I faced similar problem. I solved it without using onload handler.I was working on AngularJs project so i used $interval and $ timeout. U can also use setTimeout and setInterval.Here's the code:
var stopPolling;
var doIframePolling;
$scope.showIframe = true;
doIframePolling = $interval(function () {
if(document.getElementById('UrlIframe') && document.getElementById('UrlIframe').contentDocument.head && document.getElementById('UrlIframe').contentDocument.head.innerHTML != ''){
doIframePolling = undefined;
stopPolling = undefined;
$scope.showIframe = true;
stopPolling = $timeout(function () {
doIframePolling = undefined;
stopPolling = undefined;
$scope.showIframe = false;
$scope.$on("$destroy",function() {
Every 0.4 Seconds keep checking the head of iFrame Document. I somthing is present.Loading was not stopped by CORS as CORS error shows blank page. If nothing is present after 5 seconds there was some error (Cors policy) etc.. Show suitable message.Thanks. I hope it solves your problem.