I have created an answer for this post that might help: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63816822/2399164
I am a little late to the game but I believe I found a simple solution to this problem...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <packageSources> <add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" protocolVersion="3" /> <add key="{{CUSTOM NAME}}" value="{{CUSTOM SOURCE}}" /> </packageSources> <packageRestore> <add key="enabled" value="True" /> <add key="automatic" value="True" /> </packageRestore> <bindingRedirects> <add key="skip" value="False" /> </bindingRedirects> <packageManagement> <add key="format" value="0" /> <add key="disabled" value="False" /> </packageManagement> </configuration>
That is it! Create your "Dockerfile" here as well
Run docker build with your Dockerfile and all will get resolved