Programs & Examples On #Android twitter

Using the twitter API on Android

How do you convert Html to plain text?

I had the same question, just my html had a simple pre-known layout, like:


So I ended up using such simple code:

string.Join (Environment.NewLine, XDocument.Parse (html).Root.Elements ().Select (el => el.Value))

Which outputs:


Converting string to double in C#

Add a class as Public and use it very easily like convertToInt32()

  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Linq;
  using System.Web;

  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for Common
  /// </summary>
  public static class Common
     public static double ConvertToDouble(string Value) {
        if (Value == null) {
           return 0;
        else {
           double OutVal;
           double.TryParse(Value, out OutVal);

           if (double.IsNaN(OutVal) || double.IsInfinity(OutVal)) {
              return 0;
           return OutVal;

Then Call The Function

double DirectExpense =  Common.ConvertToDouble(dr["DrAmount"].ToString());

Blur effect on a div element

I got blur working with SVG blur filter:


-webkit-filter: url(#svg-blur);
        filter: url(#svg-blur);


<svg id="svg-filter">
    <filter id="svg-blur">
        <feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="4"></feGaussianBlur>

Working example:

Please note - this will not work in IE versions

Is there a short cut for going back to the beginning of a file by vi editor?

Key in 1 + G and it will take you to the beginning of the file. Converserly, G will take you to the end of the file.

How to run docker-compose up -d at system start up?

I tried restart: always, it works at some containers(like php-fpm), but i faced the problem that some containers(like nginx) is still not restarting after reboot.

Solved the problem.

crontab -e

@reboot (sleep 30s ; cd directory_has_dockercomposeyml ; /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d )&

how to convert numeric to nvarchar in sql command

declare @MyNumber float 
set @MyNumber = 123.45 
select 'My number is ' + CAST(@MyNumber as nvarchar(max))

Convert object to JSON string in C#

I have used Newtonsoft JSON.NET (Documentation) It allows you to create a class / object, populate the fields, and serialize as JSON.

public class ReturnData 
    public int totalCount { get; set; }
    public List<ExceptionReport> reports { get; set; }  

public class ExceptionReport
    public int reportId { get; set; }
    public string message { get; set; }  

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myReturnData);

jQuery how to find an element based on a data-attribute value?

You have to inject the value of current into an Attribute Equals selector:


For older JavaScript environments (ES5 and earlier):

$("ul").find("[data-slide='" + current + "']"); 

string.Replace in AngularJs

In Javascript method names are camel case, so it's replace, not Replace:

$scope.newString = oldString.replace("stackover","NO");

Note that contrary to how the .NET Replace method works, the Javascript replace method replaces only the first occurrence if you are using a string as first parameter. If you want to replace all occurrences you need to use a regular expression so that you can specify the global (g) flag:

$scope.newString = oldString.replace(/stackover/g,"NO");

See this example.

Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace in JavaScript string

var x = " Test Test Test ".split(" ").join(""); alert(x);

Ignoring directories in Git repositories on Windows

Just in case you need to exclude sub folders you can use the ** wildcard to exclude any level of sub directory.


How do you iterate through every file/directory recursively in standard C++?

Boost::filesystem provides recursive_directory_iterator, which is quite convenient for this task:

#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace boost::filesystem;

recursive_directory_iterator end;
for (recursive_directory_iterator it("./"); it != end; ++it) {
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;                                    

Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.YOURDOMAIN.COM
    ServerAlias YOURDOMAIN.COM
    DocumentRoot /var/www/YOURDOMAIN.COM/public_html
    ErrorLog /var/www/YOURDOMAIN.COM/error.log
    CustomLog /var/www/YOURDOMAIN.COM/requests.log combined

    DocumentRoot /var/www/YOURDOMAIN.COM/public_html
    <Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
    <Directory /var/www/YOURDOMAIN.COM/public_html>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all


How do I tell if an object is a Promise?

Here's my original answer, which has since been ratified in the spec as the way to test for a promise:

Promise.resolve(obj) == obj

This works because the algorithm explicitly demands that Promise.resolve must return the exact object passed in if and only if it is a promise by the definition of the spec.

I have another answer here, which used to say this, but I changed it to something else when it didn't work with Safari at that time. That was a year ago, and this now works reliably even in Safari.

I would have edited my original answer, except that felt wrong, given that more people by now have voted for the altered solution in that answer than the original. I believe this is the better answer, and I hope you agree.

"pip install unroll": "python egg_info" failed with error code 1

Methods to solve setup.pu egg_info issue when updating setuptools or not other methods doesnot works.

  1. If CONDA version of the library is available to install use conda instead of pip.
  2. Clone the library repo and then try installation by pip install -e . or by python install

What's is the difference between include and extend in use case diagram?

whenever there are prerequisites to a usecase then,go for include.

for usecases having authentication,worst case scenario,or are optional then go for extend..

example:for a use case of seeking admission,appointment,ticket reservation YOU MUST FILL A form (registration or feedback form)....this is where include comes..

example:for a use case verifying login or sign in your account,your authentication is a must.also think of worst case returning book with fine..NOT getting a reservation..paying the bill AFTER DUE DATE..this is where extend comes to play...

do not overuse include and extend in the diagrams.


Java - No enclosing instance of type Foo is accessible

Well... so many good answers but i wanna to add more on it. A brief look on Inner class in Java- Java allows us to define a class within another class and Being able to nest classes in this way has certain advantages:

  1. It can hide(It increases encapsulation) the class from other classes - especially relevant if the class is only being used by the class it is contained within. In this case there is no need for the outside world to know about it.

  2. It can make code more maintainable as the classes are logically grouped together around where they are needed.

  3. The inner class has access to the instance variables and methods of its containing class.

We have mainly three types of Inner Classes

  1. Local inner
  2. Static Inner Class
  3. Anonymous Inner Class

Some of the important points to be remember

  • We need class object to access the Local Inner Class in which it exist.
  • Static Inner Class get directly accessed same as like any other static method of the same class in which it is exists.
  • Anonymous Inner Class are not visible to out side world as well as to the other methods or classes of the same class(in which it is exist) and it is used on the point where it is declared.

Let`s try to see the above concepts practically_

public class MyInnerClass {

public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException {
    // direct access to inner class method
    new MyInnerClass.StaticInnerClass().staticInnerClassMethod();

    // static inner class reference object
    StaticInnerClass staticInnerclass = new StaticInnerClass();

    // access local inner class
    LocalInnerClass localInnerClass = new MyInnerClass().new LocalInnerClass();

     * Pay attention to the opening curly braces and the fact that there's a
     * semicolon at the very end, once the anonymous class is created:
     AnonymousClass anonymousClass = new AnonymousClass() {
         // your code goes here...


// static inner class
static class StaticInnerClass {
    public void staticInnerClassMethod() {
        System.out.println("Hay... from Static Inner class!");

// local inner class
class LocalInnerClass {
    public void localInnerClassMethod() {
        System.out.println("Hay... from local Inner class!");


I hope this will helps to everyone. Please refer for more

JavaScript URL Decode function

Here's what I used:

In JavaScript:

var url = "";
var encoded_url = encodeURIComponent(url);

var decoded_url = decodeURIComponent(encoded_url);


$url = "";
$encoded_url = url_encode(url);

$decoded_url = url_decode($encoded_url);

You can also try it online here:

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?

C# version of @yonatan-kiron's answer, and Selenium's using statement from their example code.

ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();

using (IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions))

How to use .htaccess in WAMP Server?

click: WAMP icon->Apache->Apache modules->chose rewrite_module

and do restart for all services.

How to check if a Ruby object is a Boolean

There is no Boolean class in Ruby, the only way to check is to do what you're doing (comparing the object against true and false or the class of the object against TrueClass and FalseClass). Can't think of why you would need this functionality though, can you explain? :)

If you really need this functionality however, you can hack it in:

module Boolean; end
class TrueClass; include Boolean; end
class FalseClass; include Boolean; end

true.is_a?(Boolean) #=> true
false.is_a?(Boolean) #=> true

JavaScript open in a new window, not tab

You shouldn't need to. Allow the user to have whatever preferences they want.

Firefox does that by default because opening a page in a new window is annoying and a page should never be allowed to do so if that is not what is desired by the user. (Firefox does allow you to open tabs in a new window if you set it that way).

How can I specify my .keystore file with Spring Boot and Tomcat?

Starting with Spring Boot 1.2, you can configure SSL using or application.yml. Here's an example for

server.port = 8443
server.ssl.key-store = classpath:keystore.jks
server.ssl.key-store-password = secret
server.ssl.key-password = another-secret

Same thing with application.yml:

  port: 8443
    key-store: classpath:keystore.jks
    key-store-password: secret
    key-password: another-secret

Here's a link to the current reference documentation.

jQuery validate Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeName' of null

Extract from the oficial docs:

Requires that the parent form is validated, that is, $( "form" ).validate() is called first

more about... rules

MySQL: Insert datetime into other datetime field

According to MySQL documentation, you should be able to just enclose that datetime string in single quotes, ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') and it should work. Look here: Date and Time Literals

So, in your case, the command should be as follows:

UPDATE products SET former_date='2011-12-18 13:17:17' WHERE id=1

How do I create a basic UIButton programmatically?

try this code to create a button and repeat it for 2 more times with different coordinates and the method(myButtonClick) is called when the button is pressed

UIButton *editButton = [UIButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeCustom];
editButton.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height);
[editButton setBackgroundImage: editButtonImage forState: UIControlStateNormal];
[myButton addTarget:self action:@selector(myButtonClick:)    forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; 
editButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = YES;
editButton.titleLabel.text = @"Edit";
editButton.titleLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
editButton.titleLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
editButton.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName: @"Helvetica" size: 14];
[self.view addSubview: editButton];

-(void) myButtonClick:(NSString *)myString{

   NSLog(@"you clicked on button %@", myString);

In c++ what does a tilde "~" before a function name signify?

It's the destructor, it destroys the instance, frees up memory, etc. etc.

Here's a description from

Destructors are usually used to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object is destroyed. A destructor is called for a class object when that object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted.


Use YAML with variables

if your requirement is like parsing an replacing multiple variable and then use it as a hash/or anything then you can do something like this

require 'yaml'
require 'json'
yaml = YAML.load_file("xxxx.yaml")
blueprint = yaml.to_json % { var_a: "xxxx", var_b: "xxxx"}
hash = JSON.parse(blueprint)

inside the yaml just put variables like this


Integer expression expected error in shell script

./ line 6: [: 7]: integer expression expected

Be careful with " "

./ line 9: [: missing `]'

This is because you need to have space between brackets like:

if [ "$age" -le 7 ] -o [ "$age" -ge 65 ]

look: added space, and no " "

async at console app in C#?

In most project types, your async "up" and "down" will end at an async void event handler or returning a Task to your framework.

However, Console apps do not support this.

You can either just do a Wait on the returned task:

static void Main()
  // or, if you want to avoid exceptions being wrapped into AggregateException:
  //  MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();

static async Task MainAsync()

or you can use your own context like the one I wrote:

static void Main()
  AsyncContext.Run(() => MainAsync());

static async Task MainAsync()

More information for async Console apps is on my blog.

Use child_process.execSync but keep output in console

You can simply use .toString().

var result = require('child_process').execSync('rsync -avAXz --info=progress2 "/src" "/dest"').toString();

This has been tested on Node v8.5.0, I'm not sure about previous versions. According to @etov, it doesn't work on v6.3.1 - I'm not sure about in-between.

Edit: Looking back on this, I've realised that it doesn't actually answer the specific question because it doesn't show the output to you 'live' — only once the command has finished running.

However, I'm leaving this answer here because I know quite a few people come across this question just looking for how to print the result of the command after execution.

Remove Array Value By index in jquery

Your syntax is incorrect, you should either specify a hash:

hash = {abc: true, def: true, ghi: true};

Or an array:

arr = ['abc','def','ghi'];

You can effectively remove an item from a hash by simply setting it to null:

hash['def'] = null;
hash.def = null;

Or removing it entirely:

delete hash.def;

To remove an item from an array you have to iterate through each item and find the one you want (there may be duplicates). You could use array searching and splicing methods:

arr.splice(arr.indexOf("def"), 1);

This finds the first index of "def" and then removes it from the array with splice. However I would recommend .filter() because it gives you more control:

arr.filter(function(item) { return item !== 'def'; });

This will create a new array with only elements that are not 'def'.

It is important to note that arr.filter() will return a new array, while arr.splice will modify the original array and return the removed elements. These can both be useful, depending on what you want to do with the items.

Array definition in XML?

The second way isn't valid XML; did you mean <numbers>[3,2,1]</numbers>?

If so, then the first one is preferred because all you need to get the array elements is some XML manipulation. On the second one you first need to get the value of the <numbers> element via XML manipulation, then somehow parse the [3,2,1] text using something else.

Or if you really want some compact format, you can consider using JSON (which "natively" supports arrays). But that depends on your application requirements.

SQL User Defined Function Within Select

If it's a table-value function (returns a table set) you simply join it as a Table

this function generates one column table with all the values from passed comma-separated list

SELECT * FROM dbo.udf_generate_inlist_to_table('1,2,3,4')

How to rotate a div using jQuery

EDIT: Updated for jQuery 1.8

Since jQuery 1.8 browser specific transformations will be added automatically. jsFiddle Demo

var rotation = 0;

jQuery.fn.rotate = function(degrees) {
    $(this).css({'transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)'});
    return $(this);

$('.rotate').click(function() {
    rotation += 5;

EDIT: Added code to make it a jQuery function.

For those of you who don't want to read any further, here you go. For more details and examples, read on. jsFiddle Demo.

var rotation = 0;

jQuery.fn.rotate = function(degrees) {
    $(this).css({'-webkit-transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)',
                 '-moz-transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)',
                 '-ms-transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)',
                 'transform' : 'rotate('+ degrees +'deg)'});
    return $(this);

$('.rotate').click(function() {
    rotation += 5;

EDIT: One of the comments on this post mentioned jQuery Multirotation. This plugin for jQuery essentially performs the above function with support for IE8. It may be worth using if you want maximum compatibility or more options. But for minimal overhead, I suggest the above function. It will work IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and many others.

Bobby... This is for the people who actually want to do it in the javascript. This may be required for rotating on a javascript callback.

Here is a jsFiddle.

If you would like to rotate at custom intervals, you can use jQuery to manually set the css instead of adding a class. Like this! I have included both jQuery options at the bottom of the answer.


<div class="rotate">
    <h1>Rotatey text</h1>


/* Totally for style */
.rotate {
    background: #F02311;
    color: #FFF;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    text-align: center;
    font: normal 1em Arial;
    position: relative;
    top: 50px;
    left: 50px;

/* The real code */
.rotated {
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Chrome, Safari 3.1+ */
    -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Firefox 3.5-15 */
    -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* IE 9 */
    -o-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Opera 10.50-12.00 */
    transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Firefox 16+, IE 10+, Opera 12.10+ */


Make sure these are wrapped in $(document).ready

$('.rotate').click(function() {

Custom intervals

var rotation = 0;
$('.rotate').click(function() {
    rotation += 5;
    $(this).css({'-webkit-transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)',
                 '-moz-transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)',
                 '-ms-transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)',
                 'transform' : 'rotate('+ rotation +'deg)'});

Center the nav in Twitter Bootstrap

.navbar-right { 
    max-width :40%;   
    float:none !important;

just copy this code and change max-width as you like

Enable CORS in fetch api

Browser have cross domain security at client side which verify that server allowed to fetch data from your domain. If Access-Control-Allow-Origin not available in response header, browser disallow to use response in your JavaScript code and throw exception at network level. You need to configure cors at your server side.

You can fetch request using mode: 'cors'. In this situation browser will not throw execption for cross domain, but browser will not give response in your javascript function.

So in both condition you need to configure cors in your server or you need to use custom proxy server.

get current page from url

The class you need is System.Uri

Dim url As System.Uri = Request.UrlReferrer 
Debug.WriteLine(url.AbsoluteUri)   ' =>
Debug.WriteLine(url.AbsolutePath)  ' => /default.aspx
Debug.WriteLine(url.Host)          ' => http:/
Debug.WriteLine(url.Port)          ' => 80
Debug.WriteLine(url.IsLoopback)    ' => False

Focus Input Box On Load

very simple one line solution:

<body onLoad="document.getElementById('myinputbox').focus();">

Refresh Excel VBA Function Results

The Application.Volatile doesn't work for recalculating a formula with my own function inside. I use the following function: Application.CalculateFull

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm'

It's a long time since the question was posted, but I experienced the same issue in a similar scenario. I have a console application and I was consuming a web service and our IIS server where the webservice was placed has windows authentication (NTLM) enabled.

I followed this link and that fixed my problem. Here's the sample code for App.config:

            <binding name="Service1Soap">
                <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
                    <transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm" proxyCredentialType="None"
                    <message clientCredentialType="UserName" algorithmSuite="Default"/>
        <endpoint address="http://localhost/servicename/service1.asmx" 
            binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="ListsSoap"/>

No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type 'String' from content with media type 'text/plain'

Or you can just create your own MediaTypeFormatter. I use this for text/html. If you add text/plain to it, it'll work for you too:

public class TextMediaTypeFormatter : MediaTypeFormatter
    public TextMediaTypeFormatter()
        SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html"));

    public override Task<object> ReadFromStreamAsync(Type type, Stream readStream, HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger)
        return ReadFromStreamAsync(type, readStream, content, formatterLogger, CancellationToken.None);

    public override async Task<object> ReadFromStreamAsync(Type type, Stream readStream, HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(readStream))
            return await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

    public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
        return type == typeof(string);

    public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
        return false;

Finally you have to assign this to the HttpMethodContext.ResponseFormatter property.

Does Notepad++ show all hidden characters?

Yes, and unfortunately you cannot turn them off, or any other special characters. The options under \View\Show Symbols only turns on or off things like tabs, spaces, EOL, etc. So if you want to read some obscure coding with text in it - you actually need to look elsewhere. I also looked at changing the coding, ASCII is not listed, and that would not make the mess invisible anyway.

apache not accepting incoming connections from outside of localhost

Search for LISTEN directive in the apache config files (httpd.conf, apache2.conf, listen.conf,...) and if you see localhost, or, then you need to overwrite with your public ip.

How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit?

It is sometimes worth using an enum to name the bits:

enum ThingFlags = {
  ThingMask  = 0x0000,
  ThingFlag0 = 1 << 0,
  ThingFlag1 = 1 << 1,
  ThingError = 1 << 8,

Then use the names later on. I.e. write

thingstate |= ThingFlag1;
thingstate &= ~ThingFlag0;
if (thing & ThingError) {...}

to set, clear and test. This way you hide the magic numbers from the rest of your code.

Other than that I endorse Jeremy's solution.

error: ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name in oracle

99.9% of the time the error ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name means you are logged into the CDB when you should be logged into a PDB.

But if you insist on creating users the wrong way, follow the steps below.


Setting undocumented parameters like this (as indicated by the leading underscore) should only be done under the direction of Oracle Support. Changing such parameters without such guidance may invalidate your support contract. So do this at your own risk.

Specifically, if you set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true, some data dictionary changes will be made with the column ORACLE_MAINTAINED set to 'Y'. Those users and objects will be incorrectly excluded from some DBA scripts. And they may be incorrectly included in some system scripts.

If you are OK with the above risks, and don't want to create common users the correct way, use the below answer.

Before creating the user run:

alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true;  

I found the answer here

How to a convert a date to a number and back again in MATLAB


>> datestr(40189)
ans =

Unfortunately, Excel starts counting at 1-Jan-1900. Find out how to convert serial dates from Matlab to Excel by using DATENUM

>> datenum(2010,1,11)
ans =
>> datenum(2010,1,11)-40189
ans =
>> datestr(40189+693960)
ans =

In other words, to convert any serial Excel date, call

datestr(excelSerialDate + 693960)


To get the date in mm/dd/yyyy format, call datestr with the specified format

excelSerialDate = 40189;
datestr(excelSerialDate + 693960,'mm/dd/yyyy')
ans =

Also, if you want to get rid of the leading zero for the month, you can use REGEXPREP to fix things

excelSerialDate = 40189;
regexprep(datestr(excelSerialDate + 693960,'mm/dd/yyyy'),'^0','')
ans =

Suppress Scientific Notation in Numpy When Creating Array From Nested List

I guess what you need is np.set_printoptions(suppress=True), for details see here:

For numpy documentation, which includes all function parameters (suppress isn't detailed in the above link), see here:

How to get a key in a JavaScript object by its value?

Keep your prototype clean.

function val2key(val,array){
    for (var key in array) {
        if(array[key] == val){
            return key;
 return false;


var map = {"first" : 1, "second" : 2};
var key = val2key(2,map); /*returns "second"*/

How To Auto-Format / Indent XML/HTML in Notepad++

To directly answer the OP, take a look at this guy's site: Thomas Hunter Notepad++ Tidy for XML. Simple steps to follow and you get very nice formatting of your XML right inside NPP. So far the only anomaly I've found is with nested self closing elements EG:

<OuterTag>Text for outer element<SelfClosingTag/></OuterTag>

Will be tidied up to:

<OuterTag>Text for outer element

There may be a way to fix this, but for the time being, it's managed to reduce the number of lines in my document by 300k and this particular anomaly can be worked around.

C# List of objects, how do I get the sum of a property

using System.Linq;


double total = myList.Sum(item => item.Amount);

How to transform numpy.matrix or array to scipy sparse matrix

There are several sparse matrix classes in scipy.

bsr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy, blocksize]) Block Sparse Row matrix
coo_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format.
csc_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Compressed Sparse Column matrix
csr_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Compressed Sparse Row matrix
dia_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage
dok_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Dictionary Of Keys based sparse matrix.
lil_matrix(arg1[, shape, dtype, copy]) Row-based linked list sparse matrix

Any of them can do the conversion.

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

(0, 0)  1
(0, 2)  1
(1, 2)  1

See .

Submit form and stay on same page?

The HTTP/CGI way to do this would be for your program to return an HTTP status code of 204 (No Content).

Preventing iframe caching in browser

To get the iframe to always load fresh content, add the current Unix timestamp to the end of the GET parameters. The browser then sees it as a 'different' request and will seek new content.

In Javascript, it might look like:

frames['my_iframe'].location.href='load_iframe_content.php?group_ID=' + group_ID + '&timestamp=' + timestamp;

Hibernate JPA Sequence (non-Id)

I've found this specific note in session 9.1.9 GeneratedValue Annotation from JPA specification: "[43] Portable applications should not use the GeneratedValue annotation on other persistent fields or properties." So, I presume that it is not possible to auto generate value for non primary key values at least using simply JPA.

Escape sequence \f - form feed - what exactly is it?

From wiki page

12 (form feed, \f, ^L), to cause a printer to eject paper to the top of the next page, or a video terminal to clear the screen.

or more details here.

It seems that this symbol is rather obsolete now and the way it is processed may be(?) implementation dependent. At least for me your code gives the following output (xcode gcc 4.2, gdb console):


How can I access Google Sheet spreadsheets only with Javascript?

2016 update: The easiest way is to use the Google Apps Script API, in particular the SpreadSheet Service. This works for private sheets, unlike the other answers that require the spreadsheet to be published.

This will let you bind JavaScript code to a Google Sheet, and execute it when the sheet is opened, or when a menu item (that you can define) is selected.

Here's a Quickstart/Demo. The code looks like this:

// Let's say you have a sheet of First, Last, email and you want to return the email of the
// row the user has placed the cursor on.
function getActiveEmail() {
  var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var activeRow = .getActiveCell().getRow();
  var email = activeSheet.getRange(activeRow, 3).getValue();

  return email;

You can also publish such scripts as web apps.

Add image in title bar

you should be searching about how to add favicon.ico . You can try adding favicon.ico directly in your html pages like this

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.png" type="image/png">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="" />

Or you can update that in your webserver. It is advised to add in your webserver as you don't need to add this in each of your html pages (assuming no includes).

To add in your apache place the favicon.ico in your root website director and add this in httpd.conf

AddType image/x-icon .ico

Coloring Buttons in Android with Material Design and AppCompat


Use design support library(23.2.0) and appcompatwidgets as below

In Android Support Library 22.1 :

This is done automatically when inflating layouts - replacing Button with AppCompatButton, TextView with AppCompatTextView, etc. to ensure that each could support tinting. In this release, those tint aware widgets are now publicly available, allowing you to keep tinting support even if you need to subclass one of the supported widgets.

The full list of tint aware widgets:


Material Design for Pre-Lollipop Devices :

AppCompat (aka ActionBarCompat) started out as a backport of the Android 4.0 ActionBar API for devices running on Gingerbread, providing a common API layer on top of the backported implementation and the framework implementation. AppCompat v21 delivers an API and feature-set that is up-to-date with Android 5.0

Explicitly calling return in a function or not

A problem with not putting 'return' explicitly at the end is that if one adds additional statements at the end of the method, suddenly the return value is wrong:

foo <- function() {

This returns the value of dosomething().

Now we come along the next day and add a new line:

foo <- function() {

We wanted our code to return the value of dosomething(), but instead it no longer does.

With an explicit return, this becomes really obvious:

foo <- function() {
    return( dosomething() )

We can see that there is something strange about this code, and fix it:

foo <- function() {
    return( dosomething() )

How to vertically align elements in a div?

A technique from a friend of mine:


<div style="height:100px; border:1px solid;">
    <p style="border:1px dotted;">I'm vertically centered.</p>


div:before {content:" "; display:inline-block; height:100%; vertical-align:middle;}
div p {display:inline-block;}

DEMO here

How can I embed a YouTube video on GitHub wiki pages?

If you like HTML tags more than markdown + center alignment:

<div align="center">_x000D_
  <a href=""><img src="" alt="IMAGE ALT TEXT"></a>_x000D_

Effective method to hide email from spam bots

There is a open licence PHP script that outputs javascript which encodes the mail: You can then easily call the php function with the specific mail as an argument.

Get IP address of visitors using Flask for Python

This should do the job. It provides the client IP address (remote host).

Note that this code is running on the server side.

from mod_python import apache


Is there a color code for transparent in HTML?

Yeah I think the best way to transparent the background colour (make opacity only for the background) is using

        background-color: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.5);

Above statement 0.5 is the opacity value.

It only apply the opacity changes to the background colour (not all elements')

The "opacity" attribute in the CSS will transparent all the elements in the block.

Javascript to open popup window and disable parent window

Hi the answer that @anu posted is right, but it wont completely work as required. By making a slight change to child_open() function it works properly.

<script type="text/javascript">

var popupWindow=null;

function child_open()
if(popupWindow && !popupWindow.closed)
   popupWindow'new.jsp',"_blank","directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no,width=600, height=280,top=200,left=200");

function parent_disable() {
  if(popupWindow && !popupWindow.closed)
  <body onFocus="parent_disable();" onclick="parent_disable();">
     <a href="javascript:child_open()">Click me</a>

jQuery or CSS selector to select all IDs that start with some string

$('div[id ^= "player_"]');

This worked for all Div starts with "players_" keyword and display it.

Unique constraint on multiple columns

USE [TSQL2012]

/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Table_1]    Script Date: 11/22/2015 12:45:47 PM ******/


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_1](
    [seq] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [ID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [name] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [cat] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [ID] ASC
    [name] ASC,
    [cat] ASC


"psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused" Error when connecting to remote database

Try to migrate your database. For instance, if you are using Heroku to host your project and with Django, then try heroku run python migrate command; the error should go away.

How can I open a website in my web browser using Python?

import webbrowser"")

The link will be opened in default web browser unless specified

How to pass parameters in $ajax POST?

      type: 'post',
      url: 'superman',
      data: { 
        "field1": "hello",
        "field2": "hello1"
      success: function (response) {
        alert("Success !!");
      error: function () {
        alert("Error !!");

type: 'POST', will append **parameters to the body of the request** which is not seen in the URL while type: 'GET', appends parameters to the URL which is visible.

Most of the popular web browsers contain network panels which displays the complete request.

In network panel select XHR to see requests.

This can also be done via this.

        'field1': 'hello', 
        'field2': 'hello1'
      function (response) {
        alert("Success !");

java.util.Date and getYear()

Don't use Date, use Calendar:

// Beware: months are zero-based and no out of range errors are reported
Calendar date = new GregorianCalendar(2012, 9, 5);
int year = date.get(Calendar.YEAR);  // 2012
int month = date.get(Calendar.MONTH);  // 9 - October!!!
int day = date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);  // 5

It supports time as well:

Calendar dateTime = new GregorianCalendar(2012, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17);
int hour = dateTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);  // 15
int minute = dateTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);  // 16
int second = dateTime.get(Calendar.SECOND);  // 17

Catch paste input

This code is working for me either paste from right click or direct copy paste

   $('.textbox').on('paste input propertychange', function (e) {
        $(this).val( $(this).val().replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '') );

When i paste Section 1: Labour Cost it becomes 1 in text box.

To allow only float value i use this code

 //only decimal
    $('.textbox').keypress(function(e) {
        if(e.which == 46 && $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) {
       if (e.which == 8 || e.which == 46) {
            return true;
       } else if ( e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) {

window.close() doesn't work - Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it

The below code worked for me :)'your current page URL', '_self', '');

What is the difference between server side cookie and client side cookie?

You probably mean the difference between Http Only cookies and their counter part?

Http Only cookies cannot be accessed (read from or written to) in client side JavaScript, only server side. If the Http Only flag is not set, or the cookie is created in (client side) JavaScript, the cookie can be read from and written to in (client side) JavaScript as well as server side.

404 Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server

change this

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf


#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

and restart all services

How to resize JLabel ImageIcon?

Resizing the icon is not straightforward. You need to use Java's graphics 2D to scale the image. The first parameter is a Image class which you can easily get from ImageIcon class. You can use ImageIcon class to load your image file and then simply call getter method to get the image.

private Image getScaledImage(Image srcImg, int w, int h){
    BufferedImage resizedImg = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics2D g2 = resizedImg.createGraphics();

    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
    g2.drawImage(srcImg, 0, 0, w, h, null);

    return resizedImg;

MySQL Fire Trigger for both Insert and Update

unfortunately we can't use in MySQL after INSERT or UPDATE description, like in Oracle

How can I install Apache Ant on Mac OS X?

The only way i could get my ant version updated on the mac from 1.8.2 to 1.9.1 was by following instructions here

Adding an .env file to React Project

You have to install npm install env-cmd

Make .env in the root directory and update like this & REACT_APP_ is the compulsory prefix for the variable name.


Update package.json

  "scripts": {
    "start": "env-cmd react-scripts start",
    "build": "env-cmd react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject"

What is the difference between a process and a thread?

Coming from the embedded world, I would like to add that the concept of processes only exists in "big" processors (desktop CPUs, ARM Cortex A-9) that have MMU (memory management unit) , and operating systems that support using MMUs (such as Linux). With small/old processors and microcontrollers and small RTOS operating system (real time operating system), such as freeRTOS, there is no MMU support and thus no processes but only threads.

Threads can access each others memory, and they are scheduled by OS in an interleaved manner so they appear to run in parallel (or with multi-core they really run in parallel).

Processes, on the other hand, live in their private sandbox of virtual memory, provided and guarded by MMU. This is handy because it enables:

  1. keeping buggy process from crashing the entire system.
  2. Maintaining security by making other processes data invisible and unreachable. The actual work inside the process is taken care by one or more threads.

Django - Did you forget to register or load this tag?

I had the same problem, here's how I solved it. Following the first section of this very excellent Django tutorial, I did the following:

  1. Create a new Django app by executing: python startapp new_app
  2. Edit the file, adding the following to the list of INSTALLED_APPS: 'new_app',
  3. Add a new module to the new_app package named new_app_tags.
  4. In a Django HTML template, add the following to the top of the file, but after {% extends 'base_template_name.html' %}: {% load new_app_tags %}
  5. In the new_app_tags module file, create a custom template tag (see below).
  6. In the same Django HTML template, from step 4 above, use your shiney new custom tag like so: {% multiply_by_two | "5.0" %}
  7. Celebrate!

Example from step 5 above:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def multiply_by_two(value):
    return float(value) * 2.0

NULL values inside NOT IN clause

Whenever you use NULL you are really dealing with a Three-Valued logic.

Your first query returns results as the WHERE clause evaluates to:

    3 = 1 or 3 = 2 or 3 = 3 or 3 = null
which is:
which evaluates to 

The second one:

    3 <> 1 and 3 <> 2 and 3 <> null
which evaluates to:
which evaluates to:

The UNKNOWN is not the same as FALSE you can easily test it by calling:

select 'true' where 3 <> null
select 'true' where not (3 <> null)

Both queries will give you no results

If the UNKNOWN was the same as FALSE then assuming that the first query would give you FALSE the second would have to evaluate to TRUE as it would have been the same as NOT(FALSE).
That is not the case.

There is a very good article on this subject on SqlServerCentral.

The whole issue of NULLs and Three-Valued Logic can be a bit confusing at first but it is essential to understand in order to write correct queries in TSQL

Another article I would recommend is SQL Aggregate Functions and NULL.

How to Correctly Use Lists in R?

Although this is a pretty old question I must say it is touching exactly the knowledge I was missing during my first steps in R - i.e. how to express data in my hand as an object in R or how to select from existing objects. It is not easy for an R novice to think "in an R box" from the very beginning.

So I myself started to use crutches below which helped me a lot to find out what object to use for what data, and basically to imagine real-world usage.

Though I not giving exact answers to the question the short text below might help the reader who just started with R and is asking similar questions.

  • Atomic vector ... I called that "sequence" for myself, no direction, just sequence of same types. [ subsets.
  • Vector ... the sequence with one direction from 2D, [ subsets.
  • Matrix ... bunch of vectors with the same length forming rows or columns, [ subsets by rows and columns, or by sequence.
  • Arrays ... layered matrices forming 3D
  • Dataframe ... a 2D table like in excel, where I can sort, add or remove rows or columns or make arit. operations with them, only after some time I truly recognized that data frame is a clever implementation of list where I can subset using [ by rows and columns, but even using [[.
  • List ... to help myself I thought about the list as of tree structure where [i] selects and returns whole branches and [[i]] returns item from the branch. And because it is tree like structure, you can even use an index sequence to address every single leaf on a very complex list using its [[index_vector]]. Lists can be simple or very complex and can mix together various types of objects into one.

So for lists you can end up with more ways how to select a leaf depending on situation like in the following example.

l <- list("aaa",5,list(1:3),LETTERS[1:4],matrix(1:9,3,3))
l[[c(5,4)]] # selects 4 from matrix using [[index_vector]] in list
l[[5]][4] # selects 4 from matrix using sequential index in matrix
l[[5]][1,2] # selects 4 from matrix using row and column in matrix

This way of thinking helped me a lot.

How can I hash a password in Java?

As of 2020, the most reliable password hashing algorithm in use, most likely to optimise its strength given any hardware, is Argon2id or Argon2i but not its Spring implementation.

The PBKDF2 standard includes the the CPU-greedy/computationally-expensive feature of the block cipher BCRYPT algo, and add its stream cipher capability. PBKDF2 was overwhelmed by the memory exponentially-greedy SCRYPT then by the side-channel-attack-resistant Argon2

Argon2 provides the necessary calibration tool to find optimized strength parameters given a target hashing time and the hardware used.

  • Argon2i is specialized in memory greedy hashing
  • Argon2d is specialized in CPU greedy hashing
  • Argon2id use both methods.

Memory greedy hashing would help against GPU use for cracking.

Spring security/Bouncy Castle implementation is not optimized and relatively week given what attacker could use. cf: Spring doc Argon2 and Scrypt

The currently implementation uses Bouncy castle which does not exploit parallelism/optimizations that password crackers will, so there is an unnecessary asymmetry between attacker and defender.

The most credible implementation in use for java is mkammerer's one,

a wrapper jar/library of the official native implementation written in C.

It is well written and simple to use.

The embedded version provides native builds for Linux, windows and OSX.

As an example, it is used by jpmorganchase in its tessera security project used to secure Quorum, its Ethereum cryptocurency implementation.

Here is an example:

    final char[] password = "a4e9y2tr0ngAnd7on6P১M°RD".toCharArray();
    byte[] salt = new byte[128];
    new SecureRandom().nextBytes(salt);
    final Argon2Advanced argon2 = Argon2Factory.createAdvanced(Argon2Factory.Argon2Types.ARGON2id);
    byte[] hash = argon2.rawHash(10, 1048576, 4, password, salt);

(see tessera)

Declare the lib in your POM:


or with gradle:

compile 'de.mkammerer:argon2-jvm:2.7'

Calibration may be performed using de.mkammerer.argon2.Argon2Helper#findIterations

SCRYPT and Pbkdf2 algorithm might also be calibrated by writing some simple benchmark, but current minimal safe iterations values, will require higher hashing times.

Echo newline in Bash prints literal \n

You can also do:

echo "hello

This works both inside a script and from the command line.
In the command line, press Shift+Enter to do the line breaks inside the string.

This works for me on my macOS and my Ubuntu 18.04

In Python, how to display current time in readable format

First the quick and dirty way, and second the precise way (recognizing daylight's savings or not).

import time
time.ctime() # 'Mon Oct 18 13:35:29 2010'
time.strftime('%l:%M%p %Z on %b %d, %Y') # ' 1:36PM EDT on Oct 18, 2010'
time.strftime('%l:%M%p %z on %b %d, %Y') # ' 1:36PM EST on Oct 18, 2010'

Determine the number of rows in a range

I am sure that you probably wanted the answer that @GSerg gave. There is also a worksheet function called rows that will give you the number of rows.

So, if you have a named data range called Data that has 7 rows, then =ROWS(Data) will show 7 in that cell.

Avoid line break between html elements

If you need this for several words or elements, but can't apply it to a whole TD or similar, the Span tag can be used.

<span style="white-space: nowrap">Text to break together</span>
<span class=nobr>Text to break together</span>

If you use the class version, remember to set up the CSS as detailed in the accepted answer.

Test if number is odd or even

Yes using the mod

$even = ($num % 2 == 0);
$odd = ($num % 2 != 0);

how to check if input field is empty

Try this

$.trim($("#spa").val()).length > 0

It will not treat any white space if any as a correct value

Environ Function code samples for VBA

Environ() gets you the value of any environment variable. These can be found by doing the following command in the Command Prompt:


If you wanted to get the username, you would do:


If you wanted to get the fully qualified name, you would do:

Environ("userdomain") & "\" & Environ("username")


Commenting multiple lines in DOS batch file

Another option is to enclose the unwanted lines in an IF block that can never be true

if 1==0 (

Of course nothing within the if block will be executed, but it will be parsed. So you can't have any invalid syntax within. Also, the comment cannot contain ) unless it is escaped or quoted. For those reasons the accepted GOTO solution is more reliable. (The GOTO solution may also be faster)

Update 2017-09-19

Here is a cosmetic enhancement to pdub's GOTO solution. I define a simple environment variable "macro" that makes the GOTO comment syntax a bit better self documenting. Although it is generally recommended that :labels are unique within a batch script, it really is OK to embed multiple comments like this within the same batch script.

@echo off

set "beginComment=goto :endComment"

Multi-line comment 1
goes here

echo This code executes

Multi-line comment 2
goes here

echo Done

Or you could use one of these variants of npocmaka's solution. The use of REM instead of BREAK makes the intent a bit clearer.

   go here

rem^ ||(
   The space after the caret
   is critical

Updating .class file in jar

Do you want to do it automatically or manually? If manually, a JAR file is really just a ZIP file, so you should be able to open it with any ZIP reader. (You may need to change the extension first.) If you want to update the JAR file automatically via Eclipse, you may want to look into Ant support in Eclipse and look at the zip task.

Check whether values in one data frame column exist in a second data frame

Use %in% as follows

A$C %in% B$C

Which will tell you which values of column C of A are in B.

What is returned is a logical vector. In the specific case of your example, you get:

A$C %in% B$C

Which you can use as an index to the rows of A or as an index to A$C to get the actual values:

# as a row index
A[A$C %in% B$C,  ]  # note the comma to indicate we are indexing rows

# as an index to A$C
A$C[A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 1 3 4  # returns all values of A$C that are in B$C

We can negate it too:

A$C[!A$C %in% B$C]
[1] 2   # returns all values of A$C that are NOT in B$C

If you want to know if a specific value is in B$C, use the same function:

  2 %in% B$C   # "is the value 2 in B$C ?"  

  A$C[2] %in% B$C  # "is the 2nd element of A$C in B$C ?"  

How to get the difference between two arrays in JavaScript?

var result = [];
var arr1 = [1,2,3,4];
var arr2 = [2,3];
arr1.forEach(function(el, idx) {
    function unEqual(element, index, array) {
        var a = el;
        return (element!=a);
    if (arr2.every(unEqual)) {

What does bundle exec rake mean?

It should probably be mentioned, that there are ways to omit bundle exec (they are all stated in chapter 3.6.1 of Michael Hartls Ruby on Rails Tutorial book).

The simplest is to just use a sufficiently up-to-date version of RVM (>= 1.11.x).

If you're restricted to an earlier version of RVM, you can always use this method also mentioned by calasyr:

$ rvm get head && rvm reload
$ chmod +x $rvm_path/hooks/after_cd_bundler
$ bundle install --binstubs=./bundler_stubs

The bundler_stubs directory should then also be added to the .gitignore file.

A third option is to use the rubygems-bundler gem if you're not using RVM:

$ gem install rubygems-bundler
$ gem regenerate_binstubs

How to capitalize the first letter of text in a TextView in an Android Application

The accepted answer is good, but if you are using it to get values from a textView in android, it would be good to check if the string is empty. If the string is empty it would throw an exception.

private String capitizeString(String name){
    String captilizedString="";
       captilizedString = name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1);
    return captilizedString;

How do I get out of 'screen' without typing 'exit'?

Ctrl+a followed by k will "kill" the current screen session.

Get array of object's keys

In case you're here looking for something to list the keys of an n-depth nested object as a flat array:

const getObjectKeys = (obj, prefix = '') => {_x000D_
  return Object.entries(obj).reduce((collector, [key, val]) => {_x000D_
    const newKeys = [ ...collector, prefix ? `${prefix}.${key}` : key ]_x000D_
    if ( === '[object Object]') {_x000D_
      const newPrefix = prefix ? `${prefix}.${key}` : key_x000D_
      const otherKeys = getObjectKeys(val, newPrefix)_x000D_
      return [ ...newKeys, ...otherKeys ]_x000D_
    return newKeys_x000D_
  }, [])_x000D_
console.log(getObjectKeys({a: 1, b: 2, c: { d: 3, e: { f: 4 }}}))

log4net vs. Nlog

Based on my experience, SmartInspect beats both NLog and log4net.

Its extremely easy to use, documentation is great, and you can view and filter previously logged messages with their interactive log viewer, which is a huge real world advantage.

One thing I like is the tabbed views of data, like the browser tabs in Chrome. Each tab can provide a different filtered view of the log.

'any' vs 'Object'

Object is more restrictive than any. For example:

let a: any;
let b: Object;

a.nomethod(); // Transpiles just fine
b.nomethod(); // Error: Property 'nomethod' does not exist on type 'Object'.

The Object class does not have a nomethod() function, therefore the transpiler will generate an error telling you exactly that. If you use any instead you are basically telling the transpiler that anything goes, you are providing no information about what is stored in a - it can be anything! And therefore the transpiler will allow you to do whatever you want with something defined as any.

So in short

  • any can be anything (you can call any method etc on it without compilation errors)
  • Object exposes the functions and properties defined in the Object class.

Django datetime issues (

From the documentation on the django model default field:

The default value for the field. This can be a value or a callable object. If callable it will be called every time a new object is created.

Therefore following should work:

date = models.DateTimeField(,blank=True)

How to use Python's pip to download and keep the zipped files for a package?

I would prefer (RHEL) - pip download package==version --no-deps --no-binary=:all:

Python: How to use RegEx in an if statement?

First you compile the regex, then you have to use it with match, find, or some other method to actually run it against some input.

import os
import re
import shutil

def test():
    files = os.listdir(".")
    pattern = re.compile(regex_txt, re.IGNORECASE)
    for x in (files):
        with open((x), 'r') as input_file:
            for line in input_file:
                    shutil.copy(x, "C:/Users/David/Desktop/Test/MyFiles2")

WebView and Cookies on Android

I figured out what's going on.

When I load a page through a server side action (a url visit), and view the html returned from that action inside a Webview, that first action/page runs inside that Webview. However, when you click on any link that are action commands in your web app, these actions start a new browser. That is why cookie info gets lost because the first cookie information you set for Webview is gone, we have a seperate program here.

You have to intercept clicks on Webview so that browsing never leaves the app, everything stays inside the same Webview.

  WebView webview = new WebView(this);      
  webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {  
      public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url)  
        view.loadUrl(url); //this is controversial - see comments and other answers
        return true;  
  webview.loadUrl([MY URL]);

This fixes the problem.

What is the difference between user and kernel modes in operating systems?

CPU rings are the most clear distinction

In x86 protected mode, the CPU is always in one of 4 rings. The Linux kernel only uses 0 and 3:

  • 0 for kernel
  • 3 for users

This is the most hard and fast definition of kernel vs userland.

Why Linux does not use rings 1 and 2: CPU Privilege Rings: Why rings 1 and 2 aren't used?

How is the current ring determined?

The current ring is selected by a combination of:

  • global descriptor table: a in-memory table of GDT entries, and each entry has a field Privl which encodes the ring.

    The LGDT instruction sets the address to the current descriptor table.

    See also:

  • the segment registers CS, DS, etc., which point to the index of an entry in the GDT.

    For example, CS = 0 means the first entry of the GDT is currently active for the executing code.

What can each ring do?

The CPU chip is physically built so that:

  • ring 0 can do anything

  • ring 3 cannot run several instructions and write to several registers, most notably:

    • cannot change its own ring! Otherwise, it could set itself to ring 0 and rings would be useless.

      In other words, cannot modify the current segment descriptor, which determines the current ring.

    • cannot modify the page tables: How does x86 paging work?

      In other words, cannot modify the CR3 register, and paging itself prevents modification of the page tables.

      This prevents one process from seeing the memory of other processes for security / ease of programming reasons.

    • cannot register interrupt handlers. Those are configured by writing to memory locations, which is also prevented by paging.

      Handlers run in ring 0, and would break the security model.

      In other words, cannot use the LGDT and LIDT instructions.

    • cannot do IO instructions like in and out, and thus have arbitrary hardware accesses.

      Otherwise, for example, file permissions would be useless if any program could directly read from disk.

      More precisely thanks to Michael Petch: it is actually possible for the OS to allow IO instructions on ring 3, this is actually controlled by the Task state segment.

      What is not possible is for ring 3 to give itself permission to do so if it didn't have it in the first place.

      Linux always disallows it. See also: Why doesn't Linux use the hardware context switch via the TSS?

How do programs and operating systems transition between rings?

  • when the CPU is turned on, it starts running the initial program in ring 0 (well kind of, but it is a good approximation). You can think this initial program as being the kernel (but it is normally a bootloader that then calls the kernel still in ring 0).

  • when a userland process wants the kernel to do something for it like write to a file, it uses an instruction that generates an interrupt such as int 0x80 or syscall to signal the kernel. x86-64 Linux syscall hello world example:

        .ascii "hello world\n"
        hello_world_len = . - hello_world
    .global _start
        /* write */
        mov $1, %rax
        mov $1, %rdi
        mov $hello_world, %rsi
        mov $hello_world_len, %rdx
        /* exit */
        mov $60, %rax
        mov $0, %rdi

    compile and run:

    as -o hello_world.o hello_world.S
    ld -o hello_world.out hello_world.o

    GitHub upstream.

    When this happens, the CPU calls an interrupt callback handler which the kernel registered at boot time. Here is a concrete baremetal example that registers a handler and uses it.

    This handler runs in ring 0, which decides if the kernel will allow this action, do the action, and restart the userland program in ring 3. x86_64

  • when the exec system call is used (or when the kernel will start /init), the kernel prepares the registers and memory of the new userland process, then it jumps to the entry point and switches the CPU to ring 3

  • If the program tries to do something naughty like write to a forbidden register or memory address (because of paging), the CPU also calls some kernel callback handler in ring 0.

    But since the userland was naughty, the kernel might kill the process this time, or give it a warning with a signal.

  • When the kernel boots, it setups a hardware clock with some fixed frequency, which generates interrupts periodically.

    This hardware clock generates interrupts that run ring 0, and allow it to schedule which userland processes to wake up.

    This way, scheduling can happen even if the processes are not making any system calls.

What is the point of having multiple rings?

There are two major advantages of separating kernel and userland:

  • it is easier to make programs as you are more certain one won't interfere with the other. E.g., one userland process does not have to worry about overwriting the memory of another program because of paging, nor about putting hardware in an invalid state for another process.
  • it is more secure. E.g. file permissions and memory separation could prevent a hacking app from reading your bank data. This supposes, of course, that you trust the kernel.

How to play around with it?

I've created a bare metal setup that should be a good way to manipulate rings directly:

I didn't have the patience to make a userland example unfortunately, but I did go as far as paging setup, so userland should be feasible. I'd love to see a pull request.

Alternatively, Linux kernel modules run in ring 0, so you can use them to try out privileged operations, e.g. read the control registers: How to access the control registers cr0,cr2,cr3 from a program? Getting segmentation fault

Here is a convenient QEMU + Buildroot setup to try it out without killing your host.

The downside of kernel modules is that other kthreads are running and could interfere with your experiments. But in theory you can take over all interrupt handlers with your kernel module and own the system, that would be an interesting project actually.

Negative rings

While negative rings are not actually referenced in the Intel manual, there are actually CPU modes which have further capabilities than ring 0 itself, and so are a good fit for the "negative ring" name.

One example is the hypervisor mode used in virtualization.

For further details see:


In ARM, the rings are called Exception Levels instead, but the main ideas remain the same.

There exist 4 exception levels in ARMv8, commonly used as:

  • EL0: userland

  • EL1: kernel ("supervisor" in ARM terminology).

    Entered with the svc instruction (SuperVisor Call), previously known as swi before unified assembly, which is the instruction used to make Linux system calls. Hello world ARMv8 example:


    .global _start
        /* write */
        mov x0, 1
        ldr x1, =msg
        ldr x2, =len
        mov x8, 64
        svc 0
        /* exit */
        mov x0, 0
        mov x8, 93
        svc 0
        .ascii "hello syscall v8\n"
    len = . - msg

    GitHub upstream.

    Test it out with QEMU on Ubuntu 16.04:

    sudo apt-get install qemu-user gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
    arm-linux-gnueabihf-as -o hello.o hello.S
    arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld -o hello hello.o
    qemu-arm hello

    Here is a concrete baremetal example that registers an SVC handler and does an SVC call.

  • EL2: hypervisors, for example Xen.

    Entered with the hvc instruction (HyperVisor Call).

    A hypervisor is to an OS, what an OS is to userland.

    For example, Xen allows you to run multiple OSes such as Linux or Windows on the same system at the same time, and it isolates the OSes from one another for security and ease of debug, just like Linux does for userland programs.

    Hypervisors are a key part of today's cloud infrastructure: they allow multiple servers to run on a single hardware, keeping hardware usage always close to 100% and saving a lot of money.

    AWS for example used Xen until 2017 when its move to KVM made the news.

  • EL3: yet another level. TODO example.

    Entered with the smc instruction (Secure Mode Call)

The ARMv8 Architecture Reference Model DDI 0487C.a - Chapter D1 - The AArch64 System Level Programmer's Model - Figure D1-1 illustrates this beautifully:

enter image description here

The ARM situation changed a bit with the advent of ARMv8.1 Virtualization Host Extensions (VHE). This extension allows the kernel to run in EL2 efficiently:

enter image description here

VHE was created because in-Linux-kernel virtualization solutions such as KVM have gained ground over Xen (see e.g. AWS' move to KVM mentioned above), because most clients only need Linux VMs, and as you can imagine, being all in a single project, KVM is simpler and potentially more efficient than Xen. So now the host Linux kernel acts as the hypervisor in those cases.

Note how ARM, maybe due to the benefit of hindsight, has a better naming convention for the privilege levels than x86, without the need for negative levels: 0 being the lower and 3 highest. Higher levels tend to be created more often than lower ones.

The current EL can be queried with the MRS instruction: what is the current execution mode/exception level, etc?

ARM does not require all exception levels to be present to allow for implementations that don't need the feature to save chip area. ARMv8 "Exception levels" says:

An implementation might not include all of the Exception levels. All implementations must include EL0 and EL1. EL2 and EL3 are optional.

QEMU for example defaults to EL1, but EL2 and EL3 can be enabled with command line options: qemu-system-aarch64 entering el1 when emulating a53 power up

Code snippets tested on Ubuntu 18.10.

getElementById in React

You need to have your function in the componentDidMount lifecycle since this is the function that is called when the DOM has loaded.

Make use of refs to access the DOM element

<input type="submit" className="nameInput" id="name" value="cp-dev1" onClick={this.writeData} ref = "cpDev1"/>

  componentDidMount: function(){
    var name = React.findDOMNode(this.refs.cpDev1).value;

See this answer for more info on How to access the dom element in React

How to Use Order By for Multiple Columns in Laravel 4?

You can do as @rmobis has specified in his answer, [Adding something more into it]

Using order by twice:

MyTable::orderBy('coloumn1', 'DESC')
    ->orderBy('coloumn2', 'ASC')

and the second way to do it is,

Using raw order by:

MyTable::orderByRaw("coloumn1 DESC, coloumn2 ASC");

Both will produce same query as follow,

SELECT * FROM `my_tables` ORDER BY `coloumn1` DESC, `coloumn2` ASC

As @rmobis specified in comment of first answer you can pass like an array to order by column like this,

$myTable->orders = array(
    array('column' => 'coloumn1', 'direction' => 'desc'), 
    array('column' => 'coloumn2', 'direction' => 'asc')

one more way to do it is iterate in loop,

$query = DB::table('my_tables');

foreach ($request->get('order_by_columns') as $column => $direction) {
    $query->orderBy($column, $direction);

$results = $query->get();

Hope it helps :)

Can someone explain how to append an element to an array in C programming?

For some people which might still see this question, there is another way on how to append another array element(s) in C. You can refer to this blog which shows a C code on how to append another element in your array.

But you can also use memcpy() function, to append element(s) of another array. You can use memcpy()like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)

int first_array[10] = {45, 2, 48, 3, 6};
int scnd_array[] = {8, 14, 69, 23, 5};

// 5 is the number of the elements which are going to be appended
memcpy(a + 5, b, 5 * sizeof(int));

// loop through and print all the array
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    printf("%d\n", a[i]);


How do I use select with date condition?

Select * from Users where RegistrationDate >= CONVERT(datetime, '01/20/2009', 103)

is safe to use, independent of the date settings on the server.

The full list of styles can be found here.

PostgreSQL, checking date relative to "today"

select * from mytable where mydate > now() - interval '1 year';

If you only care about the date and not the time, substitute current_date for now()

MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I don't know, it works fine for me. Exact commands:

import scipy, pylab
ax = pylab.subplot(111)
ax.scatter(scipy.randn(100), scipy.randn(100), c='b')
ax.scatter(scipy.randn(100), scipy.randn(100), c='r')

Set value of textbox using JQuery

1) you are calling it wrong way try:


2) if it doesn't work call your .js file at the end of the page or trigger your function on document.ready event

$(document).ready(function() {

Count(*) vs Count(1) - SQL Server

Clearly, COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) will always return the same result. Therefore, if one were slower than the other it would effectively be due to an optimiser bug. Since both forms are used very frequently in queries, it would make no sense for a DBMS to allow such a bug to remain unfixed. Hence you will find that the performance of both forms is (probably) identical in all major SQL DBMSs.

UITapGestureRecognizer - single tap and double tap

Some view have there own double tap recognizers built in (MKMapView being an example). To get around this you will need to implement UIGestureRecognizerDelegate method shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer and return YES:

First implement your double and single recognizers:

// setup gesture recognizers
UITapGestureRecognizer* singleTapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self
singleTapRecognizer.delegate = self;
singleTapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1;

UITapGestureRecognizer* doubleTapRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self
doubleTapRecognizer.delegate = self;    // this allows
doubleTapRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 2;
[singleTapRecognizer requireGestureRecognizerToFail:doubleTapRecognizer];

And then implement:

#pragma mark UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer
*)otherGestureRecognizer {  return YES; }

fast way to copy formatting in excel

Just use the NumberFormat property after the Value property: In this example the Ranges are defined using variables called ColLetter and SheetRow and this comes from a for-next loop using the integer i, but they might be ordinary defined ranges of course.

TransferSheet.Range(ColLetter & SheetRow).Value = Range(ColLetter & i).Value TransferSheet.Range(ColLetter & SheetRow).NumberFormat = Range(ColLetter & i).NumberFormat

What is the difference between tree depth and height?

I know it's weird but Leetcode defines depth in terms of number of nodes in the path too. So in such case depth should start from 1 (always count the root) and not 0. In case anybody has the same confusion like me.

Cannot create SSPI context

Here is my case. I had a remote machine that hosted SQL Server. From my local machine, I was trying to access the SQL instance via some C# code and I was getting this error. My password for the user account on my machine/domain had expired. I fixed it with the following:

  1. Opened the remote machine, which prompted me for a password change
  2. I changed my password within this prompt and logged into the remote machine
  3. I "locked" my local machine (using windows + L key so I didn't have to completely sign off) so that I could get back to the sign-on page
  4. I signed back onto my local machine with the new password

Everything then worked fine.

What is an example of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

LSP is necessary where some code thinks it is calling the methods of a type T, and may unknowingly call the methods of a type S, where S extends T (i.e. S inherits, derives from, or is a subtype of, the supertype T).

For example, this occurs where a function with an input parameter of type T, is called (i.e. invoked) with an argument value of type S. Or, where an identifier of type T, is assigned a value of type S.

val id : T = new S() // id thinks it's a T, but is a S

LSP requires the expectations (i.e. invariants) for methods of type T (e.g. Rectangle), not be violated when the methods of type S (e.g. Square) are called instead.

val rect : Rectangle = new Square(5) // thinks it's a Rectangle, but is a Square
val rect2 : Rectangle = rect.setWidth(10) // height is 10, LSP violation

Even a type with immutable fields still has invariants, e.g. the immutable Rectangle setters expect dimensions to be independently modified, but the immutable Square setters violate this expectation.

class Rectangle( val width : Int, val height : Int )
   def setWidth( w : Int ) = new Rectangle(w, height)
   def setHeight( h : Int ) = new Rectangle(width, h)

class Square( val side : Int ) extends Rectangle(side, side)
   override def setWidth( s : Int ) = new Square(s)
   override def setHeight( s : Int ) = new Square(s)

LSP requires that each method of the subtype S must have contravariant input parameter(s) and a covariant output.

Contravariant means the variance is contrary to the direction of the inheritance, i.e. the type Si, of each input parameter of each method of the subtype S, must be the same or a supertype of the type Ti of the corresponding input parameter of the corresponding method of the supertype T.

Covariance means the variance is in the same direction of the inheritance, i.e. the type So, of the output of each method of the subtype S, must be the same or a subtype of the type To of the corresponding output of the corresponding method of the supertype T.

This is because if the caller thinks it has a type T, thinks it is calling a method of T, then it supplies argument(s) of type Ti and assigns the output to the type To. When it is actually calling the corresponding method of S, then each Ti input argument is assigned to a Si input parameter, and the So output is assigned to the type To. Thus if Si were not contravariant w.r.t. to Ti, then a subtype Xi—which would not be a subtype of Si—could be assigned to Ti.

Additionally, for languages (e.g. Scala or Ceylon) which have definition-site variance annotations on type polymorphism parameters (i.e. generics), the co- or contra- direction of the variance annotation for each type parameter of the type T must be opposite or same direction respectively to every input parameter or output (of every method of T) that has the type of the type parameter.

Additionally, for each input parameter or output that has a function type, the variance direction required is reversed. This rule is applied recursively.

Subtyping is appropriate where the invariants can be enumerated.

There is much ongoing research on how to model invariants, so that they are enforced by the compiler.

Typestate (see page 3) declares and enforces state invariants orthogonal to type. Alternatively, invariants can be enforced by converting assertions to types. For example, to assert that a file is open before closing it, then could return an OpenFile type, which contains a close() method that is not available in File. A tic-tac-toe API can be another example of employing typing to enforce invariants at compile-time. The type system may even be Turing-complete, e.g. Scala. Dependently-typed languages and theorem provers formalize the models of higher-order typing.

Because of the need for semantics to abstract over extension, I expect that employing typing to model invariants, i.e. unified higher-order denotational semantics, is superior to the Typestate. ‘Extension’ means the unbounded, permuted composition of uncoordinated, modular development. Because it seems to me to be the antithesis of unification and thus degrees-of-freedom, to have two mutually-dependent models (e.g. types and Typestate) for expressing the shared semantics, which can't be unified with each other for extensible composition. For example, Expression Problem-like extension was unified in the subtyping, function overloading, and parametric typing domains.

My theoretical position is that for knowledge to exist (see section “Centralization is blind and unfit”), there will never be a general model that can enforce 100% coverage of all possible invariants in a Turing-complete computer language. For knowledge to exist, unexpected possibilities much exist, i.e. disorder and entropy must always be increasing. This is the entropic force. To prove all possible computations of a potential extension, is to compute a priori all possible extension.

This is why the Halting Theorem exists, i.e. it is undecidable whether every possible program in a Turing-complete programming language terminates. It can be proven that some specific program terminates (one which all possibilities have been defined and computed). But it is impossible to prove that all possible extension of that program terminates, unless the possibilities for extension of that program is not Turing complete (e.g. via dependent-typing). Since the fundamental requirement for Turing-completeness is unbounded recursion, it is intuitive to understand how Gödel's incompleteness theorems and Russell's paradox apply to extension.

An interpretation of these theorems incorporates them in a generalized conceptual understanding of the entropic force:

  • Gödel's incompleteness theorems: any formal theory, in which all arithmetic truths can be proved, is inconsistent.
  • Russell's paradox: every membership rule for a set that can contain a set, either enumerates the specific type of each member or contains itself. Thus sets either cannot be extended or they are unbounded recursion. For example, the set of everything that is not a teapot, includes itself, which includes itself, which includes itself, etc…. Thus a rule is inconsistent if it (may contain a set and) does not enumerate the specific types (i.e. allows all unspecified types) and does not allow unbounded extension. This is the set of sets that are not members of themselves. This inability to be both consistent and completely enumerated over all possible extension, is Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
  • Liskov Substition Principle: generally it is an undecidable problem whether any set is the subset of another, i.e. inheritance is generally undecidable.
  • Linsky Referencing: it is undecidable what the computation of something is, when it is described or perceived, i.e. perception (reality) has no absolute point of reference.
  • Coase's theorem: there is no external reference point, thus any barrier to unbounded external possibilities will fail.
  • Second law of thermodynamics: the entire universe (a closed system, i.e. everything) trends to maximum disorder, i.e. maximum independent possibilities.

Call asynchronous method in constructor?

I'd like to share a pattern that I've been using to solve these kinds of problems. It works rather well I think. Of course, it only works if you have control over what calls the constructor. Example below

public class MyClass
    public static async Task<MyClass> Create()
        var myClass = new MyClass();
        await myClass.Initialize();
        return myClass;

    private MyClass()


    private async Task Initialize()
        await Task.Delay(1000); // Do whatever asynchronous work you need to do

Basicly what we do is we make the constructor private and make our own public static async method that is responsible for creating an instance of MyClass. By making the constructor private and keeping the static method within the same class we have made sure that noone could "accidently" create an instance of this class without calling the proper initialization methods. All the logic around the creation of the object is still contained within the class (just within a static method).

var myClass1 = new MyClass() // Cannot be done, the constructor is private
var myClass2 = MyClass.Create() // Returns a Task that promises an instance of MyClass once it's finished
var myClass3 = await MyClass.Create() // asynchronously creates and initializes an instance of MyClass

Implemented on the current scenario it would look something like:

public partial class Page2 : PhoneApplicationPage
    public static async Task<Page2> Create()
        var page = new Page2();
        await page.getWritings();
        return page;

    List<Writing> writings;

    private Page2()

    private async Task getWritings()
        string jsonData = await JsonDataManager.GetJsonAsync("1");
        JObject obj = JObject.Parse(jsonData);
        JArray array = (JArray)obj["posts"];

        for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
            Writing writing = new Writing();
            writing.content = JsonDataManager.JsonParse(array, i, "content");
   = JsonDataManager.JsonParse(array, i, "date");
            writing.image = JsonDataManager.JsonParse(array, i, "url");
            writing.summary = JsonDataManager.JsonParse(array, i, "excerpt");
            writing.title = JsonDataManager.JsonParse(array, i, "title");


        myLongList.ItemsSource = writings;

And instead of doing

var page = new Page2();

You would be doing

var page = await Page2.Create();

How to launch Safari and open URL from iOS app

The non deprecated Objective-C version would be:

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] options:@{} completionHandler:nil];

ASP.NET Web Api: The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'

I don't know if this can be related to the OP's post but I was missing the [HttpGet] annotation and that was what was causing the error, as stated by @dinesh_ravva methods are assumed to be HttpPost by default.

Android: How do bluetooth UUIDs work?

It usually represents some common service (protocol) that bluetooth device supports.

When creating your own rfcomm server (with listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord), you should specify your own UUID so that the clients connecting to it could identify it; it is one of the reasons why createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord requires an UUID parameter.

Otherwise, some common services have the same UUID, just find one you need and use it.

See here

Matplotlib subplots_adjust hspace so titles and xlabels don't overlap?

I find this quite tricky, but there is some information on it here at the MatPlotLib FAQ. It is rather cumbersome, and requires finding out about what space individual elements (ticklabels) take up...

Update: The page states that the tight_layout() function is the easiest way to go, which attempts to automatically correct spacing.

Otherwise, it shows ways to acquire the sizes of various elements (eg. labels) so you can then correct the spacings/positions of your axes elements. Here is an example from the above FAQ page, which determines the width of a very wide y-axis label, and adjusts the axis width accordingly:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
labels = ax.set_yticklabels(('really, really, really', 'long', 'labels'))

def on_draw(event):
   bboxes = []
   for label in labels:
       bbox = label.get_window_extent()
       # the figure transform goes from relative coords->pixels and we
       # want the inverse of that
       bboxi = bbox.inverse_transformed(fig.transFigure)

   # this is the bbox that bounds all the bboxes, again in relative
   # figure coords
   bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes)
   if fig.subplotpars.left < bbox.width:
       # we need to move it over
       fig.subplots_adjust(left=1.1*bbox.width) # pad a little
   return False

fig.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', on_draw)

How to sort a NSArray alphabetically?

{ [self sortArryofDictionary];
    [self.objtable reloadData];}
{ NSSortDescriptor *sorter;
    switch (sortcontrol.selectedSegmentIndex)
    {case 0:
            sorter=[[NSSortDescriptor alloc]initWithKey:@"Name" ascending:YES];
        case 1:
            sorter=[[NSSortDescriptor alloc]initWithKey:@"Age" ascending:YES];
            break; }
    NSArray *sortdiscriptor=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:sorter, nil];
    [arr sortUsingDescriptors:sortdiscriptor];

Fine control over the font size in Seaborn plots for academic papers

It is all but satisfying, isn't it? The easiest way I have found to specify when setting the context, e.g.:

sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

This should take care of 90% of standard plotting usage. If you want ticklabels smaller than axes labels, set the 'axes.labelsize' to the smaller (ticklabel) value and specify axis labels (or other custom elements) manually, e.g.:


you could define it as a function and load it in your scripts so you don't have to remember your standard numbers, or call it every time.

def set_pubfig:
    sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

Of course you can use configuration files, but I guess the whole idea is to have a simple, straightforward method, which is why the above works well.

Note: If you specify these numbers, specifying font_scale in sns.set_context is ignored for all specified font elements, even if you set it.

UIButton: set image for selected-highlighted state

I think most posters here miss the point completely. I had the same problem. The original question was about the Highlighted state of a Selected button (COMBINING BOTH STATES) which cannot be set in IB and falls back to Default state with some darkening going on. Only working solution as one post mentioned:

[button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"pressed.png"] forState:UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateHighlighted];

Android: How can I validate EditText input?

Why don't you use TextWatcher ?

Since you have a number of EditText boxes to be validated, I think the following shall suit you :

  1. Your activity implements android.text.TextWatcher interface
  2. You add TextChanged listeners to you EditText boxes
  1. Of the overridden methods, you could use the afterTextChanged(Editable s) method as follows
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
    // validation code goes here

The Editable s doesn't really help to find which EditText box's text is being changed. But you could directly check the contents of the EditText boxes like

String txt1String = txt1.getText().toString();
// Validate txt1String

in the same method. I hope I'm clear and if I am, it helps! :)

EDIT: For a cleaner approach refer to Christopher Perry's answer below.

Simple and clean way to convert JSON string to Object in Swift

For Swift 4

I used @Passkit's logic but i had to update as per Swift 4

Step.1 Created extension for String Class

import UIKit

extension String
        var parseJSONString: AnyObject?
            let data = String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false)

            if let jsonData = data
                // Will return an object or nil if JSON decoding fails
                    let message = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options:.mutableContainers)
                    if let jsonResult = message as? NSMutableArray

                        return jsonResult //Will return the json array output
                        return nil
                catch let error as NSError
                    print("An error occurred: \(error)")
                    return nil
                // Lossless conversion of the string was not possible
                return nil

Step.2 This is how I used in my view controller

var jsonString = "[\n" +
    "{\n" +
    "\"id\":72,\n" +
    "\"name\":\"Batata Cremosa\",\n" +            
    "},\n" +
    "{\n" +
    "\"id\":183,\n" +
    "\"name\":\"Caldeirada de Peixes\",\n" +            
    "},\n" +
    "{\n" +
    "\"id\":76,\n" +
    "\"name\":\"Batata com Cebola e Ervas\",\n" +            
    "},\n" +
    "{\n" +
    "\"id\":56,\n" +
    "\"name\":\"Arroz de forma\",\n" +            

 //Convert jsonString to jsonArray

let json: AnyObject? = jsonString.parseJSONString
print("Parsed JSON: \(json!)")
print("json[2]: \(json![2])")

All credit goes to original user, I just updated for latest swift version

Passing functions with arguments to another function in Python?

(months later) a tiny real example where lambda is useful, partial not:
say you want various 1-dimensional cross-sections through a 2-dimensional function, like slices through a row of hills.
quadf( x, f ) takes a 1-d f and calls it for various x.
To call it for vertical cuts at y = -1 0 1 and horizontal cuts at x = -1 0 1,

fx1 = quadf( x, lambda x: f( x, 1 ))
fx0 = quadf( x, lambda x: f( x, 0 ))
fx_1 = quadf( x, lambda x: f( x, -1 ))
fxy = parabola( y, fx_1, fx0, fx1 )

f_1y = quadf( y, lambda y: f( -1, y ))
f0y = quadf( y, lambda y: f( 0, y ))
f1y = quadf( y, lambda y: f( 1, y ))
fyx = parabola( x, f_1y, f0y, f1y )

As far as I know, partial can't do this --

quadf( y, partial( f, x=1 ))
TypeError: f() got multiple values for keyword argument 'x'

(How to add tags numpy, partial, lambda to this ?)

Logging POST data from $request_body

This solution works like a charm (updated in 2017 to honor that log_format needs to be in the http part of the nginx config):

log_format postdata $request_body;

server {
    # (...)

    location = /post.php {
       access_log  /var/log/nginx/postdata.log  postdata;
       fastcgi_pass php_cgi;

I think the trick is making nginx believe that you will call a cgi script.

Get number days in a specified month using JavaScript?

Another possible option would be to use Datejs

Then you can do

Date.getDaysInMonth(2009, 9)     

Although adding a library just for this function is overkill, it's always nice to know all the options you have available to you :)

Java Interfaces/Implementation naming convention

I tend to follow the pseudo-conventions established by Java Core/Sun, e.g. in the Collections classes:

  • List - interface for the "conceptual" object
  • ArrayList - concrete implementation of interface
  • LinkedList - concrete implementation of interface
  • AbstractList - abstract "partial" implementation to assist custom implementations

I used to do the same thing modeling my event classes after the AWT Event/Listener/Adapter paradigm.

Get value of a specific object property in C# without knowing the class behind

Reflection and dynamic value access are correct solutions to this question but are quite slow. If your want something faster then you can create dynamic method using expressions:

  object value = GetValue();
  string propertyName = "MyProperty";

  var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
  var cast = Expression.Convert(parameter, value.GetType());
  var propertyGetter = Expression.Property(cast, propertyName);
  var castResult = Expression.Convert(propertyGetter, typeof(object));//for boxing

  var propertyRetriver = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(castResult, parameter).Compile();

 var retrivedPropertyValue = propertyRetriver(value);

This way is faster if you cache created functions. For instance in dictionary where key would be the actual type of object assuming that property name is not changing or some combination of type and property name.

How to send email using simple SMTP commands via Gmail?

Based on the existing answers, here's a step-by-step guide to sending automated e-mails over SMTP, using a GMail account, from the command line, without disclosing the password.


First, install the following software packages:

These instructions assume a Linux operating system, but should be reasonably easy to port to Windows (via Cygwin or native equivalents), or other operating system.


Save the following shell script as


# Asks for a username and password, then spits out the encoded value for
# use with authentication against SMTP servers.

echo -n "Email (shown): "
read email
echo -n "Password (hidden): "
read -s password


echo -ne $TEXT | base64

Make it executable and run it as follows:

chmod +x

When prompted, provide your e-mail address and password. This will look something like:

Email (shown): [email protected]
Password (hidden): 

Copy the last line (AGJ...==), as this will be used for authentication.


Save the following expect script as (note the first line refers to the expect program):


set address "[lindex $argv 0]"
set subject "[lindex $argv 1]"
set ts_date "[lindex $argv 2]"
set ts_time "[lindex $argv 3]"

set timeout 10
spawn openssl s_client -connect -crlf -ign_eof 

expect "220" {
  send "EHLO localhost\n"

  expect "250" {

    expect "235" {

      expect "250" {
        send "RCPT TO: <$address>\n"

        expect "250" {
          send "DATA\n"

          expect "354" {
            send "Subject: $subject\n\n"
            send "Email sent on $ts_date at $ts_time.\n"
            send "\n.\n"

            expect "250" {
                send "quit\n"

Make the following changes:

  1. Paste over YOUR_AUTHENTICATION_CODE with the authentication code generated by the authentication script.
  2. Change YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS with the e-mail address used to generate the authentication code.
  3. Save the file.

For example (note the angle brackets are retained for the e-mail address):

send "AUTH PLAIN AGJvYkBnbWFpbC5jb20AYm9iaXN0aGViZXN0cGVyc29uZXZlcg==\n"
send "MAIL FROM: <[email protected]>\n"

Lastly, make the notify script executable as follows:

chmod +x

Send E-mail

Send an e-mail from the command line as follows:

./ [email protected] "Command Line" "March 14" "15:52"

How can I make content appear beneath a fixed DIV element?

I just had this problem, and this was my solution:

#floatingMenu + * {
    margin-top: 35px;

Adjust for the height of your floatingMenu. If you don't know for sure that it's a div following then you can use * rather than div. This is all valid CSS2.

How to add a new schema to sql server 2008?

Use the CREATE SCHEMA syntax or, in SSMS, drill down through Databases -> YourDatabaseName -> Security -> Schemas. Right-click on the Schemas folder and select "New Schema..."

How to open select file dialog via js?

Using jQuery

I would create a button and an invisible input like so:

<button id="button">Open</button>
<input id="file-input" type="file" name="name" style="display: none;" />

and add some jQuery to trigger it:

$('#button').on('click', function() {

Using Vanilla JS

Same idea, without jQuery (credits to @Pascale):

<button onclick="document.getElementById('file-input').click();">Open</button>
<input id="file-input" type="file" name="name" style="display: none;" />

How to solve error: "Clock skew detected"?

Simply go to the directory where the troubling file is, type touch * without quotes in the console, and you should be good.

Swift convert unix time to date and time

You can get a date with that value by using the NSDate(withTimeIntervalSince1970:) initializer:

let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 1415637900)

php $_GET and undefined index

You should check wheter the index exists before use it (compare it)

if (isset($_GET['s']) AND $_GET['s'] == 'foobar') {
    echo "foo";

Use E_ALL | E_STRICT while developing!

array of string with unknown size

If you want to use array without knowing the size first you have to declare it and later you can instantiate it like

string[] myArray;
myArray=new string[someItems.count];

Curl setting Content-Type incorrectly

I think you want to specify

-H "Content-Type:text/xml"

with a colon, not an equals.

Get current URL path in PHP

it should be :


Take a look at : Get the full URL in PHP

Fastest way to remove first char in a String

The second option really isn't the same as the others - if the string is "///foo" it will become "foo" instead of "//foo".

The first option needs a bit more work to understand than the third - I would view the Substring option as the most common and readable.

(Obviously each of them as an individual statement won't do anything useful - you'll need to assign the result to a variable, possibly data itself.)

I wouldn't take performance into consideration here unless it was actually becoming a problem for you - in which case the only way you'd know would be to have test cases, and then it's easy to just run those test cases for each option and compare the results. I'd expect Substring to probably be the fastest here, simply because Substring always ends up creating a string from a single chunk of the original input, whereas Remove has to at least potentially glue together a start chunk and an end chunk.

How do I open multiple instances of Visual Studio Code?


code -n

when launching the program. This "Opens a new session of Visual Studio Code instead of restoring the previous session." (from here).

The way I used this was by modifying my "Code" shortcut to include the -n parameter:

Visual Studio Code Shortcut

If it does not work, restart VSCode

Make javascript alert Yes/No Instead of Ok/Cancel

You can use jQuery UI Dialog.

These libraries create HTML elements that look and behave like a dialog box, allowing you to put anything you want (including form elements or video) in the dialog.

CSS Custom Dropdown Select that works across all browsers IE7+ FF Webkit

The pointer-events could be useful for this problem as you would be able to put a div over the arrow button, but still be able to click the arrow button.

The pointer-events css makes it possible to click through a div.

This approach will not work for IE versions older than IE11, however. You could something working in IE8 and IE9 if the element you put on top of the arrow button is an SVG element, but it will be more complicated to style the button the way you want proceeding like this.

Here a Js fiddle example:

Java Multiple Inheritance

Ehm, your class can be the subclass for only 1 other, but still, you can have as many interfaces implemented, as you wish.

A Pegasus is in fact a horse (it is a special case of a horse), which is able to fly (which is the "skill" of this special horse). From the other hand, you can say, the Pegasus is a bird, which can walk, and is 4legged - it all depends, how it is easier for you to write the code.

Like in your case you can say:

abstract class Animal {
   private Integer hp = 0; 
   public void eat() { 
interface AirCompatible { 
   public void fly(); 
class Bird extends Animal implements AirCompatible { 
   public void fly() {  
       //Do something useful
class Horse extends Animal {
   public void eat() { 

class Pegasus extends Horse implements AirCompatible {
   //now every time when your Pegasus eats, will receive +2 hp  
   public void fly() {  
       //Do something useful

Retrieving Property name from lambda expression

I have done the INotifyPropertyChanged implementation similar to the method below. Here the properties are stored in a dictionary in the base class shown below. It is of course not always desirable to use inheritance, but for view models I think it is acceptable and gives very clean property references in the view model classes.

public class PhotoDetailsViewModel
    : PropertyChangedNotifierBase<PhotoDetailsViewModel>
    public bool IsLoading
        get { return GetValue(x => x.IsLoading); }
        set { SetPropertyValue(x => x.IsLoading, value); }

    public string PendingOperation
        get { return GetValue(x => x.PendingOperation); }
        set { SetPropertyValue(x => x.PendingOperation, value); }

    public PhotoViewModel Photo
        get { return GetValue(x => x.Photo); }
        set { SetPropertyValue(x => x.Photo, value); }

The somewhat more complex base class is shown below. It handles the translation from lambda expression to property name. Note that the properties are really pseudo properties since only the names are used. But it will appear transparent to the view model and references to the properties on the view model.

public class PropertyChangedNotifierBase<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged
    readonly Dictionary<string, object> _properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    protected U GetValue<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> property)
        var propertyName = GetPropertyName(property);

        return GetValue<U>(propertyName);

    private U GetValue<U>(string propertyName)
        object value;

        if (!_properties.TryGetValue(propertyName, out value))
            return default(U);

        return (U)value;

    protected void SetPropertyValue<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> property, U value)
        var propertyName = GetPropertyName(property);

        var oldValue = GetValue<U>(propertyName);

        if (Object.ReferenceEquals(oldValue, value))
        _properties[propertyName] = value;


    protected void RaisePropertyChangedEvent<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> property)
        var name = GetPropertyName(property);

    protected void RaisePropertyChangedEvent(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private static string GetPropertyName<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> property)
        if (property == null)
            throw new NullReferenceException("property");

        var lambda = property as LambdaExpression;

        var memberAssignment = (MemberExpression) lambda.Body;
        return memberAssignment.Member.Name;

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

Compare dates in MySQL

That is SQL Server syntax for converting a date to a string. In MySQL you can use the DATE function to extract the date from a datetime:

FROM players
WHERE DATE(us_reg_date) BETWEEN '2000-07-05' AND '2011-11-10'

But if you want to take advantage of an index on the column us_reg_date you might want to try this instead:

FROM players
WHERE us_reg_date >= '2000-07-05'
  AND us_reg_date < '2011-11-10' + interval 1 day

How do I fix maven error The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly?

I was able to solve this problem with these steps:

  1. Uninstall JDK java
  2. Reinstall java, download JDK installer
  3. Add/Update the JAVA_HOME variable to JDK install folder

How can I force Python's file.write() to use the same newline format in Windows as in Linux ("\r\n" vs. "\n")?

You need to open the file in binary mode i.e. wb instead of w. If you don't, the end of line characters are auto-converted to OS specific ones.

Here is an excerpt from Python reference about open().

The default is to use text mode, which may convert '\n' characters to a platform-specific representation on writing and back on reading.

Newline character in StringBuilder

I would make use of the Environment.NewLine property.

Something like:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("Foo{0}Bar", Environment.NewLine);
string s = sb.ToString();


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string s = sb.ToString();

If you wish to have a new line after each append, you can have a look at Ben Voigt's answer.

ASP.NET IIS Web.config [Internal Server Error]

I had the same problem. Don't remember where I found it on the web, but here is what I did:

Click "Start button"

in the search box, enter "Turn windows features on or off"

in the features window, Click: "Internet Information Services"

Click: "World Wide Web Services"

Click: "Application Development Features"

Check (enable) the features. I checked all but CGI.

IIS - this configuration section cannot be used at this path (configuration locking?)

Counting how many times a certain char appears in a string before any other char appears

//This code worked for me

class CountOfLettersOfString
    static void Main()

        Console.WriteLine("Enter string to check count of letters");
        string name = Console.ReadLine();

        char[] testedalphabets = new char[26];
        int[] letterCount = new int[26];
        int countTestesd = 0;
        Console.WriteLine($"Given String is:{name}");

        for (int i = 0; i < name.Length - 1; i++)
            int countChar = 1;

            bool isCharTested = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < testedalphabets.Length - 1; j++)
                if (name[i] == testedalphabets[j])
                    isCharTested = true;

            if (!isCharTested)
                testedalphabets[countTestesd] = name[i];

                for (int k = i + 1; k < name.Length - 1; k++)
                    if (name[i] == name[k])
                letterCount[countTestesd] = countChar;


        for (int i = 0; i < testedalphabets.Length - 1; i++)
            if (!char.IsLetter(testedalphabets[i]))

        var g = from c in name.ToLower().ToCharArray() // make sure that L and l are the same eg
                group c by c into m
                select new { Key = m.Key, Count = m.Count() };

        foreach (var item in g)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Character:{0} Appears {1} times", item.Key.ToString(), item.Count));


Use Async/Await with Axios in React.js

Async/Await with axios 

  useEffect(() => {     
    const getData = async () => {  
      await axios.get('your_url')  
      .then(res => {  
      .catch(err => {  
  }, [])

Sending simple message body + file attachment using Linux Mailx

Johnsyweb's answer didn't work for me, but it works for me with Mutt:

echo "Message body" | mutt -s "Message subject" -a myfile.txt [email protected]

how to loop through rows columns in excel VBA Macro

Here is my sugestion:

Dim i As integer, j as integer

With Worksheets("TimeOut")
    i = 26
    Do Until .Cells(8, i).Value = ""
        For j = 9 to 100 ' I do not know how many rows you will need it.'
            .Cells(j, i).Formula = "YourVolFormulaHere"
            .Cells(j, i + 1).Formula = "YourCapFormulaHere"
        Next j

        i = i + 2
 End With

LINQ where clause with lambda expression having OR clauses and null values returning incomplete results

You are checking Parent properties for null in your delegate. The same should work with lambda expressions too.

List<AnalysisObject> analysisObjects = analysisObjectRepository
        .Where(x => 
            (x.ID == packageId) || 
            (x.Parent != null &&
                (x.Parent.ID == packageId || 
                (x.Parent.Parent != null && x.Parent.Parent.ID == packageId)))

How to remove single character from a String

One possibility:

String result = str.substring(0, index) + str.substring(index+1);

Note that the result is a new String (as well as two intermediate String objects), because Strings in Java are immutable.

how do you view macro code in access?

Open the Access Database, you will see Table, Query, Report, Module & Macro.
This contains the macros which can be used to invoke common MS-Access actions in a sequence.

For custom VBA macro, press ALT+F11.

How to use if statements in LESS

I stumbled over the same question and I've found a solution.

First make sure you upgrade to LESS 1.6 at least. You can use npm for that case.

Now you can use the following mixin:

.if (@condition, @property, @value) when (@condition = true){
     @{property}: @value;

Since LESS 1.6 you are able to pass PropertyNames to Mixins as well. So for example you could just use:

.myHeadline {
   .if(@include-lineHeight,  line-height, '35px');

If @include-lineheight resolves to true LESS will print the line-height: 35px and it will skip the mixin if @include-lineheight is not true.

Change status bar text color to light in iOS 9 with Objective-C

Using a UINavigationController and setting its navigation bar's barStyle to .Black. past this line in your AppDelegate.m file.

navigationController.navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlack;

If you are not using UINavigationController then add following code in your ViewController.m file.

- (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle
    return UIStatusBarStyleLightContent;

And call the method to this line :

[self setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate];

Disable resizing of a Windows Forms form

Take a look at the FormBorderStyle property

form1.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;

You may also want to remove the minimize and maximize buttons:

form1.MaximizeBox = false;
form1.MinimizeBox = false;

How to switch a user per task or set of tasks?

A solution is to use the include statement with remote_user var (describe there : but it has to be done at playbook instead of task level.

iOS 9 not opening Instagram app with URL SCHEME

This is a new security feature of iOS 9. Watch WWDC 2015 Session 703 for more information.

Any app built with SDK 9 needs to provide a LSApplicationQueriesSchemes entry in its plist file, declaring which schemes it attempts to query.


UITableView with fixed section headers

The headers only remain fixed when the UITableViewStyle property of the table is set to UITableViewStylePlain. If you have it set to UITableViewStyleGrouped, the headers will scroll up with the cells.

Is Task.Result the same as .GetAwaiter.GetResult()?

If a task faults, the exception is re-thrown when the continuation code calls awaiter.GetResult(). Rather than calling GetResult, we could simply access the Result property of the task. The benefit of calling GetResult is that if the task faults, the exception is thrown directly without being wrapped in AggregateException, allowing for simpler and cleaner catch blocks.

For nongeneric tasks, GetResult() has a void return value. Its useful function is then solely to rethrow exceptions.

source : c# 7.0 in a Nutshell

How to add new DataRow into DataTable?

You have to add the row explicitly to the table


JFrame background image

The best way to load an image is through the ImageIO API

BufferedImage img = File("/path/to/some/image"));

There are a number of ways you can render an image to the screen.

You could use a JLabel. This is the simplest method if you don't want to modify the image in anyway...

JLabel background = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img));

Then simply add it to your window as you see fit. If you need to add components to it, then you can simply set the label's layout manager to whatever you need and add your components.

If, however, you need something more sophisticated, need to change the image somehow or want to apply additional effects, you may need to use custom painting.

First cavert: Don't ever paint directly to a top level container (like JFrame). Top level containers aren't double buffered, so you may end up with some flashing between repaints, other objects live on the window, so changing it's paint process is troublesome and can cause other issues and frames have borders which are rendered inside the viewable area of the window...

Instead, create a custom component, extending from something like JPanel. Override it's paintComponent method and render your output to it, for example...

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, this);

Take a look at Performing Custom Painting and 2D Graphics for more details

How to pass a value from one jsp to another jsp page?

Using Query parameter

<a href="edit.jsp?userId=${}" />  

Using Hidden variable .

<form method="post" action="update.jsp">  
   <input type="hidden" name="userId" value="${}">  

you can send Using Session object.

   session.setAttribute("userId", userid);

These values will now be available from any jsp as long as your session is still active.

   int userid = session.getAttribute("userId"); 

AngularJS : How do I switch views from a controller function?

The method used for all previous answers to this question suggest changing the url which is not necessary, and I think readers should be aware of an alternative solution. I use ui-router and $stateProvider to associate a state value with a templateUrl which points to the html file for your view. Then it is just a matter of injecting the $state into your controller and calling $state.go('state-value') to update your view.

What is the difference between angular-route and angular-ui-router?

What does 'Unsupported major.minor version 52.0' mean, and how do I fix it?

Actually you have a code compiled targeting a higher JDK (JDK 1.8 in your case) but at runtime you are supplying a lower JRE(JRE 7 or below).

you can fix this problem by adding target parameter while compilation
e.g. if your runtime target is 1.7, you should use 1.7 or below

javac -target 1.7 *.java

if you are using eclipse, you can sent this parameter at Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> set "Compiler compliance level" = choose your runtime jre version or lower.

How to select ALL children (in any level) from a parent in jQuery?

It seems that the original test case is wrong.

I can confirm that the selector #my_parent_element * works with unbind().

Let's take the following html as an example:

<div id="#my_parent_element">
  <div class="div1">
    <div class="div2">hello</div>
    <div class="div3">my</div>
  <div class="div4">name</div>
  <div class="div5">
    <div class="div6">is</div>
    <div class="div7">
      <div class="div8">marco</div>
      <div class="div9">(try and click on any word)!</div>
<button class="unbind">Now, click me and try again</button>

And the jquery bit:

$('.div1,.div2,.div3,.div4,.div5,.div6,.div7,.div8,.div9').click(function() {
$('button.unbind').click(function() {
  $('#my_parent_element *').unbind('click');

You can try it here:

phpMyAdmin - The MySQL Extension is Missing

You need to put the full path in the php ini when loading the mysql dll, i.e :-


Then you don't need to move them to the windows folder.

MySQL the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 error

the problem is because you have got the query over multiple lines using the " " that PHP is actually sending all the white spaces in to MySQL which is causing it to error out.

Either put it on one line or append on each line :o)

Sqlyog must be trimming white spaces on each line which explains why its working.


$qr2="INSERT INTO wp_bp_activity
 (this stuff)component,
     (is)      `type`,
    (a)        `action`,
  (problem)  content,

Add Legend to Seaborn point plot

I would suggest not to use seaborn pointplot for plotting. This makes things unnecessarily complicated.
Instead use matplotlib plot_date. This allows to set labels to the plots and have them automatically put into a legend with ax.legend().

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

date = pd.date_range("2017-03", freq="M", periods=15)
count = np.random.rand(15,4)
df1 = pd.DataFrame({"date":date, "count" : count[:,0]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"date":date, "count" : count[:,1]+0.7})
df3 = pd.DataFrame({"date":date, "count" : count[:,2]+2})

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
y_col = 'count'

ax.plot_date(, df1["count"], color="blue", label="A", linestyle="-")
ax.plot_date(, df2["count"], color="red", label="B", linestyle="-")
ax.plot_date(, df3["count"], color="green", label="C", linestyle="-")



enter image description here

In case one is still interested in obtaining the legend for pointplots, here a way to go:


ax.legend(handles=ax.lines[::len(df1)+1], labels=["A","B","C"])

ax.set_xticklabels([t.get_text().split("T")[0] for t in ax.get_xticklabels()])

How to install Android app on LG smart TV?

LG, VIZIO, SAMSUNG and PANASONIC TVs are not android based, and you cannot run APKs off of them... You should just buy a fire stick and call it a day. The only TVs that are android-based, and you can install APKs are: SONY, PHILIPS and SHARP.

Calling pylab.savefig without display in ipython

This is a matplotlib question, and you can get around this by using a backend that doesn't display to the user, e.g. 'Agg':

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


EDIT: If you don't want to lose the ability to display plots, turn off Interactive Mode, and only call when you are ready to display the plots:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Turn interactive plotting off

# Create a new figure, plot into it, then close it so it never gets displayed
fig = plt.figure()

# Create a new figure, plot into it, then don't close it so it does get displayed

# Display all "open" (non-closed) figures

How to add a "confirm delete" option in ASP.Net Gridview?

This is my method and it works perfectly.


 <asp:CommandField ButtonType="Link" ShowEditButton="true" ShowDeleteButton="true" ItemStyle-Width="5%" HeaderStyle-Width="5%" HeaderStyle-CssClass="color" HeaderText="Edit"
                                EditText="<span style='font-size: 20px; color: #27ae60;'><span class='glyphicons glyph-edit'></span></span>"
                                DeleteText="<span style='font-size: 20px; color: #c0392b;'><span class='glyphicons glyph-bin'></span></span>"
                                CancelText="<span style='font-size: 20px; color: #c0392b;'><span class='glyphicons glyph-remove-2'></span></span>" 
                                UpdateText="<span style='font-size: 20px; color: #2980b9;'><span class='glyphicons glyph-floppy-saved'></span></span>" />

C# (replace 5 with the column number of the button)

        if ((e.Row.RowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) > 0)

        else {
            ((LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[5].Controls[2]).OnClientClick = "return confirm('Do you really want to delete?');";


How can labels/legends be added for all chart types in chart.js (

I know this question is old. But this might be useful for someone who is having the problem with legend. In addition to the answer given by ZaneDarken, I modified the chart.js file to show the legend in my pie chart. I changed the legendTemplate(which is declared many times for every chart type) just above these lines :

      //Passing in a name registers this chart in the Chart namespace_x000D_
      name: "Doughnut",_x000D_
      //Providing a defaults will also register the deafults in the chart namespace_x000D_
      defaults: defaultConfig,_x000D_

My legendTemplate is changed from

legendTemplate : "_x000D_
<ul class=\ "<%=name.toLowerCase()%>-legend\">_x000D_
  <% for (var i=0; i<datasets.length; i++){%>_x000D_
    <li><span style=\ "background-color:<%=datasets[i].strokeColor%>\"></span>_x000D_


legendTemplate: "_x000D_
<ul class=\ "<%=name.toLowerCase()%>-legend\">_x000D_
  <% for (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%>_x000D_
    <li><span style=\ "-moz-border-radius:7px 7px 7px 7px; border-radius:7px 7px 7px 7px; margin-right:10px;width:15px;height:15px;display:inline-block;background-color:<%=segments[i].fillColor%>\"> </span>_x000D_
        <%=s egments[i].label%>_x000D_

Initialize value of 'var' in C# to null

The var keyword in C#'s main benefit is to enhance readability, not functionality. Technically, the var keywords allows for some other unlocks (e.g. use of anonymous objects), but that seems to be outside the scope of this question. Every variable declared with the var keyword has a type. For instance, you'll find that the following code outputs "String".

var myString = "";

Furthermore, the code above is equivalent to:

String myString = "";

The var keyword is simply C#'s way of saying "I can figure out the type for myString from the context, so don't worry about specifying the type."

var myVariable = (MyType)null or MyType myVariable = null should work because you are giving the C# compiler context to figure out what type myVariable should will be.

For more information:

How do you make Vim unhighlight what you searched for?

I have this in my .vimrc:

nnoremap ; :set invhlsearch<CR>

This way, ; will toggle search highlighting. Normally, the ; key repeats the latest t/T/f/F command, but I never really used that functionality. I find this setting much more useful, because I can change search highlighting on and off very quickly and can easily get a sense of where my search results are, at a glance.

How do I right align div elements?

Do you mean like this?

You can add the attributes of float:right and clear:both; to the form and button

How do I log a Python error with debug information?

This answer builds up from the above excellent ones.

In most applications, you won't be calling logging.exception(e) directly. Most likely you have defined a custom logger specific for your application or module like this:

# Set the name of the app or module
my_logger = logging.getLogger('NEM Sequencer')
# Set the log level

# Let's say we want to be fancy and log to a graylog2 log server
graylog_handler = graypy.GELFHandler('some_server_ip', 12201)

In this case, just use the logger to call the exception(e) like this:

except ZeroDivisionError, e:

Update TextView Every Second

If you want to show time on textview then better use Chronometer or TextClock

Using Chronometer:This was added in API 1. It has lot of option to customize it.

Your xml

    android:textSize="30sp" />

Your activity

Chronometer mChronometer=(Chronometer) findViewById(;

Using TextClock: This widget is introduced in API level 17. I personally like Chronometer.

Your xml

    android:format12Hour="hh:mm:ss a"
    android:textStyle="bold" />

Thats it, you are done.

You can use any of these two widgets. This will make your life easy.

Rebuild all indexes in a Database

DECLARE @Database NVARCHAR(255)   

SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases   
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','msdb','tempdb','model','distribution')  -- databases to exclude
--WHERE name IN ('DB1', 'DB2') -- use this to select specific databases and comment out line above
AND state = 0 -- database is online
AND is_in_standby = 0 -- database is not read only for log shipping

OPEN DatabaseCursor  

FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database  

   SET @cmd = 'DECLARE TableCursor CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT ''['' + table_catalog + ''].['' + table_schema + ''].['' +  
   table_name + '']'' as tableName FROM [' + @Database + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_type = ''BASE TABLE'''   

   -- create table cursor  
   EXEC (@cmd)  
   OPEN TableCursor   

   FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table   
      BEGIN TRY   
         SET @cmd = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON ' + @Table + ' REBUILD' 
         --PRINT @cmd -- uncomment if you want to see commands
         EXEC (@cmd) 
      END TRY
         PRINT '---'
         PRINT @cmd
         PRINT '---'

      FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @Table   

   CLOSE TableCursor   
   DEALLOCATE TableCursor  

   FETCH NEXT FROM DatabaseCursor INTO @Database  
CLOSE DatabaseCursor   
DEALLOCATE DatabaseCursor

SQL Server Service not available in service list after installation of SQL Server Management Studio

You need to start the SQL Server manually. Press

windows + R



right click ->Start

Service configuration does not display SQL Server?

Should each and every table have a primary key?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer:

  • You need your table to be joinable on something
  • If you want your table to be clustered, you need some kind of a primary key.
  • If your table design does not need a primary key, rethink your design: most probably, you are missing something. Why keep identical records?

In MySQL, the InnoDB storage engine always creates a primary key if you didn't specify it explicitly, thus making an extra column you don't have access to.

Note that a primary key can be composite.

If you have a many-to-many link table, you create the primary key on all fields involved in the link. Thus you ensure that you don't have two or more records describing one link.

Besides the logical consistency issues, most RDBMS engines will benefit from including these fields in a unique index.

And since any primary key involves creating a unique index, you should declare it and get both logical consistency and performance.

See this article in my blog for why you should always create a unique index on unique data:

P.S. There are some very, very special cases where you don't need a primary key.

Mostly they include log tables which don't have any indexes for performance reasons.

How to calculate the angle between a line and the horizontal axis?

Considering the exact question, putting us in a "special" coordinates system where positive axis means moving DOWN (like a screen or an interface view), you need to adapt this function like this, and negative the Y coordinates:

Example in Swift 2.0

func angle_between_two_points(pa:CGPoint,pb:CGPoint)->Double{
    let deltaY:Double = (Double(-pb.y) - Double(-pa.y))
    let deltaX:Double = (Double(pb.x) - Double(pa.x))
    var a = atan2(deltaY,deltaX)
    while a < 0.0 {
        a = a + M_PI*2
    return a

This function gives a correct answer to the question. Answer is in radians, so the usage, to view angles in degrees, is:

let p1 = CGPoint(x: 1.5, y: 2) //estimated coords of p1 in question
let p2 = CGPoint(x: 2, y : 3) //estimated coords of p2 in question

print(angle_between_two_points(p1, pb: p2) / (M_PI/180))
//returns 296.56

vuejs update parent data from child component

Another way is to pass a reference of your setter from the parent as a prop to the child component, similar to how they do it in React. Say, you have a method updateValue on the parent to update the value, you could instantiate the child component like so: <child :updateValue="updateValue"></child>. Then on the child you will have a corresponding prop: props: {updateValue: Function}, and in the template call the method when the input changes: <input @input="updateValue($">.

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Following the instructions here I had to install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable before I had the Excel driver installed to use the DSN-less connection I wanted to use from perl.

How do you comment an MS-access Query?

The first answer mentioned how to get the description property programatically. If you're going to bother with program anyway, since the comments in the query are so kludgy, instead of trying to put the comments in the query, maybe it's better to put them in a program and use the program to make all your queries

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim qry As DAO.QueryDef

Set dbs = CurrentDb
'put your comments wherever in your program makes the most sense
dbs.QueryDefs("qryName").SQL = "SELECT whatever.fields FROM whatever_table;"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryname"

enum - getting value of enum on string conversion

You are printing the enum object. Use the .value attribute if you wanted just to print that:


See the Programmatic access to enumeration members and their attributes section:

If you have an enum member and need its name or value:

>>> member =
>>> member.value

You could add a __str__ method to your enum, if all you wanted was to provide a custom string representation:

class D(Enum):
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    x = 1
    y = 2


>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class D(Enum):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return str(self.value)
...     x = 1
...     y = 2
>>> D.x
<D.x: 1>
>>> print(D.x)

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

This solution worked for me. I purged apache2 and reinstall. It happened after purge and install. If it is the first install, you would not face this problem.