[python] How do I download NLTK data?

Updated answer:NLTK works for 2.7 well. I had 3.2. I uninstalled 3.2 and installed 2.7. Now it works!!

I have installed NLTK and tried to download NLTK Data. What I did was to follow the instrution on this site: http://www.nltk.org/data.html

I downloaded NLTK, installed it, and then tried to run the following code:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download()

It gave me the error message like below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'download'
 Directory of C:\Python32\Lib\site-packages

Tried both nltk.download() and nltk.downloader(), both gave me error messages.

Then I used help(nltk) to pull out the package, it shows the following info:


    app (package)
    ccg (package)
    chat (package)
    chunk (package)
    classify (package)
    cluster (package)
    corpus (package)
    draw (package)
    examples (package)
    inference (package)
    metrics (package)
    misc (package)
    model (package)
    parse (package)
    sem (package)
    stem (package)
    tag (package)
    test (package)
    tokenize (package)


I do see Downloader there, not sure why it does not work. Python 3.2.2, system Windows vista.

This question is related to python nltk

The answer is

Do not name your file nltk.py I used the same code and name it nltk, and got the same error as you have, I changed the file name and it went well.

I had the similar issue. Probably check if you are using proxy.

If yes, set up the proxy before doing download:

nltk.set_proxy('http://proxy.example.com:3128', ('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD'))

Try download the zip files from http://www.nltk.org/nltk_data/ and then unzip, save in your Python folder, such as C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\nltk_data

Please Try

import nltk


After running this you get something like this

NLTK Downloader
   d) Download   l) List    u) Update   c) Config   h) Help   q) Quit

Then, Press d

Do As Follows:

Downloader> d all

You will get following message on completion, and Prompt then Press q Done downloading collection all

I think you must have named the file as nltk.py (or the folder consists of a file with that name) so change it to any other name and try executing it....

Install Pip: run in terminal : sudo easy_install pip

Install Numpy (optional): run : sudo pip install -U numpy

Install NLTK: run : sudo pip install -U nltk

Test installation: run: python

then type : import nltk

To download the corpus

run : python -m nltk.downloader all



this will download all the data and no need to download individually.

You may try:

>> $ import nltk
>> $ nltk.download_shell()
>> $ d
>> $ *name of the package*

happy nlp'ing.

This worked for me:

nltk.set_proxy('http://user:[email protected]:8080')

if you have already saved a file name nltk.py and again rename as my_nltk_script.py. check whether you have still the file nltk.py existing. If yes, then delete them and run the file my_nltk.scripts.py it should work!

If you are running a really old version of nltk, then there is indeed no download module available (reference)

Try this:

import nltk

As per the reference, anything after 0.9.5 should be fine

you should add python to your PATH during installation of python...after installation.. open cmd prompt type command-pip install nltk then go to IDLE and open a new file..save it as file.py..then open file.py type the following: import nltk


you can't have a saved python file called nltk.py because the interpreter is reading from that and not from the actual file.

Change the name of your file that the python shell is reading from and try what you were doing originally:

import nltk and then nltk.download()

It's very simple....

  1. Open pyScripter or any editor
  2. Create a python file eg: install.py
  3. write the below code in it.
import nltk
  1. A pop-up window will apper and click on download .

The download window]


To download a particular dataset/models, use the nltk.download() function, e.g. if you are looking to download the punkt sentence tokenizer, use:

$ python3
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('punkt')

If you're unsure of which data/model you need, you can start out with the basic list of data + models with:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download('popular')

It will download a list of "popular" resources, these includes:

<collection id="popular" name="Popular packages">
      <item ref="cmudict" />
      <item ref="gazetteers" />
      <item ref="genesis" />
      <item ref="gutenberg" />
      <item ref="inaugural" />
      <item ref="movie_reviews" />
      <item ref="names" />
      <item ref="shakespeare" />
      <item ref="stopwords" />
      <item ref="treebank" />
      <item ref="twitter_samples" />
      <item ref="omw" />
      <item ref="wordnet" />
      <item ref="wordnet_ic" />
      <item ref="words" />
      <item ref="maxent_ne_chunker" />
      <item ref="punkt" />
      <item ref="snowball_data" />
      <item ref="averaged_perceptron_tagger" />


In case anyone is avoiding errors from downloading larger datasets from nltk, from https://stackoverflow.com/a/38135306/610569

$ rm /Users/<your_username>/nltk_data/corpora/panlex_lite.zip
$ rm -r /Users/<your_username>/nltk_data/corpora/panlex_lite
$ python

>>> import nltk
>>> dler = nltk.downloader.Downloader()
>>> dler._update_index()
>>> dler._status_cache['panlex_lite'] = 'installed' # Trick the index to treat panlex_lite as it's already installed.
>>> dler.download('popular')


From v3.2.5, NLTK has a more informative error message when nltk_data resource is not found, e.g.:

>>> from nltk import word_tokenize
>>> word_tokenize('x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/l/alvas/git/nltk/nltk/tokenize/__init__.py", line 128, in word_tokenize
    sentences = [text] if preserve_line else sent_tokenize(text, language)
  File "/Users//alvas/git/nltk/nltk/tokenize/__init__.py", line 94, in sent_tokenize
    tokenizer = load('tokenizers/punkt/{0}.pickle'.format(language))
  File "/Users/alvas/git/nltk/nltk/data.py", line 820, in load
    opened_resource = _open(resource_url)
  File "/Users/alvas/git/nltk/nltk/data.py", line 938, in _open
    return find(path_, path + ['']).open()
  File "/Users/alvas/git/nltk/nltk/data.py", line 659, in find
    raise LookupError(resource_not_found)
  Resource punkt not found.
  Please use the NLTK Downloader to obtain the resource:

  >>> import nltk
  >>> nltk.download('punkt')

  Searched in:
    - '/Users/alvas/nltk_data'
    - '/usr/share/nltk_data'
    - '/usr/local/share/nltk_data'
    - '/usr/lib/nltk_data'
    - '/usr/local/lib/nltk_data'
    - ''
