Programs & Examples On #App themes

JavaScript: remove event listener

   canvas.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      if(click == 50) {

Should do it.

IF EXISTS condition not working with PLSQL

IF EXISTS() is semantically incorrect. EXISTS condition can be used only inside a SQL statement. So you might rewrite your pl/sql block as follows:

  l_exst number(1);
  select case 
           when exists(select ce.s_regno 
                         from courseoffering co
                         join co_enrolment ce
                           on ce.co_id = co.co_id
                        where ce.s_regno=403 
                          and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
                          and ce.c_id = 803
                          and rownum = 1
           then 1
           else 0
         end  into l_exst
  from dual;

  if l_exst = 1 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT'); 
  end if;

Or you can simply use count function do determine the number of rows returned by the query, and rownum=1 predicate - you only need to know if a record exists:

  l_exst number;
   select count(*) 
     into l_exst
     from courseoffering co
          join co_enrolment ce
            on ce.co_id = co.co_id
    where ce.s_regno=403 
      and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
      and ce.c_id = 803
      and rownum = 1;

  if l_exst = 0
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
  end if;

What are access specifiers? Should I inherit with private, protected or public?

The explanation from Scott Meyers in Effective C++ might help understand when to use them:

Public inheritance should model "is-a relationship," whereas private inheritance should be used for "is-implemented-in-terms-of" - so you don't have to adhere to the interface of the superclass, you're just reusing the implementation.

How to test an SQL Update statement before running it?

I know this is a repeat of other answers, but it has some emotional support to take the extra step for testing update :D

For testing update, hash # is your friend.

If you have an update statement like:

SET history_by="admin"
history_ip LIKE '123%'

You hash UPDATE and SET out for testing, then hash them back in:

#SET history_by="admin"
history_ip LIKE '123%'

It works for simple statements.

An additional practically mandatory solution is, to get a copy (backup duplicate), whenever using update on a production table. Phpmyadmin > operations > copy: table_yearmonthday. It just takes a few seconds for tables <=100M.

Difference between SRC and HREF

If you're talking HTML4, its list of attributes might help you with the subtleties. They're not interchangeable.

In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?

I initially avoided turning on logging to monitor PDO because I thought that it would be a hassle but it is not hard at all. You don't need to reboot MySQL (after 5.1.9):

Execute this SQL in phpMyAdmin or any other environment where you may have high db privileges:

SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';

In a terminal, tail your log file. Mine was here:

>sudo tail -f /usr/local/mysql/data/myMacComputerName.log

You can search for your mysql files with this terminal command:

>ps auxww|grep [m]ysqld

I found that PDO escapes everything, so you can't write

$dynamicField = 'userName';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `example` WHERE `:field` = :value";
$this->statement = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$this->statement->bindValue(':field', $dynamicField);
$this->statement->bindValue(':value', 'mick');

Because it creates:

SELECT * FROM `example` WHERE `'userName'` = 'mick' ;

Which did not create an error, just an empty result. Instead I needed to use

$sql = "SELECT * FROM `example` WHERE `$dynamicField` = :value";

to get

SELECT * FROM `example` WHERE `userName` = 'mick' ;

When you are done execute:

SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF';

or else your logs will get huge.

Connecting to SQL Server with Visual Studio Express Editions

The only way I was able to get C# Express 2008 to work was to move the database file. So, I opened up SQL Server Management Studio and after dropping the database, I copied the file to my project folder. Then I reattached the database to management studio. Now, when I try to attach to the local copy it works. Apparently, you can not use the same database file more than once.

Date vs DateTime

For this, you need to use the date, but ignore the time value.

Ordinarily a date would be a DateTime with time of 00:00:00

The DateTime type has a .Date property which returns the DateTime with the time value set as above.

What is the Python equivalent of Matlab's tic and toc functions?

Have a look at the timeit module. It's not really equivalent but if the code you want to time is inside a function you can easily use it.

How can I open a .db file generated by eclipse(android) form DDMS-->File explorer-->data--->data-->packagename-->database?

If I Understood correctly you need to view the .db file that you extracted from internal storage of Emulator. If that's the case use this

to view the db.

You can also use a firefox extension

EDIT: For online tool use :

Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC

Do you want to keep your database on mobile? Use sqlite instead of mysql.

If the idea is to keep database on server and access from mobile. Use a webservice to fetch/ modify data.

How to list only top level directories in Python?

[x for x in os.listdir(somedir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(somedir, x))]

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK

In my case I edited a project having this in the AndroidManifest.xml file, and which was ginving me the above error, at runtime:

    android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

What I did just, was to change minSdkVersion="17", to minSdkVersion="16". My resulting tag was:

    android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

Now I'm not getting the error anymore..

Hope this helps

Where to put default parameter value in C++?

the declaration is generally the most 'useful', but that depends on how you want to use the class.

both is not valid.

How to insert double and float values to sqlite?

actually I think your code is just fine.. you can save those values as strings (TEXT) just like you did.. (if you want to)

and you probably get the error for the System.currentTimeMillis() that might be too big for INTEGER

Cannot assign requested address using ServerSocket.socketBind

The port is taken by another process. Possibly an unterminated older run of your program. Make sure your program has exited cleanly or kill it.

Remove padding from columns in Bootstrap 3

  padding: 0
  margin: 0

How do I tell Spring Boot which main class to use for the executable jar?

I had renamed my project and it was still finding the old Application class on the build path. I removed it in the 'build' folder and all was fine.

Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

ld is trying to find libcrypto.sowhich is not present as seen in your locate output. You can make a copy of the and name it as Put this is your ld path. ( If you do not have root access then you can put it in a local path and specify the path manually )

How to get values and keys from HashMap?

To get all the values from a map:

for (Tab tab : hash.values()) {
    // do something with tab

To get all the entries from a map:

for ( Map.Entry<String, Tab> entry : hash.entrySet()) {
    String key = entry.getKey();
    Tab tab = entry.getValue();
    // do something with key and/or tab

Java 8 update:

To process all values:

hash.values().forEach(tab -> /* do something with tab */);

To process all entries:

hash.forEach((key, tab) -> /* do something with key and tab */);

Delete all rows in an HTML table

const table = document.querySelector('table'); table.innerHTML === ' ' ? null : table.innerHTML = ' '; the above javascript worked fine for me. It checks to see if the table contains any data and then clears everything including the header.

How to convert a double to long without casting?

Assuming you're happy with truncating towards zero, just cast:

double d = 1234.56;
long x = (long) d; // x = 1234

This will be faster than going via the wrapper classes - and more importantly, it's more readable. Now, if you need rounding other than "always towards zero" you'll need slightly more complicated code.

With Twitter Bootstrap, how can I customize the h1 text color of one page and leave the other pages to be default?

You can add your own id or class to the body tag of your index page to target all elements on that page with a custom style like so:

<body id="index">

Then you can target the elements you wish to modify with your class or id like so:

#index h1 {

How to load npm modules in AWS Lambda?

A .zip file is required in order to include npm modules in Lambda. And you really shouldn't be using the Lambda web editor for much of anything- as with any production code, you should be developing locally, committing to git, etc.


1) My Lambda functions are usually helper utilities for a larger project, so I create a /aws/lambdas directory within that to house them.

2) Each individual lambda directory contains an index.js file containing the function code, a package.json file defining dependencies, and a /node_modules subdirectory. (The package.json file is not used by Lambda, it's just so we can locally run the npm install command.)


  "name": "my_lambda",
  "dependencies": {
    "svg2png": "^4.1.1"

3) I .gitignore all node_modules directories and .zip files so that the files generated from npm installs and zipping won't clutter our repo.


# Ignore node_modules

# Ignore any zip files

4) I run npm install from within the directory to install modules, and develop/test the function locally.

5) I .zip the lambda directory and upload it via the console.

(IMPORTANT: Do not use Mac's 'compress' utility from Finder to zip the file! You must run zip from the CLI from within the root of the directory- see here)

zip -r ../ * 


You might run into problems if you install the node modules locally on your Mac, as some platform-specific modules may fail when deployed to Lambda's Linux-based environment. (See

The solution is to compile the modules on an EC2 instance launched from the AMI that corresponds with the Lambda Node.js runtime you're using (See this list of Lambda runtimes and their respective AMIs).

See also AWS Lambda Deployment Package in Node.js - AWS Lambda

Printing 1 to 1000 without loop or conditionals

The task never specified that the program must terminate after 1000.

void f(int n){

int main(){

(Can be shortened to this if you run ./a.out with no extra params)

void main(int n) {
   printf("%d\n", n);

How can I echo HTML in PHP?

$enter_string = '<textarea style="color:#FF0000;" name="message">EXAMPLE</textarea>';

echo('Echo as HTML' . htmlspecialchars((string)$enter_string));

How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)

Looking over these solutions, the one provided by Al Johri above is the closest to my needs, but his directive was a little less programmable then I wanted. Here is my version of his solutions:

angular.module("app", [])
    .directive("dynamicFormName", function() {
        return {
            restrict: "A",
            priority: 0,
            require: ["form"],
            compile: function() {
                return {
                    pre: function preLink(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrls) {
                        var name = "field" + scope.$index;

                        if (iAttrs.dnfnNameExpression) {
                            name = scope.$eval(iAttrs.dnfnNameExpression);

                        var parentForm = iElement.parent().controller("form");
                        if (parentForm) {
                            var formCtrl = ctrls[0];
                            delete parentForm[formCtrl.$name];
                            formCtrl.$name = name;
                            parentForm[formCtrl.$name] = formCtrl;

This solution lets you just pass a name generator expression to the directive and avoids the lock down to pattern substitution he was using.

I also had trouble initially with this solution since it didn't show an example of using it in markup, so here is how I used it.

<form name="theForm">
    <div ng-repeat="field in fields">
        <input type="number" ng-form name="theInput{{}}" ng-model="field.value" dynamic-form-name dnfn-name-expression="'theInput' +">        

I have a more complete working example on github.

How to delete a record in Django models?

If you want to delete one item

wishlist = Wishlist.objects.get(id = 20)

If you want to delete all items in Wishlist for example


Count character occurrences in a string in C++

I would have done this way :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()

int count = 0;
string s("Hello_world");

for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) 
       if ( == '_')    
cout << endl << count;
return 0;

Is there an equivalent of CSS max-width that works in HTML emails?

There is a trick you can do for Outlook 2007 using conditional html comments.
The code below will make sure that Outlook table is 800px wide, its not max-width but it works better than letting the table span across the entire window.

<!--[if gte mso 9]>
#tableForOutlook {

<table style="width:98%;max-width:800px">
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
  <table id="tableForOutlook"><tr><td>
    [Your Content Goes Here]
<!--[if gte mso 9]>

How do I find the CPU and RAM usage using PowerShell?

Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select LoadPercentage | Format-List

This gives you CPU load.

Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Measure-Object -Property LoadPercentage -Average | Select Average

Converting Chart.js canvas chart to image using .toDataUrl() results in blank image

First convert your Chart.js canvas to base64 string.

var url_base64 = document.getElementById('myChart').toDataURL('image/png');

Set it as a href attribute for anchor tag.

link.href = url_base64;

<a id='link' download='filename.png'>Save as Image</a>

Use CASE statement to check if column exists in table - SQL Server

FROM ...
        FROM sys.columns c
        WHERE c.[object_id] = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Tags')
            AND = 'ModifiedByUser'

How to programmatically empty browser cache?

There's no way a browser will let you clear its cache. It would be a huge security issue if that were possible. This could be very easily abused - the minute a browser supports such a "feature" will be the minute I uninstall it from my computer.

What you can do is to tell it not to cache your page, by sending the appropriate headers or using these meta tags:

<meta http-equiv='cache-control' content='no-cache'>
<meta http-equiv='expires' content='0'>
<meta http-equiv='pragma' content='no-cache'>

You might also want to consider turning off auto-complete on form fields, although I'm afraid there's a standard way to do it (see this question).

Regardless, I would like to point out that if you are working with sensitive data you should be using SSL. If you aren't using SSL, anyone with access to the network can sniff network traffic and easily see what your user is seeing.

Using SSL also makes some browsers not use caching unless explicitly told to. See this question.

Adding image to JFrame

There is no specialized image component provided in Swing (which is sad in my opinion). So, there are a few options:

  1. As @Reimeus said: Use a JLabel with an icon.
  2. Create in the window builder a JPanel, that will represent the location of the image. Then add your own custom image component to the JPanel using a few lines of code you will never have to change. They should look like this:

    JImageComponent ic = new JImageComponent(myImageGoesHere);

    where JImageComponent is a self created class that extends JComponent that overrides the paintComponent() method to draw the image.

Convert a numpy.ndarray to string(or bytes) and convert it back to numpy.ndarray

Imagine you have a numpy array of integers (it works with other types but you need some slight modification). You can do this:

a = np.array([0, 3, 5])
a_str = ','.join(str(x) for x in a) # '0,3,5'
a2 = np.array([int(x) for x in a_str.split(',')]) # np.array([0, 3, 5])

If you have an array of float, be sure to replace int by float in the last line.

You can also use the __repr__() method, which will have the advantage to work for multi-dimensional arrays:

from numpy import array
a = array([[0,3,5],[2,3,4]])
a_str = a.__repr__() # 'array([[0, 3, 5],\n       [2, 3, 4]])'
a2 = eval(a_str) # array([[0, 3, 5],
                 #        [2, 3, 4]])

Submitting HTML form using Jquery AJAX

If you add:


You can simply do this:

$('#myform').ajaxForm(function(response) {

// this will register the AJAX for <form id="myform" action="some_url">
// and when you submit the form using <button type="submit"> or $('myform').submit(), then it will send your request and alert response


You could use simple $('FORM').serialize() as suggested in post above, but that will not work for FILE INPUTS... ajaxForm() will.

Allow click on twitter bootstrap dropdown toggle link?

I'm not sure about the issue for making the top level anchor element a clickable anchor but here's the simplest solution for making desktop views have the hover effect, and mobile views maintaining their click-ability.

// Medium screens and up only
@media only screen and (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
    // Enable menu hover for bootstrap
    // dropdown menus
    .dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu {
        display: block;

This way the mobile menu still behaves as it should, while the desktop menu will expand on hover instead of on a click.

Why and how to fix? IIS Express "The specified port is in use"

In Visual Studio 2017, select Project/Properties and then select the Web option. In the IIS section next to the default project URL click Create Virtual Directory. This solved the problem for me. I think in my case the default project Virtual Directory had been corrupted in some way following a debugging session.

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

This worked for me:

location / {
    alias /path/to/my/indexfile/;
    try_files $uri /index.html;

This allowed me to create a catch-all URL for a javascript single-page app. All static files like css, fonts, and javascript built by npm run build will be found if they are in the same directory as index.html.

If the static files were in another directory, for some reason, you'd also need something like:

# Static pages generated by "npm run build"
location ~ ^/css/|^/fonts/|^/semantic/|^/static/ {
    alias /path/to/my/staticfiles/;

Why is Java Vector (and Stack) class considered obsolete or deprecated?

java.util.Stack inherits the synchronization overhead of java.util.Vector, which is usually not justified.

It inherits a lot more than that, though. The fact that java.util.Stack extends java.util.Vector is a mistake in object-oriented design. Purists will note that it also offers a lot of methods beyond the operations traditionally associated with a stack (namely: push, pop, peek, size). It's also possible to do search, elementAt, setElementAt, remove, and many other random-access operations. It's basically up to the user to refrain from using the non-stack operations of Stack.

For these performance and OOP design reasons, the JavaDoc for java.util.Stack recommends ArrayDeque as the natural replacement. (A deque is more than a stack, but at least it's restricted to manipulating the two ends, rather than offering random access to everything.)

Escape quote in web.config connection string

if &quot; isn't working then try &#34; instead.

How can I have same rule for two locations in NGINX config?

Another option is to repeat the rules in two prefix locations using an included file. Since prefix locations are position independent in the configuration, using them can save some confusion as you add other regex locations later on. Avoiding regex locations when you can will help your configuration scale smoothly.

server {
    location /first/location/ {
        include shared.conf;
    location /second/location/ {
        include shared.conf;

Here's a sample shared.conf:

default_type text/plain;
return 200 "http_user_agent:    $http_user_agent
remote_addr:    $remote_addr
remote_port:    $remote_port
scheme:     $scheme
nginx_version:  $nginx_version

Calling a php function by onclick event

Executing PHP functions by the onclick event is a cumbersome task and near impossible.

Instead you can redirect to another PHP page.

Say you are currently on a page one.php and you want to fetch some data from this php script process the data and show it in another page i.e. two.php you can do it by writing the following code <button onclick="window.location.href='two.php'">Click me</button>

SVN commit command

Command-line SVN

You need to add your files to your working copy, before you commit your changes to the repository:

svn add <file|folder>


svn commit

See here for detailed information about svn add.


It works with TortoiseSVN, because it adds the file to your working copy automatically (commit dialog):

If you want to include an unversioned file, just check that file to add it to the commit.

See: TortoiseSVN: Committing Your Changes To The Repository

How do I add a Fragment to an Activity with a programmatically created content view

public abstract class SingleFragmentActivity extends Activity {

    public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = "single";
    private Fragment fragment;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
            fragment = onCreateFragment();
                   .add(, fragment, FRAGMENT_TAG)
       } else {
           fragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(FRAGMENT_TAG);

   public abstract Fragment onCreateFragment();

   public Fragment getFragment() {
       return fragment;



public class ViewCatalogItemActivity extends SingleFragmentActivity {
    public Fragment onCreateFragment() {
        return new FragmentWorkShops();


How to create a JSON object

You just need another layer in your php array:

$post_data = array(
  'item' => array(
    'item_type_id' => $item_type,
    'string_key' => $string_key,
    'string_value' => $string_value,
    'string_extra' => $string_extra,
    'is_public' => $public,
   'is_public_for_contacts' => $public_contacts

echo json_encode($post_data);

Best way to parseDouble with comma as decimal separator?

If you don't know the correct Locale and the string can have a thousand separator this could be a last resort:

    doubleStrIn = doubleStrIn.replaceAll("[^\\d,\\.]++", "");
    if (doubleStrIn.matches(".+\\.\\d+,\\d+$"))
        return Double.parseDouble(doubleStrIn.replaceAll("\\.", "").replaceAll(",", "."));
    if (doubleStrIn.matches(".+,\\d+\\.\\d+$"))
        return Double.parseDouble(doubleStrIn.replaceAll(",", ""));
    return Double.parseDouble(doubleStrIn.replaceAll(",", "."));

Be aware: this will happily parse strings like "R 1 52.43,2" to "15243.2".

Creating and Update Laravel Eloquent

Like the firstOrCreate method, updateOrCreate persists the model, so there's no need to call save()

// If there's a flight from Oakland to San Diego, set the price to $99.
// If no matching model exists, create one.

$flight = App\Flight::updateOrCreate(
   ['departure' => 'Oakland', 'destination' => 'San Diego'],
   ['price' => 99]

And for your issue

$shopOwner = ShopMeta::updateOrCreate(
   ['shopId' => $theID, 'metadataKey' => '2001'],
   ['other field' => 'val' ,'other field' => 'val', ....]

Convert Uri to String and String to Uri

I am not sure if you got this resolved. To follow up on "CommonsWare's" comment.

That is not a valid string representation of a Uri. A Uri has a scheme, and "/external/images/media/470939" does not have a scheme.


Uri uri=Uri.parse("/external/images/media/470939");


Uri uri=Uri.parse("content://external/images/media/470939");

in my case

Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://media/external/images/media/6562");

Listing files in a directory matching a pattern in Java

See File#listFiles(FilenameFilter).

File dir = new File(".");
File [] files = dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
    public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
        return name.endsWith(".xml");

for (File xmlfile : files) {

android splash screen sizes for ldpi,mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi displays ? - eg : 1024X768 pixels for ldpi

xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp layout-xlarge 10" tablet (720x1280 mdpi, 800x1280 mdpi, etc.)

large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp tweener tablet like the Streak (480x800 mdpi), 7" tablet (600x1024 mdpi)

normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp layout typical phone screen (480x800 hdpi)

small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp typical phone screen (240x320 ldpi, 320x480 mdpi, etc.)

In STL maps, is it better to use map::insert than []?

One note is that you can also use Boost.Assign:

using namespace std;
using namespace boost::assign; // bring 'map_list_of()' into scope

void something()
    map<int,int> my_map = map_list_of(1,2)(2,3)(3,4)(4,5)(5,6);

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1698] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

With mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.22 the update statement is now:

update user set authentication_string=password('1111') where user='root';

How to filter JSON Data in JavaScript or jQuery?

You can use jQuery each function as it is explained below:

Define your data:

var jsonStr = '[{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A4298,"website":"google"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A2222,"website":"google"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41Awww33,"website":"yahoo"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A424448,"website":"google"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A429rr8,"website":"ebay"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A429ff8,"website":"ebay"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A429ss8,"website":"rediff"},{"name":"Lenovo Thinkpad 41A429sg8,"website":"yahoo"}]';

Parse JSON string to JSON object:

var json = JSON.parse(jsonStr);

Iterate and filter:

$.each(JSON.parse(json), function (idx, obj) {
    if ( == 'yahoo') {
        // do whatever you want

How to change TIMEZONE for a java.util.Calendar/Date

  1. The class Date/Timestamp represents a specific instant in time, with millisecond precision, since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT. So this time difference (from epoch to current time) will be same in all computers across the world with irrespective of Timezone.

  2. Date/Timestamp doesn't know about the given time is on which timezone.

  3. If we want the time based on timezone we should go for the Calendar or SimpleDateFormat classes in java.

  4. If you try to print a Date/Timestamp object using toString(), it will convert and print the time with the default timezone of your machine.

  5. So we can say (Date/Timestamp).getTime() object will always have UTC (time in milliseconds)

  6. To conclude Date.getTime() will give UTC time, but toString() is on locale specific timezone, not UTC.

Now how will I create/change time on specified timezone?

The below code gives you a date (time in milliseconds) with specified timezones. The only problem here is you have to give date in string format.

   DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss");
   java.util.Date parsedDate = dateFormatLocal.parse(date);

Use dateFormat.format for taking input Date (which is always UTC), timezone and return date as String.

How to store UTC/GMT time in DB:

If you print the parsedDate object, the time will be in default timezone. But you can store the UTC time in DB like below.

        Calendar calGMT = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
        Timestamp tsSchedStartTime = new Timestamp (parsedDate.getTime());
        if (tsSchedStartTime != null) {
            stmt.setTimestamp(11, tsSchedStartTime, calGMT );
        } else {
            stmt.setNull(11, java.sql.Types.DATE);

Getting the folder name from a path

It's also important to note that while getting a list of directory names in a loop, the DirectoryInfo class gets initialized once thus allowing only first-time call. In order to bypass this limitation, ensure you use variables within your loop to store any individual directory's name.

For example, this sample code loops through a list of directories within any parent directory while adding each found directory-name inside a List of string type:


string[] parentDirectory = Directory.GetDirectories("/yourpath");
List<string> directories = new List<string>();

foreach (var directory in parentDirectory)
    // Notice I've created a DirectoryInfo variable.
    DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory);

    // And likewise a name variable for storing the name.
    // If this is not added, only the first directory will
    // be captured in the loop; the rest won't.
    string name = dirInfo.Name;

    // Finally we add the directory name to our defined List.


Dim parentDirectory() As String = Directory.GetDirectories("/yourpath")
Dim directories As New List(Of String)()

For Each directory In parentDirectory

    ' Notice I've created a DirectoryInfo variable.
    Dim dirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(directory)

    ' And likewise a name variable for storing the name.
    ' If this is not added, only the first directory will
    ' be captured in the loop; the rest won't.
    Dim name As String = dirInfo.Name

    ' Finally we add the directory name to our defined List.

Next directory

Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results?

It worked with ASP.NET only after adding the pragma:no-cache header in IIS. Cache-Control: no-cache was not enough.

Special characters like @ and & in cURL POST data

I did this

~]$ export A=g

~]$ export B=!

~]$ export C=nger

   curl http://<>USERNAME<>1:$A$B$C@<>URL<>/<>PATH<>/

how to zip a folder itself using java

Have you tried Zeroturnaround Zip library? It's really neat! Zip a folder is just a one liner:

ZipUtil.pack(new File("D:\\reports\\january\\"), new File("D:\\reports\\"));

(thanks to Oleg Šelajev for the example)

Counting the number of elements in array

Just use the length filter on the whole array. It works on more than just strings:

{{ notcount|length }}

How to hash a password

In ASP.NET Core, use PasswordHasher<TUser>.
 • Namespace: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity
 • Assembly: Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core.dll (NuGet | Source)

To hash a password, use HashPassword():

var hashedPassword = new PasswordHasher<object?>().HashPassword(null, password);

To verify a password, use VerifyHashedPassword():

var passwordVerificationResult = new PasswordHasher<object?>().VerifyHashedPassword(null, hashedPassword, password);
switch (passwordVerificationResult)
    case PasswordVerificationResult.Failed:
        Console.WriteLine("Password incorrect.");
    case PasswordVerificationResult.Success:
        Console.WriteLine("Password ok.");
    case PasswordVerificationResult.SuccessRehashNeeded:
        Console.WriteLine("Password ok but should be rehashed and updated.");
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();


  • Part of the .NET platform. Much safer and trustworthier than building your own crypto algorithm.
  • Configurable iteration count and future compatibility (see PasswordHasherOptions).
  • Took Timing Attack into consideration when verifying password (source), just like what PHP and Go did.


How do you use MySQL's source command to import large files in windows

Don't use "source", it's designed to run a small number of sql queries and display the output, not to import large databases.

I use Wamp Developer (not XAMPP) but it should be the same.

What you want to do is use the MySQL Client to do the work for you.

  1. Make sure MySQL is running.
  2. Create your database via phpMyAdmin or the MySQL shell.
  3. Then, run cmd.exe, and change to the directory your sql file is located in.
  4. Execute: mysql -u root -p database_name_here < dump_file_name_here.sql
  5. Substitute in your database name and dump file name.
  6. Enter your MySQL root account password when prompted (if no password set, remove the "-p" switch).

This assumes that mysql.exe can be located via the environmental path, and that sql file is located in the directory you are running this from. Otherwise, use full paths.

filemtime "warning stat failed for"

Shorter version for those who like short code:

// usage: deleteOldFiles("./xml", "xml,xsl", 24 * 3600)

function deleteOldFiles($dir, $patterns = "*", int $timeout = 3600) {

    // $dir is directory, $patterns is file types e.g. "txt,xls", $timeout is max age

    foreach (glob($dir."/*"."{{$patterns}}",GLOB_BRACE) as $f) { 

        if (is_writable($f) && filemtime($f) < (time() - $timeout))



How to give a delay in loop execution using Qt

C++11 has some portable timer stuff. Check out sleep_for.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined

I know this is extremely old, but I understand that this error type is a common mistake for beginners to make since most beginners will call their functions upon their header element being loaded. Seeing as this solution is not addressed at all in this thread, I'll add it. It is very likely that this javascript function was placed before the actual html was loaded. Remember, if you immediately call your javascript before the document is ready then elements requiring an element from the document might find an undefined value.

How to get Latitude and Longitude of the mobile device in android?

Above solutions is also correct, but some time if location is null then it crash the app or not working properly. The best way to get Latitude and Longitude of android is:

 Geocoder geocoder;
     String bestProvider;
     List<Address> user = null;
     double lat;
     double lng;

    LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);

     Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
     bestProvider = lm.getBestProvider(criteria, false);
     Location location = lm.getLastKnownLocation(bestProvider);

     if (location == null){
         Toast.makeText(activity,"Location Not found",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        geocoder = new Geocoder(activity);
        try {
            user = geocoder.getFromLocation(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), 1);
        System.out.println(" DDD lat: " +lat+",  longitude: "+lng);

        }catch (Exception e) {

Sorting a list using Lambda/Linq to objects

Sort uses the IComparable interface, if the type implements it. And you can avoid the ifs by implementing a custom IComparer:

class EmpComp : IComparer<Employee>
    string fieldName;
    public EmpComp(string fieldName)
        this.fieldName = fieldName;

    public int Compare(Employee x, Employee y)
        // compare x.fieldName and y.fieldName

and then

list.Sort(new EmpComp(sortBy));

How to automatically update your docker containers, if base-images are updated

Another approach could be to assume that your base image gets behind quite quickly (and that's very likely to happen), and force another image build of your application periodically (e.g. every week) and then re-deploy it if it has changed.

As far as I can tell, popular base images like the official Debian or Java update their tags to cater for security fixes, so tags are not immutable (if you want a stronger guarantee of that you need to use the reference [image:@digest], available in more recent Docker versions). Therefore, if you were to build your image with docker build --pull, then your application should get the latest and greatest of the base image tag you're referencing.

Since mutable tags can be confusing, it's best to increment the version number of your application every time you do this so that at least on your side things are cleaner.

So I'm not sure that the script suggested in one of the previous answers does the job, since it doesn't rebuild you application's image - it just updates the base image tag and then it restarts the container, but the new container still references the old base image hash.

I wouldn't advocate for running cron-type jobs in containers (or any other processes, unless really necessary) as this goes against the mantra of running only one process per container (there are various arguments about why this is better, so I'm not going to go into it here).

How do I create a folder in a GitHub repository?

Git doesn't store empty folders. Just make sure there's a file in the folder like doc/foo.txt and run git add doc or git add doc/foo.txt, and the folder will be added to your local repository once you've committed (and appear on GitHub once you've pushed it).

How to index characters in a Golang string?

Go doesn't really have a character type as such. byte is often used for ASCII characters, and rune is used for Unicode characters, but they are both just aliases for integer types (uint8 and int32). So if you want to force them to be printed as characters instead of numbers, you need to use Printf("%c", x). The %c format specification works for any integer type.

Android: How to enable/disable option menu item on button click?

You could save the item as a variable when creating the option menu and then change its properties at will.

private MenuItem securedConnection;
private MenuItem insecuredConnection;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    inflater.inflate(, menu);
    securedConnection = menu.getItem(0);
    insecuredConnection =  menu.getItem(1);
    return true;

public void foo(){

Running conda with proxy

You can configure a proxy with conda by adding it to the .condarc, like

    http: http://user:[email protected]:8080
    https: https://user:[email protected]:8080

Then in cmd Anaconda Power Prompt (base) PS C:\Users\user> run:

conda update -n root conda

How to set combobox default value?

Suppose you bound your combobox to a List<Person>

List<Person> pp = new List<Person>();
pp.Add(new Person() {id = 1, name="Steve"});
pp.Add(new Person() {id = 2, name="Mark"});
pp.Add(new Person() {id = 3, name="Charles"});

cbo1.DisplayMember = "name";
cbo1.ValueMember = "id";
cbo1.DataSource = pp;

At this point you cannot set the Text property as you like, but instead you need to add an item to your list before setting the datasource

pp.Insert(0, new Person() {id=-1, name="--SELECT--"});
cbo1.DisplayMember = "name";
cbo1.ValueMember = "id";
cbo1.DataSource = pp;
cbo1.SelectedIndex = 0;

Of course this means that you need to add a checking code when you try to use the info from the combobox

if(cbo1.SelectedValue != null && Convert.ToInt32(cbo1.SelectedValue) == -1)
    MessageBox.Show("Please select a person name");

The code is the same if you use a DataTable instead of a list. You need to add a fake row at the first position of the Rows collection of the datatable and set the initial index of the combobox to make things clear. The only thing you need to look at are the name of the datatable columns and which columns should contain a non null value before adding the row to the collection

In a table with three columns like ID, FirstName, LastName with ID,FirstName and LastName required you need to

DataRow row = datatable.NewRow();
row["ID"] = -1;
row["FirstName"] = "--Select--";    
row["LastName"] = "FakeAddress";
dataTable.Rows.InsertAt(row, 0);


Since you want to pivot multiple columns of data, I would first suggest unpivoting the result, score and grade columns so you don't have multiple columns but you will have multiple rows.

Depending on your version of SQL Server you can use the UNPIVOT function or CROSS APPLY. The syntax to unpivot the data will be similar to:

select ratio, col, value
cross apply
  select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
  select 'grade', grade
) c(col, value)

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Once the data has been unpivoted, then you can apply the PIVOT function:

select ratio = col,
  [current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total
  select ratio, col, value
  cross apply
    select 'result', cast(result as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'score', cast(score as varchar(10)) union all
    select 'grade', grade
  ) c(col, value)
) d
  for ratio in ([current ratio], [gearing ratio], [performance ratio], total)
) piv;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo. This will give you the result:

|  grade |          Good |          Good |      Satisfactory |      Good |
| result |       1.29400 |       0.33840 |           0.04270 |    (null) |
|  score |      60.00000 |      70.00000 |          50.00000 | 180.00000 |

Generate a sequence of numbers in Python

Includes some guessing on the exact sequence you are expecting:

>>> l = list(range(1, 100, 4)) + list(range(2, 100, 4))
>>> l.sort()
>>> ','.join(map(str, l))

As one-liner:

>>> ','.join(map(str, sorted(list(range(1, 100, 4))) + list(range(2, 100, 4))))

(btw. this is Python 3 compatible)

iPhone Safari Web App opens links in new window

You can also do linking almost normally:

<a href="#" onclick="window.location='URL_TO_GO';">TEXT OF THE LINK</a>

And you can remove the hash tag and href, everything it does it affects appearance..

How do I check if the Java JDK is installed on Mac?

You can leverage the java_home helper binary on OS X for what you're looking for.

To list all versions of installed JDK:

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -V
Matching Java Virtual Machines (2):
    1.8.0_51, x86_64:   "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home
    1.7.0_79, x86_64:   "Java SE 7" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home

To request the JAVA_HOME path of a specific JDK version, you can do:

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7

$ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8

You could take advantage of the above commands in your script like this:

if POSSIBLE_JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v $REQUESTED_JAVA_VERSION 2>/dev/null)"; then
    # Do this if you want to export JAVA_HOME
    echo "Java SDK is installed"
    echo "Did not find any installed JDK for version $REQUESTED_JAVA_VERSION"

You might be able to do if-else and check for multiple different versions of java as well.

If you prefer XML output, java_home also has a -X option to output in XML.

$ /usr/libexec/java_home --help
Usage: java_home [options...]
    Returns the path to a Java home directory from the current user's settings.

    [-v/--version   <version>]       Filter Java versions in the "JVMVersion" form 1.X(+ or *).
    [-a/--arch      <architecture>]  Filter JVMs matching architecture (i386, x86_64, etc).
    [-d/--datamodel <datamodel>]     Filter JVMs capable of -d32 or -d64
    [-t/--task      <task>]          Use the JVM list for a specific task (Applets, WebStart, BundledApp, JNI, or CommandLine)
    [-F/--failfast]                  Fail when filters return no JVMs, do not continue with default.
    [   --exec      <command> ...]   Execute the $JAVA_HOME/bin/<command> with the remaining arguments.
    [-R/--request]                   Request installation of a Java Runtime if not installed.
    [-X/--xml]                       Print full JVM list and additional data as XML plist.
    [-V/--verbose]                   Print full JVM list with architectures.
    [-h/--help]                      This usage information.

How to Find the Default Charset/Encoding in Java?



it seems to be the same encoding as the one used in your system's command line.

How can I tail a log file in Python?

If you are on linux you implement a non-blocking implementation in python in the following way.

import subprocess'xterm -title log -hold -e \"tail -f filename\"&', shell=True, executable='/bin/csh')
print "Done"

./ line 1: import: command not found

It's not an issue related to authentication at the first step. Your import is not working. So, try writing this on first line:


and for the time being run using


For you here is one explanation:

>>> abc = "Hei Buddy"
>>> print "%s" %abc
Hei Buddy

>>> print "%s" %xyz

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in <module>
    print "%s" %xyz
NameError: name 'xyz' is not defined

At first, I initialized abc variable and it works fine. On the otherhand, xyz doesn't work as it is not initialized!

What does "javascript:void(0)" mean?

It means it’ll do nothing. It’s an attempt to have the link not ‘navigate’ anywhere. But it’s not the right way.

You should actually just return false in the onclick event, like so:

<a href="#" onclick="return false;">hello</a>

Typically it’s used if the link is doing some ‘JavaScript-y’ thing. Like posting an AJAX form, or swapping an image, or whatever. In that case you just make whatever function is being called return false.

To make your website completely awesome, however, generally you’ll include a link that does the same action, if the person browsing it chooses not to run JavaScript.

<a href="backup_page_displaying_image.aspx"
   onclick="return coolImageDisplayFunction();">hello</a>

Laravel 5 error SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

None of these worked for me when I deployed my website online on shared hosting, below is what I did that worked.

In the .env file, I changed




and viola, it worked well as expected.

How to get EditText value and display it on screen through TextView?

in "String.xml" you can notice any String or value you want to use, here are two examples:

<string name="app_name">My Calculator App
<color name="color_menu_home">#ffcccccc</color>

Used for the layout.xml: android:text="@string/app_name"

The advantage: you can use them as often you want, you only need to link them in your Layout-xml, and you can change the String-Content easily in the strings.xml, without searching in your source-code for the right position. Important for changing language, you only need to replace the strings.xml - file

Length of string in bash

If you want to use this with command line or function arguments, make sure you use size=${#1} instead of size=${#$1}. The second one may be more instinctual but is incorrect syntax.

Android: Remove all the previous activities from the back stack

Use the following for activity


remove CLEAR_TASK flag for fragment use.

I hope this may use for some people.

User Authentication in ASP.NET Web API

I am working on a MVC5/Web API project and needed to be able to get authorization for the Web Api methods. When my index view is first loaded I make a call to the 'token' Web API method which I believe is created automatically.

The client side code (CoffeeScript) to get the token is:

getAuthenticationToken = (username, password) ->
    dataToSend = "username=" + username + "&password=" + password
    dataToSend += "&grant_type=password"
    $.post("/token", dataToSend).success saveAccessToken

If successful the following is called, which saves the authentication token locally:

saveAccessToken = (response) ->
    window.authenticationToken = response.access_token

Then if I need to make an Ajax call to a Web API method that has the [Authorize] tag I simply add the following header to my Ajax call:

{ "Authorization": "Bearer " + window.authenticationToken }

Filtering Sharepoint Lists on a "Now" or "Today"

Have you tried this: create a Computed column, called 'Expiry', with a formula that amounts to '[Created] + 7 days'. Then use the computed column in your View's filter. Let us know whether this worked or what problems this poses!

Find out where MySQL is installed on Mac OS X

If you've installed with the dmg, you can also go to the Mac "System Preferences" menu, click on "MySql" and then on the configuration tab to see the location of all MySql directories.


Binary Data Posting with curl

You don't need --header "Content-Length: $LENGTH".

curl --request POST --data-binary "@template_entry.xml" $URL

Note that GET request does not support content body widely.

Also remember that POST request have 2 different coding schema. This is first form:

  $ nc -l -p 6666 &
  $ curl  --request POST --data-binary "@README" http://localhost:6666

User-Agent: curl/7.21.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/ libidn/1.15 libssh2/1.2.6
Host: localhost:6666
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 9309
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Expect: 100-continue

.. -*- mode: rst; coding: cp1251; fill-column: 80 -*-
.. contents::

You probably request this:

-F/--form name=content
           (HTTP) This lets curl emulate a filled-in form in
              which a user has pressed the submit button. This
              causes curl to POST data using the Content- Type
              multipart/form-data according to RFC2388. This
              enables uploading of binary files etc. To force the
              'content' part to be a file, prefix the file name
              with an @ sign. To just get the content part from a
              file, prefix the file name with the symbol <. The
              difference between @ and < is then that @ makes a
              file get attached in the post as a file upload,
              while the < makes a text field and just get the
              contents for that text field from a file.

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

This is not mentioned in you post but I suspect you are initiating an SSL connection from the browser to Apache, where VirtualHosts are configured, and Apache does a revese proxy to your Tomcat.

There is a serious bug in (some versions ?) of IE that sends the 'wrong' host information in an SSL connection (see EDIT below) and confuses the Apache VirtualHosts. In short the server name presented is the one of the reverse DNS resolution of the IP, not the one in the URL.

The workaround is to have one IP address per SSL virtual hosts/server name. Is short, you must end up with something like

1 server name == 1 IP address == 1 certificate == 1 Apache Virtual Host


Though the conclusion is correct, the identification of the problem is better described here

IOS 7 Navigation Bar text and arrow color

Swift 5/iOS 13

To change color of title in controller:

UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]

How to filter rows containing a string pattern from a Pandas dataframe

In [3]: df[df['ids'].str.contains("ball")]
     ids  vals
0  aball     1
1  bball     2
3  fball     4

Access-control-allow-origin with multiple domains

You only need:

  • add a Global.asax to your project,
  • delete <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" /> from your web.config.
  • afterward, add this in the Application_BeginRequest method of Global.asax:

    if (HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS")
        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST,GET,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE");
        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization, Accept");

I hope this help. that work for me.

jQuery - Sticky header that shrinks when scrolling down

Here a CSS animation fork of jezzipin's Solution, to seperate code from styling.


$(window).on("scroll touchmove", function () {
  $('#header_nav').toggleClass('tiny', $(document).scrollTop() > 0);


.header {
  background: #26b;
  color: #fff;
  transition: height 500ms, background 500ms;
.header.tiny {
  background: #aaa;

On scroll/touchmove the css class "tiny" is set to "#header_nav" if "$(document).scrollTop()" is greater than 0.

CSS transition attribute animates the "height" and "background" attribute nicely.

How to print without newline or space?

Note: The title of this question used to be something like "How to printf in python?"

Since people may come here looking for it based on the title, Python also supports printf-style substitution:

>>> strings = [ "one", "two", "three" ]
>>> for i in xrange(3):
...     print "Item %d: %s" % (i, strings[i])
Item 0: one
Item 1: two
Item 2: three

And, you can handily multiply string values:

>>> print "." * 10

C# - Insert a variable number of spaces into a string? (Formatting an output file)

Just for kicks, here's the functions I wrote to do it before I had the .PadRight bit:

    public string insertSpacesAtEnd(string input, int longest)
        string output = input;
        string spaces = "";
        int inputLength = input.Length;
        int numToInsert = longest - inputLength;

        for (int i = 0; i < numToInsert; i++)
            spaces += " ";

        output += spaces;

        return output;

    public int findLongest(List<Results> theList)
        int longest = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < theList.Count; i++)
            if (longest < theList[i].title.Length)
                longest = theList[i].title.Length;
        return longest;

    for (int i = 0; i < storageList.Count; i++)
        output += insertSpacesAtEnd(storageList[i].title, longest + 5) +   storageList[i].rank.Trim() + "     " + storageList[i].term.Trim() + "         " + storageList[i].name + "\r\n";

Android studio- "SDK tools directory is missing"

"Android SDK was installed to: C: / Users / user / AppData / Local / android / SDK2 SDK tools directory is missing " It means the Android SDK requires a folder "tools", where this SDK was installed. But that "Tools" folder did not get installed. Probably due to low storage.

[SOLUTION] : Uninstall the Android SDK and install it again. This time just make sure that you have ATLEAST 5GB (though 3.2gb would be enough) free space where ever you are going to install this SDK. Once the installation is complete, just check whether "tools" folder is there or not (At the location where you are installing the SDK)

How to restart tomcat 6 in ubuntu

if you are using extracted tomcat then, and are two script located in TOMCAT/bin/ to start and shutdown tomcat, You could use that

if tomcat is installed then

/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart

Remove last character from C++ string

For a non-mutating version:

st = myString.substr(0, myString.size()-1);

Subversion stuck due to "previous operation has not finished"?

Further to Sigurd V's answer (you should try that first), some larger code bases have multiple '.svn' folders, and it's not necessarily the one in the root directory which has the locked task.

If that's the case, you have to check each one. If you've already got SQLite and Powershell you can locate the offending directory quickly.

To find which folders is locked run (replacing path\to\sqlite.exe):

Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter '.svn' -Recurse -Hidden | foreach { $toFind = $_.FullName + "\wc.db" ; gci $toFind | foreach { echo $_.FullName ; path\to\sqlite.exe $_.FullName "select * from work_queue" } }.

This gives a list of .svn directories and, below each one, a list of any current tasks.

If there are any with unfinished tasks, for each one run (replacing path\to\sqlite.exe and path\to\.svn\wc.db):

path\to\sqlite.exe path\to\.svn\wc.db "delete from work_queue"

Difference between map and collect in Ruby?

I've been told they are the same.

Actually they are documented in the same place under

  • ary.collect {|item| block } ? new_ary
  • {|item| block } ? new_ary
  • ary.collect ? an_enumerator
  • ? an_enumerator

Invokes block once for each element of self. Creates a new array containing the values returned by the block. See also Enumerable#collect.
If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ]
a.collect {|x| x + "!" }   #=> ["a!", "b!", "c!", "d!"]
a                          #=> ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

Actually, as far as I know, nginx would show an empty message and it wouldn't actually restart if the configuration is bad.

The only way to screw it up is by doing an nginx stop and then start again. It would succeed to stop, but fail to start.

How to get the first non-null value in Java?

How about:

firstNonNull = FluentIterable.from(
    Lists.newArrayList( a, b, c, ... ) )
        .firstMatch( Predicates.notNull() )
            .or( someKnownNonNullDefault );

Java ArrayList conveniently allows null entries and this expression is consistent regardless of the number of objects to be considered. (In this form, all the objects considered need to be of the same type.)

How to set ID using javascript?

Do you mean like this?

var hello1 = document.getElementById('hello1'); = btoa(;

To further the example, say you wanted to get all elements with the class 'abc'. We can use querySelectorAll() to accomplish this:


<div class="abc"></div>
<div class="abc"></div>


var abcElements = document.querySelectorAll('.abc');

// Set their ids
for (var i = 0; i < abcElements.length; i++)
    abcElements[i].id = 'abc-' + i;

This will assign the ID 'abc-<index number>' to each element. So it would come out like this:

<div class="abc" id="abc-0"></div>
<div class="abc" id="abc-1"></div>

To create an element and assign an id we can use document.createElement() and then appendChild().

var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'hello1';

var body = document.querySelector('body');


You can set the id on your element like this if your script is in your HTML file.

<input id="{{str(product["avt"]["fto"])}}" >
<span>New price :</span>
<span class="assign-me">

<script type="text/javascript">
    var s = document.getElementsByClassName('assign-me')[0]; = btoa({{str(produit["avt"]["fto"])}});

Your requirements still aren't 100% clear though.

Will iOS launch my app into the background if it was force-quit by the user?

You can change your target's launch settings in "Manage Scheme" to Wait for <app>.app to be launched manually, which allows you debug by setting a breakpoint in application: didReceiveRemoteNotification: fetchCompletionHandler: and sending the push notification to trigger the background launch.

I'm not sure it'll solve the issue, but it may assist you with debugging for now.


How to pass an object into a state using UI-router?

Actually you can do this.

$state.go("state-name", {param-name: param-value}, {location: false, inherit: false});

This is the official documentation about options in state.go

Everything is described there and as you can see this is the way to be done.

Why should I use a container div in HTML?

Certain browsers (<cough> Internet Explorer) don't support certain properties on the body, notably width and max-width.

Angular 2 beta.17: Property 'map' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'

UPDATE Sep 29 2016 for Angular 2.0 Final & VS 2015

The workaround is no longer needed, to fix you just need to install TypeScript version 2.0.3.

Fix taken from the edit on this github issue comment.

Write variable to file, including name

You could do:

import inspect

mydict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2}

source = inspect.getsourcelines(inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[0][0]))[0]
print [x for x in source if x.startswith("mydict = ")]

Also: make sure not to shadow the dict builtin!

Import MySQL database into a MS SQL Server

For me it worked best to export all data with this command:

mysqldump -u USERNAME -p --all-databases --complete-insert --extended-insert=FALSE --compatible=mssql > backup.sql

--extended-insert=FALSE is needed to avoid mssql 1000 rows import limit.

I created my tables with my migration tool, so I'm not sure if the CREATE from the backup.sql file will work.

In MSSQL's SSMS I had to imported the data table by table with the IDENTITY_INSERT ON to write the ID fields:

SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.app_warehouse ON;
INSERT INTO "app_warehouse" ("id", "Name", "Standort", "Laenge", "Breite", "Notiz") VALUES (1,'01','Bremen',250,120,'');
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.app_warehouse OFF;

If you have relationships you have to import the child first and than the table with the foreign key.

rails 3 validation on uniqueness on multiple attributes

Multiple Scope Parameters:

class TeacherSchedule < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_uniqueness_of :teacher_id, :scope => [:semester_id, :class_id]

This should answer Greg's question.

How to change xampp localhost to another folder ( outside xampp folder)?

@Hooman: actually with the latest versions of Xampp you don't need to know where the configuration or log files are; in the Control panel you have log and config buttons for each tool (php, mysql, tomcat...) and clicking them offers to open all the relevant file (you can even change the default editing application with the general Config button at the top right). Well done for whoever designed it!

Javascript - object key->value

var o = { cat : "meow", dog : "woof"};
var x = Object.keys(o);

for (i=0; i<x.length; i++) {


Why am I getting "undefined reference to sqrt" error even though I include math.h header?

Because you didn't tell the linker about location of math library. Compile with gcc test.c -o test -lm

Change date format in a Java string

SimpleDateFormat dt1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd");

How can I display a messagebox in ASP.NET?

Response.Write is used to display the text not for executing JavaScript, If you want to execute the JavaScript from your code than try as below:

    string pass="abc";
    cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into register values('" + txtName.Text + "','" + txtEmail.Text + "','" + txtPhoneNumber.Text + "','" + ddlUserType.SelectedText + "','" + pass + "')", con);
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "click","alert('Login Successful');");
catch (Exception ex)

How to get current available GPUs in tensorflow?

The accepted answer gives you the number of GPUs but it also allocates all the memory on those GPUs. You can avoid this by creating a session with fixed lower memory before calling device_lib.list_local_devices() which may be unwanted for some applications.

I ended up using nvidia-smi to get the number of GPUs without allocating any memory on them.

import subprocess

n = str(subprocess.check_output(["nvidia-smi", "-L"])).count('UUID')

Can I have an onclick effect in CSS?

You can use pseudo class :target to mimic on click event, let me give you an example.

#something {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
#something:target {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
<a href="#something">Show</a>_x000D_
<div id="something">Bingo!</div>

Here's how it looks like:

One thing to note, this is only limited to hyperlink, so if you need to use on other than hyperlink, such as a button, you might want to hack it a little bit, such as styling a hyperlink to look like a button.

How to set up devices for VS Code for a Flutter emulator

The following steps were done:

  1. installed genymotion
  2. configured a device and ran it
  3. in the vscode lower right corner the device shows

Display special characters when using print statement

Do you merely want to print the string that way, or do you want that to be the internal representation of the string? If the latter, create it as a raw string by prefixing it with r: r"Hello\tWorld\nHello World".

>>> a = r"Hello\tWorld\nHello World"
>>> a # in the interpreter, this calls repr()
'Hello\\tWorld\\nHello World'
>>> print a
Hello\tWorld\nHello World

Also, \s is not an escape character, except in regular expressions, and then it still has a much different meaning than what you're using it for.

jQuery selector for id starts with specific text

If all your divs start with editDialog as you stated, then you can use the following selector:


Or you could use a class selector instead if it's easier for you

<div id="editDialog-0" class="editDialog">...</div>


Foreign Key to non-primary key

If you really want to create a foreign key to a non-primary key, it MUST be a column that has a unique constraint on it.

From Books Online:

A FOREIGN KEY constraint does not have to be linked only to a PRIMARY KEY constraint in another table; it can also be defined to reference the columns of a UNIQUE constraint in another table.

So in your case if you make AnotherID unique, it will be allowed. If you can't apply a unique constraint you're out of luck, but this really does make sense if you think about it.

Although, as has been mentioned, if you have a perfectly good primary key as a candidate key, why not use that?

How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file?

Another useful (Python-based) tool for this is Androguard, using its axml sub-command:

androguard axml my.apk -o my.xml

This extracts and decodes the app manifest in one go. Unlike apktool this doesn't unpack anything else.

How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET?

I wrote a deep object copy extension method, based on recursive "MemberwiseClone". It is fast (three times faster than BinaryFormatter), and it works with any object. You don't need a default constructor or serializable attributes.

Source code:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ArrayExtensions;

namespace System
    public static class ObjectExtensions
        private static readonly MethodInfo CloneMethod = typeof(Object).GetMethod("MemberwiseClone", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

        public static bool IsPrimitive(this Type type)
            if (type == typeof(String)) return true;
            return (type.IsValueType & type.IsPrimitive);

        public static Object Copy(this Object originalObject)
            return InternalCopy(originalObject, new Dictionary<Object, Object>(new ReferenceEqualityComparer()));
        private static Object InternalCopy(Object originalObject, IDictionary<Object, Object> visited)
            if (originalObject == null) return null;
            var typeToReflect = originalObject.GetType();
            if (IsPrimitive(typeToReflect)) return originalObject;
            if (visited.ContainsKey(originalObject)) return visited[originalObject];
            if (typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(typeToReflect)) return null;
            var cloneObject = CloneMethod.Invoke(originalObject, null);
            if (typeToReflect.IsArray)
                var arrayType = typeToReflect.GetElementType();
                if (IsPrimitive(arrayType) == false)
                    Array clonedArray = (Array)cloneObject;
                    clonedArray.ForEach((array, indices) => array.SetValue(InternalCopy(clonedArray.GetValue(indices), visited), indices));

            visited.Add(originalObject, cloneObject);
            CopyFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect);
            RecursiveCopyBaseTypePrivateFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect);
            return cloneObject;

        private static void RecursiveCopyBaseTypePrivateFields(object originalObject, IDictionary<object, object> visited, object cloneObject, Type typeToReflect)
            if (typeToReflect.BaseType != null)
                RecursiveCopyBaseTypePrivateFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect.BaseType);
                CopyFields(originalObject, visited, cloneObject, typeToReflect.BaseType, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, info => info.IsPrivate);

        private static void CopyFields(object originalObject, IDictionary<object, object> visited, object cloneObject, Type typeToReflect, BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy, Func<FieldInfo, bool> filter = null)
            foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeToReflect.GetFields(bindingFlags))
                if (filter != null && filter(fieldInfo) == false) continue;
                if (IsPrimitive(fieldInfo.FieldType)) continue;
                var originalFieldValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(originalObject);
                var clonedFieldValue = InternalCopy(originalFieldValue, visited);
                fieldInfo.SetValue(cloneObject, clonedFieldValue);
        public static T Copy<T>(this T original)
            return (T)Copy((Object)original);

    public class ReferenceEqualityComparer : EqualityComparer<Object>
        public override bool Equals(object x, object y)
            return ReferenceEquals(x, y);
        public override int GetHashCode(object obj)
            if (obj == null) return 0;
            return obj.GetHashCode();

    namespace ArrayExtensions
        public static class ArrayExtensions
            public static void ForEach(this Array array, Action<Array, int[]> action)
                if (array.LongLength == 0) return;
                ArrayTraverse walker = new ArrayTraverse(array);
                do action(array, walker.Position);
                while (walker.Step());

        internal class ArrayTraverse
            public int[] Position;
            private int[] maxLengths;

            public ArrayTraverse(Array array)
                maxLengths = new int[array.Rank];
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Rank; ++i)
                    maxLengths[i] = array.GetLength(i) - 1;
                Position = new int[array.Rank];

            public bool Step()
                for (int i = 0; i < Position.Length; ++i)
                    if (Position[i] < maxLengths[i])
                        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                            Position[j] = 0;
                        return true;
                return false;


Critical t values in R

The code you posted gives the critical value for a one-sided test (Hence the answer to you question is simply:

abs(qt(0.25, 40)) # 75% confidence, 1 sided (same as qt(0.75, 40))
abs(qt(0.01, 40)) # 99% confidence, 1 sided (same as qt(0.99, 40))

Note that the t-distribution is symmetric. For a 2-sided test (say with 99% confidence) you can use the critical value

abs(qt(0.01/2, 40)) # 99% confidence, 2 sided

Change text from "Submit" on input tag

The value attribute is used to determine the rendered label of a submit input.

<input type="submit" class="like" value="Like" />

Note that if the control is successful (this one won't be as it has no name) this will also be the submitted value for it.

To have a different submitted value and label you need to use a button element, in which the textNode inside the element determines the label. You can include other elements (including <img> here).

<button type="submit" class="like" name="foo" value="bar">Like</button>

Note that support for <button> is dodgy in older versions of Internet Explorer.

JavaScript: Is there a way to get Chrome to break on all errors?

Unfortunately, it the Developer Tools in Chrome seem to be unable to "stop on all errors", as Firebug does.

Bootstrap Columns Not Working

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-4">  
                    <a href="">About</a>
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <img src="image.png">
                <div class="col-md-4"> 
                    <a href="#myModal1" data-toggle="modal">SHARE</a>

You need to nest the interior columns inside of a row rather than just another column. It offsets the padding caused by the column with negative margins.

A simpler way would be

<div class="container">
   <div class="row">
       <div class="col-md-4">  
          <a href="">About</a>
       <div class="col-md-4">
          <img src="image.png">
       <div class="col-md-4"> 
           <a href="#myModal1" data-toggle="modal">SHARE</a>

Attribute Error: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'

The problem is that readlines is a list of strings, each of which is a line of filename. Perhaps you meant:

for line in readlines:
    Type = line.split(",")
    x = Type[1]
    y = Type[2]

`ui-router` $stateParams vs. $state.params

There are many differences between these two. But while working practically I have found that using $state.params better. When you use more and more parameters this might be confusing to maintain in $stateParams. where if we use multiple params which are not URL param $state is very useful

 .state('shopping-request', {
      url: '/shopping-request/{cartId}',
      data: {requireLogin: true},
      params : {role: null},
      views: {
        '': {templateUrl: 'views/templates/main.tpl.html', controller: "ShoppingRequestCtrl"},
        'body@shopping-request': {templateUrl: 'views/shops/shopping-request.html'},
        'footer@shopping-request': {templateUrl: 'views/templates/footer.tpl.html'},
        'header@shopping-request': {templateUrl: 'views/templates/header.tpl.html'}

Split by comma and strip whitespace in Python

import re
mylist = [x for x in re.compile('\s*[,|\s+]\s*').split(string)]

Simply, comma or at least one white spaces with/without preceding/succeeding white spaces.

Please try!

Testing Spring's @RequestBody using Spring MockMVC

I have encountered a similar problem with a more recent version of Spring. I tried to use a new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(...) but it would not work in my case.

I actually had a String in a JSON format, but I feel like it is literally transforming the toString() method of every field into JSON. In my case, a date LocalDate field would end up as:


which is not the best date format to send in a request ...

In the end, the simplest solution in my case is to use the Spring ObjectMapper. Its behaviour is better since it uses Jackson to build your JSON with complex types.

private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

and I simply used it in mytest:


How do I specify the JDK for a GlassFish domain?

In my case the problem was the JAVA_HOME variable was set an installed jre.

An alternative to setting the AS_JAVA variable is to set JAVA_HOME environment variable to the jdk (i.e. /usr/local/jdk1.7.0.51).

How to set the max size of upload file

These properties in spring boot makes the acceptable file size unlimited -

# To prevent maximum upload size limit exception

dotnet ef not found in .NET Core 3

I was having this problem after I installed the dotnet-ef tool using Ansible with sudo escalated previllage on Ubuntu. I had to add become: no for the Playbook task, then the dotnet-ef tool became available to the current user.

  - name: install dotnet tool dotnet-ef
    command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version {{dotnetef_version}}
    become: no

How can I parse JSON with C#?

Use this tool to generate a class based in your json:

And then use the class to deserialize your json. Example:

public class Account
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public bool Active { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public IList<string> Roles { get; set; }

string json = @"{
  'Email': '[email protected]',
  'Active': true,
  'CreatedDate': '2013-01-20T00:00:00Z',
  'Roles': [

Account account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Account>(json);

// [email protected]


How to check whether a str(variable) is empty or not?

Empty strings are False by default:

>>> if not "":
...     print("empty")

Check if a string within a list contains a specific string with Linq

Thast should be easy enough

if( myList.Any( s => s.Contains(stringToCheck))){
  //do your stuff here

Sass Nesting for :hover does not work

For concatenating selectors together when nesting, you need to use the parent selector (&):

.class {
    &:hover {

In Bash, how to add "Are you sure [Y/n]" to any command or alias?

To avoid explicitly checking for these variants of 'yes' you could use the bash regular expression operator '=~' with a regular expression:

read -p "Are you sure you want to continue? <y/N> " prompt
if [[ $prompt =~ [yY](es)* ]]

That tests whether the user input starts with 'y' or 'Y' and is followed by zero or more 'es's.

How to play videos in android from assets folder or raw folder?

Did you try to put manually Video on SDCard and try to play video store on SDCard ?

If it's working you can find the way to copy from Raw to SDcard here :


Method to get all files within folder and subfolders that will return a list

This is for anyone that is trying to get a list of all files in a folder and its sub-folders and save it in a text document. Below is the full code including the “using” statements, “namespace”, “class”, “methods” etc. I tried commenting as much as possible throughout the code so you could understand what each part is doing. This will create a text document that contains a list of all files in all folders and sub-folders of any given root folder. After all, what good is a list (like in Console.WriteLine) if you can’t do something with it. Here I have created a folder on the C drive called “Folder1” and created a folder inside that one called “Folder2”. Next I filled folder2 with a bunch of files, folders and files and folders within those folders. This example code will get all the files and create a list in a text document and place that text document in Folder1. Caution: you shouldn’t save the text document to Folder2 (the folder you are reading from), that would be just bad practice. Always save it to another folder.
I hope this helps someone down the line.

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace ConsoleApplication4
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a header for your text file
            string[] HeaderA = { "****** List of Files ******" };
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"c:\Folder1\ListOfFiles.txt", HeaderA);

            // Get all files from a folder and all its sub-folders. Here we are getting all files in the folder
            // named "Folder2" that is in "Folder1" on the C: drive. Notice the use of the 'forward and back slash'.
            string[] arrayA = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\Folder1/Folder2", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                //Now that we have a list of files, write them to a text file.
                WriteAllLines(@"c:\Folder1\ListOfFiles.txt", arrayA);

            // Now, append the header and list to the text file.
            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file =
                new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\Folder1\ListOfFiles.txt"))
                // First - call the header 
                foreach (string line in HeaderA)

                file.WriteLine(); // This line just puts a blank space between the header and list of files. 

                // Now, call teh list of files.
                foreach (string name in arrayA)


        // These are just the "throw new exception" calls that are needed when converting the array's to strings. 

        // This one is for the Header.
        private static void WriteAllLines(string v, string file)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

        // And this one is for the list of files. 
        private static void WriteAllLines(string v, string[] arrayA)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();


LINQ with groupby and count

Assuming userInfoList is a List<UserInfo>:

        var groups = userInfoList
            .GroupBy(n => n.metric)
            .Select(n => new
                MetricName = n.Key,
                MetricCount = n.Count()
            .OrderBy(n => n.MetricName);

The lambda function for GroupBy(), n => n.metric means that it will get field metric from every UserInfo object encountered. The type of n is depending on the context, in the first occurrence it's of type UserInfo, because the list contains UserInfo objects. In the second occurrence n is of type Grouping, because now it's a list of Grouping objects.

Groupings have extension methods like .Count(), .Key() and pretty much anything else you would expect. Just as you would check .Lenght on a string, you can check .Count() on a group.

Changing background color of text box input not working when empty

Don't add styles to value of input so use like

function checkFilled() {
    var inputElem = document.getElementById("subEmail");
    if (inputElem.value == "") { = "yellow";

change values in array when doing foreach

You can try this if you want to override

var newArray= [444,555,666];
var oldArray =[11,22,33];
oldArray.forEach((name, index) => oldArray [index] = newArray[index]);

How do I read a date in Excel format in Python?

Expected situation

# Wrong output from cell_values()

# Expected output

Example: Let cell_values(2,2) from sheet number 0 will be the date targeted

Get the required variables as the following

workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("target.xlsx")

sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)

wrongValue = sheet.cell_value(2,2)

And make use of xldate_as_tuple

y, m, d, h, i, s = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(wrongValue, workbook.datemode)
print("{0} - {1} - {2}".format(y, m, d))

That's my solution

JavaScript + Unicode regexes

I'm answering this question
What would be the equivalent for \p{Lu} or \p{Ll} in regExp for js?
since it was marked as an exact duplicate of the current old question.

Querying the UCD Database of Unicode 12, \p{Lu} generates 1,788 code points.

Converting to UTF-16 yields the class construct equivalency.
It's only a 4k character string and is easily doable in any regex engines.


Querying the UCD database of Unicode 12, \p{Ll} generates 2,151 code points.

Converting to UTF-16 yields the class construct equivalency.


Note that a regex implementation of \p{Lu} or \p{Pl} actually calls a
non standard function to test the value.

The character classes shown here are done differently and are linear, standard
and pretty slow, when jammed into mostly a single class.

Some insight on how a Regex engine (in general) implements Unicode Property Classes:

Examine these performance characteristics between the property
and the class block (like above)

Regex1:  LONG CLASS 
< none >
Completed iterations:   50  /  50     ( x 1 )
Matches found per iteration:   1788
Elapsed Time:    0.73 s,   727.58 ms,   727584 µs
Matches per sec:   122,872

Regex2:   \p{Lu}
Options:  < ICU - none >
Completed iterations:   50  /  50     ( x 1 )
Matches found per iteration:   1788
Elapsed Time:    0.07 s,   65.32 ms,   65323 µs
Matches per sec:   1,368,583

Wow what a difference !!

Lets see how Properties might be implemented

Array of Pointers [ 10FFFF ] where each index is is a Code Point

  • Each pointer in the Array is to a structure of classification.

    • A Classification structure contains fixed field elemets.
      Some are NULL and do not pertain.
      Some contain category classifications.

      Example : General Category
      This is a bitmapped element that uses 17 out of 64 bits.
      Whatever this Code Point supports has bit(s) set as a mask.


When a regex is parsed with something like this \p{Lu} it
is translated directly into

  • Classification Structure element offset : General Category
  • A check of that element for bit item : Uppercase_Letter

Another example, when a regex is parsed with punctuation property \p{P} it
is translated into

  • Classification Structure element offset : General Category
  • A check of that element for any of these items bits, which are joined into a mask :


The offset and bit or bit(mask) are stored as a regex step for that property.

The lookup table is created once for all Unicode Code Points using this array.

When a character is checked, it is as simple as using the CP as an index into this array and checking the Classification Structure's specific element for that bit(mask).

This structure is expandable and indirect to provide much more complex look ups. This is just a simple example.

Compare that direct lookup with a character class search :

All classes are a linear list of items searched from left to right.
In this comparison, given our target string contains only the complete Upper Case Unicode Letters only, the law of averages would predict that half of the items in the class would have to be ranged checked to find a match.

This is a huge disadvantage in performance.

However, if the lookup tables are not there or are not up to date with the latest Unicode release (12 as of this date)
then this would be the only way.

In fact, it is mostly the only way to get the complete Emoji
characters as there is no specific property (or reasoning) to their assignment.

How to read connection string in .NET Core?

This is how I did it:

I added the connection string at appsettings.json

"ConnectionStrings": {
"conStr": "Server=MYSERVER;Database=MYDB;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"},

I created a class called SqlHelper

public class SqlHelper
    //this field gets initialized at Startup.cs
    public static string conStr;

    public static SqlConnection GetConnection()
            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conStr);
            return connection;
        catch (Exception e)

At the Startup.cs I used ConfigurationExtensions.GetConnectionString to get the connection,and I assigned it to SqlHelper.conStr

public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;
        SqlHelper.connectionString = ConfigurationExtensions.GetConnectionString(this.Configuration, "conStr");

Now wherever you need the connection string you just call it like this:


Difference between WebStorm and PHPStorm

Essentially, PHPStorm = WebStorm + PHP, SQL and more.

BUT (and this is a very important "but") because it is capable of parsing so much more, it quite often fails to parse Node.js dependencies, as they (probably) conflict with some other syntax it is capable of parsing.

The most notable example of that would be Mongoose model definition, where WebStorm easily recognizes mongoose.model method, whereas PHPStorm marks it as unresolved as soon as you connect Node.js plugin.

Surprisingly, it manages to resolve the method if you turn the plugin off, but leave the core modules connected, but then it cannot be used for debugging. And this happens to quite a few methods out there.

All this goes for PHPStorm 8.0.1, maybe in later releases this annoying bug would be fixed.

Is there any 'out-of-the-box' 2D/3D plotting library for C++?

AntiGrain Geometry (AGG). Its an opensource 2D vector graphics library. Its a standalone library with no additional dependencies. Has good documentation. Python plotting library matplotlib uses AGG as one of backends.

How to use Git Revert

git revert makes a new commit

git revert simply creates a new commit that is the opposite of an existing commit.

It leaves the files in the same state as if the commit that has been reverted never existed. For example, consider the following simple example:

$ cd /tmp/example
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/example/.git/
$ echo "Initial text" >
$ git add
$ git commit -m "initial commit"
[master (root-commit) 3f7522e] initial commit
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644
$ echo "bad update" > 
$ git commit -am "bad update"
[master a1b9870] bad update
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

In this example the commit history has two commits and the last one is a mistake. Using git revert:

$ git revert HEAD
[master 1db4eeb] Revert "bad update"
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

There will be 3 commits in the log:

$ git log --oneline
1db4eeb Revert "bad update"
a1b9870 bad update
3f7522e initial commit

So there is a consistent history of what has happened, yet the files are as if the bad update never occured:

Initial text

It doesn't matter where in the history the commit to be reverted is (in the above example, the last commit is reverted - any commit can be reverted).

Closing questions

do you have to do something else after?

A git revert is just another commit, so e.g. push to the remote so that other users can pull/fetch/merge the changes and you're done.

Do you have to commit the changes revert made or does revert directly commit to the repo?

git revert is a commit - there are no extra steps assuming reverting a single commit is what you wanted to do.

Obviously you'll need to push again and probably announce to the team.

Indeed - if the remote is in an unstable state - communicating to the rest of the team that they need to pull to get the fix (the reverting commit) would be the right thing to do :).

How to check if a map contains a key in Go?

Short Answer

_, exists := timeZone[tz]    // Just checks for key existence
val, exists := timeZone[tz]  // Checks for key existence and retrieves the value


Here's an example at the Go Playground.

Longer Answer

Per the Maps section of Effective Go:

An attempt to fetch a map value with a key that is not present in the map will return the zero value for the type of the entries in the map. For instance, if the map contains integers, looking up a non-existent key will return 0.

Sometimes you need to distinguish a missing entry from a zero value. Is there an entry for "UTC" or is that the empty string because it's not in the map at all? You can discriminate with a form of multiple assignment.

var seconds int
var ok bool
seconds, ok = timeZone[tz]

For obvious reasons this is called the “comma ok” idiom. In this example, if tz is present, seconds will be set appropriately and ok will be true; if not, seconds will be set to zero and ok will be false. Here's a function that puts it together with a nice error report:

func offset(tz string) int {
    if seconds, ok := timeZone[tz]; ok {
        return seconds
    log.Println("unknown time zone:", tz)
    return 0

To test for presence in the map without worrying about the actual value, you can use the blank identifier (_) in place of the usual variable for the value.

_, present := timeZone[tz]

Only using @JsonIgnore during serialization, but not deserialization

In order to accomplish this, all that we need is two annotations:

  1. @JsonIgnore
  2. @JsonProperty

Use @JsonIgnore on the class member and its getter, and @JsonProperty on its setter. A sample illustration would help to do this:

class User {

    // More fields here
    private String password;

    public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setPassword(final String password) {
        this.password = password;

How to compare arrays in JavaScript?

Already some great answers.But i would like to share anther idea which has proven to be reliable in comparing arrays. We can compare two array using JSON.stringify ( ) . It will create a string out the the array and thus compare two obtained strings from two array for equality

JSON.stringify([1,{a:1},2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:1},2]) //true

JSON.stringify([1,{a:1},2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},2]) //false

JSON.stringify([1,{a:1},2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4],2]) //false

JSON.stringify([1,{a:1},[3,4],2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4],2]) //false

JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4],2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4],2]) //true

JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4],2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4,[5]],2]) //false

JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4,[4]],2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4,[5]],2]) //false

JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4,[5]],2]) == JSON.stringify([1,{a:2},[3,4,[5]],2]) //true

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

I faced the same problem and couldn't find a working solution. I faced this problem while setting up a local server and the git couldn't connect through my proxy network but my workstation could. This was the output when I ran the command ssh -vT [email protected]

ubuntu@server:~$ ssh -vT [email protected]
OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.8, OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/ubuntu/.ssh/config
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.

So I tried using an SSH connection made over the HTTPS port by editing the config file ~/.ssh/config but to no avail.

 Port 443

Finally, I found this article which solved and exposed the real problem.

    ProxyCommand nc -X connect -x <PROXY-HOST>:<PORT> %h %p
    Port 443
    ServerAliveInterval 20
    User git

This is my config file and now git works perfectly well through ssh!

How to put a symbol above another in LaTeX?

Use \overset{above}{main} in math mode. In your case, \overset{a}{\#}.

Custom Listview Adapter with filter Android

First you create the EditText in the xml file and assign an id, eg con_pag_etPesquisa. After that, we will create two lists, where one is the list view and the other to receive the same content but will remain as a backup. Before moving objects to lists first initializes Them the below:


public EditText etPesquisa;

public ContasPagarAdapter adapterNormal;

public List<ContasPagar> lstBkp;

public List<ContasPagar> lstCp;

//Within the onCreate method, type the following:

etPesquisa = (EditText) findViewById(;

etPesquisa.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher(){

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence cs, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3){
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence cs, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3){

    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable e){



//Before moving objects to lists first initializes them as below:

lstCp = new ArrayList<ContasPagar>();

lstBkp = new ArrayList<ContasPagar>();

//When you add objects to the main list, repeat the procedure also for bkp list, as follows:



//Now initializes the adapter and let the listener, as follows:

adapterNormal = new ContasPagarAdapter(ContasPagarActivity.this, lstCp);


//Now create the methods inside actito filter the text entered by the user, as follows:

public void filter(String charText){

    charText = charText.toLowerCase();


    if (charText.length() == 0){




    else {

        for (int i = 0; i < lstBkp.size(); i++){

            if((lstBkp.get(i).getNome_lancamento() + " - " + String.valueOf(lstBkp.get(i).getCodigo())).toLowerCase().contains(charText)){





private void appendAddItem(final List<ContasPagar> novaLista){
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){

            public void run(){

TypeError: 'float' object not iterable

for i in count: means for i in 7:, which won't work. The bit after the in should be of an iterable type, not a number. Try this:

for i in range(count):

Iframe positioning

It's because you're missing position:relative; on #contentframe

<div id="contentframe" style="position:relative; top: 160px; left: 0px;">

position:absolute; positions itself against the closest ancestor that has a position that is not static. Since the default is static that is what was causing your issue.

This Activity already has an action bar supplied by the window decor

I think you're developing for Android Lollipop, but anyway include this line:

<item name="windowActionBar">false</item> 

to your theme declaration inside of your app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml.

Also, if you're using AppCompatActivity support library of version 22.1 or greater, add this line:

<item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>

Your theme declaration may look like this after all these additions:

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>

How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?

I used this recently (thanks to Alnitak):

# activate child monitoring
set -o monitor

# locking subprocess
(while true; do sleep 0.001; done) &

# count, and kill when all done
function kill_on_count() {
    # you could kill on whatever criterion you wish for
    # I just counted to simulate bash's wait with no args
    [ $c -eq 9 ] && kill $pid
    echo -n '.' # async feedback (but you don't know which one)
trap "kill_on_count" CHLD

function save_status() {
    local i=$1;
    local rc=$2;
    # do whatever, and here you know which one stopped
    # but remember, you're called from a subshell
    # so vars have their values at fork time

# care must be taken not to spawn more than one child per loop
# e.g don't use `seq 0 9` here!
for i in {0..9}; do
    (doCalculations $i; save_status $i $?) &

# wait for locking subprocess to be killed
wait $pid

From there one can easily extrapolate, and have a trigger (touch a file, send a signal) and change the counting criteria (count files touched, or whatever) to respond to that trigger. Or if you just want 'any' non zero rc, just kill the lock from save_status.

Clear and reset form input fields

Following code should reset the form in one click.

import React, { Component } from 'react';_x000D_
class App extends Component {_x000D_
         <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} ref="form">_x000D_
                <input type="text" placeholder="First Name!" ref='firstName'/><br/<br/>_x000D_
             <input type="text" placeholder="Last Name!" ref='lastName'/><br/><br/>_x000D_
                <button type="submit" >submit</button>_x000D_

Remove rows with all or some NAs (missing values) in data.frame

If performance is a priority, use data.table and na.omit() with optional param cols=. is the fastest on my benchmark (see below), whether for all columns or for select columns (OP question part 2).

If you don't want to use data.table, use complete.cases().

On a vanilla data.frame, complete.cases is faster than na.omit() or dplyr::drop_na(). Notice that does not support cols=.

Benchmark result

Here is a comparison of base (blue), dplyr (pink), and data.table (yellow) methods for dropping either all or select missing observations, on notional dataset of 1 million observations of 20 numeric variables with independent 5% likelihood of being missing, and a subset of 4 variables for part 2.

Your results may vary based on length, width, and sparsity of your particular dataset.

Note log scale on y axis.

enter image description here

Benchmark script

#-------  Adjust these assumptions for your own use case  ------------
row_size   <- 1e6L 
col_size   <- 20    # not including ID column
p_missing  <- 0.05   # likelihood of missing observation (except ID col)
col_subset <- 18:21  # second part of question: filter on select columns

#-------  System info for benchmark  ----------------------------------
R.version # R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30), platform = x86_64-w64-mingw32
library(data.table); packageVersion('data.table') #
library(dplyr);      packageVersion('dplyr')      # 0.7.4
library(tidyr);      packageVersion('tidyr')      # 0.8.0

#-------  Example dataset using above assumptions  --------------------
fakeData <- function(m, n, p){
  m <-  matrix(runif(m*n), nrow=m, ncol=n)
  m[m<p] <- NA
df <- cbind( data.frame(id = paste0('ID',seq(row_size)), 
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
             data.frame(fakeData(row_size, col_size, p_missing) )
dt <- data.table(df)

par(las=3, mfcol=c(1,2), mar=c(22,4,1,1)+0.1)
    df[complete.cases(df), ],
    df %>% drop_na,
    dt[complete.cases(dt), ],
  ), xlab='', 
  main = 'Performance: Drop any NA observation',
    df[complete.cases(df[,col_subset]), ],
    #na.omit(df), # col subset not supported in
    df %>% drop_na(col_subset),
    dt[complete.cases(dt[,col_subset,with=FALSE]), ],
    na.omit(dt, cols=col_subset) # see ?
  ), xlab='', 
  main = 'Performance: Drop NA obs. in select cols',

Reset the database (purge all), then seed a database

You can delete everything and recreate database + seeds with both:

  1. rake db:reset: loads from schema.rb
  2. rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed: loads from migrations

Make sure you have no connections to db (rails server, sql client..) or the db won't drop.

schema.rb is a snapshot of the current state of your database generated by:

rake db:schema:dump

Including a css file in a blade template?

You should try this :

{{ Html::style('css/styles.css') }}


<link href="{{ asset('css/styles.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

Hope this help for you !!!

read subprocess stdout line by line

You want to pass these extra parameters to subprocess.Popen:

bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True

Then you can iterate as in your example. (Tested with Python 3.5)

View/edit ID3 data for MP3 files

Thirding TagLib Sharp.

TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(path);
f.Tag.Album = "New Album Title";

add column to mysql table if it does not exist

Note that INFORMATION_SCHEMA isn't supported in MySQL prior to 5.0. Nor are stored procedures supported prior to 5.0, so if you need to support MySQL 4.1, this solution isn't good.

One solution used by frameworks that use database migrations is to record in your database a revision number for the schema. Just a table with a single column and single row, with an integer indicating which revision is current in effect. When you update the schema, increment the number.

Another solution would be to just try the ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN command. It should throw an error if the column already exists.

ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'newcolumnname'

Catch the error and disregard it in your upgrade script.

Filter by process/PID in Wireshark

In some cases you can not filter by process id. For example, in my case i needed to sniff traffic from one process. But I found in its config target machine IP-address, added filter ip.dst==someip and voila. It won't work in any case, but for some it's useful.

Angular 4: no component factory found,did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

In my case i solved this issue by:
1) placing NgxMaterialTimepickerModule in app module imports:[ ]
2) placing NgxMaterialTimepickerModule in testmodule.ts imports:[ ]
3) placing testcomponent in declartions:[ ] and entryComponents:[ ]

(I'm using angular 8+ version)

Find the max of two or more columns with pandas

@DSM's answer is perfectly fine in almost any normal scenario. But if you're the type of programmer who wants to go a little deeper than the surface level, you might be interested to know that it is a little faster to call numpy functions on the underlying .to_numpy() (or .values for <0.24) array instead of directly calling the (cythonized) functions defined on the DataFrame/Series objects.

For example, you can use ndarray.max() along the first axis.

# Data borrowed from @DSM's post.
df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1,2,3], "B": [-2, 8, 1]})
   A  B
0  1 -2
1  2  8
2  3  1

df['C'] = df[['A', 'B']].values.max(1)
# Or, assuming "A" and "B" are the only columns, 
# df['C'] = df.values.max(1) 

   A  B  C
0  1 -2  1
1  2  8  8
2  3  1  3 

If your data has NaNs, you will need numpy.nanmax:

df['C'] = np.nanmax(df.values, axis=1)

   A  B  C
0  1 -2  1
1  2  8  8
2  3  1  3 

You can also use numpy.maximum.reduce. numpy.maximum is a ufunc (Universal Function), and every ufunc has a reduce:

df['C'] = np.maximum.reduce(df['A', 'B']].values, axis=1)
# df['C'] = np.maximum.reduce(df[['A', 'B']], axis=1)
# df['C'] = np.maximum.reduce(df, axis=1)

   A  B  C
0  1 -2  1
1  2  8  8
2  3  1  3

enter image description here

np.maximum.reduce and np.max appear to be more or less the same (for most normal sized DataFrames)—and happen to be a shade faster than DataFrame.max. I imagine this difference roughly remains constant, and is due to internal overhead (indexing alignment, handling NaNs, etc).

The graph was generated using perfplot. Benchmarking code, for reference:

import pandas as pd
import perfplot

df_ = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5, 1000))
    setup=lambda n: pd.concat([df_] * n, ignore_index=True),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=df.max(axis=1)),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=df.values.max(1)),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=np.nanmax(df.values, axis=1)),
        lambda df: df.assign(new=np.maximum.reduce(df.values, axis=1)),
    labels=['df.max', 'np.max', 'np.maximum.reduce', 'np.nanmax'],
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(0, 15)],
    xlabel='N (* len(df))',

Find records from one table which don't exist in another

There's several different ways of doing this, with varying efficiency, depending on how good your query optimiser is, and the relative size of your two tables:

This is the shortest statement, and may be quickest if your phone book is very short:

FROM    Call
WHERE   phone_number NOT IN (SELECT phone_number FROM Phone_book)

alternatively (thanks to Alterlife)

FROM   Call
   FROM   Phone_book
   WHERE  Phone_book.phone_number = Call.phone_number)

or (thanks to WOPR)

FROM   Call
  ON (Call.phone_number = Phone_book.phone_number)
  WHERE Phone_book.phone_number IS NULL

(ignoring that, as others have said, it's normally best to select just the columns you want, not '*')

How to include SCSS file in HTML

You can't have a link to SCSS File in your HTML page.You have to compile it down to CSS First. No there are lots of video tutorials you might want to check out. Lynda provides great video tutorials on SASS. there are also free screencasts you can google...

For official documentation visit this site And why have you chosen notepad to write Sass?? you can easily download some free text editors for better code handling.

Select Top and Last rows in a table (SQL server)

To get the bottom 1000 you will want to order it by a column in descending order, and still take the top 1000.

FROM [SomeTable]

If you care for it to be in the same order as before you can use a common table expression for that:

    SELECT TOP 1000 *
    FROM [SomeTable]
    ORDER BY MySortColumn DESC

ORDER BY MySortColumn

catching stdout in realtime from subprocess

if you run something like this in a thread and save the ffmpeg_time property in a property of a method so you can access it, it would work very nice I get outputs like this: output be like if you use threading in tkinter

input = 'path/input_file.mp4'
output = 'path/input_file.mp4'
command = "ffmpeg -y -v quiet -stats -i \"" + str(input) + "\" -metadata title=\"@alaa_sanatisharif\" -preset ultrafast -vcodec copy -r 50 -vsync 1 -async 1 \"" + output + "\""
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)
for line in self.process.stdout:
    reg ='\d\d:\d\d:\d\d', line)
    ffmpeg_time = if reg else ''

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' while attempting to grant privileges. How do I grant privileges?

This might happen when you attempt to grant all privileges on all tables to another user, because the mysql.users table is considered off-limits for a user other than root.

The following however, should work:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%`.* TO '[user]'@'[hostname]' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Note that we use `%`.* instead of *.*

The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception

This is an old, but still relevant question, and while the answers here are helpful no one answer fully addressed both of the OP's questions.

1. Do I have to install ODP.NET and Oracle client on the computer that I want to run my application?

YES - if you are using ODP.NET, Unmanaged. This is the version that you typically install when you choose "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" in the Oracle Client installer (for example). You Download this from Oracle (just google it: Oracle URLs change often).

But If you are using ODP.NET, Managed (and you probably want to use this one this instead) then No, you only need to install (or deploy) ODP.NET, Managed with the app, not the full Oracle Client. See below for details.

2. If yes, is there other way that I don't have to install them but still can run my application?

Yes, there is at least one way. And it is the Managed port of ODP.NET.

Unfortunately the usual workarounds, including ODBC, Microsoft's Oracle Provider for .NET (yes, that old, deprecated one), and the ODP.NET, Unmanaged DLL all require the Oracle client to be installed. It wasn't until our friends at Oracle gave us a nice little (~5MB) DLL that is also Managed. This means no more having to depoy 32-bit and 64-bit versions to go with 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle clients! And no more issues with assembly binding where you build against (or whatever) but your customers install a range of clients from 9i all the way to 12c, including the 'g' ones in the middle) because you can just ship it with your app, and manage it via nuget.

But if you use ODP.NET, Managed which is available as a nuget package, then you do not need to install the Oracle Client. You only need the ODP.NET, Managed DLL. And if you were previously using the ODP.NET, Unmanaged DLL, it is very easy to switch: simply change all your references to the Managed ODP.NET (.csproj files in csharp, etc.), and then change any using statements, for example: using Oracle.DataAccess.Client becomes using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client and that's it! (Unless you were supposedly using some of the more advanced DB management features in the full client that are exposed in the ODP.NET, Unmanaged, which I have not done myself, so good luck with that..). And also nuke all of those annoying assemblyBindingRedirect nodes from your app.config/web.config files and never sweat that junk again!



That error typically means ODP.NET was found OK, but Oracle client was not found or not installed. This could also occur when the architecture doesn't match (32-bit Oracle client is installed, but trying to use 64-bit Unmanaged ODP.NET, or vice versa). This can also happen due to permissions issues and path issues and other problems with the app domain (your web app or your EXE or whatever) not being able to find the Oracle DLLs to actually communicate with Oracle over the network (the ODP.NET Unmanaged DLLs are basically just wrappers for this that hook into ADO and stuff).

Common solutions I have found to this problem:

App is 64-bit?

  • Install 64-bit Oracle Client (32-bit one wont work)

App is 32-bit?

  • Install 32-bit Oracle Client (64-bit one wont work)

Oracle Client is already installed for the correct architecture?

  • Verify your environment PATH and ORACLE_HOME variables, make sure Oracle can be found (newer versions may use Registry instead)
  • Verify the ORACLE_HOME and settings in the Registry (And remember: Registry is either 32-bit or 64-bit, so make sure you check the one that matches your app!)
  • Verify permissions on the ORACLE_HOME folder. If you don't know where this is, check the Registry. I have seen cases where ASP.NET app worker process was using Network Service user and for some reason installing 32-bit and 64-bit clients side by side resulted in the permissions being removed from the first client for the Authorized Users group.. fixing perms on the home folder fixed this.
  • As always, it is handy to Use SysInternals Process Monitor to find out what file is missing or can't be read.

How to copy text to the client's clipboard using jQuery?

Copying to the clipboard is a tricky task to do in Javascript in terms of browser compatibility. The best way to do it is using a small flash. It will work on every browser. You can check it in this article.

Here's how to do it for Internet Explorer:

function copy (str)
    //for IE ONLY!

What is the fastest way to compare two sets in Java?


It really depends on what you want to do in the comparison logic... ie what happens if you find an element in one set not in the other? Your method has a void return type so I assume you'll do the necessary work in this method.

More fine-grained control if you need it:

if (!firstSet.containsAll(secondSet)) {
  // do something if needs be
if (!secondSet.containsAll(firstSet)) {
  // do something if needs be

If you need to get the elements that are in one set and not the other.
EDIT: set.removeAll(otherSet) returns a boolean, not a set. To use removeAll(), you'll have to copy the set then use it.

Set one = new HashSet<>(firstSet);
Set two = new HashSet<>(secondSet);

If the contents of one and two are both empty, then you know that the two sets were equal. If not, then you've got the elements that made the sets unequal.

You mentioned that the number of records might be high. If the underlying implementation is a HashSet then the fetching of each record is done in O(1) time, so you can't really get much better than that. TreeSet is O(log n).

Plot a bar using matplotlib using a dictionary

Why not just:

import seaborn as sns

sns.barplot(list(D.keys()), list(D.values()))

Hide Text with CSS, Best Practice?

It might work.

.hide-text {

In mocha testing while calling asynchronous function how to avoid the timeout Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded

For me the problem was actually the describe function, which when provided an arrow function, causes mocha to miss the timeout, and behave not consistently. (Using ES6)

since no promise was rejected I was getting this error all the time for different tests that were failing inside the describe block

so this how it looks when not working properly:

describe('test', () => { 

and this works using the anonymous function

describe('test', function() { 

Hope it helps someone, my configuration for the above: (nodejs: 8.4.0, npm: 5.3.0, mocha: 3.3.0)

div hover background-color change?

if you want the color to change when you have simply add the :hover pseudo

div.e:hover {

How to pass parameter to click event in Jquery

Better Approach:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $('#btn').click(function() {
      var id = $(this).attr('id');

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" />

But, if you REALLY need to do the click handler inline, this will work:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function display(el) {
        var id = $(el).attr('id');

<input id="btn" type="button" value="click" OnClick="display(this);" />

Passing just a type as a parameter in C#

You can pass a type as an argument, but to do so you must use typeof:

foo.GetColumnValues(dm.mainColumn, typeof(int))

The method would need to accept a parameter with type Type.

where the GetColumns method will call a different method inside depending on the type passed.

If you want this behaviour then you should not pass the type as an argument but instead use a type parameter.


show all tables in DB2 using the LIST command

Run this command line on your preferred shell session:

db2 "select tabname from syscat.tables where owner = 'DB2INST1'"

Maybe you'd like to modify the owner name, and need to check the list of current owners?

db2 "select distinct owner from syscat.tables"

How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

List<Dog> dogs;
List<Dog> copiedDogs = -> SerializationUtils.clone(dog)).Collectors.toList());

This will deep copy each dog

How to make a view with rounded corners?

The CardView worked for me in API 27 in Android Studio 3.0.1. The colorPrimary was referenced in the res/values/colors.xml file and is just an example. For the layout_width of 0dp it will stretch to the width of the parent. You'll have to configure the constraints and width/height to your needs.


    <!-- put your content here -->


How do I get length of list of lists in Java?

count of the contained lists in the outmost list

int count = data.size();

lambda to get the count of the contained inner lists

int count = summingInt(l -> l.size()) );

What is monkey patching?

What is a monkey patch?

Simply put, monkey patching is making changes to a module or class while the program is running.

Example in usage

There's an example of monkey-patching in the Pandas documentation:

import pandas as pd
def just_foo_cols(self):
    """Get a list of column names containing the string 'foo'

    return [x for x in self.columns if 'foo' in x]

pd.DataFrame.just_foo_cols = just_foo_cols # monkey-patch the DataFrame class
df = pd.DataFrame([list(range(4))], columns=["A","foo","foozball","bar"])
del pd.DataFrame.just_foo_cols # you can also remove the new method

To break this down, first we import our module:

import pandas as pd

Next we create a method definition, which exists unbound and free outside the scope of any class definitions (since the distinction is fairly meaningless between a function and an unbound method, Python 3 does away with the unbound method):

def just_foo_cols(self):
    """Get a list of column names containing the string 'foo'

    return [x for x in self.columns if 'foo' in x]

Next we simply attach that method to the class we want to use it on:

pd.DataFrame.just_foo_cols = just_foo_cols # monkey-patch the DataFrame class

And then we can use the method on an instance of the class, and delete the method when we're done:

df = pd.DataFrame([list(range(4))], columns=["A","foo","foozball","bar"])
del pd.DataFrame.just_foo_cols # you can also remove the new method

Caveat for name-mangling

If you're using name-mangling (prefixing attributes with a double-underscore, which alters the name, and which I don't recommend) you'll have to name-mangle manually if you do this. Since I don't recommend name-mangling, I will not demonstrate it here.

Testing Example

How can we use this knowledge, for example, in testing?

Say we need to simulate a data retrieval call to an outside data source that results in an error, because we want to ensure correct behavior in such a case. We can monkey patch the data structure to ensure this behavior. (So using a similar method name as suggested by Daniel Roseman:)

import datasource

def get_data(self):
    '''monkey patch datasource.Structure with this to simulate error'''
    raise datasource.DataRetrievalError

datasource.Structure.get_data = get_data

And when we test it for behavior that relies on this method raising an error, if correctly implemented, we'll get that behavior in the test results.

Just doing the above will alter the Structure object for the life of the process, so you'll want to use setups and teardowns in your unittests to avoid doing that, e.g.:

def setUp(self):
    # retain a pointer to the actual real method:
    self.real_get_data = datasource.Structure.get_data
    # monkey patch it:
    datasource.Structure.get_data = get_data

def tearDown(self):
    # give the real method back to the Structure object:
    datasource.Structure.get_data = self.real_get_data

(While the above is fine, it would probably be a better idea to use the mock library to patch the code. mock's patch decorator would be less error prone than doing the above, which would require more lines of code and thus more opportunities to introduce errors. I have yet to review the code in mock but I imagine it uses monkey-patching in a similar way.)

hash function for string

First, you generally do not want to use a cryptographic hash for a hash table. An algorithm that's very fast by cryptographic standards is still excruciatingly slow by hash table standards.

Second, you want to ensure that every bit of the input can/will affect the result. One easy way to do that is to rotate the current result by some number of bits, then XOR the current hash code with the current byte. Repeat until you reach the end of the string. Note that you generally do not want the rotation to be an even multiple of the byte size either.

For example, assuming the common case of 8 bit bytes, you might rotate by 5 bits:

int hash(char const *input) { 
    int result = 0x55555555;

    while (*input) { 
        result ^= *input++;
        result = rol(result, 5);

Edit: Also note that 10000 slots is rarely a good choice for a hash table size. You usually want one of two things: you either want a prime number as the size (required to ensure correctness with some types of hash resolution) or else a power of 2 (so reducing the value to the correct range can be done with a simple bit-mask).

Twitter bootstrap 3 two columns full height

I thought about a subtle change, which doesn't change the default bootstrap behavior. And I can use it only when I needed it:

.table-container {
  display: table;

.table-container .table-row {
  height: 100%;
  display: table-row;

.table-container .table-row .table-col {
  display: table-cell;
  float: none;
  vertical-align: top;

so I can have use it like this:

<div class="container table-container">
  <div class="row table-row">
    <div class="col-lg-4 table-col"> ... </div>
    <div class="col-lg-4 table-col"> ... </div>
    <div class="col-lg-4 table-col"> ... </div>

How can I use delay() with show() and hide() in Jquery

The easiest way is to make a "fake show" by using jquery.

element.delay(1000).fadeIn(0); // This will work