Programs & Examples On #Anonymousidentification

How to connect wireless network adapter to VMWare workstation?

Since there is only one WiFi hardware on the computer its not possible to connect one WiFi hardware to multiple WiFi networks, if you want to that I think you have to map WiFi hardware to guest OS and how host you'll have to use some other hardware (may be Ethernet) but I'm sure that it will work in that way as no VM software allow us to allocate Hardware to Guest except for USB, you can also get USB WiFI and allocate that to VM only.

Leader Not Available Kafka in Console Producer

I had kafka running as a Docker container and similar messages were flooding to the log.
And KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME was set to 'kafka'.

In my case the reason for error was the missing /etc/hosts record for 'kafka' in 'kafka' container itself.
So, for example, running ping kafka inside 'kafka' container would fail with ping: bad address 'kafka'

In terms of Docker this problem gets solved by specifying hostname for the container.

Options to achieve it:

How to change JAVA.HOME for Eclipse/ANT

For me, ant apparently refuses to listen to any configuration for eclipse default, project JDK, and the suggestion of "Ant Home Entries" just didn't have traction - there was nothing there referring to JDK.

However, this works:

Menu "Run" -> "External Tools" -> "External Tools Configuration".
  Goto the node "Ant build", choose the ant buildfile in question.
     Choose tab "JRE".
        Select e.g. "Run in same JRE as workspace", or whatever you want.

Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace []

I had the same problem. The only thing that solved it was merge the content of META-INF/spring.handler and META-INF/spring.schemas of each spring jar file into same file names under my META-INF project.

This two threads explain it better:

What is stdClass in PHP?

stClass is an empty class created by php itself , and should be used by php only, because it is not just an "empty" class , php uses stdClass to convert arrays to object style if you need to use stdClass , I recommend two better options : 1- use arrays (much faster than classes) 2- make your own empty class and use it

//example 1
$data=array('k1'=>'v1' , 'k2'=>'v2',....);

//example 2
//creating an empty class is faster than instances an stdClass
class data={}
$data=new data();

what makes someone to think about using the object style instead of array style???

Replace Default Null Values Returned From Left Outer Join

That's as easy as

IsNull(FieldName, 0)

Or more completely:

SELECT iar.Description, 
  ISNULL(iai.Quantity,0) as Quantity, 
  ISNULL(iai.Quantity * rpl.RegularPrice,0) as 'Retail', 
FROM InventoryAdjustmentReason iar
LEFT OUTER JOIN InventoryAdjustmentItem iai  on (iar.Id = iai.InventoryAdjustmentReasonId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN Item i on (i.Id = iai.ItemId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportPriceLookup rpl on (rpl.SkuNumber = i.SkuNo)
WHERE iar.StoreUse = 'yes'

Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?

A slightly simper version in PHP of what others have posted:

if (!isset($_COOKIE, $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {
    print '<script>top.window.location="";</script>';

if (isset($_GET['start_session'])) {

client denied by server configuration

The error "client denied by server configuration" generally means that somewhere in your configuration are Allow from and Deny from directives that are preventing access. Read the mod_authz_host documentation for more details.

You should be able to solve this in your VirtualHost by adding something like:

<Location />
  Allow from all
  Order Deny,Allow

Or alternatively with a Directory directive:

<Directory "D:/Devel/matysart/matysart_dev1">
  Allow from all
  Order Deny,Allow

Some investigation of your Apache configuration files will probably turn up default restrictions on the default DocumentRoot.

Adding Multiple Values in ArrayList at a single index

How about

  1. First adding your desired result as arraylist and
  2. and convert to double array as you want.

Try like this..

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

    public class ArrayTest {

         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            // Your Prepared data. 
            List<double[]> values = new ArrayList<double[]>(2);

            double[] element1 = new double[] { 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };
            double[] element2 = new double[] { 50, 35, 25, 45, 65 };


            // Add the result to arraylist.
            List<Double> temp = new ArrayList<Double>();
            for(int j=0;j<values.size(); j++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < values.get(0).length; i++) {

            // Convert arraylist to int[].
            Double[] result = temp.toArray(new Double[temp.size()]);
            double[] finalResult = new double[result.length]; // This hold final result.
            for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                finalResult[i] = result[i].doubleValue();

            for (int i = 0; i < finalResult.length; i++) {

Minimum rights required to run a windows service as a domain account

I do know that the account needs to have "Log on as a Service" privileges. Other than that, I'm not sure. A quick reference to Log on as a Service can be found here, and there is a lot of information of specific privileges here.

How do I run a Python program in the Command Prompt in Windows 7?

You don't add any variables to the System Variables. You take the existing 'Path' system variable, and modify it by adding a semi-colon after, then c:\Python27

How can I get the index from a JSON object with value?

You will have to use Array.find or Array.filter or Array.forEach.

Since you value is array and you need position of element, you will have to iterate over it.


var data = [{"name":"placeHolder","section":"right"},{"name":"Overview","section":"left"},{"name":"ByFunction","section":"left"},{"name":"Time","section":"left"},{"name":"allFit","section":"left"},{"name":"allbMatches","section":"left"},{"name":"allOffers","section":"left"},{"name":"allInterests","section":"left"},{"name":"allResponses","section":"left"},{"name":"divChanged","section":"right"}];
var index = -1;
var val = "allInterests"
var filteredObj = data.find(function(item, i){
  if( === val){
    index = i;
    return i;

console.log(index, filteredObj);

Array.findIndex() @Ted Hopp's suggestion

var data = [{"name":"placeHolder","section":"right"},{"name":"Overview","section":"left"},{"name":"ByFunction","section":"left"},{"name":"Time","section":"left"},{"name":"allFit","section":"left"},{"name":"allbMatches","section":"left"},{"name":"allOffers","section":"left"},{"name":"allInterests","section":"left"},{"name":"allResponses","section":"left"},{"name":"divChanged","section":"right"}];

var val = "allInterests"
var index = data.findIndex(function(item, i){
  return === val


Default Array.indexOf() will match searchValue to current element and not its properties. You can refer Array.indexOf - polyfill on MDN

Convert Xml to DataTable

Maybe this could be a little older article. but must of the above answers don´t help me as I need. Then I wrote a little snippet for that.

This accepts any XML that hast at least 3 levels (Like this sample):

        <XmlField1>Data 1</XmlField1>  
        <XmlField2>Data 2</XmlField2>  
        <XmlField3>Data 3</XmlField3>  

public static class XmlParser
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts XML string to DataTable
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Name">DataTable name</param>
    /// <param name="XMLString">XML string</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static DataTable BuildDataTableFromXml(string Name, string XMLString)
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        doc.Load(new StringReader(XMLString));
        DataTable Dt = new DataTable(Name);

            XmlNode NodoEstructura = doc.FirstChild.FirstChild;
            //  Table structure (columns definition) 
            foreach (XmlNode columna in NodoEstructura.ChildNodes)
                Dt.Columns.Add(columna.Name, typeof(String));

            XmlNode Filas = doc.FirstChild;
            //  Data Rows 
            foreach (XmlNode Fila in Filas.ChildNodes)
                List<string> Valores = new List<string>();
                foreach (XmlNode Columna in Fila.ChildNodes)
        } catch(Exception)


        return Dt;

This solve my problem

How to choose multiple files using File Upload Control?

I just come across this brilliantly simple solution if you are using .Net 4.5 (not supported this easily in lower versions) and you can use jQuery to make things really simple and painless.

Uploading Multiple Files Using jQuery and Generic Handler in ASP.Net 4.5

Of course there is the commercial version for classic ASP which can be found at ASP Uploader

How to do the Recursive SELECT query in MySQL?

leftclickben answer worked for me, but I wanted a path from a given node back up the tree to the root, and these seemed to be going the other way, down the tree. So, I had to flip some of the fields around and renamed for clarity, and this works for me, in case this is what anyone else wants too--

item | parent
1    | null
2    | 1
3    | 1
4    | 2
5    | 4
6    | 3


select t.item_id as item, @pv:=t.parent as parent
from (select * from item_tree order by item_id desc) t
(select @pv:=6)tmp
where t.item_id=@pv;


item | parent
6    | 3
3    | 1
1    | null

Eclipse says: “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one.” How do I unlock a workspace?

For Mac Users:

It could be that another instance of eclipse is running in the background. If so, use either Force Quit eclipse or

ps -ef |grep eclipse
kill -9 pid

to all the eclipse instances, and start the new workspace

Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier - Two GUIDs

The problem was that the ID column wasn't getting any value. I saw on @Martin Smith SQL Fiddle that he declared the ID column with DEFAULT newid and I didn't..

How to send parameters with jquery $.get()

Try this:

    type: 'get',
    url: '',
    data: 'option=1',
    success: function(data) {

        availableProductNames = data.split(",");



Also You have a few errors in your sample code, not sure if that was causing the error or it was just a typo upon entering the question.

Unicode character in PHP string

function unicode_to_textstring($str){

    $rawstr = pack('H*', $str);

    $newstr =  iconv('UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8', $rawstr);
    return $newstr;

$msg = '67714eac99c500200054006f006b0079006f002000530074006100740069006f006e003a0020';

echo unicode_to_textstring($str);

How to make gradient background in android

Visual examples help with this kind of question.


In order to create a gradient, you create an xml file in res/drawable. I am calling mine my_gradient_drawable.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
        android:endColor="#115ede" />

You set it to the background of some view. For example:



Set the angle for a linear type. It must be a multiple of 45 degrees.

    android:endColor="#115ede" />

enter image description here


Set the gradientRadius for a radial type. Using %p means it is a percentage of the smallest dimension of the parent.

    android:endColor="#115ede" />

enter image description here


I don't know why anyone would use a sweep, but I am including it for completeness. I couldn't figure out how to change the angle, so I am only including one image.

    android:endColor="#115ede" />

enter image description here


You can also change the center of the sweep or radial types. The values are fractions of the width and height. You can also use %p notation.


enter image description here

Clear terminal in Python

A Pure Python solution.
Does not rely on either ANSI, or external commands.
Only your terminal has to have the ability to tell you how many lines are in view.

from shutil import get_terminal_size
print("\n" * get_terminal_size().lines, end='')

Python version >= 3.3.0

How does Access-Control-Allow-Origin header work?

Who can't control backend for Options 405 Method Not Allowed.
Workaround for Chrome browser.
execute in command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="path_to_profile"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="C:\Users\vital\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 2"

How to remove border of drop down list : CSS

You could simply use:

select {
    border: none;
    outline: none;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

As the drop down list border is non editable you can not do anything with that but surely this will fix your initial outlook.

what's data-reactid attribute in html?

The data-reactid attribute is a custom attribute used so that React can uniquely identify its components within the DOM.

This is important because React applications can be rendered at the server as well as the client. Internally React builds up a representation of references to the DOM nodes that make up your application (simplified version is below).

  id: '.1oqi7occu80',
  node: DivRef,
  children: [
      id: '.1oqi7occu80.0',
      node: SpanRef,
      children: [
          id: '.1oqi7occu80.0.0',
          node: InputRef,
          children: []

There's no way to share the actual object references between the server and the client and sending a serialized version of the entire component tree is potentially expensive. When the application is rendered at the server and React is loaded at the client, the only data it has are the data-reactid attributes.

<div data-reactid='.loqi70ccu80'>
  <span data-reactid='.loqi70ccu80.0'>
    <input data-reactid='.loqi70ccu80.0' />

It needs to be able to convert that back into the data structure above. The way it does that is with the unique data-reactid attributes. This is called inflating the component tree.

You might also notice that if React renders at the client-side, it uses the data-reactid attribute, even though it doesn't need to lose its references. In some browsers, it inserts your application into the DOM using .innerHTML then it inflates the component tree straight away, as a performance boost.

The other interesting difference is that client-side rendered React ids will have an incremental integer format (like ., whereas server-rendered ones will be prefixed with a random string (such as .loqi70ccu80.1.4.3). This is because the application might be rendered across multiple servers and it's important that there are no collisions. At the client-side, there is only one rendering process, which means counters can be used to ensure unique ids.

React 15 uses document.createElement instead, so client rendered markup won't include these attributes anymore.

How can I determine if a variable is 'undefined' or 'null'?

You can check if the value is undefined or null by simply using typeof:

if(typeof value == 'undefined'){

How to debug heap corruption errors?

If these errors occur randomly, there is high probability that you encountered data-races. Please, check: do you modify shared memory pointers from different threads? Intel Thread Checker may help to detect such issues in multithreaded program.

ASP.NET MVC: What is the correct way to redirect to pages/actions in MVC?

RedirectToAction("actionName", "controllerName");

It has other overloads as well, please check up!

Also, If you are new and you are not using T4MVC, then I would recommend you to use it!

It gives you intellisence for actions,Controllers,views etc (no more magic strings)

Difference between a User and a Login in SQL Server

A "Login" grants the principal entry into the SERVER.

A "User" grants a login entry into a single DATABASE.

One "Login" can be associated with many users (one per database).

Each of the above objects can have permissions granted to it at its own level. See the following articles for an explanation of each

Docker-Compose persistent data MySQL

There are 3 ways:

First way

You need specify the directory to store mysql data on your host machine. You can then remove the data container. Your mysql data will be saved on you local filesystem.

Mysql container definition must look like this:

  container_name: flask_mysql
  restart: always
  image: mysql:latest
    MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'test_pass' # TODO: Change this
    MYSQL_USER: 'test'
    MYSQL_PASS: 'pass'
 - /opt/mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql
  - "3306:3306"

Second way

Would be to commit the data container before typing docker-compose down:

docker commit my_data_container
docker-compose down

Third way

Also you can use docker-compose stop instead of docker-compose down (then you don't need to commit the container)

Call js-function using JQuery timer

You can use this:

window.setInterval(yourfunction, 10000);

function yourfunction() { alert('test'); }

Reading JSON POST using PHP

you can put your json in a parameter and send it instead of put only your json in header:

$post_string= 'json_param=' . json_encode($data);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://webservice.local/');  // Set the url path we want to call

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($curl);

//see the results

on the service side you can get your json string as a parameter:

$json_string = $_POST['json_param'];
$obj = json_decode($json_string);

then you can use your converted data as object.

printf() prints whole array

Incase of arrays, the base address (i.e. address of the array) is the address of the 1st element in the array. Also the array name acts as a pointer.

Consider a row of houses (each is an element in the array). To identify the row, you only need the 1st house address.You know each house is followed by the next (sequential).Getting the address of the 1st house, will also give you the address of the row.

Incase of string literals(character arrays defined at declaration), they are automatically appended by \0.

printf prints using the format specifier and the address provided. Since, you use %s it prints from the 1st address (incrementing the pointer using arithmetic) until '\0'

PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9

Checking for MSIE only is not enough to detect IE. You need also "Trident" which is only used in IE11. So here is my solution which worked an versions 8 to 11.

$isIE=(strpos($agent,'MSIE')!==false || strpos($agent,'TRIDENT')!==false);

WHERE statement after a UNION in SQL?

select column1..... from table1
where column1=''
select column1..... from table2
where column1= ''

Check if space is in a string

You can see whether the output of the following code is 0 or not.

'import re
x='  beer   '
len(re.findall('\s', x))

Redirect to external URI from ASP.NET MVC controller

Maybe the solution someone is looking for is this:


This work when used in the View as well.

get name of a variable or parameter

Pre C# 6.0 solution

You can use this to get a name of any provided member:

public static class MemberInfoGetting
    public static string GetMemberName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> memberExpression)
        MemberExpression expressionBody = (MemberExpression)memberExpression.Body;
        return expressionBody.Member.Name;

To get name of a variable:

string testVariable = "value";
string nameOfTestVariable = MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => testVariable);

To get name of a parameter:

public class TestClass
    public void TestMethod(string param1, string param2)
        string nameOfParam1 = MemberInfoGetting.GetMemberName(() => param1);

C# 6.0 and higher solution

You can use the nameof operator for parameters, variables and properties alike:

string testVariable = "value";
string nameOfTestVariable = nameof(testVariable);

Makefile, header dependencies

If you are using a GNU compiler, the compiler can assemble a list of dependencies for you. Makefile fragment:

depend: .depend

.depend: $(SRCS)
        rm -f "$@"
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MM $^ -MF "$@"

include .depend


depend: .depend

.depend: $(SRCS)
        rm -f "$@"
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MM $^ > "$@"

include .depend

where SRCS is a variable pointing to your entire list of source files.

There is also the tool makedepend, but I never liked it as much as gcc -MM

SQL Server : GROUP BY clause to get comma-separated values

SELECT  [ReportId], 
        SUBSTRING(d.EmailList,1, LEN(d.EmailList) - 1) EmailList
            SELECT DISTINCT [ReportId]
            FROM Table1
        ) a
            SELECT [Email] + ', ' 
            FROM Table1 AS B 
            WHERE A.[ReportId] = B.[ReportId]
            FOR XML PATH('')
        ) D (EmailList) 

SQLFiddle Demo

Can I set subject/content of email using mailto:?


Use this to experiment with mailto form elements and link encoding.

You can enter subject, body (i.e. content), etc. into the form, hit the button and see the mailto html link that you can paste into your page.

You can even specify elements that are rarely known and used: cc, bcc, from emails.

How to install mongoDB on windows?

  1. Download .msi from

  2. Double click install - complete option

  3. Installation folder C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin

  4. Create database folder in C:// - c:/data/db and c:/data/log and c:/data/log/mongo.log and set write permission if not

  5. Open cmd prompt in Administrator mode , navigate to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin

  6. Type the following

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongod --dbpath="c:/data/db" --logpath="c:/data/log/mongo.log"

  7. Check folder c:/data/db - there should be many files and folder

  8. Create a config file named "mongo.config" ** inside C:\data\

  9. Type the following to set the config values from newly created config file

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongod --config C:\data\mongo.config

  10. Open another new cmd prompt in Administrator mode , navigate to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin execute the following lines on the console.

  11. Type the following to create service for MongoDB

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongod --install --config C:\data\mongo.config --logpath="c:/data/log/mongo.log"

    If old MongoDB service exists then need to delete the old service first before mongod --install command, run the following in a new console to delete old mongodb service

    SC STOP MongoDB

    >> SC DELETE MongoDB
  12. Type the following to start MongoDB

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>net start MongoDB

  13. Type the following to stop MongoDB

    C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>net stop MongoDB

Now connect the DB on ip - or on port 27017 .

** File name - "mongo.config" , paste the following on config file -

bind_ip =,

port = 27017



How to analyze information from a Java core dump?

Are you sure a core dump is what you want here? That will contain the raw guts of the running JVM, rather than java-level information. Perhaps a JVM heap dump is more what you need.

Difference between JPanel, JFrame, JComponent, and JApplet

JFrame and JApplet are top level containers. If you wish to create a desktop application, you will use JFrame and if you plan to host your application in browser you will use JApplet.

JComponent is an abstract class for all Swing components and you can use it as the base class for your new component. JPanel is a simple usable component you can use for almost anything.

Since this is for a fun project, the simplest way for you is to work with JPanel and then host it inside JFrame or JApplet. Netbeans has a visual designer for Swing with simple examples.

Why Doesn't C# Allow Static Methods to Implement an Interface?

Regarding static methods used in non-generic contexts I agree that it doesn't make much sense to allow them in interfaces, since you wouldn't be able to call them if you had a reference to the interface anyway. However there is a fundamental hole in the language design created by using interfaces NOT in a polymorphic context, but in a generic one. In this case the interface is not an interface at all but rather a constraint. Because C# has no concept of a constraint outside of an interface it is missing substantial functionality. Case in point:

T SumElements<T>(T initVal, T[] values)
    foreach (var v in values)
        initVal += v;

Here there is no polymorphism, the generic uses the actual type of the object and calls the += operator, but this fails since it can't say for sure that that operator exists. The simple solution is to specify it in the constraint; the simple solution is impossible because operators are static and static methods can't be in an interface and (here is the problem) constraints are represented as interfaces.

What C# needs is a real constraint type, all interfaces would also be constraints, but not all constraints would be interfaces then you could do this:

constraint CHasPlusEquals
    static CHasPlusEquals operator + (CHasPlusEquals a, CHasPlusEquals b);

T SumElements<T>(T initVal, T[] values) where T : CHasPlusEquals
    foreach (var v in values)
        initVal += v;

There has been lots of talk already about making an IArithmetic for all numeric types to implement, but there is concern about efficiency, since a constraint is not a polymorphic construct, making a CArithmetic constraint would solve that problem.

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

It is worth noting that if changing default_socket_timeout on the fly, it might be useful to restore its value after your file_get_contents call:

$default_socket_timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout');
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', $default_socket_timeout);

How to perform a for loop on each character in a string in Bash?


word=$(echo 'Your Message' |fold -w 1)

for letter in ${word} ; do echo "${letter} is a letter"; done

Here is the output:

Y is a letter o is a letter u is a letter r is a letter M is a letter e is a letter s is a letter s is a letter a is a letter g is a letter e is a letter

Popup window in PHP?

PHP runs on the server-side thus you have to use a client-side technology which is capable of showing popup windows: JavaScript.

So you should output a specific JS block via PHP if your form contains errors and you want to show that popup.

Turn off auto formatting in Visual Studio

As suggest by @TheMatrixRecoder took a bit of finding for me so maybe this will help someone else. VS 2017 option can be found here

Unitick these options to prevent annoying automated formatting when you places a semicolon or hit return at the end of a line.

C++ error: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime' and 'clock_settime'

I encountered the same error. My linker command did have the rt library included -lrt which is correct and it was working for a while. After re-installing Kubuntu it stopped working.

A separate forum thread suggested the -lrt needed to come after the project object files. Moving the -lrt to the end of the command fixed this problem for me although I don't know the details of why.

How to define the basic HTTP authentication using cURL correctly?

as header

AUTH=$(echo -ne "$BASIC_AUTH_USER:$BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD" | base64 --wrap 0)

curl \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --header "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" \
  --request POST \
  --data  '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' \

Codeigniter LIKE with wildcard(%)

  $this->db->like('title', 'match', 'before'); 
 // Produces: WHERE title LIKE '%match' 

 $this->db->like('title', 'match', 'after'); 
// Produces: WHERE title LIKE 'match%' 

$this->db->like('title', 'match', 'both'); 
// Produces: WHERE title LIKE '%match%'

Can't find file executable in your configured search path for gnc gcc compiler

For that you need to install binary of GNU GCC compiler, which comes with MinGW package. You can download MinGW( and put it under C:/ ) and later you have to download gnu -c, c++ related Binaries, so select required package and install them(in the MinGW ). Then in the Code::Blocks, go to Setting, Compiler, ToolChain Executable. In that you will find Path, there set C:/MinGW. Then mentioned error will be vanished.

Pandas read in table without headers

In order to read a csv in that doesn't have a header and for only certain columns you need to pass params header=None and usecols=[3,6] for the 4th and 7th columns:

df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None, usecols=[3,6])

See the docs

iOS 7: UITableView shows under status bar

I ended up using one extra view with desired background, added after TableView and placed under status bar:

    self.CoverView = [[UIView alloc]init];

    if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0) {

    self.CoverView.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,self.view.bounds.size.width,20);

    self.CoverView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    self.TableView = [[UITableView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,
    self.CoverView.bounds.size.height,XXX, YYY)];
    [self.view addSubview:self.TableView];
    [self.view addSubview:self.CoverView];

It's not very pretty, but it's rather simple solution, if you need work with xib-less views, and both IOS6 and IOS7

Error "initializer element is not constant" when trying to initialize variable with const

In C language, objects with static storage duration have to be initialized with constant expressions, or with aggregate initializers containing constant expressions.

A "large" object is never a constant expression in C, even if the object is declared as const.

Moreover, in C language, the term "constant" refers to literal constants (like 1, 'a', 0xFF and so on), enum members, and results of such operators as sizeof. Const-qualified objects (of any type) are not constants in C language terminology. They cannot be used in initializers of objects with static storage duration, regardless of their type.

For example, this is NOT a constant

const int N = 5; /* `N` is not a constant in C */

The above N would be a constant in C++, but it is not a constant in C. So, if you try doing

static int j = N; /* ERROR */

you will get the same error: an attempt to initialize a static object with a non-constant.

This is the reason why, in C language, we predominantly use #define to declare named constants, and also resort to #define to create named aggregate initializers.

Execute a large SQL script (with GO commands)

I accomplished this today by loading my SQL from a text file into one string. I then used the string Split function to separate the string into individual commands which were then sent to the server individually. Simples :)

Just realised that you need to split on \nGO just in case the letters GO appear in any of your table names etc. Guess I was lucky there!

javascript regular expression to check for IP addresses

Throwing in a late contribution:


Of the answers I checked, they're either longer or incomplete in their verification. Longer, in my experience, means harder to overlook and therefore more prone to be erroneous. And I like to avoid repeating similar patters, for the same reason.

The main part is, of course, the test for a number - 0 to 255, but also making sure it doesn't allow initial zeroes (except for when it's a single one):


Three alternations - one for sub 100: [1-9]?\d, one for 100-199: 1\d\d and finally 200-255: 2(5[0-5]|[0-4]\d).

This is preceded by a test for start of line or a dot ., and this whole expression is tested for 4 times by the appended {4}.

This complete test for four byte representations is started by testing for start of line followed by a negative look ahead to avoid addresses starting with a .: ^(?!\.), and ended with a test for end of line ($).

See some samples here at regex101.

How to get a product's image in Magento?

get product images in magento using product id

    $product_id = $_POST['product_id'];
    $storeId    = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
    $loadpro    = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id);

    $mediaApi      =  Mage::getModel("catalog/product_attribute_media_api");
    $mediaApiItems = $mediaApi->items($loadpro->getId());
    foreach ($mediaApiItems as $item) {
            //for getting existing Images
            echo $item['file'];

How to make a page redirect using JavaScript?


document.location.href = "" + document.getElementById('somefield');

That would get the value of some text field or hidden field, and add it to your site URL to get a new URL (href). You can modify this to suit your needs.

Creating a DateTime in a specific Time Zone in c#

I altered Jon Skeet answer a bit for the web with extension method. It also works on azure like a charm.

public static class DateTimeWithZone

private static readonly TimeZoneInfo timeZone;

static DateTimeWithZone()
//I added web.config <add key="CurrentTimeZoneId" value="Central Europe Standard Time" />
//You can add value directly into function.
    timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CurrentTimeZoneId"]);

public static DateTime LocalTime(this DateTime t)
     return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(t, timeZone);   

Numpy first occurrence of value greater than existing value

I'd like to propose


This will return the smallest index where the condition is met, while returning infinity if the condition is never met (and where returns an empty array).

How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android

this code worked for me..

//Disable bluetooth
BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();    
if (mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) {

For this to work, you must have the following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>

Rebasing a Git merge commit

It looks like what you want to do is remove your first merge. You could follow the following procedure:

git checkout master      # Let's make sure we are on master branch
git reset --hard master~ # Let's get back to master before the merge
git pull                 # or git merge remote/master
git merge topic

That would give you what you want.

Encode html entities in javascript

Here is how I implemented the encoding. I took inspiration from the answers given above.

function encodeHTML(str) {
  const code = {
      ' ' : '&nbsp;',
      '¢' : '&cent;',
      '£' : '&pound;',
      '¥' : '&yen;',
      '€' : '&euro;', 
      '©' : '&copy;',
      '®' : '&reg;',
      '<' : '&lt;', 
      '>' : '&gt;',  
      '"' : '&quot;', 
      '&' : '&amp;',
      '\'' : '&apos;'
  return str.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&''""]/gm, (i)=>code[i]);

console.log(encodeHTML("Dolce & Gabbana"));
console.log(encodeHTML("Hamburgers < Pizza < Tacos"));
console.log(encodeHTML("Sixty > twelve"));
console.log(encodeHTML('Stuff in "quotation marks"'));
console.log(encodeHTML("Schindler's List"));

How to set RelativeLayout layout params in code not in xml?

    RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(this);
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams labelLayoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);

   // If you want to add some controls in this Relative Layout
    labelLayoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

    ImageView mImage = new ImageView(this);


Substring with reverse index


caveat: according to mdc, not IE compatible

Environment variables in Jenkins

The quick and dirty way, you can view the available environment variables from the below link.


Just replace localhost with your Jenkins hostname, if its different

How can I split a string into segments of n characters?

If you didn't want to use a regular expression...

var chunks = [];

for (var i = 0, charsLength = str.length; i < charsLength; i += 3) {
    chunks.push(str.substring(i, i + 3));


...otherwise the regex solution is pretty good :)

ServletException, HttpServletResponse and HttpServletRequest cannot be resolved to a type

You can do the folllwoing: import the jar file inside you class:

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse

add the Apache Tomcat library as follow:

Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add library from library tab > Choose server runtime > Next > choose Apache Tomcat v 6.0 > Finish > Ok

Also First of all, make sure that Servlet jar is included in your class path in eclipse as PermGenError said.

I think this will solve your error

How to do 3 table JOIN in UPDATE query?

For PostgreSQL example:

SET param_from_table_a=FALSE -- param FROM TableA
FROM TableB AS b
WHERE AND a.amount <> 0; 

How do you get a query string on Flask?

Try like this for query string:

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/parameters', methods=['GET'])
def query_strings():

    args1 = request.args['args1']
    args2 = request.args['args2']
    args3 = request.args['args3']

    return '''<h1>The Query String are...{}:{}:{}</h1>''' .format(args1,args2,args3)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Output: enter image description here

Using NSPredicate to filter an NSArray based on NSDictionary keys

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// clang -framework Foundation Siegfried.m 
main() {
    NSArray *arr = @[
        @{@"1" : @"Fafner"},
        @{@"1" : @"Fasolt"}
    NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
        @"SELF['1'] CONTAINS 'e'"];
    NSArray *res = [arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:p];
    NSLog(@"Siegfried %@", res);
    return 0;

Transpose a range in VBA

Strictly in reference to prefacing "transpose", by the book, either one will work; i.e., application.transpose() OR worksheetfunction.transpose(), and by experience, if you really like typing, application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose() will work also-

What is the height of Navigation Bar in iOS 7?

There is a difference between the navigation bar and the status bar. The confusing part is that it looks like one solid feature at the top of the screen, but the areas can actually be separated into two distinct views; a status bar and a navigation bar. The status bar spans from y=0 to y=20 points and the navigation bar spans from y=20 to y=64 points. So the navigation bar (which is where the page title and navigation buttons go) has a height of 44 points, but the status bar and navigation bar together have a total height of 64 points.

Here is a great resource that addresses this question along with a number of other sizing idiosyncrasies in iOS7:

Width of input type=text element

The visible width of an element is width + padding + border + outline, so it seems that you are forgetting about the border on the input element. That is, to say, that the default border width for an input element on most (some?) browsers is actually calculated as 2px, not one. Hence your input is appearing as 2px wider. Try explicitly setting the border-width on the input, or making your div wider.

How to recursively find the latest modified file in a directory?

This gives a sorted list:

find . -type f -ls 2>/dev/null | sort -M -k8,10 | head -n5

Reverse the order by placing a '-r' in the sort command. If you only want filenames, insert "awk '{print $11}' |" before '| head'

android splash screen sizes for ldpi,mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi displays ? - eg : 1024X768 pixels for ldpi

Splash screen sizes for Android

and at the same time for Cordova (a.k.a Phonegap), React-Native and all other development platforms

Format : 9-Patch PNG (recommended)


 - LDPI:
    - Portrait: 200x320px
    - Landscape: 320x200px
 - MDPI:
    - Portrait: 320x480px
    - Landscape: 480x320px
 - HDPI:
    - Portrait: 480x800px
    - Landscape: 800x480px
    - Portrait: 720px1280px
    - Landscape: 1280x720px
    - Portrait: 960x1600px
    - Landscape: 1600x960px
    - Portrait: 1280x1920px
    - Landscape: 1920x1280px

Note: Preparing XXXHDPI is not needed and also maybe XXHDPI size too because of the repeating areas of 9-patch images. On the other hand, if only Portrait sizes are used the App size could be more less. More pictures mean more space is need.

Pay attention

I think there is no an exact size for the all devices. I use Xperia Z 5". If you develop a crossplatform-webview app you should consider a lot of things (whether screen has softkey navigation buttons or not, etc). Therefore, I think there is only one suitable solution. The solution is to prepare a 9-patch splash screen (find How to design a new splash screen heading below).

  1. Create splash screens for the above screen sizes as 9-patch. Give names your files with .9.png suffixes
  2. Add the lines below into your config.xml file
  3. Add the splash screen plugin if it's needed.
  4. Run your project.

That's it!

Cordova specific code
To be added lines into the config.xml for 9-patch splash screens

<preference name="SplashScreen" value="screen" />
<preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="6000" />
<platform name="android">
    <splash src="res/screen/android/ldpi.9.png" density="ldpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/mdpi.9.png" density="mdpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/hdpi.9.png" density="hdpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/xhdpi.9.png" density="xhdpi"/> 

To be added lines into the config.xml when using non-9-patch splash screens

<platform name="android">
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-land-hdpi.png" density="land-hdpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-land-ldpi.png" density="land-ldpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-land-mdpi.png" density="land-mdpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-land-xhdpi.png" density="land-xhdpi"/>

    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-port-hdpi.png" density="port-hdpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-port-ldpi.png" density="port-ldpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-port-mdpi.png" density="port-mdpi"/>
    <splash src="res/screen/android/splash-port-xhdpi.png" density="port-xhdpi"/>

How to design a new splash screen

I would describe a simple way to create proper splash screen using this way. Assume we're designing a 1280dp x 720dp - xhdpi (x-large) screen. I've written for the sake of example the below;

  • In Photoshop: File -> New in new dialog window set your screens

    Width: 720 Pixels Height: 1280 Pixels

    I guess the above sizes mean Resolution is 320 Pixels/Inch. But to ensure you can change resolution value to 320 in your dialog window. In this case Pixels/Inch = DPI

    Congratulations... You have a 720dp x 1280dp splash screen template.

How to generate a 9-patch splash screen

After you designed your splash screen, if you want to design 9-Patch splash screen, you should insert 1 pixel gap for every side. For this reason you should increase +2 pixel your canvas size's width and height ( now your image sizes are 722 x 1282 ).

I've left the blank 1 pixel gap at every side as directed the below.
Changing the canvas size by using Photoshop:
- Open a splash screen png file in Photoshop
- Click onto the lock icon next to the 'Background' name in the Layers field (to leave blank instead of another color like white) if there is like the below:
enter image description here
- Change the canvas size from Image menu ( Width: 720 pixels to 722 pixels and Height: 1280 pixels to 1282 pixels). Now, should see 1 pixel gap at every side of the splash screen image.

Then you can use C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\tools\draw9patch.bat to convert a 9-patch file. For that open your splash screen on draw9patch app. You should define your logo and expandable areas. Notice the black line the following example splash screen. The black line's thickness is just 1 px ;) Left and Top sides black lines define your splash screen's must display area. Exactly as your designed. Right and Bottom lines define the addable and removable area (automatically repeating areas).

Just do that: Zoom your image's top edge on draw9patch application. Click and drag your mouse to draw line. And press shift + click and drag your mouse to erase line.

Sample 9-patch design

If you develop a cross-platform app (like Cordova/PhoneGap) you can find the following address almost all mabile OS splash screen sizes. Click for Windows Phone, WebOS, BlackBerry, Bada-WAC and Bada splash screen sizes.

And if you need IOS, Android etc. app icon sizes you can visit here.


Format : PNG (recommended)


 - Tablet (iPad)
   - Non-Retina (1x)
     - Portrait: 768x1024px
     - Landscape: 1024x768px
   - Retina (2x)
     - Portrait: 1536x2048px
     - Landscape: 2048x1536px
 - Handheld (iPhone, iPod)
   - Non-Retina (1x)
     - Portrait: 320x480px
     - Landscape: 480x320px
   - Retina (2x)
     - Portrait: 640x960px
     - Landscape: 960x640px
 - iPhone 5 Retina (2x)
   - Portrait: 640x1136px
   - Landscape: 1136x640px
 - iPhone 6 (2x)
   - Portrait: 750x1334px
   - Landscape: 1334x750px
 - iPhone 6 Plus (3x)
   - Portrait: 1242x2208px
   - Landscape: 2208x1242px

best way to create object

If you think less code means more efficient, so using construct function is better. You also can use code like:

Person p=new Person(){

Python: subplot within a loop: first panel appears in wrong position

The problem is the indexing subplot is using. Subplots are counted starting with 1! Your code thus needs to read

fig=plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6),facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
for i in range(10):

    #this part is just arranging the data for contourf 
    ind2 = py.find(zz==i+1)
    sfr_mass_mat = np.reshape(sfr_mass[ind2],(pixmax_x,pixmax_y))
    sfr_mass_sub = sfr_mass[ind2]
    zi = griddata(massloclist, sfrloclist, sfr_mass_sub,xi,yi,interp='nn')

    temp = 251+i  # this is to index the position of the subplot
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = .5,wspace=.001)

    #just annotating where each contour plot is being placed

Note the change in the line where you calculate temp

Python WindowsError: [Error 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect:

I had this problem with Django and it was because I had forgotten to start the virtual environment on the backend.

Given a DateTime object, how do I get an ISO 8601 date in string format?

To convert DateTime.UtcNow to a string representation of yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ, you can use the ToString() method of the DateTime structure with a custom formatting string. When using custom format strings with a DateTime, it is important to remember that you need to escape your seperators using single quotes.

The following will return the string represention you wanted:

DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)

Get img src with PHP

Use a HTML parser like DOMDocument and then evaluate the value you're looking for with DOMXpath:

$html = '<img id="12" border="0" src="/images/image.jpg"
         alt="Image" width="100" height="100" />';

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//img/@src)"); # "/images/image.jpg"

Or for those who really need to save space:

$xpath = new DOMXPath(@DOMDocument::loadHTML($html));
$src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//img/@src)");

And for the one-liners out there:

$src = (string) reset(simplexml_import_dom(DOMDocument::loadHTML($html))->xpath("//img/@src"));

GIT commit as different user without email / or only email

Open Git Bash.

Set a Git username:

$ git config --global "name family" Confirm that you have set the Git username correctly:

$ git config --global

name family

Set a Git email:

$ git config --global [email protected] Confirm that you have set the Git email correctly:

$ git config --global

[email protected]

how to run a command at terminal from java program?

You don't actually need to run a command from an xterm session, you can run it directly:

String[] arguments = new String[] {"/path/to/executable", "arg0", "arg1", "etc"};
Process proc = new ProcessBuilder(arguments).start();

If the process responds interactively to the input stream, and you want to inject values, then do what you did before:

OutputStream out = proc.getOutputStream();  

Don't forget the '\n' at the end though as most apps will use it to identify the end of a single command's input.

Using variable in SQL LIKE statement

We can write directly too...

DECLARE @SearchLetter CHAR(1) 

SET @SearchLetter = 'A' 

WHERE  CONTACTNAME LIKE @SearchLetter + '%' 
       AND REGION = 'WY' 

or the following way as well if we have to append all the search characters then,

DECLARE @SearchLetter CHAR(1) 

SET @SearchLetter = 'A' + '%' 

       AND REGION = 'WY' 

Both these will work

Java count occurrence of each item in an array

You can use Hash Map as given in the example below:

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;

 * @author Abdul Rab Khan
public class CounterExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] array = { "name1", "name1", "name2", "name2", "name2" };

     * This method process the string array to find the number of occurrences of
     * each string element
     * @param strArray
     *            array containing string elements
    private static void countStringOccurences(String[] strArray) {
        HashMap<String, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (String string : strArray) {
            if (!countMap.containsKey(string)) {
                countMap.put(string, 1);
            } else {
                Integer count = countMap.get(string);
                count = count + 1;
                countMap.put(string, count);

     * This method will print the occurrence of each element
     * @param countMap
     *            map containg string as a key, and its count as the value
    private static void printCount(HashMap<String, Integer> countMap) {
        Set<String> keySet = countMap.keySet();
        for (String string : keySet) {
            System.out.println(string + " : " + countMap.get(string));

Angular.js and HTML5 date input value -- how to get Firefox to show a readable date value in a date input?

If using Angular Material Design, you can use the datepicker component there and this will work in Firefox, IE etc.

Fair warning though - personal experience is that there are problems with this, and seemingly it is being re-worked at present. See here:

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

enter image description here

For me the solution is to change Enable 32-bit Applications to False

None of the answers worked for me. So I'd like to share what I found after hours of research..

Keep seeing this message from event logs: The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll failed to load. The data is the error. Turns out that dll is 64bit and cannot be loaded into 32bit process.

How do I deal with "signed/unsigned mismatch" warnings (C4018)?

It's all in your things.size() type. It isn't int, but size_t (it exists in C++, not in C) which equals to some "usual" unsigned type, i.e. unsigned int for x86_32.

Operator "less" (<) cannot be applied to two operands of different sign. There's just no such opcodes, and standard doesn't specify, whether compiler can make implicit sign conversion. So it just treats signed number as unsigned and emits that warning.

It would be correct to write it like

for (size_t i = 0; i < things.size(); ++i) { /**/ }

or even faster

for (size_t i = 0, ilen = things.size(); i < ilen; ++i) { /**/ }

JavaScript Form Submit - Confirm or Cancel Submission Dialog Box

Simple and easy :

<form onSubmit="return confirm('Do you want to submit?') ">_x000D_
  <input type="submit" />_x000D_

How to use the read command in Bash?

Other bash alternatives that do not involve a subshell:

read str <<END             # here-doc

read str <<< "hello"       # here-string

read str < <(echo hello)   # process substitution

How can one change the timestamp of an old commit in Git?

If you want to get the exact date of another commit (say you rebase edited a commit and want it to have the date of the original pre-rebase version):

git commit --amend --date="$(git show -s --format=%ai a383243)"

This corrects the date of the HEAD commit to be exactly the date of commit a383243 (include more digits if there are ambiguities). It will also pop up an editor window so you can edit the commit message.

That's for the author date which is what you care for usually - see other answers for the committer date.

Change image onmouseover

here's a native javascript inline code to change image onmouseover & onmouseout:

<a href="#" id="name">
    <img title="Hello" src="/ico/view.png" onmouseover="this.src='/ico/view.hover.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/ico/view.png'" />

How to Decode Json object in laravel and apply foreach loop on that in laravel

your string is NOT a valid json to start with.

a valid json will be,

    "area": [
            "area": "kothrud"
            "area": "katraj"

if you do a json_decode, it will yield,

stdClass Object
    [area] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [area] => kothrud

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [area] => katraj



Update: to use

$string = '

    "area": [
            "area": "kothrud"
            "area": "katraj"

            $area = json_decode($string, true);

            foreach($area['area'] as $i => $v)
                echo $v['area'].'<br/>';



Update #2:

for that true:

When TRUE, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays. for more information, click here

How to use the 'main' parameter in package.json?

For OpenShift, you only get one PORT and IP pair to bind to (per application). It sounds like you should be able to serve both services from a single nodejs instance by adding internal routes for each service endpoint.

I have some info on how OpenShift uses your project's package.json to start your application here:

How can I count the number of characters in a Bash variable


where str_var is your string.

Postgres: clear entire database before re-creating / re-populating from bash script

Note: my answer is about really deleting the tables and other database objects; for deleting all data in the tables, i.e. truncating all tables, Endre Both has provided a similarily well-executed (direct execution) statement a month later.

For the cases where you can’t just DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE;, DROP OWNED BY current_user; or something, here’s a stand-alone SQL script I wrote, which is transaction-safe (i.e. you can put it between BEGIN; and either ROLLBACK; to just test it out or COMMIT; to actually do the deed) and cleans up “all” database objects… well, all those used in the database our application uses or I could sensibly add, which is:

  • triggers on tables
  • constraints on tables (FK, PK, CHECK, UNIQUE)
  • indices
  • VIEWs (normal or materialised)
  • tables
  • sequences
  • routines (aggregate functions, functions, procedures)
  • all non-default (i.e. not public or DB-internal) schemata “we” own: the script is useful when run as “not a database superuser”; a superuser can drop all schemata (the really important ones are still explicitly excluded, though)
  • extensions (user-contributed but I normally deliberately leave them in)

Not dropped are (some deliberate; some only because I had no example in our DB):

  • the public schema (e.g. for extension-provided stuff in them)
  • collations and other locale stuff
  • event triggers
  • text search stuff, … (see here for other stuff I might have missed)
  • roles or other security settings
  • composite types
  • toast tables
  • FDW and foreign tables

This is really useful for the cases when the dump you want to restore is of a different database schema version (e.g. with Debian dbconfig-common, Flyway or Liquibase/DB-Manul) than the database you want to restore it into.

I’ve also got a version which deletes “everything except two tables and what belongs to them” (a sequence, tested manually, sorry, I know, boring) in case someone is interested; the diff is small. Contact me or check this repo if interested.


-- Copyright © 2019, 2020
--      mirabilos <[email protected]>
-- Provided that these terms and disclaimer and all copyright notices
-- are retained or reproduced in an accompanying document, permission
-- is granted to deal in this work without restriction, including un-
-- limited rights to use, publicly perform, distribute, sell, modify,
-- merge, give away, or sublicence.
-- This work is provided “AS IS” and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, to
-- the utmost extent permitted by applicable law, neither express nor
-- implied; without malicious intent or gross negligence. In no event
-- may a licensor, author or contributor be held liable for indirect,
-- direct, other damage, loss, or other issues arising in any way out
-- of dealing in the work, even if advised of the possibility of such
-- damage or existence of a defect, except proven that it results out
-- of said person’s immediate fault when using the work as intended.
-- -
-- Drop everything from the PostgreSQL database.

DO $$
        q TEXT;
        r RECORD;
        -- triggers
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname, pt.tgname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger pt, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace AND pc.oid=pt.tgrelid
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pt.tgisinternal=false
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER %I ON %I.%I;',
                    r.tgname, r.nspname, r.relname);
        END LOOP;
        -- constraints #1: foreign key
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname, pcon.conname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint pcon, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace AND pc.oid=pcon.conrelid
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pcon.contype='f'
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE ONLY %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
                    r.nspname, r.relname, r.conname);
        END LOOP;
        -- constraints #2: the rest
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname, pcon.conname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint pcon, pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace AND pc.oid=pcon.conrelid
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pcon.contype<>'f'
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE ONLY %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I;',
                    r.nspname, r.relname, r.conname);
        END LOOP;
        -- indices
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pc.relkind='i'
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP INDEX %I.%I;',
                    r.nspname, r.relname);
        END LOOP;
        -- normal and materialised views
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pc.relkind IN ('v', 'm')
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP VIEW %I.%I;',
                    r.nspname, r.relname);
        END LOOP;
        -- tables
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pc.relkind='r'
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I;',
                    r.nspname, r.relname);
        END LOOP;
        -- sequences
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pc.relname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_class pc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pc.relnamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pc.relkind='S'
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP SEQUENCE %I.%I;',
                    r.nspname, r.relname);
        END LOOP;
        -- extensions (only if necessary; keep them normally)
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pe.extname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension pe, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pe.extnamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP EXTENSION %I;', r.extname);
        END LOOP;
        -- aggregate functions first (because they depend on other functions)
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname, pp.proname, pp.oid
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pp, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns, pg_catalog.pg_aggregate pagg
                WHERE pns.oid=pp.pronamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
                    AND pagg.aggfnoid=pp.oid
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP AGGREGATE %I.%I(%s);',
                    r.nspname, r.proname,
        END LOOP;
        -- routines (functions, aggregate functions, procedures, window functions)
        IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
                WHERE attrelid='pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass
                    AND attname='prokind' -- PostgreSQL 11+
            ) THEN
                q := 'CASE pp.prokind
                        WHEN ''p'' THEN ''PROCEDURE''
                        WHEN ''a'' THEN ''AGGREGATE''
                        ELSE ''FUNCTION''
        ELSIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
                WHERE attrelid='pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass
                    AND attname='proisagg' -- PostgreSQL =10
            ) THEN
                q := 'CASE pp.proisagg
                        WHEN true THEN ''AGGREGATE''
                        ELSE ''FUNCTION''
                q := '''FUNCTION''';
        END IF;
        FOR r IN EXECUTE 'SELECT pns.nspname, pp.proname, pp.oid, ' || q || ' AS pt
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pp, pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns
                WHERE pns.oid=pp.pronamespace
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN (''information_schema'', ''pg_catalog'', ''pg_toast'')
            ' LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP %s %I.%I(%s);',,
                    r.nspname, r.proname,
        END LOOP;
        -- non-default schemata we own; assume to be run by a not-superuser
        FOR r IN (SELECT pns.nspname
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace pns, pg_catalog.pg_roles pr
                WHERE pr.oid=pns.nspowner
                    AND pns.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast', 'public')
                    AND pr.rolname=current_user
            ) LOOP
                EXECUTE format('DROP SCHEMA %I;', r.nspname);
        END LOOP;
        -- voilà
        RAISE NOTICE 'Database cleared!';
END; $$;

Tested, except later additions (extensions contributed by Clément Prévost), on PostgreSQL 9.6 (jessie-backports). Aggregate removal tested on 9.6 and 12.2, procedure removal tested on 12.2 as well. Bugfixes and further improvements welcome!

How to free memory from char array in C

The memory associated with arr is freed automatically when arr goes out of scope. It is either a local variable, or allocated statically, but it is not dynamically allocated.

A simple rule for you to follow is that you must only every call free() on a pointer that was returned by a call to malloc, calloc or realloc.

Is there an ignore command for git like there is for svn?

You could also use Joe Blau's

Either through the web interfase

Or by installing the CLI tool, it's very easy an fast, just type the following on your terminal:

echo "function gi() { curl -L -s\$@ ;}" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

echo "function gi() { curl -L -s\$@ ;}" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

And then you can just type gi followd by the all the platform/environment elements you need gitignore criteria for.

Lets say you're working on a node project that includes grunt and you're using webstorm on linux, then you may want to type:
gi linux,webstorm,node,grunt > .gitignore ( to make a brand new file)
gi linux,webstorm,node,grunt >> .gitignore ( to append/add the new rules to an existing file)

bam, you're good to go

Changing the size of a column referenced by a schema-bound view in SQL Server

See this link

Resize or Modify a MS SQL Server Table Column with Default Constraint using T-SQL Commands

the solution for such a SQL Server problem is going to be

Dropping or disabling the DEFAULT Constraint on the table column.

Modifying the table column data type and/or data size.

Re-creating or enabling the default constraint back on the sql table column.


Android LinearLayout : Add border with shadow around a LinearLayout

I get the best looking results by using a 9 patch graphic.

You can simply create an individual 9 patch graphic by using the following editor:


The 9 patch graphic:

The 9 patch graphic:

The result:

enter image description here

The source:


Initializing an Array of Structs in C#

You cannot initialize reference types by default other than null. You have to make them readonly. So this could work;

    readonly MyStruct[] MyArray = new MyStruct[]{
      new MyStruct{ label = "a", id = 1},
      new MyStruct{ label = "b", id = 5},
      new MyStruct{ label = "c", id = 1}

bundle install fails with SSL certificate verification error

Thx to @Alexander.Iljushkin for:

gem update --system --source

After that bundler still failed and the solution to that was:

gem install bundler

Push to GitHub without a password using ssh-key

As usual, create an SSH key and paste the public key to GitHub. Add the private key to ssh-agent. (I assume this is what you have done.)

To check everything is correct, use ssh -T [email protected]

Next, don't forget to modify the remote point as follows:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/your-repository.git

Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

h:commandButton must be enclosed in a h:form and has the two ways of navigation i.e. static by setting the action attribute and dynamic by setting the actionListener attribute hence it is more advanced as follows:

    <h:commandButton action="page.xhtml" value="cmdButton"/>

this code generates the follwing html:

<form id="j_idt7" name="j_idt7" method="post" action="/jsf/faces/index.xhtml" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

whereas the h:button is simpler and just used for static or rule based navigation as follows

<h:button outcome="page.xhtml" value="button"/>

the generated html is

 <title>Facelet Title</title></head><body><input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/jsf/faces/page.xhtml'; return false;" value="button" />

Free Rest API to retrieve current datetime as string (timezone irrelevant)

If you're using Rails, you can just make an empty file in the public folder and use ajax to get that. Then parse the headers for the Date header. Files in the Public folder bypass the Rails stack, and so have lower latency.

Convert a positive number to negative in C#

As previously mentioned, just multiplying by -1 is not cool, as int.MinValue * -1 == int.MinValue

It really depends on your application, but for mine (Inverting Joystick axes) I want to ensure that all extremes are still reachable, and maintain as much fidelity as possible.
To this end, I map Max <--> Min and everything in-between gets a * -1
Using this technique, -32767 is unreachable when inverting.

    private static int Invert(int value)
        if (value == int.MaxValue) return int.MinValue;
        if (value == int.MinValue) return int.MaxValue;
        return value * -1;

How to use the new Material Design Icon themes: Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone and Sharp?

The webfonts link works now, in all browsers!

Simply add your themes to the font link separated by a pipe (|), like this

<link href="|Material+Icons+Outlined" rel="stylesheet">

Then reference the class, like this:

// class="material-icons" or class="material-icons-outlined"

<i class="material-icons">account_balance</i>
<i class="material-icons-outlined">account_balance</i>

This pattern will also work with Angular Material:

<mat-icon class="material-icons-outlined">account_balance</mat-icon>

What exactly is \r in C language?

There are a few characters which can indicate a new line. The usual ones are these two: '\n' or '0x0A' (10 in decimal) -> This character is called "Line Feed" (LF). '\r' or '0x0D' (13 in decimal) -> This one is called "Carriage return" (CR).

Different Operating Systems handle newlines in a different way. Here is a short list of the most common ones:

DOS and Windows

They expect a newline to be the combination of two characters, namely '\r\n' (or 13 followed by 10).

Unix (and hence Linux as well)

Unix uses a single '\n' to indicate a new line.


Macs use a single '\r'.

JavaScript vs for

FYI - jQuery Users

jQuery's each(callback) method uses for( ; ; ) loop by default, and will use for( in ) only if the length is undefined.

Therefore, I would say it is safe to assume the correct order when using this function.


$(['a','b','c']).each(function() {
//Outputs "a" then "b" then "c"

The downside of using this is that if you're doing some non UI logic, your functions will be less portable to other frameworks. The each() function is probably best reserved for use with jQuery selectors and for( ; ; ) might be advisable otherwise.

Waiting for background processes to finish before exiting script

Even if you do not have the pid, you can trigger 'wait;' after triggering all background processes. For. eg. in

bteq < input_file1.sql > output_file1.sql &
bteq < input_file2.sql > output_file2.sql &
bteq < input_file3.sql > output_file3.sql &

Then when this is triggered, as -['sh', ''])
print('all background processes done.')

This will be printed only after all the background processes are done.

Automatically pass $event with ng-click?

Take a peek at the ng-click directive source:

compile: function($element, attr) {
  var fn = $parse(attr[directiveName]);
  return function(scope, element, attr) {
    element.on(lowercase(name), function(event) {
      scope.$apply(function() {
        fn(scope, {$event:event});

It shows how the event object is being passed on to the ng-click expression, using $event as a name of the parameter. This is done by the $parse service, which doesn't allow for the parameters to bleed into the target scope, which means the answer is no, you can't access the $event object any other way but through the callback parameter.

D3 Appending Text to a SVG Rectangle

Have you tried the SVG text element?

.append("text").text(function(d, i) { return d[whichevernode];})

rect element doesn't permit text element inside of it. It only allows descriptive elements (<desc>, <metadata>, <title>) and animation elements (<animate>, <animatecolor>, <animatemotion>, <animatetransform>, <mpath>, <set>)

Append the text element as a sibling and work on positioning.


Using g grouping, how about something like this? fiddle

You can certainly move the logic to a CSS class you can append to, remove from the group (this.parentNode)

Usage of sys.stdout.flush() method

As per my understanding sys.stdout.flush() pushes out all the data that has been buffered to that point to a file object. While using stdout, data is stored in buffer memory (for some time or until the memory gets filled) before it gets written to terminal. Using flush() forces to empty the buffer and write to terminal even before buffer has empty space.

What is the best way to remove the first element from an array?

To sum up, the quick linkedlist method:

List<String> llist = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(oldArray));

Is it good practice to make the constructor throw an exception?

It is bad practice to throw Exception, as that requires anyone who calls your constructor to catch Exception which is a bad practice.

It is a good idea to have a constructor (or any method) throw an exception, generally speaking IllegalArgumentException, which is unchecked, and thus the compiler doesn't force you to catch it.

You should throw checked exceptions (things that extend from Exception, but not RuntimeException) if you want the caller to catch it.

How to set radio button checked as default in radiogroup?

In the XML file set the android:checkedButton field in your RadioGroup, with the id of your default RadioButton:





Multiple select statements in Single query

FROM   (SELECT Sum(c.total_amount) AS credit 
        FROM   credit c 
        WHERE  c.status = "a") AS t1, 
       (SELECT Sum(d.total_amount) AS debit 
        FROM   debit d 
        WHERE  d.status = "a") AS t2 

How to create a Multidimensional ArrayList in Java?

If you're allowed to use predefined Java classes, you could do something like:

private static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> biDemArrList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();

Then you can add new elements, something like:

ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); // added () 
temp.add("Hello world.");

Hope you can understand what I mean and what's going on. Also, you'll need to import java.util.ArrayList; for this, if you're making use of the Java class.

How to easily duplicate a Windows Form in Visual Studio?

  1. Right-Click on Form -> Copy Class

enter image description here

  1. Right click on destination Folder and Paste Class

enter image description here

  1. Rename new Form and say yes to renaming all references to this class.

enter image description here

Add image in title bar

Add this in the head section of your html

<link rel="icon" type="image/gif/png" href="mouse_select_left.png">

How to create a stacked bar chart for my DataFrame using seaborn?

You could use pandas plot as @Bharath suggest:

import seaborn as sns
df.set_index('App').T.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True)


enter image description here


from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap df.set_index('App')\ .reindex_axis(df.set_index('App').sum().sort_values().index, axis=1)\ .T.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, colormap=ListedColormap(sns.color_palette("GnBu", 10)), figsize=(12,6))

Updated Pandas 0.21.0+ reindex_axis is deprecated, use reindex

from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

  .reindex(df.set_index('App').sum().sort_values().index, axis=1)\
  .T.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True,
          colormap=ListedColormap(sns.color_palette("GnBu", 10)), 


enter image description here

git remote prune – didn't show as many pruned branches as I expected

When you use git push origin :staleStuff, it automatically removes origin/staleStuff, so when you ran git remote prune origin, you have pruned some branch that was removed by someone else. It's more likely that your co-workers now need to run git prune to get rid of branches you have removed.

So what exactly git remote prune does? Main idea: local branches (not tracking branches) are not touched by git remote prune command and should be removed manually.

Now, a real-world example for better understanding:

You have a remote repository with 2 branches: master and feature. Let's assume that you are working on both branches, so as a result you have these references in your local repository (full reference names are given to avoid any confusion):

  • refs/heads/master (short name master)
  • refs/heads/feature (short name feature)
  • refs/remotes/origin/master (short name origin/master)
  • refs/remotes/origin/feature (short name origin/feature)

Now, a typical scenario:

  1. Some other developer finishes all work on the feature, merges it into master and removes feature branch from remote repository.
  2. By default, when you do git fetch (or git pull), no references are removed from your local repository, so you still have all those 4 references.
  3. You decide to clean them up, and run git remote prune origin.
  4. git detects that feature branch no longer exists, so refs/remotes/origin/feature is a stale branch which should be removed.
  5. Now you have 3 references, including refs/heads/feature, because git remote prune does not remove any refs/heads/* references.

It is possible to identify local branches, associated with remote tracking branches, by branch.<branch_name>.merge configuration parameter. This parameter is not really required for anything to work (probably except git pull), so it might be missing.

(updated with example & useful info from comments)

matplotlib: Group boxplots

A simple way would be to use pandas. I adapted an example from the plotting documentation:

In [1]: import pandas as pd, numpy as np

In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(12,2), columns=['Apples', 'Oranges'] )

In [3]: df['Categories'] = pd.Series(list('AAAABBBBCCCC'))

In [4]: pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'

In [5]: df.boxplot(by='Categories')
array([<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x51a5190>,
       <matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object at 0x53fddd0>], dtype=object)

pandas boxplot

HTML5 Pre-resize images before uploading


async resizeImg(file: Blob): Promise<Blob> {
    let img = document.createElement("img");
    img.src = await new Promise<any>(resolve => {
        let reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = (e: any) => resolve(;
    await new Promise(resolve => img.onload = resolve)
    let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
    let MAX_WIDTH = 1000;
    let MAX_HEIGHT = 1000;
    let width = img.naturalWidth;
    let height = img.naturalHeight;
    if (width > height) {
        if (width > MAX_WIDTH) {
            height *= MAX_WIDTH / width;
            width = MAX_WIDTH;
    } else {
        if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) {
            width *= MAX_HEIGHT / height;
            height = MAX_HEIGHT;
    canvas.width = width;
    canvas.height = height;
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
    let result = await new Promise<Blob>(resolve => { canvas.toBlob(resolve, 'image/jpeg', 0.95); });
    return result;

JavaScript: location.href to open in new window/tab?

You can also open a new tab calling to an action method with parameter like this:

   var reportDate = $("#inputDateId").val();
   var url = '@Url.Action("PrintIndex", "Callers", new {dateRequested = "findme"})'; = url.replace('findme', reportDate), '_blank');

Javascript to stop HTML5 video playback on modal window close

I searched all over the internet for an answer for this question. none worked for me except this code. Guaranteed. It work perfectly.

$('body').on('', '.modal', function () {

One-liner if statements, how to convert this if-else-statement

All you'd need in your case is:

return expression;

The reason why is that the expression itself evaluates to a boolean value of true or false, so it's redundant to have an if block (or even a ?: operator).

With form validation: why onsubmit="return functionname()" instead of onsubmit="functionname()"?

Returning false from the function will stop the event continuing. I.e. it will stop the form submitting.


function someFunction()
    if (allow) // For example, checking that a field isn't empty
       return true; // Allow the form to submit
       return false; // Stop the form submitting

How do I create sql query for searching partial matches?

First of all, this approach won't scale in the large, you'll need a separate index from words to item (like an inverted index).

If your data is not large, you can do

SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%mall%' OR description LIKE '%mall%'

using OR if you have multiple keywords.

SQL query for getting data for last 3 months


Mureinik's suggested method will return the same results, but doing it this way your query can benefit from any indexes on Date_Column.

or you can check against last 90 days.

WHERE Date_Column >= DATEADD(DAY, -90, GETDATE()) 

Select Multiple Fields from List in Linq

You could use an anonymous type:

.Select(i => new {, i.category_name })

The compiler will generate the code for a class with name and category_name properties and returns instances of that class. You can also manually specify property names:

i => new { Id = i.category_id, Name = i.category_name }

You can have arbitrary number of properties.

How to display raw html code in PRE or something like it but without escaping it

echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars("<div><b>raw HTML</b></div>") . '</pre>';

I think that's what you're looking for?

In other words, use htmlspecialchars() in PHP

How can I keep my branch up to date with master with git?

If you just want the bug fix to be integrated into the branch, git cherry-pick the relevant commit(s).

Increment a Integer's int value?

Integer objects are immutable, so you cannot modify the value once they have been created. You will need to create a new Integer and replace the existing one.

playerID = new Integer(playerID.intValue() + 1);

How can I see if a Perl hash already has a certain key?

I believe to check if a key exists in a hash you just do

if (exists $strings{$string}) {
} else {

How to interpolate variables in strings in JavaScript, without concatenation?

If you like to write CoffeeScript you could do:

hello = "foo"
my_string = "I pity the #{hello}"

CoffeeScript actually IS javascript, but with a much better syntax.

For an overview of CoffeeScript check this beginner's guide.

Stateless vs Stateful

We make Webapps statefull by overriding HTTP stateless behaviour by using session objects.When we use session objets state is carried but we still use HTTP only.

How to query DATETIME field using only date in Microsoft SQL Server?

use range, or DateDiff function

 select * from test 
 where date between '03/19/2014' and '03/19/2014 23:59:59'


 select * from test 
 where datediff(day, date, '03/19/2014') = 0

Other options are:

  1. If you have control over the database schema, and you don't need the time data, take it out.

  2. or, if you must keep it, add a computed column attribute that has the time portion of the date value stripped off...

Alter table Test Add DateOnly As DateAdd(day, datediff(day, 0, date), 0)

or, in more recent versions of SQL Server...

Alter table Test Add DateOnly As Cast(DateAdd(day, datediff(day, 0, date), 0) as Date)

then, you can write your query as simply:

select * from test 
where DateOnly = '03/19/2014'

How can I list ALL DNS records?

For Windows:

You may find the need to check the status of your domains DNS records, or check the Name Servers to see which records the servers are pulling.

  1. Launch Windows Command Prompt by navigating to Start > Command Prompt or via Run > CMD.

  2. Type NSLOOKUP and hit Enter. The default Server is set to your local DNS, the Address will be your local IP.

  3. Set the DNS Record type you wish to lookup by typing set type=## where ## is the record type, then hit Enter. You may use ANY, A, AAAA, A+AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SOA, or SRV as the record type.

  4. Now enter the domain name you wish to query then hit Enter.. In this example, we will use

  5. NSLOOKUP will now return the record entries for the domain you entered.

  6. You can also change the Name Servers which you are querying. This is useful if you are checking the records before DNS has fully propagated. To change the Name Server type server [name server]. Replace [name server] with the Name Servers you wish to use. In this example, we will set these as

  7. Once changed, change the query type (Step 3) if needed then enter new a new domain (Step 4.)

For Linux:

1) Check DNS Records Using Dig Command Dig stands for domain information groper is a flexible tool for interrogating DNS name servers. It performs DNS lookups and displays the answers that are returned from the name server(s) that were queried. Most DNS administrators use dig to troubleshoot DNS problems because of its flexibility, ease of use and clarity of output. Other lookup tools tend to have less functionality than dig.

2) Check DNS Records Using NSlookup Command Nslookup is a program to query Internet domain name servers. Nslookup has two modes interactive and non-interactive.

Interactive mode allows the user to query name servers for information about various hosts and domains or to print a list of hosts in a domain.

Non-interactive mode is used to print just the name and requested information for a host or domain. It’s network administration tool which will help them to check and troubleshoot DNS related issues.

3) Check DNS Records Using Host Command host is a simple utility for performing DNS lookups. It is normally used to convert names to IP addresses and vice versa. When no arguments or options are given, host prints a short summary of its command line arguments and options.

Read SQL Table into C# DataTable

Centerlized Model: You can use it from any where!

You just need to call Below Format From your function to this class

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[1];
string Query = "Describe Query Information/either sp, text or TableDirect";
DbConnectionHelper dbh = new DbConnectionHelper ();
ds = dbh. DBConnection("Here you use your Table Name", p , string Query, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

That's it. it's perfect method.

public class DbConnectionHelper {
   public DataSet DBConnection(string TableName, SqlParameter[] p, string Query, CommandType cmdText) {
    string connString = @ "your connection string here";
    //Object Declaration
    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
    SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter();
    try {
     //Get Connection string and Make Connection
     con.ConnectionString = connString; //Get the Connection String
     if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) {
      con.Open(); //Connection Open
     if (cmdText == CommandType.StoredProcedure) //Type : Stored Procedure
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
      if (p.Length > 0) // If Any parameter is there means, we need to add.
       for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) {
     if (cmdText == CommandType.Text) // Type : Text
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
     if (cmdText == CommandType.TableDirect) //Type: Table Direct
      cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
      cmd.CommandText = Query;
     cmd.Connection = con; //Get Connection in Command
     sda.SelectCommand = cmd; // Select Command From Command to SqlDataAdaptor
     sda.Fill(ds, TableName); // Execute Query and Get Result into DataSet
     con.Close(); //Connection Close
    } catch (Exception ex) {

     throw ex; //Here you need to handle Exception
    return ds;

Multiple conditions in if statement shell script

if using /bin/sh you can use:

if [ <condition> ] && [ <condition> ]; then

if using /bin/bash you can use:

if [[ <condition> && <condition> ]]; then

Guzzlehttp - How get the body of a response from Guzzle 6?

Guzzle implements PSR-7. That means that it will by default store the body of a message in a Stream that uses PHP temp streams. To retrieve all the data, you can use casting operator:

$contents = (string) $response->getBody();

You can also do it with

$contents = $response->getBody()->getContents();

The difference between the two approaches is that getContents returns the remaining contents, so that a second call returns nothing unless you seek the position of the stream with rewind or seek .

$stream = $response->getBody();
$contents = $stream->getContents(); // returns all the contents
$contents = $stream->getContents(); // empty string
$stream->rewind(); // Seek to the beginning
$contents = $stream->getContents(); // returns all the contents

Instead, usings PHP's string casting operations, it will reads all the data from the stream from the beginning until the end is reached.

$contents = (string) $response->getBody(); // returns all the contents
$contents = (string) $response->getBody(); // returns all the contents


How to increase size of DOSBox window?

Looking again at your question, I think I see what's wrong with your conf file. You set:

fullresolution=1366x768 windowresolution=1366x768

That's why you're getting the letterboxing (black on either side). You've essentially told Dosbox that your screen is the same size as your window, but your screen is actually bigger, 1600x900 (or higher) per the Googled specs for that computer. So the 'difference' shows up in black. So you either should change fullresolution to your actual screen resolution, or revert to fullresolution=original default, and only specify the window resolution.

So now I wonder if you really want fullscreen, though your question asks about only a window. For you are getting a window, but you sized it short of your screen, hence the two black stripes (letterboxing). If you really want fullscreen, then you need to specify the actual resolution of your screen. 1366x768 is not big enough.

The next issue is, what's the resolution of the program itself? It won't go past its own resolution. So if the program/game is (natively) say 1280x720 (HD), then your window resolution setting shouldn't be bigger than that (remember, it's fixed not dynamic when you use AxB as windowresolution).

Example: DOS Lotus 123 will only extend eight columns and 20 rows. The bigger the Dosbox, the bigger the text, but not more columns and rows. So setting a higher windowresolution for that, only results in bigger text, not more columns and rows. After that you'll have letterboxing.

Hope this helps you better.

gnuplot - adjust size of key/legend

To adjust the length of the samples:

set key samplen X

(default is 4)

To adjust the vertical spacing of the samples:

set key spacing X

(default is 1.25)

and (for completeness), to adjust the fontsize:

set key font "<face>,<size>"

(default depends on the terminal)

And of course, all these can be combined into one line:

set key samplen 2 spacing .5 font ",8"

Note that you can also change the position of the key using set key at <position> or any one of the pre-defined positions (which I'll just defer to help key at this point)

The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace

if the project is not a big ,

1- change the name of folder project

2- make a new project with the same project (before renaming)

3- add existing files from the old project to the new project (totally same , same folders , same names , ...)

4- open the the new project file (as xml ) and the old project

5- copy the new project file (xml content ) and paste it in the old project file

6- delete the old project

7- rename the old folder project to old name

Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-sass'

Try this to fix the error:

  1. Delete node_modules directory.
  2. Run npm i gulp-sass@latest --save-dev

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error (mscorlib)

I just had this issue from a namespace mismatch. My XAML file was getting ported over and it had a different namespace from that in the code behind file.

git with IntelliJ IDEA: Could not read from remote repository

For me the solution was: Settings ? Version Control ? Git ? Use Credential helper

enter image description here

How do you open an SDF file (SQL Server Compact Edition)?

You can open SQL Compact 4.0 Databases from Visual Studio 2012 directly, by going to

  1. View ->
  2. Server Explorer ->
  3. Data Connections ->
  4. Add Connection...
  5. Change... (Data Source:)
  6. Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0
  7. Browse...

and following the instructions there.

If you're okay with them being upgraded to 4.0, you can open older versions of SQL Compact Databases also - handy if you just want to have a look at some tables, etc for stuff like Windows Phone local database development.

(note I'm not sure if this requires a specific SKU of VS2012, if it helps I'm running Premium)

How do I put a border around an Android textview?

You can set the border by two methods. One is by drawable and the second is programmatic.

Using Drawable

    <solid android:color="@color/txt_white"/>
    <stroke android:width="1dip" android:color="@color/border_gray"/>
    <corners android:bottomLeftRadius="10dp"
    <padding android:bottom="0dip"


public static GradientDrawable backgroundWithoutBorder(int color) {

    GradientDrawable gdDefault = new GradientDrawable();
    gdDefault.setCornerRadii(new float[] { radius, radius, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                           radius, radius });
    return gdDefault;

Generating unique random numbers (integers) between 0 and 'x'

Here’s another algorithm for ensuring the numbers are unique:

  1. generate an array of all the numbers from 0 to x
  2. shuffle the array so the elements are in random order
  3. pick the first n

Compared to the method of generating random numbers until you get a unique one, this method uses more memory, but it has a more stable running time – the results are guaranteed to be found in finite time. This method works better if the upper limit is relatively low or if the amount to take is relatively high.

My answer uses the Lodash library for simplicity, but you could also implement the algorithm described above without that library.

// assuming _ is the Lodash library

// generates `amount` numbers from 0 to `upperLimit` inclusive
function uniqueRandomInts(upperLimit, amount) {
    var possibleNumbers = _.range(upperLimit + 1);
    var shuffled = _.shuffle(possibleNumbers);
    return shuffled.slice(0, amount);

Eclipse - Installing a new JRE (Java SE 8 1.8.0)

You can have many java versions in your system.

I think you should add the java 8 in yours JREs installed or edit.

Take a look my screen:

enter image description here

If you click in edit (check your java 8 path):

enter image description here

Is there a WebSocket client implemented for Python?

  1. Take a look at the echo client under It's a Google project.
  2. A good search in github is: it returns clients and servers.
  3. Bret Taylor also implemented web sockets over Tornado (Python). His blog post at: Web Sockets in Tornado and a client implementation API is shown at tornado.websocket in the client side support section.

Setting Windows PowerShell environment variables

Most answers aren't addressing UAC. This covers UAC issues.

First install PowerShell Community Extensions: choco install pscx via (you may have to restart your shell environment).

Then enable pscx

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser #allows scripts to run from the interwebs, such as pcsx

Then use Invoke-Elevated

Invoke-Elevated {Add-PathVariable $args[0] -Target Machine} -ArgumentList $MY_NEW_DIR

Compare two MySQL databases

The apache zeta components library is a general purpose library of loosly coupled components for development of applications based on PHP 5.

eZ Components - DatabaseSchema allows you to:

   .Create/Save a database schema definition;
   .Compare database schemas;
   .Generate synchronization queries;

You can check the tutorial here:

Exiting from python Command Line

I recommend you exit the Python interpreter with Ctrl-D. This is the old ASCII code for end-of-file or end-of-transmission.

Which "href" value should I use for JavaScript links, "#" or "javascript:void(0)"?

You could use the href and remove all links that have only hashes:


<a href="#" onclick="run_foo()"> foo </a>


$(document).ready(function(){         // on DOM ready or some other event

   $('a[href=#]').attr('href','');    // set all reference handles to blank strings
                                      //  for anchors that have only hashes


node.js Error: connect ECONNREFUSED; response from server

use a proxy property in your code it should work just fine

const https = require('https');
const request = require('request');

    function (error, response, body) {
        if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
            var data = body;

WCF change endpoint address at runtime

We store our URLs in a database and load them at runtime.

public class ServiceClientFactory<TChannel> : ClientBase<TChannel> where TChannel : class
    public TChannel Create(string url)
        this.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(url));
        return this.Channel;


var client = new ServiceClientFactory<yourServiceChannelInterface>().Create(newUrl);

How does Python manage int and long?

Just to continue to all the answers that were given here, especially @James Lanes

the size of the integer type can be expressed by this formula:

total range = (2 ^ bit system)

lower limit = -(2 ^ bit system)*0.5 upper limit = ((2 ^ bit system)*0.5) - 1

How do I concatenate const/literal strings in C?

It is undefined behaviour to attempt to modify string literals, which is what something like:

strcat ("Hello, ", name);

will attempt to do. It will try to tack on the name string to the end of the string literal "Hello, ", which is not well defined.

Try something this. It achieves what you appear to be trying to do:

char message[1000];
strcpy (message, "TEXT ");
strcat (message, var);

This creates a buffer area that is allowed to be modified and then copies both the string literal and other text to it. Just be careful with buffer overflows. If you control the input data (or check it before-hand), it's fine to use fixed length buffers like I have.

Otherwise, you should use mitigation strategies such as allocating enough memory from the heap to ensure you can handle it. In other words, something like:

const static char TEXT[] = "TEXT ";

// Make *sure* you have enough space.

char *message = malloc (sizeof(TEXT) + strlen(var) + 1);
if (message == NULL)
strcpy (message, TEXT);
strcat (message, var);

// Need to free message at some point after you're done with it.

json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument

Another thing that throws this error, when you use php's json_encode function, is when unicode characters are upper case \U and not lower case \u

How to find children of nodes using BeautifulSoup

Try this

li = soup.find('li', {'class': 'text'})
children = li.findChildren("a" , recursive=False)
for child in children:

Simplest way to profile a PHP script

For benchmarking, like in your example, I use the pear Benchmark package. You set markers for measuring. The class also provides a few presentation helpers, or you can process the data as you see fit.

I actually have it wrapped in another class with a __destruct method. When a script exits, the output is logged via log4php to syslog, so I have a lot of performance data to work from.

Curl : connection refused

Make sure you have a service started and listening on the port.

netstat -ln | grep 8080


sudo netstat -tulpn

Creating your own header file in C

header files contain prototypes for functions you define in a .c or .cpp/.cxx file (depending if you're using c or c++). You want to place #ifndef/#defines around your .h code so that if you include the same .h twice in different parts of your programs, the prototypes are only included once.


#ifndef CLIENT_H
#define CLIENT_H

short socketConnect(char *host,unsigned short port,char *sendbuf,char *recievebuf, long rbufsize);

#endif /** CLIENT_H */

Then you'd implement the .h in a .c file like so:


#include "client.h"

short socketConnect(char *host,unsigned short port,char *sendbuf,char *recievebuf, long rbufsize) {
 short ret = -1;
 //some implementation here
 return ret;

What are Java command line options to set to allow JVM to be remotely debugged?

I have this article bookmarked on setting this up for Java 5 and below.

Basically run it with:

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044

For Java 5 and above, run it with:


PHPUnit assert that an exception was thrown?

PhpUnit is an amazing library, but this specific point is a bit frustrating. This is why we can use the turbotesting-php opensource library which has a very convenient assertion method to help us testing exceptions. It is found here:

And to use it, we would simply do the following:


    // Some code that must throw an exception here

}, '/expected error message/');

If the code we type inside the anonymous function does not throw an exception, an exception will be thrown.

If the code we type inside the anonymous function throws an exception, but its message does not match the expected regexp, an exception will also be thrown.

Multi-threading in VBA

I was looking for something similar and the official answer is no. However, I was able to find an interesting concept by Daniel at

Basically, you need to create worker vbscripts to execute the various things you want and have it report back to excel. For what I am doing, retrieving HTML data from various website, it works great!

Take a look:

How to add Options Menu to Fragment in Android

In your menu folder make a .menu xml file and add this xml

    app:showAsAction="always|collapseActionView" />

In your fragment class overide this method and

implement SearchView.OnQueryTextListener    in your fragment class

 public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {    
  super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);


Now just setup your menu xml file in fragment class

public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    inflater.inflate(, menu);

    final MenuItem item = menu.findItem(;
    final SearchView searchView = (SearchView)    

            new MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListener() {
                public boolean onMenuItemActionCollapse(MenuItem item) {
                    // Do something when collapsed

                    return true; // Return true to collapse action view

                public boolean onMenuItemActionExpand(MenuItem item) {
                    // Do something when expanded
                    return true; // Return true to expand action view


How to convert QString to int?

On the comments:

sscanf(Abcd, "%f %s", &f,&s);

Gives an Error.

This is the right way:

sscanf(Abcd, "%f %s", &f,qPrintable(s));

HttpWebRequest using Basic authentication

For those using RestSharp, it might fail when using SimpleAuthenticator (possibly due to not using ISO-8859-1 behind the scene). I managed to get it done by explicitly sending Basic Authentication headers:

string username = "...";
string password = "...";

public IRestResponse GetResponse(string url, Method method = Method.GET)
    string encoded = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes($"{username}:{password}"));
    var client = new RestClient(url);
    var request = new RestRequest(method );
    request.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Basic {encoded}");
    IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
    return response;

var response = GetResponse(url);
txtResult.Text = response.Content;

JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date

An example of the mathematically only calculation, without any Date functions.

const date = new Date();_x000D_
const ts = +date;_x000D_
const mondayTS = ts - ts % (60 * 60 * 24 * (7-4) * 1000);_x000D_
const monday = new Date(mondayTS);_x000D_
console.log(monday.toISOString(), 'Day:', monday.getDay());

const formatTS = v => new Date(v).toISOString();_x000D_
const adjust = (v, d = 1) => v - v % (d * 1000);_x000D_
const d = new Date('2020-04-22T21:48:17.468Z');_x000D_
const ts = +d; // 1587592097468_x000D_
const test = v => console.log(formatTS(adjust(ts, v)));_x000D_
test();                     // 2020-04-22T21:48:17.000Z_x000D_
test(60);                   // 2020-04-22T21:48:00.000Z_x000D_
test(60 * 60);              // 2020-04-22T21:00:00.000Z_x000D_
test(60 * 60 * 24);         // 2020-04-22T00:00:00.000Z_x000D_
test(60 * 60 * 24 * (7-4)); // 2020-04-20T00:00:00.000Z, monday_x000D_
// So, what does `(7-4)` mean?_x000D_
// 7 - days number in the week_x000D_
// 4 - shifting for the weekday number of the first second of the 1970 year, the first time stamp second._x000D_
//     new Date(0)          ---> 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z_x000D_
//     new Date(0).getDay() ---> 4

JPA Native Query select and cast object

First of all create a model POJO

import javax.persistence.*;
@Table(name = "sys_std_user")
public class StdUser {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    @Column(name = "class_id")
    public int classId;
    @Column(name = "user_name")
    public String userName;


import com.example.demo.models.*;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceUnit;
import java.util.List;

public class HomeController {
    private EntityManagerFactory emf;

    public List<StdUser> actionIndex() {
        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); // Without parameter
        List<StdUser> arr_cust = (List<StdUser>)em
                .createQuery("SELECT c FROM StdUser c")
        return arr_cust;

    public List actionJoin() {
        int id = 3;
        String userName = "Suresh Shrestha";
        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); // With parameter
        List arr_cust = em
                .createQuery("SELECT c FROM StdUser c WHERE c.classId = :Id ANd c.userName = :UserName")
        return arr_cust;

Android camera android.hardware.Camera deprecated

 if ( getActivity().getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA_FLASH)) {

          CameraManager cameraManager=(CameraManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);

           try {
               String cameraId = cameraManager.getCameraIdList()[0];
           } catch (CameraAccessException e) {


How to add to the end of lines containing a pattern with sed or awk?

This works for me

sed '/^all:/ s/$/ anotherthing/' file

The first part is a pattern to find and the second part is an ordinary sed's substitution using $ for the end of a line.

If you want to change the file during the process, use -i option

sed -i '/^all:/ s/$/ anotherthing/' file

Or you can redirect it to another file

sed '/^all:/ s/$/ anotherthing/' file > output

Getting index value on razor foreach

Or you could simply do this:

@foreach(var myItem in Model.Members)

How to change Navigation Bar color in iOS 7?

For swift change navigation bar color:

self.navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor =

change title font,size, color:

self.title = "title"
self.navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [
        NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor : UIColor.white,
        NSAttributedString.Key.font : UIFont(name: "Futura", size: 30)!

UIImageView aspect fit and center


yourImageView.contentMode = .center

You can use the following options to position your image:

  • scaleToFill
  • scaleAspectFit // contents scaled to fit with fixed aspect. remainder is transparent
  • redraw // redraw on bounds change (calls -setNeedsDisplay)
  • center // contents remain same size. positioned adjusted.
  • top
  • bottom
  • left
  • right
  • topLeft
  • topRight
  • bottomLeft
  • bottomRight

Angular 2 TypeScript how to find element in Array

Assume I have below array:

    {Id: 1, Name: "oily skin"}, 
    {Id: 2, Name: "dry skin"}

If we want to get item with Id = 1 and Name = "oily skin", We'll try as below:

var skinName = skins.find(x=>x.Id == "1").Name;

The result will return the skinName is "Oily skin".

enter image description here

How to disassemble a binary executable in Linux to get the assembly code?

there's also ndisasm, which has some quirks, but can be more useful if you use nasm. I agree with Michael Mrozek that objdump is probably best.

[later] you might also want to check out Albert van der Horst's ciasdis: it can be hard to understand, but has some interesting features you won't likely find anywhere else.

Remove HTML tags from a String

Here is one more variant of how to replace all(HTML Tags | HTML Entities | Empty Space in HTML content)

content.replaceAll("(<.*?>)|(&.*?;)|([ ]{2,})", ""); where content is a String.

Date formatting in WPF datagrid

Don`t forget to use DataGrid.Columns, all columns must be inside that collection. In my project I format date a little bit differently:

        <tk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding StartDate, StringFormat=\{0:dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss\}}" />

With AutoGenerateColumns you won`t be able to contol formatting as DataGird will add its own columns.

Using Pip to install packages to Anaconda Environment

Depends on how did you configure your PATH environmental variable. When your shell resolves the call to pip, which is the first bin it will find?

(test)$ whereis pip
pip: /home/borja/anaconda3/envs/test/bin/pip /home/borja/anaconda3/bin/pip

Make sure the bin folder from your anaconda installation is before /usr/lib (depending on how you did install pip). So an example:

(test) borja@xxxx:~$ pip install djangorestframework
Successfully installed asgiref-3.2.3 django-3.0.3 djangorestframework-3.11.0 pytz-2019.3 sqlparse-0.3.1

(test) borja@xxxx:~$ conda list | grep django
django                    3.0.3                    pypi_0    pypi
djangorestframework       3.11.0                   pypi_0    pypi

We can see the djangorestframework was installed in my test environment but if I check my base:

(base) borja@xxxx:~$ conda list | grep django

It is empty.

Personally I like to handle all my PATH configuration using .pam_environment, here an example:

(base) borja@xxxx:~$ cat .pam_environment
PATH DEFAULT=/home/@{PAM_USER}/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}

One extra commet. The way how you install pip might create issues:

  • You should use: conda install pip --> new packages installed with pip will be added to conda list.

  • You shodul NOT use: sudo apt install python3-pip --> new packages will not be added to conda list (so are not managed by conda) but you will still be able to use them (chance of conflict).

Foreach loop, determine which is the last iteration of the loop

You could just use a for loop and there is no need to add an extra if inside the for body:

for (int i = 0; i < Model.Results.Count - 1; i++) {
    var item = Model.Results[i];

The -1 in the for condition takes care of skipping the last item.

Git status ignore line endings / identical files / windows & linux environment / dropbox / mled

Use .gitattributes instead, with the following setting:

# Ignore all differences in line endings
*        -crlf

.gitattributes would be found in the same directory as your global .gitconfig. If .gitattributes doesn't exist, add it to that directory. After adding/changing .gitattributes you will have to do a hard reset of the repository in order to successfully apply the changes to existing files.

sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 1, and there are 74 supplied

You need to pass in a sequence, but you forgot the comma to make your parameters a tuple:

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO images VALUES(?)', (img,))

Without the comma, (img) is just a grouped expression, not a tuple, and thus the img string is treated as the input sequence. If that string is 74 characters long, then Python sees that as 74 separate bind values, each one character long.

>>> len(img)
>>> len((img,))

If you find it easier to read, you can also use a list literal:

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO images VALUES(?)', [img])

What does 'git blame' do?

The git blame command annotates lines with information from the revision which last modified the line, and... with Git 2.22 (Q2 2019), will do so faster, because of a performance fix around "git blame", especially in a linear history (which is the norm we should optimize for).

See commit f892014 (02 Apr 2019) by David Kastrup (fedelibre). (Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 4d8c4da, 25 Apr 2019)

blame.c: don't drop origin blobs as eagerly

When a parent blob already has chunks queued up for blaming, dropping the blob at the end of one blame step will cause it to get reloaded right away, doubling the amount of I/O and unpacking when processing a linear history.

Keeping such parent blobs in memory seems like a reasonable optimization that should incur additional memory pressure mostly when processing the merges from old branches.

How to use icons and symbols from "Font Awesome" on Native Android Application

The FontView library lets you use normal/unicode font characters as icons/graphics in your app. It can load the font via assets or a network location.

The benefit of this library is that:

1 - it takes care of remote resources for you
2 - scales the font size in dynamically sized views
3 - allows the font to easily be styled.



        android:layout_height="80dp" />


fontView.setupFont("fonts/font.ttf", character, FontView.ImageType.CIRCLE);

CSS force new line

Use <br /> OR <br> -

<li>Post by<br /><a>Author</a></li>


<li>Post by<br><a>Author</a></li>


make the a element display:block;

<li>Post by <a style="display:block;">Author</a></li>


Repair all tables in one go

You may need user name and password:

mysqlcheck -A --auto-repair -uroot -p

You will be prompted for password.

mysqlcheck -A --auto-repair -uroot -p{{password here}}

If you want to put in cron, BUT your password will be visible in plain text!

Javascript "Not a Constructor" Exception while creating objects

I just want to add that if the constructor is called from a different file, then something as simple as forgetting to export the constructor with

module.exports = NAME_OF_CONSTRUCTOR

will also cause the "Not a constructor" exception.

javascript filter array multiple conditions

You'll have more flexibility if you turn the values in your filter object into arrays:

var filter = {address: ['England'], name: ['Mark'] };

That way you can filter for things like "England" or "Scotland", meaning that results may include records for England, and for Scotland:

var filter = {address: ['England', 'Scotland'], name: ['Mark'] };

With that setup, your filtering function can be:

const applyFilter = (data, filter) => data.filter(obj =>
    Object.entries(filter).every(([prop, find]) => find.includes(obj[prop]))

// demo
var users = [{name: 'John',email: '[email protected]',age: 25,address: 'USA'},{name: 'Tom',email: '[email protected]',age: 35,address: 'England'},{name: 'Mark',email: '[email protected]',age: 28,address: 'England'}];var filter = {address: ['England'], name: ['Mark'] };
var filter = {address: ['England'], name: ['Mark'] };

console.log(applyFilter(users, filter));

Can't create handler inside thread which has not called Looper.prepare()

Try this

    Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
               Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
 //your code here that talks with the UI level widgets/ try to access the UI 
//elements from this block because this piece of snippet will run in the UI/MainThread.                                     