing the branch features resolved the problem, the above command worked.

How to check compiler log in sql developer?

To see your log in SQL Developer then press:

CTRL+SHIFT + L (or CTRL + CMD + L on macOS)


View -> Log

or by using mysql query

show errors;

Defining lists as global variables in Python

When you assign a variable (x = ...), you are creating a variable in the current scope (e.g. local to the current function). If it happens to shadow a variable fron an outer (e.g. global) scope, well too bad - Python doesn't care (and that's a good thing). So you can't do this:

x = 0
def f():
    x = 1
print x #=>0

and expect 1. Instead, you need do declare that you intend to use the global x:

x = 0
def f():
    global x
    x = 1
print x #=>1

But note that assignment of a variable is very different from method calls. You can always call methods on anything in scope - e.g. on variables that come from an outer (e.g. the global) scope because nothing local shadows them.

Also very important: Member assignment ( = ...), item assignment (collection[key] = ...), slice assignment (sliceable[start:end] = ...) and propably more are all method calls as well! And therefore you don't need global to change a global's members or call it methods (even when they mutate the object).

How npm start runs a server on port 8000

If you will look at package.json file.

you will see something like this

 "start": "http-server -a localhost -p 8000"

This tells start a http-server at address of localhost on port 8000

http-server is a node-module.

Update:- Including comment by @Usman, ideally it should be present in your package.json but if it's not present you can include it in scripts section.

How do I enable Java in Microsoft Edge web browser?

Edge has dropped all support for plugins. This means that Java, ActiveX, Silverlight, and other plugins are no longer supported. For this reason Microsoft has included Internet Explorer 11, which does support these plugins, with non-mobile versions of Windows 10. If you are running Windows 10 and need plugin support Edge is not an option, but IE 11 is.

Error when trying vagrant up

I faced same issue when I ran following commands

vagrant init
vagrant up  
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Box 'base' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
    default: Box Provider: virtualbox
    default: Box Version: >= 0
==> default: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> default: Adding box 'base' (v0) for provider: virtualbox
    default: Downloading: base
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try

Couldn't open file /home/...../base

I corrected with

>vagrant init laravel/homestead
>Vagrant up

It worked for me.

Happy coding

How to check if an alert exists using WebDriver?

ExpectedConditions is obsolete, so:

        WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));

C# Selenium 'ExpectedConditions is obsolete'

How can I add new keys to a dictionary?

I feel like consolidating info about Python dictionaries:

Creating an empty dictionary

data = {}
# OR
data = dict()

Creating a dictionary with initial values

data = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
# OR
data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)
# OR
data = {k: v for k, v in (('a', 1), ('b',2), ('c',3))}

Inserting/Updating a single value

data['a'] = 1  # Updates if 'a' exists, else adds 'a'
# OR
data.update({'a': 1})
# OR
# OR

Inserting/Updating multiple values

data.update({'c':3,'d':4})  # Updates 'c' and adds 'd'

Python 3.9+:

The update operator |= now works for dictionaries:

data |= {'c':3,'d':4}

Creating a merged dictionary without modifying originals

data3 = {}
data3.update(data)  # Modifies data3, not data
data3.update(data2)  # Modifies data3, not data2

Python 3.5+:

This uses a new feature called dictionary unpacking.

data = {**data1, **data2, **data3}

Python 3.9+:

The merge operator | now works for dictionaries:

data = data1 | {'c':3,'d':4}

Deleting items in dictionary

del data[key]  # Removes specific element in a dictionary
data.pop(key)  # Removes the key & returns the value
data.clear()  # Clears entire dictionary

Check if a key is already in dictionary

key in data

Iterate through pairs in a dictionary

for key in data: # Iterates just through the keys, ignoring the values
for key, value in d.items(): # Iterates through the pairs
for key in d.keys(): # Iterates just through key, ignoring the values
for value in d.values(): # Iterates just through value, ignoring the keys

Create a dictionary from two lists

data = dict(zip(list_with_keys, list_with_values))

select the TOP N rows from a table

Assuming your page size is 20 record, and you wanna get page number 2, here is how you would do it:

SQL Server, Oracle:

SELECT *   -- <-- pick any columns here from your table, if you wanna exclude the RowNumber
      FROM Reflow  
      WHERE ReflowProcessID = somenumber) t
WHERE RowNumber >= 20 AND RowNumber <= 40    


FROM Reflow  
WHERE ReflowProcessID = somenumber

Purpose of "%matplotlib inline"

It just means that any graph which we are creating as a part of our code will appear in the same notebook and not in separate window which would happen if we have not used this magic statement.

Any implementation of Ordered Set in Java?

I had a similar problem. I didn't quite need an ordered set but more a list with a fast indexOf/contains. As I didn't find anything out there I implemented one myself. Here's the code, it implements both Set and List, though not all bulk list operations are as fast as the ArrayList versions.

disclaimer: not tested

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

 * An ArrayList that keeps an index of its content so that contains()/indexOf() are fast. Duplicate entries are
 * ignored as most other java Set's do.
public class IndexedArraySet<E> extends ArrayList<E> implements Set<E> {

    public IndexedArraySet() { super(); }

    public IndexedArraySet(Iterable<E> c) {

    private HashMap<E, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>();

    private void reindex() {
        int idx = 0;
        for (E item: this) {
            addToIndex(item, idx++);

    private E addToIndex(E e, int idx) {
        indexMap.putIfAbsent(requireNonNull(e), idx);
        return e;

    public boolean add(E e) {
        if(indexMap.putIfAbsent(requireNonNull(e), size()) != null) return false;
        return true;

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        return addAll((Iterable<? extends E>) c);
    public boolean addAll(Iterable<? extends E> c) {
        boolean rv = false;
        for (E item: c) {
            rv |= add(item);
        return rv;

    public boolean contains(Object e) {
        return indexMap.containsKey(e);


    public int indexOf(Object e) {
        if (e == null) return -1;
        Integer i = indexMap.get(e);
        return (i == null) ? -1 : i;

    public int lastIndexOf(Object e) {
        return indexOf(e);

    @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    public Object clone() {
        IndexedArraySet clone = (IndexedArraySet) super.clone();
        clone.indexMap = (HashMap) indexMap.clone();
        return clone;

    public void add(int idx, E e) {
        if(indexMap.putIfAbsent(requireNonNull(e), -1) != null) return;
        super.add(idx, e);

    public boolean remove(Object e) {
        boolean rv;
        try { rv = super.remove(e); }
        finally { reindex(); }
        return rv;

    public void clear() {

    public boolean addAll(int idx, Collection<? extends E> c) {
        boolean rv;
        try {
            for(E item : c) {
                // check uniqueness
                addToIndex(item, -1);
            rv = super.addAll(idx, c);
        } finally {
        return rv;

    public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
        boolean rv;
        try { rv = super.removeAll(c); }
        finally { reindex(); }
        return rv;

    public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
        boolean rv;
        try { rv = super.retainAll(c); }
        finally { reindex(); }
        return rv;

    public boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter) {
        boolean rv;
        try { rv = super.removeIf(filter); }
        finally { reindex(); }
        return rv;

    public void replaceAll(final UnaryOperator<E> operator) {
        try {
            int duplicates = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
                E newval = requireNonNull(operator.apply(this.get(i)));
                if(indexMap.putIfAbsent(newval, i-duplicates) == null) {
                    super.set(i-duplicates, newval);
                } else {
            removeRange(size()-duplicates, size());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // If there's an exception the indexMap will be inconsistent
            throw ex;


    public void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) {
        try { super.sort(c); }
        finally { reindex(); }

Response.Redirect with POST instead of Get?

PostbackUrl can be set on your asp button to post to a different page.

if you need to do it in codebehind, try Server.Transfer.

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

I got this error for my Linux Jenkins slave. I fixed it by changing from the node from "Known hosts file Verification Strategy" to "Non verifying Verification Strategy".

Copy multiple files in Python

You can use os.listdir() to get the files in the source directory, os.path.isfile() to see if they are regular files (including symbolic links on *nix systems), and shutil.copy to do the copying.

The following code copies only the regular files from the source directory into the destination directory (I'm assuming you don't want any sub-directories copied).

import os
import shutil
src_files = os.listdir(src)
for file_name in src_files:
    full_file_name = os.path.join(src, file_name)
    if os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
        shutil.copy(full_file_name, dest)

Run text file as commands in Bash

You can use something like this:

for i in `cat foo.txt`
    sudo $i

Though if the commands have arguments (i.e. there is whitespace in the lines) you may have to monkey around with that a bit to protect the whitepace so that the whole string is seen by sudo as a command. But it gives you an idea on how to start.

Simulating a click in jQuery/JavaScript on a link

Easy! Just use jQuery's click function:


How do I check CPU and Memory Usage in Java?

Here is some simple code to calculate the current memory usage in megabytes:

double currentMemory = ( (double)((double)(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()/1024)/1024))- ((double)((double)(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()/1024)/1024));

CSS3 equivalent to jQuery slideUp and slideDown?

So I've gone ahead and answered my own question :)

@True's answer regarded transforming an element to a specific height. The problem with this is I don't know the height of the element (it can fluctuate).

I found other solutions around which used max-height as the transition but this produced a very jerky animation for me.

My solution below works only in WebKit browsers.

Although not purely CSS, it involves transitioning the height, which is determined by some JS.

$('#click-me').click(function() {_x000D_
  var height = $("#this").height();_x000D_
  if (height > 0) {_x000D_
    $('#this').css('height', '0');_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
      'position': 'absolute',_x000D_
      'visibility': 'hidden',_x000D_
      'height': 'auto'_x000D_
    var newHeight = $("#this").height();_x000D_
      'position': 'static',_x000D_
      'visibility': 'visible',_x000D_
      'height': '0'_x000D_
    $('#this').css('height', newHeight + 'px');_x000D_
#this {_x000D_
  width: 500px;_x000D_
  height: 0;_x000D_
  max-height: 9999px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  background: #BBBBBB;_x000D_
  -webkit-transition: height 1s ease-in-out;_x000D_
#click-me {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="click-me">click me</p>_x000D_
<div id="this">here<br />is<br />a<br />bunch<br />of<br />content<br />sdf</div>_x000D_
<div>always shows</div>

View on JSFiddle

Difference between clean, gradlew clean

You can also use

./gradlew clean build (Mac and Linux) -With ./

gradlew clean build (Windows) -Without ./

it removes build folder, as well configure your modules and then build your project.

i use it before release any new app on playstore.

How to generate xsd from wsdl

You can use SoapUI: This is a generally handy program. Make a new project, connect to the WSDL link, then right click on the project and say "Show interface viewer". Under "Schemas" on the left you can see the XSD.

SoapUI can do many things though!

Map a network drive to be used by a service

There is a good answer here:

I.e. You can use a symbolic link, e.g.

mklink /D C:\myLink \\\c$

Java: Unresolved compilation problem

Make sure you have removed unavailable libraries (jar files) from build path

Creating a byte array from a stream

While Jon's answer is correct, he is rewriting code that already exists in CopyTo. So for .Net 4 use Sandip's solution, but for previous version of .Net use Jon's answer. Sandip's code would be improved by use of "using" as exceptions in CopyTo are, in many situations, quite likely and would leave the MemoryStream not disposed.

public static byte[] ReadFully(Stream input)
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
        return ms.ToArray();

Arrays with different datatypes i.e. strings and integers. (Objectorientend)

public class Book
    public int number;
    public String title;
    public String language;
    public int price;

    // Add constructor, get, set, as needed.

then declare your array as:

Book[] books = new Book[3];

EDIT: In response to O.P.'s confusion, Book should be an object, not an array. Each book should be created on it's own (via a properly designed constructor) and then added to the array. In fact, I wouldn't use an array, but an ArrayList. In other words, you are trying to force data into containers that aren't suitable for the task at hand.

I would venture that 50% of programming is choosing the right data structure for your data. Algorithms naturally follow if there is a good choice of structure.

When properly done, you get your UI class to look like: Edit: Generics added to the following code snippet.

ArrayList<Book> myLibrary = new ArrayList<Book>();
myLibrary.add(new Book(1, "Thinking In Java", "English", 4999));
myLibrary.add(new Book(2, "Hacking for Fun and Profit", "English", 1099);


now you can use the Collections interface and do something like:

int total = 0;
for (Book b : myLibrary)
   total += b.price;
   System.out.println(b); // Assuming a valid toString in the Book class
System.out.println("The total value of your library is " + total);

How to specify the private SSH-key to use when executing shell command on Git?

You can try sshmulti npm package for maintaining multiple ssh key.

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


Capturing count from an SQL query

Use SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() and cast it to an int:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name";
Int32 count = (Int32) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

How do you style a TextInput in react native for password input

I am using 0.56RC secureTextEntry={true} Along with password={true} then only its working as mentioned by @NicholasByDesign

iOS how to set app icon and launch images

To save a bit time:

1) You can mark your app icon images all in finder and drag them into your Assets catalog all at once by dragging into one of the empty slots of the app icon imageset. When you hold your drag over the slot, several of the other slots look selected and when you drop those all will be filled up at once. Note that this works in XCode 8 (I haven't tried XCode 7), but in XCode 9 beta not yet.

Dragging into app icon Asset catalog imageset

2) The "Technical Q&A QA1686" apple documentation site has the sizes per app icon slot already calculated for you in a nice image and also contains the correct image names conventions.

App icon sizes

What's the difference between window.location and document.location in JavaScript?

Actually I notice a difference in chrome between both , For example if you want to do a navigation to a sandboxed frame from a child frame then you can do this just with document.location but not with window.location

Connect to docker container as user other than root

For docker run:

Simply add the option --user <user> to change to another user when you start the docker container.

docker run -it --user nobody busybox

For docker attach or docker exec:

Since the command is used to attach/execute into the existing process, therefore it uses the current user there directly.

docker run -it busybox  # CTRL-P/Q to quit
docker attach <container id>  # then you have root user
/ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=10(wheel)

docker run -it --user nobody busybox # CTRL-P/Q to quit
docker attach <container id>  
/ $ id
uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nogroup)

If you really want to attach to the user you want to have, then

  1. start with that user run --user <user> or mention it in your Dockerfile using USER
  2. change the user using `su

How to trim white spaces of array values in php

If the array is multidimensional, this will work great:

//trims empty spaces in array elements (recursively trim multidimesional arrays)
function trimData($data){
   if($data == null)
       return null;

       return array_map('trimData', $data);
   }else return trim($data);

one sample test is like this:

$arr=[" aaa ", " b  ", "m    ", ["  .e  ", "    12 3", "9 0    0 0   "]];
//Array ( [0] => aaa [1] => b [2] => m [3] => Array ( [0] => .e [1] => 12 3 [2] => 9 0 0 0 ) )

Finding the source code for built-in Python functions?

Quite an unknown resource is the Python Developer Guide.

In a (somewhat) recent GH issue, a new chapter was added for to address the question you're asking: CPython Source Code Layout. If something should change, that resource will also get updated.

how to use substr() function in jquery?

Extract characters from a string:

var str = "Hello world!";
var res = str.substring(1,4);

The result of res will be:


    if($(this).text().length > 30) {

Invalid Host Header when ngrok tries to connect to React dev server

I used this set up in a react app that works. I created a config file named configstrp.js that contains the following:

module.exports = {
ngrok: {
// use the local frontend port to connect
enabled: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
subdomain: process.env.NGROK_SUBDOMAIN,
authtoken: process.env.NGROK_AUTHTOKEN
},   }

Require the file in the server.

const configstrp      = require('./config/configstrp.js');
const ngrok = configstrp.ngrok.enabled ? require('ngrok') : null;

and connect as such

if (ngrok) {
console.log('If nGronk')
    addr: configstrp.ngrok.port,
    subdomain: configstrp.ngrok.subdomain,
    authtoken: configstrp.ngrok.authtoken,
  (err, url) => {
    if (err) {

    } else {


Do not pass a subdomain if you do not have a custom domain

What could cause java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException?

You can compare with the original exception Class using getCause() method like this :

} catch(Exception e){
      // handle your exception  1
   } else {
      // handle the rest of the world exception 

NodeJs : TypeError: require(...) is not a function

I've faced to something like this too. in your routes file , export the function as an object like this :

 module.exports = {
     hbd: handlebar

and in your app file , you can have access to the function by .hbd and there is no ptoblem ....!

How can I get enum possible values in a MySQL database?

It is extraordinary how none of you has thought that if you are using an enum field it means that the values to be assigned are known "a priori".

Therefore if the values are known "a priori" the best ways to manage them is through a very simple Enum class.

Kiss rule and save one database call.

class Genre extends \SplEnum {
 const male = "Male";
 const female = "Female";

How do I wrap text in a pre tag?

Try using

<pre style="white-space:normal;">. 

Or better throw CSS.

Where do I download JDBC drivers for DB2 that are compatible with JDK 1.5?

Right here:

This is what I use for that exact purpose.

EDIT: Usage Examples (minus exceptions):

// Driver initialization
AS400JDBCDriver driver = new;

// JDBC Connection URL
String url = "jdbc:as400://" + ";promt=false" // disable GUI prompting by jt400 library

// Get a Connection object (this is used to create statements, etc)
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, UserString, PassString);

Hope that helps!

How to layout multiple panels on a jFrame? (java)

You'll want to use a number of layout managers to help you achieve the basic results you want.

Check out A Visual Guide to Layout Managers for a comparision.

You could use a GridBagLayout but that's one of the most complex (and powerful) layout managers available in the JDK.

You could use a series of compound layout managers instead.

I'd place the graphics component and text area on a single JPanel, using a BorderLayout, with the graphics component in the CENTER and the text area in the SOUTH position.

I'd place the text field and button on a separate JPanel using a GridBagLayout (because it's the simplest I can think of to achieve the over result you want)

I'd place these two panels onto a third, master, panel, using a BorderLayout, with the first panel in the CENTER and the second at the SOUTH position.

But that's me

How does Task<int> become an int?

Does an implicit conversion occur between Task<> and int?

Nope. This is just part of how async/await works.

Any method declared as async has to have a return type of:

  • void (avoid if possible)
  • Task (no result beyond notification of completion/failure)
  • Task<T> (for a logical result of type T in an async manner)

The compiler does all the appropriate wrapping. The point is that you're asynchronously returning urlContents.Length - you can't make the method just return int, as the actual method will return when it hits the first await expression which hasn't already completed. So instead, it returns a Task<int> which will complete when the async method itself completes.

Note that await does the opposite - it unwraps a Task<T> to a T value, which is how this line works:

string urlContents = await getStringTask;

... but of course it unwraps it asynchronously, whereas just using Result would block until the task had completed. (await can unwrap other types which implement the awaitable pattern, but Task<T> is the one you're likely to use most often.)

This dual wrapping/unwrapping is what allows async to be so composable. For example, I could write another async method which calls yours and doubles the result:

public async Task<int> AccessTheWebAndDoubleAsync()
    var task = AccessTheWebAsync();
    int result = await task;
    return result * 2;

(Or simply return await AccessTheWebAsync() * 2; of course.)

Is it possible to force Excel recognize UTF-8 CSV files automatically?

The bug with ignored BOM seems to be fixed for Excel 2013. I had same problem with Cyrillic letters, but adding BOM character \uFEFF did help.

C# - What does the Assert() method do? Is it still useful?

Assert also gives you another opportunity to chuckle at Microsoft's UI design skills. I mean: a dialog with three buttons Abort, Retry, Ignore, and an explanation of how to interpret them in the title bar!

How can I pretty-print JSON using Go?

By pretty-print, I assume you mean indented, like so

    "data": 1234

rather than


The easiest way to do this is with MarshalIndent, which will let you specify how you would like it indented via the indent argument. Thus, json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ") will pretty-print using four spaces for indentation.

AltGr key not working, instead I have to use Ctrl+AltGr

I found a solution for my problem while writing my question !

Going into my remote session i tried two key combinations, and it solved the problem on my Desktop : Alt+Enter and Ctrl+Enter (i don't know which one solved the problem though)

I tried to reproduce the problem, but i couldn't... but i'm almost sure it's one of the key combinations described in the question above (since i experienced this problem several times)

So it seems the problem comes from the use of RDP (windows7 and 8)

Update 2017: Problem occurs on Windows 10 aswell.

How do I grab an INI value within a shell script?

All of the solutions I've seen so far also hit on commented out lines. This one didn't, if the comment code is ;:

awk -F '=' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /database_version/) print $2}' file.ini

Call a child class method from a parent class object

I had the same situation and I found a way around with a bit of engineering as follows - -

  1. You have to have your method in parent class without any parameter and use - -

    Class<? extends Person> cl = this.getClass(); // inside parent class
  2. Now, with 'cl' you can access all child class fields with their name and initialized values by using - -

    cl.getDeclaredFields(); cl.getField("myfield"); // and many more
  3. In this situation your 'this' pointer will reference your child class object if you are calling parent method through your child class object.

  4. Another thing you might need to use is Object obj = cl.newInstance();

Let me know if still you got stucked somewhere.

pandas python how to count the number of records or rows in a dataframe

To get the number of rows in a dataframe use:


(and df.shape[1] to get the number of columns).

As an alternative you can use




(and len(df.columns) for the columns)

shape is more versatile and more convenient than len(), especially for interactive work (just needs to be added at the end), but len is a bit faster (see also this answer).

To avoid: count() because it returns the number of non-NA/null observations over requested axis

len(df.index) is faster

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(24).reshape(8, 3),columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
# Out:
#     A   B   C
# 0   0   1   2
# 1   3   4   5
# 2   6   7   8
# 3   9  10  11
# 4  12  13  14
# 5 NaN  16  17
# 6  18  19  20
# 7  21  22  23

%timeit df.shape[0]
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 4.22 µs per loop

%timeit len(df)
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 2.26 µs per loop

%timeit len(df.index)
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.46 µs per loop

df.__len__ is just a call to len(df.index)

import inspect 
# Out:
#     def __len__(self):
#         """Returns length of info axis, but here we use the index """
#         return len(self.index)

Why you should not use count()

# Out:
# A    7
# B    8
# C    8

Close/kill the session when the browser or tab is closed

Please refer the below steps:

  1. First create a page SessionClear.aspx and write the code to clear session
  2. Then add following JavaScript code in your page or Master Page:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var isClose = false;
        //this code will handle the F5 or Ctrl+F5 key
        //need to handle more cases like ctrl+R whose codes are not listed here
        document.onkeydown = checkKeycode
        function checkKeycode(e) {
        var keycode;
        if (window.event)
        keycode = window.event.keyCode;
        else if (e)
        keycode = e.which;
        if(keycode == 116)
        isClose = true;
        function somefunction()
        isClose = true;
            function bodyUnload() {
                  var request = GetRequest();
        "GET", "SessionClear.aspx", true);
            function GetRequest() {
                var request = null;
                if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
                    //incase of IE7,FF, Opera and Safari browser
                    request = new XMLHttpRequest();
                else {
                    //for old browser like IE 6.x and IE 5.x
                    request = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
                return request;
  3. Add the following code in the body tag of master page.

    <body onbeforeunload="bodyUnload();" onmousedown="somefunction()">

error: function returns address of local variable

This line:

char b = "blah";

Is no good - your lvalue needs to be a pointer.

Your code is also in danger of a stack overflow, since your recursion check isn't bounding the decreasing value of x.

Anyway, the actual error message you are getting is because char a is an automatic variable; the moment you return it will cease to exist. You need something other than an automatic variable.

Adding close button in div to close the box

Updated your fiddle: Hope, everything is clear?

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.fragment i').on('click', function(e) { $('a').remove(); });

Added jQuery and inserted an <i> as close trigger...

Send multipart/form-data files with angular using $http

In angular 9, Before tried 'Content-Type': undefined, but it is not worked for me then I tried the below code and It works like charms for a file object

const request =, data, {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'file'

Getting "A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&)"

If you want to allow Html tags only for few textbox in mvc

You can do one thing

in controller

public ActionResult CreateNewHtml()  //view
    return View();
public ActionResult CreateNewHtml(cbs obj)//view cbs is database class
    return View();

mysql: see all open connections to a given database?

In MySql,the following query shall show the total number of open connections:

show status like 'Threads_connected';

Looking to understand the iOS UIViewController lifecycle

As per Apple's doc — Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift) — Work with View Controllers — Understand the View Controller Lifecycle

viewDidLoad()—Called when the view controller’s content view (the top of its view hierarchy) is created and loaded from a storyboard. … Use this method to perform any additional setup required by your view controller.

viewWillAppear()—Called just before the view controller’s content view is added to the app’s view hierarchy. Use this method to trigger any operations that need to occur before the content view is presented onscreen

viewDidAppear()—Called just after the view controller’s content view has been added to the app’s view hierarchy. Use this method to trigger any operations that need to occur as soon as the view is presented onscreen, such as fetching data or showing an animation.

viewWillDisappear()—Called just before the view controller’s content view is removed from the app’s view hierarchy. Use this method to perform cleanup tasks like committing changes or resigning the first responder status.

viewDidDisappear()—Called just after the view controller’s content view has been removed from the app’s view hierarchy. Use this method to perform additional teardown activities.

How to save the contents of a div as a image?

There are several of this same question (1, 2). One way of doing it is using canvas. Here's a working solution. Here you can see some working examples of using this library.

What are the different types of indexes, what are the benefits of each?

I suggest you search the blogs of Jason Massie ( and Brent Ozar ( for related info. They have some post about real-life scenario that deals with indexes.

Getting values from JSON using Python

Using Python to extract a value from the provided Json

Working sample:-

import json
import sys

//load the data into an element
data={"test1" : "1", "test2" : "2", "test3" : "3"}

//dumps the json object into an element
json_str = json.dumps(data)

//load the json to a string
resp = json.loads(json_str)

//print the resp
print (resp)

//extract an element in the response
print (resp['test1'])

What happened to Lodash _.pluck?

Or try pure ES6 nonlodash method like this

const reducer = (array, object) => {
  return array

var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'a': 2 }];
objects.reduce(reducer, [])

How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application?

If you are using the Mono toolchain, you can use the monodis utility with the --assemblyref argument to list the dependencies of a .NET assembly. This will work on both .exe and .dll files.

Example usage:

monodis --assemblyref somefile.exe

Example output (.exe):

$ monodis --assemblyref monop.exe
AssemblyRef Table
1: Version=
    Public Key:
0x00000000: B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89
2: Version=
    Public Key:
0x00000000: B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89

Example output (.dll):

$ monodis --assemblyref Mono.CSharp.dll
AssemblyRef Table
1: Version=
    Public Key:
0x00000000: B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89
2: Version=
    Public Key:
0x00000000: B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89
3: Version=
    Public Key:
0x00000000: B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89
4: Version=
    Public Key:
0x00000000: B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89

Convert an ISO date to the date format yyyy-mm-dd in JavaScript

To extend on rk rk's solution: In case you want the format to include the time, you can add the toTimeString() to your string, and then strip the GMT part, as follows:

var d = new Date('2013-03-10T02:00:00Z');
var fd = d.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + d.toTimeString().substring(0, d.toTimeString().indexOf("GMT"));

How to get an HTML element's style values in javascript?

In jQuery, you can do alert($("#theid").css("width")).

-- if you haven't taken a look at jQuery, I highly recommend it; it makes many simple javascript tasks effortless.


for the record, this post is 5 years old. The web has developed, moved on, etc. There are ways to do this with Plain Old Javascript, which is better.

How can I check if a string represents an int, without using try/except?

>>> "+7".lstrip("-+").isdigit()
>>> "-7".lstrip("-+").isdigit()
>>> "7".lstrip("-+").isdigit()
>>> "13.4".lstrip("-+").isdigit()

So your function would be:

def is_int(val):
   return val.lstrip("-+").isdigit()

How to configure SSL certificates with Charles Web Proxy and the latest Android Emulator on Windows?

To remotely capture http or https traffic with charles you will need to do the following:

HOST - Machine running Charles and hosting the proxy CLIENT – User’s machine generating the traffic you will capture

Host Machine

  1. Install fully licensed charles version
  2. Proxy -> Proxy Settings -> check “Enable Transparent HTTP Proxying”
  3. Proxy -> SSL Proxying Settings -> check “enable SSL Proxying”
  4. Proxy -> SSL Proxying Settings -> click Add button and input * in both fields
  5. Proxy -> Access Control Settings -> Add your local subnet (ex: to authorize all machines on your local network to use the proxy from another machine
  6. It might be advisable to set up the “auto save tool” in charles, this will auto save and rotate the charles logs.

Client Machine:

  1. Install and permanently accept/trust the charles SSL certificate
  2. Configure IE, Firefox, and Chrome to use the socket charles is hosting the proxy on (ex:

When I tested this out I picked up two lines of a Facebook HTTPS chat (one was a line TO someone, and the other FROM)

you can also capture android emulator traffic this way if you start the emulator with:

emulator -avd <avd name> -http-proxy http://local_ip:8888/

Where LOCAL_IP is the IP address of your computer, not as that is the IP address of the emulated phone.


Accessing Objects in JSON Array (JavaScript)

You can loop the array with a for loop and the object properties with for-in loops.

for (var i=0; i<result.length; i++)
    for (var name in result[i]) {
        console.log("Item name: "+name);
        console.log("Source: "+result[i][name].sourceUuid);
        console.log("Target: "+result[i][name].targetUuid);

Removing numbers from string

Just a few (others have suggested some of these)

Method 1:

''.join(i for i in myStr if not i.isdigit())

Method 2:

def removeDigits(s):
    answer = []
    for char in s:
        if not char.isdigit():
    return ''.join(char)

Method 3:

''.join(filter(lambda x: not x.isdigit(), mystr))

Method 4:

nums = set(map(int, range(10)))
''.join(i for i in mystr if i not in nums)

Method 5:

''.join(i for i in mystr if ord(i) not in range(48, 58))

jQuery.getJSON - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Issue

You may well want to use JSON-P instead (see below). First a quick explanation.

The header you've mentioned is from the Cross Origin Resource Sharing standard. Beware that it is not supported by some browsers people actually use, and on other browsers (Microsoft's, sigh) it requires using a special object (XDomainRequest) rather than the standard XMLHttpRequest that jQuery uses. It also requires that you change server-side resources to explicitly allow the other origin (

To get the JSON data you're requesting, you basically have three options:

  1. If possible, you can be maximally-compatible by correcting the location of the files you're loading so they have the same origin as the document you're loading them into. (I assume you must be loading them via Ajax, hence the Same Origin Policy issue showing up.)

  2. Use JSON-P, which isn't subject to the SOP. jQuery has built-in support for it in its ajax call (just set dataType to "jsonp" and jQuery will do all the client-side work). This requires server side changes, but not very big ones; basically whatever you have that's generating the JSON response just looks for a query string parameter called "callback" and wraps the JSON in JavaScript code that would call that function. E.g., if your current JSON response is:

    {"weather": "Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day."}

    Your script would look for the "callback" query string parameter (let's say that the parameter's value is "jsop123") and wraps that JSON in the syntax for a JavaScript function call:

    jsonp123({"weather": "Dreary start but soon brightening into a fine summer day."});

    That's it. JSON-P is very broadly compatible (because it works via JavaScript script tags). JSON-P is only for GET, though, not POST (again because it works via script tags).

  3. Use CORS (the mechanism related to the header you quoted). Details in the specification linked above, but basically:

    A. The browser will send your server a "preflight" message using the OPTIONS HTTP verb (method). It will contain the various headers it would send with the GET or POST as well as the headers "Origin", "Access-Control-Request-Method" (e.g., GET or POST), and "Access-Control-Request-Headers" (the headers it wants to send).

    B. Your PHP decides, based on that information, whether the request is okay and if so responds with the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", and "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" headers with the values it will allow. You don't send any body (page) with that response.

    C. The browser will look at your response and see whether it's allowed to send you the actual GET or POST. If so, it will send that request, again with the "Origin" and various "Access-Control-Request-xyz" headers.

    D. Your PHP examines those headers again to make sure they're still okay, and if so responds to the request.

    In pseudo-code (I haven't done much PHP, so I'm not trying to do PHP syntax here):

    // Find out what the request is asking for
    corsOrigin = get_request_header("Origin")
    corsMethod = get_request_header("Access-Control-Request-Method")
    corsHeaders = get_request_header("Access-Control-Request-Headers")
    if corsOrigin is null or "null" {
        // Requests from a `file://` path seem to come through without an
        // origin or with "null" (literally) as the origin.
        // In my case, for testing, I wanted to allow those and so I output
        // "*", but you may want to go another way.
        corsOrigin = "*"
    // Decide whether to accept that request with those headers
    // If so:
    // Respond with headers saying what's allowed (here we're just echoing what they
    // asked for, except we may be using "*" [all] instead of the actual origin for
    // the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" one)
    set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", corsOrigin)
    set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", corsMethod)
    set_response_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", corsHeaders)
    if the HTTP request method is "OPTIONS" {
        // Done, no body in response to OPTIONS
    // Process the GET or POST here; output the body of the response

    Again stressing that this is pseudo-code.

Python multiprocessing PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>

Here is a list of what can be pickled. In particular, functions are only picklable if they are defined at the top-level of a module.

This piece of code:

import multiprocessing as mp

class Foo():
    def work(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':   
    pool = mp.Pool()
    foo = Foo()

yields an error almost identical to the one you posted:

Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 552, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 505, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", line 315, in _handle_tasks
PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed

The problem is that the pool methods all use a mp.SimpleQueue to pass tasks to the worker processes. Everything that goes through the mp.SimpleQueue must be pickable, and is not picklable since it is not defined at the top level of the module.

It can be fixed by defining a function at the top level, which calls

def work(foo):


Notice that foo is pickable, since Foo is defined at the top level and foo.__dict__ is picklable.

Is there a performance difference between i++ and ++i in C?

Here's an additional observation if you're worried about micro optimisation. Decrementing loops can 'possibly' be more efficient than incrementing loops (depending on instruction set architecture e.g. ARM), given:

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)

On each loop you you will have one instruction each for:

  1. Adding 1 to i.
  2. Compare whether i is less than a 100.
  3. A conditional branch if i is less than a 100.

Whereas a decrementing loop:

for (i = 100; i != 0; i--)

The loop will have an instruction for each of:

  1. Decrement i, setting the CPU register status flag.
  2. A conditional branch depending on CPU register status (Z==0).

Of course this works only when decrementing to zero!

Remembered from the ARM System Developer's Guide.

get current date with 'yyyy-MM-dd' format in Angular 4


     <h5 style="color:#ffffff;">{{myDate | date:'fullDate'}}</h5>


export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
myDate =;    //date 

How can I print variable and string on same line in Python?

Just use , (comma) in between.

See this code for better understanding:

# Weight converter pounds to kg

weight_lbs = input("Enter your weight in pounds: ")

weight_kg = 0.45 * int(weight_lbs)

print("You are ", weight_kg, " kg")

What's the difference between SHA and AES encryption?

SHA is a hash function and AES is an encryption standard. Given an input you can use SHA to produce an output which is very unlikely to be produced from any other input. Also, some information is lost while applying the function so even if you knew how to produce an input yielding the same output, that input wouldn't likely be the same one used in the first place. On the other hand AES is meant to protect from disclosure to third parties any data sent between two parties sharing the same encryption key. This means that once you know the encryption key and the output (and the IV...) you can seamlessly get back to the original input. Please notice that SHA doesn't require anything but an input to be applied, while AES requires at least 3 thins: what you're encrypting/decrypting, an encryption key and the initialization vector (IV).

Bootstrap - dropdown menu not working?

When i checked i saw display: none; value is in the .dropdown-menu bootstrap css class. Hence i removed it.

Browser detection

Here's a way you can request info about the browser being used, you can use this to do your if statement

System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;
    string s = "Browser Capabilities\n"
        + "Type = "                    + browser.Type + "\n"
        + "Name = "                    + browser.Browser + "\n"
        + "Version = "                 + browser.Version + "\n"
        + "Major Version = "           + browser.MajorVersion + "\n"
        + "Minor Version = "           + browser.MinorVersion + "\n"
        + "Platform = "                + browser.Platform + "\n"
        + "Is Beta = "                 + browser.Beta + "\n"
        + "Is Crawler = "              + browser.Crawler + "\n"
        + "Is AOL = "                  + browser.AOL + "\n"
        + "Is Win16 = "                + browser.Win16 + "\n"
        + "Is Win32 = "                + browser.Win32 + "\n"
        + "Supports Frames = "         + browser.Frames + "\n"
        + "Supports Tables = "         + browser.Tables + "\n"
        + "Supports Cookies = "        + browser.Cookies + "\n"
        + "Supports VBScript = "       + browser.VBScript + "\n"
        + "Supports JavaScript = "     + 
            browser.EcmaScriptVersion.ToString() + "\n"
        + "Supports Java Applets = "   + browser.JavaApplets + "\n"
        + "Supports ActiveX Controls = " + browser.ActiveXControls 
              + "\n";

MSDN Article

Getting the error "Missing $ inserted" in LaTeX

The "Missing $ inserted" is probably caused by the underscores and bars. These characters in LaTeX have special meaning in math mode (which is delimited by $ characters). Try escaping them; e.g. update\_element instead of update_element.

However, if you're trying to display code, a better solution would be to use the \verb command, which will typeset the text in a monospaced font and will automatically handle underscores and bars correctly (no need to escape them with \).

HTML5 <video> element on Android

Try h.264 in an mp4 container. I've had much success with it on my Droid X. I've been using for format conversions.

Mocking a function to raise an Exception to test an except block

Your mock is raising the exception just fine, but the error.resp.status value is missing. Rather than use return_value, just tell Mock that status is an attribute:

barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')

Additional keyword arguments to Mock() are set as attributes on the resulting object.

I put your foo and bar definitions in a my_tests module, added in the HttpError class so I could use it too, and your test then can be ran to success:

>>> from my_tests import foo, HttpError
>>> import mock
>>> with mock.patch('') as barMock:
...     barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')
...     result =
404 - 
>>> result is None

You can even see the print '404 - %s' % error.message line run, but I think you wanted to use error.content there instead; that's the attribute HttpError() sets from the second argument, at any rate.

Javascript date regex DD/MM/YYYY

I use this function for dd/mm/yyyy format :

// (new Date()).fromString("3/9/2013") : 3 of september
// (new Date()).fromString("3/9/2013", false) : 9 of march
Date.prototype.fromString = function(str, ddmmyyyy) {
    var m = str.match(/(\d+)(-|\/)(\d+)(?:-|\/)(?:(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?)?/);
    if(m[2] == "/"){
        if(ddmmyyyy === false)
            return new Date(+m[4], +m[1] - 1, +m[3], m[5] ? +m[5] : 0, m[6] ? +m[6] : 0, m[7] ? +m[7] : 0, m[8] ? +m[8] * 100 : 0);
        return new Date(+m[4], +m[3] - 1, +m[1], m[5] ? +m[5] : 0, m[6] ? +m[6] : 0, m[7] ? +m[7] : 0, m[8] ? +m[8] * 100 : 0);
    return new Date(+m[1], +m[3] - 1, +m[4], m[5] ? +m[5] : 0, m[6] ? +m[6] : 0, m[7] ? +m[7] : 0, m[8] ? +m[8] * 100 : 0);

Converting JSON to XML in Java

For json to xml use the following Jackson example:

final String str = "{\"name\":\"JSON\",\"integer\":1,\"double\":2.0,\"boolean\":true,\"nested\":{\"id\":42},\"array\":[1,2,3]}";
ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode node = jsonMapper.readValue(str, JsonNode.class);
XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
        xmlMapper.configure(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true);
        xmlMapper.configure(ToXmlGenerator.Feature.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION, true);
        xmlMapper.configure(ToXmlGenerator.Feature.WRITE_XML_1_1, true);
StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
xmlMapper.writeValue(w, node);


<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>

To convert it back (xml to json) take a look at this answer .

AppStore - App status is ready for sale, but not in app store

After your app status changes to 'Ready for Sale' you will get official mail from Apple. The mail itself states that it might take 24 hours before your App is available on AppStore. If it takes more than days then contact Apple.

Refer below screenshot.


Multiple -and -or in PowerShell Where-Object statement

By wrapping your comparisons in {} in your first example you are creating ScriptBlocks; so the PowerShell interpreter views it as Where-Object { <ScriptBlock> -and <ScriptBlock> }. Since the -and operator operates on boolean values, PowerShell casts the ScriptBlocks to boolean values. In PowerShell anything that is not empty, zero or null is true. The statement then looks like Where-Object { $true -and $true } which is always true.

Instead of using {}, use parentheses ().

Also you want to use -eq instead of -match since match uses regex and will be true if the pattern is found anywhere in the string (try: 'xlsx' -match 'xls').

Invoke-Command -computername SERVERNAME { 
    Get-ChildItem -path E:\dfsroots\datastore2\public | 
        Where-Object {($_.extension -eq ".xls" -or $_.extension -eq ".xlk") -and ($_.creationtime -ge "06/01/2014")}

A better option is to filter the extensions at the Get-ChildItem command.

Invoke-Command -computername SERVERNAME { 
    Get-ChildItem -path E:\dfsroots\datastore2\public\* -Include *.xls, *.xlk | 
        Where-Object {$_.creationtime -ge "06/01/2014"}

Why can I not create a wheel in python?

Update your setuptools, too.

pip install setuptools --upgrade

If that fails too, you could try with additional --force flag.

Pipe to/from the clipboard in Bash script

pbcopy is built in OSX:

Copying the content of .bash_profile:

cat ~/.bash_profile | pbcopy

Adjust UILabel height to text

Just by setting:

label.numberOfLines = 0

The label automatically adjusts its height based upon the amount of text entered.

Jquery array.push() not working

Your HTML should include quotes for attributes :

Not required when using a HTML5 doctype - thanks @bazmegakapa

You create the array each time and add a value to it ... its working as expected ?

Moving the array outside of the live() function works fine :

var myarray = []; // more efficient than new Array()
$("#test").live("click",function() {

Also note that in later versions of jQuery v1.7 -> the live() method is deprecated and replaced by the on() method.

How to move table from one tablespace to another in oracle 11g

Use sql from sql:

spool output of this to a file:

select 'alter index '||owner||'.'||index_name||' rebuild tablespace TO_TABLESPACE_NAME;' from all_indexes where owner='OWNERNAME';

spoolfile will have something like this:

alter index OWNER.PK_INDEX rebuild tablespace CORRECT_TS_NAME;

How could I put a border on my grid control in WPF?

This is a later answer that works for me, if it may be of use to anyone in the future. I wanted a simple border around all four sides of the grid and I achieved it like so...

<DataGrid x:Name="dgDisplay" Margin="5" BorderBrush="#1266a7" BorderThickness="1"...

How do I create an Excel chart that pulls data from multiple sheets?

Here's some code from Excel 2010 that may work. It has a couple specifics (like filtering bad-encode characters from titles) but it was designed to create multiple multi-series graphs from 4-dimensional data having both absolute and percentage-based data. Modify it how you like:

Sub createAllGraphs()

Const chartWidth As Integer = 260
Const chartHeight As Integer = 200

If Sheets.Count = 1 Then
    Sheets.Add , Sheets(1)
    Sheets(2).Name = "AllCharts"
ElseIf Sheets("AllCharts").ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
End If
Dim c As Variant
Dim c2 As Variant
Dim cs As Object
Set cs = Sheets("AllCharts")
Dim s As Object
Set s = Sheets(1)

Dim i As Integer

Dim chartX As Integer
Dim chartY As Integer

Dim r As Integer
r = 2

Dim curA As String
curA = s.Range("A" & r)
Dim curB As String
Dim curC As String
Dim startR As Integer
startR = 2

Dim lastTime As Boolean
lastTime = False

Do While s.Range("A" & r) <> ""

    If curC <> s.Range("C" & r) Then

        If r <> 2 Then
            c.SeriesCollection.Add s.Range("D" & startR & ":E" & (r - 1)), , False, True
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).Name = Replace(s.Range("C" & startR), "Â", "")
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).XValues = "='" & s.Name & "'!$D$" & startR & ":$D$" & (r - 1)
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).Values = "='" & s.Name & "'!$E$" & startR & ":$E$" & (r - 1)
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).HasErrorBars = True
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlY, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlCustom, Amount:="='" & s.Name & "'!$F$" & startR & ":$F$" & (r - 1), minusvalues:="='" & s.Name & "'!$F$" & startR & ":$F$" & (r - 1)
            c.SeriesCollection(c.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlX, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlFixedValue, Amount:=0

            c2.SeriesCollection.Add s.Range("D" & startR & ":D" & (r - 1) & ",G" & startR & ":G" & (r - 1)), , False, True
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).Name = Replace(s.Range("C" & startR), "Â", "")
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).XValues = "='" & s.Name & "'!$D$" & startR & ":$D$" & (r - 1)
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).Values = "='" & s.Name & "'!$G$" & startR & ":$G$" & (r - 1)
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).HasErrorBars = True
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlY, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlCustom, Amount:="='" & s.Name & "'!$H$" & startR & ":$H$" & (r - 1), minusvalues:="='" & s.Name & "'!$H$" & startR & ":$H$" & (r - 1)
            c2.SeriesCollection(c2.SeriesCollection.Count).ErrorBar Direction:=xlX, Include:=xlBoth, Type:=xlFixedValue, Amount:=0
            If lastTime = True Then GoTo postLoop
        End If

        If curB <> s.Range("B" & r).Value Then

            If curA <> s.Range("A" & r).Value Then
                chartX = chartX + chartWidth * 2
                chartY = 0
                curA = s.Range("A" & r)
            End If

            Set c = cs.ChartObjects.Add(chartX, chartY, chartWidth, chartHeight)
            Set c = c.Chart
            c.ChartWizard , xlXYScatterSmooth, , , , , True, Replace(s.Range("B" & r), "Â", "") & " " & s.Range("A" & r), s.Range("D1"), s.Range("E1")

            Set c2 = cs.ChartObjects.Add(chartX + chartWidth, chartY, chartWidth, chartHeight)
            Set c2 = c2.Chart
            c2.ChartWizard , xlXYScatterSmooth, , , , , True, Replace(s.Range("B" & r), "Â", "") & " " & s.Range("A" & r) & " (%)", s.Range("D1"), s.Range("G1")

            chartY = chartY + chartHeight
            curB = s.Range("B" & r)
            curC = s.Range("C" & r)
        End If

        curC = s.Range("C" & r)
        startR = r
    End If

    If s.Range("A" & r) <> "" Then oneMoreTime = False ' end the loop for real this time
    r = r + 1

lastTime = True
GoTo seriesAdd

End Sub

How to fix '.' is not an internal or external command error

This error comes when using the following command in Windows. You can simply run the following command by removing the dot '.' and the slash '/'.

Instead of writing:

D:\Gesture Recognition\Gesture Recognition\Debug>./"Gesture Recognition.exe"


D:\Gesture Recognition\Gesture Recognition\Debug>"Gesture Recognition.exe"

Rounded table corners CSS only

To adapt @luke flournoy's brilliant answer - and if you're not using th in your table, here's all the CSS you need to make a rounded table:

border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0;
border: 1px solid grey;
border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;

.my_table tr:first-of-type {
  border-top-left-radius: 10px;

.my_table tr:first-of-type td:last-of-type {
  border-top-right-radius: 10px;

.my_table tr:last-of-type td:first-of-type {
  border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;

.my_table tr:last-of-type td:last-of-type {
  border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;

Compare if BigDecimal is greater than zero

Use compareTo() function that's built into the class.

How to move git repository with all branches from bitbucket to github?

I made the following bash script in order to clone ALL of my Bitbucket (user) repositories to GitHub as private repositories.


  • jq (command-line JSON processor) | MacOS: brew install jq


  1. Go to and create an access token. We only need the "repo" scope.

  2. Save the script in a working folder and edit the file as needed.

  3. Don't forget to CHMOD 755

  4. Run! ./

  5. Enjoy the time you have saved.


  • It will clone the BitBucket repositories inside the directory the script resides (your working directory.)

  • This script does not delete your BitBucket repositories.

Need to move to public repositories on GitHub?

Find and change the "private": true to "private": false below.

Moving an organization's repositories?

Checkout the developer guide, it's a couple of edits away.

Happy moving.





pagelen=$(curl -s -u $BB_USERNAME:$BB_PASSWORD$BB_USERNAME | jq -r '.pagelen')

echo "Total number of pages: $pagelen"

hr () {
  printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' -  


while [ $i -le $pagelen ]
  echo "* Processing Page: $i..."
  pageval=$(curl -s -u $BB_USERNAME:$BB_PASSWORD$BB_USERNAME?page=$i)
  next=$(echo $pageval | jq -r '.next')
  slugs=($(echo $pageval | jq -r '.values[] | .slug'))
  repos=($(echo $pageval | jq -r '.values[] | .links.clone[1].href'))
  for repo in ${repos[@]}
    echo "$(($j + 1)) = ${repos[$j]}"
  git clone --bare $repo 
  cd "$slug.git"
  echo "* $repo cloned, now creating $slug on github..."  

  read -r -d '' PAYLOAD <<EOP
    "name": "$slug",
    "description": "$slug - moved from bitbucket",
    "homepage": "$slug",
    "private": true

  curl -H "Authorization: token $GH_ACCESS_TOKEN" --data "$PAYLOAD" \
  echo "* mirroring $repo to github..."  
  git push --mirror "[email protected]:$GH_USERNAME/$slug.git"
  j=$(( $j + 1 ))
  cd ..
  i=$(( $i + 1 ))

How can I render HTML from another file in a React component?

You can use the dangerouslySetInnerHTML property to inject arbitrary HTML:

// Assume from another require()'ed module:_x000D_
var html = '<h1>Hello, world!</h1>'_x000D_
var MyComponent = React.createClass({_x000D_
  render: function() {_x000D_
    return React.createElement("h1", {dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {__html: html}})_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(MyComponent), document.getElementById('app'))
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="app"></div>

You could even componentize this template behavior (untested):

class TemplateComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.html = require(props.template)

  render() {
    return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.html}}/>


TemplateComponent.propTypes = {
  template: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired

// use like
<TemplateComponent template='./template.html'/>

And with this, template.html (in the same directory) looks something like (again, untested):

// ./template.html
module.exports = '<h1>Hello, world!</h1>'

Virtual member call in a constructor

When an object written in C# is constructed, what happens is that the initializers run in order from the most derived class to the base class, and then constructors run in order from the base class to the most derived class (see Eric Lippert's blog for details as to why this is).

Also in .NET objects do not change type as they are constructed, but start out as the most derived type, with the method table being for the most derived type. This means that virtual method calls always run on the most derived type.

When you combine these two facts you are left with the problem that if you make a virtual method call in a constructor, and it is not the most derived type in its inheritance hierarchy, that it will be called on a class whose constructor has not been run, and therefore may not be in a suitable state to have that method called.

This problem is, of course, mitigated if you mark your class as sealed to ensure that it is the most derived type in the inheritance hierarchy - in which case it is perfectly safe to call the virtual method.

Using Google Translate in C#

Google Translate Kit, an open source library

Translator gt = new Translator();
/*using cache*/
DemoWriter dw = new DemoWriter();
gt.KeyGen = new SimpleKeyGen();
gt.CacheManager = new SimleCacheManager();
gt.Writer = dw;
Translator.TranslatedPost post = gt.GetTranslatedPost("Hello world", LanguageConst.ENGLISH, LanguageConst.CHINESE);
Translator.TranslatedPost post2 = gt.GetTranslatedPost("I'm Jeff", LanguageConst.ENGLISH, LanguageConst.CHINESE);
this.result.InnerHtml = "<p>" + post.text +post2.text+ "</p>";

How to create a directory and give permission in single command

You could write a simple shell script, for example:

mkdir "$1"
chmod 777 "$1"

Once saved, and the executable flag enabled, you could run it instead of mkdir and chmod:

./scriptname path/foldername

However, alex's answer is much better because it spawns one process instead of three. I didn't know about the -m option.

extract part of a string using bash/cut/split

Define a function like this:

getUserName() {
    echo $1 | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs basename

And pass the string as a parameter:

userName=$(getUserName "/var/cpanel/users/")
echo $userName

How can a web application send push notifications to iOS devices?

While not yet supported on iOS (as of iOS 10), websites can send push notifications to Firefox and Chrome (Desktop/Android) with the Push API.

The Push API is used in conjunction with the older Web Notifications to display the message. The advantage is that the Push API allow the notification to be delivered even when the user is not surfing your website, because they are built upon Service Workers (scripts that are registered by the browser and can be executed in background at a later time even after your user has left your website).

The process of sending a notification involves the following:

  1. a user visits your website (must be secured over HTTPS): you ask permission to display push notifications and you register a service worker (a script that will be executed when a push notification is received)
  2. if the user has granted permission, you can read the device token (endpoint) which should be sent to the server and stored
  3. now you can send notifications to the user: your server makes an HTTP POST request to the endpoint (which is an URL that contains the device token). The server which receives the request is owned by the browser manufacturer (e.g. Google, Mozilla): the browser is constantly connected to it and can read the incoming notifications.
  4. when the user browser receives a notification executes the service worker, which is responsible for managing the event, retrieving the notification data from the server and displaying the notification to the user

The Push API is currently supported on desktop and Android by Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

You can also send push notifications to Apple / Safari desktop using APNs. The approach is similar, but with many complications (apple developer certificates, push packages, low-level TCP connection to APNs).

If you want to implement the push notifications by yourself start with these tutorials:

If you are looking for a drop in solution I would suggest Pushpad, which is a service I have built.

Update (September 2017): Apple has started developing the service workers for WebKit (status). Since the service workers are a fundamental technology for web push, this is a big step forward.

Adding a favicon to a static HTML page

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png"/>
 <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/ico" href=""/>

This worked for me

What is unexpected T_VARIABLE in PHP?

It could be some other line as well. PHP is not always that exact.

Probably you are just missing a semicolon on previous line.

How to reproduce this error, put this in a file called a.php:

  $a = 5
  $b = 7;        // Error happens here.
  print $b;

Run it:

eric@dev ~ $ php a.php

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in
/home/el/code/a.php on line 3


The PHP parser converts your program to a series of tokens. A T_VARIABLE is a Token of type VARIABLE. When the parser processes tokens, it tries to make sense of them, and throws errors if it receives a variable where none is allowed.

In the simple case above with variable $b, the parser tried to process this:

$a = 5 $b = 7;

The PHP parser looks at the $b after the 5 and says "that is unexpected".

How to remove focus around buttons on click

If you use the rule :focus { outline: none; } to remove outlines, the link or control will be focusable but with no indication of focus for keyboard users. Methods to remove it such with JS like onfocus="blur()" are even worse and will result in keyboard users being unable to interact with the control.

The hacks you can use, that are sort of OK, includes adding :focus { outline: none; } rules when users interacts with the mouse and remove them again if keyboard interaction is detected. Lindsay Evans has made a lib for this:

But i would prefer to setting a class on the html or body tag. And have control in the CSS file of when to use this.

For example (inline event handlers is for demonstration purposes only):

  a:focus, button:focus {
    outline: 3px solid #000;
  .no-focus a, .no-focus button {
    outline: none;
<body id="thebody" 
    <p>This her is <a href="#">a link</a></p>   
    <button>Click me</button>

I did put togheter a Pen:

But beware there are performance issues. This forces repaint every time the user switches between mouse and keyboard. More about Avoiding Unnecessary Paints

R multiple conditions in if statement

Read this thread R - boolean operators && and ||.

Basically, the & is vectorized, i.e. it acts on each element of the comparison returning a logical array with the same dimension as the input. && is not, returning a single logical.

Setting Curl's Timeout in PHP

You can't run the request from a browser, it will timeout waiting for the server running the CURL request to respond. The browser is probably timing out in 1-2 minutes, the default network timeout.

You need to run it from the command line/terminal.

Factory Pattern. When to use factory methods?

Factory classes are useful for when the object type that they return has a private constructor, when different factory classes set different properties on the returning object, or when a specific factory type is coupled with its returning concrete type.

WCF uses ServiceHostFactory classes to retrieve ServiceHost objects in different situations. The standard ServiceHostFactory is used by IIS to retrieve ServiceHost instances for .svc files, but a WebScriptServiceHostFactory is used for services that return serializations to JavaScript clients. ADO.NET Data Services has its own special DataServiceHostFactory and ASP.NET has its ApplicationServicesHostFactory since its services have private constructors.

If you only have one class that's consuming the factory, then you can just use a factory method within that class.

Templated check for the existence of a class member function?

C++ allows SFINAE to be used for this (notice that with C++11 features this is simplier because it supports extended SFINAE on nearly arbitrary expressions - the below was crafted to work with common C++03 compilers):

#define HAS_MEM_FUNC(func, name)                                        \
    template<typename T, typename Sign>                                 \
    struct name {                                                       \
        typedef char yes[1];                                            \
        typedef char no [2];                                            \
        template <typename U, U> struct type_check;                     \
        template <typename _1> static yes &chk(type_check<Sign, &_1::func > *); \
        template <typename   > static no  &chk(...);                    \
        static bool const value = sizeof(chk<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes);     \

the above template and macro tries to instantiate a template, giving it a member function pointer type, and the actual member function pointer. If the types to not fit, SFINAE causes the template to be ignored. Usage like this:

HAS_MEM_FUNC(toString, has_to_string);

template<typename T> void
doSomething() {
   if(has_to_string<T, std::string(T::*)()>::value) {
   } else {

But note that you cannot just call that toString function in that if branch. since the compiler will check for validity in both branches, that would fail for cases the function doesnt exist. One way is to use SFINAE once again (enable_if can be gotten from boost too):

template<bool C, typename T = void>
struct enable_if {
  typedef T type;

template<typename T>
struct enable_if<false, T> { };

HAS_MEM_FUNC(toString, has_to_string);

template<typename T> 
typename enable_if<has_to_string<T, 
                   std::string(T::*)()>::value, std::string>::type
doSomething(T * t) {
   /* something when T has toString ... */
   return t->toString();

template<typename T> 
typename enable_if<!has_to_string<T, 
                   std::string(T::*)()>::value, std::string>::type
doSomething(T * t) {
   /* something when T doesnt have toString ... */
   return "T::toString() does not exist.";

Have fun using it. The advantage of it is that it also works for overloaded member functions, and also for const member functions (remember using std::string(T::*)() const as the member function pointer type then!).

How to get the last value of an ArrayList

If you modify your list, then use listIterator() and iterate from last index (that is size()-1 respectively). If you fail again, check your list structure.

Difference between "managed" and "unmanaged"

Managed code is a differentiation coined by Microsoft to identify computer program code that requires and will only execute under the "management" of a Common Language Runtime virtual machine (resulting in Bytecode).

How to make the main content div fill height of screen with css

Well, there are different implementations for different browsers.

In my mind, the simplest and most elegant solution is using CSS calc(). Unfortunately, this method is unavailable in ie8 and less, and also not available in android browsers and mobile opera. If you're using separate methods for that, however, you can try this:

The markup:

<div id="header"></div>
<div id="body"></div>
<div id="footer"></div>

And the CSS:

html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
#header {
    background: #f0f;
    height: 20px;
#footer {
    background: #f0f;
    height: 20px;
#body {
    background: #0f0;
    min-height: calc(100% - 40px);

My secondary solution involves the sticky footer method and box-sizing. This basically allows for the body element to fill 100% height of its parent, and includes the padding in that 100% with box-sizing: border-box;.

html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
#header {
    background: #f0f;
    height: 20px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
#footer {
    background: #f0f;
    height: 20px;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
#body {
    background: #0f0;
    min-height: 100%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding-top: 20px;
    padding-bottom: 20px;

My third method would be to use jQuery to set the min-height of the main content area.

html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
#header {
    background: #f0f;
    height: 20px;
#footer {
    background: #f0f;
    height: 20px;
#body {
    background: #0f0;

And the JS:

$(function() {
    headerHeight = $('#header').height();
    footerHeight = $('#footer').height();
    windowHeight = $(window).height();
   $('#body').css('min-height', windowHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight);

Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

In my case it was the close() that was not executing due to unhandled exception.

void method() throws Exception {
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);

Assume exception is being thrown on the parse(), which is not handled in this method and therefore the file is not closed, down the road, the file is being deleted, and that delete statement fails, and do not delete.

So, instead I had the code like this, then it worked...

    try {
    catch (Exception ex) {
        throw ex;

so basic Java, which sometimes we overlook.

Is `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` really deprecated? What can I use instead?

Documenting in detail for future readers:

The short answer is you need to override both the methods. The shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) method is deprecated in API 24 and the shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) method is added in API 24. If you are targeting older versions of android, you need the former method, and if you are targeting 24 (or later, if someone is reading this in distant future) it's advisable to override the latter method as well.

The below is the skeleton on how you would accomplish this:

class CustomWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {

    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
        final Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
        return handleUri(uri);

    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) {
        final Uri uri = request.getUrl();
        return handleUri(uri);

    private boolean handleUri(final Uri uri) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Uri =" + uri);
        final String host = uri.getHost();
        final String scheme = uri.getScheme();
        // Based on some condition you need to determine if you are going to load the url 
        // in your web view itself or in a browser. 
        // You can use `host` or `scheme` or any part of the `uri` to decide.
        if (/* any condition */) {
            // Returning false means that you are going to load this url in the webView itself
            return false;
        } else {
            // Returning true means that you need to handle what to do with the url
            // e.g. open web page in a Browser
            final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
            return true;

Just like shouldOverrideUrlLoading, you can come up with a similar approach for shouldInterceptRequest method.

How to make an installer for my C# application?

There are several methods, two of which are as follows. Provide a custom installer or a setup project.

Here is how to create a custom installer

public class MyInstaller : Installer
    public HelloInstaller()
        : base()

    public override void Commit(IDictionary mySavedState)

    public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)

    public override void Uninstall(IDictionary savedState)

    public override void Rollback(IDictionary savedState)

To add a setup project

  • Menu file -> New -> Project --> Other Projects Types --> Setup and Deployment

  • Set properties of the project, using the properties window

The article How to create a Setup package by using Visual Studio .NET provides the details.

Delete all items from a c++ std::vector

vector.clear() should work for you. In case you want to shrink the capacity of the vector along with clear then


Load local JSON file into variable

For the given json format as in file ~/my-app/src/db/abc.json:


inorder to import to .js file like ~/my-app/src/app.js:

 const json = require("./db/abc.json");

 class Arena extends React.Component{

 export default Arena;


Ankit Aditi Avani

onclick open window and specific size

Anyone looking for a quick Vue file component, here you go:

// WindowUrl.vue

    <a :href="url" :class="classes" @click="open">

    export default {
        props: {
            url: String,
            width: String,
            height: String,
            classes: String,
        methods: {
            open(e) {
                // Prevent the link from opening on the parent page.



<window-url url="/print/shipping" class="btn btn-primary" height="250" width="250">
    Print Shipping Label

updating Google play services in Emulator

I faced the same issue. I updated my Android studio and used API 25 target as Android 7.1.1 and X86 and everything worked fine. I use Google play services and firebase for my project

How to revert initial git commit?

You can delete the HEAD and restore your repository to a new state, where you can create a new initial commit:

git update-ref -d HEAD

After you create a new commit, if you have already pushed to remote, you will need to force it to the remote in order to overwrite the previous initial commit:

git push --force origin

Using multiple parameters in URL in express

app.get('/fruit/:fruitName/:fruitColor', function(req, res) {
    var data = {
        "fruit": {
            "apple": req.params.fruitName,
            "color": req.params.fruitColor


If that doesn't work, try using console.log(req.params) to see what it is giving you.

How would I extract a single file (or changes to a file) from a git stash?

You can get the diff for a stash with "git show stash@{0}" (or whatever the number of the stash is; see "git stash list"). It's easy to extract the section of the diff for a single file.

How to label scatterplot points by name?

Another convoluted answer which should technically work and is ok for a small number of data points is to plot all your data points as 1 series in order to get your connecting line. Then plot each point as its own series. Then format data labels to display series name for each of the individual data points.

In short it works ok for a small data set or just key points from a data set.

jQuery on window resize

can use it too

        function getWindowSize()
                var fontSize = parseInt($("body").css("fontSize"), 10);
                var h = ($(window).height() / fontSize).toFixed(4);
                var w = ($(window).width() / fontSize).toFixed(4);              
                var size = {
                      "height": h
                     ,"width": w
                return size;
        function startResizeObserver()
                var colFunc = {
                     "f10" : function(){ alert(10); }
                    ,"f50" : function(){ alert(50); }
                    ,"f100" : function(){ alert(100); }
                    ,"f500" : function(){ alert(500); }
                    ,"f1000" : function(){ alert(1000);}
                $(window).resize(function() {
                    var sz = getWindowSize();
                    if(sz.width > 10){colFunc['f10']();}
                    if(sz.width > 50){colFunc['f50']();}
                    if(sz.width > 100){colFunc['f100']();}
                    if(sz.width > 500){colFunc['f500']();}
                    if(sz.width > 1000){colFunc['f1000']();}

Change the color of cells in one column when they don't match cells in another column

In my case I had to compare column E and I.

I used conditional formatting with new rule. Formula was "=IF($E1<>$I1,1,0)" for highlights in orange and "=IF($E1=$I1,1,0)" to highlight in green.

Next problem is how many columns you want to highlight. If you open Conditional Formatting Rules Manager you can edit for each rule domain of applicability: Check "Applies to"

In my case I used "=$E:$E,$I:$I" for both rules so I highlight only two columns for differences - column I and column E.

PHPMailer - SMTP ERROR: Password command failed when send mail from my server

A bit late, but perhaps someone will find it useful.

Links that fix the problem (you must be logged into google account):

Some explanation of what happens:

This problem can be caused by either 'less secure' applications trying to use the email account (this is according to google help, not sure how they judge what is secure and what is not) OR if you are trying to login several time in a row OR if you change countries (for example use VPN, move code to different server or actually try to login from different part of the world).

To resolve I had to: (first time)

  • login to my account via web
  • view recent attempts to use the account and accept suspicious access: THIS LINK
  • disable the feature of blocking suspicious apps/technologies: THIS LINK

This worked the first time, but few hours later, probably because I was doing a lot of testing the problem reappeared and was not fixable using the above method. In addition I had to clear the captcha (the funny picture, which asks you to rewrite a word or a sentence when logging into any account nowadays too many times) :

  • after login to my account I went HERE
  • Clicked continue

Hope this helps.

Check if a specific value exists at a specific key in any subarray of a multidimensional array

Here is an updated version of Dan Grossman's answer which will cater for multidimensional arrays (what I was after):

function find_key_value($array, $key, $val)
    foreach ($array as $item)
        if (is_array($item) && find_key_value($item, $key, $val)) return true;

        if (isset($item[$key]) && $item[$key] == $val) return true;

    return false;

Possible to restore a backup of SQL Server 2014 on SQL Server 2012?

You CANNOT do this - you cannot attach/detach or backup/restore a database from a newer version of SQL Server down to an older version - the internal file structures are just too different to support backwards compatibility. This is still true in SQL Server 2014 - you cannot restore a 2014 backup on anything other than another 2014 box (or something newer).

You can either get around this problem by

  • using the same version of SQL Server on all your machines - then you can easily backup/restore databases between instances

  • otherwise you can create the database scripts for both structure (tables, view, stored procedures etc.) and for contents (the actual data contained in the tables) either in SQL Server Management Studio (Tasks > Generate Scripts) or using a third-party tool

  • or you can use a third-party tool like Red-Gate's SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare to do "diffing" between your source and target, generate update scripts from those differences, and then execute those scripts on the target platform; this works across different SQL Server versions.

The compatibility mode setting just controls what T-SQL features are available to you - which can help to prevent accidentally using new features not available in other servers. But it does NOT change the internal file format for the .mdf files - this is NOT a solution for that particular problem - there is no solution for restoring a backup from a newer version of SQL Server on an older instance.

How do I find if a string starts with another string in Ruby?

Since there are several methods presented here, I wanted to figure out which one was fastest. Using Ruby 1.9.3p362:

irb(main):001:0> require 'benchmark'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar"[/\Afoo/] }}
=> 12.477248
irb(main):003:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar" =~ /\Afoo/ }}
=> 9.593959
irb(main):004:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar"["foo"] }}
=> 9.086909
irb(main):005:0> Benchmark.realtime { 1.upto(10000000) { "foobar".start_with?("foo") }}
=> 6.973697

So it looks like start_with? ist the fastest of the bunch.

Updated results with Ruby 2.2.2p95 and a newer machine:

require 'benchmark' do |x|'regex[]')    { 10000000.times { "foobar"[/\Afoo/] }}'regex')      { 10000000.times { "foobar" =~ /\Afoo/ }}'[]')         { 10000000.times { "foobar"["foo"] }}'start_with') { 10000000.times { "foobar".start_with?("foo") }}

            user       system     total       real
regex[]     4.020000   0.000000   4.020000 (  4.024469)
regex       3.160000   0.000000   3.160000 (  3.159543)
[]          2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.931889)
start_with  2.010000   0.000000   2.010000 (  2.008162)

How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project

It is simple.

  • Right click on the project
  • Go to Properties
  • Go to Run in Categories tree
  • Set the Main Class in the right side panel.
  • Build the project

Thats it. Hope this helps.

JavaScript/jQuery - How to check if a string contain specific words

You might wanna use include method in JS.

var sentence = "This is my line";
//returns true if substring is present.

PS: includes is case sensitive.

Executing Javascript code "on the spot" in Chrome?

Right click on the page and choose 'inspect element'. In the screen that opens now (the developer tools), clicking the second icon from the left @ the bottom of it opens a console, where you can type javascript. The console is linked to the current page.

Why does this CSS margin-top style not work?

I guess setting the position property of the #inner div to relative may also help achieve the effect. But anyways I tried the original code pasted in the Question on IE9 and latest Google Chrome and they already give the desirable effect without any modifications.

Selenium WebDriver: I want to overwrite value in field instead of appending to it with sendKeys using Java

This solved my problem when I had to deal with HTML page with embedded JavaScript

WebElement empSalary =  driver.findElement(By.xpath(PayComponentAmount));
Actions mouse2 = new Actions(driver);
mouse2.clickAndHold(empSalary).sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.CONTROL, "a"), "1234").build().perform();

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
js.executeScript("arguments[0].onchange()", empSalary);

How can I get a list of users from active directory?

PrincipalContext for browsing the AD is ridiculously slow (only use it for .ValidateCredentials, see below), use DirectoryEntry instead and .PropertiesToLoad() so you only pay for what you need.

Filters and syntax here:

Attributes here:

using (var root = new DirectoryEntry($"LDAP://{Domain}"))
    using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(root))
        // looking for a specific user
        searcher.Filter = $"(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={username}))";
        // I only care about what groups the user is a memberOf

        // FYI, non-null results means the user was found
        var results = searcher.FindOne();

        var properties = results?.Properties;
        if (properties?.Contains("memberOf") == true)
            // ... iterate over all the groups the user is a member of

Clean, simple, fast. No magic, no half-documented calls to .RefreshCache to grab the tokenGroups or to .Bind or .NativeObject in a try/catch to validate credentials.

For authenticating the user:

using (var context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain))
    return context.ValidateCredentials(username, password);

Javascript wait() function

Javascript isn't threaded, so a "wait" would freeze the entire page (and probably cause the browser to stop running the script entirely).

To specifically address your problem, you should remove the brackets after donothing in your setTimeout call, and make waitsecs a number not a string:

setTimeout(donothing,500); // run donothing after 0.5 seconds

But that won't stop execution; "after" will be logged before your function runs.

To wait properly, you can use anonymous functions:


All your variables will still be there in the "after" section. You shouldn't chain these - if you find yourself needing to, you need to look at how you're structuring the program. Also you may want to use setInterval / clearInterval if it needs to loop.

Pandas How to filter a Series

From pandas version 0.18+ filtering a series can also be done as below

test = {
383:    3.000000,
663:    1.000000,
726:    1.000000,
737:    9.000000,
833:    8.166667

pd.Series(test).where(lambda x : x!=1).dropna()


There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key 'xxx'

For me, the problem that caused this error arose when I was saving a new row to the database, but a field was null. In the database table design, that field is NOT NULL. So when I tried to save a new row with a null value for not-null field, Visual Studio threw this error. Thus, I made sure that the field was assigned a value, and the problem was fixed.

Merging cells in Excel using Apache POI

syntax is:

sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(start-col,end-col,start-cell,end-cell));


sheet.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(4, 4, 0, 5));

Here the cell 0 to cell 5 will be merged of the 4th row.

How to round up the result of integer division?

The integer math solution that Ian provided is nice, but suffers from an integer overflow bug. Assuming the variables are all int, the solution could be rewritten to use long math and avoid the bug:

int pageCount = (-1L + records + recordsPerPage) / recordsPerPage;

If records is a long, the bug remains. The modulus solution does not have the bug.

Image resolution for new iPhone 6 and 6+, @3x support added?

ios will always tries to take the best image, but will fall back to other options .. so if you only have normal images in the app and it needs @2x images it will use the normal images.

if you only put @2x in the project and you open the app on a normal device it will scale the images down to display.

if you target ios7 and ios8 devices and want best quality you would need @2x and @3x for phone and normal and @2x for ipad assets, since there is no non retina phone left and no @3x ipad.

maybe it is better to create the assets in the app from vector graphic... check

Comparing the contents of two files in Sublime Text

You can actually compare files natively right in Sublime Text.

  1. Navigate to the folder containing them through Open Folder... or in a project
  2. Select the two files (ie, by holding Ctrl on Windows or ? on macOS) you want to compare in the sidebar
  3. Right click and select the Diff files... option.

How to calculate UILabel width based on text length?

In iOS8 sizeWithFont has been deprecated, please refer to

CGSize yourLabelSize = [yourLabel.text sizeWithAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont fontWithName:yourLabel.font size:yourLabel.fontSize]}];

You can add all the attributes you want in sizeWithAttributes. Other attributes you can set:

- NSForegroundColorAttributeName
- NSParagraphStyleAttributeName
- NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
- NSShadowAttributeName

and so on. But probably you won't need the others

Adding and reading from a Config file

  1. Right click on the project file -> Add -> New Item -> Application Configuration File. This will add an app.config (or web.config) file to your project.

  2. The ConfigurationManager class would be a good start. You can use it to read different configuration values from the configuration file.

I suggest you start reading the MSDN document about Configuration Files.

How to open a file for both reading and writing?

Summarize the I/O behaviors

|          Mode          |  r   |  r+  |  w   |  w+  |  a   |  a+  |
| :--------------------: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: | :--: |
|          Read          |  +   |  +   |      |  +   |      |  +   |
|         Write          |      |  +   |  +   |  +   |  +   |  +   |
|         Create         |      |      |  +   |  +   |  +   |  +   |
|         Cover          |      |      |  +   |  +   |      |      |
| Point in the beginning |  +   |  +   |  +   |  +   |      |      |
|    Point in the end    |      |      |      |      |  +   |  +   |

and the decision branch

enter image description here

Undo git pull, how to bring repos to old state

git pull do below operation.

i. git fetch

ii. git merge

To undo pull do any operation:

i. git reset --hard --- its revert all local change also


ii. git reset --hard master@{5.days.ago} (like 10.minutes.ago, 1.hours.ago, 1.days.ago ..) to get local changes.


iii. git reset --hard commitid


Next time use git pull --rebase instead of git pull.. its sync server change by doing ( fetch & merge).

Get cart item name, quantity all details woocommerce

Most of the time you want to get the IDs of the products in the cart so that you can make some comparison with some other logic - example settings in the backend.

In such a case you can extend the answer from @Rohil_PHPBeginner and return the IDs in an array as follows :


    function njengah_get_ids_of_products_in_cart(){
            global $woocommerce;
            $productsInCart = array(); 
            $items = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart(); 
            foreach($items as $item => $values) { 
                $_product =  wc_get_product( $values['data']->get_id()); 
               /* Display Cart Items Content  */ 
                echo "<b>".$_product->get_title().'</b>  <br> Quantity: '.$values['quantity'].'<br>'; 
                $price = get_post_meta($values['product_id'] , '_price', true);
                echo "  Price: ".$price."<br>";
                /**Get IDs and in put them in an  Array**/ 
                $productsInCart_Ids[] =  $_product->get_id();
           /** To Display **/ 
           /**To Return for Comparision with some Other Logic**/ 
           return $productsInCart_Ids; 

How do I read configuration settings from Symfony2 config.yml?

Like it was saying previously - you can access any parameters by using injection container and use its parameter property.

"Symfony - Working with Container Service Definitions" is a good article about it.

Display TIFF image in all web browser

Tiff images can be displayed directly onto IE and safari only.. no support of tiff images on chrome and firefox. you can encode the image and then display it on browser by decoding the encoded image to some other format. Hope this works for you

How can I return NULL from a generic method in C#?

For completeness sake, it's good to know you could also do this:

return default;

It returns the same as return default(T);

What is the intended use-case for git stash?

The main idea is

Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away

So Basicallly Stash command keep your some changes that you don't need them or want them at the moment; but you may need them.

Use git stash when you want to record the current state of the working directory and the index, but want to go back to a clean working directory. The command saves your local modifications away and reverts the working directory to match the HEAD commit.

Make the current Git branch a master branch

Make sure everything is pushed up to your remote repository (GitHub):

git checkout main

Overwrite "main" with "better_branch":

git reset --hard better_branch

Force the push to your remote repository:

git push -f origin main

Thymeleaf using path variables to th:href

You can use like

  1. My table is bellow like..

        <tr th:each="user: ${staffList}">
            <td><a th:href="@{'/details-view/'+ ${user.userId}}">Details</a></td>
  2. Here is my controller ..

    @GetMapping(value = "/details-view/{userId}")
    public String details(@PathVariable String userId) { 
        Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).info("userId-->" + userId);
     return "user-details";

Align items in a stack panel?

If you are having a problem like the one I had where labels were centered in my vertical stack panel, make sure you use full width controls. Delete the Width property, or put your button in a full-width container that allows internal alignment. WPF is all about using containers to control the layout.

<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
        <Button HorizontalAlignment="Right">Right</Button>

Vertical StackPanel with Left Label followed by Right Button

I hope this helps.

jQuery '.each' and attaching '.click' event

No need to use .each. click already binds to all div occurrences.

$('div').click(function(e) {

See Demo

Note: use hard binding such as .click to make sure dynamically loaded elements don't get bound.

Remove '\' char from string c#

         while ((line = stringReader.ReadLine()) != null)
             // split the lines
             for (int c = 0; c < line.Length; c++)
                 line = line.Replace("\\", "");
                 lineBreakOne = line.Substring(1, c - 2);
                 lineBreakTwo = line.Substring(c + 2, line.Length - 2);

Automatically scroll down chat div

It's hard to tell without knowing the HTML code, but I'd assume your div doesn't have a height set and/or doesn't allow overflow (e.g. through CSS height: 200px; overflow: auto).

I've made a working sample on jsfiddle:

I created some dummy HTML markup inside a div that is a) overflowing and b) has a set height. Scrolling is done through calling the function

function getMessages(letter) {
    var div = $("#messages");

, in this case once on 'documentReady'.

prop('scrollHeight') will access the value of the property on the first element in the set of matched elements.

Bootstrap Collapse not Collapsing

I had this problem and the problem was bootstrap.js wasn't load in Yii2 framework.First check is jquery loaded in inspect and then check bootstrap.js is loaded?If you used any tooltip Popper.js is needed before bootsrap.js.

Linux command: How to 'find' only text files?

Why is it unhandy? If you need to use it often, and don't want to type it every time just define a bash function for it:

function findTextInAsciiFiles {
    # usage: findTextInAsciiFiles DIRECTORY NEEDLE_TEXT
    find "$1" -type f -exec grep -l "$2" {} \; -exec file {} \; | grep text

put it in your .bashrc and then just run:

findTextInAsciiFiles your_folder "needle text"

whenever you want.

EDIT to reflect OP's edit:

if you want to cut out mime informations you could just add a further stage to the pipeline that filters out mime informations. This should do the trick, by taking only what comes before :: cut -d':' -f1:

function findTextInAsciiFiles {
    # usage: findTextInAsciiFiles DIRECTORY NEEDLE_TEXT
    find "$1" -type f -exec grep -l "$2" {} \; -exec file {} \; | grep text | cut -d ':' -f1

What causes imported Maven project in Eclipse to use Java 1.5 instead of Java 1.6 by default and how can I ensure it doesn't?

Your JRE was probably defined in run configuration. Follow these steps in Eclipse to change the build JRE.

1) Right click on the project and select Run As > Run Configurations

2) From Run Configurations window, select your project build configuration on the left panel. On the right, you will see various tabs: Main, JRE, Refresh, Source,...

3) Click on JRE tab, you should see something like this

enter image description here

4) By default, Work Default JRE (The JRE you select as default under Preferences->Java->Installed JREs) will be used. If you want to use another installed JRE, tick the Alternate JRE checkbox and select your preferred JRE from the dropdown.

How to see the CREATE VIEW code for a view in PostgreSQL?

These is a little thing to point out.
Using the function pg_get_viewdef or pg_views or information_schema.views you will always get a rewrited version of your original DDL.
The rewited version may or not be the same as your originl DDL script.

If the Rule Manager rewrite your view definition your original DLL will be lost and you will able to read the only the rewrited version of your view definition.
Not all views are rewrited but if you use sub-select or joins probably your views will be rewrited.

Write a file on iOS

Your code is working at my end, i have just tested it. Where are you checking your changes? Use Documents directory path. To get path -


and copy path from console and then open finder and press Cmd+shift+g and paste path here and then open your file

Laravel - Pass more than one variable to view

with function and single parameters:

    $ms = Person::where('name', 'Foo Bar');
    $persons = Person::order_by('list_order', 'ASC')->get();
    return $view->with(compact('ms', 'persons'));

with function and array parameter:

    $ms = Person::where('name', 'Foo Bar');
    $persons = Person::order_by('list_order', 'ASC')->get();
    $array = ['ms' => $ms, 'persons' => $persons];
    return $view->with($array);

Tracking the script execution time in PHP

As an alternative you can just put this line in your code blocks and check php logs, for really slow functions it's pretty useful:

trigger_error("Task done at ". strftime('%H:%m:%S', time()), E_USER_NOTICE); 

For serious debugging use XDebug + Cachegrind, see

What's your most controversial programming opinion?

Software Development is a VERY small subset of Computer Science.

People sometimes seem to think the two are synonymous, but in reality there are so many aspects to computer science that the average developer rarely (if ever) gets exposed to. Depending on one's career goals, I think there are a lot of CS graduates out there who would probably have been better off with some sort of Software Engineering education.

I value education highly, have a BS in Computer science and am pursuing a MS in it part time, but I think that many people who obtain these degrees treat the degree as a means to an end and benefit very little. I know plenty of people who took the same Systems Software course I took, wrote the same assembler I wrote, and to this day see no value in what they did.

Convert R vector to string vector of 1 element

Use the collapse argument to paste:

paste(a,collapse=" ")
[1] "aa bb cc"

Add custom header in HttpWebRequest

A simple method of creating the service, adding headers and reading the JSON response,

private static void WebRequest()
        const string WEBSERVICE_URL = "<<Web service URL>>";
            var webRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(WEBSERVICE_URL);
            if (webRequest != null)
                webRequest.Method = "GET";
                webRequest.Timeout = 12000;
                webRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
                webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic dchZ2VudDM6cGFdGVzC5zc3dvmQ=");

                using (System.IO.Stream s = webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
                    using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(s))
                        var jsonResponse = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Response: {0}", jsonResponse));
        catch (Exception ex)

How do you specify a byte literal in Java?

If you're passing literals in code, what's stopping you from simply declaring it ahead of time?

byte b = 0; //Set to desired value.

Programmatically add new column to DataGridView

Add new column to DataTable and use column Expression property to set your Status expression.

Here you can find good example: DataColumn.Expression Property

DataTable and DataColumn Expressions in ADO.NET - Calculated Columns


Code sample:

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("colBestBefore", typeof(DateTime)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("colStatus", typeof(string)));

dt.Columns["colStatus"].Expression = String.Format("IIF(colBestBefore < #{0}#, 'Ok','Not ok')", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));


demoGridView.DataSource = dt;


dt.Columns["colStatus"].Expression = String.Format("IIF(CONVERT(colBestBefore, 'System.DateTime') < #{0}#, 'Ok','Not ok')", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

How to locate the git config file in Mac

I use this function which is saved in .bash_profile and it works a treat for me.

function show_hidden () {
        { defaults write AppleShowAllFiles $1; killall -HUP Finder; }

How to use:

show_hidden true|false 

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

To my knowledge the only way to achieve this in a native select would be to use the unicode representations of the font. You'll have to apply the glyphicon font to the select and as such can't mix it with other fonts. However, glyphicons include regular characters, so you can add text. Unfortunately setting the font for individual options doesn't seem to be possible.

<select class="form-control glyphicon">
    <option value="">&#x2212; &#x2212; &#x2212; Hello</option>
    <option value="glyphicon-list-alt">&#xe032; Text</option>

Here's a list of the icons with their unicode:

Oracle date "Between" Query

Following query also can be used:

select * 
  from t23
 where trunc(start_date) between trunc(to_date('01/15/2010','mm/dd/yyyy')) and trunc(to_date('01/17/2010','mm/dd/yyyy'))

How to remove a column from an existing table?

This is the correct answer:


But... if a CONSTRAINT exists on the COLUMN, then you must DROP the CONSTRAINT first, then you will be able to DROP the COLUMN. In order to drop a CONSTRAINT, run:

ALTER TABLE MEN DROP CONSTRAINT {constraint_name_on_column_Lname}

Fix footer to bottom of page

We can use FlexBox for Sticky Footer and Header without using POSITIONS in CSS.

.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
header {_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: #037cf5;_x000D_
footer {_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: #134c7d;_x000D_
main {_x000D_
  flex: 1 0 auto;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <main class="content">_x000D_

DEMO - JSFiddle

Note : Check browser supports for FlexBox. caniuse

DateTime group by date and hour

Using MySQL I usually do it that way:

SELECT count( id ), ...
FROM quote_data
GROUP BY date_format( your_date_column, '%Y%m%d%H' )
order by your_date_column desc;

Or in the same idea, if you need to output the date/hour:

SELECT count( id ) , date_format( your_date_column, '%Y-%m-%d %H' ) as my_date
FROM  your_table 
GROUP BY my_date
order by your_date_column desc;

If you specify an index on your date column, MySQL should be able to use it to speed up things a little.

Replace Div Content onclick

A simple addClass and removeClass will do the trick on what you need..

$('#change').on('click', function() { 
  $('div').each(function() { 
    if($(this).hasClass('active')) { 
    } else { 


Seee fiddle

I recommend you to learn jquery first before using.

Default SQL Server Port

The default port of SQL server is 1433.

save a pandas.Series histogram plot to file

You can use ax.figure.savefig():

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([0, 1])
ax = s.plot.hist()

This has no practical benefit over ax.get_figure().savefig() as suggested in Philip Cloud's answer, so you can pick the option you find the most aesthetically pleasing. In fact, get_figure() simply returns self.figure:

# Source from snippet linked above
def get_figure(self):
    """Return the `.Figure` instance the artist belongs to."""
    return self.figure

Resize to fit image in div, and center horizontally and vertically

This is one way to do it:

Fiddle here:


<div class='container'>
    <a href='#'>
    <img class='resize_fit_center'
      src='' />


.container {
    margin: 10px;
    width: 115px;
    height: 115px;
    line-height: 115px;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid red;
.resize_fit_center {
    vertical-align: middle;

How to access the services from RESTful API in my angularjs page?

Option 1: $http service

AngularJS provides the $http service that does exactly what you want: Sending AJAX requests to web services and receiving data from them, using JSON (which is perfectly for talking to REST services).

To give an example (taken from the AngularJS documentation and slightly adapted):

$http({ method: 'GET', url: '/foo' }).
  success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    // ...
  error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    // ...

Option 2: $resource service

Please note that there is also another service in AngularJS, the $resource service which provides access to REST services in a more high-level fashion (example again taken from AngularJS documentation):

var Users = $resource('/user/:userId', { userId: '@id' });
var user = Users.get({ userId: 123 }, function () { = true;

Option 3: Restangular

Moreover, there are also third-party solutions, such as Restangular. See its documentation on how to use it. Basically, it's way more declarative and abstracts more of the details away from you.

jQuery.css() - marginLeft vs. margin-left?

Hi i tried this it is working.
