Programs & Examples On #Andengine

AndEngine is a free 2D OpenGL game engine for the Android platform and includes the Box2D physics engine.

Why I am Getting Error 'Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!'

I had the same problem. To solve the error: Close it on the emulator and then run it using Android Studio.

The error happens when you try to re-run the app when the app is already running on the emulator.

Basically the error says - "I don't have the existing channel anymore and disposing the already established connection" as you have run the app from Android Studio again.

How to append something to an array?

There are a couple of ways to append an array in JavaScript:

1) The push() method adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array.

var a = [1, 2, 3];
a.push(4, 5);


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

2) The unshift() method adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array:

var a = [1, 2, 3];
a.unshift(4, 5);


[4, 5, 1, 2, 3]

3) The concat() method is used to merge two or more arrays. This method does not change the existing arrays, but instead returns a new array.

var arr1 = ["a", "b", "c"];
var arr2 = ["d", "e", "f"];
var arr3 = arr1.concat(arr2);


[ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" ]

4) You can use the array's .length property to add an element to the end of the array:

var ar = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
ar[ar.length] = 'four';
console.log( ar ); 


 ["one", "two", "three", "four"]

5) The splice() method changes the content of an array by removing existing elements and/or adding new elements:

var myFish = ["angel", "clown", "mandarin", "surgeon"];
myFish.splice(4, 0, "nemo");
//array.splice(start, deleteCount, item1, item2, ...)


["angel", "clown", "mandarin", "surgeon","nemo"]

6) You can also add a new element to an array simply by specifying a new index and assigning a value:

var ar = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
ar[3] = 'four'; // add new element to ar


["one", "two","three","four"]

Set a thin border using .css() in javascript

Maybe just "border-width" instead of "border-weight"? There is no "border-weight" and this property is just ignored and default width is used instead.

Testing pointers for validity (C/C++)

Firstly, I don't see any point in trying to protect yourself from the caller deliberately trying to cause a crash. They could easily do this by trying to access through an invalid pointer themselves. There are many other ways - they could just overwrite your memory or the stack. If you need to protect against this sort of thing then you need to be running in a separate process using sockets or some other IPC for communication.

We write quite a lot of software that allows partners/customers/users to extend functionality. Inevitably any bug gets reported to us first so it is useful to be able to easily show that the problem is in the plug-in code. Additionally there are security concerns and some users are more trusted than others.

We use a number of different methods depending on performance/throughput requirements and trustworthyness. From most preferred:

  • separate processes using sockets (often passing data as text).

  • separate processes using shared memory (if large amounts of data to pass).

  • same process separate threads via message queue (if frequent short messages).

  • same process separate threads all passed data allocated from a memory pool.

  • same process via direct procedure call - all passed data allocated from a memory pool.

We try never to resort to what you are trying to do when dealing with third party software - especially when we are given the plug-ins/library as binary rather than source code.

Use of a memory pool is quite easy in most circumstances and needn't be inefficient. If YOU allocate the data in the first place then it is trivial to check the pointers against the values you allocated. You could also store the length allocated and add "magic" values before and after the data to check for valid data type and data overruns.

Console app arguments, how arguments are passed to Main method

Command line arguments is one way to pass the arguments in. This msdn sample is worth checking out. The MSDN Page for command line arguments is also worth reading.

From within visual studio you can set the command line arguments by Choosing the properties of your console application then selecting the Debug tab

Set default option in mat-select

Try this:

<mat-select [(ngModel)]="defaultValue">
export class AppComponent {
  defaultValue = 'domain';

Get the last element of a std::string

You probably want to check the length of the string first and do something like this:

if (!myStr.empty())
    char lastChar = *myStr.rbegin();

Python RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long scalars

Here's an example which issues the same warning:

import numpy as np
A = np.array([10])


RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long_scalars

In the example above it happens because a is of dtype int32, and the maximim value storable in an int32 is 2**31-1. Since 10**10 > 2**32-1, the exponentiation results in a number that is bigger than that which can be stored in an int32.

Note that you can not rely on np.seterr(all='warn') to catch all overflow errors in numpy. For example, on 32-bit NumPy

>>> np.multiply.reduce(np.arange(21)+1)

while on 64-bit NumPy:

>>> np.multiply.reduce(np.arange(21)+1)

Both fail without any warning, although it is also due to an overflow error. The correct answer is that 21! equals

In [47]: import math

In [48]: math.factorial(21)
Out[50]: 51090942171709440000L

According to numpy developer, Robert Kern,

Unlike true floating point errors (where the hardware FPU sets a flag whenever it does an atomic operation that overflows), we need to implement the integer overflow detection ourselves. We do it on the scalars, but not arrays because it would be too slow to implement for every atomic operation on arrays.

So the burden is on you to choose appropriate dtypes so that no operation overflows.

How do I detect what .NET Framework versions and service packs are installed?

There is a GUI tool available, ASoft .NET Version Detector, which has always proven highly reliable. It can create XML files by specifying the file name of the XML output on the command line.

You could use this for automation. It is a tiny program, written in a non-.NET dependent language and does not require installation.

How can I check for NaN values?


Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise.

>>> import math
>>> x = float('nan')
>>> math.isnan(x)

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?

One very useful feature is the ability to partially build a Maven reactor project so that only the parts you need are included.

To make this a little clearer, consider the case of a collection of WAR files with a lot of common resources (e.g. JavaScript, Spring config files etc) being shared between them using the overlay technique. If you are working on some web page (running in Jetty) and want to change some of the overlay code that is held in a separate module then you'd normally expect to have to stop Jetty, run the Maven build, start Jetty again and continue. This is the case with Eclipse and just about every other IDE I've worked with. Not so in IntelliJ. Using the project settings you can define which facet of which module you would like to be included in a background build. Consequently you end up with a process that appears seamless. You make a change to pretty much any code in the project and instantly it is available after you refresh the browser.

Very neat, and very fast.

I couldn't imagine coding a front end in something like YUI backing onto DWR/SpringMVC without it.

How do I call a SQL Server stored procedure from PowerShell?

Here is a function I use to execute sql commands. You just have to change $sqlCommand.CommandText to the name of your sproc and $SqlCommand.CommandType to CommandType.StoredProcedure.

function execute-Sql{
    param($server, $db, $sql )
    $sqlConnection = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $sqlConnection.ConnectionString = 'server=' + $server + ';integrated security=TRUE;database=' + $db 
    $sqlCommand = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 120
    $sqlCommand.Connection = $sqlConnection
    $sqlCommand.CommandText= $sql
    $text = $sql.Substring(0, 50)
    Write-Progress -Activity "Executing SQL" -Status "Executing SQL => $text..."
    Write-Host "Executing SQL => $text..."
    $result = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling

Thank you for your answer Shereef.

I solved it a little bit differently.

I changed the code of the ViewPager class of the android support library. The method setCurrentItem(int)

changes the page with animation. This method calls an internal method that requires the index and a flag enabling smooth scrolling. This flag is boolean smoothScroll. Extending this method with a second parameter boolean smoothScroll solved it for me. Calling this method setCurrentItem(int index, boolean smoothScroll) allowed me to make it scroll indefinitely.

Here is a full example:

Please consider that only the center page is shown. Moreover did I store the pages seperately, allowing me to handle them with more ease.

private class Page {
  View page;
  List<..> data;
// page for predecessor, current, and successor
Page[] pages = new Page[3];

mDayPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() {

        public void onPageSelected(int position) {

        public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {}

        public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {

            if (state == ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {

                if (mFocusedPage == 0) {
                    // move some stuff from the 
                                            // center to the right here
                    moveStuff(pages[1], pages[2]);

                    // move stuff from the left to the center 
                    moveStuff(pages[0], pages[1]);
                    // retrieve new stuff and insert it to the left page
                else if (mFocusedPage == 2) {

                    // move stuff from the center to the left page
                    moveStuff(pages[1], pages[0]); 
                    // move stuff from the right to the center page
                    moveStuff(pages[2], pages[1]); 
                    // retrieve stuff and insert it to the right page

                // go back to the center allowing to scroll indefinitely
                mDayPager.setCurrentItem(1, false);

However, without Jon Willis Code I wouldn't have solved it myself.

EDIT: here is a blogpost about this:

iFrame Height Auto (CSS)

@SweetSpice, use position as absolute in place of relative. It will work

overflow: hidden;
width: 860px;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;

Big-O summary for Java Collections Framework implementations?

The guy above gave comparison for HashMap / HashSet vs. TreeMap / TreeSet.

I will talk about ArrayList vs. LinkedList:


  • O(1) get()
  • amortized O(1) add()
  • if you insert or delete an element in the middle using ListIterator.add() or Iterator.remove(), it will be O(n) to shift all the following elements


  • O(n) get()
  • O(1) add()
  • if you insert or delete an element in the middle using ListIterator.add() or Iterator.remove(), it will be O(1)

Javascript - get array of dates between 2 dates

Here's a one liner that doesn't require any libraries in-case you don't want to create another function. Just replace startDate (in two places) and endDate (which are js date objects) with your variables or date values. Of course you could wrap it in a function if you prefer

Array(Math.floor((endDate - startDate) / 86400000) + 1).fill().map((_, idx) => (new Date(startDate.getTime() + idx * 86400000)))

How do I remove a submodule?

You must remove the entry in .gitmodules and .git/config, and remove the directory of the module from the history:

git rm --cached path/to/submodule

If you'll write on git's mailing list probably someone will do a shell script for you.

tSQL - Conversion from varchar to numeric works for all but integer

Actually whether there are digits or not is irrelevant. The . (dot) is forbidden if you want to cast to int. Dot can't - logically - be part of Integer definition, so even:

select cast ('7.0' as int)
select cast ('7.' as int)

will fail but both are fine for floats.

Bootstrap how to get text to vertical align in a div container

  transform: translateY(-50%);
  -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
  -ms-transform: translateY(-50%);


The top:50% style essentially pushes the header element down 50% from the top of the parent element. The translateY stylings also act in a similar manner by moving then element down 50% from the top.

Please note that this works well for headers with 1 (maybe 2) lines of text as this simply moves the top of the header element down 50% and then the rest of the content fills in below that, which means that with multiple lines of text it would appear to be slightly below vertically aligned.

A possible fix for multiple lines would be to use a percentage slightly less than 50%.

Where's the DateTime 'Z' format specifier?

I was dealing with DateTimeOffset and unfortunately the "o" prints out "+0000" not "Z".

So I ended up with:


aspx page to redirect to a new page

Darin's answer works great. It creates a 302 redirect. Here's the code modified so that it creates a permanent 301 redirect:

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
  protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

Multiple actions were found that match the request in Web Api

Make sure you do NOT decorate your Controller methods for the default GET|PUT|POST|DELETE actions with [HttpPost/Put/Get/Delete] attribute. I had added this attibute to my vanilla Post controller action and it caused a 404.

Hope this helps someone as it can be very frustrating and bring progress to a halt.

how to send a post request with a web browser

You can create an html page with a form, having method="post" and action="yourdesiredurl" and open it with your browser.

As an alternative, there are some browser plugins for developers that allow you to do that, like Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox

How to obfuscate Python code effectively?

This is only a limited, first-level obfuscation solution, but it is built-in: Python has a compiler to byte-code:

python -OO -m py_compile <your>

produces a .pyo file that contains byte-code, and where docstrings are removed, etc. You can rename the .pyo file with a .py extension, and python <your> runs like your program but does not contain your source code.

PS: the "limited" level of obfuscation that you get is such that one can recover the code (with some of the variable names, but without comments and docstrings). See the first comment, for how to do it. However, in some cases, this level of obfuscation might be deemed sufficient.

PPS: If your program imports modules obfuscated like this, then you need to rename them with a .pyc suffix instead (I'm not sure this won't break one day), or you can work with the .pyo and run them with python -O ….pyo (the imports should work). This will allow Python to find your modules (otherwise, Python looks for .py modules).

How do I print output in new line in PL/SQL?

You can concatenate the CR and LF:


(on windows)

or just:



dbms_output.put_line('Hi,'||chr(13)||chr(10) ||'good' || chr(13)||chr(10)|| 'morning' ||chr(13)||chr(10) || 'friends');

how to use "tab space" while writing in text file

You can use \t to create a tab in a file.

Imported a csv-dataset to R but the values becomes factors

I'm new to R as well and faced the exact same problem. But then I looked at my data and noticed that it is being caused due to the fact that my csv file was using a comma separator (,) in all numeric columns (Ex: 1,233,444.56 instead of 1233444.56).

I removed the comma separator in my csv file and then reloaded into R. My data frame now recognises all columns as numbers.

I'm sure there's a way to handle this within the read.csv function itself.

Create a git patch from the uncommitted changes in the current working directory

git diff and git apply will work for text files, but won't work for binary files.

You can easily create a full binary patch, but you will have to create a temporary commit. Once you've made your temporary commit(s), you can create the patch with:

git format-patch <options...>

After you've made the patch, run this command:

git reset --mixed <SHA of commit *before* your working-changes commit(s)>

This will roll back your temporary commit(s). The final result leaves your working copy (intentionally) dirty with the same changes you originally had.

On the receiving side, you can use the same trick to apply the changes to the working copy, without having the commit history. Simply apply the patch(es), and git reset --mixed <SHA of commit *before* the patches>.

Note that you might have to be well-synced for this whole option to work. I've seen some errors when applying patches when the person making them hadn't pulled down as many changes as I had. There are probably ways to get it to work, but I haven't looked far into it.

Here's how to create the same patches in Tortoise Git (not that I recommend using that tool):

  1. Commit your working changes
  2. Right click the branch root directory and click Tortoise Git -> Create Patch Serial
    1. Choose whichever range makes sense (Since: FETCH_HEAD will work if you're well-synced)
    2. Create the patch(es)
  3. Right click the branch root directory and click Tortise Git -> Show Log
  4. Right click the commit before your temporary commit(s), and click reset "<branch>" to this...
  5. Select the Mixed option

And how to apply them:

  1. Right click the branch root directory and click Tortoise Git -> Apply Patch Serial
  2. Select the correct patch(es) and apply them
  3. Right click the branch root directory and click Tortise Git -> Show Log
  4. Right click the commit before the patch's commit(s), and click reset "<branch>" to this...
  5. Select the Mixed option

How to fill a datatable with List<T>

Try this

static DataTable ConvertToDatatable(List<Item> list)
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    foreach (var item in list)
        var row = dt.NewRow();

        row["Name"] = item.Name;
        row["Price"] = Convert.ToString(item.Price);
        row["URL"] = item.URL;


    return dt;

What would be the Unicode character for big bullet in the middle of the character? is the place to look for symbol names.

? BLACK CIRCLE        25CF

or even:


Good luck finding a font that supports them all. Only one shows up in Windows 7 with Chrome.

parse html string with jquery

just add container element befor your img element just to be sure that your intersted element not the first one, tested in ie,ff

Hide Signs that Meteor.js was Used

A Meteor app does not, by default, add any X-Powered-By headers to HTTP responses, as you might find in various PHP apps. The headers look like:

$ curl -I  HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:12:25 GMT connection: keep-alive 

However, this doesn't mask that Meteor was used. Viewing the source of a Meteor app will look very distinctive.

<script type="text/javascript"> __meteor_runtime_config__ = {"meteorRelease":"","ROOT_URL":"","serverId":"62a4cf6a-3b28-f7b1-418f-3ddf038f84af","DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL":"ddp+sockjs://ddp--****"}; </script> 

If you're trying to avoid people being able to tell you are using Meteor even by viewing source, I don't think that's possible.

HTML: Image won't display?

img {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
<img src=""/>_x000D_
<img src=""/>_x000D_
<img src=""/>

please see the above code.

PHP passing $_GET in linux command prompt

Try using WGET:

WGET 'http://localhost/index.php?a=1&b=2&c=3'

Failed to resolve:

you forgot to add add alpha1 in module area

compile ''

use maven repository in project area that's it

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

number of values in a list greater than a certain number

A (somewhat) different way:

reduce(lambda acc, x: acc + (1 if x > 5 else 0), j, 0)

Pure CSS scroll animation

And for webkit enabled browsers I've had good results with:

.myElement {
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
    scroll-behavior: smooth; // Added in from answer from Felix
    overflow-x: scroll;

This makes scrolling behave much more like the standard browser behavior - at least it works well on the iPhone we were testing on!

Hope that helps,


How to Set RadioButtonFor() in MVC 2 as Checked by default

           @Html.RadioButton("Insured.GenderType", 1, (Model.Insured.GenderType == 1 ))
           @Html.RadioButton("Insured.GenderType", 2, Model.Insured.GenderType == 2)

A failure occurred while executing

Try this, in Android Studio

File > Invalidate Caches/Restart... 

Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        int transactionDate = 20201010;
        int? transactionTime = 210000;

        var agreementDate = DateTime.Today;
        var previousDate = agreementDate.AddDays(-1);

        var agreementHour = 22;
        var agreementMinute = 0;
        var agreementSecond = 0;

        var startDate = new DateTime(previousDate.Year, previousDate.Month, previousDate.Day, agreementHour, agreementMinute, agreementSecond);
        var endDate = new DateTime(agreementDate.Year, agreementDate.Month, agreementDate.Day, agreementHour, agreementMinute, agreementSecond);

        DateTime selectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(transactionDate.ToString().Substring(6, 2) + "/" + transactionDate.ToString().Substring(4, 2) + "/" + transactionDate.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + " " + string.Format("{0:00:00:00}", transactionTime));

        Console.WriteLine("Selected Date : " + selectedDate.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("Start Date : " + startDate.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("End Date : " + endDate.ToString());

        if (selectedDate > startDate && selectedDate <= endDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Between two dates..");
        else if (selectedDate <= startDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Less than or equal to the start date!");
        else if (selectedDate > endDate)
            Console.WriteLine("Greater than end date!");
            Console.WriteLine("Out of date ranges!");

What is the best way to parse html in C#?

I've used ZetaHtmlTidy in the past to load random websites and then hit against various parts of the content with xpath (eg /html/body//p[@class='textblock']). It worked well but there were some exceptional sites that it had problems with, so I don't know if it's the absolute best solution.

Draw radius around a point in Google map

I have just written a blog article that addresses exactly this, which you may find useful:

Basically, you need to create a GGroundOverlay with the correct GLatLngBounds. The tricky bit is in working out the southwest corner coordinate and the northeast corner coordinate of this imaginery square (the GLatLngBounds) bounding this circle, based on the desired radius. The math is quite complicated, but you can just refer to getDestLatLng function in the blog. The rest should be pretty straightforward.

Is it possible to set a custom font for entire of application?

in api 26 with build.gradle 3.0.0 and higher you can create a font directory in res and use this line in your style

<item name="android:fontFamily">@font/your_font</item>

for change build.gradle use this in your build.gradle dependecies

classpath ''

How to align two elements on the same line without changing HTML

In cases where I use floated elements like that, I usually need to be sure that the container element will always be big enough for the widths of both floated elements plus the desired margin to all fit inside of it. The easiest way to do that is obviously to give both inner elements fixed widths that will fit correctly inside of the outer element like this:

#container {width: 960px;}
#element1  {float:left; width:745px; margin-right:15px;}
#element2  {float:right; width:200px;}

If you can't do that because this is a scaling width layout, another option is to have every set of dimensions be percentages like:

#element1 {float:left; width:70%; margin-right:10%}
#element2 {float:right; width:20%;}

This gets tricky where you need something like this:

#element1 {float:left; width:70%; margin-right:10%}
#element2 {float:right; width:200px;}

In cases like that, I find that sometimes the best option is to not use floats, and use relative/absolute positioning to get the same effect like this:

#container {position:relative;} /* So IE won't bork the absolute positioning of #element2 */
#element1 {margin-right:215px;}
#element2 {display: block; position:absolute; top:0; right:0; height:100%; width:200px;}

While this isn't a floated solution, it does result in side by side columns where they are the same height, and one can remain fluid with while the other has a static width.

Read XLSX file in Java

I don't know if it is up to date for Excel 2007, but for earlier versions I use the JExcelAPI

Set android shape color programmatically

Nothing work for me but when i set tint color it works on Shape Drawable

 Drawable background = imageView.getBackground();

require android 5.0 API 21

Spark: subtract two DataFrames

From spark 3.0

data_cl = reg_data.exceptAll(data_fr)

How to replace all double quotes to single quotes using jquery?

Use double quote to enclose the quote or escape it.

newTemp = mystring.replace(/"/g, "'");


newTemp = mystring.replace(/"/g, '\'');

How to query data out of the box using Spring data JPA by both Sort and Pageable?

Spring Pageable has a Sort included. So if your request has the values it will return a sorted pageable.


That should return a sorted pageable by field provided in the provided order.

How to align center the text in html table row?

The following worked for me to vertically align content (multi-line) in a list-table

.. list-table::
   :class: longtable
   :header-rows: 1
   :stub-columns: 1
   :align: left
   :widths: 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

   * - Classification
     - Restricted
     - Company |br| Confidential
     - Internal Use Only
     - Public
   * - Row1 col1
     - Row1 col2
     - Row1 col3 
     - Row1 col4
     - Row1 col5

Using theme overrides .css option I defined:

.stub {
       text-align: left;
       vertical-align: top;

In the theme that I use 'python-docs-theme', the cell entry is defined as 'stub' class. Use your browser development menu to inspect what your theme class is for cell content and update that accordingly.

Using jquery to get all checked checkboxes with a certain class name

Simple way to get all of values into an array

var valores = (function () {
    var valor = [];
    $('input.className[type=checkbox]').each(function () {
        if (this.checked)
    return valor;



Detect when input has a 'readonly' attribute

Since JQuery 1.6, always use .prop() Read why here:

if($('input').prop('readonly')){ }

.prop() can also be used to set the property



Insert, on duplicate update in PostgreSQL?

Edit: This does not work as expected. Unlike the accepted answer, this produces unique key violations when two processes repeatedly call upsert_foo concurrently.

Eureka! I figured out a way to do it in one query: use UPDATE ... RETURNING to test if any rows were affected:


    UPDATE foo SET v = $2 WHERE k = $1 RETURNING $1
$$ LANGUAGE sql;

        SELECT $1, $2
        WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT update_foo($1, $2))
$$ LANGUAGE sql;

The UPDATE has to be done in a separate procedure because, unfortunately, this is a syntax error:


Now it works as desired:

SELECT upsert_foo(1, 'hi');
SELECT upsert_foo(1, 'bye');
SELECT upsert_foo(3, 'hi');
SELECT upsert_foo(3, 'bye');

Generate random colors (RGB)

color = lambda : [random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)]

Importing two classes with same name. How to handle?

You can omit the import statements and refer to them using the entire path. Eg:

java.util.Date javaDate = new java.util.Date()
my.own.Date myDate = new my.own.Date();

But I would say that using two classes with the same name and a similiar function is usually not the best idea unless you can make it really clear which is which.

How to delete an item in a list if it exists?

except ValueError:
    print "new_tag_list has no empty string"

Note that this will only remove one instance of the empty string from your list (as your code would have, too). Can your list contain more than one?

What is the best way to compare 2 folder trees on windows?

As I am reluctant to install new programs into my machine, this PowerShell script (from Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog) helped me solve my problem. I only modified the path to suit my case:

$fso = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path F:\songs
$fsoBU = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path D:\songs
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $fso -DifferenceObject $fsoBU

JQuery/Javascript: check if var exists

You can use typeof:

if (typeof pagetype === 'undefined') {
    // pagetype doesn't exist

Where is Ubuntu storing installed programs?

to find the program you want you can run this command at terminal:

find / usr-name "your_program"

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

I had the same behaviour, and fixed it by running Code::Blocks as administrator.

Display a RecyclerView in Fragment

Make sure that you have the correct layout, and that the RecyclerView id is inside the layout. Otherwise, you will be getting this error. I had the same problem, then I noticed the layout was wrong.

    public class ColorsFragment extends Fragment {

         public ColorsFragment() {}

         public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
             Bundle savedInstanceState) {

==> make sure you are getting the correct layout here. R.layout...

             View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_colors, container, false); 

php - push array into array - key issue

I think you have to go for

$arrayname[indexname] = $value;

How to specify "does not contain" in dplyr filter

Note that %in% returns a logical vector of TRUE and FALSE. To negate it, you can use ! in front of the logical statement:

SE_CSVLinelist_filtered <- filter(SE_CSVLinelist_clean, 
 !where_case_travelled_1 %in% 
   c('Outside Canada','Outside province/territory of residence but within Canada'))

Regarding your original approach with -c(...), - is a unary operator that "performs arithmetic on numeric or complex vectors (or objects which can be coerced to them)" (from help("-")). Since you are dealing with a character vector that cannot be coerced to numeric or complex, you cannot use -.

"This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode."

For Visual Studio 2012 while debugging that error accrued

Website Menu -> Use IIS Express did it for me

How do you add UI inside cells in a google spreadsheet using app script?

The apps UI only works for panels.

The best you can do is to draw a button yourself and put that into your spreadsheet. Than you can add a macro to it.

Go into "Insert > Drawing...", Draw a button and add it to the spreadsheet. Than click it and click "assign Macro...", then insert the name of the function you wish to execute there. The function must be defined in a script in the spreadsheet.

Alternatively you can also draw the button somewhere else and insert it as an image.

More info:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Create a map with clickable provinces/states using SVG, HTML/CSS, ImageMap

Here is another image map plugin I wrote to enhance image maps:

It makes it easy to highlight all the area and let you specify different styles depending on the state of the zone: normal, hover, active, disable.

You can also specify how many zones can be selected at the same time.

Required request body content is missing: org.springframework.web.method.HandlerMethod$HandlerMethodParameter

In my side, it is because POSTMAN setting issue, but I don't know why, maybe I copy a query from other. I simply create a new request in POSTMAN and run it, it works.

Maven Run Project

The above mentioned answers are correct but I am simplifying it for noobs like me.Go to your project's pom file. Add a new property exec.mainClass and give its value as the class which contains your main method. For me it was DriverClass in mainpkg. Change it as per your project. enter image description here

Having done this navigate to the folder that contains your project's pom.xml and run this on the command prompt mvn exec:java. This should call the main method.

How to get client IP address in Laravel 5+

In Laravel 5

public function index(Request $request) {

Setting SMTP details for php mail () function

Check out your php.ini, you can set these values there.

Here's the description in the php manual:

If you want to use several different SMTP servers in your application, I recommend using a "bigger" mailing framework, p.e. Swiftmailer

How to connect with Java into Active Directory

Here is a simple code that authenticate and make an LDAP search usin JNDI on a W2K3 :

class TestAD
  static DirContext ldapContext;
  public static void main (String[] args) throws NamingException
      System.out.println("Début du test Active Directory");

      Hashtable<String, String> ldapEnv = new Hashtable<String, String>(11);
      ldapEnv.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
      //ldapEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,  "ldap://");
      ldapEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,  "ldap://");
      ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
      //ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=administrateur,cn=users,dc=societe,dc=fr");
      ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "cn=jean paul blanc,ou=MonOu,dc=dom,dc=fr");
      ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "pwd");
      //ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
      //ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "simple");
      ldapContext = new InitialDirContext(ldapEnv);

      // Create the search controls         
      SearchControls searchCtls = new SearchControls();

      //Specify the attributes to return
      String returnedAtts[]={"sn","givenName", "samAccountName"};

      //Specify the search scope

      //specify the LDAP search filter
      String searchFilter = "(&(objectClass=user))";

      //Specify the Base for the search
      String searchBase = "dc=dom,dc=fr";
      //initialize counter to total the results
      int totalResults = 0;

      // Search for objects using the filter
      NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> answer =, searchFilter, searchCtls);

      //Loop through the search results
      while (answer.hasMoreElements())
        SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);


        System.out.println(">>>" + sr.getName());
        Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
        System.out.println(">>>>>>" + attrs.get("samAccountName"));

      System.out.println("Total results: " + totalResults);
    catch (Exception e)
      System.out.println(" Search error: " + e);

jQuery's .click - pass parameters to user function

I had success using .on() like so:

$('.leadtoscore').on('click', {event_type: 'shot'}, add_event);

Then inside the add_event function you get access to 'shot' like this:

See the .on() documentation for more info, where they provide the following example:

function myHandler( event ) {
  alert( );
$( "p" ).on( "click", { foo: "bar" }, myHandler );

Comments in Android Layout xml

click the


and write anything you and evrything will be in comments

Check if a String is in an ArrayList of Strings

temp = bankAccNos.contains(no) ? 1 : 2;

Using Exit button to close a winform program

Put this little code in the event of the button:


Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

The reason of Access denied for user ‘homestead’@’localhost’ laravel 5 error is caching-issue of the .env.php file cause Laravel 5 is using environment based configuration in your .env file.

1. Go to your application root directory and open .env file (In ubuntu may be it’s hidden so press ctrl+h to show hidden files & if you are in terminal then type : ls -a to show hidden files) in your editor and change database configuration setting. then save your .env file


2. then restart your apache server/web server. and refresh your page and you have done

3. If still issue try to run below command to clear the old configuration cache file.

php artisan config:clear

Now you are done with the error

Angular 2 declaring an array of objects

Datatype: array_name:datatype[]=[]; Example string: users:string[]=[];

For array of objects:

Objecttype: object_name:objecttype[]=[{}]; Example user: Users:user[]=[{}];

And if in some cases it's coming undefined in binding, make sure to initialize it on Oninit().

How can I get the active screen dimensions?

Also you may need:

to get the combined size of all monitors and not one in particular.

Disable button after click to prevent double clicking

Here is a solution that works for the button object. On the front end, add these attributes to your asp:Button definition:

<asp:Button ... OnClientClick="this.disabled=true;" UseSubmitBehavior="false" />

In the back end, in the click event handler method call, add this code to the end (preferably in a finally block)

myButton.Enabled = true;

SQL to search objects, including stored procedures, in Oracle

i reached this question while trying to find all procedures which use a certain table

Oracle SQL Developer offers this capability, as pointed out in this article :

From the View menu, choose Find DB Object. Choose a DB connection. Enter the name of the table. At Object Types, keep only functions, procedures and packages. At Code section, check All source lines.

enter image description here

bash script use cut command at variable and store result at another variable

The awk solution is what I would use, but if you want to understand your problems with bash, here is a revised version of your script.

#!/bin/bash -vx

##config file with ip addresses like

while read line ; do
  ##this line is not correct, should strip :port and store to ip var
  ip=$( echo "$line" |cut -d\: -f1 )
  ping $ip
done < ${file}

You could write your top line as

for line in $(cat $file) ; do ...

(but not recommended).

You needed command substitution $( ... ) to get the value assigned to $ip

reading lines from a file is usually considered more efficient with the while read line ... done < ${file} pattern.

I hope this helps.

Pip install - Python 2.7 - Windows 7

pip is installed by default when we install Python in windows. After setting up the environment variables path for python executables, we can run python interpreter from the command line on windows CMD After that, we can directly use the python command with pip option to install further packages as following:-

C:\ python -m pip install python_module_name

This will install the module using pip.

How to randomly select an item from a list?

numpy solution: numpy.random.choice

For this question, it works the same as the accepted answer (import random; random.choice()), but I added it because the programmer may have imported numpy already (like me) & also there are some differences between the two methods that may concern your actual use case.

import numpy as np    
np.random.choice(foo) # randomly selects a single item

For reproducibility, you can do:

np.random.choice(foo) # first call will always return 'c'

For samples of one or more items, returned as an array, pass the size argument:

np.random.choice(foo, 5)          # sample with replacement (default)
np.random.choice(foo, 5, False)   # sample without replacement

from jquery $.ajax to angular $http

We can implement ajax request by using http service in AngularJs, which helps to read/load data from remote server.

$http service methods are listed below,


One of the Example:

        .success(function(response) {
            $scope.getting =; // is an array

        // Error callback will trigger

Meaning of = delete after function declaration

  1. = 0 means that a function is pure virtual and you cannot instantiate an object from this class. You need to derive from it and implement this method
  2. = delete means that the compiler will not generate those constructors for you. AFAIK this is only allowed on copy constructor and assignment operator. But I am not too good at the upcoming standard.

Can not find module “@angular-devkit/build-angular”

Run the below command to get it resolved. Whenever you pull a new project, few dependencies wont get added to the working directory. Run the below command to get it resolved

npm install --save-dev @angular-devkit/build-angular

JavaScript function in href vs. onclick

In addition to all here, the href is shown on browser's status bar, and onclick not. I think it's not user friendly to show javascript code there.

How do I set a Windows scheduled task to run in the background?

Assuming the application you are attempting to run in the background is CLI based, you can try calling the scheduled jobs using Hidden Start

Also see:

How to have the cp command create any necessary folders for copying a file to a destination

I didn't know you could do that with cp.

You can do it with mkdir ..

mkdir -p /var/path/to/your/dir

EDIT See lhunath's answer for incorporating cp.

What is Robocopy's "restartable" option?

Restartable mode (/Z) has to do with a partially-copied file. With this option, should the copy be interrupted while any particular file is partially copied, the next execution of robocopy can pick up where it left off rather than re-copying the entire file.

That option could be useful when copying very large files over a potentially unstable connection.

Backup mode (/B) has to do with how robocopy reads files from the source system. It allows the copying of files on which you might otherwise get an access denied error on either the file itself or while trying to copy the file's attributes/permissions. You do need to be running in an Administrator context or otherwise have backup rights to use this flag.

How to change the MySQL root account password on CentOS7?


Here a little bit twist with mysql-community-server 5.7 I share some steps, how to reset mysql5.7 root password or set password. it will work centos7 and RHEL7 as well.

step1. 1st stop your databases

service mysqld stop

step2. 2nd modify /etc/my.cnf file add "skip-grant-tables"

vi /etc/my.cnf

[mysqld] skip-grant-tables

step3. 3rd start mysql

service mysqld start

step4. select mysql default database

mysql -u root

mysql>use mysql;

step4. set a new password

mysql> update user set authentication_string=PASSWORD("yourpassword") where User='root';

step5 restart mysql database

service mysqld restart

 mysql -u root -p

enjoy :)

How to configure encoding in Maven?

In my case I was using the maven-dependency-plugin so in order to resolve the issue I had to add the following property:


See Apache Maven Resources Plugin / Specifying a character encoding scheme

How to use count and group by at the same select statement

You can use DISTINCT inside the COUNT like what milkovsky said

in my case:

select COUNT(distinct user_id) from answers_votes where answer_id in (694,695);

This will pull the count of answer votes considered the same user_id as one count

How do I move a table into a schema in T-SQL

Short answer:

ALTER SCHEMA new_schema TRANSFER old_schema.table_name

I can confirm that the data in the table remains intact, which is probably quite important :)

Long answer as per MSDN docs,

ALTER SCHEMA schema_name 
   TRANSFER [ Object | Type | XML Schema Collection ] securable_name [;]

If it's a table (or anything besides a Type or XML Schema collection), you can leave out the word Object since that's the default.

AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?

There are two ways to do this

1) Use get/set service

2) $scope.$emit('key', {data: value}); //to set the value

 $rootScope.$on('key', function (event, data) {}); // to get the value

How to get relative path from absolute path

There is a Win32 (C++) function in shlwapi.dll that does exactly what you want: PathRelativePathTo()

I'm not aware of any way to access this from .NET other than to P/Invoke it, though.

Pipenv: Command Not Found

After installing pipenv (sudo pip install pipenv), I kept getting the "Command Not Found" error when attempting to run the pipenv shell command.

I finally fixed it with the following code:

pip3 install pipenv
pipenv shell

How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

Some may find this useful. Integer values in variable substitution, where the trick is using $(()) double brackets:


while (( COUNT < ${#ARR[@]} ))
  (( COUNT=$COUNT+$N ))

Embed website into my site

Put content from other site in iframe

<iframe src="/othersiteurl" width="100%" height="300">
  <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

PHP function to generate v4 UUID

In my search for a creating a v4 uuid, I came first to this page, then found this on

function guidv4()
    if (function_exists('com_create_guid') === true)
        return trim(com_create_guid(), '{}');

    $data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
    $data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100
    $data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10
    return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));

credit: pavel.volyntsev

Edit: to clarify, this function will always give you a v4 uuid (PHP >= 5.3.0).

When the com_create_guid function is available (usually only on Windows), it will use that and strip the curly braces.

If not present (Linux), it will fall back on this strong random openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function, it will then uses vsprintf to format it into v4 uuid.

Concat scripts in order with Gulp

In my gulp setup, I'm specifying the vendor files first and then specifying the (more general) everything, second. And it successfully puts the vendor js before the other custom stuff.

  // vendor folder first
  path.join(folder, '/vendor/**/*.js'),
  // custom js after vendor
  path.join(folder, '/**/*.js')

Failed to build gem native extension (installing Compass)

Hi it was a challenge to get it work on Mac so anyway here is a solution

  1. Install macports
  2. Install rvm
  3. Restart Terminal
  4. Run rvm requirements then run rvm install 2.1
  5. And last step to run gem install compass --pre

I'm not sure but ruby version on Mavericks doesn't support native extensions etc... so if you point to other ruby version like I did "2.1" it works fine.

Chmod recursively

Adding executable permissions, recursively, to all files (not folders) within the current folder with sh extension:

find . -name '*.sh' -type f | xargs chmod +x

* Notice the pipe (|)

C# HttpWebRequest of type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" - how to send '&' character in content body?

As long as the server allows the ampresand character to be POSTed (not all do as it can be unsafe), all you should have to do is URL Encode the character. In the case of an ampresand, you should replace the character with %26.

.NET provides a nice way of encoding the entire string for you though:

string strNew = "&uploadfile=true&file=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(iCalStr);

What does the return keyword do in a void method in Java?

The keyword simply pops a frame from the call stack returning the control to the line following the function call.

How Can I Resolve:"can not open 'git-upload-pack' " error in eclipse?

......../info/refs?service=git-upload-pack not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?

For me the issue was a password issue. I run Keychain and deleted Github passwords. I run the pull command after that and it asked me for username and password. After that it worked ok.

Sending cookies with postman

I used postman chrome extension until it became deprecated. Chrome extension also less usable and powerful then native postman application. So, it became not very convenient to use chrome extension. I have found next approach:

  1. copy any request in chrome/any other browser as CURL request (image 1)
  2. import to postman copied request (image 2)
  3. save imported request in postman's list

copy curl request image 1

enter image description here image 2

Convert string to date in Swift

Swift 5. To see IF A DATE HAS PASSED:

let expiryDate = "2020-01-10" // Jan 10 2020

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

if Date() < expiryDate) ?? Date() {
    print("Not Yet expiryDate")
} else {
    print("expiryDate has passed")

Elasticsearch difference between MUST and SHOULD bool query

must means: The clause (query) must appear in matching documents. These clauses must match, like logical AND.

should means: At least one of these clauses must match, like logical OR.

Basically they are used like logical operators AND and OR. See this.

Now in a bool query:

must means: Clauses that must match for the document to be included.

should means: If these clauses match, they increase the _score; otherwise, they have no effect. They are simply used to refine the relevance score for each document.

Yes you can use multiple filters inside must.

How do I fix the npm UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY warning?

The given answer wont always work. If it does not fix your issue. Make sure that you are also using the correct symbol in your package.json. This is very important to fix that headache. For example:

warning " > @angular/[email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "typescript@>=2.4.2 <2.7".
warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "typescript@>=2.4.2 <2.6".

So my typescript needs to be between 2.4.2 and 2.6 right?

So I changed my typescript library from using "typescript": "^2.7" to using "typescript": "^2.5". Seems correct?


The ^ means that you are okay with npm using "typescript": "2.5" or "2.6" or "2.7" etc...

If you want to learn what the ^ and ~ it mean see: What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

Also you have to make sure that the package exists. Maybe there is no "typescript": "2.5.9" look up the package numbers. To be really safe just remove the ~ or the ^ if you dont want to read what they mean.

Find size of object instance in bytes in c#

You may be able to approximate the size by pretending to serializing it with a binary serializer (but routing the output to oblivion) if you're working with serializable objects.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        A parent;
        parent = new A(1, "Mike");

        System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf =
           new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
        SerializationSizer ss = new SerializationSizer();
        bf.Serialize(ss, parent);
        Console.WriteLine("Size of serialized object is {0}", ss.Length);

class A
    int id;
    string name;
    List<B> children;
    public A(int id, string name)
    { = id; = name;
        children = new List<B>();

    public B AddChild(string name)
        B newItem = new B(this, name);
        return newItem;

class B
    A parent;
    string name;
    public B(A parent, string name)
        this.parent = parent; = name;

class SerializationSizer : System.IO.Stream
    private int totalSize;
    public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
        this.totalSize += count;

    public override bool CanRead
        get { return false; }

    public override bool CanSeek
        get { return false; }

    public override bool CanWrite
        get { return true; }

    public override void Flush()
        // Nothing to do

    public override long Length
        get { return totalSize; }

    public override long Position
            throw new NotImplementedException();
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override long Seek(long offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin origin)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override void SetLength(long value)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

How can I get double quotes into a string literal?

Escape the quotes with backslashes:

printf("She said \"time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana\"."); 

There are special escape characters that you can use in string literals, and these are denoted with a leading backslash.

Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted

This problem is happend because of php.ini defined limit was exided but have lot's of solution for this but simple one is to find your local servers folder and on that find the php folder and in that folder have php.ini file which have all declaration of these type setups. You just need to find one and change that value. But in this situation have one big problem once you change in your localhost file but what about server when you want to put your site on server it again produce same problem and you again follow the same for server. But you also know about .htaccess file this is one of the best and single place to do a lot's of things without changing core files. Like you change www routing, removing .php or other extentions from url or add one. Same like that you also difine default values of php.ini here like this - First you need to open the .htaccess file from your root directory or if you don't have this file so create one on root directory of your site and paste this code on it -

php_value upload_max_filesize 1000M
php_value post_max_size 99500M
php_value memory_limit 500M
php_value max_execution_time 300

after changes if you want to check the changes just run the php code

<?php phpinfo(); ?> 

it will show you the php cofigrations all details. So you find your changes.

Note: for defining unlimited just add -1 like php_value memory_limit -1 It's not good and most of the time slow down your server. But if you like to be limit less then this one option is also fit for you. If after refresh your page changes will not reflect you must restart your local server once for changes.

Good Luck. Hope it will help. Want to download the .htaccess file click this.

How can I list all of the files in a directory with Perl?

this should do it.

my $dir = "bla/bla/upload";
opendir DIR,$dir;
my @dir = readdir(DIR);
close DIR;
    if (-f $dir . "/" . $_ ){
        print $_,"   : file\n";
    }elsif(-d $dir . "/" . $_){
        print $_,"   : folder\n";
        print $_,"   : other\n";

Scroll / Jump to id without jQuery

Oxi's answer is just wrong.¹

What you want is:

var container = document.body,
element = document.getElementById('ElementID');
container.scrollTop = element.offsetTop;

Working example:

(function (){
  var i = 20, l = 20, html = '';
  while (i--){
    html += '<div id="DIV' +(l-i)+ '">DIV ' +(l-i)+ '</div>';
    html += '<a onclick="document.body.scrollTop=document.getElementById(\'DIV' +i+ '\').offsetTop">';
    html += '[ Scroll to #DIV' +i+ ' ]</a>';
    html += '<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />';
  document.write( html );

¹ I haven't got enough reputation to comment on his answer

Oracle: how to set user password unexpire?

If you create a user using a profile like this:

ALTER USER scott PROFILE my_profile;

then you can change the password lifetime like this:


I hope that helps.

What's a good way to extend Error in JavaScript?

Since JavaScript Exceptions are difficult to sub-class, I don't sub-class. I just create a new Exception class and use an Error inside of it. I change the property so that it looks like my custom exception on the console:

var InvalidInputError = function(message) {
    var error = new Error(message); = 'InvalidInputError';
    return error;

The above new exception can be thrown just like a regular Error and it will work as expected, for example:

throw new InvalidInputError("Input must be a string");
// Output: Uncaught InvalidInputError: Input must be a string 

Caveat: the stack trace is not perfect, as it will bring you to where the new Error is created and not where you throw. This is not a big deal on Chrome because it provides you with a full stack trace directly in the console. But it's more problematic on Firefox, for example.

How to make all controls resize accordingly proportionally when window is maximized?

Well, it's fairly simple to do.

On the window resize event handler, calculate how much the window has grown/shrunk, and use that fraction to adjust 1) Height, 2) Width, 3) Canvas.Top, 4) Canvas.Left properties of all the child controls inside the canvas.

Here's the code:

private void window1_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
            myCanvas.Width = e.NewSize.Width;
            myCanvas.Height = e.NewSize.Height;

            double xChange = 1, yChange = 1;

            if (e.PreviousSize.Width != 0)
            xChange = (e.NewSize.Width/e.PreviousSize.Width);

            if (e.PreviousSize.Height != 0)
            yChange = (e.NewSize.Height / e.PreviousSize.Height);

            foreach (FrameworkElement fe in myCanvas.Children )
                /*because I didn't want to resize the grid I'm having inside the canvas in this particular instance. (doing that from xaml) */            
                if (fe is Grid == false)
                    fe.Height = fe.ActualHeight * yChange;
                    fe.Width = fe.ActualWidth * xChange;

                    Canvas.SetTop(fe, Canvas.GetTop(fe) * yChange);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(fe, Canvas.GetLeft(fe) * xChange);


How to make space between LinearLayout children?

An easy way to do it dynamically is to add padding to the children. You can just set it using .setPadding() on the object to be added. This example is adding an ImageView to a LinearLayout:

LinearLayout userFeedLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
imageView.setPadding(0, 30, 0, 30);

The following image shows two ImageViews that have been added with padding:

Padding On Children

Better way to convert file sizes in Python

There is hurry.filesize that will take the size in bytes and make a nice string out if it.

>>> from hurry.filesize import size
>>> size(11000)
>>> size(198283722)

Or if you want 1K == 1000 (which is what most users assume):

>>> from hurry.filesize import size, si
>>> size(11000, system=si)
>>> size(198283722, system=si)

It has IEC support as well (but that wasn't documented):

>>> from hurry.filesize import size, iec
>>> size(11000, system=iec)
>>> size(198283722, system=iec)

Because it's written by the Awesome Martijn Faassen, the code is small, clear and extensible. Writing your own systems is dead easy.

Here is one:

mysystem = [
    (1024 ** 5, ' Megamanys'),
    (1024 ** 4, ' Lotses'),
    (1024 ** 3, ' Tons'), 
    (1024 ** 2, ' Heaps'), 
    (1024 ** 1, ' Bunches'),
    (1024 ** 0, ' Thingies'),

Used like so:

>>> from hurry.filesize import size
>>> size(11000, system=mysystem)
'10 Bunches'
>>> size(198283722, system=mysystem)
'189 Heaps'

How to select bottom most rows?

All you need to do is reverse your ORDER BY. Add or remove DESC to it.

Image inside div has extra space below the image

All you have to do is assign this property:

img {
    display: block;

The images by default have this property:

img {
    display: inline;

how to take user input in Array using java?

Here's a simple code that reads strings from stdin, adds them into List<String>, and then uses toArray to convert it to String[] (if you really need to work with arrays).

import java.util.*;

public class UserInput {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;

        do {
            System.out.println("Current list is " + list);
            System.out.println("Add more? (y/n)");
            if ("y")) {
                System.out.println("Enter : ");
            } else {
        } while (true);
        System.out.println("List is " + list);
        String[] arr = list.toArray(new String[0]);
        System.out.println("Array is " + Arrays.toString(arr));

See also:

Message 'src refspec master does not match any' when pushing commits in Git

I forgot to do a "git pull origin master" after commit and before push and it caused the same problem: "src refspec master does not match any when pushing commits in git".

So, you should do:

1. git add .
2. git pull origin master
3. git commit -am "Init commit"
4. git push origin master

Where can I read the Console output in Visual Studio 2015

What may be happening is that your console is closing before you get a chance to see the output. I would add Console.ReadLine(); after your Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); so your code would look something like this:

static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");


This way, the console will display "Hello World" and a blinking cursor underneath. The Console.ReadLine(); is the key here, the program waits for the users input before closing the console window.

Can we call the function written in one JavaScript in another JS file?

You can call the function created in another js file from the file you are working in. So for this firstly you need to add the external js file into the html document as-

    <script type="text/javascript" src='path/to/external/js'></script>

The function defined in the external javascript file -

$.fn.yourFunctionName = function(){
    alert('function called succesfully for - ' + $(this).html() );

To call this function in your current file, just call the function as -

<script type="text/javascript">

If you want to pass the parameters to the function, then define the function as-

$.fn.functionWithParameters = function(parameter1, parameter2){
        alert('Parameters passed are - ' + parameter1 + ' , ' + parameter2);

And call this function in your current file as -

$('#element').functionWithParameters('some parameter', 'another parameter');

How to do a non-greedy match in grep?

I know that its a bit of a dead post but I just noticed that this works. It removed both clean-up and cleanup from my output.

> grep -v -e 'clean\-\?up'
> grep --version grep (GNU grep) 2.20

How to configure welcome file list in web.xml

I simply declared as below in web.xml file and Its working for me :


And NO html/jsp pages present in public directory except static resources(css, js, images). Now I can access my index page with URL like : http://localhost:8080/app/ Its calling /WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp page. When hosted live in production the final URL looks like

How do I get a TextBox to only accept numeric input in WPF?

Add in a VALIDATION RULE so that when the text changes, check to determine if the data is numeric, and if it is, allows processing to continue, and if it is not, prompts the user that only numeric data is accepted in that field.

Read more in Validation in Windows Presentation Foundation

How to get HTTP response code for a URL in Java?

Try this piece of code which is checking the 400 error messages

huc = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(url).openConnection());



respCode = huc.getResponseCode();

if(respCode >= 400) {
    System.out.println(url+" is a broken link");
} else {
    System.out.println(url+" is a valid link");

Installing Java on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)

If you only want to install the latest official JRE from Oracle, you can get it there, install it, and export the new JAVA_HOME in the terminal.

That's the cleanest way I found to install the latest JRE.

You can add the export JAVA_HOME line in your .bashrc to have java permanently in your Terminal:

echo export JAVA_HOME=\"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home\" >> ~/.bashrc

Use multiple @font-face rules in CSS

Multiple variations of a font family can be declared by changing the font-weight and src property of @font-face rule.

/* Regular Weight */
@font-face {
    font-family: Montserrat;
    src: url("../fonts/Montserrat-Regular.ttf");

/* SemiBold (600) Weight */
@font-face {
    font-family: Montserrat;
    src: url("../fonts/Montserrat-SemiBold.ttf");
    font-weight: 600;

/* Bold Weight */
@font-face {
    font-family: Montserrat;
    src: url("../fonts/Montserrat-Bold.ttf");
    font-weight: bold;

Declared rules can be used by following

/* Regular */
font-family: Montserrat;

/* Semi Bold */
font-family: Montserrat;
font-weght: 600;

/* Bold */
font-family: Montserrat;
font-weight: bold;

How to create an alert message in jsp page after submit process is complete

in your servlet

 return mapping.findForward("success");

In your jsp

<c:if test="${not empty submitDone}">
  <script>alert("Form submitted");

CSS disable text selection

You could also disable user select on all elements:

* {

And than enable it on the elements you do want the user to be able to select:

input, textarea /*.contenteditable?*/ {

How to disable keypad popup when on edittext?

Two Simple Solutions:

First Solution is added below line of code in manifest xml file. In Manifest file (AndroidManifest.xml), add the following attribute in the activity construct



<activity android:name=".MainActivity" 
          android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" />

Second Solution is adding below line of code in activity

//Block auto opening keyboard  

We can use any one solution of above. Thanks

Pandas DataFrame column to list

You can use the Series.to_list method.

For example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 3, 5, 7, 4, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 9],
                   'b': [3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9]})



[1, 3, 5, 7, 4, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 9]

To drop duplicates you can do one of the following:

>>> df['a'].drop_duplicates().to_list()
[1, 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8, 9]
>>> list(set(df['a'])) # as pointed out by EdChum
[1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Convert a JSON string to object in Java ME?

Like many stated already, A pretty simple way to do this using JSON.simple as below

import org.json.JSONObject;

String someJsonString = "{name:"MyNode", width:200, height:100}";
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(someJsonString);

And then use jsonObj to deal with JSON Object. e.g jsonObj.get("name");

As per the below link, JSON.simple is showing constant efficiency for both small and large JSON files

Quickly getting to YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS in Perl

I made a little test (Perl v5.20.1 under FreeBSD in VM) calling the following blocks 1.000.000 times each:


my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $now = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);


my $now = strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',localtime);


my $now = Time::Piece::localtime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S');

with the following results:

A: 2 seconds

B: 11 seconds

C: 19 seconds

This is of course not a thorough test or benchmark, but at least it is reproducable for me, so even though it is more complicated, I'd prefer the first method if generating a datetimestamp is required very often.

Calling (eg. under FreeBSD 10.1)

my $now = `date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" | tr -d "\n"`;

might not be such a good idea because it is not OS-independent and takes quite some time.

Best regards, Holger

Disable and later enable all table indexes in Oracle

combining 3 answers together: (because a select statement does not execute the DDL)

set pagesize 0

alter session set skip_unusable_indexes = true;
spool c:\temp\disable_indexes.sql
select 'alter index ' || u.index_name || ' unusable;' from user_indexes u;
spool off

Do import...

select 'alter index ' || u.index_name || 
' rebuild online;' from user_indexes u;

Note this assumes that the import is going to happen in the same (sqlplus) session.
If you are calling "imp" it will run in a separate session so you would need to use "ALTER SYSTEM" instead of "ALTER SESSION" (and remember to put the parameter back the way you found it.

Maximum size for a SQL Server Query? IN clause? Is there a Better Approach

Can you load the GUIDs into a scratch table then do a

... WHERE var IN SELECT guid FROM #scratchtable

How to declare a global variable in JavaScript

Declare the variable outside of functions

function dosomething(){
  var i = 0; // Can only be used inside function

var i = '';
function dosomething(){
  i = 0; // Can be used inside and outside the function

Android WebView not loading an HTTPS URL

Remove the below code it will work

 super.onReceivedSslError(view, handler, error);

Using getline() with file input in C++

you should do as:

getline(name, sizeofname, '\n');
strtok(name, " ");

This will give you the "joht" in name then to get next token,

temp = strtok(NULL, " ");

temp will get "smith" in it. then you should use string concatination to append the temp at end of name. as:

strcat(name, temp);

(you may also append space first, to obtain a space in between).

The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)

In WCF serive project this issue may be due to Reference of System.Web.Mvc.dll 's different version or may be any other DLL's different version issue. So this may be compatibility issue of DLL's different version

When I use

System.Web.Mvc.dll version -> it thorows the Error The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message

but when I use

System.Web.Mvc.dll version or lower -> That's works fine in my project and not have an Error.

I don't know the reason of this different version of DLL's issue but when I change the DLL's verison which is compatible with your WCF Project than it works fine.

This Error even generate when you add reference of other Project in your WCF Project and this reference project has different version of System.Web.Mvc DLL or could be any other DLL.

Android Overriding onBackPressed()

Just call the onBackPressed() method in the activity you want to show the dialog and inside it show your dialog.

Automatically create requirements.txt

I created this bash command.

for l in $(pip freeze); do p=$(echo "$l" | cut -d'=' -f1); f=$(find . -type f -exec grep "$p" {} \; | grep 'import'); [[ ! -z "$f" ]] && echo "$l" ; done;

JSON parsing using Gson for Java

This is simple code to do it, I avoided all checks but this is the main idea.

 public String parse(String jsonLine) {
    JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(jsonLine);
    JsonObject  jobject = jelement.getAsJsonObject();
    jobject = jobject.getAsJsonObject("data");
    JsonArray jarray = jobject.getAsJsonArray("translations");
    jobject = jarray.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
    String result = jobject.get("translatedText").getAsString();
    return result;

To make the use more generic - you will find that Gson's javadocs are pretty clear and helpful.

AngularJS : How to watch service variables?

You can watch the changes within the factory itself and then broadcast a change

angular.module('MyApp').factory('aFactory', function ($rootScope) {
    // Define your factory content
    var result = {
        'key': value

    // add a listener on a key        
    $rootScope.$watch(function () {
        return result.key;
    }, function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
        // This is called after the key "key" has changed, a good idea is to broadcast a message that key has changed
        $rootScope.$broadcast('aFactory:keyChanged', newValue);
    }, true);

    return result;

Then in your controller:

angular.module('MyApp').controller('aController', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

    $rootScope.$on('aFactory:keyChanged', function currentCityChanged(event, value) {
        // do something

In this manner you put all the related factory code within its description then you can only rely on the broadcast from outside

C# 4.0: Convert pdf to byte[] and vice versa

// loading bytes from a file is very easy in C#. The built in System.IO.File.ReadAll* methods take care of making sure every byte is read properly.
// note that for Linux, you will not need the c: part
// just swap out the example folder here with your actual full file path
string pdfFilePath = "c:/pdfdocuments/myfile.pdf";
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(pdfFilePath);

// munge bytes with whatever pdf software you want, i.e.
// bytes = MungePdfBytes(bytes); // MungePdfBytes is your custom method to change the PDF data
// ...
// make sure to cleanup after yourself

// and save back - System.IO.File.WriteAll* makes sure all bytes are written properly - this will overwrite the file, if you don't want that, change the path here to something else
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pdfFilePath, bytes);

Javascript parse float is ignoring the decimals after my comma

In my case, I already had a period(.) and also a comma(,), so what worked for me was to replace the comma(,) with an empty string like below:

parseFloat('3,000.78'.replace(',', '')) 

This is assuming that the amount from the existing database is 3,000.78. The results are: 3000.78 without the initial comma(,).

adb shell su works but adb root does not

By design adb root command works in development builds only (i.e. eng and userdebug which have ro.debuggable=1 by default). So to enable the adb root command on your otherwise rooted device just add the ro.debuggable=1 line to one of the following files:


If you want adb shell to start as root by default - then add as well.

Alternatively you could use modified adbd binary (which does not check for ro.debuggable)


#if defined(ALLOW_ADBD_ROOT)
// The properties that affect `adb root` and `adb unroot` are and
// ro.debuggable. In this context the names don't make the expected behavior
// particularly obvious.
// ro.debuggable:
//   Allowed to become root, but not necessarily the default. Set to 1 on
//   eng and userdebug builds.
//   Drop privileges by default. Set to 1 on userdebug and user builds.

What are NDF Files?

An NDF file is a user defined secondary database file of Microsoft SQL Server with an extension .ndf, which store user data. Moreover, when the size of the database file growing automatically from its specified size, you can use .ndf file for extra storage and the .ndf file could be stored on a separate disk drive. Every NDF file uses the same filename as its corresponding MDF file. We cannot open an .ndf file in SQL Server Without attaching its associated .mdf file.

What's the foolproof way to tell which version(s) of .NET are installed on a production Windows Server?

As per CodeTrawler's answer, the solution is to enter the following into an explorer window:


Then search for:


...and right-click / go to the version tab for each result.

Checking session if empty or not

You need to check that Session["emp_num"] is not null before trying to convert it to a string otherwise you will get a null reference exception.

I'd go with your first example - but you could make it slightly more "elegant".

There are a couple of ways, but the ones that springs to mind are:

if (Session["emp_num"] is string)


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["emp_num"] as string))

This will return null if the variable doesn't exist or isn't a string.

Print text in Oracle SQL Developer SQL Worksheet window

You could put your text in a select statement such as...

SELECT 'Querying Table1' FROM dual;

What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

Lodash has a nice _.cloneDeep(value) method:

var objects = [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }];

var deep = _.cloneDeep(objects);
console.log(deep[0] === objects[0]);
// => false

"Cannot update paths and switch to branch at the same time"

'origin/master' which can not be resolved as commit

Strange: you need to check your remotes:

git remote -v

And make sure origin is fetched:

git fetch origin


git branch -avv

(to see if you do have fetched an origin/master branch)

Finally, use git switch instead of the confusing git checkout, with Git 2.23+ (August 2019).

git switch -c test --track origin/master

Close Form Button Event

Apply the below code where you want to make code to exit application.

System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit( )

How do I send a file as an email attachment using Linux command line?

There are several answers here suggesting mail or mailx so this is more of a background to help you interpret these in context.

Historical Notes

The origins of Unix mail go back into the mists of the early history of Bell Labs Unix™ (1969?), and we probably cannot hope to go into its full genealogy here. Suffice it to say that there are many programs which inherit code from or reimplement (or inherit code from a reimplementation of) mail and that there is no single code base which can be unambiguously identified as "the" mail.

However, one of the contenders to that position is certainly "Berkeley Mail" which was originally called Mail with an uppercase M in 2BSD (1978); but in 3BSD (1979), it replaced the lowercase mail command as well, leading to some new confusion. SVR3 (1986) included a derivative which was called mailx. The x was presumably added to make it unique and distinct; but this, too, has now been copied, reimplemented, and mutilated so that there is no single individual version which is definitive.

Back in the day, the de facto standard for sending binaries across electronic mail was uuencode. It still exists, but has numerous usability problems; if at all possible, you should send MIME attachments instead, unless you specifically strive to be able to communicate with the late 1980s.

MIME was introduced in the early 1990s to solve several problems with email, including support for various types of content other than plain text in a single character set which only really is suitable for a subset of English (and, we are told, Hawai'ian). This introduced support for multipart messages, internationalization, rich content types, etc, and quickly gained traction throughout the 1990s.

(The Heirloom mail/mailx history notes were most helpful when composing this, and are certainly worth a read if you're into that sort of thing.)

Current Offerings

As of 2018, Debian has three packages which include a mail or mailx command. (You can search for Provides: mailx.)

debian$ aptitude search ~Pmailx
i   bsd-mailx                       - simple mail user agent
p   heirloom-mailx                  - feature-rich BSD mail(1)
p   mailutils                       - GNU mailutils utilities for handling mail

(I'm not singling out Debian as a recommendation; it's what I use, so I am familiar with it; and it provides a means of distinguishing the various alternatives unambiguously by referring to their respective package names. It is obviously also the distro from which Ubuntu gets these packages.)

  • bsd-mailx is a relatively simple mailx which does not appear to support sending MIME attachments. See its manual page and note that this is the one you would expect to find on a *BSD system, including MacOS, by default.
  • heirloom-mailx is now being called s-nail and does support sending MIME attachments with -a. See its manual page and more generally the Heirloom project
  • mailutils aka GNU Mailutils includes a mail/mailx compatibility wrapper which does support sending MIME attachments with -A

With these concerns, if you need your code to be portable and can depend on a somewhat complex package, the simple way to portably send MIME attachments is to use mutt.

Change one value based on another value in pandas

The original question addresses a specific narrow use case. For those who need more generic answers here are some examples:

Creating a new column using data from other columns

Given the dataframe below:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame([['dog', 'hound', 5],
                   ['cat', 'ragdoll', 1]],
                  columns=['animal', 'type', 'age'])

  animal     type  age
0    dog    hound    5
1    cat  ragdoll    1

Below we are adding a new description column as a concatenation of other columns by using the + operation which is overridden for series. Fancy string formatting, f-strings etc won't work here since the + applies to scalars and not 'primitive' values:

df['description'] = 'A ' + df.age.astype(str) + ' years old ' \
                    + df.type + ' ' + df.animal

In [2]: df
  animal     type  age                description
0    dog    hound    5    A 5 years old hound dog
1    cat  ragdoll    1  A 1 years old ragdoll cat

We get 1 years for the cat (instead of 1 year) which we will be fixing below using conditionals.

Modifying an existing column with conditionals

Here we are replacing the original animal column with values from other columns, and using np.where to set a conditional substring based on the value of age:

# append 's' to 'age' if it's greater than 1
df.animal = df.animal + ", " + df.type + ", " + \
    df.age.astype(str) + " year" + np.where(df.age > 1, 's', '')

In [3]: df
                 animal     type  age
0   dog, hound, 5 years    hound    5
1  cat, ragdoll, 1 year  ragdoll    1

Modifying multiple columns with conditionals

A more flexible approach is to call .apply() on an entire dataframe rather than on a single column:

def transform_row(r):
    r.animal = 'wild ' + r.type
    r.type = r.animal + ' creature'
    r.age = "{} year{}".format(r.age, r.age > 1 and 's' or '')
    return r

df.apply(transform_row, axis=1)

         animal            type      age
0    wild hound    dog creature  5 years
1  wild ragdoll    cat creature   1 year

In the code above the transform_row(r) function takes a Series object representing a given row (indicated by axis=1, the default value of axis=0 will provide a Series object for each column). This simplifies processing since we can access the actual 'primitive' values in the row using the column names and have visibility of other cells in the given row/column.

Check string for nil & empty

you can use this func

 class func stringIsNilOrEmpty(aString: String) -> Bool { return (aString).isEmpty }

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


How read Doc or Docx file in java?

Here is the code of ReadDoc/ This will read a dox/docx file and print its content to the console. you can customize it your way.

import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor;

public class ReadDocFile
    public static void main(String[] args)
        File file = null;
        WordExtractor extractor = null;

            file = new File("c:\\New.doc");
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file.getAbsolutePath());
            HWPFDocument document = new HWPFDocument(fis);
            extractor = new WordExtractor(document);
            String[] fileData = extractor.getParagraphText();
            for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length; i++)
                if (fileData[i] != null)
        catch (Exception exep)

How to run two jQuery animations simultaneously?

See this brilliant blog post about animating values in objects.. you can then use the values to animate whatever you like, 100% simultaneously!

I've used it like this to slide in/out:

        slide : function(id, prop, from, to) {
            if (from < to) {
                // Sliding out
                var fromvals = { add: from, subtract: 0 };
                var tovals = { add: to, subtract: 0 };
            } else {
                // Sliding back in
                var fromvals = { add: from, subtract: to };
                var tovals = { add: from, subtract: from };

            $(fromvals).animate(tovals, {
                duration: 200,
                easing: 'swing', // can be anything
                step: function () { // called on every step
                    // Slide using the entire -ms-grid-columns setting
                    $(id).css(prop, (this.add - this.subtract) + 'px 1.5fr 0.3fr 8fr 3fr 5fr 0.5fr');

What is the correct JSON content type?

Content-Type: application/json - json
Content-Type: application/javascript - json-P
Content-Type: application/x-javascript - javascript
Content-Type: text/javascript - javascript BUT obsolete, older IE versions used to use as html attribute.
Content-Type: text/x-javascript - JavaScript Media Types BUT obsolete
Content-Type: text/x-json - json before application/json got officially registered.

How to add Google Maps Autocomplete search box?

So I've been playing around with this and it seems you need both places and js maps api activated. Then use the following:


<input id="searchTextField" type="text" size="50">
<input id="address" name="address" value='' type="hidden" placeholder="">


function initMap() {
  var input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');
  var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
  autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function() {
    var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
    document.getElementById("address").value = JSON.stringify(place.address_components);

<script src="" async defer></script>

Why use prefixes on member variables in C++ classes

Others try to enforce using this->member whenever a member variable is used

That is usually because there is no prefix. The compiler needs enough information to resolve the variable in question, be it a unique name because of the prefix, or via the this keyword.

So, yes, I think prefixes are still useful. I, for one, would prefer to type '_' to access a member rather than 'this->'.

Correct redirect URI for Google API and OAuth 2.0

There's no problem with using a localhost url for Dev work - obviously it needs to be changed when it comes to production.

You need to go here: and then follow the link for the API Console - link's in the Basic Steps section. When you've filled out the new application form you'll be asked to provide a redirect Url. Put in the page you want to go to once access has been granted.

When forming the Google oAuth Url - you need to include the redirect url - it has to be an exact match or you'll have problems. It also needs to be UrlEncoded.

Get text from pressed button

Try this,

Button btn=(Button)findViewById(;
String btnText=btn.getText();

Include PHP file into HTML file

In order to get the PHP output into the HTML file you need to either

  • Change the extension of the HTML to file to PHP and include the PHP from there (simple)
  • Load your HTML file into your PHP as a kind of template (a lot of work)
  • Change your environment so it deals with HTML as if it was PHP (bad idea)

Close Bootstrap Modal

My five cents on this one is that I don't want to have to target the bootstrap modal with an id and seeing as there should be only one modal at a time the following should be quite sufficient to remove the modal as toggle could be dangerous:


How to check if an integer is within a range of numbers in PHP?

if (($num >= $lower_boundary) && ($num <= $upper_boundary)) {

You may want to adjust the comparison operators if you want the boundary values not to be valid.

How to set focus on input field?

HTML has an attribute autofocus.

<input type="text" name="fname" autofocus>

Multiple modals overlay

The solution to this for me was to NOT use the "fade" class on my modal divs.

Finding last index of a string in Oracle

Use -1 as the start position:

INSTR('JD-EQ-0001', '-', -1)

How to hide Bootstrap modal with javascript?

I had better luck making the call after the "shown" callback occurred:

$('#myModal').on('shown', function () {

This ensured the modal was done loading before the hide() call was made.

Display A Popup Only Once Per User

*Note : This will show popup once per browser as the data is stored in browser memory.

Try HTML localStorage.

Methods :

  • localStorage.getItem('key');
  • localStorage.setItem('key','value');

$j(document).ready(function() {
    if(localStorage.getItem('popState') != 'shown'){

    $j('#popup-close, #popup').click(function() // You are clicking the close button
        $j('#popup').fadeOut(); // Now the pop up is hidden.

Working Demo

"Full screen" <iframe>

You can also use viewport-percentage lengths to achieve this:

5.1.2. Viewport-percentage lengths: the ‘vw’, ‘vh’, ‘vmin’, ‘vmax’ units

The viewport-percentage lengths are relative to the size of the initial containing block. When the height or width of the initial containing block is changed, they are scaled accordingly.

Where 100vh represents the height of the viewport, and likewise 100vw represents the width.

Example Here

body {_x000D_
    margin: 0;            /* Reset default margin */_x000D_
iframe {_x000D_
    display: block;       /* iframes are inline by default */_x000D_
    background: #000;_x000D_
    border: none;         /* Reset default border */_x000D_
    height: 100vh;        /* Viewport-relative units */_x000D_
    width: 100vw;_x000D_

This is supported in most modern browsers - support can be found here.

How to handle ETIMEDOUT error?

We could look at error object for a property code that mentions the possible system error and in cases of ETIMEDOUT where a network call fails, act accordingly.

if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') {
    console.log('My dish error: ', util.inspect(err, { showHidden: true, depth: 2 }));

Eclipse Build Path Nesting Errors

The accepted solution didn't work for me but I did some digging on the project settings.

The following solution fixed it for me at least IF you are using a Dynamic Web Project:

  1. Right click on the project then properties. (or alt-enter on the project)
  2. Under Deployment Assembly remove "src".

You should be able to add the src/main/java. It also automatically adds it to Deployment Assembly.

Caveat: If you added a src/test/java note that it also adds it to Deployment Assembly. Generally, you don't need this. You may remove it.

Regular Expression for alphanumeric and underscores

Um...question: Does it need to have at least one character or no? Can it be an empty string?


Will do at least one upper or lower case alphanumeric or underscore. If it can be zero length, then just substitute the + for *



If diacritics need to be included (such as cedilla - ç) then you would need to use the word character which does the same as the above, but includes the diacritic characters:




How to SUM and SUBTRACT using SQL?

I think this is what you're looking for. NEW_BAL is the sum of QTYs subtracted from the balance:

SELECT   master_table.ORDERNO,
         (stock_bal.BAL_QTY - SUM(master_table.QTY)) AS NEW_BAL
FROM     master_table INNER JOIN
         stock_bal ON master_bal.ITEM = stock_bal.ITEM
GROUP BY master_table.ORDERNO,

If you want to update the item balance with the new balance, use the following:

UPDATE stock_bal
                            FROM     master_table
                            GROUP BY master_table.ORDERNO,

This assumes you posted the subtraction backward; it subtracts the quantities in the order from the balance, which makes the most sense without knowing more about your tables. Just swap those two to change it if I was wrong:

(SUM(master_table.QTY) - stock_bal.BAL_QTY) AS NEW_BAL

How to loop through all but the last item of a list?

To compare each item with the next one in an iterator without instantiating a list:

import itertools
it = (x for x in range(10))
data1, data2 = itertools.tee(it)
for a, b in itertools.izip(data1, data2):
  print a, b

How to exit from the application and show the home screen?

If you want to end an activity you can simply call finish(). It is however bad practice to have an exit button on the screen.

return SQL table as JSON in python

More information about how you'll be working with your data before transferring it would help a ton. The json module provides dump(s) and load(s) methods that'll help if you're using 2.6 or newer:

-- EDITED --

Without knowing which libraries you're using I can't tell you for sure if you'll find a method like that. Normally, I'll process query results like this (examples with kinterbasdb because it's what we're currently working with):

qry = "Select Id, Name, Artist, Album From MP3s Order By Name, Artist"
# Assumes conn is a database connection.
cursor = conn.cursor()
rows = [x for x in cursor]
cols = [x[0] for x in cursor.description]
songs = []
for row in rows:
  song = {}
  for prop, val in zip(cols, row):
    song[prop] = val
# Create a string representation of your array of songs.
songsJSON = json.dumps(songs)

There are undoubtedly better experts out there who'll have list comprehensions to eliminate the need for written out loops, but this works and should be something you could adapt to whatever library you're retrieving records with.

How to get controls in WPF to fill available space?

Well, I figured it out myself, right after posting, which is the most embarassing way. :)

It seems every member of a StackPanel will simply fill its minimum requested size.

In the DockPanel, I had docked things in the wrong order. If the TextBox or ListBox is the only docked item without an alignment, or if they are the last added, they WILL fill the remaining space as wanted.

I would love to see a more elegant method of handling this, but it will do.

Sending credentials with cross-domain posts?

In jQuery 3 and perhaps earlier versions, the following simpler config also works for individual requests:

            dataType: 'json',
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: true
            success: successFunc

The full error I was getting in Firefox Dev Tools -> Network tab (in the Security tab for an individual request) was:

An error occurred during a connection to peer was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters.Error code: SSL_ERROR_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ALERT

Plotting with ggplot2: "Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale" on categorical y-axis

if x is numeric, then add scale_x_continuous(); if x is character/factor, then add scale_x_discrete(). This might solve your problem.

Python function global variables?

If you want to simply access a global variable you just use its name. However to change its value you need to use the global keyword.


global someVar
someVar = 55

This would change the value of the global variable to 55. Otherwise it would just assign 55 to a local variable.

The order of function definition listings doesn't matter (assuming they don't refer to each other in some way), the order they are called does.

How to change the icon of .bat file programmatically?

Assuming you're referring to MS-DOS batch files: as it is simply a text file with a special extension, a .bat file doesn't store an icon of its own.

You can, however, create a shortcut in the .lnk format that stores an icon.

angular-cli server - how to specify default port

You can now specify the port in the .angular-cli.json under the defaults:

"defaults": {
  "styleExt": "scss",
  "serve": {
    "port": 8080
  "component": {}

Tested in angular-cli v1.0.6

URL encode sees “&” (ampersand) as “&amp;” HTML entity

If you did literally this:


Then the result is %26, you can test it here. Make sure the string you are encoding is just & and not &amp; to begin with...otherwise it is encoding correctly, which is likely the case. If you need a different result for some reason, you can do a .replace(/&amp;/g,'&') before the encoding.

How to get file name when user select a file via <input type="file" />?

You can use the next code:


    function showname () {
      var name = document.getElementById('fileInput'); 
      alert('Selected file: ' + name.files.item(0).name);
      alert('Selected file: ' + name.files.item(0).size);
      alert('Selected file: ' + name.files.item(0).type);


        <input type="file" id="fileInput" multiple onchange="showname()"/>

Javascript Audio Play on click

Now that the Web Audio API is here and gaining browser support, that could be a more robust option.

Zounds is a primitive wrapper around that API for playing simple one-shot sounds with a minimum of boilerplate at the point of use.

How do I loop through rows with a data reader in C#?

Actually the Read method iterating over records in a result set. In your case - over table rows. So you still can use it.

lvalue required as left operand of assignment error when using C++

It is just a typo(I guess)-


instead of p +1=p; is required .

As name suggest lvalue expression should be left-hand operand of the assignment operator.

How to get the employees with their managers

You could have just changed your query to:

SELECT ename, empno, (SELECT ename FROM EMP WHERE empno = e.mgr)AS MANAGER, mgr 
from emp e 
order by empno;

This would tell the engine that for the inner emp table, empno should be matched with mgr column from the outer table. enter image description here

How to include duplicate keys in HashMap?

Use Map<Integer, List<String>>:

Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new LinkedHashMap< Integer, List<String>>();

map.put(-1505711364, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("4")));
map.put(294357273, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("15", "71")));

To add a new key/value pair in this map:

public void add(Integer key, String newValue) {
    List<String> currentValue = map.get(key);
    if (currentValue == null) {
        currentValue = new ArrayList<String>();
        map.put(key, currentValue);