Programs & Examples On #Allusersprofile

setSupportActionBar toolbar cannot be applied to (android.widget.Toolbar) error

In your import instead of android.widget.Toolbar:

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;

public class rutaActivity extends AppCompactActivity {

private Toolbar toolbar;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    getSupportActionBar().hide();//Ocultar ActivityBar anterior

    toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
    setSupportActionBar(toolbar); //NO PROBLEM !!!!


If you are using androidx, replace


with newer imports

import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar;

remove all special characters in java

Your problem is that the indices returned by match.start() correspond to the position of the character as it appeared in the original string when you matched it; however, as you rewrite the string c every time, these indices become incorrect.

The best approach to solve this is to use replaceAll, for example:

        System.out.println(c.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""));

How to get the cell value by column name not by index in GridView in

Header Row cells sometimes will not work. This will just return the column Index. It will help in a lot of different ways. I know this is not the answer he is requesting. But this will help for a lot people.

public static int GetColumnIndexByHeaderText(GridView gridView, string columnName)
        for (int i = 0; i < gridView.Columns.Count ; i++)
            if (gridView.Columns[i].HeaderText.ToUpper() == columnName.ToUpper() )
                return i;
        return -1;

What are the differences among grep, awk & sed?

Short definition:

grep: search for specific terms in a file

$ grep This file.txt
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"

$ cat file.txt
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "That"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"

Now awk and sed are completly different than grep. awk and sed are text processors. Not only do they have the ability to find what you are looking for in text, they have the ability to remove, add and modify the text as well (and much more).

awk is mostly used for data extraction and reporting. sed is a stream editor
Each one of them has its own functionality and specialties.


$ sed -i 's/cat/dog/' file.txt
# this will replace any occurrence of the characters 'cat' by 'dog'


$ awk '{print $2}' file.txt
# this will print the second column of file.txt

Basic awk usage:
Compute sum/average/max/min/etc. what ever you may need.

$ cat file.txt
A 10
B 20
C 60
$ awk 'BEGIN {sum=0; count=0; OFS="\t"} {sum+=$2; count++} END {print "Average:", sum/count}' file.txt
Average:    30

I recommend that you read this book: Sed & Awk: 2nd Ed.

It will help you become a proficient sed/awk user on any unix-like environment.

Purpose of __repr__ method?

This is explained quite well in the Python documentation:

repr(object): Return a string containing a printable representation of an object. This is the same value yielded by conversions (reverse quotes). It is sometimes useful to be able to access this operation as an ordinary function. For many types, this function makes an attempt to return a string that would yield an object with the same value when passed to eval(), otherwise the representation is a string enclosed in angle brackets that contains the name of the type of the object together with additional information often including the name and address of the object. A class can control what this function returns for its instances by defining a __repr__() method.

So what you're seeing here is the default implementation of __repr__, which is useful for serialization and debugging.

How to add plus one (+1) to a SQL Server column in a SQL Query

"UPDATE TableName SET TableField = TableField + 1 WHERE SomeFilterField = @ParameterID"

Show a number to two decimal places

$number = sprintf('%0.2f', $numbers); // 520.89898989 -> 520.89

This will give you 2 number after decimal.

Sheet.getRange(1,1,1,12) what does the numbers in bracket specify?

Found these docu on the google docu pages:

  • row --- int --- top row of the range
  • column --- int--- leftmost column of the range
  • optNumRows --- int --- number of rows in the range.
  • optNumColumns --- int --- number of columns in the range

In your example, you would get (if you picked the 3rd row) "C3:O3", cause C --> O is 12 columns


Using the example on the docu:

// The code below will get the number of columns for the range C2:G8
// in the active spreadsheet, which happens to be "4"
var count = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(2, 3, 6, 4).getNumColumns(); Browser.msgBox(count);

The values between brackets:
2: the starting row = 2
3: the starting col = C
6: the number of rows = 6 so from 2 to 8
4: the number of cols = 4 so from C to G

So you come to the range: C2:G8

IF - ELSE IF - ELSE Structure in Excel

Say P7 is a Cell then you can use the following Syntex to check the value of the cell and assign appropriate value to another cell based on this following nested if:


Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

In case you have to keep PYTHONPATH for both python2 and python3, you can write alias statements to set the proper PYTHONPATH in your bash_profile:

Hardcode your PYTHONPATH2, and PYTHONPATH3 variables in your ~/.bash_profile, and add the following aliases at the end of it:

alias python='export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH2};python'
alias python3='export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH3};python3'

My python (refers to python2) as I use python2 more often.

Scrolling a div with jQuery

There's a plug-in for this if you don't want to write a bare-bones implementation yourself. It's called "scrollTo" (link). It allows you to perform programmed scrolling to certain points, or use values like -= 10px for continuous scrolling.

ScrollTo jQuery Plug-in

Removing time from a Date object?

The correct class to use for a date without time of day is LocalDate. LocalDate is a part of java.time, the modern Java date and time API.

So the best thing you can do is if you can modify the getStartDate method you are using to return a LocalDate:

    DateTimeFormatter dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter

    LocalDate d = eventList.get(0).getStartDate(); // We’re now getting a LocalDate using this method
    String dateString = d.format(dateFormatter);

Example output:


If you cannot change the getStartDate, you may still be able to add a new method returning the type that we want. However, if you cannot afford to do that just now, convert the old-fashioned Date that you get (I assume java.util.Date):

    d = eventList.get(0).getStartDate(); // I'm getting the old-fashioned Date using this method
    LocalDate dateWithoutTime = d.toInstant()

Please insert the time zone that was assumed for the Date. You may use ZoneId.systemDefault() for the JVM’s time zone setting, only this setting can be changed at any time from other parts of your program or other programs running in the same JVM.

The java.util.Date class was what we were all using when this question was asked 6 years ago (no, not all; I was, and we were many). java.time came out a couple of years later and has replaced the old Date, Calendar, SimpleDateFormat and DateFormat. Recognizing that they were poorly designed. Furthermore, a Date despite its name cannot represent a date. It’s a point in time. What the other answers do is they round down the time to the start of the day (“midnight”) in the JVM’s default time zone. It doesn’t remove the time of day, only sets it, typically to 00:00. Change your default time zone — as I said, even another program running in the same JVM may do that at any time without notice — and everything will break (often).

Link: Oracle tutorial: Date Time explaining how to use java.time.

Javascript close alert box

As mentioned previously you really can't do this. You can do a modal dialog inside the window using a UI framework, or you can have a popup window, with a script that auto-closes after a timeout... each has a negative aspect. The modal window inside the browser won't create any notification if the window is minimized, and a programmatic (timer based) popup is likely to be blocked by modern browsers, and popup blockers.

5.7.57 SMTP - Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM error

Main two reasons only as mentioned in above comments

  1. NetworkCredentials you set should be correct. Verify with try actually signing into the account.
  2. You need to set UseDefaultCredentials to false first and then set Credentials Or Put smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; above the smtp.Credentials assignment.

How to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device?

You can use the TelephonyManager to do this:

TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE); 
String number = tm.getLine1Number();

The documentation for getLine1Number() says this method will return null if the number is "unavailable", but it does not say when the number might be unavailable.

You'll need to give your application permission to make this query by adding the following to your Manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

(You shouldn't use TelephonyManager.getDefault() to get the TelephonyManager as that is a private undocumented API call and may change in future.)

iOS app with framework crashed on device, dyld: Library not loaded, Xcode 6 Beta

My environment: Cocos2d 2.0, Box2d, Objective C

In addition to doing the other answers above I finally went to the General tab and made WatchKit Optional.

Target General Linked Frameworks and Libraries Watchkit.framework Optional

How do I refresh the page in ASP.NET? (Let it reload itself by code)

The only correct way that I could do page refresh was through JavaScript, many of top .NET answers failed for me.

Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'> setTimeout('location.reload(true); ', timeout);</script>");

Put the above code in button click event or anywhere you want to force page refresh.

Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<>

The IEnumerable<T> interface does not include an indexer, you're probably confusing it with IList<T>

If the object really is an IList<T> (e.g. List<T> or an array T[]), try making the reference to it of type IList<T> too.

Otherwise, you can use myEnumerable.ElementAt(index) which uses the Enumerable.ElementAt extension method. This should work for all IEnumerable<T>s . Note that unless the (run-time) object implements IList<T>, this will cause all of the first index + 1 items to be enumerated, with all but the last being discarded.

EDIT: As an explanation, IEnumerable<T> is simply an interface that represents "that which exposes an enumerator." A concrete implementation may well be some sort of in-memory list that does allow fast-access by index, or it may not. For instance, it could be a collection that cannot efficiently satisfy such a query, such as a linked-list (as mentioned by James Curran). It may even be no sort of in-memory data-structure at all, such as an iterator, where items are generated ('yielded') on demand, or by an enumerator that fetches the items from some remote data-source. Because IEnumerable<T> must support all these cases, indexers are excluded from its definition.

Unit testing with Spring Security

You are quite right to be concerned - static method calls are particularly problematic for unit testing as you cannot easily mock your dependencies. What I am going to show you is how to let the Spring IoC container do the dirty work for you, leaving you with neat, testable code. SecurityContextHolder is a framework class and while it may be ok for your low-level security code to be tied to it, you probably want to expose a neater interface to your UI components (i.e. controllers).

cliff.meyers mentioned one way around it - create your own "principal" type and inject an instance into consumers. The Spring <aop:scoped-proxy/> tag introduced in 2.x combined with a request scope bean definition, and the factory-method support may be the ticket to the most readable code.

It could work like following:

public class MyUserDetails implements UserDetails {
    // this is your custom UserDetails implementation to serve as a principal
    // implement the Spring methods and add your own methods as appropriate

public class MyUserHolder {
    public static MyUserDetails getUserDetails() {
        Authentication a = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
        if (a == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return (MyUserDetails) a.getPrincipal();

public class MyUserAwareController {        
    MyUserDetails currentUser;

    public void setCurrentUser(MyUserDetails currentUser) { 
        this.currentUser = currentUser;

    // controller code

Nothing complicated so far, right? In fact you probably had to do most of this already. Next, in your bean context define a request-scoped bean to hold the principal:

<bean id="userDetails" class="MyUserHolder" factory-method="getUserDetails" scope="request">

<bean id="controller" class="MyUserAwareController">
    <property name="currentUser" ref="userDetails"/>
    <!-- other props -->

Thanks to the magic of the aop:scoped-proxy tag, the static method getUserDetails will be called every time a new HTTP request comes in and any references to the currentUser property will be resolved correctly. Now unit testing becomes trivial:

protected void setUp() {
    // existing init code

    MyUserDetails user = new MyUserDetails();
    // set up user as you wish

Hope this helps!

How to find the foreach index?

You can create $i outside the loop and do $i++ at the bottom of the loop.

Domain Account keeping locking out with correct password every few minutes

I have seen this problem when the user had set up a scheduled task to run under his account. He forgot to update the password on the task after he changed his account password. The scheduled task was trying to logon with the old password and kept locking out his account.

HTML text-overflow ellipsis detection

The e.offsetWidth < e.scrollWidth solution is not always working.

And if you want to use pure JavaScript, I recommend to use this:


public isEllipsisActive(element: HTMLElement): boolean { = 'initial';
    const noEllipsisWidth = element.offsetWidth; = 'hidden';
    const ellipsisWidth = element.offsetWidth;

    if (ellipsisWidth < noEllipsisWidth) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

Comparing strings by their alphabetical order

Take a look at the String.compareTo method.


From the javadocs:

The result is a negative integer if this String object lexicographically precedes the argument string. The result is a positive integer if this String object lexicographically follows the argument string. The result is zero if the strings are equal; compareTo returns 0 exactly when the equals(Object) method would return true.

Is it possible to log all HTTP request headers with Apache?

Here is a list of all http-headers:

And here is a list of all apache-logformats:

As you did write correctly, the code for logging a specific header is %{foobar}i where foobar is the name of the header. So, the only solution is to create a specific format string. When you expect a non-standard header like x-my-nonstandard-header, then use %{x-my-nonstandard-header}i. If your server is going to ignore this non-standard-header, why should you want to write it to your logfile? An unknown header has absolutely no effect to your system.

javascript close current window

Works only in Google Chrome with self.close();. Tested in v48.

window.close() won't do what you want as the documentation for it clearly states that scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it.

100% height minus header?

If your browser supports CSS3, try using the CSS element Calc()

height: calc(100% - 65px);

you might also want to adding browser compatibility options:

height: -o-calc(100% - 65px); /* opera */
height: -webkit-calc(100% - 65px); /* google, safari */
height: -moz-calc(100% - 65px); /* firefox */

also make sure you have spaces between values, see:

Converting between datetime and Pandas Timestamp objects

You can use the to_pydatetime method to be more explicit:

In [11]: ts = pd.Timestamp('2014-01-23 00:00:00', tz=None)

In [12]: ts.to_pydatetime()
Out[12]: datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 23, 0, 0)

It's also available on a DatetimeIndex:

In [13]: rng = pd.date_range('1/10/2011', periods=3, freq='D')

In [14]: rng.to_pydatetime()
array([datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 10, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 11, 0, 0),
       datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 12, 0, 0)], dtype=object)

How to handle button clicks using the XML onClick within Fragments

Best solution IMHO:

in fragment:

protected void addClick(int id) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

public void onClick(View v) {
    if (v.getId() {

then in Fragment's onViewStateRestored:


How to add a linked source folder in Android Studio?

Just in case anyone is interested, heres a complete Java module gradle file that correctly generates and references the built artefacts within an Android multi module application

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
    dependencies {
        classpath "net.ltgt.gradle:gradle-apt-plugin:0.15"

apply plugin: "net.ltgt.apt"
apply plugin: "java-library"
apply plugin: "idea"

idea {
    module {
        sourceDirs += file("$buildDir/generated/source/apt/main")
        testSourceDirs += file("$buildDir/generated/source/apt/test")

dependencies {

    // Dagger 2 and Compiler
    compile ""
    apt ""
    compile ""


sourceCompatibility = "1.8"
targetCompatibility = "1.8"

SQL - Create view from multiple tables

Are you using MySQL or PostgreSQL?

You want to use JOIN syntax, not UNION. For example, using INNER JOIN:

SELECT, POP.year, POP.pop,, INCOME.income

However, this will only show results when each country and year are present in all three tables. If this is not what you want, look into left outer joins (using the same link above).

UITableview: How to Disable Selection for Some Rows but Not Others

Use this to make the cell look like it is disabled and non-selectable:

cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;

Important: note that this is only a styling property, and does not actually disable the cell. In order to do that, you have to check for selectionStylein your didSelectRowAtIndexPath: delegate implementation:

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    if(cell.selectionStyle == UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone) {

    // do your cell selection handling here

JVM option -Xss - What does it do exactly?

It indeed sets the stack size on a JVM.

You should touch it in either of these two situations:

  • StackOverflowError (the stack size is greater than the limit), increase the value
  • OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread (too many threads, each thread has a large stack), decrease it.

The latter usually comes when your Xss is set too large - then you need to balance it (testing!)

How do I read the source code of shell commands?

    cd ~ && apt-get source coreutils && ls -d coreutils*     

You should be able to use a command like this on ubuntu to gather the source for a package, you can omit sudo assuming your downloading to a location you own.

Replace all elements of Python NumPy Array that are greater than some value

Another way is to use which does in-place replacement and works with multidimentional arrays:

import numpy as np

# create 2x3 array with numbers 0..5
arr = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3)

# replace 0 with -10, arr == 0, -10)

how to fire event on file select

<input type="file" @change="onFileChange" class="input upload-input" ref="inputFile"/>

onFileChange(e) {
    //upload file and then delete it from input 
    self.$refs.inputFile.value = ''

What is the javascript filename naming convention?

The question in the link you gave talks about naming of JavaScript variables, not about file naming, so forget about that for the context in which you ask your question.

As to file naming, it is purely a matter of preference and taste. I prefer naming files with hyphens because then I don't have to reach for the shift key, as I do when dealing with camelCase file names; and because I don't have to worry about differences between Windows and Linux file names (Windows file names are case-insensitive, at least through XP).

So the answer, like so many, is "it depends" or "it's up to you."

The one rule you should follow is to be consistent in the convention you choose.

Resetting Select2 value in dropdown with reset button

Sometimes I want to reset Select2 but I can't without change() method. So my solution is :

function resetSelect2Wrapper(el, value){
        minimumResultsForSearch: -1,
        language: "fr"

Using :

resetSelect2Wrapper("#mySelectId", "myValue");

How to convert upper case letters to lower case

You can find more methods and functions related to Python strings in section 5.6.1. String Methods of the documentation.


Communicating between a fragment and an activity - best practices

I am using Intents to communicate actions back to the main activity. The main activity is listening to these by overriding onNewIntent(Intent intent). The main activity translates these actions to the corresponding fragments for example.

So you can do something like this:

public class MainActivity extends Activity  {

    public static final String INTENT_ACTION_SHOW_FOO = "show_foo";
    public static final String INTENT_ACTION_SHOW_BAR = "show_bar";

   protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {

  private void routeIntent(Intent intent) {
       String action = intent.getAction();
       if (action != null) {               
            switch (action) {
            case INTENT_ACTION_SHOW_FOO:
                // for example show the corresponding fragment
            case INTENT_ACTION_SHOW_BAR:

Then inside any fragment to show the foo fragment:

Intent intent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
// Prevent activity to be re-instantiated if it is already running.
// Instead, the onNewEvent() is triggered

MySQL the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 error

the problem is because you have got the query over multiple lines using the " " that PHP is actually sending all the white spaces in to MySQL which is causing it to error out.

Either put it on one line or append on each line :o)

Sqlyog must be trimming white spaces on each line which explains why its working.


$qr2="INSERT INTO wp_bp_activity
 (this stuff)component,
     (is)      `type`,
    (a)        `action`,
  (problem)  content,

LINQ select in C# dictionary

One way would be to first flatten the list with a SelectMany:

subList.SelectMany(m => m).Where(k => k.Key.Equals("valueTitle"));

Nuget connection attempt failed "Unable to load the service index for source"

I was trying to add an Azure Artifacts NuGet source.

I followed Microsoft's instructions here, with one critical oversight.

I forgot to replace /v3/index.json with /v2.

enter image description here

How to remove word wrap from textarea?

The following CSS based solution works for me:

  <style type='text/css'>
   textarea {
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow:    scroll;
    overflow-y:  hidden;
    overflow-x:  scroll;
    overflow:    -moz-scrollbars-horizontal;
   <textarea>This is a long line of text for testing purposes...</textarea>

Finish an activity from another activity

That you can do, but I think you should not break the normal flow of activity. If you want to finish you activity then you can simply send a broadcast from your activity B to activity A.

Create a broadcast receiver before starting your activity B:

BroadcastReceiver broadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {

    public void onReceive(Context arg0, Intent intent) {
        String action = intent.getAction();
        if (action.equals("finish_activity")) {
            // DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.
registerReceiver(broadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter("finish_activity"));

Send broadcast from activity B to activity A when you want to finish activity A from B

Intent intent = new Intent("finish_activity");

I hope it will work for you...

What is the point of WORKDIR on Dockerfile?

You can think of WORKDIR like a cd inside the container (it affects commands that come later in the Dockerfile, like the RUN command). If you removed WORKDIR in your example above, RUN npm install wouldn't work because you would not be in the /usr/src/app directory inside your container.

I don't see how this would be related to where you put your Dockerfile (since your Dockerfile location on the host machine has nothing to do with the pwd inside the container). You can put the Dockerfile wherever you'd like in your project. However, the first argument to COPY is a relative path, so if you move your Dockerfile you may need to update those COPY commands.

Convert Java String to sql.Timestamp

You could use Timestamp.valueOf(String). The documentation states that it understands timestamps in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...], so you might need to change the field separators in your incoming string.

Then again, if you're going to do that then you could just parse it yourself and use the setNanos method to store the microseconds.

CodeIgniter: Load controller within controller

Just to add more information to what Zain Abbas said:

Load the controller that way, and use it like he said:



Or you can create an object and use it this way:


$obj = new $this->your_controller();


Hope this can help.

What's the maximum value for an int in PHP?

Ah I found it: 232 - 1 (2147483647)

Integer overflow

If PHP encounters a number beyond the bounds of the integer type, it will be interpreted as a float instead. Also, an operation which results in a number beyond the bounds of the integer type will return a float instead.

$large_number =  2147483647;
// output: int(2147483647)

$large_number =  2147483648;
// output: float(2147483648)

@viewChild not working - cannot read property nativeElement of undefined

it just simple :import this directory

import {Component, Directive, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';

How do you change the width and height of Twitter Bootstrap's tooltips?

Try this code,

.tooltip-inner {
     max-width:350px !important;

What is float in Java?

In JAVA, values like:

  1. 8.5
  2. 3.9
  3. (and so on..)

Is assumed as double and not float.

You can also perform a cast in order to solve the problem:

float b = (float) 3.5;

Another solution:

float b = 3.5f;

How to create an array of object literals in a loop?

You can do something like that in ES6.

new Array(10).fill().map((e,i) => {
   return {idx: i}

Android Studio - Unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I had the same issue and it was caused because cyberoam was blocking my following URL

Caused by: org.gradle.api.resources.ResourceException: Unable to load Maven meta-data from

What is ViewModel in MVC?

I didn't read all the posts but every answer seems to be missing one concept that really helped me "get it"...

If a Model is akin to a database Table, then a ViewModel is akin to a database View - A view typically either returns small amounts of data from one table, or, complex sets of data from multiple tables (joins).

I find myself using ViewModels to pass info into a view/form, and then transfering that data into a valid Model when the form posts back to the controller - also very handy for storing Lists(IEnumerable).

The application has stopped unexpectedly: How to Debug?

  1. From the Home screen, press the Menu key.
  2. List item
  3. Touch Settings.
  4. Touch Applications.
  5. Touch Manage Applications.
  6. Touch All.
  7. Select the application that is having issues.
  8. Touch Clear data and Clear cache if they are available. This resets the app as if it was new, and may delete personal data stored in the app.

Excel VBA Check if directory exists error

To be certain that a folder exists (and not a file) I use this function:

Public Function FolderExists(strFolderPath As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    FolderExists = ((GetAttr(strFolderPath) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory)
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

It works both, with \ at the end and without.

How to get the input from the Tkinter Text Widget?

In order to obtain the string in a Text widget one can simply use get method defined for Text which accepts 1 to 2 arguments as start and end positions of characters, text_widget_object.get(start, end=None). If only start is passed and end isn't passed it returns only the single character positioned at start, if end is passed as well, it returns all characters in between positions start and end as string.

There are also special strings, that are variables to the underlying Tk. One of them would be "end" or tk.END which represents the variable position of the very last char in the Text widget. An example would be to returning all text in the widget, with text_widget_object.get('1.0', 'end') or text_widget_object.get('1.0', 'end-1c') if you don't want the last newline character.


See below demonstration that selects the characters in between the given positions with sliders:

    import tkinter as tk
    import Tkinter as tk

class Demo(tk.LabelFrame):
    A LabeFrame that in order to demonstrate the string returned by the
    get method of Text widget, selects the characters in between the
    given arguments that are set with Scales.

    def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)
        self.start_arg = ''
        self.end_arg = None
        self.position_frames = dict()

    def _create_widgets(self):
        self._is_two_args = tk.Checkbutton(self,
                                    text="Use 2 positional arguments...")
        self.position_frames['start'] = PositionFrame(self,
                                    text="start='{}.{}'.format(line, column)")
        self.position_frames['end'] = PositionFrame(   self,
                                    text="end='{}.{}'.format(line, column)")
        self.text = TextWithStats(self, wrap='none')

    def _widget_configs(self):
        self.text.update_callback = self.update
        self._is_two_args.var = tk.BooleanVar(self, value=False)
                                    onvalue=True, offvalue=False)
        self._is_two_args['command'] = self._is_two_args_handle
        for _key in self.position_frames:
            self.position_frames[_key].line.slider['command'] = self.update
            self.position_frames[_key].column.slider['command'] = self.update

    def _layout(self):
        self._is_two_args.grid(sticky='nsw', row=0, column=1)
        self.position_frames['start'].grid(sticky='nsew', row=1, column=0)
        #self.position_frames['end'].grid(sticky='nsew', row=1, column=1)
        self.text.grid(sticky='nsew', row=2, column=0,
                                                    rowspan=2, columnspan=2)
        _grid_size = self.grid_size()
        for _col in range(_grid_size[0]):
            self.grid_columnconfigure(_col, weight=1)
        for _row in range(_grid_size[1] - 1):
            self.grid_rowconfigure(_row + 1, weight=1)

    def _is_two_args_handle(self):
        if self._is_two_args.var.get():
            self.position_frames['end'].grid(sticky='nsew', row=1, column=1)

    def update(self, event=None):
        Updates slider limits, argument values, labels representing the
        get method call.


    def update_sliders(self):
        Updates slider limits based on what's written in the text and
        which line is selected.


    def _update_line_sliders(self):
        if self.text.lines_length:
            for _key in self.position_frames:
                self.position_frames[_key].line.slider['state'] = 'normal'
                self.position_frames[_key].line.slider['from_'] = 1
                _no_of_lines = self.text.line_count
                self.position_frames[_key].line.slider['to'] = _no_of_lines
            for _key in self.position_frames:
                self.position_frames[_key].line.slider['state'] = 'disabled'

    def _update_column_sliders(self):
        if self.text.lines_length:
            for _key in self.position_frames:
                self.position_frames[_key].column.slider['state'] = 'normal'
                self.position_frames[_key].column.slider['from_'] = 0
                _line_no = int(self.position_frames[_key].line.slider.get())-1
                _max_line_len = self.text.lines_length[_line_no]
                self.position_frames[_key].column.slider['to'] = _max_line_len
            for _key in self.position_frames:
                self.position_frames[_key].column.slider['state'] = 'disabled'

    def update_arguments(self):
        Updates the values representing the arguments passed to the get
        method, based on whether or not the 2nd positional argument is
        active and the slider positions.

        _start_line_no = self.position_frames['start'].line.slider.get()
        _start_col_no = self.position_frames['start'].column.slider.get()
        self.start_arg = "{}.{}".format(_start_line_no, _start_col_no)
        if self._is_two_args.var.get():
            _end_line_no = self.position_frames['end'].line.slider.get()
            _end_col_no = self.position_frames['end'].column.slider.get()
            self.end_arg = "{}.{}".format(_end_line_no, _end_col_no)
            self.end_arg = None

    def _update_method_labels(self):
        if self.end_arg:
            for _key in self.position_frames:
                _string = "text.get('{}', '{}')".format(
                                                self.start_arg, self.end_arg)
                self.position_frames[_key].label['text'] = _string
            _string = "text.get('{}')".format(self.start_arg)
            self.position_frames['start'].label['text'] = _string

    def _select(self):
        self.text.tag_remove('sel', '1.0', 'end')
        self.text.tag_add('sel', self.start_arg, self.end_arg)
        if self.end_arg:
            self.text.mark_set('insert', self.end_arg)
            self.text.mark_set('insert', self.start_arg)

class TextWithStats(tk.Text):
    Text widget that stores stats of its content:
    self.line_count:        the total number of lines
    self.lines_length:      the total number of characters per line
    self.update_callback:   can be set as the reference to the callback
                            to be called with each update

    def __init__(self, master, update_callback=None, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Text.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)
        self._events = ('<KeyPress>',
        self.line_count = None
        self.lines_length = list()
        self.update_callback = update_callback
        self.bind_events_on_widget_to_callback( self._events,

    def bind_events_on_widget_to_callback(events, widget, callback):
        Bind events on widget to callback.

        for _event in events:
            widget.bind(_event, callback)

    def update_stats(self, event=None):
        Update self.line_count, self.lines_length stats and call

        _string = self.get('1.0', 'end-1c')
        _string_lines = _string.splitlines()
        self.line_count = len(_string_lines)
        del self.lines_length[:]
        for _line in _string_lines:
        if self.update_callback:

class PositionFrame(tk.LabelFrame):
    A LabelFrame that has two LabelFrames which has Scales.

    def __init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)

    def _create_widgets(self):
        self.line = SliderFrame(self, orient='vertical', text="line=")
        self.column = SliderFrame(self, orient='horizontal', text="column=")
        self.label = tk.Label(self, text="Label")

    def _layout(self):
        self.line.grid(sticky='ns', row=0, column=0, rowspan=2)
        self.column.grid(sticky='ew', row=0, column=1, columnspan=2)
        self.label.grid(sticky='nsew', row=1, column=1)
        self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
        self.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)

class SliderFrame(tk.LabelFrame):
    A LabelFrame that encapsulates a Scale.

    def __init__(self, master, orient, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.LabelFrame.__init__(self, master, *args, **kwargs)

        self.slider = tk.Scale(self, orient=orient)
        self.slider.pack(fill='both', expand=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    demo = Demo(root, text="text.get(start, end=None)")

    with open(__file__) as f:
    demo.pack(fill='both', expand=True)

How to unmount a busy device

Niche Answer:

If you have a zfs pool on that device, at least when it's a file-based pool, lsof will not show the usage. But you can simply run

sudo zpool export mypoo

and then unmount.

Is there an XSLT name-of element?

<xsl:value-of select="name(.)" /> : <xsl:value-of select="."/>

How do I force git to use LF instead of CR+LF under windows?

The proper way to get LF endings in Windows is to first set core.autocrlf to false:

git config --global core.autocrlf false

You need to do this if you are using msysgit, because it sets it to true in its system settings.

Now git won’t do any line ending normalization. If you want files you check in to be normalized, do this: Set text=auto in your .gitattributes for all files:

* text=auto

And set core.eol to lf:

git config --global core.eol lf

Now you can also switch single repos to crlf (in the working directory!) by running

git config core.eol crlf

After you have done the configuration, you might want git to normalize all the files in the repo. To do this, go to to the root of your repo and run these commands:

git rm --cached -rf .
git diff --cached --name-only -z | xargs -n 50 -0 git add -f

If you now want git to also normalize the files in your working directory, run these commands:

git ls-files -z | xargs -0 rm
git checkout .

SMTPAuthenticationError when sending mail using gmail and python

Your code looks correct. Try logging in through your browser and if you are able to access your account come back and try your code again. Just make sure that you have typed your username and password correct

EDIT: Google blocks sign-in attempts from apps which do not use modern security standards (mentioned on their support page). You can however, turn on/off this safety feature by going to the link below:

Go to this link and select Turn On

Convert string to Python class object?

Warning: eval() can be used to execute arbitrary Python code. You should never use eval() with untrusted strings. (See Security of Python's eval() on untrusted strings?)

This seems simplest.

>>> class Foo(object):
...     pass
>>> eval("Foo")
<class '__main__.Foo'>

Why is @font-face throwing a 404 error on woff files?

I tried a ton of things around permissions, mime types, etc, but for me it ended up being that the web.config had removed the Static file handler in IIS, and then explicitly added it back in for directories that would have static files. As soon as I added a location node for my directory and added the handler back, the requests stopped getting 404s.

Android studio Gradle icon error, Manifest Merger

When an attribute value contains a placeholder (see format below), the manifest merger will swap this placeholder value with an injected value. Injected values are specified in the build.gradle. The syntax for placeholder values is ${name} since @ is reserved for links. After the last file merging occurred, and before the resulting merged android manifest file is written out, all values with a placeholder will be swapped with injected values. A build breakage will be generated if a variable name is unknown.


What is the meaning of 'No bundle URL present' in react-native?

Maybe you forgot this step

cd ios && pod install

Plot multiple lines in one graph

Instead of using the outrageously convoluted data structures required by ggplot2, you can use the native R functions:

Company 2011 2013
Company1 300 350
Company2 320 430
Company3 310 420
",,sep=" ",row.names=1)



R multiple lines plot

Hibernate: "Field 'id' doesn't have a default value"

In my case, I altered that offending tables and the field "id" in question I made it AUTO_INCREMENT, I still need to figure out why on deployment time it was not making it "AUTO_INCREMENT" so that I have to do it by myself!

LaTeX source code listing like in professional books

I am happy with the listings package:

Listing example

Here is how I configure it:


I use it like this:

\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Caption example.,
// Insert the code here

sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory on cited drive

In my case nothing above has worked. After banging my head against the wall for a while I've found out, that I've destroyed the /etc/passwd entries by running a custom-made-linux-server-setup-bash-script which worked well previously, but this time the regex within the "sed" command erased all the existing entries :D After copy pasting the default entries from another working linux server I could finally restart sshd.

So don't forget to backup the original /etc/passwd file before applying any regex replacements on it :)

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

You want to reshape the array.

B = np.reshape(A, (-1, 2))

where -1 infers the size of the new dimension from the size of the input array.

How do I force my .NET application to run as administrator?

The detailed steps are as follow.

  1. Add application manifest file to solution
  2. Change application setting to "app.manifest"
  3. Update tag of "requestedExecutionLevel" to requireAdministrator.

Adding file in Solution

Select Application Manifest File

Select Manifest option

Update Manifest file

Note that using this code you need to turn off the security settings of ClickOnce, for do this, go inside Properties -> Security -> ClickOnce Security

Table Height 100% inside Div element

Had a similar problem. My solution was to give the inner table a fixed height of 1px and set the height of the td in the inner table to 100%. Against all odds, it works fine, tested in IE, Chrome and FF!

How to echo xml file in php

You can use the asXML method

echo $xml->asXML();

You can also give it a filename



If you are doing in code then first check for table in database by using query SELECT table_name FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = 'XYZ'

if record found then truncate table otherwise create Table

Work like Create or Replace.

How do I use the lines of a file as arguments of a command?

After editing @Wesley Rice's answer a couple times, I decided my changes were just getting too big to continue changing his answer instead of writing my own. So, I decided I need to write my own!

Read each line of a file in and operate on it line-by-line like this:

while IFS= read -r line
  echo "$line"
done < "$input"

This comes directly from author Vivek Gite here: He gets the credit!

Syntax: Read file line by line on a Bash Unix & Linux shell:
1. The syntax is as follows for bash, ksh, zsh, and all other shells to read a file line by line
2. while read -r line; do COMMAND; done < input.file
3. The -r option passed to read command prevents backslash escapes from being interpreted.
4. Add IFS= option before read command to prevent leading/trailing whitespace from being trimmed -
5. while IFS= read -r line; do COMMAND_on $line; done < input.file

And now to answer this now-closed question which I also had: Is it possible to `git add` a list of files from a file? - here's my answer:

Note that FILES_STAGED is a variable containing the absolute path to a file which contains a bunch of lines where each line is a relative path to a file I'd like to do git add on. This code snippet is about to become part of the "eRCaGuy_dotfiles/useful_scripts/" file in this project, to enable easy syncing of files in development from one PC (ex: a computer I code on) to another (ex: a more powerful computer I build on):

while IFS= read -r line
    echo "  git add \"$line\""
    git add "$line" 
done < "$FILES_STAGED"


  1. Where I copied my answer from:
  2. For loop syntax:


  1. How to read contents of file line-by-line and do git add on it: Is it possible to `git add` a list of files from a file?

Error - trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty

I ran into this exact problem on OS X, using JDK 1.7, after upgrading to OS X v10.9 (Mavericks). The fix that worked for me was to simply reinstall the Apple version of Java, available at

ggplot combining two plots from different data.frames

The only working solution for me, was to define the data object in the geom_line instead of the base object, ggplot.

Like this:

ggplot() + 
geom_line(data=Data1, aes(x=A, y=B), color='green') + 
geom_line(data=Data2, aes(x=C, y=D), color='red')

instead of

ggplot(data=Data1, aes(x=A, y=B), color='green') + 
geom_line() + 
geom_line(data=Data2, aes(x=C, y=D), color='red')

More info here

Capture Video of Android's Screen

I guess screencast is no go cause of tegra 2 incompatibility, i already tried it,but no whey! So i tried using Z-ScreeNRecorder from market,installed it on my LG Optimus 2x, but it record's only blank screen,i tried for 5min. and there i get 5min. of blank screen file of 6mb size... so there is no point trying until they release some peace of software that is compatible with tegra2 chipset!

Truncate string in Laravel blade templates

In Laravel 4 & 5 (up to 5.7), you can use str_limit, which limits the number of characters in a string.

While in Laravel 7 up, you can use the Str::limit helper.

//For Laravel  to Laravel 7

{{ Illuminate\Support\Str::limit($post->title, 20, $end='...') }}

Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

I tried the solution xcode-select --install but it don't help me, I update from Sierra to High and happened this, my solution:

sudo xcode-select --reset

Print a list of all installed node.js modules

for package in `sudo npm -g ls --depth=0 --parseable`; do
    printf "${package##*/}\n";

How to create a batch file to run cmd as administrator

This Works for me in Windows 7 to 10 with parameters, when kick starting app or file from anywhere (including browser) and also when accessing file from anywhere. Replace (YOUR BATCH SCRIPT HERE anchor) with your code. This solution May Help :)

@echo off

call :isAdmin

if %errorlevel% == 0 (
    goto :run
) else (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto :UACPrompt

exit /b

    fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% >nul
exit /b

exit /b

    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %~1", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B

jQuery make global variable

set the variable on window:

window.a_href = a_href;

jQuery: what is the best way to restrict "number"-only input for textboxes? (allow decimal points)

You can use the Validation plugin with its number() method.

  rules: {
    field: {
      required: true,
      number: true

I keep getting "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o"

I had a similar problem just now and my solution might help. I'm using an iframe to upload and convert an xml file to json and send it back behind the scenes, and Chrome was adding some garbage to the incoming data that only would show up intermittently and cause the "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o" error.

I was accessing the iframe data like this:


which worked fine on localhost, but when I uploaded it to the server it stopped working only with some files and only when loading the files in a certain order. I don't really know what caused it, but this fixed it. I changed the line above to


once I noticed some garbage in the HTML response.

Long story short check your raw HTML response data and you might turn something up.

How do I convert from int to Long in Java?

I have this little toy, that also deals with non generic interfaces. I'm OK with it throwing a ClassCastException if feed wrong (OK and happy)

public class TypeUtil {
    public static long castToLong(Object o) {
        Number n = (Number) o;
        return n.longValue();

How to sort a file in-place

You can use file redirection to redirected the sorted output:

sort input-file > output_file

Or you can use the -o, --output=FILE option of sort to indicate the same input and output file:

sort -o file file

Without repeating the filename (with bash brace expansion)

sort -o file{,}

?? Note: A common mistake is to try to redirect the output to the same input file (e.g. sort file > file). This does not work as the shell is making the redirections (not the sort(1) program) and the input file (as being the output also) will be erased just before giving the sort(1) program the opportunity of reading it.

Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by itself in preflight response

I too faced the same problem in Angular 6. I solved the issue by using below code. Add the code in component.ts file.

import { HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';


constructor() {
    this.headers = new HttpHeaders();
    this.headers.append('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Authorization');

getData() {
    this.http.get(url,this.headers). subscribe (res => {
    // your code here...

How to extract custom header value in Web API message handler?

To further expand on @neontapir's solution, here's a more generic solution that can apply to HttpRequestMessage or HttpResponseMessage equally and doesn't require hand coded expressions or functions.

using System.Net.Http;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public static class HttpResponseMessageExtensions
    public static T GetFirstHeaderValueOrDefault<T>(
        this HttpResponseMessage response,
        string headerKey)
        var toReturn = default(T);

        IEnumerable<string> headerValues;

        if (response.Content.Headers.TryGetValues(headerKey, out headerValues))
            var valueString = headerValues.FirstOrDefault();
            if (valueString != null)
                return (T)Convert.ChangeType(valueString, typeof(T));

        return toReturn;

Sample usage:

var myValue = response.GetFirstHeaderValueOrDefault<int>("MyValue");

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

Suppose your origin and upstream info is like below

   $ git remote -v
   origin  [email protected]:<yourname>/<repo_name>.git (fetch)
   origin  [email protected]:<yourname>/<repo_name>.git (push)
   upstream   [email protected]:<repo_owner>/<repo_name>.git (fetch)
   upstream   [email protected]:<repo_owner>/<repo_name>.git (push)

and your branch name is like



   git pull origin <BranchName>

shall do the job

How to get bean using application context in spring boot

If you are inside of Spring bean (in this case @Controller bean) you shouldn't use Spring context instance at all. Just autowire className bean directly.

BTW, avoid using field injection as it's considered as bad practice.

How to add a progress bar to a shell script?

Here is how it might look

Uploading a file

[##################################################] 100% (137921 / 137921 bytes)

Waiting for a job to complete

[#########################                         ] 50% (15 / 30 seconds)

Simple function that implements it

You can just copy-paste it to your script. It does not require anything else to work.

PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH=50  # progress bar length in characters

draw_progress_bar() {
  # Arguments: current value, max value, unit of measurement (optional)
  local __value=$1
  local __max=$2
  local __unit=${3:-""}  # if unit is not supplied, do not display it

  # Calculate percentage
  if (( $__max < 1 )); then __max=1; fi  # anti zero division protection
  local __percentage=$(( 100 - ($__max*100 - $__value*100) / $__max ))

  # Rescale the bar according to the progress bar width
  local __num_bar=$(( $__percentage * $PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH / 100 ))

  # Draw progress bar
  printf "["
  for b in $(seq 1 $__num_bar); do printf "#"; done
  for s in $(seq 1 $(( $PROGRESS_BAR_WIDTH - $__num_bar ))); do printf " "; done
  printf "] $__percentage%% ($__value / $__max $__unit)\r"

Usage example

Here, we upload a file and redraw the progress bar at each iteration. It does not matter what job is actually performed as long as we can get 2 values: max value and current value.

In the example below the max value is file_size and the current value is supplied by some function and is called uploaded_bytes.

# Uploading a file

while true; do
  # Get current value of uploaded bytes

  # Draw a progress bar
  draw_progress_bar $uploaded_bytes $file_size "bytes"

  # Check if we reached 100%
  if [ $uploaded_bytes == $file_size ]; then break; fi
  sleep 1  # Wait before redrawing
# Go to the newline at the end of upload
printf "\n"

glm rotate usage in Opengl

GLM has good example of rotation :

glm::mat4 Projection = glm::perspective(45.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.1f, 100.f);
glm::mat4 ViewTranslate = glm::translate(
    glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -Translate)
glm::mat4 ViewRotateX = glm::rotate(
    glm::vec3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
glm::mat4 View = glm::rotate(
    glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)
glm::mat4 Model = glm::scale(
glm::mat4 MVP = Projection * View * Model;
glUniformMatrix4fv(LocationMVP, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(MVP));

Delete commits from a branch in Git

git rebase -i HEAD~2

Here '2' is the number of commits you want to rebase.

'git rebase -i HEAD`

if you want to rebase all the commits.

Then you will be able to choose one of these options.

p, pick = use commit

r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message

e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending

s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit

f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message

x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell

d, drop = remove commit

These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom. If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. Note that empty commits are commented out

You can simply remove that commit using option "d" or Removing a line that has your commit.

Difference between volatile and synchronized in Java

volatile is a field modifier, while synchronized modifies code blocks and methods. So we can specify three variations of a simple accessor using those two keywords:

    int i1;
    int geti1() {return i1;}

    volatile int i2;
    int geti2() {return i2;}

    int i3;
    synchronized int geti3() {return i3;}

geti1() accesses the value currently stored in i1 in the current thread. Threads can have local copies of variables, and the data does not have to be the same as the data held in other threads.In particular, another thread may have updated i1 in it's thread, but the value in the current thread could be different from that updated value. In fact Java has the idea of a "main" memory, and this is the memory that holds the current "correct" value for variables. Threads can have their own copy of data for variables, and the thread copy can be different from the "main" memory. So in fact, it is possible for the "main" memory to have a value of 1 for i1, for thread1 to have a value of 2 for i1 and for thread2 to have a value of 3 for i1 if thread1 and thread2 have both updated i1 but those updated value has not yet been propagated to "main" memory or other threads.

On the other hand, geti2() effectively accesses the value of i2 from "main" memory. A volatile variable is not allowed to have a local copy of a variable that is different from the value currently held in "main" memory. Effectively, a variable declared volatile must have it's data synchronized across all threads, so that whenever you access or update the variable in any thread, all other threads immediately see the same value. Generally volatile variables have a higher access and update overhead than "plain" variables. Generally threads are allowed to have their own copy of data is for better efficiency.

There are two differences between volitile and synchronized.

Firstly synchronized obtains and releases locks on monitors which can force only one thread at a time to execute a code block. That's the fairly well known aspect to synchronized. But synchronized also synchronizes memory. In fact synchronized synchronizes the whole of thread memory with "main" memory. So executing geti3() does the following:

  1. The thread acquires the lock on the monitor for object this .
  2. The thread memory flushes all its variables, i.e. it has all of its variables effectively read from "main" memory .
  3. The code block is executed (in this case setting the return value to the current value of i3, which may have just been reset from "main" memory).
  4. (Any changes to variables would normally now be written out to "main" memory, but for geti3() we have no changes.)
  5. The thread releases the lock on the monitor for object this.

So where volatile only synchronizes the value of one variable between thread memory and "main" memory, synchronized synchronizes the value of all variables between thread memory and "main" memory, and locks and releases a monitor to boot. Clearly synchronized is likely to have more overhead than volatile.

MySQL Delete all rows from table and reset ID to zero

If you cannot use TRUNCATE (e.g. because of foreign key constraints) you can use an alter table after deleting all rows to restart the auto_increment:


Change the Value of h1 Element within a Form with JavaScript

document.getElementById("myh1id").innerHTML = "my text"

How to save a list as numpy array in python?

Here is a more complete example:

import csv
import numpy as np

with open('filename','rb') as csvfile:
     cdl = list( csv.reader(csvfile,delimiter='\t'))
     print "Number of records = " + str(len(cdl))

#then later

npcdl = np.array(cdl)

Hope this helps!!

How to include header files in GCC search path?

The -I directive does the job:

gcc -Icore -Ianimator -Iimages -Ianother_dir -Iyet_another_dir my_file.c 

How to find out the number of CPUs using python

If you are using torch you can do:

import torch.multiprocessing as mp


NoSuchMethodError in javax.persistence.Table.indexes()[Ljavax/persistence/Index

I had the same issue, I fixed it by using org.hibernate.annotations.Table annotation instead of javax.persistence.Table in the Entity class.

import javax.persistence.Entity;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Table;

@Table(appliesTo = "my_table")
public class MyTable{
//and rest of the code

How to replace item in array?

Use indexOf to find an element.

var i = items.indexOf(3452);
items[i] = 1010;

Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox

Just figured this out while playing around.

I found with these solutions to remove focus, caused the ESC key to stop working (ie close the dialog) when first going into the Dialog.

If the dialog opens and you immediately press ESC, it won't close the dialog (if you have that enabled), because the focus is on some hidden field or something, and it is not getting keypress events.

The way I fixed it was to add this to the open event to remove the focus from the first field instead:

    open: function(event,ui) {

This sets focus to the dialog box, which is not visible, and then the ESC key works.

How to download source in ZIP format from GitHub?

Updated July 2016

As of July 2016, the Download ZIP button has moved under Clone or download to extreme-right of header under the Code tab:

Download ZIP (2013)

If you don't see the button:

  • Make sure you've selected <> Code tab from right side navigation menu, or
  • Repo may not have a zip prepared. Add /archive/ to the end of the repository URL and to generate a zipfile of the master branch: -to->

to get the master branch source code in a zip file. You can do the same with tags and branch names, by replacing master in the URL above with the name of the branch or tag.

How to play CSS3 transitions in a loop?

If you want to take advantage of the 60FPS smoothness that the "transform" property offers, you can combine the two:

@keyframes changewidth {
  from {
    transform: scaleX(1);

  to {
    transform: scaleX(2);

div {
  animation-duration: 0.1s;
  animation-name: changewidth;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-direction: alternate;

More explanation on why transform offers smoother transitions here:

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy

There is a function in scipy named scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt which sounds like is suitable for your needs, however I don't have experience with it so I cannot recommend..

Return date as ddmmyyyy in SQL Server

Try following query to format datetime in sql server

FORMAT (frr.valid_from , 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss')

Unable to connect PostgreSQL to remote database using pgAdmin

It is actually a 3 step process to connect to a PostgreSQL server remotely through pgAdmin3.

Note: I use Ubuntu 11.04 and PostgreSQL 8.4.

  1. You have to make PostgreSQL listening for remote incoming TCP connections because the default settings allow to listen only for connections on the loopback interface. To be able to reach the server remotely you have to add the following line into the file /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf:

    listen_addresses = '*'

  2. PostgreSQL by default refuses all connections it receives from any remote address, you have to relax these rules by adding this line to /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf:

    host all all md5

    This is an access control rule that let anybody login in from any address if he can provide a valid password (the md5 keyword). You can use needed network/mask instead of .

  3. When you have applied these modifications to your configuration files you need to restart PostgreSQL server. Now it is possible to login to your server remotely, using the username and password.

Flexbox: center horizontally and vertically

diplay: flex; for it's container and margin:auto; for it's item works perfect.

NOTE: You have to setup the width and height to see the effect.

  width: 100%; /*width needs to be setup*/_x000D_
  height: 150px; /*height needs to be setup*/_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  margin: auto; /*These will make the item in center*/_x000D_
  background-color: #CCC;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
   <div class="item">CENTER</div>_x000D_

What is JSON and why would I use it?

the common short answer is: if you are using AJAX to make data requests, you can easily send and return objects as JSON strings. Available extensions for Javascript support toJSON() calls on all javascript types for sending data to the server in an AJAX request. AJAX responses can return objects as JSON strings which can be converted into Javascript objects by a simple eval call, e.g. if the AJAX function someAjaxFunctionCallReturningJson returned

"{ \"FirstName\" : \"Fred\", \"LastName\" : \"Flintstone\" }"

you could write in Javascript

var obj = eval("(" + someAjaxFunctionCallReturningJson().value + ")");

JSON can also be used for web service payloads et al, but it is really convenient for AJAX results.

  • Update (ten years later): Don't do this, use JSON.parse

How to override Bootstrap's Panel heading background color?

This should work:

.panel > .panel-heading {
    background-image: none;
    background-color: red;
    color: white;


C# MessageBox dialog result

Rather than using if statements might I suggest using a switch instead, I try to avoid using if statements when possible.

var result = MessageBox.Show(@"Do you want to save the changes?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
switch (result)
    case DialogResult.Yes:
    case DialogResult.No:

Angular2 Material Dialog css, dialog size

I think you need to use /deep/, because your CSS may not see your modal class. For example, if you want to customize .modal-dialog

/deep/.modal-dialog {
  width: 75% !important;

But this code will modify all your modal-windows, better solution will be

:host {
  /deep/.modal-dialog {
  width: 75% !important;

Best practice for storing and protecting private API keys in applications

One possible solution is to encode the data in your app and use decoding at runtime (when you want to use that data). I also recommend to use progaurd to make it hard to read and understand the decompiled source code of your app . for example I put a encoded key in the app and then used a decode method in my app to decode my secret keys at runtime:

// "the real string is: "mypassword" "; 
//encoded 2 times with an algorithm or you can encode with other algorithms too
public String getClientSecret() {
    return Utils.decode(Utils

Decompiled source code of a proguarded app is this:

 public String c()
    return com.myrpoject.mypackage.g.h.a(com.myrpoject.mypackage.g.h.a("Ylhsd1lYTnpkMjl5WkE9PQ=="));

At least it's complicated enough for me. this is the way I do when I have no choice but store a value in my application. Of course we all know It's not the best way but it works for me.

 * @param input
 * @return decoded string
public static String decode(String input) {
    // Receiving side
    String text = "";
    try {
        byte[] data = Decoder.decode(input);
        text = new String(data, "UTF-8");
        return text;
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    return "Error";

Decompiled version:

 public static String a(String paramString)
      str = new String(a.a(paramString), "UTF-8");
      return str;
    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException localUnsupportedEncodingException)
      while (true)
        String str = "Error";

and you can find so many encryptor classes with a little search in google.

crop text too long inside div

.crop { 

How do I correctly upgrade angular 2 (npm) to the latest version?

If you are looking like me for just updating your project to the latest these is what works form me since Angular 6:

Open the console on your project folder: If you type: ng update then you will get the below message:

        We analyzed your package.json, there are some packages to update:

          Name                               Version                  Command to update
          @angular/cli                       7.0.7 -> 7.2.2           ng update @angular/cli
          @angular/core                      7.0.4 -> 7.2.1           ng update @angular/core

There might be additional packages that are outdated.
    Run "ng update --all" to try to update all at the same time.

So I usually go straight and do:

ng update --all

Finally you can check your new version:

ng version
Angular CLI: 7.2.2
Node: 8.12.0
OS: win32 x64
Angular: 7.2.1
... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... http, language-service, platform-browser
... platform-browser-dynamic, router

Package                           Version
@angular-devkit/architect         0.12.2
@angular-devkit/build-angular     0.12.2
@angular-devkit/build-optimizer   0.12.2
@angular-devkit/build-webpack     0.12.2
@angular-devkit/core              7.2.2
@angular-devkit/schematics        7.2.2
@angular/cli                      7.2.2
@ngtools/webpack                  7.2.2
@schematics/angular               7.2.2
@schematics/update                0.12.2
rxjs                              6.3.3
typescript                        3.2.4
webpack                           4.28.4

How to get list of dates between two dates in mysql select query


select * from 
(select adddate('1970-01-01',t4.i*10000 + t3.i*1000 + t2.i*100 + t1.i*10 + t0.i) selected_date from
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t0,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t1,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t2,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t3,
 (select 0 i union select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) t4) v
where selected_date between '2012-02-10' and '2012-02-15'

-for date ranges up to nearly 300 years in the future.

[Corrected following a suggested edit by UrvishAtSynapse.]

Does Python have a ternary conditional operator?

Unfortunately, the

(falseValue, trueValue)[test]

solution doesn't have short-circuit behaviour; thus both falseValue and trueValue are evaluated regardless of the condition. This could be suboptimal or even buggy (i.e. both trueValue and falseValue could be methods and have side-effects).

One solution to this would be

(lambda: falseValue, lambda: trueValue)[test]()

(execution delayed until the winner is known ;)), but it introduces inconsistency between callable and non-callable objects. In addition, it doesn't solve the case when using properties.

And so the story goes - choosing between 3 mentioned solutions is a trade-off between having the short-circuit feature, using at least ?ython 2.5 (IMHO not a problem anymore) and not being prone to "trueValue-evaluates-to-false" errors.

What are these attributes: `aria-labelledby` and `aria-hidden`

HTML5 ARIA attribute is what you're looking for. It can be used in your code even without bootstrap.

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) defines ways to make Web content and Web applications (especially those developed with Ajax and JavaScript) more accessible to people with disabilities.

To be precise for your question, here is what your attributes are called as ARIA attribute states and model

aria-labelledby: Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.

aria-hidden (state): Indicates that the element and all of its descendants are not visible or perceivable to any user as implemented by the author.

Selecting/excluding sets of columns in pandas

You can either Drop the columns you do not need OR Select the ones you need

# Using DataFrame.drop
df.drop(df.columns[[1, 2]], axis=1, inplace=True)

# drop by Name
df1 = df1.drop(['B', 'C'], axis=1)

# Select the ones you want
df1 = df[['a','d']]

jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback

FWIW, the form:first technique didn't work for me.

However, the technique in that blog article did:

Specifically, adding this to the dialog declaration:

  open: function(type,data) {

How do I test axios in Jest?

For those looking to use axios-mock-adapter in place of the mockfetch example in the Redux documentation for async testing, I successfully used the following:

File actions.test.js:

describe('SignInUser', () => {
  var history = {
    push: function(str) {

  it('Dispatches authorization', () => {
    let mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
    mock.onPost(`${ROOT_URL}/auth/signin`, {
        email: '[email protected]',
        password: 'test'
    }).reply(200, {token: 'testToken' });

    const expectedActions = [ { type: types.AUTH_USER } ];
    const store = mockStore({ auth: [] });

    return store.dispatch(actions.signInUser({
        email: '[email protected]',
        password: 'test',
      }, history)).then(() => {


In order to test a successful case for signInUser in file actions/index.js:

export const signInUser = ({ email, password }, history) => async dispatch => {
  const res = await`${ROOT_URL}/auth/signin`, { email, password })
    .catch(({ response: { data } }) => {

  if (res) {
    dispatch({ type: AUTH_USER });                 // Test verified this
    localStorage.setItem('token',; // Test mocked this
    history.push('/feed');                         // Test mocked this

Given that this is being done with jest, the localstorage call had to be mocked. This was in file src/setupTests.js:

const localStorageMock = {
  removeItem: jest.fn(),
  getItem: jest.fn(),
  setItem: jest.fn(),
  clear: jest.fn()
global.localStorage = localStorageMock;

fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript

Much faster hashing should be possible by calculating on graphic card (implement hashing algorithm in WebGL), as discussed there about SHA256: Is it possible to calculate sha256 hashes in the browser using the user's video card, eg. by using WebGL or Flash?

How to obtain a Thread id in Python?

I created multiple threads in Python, I printed the thread objects, and I printed the id using the ident variable. I see all the ids are same:

<Thread(Thread-1, stopped 140500807628544)>
<Thread(Thread-2, started 140500807628544)>
<Thread(Thread-3, started 140500807628544)>

How to pass model attributes from one Spring MVC controller to another controller?

I think that the most elegant way to do it is to implement custom Flash Scope in Spring MVC.

the main idea for the flash scope is to store data from one controller till next redirect in second controller

Please refer to my answer on the custom scope question:

Spring MVC custom scope bean

The only thing that is missing in this code is the following xml configuration:

<bean id="flashScopeInterceptor" class="com.vanilla.springMVC.scope.FlashScopeInterceptor" />
<bean id="handlerMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping">
  <property name="interceptors">
    <list><ref bean="flashScopeInterceptor"/></list>

Tab Escape Character?

Easy one! "\t"

Edit: In fact, here's something official: Escape Sequences

How to get date and time from server

Try this -


$timestamp = time();
$date_time = date("d-m-Y (D) H:i:s", $timestamp);
echo "Current date and local time on this server is $date_time";

Java: How to set Precision for double value?

You can't set the precision of a double (or Double) to a specified number of decimal digits, because floating-point values don't have decimal digits. They have binary digits.

You will have to convert into a decimal radix, either via BigDecimal or DecimalFormat, depending on what you want to do with the value later.

See also my answer to this question for a refutation of the inevitable *100/100 answers.

Replacing a 32-bit loop counter with 64-bit introduces crazy performance deviations with _mm_popcnt_u64 on Intel CPUs

Ok, I want to provide a small answer to one of the sub-questions that the OP asked that don't seem to be addressed in the existing questions. Caveat, I have not done any testing or code generation, or disassembly, just wanted to share a thought for others to possibly expound upon.

Why does the static change the performance?

The line in question: uint64_t size = atol(argv[1])<<20;

Short Answer

I would look at the assembly generated for accessing size and see if there are extra steps of pointer indirection involved for the non-static version.

Long Answer

Since there is only one copy of the variable whether it was declared static or not, and the size doesn't change, I theorize that the difference is the location of the memory used to back the variable along with where it is used in the code further down.

Ok, to start with the obvious, remember that all local variables (along with parameters) of a function are provided space on the stack for use as storage. Now, obviously, the stack frame for main() never cleans up and is only generated once. Ok, what about making it static? Well, in that case the compiler knows to reserve space in the global data space of the process so the location can not be cleared by the removal of a stack frame. But still, we only have one location so what is the difference? I suspect it has to do with how memory locations on the stack are referenced.

When the compiler is generating the symbol table, it just makes an entry for a label along with relevant attributes, like size, etc. It knows that it must reserve the appropriate space in memory but doesn't actually pick that location until somewhat later in process after doing liveness analysis and possibly register allocation. How then does the linker know what address to provide to the machine code for the final assembly code? It either knows the final location or knows how to arrive at the location. With a stack, it is pretty simple to refer to a location based one two elements, the pointer to the stackframe and then an offset into the frame. This is basically because the linker can't know the location of the stackframe before runtime.

Cannot find vcvarsall.bat when running a Python script


As pointed out by other, the problem is that python/cython etc. tries to find the same compiler they were built from, but this compiler does not exist on the computer. Most of the time, this compiler is a version of visual studio (2008, 2010 or 2013), but either such a compiler is not installed, or a newer version is installed and the system prevents from installing an older one. So, the solution is simple:

1) look at C:\Program Files (x86) and see if there is an installed version of Microsoft visual studio, and if it is newer than the version from which Python has been built. If not, install(/update to) the version from which Python has been built (see previous answers), or even a newest version and follow the next step.

2)If a newest version of Microsoft visual studio is already installed, we have to make Python/cython etc. believe that it is the version from which it has been built. And this is very simple: go to the the system environment variables and create the following variables, if they do not exist:





And set the field of these variables to

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools" (if visual studio 2008 is installed), or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools" (if visual studio 2010 is installed) or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools" (if visual studio 2013 is installed) or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools" (if visual studio 2015 is installed).

This solution works for 32 bit versions of python. It may also work for 64 bit version but I've not tested; most probably, for 64 bit versions, the following additional steps must be performed:

3)add the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC" to the %PATH% environment variable (change the number of the version of visual studio according to you version).

4) from the command line, run "vcvarsall.bat x86_amd64"

That's all.

Binding ComboBox SelectedItem using MVVM

<!-- xaml code-->
        <ComboBox Name="cmbData"    SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedstudentInfo, Mode=OneWayToSource}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="225,150,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="120" DisplayMemberPath="name" SelectedValuePath="id" SelectedIndex="0" />
        <Button VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,0,150,0" Height="40" Width="70" Click="Button_Click">OK</Button>

        //student Class
        public class Student
            public  int Id { set; get; }
            public string name { set; get; }

        //set 2 properties in MainWindow.xaml.cs Class
        public ObservableCollection<Student> studentInfo { set; get; }
        public Student SelectedstudentInfo { set; get; }

        //MainWindow.xaml.cs Constructor
        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = this;
            cmbData.ItemsSource = studentInfo;


        //method to bind cobobox or you can fetch data from database in MainWindow.xaml.cs
        public void bindCombo()
            ObservableCollection<Student> studentList = new ObservableCollection<Student>();
            studentList.Add(new Student { Id=0 ,name="==Select=="});
            studentList.Add(new Student { Id = 1, name = "zoyeb" });
            studentList.Add(new Student { Id = 2, name = "siddiq" });
            studentList.Add(new Student { Id = 3, name = "James" });



        //button click to get selected student MainWindow.xaml.cs
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Student student = SelectedstudentInfo;
            if(student.Id ==0)
                MessageBox.Show("select name from dropdown");
                MessageBox.Show("Name :" + "Id :"+student.Id);

How to print a query string with parameter values when using Hibernate

<!-- A time/date based rolling appender -->
<appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="logs/system.log" />
    <param name="Append" value="true" />
    <param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true" />
    <param name="MaxFileSize" value="200MB" />
    <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="100" />

    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %d{Z} [%t] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n" />

<appender name="journaldev-hibernate" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="logs/project.log" />
    <param name="Append" value="true" />
    <param name="ImmediateFlush" value="true" />
    <param name="MaxFileSize" value="200MB" />
    <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="50" />

    <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %d{Z} [%t] %-5p (%F:%L) - %m%n" />

<logger name="com.journaldev.hibernate" additivity="false">
    <level value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="journaldev-hibernate" />

<logger name="org.hibernate" additivity="false">
    <level value="INFO" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

<logger name="org.hibernate.type" additivity="false">
    <level value="TRACE" />
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

    <priority value="INFO"></priority>
    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

Back button and refreshing previous activity

If you want to refresh previous activity, this solution should work:

In previous activity where you want to refresh:

public void onRestart()
    // do some stuff here

Can't stop rails server

If you are using a more modern version of Rails and it uses Puma as the web server, you can run the following command to find the stuck Puma process:

ps aux | grep puma

It will result in output similar to this:

85923 100.0  0.8  2682420 131324 s004  R+    2:54pm   3:27.92 puma 3.12.0 (tcp:// [my-app]
92463   0.0  0.0  2458404   1976 s008  S+    3:09pm   0:00.00 grep puma

You want the process that is not referring to grep. In this case, the process ID is 85923.

I can then run the following command to kill that process:

kill -9 85923

enter image description here

How do I get the value of a textbox using jQuery?

Use the .val() method.

Also I think you meant to use $("#txtEmail") as $("txtEmail") returns elements of type <txtEmail> which you probably don't have.

See here at the jQuery documentation.

Also jQuery val() method.

How can I dynamically add items to a Java array?

I have seen this question very often in the web and in my opinion, many people with high reputation did not answer these questions properly. So I would like to express my own answer here.

First we should consider there is a difference between array and arraylist.

The question asks for adding an element to an array, and not ArrayList

The answer is quite simple. It can be done in 3 steps.

  1. Convert array to an arraylist
  2. Add element to the arrayList
  3. Convert back the new arrayList to the array

Here is the simple picture of it enter image description here

And finally here is the code:

Step 1:

public List<String> convertArrayToList(String[] array){
        List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(array));
        return stringList;

Step 2:

public  List<String> addToList(String element,List<String> list){

            return list;

Step 3:

public String[] convertListToArray(List<String> list){
           String[] ins = (String[])list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
           return ins;

Step 4

public String[] addNewItemToArray(String element,String [] array){
        List<String> list = convertArrayToList(array);
        list= addToList(element,list);
        return  convertListToArray(list);

Difference between try-catch and throw in java

try - Add sensitive code catch - to handle exception finally - always executed whether exception caught or not. Associated with try -catch. Used to close the resource which we opened in try block throw - To handover our created exception to JVM manually. Used to throw customized exception throws - To delegate the responsibility of exception handling to caller method or main method.

Make a phone call programmatically

let phone = "tel://\("1234567890")";
let url:NSURL = NSURL(string:phone)!;

How do I remove the "extended attributes" on a file in Mac OS X?

Use the xattr command. You can inspect the extended attributes:

$ xattr s.7z

and use the -d option to delete one extended attribute:

$ xattr -d s.7z
$ xattr s.7z

you can also use the -c option to remove all extended attributes:

$ xattr -c s.7z
$ xattr s.7z

xattr -h will show you the command line options, and xattr has a man page.

How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows

Starting version 3.3 Windows version has Python launcher, please take a look at section 3.4. Python Launcher for Windows

Time in milliseconds in C

The standard C library provides timespec_get. It can tell time up to nanosecond precision, if the system supports. Calling it, however, takes a bit more effort because it involves a struct. Here's a function that just converts the struct to a simple 64-bit integer so you can get time in milliseconds.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <time.h>

int64_t millis()
    struct timespec now;
    timespec_get(&now, TIME_UTC);
    return ((int64_t) now.tv_sec) * 1000 + ((int64_t) now.tv_nsec) / 1000000;

int main(void)
    printf("Unix timestamp with millisecond precision: %" PRId64 "\n", millis());

Unlike clock, this function returns a Unix timestamp so it will correctly account for the time spent in blocking functions, such as sleep.

How to define static property in TypeScript interface

Though static keyword not supported in interface in Typescript but we can achieve it by creating a function interface that has static member.

In my following code I have created a function interface Factory that has two static members serialNumber and printSerial.

// factory is a function interface
interface Factory<T> {
    (name: string, age: number): T;

    //staic property
    serialNumber: number;

    //static method
    printSrial: () => void;

class Dog {
    constructor(public name: string, public age: number) { }

const dogFactory: Factory<Dog> = (name, age) => {
    return new Dog(name, age);

// initialising static members

dogFactory.serialNumber = 1234;
dogFactory.printSrial = () => console.log(dogFactory.serialNumber);

//instance of Dog that DogFactory creates
const myDog = dogFactory("spike", 3);

//static property that returns 1234

//static method that prints the serial 1234

Synchronous request in Node.js

You could do this using my Common Node library:

function get(url) {
  return new (require('httpclient').HttpClient)({
    method: 'GET',
      url: url

var a = get(''), 
    b = get(''),
    c = get('');

Android - How to regenerate R class?

You can just modify any xml files in /res folder and even just add a space and save, it will be regenerated.

TimePicker Dialog from clicking EditText

In all of the above, the EditText still needs the focusable="false" attribute in the xml in order to prevent the keyboard from popping up.

How do I check my gcc C++ compiler version for my Eclipse?

The answer is:

gcc --version

Rather than searching on forums, for any possible option you can always type:

gcc --help

haha! :)

How do I customize Facebook's sharer.php

What you are talking about is the preview image and text that Facebook extracts when you share a link. Facebook uses the Open Graph Protocol to get this data.

Essentially, all you'll have to do is place these og:meta tags on the URL that you want to share -

<meta property="og:title" content="The Rock"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="movie"/>
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="IMDb"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="USER_ID"/>
<meta property="og:description"
      content="A group of U.S. Marines, under command of
               a renegade general, take over Alcatraz and
               threaten San Francisco Bay with biological

As you can see there are both an image property and a description. When you make changes to your pages og:meta tags, you can test these changes using the Facebook Debugger. It will tell you if you have made any mistakes (and how to fix them!)

In Angular, how to pass JSON object/array into directive?

What you need is properly a service:

.factory('DataLayer', ['$http',

    function($http) {

        var factory = {};
        var locations;

        factory.getLocations = function(success) {
            $http.get('locations/locations.json').success(function(data) {
                locations = data;

        return factory;

The locations would be cached in the service which worked as singleton model. This is the right way to fetch data.

Use this service DataLayer in your controller and directive is ok as following:

appControllers.controller('dummyCtrl', function ($scope, DataLayer) {
        $scope.locations = data;

.directive('map', function(DataLayer) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template: '<div></div>',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

            DataLayer.getLocations(function(data) {
                angular.forEach(data, function(location, key){
                    //do something

Create instance of generic type in Java?

As you said, you can't really do it because of type erasure. You can sort of do it using reflection, but it requires a lot of code and lot of error handling.

The type initializer for 'System.Data.Entity.Internal.AppConfig' threw an exception

I needed to change by defaultConnectionFactory to be SqlConnectionFactory instead of the default

  <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework">
      <parameter value="<My Connection String>" />

Unit tests vs Functional tests


Unit testing includes testing of smallest unit of code which usually are functions or methods. Unit testing is mostly done by developer of unit/method/function, because they understand the core of a function. The main goal of the developer is to cover code by unit tests.

It has a limitation that some functions cannot be tested through unit tests. Even after the successful completion of all the unit tests; it does not guarantee correct operation of the product. The same function can be used in few parts of the system while the unit test was written only for one usage.


It is a type of Black Box testing where testing will be done on the functional aspects of a product without looking into the code. Functional testing is mostly done by a dedicated Software tester. It will include positive, negative and BVA techniques using un standardized data for testing the specified functionality of product. Test coverage is conducted in an improved manner by functional tests than by unit tests. It uses application GUI for testing, so it’s easier to determine what exactly a specific part of the interface is responsible for rather to determine what a code is function responsible for.

Starting ssh-agent on Windows 10 fails: "unable to start ssh-agent service, error :1058"

I solved the problem by changing the StartupType of the ssh-agent to Manual via Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Manual.

Then I was able to start the service via Start-Service ssh-agent or just ssh-agent.exe.

m2eclipse error

The following steps worked for me:

  1. Close Eclipse.
  2. Navigate to user home directory. (For example: "C:\Users\YourUserName.m2")
  3. Delete the "repository" folder.
  4. Re-open Eclipse.
  5. Click on the Maven project that has an issue and go to "Project" --> "Clean".
  6. Right-click on the project and go to "Maven" --> "Update Project...".
  7. Close Eclipse.
  8. Open Eclipse.
  9. Click on the project folder in the "Project Explorer" window (usually on the left).
  10. Hit the "F5" key a few times to Refresh your project.
  11. Done! These steps worked for me in Eclipse Luna. Please let me know if I can help further.

SQL query for today's date minus two months


How to fix corrupted git repository?

Before trying any of the fixes described on this page, I would advise to make a copy of your repo and work on this copy only. Then at the end if you can fix it, compare it with the original to ensure you did not lose any file in the repair process.

Another alternative which worked for me was to reset the git head and index to its previous state using:

git reset --keep

You can also do the same manually by opening the Git GUI and selecting each "Staged changes" and click on "Unstage the change". When everything is unstaged, you should now be able to compress your database, check your database and commit.

I also tried the following commands but they did not work for me, but they might for you depending on the exact issue you have:

git reset --mixed
git fsck --full
git gc --auto
git prune --expire now
git reflog --all

Finally, to avoid this problem of synchronization damaging your git index (which can happen with DropBox, SpiderOak, or any other cloud disk), you can do the following:

  1. Convert your .git folder into a single "bundle" git file by using: git bundle create my_repo.git --all, then it should work just the same as before, but since everything is in a single file you won't risk the synchronization damaging your git repo anymore.
  2. Disable instantaneous synchronization: SpiderOak allows you to set the scheduling for checking changes to "automatic" (which means that it is as soon as possible, being monitoring file changes thanks to the OS notifications). This is bad because it will start to upload changes as soon as you are doing a change, and then download the change, so it might erase the latest changes you were just doing. A solution to fix this issue is to set the changes monitoring delay to 5 minutes or more. This also fixes issues with instant saving note taking applications (such as Notepad++).

Using an Alias in a WHERE clause

 SELECT A.identifier
 , TO_NUMBER(DECODE( A.month_no
         , 1, 200803 
         , 2, 200804 
         , 3, 200805 
         , 4, 200806 
         , 5, 200807 
         , 6, 200808 
         , 7, 200809 
         , 8, 200810 
         , 9, 200811 
         , 10, 200812 
         , 11, 200701 
         , 12, 200702
         , NULL)) as MONTH_NO
 , TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(B.last_update_date, 'YYYYMM')) as UPD_DATE
FROM table_a A, table_b B
WHERE .identifier = B.identifier

JPA Query.getResultList() - use in a generic way

The above query returns the list of Object[]. So if you want to get the and s.something from the list then you need to iterate and cast that values for the corresponding classes.

VB.NET - How to move to next item a For Each Loop?

Only the "Continue For" is an acceptable standard (the rest leads to "spaghetti code").

At least with "continue for" the programmer knows the code goes directly to the top of the loop.

For purists though, something like this is best since it is pure "non-spaghetti" code.

Dim bKeepGoing as Boolean 
For Each I As Item In Items
  bKeepGoing = True
  If I = x Then
    bKeepGoing = False
  End If
  if bKeepGoing then
    ' Do something

For ease of coding though, "Continue For" is OK. (Good idea to comment it though).

Using "Continue For"

For Each I As Item In Items
  If I = x Then
    Continue For   'skip back directly to top of loop
  End If
  ' Do something

How do I filter date range in DataTables?

Using other posters code with some tweaks:

<table id="MainContent_tbFilterAsp" style="margin-top:-15px;">
                <td style="vertical-align:initial;"><label for="datepicker_from" id="MainContent_datepicker_from_lbl" style="margin-top:7px;">From date:</label>&nbsp;
                <td style="padding-right: 20px;"><input name="ctl00$MainContent$datepicker_from" type="text" id="datepicker_from" class="datepick form-control hasDatepicker" autocomplete="off" style="cursor:pointer; background-color: #FFFFFF">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <td style="vertical-align:initial"><label for="datepicker_to" id="MainContent_datepicker_to_lbl" style="margin-top:7px;">To date:</label>&nbsp;
                <td style="padding-right: 20px;"><input name="ctl00$MainContent$datepicker_to" type="text" id="datepicker_to" class="datepick form-control hasDatepicker" autocomplete="off" style="cursor:pointer; background-color: #FFFFFF">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;                        
                <td style="vertical-align:initial"><a onclick="$('#datepicker_from').val(''); $('#datepicker_to').val(''); return false;" id="datepicker_clear_lnk" style="margin-top:7px;">Clear</a></td>
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $(function() {
                var oTable = $('#tbAD').DataTable({
                "oLanguage": {
                    "sSearch": "Filter Data"
                "iDisplayLength": -1,
                "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
                "pageLength": 50, 


                $('#datepicker_from').change(function (e) {
                $('#datepicker_to').change(function (e) {
                $('#datepicker_clear_lnk').click(function (e) {

                function (settings, data, dataIndex) {
                var min = $('#datepicker_from').datepicker("getDate") == null ? null : $('#datepicker_from').datepicker("getDate").setHours(0,0,0,0);
                var max = $('#datepicker_to').datepicker("getDate") == null ? null : $('#datepicker_to').datepicker("getDate").setHours(0,0,0,0);
                var startDate = new Date(data[9]).setHours(0,0,0,0);
                if (min == null && max == null) { return true; }
                if (min == null && startDate <= max) { return true; }
                if (max == null && startDate >= min) { return true; }
                if (startDate <= max && startDate >= min) { return true; }                    
                return false;

Angularjs - Pass argument to directive

<button my-directive="push">Push to Go</button>

app.directive("myDirective", function() {
    return {
        restrict : "A",
         link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
                elm.bind('click', function(event) {

                    alert("You pressed button: " +'my-directive'));

here is what I did

I'm using directive as html attribute and I passed parameter as following in my HTML file. my-directive="push" And from the directive I retrieved it from the Mouse-click event object.'my-directive').

Android: How to programmatically access the device serial number shown in the AVD manager (API Version 8)

Up to Android 7.1 (SDK 25)

Until Android 7.1 you will get it with:


From Android 8 (SDK 26)

On Android 8 (SDK 26) and above, this field will return UNKNOWN and must be accessed with:


which requires the dangerous permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE.

From Android Q (SDK 29)

Since Android Q using Build.getSerial() gets a bit more complicated by requiring:

android.Manifest.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE (which can only be acquired by system apps), or for the calling package to be the device or profile owner and have the READ_PHONE_STATE permission. This means most apps won't be able to uses this feature. See the Android Q announcement from Google.

See Android SDK reference

Best Practice for Unique Device Identifier

If you just require a unique identifier, it's best to avoid using hardware identifiers as Google continuously tries to make it harder to access them for privacy reasons. You could just generate a UUID.randomUUID().toString(); and save it the first time it needs to be accessed in e.g. shared preferences. Alternatively you could use ANDROID_ID which is a 8 byte long hex string unique to the device, user and (only Android 8+) app installation. For more info on that topic, see Best practices for unique identifiers.

Make an Installation program for C# applications and include .NET Framework installer into the setup

Include an Setup Project (New Project > Other Project Types > Setup and Deployment > Visual Studio Installer) in your solution. It has options to include the framework installer. Check out this Deployment Guide MSDN post.

Twig for loop for arrays with keys

There's this example in the SensioLab page on the for tag:

    {% for key, user in users %}
        <li>{{ key }}: {{ user.username|e }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

How to format a java.sql Timestamp for displaying?

java.sql.Timestamp extends java.util.Date. You can do:

String s = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").format(myTimestamp);

Or to also include time:

String s = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(myTimestamp);

regular expression for anything but an empty string

You can do one of two things:

  • match against ^\s*$; a match means the string is "empty"
    • ^, $ are the beginning and end of string anchors respectively
    • \s is a whitespace character
    • * is zero-or-more repetition of
  • find a \S; an occurrence means the string is NOT "empty"
    • \S is the negated version of \s (note the case difference)
    • \S therefore matches any non-whitespace character


Related questions

How to get Tensorflow tensor dimensions (shape) as int values?

Another simple solution is to use map() as follows:

tensor_shape = map(int, my_tensor.shape)

This converts all the Dimension objects to int

How to get the PID of a process by giving the process name in Mac OS X ?

The answer above was mostly correct, just needed some tweaking for the different parameters in Mac OSX.

ps -A | grep [f]irefox | awk '{print $1}'

html script src="" triggering redirection with button

I was having this problem but i found out that it was a permissions problem I changed my permissions to 0744 and now it works. I don't know if this was your problem but it worked for me.

TypeScript: Creating an empty typed container array

I know this is an old question but I recently faced a similar issue which couldn't be solved by this way, as I had to return an empty array of a specific type.

I had

return [];

where [] was Criminal[] type.

Neither return: Criminal[] []; nor return []: Criminal[]; worked for me.

At first glance I solved it by creating a typed variable (as you correctly reported) just before returning it, but (I don't know how JavaScript engines work) it may create overhead and it's less readable.

For thoroughness I'll report this solution in my answer too:

let temp: Criminal[] = [];
return temp;

Eventually I found TypeScript type casting, which allowed me to solve the problem in a more concise and readable (and maybe efficient) way:

return <Criminal[]>[];

Hope this will help future readers!

mysql update query with sub query

Thanks, I didn't have the idea of an UPDATE with INNER JOIN.

In the original query, the mistake was to name the subquery, which must return a value and can't therefore be aliased.

UPDATE Competition
SET Competition.NumberOfTeams =
(SELECT count(*) -- no column alias
  FROM PicksPoints
  WHERE UserCompetitionID is not NULL
  -- put the join condition INSIDE the subquery :
  AND CompetitionID =  Competition.CompetitionID
  group by CompetitionID
) -- no table alias

should do the trick for every record of Competition.

To be noticed :

The effect is NOT EXACTLY the same as the query proposed by mellamokb, which won't update Competition records with no corresponding PickPoints.

Since SELECT id, COUNT(*) GROUP BY id will only count for existing values of ids,

whereas a SELECT COUNT(*) will always return a value, being 0 if no records are selected.

This may, or may not, be a problem for you.

0-aware version of mellamokb query would be :

Update Competition as C
LEFT join (
  select CompetitionId, count(*) as NumberOfTeams
  from PicksPoints as p
  where UserCompetitionID is not NULL
  group by CompetitionID
) as A on C.CompetitionID = A.CompetitionID
set C.NumberOfTeams = IFNULL(A.NumberOfTeams, 0)

In other words, if no corresponding PickPoints are found, set Competition.NumberOfTeams to zero.

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) after new installation on Ubuntu

System like Ubuntu prefers to use auth_socket plugin. It will try to authenticate by comparing your username in DB and process which makes mysql request; it is described in here

The socket plugin checks whether the socket user name (the operating system user name) matches the MySQL user name specified by the client program to the server, and permits the connection only if the names match.

Instead you may want to back with the mysql_native_password, which will require user/password to authenticate.

About the method to achieve that, I recommend this instead.

Send values from one form to another form

Declare a public string in form1

public string getdata;

In button of form1

form2 frm= new form2();

To send data to form1 you can try any event and code following in that event

form1 frm= new form1();
form1.getdata="some string to be sent to form1";

Now after closing of form2 and opening of form1, you can use returned data in getdata string.

Ignore fields from Java object dynamically while sending as JSON from Spring MVC

I've solved using only @JsonIgnore like @kryger has suggested. So your getter will become:

public String getEncryptedPwd() {
    return this.encryptedPwd;

You can set @JsonIgnore of course on field, setter or getter like described here.

And, if you want to protect encrypted password only on serialization side (e.g. when you need to login your users), add this @JsonProperty annotation to your field:

@JsonProperty(access = Access.WRITE_ONLY)
private String encryptedPwd;

More info here.

Find the line number where a specific word appears with "grep"

Use grep -n to get the line number of a match.

I don't think there's a way to get grep to start on a certain line number. For that, use sed. For example, to start at line 10 and print the line number and line for matching lines, use:

sed -n '10,$ { /regex/ { =; p; } }' file

To get only the line numbers, you could use

grep -n 'regex' | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\):.*$/\1/'

Or you could simply use sed:

sed -n '/regex/=' file

Combining the two sed commands, you get:

sed -n '10,$ { /regex/= }' file

Javascript, Time and Date: Getting the current minute, hour, day, week, month, year of a given millisecond time

Additionally, how do I retrieve the number of days of a given month?

Aside from calculating it yourself (and consequently having to get leap years right), you can use a Date calculation to do it:

var y= 2010, m= 11;            // December 2010 - trap: months are 0-based in JS

var next= Date.UTC(y, m+1);    // timestamp of beginning of following month
var end= new Date(next-1);     // date for last second of this month
var lastday= end.getUTCDate(); // 31

In general for timestamp/date calculations I'd recommend using the UTC-based methods of Date, like getUTCSeconds instead of getSeconds(), and Date.UTC to get a timestamp from a UTC date, rather than new Date(y, m), so you don't have to worry about the possibility of weird time discontinuities where timezone rules change.

if condition in sql server update query

Since you're using SQL 2008:


     = CASE
        WHEN @flag = '1' THEN @new_value
        ELSE 0
    END + column_A,

     = CASE
        WHEN @flag = '0' THEN @new_value
        ELSE 0
    END + column_B 
    ID = @ID

If you were using SQL 2012:

    column_A  = column_A + IIF(@flag = '1', @new_value, 0),
    column_B  = column_B + IIF(@flag = '0', @new_value, 0)
    ID = @ID


In short, REST emphasizes nouns over verbs. As your API becomes more complex, you add more things, rather than more commands.

How do I use a char as the case in a switch-case?

public class SwitCase {
    public static void main (String[] args){
        String hello = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Input a letter: ");
        char hi = hello.charAt(0); //get the first char.
            case 'a': System.out.println("a");

Sass calculate percent minus px

Sass cannot perform arithmetic on values that cannot be converted from one unit to the next. Sass has no way of knowing exactly how wide "100%" is in terms of pixels or any other unit. That's something only the browser knows.

You need to use calc() instead. Check browser compatibility on Can I use...

.foo {
    height: calc(25% - 5px);

If your values are in variables, you may need to use interpolation turn them into strings (otherwise Sass just tries to perform arithmetic):

$a: 25%;
$b: 5px;

.foo {
  width: calc(#{$a} - #{$b});

Return current date plus 7 days

If it's 7 days from now that you're looking for, just put:

$date = strtotime("+7 day", time());
echo date('M d, Y', $date);

Invalid character in identifier

Similar to the previous answers, the problem is some character (possibly invisible) that the Python interpreter doesn't recognize. Because this is often due to copy-pasting code, re-typing the line is one option.

But if you don't want to re-type the line, you can paste your code into this tool or something similar (Google "show unicode characters online"), and it will reveal any non-standard characters. For example,

s='    values ??=  list(analysis.values ??())'


s='    values U+200B U+200B?? =  list(analysis.values U+200B U+200B ??())'

You can then delete the non-standard characters from the string.

How to run crontab job every week on Sunday

10 * * * Sun

Position 1 for minutes, allowed values are 1-60
position 2 for hours, allowed values are 1-24
position 3 for day of month ,allowed values are 1-31
position 4 for month ,allowed values are 1-12 
position 5 for day of week ,allowed values are 1-7 or and the day starts at Monday. 

How to get day of the month?

It is simplified a lot in version Java 8. I have given some util methods below.

To get the day of the month in the format of int for the given day, month, and year.

    public static int findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println(LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfMonth());
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfMonth();

To get current day of the month in the format of int.

    public static int findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println("Asia/Kolkata")).getDayOfMonth());

To get the day of the week in the format of String for the given day, month, and year.

    public static String findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println(LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfWeek());
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfWeek().toString();

To get current day of the week in the format of String.

    public static String findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println("Asia/Kolkata"))..getDayOfWeek());

Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java?

Use ByteArrayInputStream:

InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(decodedBytes);

HTTP error 403 in Python 3 Web Scraping

"This is probably because of mod_security or some similar server security feature which blocks known


user agents (urllib uses something like python urllib/3.3.0, it's easily detected)" - as already mentioned by Stefano Sanfilippo

from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
req = Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})

web_byte = urlopen(req).read()

webpage = web_byte.decode('utf-8')

The web_byte is a byte object returned by the server and the content type present in webpage is mostly utf-8. Therefore you need to decode web_byte using decode method.

This solves complete problem while I was having trying to scrap from a website using PyCharm

P.S -> I use python 3.4

EL access a map value by Integer key

Just another helpful hint in addition to the above comment would be when you have a string value contained in some variable such as a request parameter. In this case, passing this in will also result in JSTL keying the value of say "1" as a sting and as such no match being found in a Map hashmap.

One way to get around this is to do something like this.

<c:set var="longKey" value="${param.selectedIndex + 0}"/>

This will now be treated as a Long object and then has a chance to match an object when it is contained withing the map Map or whatever.

Then, continue as usual with something like


How to checkout in Git by date?

Going further with the rev-list option, if you want to find the most recent merge commit from your master branch into your production branch (as a purely hypothetical example):

git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --merges --first-parent --before="2012-01-01" production`

I needed to find the code that was on the production servers as of a given date. This found it for me.

Check if a number is a perfect square

import math

def is_square(n):
    sqrt = math.sqrt(n)
    return (sqrt - int(sqrt)) == 0

A perfect square is a number that can be expressed as the product of two equal integers. math.sqrt(number) return a float. int(math.sqrt(number)) casts the outcome to int.

If the square root is an integer, like 3, for example, then math.sqrt(number) - int(math.sqrt(number)) will be 0, and the if statement will be False. If the square root was a real number like 3.2, then it will be True and print "it's not a perfect square".

It fails for a large non-square such as 152415789666209426002111556165263283035677490.

How to get error information when HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() fails

HttpWebRequest myHttprequest = null;
HttpWebResponse myHttpresponse = null;
myHttpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL);
myHttpRequest.Method = "POST";
myHttpRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
myHttpRequest.ContentLength = urinfo.Length;
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(myHttprequest.GetRequestStream());
myHttpresponse = (HttpWebResponse)myHttpRequest.GetResponse();
if (myHttpresponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
   //Perform necessary action based on response

Increasing nesting function calls limit

This error message comes specifically from the XDebug extension. PHP itself does not have a function nesting limit. Change the setting in your php.ini:

xdebug.max_nesting_level = 200

or in your PHP code:

ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 200);

As for if you really need to change it (i.e.: if there's a alternative solution to a recursive function), I can't tell without the code.

Get parent of current directory from Python script

'..' returns parent of current directory.

import os

Now your current directory will be /home/kristina/desire-directory.

Difference between string object and string literal

A String literal is a Java language concept. This is a String literal:

"a String literal"

A String object is an individual instance of the java.lang.String class.

String s1 = "abcde";
String s2 = new String("abcde");
String s3 = "abcde";

All are valid, but have a slight difference. s1 will refer to an interned String object. This means, that the character sequence "abcde" will be stored at a central place, and whenever the same literal "abcde" is used again, the JVM will not create a new String object but use the reference of the cached String.

s2 is guranteed to be a new String object, so in this case we have:

s1 == s2 // is false
s1 == s3 // is true
s1.equals(s2) // is true

Read file content from S3 bucket with boto3

You might also consider the smart_open module, which supports iterators:

from smart_open import smart_open

# stream lines from an S3 object
for line in smart_open('s3://mybucket/mykey.txt', 'rb'):

and context managers:

with smart_open('s3://mybucket/mykey.txt', 'rb') as s3_source:
    for line in s3_source:
         print(line.decode('utf8'))  # seek to the beginning
    b1000 =  # read 1000 bytes

Find smart_open at

Changing CSS for last <li>

You could use jQuery and do it as such way


How to see which flags -march=native will activate?

You can use the -Q --help=target options:

gcc -march=native -Q --help=target ...

The -v option may also be of use.

You can see the documentation on the --help option here.

Lightbox to show videos from Youtube and Vimeo?

I've had a LOT of trouble with pretty photo and IE9. I also had issues with fancybox in IE.

For, I'm having a lot of luck with CeeBox.

Alternative for frames in html5 using iframes

Frames have been deprecated because they caused trouble for url navigation and hyperlinking, because the url would just take to you the index page (with the frameset) and there was no way to specify what was in each of the frame windows. Today, webpages are often generated by server-side technologies such as PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby etc. So instead of using frames, pages can simply be generated by merging a template with content like this:

Template File

<title>{insert script variable for title}</title>

  <div class="menu">
   {menu items inserted here by server-side scripting}
  <div class="main-content">
   {main content inserted here by server-side scripting}

If you don't have full support for a server-side scripting language, you could also use server-side includes (SSI). This will allow you to do the same thing--i.e. generate a single web page from multiple source documents.

But if you really just want to have a section of your webpage be a separate "window" into which you can load other webpages that are not necessarily located on your own server, you will have to use an iframe.

You could emulate your example like this:

Frames Example

  <title>Frames Test</title>
   .menu {
    .mainContent {
  <iframe class="menu" src="menu.html"></iframe>
  <iframe class="mainContent" src="events.html"></iframe>

There are probably better ways to achieve the layout. I've used the CSS float attribute, but you could use tables or other methods as well.

Get the string value from List<String> through loop for display

Answer if you only want to use for each loop ..

for (WebElement s : options) {
    int i = options.indexOf(s);