[java] Error: "setFile(null,false) call failed" when using log4j

I have added log4j.properties file in source folder of project but I am still getting a log4j:error.

Here is my Log4j.properties file:

    .rootCategory=DEBUG, R, O
    # Stdout
    # File

    # Control the maximum log file size

    # Archive log files (one backup file here)


    log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}]%5p%6.6r[%t]%x - %C.%M(%F:%L) - %m%n
    log4j.appender.O.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}]%5p%6.6r[%t]%x - %C.%M(%F:%L) - %m%n

    # Define the root logger with appender file
    logDir = ../logs
    log4j.rootLogger = DEBUG, FILE

    # Define the file appender

    # Define the layout for file appender
    log4j.appender.FILE.layout.conversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n


Here is the Java exception that I am getting:

log4j:ERROR setFile(null,false) call failed.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: logs (Access is denied)
    at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Native Method)
    at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:194)
    at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:116)
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.setFile(FileAppender.java:294)
    at org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.activateOptions(FileAppender.java:165)
    at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.activate(PropertySetter.java:307)
    at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(PropertySetter.java:172)
    at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperties(PropertySetter.java:104)
    at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseAppender(PropertyConfigurator.java:809)
    at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.parseCategory(PropertyConfigurator.java:735)
    at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureRootCategory(PropertyConfigurator.java:615)
    at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyConfigurator.java:502)
    at org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(PropertyConfigurator.java:547)
    at org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(OptionConverter.java:483)
    at org.apache.log4j.LogManager.<clinit>(LogManager.java:127)
    at org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Logger.java:104)
    at lib.Dashboard.Reports.<init>(Reports.java:34)
    at testcases.AmazonDashboard.TC_DB17.main(TC_DB17.java:54)
AmazonDashboardTC_DB17Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at testcases.AmazonDashboard.TC_DB17.main(TC_DB17.java:131)

Please let me know, how to resolve this exception, as I have tried placing my properties file in root folder and now I have placed in source folder but in both cases I got the above exception.

This question is related to java file logging log4j

The answer is

This is your config :


And this error happened :

java.io.FileNotFoundException: logs (Access is denied)

So it seems that the variable file.name is not set, and java tries to write to the directory logs.

You can force the value of your variable ${file.name} calling maven with this option -D :

mvn clean test -Dfile.name=logfile.log

To prevent this isue I changed all values in log4j.properties file with directory ${kafka.logs.dir} to my own directory. For example D:/temp/...

if it is window7(like mine), without administrative rights cannot write a file at C: drive

just give another folder in log4j.properties file

Set the name of the file

log4j.appender.FILE.File=C:\server\log.out you can see with notepad++

Please changes your log file location to another drive. it will work.

this happen's the permission of creating log file.

Have a look at the error - 'log4j:ERROR setFile(null,false) call failed. java.io.FileNotFoundException: logs (Access is denied)'

It seems there's a log file named as 'logs' to which access is denied i.e it is not having sufficient permissions to write logs. Try by giving write permissions to the 'logs' log file. Hope it helps.

I suspect that the variable ${file.name} is not substituted correctly. As a result, the value of log4j.appender.FILE.File becomes logs/. As such, Java tries to create a log file named logs/, but probably it is an existing directory, so you get the exception.

As a quick remedy, change the log4j.appender.FILE.File setting to point to file by absolute path, for example /tmp/mytest.log. You should not get an exception.

After that you can proceed to debugging why ${file.name} is not replaced correctly in your runtime environment.

this error is coming because of appender file location you have provided is not reachable with current user access.

Quick Solution, change the log4j.appender.FILE.File setting to point to file using absolute path which location is reachable to the current user you have logged in, for example /tmp/myapp.log. Now You should not get an error.

I had the exact same problem. Here is the solution that worked for me: simply put your properties file path in the cmd line this way :

-Dlog4j.configuration=<FILE_PATH>  (ex: log4j.properties)

Hope this will help you

Try executing your command with sudo(Super User), this worked for me :)
Run : $ sudo your_command
After than enter the super user password. Thats All..

i just add write permission to "logs" folder and it works for me

add write permission

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