Programs & Examples On #Analytic functions

Aggregation functions that can peek at rows returned from the same query. The SQL standard defines them as window functions and the tag `window-functions` should be preferred over `analytical-functions` unless it is something completely Oracle specific

What is ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING used for in Teradata?

It's the "frame" or "range" clause of window functions, which are part of the SQL standard and implemented in many databases, including Teradata.

A simple example would be to calculate the average amount in a frame of three days. I'm using PostgreSQL syntax for the example, but it will be the same for Teradata:

WITH data (t, a) AS (
  VALUES(1, 1),
        (2, 5),
        (3, 3),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 4),
        (6, 11)
FROM data

... which yields:

t  a  avg
1  1  3.00
2  5  3.00
3  3  4.33
4  5  4.00
5  4  6.67
6 11  7.50

As you can see, each average is calculated "over" an ordered frame consisting of the range between the previous row (1 preceding) and the subsequent row (1 following).

When you write ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, then the frame's lower bound is simply infinite. This is useful when calculating sums (i.e. "running totals"), for instance:

WITH data (t, a) AS (
  VALUES(1, 1),
        (2, 5),
        (3, 3),
        (4, 5),
        (5, 4),
        (6, 11)
FROM data


t  a  sum
1  1    1
2  5    6
3  3    9
4  5   14
5  4   18
6 11   29

Here's another very good explanations of SQL window functions.

Taking the record with the max date

A is the key, max(date) is the value, we might simplify the query as below:

SELECT distinct A, max(date) over (partition by A)

Oracle 'Partition By' and 'Row_Number' keyword

I know this is an old thread but PARTITION is the equiv of GROUP BY not ORDER BY. ORDER BY in this function is . . . ORDER BY. It's just a way to create uniqueness out of redundancy by adding a sequence number. Or you may eliminate the other redundant records by the WHERE clause when referencing the aliased column for the function. However, DISTINCT in the SELECT statement would probably accomplish the same thing in that regard.

SQL Row_Number() function in Where Clause

In response to comments on rexem's answer, with respect to whether a an inline view or CTE would be faster I recast the queries to use a table I, and everyone, had available: sys.objects.

WITH object_rows AS (
    SELECT object_id, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY object_id) RN
    FROM sys.objects)
SELECT object_id
FROM object_rows

SELECT object_id
FROM (SELECT object_id, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY object_id) RN
    FROM sys.objects) T

The query plans produced were exactly the same. I would expect in all cases, the query optimizer would come up with the same plan, at least in simple replacement of CTE with inline view or vice versa.

Of course, try your own queries on your own system to see if there is a difference.

Also, row_number() in the where clause is a common error in answers given on Stack Overflow. Logicaly row_number() is not available until the select clause is processed. People forget that and when they answer without testing the answer, the answer is sometimes wrong. (A charge I have myself been guilty of.)

Node.js server that accepts POST requests

The following code shows how to read values from an HTML form. As @pimvdb said you need to use the request.on('data'...) to capture the contents of the body.

const http = require('http')

const server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {

  if (request.method == 'POST') {
    var body = ''
    request.on('data', function(data) {
      body += data
      console.log('Partial body: ' + body)
    request.on('end', function() {
      console.log('Body: ' + body)
      response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
      response.end('post received')
  } else {
    var html = `
                    <form method="post" action="http://localhost:3000">Name: 
                        <input type="text" name="name" />
                        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

const port = 3000
const host = ''
server.listen(port, host)
console.log(`Listening at http://${host}:${port}`)

If you use something like Express.js and Bodyparser then it would look like this since Express will handle the request.body concatenation

var express = require('express')
var fs = require('fs')
var app = express()


app.get('/', function(request, response) {
  console.log('GET /')
  var html = `
            <form method="post" action="http://localhost:3000">Name: 
                <input type="text" name="name" />
                <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})
})'/', function(request, response) {
  console.log('POST /')
  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'})

port = 3000
console.log(`Listening at http://localhost:${port}`)

How to select an option from drop down using Selenium WebDriver C#?

This is how it works for me (selecting control by ID and option by text):

protected void clickOptionInList(string listControlId, string optionText)
     driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//select[@id='"+ listControlId + "']/option[contains(.,'"+ optionText +"')]")).Click();


clickOptionInList("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_lbxAllRoles", "Tester");

The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document in a Silverlight application

Goto Project Properties -> Build -> Advanced...

In the "Output" section select "full" in Debug Info dropdown

How to change the URL from "localhost" to something else, on a local system using wampserver?

This method will work for xamp/wamp/lamp

  1. 1st go to your server directory, for example, C:\xamp
  2. 2nd go to apache/conf/extra and open httpd-vhosts.conf
  3. 3rd add following code to this file
 <VirtualHost myWebsite.local>
        DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/php-bugs/"
        ServerName php-bugs.local
        ServerAlias php-bugs.local
        <Directory "C:/wamp/www/php-bugs/">
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

For DocumentRoot and Directory add your local directory For ServerName and ServerAlias give your server a name

  1. Finally go to C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc and open hosts file
    add php-bugs.local and nothing else

  2. For the finishing touch restart your server

    For Multile local domain add another section of code into httpd-vhosts.conf

 <VirtualHost myWebsite.local>
        DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/php-bugs2/"
        ServerName php-bugs.local2
        ServerAlias php-bugs.local2
        <Directory "C:/wamp/www/php-bugs2/">
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

and add your host into host file php-bugs.local2

In PHP, what is a closure and why does it use the "use" identifier?

This is how PHP expresses a closure. This is not evil at all and in fact it is quite powerful and useful.

Basically what this means is that you are allowing the anonymous function to "capture" local variables (in this case, $tax and a reference to $total) outside of it scope and preserve their values (or in the case of $total the reference to $total itself) as state within the anonymous function itself.

How to get Enum Value from index in Java?

I recently had the same problem and used the solution provided by Harry Joy. That solution only works with with zero-based enumaration though. I also wouldn't consider it save as it doesn't deal with indexes that are out of range.

The solution I ended up using might not be as simple but it's completely save and won't hurt the performance of your code even with big enums:

public enum Example {

    UNKNOWN(0, "unknown"), ENUM1(1, "enum1"), ENUM2(2, "enum2"), ENUM3(3, "enum3");

    private static HashMap<Integer, Example> enumById = new HashMap<>();
    static { -> enumById.put(e.getId(), e));

    public static Example getById(int id) {
        return enumById.getOrDefault(id, UNKNOWN);

    private int id;
    private String description;

    private Example(int id, String description) { = id;
        this.description= description;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

If you are sure that you will never be out of range with your index and you don't want to use UNKNOWN like I did above you can of course also do:

public static Example getById(int id) {
        return enumById.get(id);

Using .htaccess to make all .html pages to run as .php files?

I'm using PHP7.1 running in my Raspberry Pi 3.

In the file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php7.1.conf I added at the end:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm .png .jpg .gif

The import org.junit cannot be resolved

In starting code line copy past 'Junit' or 'TestNG' elements will show with Error till you import library with the Project File.

To import Libraries in to project:

Right Click on the Project --> Properties --> Java Build Path --> Libraries -> Add Library -> 'Junit' or 'TestNG'

Add Junit Libraries

How to get the ASCII value of a character

Note that ord() doesn't give you the ASCII value per se; it gives you the numeric value of the character in whatever encoding it's in. Therefore the result of ord('ä') can be 228 if you're using Latin-1, or it can raise a TypeError if you're using UTF-8. It can even return the Unicode codepoint instead if you pass it a unicode:

>>> ord(u'?')

how to get files from <input type='file' .../> (Indirect) with javascript

Above answers are pretty sufficient. Additional to the onChange, if you upload a file using drag and drop events, you can get the file in drop event by accessing eventArgs.dataTransfer.files.

Valid characters in a Java class name

Further to previous answers its worth noting that:

  1. Java allows any Unicode currency symbol in symbol names, so the following will all work:

$var1 £var2 €var3

I believe the usage of currency symbols originates in C/C++, where variables added to your code by the compiler conventionally started with '$'. An obvious example in Java is the names of '.class' files for inner classes, which by convention have the format 'Outer$Inner.class'

  1. Many C# and C++ programmers adopt the convention of placing 'I' in front of interfaces (aka pure virtual classes in C++). This is not required, and hence not done, in Java because the implements keyword makes it very clear when something is an interface.


class Employee : public IPayable //C++


class Employee : IPayable //C#


class Employee implements Payable //Java

  1. Many projects use the convention of placing an underscore in front of field names, so that they can readily be distinguished from local variables and parameters e.g.

private double _salary;

A tiny minority place the underscore after the field name e.g.

private double salary_;

Java Embedded Databases Comparison

I personally favor HSQLDB, but mostly because it was the first I tried.

H2 is said to be faster and provides a nicer GUI frontend (which is generic and works with any JDBC driver, by the way).

At least HSQLDB, H2 and Derby provide server modes which is great for development, because you can access the DB with your application and some tool at the same time (which embedded mode usually doesn't allow).

C# '@' before a String

As a side note, you also should keep in mind that "escaping" means "using the back-slash as an indicator for special characters". You can put an end of line in a string doing that, for instance:

String foo = "Hello\


Allow only pdf, doc, docx format for file upload?

var file = form.getForm().findField("file").getValue();
var fileLen = file.length;
var lastValue = file.substring(fileLen - 3, fileLen);
if (lastValue == 'doc') {//check same for other file format}

Upload files from Java client to a HTTP server

You'd normally use to fire HTTP requests. You'd also normally use multipart/form-data encoding for mixed POST content (binary and character data). Click the link, it contains information and an example how to compose a multipart/form-data request body. The specification is in more detail described in RFC2388.

Here's a kickoff example:

String url = "";
String charset = "UTF-8";
String param = "value";
File textFile = new File("/path/to/file.txt");
File binaryFile = new File("/path/to/file.bin");
String boundary = Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Just generate some unique random value.
String CRLF = "\r\n"; // Line separator required by multipart/form-data.

URLConnection connection = new URL(url).openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);

try (
    OutputStream output = connection.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, charset), true);
) {
    // Send normal param.
    writer.append("--" + boundary).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"param\"").append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" + charset).append(CRLF);

    // Send text file.
    writer.append("--" + boundary).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"textFile\"; filename=\"" + textFile.getName() + "\"").append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" + charset).append(CRLF); // Text file itself must be saved in this charset!
    Files.copy(textFile.toPath(), output);
    output.flush(); // Important before continuing with writer!
    writer.append(CRLF).flush(); // CRLF is important! It indicates end of boundary.

    // Send binary file.
    writer.append("--" + boundary).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"binaryFile\"; filename=\"" + binaryFile.getName() + "\"").append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Type: " + URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(binaryFile.getName())).append(CRLF);
    writer.append("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary").append(CRLF);
    Files.copy(binaryFile.toPath(), output);
    output.flush(); // Important before continuing with writer!
    writer.append(CRLF).flush(); // CRLF is important! It indicates end of boundary.

    // End of multipart/form-data.
    writer.append("--" + boundary + "--").append(CRLF).flush();

// Request is lazily fired whenever you need to obtain information about response.
int responseCode = ((HttpURLConnection) connection).getResponseCode();
System.out.println(responseCode); // Should be 200

This code is less verbose when you use a 3rd party library like Apache Commons HttpComponents Client.

The Apache Commons FileUpload as some incorrectly suggest here is only of interest in the server side. You can't use and don't need it at the client side.

See also

Error "The input device is not a TTY"

if using windows, try with cmd , for me it works. check if docker is started.

Usage of the backtick character (`) in JavaScript

ECMAScript 6 comes up with a new type of string literal, using the backtick as the delimiter. These literals do allow basic string interpolation expressions to be embedded, which are then automatically parsed and evaluated.

let person = {name: 'RajiniKanth', age: 68, greeting: 'Thalaivaaaa!' };

let usualHtmlStr = "<p>My name is " + + ",</p>\n" +
  "<p>I am " + person.age + " old</p>\n" +
  "<strong>\"" + person.greeting + "\" is what I usually say</strong>";

let newHtmlStr =
 `<p>My name is ${},</p>
  <p>I am ${person.age} old</p>
  <p>"${person.greeting}" is what I usually say</strong>`;


As you can see, we used the ` around a series of characters, which are interpreted as a string literal, but any expressions of the form ${..} are parsed and evaluated inline immediately.

One really nice benefit of interpolated string literals is they are allowed to split across multiple lines:

var Actor = {"name": "RajiniKanth"};

var text =
`Now is the time for all good men like ${}
to come to the aid of their
// Now is the time for all good men like RajiniKanth
// to come to the aid of their
// country!

Interpolated Expressions

Any valid expression is allowed to appear inside ${..} in an interpolated string literal, including function calls, inline function expression calls, and even other interpolated string literals!

function upper(s) {
  return s.toUpperCase();
var who = "reader"
var text =
`A very ${upper("warm")} welcome
to all of you ${upper(`${who}s`)}!`;
// A very WARM welcome
// to all of you READERS!

Here, the inner `${who}s` interpolated string literal was a little bit nicer convenience for us when combining the who variable with the "s" string, as opposed to who + "s". Also to keep an note is an interpolated string literal is just lexically scoped where it appears, not dynamically scoped in any way:

function foo(str) {
  var name = "foo";
function bar() {
  var name = "bar";
  foo(`Hello from ${name}!`);
var name = "global";
bar(); // "Hello from bar!"

Using the template literal for the HTML is definitely more readable by reducing the annoyance.

The plain old way:

'<div class="' + className + '">' +
  '<p>' + content + '</p>' +
  '<a href="' + link + '">Let\'s go</a>'

With ECMAScript 6:

`<div class="${className}">
  <a href="${link}">Let's go</a>
  • Your string can span multiple lines.
  • You don't have to escape quotation characters.
  • You can avoid groupings like: '">'
  • You don't have to use the plus operator.

Tagged Template Literals

We can also tag a template string, when a template string is tagged, the literals and substitutions are passed to function which returns the resulting value.

function myTaggedLiteral(strings) {

myTaggedLiteral`test`; //["test"]

function myTaggedLiteral(strings, value, value2) {
  console.log(strings, value, value2);
let someText = 'Neat';
myTaggedLiteral`test ${someText} ${2 + 3}`;
//["test", ""]
// "Neat"
// 5

We can use the spread operator here to pass multiple values. The first argument—we called it strings—is an array of all the plain strings (the stuff between any interpolated expressions).

We then gather up all subsequent arguments into an array called values using the ... gather/rest operator, though you could of course have left them as individual named parameters following the strings parameter like we did above (value1, value2, etc.).

function myTaggedLiteral(strings, ...values) {

let someText = 'Neat';
myTaggedLiteral`test ${someText} ${2 + 3}`;
//["test", ""]
// "Neat"
// 5

The argument(s) gathered into our values array are the results of the already evaluated interpolation expressions found in the string literal. A tagged string literal is like a processing step after the interpolations are evaluated, but before the final string value is compiled, allowing you more control over generating the string from the literal. Let's look at an example of creating reusable templates.

const Actor = {
  name: "RajiniKanth",
  store: "Landmark"

const ActorTemplate = templater`<article>
  <h3>${'name'} is a Actor</h3>
  <p>You can find his movies at ${'store'}.</p>


function templater(strings, ...keys) {
  return function(data) {
    let temp = strings.slice();
    keys.forEach((key, i) => {
      temp[i] = temp[i] + data[key];
    return temp.join('');

const myTemplate = ActorTemplate(Actor);

Raw Strings

Our tag functions receive a first argument we called strings, which is an array. But there’s an additional bit of data included: the raw unprocessed versions of all the strings. You can access those raw string values using the .raw property, like this:

function showraw(strings, ...values) {

As you can see, the raw version of the string preserves the escaped \n sequence, while the processed version of the string treats it like an unescaped real new-line. ECMAScript 6 comes with a built-in function that can be used as a string literal tag: String.raw(..). It simply passes through the raw versions of the strings:

/* "Hello
World" */

// "Hello\nWorld"

How can I initialize a C# List in the same line I declare it. (IEnumerable string Collection Example)

Remove the parentheses:

List<string> nameslist = new List<string> {"one", "two", "three"};

Angular 5 Button Submit On Enter Key Press

Another alternative can be to execute the Keydown or KeyUp in the tag of the Form

<form name="nameForm" [formGroup]="groupForm" (keydown.enter)="executeFunction()" >

Corrupted Access .accdb file: "Unrecognized Database Format"

Well, I have tried something I hope it helps ..

They changed the schema a little bit ..

Use the following :

1- Change the AccessDataSource to SQLDataSource in the toolbox.

2- In the drop down menu choose your access database (xxxx.accdb or xxxx.mdb)

3- Next -> Next -> Test Query -> Finish.

Worked for me.

iOS 10: "[App] if we're in the real pre-commit handler we can't actually add any new fences due to CA restriction"

in your Xcode:

  • Click on your active scheme name right next to the Stop button
  • Click on Edit Scheme....
  • in Run (Debug) select the Arguments tab
  • in Environment Variables click +
  • add variable: OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable


Jquery Button Click Event via ajax

ASP.NET web forms page already have a JavaScript method for handling PostBacks called "__doPostBack".

function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
    if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
        theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
        theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;

Use the following in your code file to generate the JavaScript that performs the PostBack. Using this method will ensure that the proper ClientID for the control is used.

protected string GetLoginPostBack()
    return Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnLogin, string.Empty);

Then in the ASPX page add a javascript block.

<script language="javascript">
function btnLogin_Click() {
  <%= GetLoginPostBack() %>;

The final javascript will be rendered like this.

<script language="javascript">
function btnLogin_Click() {

Now you can use "btnLogin_Click()" from your javascript to submit the button click to the server.

Where is database .bak file saved from SQL Server Management Studio?

Should be in

Program Files>Microsoft SQL Server>MSSQL 1.0>MSSQL>BACKUP>

In my case it is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup

If you use the gui or T-SQL you can specify where you want it T-SQL example

BACKUP DATABASE [YourDB] TO  DISK = N'SomePath\YourDB.bak' 
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'YourDB Full Database Backup', 

With T-SQL you can also get the location of the backup, see here Getting the physical device name and backup time for a SQL Server database

SELECT          physical_device_name,
                backup_size/1024.0 AS BackupSizeKB
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b
JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m ON b.media_set_id = m.media_set_id
WHERE database_name = 'YourDB'
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC

Cross-Origin Request Headers(CORS) with PHP headers

add this code in .htaccess

add custom authentication key's in header like app_key,auth_key..etc

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers: "customKey1,customKey2, headers, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization"

Check if string is neither empty nor space in shell script

You need a space on either side of the !=. Change your code to:

str="Hello World"
str2=" "

if [ ! -z "$str" -a "$str" != " " ]; then
        echo "Str is not null or space"

if [ ! -z "$str2" -a "$str2" != " " ]; then
        echo "Str2 is not null or space"

if [ ! -z "$str3" -a "$str3" != " " ]; then
        echo "Str3 is not null or space"

Import module from subfolder

There's no need to mess with your PYTHONPATH or sys.path here.

To properly use absolute imports in a package you should include the "root" packagename as well, e.g.:

from dirFoo.dirFoo1.foo1 import Foo1
from dirFoo.dirFoo2.foo2 import Foo2

Or you can use relative imports:

from .dirfoo1.foo1 import Foo1
from .dirfoo2.foo2 import Foo2

SQL SELECT multi-columns INTO multi-variable

SELECT @var = col1,
       @var2 = col2
FROM   Table

Here is some interesting information about SET / SELECT

  • SET is the ANSI standard for variable assignment, SELECT is not.
  • SET can only assign one variable at a time, SELECT can make multiple assignments at once.
  • If assigning from a query, SET can only assign a scalar value. If the query returns multiple values/rows then SET will raise an error. SELECT will assign one of the values to the variable and hide the fact that multiple values were returned (so you'd likely never know why something was going wrong elsewhere - have fun troubleshooting that one)
  • When assigning from a query if there is no value returned then SET will assign NULL, where SELECT will not make the assignment at all (so the variable will not be changed from it's previous value)
  • As far as speed differences - there are no direct differences between SET and SELECT. However SELECT's ability to make multiple assignments in one shot does give it a slight speed advantage over SET.

What's an Aggregate Root?

Aggregate is where you protect your invariants and force consistency by limiting its access thought aggregate root. Do not forget, aggregate should design upon your project business rules and invariants, not database relationship. you should not inject any repository and no queries are not allowed.

C/C++ check if one bit is set in, i.e. int variable

Why all these bit shifting operations and need for library functions? If you have the value the OP posted: 1011110 and you want to know if the bit in the 3rd position from the right is set, just do:

int temp = 0b1011110;
if( temp & 4 )   /* or (temp & 0b0100) if that's how you roll */

Or, something that may be more easily interpreted by future readers of the code with no #include needed:

int temp = 0b1011110;
_Bool bThirdBitIsSet = (temp & 4) ? 1 : 0;
if( bThirdBitIsSet )

Or if you like it to look a bit prettier:

#include <stdbool.h>
int temp = 0b1011110;
bool bThirdBitIsSet = (temp & 4) ? true : false;
if( bThirdBitIsSet )

How do I remove a library from the arduino environment?

I had to look for them in C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Arduino15\

I had to take help from the "date created" and "date modified" attributes to identify which libraries to delete.

But the names still show in the IDE... But it is something I can live with for now.

Send POST data via raw json with postman

I was facing the same problem, following code worked for me:

$params = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), TRUE);

unable to set private key file: './cert.pem' type PEM

I faced this issue when I had used Open SSL and the solution was to split the cert in 3 files and use all of them doing the call with Curl:

openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.p12 -out ca.pem -cacerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.p12 -out client.pem -clcerts -nokeys 
openssl pkcs12 -in mycert.p12 -out key.pem -nocerts

curl --insecure --key key.pem --cacert ca.pem --cert client.pem:KeyChoosenByMeWhenIrunOpenSSL https://thesite

IntelliJ IDEA shows errors when using Spring's @Autowired annotation

in my case I was missing to write in web.xml:




and in the application context file:

<context:component-scan base-package=[your package name] />

after add this tags and run maven to rebuild project the autowired error in intellj desapears and the bean icon appears in the left margin: enter image description here

How to limit the number of dropzone.js files uploaded?

The problem with the solutions provided is that you can only upload 1 file ever. In my case I needed to upload only 1 file at a time (on click or on drop).

This was my solution..

    Dropzone.options.myDropzone = {
        maxFiles: 2,
        init: function() {
            this.handleFiles = function(files) {
                var file, _i, _len, _results;
                _results = [];
                for (_i = 0, _len = files.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                    file = files[_i];
                    // Make sure we don't handle more files than requested
                    if (this.options.maxFiles != null && this.options.maxFiles > 0 && _i >= (this.options.maxFiles - 1)) {
                return _results;
            this._addFilesFromItems = function(items) {
                var entry, item, _i, _len, _results;
                _results = [];
                for (_i = 0, _len = items.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
                    item = items[_i];
                    if ((item.webkitGetAsEntry != null) && (entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry())) {
                        if (entry.isFile) {
                        } else if (entry.isDirectory) {
                        } else {
                            _results.push(void 0);
                    } else if (item.getAsFile != null) {
                        if ((item.kind == null) || item.kind === "file") {
                        } else {
                            _results.push(void 0);
                    } else {
                        _results.push(void 0);
                    // Make sure we don't handle more files than requested
                    if (this.options.maxFiles != null && this.options.maxFiles > 0 && _i >= (this.options.maxFiles - 1)) {
                return _results;

Hope this helps ;)

Is there any way to debug chrome in any IOS device

Old Answer (July 2016):

You can't directly debug Chrome for iOS due to restrictions on the published WKWebView apps, but there are a few options already discussed in other SO threads:

  1. If you can reproduce the issue in Safari as well, then use Remote Debugging with Safari Web Inspector. This would be the easiest approach.

  2. WeInRe allows some simple debugging, using a simple client-server model. It's not fully featured, but it may well be enough for your problem. See instructions on set up here.

  3. You could try and create a simple WKWebView browser app (some instructions here), or look for an existing one on GitHub. Since Chrome uses the same rendering engine, you could debug using that, as it will be close to what Chrome produces.

There's a "bug" opened up for WebKit: Allow Web Inspector usage for release builds of WKWebView. If and when we get an API to WKWebView, Chrome for iOS would be debuggable.

Update January 2018:

Since my answer back in 2016, some work has been done to improve things.

There is a recent project called RemoteDebug iOS WebKit Adapter, by some of the Microsoft team. It's an adapter that handles the API differences between Webkit Remote Debugging Protocol and Chrome Debugging Protocol, and this allows you to debug iOS WebViews in any app that supports the protocol - Chrome DevTools, VS Code etc.

Check out the getting started guide in the repo, which is quite detailed.

If you are interesting, you can read up on the background and architecture here.

How do you update Xcode on OSX to the latest version?

I ran into this bugger too.

I was running an older version of Xcode (not compatible with ios 9.2) so I needed to update.

I spent hours on this and was constantly getting spinning wheel of death in the app store. Nothing worked. I tried CLI softwareupdate, updating OSX, everything.

I ultimately had to download AppZapper, then nuked XCode.

I went into the app store to download and it still didn't work. Then I rebooted.

And from here I could finally upgrade to a fresh version of xcode.

WARNING: AppZapper can delete all your data around Xcode as well, so be prepared to start from scratch on your profiles, keys, etc. Also per the other notes here, of course be ready for a 3-5 hour long downloading expedition...

comparing strings in vb

I would suggest using the String.Compare method. Using that method you can also control whether to to have it perform case-sensitive comparisons or not.


Dim str1 As String = "String one"
Dim str2 As String = str1
Dim str3 As String = "String three"
Dim str4 As String = str3

If String.Compare(str1, str2) = 0 And String.Compare(str3, str4) = 0 Then
    MessageBox.Show("str1 = str2 And str3 = str4")
End If

Edit: if you want to perform a case-insensitive search you can use the StringComparison parameter:

If String.Compare(str1, str2, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) = 0 And String.Compare(str3, str4, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) = 0 Then

How to download and save a file from Internet using Java?

public class DownloadManager {

    static String urls = "[WEBSITE NAME]";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
        URL url = verify(urls);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        InputStream in = null;
        String filename = url.getFile();
        filename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Java2_programiranje/Network/DownloadTest1/Project/Output" + File.separator + filename);
        in = connection.getInputStream();
        int read = -1;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
        while((read = != -1){
            out.write(buffer, 0, read);
            System.out.println("[SYSTEM/INFO]: Downloading file...");
        System.out.println("[SYSTEM/INFO]: File Downloaded!");
    private static URL verify(String url){
        if(!url.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://")) {
            return null;
        URL verifyUrl = null;

            verifyUrl = new URL(url);
        }catch(Exception e){
        return verifyUrl;

How to enable CORS in flask

I've just faced the same issue and I came to believe that the other answers are a bit more complicated than they need to be, so here's my approach for those who don't want to rely on more libraries or decorators:

A CORS request actually consists of two HTTP requests. A preflight request and then an actual request that is only made if the preflight passes successfully.

The preflight request

Before the actual cross domain POST request, the browser will issue an OPTIONS request. This response should not return any body, but only some reassuring headers telling the browser that it's alright to do this cross-domain request and it's not part of some cross site scripting attack.

I wrote a Python function to build this response using the make_response function from the flask module.

def _build_cors_prelight_response():
    response = make_response()
    response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
    response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*")
    response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "*")
    return response

This response is a wildcard one that works for all requests. If you want the additional security gained by CORS, you have to provide a whitelist of origins, headers and methods.

This response will convince your (Chrome) browser to go ahead and do the actual request.

The actual request

When serving the actual request you have to add one CORS header - otherwise the browser won't return the response to the invoking JavaScript code. Instead the request will fail on the client-side. Example with jsonify

response = jsonify({"order_id": 123, "status": "shipped"}
response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
return response

I also wrote a function for that.

def _corsify_actual_response(response):
    response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
    return response

allowing you to return a one-liner.

Final code

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, make_response
from models import OrderModel

flask_app = Flask(__name__)

@flask_app.route("/api/orders", methods=["POST", "OPTIONS"])
def api_create_order():
    if request.method == "OPTIONS": # CORS preflight
        return _build_cors_prelight_response()
    elif request.method == "POST": # The actual request following the preflight
        order = OrderModel.create(...) # Whatever.
        return _corsify_actual_response(jsonify(order.to_dict()))
        raise RuntimeError("Weird - don't know how to handle method {}".format(request.method))

def _build_cors_prelight_response():
    response = make_response()
    response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', "*")
    response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', "*")
    return response

def _corsify_actual_response(response):
    response.headers.add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
    return response

redirect while passing arguments

I'm a little confused. "foo.html" is just the name of your template. There's no inherent relationship between the route name "foo" and the template name "foo.html".

To achieve the goal of not rewriting logic code for two different routes, I would just define a function and call that for both routes. I wouldn't use redirect because that actually redirects the client/browser which requires them to load two pages instead of one just to save you some coding time - which seems mean :-P

So maybe:

def super_cool_logic():
    # execute common code here

def do_foo():
    # do some logic here
    return render_template("foo.html")

def do_baz():
    if some_condition:
        return render_template("baz.html")
        return render_template("foo.html", messages={"main":"Condition failed on page baz"})

I feel like I'm missing something though and there's a better way to achieve what you're trying to do (I'm not really sure what you're trying to do)

How to install libusb in Ubuntu

you can creat symlink to your libusb after locate it in your system :

sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/ 

sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

How to install python3 version of package via pip on Ubuntu?

You may want to build a virtualenv of python3, then install packages of python3 after activating the virtualenv. So your system won't be messed up :)

This could be something like:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 py3env
source py3env/bin/activate
pip install package-name

LINQ query to find if items in a list are contained in another list

Try the following:

List<string> test1 = new List<string> { "", "" };
List<string> test2 = new List<string> { "[email protected]", "[email protected]" };
var output = from goodEmails in test2
            where !(from email in test2
                from domain in test1
                where email.EndsWith(domain)
                select email).Contains(goodEmails)
            select goodEmails;

This works with the test set provided (and looks correct).

Differences between time complexity and space complexity?

There is a well know relation between time and space complexity.

First of all, time is an obvious bound to space consumption: in time t you cannot reach more than O(t) memory cells. This is usually expressed by the inclusion

                            DTime(f) ? DSpace(f)

where DTime(f) and DSpace(f) are the set of languages recognizable by a deterministic Turing machine in time (respectively, space) O(f). That is to say that if a problem can be solved in time O(f), then it can also be solved in space O(f).

Less evident is the fact that space provides a bound to time. Suppose that, on an input of size n, you have at your disposal f(n) memory cells, comprising registers, caches and everything. After having written these cells in all possible ways you may eventually stop your computation, since otherwise you would reenter a configuration you already went through, starting to loop. Now, on a binary alphabet, f(n) cells can be written in 2^f(n) different ways, that gives our time upper bound: either the computation will stop within this bound, or you may force termination, since the computation will never stop.

This is usually expressed in the inclusion

                          DSpace(f) ? Dtime(2^(cf))

for some constant c. the reason of the constant c is that if L is in DSpace(f) you only know that it will be recognized in Space O(f), while in the previous reasoning, f was an actual bound.

The above relations are subsumed by stronger versions, involving nondeterministic models of computation, that is the way they are frequently stated in textbooks (see e.g. Theorem 7.4 in Computational Complexity by Papadimitriou).

Replace HTML page with contents retrieved via AJAX

I'm assuming you are using jQuery or something similar. If you are using jQuery, then the following should work:

   <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Static array vs. dynamic array in C++

Static arrays are allocated memory at compile time and the memory is allocated on the stack. Whereas, the dynamic arrays are allocated memory at the runtime and the memory is allocated from heap.

int arr[] = { 1, 3, 4 }; // static integer array.   
int* arr = new int[3]; // dynamic integer array.

Maintaining Session through Angular.js

You can also try to make service based on window.sessionStorage or window.localStorage to keep state information between page reloads. I use it in the web app which is partially made in AngularJS and page URL is changed in "the old way" for some parts of workflow. Web storage is supported even by IE8. Here is angular-webstorage for convenience.

How to convert DateTime to/from specific string format (both ways, e.g. given Format is "yyyyMMdd")?

You can convert your string to a DateTime value like this:

DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(something);

You can convert a DateTime value to a formatted string like this:


How to validate an e-mail address in swift?

I prefer use an extension for that. Besides, this url can help you to test if regex is correct. In fact, the site offers differents implementations for some programming languages. I share my implementation for Swift 3.

extension String {
    func validateEmail() -> Bool {
        let emailRegex = "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"
        return NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", emailRegex).evaluate(with: self)

How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

First, let’s clarify what HEAD is and what it means when it is detached.

HEAD is the symbolic name for the currently checked out commit. When HEAD is not detached (the “normal”1 situation: you have a branch checked out), HEAD actually points to a branch’s “ref” and the branch points to the commit. HEAD is thus “attached” to a branch. When you make a new commit, the branch that HEAD points to is updated to point to the new commit. HEAD follows automatically since it just points to the branch.

  • git symbolic-ref HEAD yields refs/heads/master
    The branch named “master” is checked out.
  • git rev-parse refs/heads/master yield 17a02998078923f2d62811326d130de991d1a95a
    That commit is the current tip or “head” of the master branch.
  • git rev-parse HEAD also yields 17a02998078923f2d62811326d130de991d1a95a
    This is what it means to be a “symbolic ref”. It points to an object through some other reference.
    (Symbolic refs were originally implemented as symbolic links, but later changed to plain files with extra interpretation so that they could be used on platforms that do not have symlinks.)

We have HEAD ? refs/heads/master ? 17a02998078923f2d62811326d130de991d1a95a

When HEAD is detached, it points directly to a commit—instead of indirectly pointing to one through a branch. You can think of a detached HEAD as being on an unnamed branch.

  • git symbolic-ref HEAD fails with fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
  • git rev-parse HEAD yields 17a02998078923f2d62811326d130de991d1a95a
    Since it is not a symbolic ref, it must point directly to the commit itself.

We have HEAD ? 17a02998078923f2d62811326d130de991d1a95a

The important thing to remember with a detached HEAD is that if the commit it points to is otherwise unreferenced (no other ref can reach it), then it will become “dangling” when you checkout some other commit. Eventually, such dangling commits will be pruned through the garbage collection process (by default, they are kept for at least 2 weeks and may be kept longer by being referenced by HEAD’s reflog).

1 It is perfectly fine to do “normal” work with a detached HEAD, you just have to keep track of what you are doing to avoid having to fish dropped history out of the reflog.

The intermediate steps of an interactive rebase are done with a detached HEAD (partially to avoid polluting the active branch’s reflog). If you finish the full rebase operation, it will update your original branch with the cumulative result of the rebase operation and reattach HEAD to the original branch. My guess is that you never fully completed the rebase process; this will leave you with a detached HEAD pointing to the commit that was most recently processed by the rebase operation.

To recover from your situation, you should create a branch that points to the commit currently pointed to by your detached HEAD:

git branch temp
git checkout temp

(these two commands can be abbreviated as git checkout -b temp)

This will reattach your HEAD to the new temp branch.

Next, you should compare the current commit (and its history) with the normal branch on which you expected to be working:

git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit master origin/master temp
git diff master temp
git diff origin/master temp

(You will probably want to experiment with the log options: add -p, leave off --pretty=… to see the whole log message, etc.)

If your new temp branch looks good, you may want to update (e.g.) master to point to it:

git branch -f master temp
git checkout master

(these two commands can be abbreviated as git checkout -B master temp)

You can then delete the temporary branch:

git branch -d temp

Finally, you will probably want to push the reestablished history:

git push origin master

You may need to add --force to the end of this command to push if the remote branch can not be “fast-forwarded” to the new commit (i.e. you dropped, or rewrote some existing commit, or otherwise rewrote some bit of history).

If you were in the middle of a rebase operation you should probably clean it up. You can check whether a rebase was in process by looking for the directory .git/rebase-merge/. You can manually clean up the in-progress rebase by just deleting that directory (e.g. if you no longer remember the purpose and context of the active rebase operation). Usually you would use git rebase --abort, but that does some extra resetting that you probably want to avoid (it moves HEAD back to the original branch and resets it back to the original commit, which will undo some of the work we did above).

Passing a String by Reference in Java?

You have three options:

  1. Use a StringBuilder:

    StringBuilder zText = new StringBuilder ();
    void fillString(StringBuilder zText) { zText.append ("foo"); }
  2. Create a container class and pass an instance of the container to your method:

    public class Container { public String data; }
    void fillString(Container c) { += "foo"; }
  3. Create an array:

    new String[] zText = new String[1];
    zText[0] = "";
    void fillString(String[] zText) { zText[0] += "foo"; }

From a performance point of view, the StringBuilder is usually the best option.

Scripting SQL Server permissions

Yes, you can use a script like this to generate another script

DECLARE @NewRole varchar(100), @SourceRole varchar(100);

-- Change as needed
SELECT @SourceRole = 'Giver', @NewRole = 'Taker';

    state_desc + ' ' + permission_name + ' ON ' + OBJECT_NAME(major_id) + ' TO ' + @NewRole
    grantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(@SourceRole) AND
    -- 0 = DB,  1 = object/column, 3 = schema. 1 is normally enough
    class <= 3

This is taken from my answer here

Function pointer as parameter

Replace void *disconnectFunc; with void (*disconnectFunc)(); to declare function pointer type variable. Or even better use a typedef:

typedef void (*func_t)(); // pointer to function with no args and void return
func_t fptr; // variable of pointer to function
void D::setDisconnectFunc( func_t func )
    fptr = func;

void D::disconnected()
    connected = false;

How to clear the logs properly for a Docker container?

You can't do this directly through a Docker command.

You can either limit the log's size, or use a script to delete logs related to a container. You can find scripts examples here (read from the bottom): Feature: Ability to clear log history #1083

Check out the logging section of the docker-compose file reference, where you can specify options (such as log rotation and log size limit) for some logging drivers.

How can I add reflection to a C++ application?

If you're looking for relatively simple C++ reflection - I have collected from various sources macro / defines, and commented them out how they works. You can download header files from here:

set of defines, plus functionality on top of it:

Sample application resides in git repository as well, in here:

I'll partly copy it here with explanation:

#include "CppReflect.h"
using namespace std;

class Person

    // Repack your code into REFLECTABLE macro, in (<C++ Type>) <Field name>
    // form , like this:

    REFLECTABLE( Person,
        (CString)   name,
        (int)       age,

void main(void)
    Person p; = L"Roger";
    p.age = 37;

    // And here you can convert your class contents into xml form:

    CStringW xml = ToXML( &p );
    CStringW errors;

    People ppl2;

    // And here you convert from xml back to class:

    FromXml( &ppl2, xml, errors );
    CStringA xml2 = ToXML( &ppl2 );
    printf( xml2 );


REFLECTABLE define uses class name + field name with offsetof - to identify at which place in memory particular field is located. I have tried to pick up .NET terminology for as far as possible, but C++ and C# are different, so it's not 1 to 1. Whole C++ reflection model resides in TypeInfo and FieldInfo classes.

I have used pugi xml parser to fetch demo code into xml and restore it back from xml.

So output produced by demo code looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<People groupName="Group1">
        <Person name="Roger" age="37" />
        <Person name="Alice" age="27" />
        <Person name="Cindy" age="17" />

It's also possible to enable any 3-rd party class / structure support via TypeTraits class, and partial template specification - to define your own TypeTraitsT class, in similar manner to CString or int - see example code in

This solution is applicable for Windows / Visual studio. It's possible to port it to other OS/compilers, but haven't done that one. (Ask me if you really like solution, I might be able to help you out)

This solution is applicable for one shot serialization of one class with multiple subclasses.

If you however are searching for mechanism to serialize class parts or even to control what functionality reflection calls produce, you could take a look on following solution:

More detailed information can be found from youtube video:

C++ Runtime Type Reflection

I'm trying to explain bit deeper on how c++ reflection will work.

Sample code will look like for example this:

c.General.IntDir = LR"(obj\$(ProjectName)_$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\)";
c.General.OutDir = LR"(bin\$(Configuration)_$(Platform)\)";
c.General.UseDebugLibraries = true;
c.General.LinkIncremental = true;
c.CCpp.Optimization = optimization_Disabled;
c.Linker.System.SubSystem = subsystem_Console;
c.Linker.Debugging.GenerateDebugInformation = debuginfo_true;

But each step here actually results in function call Using C++ properties with __declspec(property(get =, put ... ).

which receives full information on C++ Data Types, C++ property names and class instance pointers, in form of path, and based on that information you can generate xml, json or even serialize that one over internet.

Examples of such virtual callback functions can be found here:

See functions ReflectCopy, and virtual function ::OnAfterSetProperty.

But since topic is really advanced - I recommend to check through video first.

If you have some improvement ideas, feel free to contact me.

SQL Server: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric

You might need to revise the data in the column, but anyway you can do one of the following:-

1- check if it is numeric then convert it else put another value like 0


2- select only numeric values from the column

where Isnumeric(COLUMNA) = 1

jQuery UI Dialog window loaded within AJAX style jQuery UI Tabs

//Properly Formatted

<script type="text/Javascript">
  $(function ()    
        modal: true,
        open: function ()
        height: 400,
        width: 600,
        title: 'Ajax Page'

How do I prevent site scraping?

Sorry, it's really quite hard to do this...

I would suggest that you politely ask them to not use your content (if your content is copyrighted).

If it is and they don't take it down, then you can take furthur action and send them a cease and desist letter.

Generally, whatever you do to prevent scraping will probably end up with a more negative effect, e.g. accessibility, bots/spiders, etc.

How to use boost bind with a member function

Use the following instead:

boost::function<void (int)> f2( boost::bind( &myclass::fun2, this, _1 ) );

This forwards the first parameter passed to the function object to the function using place-holders - you have to tell Boost.Bind how to handle the parameters. With your expression it would try to interpret it as a member function taking no arguments.
See e.g. here or here for common usage patterns.

Note that VC8s cl.exe regularly crashes on Boost.Bind misuses - if in doubt use a test-case with gcc and you will probably get good hints like the template parameters Bind-internals were instantiated with if you read through the output.

Sorting a list with stream.sorted() in Java

This is a simple example :

List<String> citiesName = Arrays.asList( "Delhi","Mumbai","Chennai","Banglore","Kolkata");
System.out.println("Cities : "+citiesName);
List<String> sortedByName =
System.out.println("Sorted by Name : "+ sortedByName);

It may be possible that your IDE is not getting the jdk 1.8 or upper version to compile the code.

Set the Java version 1.8 for Your_Project > properties > Project Facets > Java version 1.8

When to use margin vs padding in CSS


Explanation of the different parts:

  • Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear

  • Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent

  • Border - A border that goes around the padding and content

  • Margin - Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent

Illustration of CSS box model

Live example (play around by changing the values):

Export query result to .csv file in SQL Server 2008

I know this is a bit old, but here is a much easier way...

  1. Run your query with default settings (puts results in grid format, if your's is not in grid format, see below)

  2. Right click on grid results and click "Save Results As" and save it.

If your results are not in grid format, right click where you write the query, hover "Results To" and click "Results To Grid"

Be aware you do NOT capture the column headers!

Good Luck!

" netsh wlan start hostednetwork " command not working no matter what I try

If you have a wifi button or switch on your laptop make sure it is turned on! Then use the netsh commands that other people have stated

Python dictionary get multiple values

There already exists a function for this:

from operator import itemgetter

my_dict = {x: x**2 for x in range(10)}

itemgetter(1, 3, 2, 5)(my_dict)
#>>> (1, 9, 4, 25)

itemgetter will return a tuple if more than one argument is passed. To pass a list to itemgetter, use


Keep in mind that itemgetter does not wrap its output in a tuple when only one key is requested, and does not support zero keys being requested.

Regular Expression Validation For Indian Phone Number and Mobile number

I use the following for one of my python project



Python usage'(\+91)?(-)?\s*?(91)?\s*?(\d{3})-?\s*?(\d{3})-?\s*?(\d{4})'), text_to_search).group()


(\+91)? // optionally match '+91'
(91)?   // optionally match '91'
-?      // optionally match '-'
\s*?    // optionally match whitespace
(\d{3}) // compulsory match 3 digits
(\d{4}) // compulsory match 4 digits

Tested & works for

+91 9992223333
91 9992223333
91999 222 3333
+91999 222 3333
+91 999-222-3333
+91 999 222 3333
91 999 222 3333
999 222 3333

Make error: missing separator

In my case, the same error was caused because colon: was missing at end as in staging.deploy:. So note that it can be easy syntax mistake.

show dbs gives "Not Authorized to execute command" error

Copy of answer OP posted in question:


After the update from the previous edit, I looked a bit about the connection between client and server and I found out that even when mongod.exe was not running, there was still something listening on port 27017 with netstat -a

So I tried to launch the server with a random port using

[dir]mongod.exe --port 2000

Then the shell with

[dir]mongo.exe --port 2000

And this time, the server printed a message saying there is a new connection. I typed few commands and everything was working perfectly fine, I started the basic tutorial from the documentation to check if it was ok and for now it is.

How to run Java program in terminal with external library JAR

For compiling the java file having dependency on a jar

javac -cp path_of_the_jar/jarName.jar

For executing the class file

java -cp .;path_of_the_jar/jarName.jar className

How to automate drag & drop functionality using Selenium WebDriver Java

Try implementing code given below

package com.kagrana;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

public class DragAndDrop {
    public void test() throws InterruptedException{
        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
        driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#treebox1 > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td.standartTreeRow > span")).click();
        WebElement elementToMove = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#treebox1 > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr > td.standartTreeRow > span"));
        WebElement moveToElement = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#treebox1 > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td.standartTreeRow > span"));
        Actions dragAndDrop = new Actions(driver);
        Action action = dragAndDrop.dragAndDrop(elementToMove, moveToElement).build();

Calling async method synchronously


Task has Wait method, Task.Wait(), which waits for the "promise" to resolve and then continues, thus rendering it synchronous. example:

async Task<String> MyAsyncMethod() { ... }

String mySyncMethod() {

    return MyAsyncMethod().Wait();

Android disable screen timeout while app is running

You want to use something like this:


How do I create a foreign key in SQL Server?

create table question_bank
    question_id uniqueidentifier primary key,
    question_exam_id uniqueidentifier not null,
    question_text varchar(1024) not null,
    question_point_value decimal,
    constraint fk_questionbank_exams foreign key (question_exam_id) references exams (exam_id)

Static variable inside of a function in C

You will get 6 7 printed as, as is easily tested, and here's the reason: When foo is first called, the static variable x is initialized to 5. Then it is incremented to 6 and printed.

Now for the next call to foo. The program skips the static variable initialization, and instead uses the value 6 which was assigned to x the last time around. The execution proceeds as normal, giving you the value 7.

Create Windows service from executable

these extras prove useful.. need to be executed as an administrator

sc create  <service_name> binpath=<binary_path>
sc stop    <service_name>
sc queryex <service_name>
sc delete  <service_name>

If your service name has any spaces, enclose in "quotes".

Postgres and Indexes on Foreign Keys and Primary Keys

For a PRIMARY KEY, an index will be created with the following message:

NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "index" for table "table" 

For a FOREIGN KEY, the constraint will not be created if there is no index on the referenced table.

An index on referencing table is not required (though desired), and therefore will not be implicitly created.

You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)

Commit merge changes solved my problem:

git commit -m "commit message"

Beautiful way to remove GET-variables with PHP?

In my opinion, the best way would be this:

<? if(isset($_GET['i'])){unset($_GET['i']); header('location:/');} ?>

It checks if there is an 'i' GET parameter, and removes it if there is.

Java Regex Capturing Groups

Your understanding is correct. However, if we walk through:

  • (.*) will swallow the whole string;
  • it will need to give back characters so that (\\d+) is satistifed (which is why 0 is captured, and not 3000);
  • the last (.*) will then capture the rest.

I am not sure what the original intent of the author was, however.

New features in java 7

Language changes:

-Project Coin (small changes)
-switch on Strings
-diamond operator

Library changes:

-new abstracted file-system API (NIO.2) (with support for virtual filesystems)
-improved concurrency libraries
-elliptic curve encryption
-more incremental upgrades

Platform changes:

-support for dynamic languages

Below is the link explaining the newly added features of JAVA 7 , the explanation is crystal clear with the possible small examples for each features :

How to invert a grep expression

 grep "subscription" | grep -v "spec"  

How to check if cursor exists (open status)

I rarely employ cursors, but I just discovered one other item that can bite you here, the scope of the cursor name.

If the database CURSOR_DEFAULT is global, you will get the "cursor already exists" error if you declare a cursor in a stored procedure with a particular name (eg "cur"), and while that cursor is open you call another stored procedure which declares and opens a cursor with the same name (eg "cur"). The error will occur in the nested stored procedure when it attempts to open "cur".

Run this bit of sql to see your CURSOR_DEFAULT:

select is_local_cursor_default from sys.databases where name = '[your database name]'

If this value is "0" then how you name your nested cursor matters!

Are static methods inherited in Java?

Static methods are inherited in Java but they don't take part in polymorphism. If we attempt to override the static methods they will just hide the superclass static methods instead of overriding them.

Laravel blade check empty foreach

This is my best solution if I understood the question well:

Use of $object->first() method to run the code inside if statement once, that is when on the first loop. The same concept is true with $object->last().

        <div class="panel user-list">
          <table id="myCustomTable" class="table table-hover">
                     <th class="col-email">Email</th>

    @foreach ($object as $data)
        <tr class="gradeX">
           <td class="col-name"><strong>{{ $data->email }}</strong></td>


Java 8 stream reverse order

Simplest way (simple collect - supports parallel streams):

public static <T> Stream<T> reverse(Stream<T> stream) {
    return stream
                    () -> new ArrayDeque<T>(),
                    (q1, q2) -> { q2.addAll(q1); return q2; })

Advanced way (supports parallel streams in an ongoing way):

public static <T> Stream<T> reverse(Stream<T> stream) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream");

    class ReverseSpliterator implements Spliterator<T> {
        private Spliterator<T> spliterator;
        private final Deque<T> deque = new ArrayDeque<>();

        private ReverseSpliterator(Spliterator<T> spliterator) {
            this.spliterator = spliterator;

        public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) {
            if(!deque.isEmpty()) {
                return true;
            return false;

        public Spliterator<T> trySplit() {
            // After traveling started the spliterator don't contain elements!
            Spliterator<T> prev = spliterator.trySplit();
            if(prev == null) {
                return null;

            Spliterator<T> me = spliterator;
            spliterator = prev;
            return new ReverseSpliterator(me);

        public long estimateSize() {
            return spliterator.estimateSize();

        public int characteristics() {
            return spliterator.characteristics();

        public Comparator<? super T> getComparator() {
            Comparator<? super T> comparator = spliterator.getComparator();
            return (comparator != null) ? comparator.reversed() : null;

        public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T> action) {
            // Ensure that tryAdvance is called at least once
            if(!deque.isEmpty() || tryAdvance(action)) {

    return ReverseSpliterator(stream.spliterator()), stream.isParallel());

Note you can quickly extends to other type of streams (IntStream, ...).


// Use parallel if you wish only
revert(Stream.of("One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six").parallel())



Additional notes: The simplest way it isn't so useful when used with other stream operations (the collect join breaks the parallelism). The advance way doesn't have that issue, and it keeps also the initial characteristics of the stream, for example SORTED, and so, it's the way to go to use with other stream operations after the reverse.

How to prevent background scrolling when Bootstrap 3 modal open on mobile browsers?

.on('shown', function(){ 
  $('body').css({overflow: 'hidden'}); 
.on('hidden', function(){ 
  $('body').css({overflow: ''}); 

use this one

UINavigationBar Hide back Button Text

Finally found perfect solution to hide default back text in whole app.

Just add one transparent Image and add following code in your AppDelegate.

UIBarButtonItem.appearance().setBackButtonBackgroundImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "transparent"), for: .normal, barMetrics: .default)

Python: How to get stdout after running os.system?

If all you need is the stdout output, then take a look at subprocess.check_output():

import subprocess

result = subprocess.check_output(batcmd, shell=True)

Because you were using os.system(), you'd have to set shell=True to get the same behaviour. You do want to heed the security concerns about passing untrusted arguments to your shell.

If you need to capture stderr as well, simply add stderr=subprocess.STDOUT to the call:

result = subprocess.check_output([batcmd], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

to redirect the error output to the default output stream.

If you know that the output is text, add text=True to decode the returned bytes value with the platform default encoding; use encoding="..." instead if that codec is not correct for the data you receive.

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function

Something else you can use is isnull:

isnull( SUBSTRING(PostCode, 1 , CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode ) -1), PostCode)

Two statements next to curly brace in an equation

Are you looking for

  math text

It wasn't very clear from the description. But may be this is what you are looking for

Groovy - How to compare the string?

This line:


Should be:

if( str2 == str ) {

The ${ and } will give you a parse error, as they should only be used inside Groovy Strings for templating

How do you test running time of VBA code?

We've used a solution based on timeGetTime in winmm.dll for millisecond accuracy for many years. See

The article is in German, but the code in the download (a VBA class wrapping the dll function call) is simple enough to use and understand without being able to read the article.

How to round float numbers in javascript?

Number((6.688689).toFixed(1)); // 6.7

var number = 6.688689;
var roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 10) / 10;

Use toFixed() function.

(6.688689).toFixed(); // equal to "7"
(6.688689).toFixed(1); // equal to "6.7"
(6.688689).toFixed(2); // equal to "6.69"

Override body style for content in an iframe

Perhaps it's changed now, but I have used a separate stylesheet with this element:

.feedEkList iframe
max-width: 435px!important;
width: 435px!important;
height: 320px!important;

to successfully style embedded youtube iframes...see the blog posts on this page. no protocol on URL based on a string modified with URLEncoder

You need to encode your parameter's values before concatenating them to URL.
Backslash \ is special character which have to be escaped as %5C

Escaping example:

String paramValue = "param\\with\\backslash";
String yourURLStr = "" +, "UTF-8"); url = new;

The result is which is properly formatted url string.

Swapping pointers in C (char, int)

void intSwap (int *pa, int *pb){
    int temp = *pa;
    *pa = *pb;
    *pb = temp;

You need to know the following -

int a = 5; // an integer, contains value
int *p; // an integer pointer, contains address
p = &a; // &a means address of a
a = *p; // *p means value stored in that address, here 5

void charSwap(char* a, char* b){
    char temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

So, when you swap like this. Only the value will be swapped. So, for a char* only their first char will swap.

Now, if you understand char* (string) clearly, then you should know that, you only need to exchange the pointer. It'll be easier to understand if you think it as an array instead of string.

void stringSwap(char** a, char** b){
    char *temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

So, here you are passing double pointer because starting of an array itself is a pointer.

Datetime equal or greater than today in MySQL

SELECT * FROM users WHERE created >= NOW();

if the column is datetime type.

how to send a post request with a web browser

with a form, just set method to "post"

<form action="blah.php" method="post">
  <input type="text" name="data" value="mydata" />
  <input type="submit" />

str_replace with array

Because str_replace() replaces left to right, it might replace a previously inserted value when doing multiple replacements.

    // Outputs F because A is replaced with B, then B is replaced with C, and so on...
    // Finally E is replaced with F, because of left to right replacements.
    $search  = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E');
    $replace = array('B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F');
    $subject = 'A';
    echo str_replace($search, $replace, $subject);

How do I URl encode something in Node.js?

encodeURIComponent(string) will do it:

encodeURIComponent("Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--")
//>> "Robert')%3B%20DROP%20TABLE%20Students%3B--"

Passing SQL around in a query string might not be a good plan though,

see this one

How to make div appear in front of another?

I think you're missing something.

 <li style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;">
  <div style="height:500px; background-color:black;">
 <li style="height:100px;">
  <div style="height:500px; background-color:red;">

In FF4, this displays a 100px black bar, followed by a 500px red block.

A little bit different example:

 <li style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;">
  <div style="height:500px; background-color:black;">
 <li style="height:100px;">
  <div style="height:500px; background-color:red;">
 <li style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;">
  <div style="height:500px; background-color:blue;">
 <li style="height:100px;overflow:hidden;">
  <div style="height:500px; background-color:green;">

An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. ASP.NET

I had the same problem and found out that I had forgotten to include the script in the file which I want to include in the live site.

Also, you should try this:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

Dynamic Height Issue for UITableView Cells (Swift)

I use these

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {

    return 100

Assign null to a SqlParameter

With one line of code, try this:

var piParameter = new SqlParameter("@AgeIndex", AgeItem.AgeIndex ?? (object)DBNull.Value);

How do I escape a single quote in SQL Server?

Just insert a ' before anything to be inserted. It will be like a escape character in sqlServer

Example: When you have a field as, I'm fine. you can do: UPDATE my_table SET row ='I''m fine.';

What does "export" do in shell programming?

Well, it generally depends on the shell. For bash, it marks the variable as "exportable" meaning that it will show up in the environment for any child processes you run.

Non-exported variables are only visible from the current process (the shell).

From the bash man page:

export [-fn] [name[=word]] ...
export -p

The supplied names are marked for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands.

If the -f option is given, the names refer to functions. If no names are given, or if the -p option is supplied, a list of all names that are exported in this shell is printed.

The -n option causes the export property to be removed from each name.

If a variable name is followed by =word, the value of the variable is set to word.

export returns an exit status of 0 unless an invalid option is encountered, one of the names is not a valid shell variable name, or -f is supplied with a name that is not a function.

You can also set variables as exportable with the typeset command and automatically mark all future variable creations or modifications as such, with set -a.

How to draw polygons on an HTML5 canvas?

For the people looking for regular polygons:

function regPolyPath(r,p,ctx){ //Radius, #points, context
  //Azurethi was here!
  for(i=0; i<p+1; i++){


//Get canvas Context
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");

ctx.translate(60,60);    //Moves the origin to what is currently 60,60
//ctx.rotate(Rotation);  //Use this if you want the whole polygon rotated
regPolyPath(40,6,ctx);   //Hexagon with radius 40
//ctx.rotate(-Rotation); //remember to 'un-rotate' (or save and restore)

What's the fastest way to delete a large folder in Windows?

and to delete a lot of folders, you could also create a batch file with the command spdenne posted.

1) make a text file that has the following contents replacing the folder names in quotes with your folder names:

rmdir /s /q "My Apps"  
rmdir /s /q "My Documents"  
rmdir /s /q "My Pictures"  
rmdir /s /q "My Work Files"

2) save the batch file with a .bat extension (for example deletefiles.bat)
3) open a command prompt (Start > Run > Cmd) and execute the batch file. you can do this like so from the command prompt (substituting X for your drive letter):


What is __future__ in Python used for and how/when to use it, and how it works

When you do

from __future__ import whatever

You're not actually using an import statement, but a future statement. You're reading the wrong docs, as you're not actually importing that module.

Future statements are special -- they change how your Python module is parsed, which is why they must be at the top of the file. They give new -- or different -- meaning to words or symbols in your file. From the docs:

A future statement is a directive to the compiler that a particular module should be compiled using syntax or semantics that will be available in a specified future release of Python. The future statement is intended to ease migration to future versions of Python that introduce incompatible changes to the language. It allows use of the new features on a per-module basis before the release in which the feature becomes standard.

If you actually want to import the __future__ module, just do

import __future__

and then access it as usual.

Using BufferedReader.readLine() in a while loop properly

You can use a structure like the following:

 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

How to make an HTTP request + basic auth in Swift

//create authentication base 64 encoding string

    let PasswordString = "\(txtUserName.text):\(txtPassword.text)"
    let PasswordData = PasswordString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
    let base64EncodedCredential = PasswordData!.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding64CharacterLineLength)
    //let base64EncodedCredential = PasswordData!.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(nil)

//create authentication url

    let urlPath: String = "http://...../auth"
    var url: NSURL = NSURL(string: urlPath)

//create and initialize basic authentication request

    var request: NSMutableURLRequest = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
    request.setValue("Basic \(base64EncodedCredential)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
    request.HTTPMethod = "GET"

//You can use one of below methods

//1 URL request with NSURLConnectionDataDelegate

    let queue:NSOperationQueue = NSOperationQueue()
    let urlConnection = NSURLConnection(request: request, delegate: self)

//2 URL Request with AsynchronousRequest

    NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {(response, data, error) in
        println(NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))

//2 URL Request with AsynchronousRequest with json output

    NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(request, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue(), completionHandler:{ (response: NSURLResponse!, data: NSData!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
        var err: NSError
        var jsonResult: NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary

//3 URL Request with SynchronousRequest

    var response: AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSURLResponse?>=nil
    var dataVal: NSData =  NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(request, returningResponse: response, error:nil)
    var err: NSError
    var jsonResult: NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(dataVal, options: NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers, error: nil) as NSDictionary

//4 URL Request with NSURLSession

    let config = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
    let authString = "Basic \(base64EncodedCredential)"
    config.HTTPAdditionalHeaders = ["Authorization" : authString]
    let session = NSURLSession(configuration: config)

    session.dataTaskWithURL(url) {
        (let data, let response, let error) in
        if let httpResponse = response as? NSHTTPURLResponse {
            let dataString = NSString(data: data, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)

// you may be get fatal error if you changed the request.HTTPMethod = "POST" when server request GET request

app.config for a class library

I would recommend using Properties.Settings to store values like ConnectionStrings and so on inside of the class library. This is where all the connection strings are stores in by suggestion from visual studio when you try to add a table adapter for example. enter image description here

And then they will be accessible by using this code every where in the clas library

var cs=  Properties.Settings.Default.[<name of defined setting>];

How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?

I have found that the following syntax works well for me.

find /usr/pcapps/ -mount -type f -size +1000000c | perl -lpe ' s{ }{\\ }g ' | xargs ls -l | sort +4nr | head -200

In this example, I am looking for the largest 200 files over 1,000,000 bytes in the filesystem mounted at "/usr/pcapps".

The Perl line-liner between "find" and "xargs" escapes/quotes each blank so "xargs" passes any filename with embedded blanks to "ls" as a single argument.

What is the minimum I have to do to create an RPM file?

Similarly, I needed to create an rpm with just a few files. Since these files were source controlled, and because it seemed silly, I didn't want to go through taring them up just to have rpm untar them. I came up with the following:

  1. Set up your environment:

    mkdir -p ~/rpm/{BUILD,RPMS}

    echo '%_topdir %(echo "$HOME")/rpm' > ~/.rpmmacros

  2. Create your spec file, foobar.spec, with the following contents:

    Summary: Foo to the Bar
    Name: foobar
    Version: 0.1
    Release: 1
    Group: Foo/Bar
    License: FooBarPL
    Source: %{expand:%%(pwd)}
    BuildRoot: %{_topdir}/BUILD/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}
    rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc
    cp %{SOURCEURL0}/foobar ./usr/bin/
    cp %{SOURCEURL0}/foobar.conf ./etc/
    rm -r -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
    %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/foobar.conf
  3. Build your rpm: rpmbuild -bb foobar.spec

There's a little hackery there specifying the 'source' as your current directory, but it seemed far more elegant then the alternative, which was to, in my case, write a separate script to create a tarball, etc, etc.

Note: In my particular situation, my files were arranged in folders according to where they needed to go, like this:


and so the prep section became:

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
tar -cC %{SOURCEURL0} --exclude 'foobar.spec' -f - ./ | tar xf -

Which is a little cleaner.

Also, I happen to be on a RHEL5.6 with rpm versions, so your mileage may vary.

Laravel view not found exception

This happens when Laravel doesn't find a view file in your application. Make sure you have a file named: index.php or index.blade.php under your app/views directory.

Note that Laravel will do the following when calling View::make:

  • For View::make('index') Laravel will look for the file: app/views/index.php.
  • For View::make('') Laravel will look for the file: app/views/index/foo.php.

The file can have any of those two extensions: .php or .blade.php.

The most efficient way to remove first N elements in a list?

Python lists were not made to operate on the beginning of the list and are very ineffective at this operation.

While you can write

mylist = [1, 2 ,3 ,4]

It's very inefficient.

If you only want to delete items from your list, you can do this with del:

del mylist[:n]

Which is also really fast:

In [34]: %%timeit
while help:
    del help[:1000]
10000 loops, best of 3: 161 µs per loop

If you need to obtain elements from the beginning of the list, you should use collections.deque by Raymond Hettinger and its popleft() method.

from collections import deque

deque(['f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'])

>>> d.pop()                          # return and remove the rightmost item
>>> d.popleft()                      # return and remove the leftmost item

A comparison:

list + pop(0)

In [30]: %%timeit
   ....: help=range(10000)
   ....: while help:
   ....:     help.pop(0)
100 loops, best of 3: 17.9 ms per loop

deque + popleft()

In [33]: %%timeit
while help:
1000 loops, best of 3: 812 µs per loop

How to reference a .css file on a razor view?

I prefer to use the razor html helper from Client Dependency dll

Html.RequireCss("yourfile", 9999); // 9999 is loading priority 

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'. The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'

The solution for me was to set the AppPool from using the AppPoolIdentity to the NetworkService identity.

Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)

Python implimentation Origin is the center of the contiguous United States.

from haversine import haversine
origin = (39.50, 98.35)
paris = (48.8567, 2.3508)
haversine(origin, paris, miles=True)

To get the answer in kilometers simply set miles=false.

Array of char* should end at '\0' or "\0"?

According to the C99 spec,

  • NULL expands to a null pointer constant, which is not required to be, but typically is of type void *
  • '\0' is a character constant; character constants are of type int, so it's equivalen to plain 0
  • "\0" is a null-terminated string literal and equivalent to the compound literal (char [2]){ 0, 0 }

NULL, '\0' and 0 are all null pointer constants, so they'll all yield null pointers on conversion, whereas "\0" yields a non-null char * (which should be treated as const as modification is undefined); as this pointer may be different for each occurence of the literal, it can't be used as sentinel value.

Although you may use any integer constant expression of value 0 as a null pointer constant (eg '\0' or sizeof foo - sizeof foo + (int)0.0), you should use NULL to make your intentions clear.

How do you create a daemon in Python?

Note the python-daemon package which solves a lot of problems behind daemons out of the box.

Among other features it enables to (from Debian package description):

  • Detach the process into its own process group.
  • Set process environment appropriate for running inside a chroot.
  • Renounce suid and sgid privileges.
  • Close all open file descriptors.
  • Change the working directory, uid, gid, and umask.
  • Set appropriate signal handlers.
  • Open new file descriptors for stdin, stdout, and stderr.
  • Manage a specified PID lock file.
  • Register cleanup functions for at-exit processing.

Changing the default title of confirm() in JavaScript?

I know this is not possible for alert(), so I guess it is not possible for confirm either. Reason is security: it is not allowed for you to change it so you wouldn't present yourself as some system process or something.

What is the best way to trigger onchange event in react js

If you are using Backbone and React, I'd recommend one of the following,

They both help integrate Backbone models and collections with React views. You can use Backbone events just like you do with Backbone views. I've dabbled in both and didn't see much of a difference except one is a mixin and the other changes React.createClass to React.createBackboneClass.

how to create a cookie and add to http response from inside my service layer?

Following @Aravind's answer with more details

public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{
    myServiceMethodSettingCookie(request, response);        //Do service call passing the response
    return new ModelAndView("CustomerAddView");

// service method
void myServiceMethodSettingCookie(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
    final String cookieName = "my_cool_cookie";
    final String cookieValue = "my cool value here !";  // you could assign it some encoded value
    final Boolean useSecureCookie = false;
    final int expiryTime = 60 * 60 * 24;  // 24h in seconds
    final String cookiePath = "/";

    Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue);

    cookie.setSecure(useSecureCookie);  // determines whether the cookie should only be sent using a secure protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL

    cookie.setMaxAge(expiryTime);  // A negative value means that the cookie is not stored persistently and will be deleted when the Web browser exits. A zero value causes the cookie to be deleted.

    cookie.setPath(cookiePath);  // The cookie is visible to all the pages in the directory you specify, and all the pages in that directory's subdirectories


Related docs:

UICollectionView cell selection and cell reuse

The problem you encounter comes from the lack of call to super.prepareForReuse().

Some other solutions above, suggesting to update the UI of the cell from the delegate's functions, are leading to a flawed design where the logic of the cell's behaviour is outside of its class. Furthermore, it's extra code that can be simply fixed by calling super.prepareForReuse(). For example :

class myCell: UICollectionViewCell {

    // defined in interface builder
    @IBOutlet weak var viewSelection : UIView!

    override var isSelected: Bool {
        didSet {
            self.viewSelection.alpha = isSelected ? 1 : 0

    override func prepareForReuse() {
        // Do whatever you want here, but don't forget this :
        // You don't need to do `self.viewSelection.alpha = 0` here 
        // because `super.prepareForReuse()` will update the property `isSelected`


    override func awakeFromNib() {
        // Initialization code
        self.viewSelection.alpha = 0


With such design, you can even leave the delegate's functions collectionView:didSelectItemAt:/collectionView:didDeselectItemAt: all empty, and the selection process will be totally handled, and behave properly with the cells recycling.

Remove columns from dataframe where ALL values are NA

Late to the game but you can also use the janitor package. This function will remove columns which are all NA, and can be changed to remove rows that are all NA as well.

df <- janitor::remove_empty(df, which = "cols")

"A referral was returned from the server" exception when accessing AD from C#

A referral is sent by an AD server when it doesn't have the information requested itself, but know that another server have the info. It usually appears in trust environment where a DC can refer to a DC in trusted domain.

In your case you are only specifying a domain, relying on automatic lookup of what domain controller to use. I think that you should try to find out what domain controller is used for the query and look if that one really holds the requested information.

If you provide more information on your AD setup, including any trusts/subdomains, global catalogues and the DNS resource records for the domain controllers it will be easier to help you.

how to access the command line for xampp on windows

Like all other had said above, you need to add path. But not sure for what reason if I add C:\xampp\php in path of System Variable won't work but if I add it in path of User Variable work fine.

Although I had added and using other command line tools by adding in system variables work fine

So just in case if someone had same problem as me. Windows 10

enter image description here

UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

In short:

  • UTF-8: Variable-width encoding, backwards compatible with ASCII. ASCII characters (U+0000 to U+007F) take 1 byte, code points U+0080 to U+07FF take 2 bytes, code points U+0800 to U+FFFF take 3 bytes, code points U+10000 to U+10FFFF take 4 bytes. Good for English text, not so good for Asian text.
  • UTF-16: Variable-width encoding. Code points U+0000 to U+FFFF take 2 bytes, code points U+10000 to U+10FFFF take 4 bytes. Bad for English text, good for Asian text.
  • UTF-32: Fixed-width encoding. All code points take four bytes. An enormous memory hog, but fast to operate on. Rarely used.

In long: see Wikipedia: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32.

Jenkins Host key verification failed

issue is with the /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts. It exists in the first case, but not in the second one. This means you are running either on different system or the second case is somehow jailed in chroot or by other means separated from the rest of the filesystem (this is a good idea for running random code from jenkins).

Next steps are finding out how are the chroots for this user created and modify the known hosts inside this chroot. Or just go other ways of ignoring known hosts, such as ssh-keyscan, StrictHostKeyChecking=no or so.

Fixed positioning in Mobile Safari

<meta name="viewport" content="width=320, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"/> 

Also making sure height=device-height is not present in this meta tag helps prevent additional footer padding that normally would not exist on the page. The menubar height adds to the viewport height causing a fixed background to become scrollable.

Django -- Template tag in {% if %} block

You shouldn't use the double-bracket {{ }} syntax within if or ifequal statements, you can simply access the variable there like you would in normal python:

{% if title == source %}
{% endif %}

How to write one new line in Bitbucket markdown?

I was facing the same issue in bitbucket, and this worked for me:

##<2 white spaces><enter>

Changing CSS for last <li>

I've done this with pure CSS (probably because I come from the future - 3 years later than everyone else :P )

Supposing we have a list:

<ul id="nav">
  <li><span>Category 1</span></li>
  <li><span>Category 2</span></li>
  <li><span>Category 3</span></li>

Then we can easily make the text of the last item red with:

ul#nav li:last-child span {
   color: Red;


Java does not have this control structure.
It should be noted though, that other languages do.
Python for example, has the while-else construct.

In Java's case, you can mimic this behaviour as you have already shown:

if (rowIndex >= dataColLinker.size()) {
    do {
    } while(rowIndex >= dataColLinker.size());
} else {
    dataColLinker.set(rowIndex, value);

Sequelize, convert entity to plain object

you can use the query options {raw: true} to return the raw result. Your query should like follows:

  where: {
    nodeid: node.nodeid
  raw: true,

also if you have associations with include that gets flattened. So, we can use another parameter nest:true

  where: {
    nodeid: node.nodeid
  raw: true,
  nest: true,

read string from .resx file in C#

The Simplest Way to get value from resource file. Add Resource file in the project. Now get the string where you want to add like in my case it was text block(SilverLight). No need to add any namespace also.Its working fine in my case

txtStatus.Text = Constants.RefractionUpdateMessage;

Constants is my resource file name in the project.Here how my resource file look like

How can I add an ampersand for a value in a app config file value

Although the accepted answer here is technically correct, there seems to be some confusion amongst users based on the comments. When working with a ViewBag in a .cshtml file, you must use @Html.Raw otherwise your data, after being unescaped by the ConfigurationManager, will become re-escaped once again. Use Html.Raw() to prevent this from occurring.

nginx upload client_max_body_size issue

Does your upload die at the very end? 99% before crashing? Client body and buffers are key because nginx must buffer incoming data. The body configs (data of the request body) specify how nginx handles the bulk flow of binary data from multi-part-form clients into your app's logic.

The clean setting frees up memory and consumption limits by instructing nginx to store incoming buffer in a file and then clean this file later from disk by deleting it.

Set body_in_file_only to clean and adjust buffers for the client_max_body_size. The original question's config already had sendfile on, increase timeouts too. I use the settings below to fix this, appropriate across your local config, server, & http contexts.

client_body_in_file_only clean;
client_body_buffer_size 32K;

client_max_body_size 300M;

sendfile on;
send_timeout 300s;

How do I make a checkbox required on an ASP.NET form?

Non-javascript way . . aspx page:

 <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" />
    <asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1"
        runat="server" ErrorMessage="CustomValidator" ControlToValidate="CheckBox1"></asp:CustomValidator>

Code Behind:

Protected Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate
    If Not CheckBox1.Checked Then
        args.IsValid = False
    End If
End Sub

For any actions you might need (business Rules):

If Page.IsValid Then
   'do logic
End If 

Sorry for the VB code . . . you can convert it to C# if that is your pleasure. The company I am working for right now requires VB :(

WebView showing ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED although site is HTTPS

When you call "" your server figures that it's missing "www" so it redirects the call to "" and then to "", your WebView call is blocked at the first redirection as it's a "http" call. You can call "" instead and it will solve the issue.

Minimum and maximum value of z-index?

My tests show that z-index: 2147483647 is the maximum value, tested on FF 3.0.1 for OS X. I discovered a integer overflow bug: if you type z-index: 2147483648 (which is 2147483647 + 1) the element just goes behind all other elements. At least the browser doesn't crash.

And the lesson to learn is that you should beware of entering too large values for the z-index property because they wrap around.

How to get current PHP page name

$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; will give you the current filename and its path, but basename(__FILE__) should give you the filename that it is called from.


if(basename(__FILE__) == 'file_name.php') {
} else {

should do it.

what does it mean "(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')"?

Thats just the directories showing you where PHP was looking for your file. Make sure that cron1.php exists where you think it does. And make sure you know where dirname(__FILE__) and $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] are pointing where you'd expect.

This value can be adjusted in your php.ini file.

Automatically set appsettings.json for dev and release environments in core?

I have added screenshots of a working environment, because it cost me several hours of R&D.

  1. First, add a key to your launch.json file.

    See the below screenshot, I have added Development as my environment.

    Declaration of the environment variable in launch.json

  2. Then, in your project, create a new appsettings.{environment}.json file that includes the name of the environment.

    In the following screenshot, look for two different files with the names:

    • appsettings.Development.Json
    • appSetting.json

    Project view of appsettings JSON files

  3. And finally, configure it to your StartUp class like this:

    public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
            .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
            .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)
        Configuration = builder.Build();
  4. And at last, you can run it from the command line like this:

    dotnet run --environment "Development"

    where "Development" is the name of my environment.

Switch statement equivalent in Windows batch file

This is simpler to read:

IF "%ID%"=="0" REM do something
IF "%ID%"=="1" REM do something else
IF "%ID%"=="2" REM do another thing
IF %ID% GTR 2  REM default case...

What does -> mean in C++?

The -> operator, which is applied exclusively to pointers, is needed to obtain the specified field or method of the object referenced by the pointer. (this applies also to structs just for their fields)

If you have a variable ptr declared as a pointer you can think of it as (*ptr).field.

A side node that I add just to make pedantic people happy: AS ALMOST EVERY OPERATOR you can define a different semantic of the operator by overloading it for your classes.

How do I match any character across multiple lines in a regular expression?

Note that (.|\n)* can be less efficient than (for example) [\s\S]* (if your language's regexes support such escapes) and than finding how to specify the modifier that makes . also match newlines. Or you can go with POSIXy alternatives like [[:space:][:^space:]]*.

How to loop in excel without VBA or macros?

@Nat gave a good answer. But since there is no way to shorten a code, why not use contatenate to 'generate' the code you need. It works for me when I'm lazy (at typing the whole code in the cell).

So what we need is just identify the pattern > use excel to built the pattern 'structure' > add " = " and paste it in the intended cell.

For example, you want to achieve (i mean, enter in the cell) :

=IF('testsheet'!$C$1 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$1,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$2 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$2,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$3 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$3,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$4 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$4,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$5 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$5,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$6 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$6,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$7 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$7,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$8 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$8,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$9 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$9,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$10 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$10,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$11 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$11,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$12 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$12,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$13 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$13,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$14 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$14,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$15 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$15,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$16 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$16,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$17 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$17,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$18 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$18,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$19 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$19,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$20 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$20,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$21 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$21,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$22 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$22,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$23 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$23,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$24 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$24,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$25 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$25,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$26 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$26,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$27 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$27,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$28 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$28,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$29 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$29,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$30 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$30,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$31 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$31,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$32 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$32,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$33 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$33,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$34 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$34,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$35 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$35,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$36 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$36,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$37 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$37,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$38 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$38,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$39 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$39,"") &IF('testsheet'!$C$40 <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$40,"") 

I didn't type it, I just use "&" symbol to combine arranged cell in excel (another file, not the file we are working on).

Notice that :

part1 > IF('testsheet'!$C$

part2 > 1 to 40

part3 > <= 99,'testsheet'!$A$

part4 > 1 to 40

part5 > ,"") &

  • Enter part1 to A1, part3 to C1, part to E1.
  • Enter " = A1 " in A2, " = C1 " in C2, " = E1 " in E2.
  • Enter " = B1+1 " in B2, " = D1+1 " in D2.
  • Enter " =A2&B2&C2&D2&E2 " in G2
  • Enter " =I1&G2 " in I2

Now select A2:I2 , and drag it down. Notice that the number did the increament per row added, and the generated text is combined, cell by cell and line by line.

  • Copy I41 content,
  • paste it somewhere, add " = " in front, remove the extra & and the back.

Result = code as you intended.

I've use excel/OpenOfficeCalc to help me generate code for my projects. Works for me, hope it helps for others. (:

Pandas left outer join multiple dataframes on multiple columns

One can also do this with a compact version of @TomAugspurger's answer, like so:

df = df1.merge(df2, how='left', on=['Year', 'Week', 'Colour']).merge(df3[['Week', 'Colour', 'Val3']], how='left', on=['Week', 'Colour'])

Moment.js: Date between dates

You can use



moment().isBetween(moment-like, moment-like);

See here :

How to backup a local Git repository?

came to this question via google.

Here is what i did in the simplest way.

git checkout branch_to_clone

then create a new git branch from this branch

git checkout -b new_cloned_branch
Switched to branch 'new_cloned_branch'

come back to original branch and continue:

git checkout branch_to_clone

Assuming you screwed up and need to restore something from backup branch :

git checkout new_cloned_branch -- <filepath>  #notice the space before and after "--"

Best part if anything is screwed up, you can just delete the source branch and move back to backup branch!!

How do you align left / right a div without using float?

Another solution could be something like following (works depending on your element's display property):


<div class="left-align">Left</div>
<div class="right-align">Right</div>


.left-align {
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: auto;
.right-align {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: 0;

'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded' in Laravel

I found the answer to this problem here

Just do

mb_convert_encoding($data['name'], 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');

Is there a Boolean data type in Microsoft SQL Server like there is in MySQL?

You could use the BIT datatype to represent boolean data. A BIT field's value is either 1, 0, or null.

Convert pyspark string to date format

from datetime import datetime
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, udf
from pyspark.sql.types import DateType

# Creation of a dummy dataframe:
df1 = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("11/25/1991","11/24/1991","11/30/1991"), 
                            ("11/25/1391","11/24/1992","11/30/1992")], schema=['first', 'second', 'third'])

# Setting an user define function:
# This function converts the string cell into a date:
func =  udf (lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%m/%d/%Y'), DateType())

df = df1.withColumn('test', func(col('first')))


Here is the output:

|     first|    second|     third|      test|

 |-- first: string (nullable = true)
 |-- second: string (nullable = true)
 |-- third: string (nullable = true)
 |-- test: date (nullable = true)

AngularJS Directive Restrict A vs E


  1. Using your own html element like <my-directive></my-directive> wont work on IE8 without workaround (
  2. Using your own html elements will make html validation fail.
  3. Directives with equal one parameter can done like this:

<div data-my-directive="ValueOfTheFirstParameter"></div>

Instead of this:

<my-directive my-param="ValueOfTheFirstParameter"></my-directive>

We dont use custom html elements, because if this 2 facts.

Every directive by third party framework can be written in two ways:



<div data-my-directive></div>

does the same.

how to check the dtype of a column in python pandas

Asked question title is general, but authors use case stated in the body of the question is specific. So any other answers may be used.

But in order to fully answer the title question it should be clarified that it seems like all of the approaches may fail in some cases and require some rework. I reviewed all of them (and some additional) in decreasing of reliability order (in my opinion):

1. Comparing types directly via == (accepted answer).

Despite the fact that this is accepted answer and has most upvotes count, I think this method should not be used at all. Because in fact this approach is discouraged in python as mentioned several times here.
But if one still want to use it - should be aware of some pandas-specific dtypes like pd.CategoricalDType, pd.PeriodDtype, or pd.IntervalDtype. Here one have to use extra type( ) in order to recognize dtype correctly:

s = pd.Series([pd.Period('2002-03','D'), pd.Period('2012-02-01', 'D')])
s.dtype == pd.PeriodDtype   # Not working
type(s.dtype) == pd.PeriodDtype # working 

>>> 0    2002-03-01
>>> 1    2012-02-01
>>> dtype: period[D]
>>> False
>>> True

Another caveat here is that type should be pointed out precisely:

s = pd.Series([1,2])
s.dtype == np.int64 # Working
s.dtype == np.int32 # Not working

>>> 0    1
>>> 1    2
>>> dtype: int64
>>> True
>>> False

2. isinstance() approach.

This method has not been mentioned in answers so far.

So if direct comparing of types is not a good idea - lets try built-in python function for this purpose, namely - isinstance().
It fails just in the beginning, because assumes that we have some objects, but pd.Series or pd.DataFrame may be used as just empty containers with predefined dtype but no objects in it:

s = pd.Series([], dtype=bool)

>>> Series([], dtype: bool)

But if one somehow overcome this issue, and wants to access each object, for example, in the first row and checks its dtype like something like that:

df = pd.DataFrame({'int': [12, 2], 'dt': [pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02'), pd.Timestamp('2016-10-20')]},
                  index = ['A', 'B'])
for col in df.columns:
    df[col].dtype, 'is_int64 = %s' % isinstance(df.loc['A', col], np.int64)

>>> (dtype('int64'), 'is_int64 = True')
>>> (dtype('<M8[ns]'), 'is_int64 = False')

It will be misleading in the case of mixed type of data in single column:

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'data': [12, pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02')]},
                  index = ['A', 'B'])
for col in df2.columns:
    df2[col].dtype, 'is_int64 = %s' % isinstance(df2.loc['A', col], np.int64)

>>> (dtype('O'), 'is_int64 = False')

And last but not least - this method cannot directly recognize Category dtype. As stated in docs:

Returning a single item from categorical data will also return the value, not a categorical of length “1”.

df['int'] = df['int'].astype('category')
for col in df.columns:
    df[col].dtype, 'is_int64 = %s' % isinstance(df.loc['A', col], np.int64)

>>> (CategoricalDtype(categories=[2, 12], ordered=False), 'is_int64 = True')
>>> (dtype('<M8[ns]'), 'is_int64 = False')

So this method is also almost inapplicable.

3. df.dtype.kind approach.

This method yet may work with empty pd.Series or pd.DataFrames but has another problems.

First - it is unable to differ some dtypes:

df = pd.DataFrame({'prd'  :[pd.Period('2002-03','D'), pd.Period('2012-02-01', 'D')],
                   'str'  :['s1', 's2'],
                   'cat'  :[1, -1]})
df['cat'] = df['cat'].astype('category')
for col in df:
    # kind will define all columns as 'Object'
    print (df[col].dtype, df[col].dtype.kind)

>>> period[D] O
>>> object O
>>> category O

Second, what is actually still unclear for me, it even returns on some dtypes None.

4. df.select_dtypes approach.

This is almost what we want. This method designed inside pandas so it handles most corner cases mentioned earlier - empty DataFrames, differs numpy or pandas-specific dtypes well. It works well with single dtype like .select_dtypes('bool'). It may be used even for selecting groups of columns based on dtype:

test = pd.DataFrame({'bool' :[False, True], 'int64':[-1,2], 'int32':[-1,2],'float': [-2.5, 3.4],
                     'compl':np.array([1-1j, 5]),
                     'dt'   :[pd.Timestamp('2013-01-02'), pd.Timestamp('2016-10-20')],
                     'td'   :[pd.Timestamp('2012-03-02')- pd.Timestamp('2016-10-20'),
                              pd.Timestamp('2010-07-12')- pd.Timestamp('2000-11-10')],
                     'prd'  :[pd.Period('2002-03','D'), pd.Period('2012-02-01', 'D')],
                     'intrv':pd.arrays.IntervalArray([pd.Interval(0, 0.1), pd.Interval(1, 5)]),
                     'str'  :['s1', 's2'],
                     'cat'  :[1, -1],
                     'obj'  :[[1,2,3], [5435,35,-52,14]]
test['int32'] = test['int32'].astype(np.int32)
test['cat'] = test['cat'].astype('category')

Like so, as stated in the docs:


>>>     int64   int32   float   compl   td
>>> 0      -1      -1   -2.5    (1-1j)  -1693 days
>>> 1       2       2    3.4    (5+0j)   3531 days

On may think that here we see first unexpected (at used to be for me: question) results - TimeDelta is included into output DataFrame. But as answered in contrary it should be so, but one have to be aware of it. Note that bool dtype is skipped, that may be also undesired for someone, but it's due to bool and number are in different "subtrees" of numpy dtypes. In case with bool, we may use test.select_dtypes(['bool']) here.

Next restriction of this method is that for current version of pandas (0.24.2), this code: test.select_dtypes('period') will raise NotImplementedError.

And another thing is that it's unable to differ strings from other objects:


>>>     str     obj
>>> 0    s1     [1, 2, 3]
>>> 1    s2     [5435, 35, -52, 14]

But this is, first - already mentioned in the docs. And second - is not the problem of this method, rather the way strings are stored in DataFrame. But anyway this case have to have some post processing.

5. df.api.types.is_XXX_dtype approach.

This one is intended to be most robust and native way to achieve dtype recognition (path of the module where functions resides says by itself) as i suppose. And it works almost perfectly, but still have at least one caveat and still have to somehow distinguish string columns.

Besides, this may be subjective, but this approach also has more 'human-understandable' number dtypes group processing comparing with .select_dtypes('number'):

for col in test.columns:
    if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(test[col]):
        print (test[col].dtype)

>>> bool
>>> int64
>>> int32
>>> float64
>>> complex128

No timedelta and bool is included. Perfect.

My pipeline exploits exactly this functionality at this moment of time, plus a bit of post hand processing.


Hope I was able to argument the main point - that all discussed approaches may be used, but only pd.DataFrame.select_dtypes() and pd.api.types.is_XXX_dtype should be really considered as the applicable ones.

How to get first item from a java.util.Set?

As, you mentioned pContext.getParent().getPropertyValue return Set. You can convert Set to List to get the first element. Just change your code like:

 Set<String> siteIdSet = (Set<String>) pContext.getParent().getPropertyValue(..);
 List<String> siteIdList=new ArrayList<>(siteIdSet);

 String firstItem=siteIdList.get(0);

How do I check if a variable exists?

A way that often works well for handling this kind of situation is to not explicitly check if the variable exists but just go ahead and wrap the first usage of the possibly non-existing variable in a try/except NameError:

# Search for entry.
for x in y:
  if x == 3:
    found = x

# Work with found entry.
  print('Found: {0}'.format(found))
except NameError:
  print('Not found')
  # Handle rest of Found case here

How do I log errors and warnings into a file?

add this code in .htaccess (as an alternative of php.ini / ini_set function):

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag log_errors on 
php_value error_log ./path_to_MY_PHP_ERRORS.log
# php_flag display_errors on 

* as commented: this is for Apache-type servers, and not for Nginx or others.

How to simulate a mouse click using JavaScript?

Here's a pure JavaScript function which will simulate a click (or any mouse event) on a target element:

function simulatedClick(target, options) {

  var event = target.ownerDocument.createEvent('MouseEvents'),
      options = options || {},
      opts = { // These are the default values, set up for un-modified left clicks
        type: 'click',
        canBubble: true,
        cancelable: true,
        view: target.ownerDocument.defaultView,
        detail: 1,
        screenX: 0, //The coordinates within the entire page
        screenY: 0,
        clientX: 0, //The coordinates within the viewport
        clientY: 0,
        ctrlKey: false,
        altKey: false,
        shiftKey: false,
        metaKey: false, //I *think* 'meta' is 'Cmd/Apple' on Mac, and 'Windows key' on Win. Not sure, though!
        button: 0, //0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right
        relatedTarget: null,

  //Merge the options with the defaults
  for (var key in options) {
    if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      opts[key] = options[key];

  //Pass in the options

  //Fire the event

Here's a working example:

You can simulate a click on any element in the DOM. Something like simulatedClick(document.getElementById('yourButtonId')) would work.

You can pass in an object into options to override the defaults (to simulate which mouse button you want, whether Shift/Alt/Ctrl are held, etc. The options it accepts are based on the MouseEvents API.

I've tested in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Internet Explorer might need special treatment, I'm not sure.

What causes a SIGSEGV

segmentation fault arrives when you access memory which is not declared by the program. You can do this through pointers i.e through memory addresses. Or this may also be due to stackoverflow for eg:

void rec_func() {int q = 5; rec_func();}

int main() {rec_func();}

This call will keep on consuming stack memory until it's completely filled and thus finally stackoverflow happens. Note: it might not be visible in some competitive questions as it leads to timeouterror first but for those in which timeout doesn't happens its a hard time figuring out sigsemv.

BAT file: Open new cmd window and execute a command in there

You may already find your answer because it was some time ago you asked. But I tried to do something similar when coding ror. I wanted to run "rails server" in a new cmd window so I don't have to open a new cmd and then find my path again.

What I found out was to use the K switch like this:

start cmd /k echo Hello, World!

start before "cmd" will open the application in a new window and "/K" will execute "echo Hello, World!" after the new cmd is up.

You can also use the /C switch for something similar.

start cmd /C pause

This will then execute "pause" but close the window when the command is done. In this case after you pressed a button. I found this useful for "rails server", then when I shutdown my dev server I don't have to close the window after.

Use the following in your batch file:

start cmd.exe /c "more-batch-commands-here"


start cmd.exe /k "more-batch-commands-here"

/c Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates

/k Carries out the command specified by string but remains

The /c and /k options controls what happens once your command finishes running. With /c the terminal window will close automatically, leaving your desktop clean. With /k the terminal window will remain open. It's a good option if you want to run more commands manually afterwards.

Consult the cmd.exe documentation using cmd /? for more details.

Escaping Commands with White Spaces

The proper formatting of the command string becomes more complicated when using arguments with spaces. See the examples below. Note the nested double quotes in some examples.


Run a program and pass a filename parameter:
CMD /c write.exe c:\docs\sample.txt

Run a program and pass a filename which contains whitespace:
CMD /c write.exe "c:\sample documents\sample.txt"

Spaces in program path:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe""

Spaces in program path + parameters:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

Launch demo1 and demo2:
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo1.cmd" & "c:\Program Files\demo2.cmd""


How to open the second form?

//To open the form

Form2 form2 = new Form2();

// And to close

Hope this helps

How to make inline functions in C#

Not only Inside methods, it can be used inside classes also.

class Calculator
        public static int Sum(int x,int y) => x + y;
        public static Func<int, int, int>  Add = (x, y) => x + y;
        public static Action<int,int> DisplaySum = (x, y) => Console.WriteLine(x + y);

Telegram Bot - how to get a group chat id?

IMHO the best way to do this is using TeleThon, but given that the answer by apadana is outdated beyond repair, I will write the working solution here:

import os
import sys
from telethon import TelegramClient
from telethon.utils import get_display_name

import nest_asyncio

session_name = "<session_name>"
api_id = <api_id>
api_hash = "<api_hash>"
dialog_count = 10 # you may change this

if f"{session_name}.session" in os.listdir():

client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)

async def main():
    dialogs = await client.get_dialogs(dialog_count)
    for dialog in dialogs:

async with client:

this snippet will give you the first 10 chats in your Telegram.


  • you have telethon and nest_asyncio installed
  • you have api_id and api_hash from

Warning: #1265 Data truncated for column 'pdd' at row 1

As the message error says, you need to Increase the length of your column to fit the length of the data you are trying to insert (0000-00-00)


Following your comment, I run a test table:

mysql> create table testDate(id int(2) not null auto_increment, pdd date default null, primary key(id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)


mysql> insert into testDate values(1,'0000-00-00');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)


So, aparently you want to insert a NULL value to pdd field as your comment states ? You can do that in 2 ways like this:

Method 1:

mysql> insert into testDate values(2,'');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.06 sec)

Method 2:

mysql> insert into testDate values(3,NULL);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)


You failed to change the default value of pdd field. Here is the syntax how to do it (in my case, I set it to NULL in the start, now I will change it to NOT NULL)

mysql> alter table testDate modify pdd date not null;
Query OK, 3 rows affected, 1 warning (0.60 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1

Change value of variable with dplyr

We can use replace to change the values in 'mpg' to NA that corresponds to cyl==4.

mtcars %>%
     mutate(mpg=replace(mpg, cyl==4, NA)) %>%

Loop in react-native

You can create render the results (payments) and use a fancy way to iterate over items instead of adding a for loop.

const noGuest = 3;_x000D_
Array(noGuest).fill(noGuest).map(guest => {_x000D_


renderPayments(noGuest) {
  return Array(noGuest).fill(noGuest).map((guess, index) => {
      <View key={index}>
        <View><TextInput /></View>
        <View><TextInput /></View>
        <View><TextInput /></View>

Then use it where you want it

render() {
     const { guest } = this.state;

Hope you got the idea.

If you want to understand this in simple Javascript check Array.prototype.fill()

Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging VS 2010, II7, Win 7 x64

I had the same problem in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 on Windows 8.1. For me the fix was to add Windows Authentication to IIS using 'Turn Windows features on or off'

Turn Windows features on or off screenshot

wget command to download a file and save as a different filename

wget -O remote-storage.url/

will do the trick for you.


a) its a capital O.

b) wget -O filename url will only work. Putting -O last will not.

Insert current date/time using now() in a field using MySQL/PHP

Just go to the column whenadded and change the default value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

How to extend a class in python?

Another way to extend (specifically meaning, add new methods, not change existing ones) classes, even built-in ones, is to use a preprocessor that adds the ability to extend out of/above the scope of Python itself, converting the extension to normal Python syntax before Python actually gets to see it.

I've done this to extend Python 2's str() class, for instance. str() is a particularly interesting target because of the implicit linkage to quoted data such as 'this' and 'that'.

Here's some extending code, where the only added non-Python syntax is the extend:testDottedQuad bit:

def testDottedQuad(strObject):
    if not isinstance(strObject, basestring): return False
    listStrings = strObject.split('.')
    if len(listStrings) != 4: return False
    for strNum in listStrings:
        try:    val = int(strNum)
        except: return False
        if val < 0: return False
        if val > 255: return False
    return True

After which I can write in the code fed to the preprocessor:

if ''.testDottedQuad():

dq = '216.126.621.5'
if not dq.testDottedQuad():

dqt = ''.join(['127','.','0','.','0','.','1']).testDottedQuad()
if dqt:
    print 'well, that was fun'

The preprocessor eats that, spits out normal Python without monkeypatching, and Python does what I intended it to do.

Just as a c preprocessor adds functionality to c, so too can a Python preprocessor add functionality to Python.

My preprocessor implementation is too large for a stack overflow answer, but for those who might be interested, it is here on GitHub.

Python: Best way to add to sys.path relative to the current running script

Create a wrapper module project/bin/lib, which contains this:

import sys, os

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'lib'))

import mylib

del sys.path[0], sys, os

Then you can replace all the cruft at the top of your scripts with:

from lib import mylib

What is the best way to know if all the variables in a Class are null?

Field[] field = model.getClass().getDeclaredFields();     

for(int j=0 ; j<field.length ; j++){    
            String name = field[j].getName();                
            name = name.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+name.substring(1); 
            String type = field[j].getGenericType().toString();    
            if(type.equals("class java.lang.String")){   
                Method m = model.getClass().getMethod("get"+name);
                String value = (String) m.invoke(model);    
                if(value == null){
                   ... something to do...

How to pass variable as a parameter in Execute SQL Task SSIS?

In your Execute SQL Task, make sure SQLSourceType is set to Direct Input, then your SQL Statement is the name of the stored proc, with questionmarks for each paramter of the proc, like so:

enter image description here

Click the parameter mapping in the left column and add each paramter from your stored proc and map it to your SSIS variable:

enter image description here

Now when this task runs it will pass the SSIS variables to the stored proc.

PySpark: withColumn() with two conditions and three outcomes

The withColumn function in pyspark enables you to make a new variable with conditions, add in the when and otherwise functions and you have a properly working if then else structure. For all of this you would need to import the sparksql functions, as you will see that the following bit of code will not work without the col() function. In the first bit, we declare a new column -'new column', and then give the condition enclosed in when function (i.e. fruit1==fruit2) then give 1 if the condition is true, if untrue the control goes to the otherwise which then takes care of the second condition (fruit1 or fruit2 is Null) with the isNull() function and if true 3 is returned and if false, the otherwise is checked again giving 0 as the answer.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    F.when(F.col('fruit1')==F.col('fruit2'), 1)
    .otherwise(F.when((F.col('fruit1').isNull()) | (F.col('fruit2').isNull()), 3))

Best way to pretty print a hash

Under Rails, arrays and hashes in Ruby have built-in to_json functions. I would use JSON just because it is very readable within a web browser, e.g. Google Chrome.

That being said if you are concerned about it looking too "tech looking" you should probably write your own function that replaces the curly braces and square braces in your hashes and arrays with white-space and other characters.

Look up the gsub function for a very good way to do it. Keep playing around with different characters and different amounts of whitespace until you find something that looks appealing.

What does it mean when MySQL is in the state "Sending data"?

This is quite a misleading status. It should be called "reading and filtering data".

This means that MySQL has some data stored on the disk (or in memory) which is yet to be read and sent over. It may be the table itself, an index, a temporary table, a sorted output etc.

If you have a 1M records table (without an index) of which you need only one record, MySQL will still output the status as "sending data" while scanning the table, despite the fact it has not sent anything yet.

mysql - move rows from one table to another

To move and delete specific records by selecting using WHERE query,

Insert Into A SELECT * FROM B where URL="" AND email ="" AND Annual_Sales_Vol="" And OPENED_In="" AND emp_count=""  And contact_person= "" limit 0,2000;
delete from B where Id In (select Id from B where URL="" AND email ="" AND Annual_Sales_Vol="" And OPENED_In="" AND emp_count="" And contact_person= "" limit 0,2000);

Vertical align in bootstrap table

vetrical-align: middle did not work for me for some reason (and it was being applied). I used this:

table.vertical-align > tbody > tr > td {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;

How to stretch a fixed number of horizontal navigation items evenly and fully across a specified container

This one really works. Also has the benefit that you can use media queries to easily turn off the horizontal style — for instance if you want to stack them vertically when on mobile phone.


<ul id="nav">
    <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link</a></li>


#nav {
    display: table;
    height: 87px;
    width: 100%;

#nav li {
    display: table-cell;
    height: 87px;
    width: 16.666666667%;  /* (100 / numItems)% */
    line-height: 87px;
    text-align: center;
    background: #ddd;
    border-right: 1px solid #fff;
    white-space: nowrap;

@media (max-width: 767px) {
    #nav li {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;

How do I select a random value from an enumeration?

Use Enum.GetValues to retrieve an array of all values. Then select a random array item.

static Random _R = new Random ();
static T RandomEnumValue<T> ()
    var v = Enum.GetValues (typeof (T));
    return (T) v.GetValue (_R.Next(v.Length));


for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    var value = RandomEnumValue<System.DayOfWeek> ();
    Console.WriteLine (value.ToString ());



Randomize numbers with jQuery?

You don't need jQuery, just use javascript's Math.random function.

edit: If you want to have a number from 1 to 6 show randomly every second, you can do something like this:

<span id="number"></span>

<script language="javascript">
  function generate() {
    $('#number').text(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1);
  setInterval(generate, 1000);

Get push notification while App in foreground iOS

Best Approach for this is to add UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate in AppDelegate by using extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate That extension tells the app to be able to get notification when in use

And implement this method

func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {

This method will be called on the delegate only if the application is in the Foreground.

So The final Implementation:

extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
    func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {

And To call this you must set the delegate in AppDelegate in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions add this line

UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self

You can modify



completionHandler([.alert, .badge, .sound]))

When should I use a trailing slash in my URL?

Other answers here seem to favor omitting the trailing slash. There is one case in which a trailing slash will help with search engine optimization (SEO). That is the case that your document has what appears to be a file extension that is not .html. This becomes an issue with sites that are rating websites. They might choose between these two urls:


In such a case, I would choose the one with the trailing slash. That is because the .com extension is an extension for Windows executable command files. Search engines and virus checkers often dislike URLs that appear that they may contain malware distributed through such mechanisms. The trailing slash seems to mitigate any concerns, allowing the page to rank in search engines and get by virus checkers.

If your URLs have no . in the file portion, then I would recommend omitting the trailing slash for simplicity.

Upgrade version of Pandas

Add your C:\WinPython-64bit-\python_***\Scripts folder to your system PATH variable by doing the following:

  1. Select Start, select Control Panel. double click System, and select the Advanced tab.
  2. Click Environment Variables. ...

  3. In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, specify the value of the PATH environment variable. ...

  4. Reopen Command prompt window

How to get option text value using AngularJS?

The best way is to use the ng-options directive on the select element.


function Ctrl($scope) {
  // sort options
  $scope.products = [{
    value: 'prod_1',
    label: 'Product 1'
  }, {
    value: 'prod_2',
    label: 'Product 2'


<select ng-model="selected_product" 
        ng-options="product as product.label for product in products">           

This will bind the selected product object to the ng-model property - selected_product. After that you can use this:

<p>Ordered by: {{selected_product.label}}</p>


How do I put variables inside javascript strings?

A few ways to extend String.prototype, or use ES2015 template literals.

var result = document.querySelector('#result');_x000D_
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_x000D_
// Classic_x000D_
String.prototype.format = String.prototype.format ||_x000D_
  function () {_x000D_
    var args =;_x000D_
    var replacer = function (a){return args[a.substr(1)-1];};_x000D_
    return this.replace(/(\$\d+)/gm, replacer)_x000D_
result.textContent = _x000D_
  'hello $1, $2'.format('[world]', '[how are you?]');_x000D_
// ES2015#1_x000D_
'use strict'_x000D_
String.prototype.format2 = String.prototype.format2 ||_x000D_
  function(...merge) { return this.replace(/\$\d+/g, r => merge[r.slice(1)-1]); };_x000D_
result.textContent += '\nHi there $1, $2'.format2('[sir]', '[I\'m fine, thnx]');_x000D_
// ES2015#2: template literal_x000D_
var merge = ['[good]', '[know]'];_x000D_
result.textContent += `\nOk, ${merge[0]} to ${merge[1]}`;
<pre id="result"></pre>

How do I manage conflicts with git submodules?

Well, its not technically managing conflicts with submodules (ie: keep this but not that), but I found a way to continue working...and all I had to do was pay attention to my git status output and reset the submodules:

git reset HEAD subby
git commit

That would reset the submodule to the pre-pull commit. Which in this case is exactly what I wanted. And in other cases where I need the changes applied to the submodule, I'll handle those with the standard submodule workflows (checkout master, pull down the desired tag, etc).

Classes vs. Modules in VB.NET

You must use a Module (rather than a Class) if you're creating Extension methods. In VB.NET I'm not aware of another option.

Being resistant to Modules myself, I just spent a worthless couple of hours trying to work out how to add some boilerplate code to resolve embedded assemblies in one, only to find out that Sub New() (Module) and Shared Sub New() (Class) are equivalent. (I didn't even know there was a callable Sub New() in a Module!)

So I just threw the EmbeddedAssembly.Load and AddHandler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve lines in there and Bob became my uncle.

Addendum: I haven't checked it out 100% yet, but I have an inkling that Sub New() runs in a different order in a Module than a Class, just going by the fact that I had to move some declarations to inside methods from outside to avoid errors.

Eclipse - no Java (JRE) / (JDK) ... no virtual machine

If you download the 64 bit version of Eclipse; it will look for the 64 bit version of JRE. If you download the 32 bit version of Eclipse; it will look for the 32 bit version of JRE

What I did was to install the both the 32 and 64 bit version of JRE. You can get that from the SUN Oracle site. The JAVA site seems to automatically install the 32 bit version of Java. I guess that's because of the web browser.

Embed an External Page Without an Iframe?

HTML Imports, part of the Web Components cast, is also a way to include HTML documents in other HTML documents. See

Difference between Pragma and Cache-Control headers?

There is no difference, except that Pragma is only defined as applicable to the requests by the client, whereas Cache-Control may be used by both the requests of the clients and the replies of the servers.

So, as far as standards go, they can only be compared from the perspective of the client making a requests and the server receiving a request from the client. The defines the scenario as follows:

HTTP/1.1 caches SHOULD treat "Pragma: no-cache" as if the client had sent "Cache-Control: no-cache". No new Pragma directives will be defined in HTTP.

  Note: because the meaning of "Pragma: no-cache as a response
  header field is not actually specified, it does not provide a
  reliable replacement for "Cache-Control: no-cache" in a response

The way I would read the above:

  • if you're writing a client and need no-cache:

    • just use Pragma: no-cache in your requests, since you may not know if Cache-Control is supported by the server;
    • but in replies, to decide on whether to cache, check for Cache-Control
  • if you're writing a server:

    • in parsing requests from the clients, check for Cache-Control; if not found, check for Pragma: no-cache, and execute the Cache-Control: no-cache logic;
    • in replies, provide Cache-Control.

Of course, reality might be different from what's written or implied in the RFC!

Fire event on enter key press for a textbox

my jQuery powered solution is below :)

Text Element:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtTextBox" ClientIDMode="Static" onkeypress="return EnterEvent(event);" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmitButton" ClientIDMode="Static" OnClick="btnSubmitButton_Click" runat="server" Text="Submit Form" />

Javascript behind:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    function fnCheckValue() {
        var myVal = $("#txtTextBox").val();
        if (myVal == "") {
            alert("Blank message");
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

    function EnterEvent(e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 13) {
            if (fnCheckValue()) {
            } else {
                return false;

    $("#btnSubmitButton").click(function () {
        return fnCheckValue();