[angular] How to make readonly all inputs in some div in Angular2?

I have a page with many inputs, and I want to make it 'readOnly' I find this solution: How to change HTML element readonly and required attribute in Angular2 Typescript?

But I don't want to do it for every input separately.

How can I add readOnly property to all inputs in some div.

This question is related to angular typescript readonly angular2-forms

The answer is

If you meant disable all the inputs in an Angular form at once:

1- Reactive Forms:

myFormGroup.disable() // where myFormGroup is a FormGroup 

2- Template driven forms (NgForm):

You should get hold of the NgForm in a NgForm variable (for ex. named myNgForm) then

myNgForm.form.disable() // where form here is an attribute of NgForm 
                      // & of type FormGroup so it accepts the disable() function

In case of NgForm , take care to call the disable method in the right time

To determine when to call it, You can find more details in this Stackoverflow answer

If you want to do a whole group, not just one field at a time, you can use the HTML5 <fieldset> tag.

<fieldset [disabled]="killfields ? 'disabled' : null">

    <!-- fields go here -->


If using reactive forms, you can also disable the entire form or any sub-set of controls in a FormGroup with myFormGroup.disable().

You can do like this. Open a ts file ad there make an interface with inputs you want and in the page you want to show under export class write

readonly yourinterface = yourinterface
readonly level: number[] = [];

and in your template do like this *ngFor="let yourtype of yourinterface"

All inputs should be replaced with custom directive that reads a single global variable to toggle readonly status.

// template
<your-input [readonly]="!childmessage"></your-input>

// component value
childmessage = false;

Just set css property of container div 'pointer-events' as none i.e. 'pointer-events:none;'

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Examples related to typescript

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Examples related to readonly

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Examples related to angular2-forms

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