[css] Styling mat-select in Angular Material

How to style mat-select's panel component. From the docs I get that I need to provide panelClass so I make it like this:

  <mat-select placeholder="Search for"
    <mat-option *ngFor="let class of searchClasses" [value]="class.value">{{class.name}}</mat-option>

I inspected in developer tools that this class is attached to the panel in DOM and it is attached. So I have my custom scss class attached to this element. Now when I provide css it just don't work. My scss for example looks like this:

.my-select-panel-class {
    background-color: red;
    font-size: 10px;

The width of the panel is always equal to the width of the select element. Sometimes In options You have too long strings and I would like to make it a little bit wider. Is there any way how to do this. My style from my component just not working even background-color is not working. Does somebody knows why this behaves so strange?

I'm using: Angular 4.4.5 @angular/material: 2.0.0-beta.12

This question is related to css angular typescript angular-material

The answer is

Working solution is by using in-build: panelClass attribute and set styles in global style.css (with !important):


/* style.css */
.matRole .mat-option-text {
  height: 4em !important;
<mat-select panelClass="matRole">...

Put your class name on the mat-form-field element. This works for all inputs.

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