Programs & Examples On #Addressing

Call Activity method from adapter

In Kotlin there is now a cleaner way by using lambda functions, no need for interfaces:

class MyAdapter(val adapterOnClick: (Any) -> Unit) {
    fun setItem(item: Any) {
        myButton.setOnClickListener { adapterOnClick(item) }

class MyActivity {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        var myAdapter = MyAdapter { item -> doOnClick(item) }

    fun doOnClick(item: Any) {


Simple mediaplayer play mp3 from file path?

It works like this:

mpintro = MediaPlayer.create(this, Uri.parse(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+ "/Music/intro.mp3"));

It did not work properly as string filepath...

How to modify the nodejs request default timeout time?

Linking to express issue #3330

You may set the timeout either globally for entire server:

var server = app.listen();

or just for specific route:'/xxx', function (req, res) {

CSS3 Transparency + Gradient

The following is the one that I'm using to generate a vertical gradient from completely opaque (top) to 20% in transparency (bottom) for the same color:

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 64, 122, 1) 0%,rgba(0, 64, 122, 0.8) 100%); /* W3C, IE10+, FF16+, Chrome26+, Opera12+, Safari7+ */
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 64, 122, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 64, 122, 0.8) 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 64, 122, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 64, 122, 0.8) 100%); /* FF3.6-15 */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 64, 122, 1) 0%,rgba(0, 64, 122, 0.8) 100%); /* Chrome10-25,Safari5.1-6 */
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 64, 122, 1) 0%,rgba(0, 64, 122, 0.8) 100%); /* IE10+ */
-ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#00407a', endColorstr='#cc00407a',GradientType=0 ); /* IE8 */
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#00407a', endColorstr='#cc00407a',GradientType=0 ); /* IE 5.5 - 9 */

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

I had this problem because my entitlements file was malformed due to previous manual editing. I removed the wrongly formatted entitlement entry syntax and then i could click "fix" in the capabilities tab and Xcode added the entitlement to my file.

Here is an example of a properly formatted entitlements file ("Runner.entitlements"):

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Is there a cross-browser onload event when clicking the back button?

I have used an html template. In this template's custom.js file, there was a function like this:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

       $(window).on('load', function() {


But this function was not working when I go to back after go to other page.

So, I tried this and it has worked:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

   //Window Load Start
   window.addEventListener('load', function() {
       jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

Now, I have 2 "ready" function but it doesn't give any error and the page is working very well.

Nevertheless, I have to declare that it has tested on Windows 10 - Opera v53 and Edge v42 but no other browsers. Keep in mind this...

Note: jquery version was 3.3.1 and migrate version was 3.0.0

Reading in double values with scanf in c

Use this line of code when scanning the second value: scanf(" %lf", &b); also replace all %ld with %lf.

It's a problem related with input stream buffer. You can also use fflush(stdin); after the first scanning to clear the input buffer and then the second scanf will work as expected. An alternate way is place a getch(); or getchar(); function after the first scanf line.

Round a double to 2 decimal places

I think this is easier:

double time = 200.3456;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");      
time = Double.valueOf(df.format(time));

System.out.println(time); // 200.35

Note that this will actually do the rounding for you, not just formatting.

Mysql SELECT CASE WHEN something then return field

You are mixing the 2 different CASE syntaxes inappropriately.

Use this style (Searched)

  WHEN u.nnmu ='0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN u.nnmu ='1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

Or this style (Simple)

  CASE u.nnmu 
  WHEN '0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN '1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

Not This (Simple but with boolean search predicates)

  CASE u.nnmu 
  WHEN u.nnmu ='0' THEN mu.naziv_mesta
  WHEN u.nnmu ='1' THEN m.naziv_mesta
 END as mesto_utovara,

In MySQL this will end up testing whether u.nnmu is equal to the value of the boolean expression u.nnmu ='0' itself. Regardless of whether u.nnmu is 1 or 0 the result of the case expression itself will be 1

For example if nmu = '0' then (nnmu ='0') evaluates as true (1) and (nnmu ='1') evaluates as false (0). Substituting these into the case expression gives

  WHEN 1 THEN '0'
  WHEN 0 THEN '1'
 END as mesto_utovara

if nmu = '1' then (nnmu ='0') evaluates as false (0) and (nnmu ='1') evaluates as true (1). Substituting these into the case expression gives

  WHEN 0 THEN '0'
  WHEN 1 THEN '1'
 END as mesto_utovara

Technically what is the main difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK?

OpenJDK is a reference model and open source, while Oracle JDK is an implementation of the OpenJDK and is not open source. Oracle JDK is more stable than OpenJDK.

OpenJDK is released under GPL v2 license whereas Oracle JDK is licensed under Oracle Binary Code License Agreement.

OpenJDK and Oracle JDK have almost the same code, but Oracle JDK has more classes and some bugs fixed.

So if you want to develop enterprise/commercial software I would suggest to go for Oracle JDK, as it is thoroughly tested and stable.

I have faced lot of problems with application crashes using OpenJDK, which are fixed just by switching to Oracle JDK

jQuery get text as number

myInteger = parseInt(myString);

It's a standard javascript function.

int *array = new int[n]; what is this function actually doing?

The statement basically does the following:

  1. Creates a integer array of 'n' elements
  2. Allocates the memory in HEAP memory of the process as you are using new operator to create the pointer
  3. Returns a valid address (if the memory allocation for the required size if available at the point of execution of this statement)

Filter an array using a formula (without VBA)

Today, in Office 365, Excel has so called 'array functions'. The filter function does exactly what you want. No need to use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER anymore, a simple enter will suffice.

In Office 365, your problem would be simply solved by using:

=VLOOKUP(A3, FILTER(A2:C6, B2:B6="B"), 3, FALSE)

Convert Object to JSON string

Also useful is Object.toSource() for debugging purposes, where you want to show the object and its properties for debugging purposes. This is a generic Javascript (not jQuery) function, however it only works in "modern" browsers.

How to disable "prevent this page from creating additional dialogs"?

I know everybody is ethically against this, but I understand there are reasons of practical joking where this is desired. I think Chrome took a solid stance on this by enforcing a mandatory one second separation time between alert messages. This gives the visitor just enough time to close the page or refresh if they're stuck on an annoying prank site.

So to answer your question, it's all a matter of timing. If you alert more than once per second, Chrome will create that checkbox. Here's a simple example of a workaround:

var countdown = 99;
function annoy(){
        alert(countdown+" bottles of beer on the wall, "+countdown+" bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, "+(countdown-1)+" bottles of beer on the wall!");

        // Time must always be 1000 milliseconds, 999 or less causes the checkbox to appear
        }, 1000);

// Don't alert right away or Chrome will catch you
}, 1000);

How to automatically reload a page after a given period of inactivity

With on page confirmation text instead of alert

Since this is another method to auto load if inactive I give it a second answer. This one is more simple and easier to understand.

With reload confirmation on the page

<script language="javaScript" type="text/javascript">
var autoCloseTimer;
var timeoutObject;
var timePeriod = 5100; // 5,1 seconds
var warnPeriod = 5000; // 5 seconds
// Warning period should always be a bit shorter then time period

function promptForClose() { = 'block';
autoCloseTimer = setTimeout("definitelyClose()", warnPeriod);

function autoClose() { = 'block'; //shows message on page
autoCloseTimer = setTimeout("definitelyClose()", timePeriod); //starts countdown to closure

function cancelClose() {
clearTimeout(autoCloseTimer); //stops auto-close timer = 'none'; //hides message

function resetTimeout() {
clearTimeout(timeoutObject); //stops timer
timeoutObject = setTimeout("promptForClose()", timePeriod); //restarts timer from 0

function definitelyClose() {

// If you use want targeted reload: parent.Iframe0.location.href = ""
// or  this:'', '_self');

// of for the same page reload use:;
// or;, '_self');;

Confirmation box when using with on page confirmation

<div class="leftcolNon">
<div id='autoCloseDiv' style="display:none">
<b>Inactivity warning!</b><br />
This page will Reloads automatically unless you hit 'Cancel.'</p>
<input type='button' value='Load' onclick='definitelyClose();' />
<input type='button' value='Cancel' onclick='cancelClose();' />

Body codes for both are the SAME

<body onmousedown="resetTimeout();" onmouseup="resetTimeout();" onmousemove="resetTimeout();" onkeydown="resetTimeout();" onload="timeoutObject=setTimeout('promptForClose()',timePeriod);">

NOTE: If you do not want to have the on page confirmation, use Without confirmation

<script language="javaScript" type="text/javascript">
var autoCloseTimer;
var timeoutObject;
var timePeriod = 5000; // 5 seconds

function resetTimeout() {
clearTimeout(timeoutObject); //stops timer
timeoutObject = setTimeout("definitelyClose()", timePeriod); //restarts timer from 0

function definitelyClose() {

// If you use want targeted reload: parent.Iframe0.location.href = ""
// or  this:'', '_self');

// of for the same page reload use:;
// or;, '_self');;

Simple dictionary in C++

While using a std::map is fine or using a 256-sized char table would be fine, you could save yourself an enormous amount of space agony by simply using an enum. If you have C++11 features, you can use enum class for strong-typing:

// First, we define base-pairs. Because regular enums
// Pollute the global namespace, I'm using "enum class". 
enum class BasePair {

// Let's cut out the nonsense and make this easy:
// A is 0, T is 1, C is 2, G is 3.
// These are indices into our table
// Now, everything can be so much easier
BasePair Complimentary[4] = {
    T, // Compliment of A
    A, // Compliment of T
    G, // Compliment of C
    C, // Compliment of G

Usage becomes simple:

int main (int argc, char* argv[] ) {
    BasePair bp = BasePair::A;
    BasePair complimentbp = Complimentary[(int)bp];

If this is too much for you, you can define some helpers to get human-readable ASCII characters and also to get the base pair compliment so you're not doing (int) casts all the time:

BasePair Compliment ( BasePair bp ) {
    return Complimentary[(int)bp]; // Move the pain here

// Define a conversion table somewhere in your program
char BasePairToChar[4] = { 'A', 'T', 'C', 'G' };
char ToCharacter ( BasePair bp ) {
    return BasePairToChar[ (int)bp ];

It's clean, it's simple, and its efficient.

Now, suddenly, you don't have a 256 byte table. You're also not storing characters (1 byte each), and thus if you're writing this to a file, you can write 2 bits per Base pair instead of 1 byte (8 bits) per base pair. I had to work with Bioinformatics Files that stored data as 1 character each. The benefit is it was human-readable. The con is that what should have been a 250 MB file ended up taking 1 GB of space. Movement and storage and usage was a nightmare. Of coursse, 250 MB is being generous when accounting for even Worm DNA. No human is going to read through 1 GB worth of base pairs anyhow.

How to read a line from the console in C?

Something like this:

unsigned int getConsoleInput(char **pStrBfr) //pass in pointer to char pointer, returns size of buffer
    char * strbfr;
    int c;
    unsigned int i;
    i = 0;
    strbfr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));
    if(strbfr==NULL) goto error;
    while( (c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF )
        strbfr[i] = (char)c;
        strbfr = (void*)realloc((void*)strbfr,sizeof(char)*(i+1));
        //on realloc error, NULL is returned but original buffer is unchanged
        //NOTE: the buffer WILL NOT be NULL terminated since last
        //chracter came from console
        if(strbfr==NULL) goto error;
    strbfr[i] = '\0';
    *pStrBfr = strbfr; //successfully returns pointer to NULL terminated buffer
    return i + 1; 
    *pStrBfr = strbfr;
    return i + 1;

PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?

Just found this online at

function getYouTubeId($url) {
// Format all domains to http://domain for easier URL parsing
str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url);
if (!stristr($url, 'http://') && (strlen($url) != 11)) {
    $url = 'http://' . $url;
$url = str_replace('http://www.', 'http://', $url);

if (strlen($url) == 11) {
    $code = $url;
} else if (preg_match('/http:\/\/', $url)) {
    $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $code = substr($url, 1, 11);
} else if (preg_match('/watch/', $url)) {
    $arr = parse_url($url);
    $code = isset($v) ? substr($v, 0, 11) : false;
} else if (preg_match('/http:\/\/\/v/', $url)) {
    $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $code = substr($url, 3, 11);
} else if (preg_match('/http:\/\/\/embed/', $url, $matches)) {
    $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $code = substr($url, 7, 11);
} else if (preg_match("#(?<=v=)[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?=&)|(?<=[0-9]/)[^&\n]+|(?<=v=)[^&\n]+#", $url, $matches) ) {
    $code = substr($matches[0], 0, 11);
} else {
    $code = false;

if ($code && (strlen($code) < 11)) {
    $code = false;

return $code;

Error: Unexpected value 'undefined' imported by the module

For me, this error was caused by just unused import:

import { NgModule, Input } from '@angular/core';

Resulting error:

Input is declared, but it's value never read

Comment it out, and error doesn't occur:

import { NgModule/*, Input*/ } from '@angular/core';

Parsing string as JSON with single quotes?

Something like this:

var div = document.getElementById("result");_x000D_
var str = "{'a':1}";_x000D_
  str = str.replace(/\'/g, '"');_x000D_
  var parsed = JSON.parse(str);_x000D_
  div.innerText = parsed.a;
<div id="result"></div>

Set Background color programmatically

You can use




Comparing date part only without comparing time in JavaScript

This will help. I managed to get it like this.

var currentDate = new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth() , new Date().getDate())

How to get base url with jquery or javascript?

Here's a short one:

const base = new URL('/', location.href).href;


Safest way to get last record ID from a table

One more way -

select * from <table> where  id=(select max(id) from <table>)

Also you can check on this link -

How to get full REST request body using Jersey?

Turns out you don't have to do much at all.

See below - the parameter x will contain the full HTTP body (which is XML in our case).

public Response go(String x) throws IOException {

VBA: Convert Text to Number

For large datasets a faster solution is required.

Making use of 'Text to Columns' functionality provides a fast solution.

Example based on column F, starting range at 25 to LastRow

Sub ConvTxt2Nr()

Dim SelectR As Range
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long

Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DumpDB")

LastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row

Set SelectR = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DumpDB").Range("F25:F" & LastRow)

SelectR.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("F25"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
    TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
    Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _
    :=Array(1, 1), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

End Sub

What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

If you're wondering whether to type HEAD^ or HEAD~ in your command, just use either:

They're both names for the same commit - the first parent of the current commit.

Likewise with master~ and master^ - both names for the first parent of master.

In the same way as 2 + 2 and 2 x 2 are both 4 - they're different ways of getting there, but the answer is the same.

This answers the question: What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

If you just did a merge (so your current commit has more than one parent), or you're still interested in how the caret and tilde work, see the other answers (which I won't duplicate here) for an in-depth explanation, as well as how to use them repeatedly (e.g.HEAD~~~), or with numbers (e.g.HEAD^2). Otherwise, I hope this answer saves you some time.

Detect if an element is visible with jQuery

    //what you want to do when is visible

How to build query string with Javascript

Is is probably too late to answer your question.
I had the same question and I didn't like to keep appending strings to create a URL. So, I started using $.param as techhouse explained.
I also found a URI.js library that creates the URLs easily for you. There are several examples that will help you: URI.js Documentation.
Here is one of them:

var uri = new URI("?hello=world");
uri.setSearch("hello", "mars"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "?hello=mars"

uri.setSearch({ foo: "bar", goodbye : ["world", "mars"] });
// uri == "?hello=mars&foo=bar&goodbye=world&goodbye=mars"

uri.setSearch("goodbye", "sun");
// uri == "?hello=mars&foo=bar&goodbye=sun"

// CAUTION: beware of arrays, the following are not quite the same
// If you're dealing with PHP, you probably want the latter…
uri.setSearch("foo", ["bar", "baz"]);
uri.setSearch("foo[]", ["bar", "baz"]);`

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server

@roblll had it right. But for those of you who didn't want to dig for the answer, here it is:

  1. Close Visual Studio (might not be necessary, but it won't hurt).
  2. Navigate to your Documents folder. This is where my IISExpress configuration directory was.
  3. In the config folder, there is a file called the application host. Open that.
  4. Search for the name of your project. It should have been added in there by Visual Studio when it bombed in your previous attempts.
  5. Note that there's a binding for HTTP with the port you intend to use for https.

    //Change this:
    <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:44300:localhost" />
    //to this:
    <binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:44300:localhost" />

Keep in mind, Visual Studio might have supplied different ports than you expected. Just make sure that the ports in the binding correspond to what's in the Web tab of your project's properties.

Display tooltip on Label's hover?

Just set a title on the label:

<label for="male" title="Hello This Will Have Some Value">Hello...</label>

Using jQuery:

<label for="male" data-title="Language" />
<input type="hidden" name="Language" value="Hello This Will Have Some Value">

$("label").prop("title", function() {
    return $("input[name='" + $(this).data("title") + "']").text();

If you can use CSS3, you can use the text-overflow: ellipsis; to handle the ellipsis for you so all you need to do is copy the text from the label into the title attribute using jQuery:


<label for="male">Hello This Will Have Some Value</label>


label {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 50px;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;


$("label").prop("title", function() {
   return $(this).text(); 


Finally, if you need robust and cross-browser support, you could use the DotDotDot jQuery plugin.

How to configure PHP to send e-mail?

configure your php.ini like this


[mail function]
; XAMPP: Comment out this if you want to work with an SMTP Server like Mercury

; SMTP =

; smtp_port = 465

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

How to use comparison operators like >, =, < on BigDecimal

Using util class of IBM one can compare if BigDecimal in range.

boolean isCalculatedSumInRange = BigDecimalRange.isInRange(low, high, calculatedSum);

Java: Retrieving an element from a HashSet

The idea that you need to get the reference to the object that is contained inside a Set object is common. It can be archived by 2 ways:

  1. Use HashSet as you wanted, then:

    public Object getObjectReference(HashSet<Xobject> set, Xobject obj) {
        if (set.contains(obj)) {
            for (Xobject o : set) {
                if (obj.equals(o))
                    return o;
        return null;

For this approach to work, you need to override both hashCode() and equals(Object o) methods In the worst scenario we have O(n)

  1. Second approach is to use TreeSet

    public Object getObjectReference(TreeSet<Xobject> set, Xobject obj) {
        if (set.contains(obj)) {
            return set.floor(obj);
        return null;

This approach gives O(log(n)), more efficient. You don't need to override hashCode for this approach but you have to implement Comparable interface. ( define function compareTo(Object o)).

Python: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10060]

The error code 10060 means it cannot connect to the remote peer. It might be because of the network problem or mostly your setting issues, such as proxy setting.

You could try to connect the same host with other tools(such as ncat) and/or with another PC within your same local network to find out where the problem is occuring.

For proxy issue, there are some material here:

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python

Why can't I get Python's urlopen() method to work on Windows?

Hope it helps!

What is the difference between & vs @ and = in angularJS

AngularJS – Isolated Scopes – @ vs = vs &

Short examples with explanation are available at below link :

@ – one way binding

In directive:

scope : { nameValue : "@name" }

In view:

<my-widget name="{{nameFromParentScope}}"></my-widget>

= – two way binding

In directive:

scope : { nameValue : "=name" },
link : function(scope) { = "Changing the value here will get reflected in parent scope value";

In view:

<my-widget name="{{nameFromParentScope}}"></my-widget>

& – Function call

In directive :

scope : { nameChange : "&" }
link : function(scope) {

In view:

<my-widget nameChange="onNameChange(newName)"></my-widget>

Sort a List of objects by multiple fields

If you know in advance which fields to use to make the comparison, then other people gave right answers.
What you may be interested in is to sort your collection in case you don't know at compile-time which criteria to apply. Imagine you have a program dealing with cities:

    protected Set<City> cities;
    Field temperatureField = City.class.getDeclaredField("temperature");
    Field numberOfInhabitantsField = City.class.getDeclaredField("numberOfInhabitants");
    Field rainfallField = City.class.getDeclaredField("rainfall");
    program.showCitiesSortBy(temperatureField, numberOfInhabitantsField, rainfallField);
    public void showCitiesSortBy(Field... fields) {
        List<City> sortedCities = new ArrayList<City>(cities);
        Collections.sort(sortedCities, new City.CityMultiComparator(fields));
        for (City city : sortedCities) {

where you can replace hard-coded field names by field names deduced from a user request in your program.

In this example, City.CityMultiComparator<City> is a static nested class of class City implementing Comparator:

    public static class CityMultiComparator implements Comparator<City> {
        protected List<Field> fields;

        public CityMultiComparator(Field... orderedFields) {
            fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
            for (Field field : orderedFields) {

        public int compare(City cityA, City cityB) {
            Integer score = 0;
            Boolean continueComparison = true;
            Iterator itFields = fields.iterator();

            while (itFields.hasNext() && continueComparison) {
                Field field =;
                Integer currentScore = 0;
                if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("temperature")) {
                    currentScore = cityA.getTemperature().compareTo(cityB.getTemperature());
                } else if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("numberOfInhabitants")) {
                    currentScore = cityA.getNumberOfInhabitants().compareTo(cityB.getNumberOfInhabitants());
                } else if (field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("rainfall")) {
                    currentScore = cityA.getRainfall().compareTo(cityB.getRainfall());
                if (currentScore != 0) {
                    continueComparison = false;
                score = currentScore;

            return score;

You may want to add an extra layer of precision, to specify, for each field, whether sorting should be ascendant or descendant. I guess a solution is to replace Field objects by objects of a class you could call SortedField, containing a Field object, plus another field meaning ascendant or descendant.

How to make ConstraintLayout work with percentage values?

Try this code. You can change the height and width percentages with app:layout_constraintHeight_percent and app:layout_constraintWidth_percent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""



dependencies {
    implementation ''

enter image description here

Difference between res.send and res.json in Express.js

The methods are identical when an object or array is passed, but res.json() will also convert non-objects, such as null and undefined, which are not valid JSON.

The method also uses the json replacer and json spaces application settings, so you can format JSON with more options. Those options are set like so:

app.set('json spaces', 2);
app.set('json replacer', replacer);

And passed to a JSON.stringify() like so:

JSON.stringify(value, replacer, spacing);
// value: object to format
// replacer: rules for transforming properties encountered during stringifying
// spacing: the number of spaces for indentation

This is the code in the res.json() method that the send method doesn't have:

var app =;
var replacer = app.get('json replacer');
var spaces = app.get('json spaces');
var body = JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, spaces);

The method ends up as a res.send() in the end:

this.charset = this.charset || 'utf-8';
this.get('Content-Type') || this.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');

return this.send(body);

Numpy isnan() fails on an array of floats (from pandas dataframe apply)

np.isnan can be applied to NumPy arrays of native dtype (such as np.float64):

In [99]: np.isnan(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=np.float64))
Out[99]: array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

but raises TypeError when applied to object arrays:

In [96]: np.isnan(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=object))
TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''

Since you have Pandas, you could use pd.isnull instead -- it can accept NumPy arrays of object or native dtypes:

In [97]: pd.isnull(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=float))
Out[97]: array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

In [98]: pd.isnull(np.array([np.nan, 0], dtype=object))
Out[98]: array([ True, False], dtype=bool)

Note that None is also considered a null value in object arrays.

How can I permanently enable line numbers in IntelliJ?

On IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.2

Go to Settings > Editor > General > Appearance then check the Show Line number option

enter image description here

Markdown to create pages and table of contents?

Here is a simple bash script to generate Table of Contents. Requires no special dependencies, but bash.

It handles well special symbols inside of headings, markdown links in headings and ignores code blocks.

Declaring a python function with an array parameters and passing an array argument to the function call?

Maybe you want unpack elements of array, I don't know if I got it, but below a example:

def my_func(*args):
    for a in args:
        print a

my_list = ['a','b','c']

Java/ JUnit - AssertTrue vs AssertFalse

I think it's just for your convenience (and the readers of your code)

Your code, and your unit tests should be ideally self documenting which this API helps with,

Think abt what is more clear to read:

AssertTrue(!(a > 3));


AssertFalse(a > 3);

When you open your tests after xx months when your tests suddenly fail, it would take you much less time to understand what went wrong in the second case (my opinion). If you disagree, you can always stick with AssertTrue for all cases :)

Looping through a Scripting.Dictionary using index/item number

Adding to assylias's answer - assylias shows us D.ITEMS is a method that returns an array. Knowing that, we don't need the variant array a(i) [See caveat below]. We just need to use the proper array syntax.

For i = 0 To d.Count - 1
    s = d.Items()(i)
    Debug.Print s
Next i()

KEYS works the same way

For i = 0 To d.Count - 1
    Debug.Print d.Keys()(i), d.Items()(i)
Next i

This syntax is also useful for the SPLIT function which may help make this clearer. SPLIT also returns an array with lower bounds at 0. Thus, the following prints "C".

Debug.Print Split("A,B,C,D", ",")(2)

SPLIT is a function. Its parameters are in the first set of parentheses. Methods and Functions always use the first set of parentheses for parameters, even if no parameters are needed. In the example SPLIT returns the array {"A","B","C","D"}. Since it returns an array we can use a second set of parentheses to identify an element within the returned array just as we would any array.

Caveat: This shorter syntax may not be as efficient as using the variant array a() when iterating through the entire dictionary since the shorter syntax invokes the dictionary's Items method with each iteration. The shorter syntax is best for plucking a single item by number from a dictionary.

Getting the computer name in Java

The computer "name" is resolved from the IP address by the underlying DNS (Domain Name System) library of the OS. There's no universal concept of a computer name across OSes, but DNS is generally available. If the computer name hasn't been configured so DNS can resolve it, it isn't available.


String hostname = "Unknown";

    InetAddress addr;
    addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
    hostname = addr.getHostName();
catch (UnknownHostException ex)
    System.out.println("Hostname can not be resolved");

How do I pass data to Angular routed components?

By default i won't use a guard for this one for me it is more can i enter the route or can i leave it. It is not to share data betweenn them.

If you want to load data before we entered a route just add an resolver to this one this is also part of the Router.

As very basic example:


import { Resolve, ActivatedRoute } from "@angular/router";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { take } from "rxjs/operators";

export class UserResolver implements Resolve<User> {

        private userService: UserService,
        private route: ActivatedRoute
    ) {}

    resolve(): Observable<firebase.User> {
        return this.route.params.pipe(
            switchMap((params) => this.userService.fetchUser(params.user_id)),

put to the router:

    path: "user/:user_id",
    component: MyUserDetailPage,
    resolve: {
        user: UserResolver

get the data in our component

ngOnInit() {
    const user: firebase.User =;

The downside on this approach is, he will enter the route first if he get the user data not before, this ensures the data for the user has been loaded and is ready on start of the component, but you will stay on the old page as long the data has been loaded (Loading Animation)

Loading scripts after page load?

So, there's no way that this works:

window.onload = function(){
  <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

You can't freely drop HTML into the middle of javascript.

If you have jQuery, you can just use:


whenever you want. If you want to make sure the document has finished loading, you can do this:

$(document).ready(function() {

In plain javascript, you can load a script dynamically at any time you want to like this:

var tag = document.createElement("script");
tag.src = "";

Displaying files (e.g. images) stored in Google Drive on a website

A workaround is to get the fileId with Google Drive SDK API and then using this Url:{fileId}

That will be a permanent link to your file in Google Drive (image or anything else).

Note: this link seems to be subject to quotas. So not ideal for public/massive sharing.

how to avoid a new line with p tag?

I came across this for css

span, p{overflow:hidden; white-space: nowrap;}

via similar stackoverflow question

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

Use Maven and use the maven-compiler-plugin to explicitly call the actual correct version JDK javac.exe command, because Maven could be running any version; this also catches the really stupid long standing bug in javac that does not spot runtime breaking class version jars and missing classes/methods/properties when compiling for earlier java versions! This later part could have easily been fixed in Java 1.5+ by adding versioning attributes to new classes, methods, and properties, or separate compiler versioning data, so is a quite stupid oversight by Sun and Oracle.

How to generate access token using refresh token through google drive API?

If you want to implement that yourself, the OAuth 2.0 flow for Web Server Applications is documented at, in particular you should check the section about using a refresh token:

When to use window.opener / window.parent /

top, parent, opener (as well as window, self, and iframe) are all window objects.

  1. window.opener -> returns the window that opens or launches the current popup window.
  2. -> returns the topmost window, if you're using frames, this is the frameset window, if not using frames, this is the same as window or self.
  3. window.parent -> returns the parent frame of the current frame or iframe. The parent frame may be the frameset window or another frame if you have nested frames. If not using frames, parent is the same as the current window or self

Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain

In my case , I had removed gradlew and gradle folders from project. Reran clean build tasks through "Run Gradle Task" from Gradle Projects window in intellij

enter image description here

scikit-learn random state in splitting dataset

when random_state set to an integer, train_test_split will return same results for each execution.

when random_state set to an None, train_test_split will return different results for each execution.

see below example:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_data = range(10)
y_data = range(10)

for i in range(5):
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_data, y_data, test_size = 0.3,random_state = 0) # zero or any other integer


for i in range(5): 
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_data, y_data, test_size = 0.3,random_state = None)


[2, 8, 4]

[2, 8, 4]

[2, 8, 4]

[2, 8, 4]

[2, 8, 4]

[4, 7, 6]

[4, 3, 7]

[8, 1, 4]

[9, 5, 8]

[6, 4, 5]

How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds

I've had the same problem with indigo and a project that needs to generate Java sources from XSD.
I could fix it by supplying the missing life-cycle mapping, as described on this page

Overlapping elements in CSS

You can try using the transform: translate property by passing the appropriate values inside the parenthesis using the inspect element in Google chrome.

You have to set translate property in such way that both the <div> overlap each other then You can use JavaScript to show and hide both the <div> according to your requirements

The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request

I had this problem. I think that it was caused by the socket getting opened and no data arriving within a short time after the open. I was reading from a serial to ethernet box called a Devicemaster. I changed the Devicemaster port setting from "connect always" to "connect on data" and the problem disappeared. I have great respect for Hans Passant but I do not agree that this is an error code that you can easily solve by scrutinizing code.

Convert string to hex-string in C#

few Unicode alternatives

var s = "0";

var s1 = string.Concat(s.Select(c => $"{(int)c:x4}"));  // left padded with 0 - "0030d835dfcfd835dfdad835dfe5d835dff0d835dffb"

var sL = BitConverter.ToString(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(s)).Replace("-", "");       // Little Endian "300035D8CFDF35D8DADF35D8E5DF35D8F0DF35D8FBDF"
var sB = BitConverter.ToString(Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes(s)).Replace("-", ""); // Big Endian "0030D835DFCFD835DFDAD835DFE5D835DFF0D835DFFB"

// no encodding "300035D8CFDF35D8DADF35D8E5DF35D8F0DF35D8FBDF"
byte[] b = new byte[s.Length * sizeof(char)];
Buffer.BlockCopy(s.ToCharArray(), 0, b, 0, b.Length);
var sb = BitConverter.ToString(b).Replace("-", "");

Python 3 print without parenthesis

No. That will always be a syntax error in Python 3. Consider using 2to3 to translate your code to Python 3

Calling a rest api with username and password - how to

Here is the solution for Rest API

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        BaseClient clientbase = new BaseClient("", "username", "password");
        BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse();
        BaseResponse response = clientbase.GetCallV2Async("Candidate").Result;

    public async Task<BaseResponse> GetCallAsync(string endpoint)
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(endpoint + "/").ConfigureAwait(false);
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                baseresponse.ResponseMessage = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                baseresponse.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
                baseresponse.ResponseMessage = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                baseresponse.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
            return baseresponse;
        catch (Exception ex)
            baseresponse.StatusCode = 0;
            baseresponse.ResponseMessage = (ex.Message ?? ex.InnerException.ToString());
        return baseresponse;

public class BaseResponse
    public int StatusCode { get; set; }
    public string ResponseMessage { get; set; }

public class BaseClient
    readonly HttpClient client;
    readonly BaseResponse baseresponse;

    public BaseClient(string baseAddress, string username, string password)
        HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler()
            Proxy = new WebProxy(""),
            UseProxy = false,

        client = new HttpClient(handler);
        client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress);
        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
        var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(username + ":" + password);

        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray));

        baseresponse = new BaseResponse();


How do I use InputFilter to limit characters in an EditText in Android?

If you subclass InputFilter you can create your own InputFilter that would filter out any non-alpha-numeric characters.

The InputFilter Interface has one method, filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end, Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend), and it provides you with all the information you need to know about which characters were entered into the EditText it is assigned to.

Once you have created your own InputFilter, you can assign it to the EditText by calling setFilters(...)., int, int, android.text.Spanned, int, int)

jQuery Keypress Arrow Keys

$(document).keydown(function(e) {

Keypress events do detect arrow keys, but not in all browsers. So it's better to use keydown.

These are keycodes you should be getting in your console log:

  • left = 37
  • up = 38
  • right = 39
  • down = 40

Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK

This error occurs when the sdk-version installed on your device (real or virtual device) is smaller than android:minSdkVersion in your android manifest.

You either have to decrease your android:minSdkVersion or you have to specify a higher api-version for your AVD.

Keep in mind, that it is not always trivial to decrease android:minSdkVersion as you have to make sure, your app cares about the actual installed API and uses the correct methods:

AsyncTask<String, Object, String> task = new AsyncTask<String, Object, String>() {
    protected Boolean doInBackground(String... params) {
        if (params == null) return "";
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
        for (String p : params) {
        return b.toString();
    task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR,"Hello", " ", "world!");
} else {
    task.execute("Hello", " ", "world!");

Using the android-support-library and/or libraries like actionbar-sherlock will help you dealing especially with widgets of older versions.

How do you roll back (reset) a Git repository to a particular commit?

git reset --hard <tag/branch/commit id>


  • git reset without the --hard option resets the commit history, but not the files. With the --hard option the files in working tree are also reset. (credited user)

  • If you wish to commit that state so that the remote repository also points to the rolled back commit do: git push <reponame> -f (credited user)

Highlight Bash/shell code in Markdown files

Using the knitr package:

```{r, engine='bash', code_block_name} ...


```{r, engine='bash', count_lines}
wc -l en_US.twitter.txt

You can also use:

  • engine='sh' for shell
  • engine='python' for Python
  • engine='perl', engine='haskell' and a bunch of other C-like languages and even gawk, AWK, etc.

Is it possible to format an HTML tooltip (title attribute)?

Better late than never, they always say.

Normally I'd use jQuery to solve such a situation. However, when working on a site for a client which required a javascript-less solution, I came up with the following:

<div class="hover-container">
    <div class="hover-content">
        <p>Content with<br />
        normal formatting</p>

By using the following css, you get the same situation as with a title:

.hover-container {
    position: relative;

.hover-content {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: -10px;
    right: 10px;
    display: none;

.hover-container:hover .hover-content {
    display: block;

This gives you the option to style it according to your needs as well, and it works in all browsers. Even the ones where javascript is disabled.


  • You have a lot of influence on the styling
  • It works in (nearly) all browsers


  • It's harder to position the tooltip

Ng-model does not update controller value

Using this instead of $scope works.

function AppCtrl($scope){_x000D_
  $scope.searchText = "";_x000D_
  $scope.check = function () {_x000D_
    console.log("You typed '" + this.searchText + "'"); // used 'this' instead of $scope_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app>_x000D_
  <div ng-controller="AppCtrl">_x000D_
    <input ng-model="searchText"/>_x000D_
    <button ng-click="check()">Write console log</button>_x000D_

Edit: At the time writing this answer, I had much more complicated situation than this. After the comments, I tried to reproduce it to understand why it works, but no luck. I think somehow (don't really know why) a new child scope is generated and this refers to that scope. But if $scope is used, it actually refers to the parent $scope because of javascript's lexical scope feature.

Would be great if someone having this problem tests this way and inform us.

Process.start: how to get the output?

You can log process output using below code:

ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(item);
pinfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
pinfo.UseShellExecute = true;
pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
pinfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
pinfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
var p = Process.Start(pinfo);
Process process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo((item + '>' + item + ".txt"))
    UseShellExecute = false,
    RedirectStandardOutput = true
string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
if (process.ExitCode != 0) { 

Hashmap with Streams in Java 8 Streams to collect value of Map

If you are sure you are going to get at most a single element that passed the filter (which is guaranteed by your filter), you can use findFirst :

Optional<List> o = id1.entrySet()
                      .filter( e -> e.getKey() == 1)

In the general case, if the filter may match multiple Lists, you can collect them to a List of Lists :

List<List> list = id1.entrySet()
                     .filter(.. some predicate...)

python 3.2 UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u2013' in position 9629: character maps to <undefined>

for me , using export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 before executing python command worked .

ERROR: Error 1005: Can't create table (errno: 121)

Foreign Key Constraint Names Have to be Unique Within a Database

Both @Dorvalla’s answer and this blog post mentioned above pointed me into the right direction to fix the problem for myself; quoting from the latter:

If the table you're trying to create includes a foreign key constraint, and you've provided your own name for that constraint, remember that it must be unique within the database.

I wasn’t aware of that. I have changed my foreign key constraint names according to the following schema which appears to be used by Ruby on Rails applications, too:


For the OP’s table this would be Link_lession_id_fk, for example.

How can the error 'Client found response content type of 'text/html'.. be interpreted

This is happening because there is an unhandled exception in your Web service, and the .NET runtime is spitting out its HTML yellow screen of death server error/exception dump page, instead of XML.

Since the consumer of your Web service was expecting a text/xml header and instead got text/html, it throws that error.

You should address the cause of your timeouts (perhaps a lengthy SQL query?).

Also, checkout this blog post on Jeff Atwood's blog that explains implementing a global unhandled exception handler and using SOAP exceptions.

Detect when a window is resized using JavaScript ?

You can use .resize() to get every time the width/height actually changes, like this:

$(window).resize(function() {
  //resize just happened, pixels changed

You can view a working demo here, it takes the new height/width values and updates them in the page for you to see. Remember the event doesn't really start or end, it just "happens" when a resize occurs...there's nothing to say another one won't happen.

Edit: By comments it seems you want something like a "on-end" event, the solution you found does this, with a few exceptions (you can't distinguish between a mouse-up and a pause in a cross-browser way, the same for an end vs a pause). You can create that event though, to make it a bit cleaner, like this:

$(window).resize(function() {
    if(this.resizeTO) clearTimeout(this.resizeTO);
    this.resizeTO = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 500);

You could have this is a base file somewhere, whatever you want to do...then you can bind to that new resizeEnd event you're triggering, like this:

$(window).bind('resizeEnd', function() {
    //do something, window hasn't changed size in 500ms

You can see a working demo of this approach here ?

Disable Drag and Drop on HTML elements?

This JQuery Worked for me :-

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#con_image').on('mousedown', function(e) {

Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used

Don't detect mobile devices, go for stationary ones instead.

Nowadays (2016) there is a way to detect dots per inch/cm/px that seems to work in most modern browsers (see I needed a method to distinguish between a relatively small screen, orientation didn't matter, and a stationary computer monitor.

Because many mobile browsers don't support this, one can write the general css code for all cases and use this exception for large screens:

@media (max-resolution: 1dppx) {
    /* ... */

Both Windows XP and 7 have the default setting of 1 dot per pixel (or 96dpi). I don't know about other operating systems, but this works really well for my needs.

Edit: dppx doesn't seem to work in Internet Explorer.. use (96)dpi instead.

How to select rows that have current day's timestamp?

If you want an index to be used and the query not to do a table scan:

WHERE timestamp >= CURDATE()
  AND timestamp < CURDATE() + INTERVAL 1 DAY

To show the difference that this makes on the actual execution plans, we'll test with an SQL-Fiddle (an extremely helpful site):

CREATE TABLE test                            --- simple table
    ,`timestamp` datetime                    --- index timestamp
    , data VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL 
          DEFAULT 'Sample data'
    , PRIMARY KEY (id)
    , INDEX t_IX (`timestamp`, id)
    ) ;

    ('2013-02-08 00:01:12'),
    ---                                      --- insert about 7k rows
    ('2013-02-08 20:01:12') ;

Lets try the 2 versions now.

Version 1 with DATE(timestamp) = ?

WHERE DATE(timestamp) = CURDATE()            ---  using DATE(timestamp)
ORDER BY timestamp ;


1   SIMPLE       test   ALL

6671  100       Using where; Using filesort

It filters all (6671) rows and then does a filesort (that's not a problem as the returned rows are few)

Version 2 with timestamp <= ? AND timestamp < ?

WHERE timestamp >= CURDATE()
  AND timestamp < CURDATE() + INTERVAL 1 DAY
ORDER BY timestamp ;


1   SIMPLE       test   range t_IX           t_IX    9 

2     100       Using where

It uses a range scan on the index, and then reads only the corresponding rows from the table.

Can (a== 1 && a ==2 && a==3) ever evaluate to true?

An ECMAScript 6 answer that makes use of Symbols:

const a = {value: 1};
a[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() { return this.value++ };
console.log((a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3));

Due to == usage, JavaScript is supposed to coerce a into something close to the second operand (1, 2, 3 in this case). But before JavaScript tries to figure coercing on its own, it tries to call Symbol.toPrimitive. If you provide Symbol.toPrimitive JavaScript would use the value your function returns. If not, JavaScript would call valueOf.

Message Queue vs. Web Services?

Message queues are ideal for requests which may take a long time to process. Requests are queued and can be processed offline without blocking the client. If the client needs to be notified of completion, you can provide a way for the client to periodically check the status of the request.

Message queues also allow you to scale better across time. It improves your ability to handle bursts of heavy activity, because the actual processing can be distributed across time.

Note that message queues and web services are orthogonal concepts, i.e. they are not mutually exclusive. E.g. you can have a XML based web service which acts as an interface to a message queue. I think the distinction your looking for is Message Queues versus Request/Response, the latter is when the request is processed synchronously.

How to export data from Excel spreadsheet to Sql Server 2008 table

From your SQL Server Management Studio, you open Object Explorer, go to your database where you want to load the data into, right click, then pick Tasks > Import Data.

This opens the Import Data Wizard, which typically works pretty well for importing from Excel. You can pick an Excel file, pick what worksheet to import data from, you can choose what table to store it into, and what the columns are going to be. Pretty flexible indeed.

You can run this as a one-off, or you can store it as a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package into your file system, or into SQL Server itself, and execute it over and over again (even scheduled to run at a given time, using SQL Agent).

Update: yes, yes, yes, you can do all those things you keep asking - have you even tried at least once to run that wizard??

OK, here it comes - step by step:

Step 1: pick your Excel source

enter image description here

Step 2: pick your SQL Server target database

enter image description here

Step 3: pick your source worksheet (from Excel) and your target table in your SQL Server database; see the "Edit Mappings" button!

enter image description here

Step 4: check (and change, if needed) your mappings of Excel columns to SQL Server columns in the table:

enter image description here

Step 5: if you want to use it later on, save your SSIS package to SQL Server:

enter image description here

Step 6: - success! This is on a 64-bit machine, works like a charm - just do it!!

WPF TemplateBinding vs RelativeSource TemplatedParent

TemplateBinding is not quite the same thing. MSDN docs are often written by people that have to quiz monosyllabic SDEs about software features, so the nuances are not quite right.

TemplateBindings are evaluated at compile time against the type specified in the control template. This allows for much faster instantiation of compiled templates. Just fumble the name in a templatebinding and you'll see that the compiler will flag it.

The binding markup is resolved at runtime. While slower to execute, the binding will resolve property names that are not visible on the type declared by the template. By slower, I'll point out that its kind of relative since the binding operation takes very little of the application's cpu. If you were blasting control templates around at high speed you might notice it.

As a matter of practice use the TemplateBinding when you can but don't fear the Binding.

Terminating a script in PowerShell

I realize this is an old post but I find myself coming back to this thread a lot as it is one of the top search results when searching for this topic. However, I always leave more confused then when I came due to the conflicting information. Ultimately I always have to perform my own tests to figure it out. So this time I will post my findings.

TL;DR Most people will want to use Exit to terminate a running scripts. However, if your script is merely declaring functions to later be used in a shell, then you will want to use Return in the definitions of said functions.

Exit vs Return vs Break

  • Exit: This will "exit" the currently running context. If you call this command from a script it will exit the script. If you call this command from the shell it will exit the shell.

    If a function calls the Exit command it will exit what ever context it is running in. So if that function is only called from within a running script it will exit that script. However, if your script merely declares the function so that it can be used from the current shell and you run that function from the shell, it will exit the shell because the shell is the context in which the function contianing the Exit command is running.

    Note: By default if you right click on a script to run it in PowerShell, once the script is done running, PowerShell will close automatically. This has nothing to do with the Exit command or anything else in your script. It is just a default PowerShell behavior for scripts being ran using this specific method of running a script. The same is true for batch files and the Command Line window.

  • Return: This will return to the previous call point. If you call this command from a script (outside any functions) it will return to the shell. If you call this command from the shell it will return to the shell (which is the previous call point for a single command ran from the shell). If you call this command from a function it will return to where ever the function was called from.

    Execution of any commands after the call point that it is returned to will continue from that point. If a script is called from the shell and it contains the Return command outside any functions then when it returns to the shell there are no more commands to run thus making a Return used in this way essentially the same as Exit.

  • Break: This will break out of loops and switch cases. If you call this command while not in a loop or switch case it will break out of the script. If you call Break inside a loop that is nested inside a loop it will only break out of the loop it was called in.

    There is also an interesting feature of Break where you can prefix a loop with a label and then you can break out of that labeled loop even if the Break command is called within several nested groups within that labeled loop.

    While ($true) {
        # Code here will run
        :myLabel While ($true) {
            # Code here will run
            While ($true) {
                # Code here will run
                While ($true) {
                    # Code here will run
                    Break myLabel
                    # Code here will not run
                # Code here will not run
            # Code here will not run
        # Code here will run

How do I install soap extension?

Please follow the below steps :

 1) Locate php.ini in your apache bin folder, I.e Apache/bin/php.ini
 2) Remove the ; from the beginning of extension=php_soap.dll
 3) Restart your Apache server (by using : 
    # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart OR 
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart OR 
    $ sudo service apache2 restart)
 4) Look up your phpinfo();

 you may check here as well,if this does not solve your issue:

Simple GUI Java calculator

This is the working code...

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;

public class JavaCalculator extends JFrame {

    private JButton jbtNum1;
    private JButton jbtNum2;
    private JButton jbtNum3;
    private JButton jbtNum4;
    private JButton jbtNum5;
    private JButton jbtNum6;
    private JButton jbtNum7;
    private JButton jbtNum8;
    private JButton jbtNum9;
    private JButton jbtNum0;
    private JButton jbtEqual;
    private JButton jbtAdd;
    private JButton jbtSubtract;
    private JButton jbtMultiply;
    private JButton jbtDivide;
    private JButton jbtSolve;
    private JButton jbtClear;
    private double TEMP;
    private double SolveTEMP;
    private JTextField jtfResult;

    Boolean addBool = false;
    Boolean subBool = false;
    Boolean divBool = false;
    Boolean mulBool = false;

    String display = "";

    public JavaCalculator() {

        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
        p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 3));
        p1.add(jbtNum1 = new JButton("1"));
        p1.add(jbtNum2 = new JButton("2"));
        p1.add(jbtNum3 = new JButton("3"));
        p1.add(jbtNum4 = new JButton("4"));
        p1.add(jbtNum5 = new JButton("5"));
        p1.add(jbtNum6 = new JButton("6"));
        p1.add(jbtNum7 = new JButton("7"));
        p1.add(jbtNum8 = new JButton("8"));
        p1.add(jbtNum9 = new JButton("9"));
        p1.add(jbtNum0 = new JButton("0"));
        p1.add(jbtClear = new JButton("C"));

        JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
        p2.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        p2.add(jtfResult = new JTextField(20));

        JPanel p3 = new JPanel();
        p3.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1));
        p3.add(jbtAdd = new JButton("+"));
        p3.add(jbtSubtract = new JButton("-"));
        p3.add(jbtMultiply = new JButton("*"));
        p3.add(jbtDivide = new JButton("/"));
        p3.add(jbtSolve = new JButton("="));

        JPanel p = new JPanel();
        p.setLayout(new GridLayout());
        p.add(p2, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        p.add(p1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        p.add(p3, BorderLayout.EAST);


        jbtNum1.addActionListener(new ListenToOne());
        jbtNum2.addActionListener(new ListenToTwo());
        jbtNum3.addActionListener(new ListenToThree());
        jbtNum4.addActionListener(new ListenToFour());
        jbtNum5.addActionListener(new ListenToFive());
        jbtNum6.addActionListener(new ListenToSix());
        jbtNum7.addActionListener(new ListenToSeven());
        jbtNum8.addActionListener(new ListenToEight());
        jbtNum9.addActionListener(new ListenToNine());
        jbtNum0.addActionListener(new ListenToZero());

        jbtAdd.addActionListener(new ListenToAdd());
        jbtSubtract.addActionListener(new ListenToSubtract());
        jbtMultiply.addActionListener(new ListenToMultiply());
        jbtDivide.addActionListener(new ListenToDivide());
        jbtSolve.addActionListener(new ListenToSolve());
        jbtClear.addActionListener(new ListenToClear());
    } //JavaCaluclator()

    class ListenToClear implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            //display = jtfResult.getText();
            addBool = false;
            subBool = false;
            mulBool = false;
            divBool = false;

            TEMP = 0;
            SolveTEMP = 0;

    class ListenToOne implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "1");

    class ListenToTwo implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "2");

    class ListenToThree implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "3");

    class ListenToFour implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "4");

    class ListenToFive implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "5");

    class ListenToSix implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "6");

    class ListenToSeven implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "7");

    class ListenToEight implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "8");

    class ListenToNine implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "9");

    class ListenToZero implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            display = jtfResult.getText();
            jtfResult.setText(display + "0");

    class ListenToAdd implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            TEMP = Double.parseDouble(jtfResult.getText());
            addBool = true;

    class ListenToSubtract implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            TEMP = Double.parseDouble(jtfResult.getText());
            subBool = true;

    class ListenToMultiply implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            TEMP = Double.parseDouble(jtfResult.getText());
            mulBool = true;

    class ListenToDivide implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            TEMP = Double.parseDouble(jtfResult.getText());
            divBool = true;

    class ListenToSolve implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            SolveTEMP = Double.parseDouble(jtfResult.getText());
            if (addBool == true)
                SolveTEMP = SolveTEMP + TEMP;
            else if ( subBool == true)
                SolveTEMP = SolveTEMP - TEMP;
            else if ( mulBool == true)
                SolveTEMP = SolveTEMP * TEMP;
            else if ( divBool == true)
                            SolveTEMP = SolveTEMP / TEMP;
            jtfResult.setText(  Double.toString(SolveTEMP));

            addBool = false;
            subBool = false;
            mulBool = false;
            divBool = false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        JavaCalculator calc = new JavaCalculator();

} //JavaCalculator

What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?

volatile and transient keywords

1) transient keyword is used along with instance variables to exclude them from serialization process. If a field is transient its value will not be persisted.

On the other hand, volatile keyword is used to mark a Java variable as "being stored in main memory".

Every read of a volatile variable will be read from the computer's main memory, and not from the CPU cache, and that every write to a volatile variable will be written to main memory, and not just to the CPU cache.

2) transient keyword cannot be used along with static keyword but volatile can be used along with static.

3) transient variables are initialized with default value during de-serialization and there assignment or restoration of value has to be handled by application code.

For more information, see my blog:

SQL LEFT JOIN Subquery Alias

I recognize that the answer works and has been accepted but there is a much cleaner way to write that query. Tested on mysql and postgres.

SELECT wpoi.order_id As No_Commande
FROM  wp_woocommerce_order_items AS wpoi
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta AS wpp ON wpoi.order_id = wpp.post_id 
                            AND wpp.meta_key = '_shipping_first_name'
WHERE  wpoi.order_id =2198 

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < On Chrome

To override the error that you might experience in Chrome (and probably in Safari), try to set the Ajax parameter as dataType: "json". Then you shouldn't call parseJSON() on the obj because the response you'll get comes deserialized.

Using Gradle to build a jar with dependencies

Simple sulution

jar {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'cova2.Main'
    doFirst {
        from { configurations.runtime.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }

How do I give ASP.NET permission to write to a folder in Windows 7?

I know this is an old thread but to further expand the answer here, by default IIS 7.5 creates application pool identity accounts to run the worker process under. You can't search for these accounts like normal user accounts when adding file permissions. To add them into NTFS permission ACL you can type the entire name of the application pool identity and it will work.

It is just a slight difference in the way the application pool identity accounts are handle as they are seen to be virtual accounts.

Also the username of the application pool identity is "IIS AppPool\application pool name" so if it was the application pool DefaultAppPool the user account would be "IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool".

These can be seen if you open computer management and look at the members of the local group IIS_IUSRS. The SID appended to the end of them is not need when adding the account into an NTFS permission ACL.

Hope that helps

Why did Servlet.service() for servlet jsp throw this exception?

I tried my best to follow the answers given above. But I have below reason for the same.

Note: This is for maven+eclipse+tomcat deployment and issue faced especially with spring mvc.

1- If you are including servlet and jsp dependency please mark them provided in scope.

  1. Possibly you might be including jstl as dependency. So, jsp-api.jar and servlet-api.jar will be included along. So, require to exclude the servlet-api and jsp-api being deployed as required lib in target or in "WEB-INF/lib" as given below.


How to select the first element with a specific attribute using XPath



This will first get the book elements with the location attribute equal to 'US'. Then it will select the first node from that set. Note the use of parentheses, which are required by some implementations.

Note, this is not the same as /bookstore/book[1][@location='US'] unless the first element also happens to have that location attribute.

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

import ast,sys
input_str =

input_list = ast.literal_eval(input_str)

list_1 = input_list[0]

list_2 = input_list[1]

import numpy as np

array_1 = np.array(list_1)

array_2 = np.array(list_2)

array_3 = array_1*array_2


EditText onClickListener in Android

This Works For me:

mEditInit = (EditText) findViewById(;
mEditInit.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
mEditInit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {


How to subtract 2 hours from user's local time?

According to Javascript Date Documentation, you can easily do this way:

var twoHoursBefore = new Date();
twoHoursBefore.setHours(twoHoursBefore.getHours() - 2);

And don't worry about if hours you set will be out of 0..23 range. Date() object will update the date accordingly.

How to keep a git branch in sync with master

concept47's approach is the right way to do it, but I'd advise to merge with the --no-ff option in order to keep your commit history clear.

git checkout develop
git pull --rebase
git checkout NewFeatureBranch
git merge --no-ff master

Declare a variable as Decimal

The best way is to declare the variable as a Single or a Double depending on the precision you need. The data type Single utilizes 4 Bytes and has the range of -3.402823E38 to 1.401298E45. Double uses 8 Bytes.

You can declare as follows:

Dim decAsdf as Single


Dim decAsdf as Double

Here is an example which displays a message box with the value of the variable after calculation. All you have to do is put it in a module and run it.

Sub doubleDataTypeExample()
Dim doubleTest As Double

doubleTest = 0.0000045 * 0.005 * 0.01

MsgBox "doubleTest = " & doubleTest
End Sub

How to make a jquery function call after "X" seconds

try This

setTimeout( function(){ 
    // call after 5 second 
  }  , 5000 );

Set ImageView width and height programmatically?

Simply create a LayoutParams object and assign it to your imageView

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(150, 150);

Is gcc's __attribute__((packed)) / #pragma pack unsafe?

It's perfectly safe as long as you always access the values through the struct via the . (dot) or -> notation.

What's not safe is taking the pointer of unaligned data and then accessing it without taking that into account.

Also, even though each item in the struct is known to be unaligned, it's known to be unaligned in a particular way, so the struct as a whole must be aligned as the compiler expects or there'll be trouble (on some platforms, or in future if a new way is invented to optimise unaligned accesses).

Best way to create a simple python web service

Raw CGI is kind of a pain, Django is kind of heavyweight. There are a number of simpler, lighter frameworks about, e.g. CherryPy. It's worth looking around a bit.

Extract code country from phone number [libphonenumber]

Okay, so I've joined the google group of libphonenumber (!forum/libphonenumber-discuss ) and I've asked a question.

I don't need to set the country in parameter if my phone number begins with "+". Here is an example :

PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
try {
    // phone must begin with '+'
    PhoneNumber numberProto = phoneUtil.parse(phone, "");
    int countryCode = numberProto.getCountryCode();
} catch (NumberParseException e) {
    System.err.println("NumberParseException was thrown: " + e.toString());

How to determine whether a substring is in a different string

Thought I would add this in case you are looking at how to do this for a technical interview where they don't want you to use Python's built-in function in or find, which is horrible, but does happen:

string = "Samantha"
word = "man"

def find_sub_string(word, string):
  len_word = len(word)  #returns 3

  for i in range(len(string)-1):
    if string[i: i + len_word] == word:
  return True

    return False

How should I remove all the leading spaces from a string? - swift

This String extension removes all whitespace from a string, not just trailing whitespace ...

 extension String {
    func replace(string:String, replacement:String) -> String {
        return self.replacingOccurrences(of: string, with: replacement, options: NSString.CompareOptions.literal, range: nil)

    func removeWhitespace() -> String {
        return self.replace(string: " ", replacement: "")


let string = "The quick brown dog jumps over the foxy lady."
let result = string.removeWhitespace() // Thequickbrowndogjumpsoverthefoxylady.

Update int column in table with unique incrementing values

declare @i int  = (SELECT ISNULL(MAX(interfaceID),0) + 1 FROM prices)

update prices
set interfaceID  = @i , @i = @i + 1
where interfaceID is null

should do the work

How can I make a program wait for a variable change in javascript?

I would recommend a wrapper that will handle value being changed. For example you can have JavaScript function, like this:

?function Variable(initVal, onChange)
    this.val = initVal;          //Value to be stored in this object
    this.onChange = onChange;    //OnChange handler

    //This method returns stored value
    this.GetValue = function()  
        return this.val;

    //This method changes the value and calls the given handler       
    this.SetValue = function(value)
        this.val = value;


And then you can make an object out of it that will hold value that you want to monitor, and also a function that will be called when the value gets changed. For example, if you want to be alerted when the value changes, and initial value is 10, you would write code like this:

var myVar = new Variable(10, function(){alert("Value changed!");});

Handler function(){alert("Value changed!");} will be called (if you look at the code) when SetValue() is called.

You can get value like so:


You can set value like so:


And immediately after, an alert will be shown on the screen. See how it works:

Dynamically allocating an array of objects

  1. Use array or common container for objects only if they have default and copy constructors.

  2. Store pointers otherwise (or smart pointers, but may meet some issues in this case).

PS: Always define own default and copy constructors otherwise auto-generated will be used

Chaining Observables in RxJS

About promise composition vs. Rxjs, as this is a frequently asked question, you can refer to a number of previously asked questions on SO, among which :

Basically, flatMap is the equivalent of Promise.then.

For your second question, do you want to replay values already emitted, or do you want to process new values as they arrive? In the first case, check the publishReplay operator. In the second case, standard subscription is enough. However you might need to be aware of the cold. vs. hot dichotomy depending on your source (cf. Hot and Cold observables : are there 'hot' and 'cold' operators? for an illustrated explanation of the concept)

Finish all previous activities

You may try Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK|Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK. It will totally clears all previous activity(s) and start new activity.

Pagination response payload from a RESTful API

I would recommend adding headers for the same. Moving metadata to headers helps in getting rid of envelops like result , data or records and response body only contains the data we need. You can use Link header if you generate pagination links too.

    HTTP/1.1 200
    Pagination-Count: 100
    Pagination-Page: 5
    Pagination-Limit: 20
    Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 10,
        "name": "shirt",
        "color": "red",
        "price": "$23"
        "id": 11,
        "name": "shirt",
        "color": "blue",
        "price": "$25"

For details refer to:

For swagger file:

Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?

This method restores sys.stdout even if there's an exception. It also gets any output before the exception.

import io
import sys

real_stdout = sys.stdout
fake_stdout = io.BytesIO()   # or perhaps io.StringIO()
    sys.stdout = fake_stdout
    # do what you have to do to create some output
    sys.stdout = real_stdout
    output_string = fake_stdout.getvalue()
    # do what you want with the output_string

Tested in Python 2.7.10 using io.BytesIO()

Tested in Python 3.6.4 using io.StringIO()

Bob, added for a case if you feel anything from the modified / extended code experimentation might get interesting in any sense, otherwise feel free to delete it

Ad informandum ... a few remarks from extended experimentation during finding some viable mechanics to "grab" outputs, directed by numexpr.print_versions() directly to the <stdout> ( upon a need to clean GUI and collecting details into debugging-report )

# THIS WORKS AS HELL: as Bob Stein proposed years ago:
import io
import sys
real_stdout = sys.stdout                        #           PUSH <stdout> ( store to REAL_ )
fake_stdout = io.BytesIO()                      #           .DEF FAKE_
try:                                            # FUSED .TRY:
    sys.stdout.flush()                          #           .flush() before
    sys.stdout = fake_stdout                    #           .SET <stdout> to use FAKE_
    # ----------------------------------------- #           +    do what you gotta do to create some output
    print 123456789                             #           + 
    import  numexpr                             #           + 
    QuantFX.numexpr.__version__                 #           + [3] via fake_stdout re-assignment, as was bufferred + "late" deferred .get_value()-read into print, to finally reach -> real_stdout
    QuantFX.numexpr.print_versions()            #           + [4] via fake_stdout re-assignment, as was bufferred + "late" deferred .get_value()-read into print, to finally reach -> real_stdout
    _ = os.system( 'echo os.system() redir-ed' )#           + [1] via real_stdout                                 + "late" deferred .get_value()-read into print, to finally reach -> real_stdout, if not ( _ = )-caught from RET-d "byteswritten" / avoided from being injected int fake_stdout
    _ = os.write(  sys.stderr.fileno(),         #           + [2] via      stderr                                 + "late" deferred .get_value()-read into print, to finally reach -> real_stdout, if not ( _ = )-caught from RET-d "byteswritten" / avoided from being injected int fake_stdout
                       b'os.write()  redir-ed' )#  *OTHERWISE, if via fake_stdout, EXC <_io.BytesIO object at 0x02C0BB10> Traceback (most recent call last):
    # ----------------------------------------- #           ?                              io.UnsupportedOperation: fileno
    #'''                                                    ? YET:        <_io.BytesIO object at 0x02C0BB10> has a .fileno() method listed
    #>>> 'fileno' in dir( sys.stdout )       -> True        ? HAS IT ADVERTISED,
    #>>> pass;            sys.stdout.fileno  -> <built-in method fileno of _io.BytesIO object at 0x02C0BB10>
    #>>> pass;            sys.stdout.fileno()-> Traceback (most recent call last):
    #                                             File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    #                                           io.UnsupportedOperation: fileno
    #                                                       ? BUT REFUSES TO USE IT
finally:                                        # == FINALLY:
    sys.stdout.flush()                          #           .flush() before ret'd back REAL_
    sys.stdout = real_stdout                    #           .SET <stdout> to use POP'd REAL_
    sys.stdout.flush()                          #           .flush() after  ret'd back REAL_
    out_string = fake_stdout.getvalue()         #           .GET string           from FAKE_
    fake_stdout.close()                         #                <FD>.close()
    # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++     # do what you want with the out_string
    print "\n{0:}\n{1:}{0:}".format( 60 * "/\\",# "LATE" deferred print the out_string at the very end reached -> real_stdout
                                     out_string #                   
os.system() redir-ed
os.write()  redir-ed
Numexpr version:   2.5
NumPy version:     1.10.4
Python version:    2.7.13 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (32-bit)| (default, May 11 2017, 14:07:41) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
AMD/Intel CPU?     True
VML available?     True
VML/MKL version:   Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 11.3.1 Product Build 20151021 for 32-bit applications
Number of threads used by default: 4 (out of 4 detected cores)

EXC'd :::::
os.system() redir-ed
Numexpr version:   2.5
NumPy version:     1.10.4
Python version:    2.7.13 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (32-bit)| (default, May 11 2017, 14:07:41) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
AMD/Intel CPU?     True
VML available?     True
VML/MKL version:   Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 11.3.1 Product Build 20151021 for 32-bit applications
Number of threads used by default: 4 (out of 4 detected cores)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 9, in <module>
io.UnsupportedOperation: fileno

Printing the value of a variable in SQL Developer








        V_ALL_COLS := V_ALL_COLS || ', ';
      END IF;
  END LOOP;`enter code here`


I have added Close of second cursor. It working and getting output as well...

Empty responseText from XMLHttpRequest

This might not be the best way to do it. But it somehow worked for me, so i'm going to run with it.

In my php function that returns the data, one line before the return line, I add an echo statement, echoing the data I want to send.

Now sure why it worked, but it did.

How would you implement an LRU cache in Java?

LRU Cache can be implemented using a ConcurrentLinkedQueue and a ConcurrentHashMap which can be used in multithreading scenario as well. The head of the queue is that element that has been on the queue the longest time. The tail of the queue is that element that has been on the queue the shortest time. When an element exists in the Map, we can remove it from the LinkedQueue and insert it at the tail.

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

public class LRUCache<K,V> {
  private ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> map;
  private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<K> queue;
  private final int size; 

  public LRUCache(int size) {
    this.size = size;
    map = new ConcurrentHashMap<K,V>(size);
    queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<K>();

  public V get(K key) {
    //Recently accessed, hence move it to the tail
    return map.get(key);

  public void put(K key, V value) {
    //ConcurrentHashMap doesn't allow null key or values
    if(key == null || value == null) throw new NullPointerException();
    if(map.containsKey(key) {
    if(queue.size() >= size) {
      K lruKey = queue.poll();
      if(lruKey != null) {


How to add line breaks to an HTML textarea?

If you just need to send the value of the testarea to server with line breaks use nl2br

How to increase apache timeout directive in .htaccess?

if you have long processing server side code, I don't think it does fall into 404 as you said ("it goes to a webpage is not found error page")

Browser should report request timeout error.

You may do 2 things:

Based on CGI/Server side engine increase timeout there

PHP : - default is 30 seconds

In php.ini:

max_execution_time 60

Increase apache timeout - default is 300 (in version 2.4 it is 60).

In your httpd.conf (in server config or vhost config)

TimeOut 600

Note that first setting allows your PHP script to run longer, it will not interferre with network timeout.

Second setting modify maximum amount of time the server will wait for certain events before failing a request

Sorry, I'm not sure if you are using PHP as server side processing, but if you provide more info I will be more accurate.

jQuery disable/enable submit button

I Hope below code will help someone ..!!! :)


    jQuery("input[type=submit]").prop('disabled', true);

        jQuery("input[type=submit]").prop('disabled', false);

        var checkvalue = jQuery(this).val();
            jQuery("input[type=submit]").prop('disabled', false);
            jQuery("input[type=submit]").prop('disabled', true);

}); /*DOC END*/

Oracle (ORA-02270) : no matching unique or primary key for this column-list error

The scheme is correct, User.ID must be the primary key of User, Job.ID should be the primary key of Job and Job.UserID should be a foreign key to User.ID. Also, your commands appear to be syntactically correct.

So what could be wrong? I believe you have at least a Job.UserID which doesn't have a pair in User.ID. For instance, if all values of User.ID are: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and you have a value of Job.UserID of 5 (which is not among 1,2,3,4,6,7,8, which are the possible values of UserID), you will not be able to create your foreign key constraint. Solution:

delete from Job where UserID in (select distinct User.ID from User);

will delete all jobs with nonexistent users. You might want to migrate these to a copy of this table which will contain archive data.

Left-pad printf with spaces

I use this function to indent my output (for example to print a tree structure). The indent is the number of spaces before the string.

void print_with_indent(int indent, char * string)
    printf("%*s%s", indent, "", string);

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy

There are standard statistical functions and methods for finding outliers to data, which is probably what you need in the first case. Using derivatives would solve your second. I'm not sure for a method which solves both continuous functions and sampled data, however.

Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven

@Adam Vandenberg For Java code to POST to Nexus.

public class NexusRepository implements RepoTargetFactory {

    String DIRECTORY_KEY= "";
    String ASSET_KEY= "raw.asset1";
    String FILENAME_KEY= "raw.asset1.filename";

    String repoUrl;
    String userName;
    String password;

    public void setRepoConfigurations(String repoUrl, String userName, String password) {
        this.repoUrl = repoUrl;
        this.userName = userName;
        this.password = password;

    public String pushToRepository() {
        HttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
        HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(repoUrl) ;
        String auth = userName + ":" + password;
        byte[] encodedAuth = Base64.encodeBase64(
        String authHeader = "Basic " + new String(encodedAuth);
        postRequest.setHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, authHeader);
            byte[] packageBytes = "Hello. This is my file content".getBytes();
            MultipartEntityBuilder multipartEntityBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create();
            InputStream packageStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(packageBytes);
            InputStreamBody inputStreamBody = new InputStreamBody(packageStream, ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
            multipartEntityBuilder.addPart(DIRECTORY_KEY, new StringBody("DIRECTORY"));
            multipartEntityBuilder.addPart(FILENAME_KEY, new StringBody("MyFile.txt"));
            multipartEntityBuilder.addPart(ASSET_KEY, inputStreamBody);
            HttpEntity entity =;
            postRequest.setEntity(entity); ;

            HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(postRequest) ;
            if (response != null)
        catch (Exception ex)
            ex.printStackTrace() ;
        return null;


How to get object length

Have you taken a look at underscore.js ( It's a utility library with a lot of useful methods. There is a collection size method, as well as a toArray method, which may get you what you need.

_.size({one : 1, two : 2, three : 3});
=> 3

How to use activity indicator view on iPhone?

Activity indicator 2 sec show and go to next page

@property(strong,nonatomic)IBOutlet UIActivityIndicator *activityindctr;

-(void)viewDidload { [super viewDidload];[activityindctr startanimating]; [self performSelector:@selector(nextpage) withObject:nil afterDelay:2];}

-(void)nextpage{ [activityindctr stopAnimating]; [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"nextviewcintroller" sender:self];}

pip installation /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I had similar issue. Basically pip was looking in a wrong path (old installation path) or python. The following solution worked for me:

  • I checked where the python path is (try which python)
  • I checked the first line on the pip file (/usr/local/bin/pip2.7 and /usr/local/bin/pip). The line should state the correct path to the python path. In my case, didn't. I corrected it and now it works fine.

What is the "Illegal Instruction: 4" error and why does "-mmacosx-version-min=10.x" fix it?

The "illegal instruction" message is simply telling you that your binaries contain instructions the version of the OS that you are attempting to run them under does not understand. I can't give you the precise meaning of 4 but I expect that is internal to Apple.

Otherwise take a look at these... they are a little old, but probably tell you what you need to know

How does 64 bit code work on OS-X 10.5?
what does macosx-version-min imply?

Find the most common element in a list

A simpler one-liner:

def most_common(lst):
    return max(set(lst), key=lst.count)

Storing C++ template function definitions in a .CPP file

Yes, that's the standard way to do specializiation explicit instantiation. As you stated, you cannot instantiate this template with other types.

Edit: corrected based on comment.

"Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource."


Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource.

This exception occurs when you add items to the ItemsSource through different sources. So Make sure you haven't accidentally missed a tag, misplaced a tag, added extra tags, or miswrote a tag.


<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">


<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}">

While ItemsControl.ItemsSource is already set through Binding, other items (Grid, Button, ...) can't be added to the source. However while ItemsSource is not in-use the following code is allowed:


notice the missing ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}" part.

sql query distinct with Row_Number

Try this

SELECT distinct id
      FROM table
      WHERE fid = 64) t

Or use RANK() instead of row number and select records DISTINCT rank

      FROM table
      WHERE fid = 64) t
WHERE t.RowNum=1

This also returns the distinct ids

Use Ant for running program with command line arguments

Extending Richard Cook's answer.

Here's the ant task to run any program (including, but not limited to Java programs):

<target name="run">
   <exec executable="name-of-executable">
      <arg value="${arg0}"/>
      <arg value="${arg1}"/>

Here's the task to run a Java program from a .jar file:

<target name="run-java">
   <java jar="path for jar">
      <arg value="${arg0}"/>
      <arg value="${arg1}"/>

You can invoke either from the command line like this:

ant -Darg0=Hello -Darg1=World run

Make sure to use the -Darg syntax; if you ran this:

ant run arg0 arg1

then ant would try to run targets arg0 and arg1.

How to get all values from python enum class?

You can do the following:

[e.value for e in Color]

Getting full URL of action in ASP.NET MVC

There is an overload of Url.Action that takes your desired protocol (e.g. http, https) as an argument - if you specify this, you get a fully qualified URL.

Here's an example that uses the protocol of the current request in an action method:

var fullUrl = this.Url.Action("Edit", "Posts", new { id = 5 }, this.Request.Url.Scheme);

HtmlHelper (@Html) also has an overload of the ActionLink method that you can use in razor to create an anchor element, but it also requires the hostName and fragment parameters. So I'd just opt to use @Url.Action again:

  <a href='@Url.Action("About", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme)'>this link</a> 
  and post it anywhere on the internet!

Change bullets color of an HTML list without using span

I managed this without adding markup, but instead using li:before. This obviously has all the limitations of :before (no old IE support), but it seems to work with IE8, Firefox and Chrome after some very limited testing. The bullet style is also limited by what's in unicode.

li {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
li:before {_x000D_
  /* For a round bullet */_x000D_
  content: '\2022';_x000D_
  /* For a square bullet */_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  max-width: 0;_x000D_
  max-height: 0;_x000D_
  left: -10px;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  color: green;_x000D_
  font-size: 20px;_x000D_

Passing A List Of Objects Into An MVC Controller Method Using jQuery Ajax

Using NickW's suggestion, I was able to get this working using things = JSON.stringify({ 'things': things }); Here is the complete code.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var things = [
        { id: 1, color: 'yellow' },
        { id: 2, color: 'blue' },
        { id: 3, color: 'red' }

    things = JSON.stringify({ 'things': things });

        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        dataType: 'json',
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/Home/PassThings',
        data: things,
        success: function () {          
            $('#result').html('"PassThings()" successfully called.');
        failure: function (response) {          

public void PassThings(List<Thing> things)
    var t = things;

public class Thing
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Color { get; set; }

There are two things I learned from this:

  1. The contentType and dataType settings are absolutely necessary in the ajax() function. It won't work if they are missing. I found this out after much trial and error.

  2. To pass in an array of objects to an MVC controller method, simply use the JSON.stringify({ 'things': things }) format.

I hope this helps someone else!

Fetch the row which has the Max value for a column

This should be as simple as:

SELECT UserId, Value
FROM Users u
WHERE Date = (SELECT MAX(Date) FROM Users WHERE UserID = u.UserID)

How to run different python versions in cmd

I also met the case to use both python2 and python3 on my Windows machine. Here's how i resolved it:

  1. download python2x and python3x, installed them.
  2. add C:\Python35;C:\Python35\Scripts;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts to environment variable PATH.
  3. Go to C:\Python35 to rename python.exe to python3.exe, also to C:\Python27, rename python.exe to python2.exe.
  4. restart your command window.
  5. type python2, or python3 in command line to switch the version you like.

How can I pass a parameter in Action?

Dirty trick: You could as well use lambda expression to pass any code you want including the call with parameters.

this.Include(includes, () =>

Concatenating Matrices in R

Sounds like you're looking for rbind:

> a<-matrix(nrow=10,ncol=5)
> b<-matrix(nrow=20,ncol=5)
> dim(rbind(a,b))
[1] 30  5

Similarly, cbind stacks the matrices horizontally.

I am not entirely sure what you mean by the last question ("Can I do this for matrices of different rows and columns.?")

How to convert comma-separated String to List?

There are many ways to solve this using streams in Java 8 but IMO the following one liners are straight forward:

String  commaSeparated = "item1 , item2 , item3";
List<String> result1 =" , "))
List<String> result2 = Stream.of(commaSeparated.split(" , "))

Transform DateTime into simple Date in Ruby on Rails

In Ruby 1.9.2 and above they added a .to_date function to DateTime:

This instance method doesn't appear to be present in earlier versions like 1.8.7.

Javascript - Regex to validate date format

The suggested regex will not validate the date, only the pattern.

So 99.99.9999 will pass the regex.

You later specified that you only need to validate the pattern but I still think it is more useful to create a date object

function isDate(str) {    _x000D_
  var parms = str.split(/[\.\-\/]/);_x000D_
  var yyyy = parseInt(parms[2],10);_x000D_
  var mm   = parseInt(parms[1],10);_x000D_
  var dd   = parseInt(parms[0],10);_x000D_
  var date = new Date(yyyy,mm-1,dd,0,0,0,0);_x000D_
  return mm === (date.getMonth()+1) && dd === date.getDate() && yyyy === date.getFullYear();_x000D_
var dates = [_x000D_
    "13-09-2011", _x000D_
for (var i=0;i<dates.length;i++) {_x000D_

Why write <script type="text/javascript"> when the mime type is set by the server?

Douglas Crockford says:


This attribute is optional. Since Netscape 2, the default programming language in all browsers has been JavaScript. In XHTML, this attribute is required and unnecessary. In HTML, it is better to leave it out. The browser knows what to do.

He also says:

W3C did not adopt the language attribute, favoring instead a type attribute which takes a MIME type. Unfortunately, the MIME type was not standardized, so it is sometimes "text/javascript" or "application/ecmascript" or something else. Fortunately, all browsers will always choose JavaScript as the default programming language, so it is always best to simply write <script>. It is smallest, and it works on the most browsers.

For entertainment purposes only, I tried out the following five scripts

  <script type="application/ecmascript">alert("1");</script>
  <script type="text/javascript">alert("2");</script>
  <script type="baloney">alert("3");</script>
  <script type="">alert("4");</script>
  <script >alert("5");</script>

On Chrome, all but script 3 (type="baloney") worked. IE8 did not run script 1 (type="application/ecmascript") or script 3. Based on my non-extensive sample of two browsers, it looks like you can safely ignore the type attribute, but that it you use it you better use a legal (browser dependent) value.

Convert JavaScript String to be all lower case?

I payed attention that lots of people are looking for strtolower() in JavaScript. They are expecting the same function name as in other languages, that's why this post is here.

I would recommend using native Javascript function

"SomE StriNg".toLowerCase()

Here's the function that behaves exactly the same as PHP's one (for those who are porting PHP code into js)

function strToLower (str) {
    return String(str).toLowerCase();

C++ unordered_map using a custom class type as the key

Most basic possible copy/paste complete runnable example of using a custom class as the key for an unordered_map (basic implementation of a sparse matrix):

// UnorderedMapObjectAsKey.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>

struct Pos
  int row;
  int col;

  Pos() { }
  Pos(int row, int col)
    this->row = row;
    this->col = col;

  bool operator==(const Pos& otherPos) const
    if (this->row == otherPos.row && this->col == otherPos.col) return true;
    else return false;

  struct HashFunction
    size_t operator()(const Pos& pos) const
      size_t rowHash = std::hash<int>()(pos.row);
      size_t colHash = std::hash<int>()(pos.col) << 1;
      return rowHash ^ colHash;

int main(void)
  std::unordered_map<Pos, int, Pos::HashFunction> umap;

  // at row 1, col 2, set value to 5
  umap[Pos(1, 2)] = 5;

  // at row 3, col 4, set value to 10
  umap[Pos(3, 4)] = 10;

  // print the umap
  std::cout << "\n";
  for (auto& element : umap)
    std::cout << "( " << element.first.row << ", " << element.first.col << " ) = " << element.second << "\n";
  std::cout << "\n";

  return 0;

lvalue required as left operand of assignment

I found that an answer to this issue when dealing with math is that the operator on the left hand side must be the variable you are trying to change. The logic cannot come first.

coin1 + coin2 + coin3 = coinTotal; // Wrong

coinTotal = coin1 + coin2 + coin3; // Right

This isn't a direct answer to your question but it might be helpful to future people who google the same thing I googled.

How to get time difference in minutes in PHP

Subtract the times and divide by 60.

Here is an example which calculate elapsed time from 2019/02/01 10:23:45 in minutes:

$diff_time=(strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s"))-strtotime("2019/02/01 10:23:45"))/60;

Upload a file to Amazon S3 with NodeJS

Thanks to David as his solution helped me come up with my solution for uploading multi-part files from my Heroku hosted site to S3 bucket. I did it using formidable to handle incoming form and fs to get the file content. Hopefully, it may help you.


public upload(files): Observable<any> {  
    const formData: FormData = new FormData(); 
    files.forEach(file => {
      // create a new multipart-form for every file 
      formData.append('file', file,;           
    return, formData).pipe(

server.js'/api/upload', upload);
app.use('/api/upload', router);


const IncomingForm = require('formidable').IncomingForm;
const fs = require('fs');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

module.exports = function upload(req, res) {
    var form = new IncomingForm();

    const bucket = new AWS.S3(
        signatureVersion: 'v4',
        accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
        region: 'us-east-1'       

    form.on('file', (field, file) => {

        const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(file.path);

        const s3Params = {
            Bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET,
            Key: 'folder/' +,
            Expires: 60,             
            Body: fileContent,
            ACL: 'public-read'

        bucket.upload(s3Params, function(err, data) {
            if (err) {
                throw err;
            console.log('File uploaded to: ' + data.Location);
            fs.unlink(file.path, function (err) {
              if (err) {
              console.log('Temp File Delete');

    // The second callback is called when the form is completely parsed. 
    // In this case, we want to send back a success status code.
    form.on('end', () => {        
      res.status(200).json('upload ok');



import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Output, EventEmitter, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { ApiService } from '../api.service';
import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar';

  selector: 'app-upload-image',
  templateUrl: './upload-image.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./upload-image.component.css']

export class UploadImageComponent implements OnInit {
  public files: Set<File> = new Set();
  @ViewChild('file', { static: false }) file;
  public uploadedFiles: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
  public uploadedFileNames: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
  @Output() filesOutput = new EventEmitter<Array<string>>();
  @Input() CurrentImage: string;
  @Input() IsPublic: boolean;
  @Output() valueUpdate = new EventEmitter();
  strUploadedFiles:string = '';
  filesUploaded: boolean = false;     

  constructor(private api: ApiService, public snackBar: MatSnackBar,) { }

  ngOnInit() {    

  updateValue(val) {  

    this.files = new Set();
    this.uploadedFiles = new Array<string>();
    this.uploadedFileNames = new Array<string>();
    this.filesUploaded = false;

  upload() { 

    this.api.upload(this.files).subscribe(res => {   
      if (res == 'upload ok')
    }, err => {

  onFilesAdded() {
    var txt = '';
    const files: { [key: string]: File } = this.file.nativeElement.files;

    for (let key in files) {
      if (!isNaN(parseInt(key))) {

        var currentFile = files[key];
        var sFileExtension ='.')['.').length - 1].toLowerCase();
        var iFileSize = currentFile.size;

        if (!(sFileExtension === "jpg" 
              || sFileExtension === "png") 
              || iFileSize > 671329) {
            txt = "File type : " + sFileExtension + "\n\n";
            txt += "Size: " + iFileSize + "\n\n";
            txt += "Please make sure your file is in jpg or png format and less than 655 KB.\n\n";
            return false;

        this.uploadedFiles.push('' + files[key].name);
        if (this.IsPublic && this.uploadedFileNames.length == 1)
          this.filesUploaded = true;
        else if (!this.IsPublic && this.uploadedFileNames.length == 3)
          this.strUploadedFiles += files[key].name;          
          this.filesUploaded = true;
          this.strUploadedFiles += files[key].name + ",";          

  addFiles() {;  

  openSnackBar(message: string, action: string) {, action, {
      duration: 2000,
      verticalPosition: 'top'



<input type="file" #file style="display: none" (change)="onFilesAdded()" multiple />
&nbsp;<button mat-raised-button color="primary" 
         [disabled]="filesUploaded" (click)="$event.preventDefault(); addFiles()">
  Add Files
&nbsp;<button class="btn btn-success" [disabled]="uploadedFileNames.length == 0" (click)="$event.preventDefault(); upload()">

Can a Windows batch file determine its own file name?


Use the special %0 variable to get the path to the current file.

Write %~n0 to get just the filename without the extension.

Write %~n0%~x0 to get the filename and extension.

Also possible to write %~nx0 to get the filename and extension.

Autoplay an audio with HTML5 embed tag while the player is invisible

You Could use this code, It's Works with me

<div style="visibility:hidden">
    <audio autoplay loop>
        <source src="../audio/audio.mp3">

Random string generation with upper case letters and digits

I'd do it this way:

import random
from string import digits, ascii_uppercase

legals = digits + ascii_uppercase

def rand_string(length, char_set=legals):

    output = ''
    for _ in range(length): output += random.choice(char_set)
    return output

Or just:

def rand_string(length, char_set=legals):

    return ''.join( random.choice(char_set) for _ in range(length) )

how to save canvas as png image?

I really like Tovask's answer but it doesn't work due to the function having the name download (this answer explains why). I also don't see the point in replacing "data:image/..." with "data:application/...".

The following code has been tested in Chrome and Firefox and seems to work fine in both.


function prepDownload(a, canvas, name) { = name
    a.href = canvas.toDataURL()


<a href="#" onclick="prepDownload(this, document.getElementById('canvasId'), 'imgName.png')">Download</a>
<canvas id="canvasId"></canvas>

Better way to generate array of all letters in the alphabet

for (char letter = 'a'; letter <= 'z'; letter++)

What is the fastest/most efficient way to find the highest set bit (msb) in an integer in C?

What about

int highest_bit(unsigned int a) {
    int count;
    std::frexp(a, &count);
    return count - 1;


C#: what is the easiest way to subtract time?

This works too:

System.DateTime dTime = DateTime.Now();

// tSpan is 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 0 second.
System.TimeSpan tSpan = new System.TimeSpan(0, 1, 3, 0); 

System.DateTime result = dTime + tSpan;

To subtract a year:

DateTime DateEnd = DateTime.Now;
DateTime DateStart = DateEnd - new TimeSpan(365, 0, 0, 0);

Grant Select on all Tables Owned By Specific User

yes, its possible, run this command:

lets say you have user called thoko

grant select any table, insert any table, delete any table, update any table to thoko;

note: worked on oracle database

Clearing a string buffer/builder after loop

One option is to use the delete method as follows:

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {

   // This will clear the buffer
   sb.delete(0, sb.length());

Another option (bit cleaner) uses setLength(int len):


See Javadoc for more info:

How to make input type= file Should accept only pdf and xls

I would filter the files server side, because there are tools, such as Live HTTP Headers on Firefox that would allow to upload any file, including a shell. People could hack your site. Do it server site, to be safe.

Warning - Build path specifies execution environment J2SE-1.4

the correct procedure to resolve this warning, as other people write, is to go inside your project Properties and click on Java Build Path located on the left. Now you will find inside the Libraries Window the J2SE 1.5, double click on this one and a new window will give you the possibility to choose the correct Excecution Environment. Now select your version and the warning will disappear.

How can I force gradle to redownload dependencies?

Only a manual deletion of the specific dependency in the cache folder works... an artifactory built by a colleague in enterprise repo.

Docker-compose: node_modules not present in a volume after npm install succeeds

If you don't use docker-compose you can do it like this:

FROM node:10

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

RUN npm install -g @angular/cli

COPY package.json ./
RUN npm install


CMD ng serve --port 5000 --host

Then you build it: docker build -t myname . and you run it by adding two volumes, the second one without source: docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app/ -v /usr/src/app/node_modules myname

How to Convert date into MM/DD/YY format in C#

Look into using the ToString() method with a specified format.

How can I import a database with MySQL from terminal?

Assuming you're on a Linux or Windows console:

Prompt for password:

mysql -u <username> -p <databasename> < <filename.sql>

Enter password directly (not secure):

mysql -u <username> -p<PlainPassword> <databasename> < <filename.sql>


mysql -u root -p wp_users < wp_users.sql

mysql -u root -pPassword123 wp_users < wp_users.sql

See also: Executing SQL Statements from a Text File

Note: If you are on windows then you will have to cd (change directory) to your MySQL/bin directory inside the CMD before executing the command.

How do I declare and assign a variable on a single line in SQL

Here goes:

DECLARE @var nvarchar(max) = 'Man''s best friend';

You will note that the ' is escaped by doubling it to ''.

Since the string delimiter is ' and not ", there is no need to escape ":

DECLARE @var nvarchar(max) = '"My Name is Luca" is a great song';

The second example in the MSDN page on DECLARE shows the correct syntax.

How to replace all occurrences of a character in string?

As Kirill suggested, either use the replace method or iterate along the string replacing each char independently.

Alternatively you can use the find method or find_first_of depending on what you need to do. None of these solutions will do the job in one go, but with a few extra lines of code you ought to make them work for you. :-)

How to pattern match using regular expression in Scala?

As delnan pointed out, the match keyword in Scala has nothing to do with regexes. To find out whether a string matches a regex, you can use the String.matches method. To find out whether a string starts with an a, b or c in lower or upper case, the regex would look like this:


You can read this regex as "one of the characters a, b, c, A, B or C followed by anything" (. means "any character" and * means "zero or more times", so ".*" is any string).

Remove characters from a string

You can use replace function.

str.replace(regexp|substr, newSubstr|function)

Why does modulus division (%) only work with integers?

The % operator gives you a REMAINDER(another name for modulus) of a number. For C/C++, this is only defined for integer operations. Python is a little broader and allows you to get the remainder of a floating point number for the remainder of how many times number can be divided into it:

>>> 4 % math.pi
>>> 4 - math.pi

flutter corner radius with transparent background

  appBar: AppBar(
    title: Text('BMI CALCULATOR'),
  body: Container(
    height: 200,
    width: 170,
    margin: EdgeInsets.all(15),
    decoration: BoxDecoration(
      color: Color(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5),

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?

Use the Application.DispatcherUnhandledException Event. See this question for a summary (see Drew Noakes' answer).

Be aware that there'll be still exceptions which preclude a successful resuming of your application, like after a stack overflow, exhausted memory, or lost network connectivity while you're trying to save to the database.

Replace String in all files in Eclipse

  • "Search"->"File"
  • Enter text, file pattern and projects
  • "Replace"
  • Enter new text


"The POM for ... is missing, no dependency information available" even though it exists in Maven Repository

You will need to add external Repository to your pom, since this is using Mulsoft-Release repository not Maven Central

            <name>MuleSoft Repository</name>


Apache Maven - Setting up Multiple Repositories

Avoid trailing zeroes in printf()

A simple solution but it gets the job done, assigns a known length and precision and avoids the chance of going exponential format (which is a risk when you use %g):

// Since we are only interested in 3 decimal places, this function
// can avoid any potential miniscule floating point differences
// which can return false when using "=="
int DoubleEquals(double i, double j)
    return (fabs(i - j) < 0.000001);

void PrintMaxThreeDecimal(double d)
    if (DoubleEquals(d, floor(d)))
        printf("%.0f", d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 10, floor(d * 10)))
        printf("%.1f", d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 100, floor(d* 100)))
        printf("%.2f", d);
        printf("%.3f", d);

Add or remove "elses" if you want a max of 2 decimals; 4 decimals; etc.

For example if you wanted 2 decimals:

void PrintMaxTwoDecimal(double d)
    if (DoubleEquals(d, floor(d)))
        printf("%.0f", d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 10, floor(d * 10)))
        printf("%.1f", d);
        printf("%.2f", d);

If you want to specify the minimum width to keep fields aligned, increment as necessary, for example:

void PrintAlignedMaxThreeDecimal(double d)
    if (DoubleEquals(d, floor(d)))
        printf("%7.0f", d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 10, floor(d * 10)))
        printf("%9.1f", d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 100, floor(d* 100)))
        printf("%10.2f", d);
        printf("%11.3f", d);

You could also convert that to a function where you pass the desired width of the field:

void PrintAlignedWidthMaxThreeDecimal(int w, double d)
    if (DoubleEquals(d, floor(d)))
        printf("%*.0f", w-4, d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 10, floor(d * 10)))
        printf("%*.1f", w-2, d);
    else if (DoubleEquals(d * 100, floor(d* 100)))
        printf("%*.2f", w-1, d);
        printf("%*.3f", w, d);

correct PHP headers for pdf file download

You need to define the size of file...

header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

And this line is wrong:


You messed up quotas.

Getting a count of rows in a datatable that meet certain criteria

object count =dtFoo.Compute("count(IsActive)", "IsActive='Y'");

Regular expression for decimal number

There is an alternative approach, which does not have I18n problems (allowing ',' or '.' but not both): Decimal.TryParse.

Just try converting, ignoring the value.

bool IsDecimalFormat(string input) {
  Decimal dummy;
  return Decimal.TryParse(input, out dummy);

This is significantly faster than using a regular expression, see below.

(The overload of Decimal.TryParse can be used for finer control.)

Performance test results: Decimal.TryParse: 0.10277ms, Regex: 0.49143ms

Code (PerformanceHelper.Run is a helper than runs the delegate for passed iteration count and returns the average TimeSpan.):

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using DotNetUtils.Diagnostics;

class Program {
    static private readonly string[] TestData = new string[] {
        new string('x', 10000),
        new string('2', 10000),
        new string('0', 10000)

    static void Main(string[] args) {
        Action parser = () => {
            int n = TestData.Length;
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                decimal dummy;
                count += Decimal.TryParse(TestData[i], out dummy) ? 1 : 0;
        Regex decimalRegex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]([\.\,][0-9]{1,3})?$");
        Action regex = () => {
            int n = TestData.Length;
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                count += decimalRegex.IsMatch(TestData[i]) ? 1 : 0;

        var paserTotal = 0.0;
        var regexTotal = 0.0;
        var runCount = 10;
        for (int run = 1; run <= runCount; ++run) {
            var parserTime = PerformanceHelper.Run(10000, parser);
            var regexTime = PerformanceHelper.Run(10000, regex);

            Console.WriteLine("Run #{2}: Decimal.TryParse: {0}ms, Regex: {1}ms",
            paserTotal += parserTime.TotalMilliseconds;
            regexTotal += regexTime.TotalMilliseconds;

        Console.WriteLine("Overall averages: Decimal.TryParse: {0}ms, Regex: {1}ms",

Bind failed: Address already in use

I was also facing that problem, but I resolved it. Make sure that both the programs for client-side and server-side are on different projects in your IDE, in my case NetBeans. Then assuming you're using localhost, I recommend you to implement both the programs as two different projects.

how to convert string to numerical values in mongodb

Here is a pure MongoDB based solution for this problem which I just wrote for fun. It's effectively a server-side string-to-number parser which supports positive and negative numbers as well as decimals:

    $addFields: {
        "moop": {
            $reduce: {
                "input": {
                    $map: { // split string into char array so we can loop over individual characters
                        "input": {
                            $range: [ 0, { $strLenCP: "$moop" } ] // using an array of all numbers from 0 to the length of the string
                            $substrCP: [ "$moop", "$$this", 1 ] // return the nth character as the mapped value for the current index
                "initialValue": { // initialize the parser with a 0 value
                    "n": 0, // the current number
                    "sign": 1, // used for positive/negative numbers
                    "div": null, // used for shifting on the right side of the decimal separator "."
                    "mult": 10 // used for shifting on the left side of the decimal separator "."
                }, // start with a zero
                "in": {
                    $let: {
                        "vars": {
                            "n": {
                                $switch: { // char-to-number mapping
                                    branches: [
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "1" ] }, "then": 1 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "2" ] }, "then": 2 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "3" ] }, "then": 3 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "4" ] }, "then": 4 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "5" ] }, "then": 5 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "6" ] }, "then": 6 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "7" ] }, "then": 7 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "8" ] }, "then": 8 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "9" ] }, "then": 9 },
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "0" ] }, "then": 0 },
                                        { "case": { $and: [ { $eq: [ "$$this", "-" ] }, { $eq: [ "$$value.n", 0 ] } ] }, "then": "-" }, // we allow a minus sign at the start
                                        { "case": { $eq: [ "$$this", "." ] }, "then": "." }
                                    default: null // marker to skip the current character
                        "in": {
                            $switch: {
                                "branches": [
                                        "case": { $eq: [ "$$n", "-" ] },
                                        "then": { // handle negative numbers
                                            "sign": -1, // set sign to -1, the rest stays untouched
                                            "n": "$$value.n",
                                            "div": "$$value.div",
                                            "mult": "$$value.mult",
                                        "case": { $eq: [ "$$n", null ] }, // null is the "ignore this character" marker
                                        "then": "$$value" // no change to current value
                                        "case": { $eq: [ "$$n", "." ] },
                                        "then": { // handle decimals
                                            "n": "$$value.n",
                                            "sign": "$$value.sign",
                                            "div": 10, // from the decimal separator "." onwards, we start dividing new numbers by some divisor which starts at 10 initially
                                            "mult": 1, // and we stop multiplying the current value by ten
                                "default": {
                                    "n": {
                                        $add: [
                                            { $multiply: [ "$$value.n", "$$value.mult" ] }, // multiply the already parsed number by 10 because we're moving one step to the right or by one once we're hitting the decimals section
                                            { $divide: [ "$$n", { $ifNull: [ "$$value.div", 1 ] } ] } // add the respective numerical value of what we look at currently, potentially divided by a divisor
                                    "sign": "$$value.sign",
                                    "div": { $multiply: [ "$$value.div" , 10 ] },
                                    "mult": "$$value.mult"
}, {
    $addFields: { // fix sign
        "moop": { $multiply: [ "$moop.n", "$moop.sign" ] }

I am certainly not advertising this as the bee's knees or anything and it might have severe performance implications for larger datasets over a client based solutions but there might be cases where it comes in handy...

The above pipeline will transform the following documents:

{ "moop": "12345" } --> { "moop": 12345 }


{ "moop": "123.45" } --> { "moop": 123.45 }


{ "moop": "-123.45" } --> { "moop": -123.45 }


{ "moop": "2018-01-03" } --> { "moop": 20180103.0 }

Recommended website resolution (width and height)?

there are actually industry standards for widths (well according to yahoo at least). Their supported widths are 750, 950, 974, 100%

There are advantages of these widths for their predefined grids (column layouts) which work well with standard dimensions for advertisements if you were to include any.

Interesting talk too worth watching.

see YUI Base

:before and background-image... should it work?

 color: transparent; 

make the tricks for me

    font-size: 35px;
    line-height: 33px;
    width: 16px;
    color: transparent;
    content: 'AS YOU LIKE';
    background-image: url('');
    background-size: 25px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

Getting Gradle dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle build

For those who are getting the "Unable to resolve dependencies" error:
Toggle "Offline Mode" off
('View'->Tool Windows->Gradle)

gradle window

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

import numpy as np
array = np.arange(8) 
print("Original array : \n", array)
array = np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4)
print("New array : \n", array)

Check if an object exists

You can use:

   # get your models
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
   # do something

What is the difference between association, aggregation and composition?

Association is generalized concept of relations. It includes both Composition and Aggregation.

Composition(mixture) is a way to wrap simple objects or data types into a single unit. Compositions are a critical building block of many basic data structures

Aggregation(collection) differs from ordinary composition in that it does not imply ownership. In composition, when the owning object is destroyed, so are the contained objects. In aggregation, this is not necessarily true.

Both denotes relationship between object and only differ in their strength.

Trick to remember the difference : has A -Aggregation and Own - cOmpositoin

enter image description here

Now let observe the following image


enter image description here


Composition: The following picture is image composition i.e. using individual images making one image.
enter image description here

Aggregation : collection of image in single location

enter image description here

For example, A university owns various departments, and each department has a number of professors. If the university closes, the departments will no longer exist, but the professors in those departments will continue to exist. Therefore, a University can be seen as a composition of departments, whereas departments have an aggregation of professors. In addition, a Professor could work in more than one department, but a department could not be part of more than one university.

What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?

The rules to avoid collision of names are both in the C++ standard (see Stroustrup book) and mentioned by C++ gurus (Sutter, etc.).

Personal rule

Because I did not want to deal with cases, and wanted a simple rule, I have designed a personal one that is both simple and correct:

When naming a symbol, you will avoid collision with compiler/OS/standard libraries if you:

  • never start a symbol with an underscore
  • never name a symbol with two consecutive underscores inside.

Of course, putting your code in an unique namespace helps to avoid collision, too (but won't protect against evil macros)

Some examples

(I use macros because they are the more code-polluting of C/C++ symbols, but it could be anything from variable name to class name)

#define _WRONG
#define __WRONG_AGAIN
#define RIGHT_
#define WRONG__WRONG
#define RIGHT_x_RIGHT

Extracts from C++0x draft

From the n3242.pdf file (I expect the final standard text to be similar): Global names [global.names]

Certain sets of names and function signatures are always reserved to the implementation:

— Each name that contains a double underscore _ _ or begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter (2.12) is reserved to the implementation for any use.

— Each name that begins with an underscore is reserved to the implementation for use as a name in the global namespace.

But also: User-defined literal suffixes [usrlit.suffix]

Literal suffix identifiers that do not start with an underscore are reserved for future standardization.

This last clause is confusing, unless you consider that a name starting with one underscore and followed by a lowercase letter would be Ok if not defined in the global namespace...

What's the best way to center your HTML email content in the browser window (or email client preview pane)?

Align the table to center.

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="center">
            Your Content

Where you have "your content" if it is a table, set it to the desired width and you will have centred content.

Get Selected value of a Combobox

Maybe you'll be able to set the event handlers programmatically, using something like (pseudocode)

sub myhandler(eventsource)
end sub

for each cell

But i dont know the syntax for achieving this in VB/VBA, or if is even possible.

What is the difference between a generative and a discriminative algorithm?

The short answer

Many of the answers here rely on the widely-used mathematical definition [1]:

  • Discriminative models directly learn the conditional predictive distribution p(y|x).
  • Generative models learn the joint distribution p(x,y) (or rather, p(x|y) and p(y)).
    • Predictive distribution p(y|x) can be obtained with Bayes' rule.

Although very useful, this narrow definition assumes the supervised setting, and is less handy when examining unsupervised or semi-supervised methods. It also doesn't apply to many contemporary approaches for deep generative modeling. For example, now we have implicit generative models, e.g. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which are sampling-based and don't even explicitly model the probability density p(x) (instead learning a divergence measure via the discriminator network). But we call them "generative models” since they are used to generate (high-dimensional [10]) samples.

A broader and more fundamental definition [2] seems equally fitting for this general question:

  • Discriminative models learn the boundary between classes.
    • So they can discriminate between different kinds of data instances.
  • Generative models learn the distribution of data.
    • So they can generate new data instances.

From Image source

A closer look

Even so, this question implies somewhat of a false dichotomy [3]. The generative-discriminative "dichotomy" is in fact a spectrum which you can even smoothly interpolate between [4].

As a consequence, this distinction gets arbitrary and confusing, especially when many popular models do not neatly fall into one or the other [5,6], or are in fact hybrid models (combinations of classically "discriminative" and "generative" models).

Nevertheless it's still a highly useful and common distinction to make. We can list some clear-cut examples of generative and discriminative models, both canonical and recent:

  • Generative: Naive Bayes, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), Variational Autoencoders (VAE), normalizing flows.
  • Discriminative: Support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression, most deep neural networks.

There is also a lot of interesting work deeply examining the generative-discriminative divide [7] and spectrum [4,8], and even transforming discriminative models into generative models [9].

In the end, definitions are constantly evolving, especially in this rapidly growing field :) It's best to take them with a pinch of salt, and maybe even redefine them for yourself and others.


  1. Possibly originating from "Machine Learning - Discriminative and Generative" (Tony Jebara, 2004).
  2. Crash Course in Machine Learning by Google
  3. The Generative-Discriminative Fallacy
  4. "Principled Hybrids of Generative and Discriminative Models" (Lasserre et al., 2006)
  5. @shimao's question
  6. Binu Jasim's answer
  7. Comparing logistic regression and naive Bayes:
  9. "Your classifier is secretly an energy-based model" (Grathwohl et al., 2019)
  10. Stanford CS236 notes: Technically, a probabilistic discriminative model is also a generative model of the labels conditioned on the data. However, the term generative models is typically reserved for high dimensional data.

How to send password securely over HTTP?

Secure authentication is a broad topic. In a nutshell, as @jeremy-powell mentioned, always favour sending credentials over HTTPS instead of HTTP. It will take away a lot of security related headaches.

TSL/SSL certificates are pretty cheap these days. In fact if you don't want to spend money at all there is a free - automated Certificate Authority.

You can go one step further and use which calls letsencrypt in the background.

Now, once we got HTTPS out of the way...

You shouldn't send login and password via POST payload or GET parameters. Use an Authorization header (Basic access authentication scheme) instead, which is constructed as follows:

  • The username and password are combined into a string separated by a colon, e.g.: username:password
  • The resulting string is encoded using the RFC2045-MIME variant of Base64, except not limited to 76 char/line.
  • The authorization method and a space i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string.

source: Wikipedia: Authorization header

It might seem a bit complicated, but it is not. There are plenty good libraries out there that will provide this functionality for you out of the box.

There are a few good reasons you should use an Authorization header

  1. It is a standard
  2. It is simple (after you learn how to use them)
  3. It will allow you to login at the URL level, like this: https://user:[email protected]/login (Chrome, for example will automatically convert it into Authorization header)

As pointed out by @zaph in his comment below, sending sensitive info as GET query is not good idea as it will most likely end up in server logs.

enter image description here

Perl - Multiple condition if statement without duplicating code?

if (   ($name eq "tom" and $password eq "123!")
    or ($name eq "frank" and $password eq "321!")) {

    print "You have gained access.";
else {
    print "Access denied!";

Show/hide 'div' using JavaScript

You can also use the jQuery JavaScript framework:

To Hide Div Block


To show Div Block


jQuery changing font family and font size

Full working solution :


<form id="myform">
    <select id="fs"> 
        <option value="Arial">Arial</option>
        <option value="Verdana ">Verdana </option>
        <option value="Impact ">Impact </option>
        <option value="Comic Sans MS">Comic Sans MS</option>

    <select id="size">
        <option value="7">7</option>
        <option value="10">10</option>
        <option value="20">20</option>
        <option value="30">30</option>


<textarea class="changeMe">Text into textarea</textarea>
<div id="container" class="changeMe">
    <div id="float">
            Text into container


$("#fs").change(function() {
    $('.changeMe').css("font-family", $(this).val());


$("#size").change(function() {
    $('.changeMe').css("font-size", $(this).val() + "px");

Fiddle here:

How can I selectively merge or pick changes from another branch in Git?

1800 INFORMATION's answer is completely correct. As someone new to Git, though, "use git cherry-pick" wasn't enough for me to figure this out without a bit more digging on the Internet, so I thought I'd post a more detailed guide in case anyone else is in a similar boat.

My use case was wanting to selectively pull changes from someone else's GitHub branch into my own. If you already have a local branch with the changes, you only need to do steps 2 and 5-7.

  1. Create (if not created) a local branch with the changes you want to bring in.

    $ git branch mybranch <base branch>

  2. Switch into it.

    $ git checkout mybranch

  3. Pull down the changes you want from the other person's account. If you haven't already, you'll want to add them as a remote.

    $ git remote add repos-w-changes <git url>

  4. Pull down everything from their branch.

    $ git pull repos-w-changes branch-i-want

  5. View the commit logs to see which changes you want:

    $ git log

  6. Switch back to the branch you want to pull the changes into.

    $ git checkout originalbranch

  7. Cherry pick your commits, one by one, with the hashes.

    $ git cherry-pick -x hash-of-commit

How to remove a build from itunes connect?

Wait! You can expire a build actually! :)

After 2017 Solution:

Still same at 2021

  1. From the homepage, click My Apps, select your app.

  2. Click the TestFlight tab.

  3. In the sidebar, below Builds, click the platform (iOS or tvOS).

  4. In the table on the right, in the Build column, click the app icon or build string for the build that is missing compliance information.

5.Click Expire Build.

how to Expire Build App store iTunes Connect

Ta-da! Build expired at the App Store Connect.


Required roles

See Role permissions.

For more information please visit.

How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

Two possible approaches:

  1. I don't think popen() is part of the C++ standard (it's part of POSIX from memory), but it's available on every UNIX I've worked with (and you seem to be targeting UNIX since your command is ./some_command).

  2. On the off-chance that there is no popen(), you can use system("./some_command >/tmp/some_command.out");, then use the normal I/O functions to process the output file.

Break out of a While...Wend loop

The best way is to use an And clause in your While statement

Dim count as Integer
count =0
While True And count <= 10

CSS: how to position element in lower right?

Lets say your HTML looks something like this:

<div class="box">
    <!-- stuff -->
    <p class="bet_time">Bet 5 days ago</p>

Then, with CSS, you can make that text appear in the bottom right like so:

.box {
.bet_time {

The way this works is that absolutely positioned elements are always positioned with respect to the first relatively positioned parent element, or the window. Because we set the box's position to relative, .bet_time positions its right edge to the right edge of .box and its bottom edge to the bottom edge of .box

Pytesseract : "TesseractNotFound Error: tesseract is not installed or it's not in your path", how do I fix this?

There looks to be an issue with the latest version of the pip module pytesseract=0.3.7. I have downgraded it to pytesseract=0.3.6 and don't see the error.

Setting Timeout Value For .NET Web Service

After creating your client specifying the binding and endpoint address, you can assign an OperationTimeout,

client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

How to convert "0" and "1" to false and true

In a single line of code:

bool bVal = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(returnValue))

Simulating Button click in javascript

Since you are using jQuery you can use this onClick handler which calls click:


This is the same as $("#datepicker").trigger("click").

For a jQuery-free version check out this answer on SO.